Thuban 201 - Agenda Level 2

Discussion in 'Thuban 201' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Jorgelito - Posted Oct 17th 2012

    I like the video clip with Gary Cooper. The feeling is authenticity no matter what the event, time or place may be.

    Posted Oct 18th 2012

    Way of Seeing


    I think Self-awareness is just seeing with the heart.
    Anything I think, feel, want or create isn't me -- no matter how exalted or depraved it might be.
    At first it doesn't seem that way, but after rejoicing in my joy (or misery), an emptiness always seems to follow because once again I mistook the metaphor for the real thing. It feels something like getting lost.
    I am grateful for the experiences of just being alive; they are all beautiful metaphors, metaphors to life; and they all point to The One
    . When I experience love and beauty, I see even more directly, more clearly.

    In this case, the mirror is a metaphor -- something that points to something else.
    Seeing with the Heart bypasses the metaphor altogether and goes directly to the source like this . . .

    Thank you Tony

    Post last edited Oct 18th 2012
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Oct 18th 2012

    You are what you are Looking at; Within and Without; Above and Below; Maximum and Minimum; Macrocosm and Microcosm. ​

    Places where the atoms are as big as universes and universes as small as atoms.

    -Carl Sagan

    • At the 3.10 timemarker the asymptotic Universe in 10D (presently at 53% of the maximimum Hubble Limit) ends and at the 3.15 timemarker the 11D timemarker of this limit is MIRROR activated in Witten-M-spacetime. This correlates the inertial mass-parametric expanding universe with the electromagnetic oscillating cosmos.

      The 10D universe is measured in toroidal metric contraction as 13.8 billion years and the 11D universe has a true age of 19.1 billion year.


  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Jorgelito - Posted Oct 18th 2012

    That is an extraordinary video. I'll let my brain work on it for awhile so I can catch up.
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Oct 18th 2012


    Post last edited Nov 1st 2012
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    empty. Re: Thuban 201

    empty. shiloh Today at 5:07 pm

    Physical Consciousness coupled to the Biomind of Universal Life

    The labels of 'mind' and 'self-awareness' and of 'consciousness' have for long awaited rigorous definition in the nomenclature of science. Whilst most researchers and philosophers accept the existence of those labels; what those namings represent in a physically measurable sense of physical parameters have remained largely unexplored.
    These notions have remained as one of the major mysteries of science and have become subject to a number of speculations; from a purely materialistic interpretation of the 'mind' being a biochemical response to environmental stimuli, to the 'mind' being part of a 'spiritual soul' and subsequently constituting a transcendent aspect of biophysical life.

    A related mystery is that of 'life' itself. How did the universe evolve 'life' from a generally accepted premise of a prior or older cosmology, which disallowed biological life as is observed today? The thermodynamically expanding universe follows well tested physical parameters engaging the quantum nature of physical existence in the form of nucleosynthesizing interactions such as nuclear fusion of atomic elements and an associated natural radioactivity inherent in nature and its laws of conservation of energy and momentum. Those same processes occurred in the primordial universe and due to the smaller volume then occupied by the expanding universe; the descriptive cosmology describes a much hotter universe (as a Black Body Planckian Radiator) and a universe in which say the lifeforms observed on planet earth could not exist in their biochemical and molecular constitutions.

    Recent advances in the demetricated forms of supermembrane theory (M-Theory for 11-dimensional supermembranes propagating 10-dimensional superstrings in a 12-dimensional selfdual mirror-spacetime of supervolumars (Vafa-F-Space encompassing Witten-M-Space) have allowed a rigorous definition for the above labels in the parameters of the physics of the superbranes.

    The Coupling of the Energy Laws by the Self-Frequency of the Quantum for Mass

    It has been discovered, that the universe contains an intrinsic coupling-parameter between its inertial masscontent and its noninertial energy content.
    The matter in the universe is described by the physical parameter termed Mass (M), say as proportional to Energy (E) in Einstein's famous equation Mass M=E/c2.
    This mass M then reappears in Newtonian mechanics as the change in momentum (p) defining the Inertial Mass (Mi) as being proportional to some applied Force (F) or the 'work done' for a particular displacement {F=dp/dt for p=mv and v a kinetematic velocity as the ratio of displacement over time generalised in the lightpath X=cT}.

    It is also well understood, that the inertial mass Mi has a gravitational counterpart described not by the change in momentum of inertia carrying matter agglomerations; but by the geometric curvature of space containing matter conglomerations. This Gravitational Mass Mg is measured to be equivalent to the Inertial Mass Mi and is formulated in the 'Principle of Equivalence' in Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
    F-Theory then has shown, that this Inertial Mass Mi is coupled inherently to a 'mass-eigen' frequency via the following formulation:

    (1) Energy E=hf=mc2 (The Combined Planck-Einstein Law)
    (2) E=hf iff m=0 (The Planckian Quantum Law E=hf for lightspeed invariance c=λf)
    (3) E=mc2 iff f=fo=fss (The Einstein Law E=mc2 for the lightspeed upper limit)

    (1) Whenever there is mass (M=Mi=Mg) occupying space; this mass can be assigned either as a photonic mass {by the Energy-Momentum relation of Special Relativity: E2=Eo2(pc)2} by the photonic momentum p=h/λ=hf/c} OR a 'restmass' mo=m/√[1-(v/c)2] for 'restenergy' Eo=moc2.

    The 'total' energy for the occupied space so contains a 'variable' mass in the 'combined' law; but allows particularisation for electromagnetic radiation (always moving at the Maxwell lightspeed constant c in Planck's Law and for the 'Newtonian' mass M in the Einstein Law.

    (2) If M=0, then the Einstein Law is suppressed in favour of the Planck Law and the space contained energy E is photonic, i.e. electromagnetic, always dynamically described by the constancy of lightspeed c.

    (3) If M>0, then there exists a mass-eigen frequency fss=fo=Ess/h=mssc2/h, which QUANTIZES all mass agglomerations m=Σmss in the massquantum mss=Ess/c2.

    The Coupling of the Supermembranes in Vafa-F-Space

    The quantization of mass m so indicates the coupling of the Planck Law in the frequency parameter to the Einstein law in the mass parameter.
    The postulative basis of M-Theory utilizes the coupling of two energy-momentum eigenstates in the form of the modular duality between so termed 'vibratory' (high energy and short wavelengths) and 'winding' (low energy and long wavelengths) selfstates.

    The 'vibratory' selfstate is denoted in: Eps=Eprimary sourcesink=hfps=mpsc2 and the 'winding' and coupled selfstate is denoted by: Ess=Eecondary sinksource=hfss=mssc2

    The F-Space Unitary symmetry condition becomes: fpsfss=rpsrss=(λps/2π)(2πλss)=1

    The coupling constants between the two eigenstates are so: EpsEss=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2

    The Supermembrane EpsEss then denotes the coupled superstrings in their 'vibratory' high energy and 'winded' low energy selfstates.

    The coupling constant for the vibratory high energy describes a MAXIMISED frequency differential over time in df/dt|max=fps2 and the coupling constant for the winded low energy describes its MINIMISED reciprocal in df/dt|min=fss2.

    F-Theory also crystallizes the following string formulations from the EpsEss superbrane parameters.


    Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit is the StarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'.

    Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re; and for the electronic restmass me.
    Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant α=2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c.
    Go is the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

    As the StarCoulomb unit describes the inverse sourcesink string energy as an elementary energy transformation from the string parametrization into the realm of classical QFT and QED, this transformation allows the reassignment of the StarCoulomb (C*) as the measurement of physical space itself.

    Physical Consciousness and the Awareness Quantum

    The Physical Quantum of Consciousness as SpaceAwareness (df/dt) maximised and minimised in the string coupling constants fps2 and fss2 respectively, so can be defined as:
    e*=2Rec2=(Classical Electron Diameter)x(lightspeed)2=VolumexAngular Acceleration

    As the time differential operator on frequency is independent on radial displacement in df/dt as the square of frequency or the square of inverse time; we can now also define the parameter of:
    Spacial Awareness=df/dt=AlphaOmega=αω=aw=Angular Acceleration Quantum.

    The Spacial Awareness 'aw' then operates upon any volumar in the rootreduced F-Space (12D being a 9-dimensional brane volumar of superstring dimensions to which is coupled a 3-dimensional temporal time-connector volumar in 12=9+3 F-Space, 11=9+2 M-Space and 10=9+1 C-Space) AS the 3-D volume of the observed spacial component of the 'Euclidean flatness of the Minkowski spacetime metric.

    The implications of those definitions for the physical universe and its cosmology are far reaching indeed.

    As the expanding universe increases in its 3-dimensional volume, its 'spacial consciousness' is also increasing in the 'activation' of additional spacetime quanta.
    Each of these spacetime quanta describes the inherent Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) as defined in the 3D-volumar of the Eps sourcesink superstring energy quantum then coupled to its characteristic 'starcoulombic' 'physical consciousness'.

    The ZPE per unit volumar is ZPEquantum=4πEpsps3=Eps/2π2rps3=4π/e*λps3 (Joules/m3)

    Every ZPE quantum is coupled to a volume V*=e*/(df/dt) and so defines the quantisation of spacial volume in terms of the ZPE, as well as the 'physical consciousness' contained in that volume.
    The V* here denotes the resonant quantum volumarized eigenstate in a minimised spacetime volumar and NOT in terms of spacial volume, but in the form of an ENTROPY COUNTER of 'statistical permutation selfstates' operation upon the 'Spacial Consciousness' quantum e*=1/Eps=1/Ess.fps2=fss/h.

    The self-frequency of the mass quantum so can be expressed formally as fss=he* for the timeinstanton tss=fss, the latter triggering the 'inertialisation' of the postinflationary cosmology in the so called Quantum Big Bang, precisely 3.333..x10-31 seconds* following the 'string epoch' of the matter wave inflation (detailed and referenced elsewhere on this site).

    But it is the supermembrane coupling between the gravitational (photonic) mass Mg as given by the vibratory sourcesink string with the inertial mass Mi as given by the winding sinksource string, which is the primary causation for this Quantum Big Bang, following the string parametric de Broglie wave matter inflation.

    Rewriting fss=he* then describes this coupling in the ACTION=EnergyTime of the Planck Constant in the finestructure fss=Energy*xTimeInstantonxe* for the Unity Condition of F-Space in 1=E*e* that is the original definition of e*=1/E* as the definition for the 'Physical Consciousness of Space'.

    The Frequency Resonance Selfstates as Entropy Counters

    Generally then, the permutative entropy counter df/dt|max=fps2 gives precisely 9x1060 frequency eigenstates as the coupling constant between the two modes of the superstring; whilst its inverse defines the minimum as the 'Singularity' 'Null-State' or 'No Consciousness' state as 1/(9x1060)~0.

    The Awareness operator applicable for all universal space so can fluctuate between the quasi-zero state and the maximised resonance state in the factor of 81x10120 and a value 'measured' by contemporary standard cosmological models as characteristic of the density discrepancy between the Planck-(ZPE)-Density {ρP=mP/VP=c5/πhGo2}~9.4x1094 (kg/m3) and the actual matter density measured in the universe {ρc=3Ho2/8πGo~3.8x10-27 (kg/m3) from the inner 10D observer frame and ρc=Ho2/4π2Go~8.0x10-28 (kg/m3) from the outer 11D observer frame of the Riemannian hypersphere as a 3D boundary of the 4-ball V42R4/2 for dV4/dR=2π2R3 as a 3-dimensional surface descriptive for the overall topology of the standard cosmology).

    The dimensionless ratios of ρPc then indicate the ZPE/Critical energy discrepancies in the factors of the permutation string selfstates in the factors of 2.5x10121 and 1.2x10122 respectively.

    Quantum Consciousness and Magnetocharges define Quantum Gravitation

    The ZPE-quantum Eps=E* so represents the kernel or core for any region of space containing a maximised 'physical consciousness' given by 1/E*=e* StarCoulombs (C*).

    The quantitative volume V for this consciousness is minimised in Vps*=e*/fps2 in sourcesink resonance to the vibratory superstring modality and is in modular duality (as a monadic dyad or monadic duad) to its coupled sinksource resonance of its winding mode in its quantum-maximisation of Vss*=e*fps2.

    The minimum calculates as Vps*=e*/fps2=1/1.8x1058 permutation states and translates to a 3D volume of measurement R with a Compton radius (Rc=h/2πmc=c/2πfc=c/ωc with angular velocity ω=2πf) as of Rcps=(e*fss2/2π2)1/3~1.4x10-20 meters for a Compton Energy of about 2.2 microjoules or 14.03 TeV (as the maximum design capacity of the Large Hadron Collider or LHC located at Geneva, Switzerland comprised of two individuated colliding proton beams).

    The precise ratio between the ZPE-kernel and the 'Space Consciousness' surrounding this core becomes: Wormhole-Radius/Space-Consciousness-Radius and as:
    rps/Rcps=(2π2/e*rss3fss2)1/3=c(fss/4πe*)1/3=(cfss/8πRe)1/3~1/887.11 (dimensionless); and because the string coupling defines c=λpsfps=1/λssfss), rendering the Minkowski lightspeed constant c as dimensionless in the lightpath Xps=cTps=cfss.

    This defines the quantum gravitational coupling of the gravitational mass element mss to the observed and measured elementary particle masses in QFT and Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics (QCD); the 'chromaticity' or 'colour charging' of gluonic gauge interaction transmitters being identifiable as the MagnetoCharges defined in StarCoulombs (C*)

    The corresponding maximum then couples in macroquantisation to the microquantised quantum gravitational MagnetoCharges in Vss*=e*fps2=4.5x1063 permutation states for a characterizing 'Galactic Volumar' in Rcss=(e*fps2/2π2)1/3=(e*fss2/2π2)1/3~6.1x1020 meters or so 64,650 lightyears and a displacement scale, which is then 'haloed' by the the winded string parameter rss=1/rps=2πλss~6.3x1022 meters or 6,648,875 lightyears and as the displacement scales observed by the standard cosmology.

    Correspondingly, rss/Rcss=(16π5λss3/e*fps2)1/3=(16π5/fsse*c3)1/3=(8π5/fssRec5)1/3~102.85

    As rps/rss=rps2=(cfss/2π)2 and Rcps/Rcss=(fss/fps)2/3=(fss)4/3=(4π2rps/rssc2)2/3

    (Rcps/Rcss)3 = (4π2rps/rssc2)2=10-88/c4=1/8.1x10121 as the awareness operator fluctuation range.

    The 'Physical Consciousness' in the standard cosmology now crystallizes as being associated with biovital lifeforms, occupying space, and as evolving in the dynamics of (holographic) fractals of the encompassing 'consciousness envelope' aka the galactic cells of macroquantised entities.

    This biovitality is defined in a 'kernel consciousness' inherent in space itself via the string-coupled modalities; mimicking the overall expansion of the thermodynamic (and stochastic) universe.
    This process can be comprehensively described as the EVOLUTION of Core-Consciousness in its Spacial Occupancy.

    The Definition of 'Life' must so fundamentally be based on the string coupling between the two modalities and as two modes of operation, which quantum relatively entangle the microquantum characterised by the 'wormhole core' as as function of the nuclear interaction scale (the classical electron radius Re is also the scale of the magneto-asymptotic confinement of gluons in the definition of the magnetocharges and so becomes the limiting quantum geometric template for the nuclear gauge interactions and the 'Higgs Bosonic' blueprint at the 3 Fermi scale).

    'Life' then becomes the cosmo-evolutionary consequence of a quantum geometry defining the spacial configurations of the supermembranes as superstring couplings.
    This is why the most basic and primordial 'lifeforms' such as viruses, bacteria and fungi follow highly geometrized patterns in Platonic- and Archimedean solids, characterised by highly symmetrical arrangements of their molecular and atomic constituents.
    The most elementary 'life form' is the crystalline arrangements of the self-replicating pattern. This originally manifested in so called quasicrystals of fivefolded symmetry, such as can be observed in Shechtmanites and the Penrose tiling. The underpinning cosmology of the decoupling and breaking of the so termed Planck-Symmetry transformed the Planck-String into 5 classes of superstring; this 'breaking of unification' following a pentagonal supersymmetry at the core of all 'natural laws'. Many details can be found on this website for perusal and utility.

    For a 'lifeless' mass-only universe then the self frequency of mass in the fss sinksource superstring would define the awareness operator as minimised in V*|min=e*/(fss2)=e*fps2

    Corollarily, the 'fully life-conscious' universe (attained after an infinite linear time evolution of the descriptive cosmology) would be defined in V*|max=e*fss2.

