Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:26 pm
    Carol wrote:
    Good gad! Just another example of fear based ideology and philosophy.

    When the Thubans first showed up on PA I just had no interest so I really didn't read the thread or understand the polarization that occurred around it other then that it was not in alignment with what Kerry and Bill wanted to see posted on "their" forum.

    When it first started here I still didn't have much interest until it went into my favorite topic which involved quantum physics. Meaning quantum physics is where science and god come together for me. Ironically, in reading the science and attempting to understand the Torus, understanding at a rudimentary level popped into place for me. So it is the science which appeals to me. Some of the other philosophy (specifically the whole hierarchy thing) just isn't my cup of tea - purely from the perspective of Buddhist philosophy where one is to become empty in order to perceive spiritual reality at a fundamental level. The word neti, neti, neti literally means not this, not this, not this. In essence when one empties oneself ( of all thoughts, philosophies, ideologies) enlightenment occurs.

    The transpersonal realm of direct experience is beyond words and even intellect. One is in a state of conscious awareness beyond judgment and also in an observer mode. One just is. Whereas, dropping down to the 3D dimension one needs words just to communicate experience putting distance between what is by moving into intellectual analysis.

    Sexuality does not exist at the higher spiritual dimensions as this is a creative process for pro-creation of a human body, a vessel for another soul to come down and experience spirit in matter. From observation it appears that it's easy enough to become confused about the energy and role of sex. Orgasm is a re-experience of at-one-ment (singularity) but within the form of matter. How sexuality is used is where problems can occur particularly where sexual abuse is involved and the over-powerment of one over another as this can lead to one becoming stuck in the lower dimensional realms.

    Yet the experience of singularity at a purely spiritual level leaves the experience of physical orgasm in the dust. Meaning that there is much more in the spiritual realms to be experience then just at the 3D level. Now imagine being in the spiritual form and having the experience of singularity. This is an experience of what it is to be a quantum particle - no place and every where, zero point locality. For me this is true freedom which cannot be contained within words, or intellect, or even a physical form.

    I wont argue 'sexual reality' with you Carol In A Carolina, but let Mother Nature have a say regarding your 'philosophy' and experience.

    The sound is, what you might term superimposed and 'unnatural' in context; but nevertheless Carol, if your pov is the 'naturally appropriate' one, as you argue, then the Bonobos are monstrosities and freaks of Mother Nature behaving in such uninhibited manners and for pleasure and fun and not just for procreation.

    No wars, no jealousies no violence and no abuse - but ever so sexy in peaceful and caring appreciation of each other in fullest passionate expression of the cosmic self​

    Uploaded by ImmoralBonoboTramp on Jun 27, 2010

    The mating behavior of the bonobo, humanity's closest relative in the animal kingdom. The bonobo shares 97% of our dna, lacking reasoning and linguistic abilities. Shame, guilt and morality would be difficult with such limitations. This may be way too much truth for some to see without becoming upset. Just stop watching and go look at something else if that's you. You are not going to change the bonobos' mating habits

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  2. admin

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    • Post n°178

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Owlsden on Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:31 pm

    Wild, go wild, go wild in the Jungle - where snakes in the grass are absolutely free.

  3. admin

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    • Post n°179

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:38 pm

    HeavenHell and HellHeaven


    Behold, oh beloved Mother Earth, you shall no longer be in twain.
    Your children by father sky have gathered to end your enduring pain.
    To heal your body in matter, joined to the love in your mind.
    A new family you have nourished to become caring, gentle and kind.

    Can you hear the movement up high in the heavens above?
    New trumpets are sounding, sending peace on the wings of a dove.
    The angels of the dark have found their maidens of Light's delight;
    in harmony together, they are entwining each other so tight.

    What peace is this? As above, so below and a true Love!
    Knowingly agreeable the netherworld has become and so suave.
    Redeemed are the darkness and the light as the ancient prototype,
    for all loves to follow, when the seeded fruits are ripe.

    Oh come home to Eden, all you Lucifers~ sons of the stars.
    All you Adams find your Luciferas, your Eves, end all the wars.
    Where are you Mars? Venus~Aphrodite come forth, be seen!
    Let your passions be two, in mind and in body, be ever so keen.

    New worlds are born in the joining of two bodies in One.
    God and Goddess together, just as every moon must have a sun.
    Its the end of the mystery, the closing of a night so dark.
    The dogs of Sirius are barking and announcing a new journey to embark.


    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.

    Abraxas Anthony

    In honor of all the Orthodoxymorons of the world


    The Thubans for their DragonQueens from the Cosmic Heavens​
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  4. admin

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    • Post n°180

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:12 pm

    HigherLove wrote:






    ALTHOUGH the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldees of Assyria, and the Brachmans of Hindostan.

    It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood.

    They worshipped but one God, and erected to him altars of earth, or unhewn stone, and prayed to him in the open air; and believed in a heaven, in a hell, and in the immortality of the soul.

    It is strange that these offsprings of the patriarchs should also be corrupted from the same sources, and should thus still preserve a resemblance to one another in the minor tenets of their polluted creeds.

    Those pupils of the Egyptian priests, the Ph�nicians, or Canaanites, who had taught the Israelites to sacrifice human beings, and to pass their children through the fire to Moloch, infused the same bloodthirsty precepts among the Druids. As the Indian wife was burnt upon her husband's pyre, so, on the corpses of the Celtic lords, were consumed their children, their slaves, and their horses.

    And, like the other nations of antiquity, as I shall presently prove, the Druids worshipped the heavenly bodies, and also trees, and water, and mountains, and the signs of the serpent, the bull and the cross.

