Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:46 am
    Lionhawk wrote:
    You see, I am not a complete idiot with an active imagination. I have an
    ace in the hole. One that I can't argue with. The God of this Universe
    subcontracts another faction. To keep things from going totally crazy.
    There are only a handful of folks who have also seen them. I also know
    everyone of these folks. I'm not talking of the beloved Angels either. I
    call them God's Secret Service.​

    Aye we know these 'secret agents' well Shiloh pointed out over 2 years ago....

    Abraxasinas wrote:
    Of course EVERYONE on AVALON should graduate as witnesses to
    the Mount Olive archetype functioning as the wormhole and stargate for
    the Thuban information.
    There is time to achieve the necessary mental transformation of the ancient archetypes in the aspirants and of course should any such aspirant decide that this dispensation is a MORE LIKELY outcome for being REAL, then say some alternative outcome of the Armageddon-2012 archetype; then such aspirant can raise his or her superconsciousness percentage even higher in becoming a Secret Agent for the Thuban Council, such as I have been in my function of 'The Bard'.

    The requirement for this is simply to accept this dragonhood and to JUST BE a MIRROR for this Inner Knowing - reflecting this Knowing into the encountered and experienced environments.
    Your Remembrance has begun and the Logos has activated in all who read this final message from Thuban.

    The Dragon Peace of Thuban shall reign on Serpentina!
    So Be It!

    John of Patmos; author of the Revelations and Malachi, the Last Prophet for the Old Humanity!

    Mirrors of the Heart

    Written by Raven in 1985
    For Abraxasinas as Abraxasinus (Abraxas in us)

    I see a loving warmth
    Within the emerald blue
    Of your eyes.
    So much strength in it’s glow

    Tender, sensitive
    Quietly hungers
    For a reflecting mirror

    To capture it’s image.
    This gleaming fire
    Burns Intensely
    Seeks out,

    Finds and captures my heart
    For a mirror in which to shine.
    It’s flame, licks, fondles
    Teasing me

    Inviting me to warm myself
    Inside it’s belly.
    A relished kiss
    Slips it’s glistening

    Wet sinew of rapture
    My ignited mouth
    Tantalizing my own

    Wet tongue.
    This soft touch of naked expression
    Swells my heart
    Floods it

    In overflowing elation.
    My lips quiver
    To the flesh

    In flaming enchantment.
    Adrenalin thins my blood
    I shiver,

    Slide your hand
    Up my glowing face

    The hollowed temple
    With your thumb.
    With your smile, so understanding

    Wipe away
    The unwanted tear
    Stranded in
    The corner of my eye.

    Kissing each knuckle
    So lightly,
    Treating them as if they were glass

    Let your touch
    Completely through my spine.
    Precious are these feelings

    To me
    They are rarely felt.
    For I used to sit and watch
    The half moon shine

    Embracing the cold pale light
    Swollowing every tear
    Muffling my hearts whimper

    Allowing the mirrors
    To collect
    The heavy, numbing dust
    Not caring to clean it off.

    Simple words cannot thank you
    For showing me how to reflect

    As I sigh from relief
    I hum these words
    “I love you”
    “I love you”

    And with them sung
    I give to you
    The mirrors of my heart.


    GOT (Lambdin translation)

    {7} Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    {8} And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."

    {9} Jesus said, "Now the sower went out, took a handful (of seeds), and scattered them. Some fell on the road; the birds came and gathered them up. Others fell on the rock, did not take root in the soil, and did not produce ears. And others fell on thorns; they choked the seed(s) and worms ate them. And others fell on the good soil and it produced good fruit: it bore sixty per measure and a hundred and twenty per measure."

    {10} Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."

    {21} Mary said to Jesus, "Whom are your disciples like?"
    He said, "They are like children who have settled in a field which is not theirs. When the owners of the field come, they will say, 'Let us have back our field.' They (will) undress in their presence in order to let them have back their field and to give it back to them. Therefore I say, if the owner of a house knows that the thief is coming, he will begin his vigil before he comes and will not let him dig through into his house of his domain to carry away his goods. You, then, be on your guard against the world. Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. Let there be among you a man of understanding. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and reaped it. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."

    {62} Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my
    mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    {84} Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"

    Raven Shaloma 543611. 157623. 543611.

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:31 am

    {62} Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my
    mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    Question: do you think, he was trying to tell us, to become WHOLE brained ???


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    • Post n°245

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. sabina on Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:19 pm

  3. admin

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    • Post n°246

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:47 pm

    Yes Squaw from the Eagle's Claw of the Purple Mocassin.

    All commentaries and treatises you might read about Jesus=74=Susan=Energy=Gospel=Clouds=Songs=Cross=... in the libraries and archives are partial indicators to the greatest cosmic reconfiguration event in all of the universe's history.
    The basic structure of the universe became reconfigured in the triggering of a temporary ripping and subsequent regluing of the spacetime matrix.
    The physical possibility or potential for this was 'proven' in the fall of 1992 at Princeton by string physicists and mathematicians Brian Greene, Paul Aspinwall and David Morrison. This then validated the idea of 'Hyperspace', say as exhibited in the populariser books of Michio Kaku (Hyperspace - Acientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the 10th Dimension).

    It is thus an 'Advanced Wave Mechanics' or 'Quantum Physics of Holofractal Entanglement' which underpins the so called 'Resurrection' of a normal man cnamed Jesus of Nazareth in the common Christian labelings.
    There is nothing 'wrong' with this name Susan and this name is encoded in your antichrist name as well, should you substitute your AN (see Lionhawk tere are deeper codes still) by 1+14=15=10+5=JE.

    So the 'normal man' in the old creation or universe of 31 AD and born from the ovum of Mary and the sperm of a Roman soldier became 'supernormal' in a new world yet to manifest following this temporary opening of the space time pixelised- or spacequantized continuum. This advanced quantum omniphysics then became called the phenomenon of the 'resurrection'.

    There are three 'factions' in the doomed old world of today and they all are Fundamentalists.

    The first are the religion fundamentalists, believing in the supernatural fantasies of symbols and archetypes mistranslated and thy more often than not become zealots for their nous and acceptance of a misinterpreted Jesus from their accepted canons, liturgy and what one might call the bible codex of Nicae.
    They 'worship' a 'false fixer prophet' Jesus indeed; though their 'faith' is true and this will help them when the new world manifests.

    The second faction are the skeptics and the materialists and including most conventional 'scientists' and rational thinkers and philosophers. They deny the existence of anything not measurable in reproducible experiments and they generally consider the notions of a 'spiritual reality' as unfeasible and irrelevant and this includes the notion of Jesus existing or not existing. However those fundamentalist of the dogma of the reductionistic conservation laws of an energy based cosmology will have far less difficulty to accept the omniphysics of the new world and the second major reconfiguration of the spacetime matrix, which defines this new world.

    The third faction are the alternatives and the 'New Age dogmatists'. And I would say, that you and most 'alternative forum contributors' fall into this category in divers proportions. You see the religion dogmatists got the 'Jesus- or Word of God Idea' basically correct, albeit they misunderstand the entire mission and cosmic significance of it in practical terms as the supernatural believers they are. But what they have fundamentally wrong, is their ideas of what the 'Father of Jesus' or 'God' might be in the schema of the greater unfoldments and evoloutions of the universal seed into its omniversal creation.
    And this 'God Idea' is what the 'New Agers' got just about spot on in their cocreative constructions.
    And this the supernaturalists find 'blasphemous' and arrogant and as the 'works of their devils'.
    But in their 'correct' interpretation of what 'God' must be, the 'New Agers' find no more need for Jesus as the Son or the 'Word of God to be the 'Only One' anymore.

    They forget about the cosmic reconfiguration event of 31 AD and think of Jesus as just another guru or wise guy or Buddha or Mohammed or divine messenger or a Saint Germain or Moses.
    They dont want to accept that the entire worlds they represent as consciousness carriers all require a 'Mustard Seed' a single seed or acorn from which the Oaken tree can grow as a shoot and then bear its own seeds for dispersion as a forest opf Oaken Trees over cosmologcal timescales in the linear sense and the cyclic Now-Moment in the looping times.

    When the new age arrives, then the 'New Agers' will have great difficulties to understand that they had made some fundamental errors in their forgetfulness.
    The so called 'Contact' is intimately related to the 'Inner Worlds' of the potential 'Multiverse Seeds', as they all require the 'Mustard Seed' to find a solid foundation for their new merkabahs or body forms.

    So then the Supernaturalists will encounter their 'Devils' and the 'New Agers' will see their rejected 'Logos' and the Skeptics will witness their own 'Purpose and raison d' etre' in their own realisation of Descartes' "Cogito Ergo Sum!'

    I shall leave it up to you to discern which of the three factions will find the entrances into the New World more easily and less painful, than the others.

    Sanicle wrote:

    Thought some of you might find this of interest. From his thread at GLP:

    The following is list of disinformation and hoaxes you have been fed over the past 40 or 50 years. You don't need to know it because it is best to keep you ignorant.

    Some you may not care about. The issue here is whether or not we have a right to know everything we want to and that we are getting the straight facts on science.

    Cold War (didn't exist)

    Fukashima (atomic weapons used)

    Kennedy (Mossad)

    Katrina (Perps)

    Apollo Space Mission to moon (total hoax, nobody went)

    Mercury (not all publicized missions went)

    Gemini (not all publicized mission went)

    Spacelab (not as advertized)

    Secret Space Program (Thousands of astronauts, Army, Navy,
    Air Force, NAZA + other teams)

    Global Warming (nonsense)

    War against drugs (Cutting in on our business)

    Osama bin Laden (killed in 2001)

    Mars Rover Opportunity (filmed at Death Valley)

    Pyramids (built by ET's)

    911 ( to fabricate hatred against Arabs/Muslims, create
    TSA, steal oil)

    TWA 800 (Shot down accidentally by US. Navy submarine)

    Arrow Air (Bomb)

    UAL 585, Colorado Springs (pilot suicide)

    USAIR 427 Pittsburgh (pilot suicide)

    AA 1524 La Guardia, (Bomb)

    Air France 447 (Manufacturing defect)

    Thresher, Scorpion (lost under California)

    WW2 Plutonium (supplied to us by Nazi's)

    Siegfried and Roy (Roy died and they substituted his

    Jesus (never lived, religious fantasy)

    Challenger (hold down clamp didn't released tore strut)

    Theory of Relativity (disproven, hoax, to lead us down
    wrong path)

    Newton's Second Law (gravity not proportional to quantity
    or density of matter, Hoax)

    Cold Fusion (Valid,workable, now in use)

    Egypt (U.S. Middle East Command post)

    Hubble (There are 2 Hubbles)

    Under earth civilization (Fact, several civilizations down there)

    AIDS (developed by U.S. Navy, Adm. R.M. Donner)

    Moon (civilization of 1.5 to 2 billion)

    Moon gravity (70% that of earths)

    Moon atmosphere (equal to 18,000 msl on earth

    40 planets in solar system (all have civilizations)

    Universe (is infinite in size)

    Big Bang (never happened)

    U.S. underground Cities (25 cities, 250,000 miles of roads, another 100,00 of railroads)

    Lockheed F-19 exists (64 were built. Most went to Navy some to Israel)

    General Bobby Bonds was killed in F-19 (not in Mig 23 as advertized)

    Apollo 1 (4 astronauts killed. Grissom, White, Chaffee and an astronaut from the secret space program who replaced Joe Shea that day.

    Last Edited by johnlear on 02/09/2012 11:20 PM


    No wonder the 'Alternative Movement' is fundamentally kaput and ineffective if disinformation peddlers like the author(s) of the above lists are actually taken seriously by whatever readership.

    The statements listed as 'hoaxes' do indeed illuminate the hoaxer and the disinformant. Perhaps 20% of other statements carry a proportional factuality, such as Osama Bin Laden's demise in 2001 and certain other 'assassinations' and personal accounts I have no data about to comment upon.
    Three basic deceptions are those of 'no Big Bang', the 'infinite universe' (any multiverse potentially infinite in asymptotic growth potential requires a finite seedling protoverse) and the antichrist statements.

    1 John 2:21-23 King James Version (KJV)
    21I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. 22Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

    1 John 4:2-4 King James Version (KJV)
    2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    New Age BS = NABS and the 'alternative movement' is unfortunately 'full of it'; as is the 'You Tube' and related 'self-publishing'
  4. admin

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    • Post n°247

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:58 pm

    So very true dear Sabina!

