Discussion in '~THE NEW EXCHANGE~' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 18, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sacred Geometry, Letters and Numbers
    ‎.... "In proof of these things, and witnessing faithfully are the Universe, the
    Year of time, and Man himself, the Microcosm. He fixed these as testimonies of the TRIAD, the HEPTAD, and the DODECAD; the twelve constellations rulers of the world, the Dragon (THELE) Tali which environs the universe, and the microcosm, man."

    From the Sefer Yetzirah
    Sacret Geometry, Letters and Numbers...... all Mandalas or Mantras are shadow im
    ages of geometric solids ... 2D projections of thoughts ... Thoughts are three dimensional mental objects Thoughts are things.
    By: Maximilian Pfalzgraf 420147_10150621908769455_79008012_n-1.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    12 Piano notes made visible for the first time

    Shannon Novak, a New Zealand-born fine artist, commissioned us to image 12 piano notes as inspiration for a series of 12 musical canvases. We decided to image the notes in video mode because when we observed the 'A1' note we discovered, surprisingly, that the energy envelope changes over time as the string's harmonics mix in the piano's wooden bridge. Instead of the envelope being fairly stable, as we had imagined, the harmonics actually cause the CymaGlyphs to be wonderfully dynamic. Our ears can easily detect the changes in the harmonics and the CymaScope now reveals them--probably a first in acoustic physics.

    Capturing the dynamics was only possible with HD video but taming the dynamics of the piano's first strike, followed by the short plateau and long decay phase, was tricky. We achieved the result with the help of a professional audio compressor operating in real time.


    Shannon was delighted with the results. He commented:

    "I have always been fascinated with the translation of that which is invisible, into something visible that individuals can relate to, in particular, the representation of sound through colour and geometric form. I saw the use of cymatic technology as one method of such representation and a unique and compelling way of educating individuals about the link between sound, colour, and geometric form".
    Piano notes made visible on the CymaScope

    For the first time in history individual piano notes have been made visible using the CymaScope instrument.
    The piano notes were painstakingly recorded by Evy King and then fed into the CymaScope one by one
    and the results recorded in high definition video.


    Music, in the absolute sense, is the invisible geometry of the cosmos, a delicate tracery of frequencies that harmonise with each other and from which all matter manifests.
    The conductor of this sublime symphony is the Creative Force of the cosmos, some people prefer to say: God.
    Music, as sensed by humans, is a delicate tracery of audible frequencies that harmonise with each other and generally please our emotions.
    What is not commonly known is that music has the almost magical power to create form from formlessness. If the reader doubts this, click the arrow below to view water under the influence of music, revealing the invisible geometry of music.

    MMV technology is still under development but as this excerpt from Pink Floyd's "Welcome to the Machine" shows, an exciting future lies ahead when all music can be transcribed to MusicMadeVisible.

    musicmadevisible is a new concept in musical expression, a stream of cymatic images representing an analog of music in visual form. If our eyes could see music we would not see waves, as is commonly believed, but beautiful holographic bubbles, with shimmering kaleidoscopic patterns on their surface. The CymaScope allows us to see this previously hidden realm of beauty.

     Almost all audible sounds are bubble-like in nature, not wave-like as is commonly believed.
    If our eyes could see music they would be bathed in scintillating kaleidoscope-like patterns
    The Cymascope is an instrument that makes sound or music visible, creating detailed 3D impressions of sound or music vibrations. Here the rapidly expanding sphere is captured in a frozen moment. The interior reveals a beautiful and complex structure representing the rich harmonic nature of violin music. musicmadevisibleimages can be thought of as analogs of music because the geometry they contain is a mathematical correlate of the musical pitches and intervals that caused the pattern to form on the Cymascope membrane.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Here is one variation of Benjamin Franklin's Magic Square

    Windows Paint Shop utilizes 256 shades of each of the three component colours

    The Mandelbrot Set is best to be animated in colour

    Benjamin's Magic Square could produce a very wild Technicolor voyage
    into The Mandelbrot Set, perhaps to variations computed by an algorithm,
    which shows:

    "we are all notes in the same song, just different melodies"
    ~ susan lynne schwenger


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    This if it was coloured differently
    could show, something different

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jorgelito - Posted Oct 11th 2012

    Wow! The colors are beautiful.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    find missing picture in this post

    This diagrams shows the vortex based mathematics

    involved in the fractal nature of consciousness

    and the process of Ascension that it goes through.

    The expression (ML2/T) + X2 + Y2 - DT2
    is the formula used to represent the Ascension
    of consciousness and the soul itself.

    The (ML2/T) is the photon X2 and the Y2
    represent two forms of subtle energies
    that are present during the time of the Ascension
    which help to take distance and time out of the equation
    for an existence that stretches into infinity all at once.

    Each consciousness experiences
    what we call a past a present and a future
    which are all part of a standing wave that is present in a photon
    containing a particle and wave aspect to it.

    The wave aspect of the photon causes it to spiral in waves
    much like the pattern seen within the DNA.

    The Rodin coil
    (see fractal mathematics video, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
    which is the atomic model for a photon shows
    that it is a captured standing wave of probabilities
    inside an electromagnetic torus.

    These electromagnetic toruses are capable
    of transmitting and receiving information
    onto themselves as living cells of pure energy.

