The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Posts: 1207
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    • Post n°1080

    empty. .  ° ☾ °☆  ¸. ●Yalla♥ ~☾ °۞  . * ● ¸

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 5:36 pm

    C'mon ladies get ready...the music is more time let's go crazy...♫
    Tonight, tonight, tonight i'm gonna take you so high,
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Dream wide awake, boy, make it true...♫
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on...♫

    يلا حبي يلا مش حلا تشركني فهواك
    يا الغالي انت وكل يريد يكون معك
    يلا حبي يلا مش حلا تشركني فهواك
    يا الغالي انت وكل يريد يكون معك

    And we're killing the party...c'mon girls let's get naughty...♫
    One more time dale, dale...tonight, tonight, tonight I'm gonna take you so high,
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Dream wide awake why make it true...♫
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,

    Yallah hubi yalla, mus helu tejrahni bi hauak...♫
    Ya el h'ali anta, u kul humri arid akun mahak,
    Yallah hubi yalla, mus helu tejrahni bi hauak...♫
    Ya el h'ali anta, u kul humri arid akun mahak. Yalla, yalla, yalla, yalla...♫




    Glad this Music thread is still alive! 934918.

    C'mon ladies get ready...the music is more time let's go crazy...♫
    Tonight, tonight, tonight i'm gonna take you so high,
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Dream wide awake, boy, make it true...♫
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on...♫

    يلا حبي يلا مش حلا تشركني فهواك
    يا الغالي انت وكل يريد يكون معك
    يلا حبي يلا مش حلا تشركني فهواك
    يا الغالي انت وكل يريد يكون معك

    And we're killing the party...c'mon girls let's get naughty...♫
    One more time dale, dale...tonight, tonight, tonight I'm gonna take you so high,
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Dream wide awake why make it true...♫
    Can you hear my heart beating for you? Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,

    Yallah hubi yalla, mus helu tejrahni bi hauak...♫
    Ya el h'ali anta, u kul humri arid akun mahak,
    Yallah hubi yalla, mus helu tejrahni bi hauak...♫
    Ya el h'ali anta, u kul humri arid akun mahak. Yalla, yalla, yalla, yalla...♫


    Glad this Music thread is still alive! 934918.

    Video dedicated to Aqsa Parvez who was brutally murdered in Canada by her own brother and father for not wearing the Hijab. The Hijab is a statement of Sharia law and a symbol of modern day slavery and oppression.

    leb110. leb210. leb310.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    Sirius 17 on FB:

    "Moderate" American Muslims in the heart of Dearborn, MI treating peaceful Christian demonstrators to stones, eggs, crates, bricks and exercising their free speech use of profanity quite well. Merry Christmas America.

    American Muslims Stone Christians in Dearborn, MI (Original edit)

    Like video? Show support here: Stay informed, Volunteer, or Send us news story here: http://www.TheU.

    Sirius 17: Carolina you can watch your moderate American Muslims in action right here.

    Carolina: So, you have an Arab festival, with a bunch of blowhard Christian Rednecks protesting, and you think it is their right to ruin the festival, use a megaphone to shout their hate, but not OK for Muslims to react. Do you really think those rednecks are "Christians," following the teachings of Christ? I think they are just rednecks out to cause trouble.

    Sirius 17: The first Amendment gives them the right to peaceful protest Carolina or did you forget you live in America, land of the free? You do not see the Christians throwing rocks back at them, they are holding signs and professing their faith and wearing t-shirts that say love Jesus ect. Yeah the Christians are so evil blame them.

    Carolina: Peaceful??? With a megaphone yelling hateful statements at other Americans?

    Sirius 17: Yep, peaceful. Look at WHO is throwing the rocks. The Christians are saying WORDS, big difference here, but i think you might be blind to the real abuse going on.

    And I don't hear anything hateful being yelled at the Muslims by the Christians, where are you seeing that?

    The profanity you are hearing is coming out of the mouths of the Muslim youth heckling the Christians.

    Carolina: Like everything else Sirius 17, there are TWO sides to the story. Don't believe everything put together by anti-Muslim extremists just because you want to. That's as bad as believing Trumps racist and bigoted crap just because that's how you want to feel.
    ‘Allahu Akbar’: Shock Video Shows Muslims Allegedly ‘Stoning’ Christian Protesters in…Michigan

    Carolina: Sirius 17 those people are NOT Christians by any definition Christ would use.

    Sirius 17: Go ahead and defend your death cult Carolina. You are defending a militant Nazi style regime and you can't see it. I guess you must have become a Muslim already. The video speaks for itself, I can hear and see who is throwing shit and yelling profanity and it isn't the Christians. This country was founded on Christian principles and so was most all of our modern society, but you just go ahead and forget about that and put your hijab on and go back to the stone age with your new found faith. They don't believe in our freedoms but they will use them against us, you bet they will.

