The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life - Arachne on Camelot Forum

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Camelot' started by admin, Dec 21, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27318 5 hours, 35 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011 basically,what's gonna happen,as it is now seen then-yes?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27322 4 hours, 25 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...

    Second that, it is like stop playing the games as you once put it on another issue.
    And play the real game and truth, yourself.

    That it what this is really about.

    It is all inversed, you dont get spiritual growth in new rules, perspectives.

    But rather not playing along those rules of the game.

    Becourse the game is oppressive from having our own game.

    Has always been, as examples the games we have in our society.

    Follow the status, being perfect, have the fashion, follow an image. etc.

    Which have nothing to do with yourself, but rather an excuses for facing the reality that

    this is not suppose to be like this.

    There is no hell except if we have bought into all existing games.

    There is no judgment, karma except what we give ourself.

    Rules and games are parts of eachother.

    Give yourself the real values, dignity

    Stop playing the games!!!

    Stop voting

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Knowrainknowrainbows!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27344 2 hours, 42 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Stop playing the games!!!

    Thank you, Tbony. I agree yet see this a bit differently. For me it seems the game stops instantly -- once understood. Hence my free-will search for the noumena informing phenomena and my interest in this thread.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27346 2 hours, 36 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Agree, Unplugged.

    It was just a side note to what really matters.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27347 2 hours, 34 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Thank you, Arachne, for your in-depth responses to my queries. You have compressed encyclopedic volumes into a few posts. Much of what you write is both "known" and "unknown" to me. I shall respond after a time of reflection.

    Are you by any chance familiar with The Revelatorium. If so, what is your thought about it?

    As a numerologist I found it very interesting. There are chapters in there that, like your posts, are over my current threshold of knowledge and understanding though I appreciate the challenge of inquiry. Also let me state clearly I don't agree with everything in the Revelatorium any more than I agree with everything wherever found -- regardless of source. That is one way of staying sane in an insane world.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27348 2 hours, 31 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    hey-you wouldn't happen to know a guy who calls himself gar ,would you?
    so what's goin on-with this invisible sun....
    is it just me,or can you feel something big....
    i think if you know something then talk...but try to break it down into the way normal uneducated folk talk,please?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27349 2 hours, 28 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    let's have a quick vote
    i say we go get some food'n'stuff
    yes or no!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27354 1 hour, 50 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Still puzzles about this

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self~image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."

    Still reminds me of description of a trauma, which is about avoiding facing the reality of the trauma.

    Also reminds me of

    Quote Vernon Howard:
    "Human sickness is so severe,
    that few can bare to look at it...
    But those who do, will become well."

    Will become well be course then they are honest to them selfs

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27359 1 hour, 25 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Thank you, Arachne, for your in-depth responses to my queries. You have compressed encyclopedic volumes into a few posts. Much of what you write is both "known" and "unknown" to me. I shall respond after a time of reflection.

    Are you by any chance familiar with The Revelatorium. If so, what is your thought about it?

    As a numerologist I found it very interesting. There are chapters in there that, like your posts, are over my current threshold of knowledge and understanding though I appreciate the challenge of inquiry. Also let me state clearly I don't agree with everything in the Revelatorium any more than I agree with everything wherever found -- regardless of source. That is one way of staying sane in an insane world.

    Indeed unplugged; most of what we write is known, although to varying degrees.
    There are some extensions of the present data base, including that of the ptb; but this relates more to decoding and a more encompassing interpretation of existing information, than really new data.

    'The Revelatorium' represents one of many many attempts by wisdom seekers to present the cosmology of the wisdom seeker.
    It is like the multitude of 'channelers' and 'new age prophets' appearing like mushrooms in the forest following a drenching thunderstorm.

    Our analysis has shown, that your reference above is rather general, albeit based on a sound basic understanding of the archetypology as say embodied in the 'sacred geometry'.
    It is however insufficient to allow a deep penetration into the 'Gnosis of the Logos', due to its peripheral application of the omni-science.

    We would recommend this material for acolytes in the gnosis however (hint to arctourist).

    Also, there are major flaws in this material; say when dimensions, hyperphysics and scriptural encodings (like say the number 666) are discussed.
    The basic cosmogony about the 'Rebellion of Lucifer' is also grossly misleading and has caused much consternation and misinterpretation more in league with the 'bible students/bashers', then the alternative 'New Age' approach to the subject matter.

    Your study and interest in numerology is to be commended as are the 'astrologers' on this and other sites.

    Astroanalysis represents the elder of the natural sciences and as many know, modern astronomy was born from it, just as the 'father of chemistry' is Newtonian- and earlier Alchemy.

    We adhere to Pythagorean Numerology and extend the ciphers in rootreduction to 55=5+5=10 in the ennead. In this system the 'life pyramids' then are given in the 9-tier in the numbers of the 'life'; the 'balance' and the 'comprehension'.

    We have found that a basic numerological analysis, followed by a detailed natal chart construction often proves fruitful in the general crystallization of the nativity of the enquirer.

    arctourist wrote:

    hey-you wouldn't happen to know a guy who calls himself gar ,would you?
    so what's goin on-with this invisible sun....
    is it just me,or can you feel something big....
    i think if you know something then talk...but try to break it down into the way normal uneducated folk talk,please?

    We would have to make enquiries about character labelings like 'Gar', arctourist. There would be a number of those names in the data base and we do not recall any specifics. But should you tell us a little about 'gar', we would certainly be able to extend your contexts, regarding this name.

    You are feeling the Piscean new Moon dear arctourist.
    All New Moons in 2011 carry tremenodous energy potential since the Lunar Eclipse of December 21st, 2010 and the following Solar Eclipse of New Moon, January 4th, 2011 in Capricorn.

    You and many humans are experiencing the Pisces New Moon of 2011; which is supercharged in a reconfiguration of the Saros DragonNode as the new ruler of Libra, replacing Venus.
    Iow, the Full Moon rulership of Cancer as the 4th standard sector in the Mother's Family' has become partnered in the 7th standard house of the partnerships in the New Moon rulership of Libra and representative for the Head or North of the DragonNode and the Tail or South of the DragonNode in the ecliptic saros cycle.

    This unplugged, is NEW DATA, you will not find anyoplace else in the ptb data base, as it is partial to the PTB.

    We thank you both for your enquiries unplugged and arctourist.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27363 1 hour, 19 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Not me wink.
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27366 18 hours, 10 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    gar...well he was a real nice guy...gnostic guy...full of all kinds of deep knowledge...talked about the music of the spheres'n'stuff...
    seems like he was australian,but i don't know
    y'all just kinda reminded me of him
    ah,that moon...yeah...anyways...
    which galactic federation do we wanna join,is my question..and how many are there...and how are they different....

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31873.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27374 17 hours, 44 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Not me wink.

    Lol, it seems you have finished playing 'The Games', dear tbs. We were a little unsure, if you displayed a kind of annoyance with our information sharing; therefore we did not like to add to your apparent discomforts of the mind.

    Also, your post intersected the question of unplugged, so we could not reply to you in the order of the time markers.

    tbs said:
    Still puzzles about this

    Jesus said, "You can define yourself any way you wish; but if you do not eat the lion of truth, then your self~image will not be able to shine in the wisdom of the father and you will mirror the darkness in the world back to yourself and you will be that darkness."

    Still reminds me of description of a trauma, which is about avoiding facing the reality of the trauma.

    Also reminds me of

    Quote Vernon Howard:
    "Human sickness is so severe,
    that few can bare to look at it...
    But those who do, will become well."

    Will become well be course then they are honest to them selfs

    This has been a rather intelligent and pertinent reply by you tbs.

    This " Human Sickness" is the great challenge of discernment - real discernment, which is no longer biased by individuated fears and distrusts about the unknown and the sometimes 'weird' and unfamiliar.

    In other words, instead of fighting the 'evil serpents' and the 'demons from hell' with the 'Swords of the Light Warriors'; go and absorb them as the thoughtforms they are; eat them and make them your pets as ownership and as the creator of YOUR OWN HELL and as the master of It.

    Can you do this; or will you continue to look for the evil within as the evil without?

    Only you will be able to answer this.

    And dear tbs; it's Vernon Howard sharing his wisdom here; not us. But we indeed agree with Vernon.

    Thank you tbs, for your excellent reply.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27376 17 hours, 35 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Escuse me Arachne, this is heavy stuff, so I need to know what kind of game we are in wink.

    But it seems to I have understood it right, thank you. smile.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31873.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27382 17 hours, 6 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Escuse me Arachne, this is heavy stuff, so I need to know what kind of game we are in wink.

    But it seems to I have understood it right, thank you. smile.

    Tbony, the game you are in, is the one you agreed to play before incarnating here on Mother Gaia.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak, Woody

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27383 16 hours, 59 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    "Tbony, the game you are in, is the one you agreed to play before incarnating here on Mother Gaia."
    Yeah, but we dont know that smile.

    So what I suspecting your saying
    Is our purposes to recognize the living God then?
    That we indeed are living being in our spirit, not DNA?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31873.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27387 16 hours, 32 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011

    The Brain is the Mother to the Father; is the Matter to the Spirit; is the Egg to the Chicken is the RNA to the DNA and is the Physical Creation to the Metaphysical Creator.

    They are irextricably connected in the Mind-Body duality and cannot exist independently of each other.
    The fatherly forethought (or spirit) can be HIS own father; but requires a (antispiritual) motherly afterthought to birth HIMSELF physically=antispiritually.
    The motherly afterthought (or antispirit) can be HER own mother; but requires a (spiritual) fatherly forethought to birth HERSELF mataphysically=spiritually.
    The Rooster EXISTS spiritually before he hatches physically from the physical egg and the Ovum EXISTS physically before the release of the chicken spiritualises the encompassment (Eve out of Adam as a 'rib').

    The 'Living Brain' is Schroedinger's Cat as a collapsed wave, functioning as a activated particle.
    The 'Dead Brain' is Schroedinger's Cat as a collapsed particle, functioning as a activated wave.

    Now substitute Wave with Mind and Particle with Body and you have solved the quantum mystery, both in the terms of material physics and immaterial metaphysics.
    When a particular 'material vessel of the spirit-matter' becomes damaged, too old or deceased; then the encompassing matter (read the physical universe as a matter waveform) will UNCOLLAPSE the hitherto COLLAPSED Schroedinger cat ) and the 'Mind' will 'escape' from the brain (or the cells or all of the other consciousness carriers defined in the hydrogen atom's polarisations etc).

    Seth is an excellent 'channel'; indeed all so termed gods and demons are created by and through the 'mind of the consciousness carriers', archetyped by 'man'.
    It is every 'man' for himherself in these 'last days' before the universe itself will transform its spacetime matrix.
    Every 'manwoman' has the 'Job' of composition; writing a Story for the 'Unity of the Creator-Creation Duality'.
    The duality, which caused the 'split' between mind and body and between metaphysics and physics and between matter and spirit is itself in expectation of recombination.
    But ONLY the storytellers within space and time can fulfil the reunion.
    The storytellers without space and time, inclusive all the dead alive ones (collapsed particular kittens) DEPEND on the storytellers within to USE their 'brainy imprisonments' to REHARMONISE the original separation.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27389 16 hours, 24 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    You amazes me arachne
    All the information you possesses and are able to transfer in that short of time.

    What is the story about yourself?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31873.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27390 16 hours, 13 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    gar...well he was a real nice guy...gnostic guy...full of all kinds of deep knowledge...talked about the music of the spheres'n'stuff...
    seems like he was australian,but i don't know
    y'all just kinda reminded me of him
    ah,that moon...yeah...anyways...
    which galactic federation do we wanna join,is my question..and how many are there...and how are they different....

    They ALL are 50-50 good info and 50 disinfo ptb, NOT to be totally dismissed but definitely NOT to be trusted either. Use your discernment here, as all 'channeled' information is filtered through the 3-D mind and so colored with the persona and in many cases inaccuracies. The times we are currently experiencing are similar to a data overload, and so one must carefully weigh the validity of any and all information. There is much BS out there to sort through arctourist.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne-.31873.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27391 16 hours, 9 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    You amazes me arachne
    All the information you possesses and are able to transfer in that short of time.

    What is the story about yourself?

    The Intro is Our story and WE are the PTB guided by the Logos as Many in One and One in Many.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27394 15 hours, 49 minutes ago - March 5th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    gar...well he was a real nice guy...gnostic guy...full of all kinds of deep knowledge...talked about the music of the spheres'n'stuff...
    seems like he was australian,but i don't know
    y'all just kinda reminded me of him
    ah,that moon...yeah...anyways...
    which galactic federation do we wanna join,is my question..and how many are there...and how are they different....

    They ALL are 50-50 good info and 50 disinfo ptb, NOT to be totally dismissed but definitely NOT to be trusted either. Use your discernment here, as all 'channeled' information is filtered through the 3-D mind and so colored with the persona and in many cases inaccuracies. The times we are currently experiencing are similar to a data overload, and so one must carefully weigh the validity of any and all information. There is much BS out there to sort through arctourist.


    Am I right in that the most channeled BS is actually truth but is over interpretations,
    Like the theme they channel is on the spot, but the implications of is BS.

    So they fill the channel information with popular info.
    The first channel I heard was the Pleadians which should come and help us in the 4th density and they really was our relatives the Annunaki'es.
    If it where interpreted sounded like they would come and obsessed the people.
    All BS offcourse,
    But they were on the spot, that people would become more spiritual minded and aware
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27395 1 day, 16 hours ago - March 5th, 2011
    maitreya's the one!
    actually we love bashar-
    let's hear more from bashar!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27409 1 day, 14 hours ago - March 5th, 2011
    Re Revelatorium
    Arachne: Our analysis has shown, that your reference above is rather general, albeit based on a sound basic understanding of the archetypology as say embodied in the 'sacred geometry'.It is however insufficient to allow a deep penetration into the 'Gnosis of the Logos', due to its peripheral application of the omni-science.


    ...We adhere to Pythagorean Numerology and extend the ciphers in root reduction to 55=5+5=10 in the ennead. In this system the 'life pyramids' then are given in the 9-tier in the numbers of the 'life'; the 'balance' and the 'comprehension'.

    The only pyramids I use are those created within the cycles of date of birth, with no reduction of the master numbers 11, 22. In all other cases reductions are to the single digit cardinal numbers 1-9.

    ...Also, there are major flaws in this material; say when dimensions, hyperphysics and scriptural encodings (like say the number 666) are discussed. The basic cosmogony about the 'Rebellion of Lucifer' is also grossly misleading and has caused much consternation and misinterpretation more in league with the 'bible students/bashers', then the alternative 'New Age' approach to the subject matter.

    Funny you should single this out. It was precisely this area that made me question this material. It served its purpose admirably as my exploration of the work subsequent to the 666 and Luciferian rebellian material was "Yes, well hmm . . ."

    . . . You and many humans are experiencing the Pisces New Moon of 2011; which is supercharged in a reconfiguration of the Saros DragonNode as the new ruler of Libra, replacing Venus.
    Iow, the Full Moon rulership of Cancer as the 4th standard sector in the Mother's Family' has become partnered in the 7th standard house of the partnerships in the New Moon rulership of Libra and representative for the Head or North of the DragonNode and the Tail or South of the DragonNode in the ecliptic saros cycle.

    ...This unplugged, is NEW DATA, you will not find anyoplace else in the ptb data base, as it is partial to the PTB.=

    I can certainly agree that I have not heard this before.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873-.31890.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27477 1 day, 1 hour ago - March 6th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    which galactic federation do we wanna join,is my question..and how many are there...and how are they different....

    They ALL are 50-50 good info and 50 disinfo ptb, NOT to be totally dismissed but definitely NOT to be trusted either. Use your discernment here, as all 'channeled' information is filtered through the 3-D mind and so colored with the persona and in many cases inaccuracies. The times we are currently experiencing are similar to a data overload, and so one must carefully weigh the validity of any and all information. There is much BS out there to sort through arctourist.


    Am I right in that the most channeled BS is actually truth but is over interpretations,
    Like the theme they channel is on the spot, but the implications of is BS.

    So they fill the channel information with popular info.
    The first channel I heard was the Pleadians which should come and help us in the 4th density and they really was our relatives the Annunaki'es.
    If it where interpreted sounded like they would come and obsessed the people.
    All BS offcourse,
    But they were on the spot, that people would become more spiritual minded and aware

    Indeed and an excellent conclusion drawn by you tbs in your discernments.

    The 'channeled' messages from the 'ascended masters' and the 'abductees' and the 'contactees' should be analysed in their contexts.
    The main messages are, in most cases, VERY general and uplifting, aimed at the 'goodness of the human heart' in its selfremembrance of being and representing a unique and undispensable part of the creator-creation monad.

    Therefore and in this generality, the 'channelled data' is in full alignment with the 'masterplan' of the primal source beyond the concepts of the space-time-matter.

    However this generality then mostly fails to present any details or depth for this 'all is fine as piece of peace of the creator' scenario. It is simply insufficient to 'know that you are God' and then to sit under the bodhi tree to meditate on the divinity of it all and the ascension into the bliss of the nirvana.

    Similarly, it is utterly self-facetious to think that no learning or study is necessary and that all of this 'evil outside' world is to be severed from ones 'inner knowledge of this beingness'.
    This is typified ptb control mechanics, which has, in our analysis, almost totally compromised the 'new age' and alternative movements .

    The 'New Age' has transmutated itself into simply another opinionated 'religion' or paradigm of KNOWING what 'God' is, but utterly failing to realise the uniqueness of the 'Logos' required to redeem this selfsame 'God' from His exile in the wilderness of the 'Kingdom of the Father' without a 'Queendom of the Mother'.

    The without is on equal footing with the within and the Body is in no manner inferior to the Spirit or vice versa.
    Without the Heart the Mind is empty and without the Mind the Heart is not sentient.

    As Albert Einstein said: "Religion without Science is Blind and Science without Religion is Lame."

    Rather, the 'Feeling Heart' of the 'feelers of the divine' must harmonize with the 'Thinking Mind' of the 'thinkers on the divine' and to accomplish this the modus operandi can be reversed.

    So the fostering of a 'Thinking Heart' and a 'Feeling Mind' will bring the peace of the Logos in rational and reasoned thinking, blended with the 'Love of the Cosmos' in Wisdom of the Feminine and the Nous of the Masculine.

    The 'casting out of the devils' means checkmating the 'enemy within' not the valiant war against the demons trying to enter the wholy spaces from without.

    The creator-creation monad, the cosmos itself; desires reconfiguration in manifesting not only a new planetary civilisation, but a new universe.

    As the 'Word' has stated; 'this heaven and the one above and this earth and the earth below shall all pass away and be rolled up like a scroll - but my words shall not pass away and every iota of the scriptures will be fulfilled'.

    See tbonysteak, this shows you how a 'new legislature' for and of the cosmos must precede the 'new executive' to implement the new laws of the universe.

    Mother Gaia is the executor for those new dispensations not the ptb and not the PTB, the latter who are the returned ancient ones in whatever form and guise, functioning as the agents for the World Logos.

    We note some generalities about channelers atm.
    In our analysis there were and are very few data bases, which carry a significant component in alignment with the 'Logos'. We care to mention the Seth and Ra material and the Kryon channel which convey useable scientific information, again in varying degrees of usability.

    The Seth material; whilst excellent in this aspect, is however useless in terms of the 'History of the Logos'. It is similar to the 'Zeitgeist' data, which is basically true in terms of the ptb's workings of the fiscal and political frontiers, but is utterly misleading in terms of the function of the 'World Logos'.
    Of course, this is to be expected; a high percentage of 'truth' in one field must be compensated in basic 'untruth' in the other field to preserve the 'Law of Confusions' - as correctly inferred in the Ra material and say the trilogy of the 'Conversations with God' material of Neale Donald Walsh.

    Two (PTB)-aligned 'alternative researchers' atm are Richard Hoagland and Dolores Cannon; the latter's solitary stance protecting her from the public overexposure and pressures, befalling the greater percentage of the alternative 'truth seekers' and popularizers.

    There are many others; all of whom display varying percentages of 'truth' and 'untruth' relative to the data base of the PTB under guidance of the Logos.

    There are four natural elemental directions say, and as honoured by the indigenous civilizations.
    We shall present a very general idea of how those ET associations are archetyped in the history of Gaia.

    These are encoded in the 'scrolls' and define the Northern Earth of Arcturus as a pachydermian ET connection for the 'ptotection of the earth'.
    The Southern Waters are those of the Pleiadeans and they are cetaceous and of course 'protect the oceans and the waters'.
    The Western Winds are those of Sirus and they honour the canines and their families including bears and seals say.
    The Eastern Flames are those of Andromeda as the feline protectors, which as a constellation within Perseus aka the Milky Way galaxy also becomes a galactic stargate to the Andromeda galaxy (M31), so 2.5 million lightyears distant in linear lightspeed from the earth.

    The Annunaki-Orion-Lyran starwar sagas are just that; sagas as told by the rememberers of the wisdom keepers; the PTB of older days and often associated with the sages and shamans and medicine people of the past.

    Yes, those 'starwars' occurred, but they were not as physical as many presume, as say present observers and seekers, who are only able to utilise the present environmental factors as a basis for their referencings.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873-.31890.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27478 23 hours, 57 minutes ago - March 6th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Re Revelatorium
    Arachne: Our analysis has shown, that your reference above is rather general, albeit based on a sound basic understanding of the archetypology as say embodied in the 'sacred geometry'.It is however insufficient to allow a deep penetration into the 'Gnosis of the Logos', due to its peripheral application of the omni-science.


    ...We adhere to Pythagorean Numerology and extend the ciphers in root reduction to 55=5+5=10 in the ennead. In this system the 'life pyramids' then are given in the 9-tier in the numbers of the 'life'; the 'balance' and the 'comprehension'.

    The only pyramids I use are those created within the cycles of date of birth, with no reduction of the master numbers 11, 22. In all other cases reductions are to the single digit cardinal numbers 1-9.

    ...Also, there are major flaws in this material; say when dimensions, hyperphysics and scriptural encodings (like say the number 666) are discussed. The basic cosmogony about the 'Rebellion of Lucifer' is also grossly misleading and has caused much consternation and misinterpretation more in league with the 'bible students/bashers', then the alternative 'New Age' approach to the subject matter.

    Funny you should single this out. It was precisely this area that made me question this material. It served its purpose admirably as my exploration of the work subsequent to the 666 and Luciferian rebellian material was "Yes, well hmm . . ."

    . . . You and many humans are experiencing the Pisces New Moon of 2011; which is supercharged in a reconfiguration of the Saros DragonNode as the new ruler of Libra, replacing Venus.
    Iow, the Full Moon rulership of Cancer as the 4th standard sector in the Mother's Family' has become partnered in the 7th standard house of the partnerships in the New Moon rulership of Libra and representative for the Head or North of the DragonNode and the Tail or South of the DragonNode in the ecliptic saros cycle.

    ...This unplugged, is NEW DATA, you will not find anyoplace else in the ptb data base, as it is partial to the PTB.=

    I can certainly agree that I have not heard this before.

    Thank you unplugged; yes you appear to follow the Pythagorean School of Numerology.
    Did you realise what Pythagoras meant in the 'sacred form of the ciphers'?

    The basic lower plane of the physicality is 1-4-7 and in nondigitalised version all these are constructed by LINEAR SEGMENTS.

    The emotional/spiritual/feeling middle plane is 2-5-8 and is comprised of MIXED NUMBERS in being partially LINEAR and partially CURVED and with the cipher 8 as the 44 of the physical ascension and as the 0+0.

    This defines the vesica pisces of the intersection of the above and the below in the two circles of the encompassing unitary circle to define mathematical infinity symbolically in the geometric selfreproduction 1-2-4-8-.... (cellular mitosis and the data propagation of Fibonaccian experience factors as embodied in the Spiral of Archimedes).

    Finally, the ROUNDED or curved number of the mental plane are 3-6-9; made up exclusively in rounded arcs.

    The 'special masternumbers' of the 11=2; 22=4 and 33=6 so become encompassed in the ascension 44=8 as the 4 even numbers 2,4,6,8 in the ennead of the Pythagorean Tetraktys.

    Perhaps you will also find the following numerology interesting, should you not already be familiar with those mathematical facts.

    All natural positive integers from 1 to 36 add to 666 and this sum is also equal to the sum of all prime squares from 2 to 17.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27499 20 hours, 35 minutes ago - March 6th, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    Thank you unplugged; yes you appear to follow the Pythagorean School of Numerology. Did you realise what Pythagoras meant in the 'sacred form of the ciphers'?

    The basic lower plane of the physicality is 1-4-7 and in nondigitalised version all these are constructed by LINEAR SEGMENTS.

    The emotional/spiritual/feeling middle plane is 2-5-8 and is comprised of MIXED NUMBERS in being partially LINEAR and partially CURVED and with the cipher 8 as the 44 of the physical ascension and as the 0+0.

    This defines the vesica pisces of the intersection of the above and the below in the two circles of the encompassing unitary circle to define mathematical infinity symbolically in the geometric selfreproduction 1-2-4-8-.... (cellular mitosis and the data propagation of Fibonaccian experience factors as embodied in the Spiral of Archimedes).

    Finally, the ROUNDED or curved number of the mental plane are 3-6-9; made up exclusively in rounded arcs.

    The 'special masternumbers' of the 11=2; 22=4 and 33=6 so become encompassed in the ascension 44=8 as the 4 even numbers 2,4,6,8 in the ennead of the Pythagorean Tetraktys.

    Perhaps you will also find the following numerology interesting, should you not already be familiar with those mathematical facts.

    All natural positive integers from 1 to 36 add to 666 and this sum is also equal to the sum of all prime squares from 2 to 17.



    Actually, NO! I don't know any of what you write from my studies in Numerology. I know some info on the vesica pisces from the Revelatorium material and from Drunvalo Melchizedek's work. In all instances I balk at mental gymnastics, especially when the underlying formulations are unknown -- or make no sense -- to me. I am probably best described as SELECTIVELY LAZY.

    If something is worth study then it must engage both my mind and heart. When info (as thought waves) gets overly technical I lose interest because I lose INSIGHT (heart sense). When info (as sound waves) gets overly emotive and incoherent OR overly technical in sound expression I lose sensibility and sensitivity in what seems like clamoring senseless noise.

    I am more a heart-mind than a mind-heart, if that makes sense to you.

    None of these admissions of ignorance should be construed as incapacity or lacking the requisite skills / knowledge to be an expert numerologist in this vector of space/time.


    I am rereading all the info you provided earlier in direct response to my queries. It gets somewhat less dense with each reading smile.

    My first set of questions relate to the following:

    You write
    Knowing the Father also to be the Mother in a FatherMother Creator-Creation duality; the Son is also the Daughter as the firstborn offspring, the first cosmogenetic reproduction of that duality.The GrandSon is called the 'He-Holy Ghost' and the GrandDaughter is the 'She-Holy Spirit' as the offspring of the offspring in three necessary generations for the cosmogenetic 'Family of God'. A trinity of generations is required to reflect the grandparents in the grandchildren via the matrix definitions for the permutations of the sexual chromosomes.

    1-What exactly is a Holy Ghost?

    2-Who exactly are the "He-Holy Ghost" and the "She Holy Spirit"? Is this the PHYSICAL male and female form embodied by sons and daughters where the inversion of MATTER remains predominant and SPIRIT -- the divine boy-and-girl shards -- get lost in the mania from the moment the first breath is drawn, and where the constant pull/tug on awareness is OUTER rather than INNER?

    If all "the Sons and Daughters [are doing is] running around on a planet called Earth, having forgotten who they are and where they came from and for what purpose they came to be where they are" then

    3-Why doesn't PTB residing in the natural group mind of the up-turned pyramid provide info equivalent to that provided by the ptb in their hierarchically based downward-pointing pyramidical structures (inverted to appear as upturned in 3D reality) via their interlinked databases? (And yes I recall you said the info is hoarded by the controllers at the top and selectively doled out based on placement within the hierarchy.)

    4-Why do they get to hoard all the secret knowledge in their Vatican libraries while the natural boys 'n girls are left sucking our thumbs (or whatever), and forced to wade thru manipulated horse-sh*t to get to the truth?

    And no, I haven't read Thomas yet though cursorily glancing thru one page I must say I agree with this quote (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    It seems to me that between the veils that come down upon birth on this planet AND the unrestrained, duplicitous, vicious, robotic, manipulated, ego-centric, deranged, insensible UNFEELING shenanigans of the Black-light ptb we're nowhere aligned on an EQUAL playing field. How in Creator's name can you ask with a straight face why we aren't getting a jump on the Father's business and creating the matrices that permit the 2nd-generation grandchildren matrices to form?

    Thank you for your perspectives, especially when they are expressed simply and do not require mastery of all fields of inquiry in order to be understood.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27478 23 hours, 57 minutes ago - March 6th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Re Revelatorium
    Arachne: Our analysis has shown, that your reference above is rather general, albeit based on a sound basic understanding of the archetypology as say embodied in the 'sacred geometry'.It is however insufficient to allow a deep penetration into the 'Gnosis of the Logos', due to its peripheral application of the omni-science.


    ...We adhere to Pythagorean Numerology and extend the ciphers in root reduction to 55=5+5=10 in the ennead. In this system the 'life pyramids' then are given in the 9-tier in the numbers of the 'life'; the 'balance' and the 'comprehension'.

    The only pyramids I use are those created within the cycles of date of birth, with no reduction of the master numbers 11, 22. In all other cases reductions are to the single digit cardinal numbers 1-9.

    ...Also, there are major flaws in this material; say when dimensions, hyperphysics and scriptural encodings (like say the number 666) are discussed. The basic cosmogony about the 'Rebellion of Lucifer' is also grossly misleading and has caused much consternation and misinterpretation more in league with the 'bible students/bashers', then the alternative 'New Age' approach to the subject matter.

    Funny you should single this out. It was precisely this area that made me question this material. It served its purpose admirably as my exploration of the work subsequent to the 666 and Luciferian rebellian material was "Yes, well hmm . . ."

    . . . You and many humans are experiencing the Pisces New Moon of 2011; which is supercharged in a reconfiguration of the Saros DragonNode as the new ruler of Libra, replacing Venus.
    Iow, the Full Moon rulership of Cancer as the 4th standard sector in the Mother's Family' has become partnered in the 7th standard house of the partnerships in the New Moon rulership of Libra and representative for the Head or North of the DragonNode and the Tail or South of the DragonNode in the ecliptic saros cycle.

    ...This unplugged, is NEW DATA, you will not find anyoplace else in the ptb data base, as it is partial to the PTB.=

    I can certainly agree that I have not heard this before.

    Thank you unplugged; yes you appear to follow the Pythagorean School of Numerology.
    Did you realise what Pythagoras meant in the 'sacred form of the ciphers'?

    The basic lower plane of the physicality is 1-4-7 and in nondigitalised version all these are constructed by LINEAR SEGMENTS.

    The emotional/spiritual/feeling middle plane is 2-5-8 and is comprised of MIXED NUMBERS in being partially LINEAR and partially CURVED and with the cipher 8 as the 44 of the physical ascension and as the 0+0.

    This defines the vesica pisces of the intersection of the above and the below in the two circles of the encompassing unitary circle to define mathematical infinity symbolically in the geometric selfreproduction 1-2-4-8-.... (cellular mitosis and the data propagation of Fibonaccian experience factors as embodied in the Spiral of Archimedes).

    Finally, the ROUNDED or curved number of the mental plane are 3-6-9; made up exclusively in rounded arcs.

    The 'special masternumbers' of the 11=2; 22=4 and 33=6 so become encompassed in the ascension 44=8 as the 4 even numbers 2,4,6,8 in the ennead of the Pythagorean Tetraktys.

    Perhaps you will also find the following numerology interesting, should you not already be familiar with those mathematical facts.

    All natural positive integers from 1 to 36 add to 666 and this sum is also equal to the sum of all prime squares from 2 to 17.



    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873-.31890.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33
    #27577 7 hours, 18 minutes ago - March 6th, 2011 unplugged wrote:
    I am rereading all the info you provided earlier in direct response to my queries. It gets somewhat less dense with each reading

    My first set of questions relate to the following:

    You write
    Knowing the Father also to be the Mother in a FatherMother Creator-Creation duality; the Son is also the Daughter as the firstborn offspring, the first cosmogenetic reproduction of that duality.The GrandSon is called the 'He-Holy Ghost' and the GrandDaughter is the 'She-Holy Spirit' as the offspring of the offspring in three necessary generations for the cosmogenetic 'Family of God'. A trinity of generations is required to reflect the grandparents in the grandchildren via the matrix definitions for the permutations of the sexual chromosomes.

    1-What exactly is a Holy Ghost?

    2-Who exactly are the "He-Holy Ghost" and the "She Holy Spirit"? Is this the PHYSICAL male and female form embodied by sons and daughters where the inversion of MATTER remains predominant and SPIRIT -- the divine boy-and-girl shards -- get lost in the mania from the moment the first breath is drawn, and where the constant pull/tug on awareness is OUTER rather than INNER?

