White folks 'slaves' to the machine longer than most other nations...INDENTURED SERVANT CONTRACTS

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 9, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Al Qaeda in arabic means: The toilet... it's all been a giant CIA joke from the beginning. One big, unfunny joke, on us...
    on all of us.

    Have some dignity, show some respect... for yourself first,
    then for the rest of us out here sticking our necks out trying to snap you all out of the spell..
    Wanda Oreilly


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America Paperback – Mar 1 2008
    by Don Jordan (Author), Michael Walsh (Author)



    In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, 300,000 people or more became slaves there in all but name.

    Urchins were swept up from London's streets to labour in the tobacco fields, brothels were raided to provide 'breeders'
    for Virginia and hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become chattels
    who could be bought, sold and gambled away.

    Drawing on letters, diaries, and court and government archives, the authors demonstrate that the brutalities
    associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended
    with American independence but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies,
    which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

    This is a saga of exploitation and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory
    of black slavery.

    "White Cargo" brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface.

    Product Description

    From Publishers Weekly

    High school American history classes present indentured servitude as a benignly paternalistic system whereby colonial immigrants spent a few years working off their passage and went on to better things. Not so, this impassioned history argues: the indentured servitude of whites was comparable in most respects to the slavery endured by blacks. Voluntary indentures arriving in colonial America from Britain were sold on the block, subjected to backbreaking work on plantations, poorly fed and clothed, savagely punished for any disobedience, forbidden to marry without their master's permission, and whipped and branded for running away. Nor were indentures always voluntary: tens of thousands of convicts, beggars, homeless children and other undesirable Britons were transported to America against their will. Given the hideous mortality rates, the authors argue, indentured contracts often amounted to a life sentence at hard labor—some convicts asked to be hanged rather than be sent to Virginia. The authors, both television documentarians, don't attempt a systematic survey of the subject, and their episodic narrative often loses its way in colorful but extraneous digressions. Still, their exposé of unfree labor in the British colonies paints an arresting portrait of early America as gulag. 8 pages of photos. (Mar.)
    Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    "An eye-opening and heart-rending story" The Times "Briskly written ... harrowing reading" Daily Telegraph "Will certainly make readers re-evaluate all the recent appeasement and hype about apologising for the slave trade" Daily Mail "An extraordinary book" -- Toni Morrison "A fascinating account of Britain's troubled relationship with its biggest colony" Metro London --This text refers to an alternate Paperbackedition.

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    UN, AU, and ECOWAS are urgently called upon to act and free these young Africans held in 'Slave Markets' in Libya.
    Recently the footage of live auction in Libya where black youths are presented to North African buyers as potential farmlands and sold off for as little as $400, $500, $600 respectively is disturbing and worrisome.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    r. David James Manning Stop Blaming The White Man

    Black pastor slams black people and their history

    More Africans Enter U.S. Than in Days of Slavery

    Ending the Slavery Blame-Game – Harvard Professor http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/23/opinion/23gates.htm
    Afrocentrists Exposed!!! Slavery - Black Peoples dirtiest secrets

    Modern-day slavery in focus + Africa

    Slavery is alive and well:
    89 million have been in some form of bondage
    in the last five years, report says


    Africa Apologizes for Slavery


    Genetic quest leads to African apology for role in slave trade – everyone in the world did it at the time.


    African King Apologizes for Africa’s Role in Slavery


    African chiefs urged to apologize for slave trade


    Ghana apologizes to slaves' descendants


    An apology to slaves - from the catchers


    Benin Officials Apologize For Role In U.S. Slave Trade



    Peggy Hubbard Says Blacks Owe Whites An Apology For Blacks Faking Hate Crimes



    Between the years 1500 and 1820 Africans were brought t
    o the Americas.

    African captives came from just six regions.

    Senegambia– an estimated 61,500 or 15% of the total (present day coast between Senegal and Gambia)

    – Included the empires of Jolof/Wolof, Fulu, Kaabu, kingdoms of Sine, Saloum, Cayor, Mossi, and Baol. T

    hey are also descendants of the Ancient Tichitt-Walata Civilization, Ghana, Mali, and Songhay Empires

    Windward Coast– 65,600 or 16% (most of present day Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast) – Included the Mandinka/Mandingo Kingdom and other smaller kingdoms.

