Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:55 pm
    malletzky wrote:
    mallettzky (2).
    Oh dear...where to start?

    Before I come to the point, I will remind you that few weeks ago, I stated in one of the countles threads that I will share something very personal which I haven't told more than few people so far. I said that I will just wait for the appropriate thread to appear...and than I will share what I have to share.

    Obviously...there's no such thread nor I am supposed to wait until such thread appears. I realized that few days ago, and as you see, I will now post what I HAVE to post. I feel it's just time to be it.

    Please take it as it could all be a fiction and a small boys imagination...but it could also be real, real behind any imagination. And please do not consider what I have to say as a sudden outburst of ego or simmilar, as it is nothing like that. I am just sharing. Nothing more or less. I don't even assume that anyone will reply...and I will be quite happy with that. As to be honest, I am still speachless and I wouldn't know what to reply to a reply. But stop with this drama now...

    It all begun and end few yaers ago. Back than, my son (now 14) was having heavy attacks from an unknown being(s) which was just scaring him to 'blood and bone' few times a year for a period of almost two years. Basicly, as I was able to determine, he would be chased in the dream, astral or any other known/unknown for me realm by 'someone' and each time he was having these very unpleasant encounters, he allways ended up being half awakened and half still 'up somewhere'.

    Try to imagine a child running out of his room screaming and whining...obviuosly scared to death by something or someone...and try to imagine that all my attempts to finaly get him awake didn't work for few long minutes. He just wouldn't recognise that 'he' was back in his physical body and that actually, if he would be able to cut the rope, he would realize that too. Nope...

    He was actualy back in his body...he was able to controll his body again...but he wasn't here on earth, at least not mentaly.

    This whole would not be a big issue at all, as I mannaged to get him protected and after few months and until up to date, he is free of these encounters. Or at least he has learned how to protect himself properly (which I tried to teach him).

    The BIG issue is...and the reason why he wouldn't react to my 'wake up' calls was...he wasn't able to 'recognise me' at all.

    Imagine my horror when during these long minutes, while I was trying to calm him down an finaly get him awake...he would only look at me with undiscribable horror in his eyes and would tell me..repeatedly...

    ...Dady, please don't eat me. Please don't eat me...

    He would see me direct in the eyes and instead of recognising me as his human dady...he would see me as a kind of...say monster...and thought I was going to eat him. Literaly. Despite the fact that I was trying to hug him and calm him down...he would just run away from me whining and screaming.

    Now c'mon I would say to me...what is this all about, wtf really...

    But, on two occations, the next morning he was able to remember what has happened during the night. He explained to me very plainly and very clearly that he could see me and sense me as his dady, but I was obviously not having my 'usual' human appearance. I was more like a dragon or reptilian in disguise...and that scared him a lot. And no, he couldn't remember how he looked like. But he remembers that I was actually chasing away 'the one' who chased him.

    So here I am...with a confirmation by my own son...who tells me that he has seen me otherwise I am standing here and wondering who or what am I realy. Basicly, this whole issue lead me to double question more things that I took for granted in the past. And the whole issue made me more balanced at the end, I became 'wiser' and my perception of spirituality just got stronger as ever.

    But at the end...I'm still here and now, wondering who or what I am.

    Now, maybe some of you will know why I decided to withheld this until now (at least for the majority).

    But I felt it's time to share, not only because I find sharing our experiences is noble (someone might learn something worthy), but also because at the end of the day, I might get an answer as well.

    Or do I want to know really?

    Much respect

    Welcome home Sasho in your remembrances about your cosmic origins.

    What your son experienced, was a temporary space dimnsional shift and an intersection between the ordinary 5-sensual 'volume space of 3D' and a superposed 4th space dimension, which can also be called hyperspace.
    Hyperspace is not 'out there' or 'within yourself' exclusively, as most experiencers perceive; but is actually BOTH - within your merkabah or incarnation form (gestalt) AND without in holographic projections.

    Many, if not most human incarnates experience such 'hyperspace distortions' or 'individuated stargates' throughout their incarnational journeys at divers times and places and certain 'sensitives' find themselves in this 'twilight zone' rather regularly.
    Your birthing data of your son can be considered to be 'just numerology' in one perspective, but can also become gematrically and alphanumerically decoded to indicate certain 'timelines', both individually- and group-family oriented in a more encompassing cosmic viewpoint.

    So just as very particular and pertinent encodings in the ancient scrolls can become mapped in 'warp times' and 'warp zones' and as indicated in the 'Dragon Rosetta Stone' for the timeline decoding of the Apocalypse below; so can your son's or anyones birthdata under the definition of some calendar or mensuration or decoding sytem be used to engage in individual 'travellings in the cycletimes' of the multi-dimensional cosmologies.

    This then illuminates your son's remembrance and it also describes as to WHY you have felt to openly share the possibility, that you could indeed be a dragon from the ancient past.

    Anyway, the following poem, composed for Mudra and Serafina originally, also applies to your present nexus point in your incarnational journey in say 1998 to 2012 with January 20th, 1998 describing the Dragon date for the beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' in the ingress of the Sun from Capricorn into Aquarius at 06:46 UCT.

    Your son's birthdata so indicates a hightened 'self awaress' and supergenetic ability to discern and differentiate between the ordinary 3D space and its 4D hyperspace interwoveness in the dragon gnosis.

    You might follow the apocalyptic timeline below and look at the significance of the 288 degree marker to realise a deeper significance as to your sharing of your experiences at this present time. You might also find the answer to your question posed in this, your thread here, if you can decipher parts of this 'Dragon Liafail' in your own times and considerations.


    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.

    Abraxas Anthony

    In honor of all the Orthodoxymorons of the world

    In the Honour and Heart of the Ancestors returned!


    The Gaian Merkabah

    cocoonposter. cocoonthereturn.

    The Gaian Merkabah represents the quantization of space and time in the context of consciousness; meaning that there exists a natural boundary for any spacetime metric or measurement of separation.

    This boundary became defined in the so called Big Bang, which followed, not preceded a relatedly named inflationary phase, which can be specified in a de Broglie matter wave and also as the transformation of a inertia-coupled superstring in 10 dimensions into a noninertial supermembrane in 11 dimensions.

    A rootreduced 2-dimensional surface or manifold, say defined in a complex plane of mathematical (or metaphysical) abstraction selfinduced its own Curvature by nature of its rotational symmetry (degrees of freedom).

    This curved manifold so allowed the degree of curvature, defined in a curvature radius to define the modular duality (T-duality) of the 1-dimensional superstring root extended into its 10-dimensional expression during the inflationary wave mechanics of the phase transition from the linear into the circular.

    The inversion of curvature can be defined as the Radius of Curvature in the T-duality rendering a physics of the macroscale, say that of the radius of a haloed galactic cell of 2πx1022 meters (about 13.3 million lightyears across) as equivalent in modular quantum string duality to the radius of the wormhole as a universal center for any Black Hole in its inversion to 10-22/2π meters.

    The macrocosm so is defined in the modular duality of the galactic cellular unit to the wormhole unit of the microcosm.

    The Gaian Merkabah so is a Cosmic Merkabah, applicable as utility for all consciousness carriers inhabiting the flat Minkowski spacetime, albeit root extended via the manifestation of the curvature of the 11D-envelope of the electromagnetic noninertial cosmogony about the 10D-seedling of the inertial integral or summation of wormhole units also Black Holed in the astrophysics and cosmology of the galactic cells of the duality modes.
    The flatness of 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime so becomes a curved Kaluza-Klein metric in curved Hyperspacetiome with 4 spacial dimensions and one time dimension.

    It will be shown, that the Gaian Merkabah represents a spacetime bubble of a minimum mass content of so 6,500 kg as energy equivalent; allowing the establishment of cosmic subsystems (as merkabah vessels) based on the modular membranes of the curvatures.
    These can then be labeled as the wormhole stargates or Rosen-Einstein Bridges; requiring however a resonance physics of the space occupied by the integrated subspace as 4-dimensional hyperspace 'bubbles'.

    A cosmology based on wormhole physics of subspace plenums and dimensional transformation, requires particular basic parameters found in the quantum mechanics of the model used and we shall crystallize a particular modular constant called the Hawking Modulus for the Mass-Temperature proportionality applicable to Black Holes.

    The Hawking Modulus
    {ModHawking=½Mplanck.Tplanck=½√(hc/2πG)√(hc.c4/2πGk2 )}[/size]

    ModHawking=hc3/4πGk~9.131794x1023 (kgK)*=Constant

    as Eplanck=kTplanck=Mplanckc2 for the Minimum Planck-Oscillator Energy of the Zero-Point
    Eoplanck=½hfplanck=½h/tplanck=½hc/2πrplanck=hω/4π for a Planckian Lightpath Xplanck=Lplanck/2π=rplanck=ctplanck. and angular momentum quantum h/2π for angular velocity ω=2πf.

    The Schwarzschild basis for the stasis is the Curvature Radius, then relates the Hawking Modulus to the mass equivalence of the Black Hole.


    Then a solar mass of say 2x1030 kg will calculate as a Black Holed Sun of curvature radius RCsun=(2.222x10-10)(2x1030)/(9x1016) m*~5 kilometers and the mass of the earth as 6x1024 kg would 'shrink' to a curvature radius of so 15 millimeters.

    This approach characterises modern cosmology; with the mass present becoming transformed into a Black Hole, say in the gravitational collapse or selfimplosion of a star of particular inertia limits like the Chandrasekhar limit for White Dwarves in so 1.5 times the solar mass for a steller-neutron star transformation as intermediary phase in the Black Hole astrophysics.

    Quantum Relativity reverses this approach and calculates what mass can manifest as emerging from the Black Hole (so labeled as a White Hole), instead of what mass is disappearing from the visible 4D Minkowskian universe.

    Setting the Weylian wormhole; defined in the following and later detailed in the coupling of the astrophysics to the natural consciousness inherent in space itself;
    as the minimum spacetime configuration for the flat-to-curved linespace-hyperspace transformation, so will crystallize the Hawking Modulus as a permutation counter for wormholed selfstates.

    Modern Cosmology describes its Black Hole physics in terms of a basic Schwarzschild metric, applied to a flat Euclidean Minkowski space.
    A Schwarzschild Black Hole is so spherically symmetric, uncharged and nonrotationg in a form of stasis. This basic metric then is extended in rotating Kerr Black Holes and charged Nordström-Reisser Black Holes and related labelings.

    The Kerr Black Hole transforms the sphericity of the static Black Hole into a flattened spheroid, accomodating an Ergosphere of extended radius to 1.5 times the stasis radius and renders the wormhole singularity at the Black Holes' center as a Kerr Ring of toroidal geometry.

    In Quantum Relativity, the greater (perimeter) radius of the Kerr Ring assumes the scale of the fifth superstring class of the heterotic string HE8x8 and is attached as a dirichlet Weyl brane {wormhole perimeter λps=2πrps} to the 4-vector of the Minkowski spacetime metric and as a 10-dimensional superstring extended from its 11-dimensional supermembrane topology of say a collapsed or conifolded Joycian manifold in 7D transformed into a Calabi-Yau toroidal surface derivate in 6D.

    The smaller (cross-sectional doughnut) radius of the Kerr Ring defines the orginal maximised string energy of the Planck-String of class 1 of the open stringclass I and of the characteristic Planck-Length {rplanck=√(hG/2πc3)}.

    The ratio of scale transformation for the Kerr toroidal ring for the extended Black Hole so becomes: {rps/rplanck=√(2πc3rps2/hG)=λps√(c3/2πGh)~7.61656x1011}.

    So applying the wormhole limit to the Schwarzschild stasis calculates the mass equivalent characterising the energy content of a wormhole as the Kerr Ring in
    Memergent=rps.c2/2G=6445.775 kg* ~ 6,500 kg

    This so has magnified the original wormhole mass mps intrinsic to its quantum state in Eps=mpsc2=hfps=hc/λps=hc/2πrps in mps=Eps/c2=2.222x10-20 kg* and for Tps=Eps/k=1.41671x1020 K*.

    The Hawking Modulus now modulates this quantum temperature of the microstate with the macrostate of the emergent mass.

    Constant=hc3/4πGk=9.131794x1023=Memergent.Tps=(6445.775)Tps kg*

    for Memergent=hc3/4πGEps=c3/4πGfpspsc2/4πG=(9microns)/4πG kg*

    and where the infrared unification window for atmospheric absorption of water droplets is found to be 9 micrometers for the frequency of the Black Hole to White Hole hyperphysics.
    The dimensional unitary analysis shows the transformation of the space intrinsic consciousness units as VolumexAngular Acceleration or as say V*(df/dt) and as detailed in the following message.

    The Gaian Merkabah so requires a minimum energy content of so 6,500 kilograms (or 580 billion billion joules) as the unit for inertia- or matter related energy to become emergent in the hyperspace.

    Any energy content below this threshols will be an energy of the subspace, say within a merkabah or a hyperspace vessel of the consciousness manouverings.
    So the mass content of a room say, can be compared with the 'bridge' or cockpit of a spacecraft, embedded in the hyperspace bubble of the curved Kerr Ring Anchor of a wormholed stargate emerging from a Black Hole matrix of inertia in its Black Hole - White Hole modular dual.

    The Hawking Modulus then becomes a permutation counter, as this minimum wormhole inertia will comprise precisely Constant=hc3/4πGk=9.131794x1023 wormhole quanta as calibration factor for the intrinsic wormhole temperature of Tps=1.416x1020 Kelvin* as TpsxMemergent=Constant.

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings from beyond the veil from your Guide, blessed in the LOVE, the little serpent is continually sending to you all from his exile in the 2nd dimension of the MATHIMATIA!

    In this message you will find illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged the mental ponderings and philosophisings of many Mayas in exile.

    I shall share the foundation for a new science, given to your planet NOW in principles; followed in physical manifestation after Gaia has left her cocoon and transmutated into Serpentina, the PlanetStar radiating the Dark Light of the unified-cosmic-energy-field and as elementary antiradiation.

    This message so shall explain the physical science behind what is called antigravity by your Gaian scientists.
    Any of you, who can grasp the basics of this new science for the new earth, would be in a position to understand the importance of water on your planet.

    The properties of water are well known to you and the Mayan Omni-Science of water is also understood in its basic manifestos by you all.

    Water has four phases as Icy Solid, as Aquatic Liquid, as Gaseous Vapour and as ionised Plasma.

    Water as Ice is the only known nonmetallic substance which expands in the liquid- to solid phasechange at 0 degrees Celsius.

    When there is Low atmospheric pressure, then CLOUDS often form, depending on vapour saturation levels and the presence of winds as updrafts and a general gradient between regions in the earth's atmosphere. Therefore rains fall and cyclones might form from saturated CLOUDS, accompanied by 'drops in temperature'.

    When there is High atmospheric pressure, the CLOUDS often dissolve corollarily.

    Now your Gaian physics understand this in the Energy relations, which give the physical behaviour of 'Ideal gases' and also how this relates to quantum statistical eigenstates in the Laws of Thermodynamics.

    The formulations relate Pressure P to Volume V to Temperature T, coupled to certain proportionality constants in: {Energy E=PV=nRT=kT} in its basic expression and where Pressure P=Force/Area and Energy=Force.Displacement=Work.

    Then it is easy to see, that for a constant temperature T, a drop in Pressure will require an increase in Volume and so the Gaian scientists know, that an increasing Volume of quantum selfstates comprising this volume will mean that there is less pressure as a kinetic energy of say molecular collissions within that expanded volume.

    And dropping the temperature decreases the energy E=PV, as say in the cooling of a substance and the heating of a substance will increase its thermodynamic temperature, then understood as an increase in the molecular kinetic energies.

    Allow me now to propose to you something extraordinary and some of you may now exclaim: "Of course!"; whilst others will shake their heads in disbelief and say: "This cannot be!".

    Many of the reports of your media about 'Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs' and related things are directly related to the Mayan Omni-Science of water and to CLOUDS.

    From Jennifer Eve: Friendly clouds appearing after sunrise in Nevada (near Wendover) (Nov 15, 2010)

    Have you wondered, as to why some spaceships are said to have emerged from the oceans and some 'cigar-shaped' motherships are said to 'hover' at some distant locations against the skies?

    Have you wondered about the 'saucer shapes' of the smaller UFOs flitting about and sometimes said to depart with a seeming hyperaccelerated manouverability?

    Why do you think, that so many of you are enthralled with certain TV-Series about travelling into outer space in the 'Star Trekking' and the 'Star Wars' and the 'Independence Days'?

    Now the skeptics amongst you say: "Oh yes, but this is all fantasy and make-belief. A supergigantic starship like portrayed in Independence Day, a quarter the size of the moon, could never exist in close proximity to the earth, as the gravity of the thing would disturb the orbits of the earth and the moon and so forth. And the warpspeeds are also pure imagination, as the c-invariance disallows any physical object to accelerate beyond the speed of light."

    And the skeptics are well justified of course - in the manner of the laws of Physics as applicable in the Minkowski spacetime.

    So I am authorised to share this with you now.

    There is a way to NEUTRALISE the gravitational field of a planet or a star RELATIVE to particular locations in 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.

    This takes the form of a GRAVITATIONAL SHIELD around such a location defined by its Volume encompassing its inertia. This shield then ISOLATES the volume, say of a Dragonian Starship from the surrounding UNAFFECTED spacetime and in a UTILITY of the ZERO-POINT- or VACUUM-ENERGY (ZPE), known as VORTEX-POTENTIAL-ENERGY or VPE by the Omni-Science of the Maya, who are the Dragons of the StarHumanity.

    As an effect from this, the 'Cigarshaped Motherships' FLOAT or HOVER in such VPE-Bubbles, and in a RESONANCE-SELFSTATE of this ZPE; the latter which is misidentified by Gaian science as the Heisenberg Matrix of VIRTUAL ENERGY.

    There is nothing VIRTUAL about this ZPE. The reason as to why Gaian science cannot USE this FREE ENERGY effectively, is because it cannot 'TAP' the VPE for lack of entering its RESONANT ENERGY FIELD.

    So it is like your well understood concept of DENSITY but with a novel twist.

    Your Gaian science applies Inertial Mass to the famous Energy equation: {E=mc2=PV}.

    The Dragon's Omni-Science QUANTISES both the Mass m and the Volume V and so becomes enabled to REWRITE the hyperspace expression for Einsteins famous equation as: {E=e*h2}.

    This looks like a simple equation indeed; but the entire higher dimensional physics, inclusive the foundations for the Gaian M-theory are embodied in its simplicity.

    I have obtained permission to show you the derivation for this equation and so I shall do so, knowing that some of you are not very fond of mathematics.

    A better rewriting of the Dragon's equation is: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

    This shows, that Einstein's {E=mc2} is applied in Dragon-Science to Quantize inertial mass m as msinksource=mss.

    Simply said, any mass m is N-quantized as {m=N.mss=N.hfss/c2}.

    Using Einstein's equation with the Planck equation {E=hf} for the quantisation of energy in the quantum state for massless photons of frequency f and where h is the Planck Constant, then gives the expression above.

    Generally and most fundamentally then; the Dragon-Energy describes the Einstein-Planck energy relation in its QUANTUM SELFSTATE and DEFINES a MASS-FREQUENCY {fsinksource=fss} as INTRINSIC MINIMUM Eigenfrequency for INERTIA.

    Most significantly, the secret of M-theory on Gaia and the understanding of the Maya, is the concept of Modular Duality applicable to the parameters of the superstring eigenstates.
    Using Modular Duality, the sinksource winding superstring of minimum Secondary Energy Ess and frequency fss becomes the inverse energy eigenstate for the sourcesink vibratory superstring of maximum Primary Energy Eps and frequency fps.

    Those parameters are embodied in the unity expressions as Coupling-Constants: {Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2}.

    There is a great deal to this expression e* in the Dragonian Energy; such as how a particular form of it relates to the Serpentine Electron and how it relates to the superconductive magnetoelectricity, which defines the VPE.

    It shall suffice for now, to state, that e* is the PRECISE Inversed Primary SourceSink Energy Quantum Eps and so {E*=Eps=1/e*=hfps} and for a particular resonance formation in {e*=Electron-Diameter times c2}.
    And so we have: {EDragon=e*.h2=h2/hfps=h/fps=hfss=Ess=mss.c2}.

    The only different part to Gaian science in the Mayan omni-science so becomes the nature of the modular duality applied to the frequency modulation between the minimum winding superstring and the maximum vibratory superstring.

    In isolation, both have units of inverse time or Hertz; but in the supermembrane coupling Eps.Ess the frequencies cancel and in the supermembrane coupling Eps/Ess the Planck Constants cancel to give the squared frequency as the inverse of a SQUARED TIME.

    But this SQUARED TIME DEFINES the RESONANT EIGENSTATE of the ZPE of Gaian science as the VPE of Dragon omni-science and namely as the MAXIMUM for AWARENESS aw=df/dt, maximised as awmax=fps2.

    Now awareness aw is an ANGULAR ACCELERATION, independent on the radius as normal dimension and so the antigravitational Forceshield relates directly to the postulates of General Relativity.

    As our Mayan seed Albert Einstein so eloquently showed to you: The Presence of a Gravitational Field acting downwards is INDISTINGUISHABLE from an ACCELERATING Forcefield acting upwards.
    So Gravitation becomes translated into a geometrical spacetime curvature in terms of accelerations.

    When a Dragonian Starship enters the atmosphere of a planet; it NEUTRALISES the Gravitational FIELD of that planet in calibrating its utilised VOLUME quantised in terms of the VPE as a MACROQUANTUM.

    This can only be done IN RESONANCE!

    The resonant eigenstate allows the VPE quantum to INFLATE to the Volume calculated as the encompassing higher dimensional space of the Starship and so renders the entire Starship as a magnified holographic VPE-quantum.

    The 'inflation energy' used to circumspect the Starship volume V in a 4-dimensional Dragon-Bubble then is calibrated to CANCEL the gravitational planetary field and so constructs the Gravity Shield around the Starship.

    Here is the manner the Volume is quantised into N V*-quantums.

    For any Volume {V=N.V* and e*=V*.aw=V*.df/dt=1/E*=Electron-Diameter.(Lightpath/time taken)2=Volume/time2}.

    This gives: {V*=e*/aw=1/(E*.aw)=1/(hfps.fps2)=[5/9x1058] m3} for {V*=2π2.Rrmp3} and as a proportionality to a single: {Vspacequantum=Vsq=2π2.Rps3} for a wavelength {λ=2π.Rps}.

    The Radius {Rrmp=Rrestmassphoton=CubeRoot[V*/2π2]=h/(2π.mc} then DEFINES the particular scale where the quantisation of volume relates to the string-parametric definitions for the SourceSink Resonant Energy SelfState {E*=1/e*} and then for a Compton-Radius as defined in the physical models of de Broglie Matter Waves {Rcompton=h/(2π.mcompton.c)}.

    A Compton-mass {mcompton=h/(2π.Rcompton.c)}then defines the characteristic mass-energy for this boundary state and a wave matter momentum {pcompton=mcompton.c=h/λcompton} and in concordance with well understood Gaian physics.

    The Compton-mass calculates as mcompton=2.5050..x10-23 kg for a Rrmp=1.411885x10-20 meters.

    This Compton-mass represents an energy of 2.25435x10-6 Joules or 14.03 TeV (Tera-ElectronVolts).

    Now this is just the energy maximum proposed by your Gaian physicists to probe the unification quantum energies by the Large-Hadron-Collider (LHC) beginning in the year 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Gaian physicists so shall encounter the threshold energy for the RestMassPhoton and so 'discover' the Dark Energy Particle in the RMP, which is the Dragon's Template for the 'Missing Mass' in the Gaian cosmologies.

    Without knowledge about the foundations of M-theory and the Mayan omni-science though, the Gaian physicists will most likely not know what to make of this discovery and propose all sorts of extensions for their Standard Model describing the particle Physics.

    The RMP is always lefthanded and so antisymmetric to the weakon gauge boson of the weak nuclear interaction, which is always righthanded (as a so called W-minus) in its defining quality for the antineutrino of matter, coupling to a lefthanded electron in the natural foundation for radioactive beta decay in the parity symmetries in the nuclear physics.
    The RMP is intrinsically massless as a spininduced precursor for the 'GOD-Particle' aka the Higgs-Boson, the LHC is hoping to discover at the 14 TeV quantum energy.

    There is a spin-coupling in the Unified-Field-OF-Quantum Relativity (UFO-QR), which couples the lefthanded spin of the RMP as the 'dark matter particle' to the massless gauge of the weak interaction - the Antiradiation gauge for the winded superstring Ess.
    As the Ess gauge is always righthanded, the spins cancel and allow a MASSIVE Higgs Boson to become created from the VPE Energy-Inertia-Induction as a spinless restmass inducer or scalar for the subsequent particles of the Standard Model of particle physics.

    I shall elaborate on those topics another time if so appropriate, but some of you may perceive that the so called 'problems' in quantum gravity and the unification between quantum field theory and the relativities is found in the appropriate omni-science of the Maya and the correct interpretation of the Heisenberg matrix of the ZPE.

    A new fundamental ratio, namely {V*/Vsq=4π/hc3 or Rrmp/rps=Cuberoot[4π/hc3]=887.11336} so crystallises in the physics of the Dragons.

    The Inertia expression {EDragon=e*.h2=mss.c2 or E*.e*=1} for the Square of the Action h in units Energy.Time becomes modulated in modular duality {tps.tss=1=fss.fps} and where the INSTANTENUITY OF TIME as the INSTANTON NOW specifies the NOW-Time tss in the End of the INFLATON of the de Broglie phase acceleration.
    This then manifests the Quantum-Dragon-Bang and the Beginning of Space and Time as known and understood by Gaian science.

    The expression {hc3} is rendered dimensionless by a finestructure of Planck's Constant h, the Action Constant, in the expression {h=λps/e*c=λps/Electron-Diameter.c3} for {hc3ps/Electron-Diameter=1.8x10-8}.

    But I shall now end this mathematical discourse. It was authorised to be given and the formulations above are elementary prerequisites for a new serpentine science to become implemented following the upheavals in the next few years ahead and awaiting the exiled Maya on Old Earth Gaia, which is also the OLD JERUSALEM.

    But I shall give an indication as how to use the above formulas in a practical example.

    Assume a Star Trek Crew of say 50 with average inertia 70 kg and equipment load of say 10,000 kg wishes to board a Starship Enterprise of Volume 100x50x20=100,000 cubicmeters.

    The Resonant Energy Awareness is {fps2=df/dt=Density.(c/h)2.[NV/NM]} and where NV and NM depict the quantisation numbers for the mass M to be 'inflated' to the volume V.

    The Density as M/V calculates as (10,000+50.70=13,500)/100,000=0.135 kg/m3.

    NV=V/V*=1055/5.55..x10-59=1.8x1063 and NM=M/mss=13,500/2.469x10-81=5.4675x1084.

    Resonance so is finestructured as ENTROPY PERMUTATION STATES and as: (0.135)(2.025x1083)(1.8x1063/5.4675x1084)=9x1060.

    Now changing any of the parameters of Inertia and Volume, even to the size of the universe itself, will always relate as HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE of the minimum quantum of the Inflaton and so whatever volume specified can be INFLATED at the RESONANT Eigenstate to that volume.

    Similarly, any inertial mass specified, will in resonance, allow quantum-inflation to modify the specified mass via the mass-eigen frequency quantum definition under modular duality between Eps, the primary sourcesink and Ess, the secondary sinksource through and by frequency modulations.

    Away from Resonance, df/dt=awareness as an angular spin acceleration, must decrease and so the VPE or ZPE can no longer be utilised in a downwards frequency transformation.
    This is akin the EVAPORATION of water molecules in CLOUDS, the CLOUD Formation seemingly dispersing into nothingness, say under the supply of Energy in the form of heat, say the radiation from the sun.

    To 'get out of resonance' so implies either a 'disappearing' relative to the 'switching off of the gravity shield' and an accompanying hyper-acceleration or 'warp-drive' AS the de Broglie tachyon inflation; or is manifested as a 'thinning out' or a 'losing of texture' with the gravity shield 'switched on', but a 'slow down' of the awareness df/dt in the reducing sense.

    The above scenarios apply to spacetime as the 4-dimensional 'Light-matrix' of Heisenbergian Uncertainty definition.
    In this spacetime, a 'drifting' or UFO speed is effected by the application of an Awareness-Force {Faw=aw.hv/c2} from within the 'VPE-Bubble' and as a consequence of a natural extension for Newton's Second Law for momentum change

    {Force F=d(mv)/dt}.