    The doctrine of the transmigration of souls which formed a leading theory on the system of the Brachmans, of the Druids, and afterwards of the Pythagoreans was obtained, through the Ph�nicians, from Egypt, the fatherland of heathen mythology.

    It cannot be denied that they also honored inferior deities, to whom they gave the names of Hu and Ceridwen, Hesus Taranis, Belenus, Ogmius, and the attributes of Osiris and Isis (or Zeus and Venus) Bacchus, Mercury, Apollo, and Hercules.

    From the sandy plains of Egypt to the icebergs of Scandinavia, the whole world has rung with the exploits of Hercules, that invincible god, who but appeared in the world to deliver mankind from monsters and from tyrants.

    He -was really a Phoenician harokel, or merchant, an enterprising mariner, and the discoverer of the tin mines of the Cassiterides. He it was who first sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar, which, to this day, are called The Pillars of Hercules: who built the first ship: who discovered the mariner's compass, and the loadstone, or lapes Heractius.

    It is gratifying to learn that his twelve labors were, in reality, twelve useful discoveries, and that he had not been deified for killing a wild beast and cleaning out stables.

    As the Chaldeans, who were astronomers, made Hercules an astronomer; and as the Greeks and Romans, who were warriors, made him a hero of battles; so the Druids, who were orators, named him Ogmius, or the Power of Eloquence, and represented him as an old man followed by a multitude, whom he led by slender and almost invisible golden chains fastened from his lips to their ears.

    As far as we can learn, however, the Druids paid honors, rather than adoration to their deities, as the Jews revered their arch-angels, but reserved their worship for Jehovah.

    And, like the God of the Jews, of the Chaldees, of the Hindoos, and of the Christians, this Deity of the Druids had three attributes within himself, and each attribute was a god.

    Let those learn who cavil at the mysterious doctrine of the Trinity, that it was not invented by the Christians, but only by them restored from times of the holiest antiquity into which it had descended from heaven itself.

    Although the Druids performed idolatrous ceremonies to the stars, to the elements, to hills, and to trees, there is a maxim still preserved among the Welsh mountaineers, which shows that in Britain the Supreme Being was never so thoroughly forgotten and degraded as he had been in those lands to which he first gave life.

    It is one of those sublime expressions which can be but faintly rendered in a foreign language.

    "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."

    [3:59:46 AM-Sunday, January 15th, 2012] Tonyblue: Now THIS has changed as the big dispensation Baby
    [3:59:51 AM] Tonyblue: "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."
    [3:59:55 AM] Tonyblue: Higher Love's last line
    [4:00:13 AM] Tonyblue: God IS MATTER now AND the NONMATTER
    [4:00:39 AM] Tonyblue: This is why sex has become divine now
    [4:01:16 AM] Tonyblue: Technically this is the superstring modular duality replacing the old singularity
    [4:01:25 AM] Sweet Witch: Go on
    [4:01:27 AM] Sweet Witch: Yes
    [4:01:33 AM] Tonyblue: Well this is poignant
    [4:01:39 AM] Sweet Witch: I know
    [4:01:45 AM] Tonyblue: I am tempted to add this as a reply as well
    [4:01:48 AM] Sweet Witch: I'm listening
    [4:02:06 AM] Tonyblue: This is the entire Thuban cosmogony in a nutshell
    [4:02:21 AM] Tonyblue: The Healing of the most ancient 'rift' and separation
    [4:03:20 AM] Tonyblue: The Eve as 'Rib of Adam' fuc11up mirrored in the Creator 'losing' his creation.
    [4:03:32 AM] Tonyblue: The female NOT being independent from the male.
    [4:04:12 AM] Tonyblue: Why Sex and femininity became the Devil in medieval times and led to all the religious dogmas and abuse.
    [4:04:51 AM] Sweet Witch: Yeh and why witches were burned at the stake..
    [4:05:00 AM] Sweet Witch: and for what?
    [4:05:09 AM] Sweet Witch: Knowing the sacredness of the Divine!
    [4:05:12 AM] Sweet Witch: Secrets
    [4:05:21 AM] Tonyblue: Exactly
    [4:05:35 AM] Sweet Witch: Why in my life there can be no secrets.. I don't wanna get burned again.. lol
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°181

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. HigherLove on Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:24 pm
    shiloh wrote:
    HigherLove wrote:






    ALTHOUGH the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldees of Assyria, and the Brachmans of Hindostan.

    It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood.

    They worshipped but one God, and erected to him altars of earth, or unhewn stone, and prayed to him in the open air; and believed in a heaven, in a hell, and in the immortality of the soul.

    It is strange that these offsprings of the patriarchs should also be corrupted from the same sources, and should thus still preserve a resemblance to one another in the minor tenets of their polluted creeds.

    Those pupils of the Egyptian priests, the Ph�nicians, or Canaanites, who had taught the Israelites to sacrifice human beings, and to pass their children through the fire to Moloch, infused the same bloodthirsty precepts among the Druids. As the Indian wife was burnt upon her husband's pyre, so, on the corpses of the Celtic lords, were consumed their children, their slaves, and their horses.

    And, like the other nations of antiquity, as I shall presently prove, the Druids worshipped the heavenly bodies, and also trees, and water, and mountains, and the signs of the serpent, the bull and the cross.

    The doctrine of the transmigration of souls which formed a leading theory on the system of the Brachmans, of the Druids, and afterwards of the Pythagoreans was obtained, through the Ph�nicians, from Egypt, the fatherland of heathen mythology.

    It cannot be denied that they also honored inferior deities, to whom they gave the names of Hu and Ceridwen, Hesus Taranis, Belenus, Ogmius, and the attributes of Osiris and Isis (or Zeus and Venus) Bacchus, Mercury, Apollo, and Hercules.