    Carolina: No Sirius 17, it was NOT a Christian nation! You read the Constitution and Bill of Rights and you won't find God or the Bible or Christian mentioned ANYWHERE. This Nation was founded for ALL religions, including Muslims from the very beginning. In fact Thomas Jefferson's Qu'ran is in the Smithsonian.
    The fascinating history of how Jefferson and other Founding Fathers defended Muslim rights|By Elahe Izadi

    Sirius 17: Islam is not a religion Carolina, they want you very much to believe that. It is a political war movement much like Hitler's Nazi Germany.

    Islam In America | History Detectives | PBS

    Sirius 17, I'm sorry you believe that. You are wrong. I've known and worked with Muslims for 40 years and there isn't anything "Nazi" about them...but there is something very Nazi about the anti-Muslim movement in the U.S. and Trump's ideas for them.

    Sirius 17: Their religious beliefs include Sharia law Carolina. This is in direct opposition to our American freedoms, but go ahead and defend the memeplex that is killing its own members by the thousands in the middle east...some religion of peace.

    wake up and smell the indoctrination of Muslim youth across the middle east Carolina. You are naive and have fallen victim to the Muslim Brotherhoods propaganda that they come in peace. Look at how those Muslim youth heckled the Christians and you can see how they have taken over neighborhoods in Europe and other western developed nations to the point their own police fear to go into those same neighborhoods.

    The shocking video Muslims don't want you to see!!


    Carolina: You know Sirius 17, it is Sharia Law that is STOPPING the use of boys as sex slaves in Afghanistan and Pakistan - this is a major improvement in human rights. It is not all bad, and it is a Muslim's choice if they follow it or not in the U.S. I won't argue with you anymore Sirius 17, you have lost all common sense and are full of hate and bigotry.

    Sirius 17: Go move over to the middle east then Carolina where I am sure they will love to add you to their harems and rape and genitally mutilate you over and over.

    Carolina: Why don't you go....get an education.

    Sirius 17: I have done my homework on Islam but I don't think you have. There is a ton of evidence out their but the MB has got you so fearful of looking at anything against Islam that you refuse to even look at the evidence, so go ahead and tell me about education. When anyone is afraid to look at the truth it means they have already been deceived.

    Carolina: I am done Sirius 17. Don't make me block you like Pixistick had to. I won't read your hate.

    Sirius 17: See what I mean, you won't read or even give the truth a chance. You say you should look at both sides of something, well try looking at the other side for a while and the mounting evidence that what i am telling you is the truth about Islam. You still think I am attacking the people, I am not. I am exposing their Nazi style memeplex though. read about your Sharia law here Carolina. All sources are backed up by articles and journalism illustrating the truth about what it means.

    Articles: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies

    Sirius 17: Kiss all your gay friends goodbye. Under sharia they will be executed. 5. Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed.

    In February 1998, the Taliban, who once ruled in Afghanistan, ordered a stone wall to be pushed over three men convicted of sodomy. Their lives were to be spared if they survived for 30 minutes and were still alive when the stones were removed.

    In its 1991 Constitution, in Articles 108—113, Iran adopted the punishment of execution for sodomy.

    In April 2005, a Kuwaiti cleric says homosexuals should be thrown off a mountain or stoned to death.

    On April 7, 2005, it was reported that Saudi Arabia sentenced more than 100 men to prison or flogging for 'gay conduct.'

    These homosexuals were lucky. Early Islam would have executed them, as these hadith demonstrate.

    Ibn Abbas, Muhammad's cousin and highly reliable transmitter of hadith, reports the following about early Islam and Muhammad's punishment of homosexuals: . . .

    'If you find anyone doing as Lot's people did, kill the one who does it, and the one to whom it is done' (Abu Dawud no. 4447).

    This hadith passage says that homosexuals should be burned alive or have wall pushed on them:

    Ibn Abbas and Abu Huraira reported God's messenger as saying, 'Accursed is he who does what Lot's people did.' In a version . . . on the authority of Ibn Abbas it says that Ali [Muhammad's cousin and son—in—law] had two people burned and that Abu Bakr [Muhammad's chief companion] had a wall thrown down on them. (Mishkat, vol. 1, p. 765, Prescribed Punishments)

    Though this punishment of a wall being toppled on them is extreme, the Taliban were merely following the origins of their religion.

    If the reader would like to see the confusion in the Quran on the matter of homosexuality, the severity in the hadith, and excessive rulings of classical fiqh, they should see the supporting article. This longer one has links to many discussions on Islamic punishments of homosexuals (scroll down to 'Supplemental material').

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
    Articles: Top ten reasons why sharia is bad for all societies

    Sirius 17: 3. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non—Muslim critics of Muhammad and the Quran and even sharia itself.