    You are riding the wholesome dragon indeed.


    John 2
    1And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:
    2And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.
    3And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
    4Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
    5His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.
    6And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.
    7Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.
    8And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it.
    9When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: {but the servants which drew the water knew} the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,
    10And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.
    11This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.
    12After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.
    13And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
    14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
    15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;
    16And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.
    17And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.
    18Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things?

    19Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
    20Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
    21But he spake of the temple of his body.
    22When therefore he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this unto them; and they believed the scripture, and the word which Jesus had said.

    23Now when he was in Jerusalem at the passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.
    24But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men,
    25And needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man.

    Post last edited Feb 17th 2012
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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:22 am

    III. Your Trial as a Humanity and Civilisation in Forgetfulness, Charged with Murder

    Because of this timeline then, all of YOU have become summoned to attend court to stand trial for the 'crimes' all of YOU have committed unto yourselves individually as your self-denial of being God and collectively for seeking this God, namely yourselves, outside of yourselves and then 'worshiping' or 'blaming' this God for the wonderful creativity and the many atrocities committed by humanity individually in whatever name of geniuses, artists and tyrants and as the group minded humanity of allegiances.

    But YOU will be the Presiding Judge in this trial collectively; YOU will also be functioning as your own Prosecutor collectively and as your own Defence Council collectively.

    This is the Trial of a Collective Humanity; ignorant of its own archetypology and your timeline was constructed to allow this 'Last Judgement' to not only fulfil the master timeline, but to also create and construct a new archetypology in the redefinition of the old symbolisms into a new symbolism.

    Much of this new symbolism will translate the 'now largely outdated' metaphors of millennia into an 'updated' version. This will for example translate the very rich and medieval symbols in the 'Book of Revelation in the bible into symbols appropriate for a humanity, who has evolved in linguistics and finds itself 1980 years onwards from the timesettings then used and applied.

    The 'gnostic insight' of that period has become the 'knowledge of science' of today; not in a pragmatic and dogmatic way, exemplified by the unnecessary construction of boundaries and limits by the 'guardians of the scientific methodology', still embattled mentally by the long birthing process of their 'protege' from the 'Age of religious superstitions'.
    The point is, that the 'science' of today is very knowledgeable, but lacks wisdom.
    Corollarily, the 'gnosis' of yesterday possessed great wisdom, but lacked knowledge, especially about the nature of the physical world and how this physicality is also spiritual, definable in the label of 'energy'.

    The 'scientific method' of logical thinking and deductive and inductive reasoning is the gnosis of today.
    The caveat for this 'scientific methodology' so is not found in the 'absence of proof by measurement', but in its circular reasoning of disallowing phenomena which cannot be measured.

    The physical world is comprised of cellular subsystems, might those subsystems be galaxies, starsystems, protozoa, fungi, plants, animals, people, cities, continents, molecules, atoms or subatomic agglomerations of basic quantum eigenstates.
    All measurement must utilize technological equipment made from those cellular constituents and so will always remain as interacting or interwoven or entangled with the things desired to be measured and examined and verified.

    Because the old gnostics knew this in a basic way; they rejected the physical world as being necessarily emergent from a spiritual world, which allowed the physical entanglements.
    But the quantum mechanics of today also indicate the interwovenness of all physicalised systems and so the quantum theory is also a 'Theory of the Spirit' or what is called the 'Spiritual Reality' by the many partial thought systems and paradigms which are as guideposts for the evolving paradigm of the human collective mindedness.
    It has been shown in the science agendas, just what this 'Old Spirit' must be in the terms of its update to a 'New Spirit'.

    For this reason then, YOU will find scriptural references and quotations in these proceedings.
    Many of YOU detest such typefications for many reasons including literal inconsistencies, editorial licencing, transcriptural errors and translational liberties.
    The 'Last Judgement' requires the 'opening of all the books' composed by the incarnate God-Processors however and to be a 'Last Judgement'; the old scriptural archetypes must become reevaluated to become transformable into new archetypes not associated with 'holy writ' or some similar label.

    Following the 'Trial of Humanity'; which shall begin on Sunday, August 30th, 2009 in the civil Gregorian calendar; the 'Last Judgement' will 'close' the 'Old Scriptures' and 'open' a 'New Book of Life and its Laws' for humanity, who has been 'judged' and who will then become self-enabled to graduate to the status of a collective StarHumanity with access to a galactic technology, the latter accessed from a multi-dimensional physics.

    On June 24th, 2008, the date of your 'collective treachery'; the 'image' in your mirror became a 'collective image', then challenging the latter as YOU as a 'False God relative to YOU as a 'True God'.

    This self relative 'False God' is also known as the 'false images of 'God' or as the 'Dogs without' or the nature of Satan, say as the 'court prosecutor' (exemplified by the accuser of Job in that scriptural book and also in Zechariah).
    The purpose for giving scriptural references shall become clear a little later, but is in no manner intended to be proselytative.
    References, which archetype the concept of the 'False God-Image' include:

    and the Image of this 'False God' then is known as the 'Devil' for the purpose of manifesting your masterplan.
    So just as God in NoTime has a mirror image in the Dog; Satan has a mirror image in the Devil. This distinction, namely that the Devil in scripture is not congruent with Satan, but represents its image is rather important and shall reappear later in this dispensation. (And 'Lucifer' is a 'different animal' altogether and actually defines how gravity emerged from a supersymmetric noninertial cosmogony in the quantum relativity in the preBig Bang supermembrane- or Planck-String epoch of the de Broglie Inflation).

    But the 'giveaway' is, that Satan becomes a real image and the DeviL=LiveD becomes a 'fake' image (and just like EVIL=LIVE) and only the nonexistent Devil as well as the fake image of the 'prophet' and all of your fake creations and mental perceptions will become eliminated AS fake images in the 'lake of fire'; whilst Satan will undergo a sexchange operation in the 'Cosmic Soap-Opera' all of YOU have composed in synchronicity and mutual cooperation.

    Can YOU fathom then, that all of humanity, throughout the ages and eons, has tried collectively to 'Do the Work of God', as Itself, to solve its own mysteries?
    All inventions, all languages, all artistic masterpieces and scientific works of genius, all symphonies, all poems, all prose, all movies and all books were and are written by God in the form of the ones amongst YOU, who are inclined and urged by their individuated spirits (as the collective unindividuated Spirit of God) to engage in whatever creative endeavour YOU choose to participate in and 'In the Name of God'!

    All of YOU individually, dead and alive, have tried, through and by your own life experience in the InTime to 'rescue' the loneliness of the God of Unity, who YOU all are in the NoTime.
    Perhaps, some of YOU will now remember,what the scriptural encodings really mean. Statements like: "Judge not, lest YOU be judged!"

    Because so many of YOU insist on judging others as either good or bad; or as humble or arrogant; or as sane or insane; or as whatever or whatever; this Last Judgement will now proceed.

    And the judgement here is not observation.

    A truly mentally advanced civilisation would observe what works for the collective purpose and what does not work.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour all lifeforms and the environmental vectors in whom it finds its self expression.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour its elders and their accumulated wisdoms.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not elevate its youthful teenagers nor its sporting heroes or entertainers to celebrity status to be copied as rolemodels.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not insist that the naturally biologically impulsive and hormone-driven breeders also raise their produced offspring in self-responsibility; how can children be responsible for other children, if the children are learning themselves as to discover what their lives entail?

    A truly advanced civilisation would entrust the responsibility for the raising of children to their elders, who have the patience, the maturity and the time to instill the values of their advanced civilisation into the following generations.

    A truly advanced civilisation would honour the systems of education and generalised care above individual ambitions whatever the nobel causes for the individual 'influences' could be.

    A truly advanced civilisation would insist, that all basic necessities for everyone in their civilisation, such as clothing, food and shelter would be met without 'cost' to anyone.

    A truly advanced civilisation would know, that only if those basic necessities are met; and if the 'basic mentality of the survival mode' is subdued; can the true Godgiven genius of creativity in everyone be fostered and made to appear for all to share and for all to benefit from as the collective good.

    A truly advanced civilisation would utilize mass-media and information dissemination to foster the accumulation of wisdom besides providing the knowledge and the 'news'.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not sequester and censor information in the 'belief', that many of the information receivers would be mentally unable to discern this information.

    A truly advanced civilisation would present all facts for open debate and not differentiate between the 'goodness' and the 'badness' of any of the contributors to the debate.

    A truly advanced civilisation would foster educational institutions, where the learning is relative to the individual student and where the learning is 'fun to do' and 'playful' and not dependent on some external syllabus as given by expert opinion however relevant, should this 'plan and order' not be a derivative of the inherent wisdom of the standards of the truly advanced civilisation itself.

    A truly advanced civilisation would understand the naturality of sexuality and their many and diverse expressions and the unnaturalness of suppressing such naturality.

    A truly advanced civilisation would understand the natural order of such sexual self expression and understand the sexual maturity required to 'worship and glorify' God and the Goddess in such a manner of sabbatinical reflectivity.

    A truly advanced civilisation would not allow dehumanising environments to evolve and then blame, charge, prosecute, judge and incarcerate individual Go(o)dnesses for contravening particular rules and regulations, which have been observed and shown 'countless' times not to be applicable in dehumanising environments of physical poverty, basic human survival needs and requirements.

    The Starhumanity is destined to evolve into such a truly advanced civilisation, but is presently highly underevolved in the wisdom necessary to understand the prerequisites for such a truly advanced civilisation.
    Yet the humanity is on the threshold through its technology to 'stumble' upon its Godhood and once it has done so, an initialising subgroup of the old humanity will become the pioneers to show the way for the old humanity to evolve into the new starhumanity.
    The master timeline will manifest particular physical phenomena, which being undeniable, will then crystallize the pioneers and wayshowers from the most potent rememberers amongst all of YOU.

    Then the strange obsession of idol worship, exemplified by the 'worship' of the finance concept of an underevolved civilisation like the present humanity; shall become exposed.

    The reality of the DEVIL=FINANCE=PRIDE=EARTH=52=GODGOD=... shall become widely understood and the 'Idols of the Oppression' of humanity shall be cast into the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' and be found no more in the reality of the Starhumanity in the usurption of the 'credit idol' by a 'credit system', the latter working via the concepts and principles of a truly advanced civilisation.
    YOU all already know what this 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' is and I shall remind YOU of this knowledge later on.

    All of YOU have so been summoned to attend 'court' as 'the collectively accused'; following the preparation of the charges by your Council of the Prosecution.
    YOU have been charged with murder and treason by yourself as the TrueGod in NoTime.

    This charge is in 7 different categories, relative to your 'Perception of what Reality' is.
    As the True God, YOU know, that the Reality in the NoTime, where YOU are united as One; is just as valid as the Reality in the InTime, where YOU are separated as many Individuated Ones.

    YOU then have created selfmade mental creations in a multitude of 'gods' and 'devils'; which many of YOU have now deserted and abandoned as 'figments of your imaginations' or as 'superstitions'.
    Others have gone the other way in constructing entire belief systems about and around your mental creations, which YOU then began to'worship' in place of the 'Real and True God' who is yourselves as individuated part in InTime and your totality in the NoTime.
    Therefore YOU have been accused of having deserted {Revelation.12.10} your selfmade 'gods' in disloyalty and in treachery.
    Your selfmade 'gods' have taken many forms of 'idolatry' and in either abandoning your many idols, or in 'worshipping your own mental children', the 'collective idol god' aka the 'Devil' as the image of 'Satan' has served YOU notice as to your trial and proposed imprisonment.

    {Isaiah.66.24: "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me; for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh."}

    The form of your idolatry has taken as many individual forms as there are individuated personalities - all of YOU as images of the 'True God' but not knowing this; YOU have given allegiances to mental abstractions all created in the InTime by your misunderstood ideas about yourselves.

    Many of YOU call yourselves in particular labels of associations, say in labels of the Realists, as rational thinkers and as skeptics; others as Religionists, the 'spiritual believers in the 'holy books'' and followers of the prophets, might the prophet's name be Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus or Mohammed. Also many of YOU name yourselves as secular citizens, who are above such allegiances and so prefer labels of agnostic or atheist; and yet many others amongst YOU prefer an affiliation as Spiritualists, as 'new age' adherents, proposing a 'pure form' of the spirituality without the dogmatic restrictions of some of the other classifications.

