Wingmaker Information Parallel - Analysis and Critique

Discussion in 'Wingmaker Information Parallel' started by admin, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted 5 Seconds Ago

      Rene - Posted 36 Hours Ago

      Hello without reading every word of this material I want to know if anyone has explored the website that goes over the changes from the original?? Also does anyone realize that JAMES in the Disinfo agent? I was drawn to the Desteni videos first and realized the similarities but in my mind they only cement the importance of the information. I have plans to do a class on this; is anyone up for discussing with me in a forum of sorts in an unbiased way, or just giving your opinion so we can view it in a a non emotional arena.

      Dear Rene!
      This wingmakers forum has been transferred to here:
      You will find exended information on the wingmakers and material there and as well as the data found here.
      Your post has also been copied to there.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • SiriusWhite - Posted Mar 30th

      Hello all. I registered because I saw this post, and the critique.

      I found it very interesting and a compilation of some very good information.

      I came here only to make some comments in regards to the POV shared here in regards to the WM material, and "James."

      First of all, one of the things said mentioned that they believe the site may have been created by "insiders." Without saying why (sorry) I will say I agree with this statement, and IF it was done as such, then those insiders are "good" but understand the constraits and restraints when sharing information online, especially into a semi-true and semi-fictional format.

      However, without going into my own personal details as to why, I will say that I believe most of the "orgs" and also, concepts in the material generally have truth. Yes, the names would be different, as would many of the details but some of it is astonishingly accurate. Parts of it are what you could call a leak, other parts of it are simply a bit of disinfo to conceal the truth that is also shared. The later interviews, which were changed- also have truths, but with some more liberal narratives and lies interwoven in order to make the message "ok" for public consumption. However, truths are deeply embedded into it, and it was indeed designed to sort of "entrain" or "activate" people who are not only interested in these subjects, but suddenly may have become interested in the more scientific and spiritual concepts shared in the interviews (and other works).

      I can also say I agree, that most of the information is "watered down" for a more public kind of consumption. And that the original two interviews, and what that was to become, was more legit than the current website, and what it became, which is more to "educate while containing" information. The "real deal" teachings, of what is truly behind the WM, are more like what is in posession of some of the "orgs" that may be presented in the interview under a fictional pretense.

      The reason there is similarities between "it" and Theosophy, and some more Occult/Esoteric informatin is because there is indeed a connection. This is something I won't speculate in detail here, but I will say that I believe you are correct about this. However, this doesn't mean you should simply dismiss it all as new age drivel or coming from a wanna be messiah because of the change in language. The change in language is made to appeal to more modern spiritualists, and does in fact reflect extremely ancient teachings. Most of the bulk of the actual "real deal" information that is genuinely behind the WM mythos, is too complex, too scientific, and in some cases, paradigm shattering to be simply put out (not to mention, to do safely) into the public. However, a great deal already has in small incremements, perhaps to prepare for things in the future. The WM mythos, interviews, and materials are more of the "front" or "surface" to hide some of the more real, and in-depth knowledge that is surfacing elsewhere (offline and online), in particular people who may have had exposure to the training.

      Yes, the abilities listed in the mythos are real. Objects can be manifested (or rather, transduced from the subquantum or vacuum through an electrogravitational process, in which energy is pulled from the vacuum by your cells, cohered into an image by your minds eye which coheres the template, and burst into existence via a sound the Occultists call Tetragammaton), and for fear of sounding crazy to you all: the skill is nothing new, and was taught to initiates into the temples of Sumer and Egypt. Even the so called "technologies of intelligence acceleration" can be found in the ancient secret disciplines of Kaballah, Zohar, Egyptian magick, and other initiatory practices. So yes you are right, that it is ancient stuff but into modern terms.

      However, the angle of where the ET or intradimensional influence cojoins with that, the world elite, ancient manuscrupits, future prophecies, AND the future of human evolution hasn't been discussed quite in the way the original WM interviews did, which was heavy for the 90's. That is just the tip of the iceberg if even that. A little over-simplified but it does shed some insight into the psychology, mentality, and what is happening with the "gold rush" of what we could call technology acquisition programs in which yes, there is a literal disconnect between the average person and som of the people invovled in these projects. I think it was important to attune people to these ideas, even though much of it is disinformation, and unfortunately not totally accurate.

      Some of the things said here also, need further investigation. The Scientology cult was something else before it became what we know it today. It had ties to some agencies as well as other occultists, and happenings behind the scene that drew the attention of even the Russians. What Hubbard did was not too unlike Dolores Cannon. Unfortunately, what happened to that cult is what happens to all things with charismatic leaders, powerful teachings, and the attention of governments/shadow elements that centered in on him. Actually some fo the pioneers of remote viewing and contractors for C|A were parts of the early scientology. It wasn't completely BS or cult like until later time, when financial elements grew, took over, shortly before Hubbard but especially after.

