Twitter Post On Passing Of Barry & Honey Sherman

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 26, 2020.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    fauci3. fauci3.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Fauci knows that most victims of the “Spanish Flu” didn’t die from the Spanish Flu, but from bacterial pneumonia, which was caused by wearing masks.

    “The majority of deaths in the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic likely resulted directly from secondary bacterial pneumonia caused by common upper respiratory-tract bacteria.”

    Pneumonia occurs when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invade the lungs along a pathway created when a virus destroys the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.

    Follow @Bainbridge5 [​IMG]
    and all who repost
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    Medical Doctor Warns that “Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise” from Mask Wearing

    Be Careful, All.

    20 Minutes is all it takes.

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Nanette Crist
    55m ·

    Just last year the plants that manufactured the raw substances needed to create this vital drug were also blown up,!

    Donald Cain
    8h ·
    If Hydroxychloroquine didn’t work, the Pharma drug cartel wouldn’t have had them killed.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    on Barry and Honey Serman
    ~Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Justice
    involving the unsealing of Toronto Police Services files
    on the double homicide investigation of
    Barry and Honey Sherman
    in the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman

    “The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine”

    The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine (

    Cultural Action Party of Canada
    The Voice Of The Social Conservative Movement

    The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder

    Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine

    April 18, 2020 by Brad
    “Canadian pharmaceutical company Apotex has announced plans to donate hydroxychloroquine
    for a study assessing the drug’s ability to prevent Covid-19 in front-line healthcare employees.”

    The study is being performed by the University Health Network and Unity Health (St Michael’s Hospital) in Toronto, Canada.

    However altruistic this may appear on the surface, there is much more to the story than this specious statement.

    Barry Sherman was a Canadian businessman and philanthropist who was chairman and CEO of Apotex Inc.

    According to Forbes, Inc, he was worth an estimated US$3.2 billion at the time of his death.

    Canadian Business labelled his fortune at 4.77 billion, ranking him the 15th richest person in Canada.

    Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered within a few hours of arriving at their Toronto home
    on the evening of Weds, Dec. 13, 2017.”

    Inspector Hank Idsinga of the Toronto police homicide unit confirmed to the Toronto Star
    that “after considering a number of factors that were uncovered during the investigation,”
    his detectives have determined the Shermans were murdered on the Wednesday.
    Their bodies were not found until two days later.

    Omitted By Canadian Media:
    Just days before his death, late pharmaceutical tycoon Barry Sherman sought to quash
    an investigation into his fundraising for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, according to South China Morning Post.

    As verified by federal government court documents, Sherman tried to block subpoenas of two Apotex executives issued by Canada’s Commissioner of Lobbying, Karen Shepard, that would to compel them to speak with investigators.

    The probe into a fundraising event Sherman held for Trudeau in August 2015,
    during the last election campaign, was launched after complaints filed by Democracy Watch,
    a government watchdog organization based in Ottawa.

    “Sherman and Apotex faced a possible five-year ban on lobbying the government
    if it could be proven that he ran afoul of rules that prohibit registered lobbyists,
    such as Sherman, from lobbying office holders they helped get elected.”

    In other words, this situation may suggest there is a connection between the deaths of the Shermans,
    and Canada’s Liberal government.

    It is certainly arguable that an association between Justin Trudeau and Barry Sherman
    would have a negative impact upon Trudeau’s reputation
    – and therefore his chances of being re-elected as prime minister.

    Also intriguing is a second investigation into a November 2016
    fundraiser organized by Sherman for Trudeau, as well as Finance Minister Bill Morneau.
    Reportedly, it was dropped due to a lack of evidence.

    What to conclude?

    CAP will not claim to have definitive answer regarding all this sketchy, under the covers malarky.
    Yet, one must admit, the circumstances are as shady as a walk through Vancouver’s 1000-acre Stanley Park.

    Back to the Covid pandemic.

    True, or not true: Canadian Big Pharma Corporation Apotex was in a position to make a fortune
    from the potential hydroxychloroquine Covid-19 antidote.

    Did interested parties not want Barry Sherman to be the person who cashed in?

    Is a multi-billion dollar revenue stream for Canada’s largest Big Pharma manufacturer enough to motivate a double murder?

    The Sherman-Trudeau fundraiser provides serious “food for thought.”

    Another curious item– the deaths of Barry & Honey Sherman have never been resolved.

    It is likely they never will. In the five-year period since the murders, not a single suspect has come to light.

