The Wisdom of Emenv aka Dennis Binns aka Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we gather together
    to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the rising wave of awakened spirits during this time of turmoil.

    We thank you for our Elders that continue to give us insight and wisdom along our journey.

    We thank you for our children that continue to show us lessons long forgotten and strength needed in the next generation.

    We thank you for our relations that help guide us each day. We thank you for the spirit given to all living things.

    We thank those spirits of the land, air and waters that supply our needs.

    We thank the spirits of the swimmers, fliers, crawlers, four-leggeds, plants and herbs each day that provide for us.

    We ask for an era of peace in a war weary world.

    We ask for guidance and strength to bringing back balance to our Earth Mother.

    We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered by our women and children.

    We ask for guidance, strength and courage as we continue to stand against those that would further destroy your creation.

    We ask for an end to materialistic control over our lives.

    We ask instead for a time where we turn from the current direction of the world, and work toward restoring spirituality.

    We ask for continued healing for those that are still suffering through diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for guidance each day as we travel down our unique paths.

    We ask for protection for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers and fliers that are currently in danger.

    We ask for enlightenment toward true equality and the need for unity in order to provide a better future for our children and grandchildren.

    We ask for an end to the greed and corruption that can be found in our governments.

    We ask for greater compassion toward the homeless, widows and poor.

    We ask for greater understanding of the words of the ancestors that have prophesied these present and turbulent times. May we heed their words.

    We thank you for the gift of life and the reminder each morning of how precious this is.

    We thank you for both answered and unanswered prayers.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we stray from our path.

    We thank you for the many trials we encounter along our path in order to strengthen us.

    We thank you for our family and friends that enrich us and give us the strength to go forward.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we gather together
    to offer up many thanks.

    We thank you for the rising wave of awakened spirits during this time of turmoil.

    We thank you for our Elders that continue to give us insight and wisdom along our journey.

    We thank you for our children that continue to show us lessons long forgotten and strength needed in the next generation.

    We thank you for our relations that help guide us each day. We thank you for the spirit given to all living things.

    We thank those spirits of the land, air and waters that supply our needs.

    We thank the spirits of the swimmers, fliers, crawlers, four-leggeds, plants and herbs each day that provide for us.

    We ask for an era of peace in a war weary world.

    We ask for guidance and strength to bringing back balance to our Earth Mother.

    We ask for an end to the violence and abuse being suffered by our women and children.

    We ask for guidance, strength and courage as we continue to stand against those that would further destroy your creation.

    We ask for an end to materialistic control over our lives.

    We ask instead for a time where we turn from the current direction of the world, and work toward restoring spirituality.

    We ask for continued healing for those that are still suffering through diverse diseases and disorders.

    We ask for guidance each day as we travel down our unique paths.

    We ask for protection for all two-leggeds, four-leggeds, swimmers and fliers that are currently in danger.

    We ask for enlightenment toward true equality and the need for unity in order to provide a better future for our children and grandchildren.

    We ask for an end to the greed and corruption that can be found in our governments.

    We ask for greater compassion toward the homeless, widows and poor.

    We ask for greater understanding of the words of the ancestors that have prophesied these present and turbulent times. May we heed their words.

    We thank you for the gift of life and the reminder each morning of how precious this is.

    We thank you for both answered and unanswered prayers.

    We thank you for your forgiveness when we stray from our path.

    We thank you for the many trials we encounter along our path in order to strengthen us.

    We thank you for our family and friends that enrich us and give us the strength to go forward.

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    A Pondering Moment:

    We all have been given a unique path by the Creator.

    Many seek to find their true reason for existence, others simply exist.

    For each path we have been through many trials, a crossroad of sorts if you will,
    at which we make our choices of which to follow.

    Our spirit learns and grows during each trial we face.

    It is difficult at times, to be sure. But we must learn how to overcome; how to forgive; and how to love.

    Once we have done this we move on to the next, until our lessons are complete for this life.

    Many seem to get stuck on certain trials and become bitter and have not truly learned to overcome.

    It took some time for me, to be sure.

    I have been through some of the most difficult trials, and have overcome.

    I have been through sexual abuse, psychological abuse, abandonment as a child and left in an orphanage
    until learning the meaning of what a family truly is supposed to be like during my adolescent years.

    I learned that not everyone is the same and that there are those that have the ability to show love and discipline.

    I've gone through homelessness, hunger, being hunted by predators after leaving my foster home.

    But, I survived.

    I went through the military that taught me discipline and how not to expect to receive all that I desired.

    I learned to forgive myself and those that have done me harm.

    During all of this, I have learned wisdom that carried me through my remaining years,
    and have learned to give back to those that were in need. I survived and I am complete.

    I pray many of you have learned to overcome and have become better for it.

    Some of you, I suspect, are still stuck in bitterness and have not moved forward as you should.

    I pray that if this is you, that you take some time to reflect on your life and come to the realization
    that we all have a purpose, and there is no obstacle too big that we cannot overcome.

    Understand that you are loved or you would not be here.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things,
    it is with a humbled heart that we unite together to send up many thanks.

    We thank you for the mysteries in the Universe that surrounds us.

    We thank you for the many things you have created here on Mother Earth that we may not see,
    that serve many purposes.

    We thank you for the wisdom and the strong spirit found in our hearts.

    We thank you for the many visions you have sent to us.

    May we learn to remember and decipher them correctly so we may use them as we should.

    We thank you for our ancestors that continue to supply us with the wisdom of the old ways.

    We thank you for each new day and the precious gift of life.

    We thank the spirits of all living things and the provisions they give us.

    May they be given your blessings and may we respect them as we should.

    We thank you for the protection given during our travels.

    We ask for forgiveness when we have not listened or obeyed your words.

    We ask for guidance, strength and courage to move forward and defend the defenseless
    and begin to repair the damage we have done.

    We have exploited your creation simply for our own ends, distorted our knowledge
    and have abused our power.

    We ask for guidance and patience to clean the debris of satellites that surround our Earth Mother,
    the air we breathe, the waters we drink, and the land we inhabit.

    We ask for strength, guidance and courage to stand against those that have taken at will
    and have not replenished.

    We ask for your forgiveness when we have gone against you or have turned away
    when we should have kept you in our daily lives.

    We ask for continued healing for those that are suffering through diverse diseases, disorders and ailments.
    For those that may have passed on into the Spirit World, we ask for comfort and peace be given to their family members.

    We ask for guidance, strength and comfort for those have come into the company of their ancestors.
    May we return to the old ways where we were better caretakers of your creation.

    We ask for hardened hearts to soften and closed eyes to see what we must do to repair the damage
    we have done to our Earth Mother.

    We ask for an end to the hatred, racism, greed and lust of power and materialism that can be found
    across the four corners.

    We ask for freedom for those that have been imprisoned without cause,
    and for those that have been taken from their homes.

    We ask for protection for our women and children enduring violence and abuse.

    We ask for an end to the violence and control that seeks to divide us.

    We ask for an era of peace in a world that is weary of war and ask for the return of our children.

    We thank you for the spirits of the trees that give us air to breathe, the many herbs and plants
    that bring nourishment and cure ailments and diseases, and the waters that flow from the mountaintops to hydrate our bodies.

    We thank you for our Elders that bring us the necessary wisdom and lessons to aid us along our journey.

    We thank you for our children that will one day take these and build upon them for future generations.

    We thank you for the many trials that strengthen our spirits.

    We thank you for our relations found across the great waters that join us as prophesies
    of the ancients unfold.

    May your blessings be upon all that keep you in their hearts.


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