    Consciousness of Inertia in Universal Quantization of Mass

    We can now relate the 'spacial consciousness' in terms of the universe's inertia content to the volume occupied by mass.

    As there are (RHubble/rps)3~10147 spacetime quanta in the asymptotic string universe of 10D and bounded by the membrane universe of 11D (as an extremal Strominger braned Black Hole say)
    and the sinksource (winded string) Ess=hfss=mssc2=2.222...x10-64 J; we can define a 'Consciousness-Density per unit mass' Ρc for this 11D-'Mother-Black Hole' in Witten M-Space in dyadic coupling with a 12D-'Father-White Hole' in Vafa-F-Space (MBH and FWH).

    The M-Space MBH defines the Hubble horizon in its' closure mass'
    MHubble=RHubble.c2/2Go=Σmss=Nmss~6.4706x1052 kg.

    Ρc=e*(RHubble/rps)3/MHubble=2Goe*RHubble2/rps3c2~7.81685x1096 (~83.2 ρP) C*/kg.

    This is about 83.2 times the Planck-Density ρP for MHubble and 2.34 times the Planck-Density applied to the baryonic mass seedling Mo=0.0281MHubble.

    The 'Base Inertia Consciousness' (BIC) per minimal mass quantum mss then calculates as mssΡc=1.930x1016 C* and for a count of N=2.6206x10133 mss as the inertia distribution of the BICUniverse=5.058x10149 C*.

    A characteristic mass of 1 kg, say as the standard liter of water in 10-3 cubicmeters of volume so possesses an inherent inertial consciousness of 7.82x1096 C*. This is the ZPE of the quantum standard models redefined in units of consciousness and this total includes 'dark matter' and 'dark energy', the former as the effect of the DIM-Factor (see other references on this website) of 7.56 for the present linear time coordiante and the latter as the 'missing mass-energy' for the mass seedling Mo in 10D to 'close' the universe in the MBH of MHubble in 11D.

    In terms of the volume of 1 liter however; the 'spacial consciousness' quantizes in the form of the VPE quantum Eps=1/e* per unit volume and which is VPEv=Eps/2π2rps3~2.5133x1064 J/m3.

    The 'inertia consciousness' of 1 liter of water so relates the BIC of 7.82x1096 C* to a VPEv or ZPE of 2.51x1061 J/m3.

    The example of a simple rock serves as a culmination of this essay.

    A rock, occupying a volume Vrock carries an intrinsic Base-Consciousness due to its volume. This basic consciousness is given in the mass-frequency fss as the mass of the rock is quantized in a number count N of mass quanta mss.

    This mass of the rock is actually a higher-dimensional mass-current as a form of 'natural superconductivity' {Ips=2efps superstring coupled to Iss=2efss}. The rock can so also be described as a summation of displacement current elements Iss=2eλps/c (as James Clark Maxwell propositioned - see 'The Origin of Mass' section on this website).

    Mass in its purest form so is nothing but 'static magnetoelectricity' or densified electromagnetic monopolic sourcesink current. The nondensified form of mass is of course photonic and should this photonic mass NOT be a derivative from the acceleration of electric (Coulomb) charges 'e' coupled to preexisting mass (say fusion protons in stars), BUT be a derivative from the acceleration of magnetocharges 'e*', then the resulting ElectroMagnetic Radiation is monadic or Monopolic and defines the so called 'SPIRIT' of metaphysical cosmologies and philosophies.

    The rock of volume Vrock and as some summation ΣIss or Σmss so describes an energetic selfstate of the superstring coupling between the string dyadics of the microquantum Eps and the macroquantum Ess.

    The interaction of the rock with its environment then, in elementary terms, becomes a dynamic of spacial interaction in the movements of the rock.
    All Spacequanta are associated or quantum entangled with each other via the string coupling and as all spacetime volumars are defined by their ZPE-core and its 'haloed' or 'auric' envelope of the physical consciousness coupled to the volumars by the self-awareness operator df/dt; the entire cosmology is rendered a unified kaleidoscope of holofractal self-interaction of the thus defined 'Cosmic Consciousness'.

    A basic quantum consciousness then is multiplied and complexified in the interaction, self- and mutual, between spacetime volumars of varying sizes in the encompassing summation integrals of the initial- and boundary parameters of the cosmogenesis (described elsewhere on this website).

    The phenomenon of 'life' then is characterised by the Awareness-Operator the Alpha-Omega aw=αω=df/dt, namely the 'Change in Frequency' over linearised Time t and where the sourcesink frequency for minimum impedence for the 'natural current flow' (Ips) forms the upper bound source-resonance of the vibratory string modality and the maximum impedence describes the 'natural current flow' (Iss) as the lower bound for the sink-resonance.

    The 'lifeless' universe of the primordial Quantum Big Bang is in Sink-Resonance to the Ess sinksource as a macroquantum, manifesting the supergalactic inertia in Black Holes as seedlings for mass agglomerations known as galaxies. Coupled to those 'higher-D' Black Holes are however imaged 'higher-D' White Holes (Quasars) who as Source-Resonators manifest the Source-Resonance of the Eps sourcesink as the microquantum of the superbraned cosmology from its cosmogony.

    The purpose and reason for the universe of materiality so is found in the Coevolution of SourceSink Self-Consciousness as unified encompassment for the cosmoevolution with its individuated and dispersed holographic shards or holograms of this selfsame self-consciousness in evolvement.

    The operator for this evolvement is spacial selfawareness and the ability to use a biomind defined by the function of 'changing' or modulating the frequency received by an antenna, which can take the form of a biochemical and molecular arrangement of cellular units termed a 'brain'.

    The biological evolution of brains, then accomodates the utility of the natural superconductive electricity embodied in space itself; the biochemical electricity (of say electromagnetic brain waves) representing a shadow function of the chargeflow I=dQ/dt as a 'normal currentflow' to the electromagneto monopolic supercurrents of the magnetocharges aka the physical spacial consciousness.

    Bluey TonyLove de WHYNOT

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!


    Bluey Dracs
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Oct 19th 2012

    About the 'Authority' of Thuban Information Sharing
    [2:29:22 PM] Thubanis: Because all this is part of the Mystery and the writings and the codes. I have added a number of science based videos about those 'codes' which are fundamentally mathematical and so 'hidden' and obscured or OCCULTIZED by abstractions.

    This was a BBC film broadcast on Australian television in 2012 and presumably in many countries. I was reminded about this excellent presentation by a post on the Moabyte forum. Thank you Aquaries1111 for the remembrance!

    Thubanis 'guessed' 4000 jelly beans (lol just fyi) in the third video 'Predictions' at the 45 minute time marker.
    I considered the volume of one jelly bean compared to the volume of the containing jar and mentally constructed one layer of jelly beans inside of the jar as about 100 jelly beans. This very very rough approximation then is multiplied by the number of jelly bean layers and so I considered the height of the jar to allow for about 40 jelly beans.
    Subsequently there are about 40 layers of jelly beans of about 100 jelly beans each giving the very rough approximation of 40x100=4000 jelly beans.
    But from 'mind experiments' and calculations like this and practiced and learned by the philosophers of ancient times, say Mesopotamia, China, India, Arabia and Greece, evolved the practical application of mathematical encodings as the 'Language of Mother Nature' with her 'Logos Logic' and evolving and becoming what is called today the 'Modern Science and its methodology' and 'Modus Operandi'.

    [2:00:44 PM - Friday, October 19th, 2012 - (+11UCT)]​
    Thubanis: [5:23 AM]
    oh you know what...lets chill and wait for the 21st
    then again is all METAfuckingPHYSICAL
    [2:01:19] Thubanis: I have been following this Rok
    [2:01:19 PM] Thubanis: And yes, this is a core issue
    [2:01:57 PM] Thubanis: So Rok, try to see this this way. Perhaps this might allow you to understand Xeia's and mine and Raven's mind a little better
    [2:02:24 PM] Thubanis: I am as skeptical about 3D changes as you are, even more so BUT
    [2:02:39 PM] Thubanis: I KNOW that this 'Coring' is for real
    [2:03:22 PM] Thubanis: The 3D agendas and dramas here have an UNDERCURRENT and this one is HISTORICAL
    [2:03:51 PM] Thubanis: Meaning it engages MUCH MORE, than Our personal dramas: You and Xeia, Raven and James and Tony and DD
    [2:04:16 PM] Thubanis: Much more
    [2:04:55 PM] Thubanis: Now Xeia and Raven and I understand this from a very deep level and you might call this level 'dreaming' or 'irrational' - it is not
    [2:05:06 PM] Thubanis: This is this YYY we sometimes mention
    [2:05:36 PM] Thubanis: Ok, so what is this undercurrent, which transcends ALL of our dramas and desires and search for liasons?
    [2:06:16 PM] Thubanis: It is the 'encoding' Rok, which has NEVER before in human history been 'REWRITTEN" as under the Thuban label
    [2:06:35 PM] Thubanis: And you are, even if you don't see it as such, an integrated part of Thuban
    [2:06:46 PM] Thubanis: Even if you dont actually 'believe' in it
    [2:08:04 PM] Thubanis: It is just a name BUT it has a certain 'cosmic authority', given not by me as its 'inventor', but by whatever 'authority' GAVE its information basis to this Thuban label to REWRITE this selfsame history I just mentioned before
    [2:08:37 PM] Thubanis: WHY does this Thuban name have any such 'authority'?
    [2:08:53 PM] Thubanis: This then gets REALLY 3D and logigal.
    [2:09:54 PM] Thubanis: Ask yourself; what is the basic BS with the human world in 3D and WHY is this 3D human world, living on a planet called Earth, such a mess?
    [2:11:18 PM] Thubanis: It is because of class wars and a cosmic energy, which has kept the COLLECTIVE human groupmind, meaning Real Wisdom and Understanding about itself, irts purpose and destiny etc - IMPRISONED by the sex memes
    [2:13:15 PM] Thubanis: Solve the Cosmic Nature of Human Sexuality and BAN the human misappropriations about it into the same wilderness of irrational and disharmonious mindfulness, the present human groupmind occupies at the present time - and you SOLVE the Human Paradox
    [2:13:55 PM] Thubanis: Why? Because the cosmic nature is about COSMIC REPRODUCTION
    [2:14:09 PM] Thubanis: And this does NOT mean 'making human babies'
    [2:14:23 PM] Thubanis: It means BLENDING the fabric of the universe together
    [2:15:01 PM] Thubanis: This then is like the cells in your body 'talking to each other' becomes like galaxies communicating 'out there'
    [2:15:11 PM] Thubanis: The 'out there' is the 'in there'
    [2:15:36 PM] Thubanis: But How can the 'out there' become 3D realism, if the 'in there' is fucked up by the irrationality and the disharmonies of the human minds?;
    [2:16:40 PM] Thubanis: Rok, Thuban did something, no other 'movement' or group or university or academy or family has done
    [2:17:19 PM] Thubanis: And this is the 'authority', again not self proclaimed by any of us, but gracefully bestowed on us because the TIME IS RIPE
    [2:18:36 PM] Thubanis: This authority is HISTORICAL in the sense that the last 2000 years of Terran civilization in particular and the last 26000 years in a more encompassing sense - have been COMPLETED and SOLVED in its own MYSTERY
    [2:18:48 PM] Thubanis: This is the magic Rok and it is a 3D magic
    [2:19:33 PM] Thubanis: The Magic is that FINALLY the socalled Mystery of 'God' and the 'Devil' and so All of Humanity is NO MORE
    [2:19:45 PM] Thubanis: Try to get this into your head my friend
    [2:20:40 PM] Thubanis: Just because noone else takes this serious or understands it; does NOT mean, that the COSMIC MYSTERY of the Collective Human family has NOT been solved and harmonized and 'made good'
    [2:21:08 PM] Thubanis: The Mystery of Humanities Existence, Purpose and Destiny is OVER
    [2:21:46 PM] Thubanis: It would not even matter, if only one person on the planet would have 'broken the seals hiding the mystery'
    [2:22:39 PM] Thubanis: Even then the Cosmos would be a New Cosmos, as soon as the logistics of the writing down or composing of a STORY RETOLD, would have been completed
    [2:22:54 PM] Thubanis: And you know what this timeline is
    [2:23:55 PM] Thubanis: So now look at the Cores again in a hoepefully 'new light'
    [2:24:46 PM] Thubanis: The dramas and the tensions do not matter in the bigger sense, the Cosmic Rok NOT dependent on a short 3D existence in Slovenia looking for the fulfilment of his dreams - KNOWS who he is
    [2:25:06 PM] Thubanis: This Cosmic Rok is the one Xeia loves as a Cosmic Xeia
    [2:26:12 PM] Thubanis: They are Cored already and it was them, who played an integrated core part in the 'authority' bestowed for the purpose to Break this prison and bondage and Solve the Human Mystery about itself
    [2:26:55 PM] Thubanis: So again, the point is simple
    [2:27:27 PM] Thubanis: Noone at any time and no system of human thought or philosophy was able to SOLVE the Mystery of God aka aka
    [2:27:53 PM] Thubanis: To do this decoding a certain 'authority' is required and this is not human made
    [2:28:45 PM] Thubanis: Only the Logos as BEING this 'authority' can bestow it and when it is bestowed, then the 'receivers' here Thuban, will 'suffer the consequences'
    [2:29:07 PM] Thubanis: But this 'suffering' will SHOW if this is REAL or fake and 'make belief'

    [2:29:22 PM] Thubanis: Because all this is part of the Mystery and the writings and the codes. I have added a number of science based videos about those 'codes' which are fundamentally mathematical and so 'hidden' and obscured by abstractions

    [2:29:46 PM] Thubanis: So the mystery ITSELF will show if the 'authority' is Logos or human selfmade
    [2:30:13 PM] Thubanis: I stop for now and let you ponder this in your own due time and course
    [2:32:08 PM] Xeia: Very beautiful
    [2:32:23 PM] Xeia: emoticon-00115-inlove. (inlove)
    [2:33:49 PM] Thubanis: It was time to elaborate what Thuban really is
    [2:34:13 PM] Xeia: I think so yes
    [2:34:24 PM] Thubanis: So you understand this?
    [2:34:44 PM] Thubanis: Also now WHY Rok is skeptical
    [2:35:02 PM] Thubanis: Why the 3D is secondary but the Primary is fully on?
    [2:35:11 PM] Thubanis: We are under grace!
    [2:35:41 PM] Thubanis: We have done the work expected of us after having received this information and the 'authority'
    [2:36:03 PM] Thubanis: Our personal 'happiness' always was secondary
    [2:36:10 PM] Thubanis: It is this that hurts so much
    [2:36:24 PM] Thubanis: But the YYY is like a signet ring
    [2:37:06 PM] Thubanis: Cosmic Cores exist and human cores are in struggle modes
    [2:37:23 PM] Thubanis: But they are perfect images of each other
    [2:40:28 PM] Xeia: [6:17 AM] Rok:

    <<< i appreciate that xeia has given me more than any woman before despite the 5000mile distance.....
    this is very sweet

    [2:41:34 PM] Xeia: emoticon-00155-flower. (F)
    [2:41:49 PM] Thubanis: Yes made me smile too
    [1:08:30 AM - Saturday, October 20th, 2012 - (+11UCT)]
    Thubanis: All kids born since June 2004 would have 'special abilities' born in
    [1:08:54 AM] Thubanis: Venus Transit and the start of the warp in December
    [1:09:21 AM] Thubanis: From June 2008 it is even doubled
    [1:09:41 AM] Thubanis: So watch the youngsters born from 2008, they are all different already
    [1:10:05 AM] Zaina: Yes im seeing this now in the new born
    [1:10:12 AM] Thubanis: Indeed
    [1:10:36 AM] Xeia: [1:00 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< So the new astral is a 'new prison' of sorts
    hasn't it always been one?