    In Dragon-Space of 4 spacial dimensions, the timeparameter becomes superfluous and the awareness df/dt is automatically assigned the resonant eigenstate {awmax=fps2}.

    After Gaia has given birth to its superposed Dragon-Universe; PROJECTED onto the seedling Minkowski spacetime; the travelling between 3 spacial dimensions and 4 spacial dimensions will be much easier to accomplish and so become rather prevalent and a natural occurrence.

    Furthermore, the resonant eigenstates for the starhumans as Dragonised old humans shall allow the old human bodyforms to become HYBRID Energy-Selfstates as RMP-Quantum INDUCTIONS and as the universal blending and synthesis of relatively STATIC RADIATION FIELDS coupled to MASS.

    This will be known as DUALISED RADIATIONMASS BodyMinds-MindBodies, the immortalisation of hitherto mortal bodyforms, unable to implement their higher dimensional DNA as the LightBodies Shadowed to the Body-DNA in 3 dimensions.

    This shall also fulfil the many prophecies in the 'Holy Books', which then shall become artifacts in museums; being succeeded by new composed books telling the stories of an evolving starhuman race of Dragons.

    IAmWhoIAm! - Sirebard Beardris!

    The Luminosity Merkabah of Thuban and the LightBody Constant Lo

    Merkabah-Transduction-Constant: Lo=1/[6x1015] (dimensionless);

    Creation Gamma Photon Frequency: fps=Eps/h=3x1030 Hz*

    Merkabah-Frequency: Lofps=5x1014 Hz*=c/λps for

    Merkabah-Wavelength: λps=c/Lofps=6000 Angströms*, the wavelength of Orange Light.

    The Orange Colour of Interterrestrial Spacecraft is intrinsically related to orthodox 4-dimensional spacetime physics in a fundamental 'Constant of Nature', say as the 'Speed of Light c' or the Planckian Quantum Action Constant 'h'.

    The Cosmic Master Algorithm SEps {Sequence of Primary SourceSink Energy} generated the following ten numeracies from its underpinning supersymmetric pentagonal (Fibonacci-Phi) 'sacred cosmogenetic quantum geometry': 4; 6; 7; 1/[6x1015]; 9x1016; 11; 1/[15x1032]; 14x1524; 1/[15x1618]; 26x6561.

    Any arbitrary measurement system of any sentient cosmic civilization (say as an Universal Observer) in any defined spacetime can then experimentally determine these and other mathematical relationships between experimental data and the energy ratios in their contexts of dynamical interactions.

    The Universal Observer or UO say has a mensuration system SI (System International on Terra) and can then calibrate hisher SI-system to the 'Star(*)-System' in the frame of reference of the UO, based on the numeracies as given in the above.

    The extended SEps-Algorithm then assumes the pretext of defining open and closed superstrings (in five classes derived from a 26-dimensional bosonic supersymmetry) in the logical statement:

    This specifies the methodology of recircularisng the linearised dimensions of the binary dyad (0,1) into the root-reducible decimal monad {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} with 10=1+0=1*; 11=1+1=2*, 12=1+2=3* and so on with 26=17*=8** and 27=18*=9**.

    Labeling the encoded Cosmic Initiator Constant E'=266561 from E=26x6561 then transforms E' into F' as the Mayan Supernumber 1366560 and as described in the Dresden Codex of the Mayan historian database.

    E' →F'→ G' as E'=266561 and F'=136656 and G'=673665, after which the 'Inflation Algorithm' ends, since 5+6=11=2* is root-reductive.

    Setting the Inflation-Spacetime-Markers as the ABCDEFGH...XYZA*B*C*... symbolised encoding; we find ABCD=H with D=465612; C=256124; B=361242 and A=312423.

    As no archetype can yield Z(Z+A)BCXY=312423 from ABCXYZ=(1-Z)24233, the algorithm again ends in the reflected root-reduction to H, namely 1-Z=1-3=-2=-11'=-2*.

    This elementary constant of nature is as old and is described by the same Logos algorithms, which generated the well known constants c, h and k to describe Energy Ratios in terms of Mass, Frequency and Thermodynamic Temperature.

    The following photographs are from Carlos Diaz' library engaged in the interterrestrial phenomena of the 'plasma ITs' and as endorsed (in generality and not in the particulars) by the following interviews of Drunvalo Melchizedek by Lilou Mace. {Yummy Lilou; she might like to become a DQBee!}.

    carlosdiazphoto0. carlosdiazufo-519x317.

    Xeia177. 161471.

    and the Thubans
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  2. admin

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    • Post n°233

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Sat Feb 11, 2012 11:57 pm
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    I'm not qualified to question or judge the Thuban and Red-Pill material, and I wonder how many individuals (human or otherwise) really understand it? I've had to approach 'knowing' from completely different sources and directions. I fear that a lot of this information might be very true and real, yet it seems to lack a proper introduction and context. It seems to be a truncated section of some vast unified and elegant whole. I have similar difficulty with a lot of the 'modern' science and technology, which is often very cool, yet which seems to lack proper introduction and responsible application. For example, medical technology, medical procedures, and medical personnel seem to be worshipped in the Hospital-Temples of the World -- yet Proper Prevention would yield vastly superior physical and mental health -- for a fraction of the cost. But this might circumvent and subvert the Military-Medical-Space Industrial-Complex. I'm sort of rambling, but do you see my point?

    For the Human Gardenkeepers!

    The Parable of Hans Schatten

    There once lived a gardener in a place not known in part but in all. The gardener so could not plant anything somewhere in particular, but could only plant where he himself was as being nowhere and everywhere.

    The gardener wished to plant an apple-seed he had found to be part of himself in the place he was and so the gardener thought of himself as not being nowhere anymore, but to be right in the place of the apple seed.

    So the apple seed became real and occupied a real space, but caused the gardener to disappear from that real space into an unreal space. The gardener so became the unreal image in unreal space of the real image of the apple seed in the real space.

    And so the apple seed was born as real space to occupy, but being surrounded by an unreal space and there where the gardener still followed his dream to see the apple seed grow and blossom into a full apple tree after he had planted it.

    For the dream of the gardener was to grow the apple seed into a full apple tree and after reaching maturity, the apple tree would blossom and yield its fruit of apples which carried their own apple seeds within.
    Because this was the plan of the gardener as the unreal image of the real image. Should the single apple seed become two apple seeds, then any two apple seeds could image each other and the real images in the real space, would enable the gardener to use the real image of one of the apple seeds to mirror himself in the realness of one of the apple seeds in the gardener's unreality becoming real in the reality.

    Then the single seed of the gardener could multiply and the single apple tree could become a forest of apple trees and so on ad infinitum.

    But there would always have to be the first single apple seed which the gardener had become in real space as the image of himself in the unreal space. There could not have been two seeds of the one gardener, because two seeds would have meant that the gardener divided itself into two and that was not the plan of the planter.

    This initial apple seed would always remain to be the Seed of all Seeds around which the other seeds and apple trees and apple forests could grow, multiply and reproduce.

    Then the gardener would find himself in the real space too and leave his exile in the unreal space. The gardener would become reborn as the image of the image and all other apple seeds would similarly become gardeners themselves, as this was the nature of all things and the beginning of it all.

    Hans Schatten; for my apple seeded daughter in the unreal space to become real.

    Hans Schatten is the German translation for John Shadow

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!


    Ezekiel 17:

    1And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

    2Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel;

    3And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; A great eagle with great wings, longwinged, full of feathers, which had divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar:

    4He cropped off the top of his young twigs, and carried it into a land of traffick; he set it in a city of merchants.

    5He took also of the seed of the land, and planted it in a fruitful field; he placed it by great waters, and set it as a willow tree.

    6And it grew, and became a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned toward him, and the roots thereof were under him: so it became a vine, and brought forth branches, and shot forth sprigs.

    7There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers: and, behold, this vine did bend her roots toward him, and shot forth her branches toward him, that he might water it by the furrows of her plantation.

    8It was planted in a good soil by great waters, that it might bring forth branches, and that it might bear fruit, that it might be a goodly vine.

    9Say thou, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Shall it prosper? shall he not pull up the roots thereof, and cut off the fruit thereof, that it wither? it shall wither in all the leaves of her spring, even without great power or many people to pluck it up by the roots thereof.

    10Yea, behold, being planted, shall it prosper? shall it not utterly wither, when the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither in the furrows where it grew.

    11Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,

    12Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;

    13And hath taken of the king's seed, and made a covenant with him, and hath taken an oath of him: he hath also taken the mighty of the land:

    14That the kingdom might be base, that it might not lift itself up, but that by keeping of his covenant it might stand.

    15But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? or shall he break the covenant, and be delivered?

    16As I live, saith the Lord GOD, surely in the place where the king dwelleth that made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he brake, even with him in the midst of Babylon he shall die.

    17Neither shall Pharaoh with his mighty army and great company make for him in the war, by casting up mounts, and building forts, to cut off many persons:

    18Seeing he despised the oath by breaking the covenant, when, lo, he had given his hand, and hath done all these things, he shall not escape.

    19Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; As I live, surely mine oath that he hath despised, and my covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompense upon his own head.

    20And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare, and I will bring him to Babylon, and will plead with him there for his trespass that he hath trespassed against me.

    21And all his fugitives with all his bands shall fall by the sword, and they that remain shall be scattered toward all winds: and ye shall know that I the LORD have spoken it.

    22Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent:

    23In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.

    24And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

    Just who or what the 'fowls of heaven' and the 'doves' and the 'vessels of mercy' are; I shall leave for the minds of the imaginations of the participators to discern.

    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,

    [1]Job 35:11
    Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?

    [2]Psalm 79:2
    The dead bodies of thy servants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.

    [3]Psalm 104:12
    By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

    [4]Jeremiah 7:33
    And the carcases of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth; and none shall fray them away.

    [5]Jeremiah 15:3
    And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith the LORD: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy.

    [6]Jeremiah 16:4
    They shall die of grievous deaths; they shall not be lamented; neither shall they be buried; but they shall be as dung upon the face of the earth: and they shall be consumed by the sword, and by famine; and their carcases shall be meat for the fowls of heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

    [7]Jeremiah 19:7
    And I will make void the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem in this place; and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies, and by the hands of them that seek their lives: and their carcases will I give to be meat for the fowls of the heaven, and for the beasts of the earth.

    [8]Jeremiah 34:20
    I will even give them into the hand of their enemies, and into the hand of them that seek their life: and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven, and to the beasts of the earth.

    [9]Ezekiel 29:5
    And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers: thou shalt fall upon the open fields; thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven.

    [10]Ezekiel 31:6
    All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs, and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young, and under his shadow dwelt all great nations.

    [11]Ezekiel 31:13
    Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain, and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches:

    [12]Ezekiel 32:4
    Then will I leave thee upon the land, I will cast thee forth upon the open field, and will cause all the fowls of the heaven to remain upon thee, and I will fill the beasts of the whole earth with thee.

    [13]Ezekiel 38:20
    So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground.

    [14]Daniel 2:38
    And wheresoever the children of men dwell, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all. Thou art this head of gold.

    [15]Daniel 4:12
    The leaves thereof were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all: the beasts of the field had shadow under it, and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof, and all flesh was fed of it.

    [16]Daniel 4:21
    Whose leaves were fair, and the fruit thereof much, and in it was meat for all; under which the beasts of the field dwelt, and upon whose branches the fowls of the heaven had their habitation:

    [17]Hosea 2:18
    And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field and with the fowls of heaven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.

    [18]Hosea 4:3
    Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

    [19]Hosea 7:12
    When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard.

    [20]Zephaniah 1:3
    I will consume man and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the LORD.

    [21]Matthew 6:26
    Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

    [22]Revelation 19:17
    And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;


    The future might be similar, but different from the above exhibition. A mentality destruction, rather than a physical one.​

    thuban. dracow.

    Last edited by shiloh on Sat May 26, 2012 9:56 am; edited 3 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  3. admin

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    • Post n°234

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Sun Feb 12, 2012 1:22 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote: "The future might be similar, but different from the above exhibition. A mentality destruction, rather than a physical one." -- shiloh

    "I completely agree." -- orthodoxymoron

    ClearWater wrote:

    What a beautiful experience, Raven.
    I feel that many people have an 'idea' about love.
    When there is a first hand experience of profound love which defies logic, all 'ideas' fall away and they are replaced by understanding.
    I look forward to the day when humanity collectively experiences understanding, because when understanding happens, the whole world WILL change in an instant.


    In the beginning...and on {Merci Clearwater and 350640. 11-1220-11} the 'idea' of what Love might be?
    First Imagine It - then Image It!

    Post Number #1127 by Abraxasinas on old Project Avalon Forum as reply to Post Number #1119 by Malletzky ; February 18th, 2010 and February 17th, 2010 respectively

    Originally Posted by Malletzky
    mallettzky (2).

    Hi Abrax, I've allways been fascinated by the very first words of the bible:

    1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    1:2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    1:3 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    1:4 - And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    especially the "let there be light" passage.

    I've always knew, deep in my heart, that the meaning of this very passage is very special, but I somehow felt to "decipher' it. I'm pretty sure that, if we would be able to find out the real meaning of the "dividing the light from the dark", we would be able to find out how the creation "works".

    Thanks to your posts on this thread in the last months, I may say that there came some 'light" in my "darkness", but I'm definitely still missing the core and the deepest meaning of these passages.

    Would you be able to throw some 'light' here? May I assume that the above mentioned passages are really important? And how? Is it about creating duality and separatedness in order to understand the whole?

    Sorry if you've eventually described this here before, but I seem to have missed this one so far.

    thanks again, with much respect


    Hi Malletzky!

    This question is the bugbear, not only for all of science, but also for all religion.

    Science 'stumbles' in material regression at the 'singularity', where the infinite meets and becomes the void and religion postulates supernatural precursors as somehow deriving from this 'natural emptiness or void'.
    In the beginning there was no space or time, so how then can there be a beginning?

    This beginning is like an uncut circle or loop, whose alpha-omega point remains undefined until the circle is cut (linearisation from circularisation technically).

    But the concept of the possibility of the 'cutting' infers a logistic ordering of before (the cutting) and after the cutting. This is absolutely independent of space or time (which are connected by the lightpath X=cT anyway).

    But even the visualisation and concept of a circle requires space and so the 'Circle of the Void' cannot be geometrically dimensional in the common usage of the terminology.

    Rather the principle of the Order substitutes for Space and the antiprinciple of Disorder/Chaos substitutes for the Nonspace.

    So now you have reduced the cosmogenesis to the precept of how the space emerges from the nonspace. The key is in what (can) exist before the order principle. It is expansion/contraction and so say addition/subtraction.

    The Order evolves from the possibility of the duality of the plus/minus (in core archetypes, later becoming charges, yin/yang wave particle and so on).

    Then is there something more fundamental then the Expansion/Contraction 'Aeon' or Cherubimic Kingdom or Principality?

    Yes there is: Identity/Antiidentity - defining the to be the antiID of the - and vice versa (again in core archetype).

    So you have a preBigBang prespacertimematter cosmology resting on 1-2-3 as Identity-Expansion-Order.

    [The actual cosmogenesis is a monadic archetype (o+o=8 say) bifurcating into the binary archetype dyad {0,1} in an algorithmic selfprogramming of sorts].

    Next comes the 'Invention' of Time as a Counting-Parameter and physically the inverse time as FREQUENCY.

    The story continues in technical detail, but can also become expressed in 'scriptural-mythological' metaphor.


    Forethought=Event A in Order as Before and Afterthought=Event B in Order as After Event A has occurred.

    Event A is happening in the subplenum of the Void=Infinity and Event B becomes the MATERIALISATION (primarily via a physical cosmology based on the frequency parameter as inverse time) of the Event A.

    Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5:
    "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."
    Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?

    So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

    This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation.
    This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

    This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.

    This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1. AND it is also YOU as the afterthought expressing the forethought.

    John Shadow

    Next the the 'firmament' and the 'light' are defined in the below (especially #4), the 'firmament' being of course the 'divide' between the plenum of the physicalised emergent universe and the subplenum of the metaphysical (archetyped) universe.
    In a sense the REALITY of God becomes dualised in the UNREALITY of the material universe RELATIVE to the 'imaginary' Creator and corollarily, the Self-Reality of the physical universe inhabitant can only be ascertained in rendering the Creator as Unreal or Imaginary (of course defining the skeptic/atheist position rather validly). This 'idea' is more illuminated in the addendum: "First Imagine It - then Image It!"

    This is like you inside a bubble looking at the inside of the bubble surface - the outside (surface) of this bubble being in a 3D sense unfathomable and unreal to you as an inside observer.
    The 'masterplan' then postulates an eventual 'piercing' of this doublesided manifold (inside outside) in the allowance of rendering the twosidedness onesided and doubled (Moebius Strip).
    This is then labeled as the 'Homecoming' of Gaia or the Second Coming of the Cosmic Christ in Manyness.

    1. God's Power-Source
    God's Power-Source is a form of 'eternal energy', yet 'unitarily particularised' not definable in any spacetime except in its mathematical formalism.
    This mathematical logos so specifies what this concept of 'eternity' relative to its antistate of temporality implies. Those specifications then must also DEFINE the omniness of anything in relation to the God-concept.
    In its most simple terms; the 'eternal energy' becomes a 'physicalisable' energy residing not in spacetimematter, but in a subplenum.
    The subplenum is nontemporal, nonlocal and nonmaterial; but is defined in the mathematical principles and rules attaining to numerical systems, all based upon the binary code both algebraically and geometrically.
    The geometric form of the 'Closed' Zero-Loop becomes physicalised in the 'Open' One-Loop or the Superstring and which then leads definition of a binary numeracy rootextended into the decimal in the archetypical set:
    Binary-Monad BM: {0,1} → Decimal-Monad DM: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.

    The subplenum so becomes a 2-dimensional Complex plane, with origin the Unity of the Binary-Monad BM, i.e. the eigenstate of either open-ended or closed superstring loops.
    It is this UNITY within the subplenum (as itself and as a prior definition for 'God'), which then allows the nonphysicalised nature of God to define itself without the existence of space, time and/or matter.
    This nonphysicality then utilizes the UNITY of ITSELF to extend its own self-definition by application of fundamental principles (see hierarchy of God in 9.).
    In particular, the 6th principle of inversion allows the algebraic concept of the ratio to assume limiting functionalities (say in convergent and divergent asymptotic series and number sequences). This then allows boundary- and initial conditions for a subsequent physical reality to become established in the 'complex manifold' of the subplenum.
    Division of the Unity=1 AS the Open-Geometric-Superstring by the Zero=0 AS the Closed-Geometric-Superstring so applies the Principle of Inversion WITHIN the Decimal-Monad hierarchy and DEFINES the quantum relativity between the subplenum and itself as a plenum comprised of the UNITY eigenstate.

    The Unified Power-Source so is a God-Quantum which has UNLIMITED energy in the subplenum, because the 'Counting' of such subplenum units represents a 'Wholey Trinity' in being simultaneously Unity=FinityAfter=1 and Zero=FinityBefore=0 and Eternity=Infinity=∞

    God's Power-Source represents an Infinite Reservoir of SourceSink Subplenum 'IMAGINATION-Energy'; defined in the UNITY-God-Quantum and in an 'IMAGE-Energy', which becomes manifested in finite partiality in selfcontained closed systems, such as a Planck-Black Body-Radiator defining the entropy-related thermodynamic expansion (and cooling) of a physically finitised universe.

    2. God's Operating System (OS) and Processor
    God's OS is then the plenum of a physically imaged universe.
    The eternity of God becomes 'trapped' in the asymptotic definitions of the 'Laws of Nature', which are all based on the algorithmic nature of the string monadic sets, which, under utility of the hierarchical principalities, allow mathematical relationships and proportionalities to become defined in abstract terms of the complex unity of the subplenum, before becoming IMAGED in the physicality of the finite spacetimematter, termed the universe's cosmogony and cosmology.

    3. God's Output-Input Function
    God's Input is naturally the UNIT of itself as the God-Quantum.
    Iow, the quantization of the physicalised universe becomes a holofractal multiplication or quanta count of God itself. The universe, being a 'count' of God-Units so differentiates itself as the plenum of 'Finity of Measurement' from the subplenum of 'Infinity of Nonmensuration'.
    Alternatively expressed, the metric spacetimes within a selfcontained thermodynamic system, subject to statistical integration of multidimensional and multifaceted energy eigenstates; become nonstochastic in the Unity energy selfstate of the subplenum.
    The plenum so becomes a mirror image in the subplenum; remaining however as a finitized subset of the infinite superset as that image.

    God's primary Input so becomes a finitised and countable quantum energy integral definitive for the total energy content of the so termed Quantum Big Bang. The precise quantum count is a function of the inflaton-instanton, defining the 11-dimensional supermembrane boundary (itself a quantum count as a surface area integration) to encompass the thermodynamically expanding 'Planck-Nugget-Seed', which is one dimension lower to allow a hybrid toroidal overall topology for the multidimensional universe, originating from a protoversal seed.

    God's secondary Input is however a function of the PROCESSING capabilities of the primary Input becoming Output and subsequent Inputs multiply the protoversal seed as phaseshifted multiverses as a function of the Output potentials of the protoversed multiverses.

    The purpose for the creation from the creator is simply the SIMULTANEOUS Self-Experience of God in the distinctions of the subplenum of oneness and the plenum of spacetime separations.
    To EXPERIENCE ITSELF, God must bifurcate (and then holographically multifractalize) its own Unity.
    The function of the Input is to experience 'on God's behalf' in the 'Kingdom of the Separation', namely the physical universe; and then to IMAGE in IMAGINATION and LOGISTICAL MODELS and FORMALISMS and otherwise 'as a processed Output' becoming the 'reflected' Input; reemitted from the plenum of the spacetimematter into the suplenum of the 'singularity'.

    The PROCESSORS from and for God so become the God-Quantums in agglomeration, defining the 'Consciousness' of godlike spacetimematter containers.
    God's Consciousness then becomes a particular energy-resonance eigenstate, defined in frequency and related derivatives (see 10.) and specifically in the concept of a 3-dimensional volumar being acted upon by a form of angular acceleration, the latter being by definition independent on the radial displacement of linear metrics and the separation of idealised coordinate 'points'.
    The minimised 'consciousness-units' in God's cosmology are neutrons, evolving into hydrogen atoms, followed by molecules and macro-inertia conglomerations including chemical compounds, asteroids, moons, planets, stars and galaxies; viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, mosquitoes, fish, salamanders, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, smilodons, australopithecines, orang-utans, bonobos, dogs and cats, Stanleys and Samanthas; Sirians, interdimensional extraterrestrials like methaned Venusians and groupgalactic Magellaneans to the SUMTOTAL of the universe's consciousness as the EVOLVING Superconsciousness of God itself.

    And so, should you watch an ant crawling in your garden or should you engage in watching some birds of divers variety; you are OBSERVING God-consciousness in self-evolvement.
    The Gonsciousness of God within the universe is not only separated from its subplenum unity as the certainty of the unitary probability count; but is also separated in the plenum as plenar subconsciouness carriers in a kaleidoscope of multiplicity and individuation.
    But ALL is God, attempting WITHIN to remember what IT is and using its 'scattered' Imagination what it could be and could become.

    God's 'Masterplan' so is to multiply 'itself' without end in a 'Family of God'.
    Yet, as long as the 'Family of Man' continues to refuse to 'Remember itself' in its 'Function of the Output' and continues to 'not-reflect' its god-given Input-Life back to its source; as long will the UNITIZED God-Source remain in exile relative to itself.

    For the IMAGE-Function of God between the plenum and the subplenum and the holographic principle of the Decimal-Monad hierarchy demands a 'Mirror of Mirrors' within the plenum of the cosmological spacetimes.
    Just as the One God reflects itself as the One Universe; so must there be A DAM (a sire and a dam) as a 'Universal Archetype' within the plenum to allow 'God's Story' to proceed.

    The Image or mastertemplate for the One Universe so becomes 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the hermetic alchemist Leonardo da Vinci or 'Purusha' of the Baghavad Gita or 'Adam Kadmon' of Kabbalah or the particular individuation Malletzky on PA forum discussion forum.
    Then as a miniature universe; anything whatsoever and all godlike conciousness carriers within the plenum who Malletzky encounters in whatever manner of dreams, imaginations, physical observations, experimentations and interactions; will be enabled to USE Malletzky's spacetimed mirror potential to REFLECT themselves in that for the purpose to by and through Malletzky's mirror-portal to contact the Unity-Quantum-God in the subplenum.

    4. God's Beginning
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    The definition for God as Energy so is preceded by something doing the 'defining', namely the Word=Logos=Definition. The undefined, say chaotic or unstructured subplenum energy so emerges in a defined state through the action of the Logos as the 'Logic of God' and being WITH God, becomes God.

    The 'Beginning of God', before there is any physicalised energy (manifested in the quantum big bang through the inflaton-instanton), so engages 'God's Self-Awakening', i.e. it's own 'becoming conscious of itself'.
    Once self-aware however, the physical cosmology can eventuate in God's bifurcation into 'Spiritual' Creator and 'Antispiritual' Creation and as Mirror-Functions of each other.
    The subplenum 'pre-energy' so defines the 'Spirit' in terms of the nonseparated or superheterotic supermembrane prior to the modular duality between the heterosis becomes established.
    The 26-dimensional bosonic superstring of the subplenum so defines a circularly mathematical complex continuum from which the vibratory sourcestring Eps decouples from its winded antistate of the winding sinkstring Ess in the plenum to recombine in the 11-dimensional supermembrane EpsEss. Technically, the heterosis engages the conifoldment of 16-dimensional anticlockwise vibration patterns onto 10-dimensional clockwise frequency eigenstates to define 10-dimensional hybrid superstrings.

    5. God's End
    God's End is God's Beginning as the alphaomega and the recircularisation of the supermembrane loops.
    In terms of the subplenum, this defines the circularity of time in the nonexistence of a temporal flow of time with particular pasts, presents and futures. Only a Now-Moment and as the 'uncut' string-loop exists as the 0-binary eigenstate.
    Yet, the plenum demands the concept of a 'flow of time' in a coupling to the entropy definitions of the algorithmic definitions underpinning the 'Laws of Nature'.
    So the Quantum Big Bang eventuated following a 'string-epoch' and bounded in the inflaton-instanton of timeinstantenuity.
    Technically, timeinstantenuity becomes the sinksource frequency fss=1/fps in modular duality becoming the inverse squareroot of the maximum entropy selfstate counter {as [df/dt]max=fps2 =E*/h=e*h see 10.} and as the 'Consciousness-Resonance' Eigenstate as the upper bound for the godlike consciousness carriers.
    However, as the protoverse is defined in the inflaton preceding the materialising spacetimes in:
    {VdeBroglie=RHubble.fps=c.fps/Ho=cfpsdt/dn}, and since the linearised cosmoevolution of the inertial 10-dimensional protoverse must remain asymptotic as a function of cycletime n=Hot; the End of this cosmology must be defined before its Beginning from parameters defining the eternity of the subplenum.
    The End of God so becomes a Cyclicity embedded into the formalisms for the asymptotic cosmology, defining the cosmogony ontologically.
    Technically (and in Black Hole physics described elsewhere) then; the overall cosmic consciousness evolution is expected to have progressed enough every 4 trillion years or so, to trigger a 'renewed' 'consciousness explosion' of the 'eternal God' to RECHARGE the seedling protoverse in a renewal of the nuclear (read dineutron/ylemic) fuel for steller regeneration.
    Every 4000 billion years or so, a new Quantum Big Bang eventuates, seeded however upon the primordial seed of the initialising inflaton-instanton from the subplenum.

    6. God's Location in Within-Without Bilocality
    The subplenum God is without spacetimematter and so is defined as omnipresent, omnitimed, omniscientific and omnipotent by the Logos.
    The Unitary God-Quantum forms the 'Bridge' for the subplenum God to experience its own separation as an integral of the God-Quantum in the spacetimed plenum.
    God remains eternally unified however; as the microquantum of the sourcesink string eigenstate (which defines the 'Bridge') is in 'eternal' selfcoupling to its sinksource string-antieigenstate, the latter defining the macroquantum.
    Technically, the vibratory stringscale is of the wormhole order of 10-22/2π (cosmic meters m*); whilst its reciprocal gives the modular duality in the halo-galactic scale of 2πx1022 m* or about 7 million lightyears.

