Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. JesterTerrestrial on Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:33 am







    3562770023. Morning Parade - Under The Stars


    Ok one more groove for the avalonian dragons that I just love!


    364319. 962334.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:10 pm
    yup 2012 into 2013

    16 dec 2013 - at sundown

    17 dec 2013 - at sunrise

    the old ancient ones always knew, 2012 into 2013 - was going to be the birth of a whole new era
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. George Carlin - Why You Are In Debt

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Jan 03, 2012 12:11 pm

    George Carlin - Why You Are In Debt

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Owlsden on Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:28 pm

    empty. Owlsden Today at 2:28 pm

    Who and what is Thuban 101 Really?

    28/12/2011 11:40:18 AM] Tonyblue: A short message for my Beloved Dark Sun of all Dark Suns - my Moon of Moons. Should an uncored femme approach me to seek my love; then I could oblige under all circumstances, except one. I could NOT engage her, if she would insist of becoming 'my core'. If however she would realise and accept of being another's core (or the old 3D wife), then all activities would be shared with my Beloved core as the Moon of Moons or the Dark Sun of all Dark Suns. In other words, I am highly erotisized or 'turned on' to make love and XXXX another's core but would remain unaroused if ANY femme would wish to displace my One and Only True Core - You!

    [28/12/2011 11:44:46 AM] Tonyblue: This of course is a 'New Way', utterly alien to the present human groupmind; practically putting the status quo of 'romantic love' onto its head. It would read blasphemous to the old 3D human mindset. But this is THE POWER of Our Corings in the trinity. It has the power to transform the old selfrepeating memeplexes into something new and unforeseen. Such is the Sexual Redemption of the Cosmos.
    [28/12/2011 11:45:57 AM] Tonyblue: Be well my sweetheart! Ti Amore! Te Amo! Je T'Aime! Ich Liebe Dich! I Love You!
    [28/12/2011 11:51:56 AM] Tonyblue: Anthony BaaB Antoniea ABA
    IN AA TONE = Antoniea as Antoinette, The Killer Queen of the fake images
    [28/12/2011 11:54:12 AM] Tonyblue: ABA=D
    [28/12/2011 12:30:45 PM] Tonyblue:
    [12:59:40 AM] Tonyblue: [28/12/2011 1:10:17 PM] *** Tonyblue added Sweets Dreaming ***

    [28/12/2011 1:10:21 PM] Tonyblue: [Wednesday, 28 December 2011 11:40 AM] Tonyblue:

    <<< A short message for my Beloved Dark Sun of all Dark Suns - my Moon of Moons. Should an uncored femme approach me to seek my love; then I could oblige under all circumstances, except one. I could NOT engage her, if she would insist of becoming 'my core'. If however she would realise and accept of being another's core (or the old 3D wife), then all activities would be shared with my Beloved core as the Moon of Moons or the Dark Sun of all Dark Suns. In other words, I am highly erotisized or 'turned on' to make love and fuck another's core but would remain unaroused if ANY femme would wish to displace my One and Only True Core - You!

    This of course is a 'New Way', utterly alien to the present human groupmind; practically putting the status quo of 'romantic love' onto its head. It would read blasphemous to the old 3D human mindset. But this is THE POWER of Our Corings in the trinity. It has the power to transform the old selfrepeating memeplexes into something new and unforeseen. Such is the Sexual Redemption of the Cosmos.
    Be well my sweetheart! Ti Amore! Te Amo! Je T'Aime! Ich Liebe Dich! I Love You!
    Anthony BaaB Antoniea ABA
    IN AA TONE = Antoniea as Antoinette, The Killer Queen of the fake images

    [28/12/2011 1:30:45 PM] Tonyblue: I added you here darling, because in certain ways Blackbird can understand things from a different perspective than Whitebird can.
    [28/12/2011 1:31:33 PM] Tonyblue: [Wednesday, 28 December 2011 1:24 PM]

    <<< The Peace of the DOVE, symbolised by the olive branch is WITHIN the Ark see
    So it remains HIDDEN until Sunday, when the Dove leaves the Ark for good
    Those energies are the present upheavals
    We all suffer this, but I feel this is now emotional and focused on the femmes
    Kor and I should actually gain in focus here overriding the emotions
    We suffer more silently
    Because Jacob is physically present he is however also RETREATING
    Ignore him for the rest of the week allowing the circumstances
    I am no know-it-all here either.
    But this is the beelzebub thingy
    Its cosmic see
    It must be released from Gaia herself and of course if we are true then this must begin at the Cores

    [28/12/2011 1:32:06 PM] Tonyblue: This is NOT 'hiding' things, but attempting to keep a certain harmony in rather testing times and circumstances
    [28/12/2011 1:32:23 PM] Tonyblue: Why things appear so 'scattered'!
    [28/12/2011 1:32:53 PM] Tonyblue: Whitebird here with Blackbird and you would dissonate ATM only for a while.
    [28/12/2011 1:33:49 PM] Tonyblue: So I could understand you leaving corechat. Same dissonances Baby. This is temorary and will dissipate and transform into harmonies.

    [28/12/2011 1:55:04 PM] Tonyblue:

