UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    More of the Same! Australian Politics, globalist controlled 2018

    Graham Simeonidis
    More of this crap [​IMG][​IMG]

    Janice Anne Coleman Evans
    The fact remains Morrison as PM will not bring the Conservatives back, so his tenure will be short lived.

    Val Chard
    The Liberals as we knew them are gone. Dutton, Abbott and others of their ilk should make a mass exodus and form a new party. They would sh*****t in at the next election.

    Tony Bermanseder
    An excellent proposal a par excellence!
    Can someone forward this to Cory Bernardi or Pauline Hanson to consider in collusions?
    A Grand New Conservative National Coalition would be formed once the 2019 election is lost with 40 resignations sitting members or not.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Lou Edwards
    Fake as can be. I think that the new team will show Mr Shorten for who he is and outplay him with their integrity and decency.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Perhaps they are playing 3D chess, but if so then they are dishonest. Not as Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton who have called a spade a spade. See the difference? Integrity!
    Very troubling attitudes to (hard to integrate) immigration and 'climate change' indeed.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Davo Bermanseder

    This world's insane we need help to heal our identity,
    We are all being played betrayed to look for a enemy,
    That doesn't exist,
    Media is used as a mind control weapon to protect them,
    To make sure we serve in sync the ways of a slave for interest,
    Awaken I beg of you it's soon to be our reckoning,

    It's our light that 'll save us from our own sin we all must keep our integrity,
    Come together no matter how bad the weather be,
    We've been poached an shot down as easily as feathers,
    We've been taking advantage from our leaders whom we all agree,
    See we shouldn't had let them,

    A war is coming and it is called the ARMAGEDDON....

    This is reality it isn't a dream
    The life we live in it isn't what it seems
    The world day by day
    Looking like we're hell bound and there is no way to tell now from the real and the sell outs.
    No way to change this all because of the deranged politicians promising the same shit,
    and there is no hope no way to to save us so they make up stories take glory and frame their own agents it all bout the blame game and that chain won't break till we make the change with in our nation You don't always win when every day you just wanna take it ,time to put the breaks on these evil no good doing racist rapist puppets mother Fuckaz in control uncontrollably trying to Fuck us

    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thursday, 30 August 2018
    Islamic UN “Human Rights” Boss Seeks “Proactive” Web Censorship

    Written by Alex Newman


    A fringe Islamic prince turned United Nations “High Commissioner for Human Rights” infamous for comparing President Donald Trump to Hitler and ISIS, and for protecting child-raping UN troops from exposure, has a new target: free speech on the Internet. Under the guise of stopping “hate speech,” a concept first pushed by the murderous Soviet regime that has evolved to encompass any speech the establishment hates, outgoing UN “human rights” boss Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein called on the Big Tech companies to “proactively” step up their escalating censorship campaign. Facebook and Google seemed more than happy to comply.

    The disgraced UN bureaucrat, a frequent advocate of gun control in America, also demanded that the Internet and the companies that inhabit it be governed by UN “human rights law,” which is entirely incompatible with traditional U.S. notions of inalienable God-given rights and free speech. But Hussein's extremist successor, a Castro-loving socialist who defected to a murderous communist dictatorship, appears to hold the same dim view of liberty and genuine human rights as he does. Still, the dynamic UN duo are now so toxic that the U.S. government is severing ties and threatening to cut all funding from the UN's entire disgraced “human rights” apparatus.

    Perhaps learning from past failures, Hussein was strategic about his calls for Internet censorship. Rather than just outright demanding that speech he disagrees with be purged from the Web — for instance, speech criticizing mass Islamic migration into the West, Islam itself, or even its prophet, Mohamed — he interspersed his comments between references to reported Buddhist attacks against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar (also known as Burma). In fact, he even threatened Internet companies such as Facebook that they could be prosecuted by self-styled global “authorities” as “accessories” to crimes, merely for not taking down speech that the UN thinks should be banned.

    “We've seen from the jurisprudence of the past that if you've enabled, you've abetted, you've been an accessory,” Hussein said before quickly adding that he was not accusing Facebook of being an accessory but that “they have to be sure that they know where they are and what side of the law they are on.” Yet again, the unhinged bureaucrat tried to suggest that Americans could be “prosecuted” by the UN and its disgraced kangaroo court, despite the fact that the U.S. government has never signed any treaty or agreement legitimizing the farce. He recently threatened that Trump could be prosecuted for “incitement” against the media for exposing the lies of the establishment's propaganda machine.

    After threatening that the social-media companies could be prosecuted if they do not obey him, Hussein went on to call for proactive censorship by the Big Tech giants. “They should be thinking proactively about what steps they will take to mitigate that,” said the UN bureaucrat, infamous for, among other scandals during his brief tenure, terrorizing whistleblowers who exposed the systematic rape of children by UN “peace” troops, and the leaking of the identity of Chinese human-rights defenders to the mass-murdering communist regime in Beijing so the activists could be kidnapped before testifying.
    Keep in mind that for the UN and the globalist establishment behind it, terms such as “hate speech” and “extremism” have come to mean speech that exposes their agenda. Indeed, Hussein's comments came just weeks after all of the Big Tech companies colluded to disappear Alex Jones and Infowars from their platforms under the guise of fighting “hate speech,” without citing a single example of the allegedly hateful speech. Conflating Jones' and Infowars' anti-establishment truth-telling with Buddhist generals inciting genocide is outrageous, of course. But that is exactly what the UN boss and the establishment are seeking to do.

    Obviously, this is not the first time the UN has openly demanded an end to free speech. As The New American reported a year ago, after a protest and counter-protest in Charlottesville turned violent, the UN released a statement demanding that the U.S. government “provide the necessary guarantees so that such rights [free speech and freedom of association] are not misused to promote racist hate speech.” By contrast, the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment protects the inalienable right to free speech, even if it is racist or abhorrent. And the UN knows that very well, but apparently believes its discredited “human rights law” trumps the Constitution.