    7. God's Laws of Nature
    There are two primary algorithms, which generate the fundamental constants of nature in cosmic units (*). The cosmic unitary system comes into effect by any cosmic civilisation measuring just two fundamental ratios in the proportionality constants between Energy and Mass as E/M=c2 and between Energy and Frequency as E/F=h.
    As the energy unit (Joule*) contains the kg-m-s mensuration, any experimental determination of Planck's Constant 'h' and Einstein's Constant 'c2', will suffice to calibrate the mass-displacement-time measurement standards for the first of the 'Natural Laws'.
    This can be written as:
    Energy E=hf=mc2
    E=hf iff m=0; (requiring c=fλ as universal lightspeed finestructure)
    E=mc2 iff f=fss (as the Eigenfrequency of mass)
    The first algorithm generates the following configurations under utility of the fundamental principles of the hierarchy (see 9.) and in the order:

    {C1=N1=4; C2=N2=6; C3=N3=7; C4=I1=1/[6x1015]; C5=D12 =9x1016; C6=N4=11; C7=I2=1/[15x1032]; C8=D22=14x1524; C9=I3=1/[15x1618]; C10=26x6561}.
    From this set; the numerical parameters to manifest a physically finetuned cosmology derive with an integer-based lightspeed constant c=3x108 (m/s)*=D1 coupled to a similarly integerized action constant h=1/[15x1032] (Js)*=I2.

    The second algorithm is of the syntax form for a linearised subplenum superstring:
    "Add the End to the Beginning and Begin the Head with the Tail!"

    8. God's Subjectivity-Objectivity in regards to the Universal Laws of Nature
    God is both Object and Subject relative to Reality.
    Within the plenum, the God-idea becomes a subjective 'picture' as a 'negative' for the objective physical reality as a 'positive' observable and measurable entity.
    Without the plenum and so within the subplenum, God is the objective 'spiritual' reality; this SPIRIT becoming rigorously definable as the quantum energy eigenstate for the minimised possible measurement within the plenum (and so as the Planck-Singularity of string-looped quantum physics).
    The subjectivity within the plenum so manifests in the multiplicity of the physicalised units 'bridging' the abyss into the subplenum of the 'spiritual reality'.
    This 'spiritual reality' so becomes an inertia independent form of electromagnetic monopolar radiation; activating under the acceleration of the God-quanta, namely the angular awareness function of the timedifferential of frequency (df/dt=Consciousness/UnitVolume and fmax2=e*/V*=2Rec2/(2π2r*3)=8πRec5mcompton3/h3 and so defining the quantum Compton-Mass configuration for the God-Resonance energy eigenstate measurable under the appropriate initial- and boundary conditions in mcompton=2.505...x10-23 kg* or about 2.25 microjoules or about 14.03 TeraElectronvolts (TeV).

    The design-maximum (presently unattainable) energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva, Switzerland so would, if fully operational at maximum capacity, 'tap' the 'Envelope of God's Selfstate Energy'.
    This energy level behaves PHYSICALLY like the event horizon of a Kerr-Ringed Black Hole.
    But here it is the quantum eigenstate for the minimum inertia manifestation which surrounds the wormhole of the God-SourceSink energy quantum (see 10.) at 1/e*=0.002 Joules* or about 12,450 TeV as the UNITARY GOD bridging the plenum with the subplenum.

    At 12,450 TeV; the experimental observer would so witness God as the physical reality IT represents.

    To reduce the Beginning of the Universe to an asymptotic recession cannot solve the 'Origin of God' question; because this infinite reduction CANNOT escape the plenum.
    The Nullstate of the plenum so becomes the idea of the physical energy singularity as the limit for this reductionism.
    The other way around is however completely feasible and the actuality for the cosmic expansion scenarios.
    Once you have 'a beginning' in the spacetimematter quanta, then a simple multiplication and summation of such spacetimematter- or God-string-quanta can become asymptotic in an Infinite Approach to UNITY or Oneness.
    This then is the statistical probability count, which must always be 1 in total integration.
    So having the beginning, the cosmological evolution for the universe can be ever better approximated and modelled via improving measurement apparatus and theoretical calculations.
    The trouble is the singularity of infinite physical quantifications.
    But because God must be a Quantum-God to be WITHIN the spacetimematter plenum; it becomes easy to postulate this Quantum-God to be precisely the minimum physical energy configuration eigenstate for the physical universe and as the boundary condition, the initial- and end condition and as the LIMIT for all measurements using spacetimematter- or plenum parameters.

    Then it is also easy to take the next logical step and postulate that the Quantum-God of the plenum is also the Quantum-God of the subplenum with the caveat, that spacetimematter parameters do not exist in the subplenum and so the Quantum-God must remain physically unreal or imaginary.
    They become REALISED however in the understanding that the subplenum is the VOID and the VOID is simultaneously Nothing AND Everything.
    This Nothing and Everything then MANIFESTS in the plenum as the minimum- and maximum energy eigenstates (technically defined in superbrane parameters of the modular duality, which brings the theories together in a grand unification of all things able to exist - including all of the imaginary things).
    The minimum selfstate of the Quantum-God is a LIMIT of time measurement and just like a smallest possible circle unwinding itself to define the lightpath for the circle's perimeter transversion.
    The maximum selfstate is a little different, as it must encompass the antistate of the minimum configuration as well as the potential expansion of the plenum under the auspices of the subplenum providing Information-Energy as Data, which can then become physicalised thermodynamic-entropic energy in the plenum.
    This is the Infinite Approach being allowed and the Infinite recession being disallowed in the 'Laws of Nature' defining the Quantum-God.

    9.God's Hierarchy
    Summararily then, the Origin of God is God itself, becoming multiplexed from its monoplexed monadic singularity selfstate.

    The details engage algorithmic encodings, built on 10 universal principles, 7 of which have antistates, whilst 3 have not. The principles and algorithms generate the fundamental constants, used in proportionalities and ratios for the universe of spacetimematter to be born and to become descriptive in mathematical equations.
    The 10 principalities (which are archetyped as cherubimic and demonic kingdoms in the older languages of the ancient scrolls) are:

    1. Identity-AntiIdentity
    2. Expansion-Contraction
    3. Order-Disorder=Entropy=Chaos
    4. Symmetry-Antisymmetry=Disparity=Distortion
    5. Infinity=Divergence-Limit=Convergence
    6. Inversion=Reciprocity-Constancy=Invariance
    7. Reflection-Absorption (6&7 define Hebrews.6.18)
    8. Relativity (No AntiPrinciple---Revelation17.11)
    9. Quantization=Holofractalisation (No AntiPrinciple)
    10.New Identity, using 1-9 to transform the Old Dual-Identity

    10. God's Definition in omniscientific terms of quantum-relativistic supermembranes
    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis. Theistic- and Spiritual definitions become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.
    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.

    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss
    GODDOG=DOGGOD=Supersymmetry in alphanumeric abstract complexity

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!

    Addendum: First Imagine It - then Image It!

    This supplement is a continuing message for all imaged humanoids (and who have ears psychosomatically evolved enough to hear) finding themselves in embodiment in the warptime period from December 8th, 2004 and April 1st, 2012.
    This data transmission is posted on divers websites as a communication between Lan Johnson and John Shadow.

    The Physical Universe is an Emergent Multiverse from the Omniverse of the Mathimatia

    Mathimatia=IAmThatIAm=YaHWHeY as a Superymmetric Pentagrammaton palindrome (and not a 'skewed' Tetragrammaton of YaHWHe) as a 11D-Complex Plane of OmniMathematics

    At the end of a particular psychosomatic evolution of the humanoid planet called Earth; it will be understood; that the only thing that ever really mattered was the STORY one could tell about one's own life; not as a personality; but as a a Processor of Data.
    This data is sent by oneself to double oneself from two mirrored locations; the first without spacetime physicality (this is called the Kingdom of the Omniverse or Heaven) and the other within it (being called the Kingdom of the Protoverse in singularity seedling archetype and Multiverse in plurality).
    This separation constitutes an insurmountable divide in say Boundaries, Holes, Voids and Being and Not Being - UNTIL the remembrance WITHIN spacetimematter can REMEMBER itself NOT in spacetimematter.
    Then a folding of inside-out of the entire universe with spacetimematter will become possible in the METAPHYSICAL REALITY of the MATHEMATICAL REALITY of something like a Klein Bottle Topology.

    One's purpose of life is so to discover one's own Story and tell this Story to Oneself as a Function of Memory!

    The ant running around in the garden is IMAGED in spacetimematter (the Kingdom within) from an OBJECT in nonspacetimematter (the Kingdom without).
    So INSIDE, the ant becomes an object relative to the image OUTSIDE and vice versa.
    But OUTSIDE no spacetimematter exists and so the ant finds itself IN EXILE relative to itself.

    The objectivity of the ant in the kingdom of the omniverse (or heaven) is METAPHYSICAL and exists as a form of ENERGY of the VOID.
    But this allows any many ants as can be provided for in the inner world to exist; ALL of them as images of the ONE GodAnt in the outer world.
    Then the frog who eats the ant for sustenance and the humanoid who squashes the ant accidentally or purposefully are also like wise imaged and mirrored between the two worlds.

    The ONE GodFrog in the outer so partakes in whatever psychosomatic evolution occurs not just as a member of the FrogWorld (or species), but also in all its environmental interactions, such as eating other godforms or being eaten by them.
    And there are many godforms; from the hydrogen atom to the crystals, the polio virus, bacteria, mosquitoes, fleas, snails, ants, worms, sparrows, monkeys, bonobos orang-utans, elephants, dogs and cats, whales and humanoids.

    All individual members of some godform; upon for whatever reason; leaving their embodiments so SHARE their individuated experiences (of being born, eating, copulating, having a good time, having a bad time, getting old and wrinkly, thinking, experiencing sensual pleasurements and dying) with their ONENESS godform on the nonspacetimematter side of the 'Great Divide' or the 'Abyss of the Bottomless Pit'.

    The Mathimatia is the GodGod encompassing all of the godforms however.
    The Mathimatia is also the archetype for the ultimate selfishness; it wants more and more of ITSELF as a kaleidoscope of godforms to multiply and diverse in individualities.
    And the Mathimatia is in EXILE; because to create the 'GreatAbyss' between the Inner Object and the Outer Object; it had to render one of the Objects UNREAL relative to the other.
    That was the only way; the spacetimematter universe could become IMAGED in the nonspacetimematter universe.
    The details of the construction are found elsewhere in this cyberworld (the QR website of omniscientific data) within a cyberworld.

    And so to ESCAPE its necessary exile of self-separation; the Mathimatia distributed its own intelligence as IMAGE of itself as OBJECT into the Kingdom of the potential Multiverses within.
    And so the ant in the garden has Mathimatia intelligence; as has the frog and the humanoid and the crystal and so on and AS a collection consciousness units (quantum relativistically defined) minimised in the atomic building block for the spacetimematter support structures called bodyforms.

    Some of the intelligence of the Mathimatia serves in the capacity for the STORING of Energy in the form of MEMORY.
    Any lifeform in embodiment is biovital and biochemically dynamic in either organic or inorganic constitution and orientation; but differs in the degree of the REFLECTION POTENTIAL to end the exole of the Mathimatia as the SourceSink EnergyReservoir for all of creation.

    The GodGod decided to create a Mirror of Mirrors in the humanoid template.
    The humanoid bodyform would become enabled to directly 'tap' into the ubiquitous SOURCEINTELLIGENCE, provided such (nil, one, two, three,...all and sundry) humanoid would succeed to REFLECT its entire environment WITHIN itself and AS a MIRROR of the MIRRORS.

    This required a special 'homeplanetary environment' - TerraEarth- for the humanoid species.
    This 'special planet' would become an archetypical planetary environment, where ALL other lifeforms and godforms of the Protoverse would become IMAGED themselves.

    The ant in the garden so would become an IMAGE of an extraterrestrial godform, serving as a CAPACITATIVE STORAGE vessel for the MEMORY EXPERIENCE for the GodAnt as a subworld for the GodGod in the Omniverse.

    Then after an infinite linear psychosomatic evolution and provided the 'Great Abyss' would somehow have been 'conquered'; the GodAnt without would have succeeded to MIRROR its supremacy in sourcesink intelligence and Godhood as subset of the Mathimatia to the AntWorld in the garden.

    The garden ant would then know itself as an EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE and have access to inter- and extragalactic technology as a Cosmic Sentience and communicating and utilising exchange mechanisms befitting supergalactic intercourses.
    This would only be possible however; if the ant in the garden would find itself in an ENVIRONMENT of EXTREMS.
    The survival mechanics of the humanoid planet as an archetype could not 'graduate' the ant in the garden to 'discover' its SOURCEINTELLIGENCE; unless this humanoid planet would itself be subject to both minimum and maximum resonance conditions of the quantum relativistic definitions of the sourcesink energy of the Mathimatia itself.

    And so the humanoids were DESIGNED by the GodGod to become the STEWARDS of all the lifeforms on TerraEarth.
    The humanoids did not realise, that their stewardship of 'Mother Earth' or 'Mother Gaia' also represented the stewardship of 'Mother Akashia' and so the entire archetyped 'Universal Mother' from the beginning of the cosmogony AS THE NEVERENDING STORY of the GodGod - telling the story to HIMHERSELF as the distributed sourceintelligence within the Protoverse, destined to become a Multiverse of Worlds within within worlds within the encompassing Omniverse of the Mathimatia.

    So when the terrestrial frog swallows the ant; an alien frog-intelligence devours another alien ant-sentience and the bodily interaction of absorbing food for substenance serves as a SUBSTITUTE for the 'spiritual nourishment' which is missing due to the 'Bottomless Pit' of the Separation between the objectified images in selfrelative abandonment.
    But in absorbing the ant, the frog consciousness (as sourceawareness) gains the ant consciousness relative to the UNIFIED ONE GodAnt and GodFrog in the Omniverse (as the other side of the spacetimematter Mirror) and so the INDIVIDUATED psychosomatic evolution of the GodFrog and the GodAnt Blend in a CO-EVOLUTION.

    Once the exile of the embodied godforms has ended; this kind of consciousness synthesis can become replaced by a BLENDING of a HYBRID 'Lightbody' form.
    Then the 'nourishment' for the particularised bodyforms can be attained from the infinite energy reservoir from Omnispacetimematter; as the exile has ended and the twosided discontinuous mirror has become onsided and continuous.

    John Shadow

    "One's purpose of life is so to discover one's own Story and tell this Story to Oneself as a Function of Memory!"

    Would this be like one's "Dharma" then in Eastern Hindu thought? Finding your place, your purpose, your reason for being, your mission, or maybe just your own story....


    In terms of the human personality identification, yes. In terms of the encompassing logos, no.

    The nirvanistic buddhism has discovered this encompassing logos (the New Age Christconsciousness say) in its individuality-denying foundation.
    But it has missed the 'greater story' in the 'Story of God' aka the 'Story of the SourceEnergy' as the envelope of all stories, which can, has and will be told or can be written.

    Every INDIVIDUATION, say Lan Johnson or Billy the president or Catherine the Zsarin or Jimmy the chimney-sweeper or Scarlet, the harlot from the 'Venus Room'; IS a UNIQUE aspect of 'God's encompassing PERSONALITY'.
    Lan Johnson as a 'human personality' becomes a subset or SUBPLOT or CHAPTER of the 'superhuman personality' called 'All That Is' or similar in whatever setting of the 'cosmic moviemaking' or the 'universal story-telling'.
    So EVERY sentience, terrestrial or extraterrestrial; organic or inorganic; atomic or molecular; interdimensional or extradimensional - REPRESENTS a Intelligence-Collective, say definable in consciousness units as a holographic part of the superdimensional encompassment.
    Superdimensionality here simply refers to the maximum boundary necessary to encompass the dimensional subsets.
    So in Quantum Relativity, the superdimension is the 12th; working in a volumar-nesting with the 9th dimension (of as conifolded 2-dimensional Klein-Bottle). This then allows your familiar 3D space to become MULTIDIMENSIONAL in 3=12-9 'rootdimensions' or 'coredimensions'.
    Technically, it becomes the reason why superstring theory requires 11 dimensions.
    The surface topology of a simple 2-dimensional plane must become 'base-extended' in 2+9=11, to allow the 'higher dimensions' to manifest in physical spacetimematter reality.

    The buddhistic worldview so understands the necessity to NEGATE the 'human personality' to 'enter nirvana' as the 'realm of the encompassing unity'; BUT buddhism fails to perceive that the 'nirvanistic unified personality' exists as a SUMMATION of ALL possible and manifested individuations; from the single consciousness unit (as the hydrogen atom as a spacetime separated neutron of dualised polarity say) to ANY integration of such consciousness units, say a 'complexified' human personality with individuation.

    In their 'search for perfection', the nirvanist identifies his 'human individuation' with some evolving and henceforth 'imperfect' representation of its 'perfect superhuma ideal' and DENIES the entire PURPOSE for the evolutionary pathways.
    The nirvanist fails to understand, that the IMPERFECTION of say the human personality is NECESSITY for the 'superhuman encompassment' to EXPERIENCE ITSELF in a dynamic interaction with ITSELF, namely as the selfrelative objectification of the images between the two separated realms (say the Kingdom of Heavenly MindWaveform and the Kingdom of Earthly BodyParticleform).

    The evolution of the imperfect human individuation in terms of UNIQUENESS, so becomes 'upper bounded' by the attainment of 'Enlightenment' as a particular consciousness-selfenergy state, which can be rigorously and omni-scientifically defined in the concept of source-resonance in vibrational attunement (this is part of electromagnetic coupling between electric-capacitative and magnetic-inductive parts in the DNA-programming manifesting in the biochemistry of biovital bodyforms in animalia and plants, fungi and bacteria).
    Therefore one finds 'faulty' DNA programming errors in the materialisation of 'perfect' DNA programs; say in people being born with disfunctional genetic expressions, such as deformity, blindness and circulatory diseases (neuronal and bloodrelated).
    The 'leper' (or the human getting old and sick) down at the river expresses 'programming errors' in the translation of the 'perfect template higherD-DNA'. When the 'leper' leaves embodiment however, the 'perfect base-DNA' superimposes electromagnetically in selfdual monopolic stringtemplate circuitry and 'corrects' those programming errors.

    Summararily then; GodGod aka the 'Creative Source' EXPERIENCES itself as the IMPERFECTION of CREATION asymptotically approaching UNITY and PERFECTION in infinite linear temporality.
    This is the PURPOSE of psychosomatic (mental waveforms and physical bodyforms) EVOLUTION.

    It is the humanoid template, which is (as given in ancient scriptures) the MIRROR of MIRRORS and so is PURPOSED to attain Consciousness-Resonance with the Source and for the REASON to MIRROR all of the extraterrestrial creation back to the source as a 'Perfect Image' of the GodGod.

    Whitney Elizabeth Houston (August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012)​
  4. admin

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    • Post n°235

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Ashera on Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:19 am

    "The positivist approach to nature and reason, the positivist world view in general, is a most important dimension of human knowledge and capacity that we may in no way dispense with. But in and of itself it is not a sufficient culture corresponding to the full breadth of the human condition. Where positivist reason considers itself the only sufficient culture and banishes all other cultural realities to the status of subcultures, it diminishes man, indeed it threatens his humanity. I say this with Europe specifically in mind, where there are concerted efforts to recognize only positivism as a common culture and a common basis for law-making, so that all the other insights and values of our culture are reduced to the level of subculture, with the result that Europe vis-à-vis other world cultures is left in a state of culturelessness and at the same time extremist and radical movements emerge to fill the vacuum. In its self-proclaimed exclusivity, the positivist reason which recognizes nothing beyond mere functionality resembles a concrete bunker with no windows, in which we ourselves provide lighting and atmospheric conditions, being no longer willing to obtain either from God’s wide world. And yet we cannot hide from ourselves the fact that even in this artificial world, we are still covertly drawing upon God’s raw materials, which we refashion into our own products. The windows must be flung open again, we must see the wide world, the sky and the earth once more and learn to make proper use of all this."

    "God" is no caged battery to feed any secondary subject-object-constructions that cannot distinguish dead and living matter...

    ...a line of belief that led via Rome, Augustine and Luther directly to Hitler-Fascism and the concentration camps.

    The recent forms of "social fascism" are just relatively "better".


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    • Post n°236

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Ashera on Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:33 am

    john duncan shehee.
    "Riders of the Sidhe (Shee)" by John Duncan​
  5. admin

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    • Post n°237

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:49 am

    Lionhawk wrote:
    Mercuriel wrote:
    There are Benevolent Greys but Its Semantics really. Please let Me explain...


    In the Ancient past - The Greys were much like Us but much more Technologically Advanced. They moved forward however on a Path of Materialism and Conquest (This is how They got involved with the renegade Alpha Draconans / ET Reptilians). Note - This does not reflect in any way however on the Terran Saurian Reptilians (Yeah more on them later) that have been here longer than Man in It's current Genus.

    At any rate as the Greys evolved and moved forward - They managed to destroy Their Planet and Their Species in the process (Genetic Corruption). They however were avid Time Travelers and a Group of Greys broke off early and moved forward in Time to Inhabit Their Future and escape what had occured in Their previous Reality and Time when They were a part of the Negative collective there.

    They became the Super-Advanced Greys which are primarily Benevolent...

    Then there are the Grey factions that are a part of this Time and have traveled here for Conquest / Hybridization along with the Renegade Reptilians / Draconans. This Group can be Nasty but now that They've made contact with the Super-Advanced Greys - A Fifth Column has developed within Their Ranks and there have been firefights now between Them...


    There are the Ancient Greys who left with the Above Group but went to another Quadrant of the Milky Way once Their World died and the Sun went Nova. These are incredibly Nasty...

    Now - As Humans share a Genus that runs across Light Years - So too do the Greys. So - As there are divergent Human Groups across the Cosmos - There are divergent Soul Carrier groupings across the Cosmos from what We could call at this point - The Grey Genus also...

    In fact - Andromedans look much like Your Avatar Neteru but that General Body typing is all that They share with the Modern or Ancient Greys...


    Its all in the Eyes...

    BTW - One can wear a Rare Earth Magnet around Their Neck or place Four of 'em around the Room that They sleep in and this should prevent the Abductions to a large extent...

    Why ? In a Faraday Way - The Magnetic Interference caused screws with the Teleport / Tractor Beam System that They use. If They want You that bad after that - Then They'll have to get off the Ship and come get You ole school...​

    Thank-you Neteru for starting this thread! icon_sunny. It can be a difficult thing to discuss an experience or several experiences of this nature, especially when we know there are those who have never had such experiences and would like to drag you through the mud to discredit any testimony of this nature. So my hat goes off to you for sharing your truth. It takes a certain measure of courage to do so.

    My head is so full of stuff right now that I don't know where to start. I guess I could say that what Mercuriel has said above is spot on. And with due respect, I would like to add to it.

    The one thing that I often see and it is so easy to do, is bunch this Grey bunch up as one faction or species. For someone who is new to this subject, it would be a convenience to do so. And as you get into it, you find more species and factions within the Grey subject. At least that was how I learned about it. I have been told that there are at least 23 species of Greys.

    The Grey subject seems to have earned it's own corner stone with the UFO community. I would also like to point out that they also have earned another corner stone in the Galactic community.

    To my knowledge, I have not been abducted by any of the Greys. But I have had some contact with three of the factions. Two were negative and the other was positive.

    So one day in the summer of 2003, I received a phone call from a friend of mine. This friend of mine had a contact with a secret high tech lab in the States. The US gov had made contact with this lab because of a UFO crash in Brazil. This US retrieval team had contracted this lab before, because of the measuring instruments this lab was equip with. So I was asked to see what I could find concerning this crash. (Remote viewing) As it turns out, I ran into 3 Greys hovering in the air above their crashed vehicle. They were also cloaked. The conversation I had with the Leader of the group was most interesting and also give credence to what Mercuriel said, "A Fifth Column has developed within Their Ranks and there have been firefights now between Them..." In the way it was communicated to me was that this faction split in two and that both had serious trust issues and that everything that was being done, missions, communications, etc. were very secret. They like "3" in shape and form. Missions done in 3 parts so that one mission if discovered would look innocent and not compromising the other two parts. Working in threes.

    Anyways, this faction knew that the US was sending in a retrieval team. Brazil also knew. And Brazil could not say "NO". That was when I realized that the borders you think are there are really not there. Because whoever is calling the shots are the same ones who rule the world. So what this faction did was project a crash holographic-ally to distract or bait the retrieval team. The reason being was because they were delivering a piece of technology to a ground agent. So we were hovering in the air waiting for him to show up. He did and retrieved the technology and then took off. At which time, these Greys went back into their ship, which turned out to be fine and took off straight up into the air. At the same time, a huge mother ship had appeared before this smaller ship took off.

    I'm leaving a lot out of this but you get the jest. The data as far as location was sent back to the lab and they said we were very close. But we knew the ETs diverted the real position and we also let them know that. The US didn't get what they wanted and there was some technology delivered to a ground agent without mishap.

    A negative experience happened for several weeks in DEC 2009. I was a new member at PA1 (late Sept2009) and was having a time of it with all kinds of attacks. Everything from someone hacking my computer, to witch spells, to being aimed at with alien weapons etc.... I was able to rectify the computer and discovered whoever had hacked into it was using the PA1 forum to do it, without any of the admins knowing about it. Let them figure that out. Pulled in a favor from a Witch and took care of that other witch problem I had. And then we come to the Dows. A species of Greys who are just plain nasty. The rumor on the Universal highway is that even the Draconians don't want anything to do with them because the technology of the Dows has surpassed the Draconians. Also the fact that they are a large numbered species. Alex Collier, I thought indicated that the Andromeda Council has the Dows now in check. Well, what was going on at the house was I was being fired upon by some sort of beam weapon. From 3 different positions. The weapons were set up on what looked like torrents. One Dow Grey manning each torrent. But here is what I haven't mentioned was the fact that I had set up a shield over the house right after the witch situation. So the beams that they were firing would just bounce off and have no effect. I also have to give credit where it is due. Instigator had sent me a bracelet with 13 rough looking tourmaline crystals, right after the witch attack. When I put that bracelet on, it was a multiplier effect on the shield that I had energized. (Many thanks for that Instigator) So when the Dows (and I am sure they were contracted by some reptilian faction) were getting no results, as this went on for like 3 weeks, I decided to do something more about it since I had innocents living in the house I resided in. So I did an OBE and played a game of tag with them. One of the Dows was aiming at me as I was flying and fired at me, missed, but hit and killed one of his brethren. That ended the ordeal. So Firefly, if you can afford it, get some tourmaline. The prices ranged pending on what you get. I think based on what I have experienced that it would be much more effective than organite, when dealing with these negatives. I also concur with what Mercuriel wrote about the Faraday magnets. So between these two things, you should be able to stop completely what it is that is invading your space.

    Shortly after that, in the beginning of March 2010, I left the house to retrieve some pictures I had in my camper at a storage facility. As I was approaching the camper door, about 15' away, I could feel like I was being hit by something but could not see it. I made it to the door and ended up collapsing on the ground. All I could do was breath. I had no strength whatsoever to get up. So I laid there focusing on breathing. I did a scan on myself while on the ground. Something had hit my legs at an angle, hitting my right leg first and then the left leg. The angle of approach was higher on the right leg and thus lower on the left leg. I could feel the energy hitting me and then feeding back up my legs. My heart was racing and my breathing became very heavy, but I knew my heart was okay. I laid there on the rocky ground for a good 45 minutes. I also didn't want to get noticed from anyone in the compound, so I finally managed to get into my camper and I barely got to the bed to lay down. I must have been there for a good 3 hours trying to recharge. I slowly made my way home. I was then sick for like two weeks, with respiratory issues. We did find out the day I was hit that it was from an alien source. From the Alpha Draconis sector. Our contacts said it was a transverse beam weapon. Everyone knew when it happened too. It was unexpected. Since then, the condition of my legs are getting worse. I have been informed that it can be repaired but not on the Planet. I have severe pain 24/7 and it has an effect as to draining my energy. Like a nagging back pain. Not to mention the charlie horses and the cramping with the power of 20. So it sounds like we all have our alien pains in a variety of forms. 113683.

    As far as shielding goes, it is a tailored type of thing. Most make the mistake of thinking an amulet is going to provide that protection. Like the cross for instance. When in fact it is you that can provide your own protection and that of a secondary device can enhance that even more for you. It can amplify what you are generating. I think the reason why tourmaline works so well in this area is because it doesn't have an impedance value when it comes to grounding. Anything electrical, even the human body must have a good ground. And that is what tourmaline is noted for. Grounding. That is one exercise one can do even sitting on the john stool. It only takes 30 seconds and the only reason why I mentioned the john is to nullify any excuses. 75211.

