Usa Incorporated 1871 Vs The Republic Of The Usa - 1884 Africa / Berlin Conference - 13 Corporations

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 20, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    is something a bit off in this pic ???


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    how many of these things are they NOT reporting in main stream news ???


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    identical twins ???


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Message by both
    @donaldtrumpjr & his brother @erictrump


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    dm1. dm2. dm3. dm4.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    asked for the date/time etc (TBA)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    january 20, 2021 the marshall report D.C. is fenced off and the President is never going back to the White House.

    But not for reasons you may be thinking.

    Fear not, there will be a new capitol built and an end to income taxes paid to the tax collectors
    of the Corporation that is now in the hands of a new administration.

    They went to all the trouble to steal a corporation whose assetts are in the process of being seized.

    Most did not see this coming for they did not even know their nation was a Corporation.

    But, it is indeed but now, no more are the states subject to it.

    Please read on to understand the nature of the battle we are in.

    Meet the thieves in the light of day. So proudly they claim what is not theirs to take…or is it?

    In 1871 a sedious act was performed by the Government.

    A coup was made to rewrite the constitution and put WE THE PEOPLE in all capitals,

    under a new corporate contract transferring the United States of America

    into the new Corporation of the United States of America

    which transferred the power of We The People and the constitution over to the new corporation.

    When they did that, it placed the citizens in the United States as property of the Corporation

    which was centered in Washington D.C..

    This action made Washington D.C. a FOREIGN ENTITY on American soil of sovereign states.

    It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state,

    and this corporate entity then ruled over the people.

    Citizens rights were taken from them in this process.

    No one realized this.

    When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican,
    they did so via the Bank of London.

    At that time, they transferred all the property in D.C. Columbia over
    to the Corporate entity of D.C. a foreign corporation
    . (See BACK STORY below in this article).

    The forming of this corporation in D.C. is of major importance to understand,
    for when President Trump signed an executive order in 2018 on Election Interference/Fraud
    for entities both foreign and domestic, it outlined how assetts would be seized.

    The President and the people knew and had the proof that a coup transpired out
    of the Corporation of the United States of America along with other foreign nations
    and was ignored by the Corporation in D.C..

    They continued with their illegal steal, and the military is now in the process of seizing
    the assets of this foreign country known as THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

    It appears that President Trump’s executive order was actually directed at the Washington D.C.
    corporate swamp/cabal all along.

    D.C. is now walled in and filled with military guard.

    President Donald J. Trump has moved out permanently for he cannot be president
    over a Sovereign Nation in a Foreign land, which is what the White House and Capitol are.

    President Trump was voted in by We The People.

    Not the Corporation.

    After Donald J. Trump exits the White House, D.C. will be locked down
    because it will not be possible for a foreign ruler to rule over a sovereign country,
    therefore, the foreign ruler must be locked out.

    In this case, that would be this new administration.

    Amid personal turmoil, libel lawyer Lin Wood goes on the attack for Trump
    Now you see what is meant by Lin Wood’s shouts that we are in the second revolution.

    We are literally watching the reclaiming of the United States of America.

    What this means for We The People is many things.

    One of them is no more IRS.

    Watch and see how this plays out.

    It is a genius move.

    God is in charge of this nation and is now leading his elect to restore this great nation
    called by his name.

    BACK STORY: The City of London (that is the square mile within Greater London
    ) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy.

    Likewise, Washington DC is not part of the United States that it controls.

    • How many people democrats or republicans are okay with their vote not counting,
      foreign countries controlling your elections, politicians taking bribes in the millions
      from these hostile foreign countries.

      An Instagram poll showed 95% of the people believe the elections are corrupt.

      How could a bumbling fool, with a 47 year failed political history,
      that can’t form a meaningful sentence, plagiarizes the speech of Kennedy and others,
      does not know here he is half the time, who hid in his basement because every time
      he was in the public his gaffs dropped his poll numbers become president?

      He has an excellent mental illness defense when justice finally finds its mark.

