Why Does Ukraine Matter ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    13 April 2022
    ··New Zealand Media



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mernyó Ferenc is AylktX_LIMX. feeling thoughtful.
    March 12 ·

    Maraton életre-halálra
    Előszó helyett.
    Amikor napokkal, talán hetekkel ezelőtt - de már az orosz-ukrán háború kitörése után - az alábbi cikk ötlete kipattant a fejemből, címnek azonnal a "Maraton életre-halálra" című, 1976-ban készült nagysikerű film (főszerepben: Dustin Hoffman, Laurence Olivier) címe jutott eszembe. Pedig a filmnek semmi köze a mai ukrán helyzethez (hacsak annyi nem, hogy a filmben felbukkan egy náci háborús bűnös), ahogy a film eredeti angol címének még annyi sem (Marathon Man). Mégis - azt gondolom - mi sem jellemzi jobban a Nyugat és Oroszország életre-halálra menő versenyfutását Ukrajnában, mint a film magyar címe.
    Hogyan jutottunk ide?
    Kezdjük az elején. Nagyon az elején. Élt egyszer egy bizonyos Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017; ejtsd: zbignyev brzsezsinszki)), aki Jimmy Carter (nem túl éleseszű demokrata) elnök nemzetbiztonsági főtanácsadói pozíciójáig vitte, és - ismerve az amerikai politika működését, amelynek lényege "minél kevesebb hatalmat a nép által választott elnöknek" - Brzezinskinek nagyobb hatalma volt, erősebb befolyása volt az USA külpolitikájára mint magának a szabadidejében földimogyorót termesztő elnöknek. Brzezinski maga Lengyelországban, Varsóban született, onnan vándoroltak ki az USA-ba még a II. vh. előtt, de a szülei még a mai Nyugat-Ukrajna területéről - ukrán barátaim szerint Zolocsev (Ternopol megye) környékéről - származtak (az angol wikipédia szerint Berezsaniból, ott van az is közel, 15-20 km).
    Zbigniew Brzezinski szívből gyűlölte a Szovjetuniót. Számtalan, a szovjet rezsimről írott munkája mellett volt egy elmélete, "A nullszint növekedés teóriája", amely dióhéjban annyit jelentett, hogy a Szovjetuniót olyan erős fegyverkezési versenybe kell kényszeríteni, amely csődbe viszi annak a piacgazdaságoknál kevésbé hatékony tervgazdaságát. Brzezinski ördögi terve a 80-as évek végére beért, a Szovjetunió 89-90-re belerokkant a fegyverkezési versenybe és széthullott.
    Igen, kedves Olvasó, jól érted, bizony nem Reagan elnök bontotta le a Szovjetuniót. Ő csak ott volt, amikor épp szétesett.
    A Szovjetunió "jogi örököse" Oroszország lett. Az utolsó szovjet elnök Gorbacsev volt, az első orosz elnök Jelcin lett, aki némi felfordulással került ugyan hatalomra, de a hatalmas szovjet birodalom lényegében békésen esett szét.
    Ugyanakkor maradt egy neuralgikus kérdés: a szovjet atomarzenál sorsa. Még Gorbacsev idején született egy megállapodás, hogy a láthatóan széteső Szovjetunió összevonja atomfegyvereit Oroszország területére, továbbviszi, érvényben tartja a nukleáris fegyverek területén kötött szerződéseket, cserébe a NATO nem terjeszkedik Kelet felé. Oroszország - a gazdasági nehézségei ellenére - a megállapodást a maga részéről teljesítette, így lett - többek között - atommentes hatalom a későbbi Ukrajna is (az ukránok nagy bánatára).
    A Szovjetunió szétesése után Oroszország évekig gyengélkedett, a Nyugat az orosz medvét láncra fűzve táncoltatta, ami a gyakorlatban úgy nézett ki, hogy a láncot pár üveg vodka helyettesítette. A részeg Jelcin nem csak sanyarú képet festett az egykor büszke Oroszországról, de részegen mindent alá is írt, amit elétettek.
    Ezt a Nyugat gyengeségként értékelte és szép lassan sutba vágta az egykor kötött stratégiai egyezséget, a NATO pedig elkezdett terjeszkedni Keletre. Ma Oroszország közvetlenül 4 NATO országgal határos (a három balti ország és Lengyelország), de a Fekete-tengeren keresztül további három NATO szomszédja van (Törökország, Románia, Bulgária).
    És akkor került hatalomra a volt KGB-tiszt Vlagyimir Putyin. Aki valószínűleg komolyan vette Oroszország talpraállítását, és régi dicsőségének visszaszerzését. Húsz év alatt meg is csinálta. Volt némi szerencséje is, mert ekkoriban volt egy jelentős olajválság, amely váratlanul extra bevételekhez juttatta Oroszországot. Ugyanakkor elindult két kezdeményezés, amely - úgy tűnt - megbékélést hoz a Kelet-Nyugat szembenállásban.
