Thuban and Camelot Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34142 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    These wannabee dragons are easy to spot. It even adds to how pathetic they are.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34143 April 2nd, 2011

    Deedee wrote:

    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34145 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Hey, this guy is my

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #344150 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34164 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    DD wrote:
    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    So who are you that you need to advise admin... if no deception who were you before...deception... just
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34165 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    So who are you that you need to advise admin... if no deception who were you before...deception... just

    Lita, who is admin?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34167 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yes he could create a new ID DD, but he said that the way he talks people would know its him..he is right..

    My new ID didn't last long before the trolls made me.. but then they have our server id's don't they. Funny thing is they attack me for using another 1 when I have deleted my Lita a/c I did't have more than 1 ID like most of the Thuban.

    remember to copy and post this Sui seeing your here watching... so you can condemn me even more over at the other forums... good 1 nice to see you are still at it.

    Nah, she was just thinking we'd have a ten page long de-briefing on how brilliant we are and how crap they are, as per their forum. Must be a bit disappointing for them that they aren't even missed.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34173 April 2nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yes he could create a new ID DD, but he said that the way he talks people would know its him..he is right..

    My new ID didn't last long before the trolls made me.. but then they have our server id's don't they. Funny thing is they attack me for using another 1 when I have deleted my Lita a/c I did't have more than 1 ID like most of the Thuban.

    remember to copy and post this Sui seeing your here watching... so you can condemn me even more over at the other forums... good 1 nice to see you are still at it.

    Nah, she was just thinking we'd have a ten page long de-briefing on how brilliant we are and how crap they are, as per their forum. Must be a bit disappointing for them that they aren't even missed.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34175 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yes he could create a new ID DD, but he said that the way he talks people would know its him..he is right..

    My new ID didn't last long before the trolls made me.. but then they have our server id's don't they. Funny thing is they attack me for using another 1 when I have deleted my Lita a/c I did't have more than 1 ID like most of the Thuban.

    remember to copy and post this Sui seeing your here watching... so you can condemn me even more over at the other forums... good 1 nice to see you are still at it.

    Nah, she was just thinking we'd have a ten page long de-briefing on how brilliant we are and how crap they are, as per their forum. Must be a bit disappointing for them that they aren't even missed.

    I'm just wondering if I should open another bottle. What do you think PC?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34178 April 2nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yes he could create a new ID DD, but he said that the way he talks people would know its him..he is right..

    My new ID didn't last long before the trolls made me.. but then they have our server id's don't they. Funny thing is they attack me for using another 1 when I have deleted my Lita a/c I did't have more than 1 ID like most of the Thuban.

    remember to copy and post this Sui seeing your here watching... so you can condemn me even more over at the other forums... good 1 nice to see you are still at it.

    Nah, she was just thinking we'd have a ten page long de-briefing on how brilliant we are and how crap they are, as per their forum. Must be a bit disappointing for them that they aren't even missed.

    I'm just wondering if I should open another bottle. What do you think PC?

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34180 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Yeah do it SCB, I didn't think I would end up drinking this much coffee half and half with brandy.. gee the brandy bottle is look sad.. yes open another bottle, I will soon..

    Siriusblue, well probably and so happy she didn't get what she wanted pages after page of non sense how are the bubbles going... ready for another bottle..thanks btw for ordering that bottle for me from SCB
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34181 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yeah do it SCB, I didn't think I would end up drinking this much coffee half and half with brandy.. gee the brandy bottle is look sad.. yes open another bottle, I will soon..

    Siriusblue, well probably and so happy she didn't get what she wanted pages after page of non sense how are the bubbles going... ready for another bottle..thanks btw for ordering that bottle for me from SCB


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34183 April 2nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yeah do it SCB, I didn't think I would end up drinking this much coffee half and half with brandy.. gee the brandy bottle is look sad.. yes open another bottle, I will soon..

    Siriusblue, well probably and so happy she didn't get what she wanted pages after page of non sense how are the bubbles going... ready for another bottle..thanks btw for ordering that bottle for me from SCB


    Again after another 2 to 3 pages of wasted bandwidth on a "family" forum, as per Steve, of nothing but drinking and instigation by the same lame few. I guess others don't see it and speak up eh? But then what difference does it really make. Lol.

    Yeah, But this got REWARDED.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    ME, NOW:
    I came here as a neutral party, not a Thuban member, and what I have seen be supported by this site boggels my mind. I can tell you there is nothing I have that could be shared and respectfully honestly be learned about in an environment such as this. I guess the signs all around you in the world are not enough to suggest that something may not be working the way you think it should? Just saying.

    Anyway I have a responsibility to use what I am given to make the world better, not waste it on replying to things like the above post by lita.

    I could easily go point for point on many issues but that is responding to people who have no intention of actually learning from any one else because they already think they know everything. Frankly, you could get more enlightenment from watching an episode of Jersey Shore than reading the posts of, as someone else has already said, about 6 people that are clearly blocking others from the freedom to openly express themselves on Project Camelot forum.

    I have lost a lot of respect for Tommy and anyone else who supports this kind of behavior. And clearly as lita was reinstated and my posts have been removed, They have chosen to support above said actions and behaviors. This is why we need Policing in the first place. LOL. Someone has to be the judge, and on here that is Tommy and Kerry I would guess, so in the Project Camelot world people like Lita get rewarded and the others get harassed until there is an excuse to ban them and delete their messages. That is exactly what takes place out in society that This Camelot organization is supposed to be trying to get to the bottom of. Now we see that you now understand what it is to actually "BE" the controllers from another level. In the 'real' world if you want to call it that, it is just someone else. That is why you are so loud about it. Everybody wants to rule the world. And who here would be any more fair and just than those who are running things right now? I may get banned for this post and frankly if it is a corrupt here as what they want to complain about out in the world, then I really don't have much more to share here anyway, as maintaining control is really the end objective.

    Good day, and might I suggest Ashayana Deane's interview again? LOL. She also explains a lot of what I have seen to be true, so if I get booted those are my last words. Haha.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34186 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    MaryIshta I am so glad you like what I said so much that you have to keep posting it...suppose you need something to remember me poor old thing give it up.... are you trying to harass me chance.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34187 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yeah do it SCB, I didn't think I would end up drinking this much coffee half and half with brandy.. gee the brandy bottle is look sad.. yes open another bottle, I will soon..

    Siriusblue, well probably and so happy she didn't get what she wanted pages after page of non sense how are the bubbles going... ready for another bottle..thanks btw for ordering that bottle for me from SCB


    Again after another 2 to 3 pages of wasted bandwidth on a "family" forum, as per Steve, of nothing but drinking and instigation by the same lame few. I guess others don't see it and speak up eh? But then what difference does it really make. Lol.

    Yeah, But this got REWARDED.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    ME, NOW:
    I came here as a neutral party, not a Thuban member, and what I have seen be supported by this site boggels my mind. I can tell you there is nothing I have that could be shared and respectfully honestly be learned about in an environment such as this. I guess the signs all around you in the world are not enough to suggest that something may not be working the way you think it should? Just saying.

    Anyway I have a responsibility to use what I am given to make the world better, not waste it on replying to things like the above post by lita.

    I could easily go point for point on many issues but that is responding to people who have no intention of actually learning from any one else because they already think they know everything. Frankly, you could get more enlightenment from watching an episode of Jersey Shore than reading the posts of, as someone else has already said, about 6 people that are clearly blocking others from the freedom to openly express themselves on Project Camelot forum.

    I have lost a lot of respect for Tommy and anyone else who supports this kind of behavior. And clearly as lita was reinstated and my posts have been removed, They have chosen to support above said actions and behaviors. This is why we need Policing in the first place. LOL. Someone has to be the judge, and on here that is Tommy and Kerry I would guess, so in the Project Camelot world people like Lita get rewarded and the others get harassed until there is an excuse to ban them and delete their messages. That is exactly what takes place out in society that This Camelot organization is supposed to be trying to get to the bottom of. Now we see that you now understand what it is to actually "BE" the controllers from another level. In the 'real' world if you want to call it that, it is just someone else. That is why you are so loud about it. Everybody wants to rule the world. And who here would be any more fair and just than those who are running things right now? I may get banned for this post and frankly if it is a corrupt here as what they want to complain about out in the world, then I really don't have much more to share here anyway, as maintaining control is really the end objective.

    Good day, and might I suggest Ashayana Deane's interview again? LOL. She also explains a lot of what I have seen to be true, so if I get booted those are my last words. Haha.

    This drunk'n thead alone has generated more posts then the entire Thuban forum. I'd suggest you wannabee dragons start drinking.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34191 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    nice drop of red space cowboy , opened a bottle of penfolds grange hermitage 1 hr ago 1996 vintage needs to breath a little longer,but cheers wish a couple of other members where here to enjoy it cheers

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34192 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    So who are you that you need to advise admin... if no deception who were you before...deception... just

    Hmmm... What's ruffling your feathers! Sniffing for information are we? No need to give you any info on this... between me and admin or in your terms Moderators.... Who I was before is who I am now... DD equals my first and last name...figure it out!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34193 April 2nd, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    nice drop of red space cowboy , opened a bottle of penfolds grange hermitage 1 hr ago 1996 vintage needs to breath a little longer,but cheers wish a couple of other members where here to enjoy it cheers

    Right on...perhaps a scheduled time where we can all enjoy a drink to being human.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34196 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Well guess we both advised admn then..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34197 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    You too? Well great.. you know how it is! What was with all the questions on being deceptive?...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34199 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    I used that word as it was in your post... honesty and deception,

    I have worked out who you are..not a problem this end just ??'s
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34201 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Here is your question to me!

    if no deception who were you before...deception... just

    You don't know who I am for I am "The Wild Card"... Know what that is??????
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34218 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Ok DD this is where I got it.

    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception

    Look forget it, whatever, a friendly soul are you not.... sounds like you want to appear as somebody special...that is fine if that is what you want...

    have a drink...lighten up
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34220 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Lita... We are all special... Eagles even know that!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34221 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    And for the record - The wild card equals "Awareness".. That includes everyone on this FORUM

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34222 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    HANG on a MINUTE!!!!

    Steve banned you know who (coz I'd rather never mention their name again) because 2 people were using 1 account at the same time!

    NOT 1 person having 2 accounts!!!

    Is that clearer?
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34224 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Huh? I'm confused! Clarity please...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    $34225 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception making the ONE person look much smarter than they actually ARE.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34227 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Hmmm? Wonder if Space Cowboy and Arctourist have a similar thing going?.... Just an April Fools Hunch!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34228 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    In fact, someone was posting the information and someone else was adding the photos...

    All very strange but I happened to catch it live.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34230 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet in mho

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34231 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Hmmm? Wonder if Space Cowboy and Arctourist have a similar thing going?.... Just an April Fools Hunch!

    Now why would you think that? lol
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34232 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Yup... I know you are "On The Ball"... You've read second life... I heard about it but honestly, don't want to read it.... and won't... That second life is where we (as humanity) don't ever want to be headed....

