UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure

Discussion in 'UN-Globalist Collectivism and Political Disclosure' started by admin, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Climate Change Scam – Quotes from the 'Progressive' Left.

    Below are quotes from powerful, rich, religious, famous and fanatical environmentalists intent on keeping “the populace alarmed” to further their own personal and selfish goals. That goal is “Global Governance” by way of the U.N. These elitists believe they know what is best for us and they are willing to lie to us, manipulate the science, the media and our children to achieve their objectives.

    Today the Green Movement is the new religion that the world’s elite have created to move their agenda forward. This is being done under the banner of saving the planet, social justice and redistribution of wealth while retaining the power for themselves.
    The threat to the world is not man-made global warming or climate change. The threat to the world, is the groups of fanatics who want to impose their values and desires on others. The people below represent such a group.
    Fasten your seat belts, these quotes range from frightening to ridiculous:

    Quote from Club of Rome:
    “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention….and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself….believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose.”

    Quote by Al Gore, former vice president:
    “Adopting a central organizing principle means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, to halt the destruction of the environment.”

    Quote by Maurice Strong, a primary power behind UN throne:
    “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

    Quote by Jeffery Sachs, Columbia University, Director of The Earth Institute:
    “Obama is already setting a new historic course by reorienting the economy from private consumption to public investments…free-market pundits bemoan the evident intention of Obama and team to ‘tell us what kind of car to drive’. Yet that is exactly what they intend to do…and rightly so. Free-market ideology is an anachronism in an era of climate change.”

    Quote by Emma Brindal, a climate justice campaigner coordinator for Friends of the Earth:
    “A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources.”

    Quote by David Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!:
    “We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of acres of presently settled land.”

    Quote by Louis Proyect, Columbia University:
    “The answer to global warming is in the abolition of private property and production for human need. A socialist world would place an enormous priority on alternative energy sources. This is what ecologically-minded socialists have been exploring for quite some time now.” 

    Quote by Michael Oppenheimer, major environmentalist:
    “The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.”

    Quote by Barack Obama,
    “All across the world, in every kind of environment and region known to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it’s here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster”.

    Quote by David Graber, scientist U.S. Nat’l Park Services:
    “We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth. It is cosmically unlikely that the developed world will choose to end its orgy of fossil energy consumption, and the Third World its suicidal consumption of landscape. Until such time as Homo Sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come along.”

    Quote by Sir John Houghton, first chairman of IPCC:
    “Unless we announce disasters, no one will listen.”

    Quote by Al Gore, former vice president:
    “I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis.”

    Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist:
    “That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”

    Quote by Amory Lovins, scientist, Rocky Mountain Institute:
    “Complex technology of any sort is an assault on human dignity. It would be little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy, because of what we might do with it.”

    Quote by Paul Ehrlich, professor, Stanford University:
    “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”

    Quote by Ted Turner, billionaire, founder of CNN and major UN donor:
    “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

    Quote by Ted Turner, billionaire, founder of CNN and major UN donor:
    ‘Global warming’ will kill most of us, and turn the rest of us into cannibals.”

    Quote by Jason Warmis, long-time activist, environmentalist, UN advocate:
    If we are to stop CO2 growth, then we have to cut present world energy use by 80%, now. Our young people know the fate of the world is in their hands and they will make the sacrifices to make this happen. They will give up their iPods, cell phones, cars, computers, DVD players, video games, and the Internet to achieve an 80% cut, and more if necessary – this is not an issue for themselves, it’s an issue of saving the world for our betters, nature. Our young people will not fail us; they will lead the way as the last crucible of change and hope.

    Quote by Ross Gelbsan, former journalist: “Not only do journalists not have a responsibility to report what skeptical scientists have to say about global warming. They have a responsibility not to report what these scientists say.”

    Quote by Charles Alexander, Time Magazine science editor:
    “I would freely admit that on [global warming] we have crossed the boundary from news reporting to advocacy.”

    Quote by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Environment Minister:
    “No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits…. climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

    Quote by Timoth Wirth, U.S./UN functionary, former elected Democrat:
    “We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

    Quote by Richard Benedik, former U.S./UN bureaucrat:
    “A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect.”

    Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office:
    “The data don’t matter. We’re not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We’re basing them upon the climate models.”

    Quote by Noel Brown, UN official:
    “Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of “eco-refugees,” threatening political chaos.” (Editor: Yes, he meant the year 2000.)

    Quote by Harry Reid, Democrat, U.S. Senate majority leader:
    “Coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world.”

    Quote by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:
    “Large-scale hog producers are a greater threat to the United States and U.S. democracy than Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network.”

    Quote by Osama bin Laden, terrorist leader behind 9/11 plot & attacks:
    "In fact, the life of all mankind is in danger because of global warming resulting to a large degree from the emissions of the factories of the major corporations; yet despite that, the representative of these corporations in the White House insists on not observing the Kyoto accord, with the knowledge that the statistics speak of the death and displacement of millions of human beings because of global warming, especially in Africa.”

    Quote by David Frame, climate modeler, Oxford University:
    “Rather than seeing models as describing literal truth, we ought to see them as convenient fictions which try to provide something useful.”

    Quote from Monika Kopacz, atmospheric scientist: “It is no secret that a lot of climate-change research is subject to opinion, that climate models sometimes disagree even on the signs of the future changes (e.g. drier vs. wetter future climate). The problem is, only sensational exaggeration makes the kind of story that will get politicians’ — and readers’ — attention. So, yes, climate scientists might exaggerate, but in today’s world, this is the only way to assure any political action and thus more federal financing to reduce the scientific uncertainty.”

    Quote by Thomas Lovejoy, scientist, Smithsonian Institution:
    “The planet is about to break out with fever, indeed it may already have, and we [human beings] are the disease. We should be at war with ourselves and our lifestyles.”

    Quote by Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury:
    “We must support government coercion over enforcing international protocols and speed limits on motorways if we want the global economy not to collapse and millions, billions of people to die.”

    Quote by Bill Maher, supposedly a comedian:
    “Failing to warn the citizens of a looming weapon of mass destruction- and that’s what global warming is- in order to protect oil company profits, well, that fits for me the definition of treason.”

    Quote by David Suzuki, celebrity scientist on politicians ignoring climate alarmists: “What I would challenge you to do is to put a lot of effort into trying to see whether there’s a legal way of throwing our so-called leaders into jail because what they’re doing is a criminal act.”

    Quote by James Hansen, prominent NASA climate scientist:
    “…chief executives of large fossil fuel companies to [should] be put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature; [Hansen] accusing them of actively spreading doubt about global warming in the same way that tobacco companies blurred the links between smoking and cancer.

    Quote by David Roberts, journalist Grist Magazine:
    “When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we’re in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards (global warming skeptics) — some sort of climate Nuremberg.” 

    Quote by Robert Muller, UN Assistant Secretary General:
    “In my view, after fifty years of service in the United National system, I perceive the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government. There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways.”

    Unbelievable quotes aren’t they? The plan is to do and say anything to further the cause. The real objective is social reengineering not saving the planet. It is time to see this, for what it is. Climate change is a giant money making, power grabbing scam for the elite – and YOU are the victim. If the elite and the U.N. have their way, the America we grew up in will be what becomes extinct! Wake Up! Time is running out. Do your own research, the truth is out there – this is a scam.