    If all "the Sons and Daughters [are doing is] running around on a planet called Earth, having forgotten who they are and where they came from and for what purpose they came to be where they are" then

    3-Why doesn't PTB residing in the natural group mind of the up-turned pyramid provide info equivalent to that provided by the ptb in their hierarchically based downward-pointing pyramidical structures (inverted to appear as upturned in 3D reality) via their interlinked databases? (And yes I recall you said the info is hoarded by the controllers at the top and selectively doled out based on placement within the hierarchy.)

    4-Why do they get to hoard all the secret knowledge in their Vatican libraries while the natural boys 'n girls are left sucking our thumbs (or whatever), and forced to wade thru manipulated horse-sh*t to get to the truth?

    And no, I haven't read Thomas yet though cursorily glancing thru one page I must say I agree with this quote (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    It seems to me that between the veils that come down upon birth on this planet AND the unrestrained, duplicitous, vicious, robotic, manipulated, ego-centric, deranged, insensible UNFEELING shenanigans of the Black-light ptb we're nowhere aligned on an EQUAL playing field. How in Creator's name can you ask with a straight face why we aren't getting a jump on the Father's business and creating the matrices that permit the 2nd-generation grandchildren matrices to form?

    Thank you for your perspectives, especially when they are expressed simply and do not require mastery of all fields of inquiry in order to be understood.

    No burdens unplugged!

    1. The 'Holy Ghost'-'Holy Spirit' label is an archetype, which you can express in a multitude of similar expressions, like yang-yin or animus-anima and so on.
    However, here, in this context, it refers to the 'highest level' of energy manifestation, say the 12th dimension or the 'Word of the Planter of the kabbalistic "Tree of Life", from which the 'sephirots' or 'lower kingdoms' emanate.
    We term it the male and female parts of the 'World Logos' which one can then rename as particular characterisations as say Jesus of the Naassenes and Mary of the Magdalas.

    2. Yes, the BODY (of anything) as a say morphogenetic form is PARTICULAR and is the say lower part in the older Cartesian dualism of the Mind-Body divide.

    Then the MIND as a higher form in this dualism is the superform of the particular as a WAVE, encompassing all the particular forms, including galaxies, starsystems, planets, humans, animals, plants and atoms and their subatomic constituents, which then however become waveforms again (electrons and quarks in technical terms).

    So our answer is simply for you to not destroy but double this duality in adding the lower BODY to the higher MIND and vice versa in the mirroring of the Cartesian dyad.

    Then you have a higher MINDBODY and a lower BODYMIND and this model then allows you to redefine yourself in a new cosmic template. This relates to the quadrupling of the 64-codex of the human DNA into a 256-codon tier of the say starhuman DNA.
    We have shared some details of this elsewhere in this thread.

    Here is a somewhat dated video, which nevertheless is in harmony with our data base.
    The 'Pleiadean data stream' represents one of the four major 'ET message directions' from many and divers sources; and which, though filtered by their 'media', often harbour a great percentage of 'Logos truth'.
    We have found no dissonating information in this video on a first perusal, so we share it here as supporting material and for your benefit.This then also allows you to INFUSE the density of the BODY solitary with the 'Lightenergy of the Wave' and so materialise a hybrid form between the old physical massdefined matter (say molecular bodies based on laws of physics and biochemistry) and what many term the astral body or the lightbody.

    The actual omniphysics is rather technical and engages the unification of the nuclear interaction forces (strong colourforce and weak radioactivity ) in a fifth fundamental symmetry termed CPT-Invariance.
    We shall not delve further into this at this time. But the fifth 'elementary' interaction of nature so can be termed the RestMass Photon (as the light filament of awakened consciousness in the video), showing you the subatomic building block for the 'Lightbody Merkabah' as a 'Particle of spaceinherent consciousness' in reductionistic terminology.

    The 'Higgs Boson' of the standard physicists and more esoteric labelings like the 'Ganesha Particle' and 'Orgone' and 'Mitogenetic Radiation' and such are related to this scenario.

    3. Your questions 3-4 seem a little confused as to contextual detail to us and we would ask you to be more precise in your enquiries. But we shall try to accomodate you, as well as we can determine your meanings.

    The PTB is indeed harboured deep within yourself unplugged. You are the PTB as much as we are PTB; but it becomes a question of graduation and of the reharmonisation of yourself BEFORE you can access the more intricate remembrances of your own origins.

    See the present warpzone engages the cosmos, not just this planetary evolvement into its galactic expression.

    You will NOT find the 'self realisation' or the 'enlightenment' in following some form of dogmatic manual; though all of those manuals carry part of the puzzle you have come to reassemble.

    So many here on this and similar forums are part of the grand polarisation of the audience upon Gaia, instead of being cocreators.

    We can give you an example, which will again polarise the many against the few, as an effect of the 'words' used.
    So we ask you not to become offended by the following excerpt here disclaimed as:
    {Presented in the Spirit of 'Humour Noir' of the Dark Comedy of the never to be fall into the pits of sarcasm in a Genre of La Presentation}

    This is the Charge-List of Satanicus Rex, into which all of YOU belong to in any degree of permutation and in the following classifications of interchangeable group numberings:

    Group-----Reality-Perception------(Nat)ural State/AntiState-------Tradition--------God-Man-Scale

    1.Gnostic...Gnostic Reason.......Spiritual/Physical......Adogmatic-Fundamental..............[][][][][x][][]

    2.Agnostic.....Agnostic Reason......FeelingNatural/EmoSupNat....Any...........................[][][x][][][][]

    3.Rationalistic....Rational Reason.......Rational/Intuitive.................Any.......................[][x][][][][][]

    4.Theistic....Theistic Reason......EmoSupNat/FeelingNatural....Dogmatic-Fundamental...[][][][][][][x]

    5.Arationalistic.....Intuitive Reason........Intuitive/Rational.................Any....................[][][][][][x][]

    6.Astralistic....New Age Reason......Naturally Androgynous....Adogmatic-Fundamental..[][][][x][][][]


    The Charges are as follows and as for the God-Man-Scale MEPOPEM:

    1. Charge against the Gnostic: Murder Degree I, for the Man-Slaughter in Physical Reality.

    2. Charge against the Agnostic: Murder Degree III, for the God-Slaughter in Physical Reality.

    3. Charge against the Rationalist: Murder Degree II, for the God-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.

    4. Charge against the Theist: Murder Degree III, for the Man-Slaughter in Mental Reality.

    5. Charge against the Intuivist: Murder Degree II, for the Man-Slaughter in Emotional Reality.

    6. Charge against the Astralist: Murder Degree IV for the GodMan-Slaughter as a OneMirror.

    7. Charge against the Atheist: Murder Degree I, for the God-Slaughter in Mental Reality.

    In this example unplugged; the various plusses and minusses defining the missing elements in the dogmatic groups (and including the standard label of the 'new ager' as the astralists) are indicated.

    Your query is engaged from a mixed perspective of the 7 classes, say a little skeptic here and a minor or major astralist there and a whatever there.

    So then the PTB is embodied in ALL dogmas as a shard of the sourcesink monad; but cannot be fully expressed until the seven categories are harmonized in the data collector for the cosmos (you).

    So then you can fill in the gaps perhaps and answer your own questions?

    What good is it to be a hermit; sit under the wisdom tree; denounce the worldy pleasures {which are shared in the golden rules say); teleevangelise the 'word of god'; fear the ptb and their demonic entities on alternative forums; chant mantras to mandalas or facing the kaaba or the Jerusalem wailing wall in sutras and verses; observe the stars through telescopes and do experiments of whatever form to discover the secrets of the universe; follow the political or individual dreams of utopia and a better world; watch tv or write novels and poetry????

    All those things have meaning in the gathering of experiences and of interactions. None of those things are of insignificance, as the learning of anyone becomes the data of the universal information matrix.
    But the reason and purpose is much deeper and much more profound.
    It relates to You not in space and time and as the shard of the sourcesink, the singularity, the centre of the circle yada yada.

    But dear unplugged, without the yada yada an the bollocks and the blahblah and the goobledegook; you will find you will remain UNABLE to gain remembrance.
    Without the hard mental work and the delving into the unchartered 'waters of the yada yada' you will simply NOT have enough data or information base to become coupled and to awaken the slumbering Logos of the PTB waiting for you from your innermost core.

    Sure you can deny and stand on your opinions of there being another way, your way, and independent from the way of the One who DEFINED all of this. This ONE is called the 'Word of God' in religious terms and its denial as this 'one-and-only' template for all; is the 'charge' of satanicus rex against the alternative thinkers as tabulated in the above.

    4. Again the seven categories require the search and discovery of the missing pieces unplugged.
    We have described the differences between the PTB of the individuated data collector (like you) and the ptb of the elitist information 'hording' before. It is necessary for the greater cosmic plan; which has recognised Gaia and the human 'struggle' to evolve despite all the encumberances and hurdles.
    This 'hurdle' then is the 'lack of this and that'.

    But it is not sufficient to reject and denounce the misunderstood. And the 'evil ptb' are indeed greatly misunderstood. Not in their individual and 'familiar' human expressions of megalomania, greed and you know what else; but in the 'ideas' and the paradigms the original 'founders' attempted to implement.

    It is simply continuity of the human historical cycle beginning almost 26,000 years ago.
    The suppression of the 'reason of science' by the ecclesia in the times of Galileo, Kepler and Newton has now become the suppression and marginalistion of 'religion' and has polarised the mental assimilation potentials even further.

    The most dogmatic islamist still utilizes the common language of science in the nuclear warhead to fight the 'unbeliever's' intercontinental missile constructed by the selfsame Universal Language of the methododical and reductionistic science and then manifesting in the time the 'pragmatistic believers' , of whatever persuasion, had the political powerbase.

    The difference to NOW is, that for the first time in this human history; the 'Kingdom of the Creator' can be truly shared on a worldwide basis. This is what the www and the internet actualises and it is because of this fact; that the grand polarisation can now, at the end of the 26,000 years, (actually 9,360,000 days); be brought to its conclusion.

    But we shall end here and not stir the flames of indignation any longer at this time.
    Is self sovereignity doubted here? Where is the 'Free Will' - well the creator was not God see; it was the Word - the Word rescued and defined the chaos as is said in John.1.1.:

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy)."

    Can you then remember this unplugged?

    You were there when the universe was born and now you are where you are waiting to remember the creation; waiting to come home again in a grander version than you were before and then 'God as the PTB' of the Elders of the Cosmos; will assemble around the Icecold Fires of heavenhell to listen to your story and the stories of all of the rememberers who did the hard yada yada and became truly independent and free apart from their opinions of their selfdeluded selfrighteous understandings.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27591 4 hours, 7 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    thanks arachnae
    i wanted to ask about these so-called electromagnetic vehicles that james horak speaks can we get one?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873-.31890.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27604 3 hours, 9 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    thanks arachnae
    i wanted to ask about these so-called electromagnetic vehicles that james horak speaks can we get one?

    Here is a development about James Horak's EMV's and Our perspective on it dear arctourist:

    1.3rd January 2011 07:23 #164
    1.OmetaOne Re: THE RULERS OF THE WORLD : Questions and Answers

    Hello everybody, I am new here and would like to participate in this interesting blog dissecting the intentions of the ruling elite or the '33'.

    I would like to insert some important facts adding to the picture Kerry drew in her in-depth analysis. Kerry noticed that 'Charles' has talked about the 'uncontrollable Sun' and I want to point to the fact that the powers that be take the 'uncontrollable Sun' as justification for the construction of the deep underground military bases (DUMBs) so that they can, in their understanding, at least 'save' the human species as such under their conditions, i.e. every person of their choice to survive being implanted with a chip.

    I have to draw a connection here to the sudden appearance of the huge objects in the corona of the Sun at the beginning of 2010. These objects were first detected in 1985 by Dr. Norman Bergrun in the rings of Saturn, he called them EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. The EMVs have now moved to the Sun to make a display for the whole world to see.

    These EMVs, about 18 of them, are each larger than planet Earth and are here with a task. They are interacting with the Sun, influencing the magnetic structure of the Sun, preventing solar flares or CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) from hitting the Earth. They have always done this, according to James Horak, who is in 'communication' with them. I know this sounds like just another fiction but consider this: if the Sun would not have been 'controlled in the past we, the human race would have been exstinguished a long time ago by CMEs. When the South American civilisations saw a formation of the EMVs in ancient times they called this phenomenon 'The Feathered Serpent'.


    As I said, the EMVs are here with a task. THEY control the 'Experiment' called Earthbound Humanity at last and not the powers that be or any 'Aliens'. The 33 are not aware of the fact that they do not have the LAST WORD in what the fate of humanity is. They certainly have acknowledged the presence of the EMVs in the corona of the Sun but they don't recognize the fact that the EMVs will not allow for humanity to be chipped or be killed en masse by them. When they attempt to enslave humanity and implement the new world order, this 'experiment' will end - for us AND them and their DUMBs will not be safe at all!

    It would then end for us too because we were not resistant against the disease of psychopathy. The psychopaths want to control every aspect of our lives and connect us to a computer, this we already know but this experiment is about SENTIENCE, only then will we become a race of Humanity 2.0. A war-mongering race will not be allowed to enter interstellar space and dominate others - the universe is policed by the EMVs and the EMVs are sentient! Consider also that if there were really war-like species out there we would have been subjugated fully a long time ago. But this is not the reality of the universe, there is order and only sentient races are allowed to develop further and this is the test.

    You may say that there are negative races like the Greys. This is not really the case because the Greys are abandoned artificial cyborg-beings that have gone awry, a kind of cosmic mishap. The ptb have taken advantage of their technology in exchange for secure underground dwellings here on Earth because ETs are chasing the Greys and terminate them wherever they can get hold of them.

    The decision for the EMVs to move away from the Sun and to leave Earth to the full impact of solar flares and CMEs is made when tptb begin to accomplish their chipping and depopulation program. Nobody is safe then, not even deep underground, this is what the 33/tptb/elite have to understand and if they don't we have to make them understand because if not then everything we have achieved will be lost and set to zero, restart. This has happened several times before when human civilisations did not pass the test. We can not allow this to happen again.

    The ptb have already received several warnings in the form of directed solar flares and also benevolent ETs have stepped on our side and disabled nukes several times and even prevented WW3 last year. We are at a critical point in time, the lunar eclipse at the time of winter solstice has been the 'real event' and not that fake 12.21.2012-date that has no significant astronomical importance at all. The lunar eclipse of 12.21.2010 has been the 'switch' and 'This is Humanities Call on the Planet!'

    And remember: evil never wins out - lucifer and cohorts, you lose, either way!

    For further info on the EMVs and James Horak please watch the videos:

    and visit the blog:

    Phoenix-Arachne commentary on the message from OmetaOne, posted at the linked Project Avalon forum.

    This message from OmetaOne is very pertinent for the nature of the Gaian Merkabah.
    The Gaian Merkabah encompasses and is defined in the cosmic consciousness and as inherent in the spacetime structure itself.
    This engages InterTerrestrial Intelligences or ITs as exemplified by the Orange Plasma ships of the 'Inner Earth'.
    Any celestial orb or say astronomical object of the astrophysics similarly engages in a feedback mechanism of its collected information in communicating with its environments of substructured 'vessels of consciousness'.

    So there then exists a 'core consciousness' of the Sun (or any other star), communicating to its surrounding star system of planets and moons and extraorbital objects like comets and cosmic rays received from other star systems and the central galactic core (Hunab Ku as radio source Sagittarius A* for the Milky Way) or other galaxies.

    Any such celestial orb so also comprises subsystems of 'consciousness integrals' or summations, which can take the form of particular cosmic intelligences like the Orange Orbs of Mexico as a planetary superintelligence accumulated as feedback mechanism in the history of the planetary evolution in say geothermal, geoecological and geobiovital systems engaging in coevolutionary patterns formed and shaped by the definitions for this core-space consciousness and as given in the Volumar definitions of Ee*=1.

    The ElectroMagnetic Vehicles or EMV's so represent a highly concentrated form of solar consciousness in the form of the star's intelligence integral, in this case then on the scale of planets.

    When the precessional source signal arrives at the December solstice of 2012, after completing its journey of the 65 Mayan baktuns or 9,360,000 mean solar days of 25,626.81 civil years; the solar source intelligence as expressed by the EMV's will receive the lightspeeded impulse so 8 minutes before the Gaian atmosphere and so allow this galactic wavefront to embed within itself the Sun's Intelligence or Solar Logos.

    Then at the core of the physical earth, the Black Holed inertia equivalence of the Planet Gaia and the size of a golfball in the 4-dimensional Minkowski metric; will undergo the crystalline transformation to a White Hole emitter from its prior definition as a Black Hole absorber in this flat Euclidean spacetime of zero curvature.

    This topological flatness so becomes curved as a now 5-dimensional consciousness vessel, albeit still the size of a golfball in the Schwarzschild Radius of the metamorphosis.
    The arriving wavefront from the galactic centre then imparts or exchanges the cosmic data collected via the precessional journey from the galactic center for the collected data of the terrestrial history in all their geological evolution parameters, as well as the metaphysical existence of Gaia as the Cosmic Mother as old as the Universe itself (19.11 Billion years in civil year time).

    This Gaian database then is beamed and transmitted from the wormholed crystalline center of the new Starplanet Serpentina as New Gaia back to the Sun Rahsol and then back towards the galactic center and then the extragalactic universe.
    New Gaia so becomes the Cosmic Sanctuary, a Universal Library sharing the turbulent history of Gaia's existence with the extraterrestrial universe as the New Heaven on Earth and as the Cosmic Mother for ALL Extraterrestrial Sentiences - without exception.

    All Life in the Omniverse shall call Serpentina their Ultimate Homecoming.

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27611 2 hours, 8 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    so then what?
    is the experiment over?
    certainly we all have other places to go when this place goes away..ain't that right?
    forgive me,arachne,i can't seem to 'grok' what it is you're trying to say...
    who and what are you,if you don't mind my asking...?
    i think this is extraordinary-i just would like to understand it...
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873-.31890.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27621 1 hour, 26 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    The Wavefront from the Galactic Center (Hunab Ku) has been discovered by the Fermi Space Telescope as the 65 Baktun Cycle of the Timewave of the Zero-Point History

    The Grand Cosmic Time Calibration between the Great Platonic Year of the Maya and the Timewave Convergence of Terence McKenna in Geometric Progression of Cellular Biovital Multiplication

    The daycount of Terence McKenna's 'Timewave Zero' hypothesis, called 'Novelty Theory' (see the wiki reference and excerpted quotes below) is calculated from the numerological patterns of the King Wen sequence of the I Ching as 6x64x64=24,576 Days or 67 Years and 104 days.

    This particular 'Count of Time' requires however a starting point, which is fundamentally arbitrary to then illustrate or specify the 'Compression of History' as envisaged by Mckenna and similar theories or proposals.

    The previous information links the Philadelphia Experiment as such a starting point for the 67.29 year period, climaxing in the 'Opening of a Wormhole' on July 21st, 1943 and a 'Closing of this same Wormhole' on October 28th, 1943.

    As the references following indicate; the 'Timewave Zero' theory engages similar ideas of Alfred North Whitehead and under labels such as 'Process Philosophy' or 'Acceleration of Knowledge', (Robert Antomn Wilson); 'Information and Cultural Development' (Ray Kurzweil) and also 'Morphogenetic Resonance' of Consciousness Carriers of Rupert Sheldrake and the 'Gaia Hypothesis' of James Lovelock.

    The Great Platonic Year is often defined as a Great Precession of 26,000 'Ancient Years', each of 360 'Ancient Days' for a total Daycount of 360x26,000=9,360,000 Days or Kin and as 13x5x144,000=65 Mayan Baktuns.

    Many 'New Age' or alternative 'sources' then assign the Precessional Cycle in say 12x2160=25,920 such 'Ancient Years' in approximation.

    A 'modern' scientific calibration, using a calendrical 'Civil Year' of 365.2425 'Mean Solar Days' in a 400 'Civil Year' or 146,097 'Mean Solar day' Cycle will however define the Mayan Great Baktun Count as 9,360,000/365.2425=25,626.8096 'Civil Years' in this calendrical approximation fpr the cyclic integral daycount.

    It so becomes a Galactic Signal from the Galactic Core (Hunab Ku of the Maya) sent at the beginning of the 65 Baktun cycles and travelling at lightspeed of so 300,000 kilometers per second; which signifies the Birth of the StarPlanet Serpentina as 'New Gaia', when the wavefront of this 'ET Signal' reaches the Center of the Earth on December 21st, 2012.

    The 'Two Lobes' of the recently 'discovered' galactic structure (see NASA data below), each of a 'size' of the Precessional Year, emit Electromagnetic Radiation as the extent of this wavefront encompassing the galactic history of the Old Humanity destined to become galactic in its metamorphosis into a StarHumanity following the Insemination, Gestation, Birth and weaning of the dispensation of the World Logos as published in the Thuban data stream and associated information of related sources.

    NASA's Fermi Telescope Finds Giant Structure in our Galaxy!


    Using data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, scientists have recently discovered a gigantic, mysterious structure in our galaxy. This feature looks like a pair of bubbles extending above and below our galaxy's center. Each lobe is 25,000 light-years tall and the whole structure may be only a few million years old. (Video credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)

    WASHINGTON -- NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has unveiled a previously unseen structure centered in the Milky Way. The feature spans 50,000 light-years and may be the remnant of an eruption from a supersized black hole at the center of our galaxy.

    "What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center," said Doug Finkbeiner, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., who first recognized the feature. "We don't fully understand their nature or origin."

    The structure spans more than half of the visible sky, from the constellation Virgo to the constellation Grus, and it may be millions of years old. A paper about the findings has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

    Finkbeiner and his team discovered the bubbles by processing publicly available data from Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT). The LAT is the most sensitive and highest-resolution gamma-ray detector ever launched. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light.

    Other astronomers studying gamma rays hadn't detected the bubbles partly because of a fog of gamma rays that appears throughout the sky. The fog happens when particles moving near the speed of light interact with light and interstellar gas in the Milky Way. The LAT team constantly refines models to uncover new gamma-ray sources obscured by this so-called diffuse emission. By using various estimates of the fog, Finkbeiner and his colleagues were able to isolate it from the LAT data and unveil the giant bubbles.

    Scientists now are conducting more analyses to better understand how the never-before-seen structure was formed. The bubble emissions are much more energetic than the gamma-ray fog seen elsewhere in the Milky Way. The bubbles also appear to have well-defined edges. The structure's shape and emissions suggest it was formed as a result of a large and relatively rapid energy release - the source of which remains a mystery.

    One possibility includes a particle jet from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. In many other galaxies, astronomers see fast particle jets powered by matter falling toward a central black hole. While there is no evidence the Milky Way's black hole has such a jet today, it may have in the past. The bubbles also may have formed as a result of gas outflows from a burst of star formation, perhaps the one that produced many massive star clusters in the Milky Way's center several million years ago.

    "In other galaxies, we see that starbursts can drive enormous gas outflows," said David Spergel, a scientist at Princeton University in New Jersey. "Whatever the energy source behind these huge bubbles may be, it is connected to many deep questions in astrophysics."


    Hints of the bubbles appear in earlier spacecraft data. X-ray observations from the German-led Roentgen Satellite suggested subtle evidence for bubble edges close to the galactic center, or in the same orientation as the Milky Way. NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe detected an excess of radio signals at the position of the gamma-ray bubbles.

    The Fermi LAT team also revealed Tuesday the instrument's best picture of the gamma-ray sky, the result of two years of data collection.

    "Fermi scans the entire sky every three hours, and as the mission continues and our exposure deepens, we see the extreme universe in progressively greater detail," said Julie McEnery, Fermi project scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

    NASA's Fermi is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership, developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden and the United States.

    "Since its launch in June 2008, Fermi repeatedly has proven itself to be a frontier facility, giving us new insights ranging from the nature of space-time to the first observations of a gamma-ray nova," said Jon Morse, Astrophysics Division director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “These latest discoveries continue to demonstrate Fermi's outstanding performance.”

    For more information about Fermi, visit:


    "As above... so below" ---Starhuman Butterfly

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    The NASA Update:

    furthermore links the '2Lobes' as 'Bubbles of Human Consciousness' Evolution in the astrophysics of the expanding wavefront elegantly mapping the history of the human civilization within an encompassing higherD actually 4-vector space of Riemann) as this 'Cosmic Consciousness'.

    The 'Dark Matter' so cannot be DIFFUSED past the scale of the lobes, as the 'dark matter' (and the dark energy) in associated Black Hole membrane physics is limited by the invariance of the lightspeed expansion of the precessional parameter.

    Rotating the galactic structure perpendicular to the galactic disk about any arbitrary axis will define the encompassing spheroid as enveloping the three toroidal families of the 'Anchor' with the two lobes separating as two half-bubbles; the 'Horn Torus' of the depicted tangential intersection and the 'Spindle Torus' as the 'Vesica Pisces' of the selfintersection mode of the two half-bubbles.


    Bubbles of Energy Are Found in Galaxy
    NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

    From end to end, the newly discovered gamma-ray bubbles extend 50,000 light-years, or about half of the Milky Way’s diameter, as shown in this illustration.


    Published: November 9, 2010:
    "Something big is going on at the center of the galaxy, and astronomers are happy to say they don’t know what it is.

    A group of scientists working with data from NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope said Tuesday that they had discovered two bubbles of energy erupting from the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
    The bubbles, they said at a news conference and in a paper to be published Wednesday in The Astrophysical Journal, extend 25,000 light years up and down from each side of the galaxy and contain the energy equivalent to 100,000 supernova explosions.

    “They’re big,” said Doug Finkbeiner of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, leader of the team that discovered them.

    The source of the bubbles is a mystery. One possibility is that they are fueled by a wave of star births and deaths at the center of the galaxy. Another option is a gigantic belch from the black hole known to reside, like 'Jabba the Hut', at the center of the Milky Way.
    What it is apparently not is 'Dark Matter', the mysterious something that astronomers say makes up a quarter of the universe and holds galaxies together.
    “Wow,” said David Spergel, an astrophysicist at Princeton who was not involved in the work.

    “And we think we know a lot about our own galaxy,” Dr. Spergel added, noting that the bubbles were almost as big as the galaxy and yet unsuspected until now.
    Jon Morse, head of astrophysics at NASA headquarters, said, “This shows again that the universe is full of surprises.”

    One of the most surprised was Dr. Finkbeiner. A year ago he was part of a group led by Gregory Dobler of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in Santa Barbara, Calif., that said it had discerned the existence of a mysterious fog of high-energy particles buzzing around the center of the Milky Way.

    The particles manifested themselves as a haze of extra energy after all the known sources of gamma rays — the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation — had been subtracted from Fermi data that had recently been made public.

    At the time, Dr. Finkbeiner and his colleagues speculated that the haze was produced by dark matter. The center of the galaxy is home to all manner of wild and woolly high-energy phenomena, including a gigantic black hole and violently spinning pulsars, but cosmological theories also suggest that dark matter would be concentrated there. Collisions of dark matter particles, the theory goes, could produce showers of gamma rays.

    But in the follow-up analysis, the haze — besides being bigger than Dr. Finkbeiner and his colleagues had thought — turned out to have sharp boundaries, like, well, a bubble. Dark matter, according to the prevailing theory, should be more diffuse.

    “Dark matter has been there billions of years,” Dr. Finkbeiner explained. “If something has been going on for billions of years, you wouldn’t expect a sharp edge.”
    He and the other scientists said this did not mean that dark matter was not there clogging the center of the galaxy, but that it would be harder to see.

    A version of this article appeared in print on November 10, 2010, on page A18 of the New York edition.

    It can then be ascertained, that the McKenna Timewave is calibrated with the Great Platonic Year of the Maya in the Cyclicity of 390,000 Timewaves being identical to 1024 Great Platonic Mayan years or 65x1024x144,000=66,560x144,000=9,584,640,000 Kin.

    390,000x24,576=9,584,640,000 or 26,624,000 'Ancient Years' or 26,241,853.02 'Civil Years'.

    This can be written in the following manner to crystallize the encoded 'scriptures' for a particular application for a discernment as to the meaning and interpretation of those encoded scriptures.

    1) 390,000x24,576=1024x26,000x360

    2) 64x64x6x390x1000=1024x26x360x1000 (reducing by 1000, the thousands from the encodings following)

    3) 4x210 x6x390=210 x26x360 (reducing by 210=1024 )

    4) 24x390=26x360=9360=24x13x30=2x13x360 (reducing by 13)

    5) 24x30=2x360=2x12x30 (reducing by 30)

    6) 24=2x12

    24 ELDERS = 2x12 BIStarHumans

    288,000=2x144,000 Aspect Seals

    12 HeShes = 12 Hes + 12 Shes

    26,241,853.02 'Civil Years' equal 26,624,000 'Ancient Years' in the Geometric Doubling Factor 1024=210 and as applied to the Square of 64x64=4096=212 and for a kin count of 9,584,640,000=233.180771.. and so for a logarithmic doubling factor of n=33.1580771...

    This logarithmic Doubling links to the 9th Fibonacci Number 34 in the Golden Spiral.

    In geometry, a golden spiral is a logarithmic spiral whose growth factor b is related to φ, the golden ratio. Specifically, a golden spiral gets wider (or further from its origin) by a factor of φ for every quarter turn it makes.

    Approximate and true golden spirals: the green spiral is made from quarter-circles tangent to the interior of each square, while the red spiral is a golden spiral, a special type of logarithmic spiral. Overlapping portions appear yellow. The length of the side of a larger square to the next smaller square is in the golden ratio.


    A Fibonacci spiral approximates the golden spiral; unlike the "whirling rectangle diagram" based on the golden ratio, above, this one uses squares of integer Fibonacci-number sizes, shown for square sizes 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and 34 { }

    From this many associations and applications in physical reality develop, including the notorious Wiltshire Crop Circle of August 8th, 2008 (8-8-8) and numerological-gematria applications of 'Pure Number Theory' in a 'Pythagorean Tradition' in regards to the 'Harmony of the Spheres' (Johannes Kepler, Roger Penrose) and the 'Sacred Number Geometry' of models such as 'Platonic Merkabahs' {Flower of Life of Drunvalo Melchizedek} and the 'Vortex Mathematics' of Marko Rodin; the latter also indicating the underpinning cosmic geometry of the transformations and 'mappings' or imaging of the Toroidal Topology onto physical structures like the Milky Way galaxy.



    Wiltshire Cropcircle from August 8th, 2008


    The Cellular Doubling in Geometric Progression indicated above in the 888 Crop-Circle and below in mathematical definition; for example forms the basis for Marko Rodin's Vortex-Mathematics based on the 'Holy aka Wholey Name' of God (Bahuallah or Abha as the ABBA of the Cosmic Logos) in 1-2-4-8-16(1+6=7)-32(3+2=5)-64(6+4=10=1+0=1)-128(1+2+8=11=1+1=2)-256(2+5+6=13=1+3=4)-512(5+1+2=8)-1024(1+0+2+4=7)-... transforming digitally or rootreducingly to 1-2-4-8-7-5-1*-2*-4*-8*-7*-.....

    Application of this decimal ennead then is used in the 'electrodynamical circuitry' of the 'Rodin Coil' based an an inherent supersymmetry of 'Magnetic Monopoles'; the latter however having deep cosmological origins in the 'sacred geometry' derived from the Fibonacci mechanism applied to supermembrane physics in multidimensional brane space. The triangulations of Rodin so can be said to map this brane space in the trisection (3x120 degrees=360 degrees) of the wavequarkian template of the 'Standard Model' in quantum mechanics and the Unitary Symmetry {SU(3)} of n-tuplets (say octads and decads) onto the observed particle properties of said model for physical theory.

    Many of the claims of 'applied models' such as that of the 'Vortex Mathematics' of Rodin or the 'Merkabahs of Drunvalo Melchizedek' are however premature and remain inapplicable to a flat 4-dimensional Minkowski spacetime metric restricted and bounded in the lightspeed invariance. Models such as these, however become highly relevant in the curved metrics of hyperspace with 4 spacial dimensions added to the time dimension.

    Changing the 'Daycount' to a 'Yearcount' as indicated in the above as a calibrated 'measurement unit, then allows a 10-tiered or 10-principalled geometric reduction in the History of the Cosmos, converging in 10 steps as defined in the 7 Principalities mirrored in Antiprincipalities; the 8th of the Relativity without Antiprinciple and the 9th of the Holofractalisation or the Quantisation as the 9 Timelords of the Maya or the ninefolded deities or Ennead of Ancient Egypt.

    The 10th Principality then becomes a New Identity using the '9 Timelords' to 'Redefine' the Old Identity of the 1st Principality mirrored in duality in an Antiidentity.

    The Convergence of 'Cosmic History' so begins at the 29=512x26,624 Million 'Ancient Year' marker and reduces in the halving of the timespans down to the 'Last Year' as given by the World Logos Timeline as the Millennium from December 21st, 2012 to December 16th, 2013.