    In 2014, meanwhile, again under the guise of “human rights,” the UN viciously attacked the Japanese government and its constitutional protections for free speech. At least two separate UN outfits, the dictator-dominated UN “Human Rights Commission” and the UN “Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination” both condemned Japan for failing to criminalize free speech. The global body called on authorities to overthrow the nation’s constitution and take “appropriate steps to revise its legislation” by criminalizing and punishing speech, rallies, and groups considered “hateful.” The outfit also demanded a “comprehensive law prohibiting racial discrimination.” On top of that, the UN called on the government to “prohibit all propaganda” that might incite "discrimination" or “hate.”

    Perhaps relying on the ignorance of the media, or perhaps ignorant himself, Hussein has been careful not to reveal the origin of the whole “hate-speech” agenda. But it is hardly a secret. A 2011 report by the respected Hoover Institution, for instance, exposed the originator of the “hate speech” campaign: the mass-murdering hate regime ruling the Soviet Union. “The introduction of hate-speech prohibitions into international law was championed in its heyday by the Soviet Union and allies,” the paper on the “sordid origin of hate-speech laws” explained. “Their motive was readily apparent. The communist countries sought to exploit such laws to limit free speech.” Acceptance of hate-speech schemes by what remains of the free world, the report added, could have “devastating consequences for the preservation of free speech.”

    For good measure, Hussein pretended to be concerned about too much Internet censorship by Big Tech. His supposed defense of free expression, though, was in reality a call for supplanting genuine free speech, as protected by the First Amendment, with UN-approved speech controls. Among other concerns, apparently reacting to Trump's threats to social-media companies amid growing censorship of conservatives and Christians, Hussein said “there is also another danger (of being) overregulated.” To deal with that, the UN “rights” chief, a prince with the Islamic monarchy ruling Jordan, called for the Internet and social media to “be regulated by international human rights law.”

    To understand the implications of that, it helps to look at what the UN dishonestly touts as its international “human rights law.” Consider that, according to the UN's “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” all of your “rights” can be restricted or abolished by government at will under virtually any pretext. In Article 29 of the declaration, which claims that the pseudo-rights can be limited “by law” under the guise of everything from “public order” to “the general welfare,” the UN even argues that “rights and freedoms” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

    Such an absurdity would be tantamount to the First Amendment declaring that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech — unless that speech is being used to criticize Congress or otherwise makes Congress unhappy or goes against its purposes and principles. America's founders said publicly that rights such as free speech were inalienable and came from God — the idea that those rights could be restricted or abolished would have sounded grotesque. Obviously, the two views on human rights are incompatible at a basic level. The two visions are actually almost opposites — unalienable God-given rights protected in the Constitution on one hand, versus revocable government-granted privileges on the other.

    There are some limits to free speech in America. In a ruling that reversed the conviction of a Ku Klux Klan group, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in Brandenburg v. Ohio that even the “advocacy of the use of force” is protected, with the exception being if it is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action” and is “likely to incite or produce such action.” That means pro-genocide speech that was actually intended to foment a slaughter — such as the rhetoric of many of South Africa's top political leaders, or what has reportedly taken place in Myanmar that Hussein relied on for his dishonest propaganda — would not be protected under the Supreme Court's understanding of the First Amendment. In short, even considering the isolated case in question, there is no need for Internet firms such as Facebook to defer to UN “human rights” absurdities in deciding to censor speech.

    It seems that everyday people understand this, by and large. On the few establishment propaganda organs that have not yet removed their comment sections to conceal how discredited the media has become, it was abundantly clear that Americans and news consumers worldwide saw right through the dishonest UN and establishment attempt to subvert free speech. In an article posted on Yahoo! News, for instance, virtually every comment ridiculed Hussein, the UN, and their totalitarian agenda to smash free speech. The U.S. government appears to be cracking down on the UN's increasingly unhinged behavior as well.
    In response to the blatant totalitarianism-mongering by the UN's almost comically discredited “human rights” machine, the Trump administration has taken serious action. First, it was announced that the U.S. government would withdraw from the UN “Human Rights Council,” a disgraced body that is dominated by many of the world's most brutal mass murderers — communists, socialists, and Islamist tyrants galore. To understand just how outlandish the body is, Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddhafi led the UN Human Rights Commission a little over a decade ago, forcing the bureaucracy to be re-branded as a “council” after becoming the subject of global ridicule.

    More recently, the Trump administration, via National Security Adviser John Bolton, announced that it was planning to cut funding from Hussein's disgraced UN Office of the “High Commissioner for Human Rights.” With a Castro-loving Marxist set to take over the outfit to promote abortion and global socialism, an end to U.S. tax subsidies for this farce cannot come soon enough. UN officials insist the U.S. government's withdrawal of American tax funding from the “human rights” bureaucracy will not be “fatal” to the farce. Nor will U.S. government withdrawals from key UN agencies and agreements such as the UN “education” bureaucracy known as UNESCO or the “Paris Agreement” purporting to fight “climate change.”

    However, Congress and the president could easily deliver a fatal blow to the dictatorial UN if they wanted to. In fact, legislation sitting in the House Foreign Affairs Committee known as the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 193) would not only end U.S. membership in the dictators club, it would also expel its headquarters from U.S. soil. By passing this simple bill, America could protect its independence and end the UN's decades-long war against true human rights. But for that to happen, outraged Americans will have to demand it in large numbers. There has never been a better time than now.

    Image: juststock via iStock / Getty Images Plus
    Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is based in Europe but has lived all over the world.
    Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU
    or on Facebook. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.

    Related articles:
    UN Plots War on Free Speech to Stop “Extremism” Online
    UN: Trump Could Be Prosecuted for “Incitement” Against Media
    After Charlottesville, UN Demands U.S. Quash First Amendment
    UN Seeks to Criminalize Free Speech, Citing “Human Rights”
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    UN “Human Rights” Council Now Officially Controlled by Dictators
    UN and Obama Launch Global War on “Ideologies”
    Chinese Communist to Lead UN Agency Seeking to Control Internet
    Furious at Trump, Disgraced UN “Human Rights” Boss to Step Down
    Trump: “Fake News” Media Is the Enemy, Not Media
    Castro-loving Socialist to Lead UN “Human Rights” Bureaucracy
    UN Child-abuse Whistleblower Skeptical That Ethics Can Return to UN

    Please review our Comment Policy before posting a comment
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thursday, 06 September 2018
    Deep State Mole in White House Boasts of Sabotaging Trump

    Written by Alex Newman


    A senior official in the Trump administration supposedly admitted in an “anonymous” New York Times piece that he or she, and many other top figures, are deliberately conspiring to sabotage the president's agenda, an agenda that the American people voted for in the 2016 election. The supposed writer even suggested that members of Trump's Cabinet had considered calling him crazy and removing him under the 25th Amendment. Assuming the Times is not lying, which is not necessarily a good assumption considering the left-wing paper's long history of lies, the op-ed confirms once again the existence of a subversive “Deep State” that will defy its own boss — and the American people who constitutionally elected him — to advance a globalist agenda that is unconstitutional and was soundly rejected by voters at the polls. Trump, though, suggested he would be getting the last laugh.