    “The household of Canadian billionaire Barry Sherman has
    closed its non-public investigation into the murder of the pharmaceutical magnate
    and his spouse Honey, two years after they have been discovered strangled of their Toronto dwelling.”

    Case closed.


    No serious student of Canadian politics should be.

    And what about a potential “China” connection?

    It is well understood that the government of Justin Trudeau was intimately connected with
    Chinese-Canadian fundraising efforts for the Liberal Party in 2015.

    China is the “kingpin” of the dissemination of the Covid 19 throughout the world.

    Barry Sherman’s Apotex was an early adopter of an anti-Covid antidote,
    potentially worth tens of billions of dollars.

    Barry Sherman throws a fundraiser at his Toronto home for PM Trudeau.

    A short while later, husband and wife are found dead
    – both hung by strangulation, according to major media reports.

    How curious is this entire affair.

    So many unexposed facts– so many unanswered questions.

    Did CBC and the rest of media limit their efforts to a cursory job on the investigation?

    Did CTV and Globe & Mail adhere to federal government instructions by exposing
    just enough information to appease the public, and nothing more?

    Liberal Fundraising, Big Pharma, Double Murders, Covid-19, China
    – giant money all-around at stake.

    For the moment
    –and likely forever
    – it is “case closed” for the mysterious deaths of Barry & Honey Sherman
    — major fundraisers for Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada.
    — Brad Salzberg, CAP Founder(est. 2016)

    15 thoughts on “The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman,

    Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine”