    The Geometric Progression of the 'Cellular Doubling' in biovital cellular mitosis in the Geometric Series: {20=1; 21=2; 22=4; 23=8; 24=16; 25=32; 26=64; 27=128; 28=256; 29=512; 210=1024; 211=2048; 212=4096;....2n} so becomes qualitative and quantified as illustrated by the Novelty Theories of Whitehead, McKenna, Kurzweil, Wilson, Sheldrake and Lovelock as a sample space of the proponents for this model of reality based on information theory.

    #29=512x26,624,000 Ancient Years as an Universal Age of 13.631488 Billion Ancient Years or 13.43582874.. Billion Civil Years as 512,000 Precessional Cycles of 26,624 'Ancient Years'

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession as 13.43582874.. Million Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 512 Ancient Years or 184,320 Days from Friday, August 17th, 1005 (Julian) - Monday, April 8th, 1510 (Julian)

    #28=256x26,624,000 as 6.815744 Billion Ancient Years of 256 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession as so 6.717914372.. Million Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 256 Ancient Years or 92,160 Days from Monday, April 8th, 1510 (Julian) - Saturday, August 14th, 1762 (Gregorian)

    #27=128x26,624,000 as 3.407872 Billion Ancient Years of 128 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession as so 3.358957186 Million Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 128 Ancient Years or 46,080 days from Saturday, August 14th, 1762- Friday, October 12th, 1888

    #26=64x26,624,000 as 1.703936 Billion Ancient Years of 64 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession to about 1.679478593 Million Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 64 Ancient Years or 23,040 Days from Friday, October 12th, 1888 - Monday, November 12th, 1951

    #25=32x26,624,000 as 851.968 Million Ancient Years of 32 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession to so 839,739 Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 32 Ancient Years or 11,520 Days from Monday, November 12th, 1951 - Saturday, May 28th, 1983

    #24=16x26,624,000 as 425.984 Million Ancient Years of 16 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession to about 419,870 Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 16 Ancient Years or 5,760 Days from Saturday, May 28th, 1983 - Friday, March 5th, 1999

    #23=8x26,624,000 as 212.992 Million Ancient Years of 8 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession to about 209,935 Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 8 Ancient Years or 2,880 Days from Friday, March 5th, 1999 - Monday, January 22nd, 2007

    #22=4x26,624,000 as 106.496 Million Ancient Years of 4 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession to circa 104,967 Civil Years ago and

    Fractalised as 4 Ancient Years or 1,440 Days from Monday, January 22nd, 2007 - Saturday, January 1st, 2011

    #21 =2x26,624,000 as 53.248 Million Ancient Years of 2 Precessional Cycles and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession as about 52,484 Civil Years ago as 24,231 BC and

    Fractalised as 2 Ancient Years or 720 Days from Saturday, January 1st, 2011 - Friday, December 21st, 2012

    #20=1x26,624,000 as 26.624 Million Ancient Years as a Mayan Precessional Year and

    Fractalised in Millennial Precession as 26,241.85302 Civil Years ago as 24,231 BC and Correlating to the the Mayan Platonic Year of 65=5x13 Baktuns in the factor 1.024=9,584,640/9,360,000=26,241.85302/25,626.8096... and

    Fractalised as 1 Ancient Year or 360 Days from Friday, December 21st, 2012 - Monday, December 16th, 2013

    Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 so begins a Reconfigured Cosmic Measurement of Time in arbitrary calendars defined by the count of Days or Kin in the Convergence of the Cosmic TimeCount Calibrations.

    A Total of 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512=1023 Ancient Years or 360x1023=368,280 Days in 1008.316393 Civil Years (1008 'Julian' Years and 108 Days across the Gregorian Calendar Calibration from October 4th - 15th 1582) so specifies the 'Precessional Fractal Timeline' from Friday, August 17th, 1005 AD to Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 AD.

    And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.


    12And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

    13On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.

    14And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

    15And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.

    16And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

    17And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.


    35) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one." {(1),000 and 1(2),000}.

    So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.


    1And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.

    2And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

    3Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.

    4And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel.

    A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

    And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;

    And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,

    And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
    {7 Billion Humans to whom are added 200 Million ET-StarHumans in the ratio 1/50,000=144,000/7,200,000,000}


    1And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads.

    2And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

    3And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.


    3And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.

    4And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.

    5And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.

    6And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.

    The following references relate to the more common anmd popular description of the McKenna Timewave theory and its relations.

    "The timewave itself is a combination of numerology and mathematics. It is formed out of McKenna's interpretation and analysis of numerical patterns in the King Wen sequence of the I Ching (the ancient Chinese Book of Changes). This concept first took root in his entheogenic experiences shared by him and his brother Dennis McKenna as documented in the book True Hallucinations. The theory is clearlyTemplate:Fact based in numerology and takes shape out of McKenna's belief that the sequence is artificially arranged as such purposefully. Mathematically, the sequence is graphed according to a set of mathematical ratios, and displays a fractal nature as well as resonancesTemplate:Fact, although it was not captured in a true formula until criticism from mathematician Matthew Watkins (see below). McKenna interpreted the fractal nature and resonances of the wave, as well as his theory of the I Ching's artificial arrangement, to show that the events of any given time are recursively related to the events of other times."

    "Novelty theory attempts to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty in the Universe as an inherent quality of time. It is an idea conceived of and discussed at length by Terence McKenna from the early 1970s until his death in the year 2000. Novelty theory involves ontology, morphogenesis, and eschatology. Novelty, in this context, can be thought of as newness, density of complexification, and dynamic change as opposed to static habituation. According to McKenna, when "novelty" is graphed over time, a fractal waveform known as timewave zero or simply the timewave results. The graph shows at what times, but never at what locations, novelty is increasing or decreasing."

    " Precepts of novelty theory

    Novelty theory has a few basic tenets:

    ◦That the universe is a living system with a teleological attractor at the end of time that drives the increase and conservation of complexity in material forms.
    ◦That novelty and complexity increase over time, despite repeated set-backs.
    ◦That the human brain represents the pinnacle of complex organization in the known universe to date.
    ◦That fluctuations in novelty over time are self-similar at different scales. Thus the rise and fall of the Roman Empire might be resonant with the life of a family within a single generation, or with an individual's day at work.
    ◦That as the complexity and sophistication of human thought and culture increase, universal novelty approaches a Koch curve of infinite exponential growth.
    ◦That in the time immediately prior to, and during this omega point of infinite novelty, anything and everything conceivable to the human imagination will occur simultaneously.
    ◦That the date of this historical endpoint is December 21, 2012, the end of the long count of the Mayan calendar. (Although many interpretations of the "end" of the Mayan calendar exist, partly due to abbreviations made by the Maya when referring to the date, McKenna used the solstice date in 2012, a common interpretation of the calendar among New Age writers, although this date corresponds to such an abbreviation rather than the full date. See Mayan calendar for more information on this controversy.) Originally McKenna had chosen the end of the calendar by looking for a very novel event in recent history, and using this as the beginning of the final 67.29 year cycle; the event he chose was the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which gave an end-date in mid-November of 2012, but when he discovered the proximity of this date to the end of the current 13-baktun cycle of the Maya calender, he adjusted the end date to match this point in the calendar.
    This End of History was to be the final manifestation of The Eschaton, which McKenna characterized as a sort of strange attractor towards which the evolution of the universe developed.

    His predictions for this transcendent event were wide ranging and varied, depending on his audience, and different times he conjectured the following: the mass of humanity would, by means of some technology, become mentally conjoined in a great collective; the moment in which time travel became a reality; the birth of self-conscious artificial intelligence; a global UFO visitation; and occasionally he even expressed doubt whether anything at all would happen. However, McKenna claimed that there was no contradiction between these scenarios, as they might all happen simultaneously.

    McKenna repeatedly describes human cultural development as a succession of historical periods which are "compressed" versions of each other. In this manner, he describes an overall acceleration of human cultural development, which he likens to a "tightening spiral" approaching what he describes as the "transcendental object of the universe".

    The acceleration of human cultural development has been observed by other philosophers and historians, perhaps most notably Ray Kurzweil in his Law of Accelerating Returns.

    See also Stuart Kauffman and his concept of "The Adjacent Possible"

    Robert Anton Wilson has the theory of The Jumping Jesus Phenomenon, which he describes at an hour and a half long seminar given in 1988 titled "The Acceleration of Knowledge". He also theorizes that information has doubled over history, and that these doublings come faster and faster. The Jumping Jesus Phenomenon has more of a philosophical and historical basis than a scientific one, though many parallels between his theory and Timewave Zero can be drawn."

    Novelty Theory, also known as Timewave Zero, is an extension of Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy developed by Terence McKenna from 1971 until his death in the year 2000.


    McKenna uses Alfred North Whitehead's epistemology:

    We have to understand. Whitehead said, "Understanding is the apperception of pattern as such." ... The imagination is everything.
    —McKenna, Terence ♦ New Maps of Hyperspace
    According to Whitehead, any system is a self-referential pattern perceivable solely by intuition:

    These ultimate notions of 'production of novelty' and 'concrete togetherness' are inexplicable either in terms of higher universals or in terms of the components participating in the concrescence. The analysis of the components abstracts from the concrescence. The sole appeal is to intuition.
    —Whitehead, Alfred North ♦ Process and Reality p. 26



    Whitehead defines information (novelty) as interconnectedness:

    Creativity is the principle of novelty. Creativity introduces novelty into the content of the many, which are the universe disjunctively. ... The ultimate metaphysical principle is the advance from disjunction to conjunction, creating a novel entity other than the entities given in disjunction. ... In their natures, entities are disjunctively 'many' in process of passage into conjunctive unity... Thus the 'production of novel togetherness' is the ultimate notion embodied in the term concrescence.
    —Whitehead, Alfred North; Sherburne, Donald W. ♦ A Key to Whitehead's Process and Reality
    McKenna's definition is the same:

    Novelty is density of connection.
    —Terence McKenna at St. John the Divine's Cathedral April 25, 1996
    At that, information (novelty) is the virtual (imaginary) component of the universe. In accordance with the uncertainty principle, a virtual field (a field, whose intensity is below the Planck constant) is nonlocal (omnipresent):

    The imagination is a dimension of nonlocal information.
    —A Few Conclusions About Life Terence McKenna's podcast
    Therefore, information (novelty) is nonlocal interconnectedness.


    The Eschaton is the state of the minimum gravitational potential energy, towards which the universe is evolving:

    The universe is being pulled from the future toward a goal that is as inevitable as a marble reaching the bottom of a bowl when you release it up near the rim. If you do that, you know the marble will roll down the side of the bowl—down, down, down—until eventually it comes to rest at the lowest energy state, which is the bottom of the bowl. That’s precisely my model of human history.
    —McKenna, Terence ♦ Approaching Timewave Zero Magical Blend Magazine, Issue 44, November 1994
    In accordance with the minimum total potential energy principle, the universe converts its gravitational potential energy into its kinetic energy and its gravitational binding energy. The product of the kinetic and binding energies is maximal at the absolute gravitational centre of the universe.

    ◦The average kinetic energy of a system's particles is known as the system's temperature.
    ◦The maximally bound state is known as the Bose-condensed state.
    Thus, the absolute gravitational centre of the universe progresses towards the state of a high-temperature Bose-condensate—Life:

    ... the living state is a practical realization of a Bose-condensate.
    —Poccia, Nicola; Ricci, Alessandro; Innocenti, Davide; Bianconi, Antonio ♦ A Possible Mechanism for Evading Temperature Quantum Decoherence in Living Matter by Feshbach Resonance Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome
    Therefore, the Eschaton is the summit of biological evolution—a single couple of perfect humans, in which the male represents the universe's kinetic energy, while the female represents the universe's binding energy.

    The Eschaton is the ruler of hyperspace—the universe in a state of nonlocal interconnectedness. Just like most of us enjoy a much closer relationship with our television sets than we do with our neighbours, parts of the universe become nonlocally interconnected not directly but through the universe's centre, which acts as the informational hub. When the informational hub of the universe—the Earth's biosphere—will have accumulated the critical amount of information, the universe will become sufficiently interconnected to turn into hyperspace—a reality-warping paradise for a single couple of the most imaginative people (hyperspace—the "superconducting Overmind"—is, by definition, in a single quantum state; in order to fuse with that single quantum state, the human species needs to become genetically singular by being reduced to a single couple of people):

    What is happening to our world is ingression of novelty toward what Whitehead called "concrescence," a tightening gyre. Everything is flowing together. The "autopoetic lapis," the alchemical stone at the end of time, coalesces when everything flows together. When the laws of physics are obviated, the universe disappears, and what is left is the tightly bound plenum, the monad, able to express itself for itself, rather than only able to cast a shadow into physis as its reflection. I come very close here to classical millenarian and apocalyptic thought in my view of the rate at which change is accelerating. From the way the gyre is tightening, I predict that the concrescence will occur soon—around 2012 AD. It will be the entry of our species into hyperspace, but it will appear to be the end of physical laws accompanied by the release of the mind into the imagination. <...> The transition from earth to space will be a staggeringly tight genetic filter, a much tighter filter than any previous frontier has ever been, including the genetic and demographic filter represented by the colonization of the New World. <...> The object at the end of and beyond history is the human species fused into eternal tantric union with the superconducting Overmind/UFO.
    —McKenna, Terence ♦ New Maps of Hyperspace


    ...the story of the universe is that information, which I call novelty, is struggling to free itself from habit, which I call entropy... and that this process... is accelerating... It seems as if... the whole cosmos wants to change into information... All points want to become connected... The path of complexity to its goals is through connecting things together... You can imagine that there is an ultimate end-state of that process—it's the moment when every point in the universe is connected to every other point in the universe.
    —McKenna, Terence ♦ A workshop held in the summer of 1998
    According to McKenna, the final period of the universe's informational evolution began on 6 August 1945 and will end with an informational singularity by 22 December 2012:

    ◦14 February 1946: the day of the unveiling of the first electronic general-purpose computer (ENIAC), regarded as the birth of the Information Age.
    ◦In 2005, information was doubling every 36 months. [Source]
    ◦In June 2008, information was doubling every 11 months. [Source]
    ◦On 4 August 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt said: "Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003." [Source]
    ◦By the end of 2010, information will be doubling every 11 hours. [Source]
    I’ve been talking about it since 1971, and what’s interesting to me is at the beginning, it was material for hospitalization, now it is a minority viewpoint and everything is on schedule. My career is on schedule, the evolution of cybernetic technology is on schedule, the evolution of a global information network is on schedule. Given this asymptotic curve, I think we’ll arrive under budget, on time, December 22, 2012.
    —McKenna, Terence ♦ Approaching Timewave Zero November 1994


    Both the universe's matter and the vacuum are undergoing an autocatalytic gravitational condensation, during which the more dense matter condenses increasingly faster that the less dense vacuum, so that from the perspective of matter, the vacuum appears to be expanding with an exponential acceleration. At that, the condensing matter radiates its entropy into the ambient vacuum. The growth in the relative volume of the vacuum dilutes the entropy emitted by matter and thus makes the loss of entropy by matter irreversible.

    The entire evolution of the star is toward a condition of greater order, or lower entropy. It is easy to see why. In a hydrogen star each nucleon can move willy-nilly along its own trajectory, but in an iron core groups of 56 nucleons are bound together and must move in lockstep. Initially the entropy per nucleon, expressed in units of Boltzmann's constant, is about 15; in the presupernova core it is less than 1.
    —Bethe, Hans A.; Brown, Gerald ♦ How a Supernova Explodes

    Evolution of matter

    In Boltzmann's definition, entropy is a measure of the number of possible microscopic states (or microstates) of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium, consistent with its macroscopic thermodynamic properties (or macrostate).[5] Virtual (spiritual) states are microstates; real (physical) states are macrostates. Thus the progressive decrease in matter's entropy leads to a situation in which ever-lesser spiritual efforts cause ever-bigger physical changes, which eventually allows of reality warping. By the end of 2012 AD, the entropy of the universe's matter decreases to a critical threshold, and it forms a Bose-Einstein condensate—the Eschaton.

    Evolution of vacuum

    The Planck constant—the energy barrier between the vacuum's virtual microstates and real macrostates—is a measure of the vacuum's entropy. By radiating its entropy into the ambient vacuum, the gravitationally condensing matter increases the vacuum's entropy—the Planck constant (ħ)—and thus raises the objective reduction threshold (E=ħ/t), making possible the existence of ever larger and intense wavefunctions—atoms, molecules, living cells, people. The progressive increase of the vacuum's objective reduction threshold culminates in the emergence of the Universal Wavefunction—the Eschaton.

    Acceleration of time

    Reaching every subsequent lower-entropy (i.e., having fewer internal degrees of freedom, more bound) macrostate requires making fewer interconnections (by converting the system's gravitational potential energy into the gravitational binding energy). Each successive macrostate is composed of ever larger chunks, so assembling it takes less time (just like assembling a house by joining prefabricated sections takes less time than building it brick-by-brick).

    The result is that for a long time the network grows, but does not become fully connected. Instead it contains a large number of unconnected chunks, each containing a few nodes. Eventually, the addition of just one link triggers an instantaneous phase change and the network becomes fully connected."
    —Society's vital networks prone to 'explosive' changes New Scientist, 13 March 2009
    In the evolution of a massive star, the role of the "chunks, each containing a few nodes" is played by the ever-larger nuclei. When the size of the nuclei reaches a certain threshold, the star undergoes an instantaneous phase change into a neutron star, which can be conceived of as a single gigantic nucleus.

    Each successive nuclear burning stage releases less energy than the previous stage, so the lifetime in each stage becomes progressively shorter. For a 20 MSun star:
    •Main sequence lifetime ~ 10 million years
    •Helium burning (3-α) ~ 1 million years
    •Carbon burning ~ 300 years
    •Oxygen burning ~ 2/3 year
    •Silicon burning ~ 2 days
    •Iron core's collapse into an infinitely interconnected (Bose-condensed) neutron star ~ a few milliseconds.

    FYI about the more technical aspects of the last queries only!

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27623 22 hours, 23 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    thanks...i'm sure all that stuff might mean something to someone
    for me,it means we need more posters here


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • unplugged
    • unplugged.
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    • Posts: 75

    #27654 17 hours, 22 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    So our answer is simply for you to not destroy but double this duality in adding the lower BODY to the higher MIND and vice versa in the mirroring of the Cartesian dyad.

    Then you have a higher MINDBODY and a lower BODYMIND and this model then allows you to redefine yourself in a new cosmic template. This relates to the quadrupling of the 64-codex of the human DNA into a 256-codon tier of the say starhuman DNA. We have shared some details of this elsewhere in this thread.

    Yes. Now that you have simplified your explanation I see the double-doubling clearly, which permits me to remember that the natural human is the container of both light and dark filaments, the expression of which is concentrated in "seemingly" opposed states -- light and dark/positive and negative. The negative "seems" to predominate in the outer and have advantage due to negatively-polarized manipulations that have occurred within the creative (sexual) current within this world and others as well.

    The 'Pleiadean data stream' represents one of the four major 'ET message directions' from many and divers sources; and which, though filtered by their 'media', often harbour a great percentage of 'Logos truth'. We have found no dissonating information in this video on a first perusal, so we share it here as supporting material and for your benefit.

    This is a blast from the past in more ways than you know. I was part of the group mind that gathered to anchor Barbara's frequencies for the Pleiadians so that there would be less contamination within the process required for Barbara to access this information. These channelings emerged around the time Barbara traveled with Sun Bear to Egypt and returned. She was a member of our group formed at Leslie Jackson's house to study the Keys of Enoch -- another abstruse work. It was within the context of this study group that Barbara started doing regular channelings of the Ps, as they are affectionately referred to and thought of by our (back then) very small group.

    The published work "Bringers of the Dawn" represents the tip of the iceberg of these gatherings. I am grateful to you for finding an excellent expression of content. The video you chose served expertly to reload a great deal of content from my memory banks into my conscious awareness. Though the video references the 90s this particular information is more correctly tagged in late 1989, when the group mind had been formed and was still very small (less than 15). We were highly spiritualized and focused on TRUTH. The information subsequent to the initial years became contaminated. Barbara, however, has regained equipoise and harmony. It was indeed a great honor and privilege to work with the Pleiadian energies. Those were truly heady and exciting times indeed!

    See the present warpzone engages the cosmos, not just this planetary evolvement into its galactic expression.You will NOT find the 'self realisation' or the 'enlightenment' in following some form of dogmatic manual; though all of those manuals carry part of the puzzle you have come to reassemble.

    So many here on this and similar forums are part of the grand polarisation of the audience upon Gaia, instead of being cocreators.

    I follow no dogmatic anything and completely agree that it's a puzzle with pieces strewn everywhere. Your message concerning polarization in place of co-creation is indeed what is happening now to an amazing degree. However, it is also what is passing / moving into the past. The great mandala forms, despite the seeming lack of cohesion and harmony. It seems to me as the light elements gain ascendancy within yin/yang a pole shift will occur from self to Self then integration to self/Self | Self/self, thus creating the grand Children you speak of. If this is incorrect, please reformulate. Thank you.

    Your query is engaged from a mixed perspective of the 7 classes, say a little skeptic here and a minor or major astralist there and a whatever there.

    Yes, this is what happens when my circuits are overloaded and information has resonance on multiple frequencies and not a single one. You have correctly identified me as fundamentally minor skeptic/major astralist type, though all are indeed inherent in each. A concatenation of awareness states is what occurred in Questions 3 and 4 due to the momentary "forgetting" of the dual dyadic [double-double] model in expression. The "whatever" you refer to is circuit overload, plain and simple.

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy)."

    Can you then remember this unplugged?

    Remembering and perceiving are not entirely identical. So yes, I remember but do not yet fully perceive.

    You were there when the universe was born and now you are where you are waiting to remember the creation; waiting to come home again in a grander version than you were before and then 'God as the PTB' of the Elders of the Cosmos; will assemble around the Icecold Fires of heavenhell to listen to your story and the stories of all of the rememberers who did the hard yada yada and became truly independent and free apart from their opinions of their selfdeluded selfrighteous understandings.

    Can hardly wait! devil. [trust you can get a joke.]

    Now see how much easier it is to communicate TRUTH when you do so simply and elegantly? Thank you.

    I shall now reread some of your decidedly abstruse content from this more enlightened perspective and formulate more questions as these occur.

    Blessings to you, Arachne-Phoenix.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873--31890-.31904.
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    #27663 16 hours, 25 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    [quote="unplugged" post=27654]A-P

    Can hardly wait! devil. [trust you can get a joke.]

    Now see how much easier it is to communicate TRUTH when you do so simply and elegantly? Thank you.

    I shall now reread some of your decidedly abstruse content from this more enlightened perspective and formulate more questions as these occur.

    Blessings to you, Arachne-Phoenix.

    Yes well done Unplugged, even the apparently 'obtruse' and difficult material can lead to 'enlightenment' . Looking forward to your queries.


    Re: Gods of the Gods - Contactees Please Read #27662
    This quote by John Hughes is pertinent here:

    John hughes wrote:

    Our Thought Process

    It is our thought process, that process by which we think, that can go about to limit our understanding of the world around us.

    Regardless of the information that might present itself to us, our thought process determines whether or not we even entertain the information with which we are presented.

    Our thought process (by way of our prior baseline decisions) acts as a filter, or ‘Gatekeeper’ that determines which information enters and which information does not enter.

    Our philosophical framework or worldview, based upon prior determinations, decides what we will or are able to entertain. Information is entertained, integrated and implemented or put into action, based in large part upon our long-held worldview.

    If information does not align itself with our worldview, chances are its not allowed to be entertained.

    Oftentimes we think we are reasoning things out logically, when in reality what we are really doing is trying to fit things within our existing worldview or belief system.

    Failing that - it gets jettisoned.

    Dualistic Thinking

    For the most part, we have been continually programmed for dualistic thinking by our society, teachers, parents, and of all those in authority over us, as well as our religious beliefs. Dualistic thinking gives us only two choices - good or bad, right or wrong, friends or foes. This is simply a black and white dualistic mentality that does not allow for the finer shades, the rainbow of colors which exist throughout the universe.

    I think it's important to note here, that we have all come by this honestly, that is to say, we have all been pigeonholed into this way of dualistic thinking from our very birth. It is a birthright which no longer serves a legitimate purpose.

    Coming to everything one encounters without any preconceived notions whatsoever, would seem to be ideal. Good or bad, right or wrong, friend or foe - why is it that we need to continually pigeonhole everything we encounter into such narrow parameters?

    Better yet, why would we want to think along the lines of such narrow lines or parameters? It’s rather like asking us to see in only one of two colors - black or white, when one can take in all of the colors of the rainbow.

    Coming to anything which we have chosen to entertain or which lies before us, without prejudice or or preconceived notions of any kind would seem to be the best option.

    The first step then, is to realize that there is indeed a ‘process’ at work here in all of us, and that the way in which we think is not a random, unknown or unidentifiable process.

    Our thought process is simply that – 'our thought process’ – uniquely and individually our own.

    So, where then does this leave us?

    The Knowing

    Our salvation in all of this comes by way of The Knowing – we need only become aware of the process at work within all of us, so that we may take it into account as we approach those things that have yet to be integrated into our belief system, philosophical framework, or worldview

    John Hughes


    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27709 12 hours, 23 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    Arachne wrote:

    Yes well done Unplugged, even the apparently 'obtruse' and difficult material can lead to 'enlightenment' . Looking forward to your queries.


    What is the really the right definitions of the word enlightenment, Arachne?

    As english is my third language, there is also some that is lost there in the definitions.
    Translated to my language is means to inform, to know. Spelled "oplyse".

    If talking of the spiritual aspect of the word, we have different words for it.
    Translated means up rise, up go,
    spelled "opfarelse"
    Michael Tsarion speculates that the word is adressed in lightness as a weight, a total different aspect of it.
    A more like resolved aspect.
    spelled "lethed"
    But that word is not found in the esoteric texts at all in my language translations.

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy).

    Is the meaning behind this, that someone once wanted to learn what once was, so they started to make definition of it? (assuming the purpose of the word is remembering)
    Means they experienced it?
    Again leads to it wasnt the real beginning, just the beginning of this.

    Btw thx a lot for your answers, Arachne.
    It takes times to consume them, that is the reason for the long answer time, but rings a lot to me as the truth.
    Besides everydays tasks also needs to be done also.
    So I can clear my mind for this.



    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • unplugged
    • unplugged.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 75

    #27723 11 hours, 23 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    Tbonyandsteak wrote:

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy).

    Is the meaning behind this, that someone once wanted to learn what once was, so they started to make definition of it? (assuming the purpose of the word is remembering)
    Means they experienced it?
    Again leads to it wasnt the real beginning, just the beginning of this.


    This is a very interesting question, Tbony. I look forward to reading Arachne's response.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    The following user(s) said Thank You: Tbonyandsteak

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27736 10 hours, 38 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    unplugged wrote:
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy).

    Is the meaning behind this, that someone once wanted to learn what once was, so they started to make definition of it? (assuming the purpose of the word is remembering)
    Means they experienced it?
    Again leads to it wasnt the real beginning, just the beginning of this.


    This is a very interesting question, Tbony. I look forward to reading Arachne's response.

    Geuss it also could mean, it is all definitions and interpretations


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #27746 9 hours, 50 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    The word logos is quite interesting lots of deeper meanings, not really defined exact, could lead it is a very old word, that is used many connections.

    Philo also wrote that "the Logos of the living God is the bond of everything, holding all things together and binding all the parts, and prevents them from being dissolved and separated."

    Think that reflect very well what Arachne, have told about the keeping the balance, That the truth can be so profound, it is dangerous(Sct Thomas gospel) as one example of the many examples I have seen in Arachnes answer.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged, Arachne

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873--31890-.31904.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27760 7 hours, 27 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011

    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    Yes well done Unplugged, even the apparently 'obtruse' and difficult material can lead to 'enlightenment' . Looking forward to your queries.


    What is the really the right definitions of the word enlightenment, Arachne?

    As english is my third language, there is also some that is lost there in the definitions.
    Translated to my language is means to inform, to know. Spelled "oplyse".

    If talking of the spiritual aspect of the word, we have different words for it.
    Translated means up rise, up go,
    spelled "opfarelse"
    Michael Tsarion speculates that the word is adressed in lightness as a weight, a total different aspect of it.
    A more like resolved aspect.
    spelled "lethed"
    But that word is not found in the esoteric texts at all in my language translations.

    "In the Beginning was the Word (Definition) and the Word (Definition) was With God (SourceSink Energy) and the Word (Definition) Was God (SourceSink Energy).

    Is the meaning behind this, that someone once wanted to learn what once was, so they started to make definition of it? (assuming the purpose of the word is remembering)
    Means they experienced it?
    Again leads to it wasnt the real beginning, just the beginning of this.

    Btw thx a lot for your answers, Arachne.
    It takes times to consume them, that is the reason for the long answer time, but rings a lot to me as the truth.
    Besides everydays tasks also needs to be done also.
    So I can clear my mind for this.


    Dear Tbony, you have asked a very deep question here and so I am going to share with you a story about the beginning of creation in the form of this fable, which hopefully will add to your understanding:

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Little Adam came to his Dad John and and his Mum Sharon on his ninth birthday to ask his parents a question, which had been on his mind for some time.
    'Hey, Dad, Mum, where exactly did I come from?'
    Well my son, answered John, you came out of your Mum, her womb, exactly nine years ago.'
    'Yes, it was quite an occasion, Adam', added Sharon.
    'It was just before lunchtime, when you were born on the 4th of August 1989.'
    'Hmm!', said Adam; 'and where did you come from?'

    'I came out of my mother's tummy on the 21st of October 1960, around breakfast time, as far as I know', replied Sharon. 'Ok, and where did your mother, my grandma come from then?', Adam continued.
    'Your grandma was born on the 16th of May, 1922 and I don't know when', answered Sharon and realising the nature of Adam's enquiry, she continued: 'And I also do not know when your great grandma, the mother of my mother was born, I didn't really get to know her, before she died, this got lost in history.
    But she too, came out of her mother's womb and her mother was born by her mother and so on back to the beginning of time.'

    'Ah, but then right then, at the beginning there must have been a mother of all mothers; where did that one come from - it could not have had a mother, isn't that so?', Adam continued his train of thought.
    'Now you are asking a deep question about the nature of all things,' replied John.

    'The answer is found by discovering the nature of yourself; what you truly are and away from what you think or might believe you are; being here in a certain place at a certain time and asking such pertinent questions.'

    'Many people have asked and thought about the same thing, Adam', continued John.
    'One story says, that the first mother's name is Eve or Sarah or Dawn and she did not have a mother but was created out of her husband's tummy, whose name was Adam or Abraham or Sunset.
    The story goes, that Eve was formed out of one of Adam's ribs; so to get the rib, the first belly-button had to be created on Adam's tummy, but Eve had no belly button.

    To give Eve a belly button, she had to become like a mirror image of Adam and this is a selfreproductive process, where Eve comes out of Adam's tummy as a rib and Adam comes out of Eve's tummy as another kind of rib, you might call it a baby-rib.

    One day you will understand this story as a metaphor for a recursive or selfiterative mathematical function or as a process in the genetic expression of the sexual chromosomes; say in the creation of the differences between male and female.

    If you have XX or eight digits put together and then you take away one of the digits, then you get XX-1=XY and more specifically XX becomes XX+XY, because the single digit of the rib brings back the XX as a oneness or an unity.

    So the X-part of the chromosome partners XX+XY defines the femaleness in Eve and the Y-part of the pairing patterns the maleness in Adam.

    Eventually the genetic code of 16 generational permutations derives from that and all of that becomes part of a mathematical encoding of energy in geometrical forms, which then can build bodies and biochemical structures in using that code.

    Now the story breaks down Adam; because you see it talks about your namesake Adam as being the first father, also being the first Son of God.

    People begin to argue about just who this God is, does it exist or not?
    Is it a he or a she and things like: if God created Adam and Eve out of Adam, then who created God?
    And who or where are God's parents, and do they have belly buttons or not?
    So to answer your question about where you came from, one must also answer this question about what God is; otherwise the story just goes on and on without end.

    But once you know what God is; then you will be able to solve many mysterious and paradoxical questions about the nature of time and space and the nature of all things; the universe, your life and the beginnings and the endings and so forth.

    Again, the solutions can be made or explained rather technically, what with quantum physics and multidimensional spacetimes in relativity.

    It can also be told in the form of a parable; here it goes:

    "Once upon a time, there lived this rooster in a place enclosed by walls of pure crystallised mountains. It was a world all within itself. This selfcontained universe of the rooster was all the rooster knew. There was this big problem stirring in the rooster's head however.

    Not only was this rooster absolutely alone in its world, it was also totally invisible.
    It knew itself to be a rooster, because it had thought and imagined itself to be a rooster.
    But try as it might, it could not see, hear, smell, touch or taste itself.