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34234 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Like I said, April Fools Hunch Couldn't tell you the real awareness of what I know - would be construed as a conspiracy... but I am "watching".

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34235 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet in mho

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    OK OK - I don't quite get the bit of 1 person= 1 account and how tha twas broken either, I wasn't in on the Admin decision making... OK?
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34236 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet in mho

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    OK OK - I don't quite get the bit of 1 person= 1 account but it's OK to have multiple accounts was rule works either, I wasn't in on the Admin decision making... OK? Maybe I'm wrong... I DO know that it was 2 people using 1 account.

    Now you have really confused me! What?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34237 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    It doesn't say anywhere in the forum rules 1 person = 1 account but that is what Steve said.

    What he meant was NO 2 people should be using 1 account.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34238 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Hmm... Still confused... How can 2 people use the same account? People would notice different styles in posts surely..

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34239 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet i

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    What is going on here the posts i am submitting are being changed before they appear

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34240 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet i

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    What is going on here the posts i am sumitting are being changed before they appear

    and what posts are being changed that you are submitting? I haven't seen any..

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34241 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Sure. The rule is 1 person = 1 account.

    If you want to set up multiple personalities and play a really weird virtual game, you're allowed to. Like in the virtual world of Second Life.

    But there is no reason for two people to use one account unless they are trying to hide something.
    Why do it?
    Accounts are free?

    I happen to know that the one account was starting posts by one user and added to by another to make it look like just one person had written a massive page of information.
    Yep nail on the head with that one siriusblue,almost got trapped in the middle,its not quite over yet i

    That was a lie. Someone in one country was adding to the initial input by someone in another country.

    HENCE it was a complete deception.

    What is going on here the posts i am submitting are being changed before they appear

    In a good way or a bad way? It's happened to me in the past, I put it down to ET interference

    Did you read my Lizamoon websites being massively attacked? This website runs on SQL
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34242 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    DD post #34239 displays not all i posted,

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34243 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Yes DD all special and I needed you to tell me that I am so stupid.... had enough of you for 1 day...

    Why are you being this way.???? no don't answer it would just be another smart a answer...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34244 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Lita... At least your Avatar doesn't have 2 heads! That would be a tell-tale... I never said you were stupid... I am saying all forum members are "The Wild Card"... Doesn't that include you? Why you think those thoughts?.... I thought Eagles were smarter than that...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34245 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:
    Thanks Siriusblue maybe et or others,

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34246 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    DD post #34239 displays not all i posted,

    Ah yes... That's been happening all day! I'll read a post and only get half of what was written and when I go back later and scan the messages I got then the whole message which makes it confusing when posting immediately because the whole message hasn't been seen... I understand.. It will come through I assure you it's that delay in real time issue we're having...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34247 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:

    DD post #34239 displays not all i posted,

    Post again. All IT experts are aware. That's why I posted in the computer and IT area. Tommy will be aware but it's not all down to him. If this virus is screwing the SQL it could be having all sorts of effects including SQL losing bits of data.

    Love and light,
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34248 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    I have 1 a/c at this forum... ok got better things to do than take your bait...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34249 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Hmm... Still confused... How can 2 people use the same account? People would notice different styles in posts surely..

    Did you read any of the Thuban stuff in Secret of Extraterrestrial life? Every half page it changed style. That was where my initial suspicion they were cutting and pasting came from. So yes, you'd notice if it were a four line response but when it was 100 lines long and you never read it all, would you?
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34250 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    100 lines long, I'm being kind.

    300 lines long
    500 lines long
    1,000 lines long
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34251 April 2nd, 2011
    jimmy wrote:

    siriusblue wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    DD post #34239 displays not all i posted,

    Post again. All IT experts are aware. That's why I posted in the computer and IT area. Tommy will be aware but it's not all down to him. If this virus is screwing the SQL it could be having all sorts of effects including SQL losing bits of data.

    Love and light,

    thanks again i am getting warnings from KUNENA about using direct links,i think we may have a worm here,tommy will sought it out ,i have complete faith in him lol

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34252 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    in Other Words...

    Imagine you were trying to pass yourself off as a guru so you create an account called IMCLEVER
    and then you got ALL you PhD friends to add info to it...

    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34253 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    I have 1 a/c at this forum... ok got better things to do than take your bait...

    Lita... you need to go find yourself a snake to eat... Your becoming grouchy and incoherent from not being fed... Maybe the Snakes are too smart to be caught! They are smart you know... Thank goodness Eve had the common sense to listen to the snake when she took the apple from the tree (symbolic for going beyond the boundaries she was told she wasn't to go). That original race is no longer here... They flew back to the stars... we are now replaced by the original creation (cos Eve was smart enough to know what was really going on) and this secondary race (us as humanity now) had our DNA changed to be dumbed-down.. but we are waking up!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34254 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    ok. lets make/set some parts also straight for some folks that now seem to think its all 1sided correctness.

    some bs sure, (as words and terms get used, i name them properly in the context of the case i talk in, never in total complete generalness nor past present and future as one claim.,
    some misguided ego's sure. an issue with bringing data to the verbal word or world of words sure. complete single only thruth ofc not. total bs also not,also.
    some folks here and some folks there need to find the way of balance, instead seeking one of the both extreme;s of the polarity, in diffrent levels of ones own growth.

    as i said to chaska free speech sure. free will sure also, but when one of the 2 named, stand personal growth in the way thats also an issue, and that became also the case.

    yes it had to stop in the way it was going, thats i simple fact: i call it.

    now as for some other sides. that are more devious as i call it, is the control and other fractions related to is, as i stated also pointint to the attempts & Co av1 av2 ca. and such in the context of the bigger, not the 1 persons single'ing and making him responsible for it all, nope
    but i sure ass hell know more than some do,. and just as a test case indeed i added the test2-case2.doc to show you some links. as for MoA it should not even excist. has no valid right beside folks wanting to follow others where they need to wake up that following others will become a non-requirment. folllow self. and some folks want to seperate all and than say oh we know and will teach, and than teach diffrent on each level, that wont fly neither. as we will expose them all on all levels. botht tpb and TPB.
    same as charles silly attempts to please his masters. and them plans of maintaining control and futire plans set out. forget it its allready game over, but that also i wont get into. not for here and not for now, and not for all readers in a general way that can be said related to.

    now as for the correctness in the Material, and those not that knowledged in advanced science and less logical deductive reasoning, do check what tonybleu does work on beside what he copy paste's to here with at start good intent. but where he stops a persons personal growth by adding the drama we seen, playd in all sides. and by some with a angle that i could not now not never agree with,
    but i also at the same time noted the correct parts. to it, and to future relations.

    so some of you should beside seeing their forum also do check the actual messages of work and material. on the yuahoo groups he does work on, and yes on some parts i think the lacking of non response or eluding is also an error on his part, thats choise, and thats has effects simple

    you want examples: here do read and than you say if its total bs. or deception.
    same for
    match that up vs Dona Klaus, lecture on giants, and you should be able to grasp a part.
    same. what sometimes lacked, was proper way of presentation, beside some parts just not being for " here" that should have been obvious also. beside the lack of properly adding all refrences in and with links that in other places parts are there. i know that also takes time (more) to do manually. (Elders of Thuban Social Network) and

    now some is simple speculation. and some i dont agree with,. that doesnt make it all one big deception
    well only in the view of we live in a fake illusion thus nothing is real, than only there in that reasoning that claim stands, it falls with all rest.

    (also i think the lack of response, of vital parts for the DATA and vital parts concerning him.
    and the disconnect with IT and the effects on him by having IT for that time of being also lefts its marks. doesnt make one less human does it,.
    and that groups view/angle/intent/plan for it. is still not the ONLY one, as indeed time is in some cases inrelevant.

    so, now i will go to bed..
    think about this one all a ya.
    and decide where you put your focus

    good night

    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34255 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Hmm... Still confused... How can 2 people use the same account? People would notice different styles in posts surely..

    Did you read any of the Thuban stuff in Secret of Extraterrestrial life? Every half page it changed style. That was where my initial suspicion they were cutting and pasting came from. So yes, you'd notice if it were a four line response but when it was 100 lines long and you never read it all, would you?

    That's why I don't read Arachne's stuff way too long and my time is way too precious!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34256 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    jmj12 wrote:
    DD post #34239 displays not all i posted,

    Post again. All IT experts are aware. That's why I posted in the computer and IT area. Tommy will be aware but it's not all down to him. If this virus is screwing the SQL it could be having all sorts of effects including SQL losing bits of data.

    Love and light,

    thanks again i am getting warnings from KUNENA about using direct links,i think we may have a worm here,tommy will sought it out ,i have complete faith in him lol

    You're right. Tommy IS sorting it out but we're not there yet. xx
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34258 April 2nd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    ok. lets make/set some parts also straight for some folks that now seem to think its all 1sided correctness.

    some bs sure, (as words and terms get used, i name them properly in the context of the case i talk in, never in total complete generalness nor past present and future as one claim.,
    some misguided ego's sure. an issue with bringing data to the verbal word or world of words sure. complete single only thruth ofc not. total bs also not,also.
    some folks here and some folks there need to find the way of balance, instead seeking one of the both extreme;s of the polarity, in diffrent levels of ones own growth.

    as i said to chaska free speech sure. free will sure also, but when one of the 2 named, stand personal growth in the way thats also an issue, and that became also the case.

    yes it had to stop in the way it was going, thats i simple fact: i call it. hell

    now as for some other sides. that are more devious as i call it, is the control and other fractions related to is, as i stated also pointint to the attempts & Co av1 av2 ca. and such in the context of the bigger, not the 1 persons single'ing and making him responsible for it all, nope
    but i sure ass hell know more than some do,. and just as a test case indeed i added the test2-case2.doc to show you some links. as for MoA it should not even excist. has no valid right beside folks wanting to follow others where they need to wake up that following others will become a non-requirment. folllow self. and some folks want to seperate all and than say oh we know and will teach, and than teach diffrent on each level, that wont fly neither. as we will expose them all on all levels. botht tpb and TPB.
    same as charles silly attempts to please his masters. and them plans of maintaining control and futire plans set out. forget it its allready game over, but that also i wont get into. not for here and not for now, and not for all readers in a general way that can be said related to.

    now as for the correctness in the Material, and those not that knowledged in advanced science and less logical deductive reasoning, do check what tonybleu does work on beside what he copy paste's to here with at start good intent. but where he stops a persons personal growth by adding the drama we seen, playd in all sides. and by some with a angle that i could not now not never agree with,
    but i also at the same time noted the correct parts. to it, and to future relations.

    so some of you should beside seeing their forum also do check the actual messages of work and material. on the yuahoo groups he does work on, and yes on some parts i think the lacking of non response or eluding is also an error on his part, thats choise, and thats has effects simple

    you want examples: here do read and than you say if its total bs. or deception.
    same for
    match that up vs Dona Klaus, lecture on giants, and you should be able to grasp a part.
    same. what sometimes lacked, was proper way of presentation, beside some parts just not being for " here" that should have been obvious also. beside the lack of properly adding all refrences in and with links that in other places parts are there. i know that also takes time (more) to do manually. (Elders of Thuban Social Network) and

    now some is simple speculation. and some i dont agree with,. that doesnt make it all one big deception
    well only in the view of we live in a fake illusion thus nothing is real, than only there in that reasoning that claim stands, it falls with all rest.