    In a series of social-media posts, President Trump responded to the “resistance” op-ed by suggesting there was a good chance it was a fraud, citing the establishment media's long history of dishonesty and hatred of the current administration. But if it is real, he argued, it is simply evidence that the “Swamp” in Washington, D.C., is desperately fighting back against being drained. It may even be considered treason, Trump suggested. “Does the so-called 'Senior Administration Official' really exist, or is it just the Failing New York Times with another phony source? If the GUTLESS anonymous person does indeed exist, the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!” Trump wrote on Twitter. “I’m draining the Swamp, and the Swamp is trying to fight back. Don’t worry, we will win!”

    In a televised statement from the White House during a meeting with county sheriffs, Trump also ridiculed the Times and CNN, the discredited cable news network with collapsing ratings amid 24/7 anti-Trump hysteria. “We have somebody in what I call the failing New York Times talking about he’s part of the resistance within the Trump administration,” Trump said. “This is what we have to deal with. And you know, the dishonest media … it’s really a disgrace.” Trump then went through a litany of good news — employment numbers, manufacturing growth, deregulation, ending ObamaCare's hated "individual mandate," starting construction on the wall — before taking aim at the Times and the supposed op-ed writer.

    The agenda of the Deep State swamp and its media allies, Trump said, is about “open borders,” allowing America to be overrun with “disaster and crime.” Because Trump opposes those things, “they don’t like Donald Trump,” the president continued. “And I don’t like them, because they're very dishonest people,” he said. “Remember this also, about the New York Times: When I won, they were forced to apologize to their subscribers. They wrote a letter of apology — it was the first time anybody has ever done it — because they covered the election incorrectly. So if the failing New York Times has an anonymous editorial — can you believe it? 'Anonymous,' meaning gutless — a gutless editorial.” He also slammed the “Deep State” and suggested that Americans would win the battle against it in the end.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8h3EvyoCjI

    In the editorial, Trump's self-styled “senior official,” of whom there are hundreds in an administration, boasted that “many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda.” “I would know,” he added. “I am one of them.” While conceding that Trump has already “made America safer and more prosperous” with his policies, the “resistance” activist claims that the president also “continues to act in a manner that is detrimental to the health of our republic.” That is why “many” of Trump's appointees, according to the alleged mole, are working to thwart the president's policies that they disagree with. As examples of Trump's supposed bad behavior, the Deep State operative points to labeling the “fake news” media as the “enemy of the people.” And yet, surveys consistently show that almost all Americans realize that most of the mass media is lying to them.

    “It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t,” the supposed “senior official” claimed, citing as examples an array of foreign-policy positions Trump campaigned on, such as non-hostile relations with Russia, that the Deep State is working to subvert. “He complained for weeks about senior staff members letting him get boxed into further confrontation with Russia, and he expressed frustration that the United States continued to impose sanctions on the country for its malign behavior. But his national security team knew better — such actions had to be taken, to hold Moscow accountable.” Of course, the globalist Deep State always thinks it knows better than the American people.

    Ironically, the piece goes on to glorify the late neoconservative warmonger John McCain, a fervent globalist and a key operative with multiple Deep State organizations. Even the briefest survey of the McCain-backed foreign-policy disasters of recent decades would suggest that the author of the piece must have been smoking something — or reading too much propaganda in the New York Times. Consider, among the recent examples, that McCain was in Libya in 2009 meeting with dictator Moammar Gadhafi and plotting how to funnel more U.S. weapons and military aid to the brutal regime. Just two years later, McCain switched sides and was openly supporting an uprising against Gadhafi led by self-proclaimed al-Qaeda leaders who had been killing U.S. troops not long before. The disaster in Syria followed a similar course. And Iraq. And Afghanistan.

    Meanwhile, the Times op-ed praises McCain's supposedly glorious example of “uniting” Americans and for being “a lodestar for restoring honor to public life and our national dialogue.” By contrast, the writer or writers of the op-ed claimed Trump brought about an end to “civility” in public discourse. In reality, McCain contributed more than his fair share. Who could forget, for instance, the senator's nasty attacks against his fellow lawmakers as “wacko birds” for questioning the establishment's globalist warmongering, illegal spying, and other unconstitutional policies? Ironically, in 2016, McCain described 15,000 everyday Americans who showed up at a Trump rally in Arizona as “crazies.” Apparently describing political opponents as wackos and crazies is “restoring honor” to the “national dialogue,” while calling out the dishonest media is bringing incivility into it — or at least the Times' op-ed writer would like people to believe that.
    Among conservatives, Trump supporters, and the growing segment of the American electorate that is sick of the Deep State, outrage over the op-ed was fierce. But even left-wing voices slammed the supposed author of the piece. Left-leaning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald, for instance, took to Twitter and highlighted the shocking hypocrisy of the supposed official. “The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being 'anti-democratic' while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency,” wrote the widely respected liberal journalist.

    More than a few prominent voices aside from Trump argued that officials at the New York Times had probably written the op-ed themselves. Author, documentary maker, and speaker Dinesh D'Souza, who was maliciously prosecuted by the Obama administration in what was widely seen as Banana Republic-style retaliation, was among the many voices arguing that the increasingly discredited newspaper likely produced the piece on its own before making up a cover story to publish it. “Just read the anonymous @nytimes article and it’s blindingly obvious it’s an in-house product written not by any Trump official but by a professional writer at the newspaper itself,” D'Souza wrote on Twitter. “This is the very definition of #FakeNews.”