    Your accuser, the court-prosecutor Satanicus Rex, so has summoned all of YOU to appear before the judgement seat of the 'True God', which is yourself in the collective sense and also everyone of YOU in the disembodied sense in NoTime.

    Satanicus Rex accuses YOU individually and in groups of having 'forsaken' your own creations.
    YOU have abandoned your very own children in the 'gods' and the 'devils', whom YOU have individually and collectively conceived, created and born from your divine imaginations.

    John.10.34-35: 'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    1Corinthians.6.1-4: "Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to the law before the unjust, and not before the saints?Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church."

    Satanicus Rex is the collective 'Image' of the 'True God' in InTime and so rather capable to summon the god- and devil creators in the InTime as individuations. All of YOU are charged with murdering either an aspect of God or an aspect of Man in (M)entality, (E)motionality or (P)hysicality.

    This is the Charge-List of Satanicus Rex, into which all of YOU belong to in any degree of permutation and in the following classifications of interchangeable group numberings:

    Group Reality------Perception (Nat)ural State/AntiState---------------Tradition-------------God-Man Scale
    1.Gnostic...............Gnostic Reason........Spiritual/Physical.......................Adogmatic-Fundamental....[][][][][x][][]

    2.Agnostic.............Agnostic Reason.......FeelingNatural/EmoSupNat......Any........................................[][][x][][][][]

    3.Rationalistic.......Rational Reason........Rational/Intuitive.......................Any........................................[][x][][][][][]

    4.Theistic...............Theistic Reason.........EmoSupNat/FeelingNatural.....Dogmatic-Fundamental....[][][][][][][x]

    5.Arationalistic.......Intuitive Reason........Intuitive/Rational.......................Any.....................................[][][][][][x][]

    6.Astralistic............New Age Reason.......Naturally Androgynous...........Adogmatic-Fundamental.....[][][][x][][][]


    The Charges are as follows and as for the God-Man-Scale MEPOPEM:

    1. Charge against the Gnostic: Murder Degree I, for the Man-Slaughter in Physical Reality.
    2. Charge against the Agnostic: Murder Degree III, for the God-Slaughter in Physical Reality.
    3. Charge against the Rationalist: Murder Degree II, for the God-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.
    4. Charge against the Theist: Murder Degree III, for the Man-Slaughter in Mental Reality.
    5. Charge against the Intuivist: Murder Degree II, for the Man-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.
    6. Charge against the Astralist: Murder Degree IV for the GodMan-Slaughter as a OneMirror.
    7. Charge against the Atheist: Murder Degree I, for the God-Slaughter in Mental Reality.

    Satanicus Rex, your Prosecutor, carries the following fixed scriptural associations into the court room
    In the continental table of the lands and kinships; anyone of YOU becomes a global citizen or 'earthling' with many colour-skins 'living' anywhere in the planetary environments. The first classification predates the scriptural references applied elsewhere and is known as 'Egyptian mythology' linked to 'alien omni science'.


    1=Kinship of WhiteSkins of Father-Sky in a Rainbow Arcticus Cyani
    2=Kinship of BlackSkins of Mother-Earth in a Rainbow Antarcticus Magenti
    3=Kinship of GreenSkins of Elemental-Child in a Rainbow Indianus Oceanis
    4=Kinship of YellowSkins of Elemental Fire of the Lights in a Rainbow Pacificus Boreas OutSim
    5=Kinship of BrownSkins of Elemental Earth of the Lands in a Rainbow Atlanticus Eurus InSim
    6=Kinship of BlueSkins of Elemental Air of the Winds in a Rainbow Pacificus Auster InSim
    7=Kinship of RedSkins of Elemental Water of the Seas in a Rainbow Atlanticus Zephyrus OutSim

    1='The Land of my Lost Sheep and my Found Goat'=EPHESUS---{Revelation.2.1-7}
    2='The Land of my Origins in the RNA'=SMYRNA---{Revelation.2.8-17}
    3='The Land of my Grapes and Sounds in Om and Noises'=PERGAMOS---{Revelation.2.12-17}
    4='The Land of my Theatres and my Crowns'=THYATIRA---{Revelation.2.18-29}
    5='The Land of my Rising in Sadness and Hope'=SARDIS---{Revelation.3.1-6}
    6='The Land of my Oracles of Love and Poles'=PHILADELPHIA---{Revelation.3.7-13}
    7='The Land of my Loaded Dice and Lead in Coins'=LAODICEA---{Revelation.3.8-22}

    I am your witness and your defence council; because I became authorized and employed by all of YOU collectively to attend your trial and to present the case for a 'humanity in self-forgetfulness'.
    YOU have empowered me; Abraxas Anthony de Serpentinus 6616; your witness from the wilderness, to defend your charges, the idolatry of your classifications in denying either your Godness as your Goodness or your Manness and the abandonment of your children, the manmade 'gods and devils'.

    Your judge is all of YOU in InTime and any one of YOU in NoTime.

    Isaiah:45.7: "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    The 'Trial of Humanity' has been prepared since the witnessing date of June 24th, 2008 and the summons have been sent out to all of YOU on August, 30th, 2009.
    YOU are not required to attend, but it would be of benefit to YOU should YOU do so; as the 'passing of judgement' in your absence will restrict your ability to comprehend the graduation of the human archetype into its next expression of the starhumanity.

    This graduation will proceed irrespective of the Judgment any one of YOU shall pass onto yourselves individually; as the nature of this Trial and Judgement is the one applicable to the human group-identity.

    So should YOU judge yourself as 'Not Guilty' on all charges; then YOU, as the individual will not become self-enabled to partake of this 'New StarHuman SelfConsciousness' until YOU then can determine a self realitive timeframe in which YOU can accept the collective judgement and as defined by the attendees of the trial.

    All of YOU belong to one or more of the groups towards whom charges have been laid by Satanicus Rex and so all of YOU are indeed 'guilty as charged', until proven 'not guilty'.
    This mirrors the human interpretation of the lawmakers, as all of YOU already know, that any of YOU is 'not guilty' as the collective 'True God' in NoTime.
    Then in the 'Mirror of Truth'; which is also known as the 'Feather of Truth' of Thoth aka Hermes Trismegistos aka Moses aka Kukulkan aka 'Cosmic Christ' and like labellings of a particular office of the 'Feathered Serpent' Melchizedek; your 'Not Guilty' must become 'Guilty' on one of the two sides of the mirror.

    This then shows YOU that the 'Last Judgment' is necessary to 'Once and for All' destroy this 'Mirror of the Separation' (as the Sea of Glass, {Luke.16.21-26-31;Revelation.4.6;13.1;21.1} from which the Beast has risen) and a Mirror, YOU have constructed between yourselves as a Collective God of and for All and a God in many individuations. This can be shown to translate a certain archetype called 'Lazarus' and the concept of 'Rising from the Dead'.

    IV. Your Witness of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek and the Prophecies

    However, I shall honour my pledge from the NoTime to defend all of YOU against all of the charges and feel confident in applying my knowledge of authorship and construction of the scriptures and my familiarity with the 'alien agendas' to be able to greatly mitigate the real and circumstantial evidence laid against all of YOU by the Crown-Prosecutor Satanicus Rex in the light of your non-remembrances about yourselves.

    I shall continue to work on your cases and as required for your defence and prepare the documentations in this dispensation, which shall continue to be edited and updated until the day of the trial.
    Any of YOU so can follow the preparations for the 'Trial of Humanity' in these messages until the Court will begin to sit on April 1st, 2012.

    When YOU witness yourselves in your mirrors, then the images are not the same anymore relative to the nexus date given above.
    YOU can know this from the human mind-perspective only, if YOU allow yourselves to remember the 'witness agreement' you 'signed' before your conception into physical embodiment.
    Should YOU deeply ponder the perceived image in your mirrors and simultaneously reflect the optical simulations between both of your eyes; then YOU might realise that the image in your mirror is no longer YOU in spacetime, but YOU in the disincarnate selfstate of your divine individuation.

    When observing your reflections; raise your right hand in spacetime and understand, that relative to you not in spacetime, YOU are raising your left hand.

    In the terms of physical optics, this phenomena is described in a 'mirror symmetry', given in the context of a 'parity mirror' reflective of spacetime symmetry.
    The archetypical basis for this 'parity' is found however in the phenomenon of quantum spin, that is the chiral orientations of clockwise or anticlockwise rotational symmetries.
    It is this concept, which will be utilised to 'update' a particular archetypology found in the 'Book of Moses, called Genesis'.

    In other words, your divine individuation can become known to YOU in personal egocentricity since the 'witnessing date'.
    This 'little exercise' has profound implications regarding the reality of its manifestation and shall be clarified in concept in the following disclosure of details regarding the common masterplan composed by all of YOU as the Collective Humanity metamorphosing and transforming from an 'verocious' food-data-gathering 'Caterpillar of an Old Humanity', initialised so 25,624 civil years ago into a food-data-distributing 'Butterfly of a New StarHumanity', the latter being programmed by all of YOU without spacetime encumbrance and as the 'omniscient creator God' to be born within spacetime on December 21st, 2012 following a conception-gestation period from April 1st, 2012 and a subsequent 'weaning' into 2013 and a following self-expression into linear timeline eternity.

    YOU all know of this, but for a splendiferous purpose which shall become clearer in the continuation of this 'prophecy' of your own witness; all of YOU have 'agreed' to remain in partial forgetfulness until your own Story, the 'Story of Your Life', which is the 'Story of My Life', which is the 'Story of Our Life', both individually and collectively and because ME=WE; can be told to YOU as a PRESENT from the SERPENT, who is the Son Of Man as the Serpent In US in 97.

    So gather yourselves around the camp-fires and prepare to open your eyes to see and prepare yourselves to open your ears to hear.
    Your long awaited Story-Teller has arrived to give YOU all your well-deserved inheritances and your legacy from the stars.
    Remember, the Story-Teller is YOU as the collective and United God of Individuality; the 'True God' which is nought but your own Creativity; YOU all are geniuses in your particular individuations of the totality of what YOU are not in spacetime encumberment. YOU all are awaiting for your own geniality and creativity to be born from the spacetimelessness into the spacetimes of physical creation.

    Could whatever 'God' YOU can create or imagine be any less, than a 'genius God'? Must your own selfcreated 'God' as the externalisation of your own divinity (or some other label of sublime supremacy) not Be the greatest Selfimage of yourself, which YOU can Imagine at the present state of your mindfulness? Or would YOU accept your 'God' to be any less than 100% as a partial 'God'?
    YOU all are already 100% and so your externalisations of the 'inner divinity' simply mirror an incomplete creation, many of YOU term the physical universe, which is in fact 'incomplete' in its 'release' of its 'potential energy', which ultimately Is the dispersed information from the genesis.

    This spacetime encumbrement can become transformed and has already begun to be transformed precisely by and through the release of information.
    The master timeline now allows for 200 million 'Gods in Disguised humanoid form' to partially remember themselves in a 'war' between their egocentric mindful personalities and their 'divine individuations'.

    The 'Personalised Armageddons' will begin today, Sunday, August 30th, 2009 in the Gregorian civil calendar.

    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts; each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days,and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.
    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 kin (or civil Gregorian days).
    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years for the solar transit across the galactic centre.
    The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts; each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns, each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days,and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.

    It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

    The Maya obtained the longcount from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel and the Pacal Mayan royalty of 603-683 AD as its 'pharaonic representation') and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000 1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21;Revelation.11.1-2;14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 will specify April 1st, 1975 as the beginning of the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, then ending 180 days after that date on June 19-21, 2013, which is the following summer solstice in the 21-23 December, 2012 variation. The 13,600 days begin on September 27th, 1975 with an offset of 15 days as indicated in the linked references.

    The midpoint is 18.864 civil years from either end and pinpoints 6,890 days from April 1st, 1975 on February 9th 1994 as the midpoint to December 21st, 2012.

    The 'Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' is then scripturally determined within the last of the 20 katuns of 7,200 days or 19.713 civil years beginning on this April 5th, 1993 (20 civil years as 20x365+5=20X360+105=7,200+105 days and ending on April 5th, 2013.

    The Mayan Calibration then ends on December 16th, 2013 and 5 days prior to the December/winter solstice, and as the 260 Kin as the final Tzolkin round beginning April 1st, 2013.

    This shall be further detailed in the timeline agenda, but engages the 106 days of 'Noah's daycount' (in Genesis) from the sending of the Raven of the Tarrying and the Dove of Peace to the Rainbow Covenant as 56+36+14=106.