    (also i think the lack of response, of vital parts for the DATA and vital parts concerning him.
    and the disconnect with IT and the effects on him by having IT for that time of being also lefts its marks. doesnt make one less human does it,.
    and that groups view/angle/intent/plan for it. is still not the ONLY one, as indeed time is in some cases inrelevant.

    so, now i will go to bed..
    think about this one all a ya.
    and decide where you put your focus

    good night


    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34259 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    @Rakmeister. You didn't look deep enough.

    Here's a link: Of Presidents and Nobels

    Totally unrelated to the topic, Tony seems to get involved on the subject. Maybe I'm reading it wrong but here is what is written at the bottom of the above, quite serious, article:

    The physical education.

    The more I study the more I know.
    The more I know the more ideas I have.
    The more ideas I have the more they abstract.
    The more they abstract the less I know the truth.
    Some years ago I told with young physicist (!!!).
    He said very confidently: ” You cannot be physicist (!)
    if you cannot understand the beauty of Minkowski
    It seems that he is right, because physicists must know
    mathematics very well. The problem is that nobody
    knows what is real physical meaning of “ 4-D negative
    space continuum.” in the Nature. SRT is correct theory
    but Minkowski space continuum is abstract. And together
    they are paradoxical. More than 100 years we live with
    this paradox. Nobody confuses.
    During our conversation I understand that this young physicist
    is strong and clever man and he want to reach success. And
    I think he will do it. So, in the future he will create new
    D/ M-spaces or new symmetries or discover new particles.
    And one day he will be a professor and will teach new
    generation ( your son or your daughter) in order that they also
    have possibility to create new D/ M-spaces or new symmetries
    or discover new particles. But if in the beginning the abstract
    ideas were put into the fundament of physics then ……..
    we can create new and new theories for 1000 years but
    the result will be the same - paradoxical.
    Our small Orwell’s world.
    What is our intellect ?
    We don't know what we are talking about"
    / Nobel laureate David Gross referring to the current state of string theory ./

    It is important to realize that in physics today,
    we have no knowledge of what energy is.
    We do not have a picture that energy comes in little
    blobs of a definite amount. ”
    (Feynman. 1987)
    When asked which interpretation of QM he favored,
    Feynman replied: "Shut up and calculate."
    when I was first learning quantum mechanics as a graduate student
    at Harvard, a mere 30 years after the birth of the subject.
    "You'll never get a PhD if you allow yourself to be distracted
    by such frivolities," they kept advising me, "so get back to serious
    business and produce some results."
    "Shut up," in other words, "and calculate."
    And so I did, and probably turned out much the better for it.

    / N. David Mermin /
    The problem of the exact description of vacuum, in my opinion,
    is the basic problem now before physics. Really, if you can’t correctly
    describe the vacuum, how it is possible to expect a correct description
    of something more complex?
    Paul Dirac .
    “ Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things,
    you just get used to them.”

    / John von Neumann ./
    Since the mathematical physicists have taken over,
    theoretical physics has gone to pot.

    The bizarre concepts generated out of the over use and
    misinterpretation of mathematics would be funny if it were not
    for the tragedy of the waste in time,
    manpower, money, and the resulting misdirection.

    / Richard Feynman./
    " I feel that we do not have definite physical concepts at all
    if we just apply working mathematical rules;
    that's not what the physicist should be satisfied with."
    /Dirac /
    In his 1997 book ” The End of Certainty” Nobel Laureate
    Ilya Prigogine wrote:
    "The more we know about our universe, the more difficult
    it becomes to believe in determinism."
    And “ The quantum paradox is real nightmare for classic mind ”
    In his book ” Quantum theory “ ( published in 2002 )
    John Polkinghorne wrote:
    “Quantum theory is certainly strange and surprising,…”
    / chapter 6, part “ Quantum hype”, page 92 /
    What is our intellect ?
    We can see this practically :
    after “ big bang “ all Galaxies run away from us.
    This is our normal intellect in our normal Orwell’s farm.
    Conclusion from some article:
    "One of the best kept secrets of science is that physicists
    have lost their grip on reality."

    Best wishes.
    Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Apr 3rd 2011

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34261 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Quite night? are the Thubans gone?
    Or is it Thuban, never knew really.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34262 April 2nd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?
    Anyone? Regards

    I have yet to have understood any of this - from the very beginning of both the threads - the one on Charles & Bill or this thread and the ones like it on them.

    Why people will spend countless hours day after day going back and forth arguing over what amounts to nothing more than the perpetuation of the illusion. Seriously is there not more that one should be concerned about than where some ones blatant nonsense went? This is really getting embarrassing.

    At least my Triple Coconut Cream Pies are actually real!
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34263 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    As for me they triggered me somehow, Think it was the way they use the authorities with phantasie stories.

    I think, it was the way they used people.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34265 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?
    Anyone? Regards

    I have yet to have understood any of this - from the very beginning of both the threads - the one on Charles & Bill or this thread and the ones like it on them.

    Why people will spend countless hours day after day going back and forth arguing over what amounts to nothing more than the perpetuation of the illusion. Seriously is there not more that one should be concerned about than where some ones blatant nonsense went? This is really getting embarrassing.

    At least my Triple Coconut Cream Pies are actually real!

    Pie please, seeing SCB seems to have passed pie
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34266 April 2nd, 2011
    smurfette wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?
    Anyone? Regards

    I have yet to have understood any of this - from the very beginning of both the threads - the one on Charles & Bill or this thread and the ones like it on them.

    Why people will spend countless hours day after day going back and forth arguing over what amounts to nothing more than the perpetuation of the illusion. Seriously is there not more that one should be concerned about than where some ones blatant nonsense went? This is really getting embarrassing.

    At least my Triple Coconut Cream Pies are actually real!

    YOU haven't tried my local raspberry and amaretto pie Hmmmm MMMmmmm
    “because you are children of the light and must walk as children of the light”. John I, 1:5-7, 2:8-11

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34269 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?
    Anyone? Regards

    I have yet to have understood any of this - from the very beginning of both the threads - the one on Charles & Bill or this thread and the ones like it on them.

    Why people will spend countless hours day after day going back and forth arguing over what amounts to nothing more than the perpetuation of the illusion. Seriously is there not more that one should be concerned about than where some ones blatant nonsense went? This is really getting embarrassing.

    At least my Triple Coconut Cream Pies are actually real!

    Pie please, seeing SCB seems to have passed pie

    And people got fed up with them and you Lita and Steve resigned. People got confused over it.
    Some angered. Nooene seems to deal with what they really are.

    That was the reason I started the thread with the poll, Really make them account for BS they said.
    And it worked.

    All in all great.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34270 April 2nd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    DD wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    now typing from bed, you should also than now im typo meister with speedtyping, and with time here being now 08:21 in the morning. forgive me not cleaning up the text, and as i dont care about grammarfolks.
    incoherent,cause it touches many subject not linear handled 1 by 1 for you solely tfor one to digest.

    and if you dont understand a word, than i lol. and a reread 2times more,. or be better edudate yourself. beside each persons diffrent level of logical reading comprehension.

    and for math,i keep it as simple as: if the sum is wrong the answer is alwasy wrong.

    so of that response the last one of you stands out most.
    as incoherent is your linear thinking.
    misspellings is the time here in nl with no sleep and me no care about grammarnazi;'s at all. never did. not taking the time extra to fix that for the readers. one should be able to read it just as well as it is there.
    so that leaves the
    I don't understand . part .
    well i can and will only drop down so far and explain a bit. not all and not even deeper explaining. which would need even more words which you would not want to read cause its to longgg. nor would i want ot do so. thats not my job nor my wanting
    now me will sleep
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34272 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    I resigned as a mod along with Steve because they were let back in. I came back with another a/c because the members were coping crap.. then Tommy reactivated my Lita a/c and I removed the other 1..

    They needed to be seen for what they are... and the material IMHO didn't fit what Camelot is about, when I was a mod I had to hold off saying things I might have said otherwise, I did distinguish between my personal posts and mod posts.

    I am glad they are gone, and they are yet to put a link to their forums.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34273 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    I was honestly interrested in there material at start, until the problems came, Then it became clear they played people.
    So, I have no sorrow against them, they got what they deserved.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34274 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Tbony When I got to the first 5 pages as a mod reading them I had had enough to show me where it was going..

    I don't hold any sorrow either and glad they are gone, people who are interested can still go read at their forums... and that is good for those who are interested.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34277 April 2nd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    I have no access to them anymore.
    What had happend?
    Anyone? Regards

    I have yet to have understood any of this - from the very beginning of both the threads - the one on Charles & Bill or this thread and the ones like it on them.

    Why people will spend countless hours day after day going back and forth arguing over what amounts to nothing more than the perpetuation of the illusion. Seriously is there not more that one should be concerned about than where some ones blatant nonsense went? This is really getting embarrassing.

    At least my Triple Coconut Cream Pies are actually real!

    YOU haven't tried my local raspberry and amaretto pie Hmmmm MMMmmmm

    LOL - pictures please! I love raspberry's as much as I love coconut! hmmm that give me another idea!
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34279 April 2nd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Tbony When I got to the first 5 pages as a mod reading them I had had enough to show me where it was going..

    I don't hold any sorrow either and glad they are gone, people who are interested can still go read at their forums... and that is good for those who are interested.

    Frankly, I am sad the threads are removed. The reason I was interrested is to know what they were about.
    Some time you have to play with them, to really know them.
    And now I am in no doubt and I think the threads shows it clearly.
    They are like a sect that seduce and uses people, for there own purposses.
    And I am sad to those people that falls in there trap, becourse they need some guideness in there life.
    When the guideness is very easy, that they just have to believe in themselfe again.

    I know people have the responsibillities for themselfe, but in other hand it dosnt take much to help people.

    But it seems that people understood that in this forum, glad they did.

    And I know I may involve myself to much, but again it dosnt take much.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34281 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Tbony your right, and the thing is it doesn't hurt to help people. From my point of view leading people and playing them is a violation of their spirit... that I can't condone ever...but then some people just need to do that game for whatever reason and only that person and their spirit know why.

    Thank you for this thread, it allowed everyone to see.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34282 April 2nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    in Other Words...

    Imagine you were trying to pass yourself off as a guru so you create an account called IMCLEVER
    and then you got ALL you PhD friends to add info to it...


    Are YOU a Klever ONE Siriusblue?

    Where's Steve when ya need him? Lol.

    Any hoo. I never did see you post that message I was referring to. You seem to have posted a quote from the wrong message? If I were like you it would have been posted in your kill everything I don't understand that I think isn't human thread. But I'm not. Even if it would make you look silly.

