UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    celebrate. demon2. demon1. viruseye1. 2012olympics.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Erika Mermuse
    Ok let me break it down for those of you actually are arguing for this... (which is unbelievable)There are theories, which I believe wholeheartedly due to my EXPERIENCE in Egypt, that suggest we had and were advanced beings in far ancient times and that Egypt and other ancient people that clearly show they were more advanced the further back in history you go. There was a cataclysm in ancient times, that drove people to live underground and darkness to survive. There was a solar event that limited the light reaching the planet... Most people and animals died out, but the lack of the sun’s energetic influence over several generations retarded the minds and intellectual abilities of humans... This is why there appears to be a reset around 10,000+ years ago and there was a de-evolvement. The cycles of the sun and cosmic rays that hit our planet depending on our place in the cycle of the galaxy at any given time affects the intelligence and level of people... THIS IS HOW ANCIENT PEOPLE SEEMED TO HAVE HAD KNOWLEDGE OF CYCLES of human behavior thousands of years in advance!

    Todd Brian
    Erika Mermuse
    The only arguable point is that humans, as we understand ourselves today, had very limited microchip/electronic or other technology. Most of the real flying stuff was Annunaki in design. Very rudimentary chips were dug out of coal in Russia, supposedly millions of years old, Michael Cremo info.
    My debatable point is that homo sapiens sapiens has never actually been this free or this advanced (at the same time) on this world in prehistory till now. Maybe elsewhere.

    Erika Mermuse
    Todd Brian
    we are missing hundreds of thousands of years... A lot can happen

    Todd Brian
    Erika Mermuse
    Summarizing of course, but anything before 250k years is technically not our species. We are delving into the short terraforming history of a water world. Giant Altan Irish looking Annunaki converged on an already inhabited Lemurian reptillian world culture. The only humanlike beings that far back were Dravidians and Australian Aboriginal type people. Most advanced tech was probably modular, meaning self-contained and non&manufacturable, basically hand-me-downs from the gods, who were humanlike, but certainly not us.

    Todd Brian
    I see that I have to constantly re-edit my posts on such topics now, even after updating my FB. They corrupt my spellings to make comments appear like a meth addict wrote them, probably so people won't take what people write seriously.

    Steven Keiper
    Erika Mermuse
    I've been waiting for you to spit some knowledge about the truth it. So he's good to hear you say it again. WOOOOOOO ✌️❤️

    Tony Bermanseder
    Correct Erika, this time is known as the Zep Tepi or the 'time before time' in the ancient Egyptian records of Manetho. It is part of the Maya precessional cycle of 9,360,000 days beginning March 1st, 23,5615 BC with a midpoint of July 27th, 10,802 BC to December 21st, 2012. Since this time the planetary civilization is in reset mode and now in the 8th year. At he midpoint a catastrophic solar event eruption or a cometary impact (Young Dryas), at a time associated with the Sphinx and the geometry of the Giza complex, caused a reset known as the planetary memory of Gilgamesh and Noah's flood. But I always knew you came from an extraterrestrial lineage.

    https://www.academia.edu/41567757/The_Secret_of_Extraterrestrial_Life_-_The_Butterfly_Dream_ https://www.academia.edu/41484156/A_Science_of_Time_Encodings_for_a_World_in_Transition_Part_I_\

    Tash Stokes
    Apophis... not sure if that's pronounced correct... is supoosed to be coming past in 2029 i read. If the solar flash hasn't occurred by then i think that will be the cataclysm they speak of in 8yrs.
    Ummm do you agree and trust corey goode and david wilcocks words? And beleive corey with the SSP? Im unsure but still amazed with his information non the less.