    Gold Coast– 53,300 or 13% (most of present day Ghana)
    – Included the Akan States of Asante, Fente, Bono, and Akym, the Kong Empire and others.

    Bight of Benin– 20,500 or 5% (present day Togo, Benin, and southwestern Nigeria) – Included the Oyo Empire and the kingdoms of Benin and Dahomey and others who are descendants of the ancient Nok Civilization

    Bight of Biafra– 98,400 or 24% (most of present day Nigeria and Cameroon) – Included the Kingdom of Nri, the Aro Confederacy, Kanem-Bornu Empires, and others who are likely partially descended from the Sao Civilization

    Congo/ Angola–106,600 or 26% (present day Congo, Zaire, Angola, Namibia) – Included the Kingdom of Kongo, Ndongo, Loango, Matamba, and several other nearby kingdoms.

    Yep, he didn’t discover America…
    which is impossible when one has never even SEEN it.

    Look it up, this fact can be found everywhere.
    Decolonization - Wikipedia
    Decolonization (US) or decolonisation (UK) is the undoing of colonialism: where a nation establishes and maintains its domination over dependent territories. The Oxford English Dictionary defines decolonization as "the withdrawal from its colonies of a colonial power; the acquisition of political or...

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Only 1.4 percent of white Americans
    owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery.

    An estimated 3,000 blacks owned a total
    of 20,000 black slaves in the year 1860.

    One study concluded that 28 percent of free blacks
    owned slaves, which is a far higher percentage
    than that of free whites who owned slaves.

    Although your textbooks are silent about it,
    most historians agree that two-thirds of ALL whites
    came to the colonies in some form of bondage.

    Legal papers on both sides of the ocean
    referred to them as "slaves."

    White slaves outnumbered black slaves in America
    throughout the 1600s.

    Hundreds of thousands of white slaves were kidnapped
    and brought to America; their middle-passage death rates
    were comparable to those of black slaves;
    they were sold at auction and traded for livestock, t
    hey were routinely beaten
    —sometimes to death
    —and an estimated one half of them died
    before gaining freedom.

    It's possible that more whites came to America
    against their will than blacks.

    Historians from both ends of the political spectrum say that white slaves were treated worse than black slaves.

    American blacks enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population on earth.

    Their average per capita income is TWENTY to FIFTY times higher than in any of the African countries from where
    they were displaced.

    The US government estimates that 50,000 humans are brought into this country every year for the purpose of forced labor.

    Various agencies estimate that there are anywhere from 27
    to 200 million humans currently enslaved worldwide.
    (Compare this to only four and a half million slaves
    at American slavery's peak.)

    Almost all slaves went to South America, but you don't see
    your teachers giving Brazil a hard time, do you?
    blacks, Arabs, and Jews were involved, too.

    BLACKS: The president of an African country called Benin recently apologized to American blacks for his country's role
    in the slave trade.

    Slavery was common throughout Africa, with entire tribes becoming enslaved after losing battles.

    Tribal chieftains often sold their defeated foes to white slave-traders.

    In the late 1700s, a freed black American slave
    named Ottobah Cugoano wrote,
    "I was first kidnapped and betrayed by my own complexion,
    who were the first cause of my exile and slavery."

    ARABS: The word "Abed" means "slave" in Arabic.

    It also means "black." The "Holy Land" of the Middle East
    has hosted far more African slaves than North America ever did.

    JEWS: The oldest synagogue in America was built
    by Aaron Lopez, a Jewish slave trader.

    Jewish writers such as Cecil Roth, Wilfred Samuels,
    Seymour B. Liebman, and Moshe Kahan acknowledge
    that Jews were involved in all levels of the African slave trade.

    In fact, white Christians were the first group to make
    a concerted effort to ABOLISH slavery.

    Black slavery in America was pretty bad,
    but it wasn't anything special.

    Throughout history, every color of the rainbow
    has owned slaves and been enslaved.

    The dictionary tells us that the root word of "slave" is "Slav," because Slavic peoples
    —who are REALLY pale and white
    —were the primary slave population
    throughout the Middle Ages.

    There have been long stretches of history
    where Africans have owned white people as slaves!

    How do you like THEM apples?

    The empire of Carthage transported white slaves to Africa.

    The African Moors ruled Spain for 500 years and sent white Christian slaves and white children were kidnapped by Muslims during the Children's Crusade and sold into Egyptian slavery.

