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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Aug 25, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sources and Notes
    John Paul Tasker, "Senator's defence of residential schools akin to excusing Holocaust, NDP MP says," CBC News, March 9, 2017.
    [ii] His obituary reads, in part: "Tony had two specific goals in life. One was to be the best husband and father that he could be and the other was to own a small used car lot. He accomplished both, magnificently. He loved his God, his family and his work ...."
    TONY CHARLES BEYAK, Winnipeg Free Press, June 1, 2002.
    [iii] Lynn Beyak, Brick Number: 4967
    [iv] Board of Directors, Tribute to Liberty
    [v] I've explored these issues are explored in more depth here:
    Richard Sanders, "The Canada Syndrome, a Captivating Mass Psychosis," Press for Conversion! Captive
    Canada, Spring 2016, pp.2-4.

    The Chomiak-Freeland Connection (ncf.ca)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Part 6
    Historical Denial among Canada's ultranationalist Ukrainians

    Unfortunately, the process of truth and reconciliation within Canada's postwar Ukrainian émigré community ‑ concerning their links to WWII war crimes, the ethnic cleansing of Poles, the Holocaust, and the mass murder Soviet citizens ‑ has yet to begin in earnest.

    As John Paul Himka, Chrystia Freeland's uncle and the son-in-law of Michael Chomiak, told fellow members of Ukrainian-nationalist diaspora community:

    "Let us face an uncomfortable fact. During the Second World War there were undeniable instances of cooperation in one form or another of Ukrainians with the Nazis' systematic murder of the Jews. The Ukrainian auxiliary police, for which there were numerous volunteers in Galicia, was routinely used to round up Jews for deportations and mass executions; sometimes they were the shooters. The initial core of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army was also made up of Ukrainian police who had been employed in the extermination of the Volhynian Jews. Thousands of Jews were murdered in pogroms in Western Ukrainian towns and cities in July 1941. Many Ukrainians who later became influential in the diaspora published anti-Jewish articles during the Holocaust.... This legacy has never been confronted by the Ukrainian diaspora. France has had its soul-searching over Vichy, Poland over Jedwabne, but we have not even begun the process of self-examination."

    While the progressive Ukrainian-Canadian diaspora, which strongly opposed the Liberal government's efforts to bring thousands of Waffen SS Galicia veterans to Canada after WWII, certainly have "confronted" Ukrainian complicity in the mass murder, Himka is right to point out that there still exists an acute case of historical amnesia among ultranationalist Ukrainians.
    Although this blind spot for Ukrainian complicity in horrors such as the Holocaust has been the subject of much research and discussion within the academic community,[ii] it is almost completely unknown to the Canadian public and to the mainstream media which supposedly keeps us informed.
    Meanwhile, politicians ‑ from all of our parliamentary parties ‑ regularly bend over backwards in their efforts to court votes from Canada's now sizable ultranationalist Ukrainian community.
    Because Chrystia Freeland is such a prominent symbol of this sector of the Ukrainian-Canadian "Third Wave" community, with her own special family connections to Nazi-Ukrainian collaboration, and because of her prominent position within cabinet, she might just be the "star candidate" which Justin Trudeau needs to lead the important task of acknowledging this truth and finally reconciling with the past. Although painful, this process would certainly be useful to the well-being of our society which supposedly epitomises such highly-puffed "Canadian values" as multiculturalism, human rights, justice and peace.
    But we should not be naive. The last thing Chrystia Freeland and the Liberal government want is any discussion of their close links to Nazi collaborationists. A shemozzle like that would be harmful to their ambitions; it might even help to deflate Canada's economic sanctions regime against Russia, its avid support for NATO's ongoing, provocatively bellicose military efforts to surround, contain and continually provoke the Russian bear, and our military assistance to the controversial, Bandera-revering regime in Ukraine.[iii]
    They are therefore not going to come clean and divulge the details about Chrystia Freeland's maternal grandfather or, more importantly, the Liberal government's instrumental role in bringing him and many thousands of other Nazi coolaborators to Canada.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sources and Notes
    John-Paul Himka, Letter, "The Kuropas Affair: Further Discussion," Brama, March 23, 2005.