    Tony Bermanseder
    David Wilcock means well but is unbeknowingly to him used to 'muddle the waters' in the New Age psyops. Goode is entangled in the disinfo ET-Ufo psyops even more so. You cannot trust either of them to provide true information. Years ago and before 2012, David Wilcock did very good work on the shadow government and the secret societies. Once he became well known and 'famous' the cabal he really wants to fight has used him to become a new age guru to mix real data with fake histories. Asteroid Apophis is just one asteroid of many in orbits sometimes approaching earth. All this planet X-Nibiru stuff is a psyops to divide the human groupmind and to ridicule any real ET contact scenario. They use 'project bluebeam' to possible fake a real startrek scenario with holograms etc. There is a real 'other planet' and this is the Earth itself, changing from the old form of now into a new form of the future, when real ETs hybridise with old humans to transform them into star humans. Your beliefs relate to this future scenario.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Because the world is now in takeover mode, there are very few public figures you can trust. The ones which are banned and ridiculed the most, like David Icke, are the ones closest to the truth. As said your astrochart shows you May 11th, to be your dark moon lilith return. So you feel intense energies in these times of universal transformation. Just be yourself and live in integrity and you cannot go wrong.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Generally the predicted cataclysm, Nibiru, wormwood, asterpoids etc are all true symbolically and archetypically. BUT this must not be a physical destruction. It actually IS a mental armageddon, where say 80% of the human groupmind will go literally insane or 'super brainwashed'. As you know this is the covid19 trigger, which has divided the human populus into 2 camps, the 10-20% which can see it to be a globalist scam and the 80-90% which believe the 'expert authorities'. ARMAGEDDON = DRAGON MADE = GET FUCKED = 82 in gematria. It began October 19th, 2019 coincident with the Wuhan 'military olympics' and the Event 201 in New York AS Agenda 21 to end in Agenda 2030. But as I shared before with you there is a midpoint in 2024-2025 which will in fact determine the planetary future.

    Tash Stokes
    Tony Bermanseder
    yeah i can feel the energys. Horrible headaches.. insomnia... night sweats and anxiety... Im just trying to stay grounded and happy and help raise some vibrations here and there

    Tony Bermanseder
    You are doing well sweety; be true to yourself and a new heaven will look after you on an old earth becoming renewed.

    Tash Stokes
    I can see where the 10-20% will end up... ridiculed and medicated and shunned... like they have for thousands of years.
    The ones who can see behind the curtain n know their dirty deeds will be banished.

    Tony Bermanseder
    It will become a self-judgement and there will be a 'gnashing of teeth' and a 'hiding under the rocks'. I am presently working on the details of the timeline and will publish it in due time. But I can tell you that he period between December 12th, 2020 to March 2nd, 2021 to May 21st, 2021 will mirror all of the future of humanity in its past and in a 5 month 160 day period.

    Tash Stokes
    Tony Bermanseder
    can't wait to read your final paper such an exciting time to be on earth right now no matter what happens i guess. Keep rising.. keep shining.. keep learning. True wealth is knowledge.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Tony Bermanseder
    This is good news, as it will somewhat hinder the globalist take over train.

    Harley Caine

    Tony Bermanseder
    I hope so.. but do you actually see this current human consciousness derailing the train? I see lack of courage and sovereignty, we've been building up for this for a long time, I hope it doesnt just become another cycle!
    The only light I see right now is through a nasty civil war worldwide, between the 20% awakened and 80% sleeping.. I'm still very unsure how that's going to go

    Tony Bermanseder

    I agree with you that the human status quo is irrepairable in any meaningful political way. The only way would be for local government of say elected local administrations to replace state and national bureaucracies. The 20% maximum could then not change democratic government on that level.
    Constitutional republics like the USA have this possibility, but the anglosaxon electors are perhaps the most brainwashed electorates in their blind worship of 'expert authorities'.
    But there you have it. How can the 'worship' of false authority be overcome? As this post illustrates an agenda, which the shadow internationalists know of and also try vehemently to forestall and prevent, but fail to understand; might as yet become the redemption of the human civilization, otherwise doomed as written in ancient scrolls of antiquity in many cultures indigenous and Judeo-Christian.

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?



    Harley Caine
    Tony Bermanseder
    I feel like the technocracy is metamorphosising at such a rate that I'm not sure who even controls it anymore.. how many chances do the shadow internationalists need of redemption? There's not many chances left..
    I guess it bares down to the strength of the 20% in guiding the consciousness the right way.. if that can even be done. The reigns are too tight for many people

    Tony Bermanseder

    Harley it took only 3% of real patriots to gain USA independence from the British monarchy in 1776, so the percentage does not matter that much. Now this was 250 years ago and as you know the world is already governed by globalist technocrats, using NGO 'expert advisory bureaucrats' as smoke screens (CFR, WHO, WEC, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, NATO, IMF, UNICEF, IPCC, and on and on).

