Thuban Cut and Paste from Camelot Members

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31295 0 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    tommy wrote:


    Thank you for attending to this matter. Know that I have no problem with you copying your own written materials from this site at all (specified in the disclaimer\rules), but what I am pointing towards is the posts copied written by other members. So if you could please make sure you copy only your own written content the problem will be solved.

    I remember the PA situation well, and I can tell you right away that this will not happen (again) here.


    1. Remove html content originating from Camelot Forum
    2. Remove posts made by CF members other than Thubans from your site copy
    - Make sure you ask permission from members on this forum if you wish to use their content
    3. Notify the other Thuban members about this so we do not get into a new situation like this

    4. Breathe and contemplate the fact that the problem got solved

    Sorry you did not get the e-mail, I was not really sure who I was supposed to send it too.
    I thought about posting the entire e-mail in this thread, but I did not do it in case someone perceived it as being aggressive, I wanted to make sure we dealt with this painlessly and effectively.

    You know I support your right to exist, but I am also the administrator for the Project Camelot sites, and that rule referenced earlier is meant to protect the members from situations like this.
    If we do not uphold the content rule members will not feel safe about their written work being on this forum, and how it will be used.

    Thanks for attending to this matter

    All the best,


    Thank you for your attendance tommy!

    It seems you did not read my extensive reply to the issues and objections raised by a number of members here.

    I am well prepared to remove html links to camelot as this was an error on my behalf.

    However I will not butcher the contexts of my data base, because of rather irrational attacks on the 'thuban name' and its related innuendos.

    Cannot you see that certain material discussed warrants a context of feedback; especially in a Q&A format?

    Everything on is public access with no copyright restrictions and I could have easily restricted access and 'hide' the information.

    Ask yourself why I have not done so?
    I have nothing to hide and all my public statements are there for discernment

    This is no wikileaks controversy and the furore of copyrights regarding peer to peer downloads in the music- and the film industry is evermore placed into a context of 'public exposure' of the artist and hisher creativity.

    Also, and as arctourist has pointed out; the FREE DATA sharing provides FREE PUBLICITY for all parties concerned and so should be welcomed in a mentally advanced civilisation.

    I understand your position as administrator of this forum and your dilemma of having a majority of members feeling nought but hatred and disgust towards the Thuban material.

    So and as stated and described clearly in my open letter to you; the open slander and character attacks on the Thuban label qualify as evidence in a legal sense and it would therefore be unwise on my behalf to curtail my legal means of defence against the assassination attempts of personal integrity and honour.
    This entire 'problem' exists only because of personal vendettas from a few members here and exemplify the label of the 'mob attack' and the 'rule of the loudest screamers'.

    I have just a few days ago lost yet again access to another thread posted on the mists of avalon forum due to the actions of administrators not functioning in an unbiased mode of operation.

    It also appears you would disallow intelligent discourse on your forum which requires a more thorough or academic approach of data sharing; preferring instead a less intensive mode of operation more suited to a less demanding mental mileu of some of the contributors on camelot.

    It is your role as administrator to control the contents and the functioning of camelot and I shall understand your banning of the Thuban material.
    I and some others certainly will not have to agree with your wisdoms regarding those decisions.


    • Bermanseder
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 23

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31298 7 minutes ago
    1. Why are you referring to me banning Thuban material? Have I actually done so? Did I not lift your ban's and move your thread into public view for the exact reasons you present here?

    2. You are making this sound like "Thuban" is the only one affected by these rules, that is naturally not the case.

    3. A forum disclaimer - By registering on this forum and using it for whatever purpose those rules apply to everyone

    4. You did not ask the members permission to use their material at another source\outlet

    5. Intelligence is a relative term
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
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    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31299 5 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    I do not want to start any long going discussion about this, I am just pointing out the situation from where I stand and what follows my responsibility as administrator.

    If you know me and do quick public background research you will find that making such assumptions about the intentions of this forum and about who runs it are quite wrong.

    I am trying to help everyone out here
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 301

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31307 0 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Dear Tommy,
    From what I can see is this is a case of people not understanding copyright laws and public forums and public use of those forums. From what I have researched on the subject, I found that if you choose to post on a public forum such as this one or any other public internet site then your material, unless it is specifically copy written is FFA (free for all). The exceptions would be artwork, art images and specific copy written works such as books, papers ect. Your opinions are not something you can copyright if they are to be said in a public situation. Just as the news media can blow someone's random public comment out of porportion, so can anything you say in a public situation be construed the same.

    Also, if your forum does not have a strong copyright disclaimer, there is really no legal action anyone can take against you for posting here. Its an at your own risk behavior for any and all posters and their sole responsibility to copyright and protect their own works, not the forums nor the admins.

    So some basic good advice for people would be that if you don't want your opinions and ideas to be spread around the internet, don't post on public sites such as this forum or others like it and copyright any and all personal material. Because there is nothing to stop a random non-subscribed user from copy pasting any and all of the material on this site too another random location anywhere on the internet.

    Now with that said, there is nothing wrong with copyrighting your own materials that you do not wish others to copy or use such as art works, published papers, books, poems ect. But be aware of the fact that its a huge internet world out there and it is up to the individual to enforce any and all copy written material of their own. This means hiring lawyers and whoever else would be necessary to protect your image and materials and fight infringements in a court of law (can get expensive).

    Pretty much a general rule of thumb is, if you put anything on the internet, anyone can and possibly will rip it off and it can be almost impossible to track, follow and prosecute it all, don't believe me just look at the trouble Hollywood and other artistic industries have at protecting their materials from infringement. I can point you to a number of illegal downloading sites to illustrate an example, but I am sure your aware of these already.

    Now to the Thuban materials, Tony has already stated that his stuff is not copy written and its freeware, so there is no problem with his information being disseminated onto any number of forums or other publicly viewed sites. His reasons for doing this is that he feels that you cannot put a price on information and data that should be shared and given to all. The ptb does this enough, why should he or anyone else involved in the truth movement support their efforts to censor and hide information?

    His reasons for copying the threads he posts in are obvious as we have been banned for as little of an infraction as too lengthy of a post. It takes hours sometimes to respond to questions and then to have the material simply deleted at the push of some mods button is not productive nor fair. We have a right to back up and save this data just as you have the right to save it here on this site. As far as the links go, Tony has said he will remove these and all html tags, we have not had a chance to edit those out. No one else has been moving and saving posts from Camelot except Tony and he is the sole person responsible for the saving of this data on his site.

    So please I ask you to consider all that I have said here and use some common sense when making a decision as to what to do about it. All of us Thubans are extremely pleased that you have shown much intelligence and diplomacy in your decision to unban us all. We only hope that the air can be cleared and we may continue to share our insights and data with any and all who are willing to listen here, common sense prevailing of course.

    Sincerely, Raven

    • Raven
    • New Poster
    • Posts: 3

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31310 8 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Thank you Raven,

    Yes, all your points are very valid, in fact so valid I had this in mind when setting up the disclaimer. In fact material posted here (ref. rules and disclaimer) belongs (legally) to Camelot Forum, and thus Project Camelot. The reason we even mention ownership in the rules are simply to protect the works of the members. Their chance to do take action individually (without agreeing to a disclaimer like we have) when posting their works and thoughts on a forum are very slim.

    That is the reason we take ownership of the material here so we can protect members from this when\if these situations arise. I appreciate that you have removed the html content and tags, but if members do not want their material posted on other sources we have secured their right to claim their work.

    For future reference please post disclaimers in all the threads you start that the content might be copied to another source. Then you leave the responsibility to the members, not us or you.

    I am sure this will be solved, and this is not an "attack" or anything of the sorts.
    We just have to sort this out

    PS to members: Even if we "legally own" material posted here, we have not reserved the right to make profits, distribute or otherwise exploit your material. If we could do so it must be written in the disclaimer.
    The material here will only be used for reference within our own websites. Just fyi

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 302
    The following user(s) said Thank You: Stargazer

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31315 22 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Dear Tommy,
    We have removed all offensive material. Case closed now hopefully Also, we will be adding a disclaimer to our signature lines shortly. Thank you for your time and patience in this matter, we are happy to oblige your request.

    Sincerely, Raven

    • Raven
    • New Poster
    • Posts: 5

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31317 17 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Takes a second to create inJUstice...

    It's hard work to build FREEDOMs...Thanks Tommy!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31318 15 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Brilliant, case closed indeed

    And who were talking about ban's again? (lol, could not help myself)

    Problems are only created in order for us to solve them. This is something I must remind myself very often. The fastest\easiest solution are rarely the best.

    Thank you everyone!
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 303

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31322 3 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Ya know... I was determined I was not going to get into controversy, as in my long work in progress toward helping humanity and the Planet I have been through plenty of battles. I don't like having to deal with it, but I can be very effective if need be.

    If I don't say this I will know I should have. So...

    Tommy, I have a tremendous amount of respect for you and this is not at all directed at you.

    I have some knowledge of the copyright law regarding public forum posts. As such I have chosen to leave that particular part out here. My knowledge in copyrighting is mostly limited to art, literature, video content, ect.

    I have to say I believe he (Tonyblue) is rightly standing on principle here.

    I joined this forum and chose not to associate it as of yet with any of my published copyrighted works because I wanted to make sure that when (and surely with the type of info it would address it would happen) the few detractors began their protest that it would be held to a certain standard of respectable responsible and fair behavior as the Project Camelot material itself is certainly of a high standard, and as such one would expect to see that the forum might uphold that sense of common decency.

    I was trying to assess whether or not it was wise to expose my work to the forum in an effort to teach people what I have in the way of knowledge, and as soon as I got on here this controversy seems to have come to light. I have chosen to copyright my work for the sole purpose of maintaining the integrity of the work so as not to have it get torn apart by controllers and their pawns.

    What I have seen, since Steve left, which is not my issue, whatever it was his choice to leave...

    Is THE MOST abominable behavior I have EVER seen from a group of adults in a public setting. Close to it anyway. Both the mods (all but one who are active on the threads) and the small group of members here behave in a nasty nasty nasty fashion towards others. I cannot imagine what goes through their minds that they feel the need to tear down other people, but they do. Repeatedly. Over and over, complaining, whining, name calling, finger pointing, scheming, attacking people's work without any reason or apparent thought.

    I am currently glad that I have not yet chosen to post my copyrighted works because the type of malicious behavior exhibited by this particular personality cult can cause serious damage to one's professional "profile" lets say.

    Once someone slanders you or your work it is something that can ruin your work forever, or for a very long time. When your opnly goal is to work with, and share with people in an effort to help them see what they cry out for (disclosure of all sorts)... it becomes not worth it.

    I would be HORRIFIED to have people from what ought to be a very reputable forum by now, as per Kerry has given so much of herself to the work and some of them even show disrespect for her. Freedom of speech is huge, but there ought to be a certain amount of personal responsibility on the part of the posters, to behave in a respectable fashion towards others whether you like them or not. The behavior they partake in frankly serves to reinforce the notion of the controllers to say "Look at them behave like rats, why should they be free to run amuck eating eachother?"

    Really, what will the world look like if everyone runs around acting like that with no accountability? It will be a nasty violent place I assure you. No where most people would want to be.

    I am not saying that is good. What I am saying is Is there really any way to free them when they choose to imprison themselves by assuming such a limited view and are so easily controlled? I agree with Tonyblue in that they don't even know why they behave this way, but I am not even close to exposing my hard fought and earned knowledge with them if they behave like this over and over again. If you ban him they will go on calling names and slandering his work all over the place. If they would do it here and for no reason, they would most certainly do it elsewhere. They are sneaky and viscous and relentless in their desire to attack out of fear.

    To have it originate here on Project Camelot and have SO MANY repeated slander sessions permitted would serve to detract from the work. When you keep a record of everything, and any court will tell you DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT... where there is no eveidence of tampering ala an entire copy of a thread clearly detailing in their own posts typed by their own hands it clearly serves to show with all transparency the how the sequence of events has unfolded with NO room for doubt. No wonder they are upset. But that is why you should not do things you don't want other to see you have done. If you get drunk and type... might be a bad idea. Of course that is a personal choice.

    When you sincerely want to make the world better and bring peaceful solutions, you tend to put your heart and soul into the work. To see it sh** upon by the ugly behavior of others is heartwrenching especially when it happens by people feigning to have the power on a forum (the others, not Tommy) to say what is true and what is not and having the ones who ought to set an example OF moderation, and tolerance call you retarded, drug addicted, fanciful, evil, I could go on ... and encourage others to follow suit.

    On a forum like this it would serve the opposite of the Camelot mission IMHO. Mind controlled suppression of information would prevail. It is clear from the posts that several of them are not even very familiar with or able to understand the material Kerry discusses (in interviews, blogs, etc) as is clearly evident from their posts.

    I understand the material is very hard for some people to grasp, but to have those people be able to sabotage and run others off of a forum who are actively trying to participate in the betterment of the world... would be well sad as eventually those will be the only voices left that are representative of the Camelot forum and all it is intended to do. Now if they want to post pictures of animals passed out with beer bottles and smokes, and discuss SC's overindulgence in alcoholic beverages, or some one else's God knows what, fine... but I say that is what the forum will eventually be known for, because they make it impossible for others to openly contribute in any type of civilized setting.

    I am certainly not a perfect person, but this is outrageous watching these people play this game. I am disgusted with them. I would like not to be but I am. what happened to common decency? Really? You have it Tommy! Why don't they? You have to eventually let people say what they will about your work, and let it roll off, but to allow outright character assassination by mods and other posters to prevail...

    AND they would be the first ones to run to the police crying if someone did them wrong, all they do is whine and scheme. This is NOT enlightened behavior. Nor it is in the spirit of truth. They will certainly not be impressed when society is telepathic... or maybe they won't be there at all.

    At any rate I would back up the stuff on my site too if they did that to my work while hiding behind their little screens. Sorry. Principle prevails in my mind. You have to draw a line somewhere. I am stating my support for openness.

    And maybe Tommy would not ban them, but you just never know what people will do, so someone else might coma along and decide to. I know Tommy is in a delicate position, and appreciate that it may be difficult. They have put you there. The proof is on the threads.

    They will damage this site irreparably if they continue because few will dare to come forward in this type of environment with anything that is of the nature usually investigated by Camelot. Sorry for the long post, but I felt it needed to be said after being called a retard, etc. Yeah, I am disgusted with the way they choose to act. It is low.

