UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Judy Mikovitz Explosive Interview With Earth United & A Warrior Calls\July 29th, 2020 - December 12th, 2020
    Debunked, discredited and ridiculed by special interests, but never refuted on factual data or disproven on information.
    March 29th, 2011 - Vaccine-Virus induced blood supply contamination exposed by research and government-industry response in false allegations of misconduct to obscure government-industry liability regarding medical induced injury.
    The parallels to the medical tyranny agenda 2020-2030.

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    This 'New Revolution - read 'Civil Disobedience' - is also required in Australia as the Vox Populi de Libertatis!

    In Australia and other English speaking nations (5 AI's: Australia, NZ, Canada, UK and USA), the medical bureaucracy is globally-technocratically controlled to serve as a template for agenda 2010-2020-2030
    In this interview with The New American's Alex Newman, super-lawyer Larry Klayman--founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch--warned that U.S. institutions are too corrupt to be useful in stopping the coming tyranny. Klayman spoke about his new book, "It Takes A Revolution: Forget The Scandal Industry," and warned that another revolution would be needed to restore freedom and quash the exploding corruption. The courts, Congress, and the #DeepState-controlled executive are hopeless. However, there is good news--there is a long history of people standing up against tyranny. Now is the time to do it again, he said.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Melaney King
    Let the shedding begin.

    Jodine Blake
    Draining the swamp with the cull system...

    Tony Bermanseder
    As you know Melaney, the mrna vaccine injects HIV and other genetic material as trigger adjutant to 'force' the natural immune system to respond in antibodies etc via the T-cells. But the T1-T2 reaction then creates an accelerated autoimmune response in the case of encountering other toxic cellular material, which can have diverse origins. Subsequently environmental exposure of the covid mrna vaccinated will greatly expose the vaccinated to 'catch' the disease vaccinated against. Murder and sickness will be the expected outcomes.

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Agendas and Counter-Agendas

    Remember Q of star trek? The deceptions of the deceptions of the deceived whistleblowers begins using this character as a standard for the 'shadow government' or deep state or illuminati or globalist cabal.
    The internet is full with people who think they know the secrets, even about the lock downs. So what happened. After the USA election of Trump and the uproar this caused in the 'deep state' the CIA-FBI-Space Program-etc etc split apart into say 'white hats' WH and 'black hats' BH. The WH are say nationalistic constitutionalists and the BH are globalist.
    Because the WH supported Trump and the BH did not a Q group by the WH was supposed to inform the general public in encoded messages resulting in a global QAnon social media phenomenon.

    After about 3 days, the QAnon idea was hijacked and so became a psyop and since December 2016, all this razzamattaz on the alternative media has been psyoped by the BH with many WH 'initiates' believing to support the WH original agenda, which was rather shortlived.
    Now superpose the 4 years of lies and mis-disinformation on the alternative media platforms onto the general information seeker (googler) and you might perceive how deep and obnoxious the lies and manipulation of the general public by the controllers really are.

    And this is as valid for Australians as it is for the Americans. The real power structure of the globalist (international collectivists) so is based on the star trek character as an omniscient and omnipotent character manipulating the lower dimensional say planetary reality.
    Q=God---Black Hats posing as White Hats---International Fed Banks-WHO-IMF-CFR-WORLD BANK-UN-EU----National Governments-State Governments-Local Governments--Little dictators on all levels.

    Q is a globalist psyops to undermine the first and second amendments James. To deceive true patriots has been the plan of the technocrats since JFK.
    A Q* beyond Q is possible and would constitute and engage in a anti-'deep state' agenda from the times of JFK and Dwight Eisenhower. Such factuality would then allow parallel timelines to engage particular agendas with counter agendas.

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Immunization with SARS Corona Virus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus
    Scientific paper from 2012 indicating mrna vaccinations for Covid 19+ 2020+
    Explanation by Immunologist Dolores Cahill/Ireland

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2021
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Donald John Trump and Universal Timeline Encoding

    View: https://youtu.be/WSEi-YBt-Uw

    View: https://youtu.be/6h5_d3DUdR4


    Roger Sylver
    His 'farewell speech' is prerecorded, for sure. We are in the thick of battle in this country and some say it's going to get bad for many, from tomorrow until the end of March / beginning of April...

    Tony Bermanseder
    Roger Sylver

    That Trump was 'recruited' by the patriotic military in 2015 as substitute of a military coup against Obama should be taken as fact. This dates back to JFK and his attempt to expose the 'deep state' and the global banking cartel of 1913 and the international CIA.
    How far this 'recruitment' is prepared to rebuild and restore the constitution at this point in time and the American/global history from say 1901 remains to depend on more factors, than the wishes and desires of patriots worldwide.

    This is because there exists a universal 'off planet' timeline constructed say 3 millennia ago and triggered 2 millennia ago to indicate a 10 year period from 2015 to 2025. The technocrats of say the late 1800's and the beginning of the 1900's know of this 'encoded timeframe' rather well and have constructed their technocratic agenda to literally 'fulfill' those 3 millennia old encodings.
    From this derives the current Lock-Step 2010-2020-2030 'global reset agenda'. A particular code regarding an 'Abomination of Desolation' to be set up for 1290 days was fulfilled on January 11th, 2021 and 'coinciding' with a 'fake resignation' of D.J. Trump the current POTUS of the USA.