    Maybe this is why you’re afraid to question Islam?? I seriously didn't know you had converted, my apologies.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Ex-Muslim compares “Islamophobia” to the persecution of ex-Muslims in Muslim countries

    December 22, 2015 11:24 am By Robert Spencer 47 Comments

    “Islam silences us in the East by threatening some of us, arresting some, persecuting others, and killing apostates, but in the West Islam is trying to silence us using this weird term: Islamophobia. Islam is a set of doctrines, we have the right to criticize it like any other doctrine, it’s a set of ideas people can denounce them, can criticize them and can even hate them without been harassed or accused of hatred.”
    Video from Brother Rachid.

    University of San Diego prof, students protest "Islamophobia" by wearing yellow Jewish stars labeled "Muslim"
    Brunei bans public Christmas celebrations, including wearing Santa hats

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hugh Fitzgerald: People Are The Same The Whole World Over

    December 22, 2015 11:13 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 52 Comments


    Nine years ago I wrote about President Bush’s dreams of creating a Light Unto the Muslim Nations in Iraq (you may remember that $2 trillion dollar, decade-long campaign in Iraq, and how wonderfully it all turned out):
    “The sentimentalist in the White House contents himself with bromides about how people everywhere ‘love freedom’ and that all we have to do is bring ‘freedom’ to Iraq. And with that ‘freedom’ (demonstrated by those purple-thumbed elections that drew tears from sentimentalists everywhere) all manner of things will be well. Islam’s resurgence — not return, because it never left — in Iraq is nothing to worry about, because Islam is not the problem, only those ‘extremists’ who ‘pervert’ a ‘noble religion’ are the problem. Nonsense on stilts.”

    After the Iraq adventure, the next incarnation of that curious and entirely fantastic notion that “people everywhere love freedom” turned out to be the celebrated “Arab Spring.” Now the freedom-loving impulse extended far beyond Iraq. Freedom would naturally flower, so it was believed, in any Muslim land where despots could be deposed — just get rid of a Mubarak in Egypt, a Ben Ali in Tunisia, a Qaddafi in Libya and, if we just hold on, an Assad in Syria, and freedom, democracy, the whole works, would forever flourish.

    Behind this deep belief that “all people love freedom” is the equally baseless proposition that “all people are the same the whole world over.” And if “people are the same the whole world over,” then surely the God they worship must be the very same God. And that statement is usually put in a narrower form, allowing the dismissal of Buddhists and atheists and at least a billion Hindus, to wit: “Muslims and Christians worship the same God.”
    Those who utter this phrase never bother to adduce any evidence for this extraordinary remark. They do not tell us about the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, and thus spare themselves the effort of explaining how that conception of a triune God is like tauhid, the anti-trinitarian monotheism of Islam. They try to overlook the fact that in Christianity, God has a Son, while in Islam Allah it is an insult to Allah’s transcendent majesty to say he has a son. They do not discuss the Muslim Allah who rants and raves about Christians and Jews, and calls them all sorts of names (apparently the Muslim Allah does not himself believe either that “people are the same the whole world over” or that “we all worship the same God,” for if we did, what need for him to denounce Christians and Jews?), and compare him with the Goodness-and-Mercy Brotherhood-of-Man-Fatherhood-of-God — all that Bomfoggery — of Christianity.
    And still another way in which the Muslim God can be distinguished from the Christian God is in the way Allah can do anything He wants — see Robert Spencer or Stanley Jaki. He can govern the universe as He pleases, is not bound by natural laws. The Christian God — see Robert Spencer or Stanley Jaki — operates according to natural laws. But, as Spencer has noted, Allah’s “hand is unfettered — he can do anything. The Qur’an explicitly refutes the Judeo-Christian view of God as a God of reason when it says: ‘The Jews say: Allah’s hand is fettered. Their hands are fettered and they are accursed for saying so’ (5:64). In other words, it is heresy to say that God operates by certain natural laws that we can understand through reason….Allah was not bound to govern the universe according to consistent and observable laws. ‘He cannot be questioned concerning what He does’ (Qur’an 21:23). Accordingly, observations of the physical world had no value; there was no reason to expect that any pattern to its workings would be consistent, or even discernible. If Allah could not be counted on to be consistent, why waste time observing the order of things? It could change tomorrow.”

    We could dilate upon all the differences between the Muslim God and the Christian God. But what good would adducing the evidence from the Qur’an, or Al-Ghazali, or the Hadith, do in convincing the kind of people who like to say, because they want so desperately to believe, that “Muslims and Christians worship the same God”? Just keep saying that. Just the way you kept saying that the Arab Spring would work miracles, and that Iraq would prove to be a Light Unto the Muslim Nations. Go ahead, believe two or three or four impossible things about Muslims and Islams before breakfast. And now would be an especially good time to do it, as I’ve just heard, on NPR, that a million Muslims have entered Europe as “refugees” this past year. What does it matter, if our God is the same, if we all want the same thing, if People Are The Same The Whole World Over? Why even bother, if we are all so very similar and worship and want the same things, to have such silly impediments as passports, and national boundaries? One World, for One People. What could be better?