    Restore the Republic, Reject the Climate Change Scam of the Progressive Left!
    Posted by Vital News Australia at 3:13 PM - Monday, September 5, 2011

    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    I had turned myself into a plastic-surgery facsimile of a woman, but I knew I still wasn’t one. I became (and to an extent, still feel) deeply depressed.

    1 Year After Sex Change, This Teen Regrets His ‘Frankenstein Hack Job’

    Walt Heyer / November 17, 2019 / 335 Comments
    Nathaniel, not pictured above, received sex change surgery at age 18. (Photo: Elva Etienne/Getty Images)
    Commentary By

    Walt Heyer

    Walt Heyer is an author and public speaker. Through his website, SexChangeRegret.com, and his blog, WaltHeyer.com, Heyer raises public awareness about those who regret gender change and the tragic consequences suffered as a result.
    Less than a year after having gender surgery, Nathaniel now says, “This whole thing was a bad idea. I am 19 years old, and I feel as though I have ruined my life.”

    It’s heartbreaking each time I get a letter from someone who underwent gender-change surgery and regrets it, especially someone as young as Nathaniel.
    With his permission, I’m telling a bit of his story to raise awareness of the young lives being ruined by the rush to surgery, and hoping that hearing the testimony of this young man will influence others on this path to slow down and consider the consequences before consenting to surgery.
    In Nathaniel’s case, he says he was bullied by the boys in elementary school because he was sensitive and preferred playing girl games. When he was a bit older, he discovered internet pornography, heard about transgenderism, and as he says, “convinced myself that’s what I was.”

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    When he finally worked up the nerve to tell his mother in the summer after eighth grade, she made an appointment with, in his words, “a doctor at an informed-consent clinic.”
    He started seeing the doctor a week after his 15th birthday, and from how he describes the next years of his teens, I’d say going to the clinic didn’t improve his life.
    “From then on,” he says, “I slowly detached from everything until I was just staying home, playing video games, and going on the internet all day. I stopped reading, drawing, riding my bicycle. I surrounded myself in an echo chamber that supported and validated my poor decisions, because the others were also, unfortunately, stuck in that pit, too.”
    A month after his 18th birthday, Nathaniel had what’s euphemistically called “bottom surgery.” For a male like Nathaniel, that means refashioning the male genitalia into a pseudo-vagina. He suffered some complications that required a second surgery a few months later, and he had facial surgery to further feminize his appearance.
    Nine months later, he says:

    Now that I’m all healed from the surgeries, I regret them. The result of the bottom surgery looks like a Frankenstein hack job at best, and that got me thinking critically about myself. I had turned myself into a plastic-surgery facsimile of a woman, but I knew I still wasn’t one. I became (and to an extent, still feel) deeply depressed.
    The unpopular truth, which Nathaniel unfortunately learned the hard way at a young age, is a man is not a woman and can’t ever become a woman, even with surgically refashioned genitals and feminizing facial surgery.
    Nathaniel is a bright young man who never had the benefit of sound, effective counseling, which would have prevented this horrible mistake from happening. He will deal with it for the rest of his life.
    No one will help this young man to detransition. The so-called “informed-consent clinic” (as if a teenager can give informed consent) washed their hands of him. The reckless ideology claims another life.
    Nathaniel’s story is not unique. Specifics may vary, but I’ve found that everyone who regrets can point to something that happened that caused them to not want to be who they are and attempt to become someone else.
    For Nathaniel, “what happened” was bullying about not being male and viewing pornography on the internet. When he sought help in his distress, the transgender ideology and the gender clinic and surgeons affirmed his false thinking and enticed him down the primrose path.
    Another young person with a story of medical malpractice I’ve come to know is Sydney Wright. Born female, Sydney “transitioned,” also at age 18. Now 21, she recently told her story: “I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn.”

    She clearly articulates the absence of counseling prior to being prescribed the powerful male hormone testosterone and the horrible effects taking it for even a short time had on her female body.
    As more and more people seek help from gender clinics, we’re seeing a tidal wave of those who regret sex change. So many contact me that I wrote a book with 30 of their stories, “Trans Life Survivors.”
    In an article, “Observations in a Gender Diversity Clinic,” published in Ethics and Medics, Dr. Monique Robles, a board-certified pediatric critical care physician, observed that children and adolescents are put on the path to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and “sex reassignment surgery” at gender clinics, but receive no psychological counseling.
    She says that this practice is widespread and growing among gender clinics, even though a review of the medical literature shows that none of this treatment regimen is supported by strong scientific evidence.
    The reckless gender medical practitioners have blood on their hands. Both Sydney’s and Nathaniel’s young bodies bear the penalties.

    It isn’t society’s fault that these teenagers suffered harm. The blame lies with the gender clinics and the medical staff who practice there.
    By turning a blind eye to the scientific and ethical aspects of their chosen profession, they are directly responsible for poor outcomes, regret, detransitioning, suicides, and families torn to shreds by unnecessary surgeries.
    We should be outraged at doctors and surgeons who carve up distraught people, especially teens, and leave them looking like, as Nathaniel says, “Frankenstein hack jobs.”
    National public outcry is a powerful force, as we saw in the custody case of Jeff Younger in Texas. We need to support all who are battling the destructive practice of transitioning children.
    Nathaniel will need proper medical care to get his life back and funds to pursue legal action, if indicated. If you’d like to help, visit sexchangeregret.com and contact me.

    The good news for both Nathaniel and Sydney is that they are revitalizing their faith in Jesus and, as I know well from my lifetime of transgender experience, faith in God leads to restoration, if we allow it.

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australia's Capitulation in the South Pacific to China, ergo Boganville

    Why? Because Australia is 'ruled-administered' not by any elected government, but by UN 'sponsored-bribed-black mailed' and unelected but 'appointed' UN-globalist buerocrats. The UN considers China to become the exemplar and blueprint for its Orwellian global domination without nation states but trade and adminstration regions divided into Asia-Oceania and Africa-Europe and the Americas. Therefore China is globalist sponsored-endorsed above all other nations yet existing. TPP etc do not promote 'free trade' but corporate monopolies, something the 'puppet' politicians (with a few exceptions' any clear thinking Australian can discern), cannot acknowledge due to the hijacking of its 'budget-monetary policy' by the privately owned banking cartel; disguised as Federal Reserve Banks in most countries.The two globalist centres are Wall Street, New York and Washington DC (WDC) and the 'City of London' (COL), with COL and WDC both independent states within states (like Vatican DC) and so not subject to the laws and jurisprudence around their geophysical locations.

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzCqQKnF9Oo

    Eileen Hillman
    Tony Bermanseder correct.

    • cat=101&_nc_ohc=JncJSQr8PosAQmOGzKt10z_yFSyrOxVl5uH-3LYpAjwtO8LhxX4Qm3NDg&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.
      Tony Bermanseder
      Eileen Hillman
      It would be good if unwoke commentators like Alan Jones, Mark Latham, Rowan Dean and co and Andrew Bolt would call this state of the 'international business as usual' out as well. Unfortunately the CIA-globalist coined derogatory label of 'conspiracy theory' has worked extremely well to keep the greater public of knowing what really is going on and what is the cause behind Australia's and the western world's many problems.