    Volt ugyanis egy NATO-orosz katonai partnerségi együttműködés (Nyitott Égbolt, 1992) valamint a 2000 évek elején Oroszország megjelent a G7-ek csúcstalálkozóin 8. tagként. Ez annyira működött, hogy egy ideig G8 csoport volt a neve.
    Aztán valami eltört.
    Először is az USA az együttműködés teremtette nyugalom árnyékában elkezdte megdolgozni, majd szép lassan bevenni Ukrajnát. Ezt talán az oroszok le is nyelték volna a széleskörű együttműködésért cserébe, ám közben a Soros-szervezetek is elkezdtek beszivárogni Ukrajnába és Oroszországba. Hogy a Soros-szervezetek a CIA kinyújtott csápjai, azt a jelen sorok szerzője mindenkinél korábban, már 2010-11 körül feltárta, bár komoly visszhangja nem volt a dolognak.
    Ezzel szemben Putyin egy huszárvágással kémszervezetnek minősítette a Soros-hálózatot és az egészet kipenderítette Oroszországból. De nem csak ezt tette meg, de betiltotta az LMBTQ propagandát is - és nem csak az óvodákban, de a közterületeken is, ezzel elejét véve a prájdoknak. Ezeket a lépéseket a Nyugat nem tolerálta.
    A Nyitott Égbolt együttműködés érdemben elakadt, Putyint pedig már nem hívták meg a G7-re.
    A Nyugat megvádolta Putyint Litvinyenko (Nyugatra szökött volt orosz ügynök) likvidálásával, majd szintén Putyin nyakába akarták varrni a nevetségesen átlátszó Szkripál-ügyet, majd azt is megfejelték a még átlátszóbb Navalnij-üggyel. A négy emberből egyedül Litvinyenko halt meg, miközben a demokratikus Nyugaton - Diána rejtélyes haláltól Epstein üzlettársának minapi haláláig 2-3 tucat politikai gyilkosság történhetett. Csak a Clinton-Trump választási kampányban, csak az USA-ban egy fél tucat.
    Következett az arab tavasz, amelyben az oroszok bekeményítettek: nem szavazták meg az ENSZ-ben Szíria nemzetközi felhatalmazással történő bombázását, sőt, Szíria oldalán beszálltak az ISIS elleni harcba. Pár hét alatt megmutatták az USA-nak, hogyan kell valóban lerendezni a terroristának kikiáltott ISIS-t.
    Ám a Nyugat és Oroszország viszonya teljesen elhidegült.
    Közben Kijevben lezajlott a Majdan - a forradalomnak nevezett, valójában az amerikaiak által feltüzelt puccs - és az USA gyakorlatilag megszállta az ukrán államigazgatást. Az elnök Poroshenko lett, akinek wikileaks igazolása volt arról, hogy az amerikaiak embere, ügynöke. Őt követte a szintén az amerikaiak zsebéből kikandikáló Zelenszkij.
    Az oroszok pedig kezdték megérezni, hogy nem babra megy a játék. A Majdan után gyorsan bevették a Krímet, majd a Koszovóban kipróbált jogi konstrukcióban Oroszországhoz csatolták. Nem volt nehéz, a Krímben ukránok alig éltek. Ugyanakkor - nyilván Moszkva támogatásával - megalakultak a keleti szakadár köztársaságok, ez bebiztosította, hogy Ukrajna NATO tagsága nem kerülhet egy ideig napirendre.
    Közben "valakik" lelőtték az MH-17-es járat gépét, a Nyugat szerint az oroszok/szakadárok, az oroszok szerint az ukránok vagy a szövetségeseik. Ám elég csak szembeállítani a nyugati, Photoshopban kreált "bizonyítékokat" az orosz légvédelem alapos és részletes beszámolójával, hogy belássuk: az MH-17 csak a szükséges áldozat volt az oroszok ellen elrendelendő szankciók megalapozására.
    És akkor elérkezett 2021 decembere, amikor Putyin egy négyórás sajtótájékoztató félórás nemzetközi blokkjában - néhány nyugati újságíró kérdésére nem hagyott kétséget afelől, hogy véget vetnek a Nyugat ukrajnai wirtschaftjának.
    Ugyanis a Nyugat, főleg az USA olyan mértékben beásta magát Ukrajnába, olyan mértékben zajlott az ukránok titkos felfegyverzése, felkészítése az oroszok ellen (most látjuk, hogy ez valóban zajlott), amely már Oroszország létezését kezdte veszélyeztetni.
    Ezt mérlegelte Putyin, amikor bemondta, hogy ennek véget vetnek. Nagyjából ellentmondást nem tűrő tónusban.