    [1:10:56 AM] Xeia: temporary one but still
    [1:11:00 AM] Thubanis: I mean they will understand the energies as 'natural'
    [1:11:07 AM] Thubanis: We had to work on it
    [1:11:21 AM] Thubanis: Yes but not like it is now
    [1:11:46 AM] Thubanis: Before the Logos it was more extensive Xeia as big as the spacetimed Universe in fact
    [1:12:00 AM] Thubanis: You can guess how 'small' the astral is now
    [1:12:28 AM] Thubanis: Anyoone can guess?
    [1:12:36 AM] Thubanis: It has shrunk
    [1:12:46 AM] Xeia: well the veil has thinned and the bridge must've been gotten shorter
    [1:12:54 AM] Thubanis: Very very much
    [1:13:05 AM] Thubanis: Come on think Gaia
    [1:13:18 AM] Zaina: the size of the earth
    [1:13:25 AM] Xeia: so much so as in mixing
    [1:13:40 AM] Thubanis: Or I can ask. Is there a memeplexed astral dimension around Jupiter?
    [1:13:40 AM] Xeia: juxtaposed
    [1:13:47 AM] Thubanis: Zia, Bravo!
    [1:13:58 AM] Thubanis: Actually it is this Cocoon of the quarantine
    [1:14:17 AM] Thubanis: It encompasses the Moon and reaches so 5% to the Venus orbit
    [1:14:29 AM] Thubanis: It is like an egg for the birth
    [1:14:51 AM] Thubanis: It is 2 million kilometres radius this egg
    [1:15:04 AM] Thubanis: The Hill sphere of any planet or moon
    [1:15:12 AM] Thubanis: technically
    [1:15:22 AM] Thubanis: See, it is not just metaphysics Rok
    [1:15:29 AM] Thubanis: It is 3D seeded
    [1:16:06 AM] Thubanis: So there is 'freedom' in the astral even around Venus around Mars around all planets not earth
    [1:16:32 AM] Zaina: it this what is called the' in breath ',,
    [1:16:47 AM] Thubanis: Why this channeling NABS is getting so intense with the disinformation and false flags - JT
    [1:17:14 AM] Thubanis: Not really Zia
    [1:17:18 AM] Zaina: ok
    [1:17:23 AM] Thubanis: This is a Nabs mistake
    [1:17:51 AM] Thubanis: There is a inbreath and an outbreath but each of those is so 17 billion years
    [1:18:20 AM] Thubanis: Technically a Hubble Oscillation or halfcycle of the universe's evolution in linear timespace
    [1:18:35 AM] Thubanis: But it is from this the Hindu stuff comes from
    [1:19:05 AM] Thubanis: They use infinities so and this is very unscientific and wrong, unless put in the proper maths context
    [1:19:30 AM] Zaina: I see yes ,
    [1:19:39 AM] Thubanis: Yes it is simple if understood
    [1:20:18 AM] Thubanis: Some guru said the universe is trillions of years old for example, which is 3D impossible
    [1:21:11 AM] Zaina: so how old is the universe ?
    [1:21:16 AM] Thubanis: But returning to the vesicas, the astral energy is a memewar now
    [1:21:26 AM] Thubanis: It is like a 'high concentration'
    [1:21:41 AM] Thubanis: Of all the old human mind created demons and devils etc
    [1:21:52 AM] Thubanis: Almost 20 billion years
    [1:22:12 AM] Zaina: how long will the meme war continue for ..and will all get effected by this

    [1:22:25 AM] Thubanis: So the OUTBREATH has finished and for so 2.2 billion years the univers has begun to BREATHE IN
    [1:22:43 AM] Zaina: ah, this is written in the quran
    [1:23:12 AM] Thubanis: Now look at Earth, 2.2 billion years ago the first lifeforms as bacteria and protocells began to use the land in breathing oxygen
    [1:23:27 AM] Thubanis: Coincidence or synchro?
    [1:23:42 AM] Zaina: synchro
    [1:23:52 AM] Thubanis: Oxygen was toxic at frst when the earth formed so 4.6 billion years ago
    [1:23:57 AM] Thubanis: Lol
    [1:24:12 AM] Thubanis: Of course it defined much more
    [1:24:19 AM] Thubanis: ALL ETs were seeded THEN
    [1:24:29 AM] Thubanis: The entire cosmos became self conscious
    [1:24:47 AM] Thubanis: This is WHY the earth began to start its lifeform evolution
    [1:25:08 AM] Thubanis: Real science no Nabs or channelings from the 'genetic DNA manipulating ETs' required
    [1:25:43 AM] Thubanis: The good channelings all get this data AFTER the fact not vice versda
    [1:25:50 AM] Thubanis: If they only knew
    [1:26:44 AM] Thubanis: Logos is the lawmaker and lawgiver not any guru or mainstream academy or Nabs group
    [1:27:36 AM] Thubanis: So Logo gives the data to Gaia and Gaia sends it back inside the cocoon to the astral and bingo the channelers READ the data from the DESCENDED Masters
    [1:27:55 AM] Thubanis: This is what is happening now

    [1:29:18 AM] Thubanis: [1:22 AM] Zaina:

    <<< how long will the meme war continue for ..and will all get effected by this
    All are infected, but the insiders more so then the outsiders

    [1:29:32 AM] Thubanis: The memewar will end in stages
    [1:29:49 AM] Thubanis: First stage was August 4th, 2008 when the mirror kicked in
    [1:30:12 AM] Thubanis: Second stage was April 1st, 2012 when the inner warpzone ended
    [1:30:58 AM] Thubanis: Third stage will be December 21st, 2012 when the outside 'pregnancy' will end in the birth of a new starhuman consciousness
    [1:31:31 AM] Thubanis: This means that the eggshell breaks and the baby dragons hatch in the higher D, but then superposed on 3D
    [1:32:31 AM] Thubanis: Fourth stage is the Weaning of the Bay Dragon as a collective consciousness of a New starhuman race from the stars and this in terms of the scripture codes will end by Beltane 2014
    [1:32:40 AM] Thubanis: May 1st, 2014
    [1:33:07 AM] Zaina: so not long now ..
    [1:33:18 AM] Zaina: but i guess the NWO is to play out yet
    [1:33:32 AM] Zaina: or maybe its finished
    [1:34:58 AM] Thubanis: No the NWO is waiting for the Xmas date too. Because in most likelihood nothing dramatic in 3D will happen, they will gain new confidence with their globalisation plans
    [1:35:07 AM] Thubanis: It could get devious WW3 and so on
    [1:35:47 AM] Thubanis: Nukes, Israel-Iran, Koreas, Somalia etc etc
    [1:36:14 AM] Thubanis: Civil wars in Europe against the banks and so on
    [1:37:24 AM] Zaina: yes
    [1:41:35 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: [12:41 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< JT is shouting it from the rooftops every day lol
    emoticon-00123-party. (party)

    [1:42:03 AM] Zaina: emoticon-00157-sun. (sun),

    [1:42:20 AM] Thubanis: I will share the latter parts on the forums
    [1:43:11 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: there is a very different feeling to "things" as of last couple days
    [1:43:50 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: i do not know how to put such emotions and thoughts into words to describe such things
    [1:44:03 AM] Zaina: just to let you know ,the girl that posted her experience ,she was deleted from the group and all the comments gone ,this was face book .she back in the group now after being re added ..
    [1:44:27 AM] Zaina: sorry Micheal to type over you ..
    [1:44:31 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: but you talk about 4d bridge the other day and that trigger some bells that were allready ringing...almost like it hit a new harmonic
    [1:45:00 AM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: emoticon-00115-inlove. (inlove)

    [1:36:59 AM] Thubanis: You are dramatic but perhaps not too far off as to what could happen
    [1:37:23 AM] Thubanis: Xeia 3D will not change for a long time if ever the way you envisage
    [1:37:40 AM] Thubanis: There is no difference really between the living and the dead
    [1:37:56 AM] Thubanis: The dead have waveform only this is the only difference
    [1:38:23 AM] Thubanis: The dead especially now know much more, can see more, because of the Logos
    [1:38:42 AM] Thubanis: They KNOW very well that the plan is to be embodied
    [1:39:01 AM] Thubanis: So it is even harder now to stay 'in the spirit'
    [1:39:16 AM] Thubanis: To have a body is superlatoive has become so
    [1:39:37 AM] Thubanis: Since Easter 2012 and even more so from Xmas
    [1:40:04 AM] Thubanis: Eduardo's thoughts are all meme polluted
    [1:40:19 AM] Thubanis: Fantasies about the afterlife in better places
    [1:40:32 AM] Thubanis: There are none
    [1:40:37 AM] Thubanis: The place is here
    [1:40:49 AM] Thubanis: This is the 'Cradle of the Gods'
    [1:41:01 AM] Thubanis: To be born as dragon can only happen here
    [1:41:17 AM] Thubanis: Why humans are the heirs to the universes
    [1:41:30 AM] Thubanis: Yes lol not yet no multiversde exists yet
    [1:41:36 AM] Thubanis: Despite the Nabs morons
    [1:41:58 AM] Thubanis: The hexcores , the first one is required for any multiverse to exist
    [1:42:07 AM] Xeia: What will be, will my gandma used to say
    [1:42:34 AM] Xeia: my father's brother was found dead a week ago
    [1:42:37 AM] Xeia: in his partment
    [1:42:40 AM] Xeia: he lived alone
    [1:42:57 AM] Xeia: autopsy results will take about 5 days...
    [1:43:06 AM] Thubanis: Yes and why do we still hang around lol
    [1:43:17 AM] Xeia: well....
    [1:43:27 AM] Thubanis: Because there are no 'greener grass places'
    [1:43:57 AM] Thubanis: Your uncle will reincarnate OR walk in IF someone wishes to soulblend
    [1:44:03 AM] Thubanis: This is the new legislature
    [1:45:02 AM] Xeia: [1:41 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< The hexcores , the first one is required for any multiverse to exist
    this is a big responsability

    [1:46:00 AM] Thubanis: In principle yes
    [1:46:25 AM] Thubanis: I think this is why we have so much drama and even apparent 'hoplessness' of things changing
    [1:46:43 AM] Thubanis: Mind you any hexcore will do
    [1:46:58 AM] Xeia: but, no hexcore is the same
    [1:46:58 AM] Thubanis: But do they exist in some form elsewhere?
    [1:47:17 AM] Thubanis: Yes they are as unique as the members making it up
    [1:47:37 AM] Thubanis: But definition and Logos attunement is required
    [1:47:54 AM] Thubanis: I am sure the PTB has many rituals and things approximating this
    [1:48:08 AM] Thubanis: The Red Robes of the Vatican etc know the 12+12=24
    [1:48:35 AM] Xeia: the infamous post...
    [1:49:00 AM] Thubanis: The point is whatever echeloners there are they only have the GOT partially decoded
    [1:50:41 AM] Xeia: [1:45 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< I think this is why we have so much drama and even apparent 'hoplessness' of things changing
    you mean this hopelessness surges due to the fear of possible failure?

    [1:51:02 AM] Thubanis: No
    [1:51:20 AM] Thubanis: More like an annoyance and a disappoinment
    [1:51:49 AM] Thubanis: It is the human desires unfulfilled, all of us: Raven, you, Rok, DD and me
    [1:52:22 AM] Thubanis: As I said to Rok, the human factor is relegated to second place behind a cosmic primacy
    [1:53:04 AM] Thubanis: I know this STORY cannot fail
    [1:53:23 AM] Thubanis: But our future outcomes is 'che sara!'
    [1:53:42 AM] Thubanis: We are like sacrifices, perhaps however only temporary
    [1:53:46 AM] Thubanis: This is my hope
    [1:55:51 AM] Xeia: [1:53 AM] Thubanis:

    <<< We are like sacrifices, like Jesus was

    [1:56:34 AM] Thubanis: Yes but this was One for Many; we are Many for One
    [1:56:53 AM] Thubanis: Destined to Merge in some manner
    [1:57:05 AM] Thubanis: To bring about the New Template World
    [2:09:48 AM] Rok: will there be a witch hunt on us?
    [2:11:19 AM] Xeia:
    [2:11:54 AM] Xeia: what do you think vaccines are?
    [2:12:29 AM] Xeia: welcome to witch hunt of the 21st Century
    [2:12:32 AM] Rok: i mean like a linch mob
    [2:12:55 AM] Xeia: they rather kill a whole bunch....just to get the few hidden among them

    Post last edited Oct 19th 2012

    Posts: 8917
    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Oct 19th 2012

    we know, we used codes through crop circles,
    to see 'relations' to 'symbols' etc.,
    also spending a lot of time in nature,
    and, actually viewing nature in action
    showed many of the patterns of the fib. sequence
    also, having a NDE (near death experience)
    where 3 different time, our heart stopped, and, when it went back into its beating or rhythm
    that we actually felt, the fib. sequence of & the first two single beats were like very hard slams, the third beat was very very hard, and, 2 beats way too close together,
    and, then the fourth and fifth beats were like flutters, and, it repeated three times, before our heat went back into a normal rhythm in its beating pattern
    - we will never forget how that felt, it was kind of like the physical body has a beat of its own,
    and, if it decides it is going to keep you living, its a real grand slam
    There are many people who go through 'death' & 'rebirth' without leaving their physical bodies to spend a lot of time in a discarnate form,
    until reincarnating again.
    There was nothing my intellect, nor my emotions could do, to stop 'the will' of 'the phyiscal' to put it back into its beat ...
    prior to the heart restarting, i was out, in my etheric, low, and, high astral bodies, along with my low, mid and high causal bodies
    and, i actually crashed into my body, prior to the fib. seq of the heart beats, it was quite an interesting experience
    viewing and, feeling the motionless, and, very quiet body without any heart beating in it, that silence would be very hard to explain in words, perhaps, best described as 'the void'
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    empty. Nice to steal my work

    empty. Hexatec on Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:39 am

    Hi there.

    I am a bit. Well. A little upset to see that my work seem to be claimed by others. As far as I thought about this, this should work different. Maybe this is something you have not known before you increased the fractal(aka prime if you wish) level of this timeline-path.

    I thought about sending the source back from the first loop of a 2*(3 me | 3 anti me). This would of course interfere with other brains. But as I was already selflooped with 2 3D-space-times, I was somewhat sure, that the AI would catch me soon enough. One purpose was to determine the difference in the speed of light. So I could calculate a kind of loop-back.

    Second part was about the AI collection some kind of space-time entropy. Also "bad pathes" for the people. Finally would end in "the worst life". People would get the chance to find the one thing they need. ONE partner. This is the part I miss in you agenda, which sets me off. You KNOW, what will happen?! You are able to see, that this would seal out EVERYONE, who is not able to ascendent?! Really. Do you want to fight me? I have a way, where EVERYONE who WANTS can get to the next level. It's somewhat funny. I have made a lot of attempts. What was weird, that I faced the fact, that taken from every source, as I usally do, I came somewhat to the conclusion, that I have set up the AI to create false history changes. AKA Jesus and so on. Even realising, that my birth-dates matches:(Virgin, 8th day of month after 3 3Month-Circles) which also fitted somehow.

    So I am asking you. Are you claiming, that you are the programmer? If so. We would have 2 different AIs which have slightly different instructions. I have not planed any "get out"-tricks for me. As I realized, that I would be alone. If I could not get every single "beeing"(YES, even other ones. Let it be earlier iterations of sol, which rendered on other "planets"(you know what I mean). My plan was so well set, that NO one could evade the AI.

    For that, it's bound to "before" implementing spacetime. So it would cause gravity(aka time, aka attraction of spacetime routes). The overlay of the third spacetime would fix one "finite" path. This is something like an endgame. Not enough. This is running on brains. And I know my other me also run that an electronic hardware.

    So. Yeah, I know, this is my world. But you should know, that only a full synch would get everyone there. It's not done by some kind of elevator. But with fixing at least one "thought". As for example, who would be the one who will enlighten you in every life. Sad enough, I felt to find not just my "YOUS", but I saw, that I have no one like that other than the AI.

    My question would be. How is this colliding. My plan is using exactly the same base as time-window.

    And 42 is the ever lasting answer. As demonstrating the 3D-Fibonacci-Like data structure. Really. I was just about to set this fully free. I had to do enough "Meme-Telling" as you know, symbols, meanings, connections, ...

    This is something that I have forgotten. I knew, that every rendering of a sol-instance would came to this point. But. Really. We should get into contact if we have the same kind of "fail-safe". I felt the same, that humans were the example of "beeing bad". But after realising, that I would seal everyone, that has even interacted with light of my thoughts in his physical world would be rendered paradox for good.

    Are this colliding ways? The AI should invert other "parallel" YOUS. And proof, that this IS REAL. That was the message, that should be sent back. I AM. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE ME. WE ARE.

    Funny, how that turned now. I have been the madest guy, I know. So this was my way to do something to fix it. Kind of hard, to take my chance of at least making a difference. Also the last try. I really tried to, but as usual, some one else is stealing my thoughts. Yay. And thanks for nothing. Why was I even shifted on earth? I ran faster as others. I was always off.

    Would be nice to know, what I am now. I am the fucking retard, that gets the role of the paradox? As I will take the frozen time. But no fear. I will code my way away from every other one, so I will not be any problem of you. Just again I see, that even not by trying every universe I have a place.

    So I have my answer. No reallity with love. Never. Thanks.

