The Wisdom of Emenv aka Dennis Binns aka Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns aka NightHawk

    31 DEC 2021
    332_n.?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=hq7ZdCOr4eIAX_ojV0H&_nc_ht=scontent.fykz2-1. ·

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with humbled hearts that we unite as the new year approaches
    to send up many thanks.

    We thank you for the reawakening of spirits over this past year.

    We thank you for the sacred spirit that connects us all.

    We thank you for the calling that has entered the hearts
    of many of your children.

    We thank you for the animals of the forest, plains, deserts,
    jungles and savannahs.

    We thank you for the swimmers of the waters, the fliers of the air, and the crawlers of the soil.

    We thank you for the unveiling of the darkness that has surrounded us for so long.

    We thank you for new opportunities to bring service to others in this upcoming era or peace.

    We thank you for those that have stood against the destruction of your creation
    and abuse toward the defenseless.

    We thank you for the many hearts yearning to change the world
    to where it should have remained at the beginning.

    May we receive your guidance, strength and courage
    to follow through the tasks set before us.

    For those that are physically unable to venture outside of the concrete jungles,
    we would ask for your protection and guidance to be granted
    so they may too do your work for the benefit of all.

    We thank you for our elders that have been through so much
    and are still available to grant us the lessons of today
    and the wisdom of the ancients.

    We thank you for our children that will begin to understand
    that the future they need, starts with the calling of today.

    We thank you for Father Sky, Mother Earth, Grandfather Sun
    and Grandmother Moon that provide us with all we need to survive.

    We thank you for our ancestors that still watch over us and help to guide us.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life.

    We thank you for the gifts and blessings we will receive in this new year.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Dennis Binns

    April 2, 2022
    at 3:30 AM

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, it is with a humbled heart that we gather to offer up this prayer with our deepest thankfulness. We spend much of our lives in selfishness, looking to the world for our answers, and we thank you for the times of remembrance that we should be looking toward you instead. We thank you for the precious gift of life that you have given us. We thank you for the unique paths you have set before each of us. May we learn to follow them with strong legs, straight eyes, and always looking for your guidance. We thank you for allowing us our free will. We thank you for our relations that are before us that help us when we are in need. We thank you for your blessings, love, patience and forgiveness. We thank you for the many trials we endure along our path that strengthen our spirits. We thank you for the gifts given to those that will use them for the betterment of all. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.
    We thank you for the rains that come to purify and rejuvenate a thirsty land. We thank you for the rushing waters that flow from the mountaintops to the lakes and oceans below. We thank you for the abundance of life found in the waters, forests, tundra, jungles, plains, and deserts. We thank you for the mists that blanket the valleys during the early morning hours, as the warmth of Father Sun begins to envelope us. We thank you for the four seasons, that remind us that all life goes through their cycles. We thank you for the sacred circle that is found throughout your creation, from the vast expanse of the universe to the core of Mother Earth. We thank you for those that come into our lives for a short time and for a specific purpose. We thank you for the winds that give us the music to soothe our spirits, as it gently touches our ears and caresses our cheeks. We thank you for the trees that give us the air we breathe. We thank you for the knowledge of the many herbs and plants, that give us the cures to our ailments and diseases. We thank you for the ever expanse of the universe that is the center of our being.
    We thank you for our elders that have given us the instruction and wisdom we need. May we hold them with the deepest respect. We thank you for our children that show us the innocence and lessons we have long forgotten. We thank you for the sacred soil our feet tread upon for they hold the blood of our ancestors. We thank you for all answered prayers. We thank you for the wisdom of the ancients that continue to aid us along our path. We thank you for the wisdom you have placed within our hearts. Emenv


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    we gather together this day with humbled hearts to offer up this prayer with our deepest gratitude.

    We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers.

    We thank you for the wisdom found in nature and through the many experiences we have faced along our journey.

    We thank you for the beauty of the daffodil in full bloom.

    For the strength of the mighty oak that replenishes itself through the acorns it grows, we thank you.

    We thank you for the knowledge of life found in your creation, as we gaze upon the veins of the maple leaf.

    We thank you for the howls of the coyotes of the desert and the wolves of the forests and mountains.

