The War of the Memes

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Fates wrote and asked on February 2nd, 2017:
    Greetings Tony, it's been a while, im happy to reconnect, hope all is going well for you. I've been reading the forums, particularly the following article:
    As I remember and understand from reading this again today, the memeplexes internalized must be individually overcomed, but what is the timeline significance of April 17th, 2017? I can understand how it is decoded, but what to expect or accomplish by this date is unknown to me. Can you explain the spiritual and physical shift and change which decodes to that date?

    The overall 'times of great transformation' aka 'endtimes' of the universal metamorphosis encompass a decade, say a 10-12 year period as one third of a 36-40 year period to mirror the agenda of 2000 years ago. This was from 7BC to 34AD in the modern reckoning of time.
    It also and most significantly relates to the 'great Platonic change of the Ages', say from the 'Age of Pisces' to the 'Age of Aquarius', which associates the angular size of the Sun of 0.53 degreesn across the galactic centre as measured at the December Solstice.
    This 'transitional precession' of 9,360,000 days or Mayan kin as 25,626.8 'civil years' begins in 1980 and ends in 2017/2018 and correlates the Mayan daycount calendar as a rather precise cosmic chronos or 'measure of time'. I recently calibrated this in reference to the actual dating methodology of the Maya time keeping around the 650 AD timeframes and in association with one of their major kings, named Pacal the Great. You can find this on this link: Messages #246-247

    Now because this 38 year precessional period, say, can be said to have ended on January 19th-21st; 2017 as a projected beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' and coinciding with certain political transformation upon planet Earth; as well as a time warped period from 7BC to 6BC to 31AD to 34AD (see link for details); this revisiting of the past also superimposes this past onto the present and immediate future in say global and political effects.
    Namely on August 4th, 70AD a 70 year period say from 1BC or a 70-year period from 7BC to 64AD is historically defined as a global exodus or diaspora from the Middle East; when the Roman general Titus not only destroyed the temple/sanctimony of the Roman province Judea, centred on Jerusalem; but also caused the dispersion of the Judean population around the globe after say a 7 year rebellion of the Judeans against the Roman occupiers.
    Those 70 years then are time mapped onto beginning November 29th; 1947/May 14th; 1948 and ending 70 years later in 2017/2018 and also mirror the historical 70-year period from 609/608BC to 538BC and when an original Harmageddon or endtime war occurred between an Egyptian pharaoh named Necho fought a territorial war at Megiddo against Josiah, an Israelite king to usher in this 70 year period of 'Babylonian Captivity' and mirroring the destruction of the 'Temple of Solomon' later reconstructed by Herod from say 20BC following the times of Julius Caesar in the Roman occupation of Judea.

    The chart you are describing so describes one of many 'finestructures' of the say 10-12 year period as a third of 36 or quarter of 40 years; encoded say in Revelation.6.6-8 and 8) and ends at Easter 2018 to synchronise with the first Easter of 31 AD and also the 70 civil years since the recreation of political Judea/Israel from May 14th; 1948 to May 14th; 2018.
    I have added 3 other charts, which give more detail about those 'finestructures' in various partitions.




    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Politics of 70 Years!

    Fates wrote and asked on February 2nd, 2017:
    Greetings Tony, it's been a while, im happy to reconnect, hope all is going well for you. I've been reading the forums, particularly the following article:
    As I remember and understand from reading this again today, the memeplexes internalized must be individually overcomed, but what is the timeline significance of April 17th, 2017? I can understand how it is decoded, but what to expect or accomplish by this date is unknown to me. Can you explain the spiritual and physical shift and change which decodes to that date?

    The overall 'times of great transformation' aka 'endtimes' of the universal metamorphosis encompass a decade, say a 10-12 year period as one third of a 36-40 year period to mirror the agenda of 2000 years ago. This was from 7BC to 34AD in the modern reckoning of time.
    It also and most significantly relates to the 'great Platonic change of the Ages', say from the 'Age of Pisces' to the 'Age of Aquarius', which associates the angular size of the Sun of 0.53 degreesn across the galactic centre as measured at the December Solstice.
    This 'transitional precession' of 9,360,000 days or Mayan kin as 25,626.8 'civil years' begins in 1980 and ends in 2017/2018 and correlates the Mayan daycount calendar as a rather precise cosmic chronos or 'measure of time'. I recently calibrated this in reference to the actual dating methodology of the Maya time keeping around the 650 AD timeframes and in association with one of their major kings, named Pacal the Great. You can find this on this link: Messages #246-247

    Now because this 38 year precessional period, say, can be said to have ended on January 19th-21st; 2017 as a projected beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' and coinciding with certain political transformation upon planet Earth; as well as a time warped period from 7BC to 6BC to 31AD to 34AD (see link for details); this revisiting of the past also superimposes this past onto the present and immediate future in say global and political effects.
    Namely on August 4th, 70AD a 70 year period say from 1BC or a 70-year period from 7BC to 64AD is historically defined as a global exodus or diaspora from the Middle East; when the Roman general Titus not only destroyed the temple/sanctimony of the Roman province Judea, centred on Jerusalem; but also caused the dispersion of the Judean population around the globe after say a 7 year rebellion of the Judeans against the Roman occupiers.
    Those 70 years then are time mapped onto beginning November 29th; 1947/May 14th; 1948 and ending 70 years later in 2017/2018 and also mirror the historical 70-year period from 609/608BC to 538BC and when an original Harmageddon or endtime war occurred between an Egyptian pharaoh named Necho fought a territorial war at Megiddo against Josiah, an Israelite king to usher in this 70 year period of 'Babylonian Captivity' and mirroring the destruction of the 'Temple of Solomon' later reconstructed by Herod from say 20BC following the times of Julius Caesar in the Roman occupation of Judea.

