The Wisdom of Emenv aka Dennis Binns aka Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with a humbled heart that we unite together to offer up a prayer of thankfulness.

    So often we have spent our prayers asking for many requests that we overlook the blessings
    you have given us.

    We thank you for the rising of Grandfather Sun in the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the mists that float softly down from above to the valleys below.

    For the dew that drips from the plants and herbs, we thank you.

    We thank you the rushing waters flowing from the mountaintops.

    We thank you for the music in the cool breeze as it soothes our spirits preparing our spirits
    for the new day.

    We thank you for the songs of the morning dove and the lark.

    For the spirits given to all living things, we thank you.

    We thank you for the insights we have received from our relations.

    We thank you for the support we receive from family and friends that aid us along our journey.

    We thank you for the many trials we are given that will strengthen our spirit and prepare us
    for what lies ahead.

    We thank you for the rains that come to areas of need.

    We thank you for the gift of life and the knowledge of how precious this is.

    We thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon your children.

    For the warmth of Grandfather Sun during the day and the coolness during the night
    as Grandmother Moon watches over us, we thank you.

    We thank you for our Elders that bring us the wisdom of the ancestors
    and the lessons needed during the present day.

    We thank you for our children that remind us of lessons long forgotten and the innocence lost.

    We thank you for the present awakening of spirits and the knowledge
    that we can make a difference in the rebalancing of the Mother Earth.

    We thank you for the cures that are found in the many plants and herbs you have provided.

    We thank you for all answered prayers of the past, present and future.

    We thank you for the opening of doors of opportunity when many may have been closed before us.

    We thank you for another day of life so we may continue along our path.

    We thank you for showing us that though our bodies may eventually perish,

    our spirits will live on and this life is merely a time to educate ourselves on what is really important.

    We thank you for the beautiful sunsets as the evening hours begin to subside into night.

    We thank you for the cooling of the air and the music found in the crickets,
    owls and the howling of the midnight choir of wolves and coyotes.

    We thank you for the time of slumber where our bodies begin to prepare for the next day.

    We thank you for the love and forgiveness you have given when we are in need.

    We thank you for the guidance you give us as we stand against those that would further destroy
    what you have created.

    We thank you for the protection you provide when it is needed.

    We thank you for the sacredness of the circle found throughout your creation.



    Great Spirit,
    give us hearts to understand;
    Never to take from creation's beauty more than we give;
    Never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed;
    Never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty;
    Never to take from her what we cannot use.

    Give us hearts to understand
    That to destroy earth's music is to create confusion;
    That to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty;
    That to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench;
    That as we care for her she will care for us.

    We have forgotten who we are.
    We have sought only our own security.
    We have exploited simply for our own ends.
    We have distorted our knowledge.
    We have abused our power.

    Great Spirit, whose dry lands thirst,
    help us to find the way to refresh your lands.

    Great Spirit, whose waters are choked with debris and pollution,
    help us to find the way to cleanse your waters.

    Great Spirit, whose beautiful earth grows ugly with mis-use,
    help us to find the way to restore beauty to your handiwork.

    Great Spirit, whose creatures are being destroyed,
    help us to find a way to replenish them.

    Great Spirit, whose gifts to us are being lost
    in selfishness and corruption,
    help us to find the way to restore our humanity.


    “A Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson
    tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other.

    The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness.

    The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred.

    "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy.

    "Whichever one I feed," is the reply.”

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,

    it is with a humbled heart that we gather together
    to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the warmth of the Sun during the day,
    and the coolness surrounding the Moon during the night.

    We thank you for the many herbs and plants that provide us
    with cures for our ailments and diseases,

    and for the nourishment that is given.

    We thank you for the tall redwoods that reach to the first heaven.

    We thank you for the animals that dwell in the forests.

    We thank you for the grace of the galloping horse;

    the strength of the bear; the playfulness of the dolphin;
    and the calmness of the humpback whale.