      Also, you are incorrect in your assumptions of the change in wording. For example, you said Soul and Sovereign integral is the same thing. No, this is incorrect. Sovereign Integral is actually more synonymous with the ancient gnostic belief of Spirit, not Soul (soul is built, meanwhile Spirit is already perfected, as it is a Spark of the First Source). In regards to Source, James told me (yes....i have spoken with) that it was more closer to the Kaballah concept of Ein Sof. The Arhictect or Demi Urge James equates more to "Anu" in his interview. The Lyricus does indeed sound quite a bit like the Great White Brotherhood. However I am of belief it has something to do with something else entirely. I cannot share why at this moment.

      It is interesting you say "he" is the same as a new age guru, advocating the Great White Brotherhood and Theosophy. However he explicitly has said in interviews that actually, those are constructs (false) of the matrix to keep people in the cycle of thinking of going to higher dimensions, and the "hierarchy" is another way to entrap the Sovereign Integral into an endless cycle of being used to manifest physical reality. Actually, it has more in common with Ancient Gnosticism than it does new ageism. The Sovereign integral is the uncreated, perfect, Spirit of the gnostics. The Divine or Primordial Logos. The Gnostics contrasted the Spirit and Soul. The Soul was a creation of the demiurge and had to be built, like Creation does, because the DemiUrge is imperfect and seeks to use teh Spirit, or the Perfected God Spark to power its creation by enslaving it in a cycle of matter, reincarnation, and "ascension."

      I beieve the WM material actually has deeper roots, and it is merely a front of surface level re-interpretation of something else that was meant to come into the public, but got stopped in its treks by other elements. Actually, I heard ALL the science (the REAL science) talked about in the interviews, posessed by the clandestine "orgs" in the interviews was supposed to come out into public consciousness, but many people died in the process. Whether you want to believe me or not is irrelevant.

      You want to believe it is all some hoax and re-interpretation of new age theories, go ahead. I just though I'd put my two cents in. As for how or why I know this, I'd rather not talk about it. I already feel weird writing this (i'm not afraid, maybe a little paranoid). I guess you could say I was someone who learned a bit more of the "truth" behind all the bs. And in doing so realized, it's best to keep to myself. I am also learning and continuing to learn the so called "higher order teachings" and give freely to othes. I see here on this board thuban also has many advanced teachings, I haven't seen it all but it is virtually the same as all other truths of occult/esoteric/scientific nature. Because truth as they say, is universal. Names, etc. matter little, it is the core from which it outpours that matters.

      To make matters worse, WM was then clumped together with other half-true half-lie dsinfo people like Al Bilek, making it easier for people to debunk without even realizing how or why the totality of the story or information. It was made to debunked though, even with truths in it. That way , like ancient aliens, it stays on the precipice of "possible truth" with "incorrect facts."

      EDIT: Just saw your post Shiloh. That is MUCH closer to the "truth" :)


      Post last edited Mar 30th

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    By GEOFFREY JAMES MONEYWATCH October 25, 2008, 8:30 AM
    World's Best Hoax Web Sites
    Last Updated Oct 25, 2008 4:01 PM EDT
    It's no secret that bad information abounds on the web. The most dangerous information, of course, is the kind that's posted with a hidden agenda, such as paid content masquerading as real content.
    The problem, of course, is that the "low barrier to entry" for providing information on the Internet has a leveling effect, making errant nonsense appear as credible as information from what used to be called a "trusted source."
    To illustrate this point, I've gathered together list of hoax web sites that emulate the "look and feel" of real sites. They're a perfect way to illustrate that you can't believe everything you find on the web.
    What I find fascinating about these sites is that most of them are more interesting, more detailed and better presented than the "serious" sites they're imitating.
    I've appended a full list below, but here are five that deserve special mention:
    Boilerplate. Purports to contain hitherto-ignored historical research about a robot named "Boilerplate," (see image) that was featured at the Columbian World's Fair of 1883. The site has a real "Ken Burns" documentary feel to it, and contains photos of the robot, along with various artifacts and souvenirs.
    Kresky TV. This is dedicated to the television show "Nick Kresky" which for four and half seasons in the late nineteen seventies detailed the adventures of "ultra-cool undercover cop Nicholas David Kresky. Even though the show never existed, after you look at the site, it's hard to remember, vaguely, having seen actual episodes.
    WingMakers. Describes a series of archeological discoveries that piqued the interest of "the ACIO, an ultra-secret, unacknowledged department of the National Security Agency responsible for reverse-engineering recovered extraterrestrial technologies." Astounding in its details.
    CarpSoft. I strongly suspect that some people have stumbled across this one and thought that it was a real B2B consulting website -- at least until they read the fine print.
    Zombo. Impossible to describe. I'm not even sure it's actually a hoax. In fact, you can do anything you want with Zombo. Anything. The only limit is your imagination.
    Here's the full list:
    © 2008 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    TIL About "Project Ancient Arrow". It was quickly investigated by the NSA in 1973. 21 years later, in 1994, a rockslide revealed an opening in the canyon to a hidden cavern. The site was immediately brought under the jurisdiction of the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO). (
    submitted 3 years ago by gizadog

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    [–][deleted] 11 points 3 years ago
    Actual sources?