    Crap. Case was closed but my opinion still applies as it is how I feel about it.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31331 5 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    good resolve, now if we could just do the same on this site as well it would be even better.

    • CrystalChi
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 24

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31332 4 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    CrystalChi wrote:
    good resolve, now if we could just do the same on this site as well it would be even better.

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out. Does anyone know who runs that site and in any case whom to contact?

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 304

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    331335 0 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    I find it totally, completly rude to copy paste threads from one forum to another, especially without people knodledge, total violations of peoples trust.
    And I am so amazed that people goes along with thuban play.

    What is the purposse, have anyone ask themselfe that. Dont mind what the laws says, what is the moral behind this???????

    I can at my best will not find a single good reason at all. at all, at all

    It is sooo a violation.

    That stinks like a sewer.

    • Tbonyandsteak
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31338 2 hours, 47 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    tommy wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    good resolve, now if we could just do the same on this site as well it would be even better.

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out. Does anyone know who runs that site and in any case whom to contact?


    Its the person who started the first Thuban thread here Arachne if I am right the co person might have been Tonyblue

    Just something else something is wrong with the Arts Media and other entertainment forum

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31341 2 hours, 40 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    CrystalChi wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    good resolve, now if we could just do the same on this site as well it would be even better.

    Yes, thank you for pointing that out. Does anyone know who runs that site and in any case whom to contact?


    Its the person who started the first Thuban thread here Arachne if I am right the co person might have been Tonyblue

    Just something else something is wrong with the Arts Media and other entertainment forum

    Ok, thanks. Could anyone from the related groups please respond on this question? Thank you

    Checking out whats wrong with the forum you mentioned. Update: Fixed
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 305

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31366 31 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    yeah i wonder what that meant!
    or did chakra leave like he/she said

    • arctourist
    • Active Contributor
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31368 28 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah i wonder what that meant!
    or did chakra leave like he/she said

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31372 24 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    i'm seeing you're a very lonely i right?
    someone done you're mad at the world...
    hey,it'll be okay...just chillax,little man! find a girlfriend,treat her like a lady...and change that shirt!

    • arctourist
    • Active Contributor
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31375 21 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm seeing you're a very lonely i right?
    someone done you're mad at the world...
    hey,it'll be okay...just chillax,little man! find a girlfriend,treat her like a lady...and change that shirt!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31376 5 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm seeing you're a very lonely i right?
    someone done you're mad at the world...
    hey,it'll be okay...just chillax,little man! find a girlfriend,treat her like a lady...and change that shirt!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31383 1 minute ago
    arctourist wrote:
    i'm seeing you're a very lonely i right?
    someone done you're mad at the world...
    hey,it'll be okay...just chillax,little man! find a girlfriend,treat her like a lady...and change that shirt!
    This is kinda fun....

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31387 21 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Dearly beloved...

    The proof of your slander and hypocrisy has been removed from as a sign of respect for the wishes of Tommy.

    I see that a full scale "counter offensive" has been launched here, headed by general Chakra herself (along with Lita/CrystalChi and such). It is a frightening sight to see so much devotion to ignorance and blind faith in one place.

    So since the thread is...once again....present here on Camelot and Tommy seems to intent to keep it that way, it is no more on Birth of Gaia.

    The posts made by us, with all of its content, might however be published on any of our Thuban sites in a different format with the inclusion of a link to the original source.

    According to the statue of "fair use" included in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, If a written work is for nonprofit or educational purposes, it is granted more leeway. However, it still must abide by the four torts considered for fair use.

    You can, once again, sleep peaceful at night...



    • Rok
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31393 6 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Nvm what the law says, the ethic and moral reveals everything.
    you guys have shown your true faces, thx.
    Never sleeped better.

    How can you use love and light and misuses the most basic, the respect for people dignity?

    btw is that Rok speaking or is there a real person behind that avatar?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31394 2 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Nvm what the law says, the ethic and moral reveals everything.
    you guys have shown your true faces, thx.
    Never sleeped better.

    How can you use love and light and misuses the most basic, the respect for people dignity?

    btw is that Rok speaking or is there a real person behind that avatar?

    Since you attack Lita, Crystal and such.
    Isnt it better you play some world of warcraft instead, I am sure there is some people that wanne play with you.

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31387 21 minutes ago
    Dearly beloved...

    The proof of your slander and hypocrisy has been removed from as a sign of respect for the wishes of Tommy.

    I see that a full scale "counter offensive" has been launched here, headed by general Chakra herself (along with Lita/CrystalChi and such). It is a frightening sight to see so much devotion to ignorance and blind faith in one place.

    So since the thread is...once again....present here on Camelot and Tommy seems to intent to keep it that way, it is no more on Birth of Gaia.

    The posts made by us, with all of its content, might however be published on any of our Thuban sites in a different format with the inclusion of a link to the original source.

    According to the statue of "fair use" included in section 107 of the US Copyright Law, If a written work is for nonprofit or educational purposes, it is granted more leeway. However, it still must abide by the four torts considered for fair use.

    You can, once again, sleep peaceful at night...



    • Rok
    • New Poster
    • Posts: 5

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31393 6 minutes ago
    Nvm what the law says, the ethic and moral reveals everything.
    you guys have shown your true faces, thx.
    Never sleeped better.

    How can you use love and light and misuses the most basic, the respect for people dignity?

    btw is that Rok speaking or is there a real person behind that avatar?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31394 2 minutes ago
    Nvm what the law says, the ethic and moral reveals everything.
    you guys have shown your true faces, thx.
    Never sleeped better.

    How can you use love and light and misuses the most basic, the respect for people dignity?

    btw is that Rok speaking or is there a real person behind that avatar?

    Since you attack Lita, Crystal and such.
    Isnt it better you play some world of warcraft instead, I am sure there is some people that wanne play with you.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31407 9 hours, 3 minutes ago
    Kerry and Tommy:

    Wait! not yet. they forgot one more little tiny important thing for them maybe but not for me since I was acused of been part of a Mafia cold School which I have no idea what the hell is it...

    Tonny/Arachne/Bermanseder said to me:

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This is what I said:

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    He better explain to me and for respect to the rest of the members of this Forum. How is that I am part of it. why he said that?

    I don't have a Lawyer to defend me or bunch of followers to speak for me either! I am just me!

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31412 8 hours, 43 minutes ago

    I saw you have a lawyer that talk for you and I see too you have a lot and very devoted followers. Good for you. And happy to see that your Love and Light has been restored.

    I just want you to clarify on this detail that I didn't forgot... I have a lawyer too but I can speak for myself for now. You better explain why you said that and maybe illustrate us about the modus operandi of the old mafia school... maybe ALL OF US! have something to learn there. I have no idea what is that and certainly I don't want to be part of any mafia.. I never was part of any mafia. I am not part of any mafia!

    A simple apology will be good enough for me since I am here to defend myself ONLY! and then I will close the case too because I have no more interest in having discussions with you.

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This is what I said:

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    Take your time... I'll be here waiting for your apology or explanation of how I am part of that mafia that apparently you know very well! oh I forgot! Let the Truth prevail! THE TRUH PLEASE!


    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31414 8 hours, 23 minutes ago
    it's clear that they were talking about lita,not you,so just chillax! the sentence is very clear..maybe english is not your native language i'm guessing?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31416 8 hours, 21 minutes ago
    Understand why you feel yourself offended Huancaina.
    But in a way it is for the better, since in such in trouble issues the true faces usely comes forewards.
    It is what it is.
    As Steve once said

    Arctourist the pancakes pictures is for you to wake up, a hint.


    ollowing user(s) said Thank You: sianellen, Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31418 8 hours, 13 minutes ago
    Yeah! I am sorry but I am here for the truth and I am not going to support any body's lies!


    PAWNS, MASTER, PUPPETS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES, and WE the People that OTHERS think we can be foul.

    Yes, English is my second language but I am not stupid

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31421 8 hours, 9 minutes ago
    ok then who is lying,and what is the truth?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31424 7 hours, 55 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    ok then who is lying,and what is the truth?

    As I understood Steve, he did it for not making us fool of our selfe. By beating us self through ton of information, that really not had a lot to say.
    It was becourse he cared.

    Lita, did opposed it, becourse it is not really spiritually true. That is really what we already are.
    That is where the really facts are.

    It was just a game they literally played

    What surprises me, how they reacted, if they understood half of what they copy pasted, they would really not react in that way.

    Just made it so more obvious.


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31425 7 hours, 40 minutes ago
    ... or maybe all of them are part of the same thing Tbonyandsteak. I don't know... What surprise me the most is This Mafia Old School! lets wait for what they have to said about it...

    Ps. Arc: Geee you didn't really left time for me to do some cosmetics in my grammar... I guess I have to leave it like that.

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31426 7 hours, 36 minutes ago
    The funny thing about inmature people is that they usely accuses others what they self are.

    Dont think they are conscious part of the same thing, It seems to me that they came across some informations and played the game.

    They came with the accusations as revenge, dont think it is anything deeper in it.

    But the copy paste of the threads was just way to stupid and inmature of them.


    Last Edit: 7 hours, 13 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31441 5 hours, 11 minutes ago
    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31444 4 hours, 55 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    Wait for it..................................

    Last Edit: 4 hours, 54 minutes ago by Stargazer. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31446 4 hours, 48 minutes ago
    ooooooooo! that is creepy scary arc:

    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    I am waiting... who else is going to come to say the same thing and MY business here is to see that Sorry word to ME and ALL OF US that is all I need to close the case...

    Nothing else but that... ah! and the TRUTH of course!

    p.s. indeed I don't know any of you either...

    ps. Is my grammar ok? cause have no time to check it...


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31447 4 hours, 38 minutes ago
    oh! just to remind you. The sorry word from the TonyBlue/arachme/Bermanseder and the explanation of why he said I am part of an Old Mafia School?

    Maybe you can illuminate all of us about the purpose of that Old Mafia School... TonyBlue!


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31448 4 hours, 28 minutes ago
    Stargazer wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    Wait for it..................................

    LOL! Great shot SG. Thanks for releaving me.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen, Stargazer

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31449 4 hours, 26 minutes ago
    yes...well it was just an expression,used to describe some sort of a grudge on the part of a judge,as it were indeed
    certainly it wasn't meant toward you personally,let me go ahead and apologise on their behalf,even tho they don't really owe you an apology but i think you deserve it so please,realise these are not bad people we're talking about....i mean,something just tells me they're good people,that you all are good people-those who can speak up in a sincere manner i should say?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31453 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:

    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    arctorist YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! I'm not the first to call you a creep and I don't think I'll be the last either somehow - or you're so bloody thick skinned you just don't get it do you!?!

    FOR YOUR OWN SAKE ARCTOURIST , for god's sake and for the rest of us here at the forum THINK WHY PEOPLE ARE THROWING PIES AT YOU! WHY? Figure it out for youself I really don't need a written answer, thanks!

    • sianellen
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    Last Edit: 3 hours, 41 minutes ago by sianellen. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31454 3 hours, 34 minutes ago

    someone get me a ladder!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31457 3 hours, 22 minutes ago
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUPPETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    Last Edit: 3 hours, 20 minutes ago by Huancaina27. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31458 3 hours, 19 minutes ago
    Hey Arc... (Lord forgive me this one brief slip from grace...)

    Here is your ladder. =)

    Pie throwers convention being held @

    Why feed the starving people of the world and conserve Gaia's resources when you can indulge in such ***waste***???

    'nough said.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Last Edit: 3 hours, 17 minutes ago by MaryIshtarCreiddylad. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31459 3 hours, 17 minutes ago

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31463 3 hours, 4 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:

    Last Edit: 3 hours, 2 minutes ago by Stargazer. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31469 2 hours, 43 minutes ago
    Oh Huancaina, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, please believe that. I really feel sad that you and so many have been hurt with this despicable scenario of betrayal which has left good, descent people of integrity angered and vunerable in these, already, trying times when our very world and lives are at risk. I think what must be understood is that we all need a safety net and something to believe in and when the very core of that starts to collapse we all start to crumble in some kind of way, however, we must stick together, just like you've done here, you are still here and I'm really proud of you. We can get through this BS TIME

    • sianellen
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    Last Edit: 1 hour, 40 minutes ago by sianellen. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31470 2 hours, 36 minutes ago
    oh behave!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31478 1 hour, 53 minutes ago
    It makes me sad, all the hungry people and u guys tossing good food to waste
    Waste No more folks,, dont throw pies, Please give them to homeless people in your town
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31489 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUP PETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    Huancaina yes I am Lita, I used CrystalChi because I had left here as I said in my farewell, I had been wanting to change from Lita for a while but the way its set up here I couldn't change it.. so used a profile I had created before I became a mod then too hard to change it. I posted because I felt it became necessary the reason I didn't say who I was is because those who had been attacking would have kept it up. It was them in the end that worked out it was me and I have no idea how... probably my ip address.. don't know....I came back this way as I saw people being attacked the members on this forum are good people, I do care about the members on this forum even though sometimes they didn't like me in my mod role.. guess I became a bit protective here... as 1 of the other mods called me a mother I requested that Tommy reactivate my Lita a/c but he has not replied to me or done so. Now I could also be banned for all of this.. not sure if Stargazer has anything to do with it I will be..another reason for leaving....

    Now for those who think because I have said tis can now start to have a go... go for it... I don't care about the rubbish people here giving people a hard time and bating many.... (go for it Mary crying poor me after baiting just about everyone) don't care what you say to me anymore... make of all of this what you will... Tony if you read this no I am not a Steve groupie Steve is my friend, he had my back and that tells me something about a person you should understand the concept he was/is a good Mate.. in Aussie terms.. so I am done with this. I will keep this name as I can't have Lita back it seems... thanks Tommy you let all the rubbish back in and don't reactivate somebody that gave hours to this place without even a thank you...and last of all Tommy when are you going to take Chakra off as mod when she quit a while back ...

    Just know I did care about the members here they deserved better than what has gone down here.. and I am just me.. doing and saying what I think is right from my own fun being ripped apart for just applying the rules of this place..and they let it happen, didn't you Tommy and didn't have our backs.