      Today's commentary of Alan Jones at least has begun to see what is behind the TPP, world bank and international trade agreements. Morrisson had to admit, that it is the TPP which prohibits subsidies to the farmers; ergo why the traitors in Canberra appear to do nothing about building dams and base load electricity systems and give meaningful assistance to the Agricultural sectors.

      The only politician seemingly unafraid of being called a 'tinfoil hat' is Pauline Hanson. The only hope for political change is the merger of the minor parties which are NOT UN-globalist phobic. As this seems rather unlikely, due to personal egocentricities engaged; unwoke Australia might have to expect its deliverance from elsewhere.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Message from the Maya and the Egyptian of Antiquity
    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings in deep appreciation of the enormous work you all are doing to allow a new planetary society to be born in the next few years.
    Whether you identify yourself as a skeptic or as an affiliate, you are doing well in helping to reformulate a status quo upon Gaia.
    This prevailing paradigm is based on the concept of economic power and the superiority of so called 'free market' forces which are then believed to allow a raising of living standards for all the global citizenry.

    Most of you know however, that this perception is built on a misuse of the means for this 'free market trading', namely the fiscal consideration.
    In other words, the controllers of the flow of money control the economic stimulus through forcing or enticing investments and speculations in predetermined directions.

    And so many of the 'middle classes' are deceived into participation in 'playing the stock markets' and to enter the 'investment' games.
    So before continuing with my exposition on the Cosmic Twinship in the context of your more recent human history; I shall elucidate you a little more about what is 'really' happening in the scenarios behind the facades you term 'political governments'.

    The great deception of the 'mindless masses' began with the invention of money.
    You had a certain king or monarch in a city state say, who wished to expand his influence and reign over more property.
    He had craftsmen and skilled artisans in his kingdom and amongst them were goldsmiths and producers of 'precious goods'.

    Then to raise an army to conquer a neighboring city state, the monarch became indebted to the goldsmith say, the latter providing the 'gold coins' to equip and 'pay' the army.
    After the monarch had won the war, he then formed certain allegiances with the goldsmith and those treaties became law and gave many privileges to the goldsmith.

    Over time, the goldsmiths horded their gold in vaults and became the 'hidden' ruling classes behind the 'open' rulership of the monarchs.
    Whenever the monarch wished to undertake an endeavor, he or she had to gain 'financial authorization' to do so and soon the payment system of gold coins became too cumbersome and other 'tokens' like pieces of wood or metal or paper were substituted.

    Those 'tokens' were at first matched with 'gold reserves' in the vaults or banks of the 'banking classes'; but soon this standard was replaced with 'imaginary gold', to allow the monarchs to finance their ever escalating wishes to expand their kingdoms.

    Over time then, the paper money became plastic money and certain regulations allowed the 'banks' to distribute up to 95% of imaginary money as money which was not matched to anything of real value, such as gold or other commodities.
    The idea was to allow 'Real Money' to become circulated by the general populus in their day-to-day trading and exchanges in a 'free market' economy, self-regulated by 'supply and demand'; but to control the money supply itself in regulating the expenditure of monarchs and governments by so called Reserve Banks.

    So all the monarchs and government 'treasurers' became unable to finance their budgets, unless they 'borrowed extra money' from the privately owned Reserve Banks, the latter which controlled the 'interest rates'.
    But most of the borrowed money did not really exist as anything valuable, so the interest charged was really as imaginary as the money called principal itself.

    But the borrowers spent the money in their circulation and so made it 'real money' through and by their labors and their 'cost of living'.
    Because the borrowers and including the worldwide governments had to pay additional money to the principal as interest, this interest resulted in the entire 'fiscal system' to transmutate into system with a life all its own.

    The 5% of 'real money' became avalanched by an ever escalating 95% of imaginary money demanding 'real interest' to be paid by the borrowers.
    And so the borrowers found it harder and harder to 'balance their books' and budgets and many people and monarchs and countries fell into poverty, because they could not pay their real interest on imaginary principals borrowed.
    The underpinning cause of this is called 'greed' in the moral codes of cultural identifications.
    Soon entire industries evolved around the regulation of the 'banking sectors' of countries engaging in the trading and utility of 'natural resources' and the produce of the populus.

    Utility soon became exploitation and as the 'bankers' as the 'New Goldsmiths' became aware of the 'running away of the economies'; they formed 'global banking groups' in 'world banks' to reassess the situation.
    They decided to partially engage the 'open' ruling classes of the monarchs and the governments in providing guidelines and partial information to regulate and control the 'consuming masses'.

    Now the situation on Gaia is this.
    There is NO banking conspiracy of 'secret clans', who meet in secret chambers and who control the world.
    But there is an 'accepted mental collusion' within the Elite and as an Elite which comprises practically all of the families around the globe, which are the descendants and inheritors of the 'banking sectors'.
    And because this is basically a familial concept, closely associated with the ruling classes of the old aristocracies and also the 'empire builders' of the colonization of the earth in say the last 300 years; one generally finds varying degrees of 'initiation' between those groups and families.

    This 'initiation' then is unbounded by fiscal constraints and whoever 'qualifies' in societal groups and associations, can rise in status and influence.
    Most political leaders are of intermediate status and only some are especially 'chosen' to bring about a perception change as a political leader and is so allowed to 'influence' the masses in a more direct manner.

    I can tell you here, that the 4th of August 2008 is a most important date for the 'grooming' of such a potential world leader and one you all know rather well.

    This leader is different from most other leaders, as this leader was prepared to change the political interaction between all the world's governing authorities and to bring a 'new perception' of the 'power sharing' into the public viewpoint. The elitist administrators preceding this 'groom for a New World Order' had lost the admiration and respect of the 'governed' or controlled populus.
    The next leader after this one will likewise enter the global political landscape 8 years later in 2016.

    However there is a certain danger of uncertainty about those two leaders from 2008 to 2016 to 2024. Those leaders are like two 'Jokers' in the game of cards, one as pro this elite and the other contra the games the Elite is playing. The Elite knows, that the 'fiscal economics' and the 'trust of the vox populi' in their rulership is falling apart and that it cannot now stabilize the global markets much longer in controlling the money output.

    So the first leader is groomed to appear like a 'savior' for the global economy in the sense of helping to stimulate the worldwide economies and to take away the impregnation of 'doom and gloom' and the reduction of the spending of the real money. But playing with the elitists, this leader will underwrite the agenda of the controllers and represent a false image to an intensifying general state of mental confusion of the global community.

    But the second leader might not 'play the game' the way the Elite wishes him too and this could result in a great danger to the Elitist structure on the upmost level.

    The upper echelon of the Elite are the advisors behind the government officials and advisors with the highest security clearances.
    They form a loose collective, where many do not even know each other or the ones, which finance their endeavors.
    This murkiness derives from the old manner of how the monarchs shielded their dependencies upon their goldsmiths and artisans.

    So again, one cannot call this a knowing conspiracy, but a system of organization, which has lost its human factor and has become a system of living thought, say a Dawkinsian Memesation.
    The secrecy and clandestine maneuverings of monarchs and of governments has resulted in particular budgets to be set aside and not to be accounted for in any open forum.