    My confidence relates to the fact of my lifelong study of the 'source manuals' the shadow government has used, say since the Napoleonic wars 1700 to change the earlier monarchy-peasant class system into higher class-middle class-lower class back into upper class-lower class as can now be witnessed on a global scale.

    Those source codes 'predict' or 'prophecy' a great many things and because the shadow controllers know of this, they also know that the times of global transformation have arrived. Unbeknown to 'them', some 'ancient wisdom keepers' on the planet are quite able to mirror their life destroying agendas and in an archetypical, yet jurisprudent sense.

    Those 'old ones' are working on the timelines, I have indicated as being parallel the timelines of the globalists. Their timeline began in their last phase in 2010 for a 20 year completion target and 2020 as the midpoint. It so is happenstance, that a reconstructed timeline from October 19th, 2019 to July 15th, 2022 of a 1000 day count found in scrolls of antiquity must define a period of time for a planetary civilization when a kind of 'universal judgement' or 'graduation examination' is stipulated.
    Now go to event 201 in New York on October 18th, 2019, when the 'medical tyranny test run' was 'played out' by the globalists and coinciding with 'military games' in Wuhan, China.

    If I would have pointed out the date of October 19th, 2019 to be of a 'cosmic significance' before this now obvious political globalist agenda, then many would not have taken any notice, believing instead of the 'business as usual' memeplex.
    Well now many, especially the 20% of planetary citizens, know very well that the 'business has changed'.

    Harley Caine
    Tony Bermanseder I always appreciate your insite tony, I agree we have again come to the time of graduation, in your research is this a cycle we come to, which is relevant to celestial events ? I have done a bit of research into the yugas which coincide with this graduation or enlightenment period but I dont know enough. Can you message me some links to material please

    Tony Bermanseder
    Many of my drafts and published papers are here:

    Anthony P Bermanseder - Academia.edu
    Anthony P Bermanseder - Academia.edu

    Tony Bermanseder
    The source codes relate to an Egyptian historian-priest called Manetho, who described a period of time predating the dynasties in cycles of precession.
    Later academically used sources include the Jewish historian and chronicler Josephus, who used Manetho to reconstruct the history of the Hebrews. Needless to say, this led to the construction of the Torah and the Judeo-Christian bible with its prophecies.

    Many years of research allowed me to reconstruct the Manetho 'Time before Time' or 'Tep Zepi' affiliated with the Mesopotamian civilization of so 4000 BC now extended by Gobekli Tepe in Turkey to so 8000 BC and closing in on the geometric construction of the pyramids and the sphinx at the midpoint of the last precessional cycle of 9,360,000 Mayan days or kin from March 1st, 23,615 BC to July 27th, 10,802 BC to the December 21st, 2012 Nexus date, completing the last precession (of 5 for the history of homo sapiens sapiens on planet Earth).
    We are so now in 2020 in the 8th year of the next precessional cycle.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Those source codes also relate to the metamorphosis of the universe itself.
    This describes an advanced quantum mechanics, which is at the root of the nature of physicalized consciousness.
    I have a number of published papers on this on the linked forum. Some of those papers are technical in using the nomenclature of quantum field theory and its extension in those parts of theoretical physics and the sciences.

    Now there is a way to understand the cosmological concepts without all that technical jargon, but this way requires you to understand the symbols and archetypes of linguistics, especially those found in the source codes.
    My expertise is in the symbolism of the Judeo-Christian bible and much of my work relates to decoding numerological and symbolic codes in both the old and the new testament.
    So perhaps you can now see, why the timelines addressed relate to say the numbers in Genesis, Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation in linking the past of Egypt's Manetho via Josephus of the Hebrews to John Zebedee of Jesus' time in Galilee.

    Tony Bermanseder
    I can share with you and anyone interested, the 'master manual' of the globalists, well say the top of the top as this cabal is organised on a 'need to know basis'. 'They' know of this 'little book' discovered in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in 1945 at the time of the end of world war 2 and the Roswell-UFO incident.

    This 'little book' was created, perhaps in rudimentary literal, but authentic oral form in 31 BC and was largely hidden by the then 'underground' early Christian communities.
    With the corruption of the tenets of early Christianity, whose 'secret sayings' were encapsulated in the 'little book'; the Christianity became politics and the 'little book' became unpalatable and so associated with heresy.