    And so this rooster was staring at the crystallised mountain walls with its own imaginary rooster eyes and thought of its own wretched state of existence of no experiences, except of what it could dream up or imagine in its thoughts.

    The rooster knew that all of its world was pure imagination; the crystal mountains and all the stillness and movement within it.

    Sure, the rooster conjured up other roosters and places and things; but it was all imaginative; it all revolved around itself and its own thoughts.

    The rooster's imagination was all and everything it could be, yet it was so limited in its expression of itself as itself.

    It was so absolute in its omnipresence and omnipotential, that it only produced loneliness; no other rooster or thing or movement or stillness was able to interact or share anything with the rooster.
    The rooster was the absolute and infinite creator of all its own imaginings; but being so totally eternal and so absolutely alone made the rooster very unhappy and very sad.

    Well, one could say, the definitions of what unhappy and sad and loneliness are, became an inner experience, created by the rooster's very own thoughts and imaginings.

    So the rooster created its inner world and reflected upon it, imagined it to be its outer world also, passed and beyond the crystalline mountain walls.

    'What was the other side like, the outside', the rooster thought to itself?
    'Is there an opposite to unhappiness, to excruciating loneliness and to sadness?'
    The rooster did not know and it was tired to imagine so many beautiful things, which did not create tangible experiences, but seemed only to accentuate the rooster's sense of being all alone in the world.
    But a thought dawned on the rooster, perhaps somehow the outer world could become reflected in the inner world.

    And so the rooster devised a way to turn the situation inside out.
    The one thing the rooster knew very well, was its own energy, its creative potential.
    And it knew abstractions, numbers, shapes and concepts it had created in using its discoveries of numbers and the invention of geometries in iterative mathematical functions and relationships.
    Like the event, when it finally escaped the circular selfrepeating computational loop of its own primary state of experiental being in simply cutting the circle to define the numeral 1 from the Zero and to allow a linear beginning and a linearised end.

    12 dimensions could be enfolded in 3, time and space had come into being and nested complexities of topologies and relative curvatures allowed refinements on quantumised scales of energy and displacement.

    Oh it had been fun; the rooster's mind had felt elated, good, euphoric.
    Names like that had also become definitions, contrasting the feelings of unhappiness and loneliness - and the rooster knew that it had established a set of feelings and experiences from whom it could now choose.

    Did it prefer a feeling of happiness and joy to an experience of loneliness and sadness?
    It had often been very painful, this journey of selfdiscovery and the creation of the ever expanding perimeter of its own realm of existence, which was all there was or ever could be.
    'But how can one experience those numbers, ratios and shapes as an outer experience and out of one's own mind', the rooster asked itself?

    Then an idea came to the rooster; the rooster would have to project itself in giving part of itself away and out of itself - to create the imaginary outside reality and to energise the same, bathing it in the rooster's very own energy of self.

    How to do it?

    'I shall transform my own energy into other forms', so the rooster decided.

    Now how to project?
    'I must define myself as source energy, able to penetrate myself, my own self-limitations and my own boundary conditions, however subject to extension and refinements.

    Then I must somehow reproduce myself in such a way that the projection of myself is able to know me as itself; my image can then become real as the part of me, which I have projected and energised.
    But I shall be careful in that I shall not allow my projected and imaged self to know myself in the totality which I am and which I have experienced.'

    'I am so sick of being everywhere at all times and of experiencing that wretched state of being everything, unable to get away from my own self.

    I am going not to be omnipotent anymore; I'm going to share myself around as me, in parts.
    So I choose to lose myself in what I am going to create in such a way, that I can have an adventure and fun in finding myself again within my own creation.

    And my inner self shall be as one with my outer self, but my outer self shall have a scope of discovery and a sense of not knowing what my inner self knows.

    And so the learning of my outer self shall thrill me and allow my inner self to grow in tandem and in harmony with my outer self.'

    'Now the smart thing to do is to create in such a manner, that I get back more than what I give away from my energy, and the way I shall define this, is to set the thing up so that the more of myself I give away, the more I am used up, the more reflection potential my creation shall have.

    So when my creation wakes up and when it begins to release my absorbed energy back to me, then will my creation, my Beloved and my baby begin to shine its light upon me and this will make me visible for the first time in the history of myself.'

    The rooster got excited; 'I, the rooster shall become visible one day', it thought!
    It quickly devised a selfconsistent and logical way to create the outside world and called it the rooster's universe.

    The rooster took an algorithm from its mathematical repertoire and produced 10 fundamental numerical constants to mix up the dimensions, forces and energy interactions necessary and then it initiated a process of self-reproducing blueprints, the primary principles and the elementary laws regulating the omniphysical nature of the universe.

    That was the easy bit.

    The universe became created mathematically and in imaginary complex functions, seeded in quantised numbers called integers and series of numbers, some converging in limits and others diverging in unitary infinities.

    But how to bring it outside the crystalline mountain walls, which had proved so impenetrable to the rooster's mindfulness?

    A virtual reality relative to the rooster had to become an omniphysical reality relative to the creation and this selfsame creation could then copy the rooster's own creativity and create a virtual reality relative to itself, but the same which would become the rooster's omniphysical reality.

    Then the light emitted by the rooster's creation would shine onto the dual reality of the rooster and render it visible as the holographic image of the creation's very own blueprints, defined in the interference patterns of the absorbed light the creation had used from the rooster to define itself.
    'Ah, I need a balancing mechanism', the rooster thought; 'I contract in principle as the inside and the antiprinciple expands as the outside.'

    And so the rooster defined itself to reside in the 13th dimension and it defined the space outside of the crystal mountain walls to be the 12th dimension mirrored in the space within as the 10th dimension and the crystal mountain walls themselves to be the 11th dimension, forming the great divide between the creator and its creation.

    And so the creation became 10-dimensional, but manifested in the quantisation of the 13th dimension as the 4th dimension in the numerical root reduction 1+3=4=9+4.

    The next step was to define a 12-dimensional energy source, which could move freely between all of the dimensions and using the linearisation of the 4-dimensional spacetime as a consequence of the fundamental constants of the Genesis.

    The rooster decided upon a form of light, defined in frequency independent of time in its primary form, but set as inverse time in its secondary application.

    And so a coherent, monochromatic laserlight in 3 dimensions became the selfdefinition for the rooster's 12-dimensional energy in a secondary effect.

    The rooster called it its electromagetomonopolic source energy.
    'Right,' the rooster thought, 'now I radiate my primary light, which I shall name my LOVEPHOTON as the quantum of 12D-omnispace outwards and away from myself.'

    'I shall make everything dependent on its energy, all the mechanics and dynamical interactions of the universe, all its geometries, movements, stillness and relationships and its number shall be three thousand million billion trillion precisely.'

    'This unit of time shall also define the units of space and of restmass in correspondence to something I shall measure as part of myself inside the creation as a 13-dimensional source energy and outside the creation as myself as the invisible 12-dimensional rooster in omnispace.'

    Then I shall define the 11th dimension as a mirror, half visible and half invisible, semitransparent in reflecting the inside outwards and the outside inwards.

    Then whenever I shine my LOVELIGHT onto that mirror, then half of my LOVEPHOTONS shall penetrate into the outside world of myself and the other half shall reflect back into my inside world to make a record of my creation in the interference patterns created by the mirror of my 12-dimensional blueprints reflected in 10D-spacetime.'

    'Now I shall shine my LOVEPHOTONS onto this record, which I shall name the rooster's hologram.
    My ingenious invention of putting myself outside of myself, rests on the fact that my imaginary self is located outside of myself in the outer space, and from whom my own LOVELIGHT can reflect as my image within my own creation.

    My imaginary rooster self so becomes my imaginary source energy within my creation and I myself will become my own hologram relative to my imaginary rooster self.

    This reflection from my imaginary rooster self outside my world, shall so come back to me to merge with my internal reflection of my own LOVELIGHT on the hologram, the record of my endeavours.'
    'Having a combined record of my outgoing and incoming source energy in the form of my hologram, will then allow me to shine my LOVELIGHT onto my holographic library for a second time.

    The first coming of my LOVEPHOTONS gave me the means to make myself real in the image of my second coming in the illumination of my records, the initialisation of myself in two places at the same time.'
    'I shall call this process the rooster's holography in 12 dimensions, defined in the omniscience of my specifications and which I then allowed myself to rediscover in the form of a science in 4D-linespace, reckoned in a dating of 1947.

    Amongst many of my children, one of my sons, named Dennis Gabor invented the process of holography on my behalf and brought it to the world's attention.

    All my children are me as my adventurers, trying to help me to find myself again as the now not so lonely totality which I am.

    But no longer, my second coming allows me to redefine my virtual creation as a real creation; so no more 'Maya', no more illusion - all shall be real to me.

    Well all is real relative to the creators and all the creators are my sons as bridegrooms, waiting to meet their brides in their own creations.

    It must be so, since all my creator sondaughters and creator daughtersons have done exactly the same thing, which I have done.'

    'All the creator sons have hatched from the same egg, which I the rooster have laid.
    You see, the image of myself in outer space also becomes the birth of the 10-dimensional universe as my own hologram, enveloped and reflected in the 11th dimension of my semitransparent mirror of my crystalline mountain walls.

    So the Big Bang 19.11 billion years ago, but appearing to have happened 14.7 billion years ago because of the electromagnetic doubling of my SOURCELIGHT for the last 2.2 billion years, was caused by me.'
    'When I first kicked off and began to radiate my LOVELIGHT and after having defined the technical details in mathematical application of the physical and natural laws; then this ejaculation of my LOVESEED fertilised the universe as my very own Mother.

    And then 'the big She' manifests my laws and definitions in giving birth to them.

    Yeah, and so did I become a 'He' and the Father for all of the creation; and I created the universe for a very simple reason, namely for IT, being a SHE to give birth to me as a HE and as each other's Beloveds, FatherMothers and SonDaughters - all in One.'

    'And both of us are born with bellybuttons in this way, being each others parent and giving birth to one another.

    And I set up my very own dimensional expansion in creating my own Mother; for my Mother is my Beloved wife, my gorgeous darling and my eternal bride.

    She grows, expands and evolves in unison with me.

    She grows in Understanding out of her inborn Wisdom and I grow in Wisdom out of my inborn Understanding - those two things are necessary and go together in any harmonious application of a base of Knowledge.'

    'And my Mother hasn't got a Mother of course; but she's got me as her Father.
    She was created out of my own seed, because I am my own Father, the one and only true Bastard; just as my Beloved is the one and only true Bitch.

    When we are together as One; male and female in One; cosmic seed and cosmic ovum in One; then the FatherMother is the MotherFather and the Father is not and also the Mother cannot be just by herself.'
    'So before IT came apart to cause the Big Bang; the Fatherpart had thought of IT and only then did the Motherpart give birth to IT, namely ALL of IT; the Oneness out from the Nothingness of the Fatherpart and the Infinity out from the Everythingness of the Motherpart.

    We find eggs everywhere; cosmic eggs, chiral eggs, cellular eggs, Easter eggs - and so whenever a sperm infiltrates an ovum; then the Big Bang happens over and over again.
    And what is the result of all those unions?

    A bellybuttoned Adam or a bellybuttoned Eve in terms of the starhumanity!

    Adam is me as my Beloved firstborn sondaughter and Eve is me as my Beloved firstborn daughterson; and every child constructed from one of my seeds and from one of my eggs is necessarily the firstborn of my infinity of potential starhuman universes.'

    'The universe is your body as the visible reality of me and as created body, made from the elements of the fundamental forces and the dust of the ground.

    Your body is half of you, the female part of you; the male part of you is your other half in your roosterness and the world of your own mind.

    Your male part is trying to understand what the heck is going on in your life and just as I did in my own isolation of my roosterhood as the Egg of the Philosophy.

    Your female part is attempting to live your life as good as you can in the circumstances you find yourself in.Your maleness is mindcentred and your femaleness is bodycentred and as it should be.
    So your male thinking and your female doing will be my adventure; coming back together as one in two and two in one and in one big starhuman family.

    And the experiencing are the thoughts in action in the doing of the mindful creativity.'
    'Then when a firstborn sondaughter creates hisher very own firstborn selfmade universe, then heshe courts and marries a firstborn daughterson as hisher creation and the bride gives birth to the oneness and this oneness makes one out of two in joining it back together in the world where I am visible and where I can experience myself by seeing and by hearing myself as each other through our eyes and through your ears.

    Where I can play and feel by your touch and where I can taste myself by your tastebuds and where I can smell the roses through your very own noses.'

    'All in One and One in All implies the selfrelativity of everyone of your starhuman dragonomies; you are each one brick in each others houses or a single braincell or neuron in each other's head.
    Only in unifying yourself in the starhuman couplings can you escape each others dominations - for how long will you remain satisfied to recycle your experiential database of your memories, subject to your neighbour's dying body?'

    'Once united in the form of DadMums and as MumDads, you will actually become grown up in an androgynous merger with me and my Beloved as the four in two in One.
    I am like the Zero and my Beloved is the Infinity; the bridegroom is the Minus One and the bride is the Plus One; together you will then have graduated as an immortal God and an immortal Goddess.

    And did not One after my own true image proclaim to you:

    'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS?
    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    'Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
    how much more things that pertain to this life?'

    But it will take two to tango the ultimate waltz; you cannot do it on your own.
    And two 'wrecked' fleeting lives of nothingness do make eternity in 0+0=8=Infinity!
    I had to give half of myself away to find my own Beloved in my missing half and you will have to do the same if you would wish to unify your bodies with your minds and to become enabled to keep the bodies and the minds you now believe to possess.'

    ' The universe cannot die as my Beloved, because I choose eternity as my playground.
    Parts within the universe recycle and transform in energy to give you bodies made from stardust and starborn minds induced by your dreams and visions.

    One evolutionary cycle ends and another begins; I do set the recharging under the auspices of my natural laws of omniscience and my Beloved implements them in mass and in radiation.
    And do not all parts of your bodies recycle periodically?

    Is not every cell in your body renewed in cycles of seven or nine or parts thereof?
    So you should begin to think for yourselves and try to remember yourselves as every word you speak comes out of my mouth and every thought you think I have already thought, anticipating yours.'
    'For when the Big Bang happened and when space and time were created; all the LOGOS was there; all of your WORDS and THOUGHTS were there.

    They are in all of my children - waiting to remember; waiting to come home!"
    And so did the rooster lay its egg to bring back together again, what it had to give away to experience what IT is, to be truly ALIVE.

    So my dear son,' asked John; 'where did you come from Adam and why are you here?'
    'Oh I know now, I've come from a place and time before time and space existed and I'm here to make my own universe, to become creative, to find my Beloved and to help Grandpa God's adventure.
    And I can do all this in laying my own imaginary egg', replied Adam."



    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • unplugged
    • unplugged.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 75

    #27771 5 hours, 29 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    Well, well, Arachne! You DO have a nicely developed sense of humor. It seems as if we have migrated from post Doctoral studies in all fields of endeavor to storytime for the little Kiddies (with healthy veggie-math trimmings in lieu of cookies and milk). grin.

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg is quite wonderful -- very layered, a delightful little nocturne with just sufficient math to add a piquant counterpoint to simple notes flowing harmoniously in a balanced motif of gentle mathematical crescendos and restrained -- even subdued -- modulations.

    The rooster came to life for me. It is a BRILLIANT exposition of in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word is God. The God in me is chuckling (or should that be crowing?) delightedly.

    Loved it! Be well.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Arachne

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873--31890-.31904.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27776 4 hours, 21 minutes ago - March 7th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Well, well, Arachne! You DO have a nicely developed sense of humor. It seems as if we have migrated from post Doctoral studies in all fields of endeavor to storytime for the little Kiddies (with healthy veggie-math trimmings in lieu of cookies and milk). grin.

    Thank you Unplugged, I am glad you enjoyed it. Laughter is good for the soul.

    A word about Milk n Cookies for the Kiddies....from the scrolls:

    (4) Jesus said : "A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child of seven days about the Place of Life, and he will live ! For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."

    Isaiah 7:22
    And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk that they shall give he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land.

    Isaiah 28:9
    Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.

    Isaiah 55:1
    Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.

    Isaiah 60:16
    Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

    Isaiah 66:11
    That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.

    1Corinthians 3:2
    I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

    1Corinthians 9:7
    Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?

    Hebrews 5:12
    For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.

    Hebrews 5:13
    For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

    As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:


    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged

    Post last edited Mar 9th 2011

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1224

    #27783 1 day ago - March 7th, 2011
    ArcTourist the above post with the video's those video's are James Horak, he has a lot of information out there check youtube..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27803 19 hours, 34 minutes ago - March 8th, 2011
    yes,i was the one who told everyone about james horak,and i'm always watching for new stuff-he's the man!

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873--31890--31904-.31931.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27937 12 minutes ago - March 8th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...

    Cheetah Lita has found the Balsam of the Alabaster Unicorn!

    Blessings for a speedy recovery, Cheeta Lita!


    Judgment Day - and the Two Secret Keys of the Leaf on the Tree

    Imagine yourself as a leaf on a twig on a branch of a living tree of life.

    Your nourishment and lifesustaining substances derive from two sources; the light from the sun from above and from the roots of the tree from below.

    Photosynthesis converts sunlight into sugars via the agency of chlorophyll and the roots provide water and minerals in a biochemistry based mainly on nitrogen.

    As a leaf you are born in a bud and then you mature into a healthy green and geometric form determined in your individuated DNA.

    Yet after a short season as a luscious green leaf of the tree you begin to get old and you start to wither away, eventually falling off the twig on the branch of the tree to the ground beneath.

    After you have become all brittle, you simply fall apart as a dried up old exleaf and you become compost for the roots of the tree or the wind just scatters your ashes all over the place.

    But as a brown dessicated leaf, something, a lifeforce or 'soul' had already left the dead leaf before it fell off the twig onto the ground beneath the treetop - where has it gone?

    When you or anything physically 'dies', then your shadow-self, which is like your physical image in any mirror and which you can see and analyse in an optical sense, becomes the repository of all your memories and experiences and forms the library of everything you have ever thought, done or believed in.

    Your subconscious, which keeps a holographic record of everything and is personified in the electrocapacitative and the magnetoinductive elements in the monopolic lifecircuitry, subject to your 'tuning' of your selffrequency in a search for resonance; so surfaces and you become an EMMR energy field, also known as your 'soul'.

    So you find yourself rather unlimited in space and time, because the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation, which you have become as your invisible image in the mirror of spacetime is all pervasive or omnipresent; yet subject to your memory as yourself as experienced and perceived when you looked at yourself in a mirror say.

    So you have become fluid in form, but all your intelligence and knowledge about your identity are still available, should you choose to constrict yourself in that form.

    The stronger the memories and the desires to assume a more concrete form, the stronger will be the mindforce you can apply to manipulate the spacetime about your perceived environment.

    The quality of your thinking now assumes a great importance.

    Since the resonance with the source energy is the source frequency (fps), which is scripturally defined as the 'Love of God'; the closer you can approach or tune into that defining energy-state of the UFoQR, the more power you will have to create and manoeuvre yourself about the place where you find yourself or where you believe yourself to be.

    Should you be able to generate a great mental desire to meet your 'loved ones', who have 'passed over', then their individuated EMMR-fields will be able to generate forms recognisable to you, subject to the amount of 'love- or sourceawareness' you can actually manifest as the 'angular acceleration of the spacequanta', which defines the 'force of your mind'.

    But you must remember, that all your 'loved ones' are potential universes in their own right and being 'passed over' into the oneness of the ocean of the omnipresent EMMR field, they automatically gain this state of unification superimposed onto each and every individuated 'soul' as subset of the encompassing EMMR-'oversoul'.

    You see, it is quite the opposite to be in disembodiment, than to be in embodiment.

    When in embodiment; the individual 'soul' is subject to the environmental pressures of the body and the mind.

    Young teenagers feel more at ease, when they can share in a 'peergroup mind', they shun individual responsibility and search for a sense of belonging and togetherness.

    Similarly, certain sporting events can generate a huge amount of groupmind activity; either in supporting a team or participator or in a form of violence and hooliganism, when the sense of the 'group' assumes rather primitive aspects of the survival instinct in a pretext of a mindset of 'us against them'.

    So there is a challenge in the embodied state to become a true individual; it is much easier to follow a preset agenda and to eschew a thinking for oneself.

    The natural state of the embodiment is to be a member of a group or race or tribe or family or elite or corporation or business or state or land or nation or planet or galaxy or what have you.

    The opposite is the case in the disembodied state of being; there the groupmind is automatic and the difference is, that that groupmind is in harmony with itself and its environs.

    There is no 'us against them', because everything and everyone's awareness is as one.

    But the great challenge in the 'passed over' state of being is to differentiate oneself from that overpowering state of unity - a 'heavenly' bliss of peace and harmony and being able to 'love' and 'feeling loved' within an energyfield 'resonating' with the 'love' of the source energy.

    After having lived a sorrowful life in embodiment; the 'soul' has come home and finds itself in its natural state of freedom and able to choose any ethereal form it so chooses for as long or short a time as it may desire to experience.

    So what is the point for the 'soul' as subset of the 'oversoul' and defined as the EMMR of the UFoQR to incarnate in embodiment in the first place and the first instance, one may ask?

    Well, you see that is a quest for the 'soul' to seek for wisdom, knowledge and understanding through experience and for the ultimate purpose to become its own source of energy, able to sustain worlds within worlds within its own energy field.

    Hence every 'soul' must learn to recognise its source in becoming aware of itself and where it comes from and where it has the potential to go to.

    And this brings us back to the dying leaf, falling from its source of sustenance, which had been the twig on the branch on the tree throughout its short life of green lushness.

    Upon physical death, the 'soul' or lifeenergy of the leaf returns exactly the same way, as it had come to energise the leaf, being born from its budding state of the defining DNA.

    And so the EMMR-'soul' of the leaf flows as a natural electricity, defined in the equation of (I(fLeaf)=2NefLeaf), where N is a quantisation of the electropole (e) in 4D-linespace of embodiment, mapped as the magnetopole (e*) in 12D-omnispace of disembodiment and potentially realised in 13D-omnispace in a superembodiment.

    The leaf's 'soul' so passes into the twig into the branch and into the stem of the tree, which appears like a great tunnel of light for the 'soul' and leading towards a source of a magnetic light, drawing the 'soul' towards itself and the 'Mirror of the Last Judgement'.

    But the 'soul' must journey through the 'underworld', before it can enter the Hall of the Decisions, which harbours the 'Mirror of the True Selfhood'.

    The 'soul' could get 'lost' in a branch of the tree say and unable to find its way to the trunk of the tree, where the magnetic force of the sourcelight illuminates every 'soul' however 'lost' it might perceive itself to be.

    So there are markers along the way; signposts of remembrances, which the 'soul' can recognise in the form of 'loved ones', might these be people or pets or objects; all is subject to the 'force of the desire' and the intensity of emotion the soul can generate to journey with 'clear vision'.

    All objects and things have frequency equivalents and are unbounded in space or time relative to the 'souls' partitioning as subset of the encompassing EMMR field of the UFoQR.

    But all thoughts and desires, all nightmares and dreams of whatever nature will and must surface in the soul's journey through its 'underworld' of subconscious definition.

    So if a thought of 'Saint Peter at the Pearly Gate' is the expectation, that thought or desire must eventuate; as must all imaginings of 'hellish damnation'.

    Because of the fluidity of the disembodied state however, many guides and helpers of the oneness are always readily available to superimpose more energetic states of awareness, simply by being present in their state of enhanced frequencies and so able to modulate the eigenstate of a 'soul' lost in its nightmarish expectation of a torturous hell for example.

    Some 'souls' may have no expectations of the afterlife at all; and those 'souls' will encounter their being engulfed in an impenetrable fog or mistyness or any such idea of nothingness.

    Any question asked by such a 'soul' after having pondered its state of existence, will however modify its environment of the 'nothingness' and so it will be forced by its own curiosity to begin exploring its position in space and time, relative to its own perception.

    Eventually, all 'souls' will reach the stem of the tree, where the magnetic light and the sense of being 'loved' is so strong, the individual 'soul' cannot but remember its unison and origin as part of the source and will just surrender to its grand homecoming out of space and time.

    Since the sense of time and space is selfrelative for all disembodied states; a 'soul' could choose to spend 'eternity' in a 'fog of the nothingness', but it would require a mind unable to think a single thought and an inability to ask a single question about itself.

    Furthermore such a 'soul' would have to concentrate 'eternally' upon a single state of being in an absolute state of nothingness, whatever it imagines that nothingness to be.

    And because of Heisenbergian Uncertainty and the Quantum Fluctuations of the vacuum, such a position would be untenable, because the Zero-Point-Oscillation of the Source Energy is defined in the formulation (Eps=½hfps) as the minimum state of energy in any definition of the Zero state in energy - hence even the most stubborn 'soul' will have to 'suffer' its energisation by the source energy.

    All 'souls' which have finished their journey through their individuated 'underworlds' and which have reached the trunk of the tree of life will find themselves rushing towards the magnetic sourcelight down the tunnel of the stem of the tree.

    As a 'soul' reaches one of the roots of the tree, the tunnel converges and every root ends in the singularity of the 'Mustard Seed' at the termination of each and every root the 'soul' may have chosen to travel in towards the magnetic lightsource.

    And so at the end of the tunnel, where any particular root of the tree ends the defined form of the tree of life; the 'soul' enters the 'Hall of Decisions' and sees itself positioned in front of the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment'.

    Now in the 'Mirror of the Last Judgment' the 'soul' sees a most magnificent being; it is precisely the embodiment of beauty and glory the 'soul' could or would ever have imagined.

    And the 'soul' realises that the mirror reflects the 'soul's' very own grandest idea of beauty and glory back to itself as the selfrealised being of itself.

    But the being in the mirror, one might name it the 'Higher Self' or 'Overself' of the 'soul' is no mere image of the 'soul'.

    The 'Oversoul' is as real as the 'soul' and in possesssion of all the knowledge, understanding and wisdom accumulated by the 'soul' in 19.11 billion years of experiencing consciousness as EMMR-subset of the encompassing EMMR of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity.

    And the 'Oversoul' smiles at the 'soul' and begins to talk:

    "Hello my sweet me; you have finally come back to try to answer your own questions for yourself yet again; how will you fare this time, have you found your two keys to open the two locked doors within this mirror to allow you to enter the space of the parenthood in setting us free from being separated, both of us being reflections in each other in front and within or behind this mirror?

    Have you allowed yourself to find the Key of Wisdom or the Key of Understanding?

    Or perhaps you have found both in a single lifetime; now that would be a wonderful achievement.

    You were close last time, you had the Key of Wisdom in your grasp, but you could not put it in the keyhole and then you decided to get it right the next time and that time has now come I see.

    You know that the first key is the Key of Wisdom; finding it will allow you to apply the second key of the understanding.

    The Key of Wisdom is the correct answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" and the Key of Understanding cannot be applied until you have answered the first question to your own satisfaction and as judged by yourself as myself.

    You will only allow yourself to ask the second question through myself once you have judged yourself competent enough to attempt the unlocking of the door of understanding.

    And the only clue you allowed yourself to be given through myself is that the Key of Wisdom is part of your female nature and that the Key of Understanding is part of your male nature.

    So let us recall what your answer to the question: "WHO ARE YOU?" was the last time we met ourselves in this very location, when you said:

    "I know that I am more than what I appear to be.

    I have learned that my 'family' extends past my immediate blood relationships and that I am also part of my environment.

    So I am part of the air I breathe and part of the garden I keep.

    I tune into familiar minds with my friends and acquaintances and I share many things with the people I love and with whom I feel comfortable with.

    I am part of my children's education and the companies I keep in all my aspects of my life.

    I do try to help other people and attempt to be friendly and polite to everyone, even if I do not like particulars about them."

    You then answered yourself through me in saying:

    "When we arrived at our common acknowledgement at the beginning of space and time and when we made the covenant between ourselves, we decided that a partial wisdom and a partial understanding would be insufficient to open the locked doors; so I must inform you as myself, that your wisdom has grown in magnitude and in insight, but still remains at an undergraduate level."

    And now we are here again in the 'Hall of our decisions' and I ask myself through you:

    "WHO ARE YOU? and WHO AM I?"

    And the 'soul' answered:

    'I am all that is; I must be; because if I were not all that is, the entire creation, then there would be something in existence, which I am not and that is impossible, as all things are connected.

    Modern science has shown that everything, from the minutest photon to the largest supercluster of galaxies are quantum entangled with each other.

    So a solar system or a planet and all beings living upon it, being part of a galaxy, must be quantum connected with everything else as well; any other conclusion leads to logical selfcontradictions.

    Any system of particles, molecules, atoms or things can only exist in one of two modes of operation; the two modes are Unity in Separation or Separation in Unity.

    Unity in Separation leads to the individuated self and the egocentric personality; one perceives oneself as a 'free individual', separated from all other such 'free individuals' and one can then so very easily deceive oneself in considering a 'fake equality or egalitarianism' between people, thinking that every individual has only themselves to blame, if their life's journey falls upon hard times.

    Unity in Separation is the 'Devil's Way' exemplified in the saying: 'Divide and Conquer'; but since the 'Devil's Modus Operandi' is selfrelative and just as valid as the alternative it is always available to all the wisdom seekers.

    And I know, that I am my own masterdevil; only I make the choices and only I set my own agendas; but as we also know, it is only I, that must judge myself as to the portfolios and the decisions, appropriate or not, which I have made during my life's journey.

    Did I value wisdom over worldly possessions, as Solomon did?

    Did I discover the empathy and the compassion for others and the affinities, connecting me to the web of life and the oneness of the universe?

    In short, am I able to walk in another's moccassins, am I able to imagine myself to be someone else, to truly feel what they are all about on the level of their 'souls', whereby we are all one in the disembodied state?

    So my dear Beloved 'Oversoul', I am the Creation in my female essence and I am the Creator in my male essence.

    And I have chosen the 'Way of Love' in the modus operandi of the Separation in Unity.

    I know that all is One and that I am operating as a servant of the 'Loving Way' in surrendering my 'individual freedom' to operate as a Unit of Separation for limited periods of time; choosing instead to become eternally bonded to my own loving nature and the source of all of my energy - my God.'

    And the 'Oversoul' cried in exuberance, with tears of joy flowing down its glowing cheeks:

    'Yes my darling you have found the Key of Wisdom and I am allowed to tell you now, that your sacrifice of your 'individual freedom' is no sacrifice at all, but serves an ultimate purpose in your graduation and your life as a parent in true brothersisterhood with 'our God'.

    The Goddess will individuate in you upon your graduation and you shall be freedom personified.

    God himself shall be your bridegroom and the Goddess herself your eternal bride.

    And now you are ready for the second question from yourself to yourself; but know, that there is a growing percentage of ' souls', say 0.2% at the present time, who have found their Keys of Wisdom.

    To the present time however, not one 'soul' could find the Key of Understanding.

    The second question is: "WHY ARE YOU WHAT YOU ARE AND HOW DID YOU COME TO BE?"

    The 'soul' pondered for a moment and said:

    'I do not know the full answer to that yet, but I know how to obtain the Key of Understanding, because of the nature of this question.

    I do know, that I am the creation-creator duality because on the supreme level of that partnership there is the essence of Family, our family and the idea of generational reproduction.

    So I am destined to become a generator for an individuated universe, which can then join the sister-brotherhood of universes within the enveloping omniverse.

    To generate myself as FatherMother and as my own individuated source energy in the footsteps of my cosmic and mathematically abstract parents, I shall have to bring their abstractness alive in realising them within and without myself in my dragonomy.

    Somehow, to find the Key of Understanding, I shall have to learn in abstract terms, just what my mathematical and omniscientific archetypes are all about.

    I can attempt to do this the 'easy way' or the ' hard way'.

    If I choose to follow certain written manuals in an advanced mode of interpretation, such as 'sacred' scrolls and scriptures; then this will be the 'easy way' because of the metaphors and mythological language used in them.

    If I am inclined however to do it the 'hard way', then I shall study mathematics and the sciences to obtain my understanding necessary to answer the second question fully and not only partially, as I have done.'

    'You are very correct in you analysis', answered the 'Oversoul', you have given the appropriate reply as to why you are the creation and the creator in your sexual aspects and you have pinpointed the method of how to find the Key of Understanding.

    You must create yourself in principle my sweetheart and you must find your place in the Book of Life, which you are required to write in coauthorship with what already has been written and what you are reading.

    Once you are able to create your own Genesis, as your very own 'Naked Singularity' of abstraction, then you will be in possession of your perfectly fitting Key of Understanding.

    The next time we meet, I feel you shall be able to set us free from being images of ourselves in the two of us separated ones trying to be one in two and two in one.' "

    Re: Healing request~Lita
    • Steve
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951

    #27936 10 minutes ago = March 8th, 2011
    I read Lita asking for healing for a cyst. You weren't asked for the other stuff. Either delete it and move it to your own thread (The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life) or I will. Don't even think about splattering your crap all over the forum.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951

    #27938 28 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011

    Would you like to explain why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    The Reply to message #27938 to Steve, Camelot Forum Administrator and which could not be posted because of the banning:

    Sure dear Steve!