    From the earliest periods of recorded history, slavery was found all around the world.

    The earliest civilizations along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, the Nile in Egypt, the Indus Valley of India,
    and China's Yangtze River Valley had slavery.

    While slavery declined in northwestern Europe,
    it persisted in Sicily, southern Italy, Russia, southern France, Spain, and North Africa.

    Most of these slaves were "white," coming from areas
    in Eastern Europe or near the Black Sea.

    Slavery existed in Africa long before the arrival of Europeans
    as did a slave trade that exported sub-Saharan Africans.

    Slavery continues even today all over Africa.

    The worst-affected regions are in Sub-Saharan Africa,
    with many countries having roughly 0.7 percent
    of the population enslaved, or one in every 140 people.

    Europeans were the first to put a stop to it.

    White people said we’re better than this
    and no man should own another…
    first, Great Britain stopped, then America soon after.

    All races were enslaved at one time or another.

    Perhaps black people who are enslaving other black people
    and black people who are killing other black people all over
    the globe in large numbers should be the ones condemned.

    In America black people have more freedom, opportunities,
    and assistance than anywhere else in the world…
    yet most hate America.

    Decolonization of Africa began in 1945
    and was completed by 1977.

    Guess who forced Europe to leave Africa?

    Yep, white Americans.

    It's time to stop blaming others and take some person responsibility for one’s own actions.

    People of that time, all around the world were doing
    the same things.

    That is not to say it was good, or that it is acceptable,
    but everyone was this way…EVERYONE.


    Decolonization - Wikipedia
    Decolonization (US) or decolonisation (UK) is the undoing of colonialism: where a nation establishes and maintains its domination over dependent territories. The Oxford English Dictionary defines decolonization as "the withdrawal from its colonies of a colonial power; the acquisition of political or...

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Markus Fredericks says...
    "If you want to know the most likely 'true origins' of slavery, one needs to look way back...
    Originally, primitive man/cavemen never engaged in any form of what we would refer to as slavery
    (although, the 'Alpha Male' ended up as his clan's cheiftain & had his first choice of mates),
    but the most likely origins came when our planet was first visited by alien extraterrestrials,
    who came here since our planet is particularly well-suited for supporting life,
    as well as being abundant in certain natural resources.

    To the early cavemen, they perceived these aliens to be some sort of diety,
    so they were easily were forced into a version of slavery to perform their hard labor,
    such as mining of raw materials.

    The evidence is most obvious when in a relatively short period of time,
    primitive cave-dwellers suddenly became capable of engineering & building great pyramids
    (and the like) - objects which would be next-to-impossible for us to build today.

    Unfortunately, that seems to be the most likely senario which spawned the concept of 'slavery'
    - a concept which MUST come to an end NOW."

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    First Slaves - White Irish Slaves

    1. firstslaves-.

      irishslaves-. irishslaves2-. irishslaves3-. irishslaves4-.
    2. slaveryincountries-.

      slaves-. slaves2-. slaves3-. slavesdonotknow-. slavesevery-. slavesnotrebs-. slavesrules1-. slavesstoppedit-. slavesworemasks-.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    and, they were democrats NOT republicans
    and; 85% +++ of THE PEOPLE
    lived at povery level - or, below povery level
    very very few people were rich
    homes were about $500 and farms ran $1000 $2500 $5000 (depends on the size size)
    like 100 acres, 250 acres, or 500 acres - or; 250 acres with a huge home


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Prof. Davis notes that the trade in black Africans was strictly business, but Muslims had a jihad-like enthusiasm for stealing Christians. It was revenge for the Crusades and for the reconquest of Spain from the Arabs in 1492. When Muslim corsairs raided Europe, they made a point of desecrating churches and stealing church bells. The metal was valuable but stealing church bells silenced the voice of Christianity.

    It was a tradition to parade newly captured Europeans through the streets so people could jeer at them, while children threw garbage at them. At the slave market, both men and women were stripped naked to evaluate their sexual value. In the North African capitals—Tunis, Algiers, Tripoli—there was a big demand for homosexual sex-slaves. Other Europeans were worked to death on farms or building projects.

    Wait, Slavery Is OUR "Original Sin"? | Articles | VDARE.com


    Wait, Slavery Is OUR "Original Sin"?