    We thank you for the covering of your grace upon us.

    We thank you for those that teach our children the blessings
    you have given freely.

    We ask for comfort and guidance for those that are low in spirit.

    We ask for a great revival of spiritual awakening during dark times.

    We ask for protection, guidance and strength as we stand against
    those that willfully destroy more of your creation.

    We ask for an end to the greed, corruption, sexual depravity,
    lust of power and wealth that is found in our governments.

    We ask for mercy and forgiveness of our sinful nature.

    We have done so much to cause disappointment.

    We have murdered the child in the womb;

    turned away from those in need;

    brought corruption into our lives;

    and performed atrocities against the innocent.

    We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered

    by our women and children.

    We ask for courage to stand for what is right.

    We ask for honorable people, with solid integrity,

    to lead each State, as well as this country.

    May we once again become the shining light upon the hill,

    never going along with the rest of the world,

    but once again being led by your righteousness.

    We thank you for our Elders that bring us wisdom, life lessons,

    culture and heritage awareness,

    and the stories from long ago.

    We thank you for our children that will take the lessons

    and wisdom they learn from us, on to the next generation.

    We thank you for the great expanse of the Universe that surrounds us

    and is the very center of our being.

    We thank you for the wisdom and spirit that resides in the heart.

    We thank you for our ancestors that remain with us from the Spirit World

    to help us during our journey.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we stray.

    We thank you for your love and guidance given to us each day.



    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,

    we unite together with humbled hearts to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the early morning mist as it flows down and blankets the Earth,

    bringing moisture to the soil and reinvigorating life to the plants and herbs.

    We thank you for the morning dew dripping from the leaves,

    and the rising of the Sun bringing warmth and light.

    We thank you for the fliers that perform their circle dance in the air

    and for the music they bring us.

    May we learn to look deep into nature and find the answers we seek.

    We thank you for the spirit planted within our hearts

    and the understanding that all living things are connected.

    We thank you for the foods we eat and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for the many blessings and gifts you have given us.

    We ask for an end to the division that prevents us from unifying as we should.

    We ask for a powerful, unified voice that will sweep over the four corners that will bring forth

    the needed rebalancing of the Earth, and our spirits.

    We ask for an end to the diverse addictions that keep us from giving our best in all our tasks.

    We ask for a greater awakening of spiritual growth during these turbulent times.

    We ask for healing for those that are suffering both physically, mentally and emotionally.

    We ask for comfort for those that have lost loved ones.

    We ask for strength and guidance for those that have moved on into the next phase of life.

    We ask for strength, guidance and protection as we stand against those that continue to destroy your creation.

    We ask for the protection of the unborn.

    We ask for a revival of cultures that have remained dormant for too long.

    May we bring back the ways of our ancestors, so we may learn once again to honor you as we should.

    We ask for greater compassion toward the homeless and the poor.

    We ask for an end to the lust of materialistic desires that remove the focus from you to ourselves.

    We ask for an end to wars and hostilities,

    and request an era of peace in a world that is being torn apart

    by those that have fed the bad wolf for too long.

    We ask for forgiveness when we have displeased you and for those that side against you.

    May they come to know you as the one true God.

    We thank you for our Elders and the wisdom and instruction they give us.

    We thank you for our children that will carry these on to the next generation.

    We thank you for the Moon as she protects us during our slumber.

    We thank you for the wisdom and spirit that dwells in our hearts.

    We thank you for the soaring of eagles as they remind us how to live life.

    We thank you for all our relations that bring us insight and lessons we need.

    We thank you for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers, fliers and crawlers that inhabit the Earth.

    We thank you for your love, patience and forgiveness.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer, and Creator of all things,

    it is with a humbled heart that we give the thanks that you so richly deserve.

    We thank you, Father, for the blessings you have bestowed upon your children.

    We thank you for your hedge of protection when we are in need.