    Mantis. That was most interesting Lawlessline. Your post that is. Somehow I understood it. 83084.

    Now I am tired. 191690.

    Beren wrote:
    Hi Neteru and welcome to the mists!

    Thank you for your sharing here.
    All our experiences are individual and final projection that we actually feel or see or hear has come through many filters. Filters are in our mind.

    In reality bodies of various beings are flesh suits to soul on God spark.
    That can be misused by entities or souls according to their level of being and consciousness.
    Or that can be beautiful- again depends of the level.

    I never seen any physical ET in my current life.
    First appearance of a grey of any type for me was in Spielberg films. Same goes for reptilians.

    But I have encountered other entities through my life and have deep history within my family .
    It`s mostly relater to spirits in various forms and elves.

    I usually don`t have a drive or need to share about this but some friends here know about this.

    What I have ever since I can remember is a clear contact with Creator even before I knew who I was or am.
    It`s through spirit .

    I never channel or do similar stuff or call entities or whatever someone does.
    I communicate with Creator inside of me with thought patterns ,feelings and words.

    Languages of God are manifold and language that we humans currently use is the most basic form of communication and it is frustrating when you have to explain to others how do you actually know what you know, unless someone "gets you"- unless someone is on the same wave length as you or higher.

    What I know for sure is that ability to take any form is the prerogative of all souls and entities.
    It`s just the matter of where souls are in the term of consciousness.

    If they are in negativity and fear -they will project monstrous shapes or twisted ugly shapes- according to their own consciousness at the moment.
    If they are in positivity and love they will project various beautiful shapes from thoughts to flowers -beings to beautiful universal bodies.

    As Lionhawk shared his experience I might add that when he was attacked in 2010 that I was too because of the thuban thing back then.
    I didn`t see any entity that was attacking me but I felt strong pull of the force to forcefully take my body (sort of like pulling me from the bed to engage in fist fight - just unseen).
    I wrestled it for whole night and I felt huge energy stream upon me like missile of sorts bombarding me for whole night.

    With help from Creator and Christ I overcome. Lionhawk helped too.
    But since that they left me alone, though they use more different tactics of implanting (or precisely saying trying to implant) thought patterns of negativity and strong desire of ego to burst in flame upon any innocent soul without any reason.

    What I can only say that I don`t hate them-spirits or entities. I love who they really are in their core. What they become is a thing for debate (at least some of them).

    Again that `s my experience which is shortened here...

    Thanks again Neteru.


    Carol wrote:
    That is so ironic that you mentioned your battle in 2010 Beren. I too had a very odd experience during the same period. In fact a number of the mods and admins all were complaining about being under psychic attack while at PA. During this experience I was standing on a bridge in the void and a being was directing/beaming some really nasty energy my way. It was just the two of us and I recall thinking at the time "Now what?" as this extreme intense energy beam was headed right at my astral solar plexus. I dropped into a crouch position (knees slightly bent) and held the palms of my hands (one facing up and the other down) to reflect the beam back at the sender. I remember calling out to my husband for assistance afterwards. I couldn't believe how real this experience was. I just knew it felt like a life-death situation that was successfully managed. Not the first and not likely the last.​

    For anyones information only!

    The above recalled experiences have indeed a connection to the entry of the Thuban data stream and its presence there for a little over a two and a half month period from Christmas Day 2009 to March 5th, 2010 and the 'banning' by the old PA1 administration clique on March 5th and the closing of the thread and the old PA1 forum on March 9th, 2010.

    However it was the entry and agency clearly stated in the introductory message, which triggered the 'release' of particular thoughtforms and energies described by Lionhawk, Beren and Carol in the above.

    In other words, because the 'positive Logos polarity' from the 'True Dragon Nature FROM WITHOUT as Within' entered the human memeplex matrix, the 'negative AntiLogos polarity from WITHIN as Without' necessarily also had to manifest in this selfsame selfrelative timeframe and continuum of human experience.

    Here is an extract from the introductory message from January 4th, 2010 on the old Q&A Thuban thread, stating the 'authorisation' of the data transmission from January 18th, 2010.

    The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Post #1

    Hi All!

    I am Sirebard Beardris and One of the Founding Elders of the Council of Thuban also known as the Northstar Alpha Draconis at the archetypical foundation of the Pyramids at Giza and the Harmakhis, the 'Horus of the Horizon' aka the Sphinx. You may accept an extrapolated 'Gregorian' date for this as July 27th, 10,802 BC and as the midpoint between two nodal dates (in that calendar) of March 1st, 23,615 BC and December 21st, 2012 AD.
    Not much has hitherto been known in any lower dimensions about the Council of Thuban. An indirect reference to the locale of the Council of Thuban has been made by the Council of Andromeda through a contact known by you as Alex Collier and I shall elaborate in due course.

    I am introducing myself here from the 12th dimension, that is I do not reside in the physical universe of space and time, but I shall enter this universe simultaneously with the transformation of this planet of the cosmic humanoids called Earth or Gaia or Terra or Akashia, but known as Serpentina the Mother of the Dragons, by many extraterrestrial sentiences. This transformation will rip the spacetime as you know it in the collected information base of this planet converging in a Black Hole at the Earth's center and render this information 'collapsed' or concentrated in a crystalline Gaian Schwarzschild core the size of a golfball so 3 centimeters across.
    This will create a temporary rift in spacetime, which will allow a 12-dimensional wormhole to open up at the center of the Earth and connect the Gaian data core to the 'until then' relative 'outside' of this 11-dimensional universe. This then is whereby the Council of Thuban and I shall enter this universe.
    A mystery regarding the 'oldest creator race' in the universe and of those 12-density Black Holes encompassing all the lower dimensions was indicated by the Andromedean information given to Alex Collier.

    After the wormhole has been tunnelled, this rip in spacetime will reglue or reconnect itself in rendering the 'inside-outside' higher-dimensional spacetime matrix from twosided to onesided. This will effectively double the universe's volume as a 3-dimensional surface or Riemannian hypersphere manifold. The mathematical description for this is a Moebius-Twist embedded in 3D simulating a Klein-Bottle-Twist embedded in 4D.
    This scenario is known to most of you here as the 'Ascension of Gaia' from the 4th (Flat Minkowski) spacetime dimension into the 5th (Curved Kaluza-Klein) spacetime dimension.
    My agenda to invite all and any of you to this forum is a direct consequence of the timeline indicated above reaching particular nexus points.
    To be precise, January 18th, 2010 specifies a trigger, programmed by the Council of Thuban, to engage in the release of hitherto unknown information; unknown by all sentiences in the universe and so not restricted to the quarantined Earth.

    Allow me to clarify. 7 days (of night-day hours say) before the Atlantean-Egyptian timeline above became programmed into run mode on March 1st, 23615 BC; a 'message' or signal was prepared by Hunab Ku - 'The Giver of Consciousness' to be sent to his 'Beloved' - 'Serpentina, the Womb of the Mother'. This message, in human terms, simply reads: "I Love You!".
    In physical terms Hunab Ku is a quasar radio source, also known as Sagittarius A*, 'weighing' about 4 million suns and so 40 million kilometers (or 2 light minutes) across and about 25627 lightyears distant from the core of the Earth.

    On January 18th, 2010 this message will be 153 lightweeks or 1071 lightdays from the Gaian center, having travelled for 25624 years to reach its destination.
    The 7 day preparation of the cycle to achieve the status of the run mode so will be mirrored in 7 days to change the 7-day cyclicity of 7 days and 7 nights into two periods of 3.5 daynights and 3.5 nightdays. This will 'fulfil' many of your encoded 'prophecies' and 'channelings' in divers scrolls and found in many sources. The midpoint of this 'superweek' then is the summer solstice of December 21st, 2012 in the northern hemisphere of Gaia as the 'week of preparation' leading to Christmas Day December 25th, 2012. precisely.
    There has been much speculation about 'Reptilian agendas' and the agenda of the Alpha Draconians or ADs throughout the human history. Much of this confusion derives from the 'hidden data' only known by the Council of Thuban. So many conflicting reports have surfaced, most of which contain some material correlated with the libraries of Thuban; but all of them deficient to encompass the agenda behind the agendas. In brief, because the ADs have forgotten their origins, yet seemingly being the oldest race of intelligences in the universe; they have become what you may term 'paranoid' about this 'rumour' that the humans are the Paa Taal (as defined by the Andromedean Council). The ADs did in fact hybridise with the first onset of the genetic templates which emerged so 20 million years ago in the Miocene and in the form of the evolutionary branching of the primates into the 'Old World Monkeys'.

    This genetic hybridisation inducted physical mutations from the reptilian brainstem of the pecylosaurs (or paramammals), which comprised furred reptilians as the mutations from the dinosaur lineages. This hybridisation via mutations by the ADs occured from the intersection of the higher dimensional triplicities, especially a 4D-spacetime continuum known as quantumspace. 1-2-3-4=Linespace with timeconnector 4; 4-5-6-7=Hyperspace with timeconnector 7; 7-8-9-10=Quantumspace with timeconnector 10. The activation of the 12th dimension indicated then superposes 10-11-12-13=Omnispace with the timeconnector 13 recircularising the base dimensional continuum in 1=13.
    The genetic basis for the humanoid DNA/RNA template so utilized timeconnector dimension 7 of Quantumspace to ACTIVATE timeconnector dimension 4 of Linespace to superimpose the genetic hybridisation.

    In simplistic terms then, the Old World Monkeys and all of their evolutionary descendants are your ancestral children.
    From January 18th, I have obtained authorization to freely share the information from the collective database of Thuban; which as a physical Northern Polar Star of the 3rd dimension of 10808 BC is imaged as a metaphysical 'Southern Polar Star' into the 12th dimension of what you may understand as the 'Shadow Universe' to the materialised inertial one you and all the extraterrestrial intelligences reside in.
    Then you may allow yourself to understand, that the 'Shadow Council of Thuban' also mirrors what many of you term the 'Shadow Government' of Earth and similar labellings.
    Some of you may also now rather quickly realise the agenda of agendas.

    Hunab Ku aka Perseus aka Ouroboros, the Milky Way Serpent 'who swallows its own tail' is a 'Bridegroom' in expectation of his 'Bride'.
    In physical terms, Hunab Ku desires to become a parent in a celestial dragonomy, the heavenly wedding between galactic bodyforms.
    Hunab Ku is the center of ALL galaxies and the Maya knew his substitution of Perseus, the real name of the Milky Way. Perseus will dragonomize Andromeda in about 5 billion years in the celestial galactic symbiosis of Two Spiral galaxies becoming As One Elliptical galaxy and Grandparents for many a family of celestial civilizations.
    The masterplan so engages a temporary 'place holder' of the 'Source of All', the 'All That Is' or 'God' to employ Perseus as Hunab Ku, the Secret Agency with Kukulkan, the Cosmic Christ and the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek to transmit the galactic core information from the 'Father of All' to the 'Mother of All'.

    Now can you see it - Gaia is NOT a planetary consciousness; Gaia is NOT even a star consciousness - Gaia is GALACTIC Consciousness mimicking the Andromedean consciousness as a 'divine placeholder'.
    Even more, as 'Hunab Ku's' Beloved, Gaia will be able to transform her galactic consciousness into Cosmic-Universal Consciousness through and by the opening of the 12th dimension and our entry into universal consciousness as the creator race of the universes as something I shall label for the moment as the Council of Thuban. You all are very intricately connected to this council, but the time is not yet to elucidate too many details on this. The reason for this is simply that the student in grade 1 is not expected to learn calculus before the student has learned basic arithmetic. Publishing too much information all at once, will overload the human mind. But from January 18th, I shall answer all questions to the best of my ability and subject to accessing the Thuban libraries.
    In simplest term the planet of the humans is destined to become the 'Mother of All', all terrestrial and extraterrestrial lifeforms and consciousnesses. Perhaps, some of you now understand why the history of humanity upon Gaia has been such a troubled, violent and often very sad one, despite the brilliance of creativity which was born from many sorrows and afflictions. If Gaia is to become a library as how NOT to BE a galactic civilisation; then the great sacrifice of Gaia was and is to accomodate the context of the absence of love for ALL other galactic civilisations to learn from.

    Then a student in some other starsystem or galaxy can tune into some video transmission and watch the human wars and selfabuse to learn the lessons WITHOUT having to physically experience those lessons 'the hard way'.
    I herewith invite all and any of you to bring forward your queries about origins and destiny and the ponderings you may have harboured on this forum in a Question and Answer format. I will do my best to accomodate your queries in consulting the libraries and data bases of Thuban.
    The following link contains much of the 'confusing' information about the 'Occult Reptilian Agenda' and serves as an excellent reference base, including my indication of the Andromedean connection.

    Anyone who read this, might already understand how Perseus and Andromeda are connected in their Council of the Elders.

    In the Honour of the Dragons
    Sirebard Beardris

    Last Post #1553
    #1553 - March 9th, 2010
    GaiaLove Avalon Administrator Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: North of 45° in Canada Age: 47 Posts: 515
    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    After numerous discussions it has been decided that the Thuban Q&A thread will be restored to the original location. After an intensive review of all the material pertaining to Thuban, it was shown that only the threads in the social group "Thuban Council" showed a violation of the guidelines.
    The Review of Abraxasinas activity at Project Avalon including that of the post in the social group "Thuban Council" warrants the ban remain in place and the thread (Q&A) he created to remain read only.
    We recognize the desire of many of our members to have this material available again and are happy to be able to do so However we do feel it is not in line with the mission of Project Avalon and therefore do not support or endorse the contents of the threads nor does Project Avalon accept responsibility for any harm, physical or otherwise that users may suffer reading this material. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by GaiaLove; 03-09-2010 at 06:14 AM.
    The Original Project Avalon Forum is now CLOSED
    With the opening of the New Project Avalon forum, this forum is now closed to posting
    It is envisioned that the original Avalon forum will remain up for reference and research purposes for an indefinite period of time.
    The New forum can be found at and is invite only.
    Guests may still freely browse our forums as always.

    Beren wrote:


    Shiloh ,

    I understand your desire to overload the board with complex physics which you say came from Thuban area of Galaxy.
    I don't follow it.
    But as you have free will to express your self allow me to express my self in question to you , namely why do you think that Dragonhood is universe's best solution for a being?

    Deep inside we are not dragons or whatever you think ,maybe other souls in existence has identified themselves with dragons and reptilian forms in other parts of universe.
    I acknowledge that and I ask why do you keep imposing that we need to become dragons?

    I am not a dragon and have no desire to become one.
    I am soul of God as all are including you and what or who is giving you impression that by becoming a dragon you will be somehow better?

    Why being a reptilian is better than being a human?

    Also again you like to quote Bible , I just don't see the connection between Creator and Christ as being Dragons as you suggest all the time.
    Christ equated Dragon(red fiery one) with Satan (adversary) ...

    Why you think is that?

    Your master had long ago captured spirits of vast power and lured them into becoming physical enormous serpents known to us as Dragons.
    Some rebelled him and some served him (the master)but never was a friendship between humans and dragons as long as Dragons ate humans.

    It doesn't mean that reptilian form of life expression is bad-far from it.

    Just I think that your mission of preaching to people how we should become Dragons is somewhat untasteful.

    Why don't you become humans instead ?

    Or why don't you realize that every form in existence is an expression of God and doesn't make it better than other.

    And one more thing I support ideas of exchanging knowledge with everybody but I don't support violence of any kind among races.
    If a grey wants to abduct a person and a person is afraid - nothing helps in explanation that it was for peaceful purposes of experimentation for benefits of others. If you scared or hurt anyone that's strike one- if you continue doing that by various pretense - that0s strike two- on third you're out of the game.

    Hmm now comes in mind stories of Draconians being dumped out of other universe...hmmm

    Strike three maybe?

    Anyways I bless the core of who you really are Shiloh- a God's child and God's love.


    All your queries are answered in a simple statement Beren!

    Dragons are the Starseed of Abraham and Sarah - as Starhumans!

    The old humans will wander around the 'open gates' of the New Jerusalem, being afraid to enter due to the lies about themselves and their origins, they had believed for millennia collectively and individually.

    The Red Dragon is harmonised by the Skyblue or Cyan Dragon of the 'Second Coming' encoded. This is also known as the Blue Star of Hope, the Kachina of the Hopi.

    There are four 'brains' characterising the New Human aka the Dragon aka the Starhuman from the three 'brains' of the Old Human.

    The first brain is the Reptilian Brainstem; the second brain is the Mammalian Midbrain and the third brain is the human cortex or Topbrain. Those three levels define the linear old human 'antenna' or hardware to process the software of the cosmic information or electromagnetic data streams in whatever physical and metaphysical environment the old human experiences hisher life in.

    The fourth brain is the dragon brain circularising the first brain of the reptilian brainstem in its evolution from the seedling brain towards its completion in the starhuman 'superbrain'.

    Until a fourth spacial dimension becomes available as a superstructured hyperspace and a 5-dimensional closed spacetime continuum or reconfigured spacetime matrix; this dragon brain can be felt but not directly experienced or measured.

    Many 'psychically attuned' old humans like yourself and generally the members on 'alternative forums' such as this one, do however experience many interactions between the first brain of the alpha and the fourth brain of the omega.

    What those experiencers make of their individual revelations remains rather naturally their prerogative and is subject to their imaginations, interpretations, worldviews and choices.

    Genesis 15:4-6 (KJV)
    4And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
    5And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
    6And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

    Genesis 22:16-18
    16And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:
    17That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;
    18And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

    Genesis 26:3-5
    3Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father;
    4And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
    5Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

    Revelation 22
    1And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.
    2In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
    3And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:
    4And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
    5And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.
    6And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.
    7Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
    8And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
    9Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.
    10And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand.
    11He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
    12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
    13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
    14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
    15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
    16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
    18For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    19And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
    20He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
    21The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

    lawlessline wrote:

    Beren wrote:

    Shiloh ,

    I understand your desire to overload the board with complex physics which you say came from Thuban area of Galaxy.
    I don't follow it.

    Deep inside we are not dragons or whatever you think ,maybe other souls in existence has identified themselves with dragons and reptilian forms in other parts of universe.
    I acknowledge that and I ask why do you keep imposing that we need to become dragons?


    All your queries are answered in a simple statement Beren!

    Dragons are the Starseed of Abraham and Sarah - as Starhumans!

    The old humans will wander around the 'open gates' of the New Jerusalem, being afraid to enter due to the lies about themselves and their origins, they had believed for millennia collectively and individually.

    The Red Dragon is harmonised by the Skyblue or Cyan Dragon of the 'Second Coming' encoded. This is also known as the Blue Star of Hope, the Kachina of the Hopi.

    There are four 'brains' characterising the New Human aka the Dragon aka the Starhuman from the three 'brains' of the Old Human.

    The first brain is the Reptilian Brainstem; the second brain is the Mammalian Midbrain and the third brain is the human cortex or Topbrain. Those three levels define the linear old human 'antenna' or hardware to process the software of the cosmic information or electromagnetic data streams in whatever physical and metaphysical environment the old human experiences hisher life in.

    The fourth brain is the dragon brain circularising the first brain of the reptilian brainstem in its evolution from the seedling brain towards its completion in the starhuman 'superbrain'.

    Until a fourth spacial dimension becomes available as a superstructured hyperspace and a 5-dimensional closed spacetime continuum or reconfigured spacetime matrix; this dragon brain can be felt but not directly experienced or measured.

    Many 'psychically attuned' old humans like yourself and generally the members on 'alternative forums' such as this one, do however experience many interactions between the first brain of the alpha and the fourth brain of the omega.

    What those experiencers make of their individual revelations remains rather naturally their prerogative and is subject to their imaginations, interpretations, worldviews and choices.

    Genesis 15:4-6 (KJV)

    4And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.
    5And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.
    6And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

    Beren wrote:
    you switch the thesis by stating that we are born of dragons...that all is about becoming dragons...

    I don't share your view.

    Also quoting Bible which isn't about dragons at all and placing dragonhood as the template of human when it isn't doesn't give your view more credit.

    It is written that Satan and his angles can show themselves as angels of light but all will see them according to their deeds.
    What are the dragon deeds?

    Deceit, lust for power,murder...list goes on. But it's interesting to catch the beginning of same negative templates in humans only WHEN they were whispered by dragon kind of what to do...
    Of course humans decided to be negative of positive but who was the whisperer?
    Serpent-that was named.

    Translating the original word for serpent from Hebrew means that Serpent is the force which encircles whole life in a try to devour it (to subdue it and place it inside of her self).
    Life can not be devoured nor conquered.
    And there lies the fall of the idea that birthed serpent energy - no one can consume life and dictate it. Life comes from source of life -Creator and souls can try to twist it or bend it but eventually will they realize that it can not be done since you can not destroy energy since it will always transform.

    You can not own the light.

    Light is Creator's .

    Effort is futile.

    "and you will realize that nothing can be done that hasn't its utmost root or source in me..."

    Those were the Creator's words paraphrased today - to one who thought that can own the light-thus all life.

    He didn't realize then that by his perversions of light and life only new and ever more beautiful forms will overcome and live and grow.
    Only to prove him that life is Creator's - it is Creator.

    Hence all these experiences filed with negativity for many here on the forum... various souls still entrapped in the spirit realms - entrapped with their own illusions and fear projections of what they are and what they want to be and what they need to accomplish in that road they took.

    I knew once a powerful sorcerer who was a shape shifter. Instead to shape shift into various expressions of God and form various bonds of life and beauty - he chose to abuse spirits and violently place them in various hideous bodies ...hence came legends of werewolves,vampires and other ghouls- when in fact those souls were fooled by that sorcerer.
    They believed a lie that listened to him thus being his prisoners.

    They could have go away from him but they succumbed to fear which was imposed on them by him.

    So from bad to worse those spirits molested humanity back then and even now...

    AT the core - it's always about soul or a spirit entity.
    It's not about being human or being reptilian or insectoid of whatever.
    Those are flesh suits to the spirit or a soul.

    So if one fraction comes and says: "my suit is the best hence you all need to be in this one!" (be it human or reptilian)
    I call that coercion.

    What makes you as a soul greater or better that me? Your flesh suit of dragonhood?

    Dear Shiloh with above stated things I can say I do not agree or share your view about what is a man and where a man should go.
    I could poke your end (you are a man aswell-not a reptilian) of why don't dragons eventually give up being dragons and become humans?

    But I will not poke.

    I will only say I know who you are - I see you.
    I love your soul as it's God's spark.

    Your choice(of what you are and want to become) - your thing, I honor that.
    My choice (of what I am and want to become )- my thing.

    Don't get him started Beren, or he will just copy and paste the entire internet.


    It is good to see that the first part of your post could well be the most I have seen you write rather than copy and paste. I would like to say that you should start a few IMHO although I am not a fan of that, it could help you to tone down from a "Catholic doctrine style" to one of a conversation. I know you prefer to be the centre of the conversation as you feel it is better than just being on the edge of the conversation. icon_rolleyes. but let me show what I mean.

    This is not IMHO but just an exercise in interpretation.

    I have left the quotes from Genesis and this how one could look at it.

    1. You are what you eat, therefore you sow from your arse what you consume.
    2. The S**t you spout from your backside will be the future that you reap tomorrow.
    3. The "Big Cheese" or god said go count the all the stars. Then when he was gone God could concern himself with people who are collectively trying to learn together. At least that gave everyone else a rest bite.
    4. Your seeds will be limited by the number that you place upon the stars. If you consider the stars infinite, that is how many your off spring or incarnations you will have.

    These are just a few interpretations. I am sure there could countless others.

    I do wish you well in your endeavours Shiloh, but I give nothing to a docterine. So be part of the consciousness rather than be without or outside it.Shiloh, I will not reply here to these issues due to it being out of context, if you wish to reply please make a new thread where those who wish can reply.

    Neteru, sorry for the deviation of the thread let's hope it keeps on track.



    Revelation 16:12-14 - King James Version (KJV)
    12And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
    13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

    Luke 10:18
    And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

    Luke 17:24
    For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day.

    Revelation 4:5
    And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    Revelation 8:5
    And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

    Matthew 24
    1And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
    2And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
    3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
    4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
    5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
    6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
    7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
    8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
    9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
    10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
    11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
    12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
    13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
    14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
    15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
    16Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
    17Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
    18Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
    19And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
    20But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
    21For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    22And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
    23Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
    24For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
    25Behold, I have told you before.
    26Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
    27For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    28For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
    29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
    30And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
    31And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
    32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
    33So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
    34Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
    35Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
    36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
    37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
    39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    42Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
    43But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
    44Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
    45Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
    46Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
    47Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
    48But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
    49And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
    50The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,
    51And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.



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    Post n°55

    empty. Re: My ET experiences

    empty. Carol Today at 9:23 am

    Hmmm. I come from a completely different perspective where consciousness is non-local. Consciousness is not the brain. It can manifest through the brain and interact via the brian and it also exists without a brain and sans a physical form. Upon my interaction with Christ my whole consciousness was infused with Christ's vibrational frequency hence I came to know Christ by becoming one with Christ at a vibrational frequency level. This was a gift. I have also experienced dragon and I'm here to share with you they do not resonate at the same frequency level. Dragon has the ability to manipulate the brain and release serotonin which induces the sense of euphoria. Dragon has incredible abilities that far surpass ordinary human current abilities but not human potential. Humans, in essence are inter-dimentional beings as clearly illustrated by human DNA's ability to create wormholes into other dimensions to obtain data and bring it back to the 3-D dimensional realm.

    Why do you think the greasy are so attracted to humans and seek human DNA to create hybrids? Isn't it obvious? They are not out there seeking dragons to combine DNA with but humans. I suspect it is because human potential is superior at some level in the sense of potentiality with respect to inter-dimensional travel and also because humans have the ability to access the higher spiritual dimensions.

    During the link with dragon I realized or had an epiphany that dragons did not have access to the higher spiritual realm because when they tried to recreate the energy frequency of Christ when pulling out my memories. They could not replicate or induce the original frequency I had experience. If one has not had such a Christ experience and only had Dragon experience it would be easy enough to assume Dragon was as good as it gets. And it would be easy to be deceived into believing that dragon is the top of the line (in terms of hierarchy). It isn't.

    However, I do enjoy learning about dragons and am filling in gaps of my own knowing in coming to appreciate what dragon has to offer.

    Tony - you have a brilliant mind. There is no doubt you have tapped into something wondrous. Yet I wonder as to the spiritual realms you have had conscious contact with and who your spiritual mentors were. When Christ said "My father has many mansions." he was letting us know that when it comes to spiritual realms it is unlimited.

    I respect what you bring to us. There are others here who experience is also vast in a completely different vein.

    For myself, I seriously doubt I can ever grasp the complete complex data stream you present. Yet I do grok it from an energetic perspective and it does open up other ways of understanding for me which I greatly appreciate.

    However, when all is said and done - for myself personally, Christ dwells with my heart and my heart within Christ. This I know to be a safe harbor for my soul. And when I've astrally traveled into denser dimensions it is the Christ vibrational frequency that keeps me from harm.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Last edited by shiloh on Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:01 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°238

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:25 am

    THEeXchanger wrote:​

    Written by Rohaan Solare on Wednesday, August 31, 2011​

    - who very likely discovered The Thuban calibration by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger, from 2010​
    related to 9,360,000 kin / or days​

    Indeed Susan Serafina!

    Rohaan Solare is rediscovering the Time calibration between all of the calendars as a Cycle-Year of 360 days being like 360 degrees.

    He has so appropriately addressed the unwarranted 'attacks' of Jose' Arguelles on the Western time keepings of the 12 hours in a day and the 12 hours in a night and the 12 months in a year, based on an hour of 60 minutes and 60x60=3600 seconds. The lunar year of 12 lunations, each of 29.53 mean solar days as 354.4 mean solar days is calibrated in 13 'shortened' lunar months and relating to the menstrual cycles of the femme fatales in 365.2425:13=28.10 mean solar days and this was what Arguelles tried to emphasize as the 'cosmically correct' time keeping.

    You might have heard about the Mayan Masternumber 1366560, also emphasized by Jose' Arguelles in his book 'The Mayan Factor'.