    [ii] See for instance the many academic writings of John Paul Himka, Per Anders Rudling, Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe and Marco Carynnyk.

    [iii] As Michael Jabara Carley, history professor at the University of Montreal, explains:
    "Why should Canadians care one way or another whether their government supports the Ukraine and sends arms and advisors there to strengthen Ukrainian military forces? Well, the most important reason is that the present government in Kiev is illegitimate in spite of democratic appearances. It is the spawn of a violent coup d’état in February 2014, brokered and supported by the United States and the European Union, which overthrew the democratically elected president Viktor Yanukovich. The vanguard of the Kiev coup d’état are neo-Nazi, fascist or ultra nationalist political and paramilitary organisations, notably the political party Svoboda, the paramilitary Pravyi sektor and various other paramilitary forces such as the so-called Azov and Aidar battalions. These paramilitary units were and are used to crush opposition in those parts of the Ukraine controlled by Kiev."
    Michael Jabara Carley, Will Chrystia Freeland Finally Ruin Canadian-Russian Relations?" Strategic Culture, March 16, 2017.

    The Chomiak-Freeland Connection (ncf.ca)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Part 7
    Michael Chomiak, the Ukrainian Central Committee and its Nazi Newspapers

    Let's look more closely at that chapter in Chystia Freeland's family history that she has always redacted from the glowing accounts of her grandfather's inspiring wartime life. When the Soviet Red Army entered Ukraine in 1939, Freeland's Ukrainian grandfather (or dido) escaped to a safe haven for Ukrainian émigrés in Krakow, the capital of German-occupied Poland. During the war, Michael Chomiak worked on at least two Nazi-created Ukrainian-language periodicals: a daily newspaper called Krakivs'ki visti (Krakow News) and a weekly, Kholmska zemlia (Cholmer Land). But Chomiak did not merely pen fake news stories to feed the voracious appetite of these organs of the Nazi regime's propaganda machine. Listed as the chief editor for these newspapers, his duties included liaising with Nazi press officials, and managing the office which produced, printed and distributed proNazi Ukrainian publications across Europe.
    Canada's foreign minister also knows that throughout WWII her beloved dido answered directly to Volodymyr Kubijovych, who was chief shareholder of the Ukrainian Publishing House and president of the Ukrainian Central Committee. This Committee was a quasi-governmental Ukrainian organisation that operated within the Nazi's General Government. Under the protective wing of the Third Reich, this committee had sole responsibility for coordinating all official Ukrainian relations with the German authorities. The Committee's main offices were based in Krakow. Not coincidentally, they were located in the same building as the Abwehr, the Nazi's military intelligence agency.
    Kubijovych was the most powerful Ukrainian in Nazi-controlled Europe. He led all of the Committee's negotiations and agreements with the Nazi government that ruled Poland with an iron fist. As such, Chomiak's boss, Kubijovych, was the Ukrainian point man responsible for maintaining contact with Hans Frank, Hitler's personal lawyer, who was appointed to rule as governor of the Nazi's General Government. In 1946, Frank ‑ also rightly known as "The Butcher of Poland" ‑ was executed by the international war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg.
    By the end of the war, with Chomiak still at its helm, the circulation of the Ukrainian community's flagship paper, Krakivs'ki visti, had tripled and was churning out some 22,400 copies per day. For five years, the Nazis had used this newspaper to build much-needed Ukrainian support in the monumental war to liquidate their common foe, the much fabled Judeo-Bolshevik conspirators, who supposedly plotted from their Russia headquarters in Moscow's Kremlin to exploit and kill the poor innocent people of Europe.
    Krakivs'ki visti was the most widely-read Ukrainian-language publication in Greater Germany, German-allied countries and Nazi-occupied Europe, if not the world. It was the official news organ of the Ukrainian Central Committee. In its official capacity as the Ukrainian community's official media outlet, Krakivs'ki visti was sometimes used as a crude instrument to stir up hatred against the alleged Moscow-based conspiracy of Jews and Russians. This imaginary bogeyman was the main enemy fixated upon by Germany's rulers and their fascist Ukrainian allies. Their shared myth of a monstrous Judeo-Bolshevik beast was provocatively packaged in countless fake news stories that were used as the main pretext for justifying not only the Holocaust, but the main enemy target of the devastating Nazi war, the Soviet Union.

