UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The 'General Assembly' of the UN versus 'National Sovereignty'!

    Thursday, 02 August 2018
    “State of Palestine” to Run Massive G77 Bloc at United Nations

    Written by Alex Newman


    The largest group of governments and dictatorships within the United Nations, dubbed the “Group of 77 Plus China” or “G77 + China,” has unanimously selected the “State of Palestine” as its next leader. The controversial move sparked concerns worldwide about the bloc of corrupt and often autocratic regimes that controls some two-thirds of the votes in the UN General Assembly. But critics within and outside the UN expressed hope that the whole saga would have a silver lining: It will highlight the obvious dangers of further empowering the UN and its dictator-dominated “General Assembly” at the expense of national sovereignty.
    The influential G77 Plus China grouping, which includes more than 130 governments and tyrants, is dedicated primarily to extorting Western taxpayers via a collective voice at the UN. At the UN's “climate” negotiations in Paris, for instance, the outfit demanded $100 billion per year from taxpayers in richer and more liberty-minded nations — as a starting point. The group has also been demanding that the UN be empowered with vast new “global governance” powers, including a planetary tax regime, as part of what the G77 and its leaders often tout as the “New World Order.”

    Officials in the U.S. government, Israeli authorities, and others expressed concerns about the choice of the self-styled “State of Palestine” to lead the controversial G77 grouping. Ironically, despite efforts to declare itself a state and gain international recognition, the U.S. government-funded “Palestinian Authority” is not even technically a member of the UN. Nor does the U.S. government that bankrolls the Arab entity recognize it as a state, even having federal laws prohibiting U.S. tax funding for any international organization that admits the “State of Palestine” as a member state.
    Rather than being a full-fledged member of the UN, the so-called Palestinian Authority is referred to as an “observer.” Like the Vatican, which is also considered an “observer,” the Palestinian delegation does not have a vote in the General Assembly. But through the G77 Plus China, whose member regimes rule four out of every five people on the planet, the controversial Arab entity is getting a major boost in terms of prestige and influence on the international stage. The decision to select the Palestinian officials as leaders of G77 is expected to be formally ratified in September, with the delegation taking over from Egyptian authorities in January.

    Because of its massive voting power in the dictator-controlled UN General Assembly, the G77 has significant influence over what happens there. For now, the UN Security Council remains the most important decision-making body at the UN, even claiming to have the ability to deploy U.S. troops around the world. But if the G77 and China group gets its way, the General Assembly dominated by that grouping would become essentially a global legislature with the power to make binding “laws” that would, presumably, absent a U.S. withdrawal from the UN, apply to Americans as well. The UN General Assembly still has significant authority, too, especially as it relates to budget and management issues.

    As The New American magazine has documented extensively, the G77 Plus China, a key organ of globalist power, is pushing for the UN General Assembly to run what G77 leaders and their declarations refer to as the “New World Order.” Their totalitarian global vision, as described in official G77 Plus China documents, calls for the UN General Assembly to be empowered as an “emblem of global sovereignty” — a sort of planetary parliament that would be effectively controlled by the Third World dictators and kleptocrats of the G77, and the nefarious powers behind them. Global socialism is the goal.

    But the latest development could spell trouble. The Arab ambassador who purports to represent Palestinian Arabs at the UN, Riyad Mansour, has already lashed out at the U.S. government's ambassador, Nikki Haley. “For me I don’t have, you know, a relationship with Ambassador Nikki Haley because [of] her attitude and her behavior,” said Mansour, who will be the public face of the G77 Palestinian presidency. “She doesn’t spare a moment for unleashing, you know, something that is so negative vis-à-vis the Palestinian people under the pretext of … defending Israel. In fact, she is becoming more Israeli than the Israelis themselves.”
    Mansour's boss, “President” Mahmoud Abbas, has a long history of extremism in service to globalism, terrorism, the KGB, and international communism. While serving as a Soviet KGB agent and as leader of the “Palestinian-Soviet Friendship Foundation,” he wrote a Ph.D. dissertation arguing that the National Socialist (Nazi) regime in Germany had a “secret relationship” with the international Zionist movement that went on to create the State of Israel. His semi-autonomous regime, which is funded largely by foreign governments to rule over certain Arabs described as “Palestinian,” has been a major conduit of U.S. tax money to terrorist activities, too. That is partly why the Trump administration has reined in U.S. funding for UN agencies that fund “Palestine.”

    Top U.S. government officials have not yet commented on the G77’s decision to be represented by the Arab entity. But after a spat over a G77-backed resolution targeting Israel at the UN’s “Economic and Social Council” (ECOSOC), U.S. Ambassador Kelley Currie took the opportunity to speak out. “We note that the Palestinian delegation is poised to take up the presidency of the G77 in 2019,” she said. “If today’s actions are indicative of the manner in which the delegation intends to carry out its presidency, we would encourage that grouping to reconsider its choice of leadership.” That appears unlikely.

