The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    blue roller

    blue roller
    Posts: 302
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    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. blue roller Yesterday at 3:21 pm

    Who exactly funded and enabled ISIS and all these other wack jobs ? Christian/Jewish power brokers ,that's who.

    And your trying to convince us that Jesus is the answer ?!

    You took their land ,their oil , their independence and now you get the blow back.

    I dont care which bloody religion it is. Your all barbaric self righteous fanatics who use god as an excuse to murder ,rape ,torture and despoil.

    Your 'god' is playing all these religions to drive his own agenda .

    First rule of conquest . Sow disunity amongst the people.

    Is there any thing more galling than listening to a Christian painting the kettle black ? Two thousand years of war,crusades , genocide ,inquisitions of unimaginable horror and you think Jesus Is the answer ?

    There is this phenomenon called scapegoating. Might wanna look that up if you read anything other than that damn bible of yours.

    Jesus was a poster boy/ front man for Jewish power brokers. The acceptable face of financial/religious terrorism ! Nothing ever changes . The Romans were no better but they needed a new angle to prop up their power base and embraced their enemy. Its called the ROMAN catholic church.

    No ,I am not defending Islam. Its disgusting . Probably the most overtly abusive religion to come out of the middle east yet . But then the middle earth has always been the breeding ground for fanatics of every stripe. Money grubbing , female humiliating sleaze bags .

    Decency and respect is innate, you dont need to go to Church/synagogue or Mosque to be a virtuous person. In fact your more likely to be virtuous avoiding those dens of iniquity and perversion.

    [7:08:29 AM-Thursday, December 17th, 2015] Sirius 17: This is what Carol is supporting, a Jesus hater
    [7:08:33 AM] Sirius 17:

    Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam
    Post blue roller Today at 3:21 pm
    Who exactly funded and enabled ISIS and all these other wack jobs ? Christian/Jewish power brokers ,that's who.
    And your trying to convince us that Jesus is the answer ?!
    You took their land ,their oil , their independence and now you get the blow back.
    I dont care which bloody religion it is. Your all barbaric self righteous fanatics who use god as an excuse to murder ,rape ,torture and despoil.
    Your 'god' is playing all these religions to drive his own agenda .
    First rule of conquest . Sow disunity amongst the people.
    Is there any thing more galling than listening to a Christian painting the kettle black ? Two thousand years of war,crusades , genocide ,inquisitions of unimaginable horror and you think Jesus Is the answer ?
    There is this phenomenon called scapegoating. Might wanna look that up if you read anything other than that damn bible of yours.
    Jesus was a poster boy/ front man for Jewish power brokers. The acceptable face of financial/religious terrorism ! Nothing ever changes . The Romans were no better but they needed a new angle to prop up their power base and embraced their enemy. Its called the ROMAN catholic church.
    No ,I am not defending Islam. Its disgusting . Probably the most overtly abusive religion to come out of the middle east yet . But then the middle earth has always been the breeding ground for fanatics of every stripe. Money grubbing , female humiliating sleaze bags .
    Decency and respect is innate, you dont need to go to Church/synagogue or Mosque to be a virtuous person. In fact your more likely to be virtuous avoiding those dens of iniquity and perversion.

    [7:09:12 AM-Thursday, December 17th, 2015]
    Sirius 17: what he doesn't understand is most people are worshiping a fake god, just like Allah; the God of Jesus is none of these and not a killer
    But Jesus always gets the blame; wtf did Jesus do to Blue Roller?
    [7:10:11 AM] raxnae: yeah faker than a blue eyed aryan nailed to a cross
    [7:08 AM] Sirius 17:
    <<< Jesus was a poster boy/ front man for Jewish power brokers. The acceptable face of financial/religious terrorism ! Nothing ever changes . The Romans were no better but they needed a new angle to prop up their power base and embraced their enemy. Its called the ROMAN catholic church.