    From the sandy plains of Egypt to the icebergs of Scandinavia, the whole world has rung with the exploits of Hercules, that invincible god, who but appeared in the world to deliver mankind from monsters and from tyrants.

    He -was really a Phoenician harokel, or merchant, an enterprising mariner, and the discoverer of the tin mines of the Cassiterides. He it was who first sailed through the Straits of Gibraltar, which, to this day, are called The Pillars of Hercules: who built the first ship: who discovered the mariner's compass, and the loadstone, or lapes Heractius.

    It is gratifying to learn that his twelve labors were, in reality, twelve useful discoveries, and that he had not been deified for killing a wild beast and cleaning out stables.

    As the Chaldeans, who were astronomers, made Hercules an astronomer; and as the Greeks and Romans, who were warriors, made him a hero of battles; so the Druids, who were orators, named him Ogmius, or the Power of Eloquence, and represented him as an old man followed by a multitude, whom he led by slender and almost invisible golden chains fastened from his lips to their ears.

    As far as we can learn, however, the Druids paid honors, rather than adoration to their deities,
    as the Jews revered their arch-angels, but reserved their worship for Jehovah.

    And, like the God of the Jews, of the Chaldees, of the Hindoos, and of the Christians, this Deity of the Druids had three attributes within himself, and each attribute was a god.

    Let those learn who cavil at the mysterious doctrine of the Trinity, that it was not invented by the Christians, but only by them restored from times of the holiest antiquity into which it had descended from heaven itself.

    Although the Druids performed idolatrous ceremonies to the stars, to the elements, to hills, and to trees, there is a maxim still preserved among the Welsh mountaineers, which shows that in Britain the Supreme Being was never so thoroughly forgotten and degraded as he had been in those lands to which he first gave life.

    It is one of those sublime expressions which can be but faintly rendered in a foreign language.

    "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."

    [3:59:46 AM-Sunday, January 15th, 2012] Tonyblue: Now THIS has changed as the big dispensation Baby
    [3:59:51 AM] Tonyblue: "Nid dim oxd duw: nid duw ond dim." God cannot be matter; what is not matter must be God."
    [3:59:55 AM] Tonyblue: Higher Love's last line
    [4:00:13 AM] Tonyblue: God IS MATTER now AND the NONMATTER
    [4:00:39 AM] Tonyblue: This is why sex has become divine now
    [4:01:16 AM] Tonyblue: Technically this is the superstring modular duality replacing the old singularity
    [4:01:25 AM] Sweet Witch: Go on
    [4:01:27 AM] Sweet Witch: Yes
    [4:01:33 AM] Tonyblue: Well this is poignant
    [4:01:39 AM] Sweet Witch: I know
    [4:01:45 AM] Tonyblue: I am tempted to add this as a reply as well
    [4:01:48 AM] Sweet Witch: I'm listening
    [4:02:06 AM] Tonyblue: This is the entire Thuban cosmogony in a nutshell
    [4:02:21 AM] Tonyblue: The Healing of the most ancient 'rift' and separation
    [4:03:20 AM] Tonyblue: The Eve as 'Rib of Adam' fuc11up mirrored in the Creator 'losing' his creation.
    [4:03:32 AM] Tonyblue: The female NOT being independent from the male.
    [4:04:12 AM] Tonyblue: Why Sex and femininity became the Devil in medieval times and led to all the religious dogmas and abuse.
    [4:04:51 AM] Sweet Witch: Yeh and why witches were burned at the stake..
    [4:05:00 AM] Sweet Witch: and for what?
    [4:05:09 AM] Sweet Witch: Knowing the sacredness of the Divine!
    [4:05:12 AM] Sweet Witch: Secrets
    [4:05:21 AM] Tonyblue: Exactly
    [4:05:35 AM] Sweet Witch: Why in my life there can be no secrets.. I don't wanna get burned again.. lol

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°182

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Carol on Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:28 pm
    My inner asexual laughing buddha ---> PK1162.

    It's easy to throw up projections when real understanding of what another person is sharing from the heart is misunderstood.

    I equate sexuality with dragon energy and this is also based on my own personal experience not someone else. I don't think of sexuality from the polarity perspective as either good or bad. It just "is" - what anyone chooses to make of it. My one point is that when sexuality is used as exploitation of someone else, this can lead to entrapment at the 3D level.

    There is also the saying "Less is more." Very zen, isn't it? There is an aspect of my personality that craves zen. There is another aspect of my personality that loves being in a study filled with books from the floor to ceiling. There is an aspect of my personality that craves stimulation, new ideas, beauty, music and the unfolding furling edge of creation. And there is an aspect of my personality that delights sitting on the bottom of the ocean in meditation. What we are is far more then just a physical body. Yet in a physical body there is far more that is to be experienced than any one person could even possibly conceive of. As long as one desires - karma exists. Therefore, the cycle of life and reincarnation.

    There are also many perspectives of reality. Each as valued as the next to the beholder of their own perspective. Is this not the way it should be?

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°183

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:59 pm
    Carol wrote:​
    It's easy to throw up projections when real understanding of what another person is sharing from the heart is misunderstood.

    I equate sexuality with dragon energy and this is also based on my own personal experience not someone else. I don't think of sexuality from the polarity perspective as either good or bad. It just "is" - what anyone chooses to make of it. My one point is that when sexuality is used as exploitation of someone else, this can lead to entrapment at the 3D level.