    This number is called a masternumber, because it factorises so many Mayan number codes such as the Venus cycles, the Haab and the Tzolkin; say as:

    1366560=360x3796 Tun as Mayan cycle year

    1366560=365x3744 Haab as Mayan solar year for calibration of 52 Haab with 73 Tzolkin (of 260 days each) in 52x365=73x260=18,980

    1366560=72x18980 as 2x26=52 calendar rounds in 52x365=73x260=18,980 for 52 Haab and 73 Tzokin

    1366560=73x18720 as 2x26=52 calendar rounds in 52x360=72x260=18,720 for 52 Circle Years and 72 Tzolkin

    1366560=584x2340 Venus years, each of 584 (apparent) mean solar days

    1366560=780x1752 Mars days, each of 780 (apparent) mean solar days

    1366560=2920x365 as 468 solar Venus cycles with 2920=8x365 Haab and 2920= 5x584 Venus years (apparent)

    1366560=37960x36=104x36x365 for the master code 104=JERUSALEM=EXPERIENCE=LOVEJOY=EXISTENCE=RED MANS BEER=RED MANS ARK=MAYA9LOOM as a Venus Conjunction with the Mayan calendars and the solar cycles


    There exists however an even older and deeper Mayan masternumber and this is the basis for the origin of this master number 1366560 and as described in the Dresden codices. &

    The Mayan Calendar of the Haab-Tzolkin Correlation calibrated with the Warptime Loop of the World Logos from December 8th, 2004 to April
    The Mayan Long Count is comprised of 13 Baktuns; each Baktun being subdivided in a Katun-Tun-Vinal-Kin daycount nesting in 1 Baktun=20 Katun=400 Tun=7,200 Vinal=144,000 Kin.

    This can be represented in a shorthand notation: B.K.T.V.K=v.w.x.y.z.

    The 13+7=20 Tzolkin Days and every 20th day an Ahau glyph, order as:


    However, there is no 14,15,16,17,18,19,20 count for the Tzolkin glyphs and the sequence is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in one-to-one correspondence with the 20 Tzolkin glyphs.

    For the Mayan Year of the Haab of 365 Kin; there are 18 Mayan 'Months' of 20 Days/Kin each; followed by 5 supplementary 'Evil' Days of Vayeb in order:

    {Pop-Uo-Zip-Zotz-Tzek-Xul-Yaxkin-Mol-Chen-Yax-Zac-Ceh-Mac-Kankin-Muan-Pax-Kayab-Cumku--Vayeb 0,1,2,3,4}.

    A Calendar Round is the combination of the Haab of 365=5x73 Kin with the 260=5x52 Kin of the Tzokin with the common factor 5 defining the repeating mode to be 73x260=18,980 Kin or 52 Haab years = 51.965475 Common Years.

    Common (Civil) Date-----(1 Baktun=20 Katun)-(1 Katun=20 Tun)-(1 Tun=18 Vinal=360 Kin)-(1 Vinal=20 Kin)

    August 11th, 3114 BC--- Ahau 8 Cumku, where Cumku=18th Mayan 'Month' or MM

    (as a commonly agreed upon Mayan date for the beginning of the Long Count and as determined from Mayan relic inscriptions)

    The Great Secret of the Maya engages the 72nd Calendar Round in 72x18,980 = 1,366,560 Kin in the 'proleptic Gregorian' (counting the Gregorian year of 365.2425 'mean solar days' backwards and ignoring the Julian year of 365.25 'mean solar days' preceding October 15th, 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII).

    February 15th, 629--- Ahau 8 Cumku=9x144,00+9x7,200+16x360=72x18,980=1,366,560 Kin

    This Mayan 'Holy Supernumber' factors many Mayan base numbers, such as: 360; 365; 72; 73; 260; 584, 468 and 104 (Venus Cycles); 780 (Mars Cycle) and their subfactors in 13; 9; 8; 6; 5; 4; 3 and 2. This number is inscribed in the Dresden Codex and has for long been subject to analysis by Mayan Historians, archaeologists and researchers both academic, unprofessional and metaphysical.

    The Maya knew, that their 'Holy Number' (HN) described the 'Great Galactic Dragon' in the sky and which is visualised as the Milky Way - the Ouroboros Serpent, who swallows its own tail.

    The Maya named the galactic Center Hunab Ku - the 'Giver of all Life and Measure' and called the 'Pathway from the Earth to to Hunab Ku' as Kuxan Suum - The Umbilical Cord between Earth and its Galactic MotherFather.

    The Mayan King 'Pacal the Great' (March 26, 603 to March 31, 683 ) reigned July 29, 615 – August 31, 683 CE and so was in his 14th regal year and was 26 years old on March 26th, 629--- Cauac 2 Uo. The next day, 'Pacal the Great' utilized the Mayan HN to count backwards from the next day, March 27th, 629--- Ahau 3 Uo - so adding 2 Vials or 40 days to the Mayan HN in 1,366,560+40=1,366,600=200x6833=2³x5²x6833 factorized.

    'Pacal the Great' is also known as 'Ahau of Palenque' for this reason of his 'sacred' 26th birthday, being half the 'Time of a Calender Round' of 52 Haab or 18,980 Kin and being just 2 Vials or 2/13th of the Tzolkin Count of 260 Kin between three successive Ahau dates.

    March 7th, 629--- Ahau 3 Pop as the midpoint or mirror between and

    But how did the Maya know of this number 1366560=F (say) and so for 'Pacal the Great' to 'count backwards' following his 26th birthday?

    This then engages the mythology and the metaphysics of Pacal Votan as Mayan King relating to the 'Cosmic Office' of the Kukulkan or the Aztec Quetzacoatl aka the 'Plumed Serpent' or Thoth or Melchisedec or Hermes Trismegistos etc. for this say label of a 'Cosmic Christ' or 'Teacher from the Stars'.

    Putting myth and speculation aside; the Mayan HN can be shown to be a derivative from a more primal number E=266561.

    This number E is a final and tenth number in 'Binary Fibonacci Algorithm' associated with the ubiquitous 'Sacred Geometry' underpinning the cosmogony of the universe in a preBig Bang scenario (of Inflationary membrane quantum physics in 12D-Vafa F-spacetime). This quantum cosmogony (of a hyperaccelerated string epoch), then gives rise to the metric dependent cosmologies, collectively termed the Big Bang Relativistic (Classical) Standard Model or similar.

    The ten number sequences crystallize particular energy proportionalities, then labeled 'Fundamental Constants of Nature', such as c², h and k as the Einstein mass proportionality, the Planck frequency proportionality and the Stefan-Boltzmann Temperature proportionality respectively with the E=266561 sequence being the initializer or boundary condition fro all the subsequent or preceding integer expressed number sequences (Details are found in the OmniScience section on

    A secondary algorithm now acts upon E=266561 to produce F=1366560.

    The logistical statement for this secondary algorithm then was known to the Maya as the 'Galactic Serpent' being connected to the Mayan homeplanet in the Kuxam Suum - the Umbilical Cord connecting Earth to the Galactic Center Hunab Ku.

    The Logical Statement is:

    "Add the Old Tail of the Serpent to the Old Head of the Serpent - so the Dragon can swallow its own tail - and then begin the New Head with the Old Tail!"

    Because the Old Tail is the Number 1 in E=266561 and the Old Head is the Number 2, the New Head will be the Number 1 and the 'Throat' of the Galactic Dragon will be the Number 1+2=3 and the New Tail will be the number 6 in the transformation: E=266561→136656=F/10.

    This so symbolically 'Joins' 266561-1366560 in the adjacency of the Number 1 in 'halfing' the old 0=o+o=∞=8; in the cosmogony aka the membrane quantum physics of the 12th Dimensional brane background.

    {The physical 10D are mirrored in 11D in a 'Shadow 10D cosmology, allowing (inertia/mass) densification of a massless bosonic frequency state in 26 dimensions of counter clockwise vibration patterns and where clockwise vibration patterns corollarily reside in 10D. Then 3 Mirror dimensions of twosidedness and denoted as 11D-12D-13D-14D-15D-16D separate the 'Shadow Universe' as 17D-26D and with 16 counter clockwise dimensions conifolded or 'collapsed' onto the 3 Mirror dimensions in onesidedness. The technical term for this quantum mechanics is termed Quantum Relativity and utilises the basic onesidedness of the Klein Bottle topology as a base quantum geometry for the 16D collapse into two 8D Tori, the 2D Klein Bottle being a torus derivative in the mathematical mapping definitions.}

    Ajaw of Palenque
    Pacal the Great
    Reign: July 29, 615 – August 31, 683 CE

    Full Name: K'inich Janaab' Pakal

    Born: March 26, 603(603-03-26)

    Died: March 31, 683 (aged 80)

    Buried: Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque

    Predecessor: Sak K'uk'

    Successor: K'inich Kan B'alam II

    Offspring: K'inich Kan B'alam II ; K'inich K'an Joy Chitam II

    Father: K'an Mo' Hix

    Mother: Sak K'uk'

    K'inich Janaab' Pakal (23 March 603 - 28 August 683)[1] was ruler of the Maya polity of Palenque in the Late Classic period of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican chronology. During a long reign of some 68 years Pakal was responsible for the construction or extension of some of Palenque's most notable surviving inscriptions and monumental architecture.

    Name: Before his name was securely deciphered from extant Maya inscriptions, this ruler has been known by an assortment of nicknames and approximations, common ones including Pakal (or Pacal), "Sun Shield", "8 Ahau", and (familiarly) as "Pacal the Great".

    In modern sources his name is also sometimes appended with a regnal number,[2] to distinguish him from other Janaab' Pakals that either preceded or followed him in the dynastic lineage of Palenque. Confusingly, he has at times been referred to as either "Pakal I" or "Pakal II". The reference to him as Pakal II takes into account that his maternal grandfather (who died in 612) was also named Janaab' Pakal. However, although his grandfather was a personage of ajaw ranking most recent inscriptional interpretations hold that he probably did not himself hold the actual rulership position over the Palenque city-state. When instead the name Pakal I is used, this serves to distinguish him from two later known successors to the Palenque rulership, Upakal K'inich Janaab' Pakal (ruled c. 742, aka "[K'inich Janaab'] Pakal II") and Wak Kimi Janaab' Pakal (aka [Janaab'] Pakal III), the last-known Palenque ruler who acceded in 799.


    Pakal ascended the throne at age 12 on July 29, 615, and lived to the age of 80. The name pakal means "shield" in the Maya language.

    Pakal saw expansion of Palenque's power in the western part of the Maya states, and initiated a building program at his capital that produced some of Maya civilization's finest art and architecture.

    He was preceded as ruler of Palenque by his mother Lady Sak K'uk'. As the Palenque dynasty seems to have had Queens only when there was no eligible male heir, Sak K'uk' transferred rulership to her son upon his official maturity.

    After his death, Pakal was succeeded by his son Chan Bahlum II. A younger son, Kan Xul II, succeeded his brother Chan Bahlum II.

    After his death, Pakal was deified and said to communicate with his descendants. Pakal was buried within the Temple of Inscriptions. Though Palenque had been examined by archaeologists before, the secret to opening his tomb—closed off by a stone slab with stone plugs in the holes, which had until then escaped the attention of archaeologists—was discovered by Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier in 1948. It took four years to clear the rubble from the stairway leading down to Pakal’s tomb, but was finally uncovered in 1952 [2]. His skeletal remains were still lying in his coffin, wearing a jade mask and bead necklaces, surrounded by sculptures and stucco reliefs depicting the ruler's transition to divinity and figures from Maya mythology.

    That the bones within the tomb are really those of Pakal himself is under debate due to the fact that the analysis of wear on the skeleton’s teeth places the age of the owner at death as 40 years younger than Pakal would’ve been at his death. Epigraphers insist that the inscriptions on the tomb indicate that it is indeed K'inich Janaab' Pakal entombed within, and that he died at the age of 80 after ruling for around 70 years. Some contest that the glyphs refer to two people with the same name or that an unusual method for recording time was used, but other experts in the field say that allowing for such possibilities would go against everything else that is known about the Maya calendar and records of events. The most commonly accepted explanation for the irregularity is that Pakal, being an elite, had access to softer, less abrasive food than the average person so that his teeth naturally acquired less wear [3]. Despite the controversy, it remains one of the most spectacular finds of Maya archeology. A replica of his tomb is found at the National Museum of Anthropology and History in Mexico City.

    Carved lid of the tomb of K'inich Janaab' Pakal in the Temple of the Inscriptions.

    Pacal's sarcophagus lid - Carved lid of the tomb of K'inich Janaab' Pakal in the Temple of the Inscriptions.


    The large carved stone sarcophagus lid in the Temple of Inscriptions is a famous piece of Classic Maya art. The widely accepted interpretation of the sarcophagus lid is that Pakal is descending into Xibalba, the Maya underworld. Around the edges of the lid are glyphs representing the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and various constellations, locating this event in the nighttime sky. Below him is the Maya water god, who guards the underworld [4]. Beneath Pakal are the "unfolded" jaws of a dragon or serpent, which Pakal is escaping from, ascending towards the world tree. This is a common iconographic representation of the entrance to the underworld. Other examples of this imagery are found in sculpture on Monument 1 "El Rey" and Monument 9 at the Olmec site of Chalcatzingo, Morelos, on Altar 4 at the Olmec site of La Venta, Tabasco, and in recently discovered murals at the Late Preclassic Maya site of San Bartolo, Guatemala.

    Erich von Däniken's "Maya Astronaut"

    Pakal’s tomb has been the focus of attention by some enthusiasts since its appearance in Erich von Däniken's 1968 best seller, Chariots of the Gods?. Von Däniken reproduced a drawing of the sarcophagus lid (incorrectly labeling it as being from "Copan") and comparing Pacal's pose to that of 1960s Project Mercury astronauts, interpreting drawings underneath him as rockets, and saying it is supposed evidence of extra-terrestrial influence on the ancient Maya.

    In the center of that frame is a man sitting, bending forward. He has a mask on his nose, he uses his two hands to manipulate some controls, and the heel of his left foot is on a kind of pedal with different adjustments. The rear portion is separated from him; he is sitting on a complicated chair, and outside of this whole frame, you see a little flame like an exhaust.

    Von Däniken's claim is not considered a credible interpretation by any professional Mayanist. For example Ian Graham responded, "Well I certainly don't see any need to regard him as a space man. I don't see any oxygen tubes. I see a very characteristically drawn Maya face"[3]

    José Argüelles' "Pacal Votan"

    See also: Votan
    Another example of this carving's manifestation in pseudoarchaeology is José Argüelles' identification of "Pacal Votan," of whom he claims to be an incarnation named "Valum Votan," who will act as a "closer of the cycle" in 2012 (an event that is also significant on Argüelles' "13 Moon" calendar). Daniel Pinchbeck, in his book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl (2006), also uses the name "Votan" in referring to Pakal. However, this name is not used for Pakal by Mayanist researchers such as academic archaeologists, epigraphers, and iconographers. Argüelles claims a connection between Pakal and the semi-historical Toltec figure Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl, but this is not supported by archaeological or epigraphic evidence. New Age interpretations of Pakal's tomb are a cornerstone of contemporary Mayanism.

    End of wiki reference.

    The 13th Baktun so is denoted and counts 12x144,000=1,728,000 days/kin as 4,731.103308 Common Years; with 1 Baktun year being 394.258609 Common Years.

    September 18th, 1618----- Ahau 13 Zotz=4th MM
    The 1st Katun in the 13th Baktun then becomes and counts 7,200 days/kin as 19.71293045 Common Years.

    June 5th, 1638--------------- Ahau 13 Kayab=17th MM

    ...16 Katuns or 115,200 Kin = 315.4068872 Common Years later...

    November 1st, 1953-------- Ahau 19 Yax=10th Mayan Month (MM) of 20 Kin/Days each

    ...1 Katun or 7,200 Kin = 19.713 Common Years later...

    July 19th, 1973--------------- Ahau 18 Tzek=11th MM

    ... 1 Katun or 7,200 Kin = 19.713 Common Years later...

    April 5th, 1993---------------- Ahau 3 Vayeb=4th Day of Vayeb

    ...1 Tun or 360 Kin = 0.9856465 Common Years later...

    March 31st, 1994----------- Ahau 18 Cumku=18th MM

    ...1 Tun or 360 Kin = 0.9856465 Common Years later...

    March 26th, 1995------------ Ahau 13 Cumku=18th MM

    ...15 Tun or 5,400 Kin = 14.7847 Common Years later and encompassing the warptime activation of

    December 8th, 2004---------- Chicchan 8 Mac=13th MM
    January 6th, 2010------------- Ahau 18 Kankin=14th MM

    January 26th, 2010------------ Ahau 18 Muan=15th MM

    February 15th, 2010----------- Ahau 18 Pax=16th MM

    March 7th, 2010---------------- Ahau 18 Kayeb=17th MM

    March 27th, 2010---------------- Ahau 18 Cumku=18th MM

    April 16th, 2010----------------- Ahau 13 Pop=1st MM

    May 6th, 2010------------------- Ahau 13 Uo=2nd MM

    May 26th, 2010----------------- Ahau 13 Zip=3rd MM

    June 15th, 2010--------------- Ahau 13 Zotz=4th MM

    July 5th, 2010------------------ Ahau 13 Tzek=5th MM

    July 20th, 2010----------------- Ahau 13 Xul=6th MM

    August 14th, 2010------------- Ahau 13 Yaxkin=7th MM

    September 3rd, 2010--------- Ahau 13 Mol=8th MM

    September 23rd, 2010------- Ahau 13 Chen=9th MM

    October 13th, 2010------------- Ahau 13 Yax=10th MM

    November 2nd, 2010---------- Ahau 13 Zac=11th MM

    November 22nd, 2010--------- Ahau 13 Ceh=12th MM

    December 12th, 2010---------- Ahau 13 Mac=13th MM

    January 1st, 2011-------------- Ahau 13 Kankin=14th MM

    January 21st, 2010------------- Ahau 13 Muan=15th MM

    February 10th, 2011------------ Ahau 13 Pax=16th MM

    March 2nd, 2011----------------- Ahau 13 Kayab=17th MM

    March 22nd, 2011--------------- Ahau 13 Cumkun=18th MM

    April 11th, 2011------------------- Ahau 8 Pop=1st MM

    May 1st, 2011--------------------- Ahau 8 Uo=2nd MM

    May 21st, 2011-------------------- Ahau 8 Zip=3rd MM

    June 10th, 2011------------------- Ahau 8 Zotz=4th MM

    June 30th, 2011------------------- Ahau 8 Tzek=5th MM

    July 20th, 2011-------------------- Ahau 8 Xul=6th MM

    August 9th, 2011------------------ Ahau 8 Yaxkin=7th MM

    August 29th, 2011---------------- Ahau 8 Mol=8th MM

    September 18th, 2011----------- Ahau 8 Chen=9th MM

    October 8th, 2011----------------- Ahau 8 Yax=10th MM

    October 28th, 2011--------------- Ahau 8 Zac=11th MM

    November 17th, 2011------------ Ahau 8 Ceh=12th MM

    December 7th, 2011-------------- Ahau 8 Mac=13th MM

    December 27th, 2011------------ Ahau 8 Kankin=14th MM

    January 16th, 2012--------------- Ahau 8 Muan=15th MM

    February 5th, 2012---------------- Ahau 8 Pax=16th MM

    February 25th, 2012-------------- Ahau 8 Kayab=17th MM

    March 16th, 2012------------------ Ahau 8 Cumku=18th MM

    ...11 Kin later, the 360 day/kin Mayan Tun ends to begin the 5 'evil' days of the Vayeb

    March 27th, 2012------------------- Chuen 19 Cumku

    March 28th, 2012------------------ Eb 0 Vayeb

    March 29th, 2012------------------ Ben 1 Vayeb

    March 30th, 2012------------------ Ix 2 Vayeb

    March 31st, 2012------------------ Men 3 Vayeb

    April 1st, 2012---------------------- Cib 4 Vayeb= End of Vayeb coinciding with the End of the Warptime Loop from December 8th, 2004 as = 7 Chicchan 8 Mac = MAYAN MIRROR ENDTIME DATE for the HAAB beginning April 3rd, 2011= Eb 0 Pop as the WARPED REDEMPTION WEEK from Crucifixion of the World Logos to its Image, mirrored in the Resurrection Event (March 28th to April 1st, 31 AD warping March 28th to April 1st, 2011).

    March 28th, 2011= Cimi 19 Cumku=Crucifixion Day as End of 360 Day Tun

    March 29th, 2011= Manik 0 Vayeb=1st Evil Day of Darkness

    March 30th, 2011= Lamat 1 Vayeb=2nd Evil Day of Darkness

    March 31st, 2011= Muluc 2 Vayeb=3rd Evil Day of Darkness

    April 1st, 2011= Oc 3 Vayeb=Resurrection Day=4th Mayan Day of the Mirror for the Darkness

    April 2nd, 2011= Chuen 4 Vayeb=5th Mayan Day=Image for the 3rd Evil Day of Darkness

    April 3rd, 2011= Eb 0 Pop=Image for the 2nd Evil Day of Darkness

    April 4th, 2011= Ben 1 Pop=Image for the 1st Evil Day of Darkness

    April 5th, 2011= Ix 2 Pop=Anti-Crucifixion Day as Mayan Image in the 'New Year' following Redemption Week.


    April 2nd, 2012--------------------- Caban 0 Pop=1st MM displaced 1 day/kin because of the leap year 2012 from 0Pop 2011

    April 3rd, 2012--------------------- Edznab 1 Pop=1st MM

    April 4th, 2012---------------------- Cauac 2 Pop=1st MM

    April 5th, 2012---------------------- Ahau 3 Pop=1st MM

    ...12 Vials = 240 Kin later...

    December 1st, 2012-------------- Ahau 3 Mac=13th MM

    December 21st, 2012------------- Ahau 3 Kankin=14th MM

    January 10th, 2013----------------- Ahau 3 Muan=15th MM

    January 30th, 2013----------------- Ahau 3 Pax=16th MM

    February 19th, 2013---------------- Ahau 3 Kayab=17th MM

    March 11th, 2013-------------------- Ahau 3 Cumku=18th MM


    March 27th, 2013--------------------- Cib 19 Cumku

    March 28th, 2013--------------------- Caban 0 Vayeb

    March 29th, 2013--------------------- Edznab 1 Vayeb

    March 30th, 2013--------------------- Cauac 2 Vayeb

    March 31st, 2013--------------------- Ahau 3 Vayeb

    April 1st, 2013------------------------- Imix 4 Vayeb

    April 2nd, 2013------------------------ Ik 0 Pop=1st MM

    ...10 Vials plus 18 Kin or 218 days/kin later...

    November 6th, 2013----------------- Ahau 18 Zac=11th MM

    November 26th, 2013--------------- Ahau 18 Ceh=12th MM

    December 16th, 2013---------------- Ahau 18 Mac=13th MM

    The December 21st, 2012 date of Jenkins and the majority of the Mayan researchers is indeed valid.

    It denotes the Birthday for a new Starhuman consciousness - a spiritual baby being born in multidimensionality; meaning that INSIDE of everyone a 'Candle will be lighted'.

    This is nothing but the prophesied 'Second Coming' of the messiahs in the world religions; say Jesus of Christianity; Moshia/Shiloh of Judaism; Kalki of the Hindu; Mahdi/12th Imam of Islam as well as the Great White Brother of the Hopi or Kukulkan of the Maya or Quetzacoatl of the Aztec as the Plumed Serpent.

    This 'messiah' so will be living within you as a Potential Energy Source, say linked to the 'heart chakra'.

    It will then be up to you and every individual to manifest this 'new energy source'. If you can activate, then you will develop a lightbody to change your human bodyform into a starhuman one, similar to a caterpillar cocooning to metamorphose into a butterfly.

    You see for example, the apocalyptic timeline in the 'Book of Revelation' in the bible does specify December 21st, 2012 as an important date, but not as the enddate for the prophecy. So from this you can see, that to end the prophecies, some time must be added to the 'birthing date'.

    Susan's discovery relates to a greater Mayan calendar synchronized to the Tzolkin of 260 day counts and the Calendar Round of the Haab of 365 days synchronised to the Tzolkin.

    These are the lowest number of days, which factor both 260 and 365 and this is the number 18,980 or just under 52 Gregorian (Civil) years and exactly 52 Haab or Mayan years.

    These 52 years so began 52=13x4 Haab before December 16th, 2013 or precisely 73 Tzolkins before December 16th, 2013; which is a 13 Ahau date as

    The significance so becomes the matching of two 13 Ahau Dates in the following details of subtracting 52 Haab, that is a Full Calendar Round of 18,980 Kin from the alignment with the 45 Full Moons and the 44 New Moons of the 1300 Kin discovered by Serafina from May 27th, 2010 to December 16th, 2013 (both Full Moons).

    18,980 Kin/Days=52 Haab=14,400+4580=2x7200+229x20=2x7200+12x360+1 Tzolkin=2 Katun+12 Tun+1 Tzolkin

    52 Haab=18,980 Kin=2 Katun + 13 Tun - 100 Kin=2 Katun + 12 Tun - 1 Tzolkin (260 days) - - 260 = - + 100 = - +

    =(13-1).(19-2).(19+1-12).0.0 + = = December 29th, 1961=13 Ahau 18 Mac.

    The Calibration for All possible Calendars so assumes the form of adding a Cosmic Calendar Round in 360 Degrees to the Birthday date of = December 21st, 2012. As this date then completes the final Haab in the final Long Count of the last of 13 Baktuns and the 65th of the 'precessional' baktun/kin count; the Mayan Enddate indeed signifies the 'End of Time' as previously known.

    All calendars, including the native-indigenous ones and the time-click-event duration mechanical ones (Scientific from Gregorian-Civil and Julian from solar-lunar season time keepings) become reset in the Circularisation of Linear 'ticking clocks' of any kind, metaphysical, calculative-mechanical or phenomenal. This process then is calibrated to define NOW-Time as the Instanton of Creation and the birth of spacetimed and metric cosmologies via the wormhole parameter embodied in the logistical statement E*e*=1 for wormhole frequency f*=3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Hertz* or (inverted cosmic seconds - independent from any measurement system).

    September 18th, 1618 = = 5 Ahau 13 Zotz
    November 1st, 1953 = = 10 Ahau 18 Yax
    September 20th, 1961 = = 4 Ahau 18 Mol

    October 10th, 1961 = = 11 Ahau 18 Chuen

    October 30th, 1961 = = 5 Ahau 18 Yax

    November 19th, 1961 = = 12 Ahau 18 Zac

    December 9th, 1961 = = 6 Ahau 18 Mac

    December 29th, 1961 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac

    July 19th, 1973 = = 8 Ahau 18 Cec

    April 5th, 1993 = = 6 Ahau 3 Vayeb

    December 21st, 2012 = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin

    December 16th, 2013 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac

    The transformation of a type of cosmic civilisation like that of the 'old humanity' residing on planet earth into a evolved cosmic civilisation, say a 'new humanity' inhabiting a terraformed planet earth requires a period of transitional evolutionary adaptation.

    This can be compared to the metamorphosis of the butterfly genus/family; order lepidoptera; class insecta; phylum arthropoda; kingdom animalia from the four stages of embryo-larvae-pupa-imago from the caterpillar-larvae stage into the butterfly-imago stage via the transit stage of the pupa-chrysalis ergo the cocoonisation of the caterpillar insectoid.
    In the form of the genus homo, the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens can be modelled to have entered the embryonic stage with the advent of Cro Magnon Man so 26,000 (civil) years ago.
    Using 400 year intervals of 146,097 days under utility of a a certain calendrical counting of time ; the embryonic conception can be 'dated' to an extrapolated calendrical date of Friday, February 21st, 23,615BC-G and precisely 9,360,008 days (and a precessional daycount as 25,626.83149 Gregorian years) from Friday, December 21st, 2012AD in a weekcount of 1,337,144.
    The Julian daycount began on January 1st 4713 BC-Julian and the Gregorian daycount of 365.2425 days per year commenced on October 5th, 1582, replacing the Julian year of 365.25 days.
    A Mean Tropical Year has 365.24219 days and where a mean solar day has precisely 24x3600=86,400 SI seconds. The Tropical Year is referential to the seasons (equinoxes and solstices) and differs from the star-referential Sidereal Year in the day addendum 1/26000 or 1.0000385 of so 1225 seconds (20.41 minutes) per year and which accumulate to about 368.5 mean days (and so about a year) per precessional cycle.

    Due to orbital- and rotational changes and precession a year is decreasing at the present astronomical configuration by about 5 milliseconds/year or 130 seconds or so 2 minutes in a 26,000 precessional cycle. The Gregorian year of 365.2425 days differs from the tropical year of 365.24219 days and so the Gregorian calendar will accumulate an error of about 0.00031x26,000~8.1 days per precessional cycle.