    1. 5a1702134bfb597fa2a1a329bf98c764?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      John Smith
      April 18, 2020 at 6:35 pm
      I believe it is time for someone to look into the connection between Barry and Honey Sherman and the Thomson Family,
      David Thomson in particular. Thomson owns not just the Canadian Globe and Mail but the worlds largest
      international news gathering agency, Thomson Reuters, it is so big that the merger when it happened
      had to be approved by the US Congress who happened to be democratic controlled at the time
      and we’re the same Democrats that welcomed China into the World Trade Orginisation.
      If you look at the Thomson family and how they built their fortune it is eerily similar to China’s CCP party
      long game when it comes to controlling more of the world. Thomson Reuters spews China’s propaganda,
      sits in the White House briefings everyday, they are connected and insulated, they need to be exposed
      for who they really are, part of the global one world agenda.
      The Thomson Corporation sent a team of executives to China in the early 1990’s
      to better understand new technology, China’s long game and its impact on their global business interests,
      Bill Gates and Microsoft were spending a lot of time with the Chinese govt and was very much a part
      of this whole process at the time, when this executive team came back it became very clear very fast
      that Thomson divest of all their current business platforms, make a move to international news gathering
      so that they would stay relevant and front and centre in the new world order.
      The Thomson empire to this day is still owned (70%) by the Thomson family
      while being traded on multiple stock exchanges.
      They are very private and do an exceptional job of staying out of the Canadian and international spotlight.
      David Thomson is currently in his 60’s, who is he grooming to take over the family business,
      they will certainly be the most powerful person in Canada and we do not know a thing about them,
      they all need to be exposed, fast!
    2. dbc10275fba3d76691ac777e70da9c22?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Alan Skelhorne
      April 18, 2020 at 9:43 pm
      I want too know why, he was there the day of the finding of the two victims.
      they had video of him, and the next thing poof, it was gone.
      I am sure one of your readers out there brad, has seen what I have seen,
      • 40cddc137e5fbd4ffb39ac9342fb6b19?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
        April 19, 2020 at 5:10 pm
        I hope so too.
        • 605560472b8b35ceb3cf460b49cfee64?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
          Todd Ruthig
          May 25, 2020 at 6:07 pm
          Brad…you should also expose that Barry Sherman contributed $100,000
          to Justina Trugroper Castro Pedeau PEDO’s 2015 campaign, personally handing it directly to Justina…
          firstly a violation of a lobbyist prohibition from Justina personally taking payment as witnesses accoun
          t if a black Suburban pulling up and Justina getting out and receiving the cheque….
          Secondly, it far exceeded the maximum contribution allowed of $2,600…
          Thirdly, this would have disqualified Justina for seven years from holding any political position
          thereby destroying the NWO plan to put this mk ultra mind controlled Manchurian candidate puppet
          in place and detailing his subsequent corrupt election from last to Crime Minister….
          Justina had everything to lose if Barry Sherman was questioned in the ensuing investigation…
          poof..Barry Sherman and Honey are both gone days after the announcement of an investigation
          into Sherman’s murders originally played off as a murder suicide until evidence prevented
          the Toronto Police from hiding this…
          The satanic murder emulating the lifesize statues in their mansion..
          with their hands tied behind their backs never could or should have even implied a murder suicide…
          Cover up to the highest degree
      • 3da2bd77be426a147af31d6e8cfbfbec?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
        August 4, 2020 at 4:44 pm
        Before we know it the sherman house will be mowed down!
    3. 605560472b8b35ceb3cf460b49cfee64?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      Todd Ruthig
      May 25, 2020 at 6:10 pm
      Let’s not forget that hydroxychloroquine is very inexpensive and would undermine the NWO evil vile plan
      to impose mandatory vaccinations for control and implanting microchips in the mass population…
      A direct undermining to Bill Gates big Pharma profits for the vaccination
    4. 542d942b94d7810b4b1d063821f3d1d8?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      louisa krudzo
      August 28, 2020 at 6:17 pm
      all i can say is that i worked for his uncle Emile Winter , when Mister Winter started his buisness on Ossington Ave ,
      When we moved to Florence St, Barry and i became good friends and must say only friends .
      We were near the same age , Mr Winter wanted to put me in university .
      This is the kind of person he was , always wanted to help someone .
      so far from what i read Barry turned out just like his uncle .
      He was a very smart guy .
      Just wanted to get this off my chest to support Barry Louisa Krudzo , nee Melanson
    5. Pingback: Canada, Corruption, Trudeau, Freeland and More – Real Truth Real News
    6. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      June 11, 2021 at 5:15 pm
      Who holds the Patent for the generic hydroxychloraquine today? Wouldn’t that solve the mystery?
    7. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      June 26, 2021 at 4:59 am
      Look at a way to make this from the natural plants around and you have your cure!
      But be careful as if it’s posted anywhere online then nothing will be avalible to take as cheap as this!
      They don’t just kill people they will kill anything!
      I don’t take tablets as such, all natural remedies is all I take, 25 years I have been doing this now!
      All with food that we do and don’t eat!
      Sometimes it’s not the food we must eat as much as the food we must not eat!
      When I used to go to the doctors, they used to say I can treat this???
      Why can’t you heal it? Because they were taught be the pharmaceutical industry providing the money for their education!
      How long in the education of a doctor do they study nutrition? 20 minutes?
      Nutrition is the main thing we all do we all eat food, so why just 20 minutes?
      If you just look at food and attempt to grow herbs then you have to watch as you
      could be arrested for growing drugs in your back garden or yard!
      Enough said I think!
      I think I have said enough on this subject!
      I have healed cured myself and other with what I know!
    8. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      July 9, 2021 at 1:29 am
      Apr 21, 2020
      Canada’s Apotex Donates Two Million Dosages of Hydroxychloroquine to the Public Health Agency of Canada:
    9. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      September 1, 2021 at 5:45 pm
      Have you seen this very recent video. It connects some of the dots…
    10. ?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      November 16, 2021 at 10:15 pm
      Exactly so, Todd.
    Sold To China: 50% of Covid-19 Cases Found In Canadian ELDERLY CARE Facilities (

    Sold To China: 50% of Covid-19 Cases Found In Canadian ELDERLY CARE Facilities (

    Sold To China: 50% of Covid-19 Cases

    Found In Canadian ELDERLY CARE Facilities

    April 17, 2020 by Brad
    “Nearly half of all coronavirus-related deaths in Canada happen in long-term care homes,
    and the number is only expected to increase, chief public health officer Theresa Tam said Monday.”

    “These deaths will continue to increase, even as the epidemic growth rate slows down”
    utters entirely “sketchy” Dr. Teresa Tam, former Hong Kong residents,
    and the person PM Justin Trudeau has tasked as the “overseer” of China’s latest bio-disease output in Canada, Covid-19.

    What has Dr. Tam eschewed within her finding? Try the following:

    Earlier this year, Delores Broten and others wrote letter after letter complaining
    about the treatment of their loved ones in a chain of B.C. retirement homes.

    But they didn’t bother addressing any letters to the owners of the company.
    “It would’ve been a waste of postage,” said the 71-year-old Broten.
    That’s because the company that runs her husband’s care home is owned by the government of China.

    “Of course, the Chinese government sees the homes as just one of their many global investment holdings,” she said.