    There is also the saying "Less is more." Very zen, isn't it? There is an aspect of my personality that craves zen. There is another aspect of my personality that loves being in a study filled with books from the floor to ceiling. There is an aspect of my personality that craves stimulation, new ideas, beauty, music and the unfolding furling edge of creation. And there is an aspect of my personality that delights sitting on the bottom of the ocean in meditation. What we are is far more then just a physical body. Yet in a physical body there is far more that is to be experienced than any one person could even possibly conceive of. Therefore, the cycle of life and reincarnation. As long as one desires - karma exists.

    There are also many perspectives of reality. Each as valued as the next to the beholder of their own perspective. Is this not the way it should be?​

    Is the Separation within the Unity or Oneness equal to the Unity within the Separation?

    Well, the first creates a Oneness in Cosmic Laws and Natural Order (which often is complex and chaotic, yet ordered) and allows many Universes or Monosongs to form Tunes and Melodies and eventual Symphonies in Multiverses as partnerships yet Embraced by an Omniverse{which can however continue to cocreate and coevolve with its constituent parts in creating new spacetime); whilst the second creates an infinite number of Universes without encompassment and so destined to chaotic entropy and dispersion into nonexistent spacetime as no envelope implies no definition of context for anything to expand or disperse into - ergo self annihilation becomes a natural consequence and outcome.

    This can also be allegorised as a single 'mustard seed' which, if tendered and fed, will become a shoot and then a seed bearing tree and then a forest, upon dispersion of the seeds from the one 'mustard' seed.

    But is there a 'fertile soil' to plant the first 'mustard seed' or is there not? Does the fertile seed need a gardener or not?
    The former can be termed the 'Unity' of the Creator and the latter the 'Unity' of the AntiCreator aka the Devil.


    Robert Sceptico: “But hold it Logan, can you hear what we are saying? How on earth can the beginning student comprehend what we are discussing? It would be like a nonnative speaker listening to a foreign dialect. Modular duality, (df/dt), holograms and electropoles – what about the readers who do not know what those expressions mean?”

    Logan Antico: “That might be so Robert; but what are dictionaries for? And we are attempting to answer a profound question here, despite the complacency of many enquirers who would like to have everything presented and given to them on a plate of easy comfort. Thinking is hard work; the intellect and one’s mindfulness require daily training and attention. It has always struck me as very odd; that so many people spend so much time in exercising their bodies. You see, they quickly become aware, that they are getting sick or are putting on too much weight. So they try to do something about it - ‘getting fit’ is the catch phrase and a ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’ is the motto. But the motto is often only half executed; because most people take their minds for granted; they do not believe or think them to require exercising, just as their bodies do.

    So what about the training of one’s thinking processes? Most people would not even know how to begin to think about something like that. Sure, some spend lots of money in going to seminars and in listening to salespeople’s talk of positive affirmations; but to what effect? Only too often the intellect is attacked as some sort of egomaniac, who stands in the way of a nirvanistic state of bliss, a heavenly state of mind, requiring nought but detachment from the material world.

    What kind of a route of escape is this? Any logical thinker can counter the argument in stating, that the desire for nirvana is the greatest desire; so how can then the denial of the thinking process become a way to reach the highest forms of nonmaterial transcendence? If one aspires to ‘overcome the material world’ so to say, then one has a lot of thinking to do! Channeling one’s desires and passions into constructive and creative avenues for oneself and one’s environs can produce the calming of emotions, the easing of nervous tensions and can give great intellectual pleasures in orgasmic harmonies within one’s mind – one might even meet one’s ‘God’.

    The so called ‘stilling of one’s mind’ so requires discipline and selfawareness; quality of thoughts to exercise the puerile mind, which seeks to chatter and to babble on like the immature child it truly is in most of the people, thinking of themselves as grown-up adults, because of their biological ages. So can you see it Robert? The exercising of one’s thinking has largely been forgotten in this age of the ‘quick-fix’ and the wastefulness of the ‘throw-away’ consumer society. Seniority and experience are judged by biological age, instead of by the mental maturity of the participants and the openly displayed and so evident wisdom of any prospective candidature.
    And a deep and pertinent query requires, even demands a profound answer to the question: "Where is the God of Science?"
    That is where shehe is! Not only is it the naked singularity, it becomes a holographic principle, a highway of ever increasing complexity, first manifesting as a fivefolded symmetry in geometric terms, then in a hierarchy of superbranes defined before the beginning of space and time as a dynamic concept in general relativity. The 10th dimension uses the 11th as a mirror to holographically map the 12th; but the beginning of the 10th dimension defines timeinstantenuity, the birth of the 4D-universe our science measures.”

    Act One: Identity, Antiidentity and a Supermembrane]
    Who am I ? & Qui va la` ? & Tangoes dance a tea for two in one !

    Scientific Expert: 35% versus Layphilosopher: 65%
    [Robert Sceptico and Logan Antico meet at ‘The Wanderer’, the local tavern for a beer or two and to continue a discussion begun on campus in the form of a question, posed by a shared student, familiar with concepts in both the fields of cosmology and in quantum physics.]

    Robert Sceptico: “An interesting question isn’t it. “Where is the God of Science?”; so naive and yet profound, indeed what should one answer to that?” Could one say that there cannot be a ‘God’ undefined by science or that whatever concept one might have of such a thing, it must be rooted in mathematical abstraction and in the concept of a ‘naked singularity’ - the quantum of space and time itself?”

    Logan Antico: “It’s a question of semantics Robert. Because all students of life carry their own filters in the form of their brains and their sensory based memories of their experiences; it is their comparative analysis, which must label all perceptions in individuated frames of references. So what good is it, if you can say in full knowledge of the fact, that the idea of ‘God’ rests in a mathematical singularity which can be defined in a spacetime of cardinality Aleph-Null, but which can manifest as a heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) and a wormhole radius of about a trillionth trillionth of a measured centimetre?”

