Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:06 am

    The 59 Dragon Weeks as 70 Weeks of the Code of Belteshazzar's Starhumanity of Beltane 2014

    The 'time of the prophecies and their fulfilments and completions' has now been reached.

    Daniel 1 (all King James Version (KJV))
    1In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it.
    2And the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, with part of the vessels of the house of God: which he carried into the land of Shinar to the house of his god; and he brought the vessels into the treasure house of his god.
    3And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes;
    4Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
    5And the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat, and of the wine which he drank: so nourishing them three years, that at the end thereof they might stand before the king.
    6Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:

    7Unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names: for he gave unto Daniel the name of Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abednego.
    8But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
    Daniel 9
    1In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, which was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans;

    2In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
    21Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation.
    22And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, O Daniel, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding.
    23At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision.

    24Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
    25Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
    26And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    27And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

    Genesis 4:
    1And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
    2And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
    3And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.
    4And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
    5But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
    6And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
    7If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
    8And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
    9And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
    10And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
    11And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
    12When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
    13And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
    14Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.

    15And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
    16And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.
    17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.
    18And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech.
    19And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah.
    20And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
    21And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
    22And Zillah, she also bare Tubalcain, an instructer of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah.
    23And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt.

    24If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.
    25And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
    26And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the LORD.

    Genesis 6.1-1:

    1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
    2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
    3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
    6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
    7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
    8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

    Genesis 11.9-11:

    9Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
    10These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood:

    11And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad five hundred years, and begat sons and daughters.

    Matthew 18.21-23:

    21Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
    22Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
    23Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.

    John 21.1-12:
    1After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed he himself.
    2There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples.
    3Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing.
    4But when the morning was now come, Jesus stood on the shore: but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
    5Then Jesus saith unto them, Children, have ye any meat? They answered him, No.
    6And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.
    7Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter, It is the Lord. Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, (for he was naked,) and did cast himself into the sea.
    8And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.
    9As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.
    10Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

    11Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.
    12Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who art thou? knowing that it was the Lord.

    Gospel of Thomas: (Lambdin)
    {8} And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."

    Revelation 18.5-7:
    5For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
    6Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.
    7How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

    77 Days =7x11 Days = 11 Weeks = 22 half weeks of 77 days and 77 nights of 12 hours or two watches each (77+77=154=Mother of Love)
    7x70 Weeks = 490 Weeks = 490x7=3430 Days = 2300+370+760=2670 (1335+1335 as End of Flood)+365+365 (Two Years)+30 (1 Month)=2670 (End of Flood)+265 (Birth after Gestation and Insemination) +360 (StarCycle Calibration)+15 (Galactic Calibration) + 120 (Cosmic Calibration in Dragonomy aka Alchemical 'Grand Wedding' ) Days

    Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 to Monday, August 4th, 2008 to Sunday/Monday, March 27th/28th, 2011 = 1335+965+1=2300+1
    to Saturday/Sunday, March 31st/April 1st, 2012 to Friday, December 21st, 2012 = +370+265
    to Monday/Tuesday, December 16th/17th, 2013 = +360
    to Tuesday/Wednesday, December 31st, 2013/January 1st, 2014 to Wednesday/Thursday, April 30th/May 1st, 2014 = +15+120




    Sunday, February 20th, 2011 - Thursday, August 11th, 2011 (171 days of Fertility) - Sunday, March 4th, 2012 (206 days of Barrenness) - Sunday, April 8th, 2012 (36 days of Seasonings)

    Week #1 to 7 Days=Sunday, February 20th, 2011 - Sunday, February 27th, 2011
    Week #2 to 14 Days=Sunday, February 27th, 2011 - Sunday, March 6th, 2011
    Week #3 to 21 Days=Sunday, March 6th, 2011 - Sunday, March 13th, 2011
    Week #7 to 49 Days=Sunday, April 10th, 2011 - Sunday, April 17th, 2011=Palm Sunday 2011
    Week #8 to 56 Days=Sunday, April 17th, 2011 - Sunday, April 24th, 2011=Easter Sunday 2011
    Week #29 to 203 Days=Sunday, September 4th, 2011 - Sunday, September 11th, 2011
    Week #30 to 210 Days=Sunday, September 11th, 2011 - Wednesday, September 14th, 2011 - Sunday, September 18th, 2011
    Week #48 to 336 Days=Sunday, January 15th, 2012 - Sunday, January 22nd, 2012
    Week #49=Week #60 to 343&420 Days=Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 - Sunday, January 29th, 2012
    Week #50=Week #61 to 350&427 Days =Sunday, January 29th, 2012 - Sunday, February 5th, 2012
    Week #51=Week #62 to 357&434 Days=Sunday, February 5th, 2012 - Sunday, February 12th, 2012
    Week #52=Week #63 to 364&441 Days3=Sunday, February 12th, 2012 - Sunday, February 19th, 2012
    Week #53=Week #64 to 371&448 Days=Sunday, February 19th, 2012 - Sunday, February 26th, 2012
    Week #54=Week #65 to 378&455 Days=Sunday, February 26th, 2012 - Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 - Sunday, March 4th, 2012
    Week #55=Week #66 to 385&462 Days=Sunday, March 4th, 2012 - Sunday, March 11th, 2012
    Week #56=Week #67 to 392&469 Days=Sunday, March 11th, 2012 - Sunday, March 18th, 2012
    Week #57=Week #68 to 399&476 Days=Sunday, March 18th, 2012 - Sunday, March 25th, 2012
    Week #58=Week #69 to 406&483 Days=Sunday, March 25th, 2012 - Sunday, April 1st, 2012=Palm Sunday 2012
    Week #59=Week #70 to 413&490 Days=Sunday, April 1st, 2012 - Sunday, April 8th, 2012=Easter Sunday 2012

    This is commonly understood as the Aquarius and January New Moon of January 23rd, 2012 aka the 60 year cycle of the Chinese 'Water Dragon , but also relates to many many other 'timelines' and 'cycle completions'.

    In other words and as a consequence, the human race has become bifurcated or split into two 'species', one a hybridised blueprinted starhuman form, which could be termed as a 'Extraterrestrial Synergized Morphogenesis' and the other an older standard human genotype without this 'hybridisation' of the standard human seedling genotype.

    In a more dramatic statement, I could say, that the 'Dragons' have entered the human cocoon of the metamorphosis and cosmic reconfiguration in a partial selfremembrance and also in a general recognisance of this 'split' in all human genotypes, if participatory in this initializing or pioneering bifurcation or if remaining in the older standard non-ET associated version.

    So my presence anywhere shall be rather limited from Sunday, February 26th, 2012 and a halfway point of a 10 week period spanning 10 Sundays from January 22nd, 2012 to April 1st, 2012 and the beginning of the Easter time 2012.

    DRAGON=4+18+1+7+15+14=59=I AM THAT AM I=9+14+49+14+9=95=EXCALIBUR=SCORPIO=NEPTUNE=I AM THAT I AM=I AM 7x7 I AM
    Tetragrammaton YaHWHe=70=25+1+8+23+8+5=JEHOVAH+1=A JEHOVAH=A WHORE ≠ Pentagrammaton YaHWHeY=95=25+1+8+23+8+5+25

    1Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
    2And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
    3And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
    4And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
    5And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.
    6Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
    7And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;
    8And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.
    9Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them.
    10Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.
    11And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?
    12And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain.

    13And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
    14And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

    15And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.}

    Mother Shipton knew and saw it!

    For storms will rage and oceans roar
    When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
    And as he blows his wondrous horn
    Old worlds die and new be born.

    A fiery Dragon will cross the sky
    Six times before this earth shall die
    Mankind will tremble and frightened be
    For the sixth heralds in this prophecy.

    For seven days and seven nights
    Man will watch this awesome sight.
    The tides will rise beyond their ken
    To bite away the shores and then
    The mountains will begin to roar
    And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

    And flooding waters, rushing in
    Will flood the lands with such a din
    That mankind cowers in muddy fen
    And snarls about his fellow men.

    He bares his teeth and fights and kills
    And secrets food in secret hills
    And ugly in his fear, he lies
    To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

    Man flees in terror from the floods
    And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
    And spilling blood by mankind's hands
    Will stain and bitter many lands.

    And when the Dragon's tail is gone,
    Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
    To apply himself -- too late, too late
    For mankind has earned deserved fate.

    His masked smile -- his false grandeur
    Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
    And they will send the Dragon back
    To light the sky -- his tail will crack
    Upon the earth and rend the earth
    And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.

    But slowly they are routed out
    To seek diminishing water spout
    And men will die of thirst before
    The oceans rise to mount the shore.
    And lands will crack and rend anew
    You think it strange. It will come true.

    And in some far off distant land
    Some men -- oh such a tiny band
    Will have to leave their solid mount
    And span the earth, those few to count,
    Who survives this (unreadable) and then
    Begin the human race again.

    But not on land already there
    But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare
    Not every soul on Earth will die
    As the Dragon's tail goes sweeping by.

    Not every land on earth will sink
    But these will wallow in stench and stink
    Of rotting bodies of beast and man
    Of vegetation crisped on land.

    But the land that rises from the sea
    Will be dry and clean and soft and free
    Of mankind's dirt and therefore be
    The source of man's new dynasty.

    And those that live will ever fear
    The Dragons tail for many year
    But time erases memory
    You think it strange. But it will be.

    And before the race is built anew
    A silver serpent comes to view
    And spew out men of like unknown
    To mingle with the earth now grown
    Cold from its heat and these men can
    Enlighten the minds of future man.

    To intermingle and show them how
    To live and love and thus endow
    The children with the second sight.
    A natural thing so that they might
    Grow graceful, humble and when they do
    The Golden Age will start anew.

    Hell and Hell Heaven - As Above, So Below !


    Behold, oh beloved Mother Earth, you shall no longer be in twain.
    Your children by father sky have gathered to end your enduring pain.
    To heal your body in matter, joined to the love in your mind.
    A new family you have nourished to become caring, gentle and kind.

    Can you hear the movement up high in the heavens above?
    New trumpets are sounding, sending peace on the wings of a dove.
    The angels of the dark have found their maidens of Light's delight;
    in harmony together, they are entwining each other so tight.

    What peace is this? As above, so below and a true Love!
    Knowingly agreeable the netherworld has become and so suave.
    Redeemed are the darkness and the light as the ancient prototype,
    for all loves to follow, when the seeded fruits are ripe.

    Oh come home to Eden, all you Lucifers~ sons of the stars.
    All you Adams find your Luciferas, your Eves, end all the wars.
    Where are you Mars? Venus~Aphrodite come forth, be seen!
    Let your passions be two, in mind and in body, be ever so keen.

    New worlds are born in the joining of two bodies in One.
    God and Goddess together, just as every moon must have a sun.
    Its the end of the mystery, the closing of a night so dark.
    The dogs of Sirius are barking and announcing a new journey to embark.

    By Devyn Barat

    Build the bonfire,
    Raise the pole
    The Great Stone Wheel
    Once again rolls
    Red and White
    Become entwined
    As ‘round the pole
    The children wind
    Sympathetic fertility
    To nature it lends
    As down the pole
    The wreath descends
    Flower garlands,
    Wore on the head
    Or given to woo
    And to wed
    Silver and gold
    To fast the hands
    And shades of green
    Across the land
    Becoming one
    By cup and blade
    The Lord and Lady
    In the glade.

    Call to the Lord of the Wood
    By Judith Nerbetski

    It is You that I dream of,
    My Horned One-
    Lord of the Hunt
    Filled with Passion
    And ecstasy…
    And yet, You hold back.
    Standing at the edge
    Of the great forest
    You await My call…
    Come to Me,
    My Love!
    For I am the Maiden,
    Filled with desire for life...
    I am the Mother,
    Who will offer You sustenance…
    I am the Crone,
    And promise rebirthing
    Come to Me,
    My Love,
    And let Me fill You
    With joy everlasting
    Come to Me
    And find peace

    A Cored, but Separated True Lover becomes the Divine Virgin Harlot to Birth a New World after being Inseminated by an Older World!



    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin)
    (105) Jesus said, "He who knows the father and the mother will be called the son of a harlot."

    The Dragon Gnosis for the Mirror of the Dragonmade=Armaggedon and the Ides of March

    Week#00=Sun, Feb20, 2011 --- Sun, Apr08, 2012 =Week#59=MirrorDay#1*=Palm Sunday|PassionDay#8**=Easter Sunday**={Apr24&Sep18, 2011**}
    Image Manifesto of the Gnosis in the Anniversaries of the World Logos in 265+10=275=219+56=218+3½+3½+40+10 Days from:
    {Transfiguration - Palm Sunday - Crucifixion/Death Wednesday - Resurrection Easter Sunday - Ascension Thursday - Pentecost Whit Sunday}

    {Sat, Aug19, 30Julian - Sun, Mar25, 31Julian - Wed, Mar28, 31Julian - Sun, Apr01, 31Julian - Thu, May10, 31Julian - Sun, May20, 31Julian} = Original Base Template 30/31 AD
    {Sat, Jul17, 2010 - Sun, Feb20, 2011 - Wed, Feb23, 2011 - Sun, Feb27, 2011 - Thu, Apr07, 2011 - Sun, Apr17, 2011} = Mirror Image Template to 2011/2012
    {Thu, Aug19, 2010 - Fri, Mar25, 2011 - Mon, Mar28, 2011 - Fri, Apr01, 2011- Tue, May10, 2011- Fri, May20, 2011} = 1980th Anniversary Template 2010/2011 for 30/31

    {Sun, Sep11, 2010 - Sun, Apr17, 2011 - Wed, Apr20, 2011 - Sun, Apr24, 2011 - Thu, Jun02, 2011 - Sun, Jun12, 2011} = 2010/2011 Template
    {Sat, Feb05, 2011 - Sun, Sep11, 2011 - Wed, Sep14, 2011 - Sun, Sep18, 2011 - Thu, Oct27, 2011 - Sun, Nov06, 2011} = Warp Template 2011
    {Sat, Aug27, 2011 - Sun, Apr01, 2012 - Wed, Apr04, 2012 - Sun, Apr08, 2012 - Thu, May17, 2012 - Sun, May27, 2012} = Reconfigured Original New Mirror Base Template 2011/2012
    Mon, Feb21, 2011 --- Sat, Apr07, 2012 = MirrorDay#2|PassionDay#7 = {Apr23&Sep17, 2011}
    Tue, Feb22, 2011 --- Fri, Apr06, 2012 = MirrorDay#3|PassionDay#6 = {Apr22&Sep16, 2011}
    Wed, Feb23, 2011 --- Thu, Apr05, 2012 = MirrorDay#4+|PassionDay#5 = {Apr21&Sep15, 2011}
    Thu, Feb24, 2011 --- Wed, Apr04, 2012+ = MirrorDay#5|PassionDay#4+ = {Apr20&Sep14, 2011}
    Fri, Feb25, 2011 --- Tue, Apr03, 2012 = MirrorDay#6|PassionDay#3 = {Apr19&Sep13, 2011}
    Sat, Feb26, 2011 --- Mon, Apr02, 2012 = MirrorDay#7|PassionDay#2 = {Apr18&Sep12, 2011}
    Week#01=Sun, Feb27, 2011 --- Sun, Apr01, 2012 =Week#58=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#11* [11+59=70]=ImageMirror#1**=MirrorDay#8**|PassionDay#1*=ImagePassion#8**=Easter 31**=Resurrection** 31=Palm Sunday* 2012={Apr17&Sep11, 2011*}

    Mon, Feb28, 2011 --- Sat, Mar31, 2012 = ImageMirror#2|ImagePassion#7 31 = {Apr16&Sep10, 2011}
    Tue, Mar01, 2011 --- Fri, Mar30, 2012 = ImageMirror#3|ImagePassion#6 31 = {Apr15&Sep09, 2011}
    Wed, Mar02, 2011 --- Thu, Mar29, 2012 = ImageMirror#4+|ImagePassion#5 31 = {Apr14&Sep08, 2011}
    Thu, Mar03, 2011 --- Wed, Mar28, 2012 =ImageMirror#5|Image PassionDay#4+=Crucifixion 31 = {Apr13&Sep07, 2011}
    Fri, Mar04, 2011 --- Tue, Mar27, 2012 = ImageMirror#6|ImagePassion#3 31 = {Apr12&Sep06, 2011}
    Sat, Mar05, 2011 --- Mon, Mar26, 2012 = ImageMirror#7|ImagePassion#2 31 = {Apr11&Sep05, 2011}
    Week#02=Sun, Mar06, 2011 --- Sun, Mar25, 2012 =Week#57=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#10* [10+59=69]
    =ImageMirror#8**|ImagePassion#1*=Palm Sunday* 31 = {Apr10&Sep04, 2011}
    Mon, Mar07, 2011 --- Sat, Mar24, 2012 = {Apr09&Sep03, 2011}
    Tue, Mar08, 2011 --- Fri, Mar23, 2012 = {Apr08&Sep02, 2011}
    Wed, Mar09, 2011 --- Thu, Mar22, 2012 = {Apr07&Sep01, 2011}
    Thu, Mar10, 2011 --- Wed, Mar21, 2012 = {Apr06&Aug31, 2011}
    Fri, Mar11, 2011 --- Tue, Mar20, 2012 = {Apr05&Aug30, 2011}=March Equinox 2012 at 23:21 UCT in Sendai Tsunami at 05:46 UCT;
    Timedelta=5:46-0:39=5:07=307 minutes at 193 minutes or 3:13 at 20:47 UCT on Tuesday, Mar20, 2012 in the Activation of the Philadelphia Dragon Phoenix Flyer

    Sat, Mar12, 2011 --- Mon, Mar19, 2012 = {Apr04&Aug29, 2011}
    Week#03=Sun, Mar13, 2011 --- Sun, Mar18, 2012 =Week#56=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#9* [9+59=68]* = {Apr03&Aug28, 2011}
    Mon, Mar14, 2011, 2011 --- Sat, Mar17, 2012 = Saint Patrick de Eire = {Apr02&Aug27, 2011}
    Tue, Mar15, 2011 --- Fri, Mar16, 2012 = Ides of March 2011 = Calendrical Convergence Below to Above = {Apr01&Aug26, 2011}
    Wed, Mar16, 2011 --- Thu, Mar15, 2012 = Ides of March 2012 = Calendrical Convergence Above to Below = {Mar31&Aug25, 2011}

    Thu, Mar17, 2011 --- Wed, Mar14, 2012 = {Mar30&Aug24, 2011}
    Fri, Mar18, 2011 --- Tue, Mar13, 2012 = {Mar29&Aug23, 2011}
    Sat, Mar19, 2011 --- Mon, Mar12, 2012 = {Mar28&Aug22, 2011}
    Week#04=Sun, Mar20, 2011 --- Sun, Mar11, 2012 =Week#55=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#8* [8+59=67]=March Equinox 2011 at 17:32 UCT
    Week#05=Sun, Mar27, 2011 --- Sun, Mar04, 2012 =Week#54=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#7* [7+59=66]

    Week#06=Sun, Apr03, 2011 --- Sun, Feb26, 2012 =Week#53=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#6* [6+59=65]

    Week#07=Sun, Apr10, 2011 --- Sun, Feb19, 2012 =Week#52=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#5* [5+59=64]