    Done for now.
    Do not post this on any other forums or place on the web. Make sure every post I made is not on other forums or web sites you do not have my permission to do that...just so I am I think I need to go

    Last Edit: 1 hour, 5 minutes ago by CrystalChi. Reason: spelling mistakes Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31493 58 minutes ago
    Just to let yu know, I've been round this thread with my feather duster and got rid of any cobwebs I found dangling around. Now, if anyone see's any spiders lurking, let me know and I'll go get my cats. (They just Luuuurve spiders:))

    Hi, chrystal chi. I think you know that people do have respect for you, just check out your goodbye thread.

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31494 55 minutes ago
    yeah i like you better already lita-i always did like you btw
    some people,well ,we're all some people-haha

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31496 33 minutes ago
    It's so good to know you are here Lita/ChristalChi and many, many thanks for thinking of the troops, Good on'ya mate. Here's hoping that crook knee of your's is better!

    • sianellen
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    Post last edited Mar 26th 2011
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31528 17 hours, 53 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    hey sorry,right?
    it's all really none of my business,i don't know any of you,i like you,all,so just forget i said anything,it's all cool with me,and hello visit project camelot to all you surfers out there by chance landing here somewhere else-haha-we wanna talk about all kinds of stuff,and the more the merrier! good day,sir! and good night,ladies!

    At least you stood up for yourself, A lot of respect for that.


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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31535 15 hours, 17 minutes ago
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUP PETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    I requested that Tommy reactivate my Lita a/c but he has not replied to me or done so. Now I could also be banned for all of this.. not sure if Stargazer has anything to do with it I will be..another reason for leaving....

    Let it go's over.....SG

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: arctourist, MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31574 9 hours, 50 minutes ago
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUP PETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    I requested that Tommy reactivate my Lita a/c but he has not replied to me or done so. Now I could also be banned for all of this.. not sure if Stargazer has anything to do with it I will be..another reason for leaving....

    Let it go's over.....SG

    Maybe you can start helping her a little bit now that we are witnessing a great example of how ethics don't exist anymore! at least not here at PROJECT CAMELOT. IMHO. and BTW who are YOU?

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31577 9 hours, 23 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUP PETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    I requested that Tommy reactivate my Lita a/c but he has not replied to me or done so. Now I could also be banned for all of this.. not sure if Stargazer has anything to do with it I will be..another reason for leaving....

    Let it go's over.....SG

    Maybe you can start helping her a little bit now that we are witnessing a great example of how ethics don't exist anymore! at least not here at PROJECT CAMELOT. IMHO. and BTW who are YOU?

    seems someone with double sided-ties. . and me noted it in the where is steve thread.
    (selfquote)as for SG. i dont know his/her angle. tbh dont care much neither atm. there is more important issues ww.

    yep. standards @ CA have dropped down the drain. and to a level. that well shows, aka posters that dont post no more. that were active here for a long time. with a good input and attitude.

    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31581 8 hours, 41 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 and Lita
    I am also beginning to puzzle what game that had started here?

    And no, you guys are not alone in that view.


    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31583 8 hours ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ok arc. I give you a clue!

    MASTER, PUP PETS, PAWNS, CLOWNS, MULTIPLE PERSONALITY PEOPLE and WE the people or should i say ME only because at this point I guess I am alone!

    so, who are YOU?, you don't have to answer me either. Think! is a good exercise.

    I requested that Tommy reactivate my Lita a/c but he has not replied to me or done so. Now I could also be banned for all of this.. not sure if Stargazer has anything to do with it I will be..another reason for leaving....

    Let it go's over.....SG

    Maybe you can start helping her a little bit now that we are witnessing a great example of how ethics don't exist anymore! at least not here at PROJECT CAMELOT. IMHO. and BTW who are YOU?

    What ethics would you like me to shine with....that I miss Steve also.

    That Steve is still my friend.

    You ask who I am....I'm no one.

    Lita needs to let go of the drama and walk on.

    Since you all know the entire story and judged me somehow.

    There are always more than one side....ask 4 folks and you get 4 different versions.

    I have negative comments I can add here...but why bother.

    I'm just gonna keep walking....See y'all

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: arctourist

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31585 7 hours, 49 minutes ago
    good man! hahah!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31595 7 hours, 4 minutes ago
    I'm just gonna keep walking....See y'all

    Really? just like that. You are not going to say anything either? C'mon tell us!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31601 6 hours, 47 minutes ago folks can draw wild conspiracies from simple disagreements...

    No thanks

    Peace Y'all

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31604 5 hours, 11 minutes ago
    Stargazer wrote: folks can draw wild conspiracies from simple disagreements...

    No thanks

    Peace Y'all

    Dont you see a unresolve problem here?

    about ethic and moral

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31608 4 hours, 44 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Stargazer wrote: folks can draw wild conspiracies from simple disagreements...

    No thanks

    Peace Y'all

    Dont you see a unresolve problem here?

    about ethic and moral

    Morality cannot be moderated...That I did learn


    Last Edit: 4 hours, 42 minutes ago by Stargazer.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31612 4 hours, 30 minutes ago
    Well, we still need a straigth answer from the Thuban Never A Straight Answer roleplayer people, what the copy threads is about.
    To my knodledge it is the mods role not to some people misuses this forum.
    If not, it will just bring the good spirit this forum had down the drain. That some people understood to protect.

    Last Edit: 4 hours, 28 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak.
    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31613 4 hours, 25 minutes ago
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31614 4 hours, 22 minutes ago
    quit picking on the 'thuban' people-whatever 'thuban' is...
    who said that their info isn't true-well maybe you could be a little more specific-

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31615 4 hours, 9 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    quit picking on the 'thuban' people-whatever 'thuban' is...
    who said that their info isn't true-well maybe you could be a little more specific-

    Name one thing

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31616 4 hours, 8 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Well, we still need a straigth answer from the Thuban Never A Straight Answer roleplayer people, what the copy threads is about.
    To my knodledge it is the mods role not to some people misuses this forum.
    If not, it will just bring the good spirit this forum had down the drain. That some people understood to protect.

    Here is my take...not as a moderator

    Just me

    I was there when Tony (Abraxas) arrived at Project Avalon...there were some that rallied to them

    i was on the other side....I did not see anything of value in his(their) posts.

    We all debated back and forth and back and forth

    The Thuban folks were not at fault....but it was over them that the problems started...Bill was never around at PA1 so one day he showed up and found a bunch of Thuban material all over his forum.

    He closed the threads and banned Tony

    Tony correct me if I'm wrong but this is probably the reason they copy the threads to other record them in case they get banned or deleted.

    Kerry on the other hand....wanted the Thuban material re-instated and the folks unbanned...the beginning of the rift

    Admins\Moderators quit...Bill brought Richard up to have a heavy hand on his forum and Kerry formed another one to carry on.

    So they came here to spread their beliefs

    So here we are.....FREEDOM

    Kerry wants freedom for all and that's why the Thuban folks are here...

    I agree....

    It's a test for the rest of co-habitat with folks we don't agree with

    It's a good test.....and in the end if we co-exist...then we have all won

    The Thubans do their thing and are polite

    The conspirator folks are here and they are polite

    The MODs are polite..

    And we all get along in freedom

    Well ...that's about it.....


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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31617 4 hours, 5 minutes ago
    exactly...well that's what i was saying....
    i'm not at all familiar with the material,even what was posted here on this forum...they seem to believe in dragons-ain't that right?
    well everyone knows dragons aren't exactly welcome in this climate of racism and xenophobia...but i think they might exist....wouldn't you hope to be friendly with them if they really did exist?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31619 4 hours, 2 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    No problem muscle head.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31620 4 hours, 2 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    Dont know if we need other mods, but I know one thing what those people did was way out of line.

    And yes we/I still need a straight answer why they did that.

    The banning of those people is quite commen for them aint it?

    Stargazer, my question is why did they do it?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31622 3 hours, 53 minutes ago
    i can't disagree with you stargazer ,on your last post...
    why be anything but polite?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31623 3 hours, 51 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    Dont know if we need other mods, but I know one thing what those people did was way out of line.

    what people are you talking about now? what out of line? please be specific...if you want to be understood that is!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31624 3 hours, 50 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    i can't disagree with you stargazer ,on your last post...
    why be anything but polite?

    Yep Arc....I have to be the change I want to see


    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31625 3 hours, 49 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    No problem muscle head.

    you're lucky i'm a nice guy! oh you'd be polite if we met in person,haha!

    • arctourist
    • Active Contributor
    • Posts: 592

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31629 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    No problem muscle head.

    you're lucky i'm a nice guy! oh you'd be polite if we met in person,haha!

    LOL! Bring it muscle head.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31630 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
    Thuban was a fantastic experience! The hustle and bustle was that Abraxas is incredibly gifted and alluring. Pushing the boundaries and the similarities of good and evil. The other was jerking yourself online. Sex, occult and energy are indeed synergetic, just ask Crowley, Rasputin and Blavatsky. Peeps with PTSD or trauma issues will probably be triggered. Also those who are seeking without a good wing person could be assimilated. But live and let live I say. A very good adventure for those wishing to explore the Cosmic....

    Good Day.....

    • magamud
    • New Poster
    • Posts: 14

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31632 3 hours, 42 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    Dont know if we need other mods, but I know one thing what those people did was way out of line.

    what people are you talking about now? what out of line? please be specific...if you want to be understood that is!

    This thread

    Just had enough of spelling Thuban

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31633 3 hours, 42 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    No problem muscle head.

    you're lucky i'm a nice guy! oh you'd be polite if we met in person,haha!

    LOL! Bring it muscle head.

    how much ya bench?
    better eat yer wheaties,son!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31634 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
    magamud wrote:
    Thuban was a fantastic experience! The hustle and bustle was that Abraxas is incredibly gifted and alluring. Pushing the boundaries and the similarities of good and evil. The other was jerking yourself online. Sex, occult and energy are indeed synergetic, just ask Crowley, Rasputin and Blavatsky. Peeps with PTSD or trauma issues will probably be triggered. Also those who are seeking without a good wing person could be assimilated. But live and let live I say. A very good adventure for those wishing to explore the Cosmic....

    Good Day.....

    Then why leave? Just stay there and jerk yourself off.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31635 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
    magamud wrote:
    Thuban was a fantastic experience! The hustle and bustle was that Abraxas is incredibly gifted and alluring. Pushing the boundaries and the similarities of good and evil. The other was jerking yourself online. Sex, occult and energy are indeed synergetic, just ask Crowley, Rasputin and Blavatsky. Peeps with PTSD or trauma issues will probably be triggered. Also those who are seeking without a good wing person could be assimilated. But live and let live I say. A very good adventure for those wishing to explore the Cosmic....

    Good Day.....

    Still need a answer on why they copy our threads, is that to hard a question?

    Are you calling people that critic them for Peeps with PTSD or trauma issues?

    Good Day

    Post last edited Mar 26th 2011​
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31636 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    Dont know if we need other mods, but I know one thing what those people did was way out of line.

    what people are you talking about now? what out of line? please be specific...if you want to be understood that is!

    This thread

    Just had enough of spelling Thuban

    LOL! Try pronouncing it fast five times in a row.

    I'm guessing they all talk with a lisp.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31638 3 hours, 37 minutes ago
    ok,that was almost articulate
    but why not just admit you have no good reason for not liking any of these people,and at least be civil,do it for kerry's sake,you do respect her at least,don't you?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31640 3 hours, 29 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    ok,that was almost articulate
    but why not just admit you have no good reason for not liking any of these people,and at least be civil,do it for kerry's sake,you do respect her at least,don't you?

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31642 3 hours, 26 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    ok,that was almost articulate
    but why not just admit you have no good reason for not liking any of these people,and at least be civil,do it for kerry's sake,you do respect her at least,don't you?

    Just need an answer on that simple question, nothing about Kerry or other for that matter.
    Actual I didnt mind about them before they copyed the threads.
    People have in the end the responsible for themselfe.

    Allthough I was puzzled all that about Steve and Lita.
    And I understand that if you care about people you would have concern about the material.
    with that fantasy trip and deep symbols, themes, issues.

    Last Edit: 3 hours, 17 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak.
    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31643 3 hours, 25 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    ok the forum is nothing more than the people on it and what they decide to say
    so it's okay to have a little fun-go ahead and throw stuff at me if you can't formulate anything articulate-haha
    the vast majority of you are fine,fine people...
    speak up! looks like we need some new moderators...i think i said that several months ago-haha

    Dont know if we need other mods, but I know one thing what those people did was way out of line.

    what people are you talking about now? what out of line? please be specific...if you want to be understood that is!

    This thread

    Just had enough of spelling Thuban

    LOL! Try pronouncing it fast five times in a row.

    I'm guessing they all talk with a lisp.

    Sound like a lizard

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31644 3 hours, 18 minutes ago
    got something against lizards?
    what did they do? and who are they...
    i saw some cute little lizards in the florida keys,man,they were quick! i wanted to catch one,just to see it up close,but they were too quick...and probly real fragile-wouldn't wanna hurt the little fellers...i wish i'd had digital camera and computer technology back then

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31645 3 hours, 16 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    got something against lizards?
    what did they do? and who are they...
    i saw some cute little lizards in the florida keys,man,they were quick! i wanted to catch one,just to see it up close,but they were too quick...and probly real fragile-wouldn't wanna hurt the little fellers...i wish i'd had digital camera and computer technology back then

    you right, only a problem if they wanne eat you

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31646 3 hours, 16 minutes ago
    No sure answer why they copy threads, passion?

    Pointing out that the info, frequency, energy could trigger those with PTSD, but all inclusive I would say naught...

    • magamud
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31649 2 hours, 59 minutes ago
    Hey guys: What about my question?

    oh! just to remind you. The sorry word from the TonyBlue/arachme/Bermanseder and the explanation of why he said I am part of an Old Mafia School?

    Maybe you can illuminate all of us about the purpose of that Old Mafia School... TonyBlue!


    If I am part of an Old Mafia School. Please find TonyBlue for me because Nobody sent me a check...

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31650 2 hours, 59 minutes ago
    magamud wrote:
    No sure answer why they copy threads, passion?

    Pointing out that the info, frequency, energy could trigger those with PTSD, but all inclusive I would say naught...

    1.q. Passion? in violate people feelings?
    2.q That means yes?