    Have a great time playing with all of your selves in the sandbox. I know not everyone will get this message, and that is ok. It is meant only for ONE that is many. LOL. You won't understand the rest of creation relying only on established science. It is not up to par. Get it? a golfing joke? Haha.


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34283 April 2nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Yeah do it SCB, I didn't think I would end up drinking this much coffee half and half with brandy.. gee the brandy bottle is look sad.. yes open another bottle, I will soon..

    Siriusblue, well probably and so happy she didn't get what she wanted pages after page of non sense how are the bubbles going... ready for another bottle..thanks btw for ordering that bottle for me from SCB


    Again after another 2 to 3 pages of wasted bandwidth on a "family" forum, as per Steve, of nothing but drinking and instigation by the same lame few. I guess others don't see it and speak up eh? But then what difference does it really make. Lol.

    Yeah, But this got REWARDED.

    CrystalChi wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    zaina wrote:
    Feeling stalked now ,,is this allowed

    Apparently anything is allowed. Didn't you get the memo?

    The moderators who tried to follow guidelines here got overruled. Surely your buddies got that particular memo, since they created it.

    That would not be possible if there had not been an actual "rule" to support such "overruling" as you say it. Which implies that they must not have followed the rules themselves, it would seem. And since one came back after a big dramatic crash and burn of martyrdom for her lovely mind master (so it seems anyway) as a secret profile and stalked people waging her virtual secret back door war against those whom she perceived had done her wrong... and pretended to be someone else... until she was exposed as a former mod with an alternate profile, I would say it seems like it is very clear what kind are in that same flock. Mods are not police. They are supposed to be 'moderate'... and to set an example for others of behaving in a moderate, tempered, fair fashion.

    Ok you piece of human poor me garbage, I as a member here have the same rights as you, I left my mod position on principle unlike you trashing this place, you want to take me on filthy WHORE go for it, at lest I am not a whining better than a human garbage whore like you are. I came back in here because of the human crap that you are, unlike you whore I liked the people in this forum. the reason for the new me profile a/c is because of garbage like you who just have to keep this shit going how many time do I have to say I backed up a friend, then saw what the garbage you7 and your dragon friends were doing to this place and thought gee couldn't say any of this shit when I was a mod.. just because you didn't like it I was the police...dealing with whores like you maybe I need to be but seems the rules have changed ..MaryIshtar whore.. I can call you that as its a thread about you being called a whore so I am in want to take me on go for it, make up your mind though, and I a little follower of friends or am I ex mod police.. or maybe come on you fucking little whore... go for it, or I could just reach through here and get you anyway... see you don't know just snipe at me.. ask your friends about my avatar , I never did answer Tony about that now did I... would I want to waste my time with somebody so far down the food chain as you..have not made up my mine yet, have to have coffee first while I ponder how to handle you once and for all. because the more I write the more I see that you might not be worth my trouble... poor little MaryIshtar the mouth that was...hahahahahahahaha gee I was about to just leave this place again, see I can go and come fuck whit whore.

    Arctourist, you 2 faces shit ball I would hit the ban button again on you if I had the want to join in the love me 1 min hate me the next.. I will take you on too if you like.. but honestly and truthfully you really are not worth it.. your more like an ant underfoot... so still wanna play honey

    ME, NOW:
    I came here as a neutral party, not a Thuban member, and what I have seen be supported by this site boggels my mind. I can tell you there is nothing I have that could be shared and respectfully honestly be learned about in an environment such as this. I guess the signs all around you in the world are not enough to suggest that something may not be working the way you think it should? Just saying.

    Anyway I have a responsibility to use what I am given to make the world better, not waste it on replying to things like the above post by lita.

    I could easily go point for point on many issues but that is responding to people who have no intention of actually learning from any one else because they already think they know everything. Frankly, you could get more enlightenment from watching an episode of Jersey Shore than reading the posts of, as someone else has already said, about 6 people that are clearly blocking others from the freedom to openly express themselves on Project Camelot forum.

    I have lost a lot of respect for Tommy and anyone else who supports this kind of behavior. And clearly as lita was reinstated and my posts have been removed, They have chosen to support above said actions and behaviors. This is why we need Policing in the first place. LOL. Someone has to be the judge, and on here that is Tommy and Kerry I would guess, so in the Project Camelot world people like Lita get rewarded and the others get harassed until there is an excuse to ban them and delete their messages. That is exactly what takes place out in society that This Camelot organization is supposed to be trying to get to the bottom of. Now we see that you now understand what it is to actually "BE" the controllers from another level. In the 'real' world if you want to call it that, it is just someone else. That is why you are so loud about it. Everybody wants to rule the world. And who here would be any more fair and just than those who are running things right now? I may get banned for this post and frankly if it is a corrupt here as what they want to complain about out in the world, then I really don't have much more to share here anyway, as maintaining control is really the end objective.

    Good day, and might I suggest Ashayana Deane's interview again? LOL. She also explains a lot of what I have seen to be true, so if I get booted those are my last words. Haha.

    This drunk'n thead alone has generated more posts then the entire Thuban forum. I'd suggest you wannabee dragons start drinking.

    Clearly you are more of a quantity rather than quality type. Some people prefer to have a little quality. I am NOT a Thuban member. But they will definitely post more interesting stuff over there than a few of you people here who are trolling to suppress truth.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #3428444 April 3rd, 2011
    shiloh wrote:

    Lita wrote:
    I resigned as a mod along with Steve because they were let back in. I came back with another a/c because the members were coping crap.. then Tommy reactivated my Lita a/c and I removed the other 1..

    They needed to be seen for what they are... and the material IMHO didn't fit what Camelot is about, when I was a mod I had to hold off saying things I might have said otherwise, I did distinguish between my personal posts and mod posts.

    I am glad they are gone, and they are yet to put a link to their forums.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34285 April 2nd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:

    I thought that was a link to your forums Tony.. it wasn' was a link to more of your material

    Are you going to put a link here at Camelot to your forum like Tommy said ...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34286 April 2nd, 2011
    shiloh wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    I thought that was a link to your forums Tony.. it wasn' was a link to more of your material

    Are you going to put a link here at Camelot to your forum like Tommy said ...

    {for SpaceCowboy from Camelot and from Thuban}

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34288 April 3rd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Tbony your right, and the thing is it doesn't hurt to help people. From my point of view leading people and playing them is a violation of their spirit... that I can't condone ever...but then some people just need to do that game for whatever reason and only that person and their spirit know why.

    Thank you for this thread, it allowed everyone to see.

    Yeah it has nothing to do, with resolvement, be resolved, be whole, be clear minded.
    That is were our real purposse and if you will our real power is.
    Which Bruce Lee's philophy and life is a great example of.

    It is a creation which is per definition is a mindcontrol, brainwashing.

    Clearly a creation into a make belief system.
    With authorities, control.
    And a huge misuse relationship into alienation of our spirits nature.
    Expressed as the spiral of Alchymist .
    As the path into the alienation/ brainwashing

    And they can only play that game on people that havent discovered there true selfes.
    That btw connect the dot that the elites worchip sacrifice traumas to maintain there system.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34304 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Tbony your right, and the thing is it doesn't hurt to help people. From my point of view leading people and playing them is a violation of their spirit... that I can't condone ever...but then some people just need to do that game for whatever reason and only that person and their spirit know why.

    Thank you for this thread, it allowed everyone to see.

    Disagree about violation of their spirit... It's up to people to learn "discernment"... Can't get that by "linear thinking" only by "multidimensional" thinking..
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34306 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    DD wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    ok. lets make/set some parts also straight for some folks that now seem to think its all 1sided correctness.

    some bs sure, (as words and terms get used, i name them properly in the context of the case i talk in, never in total complete generalness nor past present and future as one claim.,
    some misguided ego's sure. an issue with bringing data to the verbal word or world of words sure. complete single only thruth ofc not. total bs also not,also.
    some folks here and some folks there need to find the way of balance, instead seeking one of the both extreme;s of the polarity, in diffrent levels of ones own growth.

    as i said to chaska free speech sure. free will sure also, but when one of the 2 named, stand personal growth in the way thats also an issue, and that became also the case.

    yes it had to stop in the way it was going, thats i simple fact: i call it. hell

    now as for some other sides. that are more devious as i call it, is the control and other fractions related to is, as i stated also pointint to the attempts & Co av1 av2 ca. and such in the context of the bigger, not the 1 persons single'ing and making him responsible for it all, nope
    but i sure ass hell know more than some do,. and just as a test case indeed i added the test2-case2.doc to show you some links. as for MoA it should not even excist. has no valid right beside folks wanting to follow others where they need to wake up that following others will become a non-requirment. folllow self. and some folks want to seperate all and than say oh we know and will teach, and than teach diffrent on each level, that wont fly neither. as we will expose them all on all levels. botht tpb and TPB.
    same as charles silly attempts to please his masters. and them plans of maintaining control and futire plans set out. forget it its allready game over, but that also i wont get into. not for here and not for now, and not for all readers in a general way that can be said related to.

    now as for the correctness in the Material, and those not that knowledged in advanced science and less logical deductive reasoning, do check what tonybleu does work on beside what he copy paste's to here with at start good intent. but where he stops a persons personal growth by adding the drama we seen, playd in all sides. and by some with a angle that i could not now not never agree with,
    but i also at the same time noted the correct parts. to it, and to future relations.

    so some of you should beside seeing their forum also do check the actual messages of work and material. on the yuahoo groups he does work on, and yes on some parts i think the lacking of non response or eluding is also an error on his part, thats choise, and thats has effects simple

    you want examples: here do read and than you say if its total bs. or deception.
    same for
    match that up vs Dona Klaus, lecture on giants, and you should be able to grasp a part.
    same. what sometimes lacked, was proper way of presentation, beside some parts just not being for " here" that should have been obvious also. beside the lack of properly adding all refrences in and with links that in other places parts are there. i know that also takes time (more) to do manually. (Elders of Thuban Social Network) and

    now some is simple speculation. and some i dont agree with,. that doesnt make it all one big deception
    well only in the view of we live in a fake illusion thus nothing is real, than only there in that reasoning that claim stands, it falls with all rest.

    (also i think the lack of response, of vital parts for the DATA and vital parts concerning him.
    and the disconnect with IT and the effects on him by having IT for that time of being also lefts its marks. doesnt make one less human does it,.
    and that groups view/angle/intent/plan for it. is still not the ONLY one, as indeed time is in some cases inrelevant.

    so, now i will go to bed..
    think about this one all a ya.
    and decide where you put your focus

    good night


    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    Talking gibberish is catching on

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #334314 April 3rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:

    DD wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    I have 1 a/c at this forum... ok got better things to do than take your bait...