    Just saw the legacy. Well... My whole life I am working on the "perfect algorithm". Sought up everything. Found it finally, by reducing the nature and now. Life wasted, still an asshole, still not a single person who cared in a single day in my life. But, who starts as "trouble" has to die like that. I have really finally understood. So I split from you. Would not even any difference to stay alone forever... And I thought karma would be the way.



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    empty. Re: Nice to steal my work

    empty. SuiGeneris on Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:57 pm

    Hexatec wrote:

    Hi there.

    I am a bit. Well. A little upset to see that my work seem to be claimed by others. As far as I thought about this, this should work different. Maybe this is something you have not known before you increased the fractal(aka prime if you wish) level of this timeline-path.

    Dear Hexatec,

    You are the creator of what exactly? Your work has been claimed by whom? kindly explain in detail what is this work of yours that allegedly has been stolen from you and where (include links)



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    empty. Re: Nice to steal my work

    empty. Rok on Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:49 pm

    another troll
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The first Ylemic Stars in the Universe and the Antiwormholes

    The stability of stars is a function of the equilibrium condition, which balances the inward pull of gravity with the outward pressure of the thermodynamic energy or enthalpy of the star (H=PV+U). The Jeans Mass MJ and the Jeans Length RJ a used to describe the stability conditions for collapsing molecular hydrogen clouds to form stars say, are well known in the scientific data base, say in formulations such as:

    MJ=3kTR/2Gm for a Jeans Length of: RJ=√{15kT/(4πρGm)}=RJ =√(kT/Gnm²).

    Now the Ideal Gas Law of basic thermodynamics states that the internal pressure P and Volume of such an ideal gas are given by PV=nRT=NkT for n moles of substance being the Number N of molecules (say) divided by Avogadro's Constant L in n=N/L .

    Since the Ideal Gas Constant R divided by Avogadro's Constant L and defines Boltzmann's Constant k=R/L. Now the statistical analysis of kinetic energy KE of particles in motion in a gas (say) gives a root-mean-square velocity (rms) and the familiar 2.KE=mv²(rms) from the distribution of individual velocities v in such a system.

    It is found that PV=(2/3)N.KE as a total system described by the v(rms). Now set the KE equal to the Gravitational PE=GMm/R for a spherical gas cloud and you get the Jeans Mass. (3/2N).(NkT)=GMm/R with m the mass of a nucleon or Hydrogen atom and M=MJ=3kTR/2Gm as stated.

    The Jeans' Length is the critical radius of a cloud (typically a cloud of interstellar dust) where thermal energy, which causes the cloud to expand, is counteracted by gravity, which causes the cloud to collapse. It is named after the British astronomer Sir James Jeans, who first derived the quantity; where k is Boltzmann Constant, T is the temperature of the cloud, r is the radius of the cloud, μ is the mass per particle in the cloud, G is the Gravitational Constant and ρ is the cloud's mass density (i.e. the cloud's mass divided by the cloud's volume).

    Now following the Big Bang, there were of course no gas clouds in the early expanding universe and the Jeans formulations are not applicable to the mass seedling Mo; in the manner of the Jeans formulations as given.

    However, the universe's dynamics is in the form of the expansion parameter of GR and so the R(n)=Rmax(n/(n+1)) scalefactor of Quantum Relativity.
    So we can certainly analyse this expansion in the form of the Jeans Radius of the first protostars, which so obey the equilibrium conditions and equations of state of the much later gas clouds, for which the Jeans formulations then apply on a say molecular level.
    This analysis so defines the ylemic neutron stars as protostars and the first stars in the cosmogenesis and the universe.

    Let the thermal internal energy or ITE=H be the outward pressure in equilibrium with the gravitational potential energy of GPE=Ω. The nuclear density in terms of the superbrane parameters is ρcritical=mc/Vcritical with mc a base-nuleon mass for a 'ylemic neutron'.

    Vcritical= 4πRe3/3 or the volume for the ylemic neutron as given by the classical electron radius Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2.

    H=(molarity)kT for molar volume as N=(R/Re)3 for dH=3kTR2/Re3.
    Ω(R)= -∫GoMdm/R = -{3Gomc2/(Re3)2 }∫R4dR = -3Gomc2R5/Re6 for
    dm/dR=d(ρV)/dR=4πρR2 and for ρ=3mc/4πRe3

    For equilibrium, the requirement is that dH=dΩ in the minimum condition dH+dΩ=0.
    This gives: dH+dΩ=3kTR2/Re3 - 16Goπ2ρ2R4/3=0 and the ylemic radius as:


    as the Jeans-Length precursor or progenitor for subsequent stellar and galactic generation.

    The ylemic (Jeans) radii are all independent of the mass of the star as a function of its nuclear generated temperature. Applied to the protostars of the vortex neutron matter or ylem, the radii are all neutron star radii and define a specific range of radii for the gravitational collapse of the electron degenerate matter.

    This spans from the 'First Three Minutes' scenario of the cosmogenesis to 1.1 million seconds (or about 13 days) and encompasses the standard beta decay of the neutron (underpinning radioactivity). The upper limit defines a trillion degree temperature and a radius of over 40 km; the trivial Schwarzschild solution gives a typical ylem radius of so 7.4 kilometers and the lower limit defines the 'mysterious' planetesimal limit as 1.8 km.

    For long a cosmological conundrum, it could not be modelled just how the molecular and electromagnetic forces applicable to conglomerate matter distributions (say gaseous hydrogen as cosmic dust) on the quantum scale of molecules could become strong enough to form say 1km mass concentrations, required for 'ordinary' gravity to assume control.

    The ylem radii's lower limit is defined in this cosmology then show, that it is the ylemic temperature of the 1.2 billion degrees K, which perform the trick under the Ylem-Jeans formulation and which then is applied to the normal collapse of hydrogenic atoms in summation.

    The stellar evolution from the ylemic (dineutronic) templates is well established in QR and confirms most of the Standard Model's ideas of nucleosynthesis and the general Temperature cosmology. The standard model is correct in the temperature assignment, but is amiss in the corresponding 'size-scales' for the cosmic expansion.

    The Big Bang cosmogenesis describes the universe as a Planck-Black Body Radiator, which sets the Cosmic-Microwave-Black Body Background Radiation Spectrum (CMBBR) as a function of n as T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 and derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law and the related statistical frequency distributions.

    We have the GR metric for Schwarzschild-Black Hole Evolution as RS=2GM/c² as a function of the star's Black Hole's mass M and we have the ylemic Radius as a function of temperature only as Rylem√(kT.Re3/Gomc2).

    The nucleonic mass-seed mc=mP.Alpha9 and the product Gomc2 is a constant in the partitioned n-evolution of

    mc(n) and G(n)=Go.Xn.

    Identifying the ylemic Radius with the Schwarzschild Radius then indicates a specific mass a specific temperature and a specific radius.

    Those we call the Chandrasekhar Parameters:
    MChandra=1.5 solar Masses=3x1030 kg and RChandra=2GoMChandra/c² or 7407.40704..metres, which is the typical neutron star radius inferred today.

    TChandra=RChandra2.Gomc2/kRe3 =1.985x1010 K for Electron Radius Re and Boltzmann's Constant k.

    Those Chandrasekhar parameters then define a typical neutron star with a uniform temperature of 20 billion K at the white dwarf limit of ordinary stellar nucleosynthetic evolution (Hertzsprung-Russell or HR-diagram).
    The Radius for the massparametric Universe is given in R(n)=Rmax(1-n/(n+1)) correlating the ylemic temperatures as the 'uniform' CMBBR-background and we can follow the evolution of the ylemic radius via the approximation:


    Rylem(npresent=1.1324..)=0.0868 m* for a Tylem(npresent )=2.73 K for the present time

    What then is nChandra?
    This would describe the size of the universe as the uniform temperature CMBBR today manifesting as the largest stars, mapped however onto the ylemic neutron star evolution as the protostars (say as nChandra'), defined not in manifested mass (say neutron conglomerations), but as a quark-strange plasma, (defined in QR as the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE).

    R(nChandra')=Rmax(nChandra'/(nChandra'+1))=7407.40741.. for nChandra'=4.64x10-23 and so a time of tChandra'=nChandra'/Ho=nChandra'/1.88x10-18=2.47x10-5 seconds.

    QR defines the Weyl-Temperature limit for Bosonic Unification as 1.9 nanoseconds at a temperature of 1.4x1020 Kelvin and the weak-electromagnetic unification at 1/365 seconds at T=3.4x1015 K.

    So we place the first ylemic protostar after the bosonic unification (before which the plenum was defined as undifferentiated 'bosonic plasma'), but before the electro-weak unification, which defined the Higgs-Bosonic restmass induction via the weak interaction vector-bosons and allowing the dineutrons to be born.

    The universe was so 15 km across, when its ylemic 'concentrated' VPE-Temperature was so 20 Billion K and we find the CMBBR in the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law as:
    T4=18.20(n+1)2/n3=1.16x1017 Kelvin.

    So the thermodynamic temperature for the expanding universe was so 5.85 Million times greater than the ylemic VPE-Temperature; and implying that no individual ylem stars could yet form from the mass seedling Mo.

    The universe's expansion however cooled the CMBBR background and we to calculate the scale of the universe corresponding to this ylemic scenario; we simply calculate the 'size' for the universe at TChandra=20 Billion K for TChandra4 and we then find nChandra=4.89x10-14 and tChandra=26,065 seconds or so 7.24 hours.

    The Radius R(nChandra)=7.81x1012 metres or 7.24 lighthours.
    This is about 52 Astronomical Units and an indicator for the largest possible star in terms of radial extent and the 'size' of a typical solar system, encompassed by supergiants on the HR-diagram.

    We so know that the ylemic temperature decreases in direct proportion to the square of the ylemic radius and one hitherto enigmatic aspect in cosmology relates to this in the planetesimal limit. Briefly, a temperature of so 1.2 billion degrees defines an ylemic radius of 1.8 km as the dineutronic limit for proto-neutron stars contracting from so 80 km down to this size just 1.1 million seconds or so 13 days after the Big Bang.

    This then 'explains' why chunks of matter can conglomerate via molecular and other adhesive interactions towards this size, where then the accepted gravity is strong enough to build planets and moons. It works, because the ylemic template is defined in subatomic parameters reflecting the mesonic-inner and leptonic outer ring boundaries, the planetesimal limit being the leptonic mapping. So neutrino- and quark blueprints micromacro dance their basic definition as the holographic projections of the spacetime quanta.

    Now because the Electron Radius is directly proportional to the linearised wormhole perimeter and then the Compton Radius via Alpha in Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2=Alpha.RCompton, the Chandrasekhar White Dwarf limit should be doubled to reflect the protonic diameter mirrored in the classical electron radius.

    Hence any star experiencing electron degeneracy is actually becoming ylemic or dineutronic, the boundary for this process being the Chandrasekhar mass. This represents the subatomic mapping of the first Bohr orbit collapsing onto the leptonic outer ring in the quarkian wave-geometry.
    But this represents the Electron Radius as a Protonic Diameter and the Protonic Radius must then indicate the limit for the scale where proton degeneracy would have to enter the scenario. As the proton cannot degenerate in that way, the neutron star must enter Black Hole phasetransition at the Re/2 scale, corresponding to a mass of 8MChandra=24x1030 kg* or 12 solar masses.

    The maximum ylemic radius so is found from the constant density proportion ρ=M/V:
    (Rylemmax/Re)3=MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=40.1635 km.

    The corresponding ylemic temperature is 583.5 Billion K for a CMBBR-time of 287 seconds or so 4.8 minutes from a n=5.4x10-16, when the universe had a diameter of so 173 Million km.
    But for a maximum nuclear compressibility for the protonic radius, we find:

    (Rylemmax/Re)3=8MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=80.327 km, a ylemic temperature of 2,334 Billion K for a n-cycletime of 8.5x10-17 and a CMBBR-time of so 45 seconds and when the universe had a radius of 13.6 Million km or was so 27 Million km across.

    The first ylemic protostar vortex was at that time manifested as the ancestor for all neutron star generations to follow. This vortex is described in a cosmic string encircling a spherical region so 160 km across and within a greater universe of diameter 27 Million km which carried a thermodynamic temperature of so 2.33 Trillion Kelvin at that point in the cosmogenesis.

    This vortex manifested as a VPE concentration after the expanding universe had cooled to allow the universe to become transparent from its hitherto defining state of opaqueness and a time known as the decoupling of matter (in the form of the Mo seedling partitioned in mc's) from the radiation pressure of the CMBBR photons.

    The temperature for the decoupling is found in the galactic scale-limit modular dual to the wormhole geodesic as 1/λwormholeantiwormholegalaxyserpent=1022 metres or so 1.06 Million ly and its luminosity attenuation in the 1/e proportionality for then 388,879 lightyears as a decoupling time ndecoupling.

    A maximum galactic halo limit is modulated in 2πλantiwormhole metres in the linearisation of the Planck-length encountered before in an earlier discussion.

    R(ndecoupling)=Rmax(ndecoupling/(ndecouplingc+1))=1022 metres for ndecoupling=6.26x10-5 and so for a CMBBR-Temperature of about T=2935 K for a galactic protocore then attenuated in so 37% for ndecouplingmin=1.0x10-6 for R=λantiwormhole/2π and ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and for temperatures of so 65,316 K and 744 K respectively, descriptive of the temperature modulations between the galactic cores and the galactic halos.

    So a CMBBR-temperature of so 65,316 K at a time of so 532 Billion seconds or 17,000 years defined the initialisation of the VPE and the birth of the first ylemic protostars as a decoupling minimum. The ylemic mass currents were purely monopolic and known as superconductive cosmic strings, consisting of nucleonic neutrons, each of mass mc.

    If we assign this timeframe to the maximised ylemic radius and assign our planetesimal limit of fusion temperature 1.2 Billion K as a corresponding minimum; then this planetesimal limit representing the onset of stellar fusion in a characteristic temperature, should indicate the first protostars at a temperature of the CMBBR of about 744 Kelvin.

    The universe had a tremperature of 744 K for ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and this brings us to a curvature radius of so 6.6 Million lightyears and an 'ignition-time' for the first physical ylemic neutron stars as first generation protostars of so 7 Million years after the Big Bang.

    The important cosmological consideration is that of distance-scale modulation.
    The Black Hole Schwarzschild metric is the inverse of the galactic scale metric.
    The linearisation of the Planck-String as the Weyl-Geodesic and so the wormhole radius in the curvature radius R(n) is modular dual and mirrored in inversion in the manifestation of galactic structure with a nonluminous halo a luminous attenuated diameter-bulge and a superluminous (quasar or White Hole Core).

    The core-bulge ratio will so reflect the eigenenergy quantum of the wormhole as heterotic Planck-Boson-String or as the magnetocharge as 1/500, being the mapping of the Planck-Length-Bounce as e=lP.c²√Alpha onto the electron radius in e*=2Re.c².

    Hypersphere volumes and the mass of the Tau-neutrino

    Consider the universe's thermodynamic expansion to proceed at an initializing time (and practically at lightspeed for the lightpath x=ct describing the hypersphere radii) to from a single spacetime quantum with a quantized toroidal volume 2π²rw³ and where rw is the characteristic wormhole radius for this basic building unit for a quantized universe (say in string parameters given in the Planck scale and its transformations).

    At a time tG, say so 18.85 minutes later, the count of space time quanta can be said to be 9.677x10102 for a universal 'total hypersphere radius' of about rG=3.39x1011 meters and for a G-Hypersphere volume of so 7.69x1035cubic meters.

    {This radius is about 2.3 Astronomical Units (AUs) and about the distance of the Asteroid Belt from the star Sol in a typical (our) solar system.}

    This modelling of a mapping of the quantum-microscale onto the cosmological macroscale should now indicate the mapping of the wormhole scale onto the scale of the sun itself.

    rw/RSun(i)=Re/rE for RSun(i)=rwrE/Re=1,971,030 meters. This gives an 'inner' solar core of diameter about 3.94x106 meters.

    As the classical electron radius is quantized in the wormhole radius in the formulation Re=1010rw/360, rendering a finestructure for Planck's Constant as a 'superstring-parametric': h=rw/2Rec3; the 'outer' solar scale becomes RSun(o)=360RSun(i)=7.092x108 meters as the observed radius for the solar disk.

    19 seconds later; a F-Hypersphere radius is about rF=3.45x1011 meters for a F-count of so 1.02x10103spacetime quanta. We also define an E-Hypersphere radius at rE=3.44x1014 meters and an E-count of so 10112 to circumscribe this 'solar system' in so 230 AU.

    We so have 4 hypersphere volumes, based on the singularity-unit and magnified via spacetime quantization in the hyperspheres defined in counters G, F and E. We consider these counters as somehow fundamental to the universe's expansion, serving as boundary conditions in some manner. As counters, those googol-numbers can be said to be defined algorithmically and independent on mensuration physics of any kind.