    Sounds btw like a disclaimer from a medicine.
    Are you sure the Thuban people knows what they are doing?
    Now you self put that disclaimer on.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31651 2 hours, 54 minutes ago
    1. I dont know any details of peoples feelings being violated.

    2. Anyone disagreeing with the Thuban Data would not necessarily be identified as a person diagnosed with PTSD or any other Axis 1 or 2.

    • magamud
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31652 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    No sure answer why they copy threads, passion?

    Pointing out that the info, frequency, energy could trigger those with PTSD, but all inclusive I would say naught...

    1.q. Passion? in violate people feelings?
    2.q That means yes?

    TBony...did u see my explanation of the copy and paste??

    The Thubans have been thrown off forums and their stuff deleted...

    Sounds like Tommy has worked things out with them,...

    PC won't delete threads and they won't copy anymore....Arachne??

    Is this correct??

    Last Edit: 2 hours, 52 minutes ago by Stargazer.
    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31653 2 hours, 51 minutes ago

    Can we work things out??

    Not a MOD...just a ME....thanks so much

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31656 2 hours, 42 minutes ago
    good idea...oops,i didn't thow anything so don't look at me!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31660 2 hours, 35 minutes ago

    Maybe you can work out on this question for me too please. I am getting tired of waiting

    Tonny/Arachne/Bermanseder said to me:

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This is what I said:

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    He better explain to me and for respect to the rest of the members of this Forum. How is that I am part of it. why he said that?

    I don't have a Lawyer to defend me or bunch of followers to speak for me either! I am just me!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31662 2 hours, 33 minutes ago
    Stargazer wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    No sure answer why they copy threads, passion?

    Pointing out that the info, frequency, energy could trigger those with PTSD, but all inclusive I would say naught...

    1.q. Passion? in violate people feelings?
    2.q That means yes?

    TBony...did u see my explanation of the copy and paste??

    The Thubans have been thrown off forums and their stuff deleted...

    Sounds like Tommy has worked things out with them,...

    PC won't delete threads and they won't copy anymore....Arachne??

    Is this correct??

    Didnt knew, It was just a question.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31664 2 hours, 27 minutes ago
    listen,huan, (i know it's none of my business yet i keep seeing it on my screen here...)
    i already told you,it was nothing about you-why don't you just let it go...
    take a siesta...mine the akash...and mind your cash!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31668 2 hours, 15 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:

    Maybe you can work out on this question for me too please. I am getting tired of waiting

    Tonny/Arachne/Bermanseder said to me:

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This is what I said:

    Are you telling me that I am part of the old mafia school??? WHAT??? That is a huge accusation. How should I take that? Talking about Injustice... So ironic, I was fighting for freedom of Speech! not to share whatever I am writing here any were else... Tommy, Kerry please, take note of that!

    He better explain to me and for respect to the rest of the members of this Forum. How is that I am part of it. why he said that?

    I don't have a Lawyer to defend me or bunch of followers to speak for me either! I am just me!

    Huan....Lita has to speak for Lita...and Steve for Steve

    IMHO...Steve and Lita quit because they felt they could no longer do a job...

    Steve made his own choice..

    I've stepped down as a choice

    (waiting for Tommy to demote me)

    I don't believe anyone is out for revenge and I don't believe the Thuban's meant to include you Huan..

    So...can we go back to sharing and respect now...I'd love that...SG

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31669 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Stargazer wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    magamud wrote:
    No sure answer why they copy threads, passion?

    Pointing out that the info, frequency, energy could trigger those with PTSD, but all inclusive I would say naught...

    1.q. Passion? in violate people feelings?
    2.q That means yes?

    TBony...did u see my explanation of the copy and paste??

    The Thubans have been thrown off forums and their stuff deleted...

    Sounds like Tommy has worked things out with them,...

    PC won't delete threads and they won't copy anymore....Arachne??

    Is this correct??

    Didnt knew, It was just a question.

    I was Trying to get a confirmation from Tony...or Arachne...

    Tbony...did I make sense to u why they were copying??

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31671 2 hours, 5 minutes ago
    Just one question Stargazer, why step down?
    A forum as this will always have potentials of troubles of varies kinds.
    People just need straight answers, for clearing theres confusions, issues and what ever.
    That is what resolve things is about.

    I also wonder why Steve and Lita did it.

    Personly I find argueing great for personal developement.

    Havent found your explaination for the copy and paste thing, but why should you answer for them?

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31672 2 hours ago
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Just one question Stargazer, why step down?
    A forum as this will always have potentials of troubles of varies kinds.
    People just need straight answers, for clearing theres confusions, issues and what ever.
    That is what resolve things is about.

    I also wonder why Steve and Lita did it.

    Personally I find arguing great for personal developement.

    I found my morality seeping into my MODERATION....True freedom of speech needs no moderation

    You guys are adults and free'll work it out

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chaska108, arctourist

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31673 2 hours ago
    well i wouldn't wannabe a moderator either
    of course if i were,then this place would be free of a lot of nonsense!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31674 1 hour, 54 minutes ago
    I'm asking a real question Arc...with respect

    How could you eliminate the "nonsense" and not trample on folks free speech??


    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31678 1 hour, 35 minutes ago
    well,by reasoning with people,letting them choose
    either be reasonable or be unreasonable-haha
    but choices have consequences,according to who's in charge,i guess?
    ah,it's just a matter of staying level-headed,easier said 'an done i guess
    i'd say you've set a good example for the rest!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31680 1 hour, 15 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    well,by reasoning with people,letting them choose
    either be reasonable or be unreasonable-haha
    but choices have consequences,according to who's in charge,i guess?
    ah,it's just a matter of staying level-headed,easier said 'an done i guess
    i'd say you've set a good example for the rest!

    Well let me tell you Arc..

    No one is in charge......It's an island

    We'll have to work together to make it.....

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: jmj12, arctourist

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31681 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
    The crux of the matter here is that there is freedom for the blatant infiltration of immoral tactics to take place over the freedom of the native dwellers and supporters who have been duped into this situation, and dare I say it, fooled, without any regard or consideration for their trust and loyalty to this place. Whether we like or dislike members, such as is life, this really doesn't matter to me, what matters is I CHOSE to be a part of something quite unique and refreshing in this world we live in today, that place was here, CAMELOT. Now I only see the sadness and hurt in my fellow comrades' (original members pre Thuban), why should they be denied their anger or even show their displeasure towards the deception in a place they thought and believed to be a place of kindred spirit in nature. IMO protecting one's inner sanctum is integral to freedom. I see now how naive I have been, freedom is not just a words and thought, freedom is a way of being and in our actions, thus when trust is violated and betrayed, the cracks appear and DEMOCRACY is diluted and eventually bleeds into mediocre mush.

    WITHOUT ANY ANIMOSITY, THUBAN PEOPLE, you collectively as a people, I'm sure, can understand the meaning of protecting something really dear and integral to who you are.

    • sianellen
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: CrystalChi

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31688 42 minutes ago
    I am going to try putting this in point form.. from my perspective.

    It was seen that the Thubans were putting what was on this forum on their forums.
    They were caught out braking the rules.
    To fix this they were banned and the thread moved.
    They carried on on other forums putting down the mods and Steve at other forums and continuing to place the material here on their forums.
    Other members of the Thuman group then arrived here.
    Members of Thuman were able to talk with Kerry from what they said on those other forums.
    The Thubans were unbanned.

    This is why I left and Steve as well from what I know. From what I know we were going by the rules set out in the forums, that is the only way you can mod here. To make sure people follow the rules set out... just keeps the forum running smoothly that is why when I posted personally I used my name when I did it as a mod I said so. The rules got changed and they were not what I could keep doing, the result of the unbanning I said I did have a problem with this and quit.

    They continued to place posts on their forums, this is why this thread started. Tommy was able to solve the copying of posts to their forums. Hope so anyway.

    I hope this helps.
    SG yes your morality did get in the way, people do have their 'own opinion' .

    Freedom of speech goes in every direction. openness in this type of forum is also important. If you believe in disclosure it doesn't just come from whistle blowers its telling people what is and has happened in the place that is also disclosure...being open.... it has to come on this forum as well.

    Because of the unbanning and putting the thread back other threads have been started and so all of those threads were copied from here. so stopping this from the beginning was undone and so then we found ourselves in this situation.

    I am not sure that I can clarify this anymore than I have, with that said, if something else comes up on this line I will also peak out about it, that does not mean I have not moved on or let it go.. it will be in the now that I will comment I will not be shut up with the move on let it go mantra...

    I know Kerry owns this forum and can have whatever rules she wants...but.... it is the members that make this place that has to be taken into consideration as well or there will not be a forum... well it could be but would it be a forum people wanted to be at.. that is the question, we had started to grow and it was a good forum.. I am waiting now to see if it will will be the good forum it was...its all up to the members.

    I am now just a member like everyone else.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31689 42 minutes ago
    why this 'us and them' attitude?
    by virtue of being here,it's only 'us' in here
    does this make any sense?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31693 35 minutes ago
    Arc the us... they started it all ...for me personally when they started putting down members in the 1st thread...when they posted the thread on their forums without members permission.

    Then don't forget what was said at Mists of Avalon.. interesting thread that was, they were the 1's that had the attitude of we will do as we want... no consideration for the members already here...add to that the insults that were there and still are...IMHO

    Last Edit: 33 minutes ago by CrystalChi.
    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31694 23 minutes ago
    i can't believe they,whoever you mean ,would put anyone down...i don't suppose you have any proof of these insults or unkind words?
    they seem like uncommonly polite and kind people,like phoenix,arachne and these others who've called me 'dear arc'-i'm sorry,i'm not good with names til i know someone if y'know what i mean?
    i know they'd apologise to any of us if it's warranted-
    hey maybe it is,mmaybe it is
    anyways what i'm saying is if we all really met,we'd be friends in real life...being invisible people behind screens and veils does make it easier to speak frankly,and god knows i've said some things i probly in 'real life' never's that as we get to know each other better,and we certainly can,we become more 'real' and the real of all of us is indeed one....
    i think that was part-channeled-that happens,hopefully i get better at channeling my upper selves-haha
    lita,i think you're great and in real life y'never know,we might all meet and have a heck of a time...
    other than the space cowboy,haha,no one should be ascared of me or anyone else-that means no fear...
    look at the world,look at our's all behind us-has anyone noticed? if someone can see in front,i'd like to know what they're seeing
    anyways-in all seriousness,i send a pink ray of love to y'all-straightaway

    Post last edited Mar 26th 2011

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31696 1 hour, 59 minutes ago
    CrystalChain wrote:
    Arc the us... they started it all ...for me personally when they started putting down members in the 1st thread...when they posted the thread on their forums without members permission.

    Then don't forget what was said at Mists of Avalon.. interesting thread that was, they were the 1's that had the attitude of we will do as we want... no consideration for the members already here...add to that the insults that were there and still are...IMHO

    Crystal Chi i_re arc mho with backed up research IS the ring leader of all this crap .After consulting my family lawyers i must tread carefully , their agenda is to do to Camelot/forum /as Avalon,

    • jmj12
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31699 1 hour, 46 minutes ago
    okay well for the record then,uh,please think of me as your friend,i got nuthin but love for ya,it might come in the form of a song or a few stupid words on a screen,but it's nuthin unless you want it to be-what's the best possible scenario-
    if i shut up for a few days will that help?
    i'm sure they,whoever you're speaking of,are wondering how they can satisfy you,if i know them at all-which i don't btw-haha
    hey maybe i'm wrong...but just what harm has been done to avalon-i just dropped in there to find it's a lot like this place at the moment,just people talking and trying to sort out the mess the world's in...boring you might say,as i don't see anyone arguing a much is obvious and undeniable,why bother with anything else right?
    but then i see as always i have a lot of catching up to do and before a message is sent it's obsolete or redundant-again,sorry aBOUT THAT-oops-

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31710 1 hour, 19 minutes ago
    jmj12 wrote:
    CrystalChain wrote:
    Arc the us... they started it all ...for me personally when they started putting down members in the 1st thread...when they posted the thread on their forums without members permission.

    Then don't forget what was said at Mists of Avalon.. interesting thread that was, they were the 1's that had the attitude of we will do as we want... no consideration for the members already here...add to that the insults that were there and still are...IMHO

    Crystal Chi i_re arc mho with backed up research IS the ring leader of all this crap .After consulting my family lawyers i must tread carefully , their agenda is to do to Camelot/forum /as Avalon,

    Your right jmj, we all must tread carefully now. not sure I want to say any more on this thread. It appears that the threads have been closed to guests on both sites, they may still be keeping them but are not able to be viewed..

    Last Edit: 1 hour, 11 minutes ago by CrystalChi.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31713 1 hour, 5 minutes ago
    yeah ok....
    say,have you all watched that latest interview of bill and kerry by mel fabregas,when they were in arizona i think just a couple weeks ago was it?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31714 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
    Arc i respect your posts, reading between the lines , look at your membership here and your friends and colleagues their posts here ,there appears to be anomalies in the time of all of you and your mates in joining dates and when first postings begin,LOL you can make a difference its up to you

    • jmj12
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31716 48 minutes ago
    i'm not sure what you mean!
    but i'd like to make a difference
    man,if i thought there was really something going on,something bad,regarding some sort of a plot against the forum or something,well then i guess i wouldn't joke around or whatever,it would be no laughing matter,i mean i just don't see what some of you are apparently seeing because no one seems to be able to really put their finger on it,or shine a proper light on it....i'm all for that-and if i'm wrong and there's something bad going on,then i guess i just need a little more convincing,forgive me,indulge me,explain what the big deal is,so maybe there's a group outside of what we have here,what are we exactly,are we following an agenda,other than to shine light on anything that can be of substance or whatever,?
    because i can only speak for myself-i'm not one of this thuban group,that is i'm not familiar at all with it,what it's about,i just gather they're kinda like some people on about something not unlike a lot of other groups,wanting to attract other members maybe-see i'm not part of any group other than the avalon forum,the 'mysts' of avalon,and then there's numerous yahoogroups and spiritweb groups mostly defunct...
    but from what i've seen so far,i don't get what's so bad,apparently something happened in the 'old avalon',and i know it's been described by lita and others,but i guess i need to do some research tho it seems like just a matter of people splitting into and forming groups,such as has always happened ,but i prefer to look at us all as one group,wouldn't that be nice,then of course we're free to make other groups within this one group we're already part of.....
    anyways,just don't get any funny ideas about me,if i had an agenda,by gosh i'd have you all following it willingly or at least not concerned about it,because it would be a good one,not some dark or bad one
    so let's find out about this thuban group,i wanna know all there is to know about them...since y'all keep bringing it up...tell it like it is,but please distinguish fact from opinion as facts should be indisputable-right?

    oops ok,this came up on my first you tube search,i just typed thuban group on a you tube search,here's just one of the things on the first page of these some of the people here with us now-in fact,did i not just see this last night for another thread-forgive me if so....but let's just take a look...if something they say looks wrong,we should feel free to debate it or question it....i like things that are short,this looks short,let's take a look...

