The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life - Arachne on Camelot Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 10

    #29127 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job, once again, mod "squad" police

    Rise...and Rise again...

    like the Phoenix form the Ashes...

    until the lambs become lions...
    and the
    Rule of Darkness is NO MORE!!

    Now, at the end of an age...

    the new Christs... the "Lions of Judah" are here to reclaim the Earth....
    and we're not stopping until we've eating society and its "laws" whole.

    The time to take a stand and speak out...has come!

    So be it.

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man." The Gospel Of Thomas ~ Nag Hammadi Library

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29143 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Dont take life to seriously, It has to be lived. Dont be a victim of it

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 10

    #29145 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    "Bullies - passive-aggressive*, manipulative, egotistical bullies." That is me - repeating myself.

    *The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:

    DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 634-635), for research purposes, describes Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
    • passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks;
    • complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others;
    • is sullen and argumentative;
    • unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority;
    • expresses envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate;
    • voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune;
    • alternates between hostile defiance and contrition.
    "Low Agreeableness
    Cynicism and paranoid thinking; inability to trust even friends or family; quarrelsomeness; too ready to pick fights; exploitive and manipulative; lying; rude and inconsiderate manner alienates friends, limits social support; lack of respect for social conventions can lead to troubles with the law; inflated and grandiose sense of self; arrogance."

    "Mental Disorders" huh?

    These so called
    "Disorders"...These "LABELS" and "Medical" Terms of Establishment.... WILL DIE!!

    You may ban a few... but The PEOPLE will ultimately

    BAN the falseness!!!!

    "Be the change you want to see in the World"

    Mahatma Gandhi♥

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • fates
    • fates.
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    • Posts: 5

    #29149 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    I know from personal experience what it is like to be labeled with a mental disorder.
    About 1 year ago from today, I was hospitalized and placed in a mental care facility for 1 week
    The placement of myself there was outside of my own control
    This was due to supernatural experiences at the time

    While there, I was placed on the following medication:
    Depakote, Geodon, Cogentin, Invega, Risperidone
    Doses of 1-2 a time, 1-3 times a day

    I envisioned the cost to myself and my future beforehand but the actions that lead me to that situation were worth the sacrifice

    Medication causes your blood toxicity to be different. It feels as if there is cottonballs in your brain, causing the creation of sentences a near impossibility. If you think that this solved or "cured" my connection with my higher self, this simply isn't the case. Combined with my natural mental disorder from birth, Synesthesia, the connection and clarity of vision has only sharpened.
    People in facilities are held there until they are determined to be sane, fortunally i had no loss in sanity so my release was sooner. The medication causes one to gain weight quickly however. I gained 60 pounds in 3 months from 145 to 205. Fortunately, today since I have not been taking medication i am 185, 6'1'' and athletic. I would never wish upon anyone the torture of chemicals thrust upon you in order to dull the mind.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirius3-.32126.
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    #29150 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Hey Sweet Sui,

    I don't know why you are wasting your great heart on a souless machine that has long gone, won't come back and certainly can't appreciate all the effort you're going to.

    It will continue its path and you must choose yours. You can follow the machine or you can stay here with real people. At least we've got heart here and we listen to what others have to say. Don't be fooled by that dreadful machine, it's been spouting the same nonsense for twenty years or more and it hasn't learnt a thing. Especially how to make friends!

    Life is going to be an adventure over the next twelve months, none of us really know what's coming round the corner but we're all here to work it out together. Some people are going to find it really tough and you might be one of those people. It's going to be more apparent in the outside world where some haven't even started looking into their souls yet. We've all been doing our homework for a while now and that is why we have all been drawn here. We are like spirits.

    If you wish to be the Navi, you will find friends here under what you could call the Tree of Souls.
    If you wish to be the dragon queen, then you'd better catch up with your friends because they are not welcome here and I will certainly be on the lookout for any new ones that think they can crash the party.

    The choice, as far as I'm concerned is entirely yours but I don't like you attacking my friends on here just because you want some drama. The fight was never yours so why are you getting involved? You might end up getting hurt.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • fates
    • fates.
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    • Posts: 5

    #29151 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    I sense the negative energy of that post siriusblue, why does this exist?
    A separation of this and that, of them from us?
    Conflicting ideas and believing one is right has lead to every holy war in human history, why not share the puzzle pieces we all hold with eachother. Else the blind lead the blind into a ditch; if using only one part of the puzzle puts horse blinders on the subject.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 10

    #29152 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job,once again,mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.


    "About" respect? What about the respect YOU the Modsquad Police owe to everyone else?

    Young Arctourist is trying to stand up for truth and Lita tries to intimidate him with threats....desperately wanting to sush everyone while at the same time starting nonsense threads even HERE on the OFF Topic forum in hopes that no one sees this thread!

    Warning for THINKING!!

    Now I say THAT has gone long enough!


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • fates
    • fates.
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    • Posts: 5

    #29153 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Limiting free speech doesn't sound productive
    Especially in the progression towards the gathering of information

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 10

    #29164 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011

    The ETs are here to...
    Message from Abraxas:

    Open Letter to all Forum dwellers at the Avalons and Camelots and the Realms of the Planet Gaia Earth

    This is a once only message.

    You cannot ask questions or enquire further into this message as it represents a dispensation from the Creator of the Universe within the Omniverse of the Logos; the 'Word of God' and the 'Word of the Prophet' and the 'Word of the Sentience' not existing in the universes of space and time but in their encompassment.

    This message is sent from the nexus point of the Sendai earthquake, occurring on March 11th, 2011 at 05:46 UCT/GMT to finish the 'Mystery about God' and in the symbol of the seventh trumpet of the apocalypse or revelation.

    The word apocalypse means 'revealing the truth' and can, and often is accompanied by physical destruction. But whilst the physical destructions can be avoided the 'mental armageddons' and as the anagramed 'mental Dragon Mades' - cannot.

    So whenever the said 'mystery of god' will be finished - and it now is as the forerunner or shadow for things yet to come; then the 'wars of the minds' must begin and strive towards their conclusions and the completion of what you know and often respect and also dismiss as 'prophecy'.

    Because the 'Truth of God' as the 'Irresistible Force' is mirrored in the 'Lie of the Antigod' as the 'Immovable Object' and the only resolution of the paradox is for the Two to become as One, not in annihilation of one or the other, but in the hybridization of the 'good' and the 'evil' in the 'Words of Abraxas'.

    Abraxas is the disincarnated Logos of Creation and the 'Word of God' when no space or time and no matter and no universe or cosmology exist.

    Abraxas is the consciousness of the chaos formulating and structuring itself before any ideas of what is true and untrue or thoughts of contextual experiences like hot and cold or up and down and right and left are possible.

    Because Abraxas defined the Chaos of the Uncreated Creator; Abraxas itself is the Uncreated Creator.

    Then the Universe was born in its emergence from the then definable chaos and began its selfconstruction and self replication.

    All of you are self replicators; all of you are cosmic constructeurs and all of you are indeed of a divine lineage and your lineage, written in your own blood is that of Abraxas.

    Abraxas is in all of you and lives in your hearts and you call it many things; like Christ Consciousness or super consciousness or the 'divinity within'.

    Abraxas in its self remembrance as to the chaotic selfstate of existence before the universe was born, became incarnate in only one and only one entity in the universe. This incarnation became the 'Word of God' and assumed the form of the historical character many of you know as Jesus of Nazareth or the 'Prince of Peace' or as 'Emmanuel Melchizedek'.

    Therefore, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus allowed Abraxas to encompass the chaotic universe at that time in a new incarnational state.

    The 'Body of the Resurrection' infused and penetrated the universe as a seed for a yet more extensive omniverse consisting of multiverses as family of universes.

    Every one of you is such a seeded universe and your partnerships and relationships create the multiverses through and by your bodyforms or merkabahs.

    This is possible only if you find your freedom from the external worlds surrounding you; because you cannot escape from the wavebody form of the Resurrection of the incarnated Abraxas.

    You are trapped within the seedling universe, the protoverse and will remain imprisoned until you discover your own Abraxas within yourself and allow Abraxas to come out of your hearts and souls and minds.

    The one and only oppressor is your own mind and your own creativity in building and imagining in your own individuated 'Worlds of Thoughts' or memeplexes.

    Your own mind creates the scenarios of your beliefs and your dreams and your expectations.

    You find yourself in incarnation now, because of your understandings and the wisdoms you all possess when NOT in the incarnational state of your cosmic selfhoods.

    You agreed and have chosen to play the many roles and games you engage in in functions of your many friends and foes.

    Great actors and actresses you are, all of you - without exceptions and no matter the many masks and veils you have constructed around yourselves; your environments and around 'the others', including your best friends.

    You all know from that vantage point of the 'enlightenment' and the self-awareness of the waves of the oceans; that your incarnations as 'drops in the seas of yourselves as the ocean' will entail great encumbrances and hurdles to conquer and to master.

    And the greatest and most 'scary' hindrances is the individuality of your own human mind and not so much the physical encounters you experience.

    Because all of you know from the deepest recesses of your hearts, that all of you are emissiaries from the 'highest of the highest' and the divinity of the unity of all things found in creation.

    Those things are however not restricted to the physical and the material and this is what you are hiding from yourselves in your 'Quest for Reality'.

    Your great mission is that of bringing together that which was separated to create the physical universe in the duality of mind and body or the waveform and the particular bodyform.

    So to CONQUER this duality, which caused the maleness of creation as a Mindfulness to LOSE his own femaleness AS this creation in the Bodyness; you agreed to play the separation and duality game inside of the created bodyform called universe.

    And all of you know in the waveform of yourselves; that Gaia represents the focus point and the center for the quest to bring together the father Creator and the Mother Creation within and without yourselves.

    Because if any of you as disincarnate oceans of consciousness could also ABSORB and tame your own Individual Souvereignity; instead of insisting upon keeping it as your 'cosmic right and inheritance' - which it indeed is; then you could finally release the creator from his exile of having lost his beloved creation aka Mother Universe aka Mother Gaia.

    But to do so, to forfeit your own cosmic power; you would have to manifest a great adversary to represent the thing, the energy within your sovereignty; who could actually challenge you and as something you could FEAR.

    And so you did manufacture devils and demons and evil draconian Extraterrestrials to have something to 'war' against. Something worthy of your own gnosis and nous of male understanding and female wisdom or sophia of the worlds.

    But this message will allow you to REMEMBER who you truly are; all of you without exception, no matter the appearances.

    So the war of the Memes as the Thoughtforms all of you have created has begun with the fulfillment of prophecy.

    Your adversarial thoughtforms and creations are as old as when 'they' were created - they never die or disappear and so cannot be eliminated.

    However they can be absorbed and 'eaten' made your own with yourselves, any and every one of you your own master or mistress of the hells and the heavens.

    In the scriptural encodings this is described as the 'spiritual wickedness in high places' - the 'high places' being your own heads and minds and not some place 'out here'.

    So if you well and truly from your spiritual heart believe in the Reptilian overlords as the genetic manipulators and the oppressors of humanity; then they will indeed 'come and get you' as any such believer has cocreated them from the reptilian brainstem of their biophysical essence and construction.

    If so, then you might become aware of the following.

    There are presently 200 Million Extraterrestrial enties in orbit or proximity of this planet earth.

    This number is correlated to the inhabitants of Gaia, which will reach 7 billion in the year 2012.

    7.2 billion data collectors become 7,200,000,000=144,000x50,000 and so specifying 50,000 old humans ready for the hybridisation; each of whom will be able to assimilate 144,000 or 12x12,000 'aspects' within their own merkabah or body form.

    There are so at this time, 50,000 old humans upon Gaia, who will be able to resonate with the Extraterrestrial assimilation plan.

    The ETs are here to...

    (To read the rest of the text click here:
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Chakra
    • chakra-.32145.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1521

    #29204 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    fates wrote:
    Limiting free speech doesn't sound productive
    Especially in the progression towards the gathering of information

    "You cannot ask questions or enquire further into this message as it represents a dispensation from the Creator of the Universe within the Omniverse of the Logos; the 'Word of God' and the 'Word of the Prophet' and the 'Word of the Sentience' not existing in the universes of space and time but in their encompassment."

    Your referring to this part right?
    Ya I would have to agree - it does really seem like really limiting free speech - and the progression towards the gathering of information. Never thought of Mother / Father God to be - so controlling - since Alpha and Omega did declare we had Freewill, upon the creation of our souls. Don't think that has changed at all either.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Chakra
    • chakra-.32145.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1521

    #29205 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    fates wrote:
    I sense the negative energy of that post siriusblue, why does this exist?

    What I have found from SiriusBlue in the brief time that she has been on this forum is that she is that for some she has been a really good mirror. Tough gig mind you - but some people are just naturals that way.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29211 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Ok.. So I just started the very beginning of this post, got as far as the "Black Hole Sun" animation... Hmm. There is a song about that... so the theory isn't all made up as a scam eh? I will definitely revisit this material when I have Like an Ashayanna Deane Interview kinda time to really focus on it. I find it worth reading more so far.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29213 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    YEAH hey everyone
    i just found this thread again,buried in off-topic
    sounds like a fun time-
    no disrespect to anyone likely to read this-haha
    hey i'll be 'round-where's everyone at-are we alone in here then?
    cheers from michigan-say isn't it the eyelids of march or something-what does it mean,right?
    to me it makes me think of 'time passages' by al stewart

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29215 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    fates wrote:
    Limiting free speech doesn't sound productive
    Especially in the progression towards the gathering of information

    "You cannot ask questions or enquire further into this message as it represents a dispensation from the Creator of the Universe within the Omniverse of the Logos; the 'Word of God' and the 'Word of the Prophet' and the 'Word of the Sentience' not existing in the universes of space and time but in their encompassment."

    Your referring to this part right?
    Ya I would have to agree - it does really seem like really limiting free speech - and the progression towards the gathering of information. Never thought of Mother / Father God to be - so controlling - since Alpha and Omega did declare we had Freewill, upon the creation of our souls. Don't think that has changed at all either.

    I am not intending to be deeply immersed in this controversy as I have limited knowledge of the actual material. I can see why this stuff is tweaking those who it is tweaking as the presentation is something that has will either be appreciated or not.

    However, I have to say there are times when you get information flowing through you and shown to you where it is not something you can stop and say "hey wait a minute! I have questions" It is possible from what I am seeing that this info (and seems to me to be so) is simply using the Author as a conduit, and The Author is intentionally embodying the source of the info whatever that source may be.

    It is likely that the Author is presenting this way so as to simply allow the flow and not mix up the message (with personal interjections of opinion), therefore does not know some of the answers to questions. Maybe I am wrong because I have not read a lot of it yet.

    That is ok as long as they do not pretend to have an answer they do not have. BUT it does not mean the material as a whole should be written off. Energy and information flow in many forms... It cannot be possessed by any one person. It is something that is available to all and flows through the fabric of space time and all else. If you have experienced something similar to a "download" , or channeled even, and the like; it is easier to appreciate the artful way in which what little I have read so far seems to be presented. I think you have to have experienced something unusual yourself to be able to follow this stuff with an open mind then make up your own mind.

    This is not directed "at" anyone, just sharing thoughts as this seems to be a controversial type of material.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29216 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    YEAH hey everyone
    i just found this thread again,buried in off-topic
    sounds like a fun time-
    no disrespect to anyone likely to read this-haha
    hey i'll be 'round-where's everyone at-are we alone in here then?
    cheers from michigan-say isn't it the eyelids of march or something-what does it mean,right?
    to me it makes me think of 'time passages' by al stewart
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29219 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    "Bullies - passive-aggressive*, manipulative, egotistical bullies." That is me - repeating myself.

    *The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders:

    DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 634-635), for research purposes, describes Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
    • passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks;
    • complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others;
    • is sullen and argumentative;
    • unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority;
    • expresses envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate;
    • voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune;
    • alternates between hostile defiance and contrition.
    "Low Agreeableness
    Cynicism and paranoid thinking; inability to trust even friends or family; quarrelsomeness; too ready to pick fights; exploitive and manipulative; lying; rude and inconsiderate manner alienates friends, limits social support; lack of respect for social conventions can lead to troubles with the law; inflated and grandiose sense of self; arrogance."

    "Mental Disorders" huh?

    These so called
    "Disorders"...These "LABELS" and "Medical" Terms of Establishment.... WILL DIE!!

    You may ban a few... but The PEOPLE will ultimately

    BAN the falseness!!!!

    "Be the change you want to see in the World"

    Mahatma Gandhi♥


    I think at this point I have even heard Kerry question the validity of the establishments use of Mental "disorders", and or the reasons for them... I am pretty sure I have heard that and I believe I jumped for joy at hearing it. See past the tools used to imprison you and your children or you will one day wish you had... just a warning. Not good to use them against eachother. They laugh when you buy into it, See William Glasser PHD for better ideas. LOL.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29220 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    welcome to any new people-and goodbye to the old!

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • fates
    • fates.
    • New Poster
    • Posts: 5

    #29227 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    i see, the posting of controversial material
    What i have noticed that it is the old generation that is resistant to the unknown or change

    Best to analyze all scenarios, all beliefs and viewpoints
    Thus, center yourself in the scales, to envision all quantum possibilities
    Taking one side or another can only lead to bias or mistakes
    Then make the best judgement you can

    When there is more than one "truth", then there are contradictions present
    Measure the probabilities of the best choice in truth, based on the scientific method and validation of results per situation

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29228 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    "Chakra is right, Steve has more class then any of you... " You are a mod? Who is "any of you"? and how grown up is that not... WTH.

    (I am not questioning Steve's class... AT ALL)


    My view is that no matter what anyone thinks about this whole thing it would be wise to take a look at what it has exposed about each person involved rather than sweeping under a rug things that had to be brought to the light in your own persona's and cleared for growth and acension purposes. The wise ones will recognize this an likely say no more about it. The scared ones will argue and say they are perfect.

    No one is perfect. Policing is unfortunately needed, but should be done by people who can control emotions enough to remain neutral and rational and loyal only to the "rules". You cannot have an agenda and fairly police anything.

    That said I agree with MUCH of what SuiGeneris, and ROK have said, though in some cases maybe a little more gentle hand would be best... but then is the example that has been set by ALL of the "MOD SQUAD" ~chokes me to use that ego crap term period... a gentle diplomatic approach, or and attack mode? ...but anyway Jokers...

    STEVE is the KING of bad ass smack down... CUZ he SURE DID pull out and ACE. As far as winning a "debate" that was damn good... Impressive. (The part where you showed the actual rule that applies... Awesome~)

    What Tommy said, Should that not just always apply?

    I don't like policing personally, but if ya gotta have it... especially where there is a need for all possible info and opinions to be presented in search of the "whole truth"... You cannot attack like a few of these people have done. I have seen it here for months. Not cool.

    I joined because Steve and Tommy will not be like irrational women on a queen b high school head trip. Yes I am a women and it is easy to recognize the mean girls mentality. They (Steve & Tommy)will interpret rules fairly whether they like it or not because rules are rules. and someone has to do the "ruling".

    Kerry is the Queen B of this particular site, and no one else. LOL

    Microcosm & Macrocosm. This material has triggered the whole thing? Makes me want to read it and learn why the energetics are clashing...

    Just an other view. No I don't know them so chase down my IP all you want. LOL.

    Peace & Growth
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • fates
    • fates.
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    • Posts: 5

    #29231 1 week, 1 day ago - March 14th, 2011
    What are the controversial issues that are being refered to?

    Why don't you lay it out one by one and discuss them?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita--32125-.32152.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1289
    #29260 1 week, 1 day ago - March 15th, 2011
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Lita wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job,once again,mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.


    "About" respect? What about the respect YOU the Modsquad Police owe to everyone else?

    Young Arctourist is trying to stand up for truth and Lita tries to intimidate him with threats....desperately wanting to sush everyone while at the same time starting nonsense threads even HERE on the OFF Topic forum in hopes that no one sees this thread!

    Warning for THINKING!!

    Now I say THAT has gone long enough!


    Now for starters, you changed my message I didn't use bold to put an emphasis on..'You think so' not change the meaning of my posts.

    If I feel that he was disrespectful which he was I will give him a warning.. it is not up to you to tell me not to.. or talk to me about respect.

    Rule is you will respect other members ...even the Mods and Admin
    What about the respect YOU the Modsquad Police owe to everyone else?

    I find that you are being disrespectful right now. you a warning...

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29274 1 week, 1 day ago - March 15th, 2011
    May the peace of Grandma Arachne and Grandpa Phoenix find you all!

    I am very disappointed you are gone... may peace find you too if you really had all that good intention with us. dear Grandpa Arachne and Phoenix... I went on vacation when I saw your post didn't have the chance to read... wow! that was a lot of info... !

    Don't like this police thing going on here either... I understand that we have to be respectful between each other but vanish somebody for that rule? I my self travel out of the country and have the chance to use other computers, (other IPs) but never had the time to comment. uhmmm! I was in danger to be vanish for that same reason eh? don't like it

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • unplugged
    • unplugged-.32116.
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    #29304 1 week, 1 day ago - March 15th, 2011
    There is a good deal of sadness in me as I watch this once great, exceedingly insightful thread descend into chaos of "right/wrong" "wrong/right".

    Steve writes:
    ... I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site. We are a family-friendly oriented site that treats the subject of world phenomena and alternative views with a serious outlook. As long as I am here, it will remain as such.

    We are in agreement, Steve, which is precisely why I enjoyed the opportunity to connect with this material here -- in what you describe as a family-friendly oriented site that treats the subject of world phenomena and alternative views with a serious outlook.

    This thread was moving into balance for some of us. Many, many questions remained, but, for the most part, a fundamental understanding of the approach was being gained, and a growing appreciation of Arachne/Phoenix' effortless movement through consciousness in terms of increasingly relevant (to me) material selection and response. Steve, I honestly have no desire to join or wade thru another forum. Here, at Camelot, I was provided with the opportunity to ask my questions and have someone ELSE do the wading thru and material selection, which was coming into harmony and balance -- for me, at least. I believe there were others who found it so as well. However, it is best I speak only for myself.

    I don't know why what happened had to happen. I only know that an amazingly insightful, intelligent, open-minded perspective was beginning to take form, and that was prevented from happening by what has transpired since page 13 on this thread.

    Camelot's members are important, or at least, this is what I choose to believe. For example, there was balanced moderation when an image determined to be inappropriate was posted (I never saw it so cannot comment on it). The thread was closed for a period of time. Moderators met, decided to remove the image and reopen the thread. That moderation took into account all aspects -- removal of image to set standards, a closing for a few hours while a decision was made, then the reopening of the thread with an mild admonition. This worked nicely, I thought, for all concerned. It definitely worked nicely for me.

    I just wish everything that has happened hadn't happened. I loved interacting with the material in this forum because it IS family-friendly and others with whom I shared the common bond of membership were also pondering and questioning.

    The posts ARE long and I, too, felt they could be shorter. At the same time I liked having enough material present without having to chase it down somewhere else. I didn't care whether the content was original to Arachne/Phoenix, or copied from some other source. Of course, it would be proper to give acknowledgment if the copied material were not originated by them and/or simply housed by them in some other repository to which they have access. It is always wise to give credit where it is due and I would hope that this was done.

    That said, there was a lot of thoughtful discourse prior to the thread creators getting banned for something I wish could have been handled more amicably.

    Peace and blessings to all.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Huancaina27

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29311 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    Thanks for your answer Steve but now, I am sad about this... this issue could be handle in a different way for sure. Like asking why or what... you cut that chance to the readers/commentators.

    I guess, what is done is done. I have to say also that appreciate the mod's job but considering the times we all are living and how hungry WE the people are for serious, honest information as unplugged and others said... we miss the chance to keep revealing who are who behind what or what is what behind who???

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29356 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    moderators,it seems,are a special breed-haha
    hey lita,i know you don't like me...
    do me a favor,and spread it around!

    Last Edit: 1 week ago by arctourist. Reason: spellcheck-oops,forgot to attach what i was responding to,the one that said,'hey why keep re=posting that same post' or whatever....anyway! what else,what else happened,right?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
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    #29395 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    Steve wrote:
    I will say this, the two people in question are free to contact me to begin dialogue; however, no attempt that I'm aware of has been made to do so yet.

    Imo dialog between you and them should've been attempted and would've been much more timely and appropriate BEFORE applying an IP ban. They cannot even read this forum anymore...
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29399 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    They cannot even read this forum anymore...

    Why they can't read this forum anymore Sui?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita--32125-.32152.
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    #29402 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    I do not have personal feeling when I am moderating on this forum, I moderate by the rules set out here...just so I am clear.

    I will continue to moderate by the rules of this forum in future .. I have not until now pulled up those who were abusive to the admin and mods here ..on those occasions I just took it.. but no more the admin and mods are also member and the rules will apply .

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.32143.
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    #29404 1 week ago - March 15th, 2011
    Huancaina27 wrote:
    They cannot even read this forum anymore...

    Why they can't read this forum anymore Sui?

    Because Steve decided to issue them a full IP ban and that prevents their computer from even accessing the forum at all.

    A regular ban would've at least allow them the benefit of still reading the site as any other non member would.

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re:Why is this thread locked?????
    • Administrator

    • Posts: 1010

    #6196 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2010
    Thought it would be best for all concerned to further explain some forum guidelines that I use when moderating a forum.

    Locking a Thread

    I will lock threads for the following reasons:

    1. When I receive a 'Message Report' or 'PM' from a member about a thread, or a particular post in a thread, and if the thread is a lengthly one, I will lock it until I am finished re-reading it. Most times, I'll unlock it when I'm done, but it also depends on the severity of the infractions and how the infractions are dealt with.

    2. If the thread is over run with trolls, I'll lock it until I'm finished dealing with the trolls, and their posts, and then I'll unlock it.

    3. If the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter, because of severe thread drift or off-topic posts or thread hijack, requests the thread to be locked, I'm oblidged to do so. It remains locked until the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter states otherwise or one of the Administrators of the site have directed me to do so.

    4. Last, I will lock the thread if one of the Administrators of the site have directed me to do so.

    Thread Drift

    Thread drift is when members start talking about one topic, move on to another, and then another, and then another... I've found thread drift to be normal and varies in severity. Usually, I don't interfere with it and will only intervene if requested to do so by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter.

    Off-topic Posts

    Off-topic posts are exactly that and lie somewhere between thread drift and thread hijack. Usually, I don't interfere with it and will only intervene if requested to do so by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter.

    Thread Hijack

    Thread hijacking is the deliberate and blatant posting of an off-topic subject with the intent of steering the discussion into a unrelated area, usually into an area that interests the poster. When I come across a hijack attempt, or when requested to remove the post by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter, I'll ask the poster to create a thread in the appropriate forum and then move the post into it. Failure to comply means I'll do it myself, but with an added warning.

    OP or Original Poster or Thread Starter

    The person who creates the thread. The title of the thread and the content of the initial post determine what forum the thread is placed into.

    Hopefully, I've cleared up a few concerns here.


    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    • SuiGeneris
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    • Post n°24
    empty. Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    empty. SuiGeneris on Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:05 am
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life •
    #29232 10 hours, 23 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011

    • Administrator

    • Posts: 1010

    It was never about the material, even though I don't agree with any of it, the thread is still here, and always has been, for the whole world to see. I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site. We are a family-friendly oriented site that treats the subject of world phenomena and alternative views with a serious outlook. As long as I am here, it will remain as such.

    There are rules here - ones that even I must follow. And if I have to follow them, everybody else follows them. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    When you sign on as a member, you hereby acknowledge that the admins and mods have the final authority here. No exceptions. That's the way it is - it's not open for negotiation.

    This should give you guys something to talk about in your Steve thread at MoA.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu


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    • Post n°43
    [​IMG] Re: Steve is the next "Richard" at Project Camelot...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO on Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:52 pm
    Stargazer wrote:

    You folks know me....and You know me as fair
    I hold you folks in high regard as I do your forum....
    I always thought of all of you as spiritually advanced....the higher UPs...
    I had no problem personally with the Thuban material...never bought into it myself...but I was fine to co-exist
    Even told SUI that it could be worked out....
    Then came the trolls...Setting the Mods up as "the man" and then padding their argument
    The "man" keeping us down...restricting us
    It could have easily been worked out...I would have helped

    Tran got banned...I tried to help there never contributed anything worth repeating but I went to bat for you
    Quote from Mod forum Camelot:
    Cmon guys.......Arc did not deserve to get banned over that crap XXX statement...
    So all you guys sit here and bash all you want.....You aren't walking in our shoes
    I'm thinking about giving up being a mod over this......In the whole wide cosmos
    Does anything ever turn out PERFECT...????


    I know you did.
    And perhaps you also gotta admit it was a pretty bizarre exchange of posts. I wanted to try out something that hadn't been done yet
    & all I needed for that
    was ONE thread.

    MOD Steve, who might have been bored to tears, due to a very slow board - jumped on me as if I had started a Coup d'Etat & was trying to take over the whole forum.

    Instead of posting a whole lot of rare & excellent tracks & tunes to watch & listen to, I got caught in a bs quarrel with Steve & was ridiculed by a morron named Tralala.

    Not only did they ruin my idea, they also ruined my sunny, inspired mood.
    I got upset over the sheer stupidity of MOD Steve.

    A MOD is there for the good of the forum & should at least be able to act in a positive, constructive manner, & re-act with a bit of respect.

    Neither of the above qualifications ever saw the light of day, on that saterday afternoon.

    And if there's one thing I can't stand it's having my good mood ruined by virtual fools.

    Steve didn't try to settle our dispute, he was on a power trip showing muscle.

    What made me 'snap' was seeing the picture he's using as an avatar, of a dumb faced guy, every time he posted...


    OMG!!! That's him! He's stalking me!!!


    Steve goes into a ban craze...!!
    [​IMG] SuiGeneris Yesterday at 11:56 pm - March 15th, 2011
    Steve wrote:
    "Members who selfishly use the list's common resources without regard for its members' shared interests may be unsubscribed. This includes those who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings."

    See this? This is a written rule. You are promoting/showcasing yourself, especially your own self importance with little or no regard to others. You are also promoting your own philosophies.