    Jared Taylor

    Crossposted from Amren.com
    9780692624272__26439.1567647852. How many times have you heard that slavery was “America’s original sin”? I’m not quite sure what that means, but I think the idea is that slavery was a uniquely horrible thing that defines the United States and will stain whites forever. It’s one of the few things Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Barack Obama agree on. There are books about it. Here’s a college course at UC Davis called “Slavery: America’s Original Sin: Part 1."
    The fact is, there has been slavery in every period of history, and just about everywhere. The Greeks and Romans had it, the ancient Egyptians had it, it’s all over the Bible, the Chinese and the pre-Columbian Indians had it, the Maoris in New Zealand had it, and the Muslims had it in spades. But I have never, ever heard of slavery being anyone else’s “original sin.”
    About the only societies that never had slaves were primitive hunter-gatherers. As soon as people have some kind of formal social organization, they start taking slaves.
    You’ve heard about slavery and mass human sacrifices of Central and South American Indians, but North American Indians were enslaving each other long before the white man showed up.
    Tlingit and Haida Indians, who lived in the Pacific Northwest, went raiding for slaves as far South as California. About one quarter of the population were slaves, and the children of slaves were slaves. During potlatches, or huge ceremonial feasts, the Tlingit would sometimes burn property and kill slaves, just to show how rich they were. What’s a couple of slaves to a guy who lives in a house like this?
    2LSHNtO. When we bought Alaska from the Russians in 1867, Indians were furious when we told them they had to give up their slaves. The Tlingit carved this image of Abraham Lincoln, the emancipator, to try to shame the government into compensating them for slaves.
    What were called the Five Civilized Tribes of the American Southeast happily bought black slaves. In 1860, there were 21,000 Cherokee, and they owned 4,000 slaves. And that was just the Cherokee. Many took their slaves with them when they were forced to move West.
    Free blacks in the South owned slaves. The fact of having been slaves didn’t stop them from wanting to be slave masters themselves. In 1840, in South Carolina alone, there were 454 free blacks who owned a total of 2,357 slaves. Only about 20 percent of Southern households had even one slave, but 75 percent of the free-black households in South Carolina owned slaves.
    Af-Am-Black-Slave-Holders. Don’t believe me? It’s all in this book by the expert on the subject, Larry Koger of the University of South Carolina. And he demolishes the idea that most blacks bought slaves only to get family members out of slavery. Like whites, some were kind masters and some were mean, but, for the most part, they owned slaves for exactly the same reasons whites did.
    There’s a whole book about this black guy, Andrew Durnford.
    He had a plantation of 672 acres along the Mississippi in Louisiana, and close to 100 slaves. Another black slave owner in Louisiana, P.C. Richards, owned 152 slaves. Black slaveowners avidly supported the Confederacy. There are no accurate estimates of the number of slaves held by free blacks at the time of the Civil War, but they would have been tens of thousands.
    If slavery is somebody’s Original Sin, it’s sure not ours. Take a look at this map of the slave trade, beginning in 1500.
    [Source: SlaveVoyages.com, click to enlarge]
    The thicknesses of the lines represent numbers of slaves. What became the United States imported just 400,000 slaves—about 3 percent of all the slaves who crossed the Atlantic. Look at all the slaves who went to Brazil and to the Caribbean Islands. They needed millions because, unlike American slaveowners who raised slave families, they bought grown men and worked them to death. And let us not forget, virtually every slave on this map was caught by blacks or Arabs.
    And look at all the slaves who ended up in North Africa and the Middle East.
    That’s millions of them going to Muslim countries at exactly the same time slaves were crossing the Atlantic. And Arabs had been taking black slaves out of Africa, across the Sahara, for 900 years before America was even discovered—and a forced march across the desert was a lot worse than crossing the Atlantic. In this article about Africa’s first slavers—the Arabs—historian Paul Lovejoy estimates that over the centuries, Muslims took about 14 million blacks out of Africa [Recalling Africa’s harrowing tale of its first slavers – The Arabs – as UK Slave Trade Abolition is commemorated, March 27, 2018]. That is more than the 12 million who went to the New World.
    And you might ask, where are the descendants of all those Middle Eastern slaves? America has millions of slave descendants. Why don’t you see lots of blacks in Saudi Arabia or Syria or Iraq? Arabs castrated black slaves so they wouldn’t have descendants.
