Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:06 am

    amasing how everything is coming together
    and, how, our stopped thread on PA/PC - where we first released the information
    on 16 dec 2013, and, 17 dec 2013, and, when they wouldn't let us post to it
    - i requested it be pulled
    so many things, are showing now,
    there is NO doubt, our calibration of dates,
    was absolutely correct !!!
    -and, reputable,
    esp. since we had the mathematics, & science, to back it all up,
    along with the new, and, full moon cycles, showing up, exactly at the right time
    thanks Tony, for all you do
    along with all the rest of The Thuban Group,
    things, are really rolling along
    as, we move towards the end of this current grand cycle,
    and, into the next one.
  2. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Tue Jun 19, 2012 10:26 am

    I continue to be amazed at how many people have dragon tattoos and shirts. I am amazed at how many dragons appear in various insignias, logos, patches, coats-of-arms, etc. I am amazed at how many dragon-related books exist. The Bible even describes a dragon as being in heaven. It seems as if Archangel Michael had a difference of opinion with a Dragon. What is the relationship between Dragons, Dinosaurs, Reptiles, Reptilian-Humanoids, Greys, Humanity, and Divinity???

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
  6. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:07 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    I continued to be amazed at how many people have dragon tattoos and shirts. I am amazed at how many dragons appear in various insignias, logos, patches, coats-of-arms, etc. I am amazed at how many dragon-related books exist. The Bible even describes a dragon as being in heaven. It seems as if Archangel Michael had a difference of opinion with a Dragon. What is the relationship between Dragons, Dinosaurs, Reptiles, Reptilian-Humanoids, Greys, Humanity, and Divinity???

    Lucifer is actually a malemindedness of the Satan (or Shaitan or Iblis) symbol, which in ontological metaphysical factuality represents the Image of the Creator God. Looking at his own image in the Mirror=Spacetime=Spirit=91; he does not like his maleness and wishes it to be female. Hence Satan is destined, as an archetype to become Satania=In A Satan and Lucifer is transforming into Lucifera! Coded as 74=Jesus=Messiah=Cross=Beauty=Songs=Clouds=Gospel=Energy=English=...A Lucifer=75=ANDROMEDA=MARRY

    This reflects the Egyptian creation mythology, where Rah looks at the Serpent Apep as himself and wishes him to be a her.
    So the Hathor=Mirror of the Egyptian enneadic pantheon is created in the Left Lunar Eye of Thoth and Uraeus with the Right Solar Eye of Horus de Hamarkhis and Anubis.
    The solar eye is 'thrown' or used at the serpent Apep to 'break the mirror' of the revelations. In multiD physics, this becomes a omniphysics of wormholes of a tesseractian 5D spacetime reconfiguration.
    This in the mythology becomes the 'Daughter of Ra' Hathor, who like Athene in the Greek mythology is born NOT of a goddess of the pantheon, but from the 'forehead' of Zeus as a thoughtform

    This in the mythology becomes the 'Daughter of Ra' Hathor, who like Athene in the Greek mythology is born NOT of a goddess of the pantheon, but from the 'forehead' of Zeus as a thoughtform. Akin Aphrodite, born from the 'foam' of creation in the castration of Uranus, the father sky to mother Gaea as Earth, Hathor so becomes a parentless or created 1st generation. In the Kabbalah and the hebrew mythology this is Lilith, the Screeching Owl as a First Eve and NOT derived from Adam as his rib.

    There are many valid points to Dan Winter's video posted by Xeia on the forums.
    Dan has his geometry well on the markers.
    His overall discourse regarding dragon lineages, the sacred blue fire of the cellular mitosis and his general comprehension of the ptb association of the human history is however a projected, albeit thorough summary of what is 'out there' on the websites and the you tube channels.

    For example, the Jesus-Magdalene lineage is precisely the 'idea' of the human history of the aristocracy and now the echelons of the 'secret societies' with their Annunaki and ET overtones; yet it is built on incomplete premises.
    Dan has summarised the human history in its partial database collective; but has not yet found the original genesis of the human history, except in the references to the 'Elders' of the Paa Taal and such labels from the most ancient past and primordial timeline.

    On scientific grounds, his association of physical consciousness with UV light frequencies and the potency and redemption of the sexual energy in the tripartite kundalini serpent is also justified, hower missing important details.
    One such detail is, that the UV frequency at 180 nanometers is well known by mainstream scientists and the alternatives alike as carrying 'healing potential' such as in the older mercury 'lamps'.
    This is actually a threshold frequency or wavelength, which is part of a so called Information Pathway from the smallest wormhile waves in the multiD spectrum to the Infrared and the radiosources of the extended electromagnetic spectrum.

    Here is a link to this Information pathway:


    QUAGECOMS 101 and the Universal Information Pathway aka UIP

    - A Revolution in the application of Nanotechnology to the Silicon Microchip and the Computation Industry linked to Radiationmass and the Mind-Body Duality of the 4D-LightBody

    In Lakech - I Am Another Yourself!

    This Message is directed towards the Extraterrestrial Intelligences located so 2 million kilometers from the Center of the Earth and who so are not subject to the Gaian Quarantine Zone established for the intergalactic communique between the relatively stationary planetary platform receiver of Earth and the incoming galactic signal from the creator emission of the waveform 9,360,000 day-cycles preceding December 21st, 2012 Gregorian.

    The isolation of the Gaian receiver serves the purpose to focus the extragalactic matrix of the holographic universe within the Hubble Bubble of the Isolated space or Cocoon (for the Metamorphosis of the StarHuman Lightbody from its Human precursor) and defining a creator potential coupled to the string-membrane parametric definition of spacial consciousness.

    The ET count is accumulating in 200 million merkabah vessels/space craft and represents the 'Cloud of Witnesses' for this aforesaid transformation of an old cosmology into a new cosmology.
    The incoming wavefront represents the source-part or Love-Photon for the emergence of spacetime itself as the boundary and initial condition for the manifestation of cosmic consciousness from its prior selfstate independent upon any measurement system.

    The stationary receiver station at the center of the Earth represents the sink-part or AntiLove-Photon for these selfsame necessary conditions to birth the universe in spacetimedness from its prior 'spiritual' or metaphysical selfstate, where Void=Eternity and no counting mechanism exists.

    From this emerges the Bifurcation (or Fall) from the Unified State without Duality into the oppositional- and complementary State-AntiState; which is however reunified or reconciled in the quantum form of the modular duality between the source string coupling to the sink string as a SourceSink monad as the State so allowing the AntiState to assume the form of a SinkSource monad in mirror supersymmetry of the quantum gauge omniphysics. This scenario then allows the COUNT to be born in the Cipher 1 and so generates a cosmology subject to mensuration techniques of measurements and observations.

    This also sets the Oneness of the Holographic matrix as encompassment for all phase-relative multiverses or megaverse fractals (of individualised and family-genus connected megaversal fractals) in an OmniVersal Envelope or 'superbubble' of the Logos Creator.
    The metaphysics of the Precreation from the Without to the Within so is rendered physical in the Recreation from the Within to the Without.

    In gauge brane terms of the unified quantum physics; the Emergence of Mass in the Universe was the consequence of suppressing the original AntiLove selfstate of the supersymmetry inherent in the undefined Unity of the cosmogony.

    Suppressing the existence of the 'antispirit' as a form of spacetime independent waveform so allowed Matter templates to Emerge as substitute with the caveat, that the AntiState for this Matter or Antimatter was also necessitated to become suppressed.
    The 'AntiLove Photon' as the Gauge for the 'AntiCreation' so become the Gravitational Potential for Mass to CONTRACT, that is it assumed the brane function of the sink string in 10 dimensions.

    As a consequence of the technical details for this quantum mechanics (found in the Genesis of Genesis message on this forum and elsewhere); all massive or inertia carrying 'bodies' or creatures or creations must harbour the Original 'AntiLove' gauge template, say as gravitational blueprint (or cosmo genetic template encoding) within their body forms to mirror the original double suppression of the antispirit and the antimatter.
    This 'suppression template gauge' is commonly known as the Higgs Boson or the 'Mass Matrix' for the Cosmos, a background allowing mass and inertia to exist in spacetime.

    When gravity was so born in quantum form; its wavefunction so necessitated a 'mimicking' of the antispirit as a 'Brane Gauge Interaction' and this 'Force of Nature' was 'attractive' in the 'Contractive Sense' to manifest the sinksource modality inherent in the brane cosmology.
    Henceforth the Gravity of the Sink can also become a Gravity of the Source or Antigravity in the modular duality coupling between a newly formulated White Holed SourceSink and the Black Holed SinkSource.

    This 'turning inside-out' then will become effected when the approaching wavefront from the galactic center meets the stationary 'crystalline and frozen' waveform at the center of the Earth.
    The LovePhoton from Hunab Ku, emitted so 25,624 years ago so represents the Source-Photon from the Creation and the AntiLovePhoton at the Gaian gravitational center represents the Sink-AntiPhoton of the cosmogony.
    Both were manifest simultaneously in the 'Now-Time-Moment' of the 'Quantum Gravitational Big Bang' and so represent the 'Irresistible Force' meeting the 'Immovable Object'.
    To remain true to their quantum geometric and quantum energetic definitions; BOTH must Merge or Blend to satisfy their defined criteria.

    This process then will crystallize the Lightbody template as a tertiary colour charge sequence in the Monadic Unification Duality between wave and particle or betweeen the so called spirit (a form of electromagneto monopolar gravitational brane radiation) and matter.
    In quantum gauge brane terms, this will couple and interchange the colour- or magneto charges between the Higgs Boson and the Love Photon to DEFINE the quantum structure for the tertiary energy source in a new reconfigured universe allowing consciousness to materialise in the RestmassPhoton or RMP as the 'Gauge brane quantum' for Consciousness, so termed 'dark matter' and the 'dark energy'.

    QUAGECOMS 101 - A Revolution in the application of Nanotechnology to the Silicon Microchip and the Computation Industry

    An open invitation to all in the information and data processing industries. (PACIFICA OMNISCIENCE; November 4th, 2001)
    QUAGECOMS are Quantum-Geometric Computer Chips of Superconductivity.

    Logo: QuaGeComs for my Data are Pater for my Mater!

    Part I: Brief and Introduction

    Part II: The State of the Microchip-Industry without QuaGeComs
    1. The Rayleigh Criterion
    2. Optical, Ultraviolet and Nuclear Unification
    3. The Rydberg-Alpha Connection
    4. Superconductive Magnetocharges as mapped Electrocharges
    5. Photolithography and Quantum-Dot-Assembly

    III: Conclusions and References

    I: Brief and Introduction: (please allow for date of publication).

    In 2000, the Clinton Administration of the United States of America provided a big boost in funding for the science- and engineering budgets in the form of the 'National Nanotechnology Initiative' or NNI.
    The Bush Administration further proposes increased federal funding for nanotechnologies in 2001 to US$ 519 Million, doubled from 1999 and quadrupled from the budget in 1997.

    Nanotechnology, the study and production of structures on the scale of the molecule at the boundary between organic- and inorganic chemistry, is thought to lead directly to the fastest transistors and the strongest and lightest materials ever produced.

    Instrumentation for genetic sequencing and related micro medicinal applications for the detection of tumors and viral agents on sub cellular levels hold further promise for the patent holders of the successful scientific particulars.

    A search for information to bridge the gap between existing computerization on the microchip scale and the thousand-fold scale reduction into the realms of nanoscience with its links to the DNA/RNA encoding has become a worldwide effort in the endeavours of cultural science.

    In the United States, the National Institute of Health (NIH) enjoys hefty increases in federal funding and reflects a steady growth in the budget for the 'Life Sciences' (US$ 5 Billion in 1970 and US$ 17 Billion in 2000 in real terms).
    In the same period, the budgets for Engineering and the Physical Sciences has remained relatively flat at about US$ 5 Billion in constant dollar terms.

    To keep the US competitive with documented spending by foreign governments, which committed themselves to a 60% increase in the funding of Nanotechnology (from US$ 500 Million in 2000 to US$ 800 Million in 2001), the NNI became official scientific policy.
    [Source: US Senate briefing and National Science Foundation; May 24th, 2001].

    This global interest in a promising new technological advance then indicates a fundamental relationship; as yet only partially defined and not patented, between the dynamics and structure of sub cellular 'building blocks of biovital organisms' and a 'shrinking scale of computerization' in the form of the Silicon Chip.
    As the 'Code of Life' is given in the form of the DNA and the ribosome of the nanoscale (typically 25 nanometers (nm)=25 Thousandths of a micron or 25 Millionth of a millimeter), a true geometrical understanding of the DNA-Code must indicate the natural limits for any potential symbiosis between the lifeforms of Carbon in any natural setting and their manipulated and synthesized expressions in Silicon.