    The 'Beginning of the Age of Aquarius' and as a 'Lower Bound' so is dated to the 'transition of the Sun from Capricorn into Aquarius on January 20th, 1998 and an exit from Aquarius on February 18th, 1998 and as 3.5 years from the midpoint date to specify a 7-year period archetypically characterising the galactic synchronisation scripturally and prophetically.

    February 9th, 1994 plus 180 days of the December 21st to June 20th Solstice offset so give August 8th, 1994 as the starting date for the 'Age of Aquarius' transit in the solar-galactic alignment.

    Adding the 3.5x360=7x180=1260 days to August 8th, 1994 then give January 19th, 1998 for the Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' in calibration with the Mayan-Gregorian synchronisation with scriptural prophecy.

    The 15 day addition relates to the encoded 'hour of the beast' in the proportion 1 day/24 hours=360days/15days and the dayyears encoded in Ezekiel.
    This 'addition' then becomes 'natural' in the Gregorian calendar of 365.2425 days as compared to the Ancient calendar of 360 days in the 18 days as the differential between the two calendars (360x3.5 18=365x3.5 0.5) and the halfweek addition/subtraction of 3.5 days (see timeline agenda).

    The 'Upper Bound' for the 'Beginning of the Age of Aquarius' must so engage the solar transit from Aquarius into Pisces in a mirror image for the 'Lower Bound' situated at the midpoint of the center of February 3rd, 2005 to assign this 'Upper Bound' the civil date February 19th, 2012 and so a 14-year superposition (2x7=14 proportionalises 2x18.864=37.728) for the 'Aquarian Transit' from 1998 to 2012 and as the galactic synchronisation of the galactic center 'Hunab Ku' with the Sun 'RahSol'.

    Overall however, in the Mayan longcount September18th,1618 began this last baktun of 144,000 days. This is 25 years and 108 days or 9,239 kin before the birth of Isaac Newton on January 4th, 1643 as the onset of the 'Age of Reasoning' and science-based Enlightenment in the scientific methodology and a 'Renaissance of Rationality', say as instigated by Galileo Galilei (February 15th,1564-January 8th,1642).

    It would be this 'last' baktun or a 395-year period from 1618 to 2013, which would refine and finetune the human reasoning mind to gather enough data to 'finally' allow a full remembrance of its UnTimed collective reality in nospacetime and where 391 years from 1618 define the Year of the beginning manifestation for the 'Trial of Humanity' in 1618 391=2009.

    The human group-mind would allow the 'Image of Separation' to 'shatter' in a self-destruction of the scripturally encoded 'Sea of Glass' {Revelation.4.6;13.1;18.17-21;21.1} and in a self-fulfilment of 'all prophecy' given in the Mayan superlong count of 13x5 baktuns, beginning in the nexus point of the previous initialisation of the then 'new human' template (this is anthropologically known as the time of the Neanderthal-Cro Magnon transition of Homo Sapiens or 'Wise Man') in 23,615 BC.

    But this day count of the 65th baktun carries many other archetypical associations; such as the 'Sealing of 144,000=12x12,000' of the 200 million of YOU, which will allow yourselves to remember your own scriptwritings.

    This 'sealing in the forehead' so relates to your selfimage processing through the 'mirrors' in above description.

    This 'sealing in the forehead' so relates to your selfimage processing through the 'mirrors' in above description.
    The 144,000 individuations so will themselves become 'mirrors' for the individuations, which shall not allow to become so 'sealed' at this initial stage of the metamorphosis of humanity into its next grander self-expression.

    The 'unsealed ones' so, in the absence of the 'seal of a particular mental resonance eigenfrequency of the physical source energy aka the True God as the real image of all of YOU'; will continue to manifest a prerequisite maximum polarisation between the 'old images of the darkness' and the 'new images of the light' in the carrier function of the individuated divinities.
    The so called 'dark ones' so are the 'true warriors' for the 'light ones', as only a maximum separation between the two 'image-carriers' suffices to end all of the encoded scriptural prophecies in a 100% manifestation of the true physical godhood, which is the Life of Everything.

    The 'beast' and the 'false prophet from the earth' {Revelation.13.11} will be seen to enable the overall masterplan to climax in a grand culmination and in the transformation of an 'old human groupmind consciousness' into a 'new starhuman groupmind consciousness'.
    Iow, the skepticism in regards to this information and the rejection of its 'selfrelative truthfulness' through the polarisation will enable the planetary groupmind consciousness to apply a particular duality to that groupmind, which will transform the nature and physical reality of the planet earth itself.

    This transformation is necessity to allow intragalactic and extragalactic communications between the ubiquitously dispersed cosmic intelligence to first manifest in archetype and then to proceed in physical reality.
    This cosmic intelligence is both within and without the 'Kingdom of the Data Processors', namely all of YOU.
    Part of the universally required planetary transformation is the metamorphosis of all lifeforms, including mineralized and crystalline biophysical psychosomas; to render the old 'alienness' a new 'alieness', albeit quantum entangled by a then encompassing unity of planetary superconsciousness.

    The 'new planet earth' so will become a data transmitter for a 'reconfigured' universe and so enable the 'alien' extraterrestrial universe to 'come home'.
    This 'homecoming' of the aliens requires a planetary mirror-function to empower the utility of the holofractal nature of the 11-dimensional universe to manifest itself.
    The 'old planet earth' was deemed necessity by all extraterrestrial cosmic intelligence hitherto 'collected and unified'; to first activate as a context-serving data collector in the principality of absorption.
    In other words, the real nature and purpose of the earth was to act as a Planetary Black Hole for the benefit of the extraterrestrial cosmos. This shall become apparent in the 'science part' of this disclosure.

    Your witness is the author of scripture, especially prophetic scripture, as YOU all know in the discarnate state of being yourselves. If the totality of God resides within all of YOU; should not this totality then be able to 'bring forth' the real and true author of the 'Book of Revelation and of the 'Book of Daniel' and of 'Genesis' and of the 'Quoran' and so on?

    And should this 'bringing forth' then not circumvent the many quarrelings of so called experts about who wrote what and when and how was what edited et ceteras et ceteras?

    It is prerequisite, that all of this 'prophecy' is 'fulfilled' before the 'new earth' can manifest.
    All prophecy and most of scripture is not historical but archetypical as a manifesting architecture or blueprint.
    Most of YOU have decided not to allow yourselves to be mentally 'guided' by those archetypical encodings, exemplified by the 'bible'.

    Either YOU allow a mindful literal interpretation of the archetypology which will result in a 'war' between your rationality and your reason and your 'beliefs' regarding your own 'truths'; or YOU disallow such literal interpretation, which then leads YOU into a mindful 'quarrel' between what YOU would like to reject as 'idealistic imagery', as metaphor or allegory or as unscientific superstition and supernaturalism without grounding in your 'rational and logical' reality.

    Your witness then shall, as author of 'Revelation and Genesis'; show YOU what the archetypology implies in a translation from the untimed common realm of the unified God (whom and of whom all of YOU know, so requiring no exposition) - to the spacetimed realm of the separated individuated Godhood; which all of YOU have presently forgotten, but who some of YOU will now allow to be remembered.

    The first part of the agenda so shall describe your identities as archetypes of your splendid oneness, which has become individuated through and by those archetypes in your physicalisation in spacetime embodiments.
    The second part shall delve into your archetypical past, spanning many so called incarnated lifetimes; again as blueprinted by 'scripture' and in references to the cosmogony in the beginning of your individuations and the purpose and the reason for your being.
    The third part shall expand the cosmogony as the ontology of being into a physical cosmology, which then becomes the physical evolution of yourselves and the physical evolution of the universe as your homecoming.

    YOU all are presently self relative supreme principalities, who are instrumental of extending your interactive environments as a Planetary Sanctuary and as a Base for galactic intracommunication.
    This planetary home will become a Core-Transmitter as the Central Focus for the untimed Totality of God, (namely each one of YOU, Not In spacetime experience) to Exchange Data with yourselves In spacetime experience.

    This is R.I.P. LEY'S Game - the "Motion Picture Of Life Itself", an unified humanity writes, produces and directs for the benefit and the entertainment of itself and as encompassment for the entire universe!

    Rest In Peace Forgetfulness and Believe It or Not; the Game YOU all are playing engages the LEY-Lines of planet earth to construct a Channel of Communication, so everyone of YOU can talk to the 'True God' 'Over the Phone' in a universe YOU have designed and created as a cooperative with each other!

    In the Name of your own selves as prophets and witnesses in Moses, Zerubbabel and John Shadow.
    One of the Sons of Thunder of Boanerges- the sixth angel and the seventh angel of the apocalypse have blown their trumpets and have sounded to finish the 'Mystery of God'!

    Revelation 10
    1And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
    2And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
    3And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
    4And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
    5And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
    6And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:
    7But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
    8And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.
    9And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey.
    10And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
    11And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.



    Last edited by shiloh on Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:32 pm; edited 3 times in total
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°249

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:30 am
    Judgement Day - The Parable of a Leaf on a Twig on a Branch on a Tree

    Imagine yourself as a leaf on a twig on a branch of a living tree of life.
    Your nourishment and lifesustaining substances derive from two sources; the light from the sun from above and from the roots of the tree from below.

    Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugars via the agency of chlorophyll and the roots provide water and minerals in a biochemistry based mainly on nitrogen.
    As a leaf you are born in a bud and then you mature into a healthy green and geometric form determined in your individuated DNA.

    Yet after a short season as a luscious green leaf of the tree you begin to get old and you start to wither away, eventually falling off the twig on the branch of the tree to the ground beneath.
    After you have become all brittle, you simply fall apart as a dried up old exleaf and you become compost for the roots of the tree or the wind just scatters your ashes all over the place.

    But as a brown dessicated leaf, something, a lifeforce or 'soul' had already left the dead leaf before it fell off the twig onto the ground beneath the treetop - where has it gone?
    When you or anything physically 'dies', then your shadow-self, which is like your physical image in any mirror and which you can see and analyse in an optical sense, becomes the repository of all your memories and experiences and forms the library of everything you have
    ever thought, done or believed in.

    Your subconscious, which keeps a holographic record of everything and is personified in the electrocapacitative and the magnetoinductive elements in the monopolic lifecircuitry, subject to your 'tuning' of your selffrequency in a search for resonance; so surfaces and you become an EMMR energy field, also known as your 'soul'.

    So you find yourself rather unlimited in space and time, because the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation, which you have become as your invisible image in the mirror of spacetime is all pervasive or omnipresent; yet subject to your memory as yourself as experienced and perceived when you looked at yourself in a mirror say.
    So you have become fluid in form, but all your intelligence and knowledge about your identity are still available, should you choose to constrict yourself in that form.
    The stronger the memories and the desires to assume a more concrete form, the stronger will be the mindforce you can apply to manipulate the spacetime about your perceived environment.

    The quality of your thinking now assumes a great importance.
    Since the resonance with the source energy is the source frequency (fps), which is scripturally defined as the 'Love of God'; the closer you can approach or tune into that defining energystate of the UFoQR, the more power you will have to create and manoeuvre yourself about the place where you find yourself or where you believe yourself to be.
    Should you be able to generate a great mental desire to meet your 'loved ones', who have 'passed over', then their individuated EMMR-fields will be able to generate forms recognisable to you, subject to the amount of 'love- or sourceawareness' you can actually manifest as the 'angular acceleration of the spacequanta', which defines the 'force of your mind'.

    But you must remember, that all your 'loved ones' are potential universes in their own right and being 'passed over' into the oneness of the ocean of the omnipresent EMMR field, they automatically gain this state of unification superimposed onto each and every individuated 'soul' as subset of the encompassing EMMR-'oversoul'.

    You see, it is quite the opposite to be in disembodiment, than to be in embodiment.
    When in embodiment; the individual 'soul' is subject to the environmental pressures of the body and the mind.
    Young teenagers feel more at ease, when they can share in a 'peergroup mind', they shun individual responsibility and search for a sense of belonging and togetherness.
    Similarly, certain sporting events can generate a huge amount of groupmind activity; either in supporting a team or participator or in a form of violence and hooliganism, when the sense of the 'group' assumes rather primitive aspects of the survival instinct in a pretext of a mindset of 'us against them'.