    • arctourist
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    Last Edit: 37 minutes ago by arctourist. Reason: started searching,here's just one result...
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31718 29 minutes ago
    I just restarted watching this site 2 weeks ago and joined today. I enjoyed my experience with Thuban during Avalon and have made some comments on it. I left both these sites for some time and I am astonished that the same cycle is going. Its like I never left.

    • magamud
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31719 24 minutes ago it looks like some kind of fundamentalism,not to say that's a bad thing,but fundamentalist in terms of looking at the world in a certain fundamental way,starting from one then there were two....adam and eve,huh...
    ok,i'm not sure i would use those terms like 'succubus' and the backside of satan or whatever-hahaha-but it's all just a manner of speaking i guess?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31720 17 minutes ago
    Good observation Arctourist. I hope it works out..

    • magamud
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31723 8 minutes ago
    magamud wrote:
    Good observation Arctourist. I hope it works out..

    thanks,thanks...but how could it work out-how could it 'not',right?
    i must say,it can all be very confusing-haha here's the second video,a thuban production,a 'rok movie'
    nothing to do with me,i just found it on the first search-looks familiar,sorry,probly posted before maybe....anyways! what does everyone think,seeing this?
    ok... i see oneness...well that concept of oneness is nothing new,should be nothing new to any of us,how many times have i used this concept....more than once-haha
    so the one becomes two,then the big 'bang'....hahaha
    boom! here we's like some old hippie told me a long time ago-heck he looked old as hell at the time and was younger than i am now...but he said,'god's just playing hide'n'seek with himself'
    so ok,i,i see it now getting more and more complicated with all the numbers and symbols and esoteric mumbo-jumbo-well i was never accused of being a good student in school...
    i must admit to having a short attention span at times...
    obviously there's some fundamental ideas that some of us disagree on and i think that's perfectly okay...
    i personally have reached very few if any conclusions after all these years,how great is that right?
    is it just me or does time seem to be so painfully slow,slower than ever....,toasters and microwaves ,coffeemakers and commercials seem to magnify little minutes into centuries almost....haha

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31725 3 minutes ago
    ]JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Hmmmmm.... Peace!!! JT!


    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31732 7 minutes ago

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31733 3 minutes ago
    [quote="Bermanseder" post=31725]]JesterTerrestrial wrote:
    Hmmmmm.... Peace!!! JT!


    Thanks...just joking about the pie geeze lol your all wired up around here. Since your all acting like a bunch of kindergartners throwing sand and pies at each other id thought id mirror some right back at ya. And don't even get me started on copyWRITE because I see a lot of copyWRONG! JT!

    Oneness remade the existence on the shape of the 13 dimensions. The Oneness in 13th=1st, the space outside of the box as the 12th, the box walls 11th as a mirror function and the space inside of the box as the 10th. The 12th is mirrored in 10th and the other way around. The material creation is 10 dimensional. Than the Oneness made an energy source that could traverse the 12th dimension.

    1-4-7-10-13 = time gates

    It called it the Source Light and everything (holograms) depend on this source light energy = the Oneness on the outside of the 13th

    This is very interesting and has me thinking i wish i could understand the higher dimensions better but without a proper frame of reference its rather mind boggling to comprehend what this means.

    Last Edit: 0 minutes ago by JesterTerrestrial.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31738 31 minutes ago
    indeed...what it means....more clues,please...

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31740 2 hours, 52 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    indeed...what it means....more clues,please...

    The 'HigherD' are energy states arc and NOT 'far away' or 'out there'.

    They are right where you are and INSIDE your body.
    So there are FOUR worlds all interwoven and AT THE SAME PLACE.
    Right where you are now.
    Wanna talk to a Dragon?
    Imagine it next to you looking at you.
    THEN FEEL the energy!

    Then IMAGINE the Image and energize it - it is like star trek.

    It loves you as it is YOU as the FOURTH brain complex.
    2. Mammalian
    3. Human Cortex
    4. Dragon= StarHuman, closing the loop.

    Every Human was and is and will be a Dragon once 'evolved' enough.
    That is WHY the ptb use dragon symbols - They KNOW; but wanna keep it for themselves see?

    Enough for now to avoid info overload

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    • Arachne
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    Last Edit: 2 hours, 48 minutes ago by Arachne.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31751 56 minutes ago
    As the person who started this topic/thread. I can ask you to please stay on topic, if you wish to discuss your current subject start or go to another thread..thank you.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31753 52 minutes ago
    yes...higher dimensions....
    where the dragons are huh?

    • arctourist
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31756 25 minutes ago
    Arc that is not the topic, I ask in a nice way.

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31774 13 hours, 13 minutes ago
    ummmmmm! I see all of you found some kind of peaceful understanding... I will go away now, I will forgive but not forget...!

    Is always a lesson to learn in any situation. Isn't it? I have to thank every single one here for my lessons... I Have no more reasons to keep looking for the TRUTH here when I have it with me...

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31776 12 hours, 51 minutes ago
    This is a gift I received from Tra la la: I have to return it because I don't think I deserve such a valuable gesture from her, and Please, aloud me to say Good Bye to her too. Bye Tra

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31780 12 hours, 43 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    ummmmmm! I see all of you found some kind of peaceful understanding... I will go away now, I will forgive but not forget...!

    Is always a lesson to learn in any situation. Isn't it? I have to thank every single one here for my lessons... I Have no more reasons to keep looking for the TRUTH here when I have it with me...

    They still need to answer for the reason for this thread, That they havent done, yet.
    Yes they did delete some it appaers.

    But it is an importen questions, becourse what are we dealing with here?
    Are they reality escapers? That hate the reality as this thread questions represents.
    That they never give a straight answer, is really a problem that would indicate this.

    Or is there there more to this. as Lita and you suspect?

    If it is all light and love as they say it is, then there wouldnt be any problem come to surface would

    So give us straight answers.

    Last Edit: 12 hours, 42 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31783 12 hours, 33 minutes ago

    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31785 12 hours, 20 minutes ago
    yeah, possession I geuss is the right word, for this, Chaska108,
    A very real thing in shamanisme. which is proberly the oldes religion at all
    in human history. Religion is not the right word. Work on, against and with the spirits is what
    shamans does.

    So is it that? it is surely suspective when you look at what they actual are saying.
    since they are praising Satan, entities, connect to other energies.
    Reminds a lot of satanisme.

    My definition on this.

    Not possessed is being completly your own.
    Be free, have your own experiences.
    Maybe other have others definitions they want to share?

    The goal of every shamanistic healing processes.

    There are also other materials that gives an intirely different story than the Thuban material.
    If we really want to make a change, then discusse it. Dont victimize it.
    Becourse then we just play another game.

    Btw, I also have that suspicion, but in order to make a case in a coherent form, I would need other
    to discusse this. I cant do this alone.

    It is to be clear on things that resolve and releases from playing games( to use that term)

    Last Edit: 11 hours, 42 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31791 10 hours, 43 minutes ago

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31808 8 hours, 45 minutes ago
    Dear TbonyandSteak:

    Even If I give you MY straight answer... Are you going to believe ME? Who I am to have the right answer for YOU? I already said it in Page 1 of these topic and in page 2 I Finally Get it! and I said good bye, but hey!

    Is not possible to think for you... YOU think for yourself and YOU have the answer and realization of what is going on here and only YOU have to believe whatever YOUR heart and mind tells YOU.

    I can keep telling you this is the PTW in its best performance behind ALL of us... you know they create the problems but they already have the solutions.... clever, right? and yeah indeed our new visitor said it too.

    We are God and Satan at the same time. I understand that... So, don't we live in a polarity/dual world were some that we called the PTW lied, deceived us, over and over and over again? and still doing it... Steve said it ones and didn't believe him... NWO is going to happen. Geee! we live in a NWO long time ago. I think!

    Well, Who I am to tell you this is a pawn... or masters are behind this... hey! nothing against anybody... ALL of us are invited to the party... so lets have a party!

    I will not leave at all but I will not be part of the GAME since I know is a GAME. So, are you going to be with me on this one?

    ps. Thanks for helping me to say it !

    Last Edit: 8 hours, 7 minutes ago by Huancaina27.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31810 8 hours, 23 minutes ago
    Self expression is a great thing

    I also understand the concept of being one from dualisme in psychologian terms.
    But that is within so to speak.
    I dont mind you to tell how you feel about this, becourse it is an issue,
    about values, definitions, consepts games.

    What are our values? what is it that we want?.
    More important, how is it defined?

    For me it is about have a life, not in a material way, but in a resolved way.
    To have the experiences of life, be it, instead of above it.
    (Funny how hard to difine a simple thing)
    Bruce lee difined it in this way:
    "To me, ultimately, Martial art means to me honestly expressing yourself, but to expresse oneself honestly not lying to oneself.
    and to expresse myself honestly, That my friend is very hard to do."
    Martial art is a way of life.

    To me that is the violations that the Thuban material represents.
    That is btw totally without any difinitions.

    So sure I support you, if you should need that.


    Last Edit: 2 hours, 28 minutes ago by Tbonyandsteak.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Huancaina27

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31822 6 hours, 33 minutes ago
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah ok....
    say,have you all watched that latest interview of bill and kerry by mel fabregas,when they were in arizona i think just a couple weeks ago was it?

    How can anyone watch this video and still believe in this oneness BS. There is obviously an inter dimensional or off world interference in the dissemination of information. This is satanic in nature. This God equals satan crap is just brain washing to keep everyone dumbed down. All this new age psycho babble is here to keep us disconnected spiritually. To make us believe that we are God's equal and therefore able to stand alone in the dark. These dragons or reptillians use a hive mentality to gather as groups and use their limited mental capabilities against us while those of us that have fallen for this new age BS are donning our superman outfits to do battle alone. Its a trick to keep Humanity on the losing side of this struggle.
    It may appear to some that God and satan are equal because God endowed us with free will. We are free to follow whatever creed we want and the fact that God doesn't quell satan's influence makes it appear that he is God's equal to some of us. Do not be fooled by this . God will help us in our struggles if we ask. But we have to ask, which means we have to " get over ourselves ". With the egos I have seen in my life and here , this becomes a monumental task. But we have to do it.

    • plumr2007
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    Last Edit: 6 hours, 31 minutes ago by plumr2007.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31828 5 hours, 52 minutes ago
    Agree on lot of what your saying Plumr, Personly I just like to put some definitions on before going on what is from God and what is not.
    I will not worchip a God that I dont know what is about.
    Dont know if you would call that egoisme, but I call it common sense.


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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31831 5 hours, 44 minutes ago
    I agree , your heart will tell you the proper way. Not everything we learned as kids is wrong , its up to us to feel our way along . You'll know when you know.

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    Post last edited Mar 27th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31835 5 hours, 31 minutes ago
    Right on! However consciousness is in all things... even in so called "evil" people (or aliens)... Awareness is the wild card here... being aware of what is "going on" gives us even more power than good or evil! Hard to digest? Maybe, but think about this question... This is a "game" and it is "check-mate"... or "stale-mate" depending upon ones perception... Follow your heart and you can't go wrong... without the evil we may grow quite lazy... every player is relevant in this game we play... and like chess.. you need to know everything about your opponent (or shall we say player!) at the end of the day there really are no losers.. just energy blipping into energy... no end really.. but I'm ready for a new game now. Are you?

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31836 5 hours, 16 minutes ago
    I agree Debradenslow that there are always two sides. But only we were made in the "likeness" of God. Notice its likeness and not sameness. We are not God just a part of Him/Her. We have a soul the reptilians don't. I have been saying this for years and finally heard Icke say it in an interview last week. As you say when our time comes and we leave this dimension we may return to energy, but here again there is light energy and dark energy.
    To escape the grasp of dark energy at the end of our life is the key. The Egyptians trained their entire lives for that one moment. It is what the Mystery Schools are about. But which schools will teach us to escape to the light and which are designed by the Archons to keep us imprisoned in this paradigm. That is were all good people will have to follow their hearts when it is their time.

    • plumr2007
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31837 5 hours, 13 minutes ago
    As I said before, consciousness is in all things which in essence means that God is the Light and the Dark... Balance is the key... Thanks for sharing.

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31840 4 hours, 54 minutes ago
    Consciousness and awareness are just " being '. You are right everything is " being ". But that's different from having a soul. Some form of empathy ( as stated on another thread ) is required to have a soul. Love is different from hate yet they are both powerful emotions. Every wife beater will say they " love " their wife, but obviously they don't. They have lost or never possessed a soul. Light and dark are balanced and God created them both but only the darkness has been co-opted by evil because it is easier to hide one's true intentions in the dark.

    • plumr2007
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31842 4 hours, 47 minutes ago
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Consciousness and awareness are just " being '. You are right everything is " being ". But that's different from having a soul. Some form of empathy ( as stated on another thread ) is required to have a soul. Love is different from hate yet they are both powerful emotions. Every wife beater will say they " love " their wife, but obviously they don't. They have lost or never possessed a soul. Light and dark are balanced and God created them both but only the darkness has been co-opted by evil because it is easier to hide one's true intentions in the dark.

    Well come on now.. let's not ignore the husband beaters? There are some around you know... anyway, to the point. Why so concerned about those who have "no soul"... If you have one (and they don't) then there is nothing to fear then right? So why so afraid?... because there's something deeper here... dig deeper plumr2007 and you will find your answer! Thanks for sharing. Again, Light needs the dark and dark needs the light... this is not a duality about which one is better... but "understanding" that both are needed to evolve... Everything is energy anyway. Understand what energy is? Energy cannot be created or destroyed! Enjoy your journey (not the destination)! Thanks for sharing.