    Rather enlightening, no?

    Check this out:
    “Canada’s first coronavirus death was a man in his 80s, a resident of Lynn Valley Care Centre
    in North Vancouver.

    Currently, 21 B.C. care homes including Dufferin Care Centre,
    which is part of the Retirement Concepts chain, have a combined total of
    266 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 47 deaths.”

    “In 2016, Pacific Reach Properties brokered a deal to sell the Retirement Concepts
    chain to Anbang Insurance Group, a Chinese holding company,
    in a move approved by the Canadian government in 2017.”

    Note that in 2017, a certain Justin Trudeau was the ruling prime minister of Canada.

    “Two years later, on Feb. 23, 2019, Chinese government regulators seized all of Anbang’s global assets.

    Anbang’s former chairman, Wu Xiaohui, had been facing fraud charges in China,
    and Chinese officials said a government takeover of the company’s assets was necessary to avoid insolvency.”

    Retirement Concepts had previously received numerous complaints about the treatment of residents.

    Pacific Reach Properties, a Vancouver-based company, is the former owner of Retirement Concepts.

    Following the sale of Retirement Concepts to Anbang, Pacific Reach Properties remains responsible for overseeing and operating Retirement Concepts facilities.

    “The Chinese government is the sole owner of Retirement Concepts through its Cedar Tree Investment Canada portfolio,
    according to legal documents seen by the Toronto Star.”

    Holy Crow–quite the convoluted, sketchy story of Old Folks Homes for elderly Canadians.

    You know what CAP call this? Typical Trudeau–that’s what.

    Talk about an incredible tale of woe resulting from the Chinese government’s giant investment
    into the Canadian “Old Folks” Home industry.

    And as if this wasn’t enough, this Dr. Teresa Tam is somewhat of a mystery individual.

    Here is what a European-Canadian media group has to say about her:

    “Who is this woman now in charge of providing the “chief” medical information
    concerning Canada’s lockdown?

    Where did she come from?

    There is very little available on her biography, very little personal
    and even professional information
    on Dr. Teresa Tam.”

    Council Of European-Canadians state that after thorough investigation, they could not find the following information:
    • Her date of birth
    • Her place of birth (other than “raised in Hong Kong”)
    • The dates of her various degrees – they went into the UBC and U of Alberta websites looking for alumni profiles.
    • There are no listings of her theses and dissertation.
    Hidden By Govt, Media: Billionaire Barry Sherman Murdered
    Just DAYS AFTER Justin Trudeau Fundraiser Investigation Launch

    Isn’t that something, eh? Did Justin Trudeau purposely plant a Sino-centric medical professional in charge
    of China’s bio-warfare program?

    It is all so damn murky, isn’t it?

    Yet, for CAP, this entire scenario is no surprise in the least.

    As we have maintained from day one, the Liberal Party of Canada
    and the Communist Government of China are “joined at the hip.”

    Think this to be another bout of paranoia from our organization? Judge the situation for yourself
    –we cannot force people to believe what we publish.

    Yet, for astute Canadian political observers
    –those who refuse to “buy” the propaganda served up by CBC and the rest,
    there may be some concrete concepts here that Trudeau’s socialist media slaves refuse to report.

    Is China wholly responsible for 50 % of our Covid cases occurring in Elderly Care Home facilities?

    We cannot confirm one way or the other.

    Yet one point we will stand by till the cows come home
    –if there are any left in Alberta
    China is a nation which indulges in “social engineering.”

    So to–in our subjective opinion–do the ruling Trudeau Liberals.
    Is there an agenda to “knock off” our elderly to make way for what King Justin branded “post-modern” Canada?

    Not out of the question for our organization.

    Perhaps the Corona debacle is “Phase 2” after Justin entrenched Euthanasia policy within society in 2016?

    These days, who really knows?

    Justin Trudeau SIDES WITH CHINA Over Covid-19 Misinformation Accusations
    Justin Trudeau SIDES WITH CHINA

    Over Covid-19 Misinformation Accusations

    April 18, 2020 by Brad
    China is at present facing increasing scrutiny over whether it concealed the full extent of COVID-19 infections and deaths.

    On Friday, China revised its virus death toll, adding 1,290 to the total.

    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaction? Our PM says “now is not the time”
    for him to raise questions about other countries’ management of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Will the time ever arrive for our communist enthusiast of a PM?