    Knowing this date in correlation with a number of other encoded time markers like July 1st, 2017 and December 21st, 2012 establishes a number of dates following the January 11th, 2021 marker. Namely February 25th, 2021 to February 27th, 2021, followed by March 6th to March 13th, 2021 refer to a 'shortening of times' with May 1st to May 4th to May 8th defining a 'week of completions'.

    As the 'echeloners' know' of this general timeframe without particular details, the global patriots can expect the 3 millennia encoded timeline to become revealed in its higher universal context in particular confrontations and upheavals in the first 4 months of 2021 with its Past-Present-Future completion to parallel the 2030 agenda of the technocratic controllers by 2025.

    The Federal USA Government was instituted 1787; 1871 was the Ku Klux Klan act about civil rights.
    JFK learned about Fed reserve takeover of USA in 1913 as USA corp/inc globalist banking cartel {patriot dollars).

    1871 was the case of 'national bankruptcy' meaning the UK lenders incorporated USA citizens as collateral to 'pay back' the debts. Trump 'halted' payments and this was the reason he walked 'in front' of the Queen on his UK visit and not following protocol walking behind her.

    John Murphy
    Trump volunteered to run for office only because he knew he had the full backing of patriotic military, not Deep State military.
    The Deep State has control of the pentagon, but my understanding is that the generals in the field are patriots, not traitors. It’s those generals that have the weapons that back Trump.

    Tony Bermanseder-John Murphy
    Indeed and this is the query. Can the patriotic military acting as constitutional militia outmaneuver the pentagon traitors and globalists.

    • Roger Sylver
      They already did. Just watching the movie play out for those still sleeping.

    • Tony Bermanseder
      It might take some time as stated in the universal timeline. A 'cosmic blessing' points to February 25th.
      So partial confusions would continue until this date is reached; irrespective as to who claims to be POTUS.

      Two parallel agendas will indeed manifest from January 11th with the logistics codes defining 9 days (1/11 to 1/20) as the difference between 1260+75+9=1260+84=3½(360) + 84 =3½(360) Degree/Cycle Years + 3½ actual days as 84 hours as long time + shortened time in particular codes and timestamps of antiquity.
      Your statement of transition of about 'a few months' then indicated to me, that you might understand the higher form of the occurrences on this planet at the present times of transformation.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2021
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Tribulation Timeline and the Reconstruction of the Universal Starhuman Temple in the Centered Millennium of Destruction

    West-Left Boundary ............................................................. Age of Judges ............................................................. Right-East Boundary
    Centered 1000 Day Millennium
    420=⅓(1260) Destruction --- December 12th, 2020 ------------- 160=1600/10 Destruction ------------- May 21st, 2021 --- ⅓(1260)=420

    October 19th, 2019 ---450--- January 11th, 2021 ...........................(100)........................... April 21st, 2021 ---450--- July 15th, 2022
    June 10th, 2020 --- 225=½(450) --- January 21st, 2021 ....(80).... April 11th, 2021 --- ½(450)=225 --- November 22nd, 2021

    20 Saul Hebron --------------------------- ½(7+33)=20 David Jerusalem David 20=½(33+7) --------------------------- 20 Saul Hebron
    January 21st, 2021 ----------------- February 10th , 2021 --- March 2nd, 2021 --- March 22nd, 2021 ----------------- April 11th, 2021

    Forest Lebanon ---------(13)-----------(7) ------------ 4 Temple Solomon 4 ------------ (7)-----------(13)--------- Forest Lebanon
    February 6th, 2021 --- February 19th - 26th, 2021 --- March 2nd - 6th, 2021 --- March 13th, 2021 --- March 26th, 2021

  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Ignorance and Mindfulness and the Beliefs of the Globalist Technocratic Elite

    Sharon Downey
    December 17 at 12:56 PM ·
    Historian links the head of the snake, of the cabal to the british crown

    Tony Bermanseder
    They are not far off. The globalist takeover began with the parallel civil revolutions in France and the British occupied USA and following Napoleon and 1776, From 1913 and the Russian revolution and the first world war, the technocrats took over in their collectivist takeover of the world by bankster control. This many know; but what most don't know, is the deeper agenda of the globalists and their parallel agenda of transhumanism to what many would term an extraterrestrial (or higher dimensional) agenda. This has to do with archetypes, geometry and symbolism also underpinning the natural sciences and 'encoded' sayings and 'prophecies', the cabals have an insatiable appetite in to control and to fulfil.
    The human status quo is irrepairable in any meaningful political way. The only way would be for local government of say elected local administrations to replace state and national bureaucracies. The 20% maximum could then not change democratic government on that level.