    Any National Scientific Advisory Board, say in the US, the United Kingdom or in Australia, New Zealand or Canada, would so be most prudent in its political approach to fund its proposals via Research and Development (R&D) in committing to specific projects intrinsic and encompassing Nanotechnologies.

    The international race to deploy a workable and successful model for Nanoscience seeks to discover a synergetic unification between Biology and Physics in the BioPhysics of the fundamental laws of the Natural Sciences.
    Such a unique model exists in the form of Microbiology and the Biochemistry of viral capacities to reproduce on the nano scale of the DNA/RNA under utility of micro scaled cellular host organisms.

    To establish this model of the 'Physical Principles underpinning all of Biochemistry' however, the elementary hierarchies of universal information transfer must be known, evaluated and made subject to interdisciplinary analysis by all branches and fields of the established scientific data base.

    This specifies the overall purpose and scientific basis for this proposal.
    It is claimed, that there exists a unique information pathway which interconnects all of the scaling parameters in a merger of classical spacetime principles with the wavefunctions of quantum mechanics.
    In particular, the encoding of physical law defines specified parameters on both the microscale of the biological cell and the massproduced Silicon Chip, as well as the nanoscale of the genetic encoding.

    Engaging in a specific manufacturing process for the contemporary Silicon Microchip which incorporates the 'Unification Wavelengths' for the Nanoscale, would then open the doors into the universally defined information pathway via quantum-geometric specifications.

    Because the 'natural' DNA/RNA encoding utilises this same 'Geometry of the Quantum' in a form of Holography; such 'Quantum-Geometric-Computer-Chips' or QuaGeCom-Chips would carry the potential to form symbiotic partnerships with the two stranded DNA-Double Helix, say in particular genetic sequencing with Introns (Junk-DNA) and other functional extensions of the unused genomatic potential for information storage.

    As the nature of the 'Universal Information Pathway' (UIP) is self-iterative by definition, (it is a derivative of binary algorithms of a pre-spacetime genetic singularity, defining the 'Vacuum'), a precise quantum-geometric blueprint reproduces itself whenever the boundary conditions of its own creation are satisfied.

    The mathematical justifications (logical proofs) to scientifically validate this model of Quantum geometry have been established and an extensive analysis as to the formulations of the UIP are available to any agency seeking patent and partnership with this proposal and the creation of QuaGeComs as investment opportunity.

    I may interlude here to say, that I forwarded this proposal in 2001 to the Australian Government's Science ministry, which eventually acknowledged receipt of the proposal and advised as to its delegation of it to some scientific advisory board.
    Needless to say, that was the last I heard of it.
    But the references to prospective investors are in relation to government and not any personal correspondences.

    II: The State of the Microchip-Industry without QuaGeComs

    1. The Rayleigh Criterion

    The mass-production of the Silicon Chip assumes the form of PhotoLithography, a process which is defined in the physics of the optical sciences and the applications of Electromagnetic Fieldtheory upon the fields of Resolution and the reproduction of Diffraction patterns.

    A laser beam 'writes' a circuit pattern for a microchip onto a Silicon wafer, coated with light-transductive material (photo-resistant polymer), and material which can be selectively removed (manipulated).
    The encoded polymer acts as photographic negative (mask) and is layered upon a substrate of glass or chromium.
    Exposing this 'mask' to Ultraviolet Radiation of specified wavelength (laserlight) then allows 'Lensing Diminuition' of the encoded negative pattern onto Silicon wafers coated with photoresist to create identical Silicon Chips as the 'positives'.

    This process is limited in the distance (or wavelength) between two point objects for which the two objects can be resolved in an image.
    The most advanced systems in operation can print a minimum pattern of about 180 nanometers from a Krypton-Fluoride Laser Source with a wavelength of 248 nm.

    The physical relationship between Input wavelength of the laser source and the maximum diminuition as the Output is given as the Rayleigh - Criterion:

    "Two point sources are resolvable, provided their angular separation in radians is not less than (1.22).L/D, where D is 2n.sinX as the diameter or numerical aperture of the lens and L is the wavelength of the light-source.
    This defines the angular radius of the primary diffraction fringe-pattern."

    [The factor 1.22 is the smallest root of the 1st order Bessel Function as solution of differential wave equations of cylindrical symmetry.
    The UIP defines an encompassing form of Rayleigh's Criterion directly from the initial conditions specifying the vacuum energy].

    As D approaches a value of 0.7 (depending on the angle X between 0- and 90 degrees for a D between 0 and 1), the vectorial nature of the electric field interferes with a linearly proportional resolution and scaling deviates from maximization of parameters.

    Present technology uses maximized numerical apertures D*=sinX of about 0.6 with lensing materials of Fused Quartz (refractive index n=1.458).

    Argon-Fluoride Lasers at 193 nm, using Quartz (Silicon Dioxide SiO2) so allow a nano pattern of (0.61)(193 nm)/(1.458)(0.6)=134 nm.

    Oxygen absorbs 193 nm UV radiation however and the resulting Ozone attacks optical materials in coating fluor-based elements.
    Fused Silica absorbs heavily beyond 180 nm.

    2. Optical, Ultraviolet and Nuclear Unification

    As Silicon Dioxide forms the basic material for the Silicon Chip and serves as well to supply the maximized lensing material in the form of Fused Quartz; the wavelength about 180 nm should provide one of the Unification Wavelengths of the Unified Field of the Vacuum Energy.

    This is indeed the case; Fused Quartz transmits electromagnetic radiation between 4000 nm (Infrared) and 180 nm (UV).
    There are six major electromagnetic unifications in the Vacuum Field, all interdependent and proportionally quantized relative to one another to provide the UIP.

    Some of these unification wavelengths are already specified in the scientific literature.
    Others are approximated as in the case of the Krypton-Fluoride Laserlight.
    The Optical Unification occurs at the wavelength of Orange monochromatic Laserlight and a dimensionless scale of 600 nanometers* (in an universal mensuration system, calibration depending on precise measurements of constants 'c' and 'h').
    This is calibrated as exactly 598.999 nm (SI) and also near the SI Standard of 589.3 nm, used as reference for light refraction in the Sodium-D spectral emission line.

    The Optical Unification Standard then transduces into the Infrared Unification at 9 microns*, which in the natural settings translates into an 'Atmospheric Window of IR', where there is no absorption of infrared radiation by water vapour in the atmosphere.

    The (mean) SI-value translates to 8.9849869 micrometres for Infrared Unification.

    The Ultraviolet Unification derives from a prenuclear epoch in the cosmic genesis. This describes an energy continuum renown as the monopolic epoch, characterised by a bosonic-photonic energy of 27 Million Billion GigaElectronvolt.
    One can define an universe at a temperature of 307 Billion Billion Billion degrees Kelvin* of a size 1022 times smaller than an atom at a time 10-40 seconds* after the quantum singularity defining the Big Bang.

    The monopolic epoch gave birth to an elementary particle, known as the Magnetic Monopole and carrying a characteristic mass of about 48.2 Nanograms*, which gave rise to a naturally superconductive magnetic current I=N(2e)f, (N being an integer of quantisation, e the electronic chargequantum also representative of a magnetocharge e* and f being the frequency of the electromagnetic monopolic radiation also expressed as the ratio between the speed of light 'c' and the wavelength L).

    This Unified Natural Current became a Nuclear Monopolic Current in an time interval centred on a period between 114-1150 seconds* after the quantum birth of the universe.

    The Nuclear Unification is universally renown as the Electronic (effective) Radius:

    Re=e2/(4πεo.Me.c2)=μoe2/(4π.Me) and provides a typical nuclear size of 2.8 Femtometres (fm) and 1 millionth the nanoscalings.

    (The formulations above include the electronic effective mass Me; lightspeed c, the electronic charge quantum e and the electric permittivity constant εo and the magnetic permeability constant μo).

    The Nuclear Unification transforms into a Gravitational Unification (also known as an approximation of Ng-Van Dam), which quantizes the Planck-Unification of the origins.

    3. The Rydberg-Alpha Connection

    But the entire path of Unification is based and centered on a single parameter, ubiquitously known as the Electromagnetic Finestructure Constant 'Alpha'.

    Alpha = e2/(2εo.hc), where h, the Planck-Constant, is responsible to crystallize the various quantisations of proportionality in the UIP and in conjunction with the effective electronic massquantum describes the interactions between the electronic charge quantum e and the magnetic chargequantum e*.
    This uses a part of the electron's restmass Meo+ Me*=Me to indicate the intrinsic nature of 'Restmass' to be a form of Current of Magnetocharges (as a direct consequence of the definitions from the monopolic epoch).

    There exists thus a 'Monopolic Masscurrent' in the Vacuum-Unification-Field just 15.4 thousandths trillionths trillionths trillionths of a second* following the vacuum fluctuation of the singularity responsible for the birth of the cosmos.
    But there is a remnant of this superconductive magnetoelectric electricity in the form of the UV-Unification Wavelength and which is closely approximated in present Photolithography and the Rayleigh Criterion.

    A clear distinction between electropolar charge and magnetopolar charge and hence electromagnetic and gravitational parameters did not eventuate in the universe until the Gravitational Unification Wavelength assumed its scaling size.
    This point in time is known as the end of a 'modified chaotic Guth Inflation'.
    Since the universe assumed its general relativistic dynamical expansion at exactly that point of 'Temporal Timeinstantenuity', the particular (bosonic) parameters of the 'Inflationary Universe' changed phase to define the postinflationary cosmos in terms of quantum mechanistic wavefunctions.

    This also clearly differentiated between Electropoles of charge 'e' and Magnetopoles of charge 'e*'.
    The mass of the magnetic monopole (superstring class IIB) became constituent of the vacuum in the form of Vacuum-Potential-Energy or Vortex-PE (VPE), ready to form linkages with electropolic charges defined in e.

    [The details are the basis for any unification theories attempting to meld General Relativity to Quantum Theory and define the wavefunctions of the universe as spacetime symmetries of a superparity manifesting parallel universes as mirror images between dimensionally intersecting media specified in 12-dimensional 3-branes or topologically multiple connected surfaces in superstrings and M-F-Theory].

    The formulation for the UV-Unification under discussion describes the Magnetic Monopolic Massquantum per Unitwavelength as equivalent to Natural Current 2ef=2ec/L.

    This Unitwavelength becomes the Unification Wavelength for the Atom and approximated in the 'Unified Rydberg Constant Ry=Alpha3/4πRe'
    for a known evaluation Ry/SI=Me.e4/(8εo2.h3c), used in spectral analysis of the elements in emission and absorption.

    The wavelength for UV-Unification on all scales then is given in a constant which relates the monopolic masscurrent to currents of superconductivity.

    (ec)Ry=2ec/Λuv in general quantisation (N=1) and UV-Wavelength Λuv as: Λuv=2/Ry=8π.Re/Alpha3 m*.

    The binary algorithms of the genesis give* and the dimensionless Alpha is given as 60πe2/h subject to a primary definition for chargequantum e (not e*) as function of Alpha in the primordial universal wavefunction of the origins.

    The Unification-Wavelength for UV Elelectromagnetic Radiation computes as the maximization of Rayleigh Resolution at 179.6994 nm*, calibrating to a maximized 'Image-Size' of 179.3996 nanometres in the SI-Measurement system.

    The link to the Nanoscale, using mass produced QuaGeComs, is so found in applying technology tailored to tap the VPE as specified in the Alpha3-factor hidden in the UV-Unification-Wavelength Λuv.
    The key is the accessibility to the Nuclear-Unification-Scale as given by Re.

    No further reduction in the image size of Λuv is required, if there exists a natural means of tapping the nuclear femto-scale under utility of the magnetocharges embedded in the vacuum as mass-equivalent current elements.
    As the Femtoscale is naturally 'nested' in the Gravitational Unification Scale, which is nested in the Planck-Scale; the original encoding pattern is accessed.

    The requirement is the tapping of magnetocharges as 'image' of the electrocharges.

    4.Superconductive Magnetocharges as mapped Electrocharges

    The detailed mechanism of how magnetocharges and electrocharges transmutate into each other involves the exposure of UV-Radiation to parallel synchronised Mass-Radiations in the form of 'materialised light-equivalents', such as streams of elementary particles, (as say in nuclear medicine, i.e. Positron-Emission-Tomography or PET).

    For 'particles radiations', such as are naturally observed in Cosmic Rays; limited and constituent of the monopolic spectrum; are antiparallel, then decay rates of matter-antimatter interactions involve the factor Alpha2 and decay products engage pairs of photonic quanta.

    Parallel particle radiations carry a total spin-quanta-momentum of an odd integral definition and so at least 3 photons result in the matter-antimatter interaction with Alpha3 specifying the decay rate (say of Orthopositronium).