    Algerian Army marching drill: Kill, slaughter, and skin the Jews
    Brunei bans public Christmas celebrations, including wearing Santa hats
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



    Dear Anthony,
    If you have not seen Kirralie on the 'Paul Murray Live' show last night, here is a link to a recording on Youtube:
    Kind regards,
    Ralf Schumann
    Party Secretary

    Dear Anthony,
    Christmas is fast approaching and I would like to thank all the members who gave countless hours of their time, working behind the scenes, lobby others and donated to our common cause.

    Our members and their families do it because they understand the threat and are concerned for the future of the country. They want to ensure the Australia we love is still there for our children and grandchildren. It is not a glamorous task. There are many opponents aiming to shoot the messenger and shut down the discussion. It’s done using lies, verbal intimidation, legal jihad and sometimes violence.

    For this reason I will not name any of our people, they know who they are. It is with the greatest respect, that I say thank you to everyone who has contributed to the cause and the succesful launch of our party. Our ongoing success is due to your efforts and support. Thank you for standing with us!

    On behalf of all members of the board, I wish you and your family a wonderful safe, prosperous and happy Christmas.

    We look forward to the New Year and the challenges to come.

    Debbie Robinson

    Australian Liberty Alliance Ltd
    PO Box 290
    South Melbourne, VIC 3205

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Robert Spencer in FrontPage: A Christmas on the Cross

    December 25, 2015 9:09 am By Robert Spencer 14 Comments
    In FrontPage today, I explain how at Christmas 2015, we are victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home, while our leaders deny the problem.

    Amel Shimoun Nona saw all this coming, and now it is upon us.

    Amel Shimoun Nona is the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul. When the Islamic State captured northern Iraq, it drove 30,000 Christians from the Nineveh plain where they had lived since not long after the time of Christ. In August 2014, Nona predicted that the same thing would happen to Christians in the West: “Our sufferings today,” he said, “are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future.” And now, as the few remaining Christians in the Middle East prepare to celebrate Christmas and hope that Muslims won’t murder them for doing so, that future is now.

    Nona continued: “I lost my diocese. The physical setting of my apostolate has been occupied by Islamic radicals who want us converted or dead.” He explained that the West was making a grave error by assuming that Islam was a religion of peace that taught the equal dignity of all human beings:

    Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.

    You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home. Let’s see. In applying for a visa to enter the United States, Tashfeen Malik passed background checks from no fewer than five different U.S. government agencies. Her visa application was rushed through despite not having required documentation. Apparently U.S. officials looked upon her as the very definition of the “vetted moderate” whom Barack Obama wants so desperately not only to aid in Syria, but to bring to the United States in large numbers.

    Tashfeen Malik would no doubt still be thought of as a valued and vetted moderate had she not helped her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, murder fourteen non-Muslims in the cause of Islam and jihad at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California on December 2. You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.

    Several weeks before Tashfeen Malik revealed the value of Obama’s vetting process, Muslims murdered 130 people in Paris in the cause of Islam and jihad. French Prime Minister Manuel Valls revealed that some of the attackers had just come to Europe as refugees: “These individuals took advantage of the refugee crisis…of the chaos, perhaps, for some of them to slip in.” Of “the chaos, perhaps”? Perhaps. But that chaos was of European leaders’ own making, as they welcomed into Europe hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees with no provision whatsoever for the possibility that there might be Islamic jihadis among them – even as Saudi Arabia had refused to take any of the refugees because of that very possibility. You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.

    In the face of this, Barack Obama has excoriated those who would restrict the entry of Muslim migrants as religious bigots. Donald Trump has been reviled as a new Hitler for daring to suggest that there should be a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration until adequate vetting procedures can be devised. Even conservative commentators have in response called for a ban on “Islamists,” rather than Muslims, blithely ignoring the salient fact that there is no reliable way to distinguish the one from the other.

    And so as Christmas 2015 comes and goes, and 2016 dawns, nothing is much more certain – given the wholesale self-imposed blindness and willful ignorance of our leaders and opinion-makers on both the Left and Right – than that we will become victims of the enemy we have welcomed in our home. To see exactly what form will that take in the coming years and decades, we need only look around the world during this Christmas season: Somalia, Brunei, and Tajikistan have banned Christmas celebrations as “un-Islamic,” and Indonesia plans to deploy 150,000 security personnel to make sure that Islamic jihadists don’t target Christians in jihad mass murder plots as they celebrate Christmas. We don’t hear very much about Christmas in Iraq this year: there are hardly any Christians left there to celebrate it.