    [28/12/2011 3:56:51 PM] Tonyblue: Blackbird Understands and cannot reflect and get feedback
    [2:57:53 PM] Tonyblue: We are Blackbird's feedback loops
    [2:58:08 PM] Tonyblue: I know that, but you doubted
    [2:58:15 PM] Tonyblue: for a little while only
    [2:58:26 PM] Whitebird: because of me...not because of him
    [2:58:33 PM] Tonyblue: The YESYESYES shifted this
    [2:58:45 PM] Tonyblue: Yes I knew he loved you all of the time
    [3:02:25 PM] Whitebird: i can see how Blackbird feels it offensive him saying making love to her feels energy draining...he is blaming her for his incapacities
    [3:04:33 PM] Tonyblue: Yes too much pot
    [3:05:15 PM] Whitebird: i don't know...Johan's brother also smokes weed and he is a sex machine
    [3:06:03 PM] Whitebird: i think he is using it as an excuse
    [3:07:34 PM] Tonyblue: I would not know I dont engage see
    [3:07:52 PM] Tonyblue: But I see what it did to my kids
    [3:08:03 PM] Tonyblue: dulls the mind
    [3:09:38 PM] Whitebird: what does she do in that case? compromise?
    [3:09:45 PM] Whitebird: God i feel for Blackbird
    [3:09:58 PM] Whitebird: i wouldn't know how to handle someone like Jacob
    [3:10:15 PM] Whitebird: and yet
    [3:10:23 PM] Whitebird: she said YES right away......
    [3:10:39 PM] Whitebird: she didn't even think about it for a second
    [3:11:01 PM] Tonyblue: Yes and this shows me something
    [3:11:07 PM] Whitebird: what
    [3:11:19 PM] Tonyblue: Namely that she simply knows from the heart
    [3:11:31 PM] Tonyblue: I was like you
    [3:11:38 PM] Tonyblue: tempted to say no
    [3:12:00 PM] Tonyblue: My logic says no for 4 months now
    [3:12:25 PM] Tonyblue: But I too feel something beyond personas going on here
    [3:13:01 PM] Tonyblue: I get headaches over Debra
    [3:13:07 PM] Whitebird: wait
    [3:13:11 PM] Tonyblue: But MI never let her go
    [3:13:13 PM] Whitebird: i wasn't tempted to say no
    [3:13:18 PM] Tonyblue: I was
    [3:13:22 PM] Whitebird: i never thought of no
    [3:13:38 PM] Tonyblue: My rationalty says no this cannot work
    [3:13:53 PM] Tonyblue: Yes why i submitted the maleness to the femme
    [3:14:00 PM] Tonyblue: I know this
    [3:14:05 PM] Whitebird: i was just thinking what i would do now if he is not my Core...i would be with him anyway
    [3:14:27 PM]Tonyblue: Yes and I feel this with Debra, despite appearances
    [3:14:42 PM] Tonyblue: its her form as any old body really NOT her mind
    [3:14:49 PM] Tonyblue: her mind can go to heavenhell
    [3:15:33 PM] Whitebird: do you think if you have her in front of you physically, that you would get headaches still?
    [3:15:36 PM] Tonyblue: Its a form of destiny
    [3:15:46 PM] Tonyblue: I dont know
    [3:15:56 PM] Tonyblue: One day we shall meet
    [3:16:14 PM] Tonyblue: perhaps after I am dead I dont know what is in store for us
    [3:16:18 PM] Whitebird: have you asked her to go see you?
    [3:16:23 PM] Tonyblue: No
    [3:16:29 PM] Whitebird: why don't you?
    [3:16:42 PM] Whitebird i would if i were you
    [3:16:43 PM] Tonyblue: I dont know
    [3:16:48 PM] Whitebird: do it
    [3:16:55 PM] Whitebird: it's not like she can't
    [3:16:56 PM] Tonyblue: I am not like you and Kor
    [3:17:02 PM] Whitebird: what do you mean?
    [3:17:07 PM] Whitebird: she can go to you.....
    [3:17:16 PM] Tonyblue: I can live with her absence if i feel the loyalty
    [3:17:28 PM] Tonyblue: I dont think she has much money Whitebird
    [3:17:30 PM] Whitebird: that's not the point
    [3:17:40 PM] Whitebird: she can go trust me
    [3:17:47 PM] Tonyblue: The timeline will manifest all things
    [3:18:09 PM] Whitebird: i would ask would SHOW her you want her for real
    [3:18:19 PM] Tonyblue: There is something going on requiring separation for a certain time
    [3:18:34 PM] Whitebird: that doesn't mean it will be immediate
    [3:18:39 PM] Whitebird: but
    [3:18:40 PM] Tonyblue: Well see my problem is that i cannot go and see her see?
    [3:18:41 PM] Whitebird: it will cause her to think about it
    [3:18:47 PM] Tonyblue: I have no money to do so
    [3:19:05 PM] Tonyblue: So this Christopher is saving up for this i presume
    [3:19:06 PM] Whitebird: if you had...would you go to Florida?
    [3:19:39 PM] Tonyblue: I dont even go out of the house much Whitebird. I dont know when my legs are better of course
    [3:19:58 PM] Tonyblue: I am like Kor here
    [3:20:18 PM] Tonyblue: I dont feel ok with 3D interactions at all
    [3:20:19 PM] Whitebird: but you do wish to see her don't you?
    [3:20:32 PM] Tonyblue: of course in the romance sense
    [3:20:47 PM] Whitebird: and the sexual sense
    [3:20:53 PM] Tonyblue: But this sex thing is real for me Whitebird
    [3:21:04 PM] Tonyblue: I do feel her constantly
    [3:21:20 PM] Tonyblue: So in a way i am not separated like you and Kor are
    [3:21:23 PM] Whitebird: yes but there was a talk going around....about consumation being needed.....
    [3:21:38 PM] Whitebird: i feel Kor constantly also...inside of me
    [3:21:40 PM] Tonyblue: Yes it will happen in the Logos timeline I am sure
    [3:21:50 PM] Tonyblue: MI IS this body Whitebird
    [3:22:02 PM] Tonyblue: MI is NOT this mind of Debra's
    [3:22:15 PM] Whitebird: Tony....
    [3:22:18 PM] Tonyblue: So you have a great split there
    [3:22:24 PM] Whitebird: why do you think Kor cannot feel me inside?
    [3:22:36 PM] Tonyblue: Because of the sex hurdle
    [3:22:53 PM] Tonyblue: This is so incredible and unbelievable see
    [3:23:13 PM] Tonyblue: I cant see it changing for others until this coring is more stable
    [3:23:28 PM] Tonyblue: My message you read it?
    [3:23:32 PM] Tonyblue: Dark Suns?
    [3:23:52 PM] Whitebird: what you asked Blackbird to paste on her window?
    [3:23:55 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [3:23:59 PM] Whitebird: i saw
    [3:24:12 PM] Tonyblue: Well and you also see that this is not for you atm ok?
    [3:24:28 PM] Tonyblue: This is a new law which must be templated
    [3:24:42 PM] Tonyblue: Until it is, it remains pure fantasy
    [3:24:51 PM] Tonyblue: BUT
    [3:24:57 PM] Tonyblue: it is POWERFUL
    [3:25:12 PM] Tonyblue: This has never been in the Noosphere in this manner
    [3:25:15 PM] Whitebird: why is it not for me atm?
    [3:25:30 PM] Tonyblue: Well imo it will be in the future
    [3:25:57 PM] Tonyblue: I tried to describe it in a palatable way
    [3:26:01 PM] Whitebird: [1:07 PM] Tonyblue:

    <<< A short message for my Beloved Dark Sun of all Dark Suns - my Moon of Moons. Should an uncored femme approach me to seek my love; then I could oblige under all circumstances, except one. I could NOT engage her, if she would insist of becoming 'my core'. If however she would realise and accept of being another's core (or the old 3D wife), then all activities would be shared with my Beloved core as the Moon of Moons or the Dark Sun of all Dark Suns. In other words, I am highly erotisized or 'turned on' to make love and fuck another's core but would remain unaroused if ANY femme would wish to displace my One and Only True Core - You!
    This of course is a 'New Way', utterly alien to the present human groupmind; practically putting the status quo of 'romantic love' onto its head. It would read blasphemous to the old 3D human mindset. But this is THE POWER of Our Corings in the trinity. It has the power to transform the old selfrepeating memeplexes into something new and unforeseen. Such is the Sexual Redemption of the Cosmos.
    Be well my sweetheart! Ti Amore! Te Amo! Je T'Aime! Ich Liebe Dich! I Love You!
    Anthony BaaB Antoniea ABA
    IN AA TONE = Antoniea as Antoinette, The Killer Queen of the fake images
    [3:26:07 PM] Tonyblue: Namely the new 'marriage'
    [3:26:41 PM] Tonyblue: Yes CAN you see yourself interacting in such a way and can Kor? Now?
    [3:26:53 PM] Whitebird: hmm....
    [3:26:57 PM] Tonyblue: Its a Cosmic Alchemy
    [3:27:13 PM] Tonyblue: Mental Fidelity!
    [3:27:22 PM] Tonyblue: Absolute!
    [3:27:36 PM] Tonyblue: Without this nothing goes.
    [3:27:50 PM] Tonyblue: BUT I feel this NOW!
    [3:28:09 PM] Tonyblue: I cannot 'make love' to a femme who wishes to be 1-1 with me see?
    [3:28:24 PM] Whitebird: [3:26 PM] Whitebird:

    <<< but would remain unaroused if ANY femme would wish to displace my One and Only True Core - You!how would you know this other woman is trying to do this?