    So there is a challenge in the embodied state to become a true individual; it is much easier to follow a preset agenda and to eschew a thinking for oneself.
    The natural state of the embodiment is to be a member of a group or race or tribe or family or elite or corporation or business or state or land or nation or planet or galaxy or what have you.
    The opposite is the case in the disembodied state of being; there the groupmind is automatic and the difference is, that that groupmind is in harmony with itself and its environs.
    There is no 'us against them', because everything and everyone's awareness is as one.

    But the great challenge in the 'passed over' state of being is to differentiate oneself from that overpowering state of unity - a 'heavenly' bliss of peace and harmony and being able to 'love' and 'feeling loved' within an energyfield 'resonating' with the 'love' of the source energy.
    After having lived a sorrowful life in embodiment; the 'soul' has come home and finds itself in its natural state of freedom and able to choose any ethereal form it so chooses for as long or short a time as it may desire to experience.

    So what is the point for the 'soul' as subset of the 'oversoul' and defined as the EMMR of the UFoQR to incarnate in embodiment in the first place and the first instance, one may ask?
    Well, you see that is a quest for the 'soul' to seek for wisdom, knowledge and understanding through experience and for the ultimate purpose to become its own source of energy, able to sustain worlds within worlds within its own energy field.
    Hence every 'soul' must learn to recognise its source in becoming aware of itself and where it comes from and where it has the potential to go to.
    And this brings us back to the dying leaf, falling from its source of sustenance, which had been the twig on the branch on the tree throughout its short life of green lushness.

    Upon physical death, the 'soul' or lifeenergy of the leaf returns exactly the same way, as it had come to energise the leaf, being born from its budding state of the defining DNA.
    And so the EMMR-'soul' of the leaf flows as a natural electricity, defined in the equation of I(fLeaf)=2NefLeaf), where N is a quantisation of the electropole (e) in 4D-linespace of embodiment, mapped as the magnetopole (e*) in 12D-omnispace of disembodiment and potentially
    realised in 13D-omnispace in a superembodiment.

    The leaf's 'soul' so passes into the twig into the branch and into the stem of the tree, which appears like a great tunnel of light for the 'soul' and leading towards a source of a magnetic light, drawing the 'soul' towards itself and the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment'.
    But the 'soul' must journey through the 'underworld', before it can enter the Hall of the Decisions, which harbours the 'Mirror of the True Selfhood'.

    The 'soul' could get 'lost' in a branch of the tree say and unable to find its way to the trunk of the tree, where the magnetic force of the sourcelight illuminates every 'soul' however 'lost' it might perceive itself to be.
    So there are markers along the way; signposts of remembrances, which the 'soul' can recognise in the form of 'loved ones', might these be people or pets or objects; all is subject to the 'force of the desire' and the intensity of emotion the soul can generate to journey with 'clear vision'.
    All objects and things have frequency equivalents and are unbounded in space or time relative to the 'souls' partitioning as subset of the encompassing EMMR field of the UFoQR.

    But all thoughts and desires, all nightmares and dreams of whatever nature will and must surface in the soul's journey through its 'underworld' of subconscious definition.
    So if a thought of 'Saint Peter at the Pearly Gate' is the expectation, that thought or desire must eventuate; as must all imaginings of 'hellish damnation'.

    Because of the fluidity of the disembodied state however, many guides and helpers of the oneness are always readily available to superimpose more energetic states of awareness, simply by being present in their state of enhanced frequencies and so able to modulate the eigenstate of a 'soul' lost in its nightmarish expectation of a torturous hell for example.
    Some 'souls' may have no expectations of the afterlife at all; and those 'souls' will encounter their being engulfed in an impenetrable fog or mistyness or any such idea of nothingness.
    Any question asked by such a 'soul' after having pondered its state of existence, will however modify its environment of the 'nothingness' and so it will be forced by its own curiosity to begin exploring its position in space and time, relative to its own perception.

    Eventually, all 'souls' will reach the stem of the tree, where the magnetic light and the sense of being 'loved' is so strong, the individual 'soul' cannot but remember its unison and origin as part of the source and will just surrender to its grand homecoming out of space and time.
    Since the sense of time and space is selfrelative for all disembodied states; a 'soul' could choose to spend 'eternity' in a 'fog of the nothingness', but it would require a mind unable to think a single thought and an inability to ask a single question about itself.

    Furthermore such a 'soul' would have to concentrate 'eternally' upon a single state of being in an absolute state of nothingness, whatever it imagines that nothingness to be.
    And because of Heisenbergian Uncertainty and the Quantum Fluctuations of the vacuum, such a position would be untenable, because the Zero-Point-Oscillation of the Source Energy is defined in the formulation (Eps=hfps/2) as the minimum state of energy in any definition of the Zero state in energy - hence even the most stubborn 'soul' will have to 'suffer' its energisation by the source energy.

    All 'souls' which have finished their journey through their individuated 'underworlds' and which have reached the trunk of the tree of life will find themselves rushing towards the magnetic sourcelight down the tunnel of the stem of the tree.
    As a 'soul' reaches one of the roots of the tree, the tunnel converges and every root ends in the singularity of the 'Mustard Seed' at the termination of each and every root the 'soul' may have chosen to travel in towards the magnetic lightsource.
    And so at the end of the tunnel, where any particular root of the tree ends the defined form of the tree of life; the 'soul' enters the 'Hall of Decisions' and sees itself positioned in front of the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment'.

    Now in the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment' the 'soul' sees a most magnificent being; it is precisely the embodiment of beauty and glory the 'soul' could or would ever have imagined.
    And the 'soul' realises that the mirror reflects the 'soul's' very own grandest idea of beauty and glory back to itself as the selfrealised being of itself.
    But the being in the mirror, one might name it the 'Higher Self' or 'Overself' of the 'soul' is no mere image of the 'soul'.

    The 'Oversoul' is as real as the 'soul' and in possesssion of all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom accumulated by the 'soul' in 19.11 billion years of experiencing consciousness as EMMR-subset of the encompassing EMMR of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity.
    And the 'Oversoul' smiles at the 'soul' and begins to talk:

    "Hello my sweet me; you have finally come back to try to answer your own questions for yourself yet again; how will you fare this time, have you found your two keys to open the two locked doors within this mirror to allow you to enter the space of the parenthood in setting us free from being separated, both of us being reflections in each other in front and within or behind this mirror?
    Have you allowed yourself to find the Key of Wisdom or the Key of Understanding?

    Or perhaps you have found both in a single lifetime; now that would be a wonderful achievement.
    You were close last time, you had the Key of Wisdom in your grasp, but you could not put it in the keyhole and then you decided to get it right the next time and that time has now come I see.
    You know that the first key is the Key of Wisdom; finding it will allow you to apply the second key of the understanding.

    The Key of Wisdom is the correct answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" and the Key of Understanding cannot be applied until you have answered the first question to your own satisfaction and as judged by yourself as myself.

    You will only allow yourself to ask the second question through myself once you have judged yourself competent enough to attempt the unlocking of the door of understanding.
    And the only clue you allowed yourself to be given through myself is that the Key of Wisdom is part of your female nature and that the Key of Understanding is part of your male nature.
    So let us recall what your answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" was the last time we met ourselves in this very location, when you said:

    "I know that I am more than what I appear to be.

    I have learned that my 'family' extends past my immediate blood relationships and that I am also part of my environment.
    So I am part of the air I breathe and part of the garden I keep.
    I tune into familiar minds with my friends and acquaintances and I share many things with the people I love and with whom I feel comfortable with.
    I am part of my children's education and the companies I keep in all my aspects of my life.
    I do try to help other people and attempt to be friendly and polite to everyone, even if I do not like particulars about them."

    You then answered yourself through me in saying:
    "When we arrived at our common acknowledgement at the beginning of space and time and when we made the covenant between ourselves, we decided that a partial wisdom and a partial understanding would be insufficient to open the locked doors; so I must inform you as myself, that your wisdom has grown in magnitude and in insight, but still remains at an undergraduate level."
    And now we are here again in the 'Hall of our decisions' and I ask myself through you:
    "WHO ARE YOU? and WHO AM I?"

    And the 'soul' answered:
    'I am all that is; I must be; because if I were not all that is, the entire creation, then there would be something in existence, which I am not and that is impossible, as all things are connected.
    Modern science has shown that everything, from the minutest photon to the largest supercluster of galaxies are quantum entangled with each other.

    So a solar system or a planet and all beings living upon it, being part of a galaxy, must be quantum connected with everything else as well; any other conclusion leads to logical selfcontradictions.

    Any system of particles, molecules, atoms or things can only exist in one of two modes of operation; the two modes are Unity in Separation or Separation in Unity.
    Unity in Separation leads to the individuated self and the egocentric personality; one perceives oneself as a 'free individual', separated from all other such 'free individuals' and one can then so very easily deceive oneself in considering a 'fake equality or egalitarianism' between people, thinking that
    every individual has only themselves to blame, if their life's journey falls upon hard times.
    Unity in Separation is the 'Devil's Way' exemplified in the saying: 'Divide and Conquer'; but since the 'Devil's Modus Operandi' is selfrelative and just as valid as the alternative it is always available to all the wisdom seekers.

    And I know, that I am my own masterdevil; only I make the choices and only I set my own agendas; but as we also know, it is only I, that must judge myself as to the portfolios and the decisions, appropriate or not, which I have made during my life's journey.

    Did I value wisdom over worldly possessions, as Solomon did?
    Did I discover the empathy and the compassion for others and the affinities, connecting me to the web of life and the oneness of the universe?

    In short, am I able to walk in another's moccassins, am I able to imagine myself to be someone else, to truly feel what they are all about on the level of their 'souls', whereby we are all one in the disembodied state?
    So my dear Beloved 'Oversoul', I am the Creation in my female essence and I am the Creator in my male essence.

    And I have chosen the 'Way of Love' in the modus operandi of the Separation in Unity I know that all is One and that I am operating as a servant of the 'Loving Way' in surrendering my 'individual freedom' to operate as a Unit of Separation for limited periods of time; choosing instead to become eternally bonded to my own loving nature and the source of all of my energy - my God.'
    And the 'Oversoul' cried in exuberance, with tears of joy flowing down its glowing cheeks:
    'Yes my darling you have found the Key of Wisdom and I am allowed to tell you now, that your sacrifice of your 'individual freedom' is no sacrifice at all, but serves an ultimate purpose in your graduation and your life as a parent in true brothersisterhood with 'our God'.

    The Goddess will individuate in you upon your graduation and you shall be freedom personified.
    God himself shall be your bridegroom and the Goddess herself your eternal bride.
    And now you are ready for the second question from yourself to yourself; but know, that there is a growing percentage of ' souls', say 0.2% at the present time, who have found their Keys of Wisdom.
    To the present time however, not one 'soul' could find the Key of Understanding.

    The second question is: "WHY ARE YOU WHAT YOU ARE AND HOW DID YOU COME TO BE?"

    The 'soul' pondered for a moment and said:
    'I do not know the full answer to that yet, but I know how to obtain the Key of Understanding, because of the nature of this question.
    I do know, that I am the creation-creator duality because on the supreme level of that partnership there is the essence of Family, our family and the idea of generational reproduction.
    So I am destined to become a generator for an individuated universe, which can then join the sisterbrotherhood of universes within the enveloping omniverse.

    To generate myself as FatherMother and as my own individuated source energy in the footsteps of my cosmic and mathematically abstract parents, I shall have to bring their abstractness alive in realising them within and without myself in my dragonomy.
    Somehow, to find the Key of Understanding, I shall have to learn in abstract terms, just what my mathematical and omniscientific archetypes are all about.
    I can attempt to do this the 'easy way' or the ' hard way'.

    If I choose to follow certain written manuals in an advanced mode of interpretation, such as 'sacred' scrolls and scriptures; then this will be the 'easy way' because of the metaphors and mythological language used in them.
    If I am inclined however to do it the 'hard way', then I shall study mathematics and the sciences to obtain my understanding necessary to answer the second question fully and not only partially, as I have done.'

    'You are very correct in you analysis', answered the 'Oversoul', you have given the appropriate reply as to why you are the creation and the creator in your sexual aspects and you have pinpointed the method of how to find the Key of Understanding.
    You must create yourself in principle my sweetheart and you must find your place in the Book of Life, which you are required to write in coauthorship with what already has been written and what you are reading.