    Lita... you need to go find yourself a snake to eat... Your becoming grouchy and incoherent from not being fed... Maybe the Snakes are too smart to be caught! They are smart you know... Thank goodness Eve had the common sense to listen to the snake when she took the apple from the tree (symbolic for going beyond the boundaries she was told she wasn't to go). That original race is no longer here... They flew back to the stars... we are now replaced by the original creation (cos Eve was smart enough to know what was really going on) and this secondary race (us as humanity now) had our DNA changed to be dumbed-down.. but we are waking up!

    Well, well, well the veils are certainly getting thinner eyh DD!! I just wonder who that snake could be.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34319 April 3rd, 2011
    RAMAN wrote:
    DD wrote:
    DD wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    Talking gibberish is catching on

    Coming from the Muppet than CANNOT UNDERSTAND. and
    Screwed up more than 1 threads. See last call for awakening,. ;D

    so. your actions are jibberish, aka muppet talk aka lack of understanding. of the bigger hole.

    you would fall under category 2;
    I see two things happening to people
    * Some people are becoming more and more disconnected from themselves.... (very disturbing)
    * Some people are embracing themselves and become more connected with their spirit.
    It's like the people who are "disconnecting" are creating their own mental disability.

    aka words come out of your mouth, but hold no value..

    ohh did i with my previous response hurt your ego.

    haha. and this is your comeback, i laught at you.

    see respond 1 at you. than lookback, and see what you said. and what not,. muppet
    see how it matches up with all the rest. ;D.

    im sure you didnt miss it, but just for you, ill re-quote mylsef
    DD wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:

    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    now typing from bed, you should also than now im typo meister with speedtyping, and with time here being now 08:21 in the morning. forgive me not cleaning up the text, and as i dont care about grammarfolks.
    incoherent,cause it touches many subject not linear handled 1 by 1 for you solely tfor one to digest.

    and if you dont understand a word, than i lol. and a reread 2times more,. or be better edudate yourself. beside each persons diffrent level of logical reading comprehension.

    and for math,i keep it as simple as: if the sum is wrong the answer is alwasy wrong.

    so of that response the last one of you stands out most.
    as incoherent is your linear thinking.
    misspellings is the time here in nl with no sleep and me no care about grammarnazi;'s at all. never did. not taking the time extra to fix that for the readers. one should be able to read it just as well as it is there.
    so that leaves the
    I don't understand . part .
    well i can and will only drop down so far and explain a bit. not all and not even deeper explaining. which would need even more words which you would not want to read cause its to longgg. nor would i want ot do so. thats not my job nor my wanting
    now me will sleep
    RAKMEiSTER = राकईश Sanskrit - Lord of the full-moon day.
    The two main motivators for a persons actions are, Fear and Love. I choose Love.

    Chatroom For: Project Avalon & Camelot
    Browser(Web)-based: Click here for chatroom to open in browser (<-Mibbit)
    ChatClients irc:// a chatclient to be installed allready​

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34321 April 3rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    One thing people should realize in this forum is that not everyone here has English as a first language. Understanding comes down to patience, have the patience to read what is written and make sense of it, or simply ask for clarification. Seems to be very easy to fall into a paranoid state and start suspecting everyone, obviously not a good place to be.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34322 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Lita wrote:

    I have 1 a/c at this forum... ok got better things to do than take your bait...

    Lita... you need to go find yourself a snake to eat... Your becoming grouchy and incoherent from not being fed... Maybe the Snakes are too smart to be caught! They are smart you know... Thank goodness Eve had the common sense to listen to the snake when she took the apple from the tree (symbolic for going beyond the boundaries she was told she wasn't to go). That original race is no longer here... They flew back to the stars... we are now replaced by the original creation (cos Eve was smart enough to know what was really going on) and this secondary race (us as humanity now) had our DNA changed to be dumbed-down.. but we are waking up!

    Well, well, well the veils are certainly getting thinner eyh DD!! I just wonder who that snake could be.

    Coming to "conclusion" so early on in this game - you may be surprised what you can learn if no judgement is held. (Discernment is the real key to knowing here) Perception of snakes is just that... perception... They can be perceived as powerful symbolically to the negative force or perceived as powerful symbolically to the positive force... I see you have "concluded "snakes as being" negative symbolically". That's okay. You are not wrong - That is your "perception". A little limiting though. Let's stretch it here a little for you. Discernment includes seeing symbolism (example snakes) from all points of view. Actually all perceptions are accurate. Remember though, they are just "perceptions" and not necessarily "absolute truths". The more one can understand through perception (from all angles and not just one) then the less one "takes sides" and the less one is subject to "right vs wrong). This is a duality and this is where most people stop growing spiritually because they think it's them versus us or right vs wrong. Snakes vs Dragons... Thuban vs Trolls... I'm hoping to raise the bar here in taking the "awareness level a little further".

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34324 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    One thing people should realize in this forum is that not everyone here has English as a first language. Understanding comes down to patience, have the patience to read what is written and make sense of it, or simply ask for clarification. Seems to be very easy to fall into a paranoid state and start suspecting everyone, obviously not a good place to be.

    I read it 4 times and still couldn't understand it... Fohat clarify please the meat and potatoes of the message because I know English is your language. As far as paranoia and suspecting everyone that is "your belief". Assuming that of others is a judgement you are making onto others... The awareness levels of the members on this forum are becoming clearer and clearer. I hope we are growing though with our interactions as this is my main goal for being on this Forum. (To grow and to teach). I am becoming more aware myself through this Forum and learning from other peoples "perspectives".

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34326 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Fohat wrote:
    One thing people should realize in this forum is that not everyone here has English as a first language. Understanding comes down to patience, have the patience to read what is written and make sense of it, or simply ask for clarification. Seems to be very easy to fall into a paranoid state and start suspecting everyone, obviously not a good place to be.

    I read it 4 times and still couldn't understand it... Fohat clarify please the meat and potatoes of the message because I know English is your language. As far as paranoia and suspecting everyone that is "your belief". Assuming that of others is a judgement you are making onto others... The awareness levels of the members on this forum are becoming clearer and clearer. I hope we are growing though with our interactions as this is my main goal for being on this Forum. (To grow and to teach). I am becoming more aware myself through this Forum and learning from other peoples "perspectives".

    Oh and it's okay to "party" once in a while with the other forum members here.. as long as the real work gets done too...

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34327 April 3rd, 2011
    Tophat wrote:
    yeah DD, the perspective thing is correct, I have mine and stated accordingly. What Rakmeister said is what he said, discussing the Thuban material and from his perspective is his perspective. From what I got from his statement is the thuban material is a joke, the people promulgating it are a joke, but again that is my own perspective twisting things. I certainly hope people are growing from these interactions, I certainly hope people can read my perspectives and come to conclusions of their own.

    This is where I get a slap in the face, in my own perspective regarding what I write. Choosing words carefully is not my strong point.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34329 April 3rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    So who are you that you need to advise admin... if no deception who were you before...deception... just

    Hmmm... What's ruffling your feathers! Sniffing for information are we? No need to give you any info on this... between me and admin or in your terms Moderators.... Who I was before is who I am now... DD equals my first and last name...figure it out!

    Exactly, it is indeed about figuring it out DD. - a name is just a tag, true clarity comes from the tone and intent in which the written words are expressed. NO amount of tags can hide the nature behind the name.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34332 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Exactly, it is indeed about figuring it out DD. - a name is just a tag, true clarity comes from the tone and intent in which the written words are expressed. NO amount of tags can hide the nature behind the name.[/quote]

    Actually let's not forget also about body language;)

    • sianellen
    • Active Contributor
    • Posts: 503

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34335 April 3rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Exactly, it is indeed about figuring it out DD. - a name is just a tag, true clarity comes from the tone and intent in which the written words are expressed. NO amount of tags can hide the nature behind the name.

    Actually let's not forget also about body language;)[/quote]


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34343 April 3rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    I thought that was a link to your forums Tony.. it wasn' was a link to more of your material

    Are you going to put a link here at Camelot to your forum like Tommy said ...

    {for SpaceCowboy from Camelot and from Thuban}


    What a weave you have created shiloh - You have no grace, no dignity, no amount of trick tactics can hide your true intentions here anymore. I have come quite familiar with your signiture marks of late, you cannot hide behind inconsistencies anymore, your work is done here. I'm the 1 who knows.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34351 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    sianellen wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Well. I did let admin know as soon as I did it! Honesty is always the best policy... No deception...

    So who are you that you need to advise admin... if no deception who were you before...deception... just

    Hmmm... What's ruffling your feathers! Sniffing for information are we? No need to give you any info on this... between me and admin or in your terms Moderators.... Who I was before is who I am now... DD equals my first and last name...figure it out!

    Exactly, it is indeed about figuring it out DD. - a name is just a tag, true clarity comes from the tone and intent in which the written words are expressed. NO amount of tags can hide the nature behind the name.

    DD is Debradenslow
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34361 April 3rd, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Wrong again Lita... It is Deedee....

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34366 April 3rd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:

    From a search result. btw

    Actually also thought you was Debradenslow.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34368 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    No Deb not wrong... there are ways to trace people...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34369 April 3rd, 2011
    siamese wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    I thought that was a link to your forums Tony.. it wasn' was a link to more of your material

    Are you going to put a link here at Camelot to your forum like Tommy said ...

    {for SpaceCowboy from Camelot and from Thuban}


    All your actions here today only reiterates your intentions and it is quite obvious, who you really are,Your organization has hackked, pluked, screwd, violated and slid your way back into this place like a thief in the night. However, you will not gain the respect you so obviously crave for here at Comelot and not from the true GEMS who see you for who you are.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34372 April 3rd, 2011
    Tbone wrote:
    If you wanne talk out dear Sian, I am available to listen and understand if you want.


    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34376 April 3rd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    A general note about the "Thuban related issue" - as a follow-up:

    Reg the Thuban members:

    The members in question was never banned. They were free to interact during this process.

    The material:

    Interaction regarding the material is what we had to put a stop too because it created clear disruption in the focus areas of this forum, and it also made members (on all sides) show some of the worst in them. Since the material caused so much disruption at this forum we saw the best solution to be for "Thubans" to discuss the thuban material at their own venues. (since several exist already). I then encouraged the "Thubans" to share their links so those interested could continue their discussion at the original venue.

    Looking forward:

    But I still believe the key-point here is to not allow one self to be distracted. If you oppose a view, why not write down your opinions in a civil manner (if at all worth the time) and leave it at that. We all know that everyone does not agree about everything, so why throw away time just re-confirming that well known fact all the time? So I guess that we can also say that we often allow ourself's to be distracted by what we can clearly already see being just exactly, a distraction. This is just my general thoughts of the issue, it is not at all directed towards something or someone in specific, just my own general view after observing all this.

    Thanks everyone, can we please try to stay "on track" now? Clearly much of whats going on here is not what we all came here for?

    All the best to you all,


    Note: This post was also recently posted on another thread concerning the issue in this thread.
    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34407 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    I have just e-mailed the thuban forum holders asking them to remove all posts from their forum in accordance with the rules. I do not take lightly to this kind of activity, not at all.