    As can be ascertained from the introductory message; we always worked in partnership as grandma arachne and as grandpa phoenix.
    This is why all posts were signed as Arachne or Phoenix or Arachne-Phoenix or Phoenix-Arachne.

    Apparently you do not like or give credence to the unification of things and the bringing together of the separatedness in the worlds of the beingness.

    Nevertheless, there are seven continents and they are all sisters in the umbrella of Gaia.

    Now there exist particular affiliations between those continents, say as effect of a common shared lineage or other 'inheritances' or 'birthrights'.

    The continents of Northern America and Australia form such a sisterhood in their linguistic inheritances and applications.

    So we felt it appropriate to display a supercontinental unity, without national boundaries of segregation; in working together in a symbol of shared responsibility within in a blended individuality.

    One day you will understand those deeper agendas of the spirit and the cosmic intelligences Steve.
    Meanwhile be well in your works on the forums and your unbiased and impartial administrations.

    Shalom from your Elders!


    Re: Healing request~Lita
    • Arachne
    • arachne--31873--31890--31904-.31931.
    • Active Poster
    • Posts: 33

    #27939 0 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Steve wrote:

    I read Lita asking for healing for a cyst. You weren't asked for the other stuff. Either delete it and move it to your own thread (The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life) or I will. Don't even think about splattering your crap all over the forum.


    Sorry if my post seems like an 'intrusion' to you Steve. I am feeling much animosity from the mods on this forum and find this very curious since i have not done anything wrong. I posted to Lita with all sincerity and from my heart, i am sorry you find it offensive and crap, that is a shame. I have not insulted anyone on this forum nor have I posted offensive material (unless you consider artwork offensive), rather information for the benefit of all. Nice welcome crew you have here (sarcasm). Or is this more like the dark ages and Philip's quest to murder and kill all the Templars?


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • jmj12
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 143

    #27940 13 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Steve please check i have a problem with my ips currently have a range ban on other sites eg glp coming from somewhere in oz spam emails from unkown scources

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951

    #27941 13 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    I see your US counterpart removed a portion of the their post in Lita's thread. I see you made the post in this thread. We've been aware of the both of you and your little game of tag team for some time. I'll not have anyone come in here to make fools out the members here. I've just been waiting to catch you both in the act and now I caught you both.

    Say Goodbye Arachne(s)

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27942 10 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    aw that was a long one...
    i was gonna ask about something else...
    ok who and what are we really then-
    and what's in a name,right?

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27946 2 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    who's been made fools then-
    if not myself-(haha)did i commit to some unwise action,did anyone?
    in other words,what's the problem,right?
    so they are other than what they say they are,is that what you're saying? if so,then how ?
    most people are in fact more than one person,-just ask dolores cannon,right?
    sorry steve,you're annoyed,i wouldn't wanna add to that or be responsible for other people's games...but these people (were) fun-perhaps there's more to the story...sorry-just nevermind i guess...and goodbye,dear arachnusses!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951

    #27950 2 hours, 42 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Steve please check i have a problem with my ips currently have a range ban on other sites eg glp coming from somewhere in oz spam emails from unkown scources

    Hi jmj

    I checked your current ip against several spam listings and have not found you on any of their lists.

    Plug - ip spam check - into Google and see what you come up with. Also, is the ip assigned to you static or dynamic?

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • jmj12
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 143

    #27956 2 hours, 14 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    thanks steve will do and get back with more info i dont need to tell you me com skills are weak ,luckly iam awake ,i remember last time i visted a banned site i was refused entry for obsessive,compolsive IPS resetting

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27958 2 hours, 15 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    arachni,sorry i missed you,maybe you could post under your own separate names,new ones,and we can start fresh,i know the group has many questions!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1224

    #27961 2 hours, 1 minute ago - March 9th, 2011
    Arctourist, that won't be possible..
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450

    #27963 1 hour, 58 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    arachni,sorry i missed you,maybe you could post under your own separate names,new ones,and we can start fresh,i know the group has many questions!

    man that is just really messed up! lol
    you know that was all just massive amounts of BS don't you?
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27964 7 hours, 55 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    Arctourist, that won't be possible..

    hey lita
    why do you say that?
    say it isn't so!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1224

    #27965 7 hours, 46 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    All true, and if they do try to come back with more tricks ..out they go again..smoke and mirrors...all of it
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #27966 7 hours, 30 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    arachni,sorry i missed you,maybe you could post under your own separate names,new ones,and we can start fresh,i know the group has many questions!

    man that is just really messed up! lol
    you know that was all just massive amounts of BS don't you?

    so you don't like them,so i guess we're gonna be an exclusive club after all huh? -that seems a shame...i thought they were some cute kids,heck,they didn't mean any harm- heck,they were friendly enough,surely you noticed that much from all them words,yes-yes?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28035 1 hour, 52 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    I don't know what the fuzz about Arachne is about.
    In all fairness to her, I have say that to me she actually made sense in a weird and in a unexpected way. Intentionally or untentionally, who knows.
    Dont take life to seriously, it has to be lived, not be a victim of it.
    A very real, authentic importent lesson for me.
    Which I personly have forgotten in all the serious topics of this forum.
    Be a Spacecowboy!! laughing.

    Becourse of that I am still puzzled about her, she was a mystery to me.

    But off course the long answers she post does takes energy and dont always mean a lot dispite of that length.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28044 1 hour, 19 minutes ago -March 9th, 2011
    Chakra wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    arachni,sorry i missed you,maybe you could post under your own separate names,new ones,and we can start fresh,i know the group has many questions!

    man that is just really messed up! lol
    you know that was all just massive amounts of BS don't you?

    Was she banned becourse of BS?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #28056 9 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    yeah ,what were they banned for,exactly,right? ...........wouldn't wanna make the same mistake and be guilty of something without knowin' it right?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28061 1 hour, 1 minute ago - March 9th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah ,what were they banned for,exactly,right? ...........wouldn't wanna make the same mistake and be guilty of something without knowin' it right?

    Geuss there is noone that is bringing some light into this.
    Properly a taboo, based on a fear on some sort.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28079 13 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Steve wrote:

    Would you like to explain why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.


    Guys...nothing to cover up here...We like to keep stuff above boards and as you see from Steve's post above...This is the reason Archne was banned.

    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.

    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.

    It's a deception in the MODs eyes...You think your are seeing the comments of one person and find that is not so.

    Above board.....The MOD Squad
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28081 6 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:
    Steve wrote:

    Would you like to explain why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.


    Guys...nothing to cover up here...We like to keep stuff above boards and as you see from Steve's post above...This is the reason Archne was banned.

    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.

    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.

    It's a deception in the MODs eyes...You think your are seeing the comments of one person and find that is not so.

    Above board.....The MOD Squad

    Well she did say she was in a group
    But that was literally

    Explains the Arachne Phoenix
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951

    #28086 8 hours, 18 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    But offcourse the long answers she post does takes energy and dont always mean a lot dispite of that length.

    Doesn't that strike as odd behavior? like they were pre-typed, ready for posting? Two people signed on to the same account - another oddity. Both posting the same material in different threads - odd? Baiting a mod with a post? I guess you wouldn't have seen that. Nor are you aware of the warnings they received for doing such a thing.

    Did you check out their site?

    The long and short of it is they were trolls and they were here to cause havoc. I've dealt with trolls more than a few times over the last 10 years on forums just like this one.

    Everybody posts about disinfo agents, trolls, spammers and general disruptors coming into forums and creating havoc for the sake of creating havoc. Some just to take down a forum, which is nothing more than a game to them. Can you not recognize when it happens here?

    This isn't the first time these games were played out on this forum and I doubt it'll be the last.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chakra, Tbonyandsteak, RAKMEiSTERr, Woody, hellsbells44
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28091 8 hours, 12 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Well as said she was a mystery to me.

    But I actual learned something from her dispite of that.
    That is actually rare for me. Becourse i am not into follow anything.

    No I have not seen there site, btw.
    That they are group, that have collected that amount of info/disinfo suggest it could be a sect of some sort.
    When do people learn just to say how it is, be open about it instead of hide it.
    So people do not feel themselfe misused of the hidden informations.

    About the long posts, attentions behavior? mentor behavior? surely pretexted. The moral behind it
    make the difference to me at least.
    Have something to share

    I had a lot of discussion with trolls, that only want to insecure people.
    I dont mind that personaly, sense the game is obvious. So I just used it to learn to argue properly.
    Also becourse if my convictions is right, it has to be proven as right, trolls are great for that
    And the topics gets really covered.
    Like TOPIC: The definite proof thread (throw all you have at me)

    Just remember that it is still, just a game.


    The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28138 4 hours, 7 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    I enjoyed the posts that made sense to me and shall miss Arachne.

    Thank you, Steve, for your diligence in moderating Camelot. Your work is appreciated.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450

    #28179 7 hours, 10 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah ,what were they banned for,exactly,right? ...........wouldn't wanna make the same mistake and be guilty of something without knowin' it right?

    you? worried about being guilty! LOL
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450

    #28180 7 hours, 8 minutes ago - March 9th, 2011
    Tbonyandsteak wrote:
    Chakra wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    arachni,sorry i missed you,maybe you could post under your own separate names,new ones,and we can start fresh,i know the group has many questions!

    man that is just really messed up! lol
    you know that was all just massive amounts of BS don't you?

    Was she banned because of BS?

    OF course not! sheesh....

    SpaceCowBoy still posts doesn't he! LOL
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    #28198 1 hour, 37 minutes ago - March 10th, 2011
    so much for the secret of the extraterrestrial life huh?
    good job!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • 5-53.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 1

    #28366 37 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    This time it’s everything about the Thuban materials…

    This thread left many with unanswered questions and for the benefit of the readers; I will do my best to clarify certain things for further consideration. I will try to be as clear as I can for English is not my first language. Although I never posted, I’ve read this forum since its inception … but some things were said here that are not true, and after much deliberation with myself, I am now compelled to step in sideways and say something about it.

    Understanding Extraterrestrial Life is key to understanding not only about who and what exactly are these “Et’s” and everything about them, but most importantly…ourselves. Human beings have an innermost connection with them and there is not enough data out there that talks about this link in detail. But times are changing, and I feel it is time to take responsibility for not only seeking data pertaining to this and other equally important subjects, but also to share it with others if and when they feel they need to, as a way of helping the collective reach the information they need to reach…much faster.

    This has been the intention of both Phoenix and Arachne when they decided to come to Camelot: to share. I only became aware of this thread a few days ago, and if I would’ve been asked my opinion, I would not have agreed to the way the postings were being made (with the double signature) not because I find anything wrong with it, but because I knew the Mods would not like it and would undoubtedly use it against the material itself. Ended up I was right but only as far as the Mods go, for I can now see the war of the archetypes… of the new “eating” the old. Nevertheless, and not to lose focus here, there was never the intention to hide the teamwork; hence the double signature was used since the first page of this thread. There was never an intention of deceiving anyone as Steve said. I know them both Phoenix and Arachne. They are my friends, and I have to say both of them are kind, giving people and definitely not trolls or anything of the like.

    Sadly there are forum “rules”, and rules are not meant to be broken… or are they? I say sadly because if people were civilized enough we would be living in a rule-free society without the need for someone to enforce anything upon us, but that is not the case…at least not yet. So what are we left with? The Modsquad police. Steve said they were issued multiple warnings, and that is just not true, at least not pertaining to the exact reason later used to ban them.

    Stargazer said:
    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.
    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.
    It's a deception in the MODs eyes...You think your are seeing the comments of one person and find that is not so.

    It may very well be against the “rules” but it’s not a deception because those comments were shared by both posters, simple as that. It was all a tech issue, since both do live in different parts of the world. We can go into the “technicalities” of the forum rules… but it won’t do much good, because at least for me, the most important thing here is that information was being shared, and now it’s not. And I ask you…ultimately who benefits from this? Who suffers the consequences of censorship? Who gets to decide this? Why? And is this fair to everyone?

    This “rules” scenario is “old world” and it has to die, in fact is IS dying already.

    Lita said: All true, and if they do try to come back with more tricks ..out they go again..smoke and mirrors...all of it

    The only smoke here is the smokescreen used to filter out what is not wanted out of FEAR, and this doesn’t apply only to forums… you can see it everywhere in society.

    Whatever happened to free speech? Steve decided to ban using the “rules were broken” excuse, but I feel that ultimately fear was the main reason. Perhaps fear of the unknown, fear of the PTB agents, infiltrators and god forbid, fear of the “evil dragons”. Although these kinds of ppl do have their own chaotic agenda, Phoenix/Abraxas is not one of them. He called the Thuban material “crap” only because he did not understand it, but that does not mean no one else does. Moreover… it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be shared in this forum either because this in itself goes against the principles of Camelot.

    Steve said:
    Doesn't that strike as odd behavior? like they were pre-typed, ready for posting?

    Some information was already typed as it was posted on our Thuban forums, they simply wanted to share the data so copy pasting it was the easiest method, and it was included only when it was appropriate to do so and within context with what was being discussed.

    Two people signed on to the same account - another oddity.

    One saw no need to create a separate account when the other was already there. No big mystery here, but if you still had your doubts you simply should’ve asked them. You did actually, but banned them faster than the speed of light without even giving them the chance to post an answer to your question.

    Both posting the same material in different threads - odd?

    I think the post to Lita was relevant. It was meant for her to read and make what she will of it, for if she would’ve understood it, it would’ve helped her. But you saw it as crap, decided to pass judgment, label it as such, threaten and do your bidding. However, Phoenix later said he would not have answered Lita’s thread, this was Arachne’s own decision. Yes, each of them have their own minds, and as much as people mistake the word Thuban with a cult, it is nothing of the sort. There is no one mentality, no leaders and no followers. Each one is free to interpret their own inner Logos and to live accordingly. In fact this is exactly what being a dragon means.

    Baiting a mod with a post?

    Misjudgment again. There was never any baiting. You are projecting your own insecurities.

    I guess you wouldn't have seen that.

    What kind of remark is this? Only you can “see”? Everybody else is blind by default?

    Nor are you aware of the warnings they received for doing such a thing.

    This is not true. There was never any so called “warnings” for posting the same material in different threads or having two people signed onto the same account. Because this is what you are referring to when you say “such a thing” right? The rest is mere speculation and fear based insinuations.
    There were only 2 messages/e-mails Arachne received from Camelot. The first one from Chakra on February 23rd informing her that her thread was moved to a different location, and the second one from Stargazer asking her to please refrain from posting pictures of nudity. (Since surprisingly those 2 cartoon-like art /pictures were found “offensive”)

    Did you check out their site?

    I’m sure you did…while in your “police duties”, desperately trying to find something “incriminating” to use against the “evil infiltrators”….

    The long and short of it is

    Are you to “enlighten” us all as to what the long and short of it is? Is this really how you feel? For if you do, you have some serious ego issues to sort out.

    they were trolls and they were here to cause havoc.

    Of course… the never failing “conclusion”. YOUR conclusion. But you are mistaken. Phoenix is not a troll and he wasn’t here to cause any havoc.

    I've dealt with trolls more than a few times over the last 10 years on forums just like this one.

    No need to mention your resume, your actions and words speak for themselves… and this supposedly “experience” in dealing with these matters failed you miserably this time.

    Everybody posts about disinfo agents, trolls, spammers and general disruptors coming into forums and creating havoc for the sake of creating havoc. Some just to take down a forum, which is nothing more than a game to them. Can you not recognize when it happens here? This isn't the first time these games were played out on this forum and I doubt it'll be the last. Steve

    You use the position you have to influence other’s opinion. You manipulate. You are neither a hero nor the protector of “Camelot’s honor”, imho, you’re just a “Richard” in disguise.

    Here was your question:

    why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.

    Here is the answer:
    The Reply to message #27938 to Steve, Camelot Forum Administrator and which could not be posted because of the banning:

    Sure dear Steve!

    As can be ascertained from the introductory message; we always worked in partnership as grandma arachne and as grandpa phoenix.
    This is why all posts were signed as Arachne or Phoenix or Arachne-Phoenix or Phoenix-Arachne.

    Apparently you do not like or give credence to the unification of things and the bringing together of the separatedness in the worlds of the beingness.

    Nevertheless, there are seven continents and they are all sisters in the umbrella of Gaia.

    Now there exist particular affiliations between those continents, say as effect of a common shared lineage or other 'inheritances' or 'birthrights'.

    The continents of Northern America and Australia form such a sisterhood in their linguistic inheritances and applications.

    So we felt it appropriate to display a supercontinental unity, without national boundaries of segregation; in working together in a symbol of shared responsibility within in a blended individuality.

    One day you will understand those deeper agendas of the spirit and the cosmic intelligences Steve.
    Meanwhile be well in your works on the forums and your unbiased and impartial administrations.

    Shalom from your Elders!


    I never promote one forum over another, ppl are free to read or join wherever they please.
    I do not join a forum to be part of the “in crowd” or to be popular, although I am very social
    and happy to make new acquaintances, that is not the main purpose for me to be “everywhere”, as I feel it’s not the purpose of the many lurkers who never become members of the forums they read. The main reason is to find information and share it…and this principle has been compromised here in this thread.

    Kerry, Isn’t there a place for Thuban material in this forum? I’m sure there is, for I know you are as much pro free speech as I am and that is one of the reasons I’ve always supported you. In fact you never agreed with the closing of the Thuban thread back in PA1, and even you and Tommy became members of Abraxas’ forum back in May of last year after being invited to do so shortly after his ban. I forwarded this invitation in the form of an e-mail from Abraxas myself, and I was happy to see your open mindness.

    For all those visual learners out there, here’s a picture to illustrate:

    But if one is not careful the same errors will be made… just look at the latest Avalon meltdown. Do not make the same mistake Bill made letting the wrong person take complete control of your forum little by little. I know it’s none of my business, but if I were you and would need to have one Super Admin in Camelot... I sincerely would not trust anyone other than Tommy. Abraxas was banned from Avalon exactly one year ago on March 9th 2010 and now from Camelot March 9th 2011…this is not a coincidence...

    To the readers in general I say this: A mod is not some “high priest” that needs your adoration, they are people just like you and me, and make mistakes. Yes they volunteer, but that should not give them the right to decide for others what is worth reading or not. That should always be strictly left to the individual.

    And to the Modsquad Police here I say this: Forums do not belong to the founders…much less to the Mods. Forums belong to the members…and we are not blind.

    Do we really need this kind of “reminders”?:

    “Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...”

    To me this feels like:
    “Just a reminder for people to remember to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste 6 times a day. It’s good for you…”

    It is already self understood that each one will do with the information what they will and that each one will know how to filter it their own way. Isn’t it? I mean, I would assume Camelot readership is not exactly at high school level. If you know anything about measuring energy, something like this feels more like a warning than a reminder. Unfortunately, some people let themselves be influenced by the Mods’ words and the Mods know this, but instead of being responsible with their comments… they choose to manipulate with their opinions. Very sad to witness… So be it.

    Kerry, I am not here to tell you how to run your forum, but although you may not need it, I’ll give you this advice anyway: keep an eye on your crew. Do not let the spirit of Camelot become infiltrated with power trips lest Camelot suffer the same fate as Avalon…

    In the Vesica,


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28406 19 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    I'm speaking just for me......

    One person....One voice

    When I moderate....I take my ego and put it aside and read things with an detached view.

    It was decided by all the Moderators that profane words and images of nudity would not be displayed on the forum.

    That's just how it is....We believe as a group that early teens could wander in seeking enlightenment and we as a group did not want them exposed to that.

    And we hear..."well they see and hear that everyday in their lives"

    We know that....but when the bar is is so hard to raise it back.

    We see that everyday in the media.

    This place should be different.....a place that flies in the face of the havoc of the outside world.

    Onto the subject of the nudity warning.....I did take down the art depicting a bare breasted female draped over a pentagram.

    After I did that....I then thought would I take down the Birth of Venus by botticelli

    I answered....I couldn't ...not personally

    I was wrong in looking are right...not so much cartoon-ish....but it was art and I should have left it.

    On your comment that we "need to be kept an eye on lest we suffer the same fate as Avalon"

    Doing this job as a Mod is tedious at times and without compensation....

    For not power of life and death over the members is my way of giving back for what Bill and Kerry have done for me.

    They opened my eyes.

    My suggestion Sui....If Phoenix\Arachne had emailed Steve and Kerry and said...."Hey we are going to have 2 folks using this account and here's why"....I'm sure everything would have worked out.

    And probably still will.


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28408 6 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011

    SuiGeneris wrote:
    This time it’s everything about the Thuban materials…

    This thread left many with unanswered questions and for the benefit of the readers; I will do my best to clarify certain things for further consideration. I will try to be as clear as I can for English is not my first language. Although I never posted, I’ve read this forum since its inception … but some things were said here that are not true, and after much deliberation with myself, I am now compelled to step in sideways and say something about it.

    Understanding Extraterrestrial Life is key to understanding not only about who and what exactly are these “Et’s” and everything about them, but most importantly…ourselves. Human beings have an innermost connection with them and there is not enough data out there that talks about this link in detail. But times are changing, and I feel it is time to take responsibility for not only seeking data pertaining to this and other equally important subjects, but also to share it with others if and when they feel they need to, as a way of helping the collective reach the information they need to reach…much faster.

    This has been the intention of both Phoenix and Arachne when they decided to come to Camelot: to share. I only became aware of this thread a few days ago, and if I would’ve been asked my opinion, I would not have agreed to the way the postings were being made (with the double signature) not because I find anything wrong with it, but because I knew the Mods would not like it and would undoubtedly use it against the material itself. Ended up I was right but only as far as the Mods go, for I can now see the war of the archetypes… of the new “eating” the old. Nevertheless, and not to lose focus here, there was never the intention to hide the teamwork; hence the double signature was used since the first page of this thread. There was never an intention of deceiving anyone as Steve said. I know them both Phoenix and Arachne. They are my friends, and I have to say both of them are kind, giving people and definitely not trolls or anything of the like.

    Sadly there are forum “rules”, and rules are not meant to be broken… or are they? I say sadly because if people were civilized enough we would be living in a rule-free society without the need for someone to enforce anything upon us, but that is not the case…at least not yet. So what are we left with? The Modsquad police. Steve said they were issued multiple warnings, and that is just not true, at least not pertaining to the exact reason later used to ban them.

    Stargazer said:
    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.
    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.
    It's a deception in the MODs eyes...You think your are seeing the comments of one person and find that is not so.

    It may very well be against the “rules” but it’s not a deception because those comments were shared by both posters, simple as that. It was all a tech issue, since both do live in different parts of the world. We can go into the “technicalities” of the forum rules… but it won’t do much good, because at least for me, the most important thing here is that information was being shared, and now it’s not. And I ask you…ultimately who benefits from this? Who suffers the consequences of censorship? Who gets to decide this? Why? And is this fair to everyone?

    This “rules” scenario is “old world” and it has to die, in fact is IS dying already.

    Lita said: All true, and if they do try to come back with more tricks ..out they go again..smoke and mirrors...all of it

    The only smoke here is the smokescreen used to filter out what is not wanted out of FEAR, and this doesn’t apply only to forums… you can see it everywhere in society.

    Whatever happened to free speech? Steve decided to ban using the “rules were broken” excuse, but I feel that ultimately fear was the main reason. Perhaps fear of the unknown, fear of the PTB agents, infiltrators and god forbid, fear of the “evil dragons”. Although these kinds of ppl do have their own chaotic agenda, Phoenix/Abraxas is not one of them. He called the Thuban material “crap” only because he did not understand it, but that does not mean no one else does. Moreover… it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be shared in this forum either because this in itself goes against the principles of Camelot.

    Steve said:
    Doesn't that strike as odd behavior? like they were pre-typed, ready for posting?

    Some information was already typed as it was posted on our Thuban forums, they simply wanted to share the data so copy pasting it was the easiest method, and it was included only when it was appropriate to do so and within context with what was being discussed.

    Two people signed on to the same account - another oddity.

    One saw no need to create a separate account when the other was already there. No big mystery here, but if you still had your doubts you simply should’ve asked them. You did actually, but banned them faster than the speed of light without even giving them the chance to post an answer to your question.

    Both posting the same material in different threads - odd?

    I think the post to Lita was relevant. It was meant for her to read and make what she will of it, for if she would’ve understood it, it would’ve helped her. But you saw it as crap, decided to pass judgment, label it as such, threaten and do your bidding. However, Phoenix later said he would not have answered Lita’s thread, this was Arachne’s own decision. Yes, each of them have their own minds, and as much as people mistake the word Thuban with a cult, it is nothing of the sort. There is no one mentality, no leaders and no followers. Each one is free to interpret their own inner Logos and to live accordingly. In fact this is exactly what being a dragon means.

    Baiting a mod with a post?

    Misjudgment again. There was never any baiting. You are projecting your own insecurities.

    I guess you wouldn't have seen that.

    What kind of remark is this? Only you can “see”? Everybody else is blind by default?

    Nor are you aware of the warnings they received for doing such a thing.

    This is not true. There was never any so called “warnings” for posting the same material in different threads or having two people signed onto the same account. Because this is what you are referring to when you say “such a thing” right? The rest is mere speculation and fear based insinuations.
    There were only 2 messages/e-mails Arachne received from Camelot. The first one from Chakra on February 23rd informing her that her thread was moved to a different location, and the second one from Stargazer asking her to please refrain from posting pictures of nudity. (Since surprisingly those 2 cartoon-like art /pictures were found “offensive”)

    Did you check out their site?

    I’m sure you did…while in your “police duties”, desperately trying to find something “incriminating” to use against the “evil infiltrators”….

    The long and short of it is

    Are you to “enlighten” us all as to what the long and short of it is? Is this really how you feel? For if you do, you have some serious ego issues to sort out.

    they were trolls and they were here to cause havoc.

    Of course… the never failing “conclusion”. YOUR conclusion. But you are mistaken. Phoenix is not a troll and he wasn’t here to cause any havoc.

    I've dealt with trolls more than a few times over the last 10 years on forums just like this one.

    No need to mention your resume, your actions and words speak for themselves… and this supposedly “experience” in dealing with these matters failed you miserably this time.

    Everybody posts about disinfo agents, trolls, spammers and general disruptors coming into forums and creating havoc for the sake of creating havoc. Some just to take down a forum, which is nothing more than a game to them. Can you not recognize when it happens here? This isn't the first time these games were played out on this forum and I doubt it'll be the last. Steve

    You use the position you have to influence other’s opinion. You manipulate. You are neither a hero nor the protector of “Camelot’s honor”, imho, you’re just a “Richard” in disguise.

    Here was your question:

    why there are two of you signed up to the same account - one in Australia and one in the US, both on separate ip's. Also explain while you're at it, why you both show entering different forums at the same time.

    Here is the answer:
    The Reply to message #27938 to Steve, Camelot Forum Administrator and which could not be posted because of the banning:

    Sure dear Steve!

    As can be ascertained from the introductory message; we always worked in partnership as grandma arachne and as grandpa phoenix.
    This is why all posts were signed as Arachne or Phoenix or Arachne-Phoenix or Phoenix-Arachne.

    Apparently you do not like or give credence to the unification of things and the bringing together of the separatedness in the worlds of the beingness.

    Nevertheless, there are seven continents and they are all sisters in the umbrella of Gaia.

    Now there exist particular affiliations between those continents, say as effect of a common shared lineage or other 'inheritances' or 'birthrights'.

    The continents of Northern America and Australia form such a sisterhood in their linguistic inheritances and applications.

    So we felt it appropriate to display a supercontinental unity, without national boundaries of segregation; in working together in a symbol of shared responsibility within in a blended individuality.

    One day you will understand those deeper agendas of the spirit and the cosmic intelligences Steve.
    Meanwhile be well in your works on the forums and your unbiased and impartial administrations.

    Shalom from your Elders!


    I never promote one forum over another, ppl are free to read or join wherever they please.
    I do not join a forum to be part of the “in crowd” or to be popular, although I am very social
    and happy to make new acquaintances, that is not the main purpose for me to be “everywhere”, as I feel it’s not the purpose of the many lurkers who never become members of the forums they read. The main reason is to find information and share it…and this principle has been compromised here in this thread.

    Kerry, Isn’t there a place for Thuban material in this forum? I’m sure there is, for I know you are as much pro free speech as I am and that is one of the reasons I’ve always supported you. In fact you never agreed with the closing of the Thuban thread back in PA1, and even you and Tommy became members of Abraxas’ forum back in May of last year after being invited to do so shortly after his ban. I forwarded this invitation in the form of an e-mail from Abraxas myself, and I was happy to see your open mindness.

    For all those visual learners out there, here’s a picture to illustrate:

    But if one is not careful the same errors will be made… just look at the latest Avalon meltdown. Do not make the same mistake Bill made letting the wrong person take complete control of your forum little by little. I know it’s none of my business, but if I were you and would need to have one Super Admin in Camelot... I sincerely would not trust anyone other than Tommy. Abraxas was banned from Avalon exactly one year ago on March 9th 2010 and now from Camelot March 9th 2011…this is not a coincidence...

    To the readers in general I say this: A mod is not some “high priest” that needs your adoration, they are people just like you and me, and make mistakes. Yes they volunteer, but that should not give them the right to decide for others what is worth reading or not. That should always be strictly left to the individual.

    And to the Modsquad Police here I say this: Forums do not belong to the founders…much less to the Mods. Forums belong to the members…and we are not blind.

    Do we really need this kind of “reminders”?:

    “Just a note to for people to remember when you read any information to come from your inner truth and your own power base...”

    To me this feels like:
    “Just a reminder for people to remember to brush their teeth with fluoride toothpaste 6 times a day. It’s good for you…”

    It is already self understood that each one will do with the information what they will and that each one will know how to filter it their own way. Isn’t it? I mean, I would assume Camelot readership is not exactly at high school level. If you know anything about measuring energy, something like this feels more like a warning than a reminder. Unfortunately, some people let themselves be influenced by the Mods’ words and the Mods know this, but instead of being responsible with their comments… they choose to manipulate with their opinions. Very sad to witness… So be it.

    Kerry, I am not here to tell you how to run your forum, but although you may not need it, I’ll give you this advice anyway: keep an eye on your crew. Do not let the spirit of Camelot become infiltrated with power trips lest Camelot suffer the same fate as Avalon…

    In the Vesica,


    couldn't agree more,or have said it so well
    and i would hope to hear from those so-called-by steve trolls again,and that they'd get a proper apology for the misunderstanding and disruption of the flow of the forum like that...
    if you asked me,when there's any doubt,don't intervene,leave it be....
    but yeah...all is forgiven-
    i would say from now on,everyone don't do anything that's not your highest passion or whatever you wanna call it...
    myself,i'm just hearing about the tsunami and i hope everyone'll be alright...

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • siriusblue
    • sirblue2.
    • Active Contributor
    • Chasing dragons and charming snakes...
    • Posts: 214

    #28438 10 hours, 22 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    I have just caught up! I tried reading the Rooster post a few days ago but I couldn't do it, information overload just like Unplugged. I come back and it's all stopped which might be a good thing because I'd never have been able to catch up.

    I finally read the Rooster material and I agree with Unplugged's beautiful description of it, it sang to me! LOL
    It is interesting though and I now have the answer to why I am here! I AM part of the reflection of the rooster trying to make my way back home! Ha ha ha!
    There's a weird mix of religions when I put all your posts together, one minute quoting the Bible, the next signing off with a Jewish greeting. Which religion teaches the Rooster fable? I'd be interested in knowing that!

    The rest of us have the courage to stand in our own light/religion and make statements/post information quite legitimately, freedom of speech is respected and we earn the respect of our fellow members through our individual efforts. We are also aware and open to the fact that some people might want to find out more about us. Why do you hide? What are you hiding?

    We don't use or need a group of friends behind us to add their bit to the equation, they are here online, each with their own special spark of light to shine on matters! Why would your friends want to hide? Can you not shine on your own?

    1 user = 1 account. Why can't you accept that rule and abide by it?

    To pretend to be more intelligent by using a pre-prepared collection of information and stating it with a 'pretense' one voice - although we had noticed the Arachne-Phoenix, Phoenix-Arachne, Arachne signatures - is not very brave or truthful of you.

    To do so again and again and again on different forums, from which you have eventually been banned shows really poor strategy and ability to understand that maybe your form of sharing this information is indigestible. To be honest, if it is so important and there is so much of it, I recommend you start your own website and let people come to you that way.

    As I said right at the beginning, by posting such long posts you do not give us the opportunity to query elements. And many elements in those first posts were FALSE. I know there is no black hole in the planet, the information you posted is littered with mistakes where I can actually decipher it and I still haven't found a definition of crossinduce. You've made that word up!

    I think Steve has done the right thing in bringing down the guillotine on this many tongued little spider but he has taken away some of the fun we were having.