    But surely none of that can happen here, right? Someone will stop it. Someone will do something. Christmas celebrations banned in the U.S. to avoid offending Muslim sensibilities? Inconceivable! Christmas celebrations threatened with Muslim violence, not because they drew Muhammad or otherwise offended Muslim sensibilities, but simply for the fact of being Christian celebrations? It could never happen here! Christians driven out, or forcibly converted to Islam, or killed? That sort of thing only happens over there. Not in America. The refugees (refugees like the Paris jihadis), they will all be vetted moderates (just like Tashfeen Malik). Anyone who thinks anything could go wrong is a racist, bigoted Islamophobe.

    Of course. Someone will do something, right? Someone, somewhere, sometime, will have the courage to brave the smears of “racism” and “bigotry” and “Islamophobia” that are certain to come his or her way, and put a stop to all of this before it gets of hand, right? Of course someone will. America is forever. America can’t be destroyed. You will become victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home? Nonsense. Don’t be racist. Don’t be xenophobic. Everything is going to be all right. Let’s just eradicate all this right-wing extremism, and everything will be fine, and we will all march together into a bright, beautiful multicultural future. Just like in Mosul. Just like in Somalia, and Tajikistan, and Brunei.

    Bangladesh: Christians skip traditional Christmas Midnight Mass for fear of Muslims
    New Jersey: Muslim teacher files suit claiming she was fired from high school because she was muslim

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    “But ISIS Kills More Muslims Than Non-Muslims!”

    December 17, 2015 11 Comments

    With the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS, ISIL, or IS), an old apologia meant to exonerate Islam of violence has become prominent again. Because ISIS is killing other Muslims, so the argument goes, obviously its violence cannot be based on Islam, which bans Muslims from killing fellow Muslims in its name.

    This point is always stressed whenever Islamic jihadis commit massacres in the West. Speaking soon after the San Bernardino terror attack that left 14 dead, U.S. president Obama, who earlier insisted that the Islamic State “is not Islamic,” elaborated:
    ISIL does not speak for Islam. They are thugs and killers, part of a cult of death… Moreover, the vast majority of terrorist victims around the world are Muslim (emphasis added).
    Similarly, after last November’s Paris terrorist attack, which left 129 people dead, the UK’s Independent published an article titled, “Paris attacks: Isis responsible for more Muslim deaths than western victims.” And the Daily Beast argued that, “Before the Paris horror, ISIS was killing Muslims on a daily basis. We Muslims despise these crazy people more than anyone else does…. But the number one victim of this barbaric terror group is Muslims. That’s undisputed.”

    Along with distancing Islam from violence—real Muslims are not supposed to kill other Muslims in the name of jihad—this argument further clouds the issue of who is the true victim of Islamic terrorism: Why talk about the Muslim slaughter of non-Muslims—whether Western people in Paris or California, or Christian minorities under Islam—when it is Muslims who are the primary victims most deserving of sympathy?
    Yet this argument is flawed on several levels. First, the Islamic State does not view its victims as Muslims. Indeed, mainstream Sunni Islam—the world’s dominant strand of Islam which ISIS adheres to—views all non-Sunnis as false Muslims; at best, they are heretics who need to submit to the “true Islam.”

    This is largely how Sunnis view Shias and vice versa—hence their perennial war. While Western talking heads tend to lump them together as “Muslims”—thus reaching the erroneous conclusion that ISIS is un-Islamic because it kills “fellow Muslims”—each group views the other as enemies. (It’s only in recent times, as both groups plot against the West and Israel, that they occasionally cooperate.)
    Overall, then, when Sunni jihadis slaughter Shias—or Sufis, Druze, and Baha’i, lesser groups affiliated with Islam to varying degrees—they do so under the same exact logic as when they slaughter Christian minorities, or European, American, and Israeli citizens: all are infidels who must either embrace the true faith, be subjugated, or die.
    In fact, that ISIS kills other “Muslims” only further validates the supremacist and intolerant aspects of Sunnism, which is hardly limited to ISIS. Just look to our good “friend and ally,” Saudi Arabia, the official religion of which is Sunni Islam, and witness the subhuman treatment Shia minorities experience.

    But what about those Sunnis killed during the Islamic State’s jihad? These are rationalized away as “martyrs”—collateral damage—destined to enter Islam’s paradise. Indeed, the topic of fellow Sunnis being killed during the jihad has been widely addressed throughout the centuries. It received a thorough analysis by Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri in his essay, “Jihad, Martyrdom, and the Killing of Innocents” (The Al Qaeda Reader, pgs. 137-171). After delineating how three of the four schools of Sunni jurisprudence—Hanafi, Shafi‘i, and Hanbali—do not forbid the accidental or inevitable killing of Muslims during the jihad, Zawahiri concluded:

    The only thing mujahidin [jihadis] are specifically required to do, should they knowingly kill a Muslim [who is intermixed with the targeted infidels], is make atonement. Blood money, however, is a way out of the dispute altogether. Payment should be made only when there is a surplus of monies, which are no longer needed to fund the jihad. Again, this is only if their [Muslims] intermingling with the infidels is for a legitimate reason, such as business. And we assume that those who are killed are martyrs, and believe that what the Sheikh of Islam [Ibn Taymiyya] said about them applies: “[T]hose Muslims who are accidentally killed are martyrs; and the obligatory jihad should never be abandoned because it creates martyrs.”