    And because the upper echelons of the initiations have agreed to not know each other for reasons of private security; the meme of the MONEY=72=WORLD and the meme of the DEVIL=FINANCE=52 have become depersonalized and have taken on an imaginary 'life of their own'.
    The Maya knows, that this is in order for the present time and that the memes can become transformed when the timeline is fulfilled.
    In particular the meme of the FINANCE=52=GODDOG and is twice the sacred number of the 26 of the Maya and also the number of the Mayan hieroglyphical alphabet and the number of the bosonic superstring dimensions.

    I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanization of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    Greetings to my friends and also greetings to the ones who doubt and who find reason to ridicule and to criticize.
    You are all greatly loved and admired by the many galactic inhabitants, who are amazed by your resolution and daring to partake in embodiments of imperfected biological vessels and in bodies whose full complement and harmony of genetic encoding has become blocked.
    Have you ever wondered, why a small lizard can regrow its tail after losing it to a predator say, but the human limb cannot reconstitute itself through cellular somatic mitosis in regeneration?
    Like the lizard, you carry a reptilian brainstem; in fact you are all Dragons in disguise, should you accept this high calling.

    So the 'voice in the wilderness' calls to all without discrimination and without judgment. You all will know one day, when you have chosen to remember as to who you are - the cocreator within and the cocreator without.
    But I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanization of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.
    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.
    Following are some scriptural encodings and suggested decoding.

    "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a savior, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."
    - Isaiah 19:19-20

    According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:
    The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion, the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,800 BC.
    Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,800 BC and who, at that date, would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well-engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC? There is an answer in Scripture:

    God has set signs and wonders
    in the land of Egypt, even to this day.

    Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:

    They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle:

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    The correlation between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian uses the Long Count of 1,872,000 days as 5125.362 Civil Years to specify a Platonic Great Precessional Cycle of 25,626.81 Civil Years as 5 Mayan Long Counts, each one designated by the Mayan epoch of 4AHAU and the Gregorian dates given in the table above. The partial year amounts to 295 days.

    We can so now substructure this Great Platonic Mayan Year into 12 and 13 sub cycles. The 13-tier subdivision includes a 13th star sign in that of 'Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer' located as the Cusp of the Scorpio-Sagittarius solar transition dated on November 22nd/23rd in a Civil Gregorian Year.

    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN.

    If we now 'personify' the 13th star sign of the Serpent-Tamer in conjunction with the 'Plumed Serpent' of the 'Office of Christ' or the 'Office of Melchisedec' or the 'Office of Hermes Trismegistus'; then one assigns the solar transit from Pisces into Aries and as the Spring Equinox of some 'personified' year as the change of one precessional age into another.
    The Maya assigns the 'Birth of Ophiuchus' as the 'Birth of Christ' in the form of the historical Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos to the equinox of the year 6BC and so 'fixates' the beginning of the Age of Pisces as March 20th, 6BC or in Julian notation as the date and period of the Spring Equinox in that year and associated with particular conjunctions between the Moon with Jupiter and Saturn as celestial symbols for the land and people of the Jews and their neighbors.
    Specifying this date then allows calibration of the entire precessional cycle into either 12 or 13 'Precessional Star sign Periods' as a super positioned Platonic Great Year onto the Mayan harmonics of the Tzolkin.

    For this particular Mayan Great Precessional Cycle then, the Age of Aquarius so begins in an interval from 1966-2130 and differing by precisely 60,000 days or 164.27442.. Civil Years.

    The Maya has crystallized a specific date within this interval as January 21st, 1998 and the solar transit from Capricorn into Aquarius as a superposed Mayan Beginning for the 'Age of Aquarius' and in unison with a number of other indicators and in particular a nexus of Edgar Cayce, the 'Sleeping Prophet' of the United States of America, who fixated the 'Birth of an Avatar' in the 'Office of the Author of the Book of Revelation' for this particular year.

    The Maya now uses this nexus point to assign the Great Precessional Cycle in multiples of the 780,000 KIN or 2135.568 years to pinpoint the 'changing' of the precessional ages from one into the other and as the appropriate solar transit from one star sign into the next.

    Age of Aquarius begins; January 21st, 1998 AD; 731,522 KIN or 2002.84 Civil Years from 'Birth of Christ' March 20th - April 17th; 6 BC and correlated to 21.12-2012 in a difference of 5,448 KIN or 14.916 Civil Years.

    Age of Pisces begins; March 20th-22nd, 139 BC
    Age of Aries begins; April 20th-22nd, 2,274 BC
    Age of Taurus begins; May 20th-22nd, 4,410 BC
    Age of Gemini begins; June 20th-22nd; 6,545 BC
    Age of Cancer begins; July 22nd-24th; 8,681 BC
    Age of Leo begins; August 22nd-24th; 10,817 BC
    Age of Virgo begins; September 22nd-24th; 12,952 BC
    Age of Libra begins; October 22nd-24th; 15,088 BC
    Age of Scorpio begins; November 21st-23rd; 17,223 BC
    Age of Sagittarius begins; December 21st-23rd; 19,359 BC
    Age of Capricorn begins; January 21st-23rd; 21,495 BC
    Age of Aquarius begins; February 19th-21st; 23,630 BC
    and correlated to 1.3.-23,614 in March 1st; 23,630 BC plus 31 KIN to April 1st; 23,630 BC and as 5,448 KIN separating 1.4.-23,629 and 1.3.-23,614.

    The treatise above so superposes the Mayan Great Precessional Cycle onto the Long Count from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012.
    The discovery of Catal Huyuk, an ancient city in Anatolia, now modern Turkey and dating to 8000 BC challenged the accepted status quo of modern archaeology and the orthodox description for the timeline for the evolvement of modern man as an urbanite and city dweller.
    One distinguishing factor of Catal Huyuk was its worship of the feminine principle. It is often called the source of the Mother Goddess religions.

    The Mayan Precessional Age of Cancer spanned the period from 8,681 BC to 6,545 BC and as the star sign of Cancer symbolizes the Mother, so does its zodiacal opposite of Capricorn archetype the Father in the older Precessional Mayan Age of Capricorn from 21,495 BC to 19,359 BC.
    As the consensus of the academic orthodoxy requires physical evidence to support hypotheses and theories about the human history and timelines; the physical discovery of Catal Huyuk came as a big surprise.
    Hitherto the Mesopotamian cities of Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid and Uruk were believed to date no earlier than about 5000 BC.
    At that time, the Sumerian cities evolved and with it came the introduction of bronze casting and early forms of writing.
    And the general beginning of human civilization is dated to this time period and is particularised in the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt about 3100 BC, which is also the start of the Mayan Long Count.

    The excavation of Catal Huyuk so 'forced' the orthodoxy to revise its beginning of the human urbanization of regions to 10,000 BC with the discovery of an 'older' Jericho dating to about 9000 BC and the first use of copper in Hassuna ware and the manufacturing and trading of pottery dating to about 7000 BC.

    The building of the Gizean pyramids is conventionally dated to the Old Egyptian kingdom of the 3rd and 4th dynasties from about 2686 BC to 2494 BC.
    In the 4th dynasty, began in reign by Snefru; Khufu or Cheops is said to have built the first one; with Khafre or Chepren the second and with Menkaure or Mycerinus to have built the third one of the Gizean complex.
    Then it is proposed that Khafre also built the Sphinx or Harmakhis, also called Herakhte (Horus of the Horizon).
    This places the 4th dynasty into the Mayan Age of Taurus from 4410 BC to 2274 BC and forms a nexus point with the Heliopolis of the Ra-Sun god worship instigated in the 2nd dynasty but made a state religion in the 5th dynasty.