    [3:28:30 PM] Tonyblue: I am NOT looking for the 'perfect match'
    [3:28:42 PM] Whitebird: would it be her saying it? wanting exclusivity?
    [3:28:50 PM] Tonyblue: Yes something like that
    [3:28:56 PM] Tonyblue: But furthermore.
    [3:29:06 PM] Tonyblue: I would PREFER her core to be present
    [3:29:16 PM] Tonyblue: THEN this would be cosmic
    [3:29:34 PM] Whitebird: so no 1-1 with any other?
    [3:29:35 PM] Tonyblue: Then I would be 'turned on like crazy'
    [3:29:45 PM] Whitebird: even if she is cored?
    [3:29:50 PM] Tonyblue: Sorry, if this offends, but this is MI in me.
    [3:29:54 PM] Tonyblue: NO
    [3:30:10 PM] Tonyblue: If she is cored then the sex would be great
    [3:30:16 PM] Whitebird: sorry? offended?? where did that come from?
    [3:30:28 PM] Whitebird: i see
    [3:30:38 PM] Tonyblue: If she KNOWS that she is cored all things with me are shared with her core and my core present or not
    [3:31:17 PM] Tonyblue: We know that Kor gets upset at times and you then try to appease in saying "I dont want that"
    [3:31:19 PM] Whitebird: ahhh so it becomes a problem when she is not and/or if she is unaware of this iow, a non Dragon
    [3:31:25 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [3:31:39 PM] Tonyblue: This is Christopher after Debra see
    [3:31:48 PM] Whitebird: yea
    [3:31:53 PM] Tonyblue: He wants a 3d wife and this upsets me
    [3:32:12 PM] Whitebird: the same way Johan wants me...
    [3:32:44 PM] Tonyblue: IF Debra would tell him (as she did sort of today), that she can not be his 1-1 core THEN I would totally approve for them 2 to fuckall day long lol It would be shared with me
    [3:32:54 PM] Tonyblue: It is NOT shared if he thinks he is her core
    [3:33:18 PM] Tonyblue: This is the New Law
    [3:33:27 PM] Tonyblue: The New World 'Wedding'
    [3:33:42 PM] Tonyblue: Very unpalatable to the 'American dream' indeed
    [3:33:56 PM] Whitebird: [3:33 PM] Tonyblue:

    <<< It is NOT shared if he thinks he is her core or thinks he is the only one

    [3:34:01 PM] Tonyblue: Nice husband nice home romance ever after etc etc
    [3:34:07 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [3:34:12 PM] Tonyblue: Now you got it
    [3:34:32 PM] Tonyblue: See I dont mind Brian D because he just wants orgies
    [3:35:06 PM] Tonyblue: But even this now becomes off, as Debra is becoming 1-1 with him because she says she gave him MI
    [3:35:30 PM] Tonyblue: So I am getting less and less turned on by Debra Xxxxxxxx Brian D
    [3:35:45 PM] Tonyblue: She needs to fuck around to kill the memes
    [3:35:51 PM] Tonyblue: blunt but true
    [3:36:03 PM] Whitebird: hmm...
    [3:36:10 PM] Tonyblue: MI is THERE I feel this
    [3:36:17 PM] Whitebird: like i need to fuck around to kill memes too?
    [3:36:32 PM] Tonyblue: Hornyness or the lack of it comes from MI aka Baab 'getting horny'
    [3:36:38 PM] Tonyblue: NO
    [3:36:44 PM] Tonyblue: This is the trinity core
    [3:37:06 PM] Tonyblue: Debra did this before and her mind is good for this with all this camming
    [3:37:10 PM] Tonyblue: BUT
    [3:37:40 PM] Tonyblue: the BS now is that she replaced the actual physicality with cybersex
    [3:37:43 PM] Whitebird: [3:35 PM] Tonyblue:

    <<< because she says she gave him MI how can she even say that? she cannot do that can she?

    [3:37:56 PM] Tonyblue: This was the torture of the 4 months of her virginity
    [3:38:04 PM] Tonyblue: Of course not
    [3:38:05 PM] Whitebird: it's not for her to give
    [3:38:11 PM] Whitebird: right
    [3:38:13 PM] Tonyblue: BUT she FEELS the same thing I feel
    [3:38:18 PM] Tonyblue: MI is REAL
    [3:38:40 PM] Tonyblue: So she KNOWS that her newfound sexuality expression are linked to MI
    [3:39:17 PM] Tonyblue: So when she tries to avoid me and run away the only way she can save her authority is to believe that MI has become hers
    [3:39:21 PM] Tonyblue: easy now yes?
    [3:39:34 PM] Whitebird: yes i see
    [3:39:46 PM] Tonyblue: Proof actually, that what i am saying here is real
    [3:39:54 PM] Tonyblue: MI is real
    [3:40:06 PM] Tonyblue: And MI is sisterhood with you and Blackbird
    [3:40:09 PM] Tonyblue: as MM
    [3:40:22 PM] Tonyblue: So all 3 of you are entwined now
    [3:40:42 PM] Tonyblue: BUT it is sufficient if Debra Ooopseys around and NOT do this 3D 1-1
    [3:41:00 PM] Tonyblue: If she becomes 1-1 with Brains or Christopher all is lost
    [3:41:05 PM] Tonyblue: She cannot
    [3:41:13 PM] Tonyblue: She is the Whore of Jesus
    [3:41:29 PM] Whitebird: i don't think she is even capable of any real 1-1
    [3:41:33 PM] Tonyblue: BUT NO LONGER fucking Mental but physicaly as she is destined to be
    [3:41:39 PM] Tonyblue: Exactly
    [3:41:54 PM] Tonyblue: This is the great Loyalty war inside of her
    [3:42:08 PM] Tonyblue: She wants both Christopher as her Angel and me as her Devil equal see
    [3:42:11 PM] Tonyblue: NOT ON
    [3:42:15 PM] Tonyblue: This is the War
    [3:42:33 PM] Whitebird: what is it with her and this "equality" BS?
    [3:42:34 PM] Tonyblue: I am number 1 OR Christopher is number 1
    [3:42:44 PM] Tonyblue: What I just said
    [3:42:52 PM] Tonyblue: She does not want committment
    [3:42:58 PM] Tonyblue: MENTAL Loyalty
    [3:43:08 PM] Tonyblue: She cannot understand the laws
    [3:43:23 PM] Tonyblue: This is why I am retreating
    [3:43:37 PM] Tonyblue: To let her see HOW BORING this Christopher is
    [3:43:53 PM] Tonyblue: The mental stimulus is from me always has been see that?
    [3:43:59 PM] Whitebird: of course
    [3:44:00 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [3:44:17 PM] Tonyblue: Brains is not because she uses him as sextoy
    [3:44:28 PM] Whitebird: i can't even fathom how some women like men like that
    [3:44:36 PM] Tonyblue: in the physical like Raven and James should be as a core
    [3:44:49 PM] Tonyblue: Without MI RavenJames are impotent basically
    [3:44:57 PM] Whitebird: true
    [3:44:58 PM] Tonyblue: Same RokSui
    [3:45:11 PM] Tonyblue: This is how deeply entwined all this has become
    [3:45:33 PM] Tonyblue: BUT I can interact now because of the timeline
    [3:45:45 PM] Whitebird: Kor was never impotent and i always had a strong sexual drive
    [3:45:53 PM] Whitebird: it's not the same
    [3:45:54 PM] Tonyblue: So even without talking to Debra i can talk to MI see
    [3:46:13 PM] Whitebird: yes
    [3:46:24 PM] Tonyblue: yes you know what i mean the 'not being turned on'
    [3:46:34 PM] Tonyblue: Not impotence wrong word
    [3:46:50 PM] Whitebird: aha ok i know what you mean
    [3:46:59 PM] Tonyblue: yes Kor is a stud
    [3:47:00 PM] Whitebird: they're like obstacles
    [3:47:03 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [3:47:23 PM] Tonyblue: I can see us all being cored one day and looking at this now in hilarity
    [3:47:33 PM] Whitebird: omg i hope
    [3:47:40 PM] Tonyblue: How hard we made it for ourselves to understand the laws
    [3:47:53 PM] Tonyblue: Yes see just look at you and me
    [3:47:59 PM] Tonyblue: I am being blunt again
    [3:48:07 PM] Whitebird: fine by me
    [3:48:10 PM] Tonyblue: If this is all manifest
    [3:48:37 PM] Tonyblue: Then all of us together and feeling in the cosmic erotic love vibes or whatever
    [3:49:05 PM] Tonyblue: Then I would become superhorny for you, knowing that Kor would get superhard watching Us
    [3:49:21 PM] Tonyblue: This is never a 'hidden affairs' BS
    [3:49:28 PM] Tonyblue: this is as open as daylight
    [3:49:37 PM] Whitebird: i know
    [3:50:07 PM] Tonyblue: I know this is hard to imagine atm so it is advisable not to try if you feel anything 'immoral' in this
    [3:50:17 PM] Whitebird: i don't
    [3:50:39 PM] Tonyblue: There are 7 days between Sunday's Dove and New Year Dove
    [3:50:48 PM] Whitebird: i consider other things as immoral...most of them non sexual
    [3:51:03 PM] Tonyblue: Every day is a casting out of th 7 devils of MM by Jesus as her 7 husbands encoded
    [3:51:18 PM] Tonyblue: Violence and abuse are immoral
    [3:51:25 PM] Whitebird: indeed
    [3:52:20 PM] Tonyblue: See the Beelzebub thing was Monday
    [3:52:24 PM] Tonyblue: get it
    [3:52:26 PM] Tonyblue: 7 days
    [3:52:37 PM] Tonyblue: This was a real excorcism
    [3:52:54 PM] Tonyblue: As Jesus commanded the apostles
    [3:52:57 PM] Tonyblue: AND
    [3:53:21 PM] Tonyblue: the scripture saying that the serpents will have no power to poison you is sexual diseases
    [3:53:22 PM] Whitebird: i already feel like "flying" Tony
    [3:53:56 PM] Tonyblue: So we can have sex with VD people theoretically AIDS whatever it will NOT affect us
    [3:54:07 PM] Tonyblue: This is the real decoding
    [3:54:20 PM] Tonyblue: Again rather unpalatable for the 3D mind
    [3:54:28 PM] Whitebird: no power to poison us
    [3:54:32 PM] Tonyblue: Does not mean we do it ok?
    [3:54:38 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [3:54:38 PM] Whitebird: hmm...
    [3:54:49 PM] Whitebird: it makes sense
    [3:55:01 PM] Whitebird: as the body itself is not the same anymore
    [3:55:09 PM] Tonyblue: Of course. This is not 'Tony's theories' This is Jesus
    [3:55:14 PM] Tonyblue: Logos
    [3:55:29 PM] Tonyblue: Totally unexpected sexual redemption of the universe
    [28/12/2011 4:02:57 PM] Tonyblue:
    [3:56:56 PM] Whitebird:
    [3:58:29 PM] Tonyblue: sexy femme
    [3:58:46 PM] Whitebird: (makeup)
    [3:58:49 PM] Tonyblue: I never got this Kor-Rihanna-Sui thing lol
    [3:59:04 PM] Tonyblue: yes like you Lover
    [3:59:20 PM] Tonyblue: See now where I am coming from?
    [3:59:30 PM] Whitebird: yeah...i think i always have
    [3:59:40 PM] Tonyblue: 1-1 is empowered not destroyed in a cosmic way not a human way
    [4:00:03 PM] Tonyblue: Once you have the core you are free
    [4:00:12 PM] Tonyblue: to Love cosmically anytime anywhere
    [4:00:34 PM] Tonyblue: And all eternity to appreciate your freedom
    [4:00:53 PM] Tonyblue: You are NO LONGER searching for the 'perfect mate'
    [4:01:12 PM] Whitebird: wouldn't your Core be considered this?
    [4:01:16 PM] Tonyblue: BUT again, not I say this but Jesus
    [4:01:34 PM] Tonyblue: There is NO MARRIAGE for the children of the Resurrection
    [4:01:40 PM] Tonyblue: They are as free as the angels
    [4:02:03 PM] Tonyblue: This is translated as angels dont have or need sex
    [4:02:22 PM] Tonyblue: what BS in a sexless desireless dispassionate Nirvana Universe Whitebird