    Of course, the New York Times has a long history of grotesque dishonesty — lies that have resulted in millions of deaths, even. Times writer Walter Duranty, for example, lied to the world about the horrifying Soviet genocide-by-starvation of the Ukrainian people. Later, Times writer Herbert Matthews lied to the world about mass-murdering communist leader Fidel Castro, painting him as an anti-communist freedom fighter tantamount to Cuba's George Washington. Its own reporters have ridiculed the paper as a "megaphone" for the establishment's lies and war "propaganda." As such, the veracity of the op-ed should be considered highly suspect. Knowing the Times' long history of lies and its blatant hatred for Trump and his supporters, this piece could easily be an effort to demoralize the president and the American people.

    But if it was indeed written by a “senior official,” it merely offers additional confirmation of what The New American magazine has been warning about throughout its existence — that a cabal of insiders popularly known today as the “Deep State” has largely hijacked the federal government and the press, at least until Trump took office with a mandate to neutralize it. The supposed author of the piece addresses the topic, but uses semantic games on the subject. “This isn’t the work of the so-called deep state,” the op-ed claimed. “It’s the work of the steady state.” Of course, “Deep State” and “Steady State” are simply interchangeable terms to describe the same thing: A group of criminal conspirators working to impose their own (unconstitutional) policy preferences on the American people, from one administration to the next, regardless of who occupies the White House..

    Trump himself pointed to the Deep State — a cabal he has also derided as the “criminal Deep State” — the day after the op-ed was published. “The Deep State and the Left, and their vehicle, the Fake News Media, are going Crazy — and they don’t know what to do,” the president said on social media. “The Economy is booming like never before, Jobs are at Historic Highs, soon TWO Supreme Court Justices & maybe Declassification to find Additional Corruption. Wow!”
    But the reality is that Trump's successes — and America's successes, as a result of his policies — are what the Deep State finds abhorrent, because Trump's successes are based on a philosophy that America and its people should be unencumbered, exceptional, successful, and great. As this magazine has documented exhaustively in two Special Issues this year alone, the Deep State is not working to save America from a wild president. Instead, it is working toward what key Deep State operatives have openly described as a “New World Order.” That global system will be one in which a “credible United Nations,” to quote Deep State operative and former President George H.W. Bush, will use its military forces to impose “the vision” of the UN's communist and totalitarian founders on all of humanity, working to destroy liberty, self-government, morality, nations, and even Western-Christian civilization. This is despite the fact that no centralized government in the world has ever brought about the wealth and freedom for citizens as has the government created by the U.S. Constitution.

    The New American has been warning since Trump took office that Deep State swamp creatures are operating in various senior posts across the administration. Many belong to the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg network, the Skull and Bones society, and more. Among other concerns, many of these individuals are clearly working to sabotage the agenda that Americans voted for: smashing globalism, upholding national sovereignty, protecting the borders, ending the global “free trade” scam that has decimated the U.S. economy again, and of course, the pledge to Make America Great Again. For more about the Deep State and how it operates, be sure to obtain a copy of both 2018 special issues on the subject. And to fight the Deep State and protect liberty, be sure to educate friends and family on these crucial matters. The Republic depends on it.

    Photo: JTSorrell/E+/Getty Images​
    Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.
    Related articles:
    The New American’s Special Report on the Deep State
    The New American’s Special Report on the Deep State in Action
    Some of Trump's Picks Have Troubling Links to Globalism, CFR
    Roger Stone Calls Out Swamp Creatures in Trump Administration
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    New York Times a “Propaganda Megaphone” for War, Says Former Reporter
    Oops! Sen. McCain Met Syrian Rebels Accused of Kidnapping
    Top Trump Officials Attend Globalist Bilderberg Summit. Why?
    Deep State Bureaucracy vs. Trump, America, Constitution
    Underbelly of the Intelligence Community
    Deep State Behind the Deep State: CFR, Trilateralists, Bilderbergs
    Follow the Rothschild, Soros, and Rockefeller Money
    Secret Societies: Skull & Bones, Bohemians, Illuminati
    Exposing the Deep State
    Trump Victory Proves “Mainstream” Media Is Globalist Fringe
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Conspiracy Theories

    Patrice Le Coz
    Janice Anne Coleman Evans,as much as i can respect your free speech,i fail to see why you would put a laughing emoj about this..coz its all true..when you dig a lil' bit of course..

    Michael Pymont

    agree .. still wondering about the plane that hit the pentagon where is it !!

    Tony Bermanseder

    The planes were remote controlled drones, using 'secret' cia-technology of the military-industrial complex, now globally controlled by the various cartels, hiding under globalist agendas like FDR and CFR etc.. The Pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane. This missile hit at a place where the financial 'black budget' details were kept and could so no longer be accessed by the deep state and shadow government. All 3 buildings were sabotaged by Mossad-CIA agencies with Saudi assistance as controlled demolitions in unison with drones-missile strikes. Who still thinks Saudi is anti-Mossad (not Israeli btw, but a cia-secret agency).

    Michael Pymont
    Tony Bermanseder that sounds totally logical especially about the pentagon no way a massive jet totally dissolved and the wings didn't do damage either side of the narrow impact zone

    Tony Bermanseder

    Yes Michael. Remember the Kosovo war, when the deep state first revealed the 'stealth planes' in open warfare? the boing and aerospace industries have two faces in the USA. One is the airplanes used publically and the other all 'hidden advanced technology'. The latter had the drones and remote control technology for some two decades. Now you can understand why under Obama, the 'drone strikes' suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere became militarised.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Pentagon was similarly a remote controlled missile - a 'hidden weapon' if you like.

    Michael Pymont

    Tony i actually saw a video on facebook of the missile hitting the pentagon ... WTF is wrong with the people that would do that shit. My belief of all that crap is G.W. Bush knew all about it when he was told what happened in that class room his long stare just had a knowing about it as to how things just got real

    Tony Bermanseder

    Yes there is video footage, albeit obscured. Byut as this attack was foreknown, 'lights were turned off' and 'smoke created' to fog any subsequent evidence, which might jeopardize the 'hidden' agenda.