    I agree with Stargazer taking down the two initial nudes that wouldn't make it further than a poster shop for teenagers decorating their bedrooms. They was just cheap rubbish and you can keep them for your own bedroom walls.

    Looking forward to an intelligent conversation with one of you, in which I can sense it is you talking and not some mish-mash copy and paste put together by an AI program someone built in the 90s and you've found and resurrected in the 2010s (is that the allusion to Phoenix?)

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28443 9 hours, 26 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    This is what I wrote to someone on SKYPE about his subject:

    [8:27:42 AM] stargazer_now: To understand that you don't believe in something makes it still okay
    [8:27:58 AM] stargazer_now: AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT IMPOSE ON OTHERS

    I don't believe in this stuff and don't care to....but it still has the right to be heard and read.

    And if they broke into 2 users...Phoenix and Arachne....I don't see an issue


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Steve
    • steve-.31958.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951
    #28444 9 hours, 21 minutes ago - Marc h 11th, 2011

    Where was it publicly stated that two people would be using one account? Where was it even clarified as such so that the members knew exactly who made the post and who they were replying to or where the material even came from? This was the first act of deception. Everything beyond that extends from that deception, which begs the question, where did the honesty begin?

    Censorship - that's a good one. Guess that's why their thread is still visible on the boards for the whole world to see, including I might add, the links to the website where the material was pulled from.

    Guess everyone has a decision to make.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Steve
    • steve-.31958.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951
    #28447 9 hours, 13 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011

    If you want to read more of their material, you can find it here:

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita.
    • Moderator
    • Posts: 1254

    #28449 8 hours, 48 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    How much raising of consciousness can be gained by deception much truth is in deception..

    Questions that don't require an answer.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chakra

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Chakra
    • chakra3-.31962.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450

    #28460 7 hours, 12 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    arctourist wrote:
    so much for the secret of the extraterrestrial life huh?
    good job!

    Where actually did ANY of that occur? What 'secrets' were even there?
    The topic was off-topic from the beginning!
    Which is totally were I was going to put all this gibberish from the start.

    I would have as I have with others that are off-topic - BUT I tried - against better judgment to give 'them' the benefit of the doubt.

    Pointless really, with people with an agenda.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Steve
    • steve-.31958.
    • Administrator
    • Posts: 951
    #28461 7 hours, 5 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    The topic was off-topic from the beginning!
    Which is totally were I was going to put all this gibberish from the start.

    Yes, but, we couldn't because it was off-topic, even for the "Off Topic" forum.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • 31947-a0189cfa97e9561196852d798128951e.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 1
    #28462 6 hours, 59 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011

    We don't use or need a group of friends behind us to add their bit to the equation, they are here online, each with their own special spark of light to shine on matters! Why would your friends want to hide? Can you not shine on your own?
    They do not want to hide, and yes each one does shine on their own.

    1 user = 1 account. Why can't you accept that rule and abide by it?
    If you are asking the group as a whole, you are going to have to ask each individual one, for each have their own opinion on pretty much about everything. If you want to know what I personally think of the matter I can tell you that by default I do not accept or abide by any “rule”. I do what I consider best at the time based on my own criteria, logic, feelings and intuition.

    To pretend to be more intelligent by using a pre-prepared collection of information and stating it with a 'pretense' one voice -
    Using a “pre-prepared collection of information” as you call it, does not make anyone any more intelligent.

    although we had noticed
    Who exactly is “we”?

    the Arachne-Phoenix, Phoenix-Arachne, Arachne signatures - is not very brave or truthful of you.
    Imagine two of your friends are in agreement about a subject, and have decided to come talk to you about it, and both of them sit down and say the same thing to you…. How is this not “very brave” or “truthful” in your eyes?

    To do so again and again and again on different forums, from which you have eventually been banned
    Here you are implying that this specific situation has happened before on numerous occasions and that is a lie. Abraxas was not banned from Avalon due to his signature.

    shows really poor strategy and ability to understand that maybe your form of sharing this information is indigestible.
    You not understanding his “strategy” if anything …does not make “it” poor. Each has their own way of doing things and sharing data is no different.

    To be honest, if it is so important and there is so much of it, I recommend you start your own website and let people come to you that way.
    There is already a house of dragons and the data is already “out there” to be found.

    As I said right at the beginning, by posting such long posts you do not give us the opportunity to query elements.
    I dislike very lengthy posts myself, with the exception of course when I am being so immersed into something I like or a subject I find fascinating that I don’t care how long it is, on the contrary, the more I dig… the more I find out..the more I want to know…the more I want to read. But this is just me. I don’t know about anyone else. As far as you not being given the opportunity to “query elements”, you could’ve asked all the questions you wanted. There was nothing that prevented you, at least not from Phoenix’s side to do so. Unless perhaps you simply didn’t know what to ask or how, and that is strictly your issue and nobody else’s.

    And many elements in those first posts were FALSE.
    Can you quote which ones and how they were false to you?

    I know there is no black hole in the planet, the information you posted is littered with mistakes where I can actually decipher it
    Apparently you don’t even know where you are. Gaia not only has a black hole/Stargate at her core like all other planets and stars, but it is THE black hole of the entire Universe. She is a SinkSource receiver of information soon to “flip” and become a transmitter after the birth. You have a “black hole” inside of you too. Your Merkabah, your “chariot of light” has one. Nassim Haramein explains this very well.
    Here are some links that might help you:

    and I still haven't found a definition of crossinduce. You've made that word up!
    I think crossinduce means that “it”, whatever is being crossed-induced can be altered in many different ways, not just in one way or in a linear way. I haven’t even read this entire thread completely so I don’t even know the context in which this particular word was used. However, I myself love to make up new words every now and then… why not? Language is alive. It morphs, it’s dynamic…it is there to be used to convey ideas and changes along with humans. So long I make myself understood, everything goes in my book. Remember, “only one word to the wise is sufficient.”

    I think Steve has done the right thing in bringing down the guillotine on this many tongued little spider but he has taken away some of the fun we were having.
    What you “think” about the banning is only relevant to you. Spiders are special creatures… In archetype, they are architects… they build… much like Ariadne, the “holy one” built her dream world in the movie Inception. She built a maze, a Matrix in which to operate… very necessary and important job.

    I agree with Stargazer taking down the two initial nudes that wouldn't make it further than a poster shop for teenagers decorating their bedrooms. They was just cheap rubbish and you can keep them for your own bedroom walls.
    Images/art‘s worth… is highly subjective.

    Looking forward to an intelligent conversation with one of you, in which I can sense it is you talking and not some mish-mash copy and paste put together by an AI program someone built in the 90s and you've found and resurrected in the 2010s (is that the allusion to Phoenix?)
    Writings…ideas put into paper, like the gospels or a good piece of literature or even someone’s poem should never be valued by their age. Words are not like wine, they don’t get better or worse for that matter…with age. The mish mash conclusion is yours alone and if you decide to dismiss something right off the bat because it does nothing to you, then by all means do so. You may not be ready for it.

    Love and light,

    Be well,


    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28471 6 hours, 3 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001

    Behaps it was this discussion we should had had from the beginning to clarify questions about this.

    I do not mind tales and there are many tales with fine wisdom in it, the problem here is that it is underlined that you guys represents PTB.
    That would be an red flag for most people.
    Also this is a red flag:
    What you “think” about the banning is only relevant to you. Spiders are special creatures… In archetype, they are architects… they build… much like Ariadne, the “holy one” built her dream world in the movie Inception. She built a maze, a Matrix in which to operate… very necessary and important job.

    In nordic mythology there are 3 Norner I believe they were called, they also spinned, that was people destiny they spinned.
    Not really a benevolent what that shows if you go along that symbolism.
    When you know that the real purposse is to be in our full potential.

    It would be great to clarify all that kind of questions, you guys should had played your card more openly and answered more clearly.
    Becourse this topic is so filled with hidden and multiple meanings.


    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28481 4 hours, 25 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011

    Where was it publicly stated that two people would be using one account?
    Where is it publicly stated that it needs to be publicly stated?

    Where was it even clarified as such so that the members knew exactly who made the post and who they were replying to or where the material even came from?
    Members knew exactly who made each post because each contained a signature. They knew as much as I or any other reader “knows” who the poster is. That is, I don’t “know” who they are…all I see is an Avatar and a handle and what they say… nothing else. If you mean readers not knowing exactly which one of the two replied to them or which one of the two they were addressing, it would not have made any difference as far as the purpose of the data transfer because even though they are both individuals and have their own ways of expressing themselves… the specific ideas they were conveying were the same. The picture is you standing in a room in front of 2 people and they’re both telling you the same thing.

    This was the first act of deception.
    This was not an act of deception. It was what it was. You just did not like it and choose to call it that.

    Everything beyond that extends from that deception,
    What exactly is “everything beyond that”? Are you talking about content?
    As far as I know you banned them as soon as you saw they were breaking some forum “rules”, without one warning about it or even giving them the chance to answer your question. You simply decided and said:

    I've just been waiting to catch you both in the act and now I caught you both.

    Say Goodbye Arachne(s)

    Showing to the world how “slick and competent” you think you are in your “troll-hunt” without even meaning what say, for you did not even give them any time to say their “goodbyes”

    which begs the question, where did the honesty begin?
    Imho, this is the wrong question to ask because the issue of true honesty has nothing to do with anything here. As Stargazer said:

    If Phoenix\Arachne had emailed Steve and Kerry and said...."Hey we are going to have 2 folks using this account and here's why"....I'm sure everything would have worked out.

    And probably still will.
    Point is, they were never given the chance to “be honest” as you call it with the Mod Police. You silenced them…and now you are asking where the honesty is?

    Censorship - that's a good one.
    No it’s not good. The word censorship, used in this context… is FEAR…nothing else.

    Guess that's why their thread is still visible on the boards for the whole world to see, including I might add, the links to the website where the material was pulled from.
    You guessed wrong. The thread “is still visible on the board for the whole world to see” not because you did not censor anything. This thread is here because you would not have been able to explain its sudden “disappearance" and because hiding information goes against the very principles of Camelot.

    What is more, threads do not “belong” to the people who start them. They cannot impose any individual “rule” as to the way a thread will go, and they shouldn’t either. No one should be able to influence anyone else in their thinking.

    How much raising of consciousness can be gained by deception much truth is in deception..
    Questions that don't require an answer.

    This here is an attempt by Lita to do just that.

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris.
    • New Poster
    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28489 3 hours, 29 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    Chakra wrote:
    Where actually did ANY of that occur? What 'secrets' were even there?
    The topic was off-topic from the beginning!
    Which is totally were I was going to put all this gibberish from the start.

    I would have as I have with others that are off-topic - BUT I tried - against better judgment to give 'them' the benefit of the doubt.

    Pointless really, with people with an agenda.

    There is no "them" separate from you. If there is to be an "us", i would call it a family.

    We are a new type of family... the Starhuman family, in that we respect each one's individuality and have no common rule since there is no need for it. Each is responsible for their own actions and there's no group mentality. The only thing that unites us is the love of and for the Cosmic Logos.

    There is no "agenda." People should really stop being so paranoid about the "dark lords" and their minions and begin looking at themselves in order to help the world "ascend" or escape the Matrix or finding out who they are...if that is their intention.

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • siriusblue
    • sirblue2.
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    • Posts: 215

    #28490 3 hours, 20 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    SuiGeneris wrote:

    We don't use or need a group of friends behind us to add their bit to the equation, they are here online, each with their own special spark of light to shine on matters! Why would your friends want to hide? Can you not shine on your own?
    They do not want to hide, and yes each one does shine on their own.

    Then let each one register individually and add their light to the rainbow here.

    1 user = 1 account. Why can't you accept that rule and abide by it?
    If you are asking the group as a whole, you are going to have to ask each individual one, for each have their own opinion on pretty much about everything. If you want to know what I personally think of the matter I can tell you that by default I do not accept or abide by any “rule”. I do what I consider best at the time based on my own criteria, logic, feelings and intuition.

    I am an anarchist, I could never accept to be a part of Abraxas' group defending someone else's point of view. There are certain rules that are followed as a sign of respect to the others in the community you wish to be a part of, if Abraxas wishes to be a part of this community, let him join and stand on his own merits.

    To pretend to be more intelligent by using a pre-prepared collection of information and stating it with a 'pretense' one voice -
    Using a “pre-prepared collection of information” as you call it, does not make anyone any more intelligent.

    My point exactly.

    although we had noticed
    Who exactly is “we”?

    OK, I'll confess, 'I' noticed.

    the Arachne-Phoenix, Phoenix-Arachne, Arachne signatures - is not very brave or truthful of you.
    Imagine two of your friends are in agreement about a subject, and have decided to come talk to you about it, and both of them sit down and say the same thing to you…. How is this not “very brave” or “truthful” in your eyes?

    But it was neither Phoenix nor Arachne's opinion was it. It is, from your own admission below Abraxas'.
    By using different names in different posts, the contributors have been changing their light at their whim. This makes it difficult for us to know who we are going to get an answer from and for what...
    Actually, I'll be honest with you (again), it became very apparent to me that there were two colours, Arachne was light, Phoenix was dark - Arachne was religion and faith and pretty honest, Phoenix was science, maths and ambiguity. We never got to see Phoenix on his own, I guess you save that for the science forums, only going by the 'science' published so far, you wouldn't get past the front door.

    To do so again and again and again on different forums, from which you have eventually been banned
    Here you are implying that this specific situation has happened before on numerous occasions and that is a lie. Abraxas was not banned from Avalon due to his signature.

    Nor was 'he' banned from here due to his signature. In fact, his signature was never seen.

    shows really poor strategy and ability to understand that maybe your form of sharing this information is indigestible.
    You not understanding his “strategy” if anything …does not make “it” poor. Each has their own way of doing things and sharing data is no different.

    Abraxas? I've never heard of him before. I just did a search on Abraxas and I find this:
    "As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration." (Source: Wikipedia)
    So he started in confusion, writes in confusion and ends in confusion. This now makes it far more clear to me!
    What was strange and bizarre in all the answers were the sudden changes in topic with no clear path leading from one point to the other. The quantity was a blatant attempt to hide the many lies within from being picked out and shone under the light of truth.

    To be honest, if it is so important and there is so much of it, I recommend you start your own website and let people come to you that way.
    There is already a house of dragons and the data is already “out there” to be found.

    Soooooooooooooo, Queen of Dragons of the House of Dragons - why post here? Members on this forum seem to me to be particularly clear sighted and keen minded, very capable seekers and if they want this information they will come to you or are already visiting your site. They are also very capable of sharing the information they think is pertinent to the discussions we are having on these boards. If they thought it important enough, they would have put your name, except until now we didn't have one, on the suggestions for people to interview.

    As I said right at the beginning, by posting such long posts you do not give us the opportunity to query elements.
    I dislike very lengthy posts myself, with the exception of course when I am being so immersed into something I like or a subject I find fascinating that I don’t care how long it is, on the contrary, the more I dig… the more I find out..the more I want to know…the more I want to read. But this is just me. I don’t know about anyone else.

    You have come to the right place. We all like doing that here smile.

    As far as you not being given the opportunity to “query elements”, you could’ve asked all the questions you wanted. There was nothing that prevented you, at least not from Phoenix’s side to do so. Unless perhaps you simply didn’t know what to ask or how, and that is strictly your issue and nobody else’s.

    Nooooooooooooo! I had plenty more questions and would have had no hesitation in asking. I'd only got as far as the first diagram!

    And many elements in those first posts were FALSE.
    Can you quote which ones and how they were false to you?

    The first diagram. The black hole in the center of the planet is FALSE. It cannot exist until all of earth has been squashed within the Schwarzschild Radius - Seeing as it is your Abraxas' statement that linked the black hole to the Schwarzschild radius, he and you should at least know that.
    Abraxas (so not Arachne and not Phoenix then?) also included the energy field which cannot be included in the Schwarzschild Radius - so that's another FALSE statement.
    The word crossinduce, so liberally sprinkled into the text I was thinking of swapping it with 'mirage' to see if it made more sense, is a word that does not exist. So I presume from that, that every part which talks of CROSSINDUCING is FALSE - it is certainly very confusing and, I found, rather depressing reading.
    I was going to get back to that...once I had a definition of crossinducing.
    I'm still on the first diagram here, and that one word. So you see, I had plenty more to explore and I'm sure I would have found plenty more holes in his exposition.

    I know there is no black hole in the planet, the information you posted is littered with mistakes where I can actually decipher it
    Apparently you don’t even know where you are. Gaia not only has a black hole/Stargate at her core like all other planets and stars, but it is THE black hole of the entire Universe. She is a SinkSource receiver of information soon to “flip” and become a transmitter after the birth. You have a “black hole” inside of you too. Your Merkabah, your “chariot of light” has one. Nassim Haramein explains this very well.
    Here are some links that might help you:

    I will explore. I don't promise to believe a word of it. Especially as your Abraxas is so wrong about the Schwarzschild radius and how it works.
    If you had spent more time exploring this forum before posting, you would also know we are all aware of stargates, we know there are more than one on this planet and they are not in the core! There may be one in the core, but how do you know that? How does Nasseim know that? I've never heard of the 'galactic confederation of worlds' and, as with all these 'galactic (con)federations', we (myself, Kerry, Bill and many other members on this forum) are treating them with cautious respect until proven to exist.

    and I still haven't found a definition of crossinduce. You've made that word up!
    I think crossinduce means that “it”, whatever is being crossed-induced can be altered in many different ways, not just in one way or in a linear way. I haven’t even read this entire thread completely so I don’t even know the context in which this particular word was used. However, I myself love to make up new words every now and then… why not? Language is alive. It morphs, it’s dynamic…it is there to be used to convey ideas and changes along with humans. So long I make myself understood, everything goes in my book. Remember, “only one word to the wise is sufficient.”

    It's great fun to make up words. I created one too once but usually, when wanting to share information, it is best to stick to words people know and understand so that everyone is on the same footing. If you think 'it' means 'being altered', then maybe you could suggest to Abraxas he use that term instead.

    I think Steve has done the right thing in bringing down the guillotine on this many tongued little spider but he has taken away some of the fun we were having.
    What you “think” about the banning is only relevant to you. Spiders are special creatures… In archetype, they are architects… they build… much like Ariadne, the “holy one” built her dream world in the movie Inception. She built a maze, a Matrix in which to operate… very necessary and important job.

    A matrix: an illusion created by a computer.
    A maze: "confusing, intricate network of winding pathways; specifically with one or more blind alleys" (Webster definition) Every one of us who got involved here was happy to explore the maze, knowing it was such.
    A web... usually followed by the words 'of lies' or 'of deceipt'.

    I agree with Stargazer taking down the two initial nudes that wouldn't make it further than a poster shop for teenagers decorating their bedrooms. They was just cheap rubbish and you can keep them for your own bedroom walls.
    Images/art‘s worth… is highly subjective.

    I don't think they're in any art gallery. The later images were beautiful and I have downloaded some to keep.

    Looking forward to an intelligent conversation with one of you, in which I can sense it is you talking and not some mish-mash copy and paste put together by an AI program someone built in the 90s and you've found and resurrected in the 2010s (is that the allusion to Phoenix?)
    Writings…ideas put into paper, like the gospels or a good piece of literature or even someone’s poem should never be valued by their age. Words are not like wine, they don’t get better or worse for that matter…with age. The mish mash conclusion is yours alone and if you decide to dismiss something right off the bat because it does nothing to you, then by all means do so. You may not be ready for it.

    Actually, there's been quite a lot about the King James version of the Bible being one of the most important documents to contribute to the English language. The mish-mash is your Abraxas' own creation. Selectively answering on key words he's pasted into your out-of-date computer program. I particularly enjoyed it when your machine picked up on 'milk' in unplugged's answer. That was really bizarre.

    Be well,

    Sui 161471.

    It's nice talking to a person Sui, and one who has the guts to stand up for the Abrasax-Arachne-Phoenix trio. Tell me more about your Queen of Dragons status, I am curious.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28501 2 hours, 6 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    ... sense that my opinion on some of this is going to get me booted... Expressing discomfort with that.

    (So far as my past reading on this forum is concerned; I have found both Tommy and Steve to be fair minded, level headed, reasonable and professional in their handling of any issues which have arisen. THIS is why I finally decided to actually join in by signing up. If they were not 'in charge' I would not have done so...)

    Nothing more to add. (And I have no knowledge of, nor any affiliation with the original materials or posters in question, as I have only read the last few pages.)
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962-.31971.
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    #28511 1 hour, 19 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    Steve wrote:
    The topic was off-topic from the beginning!
    Which is totally were I was going to put all this gibberish from the start.

    Yes, but, we couldn't because it was off-topic, even for the "Off Topic" forum.

    Sooo what you are saying then is that maybe we need an off-off-off Topic - topic forum.....

    Oh that hurts my head! w00t.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    #28521 43 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    ... sense that my opinion on some of this is going to get me booted... Expressing discomfort with that.

    Mary, you are not going to get booted for stating your opinion.

    Sooo what you are saying then is that maybe we need an off-off-off Topic

    Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but yes.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28524 25 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    I think Chakra is on to something here. Off Topic Off, seems like an excellent idea. You can always branch out after that to Off Off Topic.

    Also, GT_Big Hair is excellent at translating these long giberish posts in five sentences or less. She kindly did this for me on another thread for free. However, I think on my next request she might charge me. I think you get one free and after that you have to pay.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • siriusblue
    • sirblue2.
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    #28529 8 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    Steve wrote:
    ... sense that my opinion on some of this is going to get me booted... Expressing discomfort with that.

    Mary, you are not going to get booted for stating your opinion.

    Sooo what you are saying then is that maybe we need an off-off-off Topic

    Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but yes.


    No! Surely an off-off-off Topic gets 'booted !?!?! - after giving them a fair chance to get on-topic? unsure.

    Just stirring the mud smile.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • siriusblue
    • sirblue2.
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    #28539 34 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    My last word on this.

    To ALL readers of this material, if EVER you come across a sentence like this:

    If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.

    Re-reading it, even this sentence doesn't make sense but the basic message is "please don't check our facts".
    Make it your absolute imperative order of the day to do exactly that and check every line, start from the top and start from the simplest fact.

    Love and light,
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
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    #28540 34 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    Ok everybody get back on topic...oh no... I mean... what do I mean...

    Offf..Offff..Offff topic... we could have little off more off.. out there off... and then I wouldn't have to tell people to get back on topic...I like that...

    Now on that it was mentioned here somewhere that members had no control, they do, they start a topic and have the right to keep it on topic..

    This really does feel like its going nowhere..

    I just don't get it, if people have information they want to give to others the best way to do that is to give them direct access to that information, .. not go to some other place to put it out in full, give the source of the info and if people are interested in that then they can go get what they want...NOW that is the other thing there was no source given to this information... should have been, it took Steve to give that information..

    So far all I see is disruption in telling us how naughty we have been....Yes Steve an way off topic forum please, I did thnk of a good idea a little bit back that each post that was off topic could all be put in the same could be a huge topic thread... full of everything that doesn't go

    I vote SpaceCowboy.

    I have a sock draw that needs my attention...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28545 9 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I think Chakra is on to something here. Off Topic Off, seems like an excellent idea. You can always branch out after that to Off Off Topic.

    Also, GT_Big Hair is excellent at translating these long giberish posts in five sentences or less. She kindly did this for me on another thread for free. However, I think on my next request she might charge me. I think you get one free and after that you have to pay.

    Dude...GT is a guy.... wassat.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962-.31971.
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    #28548 4 minutes ago - March 11th, 2001
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I think Chakra is on to something here. Off Topic Off, seems like an excellent idea. You can always branch out after that to Off Off Topic.


    unsure. dizzy. ermm. wassat. w00t.

    It's a great job for him - he can even do it while drinking and it still won't go anywhere!
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
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    #28551 1 hour, 25 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. :woohoo :

    Yes wouldn't matter in the slightest if SCB is drinking... probably even necessary.
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962-.31971.
    • Moderator
    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450
    #28552 1 hour, 23 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I think Chakra is on to something here. Off Topic Off, seems like an excellent idea. You can always branch out after that to Off Off Topic.

    Also, GT_Big Hair is excellent at translating these long giberish posts in five sentences or less. She kindly did this for me on another thread for free. However, I think on my next request she might charge me. I think you get one free and after that you have to pay.

    Dude...GT is a guy.... wassat.

    Ya I pm'd him on that one too....
    I think it's the beer again! lol
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962-.31971.
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    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450
    #28553 1 hour, 20 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    Lita wrote:
    w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. w00t. :woohoo :

    Yes wouldn't matter in the slightest if SCB is drinking... probably even necessary.

    LOL - might even keep him out of trouble! you know the saying about 'idle hands' devil. and all! w00t.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28597 1 hour, 13 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011
    I took my thoughts on some things off topic here:;Itemid=164#28596

    Hope it is helpful.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Back to Basics 101

    #28596 2 hours, 15 minutes ago - March 11th, 2011

    Many of the Myths and stories people have become familiar with have been 'spun' lol to create association in the mind when specific things are brought to conscious awareness. I wasn't going to have a cross legged sit down on the ground and point out the simple truths I see which are explained quite well in the passages which I am about to quote... but I will. The reason I will is this: It makes my stomach tie up in knots to see some of natures most beautiful creatures become so commonly referred to as if they are some kind of sick abominaton because people have come to associate what is in truth a true beauty and wonder of nature with 'terror' and superstition out of shear base programming by those who seek to keep us disconnected and afraid of our own connections to nature which though fallen to the third dimension is definitely still a miraculous part of divinity on Earth.

    Let's dis-spell some fear, shall we?

    Have you ever gone outside and really taken a look at the intricate absolute beauty that is a spider's web glistening with dew drops, reflecting rays of the suns light from each tiny bead first thing in the morning? Have you ever really looked at the actual form of a spider up close? Have you ever tried to see anything but what you were taught to see about these unusual looking little creatures which are part of Gaia?

    This is a passage from a Medicine Cards book written by Jamie Sams and David Carson. It is a very basic look from a more Native American perspective. Natives learned by closely observing creatures OUT IN NATURE~ NOT from something already written by another, but FIRST HAND.

    Spider... weaving webs of delight,
    Weave me a peaceful world.
    Carrying creation in your web,
    Waiting to be unfurled!

    Spider wove the web that brought hmans the first picture of the alphabet. The letters were part of the angles of her web.

    Deer asked spider what she was weaving and why all the lines looked like symbols. Spider replied, "Why Deer, it is time for Earth's children to learn to make records of their progress in their Earth walk." Deer answered Spider, "But they already have pictures that show through symbols the stories of their experiences." "Yes," Spider said, "But Earth's children are growing more complex, and their future generations will need to know more. The ones to come won't remember how to read the petroglyphs."

    So it was that spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world that had become manifest. Spider's dream of the physical world had come to fruition millions of years before.

    Spider's body is made like the number eight, consisting of two lobe like parts connected at the waist, and eight legs. Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the medicine wheel.

    Spider weaves the webs of fate for those who get caught in her web and become dinner. This is similar to humans who get caught in the web of illusion in the physical world and never see beyond the horizon into other dimensions.

    The web of fate also represents a wheel of life, which does not include any alternatives or solutions. It is typically human to get caught in the polarity of good or bad fortune without realizing we can change it at any time. If we are not decisive enough about changing our lots in life, we may end up being consumed by our fears and limitations.

    ***Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of life. Her web has hunderds of intricate patterns which catch the morning dew.

    If spider has dropped from her web into your cards today, she can be telling you to create, create, create! Look for new alternatives to your present impasse. She can also be warning you that you are coming too close to an entangling situation...

    Spider brings a message of a different kind when she sees you becoming a bit too involved in the weaving of your life plans to notice opportunity at the outskirts of your web. If this is the case Spider gets your attention so that you notice something that you have woven has borne fruit. Congratulations! ...

    The Contrary Aspect:

    ...of Spider is akin to the negative side of woman. Spider will eat her mate if she gets too caught up in herself to see the validity of honoring male energy. The warrior at her side is a strong balancing force. If you have become disdainful of your mate (male or female) and have felt very superior lately, you are not honoring either your male or female side.

    If you are not in a relationship you may have chosen a member of your family or a workmate to harass. This type of negative criticism only breaks down relations and is a reflection of something you hate about yourself. If you are trying to feed your ego in this manner, you have lost the game. You are entangled in your own web of illusion about who you really are. It may be time to look at why you are being critical and why you are feeling so weak that you must attack others.

    If this does not apply to your situation, take a look at another message that contrary Spider medicine brings: Lack of creativity. If you fail to use your talents to get the web spinning, your lack of creativity can change into destructiveness...

    Observe Spider's web and find pleasure in the ideas you receive from her Universal language.

    End Quote.

    Hmmm, I cannot imagine why this would be something which has been spun into lies to make us afraid of our own beautiful natural powers, and that of the Divine Feminine!?!

    Also RE: ABRAXIS ( Easy enough to find online!)

    Abraxas: God or Demon?

    Author: Crick [a WitchVox Sponsor]
    Posted: February 21st. 2010
    Times Viewed: 1,653

    When one mentions the word “Abrasax” there are oftentimes, conflicting views which arise. To some he was seen as a God, to others as a demon, and yet to others as an amalgamation of both. And so I have endeavored to present the more commonly accepted views of Abrasax. You may know of still more interpretations not noted within this article. But at any rate as a pagan, I personally believe that we should always be students of life. And as such we should always be prepared to open the next door awaiting before us.

    Throughout the various beliefs associated with Abraxas, he was often described as having the head of a lion or in some cases a cock, which at times bore a royal crown, along with a dragon's tail, and serpents in lieu of legs. There are many interpretations attached to the word “Abrasax”.

    According to the “Basilidians”, he was the Supreme God, for the Greek letters that forms his name adds up to the number of 365, which according to their beliefs in turn corresponds to the number of days in a year. Each day of the year according to the Gnostics, represents a “circle of creation” which in turn has its own individual spirit assigned to it. Basilides was a Gnostic Christian teacher from the second century CE who taught in Alexandria Egypt.

    It is thought that when Carl Jung wrote his “Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (The Seven Sermons to the Dead) , he was in effect, paraphrasing Basilides. His treatise is in effect a three-stage development of God as understood through the eyes of humans. Very basically these three stages begin with god as a single entity who then transforms into a separation of god and devil, which then becomes a unified entity of both god and devil. The Basilidians also believe that it was Abrasax who sent Jesus Christ to do his bidding here on earth.

    The word Abraxas was the name used by the Gnostics to denote the unspeakable name of the Supreme Being. This is a practice found in other belief systems such as the Judaic practice of using the term “Yahweh” as a term for the unspeakable name for their god.

    It is established knowledge that the word Abraxas (Abrasax or Abracax) was often found engraved on certain gemstones, which were called Abraxas stones. These in turn were used as amulets or charms. Such stones contained the name “Abraxas” and/or other mystic figures and/or groups of letters.

    The initial spelling of the word as seen on the stones was "Abrasax". According to Gnostic cosmology, the seven letters spelling its name represent each of the seven planets, which within the Gnostic belief system are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The word Abraxas is thought by some to be the origin of the word “abracadabra”, though this word also has other sources cited as being its origin.

    The name is also found in the Gnostic text, “Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians” which in turn contains the “Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit”. Throughout the centuries, Abraxas has been variously described as an Egyptian god, a demon, and/or to represent God and Satan in one entity and thus the dual nature of its essence.

    The name Abraxas also is also found in the Greek Magical Papyri, which consists of the following sections:


    And... On Wiki... lol

    The word Abrasax (Gk. ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ, which is far more common in the sources than the variant form Abraxas, ΑΒΡΑΞΑΣ) was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides, being there applied to the “Great Archon” (Gk., megas archōn), the princeps of the 365 spheres (Gk., ouranoi).[1] In Gnostic cosmology, the 7 letters spelling its name represent each of the 7 classic planets—Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.[2]

    The word is found in Gnostic texts such as the Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit, and also appears in the Greek Magical Papyri. It was engraved on certain antique gemstones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration. The word may be related to Abracadabra, although other explanations exist.

    There are similarities and differences between such figures in reports about Basilides' teaching, ancient Gnostic texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Opinions abound on Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon.[3] The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung wrote a short Gnostic treatise in 1916 called The Seven Sermons to the Dead, which called Abraxas a God higher than the Christian God and Devil, that combines all opposites into one Being.

    Lots more here at this link:

    I could also give Snakes and "Winged Serpents" a go here if any one feels they cannot find enough info in this day and age to dis-spell the fear that has been a long running program to create fear to keep people far from the truth. I some how think I don't need to do that.

    Oh, and same with Owls... laughing. I'd be happy to help ya out there too.

    Sorry about the long post, but I felt it necessary in order to break through the over use of trigger and key phrases too commonly tossed about in error of judgment to get under some one else's skin for whatever reason people feel the need to do so.