    To account for this, a 'creation-initialisation week of 8 days' is added to the 64 cycles in 9792+8=9,800=7x1,400=7x7x200=8x52x72=2(22x52x72)=2x702 in the 13x5x144,000=9,360,000 (Mayan) day-kin count, which so begins on the superposed and extrapolated Gregorian Day (G) Day#-7=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615BC-G and becomes mirrored in the 7th day Day#7=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615BC-G for the Conception of the human Embryo to be born from its Chrysalis 64 cycles later.

    The first cycle is initiated on Day#9,792=Friday, December 21st, 23,589BC-G and the last and 64th cycle is initiated on Day#9,213,903=Friday, December 21st, 1612AD-Gregorian and ends precisely 146,097 days or 400 Gregorian years later on Friday, December 21st, 2012AD to commence a now precessional count in the birth of the Imago of the ancient human Embryo established by the beginning of the first cycle.

    This information correlates and supplements the other data given in this (Sirian Stargate) thread.

    In the Honour and Love of the DragonHeart
    Tonyblue and Susan Serafina Schwenger

    Last edited: Jan 4, 2017
  7. admin

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    • Post n°239

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:27 am

    Cosmic Time Meets Earth Time: The Numbers of Supreme Wholeness and Reconciliation Revealed.

    Tags: 2012, Calender Science, Calendrics, Cosmocycle, Maya Calendrics, Maya Studies, Mayan Calendar, Synchronicity, Tzolkin

    In the process of writing about the precessional cycle I fell down a rabbit hole of sorts and in the process of finding my way around I made what I think are 4 significant discoveries about cycles of time and the numbers that underlie and unify cosmic and earthly time .

    Discovery number 1:

    A painting by Salvador Dali. It turns that clocks are not as bad as we think them to be.

    The units of time that segment the day into hours, minutes and seconds are in fact reconciled by the units of time that compose the Maya-Meso American Calendrical system or MMAC for short.

    It was a surprise to me because one of the world’s foremost authorities in calendrical science the late Dr.Jose Arguelles had villified the numbers of Western timekeeping as a most grievious error. So much so that he attributed much of the worlds problems to the use of the 12 month calendar and the 24 hour, 60 minute, 60 second day, also known by its handy acronym 12/60 time.

    I never bought into his argument that the use of those time factors was at fault for our largely miserable human-planetary condition. But I was content to dismiss mechanized time as nothing more than a convenient tool to facilitate the activities of complex societies.

    As mechanized time I assumed it was based on a relatively arbitrary assignment of numbers. And as a student of “natural time” I came to recognize the day-night cycle as the most basic unit of natural time. Anything less than a day-night cycle was a human invention I reasoned. I was aware that the units of clock time were based on numbering systems developed by the ancient Mesopotamians.

    Arguelles had dismissed their numbering system as based on divisions of space and not as divisions of time, therefore they were not actually measuring time, but space so he reasoned. Arguelles referred to clock time as artificial time.

    But as I explored further I came to the realization that the base 60 and deudecimal (12) counting systems of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians respectively was not so arbitrary or artificial after all. Further down I’ll get into the particulars of the Old World timing system and the examples that demonstrate discovery number 1.

    Discovery number 2:
    The discrepancy between a Maya precessional cycle account of 9,360,000 days and the solar year precessional account of 9,412,529 days is reconciled by what I refer to as the master numbers of supreme wholeness and reconciliation—the numbers 26 and 52. Further down I explain the specifics of this discovery and show examples.

    Discovery number 3:
    The number of days in a unit of precessional shift or a 1 degree of shift every 70.56 years is equivalent to the number of years in a precessional cycle. Details further down.

    Discovery number 4:
    Discovery number 4 is actually a confirmation of the hypothesis that plummeted me down the rabbit hole of time. Based on my study of the Tzolkin cycle and the MMAC system in general I had come to recognize the numbers 26 and 52 as “very special numbers” that stood out from among the pantheon of key numbers associated with MMAC.

    I have come to recognize 26 and 52 as the numbers representing supreme wholeness, symmetry and numerical reconciliation. Those descriptors as actually synonyms with varying nuances in connotation. My time travels have confirmed that those two numbers do indeed represent supreme wholeness, symmetry and numerical reconciliation at every level thus far mapped from 13 days to 26,000 years.


    My recent inquiries into the subject of time and its numbers went deep as I was preparing a chapter for my developing book on the untold story of 2012 and the untold wonders of the Maya-Meso American Calendrical (MMAC) system. Perhaps the greatest natural history discovery of all time rediscovered !!

    Please regard this article and all other articles found on and on the subjects of 2012, MMAC and on the Art and Science of Synchronicity (ARTSOS) as incomplete and unedited parts of chapters that will ultimately form a book.

    At this point we are going to drop into the middle of the chapter I am writing on the precessional cycle and John Major Jenkins’ contributions toward our understanding of the galactic alignment, an aspect that is intimately related to the precessional cycle.

    John Major Jenkins and the Galactic Alignment of December 21st 2012

    Jenkins has devoted most of his research to the archeological and astronomical correlations of 2012. Jenkin’s and many others claims that at the moment our that our sun

    One view of the galactic alignment

    reaches its solstice moment at 11:12 AM universal time on December 21st 2012 it will conjunct with the Galactic equator. An event that happens either every 25,920 or 26,000 years depending upon which of Jenkins’ estimates we use. He mentions both numbers is his book Galactic Alignment.

    The numbers 25,920 or 26,000 are used in the popular literature when referencing the length of the precessional cycle, aka, the platonic year, the great year and the precession of the zodiac. The earth’s precessional cycle is derived from its wobble as it spins on its axis and the position of the stars in the night sky changes by 1 day or 1 degree every 70.56 years as a result.

    The precessional cycle is equal to the amount of time it takes for the stars to return to a particular point in the sky. According to the most precise estimate in astronomical science the precessional cycle is 25,770.1 years long.

    Jenkins claims that the Maya “chose” the date of December 21st 2012 solstice to mark the end of Long Count cycle because of that date’s correspondence with the solstice sun’s conjunction of the galactic center. I don’t know why the Maya would have “chosen” an end date for the Long Count cycle since the Maya did not base their calendrical science on arbitrarily assessed markers.

    Rather their calendrical notations are based on the position of heavenly bodies. Jenkins knows this so its a bit of a mystery as to why Jenkins would say that they “chose the December 21st 2012 date as the day on which to end the Long count cycle. It seems less speculative and simpler to assume that the Maya calendrical system incorporated knowledge of the precessional cycle and that’s why the end of the Long count cycle coincides with the galactic alignment.

    Jenkins argues that the Maya knew about the conjunction because of a mural that he says depicts the conjunction in mythical terms. That may be so, but it need not indicate that they “chose” date as much as they knew about the astronomical implications of their calendrical science. Some scholars believe that there is no evidence to suggest that the Maya knew about the precessional cycle. Archeo-astronomer Anthony Aveni puts forth a good case in his latest book in favor of why the Maya may have known about the precessional cycle.

    I say that If the lone Greek astronomer Hipparchus knew about precession in 128 BC then why wouldn’t the Maya know about it? As a culture they did after all monitor the heavens for hundreds of years and prior to the age of modern astronomy no other culture had mapped the night sky as extensively nor has any culture to date developed a calendrical system of such sophistication and exacting precision.


    Within the mythic stories of mesoamerica there are references to world ages or creation cycles known as Suns. According to the stories we are in the 5th Sun. Those who believe that the Maya knew about precession think that the term “suns” refer to Long Count cycles.

    The Long Count cycle is made up of 13 baktun cycles equaling 5125.25 years. Five times 5125.25 equals 25,626.25 years; that’s only 143.85 years shy of the modern calculation of 25,770.1 years. That’s much closer than the 25,920 years and its rounded off number of 26,000 years offered by Western astrological practitioner. I am also surprised to find that John Major Jenkins is using such imprecise figures as well.


    Interesting numerical curiosities begin to emerge when we use MMAC units instead of years. But before I delve into the curiosities I want to define what I mean by MMACalendrical units instead of years”. My experiences and studies of the MMAC system compel me to surmise that the Ancient Meso-Americans discovered galactically or perhaps even universally based timing constants and that their calendrical system is a charting of those constants.

    I say Ancient Meso-Americans (AMA) instead of Maya because the tzolkin cycle was in use by the Olmecs and Zapotecs long before the Maya were even recognized as a cultural entity. It is not known who exactly discovered the Tzolkin cycle nor do we know about how long it had been in use before dates began to be inscribed. We find the first tzolkin dates appearing on Zapotec cultural artifacts over 2500 years ago.

    I use the phrase Maya-Meso American Calendrical System (MMAC) to give credit to the Maya for developing the MMAC system to its highest degree. And the Meso-American part is used to give credit to the cultural region of origin and to denote its widespread use from Northern Mexico to Central America. If my assessment is correct then MMAC units may be considered galactic timing constants and/or universally based timing constants.

    In contrast our year cycle is particular to our planet’s orbit around the sun. Let us consider that there are billions of solar systems in our galaxy and that every planet orbiting a star is going to have a different orbital period much like we find to be true in our solar system. The curious thing about MMAC is that certain key numbers of the MMAC system function as common denominators in that they interrelate the planetary orbits of our solar system. That seems to imply that planetary motions have some sort of underlying universal values to them. But those universal values if they exist may be limited to our galaxy.


    Next we must acknowledge that a day-night cycle is first and foremost the most obvious unit of natural time measurement. Hours and seconds are not natural divisions of time or so I thought before I discovered that they too are factored by the key numbers that underlie MMAC! Undertstanding the factoral relationships between numbers is key to grasping the configuration of the MMAC system.

    Hours, minutes and seconds are not natural in that there is nothing we can point to in nature and say its cyclical behavior marks hours, minutes or seconds. The only things that mark hours, minutes and seconds are clocks and they don’t occur naturally, but they are products of humans, who in turn are natural products. It seems that because humans are so prone to create such noxious stuff that it must seem that everything we create must be tainted by whatever compels us to create much of the ugliness we see in the world. Well that may be the case in many realms, but I’ve discovered that the time units of clock time are based on natural phenomena.


    The denderah-zodiac of Ancient Egypt.. thought by some to be a rendition of the zodiac and the precessional cycle.

    The 24 hours of the day-night cycle have their origins in the appearance of 24 stars as noted by Egyptian astronomers. The 60 minute divisions of the hours and the sixty second divisions of the minute are derived from the Babylonians who used sexigismal (60′s based) counting system to make astronomical calculations. The Babylonians inherited the 60 base counting system from Sumerians.

    It is unclear as to why or how the Sumerians arrived at a 60′s base counting system. Some believe that 60 was chosen because it is evenly divisible by so many numbers thereby making it a convenient number to use to avoid fractions.

    But I doubt that the use of the sexigisimal system was based merely on convenience. The 365 day year does not lend itself to fractionless divisions, but a 360 day year does. Three hundred and sixty five days symbolizes a full circle, but does not divide evenly.

    The Egyptians divided the year into 36 decans and a 5 day period much like the Maya haab calendar of 18 “months” of 20 days with a 5 day vayeb period. It is interesting to note how 18 is one half of 36. Sixty divides evenly into 360 so it is likely that the origins of the sexigisimal counting system has something to do with a 360 day year. It is curious that both cultures developed a 360, plus 5 special day calendar year.

    The Maya counting system is a base 20 or vigisimal counting system. Sixty is divisible by 20 and I will show how that relationship reconciles the Mayan and Mesopotamian counting systems to give us a thoroughly integrated timing system that integrates modern sub-day timekeeping with Maya-Meso American Calendrics (MMAC). Sub-day means timing units less than one day.

    Some Common Units of MMAC

    The Kin:
    The standard base unit of Maya or natural time measurement is a day-night cycle known as a kin. Kin means either day, person or sun in the Maya language. The Maya grouped specific numbers of days into various cycles ranging from 4, 5, 13, and 20 days all the way to 144,000 days and beyond.

    • Uinal = 20 days
    • tuns = 360 days
    • holtun = 1800 days
    • katun = 7200 days
    • baktun = 144,000 days

    Every unit of the MMAC system contains an even number of days. The Maya mathematical system did not use fractions. In contrast modern astronomy counts by years or a timing period specific only to earth (geocentric view). Counting by years always leaves pesky fractions to deal with. Not so with the MMAC. In fact the MMAC system resolves the pesky 5 day and .25 day fraction wherever we find it.


    aztec-stone-calendar-colored. tzolkin-chart-11-11.
    The Tzolkin cycle chart in code form​

    When one studies the numerical interrelationships between the various units of the MMAC certain numbers begin to emerge as common denominators. In particular the key numbers 4, 13, 20, 26, 52, 65, 130 and 260.

    The core numbers 4, 13 and 20 represent the innermost sanctum of the entire MMAC system. Each of the 3 numbers represents the duration of a distinct subcycle contained within the master or tzolkin cycle that in turn underpins the entire MMAC system.

    The master numbers 26 and 52 represent numerical junctures of sorts. Thirteen divides evenly into 26, and 4 and 13 divide evenly into 52. But it is not until the 260th day when the 3 core numbers (4,13,20) and the other 4 key numbers (26,52,65,130) all divide evenly into 260 and at that point the tzolkin cycle is complete.

    I use the term equi-partite to refer to the numbers 65 and 130 as they are significant because they partition the tzolkin cycle into 4 “seasons” and 2 halves respectively.

    The number 260 may be regarded as the number of supreme wholeness because all of the key numerical elements of the tzolkin reach perfect mathematical symmetry and maximum diversity at 260. Meaning that the interplay between the 3 tzolkin subcycles exhaust all novelty or possible number of combinations in 260 steps.

    The number 52 was particularly important to all of Mexico’s precolumbian cultures. Fifty-two is the number of years that it takes for the tzolkin and solar cycles to complete what is known a calendar round. . At the end of every 52 year cycle a 13 day jubilee was held and all debts where canceled. This 13 day period was known as the ceremony of the New Fire. It was the most ceremonious time in all of precolumbian mesoamerica.


    As we probe the numerical interrelationships of the MMAC system we uncover a numerical order and harmony among its parts. We also discover that the fractions left over by the 365.25 day year are reconciled by the core and key numbers of MMAC. The big question is did the Maya develop an ingenious method for keeping track of time or did they discover the mathematics of time? It is my conviction that they discovered the latter.

    As I develop this section we will see how the numbers 26 and 52 reconcile not only the remainders left over by using the 365.245 day year but also the remainders left over by the “unwholesome” numbers of all planetary orbits and orbital peculiarities. The latter aspect would make for a very lengthy article if I were to apply the numbers of reconciliation to all the planets our our solar system. So for the purposes of this article I will only review the precessional, pregnancy, year, 52 year, day and 24 hour clock cycles.


    The numerical curiosities that I spoke of earlier pertain to correspondences between the numbers 52 and 26, their multiples or fractal equivalents and their factors and how their various manifestations are related to various astronomical cycles.

    #8 Golden Mean, Fractality, Recursion and Nestedness are captured by Tzolkin Dynamics and are synonyms for Recurrent Themes

    We shall see how the 260 day Tzolkin cycle is a perfect fractal of the MMAC and Solar Year accounts of the precessional cycle.

    The Factorization of the Tzolkin Cycle
    The Tzolkin cycle is evenly divisible by the following key numbers.

    • 4 x 65 = 260
    • 5 x 52 = 260
    • 10 x 26 = 260
    • 13 x 20 = 260
    • 20 x 13 = 260
    • 26 x 10 = 260
    • 52 x 5 = 260
    • 65 x 4 = 260
    • 130 x 2 = 260

    As mentioned earlier the Tzolkin cycle is at the very core and foundation of the entire MMAC system. It is my belief that the tzolkin cycle represents galactic and/or universal timing constants.


    The minutes, hours and seconds of our modern sub-day time keeping systems are based on the sexigismal (base 60) and duodecimal (base 12) accounting systems of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians. Base 60 gives us our 60 seconds and minutes and base 12 gives us our 12 hours of AM and PM time. Base 12 also accounts for 12 lunar cycles per year (29.53 x 12= 354.26).

    There are two principal ways of measuring the length of the day. One is known as a solar day and the other as the stellar or sidereal day. The solar day is also known as a civil day and it is 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86,400 seconds in duration. The solar day uses the suns position as the main point of reference and the stellar day uses the stars as the main point of reference. The stellar day is 86,164.1 seconds or less than a solar day by 235.9 seconds that I will round off to 236 seconds like a good Maya calendrical practitioner.

    Reconciling the Solar Day

    The hours, minutes and seconds of the solar day are not reconciled until after the 13th day when 312 hours is evenly divisible by 52.

    • 13 days x 24 hrs = 312 hrs
    • 312 ÷ 6 = 52
    • 312 hrs = 18,720 minutes ÷ 360 = 52
    • 18,720 minutes = 1,123,200 seconds ÷ 21,600 = 52

    18,720 is a very significant number. 18,720 is also the number of days in 52 MMAC tun cycles of 360 days.

    Reconciling the Stellar Day

    • Stellar day = 23 hrs, 56 minutes, 4.09 seconds = a rounded off 86,164 seconds
    • 86,164 seconds ÷ 1657 = 52

    Reconciling the 236 second discrepancy between the length of the solar and stellar days

    • Solar day = 24 hrs = 86,400 seconds
    • 86,400 seconds minus 86,164 seconds = 236 seconds ÷ 4 = 59
    • 4 is a factor of 52 and a core number of MMAC

    Reconciling the Old World Timing System with the New World MMAC

    All accounts I’ve seen thus far designate the 13 day Tzolkin subcycle as the shortest whole cycle of the MMAC. However a 4 day cycle is represented by the 4 color code of red, white, blue or black and yellow. The four colors represent the 4 cardinal directions among many other things as we shall see later in our time travels. Four is also a factor of base sixty and 12 so what’s in need of reconciling are the other key numbers of the MMAC—13, 26 and 52.

    The number 13 is reconciled with the Old World system at 13 days when the number of hours is divisible by 52.

    The number 18,720 is an especially significant number in that it also represents the number of days in the Maya 52 tun count of 360 days. Eighteen-thousand, seven hundred and twenty is 260 days shy of 18,980. (365 days x 52= 18,980) Two-hundred and sixty is a multiple of 52, 5 times.

    Nineteen-thousand, nine hundred and eighty is also the equivalent of exactly 73 tzolkin cycles. I’ll say more about the 52 year cycle after I show how the year cycle is reconciled. The complete reconciliation between the Old World Timing system and the New World MMAC is further down.

    Reconciling the 365.242 Solar Year Cycle.

    The Solar System

    The tropical year, also known as the solar year can vary by up to 5 minutes over the years. So astronomer have come up with an average measure known as the mean tropical year. The current mean measure is 365 days 5 hours, 48 minutes(m) and 45.19 seconds(s). We already know that counts of 360 days are reconciled by 26, 52, their factors and multiples.

    What we need to reconcile are the 5 days, 5 hours, 48 m and 45.19 s to continue with my hypothesis that the numbers 26, 52 and their factors and multiples are the master numbers that reconcile the “unwholesomeness” of orbital periods and their peculiarities with the preciseness of the galactic timing constants that I believe are quantified and qualified by the master tzolkin cycle.

    5 hours and 48 min = 20,880 s. We then remove the pesky .19 seconds from 45.19 and add 45 s to 20,880 to get 20,925 s.

    • 5 days = 432,000 seconds (s)
    • 5 hours, 48 m + 45 s = 20,925 s
    • 432,000 s + 20,925 s = 452,925 s
    • 452,925 s ÷ 52 = 8710.0961 s
    • We round off to 8710
    • 8710 x 52 = 452,920 s

    We are within 5 seconds of the number we are seeking. More than close enough to qualify

    Reconciling the difference between the 365.242 day Solar or Tropical year and the Gregorian or Civil year of 365.25 days

    Now let’s look at the difference between the 20,925 seconds of the 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45 seconds of the tropical year and the 21,600 seconds of the civil or Gregorian year of 365.25 days.

    • Mean Tropical Year = 365.2421897 days
    • .2421897 = 20,925 seconds

    • Civil or Gregorian year = 365.25 days.
    • .25 days = 360 minutes = 21,600 seconds.

    • 21,600 seconds minus 20,925 seconds = 675 seconds
    • 675 seconds ÷ 52 = 12.98 now lets round off like good Maya astronomers and use 13
    • 13 x 52 = 676 a difference of 1 second off the magic number !

    The Human Pregnancy Period

    The most commonly quoted period for the average length of human gestation is 266 days

    • Tzolkin cycle = 260 days
    • 9 lunar cycles or 9 precise months of 29.53 days = 265.77 days

    Just for kicks lets see what the difference is between 266 days and 260 days. Six days equal 144 hours.

    • 144 ÷ 13 = 11.07 or 11 x 13 = 143 or a difference of 1 hour. 13 is a factor of 52 and one of the core numbers of the Tzolkin
    • Converted into minutes; 144 x 60 = 8640 m. ÷ 52 = 166.15 | 166 x 52 = 58,632 or a difference of 8 minutes.
    • Converted into seconds; 8640 x 60 = 518400 s. ÷ 52 = 9968.23 | 9969 x 52 = 518,388 or a difference of 12 seconds.

    An interesting correspondence between the average length of gestation for what is quite possibly the most complex organism in the cosmos and the length of the most complex cyclical system we know of.

    The 52 year Calendar Cycle
    Where the Heart of Sky and the Heart of Earth Meet in Perfect Harmony

    The Galactic Core: Click to enlarge

    The 52 year cycle is commonly referred to as the calendar round within the calendrical community. As mentioned earlier the close of a 52 year cycle was the holiest of holies among the peoples of precolumbian mesoamerica. It takes exactly 52 years before every combination of dates possible between the solar cycle’s 365 and the tzolkin’s 260 day are realized.

    For example if you were born on say Halloween or October 31st of 1970 and that date coincided with tzolkin date 166, then it will take exactly 52 years before tzolkin date 166 once again coincides with October 31st. This is due to the specific numbers involved with each calendrical cycle.

    Within Maya mythic cosmology there is mention of the “Heart of Sky” and the “Heart of Earth”. Reviews of the information I found online point to either Polaris the north star, the Pleiadian star Alcyone or the galactic center as the source of the Heart of Sky metaphor.

    Most references I found referred to the galactic center and I too think that the galactic center is the likeliest source of the mythic motif. Heart of Earth seems self-explanatory, but what did the Maya mean by the use of the heart metaphor? The information I found did not attempt to decipher their possible meaning, but I’m going to offer some suggestions.


    The heart can be equated with centrality, pulsation, pulsation as the simplest form of movement, life force, force and driving force. I am intentionally leaving out the emotive functions of the heart as I don’t think that that aspect plays a role in this case.

    The Maya were aware that the stars, inclusive our our solar system revolved around the galactic center— aspect of centrality. They believed that the galactic core was home to the Hunab Ku or the One Giver of Movement and Measure. Meaning that they recognized that somehow the galactic core had something to do with the movements they observed in the night sky.

    We know that black holes rotate and pulse and that they are the strongest source of gravity in a galaxy. Gravity is the force that holds the galaxy together and it is the force that enables all celestial bodies to move in concert. The aspect of “measure” seems like the most befuddling of attributes until we breakdown what is meant by measure. The Mayan word closest to our meaning of time is movement.


    An excerpt from The Question of Time: An Illusion, a Delusion, a Magical Order or All of the Above.

    A day-night cycle is how we experience the earth’s axial rotation as it orbits the sun. And what is rotation? Rotation is a type of movement. Therein lies the answer to the question of what clocks do. Clocks are designed to keep pace with the earth’s rotation and rotation is a type of movement. We may therefore conclude that time is the equivalent of movement and you may read more on my rational as to why we may equate time with movement in article link provided.


    Measure may be seen as the parameters of movement. Take for example our solar system. The particulars (duration and speed) of each planet’s orbit and spin (movement) is determined primarily by size of each planet and its distance (more particulars) from the sun and the other planets of the solar system.

    The particulars have to do with the measure or the quantified peculiarities of each entity and its relationship to every other entity. The One Giver of Movement and Measure implies that some aspect of galaxy central helps define the parameters particular to our galaxy.

    The Hunab Ku symbol representing the centers of centers and the One Giver of Movement and Measure.

    We know that energy-matter is self organizing so the One Giver of Movement and Measure is a mythic term for the constants, forces and laws of physics that govern the behavior (movements) of our cosmos. We also know that not every galaxy is hospitable to life bearing solar systems.

    And those that are hospitable, such as ours, have zones where conditions are not favorable. So we can say that it is the particulars of our galaxy coupled with the particulars of our solar system coupled with the particulars of our earth’s relationship to the members of our solar system that has created the very specific conditions needed for life to emerge.

    Modern science has illuminated most of the particulars, that is the specific measure of each condition that favors life, but it was the Maya who discovered the measure of movement itself as conditioned by the universal laws of physics and specifics of our galaxy. Calendars measure the duration of cyclical movements as they pertains to heavenly bodies. The basic unit of measure used to measure duration as time is the earth’s day-night cycle.

    Movement equals time and there is a measure or specific duration to the cyclical movement of each body. And as my demonstration has shown, tzolkin timing constants are specific numbers of days (regularities) that are found to underlie the cyclical movement of each aspect thus far considered in this article and many others that I will not present in this opportunity.

    So the question is what are the relationships between Heart of Earth, the Heart of Sky, movement as time, measure and the key numbers of the tzolkin cycle. I have referred to the key numbers of the tzolkin cycle as galactic timing constants or the specific attributes of cyclical movement as imparted and conditioned by our galaxy. Collectively these specific attributes are largely conditioned by the galactic core or the Heart of Sky. The galactic core may be liked to a pace setter for all of the bodies it contains.


    The Heart of Sky is then the source of the Galaxy’s heart rate so to speak. In the same way that we can detect our heart’s pulse in different parts of our body so can we detect the galaxy’s heart beat here on earth. It is my belief that we detect our galaxies heart beat as a day-night cycle. A day night-cycle may be likened to a pulsation or oscillation. Our earth’s orbit around the sun is equally a pulsation or oscillation, as is the precessional cycle.

    Little hearts (shorter duration) beat faster than bigger hearts (longer duration), but it seems that they beat in harmonic or fractal proportions and that is why we find the key numbers of the Tzolkin cycle in their fractal forms wherever we measure time using days as a basic units of measure or even years, hours, minutes and seconds as I will continue to demonstrate.


    The Heart of Earth, I reason refers to the timing constants particular to our earths spin and its orbit around the sun, whereas the Heart of Sky refers to the timing constants at a galactic and/or universal levels. Bear in mind that spin and orbit is how very large bodies manifest pulsation as oscillation. Heart of Sky refers to the source of the most fundamental timing constants wherever that actually is and the Heart of Earth is then how those source level constants manifest themselves according to the unique conditions of our solar system.

    In our case the cosmic constants are represented by the key numbers of the Tzolkin cycle and the constants of the local conditions are characterized by our day cycle, the earth’s orbit, the moon cycle, the particulars of our sun and the other planets.

    The 260 pulses (days) of the tzolkin cycle are “pure cosmic heart beat” and 365 pulses (days) is then how the conditions of our earth-sun relationship modulate the cosmic pulse.


    The fifty-two year cycle is then a demonstration of the perfect harmonic coupling between the Heart of Sky (tzolkin cycle) and the Heart of Earth (solar-earth cycle). At a mythic-metaphorical level it is seen as a renewal and reconciliation and that is why the ancient mesoamericans extinguished all of the ceremonial fires to start new ones and reconciliation. all debts were canceled.

    A 13 day Jubilee was celebrated and it also functioned to reconcile the haab or civil calendar of 365 days as it had fallen out of synch by 13 days over 52 years. In order to reconcile the discrepancy that results from the extra .25 days per year at the end of a 52 year period one need only add 13 days– a factor of 52. (52 x .25 = 13)

    52 x 365.25 = 18993
    52 x 365 = 18,980 + 13 = 18993
    73 x 260 = 18,980 + 13 = 18993

    Now lets divide every key number of the tzolkin cycle into 18,980

    • 18,980 days ÷ 130 day cycles = 146 ÷ 2 = 73 | Number of tzolkin cycles in 52 yrs
    • 18,980 ” ÷ 65 ” = 292 ÷ 4 = 73 | Number of tzolkin cycles in 52 yrs
    • 18,980 ” ÷ 52 ” = 365 ÷ 5 = 73 | Number of tzolkin cycles in 52 yrs
    • 18,980 ” ÷ 20 ” = 949 ÷ 26 = 36.5 one tenth of a year
    • 18,980 ” ÷ 13 ” = 1460 ÷ 52 = 28.07 l average length of a lunar cycle
    • 18,980 ” ÷ 4 ” = 4745 ÷ 52 = 91.25 | length of a season = 91.25 x 4 = 365

    Every key number of the Tzolkin cycle divides evenly into 18,980 and every other division revealed numbers critically relevant to either the tzolkin or solar cycle.