    81eBk4H5SCL. Muslims were even more enthusiastic about enslaving white people. Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, by Prof. Robert C. Davis is the best book on the subject. Remember the Barbary Pirates of North Africa? Between 1530 and 1780 they caught and enslaved more than a million white, European Christians. During the 16th and 17th centuries, Arabs took more white slaves south across the Mediterranean than there were blacks shipped across the Atlantic.
    Mostly, Muslim pirates captured European ships and stole their crews. In just three years, from 1606 to 1609, the British navy admitted it had lost 466 British merchant ships to North African pirates [Counting European Slaves on the Barbary Coast Past & Present, August 2001]. Four hundred sixty-six ships in just three years. Arabs took American slaves. Between 1785 and 1793 Algerians captured 13 American ships in the Mediterranean and enslaved the crews. This is a 1804 battle between Arab pirates and the USS Enterprise.
    It was only in 1815, after two wars, that the United States was finally free of the Barbary pirates.
    Muslim pirates also organized huge, amphibious slave-catching assaults that practically depopulated the Italian coast. In 1544, Algerian raiders took 7,000 slaves in the Bay of Naples in a single raid. This drove the price of slaves so low it was said you could “swap a Christian for an onion.”
    After a 1566 raid on Granada in Spain netted 4,000 men women, and children, it was said to be “raining Christians in Algiers.” Women were easier to catch than men, and were prized as sex slaves, so some coastal areas lost their entire child-bearing populations. One raid as far away as Iceland brought back 400 white slaves.
    Prof. Davis notes that the trade in black Africans was strictly business, but Muslims had a jihad-like enthusiasm for stealing Christians. It was revenge for the Crusades and for the reconquest of Spain from the Arabs in 1492. When Muslim corsairs raided Europe, they made a point of desecrating churches and stealing church bells. The metal was valuable but stealing church bells silenced the voice of Christianity.
    It was a tradition to parade newly captured Europeans through the streets so people could jeer at them, while children threw garbage at them. At the slave market, both men and women were stripped naked to evaluate their sexual value. In the North African capitals—Tunis, Algiers, Tripoli—there was a big demand for homosexual sex-slaves. Other Europeans were worked to death on farms or building projects.
    Prof. Davis writes that unlike in North America, there were no limits on cruelty: “There was no countervailing force to protect the slave from his master’s violence: no local anti-cruelty laws, no benign public opinion, and rarely any effective pressure from foreign states.” Slaves were not just property, they were infidels, and deserved whatever suffering a master meted out.
    For a man, there was a fate even worse than being a sex slave. Hundreds of thousands became galley slaves, often on slave-catching pirate ships. They were chained to their oars 24 hours a day, and could move only to the hole where the oar went through the hull—so they could relieve themselves. If the men were rowing, they fouled themselves. Galley slaves lived in a horrible stench, ate rotten food, were whipped by slave drivers and tormented by rats and lice. They could not lie down and had to sleep at their oars. Many never left their ships, even in port. Their job was to row until they died, and to be tossed overboard at the first sign of weakness.
    Muslims have taken slaves for as long as there have been Muslims, which is about 1,400 years.
    Mohammed himself was an enthusiastic slave trader. Muslims still take black slaves. As this article points out, Libya still has slave markets, Mauritanian Arabs take black slaves, and there is still slavery in Niger, Mali, Chad and Sudan[Libya’s slave markets are a reminder that the exploitation of Africans never went away, by Martin Plaut, New Statesman, February 21, 2018].
    And, of course, it was white people who abolished slavery, both in their own countries and, except for a few stubborn holdouts, the whole world. Africans, just like the Tlingit Indians, screamed about all the wealth we made them give up.
    But slavery’s still our “original sin.” As Time magazine wrote just this month about slavery “Europeans and their colonial “descendants” in the United States engineered the most complete and enduring dehumanization of a people in history."[Facing America's History of Racism Requires Facing the Origins of 'Race' as a Concept, by Andrew Curran, July 10, 2020]
    What a small minority of Americans did for 246 years—and in a relatively mild form—is worse than anything that was ever done anywhere by anyone.
    That, ladies and gentlemen, is the power of white privilege. I hope you are enjoying it.
    Watch this piece on video here.

    Also available on video on BitChute and Brighteon.
    Jared Taylor [Email him] is the editor of American Renaissance. You can follow him on Parler and Gab.
    [Comment at Amren.com]

    Wait, Slavery Is OUR "Original Sin"? | Articles | VDARE.com

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