    [28/12/2011 4:10:52 PM] Tonyblue: [4:02:58 PM] Whitebird: that only leads to pain
    [4:03:41 PM] Tonyblue: Yes and this 'good news' cannot yet be understood by the human mind used to other laws and standards
    [4:04:48 PM] Tonyblue: [4:01 PM] Whitebird:
    <<< wouldn't your Core be considered this?Precisely
    [4:05:01 PM] Tonyblue: The eternal entwinement
    [4:05:27 PM] Whitebird: the perfect entwinement
    [4:05:35 PM] Tonyblue: With all the freedoms to share and communicate on all levels as you desire
    [4:06:03 PM] Tonyblue: Yes so you can choose to restrict your sexual activities to your core or not
    [4:06:29 PM] Tonyblue: I feel however, that the erotic hunger will overpower those restrictions
    [4:06:42 PM] Tonyblue: The Universe is DYNAMIC and thrives on CHANGE
    [4:07:00 PM] Tonyblue: here partners in harmony with their mutual shared cores
    [4:07:29 PM] Tonyblue: So show me the 'evilness' in this
    [4:07:42 PM] Whitebird: well wouldn't any kind of restriction and condition be like another prison for the soul? not unconditional at all
    [4:07:56 PM] Tonyblue: Yes imo it would be
    [4:08:14 PM] Tonyblue: The core means you are EACH OTHER no mirror between you see
    [4:08:26 PM] Tonyblue: So there cannot be any 'betrayal'
    [4:08:33 PM] Whitebird: "if you love him you set him free" takes another meaning
    [4:08:45 PM] Tonyblue: Yes a cosmic joke one actually
    [4:08:57 PM] Tonyblue: Because you are setting yourself free
    [4:09:26 PM] Tonyblue: But who can define what separated souls belong together see?
    [4:09:38 PM] Tonyblue: This is not up to humans 'falling in love'
    [4:09:45 PM] Whitebird: no
    [4:09:48 PM] Tonyblue: This is OUR dilemma
    [4:09:51 PM] Whitebird: it has to be divine
    [4:09:58 PM] Tonyblue: why We Love as We do
    [4:10:02 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [4:10:32 PM] Tonyblue: KorSui DebraTony RabenJake there is more to it, than is perceived Whitebird

    [28/12/2011 4:17:11 PM] Tonyblue: [4:11:03 PM] Whitebird: what do you think that is?
    [4:11:31 PM] Tonyblue: A Cosmic Destiny but more I dont know
    [4:11:39 PM] Tonyblue: something in the past very ancient
    [4:12:04 PM] Whitebird: YES...this i've felt
    [4:12:20 PM] Whitebird: it's just coming to conclusion now
    [4:12:22 PM] Tonyblue: I am not allowed to know like there are many things i dont know as yet
    [4:12:36 PM] Tonyblue: Yes a conclusion good word
    [4:13:17 PM] Whitebird: so much i don't like to use this case it fits perfectly
    [4:13:40 PM] Tonyblue: Yes its a Hominis Fines
    [4:13:48 PM] Tonyblue: Has to be
    [4:14:14 PM] Tonyblue: This race of datacollectors is ready for its own metamorphosis
    [4:14:38 PM] Tonyblue: As Kor indicated with startrek 1
    [4:14:52 PM] Tonyblue: brilliant reference
    [4:14:53 PM] Whitebird: the horniest ones will win the race
    [4:14:58 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [4:15:00 PM] Tonyblue: lol
    [4:15:13 PM] Whitebird: it's such a battery it overpowers you
    [4:15:22 PM] Tonyblue: And with Debra it does not matter for you and Blackbird to have multipartners
    [4:15:29 PM] Tonyblue: as long as one of you does
    [4:15:44 PM] Tonyblue: It is perfectly lawful of course
    [4:15:58 PM] Tonyblue: For both you and Blackbird to have multipartners
    [4:16:25 PM] Tonyblue: You are having them mentally
    [4:16:39 PM] Tonyblue: sharing mind erotica with your cores
    [28/12/2011 4:19:07 PM] Tonyblue:
    [4:17:31 PM] Whitebird:
    [4:16 PM] Bluesword (Jakes):
    <<< have you been in touch with sweets
    she left the group