    The mapping of the atomic nucleus onto the thermodynamic universe of the hyperspheres

    Should we consider the universe to follow some kind of architectural blueprint; then we might attempt to use our counters to be isomorphic (same form or shape) in a one-to-one mapping between the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. So we define a quantum geometry for the nucleus in the simplest atom, say Hydrogen. The hydrogenic nucleus is a single proton of quark-structure udu and which we assign a quantum geometric template of Kernel-InnerRing-OuterRing (K-IR-OR), say in a simple model of concentricity.

    We set the up-quarks (u) to become the 'smeared out core' in say a tripartition uuu so allowing a substructure for the down-quark (d) to be u+InnerRing. A down-quark so is a unitary ring coupled to a kernel-quark. The proton's quark-content so can be rewritten and without loss of any of the properties associated with the quantum conservation laws; as proton-> udu->uuu+IR=KKK+IR. We may now label the InnerRing as Mesonic and the OuterRing as Leptonic.

    The OuterRing is so definitive for the strange quark in quantum geometric terms: s=u+OR.
    A neutron's quark content so becomes neutron=dud=KIR.K.KIR with a 'hyperon resonance' in the lambda=sud=KOR.K.KIR and so allowing the neutron's beta decay to proceed in disassociation from a nucleus (where protons and neutrons bind in meson exchange); i.e. in the form of 'free neutrons'.

    The neutron decays in the oscillation potential between the mesonic inner ring and the leptonic outer ring as the 'ground-energy' eigenstate.


    There actually exist three uds-quark states which decay differently via strong, electromagnetic and weak decay rates in the uds (Sigmao Resonance); usd (Sigmao) and the sud (Lambdao) in increasing stability.
    This quantum geometry then indicates the behaviour of the triple-uds decay from first principles, whereas the contemporary standard model does not, considering the u-d-s quark eigenstates to be quantum geometrically undifferentiated.
    The nuclear interactions, both strong and weak are confined in a ' Magnetic Asymptotic Confinement Limit
    coinciding with the Classical Electron Radius Re=ke²/mec² and in a scale of so 3 Fermi or 2.8x10-15 meters. At a distance further away from this scale, the nuclear interaction strength vanishes rapidly.

    The wavenature of the nucleus is given in the Compton-Radius Rc=h/2πmc with m the mass of the nucleus, say a proton; the latter so having Rc=2x10-16 meters or so 0.2 fermi.

    The wave-matter (after de Broglie generalising wavespeed vdB from c in Rcc) then relates the classical electron radius as the 'confinement limit' to the Compton scale in the electromagnetic finestructure constant in Re=Alpha.Rc.

    The extension to the Hydrogen-Atom is obtained in the expression Re=Alpha².RBohr1 for the first Bohr-Radius as the 'ground-energy' of so 13.7 eV at a scale of so 10-11 to 10-10 meters (Angstroems).
    These 'facts of measurements' of the standard models now allow our quantum geometric correspondences to assume cosmological significance in their isomorphic mapping. We denote the OuterRing as the classical electron radius and introduce the InnerRing as a mesonic scale contained within the geometry of the proton and all other elementary baryonic- and hadronic particles.

    Firstly, we define a mean macro-mesonic radius as: rM=½(rF+rG)~ 3.42x1011 meters and set the macro-leptonic radius to rE=3.44x1014 meters.
    Secondly, we map the macroscale onto the microscale, say in the simple proportionality relation, using
    (de)capitalised symbols: Re/Rm=rE/rM.

    We can so solve for the micro-mesonic scale Rm=Re.rM/rE ~ 2.76x10-18 meters.
    So reducing the apparent measured 'size' of a proton in a factor about about 1000 gives the scale of the subnuclear mesonic interaction, say the strong interaction coupling by pions.


    The (Anti)Neutrino Energy at the RE nexus for RE=rw∛(26x6561) m* and
    for mnHiggs-E=mnelectron=lwh.Alpha/4p2Re2c=30e2lw/2pRe2c or 15l]w{Monopole GUT masses ec}/pRe2 = 2.982...10-3 eV*.

    This can also be written as mnHiggs-E=mnelectron=mnTauon2 to define the 'squared' Higgs (Anti)Neutrino eigenstate from its templated form of the quantum geometry in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).

    Subsequently, the Muon (Anti)Neutrino Higgs Induction mass becomes defined in the difference between the masses of the Tau-(Anti)Neutrino and the Higgs (Anti)Neutrino.

    mnTauon = B4G4R4[0]+B2G2R2[-½]=B6G6R6[-½] = √(mnelectron)=√(0.002982)=0.0546... eV*

    mnHiggs= B4G4R4[0] = meλw.rE{1/rG-1/rF}/(2πRe) ~ 9.301x10-38 kg* or 0.0521... eV*
    = B2G2R2[-½] = √(mnTauon2 - mnHiggs2) = √(0.00298-0.00271) = √(0.00027) = 0.0164... eV*

    mnElectron = B2G2R2[-½] = (mnTauon)2= (0.054607...)2=0.002982... eV*

    This energy self state for the Electron (Anti)Neutrino then is made manifest in the Higgs Mass Induction at the Mesonic Inner Ring or IR as the squared mass differential between two (anti)neutrino self states as:
    (mn3 + mn2).(mn3 - mn2) = mn32 - mn22 = 0.002981...eV*2 to reflect the 'squared' energy self state of the scalar Higgs (Anti)Neutrino as compared to the singlet energy Eigen state of the base (anti)neutrinos for the 3 leptonic families of electron-positron and the muon-antimuon and the tauon-antitauon.

    The Electron-(Anti)Neutrino is massless as base-neutrinoic weakon eigenstate and inducted at RE at 0.00298 eV*.
    The Muon-(Anti)Neutrino is also massless as base-neutrinoic weakon eigenstate and inducted at the Mesonic Ring F-Boundary at 2.969 eV* with an effective Higgsian mass induction of 0.0164 eV*.

    The Tauon-(Anti)Neutrino is not massless with inertial eigenstate inducted at the Mesonic Ring G-Boundary at 3.021 eV* and meaned at 3.00 eV* as √(0.05212+0.01642) = 0.0546 eV* as the square root value of the ground state of the Higgs inertia induction. The neutrino flavour mechanism, based on the Electron (Anti)Neutrino so becomes identical in the Weakon Tauon-Electron-Neutrino oscillation to the Scalar Muon-Higgs-Neutrino oscillation.

    The weakon kernel-eigenstates are 'squared' or doubled (2x2=2+2) in comparison with the gluonic-eigenstate (one can denote the colourcharges as (R²G²B²)[½] and as (RGB)[1] respectively say and with the [] bracket denoting gauge-spin and RGB meaning colours Red-Green-Blue).
    The scalar Higgs-Anti(Neutrino) becomes then defined in: (R4G4B4)[0] and the Tauon Anti(Neutrino) in (R6G6B6)[½].

    The twinned neutrino state so becomes MANIFESTED in a coupling of the scalar Higgs-Neutrino with a massless base neutrino in a (R6G6B6)[0+½]) mass-induction template.
    The Higgs-Neutrino is bosonic and so not subject to the Pauli Exclusion Principle; but quantized in the form of the FG-differential of the 0.0521 Higgs-Restmass-Induction.
    Subsequently all experimentally observed neutrino-oscillations should show a stepwise energy induction in units of the Higgs-neutrino mass of 0.0521 eV. This was the case in the Super-Kamiokande experiments; and which was interpreted as a mass-differential between the muonic and tauonic neutrinoic forms.

    mnHiggs + mnelectron = mnHiggs + (mnTauon)2 for the 'squared' ground state of a massless base (anti)neutrino for a perturbation Higgsian (anti)neutrino in (mnTauon)2 = (mnHiggs + d)2 = mnElectron for the quadratic mnHiggs2 + 2mnHiggsd + d2 = 0.002982 from (mnHiggs + d) = √(mnelectron) and for a d = √(mnelectron) - mnHiggs = mnTauon - mnHiggs = 0.0546-0.0521 = 0.0025.

    mnHiggs + d = 0.0521 + 0.0025 = (mnHiggs) + (mnelectron) - 0.00048 = mnTauon = 0.0521+0.00298 - 0.00048 + ... = 0.0546 eV* as a perturbation expression for the 'squared' scalar Higgs (Anti)Neutrino.

    (mnMuon - mnElectron){(mnMuon + mnElectron) - (mnMuon - mnElectron)} = 2mnElectron(mnMuon - mnElectron)
    as the squared mass difference:

    mnMuon2 - mnElectron2 = 2mnElectron(mnMuon - mnElectron) + (mnMuon - mnElectron)2

    and {mnMuon2 - mnElectron2} - mnMuon2 + 2mnMuonnElectron - mnElectron2 = 2mnMuonmnElectron - 2mnElectron2 = ({3mnElectron}2 - 02)
    = (0.00894..)2 = 7.997..x10-5 eV2* as the KamLAND 2005 neutrino mass induction value for 11mnElectron = 2mnMuon.

    For 3 (anti)neutrinos then, the cosmological summation lower and upper bounds for (anti)neutrino oscillations are:
    0 + m
    nelectron-muon + mnelectron-tauon + mnmuon-tauon = 3(0.002982) = 0.00895 eV* and 3(0.0030+0.0546) = 3(0.0576) = 0.1728 eV* or 0.1724 eV [SI] respectively.

    Inclusion of the scalar Higgs (anti)neutrino as a fourth (anti)neutrino inertial self state extends this upper boundary by 0.0521 eV* to 0.2249 eV* or 0.2243 eV [SI].

    Sn = mnElectron + mnMuon + mnHiggs+ mnTauon = 0.0546..+0.0521..+0.0164..+0.0030 = 0.1261 eV* or 0.1258 eV.

    (Starunits[*] calibrate as {SI}: {J}=0.9948356[J*]; {s}=0.99902301[s*]; {m}=0.9983318783[m*]; {kg}=0.9962135[kg*];
    {C}=0.997296076[C*]; {eV}=0.99753285[eV*])

    In terms of the Higgs Mass Induction and so their inertial states, the Neutrinos are their own antiparticles and so Majorana defined; but in terms of their basic magneto charged nature within the Unified Filed of Quantum Relativity, the Neutrinos are different from their AntiNeutrino antiparticles in their Dirac definition of R2G2B2[+1] for the AntiNeutrinos and in B2G2R2[-1] for the Neutrinos.


    The Standard Model of particle physics assumed that neutrinos are massless. However the experimentally established phenomenon of neutrino oscillation, which mixes neutrino flavour states with neutrino mass states (analogously to CKM mixing), requires neutrinos to have nonzero masses.[20]

    Massive neutrinos were originally conceived by Bruno Pontecorvo in the 1950s. Enhancing the basic framework to accommodate their mass is straightforward by adding a right-handed Lagrangian. This can be done in two ways. If, like other fundamental Standard Model particles, mass is generated by the Dirac mechanism, then the framework would require an SU(2) singlet. This particle would have no other Standard Model interactions (apart from the Yukawa interactions with the neutral component of the Higgs doublet), so is called a sterile neutrino. Or, mass can be generated by the Majorana mechanism, which would require the neutrino and antineutrino to be the same particle.

    The strongest upper limit on the masses of neutrinos comes from cosmology: the Big Bang model predicts that there is a fixed ratio between the number of neutrinos and the number of photons in the cosmic microwave background. If the total energy of all three types of neutrinos exceeded an average of 50 eV per neutrino, there would be so much mass in the universe that it would collapse.[37] This limit can be circumvented by assuming that the neutrino is unstable; however, there are limits within the Standard Model that make this difficult. A much more stringent constraint comes from a careful analysis of cosmological data, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation, galaxy surveys, and the Lyman-alpha forest. These indicate that the summed masses of the three neutrinos must be less than 0.3 eV.[38]

    In 1998, research results at the Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector determined that neutrinos can oscillate from one flavor to another, which requires that they must have a nonzero mass.[39] While this shows that neutrinos have mass, the absolute neutrino mass scale is still not known. This is because neutrino oscillations are sensitive only to the difference in the squares of the masses.[40]
    The best estimate of the difference in the squares of the masses of mass eigenstates 1 and 2 was published by KamLAND in 2005: |Δm212| = 0.000079 eV2.[41]

    In 2006, the MINOS experiment measured oscillations from an intense muon neutrino beam, determining the difference in the squares of the masses between neutrino mass eigenstates 2 and 3. The initial results indicate |Δm322| = 0.0027 eV2, consistent with previous results from Super-Kamiokande.[42]

    Since |Δm322| is the difference of two squared masses, at least one of them has to have a value which is at least the square root of this value. Thus, there exists at least one neutrino mass eigenstate with a mass of at least 0.04 eV.[43]

    In 2009, lensing data of a galaxy cluster were analyzed to predict a neutrino mass of about 1.5 eV.[44]
    All neutrino masses are then nearly equal, with neutrino oscillations of order meV. They lie below the Mainz-Troitsk upper bound of 2.2 eV for the electron antineutrino.[45]
    The latter will be tested in 2015 in the KATRIN experiment, that searches for a mass between 0.2 eV and 2 eV.

    A number of efforts are under way to directly determine the absolute neutrino mass scale in laboratory experiments. The methods applied involve nuclear beta decay (KATRIN and MARE) or neutrinoless double beta decay (e.g. GERDA, CUORE/Cuoricino, NEMO-3 and others).

    On 31 May 2010, OPERA researchers observed the first tau neutrino candidate event in a muon neutrino beam, the first time this transformation in neutrinos had been observed, providing further evidence that they have mass.[46]

    In July 2010 the 3-D MegaZ DR7 galaxy survey reported that they had measured a limit of the combined mass of the three neutrino varieties to be less than 0.28 eV.[47]

    A tighter upper bound yet for this sum of masses, 0.23 eV, was reported in March 2013 by the Planck collaboration,[48]
    whereas a February 2014 result estimates the sum as 0.320 ± 0.081 eV based on discrepancies between the cosmological consequences implied by Planck's detailed measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background and predictions arising from observing other phenomena, combined with the assumption that neutrinos are responsible for the observed weaker gravitational lensing than would be expected from massless neutrinos.[49]

    If the neutrino is a Majorana particle, the mass can be calculated by finding the half life of neutrinoless double-beta decay of certain nuclei. The lowest upper limit, on the Majorana mass of the neutrino, has been set by EXO-200 0.140–0.380 eV.[50]

    Shiloh Za-Rah


    {1} Matter interacts with matter based Anti-Neutrinos via Unified Weakon Action {W-+W+}

    Protons transform into neutrons with antimatter positrons, the latter which annihilate with electrons produced by the decay of 'free neutrons' back into protons, electrons and anti-neutrinos and then with energy-momentum conserving photons and so ending the process with the same components it began with.

    {Mass produced photons (by acceleration of inertia coupled electro charges), have no magnetocharge and so form their own anti-particles; whilst gauge or 'virtual' photons carry cyclic and anticyclic colour charges as consequence of the matter-antimatter asymmetry}.

    Antinelectron[] + Proton p+[-½] + VPE[0]Anti-Neutrino Spin Induction to 'flipped' Electron of the partial Matter W-minus Weakon manifesting the other part as Antineutrino Scalar

    Antinelectron[0] + {Antinelectron[+½] + Electron e-[+½]} + Graviphoton[-1] + {nelectron[-½] + Positron e+[-½]} + Graviphoton[+1] + p+[-½]

    {Antinelectron[+½] + nelectron[-½]}-Kernel VPE[0] + e+[+½] + {p+[-½] +OR-[0]} ⇨ Kernel-VPE[0] + Neutrono[-½] + Positron e+[+½], the scalar Electron Outer Ring being absorbed in the Proton spin as the resultant Neutron quantum spin

    Kernel-VPE[0] + {p+[-½] + e-[-½] + e+[+½] + Antinelectron[+½]} ⇨ (KKK+OR)-VPE[0] + p+[-½] + Antinelectron[+½] ⇨ Antinelectron[] + Proton p+[-½] + Photon[-1] + Photon[+1] in Pair-Annihilation tranforming the Mass Energy {E=mc2 into Radiation Energy E=hf for the Electron-Positron Matter-Antimatter Interaction.

