Why Does Ukraine Matter ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    You don't say...
    Western journalists filmed the serial number of Tochka-U
    that exploded at the train station in Kramatorsk.
    According to it, the ownership of the missile belongs to Ukrainian Armed Forces

    https://t.me/QANONIMOUS - PutinOnTheRitz

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    You don't say...
    Western journalists filmed the serial number of Tochka-U
    that exploded at the train station in Kramatorsk.
    According to it, the ownership of the missile belongs to Ukrainian Armed Forces

    https://t.me/QANONIMOUS - PutinOnTheRitz

    Intel Slava Z
    Anti-Russian sanctions damage Austria for billions of euros

    This was stated by the chancellor of the Alpine Republic Karl Nehammer during his visit to Kyiv.

    “The losses that the Austrian economy suffers from sanctions against Russia amount to billions of euros,” he said.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Clare Daly


    Clare Daly absolutely

    DOMINATING the #EU Parliament

    with more truth bombs. #Truth #TruthBombs

    ClareDaly.mp4 (attached)

    Attached Files:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Another interesting person to follow on gab

    The Zman
    10 April 2022
    An interesting mystery is playing out in Ukraine.

    The Russians have gained control of the southern city of Mariupol.

    This was one of the first phase goals as it was a stronghold for the Azov Battalion.

    Remnants of the Azov have been hunkered down in a massive steel works
    for the last couple of weeks with no way out.

    They refuse to surrender.

    The Russians have not bombed them into dust, which is a puzzle.

    The Ukrainians, however, have made several attempts to rescue someone(s) trapped in that facility.

    Over the weekend an effort was made to sneak a ship into the port and rescue the fighters in that facility.

    The Russians have only said that the radio comms suggest the people in that facility are not speaking Ukrainian.

    That may explain why they have not incinerated the place.

    So far, the Ukrainians have sent six choppers and one ship.

    The choppers have all been shot down and the ship was captured.

    That is a lot of effort, which suggest the risk is considered worth it.

    No doubt the Russians have some idea who is in there and would like them alive for obvious reasons.

    The question is who is in there.

    Maybe it is just high ranking Azov guys, but the Russians would not think twice about vaporizing them.

    The other choice is NATO officers, which would be a very big deal.

    Maybe it is contractors hired by NATO or Washington, which would also be important.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Russia presents new evidence on Ukraine biolabs, comments on links to Biden and US

    The Russian military has presented documents showing Ukraine’s interest in using drones to deliver weaponized pathogens developed in US-funded biolabs. Names of US officials involved in the biolabs projects, and the role the current US president’s son played in the program, were also made public during the special briefing on Thursday.

    Russia presents new evidence on Ukraine biolabs, comments on links to Biden and US
    The Russian military has presented documents showing Ukraine’s interest in using drones to deliver weaponized pathogens developed in US-funded biolabs. Names of…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    10 APR 2022·
    Excellent thread!! If you want to understand the Evil empires constant involvement in "foreign" wars, read this..

    Thread by @AxelSavage4 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


    1) Thread entitled:
    ‘The Real Reasons the US Fights So Many Wars’, Part I

    I’m sure you have heard the phrase: “All wars are banker’s wars” or the term: “Debt Slaves” or “Debt Slavery”, but do you truly understand the foundation of these saying?

    2) Stick with me in this thread and we will explore this, and with any luck you can arm yourself with knowledge that you too can use to wake people up to what is really going on in geopolitics and how it has damaged America and the world
    3) I’m going to start with the wars in the Middle-East, but to grasp the scope of what is and has been going on there requires a jump back to the end of WWII.
    4) Once I have outlined the truth about all those wars(part I), we will jump back briefly through history(part II) to the founding of the United States in order to connect more of the dots.
    Here we go:

    5) Towards the end of WWII when it became apparent that the allies were going to win and dictate what was going to happen the major world economic powers met at Bretton Woods, which is a luxury resort in New Hampshire, in July 1944
    6) and laid out: ‘The Bretton Woods Agreement for International Finance’.
    The British Pound lost it’s position, as the “world’s reserve currency”

    7) (If you don’t understand the significance for a country to hold the reserve currency please look it up, as it’s beyond the scope of this thread)
    The Pound was replaced by the US dollar.