    Michael Pymont

    well that "hidden agenda" certainly has cost an awful lot of lives and still is as for the desired outcome they wanted i just hope they fail

    Tony Bermanseder

    It is a long story Michael, but a fundamental change in the 'administrration' of global politics and human intercourse is required to assure a generally benevolent future for the younger generations.

    Michael Pymont
    100% agree

    Molly McPherson

    Very suss.

    Patrice Le Coz

    View: https://youtu.be/5BqXQQFvOWM?t=6

    9/11 Loose Change Final Cut-Full Documentary


    CIA Created The Label "Conspiracy Theorists" In…

    Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »:…

    Tony Bermanseder

    Next step is to 'weaponize' and 'own' space. The future 'collateral' or 'future sureties' are to be extraterrestrial 'potentials' like the mining of asteroids using advanced space technology. So the deep state uses 'future exploration' and 'ownership' of 'off-planet' material to 'fund' their present endeavours. So why are 'they' not mining the moon today? Because their military control is as yet insufficient to control the lunar landscape, but they are working on it on many levels.
    Why are so many ignoramuses regarding the moon landings mentally and intelligently diverted to question Apollo 11? And why did the space shuttle program suddenly stop? Because the first international space station performed a number of scientific experiments in 'free fall' microgravity simulations, who showed extraordinary results in solid state physics, minerals, medicine etc. t was originally planned to make the space station bigger in open public view. Because of the experiments it had to go private and deep state. To keep it under lid, the moon landing conspiracies were cia created to divert public attention as to the real plan of 'owning space'. But try to share this verifiable, so 'officially denied' information with the mainstream believers. Good luck!

    Derek Quinn

    DEMOCRATS.... [​IMG]

    Luke Barlow

    And this is where you now provide your evidence?????
    Not bullshit conspiracy theories, but evidence?????

    Stan Burgess

    Watch the program and then give your opinion

    John Walker


    Mervyn Karamitas


    Glenn Ray

    justify your comments..or more fakenews

    Glenn Visinko

    why is this shit allowed here

    Graham Weston

    The idiots come out about once every two weeks with this crap just to get people to talk with them, lol. Ignore and it may go away by itself.

    Molly McPherson

    I wouldn't be surprised at anything the yanks did.

    Kenneth Clayton

    Total non sensical bull crap.GET A LIFE

    Laura Kort

    Tin Foil Hat , Left Wing , BS Conspiracy's are a diversion !
    Look Around You !
    Rise Up !

    Patrice Le Coz

    CIA Created The Label "Conspiracy Theorists" In 1967 To Attack…
    Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents…

    Tony Bermanseder

    Unfortunately the mainstream believers are too brain fogged to consider the multilevel evidence presented by many divers informers and information sources

    Patrice Le Coz

    I see that..

    Tony Bermanseder

    It is rather amazing that generally rational folks cannot see beyond their own 'must feel good' perspectives. They fear of losing trust in observed reality.
    The MH 370 and MH 17 'fake flags' are similar as is the Novichok insanity and Assads chemical attacks etc etc
    Even presenters like Bolt and co are blind to the international banking cartels and who truly coordinates the global political landscape. At least some have awoken to the climate and geoengineering scams.

    Patrice Le Coz

    Yes fear is the greatest block..fear of the truth as you say,of may b not being able to cope with having being had for so long..i din't know for sure if Bolt is as blind as he purports to b..got to keep that job hey?

    Tony Bermanseder

    He trusts CNN, perhaps not as much as say a year ago. If he could see that his basically correct take on the ABC is also applicable to the 'overseas' sources like BBC and reuters, he seems to trust, then he would do a better job in seeing more details as how deep the deceptions are.

    Nigel Morrell

    Wank wank wank

    Graham Bethell


    John Watkins


    Scott Graham Chambers


    Graham Weston

    John Watkins obviously very stupid John.

    Robert Mason

    Well what happened at the Pentagon?

    Tony Bermanseder

    The planes were remote controlled drones, using 'secret' cia-technology of the military-industrial complex, now globally controlled by the various cartels, hiding under globalist agendas like FDR and CFR etc.. The Pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane. This missile hit at a place where the financial 'black budget' details were kept and could so no longer be accessed by the deep state and shadow government. All 3 buildings were sabotaged by Mossad-CIA agencies with Saudi assistance as controlled demolitions in unison with drones-missile strikes. Who still thinks Saudi is anti-Mossad (not Israeli btw, but a cia-secret agency).

    Aaron Mak

    Just stop

    Ron Dodds

    Phillip Ireland

    I love it when a good conspiracy comes together.
    Noel Feillafe Feillafe

    Ian Bushby

    John Cosby

    Now why didn't I think of that. Lol
    Philip Jones

    Crap, you ought to be ashamed of yourselves for putting this crap up.
    Jason Scott Johinke

    How fucking dare you
    Stewart Crane

    What peace of shit would post this
    Koos van der Merwe

    Will Scott

    Wat kgb

    John Cosgrove

    Yeah and the earth is flat
    Ross Reid

    Bullshit. LBJ died long before 9/11. He arranged the murder of JFK

    Peter Chronis

    Zzz ye and I was on the moon

    Chris Bourke


    Martin McFly

    I did it and I’m sorry. I also walked on the moon. And Elvis is hiding in my basement.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Next step is to 'weaponize' and 'own' space. The future 'collateral' or 'future sureties' are to be extraterrestrial 'potentials' like the mining of asteroids using advanced space technology. So the deep state uses 'future exploration' and 'ownership' of 'off-planet' material to 'fund' their present endeavours. So why are 'they' not mining the moon today? Because their military control is as yet insufficient to control the lunar landscape, but they are working on it on many levels.
    Why are so many ignoramuses regarding the moon landings mentally and intelligently diverted to question Apollo 11? And why did the space shuttle program suddenly stop? Because the first international space station performed a number of scientific experiments in 'free fall' microgravity simulations, which showed extraordinary results in solid state physics, minerals, medicine etc. It was originally planned to make the space station bigger in open public view. Because of the experiments it had to go private and deep state. To keep it under lid, the moon landing conspiracies were cia created to divert public attention as to the real plan of 'owning space'. But try to share this verifiable, so 'officially denied' information with the mainstream believers. Good luck!