    Rah or Ra or Re became known as Re-Harakhtys in the New Kingdom from about 1570 BC -1070 BC for the 18th to the 20th dynasties and as the 'Horus of Two Horizons'. This then became implemented in the Mayan Age of Aries from 2274 BC until the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls 'Teacher of Righteousness' in 139 BC and heralding the 'Coming of the Melchizedek' of the fulfilment of scripture in Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Dydimos a little over a century later.

    A period of 'Hellenization of Judea', instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great, was resisted in a 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' and as the Zadokite-Davidic High priest Onias III and who was 'born' into this Melchizedekian role in 196 BC and coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidan province.
    Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus in 171 BC and became succeeded by the 'Man of the Lie' in his son Onias IV, who emigrated to Egypt to build a 'substitute temple' in Leontopolis under the patronage of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometor (182 BC to 146 BC).
    His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only allowing a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in Dead Sea Scroll (DSC) 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The 'House of Absalom' is the 'House of David' and his son Absalom rebelling against him is retold in Onias IV dishonoring his father Onias III and as encoded in DSC 1QpHab.v.9-12 and in 2Samuel.13.
    The 'Wicked Priest' in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is Jesus-Jason, the brother of Onias III, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived Hellenization of the covenant.

    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last true Zadokite-Davidic High priest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his Hellenophile brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.
    But in 172 BC, Jason was deposed and his office transferred to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    Following the murder of Onias III in 171 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem in 169 BC and in 168 BC Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his second campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and refused to accept Greek custom and religion were prosecuted in the attempt to 'absorb' the Jewish religion.
    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end a 7-year period of confusion from 174 BC to 167 BC and so fulfilling Daniel's prophecy encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 and related encodings in Ezekiel.3.15 and Daniel.9.26-27 in a timeline dating before the 'Coming of the Shiloh'.

    The exposition on the gnostic meanings in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is actually a continuation of the Babylonian Exile, beginning with the last 'king of righteousness' in Josiah and who was killed in the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon by Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, encoded in 2Kings.22.2; 23.25,29-32.
    70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the 'forsaken period' from 608 BC to 586 BC, when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem until the 'Edict of Cyrus' in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    390 day years from 586 BC lead to the year 196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the year week of confusion encoded in the period 174 BC to 167 BC.
    The 390 years are encoded in DSC 4Q268.Frag.1 and in which also the 20 year duration is specified.

    "For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.

    And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way."

    - Translation by Geza Vermes

    The Babylonian captivity of 70 years is naturally connected with the Egyptian captivity of 430 years and leading to the Exodus under Moses.
    But there are seemingly unsurmountable differences between the historical evidence for such an exodus and the Egyptian history engaging certain Hyksos or 'Shepherd Kings' and a thorough elucidation on this subject matter is warranted.

    But the 'Building and rebuilding after its destruction of the temple in Jerusalem' will be shown to be of key importance and so the exiled Maya, who remembers hisher own participation in the story being told here; shall be called to remembrance as to the relevance of this selfsame story being told by me, a messenger from the 'Little Serpent Abba' who is the creator of the material universe.
    The story shall continue with the importance of the Egyptian Twinship of the Lion and a twinship directly inherited by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' in the Mayan Age of Pisces.
    The evolution of Egyptian mythology has great implication for the later birth of the world religions and the Cosmic Twinship and relates to the Sphinx as the Symbol of Horus as the 'Cosmic Redeemer' and the 'Cosmic Christ' and the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent'.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Storyteller of the Ancient Times!

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Global Battle for Political Dominance - a planned WWIII or a conspiracy for Timeline 2020 - 2025 ?

    The movement to establish a global system of control began somewhere back in the murky past of the Illuminati (1776) and has since morphed, grown and expanded till now there are numerous shadowy variants and groups that make it almost impossible to pin down exactly who is running things and where the real motive and power is coming from. Fortunately, it is not necessary to know all of the secrets underlying this movement. It is sufficient to establish that all of the existing globalist organizations--the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Bilderburgers, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, etc., aspire to global control and elimination of national sovereignty. Numerous quotations of their own leaders and members state just that. That they have more sinister long-term motives and intentions concerning the eventual use of global control is not so clear or easy to prove. However, the track record of global intervention does not portend an optimistic outcome.

    Those who watch the way global insiders operate and cover up illegal operations of influence and control almost always come away convinced that there is some form of conspiracy involved. This conclusion is really not too difficult to establish if one has access to the details of each case. Look at the specific evidence pointing to government misdeeds and the subsequent cover-ups of economic manipulation, assassinations, terrorist attacks on airlines, illegal weapons trade, government coups, and high level corruption. In each of these cases, there is a common thread: the active involvement of a vast array of high officials, government agencies, the media, law officers, lawyers, judges, and sometimes international corporations and organized crime--coordinated and inter-connected enough to hide the truth, obstruct justice and cover for high level leaders.

    That's what a conspiracy is: a coordination between normally separable government officials who have no legal right or lawful need to collude in their official capacities. Sadly, it happens all the time. The excuse given, when discovered, that these unfortunate incidents are merely the workings of the proverbial "rogue agent" is rarely true. Upon close examination, the trail leads always to higher levels where the cover-up and obstruction gets serious. For further evidence, read the accounts of the many government whistle blowers out of the military, CIA, DEA, or FBI, found in Rodney Stich's now dated evidence in Defrauding America www.defraudingamerica.com

    NWO globalists take great care to mask their intentions by appealing to "democracy" and making constant references to free trade and "human rights" and the support of international law. But a close look at their justification for intervention in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Balkans and Syria clearly indicates that tyranny and ethnic cleansing was fostered, then overlooked, or even partially falsified until it festered enough to justify intervention and subsequent control. While most people in the Western world do not view the NWO as a predator movement, the Eastern world certainly is beginning to see it in that light. I will make the case that the changing role of NATO and the UN from a defensive organization to an aggressor in Iraq, Kosovo, Bosnia, East Timor, and Africa was and still is intentional, meant to help stir up hatred and discontent sufficient to justify an eventual Russian and Chinese strike on the West as previously discussed.

    The big question is always, why would those who strive for global power and financial control want to engender a nuclear war that would destroy the whole world? In the first place, it is not true that the whole world would be destroyed. Millions would die, and over half the people in any country under attack would get very ill, but probably no more than 20% of the populace of any nation subjected to a military facilities first strike would die. Most countries will not be targeted. Russia, who is planning this war, is sensible enough to be prepared to shelter many of its citizens from nuclear effects. Among Western nations, however, only Switzerland has a comprehensive fallout shelter program for its citizens.

    However, US leaders have extensive shelters in place plus multiple contingencies to survive the attack they all know is coming. A few thousand savvy conservatives in America also have provided shelter systems for their families. Nuclear war is quite survivable, outside of the actual blast zones, with adequate preparations in place (see my book, The Secure Home for specific plans for installing a shelter in your home)

    The core of the question about the prime motive remains: why destroy the tremendous prosperity that even these conspirators for global power enjoy? Most people do not sufficiently understand real evil. To them, this scenario is simply unimaginable. But the fact remains, powerful men in government and business have knowingly colluded to finance war and destruction. It has happened before and it will happen again. For example, globalists bankers, corporation heads and government officials colluded prior to WWII to finance Hitler and Stalin, and undermine capitalist nations in order to pave the way for Socialism and war. A close look at the conduct of the war relative to aid and concessions to Russia paint a picture of Western complicity to play the Hegelian game-- building up an enemy in order to produce a controlled crisis and a later response in the direction of more globalist and socialist control. The West actively colluded in the betrayal of captive nations and paved the way for Soviet military dominance and conquest around the world in order to set the stage for future conflict.