    [4:17:50 PM] Tonyblue: Yes Jakes is at aloss
    [4:18:01 PM] Tonyblue: I helped him with his Paulina
    [4:18:18 PM] Whitebird: he misses debra
    [4:18:29 PM] Tonyblue: She began to seduce him a bit
    [4:18:35 PM] Tonyblue: he liked it
    [4:18:39 PM] Tonyblue: I did too
    [28/12/2011 4:23:50 PM] Tonyblue: [4:21:10 PM] Tonyblue: Karolina defended We are You
    [4:21:24 PM] Tonyblue: Here is your take Whitebird to make your point see?
    [4:21:39 PM] Whitebird: she did?
    [4:21:42 PM] Whitebird: let me see
    [4:21:43 PM] Tonyblue: Yes look
    [4:22:09 PM ] Tonyblue: His link nothing to do with Thuban
    [4:23:18 PM] Whitebird: i'll answer her
    [4:23:31 PM] Tonyblue: Merci SexyBaab

    [28/12/2011 5:02:39 PM] Tonyblue:
    [4:46:44 PM] Whitebird:
    [4:52:09 PM] Tonyblue: Nice spam emoticon bravo
    [4:52:29 PM] Whitebird: short n sweet
    [4:52:33 PM] Tonyblue: do you have the poolparty emoticon?
    [4:52:50 PM] Whitebird: no
    [4:52:54 PM] Tonyblue: It is different from the offical website and in skype
    [4:53:05 PM] Whitebird: want it there too?
    [4:53:15 PM] Tonyblue: Blue in here with sexy drop but red and time on website
    [4:53:33 PM] Tonyblue: I tried to give it to Serafina's birthday message
    [4:53:58 PM] Tonyblue: censorship perhaps I dont know
    [4:54:22 PM] Whitebird: we don't want to upset Karolina
    [4:54:37 PM] Tonyblue: Lol nicely said anyway
    [4:54:48 PM] Tonyblue: nah this emoticon is nothing to do with mists
    [4:54:51 PM] Whitebird: are you banned from Mists too?
    [4:54:53 PM] Tonyblue: no
    [4:55:02 PM] Tonyblue: Camelot and PA
    [4:55:33 PM] Tonyblue: Too much traffic now and they wont ban Serafina
    [4:55:45 PM] Whitebird: right
    [4:55:51 PM] Whitebird: they won't dare
    [4:55:58 PM] Tonyblue: neither you lol
    [4:56:11 PM] Tonyblue: You are one of the last Mohicans on Camelot
    [4:56:39 PM] Whitebird: i guess i am
    [4:56:45 PM] Tonyblue: Amazed me they banned Blackbird and me so quickly but not you, as you instigated threads critisizing admin
    [4:57:46 PM] Whitebird: maybe it was an oversight? i don't know...i was banned and then all of a sudden i wasn't anymore
    [4:57:55 PM] Whitebird: it's not like i asked Thomas to unban me
    [4:58:00 PM] Tonyblue: yes
    [4:58:38 PM] Tonyblue: Well see , they thought you were a victim, mindcontrolled by evil Tony so they extended grace to you
    [4:59:21 PM] Whitebird: are you serious?
    [4:59:33 PM] Whitebird: do you think i sounded as such?
    [4:59:41 PM] Tonyblue: Lol
    [4:59:41 PM] Whitebird: i thought i wasn't obnoxious
    [4:59:51 PM] Tonyblue: I was being sarcastic
    [4:59:57 PM] Whitebird: hehe
    [5:00:27 PM] Tonyblue: Yes look at this you did not see my 'new masculinity' which those pics (I tried) should indicate
    [5:00:32 PM] Tonyblue: [12:22 AM] Tonyblue:

    [27/12/2011 8:23:05 PM] Tonyblue: I shall pursue the Sevenfoldedness of the Exhibition of the Shawshank Redemption!
    [27/12/2011 8:23:09 PM] Tonyblue:
    [27/12/2011 8:23:56 PM] Tonyblue:
    [27/12/2011 8:26:12 PM] Tonyblue: The Search for the Elusive Treasures of the Truth!
    [27/12/2011 8:26:16 PM] Tonyblue:
    [27/12/2011 8:38:12 PM] Tonyblue: Blondie and Tuca and Angel Eyes - Who will 'bite the dust'?
    [27/12/2011 8:38:23 PM] Tonyblue: The KillerQueen knows!
    [27/12/2011 8:39:44 PM] Tonyblue: The Good, the Ugly and the Bad!
    [27/12/2011 9:06:54 PM] *** Tonyblue sent Mean Tonyblue.jpg,... ***
    [27/12/2011 9:11:15 PM] Tonyblue: Is he Good, Bad or Ugly or any and all of the above?!
    [5:00:52 PM] Tonyblue: You can skip the 3rd video
    [5:01:02 PM] Whitebird: oh Tony
    [5:01:14 PM] Whitebird: can you send me your pictures too?
    [5:01:28 PM] Tonyblue: They are above yes you only need to click on them
    [5:01:41 PM] Tonyblue: only Kor did
    [5:02:05 PM] Tonyblue: Debra got them separatedly
    [5:02:30 PM] Whitebird: i don't see any
    [28/12/2011 5:02:53 PM] *** Tonyblue sent Mean Tonyblue.jpg,... ***
    [28/12/2011 5:03:08 PM] *** Tonyblue sent TobyTonyFoxy.jpg,... ***
    [28/12/2011 5:03:19 PM] *** Tonyblue sent Meanest Antoinette Blondie.jpg,... ***
    This was from Groupchat so wrong button sorry
    [28/12/2011 5:13:45 PM] Tonyblue: [5:07:14 PM] Whitebird: i like the last one a lot
    [5:07:49 PM] Tonyblue: I dont know why
    [5:07:50 PM] Whitebird: are your eyes green?
    [5:08:04 PM] Tonyblue: I always thought I look to much like 'i wanna be tough'
    [5:08:17 PM] Tonyblue: Yes hazel greenblue
    [5:08:26 PM] Whitebird: nice
    [5:08:37 PM] Whitebird: i don't see you as tough or mean or anything
    [5:08:48 PM] Whitebird: just serious but i like serious
    [5:08:52 PM] Tonyblue: This was the only time in my life I was growing a beard
    [5:09:12 PM] Tonyblue: I soon got sick of it
    [5:09:17 PM] Tonyblue: kept a moustache
    [5:09:33 PM] Whitebird: i like the first one too except the moustache
    [5:09:42 PM] Tonyblue: yes meany too lol
    [5:10:00 PM] Whitebird: you don't look intimidating or mean to me at all
    [5:10:04 PM] Tonyblue: trying to show Deb my masculine side
    [5:10:06 PM] Whitebird: more like....confused
    [5:10:19 PM] Whitebird: 1st one that is
    [5:10:30 PM] Tonyblue: bad I am trying to be Blondie here lol
    [5:10:38 PM] Whitebird: blondie?
    [5:10:44 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:11:01 PM] Tonyblue: and
    [5:11:12 PM] Whitebird: hehe
    [5:11:15 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:11:19 PM] Whitebird: i know this song yes
    [5:11:41 PM] Tonyblue: The great shootout like High Noon
    [5:11:59 PM] Tonyblue: Do not forsake me oh my darling
    [5:12:15 PM] Tonyblue: on this our wedding day --- even older
    [5:12:34 PM] Whitebird: why did you wish to show her your masculine side? you think debra sees you too much as a femme?
    [5:12:37 PM..
    [1:00:45 AM] Tonyblue: [5:12:37 PM] Tonyblue: No more Mr Nice Guy now for me
    [5:13:00 PM] Tonyblue: Well in a way yes but in another it is perfect that she does