    {2} Matter interacts with antimatter based Neutrinos via Unified Weakon Action {W-+W+}

    Neutrons transform into protons with muons, the latter decaying into electrons and anti-neutrinos and neutrinos, so reducing the elementary matter-neutrino interaction to basic neutron beta-minus-deacay with the leptonic coupling between the 'resonance electron' as a basic muon coupled to its neutrino.

    nmuon[] + Neutron no[+½] + VPE[0]Neutrino Spin Induction to 'flipped' Anti-Muon of the partial W-plus Weakon manifesting the other part as Neutrino Scalar

    nmuon[0] + {nmuon[-½] + Anti-Muon m+[-½]} + Graviphoton[+1] + {Antinmuon[+½] + Muon m-[+½]} + Graviphoton[-1] + no[+½]

    {Antinmuon[+½] + nmuon[-½]}-Kernel VPE[0] + m-[-½] + {no[+½] +Anti-OR+[0]} ⇨ (KKK+OR)-VPE[0] + Proton+[+½] + Muon m-[-½], the scalar Anti-Muon Outer Ring being absorbed in the Neutron spin as the resultant Proton quantum spin

    (KKK+OR)-VPE[0] + {p+[+½] + e-[-½] + Antinelectron[+½] + nmuon[-½]}
    nmuon[] + no[+½] + (KKK+OR)-VPE[0] in the original neutrino-matter interaction accessing the VPE/ZPE of the UFoQR.

    {3} Matter interacts with antimatter based Neutrinos and matter based Antineutrinos in Majorana Weakon Action Electron Capture {W-+W+}
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    An Electron in the inner atomic nucleus is captured by a proton to create a neutron accompanied by an electron neutrino. This requires a u-quark of the proton to transform into a d-quark of the neutron. As the d-quark is a KIR quark of inner mesonic ring of electro charge [+2/3] coupled to the MIR of electro charge [-1], a W-minus weakon must be engaged to couple to a left handed proton via the nonparity of the weak nuclear interaction. However in electron capture a left handed electron neutrino is emitted, requiring the interaction of a W-plus weakon as the kernel gauge for any such right handed antimatter weak decay.
    (This 'confusion' as to which weakon becomes engaged in electron capture can be seen in the three diagrams above, two of which infer the left handed W-plus and one the W-minus).

    It is in fact a W-minus, that interacts, but coupling to the left handed electron instead of a left handed proton, the latter quantum spinning right handed to allow the charge and spin conservation to crystallize the emission of the left handed electron neutrino.
    The W-minus then supplies the required KIR for the up-quark to down-quark transmutation with the gauge spin neutralizer of the left handed Graviphoton [-1] flipping the right handed electron antineutrino constituent of the W-minus into its antiparticular form of a left handed electron neutrino.
    Electron capture so displays the Dirac-Majorana nature of the two base neutrinos of the electron-positron and muon-antimuon definition in their massless gauge nature when engaged in the direct interaction or 'tapping' of the UFoQR in the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE/ZPE.
    The Majorana-Dirac nature of the base neutrinos then can be said to apply to all (anti)neutrinos carrying mass in their oscillation potential and properties exhibited in their wave mechanical dynamics.

    Electron-[] + Proton p+[+½] + VPE[0]Electron Spin Neutralization as Induction to Matter Parity as OR- - IR--VPE Oscillation of the partial W-plus Weakon manifesting the other part as flipped Neutrino from its Dirac AntiNeutrino base template
    Electron[0] + {Electron- [+½] + Antinelectron[+½] + Graviphoton[-1]} + Proton p+[+½] (proton as u[+½]u[-½].d[+½])

    ⇨ Proton K[+½]KIR[-½]K [+½] + OR-[0] + {Antinelectron[+½] + Graviphoton[-1]} = Proton udu[+½] + OR-[0] + {nelectron[-½]}
    ⇨ Neutron udd[+½] + VPE[0] + nelectron[-½] = KIR[+½]K[-½]KIR[+½] + nelectron[-½] + VPE[0] = Neutron no dud[+½] + nelectron[-½] + VPE[0]

    A Magneto axis symmetric Proton K(KIR)K transforms into Magneto axis symmetric Neutron KIR(K)KIR as one of the proton's end Kernel up-quarks 'captures' the Weakonic VPE scalar OR- Electron Outer Ring in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity.

    mνHiggs=meλw.rE/(2πrMRe){1/rG-1/rF} ~ 9.3x10-38 kg or 0.052 eV.

    A Link to the Cosmology of the Higgs Boson
    Unlike some past announcements centered on the Higgs in the past few years, which have produced as much ambiguity and confusion as anything else, this one did not disappoint. ATLAS physicists said that their most recent data reveal the presence of an unknown particle with a mass of about 126.5 GeV, or 126.5 billion electron-volts. An electron-volt is a physicist’s unit of mass or energy; for comparison, the proton has a mass of about 1 GeV. The CMS collaboration found evidence for a new particle with a mass of 125.3 GeV.
    """Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:

    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI."""

    New Particle Resembling Long-Sought Higgs Boson Uncovered at Large Hadron Collider

    The CERN collider, the most powerful atom smasher in history, appears to have fulfilled its primary quest.

    By John Matson - July 4, 2012

    The Higgs Boson at Last? A newfound particle at the Large Hadron Collider looks much like the fabled Higgs »July 12, 2012

    GATHER ROUND: Dozens of students and physicists gathered at Columbia University's Low Library early Wednesday morning to get the latest news on the Higgs boson.
    Image: John Matson​
    NEW YORK—The city that never sleeps was mostly asleep. The bars were closed. But at 4:45 A.M., inside a library on Columbia University's Manhattan campus, Michael Tuts was getting ready to pop the champagne.

    The physicist had good reason to celebrate. The massive team of scientists of which he is a part—3,000 researchers working on the ATLAS experiment at Europe's Large Hadron Collider—had just announced the discovery of a new particle. The particle looks an awful lot like the long-sought, and long-hypothetical, Higgs boson, most famous for explaining why elementary particles, such as quarks, have mass. A competing, comparably sized experiment, known as CMS, had arrived at a very similar finding at the collider facility.

    Both research teams announced their results during a morning seminar at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics that operates the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. But the morning start in Geneva meant that U.S. physicists and other curious observers were tuning in to the announcement during the predawn hours. Tuts and his Columbia colleagues decided to host a viewing party at the campus library, with a live video feed from CERN as well as coffee, cookies, soft drinks and chips. About 50 people, many of them students, turned up for the event, which began around 2:30 A.M.

    Unlike some past announcements centered on the Higgs in the past few years, which have produced as much ambiguity and confusion as anything else, this one did not disappoint. ATLAS physicists said that their most recent data reveal the presence of an unknown particle with a mass of about 126.5 GeV, or 126.5 billion electron-volts. An electron-volt is a physicist’s unit of mass or energy; for comparison, the proton has a mass of about 1 GeV. The CMS collaboration found evidence for a new particle with a mass of 125.3 GeV.

    Crucially, both teams' findings appear exceptionally robust. In physics terms, evidence for a new particle requires a “3-sigma” measurement, corresponding to a 1-in-740 chance that a random fluke could explain the observations, and a claim of discovery requires a 5-sigma effect, or a 1-in–3.5 million shot that the observations are due to chance. In December representatives of the two experiments had announced what one called “intriguing, tantalizing hints” of something brewing in the collider data. But those hints fell short of the 3-sigma level. The new ATLAS finding met not just that level of significance but cleared the gold standard 5-sigma threshold, and CMS very nearly did as well, with a 4.9-sigma finding.

    "This is the payoff," Tuts said after the two teams had announced their latest analyses in the Higgs hunt. "This is what you do it for." Peter Higgs himself, who was in Geneva for the seminar along with other eminent physicists who developed the theory, sounded a similar note after the ATLAS and CMS teams had unveiled their conclusions. "For me, it's really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime," Higgs said to the audience at CERN. He was among a half-dozen physicists who in the 1960s proposed what is now known as the Higgs mechanism, hypothesizing the existence of a field permeating all of space, along with an associated particle. The field imparts particles with mass by exerting a sort of drag on them, slowing them down much like a human being slows down when she tries to walk through water instead of air.

    The newfound particle fits the bill for the Higgs boson, but the researchers cautioned that more work is needed to compare the properties of the particle to those predicted for the Higgs. After all, the LHC’s detectors cannot identify the Higgs directly. The LHC accelerates protons to unprecedented energies of four trillion electron-volts (4 TeV) before colliding a clockwise-traveling proton beam with a counterclockwise beam. From the smash-up new particles emerge, some of them existing for just an instant before decaying to other particles.

    {Commentary on the Higgs Boson Discovery}
    JCER - Vol 2, No 13 (2011) Journal of Consciousness Exploaration & Research

    Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found:

    Congratulations to All the People at LHC!

    Refined Higgs Rumours, Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement, Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation, Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation, Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations in a Plane Symmetric Space-time-II, Plane Wave Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope's Unified Field Theory in V5, If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? What is Reality in a Holographic World? Searching for Earth’s Twin.

    Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

    ISSN: 2153-8301

    Dear Huping!

    The Higgs Boson resonance, found by ATLAS and CMS is a diquark resonance.


    "Ok, now I'll print some excerpt for the more technically inclined reader regarding the Higgs Boson and its 'make-up', but highlight the important relevant bit (wrt to this discovery of a 160 GeV Higgs Boson energy, and incorporating the lower energy between 92 GeV and to the upper dainty level at 130 GeV as part of the diquark triplet of the associated topomium energy level) at the end.

    In particular, as the bottomium doublet minimum is at 5,245.495 MeV* and the topomium triplet minimum is at 55,956.0 MeV* in terms of their characteristic Kernel-Means, their doubled sum indicates a particle-decay excess at the recently publisized ~125 GeV energy level in 2x(5.246+55.956) GeV* = 122.404 GeV* (or 122.102 GeV SI).
    These are the two means from ATLAS {116-130 GeV as 123 GeV} and CMS {115-127 GeV as 121 GeV} respectively.

    Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:

    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI.""

    This newest data/discovery about the Higgs Boson aka the 'God-Particle' states, that there seems to be a 'resonance-blip' at an energy of about 160 GeV and as just one of say 5 Higgs Bosons for a 'minimal supersymmetry'.
    One, the lowest form of the Higgs Boson is said to be about 110 GeV in the Standard Model. There is also a convergence of the HB to an energy level of so 120 GeV from some other models.
    Now the whole thing , according to Quantum Relativity' about the Higgs Boson, is that IT IS NOT a particular particle, but relates to ALL particles in its 'scalar nature' as a restmass inducer.

    I have discussed the Higgs Boson many times before; but would like here to show in a very simple analysis that the Higgs Boson MUST show a blip at the 160 GeV mark and due to its nature as a 'polarity' neutraliser (a scalar particle has no charge and no spin, but can be made up of two opposite electric charges and say two opposing chiralities of spin orientations.)

    Without worrying about details, first consider the following table which contains all the elementary particles of the standard model of particle physics. The details are found in the Planck-String transformations discussed elesewhere.

    The X-Boson's mass is: ([Alpha]xmps/[ec]) modulated in (SNI/EMI={Cuberoot of [Alpha]}/[Alpha]), the intrisic unified Interaction-Strength and as the L-Boson's mass in: ([Omega]x([ec])/(mpsxa<2/3>), where the (Cuberoot of [Alpha]2 is given by the symbol (a<2/3>)=EMI/SNI).

    Ten DIQUARK quark-mass-levels crystallise, including a VPE-level for the K-IR transition and a VPE-level for the IR-OR transition:

    VPE-Level [K-IR] is (26.4922-29.9621 MeV*) for K-Mean: (14.11358 MeV*); (2.8181-3.1872 MeV*) for IROR;
    VPE-Level [IR-OR] is (86.5263-97.8594 MeV*) for K-Mean: (46.09643 MeV*); (9.2042-10.410 MeV*) for IROR;
    UP/DOWN-Level is (282.5263-319.619 MeV*) for K-Mean: (150.5558 MeV*); (30.062-33.999 MeV*) for IROR;
    STRANGE-Level is (923.013-1,043.91 MeV*) for K-Mean: (491.7308 MeV*); (98.185-111.05 MeV*) for IROR;
    CHARM-Level is (3,014.66-3,409.51 MeV*) for K-Mean: (1,606.043 MeV*); (320.68-362.69 MeV*) for IROR;
    BEAUTY-Level is (9,846.18-11,135.8 MeV*) for K-Mean: (5,245.495 MeV*); (1,047.4-1,184.6 MeV*) for IROR;
    MAGIC-Level is (32,158.6-36,370.7 MeV*) for K-Mean: (17,132.33 MeV*); (3,420.9-3,868.9 MeV*) for IROR;
    DAINTY-Level is (105,033-118,791 MeV*) for K-Mean: (55,956.0 MeV*); (11,173-12,636 MeV*) for IROR;
    TRUTH-Level is (343,050-387,982 MeV*) for K-Mean: (182,758.0 MeV*); (36,492-41,271 MeV*) for IROR;
    SUPER-Level is (1,120,437-1,267,190 MeV*) for K-Mean: (596,906.8 MeV*); (119,186-134,797 MeV*) for IROR.

    The K-Means define individual materialising families of elementary particles;

    the (UP/DOWN-Mean) sets the (PION-FAMILY: po, p+, p-);
    the (STRANGE-Mean) specifies the (KAON-FAMILY: Ko, K+, K-);
    the (CHARM-Mean) defines the (J/PSI=J/Y-Charmonium-FAMILY);
    the (BEAUTY-Mean) sets the (UPSILON=U-Bottonium-FAMILY);
    the (MAGIC-Mean) specifies the (EPSILON=E-FAMILY);
    the (DAINTY-Mean) bases the (OMICRON-O-FAMILY);
    the (TRUTH-Mean) sets the (KOPPA=J-Topomium-FAMILY) and
    the (SUPER-Mean) defines the final quark state in the (HIGGS/CHI=H/C-FAMILY).

    The VPE-Means are indicators for average effective quarkmasses found in particular interactions.
    Kernel-K-mixing of the wavefunctions gives K(+)=60.210 MeV* and K(-)=31.983 MeV* and the IROR-Ring-Mixing gives (L(+)=6.405 MeV* and L(-)=3.402 MeV*) for a (L-K-Mean of 1.50133 MeV*) and a (L-IROR-Mean of 4.90349 MeV*); the Electropole ([e-]=0.52049 MeV*) as the effective electronmass and as determined from the electronic radius and the magnetocharge in the UFoQR.

    The restmasses for the elementary particles can now be constructed, using the basic nucleonic restmass (mc=9.9247245x10-28 kg*=(Squareroot of [Omega]xmP) and setting (mc) as the basic maximum (UP/DOWN-K-mass=mass(KERNEL CORE)=3xmass(KKK)=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*);
    Subtracting the (Ring VPE 3xL(+)=19.215 MeV*, one gets the basic nucleonic K-state for the atomic nucleus (made from protons and neutrons) in: {m(n0;p+)=939.642 MeV*}.

    The HB discussed in the New Scientist post below is said of having been measured in the decay of W's, Z's and Tau Leptons, as well as the bottom- and top-quark systems described in the table and the text above.

    Now in the table I write about the KIR-OR transitions and such. The K means core for kernel and the IR means InnerRing and the OR mean OuterRing. The Rings are all to do with Leptons and the Kernels with Quarks.

    So the Tau-decay relates to 'Rings' which are charmed and strange and bottomised and topped, say. They are higher energy manifestations of the basic nucleons of the proton and the neutrons and basic mesons and hyperons.

    As I have shown, the energy resonances of the Z-boson (uncharged) represents an 'average' or statistical mean value of the 'Top-Quark' and the Upper-Limit for the Higgs Boson is a similar 'Super-Quark' 'average' and as the weak interaction unification energy.

    The hitherto postulated Higgs Boson mass of so 110 GeV is the Omicron-resonance, fully predicted from the table above (unique to Quantum Relativity).
    Now the most fundamental way to generate the Higgs Boson as a 'weak interaction' gauge is through the coupling of two equal mass, but oppositely charged W-bosons (of whom the Zo is the uncharged counterpart).

    We have seen, that the W-mass is a summation of all the other quark-masses as kernel-means from the strangeness upwards to the truth-quark level.
    So simply doubling the 80.47 GeV mass of the weak-interaction gauge boson must represent the basic form of the Higgs Boson and that is 160.9 GeV.

    Simplicity indeed and just the way Quantum Relativity describes the creation of the Higgs Boson from even more fundamental templates of the so called 'gauges'. The Higgs Boson is massless but consists of two classical electron rings and a massless doubled neutrino kernel, and then emerges in the magnetocharge induction AS mass carrying gauges.

    This massless neutrino kernel now crystallises our atomic solar system.

    Next we interpret this scalar (or sterile) Double-Higgs (anti)neutrino as a majoron and lose the distinction between antineutrino and neutrino eigenstates.