    Who really knows. Mr. Trudeau, pressed by reporters to say whether he felt the revised number of deaths
    from China was evidence Beijing had been covering up the full extent of the COVID-19 damage,
    declined to directly answer – and did not mention China.

    Any serious student of the Trudeau government surprised by this?

    Frankly, only a Liberal snowflake type
    —if there are truly an left
    —would respond with shock to Justin’s China-protecting commentary.

    Why is the responsibility of China for Covid-19 obfuscated by PM Trudeau, as well as Canadian media?

    Simple as pie—because every social and political issue relating to the communist behemoth nation
    is treated this way by the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Why doesn’t establishment media express this theory regarding Liberal-Sino relations?

    Also relatively simple— they too work to indemnify China.

    How odd-ball—yet absolutely standard behaviour since Justin’s father, ex-Liberal PM Pierre Trudeau
    opened the doors to China to worm its way into the fabric of Canadian society.

    PM Justin Trudeau:

    “We need to look carefully at the numbers that are shared by different countries around the world.”

    “There will be conclusions to be drawn in the end regarding the behaviour of different countries,
    but for the moment, we must work together, collaborate and do
    everything we can to learn
    and better protect our citizens at home.”

    So says Mr. Trudeau, card-carrying political advocate of the “nothing statement.”

    Any detractors out there— feel free to refute this observation at will. Regardless,
    CAP maintain that not only is our ruling PM the king of the nebulous and meaningless
    – he actually derives this public speaking style from communist governments of history.

    “There will be plenty of time to point fingers, to ask questions, to draw conclusions,
    after the crisis is over”
    Trudeau said.

    How telling this comment is—for the astute political observer. For CAP, the “retro-solution” concept
    is simply more socialist banter.

    Consider the following: If and when the debacle is over, the damage is already done.

    This is, in fact, Liberal-Socialism 101. Is this a falsehood
    Old Stock Canadians discover the damage incurred for their communities years
    AFTER immigration and multicultural policy are 100% intrenched within our society.

    See how they run! First establish the program.

    Then once fully established, continue to obscure the truth for as long as possible
    — which always turns out to be long enough so that no one and nothing can turn it back.

    READ MORE — Sold To China: 50% of Covid-19 Cases Found In Canadian ELDERLY CARE Facilities

    Talk about globalism in all its glory. This approach, in CAP’s opinion, is symptomatic of communism,
    socialism and Marxist ideology.

    It is also such for Justin Trudeau, and the Liberal Party of Canada.

    Former Canadian Ambassador to China, David Mulroney, said Canada appears
    “increasingly out of step” when allies are expressing reservations about China’s lack of transparency.

    “We seem unable or unwilling to make the same declaration,” he said.

    Come on, let’s get serious here: it is not that “we seem unwilling”
    — it is that our Liberal government are covertly “in-bed” with China’s government.

    “We’re still locked in this tendency to speak only in praiseworthy language,
    only to praise what China is doing, rather than speak honestly about what is happening.”

    More erroneous commentary: this tendency is not endemic within Canadian society.
    Nor is it immutable within opposition parties such as the Conservatives, Greens or NDP.

    This phenomenon is PURE Canadian Liberalism. It is Justin Trudeau
    —as it was Pierre Trudeau, the founder of China’s political and economic reach into Canada.

    Notice how establishment media refuse to make the connection. CAP will guess as to why
    —because CBC and others also work for the benefit of China.

    In an interview published in Friday’s Financial Times, French President Emmanuel Macron
    rejected the idea that China “handled the coronavirus outbreak better” than Western democracies did.
    Holy Crow—even best boyfriend Emmanuel Macron threw off the “globalist yoke”
    to criticize the behemoth communist nation.

    But not King Justin of Canada.

    Why not?

    What makes Canada unique among so-called democracies of the world?

    CAP Theory: It is not complicated in the least.

    The answer is that China is ear-marked to play a GIANT role in Canada’s future,
    but Trudeau does not want anyone comprehending this agenda.

    Therefore, Justin Trudeau is “China’s boy.” Who was it that visited China three times in the 1970’s
    to establish diplomatic relations with their supreme leader, Chairman Mao Tse Tung?

    Why, it was Justin’s father—Pierre Trudeau.

    In CAP’s opinion, not a damn thing has changed in this regard in the past 40 years.