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    Tony Bermanseder,you make great points..i wouldn't waste my time too much on this site spouting great truth coz its never gonna b truly appreciated as it should..trust me,i've been on this site for a long time,and the cognitive dissonance on this site around these subject is such that,you will get things thrown at you before being able to get any kind of rational, intelligent, informed conversation on this..you just have to look at all the comments,and i don't give a shit if some are offended by this opinion..we are at war with the powers that b,the sooner people acknowledge that,the sooner we'll win..

    View: https://youtu.be/e13CqYNSAQA?t=33



    Tony Bermanseder

    Fully agree with you Patrice. I must say so, that any information you will find on the web will by its very nature of being available in some form; will be a level or two below of what is really going on. My information so relates to 'discernment between the available data' in accordance with available, but mainstream ridiculed material. So the deception might be a number of level deeper, than even diligent researchers like you discern and imagine.

    Dave Eddo


    Jacob Peters

    The holy people?

    Henry Francis

    No. I'm Spartacus.

    Peter Brokaw

    Fucking conspiracy theorists [​IMG][​IMG]

    Brian Steele
    Absolute garbage
    Anthony Sullivan

    Think on this...
    Brian Steele

    More absolute garbage.

    Patrice Le Coz

    View: https://youtu.be/v9fLeLe4Nlk?t=5

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.


    Inferno sparks 9/11 conspiracies
    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    View: https://youtu.be/3RzK4BC5LI4?t=2


    Building Struck by an Airplane and DID NOT COLLAPSE!
    Patrice Le CozPatrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    View: https://youtu.be/2CWrS5Au2K8


    In 1945, A Plane Hit The Empire State Building. Here's Why It…
    Peter Brokaw


    Brian Steele

    Absolute garbage

    Graham Weston

    if everybody just ignores these conspiracy theorist dickheads, they will eventually go away. not worth your time responding to them
    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    Sorry to wake you Graham Weston,you can go back to sleep now..

    Brian Steele

    Well here is the official report. Conspiracy theorists should take the time to read instead of dwelling on bullshit. https://www.popularmechanics.com/.../design/a3524/4278874/

    World Trade Center 7 Report Puts 9/11 Conspiracy Theory to Rest

    Graham Weston

    well Patrice only an absolute idiot would believe the shit you conspiracy theorists sprout. What is it, do you get some sorts super orgasm believing in this shit. Get a life will you.
    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    Always trust the "official" report..they''ll always tell you what you wanna hear..[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Graham Weston

    Brian, doesn't matter what proof you give these fools, they will still believe their own bullshit is the truth. That's why i say just time to ignore them totally. Patrice, official reports sure beats the crap out of conspiracy theories. go take your meds and go back to sleep will you.

    Brian Steele

    Agreed. All the so called engineering experts who wrote the conspiracy theories on 9/11 just cannot be found!!. You would think they would be in huge demand in the USA.

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    Hey Graham before you start having a heart attack,why don't you have a good look at some of the 9/11 vids i posted and THEN,spout on.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Being 'official' is sufficient for the mainstream believers, Patrice. Now remember Langley, a renown scientist who said it was impossible for any machinery to fly because of the status quo of science a 100 years ago? And yes remember the 'official' politics of Mao and Stalin and Hitler. It must be so, because the 'authority of the day' says so. And did not Goebbles say that a lie will be believed, when it is told for long enough?

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    View: https://youtu.be/5BqXQQFvOWM?t=6


    9/11 Loose Change Final Cut-Full Documentary

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 32 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    That's why we ain't winning the war..deluded ppl believing the official lies..well done ppl well done..

    Brian Steele

    You actually believe in your own bullshit. Read this:
    This extraordinary conversation is proof that 9/11 conspiracy theories are founded on lies

    Patrice Le Coz

    WTF!! mainstream freaking " news" ? oh yeeaahh!! oh i believe them most of all..ok im done here..

    Graham Weston

    I don't have to Patrice, seen and heard all of them. From no planes hitting the twin towers,CGI used to trick everybody, jet A1 would not burn hot enough to melt steel in the buildings, a control explosions, heard all the crap , i just know it's all bs from idiots who do not have any idea of what they are talking about.

    Joanne Coulter Yep and they say there was no plane at the Pentagon. My daughters friend lost her brother in that crash...I think she would know better than others how her brother died.

    Joanne Coulter

    Yep and they say there was no plane at the Pentagon. My daughters friend lost her brother in that crash...I think she would know better than others how her brother died.

    What a load of Crap....

    Joshua Stuart Page

    Please delete this crap - all of the theory’s have been debunked

    Ron Dodds

    Mate it’s good for a laugh [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Joshua Stuart Page

    Ron Dodds
    Some idiot hear propaganda and are brain washed to believe it as fact

    Joshua Stuart Page
    9/11 was not an inside job
    Kennedy was prob killed by the deep state

    Patrice Le Coz

    Sooo Joshua Stuart Page,you can validate the " deep State" status on JFK,but not that they would do such thing?dissonant is you..

    Joshua Stuart Page

    its all been debunked . Those that are gullible enough to believe the lies of the theorist are in desperate need of wanting to feel intelligent . They invest them self in the theory so deeply they suffer cognitive dissidence

    View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4ml6r7cuKe8


    Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists

    Adam Powers

    Inside job

    Michael Purcell


    Graham Weston

    Jet A1 burns at around 1000 C in open are. Well and truly enough to weaken the steel structure within the twin towers causing them to collapse. Any fruitloop who says that it was not the cause of their collapse simply does not know what they are talking about.

    Joanne Coulter
    You have to admit..best implosion ever..... Someone watching out for everyone there...

    Patrice Le Coz


    Brian Steele

    Patrice Le Coz

    Meanwhile,back on earth..

    Graham Weston

    We have been trying to do that with you Patrice, but you just can't let your conspiracy theory shit go. When thousands in the street saw what happened in front of their own eyes, and tens of millions saw it happening live on hundreds of tv channels, and you still claim your conspiracy theories are correct, tit is time to just let you live in your own little dream world. But i do have to ask, how the hell did you ever make it to adulthood

    Brian Steele

    Graham Weston He may have had breakfast with Elvis today.