    [+]gizadog[S] comment score below threshold (15 children)

    [–]Person_McName 15 points 3 years ago*
    There are so many holes in this it's not even funny.
    Hikers find pictographs and a compass in an obscure canyon that was used as a temporary, nomad, settlement.​
    This right here shows me that the author doesn't know who the Anasazi actually were.
    A compass was found within these artifacts with strange hieroglyphic symbols. Some of the symbols were also found on the pottery.​
    A picture of this, or in fact any of these supposed artifacts would be great. Also, I have no idea why finding symbols and/or pictographs would be weird.
    The pictographs that were found were different from any on the continent at that time.​
    It's almost as if; they had their own language and writing system!
    It was quickly investigated by the NSA from the US government in 1973.​
    Firstly, not sure the authors understands what the NSA does. Secondly, I've found nothing to point to this ever happening.
    Even with experts in cuneiform and sanskrit, they were not able to decode the pictographs.​
    Perhaps because they are not the same fucking language? In the same way that an expert in Egyptian hieroglyphs would have no idea how to read Mayan writing.
    They closed off that part of the canyon from hikers.​
    The only parts that are closed off are closed due to attempting to preserve some of the more delicate sites, and the areas that were close were documented before it as closed off anyways.
    21 years later, in 1994, a rockslide revealed an opening in the canyon to a hidden cavern.​
    I've found no evidence of this rockslide ever occurring.
    A system of tunnels and chambers were found carved out of the rock. A total of 23 chambers where found, all intricately connected to an interior corridor.​
    I think we'd know if such a discovery was made, especially since it would be a huge find for archaeologists. And again, still no evidence of this either.
    Each chamber held wall paintings, hieroglyphs, pictographs, and alien technology.​
    I can believe all of these but the "alien tech" one. It's not even specific, just "alien stuff". There is again no source for this claim, and frankly it seems like the author lumped it in with the other things supposedly found in order to make it sound more legitimate.
    The site was immediately brought under the jurisdiction of the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO).​
    Right, this is just kinda dumb. Let's look at the claims regarding this organization.
    A secret or unacknowledged department of the NSA, Headquartered in Virginia, Have personnel in Belgium, India, and Indonesia.​
    But we somehow know all about both it and it's actions.
    Largely unknown, Even to senior directors within the NSA​
    So we (random civilians) know things the directors of the damn NSA don't. Right.
    The ACIO is the lowest profile organization within the entire intelligence community.​
    Frankly, the fact that we even know it exists, not to mention a surprisingly large amount of info on it, proves it's not.
    Gradually, a hypothesis was structured by the research team that an extraterrestrial culture established an earth colony in the 8th century and isolated itself within the Ancient Arrow canyon.​
    Firstly, this proves that the NSA are terrible archaeologists. Secondly, nothing from the Anasazi civilization would point to this.
    It took the researchers 2 years to partially decipher the meanings of the evidence. The message had some purposeful mission, to be a time capsule of information​
    I thought they couldn't read the language, now you tell me they totally can?
    The disc contained 8,000 pages of data.​
    What? So it's apparently not only a CD, but also works with our modern computers?
    Translation into hieroglyphics took another 6 months​
    Why would you even do this? Translating it into a completely unrelated and different language, with a different structure even, and then translating it into english. That's just beyond stupid.
    Looking at the supposed creators, we see the claim that
    They represented a future version of humanity who lived some 750 years in our future.​
    Right, so it's people from the future, who went to the past. This is just beyond terrible.
    In short, this sounds like complete bullshit.

    [+]gizadog[S] comment score below threshold (14 children)

    [–]YouAintGotToLieCraig 4 points 3 years ago
    The author has no idea what the NSA does.

    [–]gizadog[S] -3 points 3 years ago
    What? How do you know?

    [–]mcnewbie 4 points 3 years ago
    Several thousand years ago, aware of the future of our planet, the “Winged” built certain “deposits of knowledge” (time capsules), which were placed in certain precise areas of the globe, one in each of the seven continents:
    so let's see the evidence from some of these other sites, then?

    [–]mcnewbie 3 points 3 years ago
    so where is this place, exactly? can i look at it on google earth? can i buzz over there on a dirt bike and get turned away by men in suits? where is the evidence?

    [–]gizadog[S] -1 points 3 years ago
    Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

    [–]sansfolly 4 points 3 years ago
    Sorry, but google "Wingmakers hoax". This is one of the oldest hoaxes on the internet. I watched it unfold in real time in the 90's. Here I googled it for you. Have fun researching this for the next few days.
    I'm not saying such a place doesn't exist. I want to believe as much as all of you but this is a huge mindfuck.
    This bit should have given you a clue:
    "It was quickly investigated by the NSA from the US government in 1973."
    Oh really?! The same nsa geniuses that are whacking off to free web cam shows in the name of nat'l security? lol If they found anything there they probably sold the artifacts on the black market. Then they had a good wank and aimed their spunk at the wall of heiroglyphs. After they were done they torched the place.
    Seriously, aside from the hoaxmaker confessing long ago, why the fuck does all the shit from the cave look like it came from a new age shop in Peoria? Oh, and it's all for sale - copies of course. Look to where the money is going.
    If something like this was ever found I would bet we'd never hear about it. Or it would be covered up like this, the ancient Egyptian site in the Grand Canyon discovered in the early 1900's by scientists from the Smithsonian and then covered up, as it still is today. Try visiting that part of the Canyon, they'll shoot you.