    We thank you for the answering of our prayers.

    We thank you for our daily sustenance of food and water,

    and ask for their blessing.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we have repented of our transgression,

    and the grace that has been provided for us.

    We thank you for the swaying of the leaves of the willow and the maple trees,

    during the soft summer breeze.

    We thank you for the brooks and streams as the cascade down from the highest peaks.

    We thank you for the tranquility found around the waterfall as it pours into the lagoon.

    For the calmness and serenity of the pond, as the koi swim about,

    we thank you.

    We thank you for the beauty shown in uniqueness of the snowflake,

    during the Winter months, as it blankets the hillside.

    We thank you for the bee, as it pollinates the plants.

    We thank you for the ant, as it works tirelessly to show to us the importance of working together

    . We thank you for the beauty of the butterfly as it emerges from its cocoon.

    We thank you for the music provided by the songbirds in the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the four seasons that remind us of the cycles of life.

    We thank you for the signs and wonders that we find in the second heaven.

    We thank you for the calmness of the lakes in the early morning hours.

    We thank you for our Elders and the wisdom they impart to us.

    We thank you for our children that will soon inherit all that lies before them.

    We thank you for friends and family that continue to support us during our journey.

    We thank you for your patience when we become anxious;

    your discipline when we have disappointed you; your unconditional love

    when we stray from our path; and your compassion toward those that believe in you.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator
    of all things seen and unseen, it is with humbled hearts
    that we unite to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the beauty of the orange,
    red and yellow leaves of the Autumn trees a
    s they prepare for the season of slumber.

    We thank you for the stillness of the lakes and oceans
    during the early morning hours, as the sun spreads
    its golden hues upon the surface, and the cool breeze
    gently caresses our cheeks.

    We thank you for the snowflakes that slowly float down from the clouds, and the knowledge that life is as unique as each flake upon the ground.

    We thank you for the red, purple and orange colors of the sun’s setting each evening.

    We ask for great healing for all that are suffering through physical, spiritual, and mental diseases, pestilences, ailments, and disorders.

    We ask for miracles to happen for those that are reaching out to you, through their despair.

    We ask for comfort, strength, and guidance for those
    that are low in spirit and distraught.

    We ask for guidance for those that are confused
    and searching for answers during this time of awakening.

    We ask for comfort and strength for those that have lost loved ones recently.

    For those that are now on the walk toward
    their next phase of life, we ask for guidance and strength
    be granted to them.

    We ask for patience when we tend to rush into the unknown.

    We ask for peace amid a world in turmoil and hatred.

    We ask for guidance as we begin to discern the lies
    and deceptions that have been forced upon us over the years.

    We ask for truth where there is deception;
    love where there is hate; peace where there is war;
    and true equality where there is class warfare.

    We ask for a world of compassion,
    where all people think more of the poor
    and homeless than of their next materialistic possession.

    We ask for great harvests that will feed those that are without.

    We ask for mercy for those that look toward you for guidance,
    love, and healing.

    We ask for strength, courage, and protection
    for those that stand against environmental aggression.

    We thank you for our elders that have brought us the wisdom
    of the ancestors and the lessons of present-day.

    We thank you for our children that remind us of the lessons
    we have long forgotten.

    We thank you for family and friends that give us the support we need.

    For those that have come to us for a short time to provide insight,
    we thank you.

    We thank you for the Sacred Spirit that helps to guide and protect us.

    We thank you for all answered prayers.

    We thank you for our thorns that keep us from becoming boastful.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life.

    We thank you for our daily sustenance and ask for its blessing.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with a humbled heart that we gather to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the many herbs and plants that provide us with cures
    for our ailments and diseases, and for the nourishment that is given.

    We thank you for the waters that flow from the mountaintops
    that hydrate all living things.

    We thank you for the trees and the rain forests
    that give us the air to breathe.

    We thank you for the gentle winds that soothes our spirits.