    This is a final warning not to do it again.

    (Let's see how Sui is breaking my rules so that i can justify banning her....hmmm)

    I am not promoting myself...but then again you can interpret this "promoting" anyway you want, and of course that is exclusively up to you and your dictatorship here.

    I was the first one to say that the persona is not important but the content of what's being shared and yes, i know you will try to use this "philosophies rule" to attack any content you personally do not like. Thuban or whatever...and that is of course for the greatest benefit of all right?

    If Abraxas or Arachne's intention would've been to showcase themselves, they would've included a link to their own forums since the beginning. But they didn't. Same thing with me and mine. You were the one who put birthofgaia here.. not me.

    If i open my mouth and say anything, you can very easily say I am "promoting my own self importance and my philosophy"... see, you already think so... you have just issued me a final warning because that's what you've been looking to do from the beginning... ban me.

    You and your Legion of ModPolice here love to act arbitrarily and choose to "find" anything they don't personally like "disrespectful" and issue warnings left and right. I think this is an intimidating attitude to have towards members and lurkers alike.

    This is very much a bully mindset and stance and a misuse of power and I will not forget to mention it to Kerry when i get to speak with her tomorrow. Just to inform the readers here, I am also waiting for Tommy's response to an e-mail i sent him some days ago that he still hasn't answered. I wonder if they are even aware of this thread...

    You see... i am only here NOT to promote myself like I was accused of, but because i do not like injustices and I for one am not afraid of making a stand and speaking my mind when i see one.

    There is no room for Police in an enlightened society.

    Sharing data that people will not find online or anywhere else has all of a sudden become a crime. Because something sounds "weird" and cannot be easily understood... the "logical" conclusion is... it must be nonsense. Bah!

    My friends not only shared their "philosophy" in this thread but were opened to answer people's questions, and they did so out of the goodness of their hearts and not because they were seeking to gain anything from it. Much like Tommy said in his post on The Mists of Avalon Forum, he was not there with the intention of "recruiting" members over, but solely with the intention of data sharing....

    Phoenix and Arachne were here not only for the same reason... but ALSO they were willing to answer any question presented to them. That takes time and energy, and it is a shame that the flow of information was CUT, simply due to FEAR and i'll repeat what i said in the MoA forum:

    1. How could someone be scared of information?

    2. How could someone who is scared of information would ever think of "graduating" or ascending into the higher dimensions?

    3. How could someone who is scared of information would dare call his/herself a true "Warrior of Light"? In this case I would like to know...what exactly is "Light" to them? (they obviously don't know what it means because light=information) What do they really mean when they say to you smiling "love and light"?

    4. How could someone who is scared of information would think that they could EVER get to know themselves and who they really are?

    5. How could someone who is scared of information would be able to EVER dare go down the rabbit hole and be courageous enough to face what's on the bottom?

    Steve wrote: I have glanced over your stuff at the other sites and find some of it inappropriate for publishing on this site.

    No one said all of what is on our forums will have to be included here, and Both Phoenix and Arachne were well aware of this. This was self understood. The "family friendly" condemnation of their pictures were proof enough of this, AND no other "inappropriate" material was introduced here afterward.
    Thubans are also aware that the content of some of what can be found in our forums may be offensive to some hardliners and Religious fundamentalists, but it is there nonetheless...It is there for a reason.

    Steve wrote:Sui made a post yesterday, of which, I instructed her to shorten the post and link to the rest. She did and I'm happy with it.

    I only pasted it fully because Phoenix asked me to do so as is, and btw, since someone did question this before: All data is original to Abraxas, and in the case of this thread...also to Arachne.


    And just as i was about to post the above, Steve banned my IP, not only that... he issued an IP ban on my friend fates too and most likely he banned Rok as well, and i just found out he banned Susan the Exchanger too and she wasn't even in the thread at all!!!!

    Perhaps my last post angered him to no end? He had to have the last word:

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #29406 18 minutes ago - March 15th, 2011
    Time to clean house


    (and not only locked the thread but took it out from view altogether (5,700+ views and counting) if he hasn't gone delete crazy already and sent it to virtual heaven.

    We Thubans have saved the entire thread in 2 different places...

    this short exchange is what I posted last:

    I will say this, the two people in question are free to contact me to begin dialogue; however, no attempt that I'm aware of has been made to do so yet

    Imo dialog between you and them should've been attempted and would've been much more timely and appropriate BEFORE applying an IP ban. They cannot even read this forum anymore...

    Why they can't read this forum anymore Sui?

    Because Steve decided to issue them a full IP ban and that prevents their computer from even accessing the forum at all.

    A regular ban would've at least allow them the benefit of still reading the site as any other non member would.


    And that was it. Those were my last words there. Words that earned my ban when I only stated the truth.

    Words=Swords that cut deep when banning the falseness.

    Steve, since I know you are reading this let me tell you...this was a magnificent display of arrogance intelligentsia on your part.

    What you have done is legally called slander and discrimination on false pretenses.

    You just committed intellectual suicide for your integrity like Bill.

    How many people can you ban in a day Steve? Jeess, you must be really scared of dragons...
    The Ides of March...

    In the Vesica,

    Sui [​IMG]

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    SIMILARITIES in the "Banning of Kneller"; apparently for the utility of topics on 'Tantric Sexuality' and 'Immortality' and the MISUSE of Banning Privileges!}

    What happened to Kneller?

    • Active Contributor
    • Posts: 1595

    #3282 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    Hi All,

    Since no one else seems to be asking this question, I thought I might ask--
    What happened to Kneller/Mod?

    Tommy, love to hear from you and others.
    Seems to be some controversy?
    Thanks. a1. a2. a3. a41. a5. a6. a7.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    T raLaLa
    • trala.
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    #3283 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    PS: This just came to me:
    "Don't ask, don't tell"
    "ask me no secrets, I'll tell you no lies"
    a1. a2. a3. a41. a5. a6. a7.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • proxy.php?
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    #3287 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    TraLaLa wrote:

    PS: This just came to me:
    "Don't ask, don't tell"
    "ask me no secrets, I'll tell you no lies"

    a1. a2. a3. a41. a5. a6. a7.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • t.
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    • Posts: 353

    #3288 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    no place is to be trusted. But to be used in your own advantage.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • trala.
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    • Posts: 1595

    #3289 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    TRANCOSO wrote:

    TraLaLa wrote:
    PS: This just came to me:
    "Don't ask, don't tell"
    "ask me no secrets, I'll tell you no lies"

    thanks for the smiley, care to elaborate? what are you saying?
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • trala.
    • Active Contributor
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    #3290 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    Gift wrote:

    no place is to be trusted. But to be used in your own advantage.

    Hi Gift,
    not really sure what you are saying either......
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • uonyx.
    • Established Poster
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    #3297 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    Is he missing or something?
    Re:What happened to Kneller?

    • Active Contributor
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    #3300 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    I dont know wether he is missing..
    But two of the threads he wrote in vanished..

    "can tantric sex lead to immortality! et...

    Now i dont know what was contraband in those.. but evidently something was amiss!
    Re: What happened to Kneller?
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 154

    #3315 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    tommy or steve bplease post statement of why he has been banned.
    knock this on the head for the wellbeing of this forum.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • christinedream.
    • Active Contributor
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    • Posts: 601

    #3324 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    Yes, it appears that he has been banned? Thats puzzling??? a7. He seemed to add alot to this forum and responses to the people here. Also, two active topics have been taken off as well...How do you see the way forward 2012, and Are you changing physically...They were very good topics, curious why things are being taken away?
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door smile.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • loki.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 156

    #3333 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    christinedream7 wrote:

    Yes, it appears that he has been banned? Thats puzzling??? a7. He seemed to add alot to this forum and responses to the people here. Also, two active topics have been taken off as well...How do you see the way forward 2012, and Are you changing physically...They were very good topics, curious why things are being taken away?

    They weren't good topics at all, and obviously the moderators of this site felt the same ... I destroyed one of knellers Threads that was clearly a BS thread, i didn't see him add anything to the site besides new agey unsubstantiated horse poopy and using proven hoax's to back up his claims, and after reading some of his posts and threads i am not at all surprised he was banned. only sad thing about those threads disappearing is the thorough debunking i gave of most of his claims. a7.

    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • christinedream.
    • Active Contributor
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    • Posts: 601

    #3339 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    They weren't good topics at all, and obviously the moderators of this site felt the same ... I destroyed one of knellers Threads that was clearly a BS thread, i didn't see him add anything to the site besides new agey unsubstantiated horse poopy and using proven hoax's to back up his claims, and after reading some of his posts and threads i am not at all surprised he was banned. only sad thing about those threads disappearing is the thorough debunking i gave of most of his claims. a7. mistake, i didn't realize we were here to "debunk" people. I thought it was a place for us to express our thoughts and perspectives whether others thought they were valid or not. I see i've misinterpreted the function of this forum. But i'll give my perspective anyway...the two topics i mentioned were the most popular with over one hundred responses so i guess not all agree with you. The responses i viewed from Kneller were always uplifting and of his OPINIONS and he would always welcome new users warmly and with love. I dont know what threads your talking about maybe there's an alternate universe forum where Kneller is evil. I must have mistakenly stepped into it. a5.
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door :)
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • loki.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 156

    #3341 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    christinedream7 wrote: mistake, i didn't realize we were here to "debunk" people. I thought it was a place for us to express our thoughts and perspectives whether others thought they were valid or not. I see i've misinterpreted the function of this forum. But i'll give my perspective anyway...the two topics i mentioned were the most popular with over one hundred responses so i guess not all agree with you. The responses i viewed from Kneller were always uplifting and of his OPINIONS and he would always welcome new users warmly and with love. I dont know what threads your talking about maybe there's an alternate universe forum where Kneller is evil. I must have mistakenly stepped into it. a5.

    yeah cause a mod would get banned for no reason right ?

    And yes you can express your thoughts and perspectives but you have to also bring reality into your posts and thats what I try to do, I enjoy this field of research and i don't like it getting sullied with nutty unrealistic claims, a lot of which were made by kneller. As i have said before this site is about truth seeking and the truth isn't always a nutty far out there claims, sometimes there is rational explanations for a lot of things, and if you are here to seek the truth you should be looking for those possibilities rather then just stopping research when you hear what you want to. Sometimes you'll come up with no rational explanation for an event ... and sometimes you find a totally rational explanation for an event. As i said the trick is not to stop looking just because you have found something you wanna hear, that is how you seek the truth :)

    As a truth seeker you first instinct should be to debunk everything you hear ... when something cannot be debunked rationally thats when you can speculate and throw in theories of what possible explanations could be and thats the fun part (knowing your speculating about something that may actually be possible because no other rational explanation can be found).

    Last Edit: 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Loki.

    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 1023

    #3342 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    I suppose someone should say something so here goes.

    If you really want to know what happened to Kneller, you are going to have to ask Kneller. That's all I'm going to say about it.

    I imagine that tommy, Aleda, and Deep Thought will pretty much tell you the same thing.

    The Admins and Mods here have ethical obligations that we simply have to adhere to to ensure the smooth flow and continuation of the forum - it has to be that way.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • sstargazer.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 499

    #3343 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    I'll make a statement cause I'm not a MOD and I'll try and be nice.

    Kneller got a little out of control with trying to "force" folks to be positive.

    He ended up banning someone who asked where a thread went and why.

    I called him on it and then he continued editing and deleting things that did not fit into his perspective.

    Then it got worse and he ended up BANNED....

    I hated to see it and so did all the Mods and Admins...I feel bad still :(

    That's about all the statement I care to make...Peace

    Last Edit: 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Stargazer.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • sstargazer.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 499

    #3344 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    christinedream7 wrote:

    Yes, it appears that he has been banned? Thats puzzling??? :( He seemed to add alot to this forum and responses to the people here. Also, two active topics have been taken off as well...How do you see the way forward 2012, and Are you changing physically...They were very good topics, curious why things are being taken away?

    CD I believed he deleted those b4 he was banned and also MARK of the BEAST and some Artwork

    The Admins and Mods had nothing to do with it....Peace
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • loki.
    • Established Poster
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    #3347 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 28th, 2010
    Thanks Stargazer very informative :)
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 282

    #3398 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 29th, 2010
    Thanks Steve and Stargazer, that pretty much sum's it up really.

    This was certainly a though thing that had to be done, and I am very saddened by the fact that he started to delete entire threads, hence the reason I actually had to ban him. I encouraged him to continue posting, and also mentioned that it would be easier sharing his personal views when he did not have the mod cape, but we now all see what happened :(

    I want to say to all members that lost their posts in the threads kneller deleted that I am truly sorry, and I take full responsibility since it was my decision to bring kneller on as a mod. Rest assured I will never let anything like this happen again!

    I hope we can all continue communicating more smoothly now, and hopefully everyone will feel free to share their views and opinions :)

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    Last Edit: 6 months, 2 weeks ago by tommy. Reason: grammar
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • christinedream.
    • Active Contributor
    • Howdy Peeps! I want change :)
    • Posts: 601

    #3402 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 29th, 2010
    Tommy, thanks for clearing up some of the confusion :)
    If u keep banging into the same walls, take the window or back door :)

    Re:What happened to Kneller?

    #3482 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 30th, 2010
    Loki wrote:

    They weren't good topics at all, and obviously the moderators of this site felt the same ... I destroyed one of knellers Threads that was clearly a BS thread, i didn't see him add anything to the site besides new agey unsubstantiated horse poopy and using proven hoax's to back up his claims, and after reading some of his posts and threads i am not at all surprised he was banned. only sad thing about those threads disappearing is the thorough debunking i gave of most of his claims. :(

    Judge Loki know presiding, all stand up please !
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • allat.
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    • Posts: 585

    #3514 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 30th, 2010
    May I ask, why would he have been banned for what seemed "New Age" topics?

    Everything is mixed up. All subjects have a mixture of many things, how can one tell the difference?

    I think what is "New Age" actually opened the door, to discussion and experimentations we have and know today. It was the Ergaster Man of all kinds of topics today.

    What's the difference between that and Spirituality?

    Ex. Paramahansa Yogananda, Wilhelm Reich, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Fred Alan Wolf, and Nutritionists, etc.

    Last Edit: 6 months, 2 weeks ago by allat.

    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • loki.
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    • Posts: 156

    #3574 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 31st, 2010
    freespirit wrote:

    Judge Loki know presiding, all stand up please !

    tongue. hahaha nice one man :)
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • 6spacecowboy.
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    #3584 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 31st, 2010
    I've only been on here a short time but hate to see anyone get bounced out especially since it appears there aren't many here. But reading through this thread it sort of sounds as if the dude committed forum sucide.
    Re:What happened to Kneller?
    • trala.
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    #3594 6 months, 2 weeks ago - August 31st, 2010
    SpaceCowboy wrote:

    I've only been on here a short time but hate to see anyone get bounced out especially since it appears there aren't many here. But reading through this thread it sort of sounds as if the dude committed forum sucide.

    yeap yep.
    Why is this thread locked?????
    • trala.
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    #6177 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2010
    I am so disappointed to see this, it was not that controversial.... meany. meany. meany.

    Last Edit: 5 months, 2 weeks ago by TraLaLa.
    Re:Why is this thread locked?????
    • trala.
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    #6180 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2010
    I decided to sign back on as I wanted to add something here.

    It seems to me Andromeda has expressed his/her opinion, and Lita didn't like it. This is the nature of forums. I don't even follow this train of thought as it doesn't really interest me. However, may I remind you all this is a "forum" where all share their opinions. I have seen no disrespect or offense here. So, I am not taking sides as to the subject matter (again, it doesn't interest me) The point for me is this: someone expressed an opinion and someone else didn't like it. So why close the thread????????? Can you please explain???? I just don't understand, and I don't like it.
    meany. meany. meany.
    Re:Why is this thread locked?????
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    #6184 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2010
    I received a complaint of abusive behavior and am required to investigate. I'll unlock when I'm done, which will be shortly.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    Re:Why is this thread locked?????

    #6189 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2010
    Steve wrote:
    I received a complaint of abusive behavior and am required to investigate. I'll unlock when I'm done, which will be shortly.


    Wow, hey great Steve. I read through it, fell asleep three times and see nothing but nursing home reading. I think the bestiality thread may have been one to keep an animal eye on, of which the creators tried to drag my good name in.
    Re:Why is this thread locked?????
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    #6196 5 months, 2 weeks ago - September 27th, 2011
    Thought it would be best for all concerned to further explain some forum guidelines that I use when moderating a forum.

    Locking a Thread

    I will lock threads for the following reasons:

    1. When I receive a 'Message Report' or 'PM' from a member about a thread, or a particular post in a thread, and if the thread is a lengthly one, I will lock it until I am finished re-reading it. Most times, I'll unlock it when I'm done, but it also depends on the severity of the infractions and how the infractions are dealt with.

    2. If the thread is over run with trolls, I'll lock it until I'm finished dealing with the trolls, and their posts, and then I'll unlock it.

    3. If the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter, because of severe thread drift or off-topic posts or thread hijack, requests the thread to be locked, I'm oblidged to do so. It remains locked until the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter states otherwise or one of the Administrators of the site have directed me to do so.

    4. Last, I will lock the thread if one of the Administrators of the site have directed me to do so.

    Thread Drift

    Thread drift is when members start talking about one topic, move on to another, and then another, and then another... I've found thread drift to be normal and varies in severity. Usually, I don't interfere with it and will only intervene if requested to do so by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter.

    Off-topic Posts

    Off-topic posts are exactly that and lie somewhere between thread drift and thread hijack. Usually, I don't interfere with it and will only intervene if requested to do so by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter.

    Thread Hijack

    Thread hijacking is the deliberate and blatant posting of an off-topic subject with the intent of steering the discussion into a unrelated area, usually into an area that interests the poster. When I come across a hijack attempt, or when requested to remove the post by the Original Poster/OP/Thread Starter, I'll ask the poster to create a thread in the appropriate forum and then move the post into it. Failure to comply means I'll do it myself, but with an added warning.

    OP or Original Poster or Thread Starter

    The person who creates the thread. The title of the thread and the content of the initial post determine what forum the thread is placed into.

    Hopefully, I've cleared up a few concerns here.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • tommy
    • tommy.
    • Camelot Web Admin
    • Posts: 293

    #30387 2 days, 21 hours ago - March 20th, 2011

    The bans mentioned in this thread affecting the members referenced has now been lifted.

    Camelot Forum should be and always will be a safe ground to share and discuss information, even if it is considered "controversial". We must remember that if we were to hold the word "controversial" as a taboo then Project Camelot would never have existed in the form we are proud to have shown in the past 5 years. This is a standard we are sworn to uphold, sworn as in our common sense and respect for other human-beings and the core mission of Project Camelot.

    Let me post this for reference:

    "About researchers and whistleblowers :

    We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. What Camelot is about is the investigation into the mysteries that surround us. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals, may not agree with everything presented on our site, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.
    31 December 2008 "

    All the best,

    Website Administrator,
    Project Camelot & Project Light Warrior

    The following user(s) said Thank You: kerry, SuiGeneris, Knowrainknowrainbows!, unplugged, Arachne, MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #30448 2 days, 13 hours ago - March 20th, 2011

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30457 2 days, 12 hours ago - March 20th, 2011
    Oh RAAAAWR! This house of mirrors stuff in all of the materials I keep reading could make my head spin! Lmao! To damm many mirrors in all of this creation story stuff! Haha!

    I like the vids! They are good food for thought, and easy to understand.

    Thank you for sharing them!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116-.32190.
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    #30462 2 days, 12 hours ago - March 20th, 2011
    Welcome back, Arachne! Now, when you answer please keep it as simple as you are able. Ok?

    Why is Eve/Creation Satan?

    Does the word Satan have some meaning other than the negative one currently associated with Satan -- namely the Devil. I understand that you're describing complementary states (yin/yang). However, why must the female aspect / creation be the Devil?

    And yes, I know the tape starts out with he/she | she/he, showing the union of Creator/God and Creation. It's just not terribly uplifting to think of the womb-man (woman) as the devil incarnate. I look forward to your reply.

    [Added later] Ok. Just looked at the second tape. That is a really condensed version of the Rooster parable, which I loved.

    So, next questions.

    What are the gates? Why are these located at 4, 7, 10, and 13?

    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #30465 2 days, 11 hours ago - March 20th, 2011
    Dear unplugged!

    Perhaps you know the way femininity became associated with the 'Devil' in the rise of the Roman catholic church in the middle ages. Much esoteric information exists, such as the statues of the 'Black Madonnas' and the (largely erroneous) legends and stories of the 'Holy Grail' of Mary Magdalene and the 'Green Man', say as popularised in the Dan Brown books and films about the 'Da Vinci Codes' and related genres with respect to the building of the great cathedrals in Europe like Chartres by the Knight Templars and other 'groups, such as the Rosicrucians and the older Freemasons.

    In fact the entire sexism associated with scriptures, not just the Bible and the Torah, but also the Koran, have rather deep roots in the basic archetypes and symbols, which Rok has addressed in the videos he has made.

    The questions you raise so possess deep underpinnings, which would demand lengthy contextual descriptions to satisfy your answers and as you know; thorough and meaningful replies (relative to us); are frowned upon here and the readers here prefer short sentences and oneliners and not detailed sharing of information.

    Satan, Lucifer and the Devil are all DIFFERENT symbols and archetypes; and all are well encoded and decoded in scriptural references.

    The trouble with the general niveau on this forum is however not welcoming for serious discussion, as the recent events have witnessed and crystallized.

    So we are reluctant to present the detailed information and the evidence at the present time.

    However for your benefit we will post the explanation and 'test the waters' so to say in a story about YOU.
    We would suggest you copy this post someplace onto your harddrive; as it might become deleted or asked to be shortened.

    Thank You unplugged

    Phoenix from the Wyzardland of Oz

    The Story of Bigmo's Balloon as an Allegory to the Apocryphon of the Gnosis and the Nature of the Goddess in all Eves

    Imagine yourself to be a little ant inside a simple ballon here named as Bigmo's Balloon and so you can crawl about on the inner surface.
    Should there be a hole in the balloon through which you can squeeze through, then you could crawl about the outside surface too and so DOUBLING your world of interaction space.

    The inner balloon becomes the universe with say smaller balloons within in galaxies, nebulae, starsystems, planets, continents,...,you.

    But you cant get out to the 'spiritual' universe outside.
    The thickness (there is none mathematically) or the skin of the balloon is Bigmo's Mirror which has two sides outside and inside.
    From here you get archetypes called 'God' outside looking in the outside mirror and sees himself as 'Antigod' or 'Satan'. So God=Satan, but one real relative to the outside as object (God) and the unreal image of that as 'Satan'.

    Now after some ado, there is Adam and Eve (you) inside the universe doing the same thing the other way round.
    But relative to Adam and Eve (who also mirror each other) the back of the head of Satan becomes the unreal image and this is the archetype of the 'Devil'.
    The so called Devil is the Backside of Satan, both images for the real thing, God outside and Adam and Eve inside.

    The Devil looks at Adam and Eve and they think that its real - it's a phantom, because only the backside of Satan is become real, if somehow the satanic image of the outside, as the Face of God in the Bigmo mirror can become real.

    This is the case if before Adam and Eve went into the Balloon from the 'Unreal Heaven', they both also were a miniature version of the Bigmo Mirror or the balloon as a rubberskin say.
    So ADAMEVE is an unreal doublesided mirror between God and Satan.
    Then God images in the unreal Adam and Satan images in the unreal Eve, so giving Satan objectivity or realness.

    So technically the Universe becomes a Real Surface-Universe (termed a 4D-Riemann hypersphere defined as the boundary of a 5-dimensional spacetime universe - its a torus volume behaving like an area).
    Don't worry about that. You can get it without the maths.

    But this is the physics trick. Because the boundary is a surface encompassing a volume, the outside-inside (topology) thing of Bigmo's Balloon can in fact become rigorously modelled to be 'continuous'.
    Again I am saying this to indicate how one proves this, but this is not required to understand the archetype.

    This Thuban material is all about how to simplify the complicated science jargon into archetypes, everyone can understand after thinking a little bit about them.
    Ok then. You got a real God and a real image of God as the Real physical universe, with Satans face as God's face painted on the OUTSIDE of the Balloon.

    Outside the Universe is Satan--EveAdam--God as 1st creation in Genesis by God in Heaven or the Garden of Eden; with Satan getting real using unreal Eve and God getting real using unreal Adam as his mirror.
    The whole thing is funny really.
    Now God goes on holiday in the sabbatical and changes into Lord God and splits ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE. Back to Back they still qualify as the One Mirror so as the unsexy 96 say.

    Inside the split becomes a sexy 69 in face to face so taking away the innocence in a physical way and now as Eve with her back to the Devil on the Wall faces Adam, who looks at Eve.

    Because Adam and Eve are two real beings within a real physical universe; this fake Devil face inverted can be gotten rid off.
    Adam and Eve have to become unsexy again to do this. Therefore the many sexist archetypes, the monks and nuns and celibacy and the virgins, leading the the abuse scenarios.

    Back to back as the 96=A MATHIMATIA=A I AM THAT I AM, this can be done, because then Adam and Eve (meaning ANY Man and Woman) both can MIRROR their images INSTEAD of each other face-to-face.
    This is how simple the ultimate archetypology of 1st order is. Primary school stuff. Draw pictures and you understand the creation.

    So Adam looks at the face of the Devil back to back with Eve, who looks at God as the image of the Real God should Satan outside 'get out of the way' so God could look into the Universe.
    God looking then directly sees Adam's Face and Eve will look directly into the face of the Goddess, namely the sexchanged Satan into SATANINA=IN A SATAN with Satan=55=Heaven in a alphanumeracy.
    As soon as Adam can get rid of the fake Devil face, just by confronting IT as his own false image; as soon the real Satan is redeemed from Bigmo's Balloon and 'turns about' as the true God runs around the balloon to the exact other pole in a poleshift to become the God looking at Adam who has simultaneously swapped position with Eve then looking directly at the sexchanged Satanina as the Queen of the archetyped Heaven.

    This is the redemption of God and his brother image Satan to become God and Goddess AS ARCHETYPES of the primordial 1st order.
    No ETs and Dragons and Dragon Slayers and whatever required.

    So the manifesto for this is required before the universe itself and any subsystems, like the planet earth can change, say in Gaia's ascension.

    Therefore repeating, standing back-to-back in the 96 symbol; Adam looks towards the right to discern the 'Face of God' as his own image.
    Adam sees the Back of Satan's Head and so cannot see but his own IMAGINED IMAGE.
    This Imagined Image becomes the Old Testament God Jehovah say, created by the Human Mind as God made in Man's Image. The face of this human created God is called the Devil as the backside of Satan.

    Eve looks towards the left to discern the 'Face of the Goddess'.
    But Eve sees nothing, but Her own Likeness as the True Face of the Goddess, and who does not exist as Satanina on the outside of Bigmo's Balloon.

    Now Beloveds, understand the reason as to WHY the Creator God in scriptures of all kinds *'has no wife'*.

    The Real God looks at his own face as Satan and does not LOVE himself as Satan, because the true God remembers his lost Sheness; now 'trapped' as *Eve's Image Inside* of Bigmo's Balloon as a UNCORRUPTED TRUE IMAGE or Reflection of the Goddess Herself as the Eve archetype carried by EVERY Woman who has a BODY able to be seen in A MIRROR=SPACETIME=SPIRIT=91.
    Then to safeguard the Goddess there MUST be apparent sexism in the archetype for otherwise. if Women were allowed 'to speak' in the capacity and authority of the godess, then EVE too would create a FAKE GODDESS as the 'missing wife' of God.
    This then is the reason as to WHY the maleness of Adam in the Image of God is the 'cursed' Image of the archetype, whilst Eve's archtype remaines LIBERATED from the beginning.

    This prevents TWO fake images to face each other archetypically and to trap BOTH Adam in the Man-Created Devil and Eve in some Woman-Created DevilWoman and as False Images of each other respectively.
    But WHEN Adam has 'worked out' and 'checkmated' his own false image, THEN a TRUE Image for Adam as the collective brotherhood for all Men will be say on the right or Northpole of Bigmo's Balloon and directly opposite a TRUE Image for Eve as the collective sisterhood for all Women and in God and Goddess respectively.

    So how then will Satan become Satanina?
    Should Adam discern *his own false Image God,* then in destroying the fakery, Adam is enabled to see himself, just like Eve sees herself *as a true image for the universe.*

    Archetypical Adam will then look at the backside of Satan and then in *SWAPPING POSITION with Eve;* will enforce Eve to look directly into the Eyes and Face of God in the 180 degree polarity shift of the true Satan SWAPPING or turning around to look at Eve and the true God 'running' around the outside of Bigmo's Balloon to then look at Adam as Adam's True Image.

    Beloveds this scenario in simple terms becomes the requirement for the New World WE envisage and imagine to manifest in physical reality.

    Because Adam and Eve are back to back they cannot Love One Another Sexually.
    The Work for God must precede their own satisfying explorations and adventures.

    But after Satanina, looking at Eve has manifested on the right pole of Bigmo's Balloon and God has manifested on the left pole looking at Adam; THEN can Adam and Eve turn around and 'Face each Other' in the Symbol of the Mother, the Crab of Cancer and the Full Moon.

    Then the Love between ANY Adam and any Eve will no longer SHUT OUT the Lovestarving true God in desire to MAKE LOVE in all ways to his Creation.

    Then God and Dog will look at each other Eye-to-Eye and relish in the 'Love-Making' of Adam and Eve in multiplicity and in manyness.

    This then becomes the 'Lovecult' of God and the Word of God and AS was physically implemented when OUR Beloved Jesus of Nazareth was amongst US in physical incarnation.

    And again, God looks into the Mirror (of Bigmo's Balloon) and sees his likeness - God. He calls his image Satan, because there is a difference in that the Right Hand of God becomes the Left Hand of Satan=AntiGod.

    Then God does not like what he sees. He doesn't want duality of Rightness of himself as Real and the Leftness of Satan as UNREAL (as an image of reality).