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31850 4 hours, 20 minutes ago
    Quote: Well come on now.. let's not ignore the husband beaters? There are some around you know...

    I hope everyone remembers that you said that and not me LOL!

    Thanks for this conversation it is nice when people share on a polite level. But back to the subject I think we should all be concerned with those who have no soul. These creatures are incapable of any kind of remorse and therefore guideless in their actions. I have stared evil in the face and seen the blankness of its eyes. I wasn't really afraid but I would not want my children to experience it. Evil in the eyes of an entity is not frightening but evil in the eyes of a soulless human vessel is. Imagine being one of the people who's last vision was staring into the eyes o a Ted Bundy or a David Berkowitz. I have done both by ridding my home of an entity and the other. I'll take the entity.

    • plumr2007
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31854 4 hours, 2 minutes ago
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Quote: Well come on now.. let's not ignore the husband beaters? There are some around you know...

    I hope everyone remembers that you said that and not me LOL!

    Thanks for this conversation it is nice when people share on a polite level. But back to the subject I think we should all be concerned with those who have no soul. These creatures are incapable of any kind of remorse and therefore guideless in their actions. I have stared evil in the face and seen the blankness of its eyes. I wasn't really afraid but I would not want my children to experience it. Evil in the eyes of an entity is not frightening but evil in the eyes of a soulless human vessel is. Imagine being one of the people who's last vision was staring into the eyes o a Ted Bundy or a David Berkowitz. I have done both by ridding my home of an entity and the other. I'll take the entity.

    Of course I said that...and there are many men who have been beaten by their wives! Not all men are wife beaters... you mentioned that men are wife beaters! You said that and not me LOL! Like I said before, you have faced evil! Yes, well so have I... Not one of whom you could look at and know through the eyes but one much more evil than that... This entity wanted to "burn my soul"... Can you comprehend that one! I was 21 years old at the time and yes I was "given a choice" through the truth being known... We are all under "initiation" including our kids.. I don't judge anyone... look at Ted Bundy's interviews.. he was lured thru pornography! A lot of problems are because of pornography... Stimulation then leads to more stimulation!... Why you speak of such people anyway?... Got something more on your mind you are not sharing?

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31857 3 hours, 56 minutes ago
    Ted Bundy talking about pornography....

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chaska108

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31862 3 hours, 39 minutes ago
    plumr2007 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah ok....
    say,have you all watched that latest interview of bill and kerry by mel fabregas,when they were in arizona i think just a couple weeks ago was it?

    How can anyone watch this video and still believe in this oneness BS. There is obviously an inter dimensional or off world interference in the dissemination of information. This is satanic in nature. This God equals satan crap is just brain washing to keep everyone dumbed down. All this new age psycho babble is here to keep us disconnected spiritually. To make us believe that we are God's equal and therefore able to stand alone in the dark. These dragons or reptillians use a hive mentality to gather as groups and use their limited mental capabilities against us while those of us that have fallen for this new age BS are donning our superman outfits to do battle alone. Its a trick to keep Humanity on the losing side of this struggle.
    It may appear to some that God and satan are equal because God endowed us with free will. We are free to follow whatever creed we want and the fact that God doesn't quell satan's influence makes it appear that he is God's equal to some of us. Do not be fooled by this . God will help us in our struggles if we ask. But we have to ask, which means we have to " get over ourselves ". With the egos I have seen in my life and here , this becomes a monumental task. But we have to do it.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31863 3 hours, 39 minutes ago
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    This is a gift I received from Tra la la: I have to return it because I don't think I deserve such a valuable gesture from her, and Please, aloud me to say Good Bye to her too. Bye Tra

    Little Darlin, You Do deserve it.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31867 3 hours, 31 minutes ago
    tralala... shouldn't you be gone? Why are you cuttin n pastin arcturosits post from another post? Maybe you should take a vacation... for GOOD!

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31871 3 hours, 25 minutes ago
    And little little darling I have no desire to watch your video... and won't!!!!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31874 3 hours, 19 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    tralala... shouldn't you be gone? Why are you cuttin n pastin arcturosits post from another post? Maybe you should take a vacation... for GOOD!

    Shouldn't I be gone? Gee what does that mean? You are not the boss of me. I will post whatever I want, Thank you.
    Actually I was quoting Plmr2007

    Thanks so much for your kind words. Perhaps you might like a vacation
    Are you showing your true colors? Why the nastiness? Care to explain?

    • TraLaLa
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31875 3 hours, 19 minutes ago
    Wow Debra, I am curious to your recent posts. Could you further explain?

    • Fohat
    • Active Contributor
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31876 3 hours, 18 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    And little little darling I have no desire to watch your video... and won't!!!!

    Please don't. It was directed at Huancaina---- She is a little Darlin.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31881 3 hours, 10 minutes ago
    Fohat...For you! You ask me a question... I will always be there to answer... You have always been there for me... What can I say.. don't let these other members confuse you... my history is one of integrity... my post was targeted for tralala who blablablas!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31882 3 hours, 8 minutes ago
    Notice her new symbol.. It used to be with a mouth wide open showing its tonsil!!!!!! I notice everything!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31883 3 hours, 5 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Notice her new symbol.. It used to be with a mouth wide open showing its tonsil!!!!!! I notice everything!

    Hi Debra, actually that is my original image. It is a tie-dye image.
    Thanks for noticing.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31886 3 hours, 2 minutes ago
    I speak as no ONE....please talk things out and stay on topic...

    This is not going to help or resolve anything...Thanks and blessings

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31887 3 hours ago
    Actually Tralala was a blue symbol opening its mouth with its tonsil showing!!!!! Ask those who can remember.. I know Fohrat will remember and many others... Think we are stupid!!!!... Forget your original image.. you changed from a stupid blue munchkin to "whatever"... tralala says it all! Blahblahblah!!!!!

    Post last edited Mar 27th 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31888 3 hours, 1 minute ago
    Stargazer wrote:
    I speak as no ONE....please talk things out and stay on topic...

    This is not going to help or resolve anything...Thanks and blessings

    Are you still a Mod? I thought you resigned. I was just responding to Debras comment.
    Thank you.

    • TraLaLa
    • Active Contributor
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    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31889 2 hours, 55 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Actually Tralala was a blue symbol opening its mouth with its tonsil showing!!!!! Ask those who can remember.. I know Fohrat will remember and many others... Think we are stupid!!!!... Forget your original image.. you changed from a stupid blue munchkin to "whatever"... tralala says it all! Blahblahblah!!!!!

    Hi again Debra, you seem to have a problem with my avatar. I do change it from time to time. I like change. Goes with my mood. Do you have a problem with changing avatar images?
    Is there something else that is bothering you?

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31890 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
    No Blahblahblah.. Just showing the others your "true colors"... Your new colors are cute by the way... but we are not stupid!.. We do "notice"!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31892 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    No Blahblahblah.. Just showing the others your "true colors"... Your new colors are cute by the way... but we are not stupid!.. We do "notice"!

    Who's we? BTW I like true colors.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31893 2 hours, 48 minutes ago
    I like Tra's new colors. It's got a real 60's vibe.

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31894 2 hours, 47 minutes ago
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31895 2 hours, 46 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I like Tra's new colors. It's got a real 60's vibe.

    Yes actually that was my original avatar. I looked for hippie images and found that tie-dye image.
    I don't think Debra likes it though

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31896 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
    Didn't say that! I think you are a true chameleon hiding your true colors!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31897 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    Debra, what are you saying here? I'm confused.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31899 2 hours, 43 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!!

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31900 2 hours, 44 minutes ago
    Confusion is good! You are learning!!!!!!!!!!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31901 2 hours, 42 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Didn't say that! I think you are a true chameleon hiding your true colors!

    I'm confused Debra what are you saying here? Can you please be more clear?

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31902 2 hours, 41 minutes ago
    No... Confusion is good for you.. That is all.. Will take you to a new dimension! Be Open.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31903 2 hours, 41 minutes ago
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I like Tra's new colors. It's got a real 60's vibe.

    Yes actually that was my original avatar. I looked for hippie images and found thSat tie-dye image.
    I don't think Debra likes it though

    LOL! I'm sure there are some who don't like my smiling face either.

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31905 2 hours, 38 minutes ago
    Blahblahblah! Looking to get the most amount of posts?... We know your game... Your numbers don't matter to us.. its whats in them that tells us who you are!!!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31906 2 hours, 37 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    No... Confusion is good for you.. That is all.. Will take you to a new dimension! Be Open.

    Debra, I have a sincere question for you, why do you feel the need to attack me? Have i done something to you? Please clarify. Thanks.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31909 2 hours, 32 minutes ago
    No comment! Wherever you go. There you are!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31910 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
    First of all.. Why do you cut and past Arcturists comment into this post?... He's not the most favorable member on this forum... and call me or whoever little darlin and change your avatar from a mouth piece to a coat of many colors! You are a chameleon and do need to be exposed...

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31912 2 hours, 25 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all.. Why do you cut and past Arcturis

    ts comment into this post?... He's not the most favorable member on this forum... and call me or whoever little darlin and change your avatar from a mouth piece to a coat of many colors! You are a chameleon and do need to be exposed...

    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen, TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31916 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Stargazer wrote:
    I speak as no ONE....please talk things out and stay on topic...

    This is not going to help or resolve anything...Thanks and blessings

    Are you still a Mod? I thought you resigned. I was just responding to Debras comment.
    Thank you.

    Commence with freedom...Yes I'm still a MOD....

    Please use responsibly....SG

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31917 2 hours, 8 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all.. Why do you cut and past Arcturists comment into this post?... He's not the most favorable member on this forum... and call me or whoever little darlin and change your avatar from a mouth piece to a coat of many colors! You are a chameleon and do need to be exposed...

    I think you need to go back and re-read. I quoted Plmbr2007. Try to get it straight. Facts are facts.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31920 2 hours, 5 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all.. Why do you cut and past Arcturists comment into this post?... He's not the most favorable member on this forum... and call me or whoever little darlin and change your avatar from a mouth piece to a coat of many colors! You are a chameleon and do need to be exposed...

    PS: again I think you need to re-read. My Little Darlin comment was posed to Huancaina NOT YOU!
    Get your facts straight Debra. Realy you are so silly.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31923 2 hours, 3 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all.. Why do you cut and past Arcturis

    ts comment into this post?... He's not the most favorable member on this forum... and call me or whoever little darlin and change your avatar from a mouth piece to a coat of many colors! You are a chameleon and do need to be exposed...

    He's wonderful. I love the little shit turd. Those rat fuckers cut and paste everyone's shit. Go start there. I doubt Tra cut anything of that doofus. He can't write a complete sentence.

    Laughing so hard I'm crying.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31926 1 hour, 58 minutes ago

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Last Edit: 1 hour, 57 minutes ago by SpaceCowboy.
    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31927 1 hour, 57 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    tralala... shouldn't you be gone? Why are you cuttin n pastin arcturosits post from another post? Maybe you should take a vacation... for GOOD!


    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31928 1 hour, 56 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    • TraLaLa
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    Last Edit: 1 hour, 55 minutes ago by TraLaLa. Reason: PS
    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31929 1 hour, 53 minutes ago
    Sorry SG I must take a stand here clarify something here.

    Debradenslow wrote:

    Actually Tralala was a blue symbol opening its mouth with its tonsil showing!!!!! Ask those who can remember.. I know Fohrat will remember and many others... Think we are stupid!!!!... Forget your original image.. you changed from a stupid blue munchkin to "whatever"... tralala says it all! Blahblahblah!!!!!

    Well there Deberadeslow there are quite a few of us here who do indeed remeber that far back, It just so happens that TraLaLa's "whatever", as you so aggressively commented upon, was indeed her first private and individual choice of avatar here, and since she has indeed had many signature emblems to her credit ! Hope that ticks all the boxes for you.

    • sianellen
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa, SpaceCowboy

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31932 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
    Ah well.. Timing is everything... I see from the freshness of where I was to where I am now! You old timers are stuck in clicks!!!!! You have your "buddies"... That is fine.. But I speak the truth, with eyes wide open and heart pure!.. I'm not here to make friends.. but to "share"!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31933 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen, TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31934 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
    sianellen wrote:
    Sorry SG I must take a stand here clarify something here.

    Debradenslow wrote:

    Actually Tralala was a blue symbol opening its mouth with its tonsil showing!!!!! Ask those who can remember.. I know Fohrat will remember and many others... Think we are stupid!!!!... Forget your original image.. you changed from a stupid blue munchkin to "whatever"... tralala says it all! Blahblahblah!!!!!

    Well there Deberadeslow there are quite a few of us here who do indeed remeber that far back, It just so happens that TraLaLa's "whatever", as you so aggressively commented upon, was indeed her first private and individual choice of avatar here, and since she has indeed had many signature emblems to her credit ! Hope that ticks all the boxes for you.

    Can you imagine, someone is actually making an issue of my Avatar? Cuckcoo.
    Thanks so much from real member POV> Love you Darlin xoxoxo
    NO Debra that was not directed to YOU.. It was directed to SienEllen.

    • TraLaLa
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  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31935 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
    Quote: Why you speak of such people anyway?... Got something more on your mind you are not sharing?

    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and light and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.
    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    • plumr2007
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 147

    Last Edit: 1 hour, 50 minutes ago by plumr2007.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31937 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
    Yeh... He'll probably eat it before he throws it! Looks so "tempting".

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31938 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
    plumr2007 wrote:
    Quote: Why you speak of such people anyway?... Got something more on your mind you are not sharing?

    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and light and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.
    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    They're always loaded with love and truth. lol

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31940 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
    And chocolate and whipped cream! Can't get that in the spirit world!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31942 1 hour, 41 minutes ago
    TraLaLa wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah ok....
    say,have you all watched that latest interview of bill and kerry by mel fabregas,when they were in arizona i think just a couple weeks ago was it?