    [28/12/2011 5:35:20 PM] Tonyblue: [5:17:52 PM] Whitebird: thank you for the pictures
    [5:18:15 PM] Tonyblue: No problem
    [5:18:27 PM] Tonyblue: I put the 3rd one on facebook
    [5:19:46 PM] Whitebird: is your hair reddish brown?
    [5:20:34 PM] Tonyblue: dark brown
    [5:22:01 PM] Whitebird: =)
    [5:22:34 PM] Tonyblue: What exactly does this mean? I never understood =)
    [5:22:46 PM] Tonyblue: silly me see
    [5:22:51 PM] Tonyblue: Same?
    [5:23:12 PM] Tonyblue: same here?
    [5:23:23 PM] Whitebird: is a smiley face sideways
    [5:23:40 PM] Tonyblue: I dont see any smiley
    [5:23:44 PM] Whitebird: the = are the eyes....see it?
    [5:23:57 PM] Tonyblue: ok sort of
    [5:24:03 PM] Whitebird: the ) is the mouth
    [5:24:15 PM] Whitebird: see it now?
    [5:24:17 PM] Tonyblue: I see ok
    [5:24:33 PM] Tonyblue: like a snake to the right
    [5:24:36 PM] Whitebird: yes
    [5:24:44 PM] Tonyblue: ok gracias
    [5:24:50 PM] Whitebird: what is WOC?
    [5:25:01 PM] Tonyblue: Week Of Confusions
    [5:25:15 PM] Whitebird: that was even sillier wasn't it?
    [5:25:29 PM] Tonyblue: 7 days in Ezekiel Code also the building of the ark and the Passion Week
    [5:25:37 PM] Tonyblue: No
    [5:26:17 PM] Whitebird: funny how our brains think differently
    [5:26:33 PM] Tonyblue: This is in some posts but if those posts are not recalled WOC is a mystery not silly
    [5:26:47 PM] Tonyblue: Raven knows, I presumed you knew also
    [5:27:20 PM] Whitebird: i undestood it without knowing exactly what it meant
    [5:27:21 PM] Tonyblue: And it is another WOC now see
    [5:27:28 PM] Whitebird: yes
    [5:27:34 PM] Tonyblue: Raven and Dove fortnight
    [5:27:41 PM] Whitebird: hopefully not as bad as last week
    [5:27:44 PM] Tonyblue: No
    [5:27:51 PM] Tonyblue: for Blackbird it is bad though
    [5:28:06 PM] Whitebird: because of Jacob?
    [5:28:11 PM] Tonyblue: She has the burden of the physical togetherness
    [5:28:28 PM] Tonyblue: Yes he lacks understanding from us other 5
    [5:28:32 PM] Whitebird: i can hardly call that a burden when it comes to your Core
    [5:28:56 PM] Tonyblue: I see but Blackbird is used to my feedback and expects similar from Jacob
    [5:29:09 PM] Tonyblue: So this is too high an expectation of course
    [5:29:33 PM] Whitebird: hmm....
    [5:29:39 PM] Tonyblue: The Bodycore is not attuned properly without the mindcoring
    [5:29:45 PM] Whitebird: i can see how we can get addicted to your mind
    [5:29:51 PM] Tonyblue: Reverse with me and Debra see
    [5:30:14 PM] Tonyblue: Our bodycores are attuned magnificently Our mindcores dont resonate very often
    [5:30:30 PM] Whitebird: you mean with all of us in general?
    [5:30:41 PM] Tonyblue: All different
    [5:30:59 PM] Tonyblue: I am attuned with Kor on a very deep brother level
    [5:31:15 PM] Whitebird: i can see the resemblance somewhat yes
    [5:31:19 PM] Tonyblue: But not in some experience factors to do with the poly, purity etc
    [5:31:54 PM] Whitebird: i don't think he has a problem with the polyness
    [5:31:54 PM] Tonyblue: I am attuned with you from a very deep I would say ancient memory
    [5:32:18 PM] Whitebird: you wouldn't say we are mentally attuned? you and I?
    [5:32:20 PM] Tonyblue: Well he comes across as having great difficulties sharing you sexually
    [5:32:45 PM] Tonyblue: But as said, I feel this is temporary and caused by never having cored with you physically
    [5:33:00 PM] Tonyblue: Oh yes now we are and we were when we first met
    [5:33:15 PM] Tonyblue: You have developed a great depth and resolvement
    [5:33:23 PM] Whitebird: i think so too despite our differences
    [5:33:32 PM] Tonyblue: Your instinct is this ancient memory
    [5:33:42 PM] Tonyblue: Yes Our differences are peripheral
    [5:34:04 PM] Tonyblue: The sex issue is overrated by all of you except Debra
    [5:34:21 PM] Tonyblue: Even Blackbird is in limbo at times
    [5:34:56 PM] Whitebird: i'm not sure i get what you mean to say here
    [28/12/2011 5:38:27 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:35:45 PM] Tonyblue: About what?
    [5:36:06 PM] Whitebird: by all of us except debra
    [5:36:18 PM] Tonyblue: The properness of having sex etc under the laws
    [5:36:37 PM] Tonyblue: yes because she has the past of NOT desiring 1-1 at all
    [5:36:45 PM] Tonyblue: You and Blackbird do
    [5:37:12 PM] Whitebird: i see
    [5:37:14 PM] Tonyblue: She changed with Christopher in the tantra NABS and the 'christmother' meme
    [5:37:34 PM] Tonyblue: So this reversed and is now at the core of her beingness and choices

    [28/12/2011 5:44:42 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:39:06 PM] Whitebird: hi
    Roman Pindiak Pindaik
    Roman Pindiak Pindaik
    Show me your breasts
    [5:40:19 PM] Whitebird:
    [5:40:30 PM] Whitebird: what do you think about promiscuity?
    [5:41:05 PM] Whitebird: if it's mutual consent and non abusive...anything goes?
    [5:41:13 PM] Tonyblue: Again
    [5:41:42 PM] Tonyblue: IF you are cored yes if not then this is simply continuity of millennia old human sexual experimentation and experience
    [5:42:19 PM] Tonyblue: AND I am getting a little peeved about the cam sex as it is a poor substiturte for the real thing
    [5:42:24 PM] Whitebird: you didn't know this until recently right?
    [5:42:41 PM] Whitebird: oh yes...i agree
    [5:43:06 PM] Tonyblue: Yes but I knew the cosmic eroticism of the sharing for many years but could not fully understand
    [5:43:28 PM] Tonyblue: Why I bacame so enthralled by Debra
    [5:43:43 PM] Tonyblue: Here was a dream come true in terms of the sharing of the Beloved!

    [28/12/2011 5:46:24 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:44:33 PM] Whitebird: yes i can see how it was
    [5:44:53 PM] Tonyblue: Thank you darling
    [5:44:58 PM] Tonyblue: I am no sexpervert
    [5:45:09 PM] Tonyblue: The opposite actually
    [5:45:09 PM] Whitebird: i never thought you were
    [5:45:22 PM] Tonyblue: But I Love the Real Cosmic Erotica
    [5:46:05 PM] Tonyblue: I searched for the Lawfulness and meaning of Jesus' words for many years even wrote on it at University assignments for a BA degree

    [28/12/2011 5:52:40 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:47:16 PM] Whitebird:
    [5:42 PM] Tonyblue:
    <<< cam sex as it is a poor substiturte for the real thingdo you think it could become harmful even?