    It is then evident, that to tap magnetocharges, one induces superconductivity into the QuaGeComs in transforming the antimatter/positron part of the VPE into every other of the electrons, which constitute the standard currents in the integrated circuits of the Silicon Chip.

    The switching between electrocharges 'e' and magnetocharges 'e*' then becomes a 'Natural Superconductivity' independent of transition temperatures, but a consequence of synchronized application of Quantum Geometry as defined in the origins of the laws of physics.
    QuaGeComs become the SELFRESONATING medium for the UIP.

    The Universal Information Pathway so induces a natural superconductivity based on principles of Quantum Geometry.
    The coefficient of the primary universal wavefunction can be stated as 2e/hA, where the constant A2 derives from the basic binary code responsible for the generation of some fundamental constants of nature (such as c2, h and k).

    The Universal Wavefunction is normally distributed as a function of dimensionless cycletime n (proper Tautime in General Relativity in the expression for Curvature-Radius Rc=c.dt/dTau) and centred in an interval bounded by the universal Josephson-Constant Jo=2e/hA.

    Detailed analysis leads directly to the Quantum Hall Effect via the universal Action Law (which can be said to operate on all quantum scales as imaged medium from the 'higher'dimensions 5 to 12) in the general form of Action = Charge2.

    QuaGeComs so exhibit the Josephson Effect in a natural setting of SuperSQUIDS or SuperSuperconducting Quantum-Interference-Devices.

    Every e-e* Electropole-Magnetopole interaction sets up a Josephson Junction; Electromagnetic Conductance becomes quantised by 2e2/h and the Hall Voltages proceed to induce stepwise regions where the Conductivity and the Resistivity become zero as function of the magnetic flux density.

    The key to High-Temperature Superconductivity for specified materials (YBa2Cu3O1-7 Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxides etc) so becomes a magnified effect of Quantum Geometry and can be shown to relate to Quasicrystals of fivefolded symmetries (Shechtmanites) and thus the geometries of crystalline lattices, able to holographically resonate with the UIP.
    Other criteria, such as piezoelectricity and magnetostriction will finetune the search for appropriate materials.

    5. Photolithography and Quantum-Dot-Assembly

    Contemporary attempts by the international scientific community to discover the interface between the diminuition of the Computer Chip and the world of the Bacterium has encountered a number of insurmountable technical difficulties.

    Increasing the energy of the input radiation can damage samples and equipment.
    Extreme UV-light and X-rays probe the nanoscale wavelengths, but diffraction effects cause features to blur and meld together.
    Particle radiations of electrons or nuclear particles can be used to fabricate individualised structures on the atomic scale, cause no diffraction, but are unsuited toproduce multiple copies of the singular interference, restricted by quantum incertainty and complementarity (recent developments have however shown great deficiencies in the Bohr Quantum Copenhagen interpretation and the Uncertainty Principle has been shown to be finestructered in wormhole parameters).

    Scanning probes, such as the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) detect small currents of electricity passing between the microscope's tip and the sample, thus sensing the atomic scale electromagnetically.
    [The principle of quantised electric currents and potentials is elementary to the development of nanotechnology as holographic image for the biovital archetype.]

    The cost of electron-beam instruments (100's of millions of US$) is prohibitive for most of the research budgets of the participants as fiscal restraints.

    An alternative method to Photolithography is termed 'Soft Lithography' (as proposed by groups such as Whitesides-Love at Harvard University).
    Soft Lithography moulds patterns in elastic polymers for printing as elastic stamps, microcontact printing or capilliary actions of solidification.
    Dip-Pen-Lithography (Mirkin Group at Northwestern University) uses the AFM to produce self-assembling monolayers bonded on a metal surface under utility of a medium (water vapour).
    Thiol molecules are insoluble in water but bond to Gold as the metal surface.
    Such lithographic methods can manipulate small groups or individual atoms in the fabrication of specialised devices, but are unsuitable to manufacture the multilayered structures of electronic elements for integrated circuitry.

    Another internationally pursued approach is that of setting up controlled chemical reactions to assemble atoms and molecules into nanostructures.

    In Quantum-Dot-Assembly (QDA) (Alivisatos Group at University of California at Berkeley and Bawendi Groupat M.I.T), Cadmium-Selenide Crystals are grown in a chemical reaction between the metals Cadmium and Selenium ions and are isolated in the addition of 'Surfactant Organic Molecules'.
    The organic molecules prevent clumping between crystals and regulate crystal-growth-rates in coating the resultant crystalline conglomerations.

    QDA is a technology which indicates the geometric link between the inorganic chemistry of crystals and the biochemistry of cellular activity.
    The geometries of the organic molecules define the optimum crystalline scale in stable packings to indicate the elementary link between surface topology in three dimensions as derivative of a higher dimensional geometry, coded in spacetime scalings of a 'higher dimensionality' basic to functionally encoded DNA/RNA.
    Recent development include the NanoDiamond structures and their optical 'gap-reduction' in changing electrical and optical properties as effect of the surface properties, allowing photoluminescence in buckyball envelopes, so allowing semiconducting properties to become apparent.

    In general, diminuition of microscopic technologies into the realms of nanobiology stumbles at the scale of the natural assemblies, the biological cell with its selfreplicating dynamics and as encoded in the nucleotidal baseletters A-T/U and G-C (Adenine skews with Thymine/Uracil for DNA/RNA sugar differentiation and Guanine twists with the Cytosine to implement the magnetocharge based extension of the double-helix as pentagonised magnetopolar field embraced by the helicity).

    20 Amino Acids are biochemically encoded to provide the protein-tools for cellular development and the four nucleotidal base-pairings assume the role of coupling the magnetocharges to electrocharges in a quadrupled 64-codonic codex across the dimensions to link with the magnetopolic spectrum of the superconductivity.
    The Crick-Watson-Franklin-Wilkins basepairings are modified in the Curtis basepairings structurally.
    The pentagonal supersymmetry relates Penrosian tiling patterns of both longrange rotational (decagonal) and longrange translational symmetry to crystalline structures found everywhere in nature (say Platonic Solids of Tetrahedron, Cube, Octagon, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron and more particularly Buckminsterfullerene 60-Carbon shapes and Shechtmanite quasicrystals).
    In the Curtis-DNA-structure, double pentagons back to back specify the DNA-doublehelix in stepwise markers for the base pairings and allow magneto induction in those steps into the space enclosed by that helical structure in quantum steps via the Action-Law.

    In particular the 64-RNA-Codex is extended fourfold in polarising the 4x4 codon matrix in association with magnetocharges.

    12D-DNA/RNA Template of the 8x8=64 Nucleotidal Base Extension

    Input gu ...AA-...GC becomes mirrored in

    Output ug-...CG ...UA-...uc
    as its complement.
    The modular mirror of the 9 micron InfraRed Unification divides the cytosine-adenine row and the diagonal mirror UU-..CC ..AA-..GG indicating the twist.

    [MagnetoElectric Coupling LC as YX-chromosomes say, introduce electropolic capacitances C and magnetopolic inductances L, both in self- and mutual couplings].





    III. Conclusions and References

    Any successful materialisation of nanotechnology must in principle reflect a hugely accomplished nanoscience already in place, namely that of the cellular organism, constructed by the 'Code of Life'.

    The cellular size is naturally limited in the scale of virulent agents, such as the HIV/AIDS Virus of typically 100 nm width and geometrically specified in the shape of the Icosahedron, one of the Platonic Solids of symmetry maximisation.
    Ther smallest such Icosahedra have a scale of so 20 nm; reflected in the quantisation of the Infrared Unification in division by 360.

    There are precisely 1010/360 Wormhole perimeters in an Classical Electronic Radius (Re) with the normal parameter for atomic physics in the Compton Wavelength increasing this in the factor of the Electromagnetic Finestructure Constant (Alpha=e2/2εo.hc), as the interaction probability between light (a photon) and matter, say an electron.

    Thus, the natural viral limit is 9 microns/360 or 25 nm.

    Circularising this in the factor of 2π, reduces this viral scale towards the mean nanostructure scale, as observed in say buckyballed nanodiamonds for 25nm/2π ~3.98 nm.

    A standard issue electric motor bears a striking resemblance to the biochemical rotary motor of bacteria,such as Escherichia Coli, (so 10 microns in length), and which turns the flagella (whiptail) under utility of the Earth's magnetic field to propagate through water.

    In the standard electromagnetic motor, a moving magnetic field creates electric current (or vice versa - Lenz's Law), which transforms into mechanical forces via rotation; whilst the protein shaft in E. coli revolves as molecular ratchet defined in its shifting of shape (phase change) and regulated by the decomposition of Adenine Triphosphate (ATP) as geosolar magnetic catalyst.

    A fundamental relationship between electric and magnetic forces is thus evident on the nanoscale and an elementicity in the natural laws which transcend the standard notions of electricity and of magnetism.
    A macroscaled electromagnetic motor becomes the manifestation of a nanobiological 'machine' (and not vice versa),which uses the same principles of physics in a modality of 'wireless' communication in a quantisation of electromagnetic parameters such as current, voltage and resistance.
    In particular, the conductance on the nanoscale is quantized as evidenced via the Quantum Hall Effect, linking superconductivity to the Josephson Effect and the application of SQUIDS for superfast electronic switches.
    The resulting 'Law of NanoSpace' (or QuantumSpace generally), then derives as the 'Law of Unified Action: Action = Charge2, as in Conductance = 2e2/h.

    The higher dimensional expression of temperature-based superconductivity is the notion of:
    'Natural Current N(2ef)=N(2e.Moc2/h)', which uses the quantisation of spacetime in a form of quantumgeometry to propagate the natural current as a function of frequency, independent of massive charge carriers such as electrons.

    The electronic charge quantum transforms into a constant of proportionality and utilises its 'Cooper-partner e' as magnetocharge quantum e* as restmass equivalent.
    The flow of magnetocharges partnered by 'fixed' electrocharges results in the phenomenon of 'Natural Superconductivity of the Vacuum' and used in the QuaGeComs.

    The prevalence of the vacuum is matched in the ubiquitous nature of magnetopoles, in readiness to form couplings with electropoles in the form of magnetocharges.
    One can so define a 'scaled computerisation' pervading the (discrete) continuae of space and time in toroidal spacetime quanta; a supercomputer of the 20th century imaging in a holograph of the quantum computer of the 21st.

    A macroscale is evident and has become exploited by contemporary science in the form of electric- and magnetic forces and their technological applications.
    This macroscale represents however the magnification of a microscale, which acts under the auspices of the same physical laws, defined however with altered or phaseshifted parameters.
    This has become known as the interface between classical physics and quantum theory and is unified in the geometry of Einsteinian General Relativity transmuting into a Quantum Geometry of Superbranes in 12 dimensions.

    Intermediate between the smallest scale of the superbranes (Planck Scale) and the largest scale of the cosmos (size of the universe as Riemannian hypersphere in 4D) are a number of other scales, such as the microscale of cells and bacteria; the nanoscale of molecules; the atomic scales of chemistry, the nuclear scales of the subatomic realms and the aNg-Van Dam scales of the Planck-Quantisation, the latter under intense present investigation, i.e. gravitational waves (LIGO, LISA) and hyperspace topologies (Anti-deSitter manifolds and Black Holes as String-Data encoders using loop quantum gravity blended to superbranes - Ashtekar, Smolin, Bojowald).

    There exists a precise pathway for interconnecting all the various scalings; this we have termed the UIP, the Universal Information Pathway.
    Using experimental methodologies of science; this UIP has become ever more closely approximated and the arbitrary formulations to create memory storage devices in the form of integrated circuits has reached its final barrier in the application of Rayleigh's Criterion and the minimisation of the silicon microchip.

    But it is no coincidence, that the formulation of this criterion has discovered a maximum numerical aperture in a factor of about 0.6, cancelling the coefficient for the input wavelength in the equation 0.61.λ/n.(0.6)=λ/n (n the refractive index).

    The magnetopolar spectrum at the genesis connects spacequanta to each other and via agency of lightspeed c, the refractive index must be unity to specify the unified Rydberg formulation in 2/Ryuv as QuaGeCom equivalent for the Rayleigh Criterion.

    The unification of all the force-interactions can be shown to depend on a parameter X and where XY=X Y=-1=i2=exp(iπ) in the analysis of complex Riemann space, with sinΘ=X defining the numerical aperture as angular size for GUT-Unification (uniting the nuclear and the electromagnetic interactions).

    The Rayleigh/Abbe Criterion is so naturally encompassed by the UIP.
    The ultimate unification condition can be described as a 'generalised 11D-M-space Hamiltonian' of expression:
    2e.Re= e*(Planck-Length).√(Alpha), linking electronic- and magnetic charges in their mappings of the Planck-Scale onto the Nuclear Scale.