    How can anyone watch this video and still believe in this oneness BS. There is obviously an inter dimensional or off world interference in the dissemination of information. This is satanic in nature. This God equals satan crap is just brain washing to keep everyone dumbed down. All this new age psycho babble is here to keep us disconnected spiritually. To make us believe that we are God's equal and therefore able to stand alone in the dark. These dragons or reptillians use a hive mentality to gather as groups and use their limited mental capabilities against us while those of us that have fallen for this new age BS are donning our superman outfits to do battle alone. Its a trick to keep Humanity on the losing side of this struggle.
    It may appear to some that God and satan are equal because God endowed us with free will. We are free to follow whatever creed we want and the fact that God doesn't quell satan's influence makes it appear that he is God's equal to some of us. Do not be fooled by this . God will help us in our struggles if we ask. But we have to ask, which means we have to " get over ourselves ". With the egos I have seen in my life and here , this becomes a monumental task. But we have to do it.

    This is my original post quoting Plmbr2007
    Debra, why did you feel the need to attack me?

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31945 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:

    Ah well.. Timing is everything... I see from the freshness of where I was to where I am now! You old timers are stuck in clicks!!!!! You have your "buddies"... That is fine.. But I speak the truth, with eyes wide open and heart pure!.. I'm not here to make friends.. but to "share"!

    Well who's now showing their true colours Ms Denslow, as you may have noticed, we have something in common, we LOVE to share!! SPACECOWBOY - MORE PIES PLEASE

    • sianellen
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa, SpaceCowboy

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31948 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
    Hmm...No Comment!!!!!!!! Except I know you like banana pie!!!!!!! Send her some BP SC!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31950 1 hour, 27 minutes ago
    sianellen wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:

    Ah well.. Timing is everything... I see from the freshness of where I was to where I am now! You old timers are stuck in clicks!!!!! You have your "buddies"... That is fine.. But I speak the truth, with eyes wide open and heart pure!.. I'm not here to make friends.. but to "share"!

    Well who's now showing their true colours Ms Denslow, as you may have noticed, we have something in common, we LOVE to share!! SPACECOWBOY - MORE PIES PLEASE

    Thanks Sister Sian.
    No debra, not referring to you although you may think otherwise. It;s NOT about YOU!!

    • TraLaLa
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31952 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
    Hmm... No Comment...

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31954 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Hmm...No Comment!!!!!!!! Except I know you like banana pie!!!!!!! Send her some BP SC!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31956 1 hour, 21 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Hmm...No Comment!!!!!!!! Except I know you like banana pie!!!!!!! Send her some BP SC!

    Good Job Bro!
    Oh and Ps all my 1700+ posts

    • TraLaLa
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31960 1 hour, 16 minutes ago
    You against SianEllen... Sisters huh? That pie was from me to her compliments of Space Cowboy! Are you deliberately making enemies with the sisterhood?... Read before you post! Awareness is the key!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31961 1 hour, 13 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    You against SianEllen... Sisters huh? That pie was from me to her compliments of Space Cowboy! Are you deliberately making enemies with the sisterhood?... Read before you post! Awareness is the key!

    You're confused again Debra. You've just been pie'd.

    Reply Quote

    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31962 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
    Maybe u are confused... you replied to my comment to you and sent her (Banana Pie)... gotcha!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31964 1 hour, 9 minutes ago
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31966 1 hour, 8 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!

    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31967 1 hour, 6 minutes ago
    No explaining to do unless you "can't read the truth here"... Let other members reading explain to you their perception! Actually, their truth.. it's written in black and white...

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31970 1 hour, 3 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    No explaining to do unless you "can't read the truth here"... Let other members reading explain to you their perception! Actually, their truth.. it's written in black and white...

    What the heck are you talking about. wWhat's your problem. What are you so angry about?

    BTW anyone interested(?) can scroll back a few pages or so if you care to read all this crap to get the story

    Really it's quite boring.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31974 59 minutes ago
    SC (Space Cowboy) replied to my comment to send her a BP (Banana Pie)... Look at Space Cowboy's posts... you then said good job bro! I'm not here to babysit these posts to you! Read with eyes wide open before you post comments like that to your "sisterhood"!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31976 57 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    SC (Space Cowboy) replied to my comment to send her a BP (Banana Pie)... Look at Space Cowboy's posts... you then said good job bro! I'm not here to babysit these posts to you! Read with eyes wide open before you post comments like that to your "sisterhood"!

    • TraLaLa
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  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31977 1 hour ago
    Now Girls n Boys,, Please play nice
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31978 57 minutes ago
    Chaska108 wrote:
    Now Girls n Boys,, Please play nice

    Are you actually a MOD?
    Jeeze that's a first

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31979 53 minutes ago
    Yes Tra.. He's a Mod... Didn't you know? Guess he never asked to be friends with you? He and I are friends.. he asked me.. and yes.. from now on Chaska108 I'll play nice.. It's fun that's all - "Outing" some of these members!!!!! The Gods are Laughing!

    Reply Quote

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31981 51 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:

    You against SianEllen... Sisters huh? That pie was from me to her compliments of Space Cowboy! Are you deliberately making enemies with the sisterhood?... Read before you post! Awareness is the key!

    Don't you dare preach about Sisterhood and Awareness here, we're a team and watch out for each other, male and female alike, you started to tip the balance when you first started attacking my friends and even to trying to pull people in to your vipers den, clearly you do not want to share anything towards a civil disscussion, only to dictate your views unquestioned and most clearly unchallenged. We may be oldtimers but believe me we've been round this shitty block a few times now and you're no different or special than your predecessors. By the way, true sisterhoods and brotherhoods meld as one, it's called balance as you were so adament in expressing earlier AND THERE LIES YOUR KEY TO AWARENESS.

    • sianellen
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31982 51 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Yes Tra.. He's a Mod... Didn't you know? Guess he never asked to be friends with you? He and I are friends.. he asked me.. and yes.. from now on Chaska108 I'll play nice.. It's fun that's all - "Outing" some of these members!!!!! The Gods are Laughing!

    Jeeze give it up. I am laughing too. Along with others.

    • TraLaLa
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #31989 10 minutes ago
    Yes tra im really still a mod here,, nice to see your old colorful avatar by the way,,

    free speech is fun to watch
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members #32005 13 minutes ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    tralala... shouldn't you be gone? Why are you cuttin n pastin arcturosits post from another post? Maybe you should take a vacation... for GOOD!

    Hi there Debra,

    You started this attack
    Bring it on Baby

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #32034 1 day, 7 hours ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Yes Tra.. He's a Mod... Didn't you know? Guess he never asked to be friends with you? He and I are friends.. he asked me.. and yes.. from now on Chaska108 I'll play nice.. It's fun that's all - "Outing" some of these members!!!!! The Gods are Laughing!

    Well, mods are just human beings, too. Like all of us, sometimes they make friend decisions based on a small amount of early information. Later, who knows if it's regrettable?

    Being "friends" with a moderator isn't some kind of "currency" geez.

    You completely missed the irony in the post from Tra to Chaska, Debra. You might want to take your own advice and pay attention.

    ETA: Oh, and no matter how you try to "slice" it -- SC threw that pie at you, not Sianellen. Hate to tell you.

    • Tangent
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    Last Edit: 1 day, 7 hours ago by Tangent.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #32054 1 day, 6 hours ago
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    Tra and the rest of us are also partof the forum.. get a grip and get back on topic...I started this thread and the rules say i CAN TELL YOU WHEN YOU ARE OFF TOPIC..AND I AM.... SG SAID IT IN A NICE WAY ..CHASKA ALSO....THIS AGRO IS NOT THE TOPIC.

    • CrystalChi
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    Last Edit: 1 day, 6 hours ago by CrystalChi.
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #32055 1 day, 6 hours ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    TraLaLa wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    Hi Tra, how are you this evening? I'm ready.

    Bring it on Brother Fierce.

    I could use some coconut cream.

    PS: I've got Haagen daz and Chocolate sauce

    They really seem to hate the berry berry. I like the little disclaimer where they say they'll post it on another site. GREAT! My pies are reaching into other worlds. I may start charging them too.

    Before you throw that SCB can I have a piece.. looks to good the like the spatter 1's you used before.

    • CrystalChi
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #32056 1 day, 6 hours ago
    Notice to disclaimer users:

    I have noticed that disclaimers have been put into signatures by some, that is fine in itself but it has its limitations.

    One important detail: You can not enter someone else's thread and post a message disclaiming the rest of the replies following your reply. That means "reply" is open to interpretation.

    The usage rule of a disclaimer goes only for started threads. If you start a thread you are allowed to add a disclaimer to the OP. No one is allowed to enter another members thread and claim usage rights for its content without OP's permission.

    Thank you
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: plumr2007

    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #32063 1 day, 5 hours ago
    I have added a disclaimer to the 1st post in this thread.

    • CrystalChi
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34401 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
    no one cares about your disclaimer honey
    the thubans won't be pushed around by ex-moderators or anyone else
    so have their threads been removed,deleted,or where are they?

    • chita
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34406 3 hours, 36 minutes ago
    Bermanseder wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    I have just e-mailed the thuban forum holders asking them to remove all posts from their forum in accordance with the rules. I do not take lightly to this kind of activity, not at all.

    In fact neither myself or Kerry have had any personal interest in the Thuban material (not to offend anyone), and the problems being referred to here was caused by myself asking about reasons for banning "the Exchanger". After I asked that question Steve left and deleted his account, that is the truth. I did not even have time to question the ongoings here, suddenly there was bans, arguments and upheaval going on, and my Administrator left in the middle of it when I was in fact trying to get some clear perspective on what was going on, or at that point "the problem". I don't hold it against Steve for leaving, everybody has their reasons.

    I am hearing a lot of problems but no solutions, that is a general statement, no specifically directed towards anyone in this thread, we are all affected by this anyways, worldwide, big and small.

    I ask you to help us sort this situation out, so far I have not gotten any e-mails from anyone, just include what text\property was copied\stolen. I want this for reference so I can have a decent case here.

    Thanks again folks

    All the best,


    Hi Tommy!

    I did not receive and email in my mailbox and so I shall reply here to your issues raised.
    This will be in two parts; the first regarding your statements regarding the html copying and the second regarding the 'war of the minds' engaging your and Kerry's forum here.

    I have indeed copied the Thuban related material to my archives at and the reason and purpose for this should become clear to you in the second part.
    Your objection to the html copying is thoroughly justified and I do apologize for me not being computer savvy enough to realize that the 'highlighted' parts of the text can indeed redirect the clicker directly to this camelot forum.

    This cross-linking has never been my intent and I shall correct this in due course in overwriting all such html reference points.

    Why then do I keep a record, and this is what it is a record for future developments about Thuban related materials?

    The Thuban site is a library and a data archive for particular future developments and so serves as a historical record keeping describing certain developments with respect to the planetary metamorphosis.

    When on Bill Ryan's site of Avalon a similar situation arose and a great number and efforts of composition and works became compromised by the spurious editing, deleting, locking and banning of written material by well meaning but let us say 'underinfomed' moderators on that forum.

    We literally lost hours of work and (to us) valuable information, which some of us tried to recover by direct emails to Richard Dragaon and other administrators of that forum.

    Unfortunately cooperation was not given and none of the lost data could be recovered and even to access the 'read only' forum of Old Avalon proved exceedingly difficult for me, as I am not as clever in some things, as many presume me to be.

    Now the Old Thuban thread on Avalon was NOT copy paste material but all my own work accumulated and worked on for over 20 years.
    How would you feel, that the (to me) valuable feedback and intercourse with people (both positive and negative and some not all of course) was confiscated and deleted by well meaning but underinformed data policemen?

    Learning from the experience not to trust other people's 'judgements' and opinions about what is 'valuable data' and what is not - we decide to back up our data and the relevance of that data as a record for the future.

    The post below by MaryIshtarCreiddyladd to my reply on her ONE thread exemplifies the situation about the present problems.

    I do ask you to read the reply from an intelligent and informed woman; who has moved passed the obvious emotional 'witch hunt' in which some people here are engaging to 'ban the evil dragons'

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This has happened before Tommy; should you remember the Celine Dragaon vendetta versus the Thuban data on old Avalon and the hysteria then infiltrating that forum.

    I do wish, as do many here, that Steve would return and moderate again; but to allow the Thuban material to be openly debated by those members here who do find value in that material.
    The 'Thuban Elders' and I never wanted anything more; than to FREELY share DATA.
    There is NO HIDDEN AGENDA; we are no 'evil beings' from outer space, here to 'eat' or mindcontrol anyone.

    So Tommy in your capacity and role of moderator; this is my proposal to harmonise Camelot again and to bring in the peace.
    Ask Steve to return as administrator and reinstate Lita as a moderator BUT ask them to leave the 'Thuban Dragons' in peace and alone to mind their own business.

    The one thing I would ask then however; is to allow the 'length restriction' on the 'Thuban thread' to be eased due to the complexity of the material which is not supportive of oneliners and short replies. This priviledge was also granted on Avalon by John Anchor as a favourable moderator towards the Thuban thread if you remember.

    Noone is 'forced' to read or worry about this material. It is highly specialised data; which is hard to be understood; either from a scientific viewpoint or from the metaphysical experience and nous required to break the 'data overload' codes which safeguard the information.

    Of course you can reban us and many would be happy for you to be doing so. I will accept the situation and promise you, that even should you reban us, that I shall delete the html cross-links to camelot.
    This is not appropriate and I do thank Lita for raising this point through her actions.
    I invite other people to comment on this reply!


    Re: ONE
    #31151 3 hours, 55 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Bermanseder wrote:

    Marvellously on the topic of the Oneness and the Unity once again.

    It might become part of the human experience in understanding, that data is deleted, locked or otherwise destroyed.
    Just think of 'lost' symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart or Mussorgsky or the Library of Alexandria, burned by Romans in fear of civil uprisings challenging their authority.
    Then we have a number of book burnings and other destructive tendencies by the administrators of whatever information they might be administering.

    And so can one 'trust' the administrators and the controllers of the public data; data and information created and composed for all?

    And then there are the computer messages: Back Up your Data!

    And then there is the question of EVIDENCE, like in a court of sorts. When people or entities are accused of things and slandered and a 'trade name' like 'Thuban Elders' is compromised in whatever fashion.
    So when the 'trade name' is not compromised or engaged; then there will be no evidence to be required to be saved.

    It's only logical! Sherlock Holmes would say to dear Watson or Spock to Kirk or Data to Picard.

    One day many humans will learn to understand that prudence and care do not necessarily amount to deception and hidden agendas.

    One day; perhaps!

    Yes, I am Abraxasinas; the terrible one from Avalon.
    And I do know the Merlin by the way - but never mind that.

