Why Does Ukraine Matter ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    AMAZING what people will use for their 'click bait'



    James Wallace POSTS (I'M not sure with a lot of knowledge on the topic - one of his comments - states what that poster believes is the truth)

    February 27 at 12:57 PM ·
    This is Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    He is 44-years-old. He is a husband & a father to a son and a daughter.
    Zelenskyy was born in 1978 Soviet Union Ukraine to Jewish parents
    - his father a professor & his mother an engineer.

    His grandfather was a decorated soldier in World War II who fought against the Nazis.

    His Jewish great grandfather and three great uncles were killed in the Holocaust.

    After earning a law degree, Zelenskyy became a comedian & an actor.

    In 1997, he founded the production company Kvartal 95 with his future wife,
    Olena Zelenska - a Ukrainian architect turned screenwriter/producer.

    Together they produced films & TV series, including the popular political satire comedy series
    SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE, in which he himself starred as the President of Ukraine
    (the plot: a high school history teacher is unexpectedly elected President of Ukraine after he goes viral).

    The series was so popular in fact that in 2018 a real political party was created by Kvartal 95.

    It took its name directly from the series title - “Servant of the People.”

    Life imitating art, Zelenskyy retired from acting to actually run for president of Ukraine in 2019.

    He was popular with the people, especially
    known for his use of social media and being a proponent of e-government.

    He won with a landslide victory earning 73% of the vote, becoming the 6th President of Ukraine
    in the country’s 31 year history of independence.

    Zelenskyy ran on a platform to end Ukraine’s conflict with Russia as part of his presidential campaign,
    and attempted to engage in dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    During his presidency he has been known as an anti-establishment,
    anti-corruption leader who has worked towards unity between the Ukrainian-speaking
    and Russian-speaking parts of the country's population.

    His partner Olena Zelenska is equally politically prolific in social issues facing the region.
    As First Lady of Ukraine, she has fought for gender equality, gender safety and cultural diplomacy through policy.

    Fast forward to February 24, 2022: Russia invades Ukraine.

    When the US offered to evacuate him from Ukraine, President Zelenskyy said in response
    “The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”

    He has been seen suited up, in the streets and in the trenches and on the front lines,
    fighting alongside Ukrainian troops + the militia of civilians
    & citizens who have taken up arms to stay and defend the country from the Russian invasion.

    "I am here. We are not putting down arms.

    We will be defending our country, because our weapon is truth,
    and our truth is that this is our land, our country, our children,
    and we will defend all of this.”

    Servants of the people. 1f1fa_1f1e6.


    • Sharon Smith
      With a broken heart, with sadness more has not been done to stop this madness,
      I watch daily the destruction of life and humanity. 1f622.

      Sean Austin SAYS:
      Sharon Smith horrific Sharon, the world needs to stop this right now, today.

      Sharon Smith SAYS:
      Sean Austin agree. It is past time. I never thought I would see anything like this in my lifetime.
      Like you, I am horrified. The devastation and suffering is beyond what I could ever imagine.
      Lord help us all. Stay well, friend.
    • Елена Димова says:
      He has brought war in his country and he is going to bring to war the whole world.
      There is a plan to make him look like a legend but he is not.
      There is nothing brave in using the far-right nationalists to kill the Russian people in Donbas.
      It is an 8-year genocide.
      Did anyone do anything to stop it?!
      There is nothing brave and smart in threatening Russia
      that NATO is going to put nuclear weapons on the Ukranian territory.
      What about Russia putting nuclear weapons in Cuba or Mexico close to the US border?!
      Zelensky is not what the west propaganda wants us to believe he is.
      He is not a servant to the people but a servant to the Devil.
      And I don't apology for my opinion.
      • Sean Austin says to:
        Елена Димова thanks Elena for that perspective, we are just onlookers to this horror,
        but do not actually understand all the complexities and details of the history.

      • Sharon Smith says to:
        Sean Austin without understanding all of the complexities,
        we can be assured that what is happening is evil.
        This is the work of evil. It rights no wrong. It needs to stop.

    • Douglas Swannell says:
      Incredible people, may God bless them all.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dissident Soaps
    03 mar 2022·
    Around 8,000 ethnic Russians have been killed in Ukraine since 2014, but you never heard of them.

    The Ukrainian government also closed the Crimea Canal with a dam
    in order to desertify the peninsula (pictures show 2016 vs 2018 vegetation)
    and starve the people there, but you never heard about that either.


    03 mar 2022

    The Ukrainian gov't has been deliberately bombing civilians in the Donbas
    in eastern Ukraine since they were overthrown by the globalists in 2014.

    I found one article where it was reported that white phosphorus bombs were fired
    at public schools in Zaitsevo, Ukraine in March of last year:

    More than 750 schools have been destroyed or damaged.

    The more I read about what was happening there the more I see that the Russia
    is not only justified in taking action but probably should have stepped in a long time ago.

    Most haven't heard much about this because the MSM ignored it. Articles:

    03 mar 2022

    The Ukrainian gov't has been deliberately bombing civilians in the Donbas
    in eastern Ukraine since they were overthrown by the globalists in 2014.

    I found one article where it was reported that white phosphorus bombs
    were fired at public schools in Zaitsevo, Ukraine in March of last year:


    More than 750 schools have been destroyed or damaged.


    The more I read about what was happening there the more I see
    that the Russia is not only justified in taking action but probably should have stepped
    in a long time ago.

    Most haven't heard much about this because the MSM ignored it.


    Ukrainian Army Shells Boarding School in Yasinovataya With 120mm Mortar Shells:


    430,000 children continue to bear the brunt of eastern Ukraine conflict:


    Ukraine Intensifies Shelling of Donbass as Western Media Are Silent:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    UN PLANES in canada ?
    unplanes.mp4 (attached)

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