    But today and especially since the discovery of Nag Hammadi, the 'controllers' have been engaged in an attempt to manifest the codes in the 'little book' to their advantage and to prevent any such thing as a 'benevolent ET contact' or a 'coming of a redeemer, say the 2nd coming of Jesus or the appearance of a Kalki or a return of a 'ancient teacher' or the 12th Imam of Islam.

    Therefore the always hostile takeover of planet earth by 'Independence Day' scenarios in films and Hollywood's star wars and comic innuendos of conspiratorial facts, such as in Simpsons and South-Park and the technocratic architecture exemplified in the Vatican, Denver airport and Washington DC, the pentagon and the City of London.

    Tony Bermanseder
    The 'little book' is written in symbolic, often religious sounding words, and akin to a parable or symbolic metaphor, but actually describes an advanced cosmology more akin the quantum mechanics and the wave-particle dualism of atomic physics and the Descartian Mind-Body dichotomy.
    Needless to say, academic debate of this 'little book' is rather limited and the general public remains basically unaware of its existence for the obvious reason that the cabal wishes to keep its encoded secret manual to become 'masters of the universe'.

    The 'Little Book' is described in a number of passages in the bible in encoded form, including Eze.3.1-4 and Rev.2.10; 10.8-10:

    Ephesians 6:12
    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Then the 'illuminated ones' on the inside become 'Her' followers; knowing the 'outside story' but promote the 'inside story' for the purpose to 'sequester' the 'knowing' for themselves within the warring factions, comprised by the 'ignorant ones', namely the 'Learned Ones, who cannot read the book, because it is sealed' and the 'Unlearned Ones, who cannot read the book, because they are not learned'.

    Isaiah 29:10-12 (King James Version)
    For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

    Zephaniah 3:9 (King James Version)
    9For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin Translation); Nag Hammadi codices, 1945, Egypt - http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/gthlamb.html

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin Translation) -- The Nag Hammadi Library

    Brooke Guessfeld

    Tony Bermanseder
    this is something i had a vision of many years ago. so i’m hopeful of how we will come out of this and it is definitely leading to something much greater. teleportation, telepathy, instant manifestation and the end of all disease. some call it heaven on earth.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Yes there is a timeline of 1000 days within a greater 'tribulation period' spanning from May 20th, 2017 to December 12th, 2024 starting with October 19th, 2019 (Event 201 and Wuhan military olympics). So the 7-8 year period for the fulfilment of 'ancient codes' ends before the agenda 2030 timeline centred on the 2010-2020 ID - 2030 ten year timeframe.
    For details read this post:

    The 1000 days are a period of 'universal judgement' or 'human graduation' where the true 'evil' must expose itself. Perhaps this allows you know to decode revelation.20 Brooke. There is more to 'encoded timelines' then the biblical literalists can fathom.
    This is why the 'true elect believers' will derive from places most cannot entertain in their philosophies.
    The quality is one of bias from factual science or Logos blended with unbiased compassionate emphatic wisdom or Sophia. But perhaps you know that from the sophia of the worlds.

    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    US and Chinese researchers, funded by the United States and Chinese governments, teamed up to create a deadly new coronavirus that is extremely similar in its effects to the coronavirus that is causing the current pandemic.
    The research is described in detail in a December 2015 scientific article published in prestigious Nature Medicine. In this video, Dr. Breggin describes how the American/Chinese manufactured coronavirus mimicked nearly all aspects of SARS-CoV-2, including pneumonia, increasing lethality in older and/or infirm mice and resistance to treatment.
    The research also sounds a warning that the manmade 2015 virus was resistant to vaccines. It is beyond belief that the US has funded a collaboration with China involving the creation of a coronavirus that has all the attributes of a devastating biological weapon.
    The Chinese were from the now-infamous Wuhan Institute which was known to have two potentially deadly hazards: poor safety measures and direct connections to the Chinese military. NIH, including the Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, continued support for the research even after warnings about its dangers were sounded by the research community.

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2020

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Russian military perspective on corona virus covid19.

    . ... In this outtake, a former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence service states that the current Coronavirus pandemic (or lack of?) is serving 4 main purposes:

    1) Depopulation initiative
    2) Political control over the remaining population
    3) Deflation of the current financial bubble
    4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors.

    View: https://youtu.be/t2vqjBtnltI

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