    In fact neither myself or Kerry have had any personal interest in the Thuban material (not to offend anyone), and the problems being referred to here was caused by myself asking about reasons for banning "the Exchanger". After I asked that question Steve left and deleted his account, that is the truth. I did not even have time to question the ongoings here, suddenly there was bans, arguments and upheaval going on, and my Administrator left in the middle of it when I was in fact trying to get some clear perspective on what was going on, or at that point "the problem". I don't hold it against Steve for leaving, everybody has their reasons.

    I am hearing a lot of problems but no solutions, that is a general statement, no specifically directed towards anyone in this thread, we are all affected by this anyways, worldwide, big and small.

    I ask you to help us sort this situation out, so far I have not gotten any e-mails from anyone, just include what text\property was copied\stolen. I want this for reference so I can have a decent case here.

    Thanks again folks

    All the best,


    Hi Tommy!

    I did not receive and email in my mailbox and so I shall reply here to your issues raised.
    This will be in two parts; the first regarding your statements regarding the html copying and the second regarding the 'war of the minds' engaging your and Kerry's forum here.

    I have indeed copied the Thuban related material to my archives at and the reason and purpose for this should become clear to you in the second part.
    Your objection to the html copying is thoroughly justified and I do apologize for me not being computer savvy enough to realize that the 'highlighted' parts of the text can indeed redirect the clicker directly to this camelot forum.

    This cross-linking has never been my intent and I shall correct this in due course in overwriting all such html reference points.

    Why then do I keep a record, and this is what it is a record for future developments about Thuban related materials?

    The Thuban site is a library and a data archive for particular future developments and so serves as a historical record keeping describing certain developments with respect to the planetary metamorphosis.

    When on Bill Ryan's site of Avalon a similar situation arose and a great number and efforts of composition and works became compromised by the spurious editing, deleting, locking and banning of written material by well meaning but let us say 'underinfomed' moderators on that forum.

    We literally lost hours of work and (to us) valuable information, which some of us tried to recover by direct emails to Richard Dragaon and other administrators of that forum.

    Unfortunately cooperation was not given and none of the lost data could be recovered and even to access the 'read only' forum of Old Avalon proved exceedingly difficult for me, as I am not as clever in some things, as many presume me to be.

    Now the Old Thuban thread on Avalon was NOT copy paste material but all my own work accumulated and worked on for over 20 years.
    How would you feel, that the (to me) valuable feedback and intercourse with people (both positive and negative and some not all of course) was confiscated and deleted by well meaning but underinformed data policemen?

    Learning from the experience not to trust other people's 'judgements' and opinions about what is 'valuable data' and what is not - we decide to back up our data and the relevance of that data as a record for the future.

    The post below by MaryIshtarCreiddyladd to my reply on her ONE thread exemplifies the situation about the present problems.

    I do ask you to read the reply from an intelligent and informed woman; who has moved passed the obvious emotional 'witch hunt' in which some people here are engaging to 'ban the evil dragons'

    This was and is instigated by the exmoderator LITA aka CrystalChi; who has made it her mission to 'revenge' the injustices dished out to Steve in what one might term a 'vendetta' of the 'old mafia school'.

    This has happened before Tommy; should you remember the Celine Dragaon vendetta versus the Thuban data on old Avalon and the hysteria then infiltrating that forum.

    I do wish, as do many here, that Steve would return and moderate again; but to allow the Thuban material to be openly debated by those members here who do find value in that material.
    The 'Thuban Elders' and I never wanted anything more; than to FREELY share DATA.
    There is NO HIDDEN AGENDA; we are no 'evil beings' from outer space, here to 'eat' or mindcontrol anyone.

    So Tommy in your capacity and role of moderator; this is my proposal to harmonise Camelot again and to bring in the peace.
    Ask Steve to return as administrator and reinstate Lita as a moderator BUT ask them to leave the 'Thuban Dragons' in peace and alone to mind their own business.

    The one thing I would ask then however; is to allow the 'length restriction' on the 'Thuban thread' to be eased due to the complexity of the material which is not supportive of oneliners and short replies. This priviledge was also granted on Avalon by John Anchor as a favourable moderator towards the Thuban thread if you remember.

    Noone is 'forced' to read or worry about this material. It is highly specialised data; which is hard to be understood; either from a scientific viewpoint or from the metaphysical experience and nous required to break the 'data overload' codes which safeguard the information.

    Of course you can reban us and many would be happy for you to be doing so. I will accept the situation and promise you, that even should you reban us, that I shall delete the html cross-links to camelot.
    This is not appropriate and I do thank Lita for raising this point through her actions.
    I invite other people to comment on this reply!


    Re: ONE
    #31151 3 hours, 55 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Bermanseder wrote:

    Marvellously on the topic of the Oneness and the Unity once again.

    It might become part of the human experience in understanding, that data is deleted, locked or otherwise destroyed.
    Just think of 'lost' symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart or Mussorgsky or the Library of Alexandria, burned by Romans in fear of civil uprisings challenging their authority.
    Then we have a number of book burnings and other destructive tendencies by the administrators of whatever information they might be administering.

    And so can one 'trust' the administrators and the controllers of the public data; data and information created and composed for all?

    And then there are the computer messages: Back Up your Data!

    And then there is the question of EVIDENCE, like in a court of sorts. When people or entities are accused of things and slandered and a 'trade name' like 'Thuban Elders' is compromised in whatever fashion.
    So when the 'trade name' is not compromised or engaged; then there will be no evidence to be required to be saved.

    It's only logical! Sherlock Holmes would say to dear Watson or Spock to Kirk or Data to Picard.

    One day many humans will learn to understand that prudence and care do not necessarily amount to deception and hidden agendas.

    One day; perhaps!

    Yes, I am Abraxasinas; the terrible one from Avalon.
    And I do know the Merlin by the way - but never mind that.

    It is about testimony for you Huancaina and you CrystalChi and you RakmeisterRa and for all of you here and everywhere.

    Should you have hidden things and information in your closets, then dont share those 'secrets' on any public forum. Anything I say and share is never copyrighted or in any manner compromising to my manyfold identity. You all are multiplied cosmic gameplayers, even if you cannot yet remember yourselves and why you are doing what you are doing (and thinking, but this is even more difficult for most of you to figure out).

    One day we might meet on a dancefloor or some other venue of human entertainment and then you will be grateful for the saving of YOUR Data.


    I have perfect trust in Tommy's abillity to look at the threads related in my posts here and see that they have been negatively planning to attack your material and anyone who dare interact with it, including talking smack about Tommy and Kerry for unbanning the material in the first place. If he has time he will clearly see that.

    As for posting my posts on other forums, I have been focused on the material and learning it instead of attacking and slandering people. I have no issue with my posts being made available on another forum as I never post anything that I feel I have to hide. Nothing on the net is really private. If that is a rule then that does not involve my input as I did not copy any of it anywhere. However that said I believe the truth of what is going on here is clear top those with the time to read over the many pages of complaining about what has happened since Steve chose to leave. They are mad and planned revenge on the Thuban material and it's posters, and said Tommy did not run the forum the way they thought he should. Openness and true open eyed investigation is the only way this world can ever be changed for the better. If That is what the Project Camelot focus is then this includes material that is not liked by people who are just salivating at the mouth for war like behavior. I trust Tommy will see the truth if he has time to look. Fear will not bring healing. These people are afraid of the material out of superstitions they have been taught about beings they don't understand. I am not a member of Thuban or it's forum, but I definitely think banning the material is not in the interest of learning what is going on in this world and will only serve as a footing for those who want to divide not unite the human race. They want this type of silly infighting amongst people. I have every reason to want to learn of the material, just as with Ashayanna Deane's material which I think they also object to from what I have seen. This is a mind game being played for territory, not for truth on the part of the people who started the fight after the ban. It has no place in an enlightened awake world of people who believe in personal responsibility.

    If it gets banned I will be deeply disappointed. But I cannot, nor do I seek to control the actions of others. It will be as it will be. I have done nothing wrong and broken no rules. The only people I have seen to behave in a polite and balanced fashion in this ordeal (Steve not included as he has chosen to leave thus I have no further opinion on that. ) Is the Thuban group of friends. Their way scares others and that is unfortunate, but they have been polite and kind and focused on lifting others through teaching, not ganging up and name calling and fight picking. Thus they have my permission, unless Tommy determines they are not allowed, to post my posts wherever they like in the name of transparency and openness. If that breaks a rule it is between the poster of said material and Tommy.

    The links I have provided on this thread (previous posts) will lead Tommy to where the controversy began and if he chooses to look the truth of the initiative behind this feigned outcry by the attackers who have festered in hatred since Steve and Lita left is there. It is a drama made up to feed off from power and control, masked by pretend outrage over Steve leaving. And I had no issue with Steve. This began before I got here. and Steve showed clearly one rule he said was broken, but I do have to wonder if he was not egged into making a hasty judgement of the material by the others here who's imbalanced behavior prevented me from joining and sharing my knowledge for two years. I finally Joined because I saw Steve and Tommy to be fair and level headed in their Administration duties. The others (a very small but very loud portion of actual members of this huge online community) which are still yelling and shouting instead of teaching knowledge and learning from others... well, I have no further comment on them as they are acting like bullies in every way they know how. I suspect others just don't speak up because they do not want to get banned.

    That is all I have to say. But I did see it coming as soon as I saw they were unbanned. It was a false pride issue for the other few. I hope sanity, fairness and truth prevail here. If not the truth will come out else where, as their material is valid and thus as the Veil thins this will become apparent.

    Peace, and I have no desire to fight with anyone on the forum as this is not something conducive to creating a reality where all are ONE. It is divisive, and as such not in accordance with the interconnectedness of all that is. When one is harmed all are harmed. It is a sad day to see fellow members of humanity choose division rather than Unity out of fear of what they do not understand.

    I have nothing to hide and nothing to defend.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Established Poster

    Posts: 135

    Bermanseeder are you still here?
    it seems the thuban threads have been deleted or hidden-
    this to me is outrageous-i still have questions and i won't be told what i can ask about and what i can't-how about you?
    seems because a few loudmouths don't like us that the administrator is bending over for them at our expense-well that's neither right nor acceptable!
    we can talk privately,sure,but i think i'd like everyone to benefit from our discussions i hope to have in the future
    ...if you haven't been banned-
    any other thubans here?
    feel free to copy and post elsewhere-as no one should put on a public profile what they don't want public

    so my first question is about Jesus..
    was he for real?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34412 April 3rd, 2011
    thomas wrote:
    the thuban threads are not hidden. They are out in public view but locked.

    The thuban discussions are no longer taking place at Camelot Forum and members interested are encouraged to visit the thuban's own forums dedicated for the material.

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34431 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:

    OK,so let's call it a general discussion then
    obviously the question was addressed to bermanseder and perhaps you'll allow him to reply?

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34435 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    Why are you pushing this Arctourist... yes I know its you.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34438 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    i noticed that arctourist was mistaken for or suspected to be a few other posters....isn't that funny?
    ok so what should we talk about....?
    how about why you hate these thubans so much?
    do you think arctourist is one of them too? at least he tries to be open-minded,from what i've seen..