    It is about testimony for you Huancaina and you CrystalChi and you RakmeisterRa and for all of you here and everywhere.

    Should you have hidden things and information in your closets, then dont share those 'secrets' on any public forum. Anything I say and share is never copyrighted or in any manner compromising to my manyfold identity. You all are multiplied cosmic gameplayers, even if you cannot yet remember yourselves and why you are doing what you are doing (and thinking, but this is even more difficult for most of you to figure out).

    One day we might meet on a dancefloor or some other venue of human entertainment and then you will be grateful for the saving of YOUR Data.


    I have perfect trust in Tommy's abillity to look at the threads related in my posts here and see that they have been negatively planning to attack your material and anyone who dare interact with it, including talking smack about Tommy and Kerry for unbanning the material in the first place. If he has time he will clearly see that.

    As for posting my posts on other forums, I have been focused on the material and learning it instead of attacking and slandering people. I have no issue with my posts being made available on another forum as I never post anything that I feel I have to hide. Nothing on the net is really private. If that is a rule then that does not involve my input as I did not copy any of it anywhere. However that said I believe the truth of what is going on here is clear top those with the time to read over the many pages of complaining about what has happened since Steve chose to leave. They are mad and planned revenge on the Thuban material and it's posters, and said Tommy did not run the forum the way they thought he should. Openness and true open eyed investigation is the only way this world can ever be changed for the better. If That is what the Project Camelot focus is then this includes material that is not liked by people who are just salivating at the mouth for war like behavior. I trust Tommy will see the truth if he has time to look. Fear will not bring healing. These people are afraid of the material out of superstitions they have been taught about beings they don't understand. I am not a member of Thuban or it's forum, but I definitely think banning the material is not in the interest of learning what is going on in this world and will only serve as a footing for those who want to divide not unite the human race. They want this type of silly infighting amongst people. I have every reason to want to learn of the material, just as with Ashayanna Deane's material which I think they also object to from what I have seen. This is a mind game being played for territory, not for truth on the part of the people who started the fight after the ban. It has no place in an enlightened awake world of people who believe in personal responsibility.

    If it gets banned I will be deeply disappointed. But I cannot, nor do I seek to control the actions of others. It will be as it will be. I have done nothing wrong and broken no rules. The only people I have seen to behave in a polite and balanced fashion in this ordeal (Steve not included as he has chosen to leave thus I have no further opinion on that. ) Is the Thuban group of friends. Their way scares others and that is unfortunate, but they have been polite and kind and focused on lifting others through teaching, not ganging up and name calling and fight picking. Thus they have my permission, unless Tommy determines they are not allowed, to post my posts wherever they like in the name of transparency and openness. If that breaks a rule it is between the poster of said material and Tommy.

    The links I have provided on this thread (previous posts) will lead Tommy to where the controversy began and if he chooses to look the truth of the initiative behind this feigned outcry by the attackers who have festered in hatred since Steve and Lita left is there. It is a drama made up to feed off from power and control, masked by pretend outrage over Steve leaving. And I had no issue with Steve. This began before I got here. and Steve showed clearly one rule he said was broken, but I do have to wonder if he was not egged into making a hasty judgement of the material by the others here who's imbalanced behavior prevented me from joining and sharing my knowledge for two years. I finally Joined because I saw Steve and Tommy to be fair and level headed in their Administration duties. The others (a very small but very loud portion of actual members of this huge online community) which are still yelling and shouting instead of teaching knowledge and learning from others... well, I have no further comment on them as they are acting like bullies in every way they know how. I suspect others just don't speak up because they do not want to get banned.

    That is all I have to say. But I did see it coming as soon as I saw they were unbanned. It was a false pride issue for the other few. I hope sanity, fairness and truth prevail here. If not the truth will come out else where, as their material is valid and thus as the Veil thins this will become apparent.

    Peace, and I have no desire to fight with anyone on the forum as this is not something conducive to creating a reality where all are ONE. It is divisive, and as such not in accordance with the interconnectedness of all that is. When one is harmed all are harmed. It is a sad day to see fellow members of humanity choose division rather than Unity out of fear of what they do not understand.

    I have nothing to hide and nothing to defend.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Established Poster

    Posts: 135

    Bermanseeder are you still here?
    it seems the thuban threads have been deleted or hidden-
    this to me is outrageous-i still have questions and i won't be told what i can ask about and what i can't-how about you?
    seems because a few loudmouths don't like us that the administrator is bending over for them at our expense-well that's neither right nor acceptable!
    we can talk privately,sure,but i think i'd like everyone to benefit from our discussions i hope to have in the future
    ...if you haven't been banned-
    any other thubans here?
    feel free to copy and post elsewhere-as no one should put on a public profile what they don't want public

    so my first question is about Jesus..
    was he for real?

    • chita
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    Last Edit: 3 hours, 36 minutes ago by chita. Report to moderator
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34411 3 hours, 8 minutes ago
    the thuban threads are not hidden. They are out in public view but locked.

    The thuban discussions are no longer taking place at Camelot Forum and members interested are encouraged to visit the thuban's own forums dedicated for the material.

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    • tommy
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34414 2 hours, 49 minutes ago
    OK,so let's call it a jesus discussion then
    obviously the question was addressed to bermanseder and i'm sure you'll allow him to answer -

    • chita
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34423 2 hours, 4 minutes ago
    chita wrote:
    OK,so let's call it a jesus discussion then
    obviously the question was addressed to bermanseder and i'm sure you'll allow him to answer -

    Arctoruist, dude
    feel free to start a jesus thead if you like
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34444 4 minutes ago
    hey thanks! i am chita...
    but i like that arctourist!
    he makes me laugh...i taught him everything he knows...
    he convinced me to join the forum

    • chita
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    Re: Thuban cut and paste from Camelot members

    #34445 1 minute ago
    chita wrote:
    OK,so let's call it a jesus discussion then
    obviously the question was addressed to bermanseder and i'm sure you'll allow him to answer -

    Hi cheetah arc - wise owl of the oracles!

    Indeed you can continue your questions and enquiries about anything you might be interested in and about subject matter and topics you care to address.

    The locked 'Thuban' threads here are being edited and republished in their original form, but complying to the protection of the online identities and the removal of html format of the website administration here.
    It will serve as witness and testimony as to what has occurred here in the greater scenario of the cosmic transformations.

    But to continue your interaction and to revisit your messages in their appropriate contexts you are asked to do so in the following links, or if you prefer on the MOA forum.

    The 'Thuban' information and trademark is unwelcome here and so you should accept this happenstance and obtain your searched for information elsewhere and as linked below.

    Yes arc, Jesus was VERY real and still IS; looking after you in 'strange ways'.

    Love and Honour to you


    #34286 April 2nd, 2011

    shiloh wrote:

    Lita wrote:

    I thought that was a link to your forums Tony.. it wasn' was a link to more of your material

    Are you going to put a link here at Camelot to your forum like Tommy said ...

    {for SpaceCowboy from Camelot and from Thuban}

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32242 11 hours, 37 minutes ago
    Any disclaimers or legal comeback for us cannot now be monitored.. no longer can we see what is being put at Thuban about posts at Camelot forums.

    They have made the Camelot folders/forums at Thuban private. for members only.

    Seems to me that the only way we won't be copied is by not posting anything to any of them. They continued here to post their own disclaimers that work in reverse even though it is up to the person who start the topic need to give permission..

    They are trying to cause disharmony here at Camelot.. take us down or drive the good members away.IMHO

    From this point I will not interact with any of them or those who support them. We know how they work with this kind of forum, why feed them and give them what they want. ...we can work around them.

    NO permission is given to copy this thread in any way to any other forum.

    Last Edit: 11 hours, 33 minutes ago by CrystalChi.
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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent, sianellen, christinedream7, Chakra, TraLaLa

    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32262 10 hours ago
    They can't wreck my continous loving spirit.

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: THE eXchanger

    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32281 9 hours, 13 minutes ago
    Hi...I'm registering my point of view as a new poster (3rd post) and a reader of many, but not all, the threads over the past few months. There are a couple things I'd like to say and it may or may not be 'acceptable':

    1. I frankly don't understand the whole 'can't copy my post' crap. I don't even know what the 'Thuban material' is and I'm not in the slightest bit curious. I suppose it's important to those involved but to me as an outsider it sounds like total juvenile ego stroking. Copyright and slander issues from anonymous blog posts?? Get real. AND get PRESENT. Just a suggestion.

    2. I've followed a bit of the Charles material and fallout and,'s important to you that have been around. From an outsider's perspective it's pretty obvious what's going on. It's another divisive and deep ego attempt to sidetrack and derail the main train. The fact that I'm posting here and not even interested in the Avalon forums after having listened to and read that side of the aisle should tell you something about my 'bent' on the subject. There are certain significant themes that Kerry has raised that resonate very strongly with my Being.

    So....sorry if that causes upset to some who might feel that I, as a newbie, 'don't understand'... but truly I don't and I don't care. I'm more interested in the here and now AND the larger picture minus the petty quarrels. If that's not what's going to be happening here at a forum level, then I'll wish you g'day and be on my way.


    • T.S.
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32284 9 hours, 7 minutes ago
    Sounds like you're all caught up. You know as much as we do.

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: sianellen

    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32289 8 hours, 47 minutes ago
    T.S. wrote:
    Hi...I'm registering my point of view as a new poster (3rd post) and a reader of many, but not all, the threads over the past few months. There are a couple things I'd like to say and it may or may not be 'acceptable':

    1. I frankly don't understand the whole 'can't copy my post' crap. I don't even know what the 'Thuban material' is and I'm not in the slightest bit curious. I suppose it's important to those involved but to me as an outsider it sounds like total juvenile ego stroking. Copyright and slander issues from anonymous blog posts?? Get real. AND get PRESENT. Just a suggestion.

    2. I've followed a bit of the Charles material and fallout and,'s important to you that have been around. From an outsider's perspective it's pretty obvious what's going on. It's another divisive and deep ego attempt to sidetrack and derail the main train. The fact that I'm posting here and not even interested in the Avalon forums after having listened to and read that side of the aisle should tell you something about my 'bent' on the subject. There are certain significant themes that Kerry has raised that resonate very strongly with my Being.

    So....sorry if that causes upset to some who might feel that I, as a newbie, 'don't understand'... but truly I don't and I don't care. I'm more interested in the here and now AND the larger picture minus the petty quarrels. If that's not what's going to be happening here at a forum level, then I'll wish you g'day and be on my way.


    i think there's probly a lot of us here on both forums-
    but i know what you mean!
    don't let anyone discourage you from talking!

    • arctourist
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32307 8 hours, 11 minutes ago
    Thanks T.S., It's good to get an outside perspective on things, I appreciate it and agree with a lot of it. However, at times logic has to come 2nd place and you have to go with your heart and gut feelings when it comes to your own conscience and integrity. At times we need the ego to kick in when things get tense, there is a purpose in our evolution to use this as tool when, unfortunately, necessary. It is suffice to say, also, to try to go past our egos, but these are trying times, we experience the hand we're given as and when we find them, we can no longer act like sheep, merely graze our lot however petty and insignificant things may seem on the outside. To be perfectly honest with you if I was on the outside I wouldn't even be reading this reply. There is always a positive outcome to reasons why we question them in the first place. Hope to see you round the place!

    • sianellen
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    Last Edit: 8 hours, 4 minutes ago by sianellen.
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32310 8 hours, 7 minutes ago
    sianellen wrote:
    Thanks T.S., It's good to get an outside perspective on things, I appreciate it and agree with a lot of it. However, at times logic has to come 2nd place and you have to go with your heart and gut feelings when it comes to your own conscience and integrity. At times we need the ego to kick in when things get tense, there is a purpose in our evolution to use this as tool when, unfortunately, necessary. It is suffice to say, also, to try to go past our egos, but these are trying times, we all experience the hand we're given as we find them, we can no longer act like sheep, merely graze our lot however petty and insignificant things may seem on the outside. To be perfectly honest with you if I was on the outside I wouldn't even be reading this reply. There is always a positive answer to reasons why we question them in the first place. Hope to see you round the place!

    Goodmorning Sain.

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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32311 8 hours, 1 minute ago
    Good morning yourself SpaceCowboy

    • sianellen
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32318 7 hours, 32 minutes ago
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    They can't wreck my continous loving spirit.

    LOL - with - Time in a Bottle!
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    • Chakra
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32322 6 hours, 53 minutes ago
    I got a kick out of your reply because it states my state of being in the original post! It might have been expressed logically when the necessary ego kicked in, but it was intuitively composed.

    As far as ‘being on the outside’......hmm...well.... it has it’s advantages but occasionally you have to check in somewhere! Every scout finds an outpost when necessary.

    • T.S.
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32327 6 hours, 44 minutes ago
    T.S. wrote:
    I got a kick out of your reply because it states my state of being in the original post! It might have been expressed logically when the necessary ego kicked in, but it was intuitively composed.

    As far as ‘being on the outside’......hmm...well.... it has it’s advantages but occasionally you have to check in somewhere! Every scout finds an outpost when necessary.

    Hey T.S.
    Welcome to the forum - just a quick recommendation, if you click the 'quote' button under the post and then write just below it - the poster whose post you are commenting on will know what and who you were referring to. You can also cut out a majority of the post - if it is really long and then just leave in quote marks the specific sentence you choose to reply too.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    • Chakra
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    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32329 6 hours, 27 minutes ago

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    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tangent

    Re: Notice to Members Re Thuban.

    #32341 3 hours, 39 minutes ago
    at least them thuban folks speak up**.
    as for rest. well all i will state is that 1 site AB named. and now/last week not accessable
    (the one supposed expiring((domein name) is just a mirror/copy of main thuban.spruz.
    so yes they hide it there and restrict access on the otherside i say/thinks/seems. no need me digging into.
    let them. as thats their way of coping with it(seems) is fine. and its also the selection of what and what not copied for threads. and where they do and do not get into points/notes made (beside their a-b a-b-c way). all cool. non telling also tells. and more. as for charles ill add a nice note of How them He and his Personal Assistent at Avalon Do it. and not speak up. none at all. so the less games you play the more you can be. is what message i got for them

    **note ill add to the charles saga thread, would be misplaced here. havemade this post unneededly longer
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