    Anthony Paul Bermanseder for Pacifica OmniScience)


    1.SCIENCE SPECTRA: Issue 20, 2000; p.32-40, by Robert E. Gleason
    "How far will circuits shrink?"
    PO Box 26430; Collegeville, PA 19426, USA

    2.SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Special Issue, September 2001
    415 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017-1111,USA

    3.SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY: November 2, 2003, by Katie Walter
    "When Semiconductors go Nano"
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:06 am; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°292

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:53 pm
    I suspect that a lot of 'insider' documents and communications are of a sophisticated and technical nature -- yet I also suspect that they are quite different than the 'Thuban' material. I like the idea of the former -- but I still don't get the latter. I'm sure that within a larger esoteric context the 'Thuban' material makes perfect sense -- but that to the uninitiated, it often seems to be dragonian mumbo-jumbo. I suspect that a lot of highly educated people might just shake their heads, and move-on. I've recently been considering focusing more upon a University-Level Study of Astronomy, Egyptology, Jesus-Studies, and Classical-Music -- and the integration thereof -- to try to achieve a more 'user-friendly' version of the Thuban material. Do you see what I mean? This is not a put-down. It is just my present reality -- and my desire to move in a different direction. I like the material presented by Brook (especially in the 'Red Pill' threads) -- but I even have a difficult time immersing myself in that particular area of research. I seem to need to approach it from a different context. I try to be open-minded -- yet I have certain pre-programmings and pre-suppositions which I do not wish to totally reject. I prefer reinterpretaion, expansion, interpolation, and extrapolation -- rather than being cast-about by every wind of doctrine and esoteric-research.
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°293

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:06 am

    [10:33:27 PM-Sunday, July 14th, 2012 -7UCT] Totanubis: Yes today is a completion day; July 15th
    Look at the cursed generations on the table
    [10:34:45 PM] Totanubis: Building of the City of Enoch and the Solomon Temple begins today
    [10:34:55 PM] Totanubis: Perhaps add this, as a good bye. It could be called: Abraham's day

    [10:35:40 PM] Totanubis: Recall Jesus saying: Before Abraham was, I am?
    [10:35:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [10:35:55 PM] Totanubis: Well history if we are right. You want the ref?

    [10:36:28 PM] Totanubis: The 7 days between July 15th and July 22nd see? July 22nd next sunday is MM Day, ending the curse of Cain's generations.

    John 8:57-59: KJV
    57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
    58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
    59 Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.

    [10:46:23 PM] Totanubis: 5. Totanubis and the Loneliness of LOVE! (March-April 1985)
    [10:46:32 PM] Totanubis: TOT is German for dead see
    [10:47:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i did not know
    [10:47:04 PM] Totanubis:

    [10:47:12 PM] Totanubis: Yes Death means Tod
    [10:48:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: does it link directly to the story?
    [10:48:34 PM] Totanubis: It is the vision of the lamb yes
    [10:48:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh ok
    [10:48:47 PM] Totanubis: This is when the 'mission' began in phase 3

    70+7=77 Generations of a New World Christening in 70x7=490 Days manifested from April 1st to May 20th, 2011 to May 20th to August 5th, 2012

    20+42+14=62+14=76=38+38=ALPHA BRIDE=ADAM NOAH RA

    Three new moons in Gemini, Gemini and Cancer with three full moons in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, crystallize the encoded 'original murder' and destruction of the cosmic brotherhood between 'Cain and Abel' in three lunations or 5x15=75 days.
    The Redemption is found to be a cosmic twinship as found encrypted in the genalogies of scrolls and testimonials of the legacy and inheritance of the World Logos.

    1 The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.
    16 And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
    17 So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations; and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.
    18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

    Matthew.18:21-23: (all King James Version (KJV))
    21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
    22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
    23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.

    15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

    24 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.
    25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
    26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

    With Genesis.9.22-27; Genesis.35.22; Genesis.49.4

    2012 Dates
     Thu24Mar 2011  Palm Saturday 31AD
    Sabbath-Mirror Hiddekel
    1980 year warp from 31AD 
     Fri25Mar 2011  Palm Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD1
     Mon28Mar 2011 4=494-490=490-486Passion Wednesday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD4
     Thu31Mar 2011 7=497-490=490-483
    Easter Saturday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD7
     Fri01Apr 2011 490=434+49+3½+3½Easter Sunday 31AD
    1980 year warp from 31AD8
     Sun17Apr 2011  Palm Sunday 2011 24
     Wed20Apr 2011  Passion Wednesday 2011 27
     Sun24April 2011  Easter Sunday 2011 31
     Sun01May 2011   Beltane 201138
     Tue10May 2011  Ascension Thursday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD47
     Fri20May 2011  Pentecost Sunday 31AD1980 year warp from 31AD57
     Thu02Jun 2011  Ascension Thursday 2011 70
     Sun12Jun 2011  Whit Sunday 2011 80
     Mon04Jul 2011 265+7+265=537=268+1+268
    Independence Day 2011AntiGestation of 265+3½=268½ days102
     Thu01May 2014 6Cib9Uo =
    Rev.20Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 20141134
     Wed30Apr 2014 5Men8Uo =
    as 647+0 days
    Rev.20.3Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
     Fri31Jan 2014 7Cimi4Pax =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 391+15=406 HOUR Calibration1044
     Thu16Jan 2014 5Chuen9Muan =
    Rev.9.15Euphrates 4 Corner YDMH Calibration1029
     Wed15Jan 2014 4Oc8Muan =
    Eze.4.1-6Ezekiel Israel TIME Calibration1028
     Mon06Jan 2014 8Imix19Kankin = of the Nativity in 3 Magi 2014 in 12+1=13 days of Christmas 20131019
     Wed01Jan 2014 3Cib14Kankin = Year 20141014
     Wed25Dec 2013 9Muluc7Kankin = 20131007
     Sat21Dec 2013 5Chicchan3Kankin = Solstice 20131003
     Wed18Dec 2013 2Ik0Kankin =
    Millennium of 1000 dayyears1000
     Tue17Dec 2013 1Imix19Mac = of 1000 dayyears
    0+999=1000 days
     Mon16Dec 2013 13Ahau18Mac = Calibration of Mayan Long Count in 25,627.795... Civil Years
    9,360,360 Kin = 65 Baktun (144,000x5x13) + 360 Kin as a 'prophetic' Platonic Degree Year Cycle from Friday, December 21st, 2012
     Tue28May 2013 0+360+30+1+(15)+1+30+360
    =391+(7½+7½)+391=797 days
    Rev.8.1&Rev.9.15Timeline from March 24th, 2011 to May 28th, 2013796
     Sat25May 2013   Wesak-Buddha Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 4°8' at 04:25 UCT on May 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse 793
     Mon20May 2013 788=781+7=366+365+49+1+7
    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Pentecost Monday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Solar Transit from Taurus into Gemini on Monday, May 20th, 2013 at 21:09 UCT
     Sun19May 2013  Whit Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD787
     Fri10May 2013  Ascension Friday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    New Moon in Taurus Sun at 00:28 UCT at 19°31' on May 10th, 2013 & Solar Eclipse
     Thu9May 2013  Ascension Thursday 20131982 year warp from 31AD777
     Wed01May 2013   Beltane 2013769
     Thu25Apr 2013   Full Scorpio Moon in Taurus Sun at 5°46' at 19:57 UCT on April 25th, 2013 & Lunar Eclipse763
     Wed10Apr 2013   New Moon in Aries Sun at 20°41' at 09:35 UCT on April 10th, 2013748
     Sun31Mar 2013  Easter Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD738
     Wed27Mar 2013  Passion Wednesday 20131982 year warp from 31AD
    Full Libra Moon in Aries Sun at 6°32' Aries at 09:27 UCT on March 27th, 2013
     Sun24Mar 2013  Palm Sunday 20131982 year warp from 31AD731
     Wed20Mar 2013   March Equinox 2013 at 0° Aries at 11:02 UCT on March 20th, 2013727
     Mon11Mar 2013   New Moon in Pisces Sun at 21°24' at 19:51 UCT on March 11th, 2013718
     Mon25Feb 2013   Full Virgo Moon in Pisces Sun at 7°24' at 20:26 UCT on February 25th, 2013704
     Sun10Feb 2013   New Moon in Aquarius Sun at 21°43' at 07:20 UCT on February 10th, 2013689
     Sun27Jan 2013   Full Leo Moon in Aquarius Sun at 7°24' at 04:38 UCT on January 27th, 2013675
     Fri11Jan 2013   New Moon in Capricorn Sun at 21°46' at 19:44 UCT on January 11th, 2013659
     Fri28Dec 2012   Full Cancer Moon in Capricorn Sun at 7°6' at 10:21 UCT on December 28th, 2012645
     Fri21Dec 2012 150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
     Solar Transit from Sagittarius into Capricorn on Friday, December 21st, 2012 at 11:12 UCT
    Twin Pregnancy from July 4th, 2011 to March 28th, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 in 537 days
     Thu13Dec 2012   New Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 21°45' at 08:42 UCT on December 13th, 2012630
     Wed28Nov 2012   Full Gemini Moon in Sagittarius Sun at 6°47' at 14:46 UCT on November 28th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse615
     Tue13Nov 2012   New Moon in Scorpio Sun at 21°57' at 22:08 UCT on November 13th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse600
     Mon29Oct 2012   Full Taurus Moon in Scorpio Sun at 6°48' at 19:49 UCT on October 29th, 2012585
     Mon15Oct 2012   New Moon in Libra Sun at 22°32' at 12:03 UCT on October 15th, 2012571
     Sun30Sep 2012   Full Aries Moon in Libra Sun at 7°22' at 03:19 UCT on September 30th, 2012556
     Sun16Sep 2012   New Moon in Virgo Sun at 23°37' at 02:11 UCT on September 16th, 2012542
     FriAug31 2012   Full Pisces Blue Moon in Virgo Sun at 8°34' at 13:58 UCT on August 31st, 2012526
     Fri17Aug 2012   New Moon in Leo Sun at 25°8' Aries at 15:54 UCT on August 17th, 2012512
    -76=GodMon05Mar 2012Christ=77+76347=470-123Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Aaron347
    -73=GodThu08Mar 2012Christ=77+73350=470-120Num.33.38-39&Deut.34Birthday of Moses350
    -53=GodWed28Mar 2012Christ=77+5340+110+74+40+7+7+36+56=370
    Noah's Rainbow Covenant
    Logos Christ Mirror of Mirrors
    1981 year warp from 31AD
    Gestation of 265+3½=268½ days
    -49=GodSun01Apr 2012Christ=77+49 Palm Sunday 2012 374
    -46=GodWed04Apr 2012Christ=77+46377-370=7 Days=1 Week
    Week of Confusion
    Building of the Ark
    Passion Wednesday 2012
    -42=GodSun08Apr 2012Christ=77+42 Easter Sunday 2012 381
    -33=GodTue17Apr 2012Christ=77+33390=430-40Eze.4.1-5Ezekiel's Siege of Israel390
    -32=GodWed18Apr 2012Christ=77+32 Dan.10.2&Dan.10.13
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael
    -31=GodThu19Apr 2012Christ=77+31-7=1st Mirror Day of 15  392
    -26=GodTue24Apr 2012Christ=77+26-2=6th Mirror Day of 15Eze.4.1-6
    Ezekiel's Week of Astonishment
    -25=GodWed25Apr 2012Christ=77+25-1=7th Mirror Day of 15  398
    -24=GodThu26Apr 2012Christ=77+240=8th Mirror Day of 15Gen.15.13400 Years of Servitude of Abrams' Seed399
    -23=GodFri27Apr 2012Christ=77+231=9th Mirror Day of 15  400
    -19=GodTue01May 2012Christ=77+195=13th Mirror Day of 15 Beltane 2012404
    -17=GodThu03May 2012Christ=77+177=15th Mirror Day of 15  406
    -16=GodFri04May 2012Christ=77+16   407
    -14=GodSun06May 2012Christ=77+14  Full Scorpio Wesak-Beltane Super Moon in Taurus Sun at 16°1' at 03:35 UCT on May 6th, 2012409
    -3=GodThu17May 2012Christ=77+3 Ascension Thursday 2012 420
    -2=GodFri18May 2012Christ=77+2   421
    -1=GodSat19May 2012Christ=77+1   422
    0=GodSun20May & Sun05AugChrist=77430+70=500 dayyears
    Egyptian + Babylonian Captivity
    First New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 0°21' at 23:47 UCT on May 20th, 2012 & Solar Eclipse
    30 Dayyears of Moses's Death before Joshua's Crossing of Jordan
    1=AdamMon21May & Sat04AugJesus=761*=AdamGen.5.1-5
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Julian
    1980+3=1983 year warp from 28AD424/499
    2=SethTue22May & Fri03AugJoseph=752*=Seth
    3=EnosWed23May & Thu02AugHeli=743*=EnosGen.5.9-11
    Baptism Wednesday 28AD Gregorian
    Third Full Moon = Full Aquarius Blue Moon #3 in Leo Sun at 10°15' at 03:28 UCT on August 02nd, 2012
    4=CainanThu24May & Wed01AugMatthat=734*=Cainan=CainGen.5.12-14 427/496
    5=MaleleelFri25May & Tue31JulLevi=725*=Mahalaleel=MehujaelGen.5.15-17
    21 Days of Gabriel-Michael in Hour Mirror
    6=JaredSat26May & Mon30JulMelchi=716*=Jared=IradGen.5.18-20
    Midweek Day July 30th, 2012
    7=EnochSun27May & Sun29JulJanna=707*=Enoch=Enoch
    Pentecost Sunday 2012
    Ascension of Enoch
    Ezekiel's Siege of Judah
    Egyptian Captivity
    8=MathusalahMon28May & Sat28JulJoseph=698*=Methuselah=MethusaelGen.5.25-27 431/492
    9=LamechTue29May & Fri27JulMattathias=689*=Lamech=LamechGen.5.28-32 432/491
    10=NoeWed30May & Thu26JulAmos=6710*=Noah&Amzara
    434+49+7=490 days
    =62+7+1 weeks
    Perfect generation mirror God-Noah-Abraham
    in Adah-Zillah Sisterhood
    11=SemThu31May & Wed25JulNaum=6611*=ShemGen.11.10-11 434/489
    12=ArphaxadFri01Jun & Tue24JulEsli=6512*=ArphaxadGen.11.12-13 435/488
    13=CainanSat02Jun & Mon23JulNagge=64Cursed Cainan Generations in
    Generations 4 to 10 and -1 to -7
    Redeemed in Cosmic Twinship
    Midweek Day July 23rd, 2012
    14=SalaSun03Jun & Sun22JulMaath=63-7=Salah/Jesusina 74ina Maria=42
    Tubalcain&Naamah of Zillah
    New BrotherSisterhood