    Robert Sceptico: “You’re right of course. There aren’t many students of life who can understand the language of the 13-dimensional spacetime continuum. But wouldn’t it be wonderful, if the various inhabitants and cultural identities on this planet could get to know the common denominator in their inherited belief systems. The elusive ideal of peace between the tribes and nations and families could be realised if only their distorted thoughts about religion, their superstitions about gods and devils, of angels and of demons could become scientifically elucidated and explained.”

    Logan Antico: “This is a dangerous dilemma Robert. Imagine the reactions of the believers in religion, once you have shown them that they and their ancestors have created every god and every devil ever thought about throughout the history and times of the human existence. The collective human psyche is saturated with wars, cruelty and violence; the disunity often being brought about by perceived contradictory interpretations of the ‘holy scriptures’ generic to the various religious sects and denominations.”

    Robert Sceptico: “The frustrating experience for informed students of life, like us, is the ignorance of the general populace in regards to the origins of their ‘sacred scriptures’ and their ‘alchemical scrolls of the mysteries’. If the followers of the esoteric traditions could only begin to understand the universality of what they term their spirituality and their supernatural beginnings. If only all the aspiring graduates of life could fathom that the ‘Book of Seven Seals’ is their own book of their own ‘Neverending Story’, their very own ‘My Life’ of having it done ‘My Way’. All the pages in the ‘Book of Seven Seals’ are blank, that is the mystery – who then can write upon them to tell their own story to one’s created babies, the gods and devils, catching their attention?”

    Logan Antico: “Yes, we might define the origin of that sealed scroll in the Genesis Boson, the naked singularity and precursor for five classes of superbranes and the Higgs Boson; others might term it the White Hole Vortex and yet others could call it the ‘God’ or ‘Allah’ or ‘Brahman’ or primal intelligence of an absolute reality, which moves across the waters of chaos to divide the light and the darkness or the male and the female or the yang and the yin in a first level of complexity.”

    Robert Sceptico: “Perhaps one could use the information contained in the various scriptures to bridge the gap between the language of science and the colourful metaphors used in the mythologies. We are both experts in the esoteric traditions; we understand the multilevelled structure of the verses and their numerological and astrological significances upon whom so much of the wisdom of the mystery schools is based. After all, the easiest way to reeducate the students of life is to use what they already know or what they have heard about, and in that way to shine a new light of omniscience unto their old perceptions and their culturally inherited ideas.”

    Logan Antico: “One could start with a common bond, that what is termed spirituality across the global spectrum. Perhaps one could keep the term, but render it scientific in renaming it as the scalar component of ElectroMagnetic Radiation or EMR for the literates in omniscience. Then the beginning students of life would not need to worry about the superbrane, known as the Magnetic Monopole of selfmodular class IIB and derivative from the Planck Boson of superbrane class I. ElectroMagnetic Monopolic Radiation or EMMR could also be known as the ‘emanation of the spirit’ and the modular duality between massproduced EMR and Gravitational Radiaton or GR could become universally acknowledged as the dichotomy between Mind and Body in the form of ‘twinned souls’ of MindBody and BodyMind, so effectively describing the doubling of oneself in one’s own shadow being, also historically renown as one’s Egyptian ‘Ka’ or German ‘Doppelgänger.”

    Robert Sceptico: “Yes Logan, but this results in just another ‘Pandora’s Box’ being opened, another ‘can of worms’, figuratively speaking. As soon as you discuss the human mind, people become agitated and defensive. Everyone has rather distinct opinions about their own mindset, its what is known as the id and the ego, evolutionarily constructed to protect the identities of the perceivers’ self-defined reality. Then there are the connotations and the innuendoes regarding consciousness and selfawareness and the origin of life in general and the brain-mind intersection in particular.”

    Logan Antico: “Then I guess, one just has to attempt to even define consciousness reductively in scientific terms. But yes, this requires a certain familiarity with the mathematical models, describing the EMMR, the electromagnetomonopolic radiation in a natural extension of the Newtonian forcelaws and the concept of an electricity for the lifeforce circuitry in the form of differential wave equations. The general ubiquitousness of electricity might be of help here, don’t you think?”

    Robert Sceptico: “You might be unto something here! One could describe a simple reduction of a second order differential equation describing an electric circuit with the elements of resistance, capacitance and inductance into a first order differential wave equation. Instead of carrying the Coulombic chargequantum (e) as a certain amount (Q=Ne) of an electric charge Q, varying in time as the current (dQ/dt), one sets the twincharge (2e) as a constant coefficient and the variable of change becomes frequency (f). The timedifferential of frequency (f) could then be used to scientifically define the concept of (df/dt) as the ‘Awareness’ of a natural ‘Force of the Mind’, acting akin to an angular acceleration upon a volume of unitspace.”

    Logan Antico: “So anyone familiar with electric circuits should be able to understand the analogy between that kind of ‘normal’ electricity and the ‘natural’ electricity which resides everywhere in defined spacetime as a monopolic electricity of the vacuum and so as a form of potential monopolic energy. Instead of throwing a switch to tap the supply from the electricity grid via generators, transformers and the power stations; one turns on a ‘relay station’ of the mind in a tuning of one’s own life-defining frequencies. The power of the mind so becomes a function of the quality of one’s ‘pure’ or unimpeded thinking! And the students of life who are disinterested in the models of electricity can simply term it the energy which renders spacetime what it is and they could even call it the ‘spirit’ which resides everywhere in that defined space and time potentially.”