    The pages of Krakivs'ki visti also included the infamous plea from Chomiak's boss, Kubijovych, in which he urged all patriotic Ukrainian nationalists to enlist in the Nazi's Waffen SS Galicia. His impassioned "Appeal to Ukrainian Citizens and Youth" appeared in Krakivs'ki visti on May 16, 1943. Here is an excerpt:

    "The long-awaited moment has arrived when the Ukrainian people will again have the opportunity to come out with gun in hand to do battle against its most grievous foe — Bolshevism. The Führer of the Greater German Reich has agreed to the formation of a separate Ukrainian volunteer military unit under the name of SS Infantry Division 'Galicia.' .... You must stand shoulder to shoulder with the invincible German army and destroy, once and for all, the Bolshevik beast ...."

    The above photograph shows Michael Chomiak's boss (Kubijovych) giving the Nazi salute at the inaugural parade of Waffen SS Galicia Division. Nazi General Otto Wachter, Governor of Galicia (photo at right), who is standing beside and slightly in front of Volodymyr Kubijovych at the parade (photo above).​

    (Note the lion-crown crests of the Ukrainian Waffen SS Division framing the Nazi eagle with swastika on the wall, above. Many other examples of the Ukrainian Waffen SS symbols can be seen here.)​

    Below is a photograph taken at the same event. Carrying their distinctive SS and lion-crown picket signs, the Ukrainian volunteers for the Waffen SS Galicia Division march past the assembled German and Ukrainian dignitaries.​

    It had only been about ten weeks since April 28 when Governor Wachter had officially proclaimed a state act to create the Waffen SS Galicia. Rallied by the churches, the Nazis and
    Kubijovych's Ukrainian Central Committee (UCC), tens of thousands of Ukrainian men answered the call. Here's how the UCC's weekly paper, Kholmska zemlia (edited by Freeland's grandad Michael Chomiak), covered the official Nazi event which enacted the formation of this Ukrainian SS Division:

    Today, the 28th of April, at 10:30am, the state act was proclaimed to create the Galician SS Infantry Division enabling the youth of Ukraine, alongside German soldiers, and other sympathizers, to defend their ancient culture in the face of Moscow Bolshevik aggression. Following their welcoming, the state representative, and the party of combatants, with General Kuzmnowych in command, Governor Wechter reflected on the history and traditions of the Ukrainian armed forces in their battles of 1914-1918, and he called on the Ukrainian youth to join the ranks of the Galician Infantry Division, and take the future in their own hands. The governor called upon the leadership of the armed forces with Colonel Bisantz in charge, and head of the Ministry of the Interior. Governor-General Lozaker proclaimed the manifesto to the Ukrainian population following Professor Kubiyowich's speech, at which time he expressed his gratitude for the creation of the fighting force, and following the speech by a member of the military leadership Karoviata. Dr. Bayer concluded the act by paying respect for the Führer of the German nation. The combatants attended solemn services at St. George, the church in the nearest village, to commemorate this significant event."[ii]

    Kubijovych's rallying cry for volunteers in Krakivski visti, the UCC's daily propaganda organ edited by Freeland's maternal grandfather, made it abundantly clear who good Ukrainians were supposed to see as comrades in arms fighting the epic struggle against communism. His call to join the Nazi SS concluded that this "historic day" was
    "a worthy opportunity for the Ukrainians of Galicia, to fight arm in arm with the heroic German soldiers of the Army and the Waffen-SS against Bolshevism, your and our deadly enemy.... Of course we ought to thank the Great Führer of the united Europe for recognizing our participation in the war, that he approved your initiative and agreed to the creation of the Galicia division."[iii]