    Graham Weston

    Brian, possible, more likely Jimmy Hendrix, shared around some of that gunja he loved to part take in as well. lol
    Stephen Paul Munro

    I like these people that think they know more than the 3.500 Architects and Engineers that have signed a petition for a PROPER re investigation into the murderous event. Maybe you should educate your selves as to what really did happen, and how it was orchestrated. And through your self opinionated, unfounded stupidity, governments get away with this stuff. Do some REAL research and get back to us.

    While the owner Larry Silverstien was admitting to "Pulling Building 7, and watching it collapse", you naïve bastards were pulling something else.

    Brian Steele

    Stephen Paul Munro And just how many architects and engineers and other experts wrote this 9/11 report FFS. Check that out before writing your garbage which is so insulting to the 3,000 who died at the hands of Islamic terrorism.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Stephen Paul Munro A voice of reason and analysis in the wilderness of self-congratulary arrogance and brainwashed self-assuredness, hiding a fear of being underinformed and disinformed and gullible. A reliance by the would-be informers, who use ad hominem attacks like 'idiot' on the argument of authority authorised by the selfsame authority or 'expertise'. Google search 'idiot' and see what you see. Then compare your search results with another not as 'authoritative' search engine likle duckduckgo.

    Stephen Paul Munro
    The insult my friend is in ignoring the available evidence that completely contradicts the dribble we got dished up in the cover up. Start with the Port Authority and follow it through. And tell the families of the murdered that they are all conspiracy theorists. Tell me what Silverstein meant when he admitted "So we pulled it and watched the building collapse". Show me a hole in the side of the Pentagon that a large airliner went through. Show me the debris of an aircraft there. And do you see any wreckage in Shankesville. I guess you will see it, if no one else will. Personally, I care more to see justice for the families of the thousands who were murdered by their filthy government's, than I do four uneducated "Armchair Theories". Hang on tight to your beliefs.

    Graham Weston

    awww Stephen, lets see your list of 3,500 Architects and Engineers. How stupid can a person be. You guys come up with all this crap, without 1 shred of real evidence. I have my evidence, watching 2 fuel laden jet aircraft crashing into the twin towers. All you have is crap by other conspiracy theorists.Stephen, what do you think will happen to building 7 when over 1,000,000 tons of steel and cement come crashing down beside building 7. Do you think it will just sit there smiling , or may be a chance that it will collapse as well from the shock wave. So what are you saying anyway Stephen, no planes hit the buildings, they were blown up by the government, what is your take on what happened.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    And Ive read all the phoney boloney. And after many years of studying real evidence, given by people with Authority and Honesty, I know what happened, how it happened , and why it happened, Again. hold tight to your view.

    Brian Steele

    Graham Weston There is no list. Would be a bunch of people looking to make millions in fees paid by the US Govt to come up with a report that 2 planes hit the building.
    Stephen Paul Munro Perhaps list the people with Authority and Honesty, their qualifications, their independence, their experience in matters like this.

    Graham Weston
    Stephen, your playing with yourself to much, you know jack shit, only believing what the conspiracy theorists tell you. Real evidence by people with Authority and Honesty, wow, now that you have said that i believe every word you say.......NOT.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Good night and sleep well.

    Graham Weston

    I can come up with a list of people who say the moon landing didn't happen, another list of people who say Kennedy shot himself...Gezz Stephen, you call a list of people signing a petition evidence.

    Roger Wilson

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Hold onto your belief.
    There is no list hey?

    Tony Bermanseder


    9/11: Decade of Deception (Full Film NEW 2015)

    Roger Wilson


    Stephen Paul Munro

    Actually, you people should become members of A&E for 911 T. You'd be able to spend hours contradicting the views of thousands of people way more qualified than all of you. I just went in with an open mind and saw the real story. Something you people will never find with your closed minds.

    Brian Steele
    FFS.....the real story. Can't take any more of your trash.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    I retract all I've said. You must be right. You went to a University. Sorry.

    Tony Bermanseder

    Me thinks! Funded by particular political activists or otherwise.

    Brian Steele

    Stephen Paul Munro Surely you went to a University with all your expert opinions!

    Stephen Paul Munro

    You don't need to go to a Uni to see the obvious. But I appreciate the EXPERT opinions comment. That's good.

    Brian Steele

    Stephen Paul Munro Google Sarcasm FYI. I am retired now. I did my study virtually all in my own time and at my expense.

    Ross Beale


    Graham Weston

    We have an open mind Stephen, but when it comes to stupidity and straight out idiots who wouldn't know their arse from their elbo, there is a limit as to just how much of it we will listen to.

    Jacob Peters


    Stephen Paul Munro

    They built Passenger airlines small especially for the 911 event. LOL
    And they had no wings or tail fitted especially for 911.
    Look at all those suitcases and seats?

    Luke Whelan

    The Mob?

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Meanwhile in downtown Shankesville, a plane hit the ground so hard that there was not one bit of aircraft wreckage to be found. Amazing really. The only two crash sites ever, yes ever, to leave no personnel items or aircraft wreckage.

    Graham Weston

    Stephen, perhaps you should read this, learn some truth .
    Debunking the Myths About the 9/11 Attack on the Pentagon

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Ive learnt enough thank you.

    Brian Steele

    No Stephen. It is time for you to contact POTUS with your load of crap. Here is the address:
    Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

    Graham Weston

    lol, yes, enough shit about conspiracy theories.

    Stephen Paul Munro


    Graham Weston

    lol, lol, you shot yourself in the foot there , you say The only two crash sites ever, yes ever, to leave no personnel items or aircraft wreckage., but in the previous photo you posted your saying look at all the suitcases.

    Patrice Le Coz

    Graham Weston Google sarcasm..

    Tony Bermanseder

    Stephen they are trolls. Most likely paid to stir! The trump link indicated this.

    Graham Weston

    wow Tony, we are not the people on here pushing conspiracy theories, afraid you better look in the mirror there. Usually that's the last line of defence of conspiracy theorists when they are made to look like fools, they call everybody trolls.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Tony Bermanseder I don't mind the comments. We all have our views and beliefs. Ignoring all the "Coincidences" of the whole story is sad for the loved ones, and gives crooked governments the momentum to rip off the naïve. Fortunately the US has a brighter future ahead. Just a pity we couldn't get the same in Australia.