      There were morally challenged frauds, administrations before Trump propped
      up by the press which ignored damming evidence which would fall under sedition and treason,
      did we not learn the lesson?

      Do the pathological liars in the lame stream press and narcissistic dictators of speech
      in social media both owned by the corporate elite choose your president.

      Do they choose what you can and cannot say?

      You can censor and shame me all you want, I am not okay with this.

      Neither should any American be okay with this.

      If you are okay with this it only establishes your ignorance and character not ours.

      Your absence of critical thinking and your moral compass is broken beyond repair.

      The characters of those who bring up the obvious are censored,
      assassinated by the ignorant, the socially engineered and morally challenged.

      Truth has no place to land on their soul.

      This is like an amateur B movie with bad acting yet some folks actually think it is all real.

      It’s like a bad dream that when you wake up your still in it. Like all bad dreams they fade away as this will.

      It has no foundation in truth.

      One day we will all look back at this and say OMG how could we have been so repeatedly stupid.

      This is the Marxist playbook used by all dictators before the complete loss of freedom and genocides.

      Take over the media, accuse others of what you are doing, censor all opposing views, shame,
      create divisions in cultures, religions and gender, gather a violent mob to do your bidding
      , “the brown shirts in Nazi Germany”, take away any means of people defending themselves.

      Presto now you have socialism/communism.

      The tyrannical dictator’s choice.

      After that Freedom is dead.

      Luckily enough loyal Americans and the military see where this is going.

      Your president has not given up on you.

      This is not over by a long shot.

      Excuse my brutal honesty and bluntness.

      It is tough love.

      Quan Yin is known for wrathful compassion.

      So are wise grandmothers who will tell it like it is, tell you what you need to hear,
      not what you want to hear.

      Most see this for what it is, and the characters for who they are.

      Time to listen to the wise ones.

      America is the last hope for freedom in the world if she can restore the Republic and clean house.

      Her example will spread across the world.

      The entire world is watching.

      If socialism and communism is the way to go
      why do so many people want to leave socialistic and communistic countries,
      why do they dream of coming to America?

      Biden, is currently THE KiNG of NOTHiNG !!!

    • There is one last thing concerning the shame game.

      We are called frauds due to getting involved in politics.

      This is mainly from shills and the left using fake names usually two first names as their identity.

      They make the same cookie cutter statements.

      This is not about politics

      . This is not about being a republican or a democrat.

      This is about good verses evil and whether we want to be governed by an evil empire that is ancient and global.

      This goes back to the Phoenicians, the worship of Ball, Baphomet, satanic child sacrificing and trafficking.

      They have infiltrated governments around the world, change their names some even took Jewish names
      and hide behind antisemitism.

      Do we want to live in a world dominated by a morally bankrupt global elite
      to which so many have sold their souls for fame, power and wealth?

      Make no mistake the Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters and other Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders
      are taking notice and are involved.

      This is a multidimensional war.

      Beyond the flesh but including the flesh those in the physical with compromised souls.

      Do you really think the House of Mary and the Divine feminine are turning a blind eye
      to what is happening to the children?

      The logic that this is unspiritual totally evades me. Have people become so spiritually arrogant,
      narcissistic, absent of heart that they are okay with this.

      Look up adrenochrome.

      Does their spiritual ego shelter them from the rest of Creation?

      Only the ego in denial with vested interest would take such a stand.

      If you believe this way move to a country that is under their control,
      a country where there is no freedom of speech, no right to protest,
      no right to practice your religion, in some cases no right to own anything.

      If you don’t play ball you lose everything, even your food and shelter often both of which is limited.

      You end up dead or in reeducation camps.

      Oh, wait is that not what the democrats are calling for?

      Listen to their words.

      There is one last thing concerning the shame game.

      We are called frauds due to getting involved in politics.

      This is mainly from shills and the left using fake names usually two.

      We will not be shamed or censored.

      The truth always finds a way.