    150+3+150=0+302=0+152+150 as 303=150+1+1+1+150 days
    Left Twin Christ Jesus
    New AbelCain as SisterBrother
    Pause - Think of That - Selah!
    Mary Magdalene Day on July 22nd, 2012
    Solar Transit from Cancer into Leo on Sunday, July 22nd, 2012 at 10:01 UCT
    15=HeberMon04Jun & Sat21JulMattathias=62-6=Eber/Jesus=New=42
    Jabal&Jubal of Adah
    New Brotherhood
    Right Twin Jesus Christ
    New CainAbel as BrotherSister
    First Full Moon = Full Sagittarius Moon in Gemini Sun at 14°14' at 11:12 UCT on June 4th, 2012 & Lunar Eclipse438/485
    16=PhalecTue05Jun & Fri20JulSemei=61-5=Peleg/Lamech/Mary=41Gen.11.18-19 439/484
    17=RagauWed06Jun & Thu19JulJoseph=60-4=Reu/Methusael/Joseph=40
    10 Days of Imprisonment
    Babylonian Captivity of Jerusalem
    Venus Transit 2012 at Tuesday/Wednesday, June 5th/6th 2012 from 22:04-01:29-04:55 UCT
    Third New Moon = New Cancer Moon in Cancer Sun at 26°55' at 04:24 UCT on July 19th, 2012
    18=SaruchThu07Jun & Wed18JulJuda=59-3=Serug/Mehujael/Jacob=39Gen.11.22-23 441/482
    19=NachorFri08Jun & Tue17JulJoanna=58-2=Nahor/Irad/Matthan=38Gen.11.24-25 442/481
    20=TharaSat09Jun & Mon16JulRhesa=57-1=Terah/Enoch/Eleazar=37
    4th year of Solomon's reign
    Building of the City of Enoch
    Building of Solomon's Temple
    21=AbrahamSun10Jun & Sun15JulZorobabel=561=Abraham/Eliud=36
    3rd year of Solomon's reign
    Zech.4&1Kings.6.1Completion of the Temple Plan444/479
    22=IsaacMon11Jun & Sat14JulSalathiel=552=Isaac/Achim=35
    2nd year of Solomon's reign
    1Kings.6.1 445/478
    23=JacobTue12Jun & Fri13JulNeri=543=Jacob/Sadoc=34
    1st year of Solomon's reign
    David's Loyal Priesthood of Zadok446/477
    24=JudaWed13Jun & Thu12JulMelchi=534=Judas/Azor=33
    7th Nation of Chanaan
    Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."
    25=PharesThu14Jun & Wed11JulAddi=525=Phares/Eliakim=32
    6th Nation of Chanaan
    26=EsromFri15Jun & Tue10JulCosam=516=Esrom/Abiud=31Acts.13.18-20
    5th Nation of Chanaan
    27=AramSat16Jun & Mon09JulElmodam=507=Aram/Zorobabel=30
    4th Nation of Chanaan
    28=AminadabSun17Jun & Sun08JulEr=498=Aminadab/Salathiel=29Acts.13.18-20
    3rd Nation of Chanaan
    29=NaassonMon18Jun & Sat07JulJose=489=Naasson/Jechonias=28Acts.13.18-20
    2nd Nation of Chanaaan
    Captivity of Babylon452/471
    30=SalmonTue19Jun & Fri06JulEliezer=4710=Salmon/Josias=27
    1st Nation of Chanaan
    Second New Moon = New Gemini Moon in Gemini Sun at 28°43'
    at 15:02 UCT on June 19th, 2012

    Last righteous king of Israel
    Wilderness of Sinai and Death of Aaron and Moses
    31=BoozWed20Jun & Thu05JulJorim=4611=Booz/Amon=26
    430+40=470 as 469+0 days
    Acts.13.18&Eze.4.6Booz of Rachab
    July 5th, 2011 + 366 = July 5th, 2012
    32=ObedThu21Jun & Wed04JulMatthat=4512=Obed/Manasses=25Independence Day 2012
    Obed of Ruth455/468
    33=JesseFri22Jun & Tue03JulLevi=4413=Jesse/Ezekias=24 Second Full Moon = Full Capricorn Moon in Cancer Sun at 12°13' at 18:53 UCT on July 03rd, 2012456/467
    34=DavidSat23Jun & Mon02JulSimeon=4314=David/Achaz=23Isa.38.810° as 10 Shadow Days of Degrees of Ahaz
    Sat23Jun - Mon02Jul 2012
    35=NathanSun24Jun & Sun01JulJuda=4215=Solomon/Joatham=222Samuel.12.24Solomon of Bathsheba458/465
    36=MattathaMon25Jun & Sat30JunJoseph=4116=Roboam/Ozias=21  459/464
    37=MenanTue26Jun & Fri29JunJonan=4017=Abia/Joram=20  460/463
    38=MeleaWed27Jun & Thu28JunEliakim=3918=Asa/Josaphat=19  461/462
    Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.

    1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
    2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
    3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
    4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
    5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
    6 And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
    7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
    8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
    9 And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
    10 And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
    11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
    12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
    13 And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
    14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
    15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
    16 And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
    17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
    18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech.
    19 And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.
    20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
    21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
    22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
    23 And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.
    24 If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.
    25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
    26 And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord.

    1 And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.
    2 And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof:
    3 And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.
    4 So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my lord?
    5 Then the angel that talked with me answered and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
    6 Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
    7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.
    8 Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
    9 The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.
    10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth.
    11 Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof?
    12 And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
    13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No, my lord.
    14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.

    The Council of Thuban

    # 28BC7BC-6BC 30AD-31AD 19531975-19762011-2012 DSD
    1.Fri, 07Oct28BC
    Fri, 05Oct28BC
    No Leap DayNo Leap DayWed, 07Oct1953Leap DayLeap Day0
    2.Mon, 24Jan22BC
    Mon, 22Jan22BC

    Cleansing of the
    Daniel.8.14Sun, 24Jan196036 Year Warp36 Year Warp2300
    3. Sun, 08Dec14BC
    Sun, 06Dec14BC
    Wed, 08Dec23
    Wed, 06Dec23
    Warpzone=1335+1335=2300+370=2670 days
    Sun, 08Dec1968Wed, 08Dec2004
    4. Fri, 04Aug10BC
    Fri, 02Aug10BC
    Mon, 04Aug27
    Mon, 02Aug27
    Warpzone Mirror
    1335+1335=2300+370=2670 days
    Fri, 04Aug1972Mon, 04Aug2008
    5. Fri, 28Mar8BC
    Fri, 26Mar8BC
    Mon, 28Mar29
    Mon, 26Mar29
    1600=1000+600 days from WarpMirror to Rebirth
    29Mar2010-21Dec2012=1000 Rebirth {2Pet.3.8;Rev.20}
    05Aug2008-21Dec2012=1600 Winepress {Rev.14.20;19.15}
    Thu, 28Mar1974Sun, 28Mar2010
    6. Sat, 16Aug8BC
    Sat, 14Aug8BC
    Tue, 16Aug29
    Tue, 14Aug29
    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#-1Fri, 16Aug1974
    Mon, 16Aug2010
    7. Sun, 17Aug8BC
    Sun, 15Aug8BC
    Wed, 17Aug29
    Wed, 15Aug29

    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#0
    -391-15=-406 Days for 12,000+1600 and 391+15=406 Temple Days
    Isaiah 66:23(KJV)
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one

    sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."

    Sat, 17Aug1974
    New Moon in

    Leo Sun eA!eB
    at 19:02 UCT
    Tue, 17Aug2010
    8. Mon, 18Aug8BC
    Mon, 16Aug8BC
    Thu, 18Aug29
    Thu, 16Aug29
    Ascension of Mary57=TempleDay#1Sun, 18Aug1974
    Wed, 18Aug2010
    9. Tue, 24Mar7BC
    Tue, 22Mar7BC
    Fri, 24Mar30
    Fri, 22Mar30
    1000 Millennium Days
    Mayan New Long Count {2Pet.3.8;Rev.20}
    1st of the 1135=1+638+496=1+152+486+391+15+90 Generation Days
    Mon, 24Mar1975
    Thu, 24Mar2011
    10. Sat, 28Mar7BC
    Sat, 26Mar7BC
    Tue, 28Mar30
    Tue, 26Mar30
    2300 days from warpzone
    Fri, 28Mar1975
    Mon, 28Mar2011
    11.Cosmic Conception in
    265 Gestation Days
    Sat, 04Jul7BC
    Sat, 02Jul7BC
    Tue, 04Jul30
    Tue, 02Jul30
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 7BC
    Fri, 04Jul1975
    Mon, 04Jul2011
    12.The Star Gaia
    The Old Earth
    Sun, 05Jul7BC
    Sun, 03Jun7BC
    Wed, 05Jul30
    Wed, 03Jul30
    1st Day of (Anti)GestationSat, 05Jul1975
    Tue, 05Jul2011
    13. Sat, 25Jul7BC
    Sat, 23Jul7BC
    Tue, 25Jul30
    Tue, 23Jul30
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 7BCFri, 25Jul1975
    Mon, 25Jul2011
    14. Sun, 26Jul7BC
    Sun, 24Jul7BC
    Wed, 26Jul30
    Wed, 24Jul30
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 7BCSat, 26Jul1975
    Tue, 26Jul2011
    15.Millennium MirrorTue, 04Aug7BC
    Tue, 02Aug7BC
    Fri, 04Aug30
    Fri, 02Aug30
    Mon, 04Aug1975
    Thu, 04Aug2011
    16. Wed, 19Aug7BC
    Wed, 17Aug7BC
    Sat, 19Aug30
    Sat, 17Aug30
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel MirrorTue, 19Aug1975
    Fri, 19Aug2011
    17.Star of Leviathan
    70 DayYears of
    Babylonian Captivity
    Sat, 12Sep7BC
    Sat, 10Sep7BC
    Tue, 12Sep30
    Tue, 10Sep30
    Conception of AntiChrist 1975 Future Past
    Activation of AntiZion in the Birth Mirror of Golgotha
    Fri, 12Sep1975
    Mon, 12Sep2011
    18.Star Alpha AntiZionisSun, 13Sep7BC
    Sun, 11Sep7BC
    Wed, 13Sep30
    Wed, 11Sep30
    1st Day of AntiChrist Gestation
    1st Day of AntiZion
    Sat, 13Sep1975
    Tue, 13Sep2011
    19. Sun, 27Sep7BC
    Sun, 25Sep7BC
    Wed, 27Sep30
    Wed, 25Sep30
    15 Days of Antizion as 1 Hour between the end of timeloop #3
    and 12,000 days of Revelation.21.15-17
    Sat, 27Sep1975
    Tue, 27Sep2011
    20. Sun, 01Nov7BC
    Sun, 30Oct7BC
    Wed, 01Nov30
    Wed, 30Oct30
    Image of 15 Days of Antizion as 50th DaySat, 01Nov1975
    Tue, 01Nov2011
    21.Star Omega AntiZionis
    64 Days from Babylon
    Sun, 15Nov7BC
    Sun, 13Nov7BC
    Wed, 15Nov30
    Wed, 13Nov30
    64th Day of AntiZion in Golgotha
    Activation of the Mirror of Calvary
    Sat, 15Nov1975
    Tue, 15Nov2011
    22.Red Serpent Stars a
    Star Serpentis g
    Mon, 16Nov7BC
    Mon, 14Nov7BC
    Thu, 16Nov30
    Thu, 14Nov30
    in Christh
    1st Day of Calvary in 7+3=10