    In fact, it may be worse than ever as son Justin Trudeau incrementally integrates the political stylings of
    communist China into the fabric of Canadian society.
    — BRAD SALZBERG, CAP Founder.
    TagsCBC, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Media Manipulation, Pierre Trudeau
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    The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine
    Trudeau Government QUIETLY FUNDING Covid-19 Project In WUHAN, CHINA
    2 thoughts on “Justin Trudeau SIDES WITH CHINA Over Covid-19 Misinformation Accusations”

    1. 3a4accc41df7963596092256e42d6582?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      April 18, 2020 at 7:45 pm
      Why is sock boy still our PM and why are the Liberals still in power? We all know what is happening here.
      Why can’t we have a vote of non-confidence and get these Country Killers out of our politics.
      Then we could have the investigations into Trudeau and the Liberals and hold them to account
      for all their heinous acts on Canadians. If they all love China so much then send them all there
      and revoke their Canadian Citizenships. Put them all on a list to keep them out of our Country for the rest of their lives.
    2. 2794e5ebe3fea41b8700f34ef1e80a3d?s=50&d=blank&r=pg.
      April 19, 2020 at 2:02 am
      Trudeau must get paid a lot of dough from commie China although I think he’d dance to their tune anyways.

    The Mysterious Death Of Apotex Founder Barry Sherman, Manufacturer of Covid-19 Vaccine (


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Who would have thought Horse Paste* will be the catalyst secret weapon that finally topples the CORRUPT Jacinda Ardern Labour government - kek
    [Note Date below = ALL the Evidence needed for anyone to SEE for themselves]

    How awesome is it for the History Books, that the secret weapon catalyst what finally brings down the entire corrupt Jacinda Ardern Labour Party government, delousing the entire Establishment Deep State and career civil servant swamp with it as it drains - is Equine Dewormer cure for Parasites.

    The Symbology for ALL ETERNITY is just EPIC. Almighty God in Heaven has such an awesome Sense of fun, humour & adventure!

    [AND that catalyst will then also *crash* the Wellington Real Estate market with it when ALL the evil satanic info [SRA] is better known to NZ]

    HCQ & *Ivermectin are already classified as prophylaxis & “vaxes” - and have been for Decades – they’re pills not needles

    Swamp Deployed “Covid” deliberately - then “Knowingly” hid & withheld the pill / tablet cure on the entire world

    Standby for monkey pox / Measles Pandemic2.0
    [Adverse bio-weapon jab injuries - another scare threat smokescreen by corrupt media operations]

    Ivermectin has cured India with 1400 million & has WON 2 Noble Prizes as Essential medication for Humanity – Approved by the FDA 2/2/1969

    If BIG Pharma “allowed” those cheap pill cures - then there would be no needed justification by commonwealth & Western 1st world governments for the lockdowns to steal Elections globally – then crash local – then global economies + also swamp need the justification for the satanic death jabs swindled as “vaxes” to achieve the UN swamps plans for NWO - culling 7 Billion somehow

    Do you see?

    Once 5,000,000 Kiwi's learn what swamp have really been doing - 5,000,000 Kiwi's will demand Gallows erected on the very footsteps of Parliament itself!
    Sep 17, 2021··Women & Weapons
    Ivermectin is extraordinary.

    It renders spike proteins INERT.

    It’s even better than hydroxychloroquine as it treats all stages of “COVID”.

    It treats a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent.

    It kills coronavirus in 48 hours.

    As Dr. Pierre Kory, Lung Specialist and Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, has attested to, profound anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of Ivermectin have been identified.

    In COVID-19 specifically, studies show that one of its several anti-viral properties is that it strongly binds to the spike protein, keeping the virus from entering the cell.

    These effects, along with its multiple abilities to control inflammation, both explain the markedly positive trial results already reported.

    Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
    “Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance.

    Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.”

    Ivermectin: Enigmatic Multifaceted 'Wonder' Drug Continues to Surprise and Exceed Expectations - PubMed

    Ivermectin is an efficacious treatment for ALL stages of “COVID”.

    Ivermectin obliterates SARS2 COVID-19.
    Unequivocal Evidence-based meta-analysis of published clinical trials here:

    The chances that Ivermectin doesn’t work are calculated to be 1 in 70 trillion.

    Dr. Pierre Kory: We have immense data. If you take Ivermectin, you will not get sick. A winner of the Nobel Prize, it has proven to be a Wonder Drug.

    Detailed Treatment Protocols here:
    Antiparasitic drug Ivermectin kills coronavirus in 48 hours
    Around the world, scientists race to develop a vaccine or treatment against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus…

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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