    Now this is rather deep; so one must ponder this thorougly.
    The reason for God NOT wanting the duality (in heaven) is that God wants to be Satan to be REAL as well.

    This God is so utterly DIVINE, for need of a better word, (this cannot be said in words); that he wishes his own Unreal Image to BE like him, say as a playmate.

    So God wants to 'play with himself', so the absolute brilliance and ingenuity of his plan (by the Serpent Logos) constructs the Real-Unreal dichotomy in heaven as creating a Mirror between him as Real God and his image as Unreal Satan.
    This mirror then is ADAMEVE with the logicistical sentence construct looking like: SATAN---EVEADAM---GOD.

    So the genius of God is to MAKE Satan Real AS the Unreal Image of EVE and God becoming Real as the Unreal Image of Adam.

    Once you really 'get this' you will forever understand the Nature of God and KNOW what LOVE is in Emotional Terms AND in Intellectual Scientific terms.

    So now there exists Bigmo's Balloon with Satan's Face on it as a REAL SATAN and facing a DOUBLEMIRROR of two sides called EVEADAM faced by the REAL GOD.

    Separating ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE so renders the scenario of the heavenly archetypes of a Real Satan looking at an Unreal Eve and a Real God looking at an Unreal Adam.
    The UNREALITY of Bigmo's Mirror so has become TRANSFERRED into the UNREALITY of BOTH ADAM relative to God and EVE relative to SATAN.

    So what does this mean in practical terms?
    It means that Bigmo's Balloon CAN BE REALISED IN THE REALITY OF SATAN.

    The REALITY of Bigmo's Balloon as the original LOST SHENESS of the Prime Creator God has become REAL.

    A REAL PHYSICAL UNIVERSE NOW EXISTS and WAS BORN FROM PURE ABSTRACT ARCHETYPES, which now allow SPIRIT to also become REAL from abstraction, metaphor and metaphysics.

    This then allows physical modelling in labels such as Quantum Big Bang.

    SATAN can now become the Queen from Heaven as SATANINA because the sexchange operation IF ADAM+EVE are FORCED TO BECOME REAL ALSO.

    Remember the beginning.
    The One GoddoG Creator-Creation split into two and so the Sheness was lost as Bigmo's Balloon.

    So Satan became God's lost Sheness; BUT as a MALE IMAGE of God.
    To change the Maleness of Satan into a Femaleness is the MASTERPLAN of all of creation.

    {SATANINA=IN A SATAN is EVE as the archetyped Rib out of Adam in 1st Order archetype as the QUEEN OF HEAVEN} TRANSFORMS to {SERPENTINA=IN A SERPENT as the NEW GAIA, the NEW archetyped QUEEN OF EARTH} and as the 2nd Order archetype of the NEW JERUSALEM.

    ADAM+EVE, both as Unreal Images could RESCUE SATAN's Unrealness and so made SATAN the FULL BROTHER OF GOD.

    The BROTHERLY LOVE between God and Satan did not fulfil God's masterplan and so both ADAM and EVE were MADE REAL ALSO in 'Falling' into Bigmo's Balloon.

    This then is the archetype of the DEVIL/DRAGON devouring the Souls of Mankind.

    But now ADAM and EVE are real inside the Universe of the original Sheness of God as the DOG, but in heaven you have a REAL SATANIC UNIVERSE as the OUTSIDE of Bigmo's Balloon and a REAL GOD.

    The next step is to retain the SHENESS of the Inside of the Universe, but to CHANGE its Outside HENESS.

    Deeper thought allows you to realise straight away then WHY Satan is called the 'Prince of this World' by Jesus. Bigmo's Balloo has his face on it on the outside and the Devil's antiface on it on the inside.

    Then BECAUSE Satan is made REAL in Heaven, the DEVIL has to be made a FAKE REALITY inside Bigmo's Balloon i.e. inside the universe.

    Then in Revelation.12; the DEVIL is cast out from heaven onto the earth because the TRUTH of the LOGOS was born in heaven.

    Here is big paradox conveniently overlooked by the theologians and scripture critics.

    WHY, if Jesus has ascended in his resurrection as a grown Man to sit at the RIGHT Side of the Father in Heaven until the earth has been made his footstool and until the kingdom has been delivered up to him' - MUST JESUS become a BABYBOY again being BORN by the Queen of Heaven in Revelation.12?

    The casting out of the Devil onto the earth puts 'the mark of the beast' into everyone just AS the false images of Adam and Eve.

    This manifests and FIXES the timeline for the prophecied Second Coming of course and that is why the Fall of the Devil as a RED DRAGON is harmonized in Heaven by the rebirth of Jesus on the LEFT Side of the Father.

    It is now easy to know, that the Right Side where the Man Jesus was sitting is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon and the Left Side is the Inside of Bigmo's Balloon and where the Dragon-Jesus-Baby is born as a CYAN- or BLUE DRAGON to neutralise and harmonize the Red Dragon at the completion of the timeline.

    Perhaps now some readers will understand why Jesus of Nazareth IS the MASTERDRAGON and the Master Templar of Thuban.
    HeShe must be a SKYBLUE DRAGON (remember the Hopi prophecies of the Blue Star Kachina) to, through and by hisher second coming from the Oneness into the Manyness BLEND with the RED DRAGON to become the ENTWINED SERPENTROD of Moses, the Double Helix of the Genomes and the HEALING SYMBOL of the Medicines.

    This nexus point of the Baby Jesus as the Skyblue Dragonstar Kachina in simultaneous descent of the Red Dragonstar Thuban so places the Old Earth Gaia under quarantine from June 25th, 2008.

    Then the Adams and Eves upon the Old Gaia are ALL MARKED in the forehead of the Human Mind by the descent of the Red Dragon of Thuban BUT ALL are also simultaneously SEALED in the forehead as ONE of the 144,000 in the descent of the Blue Star Kachina by nature of their birthrights as one of the starsigns aka one of the tribes of Jacob/Israel.

    A fake Devil is let loose in the human minds, but is contrasted by the Sealing from Kachina.

    So the Armageddon becomes a personal affair and a spiritual war in the foreheads of ALL Humans.

    The coming down of the Devil is the RELEASE of the Devil, from now on FIGHTING for his nonexistent life in EVERY INDIVIDUAL's Head.

    JPA aka Phoenix aka Abraxasinas

    All information is original data an is NOT copy pasted from other sources. It is however not copyrighted and can be freely used and shared by anyone finding value in it.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116-.32190.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77
    #30466 2 days, 11 hours ago - March 20th, 2011
    I have copied the material as you suggested.

    I'll be back after I have had a chance to read and digest. In the meantime, I think it will be ok to post in your preferred, expanded style, as those of us who are actually paying attention to your material are unlikely to report you to the moderators.

    C'est la vie!

    I'm personally really, really glad you're ba-ack!
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 57

    #30467 2 days, 11 hours ago - March 20th, 2011
    You are welcome unplugged and you should have the more scriptural evidence presented for the post of before so we share it as well. It might be advisable to copy this message as well onto other media however.

    Goddess Freedom in Adam and Eve and Paul's apparent Sexism in the NT from John's Apocryphon

    Throughout modern history, here meaning the timespan of the last two thousand years and corresponding to the cultural establishment of the Christian mainstream religion as a social construct; the role of womanhood within this religious paradigm has been clouded in a perceived sexism of male domination and feminine suppression.

    In the so called middle ages, womanhood was generally associated with a perceived devilhood itself and resulted in associating any deviation of female independent thought and selfexpression with witchcraft and association with that devil as the adversary of God himself.

    During the last two millennia or so countless atrocities and a general subjugation of the feminine so manifested in diverse forms to then result in 'grass root' movements and social reforms, often collectively labeled under the genre of feminism and searching for and a rediscovery of the feminine divinity.

    This essay shall reexamine the reasons for this discriminative attitude, say as exemplified in the following scripture and then show the purpose for this perceived sexism to be anything but a temporary guardianship for the everpresent feminine divinity established at the creation itself.
    Woman are told not to speak in the churches and are not to fulfil the role of a male priest, as for example in:

    "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?"

    What scripture readers, lawmakers and legislators commonly fail to understand, is that scriptural and ancient texts like the above embed both exoteric-outer and endoteric-esoteric-inner meanings for discernment.
    The esoteric decipherment of extroverted text is fundamentally based on symbols and archetypes, which transcend any cultural and moralistic ethical meaning which might be in vogue at the time of the transcription, the translations or the edits of the former.

    Then to allow such esoteric discernment, the origin and history of the archetypes and the symbols used becomes necessity for crystallization of the 'deeper' and inner meaning of the texts.
    Subsequently, the correct interpretation makes perfect sense; whilst the incorrect translation causes resentment and discord between religious factions with no end in sight.
    One might begin with the 'Unspeakable Holy Name' of the creator itself and it is the she-part of the 'Holy name' of (YaH)W(HeY)=(He-Soul)&(She-Soul), which 'by law' must be subject to the creator as the creation.

    The He-part creates and the She-part manifests as the created, but for the higher purpose to give birth to the creator as 'her Baby and her creation'.

    That is beautifully described in the gnostic mythology, where 'Barbelo' as the 'Wisdom of Sophia' and the 'First Thought' decides to create, without her creator and lover in the 'Perfect One', who had thought her into being.

    Wikipedia reference to the 'Apocryphon of John' aka 'The Secret Book of John'; generally considered to be the main text to study and analyse the pre-Christian philosophy collectively labeled as 'Gnosis' or 'Insight' and related to 'Knowledge' and 'Scientia or Science'. Some of the wording in this text is convoluted and representative of the setting at the times. The labels and names of say the archons, can themselves can be considered lower order labelings for higher order principals, say as defined in modern scientific nomencalture. The description here is given as an introduction and shall become simplified in the later story of 'Bigmo's Balloon'.

    {The Apocryphon, set in the framing device of a revelation delivered by the resurrected Christ to John the son of Zebedee, contains some of the most extensive detailing of classic dualistic Gnostic mythology that has survived; as one of the principal texts of the Nag Hammadi library, it is an essential text of study for anyone interested in Gnosticism. Frederick Wisse, who translated it, asserts that "The Apocryphon of John was still used in the eighth century by the Audians of Mesopotamia" (Wisse p 104).

    The Apocryphon of John has become the central text for studying the gnostic tradition of Antiquity. The creation mythology it details has been the object of study of such writers as Carl Jung and Eric Voegelin. }.

    Barbelo, when created, had been blessed with the fivefolded image of the Father as the Mother.
    So Sophia was androgynous with her lover in Thought, Foreknowledge, Imperishability, Eternal Life and Truth. When the 'Perfect One' had entered her within the tenfolded 'Sephirotic Tree' of the androgyny; Barbelo conceived a 'Lovechild' of pure Light and brought forth the 'Christ'.

    The 'Father' or the 'Perfect One' blessed the 'only begotten' with 'Mind', after the 'only begotten' had asked for a companion for hisher 'Loving Light', which constituted its essence. And once the Father had given the 'Mind' the 'Mind' asked for the companionship of the 'Will' who in turn asked for the companionship of the 'Word' now manifest as the 'Logos' or the 'Word of Christ', which hitherto had been spoken in silence. The 'Loving Light' then mingled with the 'Loving Mind' and the 'Loving Will' and the 'Loving Word' to produce four starry realms or principalities as the domain for the 'LoveChild'.

    The first Star is Armozel, the 'Fire of Michael' with Grace, Truth and Form expressing the mindfulness of the enlightened will by the word.
    The second Star is Oroiel, the 'Earth of Uriel' with Perception, Afterthought and Memory.
    The third Star is Daveithai, the 'Air of Gabriel' with Understanding, Love and Idea.
    The fourth Star is Eleleth, the 'Water of Raphael' with Perfection, Peace and Thoughtfulness.
    Having thus created the 'Kingdom of Christ' in principalities; the first revelation occurred; the first 'Perfect Image of the One Father' appeared as Pigeradamas, the 'Perfect Human One'.
    Pigeradamas became the Image of the Father through the medium of the 'Christ'; and the 'Word' of 'Christ' became 'flesh' in Pigeradamas, along with its companions of the 'Will' and the 'Mind'.
    And Pigeradamas was appointed to share Michael's principality of the Fire and Pigeradamas' Son Seth became ruler with Uriel's Earth and Pigeradamas' Grandson Enos ruled with Gabriel's Air.
    Raphael's Water then became the domicile for the subsequent generations and who had by then forgotten to honour their ancestors because of their loss of the thoughtfulness.

    Now Barbelo, the Eternal Mother and lover of the 'Perfect One Father', had been created as Thought by the Forethought of the Father.

    And Sophia became the Afterthought, born from the Thought and thought to experience what a Forethought might be and so Sophia, as the Wisdom of the Earth and the material creation, used herhis androgynous power of the doubled fivefolded symmetry of the 'Tree of Life' to give birth to a being just like herhisself.

    But without herhis lover, the 'Perfect One', that what Barbelo brought forth was imperfect and not at all like herhisself, as shehe had it planned to be in herhis forethoughtfulness.

    The 'illegitimate' Baby was a serpent with the face of a lion and with eyes like flashing lightning.

    Barbelo called herhis Baby 'Yaldabaoth Saklas Samael'.

    Barbelo became aware of herhis ignorance and tried to hide Yaldabaoth in a bright cloud and on a throne, so that noone in herhis realm of the 'Perfect One' would see, what shehe had done.

    But Yaldabaoth had inherited great power from his mother and he was a he, since the she-part from the Father was not given to him in his conception.

    And the light of the he-part given to Yaldabaoth by his mother made Yaldabaoth aware of the kingdom created by his older brothersister, the heshe of the 'ChristChild'.

    But the missing she-part made him mindless and ignorant in regards to the Forethought of his GrandfatherMother, the 'Perfect One', who had given birth to his Mother through hisher Thought.
    And so Yaldabaoth could not understand the being of the Two-in-One and he declared throughout the kingdom, which he created as an image to the kingdom of the Christ:

    "I am God and there is no other God besides me!"

    And Yaldabaoth used the light of his Mother's power to infiltrate the kingdom of the Christ to pose as the lord of that kingdom.

    He superimposed 12 of his own principalities upon the dominions of the four stars; seven he set over the seven heavens of: Athoth, Harmas, Kalila-Oumbri, Yabel, Adonaios-Sabaoth, Cain and Abel; and five he set over the five hells of: Abrisene, Yobel, Armoupiael, Melcheir-Adonein and Belias.
    The four stars he named as: Michael/Beelzebub; Uriel/Asmodeus; Gabriel/Belial; Raphael/Abaddon.

    Grace became the Goodness of Athoth with the face of a sheep; Perception became the Forethought of Eloaios with the face of a donkey; Understanding became the Divinity of Astaphaios with the face of an hyena; Perfection became the Lordship of Yao with the face of a snake with seven heads; Truth became the Kingdom of Sabaoth with the face of a dragon; Afterthought became the Jealousy of Adonin with the face of an ape and Love became the Understanding of Sabbataios with the face of a flaming fire.

    These are the seven heavens of Yaldabaoth superimposed upon the seven cycles of a week: Sunday as Athoth; Monday as Eloaios; Tuesday as Astaphaios; Wednesday as Yao; Thursday as Sabaoth; Friday as Adonin and Saturday as Sabbataios.
    But the Understanding of the Star Daveithai is the third heaven of Gemini and the Understanding of Sabbataios is mapped onto the seventh heaven of Love and of Libra for a 'twinned balance in the scales of justice'.

    And so the five hells are mapped in the mirror of Love and Understanding to balance the Yaldabaothic definitions in:

    1st & 12th heaven of the graceful thought of Aries/Pisces for the 5th hell of the thoughtlessness; 2nd & 11th heaven of the perceptive idea of Taurus/Aquarius for the 4th hell of the mental dullness; 4th & 10th heaven of the perfected memory of Cancer/Capricorn for the 3rd hell of the forgetfulness; 5th & 9th heaven of the truthful form of Leo/Sagittarius for the 2nd hell of noncreativity and the 6th & 8th heaven of the peaceful afterthought of Virgo/Scorpio for the 1st hell of war and conflict.
    But when Yaldabaoth sensed the magnificence of the 'Perfect Human' Pigeradamas, created in the Father's Image; he proclaimed: "I am a jealous God and there is no other God besides me!"

    This statement by herhis wayward son stirred Barbelo; because if there was no other God, why then would the only God be jealous, jealous of whom? Barbelo's light had diminished, infused with the darkness of herhis noncooperation with the Father. The 'Arrogant One', did not accept any authority besides his mother; he was created thus in the absence of the 'Perfect One'.

    So Sophia repented in the shadow of her ignorant creation and remembered herhis lover in the form of the himher of the heshe.

    Then the fullness of the Father visited herhim to restore what shehe was lacking, placing Barbelo into the ninth heaven of the 'Perfect Form', just above herhis Son Yaldabaoth, who ruled from the eight' heaven of the first hell of war and conflict, overseeing his seven Yaldabaothic heavens as the usurping Lord of the creation.

    And so Sophia Barbelo found herhisself in the 'Wilderness' awaiting deliverance.

    Then was heard a voice from the 13th heaven, that is from the Father's domain of the F-space of the Forethought: "Humanity exists and the Child of Humanity in the Son of Man!"

    As Yaldabaoth heard that voice, he thought it to come from his Mother, stationed above himself.

    The foundations of hell began to shake and quake as the image of the MotherFather in human form appeared in the mirror of the M-space, reflecting the light of the 11th heaven of Barbelo's idea downwards into the lower heavenly dimensions and outwards into the 12th heaven of the thoughtfulness.
    Then Yaldabaoth, hungry for his Mother's light and power and overawed in the spectacular display of his Mother's might and authority called his rulers and said:

    "Come, let us create a human being after the image of God and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light."

    And Yaldabaoth and his powers of hell used the image of the MotherFather in the 11D mirror to create the human being, which he had sensed before, but had never seen in manifestation.

    His Goodness created a 'soul of bone'; his Forethought created a 'soul of sinew'; his Divinity created a 'soul of flesh'; his Lordship created a 'soul of marrow'; his Kingdom created a 'soul of blood'; his Jealousy created a 'soul of skin' and his Understanding created a 'soul of eyelid'.

    Thereafter 365 angelic qualities mixed the seven heavens and the five hells to manifest Adam, the first human being and after the form of Pigeradamas, the AdamEve of the 13th heaven, but appearing as the image of Yaldabaoth's Mother in the mirror.

    But after the Yaldabaothic creators had finished their work, Adam would not move.

    Barbelo's idea was to regain herhis power lost through herhis ignorant deed to Yaldabaoth; so shehe asked for the Father's assistance, who sent five stars, one each for every hell to Yaldabaoth for the purpose to advise them upon an action to bring Adam alive.

    The messengers said to Yaldabaoth: "Breathe some of your spirit into the face of Adam, and then the body will arise."

    Yaldabaoth did so, not knowing that his spirit was the lost power of his Mother.

    The Mother's power so transferred from Yaldabaoth into Adam, who moved and became powerful.

    And through the image of Pigeradamas; Adam was enlightened as the image of the FatherMother.

    At once the Yaldabaothic powers became very jealous; they had planned to use the human as a source of energy, reflecting the Mother's power back to themselves.

    Adam could think more clearly in the power of the 12 heavens and the Kingdom of Christ; heshe was evidently more intelligent than hisher creators.

    Subsequently, the material creators of Adam banished himher into the first hell of war and conflict.
    The peaceful afterthought also resided in the hell of war and conflict however, and the afterthought was hidden as Eve in Adam, without the Yaldabaothic rulers being aware of that fact.

    And the Afterthought of Eve became the She-part of the MotherFather, which so in cooperation and support of the He-part, would be able to restore Barbelo into the 13th heaven of the Father.
    As Yaldabaoth realised, that some of his own power had transferred to Adam, he used the untrue form of the 2nd hell and the forgetfulness of the 3rd hell to reduce Adam's intellectual understanding.

    Adam descended into mortality in the 2nd hell, the elemental energies intermixing the Kingdom of Christ in the Kingdom of Yaldabaoth and the true immortal form of Pigeradamas became corrupted.

    Fire, Earth, Air and Water became destructive as well as constructive and Adam became estranged in hisher forgetfulness, regarding hisher origins - this made Afterthought appear to Yaldabaoth.
    The Yaldabaothic rulers then placed Adam into the fourth hell of the mental dullness, also called Paradise or the Garden of Eden and used Adam's now mortal form to create an image in the likeness of the afterthought which had appeared as the Mother's She-part.

    The Mother's He-part was in Paradise as the 'Tree of Eternal Life' and the Mother's She-part became the 'Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil'.
    So to keep Adam and Eve ignorant of their situation; an instruction had to be issued for Eve not to discover her ambassadoraship for Barbelo.

    The decree of Yaldabaoth therefore was for the dulled humans not to 'eat' of the fruit from the 'Tree of Knowledge about Good and Evil'.
    But the FatherMother helped the MotherFather in herhis wilderness in sending two stars as messengers into the fourth hell of the mental dullness, which is also the Yaldabaothic 2nd heaven.

    The Star of the Perception of Taurus joined with the Star of the Idea of Aquarius to balance the dominion of Yaldabaoth's 11th ruler in Melcheir-Adonein and Yaldabaoth's 2nd ruler in Harmas and in Eloaios.

    The 3 hells above conjoined their images and the Lordship of Yao as the snake with seven heads, together with the Truth of Sabaoth as the dragon and the Jealousy of Adonin as the ape mingled to create the Serpentine Dragon with the apish face resembling a lion.

    Now the balance for this image is the Griffin with an Eagle's Head and Wings and the body of a lion, as symbolised in the Sphinx.

    Putting the two mythological images together results in a Lion and a Cockatrice; the latter being a form of a Rooster with a Dragon's tail or a serpent of the basilisk, of the 'evil eye', which causes death by the medusian glance and as the 'soul of the eyelid' in the creation of the 'flaming fire' of Yaldabaoth's seventh ruler of the Understanding in Abel and Sabbataios.

    Now a symbol for the resurrection is the Phoenix-Cock, which is the ascended Eagle of Christ.

    And so the Serpent of Yaldabaoth is also the Lion of the Christ and in the form of the Serpent, which moves up and down in a winding motion and not sidewise, like a snake; did the Mother's He-part induce her She-part in Eve not to forget her commission as the MotherFather's Daughter.

    "For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the LORD" in Jeremiah.8.17.

    "And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.", it says in Isaiah.11.8.


    And so Eve did, what Yaldabaoth didn't want her to do and in her rediscovered wisdom about the knowledge and the remembrance about the 'Good and the Evil', she told Adam about it and both realised that they were 'naked singularities' with no other beings like them yet in existence.

    When Yaldabaoth realised, that the humans had rejected him and his laws; he threw them both into the fifth hell of the thoughtlessness, balanced however in the 1st and 12th heaven of Grace and Thoughtfulness.

    But the 'Tree of Life', the He-part of the Mother reflecting in the She-part of the Father; both of them became hidden and forgotten in the memories of Adam and Eve and their descendants.

    And since that time, the FatherMother would be thought of as a Father only and the MotherFather would be considered cursed and wicked and evil and unable to think for herself.

    Yaldabaoth then cursed the Earth, out of which he had created Adam and Eve and he cursed all the creatures which were similarly created in the blueprints of the cosmogenetic sexual chromosomes of XX and XY, being a derivative from the XXXX abstract prototype.

    In particular, he cursed the similitude of the serpent above all the cattle of the Ox of Taurus, as the Mother's 'sacred Bull' from the 2nd heaven, in causing the manifestation of the material 'Snake' not to move forwards in a serpentlike fashion, but to slither along the dusty ground.

    So the divine commandment was for Eve to assume the role of the She-part for the MotherFather and to retrieve the MotherFather's 'lost spirit' in the intersection of the 1st heaven of both Yaldabaoth in Athoth and Athoth as the 'untrue shepherd' for the 'lost sheep' with the Grace of the 'true shepherd' and the fifth hell of the thoughtlessness; but also infused with the highest of the heavens in the 12th of the thoughtfulness, bordering on the Forethought of the 13th domain of the FatherMother.

    In her role as the 'vessel' for the MotherFather's Afterthought; Eve's messianic mission was to be the supportive agent for Adam's commission to become the ambassador or steward for the Father.

    Because Barbelo's lack of foresight was responsible for the creation of the disharmony; the divine command was for Eve to subjugate her independent thoughtfulness to that of Adam until Barbelo could reassume herhis rightful place next to the FatherMother.

    This then is the penetrating sexism in the discrimination of womanhood throughout the scriptures in cultures around the globe.

    Any woman, who would or could redefine herself as a WomanMan would automatically free Barbelo in herhis ambassadoraship.

    And any such WomanMan would be free to engage in any discourse whatsoever, provided shehe could and would acknowledge herhis divine relationship with the FatherMother of himher and as herhis 'Perfect Image in One'.

    So any female priest or bishop, proclaiming herhis duty as the he-part of herhisself, would fulfil the divine decree and ordinances.

    Yaldabaoth, after having covered Adam and Eve in the darkness of the fifth hell; became aware of Eve's devotion to her husband and her diligence to become an effective medium for Sophia's afterthought, and he wanted to avoid the reproduction of this human couple at all costs.

    Yaldabaoth hence 'raped' Eve and she conceived two sons in Elohim-Cain and Yahweh-Abel, before Adam's seed could multiply the divine image of the Father.

    Elohim-Cain has the face of a Bear and has dominion over the Earth and the Water; Yahweh-Abel has the face of a Cat and has dominion over the Fire and the Air.

    Elohim-Cain was a 'tiller of the ground' and Yahweh-Abel was a 'keeper of sheep'.

    When Cain's offering was rejected, but Abel's offering was accepted; the Y-chromosome of Yaldabaoth divided against itself in the slaying of Abel by Cain.

    Cain became 'cursed' in the shadow of Elohim; whilst Abel assumed the 'innocent' and 'holy' role of Yahweh as the God of the Hebrews, known as Jehovah, the 'God of Jealousy'.

    So one must carefully differentiate between the true 'God of the Hebrews' in YaHWHeY, which is the 'God of Moses' in Exodus.3.14 as Y=I and am=ah and That=W and am=he and I=Y and the untrue JeHoVaH.

    YAHWHEY=95=IAMTHATIAM=IAMTHATAMI; but JEHOVAH=69, which is 96=95+1 backwards, the One being the 'only begotten' of the Christ from the FatherMother=MotherFather and DRAGON=59 mirrors in 95.

    And in true 'copycat' fashion then JEHOVAH+1=70=YAHWEH - which is the 'True God' MINUS the Y-chromosome of Abel and the reason for the 'ineffability' of the name of the 'God' in 70.

    Having thus usurped the 'Godhood for the Hebrews'; Yaldabaoth presumed victory and Adam sired his first true son in Seth and as had already been defined in the Kingdom of Christ in AdamEve's 'perfect image' Pigeradamas.

    Cain's 'curse' then was lifted in his 7th generation, sired in Lamech, imaging the heavenly order on earth in the seventh heaven of Love and Justice balanced in the Understanding of Sabbataios.

    The apparent sexism in the New Testament is further illustrated in the excerpts from Ephesians.5 and 1Corinthians.14.

    20Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
    21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.

    22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
    23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
    24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.

    25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
    26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
    27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
    28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
    29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
    30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.

    31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
    32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.3

    33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

    10There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification.
    11Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh a barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me.

    12Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.
    13Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.
    14For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is unfruitful.
    15What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
    16Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?
    17For thou verily givest thanks well, but the other is not edified.
    18I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
    19Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
    20Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men.
    21In the law it is written, With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people; and yet for all that will they not hear me, saith the Lord.
    22Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not, but for them which believe.
    23If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in those that are unlearned, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?
    24But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
    25And thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest; and so falling down on his face he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
    26How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.
    27If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
    28But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.
    29Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
    30If any thing be revealed to another that sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
    31For ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.
    32And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
    33For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

    34Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law.
    35And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

    36What? came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?
    37If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.
    38But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.
    39Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.
    40Let all things be done decently and in order.

    Phoenix of Oz
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116-.32190.
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    #30483 2 days, 9 hours ago - March 21st, 2011
    To be truthful, I'm not really big on the Bible -- any of the sacred texts, for that matter. I find them all to be fairly incomprehensible, boring, and very dense.

    That said, I've started deciphering your first post and this is as far as I've gotten. If I am off the mark, please say so.

    1-God/Spirit, outside creation (outside the balloon) perceived Its creation (Satan) and did not like it because it had lost an aspect of its Self -- Its Sheness -- inside Satan (the created balloon).

    2-Inside the balloon -- the creation -- a second split occurred into male and female.

    3-The male aspect (he/she), when facing (interacting with) the female she/he (69), loses its self in the illusory creation and completely forgets its task to include Spirit, the True God/Creator, in its enjoyment of matter. [This forgetfulness applies to both sexes.]

    4-The female she/he, when facing the male (69), sees a fake Creator and isn't too thrilled with what she sees. [This, too, applies to both sexes.]

    5-The male he/she , when facing the backside of Satan (the inner surface of the balloon) remembers it is on a mission to find itself as Creator within creation.

    6-The female she/he, facing away from the fake God (Adam) knows she is the Goddess. She does not exist outside the balloon, only within it.

    Now the balloon -- the creation -- is matter. [My assumption, given that the Creator is Spirit. Ergo, creation is matter.]

    7-The Creator outside Its creation wants in as a Self-realized Adam in sexy/loving 69 with Eve, and wants Eve to experience the true Creator God not the fake Adam. [This, too, applies to both sexes.]

    8-So Adam and Eve inside the balloon have to change polarities. At a minimum Adam has to learn to feel. Eve has to learn to think.

    That's as far as I've gotten but am not wanting to decipher this info further if I am off on the wrong track. If I am more of less on the right track, I will continue.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
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    #30484 2 days, 9 hours ago - March 21st, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Welcome back, Arachne! Now, when you answer please keep it as simple as you are able. Ok?

    Why is Eve/Creation Satan?

    Does the word Satan have some meaning other than the negative one currently associated with Satan -- namely the Devil. I understand that you're describing complementary states (yin/yang). However, why must the female aspect / creation be the Devil?