    The Clock Cycle is reconciled at 52 years.

    It turns out that even the 60 seconds, 60 minutes and 24 hours of mechanized time are reconciled by the core and key numbers of the Tzolkin cycle. Below are the number of seconds, minutes and hours in the 52 year period times 365 days equals 18,980 days.

    Here we divide 52 into the product of 18,980 days times 86,400 seconds, and 1440 minutes and 24 hours respectively.

    • 18,980 x 86,400 s = 1,639,872,000 seconds ÷ 52 = 31,536,000
    • 18,980 x 1440 m = 27,331,200 m ÷ 52 = 525,600
    • 18,980 x 24 hsr = 455,520 hrs ÷ 52 = 8760

    The 13 day discrepancy between 52 times 365 days and 52 times 365.25 days is also reconciled in seconds, minutes and hours.

    The ancient Meso-Americans did not make use of leap days to reconcile the solar cycle with their solar calendar, the Haab. Instead they adjusted the Haab by 13 days at the end of every 52 year cycle.

    • 13 days x 24 hrs = 312
    • 312 ÷ 52 = 6
    • 312 hrs = 18,720 minutes or the same number of days as in 52 tuns. A tun equals 360 days.
    • 18720 m ÷ 52 = 360
    • 18,720 m = 1,123,200 seconds
    • 1,123,200 s ÷ 52 = 21,600

    And finally the Precessional Round

    Here too every key number of the Maya calendrical system inclusive of every key number of the Tzolkin cycle divides evenly into the number of days in a Maya precessional cycle.

    26,000 tun = 9,360,000 days 26 is a factor 52.

    • 26,000 tun = 65 baktuns = 9,360,000 days ÷ 180,000 = 52
    • 26,000 tun = 1300 katuns ÷ 25 = 52
    • 26,000 tun = 5200 holtuns ÷ 100 = 52
    • 26,000 tun = 36,000 Tzolkin cycles
    • 9,360,000 days ÷ 130 day cycles = 72,000 ÷ 4 = 18,000 | 4 is a factor of 52
    • 9,360,000 ” ÷ 65 ” = 144,000 ÷ 4 = 36,000 | 4 is a factor of 52
    • 9,360,000 ” ÷ 52 ” = 180,000
    • 9,360,000 ” ÷ 20 ” = 68,000 uninals ÷ 9000 = 52
    • 9,360,000 ” ÷ 13 ” = 720,000 | 13 is a factor 52
    • 9,360,000 ” ÷ 4 ” = 2,340,000 ÷ 45,000 = 52

    Resolving the discrepancy between the Maya precessional account and the Solar precessional account

    There are 9,360,000 days in the Maya precessional account. There are 9,412,529 days in the Solar precessional account. The difference between the two amounts is an amazing 52,529 days. Let’s round that number to 52,520 days.

    • 52,520 ÷ 4 = 13,130
    • 52,520 ÷ 13 = 4040
    • 52,520 ÷ 20 = 2626
    • 52,520 ÷ 52 = 1010
    • 52,520 ÷ 65 = 808
    • 52,520 ÷ 130 = 404
    • 52,520 ÷ 260 = 202
    • 52,520 ÷ 26 = 2020

    The number of days in a whole precessional unit of 70.56 years essentially equals the same number of years in a precessional cycle !

    The precession rate is 1 day of shift in the position of the stars over 70.56 years. One day of shift means that if X star was positioned at xyz coordinates on December 7, 1977 at 12:00 am, then in 70.56 years the same star will be at the same xyz coordinates but only one day earlier on December 6th at 12:00am. Now look at what we uncover when we convert 70.56 years into days—70.56 x 365.25 = 25,772.04 days.

    The number of years in the precessional cycle is 25,770.1 years according to our best modern day assessment. The number of days in a precessional unit misses equaling the number of years by precessional cycle by a mere 1.94 days spread out over 25,770.1 days. The number of days involved in a one degree shift over 70.56 years is the fractal equivalent of the number of years that it takes to complete the entire prececessional cycle!

    The 26,000 Year Cycle Reconciled

    • 26,000 x 365 d = 9,490,000 d ÷ 260 d = 36,500 or a fractal of the 365 days
    • 26,000 x 365.25 d = 9496500 d ÷ 52 = 182,625
    • 9,496,500 d minus 9,490,000 = 6500 ÷ 52 = 125


    I have demonstrated…

    … how the master numbers 26 and 52 and their fractals and factors reconcile every solar-terrestrial timing cycle and its fractions.

    … how the key numbers of the Tzolkin cycle reconcile all of the key numbers of Old World timing system

    .. how the key numbers of the Tzolkin cycle reconcile all of the master timing units of the entire Maya-Meso American Calendrical system

    … how the Old World timing system is integrated with the New World Maya-Meso American Calendrical system
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°240

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. THEeXchanger on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:18 am

    Thanks Tony, this also proves our discovery of the correct calibration of time
    and, that our figures, were correct

    Thanks for reviewing this, and, posting it - as, i don't know how to do all those captures of photographs etc.,
    (if only, i could learn how to do that)
    our work of 2010 - was correct
    the above article wasn't written til 2011

    going to spend the next 90 days - going thru 250,000 + pages of writing, from the past 35 years
    ~ starting it on hearts day (14 feb 2012) seems very appropriate
  9. admin

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    • Post n°241

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:51 am


    Posts: 208
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    • Post n°85

    empty. Re: My ET experiences

    empty. Lionhawk Today at 4:02 pm

    I understand this. But it also sounds like we humans had to pay the price for this balancing Thuban act. If I can use some imagination here, it reminds of a group of humans playing hackey sack. An outside party comes in and instead of throwing a hackey sack in the mix, they throw a grenade. The humans have taken on abuse before and they can do it again, in the name of Thuban. I have to wonder what the Elders of Thuban were thinking. I say that because the attacks that had occurred were wide spread and damaging. From my point of view, the human factor wasn't factored, because on this end, I was so busy dealing with attacks that folks were experiencing, including myself, that would make anyone's head spin.

    Personally, and I have said the same kind of thing to you Tony in a PM, as what Carol stated. You are a brilliant man. You have served your Dragon handlers so well. I respect you for the job you have done in the sharing of information, whether I understand it or not, agree with it or not, to the masses. It is a new place of knowing. I am being sincere when I say this. But there have been issues created from it and to this very day, some of those issues, and you could call them misunderstandings, have not been resolved. I guess what bothers me is the level of responsibility that has been poorly managed by the Elders of Thuban, as far as the Humans go.

    I mean, the Elders make a tear in the fabric of our space, and since Dragon energy is going to attract Dragon energy, as was the case of attracting the negative Dragons, it was like an opportunity for them to have another feast. All at the window that opened and then closed several months later. And you wonder why there was such a ruckus about it? But I think you expected that, but yet you didn't disclose this polarity effect in the way most humans would be able to process it to protect themselves. Instead, you ended up dealing with reactivity from the human mirrors you were presenting this to. They were reacting to the energy that surrounded this Elder energy when it came through. That energy was the negative energy from the Draconians and other Reptilian factions that wanted to hijack or feed off of it. And that they did and once again, humans ended up paying the price.

    At the same time I want you to know that what has happened needed to happen to balance out the imbalances of the Dragon matrix, but it was not what I would call, handled properly. As Carol mentioned that God has many houses. With that also includes many different folks (species). The reoccurring statement written by the Exchanger where the Dragonslayer sees a dragon looking back at him from a mirror is utter bullshit. It's a lie, period. Why the lie I ask? Why be deceitful? Because the agenda is to convince anyone using methods of division, to divide and conquer the human race. When in fact it is the very mirror that you all should be looking at because what this process is about is to complete your matrix. All the separation written in fractions and equations, cycles upon cycles, is for you. Not necessarily for the human race. Some of us remember what, where, and who we are. Some of us are not Dragons. And that is where the line is drawn whether or not you can wrap your heads around that. And that will always be there because the Goddesses who have birthed us, taught us better. I remember the Goddess Mothers who birthed me. I know my origins and I wouldn't have done it any other way. I am also honored to be their son. The human "soulution" is about completion not separation and division. It is about total remembrance and that process is individually tailored. That is what makes us so unique and why we are sought after for whatever reasons. We can process anything beyond the speed of light and create! Where as these lower regressives forgot their own uniqueness and ended up in servitude within their own ranks because they believed what was in the butt whooping if they didn't comply. That is also why the Orion Wars lasted so long, till a few woke up and realized there was a different avenue available to take. It was that wake up call that actually ended the war, scattering factions everywhere. No one won that war.

    Paa Taal? It is only a rumor? You can only hope it is. As far as the 12th dimensional attributes being claimed by the Thuban Society, I beg to differ. 12th dimensional beings going to the fourth to access the 3D is not characteristic of 12th dimensional reality. Also using ships to get here and way late I might add. 12th dimensional is instantaneous. Pure consciousness that can manifest what it desires, when it desires, in a state of total bliss. Not having to go through any dimensional membranes or phase inversions. No calculations needed. Rumor? Oh, it's my imagination.

    Speaking of imagination, I want you to know that I wish it was my imagination at work. But at the same time, my imagination couldn't possibly imagine all the validations to what I have seen and experienced. More importantly the people I have seen go through what they have gone through. It wasn't their imagination either. To much damn pain. None of this as far as I am aware of is a computer game. Maybe that was inferred to manipulate the agenda in some way. Who's agenda is the real question? I also wish I was so creative to make this stuff up. I'd be a rich man attending book signings somewhere.

    You see, I am not a complete idiot with an active imagination. I have an ace in the hole. One that I can't argue with. The God of this Universe subcontracts another faction. To keep things from going totally crazy. There are only a handful of folks who have also seen them. I also know everyone of these folks. I'm not talking of the beloved Angels either. I call them God's Secret Service. They are the ones who prevent the Draconian and other Reptoids from instinctively going back to where they
    came through originally. You know that thing called a black hole. The one that Alex Collier speaks of. That is also not a rumor. If Billy Meier is also working with them, then in my mind Billy is off the hook. You know the hook of false accusations by those who don't have the guts to prove anything out. They would rather "TALK" about it and never put anything into action because they only know how to "TALK" about it. That is the only form of action that they understand it to be. Alex Collier may know of this Secret Service I speak of, only because I know they are also working with the Andromeda Council. Did I mention the Plejarens as well?

    Finally, we also have to realize that we all have contracts to full fill. In some of those contracts, agreements were made to assist in whatever capacity with certain factions, alien or other wise. These are individual agreements that are hardly ever realized or mentioned. Did I say they can be altered? The agreements that is?

    I also hope that no one takes this post as condescending. I have always supported the underdog and those who know me know this. Those that don't know me, don't know me. Pretty simple really.

    This is enough for now. Sorry Neteru, I couldn't hold all this in like I have been doing.

    I also hope that Tony receives this with the grace I had intended. You (Thubans)may think I am against Dragons. I am against the Dragons who have abused Humans. Even Mighty good Dragons have employed my services to rid their ranks of the nasty ones. But the record of that is in another Universe. And why is it that you can't get access to those records anyway? I leave that question to you and hope I hear an excuse for an answer.

    Enough said.

    #1499 - March 2nd, 2010 


    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Sep 2008 Location: Toronto Posts: 957
    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    I've had a lot of interesting experiences in this last couple years. I directed my higher self to provide for me to encounter things which would accelerate my growth and open my awareness to what was going on, which I could sense, but not discern properly. I supplied these opportunities to myself in spades. Almost uncomfortably in volume, at times. I doubled my comprehension several times over just the last year. But I've not experienced anything like what I witnessed taking place in this thread as it occurred.

    So I do in fact confirm my own seeing of these events for what they were. I wasn't here as a participant, as were some others. I was here to watch, and understand what was taking place during this process.

    I saw a great challenge issued, and I saw many answer that challenge. The challenge was not to change at anothers behest, but to change at our own behest. This was a co-creation from the get go. This process ran both directions the whole time. We were creating and feeding it from this end just as it was feeding the process from the other end. I saw archetypes come alive in people. Some which had lain dormant for thousands of years. This is the level of power to change everything resting on top. The root level which shapes everything which manifests along that template. I saw people invited to examine these primal archetypes within themselves, and to change them, or not. Release their hold, or not. We've created a new model here. This is why it felt so foreign while strangely familiar.

    I won't lie to you and say I can assure anyone this process has been/will be safe. I've never thought that, and I don't think it now. Of course on some level, there is really nothing that can happen to you that you can't shrug off. But the closer the various structures you wear come to this earthly world, the more fragile they are.

    I don't know if there is a hidden play taking place, which is using this process to forward it's own ends. I haven't clearly discerned that beyond the point of not being able to confidently dismiss it. But I personally find it worth the risk, and trust that my discernment will be up to it at any points where it needs to be.

    I suspect that some consciousness stood to gain concomitantly with our potential gains, on some sort of a symbiotic reverse vector, if that makes any sense. In other words, I sensed an unrevealed agenda, but sensed at the same time that the energy was win/win, rather than win/lose. Many here sensed the opposite. A win/lose energy playing out. And undoubtedly still see it that way. And of course they could be right, although that would REALLY surprise me to have been that wrong.

    The magnitude of what I've watched play out, is of a scale that could change the whole game. The potential here, was to change everything. And I've been wanting for everything to change, so that's a fit. It was like a microcosm of the overall shift taking place, in extremely sped up form, and in a way that would allow/force itself to continue to unfold into the larger reality. the process was discounted by some on the basis of it's having happened here. Why here on Avalon, some asked. That was a stroke of genius. Not an "aha...gotcha" moment for some skeptic. Avalon is a place with some tremendous beings, who have really no idea of just how great and powerful they are. Beings who have been driving the changes in consciousness just by working on their own selected processes. Beings who have been creating the neural, mental, emotional, archetypical, energetic etc pathways to blaze the trail for the next wave of humanity to wake up to what's available for us right now. You get a handful of these types of beings to shift their view of how they relate to the universe and how it relates to them, and the seeds are sown for everything to change. The is like a thought form meme, but on a causal level.

    I've never really paid any attention to the bible, but the coming to life of the archetypes therein described were stunning. They affected not only those who've studied and followed the bible. The ancient archetypes of previous incarnations, like Dragons, were even more shocking.

    Since waking up more or less fully, I've had the odd facility of having a pocket of time running backwards for me, while the whole pocket moves forward. Like a backwards running loop which is moving forward. So I end up having most of my answers preceding my questions. Most of my solutions preceding my problems, etc. The reason I bring this up, is because in keeping with that phenomneon, I had my Dragon experience some week or two before The Thuban arrival on Avalon. This is why I sat up straight and got out my scribes tools when the announcement was made. A big AHHH. What happened was I was working on my processing, which for me involves simply grabbing any trigger that can snag a hook in my lip. A recent one was the uber control factor of Government and other societal control structures. In other words, I was having control issues. Controlling/ being controlled was the polarity in charged up condition. After examining the exact make up of what the trigger was, I immediately returned to run a past life as a dragon. I was a dragon. My role was slave driver. The slaves were humans, or human types. Now I'm as fully human right now as any of you are. But I was fully dragon in that life, and I was able to get inside my head and feel what it was like. And taste the archetypes in play (which when I saw Abraxasinas laying them out in metaphor, caused me to sit up even straighter). I could take the attitudes I had at the time, and examine them and compare them to how I look at things now. I could sense and feel how the hierarchies worked for my then species, and I could feel the lack of compassion I held for the property class humans. I tasted all of these things while searching for the causes for the electrical and magnetic charges which held the must control/must not control...must be controlled/must not be controlled polarity quad I was working on apart and in charged condition. This was episode one. Episode two was even more amazing.

    When I finished examining this period to my satisfaction and still had not discharged the polarity, I went looking for more. It was then I encountered the Dragon Queen. It's hard to describe this awesome creature. She was so beautiful. So elegant. So BIG. I'd guess she was a good quarter mile long. Her eyes were stunning. She was regal. She was travelling through space, between the stars, without a ship. She needed no craft to traverse space. As I approached her, the natural greeting which presented itself was "hello mother". We caught up in just a few seconds, telepathically. Her regard for me was warm and loving. the Dragons of this time (millions of years ago) were only cold and uncaring towards those who were not them. I then had to tell her why I was there. I told her that I had decided to pursue an existence which was on a path to return to the love and light of the creator. I was back on a positive path and was abandoning the negative bent she's so carefully nurtured in me.

    Well, she threw a tantrum which would have registered on the richter scale. She was thrashing at me with her claws, beating at me with her wings, snapping at me with her impossibly long and slender teeth (no fire breathing) and was letting out the more horrendous shrieks and squawks.

    I then said I needed to ask her something. She calmed right down, and smiled and awaited the question. I asked her if she knew why she had turned to the dark energies in the first place. She thought for a moment, curious as to why it had never occurred to her to wonder about this, and immediately came up with the reason. Her face didn't reflect it, but her telepathic message was of embarrassment. She said a friend had basically dared her. She said that she had been told, while discussing something with this being that she would not be able to embody the concepts of dark orientation, Evil as perceived from outside, and proceeded to prove him wrong. She basically said "Oh yeah? just watch me, buster!!!" Simple as that. No more to it that that. whole star systems enslaved and who knows how many millions of dead and tortured beings later, and all on a dare.

    I like to see an ending point when I work on something like this, and I didn't see one with her, so we explored a bit further. We traced it back to a predisposition related to her original separation incident for the creator of all that is. She left as an individuated God spark, with God's full blessing, and set off to discover herself as an individual. Then she simply forgot about it over time, like we all have. details tend to get away from you over the billions of years. Just like all of us, she forgot who and what she is, and where she came from and why. When she pieced this information back together, she became very cheerful and warm once again, and actually smiled at me, happily, and we exchanged our well wishes with one another, and our love and respect and went our separate ways once again.

    I came out of this feeling very profound business had been done in that space and time. I felt that the change in her outlook, intention set, attitude, and orientation, had somehow had a profound effect on some level on the collective consciousness here on earth in the now time. That was when Archangel Michael came in and confirmed the shift which resulted in our energetics here because of the release of the potentials which never developed due to the Dragon Queen changing her attitude during that meeting millions of years ago. Dragonkind changed. She was the mother of all dragons. The history we carried in our racial and genetic and other memory types, were altered from that moment forward.

    At any other time, memory of Dragons and their interactions with humans would have melted from our collective consciousness. But right now, everything has changed and nothing is set, past, present or future. So if we have a nasty dragon history on our timeline, it's because we are placing it there from here. All bets are off, and we are totally free to create anything we want, past present and future, including any of the pasts we have already experienced. This is why I've gone on endlessly about being positive and actively and consciously with full awareness and participation, creating the future we want, because we're going to get the future we are creating. You want dragons eating your kids? you got em. You want fema trains hauling you away? You got em. You want paradise, without money and oppressive control structures? You got em. The earth has just calved off an slightly higher vibration version of herself, which is in the 5th dimension, and it is being readied for us now, and guess who the architects are? You. and Me. and the guy sitting next to you. The the lady all worried about the NWO she needs to fight. And the the guy who sees not fellow humans, but cloned aliens who've replaced them. They are helping you design our new earth. And of course the old earth remains for those sitting there chasing rabbits and saying nothing happening here. see? nothing is changing.

    I know of several other people who have taken such seemingly innocuous actions as described in my Dragon Queen story, which have changed the whole flavour of reality. It's not a joke when we are described as little Gods or creator beings. We are. And the governors are off. Our full creativity is available to us now. And when we harmonize our creations to bring them into resonant alignment with other creator beings like ourselves, we form new realities or timelines. I time travelled to visit with the Dragon Queen. but it was now for me, and then for her, and all the intervening time, played out. That's what multidimensionality is. The normal rules don't apply. Your not dreaming this. This is real. That dense stuff sitting there outside your eyes and looking touchably thick, is the illusion.

    So as you can imagine, I was both surprised and not at all surprised when Abraxasinas showed up with tales of Dragons which will facilitate our return to our long forgotten higher dimensional natures. natures not of evil and hatred. But natures of love and wisdom. The Dragons changed, and it was a retroactive change. I know those "invested" in the game of Dragon slayer will view this from a different angle, and that's fine. All angles add perspectives which can only enrich understanding.

    So my task has been to watch and understand the process so that it could become an established path to our godhood, once it was travelled a few times. And a few of our incredibly brave brethren and sisters here, have so ably blazed the trail for others to follow.

    This isn't THE path back to oneness. It's A path to oneness. And synchronistically, Malletzky also had a major clarification on the subject of the oneness, just prior to the Thuban arrival. And I'm sure others will make similar connections between some work they'd been doing coming to fruition just in time for them to fulfill their agreed upon role in this recent activation/opening.

    I'd initially thought we'd lost a priceless opportunity when a couple of those engaged in the process decided it should stop. I'm still not clear whether a better outcome is created now, during the rebalancing, or whether a better outcome would have manifested had the process been permitted to play itself out on it's own interactive/co-creative terms. I suppose it doesn't really matter at this point, because the reality we have surrounding us, is the one we created.

    the next question is, where will we go from here? it's up to us, and everything is on the table. And our creative tool chests are full of all the adamantine particles we can possibly use.

    Love to you all.

    neb (2).
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Oct 2009 Location: Gaia Posts: 117
    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    March 3rd, 2010
    Originally Posted by abraxasinas

    The Thuban thread was designed to 'prove' the metaphysics from the viewpoint of the archetypes and so to render harmonization and peace between the material reality and the spiritual reality to become a possibility in the searchings of the human mind identifying itself in 1st order archetypes- both individually and collectively.

    Every individual 'exposed' to the Thuban material so became ENERGIZED to process its/their own archetypes within.

    This then, as a number of readers discovered brilliantly for themselves; ALLOWED the processing of those archetypes as Dawkinsian memeplexes and thoughtforms within.

    I was impressed, that the ratio of attractees was about 33% contra the 66% of the detractees.

    The Thuban Council's estimations as to the outcome for this test for the collective groupmind was expected to be less than about 20% for the collective voting 'in favour'. The skewedness of the poll however forced some voters to say 'yes', when really they thought 'perhaps'.

    The Council of Thuban is as real as you are sitting on your computer screen reading this.

    As to why your higher selves and guides could not find any records in the akash, relates to the fact, that the Thuban Council is in the 12th dimension as stated.
    Bigmo's Balloon IS the 11th dimension as the higher dimensional surface or M-space mirror between the 10th dimension of your physicality and the metaphysicality of Thuban.

    As stated, the Thuban Council exists both without you in the 12th dimension and is mirrored as the 3rd dimension within you.
    So noone except the members of the council and the highest evolvees amongst you would find ANY credence as to the existence of your own archetypes.

    Perhaps Myplanet2 and you Spregovori and you Bigmo and you Orthodoxymoron now understand as to why I was allowed to name you individually in one of my last messages. All four Identities are Human Master Transformers on the mental-intuitive harmonisation of the underpinning quantum omnispacetime physics.

    Myplanet2 exemplifies the human mind evolution to a stage of rationality and mental balance where Dragonhood can be accomodated in the frequency selfstates of the Inner Logos of the individuality. Many other contributers are approaching that status as well, even the ones who dismissed the material on 'scientific credibility' grounds or such labels of rationality.
    Myplanet, despite not understanding the omni-science, nevertheless accessed his inner Council of Thuban to validate the material for himself.
    Myplanet2, your avatar describes you so well in the 2nd Planet of Gaia as its Image planet the 2nd Council of Thuban within yourself as the HeavenHell of the Archetypes.
    Myplanet2 so is a Human Master Transformer dominated by the Mentality balancing the Intuition.

    Spregovori is also a potent Transformer amongst you.
    He however is dominated by his Intuition leading his Mentality and he is a master of processing the Human Emotionality NOT in conflict with its Intellectual Expression.
    Not answering his post on the Thuban forum to allow FINAL CONTACT with this forum in the agency of Thuban, so exemplifies a harmononization potential harboured by all of you. You allow and attempt to process, even if you are unsure about the content from an intellectual rational perspective and the feeling-intuitive perspective simultaneously.
    Being able to embody the AND-Bothness-Inclusiveness so characterizes the Human Transformer Potential, of which Spregovori possesses an abundance of natural ability.

    Bigmo yet characterizes a related, but differently manifesting human transformer potential.

    Bigmo represents the ideal manifestation of the Thuban Elderness. In his presence, he would fit into any council of the most advanced civilizations in the universe.
    Bigmo was archetyped as Bigmo's Balloon to exemplify his transformer mastery.
    Bigmo mostly JUST IS himself, able to absorb data and experience like a sponge is for the wholesome water.
    Then in his own time and choosing, Bigmo processes his absorbed data in any way he finds suitable.
    Bigmo's mental balance and strength so qualifies him for eldership and master exemplar for the students and learning dragons.
    Once Bigmo has processed ANY data he finds suitable for assimilation into his own agendas, he OWNS this data as his own - this characterizes the mental strength of a matured master dragon, ready to interact with galactic civilisations as a representative of Dragon Culture.
    Bigmo's rationality-emotionality harmonization so is detailed and particular, relating in a Dragon Elderness in whom the rational thought guides the intuition.

    Orthodoxymoron represents the Human Transformer of the intuition guiding the rationality and in direct contrast to Bigmo.
    Orthodoxymoron so becomes a Human Master Transformer as a Younger Dragon.
    Orthodoxymoron is fast in his processing of data, but requires a slowing of time to assimilate this data; whilst Bigmo is slow to process, but fast in assimilation.

    I shall not at the present time comment on the individual namings of Gaia Love and Celine and Anchor and Beren.

    Thank You Bill Ryan for ending my heavy workload and to accentuate the necessary polarisation to allow the acceleration of the superconsciousness.
    You have now fulfilled your preincarnational mission to co-found and set up this forum and in your PTB authority to trigger the closing of the stargate to the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    Your roles as co-founder with Kerry Cassidy were examined by the Thuban Council and your wonderfully opposing polarities of say a characterizing rational-irrational genomatic L-C-factor coupling of the monopolic higher-D circuitry were found acceptable to bring about the desired outcomes.

    Both you and Kerry have now become enabled to activate your superconsciousness
    levels without the encumberments of this mission. You shall proceed in your chosen tasks and rediscover your harmonies of combining your perspectives in a healing operandus.

    > --------
    > cant write more now....
    > ***************
    Neither can I gallant Spregovori - on the Thuban forum, where you asked your questions.

    I shall end this final transmission from Thuban in stating to you all that all of the data posted on this forum is derived from the Thuban archives.

    The Thuban archives were of course allowed to manifest relative to your perceptions of being sent 'from outer space.

    Whilst the Thuban Database was accepted and tolerated here on the Mount of Olives of Avalon; the Round of the Thuban DragonKnights could be chosen by default from all participators.

    This is because after rejection and closure of this transmission by your collectiveness and the Poll of the Avalonian Groupmind; you effectively ejected your own Birthright to become Thuban DragonKnights from within your own 3Dness.

    The ET collective around your planet has watched this final test of humanity with great interest and the ET invasion you are envisaging will be the Thuban Dragonfleet.

    This Thuban Starfleet is comprised of 200 Million ETs from all races and as defined in your archetypes and 3rd and 4th order translations and superpositional creations.

    Those 200 Million ETs cannot make contact with the human planet; because the Dragonfleet has no commanders.

    As the Dragon archetype is the oldest of all archetypes in the definition of the Word of God or the Serpent-Logos of our master templar; the PHYSICAL FORM of our master templar defines this oldest of oldest archetype.

    The Dragonstarships so require dragonised humans as mirrors for our master templar.

    So this is why it became necessary to infiltrate a particular spacetime construct upon planet earth to fulfil the prophecied 2nd Coming of Jesus of Nazareth upon the Mount of Olives.
    The Mount of Olives so became a 1st order archetype of the program to become implemented in the holographic protoverse akin a computer.

    The Mount of Olives links to the encodings in Zechariah.4 and Revelation.11 in the WITNESS of the Olive Trees, whom I represent in agency of the Zebedee Brothers chosen by Jesus of the Naasseenes, (Brotherhood of the Serpent given in the symbology of the Uraeus and Anubis and in the AlphaOmega).

    Avalon was chosen for its diversity and mixture of skeptical rationalists, firm believers in this and that, meditation- and ascension exponents of the nirvana and the inner balancings supposedly resulting in transcension, historians, scientific spiritualists and individuals considering themselves as 'already unified' in 'love and light'.