    Ám a Nyugat nem vette komolyan. Pedig ez volt az utolsó esély a békés rendezésre. Volt két hónap asztalhoz ülni. De a Nyugat inkább lenézte, megvetette, nem vette komolyan Putyint.
    Putyin, végső lépésként - 10 évnyi türelem (és erőgyűjtés, felkészülés) után - 2022. február 24-n (a magyar legendáriumban ez jégtörő Mátyás napja) elindította a háborút. Amelynek valódi célja - a közvéleménynek adagolt nácítlanítással és demilitarizálással szemben - Ukrajna jelentős részének elfoglalása és a nyugatiak, főleg az amerikaiak kisöprése onnan egyszer s mindenkorra.
    Az egykori Kijevi Rusz nem amerikai felségterület - teszi egyre világosabbá Putyin.
    A tét óriási!
    Ha Putyin elveszti ezt a háborút, Oroszországnak vége. Oroszország elbukik, minden bizonnyal szét is esik.
    De ha Putyin megnyeri ezt a háborút - ennek elég jó az esélye, nagy tétben nem fogadnék ellene -, az olyan éket ver a nyugati szövetségekbe, olyan nehéz helyzetbe fog hozni egyes nyugati országokat, hogy a Nyugatnak vége. Legalább is ahogy most ismerjük. Ukrajnának szintén vége, ez nem is kétséges, csak idő kérdése.
    Háborúzni viszont senki nem mer - talán Márki-Zay-t leszámítva - szemtől szembe az oroszokkal.
    Maraton ez! Életre-halálra.
    Végül, zárszónak: Lehet moralizálni azon, van-e joga Putyinnak háborút indítani valódi casus belli nélkül egy szomszédos ország ellen. Egy biztos. Az USA, illetve a Nyugat négy (!) jelentős háborút indított 2000 óta casus belli nélkül (amióta Putyin van hatalmon). Afganisztán, Líbia, Irak, Szíria. Akkor senki nem moralizált ezeken... Pedig csak Irakban legalább 200-250 ezer felett lehet az áldozatok száma...
    Kép: A G8-ak egykori összejövetele, Putyin balról a negyedik. Barroso meg ott fontoskodik a bal szélen kilencedikként nem képviselve senkit (az EU nem szuverén, csak államok szervezete).
    Korábbi írásom - A háború legfőbb vesztese
    Ami a Politikai Hobbistából kimaradt...
    Maraton életre-halálra / Marathon Man, 1976
    Marathon on life or death
    In lieu of the preface.
    When days, maybe weeks ago - but already after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war - the idea of the following article popped out of my head, immediately titled "Marathon for Life and Death" (starring Dustin Hoffman, Laurence The title Olivier) just reminded me. Although the film has nothing to do with the Ukrainian situation today (unless that a Nazi war criminal appears in the film), just as the original English title of the film is not (Marathon Man). And yet - I think - nothing better describes the life-and-death race of the West and Russia in Ukraine than the Hungarian title of the film.
    How did we get here ?
    Let’s start at the beginning. At the very beginning. Once upon a time, there was a certain Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017; pronounced: zbigniev brzezinski)) who took President Jimmy Carter (not-very-sharp democrat) to the position of chief national security adviser and - knowing how American politics works, which is its essence ge "the less power for the elected president of the people" - Brzezinski had more power, stronger influence on US foreign policy as a president who grows peanuts in his spare time. Brzezinski himself was born in Warsaw, Poland and emigrated to the USA in the II. vh. before, but his parents came from the territory of today's Western Ukraine - according to my Ukrainian friends, Zolocsev (Ternopol county) - (according to the English wikipedia, from Berezsani, which is close to 15-20 km).
    Zbigniew Brzezinski hated the Soviet Union from his heart. Besides his countless writings about the Soviet regime, he had a theory called "Theory of zero growth", which in a nutshell meant that the Soviet Union had to be forced into a strong arms race that would bankrupt its market owner less efficient planned economy of the country. Brzezinski's evil plan reached the end of the 80s, the Soviet Union got into the arms race by 89-90 and fell apart.