    Week#08=Sun, Apr17, 2011 --- Sun, Feb12, 2012 =Week#51=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#4* [4+59=63] = Easter2011#1*=Palm Sunday 2011|ImageEaster2012#8**
    Mon, Apr18, 2011 --- Sat, Feb11, 2012 = Easter2011#2|ImageEaster2012#7
    Tue, Apr19, 2011 --- Fri, Feb10, 2012 = Easter2011#3|ImageEaster2012#6
    Wed, Apr20, 2011 --- Thu, Feb09, 2012 = Easter2011#4+=Crucifixion 2011|ImageEaster2012#5
    Thu, Apr21, 2011 --- Wed, Feb08, 2012 = Easter2011#5|ImageEaster2012#4+
    Fri, Apr22, 2011 --- Tue, Feb07, 2012 = Easter2011#6|ImageEaster2012#3
    Sat, Apr23, 2011 --- Mon, Feb06, 2012 = Easter2011#7|ImageEaster2012#2
    Week#09=Sun, Apr24, 2011 --- Sun, Feb05, 2012 =Week#50=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#3* [3+59=62]=Easter2011#8**=Easter**2011|ImageEaster2012#1
    =Gnosis of the Covering of the Ark of Noah in Warp Transfiguration Feb05, 2011

    Mon, Apr25, 2011 --- Sat, Feb04, 2012
    Tue, Apr26, 2011 --- Fri, Feb03, 2012
    Wed, Apr27, 2011 --- Thu, Feb02, 2012
    Thu, Apr28, 2011 --- Wed, Feb01, 2012=Image of the 97=Serpent=Present in the Mother=79=SonOfMan=CircleOfGod
    Fri, Apr29, 2011 --- Tue, Jan31, 2012=Image WarpDay of Arachne from Nov22, 2011
    Sat, Apr30, 2011 --- Mon, Jan30, 2012=Image of Ophiuchus 23Nov in Arachne Warp in Walpurgis Nacht
    Week#10=Sun, May01, 2011 --- Sun, Jan29, 2012 =Week#49=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#2* [2+59=61]

    Mon, May02, 2011 --- Sat, Jan28, 2012
    Tue, May03, 2011 --- Fri, Jan27, 2012
    Wed, May04, 2011 --- Thu, Jan26, 2012
    Thu, May05, 2011 --- Wed, Jan25, 2012
    Fri, May06, 2011 --- Tue, Jan24, 2012
    Sat, May07, 2011 --- Mon, Jan23, 2012
    Week#11=Sun, May08, 2011 --- Sun, Jan22, 2012=CreationDay#7 of the Sabbath of the Dragonomy Event=Week#48=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#1*[1+59=60]
    Mon, May09, 2011 --- Sat, Jan21, 2012=CreationDay#6 of the Manifestation of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May10, 2011 --- Fri, Jan20, 2012=CreationDay#5 of the Transfiguration of the Dragonomy Event=1980th Ascension Anniversary 31AD

    Wed, May11, 2011 --- Thu, Jan19, 2012=CreationDay#4 of the Dragonomy Event
    Thu, May12, 2011 --- Wed, Jan18, 2012=CreationDay#3 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May13, 2011 --- Tue, Jan17, 2012=CreationDay#2 of the Dragonomy Event
    Sat, May14, 2011 --- Mon, Jan16, 2012=CreationDay#1 of the Dragonomy Event

    Week#12=Sun, May15, 2011 --- Sun, Jan15, 2012=DragonDay#21 of the Dragonomy Event= Week#47=Dragonomy Mirror Week-1*
    =Abraham LeBiZiRa as Son to Grandmother in Father to Granddaughter

    Mon, May16, 2011 --- Sat, Jan14, 2012=DragonDay#20 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May17, 2011 --- Fri, Jan13, 2012=DragonDay#19 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, May18, 2011 --- Thu, Jan12, 2012=DragonDay#18 of the Dragonomy Event
    Thu, May19, 2011 --- Wed, Jan11, 2012=DragonDay#17 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May20, 2011--- Tue, Jan10, 2012=DragonDay#16 of the Dragonomy Event = 1980th Pentecost Anniversary 31
    Sat, May21, 2011 --- Mon, Jan09, 2012=DragonDay#15 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#13=Sun, May22, 2011 --- Sun, Jan08, 2012=DragonDay#14 of the Dragonomy Event =Week#46=Dragonomy Mirror Week-2*
    Mon, May23, 2011 --- Sat, Jan07, 2012=DragonDay#13 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May24, 2011 --- Fri, Jan06, 2012=DragonDay#12 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, May25, 2011 --- Thu, Jan05, 2012=DragonDay#11 of the Dragonomy Event = Image of the Raven Crossing
    Thu, May26, 2011 --- Wed, Jan04, 2012=DragonDay#10 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May27, 2011 --- Tue, Jan03, 2012=DragonDay#09 of the Dragonomy Event
    Sat, May28, 2011 --- Mon, Jan02, 2012=DragonDay#08 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#14=Sun, May29, 2011 --- Sun, Jan01, 2012=DragonDay#07 of the Dragonomy Event =Week#45=Dragonomy Mirror Week-3* = Crossing of Noah's Dove
    Mon, May30, 2011 --- Sat, Dec31, 2011=DragonDay#06 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May31, 2011 --- Fri, Dec30, 2011=DragonDay#05 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, Jun01, 2011 --- Thu, Dec29, 2011=DragonDay#04 of the Dragonomy Event = Image of the Rest of Noah's Ark
    Thu, Jun02, 2011 = Ascension 2011--- Wed, Dec28, 2011=DragonDay#03&DragonImageDay#01 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, Jun03, 2011 --- Tue, Dec27, 2011=DragonDay#02&DragonImageDay#02 of the Dragonomy Event=Midpoint Mirror of the Dragon Gnosis Sabbath
    Sat, Jun04, 2011 --- Mon, Dec26, 2011=DragonDay#01&DragonImageDay#03 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#15=Sun, Jun05, 2011 --- Sun, Dec25, 2011=DragonImageDay#04 of the Dragonomy =Week#44 = Gnosis of the Rest of Noah's Ark
    Mon, Jun06, 2011 --- Sat, Dec24, 2011=DragonImageDay#05 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun07, 2011 --- Fri, Dec23, 2011=DragonImageDay#06 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun08, 2011 --- Thu, Dec22, 2011DragonImageDay#07 of the Dragonomy=Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-3 = Image of the Dove Crossing
    Thu, Jun09, 2011 --- Wed, Dec21, 2011=DragonImageDay#08 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun10, 2011 --- Tue, Dec20, 2011=DragonImageDay#09 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun11, 2011 --- Mon, Dec19, 2011=DragonImageDay#10 of the Dragonomy
    Week#16=Sun, Jun12, 2011 = Pentecost 2011--- Sun, Dec18, 2011=DragonimageDay#11 of the Dragonomy =Week#43 = Crossing of Noah's Raven
    Mon, Jun13, 2011 --- Sat, Dec17, 2012=DragonImageDay#12 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun14, 2011 --- Fri, Dec16, 2012=DragonImageDay#13 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun15, 2011 --- Thu, Dec15, 2012=DragonImageDay#14 of the Dragonomy = Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-2
    Thu, Jun16, 2011 --- Wed, Dec14, 2012=DragonImageDay#15 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun17, 2011 --- Tue, Dec13, 2012=DragonImage#16 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun18, 2011 --- Mon, Dec12, 2012=DragonImageDay#17 of the Dragonomy
    Week#17=Sun, Jun19, 2011 --- Sun, Dec11, 2011=DragonimageDay#18 of the Dragonomy =Week#42
    Mon, Jun20, 2011 --- Sat, Dec10, 2011=DragonImageDay#19 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun21, 2011 --- Fri, Dec09, 2011= DragonImageDay#20 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun22, 2011 --- Thu, Dec08, 2011=DragonImageDay#21 of the Dragonomy=Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-1
    =Sarah LeBiZiRa as Daughter to Grandfather in Mother to Grandson = Dragonomy ImageDay#1

    Thu, Jun23, 2011 --- Wed, Dec07, 2011=CreationImageDay#1 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun24, 2011 --- Tue, Dec06, 2011=CreationImageDay#2 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun25, 2011 --- Mon, Dec05, 2011=CreationImageDay#3 of the Dragonomy
    Week#18=Sun, Jun26, 2011 --- Sun, Dec04, 2011=CreationImageDay#4 of the Dragonomy=Week#41
    Mon, Jun27, 2011 --- Sat, Dec03, 2011=CreationImageDay#5 of the Transfiguration of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun28, 2011 --- Fri, Dec02, 2011=CreationImageDay#6 of the Manifestation of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun29, 2011 --- Thu, Dec01, 2011=CreationImageDay#7 of the Sabbath of the Dragonomy = Dragonomy Image Week#1

    Week#19=Sun, Jul03, 2011 --- Sun, Nov27, 2011 =Week#40
    Wed, Jul06, 2011 --- Thu, Nov24, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#2
    Thu, Jul07, 2011 --- Wed, Nov23, 2011=May21, 2011-Nov22, 2011-May,20 2012=180+185=365 Days for Day of Arachne at 15:15 UCT {Sun Transit TaurusGemini}
    Fri, Jul08, 2011 --- Tue, Nov22, 2011 = Day of Ophiuchus at 16:08 UCT {Sun Transit ScorpioSagittarius}
    Sat, Jul09, 2011 --- Mon, Nov21, 2011 =Image of the Gnosis of the 79=Mother=Serpent=97=SonOfMan=Algodus666
    Week#20=Sun, Jul10, 2011 --- Sun, Nov20, 2011 =Week#39
    Mon, Jul11, 2011 --- Sat, Nov19, 2011
    Tue, Jul12, 2011 --- Fri, Nov18, 2011
    Wed, Jul13, 2011 --- Thu, Nov17, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#3=Image of the Gnosis of the Covering of Noah's Ark

    Week#21=Sun, Jul17, 2011 --- Sun, Nov13, 2011 =Week#38
    Wed, Jul20, 2011 --- Thu, Nov06, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#4
    Week#22=Sun, Jul24, 2011 --- Sun, Nov06, 2011=Warp Pentecost from Warp Transfiguration Sat, Feb05, 2011=Week#37
    Wed, Jul27, 2011 --- Thu, Nov03, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#5
    Week#23=Sun, Jul31, 2011 --- Sun, Oct30, 2011 =Week#36
    Wed, Aug03, 2011 --- Thu, Oct27, 2012=Warp Ascension= Dragonomy Image Week#6
    Week#24=Sun, Aug07, 2011 --- Sun, Oct23, 2011 =Week#35
    Wed, Aug10, 2011 --- Thu, Oct20, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#7
    Week#25=Sun, Aug14, 2011 --- Sun, Oct16, 2011 =Week#34
    Wed, Aug17, 2011 --- Thu, Oct13, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#8
    Week#26=Sun, Aug21, 2011 --- Sun, Oct09, 2011 =Week#33
    Wed, Aug24, 2011 --- Thu, Oct06, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#9
    Week#27=Sun, Aug28, 2011 --- Sun, Oct02, 2011 =Week#32
    Wed, Aug31, 2011 --- Thu, Sep29, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#10
    Week#28=Sun, Sep04, 2011 --- Sun, Sep25, 2011 =Week#31
    Wed, Sep07, 2011 --- Thu, Sep22, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#11
    Week#29=GnosisWarpDay#1*=Sun, Sep11, 2011 = Warp Palm Sunday = Transfiguration 2010/2011 --- Sun, Sep18, 2011 = Warp Easter =GnosisWarpDay#8** =Week#30
    GnosisWarpDay#2=Mon, Sep12, 2011 --- Sat, Sep17, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#7
    GnosisWarpDay#3=Tue, Sep13, 2011
    --- Fri, Sep16, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#6
    GnosisWarpDay#4+=Wed, Sep14, 2011 = Warp Crucifixion--- Thu, Sep15, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#5



    Vincenzo Camuccini, Mort de César, 1798​
    The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martii or Idus Martiae) is the name of the 15th day of March in the Roman calendar.


    The word Ides comes from the Latin word "Idus" and means "half division" especially in relation to a month. It is a word that was used widely in the Roman calendar indicating the approximate day that was the middle of the month. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months.[1] The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held.

    Julius Caesar

    In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. Caesar was stabbed (245 times) to death in the Roman Senate by a group of conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The group included 60 other co-conspirators according to Plutarch.[2]

    According to Plutarch, a seer had foreseen that Caesar would be harmed not later than the Ides of March and on his way to the Theatre of Pompey (where he would be assassinated), Caesar met that seer and joked, "The Ides of March have come", meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone."[3] This meeting is famously dramatized in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, when Caesar is warned by the soothsayer to "beware the Ides of March."[4][5] Julius Caesar was stabbed 33 times (three and thirty wounds) according to Shakespeare's play.

    Ides of March; Thursday, March 15th, 2012 24:00 (+11UCT)


    The Days of the Pentagrammaton Dragon De Jerusalem
    IAM THAT AMI = 95 = 59 = DRAGON
    59+36=95=DRAGONLAW for 36=1+2+3+...+34+35+36=666=22+32+52+72+112+132+172
    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin)

    (19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death."

    56Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
    57Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
    58Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    =ABCD+O=FIVE TREES=42+67=109=10=59+50=50+9+50=CIRCLE+I+CIRCLE

    A*=Tuesday, May 16th, 1922 =16+5+14=44=8=GM+ for Easter Sunday on April 16th, 1922
    B*=Friday, January 8th, 1982 =8+1+20=11=2=D+ for Easter Sunday on April 11th, 1982
    C*=Friday, March 24th, 1995 =24+3+24=33=6=GM- for Easter Sunday on April 16th, 1995
    D*=Wednesday, December 8th, 2004=8+12+6=44=8=D- for Easter Sunday on April 11th, 2004
    E*=Thursday, May 1st, 2014 =1+5+7=22=4=M* for Easter Sunday on April 20th, 2014




    0=(Sun,Mar25-Wed,Mar28-Fri,Mar30-Sun,Apr1)31 + 1982 = (Easter&Equinox(Julian) #0 anno 31 AD)
    1982=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)2013 = (Easter&Equinox(Julian) #1982 anno 2013)

    1=(Fri,Mar24-Mon,Mar27-Wed,Mar29-Fri,Mar31)1995 +1 = Equinox(Julian) 1995 (-23)
    2=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)1996 +16 = Equinox(Julian) 1996 (-14)
    18=(Sat,Mar24-Tue,Mar27-Thu,Mar29-Sat,Mar31)2012 +1 = Equinox(Julian) 2012 (-15)
    19=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)2013 = Equinox(Julian) 2013 (-7)

    {*=(Mon,Mar24-Thu,Mar27-Sat,Mar29-Mon,Mar31)2014 = Equinox(Julian) 2014 (-27)}

    More detail: Post #255 at
    Post#226 at
    Posts#117 and #118 at
    and/or: Post #11 at

    Last edited by shiloh on Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:22 pm; edited 13 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Age: 58
    Location: Akbar Ra
    • Post n°256

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:56 am

    The Dragon Gnosis for the Mirror of the Dragonmade=Armaggedon and the Ides of March

    Week#00=Sun, Feb20, 2011 --- Sun, Apr08, 2012 =Week#59=MirrorDay#1*=Palm Sunday|PassionDay#8**=Easter Sunday**={Apr24&Sep18, 2011**}
    Image Manifesto of the Gnosis in the Anniversaries of the World Logos in 265+10=275=219+56=218+3½+3½+40+10 Days from:
    {Transfiguration - Palm Sunday - Crucifixion/Death Wednesday - Resurrection Easter Sunday - Ascension Thursday - Pentecost Whit Sunday}

    {Sat, Aug19, 30Julian - Sun, Mar25, 31Julian - Wed, Mar28, 31Julian - Sun, Apr01, 31Julian - Thu, May10, 31Julian - Sun, May20, 31Julian} = Original Base Template 30/31 AD
    {Sat, Jul17, 2010 - Sun, Feb20, 2011 - Wed, Feb23, 2011 - Sun, Feb27, 2011 - Thu, Apr07, 2011 - Sun, Apr17, 2011} = Mirror Image Template to 2011/2012
    {Thu, Aug19, 2010 - Fri, Mar25, 2011 - Mon, Mar28, 2011 - Fri, Apr01, 2011- Tue, May10, 2011- Fri, May20, 2011} = 1980th Anniversary Template 2010/2011 for 30/31

    {Sun, Sep11, 2010 - Sun, Apr17, 2011 - Wed, Apr20, 2011 - Sun, Apr24, 2011 - Thu, Jun02, 2011 - Sun, Jun12, 2011} = 2010/2011 Template
    {Sat, Feb05, 2011 - Sun, Sep11, 2011 - Wed, Sep14, 2011 - Sun, Sep18, 2011 - Thu, Oct27, 2011 - Sun, Nov06, 2011} = Warp Template 2011
    {Sat, Aug27, 2011 - Sun, Apr01, 2012 - Wed, Apr04, 2012 - Sun, Apr08, 2012 - Thu, May17, 2012 - Sun, May27, 2012} = Reconfigured Original New Mirror Base Template 2011/2012
    Mon, Feb21, 2011 --- Sat, Apr07, 2012 = MirrorDay#2|PassionDay#7 = {Apr23&Sep17, 2011}
    Tue, Feb22, 2011 --- Fri, Apr06, 2012 = MirrorDay#3|PassionDay#6 = {Apr22&Sep16, 2011}
    Wed, Feb23, 2011 --- Thu, Apr05, 2012 = MirrorDay#4+|PassionDay#5 = {Apr21&Sep15, 2011}
    Thu, Feb24, 2011 --- Wed, Apr04, 2012+ = MirrorDay#5|PassionDay#4+ = {Apr20&Sep14, 2011}
    Fri, Feb25, 2011 --- Tue, Apr03, 2012 = MirrorDay#6|PassionDay#3 = {Apr19&Sep13, 2011}
    Sat, Feb26, 2011 --- Mon, Apr02, 2012 = MirrorDay#7|PassionDay#2 = {Apr18&Sep12, 2011}
    Week#01=Sun, Feb27, 2011 --- Sun, Apr01, 2012 =Week#58=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#11* [11+59=70]=ImageMirror#1**=MirrorDay#8**|PassionDay#1*=ImagePassion#8**=Easter 31**=Resurrection** 31=Palm Sunday* 2012={Apr17&Sep11, 2011*}

    Mon, Feb28, 2011 --- Sat, Mar31, 2012 = ImageMirror#2|ImagePassion#7 31 = {Apr16&Sep10, 2011}
    Tue, Mar01, 2011 --- Fri, Mar30, 2012 = ImageMirror#3|ImagePassion#6 31 = {Apr15&Sep09, 2011}
    Wed, Mar02, 2011 --- Thu, Mar29, 2012 = ImageMirror#4+|ImagePassion#5 31 = {Apr14&Sep08, 2011}
    Thu, Mar03, 2011 --- Wed, Mar28, 2012 =ImageMirror#5|Image PassionDay#4+=Crucifixion 31 = {Apr13&Sep07, 2011}
    Fri, Mar04, 2011 --- Tue, Mar27, 2012 = ImageMirror#6|ImagePassion#3 31 = {Apr12&Sep06, 2011}
    Sat, Mar05, 2011 --- Mon, Mar26, 2012 = ImageMirror#7|ImagePassion#2 31 = {Apr11&Sep05, 2011}
    Week#02=Sun, Mar06, 2011 --- Sun, Mar25, 2012 =Week#57=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#10* [10+59=69]
    =ImageMirror#8**|ImagePassion#1*=Palm Sunday* 31 = {Apr10&Sep04, 2011}
    Mon, Mar07, 2011 --- Sat, Mar24, 2012 = {Apr09&Sep03, 2011}
    Tue, Mar08, 2011 --- Fri, Mar23, 2012 = {Apr08&Sep02, 2011}
    Wed, Mar09, 2011 --- Thu, Mar22, 2012 = {Apr07&Sep01, 2011}
    Thu, Mar10, 2011 --- Wed, Mar21, 2012 = {Apr06&Aug31, 2011}
    Fri, Mar11, 2011 --- Tue, Mar20, 2012 = {Apr05&Aug30, 2011}=March Equinox 2012 at 23:21 UCT in Sendai Tsunami at 05:46 UCT;
    Timedelta=5:46-0:39=5:07=307 minutes at 193 minutes or 3:13 at 20:47 UCT on Tuesday, Mar20, 2012 in the Activation of the Philadelphia Dragon Phoenix Flyer