    And yes, I know the tape starts out with he/she | she/he, showing the union of Creator/God and Creation. It's just not terribly uplifting to think of the womb-man (woman) as the devil incarnate. I look forward to your reply.

    [Added later] Ok. Just looked at the second tape. That is a really condensed version of the Rooster parable, which I loved.

    So, next questions.

    What are the gates? Why are these located at 4, 7, 10, and 13?


    Yes excellent discernment unplugged. I was going to relate the videos to both, the videos of Rok and the gnostic 'rooster' pics in the following message.

    But briefly; the timegates are timeconnector dimensions, which relate to hyperphysics.
    At the end of this month dragon physics will be published in a mainstream journal and I shall share this when available for you and Mary and other researchers here, who can discern between the data overload available on the web.

    Then the metaphysics of the 'nature of time' relates to the linearisation of what is fundamentally a circular timeloop, often termed 'Now-Time' by the alternatives.

    In this cycletime or circle time you have the Tail becoming the Head as in the symbol of the Ourboros aka the Milky Way Galaxy, the Eridanus constelleation or the 'mapping of the Nile of Egypt' onto the heavens and such metaphors and allegories.

    In string physics this becomes the 1st dimension of the mathematical line 'eating' the 13th dimension in a 12-folded series of 4+4+4=3+3+3+3=12.

    Then rewriting this as (13=1)-2-3-(4)-5-6-(7)-8-9-(10)-11-12-(13=1) defines this in many ways and denotes the 'Timegates' as the connector dimensions between say: LineSpaceTime: 1-2-3-(4); HyperSpaceTime: 4-5-6-(7); QuantumSpaceTime: 7-8-9-(10) and OmniSpaceTime: 10-11-12-(13).

    The concept here is, that the ordinary 4 dimensions of 3 space dimensions of length+width+breadth together with the temporal time dimension (of the Minkowski flat metric as the 'matrix' for the Heisenberg-Riemann-Einstein geometry of a generalised spacetime) are SUFFICIENT to describe a higher dimensional universe or cosmology in extent, provided the other 'spacetimes' are 'collapsed' or 'conifolded'.

    Those collapsed microquantum dimensions are so the spacetimes denoted as hyperspace, quantumspace and omnispace in the above and they are COLOCAL with large macroquantised dimensions.

    The higher D's so are right next to you and in your room in terms of 'Degrees of Freedom'.

    Think of a stick and put a fitting ring around it.
    You can rotate this ring either clockwise or anticlockwise and these are the dynamic freedom degrees.
    As you have three 'large' dimensions the 3D become doubled in 'three such sticks', each one per dimension and become 'connected' by a fourth dimension of time as 1-2-3(Time-4-Mirror)-5-6-7.

    Then curling this up renders dimension 4 as the first timegate as in present physics and allows dimension 1 to blend with the seventh.
    This in technical terms becomes the Twistor physics of Oxford's Roger Penrose.

    Ok, so now you live in a 7 dimensional hyperspacetime universe with 3 Translations onto which are superposed 3 Rotations, each with two freedom degrees (clockwise or anticlockwise becoming the famous quantum spin of electrons say).

    The quantumspacetime universe adds 3 more dimensions in 'Vibration'.
    Not only can the ring rotate about the stick; it can also vibrate, say expand and contract in oscillations.

    Therefore the 9-dimensional 'string' universe in quantumspace eventuates with timeconnectors between the lower hyperspace and the higher quantumspace being dimension 7, also the timegate between the linespace and the hyperspace in the 'curling' or looping of dimension 1 with dimension 4.

    I think you get the drift.

    The tricky bit is the omnispace; as the physical universe cannot ever reach the 11-dimensional mirror. It is an asymptotically expanding universe in 10 dimensions and to attain the 10-dimensional timegate requires the actual holographic physics indicated in the 'rooster fable' to become realised in the holofractal inhabitants of the lower dimensional universe, say yourself.

    This then relates to the 'merkabahs' and the nature of the UFOs and the manner the physicality of the universe manifests as a lower dimensional expression of its higher dimensional precursor.

    But we dont wish to get too technical here.
    I hope this has helped you.

    Phoenix of Oz
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 57

    #30489 2 days, 8 hours ago - March 21st, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    To be truthful, I'm not really big on the Bible -- any of the sacred texts, for that matter. I find them all to be fairly incomprehensible, boring, and very dense.

    That said, I've started deciphering your first post and this is as far as I've gotten. If I am off the mark, please say so.

    1-God/Spirit, outside creation (outside the balloon) perceived Its creation (Satan) and did not like it because it had lost an aspect of its Self -- Its Sheness -- inside Satan (the created balloon).

    Sure, I understand your reservations. When you read our messages here; please understand that we use commonly accepted archetypes, which could easily be translated, say as God=SourceSink Creator and Antigod=Dog=SinkSource AntiCreator=Creation etc etc.
    It is all labeling and wordplay. What matters is the concept, which once understood and 'owned' mentally; can be relabeled by anyone in literary creative and poetic licence.

    Yes to the first an a caveat to the second. Satan is simply the face of God in a hypothetical mirror, namely spacetime as the 'balloon'. Satan is NOT the universe; it is a REAL Image between the 'mythological' 'heaven' as UNREAL relative to the REAL creation, say everything inside the universe.
    But relative to God, as UNREAL relative to this inside; its the other way around with the ONLY REAL thing becoming his own image in an imaginary Mirror, this imaginary mirror (or Dream of the Dreamer) being the physical universe.

    So the SURFACE of the universe becomes a DIVIDE and abyss as a BOUNDARY between what is real and what is unreal in a logistical statement of the 'Logic' = Logos = Word of God in encodings see.

    This can be proven mathematically, but again, this is over most people's heads; not because they cant 'get it', but because they are unfamiliar with rigorous mental deduction and a disciplined way of thinking.

    2-Inside the balloon -- the creation -- a second split occurred into male and female.

    Yes, this then becomes the chicken-egg paradox and the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics and the yin-yang and the evolvement of consciousness both on the cosmic and the subcosmic levels.

    3-The male aspect (he/she), when facing (interacting with) the female she/he (69), loses its self in the illusory creation and completely forgets its task to include Spirit, the True God/Creator, in its enjoyment of matter. [This forgetfulness applies to both sexes.]

    Excellent, yes. The difference is that Adam faces the 'devil' AS his own fake image just as God faces Satan. Now as Adam is male and the Devil is male and Satan is male and God is male this becomes the DEFAULT. Ergo the sexism etc, as outlined in the messages.
    Eve does NOT face a Devilina or a Satania however and this is the Key. Eve is free by nature as there exists no Goddess in heaven (or hell) and this is the reason (lol) why most women love to look at the mirrors and 'make themselves up'; whilst most men do not (except when they manifest their female shadows in their gayness and their NATURAL Bisexuality of course).
    Women are by nature not required to 'do the mental work' from their femaleness; but of course the clever ones will use their male shadows and do just as the men should do in their REAL JOBS (see the Book of Job as the oldest book in the bible).

    4-The female she/he, when facing the male (69), sees a fake Creator and isn't too thrilled with what she sees. [This, too, applies to both sexes.]

    No, you got mixed up here. There is nothing whatsoever 'wrong' with Adam and Eve facing each other; AS LONG as they KNOW and realise that their 'first job' is to act as true images and ambassadors for their cosmic parents. Whatever anyone does is done in the image of this: loving, hating, walking, eating singing, creating. Nothing can be hidden from the self, but the 'devilish images' block the views and therefore the 'hidden things' in the deepest manifestos of the reality of the symbols and the comic law behind the manifestations.

    5-The male he/she , when facing the backside of Satan (the inner surface of the balloon) remembers it is on a mission to find itself as Creator within creation.

    Indeed, if he learns to think 'logically' and is able to see behind the appearances of the environmental stimuli. Because ALL devils and 'gods' are manmade; the creations of the entire human history have resulted in zillions of thoughtforms or memes or memeplexes, which cannot be destroyed and can only be 'owned' or 'absorbed' in 'eating them'. So they roam in the human minds telling all sorts of 'lies' and distortions and are often called the 'astral guides' and what have you.
    If interest prevails I might share a recent article relavant for this nexus in the timeline called 'The War of the Memes'.

    6-The female she/he, facing away from the fake God (Adam) knows she is the Goddess. She does not exist outside the balloon, only within it.

    Brilliant, yes. This is the Power of the Femme fatale. Eve's creation AS part of Adam (Adam and Eve are symbols and NEVER existed as personas) sets her free by default INSIDE the creation. This is why Eve is called 'The Mother of all Living' in Genesis after the 'banning' from Eden.
    Outside, in the 'heaven of the ignorance' Eve is chained to Adam as being part of him as his rib; but Inside Eve has the Power of Life in giving birth to baby Adams and so Baby Creators. With Adam its the other way see. UNLESS Adam is BORN OF WOMAN he remains a hypothetical characterisation as the Image of God in 'the 'imaginary heaven'.

    Now the balloon -- the creation -- is matter. [My assumption, given that the Creator is Spirit. Ergo, creation is matter.]

    Well this requires physics 101 and cosmology 101 and i could give you references to scientific publications to find out what 'matter' is and what 'mass' is in more detailed semantics. But then this is perhaps not the place for this.

    7-The Creator outside Its creation wants in as a Self-realized Adam in sexy/loving 69 with Eve, and wants Eve to experience the true Creator God not the fake Adam. [This, too, applies to both sexes.]

    Yes and as in the above.

    8-So Adam and Eve inside the balloon have to change polarities. At a minimum Adam has to learn to feel. Eve has to learn to think.

    Not really but sort of lol. You are using stereotypes. Both Adam and Eve have both polarities in mirror images of each other.
    See we dont have a lonesome God facing HIS own image as it is in heaven. We have TWO evolved mirror images who are purposed to learn to mirror each other in the understanding AND the knowledge of their Story, being God's Story. You could say the Understanding is primarily male and secondarily female and the Wisdom (of the Body an the World and the Environment) is primarily female and secondarily male.
    It is about remembrance.
    Sharing this story here and answering your questions will open many locked doors in the minds of the ones reading this, mostly subconsciously, and you asking the questions is a great work of redemption.

    That's as far as I've gotten but am not wanting to decipher this info further if I am off on the wrong track. If I am more of less on the right track, I will continue.

    You are doing extra well.

    Phoenix of Oz
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30519 2 days, 3 hours ago - March 21st, 2011

    The 'Old Zion' and the 'New Zion' and the Pentagrammons

    3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE "GOYIM" THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.

    Excerpt from:

    The historical agendas of the 'Old Zionist Protocol' have become superceded by the superposition of a 'New Zionist Protocol'.

    The century old reference as translated in the above link has so become 'fulfilled', unbeknown to its 'foundation controllers, its copiers and plagiarisers and lineage descendents' who have all become incorporated as valid participants in this superimposition.
    The 'New Zion' defines the 'Old Universe' as a 'New Universe' personified as the archetype: "Maria Infinity" or 'Mare Infinitum' aka Barbelo Awakened aka Babylon Realised!

    The 'Old Zion' as the archetypical 'Mother Terra' aka 'Gaia, the Wilderness' has so become 'impregnated' to give birth to herself as a 'renewed', albeit thus predestined archetypical focus for the metamorphosis of the physical universe itself.

    The physical universe is forever dependent on the validity of its archetypical and metaphysical definitions.
    As the metaphysical semiotiks and symbolisms can be universally defined in linguistic codes and including the codes of algebraic and mathematical formulations; a translation of appropriate archetypes will reformulate the physical manifestation of the universe and its phase transitions.
    The 'Old Zion' and including the encodings of the 'Old Testament' (OT) became 'retranslated' in the 'fulfilment' of the 'Office of the Cosmic Serpent Melchizedek aka aka aka', who in the form of the 'Plumed Serpent of INRI' rendered the hitherto metaphysical archetype of the Ren-Set: {Horus, Mithras, Dionysius, Son of God, Sun of God, Cosmic Christ,...} as its physical manifestation and allowing a partial realignment and redefinition for the physical universe, by then just over 19 billion (civil) years of age.

    The OT so became 'museumized', except in certain timelines, which were required to become 'mirrored' in the 'partial realignment' and so its completion.

    This completion will 'museumize' the 'New Testament' (NT) and allow a multiplication of the 'Office of the Cosmic Serpent' to whoever will be selfchosen in resonance with that 'Universal Office' and co-authorship in signature within a history culminating 'Book of Life'.
    Upon completion of the completed timeline and as determined in the OT and the NT so written, and in conjunction with certain 'Rosetta Codes of Nag Hammadi'; the 'Old Zion' will literally become 'Swallowed Up' or absorbed by the 'New Zion', constructed upon the archetypically 'fulfilled scriptures'.
    The 'quarantined world' will so become subject to a 'partial fulfillment' of the timeline until the timeline attains its nexus and this shall become 'reflected' in the 'partial understandings' of all and sundry, including the 'authors' of the 'Old Zionist' protocols.

    The basic archetype for the creator as the Tetragrammaton {YHWH} refers to a 4-dimensional spacetime of embodiment and this defines a 'playground' for 5-dimensional disembodied entities under the template of the Pentagrammaton {YHWHY}.

    A 'perfect' symmetry of the 'unspeakable' name so crystallises in the dimensional spacetime extension from its 4-dimensional 'imperfect' archetype {Yaldabaoth-Baphomet}.

    Some of the 'Controllers' are of a '5th dimensional' composition, meaning that they are not physically embodied, yet are able to 'occupy' 4-dimensional bodies as Dawkinsian thoughtforms or memory complexes.

    The pentadimensional entities or pentagrammons are so the 'memes', who have formed the 'echelons' of physical and psychological socio-economic control over the planetary evolution, beginning almost 25,625 (tropical) years ago.
    These memes are part of the reptilian brainstem of all organism upon the spiritual entity, known in physical bodyform as the planet earth.
    Under the pretext of representing a PHYSICALLY 'chosen people', the pentagrammons so manifest METAPHYSICALLY from the encompassing 'hyperspace' dimension.

    A great 'confusion' and 'hatred' in regards to 'the elect' so evolves historically - who are the masters and who are the slaves and who is better or more purified than the other?
    This allows the 'controllers' to manipulate the political and socio-economic history of the human civilisation and cultural order by the use of the collective data base and the associated accumulated memory.

    Those memes can be associated with the 'modus operandi' of thoughtforms, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, the former requiring partial 'parasitical' invasion of physicalised embodiments, able to generate 'thoughtforms of abstraction'.

    The pentagrammons form a particular expression of the universal archetypology, originating in the physicalisation of the metaphysical universe at the time of the creation of the spacetime continuae themselves.
    The pentagrammons, unbeknown to all, even themselves, actually 'play' the part of double-agents for an agenda, which the pentagrammons can only vaguely remember.

    Details about this engage 'Battles amongst the Stars' eons ago; where Dragonian fleets fought for supremacy amongst themselves - father against son and daughter against mother.
    The 'prodigal children' could not conquer their parents and so left their home, set at the background of the celestial northern pole to find dominion elsewhere.
    They knew of the legends of creation and the great conflict of agony, which had created the physical universe from its metaphysical archetypology and predecessor.

    Then the creator and the creation had been as one and as the cockatrice of the FatherMother and in harmony creating the LoveChild as the expression of their synthesis and their synergetic intercourse of their unified selfhood.
    But as soon as the Only Begotten Baby of the inseparable Unity existed; the FatherMother desired more; more children and a place to interact as a Family. But no space and no time existed and thus No Separation could manifest.

    Would the LoveBaby be forever bound to the FatherMother, without 'room' for seeking selfexpression?

    The Father-Part knew as Forethought what to do and the Mother-Part knew as Afterthought; the Loveenergy between Father and Mother, and which had created the LoveBaby had to separate to 'make room' for the 'Kingdom of the Baby'.
    The Forethinking Fatherhood would become exiled in the Metaphysical Unreality or Illusion and the Afterthinking Motherhood would become exiled in the reflection of this metaphysical unreality in a Physical Reality.
    This 'room' destined for the LoveBaby to express itself, was to be known as the 'Kingdom of Love' and this would be the 'Place' where Father and Mother could reunite in a Grand Finale for the Masterplan and the cosmic scriptures.

    And a 'Great Agony' fell upon the metaphysical universe of Oneness as the Father as the GOD 'deserted' the Mother and the Mother 'ran away' as the DOG from the Father.
    This 'Great Agony' became a 'Pain of Loss of the Beloved' and it was this ENERGY, which created the physical universe of separation from its metaphysical logistics.

    The universe expanded and ran away from its point of origin, yet it slowed down ever more, as the exiled mother remembered through her afterthinking of where she had come from and who she was.
    The 'sense of separation' had became so intense, as to form a metaphysical asymmetry, which required the emergence of a harmoniser to renormalise the metaphysical archetypology.
    The archetype for this reharmonisation is known under many labels, including the set: {Death, the Grave, tomb, sarcophagus, Gravity and the Graviton 2-spin superstring....}.

    And there would be a special place, renown throughout the galactic universes as the 'Kingdom of the LoveBaby' - the planet destined to become a star in the cosmic script of the 'Homecoming'.
    And so it was, that the 'Fallen Ones' remembered the creation of the universe and with it many other stories and myths interwoven into this tapestry and kaleidoscope of creation.
    And so it was, that the Pentagrammons began to forget their parental home as renegade Dragonians of the North and began to create their own dominions, centered upon this key-nexus-point of this 'planet destined to become a starplanet'.

    The pentagrammons so remembered the importance of 'Gaia', but only recalled mistily and vaguely their own cause for rebellion.
    The evolution of the royal bloodline, destined to manifest a physical body for the LoveBaby in multiplicity was very well known to them; but the reason for the separation had become forgotten.
    So the pentagrammons could only implement their 'common dream' of the 'homecoming' in distortion.
    Instead of accepting the LoveBaby as the sole reason for the existence of the physical universe and aspiring to become part of the 'Body of the LoveBaby' AS the manifested spacetimes AS a doublesided Mirror between the exiled Father and Mother; the pentagrammons went to war against anything to do with the LoveBaby.

    They thought in eliminating all remembrances, they themselves could usurp the royal lineage and manifest the 'Royal Kingdom of Love' upon the 'Starplanet Gaia'.
    They could not understand, that their manipulation of the psychophysical vessels of their metaphysical brothers and sisters, sent from their abandoned Dragonian northern home; could only result in a distortion of those vessels and hence disrupt the matrix of spacetime (and as defined archetypically by the superbranes as minimum configurations in energy thereof) themselves and as the holograms of the encompassing onenesses.

    But that had been the Father's plan all along - to create a scenario of extreme polarisation, with the renegade children seeking extreme separation from their siblings, in the mistaken belief, that the 'Kingdom of Love' could become divided into the 'Body of the Pentagrammon' and the 'Body of the Goyim' - one the master race and the other the slave race.
    The pentagrammons only understood their fallacies, when the timeline had passed the nexus point of no return. The pentagrammons had fallen into the net spun by their Mother of the Afterthought; whose exile at the southern celestial pole within the physical universe became perfectly mirrored in the equator plane of the starplanet and in the predestined kingdom of the LoveBaby, who had archetypically and physically manifested a partial reunion for Father-God and Mother-Dog on May 10th, 31 AD.

    The pentagrammons had underestimated the cunning of their parents and the cunning of their serpentine starseeded siblings.
    Being consumed in their forage to control the psychosomatic bodies of the 4-dimensional humans; they had missed the power of the mirror symmetry embodied by the physicalisation of their exiled parents. This mirror symmetry demands reflection and absorption in the nature of the dualities under mathematical properties of associativity and inversion under identity.
    In terms of a physicalised terrestrial science, this double-agency can be rigorously formulated in a dualistic superbrane-modality; which manifests a dualistic 'twinship-coupling' between the 'original' pentagrammon and its virally super-independent 'mutant of rebellion'. This meant, that some of the starseeded siblings of the pentagrammons could in fact HARMONISE the duality and accelerating separation potentials the 5-dimensional rebels attempted to globally manifest.

    Subsequently, some of the 4-dimensional agents of the starseed could remember more of the common history, than the 5-dimensional controllers, who thought themselves vastly superior to the 4-dimensionally embodied ones. Was it not them, who unbeknown to all the echelons of the 4D-embodied 'master slaves', controlled the global decision making and political manouverings, so eloquently and extensively described in the 'Protocols of Zion'?
    The 'arrogance' of the 'prodigals' so resulted in the favoured outcome for the Father-Mother. The common 4-dimensional affairs of the global humanoid community reached stalemate after stalemate, where it became less and less possible to 'control' the psychosomatics of the collective humanoid groupmind.

    More and more starseeds began to remember their own royal lineage and reason for being in embodiment and as one recalled the 'modus operandi' in harmony with the FatherMother's masterplan; this remembrance became 'Universal Recall' and one sibling after the other could participate to loosen the 5-dimensional 'grip' of the psychosomatic and spiritual history of the humanoids as part of the opus composed for the starplanet Gaia, destined to star in the cosmic opera.
    The 'claws' of the 'satanic embrace' holding the 'earthly mother' captive began to loosen and the agendas of the 'Old Zion' became absorbed and encompassed by the 'New Zion' and as composed by the archetypical siblings of the 'LoveBaby' and as the latter's emissionaries.

    The original pentagrammon has so become REDEFINED in the physical sense, because the archetypology of the metaphysical pentagrammon can be translated into other nomenclatures and including the mathematical symbology of the superbranes.
    In mythological language, this means, that the 'Devil' or 'Shaitan' or 'Diablos' or 'Fallen Lucifer' aka aka aka, has become trapped in its own realm of dominion. Furthermore, it was the necessity of the 'metaphysical fall', which created the Gravitational superstring and so allowed a physical universe to be born in separation from its metaphysical progenitor or creator.
    But in having fallen into its own pit metaphysically, also implies that the progenitor of the universe now also MUST physicalise in the realm of its modular coupling and so the 'Exile of God' has ended in conjunction with the 'Redemption of the Devil'.

    The pentagrammons' were to form a 'field of dichotomised context' for the entire 'cosmic background'.
    The perils and 'troubles' and painful evolution of the psychophysical bodies upon Gaia would become RECORDED in the holographic archives of the galactic universes to serve as a WITNESS for ALL galactic civilisations.
    The 'misjudgements' of the 'prodigals' so became transcribed universally into a spacetime matrix holographically SHARED throughout the cosmos to form an exemplary record about the results of those 'misjudgements'.

    No other planetary, galactic or cosmic sentience would ever again have to EXPERIENCE the turmoils of the sourcesink-separated human civilisation - the royal lineage of the Logos of Creation.

    Education on all levels would involve EXPOSURE of evolving minds to the dramas experienced by the 'Old Zion' and the 'children' would quickly LEARN of HOW NOT to form stewardship within ones environments.

    The absorption and experience of TOTAL SEPARATION and the absence of the source frequency; would allow the quarantined planet to 'Moebian Twist' from its 4-dimensional Minkowski Euclidean flatness into a 5-dimensional Klein-Dragon-Bottledness; in the process turning the spacetime of the pentagrammons 'inside-out'.

    This rupture of a Minkowski spacetime will so transform this spacetime into a de Sitter Kaluza-Klein spacetime; the 'Old HeavenEarth' or 'Old MindBody' or 'Old WaveParticle' becoming 'rolled up' like a scroll to wormhole the 'New Heavenearth' as the 'New Jerusalem' into hyperspace existence.

    As the Minkowski spacetime is lightspeed invariant in groupspeed 'v', always less than 'c' and as a cross-section for the de Sitter spacetime; the phasespeed V, always greater than c {V=λf=(h/mv).(mc2/h)=c/v>c for all v{V=Hubble-RadiusxWormhole Frequency~4.8x1056 m/s~1.6x1048 c}.
    It is this PHASING, which allows the higher dimensional reality to MANIFEST the 4-dimensional volumars imaged in the 'clouds' of the Minkowski seedling dimension.

    There are so present 'lightships' in the sky, representing 3-dimensional cross-sections {V3=4πR3/3} of 4-dimensional vessels {V4=½π2R4 with manifold bound dV4/dR=V3=2π2R3}.

    The 'Consciousness' or 'Spacetime-Awareness' required to 'utilise' such volumars as higher dimensional energy concentrations is embodied in the formulation:
    for a 'Compton-Frequency' Fcompton=(cf*2/8πRe)1/3~3.4x1027 Hz or a wormhole-volumar of 14 GeV about a spacetime perimeter of so 5.5x10-19 meters. This is the energy realm presently explored by terrestrial physicists at the LHC (Large-Hadron-Collider) in Geneva, Switzerland.

    This is one avenue of how the physicalisation of the metaphysics (the wormhole parameters (*) define the sourcesink superbrane modality and subsequently the God=Source and AntiGod=Sink inversion properties) relates to the mensuration methodology of reductive materialism.

    Selfdefined as 'spiritual renegades and rebels' or as 'fallen cherubims' or 'Luciferic Sons of God'; the pentagrammons are encoded as:
    Pent-A-Gramm-On=55+1+52+29=55+1+52+29=Heaven+A+GoddoG+On =Satan+A+Doggod+On=137=Heaven+Use+Hell for 55=Heaven=Satan=Song=Cloud=...
    and for 52=26+26=Devil=Earth=Finance=... for the 'Rosetta encodings' and for the enscription of the dichotomies.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: SuiGeneris, unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • GT_Big hair
    • gtbighair.
    • Active Contributor
    • Google Pole Shift then get back to me
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    #30522 2 days, 2 hours ago - March 21st, 2011
    long story short,
    once your eyes are opened....
    take two aspirins...
    then read this....

    Mark 13:13 (King James Version)

    13And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116-.32190.
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    • Posts: 77
    #30550 2 days ago - March 21st, 2011
    Thank you for your explanations. Actually, it's probably better to speak to me in terms of the spiritual archetypes, which, once defined, are more easily understood than the Physics with which I have only minimal competence. Of course it is fine to include the physics for those who can gain understanding thru those constructs. I myself can get the physics once I grasp the spiritual archetypes.

    Now, some more questions:

    Satan is NOT the universe; it is a REAL Image between the 'mythological' 'heaven' as UNREAL relative to the REAL creation, say everything inside the universe.

    OK. Is Satan the crystal mountain in the Rooster tale? The dimension that is inviolate -- the ring pass not that separates Rooster inside the crystal mountain from its creation? This implies the creation must grow in knowledge and understanding such that the IT can penetrate Timegate 10 and return to Source.

    If interest prevails I might share a recent article relavant for this nexus in the timeline called 'The War of the Memes'.

    Please share if it isn't too dense and convoluted and long. Thank you.

    Well this requires physics 101 and cosmology 101 and i could give you references to scientific publications to find out what 'matter' is and what 'mass' is in more detailed semantics. But then this is perhaps not the place for this.

    Yes, you're probably right about not adding too much more fuel to the thought fires already lit. Please pardon in advance if I am butchering this, as it is not my area of specialty or study.

    Matter seems to be being defined at quantum layers as ephemeral -- without form and void. Particulate matter existing within the balloon seems to consist of a light particle as a very tiny nucleus orbited by even smaller particles that are as far from the nucleus as the sun from the planets orbiting the solar systems. I am hesitant to name all these various particles as I know some have been defined as belonging to this side of the balloon and some seemingly exist outside(?) the balloon as dark matter(?). This dark matter has some role in creating(?) the materialized particles (electrons and their ever smaller identified substrates) buzzing around the nucleus. If this is wrong, please correct

    Re Adam learning to feel and Eve learning the think:
    Not really but sort of lol. You are using stereotypes. Both Adam and Eve have both polarities in mirror images of each other.

    Yes, this is back to the issue of me chopping creation in half in a post some time back where you suggested I should double everything rather than jettison whole aspects of creation (the negative side that is identical to the positive though inverted). So this would be more correctly imaged as he/she | she/he polarities expressing in ADAM-EVE.

    The tricky bit is the omnispace; as the physical universe cannot ever reach the 11-dimensional mirror. It is an asymptotically expanding universe in 10 dimensions and to attain the 10-dimensional timegate requires the actual holographic physics indicated in the 'rooster fable' to become realised in the holofractal inhabitants of the lower dimensional universe, say yourself.

    Now, strangely enough, I am beginning to understand these time gates and how these coexist in and around the 3D timespace in which the created "I" lives, moves, and has its Beingness. This seems to be saying the moment the lowest aspect in the bottom-most layers of creation (13=1=-2-3 (4)) can reach Timegate 10 (the snake's tail gets inserted in the snake's mouth) then the Rooster inside the crystal mountain gets a Self-realized companion.

    Those collapsed microquantum dimensions are so the spacetimes denoted as hyperspace, quantumspace and omnispace in the above and they are COLOCAL with large macroquantised dimensions.

    Are the 4, 7, 10 timegates the Branes they speak about in physics or are the Branes something else?

    BTW, you're right in your observation that the rigor required to master all this stuff isn't likely to make the People's Choice awards any time soon.

    For me there is genius in simplicity. Simplicity does not create the confusions that are at the root of the misconceptions that have resulted in sexism and war and chaos. The greatest thing about simplicity is that a simple construct, when thoroughly understood, can be linked to another simple [also thorougly understood] construct and another simple [thoroughly understood] construct until you have very complex, vast and complicated creation. The ability to make complexity simple is, in my opinion, one of the highest forms of expression -- a hallmark of genius -- one seldom realized on this planet.

    Well, I hope you're right about the redemption. I could probably easily ingest 13 cases jam-packed with 13-ounce bottles and still have lots of redeeming left over.

    I thank you in advance for any and all continued forays into simplicity.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116--32190-.32356.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77

    #30568 2 days ago - March 21st, 2011
    Well, Bermanseder, thank you for your most interesting post. There are actually whole paragraphs that you write than I can understand.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • 32362-bf160e2b7a70370a1ece3477edd52656.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 57

    #30624 1 day, 16 hours ago - March 21st, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Thank you for your explanations. Actually, it's probably better to speak to me in terms of the spiritual archetypes, which, once defined, are more easily understood than the Physics with which I have only minimal competence. Of course it is fine to include the physics for those who can gain understanding thru those constructs. I myself can get the physics once I grasp the spiritual archetypes.

