Why Does Ukraine Matter ???

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 24, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Zelmoves.mp4 attached

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    zelpuppet.mp4 attached

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Gross. Pelosi Proudly Holds Up Ukrainian Flag in House Chamber After Zelensky Gives Her Kiss on the Cheek (VIDEO)

    Gross. Pelosi Proudly Holds Up Ukrainian Flag in House Chamber After Zelensky Gives Her Kiss on the Cheek (VIDEO)
    What is this? Joe Biden on Wednesday welcomed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the White House. Zelensky participated in a bilateral meeting with Joe Biden…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Zelensky Goes To Congress... - The Marshall Report (diannemarshallreport.com)

    Zelensky Goes To Congress…


    Take an Excedrin and read on…
    So as Zelensky attacks the orthodox Churches in his own country – closing them all down, and forbids Christian worshipping, he yet continues to bomb and kill his own citizens… and then he boldly stands before congress and asks for more money and bigger weapons to continue his war against… just who is that again? It sure looks like he is at war with himself and his own citizens and isn’t that the reason why Russia intervened in the first place? Yes it is.
    Zelensky failed to achieve the purpose of his visit to the United States and receive modern weapons for offensive operations” – Washington Post
    The WP writes that the goals of the talks between the heads of the two countries differed. Thus, Zelensky’s goal was to get “more powerful weapons and increase Ukraine’s ability to launch major offensive operations” next year. “There is virtually no indication that he has succeeded, at least in the short term,” the article says. For its part, Washington was looking forward to “discussing what Zelensky thinks about diplomacy,” so said a White House source.
    There are several videos of the Zelensky goes to congress and it sure looks like a staged event complete with doubles and our starring actors. I watched several versions with different camera angles of the event and some are just obviously staged. At least the footage of the congress persons gathering, chatting and waiting for the arrival of the star of the script… Zelensky. The USA Today footage is the most ridiculously entertaining. Watch and see if you catch the obvious moments of adlibing? I mean… he awaits in the wings grinning like an alley cat and after a muffled address he just enters congress on que as though the long awaited arrival of the king of Ukraine is here…???? And after he hits the podium he is addressed by Red Queen Nancy of the congress in Wonderland.
    The most entertaining part of this scene was the Harris and Nancy interactions. Oh you can’t make this stuff up. The sound is poor in this USA Today footage, but then again… that’s what makes it easier to watch the body language that gives away the acting and idiocy of the entire event.
    For those who want to actually hear his script… this take is more audible.
    This had to be a joke right? I mean you have the comedian Zelensky and the avatar of Joey the election thief meeting to discuss the demands of the comedian who fights the war from green screen studios and is most famous for his new demands of over a trillion dollars, complete with an American citizen tax program to make it happen. The man has thought of everything…except just one big thing. American patriots and Christians aren’t going to fund NAZIS! And we are broke. Thanks to Biden and grabbing money out of thin air… along with the rest of the IMF’s Western world… there is nothing left except a shell that is cracking in a million little pieces.
    Zelensky’s bitcoin operations were never addressed. Nor his black market sales of previously donated US and Western nations weapons to mercenaries in South America and other nations. Why is that?
    At Biden and Zelensky’s joint news conference it was like a stand up comedy act. You had a journalist stating, “ Can we make long story short and give Ukraine all capabilities it needs and liberate all territories rather sooner than later.” Then Joey avatar answers in slow motion, “Well …. His answer is yes.” And the press all laughs.
    Zelensky, as though he was reading from his script, waited a beat, then giggled and said “I agree.” Another round of laughing.
    Zelensky thanked Biden for providing a Patriot missile defense system. Then insultingly jested, “What’s going to happen after Patriots are installed? … (insinuating US military troops will be sent to fight his insane war against Russia and assist in closing the orthodox churches, so he can focus on protecting his money laundering. bio weapon labs, and child & human trafficking operations.) he paused and added, “After that, we will send another signal to President Biden that we would like to get more Patriots.” More laughter.
    Those who found that amusing are part of the problem. Our military being sent to fight for NAZI dominance is not a laughing matter. Nor is it funny that our tax dollars have been sent to support any of it.
    Zelensky is a dictator by every definition of the word.
    Nancy the wartime speaker of the J6 preplanned coup’s double acting out her grand part in the show…
    Things like this make you wonder if the entire fiasco was filmed in front of a green screen?
    Zelensky thanks stupid American tax payers for Olena, his wife’s share of your congress and senate’s financial generosity.
    It has helped her to sport a designer coat from Gucci and a Rolex watch that retails for £18,000.00, along with her Gucci vest, her Louis Vuitton bag £19,876.00 and bigger bag £21,000.00 … along with those Gucci sons of britches. Not to mention the nice ride.
    A Pew Research Center survey conducted in September showed Americans who are extremely or very concerned about Ukraine’s losing the war dropped by 17 percentage points since May, from 55% to 38%, I wonder what that is today?
    Meanwhile…. Trump continues to point out the FBI and Twitters part in committing fraud to steal the 2020 US elections.
    And of course all of this points to the fake media who are doing the very same thing!
    And Pelosi gets caught…GOOD!
    It’s about time this dog and pony show turn around and the clowns go down!