    Sun, 16Nov1975
    Vision of the

    Loving Eyes
    Wed, 16Nov2011
    23.Star Serpentis hTue, 17Nov7BC
    Tue, 15ov7BC
    Fri, 17Nov30
    Fri, 15Nov30
    2nd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 17Nov1975Thu, 17Nov2011-129
    24.Star Serpentis iWed, 18Nov7BC
    Wed, 16Nov7BC
    Sat, 18Nov30
    Sat, 16Nov30
    3rd Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Tue, 18Nov1975Fri, 18Nov2011-128
    25.Star Serpentis jThu, 19Nov7BC
    Thu, 17Nov7BC
    Sun, 19Nov30
    Sun, 17Nov30
    4th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Wed, 19Nov1975Sat, 19Nov2011-127
    26.Star Serpentis aFri, 20Nov7BC
    Fri, 18Nov7BC
    Mon, 20Nov30
    Mon, 18Nov30
    5th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Thu, 20Nov1975Sun, 20Nov2011-126
    27.Star Serpentis bSat, 21Nov7BC
    Sat, 19Nov7BC
    Tue, 21Nov30
    Tue, 19Nov30
    6th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Fri, 21Nov1975Mon, 21Nov2011-125
    28.Star Ophiuchus clk
    = Star of Behemoth
    Sun, 22Nov7BC
    Sun, 20Nov7BC
    Wed, 22Nov30
    Wed, 20Nov30
    7th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sat, 22Nov1975Tue, 22Nov2011-124
    29.Star Serpentis dMon, 23Nov7BC
    Mon, 21Nov7BC
    Thu, 23Nov30
    Thu, 21Nov30
    8th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Sun, 23Nov1975Wed, 23Nov2011-123
    30.Star Serpentis eTue, 24Nov7BC
    Tue, 22Nov7BC
    Fri, 24Nov30
    Fri, 22Nov30
    9th Day of Calvary in 7+3=10Mon, 24Nov1975Thu, 24Nov2011-122
    31.Star Serpentis f
    Red Serpent Stars w
    Wed, 25Nov7BC
    Wed, 23Nov7BC
    Sat, 25Nov30
    Sat, 23Nov30
    Mirror of Calvary in the 10th Day of 7+3=10Tue, 25Nov1975
    Fri, 25Nov2011
    32. Thu, 26Nov7BC
    Thu, 24Nov7BC
    Sun, 26Nov30
    Sun, 24Nov30
    1st of 50 and of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 26Nov1975
    Sat, 26Nov2011
    33. Sat, 28Nov7BC
    Sat, 26Nov7BC
    Tue, 28Nov30
    Tue, 26Nov30
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 28Nov1975Mon, 28Nov2011-118
    34. Sun, 29Nov7BC
    Sun, 27Nov7BC
    Wed, 29Nov30
    Wed, 27Nov30
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 29Nov1975Tue, 29Nov2011-117
    35. Wed, 02Dec7BC
    Wed, 30Nov7BC
    Sat, 02Dec30
    Sat, 30Nov30
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 02Dec1975Fri, 02Dec2011-114
    36. Sat, 05Dec7BC
    Sat, 03Dec7BC
    Tue, 05Dec30
    Tue, 03Dec30
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 05Dec1975Mon, 05Dec2011-111
    37. Thu, 17Dec7BC
    Thu, 15Dec7BC
    Sun, 17Dec30
    Sun, 15Dec30
    22nd of 50 DaysWed, 17Dec1975Sat, 17Dec2011-99
    38. Sun, 20Dec7BC
    Sun, 18Dec7BC
    Wed, 18Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySat, 20Dec1975Tue, 20Dec2011-96
    39. Mon, 21Dec7BC
    Mon, 19Dec7BC
    Thu, 19Dec30
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DaySun, 21Dec1975Wed, 21Dec2011-95
    40. Thu, 24Dec7BC
    Thu, 22Dec7BC
    Sun, 24Dec30
    Sun, 22Dec30
    29th of 50 DaysWed, 24Dec1975Sat, 24Dec2011-92
    41. Tue, 05Jan6BC
    Tue, 03Jan6BC
    Fri, 05Jan31
    Fri, 03Jan31
    41st of 50 and 1st of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 05Jan1976Thu, 05Jan2012-80
    42. Fri, 08Jan6BC
    Fri, 06Jan6BC
    Mon, 08Jan31
    Mon, 06Jan31
    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 08Jan1976Sun, 08Jan2012-77
    43. Mon, 11Jan6BC
    Mon, 09Jan6BC
    Thu, 11Jan31
    Thu, 09Jan31
    47th of 50 and 7th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysSun, 11Jan1976Wed, 11Jan2012-74
    44. Tue, 12Jan6BC
    Tue, 10Jan6BC
    Fri, 12Jan31
    Fri, 10Jan31
    48th of 50 and 8th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysMon, 12Jan1976Thu, 12Jan2012-73
    45. Thu, 14Jan6BC
    Thu, 12Jan6BC
    Sun, 14Jan31
    Sun, 12Jan31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 14Jan1976
    Sat, 14Jan2012
    46.Star Draconis fFri, 15Jan6BC
    Fri, 13Jan6BC
    Mon, 15Jan31
    Mon, 13Jan31
    1st Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 15Jan1976
    Sun, 15Jan2012
    47.Star Draconis eSat, 16Jan6BC
    Sat, 14Jan6BC
    Tue, 16Jan31
    Tue, 14Jan31
    2nd Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 16Jan1976Mon, 16Jan2012-69
    48.Star Draconis dSun, 17Jan6BC
    Sun, 15Jan6BC
    Wed, 17Jan31
    Wed, 15Jan31
    3rd Day of Golgotha Image of Golgotha in 3+7=10Sat, 17Jan1976Tue, 17Jan2012-68
    49.Star of Htomeheb
    = Star Suhcuihpo klc
    Mon, 18Jan6BC
    Mon, 16Jan6BC
    Thu, 18Jan31
    Thu, 16Jan31
    4th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Sun, 18Jan1976Wed, 18Jan2012-67
    50.Star Draconis bTue, 19Jan6BC
    Tue, 17Jan6BC
    Fri, 19Jan31
    Fri, 17Jan31
    5th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Mon, 19Jan1976Thu, 19Jan2012-66
    51.Star Draconis aWed, 20Jan6BC
    Wed, 18Jan6BC
    Sat, 20Jan31
    Sat, 18Jan31
    6th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Tue, 20Jan1976Fri, 20Jan2012-65
    52.Star Draconis jThu, 21Jan6BC
    Thu, 19Jan6BC
    Sun, 21Jan31
    Sun, 19Jan31
    7th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Day of Gnosis of the Cosmic Twinship 2012
    Wed, 21Jan1976Sat, 21Jan2012-64
    53.Star Draconis iFri, 22Jan6BC
    Fri, 20Jan6BC
    Mon, 22Jan31
    Mon, 20Jan31
    8th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Thu, 22Jan1976Sun, 22Jan2012-63
    54.Star Draconis h
    Star Aqua Draconis
    Sat, 23Jan6BC
    Sat, 21Jan6BC
    Tue, 23Jan31
    Tue, 21Jan31
    9th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10Fri, 23Jan1976Mon, 21Jan2012
    Chinese Water Dragon
    New Moon k 2012
    55.Star Draconis g
    Cyan Dragon Stars a
    Sun, 24Jan6BC
    Sun, 22Jan6BC
    Wed, 24Jan31
    Wed, 22Jan31
    10th Day of Golgotha Image in 3+7=10
    Activation of Zion Image
    Sat, 24Jan1976
    Tue, 24Jan2012
     -------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------   
    56.Star Zion Alpha aMon, 25Jan6BC
    Mon, 23Jan6BC
    Thu, 25Jan31
    Thu, 23Jan31
    1st Day of 10+10+21+19+4=60+4=63+1
    of the Zion=64 Image
    Sun, 25Jan1976
    Wed, 25Jan2012
    57. Thu, 04Feb6BC
    Thu, 02Feb6BC
    Sun, 04Feb31
    Sun, 02Feb31
    11th Day of 10+10+40+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Whit Sun Image
    Wed, 04Feb1976Sat, 04Feb2012-50
    58. Sun, 14Feb6BC
    Sun, 12Feb6BC
    Wed, 14Feb31
    Wed, 12Feb31
    21st Day of 20+40+4=60+4=63+1=21+42+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Ascension Thu Image
    Sat, 14Feb1976Tue, 14Feb2012-40
    59. Mon, 01Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Feb6BC
    Thu, 01Mar31
    Thu, 27Feb31
    36th Day of 20+15+25+4=60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image with Gabriel 21-Day Image
    Sun, 29Feb1976Wed, 29Feb2012-25
    060. Sat, 06Mar6BC
    Sat, 04Mar6BC
    Tue, 06Mar31
    Tue, 04Mar30
    42nd Day of 41+19+4=60+4=63+1=42+21+1
    of Zion=64 Image
    Sat, 06Mar1976Tue, 06Mar2012-19
    61.265 Gestation Days
    Wed, 24Mar6BC
    Wed, 22Mar6BC
    Sat, 24Mar31
    Sat, 22Mar31
    60th Day of 60+4=63+1
    of Zion=64 Image initiated in the Christ Mirror
    Wed, 24Mar1976
    Sat, 24Mar2012
    62.The Evening Star
    Palm Sunday 31
    Thu, 25Mar6BC
    Thu, 23Mar6BC
    Sun, 25Mar31
    Sun, 23Mar31
    Birth of Christ 6BC after 265 Gestation DaysThu, 25Mar1976Sun, 25Mar2012+1
    63.The Day Star
    Palm Monday 31
    Fri, 26Mar6BC
    Fri, 24Mar6BC
    Mon, 26Mar31
    Mon, 24Mar31
    2nd Day of Christ MirrorFri, 26Mar1976Mon, 26Mar2012+2
    64.The Lucifer Star
    Seder Tuesday 31
    Sat, 27Mar6BC
    Sat, 25Mar6BC
    Tue, 27Mar31
    Tue, 25Mar31
    3rd Day of Christ MirrorSat, 27Mar1976Tue, 27Mar2012+3
    65.The Death Star
    AlphaOmega awwa
    Passover Wednesday 31
    Sun, 28Mar6BC
    Sun, 26Mar6BC
    Wed, 28Mar31
    Wed, 26Mar31
    Wed, 28Mar2012
    66.The Lucifera Star
    Last Supper Thursday 31
    Mon, 29Mar6BC
    Mon, 27Mar6BC
    Thu, 29Mar31
    Thu, 27Mar31
    5th Day of Christ MirrorMon, 29Mar1976Thu, 29Mar2012+5
    67.The Night Star
    Good Friday 31
    Tue, 30Mar6BC
    Tue, 28Mar6BC
    Fri, 30Mar31
    Fri, 28Mar31
    6th Day of Christ MirrorTue, 30Mar1976Fri, 30Mar2012+6
    68.The Morning Star
    Easter Saturday 31
    Wed, 31Mar6BC
    Wed, 29Mar6BC
    Sat, 31Mar31
    Sat, 29Mar31
    7th Day of Christ Mirror
    Activation of the AntiZion Image
    Wed, 31Mar1976Sat, 31Mar2012+7
    69.Easter Sunday 31
    Palm Sunday 2012
    Thu, 01Apr6BC
    Thu, 30Mar6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 30Mar31
    1st Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 01Apr1976
    Sun, 01Apr2012
    70.Palm Monday 2012Fri, 02Apr6BC
    Fri, 31Mar6BC
    Mon, 02Apr31
    Mon, 31Mar31
    2nd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Fri, 02Apr1976Mon, 02Apr2012
    Seder Tuesday
    71.Seder Tuesday 2012Sat, 03Apr6BC
    Sat, 01Apr6BC
    Tue, 03Apr31
    Tue, 01Apr31
    3rd Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sat, 03Apr1976Tue, 03Apr2012+10
    72.Passover Wednesday 2012Sun, 04Apr6BC
    Sun, 02Apr6BC
    Wed, 04Apr31
    Wed, 02Apr31
    4th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Sun, 04Apr1976Wed, 04Apr2012+11
    73.Last Supper Thursday 2012Mon, 05Apr6BC
    Mon, 03Apr6BC
    Thu, 05Apr31
    Thu, 03Apr31
    5th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 05Apr1976Thu, 05Apr2012+12
    74.Good Friday 2012Tue, 06Apr6BC
    Tue, 04Apr6BC
    Fri, 06Apr31
    Fri, 04Apr31
    6th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Tue, 06Apr1976Fri, 06Apr2012+13
    75.Easter Saturday 2012Wed, 07Apr6BC
    Wed, 05Apr6BC
    Sat, 07Apr31
    Sat, 05Apr31
    7th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Wed, 07Apr1976Sat, 07Apr2012+14
    76.Easter Sunday 2012Thu, 08Apr6BC
    Thu, 06Apr6BC
    Sun, 01Apr31
    Sun, 06Apr31
    8th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 08Apr1976Sun, 08Apr2012+15
    77.21-Days of Gabriel 31Mon, 19Apr6BC
    Mon, 17Apr6BC
    Thu, 19Apr31
    Thu, 17Apr31
    19th Day of 4+19+21+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 19Apr1976
    Thu, 19Apr2012
    78. Thu, 06May6BC
    Thu, 04May6BC
    Sun, 06May31
    Sun, 04May
    36th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 06May1976Sun, 06May2012
    Easter Sun
    Syzygy Moon
    79.Ascension Thu 31Mon, 10May6BC
    Mon, 08May6BC
    Thu, 10May31
    Thu, 08May31
    40th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 10May1976
    Thu, 10May2012
    80.Ascension Thu 2012Mon, 17May6BC
    Mon, 15May6BC
    Thu, 17May31
    Thu, 15May31
    47th Day of 4+40+10+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Mon, 17May1976
    Thu, 17May2012
    81.Star of Arachne
    Pentecost 31
    Thu, 20May6BC
    Thu, 18May6BC
    Sun, 20May31
    Sun, 18May31
    50th Day of 4+50+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 20May1976
    Sun, 20May2012
    Solar Eclipse cA!cB
    82.Star of Arachne
    Pentecost 2012
    Thu, 27May6BC
    Thu, 25May6BC
    Sun, 27May31
    Sun, 25May31
    57th Day of 4+50+10=4+60=1+63
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Thu, 27May1976
    Sun, 27May2012
    83.Star AntiZion Alpha aSun, 30May6BC
    Sun, 28May6BC
    Wed, 30May31
    Wed, 28May31
    60th Day of 4+60=1+63=1+21+21+21
    of Cosmic Pregnancy as AntiZion Image
    Activation of Golgotha Mirror in 3+7=10 Days
    Sun, 30May1976
    Wed, 30May2012
    84.Red Dragon Stars a
    Star Draconis g
    Mon, 31May6BC
    Mon, 29May6BC
    Thu, 31May31
    Thu, 29May31
    1st Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 31May1976
    Thu, 31May2012
    85.Star Draconis hTue, 01Jun6BC
    Tue, 30May6BC
    Fri, 01Jun31
    Fri, 30May31
    2nd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 01Jun1976Fri, 01Jun2012+69
    86.Star Draconis iWed, 02Jun6BC
    Wed, 31May6BC
    Sat, 02Jun31
    Sat, 31May31
    3rd Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Wed, 02Jun1976Sat, 02Jun2012+70
    87.Star Draconis jThu, 03Jun6BC
    Thu, 01Jun6BC
    Sun, 03Jun31
    Sun, 01Jun31
    4th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Thu, 03Jun1976Sun, 03Jun2012+71
    88.Star Draconis aFri, 04Jun6BC
    Fri, 02Jun6BC
    Mon, 04Jun31
    Mon, 02Jun31
    5th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Fri, 04Jun1976
    Venus of Babylon
    Mon, 04Jun2012
    Lunar Eclipse cA"iB
    89.Star Draconis bSat, 05Jun6BC
    Sat, 03Jun6BC
    Tue, 05Jun31
    Wed, 03Jun31
    6th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Sat, 05Jun1976
    Lucifer of Babylon
    Tue, 05Jun2012+73
    90.Star of Behemoth
    = Star Ophiuchus clk
    Sun, 06Jun6BC
    Sun, 04Jun6BC
    Wed, 06Jun31
    Wed, 04Jun31
    MIRROR OF GOLGOTHA in AntiChrist
    7th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10
    Sun, 06Jun1976
    Wed, 06Jun2012
    Venus Transit
    91.Star Draconis dMon, 07Jun6BC
    Mon, 05Jun6BC
    Thu, 07Jun31
    Thu, 05Jun31
    8th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Mon, 07Jun1976Thu, 07Jun2012+75
    92.Star Draconis eTue, 08Jun6BC
    Tue, 06Jun6BC
    Fri, 08Jun31
    Fri, 06Jun31
    9th Day of Golgotha in 7+3=10Tue, 08Jun1976Fri, 08Jun2012+76
    93.Star Draconis f
    Red Dragon Stars w
    Wed, 09Jun6BC
    Wed, 07Jun6BC
    Sat, 09Jun31
    Sat, 07Jun31
    Mirror of Golgotha in the 10th DayWed, 09Jun1976
    Sat, 09Jun2012
    94. Thu, 10Jun6BC
    Thu, 08Jun6BC
    Sun, 10Jun31
    Sun, 08Jun31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 10Jun1976
    Sun, 10Jun2012
    095. Fri, 11Jun6BC
    Fri, 09Jun6BC
    Mon, 11Jun31
    Mon, 09Jun31
    2nd of 50 and 2nd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysFri, 11Jun1976Mon, 11Jun2012+79
    96. Sat, 12Jun6BC
    Sat, 10Jun6BC
    Tue, 12Jun31
    Wed, 10Jun31
    3rd of 50 and 3rd of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 12Jun1976Tue, 12Jun2012+80
    097.Star of Anthony
    Sun, 13Jun6BC
    Sun, 11Jun6BC