    Robert Sceptico: “One would still have to illustrate for the interested students though. Would they be able to follow the mathematical proofs and the logical deductions? It is my speciality in 12-dimensional CMF-Theory, this modular duality between the EMR and the GR as you know.
    First the unitary symmetry between the Coulombic Electric Constant (1/4πε) and the Gravitational Constant (G) is used to derive the oscillation of the Planck Boson in terms of its spacial extent – the Planck-Length. Second one utilises this intrinsic unification between the Coulombic- and Newtonian forcelaws to map the 12-dimensional magnetopole-charge (e*) onto the 10-dimensional electropole-charge (e). This is accomplished in the cosmological hologram – your field of expertise. Thirdly then, this magnetocharge (e*) manifests as restmass via the superconductivity in the vacuum and via the ‘Action-Law’ of action equalling the square of charge.”

    Logan Antico: “Yes and the awareness quantum (df/dt) becomes like an angular acceleration, acting upon a volume of space, defining consciousness in physical terms reductionistically. The diameter of the electronic spacial extent, known as the classical electronic radius, manifests the energy of the 12D-F-space, which is magnetopolically equivalent to the electropolic size of an atomic nucleus in 3 dimensions. And once this holographic magnification of the Planck- or P-scale is established in the duality of 12D-magnetopoles and 3D-electropoles, then the restmassinduction of the Higgs Boson and the Higgs(Anti)Neutrino specify the equivalence of energy and restmass and frequency in the quantum laws of Planck and the geometric relativity laws of Einstein, Minkowski and Witten.”

    Robert Sceptico: “But hold it Logan, can you hear what we are saying? How on earth can the beginning student comprehend what we are discussing? It would be like a nonnative speaker listening to a foreign dialect. Modular duality, (df/dt), holograms and electropoles – what about the readers who do not know what those expressions mean?”

    Logan Antico: “That might be so Robert; but what are dictionaries for? And we are attempting to answer a profound question here, despite the complacency of many enquirers who would like to have everything presented and given to them on a plate of easy comfort. Thinking is hard work; the intellect and one’s mindfulness require daily training and attention. It has always struck me as very odd; that so many people spend so much time in exercising their bodies. You see, they quickly become aware, that they are getting sick or are putting on too much weight. So they try to do something about it - ‘getting fit’ is the catch phrase and a ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’ is the motto. But the motto is often only half executed; because most people take their minds for granted; they do not believe or think them to require exercising, just as their bodies do.
    So what about the training of one’s thinking processes? Most people would not even know how to begin to think about something like that. Sure, some spend lots of money in going to seminars and in listening to salespeople’s talk of positive affirmations; but to what effect? Only too often the intellect is attacked as some sort of egomaniac, who stands in the way of a nirvanistic state of bliss, a heavenly state of mind, requiring nought but detachment from the material world.
    What kind of a route of escape is this? Any logical thinker can counter the argument in stating, that the desire for nirvana is the greatest desire; so how can then the denial of the thinking process become a way to reach the highest forms of nonmaterial transcendence? If one aspires to ‘overcome the material world’ so to say, then one has a lot of thinking to do! Channeling one’s desires and passions into constructive and creative avenues for oneself and one’s environs can produce the calming of emotions, the easing of nervous tensions and can give great intellectual pleasures in orgasmic harmonies within one’s mind – one might even meet one’s ‘God’.
    The so called ‘stilling of one’s mind’ so requires discipline and selfawareness; quality of thoughts to exercise the puerile mind, which seeks to chatter and to babble on like the immature child it truly is in most of the people, thinking of themselves as grown-up adults, because of their biological ages. So can you see it Robert? The exercising of one’s thinking has largely been forgotten in this age of the ‘quick-fix’ and the wastefulness of the ‘throw-away’ consumer society. Seniority and experience are judged by biological age, instead of by the mental maturity of the participants and the openly displayed and so evident wisdom of any prospective candidature.
    And a deep and pertinent query requires, even demands a profound answer to the question: "Where is the God of Science?"
    That is where shehe is! Not only is it the naked singularity, it becomes a holographic principle, a highway of ever increasing complexity, first manifesting as a fivefolded symmetry in geometric terms, then in a hierarchy of superbranes defined before the beginning of space and time as a dynamic concept in general relativity. The 10th dimension uses the 11th as a mirror to holographically map the 12th; but the beginning of the 10th dimension defines timeinstantenuity, the birth of the 4D-universe our science measures.”

    This Is an E-Book written in 2004 (dated May 1st, 2004), before the loss of my daughter Deborah Martina, then aged 22 years of age. It is under edit for a foreseeable time and i have decided to publish it here as my testimony to the warpzone, beginning shortly after her leaving this abode of human sufferings and apparently ending for me on May 23rd, 2011 and June 15th, 2011.
    As with all material here, there is no copyright in any shape of form.
    Thank You all!

    The Death of the Supernaturality Virus !

    Introduction and Disclaimer:

    This essay shall take the form of a dialogue between two philosophers and as a play of words in seven acts. A claim to have some answers to pertinent and profound questions in regards to the perennial quest of the human race to understand itself in being and in mind can be no statement of whimsicality.
    Such a proposition demands a thorough investigation of the issues at hand; not a onesided or biased examination of selected data and information; but a rigorous scientific approach to evaluate all the evidence supplied in the history of the developments, both in the popular culture and its science and the philosophies supporting it.
    It is of limited value to parade the scientific discipline as the rational and impartial paradigm for the future; if that same worldview proves itself incapable to elucidate or to explain the most basic of elementary questions asked or problems faced by the now globalised citizen, placing hisher hope and expectation into that same projected future. And the overwhelming problem facing mankind at the beginning of the 21st century is that of its own philosophy.