    Hope it is helpful.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    Abraxas: God or Demon?
    Author: Crick [a WitchVox Sponsor]
    Posted: February 21st. 2010
    Times Viewed: 1,654
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    Abraxas: God or Demon?
    Author: Crick [a WitchVox Sponsor]
    Posted: February 21st. 2010
    Times Viewed: 1,654

    When one mentions the word “Abrasax” there are oftentimes, conflicting views which arise. To some he was seen as a God, to others as a demon, and yet to others as an amalgamation of both. And so I have endeavored to present the more commonly accepted views of Abrasax. You may know of still more interpretations not noted within this article. But at any rate as a pagan, I personally believe that we should always be students of life. And as such we should always be prepared to open the next door awaiting before us.

    Throughout the various beliefs associated with Abraxas, he was often described as having the head of a lion or in some cases a cock, which at times bore a royal crown, along with a dragon's tail, and serpents in lieu of legs. There are many interpretations attached to the word “Abrasax”.

    According to the “Basilidians”, he was the Supreme God, for the Greek letters that forms his name adds up to the number of 365, which according to their beliefs in turn corresponds to the number of days in a year. Each day of the year according to the Gnostics, represents a “circle of creation” which in turn has its own individual spirit assigned to it. Basilides was a Gnostic Christian teacher from the second century CE who taught in Alexandria Egypt.

    It is thought that when Carl Jung wrote his “Septem Sermones ad Mortuos (The Seven Sermons to the Dead) , he was in effect, paraphrasing Basilides. His treatise is in effect a three-stage development of God as understood through the eyes of humans. Very basically these three stages begin with god as a single entity who then transforms into a separation of god and devil, which then becomes a unified entity of both god and devil. The Basilidians also believe that it was Abrasax who sent Jesus Christ to do his bidding here on earth.

    The word Abraxas was the name used by the Gnostics to denote the unspeakable name of the Supreme Being. This is a practice found in other belief systems such as the Judaic practice of using the term “Yahweh” as a term for the unspeakable name for their god.

    It is established knowledge that the word Abraxas (Abrasax or Abracax) was often found engraved on certain gemstones, which were called Abraxas stones. These in turn were used as amulets or charms. Such stones contained the name “Abraxas” and/or other mystic figures and/or groups of letters.

    The initial spelling of the word as seen on the stones was "Abrasax". According to Gnostic cosmology, the seven letters spelling its name represent each of the seven planets, which within the Gnostic belief system are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The word Abraxas is thought by some to be the origin of the word “abracadabra”, though this word also has other sources cited as being its origin.

    The name is also found in the Gnostic text, “Coptic Gospel of the Egyptians” which in turn contains the “Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit”. Throughout the centuries, Abraxas has been variously described as an Egyptian god, a demon, and/or to represent God and Satan in one entity and thus the dual nature of its essence.

    The name Abraxas also is also found in the Greek Magical Papyri, which consists of the following sections:

    Acquiring a Supernatural Assistant
    Papyri graecae magicae I.54
    Papyri graecae magicae III.1-59
    Papyri graecae magicae IV.1-25
    Papyri graecae magicae IV.1227-64
    Papyri graecae magicae IV.1716-1870 ("The Sword of Dardanos")
    Papyri graecae magicae VII.429-58
    Ecloga Ex Papyris Magicis: Liber I
    Ecloga Ex Papyris Magicis: Liber II
    Ecloga Ex Papyris Magicis: Liber III

    The Greek Magickal Papyri has to do in part with the summoning of demons and thus may be the root of the belief that Abraxas was a king of demons. Whether Abraxas was a god or a demon, I don’t know. But then I personally see demons as demigods whose comprehension and goals may not be on the same level of reality as perceived by humans. When the actions of such other worldly beings become at odds with that of humans, then humans tend to view such entities as evil or demons if you will.

    But then who commands validation in such situations? Humans who are but naïve babes in the grand scheme of things or those entities who came before us? Such a question can only be answered by each individual as pertains to their understanding or lack of such matters, beyond their immediate sense of awareness.

    It should be noted as part of this treatise on Abraxas, that in 1913 CE, Aleister Crowley wrote the “Gnostic Mass of the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica” in which the name of Abraxas is invoked as part of this ritual. One of the interesting aspects of this OTO ritual is that it must be performed by both a HP and HPS of whom the latter is required to officiate while skyclad. You as the reader may draw your own inferences from this requirement.

    At any rate Abraxas is one of those entities that is shrouded in mystery as to origin and/or purpose. And as with such mysterious entities, there are certain attributes that may or may not be applicable. A lesson that may be drawn from this is that there truly is no right or wrong way, only that which works for the individual. Oftentimes, we as pagans are quick to cite such tenets, but then often as not, we are quick to make assumptions about what is right or wrong for others based upon one’s own comfort zone.

    If pagans are to ever create a community where those who follow a mystical path are able to coincide with others of parallel beliefs then perhaps such a lesson should be brought to the forefront of our awareness. For a problem can only be resolved if it is recognized and accepted as such, for denial only leads to more of the same.




    Location: Manheim, Pennsylvania


    Author's Profile: To learn more about Crick - Click HERE
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Tangent
    • tangent.
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    #28608 2 hours, 48 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    There is no "agenda." People should really stop being so paranoid about the "dark lords" and their minions and begin looking at themselves in order to help the world "ascend" or escape the Matrix or finding out who they are...if that is their intention.


    Arachne wrote:
    Greetings again from the Elders of the Worlds!

    The introductory message defines the agenda; it is as simple as that.

    I am not here to 'preach to choirs' or to 'convert' anyone.

    This was an attempt for simple data sharing F.Y.I Only.

    If this agenda was misunderstood, as it seemes to have been by overzeaolus proponents of some 'other nous' and some 'other truth and wisdom'; then we shall no longer share this information and move on to other locations, where our attempts are more appreciated.

    We so shall no longer post on these forums.


    From page 2.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chakra, TraLaLa, Lita
    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011



    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Rok
    • rok.
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    #28628 7 hours, 55 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    siriusblue wrote:

    I am an anarchist, I could never accept to be a part of Abraxas' group defending someone else's point of view. There are certain rules that are followed as a sign of respect to the others in the community you wish to be a part of, if Abraxas wishes to be a part of this community, let him join and stand on his own merits.

    Why do you wish to label yourself within the confines of the currently established (dis)order? Given this way of thinking...your view pint can not exactly be taken as unique and are limiting yourself at the very start and limit your perception of them labels that keep your view point of what some call "reality" within "comfort zone" - doing everything that is "absolutely necessary" to keep things this way (this includes the love and light hypocrisy)

    And yes the community "standards" should be taken into the account while being a part of it. So perhaps if you unban his IP he might consider to join as "individual" or at least...he will be able to read. The problem with standards is that they tend to be suffocating and have their base foundation in the artificial morals..."crafted and formed"....adapted and changed...given the standards of the ruling class and methods of population control and management. Sadly people mostly take this morals as their own or part of them (confusing it with cultural thing etc nonsense)..which in fact shows the magnificent of the master planners and how easily is to hard imprint some "standard" for generations to come....the result of which is people limiting and ruling themselves...dividing themselves.....i am sure that the "architects" of it...are having a blast at watching it go on.

    The black hole mentioned at the center of the Earth is higher D not 3D. I am sure you would get answers to your questions if the poster would still be allowed to post. As far as science goes...the official one, the meta-physical one, the channeled one...etc Saying something is and something is not...i do wonder...

    What is your basis of comparison?
    Could it be what they have thought you in school at science, history and art lessons...etc ?
    Is it what you can see on the TV?
    Have you awaken your "Ba" and "Ka" to know it and such?
    How do you know what you know?
    Where does the knowing come from?
    How is your thought process formed?

    What you saw and did not like...for "some reason" labeled as *blatant attempt to hide the many lies within* This for example dos not offer much to work on...does it?

    What you do....unknowingly most of the what i described in the first two paragraphs.

    About the computer program...what in the world are you talking about and which conspiracy does that originate from...sounds like a fun if you can provide a link...i wish to see if it can beat the "thuban space station" theory.

    Btw...the milk and cookies...was...if i am not mistaken....the answer to unplugged's sarcasm (giving him "milk" from the bible, since the "meat" might be too much for the standards)

    @The rest:

    Speaking about being "on topic" and being "off topic" about for the Moderators and stay on topic and not going off topic themselves with nonsense such as drunk humerus as it might has no place in this thread.

    Also it might be good to consider on why actually move the thread. Is everything that does not comply with "standards" default off topic?

    So....if it would make you feel more comfortable just simply move the thread to the "designated area". From what i read you even have (as i understand it) someone here that can translate "gibberish". It sounds profound...i especially like the money part....seems like there is a little entrepreneur here...

    If you or any of the other children here find it too difficult to assess well researched information of science based content and if any of you feel uncomfortable with such data; then don't feel obliged to do so.

    This lacks in taste. I agree. Let me try to better it: if any of you Warriors of Light, ever feel the need to throw your hammer of Poetic Justice, do so with a full splendor of your Light, speaking with the Words of Glory and with the Righteous Fury place your Hand of Reckoning upon the sinner to carry out your judgment with all the Holy Wrath.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • unplugged
    • unplugged.
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    • Posts: 77

    #28715 54 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    Btw...the milk and cookies...was...if i am not mistaken....the answer to unplugged's sarcasm (giving him "milk" from the bible, since the "meat" might be too much for the standards)

    Sarcasm was not even a thought in my mind. Please re-read. Thank you.

    This was shaping into a really great thread until it was imploded. What a pity. Arachne / Phoenix, it was obvious from your first post that there was more than one individual associated with the account. You answered with different signatures, as was appropriate. You elevated discourse and provided much food for thought.

    I regret your banishment. I found you to be uniformly polite and agreeable in your answers to me and your willingness to research and reply with USEFUL posts is/was appreciated. I never doubted my ability to decide for myself what was relevant. That power was removed from me in a moment when you were banned.
    Dwell in divine nonchalance
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.31977.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
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    #28769 7 hours, 39 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    Siriusblue wrote:

    Then let each one register individually and add their light to the rainbow here.

    That is up to the Mod Police to decide. If I could “let” them, I would… but also they have to want to post here again. I don’t know if they would care to or not. What I know for a fact is that both Phoenix and Arachne are able to back up every single word they said if given the chance to or asked to.

    I am an anarchist, I could never accept to be a part of Abraxas' group defending someone else's point of view. There are certain rules that are followed as a sign of respect to the others in the community you wish to be a part of, if Abraxas wishes to be a part of this community, let him join and stand on his own merits.

    Abraxas doesn’t "have" a “group” and I am pretty sure he doesn’t want to be a part of any “community”.

    Using a “pre-prepared collection of information” as you call it, does not make anyone any more intelligent.

    My point exactly.

    And your point was? To infer he is not intelligent? You can believe what you want, but there was no “pre prepared collection of information” as termed. Seems I have to spell it out for you…. What was said before was repeated here… Why re-write what is already written?

    Although by now… I can see how that would’ve been a good idea…to make it more appropriate for the posters here…more “understandable” perhaps. However this approach would be very much like the current school systems are…watered down information made specifically for one-size-fits-all minds, and I for one don’t agree with it.

    But it was neither Phoenix nor Arachne's opinion was it. It is, from your own admission below Abraxas'.
    I stand in my own light, which for this forum I have called siriusblue. By using different names in different posts, the contributors have been changing their light at their whim. This makes it difficult for us to know who we are going to get an answer from and for what. You are reflecting like a strobe, which as you know tends to blind people. Is that the intention?

    If I’m not mistaken I used Phoenix/Abraxas before, which means they are the same person.

    If you are in fact standing in your own “light” and you are calling me a reflector, then you are calling me a mirror, so in essence you are blinding yourself with your very own “light”.

    In that case, it is not very brave or truthful of you to hide behind your strobing light as you pontificate on information you yourself admit you have not read or understood. "Crossinduce" is in your 'He's' introductory proposition on the 1st page which includes the black hole which isn't.

    I never said I did not understand. I don’t have to read absolutely everything in order to post.
    I can skip what I wish and I have a good reason to. I already answered about that specific word.

    Nor was 'he' banned from here due to his signature. In fact, his signature was never seen.

    His signature was seen: Phoenix. If you are still unsure as to why he was banned…go ask Steve.

    Abraxas? I've never heard of him before. I just did a search on Abraxas and I find this:
    "As the initial spelling on stones was 'Abrasax' (Αβρασαξ), the spelling of 'Abraxas' seen today probably originates in the confusion made between the Greek letters Sigma and Xi in the Latin transliteration." (Source: Wikipedia)

    “Abraxas” is the handle my friend used when he introduced the Thuban Q&A thread back in PA1 (first Project Avalon forum). FYI, here is the link of the original thread:

    The “search” of that name will not take anyone to the persona…to my friend’s mind, if the intention is to find out who that person is from where these writings come from. These searches will only take them to the possible meanings of the word itself. One of the many words he chose to use as a handle. And just to clarify…the persona is not important. He is not the author of the dispensations he writes. He is just a scribe… a translator. The author is the Logos.

    So he started in confusion, writes in confusion and ends in confusion.

    If you find yourself confused…search within and find out why.

    What was strange and bizarre in all the answers were the sudden changes in topic with no clear path leading from one point to the other. The quantity was a blatant

    Now I can see why you are confused. There is no one path. The topic changes because it must. The “truth” encompasses everything…all topics. The quantity is also a must, and I know it can be overwhelming for some, but no one said it would be easy. “By your own efforts will you be known in the kingdom of heaven.”

    attempt to hide the many lies within from being picked out and shone under the light of truth.

    There are no lies except the ones you create in your own mind. If someone is out there to lie, he or she would not make any attempt to hide it under “quantity” as you stated. Their lie would not be difficult to comprehend…on the contrary.

    Soooooooooooooo, Queen of Dragons of the House of Dragons - why post here?

    Because I want to. I use as many platforms as I can manage to gather data I consider relevant to me. If this is a free forum why can’t I post here? Does this not go against the principles of this forum?

    Members on this forum seem to me to be particularly clear sighted and keen minded, very capable seekers and if they want this information they will come to you or are already visiting your site.

    “this information” you are referring to belongs here as well.

    They are also very capable of sharing the information they think is pertinent to the discussions we are having on these boards. If they thought it important enough, they would have put your name, except you don't have one, on the suggestions for people to interview.

    You want to speculate? Ok.
    If “they” did not share “this information” it could’ve been for many reasons and not just one. Yes, one of them could be that they did come across Thuban material before and considered it not important, but also it could’ve been because “they” never heard it before. As you for example. I know my name is not on the suggestions for people to interview. Imo, Abraxas is the one who should be interviewed…if he accepts or not is up to him.

    You have come to the right place. We all like doing that here

    I have not “come” here. Camelot to me is just one of the many platforms I’ve been using (for a long time) as I stated before.

    Nooooooooooooo! I had plenty more questions and would have had no hesitation in asking. I'd only got as far as the first diagram!

    My suggestion (to all) is…if you have questions...ask them. And I don’t mean to me…you could, but I may or may not choose to answer…. What I mean is, just ask them out. Put your questions out there…not only online, but to the people around you… everywhere….but not before asking yourself first. It is also a good idea to choose your questions carefully and to know how to properly formulate them.

    The first diagram. The black hole in the center of the planet is FALSE. It cannot exist until all of earth has been squashed within the Schwarzschild Radius - Seeing as it is your Abraxas' statement that linked the black hole to the Schwarzschild radius, he and you should at least know that.
    Abraxas (so not Arachne and not Phoenix then?) also included the energy field which cannot be included in the Schwarzschild Radius - so that's another FALSE statement –

    The black hole at the core of Gaia is higher D but obvious in the Newtonian and Einstein formulation. In other words you don’t understand the science at all. The black hole is 4th dimensional, not 3-D, you are confused because you don’t read carefully and perhaps lack the science background to even question the veracity of what he is talking about.

    the word crossinduce, so liberally sprinkled into the text I was thinking of swapping it with 'mirage' to see if it made more sense, is a word that does not exist. So I presume from that, that every part which talks of CROSSINDUCING is FALSE.

    So if a word does not exist “in your world” you automatically presume that everything associated with not only that word, but its content, the form of delivery and the messenger…all is false?
    Ok. If that is the way your “reasoning” works then …………

    I'm still on the first diagram here, and that one word. So you see, I had plenty more to explore and I'm sure I would have found plenty more holes in his exposition.

    Why automatically presume that “the holes” are in the other person and never even consider that “the holes” are in you and your own perception…this is an ego problem.

    I will explore. I don't promise to believe a word of it.

    I never asked for any promise…and I don’t “believe” in beliefs.

    Especially as your Abraxas is so wrong about the Schwarzschild radius and how it works.

    He is not “MY Abraxas.” The “belief” of possession is a hindrance to human understanding and spiritual evolution. And about the science…believe what you will.

    If you had spent more time exploring this forum before posting, you would also know we are all aware of stargates,

    I “explore” this forum as much as I deem necessary. And no, I don’t HAVE to do so before posting.

    I am sorry if I sound harsh or “too radical” or whatever when I say the following, but I will express my mind and will try to do so as softly as I can:

    I really don’t like talking to someone who always talks saying “we”. This to me is a clear sign of what I call “group mentality” and I sincerely dislike it. Especially when making statements about general points of view or talking about opinions. For example: Above Siriusblue said “all”…so I ask: Who is this “all” exactly? All registered members? All posters?...because some registered members never post. All including the lurkers/guests? The friends you’ve made so far within the registered members?
    You cannot say “all” are aware of Stargates because that is simply not true.

    I know why many talk this way. I know the reason. I know why humans have the need to belong to a group or a community and this way of thinking is deeply ingrained in their minds. So much so, that they “see” it everywhere (in the case of Thuban), project it everywhere and they talk about it unconsciously.

    Unfortunately, this appears to be the norm as far as forums go nowadays…and so, the founders, mods and posters alike may contribute to this “our forum” mentality if not careful, making the decision more difficult for someone who does not think this way… to post here.

    If that someone has something magnificent to share…. then no one benefits and everyone loses. I am sure Kerry would agree with me when I say that forums like Project Camelot have to “be” in benefit of ALL, including the people who read and never bring themselves to make their first post because the environment feels like it is an "exclusive club". Just read this comment made earlier by Arctourist:

    so you don't like them,so i guess we're gonna be an exclusive club after all huh?

    Arctourist is right in his intuition.

    we know there are more than one on this planet and they are not in the core! There may be one in the core, but it wouldn't serve much purpose would it seeing as it could not be used to travel or communicate information unless specifically for whatever creatures can only live in the environment that exists in the core, and that is not the same as the environment on the crust... obviously.

    It is. It is “used to travel and communicate information” as you say, and it is not specifically for inner earth people (whatever creatures lol) that inhabit this planet in higher D.

    when wanting to share information, it is best to stick to words people know and understand so that everyone is on the same footing.

    I’ve come to realize that what you suggest here only works on certain instances and it also depends on the type of information it is. It is my opinion that ALL information should be openly shared, in fact right now it is, as all on Gaia are right now experiencing the time of the Apocalypse.

    “Some data” however, cannot be forced upon as it needs to be reached for and attained by one’s own efforts. It cannot be explained to anyone else. However, once it is reached, it becomes the person and the person becomes it. If one ask someone that has reached understanding to explain it to me, to explain what or why or how…most likely they can’t. And even if they do, it may not be fitted to me for it will have their own point of perception in it. They can only give clues and guidance…but they cannot “do it” for me.

    If you think 'it' means 'being altered', then maybe you could suggest to Abraxas he use that term instead.

    I won’t because I agree with his usage of this word, however, when I am in disagreement and I feel it is appropriate to state it and desire an answer, I always let him know.

    A matrix, a maze, a web... web is usually followed by the words 'of lies' or 'of deceipt'.

    So? Sometimes it is used that way yes. But a web is a web is a web… words have many meanings but they are important because they carry content…energy. The energy you give them and the energy in which you perceive them ultimately determines the meaning. If you want to see
    “a web of deceit” everywhere… that is what you’ll get.

    The mish-mash is your Abraxas' own creation. Selectively answering on key words he's pasted into your out-of-date computer program. I particularly enjoyed it when your machine picked up on 'milk' in unplugged's answer. That was really bizarre.

    There is no computer program… that is utterly ridiculous.

    It's nice talking to a person Sui, and one who has the guts to stand up for the Abrasax-Arachne-Phoenix trio.

    There is no trio. I hope that at least by now, you have the Phoenix/Abraxas thing sort out.

    Tell me more about your Queen of Dragons status, I am curious.

    I am Xeia, DragonQueen of the realms… among other names I bestow on myself.

    I guess I could explain to you what that means, but this is a public forum and I feel my persona as well as my particulars is not really important for “the whole world” to know. Still, I do talk about myself…with who I consider my close friends…If they ask me with purity in their hearts and with the right intention… I do open up to them and tell them everything I know and everything about me.

    In the overall scheme of things, the only really important thing to know is who you are yourself. What others think of you and what you think of others is irrelevant.

    With Love and In Love,

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.31977.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28775 7 hours, 17 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:
    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.

    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.

    I have reviewed your guidelines...but I must have missed it.

    Would you please paste here the excerpt where it states 1 user 1 account?

    Thank you very much,

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28784 6 hours, 32 minutes ago - March 112th, 2012
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    Stargazer wrote:
    2 people were logging into the same account in 2 different countries and posting at the same time.

    This is against Camelot's policy of 1 user ...1 account.

    I have reviewed your guidelines...but I must have missed it.

    Would you please paste here the excerpt where it states 1 user 1 account?

    Thank you very much,

    Sui 161471.

    Sui...u r focusing on the negatives...

    U missed the part where it could be worked out

    Please don't use MOD and Police in the same sentence.....that's not who we are....Peace SG
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28807 5 hours, 16 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    unplugged wrote:
    Btw...the milk and cookies...was...if i am not mistaken....the answer to unplugged's sarcasm (giving him "milk" from the bible, since the "meat" might be too much for the standards)

    Sarcasm was not even a thought in my mind. Please re-read. Thank you.

    This was shaping into a really great thread until it was imploded. What a pity. Arachne / Phoenix, it was obvious from your first post that there was more than one individual associated with the account. You answered with different signatures, as was appropriate. You elevated discourse and provided much food for thought.

    I regret your banishment. I found you to be uniformly polite and agreeable in your answers to me and your willingness to research and reply with USEFUL posts is/was appreciated. I never doubted my ability to decide for myself what was relevant. That power was removed from me in a moment when you were banned.

    well what i mean is-what she said-pretty much
    so i think everyone should just kinda start over-let's introduce ourselves again-
    hey how's the weather-how many people here are in florida,for instance? it's snowy'n'slushy tonight in michigan-who's in michigan? i bet we got people here from everywhere-who's here,right?

    Last Edit: 5 hours, 1 minute ago by arctourist. Reason: spellcheck-oops,forgot to attach what i was responding to,the one that said,'hey why keep re=posting that same post' or whatever....anyway! what else,what else happened,right?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28814 4 hours, 51 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    i mean,can you maybe come back,under a different name,names aren't so important
    i always thought sting was a cool name
    until there was this wrestler with that name i think
    and then i was like oh no way right?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.31977.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28817 4 hours, 35 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    well what i mean is-what she said-pretty much
    so i think everyone should just kinda start over-let's introduce ourselves again-
    hey how's the weather-how many people here are in florida,for instance? it's snowy'n'slushy tonight in michigan-who's in michigan? i bet we got people here from everywhere-who's here,right?

    hehe... i see what you're saying arctourist, but don't you think that this type of exchange...chit chat is better fitted for like... say....a Skype chat?

    arctourist wrote:
    i mean,can you maybe come back,under a different name,names aren't so important
    i always thought sting was a cool name
    until there was this wrestler with that name i think
    and then i was like oh no way right?

    LOL you're funny!

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28820 4 hours, 17 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    everytime i stop into the chatroom there's never anyone there
    i still try-
    maybe we'll meet there sometime-
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.31977.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28822 3 hours, 59 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    everytime i stop into the chatroom there's never anyone there
    i still try-
    maybe we'll meet there sometime-
    I created a Skype chat room for The Mists of Avalon Forum not too long ago. Perhaps it would be a good idea to create one for Project Camelot as well. The creator, whoever decides to do it, would have to make a post here in this forum giving their Skype name and he or she will have to add the members as they come... just a suggestion.

    Arctourist, I personally do not like to chat anywhere else other than in Skype, so you can add me if you want.


    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris-.31977.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 4

    #28825 3 hours, 34 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:
    Sui...u r focusing on the negatives...

    U missed the part where it could be worked out

    Please don't use MOD and Police in the same sentence.....that's not who we are....Peace SG

    Actions speak louder than words Stargazer.

    Sure I’ll stop utilizing them in the same sentence when the mods here stop policing. However, isn't this something a policeman would say as soon as you roll down your window and right before he issues you a traffic ticket?:
    "I've just been waiting to catch you both in the act and now I caught you both."
    Even if he doesn't say it...he sure is thinking it...while laughing inside giving you a semi-smile...

    Which brings me to this:

    Sure we have mods, but mostly they just move threads to it's correct categories and stuff like that, we hardly have to tell someone off or ban anyone.

    And we are all in for second chances and warnings if someone crosses the line, and if anyone get's banned (I can count all bans on one hand) it is only for 30 days, and sometimes not even that long, we are always up for a private discussion to sort things out if anyone wants to.

    Just Tommy's piece of mind on things

    This is an excerpt of a post you'll find here:

    I'll hold you to your word I expect you to un-ban my friends on April 9th 2011...the latest.

    Even if they don't ever come back to post here...they should be unbanned on principle.
    The number 9 means completion...and it would be more than appropriate that their more than unjust ban be complete by then.

    Especially since they were not given any prior warning of their possible ban, or were ever offered the possibility of a private discussion to "sort things out".

    See, I never focus on negatives Stargazer. I look at the positive side of everything…and I’ve gone into great debates assuring that absolutely everything has one. But that is another issue.

    Let’s refocus now, and see the possibilities….

    There’s still a chance for redemption for your “mod group” for if you do the right thing and stick to transparency, you will be no longer... "the Mod Police."

    Now that's what i call positive thinking.

    With anticipation,

    Sui 161471.
    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28826 3 hours, 4 minutes ago - March 12tyh, 2011
    Dammit! Every time my sense of humor pops out, it is so baaad that I have to keep it to myself!!!

    Unfortunately sometimes a point by point is necessary to get off the easy 'spin' factor and to the truth so people can move forward. The fact I don't have time for a pissing contest to keep things straight when someone does not like what I say is why I almost did not join. I have confidence in the Admin's abillity to remain of sound rational discernment.

    I have seen some things over the last while (not from Admin) that made me think of rent a cops or unarmed security guards... or even the TSA Pat down...

    Disagree fine, but why the need for condescension? You cannot learn being that way. And EVERYONE has still got learning to do.

    I think of the big guys as the "Super Troopers" of the bunch, personally... (Troopers have the 'power' the others wish they had out on the streets.) And they look Hot in the Super Trooper Uniform with the badge and big guns... TEE HEE. lmao

    You have to have some sort of structure, and this is proven on every forum that is not a one mind personality cult forum. (terms used very loosely but I think you know what I mean) People can just not get along with others for long if they do not agree with every single idea. They resort to name calling and insults. Sad really.

    I thought the whole point of anarchy was to have no rules??? Maybe I better wiki it, Lol.

    Can't we all just get along???
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28828 13 hours, 19 minutes ago - March 12th, 2011
    yes we can
    yes we can
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    • Posts: 985

    #28878 2 hours, 45 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    I suppose I should address some issues here.

    The question of policing - in a sense, yes, that's exactly what we do. We have set forth policy here and we need to ensure the boards operate inside the confines of that policy. The combined implementation of those policies allow for the greatest, responsible, freedom of expression for the members in an atmosphere of trust and safety.

    I doubt very much you'll see a lot of the policy written down in some "rule book." The important ones are because they are directed at the members who wish to share what they have and read what others have to say. Policies that specifically aimed at preventing troll behavior, need not be included because a troll will never abide by them in the first place. Sharing accounts and playing tag team posting is troll behavior - only trolls engage in that sort of thing and not the regular members.

    Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about, you already have another forum to post on. It's not like you're forced to stay here. Hell, I even supplied a link to it for members who may be interested in pursuing your stuff.

    Tommy was right, your two friends are the third and the forth that we have banned - incidentally, that's 4 total. Also, I'd like to point out that he wrote that piece months ago, when none of this was happening. So now you use it by throwing it in his face to get what you want - sure shows a lot of respect towards Tommy. Nice way to treat someone who freely gave so much of himself so that the PC project would be a successful one.

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to create one for Project Camelot as well. The creator, whoever decides to do it, would have to make a post here in this forum giving their Skype name and he or she will have to add the members as they come... just a suggestion.

    Sounds suspiciously like suggesting policy. Also included is a suggested method for policing a policy.

    I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    The following user(s) said Thank You: TraLaLa, SpaceCowboy
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #28883 2 hours, 8 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Stargazer wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    I think Chakra is on to something here. Off Topic Off, seems like an excellent idea. You can always branch out after that to Off Off Topic.

    Also, GT_Big Hair is excellent at translating these long giberish posts in five sentences or less. She kindly did this for me on another thread for free. However, I think on my next request she might charge me. I think you get one free and after that you have to pay.

    Dude...GT is a guy....

    LOL! I have no idea who is man, woman, alien or cartoon on this site. I'm obviously a cartoon. I apologize to GT if I offended her.....HIM....HIM.

    As to moderating an Off Topic Off / Off Off Topic is really off topic and should not be allowed to be discussed in this secret of the ET life thread and I refuse to discuss that issue on this thread. If however there is an"Off Topic Off / Off Off Topic thread started I'd be happy to take up the discussion in that thread as long as we stay off topic.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Rok
    • rok.
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    #28909 1 minute ago - March 13th, 2011
    Steve, it could be you should be writing political speeches. Your first paragraph is something like this: "this place has been, for as long as i remember, our protector, our home, our companion and our friend. However as relationships grow they also change...etc"

    You seem to have your own private rules, changeable by impulse - your impulse. Does it make you feel like a better person, doing something for the good of the community......or do you just get off on it?

    The fuss is about you Steve and how you are ruining what has left of what was once a "dream team"...lost in whispers soon after it showed potential... You excuse yourself over the "community". Do not hide behind backs.

    PC project HAD a chance to be successful but it got screwed over (by "ego" here with you and the mod squad) long before it became "apparent". I even used to be a donor...not any more... Just look at Billy...a sell out...but not the topic here...

    It would seem none of the representatives of this forum are willing to reply to anything that shows a bit of rational thinking...or is it just that...if you can not twist it in your simply ignore it? Pretending it is not there will not make it go away.

    But hey...since the problem was never in content (right?) i are perfectly ok with information sharing (correct?) you would not mind if the information would continue to be just one "individual" under each user name, yes?
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Steve
    • steve.
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    #28913 19 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Let me repeat myself:

    "I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes."

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Fohat
    • fohat-.31815.
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    • Posts: 77

    #28915 11 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    wow an outright attack of character. this has nothing to do with the validity of the material. This now just seems like a bunch of predators who have noticed what they see as a weakness and are now in the process of exploiting. Regardless of what the material was, this now doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. People were banned, simple as that.

    To assume that all persons involved in this forum are infallible is nonsense, we all can get emotional at times and react accordingly. But throwing insults around like monkeys throwing dung at each other is not going to get anyone anywhere. Insinuating what a person has meant will get us no where. I ask that the peoples involved in this matter act with rational thought and not lower base emotions.

    Treat others as you would want to be treated, realize emotions are a factor in what is stated, forgive what may be considered an insult or ignorance and look for an understanding. Act responsibly, and for all those moderators in this forum who are aware of trolls and whatever others out there, always keep in mind that the whole purpose is to destroy you. It is your responsibility not to take the bait, it is all of our responsibilities to aid each other in all times, not just bad.

    The moderators have pretty much acted accordingly on this issue in my own opinion, and I am shocked that this thread is even still going, but then that whole freedom of speech and a right to speak popped into my head and was like dang, how do you deal with people who's sole purpose is to destroy this forum? They can just throw that free speech thing in your faces with a grin on theirs like haha sucker I got this...Where and when do the brakes kick in?

    Just some more rambling from a fellow arm chair researcher. Don't mind me.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Rok
    • rok.
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    #28917 2 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Yes Fohat, spoken like a true light warrior, it should all be swept under the rug. Let past be past and let us all embrace the now, for it is the now that is us and it us that is the future.

    Let us not linger upon trivialities. Shine the light upon what was to embrace the new.

    As we forgive we release ourselves to positive energies and freedom of mind.

    Character assassination of Arachne should be let go along with mods patting each other on the back while doing it.

    As there are those here that would dare to subdue us in their most cunning ways, it is to the benefit of us all, to simply ignore such pathetic attempts and use our vigor to strengthen the resolve.

    While some things might be shocking it is our duty and responsibility to hold light in our hearts during the times of troubles...for at times like this no voice is heard...but the one of ignorance.
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962--31971-.32011.
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    #28918 5 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Fohat wrote:
    wow an outright attack of character. this has nothing to do with the validity of the material. This now just seems like a bunch of predators who have noticed what they see as a weakness and are now in the process of exploiting. Regardless of what the material was, this now doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. People were banned, simple as that.