    This spiral of energy is what we could consider
    to be the fingerprint of God in the architecture
    used to create the universe that we live in
    and the life that we experience on a daily basis.

    This fingerprint is light in action
    which promotes the capability for life to exist
    since life itself is just a trick of the light
    which is used to create the holographic
    or illusory type dimension that is connected to our senses.

    Each individual who exists on earth
    uses the light within these photons
    to help create the light body they will posses after death.

    Our human body is composed of trillions of cells
    which sprouted from just the one cell of our birth
    which seems to also correlate to the characteristics
    of the Big Bang as well.

    Each human on planet earth was created in a Big Bang
    between their mother and their father
    and the universe seems to have this same kind of pattern
    to it once you associate the parental aspects of it to God as well.

    The human spirit and consciousness
    is what develops its own light body in the heavens
    from a collection of encoded photons
    which contain the information, memory
    and consciousness that makes up that person.

    In order for a person to acheive the Ascension process
    they have to build up the light cells of their own body
    to be born again into it.

    Failure to be able to do this will result in a miscarriage
    of the light body which will throw the persons information,
    memory and consciousness into non existence,
    so in other words they will abort themselves.

    The cosmic comparison between the cosmic web
    and the neural net shows that there is an existence
    in a celestial form that lives on a higher plane in the heavens
    which is entangled with all other known verses that God created.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Chromatic variants of fixed do
    Note nameSyllablePitch classEnglishRomanceTraditional
    [17]5 sharps / 5 flats
    [25]C 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Do 8px-Doubleflat.svg. do–dufdawdu(pe)10C♭Do♭–dudedo(tsi)11CDododododado0C♯Do♯didadidega1C 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Do 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –dasdaidi(re)2D 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Re 8px-Doubleflat.svg. re–rafrawru(do)0D♭Re♭rarararoga1DRererererare2D♯Re♯riririrenu3D 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Re 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –risrairi(mi)4E 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Mi 8px-Doubleflat.svg. mi–mefmawmu(re)2E♭Mi♭memememonu3EMimimimimami4E♯Mi♯–mismaime(fa)5E 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Mi 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –mish–mi(jur)6F 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Fa 8px-Doubleflat.svg. fa–foffawfu(nu)3F♭Fa♭–fofefo(mi)4FFafafafafafa5F♯Fa♯fifefifejur6F 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Fa 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –fesfaifi(sol)7G 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Sol 8px-Doubleflat.svg. sol–sulfsawsu(fa)5G♭Sol♭sesulsesojur6GSolsolsolsosasol7G♯Sol♯sisalsiseki8G 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Sol 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –salssaisi(la)9A 8px-Doubleflat.svg. La 8px-Doubleflat.svg. la–loflawlu(sol)7A♭La♭leloleloki8ALalalalalala9A♯La♯lilelilepe10A 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. La 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –leslaili(tsi)11B 8px-Doubleflat.svg. Si 8px-Doubleflat.svg. si–seftawtu(la)9B♭Si♭tesetetope10BSitisititatsi11B♯Si♯–sistaite(do)0B 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. Si 6px-DoubleSharp.svg. –sish–ti(ga)1A dash ("–") means that the source(s) did not specify a syllable.

    Note names

    In the countries with fixed-do,
    these seven syllables (with Si instead of Ti)
    are used to name the notes of the C-Major scale,
    instead of the letters C, D, E, F, G, A and B.

    (For example, they would say,
    Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is in Re minor,
    but its third movement is in Si-bemol major.")

    In Germanic countries, the letters are used for this purpose,
    and the solfège syllables are encountered only
    for their use in sight-singing and ear training.

    (They would say, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
    is in "d-Moll" (D minor).)

    Cultural references


    • The names of the notes may be heard in
    • "Do-Re-Mi" from Rodgers and Hammerstein's
    • score for The Sound of Music,
    • as well as the Robert Maxwell song "Solfeggio".
    • Kurt Cobain, singer for the band Nirvana
    • wrote a song called "Do Re Mi"
    • which was never finished but was released
    • on the album With the Lights Out in 2004.

    In King Lear (Act 1, Scene 2) Edmund
    exclaims to himself right after Edgar's entrance
    so that Edgar can hear him:

    "O, these eclipses do portend these divisions".

    Then in the 1623 First Folio
    (but not in the 1608 Quarto) he adds "Fa, so, la, mi".

    This Edmund probably sang (see Elizabethan solmisation)
    to the tune of Fa, So, La, Ti (e.g. F, G, A, B in C major),
    i.e. an ascending sequence of three whole tones
    with an ominous feel to it: see tritone (historical uses).

    Colours assigned by Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton had associated the 7 solfège syllables
    with the 7 colours of the rainbow
    and surmised that each colour vibrated accordingly
    (a concept possibly related to
    the modern view of chromesthesia).

    Thus, red has the least amount of vibration
    while violet vibrates the most.

    Cdo (or doh in tonic sol-fa)Red
    Gsol (or so in tonic sol-fa)Blue
    Blue Violet
    Red Violet
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    NOW, this can be charted into a 360 degree circle -
    and, then all the info on colour, frequency, light, sound, tone and vibration
    in the lower six can be added to it
    so, you have 36 points (including zero) and,
    the 36 points go around the circle,
    in 10 degree increments
    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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