    None of the World Wars in this century were accidents, in my opinion. Conflict was created with the long-term goal to facilitate a consolidation of world power in the hands of the NWO elite. It is true that many of the Wall Street bankers who financed Hitler and the Alfried Krupp-owned German war industries saw those investments destroyed, but they were always taken care of after the war and allowed to make even greater millions in the reconstruction process. That was much of the motive behind the Marshal Plan. German armorer Alfried Krupp, who was convicted at the Nuremberg trials for using slave labor, was pardoned by John J. McCloy, US Military Governor and High Commissioner in Germany. Mcloy was also the globalist insider who eventually became head of the CFR. Clearly there was a system of immunity and protection established for insider participants so that war could be used as an instrument of change, without destroying its own leaders and the power behind them. In each case, there was a common motive--to use the horrors of war to accelerate the demand for international institutions of control that would not otherwise be acceptable to free men and women.

    To fully understand the globalist mode of operation, we must address one of the great inconsistencies in US foreign policy: Why have US leaders (especially from Truman onward) actively undermined other pro-Western governments and secretly armed and supported Communist guerrilla operations in such countries as China, Korea, Cuba, Nicaragua, Laos, and Cambodia? Why do globalists attack some Communist regimes and support others? The main reason is that globalists are dedicated socialists, in terms of commitment to control, but want the benefits of a partially free market to finance that control system. They have a code name for this dualism--the Third Way--which is a euphemism for the old Fabian socialism (private ownership but government regulation and control). Naturally, globalists like the trappings of wealth that the capitalist component of a controlled economy provides.

    Communism has been a useful tool for the globalists to subvert liberty in the world. Communism takes the rap, while the globalists steadily undermine world independence and national sovereignty by eventually replacing communist nations with their own brand of corporate capitalism---not true free markets. The NWO boys are experts in the use of Hegelian tactics of creating enemies that produce a desired response. For example, Communism is often characterized by certain excesses in tyranny that engender a call for global intervention--very convenient. The Communists come in with their tyranny and the globalists step in to defeat them and yet don’t deliver true liberty, but a controlled variety of debt bondage to international financial organs.

    PDD-60 is an important clue to how the globalists intend to force reluctant Americans into a militarized global government. Right now there is a massive movement in opposition to globalism by about half of the people in theWest, as evidenced by the Brexit vote and the rise of many anti-EU parties in Europe. But if the US military is decapitated in a first strike, which the US allows by making use the nuclear codes don’t get to our missile forces in the US and UK, the Western world will be suddenly in a position of helplessness.

    After the strike our leaders will emerge from their bunkers and claim total innocence--that the Russians and Chinese deceived them--that they didn't know this was coming. They will be lying, but the surviving public will forget all about national sovereignty and constitutional rights and beg government to save them. To do so, our leaders will say, now that our military is mostly destroyed, that we must join with other nations in a MILITARIZED global government in order to prosecute this new war.

    The people will go along and conjure up images of a new patriotic war like WWII. But, this time, after the war, our leaders will cement us into a permanent New World Order and national sovereignty will never be returned. This prediction alone explains the suicidal and unilateral disarmament the US has engaged in for the past 30 years. It explains the rationale for covering up for Russia's constant cheating on arms control agreements and treaties. It explains why Bill Clinton would direct the US military to absorb a nuclear first strike (PDD-60) and NOT launch on warning. It explains why the US would keep stalling year after year to make sure America is undefended against a nuclear strike and that there are no provisions for civil defense shelters. It isn't that US leaders are stupid. They aren't suicidal. They simply can't get the world to take the final plunge into global control without a war.

    While the US is slowly being sucked into the NWO through gradualism, I still think war is necessary to get Americans to give up their core liberties. It's one thing to fool the people into thinking we are still sovereign as we slowly entangle ourselves in the United Nations, transnational trade agreements and the EU, but it is another thing entirely to start hauling Americans to courts in The Hague over a wetlands violation in Virginia. When that starts happening, the Powers That Be know that Americans will rebel and start demanding that we extricate ourselves from globalism. War is designed to be so devastating to Americans (a massive nuclear strike is the "mother of all terrorism") that they will easily give up any liberties in order to have someone "save them." The Patriot Act's passage by a compliant Congress showed just how dumbed-down and stupid leaders and people can become after an appropriately motivated terror event such as the 9/11 attacks on the WTC.

    Clearly the NWO globalists do not intend to lose a war to the Russians or Chinese, which brings up the next question: how do the globalist plan to win a war with Russia and China when they absorb a first strike that destroys most of the US and British military machine at the very onset of hostilities?

    First, I think the use is using a lot of off-budget money to finance secret weapons systems which will not be used to defend us from this first strike, but will be used thereafter to stop any further attacks while the US and UK regroup under a global military banner. Europe, in fact, may not be included in the first strike as Russia wants to preserve the economy of Europe by blackmailing it into submission. Certainly Europe's meager NATO forces would be incapable of taking on the Russians alone. I think perhaps, that ongoing secret plans within the EU to create an EU army separate from NATO is the intended beginning of a globalist military force that will be built up quickly after this war starts.

    In the coming war, I also suspect China will play the same role as Russia did in WWII. I think the globalists plan is to induce China to switch sides and attack Russia’s rear, in exchange for more military technology. China knows that it has to eventually go up against Russia, so why not then when Russia would be faced with a two front war. Why would the globalist’s make such a deal with China? -Because it not only facilitates the defeat of Russia, but because China then would become the new cold war enemy after WWIII and justify keeping the new globalist military intact and not returning national sovereignty to each member nation after the war.

    There is one major mistake in the assumption that almost all people make who object to conspiracy--they assume that everyone or nearly everyone contributing to the conspirator's agenda must know there is a conspiracy and be privy to the entire plan and all its details. This is not true, but conjuring up this assumption allows people to easily dismiss conspiracy with the understanding that too many knowing people would make it impossible to keep the secret.

    I certainly have never made a case for all or even many of the participants knowing the whole plan or even substantial parts of it. Quite the contrary. All my writings have concentrated on explaining how and why top level conspirators use masses of predictable leftists, yes-men, ambitious lackeys and partially knowing ladder-climbers to do their bidding--specifically so as to limit the number who have "need to know" access. They cement together the whole conglomerate with subtle and not so subtle threats--and occasionally carry them out. Many are bought off with regular payments--like journalists and judges. Most know only parts of the puzzle.

    However, almost everyone in high places does know there is "power structure" above them they dare not challenge, they also know it isn't good for their job, advancement or health to "ask too many questions." Read any number of the tales by federal whistleblowers to confirm this general fear. Thus, most participants rationalize it all away as some benevolent control system, or believing that "whoever they are" must control the world in order to have stability. Others, especially in the enforcement ranks, are just too corrupt to care. But the bottom line is: very few know that the Powers That Be (PTB) intend to pull the nuclear trigger via Russia and China. All the little steps leading up to weakening the US and building up Russia and China are covered by liberal notions of "détente," "easing tensions," and "peace." The lesser officials who are tasked to defend these lies tend to believe their own propaganda.