    We can only do this in the case of the Zo decay pattern, which engage the boson spin of the Zo as a superposition of two antineutrinos for the matter case and the superposition of two neutrinos in the antimatter case from first principles.

    So the Zo IS a Majorana particle, which merges the templates of two antineutrinos say and SPININDUCES the Higgs-Antineutrino.
    And where does this occur? It occurs at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring Boundary previously determined at the 2.776x10-18 meter marker.
    This marker so specifies the Zo Boson energy level explicitely as an upper boundary relative to the displacement scale set for the kernel at the wormhole radius rw=lw/2π and the classical electron radius as the limit for the nuclear interaction scale at 3 fermis in: RcomptonxAlpha.

    So the particle masses of the standard model in QED and QCD become Compton-Masses, which are HIGGS-MASSINDUCED at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring (MIR) marker at RMIR=2.776x10-18 meters.

    The Compton masses are directly obtained from E=hf=mc2=hc/λ and say as characteristic particle energies.
    At the Leptonic-Outer-Ring or LOR; λLOR=2πRe and at the MIR λMIR=2πRMIR for characteristic energies of 71.38 GeV and 71.33 MeV respectively.

    So we know that the Higgs-Mass-Induction occurs at those energy levels from the elementary template and as experimentally verified in terms of the neutrino masses by Super-Kamiokande in 1998.
    The LOR-energy of course indicates the Muon mass as a 'heavy electron' and the MIR-energy indicates the associated 'heavy quark' mass.

    This has been described before in the general mass induction scales for the diquarks as consequence from the bosonic bifurcation of string masses (XL-Boson string splits into quark- and lepton fermions as fundamental supersymmetry and the magnification of the Planck-scale).
    We also know, that the elementary proto-nucleon seed mc has grown in a factor of Yn~(1.618034)n~1.72 for a present create the present nucleonmasses in a perturbation of its finestructure.
    Subsequently, the MIR-energy of 71.38 GeV represents a Zo-Boson seed, which has similarly increased between a factor of √(Yn)~1.313 and Yn~1.724.

    These values so give present boundary conditions for the Higgs Boson in terms of its Zo coupling as the interval {93.73-123.09} GeV* or {93.50-122.79} GeV. The latter interval reduces by 1.58% to {92.02-120.85} GeV, as we have used the 'effective electron mass' me, differing in that percentage from the bare electron's restmass in our calculations.
    The lower bounded HB so manifests in the form of the Zo and as the majorana Higgs-Induction and coupled to the Spin-Induction of the Scalar Higgs Antineutrino.
    As described previously; the Zo-Boson mass is the mean of the top-quark K-Mean as 91.380 GeV* = 91.155 GeV and so relates the quark energy levels to the Higgs inductions for both spin and inertia. This occurs at the down-strange ds-diquark level of the cosmogenesis.

    The W-Boson masses are the summation of the quark K-Means and represents the summation of all lower diquark energy levels from doubleup to doubledown.
    As the down-strange or MIR-LOR energy level is coupled as a Kernel-MIR level in the bottom-antibottom mesonic diquark system, the energy difference between the Zo- and the W-bosons should amount to that b-quark energy of about 10 GeV and which indeed is experimentally verified as such.
    Finally the doublestrange diquark level then becomes the well known Fermi-Energy of the Superquark K-Mean at 298.453 GeV*=297.717 GeV and which reduces to 293.013 GeV in the 1.58% in the SI mensuration system for an Fermi energy of 1.165x10-5 1/GeV2.

    Quantum Relativity then stipulates, that the Higgs-Mass-Induction energies will assume particular energy value related to the diquark mass induction table of the K-Means, coupled to the weakon masses as indicated.
    The overarching energy level is however that at 92 GeV as the lower bound and as represented in the definition of the Zo-Boson as a Majorana Spininduced scalar Higgs boson. The upper bound is the Fermi energy of the Super-Diquark as a doublestrange.
    This 92 GeV level represents a seedling energy of 71.38 GeV from the primordial universe and when the XL-Boson aka the heterotic string class HO(32) decayed into a fermionic quark-lepton bifurcation and which today is represented in the diquark eigenstates of the standard model in particle physics through its Unitary Symmetries.

    Tony B. - December 28th, 2014 -Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    In agency of Zerubbabel, a Temple Builder for the Sirian Invasion following the wormhole manifestation at the center of the earth with a simultaneous antiwormhole manifestation of the Milky Way galaxy in the quantum tunnel connecting Serpentina-Andromeda, the White Hole Vortex of the New Earth to the Black Hole Vortex of Sagittarius A* aka Hunab Ku-Perseus.

    One of your witnesses betwixt the InTime and the NonTime on the island of Om-Past-Om.
    All of this information is derived from the One and only True Logos and is disseminated in the Name, Honour and Remembrance of the Everliving Christ Jesus De Emmanuel Melchizedek aka 'Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos' who is alive within any One of YOU, asking YOU personally to remember himher to share in herhis 'Body of Light' and 'Mind of God' in your individually necessitated transcension from biochemical existence to meta-biophysical existence in psychophysical restmassphotonic taxonomy and omni-scientific definition.
    The Love and Honour of the True God is with YOU all and available from this day onwards for eternity.

    It's accessibility is no longer veiled in the 'VEIL of EVIL' so a new adventure can begin in the physical reality for the Family of God, who is YOU collectively and is YOU individually, provided YOU can individually accept your own origins in the Mind of the Unified God in its lonesome Exile of the Non-Separability.

    The Collective Exile of this wonderful, beautiful, magnificent, splendiferous, co-evolving and everloving God has now ended, because:
    "The Sun of the Occidental Darkness has risen in its 'West Side Story' and has Met and Blended in Harmony with the Oriental Light from 'My Fair Lady' from the 'Rainbow of Somewhere and Sometime and Someplace and Someday'".

    Shiloh, Sunday, October 7th, 2013​
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2014
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    A Link to the Cosmology of the Higgs Boson

    nHiggs=meλw.rE/(2πrMRe){1/rG-1/rF} ~ 9.3x10-38 kg or 0.052 eV.

    A Link to the Cosmology of the Higgs Boson

    Unlike some past announcements centered on the Higgs in the past few years, which have produced as much ambiguity and confusion as anything else, this one did not disappoint. ATLAS physicists said that their most recent data reveal the presence of an unknown particle with a mass of about 126.5 GeV, or 126.5 billion electron-volts. An electron-volt is a physicist’s unit of mass or energy; for comparison, the proton has a mass of about 1 GeV. The CMS collaboration found evidence for a new particle with a mass of 125.3 GeV.

    """Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:

    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI."""

    New Particle Resembling Long-Sought Higgs Boson Uncovered at Large Hadron Collider

    The CERN collider, the most powerful atom smasher in history, appears to have fulfilled its primary quest.

    By John Matson - July 4, 2012

    The Higgs Boson at Last? A newfound particle at the Large Hadron Collider looks much like the fabled Higgs on July 12, 2012

    Dozens of students and physicists gathered at Columbia University's Low Library early Wednesday morning to get the latest news on the Higgs boson.
    Image: John Matson​

    NEW YORK—The city that never sleeps was mostly asleep. The bars were closed. But at 4:45 A.M., inside a library on Columbia University's Manhattan campus, Michael Tuts was getting ready to pop the champagne.

    The physicist had good reason to celebrate. The massive team of scientists of which he is a part—3,000 researchers working on the ATLAS experiment at Europe's Large Hadron Collider—had just announced the discovery of a new particle. The particle looks an awful lot like the long-sought, and long-hypothetical, Higgs boson, most famous for explaining why elementary particles, such as quarks, have mass. A competing, comparably sized experiment, known as CMS, had arrived at a very similar finding at the collider facility.

    Both research teams announced their results during a morning seminar at CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics that operates the Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. But the morning start in Geneva meant that U.S. physicists and other curious observers were tuning in to the announcement during the predawn hours. Tuts and his Columbia colleagues decided to host a viewing party at the campus library, with a live video feed from CERN as well as coffee, cookies, soft drinks and chips. About 50 people, many of them students, turned up for the event, which began around 2:30 A.M.

    Unlike some past announcements centered on the Higgs in the past few years, which have produced as much ambiguity and confusion as anything else, this one did not disappoint. ATLAS physicists said that their most recent data reveal the presence of an unknown particle with a mass of about 126.5 GeV, or 126.5 billion electron-volts. An electron-volt is a physicist’s unit of mass or energy; for comparison, the proton has a mass of about 1 GeV. The CMS collaboration found evidence for a new particle with a mass of 125.3 GeV.

    Crucially, both teams' findings appear exceptionally robust. In physics terms, evidence for a new particle requires a “3-sigma” measurement, corresponding to a 1-in-740 chance that a random fluke could explain the observations, and a claim of discovery requires a 5-sigma effect, or a 1-in–3.5 million shot that the observations are due to chance. In December representatives of the two experiments had announced what one called “intriguing, tantalizing hints” of something brewing in the collider data. But those hints fell short of the 3-sigma level. The new ATLAS finding met not just that level of significance but cleared the gold standard 5-sigma threshold, and CMS very nearly did as well, with a 4.9-sigma finding.

    "This is the payoff," Tuts said after the two teams had announced their latest analyses in the Higgs hunt. "This is what you do it for." Peter Higgs himself, who was in Geneva for the seminar along with other eminent physicists who developed the theory, sounded a similar note after the ATLAS and CMS teams had unveiled their conclusions. "For me, it's really an incredible thing that it's happened in my lifetime," Higgs said to the audience at CERN. He was among a half-dozen physicists who in the 1960s proposed what is now known as the Higgs mechanism, hypothesizing the existence of a field permeating all of space, along with an associated particle. The field imparts particles with mass by exerting a sort of drag on them, slowing them down much like a human being slows down when she tries to walk through water instead of air.

    The newfound particle fits the bill for the Higgs boson, but the researchers cautioned that more work is needed to compare the properties of the particle to those predicted for the Higgs. After all, the LHC’s detectors cannot identify the Higgs directly. The LHC accelerates protons to unprecedented energies of four trillion electron-volts (4 TeV) before colliding a clockwise-traveling proton beam with a counterclockwise beam. From the smash-up new particles emerge, some of them existing for just an instant before decaying to other particles.

    {Commentary on the Higgs Boson Discovery}
    JCER - Vol 2, No 13 (2011) Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research

    Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found:
    Congratulations to All the People at LHC!


    Refined Higgs Rumours, Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement, Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation, Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation, Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations in a Plane Symmetric Space-time-II, Plane Wave Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope's Unified Field Theory in V5, If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? What is Reality in a Holographic World? Searching for Earth’s Twin.

    Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

    ISSN: 2153-8301

    Dear Huping!

    The Higgs Boson resonance, found by ATLAS and CMS is a diquark resonance.


    "Ok, now I'll print some excerpt for the more technically inclined reader regarding the Higgs Boson and its 'make-up', but highlight the important relevant bit (wrt to this discovery of a 160 GeV Higgs Boson energy, and incorporating the lower energy between 92 GeV and to the upper dainty level at 130 GeV as part of the diquark triplet of the associated topomium energy level) at the end.

    In particular, as the bottomium doublet minimum is at 5,245.495 MeV* and the topomium triplet minimum is at 55,956.0 MeV* in terms of their characteristic Kernel-Means, their doubled sum indicates a particle-decay excess at the recently publisized ~125 GeV energy level in 2x(5.246+55.956) GeV* = 122.404 GeV* (or 122.102 GeV SI).
    These are the two means from ATLAS {116-130 GeV as 123 GeV} and CMS {115-127 GeV as 121 GeV} respectively.

    Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:

    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI.""

    This newest data/discovery about the Higgs Boson aka the 'God-Particle' states, that there seems to be a 'resonance-blip' at an energy of about 160 GeV and as just one of say 5 Higgs Bosons for a 'minimal supersymmetry'.
    One, the lowest form of the Higgs Boson is said to be about 110 GeV in the Standard Model. There is also a convergence of the HB to an energy level of so 120 GeV from some other models.
    Now the whole thing , according to Quantum Relativity' about the Higgs Boson, is that IT IS NOT a particular particle, but relates to ALL particles in its 'scalar nature' as a restmass inducer.

    I have discussed the Higgs Boson many times before; but would like here to show in a very simple analysis that the Higgs Boson MUST show a blip at the 160 GeV mark and due to its nature as a 'polarity' neutraliser (a scalar particle has no charge and no spin, but can be made up of two opposite electric charges and say two opposing chiralities of spin orientations.)

    Without worrying about details, first consider the following table which contains all the elementary particles of the standard model of particle physics. The details are found in the Planck-String transformations discussed elesewhere.

    The X-Boson's mass is: ([Alpha]xmps/[ec]) modulated in (SNI/EMI={Cuberoot of [Alpha]}/[Alpha]), the intrisic unified Interaction-Strength and as the L-Boson's mass in: ([Omega]x([ec])/(mpsxa<2/3>), where the (Cuberoot of [Alpha]2 is given by the symbol (a<2/3>)=EMI/SNI).

    Ten DIQUARK quark-mass-levels crystallise, including a VPE-level for the K-IR transition and a VPE-level for the IR-OR transition:

    VPE-Level [K-IR] is (26.4922-29.9621 MeV*) for K-Mean: (14.11358 MeV*); (2.8181-3.1872 MeV*) for IROR;
    VPE-Level [IR-OR] is (86.5263-97.8594 MeV*) for K-Mean: (46.09643 MeV*); (9.2042-10.410 MeV*) for IROR;
    UP/DOWN-Level is (282.5263-319.619 MeV*) for K-Mean: (150.5558 MeV*); (30.062-33.999 MeV*) for IROR;
    STRANGE-Level is (923.013-1,043.91 MeV*) for K-Mean: (491.7308 MeV*); (98.185-111.05 MeV*) for IROR;
    CHARM-Level is (3,014.66-3,409.51 MeV*) for K-Mean: (1,606.043 MeV*); (320.68-362.69 MeV*) for IROR;
    BEAUTY-Level is (9,846.18-11,135.8 MeV*) for K-Mean: (5,245.495 MeV*); (1,047.4-1,184.6 MeV*) for IROR;
    MAGIC-Level is (32,158.6-36,370.7 MeV*) for K-Mean: (17,132.33 MeV*); (3,420.9-3,868.9 MeV*) for IROR;
    DAINTY-Level is (105,033-118,791 MeV*) for K-Mean: (55,956.0 MeV*); (11,173-12,636 MeV*) for IROR;
    TRUTH-Level is (343,050-387,982 MeV*) for K-Mean: (182,758.0 MeV*); (36,492-41,271 MeV*) for IROR;
    SUPER-Level is (1,120,437-1,267,190 MeV*) for K-Mean: (596,906.8 MeV*); (119,186-134,797 MeV*) for IROR.

    The K-Means define individual materialising families of elementary particles;

    the (UP/DOWN-Mean) sets the (PION-FAMILY: po, p+, p-);
    the (STRANGE-Mean) specifies the (KAON-FAMILY: Ko, K+, K-);
    the (CHARM-Mean) defines the (J/PSI=J/Y-Charmonium-FAMILY);
    the (BEAUTY-Mean) sets the (UPSILON=U-Bottonium-FAMILY);
    the (MAGIC-Mean) specifies the (EPSILON=E-FAMILY);
    the (DAINTY-Mean) bases the (OMICRON-O-FAMILY);
    the (TRUTH-Mean) sets the (KOPPA=J-Topomium-FAMILY) and
    the (SUPER-Mean) defines the final quark state in the (HIGGS/CHI=H/C-FAMILY).

    The VPE-Means are indicators for average effective quarkmasses found in particular interactions.
    Kernel-K-mixing of the wavefunctions gives K(+)=60.210 MeV* and K(-)=31.983 MeV* and the IROR-Ring-Mixing gives (L(+)=6.405 MeV* and L(-)=3.402 MeV*) for a (L-K-Mean of 1.50133 MeV*) and a (L-IROR-Mean of 4.90349 MeV*); the Electropole ([e-]=0.52049 MeV*) as the effective electronmass and as determined from the electronic radius and the magnetocharge in the UFoQR.

    The restmasses for the elementary particles can now be constructed, using the basic nucleonic restmass (mc=9.9247245x10-28 kg*=(Squareroot of [Omega]xmP) and setting (mc) as the basic maximum (UP/DOWN-K-mass=mass(KERNEL CORE)=3xmass(KKK)=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*);
    Subtracting the (Ring VPE 3xL(+)=19.215 MeV*, one gets the basic nucleonic K-state for the atomic nucleus (made from protons and neutrons) in: {m(n0;p+)=939.642 MeV*}.