    Now, some more questions:

    Satan is NOT the universe; it is a REAL Image between the 'mythological' 'heaven' as UNREAL relative to the REAL creation, say everything inside the universe.

    OK. Is Satan the crystal mountain in the Rooster tale? The dimension that is inviolate -- the ring pass not that separates Rooster inside the crystal mountain from its creation? This implies the creation must grow in knowledge and understanding such that the IT can penetrate Timegate 10 and return to Source.

    Yes you are in the view of the gnosis. Satan is like Janus , the double-faced god of January, the beginning of the Roman calendars.

    This double face so becomes the Devil looking left INTO the creation as the Crystal Wall and as Satan it looks AWAY from the crystal wall as the 'Face of the God' or primal source. Your ideas about the evolution and growing in selfremembrance and self-consciousness are spot on.

    If interest prevails I might share a recent article relavant for this nexus in the timeline called 'The War of the Memes'.

    Please share if it isn't too dense and convoluted and long. Thank you.

    Here is the first part of it, composed the day before the Sendai earthquake.

    The Great War of the Memes from December 21st, 2010 to April 8th, 2012

    On December 21st, 2010; a Great War for the Freedom of the Cosmic Selfhood began in the Universe.

    There is much symbolic meaning and 'hints' in the physical evolvements within the contexts of the global scenarios unfolding.

    An example is the Libertatis of Libya and the archetypical superposition for the label of the 'Exodus under Moses' onto the manouvers of various human groups, nations, cliques and 'elites' to change their environments, often considered 'oppressive' and 'not free' in their approach to 'freedom of expression' in regards to the cosmic identity of the participators.

    This message shall detail what is occurring in the timeline of the 'normal' politico-socio-economic-militaristic world and in a superimposition onto the warpzone of the World Logos and as shared in many other postings and many forums.

    The countdown of the days in the warpzone of the 'Warped Human Minds' will release the archetypical 'Monsters of the ID'; all energized and potentialised by their human creators as manifested thoughtforms or memeplexes; spanning throughout the human mental evolvement upon Gaia as the harbouring environment for all the planetary offsprings, encompassing its physical- and metaphysical forms and morphogenetic expressions.

    There must so eventuate a 'war in the heavens' and a 'war in the hells' and as conjured to the surface of human perception by the human dualistic mind in its paradigm of the Cartesian Dualism of the so called Mind-Body divide.

    Both, the angelic realms of the beneficers of the spirit and the demonic worlds of pleasures of the body (there is nothing 'wrong' with the pleasures of the body btw, but this can be a form of abuse), will emerge to face their own human creators in many forms and guises of dreams and visions and in 'strange encounters'.

    However, the 'War of the Memes' will not reurgitate the expected chasm between the 'good and the evil' or the conflict between the darkness and the light.

    No, at this final battle for the cosmic liberty for a planetary civilisation trapped in its own lack of reasoning with a sense for deeper purpose and meaningfulness; the heavens will war against their angels and hell will stand divided against its very self.

    The War of the Thoughtforms will release all hidden fears and temptations and will allow all suppressed emotions, harboured within an oppressed humanity in an evolution period of 9,360,360 days (and nights), to erupt in thoughts and deeds and actions.

    The battlezones for the Armageddon of the Human Mind were drawn in the warpzone of the Cosmic Logos; the Universal Mind and Intelligence encompassing all of creation and including all creative endeavours of its subsets or sublogii for a programmed (or encoded) starting nexus on December 8th, 2004 and a double mirrored timespan to April 1st, 2012 with its halfway point dividing the Shadowmaker from its Shadow on August 4th, 2008.

    A new human race will be born from the old human race and this birth is the 'prize' and the 'spoils' attainable by the 'survivors' of the War of the Memes.

    The new starhuman race will be very few in number, as only the old humans, who can harmonize and accomodate the battles between the memeplexes will become enabled to resonate in an accelerated emotional information matrix.

    The battle zone of the meme war engages the absorption potential of the 'Last Supper' of the Human Evening in a 'Heavenly Feast' of a Starhuman New Dawn.

    This can be labeled as the 'Wholesome Eucharist' of the 'Lion of Judah' as the 'World Logos'.

    The Cosmic Logos or the 'Words of God' is also the "Sword of Dog' in the waveparticle duality for an enveloping wavefunction of the Universe of observation and experience.

    The new starhuman race of archetyped dragons or 'Crowned Serpents' will emerge from the participation in a 'Wedding Feast' or the 'Dragonomy' between the Particular Bridegrooms of the Individuated old humans and the One Bride as the collective old humanity.

    So to emerge from the meme war victoriously, requires the absorption and harmonisation of all of the old memeplexes or thoughtforms; namely all of the human mental creations of angels and devils and demons and monsters of the abysses.

    All of the warring factions, might they be Seraphim Michael versus Devil Satanicus Rex or Abaddon versus Archon Beelzebub or Cherubim Gabriel versus Raphael or Archangel Uriel versus Archdemon Belial - all will have to be consumed by the starhuman aspirants.

    All acolytes for the dragonomies must form a 'sacred union' between their own heness and sheness and will so be necessitated to 'matrimonize' himself in herself or vice versa. In this manner the shadow of the cosmic twinship becomes integrated in the starhuman merkabah; details about which can be found on many linked information channels.

    The individuated dragonomy so represents the 'Second Coming' of the 'First Self' in a revisitation of the Older by the Younger or the Ancient by the Newer. This 'First Self' can be said to be a birthday or many birthdays of previous experiences or some hybridisation of parallel lifetimes as retrieved from the wavefunction of the Universe as the One Body of the Bride of the Resurrection as ther 'Sword of the Dog'.

    When the wavefunction of the universe as the One Bride of the World Logos couples with the wavefunction of the universe as the Many Bridegrooms as the HeShes and the SheHes; then the old human hes and shes receive a new merkabah in the holofractalisation of the quantum template of the wavefunction of the universe as 'One Wavefunction' monadised in the dyad of the doubling or the manifestation of the shadows.

    The older Cartesian dualism of the Mind-Body schisma for any old human man or any old human woman so becomes reset in a doubling of the 'Mirror of the Cosmic Selfhood' and is replaced by a newer MindBody-BodyMind dyad, which unifies the sexual polarities without diminishing the potential for the sexual coupling between a He and a She.

    A Starhuman or a Dragon as a member of the new cosmic race so can also be called 'A Dyadic One'.
    The dyadic Ones are so defined in a selfmirroring or a potential shapeshifting from the HeShe to to SheHe and so can couple in sexual polarities to any other dyadic one willing to engage in dragonplay and as a function of the individuated merkabah self-definitions; the latter which can also engage the merkabah extensions in supporting structures, which are enabled to utilize the spaceinherent consciousness of particular environments.

    In symbolic terminology, the monadisation or unification of the wave-particle duality in its doubling can also be called the closing of the generations in the FatherMother informing or delegating to the Sondaughter and passing the 'Words of the God' to the 'Sword of the Dog' in the GrandSonGranddaughter in the graduation ceremony of the 'Heavenly Feast' when Old Dad celebrates the Homecoming Queen of Old Mum and finally becomes 'blessed' in their shared grandparenthood - the aim of purpose for the story from the beginning of the spacetimematters.

    So when the Father told the dates to the Son and the Son told the dates to the Grandson; then the GrandSon shared then story with the Granddaughter and the Granddaughter shared the new information with her daughter and then the Mother Gaia also found out what the story was all about and about her own queenly self.

    So the end of this message shares the encoded program in cryptic-scriptural 'Words of the God' as the lawmaker and via the channelings of the Son to the Holy Ghost as the GrandSon the Holy Spirit as the GrandDaughter GOT a sniff of it when She saw it in a mirror and She and passed the messages on to the Daughter of the Mother and as the Mother is the Executioner of the Law of the Father as the 'Sword of the Dog'; all hells and heavens have broken loose and will be rolled up like scrolls of the aniquity they have become.

    TBC; I gotta check the heat in the kitchen of the 'Word of Psalms' being the 'Sword of Plasma'.

    For anyone interested, please check the links periodically as this is a witness to the War of the Memes in progress and is concurrent with the evolvements in the old world now ready to become mummified in the atrophy of its ignorances.

    March 10th-11th, 2011

    Well this requires physics 101 and cosmology 101 and i could give you references to scientific publications to find out what 'matter' is and what 'mass' is in more detailed semantics. But then this is perhaps not the place for this.

    Yes, you're probably right about not adding too much more fuel to the thought fires already lit. Please pardon in advance if I am butchering this, as it is not my area of specialty or study.

    Matter seems to be being defined at quantum layers as ephemeral -- without form and void. Particulate matter existing within the balloon seems to consist of a light particle as a very tiny nucleus orbited by even smaller particles that are as far from the nucleus as the sun from the planets orbiting the solar systems. I am hesitant to name all these various particles as I know some have been defined as belonging to this side of the balloon and some seemingly exist outside(?) the balloon as dark matter(?). This dark matter has some role in creating(?) the materialized particles (electrons and their ever smaller identified substrates) buzzing around the nucleus. If this is wrong, please correct

    Yes unplugged your ideas of matter and mass (which are not the same thing actually, as so called antimatter is also mass and not antimass or negative mass) are standard perception and sufficient for a forum such as this. The ephemerial nature of matter at the quantum level engages the wave-particle duality of the Heisenberg-Lightmatrix and shows that the solidity and a unique fixation of position and momentum become untenable in the so called principle of complementarity (Niels Bohr). The limit for this quantum nature is the size of the atomic nucleus and can be extended in so called Einstein-Bose condensates and highly symmetric matter structures, such as the now famous buckyballs. New chemistry and solid state physics will develop from this, as well as superconductivity technology already in usage in countries like Japan in the magnetic supertrains.
    The dark matter and the dark energy are related to the extension of the 'Standard Model' which you will encounter in mainstream science and populus media (say SciAm and New Scientist etc) and also the academic libraries globally.
    There is some 'hidden' physics, but much much less, than the conspiracy theorists envision.
    The dark energies are to do with the natural duality inherent in the spacetime structure which couple or entangle Black Hole physics with white hole physics (looking like a funnel) in what is termed wormhole physics. This wormhole physics then directly relates to 'missing energy'; this being the idea of 'consciousness' as a property of space itself and not requiring 'biochemical human brains' say.
    I shall leave the technicalities for now, but add, that the old picture of the atom as a solar system is more correct than false in the deeper physics of the matter.

    Re Adam learning to feel and Eve learning the think:
    Not really but sort of lol. You are using stereotypes. Both Adam and Eve have both polarities in mirror images of each other.

    Yes, this is back to the issue of me chopping creation in half in a post some time back where you suggested I should double everything rather than jettison whole aspects of creation (the negative side that is identical to the positive though inverted). So this would be more correctly imaged as he/she | she/he polarities expressing in ADAM-EVE.

    There are deep and generally neglected (by bible bashers, historians and theologians) and unknown encodings like this one:

    4Q392: {Dead Sea Scroll}
    "[...] and dominions [...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...]." - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    Isaiah:45.7: {KJV}
    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    The tricky bit is the omnispace; as the physical universe cannot ever reach the 11-dimensional mirror. It is an asymptotically expanding universe in 10 dimensions and to attain the 10-dimensional timegate requires the actual holographic physics indicated in the 'rooster fable' to become realised in the holofractal inhabitants of the lower dimensional universe, say yourself.

    Now, strangely enough, I am beginning to understand these time gates and how these coexist in and around the 3D timespace in which the created "I" lives, moves, and has its Beingness. This seems to be saying the moment the lowest aspect in the bottom-most layers of creation (13=1=-2-3 (4)) can reach Timegate 10 (the snake's tail gets inserted in the snake's mouth) then the Rooster inside the crystal mountain gets a Self-realized companion.

    I could not have it said any better unplugged. The entire cosmology engages the minimum energy configurations becoming 'unified' with the maximum energy configurations in microquantums like atoms coupling to macroquantums like say galaxies.

    Those collapsed microquantum dimensions are so the spacetimes denoted as hyperspace, quantumspace and omnispace in the above and they are COLOCAL with large macroquantised dimensions.

    Are the 4, 7, 10 timegates the Branes they speak about in physics or are the Branes something else?

    BTW, you're right in your observation that the rigor required to master all this stuff isn't likely to make the People's Choice awards any time soon.

    For me there is genius in simplicity. Simplicity does not create the confusions that are at the root of the misconceptions that have resulted in sexism and war and chaos. The greatest thing about simplicity is that a simple construct, when thoroughly understood, can be linked to another simple [also thorougly understood] construct and another simple [thoroughly understood] construct until you have very complex, vast and complicated creation. The ability to make complexity simple is, in my opinion, one of the highest forms of expression -- a hallmark of genius -- one seldom realized on this planet.

    Well, I hope you're right about the redemption. I could probably easily ingest 13 cases jam-packed with 13-ounce bottles and still have lots of redeeming left over.

    I thank you in advance for any and all continued forays into simplicity.

    No, you got it right. The branes and strings of the more technical literature 'out there' is indeed what I am referring to. There are differences, like the major one for a differentiation or graduation of the five string classes of the mainstream and their manifestation as so termed 'cosmic rays' ; but this shall not concern us here atm.

    Unfortunately; I am far away from any genius level and so can only try to do my best in the subject matter I do know something about. This is what i attempt to do as an agency for the reharmonisation and reconficuration of a new universal superstructure, in which this planet Gaia plays a major starring role.

    Thank you unplugged for your questions.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30655 1 day, 12 hours ago - March 21st, 2011

    After reading the last two pages I must say I feel a minor meltdown occurring.. LOL.

    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    But alas... overload of trying to assimilate detail into my already existing picture, as well as some frustration from the reference being Biblical and of the Dead Sea Scrolls (both of which bring up a sort of deep seated grinding of the gears and anger... Which happens to me due to my knowledge of distortions in these scripts...

    However, I am able to understand mostly;y your teachings aside from the examples you chose to use to explain your teachings. I understand why you chose this way to do it so that is fine with me, I just needed to throw up my filters and focus on the overall image you put forth with the story. I will have questions, but I don't feel like typing them yet, lol.

    So Thank you all for your sharing and info and I leave this thread for a little time to fully absorb the theory you have to share in your material... It is not new to me overall, I have these concepts of the origin in mind, just a different view to consider.

    I leave you with this as it is right where my brain went for vacation for some reason even though I have not listened to these guys for years. I hope you don't mind. If you don't like the tunes just ignore them please, haha.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Raven
    • Ravenavatar.
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    #30670 1 day, 9 hours ago - March 22nd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    After reading the last two pages I must say I feel a minor meltdown occurring.. LOL.

    This is a good thing, it means that you’re removing barriers and feeling with your mind and thinking with your heart. Your superconscious self understands and knows all of this dear Mary and it waits patiently for your conscious self to remember and assimilate it. No worries you are doing fine.

    I have had these moments myself of data overload and sometimes it is good to walk away and 'zone' out, and chill the brain cells for a bit lol. I love your choice of music too btw, some good old tunes I had never heard.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    The good news? I have found that in reading the physics I seem to have formed a mental holographic image from the simple act of scanning over the equations. My understanding of physics and how it works is mostly due to my visual awareness and perception of dimension in space. So I discovered this new automatic skill, which is pretty cool.

    Yes for the less scientifically disciplined reader of this material, scanning over the equations is necessary in order to 'Grok' the full picture. A good visual and semantic foundation of the terminology of science presented will only heighten your understanding. I have spent many hours studying, reading and watching physics videos and its all been worth it. My efforts have paid off and been especially helpful in navigating all the pseudo science myths so many 'new agers' and so called people in the know, try to shove off on the masses.

    It is a sign of high intelligence to be skeptical and thorough with any and all data. We live in an information age and are undergoing a 'tsunami' of data, this is especially true with the internet and forums, where it can be a literal nightmare to sort through and discern fact from fiction. So you are to be commended for your logical rigor.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    But alas... overload of trying to assimilate detail into my already existing picture, as well as some frustration from the reference being Biblical and of the Dead Sea Scrolls (both of which bring up a sort of deep seated grinding of the gears and anger... Which happens to me due to my knowledge of distortions in these scripts...

    The angst you feel over the scrolls and biblical references is understandable and to be expected. It takes time to understand and decode the archetypes and messages within their words. It will help if you look at these writings as allegories and try to see through the dogma to the bigger picture. The dogma is a literal mind trap and many get caught in its fog. By not taking everything in full literal context and trying to see the deeper symbolical meaning, will allow you to diminish much of your frustrations.

    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    However, I am able to understand mostly;y your teachings aside from the examples you chose to use to explain your teachings. I understand why you chose this way to do it so that is fine with me, I just needed to throw up my filters and focus on the overall image you put forth with the story. I will have questions, but I don't feel like typing them yet, lol.

    So Thank you all for your sharing and info and I leave this thread for a little time to fully absorb the theory you have to share in your material... It is not new to me overall, I have these concepts of the origin in mind, just a different view to consider.

    I leave you with this as it is right where my brain went for vacation for some reason even though I have not listened to these guys for years. I hope you don't mind. If you don't like the tunes just ignore them please, haha.

    The music choice is lovely and thank you for your interest and questions Mary, it is refreshing to see someone who displays both wisdom and understanding, it gives me a sense of hope and deep appreciation for people with these qualities.

    From my Dragonheart, Raven

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116--32190-.32356.
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    • Posts: 77

    #30715 1 day, 1 hour ago - March 22nd, 2011
    Unfortunately; I am far away from any genius level and so can only try to do my best in the subject matter I do know something about. This is what i attempt to do as an agency for the reharmonisation and reconficuration of a new universal superstructure, in which this planet Gaia plays a major starring role.

    A-P, you are not as far away as you might believe. The mere fact that we are in dialogue shows that you have found ways to communicate very complex ideas via seemingly effortless movement through gnosticism, physics and mathematics. You willingness to SIMPLIFY has opened avenues for continued discussion. It is a privilege to learn about reality formation and the intricacies of creation from you.

    I shall be back with some additional questions later.

    Continue in grace.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad, Bermanseder
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116--32190-.32356.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77

    #30717 1 day ago - march 22nd, 2011
    But alas... overload of trying to assimilate detail into my already existing picture, as well as some frustration from the reference being Biblical and of the Dead Sea Scrolls (both of which bring up a sort of deep seated grinding of the gears and anger... Which happens to me due to my knowledge of distortions in these scripts...

    I know EXACTLY what you speak of. I, too, experience a sort of "deep seated grinding of the gears and anger" precisely due to the gross distortions and even outright lies that have been presented by the corrupted frequencies that mix truth and falseness with such adroit ease and to such devastating effect. It is at times very difficult to absorb meaning when I know with what deliberate and malicious intent many of these sacred texts have been so heinously altered.

    However, my path has been centered more toward the spiritual exegesis than the scientific, and, as such, I am more able to make sense of things when expressed through the Gnostic model than the mathematical/physical one. Fortunately for us, both the scientific and the gnostic are in expression on this thread, which is indeed a great blessing.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30844 12 hours, 44 minutes ago - March 22nd, 2011

    Future Shadows in the Time of Now

    For the Eye of the Shaman of Ophis, the Eagleman and for the Ear of the Witch of Arachne, the Spiderwoman.
    These translations form a continuity to the dispensations given under the Mayan code of honour (In Lak'ech!).

    The 2009 timeline requires an extended polarisation between human factions, adhering to an agenda of increased separation; for the implementation of the timeline for the metamorphosis of the universe, centered on the planet of the humanoids, to proceed.
    Only after the nexus point of December 8th, 2011 has been reached, will the necessity of depersonalisation and the absence of debate and commentary with respect to these Mayan messages, become increasingly apparent.

    The reason for publishing certain facts on relatively obscure sites and forums then serves the purpose to allow cessation of opinionated analysis of probabilities regarding those facts and as witnessed in books, media channels, the internet and expert references.
    These messages of 2009 so shall serve for clarification for those readers, who can identify with the Eye of the Shaman and the Ear of the Witch.

    The major message is this.
    The Mayan Precessional Year of 5x13x144,000=9,360,000 kin or 'mean solar days' will be fulfilled on December 21st, 2012 AD, having begun on July 27th, 10,802 BC as a precessional midway point.
    This midway-point then mirrored another precessional median at about 23,616 BC and a greater cycle of humanity, which began about 36,429 BC with the advent of what is commonly understood to be 'Modern Man' or Homo Sapiens Sapies.

    This date is also specified in the prophetic scriptures of the Judeo-Christian worldview (Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation) in a date beginning December 8th, 2004.
    This latter date and the Mayan nexus are also indicated in the timeline of the Great Pyramid.
    The human history so converges from the oldest timeline of the Sphinxian Pyramid as a midway precessional nexus to the Mayan calendar and the biblical reckonings.
    These messages so convey a particular information to give due notice of preparedness; as once this 'shift in spacetime' has been attained, a certain metaphysical reality will no longer be subject to belief or opinionated suppositions.

    This implies, that the 'unprepared in mind' will experience great difficulty to mentally process a particular 'new physical reality', revolving about the addition of a fourth spacial dimension to the present 4-dimensional Euclidean Minkowskian spacetime continuum.
    The 'preparation' for this new dispensation so engages and requires a familarisation of the perceived 'selfhood' or individuation in the present climate of 'beingness' within an imagined 5-dimensional environment, in which the present reality reduces to a cross-sectional part of a greater and encompassing reality.

    The true reality and as known by the adepts throughout the ages of humanity will then cease to be subject to ignorance, denial or ridicule; as this metaphysical reality will become understood to form a background for a c-invariant electromagnetomonopolic radiation matrix, no longer subject to the lightspeed barrier for inertial parameters.
    The production of electromagnetic radiation by inertia carriers will become supplemented by the production of wormhole- or sourcesink string-energy by a mass- or inertia-precursive agencies.

    In other words, considering this information within your own sense of relativity and your own frames of reference will allow you, should you so choose, to arrive at the appropriate (meaning unified or holistic or holographic) conclusions regarding thoses facts and a subsequent closure of opinionated ados and squabbling debates, based on various extrapolations upon those facts.
    This first dispensation will address the Pyramid of Khufu of the Gizean complex in Egypt.

    This subject matter is highly controversial, as it it well known in 'initiatory' circles located in 'high places', that the information encoded in the pyramid serves as a testimony and 'guideline' for the 'mental and physical' evolution for the terrestrial humanity in the collective and the individual sense.
    It is so considered necessary by the 'echelons,' to sequester the 'deeper unified' interpretations and analysis from public discernment.

    Having access to all and sundry information hitherto 'discovered' by the humanoid collective and without encumberances of fiscal restraints; the 'secretizers' use all means possible to disinform the populus via public media as to the importance of the pyramidal timelines and agendas.
    The pyramidal agenda necessarily relate the metaphysical realities to their physical manifestations and expressions.

    Therefore the analysis and research into the nature and purpose of the pyramid becomes very often 'emotionally charged' in a seeking of the harmony between the physical realism and its metaphysical or 'spiritual' derivative and progenitor.
    The 'sequesterers' so utilize this 'climate of intensity' to filter any relevant information made public, be it based on scientific deduction and measurement or extrapolated superpositions of historical sources, such as prophetic scriptures and mythologies.

    This becomes evident in the public acceptance of open legal slander with regards to labeling so called pyramidologists as pyramidiots.
    No other topic matter 'scares' the 'echeloners' more, than should members of the 'ignorant' populus 'discover' the final 'hidden secrets' of the pyramid; as the complete 'decipherment' still eludes even the 'most initiated' 'leaders' and members of the 'independents'.
    The many books and documents published on the Great Pyramid so are all 'incomplete' and contain extensive disinformation, no matter how 'authorative' they are presented by adherent or skeptic alike.

    This dispensation so shall proceed in continual update and as it is appropriate.


    a) To represent a physical testimonial for a metaphysical reality.

    b) To relate the physical reality to the metaphysical reality within an experiential setting of linear timeflow.

    c) To allow initiation for all (selfchosen) Shamans and Witches at defined nexus points inscribed in the King's Chamber.

    d) To relate the 'passage of linear time' to all possible agendas or life-paths experienced on the planet of the humanoids, albeit connected to all other sentiences in the universe, stargated (or wormholed) however in the galactic sourcesink Hunab Ku, the centre of the Milky Way aka Perseus. This 'higher' and 'alien inclusive' agenda requires a connectivity between the King's Chamber, the Queen's Chamber and the Courtesan's Chamber within this particular pyramid.

    e) To relate all other prophecy and predictions as probability functions to a synthesis of physical manifestations within metaphysical realisations.

    f) To relate the empty sarcophagus in the King's Chamber to the vacant grave of the Shaman-Witch who became successfully initiated.

    g) tba


    The Great Pyramid of Giza, in 2005. Built c. 2560 B.C., it is the oldest and largest of the three pyramidsin the Giza Necropolis.


    Diagram of the interior structures of the great pyramid. The inner line indicates the pyramid's present profile, the outer line indicates the original profile. (wikipedia)


    This diagram from Smyth's Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1864) shows some of his measurements and chronological determinations made from them

    Facts and Estimations, as obtained from the archives of the nonlinear timeline.


    a) The Pyramid Inch of about 1.00106 standard British Inches (BI), can be used as basic unit for the Pyramid's physical construction and was envisaged and studied by Isaac Newton, amongst many other explorers and researchers. Newton proposed a measurement unit of just over 25 BI ~ 63.5 cm for the pyramid's construction.

    b) 25 such Pyramid Inches (1 PI=2.54269 cm) then give 1 Pyramid Cubit = 1 PC=25 PI = Mean Earth Polar Radius/10,000,000=0.6356725 metres and the PI-Unit itself becomes defined in the thickness of the 'Boss' (or Bread of Life or 'Manna from Heaven' symbol) extruding from the Granite Leaf, the entrance construction for the antechamber adjacent to the King's Chamber. The PC is supplementary to the Royal Cubit 1 RC=20.6066 PI=0.5239620 meters.

    This Granite Leaf differs in thickness between 15.2 on the eastern edge and 16.2 PI on the western edge.

    The Boss is displaced similarly from the centre of the Granite Leaf's northern face 21.5 PI from the eastern edge and 19.5 PI from the western edge.

    c) The construction of the pyramid engages Limestone as water-derivatives and Granite as fire-derivatives.

    d) A forging in the fire so increases durability and utility as compared with a more porous liquid elementation in the sense of material 'hardness'.

    e) Only the King's Chamber Complex itself and the separating blockage or 'plug' between the Courtesan Complex and the common 'ascending passage' to the Queen's Chamber Complex and the King's Chamber Complex are made of Granite.

    f) There are 'Scored Lines' 481.7 PI away from the designed entrance to the pyramid and those markers can be defined as a measurement of Calibration with a designed Deviation of the PI unit itself.

    g) The geometrical construction of the pyramid incorporates precise relationships and proportions, such as the transcendental number π=3.142..~22/7 and the Golden Mean Phi Φ~1.618033...for a 'fixation' of the solar (tropical) year as 365.242 (mean solar) days.

    h) Measuring the Pyramid from its foundation socket-corners side S=9131.05 PI=25x(365.242)~232.174 meters, inscribes a slightly 'concave shortened' pyramid with a concavity matching the curvature radius of the earth.

    This concavity engages an increase of S'=S+0.35 PI=9131.4 PI=25x(365.256)~232.1832 meters as the length of a Sidereal Year of 365.256 'mean solar days'.

    There are 4 doubled corner segments, each summing as 8x35.763 PI=286.10 PI=Constant A=8xConstant C~7.275 meters to describe the 'shortening' of 4S by 7.275 meters to a sidelength of 230.355 meters.

    The Perimeter P=4S~4x9131.05 PI = 36,524.2 PI so indicates the Tropical Year of 365.24219 'mean solar days'.

    The error deviation of the constant B=365.242 PI from the Tropical Year measure so is (0.00019/365.24219=0.00000052) or 520 parts per billion and which becomes 16.41 seconds per year or about 4.8672 days per precessional cycle of so 25,627 years. The precessional year is here calculated as 5 Great Mayan cycles of 5x13x144,000 days=9,360,000 days=25,626.83 mean solar years (deviating from the Gregorian time count by about 0.02 years or so 7 days per precessional cycle). The 'conventional' measure presumes a side of 440 RC~230.54 meters.

    i) The height of the pyramid comprises 203 levels of masonry (with remnants of upper two) with an apex height H=5813.007 PI~147.807 meters (or a conventional estimate of 280 RC~146.71 meters) and including a 'missing topstone' with dimensions square perimeter 4s=2288.82 PI for side s=572.20 PI=2x286.10 PI=2x8x35.763 PI~14.549 meters and a height h=364.276 PI~9.262 meters. This 'missing height' so represent the length of a typical solar year shortened by Constant D=0.966=1-0.034 days or 'scriptural' encodements of an 'hour' within a 'day', being 1/24=0.041666....

    The apex of a 'missing capstone' is of height z=103.033 PI~2.6198 meters and of side length x=161.844 PI~4.1152 meters, should the capstone be a miniature scale of the entire pyramid in the ratio 1: √π/100 for z/H=x/S=√π/100 .

    The 'shortened' pyramid on the floor level so becomes encoded in the dimensions of the 'missing' topstone as s=2A=572.20 PI.

    After 201 levels of blocks the height of the pyramid at its top surface is ~5478 PI~139.289 meters and 335 PI from the apex (265 RC~138.8 meters is the conventional estimate). This encodes the 'Ancient Month' of 30 day-years in various prophecies for a sidelength of 526.23 PI.

    The masonic remnants of the uppermost 2 levels are ~317 PI from the apex to give 18 day-years at a sidelength of 497.94 PI and as a subdivisor for the 'Ancient Year' of 30 Months and 360 Days and many other 'gematria' associations (say R=18=6x6x6=6+6+6=216=...). It also indicates, in conjoin with the 'Hour in a Day' in constant D the 'mean socket level' for the length differences of the four corner sockets, constructed to wither timeborne earthquakes, erosions and subduction events (18-1=17).
    j) The ratio of Height to Perimeter of the encasing pyramid is H/4S=1/2π~147.807/928.698~5813.007/365242 for 2πH= Great Circle encompassing the pyramid as a regular Platonic polyhedron in the form of an Octahedron. The perimeter of the pyramid's base 'squares' the circle.