      The more it is suppressed the more it becomes a pressure cooker eventually exploding taking out
      those trying to suppress it.

      The heat is on, it is being turned up by forces unstoppable.

      Resistance to Universal Law best understood as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom
      and Prosperity for All is futile.

      The action/reaction or karma along with time are accelerating.

      We need to shift to service to others, put our resources toward the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth.

      The simplicity of operating from the heart.

      There is a Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good.”

      To the shills and those aligned with the dark hearts, the violent mobs doing their bidding
      , wait till you see what they have in store for you.

      When you are no longer necessary or they need to tie up all loose ends.

      Especially those who know who was really behind all the chaos.

      You are and have always been expendable.

      We pray you figure this out and get on the right side of life.

      Unity and service to others is the answer.

      Rioting and destruction only validates the stereotypes and plays into the hand of the global elite.

      Order through Chaos.

      The Hegelian Dialect, create the problem, generate the fear or reaction
      , then provide the solution yet that solution is usually very expensive and you lose your freedom.

      We stand to gain nothing from this message, in truth we stand to lose everything.

      We believe one on the side of God is the majority.

      So let’s dispense with the nasty comments, character assassinations.

      It only establishes your ignorance and your character.

      We know who we serve, clear in our intentions and have no vested interest.

      We will leave you with one more suggestion,

      Keep an open mind, loving heart and pure intentions.

      Look at the inspiration behind your words and deeds.

      It is not always what it seems to be.

      We are moving out of a world of opposites where deception, deceit, suppression,
      and overpowering the many is no longer acceptable.

      Power is being restored to the individual yet it is up to the individual to educate themselves
      and use that power wisely.

      Again what is unfolding now has been foretold in writing and DVDs as far back as 1982.

      Educate yourself. JG

      How many people democrats or republicans are okay with their vote not counting
      , foreign countries controlling your elections, politicians taking bribes in the millions
      from these hostile foreign countries.

      An Instagram poll showed 95% of the people believe the elections are corrupt.

      How could a bumbling fool, with a 47 year failed political history,
      that can’t form a meaningful sentence, plagiarizes the speech of Kennedy and others,
      does not know here he is half the time, who hid in his basement
      because every time he was in the public his gaffs dropped his poll numbers become president?

      He has an excellent mental illness defense when justice finally finds its mark.

      There were morally challenged frauds, administrations before Trump propped up by the press
      which ignored damming evidence which would fall under sedition and treason,
      did we not learn the lesson?

      Do the pathological liars in the lame stream press and narcissistic dictators of speech
      in social media both owned by the corporate elite choose your president

      . Do they choose what you can and cannot say?

      You can censor and shame me all you want, I am not okay with this.

      Neither should any American be okay with this.

      If you are okay with this it only establishes your ignorance and character not ours.

      Your absence of critical thinking and your moral compass is broken beyond repair.

      The characters of those who bring up the obvious are censored, assassinated by the ignorant,
      the socially engineered and morally challenged. Truth has no place to land on their soul.

      This is like an amateur B movie with bad acting yet some folks actually think it is all real.

      It’s like a bad dream that when you wake up your still in it. Like all bad dreams they fade away as this will.

      It has no foundation in truth.

      One day we will all look back at this and say OMG how could we have been so repeatedly stupid.

      This is the Marxist playbook used by all dictators before the complete loss of freedom and genocides.

      Take over the media, accuse others of what you are doing, censor all opposing views,
      shame, create divisions in cultures, religions and gender, gather a violent mob to do your bidding,
      “the brown shirts in Nazi Germany”, take away any means of people defending themselves.

      Presto now you have socialism/communism.

      The tyrannical dictator’s choice.

      After that Freedom is dead.

      Luckily enough loyal Americans and the military see where this is going.

      Your president has not given up on you.

      This is not over by a long shot. E

      xcuse my brutal honesty and bluntness.

      It is tough love.

      Quan Yin is known for wrathful compassion.

      So are wise grandmothers who will tell it like it is, tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

      Most see this for what it is, and the characters for who they are.