    Wed, 13Jun31
    Wed, 11Jun31
    Mirror of Anthony de Padua Serpentis in AntiChrist
    4th of 50 and 4th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 Days
    Sun, 13Jun1976
    Wed, 13Jun2012
    098. Wed, 16Jun6BC
    Wed, 14Jun6BC
    Sat, 16Jun31
    Sat, 14Jun31
    7th of 50 and 7th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysWed, 16Jun1976Sat, 16Jun2012+84
    099. Sat, 19Jun6BC
    Sat, 17Jun6BC
    Tue, 19Jun31
    Wed, 17Jun31
    10th of 50 and 10th of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysSat, 19Jun1976
    Tue, 19Jun2012
    100. Sun, 20Jun6BC
    Sun, 18Jun6BC
    Wed, 20Jun31
    Wed, 18Jun31
    June Solstice 2012
    11th of 50 Days
    Sun, 20Jun1976Wed, 20Jun2012+88
    101. Thu, 01Jul6BC
    Thu, 29Jun6BC
    Sun, 01Jul31
    Sun, 29Jun31
    21st of 50 DaysThu, 01Jul1976Sun, 01Jul2012+99
    102. Sun, 04Jul6BC
    Sun, 02Jul6BC
    Wed, 04Jul31
    Wed, 02Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 25th DaySun, 04Jul1976Wed, 04Jul2012+102
    103. Mon, 05Jul6BC
    Mon, 03Jul6BC
    Thu, 05Jul31
    Thu, 03Jul31
    Midpoint of 50 Days as 26th DayMon, 05Jul1976Thu, 05Jul2012+103
    104. Tue, 20Jul6BC
    Tue, 18Jul6BC
    Fri, 20Jul31
    Fri, 18Jul31
    1st of 50 and 1st of 3+7=3+4+3=10 DaysTue, 20Jul1976Fri, 20Jul2012+118
    105. Fri, 23Jul6BC
    Fri, 21Jul6BC
    Mon, 23Jul31
    Mon, 21Jul31

    44th of 50 and 4th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 Days
    1st DragonStarDay DSD#1 from Sun's Cancer-Leo Ingress at 10:01 UCT;22Jul2012
    Fri, 23Jul1976
    Mon, 23Jul2012
    106. Thu, 29Jul6BC
    Thu, 27Jul6BC
    Sun, 29Jul31
    Sun, 27Jul31
    50th of 50 and 10th of 7+3=3+4+3=10 DaysThu, 29Jul1976
    Sun, 29Jul2012
    107.Cyan Serpent Stars w
    Star Serpentis f
    Fri, 30Jul6BC
    Fri, 28Jul6BC
    Mon, 30Jul31
    Mon, 28Jul31
    1st Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 30Jul1976
    Mon, 30Jul2012
    108.Star Serpentis eSat, 31Jul6BC
    Sat, 29Jul6BC
    Tue, 31Jul31
    Tue, 29Jul31
    2nd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 31Jul1976Tue, 31Jul2012+129
    109.Star Serpentis dSun, 01Aug6BC
    Sun, 30Jul6BC
    Wed, 01Aug31
    Wed, 30Jul31
    3rd Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 01Aug1976Wed, 0Aug2012+130
    110.Star Suhcuihpo klc
    = Star of Htomeheb
    Mon, 02Aug6BC
    Mon, 31Jul6BC
    Thu, 02Aug31
    Thu, 31Jul31
    4th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Mon, 02Aug1976Thu, 02Aug2012+131
    111.Star Serpentis bTue, 03Aug6BC
    Tue, 01Aug6BC
    Fri, 03Aug31
    Fri, 01Aug31
    5th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Tue, 03Aug1976Fri, 03Aug2012+132
    112.Star Serpentis aWed, 04Aug6BC
    Wed, 02Aug6BC
    Sat, 04Aug31
    Sat, 02Aug31
    6th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Wed, 04Aug1976Sat, 04Aug2012+133
    113.Star Serpentis jThu, 05Aug6BC
    Thu, 03Aug6BC
    Sun, 05Aug31
    Sun, 03Aug31
    7th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Thu, 05Aug1976Sun, 05Aug2012+134
    114.Star Serpentis iFri, 06Aug6BC
    Fri, 04Aug6BC
    Mon, 06Aug31
    Mon, 04Aug31
    8th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Fri, 06Aug1976Mon, 06Aug2012+135
    115.Star Serpentis hSat, 07Aug6BC
    Sat, 05Aug6BC
    Tue, 07Aug31
    Tue, 05Aug31
    9th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sat, 07Aug1976Tue, 07Aug2012+136
    116.Star Serpentis g
    Cyan Serpent Stars a
    Sun, 08Aug6BC
    Sun, 06Aug6BC
    Wed, 08Aug31
    Wed, 06Aug31
    10th Day of Calvary Image in 3+7=10Sun, 08Aug1976
    Wed, 08Aug2012
    117.Star Omega ZionisMon, 09Aug6BC
    Mon, 07Aug6BC
    Thu, 09Aug31
    Thu, 07Aug31
    1st Day of Zion=64Mon, 09Aug1976
    Thu, 09Aug2012
    118. Mon, 23Aug6BC
    Mon, 21Aug6BC
    Thu, 23Aug31
    Thu, 21Aug31