    Once you are able to create your own Genesis, as your very own 'Naked Singularity' of abstraction, then you will be in possession of your perfectly fitting Key of Understanding.
    The next time we meet, I feel you shall be able to set us free from being images of ourselves in the two of us separated ones trying to be one in two and two in one.' "

    Tony Whynot
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Feb 17th 2012



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    • Post n°7
    empty. Re: The Secret of Humanity

    empty. Carol Today at 12:39 am

    You know shiloh, the information you bring to share we could spend hours and hours discussing. You've managed to put a whole semester college course in just a few posts.

    Let us begin by exploring the concept of individuality and forgetfulness. I must admit I very much enjoy experiencing aloneness. It's odd isn't it? How being an individual one is cut off in various ways from the collective. In fact, the experience of being a single drop of water as compared to being one with the ocean allows for appreciation of a different nature. One can be alone and not lonely, or one can be alone and lonely. Or one can just be and move into the role of the observer and watch the creative process unfold.

    Why do we forget?

    This is something I've ponder for many a moon. Do you suppose we forget because to remember is too painful? Meaning that in remembering the desire to return to source is much greater then the desire to hang out in 3-D life and deal with the multiple challenges presented to one just living an ordinary life? I've also thought about death quite a bit as well. I suppose there is that morbid curiosity of how this will happen. Not so much as to the when. I suspect the how has more to do with what type of transition one will have to endure to move out-of-body that is of concern. Of course there are considerations as to what awaits when passing onto the other side as well.

    I was once in an auto accident which jolted me OB before impact. That was an eye-opener. And of course there is something to be said for OB experiences where consciousness transcends physical form. One just realizes consciousness is not confined to the physical body.

    My most recent experience of death was being with my mom who was afraid to die for fear that the door (god's door) would not be open for her. I would have liked to have discussed many different things with her but she wasn't open for this type of exchange. Most likely due to a combination of old conditioning and just fear. So knowing on a most fundamental level of what happens there is still another level of not knowing, until the time comes - what type of transition will occur.

    I think what keeps me going is this enormous curiosity of what comes next. I realized as a child with my first near death experience it was the curiosity of how my life would turn out that intrigued me. Don't you sometimes wonder about this yourself? I mean on one level, an intellectual level we are aware that our future has already occurred. Yet in our forgetfulness, our memory of what is to be isn't always available unless perhaps in dreams or when remote viewing. I kind of enjoy the not knowing and think It would be boring if everything was completely known ahead of time. Don't you think the element of surprise or suspense is enlivening?

    For example, one Christmas I managed to find where the Christmas gifts were hidden and checked them all out. Come Christmas morning knowing what was in all of the packages ended up being a huge disappointment. The fun part of Christmas was the 'not knowing' of what the gift was. Do you suppose this element is carried over into the condition of forgetfulness? Not knowing what's going on and not knowing what to do next is where the challenge lies, is it not?

    Just trying to wrap my mind around this subject raises numerous questions where I dive deep down into my experience and attempt to make sense of life.

    Now the information you bring to the table is expansive. If I can spend hours and hours thinking about forgetfulness and the different ways it serves or hinders one - you can just imagine the treasure trove that exists in just these few posts.

    What I enjoy about what you share with us is what it triggers for me as I wade through what is being presented. Being somewhat of a nibbler it takes time to digest the many complexities put forth. Some of which I agree with and some of which I do not.

    Having thought about this subject matter for days on end I have arrived at a few simplistic conclusions. And on a completely different level there are a number of other things to consider as well.

    On a most fundamental level I'm in alignment with Beren with respect to the human spirit.

    I would ask you this. Dragon is based on a hierarchy model. Is this not so? Yet before dragon - what existed? And after dragon - what exists? If one is truly a fragment of the whole, the whole cannot consist of just dragon alone, can it?

    I must confess that the human condition is in a sad sorry state. And there are more enlightened ways to manage a civilization. Yet here we all are - witnesses as well as participants in this process of human evolution, in this journey to where or what. Both terrifying and exciting. The story is unfolding and in time we will share in it's manifestation. Meanwhile, I thank you for the opportunity to explore inwardly the mirrors and reflections of transmutation... along the path to transfiguration.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    rem3. rem4.
    rem5. rem6. rem7. rem8. rem9. rem10. rem11. rem12. rem13.

    Dear Carol in A LION CAR=CAROLINA and as a 1+50+22=73=CIRCLE+23=OH CAROL+1= OH CAROL! = OH A CAROL = A WORLD
    All is DRAGON=59 in the Image of 95=I AM THAT I AM = I AM THAT AM I = EXCALIBUR = SCORPIO = NEPTUNE = ...

    So as you could have found out in the above story about yourself; the Little Circle of the Beginnings is also the Little Serpent and the Quantum Superstring with CIRCLE=50=LION=SNAKE=ARACHNE=PAUL and many other labelings including your own name CAROL+1=49+1=A CAROL=CAROL!

    Post last edited Feb 17th 2012


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    • Post n°250

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:23 am

    "will is...the way" - susan lynne schwenger
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°251

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:34 am

    ..........................................................................................................A Thuban Dragonomy Core.............................................................................................................​

    mireille1. mireille2.

    .................. catherine_cassidy. xxxxxxxxx shiloh. xxxxxxxx catherine_cassidy. ..................


    mireille3. mireille4.

    Revelation 14

    13And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

    Tuesday, May 16th, 1922 - Saturday, November 4th, 1944 - Tuesday, June 4th, 1957 - Thursday, September 2nd, 1993 - Friday, March 24th, 1995 - Friday, December 21st, 2012

    Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 - Friday, February 24th, 2012


    Whitney Elizabeth Houston (Friday, August 9, 1963 – Saturday, February 11, 2012)
    --- 48 years and 187 days ---
    (Saturday, November 4th, 1944 - Thursday, September 2, 1993)
    17719 Days + 116 Days = 17835 Days in 116=ETERNITY=106+10=INFINITY+10=62+54=MAGDALENE+LOVE=BE QUEEN TIME

    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;

    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;

    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.

    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them

    and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!

    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.

    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.

    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;

    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?

    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.

    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.

    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?

    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.

    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.

    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'

    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.

    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}

    Toni=58=Star=Ship BaaB=Father
    Marie Antoinette
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°252

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:39 pm

    Another gem of the highest Quality:


    "Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be disturbed.
    When he is disturbed, he will be astonished and will rule over all".

    When one finds (the actual PHYSICAL presence of God within), then the heart-mind (or feeling-intellect) realisation of this as a fact, will OPEN a Channel to the Universal Logos.

    Metaphorically, the 'thinking heart' of the receiver/finder will RESONATE with that of the Cosmic Christ via a mental attunement of the so labeled 'feeling mind'.

    This 'proves' that the saying cannot be understood by the mind, unless the communication between the Individual Logos and the Christ Logos is pure in resonance.

    This process so requires the RECEPTOR MIND of the Finder to reflect the processed information back to the EMITTER MIND and EMITTER HEART of the Source through the EMITTER HEART of the Finder.

    The disturbance (in the mind) eventuates, because suddenly the switching of polarity between mind receiver and heart emitter allows the seeker/finder to be omnipresent and to suddenly appear to accomodate a multiplied personality.

    In practical terms, one is enabled to BE the environment, to BE the ant crawling on the wall or the dog one takes for a walk in the park.

    The astonishment derives from this as a consequence of becoming a hologram of the creation. The environment becomes miniaturized within the seeker/finder and so nothing exists except yourself and then of course you RULE OVER YOURSELF as the Creator-Creation of All That Is.

    This 'rulership' so is not a Lordship over anything else in existence; but in actuality defines the plan of plans of using a protoverse as a seedling universe for many universes to be born from.

    This protoverse is hierarchical in environmental nestings; say your garden graduating to your park, township, city, country, planet, starsystem, galaxy, groupgalaxy, supercluster, universe.

    The seekers/finders so become inaugurated as such multiversal seeds of the archetyped protoverse defining the Creation-Seed before the thing (Physical Godhood) is found by the seeker.


    On Sat, Feb 25, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Blake Conley <> wrote:

    Dear Mr. Bermanseder,

    I feel compelled to thank you once again for all you efforts and sacrifice in making the Thuban material available to the public.

    So far, the material I've printed out fills four 1&1/2" binders which I've been carefully reading through every day for weeks now.

    As time progresses, more and more detail comes to light and what once seemed difficult becomes clarified.

    There are so many gems in this material, a most recent example being "Post 1122" in the "PA Thuban Q & A Thread" which is simply stunning as an overview.

    It's amazing to me that this material, despite your involvement in a number of forums, remains relatively hidden. I suppose it was enough for it to be "out there" and made available to whomsoever would be led to discover it. But that makes it seem like all the more humbling a privilege to me to have found it and to have been prepared enough internally to give it enough serious consideration to attempt to metabolize the contents.

    Long ago, upon my invitation, Christ performed a sort of surgery in my heart. Afterwards, and over the years, I had such difficulties with all the nonsense and misdirection in Christendom - including many of the theological interpretations, that I began expanding my search/database to explore other traditions and philosophies, but I always felt that there were factors which Jesus had brought to bear which no other tradition was giving adequate weight to and which could not be dismissed without truncating the full-bodied human spectrum. Now in your work [supplemented by the Logic, Philosophy and Math work of D.G. Leahy] I finally feel I've been given an extremely clear picture of the greater purpose.

    I joined the Thuban Forum this last week - although i don't anticipate asking any questions there until I've gone through those binders a few times. Such conceptual wealth. I feeling I get is one of deep nourishment - like the palpable ingestion of sunlight's vital factors, imbibed after being sequestored in a cabin through a long winter.

    Thank you.

    -Blake Conley

    Thank You Blake!

    I am indeed pleased, that the Thuban material has found receptivity in your mindwave and the essence of your soul consciousness. And yes, you have discerned the nature of this information very well indeed. It is and always was intended to be freely available for deeper discernments, than peripheral perusal and analysis.
    And it shall remain to be so, until whatever circumstances alter its availability and accessibility.
    My presence in connection to the Thuban data stream is however no longer required, especially as the 'time of the prophecies and their fulfilments and completions' has now been reached.

    This is commonly understood as the Aquarius and January New Moon of January 23rd, 2012 aka the 60 year cycle of the Chinese 'Water Dragon , but also relates to many many other 'timelines' and 'cycle completions'.
    In other words and as a consequence, the human race has become bifurcated or split into two 'species', one a hybridised blueprinted starhuman form, which could be termed as a 'Extraterrestrial Synergized Morphogenesis' and the other an older standard human genotype without this 'hybridisation' of the standard human seedling genotype.
    In a more dramatic statement, I could say, that the 'Dragons' have entered the human cocoon of the metamorphosis and cosmic reconfiguration in a partial selfremembrance and also in a general recognisance of this 'split' in all human genotypes, if participatory in this initializing or pioneering bifurcation or if remaining in the older standard non-ET associated version.

    So my presence anywhere shall be rather limited from Sunday, February 26th, 2012 and a halfway point of a 10 week period spanning 10 Sundays from January 22nd, 2012 to April 1st, 2012 and the beginning of the Easter time 2012.
    I wish you well in your continuing journey Blake and thanks again, for finding value in the Thuban information.
    Here are two songs, which 'placate' the present nexus in time for all of the present human civilisation and populace.

    A Horse With No Name

    On the first part of the journey,
    I was looking at all the life.
    There were plants and birds. and rocks and things,
    There was sand and hills and rings.
    The first thing I met, was a fly with a buzz,
    And the sky, with no clouds.
    The heat was hot, and the ground was dry,
    But the air was full of sound.

    I've been through the desert on a horse with no name,
    It felt good to be out of the rain.
    In the desert you can remember your name,
    'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.
    La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la

    After two days, in the desert sun,
    My skin began to turn red.
    After three days, in the desert fun,
    I was looking at a river bed.
    And the story it told, of a river that flowed,
    Made me sad to think it was dead.

    You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name,
    It felt good to be out of the rain.
    In the desert you can remember your name,
    'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la

    After nine days, I let the horse run free,
    'Cause the desert had turned to sea.
    There were plants and birds, and rocks and things,
    There was sand and hills and rings.
    The ocean is a desert, with its life underground,
    And a perfect disguise above.
    Under the cities lies, a heart made of ground,
    But the humans will give no love.

    You see I've been through the desert on a horse with no name,
    It felt good to be out of the rain.
    In the desert you can remember your name,
    'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain.