    Tony Bermanseder

    We are in a sense protected from the globalist agenda, because our 'leaders' are naive in the extreme. Further the Southern hemisphere location allows much 'in case' safety-property to be bought by the wanna-bees in the scenario that things 'go wrong' in the Northern hemisphere in the next few years.


    · Reply · 11m
    Stephen Paul Munro
    I just wish more people would wake to the idea that our leaders are all bowing to the NWO and a One World Government, to destroy religious, cultural and moral beliefs. And worse, they are destroying the unity of the people, to safeguard the NWO stronghold. The empowering of offbeat misfit minority groups, and anti Christian ideals and morals, are a powerful tool to destroy democracy and the comfort and safety that once provided us.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Graham Weston Can you see any suitcases?
    Talk about DERR!
    Patrice Le Coz Glad you got it[​IMG]

    Tony Bermanseder

    Indeed - This is why this forum tries to awaken the vox populi. But if even Bolt and co fail to discern all of the information war; then the vox populi will be silenced. Bolt got Oz politics good, but still fails to see that Australian ABC is no worse than CNN and the Washington Post etc. Climate scam good and understanding CFR and international banking cartel bad. This has happened and is happening on many social media platforms and boards. Just check the old Mark Latham support group now hijacked by 'Get Up' leftist propaganda. Same could happen here. So much data is being shared elsewhere like here:


    UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

    Graham Weston

    Will you guys listen to yourselves, dam, i thought you were may be both on meds, but now i'm thinking you have both had way to much. New World Order , One world government. so glad i live where i do, i can just turn off and have no problems about running into fruitcakes like you in the street.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Tony Bermanseder [​IMG] Good to talk to you. Keep up the positive posts.

    Tony Bermanseder

    I try to do my part, as long as we can post here lol. Our input potential will diminish before it gets better in the global political fightback.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2018
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Joanne Coulter
    Stephen your comments are insulting given my daughters friend lost her brother in the Pentagon attack...grow up for goodness sakes.

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Joanne Coulter The very reason I see a need for a legitimate investigation, is to see proper justice done. There are many families who lost loved ones, who feel the same need. Many are members of the Group "Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth. They, like a lot of us who have spent many years looking at all aspects, want answers to all the questions that were never asked during the initial investigation, that was a farce. Many laws were broken immediately the event occurred, and in the subsequent weeks and months. The Wives of the lost and injured Firemen are also campaigning for a PROPER inquiry. As are some of the people who built and fitted out the buildings. These are people who knew of the buildings ability to withstand the impact of aircraft. I take little offence to your "Grow Up" remark, but the people pushing for a re investigation might not be so entertaining of such remarks. Even so, you have my sympathy for your loss.
    The New Bobby McIlvaine Video, ‘9/11 Justice for All,’ and More!

    Joanne Coulter

    Stephen Paul Munro People want more that what there is when there is a tragedy.. Because most cannot be explained to their satisfaction and never will...when a simple explanation is given it is never accepted. Grief never let's you settle if you do not accept the explanations. My mother is the same over her sisters death. I have seen several explanations re the events and cause of the collapse of the building and see no reason to dispute them given the specific design of the Twin Towers.
    My comment re to grow up relates to the Pentagon attack...

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Joanne Coulter If you have a clear acceptance of the events of the day, that is fine. I, like a lot of people, are not happy with the explanation, given the clear, material evidence available. The official account of the events of the day, Pentagon included, clearly do not stack up. I am merely one of millions of people who are reacting to what we can clearly see, does not ring true. This has nothing to do with "conspiracy theories", it is merely a reaction to evidence that doesn't stack up, especially to those who understand the scientific aspects of the events. To turn a blind eye to the obvious discrepancies that surround events that took thousands of lives, is very naïve, to say the least. And this applies to the Pentagon as much as all the other coincidences before, during, and after 911. I don't make my observations and comments likely. They are driven by the belief that much injustice has occurred, and for very apparent (to us who have studied it) political reasons. The very reason I have a passionate interest in the whole deal;, is because I feel for all those who lost family and/or loved ones. And the reasons for that are a lot deeper than some people think. I am not out to convince you of that, but don't think for a minute that my views are based on any degree of disrespect or immaturity. A lot of questions still need to be answered. I understand your view, but to label my thoughts and views as insulting is not really justified. There are millions of people, a lot Americans, who are accepting of the 911 events being an inside job. But again I am not out to convince you or insult you. I only expect the same.
    ….not justified....

    No Impact Photos
    In the minutes following the attack, the FBI confiscated from nearby businesses video recordings that might have captured the attack. In contrast to the well-documented tower crashes and collapses in Manhattan, the story of Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon had no corroborating pictures, only eyewitness accounts and photos of the building's damaged facade. And those post-collapse photos convinced many researchers that no Boeing 757 crashed into the building. In early 2002, the Pentagon released a series of five images from a security camera, supposedly showing the moments of impact. However, the images show evidence of manipulation.

    Graham Weston

    stephen, you keep coming up with all this information, but no proof of same, all hearsay, from conspiracy websites.

    Joanne Coulter

    Stephan heaps consider man has never walked on the moon and still continue to come up with heaps of alternatives. This is no different...or are you another one of those too.
    Stephan do you realise how many people worked at the Pentagon... Looked out the window and saw what was there and what happened ..all say the same.

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 34 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.


    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMg2I3cPVuk&feature=youtu.be&t=235


    WOW! COCA-COLA TOLD on NASA in 1969!

    Joanne Coulter

    Patrice Le Coz Gosh here come the moon walk conspiracy wankers...

    Patrice Le Coz
    Patrice and 34 others are consistently creating meaningful discussions with their posts.

    Why don't you look at the post before spouting like a ignoramus..

    Stephen Paul Munro

    Here is just one example

    Ross Beale


    Debunking the Myths About the 9/11 Attack on the Pentagon

    Guy Sander

    I didn’t think the Democrats did it, but if you say so... 1f602.

    Ross Beale

    Where did AA flight 77 go? 5th dimension perhaps ha ha ha ha

    Rocky Oke

    Al Queda killed JFK?

    Brian Steele

    JFK assassinated 1963. Al Queda founded 1988!

    Tom Burns

    I would say it was the same type of hate, rather than agencies.

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