    8) Research suggests that this is how Roosevelt was enticed into helping enable the attack at Pearl Harbor and bringing the US into the war, but here again, this is beyond the scope of this particular thread.
    9) Without the economic advantage of being the world’s reserve currency Britain was forced to nationalize the Bank of England in 1946. Bretton Woods was ratified in 1945 and in addition to making the dollar the reserve and global trade currency,
    10) it obliged signatory nations to tie their currencies to the dollar.
    The nations which ratified it, did so on 2 conditions:
    1/ the Federal Reserve would not over print the dollar to loot real products from other nations and

    2/ the US dollar would always be convertible for gold at the rate of $35/ounce

    12) Of course, the Federal Reserve being a private bank, not answerable to the federal government they did overprint, far more than the value of the gold they held in reserve.
    13) Much of the perceived prosperity of the 1950s & 60s in America was the result of foreign nations obligations to accept the paper notes as being worth gold at $35/ounce.
    14) Then in 1970 France decided they had far too many paper notes just sitting in their vaults, for which real goods like wine and cheese had been traded & notified the US that they wished to exercise their right under Bretton Wood and exchange their notes for gold at $35/ounce.
    15) Of course, because of Rothschild “fractional reserve” banking policy the US had nowhere near enough gold to redeem the paper notes. So on August 15th 1971 Nixon shit his pants and “temporarily” suspended the gold convertibility of US Federal Reserve Notes.
    16) This move effectively ended the Bretton Woods agreement and many countries began dumping the US dollar.
    17) Since the US had collateralized their loans with the now gone national gold reserves, it rapidly became apparent the US gov’t did not possess enough gold to cover its outstanding debts.
    18) Foreign nations got nervous about their loans to the US and grew reluctant to lend any additional sums to the US without collateral. As a result, a massive land grab began
    19) Nixon started the environmental movement with the EPA and its various programs such as “wilderness zones”, “Heritage Rivers”, “Wetlands”, among others
    20) all of which took vast areas of public lands and made them off limits to the American People who by right were the owners of those lands. Nixon had little concern for the environment, this little move done under the guise of “environmentalism”
    21) was done to pledge the vast mineral resources of these lands as collateral on the national debt. The plethora of different programs were used to conceal the vast scale of this swindle. Eventually almost 25% of the country’s land was pledged to foreign lenders in this manner.
    22) With open lands already in short supply. The US gov’t embarked on a new program to shore up the falling demand for the US dollar. The US approached the world’s oil producing nations, mostly in the Middle-East and offered them a deal:
    23) In exchange for only selling their oil in US dollars, the US would guarantee the military safety of those oil-rich nations
    24) The oil rich nations would agree to spend & invest their US paper dollars inside the US in particular in US Treasury Bonds, redeemable through future generations of US tax payers. Thus, was born the “petrodollar”.
    25) Unable to back the dollar with gold, the gov’t switched to backing it with oil, other people’s oil bought with perpetual debt placed on the American citizen, and the need to control those oil producing nations became a necessity in order to prop up the US dollar.
    26) This need has shaped America’s foreign policy ever since.
    (All the BS you're told by the gov't & media is cover-up this simple truth, and keep people believing the US military "fights for democracy")

    27) As America’s manufacturing and agriculture has declined the oil producing nations faced a dilemma. Those piles of US dollars were becoming increasingly worthless as the US has nothing except real estate which anyone would want to buy.
    28) Europe’s cars and aircraft had become superior and less costly, while GMO food crops led to nations refusing American food exports. Oil producing nations began talk of selling their oil for whatever currency the purchasers chose to use.
    29) Iraq already hostile to the US following Desert Storm, demanded the right to sell their oil for Euros in 2000, and the UN agreed to allow it in 2002.
    30) A year later the US re-invaded Iraq under false pretenses, lynched Saddam Hussein & placed Iraq’s oil back on the market only for US dollars.
    31) Following 9/11 the US policy shift away from being an impartial broker of peace in the M.E. to one of unquestioned support for Israel’s aggressions, further eroded confidence in the “petrodollar deal” & more countries began talking about selling their oil for other currencies
    32) (Israel is heavily vested in this scam, but their involvement is outside the scope of this thread. My next thread will delve more into their involvement)
    In Libya Gaddafi instituted a state-owned central bank & a value-based trade currency, the Gold Dinar.