    Ukrainian nationalists were so eager to answer the call to arms from the Nazis, the Ukrainian newspapers and their Catholic and Orthodox church leaders, that within a month more than 80,000 Ukrainians had volunteered. While the judges at Nuremberg later declared this Nazi military formation of ultranationalist Ukrainians to be a criminal organisation, Canada's government, despite public opposition, allowed thousands of its members to emigrate here after the war.
    A second newspaper for which Michael Chomiak took editorial responsibility was Kholmska zemlia. This weekly churned out proNazi news for Ukrainian readers living in an important area of German-occupied eastern Poland around the city of Chelm. Andrzej Rybak, a Polish historian, has said that the basic goal of Kholmska zemlia was to integrate the Ukrainian community living in and around Chelm into the nationalist movement by building their collaboration with Nazi Germany as well by as encouraging them to oppose the Soviet and Polish populace in the area.[iv]

    Kholmska zemlia's pages also included many hateful screeds targeting Jews, Poles and communists, including edited speeches by the Nazi's top leaders. For example its November 14, 1943, issue featured a speech by Hitler that spanned a full two and a half pages.[v] The front page of the January 16, 1944, issue was given over to Christmas/New Year's speeches by Hitler, Hans Frank and Otto Wächter. Hitler's speech rants about the Soviet "Bolshevik devil," the "International Jew," "Jewish world dictatorship," and their British and American allies.

    Frank's speech on the heroic battle between good and evil puts "German soldiers" on the side of "morality" fighting for "Christian-European ... culture and civilisation." Meanwhile, the forces of evil are embodied by the "dark nihilistic chaos" of the "Bolsheviks in the east" and "Moscow's imperialism." Frank basically calls on Ukrainians to make a New Year's resolution to put the "whole strength of your heart, and all the work of your hands" into the fight with Germany for the "freedom" of Europe through "the final destruction of our common enemies."

    For his part Wachter, the Nazi Governor of Galicia, former Governor of Krakow, and the Major General in charge of the Ukrainian Waffen SS Galicia, praised Ukrainian troops for fighting "at the side of the German soldier" to "defend Europe." He also calls on Ukrainians to "quietly do their work ... without succumbing to enemy propaganda."[vi]

    And, there are at least four speeches by Goebbels that I could find in Kholmska zemlia, including his infamous "Total War" speech. This vicious two-hour tirade against the usual JudeoBolshevik enemy was titled "Nation, Rise Up, and Let the Storm Break Loose." For the benefit of Kholmska zemlia readers, the Nazi propaganda minister's vicious diatribe was translated in Ukrainian, carefully edited and summarised so as to fill two and third pages of the newspaper on February 28, 1943.[vii]

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sources and Notes
    Volodomyr Kubijovych, "Appeal to Ukrainian Citizens and Youth," May 6, 1943. (This appeal was published in Krakivski visti, on May 16, 1943.) Cited by Tadeusz Piotrowski, Poland's Holocaust: Ethnic Strife, Collaboration with Occupying Forces and Genocide in the Second Republic, 1918-1947, 1998, p.226, and footnote 359 on p.372.

    [ii] "Creation of the Galician SS Infantry Division, Proclamation of the Act by the Governor of Lviv," Kholmska zemlia, May 2, 1943, p.1. (Top of page and centre.)