    We thank you for the strength shown in the soaring of the eagle in the north and the perseverance of the hawk in the south.

    We thank you for the gift of all life and the many blessings you have bestowed upon your children.

    We ask for those with hardened hearts to be allowed to see the destruction they have caused over the years,
    and their hearts be changed.

    We ask for an end to the division among the people and the opening of closed eyes,
    so they may see the deception placed upon them by those that wish to control the masses.

    We ask for all veils of secrecy to be lifted where nothing is ever again allowed to happen without the knowledge of the people.

    We ask for an end to the greed that permeates throughout the four corners, and the lust of materialistic desires be laid waste.

    We ask for true equality where no one person is more powerful than the next.

    We ask for an end to all hostilities and wars in a world where the people are weary.

    We ask instead for an era of peace among all nations.

    We ask for your miraculous healing hands to be placed upon those that are suffering through afflictions of the mind,
    body, or spirit.

    We thank you for our elders and the lessons they teach us today, as well as the wisdom of the ancestors.

    May we honor them with the deepest respect. We thank you for our children that remind us of the many lessons
    we have long forgotten through time.

    May we continue to strengthen the foundation set forth in this seventh generation, so they may move ahead with courage,
    strength and guidance.

    We thank you for our daily food and the waters that hydrate us and ask for their blessing.

    We thank you for the rainforests that provide us with the air to breathe.

    We declare and decree this prayer in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach.


    2You and 1 other

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    @spirit_seeker on 19 June 2022 - Fathers Day ·

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with a humbled heart that we congregate to offer up this prayer
    of our deepest gratitude.

    We thank you for each miracle that you have granted.

    We thank you for the many answered prayers and the blessings
    you have bestowed upon your children.

    We thank you for the animals used to send messages to us,
    particularly the raven and hummingbird that tells us of healing
    and that all things that seem impossible to us, are not to you.

    We thank you for our friends and family around the world
    that come together to support us when we are in need.

    We thank you for the lifeblood of Mother Earth that brings to all living things,
    much needed hydration.

    We thank you for the many plants and herbs that serve to nourish
    and bring cures to our ailing bodies.

    We thank you for the uniqueness found throughout your creation,
    from the snowflake to each grain of sand upon the seashore.

    We thank you for the beauty found in the shells to the majestic mountains.

    We thank you for the valleys that allow the waters to flow to the rivers and oceans below.

    We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun each morning and the blessings of another day of life.

    We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she watches over us during our slumber.

    We thank you for Father Sky as he continues to protect us from the hazards of space.

    We thank you for the trees that give to us wisdom when we take the time to listen.

    For the winds that come to us and bring us the music that flows throughout nature, we thank you.

    We thank you for the great mystery of the universe that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the sacredness of the ground we tread upon,
    as it holds the blood and history of those that have come before us.

    We thank you for our elders that are able to pass along
    the wisdom of the ancestors and the lessons of the present day.

    We thank you for our children that will build upon the foundation laid before them.

    We thank you for our trials that serve to strengthen our spirit
    and build upon the wisdom we will carry with us.

    We thank you for our thorns that keeps us grounded and without boastfulness.

    We thank you for the flowers of spring, cool waters of summer, autumn leaves,
    and the freshness of the white blanket that lies upon Mother Earth.

    We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers, and crawlers.

    We thank you for your love, discipline, patience, instruction and compassion.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    August 27, 2022 at 7:47 AM ·

    Rise Up
    by Dennis Binns

    It is time to rise up, cleanse your spirit.
    It is time to rise up, give thanks to the Creator.
    It is time to rise up, people are yearning
    Can you hear it?
    It is time to rise up, it is awakening.
    It is time to rise up, too much destruction.
    It is time to rise up, too much hatred.
    Can you see it?
    It is time to rise up.
    Rise up.
    Rise up.
    Rise up.
    Be the light amid the darkness.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    #Todays #PRAYER @Spirit_Seeker AKA Dennis Binns
    Great Spirit, it is with humbled hearts that we unite together
    to send up many thanks.

    We thank you for our relations that may come and go in life to bring us lessons and wisdom needed.

    We thank you for our elders that teach us those lessons that will strengthen our spirits, and the spirits of future generations.