    33) He announced that Libya’s oil was only for sale for the Dinar. Other African nations flocked to the Dinar, as the US dollar continued its inflation driven decline. This move severely threatened the global hegemony of the US dollar.
    34) French president Nicolas Sarkozy called Libya a threat to the financial security of the world.
    So, the US invaded Libya, murdered Gaddafi, imposed another Rothschild privately owned central bank and returned Libya’s oil sales back to the US dollar only.

    35) The gold that was to be made into Dinars mysteriously vanished
    36) According to General Wesley Clark, the master plan for the “dollarification” of the world’s oil nations included 7 targets: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. Venezuela popped up later as #8 when it attempted to sell its oil to China for the Yuan.
    37) What’s most notable about those 7 original nations is that none of them were members of the Bank of International Settlements, in Switzerland, which is to say they’re not Rothschild controlled.
    38) Iran continues to be in their sights as they still have a independent central bank and sell their oil for whatever currency they choose to. The war agenda is the same as always, to force Iran to sell its oil only for dollars and to install a Rothschild controlled central bank
    39) It’s also important to note that Afghanistan is a special case. Opium and lithium were the main draw for the 20+ year war there, but the banksters are also after their abundant copper, gold, uranium and fossil fuels that are not currently being harvested
    40) As a side note; if you think about it, this all
    explains why despite massive oil reserves, America has never achieved oil independence (and never will as long as the US dollar has reserve currency status) propping up the dollar is a much higher priority.

    41) The banksters care not how much of the tax cattle’s allowances are eaten up by high priced gasoline, diesel fuel & other petroleum products

    Now can you explain to your friends why Biden shutdown the Keystone XL pipeline and ANWR?

    42) Back in 2012 the German government asked for the return of some of their bullion from the Bank of France. France said it could take up to 5 years to return it.
    43) Shortly after that, France invaded the country of Mali, whom just happens to be one of the world’s largest gold producers. If you remember hearing about this invasion, it was under the guise of ‘The War on Terror’.
    44) The story was that Al Qaeda (CIA proxy army) was over running the country and that Mali’s leader requested France’s aid, but war for the banksters doesn’t get anymore obvious than this example
    45) Americans are raised by a gov’t school system and an electronic soup of MSM brainwashing and are told that the reasons for all these wars are many and varied,
    46) and that they are for the things like; the sake of spreading freedom and democracy, to save the people from a cruel oppressor, or “weapons of mass destruction”. None of it could be further from the truth.
    47) The typical result of a US overthrow involves installation of a dictator. For example: the 1953 CIA overthrow of Iran’s democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh, ended in the installation of the “Shah”
    48) The 1973 CIA overthrow of Chile’s democratic gov’t saw the installation of dictator Agusto Pinochet and there are many more examples, as I’m sure you know.
    49) This meme I saw recently seems appropriate right about here E97vYypVkAUSNsH.
    50) Now, if you’re reading this thread, I would challenge you to think differently about what is going on currently in Afghanistan. Everything we’re being told is definitely part of some deception, but what’s the “end game”?
    51) What are they luring our attention away from? Or, what solution is the current “problem” leading us towards asking them for? Remember all problems caused by the gov’t are done so that the people beg (reaction) for government’s preconceived “solution(s)”.
    52) This is the end of part I for more context on this topic, while you await part II, I also recommend reading my Thread entitled: 'The Confidence Game that is being played on us all'
    53) And if you really like threads my ‘Rothschild history’ threads also connect a lot of dots that the others do not
    Unroll available on Thread Reader
    This is a good addition to this thread too. This paints a broader picture of how the banksters have been ripping us off for generations

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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