    [–]sansfolly 4 points 3 years ago*
    From a usenet list in the 90's. Mark Hempel has changed his story several times since then and now claims it's all true. If you believe this guy I have a bridge to sell you. Classic time-wasting disinfo.
    " From: "Mark Hempel" Subject: Wingmakers web site Date: Sat, 28 Nov 1998 23:30:10 -0600
    Thanks for your interest in the wingmakers web site. If you're listed on this email, you've either been contacted by me to help de-bunk the wingmakers site, or you've contacted me in reference to the site. If you believe the site is a hoax, you don't need to read the rest of this rather lengthy email. If you're not sure or think it's real, please read further because I've found what I believe is evidence that this site is not what it claims to be.
    As most of you know, I was asked to be the host of this web site through a somewhat odd arrangement many months ago (it's recorded at the site). I was supposed to secure a URL and place my name on the copyright box for the Real Audio player on the site in exchange for a fee.
    I was given a completed (except for the encoding of the Real Audio files) web site that was uploaded to my host (9netave) around the 18th of November. Due to some unusual circumstances that included some hacker email threats (which were successfully traced to a library in Baltimore), I got a little paranoid and decided to get some people together who were familiar with the new age/paranormal/UFO community (something that is not my specialty). I initially tried newsgroups trying to stir up feedback, but because I sort of "spammed" the UFO newsgroups, I don't think people took my efforts seriously. So I began my own research into this community via the web.
    In doing so, I came across numerous web sites that had email addresses of people who were expert and/or experienced in this field. Since about a week ago, I sent out about 30 emails to a wide variety of people. My efforts were to seek your advice and help in assessing the wingmaker site. Over the course of employing your help, I've come to the following conclusion based in part on your feedback and my own research. Not all of you will probably agree, but I believe the site is indeed an elaborate hoax. Or perhaps it's what the person who hired me claimed it was, an experimental art site.
    What follows are the reasons I've come to this conclusion:
    1) The music is too contemporary sounding. It just doesn't sound like something that would be produced 750 years in the future. I really like the music, but I've had musicians listen to it and they don't hear many sounds that seem futuristic. Every sound that they heard could be replicated today on a synthesizer or digital sampler.
    2) According to a scientist who read the entire text of the site, somewhere in the interview transcripts section there's a reference to the Pleaides, which is claimed to be the seed race of the WingMakers and humankind. This scientist says the Pleaides is a relatively young nebula, and therefore this is not possible.
    3) I had an ex-intelligence officer from the NSA review the site, and he read the ACIO memos and said they're completely out of protocol standards and he doesn't believe any agency or department of the NSA would violate these protocols.
    4) The glyphs have been further researched and the connection to Sumerian culture seems to be a stretch. There are some similarities, but for the most part, these glyphs are not recognizable to an anthropologist that looked at the site. There are more Native American references than Sumerian.
    5) I had a person who had read a book by Dr. Courtney Brown called Cosmic Voyage, and he quoted passages from the book that seemed very similar to the writings in the transcripts where they talk about the Martians, Greys, and remote viewing in general. It's either an amazing corroboration or someone lifted the ideas from the book. (I sent an email to Dr. Brown asking him to look at the site. I haven't heard back from him yet as to his review of the site).
    6) I had a linguist analyze the speech of "Dr. Anderson" and she didn't believe a man with such a supposedly high IQ would talk like he does, particularly if he worked 80 hours per week with others like himself. She felt his language skills represented someone with above average intelligence, but certainly not a genius. (I had others give me the same response).
    7) One University philosophy professor explained that while the philosophy and glossary sections were well written and did show insight, they're so similar to new age teachings that they are most likely just regurgitated from among "channeled" teachings that are fairly common in this community.
    8) The technology artifacts that are represented are principally crystalline structures that are impossible to authenticate. I had one person who was expert with crystals and he said that the crystals do not appear to be anything exceptional or extraordinary.
    9) If you look very carefully at the paintings, usually in the bottom corners, it appears that there's a signature. It looks the same on all of the paintings where it's visible. It's impossible to make out what it says, but it looks distinctively different than the glyphs.
    Therefore, I'm calling this a hoax or experimental art site. Afterall, to be fair with my client, she never claimed it was anything but an experimental art site from an art collective in Norway. It was just the lack of communication from her that got my suspicions up, and caused me to take the time to read the text of the site-which to me was very odd. I still haven't heard from her (my client), but I'm asking your help to pronounce the site a hoax, or if you'd prefer, an experimental art site. It's taking too much time to respond to the emails I'm getting... and this letter is what I intend to send out as my standard response to any inquiry surrounding the site.
    The client has paid me through December, so the site will be up until at least then. My thanks to each of you for your kind help and assistance. With warm gratitude,

    Gizadog, you post way too much newage bullshit in this sub.

    edit: Hempel is still making some money off this stuff.