    ‘Where are we now as a race?’, ‘Where are we going ?’ and ‘Where did we come from?’ are some common questions asked, but not answered by the expert authorities in organised politics, science, culture and religion. Why do we seem incapable, despite having built a monumental edifice called the scientific way and methodology; and notwithstanding the progressing technology derived from that; why then can that same worldview not answer a simple question like:

    If there is such a thing as God, as so many of us have been told, then where and what is it?”

    We find an evolved human genetic disposition to form allegiances and to carry and ascribe to certain beliefs, often founded or exposited upon by certain individuals or groups. Kings and knights, magicians, clerics and sages of old have transformed into the experts and advisors of the new.
    Consultancy has become the catch-phrase, often stifling the natural curiousity to find answers for one’s own questions in a denial of one’s own creative impulses through an adventure of self-discovery. Today, we find allegiances to political ideologies, religious dogmas or some other culturally based agenda. All those liasons and associations have something in common however; they all become coloured in the individuals which belong to them. Redemption from this filtered state of affairs is found in a paradigm which is based on the precept of disallowing personality to individualise the work to be done or to colour the information to be collected as one’s personal archive or one’s private library of creation, subject to one’s own individual fancies and desires Albert Einstein once remarked:

    “The greatest trouble in the world is the idea of a personal God!”

    And so one might agree with the depersonification of Albert Einstein’s ‘God’, whom he rather affectionately called: "The Old One” and of whom he also said: “God does not play dice with the world”, referring to his rejection of the idea that life and nature’s processes are intrinsically arbitrary in an universe defined by chance and random events.

    He thought of ‘God’ as being the intelligence behind the natural laws of nature, as found in the sciences and the mathematics which he studied and he believed that nature had to be based in geometrical principles, rather than in probabilities defined in statistics and stochastic matrices. And there were others before and after him; Plato and Aristotle, upon whose dialogues this treatise is based; Pythagoras, the Greek geometers and Niels Bohr, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, all contemporaries of Albert Einstein with Paul Dirac, Max Born and Wolfgang Pauli in their contributions to the birth of quantum mechanics.
    The symmetries in nature, numbers and sequences and fundamental constants; all seem finetuned and set into relationships with one another to create the universe and all the cosmological entities within it.

    And should not forget another genius of contemporary science in Isaac Newton. But what the modern world has tried to forget and to sequester away under an umbrella of a perceived historical ignorance, was the immense interest Isaac Newton, the father of all of classical mechanics, had in the concepts of religion.
    And what is the modern moral evaluation by his peers, judging a man whom they portray to the students of science as having had no equal in his time in regards to his scientific work, inventions and mathematical insights?

    His power of pure intellect, like Einstein’s, is often used to exemplify the necessity for logical thought and concentration in the pursuit of scientific and mathematical excellence by the students in those fields. Is it embarrassing to tell the full story; that Isaac Newton spent months at a time trying to decipher scrolls, like the ‘Book of Daniel’ and the ‘Book of Revelation’ in the bible?

    He must have been deluded in the religious fervour of his age!”, they would have said.

    But was he?

    Could a mathematical prodigy like Isaac Newton have been so gullible? Isn’t it more likely, that he sensed that there was something to it – and that it had to be scientific?! Isaac Newton’s ‘God’ is the same as Albert Einstein’s ‘God’ and yet it is completely impersonal. It must be, by the definition of the working ethic!

    But is it?

    Could it be possible, that once the ‘God of Science’ has become totally impersonal, that then this same ‘God’ is reborn in a ‘God of OmniScience’, who allows, even demands a personification, because of its own definition?
    And what if that had been the masterplan throughout the ages anyway? Can we then ever know and understand such a masterplan?
    And what if all the clerical authorities around the globe are forced by their own followers to take notice? What if modern science can prove to them that their ‘Allah’ and ‘Jehovah’ and Yahwhey and ‘Brahma’ and ‘Baha’ and ‘Krishna’ and ‘Ra’ and ‘Osiris’ and ‘Set’ and ‘The Big Goat behind the Old Oaken Tree in the Walpurgisnacht on April 30th’ are all one and the same?

    What if their scriptures and ancient scrolls became illumined in a new light of omniscience; should their powerbase not become depersonalised, if they are shown to have followed a very limited interpretation of their ‘sacred texts’ indeed?
    Where would they go in their grandstanding of and about ‘God’s Law’ for the ‘chosen people’ and for the ‘infidels’?
    It would be the end of falsified religious dogma and the death of manipulative religion as such. Because omniscience is Omni-Science, the Science of ‘The All’ for ‘The All’ and the German word for the cosmos or the universe is“Das ALL” - Albert Einstein and Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli and Max Born would have liked that in their contemplations upon the natural order of things.

    Albert Einstein also said: “Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind”- and this book shall try to synergise the two worldviews in a redefinition of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its statistical nature within a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics.

    And then would peace between the nations have a chance, because of the demise of the old religions and the already internationally accepted profundity of the scientific way and methodology. Like music, dance or mathematics, a new language would sweep the old world of hate and dispossession, the ways of disempowerment and disbelief under the carpet of the illumination of a new base of knowledge.
    A new song would be sung and the nations and tribes and families at war with each other could embrace one another in a new way of looking at the world around themselves and their individuated places within it. And all the many things they had learned from their history through the ages of humankind; all their legends, myths and fables, their religions and their sciences; all would become integrated within themselves in a renewed understanding and the death of their ignorance regarding themselves.

    But to succeed, the initiation of this omniscience is first required to effect its own birthing process. The mathematical principles of necessity and sufficiency must be satisfied and the scientific global community must become informed about the new dispensation. The premises of the new model also necessitate their scientific validation through experiment and verification in the collective scientific data base.