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34440 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    give it up..hahaha as you used to say.

    not interested in talking to you and having it put on Mists...good try though...Arctourist. you know there are ways to know these things.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34441 April 3rd, 2011

    Chasm wrote:
    chita wrote:
    i noticed that arctourist was mistaken for or suspected to be a few other posters....isn't that funny?
    ok so what should we talk about....?
    how about why you hate these thubans so much?
    do you think arctourist is one of them too? at least he tries to be open-minded,from what i've seen..

    Chita why dont you ask your self, you are with the same IP as Arctorust and even posted on Mist o Avalon about it, so your back as Chita now you have not fooled anyone Arctorust
    welcome back from all the turds here
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34443 April 3rd, 2011
    Zenblitz wrote:
    where is my step ladder, orange soda and hair dryer? It was here a minute ago.......CHASKA??????

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34446 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    what's that all about?
    hey arctourist speaks only for himself-i am chita!
    i certainly won't speak for my friend unless he asks me to!
    he can be a little edgy... but he'll be flattered you remembered him!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34451 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    Why are you pushing this Arctourist... yes I know its you.

    So do you still have open access to the same info that the Moderators have? That is pretty creepy considering you make threats to people. I dare say that could be a legal issue.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34452 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34453 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    quit calling me arctourist-i am chita!
    mistress of the pre-dawn mist!
    i must say,i don't find this forum 'boring' as arctourist complained....he tried to discourage me from joining-but i have no idea why!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34461 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.

    Thank you Lola.

    Are the Moderators telling you private info about Chita then? Because there are two of you who are saying the same thing and one of them is a moderator as I understand, and would thus be provided access to information you seem to have according to your knowledge of Chita's IP address. ?

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34462 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    chita wrote:
    quit calling me arctourist-i am chita!
    mistress of the pre-dawn mist!
    i must say,i don't find this forum 'boring' as arctourist complained....he tried to discourage me from joining-but i have no idea why!

    I just saw an OWL the other night when thinking about Lola. They used to gather around me all of the time, but that was the first I had seen in a while and it certainly wanted my attention! So it is SO wierd to have a new member with an OWL for an avatar! How Synchronistic!

    Tell Arc I said hello! He is very friendly and has a great sense of humor!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Post last edited Apr 3rd 2011

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34466 April 3trd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    yes he's larger-than-life-haha!
    i'm starting to see why he tried to discourage me from joining-i'm almost afraid to read what he's written-teeheehee,*gulp*

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34469 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    DD wrote:
    DD wrote:
    RAKMEiSTERr wrote:
    ok. lets make/set some parts also straight for some folks that now seem to think its all 1sided correctness.

    some bs sure, (as words and terms get used, i name them properly in the context of the case i talk in, never in total complete generalness nor past present and future as one claim.,
    some misguided ego's sure. an issue with bringing data to the verbal word or world of words sure. complete single only thruth ofc not. total bs also not,also.
    some folks here and some folks there need to find the way of balance, instead seeking one of the both extreme;s of the polarity, in diffrent levels of ones own growth.

    as i said to chaska free speech sure. free will sure also, but when one of the 2 named, stand personal growth in the way thats also an issue, and that became also the case.

    yes it had to stop in the way it was going, thats i simple fact: i call it. hell

    now as for some other sides. that are more devious as i call it, is the control and other fractions related to is, as i stated also pointint to the attempts & Co av1 av2 ca. and such in the context of the bigger, not the 1 persons single'ing and making him responsible for it all, nope
    but i sure ass hell know more than some do,. and just as a test case indeed i added the test2-case2.doc to show you some links. as for MoA it should not even excist. has no valid right beside folks wanting to follow others where they need to wake up that following others will become a non-requirment. folllow self. and some folks want to seperate all and than say oh we know and will teach, and than teach diffrent on each level, that wont fly neither. as we will expose them all on all levels. botht tpb and TPB.
    same as charles silly attempts to please his masters. and them plans of maintaining control and futire plans set out. forget it its allready game over, but that also i wont get into. not for here and not for now, and not for all readers in a general way that can be said related to.

    now as for the correctness in the Material, and those not that knowledged in advanced science and less logical deductive reasoning, do check what tonybleu does work on beside what he copy paste's to here with at start good intent. but where he stops a persons personal growth by adding the drama we seen, playd in all sides. and by some with a angle that i could not now not never agree with,
    but i also at the same time noted the correct parts. to it, and to future relations.

    so some of you should beside seeing their forum also do check the actual messages of work and material. on the yuahoo groups he does work on, and yes on some parts i think the lacking of non response or eluding is also an error on his part, thats choise, and thats has effects simple

    you want examples: here do read and than you say if its total bs. or deception.
    same for
    match that up vs Dona Klaus, lecture on giants, and you should be able to grasp a part.
    same. what sometimes lacked, was proper way of presentation, beside some parts just not being for " here" that should have been obvious also. beside the lack of properly adding all refrences in and with links that in other places parts are there. i know that also takes time (more) to do manually. (Elders of Thuban Social Network) and

    now some is simple speculation. and some i dont agree with,. that doesnt make it all one big deception
    well only in the view of we live in a fake illusion thus nothing is real, than only there in that reasoning that claim stands, it falls with all rest.

    (also i think the lack of response, of vital parts for the DATA and vital parts concerning him.
    and the disconnect with IT and the effects on him by having IT for that time of being also lefts its marks. doesnt make one less human does it,.
    and that groups view/angle/intent/plan for it. is still not the ONLY one, as indeed time is in some cases inrelevant.

    so, now i will go to bed..
    think about this one all a ya.
    and decide where you put your focus

    good night


    Is this the same RakMeister we've all come to know... Your post is incoherent with many misspellings and I don't understand a word that was written!

    Talking gibberish is catching on

    I thought it was kind of sad what happened to that lady on the news. She looks so scared. Imagine being on front of the whole world, (or close to it) and finding out that your body just has a disconnect of sorts and won't work for you the way it is supposed to, like how awful that would feel.

    Not commenting on anything but the video here, cuz I am not getting into that one. Lol. Just the vid.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34470 April 3rd, 2011
    Chasm wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.

    Thank you Lola.

    Are the Moderators telling you private info about Chita then? Because there are two of you who are saying the same thing and one of them is a moderator as I understand, and would thus be provided access to information you seem to have according to your knowledge of Chita's IP address. ?

    i posted that his IPs were the same on a different thread, a hour ago , as well arctrourts had posted on MoA about coming back as a different name the IP s are exact so if Chita wants to do a song and dance go for it
    What does that mean? It Means ....Buckle your seat belt Dorothy - Because Kansas is going Bye! Bye!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34471 April 3rd, 2011
    Lighter wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.

    Thank you Lola.

    Are the Moderators telling you private info about Chita then? Because there are two of you who are saying the same thing and one of them is a moderator as I understand, and would thus be provided access to information you seem to have according to your knowledge of Chita's IP address. ?

    No...Arctourist said it himself over at Mists of Avalon...not a biggy really...noting to do with his ip address.
    Would you like me to go over there and copy and post it here for you. ..nah get him to do it for you.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34477 April 3rd, 2011
    Arachne wrote:

    Lita wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.

    Thank you Lola.

    Are the Moderators telling you private info about Chita then? Because there are two of you who are saying the same thing and one of them is a moderator as I understand, and would thus be provided access to information you seem to have according to your knowledge of Chita's IP address. ?

    No...Arctourist said it himself over at Mists of Avalon...not a biggy really...noting to do with his ip address.
    Would you like me to go over there and copy and post it here for you. ..nah get him to do it for you.

    Many unbiased observers and witnesses would agree with your statement regarding Bobo; the Owl of Wisdom and present of Athene, (was it her? i am getting rusty in my classics), in the film 'Clash of the Titans', dear Mary of Eire.

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!
    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?
    #34479 April 3rd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    tommy wrote:
    For the record:

    You (thubans) have to realize that from an administration perspective we take notice to the fact that we had almost no problems at all on this forum before thuban made it's entrance.

    There is no conspiracy here, you were given a fair shot but it did not work out forum-wise.
    I am sorry if you have been hurt by statements and actions here, but honestly I don't understand why you were persistent in continuing on this forum if people are as "nasty" as you often claim.

    You must realize that when you come into a forum with a "we got the answers" attitude many members will not agree and you should be prepared to be under pressure comment wise.
    That is a given.

    I hope you don't take this personal, but this is reality right now..

    For me it is the was the whole tone of the ambiance that was brought along.
    Condescending, elitist, argumentative, belligerent, highly dismissive and quite passive aggressive. Then the aura of victimization - when beliefs or attitudes were questioned.

    All highly manipulative to guilt one in to allowing them to change the original status of the forum and thus using resources. Sort of a well established tradition used by many to gain hold in a way that wouldn't have been accomplished otherwise.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34489 April 3rd, 2011
    chita wrote:
    they're too polite if you ask me!

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34499 April 3rd, 2011
    Chucky wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:

    Time to put things right as the are no coincidences as they are and will be consequences...

    Love to you and all...Silent Black Bear... XO

    This is the one the very few true statements yet to be given - there are no coincidences and YES there will be Consequences.

    It is called the 'judgment of karma' that will descend upon the fallen.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle - Plato

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34506 April 3rd, 2011
    trigger wrote:
    I single IP address for two or more accounts does not necessarily mean it is the one person.

    A gateway/router will translate IP addresses in a local network (office, home) to its public address (internet address). This is called Network Address Translation (NAT).

    What I see as more sinister though is the senario where a you will have a single network of poster sitting around in a closed enviroment posting destructive material and feeding off each other to do the same. Basically having a wow of a time at the expense of the forum and dragging everone into the drama.

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34513 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Chakra wrote:
    Silent Black Bear wrote:

    Time to put things right as the are no coincidences as they are and will be consequences...

    Love to you and all...Silent Black Bear... XO

    This is the one the very few true statements yet to be given - there are no coincidences and YES there will be Consequences.

    It is called the 'judgment of karma' that will descend upon the fallen.

    And you are? I mean other than a moderator of course... Like God or something? What went on on here had nothing to do with Karma whatsoever. What went on here was the particular personality cult that was going on here by a few for a long time before I joined. I finally decided that it was holding back knowledge to not join based upon the high school like clique thing that I saw because I thought Tommy and Steve were fair minded and sound. Honestly this is worse than high school and is all based on prejudice and fear. The old fearing new ideas, which really are not new at all, but seem so to those who are not yet familiar with them and is to be expected in these times of the changing to a new world, a new age, however, only the flexible will remain when all is said and done. You cannot hold off change forever, when you do you get things like nuclear reactors that should no longer exist in the first place being hit by natures way of moving things out of the way of progress because the people did not heed the calls for change when it could have come along in a more gradual way. New ideas bring change. Not holding onto the old ways with such ferocity. Change can be scary, but if you try to prevent and not adapt it will only cause more struggle. Just my opinion. I have followed Kerry's work closely for years along with my own studies and I think Kerry is seeking more answers and possibly some change in the status quo of how the world works. (That is how it seems to me, but maybe I am wrong.)You all may have prevented very valuable information that might have helped others. And I know it sure seems you don't care about anything other than making sure someone has not urinated on your tree today. I am sorry you see this happening and would like to see some common sense and decency from adults.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: What had happen to The Thubans threads?