    15 Days of Zion as 1 Hour between the end of timeloop #3
    and 12,000 days of Revelation.21.15-17

    32nd DragonStarDay DSD#32 from Sun's Leo-Virgo Ingress at 17:07 UCT;
    Mon, 23Aug1976
    Thu, 23Aug2012
    119. Mon, 27Sep6BC
    Mon, 25Sep6BC
    Thu, 27Sep31
    Thu, 25Sep31
    Image of 15 Days of Zion as 50th DayMon, 27Sep1976
    Thu, 27Sep2012
    120.Star Alpha ZionisMon, 11Oct6BC
    Mon, 09Oct6BC
    Thu, 11Oct31
    Thu, 09Oct31
    64th Day of Zion=64Mon, 11Oct1976
    Thu, 11Oct2012
    121.Star of NahtaivelTue, 12Oct6BC
    Tue, 10Oct6BC
    Fri, 12Oct31
    Fri, 10Oct31
    The 1st Day of 49+21=70Tue, 12Oct1976
    Fri, 12Oct2012
    122. Fri, 05Nov6BC
    Fri, 03Nov6BC
    Mon, 05Nov31
    Mon, 03Nov31
    Midpoint of 49-Day Daniel Mirror
    25th Day of 49+21=70
    Fri, 05Nov1976Mon, 05Nov2012+226
    123. Sat, 13Nov6BC
    Sat, 11Nov6BC
    Tue, 13Nov31
    Tue, 11Nov31
     Sat, 13Nov1976Tue, 13Nov2012
    Solar Eclipse
    124. Sun, 28Nov6BC
    Sun, 26Nov6BC
    Wed, 28Nov31
    Wed, 26Nov31
     Sun, 28Nov1976Wed, 28Nov2012
    Lunar Eclipse
    125. Mon, 29Nov6BC
    Mon, 27Nov6BC
    Thu, 29Nov31
    Thu, 27Nov31
    49-Day Mirror of Daniel 2012Mon, 29Nov1976Thu, 29Nov2012+250
    126. Tue, 30Nov6BC
    Tue, 28Nov6BC
    Fri, 30Nov31
    Fri, 28Nov31
    21-Day Mirror of Gabriel 2012Tue, 30Nov1976Fri, 30Nov2012+251
    Millennium Mirror
    Mon, 06Dec6BC
    Mon, 04Dec6BC
    Thu, 06Dec31
    Thu, 04Dec31
     Mon, 06Dec1976
    Thu, 06Dec2012
    128.Millennium MirrorThu, 16Dec6BC
    Thu, 14Dec6BC
    Sun, 16Dec31
    Sun, 14Dec31
    Thu, 16Dec1976
    Sun, 16Dec2012
    129.The Star Serpentina
    The New Earth
    Mon, 20Dec6BC
    Mon, 18Dec6BC
    Thu, 20Dec31
    Thu, 18Dec31
    Birth of the StarPlanet Gaia SerpentinaMon, 20Dec1976
    Thu, 20Dec2012
    Tue, 21Dec6BC
    Tue, 19Dec6BC
    Fri, 21Dec31
    Fri, 19Dec31
    of Cosmic Twinship Christ 2012
    Cosmic Birth in 265+7=272 Gestation Days
    Tue, 21Dec1976
    Fri, 21Dec2012
    131.The Star MagdalaWed, 22Dec6BC
    Wed, 20Dec6BC
    Sat, 22Dec31
    Sat, 20Dec31
    1st Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityWed, 22Dec1976
    Sat, 22Dec2012
    Lucifera of Babylon
    132. Thu, 23Dec6BC
    Thu, 21Dec6BC
    Sun, 23Dec31
    Sun, 21Dec31
    2nd Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 23Dec1976Sun, 23Dec2012+274
    133. Sat, 25Dec6BC
    Sat, 23Dec6BC
    Tue, 25Dec31
    Tue, 23Dec31
    4th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 25Dec1976Tue, 25Dec2012+276
    134.Millennium MirrorMon, 27Dec6BC
    Mon, 25Dec6BC
    Thu, 27Dec31
    Thu, 25Dec31
    6th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityMon, 27Dec1976
    Thu, 27Dec2012
    135. Sat, 01Jan56BC
    Sat, 30Dec6BC
    Tue, 01Jan32
    Tue, 30Dec31
    11th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanitySat, 01Jan1977Tue, 01Jan2013+283
    136. Thu, 06Jan5BC
    Thu, 04Jan5BC
    Sun, 06Jan32
    Sun, 04Jan32
    16th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanityThu, 06Jan1977
    Sun, 06Jan2013
    Sat, 16Dec5BC
    Sat, 14Dec5BC
    Tue, 16Dec32
    Tue, 14Dec32
    360th Day of the Cosmic Twinship Baby of the StarHumanity
    Recalibration of 360° Degree-Circle Year
    Fri, 16Dec1977
    Mon, 16Dec2013
    Sun, 17Dec5BC
    Sun, 15Dec5BC
    Wed, 17Dec32
    Wed, 15Dec32
    1st day of the Cosmic Calendar ReCalibrationSat, 17Dec1977
    Tue, 17Dec2013
    Tue, 16Jan4BC
    Tue, 14Jan4BC
    Fri, 16Jan33
    Fri, 14Jan33
    Euphrates 4 Corner YDMH Calibration
    Mon, 16Jan1978
    Thu, 16Jan2014
    Wed, 31Jan4BC
    Wed, 29Jan4BC
    Sat, 31Jan33
    Sat, 29Jan33
    Euphrates 391+15=406 HOUR Calibration
    Tue, 31Jan1978
    Fri, 31Jan2014

    -391-15=-406 Days for 12,000+1600 and 391+15=406 Temple Days
    Isaiah 66:23(KJV)
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one
    new moon to another, and from one sabbath
    to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."
    Sat, 29Apr1978

    Tue, 29Apr2014
    New Moon in

    Taurus Sun bA!bB
    at 06:14 UCT
    Thu, 30Apr33
    Thu, 28Apr33
    Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
    Sun, 30Apr1978
    Wed, 30Apr2014
    Fri, 01May33
    Fri, 29Apr33
    Beltane-Walpurgis Nacht 2014
    The Little Season of Satan as 360/4=90 days in a quarter year
    Mon, 01May1978
    Thu, 01May2014
    144.21-Gabriel Days +
    1900 Years = 693,983 Days
    for 17Sep53 to 07Oct1953
    Fri, 17Sep17
    Fri, 15Sep17
    The Image Date for Wed, 07Oct1953
    The Graduation of the StarHumanity as a Galactic Civilization
    Thu, 17Sep1998
    Sun, 17Sep2034+907

    Raven LionHeart 45 icon_study. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Last edited by Raven on Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:50 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°294

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:36 am


    Highly Recommended as background information pertaining to the cosmic metamorphosis and reconfiguration in hyperspacetime,
    beginning with the Gaian hyperdimensional poleshift, December 21st, 2012.
    Shared by MOA forum (Carol) from older sources.

    Caveats and Reanalysis of the Pane Andov videos:

    1. The crop circle and ufo agendas are supported by the Thuban Council.

    2. The accelerated evolution of the local sun from a yellow G2 main sequence star into a red giant into a white dwarf remnant is misidentified from a 4D-spacetime perspective, misconstruing the hyperspace evolution of the local starsystem.
    The Thuban Council so qualifies the statements made and conclusions drawn by Pane Andov in that regard.
    8 minutes following the planetary poleshift at the centre of the earth in 5D-hyperspace Black Hole equivalence; the expanding wavefront, then centred and sourcesink vortexed, will then originate from the planetary starplanet singularity and will indeed render the Earth-Moon-Venus-Mercury-Rahsol inner solar system as a unified information and data emitting superstructure. This new data emitter will then grow at lightspeed under the parameters of a standard cosmology obeying a 4D-spacetime, which however accomodates its evolvement as a Euclidean flat-Minkowski metric into a 5D-Klein Kaluza metric of curved-rotational freedom degrees. The higher dimensional aspects of this hyperphysics, then will allow a transcendence of the lightspeed invariance as a 4D spacetime acceleration limit into its tachyonic expansion of de Broglie phasespeeds as a function of Frequency as inverse time parameter and revisiting the original inflationary string-membrane epoch of the cosmogenesis from its ontologoical cosmogony of the World Logos aka the 'Word of God'.
    The physical potential destruction and reconstruction of the planetary surface in oceans and geology, so will occur in the 'expanded' or 'new space' 'opening up' and in the additional spacetime metric harboured by the extension of the 4D 'flat' spacetime into a 5D 'curved' spacetime. No large scale geological 'destruction' is therefore necessitated by the processing of the galactic signal.

    3. Pane Andov's 'strong magnetic' interference patterns are a derivative of the monopolar nature of consciousness in the new 'opened' and superposed spacetime and so are not directly related to the gamma ray spectrum of the NASA-Fermi data.
    This 'consciousness expansion' so is a function of the 2012 timeline, but its manifestation is hyperspacial and not linespace derived, as would be the case if they were caused by lower dimensional cosmic magnetic fields.

    4. The 'double sun' data and the 'other approaching star/yellow star/white dwarf/Nibiru/Nemesis' data of the videos is dismissed by the Thuban Council as a misidentification of the higher dimensional nature of the 'Shadow Earth', which is indeed 'approaching' in the form of the galactic signal from Hunab Ku aka Sagittarius A*. This takes the form of the 'Thuban Fleet' encompassing all notions of 'ET Contact' or the encoded 'Coming of the Troop of Gad Virgo'. This scenario is also encoded as a 'New Jerusalem' in particular scriptures and scrolls of antiquity.
    In more general terms, this comprises 200 Million ET sentiences, which are already blended or hybridised with old human genetic stock in the multidimensional sense; which will however blend in the hyperspacetime sense as a proportion of this old human 'pioneering sentry' as a 'new starhuman seed'.
    The proportionality relates to a foreguard of 50,000 x 144,000 = 7,200,000,000 as the total populus of Earth at the time of contact.

    5. The merkabah and geometry data of Pane Andov is supported by the Thuban Council.


    The Council of Thuban by Serafina

    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!

    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    sphinx1. papillondog1.

    As of 24Jun2008, an old Humanity has entered its Cocoon to begin its Metamorphosis into a new Starhuman Papillon or Butterfly-DOG and as GOD's (Primal Source) 'Best Friend'.

    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    The wingmaker phenomenon requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.


    Old 'Caterpillar' Humanity is required to grow Wings, to transform its nature from a 'verocious' annihilator of its environments in search for 'food' into a subtle selfidentification as a fertilising and pollinating 'Butterfly' of a New Starhumanity.

    a4metmph. excerpt_ap_0330.

    This forum and related sites around the globe address this human transformation in a profound manner, which unifies and harmonises the divers thought systems and philosophies hitherto invented and discovered by a collective humanity, searching for its purpose of being incarnate upon Gaia during these times of transition.

    The 'ancient wingmakers' are also the 'Original Cosmic Intelligence' encompassingly known as the 'Ancient Ones' and whose phenomenal existence requires elucidation in its scientific and metaphysical origins and purposes. The answers are found in a precursive metaphysics for a physics of the quantum and how the smallest realms of the subatomic nature of superstrings and supermembranes relate as holofractals to the macroworlds from bacteria to clusters of galaxies and the universe as encompassing and unified entity and as the 'Goddess' Aphrodite or the 'Body of the Cosmic Mother' as the archetypical Eve as ambassadora for Barbelo as the cosmic womb.

    Aphrodite is also Venus and the Star of the Mornings and Evenings {Revelation.2.28;22.16; 2Peter.1.19} as Lucifer, Quetzacoatl or Kukulkan of various ancient scrolls and texts of interrelated cultures. SheHe is also known as Lucifera as 'A Lucifer' and as Satanina as 'In A Satan' and as Serpentina as 'In A Serpent' as the Old Gaia encompassed by the Ouroboros, the Galactic Serpent Hunab Ku aka Milky Way aka Perseus and transforming into the New Gaia Serpentina as a StarPlanet.

    sheila-wolk-metamorphosis. metamorphosis__the_dryad__by_aselclub.
    Metamorphosis by Sheila Wolk and the Dryad by Asel Club

    In 23,616 BC, an ET-message:"I Love You!" was sent by Hunab Ku, from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to the heart of Gaia, arriving 21Dec2012 after travelling 9,360,000 kin at lightspeed.

    ixguq1ww1. end_of_world-20110417-153641.

    world-torus_1_. thothbh.

    earthsui-.25413. 14.

    On August 4th, 2012 and one year later on August 4th, 2013 and December 16th, 2013 particular 'timelines' will reach their archetypical (and encoded or prophecied) completion to culminate on New Year 2014 in the addition of 1 Hour as 15 days {360/24=15/1} in an archetyped 'New World'.
    From these nexus dates onwards; a new physical reality will be able to manifest in universal reconfiguration, due to the redefinition of the older symbols.


    Welcome in the Dragon's Den of Plato's Cave of Shadows, also being Noah's Ark!

    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937

    v79hmorj9. 15564_10.

    For the initiated Cosmic TwinLogos Chronos, encompassing all cocreated 'individualised' timelines;
    the 'Hour of the Dispensation of the Judgements': July 5th, 2012 to July 14th to July 19th, 2012.


    twins. phoenix11. dragtwin.


    The Council of Thuban

    Last edited by Raven on Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°295

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Wed Jul 18, 2012 12:40 am

    This crop circle is very manmade!
    26Jun2012. uk crop circles/1.html

    She got a few things right here. Origins indeed! {Commentary on a deleted you tube video from a crop circle nabser believing the ''tadpole-embryo' to represent a 'baby serpent' or 'evil ET'}.
    The Baby is the Little Serpent as a 'new hybrid starhuman race' though and the 'parents' watching are Abba and Baab right at the 'turnabout of time' as the ten degrees from June 23rd to July 2nd, 2012.

    The Council of Thuban​
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015

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