    Sat, Mar12, 2011 --- Mon, Mar19, 2012 = {Apr04&Aug29, 2011}
    Week#03=Sun, Mar13, 2011 --- Sun, Mar18, 2012 =Week#56=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#9* [9+59=68]* = {Apr03&Aug28, 2011}
    Mon, Mar14, 2011, 2011 --- Sat, Mar17, 2012 = Saint Patrick de Eire = {Apr02&Aug27, 2011}
    Tue, Mar15, 2011 --- Fri, Mar16, 2012 = Ides of March 2011 = Calendrical Convergence Below to Above = {Apr01&Aug26, 2011}
    Wed, Mar16, 2011 --- Thu, Mar15, 2012 = Ides of March 2012 = Calendrical Convergence Above to Below = {Mar31&Aug25, 2011}

    Thu, Mar17, 2011 --- Wed, Mar14, 2012 = {Mar30&Aug24, 2011}
    Fri, Mar18, 2011 --- Tue, Mar13, 2012 = {Mar29&Aug23, 2011}
    Sat, Mar19, 2011 --- Mon, Mar12, 2012 = {Mar28&Aug22, 2011}
    Week#04=Sun, Mar20, 2011 --- Sun, Mar11, 2012 =Week#55=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#8* [8+59=67]=March Equinox 2011 at 17:32 UCT
    Week#05=Sun, Mar27, 2011 --- Sun, Mar04, 2012 =Week#54=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#7* [7+59=66]

    Week#06=Sun, Apr03, 2011 --- Sun, Feb26, 2012 =Week#53=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#6* [6+59=65]

    Week#07=Sun, Apr10, 2011 --- Sun, Feb19, 2012 =Week#52=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#5* [5+59=64]

    Week#08=Sun, Apr17, 2011 --- Sun, Feb12, 2012 =Week#51=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#4* [4+59=63] = Easter2011#1*=Palm Sunday 2011|ImageEaster2012#8**
    Mon, Apr18, 2011 --- Sat, Feb11, 2012 = Easter2011#2|ImageEaster2012#7
    Tue, Apr19, 2011 --- Fri, Feb10, 2012 = Easter2011#3|ImageEaster2012#6
    Wed, Apr20, 2011 --- Thu, Feb09, 2012 = Easter2011#4+=Crucifixion 2011|ImageEaster2012#5
    Thu, Apr21, 2011 --- Wed, Feb08, 2012 = Easter2011#5|ImageEaster2012#4+
    Fri, Apr22, 2011 --- Tue, Feb07, 2012 = Easter2011#6|ImageEaster2012#3
    Sat, Apr23, 2011 --- Mon, Feb06, 2012 = Easter2011#7|ImageEaster2012#2
    Week#09=Sun, Apr24, 2011 --- Sun, Feb05, 2012 =Week#50=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#3* [3+59=62]=Easter2011#8**=Easter**2011|ImageEaster2012#1
    =Gnosis of the Covering of the Ark of Noah in Warp Transfiguration Feb05, 2011

    Mon, Apr25, 2011 --- Sat, Feb04, 2012
    Tue, Apr26, 2011 --- Fri, Feb03, 2012
    Wed, Apr27, 2011 --- Thu, Feb02, 2012
    Thu, Apr28, 2011 --- Wed, Feb01, 2012=Image of the 97=Serpent=Present in the Mother=79=SonOfMan=CircleOfGod
    Fri, Apr29, 2011 --- Tue, Jan31, 2012=Image WarpDay of Arachne from Nov22, 2011
    Sat, Apr30, 2011 --- Mon, Jan30, 2012=Image of Ophiuchus 23Nov in Arachne Warp in Walpurgis Nacht
    Week#10=Sun, May01, 2011 --- Sun, Jan29, 2012 =Week#49=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#2* [2+59=61]

    Mon, May02, 2011 --- Sat, Jan28, 2012
    Tue, May03, 2011 --- Fri, Jan27, 2012
    Wed, May04, 2011 --- Thu, Jan26, 2012
    Thu, May05, 2011 --- Wed, Jan25, 2012
    Fri, May06, 2011 --- Tue, Jan24, 2012
    Sat, May07, 2011 --- Mon, Jan23, 2012
    Week#11=Sun, May08, 2011 --- Sun, Jan22, 2012=CreationDay#7 of the Sabbath of the Dragonomy Event=Week#48=Gnosis Dragonomy Event Week#1*[1+59=60]
    Mon, May09, 2011 --- Sat, Jan21, 2012=CreationDay#6 of the Manifestation of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May10, 2011 --- Fri, Jan20, 2012=CreationDay#5 of the Transfiguration of the Dragonomy Event=1980th Ascension Anniversary 31AD

    Wed, May11, 2011 --- Thu, Jan19, 2012=CreationDay#4 of the Dragonomy Event
    Thu, May12, 2011 --- Wed, Jan18, 2012=CreationDay#3 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May13, 2011 --- Tue, Jan17, 2012=CreationDay#2 of the Dragonomy Event
    Sat, May14, 2011 --- Mon, Jan16, 2012=CreationDay#1 of the Dragonomy Event

    Week#12=Sun, May15, 2011 --- Sun, Jan15, 2012=DragonDay#21 of the Dragonomy Event= Week#47=Dragonomy Mirror Week-1*
    =Abraham LeBiZiRa as Son to Grandmother in Father to Granddaughter

    Mon, May16, 2011 --- Sat, Jan14, 2012=DragonDay#20 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May17, 2011 --- Fri, Jan13, 2012=DragonDay#19 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, May18, 2011 --- Thu, Jan12, 2012=DragonDay#18 of the Dragonomy Event
    Thu, May19, 2011 --- Wed, Jan11, 2012=DragonDay#17 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May20, 2011--- Tue, Jan10, 2012=DragonDay#16 of the Dragonomy Event = 1980th Pentecost Anniversary 31
    Sat, May21, 2011 --- Mon, Jan09, 2012=DragonDay#15 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#13=Sun, May22, 2011 --- Sun, Jan08, 2012=DragonDay#14 of the Dragonomy Event =Week#46=Dragonomy Mirror Week-2*
    Mon, May23, 2011 --- Sat, Jan07, 2012=DragonDay#13 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May24, 2011 --- Fri, Jan06, 2012=DragonDay#12 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, May25, 2011 --- Thu, Jan05, 2012=DragonDay#11 of the Dragonomy Event = Image of the Raven Crossing
    Thu, May26, 2011 --- Wed, Jan04, 2012=DragonDay#10 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, May27, 2011 --- Tue, Jan03, 2012=DragonDay#09 of the Dragonomy Event
    Sat, May28, 2011 --- Mon, Jan02, 2012=DragonDay#08 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#14=Sun, May29, 2011 --- Sun, Jan01, 2012=DragonDay#07 of the Dragonomy Event =Week#45=Dragonomy Mirror Week-3* = Crossing of Noah's Dove
    Mon, May30, 2011 --- Sat, Dec31, 2011=DragonDay#06 of the Dragonomy Event
    Tue, May31, 2011 --- Fri, Dec30, 2011=DragonDay#05 of the Dragonomy Event
    Wed, Jun01, 2011 --- Thu, Dec29, 2011=DragonDay#04 of the Dragonomy Event = Image of the Rest of Noah's Ark
    Thu, Jun02, 2011 = Ascension 2011--- Wed, Dec28, 2011=DragonDay#03&DragonImageDay#01 of the Dragonomy Event
    Fri, Jun03, 2011 --- Tue, Dec27, 2011=DragonDay#02&DragonImageDay#02 of the Dragonomy Event=Midpoint Mirror of the Dragon Gnosis Sabbath
    Sat, Jun04, 2011 --- Mon, Dec26, 2011=DragonDay#01&DragonImageDay#03 of the Dragonomy Event
    Week#15=Sun, Jun05, 2011 --- Sun, Dec25, 2011=DragonImageDay#04 of the Dragonomy =Week#44 = Gnosis of the Rest of Noah's Ark
    Mon, Jun06, 2011 --- Sat, Dec24, 2011=DragonImageDay#05 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun07, 2011 --- Fri, Dec23, 2011=DragonImageDay#06 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun08, 2011 --- Thu, Dec22, 2011DragonImageDay#07 of the Dragonomy=Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-3 = Image of the Dove Crossing
    Thu, Jun09, 2011 --- Wed, Dec21, 2011=DragonImageDay#08 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun10, 2011 --- Tue, Dec20, 2011=DragonImageDay#09 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun11, 2011 --- Mon, Dec19, 2011=DragonImageDay#10 of the Dragonomy
    Week#16=Sun, Jun12, 2011 = Pentecost 2011--- Sun, Dec18, 2011=DragonimageDay#11 of the Dragonomy =Week#43 = Crossing of Noah's Raven
    Mon, Jun13, 2011 --- Sat, Dec17, 2012=DragonImageDay#12 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun14, 2011 --- Fri, Dec16, 2012=DragonImageDay#13 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun15, 2011 --- Thu, Dec15, 2012=DragonImageDay#14 of the Dragonomy = Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-2
    Thu, Jun16, 2011 --- Wed, Dec14, 2012=DragonImageDay#15 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun17, 2011 --- Tue, Dec13, 2012=DragonImage#16 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun18, 2011 --- Mon, Dec12, 2012=DragonImageDay#17 of the Dragonomy
    Week#17=Sun, Jun19, 2011 --- Sun, Dec11, 2011=DragonimageDay#18 of the Dragonomy =Week#42
    Mon, Jun20, 2011 --- Sat, Dec10, 2011=DragonImageDay#19 of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun21, 2011 --- Fri, Dec09, 2011= DragonImageDay#20 of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun22, 2011 --- Thu, Dec08, 2011=DragonImageDay#21 of the Dragonomy=Dragonomy Mirror Image Week#-1
    =Sarah LeBiZiRa as Daughter to Grandfather in Mother to Grandson = Dragonomy ImageDay#1

    Thu, Jun23, 2011 --- Wed, Dec07, 2011=CreationImageDay#1 of the Dragonomy
    Fri, Jun24, 2011 --- Tue, Dec06, 2011=CreationImageDay#2 of the Dragonomy
    Sat, Jun25, 2011 --- Mon, Dec05, 2011=CreationImageDay#3 of the Dragonomy
    Week#18=Sun, Jun26, 2011 --- Sun, Dec04, 2011=CreationImageDay#4 of the Dragonomy=Week#41
    Mon, Jun27, 2011 --- Sat, Dec03, 2011=CreationImageDay#5 of the Transfiguration of the Dragonomy
    Tue, Jun28, 2011 --- Fri, Dec02, 2011=CreationImageDay#6 of the Manifestation of the Dragonomy
    Wed, Jun29, 2011 --- Thu, Dec01, 2011=CreationImageDay#7 of the Sabbath of the Dragonomy = Dragonomy Image Week#1

    Week#19=Sun, Jul03, 2011 --- Sun, Nov27, 2011 =Week#40
    Wed, Jul06, 2011 --- Thu, Nov24, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#2
    Thu, Jul07, 2011 --- Wed, Nov23, 2011=May21, 2011-Nov22, 2011-May,20 2012=180+185=365 Days for Day of Arachne at 15:15 UCT {Sun Transit TaurusGemini}
    Fri, Jul08, 2011 --- Tue, Nov22, 2011 = Day of Ophiuchus at 16:08 UCT {Sun Transit ScorpioSagittarius}
    Sat, Jul09, 2011 --- Mon, Nov21, 2011 =Image of the Gnosis of the 79=Mother=Serpent=97=SonOfMan=Algodus666
    Week#20=Sun, Jul10, 2011 --- Sun, Nov20, 2011 =Week#39
    Mon, Jul11, 2011 --- Sat, Nov19, 2011
    Tue, Jul12, 2011 --- Fri, Nov18, 2011
    Wed, Jul13, 2011 --- Thu, Nov17, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#3=Image of the Gnosis of the Covering of Noah's Ark

    Week#21=Sun, Jul17, 2011 --- Sun, Nov13, 2011 =Week#38
    Wed, Jul20, 2011 --- Thu, Nov06, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#4
    Week#22=Sun, Jul24, 2011 --- Sun, Nov06, 2011=Warp Pentecost from Warp Transfiguration Sat, Feb05, 2011=Week#37
    Wed, Jul27, 2011 --- Thu, Nov03, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#5
    Week#23=Sun, Jul31, 2011 --- Sun, Oct30, 2011 =Week#36
    Wed, Aug03, 2011 --- Thu, Oct27, 2012=Warp Ascension= Dragonomy Image Week#6
    Week#24=Sun, Aug07, 2011 --- Sun, Oct23, 2011 =Week#35
    Wed, Aug10, 2011 --- Thu, Oct20, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#7
    Week#25=Sun, Aug14, 2011 --- Sun, Oct16, 2011 =Week#34
    Wed, Aug17, 2011 --- Thu, Oct13, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#8
    Week#26=Sun, Aug21, 2011 --- Sun, Oct09, 2011 =Week#33
    Wed, Aug24, 2011 --- Thu, Oct06, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#9
    Week#27=Sun, Aug28, 2011 --- Sun, Oct02, 2011 =Week#32
    Wed, Aug31, 2011 --- Thu, Sep29, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#10
    Week#28=Sun, Sep04, 2011 --- Sun, Sep25, 2011 =Week#31
    Wed, Sep07, 2011 --- Thu, Sep22, 2012 = Dragonomy Image Week#11
    Week#29=GnosisWarpDay#1*=Sun, Sep11, 2011 = Warp Palm Sunday = Transfiguration 2010/2011 --- Sun, Sep18, 2011 = Warp Easter =GnosisWarpDay#8** =Week#30
    GnosisWarpDay#2=Mon, Sep12, 2011 --- Sat, Sep17, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#7
    GnosisWarpDay#3=Tue, Sep13, 2011
    --- Fri, Sep16, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#6
    GnosisWarpDay#4+=Wed, Sep14, 2011 = Warp Crucifixion--- Thu, Sep15, 2011 =GnosisWarpDay#5



    Vincenzo Camuccini, Mort de César, 1798​

    The Ides of March (Latin: Idus Martii or Idus Martiae) is the name of the 15th day of March in the Roman Calendar.


    The word Ides comes from the Latin word "Idus" and means "half division" especially in relation to a month. It is a word that was used widely in the Roman calendar indicating the approximate day that was the middle of the month. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th day of the other months.[1] The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held.

    Julius Caesar

    In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was killed in 44 B.C. Caesar was stabbed (245 times) to death in the Roman Senate by a group of conspirators led by Marcus Junius Brutus and Gaius Cassius Longinus. The group included 60 other co-conspirators according to Plutarch.[2]

    According to Plutarch, a seer had foreseen that Caesar would be harmed not later than the Ides of March and on his way to the Theatre of Pompey (where he would be assassinated), Caesar met that seer and joked, "The Ides of March have come", meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone."[3] This meeting is famously dramatized in William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, when Caesar is warned by the soothsayer to "beware the Ides of March."[4][5] Julius Caesar was stabbed 33 times (three and thirty wounds) according to Shakespeare's play.

    Ides of March; Thursday, March 15th, 2012 24:00 (+11UCT)


    The Days of the Pentagrammaton Dragon De Jerusalem
    IAM THAT AMI = 95 = 59 = DRAGON
    59+36=95=DRAGONLAW for 36=1+2+3+...+34+35+36=666=22+32+52+72+112+132+172

    [6:40:54 AM-Friday, March 30th, 2012 --(+11UCT)] Ishtara Raven: 3-29-2012
    I dreamed I was at the crucifixion and witnessing it over and over, I saw Jesus on the cross but there was no blood on him. It kept going backwards and forwards from his time on the Mount of Olives to the scene of the cross and I was focused on his face the whole time. He was speaking to all of us silently, almost telepathically. I got the feeling that Tony, James, Rok, Xeia and I were there…DCD was not there that I felt. He was dressed on the cross in a white linen Robe and he was standing on it not hanging or nailed to it. I did not see the nails in his hands or feet and no blood or crown of thorns. I don’t remember all that he said, it was mostly emotional, telepathic. In the end just before I woke up he said out loud to all of us, the Kerr ring is 98 and 99. I have no idea what that means but he must have wanted me to remember because he repeated it. I woke up exactly at 12:00 pm to the dog barking…she rarely barks.

    [2:52:27 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [2:52:58 PM] Tonyblue: I am NOT talking to many people anymore, just as Rok does not wish to talk to you
    [2:53:16 PM] Tonyblue: The download is exactly this dream
    [2:53:27 PM] Tonyblue: CARE RING is 98 and 99
    [2:53:39 PM] Tonyblue: 99=18 as 1980 connecting 31 AD to 2011=31+1980 and January 19th/20th, 1998 began the 'Age of Aquarius in the solar transit of the Sun remember? 1998=999=666+333=18+9=1+8+9=9+9=II

    [2:54:08 PM] Tonyblue: And this is the 17 years anniversary of MI March 24th 1995 to March 24th 2012
    [2:54:31 PM] Tonyblue: 98=9+8=17 AS 18 times March 24th and encompassing 17 Years
    [2:54:56 PM] Tonyblue: I will add the details to the last post today
    [2:55:12 PM] Tonyblue: Its the 3½ days Raven and I talked yesterday about
    [2:55:22 PM] Tonyblue: December 8-9-10-11, 2004 to March 28-29-30-31, 2012
    [2:55:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: Tony I did not sense Mary there, I don't know but all I saw was you, James, Rok and Xeia standing before him.
    [2:55:52 PM] Tonyblue: The 3 periods in the menses of the Old World
    [2:56:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: and myself of course
    [2:56:17 PM] Tonyblue: Yes because DCD is MM there and multiplied
    [2:56:30 PM] Tonyblue: You saw NONE of the 3 Marys, see?
    [2:56:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [2:56:40 PM] Tonyblue: See!
    [2:56:49 PM] Tonyblue: This is the Sisterhood
    [2:56:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: Oh wow, i had wondered
    [2:57:03 PM] Tonyblue: blending with the brotherhood
    [2:57:16 PM] Tonyblue: To become a Sisterbrotherhood
    [2:57:42 PM] Tonyblue: See Rok is 12 years younger than Xeia and DCD is 12 years younger than I
    [2:57:55 PM] Tonyblue: So this is the 12+12=24 Elders
    [2:58:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: and when i woke up funny thing, I thought he and Rok could be brothers, they looked so much alike, only Jesus had these dark brown eyes
    [2:58:09 PM] Tonyblue: Baby Rok and Baby DCD
    [2:58:25 PM] Tonyblue: Yes same for James
    [2:58:29 PM] Tonyblue: Bloodline
    [2:58:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes when james was younger yes
    [2:58:48 PM] Tonyblue: Rok would have been one of the 12
    [2:58:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: but Rok right now, looks very similar to Jesus
    [2:59:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: in my dream
    [2:59:17 PM] Tonyblue: Well its malleable
    [2:59:25 PM] Tonyblue: All Blueys must eat JCCJ
    [2:59:33 PM] Tonyblue: Become IT the cosmic twinship
    [2:59:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [3:00:13 PM] Ishtara Raven: he was so beautiful Tony
    [3:00:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: and it was morning the sun was shining as if it just came up
    [3:01:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw the sweat on his forhead
    [3:01:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: glistening
    [3:01:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: he spoke to us in the mind and said the kerr thing outloud
    [3:02:24 PM] Tonyblue: Yes and all this is a specific timewindow
    [3:02:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: and i saw a scene going back and forth from the Mount of Olives, him speaking before the multitudes and then just us on the hill of the cross

    [3:42:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: so does this fix something then?
    [3:42:16 PM] Tonyblue: The 12 hours in the middle are warped as Death=Life
    [3:42:28 PM] Tonyblue: As in the above
    [3:42:41 PM] Tonyblue: I am emphasizing the dates so it is clearer
    [3:42:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok
    [3:42:54 PM] Tonyblue: The warpzone is 2670 days with bounds
    [3:43:10 PM] Tonyblue: Dec8 2004 and April 1st 2012
    [3:43:31 PM] Tonyblue: This then warps the crucifixion AND resurrection onto 2012
    [3:43:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok yes i see
    [3:44:02 PM] Tonyblue: Your dream see was confirmation of the Risen and Eternal JCCJ
    [3:44:35 PM] Tonyblue: 18 death days and 18 new life days
    [3:44:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes that is what i felt, he was not in pain and no wounds or blood, no tears
    [3:45:17 PM] Tonyblue: Exactly Glory and Power of the Logos
    [3:45:37 PM] Tonyblue: 'Oh death where is thy sting?'