    [iii] Cited by Per Anders Rudling, "'They Defended Ukraine': The 14. Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (Galizische Nr. 1) Revisited," The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 25:3, 2012, p.340.
    [iv] Andrzej Rybak, "Czasopisma chelmskie okresu II wojny ŷiatowej (1 Wrzesnia 1939 - 9 maja 1945)." Rocznik Chelmski, vol.5, 1999, p.207.
    Thanks to Polish historian Pawel Markiewicz for providing me with his notes about this article.
    Kholmska zemlia, November 14, 1943, pp.3-5. https://libraria.ua/issue_view.php/issue-18903/N46
    Excerpts from this Hitler speech from November 8, 1943, can be read inThe Essential Hitler Speeches and Commentary (Max Domarus), 2007. The author comments that it "demonstrated his paranoid obsession with his fear of the Jews controlling everything..." https://archive.org/stream/TheEssen...ssentialHitler-SpeechesAndCommentary_djvu.txt
    Kholmska zemlia, January 16, 1944.
    [vii] The frontpage headline in the February 28, 1943 issue of Kholmska zemlia says:​

    "тотальна війна за існування континенту" "промова міністра д-ра Ґебельса"
    "Total War for the Existence of the Continent" "Speech by Minister Dr. Goebbels"

    Note: At the bottom of the last page of this and other issues of Kholmska zemlia, M.Chomiak is listed as the editor and under the header on the first page the publisher and address are the same as those listed for Krakivs'ki visti.
    The Chomiak-Freeland Connection (ncf.ca)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Part 8
    Aryanisation and the "Mighty Wurlitzer"

    Both of the newspapers known to have been edited by Michael Chomiak were produced and distributed from the office of the Ukrainian Publishing House in Krakow. Its office space and printing press had been stolen (aryanised) by the Nazis from a Jewish publishing company whose daily newspaper and other publications were forced to stop in 1939. That was when the Nazi's had invaded and the Chomiaks, along with thousands of their fellow Ukrainian nationalists, had arrived.

    During their four years in Nazi-occupied Poland, the Chomiak family also benefited personally from the brutal displacement of Jews. The Chomiaks lived in not one but two aryanised Krakow apartments complete with furniture that had been appropriated from the previous Jewish occupants. A letter written by Chomiak to Nazi authorities lists 15 pieces of furniture which he said had been left behind by "the Jew Dr. Finkelstein." Chomiak asked permission to move all these furnishings to his second aryanised apartment.
    The Chomiak's first apartment was within the stunningly beautiful Pugetow Palace complex, just a few minutes walk from the city's main plaza (which the German occupiers had recently renamed "Adolph Hitler Square").
    The Chomiaks' second aryanised apartment, overlooking a park along the Vistula River, was a mere three-minute walk (260 metres) from his aryanised home to his newspaper office. Both were located in Kazimierz, the formerly Jewish district of Krakow that was ethnically cleansed during the war. (If you would like to take a virtual walk along the Krakow streets between Chomiak's home and work, you can do so right now. Just click the google map above and zoom in to use "street view" to navigate between Swietego Stanisława 7 and Elizy Orzeszkowej 7.)
    Michael Chomiak displayed a sense of entitlement upon receiving his second aryanised home in Krakow, that was probably quite typical for someone of his standing in the Ukrainian community. This is shown in another letter that he wrote to city authorities asking them to reimburse him for the expenses he had incurred in cleaning the river-view apartment. Chomiak's rather gutsy letter stated that the

    "apartment I was assigned ... a former Jewish property, ... was so verminous and filthy, I was forced to refurbish and disinfect the whole apartment at my own expense.... I am forced to disinfect the apartment a second time with gas candles as not all bugs were killed during the first disinfection."