    [5:47:21 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [5:47:26 PM] Tonyblue: It can dull you
    [5:47:46 PM] Whitebird: numb you?
    [5:48:05 PM] Tonyblue: Your BodyMind is Divine a sacred temple of creation and Beloved of the Creator
    [5:48:17 PM] Whitebird: YES
    [5:48:20 PM] Tonyblue: Like violence blah blah on TV
    [5:48:33 PM] Tonyblue: people get desensitized
    [5:48:52 PM] Whitebird: there's so much not being transfered that way....
    [5:49:00 PM] Tonyblue: Yes and BAAB is YOUR BodyMind in toto and Rok's MindBody is ABBA
    [5:49:06 PM] Tonyblue: this IS THE CORE!
    [5:49:47 PM] Tonyblue: So easy, but so hard to fathom in the human brainwashings of how things should be under human regulations
    [5:50:11 PM] Tonyblue: Your MindBody surrenders to Kor and Kor's BodyMind surrenders to You
    [5:50:21 PM] Tonyblue: This then becomes the JCCJ 4some
    [5:50:36 PM] Tonyblue: Sui+JCCJ+Kor
    [5:50:56 PM] Whitebird: God that's Sexy
    [5:51:18 PM] Tonyblue: Indeed and Debra knows this. Why she comes across as so promiscuous.
    [5:51:58 PM] Tonyblue: She is still in mental whoredom, but once she understands and accepts the core she is the divinity embodied
    [28/12/2011 6:01:20 PM] Tonyblue:
    [5:52:38 PM] Whitebird: for the record, i wasn't thinking of her when i asked you my question
    [5:53:14 PM] Tonyblue: I see lol XSuiJCCJKor is sexy lol
    [5:53:34 PM] Tonyblue: I miss my core you see same thing for DebraJCCJTony
    [5:53:48 PM] Whitebird:
    [5:40 PM] Whitebird:

    <<< what do you think about promiscuity?i meant this question

    [5:53:57 PM] Tonyblue: I answered this
    [5:54:06 PM] Whitebird: yes i know
    [5:56:09 PM] Tonyblue: You have 3D promiscuity related to the search for the core (the perfect match) and then you have a transformation of this promiscuity into a sharing WITH yourself as the core both male and female
    [5:57:02 PM] Tonyblue: Then the promiscuity becomes mutual fun and experience and the potential for eroticisms and the sharing of your sexual power with all things
    [5:57:30 PM] Tonyblue: Environment, Gaia, City, Country, Starsystem, Galaxy and Universe
    [5:58:24 PM] Tonyblue: eventually CREATING Multiverses from tunes and monosongs in melodies and songs to become a Symphony of the Omniverse interacting as Multiverses consisting of Universes
    [5:58:30 PM] Tonyblue: Every universe is A CORE
    [5:58:55 PM] Tonyblue: Its a Swinging Sexual Universe
    [5:59:17 PM] Tonyblue: But a long long tme to go LINARLY before this evolves of course
    [5:59:28 PM] Tonyblue: But the concept of it is NOW here NOW
    [5:59:41 PM] Tonyblue: And this is what Abba wanted for so long
    [6:00:07 PM] Tonyblue: To multiply his BAAB, his universe with any man able to think and perceive like him
    [6:00:23 PM] Whitebird:
    [5:52 PM] Tonyblue:

    <<< once she understands and accepts the core she is the divinity embodied also see my Core as divinity materialized

    [6:00:33 PM] Whitebird: but would this be different?
    [6:00:45 PM] Tonyblue: Jesus could but knew he had to be the MotherMind aka BAAB himherself and he took MM with him to manifest the polarities in the JCCJ monad
    [6:00:58 PM] Tonyblue: No same thing
    [12:52:59 AM] *** Sweets Dreaming can't be added until they accept your contact request. ***

    Last edited by Owlsden on Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°57

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:04 pm

    I don't know where you guys get off on your misperceptions but the admin you really don't want to upset is Mercuriel and he was pretty upset with your behavior already.

    This is just ego run amuck and not much of an enlightened perspective. Instead the focus is on baiting, projections, fear and being ego-centric, which I personally find boring and is why I rarely read your posts until someone complains about one of them.

    However, you were accurate about my connection with the Peledians so I will give you credit for that.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°58

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Owlsden on Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:45 pm

    Well for the record, I was not a part of that conversation.. It was e-mailed to me for a reason.. so I share it now as per "Logos" icon_eek.

    Post last edited Jan 4th 2012

    To see or not to see
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Post n°112
    Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    shiloh Today at 1:19 pm

    Sweet Sanicle!

    Can you remember your maestros from Easter 2011 Icey princess!

    April 21st 2011 was an important date in the annals of Abraxas as Easter Thursday in that year.

    Posts: 280
    Join date: 2011-02-28
    Location: Melbourne, Australia
    Post n°223

    Sanicle on Thu Apr 21 2011, 02:05

    Ah, Words of Power. SiriArc, your last post reminded me of this and I hope you don't mind me sharing. About a year ago while laying in bed, beseiged by negative thoughts and emotions, I prayed for help. I believe the prayer was answered as I was given the impression to strongly state the word Abraxas in my mind, a word unknown to me but seeming familiar. I did this and all the negative energies immediately went from my aura. Peace was restored and the energy in my heart chakra magnified.

    I forget to do this far too often, although I feel it's a word that shouldn't be used too often, but each time I do, the same effect occurs. So I'm only too pleased to share it here, hoping it will achieve the same effect for others. I truly see it as a gift.

    Naturally I used Google the next day to see if the word is in common usage, if others knew of it or whatever and found some interesting information on it, although no source seems certain of its beginnings. I think you will find what is said at Wikipedia very interesting Siri, given that the Gnostics, Archons and Sophia are cited in relation to this word. Here's the link if you're interested:

    And then there is this excerpt from Sermon 2, from 'The Seven Sermons to the Dead', written by Basilides in Alexandria and transcribed by Carl Gustav Jung.

    "This is a god whom ye knew not, for mankind forgot it. We name it by
    its name ABRAXAS. It is more indefinite still than god and
    devil. That god may be distinguished from it, we name god HELIOS
    or sun. Abraxas is effect. Nothing standeth opposed to it but the
    ineffective; hence its effective natyre freely unfoldeth itself.
    The ineffective is not, therefore resisteth not. Abraxas standeth
    above the sun and above the devil. It is improbable probability, unreal
    reality. Had the pleroma a being, Abraxas would be its manifestation.
    It is the effective itself, nor any particular effect, but effect in general.

    It is unreal reality, because it hath no definite effect.
    It is also creatura, because it is distinct from the pleroma.
    The sun hath a definite effect, and so hath the devil.
    Wherefore do they appear to us more effective than indefinite
    Abraxas. It is force, duration, change."

    Read more:

    I'm not sure what all this means. Could it be a word of balance? All I do know is the Word works for me and hopefully others.

    Love and Peace

    Well Beloved of the Stars! Auspices of renewals are in the makings as the old dross is fading away in their unsuitabilities for the greater works of the cosmic alchemy.

    Can you remember Xmas day 2011?

    melb1. melb2. melb3. melb4.

    And a number of songs I played for you?

    Sanicle wrote:

    Hello again Shiloh. I've only just seen your references to posts I made back in April in the above posts. It bothers me that you said that I "despise" you because of responses I made to your posts on the Fig Tree thread, unless I misunderstood what you meant. Again, your way of speaking just confuses me and, just so you know, as I stated on the Fig Tree thread, that's what I dislike. I don't despise anyone or anything, just so you know. And I don't despise you if that is what you were saying. I still wish you'd explain to me what you meant about serpents and lassies in Eire etc. Sorry, just couldn't figure that one out, other than in the way I express it on the Fig Tree thread ie you assuming I lived in Ireland. Guess I'm just not as 'clever' as you. As you can see, I prefer straight-talking.