    Constitutional republics like the USA have this possibility, but the anglosaxon electors are perhaps the most brainwashed electorates in their blind worship of 'expert authorities'.
    But there you have it. How can the 'worship' of false authority be overcome? As this post illustrates an agenda, which the shadow internationalists know of and also try vehemently to forestall and prevent, but fail to understand; might as yet become the redemption of the human civilization, otherwise doomed as written in ancient scrolls of antiquity in many cultures indigenous and Judeo-Christian.

    Harley Caine
    Tony Bermanseder
    I feel like the technocracy is metamorphosising at such a rate that I'm not sure who even controls it anymore.. how many chances do the shadow internationalists need of redemption? There's not many chances left..
    I guess it bares down to the strength of the 20% in guiding the consciousness the right way.. if that can even be done. The reigns are too tight for many people

    Tony Bermanseder
    Harley it took only 3% of real patriots to gain USA independence from the British monarchy in 1776, so the percentage does not matter that much. Now this was 250 years ago and as you know the world is already governed by globalist technocrats, using NGO 'expert advisory bureaucrats' as smoke screens (CFR, WHO, WEC, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, NATO, IMF, UNICEF, IPCC, and on and on).

    My confidence relates to the fact of my lifelong study of the 'source manuals' the shadow government has used, say since the Napoleonic wars 1700 to change the earlier monarchy-peasant class system into higher class-middle class-lower class back into upper class-lower class as can now be witnessed on a global scale.
    Those source codes 'predict' or 'prophecy' a great many things and because the shadow controllers know of this, they also know that the times of global transformation have arrived. Unbeknown to 'them', some 'ancient wisdom keepers' on the planet are quite able to mirror their life destroying agendas and in an archetypical, yet jurisprudent sense.

    Those 'old ones' are working on the timelines, I have indicated as being parallel the timelines of the globalists. Their timeline began in their last phase in 2010 for a 20 year completion target and 2020 as the midpoint. It so is happenstance, that a reconstructed timeline from October 19th, 2019 to July 15th, 2022 of a 1000 day count found in scrolls of antiquity must define a period of time for a planetary civilization when a kind of 'universal judgement' or 'graduation examination' is stipulated.

    Now go to event 201 in New York on October 18th, 2019, when the 'medical tyranny test run' was 'played out' by the globalists and coinciding with 'military games' in Wuhan, China.
    If I would have pointed out the date of October 19th, 2019 to be of a 'cosmic significance' before this now obvious political globalist agenda, then many would not have taken any notice, believing instead of the 'business as usual' memeplex.

    Well now many, especially the 20% of planetary citizens, know very well that the 'business has changed'.

    The Beliefs of the Technocratic Globalist Creed

    The technocrats at the highest manipulative level know that universal law trumps all man made laws as mere approximations. Then Universal Law (like say gravity) derives from some abstraction as a metaphysical 'Energy' of the mind/universal consciousness then physically manifested in say a physical material cosmos utilizing the 'laws of abstraction', say mathematics, quantum mechanics or the algorithmic symmetries and geometries of say the 'code of life' in nucleotidal base pairings of the DNA and RNA.

    The technocratic elite knows this power of the original universal and not man made law very well and seeks to manipulate this law in the physical realm.
    As said before they BELIEVE in their own 'absolution-redemption-justification' for whatever their manipulative endevours entail in proclaiming their attempts and aims of manipulation openly, knowing or expecting that the majority of the 'governed' will not discern their actual agendas.

    Do I BELIEVE in Judeo-Christianity as culturally defined?
    I BELIEVE in Definition and ORIGIN of the Universal Law, which allows me to redefine many codes, which are subject to belief and individual interpretation in a knowledge based sense of the Scientia=Gnosis=Knowledge of the Logistics of the Universal Law.
    In the Judeo-Christian source texts, this is labeled as the 'Word or Logos of God'.

    But because the label of 'God' requires scientific or logical definition, before it should be used in a self-consistent and universally-generally applicable manner; appropriate research and study then allows me to redefine a major code in the Judeo-Christian religion in the following manner;

    John 1:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)
    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
    2 The same was in the beginning with God.
    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    1 In the beginning was the Definition, and the Definition was with the Source Energy, and the Definition was the Source Energy.
    2 The same was in the beginning with the Source Energy.
    3 All things were made by the Logos; and without the Logos (of the Logic) was not any thing made that was made.

    Can I then associate this Logos with the Birth of the physically observed Universe in mirroring a 'Shadow' metaphysically observed or experienced Universe and linked or connected by a higher dimensional physicalized consciousness or 'spirit' from and by the 'Source Energy' assuming a physicalized form?

    Yes, I can and applying the logic of the Logos to 'whatever can be experienced', it was my life long adult quest of say 40 years to logically and in the name of the 'Logos Scientia' to 'rationalize' and 'explain' the many codes and numerical patterns found in the source texts of the Judeo-Christian religion.

    As this Judeo-Christian is subject to political maneuvers and individual interpretation of its source codes and texts however; I would greatly distance myself from any group of BELIEVERS or followers, unless those groups would adhere to an interpretation of their own source codes and scriptural texts in harmony, compatibility or synergy with my interpretation of those source codes in the mirror of Universal Law, based on Universal and not human-restricted consciousness.


    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021

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