    I wasn't going to say anything before but I'm pissed now. Back in the 90's I was into new age stuff and was hanging out with some big-wigs in the scene. They told me that Hempel and another man were using the Akashic Records to channel (or whatever the fuck) the art, music and other Wingmaker info. They told me I was psychic and that I should contact the Akashic Records and make some shit up for the Wingmaker site too. I said "No" because I wasn't psychic and that it was dishonest and a con. I no longer have anything to do with that community and bristle when they start spouting their b/s. It's not the only story I have about these fucking shysters. Many many people are creating bullshit stories and selling them to anyone who will buy them. They are all still in business last time I checked and are regulars at new Life Expo and other such gatherings. It's all about making a profit and they do it with a clear conscience. Fuck 'em.

    [–][deleted] 2 points 3 years ago
    I found this interesting on the subject.
    WindMakers - First Interview of Dr. Anderson
    Interesting book on the subject - Transylvanian Sunrise
    by Radu Cinamar, Peter Moon

    [–]FormalPants 8 points 3 years ago
    This seems a little stupid.

    [–]gizadog[S] -1 points 3 years ago
    And the reason for this comment?

    [–]FormalPants 4 points 3 years ago
    Clicked your link, clicked some of its links. Thought I'd save future readers the time.

    [+]gizadog[S] comment score below threshold (3 children)

    [–]funkarama 1 point 3 years ago
    Let's see this disk and canyon.

    [–]iamblichus 1 point 3 years ago

    [–]SwissToe 1 point 3 years ago
    Dam! Amazing forethought!

    [–]egypturnash 1 point 3 years ago
    The summary the OP linked to is pretty meh but this longer version (which claims to be a mirror of the original version before Various Hands made some edits) is kind of fascinating. As much for the narrative of cover-ups/disinformation around it as the actual text.
    I don't have any thoughts on what's Really Going On here, if anything, but the whole thing sure makes an interesting shape to poke at for an hour or two.

    [–]archemedes_rex 0 points 3 years ago
    This is fiction.

    [–]gizadog[S] 0 points 3 years ago
    “The ACIO is a secret or unacknowledged department of the NSA. It is headquartered in Virginia, but also have personnel in Belgium, India, and Indonesia. They are largely unknown, even to senior directors within the NSA. The ACIO is the lowest profile organization within the entire intelligence community. Its agenda is to research, assimilate, and replicate any technologies or discoveries of extraterrestrial origin. Its personnel consist mainly of scientists who are completely anonymous, yet are paid salaries in excess of $400,000 per year because of their security clearance and IQ. This secret organization not only possesses enormous brain power, but it is also in possession of technologies that are far in advance of any other research facility on the planet. They are, in a word, privileged.”

    [–]postfuturology 0 points 3 years ago
    You should really not believe everything you read on the internet. People like you are cancerous to my Facebook stream.

    [–][deleted] -1 points 3 years ago
    Yup. That's Project BlueBeam to a T right there.

    [–]Person_McName 3 points 3 years ago
    Or it would be, if either this article or blue beam were legitimate.

    [–]gizadog[S] -3 points 3 years ago*
    “The Wing Makers” or “The Winged”- overwhelming evidence of some extraterrestrial visitors in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico (USA)

    [–]Person_McName 2 points 3 years ago
    There is so much wrong with this, the least of which being the site is described as "The spiritual centre of resonance and communication with beneficial extraterrestrial beings".

    [–]SwissToe -2 points 3 years ago*
    The down vote dudes are trying to bury the truth. Do your research!
    The truth will always come out!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    FrozenHill says:
    Published on Nov 4, 2017

    I have learned since my affiliation with LPG-C (ACIO) that they indeed are working
    with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum) —the same force which is behind the Vedic scriptures.

    Also, for those who recall how I discussed the role of the character “Fifteen”, or “15”,
    who was the head of the ultra-secret Labyrinth Group,
    working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum),
    it may be of value to know that Dr. Bordon, just before he died,
    admitted to being this character—Fifteen.

    There should no longer be any doubt that the WingMakers are working with’s “Anunnaki” team.”
    – Wes Penre

    I can add some confirmation of this news, AR shared the same info with me
    and I actually went on to do work with AR and the ACIO/labyrinth group through AR Bordon.
    AR shared the following with me regarding my being contacted by the ACIO:
    “ACIO is a technology-handling and technology-R&D grouping with various foci.
    The part you are interested in is the LB or Labyrinth,
    which is what Neruda referred to as the place where those who are not from here worked as well.
    But careful, NOT all of them are SAMs (Anunnaki),
    there are other groups as well.” – AR Bordon

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member




    The revealing of the Wingmakers “Fifteen” true identity as being the individual known as A.R. Bordon (Secret Lockheed Martin Skunkworks Reverse Engineering Division)