    But what of those Sunnis whom ISIS intentionally kills? Here the jihadis rely on takfir, the act of one Sunni group denouncing another Sunni group of being kafir—that is, non-Muslims, infidels, whose blood can be shed with impunity. Takfir has existed alongside Islam almost from its inception, beginning with the khawarij (Kharijites)—who ritually slaughtered Muslims for not following the letter of law—and was/is the primary rationale used to justify jihad between different Sunni nations and empires.

    In short, to Sunni jihadis—not just ISIS, but al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, et al—non-Sunni peoples are all infidels and thus free game. As for fellow Sunnis, if they die accidentally, they are martyrs (“and the obligatory jihad should never be abandoned because it creates martyrs”); and if fellow Sunnis intentionally get in the way, they are denounced as infidels and killed accordingly.
    The argument that ISIS and other jihadi organizations kill fellow Muslims proves nothing. Muslims have been slaughtering Muslims on the accusation that they are “not Islamic enough” from the start: So what can the open non-Muslim—such as the Western infidel—expect?
    In the end, it’s just jihad and more jihad, for all and sundry.


    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    ISIS's First Step: Conquer Rome, Defeat Christianity
    Dale Hurd


    ROME -- The Islamic State has a plan to conquer Rome. Yes, it might sound crazy, but ISIS believes the conquest of Rome is central to its mission.
    They believe it is necessary to fulfill what Islam teaches was the prophecy of Muhammed and to prepare the return of the Muslim messiah: the Mahdi.


    "ISIS thinks that Rome is one of its primary goals and is in its timetable," Robert Spencer, author of The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, said.
    "It has a timetable where in the 10 years, by the year 2025, it hopes to bring about Armageddon, the final struggle between good and evil or between the Muslims and the non-Muslims," he explained. "And that one of the chief stepping stones to that Armageddon battle is the conquest of Rome, which they think they're going to be able to do with the next five years, by 2020."

    Two Cities, One Mission

    Muslim scholars say Muhammed prophesied that the two great Roman cities would be conquered: Constantinople and Rome. Constantinople is now Istanbul, a Muslim city.
    Rome remains to be conquered.
    "Once Rome is conquered, in this view, within the next five years, then Israel will follow shortly after. They also believe that during this time period they're also going to conquer Saudi Arabia and Iran," Spencer said.
    Now, before you laugh, consider that phase one of the Islamic State's plan to take Rome may already be underway: flooding Europe with ISIS fighters under the cover of the current refugee crisis.
    "They're not talking about doing it by conventional armies; they're talking about doing (it) by overwhelming these lands with sympathizers from within, and in influx of people from outside," Spencer said.
    "And that's something we see happening right now in Europe. And so it's not that far outside of the realm of possibility that they could at least make these attempts," he continued.
    The Islamic State reveals part of its plan in its publication "Black Flags From Rome." It will use sleeper cells and expects to get help from Muslims serving in European armies and from non-Muslim sympathizers.
    It also wants to fire missiles into Italy that it has captured on the battlefield.

    Islamic Armageddon

    This is a threat that is hard for Italian and foreign policy expert Emaneule Ottolenghi to be concerned about. He said Europe has more pressing problems because of ISIS.
    "The concern should be commensurate to the reality of the threat," he said. "The Islamic threat does not pose that kind of threat today. My main concern is with the lone wolf terrorist who plots a terror outrage against a school, against a supermarket, against a shopping mall, against an airport."
    And it certainly is hard to see how ISIS could conquer Rome, a city of 3 million people in a nation of 60 million people. But it is not hard to see ISIS attempting it.
    The conquest of Rome has been a primary goal since the beginning of the Islamic State.
    "They think that the conquest of Rome will be the complete sign of Islam's superiority over Christianity and defeat of Christianity," Spencer said.
    They also see the fall of Rome on an eschatological timeline that will culminate in a battle against the infidel armies near Dabiq, Syria; their version of Armageddon, according to Spencer.
    "And they think that once this battle takes place at Dabiq, this final battle which they see coming 10 years from now 2025, then the Muslims will battle the non-Muslims in this town in northern Syria," Spencer said.
    "And then Jesus, the Muslim prophet, and Mahdi will return to the Earth, and they will together conquer and Islamize the world," he said.