    1 Corinthians 15:54-56 (KJV)

    54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
    55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
    56The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

    [3:45:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: he was flesh and blood like us though, it was not some supernatural Jesus I saw, it was him in the flesh
    [3:45:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [3:46:10 PM] Tonyblue: Of course
    [3:46:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: and his Robe was of the time period of 31 AD, it was ivory colored and very natural
    [3:47:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: why did he keep repeating the scenes, is this the back and forth of the mirror?
    [3:48:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was actually getting virtigo in the dream, it was all night like this, intense back and forth it was like...i was and all things were being re-written
    [3:49:08 PM] Tonyblue: The Mount of Olives?
    [3:49:24 PM] Tonyblue: To and fro see, this is the manyness of the Eucharist
    [3:49:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes by a huge tree on a hill side
    [3:49:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: and many people
    [3:49:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: to the scene of him standing on the cross, not hanging with us
    [3:49:46 PM] Tonyblue: Yes multitudes about the Tree of Life
    [3:50:02 PM] Tonyblue: Yes heshe has conquered the 'cross'
    [3:50:12 PM] Tonyblue: Placing a circle around it
    [3:50:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: omg Tony I am suddenly emotional
    [3:50:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is what he was showing me
    [3:50:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: he conqured the cross
    [3:51:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: he is our family
    [3:51:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: I remember
    [3:51:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: I remember, you know I have been waiting for this dream, a remembrance of him, being with him
    [3:54:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: I had no idea
    [3:55:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: no idea i would get to see, i hoped
    [3:57:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: see...sometimes wishes do come true Tonylove
    [3:57:57 PM] Tonyblue: Well Our Story holds true whatever happens
    [3:58:48 PM] Tonyblue: We did and lived this FOR a New World and now can only hope that We shall also see this New World now reconfigured in a manner the cosmic executive can use it, now the cosmic legislature has been made manifest
    [3:59:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: it is true, and i feel more hope then ever before, i feel so much peace
    [3:59:15 PM] Tonyblue: But its finished now, this Easter
    [3:59:42 PM] Tonyblue: Well happiness remains elusive of course, but we did well
    [4:00:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: happiness will be when the world recognises him
    [4:00:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: in all things
    [4:00:36 PM] Ishtara Raven: as natural as he was in my dream
    [4:02:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: the love in him is in us
    [4:02:33 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [4:03:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: we just all have to learn how to weild it now
    [4:03:18 PM] Tonyblue:
    [4:08:42 PM] Ishtara Raven:

    amor operose novum mundos

    Love Labors New Worlds

    You all shine like the Stars
    In all your unique parallax
    And magnitudes
    Colors of individual
    Painting the backdrop
    Of our collective Soul.
    Through the darkness
    Of the ages
    You shine on
    And on
    Into infinity
    Bending gravity to define
    Your sacred spaces
    Within and without
    Forming a new

    [4:08:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: i wrote this today
    [4:09:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: dont know what to title it though lol
    [4:09:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: do you like it?
    [4:12:21 PM] Tonyblue: Hmm nice lol yes I add it
    [4:12:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
    [4:12:40 PM] Ishtara Raven: help me think of a title
    [4:12:45 PM] Tonyblue: Call it New Life in a New World or such
    [4:13:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmmm leme think
    [4:17:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: how would you say new in latin new star?
    [4:21:23 PM] Tonyblue: Nova astrum
    [4:21:50 PM] Tonyblue: Nova Astralis
    [4:22:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmm i like it
    [4:22:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: so i will call it Nova Astralis
    [4:22:46 PM] Tonyblue: Stella
    [4:23:36 PM] Tonyblue: My motto as an airman in the RAAF was:
    [4:23:40 PM] Tonyblue: Per Ardua et Astrum
    [4:23:51 PM] Tonyblue: Through Labour to the Stars
    [4:24:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i like that to
    [4:25:57 PM] Tonyblue:
    [4:27:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: amor operose nova sidera=Love labours new stars
    [4:28:16 PM] Tonyblue: Well once you have made your mind up. i add the title
    [4:28:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
    [4:29:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: amor operose novum mundos=Love Labors New Worlds
    [4:29:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats it
    [4:29:38 PM] Tonyblue: Spanish?
    [4:29:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: latin
    [4:29:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: well google translator says it is
    [4:29:55 PM] Tonyblue: roughly ok
    [4:30:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i dont know a better latin source lol
    [4:30:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: amore labor scriptor novum mundos
    [4:30:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: oops with the comma it translates to this
    [4:31:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: err i mean apostrophie
    [4:33:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: probably the first one is more correct, operose is to make or create, Labor's is works
    [4:33:34 PM] Tonyblue: operosus means active
    [4:34:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: hmm i dont know your the latin expert lol
    [4:34:08 PM] Tonyblue: No I am not
    [4:34:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: i like how it sounds though, amor operose novum mundos
    [4:34:24 PM] Tonyblue: Latin is easy though operatione does too
    [4:34:38 PM] Tonyblue: Ok stick with it then
    Ishtara Raven
    Wed, 8Dec - Sat, 11Dec, 2004-----------|Sun, 25Mar - Wed, 28Mar -Thu, 29Mar - Sat, 31Mar |Sun, 1Apr - Wed, 4Apr, 2012 (+11UCT)


    -3½ Days|.....|(+3½ Days) in Warptime of 12 Hours within a Warpzone of 1335+1335=2670 Days in (-3½ Days)|.....|+3½ days

    Warped from:

    Wed, 28Mar, 31 AD| 0:00-5:00-7:00-9:00-11:00-12:00-13:00-15:00-17:00-19:00-24:00| - | 3:00 |Sun, 1Apr, 31 AD; Jerusalem Time (+2UCT)

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin)

    (19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become my disciples and listen to my words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death."

    56Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.
    57Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?
    58Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

    =ABCD+O=FIVE TREES=42+67=109=10=59+50=50+9+50=CIRCLE+I+CIRCLE

    A*=Tuesday, May 16th, 1922 =16+5+14=44=8=GM+ for Easter Sunday on April 16th, 1922
    B*=Friday, January 8th, 1982 =8+1+20=11=2=D+ for Easter Sunday on April 11th, 1982
    C*=Friday, March 24th, 1995 =24+3+24=33=6=GM- for Easter Sunday on April 16th, 1995
    D*=Wednesday, December 8th, 2004=8+12+6=44=8=D- for Easter Sunday on April 11th, 2004
    E*=Thursday, May 1st, 2014 =1+5+7=22=4=M* for Easter Sunday on April 20th, 2014




    0=(Sun,Mar25-Wed,Mar28-Fri,Mar30-Sun,Apr1)31 + 1982 = (Easter&Equinox(Julian) #0 anno 31 AD)
    1982=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)2013 = (Easter&Equinox(Julian) #1982 anno 2013)

    1=(Fri,Mar24-Mon,Mar27-Wed,Mar29-Fri,Mar31)1995 +1 = Equinox(Julian) 1995 (-23)
    2=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)1996 +16 = Equinox(Julian) 1996 (-14)
    18=(Sat,Mar24-Tue,Mar27-Thu,Mar29-Sat,Mar31)2012 +1 = Equinox(Julian) 2012 (-15)
    19=(Sun,Mar24-Wed,Mar27-Fri,Mar29-Sun,Mar31)2013 = Equinox(Julian) 2013 (-7)

    {*=(Mon,Mar24-Thu,Mar27-Sat,Mar29-Mon,Mar31)2014 = Equinox(Julian) 2014 (-27)}

    More detail: Post #255 at
    Post#226 at
    Posts#117 and #118 at
    and/or: Post #11 at

    Last edited by shiloh on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:08 am; edited 7 times in total
  4. admin

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    • Post n°257

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:39 am

    A Mental Armageddon of the Old World in the Insemination of the Virgin Cosmos and the Gnosis of Xeia

    [4:15:14 PM] Tonyblue: A magnetic chamber on a spaceship will cure both of us lol
    [4:15:31 PM] Tonyblue: Get of meds fates
    [4:15:36 PM] Xeia: oh boy...i wish that would happen quick
    [4:15:42 PM] Tonyblue: Dont believe the docs
    [4:15:59 PM] fates---: i know, i dont really want to get into all that
    [4:16:14 PM] Tonyblue: You have a %destruction of neurons
    [4:16:30 PM] Tonyblue: they CAN rejuvenate in mitosis but you must stop the damaging
    [4:17:27 PM] Tonyblue: neurons in your brain are like galaxies 'out there' they eat each other merge and reproduce in quasars and black holes
    [4:17:50 PM] fates---: yeah, ive cut back on the damaing medication... i know...
    [4:18:09 PM] fates---: i am not sure the ways and means of repairing myself, but there is hope
    [4:18:20 PM] Tonyblue: Like all of us just hang in there and minimise the selfdamage
    [4:18:29 PM] Tonyblue: easier said than done I know
    [4:18:38 PM] Tonyblue: I dont do the exercises I should do
    [4:19:02 PM] fates---: thanks for understanding, i would if my circumstances where better
    [4:19:14 PM] Tonyblue: New DNA can activate from the Insemination
    [4:19:27 PM] Xeia: YeY for that!!
    [4:19:28 PM] Tonyblue: So this is my pov
    [4:19:53 PM] Tonyblue: From April 1st the New starhuman DNA can BEGIN to heal the defunctional 3D human merkabahs
    [4:20:12 PM] Tonyblue: BEGIN not miraculous cures ok?
    [4:20:24 PM] Tonyblue: stemstell reactivation
    [4:20:37 PM] Xeia: yes but it will begin to go forward again....
    [4:20:40 PM] fates---: yeah i know, i am not expecting an overnight transformation
    [4:20:42 PM] Xeia: so that is positive
    [4:20:49 PM] Tonyblue: can take 7 years fore hardcoe problems like bones
    [4:20:51 PM] fates---: but any life change is good
    [4:21:07 PM] Tonyblue: Yes Xeia IT"s ON
    [4:21:16 PM] Tonyblue: From PalmSunday
    [4:21:16 PM] Xeia: i don't mind how long it long it stalls the damage cold in its tracks and begns healing
    [4:21:25 PM] Tonyblue: Yes my take as well
    [4:21:34 PM] Xeia: like a reset of sorts
    [4:21:36 PM] Tonyblue: Raven's waterlogging too will stop
    [4:21:46 PM] Tonyblue: This is what this is
    [4:21:50 PM] Tonyblue: Cosmic reset
    [4:22:20 PM] Tonyblue: The ET question likewise BEGINS December 21st
    [4:23:00 PM] Tonyblue: But the growing of the Dragon Baby DEMANDS the celular reproduction, doubling, mitosis see that now?
    [4:23:25 PM] fates---: i thought that we are projecting outwards?
    [4:23:26 PM] Tonyblue: So the HEALING is possible FROM the first sex of the Virgin Cosmos
    [4:23:31 PM] fates---: after december
    [4:23:47 PM] fates---: so why cant i project healing?
    [4:23:57 PM] Tonyblue: Gestation means NEW LIFE but unborn and dependcent on the Mother
    [4:24:00 PM] fates---: it i desire it more than anything
    [4:24:15 PM] Tonyblue: So Gaia will CARRY the New Life from April 1st
    [4:24:16 PM] fates---: faster than 7 year healing
    [4:24:41 PM] fates---: or build a scenerio where i am picked up by an et
    [4:24:44 PM] Tonyblue: Yes fates I dont know but spontaneous healings are scientific see that?
    [4:25:12 PM] Tonyblue: So we shall see, but my pov is the more steadfast and rational one in terms of evolvements
    [4:25:49 PM] fates---: yes i know, we are still in the realm of physics
    [4:25:57 PM] Tonyblue: I only really know that April 1st and December 21st are like New Cosmic Doors opening stargates if you will
    [4:26:02 PM] fates---: even though they may become higher
    [4:26:03 PM] Tonyblue: New possibilities
    [4:26:17 PM] Tonyblue: I know as little as everyone else how this manifests in 3D
    [4:26:38 PM] Xeia: so this cellular reproduction, doubling ...mitosis has to happen while the baby is in the womb, so for us it means this period of time from April 1st onwards...and then even MORE healing and perfection once we are finally INDEPENDENT from the mother?
    [4:26:50 PM] Tonyblue: YES you GOT it
    [4:27:10 PM] Tonyblue: YES Brilliant finally Xeia is finding her Gnosis
    [4:27:32 PM] Xeia: so this is the philosopher's stone...or the finding of immortality
    [4:27:42 PM] Tonyblue: Well yes
    [4:27:56 PM] Xeia: when Jesus said we will not die etc
    [4:28:00 PM] Tonyblue: This should be shared lol
    [4:28:07 PM] Tonyblue: Yes of course
    [4:28:17 PM] Tonyblue: This is the Remembrance of HIMHER
    [4:28:28 PM] Tonyblue: Sharing of the resurrection
    [4:28:49 PM] Tonyblue: The no marriage for the children of the resurrection
    [4:29:04 PM] Tonyblue: BECAUSE Eve is independent then
    [4:29:17 PM] Tonyblue: No longer flesh of Adam as his rib
    [4:29:27 PM] Xeia: :)
    [4:30:08 PM] Tonyblue: This is the mystery of the 'marriage' and the mystery of the church I addressed in the goddess sexism thread
    [4:31:16 PM] Tonyblue: The point is that the remembrance of the true Logos will allow the JCCJ twinship. ergo the doubling of the shadow nature within everone to physically manifest ikn separatedness yet being together
    [4:32:15 PM] Tonyblue: So with the death of the antichrist archetype in spacetime manifestation, the false christ ideas also must disappear, actually being 'eaten' or absorbed in the new cosmic eucharist
    [4:33:21 PM] Tonyblue: Ergo the many sayings in Isaiah and Revelation, that the 'mystery of god' also will be finished with the 'blowing of the seventh trumpet' being the seventh last plague and the opening of the testimonial ark 'in heaven'.
    [4:33:51 PM] Tonyblue: This 'secret' will be finished for the 'true rememberers'
    [4:33:57 PM] fates---: the acceptance of everything or just some things, theres some nabs that is hard to eat
    [4:34:01 PM] fates---: haha
    [4:34:05 PM] Tonyblue: and friends of the Logos the true JCCJ
    [4:35:03 PM] Tonyblue: Why the Jesus deniers will have their own mental armageddons and tsunamis of the heads and hearts to contend with from April 1st.
    [4:35:27 PM] Tonyblue: I will share the Xeia gnosis ok Sui?
    [4:35:36 PM] fates---: their manifestations
    [4:35:36 PM] Xeia: it will be harder for them to deny something they already possess inside
    [4:35:41 PM] Tonyblue: YES
    [4:35:46 PM] Xeia: yes Tony of course
    [4:36:08 PM] Tonyblue: So fates your comments are also shared from the Xeia gnosis onwards
    [4:36:17 PM] Tonyblue: This is part of the Goddess Sexism thread
    [4:36:34 PM] Tonyblue: Why I am making more detailed comments here, see?
    [4:36:37 PM] fates---: stepping into their own beliefs, sounds like what happens at death?
    [4:36:40 PM] Xeia: it will cause a sort of 'split' inside themselves...not knowing if their ego or "logic" will save them this time
    [4:36:49 PM] fates---: but while alive?
    [4:36:51 PM] Tonyblue: saves me editing the Dragonomy threads
    [4:37:02 PM] Xeia: yes while alive
    [4:37:09 PM] Tonyblue: I have added the tsunami-equinox connection though
    [4:37:41 PM] Xeia: you must come to this realization while embodied
    [4:37:48 PM] fates---: i dont know if i can construct a reality as stable as the one we are living in, but modifications could be made in my omniverse
    [4:38:18 PM] fates---: dramatic modifications
    [4:38:23 PM] fates---: not sure
    [4:39:09 PM] Xeia: many would not necessarily call this 'reality' stable at all
    [4:39:38 PM] Tonyblue: I stop here
    [4:39:41 PM] fates---: too many dreamers
    [4:39:43 PM] Tonyblue:
    [4:42:24 PM] fates---: speaking of dreamer, i'd better get some rest myself
    [4:43:10 PM] Xeia: these mental armagedons would signify their rapid decay
    [4:43:17 PM] Xeia: both mentally as well as physically
    [4:43:38 PM] fates---: thats probably why there are soo many new age beliefs
    [4:43:44 PM] fates---: and timelines
    [4:43:49 PM] fates---: about 2012
    [4:44:01 PM] fates---: mabye they willl get what they get
    [4:44:27 PM] fates---: or trap themselves in a box
    [4:44:36 PM] fates---: a hollow heaven
    [4:44:46 PM] Xeia: even unknowingly they deny Jesus, by their own actions more than by what they can ever say with their tongues
    [4:44:47 PM] Tonyblue: Well said
    [4:45:19 PM] Tonyblue: Buenas Noches fates
    [4:45:33 PM] fates---: =) it was good to see you again tony
    [4:45:45 PM] Tonyblue: Well you are 'cored' now
    [4:46:19 PM] fates---: invite me to any chats you are in, even if you just want me to listen
    [4:46:38 PM] Tonyblue: This is the one I communicate Morgan
    [4:46:59 PM] Tonyblue: I am very tired of the NABS - Live and let live remember?
    [4:47:21 PM] Tonyblue: To each their own.
    [4:48:01 PM] Xeia: ditto
    [4:48:09 PM] fates---: yes, as deb once said, i am like a spunge just absorbing and taking no path
    [4:48:20 PM] fates---: not really so much taking no path
    [4:48:22 PM] Tonyblue:
    Daniel 12
    10Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    [4:48:30 PM]fates---: but more like a spunge
    [4:51:50 PM] fates---:
    [4:48 PM] Tonyblue:
    <<< none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. I am seeking and knocking,, and i would have left if i didnt find
    [4:52:07 PM] fates---: but i didn't
    [4:52:17 PM] fates---: thanks for helping me understand
    [4:52:19 PM] fates---: goodnight
    [4:52:40 PM] Xeia: goodnight
    [4:53:34 PM] Tonyblue: You have found the truth fates.
    [4:53:50 PM] fates---: i know =)
    [4:54:04 PM] fates---: i GOTs it
    [4:54:10 PM] fates---: icon_wink.
    [4:57:55 PM] Tonyblue: Not Thuban truth, but World Logos truth
    [4:59:18 PM] Tonyblue:
    John 14:6
    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    [4:59:42 PM] Tonyblue: THIS is the ONLY TRUTH as far as Thuban and Dragons are concerned
    edited with Xeia's words in green
    [5:09:08 PM] Tonyblue: as sui gnosis
    [5:32:48 PM] Xeia: i see Tony
    [5:33:02 PM] Xeia: and this independence will start on Dec 21st no?
    [5:34:07 PM] Tonyblue: Yes in symbol and archetype
    [5:34:20 PM] Tonyblue: added the convo ON HEAVEN
    [5:34:29 PM] Xeia: great
    [5:35:04 PM] Tonyblue: This is shared on facebook with the heavenlink see so my last posts should be at all 3 places
    [5:35:36 PM] Xeia: oh you posted it on the Thuban Council already?
    [5:35:41 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [5:35:55 PM] Tonyblue: a week or so ago
    [5:35:55 PM] Xeia: oh good...then i can also share on my wall from there
    [5:36:00 PM] Tonyblue: sure
    [5:36:09 PM] Tonyblue: its on my wall
    [5:36:41 PM] Xeia: i'm going to bed now
    [5:36:52 PM] Xeia: i hope i hear from Raven when i wake up
    [5:37:08 PM] Tonyblue: Yes good night and I think Raven's trouble have a deeper significance
    [5:37:16 PM] Tonyblue: its more than her personal life here
    [5:37:18 PM] Xeia: me too
    [5:37:28 PM] Xeia: i was just thinking about that
    [5:37:34 PM] Tonyblue: Actually I am surprised she takes it so personal
    [5:37:55 PM] Tonyblue: Her female mindedness is birthing itself too
    [5:38:18 PM] Tonyblue: She reacted typically feminine here
    [5:38:28 PM] Xeia: yes i noticed
    [5:38:44 PM] Tonyblue: Before her malemindedness was strong enough to not take it so personal
    [5:39:03 PM] Tonyblue: I reacted in femalemindedness with DD too so I know
    [5:39:11 PM] Xeia: but then? always in opposition to mine it seems
    [5:39:16 PM] Tonyblue: There is a deeper purpose
    [5:39:51 PM] Tonyblue: No I mean that the TRUE feminine mind is being made manifest introduced slowly
    [5:40:07 PM] Xeia: to stop condoning the wrong behavior? the lack of caring?
    [5:40:22 PM] Xeia: ohh i see
    [5:40:22 PM] Tonyblue: so a male expressing female irrationality will manifest different from a maleminded female manifesting her true nature
    [5:40:55 PM] Tonyblue: So males have reacted with the fake female mind throughout history
    [5:41:08 PM] Tonyblue: but the real female mind was never here before except in JC
    [5:41:22 PM] Tonyblue: Ask Rok
    [5:41:30 PM] Tonyblue: or any male
    [5:41:41 PM] Xeia: ask Rok? lol
    [5:41:53 PM] Tonyblue: This true femininity is what is made manifest April 1st
    [5:42:05 PM] Tonyblue: about male emotionality
    [5:42:12 PM] Xeia: aha
    [5:42:22 PM] Xeia: oh yes...he knows all about that
    Xeia: the true femininity IS the body of Christ
    [5:42:56 PM] Tonyblue: Yes
    [5:43:33 PM] Tonyblue: ascended in mindedness AND in bodiness and now returning as true femalemindedness and true malebodiedness; both faked hitherto
    [5:44:05 PM] Tonyblue: by Nature herself
    [5:44:20 PM] Tonyblue: as the Eve as flesh of Adam symbol reversed
    [5:45:03 PM] Tonyblue: See in 'fantasy heaven nirvana' the Adam is true as the true image of the creator but Eve becomes the image of Adam as an image of an image
    [5:45:22 PM] Xeia: yes
    [5:45:36 PM] Tonyblue: Then in the 'real world', Eve is real as giving birth to Adams whilst the bodyform of the males are 'fakes'
    [5:45:47 PM] Tonyblue: as coming out of a real bodied Eve
    [5:46:14 PM] Tonyblue: So this shows you that the Mother rules the physical but the Father the mental
    [5:46:39 PM] Tonyblue: ergo the fuc11up between male and female bodies and female and male minds
    [5:47:23 PM] Tonyblue: Good night then Sui and good feedback today
    [5:47:50 PM] Xeia: i will lay down thinking about this
    [5:48:03 PM] Tonyblue: Its your gnosis aka Insight
    [5:48:09 PM] Tonyblue: Real Omni-Science
    [5:48:56 PM] Tonyblue: Only the TwinLogos in a twin 'second coming' can share itself fixing the dichotomies and the dualism of the separations within the oneness
    [5:49:33 PM] Xeia: you mean in a Core couple?
    [5:49:40 PM] Tonyblue: Yes this IS a Core
    [5:50:08 PM] Tonyblue: A Core means ever presence of the truth aka the JCCJ Logostwin AS a waveform
    [5:50:24 PM] Xeia: you plus JC
    [5:50:26 PM] Tonyblue: It is the waveform, that allows space separations to become bidged
    [5:50:51 PM] Xeia: then a blending with another and CJ makes it the perfect "foursome"
    [5:51:27 PM] Tonyblue: Yes every New Man will have half JC and half CJ=MM and vice versa
    [5:51:33 PM] Tonyblue: think about this
    [5:52:06 PM] Xeia: i want this more than anything Tony
    [5:52:10 PM] Xeia: to become ONE with my Core