    Yes, dear Reader, you get it right, it was not President Reagan who dissolved the Soviet Union. He was just there when it was falling apart.
    Russia became the "legal heir" of the Soviet Union. The last Soviet president was Gorbacsev, the first Russian president became Yelcin, who came to power with some upheaval, but the vast Soviet empire in essence fell apart peacefully.
    At the same time, a neuralgic question remained: the fate of the Soviet nuclear arsenal. An agreement was made back in Gorbacsev's time that the seemingly falling apart Soviet Union would combine its nuclear weapons to the territory of Russia, carry on and maintain contracts signed in the field of nuclear weapons, but NATO would not disseminate them. Heading to the East. Russia - despite its economic difficulties - fulfilled the agreement on its part and thus became - among other things - a nuclear-free power in the future Ukraine (to the great sorrow of the Ukrainians).
    After the breakup of the Soviet Union, Russia was weakening for years, the West made the Russian bear dance chained, which in practice looked like the chain had been replaced by a few bottles of vodka. Drunk Jelcin not only painted a grim picture of the once proud Russia, but he also signed everything that was done while drunk.
    The West considered this as a weakness and slowly ruined the strategic agreement they had signed, and NATO began to expand to the East. Today Russia is directly bordered by 4 NATO countries (the three Baltic countries and Poland), but has three additional NATO neighbors across the Black Sea (Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria).
    And then former KGB officer Vladimir Putin came to power. Who probably took seriously bringing Russia back to its feet and regaining its old glory. In twenty years, he did it. He had some luck, because at that time there was a significant oil crisis that unexpectedly led to extra revenues for Russia. At the same time, two initiatives were started which - it seemed - will bring peace in the East-West confrontation.
    There was indeed a NATO-Russian military partnership (Open Sky, 1992) and in the early 2000s Russia appeared at the G7 summits 8. as a member. This worked so well that for a while, it was named the G8 group.
    And then something broke.
    First of all, the USA began to work in the shadow of the calm created by cooperation, and then slowly taking Ukraine in. Perhaps the Russians would have swallowed this in exchange for the extensive cooperation, but in the meantime the Soros organizations began to infiltrate Ukraine and Russia. That the Soros organizations are the tentacles of the CIA, it was revealed earlier than anyone else, around 2010-11, although there was no serious echo of the matter.
    On the other hand, Putin classified the Soros network as a spy organization with a hussar cut and exported all of it from Russia. But not only did he do that, but also banned LGBT propaganda - and not only in kindergartens, but also in public spaces, thus leading to the pranks. These steps were not tolerated by the West.
    The Open Sky cooperation failed, and Putin was no longer invited to the G7.
    The West accused Putin of liquidating Litvinyenko (a former Russian agent who fled to the West), and they also wanted to sew the ridiculously transparent Skripal case on Putin's neck, and then they solved it with the even more transparent Navalnij case. Of the four people, only Litvinyenko died, while in the democratic West - Diana's mysterious death to Epstein's business partner the other day, 2-3 dozen political murders could have occurred. Only in the Clinton-Trump campaign, only in the USA half a dozen.
    The Arab Spring followed, in which the Russians became tough: they did not vote for the bombing of Syria with international authorization in the UN, and even they joined the fight against ISIS on Syria's side. In a few weeks the USA has been shown how to really sort out ISIS who was declared terrorist.
    But the relations between the West and Russia have completely cooled down.