    Jewish pro-Israel groups also expressed concerns about the development. Leaders of the the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, an umbrella group that represents more than 50 national U.S. Jewish groups, suggested that the decision would solidify the UN's anti-Israel bias. “It is completely inappropriate for a non-member state to preside over the G77,” said Chairman Arthur Stark and CEO Malcolm Hoenlein. “What was once a group created to facilitate the economic advancement of underdeveloped nations will now be a platform for distortion and incitement, augmenting the well-documented anti-Israel bias in the U.N. This bloc helps assure the anti-Israel majority in the General Assembly.”

    The Israeli government also sounded the alarm. “The goal of the Group of 77 originally was to facilitate the economic advancement of underdeveloped nations,” argued Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon. “It is unfortunate that it will now become a platform for spreading lies and incitement. This will most certainly not promote the G77’s goals, and encourages the Palestinians to not engage in negotiations for peace.” Israeli authorities often object to the “State of Palestine” being recognized by governments or international organizations, arguing that Arab leaders should negotiate directly with Israel if they hope to create yet another Arab state in the region.

    Meanwhile, Danon's government is lobbying the Trump administration to keep the United States involved in the radical UN “education” organization known as UNESCO, knowledgeable sources tell The New American. The U.S. government announced last year that it would withdraw from the scandal-plagued organization, which has long been controlled by communists, Islamists, and other anti-American extremists dedicated to indoctrinating children worldwide. But Israeli authorities, who also withdrew and originally praised the move, are now apparently working to reverse the U.S. withdrawal.
    In contrast to U.S. and Israeli officials, UN leadership expressed eagerness to work with the newly empowered Arab delegation set to run the G77 Plus China. “Obviously these elections are in the hands of the member states,” UN spokesman Farhan Haq was quoted as saying, adding that the G77 grouping was “a very important venue for dealing the concerns of the developing world.” “We look forward to working with the G77 and its leadership as we face the challenges of the coming year,” Haq said.

    It is also known that UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who led the global government-promoting Socialist International network of socialist, and oftentimes murderous, communist parties, is a huge fan of the G77. During the last leadership transition, when the socialist regime in Ecuador handed over the reins to the Islamic regime ruling Egypt, Guterres even celebrated the dictator-dominated alliance as a “central pillar” supporting the architecture of global governance. “You have been a central pillar in the defense of multilateralism,” he said, with “multilateralism” being a term to describe the UN system and other outfits advancing the globalist vision for humanity.

    Echoing the G77's self-proclaimed goals, Guterres also advocated giving Third World regimes a bigger say over the emerging “global governance” system. “I believe the Group of 77 will be particularly attentive to the need to make sure that any reform gives effective contribution to a more balanced and democratic United Nations, where power is better distributed and justice can prevail more easily,” he said, as if giving mass-murdering dictators more power internationally would somehow make the UN more “democratic. “The Group of 77 has a very important role to play not only in a multilateral world, but also in a world where international relations have more justice.”

    The previous UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, was also an enthusiastic supporter of the G77. Speaking at the G77 summit in Bolivia in 2014 under the banner “Toward a New World Order to Live Well,” Ban praised the ruthless governments in the alliance and called on them to keep agitating for autocratic “sustainable development” and “solutions” to so-called climate change. “All countries need to act on these priorities — individually and collectively,” Ban told attendees, claiming the “fate of billions” depended on the success of their scheming. “That is how I understand the theme of this Summit — a New World Order for Living Well.” Ban has also referred to the UN as the “Parliament of Humanity” while touting UN Agenda 2030 as the global “Declaration of Interdependence.”
    Some analysts have speculated that the ongoing spat between the Trump administration and the Palestinian authority could lead to problems in the “basic functioning” of the UN General Assembly. “The U.S. is the single most important member state at the United Nations and the G77 is the single largest voting bloc,” wrote Mark Leon Goldberg at UN Dispatch. “Unless [upcoming Arab G77 boss] Mansour and Haley establish a modus vivendi the typical give-and-take that accompanies decision making at the General Assembly may fall apart. This could be extremely disruptive, as most decisions taken by the General Assembly are done by consensus.”

    The UN's constant demonization of Israel has become a major issue for U.S. lawmakers in both parties. More than a few members of Congress have suggested defunding or even withdrawing from the UN over its obsession with condemning the State of Israel — a government that is attacked by the world body more frequently than all the world's mass-murdering dictatorships combined. Speaking at a pro-Israel rally, influential House Freedom Caucus leader Representative Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) became the latest high-profile voice to propose defunding the UN, bringing the crowd to its feet with enthusiastic applause.
    Hopefully, with the “State of Palestine” set to play a major role in setting the UN General Assembly's agenda next year, Americans can seize the opportunity to expose and stop the UN. Legislation sitting in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, dubbed the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 193), would get the U.S. government out of the UN while evicting the dictator club's headquarters from U.S. soil. If Trump can be persuaded to join the bandwagon, as well as lawmakers so fervently devoted to Israel on both sides of the aisle, Americans may have a historic opportunity to kill the globalist monster known as the UN. Now is the time to act.
    Image: Joel Carillet via iStock / Getty Images Plus
    Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is based in Europe but has lived all over the world. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Is 'Free Speech' in New Zealand even more politically incorrect than in Australia? Anyone to vote in a Socialist political administration Labor-Green Alliance?