    Celebration by Killing

    If their plan for Rome succeeds, ISIS says it will throw homosexuals from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa.
    But the main event, as they see it, will be the beheading of the Pope in St. Peter's Square, broadcast and live-streamed to a horrified international audience.
    Spencer said a member of ISIS recently said "'Once we take Rome we are going to carry out mass beheadings in St. Peter's Square."
    "And so this is the plan, to convert St Peter's Square into a huge site of executions to people judged to be enemies of Allah, chief among them the Pope, in order to cow and frighten the rest of the world into submitting to their rule," Spencer said.
    It's a plan that, for now, has little chance of success.
    But in his new book, The ISIS Apocalypse, author and expert William McCants says ISIS has recently taken a longer term view of the conquest of Rome and the return of the Mahdi, and is willing to wait in order to build up its forces.
    ISIS is now next door to Italy in North Africa. More importantly, Islamic State fighters are reportedly already inside Italy, some posing as refugees, going about their lives, waiting for the day when the battle for Rome begins.
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hugh Fitzgerald: The “Ask A Muslim” Girl

    December 29, 2015 12:39 pm By Hugh Fitzgerald 104 Comments


    Last week, outside the Public Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a personable, presentable, sweet-faced young Muslimah, one Mona Haydar, stood for several hours with her husband Sebastian (a convert to Islam), offering donuts and coffee to passersby under two big signs that read “Ask A Muslim” and “Talk To A Muslim.”

    Some of those passersby did indeed stop and took part, she reported, in “a meaningful series of conversations about religion, politics, history, and sports.” We have her word for it that these conversations were “meaningful,” for she does not provide any details as to what that word “meaningful” might mean. And we don’t know how much of that series of conversations was devoted to “religion.” Her aim was to “just talk to people…[to show them] that we [Muslims] are just normal people.”

    Nothing detailed, either, about what being “normal people” might mean, given that normal Muslims are taught by their scriptures — Qur’an and Hadith — to behave quite aggressively, even murderously, toward other normal, but non-Muslim people, precisely because many of those normal but non-Muslim people made the terrible and unforgivable mistake of not accepting the Qur’an in its true version, but only in a distorted and perverted version (that goes by the name “the Bible”) that rightly earned them Muslim aggression and hatred.

    What impelled Mona Haydar to this act of comical outreach, one which showed her that, after all, “the [non-Muslim] community is loving” because she and those non-Muslim passersby all had that meaningful series of conversations about religion, politics, etc.? It was apparently her perception that there is all this “misplaced and misguided” fear in America of Muslims, on the part of non-Muslims, that made her bring out the coffee and donuts, and stand around hoping to engage in a meaningful series of conversations with those non-Muslims whose fears are entirely “misplaced and misguided.”

    “Misplaced and misguided.” There have been nearly 30,000 terrorist acts by Muslims against non-Muslims all over the world since 9/11/2001, including a number in America, and one of them – you will remember even if Mona Haydar cannot — was a spectacular one in Boston just a few years ago, with the Tsarnaev brothers strutting their murderous stuff at the Marathon’s finish line.

    Yet in Mona Haydar’s worldview, it is the non-Muslims whose attitudes and behavior are on trial. Happy to discover that the “community [of non-Muslims] is loving” and can be made more so if only these non-Muslims can have a chance to meet a real, smiling, friendly, coffee-and-donuts Muslim, and talk about politics, history, sports and, just possibly, religion, Mona Haydar knows that it is not the non-Muslims who need to be reassured. No, they ought rather be made to feel embarrassed about their “misplaced and misguided” and quite unnecessary fear. The only justified fear is that which Muslims feel: fear at the terrible thoughts some non-Muslims may have of them, so baselessly, so cruelly. To them, those fearful Muslims, Mona Haydar sent a reassuring message online that “the world is a good and beautiful place with small pockets of hatred here and there….and so remember this post when you are faced with bigotry and hatred towards you or your faith.” That’s right – when Muslims are faced with that irrational, misguided “bigotry and hatred,” they should remember that they are “as American as apple pie.”
    Of course there were many questions that might have been asked and that, in her attempting answering, would have met something beyond the feelgood farce that was the order of the day. What would an honest conversation about Islam, making any kind of sense at all, have to be like? It would require paying attention to the canonical texts, the all-important Qur’an (a text revealed to Muhammad over 23 years) and the Hadith (the written record of what Muhammad, the Perfect Man, al-insan al-kamil, said and did).

    What kind of questions might you have asked, if you had been there, and had been invited to “Ask A Muslim”? I think I’d have started with the Qur’an and the duty of Jihad. I’d ask Ms. Haydar if she recognized such a duty in the Qur’an, and then just to prod her memory, I’d begin to read aloud the 164 jihad verses in the Qur’an. I might have asked Mona Haydar, for example, to expatiate upon the meaning Sura 9:5, the Verse of the Sword: “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. Allah is forgiving and merciful.”