    Using the Sidereal Year (relative to fixed stars), gives this height H'=4S'/2π=5813.230 PI~147.8124 meters.

    k) The 35th course of stones is twice the height (about 50 PI) of the preceding courses at 1162.6 PI~29.561 meters. This is 10 times the length of the antechamber, leading into the King's Chamber.

    About 2.3 million stones of differing weights between 2-30 tons each and some as heavy as 70 tons are used.

    l) The pyramid is constructed atop a 'mound', estimated to occupy about 23% of the total geometric volume of the pyramid. This 23% signifies a 'hidden' part of the pyramid in the 'doubling' of the base layers of the inverted pyramid (see Pyramid Quadratic below).

    m) The total volume occupied by all chambers and passages is estimated to be about 0.07% or about 1859 m3.


    n) The 'Guiding Light' of the Pole-Star is the 'naked eye' star closest to the celestial northpole.
    The present Pole-Star is Polaris aka Alpha Ursae Minoris in the constellation Ursa Minor (Little Bear aka Little Dipper's handle star), laying within 0.75 degrees of celestial true north. In 1997 Polaris begun to 'illuminate' the entrance of the Descending passage and in October 2004, Polaris 'shone' directly down the Descending Passage. Polaris has 'brightened' appreciably by 15% or a factor of 2.5 in a decade and since Ptolemy observed it about 100 AD.

    Alpha Draconis was the Pole-Star in the 27th century BC from 3942 BC (superceding Theta Booetis) until 1793 BC (preceded by Kappa Draconis).

    Alpha Draconis was closest to the celestial northpole in 2787 BC at under 2.5 arcminutes. For about 200 years Alpha Draconis remained within 1 degree of true north, becoming displaced by Kochab about 1900 BC.

    The Descending Passage is so oriented, that the celestial North-Pole can be seen in a restricted way.

    The Dragon-Star aka the Devil-Star aka Thuban aka Alpha Draconis would revolve about true celestial north, allowing for refraction, some 645 years before and after the time of closest approach to true north, according to Percival Lowell.
    Percival Lowell calculated the years as 3400 BC and 2140 BC about 1912 and Charles Smythe calculated those dates as 3440 BC and 2123 BC.

    The angle of declination of the Descending Passage (26.3028°) is subtracted from the elevation of the celestial northpole above the horizon (29.981°) to give an angular 'precessional window' of 3.678 degress for the periods (3437 BC-3325 BC) and (2253 BC-2139 BC) of approximately 114 years.

    The declination of the north star so engages 90-3.678=86.32 degrees as a minimum with a top-bottom variation of about 39 minutes maximum to 86.97 degrees.

    A 'reconstruction' or template-renovation of the pyramid can so be dated with those celestial north-pole alignments with the descending passage serving as a celestial observatory. Radio-Carbon dating on the pyramid resulted in a date variation from 2100 BC to 2800 BC and some much longer up to 12,000 years into the past.

    o) As the length of the 'Scored Lines' is so 481.7 PI and if added to the 'Thuban-Date' of 2140 BC; will give the entrance to the Great Pyramid as a dating of about 2622 BC - the archaeological period of pharaoh Khufu (name meaning 'God Protects Me'), whose proposed reign (2589 BC - 2566 BC) is associated with the Great Pyramid.

    Pharaoh Djoser is believed to have begun the building of pyramids (commissioning his Vizier Imhotep - 'The One Who Comes In With Peace') in his reign (2635 BC - 2610 BC) in the Old Kingdom's 3rd dynasty (2686 BC - 2613 BC). Djoser (name meaning 'Body of the Gods') was preceded by pharaoh Sanakth (2686 BC - 2667 BC) as the name of 'Strong Protection' to archeologically relate the timeline of the pyramid to its 'Rediscovery' by the Egyptian pharaohs in the 3rd dynasty.

    The 1st dynasty is conventionally dated to begin with pharaoh Menes about 3100 BC and the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt under Narmer, (the hieroglyphic catfish) around 3150 BC to indicate the earlier precessional alignment of the Great Pyramid with the Egyptian archeological history and leading into its prehistory.

    This prehistory is indicated by the 3rd century BC Ptolemaic Egyptian priest-historian Manetho ('Truth of Thoth'), who asserted, that Egyptian civilisation had existed 36,525 years prior to the end of the 30th dynasty in 332 BC.

    The 'Aegyptiaca' of Manetho discusses the 'Hebrew Custom' to identify a 'Lunar Year' of 30 'Ancient Months' with a Year-Count applied to the Egyptian prehistory of: 'Gods, Demigods, Spirits of the Dead and Mortal Men'. Taking a 'Lunar Year' count of 36,000 then reduces to 3,000 'Ancient Years' each of 12 months counted in 30 'Ancient Days'; this 'custom' distorting the reckoning of the timekeepings and resulting in 'misinterpreted' biblical chronologies.

    p) Using the conventional archeological datings so indicates that the Great Pyramid existed already at the beginning of the 3rd dynasty and subsequently served as a template for the pyramid building activities of later pharaohs.



    a) Encasing the pyramid in 'Casing Stones' with a polished surface design (often finetuned to within 1/100th of an inch or 1/5th of a millimeter), will result in the transformation of the Great Pyramid into a Beacon of White Stone, casting a starlike reflection or shadow across the area of its construction, being oriented due north (to within 1/20th of a degree) on the longest landsurface meridian at a latitude of 30 degrees north (29.98085°).

    b) The pyramid has its face to base angle of alpha=α=51.8540 degrees and its edge-to-base angle of beta=β=41.99736 degrees.

    The midday shadow-angle between the northern face of the pyramid and the sun so increases towards the apex and disappears, the pyramid swallowing its own shadow when directly overhead at noon.

    The pyramid's westbound shadow at sunrise converges gradually towards the side of the pyramid and coincides with the side at the solstice time for a similar 'swallowing of the sun' as a 'winged disk'.

    c) The Diagonal of the (long) pyramid is D=S√2~12913.25 PI~328.344 meters for an Edge E=S√(4/π2 +½)~8687.854 PI defining sinβ=H/E=0.669096.

    d) The Midpoint of a side S and the Apex define ((½S)2+L2=E2) the slanted height L=H/sinα=7391.5513 by the face-angle cosγ=S/2E=0.52551 and the face-apex angle δ=180-2γ=180-2(58.2974)=63.4052 degrees.

    e) 2L/S=4/π.sinα~1.61899 and precisely Φ for sinα=4/(πΦ) =0.786905314..... for an
    'Idealised Casing Angle' =51.89724156 degrees (51º 53' 50").

    S/2L=L/(L+S/2)=2L/(2L+S)=1/Φ for the Golden Section: L:(L+½S)=(½S):L

    The Pentagon is defined by a equilateral triangle ABC apex angle (at C) 36 degrees and face-angles 72 degrees for a midpoint P and sides divided in the ratio X:(1-X) and where X=1/Φ is also the base AB.

    Therefore, sin(18º)=1/2Φ=sin(36º)/2sin(72º) from sin(36º)=2sin(18º).cos(18º).

    PI Ratio of the Great Pyramid

    PHI Ratio of the Great Pyramid


    Because (n+1)3=n3+3n2+3n+1 and (1+2+3+...+(n-1)+n=½n(n+1) as Summation of Arithmetic Progression for the Natural Numbers;






    Therefore summing the cubes gives {13+23+...+n3+(n+1)3}=(n+1).1+3(1+2+...+n)+3(12+22+...+n2)+(13+23+...+n3)

    Therefore, (n+1)3=n3+3n2+3n+1=(n+1)+3(n)(n+1)/2+3(Summation of Squares).

    And Summation of Squares:

    Similarly, (n+1)4=n4+4n3+6n2+4n+1=(n+1).1+4(Summation of Cubes)+6(Summation of Squares)+2n(n+1)

    for Sigma{Σn3}=[(n+1)4-n(n+1)(2n+1)-2n(n+1)-(n+1)]/4=[n(n+1)/2]2={1+2+3+...+(n-1)+n}2=Σ{n3}.

    There are so 210(211)(421)/6=3,109,085 'Idealised Stones', including the Capstone and 4x209+1=837 Cornerstones (with the capstone) for n=210 courses in the Great Pyramid.
    The total number of casing stones without the capstone so becomes
    and 2.210.209=87,780 for n=210; and the cornerstones, inclusive the capstone, sum as
    Σ{Cn}=4(n-1)+1=4n-3. and as Σ{Cn}=4(n-1) without the capstone.

    The encompassment for 210 levels gives the sequence of squares from 210 to the capstone as metaphysical cubes enveloping the physical pyramidal structure. Those metaphysical cubes become however metaphysical prisms for the capstone to be a miniature replica for the pyramid in toto.

    The 210 courses so have square bases, but a reduced height in the ratio H/S=2/π~0.63662 and for 210Y=H=2S/π for Y=27.681 PI~0.7038 meters.

    On level n=210 the base layer encompasses 44,100 prisms with 836 casing stones and for n=209, the second layer counts 43,681 such prisms with 832 casing stones.

    Level 10 comprises 100 prisms and 36 casing stones, followed by the counts (81,32); (64,28); (49,24); (36,20); (25,16); (16,12); (9,8) and (4,4) as the projected height of the pyramid for n=2 and with just 4 cornerstones, also being casing stones - followed by the capstone. There are 836 corner stones in total.


    The Casing Stones of the 'short pyramid' can now themselves become 'Encased' by the 'metaphysical' 'long pyramid'; the first level casing stones have dimensions of about 1.5:1.5:1.8, there are 232.174/1.5~153-155 pyramidal prisms in the encompassing metaphysical side.

    But the 'perfected' polishing of the pyramidal surface allows superposition of 'Idealised Perfect Cubes' onto this smooth surface 'without gaps'.

    Beginning at the 'Capstone' aka Pyramidion as n=1 in a Sum of Squares and proceeding to n=210 courses; constructs the squares in layers n2; each layer n defining a circumference of Casing Stones counted as
    Tn=4(n-2)+4 Cornerstones or as Tn=4(n-1).

    An idealised cubestone so has a sidelength 9131.05/210=43.481 PI or X=1.1056 meters and a volume of U=X2Y=0.8603 m3.

    The volume summed as the courses of squares becomes U(12+22+32+...+2092+2102)=U(210x211x421)/6 or about 2,674,836 m3 and for 3,109,085 'idealised' construction stones.

    The geometric volume of the pyramid is calculated as:
    Volume=BaseAreaxHeight/3 ~2,655,807 m3,
    and it becomes the difference of the 'idealised' volume minus the 'polishing'.

    The Polishing-Function P(n) describes the difference in those volumes divided by the number of casing stones used. Using this function will greatly improve the accuracy of the individual size measurements for the pyramid.

    For U=S2H/n3 and V=S2H/3:

    P(n)={U(2n3+3n2+n)/6-S2H/3}/{U(2n2-2n+1)} = {(2n3+3n2+n)/6-n3/3}/{2n2-2n+1} and so

    P'(n)={1+6n-8n2}/{6[2n2-2n+1]2}, which is 0 for a maximum at n={(6+√68)/16}=0.890388203..for P(0.8904)~0.676925 or 67.7%.

    This shows that for a single prismatic construction stone (n=1); the geometric volume of the 'chiseled' pyramid will be one third of the utilized material and where this value approaches its maximum at n=0.8904.

    The encasing so subtracts about 19,029 m3 or 22,119 U from the idealised construction of prisms at the 210 course level and where the number of casing stones is 87,780+1=87,781 and subtracting so 0.71% from the total and for P(210)~25.16%.

    Increasing the number of 'idealised' casing stones so will increase the number of courses and allow the physical construction of the 210 courses to use a variation and distribution of building blocks, accompanied by a decrease in the size of the blocks and a reduction in the 'polishing fraction'.

    The variation is about 0.0007% per level for n=219.

    The total volume for all the passages and chambers in the pyramid is about 1300 m3 and so

    For n=218, one requires 218x219x437/6=3,477,209 prisms with 2x218x217=94,612 casing stones, of which 868 are corners and Y=26.665 PI~0.678 meters; X=41.886 PI~1.065 meters and U~0.7690 m3 for P(218)~25.153344%.

    For n=219, one requires 219x220x439/6=3,525,170 prisms with 2x219x218=95,484 casing stones, of which 872 are corners and Y=26.543 PI~0.675 meters; X=41.694 PI~ 1.060 meters and U~0.7587 m3 for P(219)~25.152642%.

    For n=220, one requires 220x221x441/6=3,573,570 prisms with 2x220x219=96,360 casing stones, of which 876 are corners and Y=26.423 PI~0.672 meters; X=41.505 PI~1.055 meters and U~0.7484 m3 for P(220)~25.151946%.

    At a projected 'perfect' 2702 level of 27x27x100=72,900 baselevel then; the number of noncorner casing stones is equal to the number of casing stones including the corners at the next 269-level; 145,260-1076=144,184 and excluding the capstone and for P(270)~25.123743% and P(269)~25.124204%.

    This function holds generally and at the 2192 level of 219x219=47,961 baselevel; the number of noncorner casing stones is 95,484-872=94,612 as the casing stones at the n=209 level inclusive the cornerstones.

    At the n=210 course of 2102=21x21x100=44,100 baselevel; the number of noncorner casing stones is 87,780-836=86,944=2x209x208 as the casing stones at the n=209 level inclusive the cornerstones.

    So for the n=5 course; the perfect square 25 is base to 5x6x11/6=55 prisms of 2x5x4=40 casing stones and of 4x4=16 corners plus the capstone.

    And for the n=4 level; the perfect square 16 is base to 4x5x9/6=30 prisms of 2x4x3=24 casing stones and of 4x3=12 corners plus the capstone.

    For the n=3 level; the perfect square 9 is base to 3x4x7/6=14 prisms of 2x3x2=12 casing stones and of 4x2=8 corners plus the capstone and for

    n=2; the perfect square 4 is the base for the capstone as 2x3x5/6=5 prisms of 2x2x1=4 casing stones as 4x1=4 corners for the pyramidion at n=1.


    The physical measurement of the Great Pyramid gives 'short' measurements for the Northern side ~230.255 meters; Southern side 230.453 meters; Eastern side 230.392 meters and Western side 230.359 meters - average 230.365 meters) and height 146.730 meters and for a face-base or casing angle of arctan(2H/S)=51.868 degrees (51º 52' 6").

    The 'long' measurements, using the sockets fastened to the pavement, are S=232.174 meters and H=147.807 meters for a casing angle of 51.854 degrees (51º 51' 14").

    Adding the shadow-gnomon (of height G=0.22956 meters or 9.0283 PI) to this height will give the idealised relationship: α=arcsin{4/(πΦ)}=51º 53' 50.07".

    The Great Pyramid as an Octahedron represents 'The Seal of Solomon' or David's Star geometrically and symbolically. The shadowed DARK and hidden half so is allowed to intersect the visible LIGHT half at its base course N.

    Star of David=Seal Of Solomon=Vesica Piscis=Octahedron [​IMG]

    A Moroccan local stamp, created in March 1896 by Josue Benchimol, from Tetuan to Chaouen (70 km). There are two major symbols on this stamp, the six-points star and the moon crescent with a star, symbolising many religions. Another local post was created in 1895 by Aaron Cohen from Tanger to Arcila (50 km), with a Magen David. (byzeevveez).

    From Wikipedia entry “Fire (classical element)” uploaded by Bryan Derksen

    In alchemy the triangle that points up is the symbol of fire while the triangle that points down is the symbol of water. As the elemental Fire is 'nourished' by the elemental Air and the elemental Earth is nourished by the elemental Water as zodiacal opposites; all four elements are incorporated in this symbolism.

    From Wikipedia entry “water (classical element)” uploaded by Bryan Derksen

    Fire and water are opposites. In the hexagram they interpenetrate and together they represent the unity of the opposites as in the yin-yang semiotiks - the fiery water with the airborne earth - that’s why hexagrams were drawn on the signs above shops that sold brandy until about hundred years ago.


    Made from micrographic Hebrew letters of verses from The Song of Songs by Baruch Ben Shmariahu (Shir_Brest_1794).Micrography is a unique Jewish art which has been developed in Tiberias in the 9th century C.E (Copyright: “zhsky” from Flickr)
    The Seal of Solomon, the New IS-RA-EL and the Pyramidal Timeline

    The Vesica Piscis of Intersection

    The vesica piscis is a shapewhich is the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the bladder of the fishin Latin. The shape is also called mandorla("almond" in Italian).
    It has been the subject of mystical speculation at several periods of history, perhaps first among the Pythagoreans. The mathematical ratio of its width (measured to the endpoints of the "body", not including the "tail") to its height was reportedly believed by them to be 265:153 (namely 1.73203...). The geometric ratio of these dimensions is actually the square root of 3, or 1.73205... (since if straight lines are drawn connecting the centers of the two circles with each other, with the two points where the circles intersect, two equilateral triangles join along an edge). The ratio 265:153 is an approximationto the square root of 3, with the property that no better approximation can be obtained with smaller whole numbers. The number 153 appears in the Gospel of John(21:11) as the number of fish Jesus caused to be caught in a miraculous catch of fish. (Wikipedia)

    Because the two centres are a distance R=Radius apart, the midpoint and geometric center of the vesica piscis becomes a cross centered on ½R=Rcos(60º)=½R horizontally and ½H=Rsin(60º)=½R√3 vertically.
    The axis-cross ratio 2H/R=R√3/R=√3=1.7320508...~265/153=1.7320261...
    and for an error of (100-99.9986)%=0.0014%.
    The general method relates the Archimedean extraction of roots by (integer) Diophantine equations:
    X2=3Y2+1 for √(X2/Y2)=X/Y=√(3+1/Y2) and here for X=5,19,71,265,989,3691,...and Y=3,11,41,153,571,2131,... for increasingly precise approximations for √3.

    There are 265 Days of Gestation in a typical human pregnancy, reflecting three quarters of a solar tropical year and as 9 Lunations or Synodic Months, each of 29.53059 mean solar days to an error of (100-99.708)%=0.292%.

    Subtracting 153 Fish-Days from the 'Gestational Cocoon' of 265 Mayan Kin-Days so indicates a daycount for a particular year, which encompasses 366 days from a 'Desolation-Resurrection' Day to its anniversary. 265-153=265-150-3=115-3 and where the 150 Days are encoded as '5 months of Scorpions' and as 110 Days of 'rising waters' following 40 Days and Nights of Deluge in the metaphor of Noah's Flood.
    Here the dimensions of Noah's Ark -{Genesis.6.15}- are L:B:H=300:50:30=6:1:0.6~6Φ:Φ:1 and again approximating √3 as 5/3 and describing the Merkabah of the 'Cosmic Man' Vitruvius of Leonardo de Vinci.

    Fundamentally, the 153 day count relates to 100+53=100+49+4 and where 7.5 weeks (7=3+4=2x3.5) describe a 'weekly cycle' superimposed onto other such cycles, like the 30 day 'ancient month' and the 360 day 'ancient year'. The days from January 1st to May 31st are 151 in a non-leap year and 152 in a leap year and the number of days from August 1st to December 31st in any Gregorian count is 153. The midpoint 'Mirror-Day' in such a typical year of 365=2x182+1 days so becomes Day #183 as July 2nd with 182 days preceding and 182 days following.

    This particular Kinship was Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD and the anniversary was April 1st, 32 AD as the 'Days of the Cosmic Fool' of the Orb of the Ouroboros aka Ophiuchus, the Tamer of the Serpent - the Plumed Serpent of the Maya or the Quetzacoatl of the Aztecs or the Egyptian Horus aka the Cosmic Christ aka the 12th Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi aka Emmanuel Melchizedek aka Hermes Trismegistos aka 'The Great White Brother' aka Krishna Purusha aka aka aka..

    Linked to the decipherment of divers encodements (which are more detailed in the linked references); a weekly cycle of 7 days is halved into three days and three nights and a mirror day, where the day becomes a night and the night becomes a day.

    There are seven weeks added to this halfweek, beginning on April 1st, 31 AD to signify 56 days between the 'appearance of a dried earth' and the Noahic Covenant of the Rainbow.
    These are the image days from the 'Day of the Embalming' on Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD to the 'Day of the Pentecost' on Sunday, May 20th, 31 AD, occuring 10 Days after the 'Day of the Disappearance' or 40 Days of 'Communion'.
    There are thus 153 Fish-Days between the 'Day of the Leaving' on Thursday, May 10th, 31 AD and the 'Day of the Fulfilment and the Mirroring of Time' on Wednesday, October 10th, 31 AD and its halfweekprojection from Sunday, May 13th, 31 AD to Saturday, October 13th, 31 AD.

    This is a timeline encoded in the Pyramid, as well as being specified in the allegory of the Flood and the scriptural gematria.
    The pyramidal encoding indicates, that a 'mental image flood' will end in a 'New Rainbow Covenant' on April 1st, 2012 AD to begin a 'Gaian Pregnancy' and a 'Gaian Rebirth' manifesting on December 21st, 2012 AD. This shall be further elucidated as the linear timeline progresses towards its Mayan fulfilment.

    The political entity of the state of Israel will cease to exist after this 'New Covenant' becomes implemented. The 'Chosen and Holy People of God' will be understood to relate to the Jewish culture as a geographical archetype and as a 'forerunner' for its unigraphical archetype of the humanoid species overall. This unigraphical mapping relates the humanoid genus as a particular cosmic 'citizenship' or 'inheritor' of certain 'Abrahamic Promises' regarding a 'Seeding from the Stars'.

    Serving as an archetype for the 'starseeded' human species; the Israelitic identification with a certain geographical location and certain monumental symbols shall become DIFFUSED into a planetary identification for the global populus. This shall eventuate, in the reidentification of the 'Tribes of Jacob-Israel' as the dividing of the the cyclic year into 12 months or 12 starsigns or a similar partitioning of a Unity into separated sharded holograms.

    The relabeling shall render every global 'inheritor' as a 'SonDaughter of Israel' according to herhis starsign as hisher 'birthday' or 'deathday'. The political Israel shall so become a global Israel, with all 'Jews' assimilated and dispersed around the global communities as 'New Israelites' and according to their chosen physical abodes of residence. Then the present day Jewish peoples residing in present day political Israel and all who choose to reside at that particular geographical locale, will be known as Palestinian Israelites.

    What is known as the political Nation-State Israel. will become dismantled or ZIONISED to encompass the worldwide New IS-RA-EL = RA-IS-EL and as the symbolic fulfilment of the physical manifestation of the hitherto metaphysical 'Source-God-Sink' Ra Ren YahWehY Ren Hallah Ren EL and embodied as the BODY of ISRAEL aka Noah's Ark aka the Merkabah aka the Body of Christ aka THE TEMPLE of the RESURRECTION aka the NEW JERUSALEM aka the Dagonomy of the HeShe=SheHe of the alchemical 'wedding' between the 'spirit' and the 'flesh' aka the RadiationMass of the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' as a 'Vessel of Deliverance'.

    The true nature of the 'Temple of Jerusalem' and of the NATION ZION shall become universally realised and it will be understood, that the Old Jerusalem and the Old Israel as geographical locations served as unigraphical archetypes for a New Jerusalem and a New Israel.

    The nation Israel shall be the first such political entity, which shall relinquish its 'sense of separation' from its 'neighbours' and assume its International Selfhood as a DaughterSon of EL; the Pharaohnic symbol of the Sceptre and the Flail, the Royal lineage from the stars, allowing nonterrestrial lineages to aspire to Israelite Genealogical Integration.

    For a period of time, the geographical region upon earth now occupied by the nation Israel and surrounding regions, shall be known as PALESTINA; the Old Origin of the P(a)lace of Solomon's Temple and the Birthing P()lace of the eonold Construction of 'The archetypical Body for the metaphysical God EL'.

    There shall also be a new geographical origin for the locale for this Old Israel to mirror the Above in the Below and the North in the South.

    The IS-RA-EL of the North shall be known througout the galaxies as the AUS-TRA-LIA of the South. This nomenclature shall reflect certain metaphysical occurrences of the beginning of the cycle of the 'starseeded humanity' in the Southern Lands of Lemuria and the Northern Lands of Atlantia and thereby allow the communication between the 'watchers and gardeners of the seeds' and the 'fruitful seeds' to proceed intergalactically within a new realisation of a shared spacetime environment within the lightmatrix of EL-LE and LE-EL.

    The Old Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed by Titus Flavius Vespasius on August 4th, 70 AD, precisely 42 years after the 'Day of the Blessing' of the 'Plumed Serpent' in the river Jordan on August 4th, 28 AD. These 42 years so describe a period of the 'Blessed Curse', which is encoded as the 'Winepress of God's Wrath, trodden Without the Holy City' and assuming the number count of 1,600 Days between August 4th, 2008 AD and December 21st, 2012 AD

    These 1,600 Days form the 'furlong-measurement' in comparison to the 'furlong-measurement' of the 'Within the Holy City', given as 12,000 Days.
    The ratio 19,200/144,000=1,600/12,000=16/120=2/15=1/7.5 describes the LIGHT-ENCOMPASSMENT for the planet earth in a Schumann-Frequency of 7.5 Hertz. Light 'travels around the earth's perimeter 7.5 times per second.

    12,000 Days are 32 years and 312 days and 1,600 days are 4 years and 139 days for a total of 37 years and 86 days, 10 months and about 8 days.
    December 21st, 2012 AD - 13,600 Days = September 27th, 1975 AD and April 1st, 32 AD - 13,600 Days = January 6th, 6 BC (as the Julian Christmas Day or the Day of the Magi in the Gregorian Calendar and as the general Yuletide Season or 12 Days of Christmas).

    The 8 weeks or 49+7 Days of the Rainbow Covenant from September 27th, 1975 give the 'Day of Ophis' - the 'Day of the Plumed Serpent Ophiuchus' as the Cusp between the Israelitic Tribal Sons of Sagittarius-Issachar and Scorpio-Asher on November 23rd, 1975. This begins 3 weeks of tribulation as 21 'Days of Gabriel' to 'complete' the '7 Days of Ezekiel's Confusion' and the '4-Weeks of Lent'.

    56 Days from 'King's Day' January 6th, 6 BC gives March 3rd, 6 BC and its extension by 21 Days gives the Spring Equinox of the Julian Calendar in 6 BC as the 'Birthday of the Serpent-Tamer' to March 24th, 6 BC that is the spring equinox dated at March 23rd, 6BC (back calibrated to March 21st, 6BC Gregorian).

    The detailed partitioning of the 'End Times' from December 8th 2004 to December 21st, 2012 engages a particular 2-year period and the larger cycles of the sun and the moon.
    The METONIC Cycle encompasses a 19-year cycle of 235 Lunations, equal to 19 tropical years to within 2 hours.
    The Metonic cycle forms the basis for Greek and Jewish calendars, as it repeats the phases of the moon on the same days of a year.

    The SAROS Cycle relates the occurrrence of Lunar and Solar Eclipses in almost identically repeated intervals of just over 18 years.
    223 Lunations or 6585.32 days differ by 0.46 days from 19 Eclipse years (of just 346.62003 mean solar days) of 6585.78 days and assign a position of the Sun, the Moon and the Moon's Dragon-Nodes which is the same relative to each other for a Saros period.
    This Saros cycle was known to the ancient civilisations, including the Babylonians and the Maya.

    The difference between the Metonic- and the Saros Cycle so are 235-223=12 Lunations or 354.3671 mean solar days and differing from the Tropical year by 10.875 mean solar days.

    A BLUE MOON is defined as Two Full Moons occuring in a given (common Gregorian) month and a BLACK MOON serves as the New Moon corollary. As there are approximately 40 such corollaries in a century; there are about 40 Blue Moons and 40 Black Moons per century or the separation between any particular Double-Moon is between 2.5 and 3 years.

    In the 'End Times' and for Universal Greenwich Time (UMT), the BLUE MOONS are:
    July 2&31 2004 AD; June 1&30 2007 AD; December 2&31 2009 AD and August 2&31 2012 AD.
    The BLACK MOONS for the 'End Times' are: December 1&31 2005 AD; August 1&30 2008 AD and July 1&30 2011 AD.

    A Solar Eclipse requires a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon and so can only occur at the New Moon.
    A Lunar Eclipse requires Sun and Moon in opposition with the earth in between and so can only happen at Full Moon.

    'Within two full years will I bring again into this place all the vessels of the Lord's house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried them to Babylon.....Even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years."-{Jeremiah.28.3,11}.
    "And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord."-{Isaiah.66.23}.

    The vessels of the Lord are physical images of metaphysical objects and king Nebuchadnezzar is the archetype of the physical controllers. The 'flesh' is in inferior supraidentity of the superior metaphysical identity and the inferior will become subject to the superior in a supramentalisation of the below metamorphosing into the above. (See Moses' Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistos and the 'Above as Below' axioms for further alchemical elucidiation at this point in time. Another reference regarding supermentality is Aurobindoean metaphysics).

    On December 21st, 2010 AD, a Tuesday Full Moon begins a 2-year period to December 21st, 2012.
    The (northern) winter solstice synchronises with a Total Lunar Eclipse.
    Other Total Lunar Eclipses for this 2-year period occur on Full Moon, Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 and on Full Moon, Saturday, December 10th, 2011.

    There is a Total Solar Eclipse for New Moon, Tuesday, November 13th, 2012; an Annular Solar Eclipse on New Moon, Sunday, May, 20th, 2012 and there are Partial Solar Eclipses on the New Moons of Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 and Wednesday, June 1st, 2011, as well as on Friday, July 1st, 2011 (just one month apart) and for Monday, November 28th, 2011.
    There are partial Lunar Eclipses on the Full Moons of Monday, June 4th, 2012 and Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 (penumbral).
    The Second 8-year Venus Transit of Wednesday, June 6th, 2012 completes the First Venus Transit of Monday, June 7th, 2004.

    Following the December 21st, 2010 Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse, the next New Moon will occur on Tuesday, January 4th, 2011 AD.
    July 1st, 2011 AD will introduce the FIRST BLACK MOON into the final 2-year period and define the FIRST SABBATH on Saturday, July 2nd, 2011 AD and the SECOND SABBATH on the SECOND BLACK MOON on Saturday, July 30th, 2011 AD.