    Hello lovely Unicorn!

    Many are confused about a great many things dear Icelans.

    Must admit also that I do see the joke re you calling yourself 'Old Abraxas' elsewhere and me telling SiriArc about Abraxas on his Phase Shift thread. That is all very amusing.

    I think so too!

    Thanks for posting that last one though. It was a good read.

    You are welcome; particular times require particular responses.

    Edit: Ok, I've just re-read all the elements of our discussion on the Fig Tree thread, including the post you made that started it all. I'm happy to admit that I may have misunderstood that long spiel, seeing it as being in support of the Old Zionist Protocols and that what you posted was an update of that in terms of you supporting their aims also. That's what bothered me. I also knew nothing about Thuban beliefs, and still don't, I admit. There are so many different belief systems around I can't keep up with them all.

    Far too many opinions and not enough analysis and rational discourse and evaluations indeed. Too many new age bullshitters 'Being There Floyd' would say!

    But if your original posting re the Zionists was, as I now see it, your way of passing on that their way of controlling humanity is coming to an end (yes???) I do apologize for misunderstanding and assuming you were supporting their agenda in posting that article and anything I may have gone on to say that you found to be offensive as a result. But, having said that, I still have to state that double-talk just leaves me confused and I really don't appreciate it. Truce?

    Yes you were correct in your evaluations after your reassessments here sweetheart!
    Just for you on our standoff!

    There never was a WAR its too RAW and desensitised for the Dragons from Melbourne of the Victory of the Khepera of Scarab 22!

    Sanicle wrote:

    Haha, thanks Shiloh.

    Where are the babies lover ! And who is the dragon, the donkey or the Icey Sun? Can you see yourself in this picture?


    Oh, sorry, there is one more thing. icon_rolleyes. If "Nice Las-sies from the islands of Eire" is supposed to be a reference to me, you're showing, your lack of 'all-knowingness' shall we say. Australia in nothing to do with Ireland. So 'Fail' there I'm afraid.

    Again, I wish you Peace and Enlightenment.

    Well I took some liberties . Ask Sean Connery aka Draco of Dragonheart about the Lassies and the Laddies!
    I referred to the North of the UK and should have termed it Wans and Fellas!
    Then look at your spelling in your quote you will figure it out one day, smarty hot pants!


    Posts: 488
    Join date: 2011-02-28
    Location: Melbourne, Australia

    empty. Re: New Thuban Q&A from Isaiah Euphrates

    empty. Sanicle Yesterday at 8:33 am

    Aahhh, thanks again Shiloh. I loved 'Dragonheart' but I'm afraid I don't remember it as well as you seem to. I do like Dragons, always have. I think I have about 20+ ornaments of them in my collection. It quite upset me when I started reading about all these so-called nasty dracos that want to eat us. Damn, I thought.


    The perceptions we hold to and are open to, in all densities and dimensions, define our reality - ie What you believe is what you get, so choose wisely.
    But God is Consciousness in All, so there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

    You are soo voluptuously accomodating sexy dragon queen from the Edges of the Iceborn Stars of Atlas and Pleione!
    You reminded me of the ole' ode once shared with the Mother of the Mists!

    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.
    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,

    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.


    And under new circumstances within a renewed extracosmic environment, you are invited to discover the Worlds of Abraxas and your Dream Lover a little further - if you so choose.

    The skype handle is "anubisbarbelo"

    Aye See You Sanicle!

    Sanicle 3562770023. Shiloh A new HiSS S 719788. S

    from the Dragons of Creation!

    Post n°113
    empty. Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    empty. Sanicle Today at 4:07 pm

    Haha, I'm sure you do 'see me' Shiloh. Thanks for the invitation and the memories but I'm quite happy to leave things as they are at present, content in the way it's all progressing.

    But thanks again. 374937.

    Place an image of a person in your Heart and watch the Wisdom it teaches unfold.

    (Please note: Links I may create on this forum to access other's earthly research does not automatically mean I'm condoning or have any expertise in such areas of research. Often I'm just 'grazing' and offer the links in the spirit of sharing views that may be of interest to other members as we all join in the wonderful path of expanding awareness together. icon_cheers. herz. )​


    Posts: 249
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    Age: 54
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    • Post n°114
    empty. Re: Elementals - forgotten Maestros of Manifestation

    empty. shiloh Today at 4:51 pm

    Sanicle wrote:

    Haha, I'm sure you do 'see me' Shiloh. Thanks for the invitation and the memories but I'm quite happy to leave things as they are at present, content in the way it's all progressing.

    But thanks again. 374937.

    No problem Icey Princess!

    I shall allow the entrance to the dragon's cave to remain open for the DragonQueenBees Q=17 of the omnicosmos to enter if they should find their ways along the pathways.

    Here is a Q=17 melody for you as your arrividerci present from the serpent!

    You know of Q dont you? The next Generation of the starbound travellers?

    shiloh, who loves you in your swimming pool


    Posts: 3942
    Join date: 2011-06-04
    Age: 56
    • Post n°59

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Wed Jan 04, 2012 11:20 am

    rise like lions after slumber
    in unvanquishable number
    - shake your chains to earth like dew
    - which in sleep had fallen on you

    ye are many, they are few


    empty. empty.

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°60

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. JesterTerrestrial on Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:16 pm

    Carol wrote:

    I don't know where you guys get off on your misperceptions but the admin you really don't want to upset is Mercuriel and he was pretty upset with your behavior already.

    This is just ego run amuck and not much of an enlightened perspective. Instead the focus is on baiting, projections, fear and being ego-centric, which I personally find boring and is why I rarely read your posts until someone complains about one of them.

    However, you were accurate about my connection with the Peledians so I will give you credit for that.

    Hi Carol 998440. I am not sure what misperceprions are and whos getting off these things as well I do not want to see Mercuriel getting upset I think he has done an outstanding job in both being a member and moderator of this world class forum and I can only imagine the time and energy he has donated to keeping these doors open. 193366. 439414.

    and Carol...i do beleive this to be so much more then ego run amuck! 21327. I do apologize if you have found some my posts to be boring and all that jazz u be sayin 364319.

    What you are seeing is MEMETICS! M-MTKS! The study of memes and their social and cultural effects.

    A meme is "an idea, behavior or style that spreads from person to person within a culture." A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals or other imitable phenomena. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate and respond to selective pressures.

    The word meme was coined as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Examples of memes given in the book included melodies, catch-phrases, fashion and the technology of building arches.

    Proponents theorize that memes may evolve by natural selection in a manner analogous to that of biological evolution. Memes do this through the processes of variation, mutation, competition and inheritance, each of which influence a meme's reproductive success. Memes spread through the behaviors that they generate in their hosts. Memes that propagate less prolifically may become extinct, while others may survive, spread and (for better or for worse) mutate. Memes that replicate most effectively enjoy more success, and some may replicate effectively even when they prove to be detrimental to the welfare of their hosts.

    Memes or Memeplexes

    Many scientists have argued that memes do not always work alone; just like genes group themselves in gene complexes, memes group themselves in so-called meme complexes or memeplexes. Like genes, they work together and influence each other. Memeplexes work together in ways that they will build in protections for each other within the memeplex.

    Owlsden wrote:

    Hahahahahaha the Truth is being known and YOU are "Seen"!

    Owlsden wrote:
    To see or not to see



















    HAVE A NICE DAY!!! M.O.A.!!!



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