The Wisdom of Emenv aka Dennis Binns aka Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Today’s Devotion:
    We Are What We Choose to Be

    By Dennis Binns

    Why do bad things happen to good people?

    A question often asked by many.

    Do we not know that one of the greatest gifts Elohiym

    has given us is that of free will and the ability to choose?

    Bad things happen at times because we have chosen to stray from our path.

    During these times we have lost sight of our spirit and have looked outward to the world
    for answers or actions.

    It is during these times that we allow evil into our hearts and those around us.

    Our hearts become hard and sadly we fail to see what our choices have given us.

    He does not intervene most of the time because he uses these lessons to strengthen us.

    Sometimes we fail to see this, and we start blaming him for not stepping in.

    We cannot go through life blaming him when it us who is at fault.

    We need to practice looking inward always for guidance during our journey.

    We are here to learn. Learn to love.

    Learn to help those in need.

    Learn to be more responsive to others and less to ourselves.

    The second greatest gift is that of prayer.

    We have the ability to pray.

    When we pray, we need to consider it as if we are speaking to our Creator
    and less of being a friend.

    We converse with him, however, as if speaking with a friend.

    But we often times do not thank him enough of what he has given us.

    We tend to send out requests and little thanks.

    It has been my belief that He already knows our needs before we do.

    Therefore, our prayers should be for thanking him more than sending out requests.

    He deserves the respect for the creation and the blessings he has given.

    “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing
    with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

    ~Romans 8:18

    • Mikael Howerton says:
      Freedom of will.
      Good people don’t do bad things to bad people,
      only bad people do bad things to good people.

      Know that nothing goes unseen
      and The FATHER will Judge all good and bad in the end.

      Remember your character is your frequency
      or key that shall open the door of Heaven.

      You will become what you do to others,
      you will not become what others do to you.

      This is the separation of the wheat and the tares.

      Choose not to be a tare = narcissist, sociopath
      or psychopath for their thoughts
      or frequency will not permit them to open the door 2764. 1f64f_1f3fd. 2764.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Elohiym, we unify with humbled hearts to offer up our requests alongside our sincerest thankfulness.

    We thank you for the rising of the sun as it lights up our path and provides warmth.

    We thank you for the moon as it watches over us during our slumber.

    We thank you for the sky that protects us each day and night from the hazards of space.

    We thank you for the earth that supplies us with all that we need to survive.

    We thank you for the gift of life, that you have breathed into every living thing.

    We thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have given us.

    We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that we may interact with each day.

    We have allowed materialistic greed and money to control us.

    We ask for your forgiveness and guidance toward returning to a time, where we were better caretakers of your creation.

    We have polluted the lands, waters and sky and have brought hatred, corruption and division where we were once united in peace.

    We ask for a return to an era of peace where all people are truly equal, and we use the gifts provided
    to bring back balance to a world that is destroying itself.

    We ask for protection for the women and children that continue to suffer through violence and abuse.

    We ask for strength, guidance and courage, as we stand against those that would continue to destroy the lands,
    waters and skies above.

    We ask for an end to the corruption, greed and lust of power and wealth of those that are supposed to serve their people.

    We ask for a new era where the world begins to understand your ways and compassion replaces the hatred.

    May we move into this era striving for selflessness rather than the selfishness we have grown accustomed to.

    We shall place our trust in you and have no fear of man, but you only.

    We shall praise you and give glory to you for you are deserving.

    You who deliver our souls from death and allow us to live as light among the darkness.

    Our hearts are fixed upon you and we give honor and blessings to you, for you have created us from the earth
    and have raised us among all of your creation.

    We declare and decree this prayer in the name of Yeshua, with all humility and thankfulness of heart.