    This then is the disclaimer for this play of words.
    To scientifically empower the new dispensation; a scientifically rigorous approach in its elementary application cannot be avoided. Science cannot ‘prove’ something, without clearly identifying its parameters and boundary conditions. There is an abundance of literature, which explains the present status quo in the specialised fields of particle physics, quantum theory, unification physics and cosmology in a populist genre of communication.
    Many discoveries add to that edifice on a daily basis.
    This treatise then does not retell the stories, which have already been told in many other ways and media. A list of references points to supportive accounts of some popular ones amongst them. This essay attempts to explain the fundamentals, the principles and preconditions for what brought about the universe’s occurrence and the parameters which led to its definition in the natural laws.
    And it is happenstance, that those precepts and prerequisites existing before space and time came into being, have a relevance for the birth of the religions of history or what one could term the ‘spiritual impulse’.

    The bearing upon the personality is found to be a subset of a collective psyche; what one might perceive as the groupmind of a race or species; a somewhat very unique genus, which despite the relativity of the observer and the heliocentric reality – finds itself at the centre of the universe, as itself – the race of mankind!
    The story is told in a dialogue of two grandexperts in the fields of science; both exponents of the artform, but also in possession of academic qualifications in theology and comparative religion. They discuss how the story of science could be told to a largely mathematically illiterate populace. And because of their expertise in the fields of religious studies and their ancient histories; they fluctuate in their discussions between a highly scientific form of expression and the semantics of a more popular tradition, often using the similes of mythological metaphor and imagery.
    That context is given as a percentage indicator at the beginning of each act.

    One Robert Sceptico of Jones has a genealogical lineage tracing back to celtic blood, which culminates in the anglosaxon culture of colonised Northern America and the state of Michigan in the USA. His anglosaxon heritage is however a derivative from the most ancient bloodline of the House of Ahriman Azurguya, in the Genesis of the starhuman species in the civilisation of Mesopotamia in the year 2244 BC.
    Robert Sceptico is an adherent to the divisionist school of science; progress and advancement are achieved in an organised approach to structure and the application of the scientific method in the testing and subsequent validation or falsification of proposed models and hypotheses.
    Robert Sceptico’s science is one of order and compartments; things are in their place and separated by form and in substance; yet are unified in the symmetries of quantum geometry via quantum relativistic principles applied to the smallest particles found in nature in the realm of the subatomic quarks and leptons. Robert Sceptico is a renown world authority on the 12-dimensional CMF-theory of supermembranes and is a visiting professor in the physics departments of universities around the world.

    One Logan Antico of Arndale has a genetic inheritance tracing back to celtic bloodlines and which culminate in the anglosaxon culture of colonised Australia and the state of Victoria. His celtic lineage derives however from the most ancient blood of the House of Adaman Azurguya, in the manifesto of the starhuman race in the civilisation of Mesopotamia in the year 2244 BC.
    Logan Antico is a proponent for the unifying school of science; progress and advancements are made in an organised approach to structure and the application of the scientific methodology in the testing of hypotheses and their experimental validation or rejection. Logan Antico’s science is one of order and of symmetry; things are found separated in space and in time; yet are unified in a holographic mode of operation, based on the energetic dynamics of principles in quantum relativity and in the quantum geometry of the largest particles found in nature in the form of galaxies and their cosmological origins as white-hole-sources and as black-hole-sinks, operating as a dyadic vortex system of duality. Logan Antico is a renown world authority on cosmology and the structure of the omniverse as a collection of universes and is a visiting professor in the cosmology departments of universities around the globe.

    The ultimate aim of science to unify all aspects of existence so becomes a quest to enhance all energy and matter towards their most basic and elementary form of manifestation. Once such a fundamental oneness is found and classified by science; then the scientific worldview will become enabled to crossfertilise all its interdisciplinary factions and the global culture will be ready to purge itself from all unscientific and irrationally derived paradigms and belief systems.
    That will be the death of superstition and of pseudoscience; the unscientific way of thinking and its many flawed perceptions in regards to observed natural phenomena.
    Both Robert Sceptico and Logan Antico hold professorships in theology and comparative religion, and both are initiates to the mythologies of ancient thought and the gnostic interpretations of the Dead-Sea-Scrolls and the documents of Nag Hammadi.
    And both hold the Einstein-Chair of Quantum Relativity in the Department of OmniScience at the University of New Alexandria. Their professional status is that of Doctor of the Perennial Philosophy (PphD).

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:31 pm; edited 3 times in total
  8. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. HigherLove on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:22 pm
    Carol wrote:​
    My inner asexual laughing buddha ---> PK1162.

    It's easy to throw up projections when real understanding of what another person is sharing from the heart is misunderstood.


    There are also many perspectives of reality. Each as valued as the next to the beholder of their own perspective. Is this not the way it should be?​

    hahahaha!!!!!!!!!! Love it.

    True. My post was not about sexuality, but it still spoke to me. So did the part about burning witches.

    My emphasis is on the Druids of antiquity.

    They did not engage in perverted sacrifices.

    Also, the part of the "mariner" speaks to me. Last year I started having memories of being drowned at sea. More than once, btw.


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    • Post n°185

    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. malletzky on Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:02 pm

    Being Evil but with Good intentions...for the highest good of all

    Could something like that exist as a concept? This is the third time in the last few days I'm getting this message from various sources, the last one today while reading this quote from here, so I will definitelly stick to that in the next few weeks in order to learn more:

    The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.

    For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.

    They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, [i.e., sex] under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.

    I mean, what truly surprises me, is that I actualy understand the meaning of such concept, if observed from high, very high point of knowing and understanding how and why this reality works as it is.

    I wonder...what are your thoughts? Being Evil but with good intentions...could that be???

    Much respect
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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