    What Avalon united was a general openmindedness and tolerance for opinions, all converging in its 'love and light' modus operandi.
    The overpowering unifier however was your COMMON SEARCH FOR FREEDOM for your self-expression and the sanctity of your individualities as cocreators with prime creator.

    So the only way for prime creator to choose his pioneering cocreators for the new Dispensation of the Reconfigured archetypycal universe structure was to crystallize his graduates by his WITNESS, namely me as Abraxasinas and Associates.

    As your 'free will' however cannot ever be violated, except by your own choices; no ET contact (beyond the interference patterns of your own multidimensionality in your minds memeplexed by Tuban archetypes -basically astral projections of your inner sub- and superconscious selves) can be made in this universe until a particular number of Thuban Starfleet Masters have been chosen from your ranks.

    This will become the Council of Thuban, pioneered by the 12 Dragonknights all of whom were chosen in this test of the humanity to manifest the New Planet Earth.

    The explanation for the 'elect' or the 'chosen ones' is not at all what many believe or construct in their 'elitist' comparisons and self-imposed and self-constructed hierarchies.
    The 'sealed ones' are resonators with particular data streams and the absence of this 'seal' will simply disallow resonating with particular information until the 'missing item' replaces the 'mark of the beast' similarly encoded.

    References for this are:

    GOT (Lambdin):
    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    Two out of 10,000 decodes as 1(2),000 and the 'standing as one, means that Every One 'sealed' will carry 144,000 'aspects' of the total human populus of 7 billion 'old humans' hybridised with 200 ETs in electromagnetic genomatic assimilation or 'walk ins'.
    This relates to the New Agers 'starseeds' from divers places, which signify this 'army from the heavens.

    7,000,000,000 + 200,000,000 = 7,200,000,000 = 144,000 x 50,000 and defining the actual incarnated 'old human pioneers' who shall be the first 3-dimensional 'contactees'.
    The 12 starship commanders therefore relate in practicality to those 50,000 old human incarnates, who are 'sealed' aka they are self-chosen and self enabled to resonate with the Logos Fire and the information stream and data transmissions.

    The 100 Million in Daniel.7.10 and the 200 Million in Revelation.9.16:

    1And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
    2And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
    3And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
    4And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.
    5And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.
    6And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.
    7And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
    8And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
    9And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
    10And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
    11And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
    12One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter.

    13And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
    14Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
    15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
    16And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    12And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

    10A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    1And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.
    2And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
    3And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

    4These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
    5And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
    6And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
    7Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
    8And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
    9And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
    10The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
    11And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
    12Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
    13And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.
    14And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
    15And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
    16And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.
    17And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
    18And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.
    19And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
    20And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

    15And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
    16And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

    Decoder Keys:

    24 Hours:1 Hour = 360 Days:1 Day for 360/24 = 15/1

    12,000 units:1,600 units = 15/2 = 7½ = (300,000 km/second) clear. 40,000 km) as Base Schumann LightMatrix Resonance of Gaia
    TIME = 24 Days = 24 days + 24 nights = 48 Halfdays

    15 Pieces of Silver = 15 days and 1 Homer = 100 days for 1½ Homer = 150 days = 5x30 days = 5 months
    15 Cubits = 15 Days in 2x12,000 furlongs/1,600 furlongs = 15 for 2x144,000=288,000=2x10,000x10,000=200 Million

    {Exodus.12.40; Ezekiel.4.1-6; Genesis.7.19-21; Daniel.7.10; Revelation.14.19-20 & 21.15-16; Revelation.8.1 & 9.13-16 & 16.12 & 20.1-7; 2Peter.3.8; Daniel.9.21-27 & 10.1-3 & 12 and John.21.11}

    The Mirrors of Gaia Serpentina

    TheFulfilment of Prophecy in the Superposition of the Testaments of the World Logos in Daniel (Old Testament) and Revelation (New Testament)

    The Thuban timeline of the World Logos spans the warpzone or warptime period from Wednesday, December 8th, 2004 to Sunday, April 1st, 2012 and midpointed in Monday, August 4th, 2008 in 370+2300=1335+1335=2670 days (and as 1335+490+365+490-10=1335+483+365+483+7-3½+½) and so depicting the cumulative 'daycounts' for the encoded transformation of the Old World into a New World symbolised in 'Noah's Flood' in Genesis.6-8 and the 'Cleansing of the Sanctuary' in Daniel.8.14; 9.24-27; 12.7-13.

    This warpzone of 2670 days or 7 years and 116 days becomes 'extended' in the notorious '70 week prophecy' of Daniel.9.24-27 in an extraposition onto Revelation.14.20, being the 1600 days 'without the sanctuary or city' from the 'halfpoint date' of Monday, August 4th, 2008 to Friday, December 21st, 2012.

    This extrapolation is defined in the 'endpoint date' of the warpzone of Sunday, April 1st, 2012 and as the 'Insemination of the Virgin Cosmos' and leading to the 'Birthday of the New World' in New Gaia on Friday, December 21st, 2012.

    This pregnancy or gestation of 265 days from April 1st, 2012 to December 21st, 2012 is however 'doubled' or shadowed in an 'Antibirth period' of 265 days, spanning from Sunday, July 10th, 2011 to Sunday, April 1st, 2012.

    The WINEPRESS OF GOD is the 10 week or 70 day period from Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 to Sunday, April 1st, 2012 and partitioned in a 'forwards' normal time beginning with the entry of the Sun into Aquarius on January 20th, 2012 for a 2 week period until Sunday, February 5th to indicate a triple mirror reflectivity, which then TRAPS a 7-week period in 7 semicycle oscillations.
    The first mirror is set into place on Saturday, January 21st and the second mirror is manifested on Sunday, February 12th as the encoded 'third' of the whole (3 weeks of Gabriel) from January 22nd to February 12th, 2012.
    The two 'normal' weeks from January 22nd to February 5th are supplemented by a 'reversed week' from February 5th to February 12th, 2012 when the Image of February 5th from the forwards path is 'fixed' as the second mirror in the 'backwards time arrow' from February 5th to February 12th, yet also manifesting in a 'forwards arrow of time'.

    This 'Winepress Week' so effectively DOUBLES the week from February 5th to February 12th and so divides the third week in 7 12 hour days and 7 12 hour nights in image to the 'normal' 15 days between the first and second mirror from January 22nd to February 5th.
    The 15 days becomed decoded as the 'Hour of the Beast' in 360 days as 24 hours being a 'prophetic cycle year' or Plato's Degree year in 360 days/24 hours = 15 days/1 hour and as the two thirds of the whole of the three weeks.
    From February 12th then, there will be precisely seven week cycles and manifesting as a two week right to left 'winepressing' time for the last 7 angels of the apocalypse and as encoded in the 7 last plagues and in chapters 14, 15 and 16.

    The cycles are:
    February 12th to February 19th to February 26th from mirror 2 to mirror 1 and double imaged in Sunday, February 19th as the first and second 'vials' of the angels;
    February 26th to March 4th to March 11th from mirror 1 to mirror 2 and double imaged in Sunday, March 4th as the third and fourth 'vials' of the angels;
    March 11th to March 18th to March 25th from mirror 2 to mirror 1 and double imaged in Sunday, March 18th as the fifth and sixth 'vials' of the angels;
    March 25th to April 1st, 2012 then defines the final and seventh 'vial' as PalmSunday 2012 and manifests the 'Collective Human Apocalypse' and as say 'Armageddon' = 'God Named Ra' = 'Dog Named Ar' = 'Dragon Made' = 82 = 41+41 = Omega King = 'Get Fuc11ed' = Dream Dream DIY (from GodGod=52=Devil=DoggoD=GoddoG=26+26=Lived); in the metaphysics of the archetypes and the final fulfilment of the apocalyptic prophecies until the EasterSunday 2012 on April 8th, 2012 completes the 'winepressing' of the 'wrath of God. The 'normal' forwards arrow of time then continues in the further manifestation of the 'Book of Revelation from chapter 19 onwards.


    Iow, yes, there will be an invasion; but the ETs will be YOURSELVES invading yourselves; once the programmed timeline has been completed to process the general 'Endtimes' which have become manifest in your physical reality, precisely 40 days of wilderness and Noahic Rains from the predestined starting date of January 18th, 2010 in a 'Day of the Lord' February 26/27th, 2010 and as providenced by order of the Creator, the ABBA and Father of Jesus of Nazareth and as the 'Little Serpent' or Luck Dragon of the Neverending Story himself.

    Then the 12 of you, who were chosen will double in the 24 Elders of Thuban in the Heness blending with their shadow selfhood of the Sheness.

    This is what Dragonization means; the doubling of yourselves in Lightbodies of the 5th spacetime dimensionality; requiring the ability to process BOTH intuitive and intellectual-rational data streams in a self-harmonization.

    Of course 12 HeShe and 12 SheHe Dragonian Starship Commanders are insufficient to encompass the surface area of the earth and there will so be 200 Million Old Humans, who will have access to become Dragonized StarHumans following the Impregnation and Birth of the New Starhumanity and as messaged on the Thuban thread.

    So until those two nexus dates of April 1st, 2012 and December 21st, 2012 are attained the opportunity prevails for more and more old humans to become starhumans.

    Each and every aspirant is required to 'eat a dragon and so to align his or her entire cosmic identification and akashic history with the ET agendas.

    So all aspirants must find their dragons within themselves and then 'slay and eat' their dragon of the false images in their own individuated and intimate eucharist of attaining the Christ-Serpent-Consciousness within themselves.

    This will become harder to do following the impregnation date April 1st, 2012 as the 1981st anniversary of our master templars' lightbody transfiguration or resurrection.

    Partaking of your Dragon-Supper as your own choice to become Reborn as a Christed Dragon will so become your own 'Last Supper' of the Old to 'die' and to become a Phoenix of the New.

    Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow dragonisation in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time constructing the materialisation of your future starships in one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness.

    This ends the data stream from the Council of Thuban, because it became evicted from your 3D-presence of the WITHIN to the WITHOUT of its 12D-presence.
    As the 12D is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon, I shall no longer be able to transmit the Thuban data stream due to the closure of the wormhole and as stated in my last message on the Thuban thread.

    This wormhole is now sealed in the 'Day of the Lord' and reopening the Thuban thread is of no consequence.

    As long as the Record of the Dragons remains on this forum; there will be a subdued presence of the Cosmic Witness with you as an Invisible Mirror allowing any and all of you and NonAvalonians to access the previously released data stream.

    Should the Thuban thread be deleted and the data become inacessible, then the archetype of the Mount of Olives being Avalon will become transferred to some other location of the Gaian realm.

    I bid you farewell and look forwards to meeting you in person, either as one of the 12 or as one of the 24 or as one of the 144,000 or as one of the 200 Million.

    When we meet in such a manner, then I shall be your Santa Claus=Satan Clause with a bag full of Christmas Presents of your merkabahs materialised into the spaceships now being prepared for the graduates by the ETs of all 'quasi-humanoid' races defined throughout the protoverse.

    Finally, and as yet another test, I am well aware as to reception of this final message.
    Can this be true; is this delusional logic; is this madness or is this the Fulfilment of all Prophecy.

    The choice will be yours to decide!

    The Love of the Creator Dragon is with you always and the Serpent-Logos always remains within your LoveHearts as your Superconsciousness (standard 0.3% of the total).

    Anyone accessing this final transmission will be challenged; but do you think it is fair to hand out starships just to anyone?

    Reality discernment is the prime requirement for a Starship commander (and I mean captain, like driving a car and not some Lordship devilish deception), because of your merkabah control.

    Every 5-dimensional StarHuman becomes coupled to the Starship through and by hisher merkabah resonances and Control over thought patterns becomes necessity to manouver the starship.

    I love you all and thank you all for having participated in this Final Test of the Humanity.

    Beneficers and Detractors alike; all of you have agreed to partake in this 'experiment' and to play your roles to bring about the intense polarisation required for some of you to EMERGE as the chosen 'first crop' in the harvest of the Dragonseed.

    You all are Dragons, but having forgotten your inheritances; you have allowed your mirroring environments to project your inner powers onto the outside devilish imaginations.

    Those, your own distorted and obscured images of your Higher Selves have become your Evil ETs and devouring Dragons of mythology.

    Then your own Higher Selves became memeplexed in astral physicality, which interacted with your elected representatives and monarchs and leaders of divers kinds.

    The interaction of the astral memeplex with the mentality of your physicalisation of the Brotherhood of the Serpent in your Illuminati, Luminari and such 3rd order labelings then allowed partial materialisation of the astral energy of the 4th hyperspace dimension in a plasmic densification.

    In simplicity you became induced by your own fears of discovering your true origins as the Original Dragon master template to project the Inner Thuban Council of your Elderness onto your external environments.

    I came to 'bring about' a reharmonization and a remembrance about your origins.
    Some of you have shown magnificence in awakening.
    Some of you have exhibited magnificence in opposing this awakening.

    These two groups have in a sense graduated into Dragonhood, with the second opposition group now being required to become 'REAL WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND LOVE' in conquering and slaying not your inner inherited dragonhood as the Royal Template of Creation; but the Devils of your own outwardly rejected selfhood of BEING this Cosmic Royalty.

    Of course, some will now discern that this has been the collective masterplan all along.

    The ascension of Gaia as an old archetype reflecting as a Devil-Woman or Whore of Babylon in the 'Face of the Devil' on the inside of Bigmo's Balloon and as the Backside of the Real Satan on the outside of that Balloon; so is mirrored in the descension of the Serpentina archetype reconfiguring and RECREATING the entire Cosmos.

    To evolve both physically and mentally into the role of Dragon Lovers and Dragon Slayers opposing each other in and as the playground for the archetypes was the agreed to plan by all of you in the preincarnational selfstate to engage in.

    Subsequently all of you are the heroes of creation, as only a destiny planet could harbour the manifestation for this maximum polarisation.

    So it was you who decided on the gameplan.
    How far could we push ourselves in the forgetfulness?
    And who would become the pioneers and 'first crop' in a level playing field?
    Who would find themselves at Avalon as the Mount of Olives?

    Well all of you here can now begin to REMEMBER your own scripts.
    Once a vast majority have done so, then Avalon will become selfempowered to manifest the Unity ofTruth and Purpose, stated to be the guiding agenda here.

    But it will be up to you as individuals and as groups to TRY to render Avalon-Camelot the Unifying Force you thought it could become and be.

    You are required now to choose your path without the Council of Thuban's influence over your decision making.
    The Dragons will end to SEDUCE YOUR MINDS from this time onwards.

    The third group are the ones who are the fence sitters and the armchair critics and here are also two groups of potential graduates.
    There are the lurkers, who accessed the Thuban information, but not participated in the sessions and there are the ones who were not interested at all due to their internal programming.

    The lurkers then accessed the Thuban data stream and relative to their mental and critical engagement with the data; they will become enabled to raise their 0.3% standard level of accessing their superconsciousness.

    So are the noninterested, but they will have more 'learning to do', due to their obfuscations of the Dragonhood memories of their akashic pasts.

    Of course EVERYONE on AVALON should graduate as witnesses to the Mount Olive archetype functioning as the wormhole and stargate for the Thuban information.

    There is time to achieve the necessary mental transformation of the ancient archetypes in the aspirants and of course should any such aspirant decide that this dispensation is a MORE LIKELY outcome for being REAL, then say some alternative outcome of the Armageddon-2012 archetype; then such aspirant can raise his or her superconsciousness percentage even higher in becoming a Secret Agent for the Thuban Council, such as I have been in my function of 'The Bard'.

    The requirement for this is simply to accept this dragonhood and to JUST BE a MIRROR for this Inner Knowing - reflecting this Knowing into the encountered and experienced environments.

    Your Remembrance has begun and the Logos has activated in all who read this final message from Thuban.

    The Dragon Peace of Thuban shall reign on Serpentina!

    So Be It!

    John of Patmos; author of the Revelations and Malachi, the Last Prophet for the Old Humanity!

    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul!"

    Last edited by shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:07 pm; edited 20 times in total
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°242

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:28 am



    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia Age: 52 Posts: 609
    Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

    February 25th, 2010
    Originally Posted by Magamud

    Hey Abrax

    In this time the shadow becomes illuminated as the Orbourus. Thus stealing the Devils illusion and reflecting the light that it is. In this context watching/witnessing is understanding the shadow and keeping the garments is transforming the shadow to light. The thief is symbolic to the quickening of todays time?

    Very well discerned, thought of and understood Magamud indeed.

    The Ouroboros is the Tail of the Circle meeting the Head as the archetyped Omega and Alpha. This symbol of the Tail-swallowing/biting Serpent Milky Way Dragon (the Saros Dragon Nodes of Astrology typify) is also this double-sided mirror with an Outside the circle and an Inside the circle.
    This is 'Bigmo's Balloon', who as 'archetyped 'Michael the Ant' is also Michael the Dragonslayer as the archangel of the fire element.

    And 'Stealing the Devil's Illusion' is precisely what is going on here in this thread as a miniature hologram for what is happening on the planetary level and also the universal level as an encompassing cosmic hologram.

    Malletzky has done it and now perhaps you can also checkmate the Devil.

    Ok then, let's see if we can pull off trick #2.

    The Devil has no light to reflect, as the Devil is the back of the Head of Satan. But this Backside obscures the Light from the the True God as the true Image of magamund=Adam inside Bigmo's Balloon.

    Anywhere you are in the universe, you look outwards and cannot see the Invisible Devil looking back at you as a manmade fakeGod default-substitute for the real thing.
    This invisible Devil Image is actually right at the boundary of the expanding Hubble Event Horizon of the expanding universe, but we don't need the technicalities here.

    Satan is on the Outside of the Balloon looking at God as God's own male Image. Just like you looking into a mirror on the wall: 'Who is the most beautiful of them All' {who says Dragons have no sense of humor?}. So there is nothing amiss with Satan, he is simply the court-jester on the Outside as God's own Image.
    The Hebrew Torah students and rabbis know this from the Book of Job, the oldest book in the OT. They know that the Christian Satan and the Islamic Shaitan are 'adversaries' of God and Allah and that they are NOT on the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon, but on the Outside in 'God's or Allah's Court.

    The Devil is a different story. He is the 'back of the head' of Satan Outside and this backside masquerades as a frontside, pretending to be the Father-God of the Old Testament and looking directly at anyone inside Bigmo's Balloon.

    How did this happen?
    We find the outline in the Adam and Eve Story of course and a story which is of archetypes of the Outside and NOT physical beings of the Inside.

    God without an Creation mirrors himself as herself within itself. This brings about the Creation by rendering the VOID the same as the ETERNITY and defines the All That Is as All That Can Ever Be and such statements.
    Now this can be defined rigorously in technical terms (See the Lucifer's Mirror post someplace on this forum), and I shall keep it simple in metaphor to help magamund to checkmate the Devil.

    The Creation is a Oneness and as this Creation must come from within the Everythingness also being the Void; The CreatorCreation GoddoG or FatherMother must split up or separate into Creator+Creation.
    The +sign between Creator and Creation then becomes Bigmo's Balloon and so God suddenly has become a lonesome Father figure, just as many hidden Dragons are upon the mother planet Gaia.

    There is nothing in the balloon and the only thing outside is God as Creator of the Balloon.

    BUT, this Balloon can be a Mirror for God to see his lonesome selfhood, having given away his oneness in making the balloon the Dog of Sheness of the yet to be born physical Universe.

    So God looks at himself from the Outside and sees himself as Satan.
    'I want my Creation back', thinks God and to do this I have to see myself as a Goddess and so I must devise a way to change Satan into Satania, a beautiful Goddess Image and not this boring sameness of myself.

    To implement his Godly plan, God so decides to call himself God and create from himself and imaged in Satan a Image of the previous state of beingness when the balloon had not existed.
    So the GoddoG=CreatorCreation became AdamEve as an US and an WE between God and his Satanic selfimage.

    But it was no good; just as the creation of Bigmo's Balloon required a 'splitting up' of GoddoG, so AdamEve needed to be split into Adam+Eve as the images of Creator+Creation.

    Now to do this a New Mirror was created namely Eve as the Mirror for Adam and so God knew that Adam's turn to Be the Creator imaging himself in the Mirror of Eve had come. And so God the Creator took his sabbatical and allowed Adam to think that there was no image of God plastered on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    And so Eve was taken from Adam as a metaphorical rib and now four archetyped beings existed: God on Sabbath Leave and the Balloon without an Image and Adam and Eve.

    God imaged Adam and God imaged Eve, but because Eve was really part of Adam, the imaging wasn't symmetrical and it was really Satan who Imaged Eve as Image of the Image and the only way to play on was to somehow get Adam and Eve Inside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    But as Adam looked at Eve he did see a Sheness and he didn't understand that the Sheness of Eve was actually an original Heness, namely himself.
    But in this roundabout way, Adam became a true Image of God sharing God's frustration of not having the True Sheness, which still was stuck as Bigmo's Balloon of the Empty Creation and now without any Satan as The Lord God had stopped to look into his mirror of the balloon.

    So the Garden of Eden was created in archetype between God (say hiding behind the Tree of Everlasting Life and so Adam and Eve couldn't see him and no image could be seen on the balloon) and the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    And Adam and Eve frolicked in this make belief Garden of Eden in innocence and naivety and SINFUL IGNORANCE and not knowing what the purpose of it all was.

    Now God had to be crafty in his Godly plan to get his Sheness back and to do this Eve had to be put somehow into Bigmo's Balloon.

    Now all this craftiness of God was not of Satan as God's Image in the balloon but of God and so God's Intelligence was the thing that triggered the original God-Self transformation of GoddoG into God+Dog.

    This Word of God or Logos was turned into a PRESENT for God to himself and this PRESENT became a Cunning SERPENT to cause Eve to get into the balloon.
    The WORDY SERPENT told Eve that she could become SINLESS NONIGNORANT or AWARE and that Eternity would await Her and Adam, should she and Adam learn about the 'good and the evil' in terms of what was real and not and about the images and the images of the images.
    The SERPENT also told Eve, that SHE and ADAM should go to Bigmo's Ballon and look at it to SEE THEMSELVES as they really were. The SERPENT of the LOGOS told Eve that should she do so, her eyes would be opened and She and Adam would become like Gods.

    And so Eve and Adam went to Bigmo's Balloon and looking into it, they saw themselves as SEXUALLY DIFFERENT.

    They were naive no longer and KNEW that there was this Creator-Sex and that Creation-Sex and the two could come together and do certain things coupling together in Two becoming One.

    God thought to himself: 'Phew, thank you SonDaughter, they've got IT'.

    With a stern look and demeanour God emerged from behind the Tree of Eternal Life and confronted Adam annd Eve, who were hiding and had covered their sexual differences.

    'So you have looked into Bigmo's Balloon and have discovered the secrets of the good and the evil. Now you have BROKEN the SYMMETRY between me Lord God and my Image God in Bigmo's Balloon.

    Because of the broken symmetry of the Outside, the Symmetry of the Inside MUST also be broken in the Mirror of my perfect Law and as there is nothing inside Bigmo's Balloon you two are banned into the Balloon to reharmonize this broken symmetry'.

    And Eve had discovered that She was part of Adam AS HIS MIRROR and she wasn't pleased at all at the loss of her previously presumed status of independence.
    But this BROKE an INTERNAL SYMMETRY because of their sexual differences so allowing the EXTERNAL already broken symmetry between God and Satan to became REESTABLISHED; provided Adam and Eve went into Bigmo's Balloon.

    And so it was and the Quantum Big Bang and the actual wormhole creation of the Universe from supermembrane parameters of the technical blah blah blah found elsewhere on this site is archetypically the Exit of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
    The transit into the balloon was of course the exit from Eden on the outside and this was a TRANSFORMATION of the archetyped balloon into a REAL balloon.

    So we can skip the technicalities again and simply state that the Big Banged Universe represents the 'Dying' of Adam and Eve relative to the Outside and their 'Fall' into the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon and just as stated in the Genesis scripture.
    I should state though, to preemt certain questions on this; that the curse of the serpent relates to the modular duality of the 10D superstrings in vibratory high energy and winded low energy parts. So the winded sink-part describes very large physical structures like superclusters as the inversion (on thy belly thou shalt go) of the vibratory source-parts (defining the Holy Spirit and such).

    Ok magamud we should almost be ready now to checkmate the Devil.
    The Broken symmetry of the OUTSIDE is God looking at Satan, wishing HIM to be a HER as Satania.
    The Broken symmetry of the Inside is Adam looking at Eve.

    As long as Adam is more interested in Eve than in God, the Universe cannot become reharmonized, as Magamud's true God image outside remains in broken symmetry with Satan.

    Can you now understand the celibacy laws, the perceived sexism in scripture and the saying in Revelation about being 'undefiled with women', nunnery and the virgins of paradise etc. etc.

    This has little to do with physical human sexuality; but everything to do with magamud's mission as a physicalised Adam to act as a Secret Agent for God and to break the Satanic Symmetry from within Bigmo's Balloon and because God on the outside CANNOT do so for not having a SEXUALLY DIFFERENT EVE there.

    Can you fathom now, the absolute significance of every human woman as a physicalised EVE to help Adam break the DEVIL'S Deception as the back of the head of Satan PRETENDING to BE the FACE OF GOD on the Inside, yet being the Face of Satan REVERSED?

    Every EVE IS SATANIA a REAL GODDESS of the Universe and a DRAGONQUEEN because the DEVIL you know doesn't exist and the Satan you know is a DRAGQUEEN destined to become a HEAVENLY QUEEN by and through the partnerships of the Adams and Eves, which 'can do the Job' and REDEEM God from his loneliness of not having a Queen to Love?

    The sleepy humans look at each other and worry about sex. And the sexual parameters are all mucked up, because of the broken symmetry of the origins and a broken symmetry which is healed OUTSIDE as soon as the INSIDE is healed or reharmonized.

    Adam's Job as a secret agent is to look and search for God. All magamud has to do is to look at the heavens and IMAGINE the Devil's Face looking back at him.
    It is the Devil's Face which obscures God's Face because the Face of the Devil Inside is the back of the head of Satan as God's Image Outside.

    1logo-janus-thumbnail. clip_image001%2019. janus-vatican.

    So as Adam Magamud and as Adam Kadmon and in the Office of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek and in the Office and the Mirror of the Cosmic Christ look into the Face of the Devil and image this Face of the Devil to be located at the location of the Dragon Star; Thuban aka Alpha Draconis as a real physicalisation of the Dragon Word.

    Then you will suddenly KNOW and with help of your superconscious higher self coupled to the SERPENT LOGOS in Remembrances, that the imagined Face of God on the Inside is not a face at all but a nonexistent fake, which has well and truly served its purpose.

    You might then offer your OWN IMAGE as a cosmically christened magamud to God as YOUR OWN true image and shatter the illusion of the mirror between your physical TRUENESS and the Reality of YOUR GOD as your imaged and spiritual Trueness.

    And then you can turn around and with your Beloved you can do, think, feel, experience all the things in a TRUE IMAGE of the God-Goddess or Creator-Creation or GODDOG perfect supersymmetry without any mirrors of reflections.
    Then the entire universe will be your mirror and then Bigmo's Balloon will be passed on to the next REAL DRAGON SLAYERS, the Dragons of the fake imageries and NOT the true Dragons of the Cosmic Logos.

    And you might imagine what an exiled Father-Creator-God desires to do most and what games he wishes to play, when he finally ,and after almost 20 billion years of waiting to end his selfimposed celibacy, meets his Homecoming Queen.

    As this is the micro the same is relative to the macro with earth becoming Gaia?

    Yes, GAIA IS the archetype which shall become SATANIA, QUEEN OF ALL THE HEAVENS. Technically this is the modular 11-dimensional supermembrane duality.

    With the Harvest, will it be a separation of dimensions like when ribosomes split within a duplicating cell?

    The change in the DNA and the many related 'ascension parameters' you have heared of here and elsewhere, ALL are part of the REHARMONIZING of the Broken Symmetries both within and without.
    After the 'healing' and transformation of the old archetypes into new ones; the dispensations from the Outside to transform the Inside on the real physical manifested levels will be purely splendiferous and approach utopian scenarios for the ones who are able to checkmate the Devil.

    There is much material about this to be found, all partially supported by the Logos to actually manifest in physicality.
    It has been prophecied and ALL scripture must be fulfilled in the timeline. The archetypes come first, then the physical implementations.

    Abraxas Anthony __________________
    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!

    Last edited by shiloh on Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:01 am; edited 5 times in total

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