    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La la, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la
    La, la, la la la la, la la la, la, la


    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia Age: 52 Posts: 535
    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Malletzky Hi Abrax, I've allways been fascinated by the very first words of the bible:

    1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    1:2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    1:3 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    1:4 - And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    especially the "let there be light" passage.

    I've allways knew, deep in my heart, that the meaning of this very passage is very special, but I somehow felt to "decipher' it. I'm pretty sure that, if we would be able to find out the real meaning of the "dividing the light from the dark", we would be able to find out how the creation "works".

    Thanks to your posts on this thread in the last months, I may say that there came some 'light" in my "darknes", but I'm definitely still missing the core and the deepest meaning of these passages.

    Would you be able to throw some 'light' here? May I assume that the above mentioned passages are really important? And how? Is it about creating duality and separatedness in order to understand the whole?

    Sorry if you've eventually described this here before, but I seem to have missed this one so far.

    thanks again, with much respect

    Hi Malletzky!

    This question is the bugbear, not only for all of science, but also for all religion.

    Science 'stumbles' in material regression at the 'singularity', where the infinite meets and becomes the void and religion postulates supernatural precursors as somehow deriving from this 'natural emptiness or void'.
    In the beginning there was no space or time, so how then can there be a beginning?

    This beginning is like an uncut circle or loop, whose alpha-omega point remains undefined until the circle is cut (linearisation from circularisation technically).

    But the concept of the possibility of the 'cutting' infers a logistic ordering of before (the cutting) and after the cutting. This is absolutely independent of space or time (which are connected by the lightpath X=cT anyway).

    But even the visualisation and concept of a circle requires space and so the 'Circle of the Void' cannot be geometrically dimensional in the common usage of the terminology.

    Rather the principle of the Order substitutes for Space and the antiprinciple of Disorder/Chaos substitutes for the Nonspace.

    So now you have reduced the cosmogenesis to the precept of how the space emerges from the nonspace. The key is in what (can) exist before the order principle. It is expansion/contraction and so say addition/subtraction.

    The Order evolves from the possibility of the duality of the plus/minus (in core archetypes, later becoming charges, yin/yang wave particle and so on).

    Then is there something more fundamental then the Expansion/Contraction 'Aeon' or Cherubimic Kingdom or Principality?

    Yes there is: Identity/Antiidentity - defining the + to be the antiID of the - and vice versa (again in core archetype).

    So you have a preBigBang prespacertimematter cosmology resting on 1-2-3 as Identity-Expansion-Order.

    [The actual cosmogenesis is a monadic archetype (o+o=8 say) bifurcating into the binary archetype dyad {0,1} in an algorithmic selfprogramming of sorts].

    Next comes the 'Invention' of Time as a Counting-Parameter and physically the inverse time as FREQUENCY.

    The story continues in technical detail, but can also become expressed in 'scriptural-mythological' metaphor.


    Forethought=Event A in Order as Before and Afterthought=Event B in Order as After Event A has occurred.

    Event A is happening in the subplenum of the Void=Infinity and Event B becomes the MATERIALISATION (primarily via a physical cosmology based on the frequency parameter as inverse time) of the Event A.

    Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5:
    "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."

    Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?

    So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

    This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation.
    This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

    This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.

    This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1. AND it is also YOU as the afterthought expressing the forethought.

    John Shadow

    Next the the 'firmament' and the 'light' are defined in the below (especially #4), the 'firmament' being of course the 'divide' between the plenum of the physicalised emergent universe and the subplenum of the metaphysical (archetyped) universe.
    In a sense the REALITY of God becomes dualised in the UNREALITY of the material universe RELATIVE to the 'imaginary' Creator and corollarily, the Self-Reality of the physical universe inhabitant can only be ascertained in rendering the Creator as Unreal or Imaginary (of course defining the skeptic/atheist position rather validly).
    This is like you inside a bubble looking at the inside of the bubble surface - the outside (surface) of this bubble being in a 3D sense unfathomable and unreal to you as an inside observer.
    The 'masterplan' then postulates an eventual 'piercing' of this doublesided manifold (inside+outside) in the allowance of rendering the twosidedness onesided and doubled (Moebius Strip).
    This is then labeled as the 'Homecoming' of Gaia or the Second Coming of the Cosmic Christ in Manyness.

    1. God's Power-Source
    God's Power-Source is a form of 'eternal energy', yet 'unitarily particularised' not definable in any spacetime except in its mathematical formalism.
    This mathematical logos so specifies what this concept of 'eternity' relative to its antistate of temporality implies. Those specifications then must also DEFINE the omniness of anything in relation to the God-concept.
    In its most simple terms; the 'eternal energy' becomes a 'physicalisable' energy residing not in spacetimematter, but in a subplenum.
    The subplenum is nontemporal, nonlocal and nonmaterial; but is defined in the mathematical principles and rules attaining to numerical systems, all based upon the binary code both algebraically and geometrically.
    The geometric form of the 'Closed' Zero-Loop becomes physicalised in the 'Open' One-Loop or the Superstring and which then leads definition of a binary numeracy rootextended into the decimal in the archetypical set:
    Binary-Monad BM: {0,1} → Decimal-Monad DM: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.

    The subplenum so becomes a 2-dimensional Complex plane, with origin the Unity of the Binary-Monad BM, i.e. the eigenstate of either open-ended or closed superstring loops.
    It is this UNITY within the subplenum (as itself and as a prior definition for 'God'), which then allows the nonphysicalised nature of God to define itself without the existence of space, time and/or matter.
    This nonphysicality then utilizes the UNITY of ITSELF to extend its own self-definition by application of fundamental principles (see hierarchy of God in 9.).
    In particular, the 6th principle of inversion allows the algebraic concept of the ratio to assume limiting functionalities (say in convergent and divergent asymptotic series and number sequences). This then allows boundary- and initial conditions for a subsequent physical reality to become established in the 'complex manifold' of the subplenum.
    Division of the Unity=1 AS the Open-Geometric-Superstring by the Zero=0 AS the Closed-Geometric-Superstring so applies the Principle of Inversion WITHIN the Decimal-Monad hierarchy and DEFINES the quantum relativity between the subplenum and itself as a plenum comprised of the UNITY eigenstate.

    The Unified Power-Source so is a God-Quantum which has UNLIMITED energy in the subplenum, because the 'Counting' of such subplenum units represents a 'Wholey Trinity' in being simultaneously Unity=FinityAfter=1 and Zero=FinityBefore=0 and Eternity=Infinity=∞

    God's Power-Source represents an Infinite Reservoir of SourceSink Subplenum 'IMAGINATION-Energy'; defined in the UNITY-God-Quantum and in an 'IMAGE-Energy', which becomes manifested in finite partiality in selfcontained closed systems, such as a Planck-Black Body-Radiator defining the entropy-related thermodynamic expansion (and cooling) of a physically finitised universe.

    2. God's Operating System (OS) and Processor
    God's OS is then the plenum of a physically imaged universe.
    The eternity of God becomes 'trapped' in the asymptotic definitions of the 'Laws of Nature', which are all based on the algorithmic nature of the string monadic sets, which, under utility of the hierarchical principalities, allow mathematical relationships and proportionalities to become defined in abstract terms of the complex unity of the subplenum, before becoming IMAGED in the physicality of the finite spacetimematter, termed the universe's cosmogony and cosmology.

    3. God's Output-Input Function
    God's Input is naturally the UNIT of itself as the God-Quantum.
    Iow, the quantization of the physicalised universe becomes a holofractal multiplication or quanta count of God itself. The universe, being a 'count' of God-Units so differentiates itself as the plenum of 'Finity of Measurement' from the subplenum of 'Infinity of Nonmensuration'.
    Alternatively expressed, the metric spacetimes within a selfcontained thermodynamic system, subject to statistical integration of multidimensional and multifaceted energy eigenstates; become nonstochastic in the Unity energy selfstate of the subplenum.
    The plenum so becomes a mirror image in the subplenum; remaining however as a finitized subset of the infinite superset as that image.

    God's primary Input so becomes a finitised and countable quantum energy integral definitive for the total energy content of the so termed Quantum Big Bang. The precise quantum count is a function of the inflaton-instanton, defining the 11-dimensional supermembrane boundary (itself a quantum count as a surface area integration) to encompass the thermodynamically expanding 'Planck-Nugget-Seed', which is one dimension lower to allow a hybrid toroidal overall topology for the multidimensional universe, originating from a protoversal seed.

    God's secondary Input is however a function of the PROCESSING capabilities of the primary Input becoming Output and subsequent Inputs multiply the protoversal seed as phaseshifted multiverses as a function of the Output potentials of the protoversed multiverses.

    The purpose for the creation from the creator is simply the SIMULTANEOUS Self-Experience of God in the distinctions of the subplenum of oneness and the plenum of spacetime separations.
    To EXPERIENCE ITSELF, God must bifurcate (and then holographically multifractalize) its own Unity.
    The function of the Input is to experience 'on God's behalf' in the 'Kingdom of the Separation', namely the physical universe; and then to IMAGE in IMAGINATION and LOGISTICAL MODELS and FORMALISMS and otherwise 'as a processed Output' becoming the 'reflected' Input; reemitted from the plenum of the spacetimematter into the suplenum of the 'singularity'.

    The PROCESSORS from and for God so become the God-Quantums in agglomeration, defining the 'Consciousness' of godlike spacetimematter containers.
    God's Consciousness then becomes a particular energy-resonance eigenstate, defined in frequency and related derivatives (see 10.) and specifically in the concept of a 3-dimensional volumar being acted upon by a form of angular acceleration, the latter being by definition independent on the radial displacement of linear metrics and the separation of idealised coordinate 'points'.
    The minimised 'consciousness-units' in God's cosmology are neutrons, evolving into hydrogen atoms, followed by molecules and macro-inertia conglomerations including chemical compounds, asteroids, moons, planets, stars and galaxies; viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, mosquitoes, fish, salamanders, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, smilodons, australopithecines, orang-utans, bonobos, dogs and cats, Stanleys and Samanthas; Sirians, interdimensional extraterrestrials like methaned Venusians and groupgalactic Magellaneans to the SUMTOTAL of the universe's consciousness as the EVOLVING Superconsciousness of God itself.

    And so, should you watch an ant crawling in your garden or should you engage in watching some birds of divers variety; you are OBSERVING God-consciousness in self-evolvement.
    The Gonsciousness of God within the universe is not only separated from its subplenum unity as the certainty of the unitary probability count; but is also separated in the plenum as plenar subconsciouness carriers in a kaleidoscope of multiplicity and individuation.
    But ALL is God, attempting WITHIN to remember what IT is and using its 'scattered' Imagination what it could be and could become.

    God's 'Masterplan' so is to multiply 'itself' without end in a 'Family of God'.
    Yet, as long as the 'Family of Man' continues to refuse to 'Remember itself' in its 'Function of the Output' and continues to 'not-reflect' its god-given Input-Life back to its source; as long will the UNITIZED God-Source remain in exile relative to itself.

    For the IMAGE-Function of God between the plenum and the subplenum and the holographic principle of the Decimal-Monad hierarchy demands a 'Mirror of Mirrors' within the plenum of the cosmological spacetimes.
    Just as the One God reflects itself as the One Universe; so must there be A DAM (a sire and a dam) as a 'Universal Archetype' within the plenum to allow 'God's Story' to proceed.

    The Image or mastertemplate for the One Universe so becomes 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the hermetic alchemist Leonardo da Vinci or 'Purusha' of the Baghavad Gita or 'Adam Kadmon' of Kabbalah or the particular individuation Malletzky on PA forum discussion forum.
    Then as a miniature universe; anything whatsoever and all godlike conciousness carriers within the plenum who Malletzky encounters in whatever manner of dreams, imaginations, physical observations, experimentations and interactions; will be enabled to USE Malletzky's spacetimed mirror potential to REFLECT themselves in that for the purpose to by and through Malletzky's mirror-portal to contact the Unity-Quantum-God in the subplenum.

    4. God's Beginning
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    The definition for God as Energy so is preceded by something doing the 'defining', namely the Word=Logos=Definition. The undefined, say chaotic or unstructured subplenum energy so emerges in a defined state through the action of the Logos as the 'Logic of God' and being WITH God, becomes God.