    We thank you for the tranquility and wisdom
    that can be found in the nature that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the beauty found in the trees
    and animals that inhabit the forests.

    We thank you for the blooming of the Spring flowers.

    For the wonderment of the surfacing of whales and dolphins,
    we thank you.

    We ask for healing for those that are suffering
    through diverse diseases, ailments, pestilences, and disorders.

    We ask for needed spiritual healing
    and for those that are struggling in life.

    We ask for your hands to be placed upon the surgeon,
    nurse and respiratory therapists that will be operating
    in Emergency rooms this day.

    We ask for comfort and guidance for those that are low in spirit.

    We ask for a great revival of spiritual awakening
    during this time of turmoil and distress.

    We ask for protection for our animal friends,
    the bear, the wolf, the horse, the buffalo,
    the whale and the dolphin, that are facing grave danger
    from those that do not understand how precious all life is.

    We ask for protection, guidance, and strength
    as we stand against those that willfully destroy
    more of your creation.

    We ask for an end to the greed, corruption, lust of power
    and wealth that is found in high places.

    We ask for an era of peace in a world that is weary
    of war and those that sanction them.

    We ask for the veils of secrecy to continue to be lifted
    so the people will begin to understand and make informed decisions.

    We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered
    by our women and children.

    We ask for closed eyes to open, hardened hearts to soften,
    and clogged ears to loosen in a time where
    unity of the four colors is needed.

    We ask for an end to the division that separates us
    and slows down the unity we need to bring back balance
    to an unbalanced world.

    We ask for the rains to come to areas of thirst.

    We ask for the awaited gathering of those that will begin
    to protect the animals from those that would hunt for sport.

    We thank you for our Elders that bring us wisdom,
    life lessons, culture and heritage awareness,
    and the stories from long ago.

    We thank you for our children that will take the lessons
    and wisdom they learn from us, on to the next generation.

    We thank you for our daily sustenance and ask for its blessing.

    For the innocents that have been released from incarceration,
    we thank you.

    We thank you for the great expanse of the universe
    that surrounds us and is the very center of our being.

    We thank you for the wisdom and spirit that resides in the heart.

    We thank you for our ancestors that remain with us
    from the Spirit World to help us during our journey.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we stray.

    We thank you for your love and guidance given to us each day.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Elohim (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit),
    with humbled hearts we gather to send forth our gratefulness.

    We thank you for the sacredness of the circle; the four seasons,
    the life cycle, and all things found throughout the majestic universe
    that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the pure cold flowing waters that race down from the snowcapped mountains.

    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.

    We thank you for the rainforests, waters, and plants that supply us with the air we need.

    We thank you for the sun, moon, sky, and earth and the necessities they provide us.

    We thank you for the precious gift of life and all the wonderment our eyes behold.

    We thank you for the rainbow, that reminds us of your covenant with us, that this planet will not be destroyed by water again.

    We thank you for the sight of the robin as it pecks the soil for its food.

    For the salmon that swims upstream during the spawning season, we thank you.

    We are weary, Father.

    We tend to wander aimlessly around the chaos that continues to amplify around us,
    when we should be more focused upon you.

    We ask for your strength and eyes, like the hawk, that remain steadfast on the task at hand.

    We ask for the strength of the eagle as it flies above the storm clouds.

    We are weary of seeing the abuse and violence that our women and children are subjected to.

    We ask for courage to stand for the defenseless.

    We are weary of the litter that invades the waters and lands.

    We ask for your forgiveness, and the softening of hearts that have been hardened for so long.

    Many have lost their way and we ask that their spirits be reawakened and break the chains that have bound them.

    We ask for comfort and guidance for those that are low in spirit.

    We are weary of the carnage by the hands of those that hunt for sport and trophies.

    We ask for courage and strength to stand against those that would further harm the animals,
    the wolf, bear, buffalo, horse, whale and dolphin.