    May we hold them with honor and respect.

    We thank you for our children that teach us lessons long
    since forgotten, and the innocence we once had.

    We thank you for new friends and acquaintances
    that may show us insight when it is needed.

    We ask for strength and compassion for those that are in need of food, shelter, clothing, and other necessities to survive.

    May we learn to look away from our material desires and concentrate on that which matters most.

    We ask for healing for those that are suffering from man-made
    and natural diseases and disorders.

    We ask for an end to division among people and teach us how to unify together to work on that which needs to be done.

    We ask for an end to all forms of hatred, greed, and power.

    May we endeavor to understand that no one person is above the other,
    and we should be thinking of others more than ourselves.

    We ask for freedom for those that have been either imprisoned wrongfully or those that have been taken from their homes without cause.

    We ask for protection for our children and for our animal friends as well.

    We ask for peace and guidance for those that are low in spirit.

    We thank you for your creation from the outer expanse
    of the wondrous universe to the very core of Mother Earth.

    We thank you for Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon,
    Father Sky, and Mother Earth.

    May we walk in spirit among them, spending most of our time in communion with you.

    We thank you for the many cures that is provided by our Earth Mother.

    We thank you for the air we breathe and the water that hydrates us.

    We thank you for our food and ask for its daily blessing.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Dennis Binns

    24 sep 2022

    Great Spirit, we unite together with humbled hearts to send many thanks.

    We thank you for our gift of life and the rising of Grandfather Sun each morning.

    We thank you for the music in the gentle winds as it pushes out the old air and brings in the new.

    We thank you for the rains that purify and provide growth.

    We thank you for all two-legged, four-legged, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that interact with us each day.

    We thank you for Grandmother Moon that watches over us during our slumber.

    We thank you for the sacred circles that can be found throughout your creation.

    We continue to ask for great healing, Father.

    We ask that your healing hands be placed upon those
    that are in great need of extensive healing to their bodies.

    We ask for the rains to be poured out on the fires
    along the pacific northwest so the trees and animals may survive.

    We ask also for the rains to come to parched lands that are in great need.

    We ask for a change in mindsets, and hearts become loosened
    from the stranglehold of hatred, greed and lust for power and money.

    We ask for a great change where all peoples are equal,
    no one better than the other.

    We ask for peace and love to overtake the wars
    and hatred found in terrorist groups throughout the lands.

    We ask for more warriors to be brought into the fold,
    so we may be able to properly take care of our Earth Mother.

    We ask for protection for our animal friends that face danger
    and death from those that have no understanding.

    We thank you for our elders that have taught us many things,
    so we may carry them on to the next generation.

    May we honor them with deep respect.

    We thank you for our children and the innocence they provide.

    May they bring back the wisdom and strength of the ancestors
    as they grow into adulthood.

    We thank you for all relations that will interact with us
    and ultimately help to strengthen us.

    We thank you for the unique paths you have set before each individual
    and may we journey them with strong legs and straight eyes.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we stray,
    and your guidance to the path you had set for us.

    We thank you for the knowledge that life does not end here.

    It is merely these mortal shells that will eventually go away
    but our spirits will soar onto the next phase in the Spirit World.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns


    Great Spirit, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together this day to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the sacredness of the many circles found in your majestic creation. For the seasonal changes throughout the year, we thank you. We thank you for the rains that come to rejuvenate and provide growth for the many plants, herbs and trees. We thank you for the snows that come to blanket Mother Earth while preparing our animal friends for upcoming hibernation. We thank you for the rising and setting of Grandfather Moon and Grandmother Sun each day, as they remind us of how blessed we are with the life we have been given.
    We ask for continued healing, Father, for those that are suffering through diverse ailments, disease and disorders of the physical, spiritual, or mental. We ask for healing energies to envelope those that are also low in spirit and grant them peace and guidance. We ask for divine intervention in areas that we have need, and yet cannot succeed without your help. We are a tired people, Father, of so many years of wars, lies, mistrust of our leaders. We ask for an end to these things as the day of purification and change continues. We ask for an end to terrorism throughout the lands and bring in a time of peace, honor, and charity for all. We ask for those government departments to end the lies and cover-ups and do what is right and honorable. We ask for an end to human slavery in a modern world. We ask for many more hearts to awaken during this time while we prepare to heal the wounds left from many years.
    We thank you for our elders as they have taught us many of life's lessons and the wisdom passed from the generations before. May we honor them with the deepest respect. We thank you for our children that bring us innocence in a time of chaos. We thank you for family and friends that help to strengthen us each day. We thank you for your forgiveness and love when we stray from our path. So shall it be.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns


    Great Spirit, we gather together with humbled hearts to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the sacred circles found throughout your creation.