    The GOP House Representatives Release A Full Report On The Failures at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021!
    Spoiler Alert – it isn’t what the non select committee was reporting at all!
    Copy of Report of Investigation (justthenews.com)
    The tides a turning…and …
    Lies are being exposed on all fronts!
    Keep on pressing into the Kingdom of God. Press, press, press!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Covers a lot of ground, but an insightful read... [​IMG][​IMG]
    The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA

    Will Americans wake up to the reality that they’ve been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed?

    Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden’s requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him $45 billion bringing the total U.S. support to its Davos-managed disposable ward up to $111 billion.

    The aid was part of an overall omnibus spending bill passed by both houses of Congress was a gargantuan $1.7 trillion and included $858 billion in defense spending which far exceeds any sum ever spent by a U.S. government in history.

    Of that $858 billion, $817 billion is allocated directly to the U.S. Department of Defense while the remaining $29 billion will be allocated to national security programs within the department of energy.

    Continuing to Weaponize Taiwan

    2023 NDAA Funds will be used to “strengthen” Taiwan in the Pacific with $12 billion authorized to assist Taiwan in purchasing weapons from the U.S. military industrial complex (with the $12 billion in ‘loans’ needing to be paid back over the course of the next five years of course). Of this fund, $100 million will be given directly to contractors to fill up a “contingency stockpile” to be used by Taiwan “in case of any future conflict”

    Additionally Taiwan will be invited to participate in the next U.S.-led Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise in 2024 and thus greater “Pacific NATO” strategy encircling mainland China. This exercise and broader Pacific NATO (aka Quad) anti-China arsenal of puppet colonies will be boosted by an additional $11.5 billion will be allocated to the Pacific Deterrence Initiative ‘to counter malign Chinese influence in the Pacific’.

    Just as Ukraine has suffered U.S.-directed color revolutions in 2004 and 2014, so too has Taiwan been strung through a similar NED-funded ‘Sunflower Revolution’ regime change in 2014 which saw the Kuomintang Party taken out of power just as final stages of an economic integration agreement with mainland China were being finalized.

    Billions have been tagged to purchase Lockheed Martin Corp’s (LMT.N) F-35 fighter jets and ships made by General Dynamics but beyond airforce, one of the biggest and most dangerous boosts in spending this year has been absorbed by a fixation on ‘space warfare’. $5.3 billion will be directed towards ‘space force’ and the ongoing effort to militarize space as a new dimension in war making in the 21st century (which was $333 million more than originally requested by military officials at space force’).

    The recent U.S.-Canada-Australia joint ‘space warfare’ drills in order to prepare for an oncoming war over Europe took place at the start of December 2022 at the Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado- which indicates that the residues of any positive memory of ‘space diplomacy’ once seen under JFK’s leadership, the 1976 Apollo-Soyuz cooperation program or even the better aspects of President Trump’s Artemis Accord.

    The 2000 RAD Origins of NDAA 2023’s Dark Age Doctrine

    It would be a lie to say that this program for human extermination originated in 2022, or even under the previous presidencies of Trump or Obama.

    If one wishes to grasp the germ seed of today’s policy doctrine, it would be necessary to revisit the Project for a New American Century Think Tank’s September 2000 Rebuilding America’s Defenses report where the end of history cultists then taking the helm of government stated:

    “RAD” envisions a future in which the United States is in complete control of land, sea, air, space and cyberspace of planet Earth. It finds objectionable the limitations imposed by the ABM treaty and urges a newer rendition of Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ defense shield program.

    On top of calling for the USA’s exit from the ABM Treaty (which was promptly done in the wake of 911), the authors of RAD outline in clear detail the rationale behind the growth of the rise of a need for a new branch of the military known as space force. The authors stated that the USA must gain:

    “CONTROL THE NEW ‘INTERNATIONAL COMMONS’ OF SPACE AND ‘CYBERSPACE,’ and pave the way for the creation of a new military service – U.S. Space Forces – with the mission of space control.”

    Outlining the doctrine of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ the PNAC report outlined on page 51:

    Global Missile Defenses — “A network against limited strikes, capable of protecting the United States, its allies and forward-deployed forces, must be constructed. This must be a layered system of land, sea, air and space-based components”.

    Continue: (https://strategic-culture.org/news/2022/12/27/high-cost-of-blowing-up-world-ukraine-and-2023-ndaa/)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Fact Check: Is Volodymyr Zelensky Related to George …


    Web2022-04-14 · The law was known as the “Stop Soros” law in popular parlance. Zelensky was born in Ukraine. Zelensky was born in 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, which was then part of the Soviet Union. The territory...
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    Fact Check: Is Volodymyr Zelensky Related to George Soros?
    Many people have been claiming that Volodymyr Zelensky is related to billionaire investor George Soros and the two are cousins. Are Soros and Zelensky related?

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