      Time to listen to the wise ones.

      America is the last hope for freedom in the world if she can restore the Republic and clean house.

      Her example will spread across the world.

      The entire world is watching.

      If socialism and communism is the way to go why do so many people want to leave socialistic
      and communistic countries, why do they dream of coming to America?

      There is one last thing concerning the shame game.

      We are called frauds due to getting involved in politics.

      This is mainly from shills and the left using fake names usually two first names as their identity.

      They make the same cookie cutter statements.

      This is not about politics.

      This is not about being a republican or a democrat.

      This is about good verses evil and whether we want to be governed by an evil empire
      that is ancient and global.

      This goes back to the Phoenicians, the worship of Ball, Baphomet, satanic child sacrificing and trafficking.

      They have infiltrated governments around the world, change their names some even took Jewish names
      and hide behind antisemitism.

      Do we want to live in a world dominated by a morally bankrupt global elite
      to which so many have sold their souls for fame, power and wealth?

      Make no mistake the Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters and other Spiritually and Technologically

      Advanced Off Worlders are taking notice and are involved.

      This is a multidimensional war.

      Beyond the flesh but including the flesh those in the physical with compromised souls.

      Do you really think the House of Mary and the Divine feminine are turning a blind eye
      to what is happening to the children?

      The logic that this is unspiritual totally evades me. Have people become so spiritually arrogant,
      narcissistic, absent of heart that they are okay with this. Look up adrenochrome.

      Does their spiritual ego shelter them from the rest of Creation?

      Only the ego in denial with vested interest would take such a stand.

      If you believe this way move to a country that is under their control, a country
      where there is no freedom of speech, no right to protest, no right to practice your religion,
      in some cases no right to own anything.

      If you don’t play ball you lose everything, even your food and shelter often both of which is limited.

      You end up dead or in reeducation camps. Oh, wait is that not what the democrats are calling for?

      Listen to their words.
      We will not be shamed or censored. The truth always finds a way.

      The more it is suppressed the more it becomes a pressure cooker eventually exploding taking out those trying to suppress it.

      The heat is on, it is being turned up by forces unstoppable.

      Resistance to Universal Law best understood as Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love,
      Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All is futile.

      The action/reaction or karma along with time are accelerating.

      We need to shift to service to others, put our resources toward the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth.

      The simplicity of operating from the heart.

      There is a Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good.”

      To the shills and those aligned with the dark hearts, the violent mobs doing their bidding,
      wait till you see what they have in store for you.

      When you are no longer necessary or they need to tie up all loose ends.

      Especially those who know who was really behind all the chaos.

      You are and have always been expendable.

      We pray you figure this out and get on the right side of life. Unity and service to others is the answer.

      Rioting and destruction only validates the stereotypes and plays into the hand of the global elite.

      Order through Chaos. The Hegelian Dialect, create the problem, generate the fear or reaction,
      then provide the solution yet that solution is usually very expensive and you lose your freedom.

      We stand to gain nothing from this message, in truth we stand to lose everything.

      We believe one on the side of God is the majority. So let’s dispense with the nasty comments,
      character assassinations. It only establishes your ignorance and your character.

      We know who we serve, clear in our intentions and have no vested interest.

      We will leave you with one more suggestion, Keep an open mind, loving heart and pure intentions.

      Look at the inspiration behind your words and deeds. It is not always what it seems to be.

      We are moving out of a world of opposites where deception, deceit, suppression,
      and overpowering the many is no longer acceptable.

      Power is being restored to the individual yet it is up to the individual to educate themselves
      and use that power wisely.

      Again what is unfolding now has been foretold in writing and DVDs as far back as 1982.

      Educate yourself. JG

      Pardon me for putting this inference to the new CEO of defunct corporation contractor USA Inc
      This is his new theme song


      King of nothing.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Pardon me for putting this inference to the new CEO of defunct corporation contractor USA Inc
    This is his new theme song


    king of nothing

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