    Dennis Binns


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Elohiym, Creator of all things, it is with a humbled heart that we congregate to offer up our deepest gratitude. We have spent much of our time sending requests, that often we forget to offer up the thanks for all that you have given us. We send this prayer to thank you, Father, of the many things that have been bestowed upon us. We thank you for the rising of the sun each morning as it reminds us of the blessing of a new day of life. We thank you for the moist dew and mists that moisten the soil for the many plants and herbs. We thank you for the majestic mountains and the beauty of their snowcapped peaks. We thank you for the cascading waters that maneuver around the rocks and driftwood, down their falls and merging with the waterways below. We thank you for the diverseness of the swimmers in the oceans below.
    We thank you for the gentle winds that give us wisdom, knowledge, and music when we take the time to listen and observe. We thank you for the trees and plants that give us the air to breathe. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that surround us each day. We thank you for the grassy plains, thick forests and jungles, desolate deserts and the glaciers of the north. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for the eagle and his reminder that we should live our lives soaring above the many storms. We thank you for the cool evening breeze as it caresses our cheeks. We thank you for our family and friends that help to guide us along our path. We thank you for the moon as it keeps watch over us during our slumber. We thank you for the many crawlers that send their music throughout the lands under the shadow of darkness. We thank you for the courage as we stand against evil during our time of turmoil. We thank you for the croaking of the frog that harmonizes with the cricket.
    We thank you for the sky as it protects us day and night. We thank you for the earth as it nourishes, hydrates and provides us with the nourishment and cures we need to survive. We thank you for our elders that give us the wisdom and instruction we need along our journey. We thank you for our children that will soon begin building upon the foundation set by the generation before them. We thank you for your grace and mercy when we stray. We thank you for your love, guidance and strength that enable us to continue our path, until our task is complete. We thank you for the Spirit World and the knowledge that life does not end here. Amen
    ~Dennis Binns

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns

    Elohiym, creator of things both large and small, seen and unseen,

    it is with humbled hearts that we come together as one to offer up

    our requests alongside out sincerest gratitude.

    We thank you for your mercy and grace when we humble ourselves

    before you and atone for our shortcomings.

    We thank you for the many prayers that you have answered.

    We thank you for our children that continue to show us the lessons we have lost as we

    grew older.

    We thank you for those that support and assist us along our path.

    We thank you for the knowledge that all things

    are unique, and each has its purpose.

    We thank you for our elders that continue to proclaim their wisdom and morality

    through the stories of the ancestors.

    We ask for your mercy and forgiveness when we shift our focus away from you.

    We have lost sight of the precious gift of all life; have taken away

    the importance of each individual, from the womb to our adult lives; have stood upon the mountains of arrogance

    and proclaimed that we have surpassed our greatest achievements, without realizing that we can do nothing without you.

    We ask for your guidance in our daily lives to bring

    about the best possible outcomes.

    We ask for clarity and persistence in our search for truth.

    As the light begins to dim amid the ever-encroaching

    darkness, we ask for your strength and courage to fight back against the evil that surrounds us.

    Grant us your strength, Adonai.

    We ask for discernment to rapidly understand the difference between truth and deception each day.

    We ask for a stronger voice to expose that which has been hidden.

    We ask for a greater awakening to the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of those that have lain dormant and passive for too long.

    We ask for your glory to intervene in the war brewing within your land.

    May your justice prevail against those that seek only destruction and genocide.

    We ask for your healing hands to be placed upon those that are suffering through ailments of mind, body, and spirit.

    We ask for transparency

    within the halls of all governments, so we may observe what happens behind the veil.

    We ask for greater compassion toward those in need.

    We ask for your blessing upon our daily food.

    We ask for drinkable water in areas that are without the purity once created. We ask that the indigenous

    of all lands be raised up and given a rightful place of prominence.

    We shall place our trust in you and have no fear of man, but you only.

    We shall praise you and give glory to you for you are deserving. You who

    deliver our souls from death and allow us to live as light among the darkness.

    Our hearts are fixed upon you and we give honor and blessings to

    you, for you have created us from the earth and have raised us among all of your creation.

    We declare and decree this prayer in the name of

    Yeshua, with all humility and thankfulness of heart.

    Dennis Binns

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Today’s Devotion: What Is Faith?
    By D. Binns
    According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, faith is described as a belief and trust in and loyalty to God. According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In other words, a strong belief in something that cannot be seen with the naked eye. And in this case, a strong belief in the Trinity of God.
    So then, the belief, trust and loyalty to Christ is what we strive for. Should we not spend each day walking, and being guided, by faith. To spend our day focusing upon worldly things is not walking in faith, in my opinion. If we are spending that day fearing the effects of a virus or a pandemic, where is our faith in Christ? If we fear then our faith is lacking. 1 John 4:18 tells us that “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”
    We need to ensure our day is focused upon Christ and heavenly things. When we pray, we are praying in faith. We believe that Christ will listen to our prayers, trust that He will act upon them, even if it runs contrary to what we desire, and we remain loyal to Him if we keep our focus upon Him. Spend time in His Word each day. Pray each day. Know that He has everything under control and will commit his purpose in all that He does.
    “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” ~ Hebrews 11:6

    @spirit_seeker on

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    SPECIAL PRAYERS FOR @REALdonaldtrump @firstladymelaniatrump
    @jfkjrisQ @hsrestoucher @linwood1
    @love17andyahweh @johndurham

    Elohiym, with humbled hearts we gather together to offer up many requests
    alongside our deepest thankfulness.