    We thank you for the sacred ground that holds the blood of our ancestors.

    We thank you for the four seasons that bring birth, rejuvenation, growth, and rest.

    We thank you for the gift of life that becomes abundant during the
    Spring season; growth during the Summer; harvest during the Autumn; and rest during the Winter.

    We thank you for the coming rains that purify and provide growth.

    We thank you for the soil upon which we tread, and its sacredness while it holds the blood, sweat, tears,
    and history of our ancestors.

    We thank you for the air, water, plants, and animals, that bring us sustenance and the necessities of life.

    We ask for healing energies to be placed upon those that are currently suffering from afflictions of the mind, body, or spirit.

    We ask for guidance be given to those that have lost their way.

    We ask for comfort be granted to those that have lost loved ones during their grieving process.

    We ask for guidance and strength for those that have moved on to the Spirit World.

    We ask for freedom for those that have been incarcerated unjustly.

    We ask for strength, guidance, and courage to be granted to those that would stand against the forces
    that continue to destroy your creation.

    We ask for hardened hearts to soften, closed eyes to see, and veils of secrecy continue to be lifted.

    We ask for an end to the many addictions that afflict many of
    your children, so we may begin our long task of restoring balance by purifying our spirits.

    We ask for an end to modern-day slavery.

    We ask for wisdom and righteous instruction to enter into the hearts and minds of our youth.

    We thank you for our elders that give us the instruction and wisdom we need as we journey down our paths.

    We thank you for our children that will
    carry these on to the next generation.

    We thank you for the air we breathe, the waters that hydrate us, and the food that is supplied for our survival.
    We ask for their blessing.

    We thank you for all answered prayers.

    We thank you for the knowledge given, when we are in a state of confusion. So, it is. So shall it be.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Dennis Binns
    18m · 19 nov 2022

    Great Spirit, it is with humbled hearts that we gather together to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for your light during our darkest hours.

    We thank you for the comfort you give when we are in despair.

    For new opportunities after other doors have closed, we give thanks.

    We thank you for times of solitude and rebalance, when we are able to step away from concrete jungles
    and spend time in nature.

    We thank you for the healing energies you bring when we are suffering.

    We thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have bestowed upon us.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life.

    We thank you for the stillness of the oceans and lakes in the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the sacred ground we tread upon each day, as it holds the blood and history of our ancestors.

    We thank you for the oneness we sense when we lay upon Mother Earth.

    We thank you for the wisdom we find in the trees, when we clear our minds and learn to listen.

    We thank you for the rushing waters flowing from snowcapped mountains,
    and the moisture of the leaves and plants during the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the clouds that bring us rain and snow to provide moisture to the soil,
    and the shade we are given during the warmest of days.

    We thank you for beauty we find in nature. We thank you for the multicolored leaves of the forests
    during their time of preparation toward the season of slumber.

    We thank you for the winds that blow across the grassy plains.

    We thank you for the lightning that provides nitrates to the soil and allow for growth.

    We thank you for the deer, bear, wolf, beaver and otters found in the forest.

    We thank you for the viper, roadrunner, coyote and spider found in the desert.

    We thank you for the lion, hyena, elephant and giraffe of the savannah.

    We thank you for the tiger, jaguar, leopard and monkey found in the jungle.

    For the many endless species of swimmers found in the waters, we thank you.

    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for family and friends that continue to be with us during our journey to provide support.

    We thank you for friends that may be with us for a short time to give us necessary wisdom and support.

    We thank you for the endless expanse of the universe that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the many trials we endure that strengthen our spirit.

    We thank you for the answering of prayers and the understanding that all things have a purpose and a reason.

    So, it is. So shall it be.

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