    March 24, 2015/in Uncategorized /by Michael Lee Hill
    I have learned since my affiliation with LPG-C that they indeed are working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum) —the same force which is behind the Vedic scriptures. Also, for those who recall how I discussed the role of the character “Fifteen”, or “15”, who was the head of the (former) ultra-secret Labyrinth Group, working with the AIF (Anunnaki/Corteum), it may be of value to know that Dr. Bordon, just before he died, admitted to being this character—Fifteen. There should no longer be any doubt that the WingMakers are working with’s “Anunnaki” team.” – Wes Penre
    I can add some confirmation of this news, AR shared the same info with me and I actually went on to do work with AR and the ACIO/labyrinth group through AR Bordon.
    AR shared the following with me regarding my being contacted by the ACIO:
    “ACIO is a technology-handling and technology-R&D grouping with various foci. The part you are interested in is the LB or Labyrinth, which is what Neruda referred to as the place where those who are not from here worked as well. But careful, NOT all of them are SAMs (Anunnaki), there are other groups as well.” – AR Bordon

    Within the ACIO, there are 14 distinct levels of security clearance. Those who are at level 12 and above are aware of the Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP), and they, according to Dr. Neruda, are about 120 in number, and are primarily in India, Belgium, and the United States. There are only 7 who have level 14 clearance, and they are the Directors of Intelligence, Security, Research, Special Projects, Operations, Information Systems, and Communications.
    These Directors report to the Executive Director, who is known simply as “Fifteen”, which is the unique classification that is reserved for the head of the ACIO. Fifteen, in the eyes of Dr. Neruda, is the most powerful human on the planet, and what I think he meant by “powerful” is that Fifteen is able to deploy technologies that are well in advance to any that our world’s governments have access to. However, Dr. Neruda portrayed Fifteen and his seven Directors as a benevolent force, not a hostile or controlling force.
    The eight people who comprise this inner sanctum of the ACIO are in possession of radical technologies that have been part of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. However, there were also other extraterrestrial technologies that had been derived from recoveries of spacecraft or other alien artifacts, including various discoveries contained in ancient texts that had never been revealed before. All of this information and technology has been collected and developed within the ACIO scientific core – all of whom possess clearances of level 12 or higher.
    This scientific core is called the Labyrinth Group, and consists of both men and women who have utilized the Corteum/Anunnaki intelligence accelerator technologies to their advantage, and have created a secret organization within the ACIO. When Dr. Neruda was explaining this to me, it got so complicated that I asked him if he could draw me a visual diagram of how all of these organizations worked.
    The Labyrinth Group consists of all the personnel within the ACIO that qualify for levels 12, 13, and 14 clearance. Fifteen is the leader of this most secret organization. It was split from the ACIO to enable secrecy from the NSA and lower ranking members of the ACIO, which would facilitate the Labyrinth Group’s agenda to create its own applications of the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. The Labyrinth Group is in possession of the pure technologies derived from the Corteum/Anunnaki TTP. It takes these technologies and dilutes them to the point where the ACIO or Special Projects Laboratory will sell them to private industry and government agencies, (which includes the military).
    This secret organization is the most powerful organization on earth in Dr. Neruda’s opinion, but they do not choose to exercise their power in a way that makes them visible. Thus, their power is only discernible to their members. For about 40 years they have accumulated considerable wealth apart from the NSA’s oversight. They have managed to build their own security technologies that prevent detection from intelligence agencies like the CIA or MI5. They are, for all practical purposes, in total control of their agenda – perhaps this is what makes them a unique organization.
    Dr. Neruda had a clearance of level 12 and was still kept from vital information that only the Director level was aware. And it was assumed that even Fifteen kept vital information from his Directors, though this was never a certainty. The symbol used by the Labyrinth Group is four concentric circles. Each circle representing a clearance level (12, 13, 14, 15), and each circle had a unique insight into the agenda of the Labyrinth Group, and its coordination with the Corteum/Anunnaki.
    Fifteen was an enigma to everyone within the Labyrinth Group. He had been a physicist before he became the Executive Director of the ACIO. He was a renegade because he never interacted with the protocols and the political environment of academia. He operated outside of the institutions and was selected to be part of the ACIO because of his combination of brainpower, independence, and relative obscurity within scientific circles. He was one of the first to make contact with the Corteum and establish communication with them. The Corteum/Anunnaki essentially appointed Fifteen as their liaison to the ACIO, and Fifteen became the first to utilize the intelligence accelerator technologies that the Corteum/Anunnaki initially offered.
    These technologies not only enhance cognitive abilities, memory, and higher order thinking skills, but also enhance the consciousness of the individual so that they can utilize the newly gained intelligence in a non-invasive manner. Meaning, they don’t exploit their intelligence for personal gain at the expense of others. This apparent increase in both Fifteen’s IQ and ethical consciousness caused him to create the Labyrinth Group in order to retain the pure-state technologies of the Corteum TTP from the NSA.
    What technologies are released to the NSA are diluted forms of the pure-state technology, which are significantly less potent in their military and surveillance applications. What I expected to hear from Dr. Neruda was a secret organization of intelligent, evil elitists – individuals intent on exploitation and control. Why else would they want to hide beneath the cloak of such incredible secrecy?
    The answer, according to Dr. Neruda, was surprising. The Labyrinth Group view themselves as the only group with sufficient intellect and technology to develop a specific form of time travel technology. They are essentially focused on this agenda because they desire to prevent future hostilities that they believe will occur unless this technology is developed. The Corteum is assisting, but despite their considerable intellects, they have been unable to develop this technology.
    What I’m about to tell you will seem impossible to believe, but again, I’m only reporting what my notes say based on my initial conversations with Dr. Neruda. He explained to me that there are as many as 12 different extraterrestrial races currently involved in the past, present, and future of earth and its destiny. The ACIO, because of its mission with the NSA, is the most knowledgeable group about the various agendas of these 12 alien races.
    I am releasing what I believe to be some serious Extra Terrestrial Disclosure, Regarding proof of Reverse ET Engineering, Ancient Aliens/Wingmakers/Anunnaki.
    William Birnes of the History Channel revealed in our recent interview that Colonel Philip Corso of “Day After Roswell” fame stated we almost went to war with Russia during JFK’s presidency and that conflict was settled because somehow, the USA gave the Russian Government the technology for the Russian Mig Fighter Jets Radar systems during our interview I will share below.
    So the question then is who gave the Russian Government the US radar technology that Russia & the rest of the world were so far behind on?
    Who was involved ya know?
    Phazotron Research! and the Omnigon Corporation!
    “Much of this was already known to us in the early 90s, several years before Jamisson Neruda let the cat out of the bag to a journalist named Sara. Moreover, as a linguist, Neruda’s direct contributions to the present effort have not extended beyond his initial exposition of the matter in his interviews with Sara and through the website subsequently set up to publicize the findings” – AR Bordon
    Source: –
    The following information come from
    Sarah: “So what can you share with me that corroborates — even to a tiny degree — that the Labyrinth Group might exist?”
    Dr. Neruda: “Nothing. There’s nothing you could do to trace things back to the Labyrinth Group. I can’t stress it enough. Our ways of filtering technologies into the private sector are extremely subtle.”
    Sarah: “Okay, then. Just give me an example.”
    Dr. Neruda: “The Labyrinth Group developed a computer system, which we call ZEMI. Part of the unique characteristics of ZEMI is that its information structure is based on a new form of mathematics for information storage, recombinant encryption, and data compression. It was a mathematics that provided quantum improvements in each of these areas. And we shared it with scientists involved in the design of the MiG-29.”
    Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29.
    “My own research into the reality of these claims my Dr. Neruda” – Michael Lee Hill