    Meanwhile, the Maydan was heard in Kiev - the so-called revolution, in fact, a coup set up by the Americans - and the USA practically invaded the Ukrainian state administration. President became Poroshenko, who had wikileaks certification that he is a man, agent of the Americans. He was followed by Zelensky, who was also exploiting the pockets of Americans.
    And the Russians began to feel that the game is not going to be easy. After Majdan, Crimea was quickly taken over and then annexed to Russia in the legal construction tried in Kosovo. It was not difficult, Ukrainians barely lived in Crimea. At the same time - obviously with the support of Moscow - the Eastern fraternity republics were formed, this made sure that Ukraine's NATO membership could not be on the agenda for a while.
    Meanwhile, "someone" shot down the plane of Flight MH-17, according to the West it was the Russians/Sakadars, Russians say it was the Ukrainians or their allies. It is enough only to confront the western photoshopped "evidence" with the thorough and detailed report of the Russian air defense to see that MH-17 was just the necessary victim to establish sanctions against the Russians.
    And then it arrived December 2021 when Putin held a four-hour press conference in the half-hour international block - the questions of some Western journalists left no doubt that they would put an end to the Ukrainian economy of the West.
    The West, especially the USA, has dug itself into Ukraine to such an extent that the secret arming and preparing of Ukrainians against the Russians took place (now we see that this really took place), which already began to endanger the existence of Russia by.
    This is what Putin had in mind when he said they would end this. Approximately in a non-controversial tone.
    But the West didn’t take it seriously. But it was the last chance for a peaceful settlement. She had two months to sit at the table. But the West rather looked down on, despised and did not take Putin seriously.
    Putin, as a final step - after 10 years of patience (and gathering strength and preparation) - 2022. He started the war on 24 February (in Hungarian legend this is the day of the icebreaker Mátyás) Whose real goal - in contrast to the Nazization and demilitarization given to the public - is to occupy a significant part of the Ukraine and to sweep the West, especially the Americans, out of there once and for all.
    Putin makes it more and more clear that the former Kiev Russian territory is not an American territory.
    The stakes are huge!
    If Putin loses this war, Russia is done. Russia is failing, it will certainly fall apart.
    But if Putin wins this war - the chances of it is quite good, I wouldn't bet on it at a high stake - it will put such a wedge in the Western alliances it will put certain Western countries in such a difficult position that the West is finished. At least as we know it now. Ukraine will be finished too, no doubt, only a matter of time.
    No one dares to go to war - perhaps with the exception of Marki-Zay - face to face with the Russians.
    It's a marathon! In life and in death.
    Finally, keyword: It is possible to moralize whether Putin has the right to launch a war without a real casus belli against a neighboring country. One thing is certain. U.S.A. West Four (! )has started a significant war since 2000 without casus belli (since Putin has been in power). Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria. Then no one moralized me on these... But only in Iraq the number of victims could be at least over 200-250 thousand...
    Picture: Former G8 meeting, Putin is 4th from left. And Barroso is important there as the ninth on the left wing, not representing anyone (EU is not a sovereign, it is only an organization of states).
    My earlier post - The ultimate loser of the war
    What was left out from Political Hobbyist...
    Marathon on Life and Death / Marathon Man, 1976