    Who are those “idolaters”? What does it mean to “arrest” and “besiege” and “lie in ambush” for them? And what does it mean to “render the alms levy” which would allow those “idolaters” to “go their way”? This is what we should begin to ask when we “Ask A Muslim.”

    Or take Sura 2:191-193: “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing…but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)”

    Could Mona Haydar explain this verse, explain who is to kill whom, and why, and what Al-Fitnah is, and what it means to fight certain people until there is no more Fitnah?
    Youth wants to know, and youth wants to know a whole lot more from Mona Haydar. Take Qur’an 8:60: “Strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah.” This phrase comes up quite often in the Qur’an, and has even been found on the Facebook pages of Muslim killers. Could that phrase possibly mean something like “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah”? Surely if we Ask A Muslim about anything, we will want to Ask A Muslim about that.

    And what does “fight in the path of Allah” mean? That’s another phrase that one would like to “Ask a Muslim.” It’s all over the Qur’an. When Mona Haydar stood under that sign, and waited, and chatted about this and that, you can bet that not one of her ill-prepared or simply simple-minded interlocutors asked her about striking terror, or fighting in the path of Allah, or anything at all that had to do with the actual Qur’an, or the real Hadith.
    Perhaps Infidels ought to come armed for mental combat, and when they stop by the mona-haydars of this world, they will have notecards on which a few excerpts from the Qur’an – 9:5, 9:29, 8:12, 4:76, 4:78 come immediately to mind, but so do many others – have been written down. You can make your own list. And come prepared, too, to ask a Muslim about what 2:256 (“There is no compulsion in religion”) means to Muslims in practice, something so very different from what an innocent non-Muslim would naturally take it to mean.

    And then there is the Muslim apologist’s favorite verse – 5:32. George Bush and Barack Obama also liked to quote it. As Obama put it, “The Holy Koran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.” The passage actually says this: “Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.”

    That may be the one verse every apologist for Islam knows, and there is one verse that every non-Muslim interlocutor ought to have at the ready. To wit, the critical modifier of 5:32, which is 5:33: “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.”
    So ask away: who are “those who make war upon Allah and His messenger” and what is meant by “corruption in the land,” the key exception made in 5:32 for killing? Surely these are questions Mona Haydar and all her tribe should be expected to answer.

    And you might want to ask a Muslim a few questions about Muhammad himself. Why is he called “the Perfect Man” (al-insan al-kamil) and the Model of Conduct (uswa hasana) and what are the consequences of this for Muslims today? And what about all those battles he took part in, listed and described in the Kitab al-Waghazi – what was all that war-making about, so very different from how Jesus spent his days? Yes, and when did Muhammad marry little Aisha, and why does that matter to Muslims today? And why did he take such pleasure in the assassination of the poetess Asma bint Marwan and of Abu Afak, the 100-year-old Jewish man in Medina who just wasn’t sufficiently enthusiastic about Muhammad and therefore deserved death? Or what about the Battle of the Trench, where Muhammad’s men, to his evident pleasure, and apparently Muhammad himself also, decapitated between 600 and 900 bound members of the Banu Qurayza? Or why exactly did Muhammad and his men attack the inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis, and how did they divvy up the spoils of war?

    It should be fun preparing the notecards for these encounters. I urge everyone to go to these Outreach Nights at local mosques (I’ve done it myself, causing great consternation with only an innocent question or two), or these sidewalk encounters with smiling mona-haydars. But now, instead of a jejune farce, you will have a real discussion, one based on adducing what Muslims learn from their reading of Qur’an and Hadith. It will be now not a nonsensical but a salutary encounter, because you – the inquiring non-Muslim — will be cooking with gas when you dare to…. Ask A Muslim.

    But in the actual event, no one brought up any of these unpleasant details, possibly because they were simply ignorant, possibly because they were recognized only to dismiss the idea that there are “small pockets of hatred here and there.” Mona Haydar does not identify these pockets or find their origins, in any particular faith, but immediately suggests that the victims of such “hatred” must be Muslims because many, though not all, instead of “asking a Muslim,” made comments that were more or less statements of regret over how badly Muslims were treated in this country, and emphasized how important it was for non-Muslims to understand the true, the good, the inoffensive Islam that was embodied in the smiling face of the outreaching Ms. Haydar.

    There are variations on this theme being played out all over the country. Smiles and wiles, and just possibly, coffee and donuts too, for non-Muslims passing by on the street. And all those members of the local mosque perform an evening’s outreach, where the one thing never to be discussed is Islamic theology, and bromides about brotherhood are the interfaith healing racket’s order of the day, but the chicken and pita are delicious. What more could one ask for?

    Robert Spencer in FrontPage: House Democrats Move to Criminalize Criticism of Islam
    Saudi Grand Mufti: Islamic State jihadis are Israeli soldiers

    Published on Oct 18, 2015
    “Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
    ~ Edgar Cayce
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015

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