    We thank you for the sacredness of the circle; the four seasons, the life cycle,
    the climate cycle, and all things found throughout the majestic universe
    that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the cool flowing waters that maneuvers down from the snowcapped mountains.

    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for the rainforests that supply us with the air we need.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life and all the wonderment our eyes behold.

    We thank you for the rainbow, that reminds us of your covenant with us,
    that this planet will not be destroyed by flood again.

    We tend to wander aimlessly around the mire, filth, and turmoil that surrounds us,
    when we should be more focused upon you, and we ask for your forgiveness.

    We ask for your guidance, peace and strength as we continue to walk our unique paths.

    We find ourselves disheartened when we find your symbols to be hijacked
    by those that side against you.

    We are weary of the hatred, greed, lust of wealth and power.

    We ask for your strength and eyes, like the hawk, that remain steadfast
    on the task at hand.

    We ask for the strength of the eagle as it flies above the storm clouds.

    We are weary of seeing the abuse and violence our women and children are subjected to.

    We ask for courage and strength to stand for the defenseless.

    We are weary of the litter that invades the waters and lands.

    We ask for your forgiveness, and the softening of hearts that have been hardened
    for so long.

    Many have lost their way and we ask that their spirits be reawakened
    and break the chains that have bound them.

    We ask for comfort and guidance for those that are low in spirit.

    We ask for a world promised where we can finally live peacefully.

    We ask for greater compassion toward those that are in great need.

    You who are eager to incline your ear to us will always be called
    upon as long as we live.

    In our darkest days it was you that picked us up and delivered our souls
    from the hands of misery; our eyes from tears; and our feet from stumbling.

    Your mercy endures forever, and we will walk with you in the land of the living.

    You continue to protect us from harm, and we will continue to glorify your name.

    We declare and decree this in the name of Yashua, with all humility and thankfulness of heart.

    ~ Dennis Binns @spirit_seeker

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    TODAYs #PRAYER ~ Will you all #pray with us ???
    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with a humbled heart that we unite to offer up
    our deepest gratitude.

    We have spent much time sending requests, that often times we forget to offer up the thanks for all that you have given us.

    We send this prayer to thank you, Father,
    of the many things that have been bestowed upon us.

    We thank you for another precious day of life,
    as we gaze upon the rising of Grandfather Sun.

    We thank you for the moist dew and mists that moistens the soil for the many plants and herbs.

    We thank you for the fliers, perched upon the branch, awakening us to the soft music they provide.

    For the bees that pollinate the plants and provide honey,
    we thank you.

    We thank you for the beauty of the hawk,
    soaring upon the winds above us.

    We thank you for the lessons we learn
    from our animal friends.

    We thank you for those gentle winds, in nature, that give us wisdom, while meditating upon our lives. We thank you for the rushing of the waters flowing from the mountaintops to the lakes and oceans below, teaming with swimmers and hydrating our bodies. We thank you for the rain forests that give us the air to breathe. We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that surround us each day.

    We thank you for the grassy plains, thick forests and jungles, desolate deserts and the glaciers of the north.

    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for our family and friends that help to guide us along our path.

    We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she keeps watch over us during our slumber.

    We thank you for the crickets that send their music throughout the lands, in the early evening hours.

    We thank you for granting us the courage to stand
    against evil during our time of turmoil.

    We thank you for continuing to mold us
    into the children we are meant to be.

    We thank you for Father Sky as he protects us
    day and night, from the hazards of space.

    We thank you for Mother Earth as she nourishes
    and hydrates us.

    We thank you for our elders that give us the wisdom
    and instruction we need along our journey.

    We thank you for our children that will soon
    begin building upon the foundation set
    by the generation before them.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we ask,
    and return to where we should be.

    We thank you for your love, guidance and strength
    that enable us to continue on our path
    until our task is complete.

    We thank you for the Spirit World
    and the knowledge that life does not end here.

    We thank you for the majestic expanse
    of the ever-changing Universe.
    Dennis Binns
    @ilDonaldoTrumpo @realdonaldtrump @dacase
    @HSRetoucher @love17andyahweh
    @linwood1 @JohnDurham


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,

    it is with humbled hearts that we gather to offer up a prayer of thankfulness.