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    Most relevant

    • Anita Fülöp
      1f44f. Perfect summary, thanks, sharing!

      =AZW1MlruVRBE07k495_Su0Ux7c0eh6SD4C4Iwuuy28St24eg7m88Xd32OFPmFOZZZxx2VKGxKASdNswZ5o0R7CAH_AQPixF7BYgOJS0PigDynVGRWciL_A8cz114JGzDmIM&__tn__=R]-R'] _s851x315&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=f69u6_mFRKQAX8-A_RA&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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    • Szegedi Lajos
      Good write up!

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    • Mernyó Ferenc
      still typing but gotta go (done).

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    • Jozsef Ferenc Bodo
      More importantly, the winners write the rules.

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    • DrSzelepcsényi Éva
      Great write up. We have heard and known a lot. Well, if someone seeks to get to know the round whole, he must read Mernyó F. the writing of it.

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    • Juhasz Zoltan
      "IS IT SAFE...!? 1f609. Again brilliant writing, thank you!

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    • Szabó Ákos
      1f937_1f3fb_200d_2642. 1f914. 1f605.

      =AZW1MlruVRBE07k495_Su0Ux7c0eh6SD4C4Iwuuy28St24eg7m88Xd32OFPmFOZZZxx2VKGxKASdNswZ5o0R7CAH_AQPixF7BYgOJS0PigDynVGRWciL_A8cz114JGzDmIM&__tn__=R]-R'] _s851x315&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=o2qdAUwqklIAX_wCLPo&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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      • Anita Fülöp
        Szabó Ákos https://www.facebook.com/100067226028990/posts/285404283710437/
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      • Sebes Gábor
        Szabó Ákos This map is not authentic. It has more support points than in reality (Morocco, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, etc.) )

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      • Szabó Ákos
        Sebes Gábor jo ha levesszuk a nem valos tamaszpontokat is erdekes a kep... 1f937_1f3fb_200d_2642. 1f60f.
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      • Bálint Lakos
        Sebes Gábor I think the Moroccan sign wanted to nominate the British base in Gibraltar, and the one below is not Ethiopia but the "Horn of Africa", where the USA is there with quite serious forces, by the way, there is China's only military naval base! Kazakhstan is really a joke, because it is a member of the KBSSZ. 1f642. Looking at this widely distributed map, it is much more interesting how many countries have military support points of the USA or has a continuous military presence! Africa, for example, in the last few years, has been fully loaded 1f61f.

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    • Rudán József
      Thank you!

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    • Éva Vörös Mezeiné
      I would like to specify that Iraq has 600 thousand dead.

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    • Anita Fülöp
      The truth the media has hidden from us! 1f622. I'm so sorry for the loss of my life. https://www.facebook.com/100072422123684/posts/152930423797694/

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    • Zsigmond Makra
      The world is complicated and there is no "one good" explanation.

      Így próbálta zsarolni Putyin a Nyugatot Ukrajna megtámadása előtt
      Így próbálta zsarolni Putyin a Nyugatot Ukrajna megtámadása előtt

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      • Hegedűs Péter
        Zsigmond Makra thank you, this is a very good article, provided one reads it "well" 1f609.

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      • Mernyó Ferenc
        Zsigmond Makra Written by Soros Orange? I can't even read it. 1f603.

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      • Hegedűs Péter
        Mernyó Ferenc has a lot of good info, only "the other way around" 1f603. (of course, it's probably nothing new to you)

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      • Zsigmond Makra
        Mernyó Ferenc He is the author:

        Françoise Thom
        Françoise Thom
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      • Mernyó Ferenc
        Zsigmond Makra Should I know him from somewhere?
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      • Mernyó Ferenc
        Hegedűs Péter I also wrote that the US runs biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine, Facebook deleted it, saying Fake news... A few days pass, Victoria Nuland denies, then admits, and WHO is scrambling to beg the Ukrainians to destroy the stockpile until it's too late.
        But according to Zsigmond Makra I should read Soros media 1f603.
        They should read me, maybe they would be more informed..

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      • Pál Nyíri
        Mernyó Ferenc This is an excellent analysis. But the story is a bit disturbing to me, if the situation in eastern Ukraine has been unstable for a long time, how could it have become a member of NATO, because this is the only reason. If you can help her recover....
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    • Anita Fülöp
      USA SWIFT banking system should have been shut down when it attacked Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc. 1f914. He started more than 30 wars against nations, yet SWIFT banking system was not shut down....

      =AZW1MlruVRBE07k495_Su0Ux7c0eh6SD4C4Iwuuy28St24eg7m88Xd32OFPmFOZZZxx2VKGxKASdNswZ5o0R7CAH_AQPixF7BYgOJS0PigDynVGRWciL_A8cz114JGzDmIM&__tn__=R]-R'] 3&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=UcQl762mKmwAX_XUlim&tn=ZdEPRgGV5Q7M7mMw&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1.