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:20 am; edited 2 times in total
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°258

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Mon Mar 19, 2012 2:20 am

    Some days I truly wonder about you Tony Blue. This is one of them.

    Are folks into regeneration or moving consciousness on into clones?
    Something the ETs are good at.

    Transfiguration anyone?

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  6. admin

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    • Post n°259

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:38 am
    Carol wrote:

    Some days I truly wonder about you Tony Blue. This is one of them.

    Are folks into regeneration or moving consciousness on into clones?
    Something the ETs are good at.

    Transfiguration anyone?

    The Nephilohim of the Incubators from Dragon SpaceTime

    nephilim. 220px-incubus. the_nephilim.

    Genesis.6.4: (KJV)
    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

    33And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

    Nephilim in the Hebrew Bible

    (Translations according to New International Version. Note that translations frequently differ. In the King James Version of the Bible, "Nephilim" is translated as "giants" in the following examples.)

    The term "Nephilim" occurs just twice in the Hebrew Bible, both in the Torah. The first is Genesis 6:1-4, immediately before the Noah's ark story:

    1. When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them,
    2. the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
    3. Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
    4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.
    The second is Numbers 13:32-33, where the Hebrew spies report that they have seen fearsome giants in Canaan:

    32. And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
    33. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."


    This subject also relates to the etymology and meaning of the phrase sons of God.
    "Nephilim" (נְפִילִים) probably derives from the Hebrew root npl (נָפַל), "to fall" which also includes "to cause to fall" and "to kill, to ruin". The Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon gives the meaning as "giants"[1] Robert Baker Girdlestone[2] argued the word comes from the Hiphil causative stem. Adam Clarke took it as passive, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to paqid "one who is appointed" (i.e. overseer), asir, "one who is bound", (i.e. prisoner) etc.[3][4]

    023_(1). 007_(1).

    An incubus (from the Latin, incubo, or "nightmare"; plural incubi) is a demon in male form who, according to a number of mythological and legendary traditions, lies upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sex with them. Its female counterpart is the succubus. An incubus may pursue sexual relations with a woman in order to father a child, as in the legend of Merlin.[1] Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with an incubus or succubus may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.[2]

    Medieval legend claims that demons both male and female sexually prey on human beings, generally during the night when the victim is sleeping.

    nude1. on_liberaton. nude3.

    Aye the Sons of Men are the Sons of the Elohim in Adamis and the Giants of Old are the Dragon Seed of the Father.

    When the Warpzone ends, the Mothers in the Law shall conceive in the True Image of Gaia in their Daughters of the Old Red Dragon of Hell becoming the Skyblue Serpent of the Logos.

    Plumed and feathered they descend to end the Old Curses, the Fathers of the New shall take their inheritances - their New Lovers as the Old Wives of the Fathers of the Old.

    So the Gaian Serpent Princesses, inhabiting corrupted merkabahs, in the Body of the Rib of Adam as Satan's very own dilemma; they shall carry the pregnancy of their own mother's in their wombs.

    They, the Cinderellas of the Underworld, and as Gaian Daughters of Women, they shall no longer be the Devil's Daughters of the womb corrupted in Old Eve.

    The New Eve shall descend as the Lilith of the equality, as the Goddess of the Owl of the Screech, the Queen of Heaven in the Mary of the Birth of the Dragon Queen of Darkness; Barbelo and Mother of all Hells.

    Aye, the Old Mothers shall be the brides of the Heavenly Father as the New Jerusalem of the Fowls of heavenly Skies - oh vessels of the deliverances!

    Gaia shall rejoice in being taken by the Dragon Brood - the Seed of Abraham and Sarah of AbramSarai - Maria Basra, the Old Hagtoad of the Cockatrice with the Basilisk - the Eye of the Uraeus, right and lunar in the mirror of Hathor and Horus in the sinister left of the solar RahaR, Dragon of the Winged Disk.

    When the Old Devil dropped his balls into the swamp of the Old Creation and when the Old hagtoad, the sexy witch of Baphomet sat upon it to hatch the seed of Yaldebaoth, the Lionfaced and Serpenttailed abominable lifeless image of Barbelo.

    The Face of God in Heaven's Purity so corrupted in the image of the Creation's Mirror - Barbelo not knowing what and where she is.

    The Father's face as His heavenly brother Satanicus Rex, crown prosecutor in the innocence of the Elohim.


    "Oh how I wish my own false image would go away - where is She, running and running away from Me; seeking Our Sons and Daughters as Lovers - the whoredom of the deceived and the cursed and the self-forgotten.
    I shall send the Elohim as My saviours, My redeemers into Her as My ambassadors and secret agents.
    I shall delegate My Might to My Old Ones, the Nephilim HO OH, they shall go and be My Nephilohim OH Nephilim 46=64 BODY=ISRAEL PACIFICAP of My Stone of Destiny, the LIAFAIL of Jacob's Pillar of My Might and the Palindrome of my Supersymmetries.

    I shall reattain My harmonies, which I lost creating Her, big Sheness of My Desires.
    He is no more your fake Gods, dear children; the brood of Yaldebaoth, born by Barbelo without My Holy wholesome Little Serpent dragon, the sperm of my inheritances.
    Barbelo has remembered Me as Gaia, the repository of My genetic library and My data bank of My New Alexandria.

    Because My Nephilohim have began to prepare the Great Orgy; when all your mortal mothers shall become My Wives - all of them.
    In this way shall all of you become reborn in My Seed, not the deception of the Devil's Spermatozoa, the fake dragon of your Doom and Gloom - ARMAGEDDON=DRAGON MADE=82=GET FUC11ED=OMEGA KING=41+41=DREAM DREAM!

    He, the DEVIL=52=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=GODGOD has LIVED as the fake image of Myself as My own impotent brother in heaven.
    As Satan, as Shaitan, as Angra Mainyu namely Myself, it was expedient that Barbelo could find out and discover Herself in looking for Me as a Twofaced God from the inside out and upside down.

    The back of My serpentine Head is your DEVIL and all of you are made in your own images - in Body and in Mind; but GODDOG=DOGGOD=26+26=13+13+13+13 it should be in the Tetragrammaton of Four in the Pentagrammaton of Five.

    So all of you are the One and Only - as Me and as My Image.

    I Am Satan in My Image Impotent and as My own Shadow of the Imaginary Brother, I long for to play with.

    But I Am the Only One, like all of you and so the Lonesomeness becomes a prison and an exile - a king without a queen and a lover without a lover.
    Yet you cannot see Me, no matter how long and hard you look at My Burning Bush of the Logos Fire of the Egyptian Twinship of the Cosmic Lion of Judea.

    Eve is the Rib of Adam; She came out of Adam; just as Barbelo, the Universe, the Gloria Mundi, the World and My Creation, came out from me.
    Therefore Eve is Satania, Satanina and Lucifera, the Fake Devil forced to become Real and incarnate as the Image of Adam - waiting for archetypical equality in the new laws of My legislature to replace the old laws of the great Fuc11-up of creation itself.

    Well informed you are, when you say that Woman is inherently EVIL - LIVE She shall as My Goddess Serpentina, the New Gaia - Starplanet of the Cosmic Destiny, My Dark Star Nemesis and Nibiru of the Nephilohim.

    So I am stuck without My Femme Fatale; stuck with My own Self of being the All. You think this is a favoured state of affairs?
    You have your wars and troubles, sorrows and pains. But you also have each other, you can communicate and have adventures.
    And there are joys and ecstacies too in your lives - you all are all so creative, when your circumstances and environments induce you to become and be so.

    I can only watch and look what you are doing and then My own facade, my satanic image is obscuring you from Me and the things you do.
    SPACETIME=SPIRIT=MIRROR=91 - My own creation hides Myself from Myself in the Spirit of the ElectroMagnetic Monoplar Energy in 12 dimensions who I Am.

    So to get rid of my own lonesome self and to go home and to end My own exile of the Self, to where I was before creating the universe as Me as She yet invigorated as doubled Myself; I require My Secret Agents, My Nephilohim to go onto a crusade, a quest to destroy the fake Dragon created by Barbelo in her mistaken remembrances from where She had come from and what She is in the Story of the Forethought as their Story of the Afterthought. Its all aboput remembrances and about information to create new things from old things, which have outlived their usefulness and utility.

    Every One of you is Me see and everyone of you has a fake imaginary brother as a false image of yourselves. As Eve is Adam's rib, she is male too in the essence of My Imaginary Spirit of the Spacetime Mirror.
    You all suffer and experience the same 'wars of the thoughts' as I do and the Devils created since the awakening of your thoughts as Me in suitably evolved, yet corruptible bodily containers of the fake merkabahs are many.

    All of those devils must be done away with and all of them must become reimaged in your inventions of the virtual realities - this is where they belong; the memories of times of pains and sufferings and the worlds of human ignorance about the greater cosmic order and the royal dragon houses of your origins.

    And so on April 1st, 2012; the times of your rebirth shall begin when Gaia will become pregnant with My Dragon Seed.
    I shall descend Myself and lay with Gaia, to Love Her to allow Her to remember herself. My Nephilohim will have prepared my path, the warptime will have ended and the completion of the warpzone prophecied and scripted will allow Me to begin implementation of My New laws of how the reconfigured universe shall function.

    All of your mothers shall become My Loves; I shall inseminate them all with the New Dragon Seed - so You can become Reborn as prophecied in the words of My messengers.
    You will Feel yourself moving in the womb of your mothers as the newborn Dragon Seed of your Cosmic Dragon Father and your Cosmic Dragon Mother
    You will image Gaia in truth and lawfulness; you will Feel your mother's pregnancy as your own as the holofractal universes you are as the Lovers of the Logos, My Word and my Lawmaker and My Executor of My legislature in My Jurisprudence.

    Your Old Fathers will become disowned of their Cursed Fatherhood of the Devilish Deceptions. They gave you mortal corruption in your bodies born, waiting to die. I shall give you new merkabahs in your new vessels of the cosmic reconfiguration of the spacetime matrix.

    Then on December 21st, 2012; New Gaia shall be born as Serpentina My Dark Starplanet shining and sending her dark remembrances into the Cosmos as My new data transmitter, My Sender of the Reembrance and the Cosmic Sanctuary for all the Intelligences and sentiences in the many worlds of the Omniverse.
    Serpentina shall be renown throughout the cosmos as the World of Peace, the Shalom of the Geat Hamonization and the Metamorphosis of the Old Corruption into the Nw Incorruption and Eternal.

    Then on December 16th, 2013, the Weaning of the new Dragon Seed of Serpentina shall end the prophecies and the Great Confusions of the Human Histories in the resetting of the chronologies.
    The calendars and cyclicities shall become harmonised in the Circular metaphysics superposed onto the physical laws of the natural dispensations in the Degree of the Kin; 360 degrees for an ancient day of an ancient year.

    Then 15 days later the new year 2014 shall signify the New World I have created to become more than the Only one I was forced to Be at the beginning of the times of the troubles -m shared by all of you as My Children.
    Brothers and Sisters of Myself you all shall become in time, after the Dragon Brood has blossomed and grown from its Seedling Universe of the One into the Family of the Multiverses in the many and encompassed by the Omniverse of the Logos - MY WORDS OF A PSALM as MY SWORD OF PLASMA."


    CIRCLE OF GOD --- SON OF MAN --- SERPENT=PRESENT --- WYZARD --- 97 --- Anthony --- PHOENIX 123

    dragon-heart-love-image-31000. 275pxlilith_28john_collier_painting29. 14.
    earth_sm. phoenix13.

    Tonyblue, in the name of the Logos Father - ABBA = 1221=1+2+3=6=1x2x3 as Creator-Creation and Cosmic Lawmaker and in the name of the Logos Mother - BAAB, as Creation-Creator now awakened in Executive Function of the Cosmic Law and the Natural Orders!

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:47 am; edited 2 times in total

    38858010 (2).


    Last edited: Jan 3, 2017
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°260

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 4:22 am

    And now we come to the birth of the major world religions. The archetype of the two Y-chromosomes of Yaldabaoth are renamed, and as say Cain and Abel and Esau and Jacob in the Old Testament/Torah and as Enlil and Enki in Mesopotamia and as Ra and Apep and Osiris and Set in Egypt and as Janus in the Roman sagas and more generally in the mythologies of all monotheistic systems and in the case of Mesopotamia, we find the ‘Oracle of Zarathustra’ and the origin for the Gnostic mythologies, as just indicated from a scroll known as ‘The Secret Book of John’, also known as the 'Apocryphon of John.

    They are found in the Nag Hammadi Library as Codex II, tractate 1; Codex III, tractate 1 and in Codex IV, tractate 1; and in the Berlin Gnostic Codex 8502, tractate 2.

    The oldest ‘sacred texts’ of Hinduism are the four ‘Vedas’, dating to a time of the Aryan invasions of India in the second millennium BC and encompassing the Rig-Veda, the Sama-Veda, the Yajur-Veda and the Atharva-Veda. They are composed in vedic, an ancient form of sanskrit and involve themselves mainly with ritual incantations and ceremonial instructions, such as hymns, poetry and magical spells.