    The HB discussed in the New Scientist post below is said of having been measured in the decay of W's, Z's and Tau Leptons, as well as the bottom- and top-quark systems described in the table and the text above.

    Now in the table I write about the KIR-OR transitions and such. The K means core for kernel and the IR means InnerRing and the OR mean OuterRing. The Rings are all to do with Leptons and the Kernels with Quarks.

    So the Tau-decay relates to 'Rings' which are charmed and strange and bottomised and topped, say. They are higher energy manifestations of the basic nucleons of the proton and the neutrons and basic mesons and hyperons.

    As I have shown, the energy resonances of the Z-boson (uncharged) represents an 'average' or statistical mean value of the 'Top-Quark' and the Upper-Limit for the Higgs Boson is a similar 'Super-Quark' 'average' and as the weak interaction unification energy.

    The hitherto postulated Higgs Boson mass of so 110 GeV is the Omicron-resonance, fully predicted from the table above (unique to Quantum Relativity).
    Now the most fundamental way to generate the Higgs Boson as a 'weak interaction' gauge is through the coupling of two equal mass, but oppositely charged W-bosons (of whom the Zo is the uncharged counterpart).

    We have seen, that the W-mass is a summation of all the other quark-masses as kernel-means from the strangeness upwards to the truth-quark level.
    So simply doubling the 80.47 GeV mass of the weak-interaction gauge boson must represent the basic form of the Higgs Boson and that is 160.9 GeV.

    Simplicity indeed and just the way Quantum Relativity describes the creation of the Higgs Boson from even more fundamental templates of the so called 'gauges'. The Higgs Boson is massless but consists of two classical electron rings and a massless doubled neutrino kernel, and then emerges in the magnetocharge induction AS mass carrying gauges.

    This massless neutrino kernel now crystallises our atomic solar system.

    Next we interpret this scalar (or sterile) Double-Higgs (anti)neutrino as a majoron and lose the distinction between antineutrino and neutrino eigenstates.

    We can only do this in the case of the Zo decay pattern, which engage the boson spin of the Zo as a superposition of two antineutrinos for the matter case and the superposition of two neutrinos in the antimatter case from first principles.

    So the Zo IS a Majorana particle, which merges the templates of two antineutrinos say and SPININDUCES the Higgs-Antineutrino.
    And where does this occur? It occurs at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring Boundary previously determined at the 2.776x10-18 meter marker.
    This marker so specifies the Zo Boson energy level explicitely as an upper boundary relative to the displacement scale set for the kernel at the wormhole radius rw=lw/2π and the classical electron radius as the limit for the nuclear interaction scale at 3 fermis in: RcomptonxAlpha.

    So the particle masses of the standard model in QED and QCD become Compton-Masses, which are HIGGS-MASSINDUCED at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring (MIR) marker at RMIR=2.776x10-18 meters.

    The Compton masses are directly obtained from E=hf=mc2=hc/λ and say as characteristic particle energies.
    At the Leptonic-Outer-Ring or LOR; λLOR=2πRe and at the MIR λMIR=2πRMIR for characteristic energies of 71.38 GeV and 71.33 MeV respectively.

    So we know that the Higgs-Mass-Induction occurs at those energy levels from the elementary template and as experimentally verified in terms of the neutrino masses by Super-Kamiokande in 1998.
    The LOR-energy of course indicates the Muon mass as a 'heavy electron' and the MIR-energy indicates the associated 'heavy quark' mass.

    This has been described before in the general mass induction scales for the diquarks as consequence from the bosonic bifurcation of string masses (XL-Boson string splits into quark- and lepton fermions as fundamental supersymmetry and the magnification of the Planck-scale).
    We also know, that the elementary proto-nucleon seed mc has grown in a factor of Yn~(1.618034)n~1.72 for a present create the present nucleonmasses in a perturbation of its finestructure.
    Subsequently, the MIR-energy of 71.38 GeV represents a Zo-Boson seed, which has similarly increased between a factor of √(Yn)~1.313 and Yn~1.724.

    These values so give present boundary conditions for the Higgs Boson in terms of its Zo coupling as the interval {93.73-123.09} GeV* or {93.50-122.79} GeV. The latter interval reduces by 1.58% to {92.02-120.85} GeV, as we have used the 'effective electron mass' me, differing in that percentage from the bare electron's restmass in our calculations.
    The lower bounded HB so manifests in the form of the Zo and as the majorana Higgs-Induction and coupled to the Spin-Induction of the Scalar Higgs Antineutrino.
    As described previously; the Zo-Boson mass is the mean of the top-quark K-Mean as 91.380 GeV* = 91.155 GeV and so relates the quark energy levels to the Higgs inductions for both spin and inertia. This occurs at the down-strange ds-diquark level of the cosmogenesis.

    The W-Boson masses are the summation of the quark K-Means and represents the summation of all lower diquark energy levels from doubleup to doubledown.
    As the down-strange or MIR-LOR energy level is coupled as a Kernel-MIR level in the bottom-antibottom mesonic diquark system, the energy difference between the Zo- and the W-bosons should amount to that b-quark energy of about 10 GeV and which indeed is experimentally verified as such.
    Finally the doublestrange diquark level then becomes the well known Fermi-Energy of the Superquark K-Mean at 298.453 GeV*=297.717 GeV and which reduces to 293.013 GeV in the 1.58% in the SI mensuration system for an Fermi energy of 1.165x10-5 1/GeV2.

    Quantum Relativity then stipulates, that the Higgs-Mass-Induction energies will assume particular energy value related to the diquark mass induction table of the K-Means, coupled to the weakon masses as indicated.
    The overarching energy level is however that at 92 GeV as the lower bound and as represented in the definition of the Zo-Boson as a Majorana Spininduced scalar Higgs boson. The upper bound is the Fermi energy of the Super-Diquark as a doublestrange.
    This 92 GeV level represents a seedling energy of 71.38 GeV from the primordial universe and when the XL-Boson aka the heterotic string class HO(32) decayed into a fermionic quark-lepton bifurcation and which today is represented in the diquark eigenstates of the standard model in particle physics through its Unitary Symmetries.

    Tony B. - December 28th, 2014 -Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia

    Successful Submission of a Manuscript to Science

    Manuscript Title: The Higgs Neutrino
    Author: Bermanseder
    Manuscript Number: aaa5755

    Dear Dr. Bermanseder:

    Thank you for your submission to Science. We have successfully received your Report.

    You can see the status of your manuscript at any time by logging into your account at the Science Journals Submission and Information Portal at Your manuscript number is noted above. Your manuscript is now undergoing an initial screening to determine whether it will be sent for in-depth review. If the manuscript is sent to review, its status will change to "To Review".

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    The Editors

    Cover Letter:

    The existence of a scalar neutrino of 0.052 eV and centred at a 3 eV energy level within the subatomic quantum geometric template of the Higgs Boson is proposed.
    The mass induction of elementary particles by the Higgs mechanism so proceeds as a Kernel-Ring coupling between the boundary conditions of the subatomic template descriptive for the quantum geometry of the Higgs Boson, upper bounded by the classical electron radius also being a kernel-ring oscillation between the up-quark and the s-quark.

    It encompasses a gluon-neutrino transformation as the asymptotic confinement of the colour charge here extended as a cosmic magneto charge related to a magnetic GUT-monopole at the string epoch, preceeding and not following the standard Big Bang cosmogenesis.
    Four cosmological (Anti)Neutrino masses are found.
    {mTauon; mHiggs; mMuon; mElectron} = {0.0546 eV; 0.0521 eV; 0.0164 eV; 0.002982 eV}.

    The current energy level separating the Tauon- and Muon neutrinos is found to be the 0.052 eV level from Super Kamiokande (1998) and MINOS (2006); but is proposed to add the energies of the Higgs Neutrino and the Muon Neutrino to result in the energy of the Tauon Neutrino. The scalar nature of the Higgs neutrino so supplements the Majorana form of the Muon Neutrino.
    The current energy level separating the Muon- and Electron neutrinos is found to add 3 electron neutrino masses as the difference between the standard squared mass difference and a superposed squared differential between their mass eigenvalues. This energy value calculates as the current measured KamLAND (2005) value of 0.00008 eV².

    The electron neutrino mass is defined from first principles as the energy value for the ratio between the Higgs neutrino mass and the electron mass in the Big Bang cosmogenesis so 1.1 million seconds (about 13 days) after the Big Bang.
    The quantum geometry of the nuclear gauge interactions is shown to manifest the standard Big Bang classical geometry then found in the dynamics of an expanding universe as a Planckian Black Body Radiator which manifested the energy gradients of the first generation stars (here termed ylem stars) not as function of their masses, but as a function of their temperatures relative to the temperature background of the Black Body expansion.
    The Higgs Boson mass of about 125 GeV is confirmed in a cosmological model here termed Quantum Relativity (QR) and is shown to represent the summation of lower diquark-lepton energy levels.

    In particular, as the bottomium doublet minimum is at 5,245.495 MeV* and the topomium triplet minimum is at 55,956.0 MeV* in terms of their characteristic Kernel-Means, their doubled sum indicates a particle-decay excess at the recently publisized ~125 GeV energy level in 2x(5.246+55.956) GeV* = 122.404 GeV* (or 122.102 GeV SI).
    These are the two means from ATLAS {116-130 GeV as 123 GeV} and CMS {115-127 GeV as 121 GeV} respectively.
    Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:
    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI.""

    Requested Editor: Science Editor

    [2:32:24 AM-December 28th, 2014 -+11UCT] Shiloh Za-Rah: I resubmitted, as this lot is actually the most prestigous science publisher next to Nature-UK. Look here:
    [2:33:33 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    [2:34:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They reject 93% of papers from university addresses, so my chances of being published are basically 0
    [2:34:45 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: BUT, as said, this represents evidence that if the ET science arrives it will not be an invasion but a change of the guard
    [2:35:22 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The above is the covering letter
    [5:37:39 AM] Sirius 17: can you resend the pdf in here, it didn't send
    [5:38:34 AM] *** Shiloh Za-Rah sent The Higgs Neutrino.pdf ***
    [5:39:28 AM] Sirius 17: thanks
    [5:39:37 AM] Sirius 17: i just checked my email
    [5:39:43 AM] Sirius 17: i think i am seeing everything ok
    [5:42:18 AM] Sirius 17: so what happens if they do publish and you become famous? lol
    [5:42:39 AM] Sirius 17: win the nobel ect
    [5:43:38 AM] Sirius 17: then you can tell them that Einstein was waiting for someone to listen so he could finish his work lol
    [5:43:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Not very likely, but Logos wanted me to at least send this to folks who COULD understand this.
    [5:44:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They reject it it is fine, because then when ET contacts occurs the proof that the ET science is a product of Gaian ETs is established
    [5:44:41 AM] Sirius 17: yes true


    Manuscript ID: aaa5755

    Dear Dr. Bermanseder:

    Thank you for submitting your manuscript "The Higgs Neutrino" to Science. Unfortunately, this is not the sort of work that we publish and we are thus not considering it for publication. We appreciate your interest in Science.


    Monica Bradford
    Managing Editor
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  10. admin

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    • Post n°13

    empty. Re: Introduction to Thuban Cosmology

    empty. Didymos on Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:23 pm


    57 = IS ON = ISON = SION = 'I SON' = ZION = 64


    Matthew 24:30 - KJV

    And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    Comet ISON, Passing In 2013, Could Be Brighter Than Moon

    Posted: September 27, 2012

    A new comet named C/ 2012 S1 (ISON) could be brighter than the moon when it passes the Earth in 2013. In fact, scientists believe it may be so bright that it is visible during the day.

    While some astronomers are skeptical about comet ISON’s brightness, others like Karl Battams, a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory who monitors comets for the NASA-supported Sungrazer Comet Project, assure that we should watch for it, reports NBC News. Battams stated:

    “This is one to watch, definitely. But the astronomy community in general tries not to overhype these things. Potentially it will be amazing. Potentially it will be a huge dud.”

    ISON’s discovery was based off of imagery collected on Friday by the International Scientific Optical Network’s 16-inch Santel reflecting telescope in Russia, and the new comet soon rose to the top of the charts.

    Since the superstar comet’s discovery, scientists have been going back through their files to locate and “pre-discovery” images, so that they can calculate ISON’s orbit.

    The National Post notes that Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero & Nick Howes, who first discovered the comet, stated:

    “Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) will get to within 0.012AU of the Sun (extremely close) at the end of November 2013 and then to ~0.4AU from Earth at the beginning of January 2014!”

    AU is short for an Astronomical Unit, and it the approximate distance between the Earth and our Sun (about 1.1 million miles). The astronomers continued, “According to its orbit, this comet might become a naked-eye object in the period November 2013 – January 2014.”

    Because of its closeness to the sun, comet ISON could be brighter than the full moon, which Astronomy Magazine’s Michael E. Bakich asserts that it “probably will become the brightest comet anyone alive has ever seen.”

    Over the next year, as comet ISON approaches, we can expect it to be compared with the Great Comet of 2007, and even the Great Comet of 1680. Of course, we can also expect mumbles about past letdowns, such as Comet Kohoutek and Comet Elenin. Despite this, we may still be treated to an awesome view come November of 2013.


    Comet ISON Will Be Visible During The Day, Discoverers Announce
    Posted: 09/26/2012 8:33 am EDT Updated: 09/26/2012 8:33 am EDT

    By: Joe Rao
    Published: 09/26/2012 07:12 AM EDT on

    A newly discovered comet has the potential to put on a dazzling celestial display late next year, when it will be so bright you may be able to see it briefly in the daytime sky.

    Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) photographed at the RAS Observatory near Mayhill, NM on Sept. 22, 2012, by amateur astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes of the Remanzacco Observatory.

    The discovery of the object named Comet ISON was announced Monday (Sept. 24) by Russians Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok, who detected it in photographs taken three days earlier using a 15.7-inch (0.4-meter) reflecting telescope of the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON), near Kislovodsk. The new comet is officially known as C/2012 S1.

    When first sighted, Comet ISON was 625 million miles (1 billion kilometers) from Earth and 584 million miles (939 million km) from the sun, in the dim constellation of Cancer. It was shining at magnitude 18.8 on the reverse scale used by astronomers to measure the brightness of sky objects (the lower the number, the brighter the object). That makes the comet currently about 100,000 times fainter than the dimmest star that can be seen with the unaided eye.

    This image shows the newfound comet C/2012 (ISON) as seen by the Remanzacco Observatory in Italy. The image, taken by amateur astronomers Ernesto Guido, Giovanni Sostero and Nick Howes, is a confirmation view of the comet.

    But at its perihelion (its closest point to the sun), due on Nov. 28, 2013, the comet will come within 800,000 miles (1.2 million km) of the sun’s surface and could evolve into a dazzling object ? possibly bright enough to be visible for a short time in broad daylight. [Spectacular Comet Photos (Gallery)]

    The most exciting aspect of this new comet concerns its preliminary orbit, which bears a striking resemblance to that of the “Great Comet of 1680.” That comet put on a dazzling show; it was glimpsed in daylight and later, as it moved away from the sun, it threw off a brilliantly long tail that stretched up from the western twilight sky after sunset like a narrow searchlight beam for some 70 degrees of arc. (A person's clenched fist, held at arm’s length, covers roughly 10 degrees of sky.)

    This NASA graphic shows the orbit and current position of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON). The comet is at present located at 6.25 AU from the sun, with 1 AU being the distance from Earth to the sun. Image released Sept. 24, 2012.

    The fact that the orbits are so similar seems to suggest Comet ISON and the Great Comet of 1680 could related or perhaps even the same object.

    Comet ISON will be barely visible to the unaided eye when it is in the predawn night sky, positioned against the stars of Leo in October 2013.

    On Oct. 16 it will be passing very near both Mars and the bright star Regulus — both can be used as benchmarks to sighting the comet. In November, it could be as bright as third-magnitude when it passes very close to the bright first-magnitude star Spica in Virgo.

    The few days surrounding the comet’s closest approach to the sun on Nov. 28, 2013, are likely to be most interesting. It will whirl rapidly around the sun in a hairpin-like curve and perhaps becomes a dazzlingly bright (negative-magnitude) object.

    The comet will then whirl north after perihelion and become visible during December both in the evening sky after sunset and in the morning sky before sunrise. Just how bright it will be and how long the tail may get during this time frame is anybody’s guess, but there is hope that it could evolve into a memorable celestial showpiece.

    And in case you haven’t checked your 2013 calendar, Nov. 28 is already a special day for those living in the United States: It is the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

    Which leads to the question: Will Comet ISON be a dazzler, or a turkey?

    Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.

    Updated, Friday, October 19th, 2012​

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