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    • Anita Fülöp
      1f914. Is there some disagreement here!? ️️ ️️ https://fb.watch/bIezUrSLAn/
      The government is 1120/2022. (III. 7. ) Corm. the resolution
      about team movements and certain related tasks related to the Ukrainian crisis
      The Government, take note of the Constitution 47. article on Hungary's obligations arising from the Constitution of the United Nations and in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (hereafter NATO) and its membership in the European Union, North Atlantic Council PO(2022)0050. Issue, 2022 February 16 brought on his day and PO(2022)0085. Issue, 2022 February 24 for the decisions made on his day, in order to facilitate the armed forces of the allied states related to the Ukrainian crisis and other tasks
      1. permits the bodies of states and governments of NATO 2022 In view of the decisions reaffirmed in its statement of February 25, the passage of NATO response forces on the territory of Hungary by land and air or to Hungary [Baranya county, Fejér county, Komárom-Esztergom county, Gy rur-Moson-Sopron m egye, Somogy county, Tolna county, Vas county, Veszprém county, Zala county, Pest county by the Danube line and Fejér county its territory and the settlement west of Budapest Danube line (hereinafter: Above the Danube)];
      2. except in the case of transition to Ukraine, the 1st allows the Allied Armed Forces. the passage of Hungary by land and air based on the decision of NATO, and, if necessary, the settlement to Hungary (over the Danube), including during exercises and training tasks also made a drawing;
      3. sanctioned by the allied armed forces to the Council of the European Union (CCP) 2022. February 28 on the support measure 2022/338/ European Peace Frame brought to the Ukrainian armed forces with military equipment and platforms brought to the target of lethal forces The resolution of the CCM of Hungary is different for equipment (military equipment and platforms designed for the purpose of lethal force) by land and air its transportation to a federal member state;
      4. In order to protect the basic security interests of Hungary, it applies a stricter national policy and therefore does not allow the Council of the European Union (CCP) 2022. February 28 on the support measure 2022/338/ European Peace Frame brought to the Ukrainian armed forces with military equipment and platforms brought to the target of lethal forces Equipment (military equipment and platforms designed for the purpose of lethal force) in the territory of Hungary by land and air to Ukraine by land and air the impending shipment of;
      5. sanctioned by the allied armed forces to the Council of the European Union (CCP) 2022. February 28 (equipment designed to target non-lethal forces) checks and supplies - for example, personal protective equipment, first aid equipment and fuel) in the territory of Hungary by land and air to other allied member states, or if necessary, the transportation from the territory of Hungary to Ukraine;
      6. the 5 are in agreement the transportation of additional medical and other humanitarian materials not subject to the Allied Member States and, if necessary, through Hungary to the territory of Ukraine;
      7. asks the Minister of Defense to inform the National Security Operational Tribe of technical licences received from the Allied Armed Forces in connection with the points mentioned above;
      Responsible: Minister of Defense Deadline: in the pace of emergence
      HUNGARIAN NEWS • 2022 43 years old. Number 1597
      8. asks the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Finance, and the Minister leading the Prime Minister that the 3-6. cooperate in implementing this point.
      Responsible: Deadline:
      minister of defence minister of finance minister leading the prime minister continuous
      Orban Victor s. k. , Prime Minister

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      • Ágnes Kertész
        Anita Fülöp There is no.
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      • Mernyó Ferenc
        Anita Fülöp The government is preparing for every possibility, including that the Russians will win, so we must live with them, cooperate with them, and allow the idiot EU where it does not cause any harm. Politics is the art of compromise.

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      • Attila János Kovács
        Anita Fülöp This is indeed retreating and giving up an element of sovereignty within a month. The new regulation is not about the permission of NATO's usual activities on Hungarian soil and airspace, but also about new activities related to the Ukraini…
        See more
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    • Péter Skultéti
      "America's nightmare, the cooperation of the European Union and Russia. "Let's see: https://felhom.blog.hu/.../amerika_ismet_legyozte_az_uniot

      Amerika ismét legyőzte az Uniót
      Amerika ismét legyőzte az Uniót

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    • Péter Skultéti
      "Media domination can make a monster out of anyone. "Let's see: https://felhom.blog.hu/2022/03/03/putyin_belesetalt

      Putyin belesétált
      Putyin belesétált

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      Péter Skultéti replied
      2 Replies

    • Borbala Meinig
      thank you very much!! I recommend it to many people who did not understand why???