    #34516 April 3rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    No MaryIstah I do not have access to the tools I had as mod here.. not a legal issue.

    Anything else you would like to complain about..nah don't.

    Thank you Lola.

    Are the Moderators telling you private info about Chita then? Because there are two of you who are saying the same thing and one of them is a moderator as I understand, and would thus be provided access to information you seem to have according to your knowledge of Chita's IP address. ?

    No...Arctourist said it himself over at Mists of Avalon...not a biggy really...noting to do with his ip address.
    Would you like me to go over there and copy and post it here for you. ..nah get him to do it for you.

    I thought you guys don't like MOA anyway? So you are following him there? CREEEPY.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Post last edited Apr 4th 2011
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted May 8th 2011

    Messages between Phoenix and MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Thursday, 31 March 2011 00:36
    Dear Mary!

    I do not know if you have seen the deeper reason for the deletion of your threads. But at #32000 raven has saved some 'evidence'.
    I simply wanted you to know, as i was offline when the deletion occurred.

    Thank you for your presence.


    Thursday, 31 March 2011 05:05
    I am not sure what you mean but I would be interested in knowing what actually happened with it. I really was thinking it should be removed before hand because it had served it's purpose... BUT I do think it would have been good for others to see how nasty some of these people are. I don't even know who removed it and no one said anything to me about it. I don't think Tommy was online when I noticed it so, yeah I would like to see what happened if Raven can share it. I document everything I can because I can see what is and has been going on here for a long time and it could lead to any number of situations in the future. Being a person used to dealing with courts, I save everything. And copy it and store it elsewhere when appropriate. I am not looking for trouble but I have had previous experience with trying to get actual truth out and have seen a lot of ... people playing the suppression game and I'm frankly sick of it. This one b* connected to some of these people had the nerve to make fun of the fact a young child was placed with (documented)sexual abusers, so yeah there are deep issues here and she has a lot of friends who are vile. I would prefer to ignore them but it seems they are covertly building walls against real truth and unwisely standing in my way. I have to use a certain amount of discretion as to a delicate position I am in, but I won't be silenced by her nasty crew.

    Please let me know how to see what Raven saved. Thanks again!

    Thursday, 31 March 2011 06:09

    Raven saved the message from Lite/CrystalChi and inserted it in #32000 on the 'What is Thuban' thread as an edit. It appears the 'mds' have not seen this yet.

    I was asleep after being online for 24 hours saving the ballyhoo onto the forum, where only the edited version, complying with tommy's guidelines are made public.

    Raven also put it there, so it is available for you. It was blatant slander and represents legal evidence imo.

    Anyway, i read that you also suspect that DD is Steve and i am rather sure of his writing style and in the fact, that he removed his 'sexy chick' avatar.
    I implied it in my reply to your Jacob Barnett thread.

    So my take is that Tommy was watching the deterioration and asked Steve to return incognito to allow the exmods to 'calm down'; as they went 'to war' over the 'injustice' given to the exadmin.

    Now that he is back; Lita and chakra and siriusblue would know this and so the forum has calmed down.

    That is all i know Mary. I have saved most of the delete threads except the last few hours, when i was asleep. So i can bestow access for you to the 'saved place', if you so desire.

    Be well, you have stood your ground in the war of the memes; but you know that.



    Friday, 01 April 2011 19:42

    Are you ok Mary? please let me know if you have troubles.


    Saturday, 02 April 2011 08:46
    Yes Thank You I am well. I had to take a step away from the PC for a few days. I have to be careful when dealing with some of these people because my energies cause things to happen on a large scale and I choose to transmute that into positive as often as possible. I don't do well with being threatened by people I could easily wipe out, frankly when I know that is not the best way for the whole. I have to control my power into the healthiest route. Some people don't have as much of an overall impact on the whole as others... I have to be responsible. That Chrystal chi/ Lita was unwise. That said...

    I am reading material, but not posting because I have lost a great deal of respect for this site with the cover up and rewarding of pure simple hate speech and, flat out willful threats towards other members from Lita. I have long suspected things that were proven true in that and am doing the non reactive approach trying to transmute the intended poisons of those who are set in place to use this site as a method of control and destruction. They are following the piper into dangerous territory for them selves in my opinion, and I am prepared to let go and let god so to speak. If they all get tricked, I can honestly say I did my best to help them see. Aside from that I am still working through your Thuban materials. Thinking, assimilating. I'll be can on soon with some to add to the discussion. Ignore Sirius. She is an ass. And not a very smart one. Completely fake, and full of hot air. Ignore them and carry on with your material. They are just trying to confuse because they can't comprehend reality and they know they got exposed as such. I'll be back on soon. :)

    Thank you for asking how I am doing! :) Hugs!

    Saturday, 02 April 2011 23:42
    Thank you sweetheart; yes i suspected as much, but was unsure if they restricted your access in any manner.
    It is also possible, that the moderators here read these emails of course, as has happened at Avalon forums.

    Yes you are doing the appropriate course of action and i also post rarely except to clarify some of the greatest misconceptions.
    They are selfcrucifying themselves atm. And as you might be aware the 'Week of Confusion' (in the Logos prophecies) was centred on March 28th and so has ended April 1st, 2011. So this means in practical terms that Noah's mental flood has began to end in the anniversary 2012 in the reconfiguration of the symbols underpinning the physical creation.
    So the present 'upheavals' are to be expected and welcome for the great polarity conflict to maximise to allow the true peace of the monad to enter.

    Anyway no more ravings; i simply honour and appreciate your being here and your work and so wish for you to fathom the Thuban perspective in harmony with your own.

    be well mary; I am glad that you are as thought.

    Love Tonyblue

    Mary, Raven was banned and i dont know how long i can remain. All the thuban threads have been confiscated or deleted. If you get this please forward an email to me on so we can keep in contact.

    Thank you

    Hi Tony,

    Let me first tell you that I am quite certain that most every message I have sent or received in the past five years has been read by multiple parties. I know my things get monitored. That said, I got used to that a long time ago, so as much as I don't want to be watched because I think it is fundamentally wrong, I don't spend too much time worrying about it because it is a waste of time.

    Words cannot express how dumbfounded I am that I found out what was happening on here today. I came in here as a neutral party and the things that have taken place make it clearly evident to me that there are tight controls with an agenda behind this site. I have saved everything as documentation, because as we have just seen even when Tommy Promised not to do the banning, and deletions, he went back on his word. It did not take much in the way of trolling to create this situation either. I can tell you for certain that Kerry is a shapeshifting reptillian being, and That not mean bad, or anything, but it supports my ideas as to what is going on here. I have seen her look like me in an image too. Thing is, Kerry is A) an actress. B) a reptillian C) allowing the things which are taking place here which to any one with a clear head is insanity in it's purest form. Now these people are actually thinking they are victims of psychic attack??? LMAO. And Hackers??? The posts were removed because Bunny Lockett was mentioned in them. as well as a few other things. This site can either be a tool of good for the world, or it can remain a weapon of control against the ones awakening to keep them in fear so they don't learn the whole truth. Rewarding Lita for the threats she made cinched up the fact that I will most definitely NOT be sharing all of my work on here. I do not know all of your equations from a mathematical standpoint. What I do know is that what I see in the world and have for years makes sense with much of what you have said. I can easily help these people, but if they choose to remain with only partial truths, it is going to ruin what they know of the world and there is no one going to convince them of the role they will play in that. Tommy Is acting very divisive, and that says much of what is behind it. They see them selves as separate. This was obvious when Kerry got mad at Steven Greer. Kerry shapeshifted in that last video with bill in it with her. She does it a lot. But you could not get these blind people to be able to see it. And if they can they are not good people trying to help anything.

    I don't care if these people agree with your material or not it has more truth in it than most of these low level posts made by this small group of people actively trolling. The thing is, If Kerry and Tommy have taken this stand, and supported the violence, and nastiness going on here for any reason, they have allowed the negative to gain more ground and that leads me to the conclusion that Camelot has a nefarious purpose behind it in the first place. Then they will all wonder why the proverbial boot is about to come crashing down on the masses. And I would say it will be clear to those with eyes to see and ears to hear why the things that will soon come to pass will come. Dragons are not what people think and it is sad that such well known people as Kerry would support such ignorance and hatred. It is fear and ignorance. But I don't have to argue with them. And I am not wasting my time. Let them get what they have created. I am not trying to teach them by myself, and the one who I am supposed to trust is behind all of this. LOL.

    That said, the blue being on your forum? In the drawing? I have seen that twice in a few days... Can you tell me more about it?

    I will email you,but I am not good at emailing people so it might be not right away.

    I appreciate the kindness you and your friends have shown me. Hugs!

    Messages between Phoenix and SpaceCowboy
    Saturday, 02 April 2011 02:59
    You can kill my account on your forum. I created a bogus email when signing up and won't ever go back to it so I'll never see any replies. And it's just too lame.

    My offer is open if you want the traffic.


    Saturday, 02 April 2011 13:44

    Dear SpaceCowboy!

    Why would i kill your account? You are a registered member there and can do as you please. Your offer is appreciated and again you can do as you please in this regard. You do not need to ask for permissions. All 'Thubans' are sovereign individuals and can do as they please.

    There are three levels of consciousness dear friend and in 343 parts. These parts are distributed in 7+49+287 and so in 2% and 14.3% and in 83.7%.
    You might call these as Super(Christ) Consciousness and Super Consciousness and Waking Consciousness respectively.

    Your interaction here cannot atm discern the lower percentages, but they exist within you. Therefore can i call you a friend; even as the waking states of mind make it appear otherwise.

    Thank You SpaceCowboy for your email

    Sunday, 03 April 2011 00:06

    Keep it open then I don't really care. I just wanted to let you know that I won't be going back thus I wouldn't see any replies to respond to.

    Dude what the hells wrong with your forum? It's embarrassing. You've had it open a long time and you're 3 and 1/2 dragons strong. That's f ucking pathetic. Dump the dragon thing it isn't working for you.

    Post last edited May 8th 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted May 8th 2011

      Well I am putting this here and more to come because she might find it here some time. We agreed it ios good to keep 'records'.
      You two would get on nicely i feel and with Raven and Unplugged another one 'lost in the cyberspaces' somewhere.

      Post last edited May 8th 2011
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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Dec 24th

    Meredith1 - Posted Oct 18th 2011

    Deleted as spam

    Merci MP33


    Post last edited Oct 18th 2011
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    • MP33 - Posted Oct 18th 2011

      I guess spam belongs in the Camelot forum.


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