    However, the ones at the very top, who do know how to use war to create Hegelian responses, are very very evil--something most of the world doesn't really believe in anymore, and that is why many people can't conceive of or believe in this horrible brand of conspiracy. But keep in mind what they did before in building up Hitler, only to set him loose on Europe during WWII. The war created a justification for the UN and facilitated the rise of a new enemy (Russia) in its aftermath. Remember Pearl Harbor--not because of the infamy of Japan, but the infamy of Roosevelt and his leftist crew who induced Japan to attack and hid the information from our own military in Hawaii. We now have proof that Roosevelt knew of the impending attack and refused to warn Pearl.It happened before, so why should it be so hard to believe now? We are reaching the culmination of what George Marshall and his cohorts planned by creating a cold war enemy. Russia was allowed to rise and have hegemony over Europe in order to create the next war. The phony demise of "Communism" is merely the final effort to lull the West into complacency before the strike. We are about to see it descend upon the world.

    In all of this, I'm certainly not discounting the military-industrial complex argument, but it doesn't explain why people who are already fabulously wealthy and who control the reins of power are still pushing the world toward greater and greater global control. None of this will give them any more personal power or wealth. How much money and power can any single person use? The military industrial complex argument doesn't explain the rush to suicide and disarmament at an alarming rate. Some participants are blind, but surely some must suspect this is a very dangerous game and are going along in order to please some other very powerful people above them.

    But let there be no doubt, the top echelon expects to survive this--why else have they built significant bunkers at US taxpayer expense, and private bunkers in resort homes in Colorado at their own expense. Somebody knows something is coming. Also, war is not as futile a tactic as most conspiracy debunkers assume. At least 2/3 of the world will survive this even without preparations, and virtually all the high level people who know that war is coming have made preparations to survive it.

    This strategy is wholly dependent upon shielding Americans and Europeans from Russian and Chinese intentions. Keeping people ignorant and naive also allows these same globalist leaders to claim that they didn't know of Russian and Chinese intentions. We must not let them get away with this, lest they claim the right to lead America into the war for global control. If you trust our government, remember Pearl Harbor. The evidence is now fully proven that Roosevelt induced Japan to attack in much the same way our own government now is helping to induce a Russian attack in the future (see Bob Stinnett's book "Pearl Harbor--Day of Deceit" for evidence of the Pearl Harbor conspiracy). There is also a growing body of evidence that the US government (dark side) was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks and subsequent cover up. See http://www.worldaffairsbrief.com "9/11 Update". There has been a huge cover-up about this false flag terror attack, but the next provoked war (allowing a nuclear attack on America) will be much more deadly to millions of Americans. Every one of you reading this is at risk, so do not take lightly what I say. In any case, the least you can do is prepare to survive the next war. If I'm right on timing we still have a few years to prepare.

    China clearly has its sights set on world hegemony. The attitude of oriental superiority over the occidental bourgeoisie has long pervaded China and even predates Russian predatory tendencies. Realistic analysts who have long experience with both Russia and China know that neither will long be subservient to the other. Russia and China may attempt to use each other for short-term gain, but will eventually tangle for ultimate supremacy.
    For the present, Russia and China are teaming up against the West in a new unilateral quest for arms. This is no surprise. The Russians have been arming China, off and on, since the Chinese Communists came to power under Chairman Mao. But now, the Chinese are playing both sides of the fence, East and West. Knowing that Russia is willing to supply it with plentiful quantities of second-rate equipment, China is looking toward the West for advanced American technology and funding in order to upgrade its Soviet and home-grown equipment.
    No nation on earth is building military power faster than China, but it has further to go, so it is not yet a threat but it will be our biggest threat in the next decade. In the end, the complacency of other nations regarding China will change into outright terror as the world one day wakes up and finds itself facing a military monster of incredible size and ferocity.
    The Chinese already have a formidable land based army of men, tanks and artillery. What it lacks is a world class navy, air transport and missile force, coupled with a sophisticated communications and control system sufficient to extend Chinese power worldwide. That's no small task to accomplish, but they are rapidly developing all that capacity. They are even ahead of the US in over-the-horizon anti-ship missiles---a real threat to our carriers.
    Naturally, China is harnessing its billions in trade dollars supplied by naive American champions of free trade to build their forces. The Chinese leaders are openly derisive of American Republicans who are convinced that peaceful trade will moderate Communism. For the Chinese, war with the West is inevitable. It's no longer a matter of if, but when!

    I do not believe the intended strike is imminent. It is my estimate that the Russians won't be ready to strike until sometime after 2020. Here's why: Their latest and most modern weapon systems are not going into serial production until 2020, 21, 22 and 23. Despite the continual stockpiling of core supplies and other evidence of war preparations referenced in the excellent and ongoing work of J R Nyquist, the Russians lack several elements that would ensure success, and they won't strike until everything is in place.
    First, they desire to make sure that the US disarms as many of our nuclear missiles as possible. They have already succeeded in getting US leaders to complete the unilateral disarmament of the feared MX intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). These 50 blockbuster ICBMs were located in hardened silos surrounding the Four Corners area of Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska and South Dakota have now all been dismantled. No comparable disarmament of the Russian Topol-M missiles is being required, despite Russian promises to dismantle all SS-18s.
    President Clinton's 1998 orders to the military (PDD-60) ---revamping our nuclear strategy---dictated that we prepare to “absorb a first strike and not launch on warning still stands today, but “prepare to retaliate afterward.” Dumbfounded (but compliant as always) the top military brass wanted to know, "retaliate with WHAT?" Good point! However, the Russians most likely are not counting on PDD-60. They suspect we won't abide by this suicidal order now that Clinton is out of office.
    Sadly, I don’t believe President Trump has even been told about PDD-60 and that it is still in force. Even our missile forces still practice launch on warning, but PDD-60 removed the alternate launch codes to do that should communications with the White House be cut off. I think the nuclear launch codes simply won’t ever arrive, forcing our forces to absorb the first strike.
    Another timing factor is that Russia will not strike until her people are sufficiently antagonistic to the West to form a wall of public opinion supportive of a nuclear first strike. The constant US media attacks and the fake intelligence blaming Russia for interfering in the US election by hacking the DNC computer (it was an internal leak, not a hack) have all help create a negative feeling in Russia toward the US.
    Over the past decades, US and NATO globalist leaders have antagonized Russia and other Slavic peoples by establishing NATO as a force for aggression and intervention rather than defense. That was the real underlying reason why our globalist leaders fomented the war in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and eventually IRAN. The humanitarian excuse of opening Iraq to democracy was just a cover for other strategic intentions about conflict creation. It is also why the Clinton administration paid Harvard's leftist academics to sabotage "free-market" reforms in Russia. If the US government had been serious about facilitating Russian reforms, they would have hired the libertarian CATO Institute instead. Ten years ago, the Russian people admired America and longed to be like the West. There is now a deep sense of resentment among Russians for repeated humiliation in Europe, coupled with widespread bitterness and cynicism about economic freedom. The reforms are going nowhere and many Russians long for the return of the meager but stable flow of supplies they got under the stifling, but predictable, Soviet system. Russians are tired of seeing fellow Slavs and other allies (such as Iraq) pushed around by NATO in Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia. America is hated by many and commonly distrusted--for good reason. They long to see Russia return to her pre-Cold War glory as a world power. Putin, instead of being viewed as the ruthless second level Communist hatchet man that he is, is ascending to the status of national hero.
    The war in Afghanistan and Iraq has done even more to antagonize the Muslim world, especially in Pakistan. The torture, abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners, which came to light in 2004, has done more to dispel American pretenses of morality and democracy than anything to date. All of this is continuing to build antagonism toward America that will eventually erupt into a violent international backlash--and not by terrorism only.
    Another factor in timing is that Russia needs to further secure its back door with China. Russia would not dare attack the West without assurances of Chinese assistance on the Eastern front. A new "non-aggression" pact (reminiscent of the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact that helped facilitate WWII) is in force between China and Russia. However, China is not sufficiently strong militarily to handle its side of the bargain. Thus, Russia is busy helping the Chinese to build up sufficient military forces, especially naval and missile forces, to conquer and control all of the Pacific Rim during the opening months of WWIII. But there is a downside to this strategy which Russia cannot dismiss lightly. Russia knows that China is a predator nation like itself, and will ultimately challenge Russian hegemony when strong enough to do so. That is why Russia has stopped selling its most modern weapons to Chin, knowing that China is cloning everything they can get or steal from the West.
    The Russians and the Chinese are very concerned about the potential threat a US anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system presents. This is not simply a cover, in my opinion. It is the foremost topic of heated discussions in every political forum the Russians or Chinese engage in, whether in public or in secret, with the US or with its allies. Clearly a viable ABM system threatens Russia's potential to pull off a successful nuclear first strike. Russia suspects that the US ABM system will consist of not a mere 100 interceptors, as claimed, but thousands instead. This ABM issue is a major key to understanding the Russian perception of timing. The US fixed base ABM system is not very effective in tests, mainly because it doesn’t have an explosive warhead. Rather it uses a kinetic “hit vehicle” that must actually contact the incoming warhead to destroy it. Now that Russia and China are developing maneuvering warheads, our ABM systems are obsolete.