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    • Kelemen Jolán

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    • Anita Fülöp

      Egy gazdasági bérgyilkos vallomásai (John Perkins) - Zeitgeist Addendum [felirattal]
      Egy gazdasági bérgyilkos vallomásai (John Perkins) - Zeitgeist Addendum [felirattal]

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    • Anita Fülöp
      The scheme is moving along nicely... 1f61e.
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    • Anita Fülöp
      I highly recommend checking this out! https://www.facebook.com/100009052270196/posts/3068936420084737/
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    • Béla Barabás
      Where, when, who signed that "certain" agreement? . Where can I read the full text?

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    • Marczinka Csaba
      You are right Feri... But its hard to prove...
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    • Laszlo Dezso
      An interesting approach to the present rumor (national destruction), one thing should not be overlooked. Russian troops have infiltrated Ukraine teruletere:teruleti hoditas celjabol. Hospitals are residential areas. the Americans didn’t take part in the demolition. The European distributor is helping 3 million refugees, I think there was no reason why Bolcs KGbB officer (avh) authorized to start such an unethical act!!!!!!!!!

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      Szegedi Lajos replied
      In the quest of conquest ???
      Did he just come from Mars?
      It’s worth doing some research in this matter,
      because it’s not sure if it’s 24th February 2022
      This war started at dawn on me!

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Interview from March 2022 of a native Ukrainian on what has really been happening there.
    Putin is seen as a liberator of the Ukraine people from an illegitimate and murderous government.
    Living under attack during 8 years - United World International (uwidata.com)

    Living under attack during 8 years - United World International
    Living under attack during 8 years - Russia’s military operation enters 8th day, as the Kiev administration continues its attacks on Donbass. On the other hand,…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    FLASHBACK: Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko $100mm
    To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation

    In 2017, Bribed FBI agents Ignored Evidence,
    US Embassy In Kyiv Neck Deep In Corruption
    FLASHBACK: Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko $100mm
    To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation

    In 2017, Bribed FBI agents Ignored Evidence, US Embassy In Kyiv Neck Deep In Corruption - CD Media
    BREAKING: Burisma Paid Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko $100mm
    To Suppress Hunter Biden Investigation in 2017, Bribed FBI agents Ignored Evidence.
    CD Media

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Underground corridors more than 20 kilometers long and up to 30 meters deep according to some sources... Welcome to the DUMBs.

    Battle of tunnels and underground passages in Marioupol

    The fall of the Ukrainian city of Marioupol to the Russians seems inevitable, but it stalls on a group of fighters hiding in the tunnels of a vast industrial complex, a tactical device that many armies have used before.

    This is the apotheosis of urban guerrilla warfare. Fighting in an area of several square kilometers of railroads, warehouses, coke ovens, various factories and chimneys. Poor visibility, holes, obstacles, traps at every step, steel and concrete as far as the eye can see.

    And underneath, tunnels. Sources mention more than 20 kilometers of underground corridors, up to 30 meters deep. The information could not be verified by AFP from reliable sources.

    The Azovstal metallurgical complex, which belongs to the Metinvest group, controlled by the richest man in Ukraine, Rinat Akhmetov, has been at the heart of the fighting in this city for weeks. As well as the Azovmash factory, which manufactures railroad equipment, cranes and other heavy metallurgical products.

    "How to picture the industrial zone? It is a city within a city, and there are several underground levels dating from the Soviet period, it is not possible to bomb from above, it must be cleaned underground. It will take time," admitted Eduard Basurin, a representative of the pro-Russian separatist forces in Donetsk last week.

    For Russian forces, entering the tunnels is "impossible", confirms Alexander Grinberg, an analyst at the Jerusalem Institute for Security and Strategy (JISS). They "can try to do it, but they will be massacred because the defenders of the tunnels have the absolute tactical advantage.

    Bataille de tunnels et de souterrains à Marioupol
    La chute de la ville ukrainienne de Marioupol aux mains des Russes semble inévitable, mais elle bloque sur un groupe de combattants cachés.

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