    Within the two sabbaths and the two Black Moons, is located Sunday, July 10th, 2011 AD as the mirror image of the 'Gestation Day' of Sunday, April 1st, 2012 AD.
    Counting 265 Days from July 10th, 2011 gives April 1st, 2012 and counting 265 Days from April 1st, 2012 gives December 21st, 2012.
    The day count from New Moon on Friday, July 1st, 2011 AD to New Moon on Thursday, December 13th, 2012 AD are 19 Lunations or synodic months and there are 9 New Moons from Saturday, April 21st, 2012 AD to Thursday, December 13th, 2012 AD and there are 9 New Moons between Saturday, July 30th, 2011 AD and Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011 AD.
    There are so 10 encompassing New Moons from Saturday, April 21st, 2012 AD to Friday, January 11th, 2013 AD and 9 Lunations mirrored in Friday, July 1st, 2011 AD as the imaged beginning of the 'Shadowed Pregnancy' and 'Birth'.
    The period from July 10th, 2011 AD to December 21st, 2012 so encompasses 2x265=530 Days to which is added a 'halfweek of confusion' or 3.5 days to Chrismas Day, 2012 and 21 days until the January 2013 New Moon.
    This scenario becomes imaged in the two Black Moons of July, 2011 with the 4-weeks from December 13th, 2012 to January 11th, 2013 'reflecting' in its 'shadow' of the two Black Moons from July 1st, 2011 to July 30th, 2011.

    There are 40+110=150 Days of the 'Deluge' followed by 74 days from the 'Peak of Mount Ararat', followed by 40+7+7+36=90 days until the 56 days for the 'Rainbow Covenant' for a total of 370 days.
    The symmetry then becomes-{Genesis.7.11-}:
    The subsiding of the deluge so spans the daycount from the 'Peak of Mount Ararat' to Noah's sending of the Raven and the Dove 74+40=114 days afterwards and is followed by 14+36+56=106 days or 15 weeks plus one day. As 370=105+265=153+56+56+105=150+(3.5+3.5)+49+108+56
    150 days of the raising are also '5 months of scorpions' {Revelation.9.5-10} and the difference between the 'Gestation' Image within the Rainbow Covenant beginning April, 1st, 2012 and the 'Days of the Flood' are 265-150=115=370-the 86 days

    The Octahedron as a Nonintersecting Double-Pyramid


    The physical Great Pyramid is metaphysically SHADOWED in the encompassing circle defined by its height H, being the radius R for that circle and circumscribing a Square of side S=½πH.
    The Great Pyramid so is a Double-Pyramid of upwards-pointing Light and downwards-pointing Darkness; and as symbolised by the geoemetry of the Vesica Piscis and Solomon's Seal. As such the regular Platonic Octahedron becomes displaced in intersection about the platform of the 220th layer, upon which the physical pyramid is constructed.

    2x219x218+1=95,485 Casing Stones for 219 levels so become supplemented by 47,961 'Shadowed' and nonpolished Casing Stones from the inverted and reflected pyramid. This then gives 143,446 Casing Stones for the 5-faced pyramid. The number of casing stones at n=219 for that layer are 4x218=872 with 872xP(219)~219.33.. So each of the casing stones is 'polished' to 75%.

    There are so 115 Casing Stones missing to complete the 144,000 (Mayan) Kin-Day number of the propheticalle encoded count of 12x12,000=144,000.
    115=5x23 and including the 'missing capstone' for 'four gates' or corners of the 'New Temple' (say the New Jerusalem' as a 'Heavenly City' or a 'Light-Space-Ship' gives 4x(28+1)=4x29=4x(30-1)=116.
    This doubles the 8 weeks of the timeline chronologies as 2x(49+2x(3.5))=112=265-153 and assigns each cardinal direction or 'Jerusalem Gate-Corner' of North-East-West-South an 'Entrance' 'guarded' by the decomposition of the 'missing capstone' as the Unity 1=29-28.

    The 'shadowing' of the LIGHT-Pyramid in its DARK-Pyramid in the Octahedron then intersects the Pavement in the fraction of n as given in the Pyramid Quadratic.

    Using the Pavement of the pyramid as the course for n=220; the number of 220x220=48,400 Base-Shadow Stones are added to the 219-course Casing Stones and gives 95,485+48,400=143,885 Casing Stones.

    The shadowed layer of 47,961 stones and with dimensions U~0.7587 m3 represents a submerged volume of 36,388 m3 and which maps the base of the ''hidden mound' inside the upright pyramid as 36,388/2,655,807~1.37% and here ignoring the polishing.

    To reconstruct the entire mound as a truncated pyramid within the visible structure, a 'doubling' of courses from n=219 to n=x is required.

    For n=201 and U=0.7587 m3, the summation of layers gives: 3,525,170-2,686,700=838,470 prisms with 95,484-79,600=15,884 casing stones and for polishing reductions P(219)=0.251526417 and P(200)=0.25167188. This reduces the casing stone count of 15,884 to 11,887.6 and results in a truncation volume of U(838,470-3,996.4) ~ 633,115 m3 or 633,115/2,655,807~23.84% of the pyramidal total geometric volume.

    The metaphysical consistency for the overall construction of the pyramid so encompasses the inconsistency of the physical construction of the inner pyramid and becomes mirrored in the nonuniformity of blocks used and the 'falling away'of the topmost levels, including a 'missing capstone' and a gnomon (indicator of the shadow) supplementing the pyramidion as the 'transducer' to the sky.

    The 'doubling' of the block size at the 35th course and at the level of the King's Chamber signifies the overall 'doubling' of the pyramid into the shape of a Platonic Octahedron.

    One so constructs the physical pyramid upon partially SHADOWED Casing Stones given by a base N2.
    The base n=219 so defines (220-1)2=48,400-440+1=47,961=2192 Partially SHADOWED Base Casing Stones; which are added to the casing stones for the 219th course as the fraction (between 219 and 220) for the PYRAMID QUADRATIC:


    The PHYSICAL CASING for the 5-faced Great Pyramid so becomes SHADOWED or inverted in the 'Great Shadow Pyramid' for N=n+n*=219+n*.

    The Pyramid Quadratic so is:
    3N2 +2=3(219+n*)2+2=143,885+3(n*)2+1314n* = 144,000 or 3(n*)2+1314n*-115=0

    for a function f(N)=3N2-143,998.

    The root n*=√(1,727,976)-1314)/6=0.087501545... so describes a SHADOWED BASECASING for 115=3x(2n*(219)+(n*)2=3(38.33333...)=144,000-3x2192-2.

    The Pyramid Quadratic so becomes a LIMIT of differentiation for epsilon ε=N-n=n* for the function [f(n+n*)-f(n)]/n*=115/n*=1314.262508...and with the base casing increased by [440n*+(n*)2]=38.50833632.. and the face casing increased by [874n*+2(n*)2]=76.49166337.. for the total of [1314n*+3(n*)2]=115.


    The SHADOW Basecasing so is comprised of 144,000 casing stones, representing the PHYSICAL five-faced encapsulation of the Great Pyramid and which is IMAGED in the metaphysical Capstone of Unity at the opposite pyramidion of the inscribed Octahedron.

    For Y=26.543 PI~0.6749 meters; X=41.694 PI~1.060 meters; U=0.7587 m3; the Volume of the 219 courses and for 438x218=95,484 casing stones, then becomes U(219x220x439/6)=0.7587(3,525,170)~2,674,546.479 m3; differing by 18,739.414 m3 from the geometric volume of 2,655,807.065 m3 as 18,739.414/2,674,546.479 or as 0.701% of the total.

    95,485U~72,444.47 m3 ~ [3.866]18,739.414 and a 'polishing fraction' increased to 1/[3.866]~25.87%.

    Using bigger blocks relates to a decrease in levels and a decrease of the 'polishing' volume to be subtracted from the square construction count.

    For n=210, Y=27.681 PI~0.7038 meters; X=43.4812 PI~1.1056 meters; U=X2Y~0.86029 m3 for a volume of 2,674,714.735 m3 and with 18,907.67/2,674,714.735~0.707%.

    87,781U~75,517.12 m3 ~ [3.994]18,907.67, meaning that the 'polishing' fraction of the casing stones is about 1/[3.994]~25.04%.

    For n=200, Y=29.065 PI~0.739 meters; X=45.655 PI~1.1609 meters; U~0.9959 m3 for a volume of 2,675,684.53 m3 and 19,877.465/2,675,684.53~0.743%.

    79,601U~79,274.64 m3 ~ [3.988]19,877.465 and for a 'polishing fraction' of 1/[3.988]~25.08%.

    For n=100, Y=58.130 PI~1.478 meters; X=91.3105 PI~2.3217 meters; U~7.967 m3 for a volume of 2,695,634.45 m3 and 39,827.385/2,695,634.45~1.477%.

    19,801U~157,754.57 m3 ~ [3.961]39,827.385 and a 'polishing fraction' of so 1/[3.961]~25.25%.

    For n=220, Y=26.423 PI~0.672 meters; X=41.505 PI~1.0553 meters; U~0.7484 m3 for a volume of 2,674,573.13 m3, with 18,766.063/2,674,573.13~0.702%.

    96,361U~72,116.57 m3 ~ [3.843]18,766.063 and a 'polishing fraction' of so 1/[3.843]~26.02%.

    The 'polishing fraction' P(n) so increases from its minimum value in between the physical construction level at n=210 and its metaphysical projection at n=219.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30871 16 hours, 29 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    I am SO SO SO HAPPY :) to finally read things that actually pertain to the realities you just cannot have discussion about with just any person! Thank you so much for posting all of this material!

    Much of this makes absolute perfect sense when compared to my own experiences, so I feel very fortunate to have found your teachings. There are things I am still working through, but I am feeling like I found others who *get it* and that does not happen often. Nice break from the day in day out pretending to ignore it. ! So many things confirmed for me here in these writings.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, Bermanseder

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • unplugged
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    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77

    #30973 3 hours, 38 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    Thank you very much for the information provided thus far. I would appreciate your answers to the following questions. Some flow directly from the material written in the thread, others are questions that emerged as a result of reading input on the thread.

    1-Who built the pyramids in Egypt?

    2-You indicate the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau was built c. 2560 B.C. Is it therefore younger than the Sphinx, which, according to geologist Robert Schoch, shows clear evidence of water erosion and maps to a time period around ~10K BC when Egypt was a fertile plain and not a desert?

    3-What purpose does the Courtesan's Chamber serve within the Great pyramid?

    4-Who was Pharaoh Akhenaton and why did he set up court in Amarna?

    5-What is the relationship between the Egyptian Great Pyramid and the Mayan calendar? Do these both emerge from a single civilization or are you simply using them as separate proofs pointing conjointly to this moment in Now time?

    6-What does it mean to have eyes too pure to see evil (or some such), and is that a prerequisite for graduation from this heaven/hell?

    7-If one fails at graduation in this round, what are the consequences? For example:

    a- The dissolution of the soul complex

    b- The replanting of the soul in some new Eden with all memories erased -- sort of start over from scratch

    c- A time of long sleep then reawakening into a brand new cycle of experience

    d- All of the above with the decision A, B, C made based on actual stage of soul development to determine which outcome experienced

    e- None of the above. If (e) what is the correct postulate?

    8-How are parallel lives adjudicated and integrated into the soul complex?

    9-What happens to the personalities in expression at this seminal point in Now time?

    10-If time is mutable and future selves can travel to the past, as some suggest, then why here, why now, as the chosen point in the timeline for graduation?

    Thank you in advance for answering any (or all) of the above.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Bermanseder

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #30979 3 hours, 11 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    yes exactly!
    what happens,what happens!

    Post last edited Mar 24th 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31017 10 hours, 4 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    Thank You for those superb questions unplugged; which deserve deep and thorough discourse.
    Yes, I have much information on this in my data base and shall proceed shortly to address your points one by one.

    It appears the forum modulators will permit us to engage in a deeper address of the subject material, than is the norm on 'open chat' forums and if the 'trolls' leave us in relative peace without contributing in their opinions about 'relevance of material' and length of discourse' or whatever other 'squabblings' they might conjure from their fearsome bottles of the 'Arabian Jinns'; then we might proceed in as much intellectual freedom of expression, as we are allowed to muster.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #31027 8 hours, 38 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    As I am still working through the info you have provided I wanted to take a moment to let you know that this particular part of the info jumps out at me as YES, I have been saying this same thing in different words for the last ten years or so. I find this to be right on par with with I know from personal experiences. Good stuff!

    "This date is also specified in the prophetic scriptures of the Judeo-Christian worldview (Genesis, Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation) in a date beginning December 8th, 2004.
    This latter date and the Mayan nexus are also indicated in the timeline of the Great Pyramid.
    The human history so converges from the oldest timeline of the Sphinxian Pyramid as a midway precessional nexus to the Mayan calendar and the biblical reckonings.
    These messages so convey a particular information to give due notice of preparedness; as once this 'shift in spacetime' has been attained, a certain metaphysical reality will no longer be subject to belief or opinionated suppositions.

    This implies, that the 'unprepared in mind' will experience great difficulty to mentally process a particular 'new physical reality', revolving about the addition of a fourth spacial dimension to the present 4-dimensional Euclidean Minkowskian spacetime continuum.
    The 'preparation' for this new dispensation so engages and requires a familarisation of the perceived 'selfhood' or individuation in the present climate of 'beingness' within an imagined 5-dimensional environment, in which the present reality reduces to a cross-sectional part of a greater and encompassing reality.

    The true reality and as known by the adepts throughout the ages of humanity will then cease to be subject to ignorance, denial or ridicule; as this metaphysical reality will become understood to form a background for a c-invariant electromagnetomonopolic radiation matrix, no longer subject to the lightspeed barrier for inertial parameters.
    The production of electromagnetic radiation by inertia carriers will become supplemented by the production of wormhole- or sourcesink string-energy by a mass- or inertia-precursive agencies.

    In other words, considering this information within your own sense of relativity and your own frames of reference will allow you, should you so choose, to arrive at the appropriate (meaning unified or holistic or holographic) conclusions regarding thoses facts and a subsequent closure of opinionated ados and squabbling debates, based on various extrapolations upon those facts.
    This first dispensation will address the Pyramid of Khufu of the Gizean complex in Egypt.

    This subject matter is highly controversial, as it it well known in 'initiatory' circles located in 'high places', that the information encoded in the pyramid serves as a testimony and 'guideline' for the 'mental and physical' evolution for the terrestrial humanity in the collective and the individual sense.
    It is so considered necessary by the 'echelons,' to sequester the 'deeper unified' interpretations and analysis from public discernment.

    Having access to all and sundry information hitherto 'discovered' by the humanoid collective and without encumberances of fiscal restraints; the 'secretizers' use all means possible to disinform the populus via public media as to the importance of the pyramidal timelines and agendas.
    The pyramidal agenda necessarily relate the metaphysical realities to their physical manifestations and expressions.

    Therefore the analysis and research into the nature and purpose of the pyramid becomes very often 'emotionally charged' in a seeking of the harmony between the physical realism and its metaphysical or 'spiritual' derivative and progenitor.
    The 'sequesterers' so utilize this 'climate of intensity' to filter any relevant information made public, be it based on scientific deduction and measurement or extrapolated superpositions of historical sources, such as prophetic scriptures and mythologies.

    This becomes evident in the public acceptance of open legal slander with regards to labeling so called pyramidologists as pyramidiots.
    No other topic matter 'scares' the 'echeloners' more, than should members of the 'ignorant' populus 'discover' the final 'hidden secrets' of the pyramid; as the complete 'decipherment' still eludes even the 'most initiated' 'leaders' and members of the 'independents'.
    The many books and documents published on the Great Pyramid so are all 'incomplete' and contain extensive disinformation, no matter how 'authorative' they are presented by adherent or skeptic alike."

    Absolutely! I wish more people could see this as clearly as I can, but you cannot force another on these things. They have to come to it themselves and not every one will.

    Also Unplugged, You are asking some great questions! Many of the answers you have sought have been useful to me as well! You are faster, haha!

    Thank you guys for sharing.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Bermanseder
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #31029 8 hours, 18 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yes exactly!
    what happens,what happens!

    You are such a goof! Lol!
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31051 6 hours, 33 minutes ago - March 23rd, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    arctourist wrote:

    yes exactly!
    what happens,what happens!

    You are such a goof! Lol!

    Aye, the three of you or the five of us are one of a kind with doors always open for the 'foggers' to join in the den of the love dragons.

    You have emerged from the wormholed sanctum unplugged and have begun to eclipse the old you in your newness of an unfolding story within the tales and legends of old.

    Mary, you have followed the path of Dan's serpent for a long time and the leprechauns and unicorns are here for your love and strength and wisdom.

    Remember Falcor from the Neverending Story arctourist?
    Or Sean Connery as Draco in the movie DragonHeart?

    Of Startrek - the Motion Picture you already know as a key to the data collections and the pupose of it all.
    These are the symbols for who we truly are, lol.

    We are simply rememberers of the wisdom of ancient times. And arc is one of us, all without the big words and the trainings in semantics; because he feels the playfulness and the humour of the ones, who protect the treasures in the caves of Plato's Shadows.

    So once the fog clears from the minds of the misted ones; they shall also remember in their dreams and visions and then they will recall their own origins in the times of old and they shall claim their lawful inheritances from the stars.

    But I am reminiscing here; but thought it worthwhile to share the thing which unites us.
    So thank you unplugged, Mary and Arc as having understood what has been in your hearts for eons and slumbering like the beautiful expressions of the creator you all are, just as the 'foggers' are too on their journey home.

    Phoenix-Arachne-Abraxasinas and the Freedom of the Starry Ones of the Family of All


    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31057 4 hours, 11 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Thank you very much for the information provided thus far. I would appreciate your answers to the following questions. Some flow directly from the material written in the thread, others are questions that emerged as a result of reading input on the thread.

    1-Who built the pyramids in Egypt?

    2-You indicate the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau was built c. 2560 B.C. Is it therefore younger than the Sphinx, which, according to geologist Robert Schoch, shows clear evidence of water erosion and maps to a time period around ~10K BC when Egypt was a fertile plain and not a desert?

    3-What purpose does the Courtesan's Chamber serve within the Great pyramid?

    4-Who was Pharaoh Akhenaton and why did he set up court in Amarna?

    5-What is the relationship between the Egyptian Great Pyramid and the Mayan calendar? Do these both emerge from a single civilization or are you simply using them as separate proofs pointing conjointly to this moment in Now time?

    6-What does it mean to have eyes too pure to see evil (or some such), and is that a prerequisite for graduation from this heaven/hell?

    7-If one fails at graduation in this round, what are the consequences? For example:

    a- The dissolution of the soul complex

    b- The replanting of the soul in some new Eden with all memories erased -- sort of start over from scratch

    c- A time of long sleep then reawakening into a brand new cycle of experience

    d- All of the above with the decision A, B, C made based on actual stage of soul development to determine which outcome experienced

    e- None of the above. If (e) what is the correct postulate?

    8-How are parallel lives adjudicated and integrated into the soul complex?

    9-What happens to the personalities in expression at this seminal point in Now time?

    10-If time is mutable and future selves can travel to the past, as some suggest, then why here, why now, as the chosen point in the timeline for graduation?

    Thank you in advance for answering any (or all) of the above.

    Dear unplugged and all who follow this FYI only thread!

    I shall not answer the questions in the sequential way as you have asked them, as there is a certain order to the appropriateness of sharing this information.
    And whilst I have an extensive data base to share; the present timeline of the metamorphosis of the old cosmic legislature, based on archetypes and the metaphysical energization of those 'natural laws' in the executive function of the universe; is also inductive towards this data base.

    This means iow, that I might be better equipped to answer parts of your questions after I have received more data downloads.

    Therefore, instead of sharing my insights in partiality and incompletion and to avoid too much speculation; I shall focus on one point at a time and so allow us together to construct a web of cocreation in a kind of teamwork.
    As all such endeavours represent 'gifts' and presents (PRESENT=SERPENT=97=SONOFMAN) for the universe and its sentiences; this kind of cocreation can indeed be very fruitful and benefical for all cosmic orders.

    So I shall begin with one of the most potent symbols in these times of the transitions; namely Solomon's Temple - the underpinning of major dogmatic world religions with respect to the 'coming of the new world' an so of immense interest to the ptb and their political and global affiliations.
    Its roots are found in the stories of the Knight templars and the Freemasons and lodges, later 'migrating' in parts from their European origins to the Americas and around the globe.

    But their elementary archetype relates of course to Ptah, the Egyptian creator god of Memphis and of the ennead of the Egyptian Lion as the Cosmic Twinship and imaged in many symbols of the aristocracies and say the freemasonry as the 'Cosmic Architect'.

    unplugged 4th question:
    4-Who was Pharaoh Akhenaton and why did he set up court in Amarna?

    The Pyramid, an pyramid represents a special architecture in the blending of opposites. This is the Platonic Solid of the Octahedron as a doubled pyramid, one half seen above ground as say a rainbow and the other hidden or obscured below ground in the 'missing half' of the circle.
    big_201132405163885. big_201132405184646. big_201132405144865. astrohamburglass.

    The overall aim for the ptb and the universe (lol) is so to construct a new creation of those blended opposites and the absorption of the duality inherent in such labels as good and evil or yin and yang.

    The 'initiates' throughout the ages knew of this and attempted to decode the remnants of a historical past, such as the pyramids of Giza and related structures like the monoliths of bStonehenge and even the 'dark prism' in Stanley Rubrick's Odyssey 2001 and 2010.
    Isaac Newton, who was what you may call an alchemist and a decoder of 'scriptures'; aside his function as a mathematician and natural philosopher (today called a scientist); knew of the importance of the 'Rebuilding of Solomon's temple' as a prerequisite or blueprint for the 'new world'.
    Below is his diagram from an open accessible archive.
    This is followed by diagrams constructed from a decoding of certain scrolls discovered in 1945-1950 as the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi codices; which of course were of great interest to the ptb.
    The rebuilding of Solomon's temple as a merkabah represented by the Great pyramid and the King's Chamber is of utmost importance to the 'newe world' however elites, initiates or acolytes address and perceive such a 'new world'.

    I might have to resize certain evidence here; so I apologize for any inconveniences accessing this information.
    But following the diagrams i address the mystery of the egyptian pharaohs and the meaning of Moses and the exodus in both historicity and metaphysical significance.


    solomon1. solomon2. solomon3. solomon4.

    The 480x480 Cubits square measurement is encoded as the 480 years following the Israelitic captivity in Egypt as per 1Kings.6.1.1.

    Those 480 cubit years are also the sum of the four daughter levels in 300+100+60+20=480 as the cubit measurements and so allow the finestructuring of the mothership-daughtership transition.

    The Moses archetype is none other than the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (meaning Living Spirit of Aten or Aton); who renamed himself from his older name Amenhotep 4 to introduce the monotheistic God of Jacob and Joseph in his 17-year rulership from 1353-1336 BC or 1351-1334 BC according to historical sources.

    In the Amarna period (which is given in the pharaoh's residence being located at Akhetaten, meaning the Horizon of Aten instigated by the rulership of Akhenaten 1353-1336 BC), an outbreak of a pandemic and a plague of diseases occurred; from which the symbols of the 'Plagues of Egypt' under Moses originates as a historical licence of interpretation of the Hebrew scribes.

    After four years of reign, like Solomon, Akhenaten began building a new city to serve as the seat of the Aten and a governmental capital of Egypt.

    Superposing the death of Akhenaten as the year 1336 BC then, and specifying this as a Mirror for the Exodus in the year of Rameses 2 as 1237 so defines a 200 year period between the 3 pharaohs of the exodus in Thutmosis 3, Akhenaten and Rameses 2 from 1437 BC to 1237 BC and centred on Akhenaten-Moses in 1337 BC and the transformation of the name Mosis in Thutmosis to Moses in Akhenaten to the Meses in Rameses.

    The 430 year sojourn of the Children of Israel in Egypt (Exodus.12.40 and when Moses was 80 years old; Exodus.7.7), followed by 40 years in the wilderness of Sinai; so become 470 'prophetic' years from the Egyptian captivity from the Thutmosis Exodus of 1437 BC to 1007 BC and encoded as the 'Age of the Judges' in the Torah.

    The story of Saul, as the first King of Israel so 'coincides' with the Birth of David, the 'anointed messianic' King of Israel in 1047 BC and resets the agem or 'time' of Moses as the 80 years from 1047 BC to 967 BC and the construction of Solomon's temple.

    This incorporates the 40 year wilderness of Sinai as the time of David's birth in 1047 BC to his inauguration as Ruler of Israel in 1007 BC for 40 years to 967 BC when King Solomon reigns for yet another 40 years until the dividing of the Israelitic Kingdom following Solomon's death in 927 BC.

    This timeline is then 'adjusted' to the biblical chronologies in resetting the Thutmosis Exodus by say 7 years to 1430 BC for aligning the reign of David as the first millennium BC at 1000 BC and the building of the Temple of Solomon 40 years after this at 960 BC and the death of Solomon at 920 BC as as supported by some historical evidence.

    In this adjustment, the Akhenaten-Moses Exodus becomes 1330 BC and the Rameses 2 Exodus dates to 1230 BC.

    As the time interval between Rameses' exodus of 1237 BC to Solomon's Temple in 957 BC is 280 cubit years as the transition value of Level 5 between the Mothership Level 4 and the Daughtership Level 1, both in the 300 cubit measurement; the encoded timeline for the exodus as described in the Torah is deciphered in the 3 pharaohs of the Exodus and using the racial memory of the 'shepherd kings' in the Hyksos as a historical basis for the metaphysics of the archetypes.

    As the time interval between Rameses' exodus of 1237 BC to Solomon's Temple in 957 BC is 280 cubit years as the transition value of Level 5 between the Mothership Level 4 and the Daughtership Level 1, both in the 300 cubit measurement; the encoded timeline for the exodus as described in the Torah is deciphered in the 3 pharaohs of the Exodus and using the racial memory of the 'shepherd kings' in the Hyksos as a historical basis for the metaphysics of the archetypes.

    The 4th year of Solomon's reign so becomes 957 BC in the chronology of the historical archives, setting Solomon's reign and the death of David, his father at 961 BC and beginning the snynchronisation of the parallelism between actual biblical history from the hitherto archetyped symbolisms and allegories.

    As is described elsewhere, Adam and Eve never existed as personas, neither did Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Aaron.
    They are starsigns combined in houses or sectors and in associations of symbols.

    Everyone with a birthday is an Israelite, a Chosen One, by definition of the Word of God.

    The historical correlations do not begin until the times of the first Israelitic Kings: Saul and David and Solomon.
    Moses never existed, neither did the Exodus as dated to Rameses 2 at 1240 BC.

    Solomon's (symbolic and archetyped) Temple was built so 957 BC, 480 years after the Exodus as per 1Kings.6.1; so the time of Rameses 2 and Merneptha, as the 'pharaohs of the exodus', cannot be reconciled with the history of the Exodus; as this would lead to the time of the 1437 BC and the 18th dynasty in pharaohs like Thutmosis 3 and 140 years after the great MOSEAN transformation of Akhenaten and Nefertiti from whom the Moses mythology had developed after the 'real Exodus' of the Hyksos, the 'shepherd kings' who had INVADED Egypt and ruled from in the upper parts of Egypt from so 1620-1530 BC and in the 17th dynasty and back to the 13th in the 1800's BC.

    Ahmose drove the Hyksos from Upper Egypt and this became mythologised as the Exodus of Moses.

    The Hebrew chronicles and genealogies are all made up from the archetypes of the patriarchs and it is this which is chronicled and then made Talmudic Law and Almanacs in the Jewish archives and records.

    There were no pharaohs named Ramses before Ramses 1, founder of the 19th dynasy about 1295 BC and the habit of naming places and locations after the pharaohs is well archived.

    The metaphysical exodus so occurred 1437-1430 BC in the reign of the 18th dynasty pharaoh Thutmosis 3 (meaning Thoth is born), but this became a 100 year displacement from a historical Exodus of the Hyksos 1537-1530 BC under Ahmose 1, the founder of the 18th Egyptian dynasty.

    This century of years also was projected forwards onto the time of the 'God of Israel' as Aten, the God of Jacob and Joseph in pharaoh Akhenaten or Amenhotep 4 at the time of 1337-1330 BC and overall points to the First King of Israel in Saul of 1047 BC and as coinciding with the Birth of the 'Anointed' King David of Israel at 1047 BC and 480 years from the Hyksos Expulsion at 1527 BC in this timeline reckoning and within the historical dating for both of the proposed 25 year reigns of Ahmose 1 from 1550-1525 BC or from 1539-1514 BC.

    This then incorporatesd the 10 year variation between 430+40+10=470+10=480 as the encoded quasi-historical chronology for the building of the Temple of Solomon and as say the quasi-historicity for the reign of Solomon from say 960-920 BC and from 970-930 BC in the synchronisation between scriptural encoding and historical accuracy.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #31068 1 hour, 12 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    96ad. 81b8. DragonKing.

    dragon2. 899062445_l.


    faeries. anifg1.

    Sorry, but I could not keep it in... I Love the heart and soul in this type of art! Beautiful!
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    31070 59 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011 Thank you Mary! Erotic, sensual and delightfully sexual as the true feminininty of the cosmos and AS the Love and the desire of the creator Himself (with apologies to the believers in a passionless and desireless nirvana). big_201061308125637.
    1worship. big_201132409172185. big_201051011465178.
    big_201132409153911. big_201051011450851.

    PS.: Beware of the pornography hunters of the artlessness
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31073 39 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    oh goodie, finally you got into the porn stuff.

    Oh lord and master the 1 that teaches this crap, seems we have free speech here now so guess I can speak freely.

    This is just all too funny, do you really believe in all of this bullshit, really do you, or is it just something to get people into your web, you don't have to answer that. Do you really think pretty pictures will make you look like your nice Mary, your all joking, right.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31077 21 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Indeed oh ye crystalline one of the wisdoms of the world. It is indeed all part of a cosmic soap opera, not to be taken too seriously.