    We thank you for the trials we come across this day that will strengthen our spirits.

    We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun as he brings warmth and the lighting of our path this day.

    We thank you for the coolness of the early morning air, and the songs from the fliers that rise to awaken us.

    We thank you for the winds that have taken out the stagnation and replaced it with that of fresher air.

    We thank you for the rains that have come to areas of thirst to give nourishment and richness to the soil.

    We thank you for the lightning that supplies nitrates to the soil. We thank you for the beauty of the hummingbird hovering over the flower.

    For the bees that pollinate and bring us the sweetness of the honey, we thank you.

    We thank you for the caterpillar as it begins to morph into the beauty of the butterfly.

    We thank you for the many blessings and gifts that you have blessed us with. May we learn to use them for the betterment of all.

    We thank you giving us the many plants and herbs to give us nourishment, and cures for all diseases and disorders.

    May we understand their benefits and use them to cure our aging bodies.

    We thank you for our family and friends that have remained with us this day, to provide support.

    We thank you for the guidance you send us so we may follow our path with strong legs and straight eyes.

    We thank you for our elders that have given us tools we need along our journey.

    May we honor them with great respect.

    We thank you for our children that will carry the lessons and wisdom on to the next generation.

    We thank you for the Sacred Spirit that guides, consoles and directs us in our daily lives.

    We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she begins to rise and watch over us during our slumber.

    We thank you for the music that accompanies the coolness of the evening air,
    from the crawlers and our brother the wolf as he howls over the land.

    We thank you for the vastness of the Universe that surrounds us and all the mysteries it holds.

    We thank you for your forgiveness, love and guidance this day. We thank you for the answering of our prayers.


    Dennis Binns


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    17m · 14 Nov 2021

    Truth or Fiction?

    Some ppl that were taken away for safety from the cabal,
    according to Charlie Freak, who generally puts out a lot of truth.:

    Pat Tillman
    Elvis Presley
    Big E
    River Phoenix
    Kurt Cobain
    Raul Julia
    Bruce and Brandon Lee
    John Ritter
    Paul Walker
    Richard Pryor
    Marvin Gaye
    Karen Carpenter
    John Lennon
    George Harrison
    John Denver (who played Vincent Fusca)

    Will they all come back out when the Cabal is finally taken out?

    Who knows?

    I'm sure we will know for certain how much of this is true.

    I do know that Charlie is rarely wrong with his intel.

    ~ Dennis Binns

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    with humbled hearts we gather as one to offer up requests alongside our sincere gratitude.

    We thank you for the calling of the coyotes of the south, and the howling of the wolves in the north.

    We thank you for the beauty of the red, orange and yellow leaves as they float softly down from the trees, preparing for a season of slumber.

    We thank you for the rolling creeks, cascading down from the snow-capped mountains, on their way toward the lakes and oceans below.

    We thank you for the rains that come to provide rejuvenation and growth as it moistens the soil.

    We thank you for the sacredness of all living things.

    We thank you for your presence and the comfort you give in our darkest hours.

    We ask for an era of peace and tranquility leading toward spiritual revival.

    We ask for patience when we tend to rush our way through obstacles fixed within our path.

    We ask for calmness and understanding, in the midst of turmoil.

    We have become callous and complacent, we have looked the other way, and refused to help those in need.

    We ask for your forgiveness and your mercy.

    We are weary of the evil that surrounds us and ask for an era of unity, peace and equality for all.

    We ask for guidance so we may bring about the change needed.

    We ask for strength as we stand for the defenseless.

    We ask for courage to do what is right, no matter the cost.

    We ask for integrity and honor to replace the greed, lust of power and wealth,
    and deception found within the walls of our governments.

    We ask for divine intervention when it is needed so that we may bring about balance to an unbalanced world.

    We ask for an end to the violence, abuse and abductions of our women and children.

    We ask for your light to shine down and break away the darkness that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the waters that hydrate us, and the food that brings nourishment to our bodies.

    We ask for their blessing.

    We thank you for the rainforests that provide us with the air we breathe.

    We thank you for the numerous herbs and plants that give us the cures for our ailing bodies.

    We thank you for the many trials we have endured in order to strengthen our spirit.

    We thank you for your love, guidance, discipline and blessings.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life.

    We declare and decree this prayer in the name of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach.


    Dennis Binns

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