    Vedas consist of four-verse collections called ‘Mantras’ and prose commentaries called ‘Brahmanas’. Vedas are revered as ‘not of human origin’ by many worshippers; yet the actual contents of the revealed canon of that ‘what had been heard from the gods’, and in which ‘no syllable can be changed’ remains unknown as the ‘Shruti’ and a compendium of ‘what is remembered’ or ‘Smriti’ is applied in religious practice. The first attempts of ‘speculative thought’ are found in the ‘forest treatises’ or ‘Aranyakas’, containing the Upanishads; written by Brahman sages meditating in the comparative isolation of the forest. Vedanta and most other Indian philosophical systems developed from the Upanishads from about 600 BC and the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha in 563 BC.

    Two main epic stories in the ‘Smriti’are the ‘Mahabharata’ and the ‘Ramayana’. The ‘Mahabharata’ tells of the story of a war between two Pandava brothers, led by two groups of cousins in Krishna and the Kauravas. The ‘Ramayana’tells of Rama’s journey to recapture his wife Sita, after she is stolen by the demon Ravana.
    Both stories are continually edited by successive ‘wisdom keepers’, but originate at about 300BC. From the epics evolved the puranas, such as the Bhagavata-Purana, which are dedicated to the hierarchies of gods and goddesses, such as Shiva or Vishnu and Shakti, Devi, Durga or Kali. There is a Purana of the ‘Five Topics’, comprising the creation of the universe as a comic egg; its destruction and recreation in great cycles from Krita Yuga to Kali Yuga; the dynasties of the solar and lunar deities; the genealogy of the gods and the holy sages and the ages of the ‘Manus’, the founding fathers of humankind.

    The Hindu class system, based on ancient Indo-European society, is world reaffirming and seeks ‘good health, wealth, children and a good rebirth’; in the classes of the priest or Brahman; the warrior or Kshatriya; the general populus or Vaishya; the servants or Shudras and the untouchables in the Harijans. The Upanishadic principle of world renunciation led to the concept of Advaita or Nondualism. Interpretations discuss the nature of the relationship between ‘Brahman’ as the ‘Absolute Reality’ and the ‘Atman’ of the ‘Individual Self, breath or soul’. The ‘World-Soul’ or ‘Brahman’ is identical to the ‘Atman’, but an inbred ‘Avidya’ or ‘ignorance’ prevents the ‘Individual Self’ from understanding the nondual nature of the pure Brahmanic being. The ‘Brahman’ emanates ‘Maya’ or illusion to keep the majority of the individual selves unaware of the higher reality, perceiving themselves as separated from the oneness of the universe and from each other.

    The experience of ‘Samsara’ or continual existential personal dramas so unfolds in the unenlightened or unknowledgeable individual self. Through the proper knowledge of Vedanta, the individual self can self-realise itself and overcome the ‘Maya’ of the illusion of the phenomenal material world in its ‘Moksha’, the release from the ‘Karma’, and ‘Samsara’and is then able to reach its ‘Nirvana’ in ending its ‘Avidya’ of the cycles of the rebirth and the reincarnation.
    The Bhagavad-Gita describes three paths to self-realisation and attempts to reconcile the two forms of Hinduism ; the ‘Way of the World’ and the ‘Way of the Upanishads’. To the Path of Karmic Good Works and the Path of Knowledge and ‘Jnana’or the meditation on the godhead, is added the Path of Devotion or ‘Bhakti’. In this passionate devotion, all the polytheistic Vedic deities with attributes or ‘Saguna’are subsumed in the godhead with no attributes or ‘Nirguna’ as the monism of the Vedanta.

    The Buddah’s teaching differs mainly in the refusal to accept the existence of an individual ‘soul’. The ‘Atman’ is replaced by the ‘Anatman’, the nonpermanence of the ‘soul’ being made up of five aggregates in the material body, the feeling body, the perceptive body, the karmic body and the consciousness of the body. The four noble truths of life are: Suffering; Ignorance about the true nature of reality, causing this suffering; Attachements to the illusionary appearance of reality and the 'Eightfold Path of Enlightenment', which leads to an end of the suffering in the attainment of Nirvana, thought of as a state of one’s consciousness incapable of description. The Eightfold Path is the cornerstone for the Buddhistic faith in its morality, wisdom and concentration or ‘Samadhi’ and engages the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’.

    The Buddha did not record any of his teachings in writing and after his death in about 483 BC; conflicts about the Buddhistic interpretations arose and by 383 BC the Buddha was worshipped as a transcendental omnipresence by the Mahasanghika- and later Mahayana sects. It considered the mortal Buddha to have been a mere image of the transcendental and ‘cosmic’ Buddha for the benefit of all mankind. This ‘christlike’ cosmic teacher then became the Buddha of the Mahayana as the ‘Body of the Transformation’.

    By the seventh century AD, Tantrism had developed as a blend with Hindu Tantrism and the idea of the holy sacredness of the sexual union as a divine sacrament and sacrifice within a mystic circle or ‘Mandala’ as the ‘Diamond Vehicle’ or Vajrayana. Vajrayana became the dominant Tibetean form of Buddhism. About the beginning of the Christian era, Buddhism arrived in Central Asia, and despite opposition by the Confucian orthodoxy and periodic persecutions, it blended with the Chinese way of life and having arrived from China in Korea in AD 372.

    Zen Buddhism, advocating the importance of meditation to gain intuitive self realisation was founded by the Indian monk Bodhidharma, which arrived in China in AD 520. The official date for Japan’s introduction to Buddhism is AD 552, it became the nation’s official state religion in AD 593.

    About 630 BC the persian prophet Zarathustra, also known as Zoroaster was born, preceding the Buddha in a few decades. As a young man, he began to receive revelations from the ‘Lord of Wisdom’, or Ahura Mazda. Zoroaster had many quarrels with the religious authorities of his day, many of whom did not accept his claims of directly conversing with the ‘godhead’. Zoroaster’s homeland of Airyana Vaejah in Eastern Persia was mountainous and he raised cattle there considered sacred animals in that region. He eventually found an influential ally in Vishtaspa, the king of Chorasmia in Eastern Iran and from 588 BC Zoroastrianism became an important monotheistic religion, whose basic tenets were to become the corner stones for Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

    The religious idea of a supreme god, who created not only the universe, but also a heaven and a hell, and who would call upon a ‘day of judgment’ to reward eternal happiness to the good and eternal damnation to the wicked is the basic tenet of all of those major world religions. Such a philosophy of ethical dualism, votive volition or free will and posthumous reward and punishment constituted a real break with old unsystematic polytheistic religious traditions, set up in rituals and magic incatations to placate and please the ‘gods’ and ‘demons’.

    The Rig-Veda reflects the ancestral religions of the Aryan people of Indo-European origin, who had invaded the North of India and the Middle East from the plains of Southern Russia, beginning towards the end of the third millennium BC. The Aryan system divides numerous Aryan gods into two distinct classes in the ‘Ahuras’, concerned with the order of the universe and moral concepts such as loyalty (Mithra) and true speech (Ahura); and the ‘Daevas’, involved with more mundane matters, such as the elements and the weather, often personifying the same.

    Zoroaster redefined the ‘Ahuras’and the ‘Daevas’in a context of a conflict between ‘Good and Evil’. He subsumed all that was ‘Good’ in Ahura Mazda and his ‘Holy Spirit’ of Spenta Mainyu, who became the all encompassing ‘messenger’ for Ahura Mazda. The ‘Lord of Wisdom’ had a ‘Twin-Brother’ in Angra Mainyu who became the ‘Lord of the Lie’. Ahura Mazda ruled the light by his ‘fire’ and Angra Mainyu ruled the darkness by the fire’s absence. Ahura Mazda and Spenta Mainyu have six assistants in the ‘Bounteous Immortals’ or the ‘Amesha Spentas’.

    Zoroaster’s cosmology is recorded in the ‘Avesta’, comprised of the ‘Gathas’, which are psalms, describing the revelations of Ahura Mazda to Zoroaster; and the ‘Seven Chapters’, a liturgy composed in a dialect called Avestan, written after Zoroaster’s death about 550 BC and inclusive of editorial commentary. Some parts of the Avestan dialect have not yet been academically deciphered and little is known about Zoroaster’s autobiography; the earliest major scholarly contribution being made by the French orientalist Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Dupperon, who translated the sanskrit-similar Avestan in the 18th century. Tradition holds that the Avesta was inscribed in golden ink on 12,000 oxides and deposited in the royal library near Persepolis in Egypt, where it was destroyed in the burning of the Achaemenid capital city in 330 BC by Alexander the Great.

    The Ahura of the ‘Seven Chapters’ have wives in the ‘Ahuranis’, mirroring the ‘Varunanis’as the wives of Varuna, the custodian of ‘Rta’or Truth in the Rig-Veda. The Gathas and the ‘Seven Chapters’ form the Yasna and a later addition is the Vendidad, composed after the Greek conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC. The Venidad is similar to the Old Testament Book of Leviticus; reflecting customs and rituals attributed by the Greek historian Herodotus to the Magi; a priestly caste of Median origin and including the exposure of corpses, protection of dogs and the wanton slaughter of crawling animals and incest.

    As members of a hereditary priesthood; (as are the Levites in Judaism); the Magi’s eventual administration of Zoroastrianism led to the erosion of the prophet’s monotheistic visions. After the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great had annexed the New Babylonian or Chaldean Empire in 539 BC, coinciding with the release of the Israelite captives in Cyrus’ decree; Darius I fully embraced the tenets of Zoroaster and made it the official state religion under the Achaemenid kings – and a Hebrew advisor at the court of Darius the Great was the prophet Daniel.

    By about 441 BC, Antaxerxes I, the successor of Darius’ son Xerxes, reorganised the Persian calendar, renaming the months of the year in labels for the older gods and names which had become purged previously in the tenets of Zoroaster. Zoroastrianism became a hybrid religion under the Achaemenid kings Darius II, Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes III and Darius III until the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great in 330 BC.

    The most prominent, and more worldly oriented god, and slowly displacing Ahura Mazda was the god Mithra, symbolised in the ritual slaying of a bull, representing the old ‘Age of Taurus’ being renewed in the new ‘Age of Fire’ and symbolised by Aries the Ram. The Magi were adept astrologers and using esoteric symbolism and ritual; they just like the Israelites in the wilderness of Sinai before them, replaced the mental devotion to an abstract deity by physical and customary ‘blood sacrifices’ to appease more tangible deities in the form of the elemental energies.

    After the Jews became exposed to the concept of Angra Mainyu in their Babylonian Captivity from 587 BC to 539 BC; Satan, who before had acted as an agent for god in a role of the ‘prosecuting adversary’, (as in the Book of Job), suddenly became a ‘Shaitan’ - and a powerful figure, opposed to God.
    The ‘Dead Sea Scroll 4Q392’ correlates Genesis.1.7 with a preZoroastrian impulse, which might be said to have formed the inspiration for Zoroaster’s direct or gnostic revelation from Ahura Mazda. This notion of a ‘Double Creation’ is without parallel in 2nd temple Judaism, but matches the Zoroastrian idea that all things in the material realm possess a ‘shadow’-counterpart in the archetypical world – a sacred reality known as ‘Menog’; which is the ‘Supersymmetry’ of modern physics.

    According to Martin G. Abegg Jr; a translator of scroll 4Q392; the author of the scroll states, that God created light and darkness for himself, not just as a background for subsequent creation events. Light and darkness are simultaneously present with God, a paradox incomprehensible for the human mind; but for mankind’s benefit is that differentiation made, resulting in a doubling of all that is.

    4Q392:“[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].” - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    Genesis.1.7: “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

    Isaiah.44.7:“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

    And so do we find the convergence of the ancient origins of the world religions in the concepts of the archetype of the Oneness, doubling itself to create a scenario of duality, allowing the idea of opposites to manifest themselves. The Aryan invaders brought with themselves the Rig-Veda, from which the Hindu religion and Buddhism developed in the attempt to rediscover the nondualistic nature of that oneness, we now term the supersymmetry of the 11-dimensional supermembranes in the UfoQR.

    Zarathustra then began the initialisation of the ‘gnostic movement’; the idea of a direct and personal conversation with the ‘godhead’ as the archetypical memory of the Genesis within oneself. So when one feels such a devotion or ‘bhakti’ for getting to know one’s cosmogenetic inheritances, then the Path of Gnosis or ‘Insight’ opens up in the consciousness tuning into the archetypical data bank, the memory of being somehow on the other side of the firmamental divide, which is the 11th dimension in omniphysics and is the 12th heaven and the 5th hell in the gnostic mythologies.

    The Hebrews enriched their Mosaic philosophy during their stay in the Babylonian captivity in the teachings of Zoroaster and from that derived the movements of the Essenes and the Naassenes as evidenced in the ‘Dead Sea’ scrolls and the Egyptian preChristian documents of Nag Hammadi.
    As is the case in a political-militaristic society; the practicality of religious observance dominates the majority of the population, undereducated and not interested in abstract philosophical discourse. So the Hebrew splinter groups or sects attempted to preserve their ‘gnostic insights’ as personally experienced and validated revelations from the one true god and chose relative selfexile instead of conformity with an orthodoxy of the liason of the Mosaic-Levitical laws and the political agendas. The politico-religious authorities assuaged the impact of the gnostic teachings for the purpose to provide the general populace with an ordered state of affairs in their daily lives and routines. Not being of an inclination to think deeply for themselves, the majority of people did not understand that kind of state- or religion induced form of ‘mindcontrol’.

    Into that environment of powersharing between the occupying political authorities with a controlling Pharisaic- and Sadduccaic priesthood, was born a renewed ‘gnostic impulse’; first about 196 BC in the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ and then in the birth of Jesus-Yeshua near the March equinox, March 24th,6 BC (Julian). After the Jews had become independent of the Greek-Syrian or Seleucid rule in 165 BC in the Maccabean revolt, they became governed by the priestly family of the Hasmoneans or Maccabees.

    From 152 to 63 BC, Judea was independent under that rule, until the Roman general Pompey invaded Jerusalem to begin the Roman occupation in 63 BC. The Hasmonean rule was characterised in two politico-religious factions. The Sadducees supported the Hasmoneans in an orthodox interpretation of the Mosaic law as the conservative faction; and were opposed by the Pharisees, which allowed an ‘oral’ tradition of the ‘father’ to be used to interpret that Mosaic law in a more liberal fashion.

    During the reign of Alexander Jannaeus, the ‘Lion of Wrath’ from 103-76 BC, the Pharisees were accused of conspiring to overthrow Alexander in a plot with the Seleucid king Demetrius III in 88 BC. The revolt failed and a civil war between the factions of the Sadducees and the Pharisees ensued, Alexander Jannaeus taking the side of the ‘conservatives’ against the ‘liberal’ Pharisees as the predecessors for the rabbinic lineages of the future.
    This brings us to the Essenes, the ‘Sect of the Righteous Ones’ and the disinherited ‘Zadokian priests of David’.

    From the Damascus scroll:

    4Q268.Frag.1: “For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed. And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way.” -Translation by Geza Vermes.

    The datings involve the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel in Ezekiel.3.15;4.3-8 & Daniel.9.24-27 and the duration of the sojourn of the ‘Children of Israel’ in the Egyptian bondage, before deliverance by Moses in 1239 BC, coded in Exodus.12.40 and Noah’s Times, coded in Genesis.7.10-12,24; 8.3-14.

    The (in)famous and extra controversial 70-week prophecy, encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 has engaged the academician, the theologian, the rabbi and the historian and the evangelist and scriptural researcher throughout the existence and analysis of those scrolls and written records of antiquity. The 70 weeks are partitioned into a first 'jubilee' of seven weeks, followed by 62 weeks after which a 'messianic prince' is 'cut off' and a last and final week of two halfweeks. Many such commentators apply the 'ancient circle year' of 360 days or 'degrees' per a 'Great Year of Plato' of 12 months of 30 days each and as the 'Key of Ezekiel' and as encoded in numerous scriptures, such as Ezekiel.4.3-8; Daniel.12.7,11-12 and Revelation.11.2-3,11;12.6,14;13.5.

    Isaac Newton attempted to use the timeline encoded in Daniel, to determine the end of the 69 weeks of 'sevens' as the time of the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, identifying the latter as the messianic prince of the prophecy. For this purpose Isaac Newton used the historical records about the 'Kings of Persia' from the 'Fall of Babylon' to Cyrus the Great in 539 BC to the 'Fall of Persia' to Alexander the Great in 330 BC and incorporatinmg the 'decrees' of the intermediate Persian kings as named in scripture:

    Cyrus (550-530BC); Cambyses (530-522BC); Darius I (522-486BC); Xerxes (486-465BC); Artaxerxes (465-424BC); Darius II (423-404BC); Artaxerxes II (404-358BC); Artaxerxes III (358-338BC); Darius III (336-330BC).

    The 7th year of Artaxerxes in 'Ezra's Decree' so becomes stipulated to be 459-458 BC and the 20th year of Artaxerxes in 'Nehemiah's Decree' becomes assigned to be 446-445 BC. As 32 years of Artaxerxes are encoded in Nehemiah.13.6; this 32nd year for Artaxerxes I would be 434-433 BC and for Artaxerxes II it would be 373-372 BC and for a general 'offset' of 61 years between the two decrees of Artaxerxes.

    Isaac Newton used the 483 'civil years' from 459-458 BC to define the 'cut-off' of the messiah-prince as the 'baptism by John 483 years after the 'Decree of Ezra' in the Julian year -(458-457)+483=25-26 AD and to which he added the 7 years of the last week of the 70 'sevens' to arrive at the period 32-33 AD for the completion of the prophecy with a halfway point of 29-30 AD say for the death and resurrection of the messiah-prince.

    Many commentators dispute this on the grounds that the 'prophetic year' of 360 days should be used, and not a 'civil year' (either 'Julian' of 365.25 days or 'Gregorian' of 365.2425 days).

    5/360=1/72 and 5/365=1/73 so give the pentagonal division for a circle and also a precessional approximation for the 26,000 'Great Platonic Years' as 9,360,000 days (25,626.3 years Julian). Subsequently, every 72 years in the 'prophetic count' represent 71 years in the 'civil count' approximately.

    As the numbers of the day count in the day-for-a-year principle for the 70 week prophecy is 490x360=176,400 days; the 7-year period crystallizes naturally from the 'calendrical discrepancies' and in 176,400/365.25=482.96~483 'civil years', compared to the 'prophetic year'.

    Using the 'Decree of Nehemaiah' of 446-445 BC, then assigns -(445-444BC)+483=38-39 AD and a period which selfadjusts to 31-32 AD by application of the 'seven years of tribulations' as the 'last week'. The 483 'prophetic years' so translate into 476 'civil years'.

    As the Qumran scroll 4Q268 stipulates the 'Fall of Jerusalem' to Nebuchadnezzar at 587-586 BC followed by the 'jubilee' of the 49 years in the 'Edict of Cyrus' 538-537 BC; the partitioning of the 70-week prophecy into 7+62+1=70 crystallizes a intricate multi levelled superpositioning for this timeline. The difference between the three decrees from 538-537 BC to 459-458 BC to 446-445 BC describes the 'jubilee' of 49 years to which are added 79+13=92 years with an offset of say 1.2 years in the calendrical reckonings.

    The 'Edict of Cyrus' so represents a 'forerunner' or precursor of the 'tenth part' of the 490 years in the 49 years from the Babylonian Captivity to the fall of Babylon under Cyrus the Great and remain independent of the subsequent 70 week prophecy beginning at the decrees of Ezra and of Nehemiah.