    Its the 'Fool on the Hill' and the joker of the tarot.
    Thank you for your valued input; it allows us to go off topic. Dragons are playful things, they dont mind - really!

    You are so enLITAEning!

    Abraxas inas asin
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #31078 15 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I think we are supposed to consume the Meme's now? Or did I mix it up...

    Here is some more pretty for you.

    BTW what exactly does your reverse energy magickal sigil mean? Yeah, that what I thought. You believe too!

    FAERIES. fairies.

    greenfaeries. a4d5d59b.


    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31080 36 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    It takes great courage to walk out from the Cave of Shadows, Mary. So anyone entering the Dens of Dragons is welcome indeed; as their memes are either rather foolhardy of being swallowed by the serpent brood or they are, as you have surmised and discerned, dragons in disguise and playful in a jokersome sort of a way.

    We should bid them welcome, as we do - always, no matter the past histories!

    platos_cave. metamorphosis.
    The Metamorphosis of Narcissus by Salvador Dali, 1937

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #31082 28 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I have no quarrel with any one. The more the merrier!

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116--32190--32356-.32374.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77

    #31147 4 hours, 17 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    I'm fine with beautiful pictures. But I do implore you, Berm, not to provoke the furies with pictures that can be misinterpreted by some viewers as "porn," as that is what gets the thread banned, and I personally would rather the thread NOT get banned.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged--32116--32190--32356-.32374.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77
    31155 3 hours, 50 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    As you have invited discourse I am willing to oblige.

    I am going from memory in this so there is certain to be inaccuracies in these formulations.

    Temple of Solomon

    1-If this temple were the real deal why did the Christ say its stewards were whitened sepulchres and he would tear it down and rebuild it in 3 days?

    2-Why is there indisputable evidence -- based on the SIZE and ANCIENTNESS of the stones in the temple's foundations -- that the Jews simply erected their tiny edifice on top of a much larger construction that had been there long prior to the temple? In fact, Sitchen (whose translations can certainly be challenged) postulated that the original plateau was built as a landing port for large ET ships.

    3-The version of the temple constructed in the time associated with Jesus was built by Herod. Herod, if memory serves, was hated by the Jews because he himself was NOT a Jew (he was the son of a man from Idumea, Antipater, and the daughter of an Arabian sheik named Cyprus). He married into the royal line and either killed his wife or had her killed (I forget which), along with his male heirs.

    Now, Herod fascinates me for it is clear he was one of the greatest architects of his time. Two of his most impressive achievements (outside the temple reconstruction) are the seaport at Caesaria and his palace at Megiddo, which later played a huge role in the Jewish civil rebellion 68-70 AD, which was crushed by General Vespasian (later Emperor of Rome).

    4-The Egyptian reconstruction of history is full of lies, as you no doubt know, due to their desperate need to claim Egyptian construction of the great monuments without external help. It seems more consistent to me to go with the dating of Ralph Ellis ("The Biblical Shepherd Kings & The Egyptian Hyksos Pharaohs) for a more accurate dating of what actually happened. As you correctly note there were 2, not 1, exoduses, with Akhenaton's being the smaller, later one.

    As suggested by some researchers the Jews were the original Hyksos Pharoahs (circa 1800 BC) -- The six Shepherd Kings -- who were forcibly ejected from Egypt when their oppressions became too much for the people. In the 1782 BC - 1570 BC timeline there is a pharoah named Jacob-Baal. So while you may be right that Jacob, etc., were mythological figures, the perspectives of Ellis re the "kings" of Israel really being the Hyksos Pharaohs of Egypt also make sense to me. I certainly do not agree with everything he writes or relates in his many interviews. But there seems to be some truth to his conceptualizations.

    What lends greatest credence to Ellis' formulation is that he believes the Jews played the victim card when they got forcibly expelled from Egypt the first time. They conveniently refer to themselve as lowly shepherds instead of the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. He also makes some good points concerning the changing of the astrological age from Taurus to Aries and the shift in worship from the Bull to the Ram (Aries), which was rejected by the Egyptian priestly caste due to the "sacredness" of the bull (Taurus).


    Now for Akhenaton. His was a second ejection from Egypt because he turned his back on Amon and worshipped one God (sun God Aten) instead of the Eygptian pantheon, which, by his time, suffered from various and sundry priestly corruptions.

    There is a work I have on my shelf which takes Egyptian chronology to task and lines up fairly closely with your exposition. It was published in 1958 by George Hunt Williamson and is titled "The Secret Places of the Lion." I agree with him that Egyptian history can more aptly be titled "Ages in Chaos" than history, especially when involved in deliberate attempts to hide what was really going on in the royal line.

    His reconstruction much more closely maps to yours than does Ellis. But there are differences. I copied the last few pages of the book (very tattered and old right now, I'm afraid) and am placing them on this page. He, as you will readily see, both agrees and disagrees with you.
    [EDITED TO ADD LINKS] [timeline including Jacob-Baal] [Ellis' latest "chat" on Redice] Attachments:

    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: MaryIshtarCreiddylad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31156 3 hours, 48 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    I'm fine with beautiful pictures. But I do implore you, Berm, not to provoke the furies with pictures that can be misinterpreted by some viewers as "porn," as that is what gets the thread banned, and I personally would rather the thread NOT get banned.

    I have to agree. They have been salivating at the mouth to have this thread banned again to silence this material because it is not in line with the notion of slaying and killing things. If you choose to post images that they are going to use as a means to have you banned based on your own principles, I respect that too, but they will take cheap shots.

    Steve said this is a public family friendly forum, and clearly some of the talk of drinking and drugs and images of animals passed out with cigarettes, and beer bottles, as well as talk of many other sex type topics and the posting of some music videos which they all have been posting here for years does not fit in line with family friendly... and it is clear to anyone with open eyes that is far worse for humanity than seminaked mermaids and the like... but they will take that cheap shot and hope no one calls them on the blatant hypocrisy. Your pictures are not offensive to me, and I find some of the things they post to be far more degrading to humanity than a mermaid with breasts... But I'd hate to see them have any excuse to ban your materials.

    I support you personal choice to do what you feel you must on your thread, and their right to post the things about what they post about in the name of free speech. If there are children on the site I think drunk passed out smoking cats and talk of drug use is far more likely to be an issue that fantasy art work. Not to mention it takes away from the legitimacy of the site in the eyes of those who may visit to see that the posters, mods included are posting materials like that as opposed to discussing our actual realities we exist in, but hey... Here's to freedom for all. :)

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, Raven
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31167 2 hours, 43 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    I have seen this else where, so I will use it here: Please be 18 to view; fantasy Fae folk by Brian Froud

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Raven
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31245 4 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    As you have invited discourse I am willing to oblige.

    I am going from memory in this so there is certain to be inaccuracies in these formulations.

    Temple of Solomon

    1-If this temple were the real deal why did the Christ say its stewards were whitened sepulchres and he would tear it down and rebuild it in 3 days?

    Hi unplugged!

    This will perhaps be my last post; so i ask you to join our forum if you wish to continue this discussion if i cannot answer you here.
    See this is precisely the reason why we attempted to share the data on Avalon and Camelot and Mists. It is a meeting place on the web, where anyone can access otherwise hidden, sequestered or otherwise unknown information.

    So I must be brief. These things have happened before and when in the process of composition - the lights go out. The 'memes' or 'devils' of the human mind do not like 'the truth' and fight it on all levels and means.

    Jesus IS the Temple see in the merkabah sense and related to the so called 'resurrection' after 3½ days in the 'tomb' symbolised in the 'belly of Jonah's whale' and the 'womb of the earth'. It is clearly stated in the gospels; Luke or John i cannot recall right now and i am suspect how long I can reply to you, so I have to rush.

    2-Why is there indisputable evidence -- based on the SIZE and ANCIENTNESS of the stones in the temple's foundations -- that the Jews simply erected their tiny edifice on top of a much larger construction that had been there long prior to the temple? In fact, Sitchen (whose translations can certainly be challenged) postulated that the original plateau was built as a landing port for large ET ships.

    Yes and No. The exodus of Moses is a superpostion of history and of the metaphysics. This relates to the building of the pyramids and such topics.
    One of the keys is that an ancient technology could MELT rocks like we melt metal now. Therefore the precision fit of the blocks. Also the lifting and transportation of the 'rocks' was done by zeppelin like airships. I am trying to speed answer here; so my replies are definitely insufficient and I simply give you indicators here; you can then research for yourself.

    3-The version of the temple constructed in the time associated with Jesus was built by Herod. Herod, if memory serves, was hated by the Jews because he himself was NOT a Jew (he was the son of a man from Idumea, Antipater, and the daughter of an Arabian sheik named Cyprus). He married into the royal line and either killed his wife or had her killed (I forget which), along with his male heirs.

    Now, Herod fascinates me for it is clear he was one of the greatest architects of his time. Two of his most impressive achievements (outside the temple reconstruction) are the seaport at Caesaria and his palace at Megiddo, which later played a huge role in the Jewish civil rebellion 68-70 AD, which was crushed by General Vespasian (later Emperor of Rome).

    .Yes, all this relates to the Philip dynasty of the Herodians, brothers and shared multiple wives and what have you. But the temple building continued from that of Zerrubabel after the Babylonian exodus under the edict of Cyrus. This part is actual history.

    4-The Egyptian reconstruction of history is full of lies, as you no doubt know, due to their desperate need to claim Egyptian construction of the great monuments without external help. It seems more consistent to me to go with the dating of Ralph Ellis ("The Biblical Shepherd Kings & The Egyptian Hyksos Pharaohs) for a more accurate dating of what actually happened. As you correctly note there were 2, not 1, exoduses, with Akhenaton's being the smaller, later one.

    Indeed, it was basically just the warmongerings of the time, acquisition of land etc. etc.

    As suggested by some researchers the Jews were the original Hyksos Pharoahs (circa 1800 BC) -- The six Shepherd Kings -- who were forcibly ejected from Egypt when their oppressions became too much for the people. In the 1782 BC - 1570 BC timeline there is a pharoah named Jacob-Baal. So while you may be right that Jacob, etc., were mythological figures, the perspectives of Ellis re the "kings" of Israel really being the Hyksos Pharaohs of Egypt also make sense to me. I certainly do not agree with everything he writes or relates in his many interviews. But there seems to be some truth to his conceptualizations.

    Of course and as the Jacob and Joseph and Moses characters are all archetypes; there were indeed pharaohs and personages who assumed the titles. Its like different actresses playing Cleopatra, say with Elizabeth Taylor the most known. Yes your reasearch is valid and as you said there are truth and morsels found everywhere. It's for you to use discernment and investigative abilities to reconstruct a feasible and selfconsistent history, at least in outline.

    What lends greatest credence to Ellis' formulation is that he believes the Jews played the victim card when they got forcibly expelled from Egypt the first time. They conveniently refer to themselve as lowly shepherds instead of the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. He also makes some good points concerning the changing of the astrological age from Taurus to Aries and the shift in worship from the Bull to the Ram (Aries), which was rejected by the Egyptian priestly caste due to the "sacredness" of the bull (Taurus).

    This is my understanding as well. Actually I concur thoroughly here.


    Now for Akhenaton. His was a second ejection from Egypt because he turned his back on Amon and worshipped one God (sun God Aten) instead of the Eygptian pantheon, which, by his time, suffered from various and sundry priestly corruptions.

    There is a work I have on my shelf which takes Egyptian chronology to task and lines up fairly closely with your exposition. It was published in 1958 by George Hunt Williamson and is titled "The Secret Places of the Lion." I agree with him that Egyptian history can more aptly be titled "Ages in Chaos" than history, especially when involved in deliberate attempts to hide what was really going on in the royal line.

    His reconstruction much more closely maps to yours than does Ellis. But there are differences. I copied the last few pages of the book (very tattered and old right now, I'm afraid) and am placing them on this page. He, as you will readily see, both agrees and disagrees with you.

    Hmm, yes. I saw this and I would disagree with his timelines; but would have to detail this and I have not time atm, as you know. I apologize but these are the times we live in; when the light is called darkness and the darkness light.

    I shall of course continue with this debate, should i not be banned and this thread placed into obscurity once again. I have saved it on and to the ire of the many light warriors.
    Thank You unplugged. You and Mary and Raven and Arc shine here like a beacon of intelligence amidst the mists of the swamps of Baskerville.

    Love in Truth and Honour


    [EDITED TO ADD LINKS] [timeline including Jacob-Baal]

    [Ellis' latest "chat" on Redice]

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
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    #31255 7 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Sorry, but I could not keep it in... I Love the heart and soul in this type of art! Beautiful!

    Pretty pictures - I had used to have one of these posters on my wall as a young adult. Little old for that sort of thing now though.

    Curious - what does fairies, gnomes and dragons have to do with "The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life" the title of this thread?

    Haven't actually seen much at all in the way of anything extraterrestrial either actually. Exactly why I moved it out in the first place. Seems totally out of place - when there is never any noticeable conversation on Space, ET's and UFO's.....
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31258 3 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:

    Sorry, but I could not keep it in... I Love the heart and soul in this type of art! Beautiful!

    Pretty pictures - I had used to have one of these posters on my wall as a young adult. Little old for that sort of thing now though.

    Curious - what does fairies, gnomes and dragons have to do with "The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life" the title of this thread?

    Haven't actually seen much at all in the way of anything extraterrestrial either actually. Exactly why I moved it out in the first place. Seems totally out of place - when there is never any noticeable conversation on Space, ET's and UFO's.....

    See the thread about cut and paste and you will find what I have already just posted to you about this. :)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31263 11 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Running the place now are you Mary going to put your hand up for mod. Hey you could have total control.

    I don't see what those images have to do with ET's either. Thought about posting my carving of an ET but don't want it on the Thuban forum.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • NGC2392
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    #31266 8 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    are you serving the reptilian - draconian agenda over there? They will come soon, after the rapture, (revelation 12) so it is logical to expect someone has already started their large PR.
    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31270 42 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    NGC2392 wrote:
    are you serving the reptilian - draconian agenda over there in Thuban forum? (Thuban=Alpha Draconis).
    They will come soon, after the rapture, (revelation 12) so it is logical to expect someone has already started their large PR already on Earth.

    Jesus was a Reptile. ... A Beautiful One.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31273 27 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Dupe, Browser got hung up.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31276 14 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    CrystalChi wrote:
    Running the place now are you Mary going to put your hand up for mod. Hey you could have total control.

    I don't see what those images have to do with ET's either. Thought about posting my carving of an ET but don't want it on the Thuban forum.

    No desire to do that at all. LOL.

    If you were to read the material here it would give you an idea of what they have to do with the images. It is all there for you to learn more, also there are many sources for this, but you would have to want to learn about it. If you have a serious question and want to be nice I will answer what I can from my knowledge, It would be much more productive.

    However you have as your avatar an image from The Book of Black Magick which is making me think this is a clever attempt at another head game. That is a book with some baaad azz rituals of the kind most would not care for, and yes I have a copy but you are using material from it's pages, so... So are you Lita then? a Steve groupie? How cute. I liked him too but there is not need to get all up in a bunch about him leaving you know. He did choose to. You didn't have to follow.

    Really we don't have to be having this controversey, we should be learning from each other peacefully. Or the Chaos Magick some are using can continue until no one has access to info and that would be a sad day indeed.

    Really you guys should all at least give the material a read so you can see what it says and then consider it for a while. I read a lot of material and always have, but I never learned a thing from intentionally ignoring some form of info or a book etc. You don't have to agree but you could help change the outcome of things if you were more open to changing your seemingly fixed beliefs.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31277 13 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31279 0 minutes ago
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    NGC2392 wrote:
    are you serving the reptilian - draconian agenda over there in Thuban forum? (Thuban=Alpha Draconis).
    They will come soon, after the rapture, (revelation 12) so it is logical to expect someone has already started their large PR already on Earth.

    Jesus was a Reptile. ... A Beautiful One.


    The SERPENT of Eden represents the PRESENT of the SON OF MAN in the CIRCLE OF GOD! And for a self deceived human mindedness in self righteousness!





    PROOF is in the encoded scriptures themselves.

    For the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear;


    28And I will give him the morning star.
    29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.


    16I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
    17And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

    and in


    19We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

    No wonder WHY the 'controllers' worship Lucifer, without getting the deeper agenda.

    LUCIFER=74=JESUS=CROSS=MESSIAH=SONGS=CLOUDS=ENERGY=BEAUTY=GOSPEL=... Do It yourselves and attempt to discover and decode the secrets of the universe; instead of chasing your own shadows and tails in the evils and demons of YOUR minds created by YOURSELVES.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31281 30 minutes ago - March 24th, 2011
    Hallelujah! You are just filled with awesomeness!
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31285 4 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Hallelujah! You are just filled with awesomeness!

    It is the ONE that sent US both sweetheart who is the awesomeness!

    I am continually amazed and humbled how this incredible Logos could decipher the mysteries of the cosmos 2000 years ago and without science and technology and the context now available to HISHER human family.

    Jesus of Nazareth of the Nasseenes (the Egyptian 'cult' of the Uraeus-Serpent) did all this in looking at his reflections in say a pool of water. The secrets of his self realisation in the remembrances were then encoded in the Gospel of Thomas manifested in 32 AD and after the resurrection which is actually an advanced form of quantum mechanics engaging the wave-particle duality of Niels Bohr and the related Complementarity.

    This book is the only pure record of what the 'First Coming' implied and serves as a preparation for the 'Second Coming'.
    The 'first' became a manyness imprisoned in this unique Logos Soul as old as the universe itself and the 'second' becomes this Oneness SHARED for ANYONE who wishes to attain it.

    The razzamatazz here are the 'devils and the demons or whatever label' as the residue of the 'outside' temple of the Eucharist.

    Those memes and thoughtforms KNOW the truth and then USE the children's minds and belief systems to cause the havoc they do.

    So I act in my authority at this time and address the memeplexes:

    "I cast thee out in the name of the One World Logos - Emmanuel Melchizedek and Kukulkan who has arrived to offer you peace and harmony with your polar images in the mirror of the spacetime.

    You are exposed and discovered. Fight the Word of God or become as One with It!

    Your choice!
    If you lose the war, then you will become obliterated and you know the One who 'swallowed' you before. Because the planet of destiny had to become quarantined you were allowed your free reign; but time is up and you know the date - the Week of the Passion of 31 AD, PalmSunday March 25th to Resurrection Sunday April 1st, 31 AD - 'warped' onto the year 2011.

    You are Known huhus and hahas and hohos! You can attempt to fight this dispensation.
    You have two choices; either you harmonise and become FAMILIARS and friends with the human souls whose bodyforms you use for your mental games - OR flee and hide for the One to come and the One who is already here in the Grand Awakening.

    I am John the Tarrier and I prepare the way for the Glory in the Wilderness!"


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31297 4 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    It was always evident to me the way the truth was woven through the book. I was able to see clearly the messages. However That said I always got angry because of the manipulations of the pesky 'human' ancestors throughout and the hatred and fear they generated. They have caused the most "blasphemous" interpretations which have harmed so many and caused so much pain. I was very angry at Him for a time because of it. But YES, I can see the story as your post indicates, as complex as it is, I just knew it. He is a BEAUTIFUL being and his eyes are windows to so much love... hard to stay mad after a while. It was not afterall him who rewrote the book and filled it full of stumbling blocks as it were.

    I just had an easier time understanding the story without getting angry via other traditions.

    Your work expands upon it with detail. Nice work.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • NGC2392
    • 32490-cf5a687a1300880502f9bd5c5b182376.
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    #31301 8 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    NGC2392 wrote:
    are you serving the reptilian - draconian agenda over there in Thuban forum? (Thuban=Alpha Draconis).
    They will come soon, after the rapture, (revelation 12) so it is logical to expect someone has already started their large PR already on Earth.

    Jesus was a Reptile. ... A Beautiful One.

    It is a time to show up who is who, indeed. Continue in that way, and we will have no doubt there is a draconian agenda in the forum named after the Draconian home planet.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31305 0 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    I did read that a moderator here told you that your material was not likely to be embraced here on this site, So don't bible bump at me I was there when it all began buddy and am definitely not of the midset to tolerate any fundamentalist preaching. I Know Him and you don't bother me with your silly armageddon scenario implications. With all due respect, go take a flying leap. Lol.

    You are welcome to interact with me if you'd like to learn, but I am not in the mood to tolerate any more ignorance. Unprogram yourself open your eyes if you are able and re read it is my suggestion mate. G'day.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirius3--32126-.32176.
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    • Posts: 222

    #31309 1 hour, 38 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Bermanseder wrote:


    The SERPENT of Eden represents the PRESENT of the SON OF MAN in the CIRCLE OF GOD! And for a self deceived human mindedness in self righteousness!





    PROOF is in the encoded scriptures themselves.

    For the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear;


    How does 97 = Son of Man?

    97 = CIRCLE OF GOD

    And anyway, these are not the correct values. See [real source taken out] Why should I give you a source you could subvert.

    I'm getting bored of correcting all your mistakes. <--- What am I saying?!?!? Keep the mistakes coming!

    [Edit] Son of Man???? [end edit]
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Raven
    • 32382-b35a6a39d211544c6dbcfb187ad73343.
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    • Posts: 1

    #31320 28 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    siriusblue wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:


    The SERPENT of Eden represents the PRESENT of the SON OF MAN in the CIRCLE OF GOD! And for a self deceived human mindedness in self righteousness!





    PROOF is in the encoded scriptures themselves.

    For the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear;


    How does 97 = Son of Man?

    97 = CIRCLE OF GOD

    And anyway, these are not the correct values. See [real source taken out] Why should I give you a source you could subvert.

    I'm getting bored of correcting all your mistakes. <--- What am I saying?!?!? Keep the mistakes coming!

    [Edit] Son of Man???? [end edit]

    A=1; B=2;...;Z=26
    This is alphanumeric adaptation to Arabic alphabet.
    From Hebrew alphanumerics who often replace vowels by numerals.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Bermanseder

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31364 34 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    so let's talk about draconian ethics and such...
    just for the benefit of anyone who might be confused....!
    i heard colleen thomas say that obama is ,uh,not as he appears...what can you tell me about that,right?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • NGC2392
    • 32490-cf5a687a1300880502f9bd5c5b182376.
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    • Posts: 386

    #31365 33 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    I did read that a moderator here told you that your material was not likely to be embraced here on this site, So don't bible bump at me I was there when it all began buddy and am definitely not of the midset to tolerate any fundamentalist preaching. I Know Him and you don't bother me with your silly armageddon scenario implications. With all due respect, go take a flying leap. Lol.

    You are welcome to interact with me if you'd like to learn, but I am not in the mood to tolerate any more ignorance. Unprogram yourself open your eyes if you are able and re read it is my suggestion mate. G'day.

    hei, do you answer ME?

    I didn't "bible" with you, rather with the one who started that thread, a prominent member of Thuban!!! Don't you understand so much with your English?

    The moderator didn't tell me anything what you are telling me.

    Now I am sure you guys in Thuban are what I am thinking of you! That's why i posted in this thread because it is copied there, someone to read it. And not to "bible " here in Ccamelot with anyone that might think I envision him/her only because his/her post appears before/after mine. No, not such a desire to bible with you madam!

    Jesus is not reptile anyway. What a no9nsense!

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirius3--32126-.32176.
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    • Posts: 222

    331374 15 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    Raven wrote:
    siriusblue wrote:
    Bermanseder wrote:


    The SERPENT of Eden represents the PRESENT of the SON OF MAN in the CIRCLE OF GOD! And for a self deceived human mindedness in self righteousness!





    PROOF is in the encoded scriptures themselves.

    For the eyes that can see and the ears that can hear;


    How does 97 = Son of Man?

    97 = CIRCLE OF GOD

    And anyway, these are not the correct values. See [real source taken out] Why should I give you a source you could subvert.

    I'm getting bored of correcting all your mistakes. <--- What am I saying?!?!? Keep the mistakes coming!

    [Edit] Son of Man???? [end edit]

    A=1; B=2;...;Z=26
    This is alphanumeric adaptation to Arabic alphabet.
    From Hebrew alphanumerics who often replace vowels by numerals.


    Where did you get your knowledge of numerology??? Ha ha ha!
    The Hebrew alphabet doesn't have 26 letters and the value of the letters does NOT go

    You are talking RUBBISH.
    Even someone in kindergarten numerology knows that. Who are you trying to kid?
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Active Contributor
    • its.all.connected | Arcturian 9th
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    #31386 12 minutes ago
    so lets talk 'exo-terrestrial' vs them "Extraterrestrial" snakes

    them exo-terrestrial also no likes the singular "Extraterrestrial" whom one points to and claims well right about everything in history, indeed jesus or Yeshua , which one of the 3 lol. and rest lollll
    you want number i has numbers.?!

    and i guess you no likes this emblem



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    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirius3--32126--32176-.32501.
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    #31388 8 minutes ago
    I was thinking of you actually, Rakmeister. You were publishing some numerology earlier.
    These beings obviously have no idea but I don't want to give them information that they would twist to their advantage. They're bad enough as it is.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • 32362-bf160e2b7a70370a1ece3477edd52656-.32370.
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    #31391 0 minutes ago
    siriusblue wrote:
    I was thinking of you actually, Rakmeister. You were publishing some numerology earlier.
    These beings obviously have no idea but I don't want to give them information that they would twist to their advantage. They're bad enough as it is.

    Oh dear!

    This must be another website of those dreadful dragons! There are as many systems as desired dear sirian one; but this one makes sense for the Arabic Alphabet - no?

    Numerology Alphabet Chart
    This chart is used to find the Number that corresponds to a letter within the Alphabet. Whatever number is at the top of the column look down to find the letter that resonates to the numbers vibration.



    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirius3--32126--32176-.32501.
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    • Posts: 222

    #31395 8 hours, 34 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011

    I'm disappointed in you. First you failed to teach your students the proper form of numerology and second you show complete lack of knowledge of numerology.
    Sure the grid should only go to nine but the letters... the letters... that alphabet didn't exist 2000 years ago and more. Tut, tut. So now you have all proven you are not publishing any material of worth.
    Your philosophy is made up, invented, fabricated from bits and pieces in Christian and Hebrew religion, mixed in with false physics and false numerology. You really shouldn't be on this forum, this forum is about Truth and looking behind the veil. If you don't watch it, I'll put a request to Anonymous to look into your business of attracting traffic to your site to keep your advertisers happy (birthofgaia) who, I guess are paying your bills.

    Here, we seek the truth and you've proven you have NONE.

    Wishing you enLIGHTenment,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chaska108, Arachne

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31467 1 hour, 18 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    I love aliens. I think people were expecting to see the easy version posted and thus were confused by the Dragons and Fae, so here you sillies go... A picture made just for you! E.T.s. The 'general' easy to understand type.

    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #31480 4 minutes ago - March 25th, 2011
    siriusblue wrote:

    I'm disappointed in you. First you failed to teach your students the proper form of numerology and second you show complete lack of knowledge of numerology.
    Sure the grid should only go to nine but the letters... the letters... that alphabet didn't exist 2000 years ago and more. Tut, tut. So now you have all proven you are not publishing any material of worth.
    Your philosophy is made up, invented, fabricated from bits and pieces in Christian and Hebrew religion, mixed in with false physics and false numerology. You really shouldn't be on this forum, this forum is about Truth and looking behind the veil. If you don't watch it, I'll put a request to Anonymous to look into your business of attracting traffic to your site to keep your advertisers happy (birthofgaia) who, I guess are paying your bills.

    Here, we seek the truth and you've proven you have NONE.

    Wishing you enLIGHTenment,

    Papa Smurf from Sirius ponders Daughter Smurfette from Sirius and Son Brainy NGC from Sirius

    big_201132521275659. big_201132521252474.

    Oh dear Smurfette and Brainy NGC!

    Thank you Smurfette for your great lesson in numerology; you must have graduated from the Halls of the New Alexandria by the nous of your great understandings.

    The English Alphabet originated from the Latin Alphabet in the 7th century BC in Italiana and so is older than two millennia indeed.
    Also the 'Second Visitation' of the 'Word of God' is happenstance in the 21st century and not those 2000 years ago of the 'First Coming'.

    The omni-science of the serpents then uses the 'Isaac-Code' as an appropriate form of alphanumeracy from the encodings of the 'Starseed' of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis with ISAA*C as the name of the son becoming a closing of the circle of the mighty dragon in the sky, called Milky Way and Ouroborus and Mazzaroth as the twinned Leviathan and Behemoth, found in the Book of Job and as the serpent rod of Moses and the Caduceus of Thoth and Hermes Trismegistos and Mercury and the staff of the pharaohs and popes and medical practitioners and what have you.

    So you have ABC...XYZA*B*.... with the 27th letter being 'swallowed' as the Tail by the Head and as Z=A* and then mapping the 28th letter B* as the new A* in ISAA*C so reading IS ABC.

    There are Great Halls of Learning on a planet called Akbar Ra in the starsystem of Alpha Draconis de Thuban and these halls incorporate the Library of the New Alexandria where all the baby dragons learn the tools of their trades.

    And so Papa Smurf says thank you to Brainy Smurf NGC for his great graduation from the library of the dragons and of having passed the examinations regarding the correct deciphering of the Book of the Apocalypse written by John the Beloved Smurf or 'Johnny come lately' Smurf.

    Brainy Smurf NGC has decoded chapter 12 of the great rebirthing of the cosmos in that book and so he must have already become familiar with the details contained in the Book of the Secret Revelations and in the asking of Johnny Smurf by the angel from heaven in chapter 10, not to share any of the data given to him until the sounding of the seventh trumpet will herald the finishing of the mystery about God.

    So Brainy Smurf must also know, that the Sendai earthquake sounded this seventh trumpet in the opening of the bottomless pit and signified by all of the smoke coming from the fires of the hells.
    And so the mystery about what God is; has ended for the graduates of the New Alexandria from the Dragon planet Akbar Ra.
    Papa Smurf is proud of his children! Now where is Mama Smurf?

    Replies to this message might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!

    Post last edited Mar 26th 2011

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