    We ask for greater compassion toward those that are in great need.

    May we return to the days of our ancestors where we helped those that struggle to survive.

    We understand the necessity of refocusing our attention to you instead of the world,
    building our faith, and acknowledging that you are in firm control always.

    We strongly believe in your omnipotence and compassion for all your creation

    . We give worship and praise to your right-ruling and mercy.

    We declare and decree these things in the name of Yashua with all humility and thankfulness of heart.


    Dennis Binns

    Dennis Binns
    @Spirit_Seeker at

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Elohim, with humbled hearts we arise to offer many thanks.

    We thank you for the gift of life and the blessings you have given to your children.

    We thank you for the majestic mountains to the calmness of the oceans during the early morning hours.

    We thank you for the soothing sounds found in the winds and rushing waters when we take the time to listen.

    We thank you for the mists floating down in the morning hours, that bring nourishment to the thirsty plant life,
    and the waters that hydrate all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, and fliers.

    We thank you for the sacredness of your creation, from the depths of the ocean floor to the outer expanse of the second heaven.

    We ask for greater patience, where we become slow to anger; for greater humility when we tend to be boastful;
    for greater tolerance when we tend to become angry or disagreeable toward others.

    There are those in high places that create division among us, and we ask for intercession to bring unity.

    We ask for healing for those that are suffering through diverse diseases, pestilences, ailments, and disorders.

    We ask for your guidance and strength to be given to those that are low in spirit and depression.

    We ask for a time of peace in a world filled with violence.

    We ask for strength of will when we travel along our paths, and that our eyes remain straight.

    We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered by our women and children.

    We ask for clear heads, understanding that all are innocent until proven guilty,
    and not into convicting others on whimsical allegations.

    We ask for a time where men become men and not boys that refuse to mature.

    We ask for the cleansing of our hearts, so we may better understand the messages sent.

    We ask for the cleansing of our feet, so we may travel our paths tirelessly.

    We ask for the cleansing of our eyes, so we may see the many signs and wonders of this world.

    We ask for the cleansing of our hands, so we may create beautiful things.

    We ask for the cleansing of our mouths, so we may speak rightly when words are needed.

    We ask for the cleansing of our minds, so we can better analyze and determine truth from deception.

    We continue to humble ourselves in prayer, knowing that you will answer them.

    We bow to your glory and right ruling.

    We stand in awe of the meticulousness of all things created, from each grain of sand to the outermost reaches of the universe.

    May our faith grow ever stronger now and forever.

    We declare and decree these things in the name of Yashua, with all humility and thankfulness of heart.

    Dennis Binns

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    From my friend
    Dennis Binns
    : Today’s Devotion: Deception

    By D. Binns

    We find ourselves in later years becoming exposed to what has been skewed over time.

    Much of our lifetime has been educating ourselves in various areas of studies,
    only to find what was once acceptable, actually is not.

    Things that had been handed down over the years from one generation to another,
    either loses something along the way, or is skewed to show a different view that portrays the person,
    or situation, in a more favorable light.

    Then there are situations where people in leadership positions,
    such as supervisors or managers, that may ask you to do something that could “get you that promotion
    you’ve been wanting.”

    But they keep hidden that they had no desire to grant you that,
    but just wanted to get you to do a task no one else is willing to do, for example.

    Deception has integrated, it seems, in every aspect of our lives.

    It has intermingled in every situation, family or tribal folklore, and has even found a way into our history books.

    Anything to show a more favorable light rather than the truth.

    The best way to combat this, if we desire what the truth really is, is to empty out the vessel.

    In other words, forget everything you’ve been taught and refill the vessel by digging into research
    in order to seek truth. Ask God to help you in this endeavor through prayer.

    One man’s idea of truth may not be another’s. It will be up to you to decide.

    But we should not rely on what we have been told over the years.

    “When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee:

    And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite.

    Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.” ~ Proverbs 23:1-3

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1. A Pondering Moment:

      We should know that God has a purpose for everything.

      There is nothing that goes on that He doesn't know about.

      He controls all things for a reason.

      We may not always understand why certain things happen,
      but we need to know that there is something going on behind the scenes.

      We know also, by reading the book of Job, that He allows Lucifer to do things,
      but never enough to destroy His people. He allows dire things in order to bring others to Him.

      He is the truth and the life. In this world of darkness and deception, the Word is still the light, as are His people.

      He exposes things for a reason. If He can do that, then He can keep things hidden.

      So, know that for everything that has been brought to light there is a reason.

      Some things have been hidden for centuries and are coming to light.

      There must be a reason.

      Even the dead sea scrolls that had been hidden for centuries, came to light for a reason.

      He would not have exposed them to the light if there wasn't.

      We may not quite understand at this point, but there is a reason.

      We should not be quick to dismiss them.

      As much as have been exposed thus far, there will be much more.

      Know that God has this, and is exposing more for a reason and for His purpose.

      Do not quickly dismiss them because you may not understand them.

      Keep your focus on Him and He will reveal it to you in time.
      ~ Dennis Binns

      All must come out into the open,
      be it a weed or be it a flower.
      All must be seen for what they shall be.
      The choice shall be theirs 2764-.
      Mikael Howerton

    2. nevergiveup4-.
      The church has been asleep, but now is beginning to rise from there slumber!

      What is the church? what is found in the church? just as human body contains cells, so does the body of humanity contain people's!

      The body of church did not literally go to sleep, but it has been asleep spiritually.

      Here is what "sleep" indicates metaphorically:

      When we are asleep, what are we paying attention to? Nothing.

      If we are in a sound sleep, our minds are "dead to the world."

      We are not aware of anything that is going on, even of the passage of time.

      We may have a dream or two, but that does not count.

      Usually, we pay such little attention when we wake up in the morning that we fail to remember what we dreamed,
      unless it is especially vivid.

      Still, the idea is this: that sleep indicates insensitivity to responsibility.

      If we were awake, we would pay attention to our responsibilities.

      We would do our work around the house or go earn our money at the office.

      But if we are asleep, we are insensitive to what is happening.

      That is what occurred to the church. It was not literally asleep,

      but it became insensitive to its relationship with the FATHER.

      It became insensitive to its spiritual responsibilities.

      This do not mean that church members were out freely breaking the laws of God,

      but the relationship was still nonetheless deteriorating because of that lack of attention.

      Another aspect of this is also very important: As the pressure increases from this world,

      it brings stress with it. From studying people closely, psychologists know that those who face frequent,

      stressful hardship become apathetic. In other words, a person reaches the point where finally he just rolls over,

      plays dead, and says, "Who cares?"

      With that in mind, it is no wonder that yahshua says in Matthew 24:13,

      "He that endures to the end, the same will be saved."

      The end time will be stressful, whether or not we are being directly affected physically.

      The spirit of the age, the zeitgeist, will impact upon our minds, and it will tend to make us feel tired,

      weary of the whole thing, wishing that God would hurry up and get it over with.

      That is, of course, understandable. It also helps us to understand why the Bible says

      some of the things it does regarding the church or body of Humanity at the end time.

      A large portion of the church will be lulled into worldliness through being more concerned with ordinary,

      self-centered, secular pursuits than with the spiritual work of God. yahshua's warning in Luke 21:34-36

      —"take heed to yourselves" and "watch . . . and pray always"

      —is absolutely essential.

      Now is the time to pray like never before!

      Now is the time to stand behind the thoughts you believe in!

      stand for GOD'S thoughts or Satan's thoughts! you will stand for one or the other!

      you will not be luke warm!

      Time to awaken my beloveds, take a stand!

      2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. WWG1WGA 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764-. 2764.
      ~Mikael Howerton​

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