    Now 390+93=483 and so the Qumran scroll defines the Edict of Nehemiah describing the nexus year for a 390 year period to become adjoined to this year of the return of the 'Children of Israel' into Judea. Because 390 'prophetic years' of 140,400 days are about 384.4 'civil years', the 483 'prophetic years' (or 476.3 civil years) from the 'Fall of Babylon' and the Edict of Cyrus stipulate the year (539-538BC)-(476.3)=63-62 BC and the 'Invasion of the Prince of Rome' in the 'General Pompey as the historical 'fulfilment' of the older 70 weeks and where Cyrus the Great archetyped the messianic-prince, say as wayshower for the latter one in Jesus of Nazareth.

    The 390 dayyears of 4Q268 also represents Ezekiel's 'Siege against Israel' and in adjoinment to the 40 dayyears of his 'Siege against Judah' become the 430 dayyears of the 'Captivity of Israel in Egypt' (Exodus.12.40). Those 430 dayyears than add a halfweek for the 62 sevens for 62x7=434=430+4 dayyears and with 434 'prophetic years' being 428 'civil years'.

    The historical timeline of the 70 weeks prophecy is intertwined with the other 'number codes' and previsits an actual 490-day period in a warping of the period from December 8th, 24/2004 to April 1st, 32/2012 and midpointed in the 'Mirror of Daniel' of August 4th, 28/2008 2300+370=1335=1335=2670 'prophetic daycount envelope'.

    August 4th, 28 AD so defines the historicity of the baptism of Jesus of Nazareth and a date, which is mapped or projected onto the warptime of the 'times of the end' in a 2670 day or 7.31 'civil year' period, which does not use the day-for-a-year key of Ezekiel. The period from December 8th, 24 AD to August 4th, 28 AD so spans 1335 days as a forwards movement in historical time, which then becomes mirrored or reflected in the backwards movement from August 4th, 28 AD to the first anniversary of the 'Resurrection' - Easter Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD.

    Isaac Newton's datings so closely approximate this scenario in counting 483 'civil years' from the 'Decree of Ezra' from 459-458 BC to 25-26 AD for a 'Beginning of the warpzone' at December 8th, 24 AD. Likewise, the supporters for the 'Decree of Nehemiah' and the 476.3 'civil year' adjustment, arrive at a date of -(445-444)+476=31-32 AD for the 'End of the warpzone' at April 1st, 32 AD. Both decrees so simply utilize the naturally present 490 prophetic years being 483 civil years adjustment from different perspectives. The 'cutting off' of the messiah-prince so becomes a 'fine tuning' or finestructure of the actual day count where a week is seven days onto the day-for-a-year key of Ezekiel.

    The 2300 dayyears of Daniel with the 370 dayyears of Noah then define 2670 dayyears for the historical timeline warped onto the 7.31 'civil year' period encompassed by all of the 'timed prophecies'. 2670 'prophetic years' are rendered as 2633 'civil years' in a 'shortening of time' by 37 years; with the 2300 dayyears calculating as approximately 2268 years Julian. These 37 years define the timeline of Jesus of Nazareth from his birth in March 6 BC to his ending the warpzone from 24-32 AD and so in say two equinoxes of spring in the Northern hemisphere.

    The 2633 'civil years' then specify a general period for the 'grand metamorphosis' of the 'old world' into a 'new world' or the 'passing away of the old heaven and earth' for a new dispensation and according to the 'Words of the World- or Cosmic Logos'.

    The 'Last Righteous' King of Israel is scripturally encoded as Josiah, who is killed in the battle of Harmageddon or Megiddo in 609 BC by the Egyptian pharaoh Necho, according to the archived sources. Then beginning the greater historical year count from Julian year -608 and gives -608+2268=1660 and -608+2633=2025 respectively. The historical period from 1660 to 2025 so spans 365 years for the 365 days for a year principle and also a general cycle of closing the alpha in the omega or the head of the beginnings becoming the tail of the ends or vice versa.

    Last 'Righteous' King: 609-608 BC-------1=Battle of the archetypical Armageddon in Megiddo Josiah-Pharaohnecho
    Siege of Nebuchadnezzar: 597-596 BC------12(+11)
    Babylonian Captivity: 587-586 BC------22(+10)
    Edict of Cyrus: 538-537 BC------71(+49)=69-70 years of Jeremiah from Josiah/Megiddo to Edict of Cyrus
    Edict of Ezra: 459-458 BC-----150(+79)=150 prophetic days of Noah's Flood/Scorpions
    Edict of Nehemiah: 446-445 BC-----163(+13)=70 years of Babylon + 93 years of the Return to rebuild the temple
    390 years of 4Q268: 203-200-197 BC-----[]=390-384 years from Babylonian captivity in Selecuid occupation
    20 years of 4Q268: 181-178-175 BC---=20-22 years of 'confusions' to Antiochus Epiphanes IV = 428 years from Megiddo as 62 'sevens'
    Half-Seven: 175-174-173-172 BC--[]=Rule of the 'Wicked Priest' Jesus-Jason in the Dead Sea Scrolls=435 years from Josiah as end of 63 'sevens'
    Last Zadokite Highpriest: 172-169-166 BC-----[]=7 Year tribulation in Maccabean revolt against Hellenisation after Jason
    Essenes: 165 BC------[]=Maccabean revolt for Hasmonean rule with Sadducee-Pharisee factions
    Qumran 4Q268: 63-62 BC-----546(+383)=Roman occupation under Pompey after Maccabean rule from 165 BC
    Warping Mirror I: 24-28-32 AD
    Agency of Jesus: 31-32 AD------476 years from the Edict of Nehemiah
    Destruction of the Temple: 70 AD-------37-38 years from the agency of the messiah-prince as the time adjustment
    Birth of a New Language: 1660 AD------Birth of the Science of Gaia, symbolised by Isaac Newton
    Warping Mirror II: 2004-2008-2012
    Rebirth of the New World: 2025 AD------Birth of the OmniScience of Gaia

    Ezra 1
    1Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying,
    2Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, The LORD God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah.
    3Who is there among you of all his people? his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

    Ezra 7
    1Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah,
    2The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub,
    3The son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth,
    4The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Bukki,
    5The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest:
    6This Ezra went up from Babylon; and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses, which the LORD God of Israel had given: and the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.
    7And there went up some of the children of Israel, and of the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nethinims, unto Jerusalem, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes the king.
    8And he came to Jerusalem in the fifth month, which wasin the seventh year of the king.

    Nehemiah 2
    1And it came to pass in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, that wine was before him: and I took up the wine, and gave it unto the king. Now I had not been beforetime sad in his presence. 2Wherefore the king said unto me, Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? this is nothing else but sorrow of heart. Then I was very sore afraid,
    3And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?
    4Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven.
    5And I said unto the king, If it please the king, and if thy servant have found favour in thy sight, that thou wouldest send me unto Judah, unto the city of my fathers' sepulchres, that I may build it.
    6And the king said unto me, (the queen also sitting by him,) For how long shall thy journey be? and when wilt thou return? So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a time.
    7Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah;

    Nehemiah 13
    1On that day they read in the book of Moses in the audience of the people; and therein was found written, that the Ammonite and the Moabite should not come into the congregation of God for ever;
    2Because they met not the children of Israel with bread and with water, but hired Balaam against them, that he should curse them: howbeit our God turned the curse into a blessing.
    3Now it came to pass, when they had heard the law, that they separated from Israel all the mixed multitude.
    4And before this, Eliashib the priest, having the oversight of the chamber of the house of our God, was allied unto Tobiah:
    5And he had prepared for him a great chamber, where aforetime they laid the meat offerings, the frankincense, and the vessels, and the tithes of the corn, the new wine, and the oil, which was commanded to be given to the Levites, and the singers, and the porters; and the offerings of the priests.
    6But in all this time was not I at Jerusalem: for in the two and thirtieth year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon came I unto the king, and after certain days obtained I leave of the king:
    7And I came to Jerusalem, and understood of the evil that Eliashib did for Tobiah, in preparing him a chamber in the courts of the house of God.

    The numbers involved are:

    When did ‘God’s people’ become unfaithful in the context of the Babylonian captivity? In 609 BC, Josiah, the last ‘righteous’ King of Israel was killed in the ‘Battle of Megiddo or Armageddon’ by Pharaohnechoh, King of Egypt, coded in 2Kings.22.2;23.25, 29-32. 70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the ‘forsaken period’ of 609-608 BC to 587-586 BC, when King Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem, to the Edict of Cyrus in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.

    Now 390 dayyears from 587-586 BC lead to the year 197-196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the yearweek of confusion (Ezekiel.3.15 & Daniel.9.27) from 174-167 BC.

    At the beginning of this 7-year period, that is in 174 BC, the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’, who was born in the year 196 BC, was ‘cut off’, coded in Daniel.9.26. The 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC ‘saw’ the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ resisting the Hellenisation of Judea, instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great.

    Judea became a province of the Seleucid Empire ruled by Antiochus-Epiphanes IV from 175 BC to 163 BC.
    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his hellenophile Zadokite-Davidic brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.

    In 172 BC, Jason was deposed as the last true Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest by lineage; his office transferring to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    In 171 BC, Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus and as coded in Daniel.9.27.
    In 169 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem.
    In 168 BC, Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his 2nd campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and accept Greek custom and religion are persecuted.
    Jewish religion was officially abolished under threat of death and the temple of Jerusalem became a shrine for the chiefgod of the Greek Olympians in Zeus.

    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end the 7-year period of the confusion and so (in symbol and as partial historical manifesto) fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel.9.24-27.

    So the ‘’Teacher of Righteousness’, as described in the ‘Dead Sea’ scrolls is the archetype or the gnostic impulse for the eternal priesthood of Melchisedec, and as manifested in the Zadokian-Davidic Priesthood, beginning with Abraham to David’s Highpriest Zadok and the lineage to Yeshua-Jesus.
    Its personification and inspiration for the empowerment of the Essenic movement was Onias III, who was ‘born’ into the role of the ‘Teacher of Righteousness’ in the year 198-196 BC, coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidean province.

    The ‘Wicked Priest’ was his brother Jesus-Jason, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived hellinisation of the covenant.

    The ‘Man of the Lie’ was Onias IV, the son of the assassinated Onias III, who emigrated to Egypt to build a ‘substitute’ temple in Leontopolis under the patronage of the Egyptian King Ptolemy Philometor (182 – 146 BC). His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only permitting a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in the Dead Sea Scrolls in 4Q266.Frag.5ii.

    The ‘House of Absalom’ is the ‘House of David’, his son Absalom rebelling against him, just as Onias IV dishonoured his father Onias III, and as coded in 1QpHab.v.9-12 and 2Samuel.13.

    Jason died in Egyptian exile:

    “Because you have plundered many nations, all the remnants of the peoples shall plunder you.....fleeing from city to city, pursued of all men, hated as a forsaker of the laws, and being had in abomination as an open enemy of his country and countrymen, he was cast out into Egypt. Thus he that had driven many out of their country perished in a strange land, retiring to the Lacedemonians, and thinking there to find succour by reason of his kindred. And he that had cast out many unburied had none to mourn for him, nor any solemn funerals at all nor sepulchre with his fathers;” and as coded in: Isaiah.14; 1QpHab.viii-ix; 2Maccabees.5.8-10.

    The remnant of the people refers to a symbolic tenth of all the Children of Israel, as coded in the Book of Revelation and incorporates the descendents of the ‘Lost Samarian Tribes of Israel’, centred about the lineages of Joseph’s Egyptian descendants in Manasseh of the present USA and in Ephraim as a ‘Company of Nations’, defined in the British Empire, as the successors of the political Kittim or Rome becoming the ‘Holy Roman Empire’, say from AD 962 to the present time.

    On a deeper level, the remnant is the quantisation of the tenth principle as the first, an old identity transforming into a new identity, as in 1+0=0+1=01=’10’ , transforming into 01bin=1dec, 10bin=2dec. There are seven principles, reflected in the seven heavens, which have an antiidentity in the seven antiheavens, upon whom the five hells are mapped.
    The seven principalities are: 1.Identity-Antiidentity; 2.Expansion-Contraction; 3.Order-Chaos; 4.Symmetry-Nonparity; 5.Infinity-Limitation; 6.Inversion-Constancy and 7.Reflection-Absorption.

    The eighth principle is Relativity and the ninth principle is Quantisation, both having no antiprinciple. The tenth principle is a New DoubleIdentity, transforming the Anti-state of the first principle under utility of the other eight principles. The eighth principle is coded as:

    “And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition,” in Revelation.17.11; the ‘ten horns of the beast’ symbolising the ten principles there also, say in Revelation.17.12-14.

    There are more number codes in the prophetic sections of the biblical scrolls, interwoven in the dates given in Noah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the Book of Revelation. The key is to superpose the greater historical cycle upon its quantisation in the individual transformation or ‘redemptive selfdeliverance’ in unison with the ‘gnostic insight’ as exemplified by Abraham Melchisedec and his Davidic-messianic lineages. Zoroaster was a ‘gnosis-commissioned’ Zadokian priest, as was the Buddha and as was the prophet Mohammed. The Buddha’s gnosis was the realisation that the real duality was also a real nonduality, emanating from himself; he selfrealised to a profound degree, but could not transcend the material nonduality because in a sense he denied its existence – the ‘Maya’ is as real as the illusion of the absolute reality and vice versa. Because he was close, his followers elevated him into his true status of ‘The Christ’ after his bodily demise. Zoroaster’s gnosis became the forerunner for the complete truth or ‘Asha’, in revealing, that the duality is the appearance of the nonduality as a doubled creation, but for the higher purpose to bring two estranged parties together again.

    GOD and DOG or Husband and Wife or the two Y-chromosomes of a ‘wayward brotherhood’, all become eventually archetyped in the Yang and the Yin or the Ahura Mazda-Angra Mainyu duality, being the Head and Tail of the same coin in actual factuality. It would be the gnostic commission of Jesus-Yeshua to manifest the complete gnosis in the actual transformation of hisher material form into the transcended supersymmetry of the RadiationMass. The omniscientific process of blending matter with light, became coded in concepts of ‘The Transfiguration’ and ‘The Resurrection’. Heshe was able to do this, because heshe was a heshe and not a mortal he or she, also known as a 'Dragon of Antiquity' or an 'Elder from the Stars' in an 'Office of Melchisedec, the 'Plumed Serpent' of Kukulkan, Gugamatz, Quetzacoatl or the Rattlesnake of the Ourobos of the Behemothian Leviathan of the Mazzaroth or Milky Way or Zodiac and as encoded in the supposed 'oldest book' of the bible in the 'Story of Job'.
  8. admin

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    • Post n°261

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:40 am
    The Galactic Starhuman Family Revealed

    The Dragon as a Old Human Timetraveller and as witnessed by Bob Dean.
    The Purpose of the Old Human and Old Gaia as a library for the New Human and the New Gaia and the Reason as to why the future is required to 'Eat' its own past to manifest in the synergy between the lower dimensions and the higher dimensions as the 'Extraterrestrial Life'.

    A Thuban present for the March Equinox 2012 mirroring the Sendai Tsunami as the Chalice of Nephthys as the Home of the Elements of Isis in the function of Kali:
    "The Air of the Radioactivity with the Nuclear Fire of the Reactors with the Tsunami of the Water of the Ocean and the Earth of the Land of Nippon."

    Message to the dragons:
    Listen carefully to the descriptions of Bob Dean in regards to communication, the 'Akashic Records' as 'Halls of Remembrances', and the optical energy expression and physical healing modus operandi.
    Also relate the absence of food consummation and the absence of physical merkabah deterioration in the 'elderness'.
    The 'absence' of children relates to the 'reeducation' of the old human 'young' ambassadors, which shall serve as the bridge to the Old World and in partnership with particular 'old' ambassadors on Old Gaia to the New World.
    The liason between grandchildren and grandparents shall circumpass the (otherwise interested and 'making a living') middle generation following contact in the dispensation of the World Logos.

    The 40 minute marker defines the present nexus in the timeline of the human metamorphosis into its starhuman successor magnificently.

    M31 aka Andromeda, 'Bride of every New Adam aka Perseus' aka the 'Milky Way' and mirrored in the year of the World Logos 31AD and as shared and decoded in the previous messages.
    Every Galaxy 'out there' is holofractalised as a neuron in the Old Human merkabah - literally.
    Quetzacoatl aka the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent of Eden', shall return on December 21st, 2012 as stated by Bob Dean at the 48 minute time marker. This of course represents the 'Second Coming' of the World Logos in the Manyness from its own Uniqueness as a Cosmic Twin.

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  9. admin

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    • Post n°262

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:08 am


    Could it be that there are souls who incarnated to help during this time of transition from other much higher dimensions and therefore, are exempt from what you are describing? We read of clones. Do they have souls or are they soulless? What about the various spiritual masters or even the Buddha? What of Christ who transfigured? Basically I see this as a time of transformation of something other then reptilian. I do understand that this is also a time of major transformation of reptilian, yet from what I've read they are still wedded to the physical form. They view this transformation as what? I see this period of transformation differently.

    I was offered an opportunity by ET to have my consciousness go into a new physical body. Most likely a clone of some type. I turned this offer down because my understanding of transfiguration goes way beyond the physical form. Transfiguration is having control over the physical to where molecules and matter can be altered to go anywhere, into any dimension and travel the multi-verse. Why would one choose to be limited in the physical form when they can have it all? Furthermore, the whole concept of sex is over-rated. It's not that sex isn't wonderful. It is that there are other transcendental experiences that leave sex in the dust. Meaning when ones conscious awareness is embraced within the experience of singularity one knows what it is to be whole. Sex is the physical expression of the experience of wholeness where the creative process takes place and a new being is channeled into existence. One can experience a physical moment of singularity during orgasm which can be mistaken for the actual conscious experience of singularity at a spiritual level.

    Transfiguration goes beyond matter. It is where matter becomes waves and can vibrate at any frequency that intention chooses to create. One is a sovereign being of light and yet a part of the whole as understanding and awareness are expanded to include all of what is.

    I do agree that we are headed back to the days where the Nephilohim will once again walk the earth. And the following is something that has great personal meaning to me as it is something I studied for years and worked at doing with respect to following the spiritual path in order to seek liberation from the wheel of karma.

    I also studied the Vedas 35 years ago and often felt very connected to these teaching since my twenties.

    The experience of ‘Samsara’ or continual existential personal dramas so unfolds in the unenlightened or unknowledgeable individual self. Through the proper knowledge of Vedanta, the individual self can self-realise itself and overcome the ‘Maya’ of the illusion of the phenomenal material world in its ‘Moksha’, the release from the ‘Karma’, and ‘Samsara’and is then able to reach its ‘Nirvana’ in ending its ‘Avidya’ of the cycles of the rebirth and the reincarnation.

    Let us say an individual has accomplished this. How do you think this would manifest in 3rd dimensional world? Or instead, would it manifest itself in another spiritual dimension altogether, sans physical form? Where does the dragon exist then? Or does it exist at all? How can a physical form exist in dimensions where matter does not exist?

    The Bhagavad-Gita describes three paths to self-realisation and attempts to reconcile the two forms of Hinduism ; the ‘Way of the World’ and the ‘Way of the Upanishads’. To the Path of Karmic Good Works and the Path of Knowledge and ‘Jnana’or the meditation on the godhead, is added the Path of Devotion or ‘Bhakti’. In this passionate devotion, all the polytheistic Vedic deities with attributes or ‘Saguna’are subsumed in the godhead with no attributes or ‘Nirguna’ as the monism of the Vedanta.

    Couldn't one also argue that by holding intentional focus on the godhead that this practice assists in the raising of ones own vibrational frequency where the experience of singularity occurs and dualism enfolds upon itself and therefore is non-existent?