    The aircraft is equipped with an information and fire control radar system comprising: an N-019 radar developed by Phazotron Research and Production Company, Moscow; an infrared search and track sensor; a laser rangefinder; and a helmet-mounted target designator. For longer-range air combat, the MiG-29 uses radar guidance for the R-27 missile.
    Sarah: “Russia? Are you saying the Labyrinth Group works with the Russian government?”
    Dr. Neruda: “No, we never worked with governments directly. In this case, we worked with the Phazotron Research and Production Company in Moscow. We supplied them with an assortment of algorithms, which they in turn adapted for use within their information and fire control radar systems aboard the MiG-29. These same algorithms were discovered by American interests and are now being adapted for use in broadband delivery systems for the global market.”
    Sarah: “Who’s the American interest? Can you give me names?”
    Dr. Neruda: “It’s not a well-known company, but they go under the name of Omnigon, based in San Diego.”
    Sarah: “And Omnigon has this technology, which was originally developed by the Labyrinth Group for computer storage, and now they’re using it to build broadband delivery systems? In layperson’s terms, can you tell me what these networks will do?”
    Side note – A Patent given to Omnigon Technologies…
    Dr. Neruda: “Assuming they use this technology appropriately, it’ll enable Omnigon to embed a significant amount of functionality in the switches of the ATM network and not rely on server-side solutions, which will increase the speed and custom functionality of a network.”
    Sarah: “By my definition, that wasn’t in layperson terms. But it doesn’t matter.
    “Did the Labyrinth Group create this technology or reverse-engineer it from ET sources?”
    Dr. Neruda: “A little of both, actually. They were created within the Labyrinth Group, but some of the initial thinking came from the Zetas, which was reverse-engineered from one of their spacecraft.”
    Sarah: “How did the organization in Russia get this technology from the Labyrinth Group?”
    Dr. Neruda: “Fifteen knew one of the senior scientists at Phazotron and presented him with the idea. It was a friendly gesture, which he believed would later be useful in recruiting this scientist. This method of sharing creates loyalty and it can be done in such a skillful way that the recipient of the idea can believe it was their idea and not simply given to them.”
    Sarah: “But you must track these technologies or how else would you know it ended up in Omnigon’s hands?”
    Dr. Neruda: “We have operatives from the intelligence community who feed us information. They’re essentially moles that live within the major government research labs and the military industrial complex. In this case, one of our operatives at General Dynamics brought this to our attention. We even use our Remote Viewing technology to track some of our more advanced technologies that we’ve placed within major syndicates.”