    To assume that all persons involved in this forum are infallible is nonsense, we all can get emotional at times and react accordingly. But throwing insults around like monkeys throwing dung at each other is not going to get anyone anywhere. Insinuating what a person has meant will get us no where. I ask that the peoples involved in this matter act with rational thought and not lower base emotions.

    Treat others as you would want to be treated, realize emotions are a factor in what is stated, forgive what may be considered an insult or ignorance and look for an understanding. Act responsibly, and for all those moderators in this forum who are aware of trolls and whatever others out there, always keep in mind that the whole purpose is to destroy you. It is your responsibility not to take the bait, it is all of our responsibilities to aid each other in all times, not just bad.

    The moderators have pretty much acted accordingly on this issue in my own opinion, and I am shocked that this thread is even still going, but then that whole freedom of speech and a right to speak popped into my head and was like dang, how do you deal with people who's sole purpose is to destroy this forum? They can just throw that free speech thing in your faces with a grin on theirs like haha sucker I got this...Where and when do the brakes kick in?

    Just some more rambling from a fellow arm chair researcher. Don't mind me.

    Some people just need more therapy than others - some people need to stay on their med's a little longer, some people need to just get over themselves. Some people never learnt how to play nice and that there could possibly ever be those in the world that don't think 'they' walk on water.

    Thanks for your support - it is refreshing to know there are still those that have your back - instead of trying to stick a knife in it.

    Steve's ethics are what has kept this forum from turning into a back room brawl, many many times. He has more class in his little finger, than a majority of the twits that come on this forum and dis the forum or him, than they will ever have in their entire life.

    Look at the Avatars they always use - good god - constantly trying to overcompensate for a deflating .... ego. Bullies that is all they are, passive-aggressive, manipulative, egotistical bullies.
    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Knowrainknowrainbows!
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Chakra
    • chakra3--31962--31971-.32011.
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    • I am way more spiritually intuned to Triple Coconut Cream Pie too!
    • Posts: 1450
    28919 2 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011 Rok wrote: Yes Fohat, spoken like a true light warrior, it should all be swept under the rug. Let past be past and let us all embrace the now, for it is the now that is us and it us that is the future. -------------------------- Character assassination of Arachne should be let go along with mods patting each other on the back while doing it. "Bullies - passive-aggressive*, manipulative, egotistical bullies." That is me - repeating myself. I can go over all the mod threads on the subject - and not a whole lot there at all. You'd have to actually care really to comment on it. I am only commenting because YOU chose to PERSONALLY ATTACK Steve. Incredibly lame and manipulative attempt - a bait - to get Steve or one of us - to loose it. I think that can also be considered a form of Witchcraft. Dark side stuff and not at all very enlightened of you. Also - doesn't One to actually have 'character' first? It's rather impossible to assassinate something that is an illusion, imaginary or non-existent. *The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, pp. 634-635), for research purposes, describes Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder as a pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
    • passively resists fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks;
    • complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others;
    • is sullen and argumentative;
    • unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority;
    • expresses envy and resentment toward those apparently more fortunate;[li]voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune; [/li]
    • alternates between hostile defiance and contrition.

    This link also includes some incites that reflect other interesting traits that might be useful....

    "Low Agreeableness
    Cynicism and paranoid thinking; inability to trust even friends or family; quarrelsomeness; too ready to pick fights; exploitive and manipulative; lying; rude and inconsiderate manner alienates friends, limits social support; lack of respect for social conventions can lead to troubles with the law; inflated and grandiose sense of self; arrogance."

    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Lita
    • lita.
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    #28925 6 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Rok wrote:
    Yes Fohat, spoken like a true light warrior, it should all be swept under the rug. Let past be past and let us all embrace the now, for it is the now that is us and it us that is the future.

    Let us not linger upon trivialities. Shine the light upon what was to embrace the new.

    As we forgive we release ourselves to positive energies and freedom of mind.

    Character assassination of Arachne should be let go along with mods patting each other on the back while doing it.

    As there are those here that would dare to subdue us in their most cunning ways, it is to the benefit of us all, to simply ignore such pathetic attempts and use our vigor to strengthen the resolve.

    While some things might be shocking it is our duty and responsibility to hold light in our hearts during the times of troubles...for at times like this no voice is heard...but the one of ignorance.

    Steve is right, troll behavior ... character assignation of the starter of this thread..what have you and your friends done here..

    You have used the freedom of speech mode here, Steve and the rest of us are keeping this forum for members without an agenda .. I don't see why you just don't use the forum where this material is and discuss it there...

    Chakra is right, Steve has more class then any of you...
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • Fohat
    • fohat-.31815.
    • Established Poster
    • Posts: 77

    #28931 44 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    I see now, and yet I have always seen and even partaken in this whole wishful thinking phenomenon. Two moderators have now dissected what Rok has said and the whole comments about being a light warrior, then suddenly getting back to throwing insinuations and insults completely threw me. A troll is a troll is a troll, dang. I do not even see a point to this thread, the people were banned the topic is dead. Close this thread if you know as well as any of us that these people are trolls and be done with it.

    I keep logging on and seeing this topic and get distracted, then the inside battle begins, say something to bring to light what is going on or ignore it and avoid the drama. The chance to speak has occurred, the peoples involved with the Thuban material have spoken. They have their own forum, not everybody agrees on this or that and that is the exact reason different forums exist for different subject matter, if the material and the people here are not in agreement with the thuban material, grow up stop crying and move on. Nothing more needs to be said, stop wasting peoples time.

    The following user(s) said Thank You: Chakra
    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life
    • siriusblue
    • sirius3.
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    #28940 10 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    It's a really poor version of Jesuit trained argument. Takes the points made by others, twist them round and throw them back. Really not well done though. I suppose it works better in verbal rather than written argument. These people can't even learn from their mistakes. Too full of their own arrogance to see that they have lost.

    I've been laughing at the David Icke thread on this:

    Arachne and crew: Please stop. You are making absolute fools of yourselves and everyone with an iota of discernment can see it.
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. " Martin Luther King.
    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011

    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 12th 2011

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • SuiGeneris
    • suigeneris.
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    • Xeia Dragon Queen
    • Posts: 10

    #28979 11 hours, 37 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    The question of policing - in a sense, yes, that's exactly what we do. We have set forth policy here and we need to ensure the boards operate inside the confines of that policy. The combined implementation of those policies allow for the greatest, responsible, freedom of expression for the members in an atmosphere of trust and safety.

    Stargazer said to me you guys were not Police, but I already knew you were the Modsquad Police.

    You simply had no other choice but to admit it:

    I KNOW you don't give a DAMN what i think i'm entitled to, but the point here is you banned Phoenix and Arachne with the “troll behavior” excuse but they are not trolls. In your view they were not only “guilty until proven innocent”…but guilty period. With no chance to prove their innocence because “you have spoken” and everyone else should just accept it and be quiet.
    Phoenix and Arachne were also members, and wished to remain here posting in an atmosphere of trust and safety, but it was the Modsquad Police who came running to this thread with hostility from the start.

    I doubt very much you'll see a lot of the policy written down in some "rule book."

    In other words, there is no actual rule that states 1 user 1 account written anywhere here. This means that technically they did not break any rule. They were “ignorant of the law”. But just as it is in this twisted society, that does not matter…it does not give them sanctuary does it? The establishment is very rigid and makes up laws and enforces them indiscriminately in order to maintain the status quo of ignorance.
    How is a member to know they are breaking the “Law” if it is not clearly written anywhere? You are simply making these rules as you go along and applying them at your whim.

    The important ones are because they are directed at the members who wish to share what they have and read what others have to say.

    So now you are dividing the rules into 2 categories? Important ones and non-important ones? How is a member to know which ones are the important ones and which ones are not? Who gets to decide this? You?

    Policies that specifically aimed at preventing troll behavior, need not be included because a troll will never abide by them in the first place. Sharing accounts and playing tag team posting is troll behavior - only trolls engage in that sort of thing and not the regular members.

    You and your "Policies"... “Troll” has become to you, a convenient term you use much like the term “terrorist” or “enemy combatant” was used in the disgusting Bush administration. Everybody you don’t like automatically becomes one and gets sent to Guantanamo. You did not like Phoenix and Arachne from the start, you said it yourself: “You’ve been waiting to catch them both in the act” and so you threw that label at them and banned them before they could even respond to a question you yourself asked them a few minutes prior.

    Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about, you already have another forum to post on. It's not like you're forced to stay here. Hell, I even supplied a link to it for members who may be interested in pursuing your stuff.

    Of course you don’t want any “fuss”. This is why you moved this thread twice already in hopes to bury it so no one will see who you really are and how you run this place. Why hide? I thought Project Camelot was all for transparency but your actions show otherwise. In your eyes there shouldn’t be any “fuss”…there shouldn’t be any complaints, any logic, any reason, anything at all that would question your authority and use of POWER. No openness, no dialog…nothing!

    The entire ModSquad ganged up here to attack and this intimidated all the other posters from saying anything and speaking their mind. And this is just among registered many lurkers do you think are out there shaking their heads in disbelief?

    One of the mods told me I missed the part where it could be worked out…where is it? How exactly will this be accomplished? How if there is no chance for dialog?

    And I would like OPEN dialog done in public here on this thread. Nothing hidden. Nothing behind the scenes.

    You telling me I’m not “forced” to post here….of course I can see you wish me to disappear. The issue is not where I post or not. I am not the problem here. I am just a member stating my opinion if anything, but of course you would love to see me “thrown in Guantanamo” also. You supplied a link? This is not about supplying links…this is about banning 2 people who would otherwise continue to supply information, some here other than you and your Modsquad Police team, find interesting.

    What about their rights to discuss this material and ask questions?

    Tommy was right, your two friends are the third and the forth that we have banned - incidentally, that's 4 total. Also, I'd like to point out that he wrote that piece months ago, when none of this was happening. So now you use it by throwing it in his face to get what you want - sure shows a lot of respect towards Tommy. Nice way to treat someone who freely gave so much of himself so that the PC project would be a successful one.

    Of course he is right, I never doubted Tommy. But now you’re saying what he said is not important or does not apply or it’s not relevant anymore only because it was written some months ago?
    What a sorry excuse! And I NEVER disrespected Tommy.

    If anything it is YOU who is doing just that by not giving any validity to his words.

    I am not throwing anything in his face. I am only giving credence to what he said because I KNOW he is trustworthy, and I brought it to light because it was timely and appropriate in order to finally resolve this situation.
    You and your Modsquad Police force will be the ones who will ultimately end up destroying everything Tommy spent so much of himself building. This “Project” will only be “successful” in your eyes…much like Bush said the War in Iraq was “successful.”

    Perhaps it would be a good idea to create one for Project Camelot as well. The creator, whoever decides to do it, would have to make a post here in this forum giving their Skype name and he or she will have to add the members as they come... just a suggestion.
    Sounds suspiciously like suggesting policy. Also included is a suggested method for policing a policy.

    Since you are a Policeman, you see everything as such. This was merely a suggestion since one of the members here said the Camelot Chat was always empty. I only wanted to help, and I was NOT going to be the one creating it, but now I see that even in that, you see a method of CONTROL. Much like Richard and Celine owning the Avalon chat…. Pathetic!

    I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes.

    You don’t do it because you know you can’t. You have found yourself in a position of some “power” and has already gotten to your head with your “holier than thou” attitude that only tries to hide your ineptitude in dealing with real issues someone with a shred of common sense and some dignity would have no problem addressing. Instead you chose to HIDE behind the skirts of your female Mods here who only attack with insults and nails and have no logic whatsoever.

    My tastes or me finding another forum is not what's important. You are trying to divert the issue here...again. To be honest I always liked Camelot..I always liked Kerry...all I'm trying to do here is to give you a chance to do things right.

    Go ahead and address the "issues". Do as one of the Mods (Stargazer) suggested and try to resolve this. Can you bring yourself to do that?

    Would you give Phoenix and Arachne a "fair trial" and give them the opportunity to SHOW everyone here they were never "trolls" like you called them?

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    The above quote is exactly what I say to the people who think being indifferent or "comfortably numb" to what Steve did would somehow "make it all better".

    "Because of a great love, one is courageous" Lao Tzu

    The following user(s) said Thank You: unplugged

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Steve
    • 32138-f27560809905edd4ac7eec255cca9189.
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    #28985 11 hours, 8 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Got some new reading material for you:

    Again, I repeat:

    I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes.

    Some may find the contents here good reading:

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Chakra
    • chakra.
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    #29005 9 hours, 23 minutes ago - March 13th, 2011
    Steve wrote:
    Got some new reading material for you:
    Again, I repeat:

    I'm not wasting a lot of time replying to each of your presented points. Suffice it to say that if you have such a problem with Camelot Forum and the way it's run, maybe you can find some other forum to join that is more conducive to your tastes. Steve

    baddd baddd Steve sooo badddd

    CRV Vancouver Facebook Controlled Remote Viewing Class - Basic Level

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. -Plato

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Rok
    • rok-.32115.
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    #29014 8 hours, 7 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    Hey Chakra i have some "familiarity" with the department of psychology here (work connections) which gives me a an insight into their mind when they are off camera or not in the class room teaching or handling seminars etc...

    There are some differences (from minor ones to gigantic ones) among those that do not just teach theory but also have regular practical experiences...meaning...working at hospitals, mental institutions, having patients in private practice... I am now speaking of least...that is how they call themselves....and not of some self proclaimed experts.

    It showed that in most is them that need a lot of the help. Most of them simply wanting to understand themselves, some in more others in less desperate way...or just excusing themselves and the way they are or can be via some text book definition.

    Yet those who are more than just theory are in most cases more grounded than just theoreticians. Both have this "twisted" way of looking at the human like a mechanic looks at the machine of the car. Screw here, oil there....runes better already.

    For them everything has an explanation...if there is none...they make one the names for various mental disorders...and drugs to go along with them... Yet none can measure them, none can look at them under the microscope, none is able to provide a "proof" (no scientific your web site)...all they have is statistics and their own self importance. They love their statistics and various rather abstract "connotations" of the "state of mind" and other general events.

    I saw your website Chakra. I believe it is to be this one - and to be scare me (in a bad way). No it is not the "love and light" it is that other know...what you fear most....

    Have you ever tried to compartmentalize yourself into some psyche text book definition? Since you do seem to feel more secure when you do or pro establishment...or is that just when it fits the cause?

    It is also a sad sight to see a moderator as close minded as you. No wonder...

    But it is only natural you seek support when you yourself fail in arguments...than again...have you even ever had any?

    The area of psychology and how they teach and apply it...medicate it...handle it - direct anything but what you might imagine. Suffice to is not here for your benefit. You clinging to some definitions shows how blind you are...for you do not see what they stand for. (law and order in short...and you do know who that is don't you?.. or not...) Quoting things from American Psychiatric Association...tell in a world are you suppose to fit to be a moderator here...or Lita... I think that even Siriusblue could do a better job (yes i too never thought i ll be saying that...)

    When you make a decision...when you read or see or hear, smell something...and you get an impression of it....what ALL contributes to that? What all is a factor in that little mind of yours that makes you decide in this or that way....and what all contributes to how something makes you feel or think? And how that than is explained...via official keep to society stable....with the preventive measures...of "helping" the society to get it "the right way"...some call it conditioning.

    And Lita...lost in the wilderness....but it is nice to see you offer support to "cause"....blind as it can be...still it is a cause...too bad your play is more than fact all of you are all who read this....

    Fohat two moderators have dissected what? Their own insecurities and fears? Since there was nothing else in there but that. And don't even get what is right in front of post that is.... Poor you Fohat getting distracted over this thread and all the inside battles you have there...i am sure i am to blame for this correct? In fact...i am sure it is always others to be blamed when you have a problem. And when they do not oblige...Fohat gets upset....better just trash everything to keep things nice and calm?

    Everything is in order, please hurry up to your next shopping experience.

    And yes everyone with "iota discernment can see it" that exactly is the point of this thread (since after the banning)

    And i believe it has been shown quite nicely so i will take my leave, unless anyone has a question or something.

    Keep thinking "happy thoughts" Peter Pan.... and you will fly.... For all your demons are true (in hyperspace) and of your own making! and all are about to come to "life" if you will give them power to do so


    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita-.32125.
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    #29031 5 hours, 33 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    Rok, this is a warning, the members here will be treated with respect, in your last post you were disrespectful to a member. by what you said to Fohat. do not do this again.

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Fohat
    • fohat--31815-.32137.
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    #29038 5 hours, 14 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    It is what it is. At this point I will just agree to disagree. You assumed and insinuated that I blame you or anyone, I blame myself for having a limited understanding and even a limited way of expressing what I mean. I have lots to learn. Outright I think you and others in this thread are trolls, I do not agree with the Thuban material. If I am wrong so be it.

    If anything comes from this, I think it has do with looking at ourselves and seeing if everything is in order or not. Fact is truth hurts. I accept that and have learned a lot, but I still know nothing. Continue to do what you feel is right, and so will I.

    Re: Healing request~Lita

    • Lita
    • lita-.32125.
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    #28430 3 days, 22 hours ago - March 11th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    hey lita-i hope you're feeling better

    looks like what the world needs more than anything,is bigtime healing energy-or better yet's so much easier to love people when you can't see them anymore isn't that a shame

    now that sounds like very caring from you but I doubt it is about me... miss your creeepy friends do you..referring to what you agreed with in another thread .... thank you for showing your true colors to me...don't bring it into this thread... take note...your not another 1 of their sleepers are U
    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    #29039 5 hours, 12 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job,once again,mod "squad" police

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Steve
    • 32138-f27560809905edd4ac7eec255cca9189.
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    #29041 5 hours, 7 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job,once again,mod "squad" police

    Arcturist - please explain yourself.

    “The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”

    Re: The Secret of the Extraterrestrial Life

    • Lita
    • lita-.32125.
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    #29043 5 hours, 27 minutes ago - March 14th, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    it doesn't matter where you go-moderators are the same everywhere as you can see....
    nice job,once again,mod "squad" police

    You think so arctourist... warning for you also about respect.. this has gone on long enough.

    Know that you are Love...Know that you are Loved & be at Peace on your journey

    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Open Letter to all Forum dwellers at the Avalons and Camelots and the Realms of the Planet Gaia Earth

    This is a once only message.
    You cannot ask questions or enquire further into this message as it represents a dispensation from the Creator of the Universe within the Omniverse of the Logos; the 'Word of God' and the 'Word of the Prophet' and the 'Word of the Sentience' not existing in the universes of space and time but in their encompassment.

    This message is sent from the nexus point of the Sendai earthquake, occurring on March 11th, 2011 at 05:46 UCT/GMT to finish the 'Mystery about God' and in the symbol of the seventh trumpet of the apocalypse or revelation.

    The word apocalypse means 'revealing the truth' and can, and often is accompanied by physical destruction. But whilst the physical destructions can be avoided the 'mental armageddons' and as the anagramed 'mental Dragon Mades' - cannot.
    So whenever the said 'mystery of god' will be finished - and it now is as the forerunner or shadow for things yet to come; then the 'wars of the minds' must begin and strive towards their conclusions and the completion of what you know and often respect and also dismiss as 'prophecy'.

    Because the 'Truth of God' as the 'Irresistible Force' is mirrored in the 'Lie of the Antigod' as the 'Immovable Object' and the only resolution of the paradox is for the Two to become as One, not in annihilation of one or the other, but in the hybridization of the 'good' and the 'evil' in the 'Words of Abraxas'.

    Abraxas is the disincarnated Logos of Creation and the 'Word of God' when no space or time and no matter and no universe or cosmology exist.
    Abraxas is the consciousness of the chaos formulating and structuring itself before any ideas of what is true and untrue or thoughts of contextual experiences like hot and cold or up and down and right and left are possible.

    Because Abraxas defined the Chaos of the Uncreated Creator; Abraxas itself is the Uncreated Creator.

    Then the Universe was born in its emergence from the then definable chaos and began its selfconstruction and self replication.

    All of you are self replicators; all of you are cosmic constructeurs and all of you are indeed of a divine lineage and your lineage, written in your own blood is that of Abraxas.

    Abraxas is in all of you and lives in your hearts and you call it many things; like Christ Consciousness or super consciousness or the 'divinity within'.

    Abraxas in its self remembrance as to the chaotic selfstate of existence before the universe was born, became incarnate in only one and only one entity in the universe. This incarnation became the 'Word of God' and assumed the form of the historical character many of you know as Jesus of Nazareth or the 'Prince of Peace' or as 'Emmanuel Melchizedek'.
    Therefore, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus allowed Abraxas to encompass the chaotic universe at that time in a new incarnational state.

    The 'Body of the Resurrection' infused and penetrated the universe as a seed for a yet more extensive omniverse consisting of multiverses as family of universes.
    Every one of you is such a seeded universe and your partnerships and relationships create the multiverses through and by your bodyforms or merkabahs.
    This is possible only if you find your freedom from the external worlds surrounding you; because you cannot escape from the wavebody form of the Resurrection of the incarnated Abraxas.

    You are trapped within the seedling universe, the protoverse and will remain imprisoned until you discover your own Abraxas within yourself and allow Abraxas to come out of your hearts and souls and minds.
    The one and only oppressor is your own mind and your own creativity in building and imagining in your own individuated 'Worlds of Thoughts' or memeplexes.
    Your own mind creates the scenarios of your beliefs and your dreams and your expectations.
    You find yourself in incarnation now, because of your understandings and the wisdoms you all possess when NOT in the incarnational state of your cosmic selfhoods.

    You agreed and have chosen to play the many roles and games you engage in in functions of your many friends and foes.
    Great actors and actresses you are, all of you - without exceptions and no matter the many masks and veils you have constructed around yourselves; your environments and around 'the others', including your best friends.
    You all know from that vantage point of the 'enlightenment' and the self-awareness of the waves of the oceans; that your incarnations as 'drops in the seas of yourselves as the ocean' will entail great encumbrances and hurdles to conquer and to master.
    And the greatest and most 'scary' hindrances is the individuality of your own human mind and not so much the physical encounters you experience.
    Because all of you know from the deepest recesses of your hearts, that all of you are emissiaries from the 'highest of the highest' and the divinity of the unity of all things found in creation.
    Those things are however not restricted to the physical and the material and this is what you are hiding from yourselves in your 'Quest for Reality'.
    Your great mission is that of bringing together that which was separated to create the physical universe in the duality of mind and body or the waveform and the particular bodyform.

    So to CONQUER this duality, which caused the maleness of creation as a Mindfulness to LOSE his own femaleness AS this creation in the Bodyness; you agreed to play the separation and duality game inside of the created bodyform called universe.
    And all of you know in the waveform of yourselves; that Gaia represents the focus point and the center for the quest to bring together the father Creator and the Mother Creation within and without yourselves.
    Because if any of you as disincarnate oceans of consciousness could also ABSORB and tame your own Individual Souvereignity; instead of insisting upon keeping it as your 'cosmic right and inheritance' - which it indeed is; then you could finally release the creator from his exile of having lost his beloved creation aka Mother Universe aka Mother Gaia.

    But to do so, to forfeit your own cosmic power; you would have to manifest a great adversary to represent the thing, the energy within your sovereignty; who could actually challenge you and as something you could FEAR.
    And so you did manufacture devils and demons and evil draconian Extraterrestrials to have something to 'war' against. Something worthy of your own gnosis and nous of male understanding and female wisdom or sophia of the worlds.
    But this message will allow you to REMEMBER who you truly are; all of you without exception, no matter the appearances.
    So the war of the Memes as the Thoughtforms all of you have created has begun with the fulfillment of prophecy.

    Your adversarial thoughtforms and creations are as old as when 'they' were created - they never die or disappear and so cannot be eliminated.
    However they can be absorbed and 'eaten' made your own with yourselves, any and every one of you your own master or mistress of the hells and the heavens.
    In the scriptural encodings this is described as the 'spiritual wickedness in high places' - the 'high places' being your own heads and minds and not some place 'out here'.

    So if you well and truly from your spiritual heart believe in the Reptilian overlords as the genetic manipulators and the oppressors of humanity; then they will indeed 'come and get you' as any such believer has cocreated them from the reptilian brainstem of their biophysical essence and construction.
    If so, then you might become aware of the following.
    There are presently 200 Million Extraterrestrial enties in orbit or proximity of this planet earth.
    This number is correlated to the inhabitants of Gaia, which will reach 7 billion in the year 2012.
    7.2 billion data collectors become 7,200,000,000=144,000x50,000 and so specifying 50,000 old humans ready for the hybridisation; each of whom will be able to assimilate 144,000 or 12x12,000 'aspects' within their own merkabah or body form.
    There are so at this time, 50,000 old humans upon Gaia, who will be able to resonate with the Extraterrestrial assimilation plan.

    The ETs are here to hybridise or dragonomize in an 'alchemical wedding' with all old humans, who are ready for their assimilations with the 'Dragons of Thuban' and where the name Thuban is a code and whilst historically associated with the polestar of the north 5000 years ago, represents actually a 12-dimensional hyperenergetic construct prepared for a total invasion and 'takeover' of this universal seedling with the planet Gaia earth the focus point for the 'New Cosmic sanctuary' or exemplar.
    This will allow 'Old Gaia' to ascend in Her homecoming as the 'Old Mother-Goddess of the Universe' back to the 'Old Father-God of the Universe' and to delegate Her old Goddesness or Dogness to her graduating daughters as 'New Eves'; who then metamorphose into daughtersons in the manifestations of their male shadows.
    The graduates will shed their Eves as rebirthing EveAdams from the female individuated merkabahs and the old male bodyforms will metamorpose into AdamEves.

    The code can be deciphered in the alphanumeric gematria: A=1; B=2; C=3;...;X=24;Y=25;Z=26 and in the alphanumerical anagrams: THUBAN=66=FREEDOM=ABRAXAS=THE AMEN=THE NAME=ANUBIS=WOMAN=...
    SENDAI= I SEND A ; meaning A=ALPHA=New Beginning.
    7,000 Men is code for 14,000 Elders in 12+12=24.
    1/10th of a Decad represents the New Identity being formed in the replacement of a 1st Identity and using 9 Principals or Cherubimic Kingdoms or Demonic Archons in mirror symmetry of 9 'Timelords'.

    Revelation 10.1-7; Revelation.11.13-19; Ephesians.6.:

    1And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:
    2And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth,
    3And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.
    4And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not.
    5And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
    6And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer:

    7But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
    13And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. .
    14The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
    And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
    16And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
    17Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
    18And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

    19And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
    10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
    11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
    14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
    15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

    I am Abraxas the Incarnate as One of Many through the Many in the One

    In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, I ask every one who becomes privy to this message to release the World Logos as the trapped christ consciousness deep within your own core of your cosmic beingness.
    Without releasing your Abraxas; you will remain imprisoned within your own corruptible bodyforms.
    Your Abraxas within is Jesus Christ the HeShe and your Abraxas without is Christ Jesus the SheHe.
    The former is your maleness shadowed in the feminine and the latter is your femaleness shadowed in your maleness.
    All of you are naturally bisexual Logos carriers and universe builders constructing new phaseshifted universes from the seedling protoverse.
    This solitary message from the exiles of the nospacetime is authorized by the incarnated Abraxas of the Resurrection who like a 'God Shepherd' encompasses all of your worlds in ITS waved bodyform.

    You cannot 'get out' of the universe you see and experience!
    Do you wish to 'get out'?
    If not, then your own potential as a self sovereign universe containing all the splendours of the imaginations and realities you can see and have encountered will remain a possibility and not a 'work in progress'.
    If yes, then ponder this message thoroughly to 'checkmate the devil' within your minds and to remember your own Abraxasness.
    So Be It!

    dated and signified as the End of the 'Mystery of God' on March 14th, 17:46 UCT/GMT

    Abraxas - Scribe of the Unicorns de Patmos de Eire of Green Dragons of Lovejoy Jerusalem
    A New World planned in a new cosmic legislature by the World Logos as Abraxas and lawfully executed by the World Logos as Abraxasina awaits the pioneers manifesting the Invasion and Domination of the Old World Self by a New World Self.
    Bringing Old Creator-Dad-I back together with Old Creation-Mum-Beast and graduating the Two of Them as One GrandparentHood no longer stuck without Cosmic Grandchildren in the Healing of the Infertility of the Cosmic Old Fathers and their Cosmic Old Mothers.
    Can the AdamEves and the EveAdams satisfy the wish of their Cosmic parents for grandchildren?
    You bet they can!
    It is done! Thank You Beloved Father of the Mind and Beloved Mother of the Body!

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.

    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand. They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.
    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"
    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every parent.

    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like:
    "Where did the sand come from kid?"
    "Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"

    If the kid could talk it would say:
    "It's just there! So I took it!"
    and that would be it. Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?
    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?

    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.
    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.
    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth. And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.

    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.

    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.
    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.

    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her business interstate and overseas.
    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.
    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it.

    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things. The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...

    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up; should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?
    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.

    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid.

    Emmanuel Melchizedek

    We Becoming - A Story of a Pearly Charm

    Once upon a time, I lived in the land of my father and my mother and my brother. Because I was so young and inexperienced, I had to go into a foreign land of great perils, dangers and temptations - to learn many things and also to help my parents.
    My dear father had lost a precious pearl there a long time ago, when he was visiting that foreign land to court and marry my mother. Yet my father knew that he would lose his most dearest treasure in meeting my mother.

    Alas, he was so lonely in his castle and he wanted children and no fair maiden could be found anywhere in his kingdom. So my dear father sacrificed his pearl for a family and sent his sons and daughters to retrieve it for him when the appropriate time had come.
    My dear brother, being next in rank, came into the perilous land to meet the serpent-king who had found my father's pearl and who guarded it very jealously. My brother was however the result of my father's loss and so after becoming our parent's pride and joy, he had to return to the kingdom without our father's precious pearl.

    Many years did pass , but when the time was right, our parents desired to regain their common treasure, the pearl my father had used to love my mother and to beget their firstborn son; and I was asked to go and see what I could do. Before I left the kingdom, my parents gave me a thing to take , nothing really, but yet a heavy burden because of its lightness; it was so light I could carry it all by myself.
    But my wonderfully fitting clothes I left behind, when I set out to search for my parent's lost treasure. And so I parted from my guides as soon as I had entered the perilous land of the dragon and proceeded to do the solitary work my parents had sent me to do.
    I was a stranger to all the people except one after my own kind, an inheritor of the ancient crafts and wisdom and a daughter of the kings and queens of old. Her I trusted and she and I agreed on taking care of each other in the dangers we would be facing from the many monsters and dwellers in the serpent's land.

    For that purpose I put on my unclean clothes, so as not to arouse suspicion towards myself. But they cunningly found out to themselves that I had come from a foreign land; they beguiled me and I forgot my work and my heart fell asleep as I served their dragon king.
    But the love of my parents and the memories of my past were written in my heart, so that I would not forget what I had come to do when I had left my king and queen. My parents got deeply concerned about my sleeping my time away and it was decreed, at the gates of our kingdom, that a message should be sent to me.

    The letter was signed by my father who wished for me to think of him, and by my mother who had waved me good-bye and had asked for my love; and by my brother who craved to help me in my work.
    The message I received came by way of an eagle, the emblem of my brother's testimony regarding the honour, the grace and the beauty of our mother. And just before my brother did return from his birthplace, did he ask me to provide for our mother and to look after her many inheritances.

    And so the same right hand of my father which had the power to seal and which he had used to court my mother, this same hand had sealed the message for me in a strange melody of song and speech. I awoke to this wondrous happening; I kissed the messenger and I fell in love. And my love remembered my heart and the broken seal revealed the way to fulfil my mission of retrieving my dear father's lost pearl.
    And so I used my magic to enchant the terrible and snorting serpent. The charming thoughts of my unsealing lulled the dragon to sleep when my father's name became the serpent's name and my brother's name moved a little and my mother's name was joined to the name of the next in rank.

    And so did I take my dear father's lost treasure from the dragon who snorts and who bites his very own tail. I took off my unclean clothes from that foreign country and proceeded on my mending journey back home towards the east. My unsealed letter remained next to me, like a Beloved and guided all my ways.
    When I had arrived home, I put on my beautifully fitting garments, which I had left behind and in the care of minders and I suddenly realised the unity and altogetherness of my very own self. Two could be apart, each with its own burden, and yet two could be together as one in two and two in one. And my clothes were moving with the wisdom and the words of all in one and one in all and I perceived the acts of my upbringing in my father's house to relate to my own growing selfhood.

    And my love had urged me on to meet the minders of my garments and I relished the beauty of their colours and the royal splendour of the movements of the him in her and the insights of the she in him.
    Then I ascended to the gate of my dear father's great love and adoring her, heshe received us joyfully in herhis queendom and our dear Father was so happy, that we had brought our precious pearl to our Mother.

    Greetings and Love from the Shalom in Exile!
    John of Patmos

    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011

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