    For many years, such language ‑ associating Jews with filth and pests ‑ was used so repeatedly in Nazi propaganda that it had become quite normalised among Germans and their Ukrainian allies. The aryanisation of property, apartments, neighbourhoods, cities and indeed whole countries, was seen by Nazis -- and those within their sphere of influence -- as something that was just as necessary and socially healthy as the extermination of unhealthy vermin with special "gas candles."
    The fact that Nazi authorities "assigned" an apartment to the Chomiaks that had been stolen from Jewish inhabitants was not unusual. The Nazi regime regularly bestowed many blessings upon the newly arrived, enriched and empowered Ukrainian community that the Germans welcomed into Poland during the war. These recent immigrants who had fled the Red Army's entry into Ukraine were given a charmed middle-class life in Krakow by the Nazi's General Government.
    Pawel Markiewicz, a Polish historian, cites the research of Andrzej Chwalba who has written about the Ukrainians who occupied Krakow during the war after fleeing the Soviet Army's entry into Ukraine:
    "Here, as throughout the entire GG [General Government, i.e., Nazi-occupied Poland], they felt good or as a privileged Slavic people. They received residency registrations without any major problems, much easier than Poles... After the eviction of Jews, they densely inhabited Grunestrasse (today's and prewar Krakow's Jerzego Sarego street) and neighboring streets. This region was often referred to as the 'Ukrainian quarter.' The Ukrainians had in it (as well as beyond it) their own stores, service companies, restaurants and coffee houses (Viera, Casino, Poltava), bank (Ukraibank Krakau), schools and a charitable committee." (Andrzej Chwalba, Okupacyjny Krakow, 2nd ed.‚ Krakow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2002, p.86.)
    Meanwhile, in stark contrast to the pleasantries afforded by the Nazis to the incoming Ukrainians that took over aryanised properties, the large Jewish population of Krakow was brutally removed from their homes, synagogues and businesses. They were then forced into a horribly cramped ghetto across the Vistula River where many died of starvation and disease. For those who managed to survive the captivity and disease of the ghetto, the Nazis had a final solution, they forced them into highly-efficient gas chambers for extermination like pests.
    Although these horrors were going on all around them, you wouldn't know it from reading the newspapers produced under Chomiak's watchful Ukrainian eye. These papers were part and parcel of a massive mainstream news machine that propagated Nazi messaging not only in Krakow, and throughout occupied Poland, but throughout Greater Germany and across Nazi Europe. This kind of government-sponsored corporate media apparatus has come to be known as a "Mighty Wurlitzer."[ii]
    The "Wurlitzer" moniker appropriately began with the CIA's chief of covert action, Frank Wisner, who used it as an affectionate term for the post-war, collaborationist media that he set up for use by American intelligence organisations. Wisner's CIA duties included: (1) recruiting Germans and their east European allies to continue their anticommunist efforts through new careers in US intelligence, (2) creating a vast propaganda network called Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberation from Bolshevism[iii] (RFE/RL), and (3) exerting a powerful influence on widespread public opinion by disseminating misinformation, disinformation and various forms of fake news through many of the largest mainstream media outlets in the US and around the world.[iv] These three programs were major weapons in the CIA's psychological war that was used to target America's strongest WWII ally, and biggest Cold War enemy, the Soviet Union. In the post-Soviet world after 1990, the Wurlitzer's Cold-War propaganda has all-too-often continued apace through a similar pattern of vilification aimed at Russia and its leaders in Moscow's Kremlin.
    The print news venues over which Michael Chomiak held sway, did much to help official German and Ukrainian authorities to demonise their common enemies, namely Soviet communists and Jews. Chomiak presided over publications whose highly politicised fake news parroted the Nazi narration of world events, included that whopper of all whoppers ‑ Hitler's "Big Lie." Accordingly, Ukrainian newspapers joined the Third Reich's scaremongering diatribes in fabricating the myth that a villainous threat to peace-loving Europe was being posed by powerful Jewish elites lurking behind the Kremlin's evil Bolshevik bosses in Moscow and their dastardly plutocratic friends in Britain and America.
    For example, the Berlin correspondent for Krakivs'ki visti drew readers attention to that commonly-hyphenated threat to civilisation that was variously pigeonholed as "Muscovite-Jewish nonhumanity," the "Jewish-Bolshevik gang," and the "Stalinist-Jewish commune." In a July 1941 article, he included a fake news story claiming that Joseph Stalin was about to abandon Moscow and run away to North America to join "his 'democratized' friend Roosevelt, where in New York millions of dollars ... await him in the safes of Jewish banks."[v]
    Although Stalin did not escape to North America, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers did, after having fought in military units that supported Hitler's failed efforts to conquer the USSR and Europe.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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