    “A. R. Bordon is a retired itinerant scientist, traveling the roads of America in search of people talented in extended human functions. He is a former deputy director of a corporate research centre, former executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers.”
    Source –

    Dr. Neruda:
    Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum/Anunnaki, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum/Anunnaki technology was superior in most regards to the Greys — with the possible exception of the Greys’ memory implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
    However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know — so eventually we did establish an alliance, which consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional, and physical behaviors; and they provided us with their genetic findings.
    The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda, and we were never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were indeed our own.
    I think that’s why Fifteen didn’t trust the Greys. He felt they used communication to manipulate outcomes to their own best interest in favor of shared interests. And because of this lack of trust, Fifteen refused to form any alliance or TTP that was comprehensive or integral to our operations at either the ACIO or the Labyrinth Group.”
    Sarah: “Did the Greys know of the existence of the Labyrinth Group?”
    Dr. Neruda: “I don’t believe so. They were generally convinced that humans were not clever enough to cloak their agendas. Our analysis was that the Greys had invasive technologies that gave them a false sense of security as to their enemy’s weaknesses. And I’m not saying that we were enemies, but we never trusted them. And this they undoubtedly knew. They also knew that the ACIO had technologies and intellects that were superior to the mainstream human population, and they had a modicum of respect — perhaps even fear — of our abilities.
    “However, we never showed them any of our pure-state technologies or engaged them in deep dialogues concerning cosmology or new physics. They were clearly interested in our information databases and this was their primary agenda with respect to the ACIO. Fifteen was the primary interface with the Greys because they sensed a comparable intellect in him. The Greys looked at Fifteen as the equivalent of our planet’s CEO.”
    Sarah: “How did Fifteen become the leader of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group?”
    Dr. Neruda: “He was the Director of Research in 1958 when the Corteum/Anunnaki first became known to the ACIO. In this position, he was the logical choice to assess their technology and determine its value to the ACIO. The Corteum/Anunnaki instantly took a liking to him, and one of Fifteen’s first decisions was to utilize the Corteum/Anunnaki intelligence accelerator technologies on himself.
    I wanted to share a wonderful memory of a dear friend who recently passed away who was known by most people as Dr. AR Bordon or as “Fifteen” to some NSA Insiders.
    Here is the only interview AR Bordon ever granted to the public regarding the ET subject from his own unique perspective from deep inside & above the NSA & Military Industrial Complex.
    AR Bordon brings a remarkable insight into a wide variety of topics, including the human genome, secret societies, new physics, cosmology, extraterrestrial influence on earth, and the spiritual nature and purpose of humankind.
    Ar Bordon’s gave UFO researcher Ed Komarek his permission to post this in order to clear up some misconceptions about him and give folks an idea of what he is about as best I can tell. He said it was accurate and concise.
    Ar Bordon (pen name) is the most public individual node in a network of people who have had direct contact with various individual extraterrestrials and groups, both of a human nature and non-human nature. This exopolitical network, in which Ar is a part, has direct face to face and telepathic contact and communication with ETs but is independent of National military and intelligence groups. Its parallel is the emerging exopolitical community that is much larger, but mostly without the extensive direct access to extraterrestrials as does Ar’s network.
    This network does liaison with the military and intelligence agencies involving issues of National Security when considered necessary.
    The members of this exopolitical network have backgrounds with corporations, military and intelligence agencies, but the group works independently and negotiates as a loosely knit operation to identify and to understand the evolution, motives and agendas of a rather large number of extraterrestrial races and civilizations and their interactions with earth humankind.
    These direct interactions include several types of humans that closely resemble us enough to interact with us on the street without us knowing who they are. Other types of humans we would recognize as different from us if met on the street. Types that are not human include several kinds of Greys, several types of beings with Reptilian ancestries and insect ancestries and others including machine intelligences, robots, etc.
    The big picture is of a well-populated universe of space faring beings of very diverse nature, some who have taken an interest in Earth affairs for a number of reasons as it is profitable for them to interface with us out of self-interest and cooperative interest. End
    “Now keep in mind that I have other friends and associates that like AR Bordon are embedded in networks of relationships that have been built up over a lifetime. This is how people like Clifford Stone and Charles Hall keep up with developments inside and outside of government.” – Ed Komarek
    And I am blessed and honored he chose to do that interview with me, and I am honored to have had that opportunity and I am proud to have known AR and consider him a dear friend, Family in fact, a mentor to so many.
    Here is that talk between AR Bordon and myself on Other World Radio.
    You are missed my friend.
    Michael Lee Hill and Dr. AR Bordon Talk – The Anunnaki Papers – Setting The Record Straight!
    The AR Bordon – Michael Lee Hill interview is available for listening at the top of this page. Enjoy!
    Michael Lee Hill
    Tags: 15, A.R. Bordon, Anunnaki, AR Bordon, Enki, Fifteen, Michael lee Hill, Wes Penre, Wingmakers

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