    The 'Beginning of God', before there is any physicalised energy (manifested in the quantum big bang through the inflaton-instanton), so engages 'God's Self-Awakening', i.e. it's own 'becoming conscious of itself'.
    Once self-aware however, the physical cosmology can eventuate in God's bifurcation into 'Spiritual' Creator and 'Antispiritual' Creation and as Mirror-Functions of each other.
    The subplenum 'pre-energy' so defines the 'Spirit' in terms of the nonseparated or superheterotic supermembrane prior to the modular duality between the heterosis becomes established.
    The 26-dimensional bosonic superstring of the subplenum so defines a circularly mathematical complex continuum from which the vibratory sourcestring Eps decouples from its winded antistate of the winding sinkstring Ess in the plenum to recombine in the 11-dimensional supermembrane EpsEss. Technically, the heterosis engages the conifoldment of 16-dimensional anticlockwise vibration patterns onto 10-dimensional clockwise frequency eigenstates to define 10-dimensional hybrid superstrings.

    5. God's End
    God's End is God's Beginning as the alphaomega and the recircularisation of the supermembrane loops.
    In terms of the subplenum, this defines the circularity of time in the nonexistence of a temporal flow of time with particular pasts, presents and futures. Only a Now-Moment and as the 'uncut' string-loop exists as the 0-binary eigenstate.
    Yet, the plenum demands the concept of a 'flow of time' in a coupling to the entropy definitions of the algorithmic definitions underpinning the 'Laws of Nature'.
    So the Quantum Big Bang eventuated following a 'string-epoch' and bounded in the inflaton-instanton of timeinstantenuity.
    Technically, timeinstantenuity becomes the sinksource frequency fss=1/fps in modular duality becoming the inverse squareroot of the maximum entropy selfstate counter {as [df/dt]max=fps2 =E*/h=e*h see 10.} and as the 'Consciousness-Resonance' Eigenstate as the upper bound for the godlike consciousness carriers.
    However, as the protoverse is defined in the inflaton preceding the materialising spacetimes in:
    {VdeBroglie=RHubble.fps=c.fps/Ho=cfpsdt/dn}, and since the linearised cosmoevolution of the inertial 10-dimensional protoverse must remain asymptotic as a function of cycletime n=Hot; the End of this cosmology must be defined before its Beginning from parameters defining the eternity of the subplenum.
    The End of God so becomes a Cyclicity embedded into the formalisms for the asymptotic cosmology, defining the cosmogony ontologically.
    Technically (and in Black Hole physics described elsewhere) then; the overall cosmic consciousness evolution is expected to have progressed enough every 4 trillion years or so, to trigger a 'renewed' 'consciousness explosion' of the 'eternal God' to RECHARGE the seedling protoverse in a renewal of the nuclear (read dineutron/ylemic) fuel for steller regeneration.
    Every 4000 billion years or so, a new Quantum Big Bang eventuates, seeded however upon the primordial seed of the initialising inflaton-instanton from the subplenum.

    6. God's Location in Within-Without Bilocality
    The subplenum God is without spacetimematter and so is defined as omnipresent, omnitimed, omniscientific and omnipotent by the Logos.
    The Unitary God-Quantum forms the 'Bridge' for the subplenum God to experience its own separation as an integral of the God-Quantum in the spacetimed plenum.
    God remains eternally unified however; as the microquantum of the sourcesink string eigenstate (which defines the 'Bridge') is in 'eternal' selfcoupling to its sinksource string-antieigenstate, the latter defining the macroquantum.
    Technically, the vibratory stringscale is of the wormhole order of 10-22/2π (cosmic meters m*); whilst its reciprocal gives the modular duality in the halo-galactic scale of 2πx1022 m* or about 7 million lightyears.

    7. God's Laws of Nature
    There are two primary algorithms, which generate the fundamental constants of nature in cosmic units (*). The cosmic unitary system comes into effect by any cosmic civilisation measuring just two fundamental ratios in the proportionality constants between Energy and Mass as E/M=c2 and between Energy and Frequency as E/F=h.
    As the energy unit (Joule*) contains the kg-m-s mensuration, any experimental determination of Planck's Constant 'h' and Einstein's Constant 'c2', will suffice to calibrate the mass-displacement-time measurement standards for the first of the 'Natural Laws'.
    This can be written as:
    Energy E=hf=mc2
    E=hf iff m=0; (requiring c=fλ as universal lightspeed finestructure)
    E=mc2 iff f=fss (as the Eigenfrequency of mass)
    The first algorithm generates the following configurations under utility of the fundamental principles of the hierarchy (see 9.) and in the order:

    {C1=N1=4; C2=N2=6; C3=N3=7; C4=I1=1/[6x1015]; C5=D12 =9x1016; C6=N4=11; C7=I2=1/[15x1032]; C8=D22=14x1524; C9=I3=1/[15x1618]; C10=26x6561}.
    From this set; the numerical parameters to manifest a physically finetuned cosmology derive with an integer-based lightspeed constant c=3x108 (m/s)*=D1 coupled to a similarly integerized action constant h=1/[15x1032] (Js)*=I2.

    The second algorithm is of the syntax form for a linearised subplenum superstring:
    "Add the End to the Beginning and Begin the Head with the Tail!"

    8. God's Subjectivity-Objectivity in regards to the Universal Laws of Nature
    God is both Object and Subject relative to Reality.
    Within the plenum, the God-idea becomes a subjective 'picture' as a 'negative' for the objective physical reality as a 'positive' observable and measurable entity.
    Without the plenum and so within the subplenum, God is the objective 'spiritual' reality; this SPIRIT becoming rigorously definable as the quantum energy eigenstate for the minimised possible measurement within the plenum (and so as the Planck-Singularity of string-looped quantum physics).
    The subjectivity within the plenum so manifests in the multiplicity of the physicalised units 'bridging' the abyss into the subplenum of the 'spiritual reality'.
    This 'spiritual reality' so becomes an inertia independent form of electromagnetic monopolar radiation; activating under the acceleration of the God-quanta, namely the angular awareness function of the timedifferential of frequency (df/dt=Consciousness/UnitVolume and fmax2=e*/V*=2Rec2/(2π2r*3)=8πRec5mcompton3/h3 and so defining the quantum Compton-Mass configuration for the God-Resonance energy eigenstate measurable under the appropriate initial- and boundary conditions in mcompton=2.505...x10-23 kg* or about 2.25 microjoules or about 14.03 TeraElectronvolts (TeV).

    The design-maximum (presently unattainable) energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva, Switzerland so would, if fully operational at maximum capacity, 'tap' the 'Envelope of God's Selfstate Energy'.
    This energy level behaves PHYSICALLY like the event horizon of a Kerr-Ringed Black Hole.
    But here it is the quantum eigenstate for the minimum inertia manifestation which surrounds the wormhole of the God-SourceSink energy quantum (see 10.) at 1/e*=0.002 Joules* or about 12,450 TeV as the UNITARY GOD bridging the plenum with the subplenum.

    At 12,450 TeV; the experimental observer would so witness God as the physical reality IT represents.

    To reduce the Beginning of the Universe to an asymptotic recession cannot solve the 'Origin of God' question; because this infinite reduction CANNOT escape the plenum.
    The Nullstate of the plenum so becomes the idea of the physical energy singularity as the limit for this reductionism.
    The other way around is however completely feasible and the actuality for the cosmic expansion scenarios.
    Once you have 'a beginning' in the spacetimematter quanta, then a simple multiplication and summation of such spacetimematter- or God-string-quanta can become asymptotic in an Infinite Approach to UNITY or Oneness.
    This then is the statistical probability count, which must always be 1 in total integration.
    So having the beginning, the cosmological evolution for the universe can be ever better approximated and modelled via improving measurement apparatus and theoretical calculations.
    The trouble is the singularity of infinite physical quantifications.
    But because God must be a Quantum-God to be WITHIN the spacetimematter plenum; it becomes easy to postulate this Quantum-God to be precisely the minimum physical energy configuration eigenstate for the physical universe and as the boundary condition, the initial- and end condition and as the LIMIT for all measurements using spacetimematter- or plenum parameters.

    Then it is also easy to take the next logical step and postulate that the Quantum-God of the plenum is also the Quantum-God of the subplenum with the caveat, that spacetimematter parameters do not exist in the subplenum and so the Quantum-God must remain physically unreal or imaginary.
    They become REALISED however in the understanding that the subplenum is the VOID and the VOID is simultaneously Nothing AND Everything.
    This Nothing and Everything then MANIFESTS in the plenum as the minimum- and maximum energy eigenstates (technically defined in superbrane parameters of the modular duality, which brings the theories together in a grand unification of all things able to exist - including all of the imaginary things).
    The minimum selfstate of the Quantum-God is a LIMIT of time measurement and just like a smallest possible circle unwinding itself to define the lightpath for the circle's perimeter transversion.
    The maximum selfstate is a little different, as it must encompass the antistate of the minimum configuration as well as the potential expansion of the plenum under the auspices of the subplenum providing Information-Energy as Data, which can then become physicalised thermodynamic-entropic energy in the plenum.
    This is the Infinite Approach being allowed and the Infinite recession being disallowed in the 'Laws of Nature' defining the Quantum-God.

    9.God's Hierarchy
    Summararily then, the Origin of God is God itself, becoming multiplexed from its monoplexed monadic singularity selfstate.

    The details engage algorithmic encodings, built on 10 universal principles, 7 of which have antistates, whilst 3 have not. The principles and algorithms generate the fundamental constants, used in proportionalities and ratios for the universe of spacetimematter to be born and to become descriptive in mathematical equations.
    The 10 principalities (which are archetyped as cherubimic and demonic kingdoms in the older languages of the ancient scrolls) are:

    1. Identity-AntiIdentity
    2. Expansion-Contraction
    3. Order-Disorder=Entropy=Chaos
    4. Symmetry-Antisymmetry=Disparity=Distortion
    5. Infinity=Divergence-Limit=Convergence
    6. Inversion=Reciprocity-Constancy=Invariance
    7. Reflection-Absorption (6&7 define Hebrews.6.18)
    8. Relativity (No AntiPrinciple---Revelation17.11)
    9. Quantization=Holofractalisation (No AntiPrinciple)
    10.New Identity, using 1-9 to transform the Old Dual-Identity

    10. God's Definition in omniscientific terms of quantum-relativistic supermembranes

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis. Theistic- and Spiritual definitions become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.
    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.

    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss
    =GODDOG=DOGGOD=Supersymmetry in alphanumeric abstract complexity

    AA __________________
    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
    Last edited by shiloh on Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:27 am; edited 2 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°253

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:39 am

    shiloh wrote: Another gem of the highest Quality:


    "Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will be disturbed.
    When he is disturbed, he will be astonished and will rule over all".

    When one finds (the actual PHYSICAL presence of God within), then the heart-mind (or feeling-intellect) realisation of this as a fact, will OPEN a Channel to the Universal Logos.

    Metaphorically, the 'thinking heart' of the receiver/finder will RESONATE with that of the Cosmic Christ via a mental attunement of the so labeled 'feeling mind'.

    This 'proves' that the saying cannot be understood by the mind, unless the communication between the Individual Logos and the Christ Logos is pure in resonance.

    This process so requires the RECEPTOR MIND of the Finder to reflect the processed information back to the EMITTER MIND and EMITTER HEART of the Source through the EMITTER HEART of the Finder.

    The disturbance (in the mind) eventuates, because suddenly the switching of polarity between mind receiver and heart emitter allows the seeker/finder to be omnipresent and to suddenly appear to accomodate a multiplied personality.

    In practical terms, one is enabled to BE the environment, to BE the ant crawling on the wall or the dog one takes for a walk in the park.

    The astonishment derives from this as a consequence of becoming a hologram of the creation. The environment becomes miniaturized within the seeker/finder and so nothing exists except yourself and then of course you RULE OVER YOURSELF as the Creator-Creation of All That Is.

    This 'rulership' so is not a Lordship over anything else in existence; but in actuality defines the plan of plans of using a protoverse as a seedling universe for many universes to be born from.

    This protoverse is hierarchical in environmental nestings; say your garden graduating to your park, township, city, country, planet, starsystem, galaxy, groupgalaxy, supercluster, universe.

    The seekers/finders so become inaugurated as such multiversal seeds of the archetyped protoverse defining the Creation-Seed before the thing (Physical Godhood) is found by the seeker.


    Aloha Tony Blue. This is so on target. 83084. Thank you for these great posts.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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