    Teresa Paterson‎
    Against Political Correctness
    50 mins

    This is the face of a modern totalitarian ruler.

    NZ’s Labour PM, Ardern, barely managed to scrape together a minority government a few months back and today she has the arrogance to block all her countrymen from hearing two Conservatives speak common sense. Reason for this? Ardern is a Marxist who disagrees with their views.

    Ardern’s insolence is disgusting; she did NOT win the NZ election in spite of the fact that she was her party’s new leader and was enjoying the standard honeymoon period with the public typical for new leaders.

    2017 Election results in New Zealand were:

    National Party: 44% of votes, 56 seats
    Labour Party: 36.9% of votes, 46 seats
    New Zealand First Party: 7.2% of votes, 9 seats
    Green Party 6.3% of votes, 8 seats

    Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux, two Canadian Conservative speakers who had just finished their Australian tour, were about to have shows there. All shows were booked out but Ardern cancelled them saying that the people of NZ don’t want to hear their views.

    Lauren Southern is the journalist who risked her life when she travelled to South Africa to make a film about the murders of white farmers. Southern first exposed the genocide and for this the Left branded her ‘far-right’ and ‘fascist’. Her saga continues in NZ.


    This group—‘Against Political Correctness’—aims to disclose Politically Correct policies and tactics, their dangers and the damage they cause.

    Join us and never miss a post about this political evil.

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Artistic Protection Diversity !

    It's a bollard kind of day. They'll never change the way we live, say our spineless politicians hiding behind their security details. Then they not only import more potential terrorists but actually stop the ones that want to leave.
    These photos at least show that in Europe they've gotten creative about dressing up their bollards so you don't think about what they're really there for ie some lone wolf, mentally unstable guy yelling Allahu Akbar as he celebrates Christmas and tries to mow you down in his rented truck - because he's not happy with diversity.

    Here they couldn't afford the decorations so our government has gone full-on industrial in defacing our cities. Maybe it's better this way so we can all remember the reason why these horrific concrete blocks have been put there.
    It hasn't stopped some people from getting very creative with adding their own personal touch but we should never get used to them or forget why they now have to be there along with the terror drills/alerts, CCTV, along with the endless lines and searches at the airport...

    If you want to share this article you can find it here, optionally you can also LIKE the page so you get future articles in your timeline:

    diversity1. diversity2. diversity3. diversity4.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    "Free Speech" on Facebook and iTunes
    Must be a conspiracy against the conspiracy theorist, a label coined by the CIA btw.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAcs_oMorEA

    Tony Bermanseder Paul Joseph Watson
    ‏Verified account @PrisonPlanet

    Facebook has permanently BANNED Infowars.

    For unspecified "hate speech". They didn't even tell us what the offending posts were.

    This sets a chilling precedent for free speech.

    To all other conservative news outlets - you are next.

    The great censorship purge has truly begun.
    7:50 PM - 6 Aug 2018

    Paul Joseph Watson
    ‏Verified account @PrisonPlanet
    4h4 hours ago

    Whether you love or loathe Infowars, this now confirms that Big Tech is working with legacy media to silence independent media.

    In places like Russia, the government shuts down the press, in America, CNN, Apple and Facebook fulfil that role.

    "But it's just a private company which can do what it likes".

    No it's not "just a private company".

    This is a Big Tech monopoly working hand in hand with the establishment media to unfairly silence dissenters.

    This is Chinese-style web control. Here and now. In the west.
    190 replies 1,062 retweets 2,644 likes

    Confirmation that Facebook banned Infowars because of "language" used to describe "people who are transgender, Muslims and immigrants."

    No specific examples were provided.

    In other words, if some far-left hysteric in Silicon Valley doesn't like the words you use, you're gone.


    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqGDD0bTkXs
    Pinned Tweet
    [​IMG] David Knight‏ @libertytarian 18h18 hours ago

    "A" complaint. Terminated. 3 strikes? Nah. "A complaint". No further info from god-gle @Google If I were to point out that baseless censorship immediately enacted by all these multinational censors w ties to #China & #MIC was suspicious, I'd be accused of a #ConspiracyTheory


    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Digital Book Burning of Globalist 'Authority' Bomb 86th of 2018
    Anniversary of the Atomic Bomb 'Little Boy' dropped onto Hiroshima, Japan killing abot 160,000 Japanese (70,000 direct and 90,000 effect related) from a total population of about 360,000 on August 6th, 1945.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edKul0_J_m0

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qm4Pks_1_hI

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1HS7Ln0EzM

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJYWaTtc5cM&t=47s

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZPum09RzYc

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIobB6SATcQ

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2018
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2018
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Tony Bermanseder
    Its deeper than that. Compared to the rest of the 'technologically developed world', Australia has the most naive and 'nwo trusting' political administrators and demographic. Agenda 21 of 'sustainable development' is a 100 year old plan now coming to fruition with Australia one of the easiest picking due to the factors indicated.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWuQI0HYy0

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIBtePb-dGY

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2018
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2018

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