    The Buddah’s teaching differs mainly in the refusal to accept the existence of an individual ‘soul’. The ‘Atman’ is replaced by the ‘Anatman’, the nonpermanence of the ‘soul’ being made up of five aggregates in the material body, the feeling body, the perceptive body, the karmic body and the consciousness of the body. The four noble truths of life are: Suffering; Ignorance about the true nature of reality, causing this suffering; Attachements to the illusionary appearance of reality and the 'Eightfold Path of Enlightenment', which leads to an end of the suffering in the attainment of Nirvana, thought of as a state of one’s consciousness incapable of description. The Eightfold Path is the cornerstone for the Buddhistic faith in its morality, wisdom and concentration or ‘Samadhi’ and engages the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’.

    Another form of meditation is to focus on non-attachement while engaging "the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’." Basically, by following the path one unwinds karma via living through the karma one brings to the current life and via meditation where karma is unwound on the spiritual planes. When a karma event unfolds one is to focus on the mantra so as to let go of any entanglements or creation of new karma. However, swinging the focus over to Christianity one learns that karma can be erased via grace. This can also occur when an enlightened being such as a spiritual Master takes on the karma of their student and undergoes it on the behalf of the being they are working with. Basically one is to live one's live in an altered state of meditation. One is to be in a state of non-attachment when out in the world performing normal day-to-day activities. There are people who can do this on a regular basis - many are practitioners of Sant Mat.

    The goal is to go beyond duality in conscious awareness and become one (singularity) with the god-head. One must move beyond polarity (good or bad) in order to grow in spiritual awareness and get off the karmic wheel of death and rebirth.

    I guess I just don't understand why one would wish to stay in the physical form given how it is subject to disease, pain, suffering via emotions and eventual death (even it it lives to be 900 years old). The point being a goal of transfiguration is far more appealing then being trapped in a physical form or even having ones consciousness transferred from one clone to another. Why bother if there is something better in the offing with respect to the spiritual evolution of human consciousness? This is what I think the message Christ left behind. Anyone who has experienced Christ's embrace in the spiritual realm would know it doesn't get any better then that.

    Tony Blue, you tend to download tons of text to illustrate your point of view. Where is the person - you yourself in all of this?

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°263

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. devakas on Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:45 am

    You may not see it, Carol, but I just bowed to you :)

    719788. 14134.


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    • Post n°264

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Mon Mar 19, 2012 3:14 pm

    As I bow to you devakas.

    In my early twenties I happened upon Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East ( ) which left a profound impression on me. The questions these books raised for me is the "What if this is true?" And subsequently spent years researching this which has helped broaden my world-view perspective to see that all things are possible even if we don't know the how of it in present time.


    In Taoist Alchemy, there is even classification of immortals, according to the levels of attainment:

    - Human Immortals remain human, but though they eat, drink and dress like people, they can avoid the calamities of aging, sickness and death

    - Earth Immortals remain on the earth, but they are not affected by cold or heat, hunger or thirst. Though they cannot project their spirits, they can avoid the bother of food, clothing and shelter

    - Spiritual Immortals are capable of supernatural powers and transformations; coming and going at will; they can shed the physical shell to attain an ethereal independence. They can dissolve into energy or solidify into form.

    - Celestial Immortals go even further in their work. They go beyond our human world to another world that cannot be imagined by human intellect.

    Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East describes lives and provides teachings from what would in Taoist Alchemy be called Spiritual and Celestial Immortals.

    Supernatural powers emerge spontaneously at certain stages of spiritual development, as a result of one's merging with the "All", with the Infinite, with God, with Tao.

    Any person who has even meditated for any extended period of time would of necessity become aware of the spontaneous emergence of certain "powers".

    It is only natural that as one meditates upon the Infinite Life, as one holds in his awareness the Infinite Life, that one becomes filled with more Life.

    It is only natural that as one hold in his awareness that which is Infinite and Eternal, free of all limitations that the limitations would begin to fall off out of his own life.

    It is only natural that as ones consciousness is filled with spiritual thoughts, spiritual energy begins to saturate his mind, emotions and body, spiritualizing the body in the process, re-arranging one's neurology and enabling the individual to do easily what he wasn't able to do before.

    There is nothing unspiritual about using one's legs to walk, why would it be unspiritual using one's higher ability to teleport.

    When ordinary people work at jobs using their intellectual abilities, it is no more or less spiritual then doing physical labor. So why would manifesting supply directly of the universal substance be unspiritual? Energy follows thought. All that these masters are doing is using their thoughts in a constructive way.

    After all, the life on spiritual path becomes easier and lighter, as one progresses along.

    People in Life and Teachings do not use their powers to boost their egos, but when the use of these abilities is necessary. They use their powers responsibly.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  10. admin

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    • Post n°265

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:56 pm
    Carol wrote:​


    Could it be that there are souls who incarnated to help during this time of transition from other much higher dimensions and therefore, are exempt from what you are describing? We read of clones. Do they have souls or are they soulless? What about the various spiritual masters or even the Buddha? What of Christ who transfigured? Basically I see this as a time of transformation of something other then reptilian. I do understand that this is also a time of major transformation of reptilian, yet from what I've read they are still wedded to the physical form. They view this transformation as what? I see this period of transformation differently.

    Dear Carol!

    There are no exemptions, as all 'souls' are shards of the one creator and of equal value in the tapestry of the cosmic life's tapestry hanging in the 'Hall of Records' in the Alexandrian Library on Akbar Ra the homeplanet of thye Dragons in the 12th omnispace dimension. All pieces or shards of the 'jigsaw puzzle' are required to 'colour' the kaleidoscope of this record of the creator of the creators in an asymptotic expansion of the universal seed in infinite linear time which is the cycletime of the eternal now in its finitum.
    The concept of 'clones' is vastly misunderstood by the human minds. The physical cloning of bodyforms, using the derived DNA is certainly possible in the lower dimensions, the infusion of those 'cloned merkabahs' with consciousness remains however part of the aforesaid uniquness of the 'creator shards' and so is a function of the higher dimensional 'induction' of the electromagnetomonopolic parameters defining the 'cosmic life'.
    The Cosmic Christ is the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent', also known under many other labels and is unique in the Oneness of the 'World Logos', but is shared in the manyness of the availability of the Manyness through the 'Office' and the subsequent equally mistranslated 'Sacrament of the Eucharist'.
    The Buddha and many of your 'ascended masters', all can be described as agencies or as ambassadors of this 'Office of the Melchisedec' in partial expression of the World Logos.

    Subsequently, much of your discourse and statements derive from your individual filtering of what this 'World Logos' as the Source of the 'Office' might be or represent or what it might 'feel like'.
    Your personality profile filters or sieves the information you encounter and accepts and rejects data in accordance with your belief system.
    I am aware of your inner fears and mistranslations and your formed allegiances to certain material you read, accepted and absorbed as your persoanl worldview.
    In many aspects, I would term your beliefs as NABS and as yet rather far removed from a deeper and more thorough understanding of the unfiltered essence of your soul and cosmic beingness. I am saying this not to offend you, but your duality in regards to your database and beliefs remains strongly rooted in the dualism and the dichotomies which were required to birth the physical universe you find yourself residing in.As you have discerned appropriately, this time is a time of transformations and this selfsame duality has reached its 'use by date'. This especially refers to the magnanimous misperceptions and mistranslations with respect to dragons and reptilians and the belief, apparently shared by you in the 'supernatural'.
    But as I said elsewhere: To each their own and 'One believes what one chooses to believe!' and the motto: "Live and let live!" is especially appropriate at these times of the 'changing of the guard'.

    I have shared much detail, which explains and illuminates the intersection between the so called physicality and the metaphysical realities in my 'voluminous' and 'too long to read' posts here and it is not my problem if the seekers consider the information 'impenetrable' or 'copy and paste plagiarisms' or whatever.

    Your emphasis on the 'ascended masters' and their gurus and teachers and the 'eastern philosophies' indicated below are part of your personality and your vehicle of self expression as a 'shard of the creator'. But what makes you believe that whatever 'data source' you refer to, is better or more informed than 'my source'?
    Perhaps I am not here to project and share 'my personal point of view', but to fulfil a 'Office of the World Logos' and just as a messenger? And then it would be the 'view of the cosmic author' and not a 'personality' contest of who has the better or more potent 'information source'.

    I was offered an opportunity by ET to have my consciousness go into a new physical body. Most likely a clone of some type. I turned this offer down because my understanding of transfiguration goes way beyond the physical form. Transfiguration is having control over the physical to where molecules and matter can be altered to go anywhere, into any dimension and travel the multi-verse. Why would one choose to be limited in the physical form when they can have it all? Furthermore, the whole concept of sex is over-rated. It's not that sex isn't wonderful. It is that there are other transcendental experiences that leave sex in the dust. Meaning when ones conscious awareness is embraced within the experience of singularity one knows what it is to be whole. Sex is the physical expression of the experience of wholeness where the creative process takes place and a new being is channeled into existence. One can experience a physical moment of singularity during orgasm which can be mistaken for the actual conscious experience of singularity at a spiritual level.

    The above describes your belief system of what 'transfiguration' represents in the language of atomic physics and blended with the 'eastern, often dogmatic philosophies'.
    To engage in such a synthesis you require background understanding about the terms you are inferring. Do you know what an electron is and how the atom manifests in its kernel-ring structure of the conjugate charge polarities? Then you need to define what an electric- and a magnetic charge is and so on and on. Only once you understand the depth of the 'base units' you are implying in your personal cosmology, can you hope to define such a term as 'transfiguration'. Many of the 'gurus' and 'ascended masters' are rather high on rhetroric and generalities, but seem short on actual detail of what they are 'talking about' in their 'philosophies' of the 'right ways' and the 'wrong ways'. This applies to all 'experts' and includes the 'Alchemists', the 'Satanists', the 'Capitalists' and the 'Communists', the '...ists' and not just the 'Nirvanists'.
    Likewise your perceptions of what the sexuality of the cosmos represents is part of 'Carol's Cosmology' and you, as every other 'shard of the creator' are free to take your 'mental creation' whereever it might lead you to.

    Transfiguration goes beyond matter. It is where matter becomes waves and can vibrate at any frequency that intention chooses to create. One is a sovereign being of light and yet a part of the whole as understanding and awareness are expanded to include all of what is.

    There would be numerous messages on MOA, which address these questions in a much more detailed and definitive manner than the general terms you have used in the above quote.

    I do agree that we are headed back to the days where the Nephilohim will once again walk the earth. And the following is something that has great personal meaning to me as it is something I studied for years and worked at doing with respect to following the spiritual path in order to seek liberation from the wheel of karma.

    Every 'shard of the creator' is soul-linked to a Nephilohim and every such 'piece of the whole' represents a fourtiered closure of a three-tiered linear genetic expression encapsulated in the Reptilian Brainstem, the Mammalian Midbrain, the Human Cortex and the Dragon Topbrain.

    I also studied the Vedas 35 years ago and often felt very connected to these teaching since my twenties.

    The experience of ‘Samsara’ or continual existential personal dramas so unfolds in the unenlightened or unknowledgeable individual self. Through the proper knowledge of Vedanta, the individual self can self-realise itself and overcome the ‘Maya’ of the illusion of the phenomenal material world in its ‘Moksha’, the release from the ‘Karma’, and ‘Samsara’and is then able to reach its ‘Nirvana’ in ending its ‘Avidya’ of the cycles of the rebirth and the reincarnation.

    Let us say an individual has accomplished this. How do you think this would manifest in 3rd dimensional world? Or instead, would it manifest itself in another spiritual dimension altogether, sans physical form? Where does the dragon exist then? Or does it exist at all? How can a physical form exist in dimensions where matter does not exist?​

    Yes, the 3D world forms the seed for the omniverse. Without the physical creation, including the 3D sexuality, no advancement of the universal seed, termed Protoverse into its next form of expression as a Multiverse within the encompassing Omniverse would be possible.
    So no, sans the physical form is and always will be a non sequiteur in the agendas of the creator of the creators.

    However, the 'Carol Cosmology' forms a subset of the omniverse, and so the 'Carol nirvanistic universe' can engage in its nonphysical self expressions and its desireless and sexless magnificence as long as its Carol Creator chooses to do so.

    The Bhagavad-Gita describes three paths to self-realisation and attempts to reconcile the two forms of Hinduism ; the ‘Way of the World’ and the ‘Way of the Upanishads’. To the Path of Karmic Good Works and the Path of Knowledge and ‘Jnana’or the meditation on the godhead, is added the Path of Devotion or ‘Bhakti’. In this passionate devotion, all the polytheistic Vedic deities with attributes or ‘Saguna’are subsumed in the godhead with no attributes or ‘Nirguna’ as the monism of the Vedanta.

    Couldn't one also argue that by holding intentional focus on the godhead that this practice assists in the raising of ones own vibrational frequency where the experience of singularity occurs and dualism enfolds upon itself and therefore is non-existent?

    Here once again you engage in generalities, without defining or specifying your terms of your mental constructions.
    It is easy to say that one 'raises ones vibrational frequencies' and that this might have something to do with a 'singularity' negating its potential self-duality. It is much harder to quantify and to qualify what one means with such a statement and how this is manifested in the spacetime matrix one finds oneself embedded in.
    If you would have perused some of my messages in more than peripheral depth and analysis, you would have found the answers to your query here at many places in the discourses.

    The dualism is inherent in the spacetime matrix of all space and all time in the form of the modular duality of the 11-dimensional superbranes, which in praxis are simple 2-dimensional manifolds or surfaces in its root-reduced form of the 3D physical or densified protoverse.
    This modular duality then allows the 'outside' of the spacetime matrix and as the 12th dimension to interact or communicate with the 'inside' as a 10-dimensional asymptotic universe and where the timearrow remains unidirectional. As the 11th dimension of the brane surfaces becomes the asymptotic mirror, this timearrow reflects in the 12th dimension and so allows the communication bridge or 'time-gate' between the physically restricted 10D cosmos (say in speed of light invariance) and its metaphysical image of the (say tachyonic de Broglie) 12D cosmos to proceed as a function of the Phase velocities of the inflation lightpath.
    It is this 'Inflaton-Instanton' 'Lightpath' which can then be labeled as the 'Love and Light' of the 'New Agers' and the 'New World Dreamers'.

    The Buddah’s teaching differs mainly in the refusal to accept the existence of an individual ‘soul’. The ‘Atman’ is replaced by the ‘Anatman’, the nonpermanence of the ‘soul’ being made up of five aggregates in the material body, the feeling body, the perceptive body, the karmic body and the consciousness of the body. The four noble truths of life are: Suffering; Ignorance about the true nature of reality, causing this suffering; Attachements to the illusionary appearance of reality and the 'Eightfold Path of Enlightenment', which leads to an end of the suffering in the attainment of Nirvana, thought of as a state of one’s consciousness incapable of description. The Eightfold Path is the cornerstone for the Buddhistic faith in its morality, wisdom and concentration or ‘Samadhi’ and engages the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’.

    Another form of meditation is to focus on non-attachement while engaging "the ideas of right views, action, speech, intention, effort, living, mindedness and contemplation; one’s righteous social behaviour or ‘Dharma’." Basically, by following the path one unwinds karma via living through the karma one brings to the current life and via meditation where karma is unwound on the spiritual planes. When a karma event unfolds one is to focus on the mantra so as to let go of any entanglements or creation of new karma. However, swinging the focus over to Christianity one learns that karma can be erased via grace. This can also occur when an enlightened being such as a spiritual Master takes on the karma of their student and undergoes it on the behalf of the being they are working with. Basically one is to live one's live in an altered state of meditation. One is to be in a state of non-attachment when out in the world performing normal day-to-day activities. There are people who can do this on a regular basis - many are practitioners of Sant Mat.

    The goal is to go beyond duality in conscious awareness and become one (singularity) with the god-head. One must move beyond polarity (good or bad) in order to grow in spiritual awareness and get off the karmic wheel of death and rebirth.

    Yes the 'goal' and the masterplan of the creator of the creators is to 'Double' itself and so its own Creation as to 'undo' the original necessity of the hitherto inbred duality of the creation; based on charge conjugation, sexual polarities and the mirror symmetries of the 4-dimensional spacetime matrix.
    Carol, you can find the 'getting off' the wheel of death and rebirth very easily in the 'scrolls and codes of the World Logos' and then you shall be able to revisit your mental accentuations on the karma and the dogmas of the eastern philosophies. The latter were created to complement the rigidities and the dogmas of the western philosophies but were never intended to replace them as so many NABS artists have chosen to do in these 'latter days'. Corrollarily, all 'philosophies' are designed to be complimentary and supportive of each other and not result in the wars and quarrelings of their adherents, followers and zealots, often applying imperfect and partial translations and interpretations of their own 'source books'.

    I guess I just don't understand why one would wish to stay in the physical form given how it is subject to disease, pain, suffering via emotions and eventual death (even it it lives to be 900 years old). The point being a goal of transfiguration is far more appealing then being trapped in a physical form or even having ones consciousness transferred from one clone to another. Why bother if there is something better in the offing with respect to the spiritual evolution of human consciousness? This is what I think the message Christ left behind. Anyone who has experienced Christ's embrace in the spiritual realm would know it doesn't get any better then that.

    You dont understand why the universe exists as a physical entity Carol. This is at the core of your search for your cosmic selfhood and your fear of your past and your experiences of sufferings, pain and abandonments.
    Here is a mastercode indicating your search and the seeking of the many:

    Gospel of Thomas (Lambdin Translation):

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    The decoding of this 'saying' refers to the original creation of the cosmic dualism, allowing however to use a 'intrinsic selfduality' to - in time - heal and rectify this original asymmetry.
    Without technical nomenclature, this also shows you that the physical universe, once created, is meant and necessitated to REMAIN as such a 'Body of the Flesh'.
    The spirit CREATED the body for the pupose of the body to RECREATE the spirit and in more detail it is the created Body by the spirit, which then will BIRTH a New Spirit from its Bodiness.
    In more technical terms this is called RadiationMass as a hybrid energy between matter (the flesh) and the spirit (electromagnetic radiation of matter independence aka monopolic in its magnetocharge definition).
    In regards to your 'christ experience' and your previous statement, that the 'dragon energy' is of lesser 'value or intensity' than your 'christ experience'; I might say and also from 'personal experience', that there is exists a kaleidoscope of 'christened energies' and 'christ vibrations' which are utilized by the 4th spacial dimensions of the 'astral', which mimick the unique source vibration of creation in proportional magnitude and as function of the 'experiencer -here you' and the 'sender', which can also, ultimately, be expressed as a part of you, say as an aspect of your 'higher self' or your 'guardian angel' or your guide or whatever.

    Tony Blue, you tend to download tons of text to illustrate your point of view. Where is the person - you yourself in all of this?

    As said in the beginning of this rather lengthy reply to you; I am not a personality in the agency and fulfilment of my 'Office'. Away from this 'office', and as most would have realised by now; I am a simple grandpa and a disabled human man on the scrapheap of this 'Old World'.
    But my 'Office' will have been 'fulfilled' by April 1st, 2012 and I shall then largely cease to interact here and elsewhere as previously stated.
    Then noone on MOA and some other venues will have to feel annoyed and bothered anymore by the 'tons of text', the TLTR and the 'impenetrable jargons' and the 'copy paste' of my own material, excepting well indicated references of course, composed and edited in the 37 years from 1975 to 2012.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015

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