    The chart you are describing so describes one of many 'finestructures' of the say 10-12 year period as a third of 36 or quarter of 40 years; encoded say in Revelation.6.6-8 and 8) and ends at Easter 2018 to synchronise with the first Easter of 31 AD and also the 70 civil years since the recreation of political Judea/Israel from May 14th; 1948 to May 14th; 2018.
    I have added 3 other charts, which give more detail about those 'finestructures' in various partitions.




    [10:47:59 PM-February 2nd; 2017] Fates: Interesting, thanks for the clarification, also, what is the adjustment for the 2012 timeline to the 2020 timeline? Something like a "leap year" if I am understanding this article correctly
    [10:56:20 PM] Fates: I do have a question about your reply, the way I see the timelines is sort of a looping of the same archetypical events, what happened in history is reflected in the state of the world today (physical/political/religious). As we spin laps around the sun and rise/fall in the grand cycle, is there any predictive path when these historical events are in conjunction with prophesy?
    [11:01:24 PM] Fates: For example, the 70 year Jubilee, I think, is having another cyclical pass soon, as it has for generations. Pope Fransis had a "Jubilee" from 8 December 2015 – 20 November 2016.
    I was expecting a forgiveness (of sin) and reconciliation (of debt), but it was uneventful.

    [11:04:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes the December 2012 Ahau date adds 1 Tun=360 Kin to that to give you December 16th, 2013 and then another 7x360 Kin gives you November 9th, 2020 as the mirror of Pacal the Great and the Mayan inscription codes. December 7th, then finetunes the Mayan chronos in 28 days to complete the circle in 1+7+28=36. This can be seen in a different calculus in the ancient code chart i added. it is this chart that aligns all the prophecies (i could find) in the bible and related ancient texts.

    As 1 Tun counts 360 Kin and the Mayan 'Master Number' counts the Haab-Tzolkin 'Great Round' 37 Kin/Days before the actual birthday of Pacal the Great in 1,366,560 = 365x3744 = 360x3796 = 260x5256 from February 15th, 629 to March 24th, 629 in the Gregorian proleptic day count; 1 Tun of 360 Kin will be added to the actual completion of the 65 = 5x13 Baktun of the 9,360,000 Kin count of 26,000 Tun.
    This extends the Mayan precession count from March 1st, 23,615 BC = - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab to December 21st, 2012 = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin by 1 Tun to December 16th, 2013 = = 13 Ahau 18 Mac and encompasses the 360 Kin required to bridge the Mayan 'Master Number' to the 26th birthday of Pacal the Great.
    37 Kin define the difference between 7 Haab and 7 Tun in 7x5 = 35 Vayeb 'evil or missing' Days with 2 'Leap Days' in a 8 civil year calendar.
    Adding 7 Tun with 1 Uinal (to sychronise the addition of the 1 Tun from December 21st, 2012 to December 16th, 2013 at the end of the time count) and 7 Kin or 7x360+20+7 = 2520+20+7 = 2547 Days to the Mayan end date of 13 Ahau 18 Mac then calibrates the overall Precessional Summation of Grand Rounds in a projected synchronisation of this 'Grand Mayan Age' with the life of Pacal the Great.
    The final 7 to 8 days of the 37 to 38 days so can be said to account for the scientific-astrophysical deviation of the tropical-solar-equinoxal year of 365.2422 days from the civil year of 365.2425 days over a precessional span of time of 9,360,000+8x360+8 = 9,362,888 Days.
    The Mayan Kin precessional count then becomes {365.2425/365.2422}x{9,362,880} = {1.00000082}x{9,362,880} = 9,362,887.68 ~ 9,362,888 = 9,362,880+8

    [11:11:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: The Jubilees in Psalms are 70 and 80 years and so relate the 7000-Millennium-7 Days of Creation codes as shown on the charts on the message. But remember that the actual jubilee is also the 50th year following a 7x7=49 year period, also as days as the daycount from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday annually. Here then the 50th day is the Jubilee.

    [11:17:48 PM] Fates: So, it is a 50 year cycle, interesting, the enactment of what the papacy should be doing according to the Hebrew history should not end with the Pope "shutting tight the doors of mercy", which is the televised event I watched on November 20th. It was as if the secretive Jesuit council was making decisions outside of the public domain that day, as they were standing symbolically inside the Vatican when the doors closed...

    [11:26:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: Study the connection between the CIA and the Vatican within the 'greater conspiracy' of the Fabian Hegelian Dialectic and you can put any persona politics aside and replace it with a thorough investigation of what the metaphysical agenda of the global takeover tyranny actually represents.There many many clips, videos and treatizes on the
    forum with say:
    When a Federal Government goes into debt!
    House-Wilson 1913 versus Bannon-Trump 2017!
    Why Trump is hated by {fill blank if you can}!


    And yes all this relates to the Malachy prophecy of the 'last Jesuit pope' and many other connections, like the secret societies and the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, Bohemiam Grove 'Luciferianism' , the European aristocracies; your Chinese Dragon clans and many many more things.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Minds and Bodies of Men and Bodies and Minds of Women

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017

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