    Joel Skousen, Editor World Affairs Brief

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2020
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The 'smoking gun' - Australian-Wuhan-USA combined (globalist UN-WHO-affiliated) research into bioweapons and biowarfare


    The Australian Government (or better its decision making bureaucrats) know the truth about the bioweapon engineered Wuhan corona virus from a collaboration between Wuhan and the Australian CSIRO and the original USA bioweapon research beginning in 2010 and 2015 North Carolina

    We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site.

    The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus.

    Coronaviruses (CoV) are single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses that infect animals and humans. These are classified into 4 genera based on their host specificity: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Deltacoronavirus and Gammacoronavirus (Snijder et al., 2006). There are seven known types of CoVs that includes 229E and NL63 (Genus Alphacoronavirus), OC43, HKU1, MERS and SARS (Genus Betacoronavirus). While 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 commonly infect humans, the SARS and MERS outbreak in 2002 and 2012 respectively occurred when the virus crossed-over from animals to humans causing significant mortality (J. Chan et al., n.d.; J. F. W. Chan et al., 2015). In December 2019, another outbreak of coronavirus was reported from Wuhan, China that also transmitted from animals to humans. This new virus has been temporarily termed as 2019-novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by the World Health Organization (WHO) (J. F.-W. Chan et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2020). While there are several hypotheses about the origin of 2019-nCoV, the source of this ongoing outbreak remains elusive.

    The transmission patterns of 2019-nCoV is similar to patterns of transmission documented in the previous outbreaks including by bodily or aerosol contact with persons infected with the virus.

    author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.
    bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871.

    Y. Hou C. Peng Y. Li Z. Han Z. Shi (&)
    State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Wuhan 430071, Hubei,
    e-mail: zlshi@wh.iov.cn
    M. Yu L.-F. Wang (&)
    Australian Animal Health Laboratory, Commonwealth Scientific
    and Industrial Research Organization Livestock Industries,
    PO Bag 24, Geelong, VIC 3220, Australia
    e-mail: linfa.wang@csiro.au
    F. Li
    Department of Pharmacology, University of Minnesota Medical
    School, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA





    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Melissa Varsell
    10 hrs ·
    We have had our international travel taken from us...Our interstate travel taken from us...Our Friend and family gatherings taken from us...Our Sport taken from us...Our Restaurants...Cafe..Our Night clubs and Pubs Taken away from us...Our Gyms..Our cinemas..Casinos..Entertainment taken from us...Our churchs and Religious and Spirtual gatherings....Funaerals...weddings..Our Schools...Education ....Employment being taken from us....

    Oh but dont worry for the moment the government is throwing money at us to distract us and keep.us calm...FOR NOW....Until they announce Financial ruin....Then watch the proverbial S$%$ hit the fan.......ALL this taken from us......

    We have MASSASSIVE police and milatry presence and that is about to be AMPTED up to TRY and control us when we actually FINALLY damn wake up to OUR COMPLETE FREEDOM was taken All under the guise of a Virus that was not as life threatening as We blindly believed....

    The thing that gets me the most about this is...It has been ALL done in plain sight without (AS YET) Rebellion...we.all bowed down and have and are obeying without question...."Stage one" You ALL heard Scott Morrison say these words......So you better damn stard questioning what "Stage Two..Three..Four" are Beautiful Ones.......!!...

    PLEASE for goodness sakes open your damn eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!! We are been rounded up and penned like livestock.....'My' beliefs here are whilst be are in lock down. 5G towers will be installed everywhere....

    also under the guise of helping as mark my word tge internet will fail right on que because of extra demand and we will all but beg for 5G to reconnect us.....

    Then we are so scared of this virus we will line up for the SOON to come vaccine....And those that do not comply..Vaccination will become mandatory...And without a vaccination certificate you will be alienated.....

    And I am not do.nieve as to not know our posts as very closely watched on facebook (social media)...Just my thoughts........... I wonder how far or Close(I am willimg to bet) from the actual truth they are hmm....

    Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says
    'The Australian hrs The following facilities will be restricted from opening from midday local time 23 March 2020: Pubs, registered and licenced clubs (excluding bottle shops attached to these venues), hotels (excluding accommodation) Gyms and indoor sporting venues Cinemas, entertainment venues, casinos, night clubs Restaurants and will be restricted to takeaway and/or home delivery Religious gatherings, places of worship or funerals (in enclosed spaces and other than very small groups and where the 1 person per 4 square metre rule applies).'

    Behjat Brigitte Khani
    Thank you Melissa! Can’t waste words anymore! Here is my suggestions: Google Event 201 created by Bill Gates Foundation, and 5G ( that’s what’s killing people) go educate yourself , people in the US have been sleeping; give them double size Coke, animal style French fries, millions of cable channels so they can shut the F up! Wake up people! Yes it’s scary, but be informed citizens and not ignorant!

    Tony Bermanseder
    Indeed, Unwoke Melissa is one of few voices in the intellectually challenged wilderness.

    Image may contain: possible text that says

    'Governments worldwide are struggling to contain a new virus that could have a huge impact on billions of lives worldwide. The virus has been named: TRUTH'

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020

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