    This is total fucking bullshit, the Romans and the Jews hated Jesus and wanted to wipe his name out of the history books. He was no poster boy for anyone. What an idiot this blue roller is
    [7:12:27 AM] raxnae: hes trolling, intentionally being ignorant
    [7:13:26 AM] Sirius 17: Jesus completely revolutionized peoples faith in a God , he taught love not war
    [7:14:49 AM] raxnae: it doesn't take an atheiest to see that 90% are following a false god, maybe get back to the tribal people's who truly follow the Logos stories
    [7:15:31 AM] Sirius 17: yes but Jesus and Christianty always get the blame. Oh the crusades they say, ect et. No one blames Islam for fuck all though.
    [7:15:54 AM] raxnae: yeah but as that history lesson proved the crusades were defensive wars
    [7:16:10 AM] Sirius 17: do you see the injustice and way the truth has been twisted beyond recognition though?
    [7:16:19 AM] raxnae: of course
    [7:17:00 AM] Sirius 17: yes you know they were defensive wars, but 99% of the damn free world thinks they were unjust and bloody Christian conquests and are unjustified brutal attacks on innocent Muslims. This is the new meme, like it or not that the Islamic world is preaching; poor Muslims, they were all killed in a bloody ass crusade - by Christians, what a crock
    [7:18:03 AM] raxnae: well still can't defend the inquisitions lol
    [7:18:20 AM] Sirius 17: even the catholics apologized
    [7:18:29 AM] raxnae: pussies
    [7:19:00 AM] raxnae: in a time where xtianity needs steel in its spine the most everyone runs and flees; we should be calling a crusade right the fuck now; counter this fucking jihad mentality
    [7:20:44 AM] Sirius 17: the truth is that Islam has murdered more Christians and Muslims and displaced more people on the planet than any other religion combined. They not only have murdered Christians, but people of every faith, Buddists, Hindus, Muslims, you name it they have killed them all in the name of Allah and his ghost of a prophet.
    [7:21:41 AM] raxnae: they've got a good pride demon alright, revenant muhammed murdering and raping freely
    [7:23:42 AM] Sirius 17: but of course everyone will ignore the facts because now America and its allies are guilty of causing mass genocide to the poor Muslim countries. So now you can erase all previous history and blame it ALL on them and their superiority complex. This is another meme that Islam has successfully projected onto the world and they bought it hook line and sinker. The Muslims are angry at the west and mostly America - right
    [7:24:26 AM] raxnae: the counter swing will come, even if the western world falls
    [7:24:40 AM] Sirius 17: this is why they are killing people everywhere they go, not just Americans
    [7:24:42 AM] raxnae: theres still russia, china, etc who don't put up with their bs
    [7:24:55 AM] Sirius 17: but the Americans do have this superiority complex and so they believe it; thinking it must all be our fault the poor Muzzies are so pissed off at us
    I can tell you this is exactly what my aunts think and believe, that we deserve it
    [7:26:05 AM] raxnae: the minds of the west reduced to the tiny minds of children who burn their hands on the stove and get an ass beating
    [7:26:09 AM] Sirius 17: our just desserts and so instead of defending American freedoms and values, they pledged allegiance to their local mosques; unfuckingbelievable
    And they are not alone, millions of Americans think EXACTLY like them, this is how deceived they all are
    [7:27:53 AM] raxnae: not to mention 70% of the population is apathetic to anything outside their tiny spheres of reality; thats how my family is they don't care if the world burns as long as their lives aren't touched
    [7:28:30 AM] Sirius 17: well yes, most people are just struggling to go to work and make a living; they dont have time to analyze it or think about it
    [7:29:37 AM] raxnae: and even when it is brought before them all they say is "pray pray pray"
    [7:30:12 AM] Sirius 17: my aunts have plenty of fucking time though, they are both wealthy upper middle class americans with nothing BUT time on their hands, retired and get to do whatever they like. They could be helping educate people, not pledging their lives and the lives of future free world kids into the hands of the cult of death
    [7:30:39 AM] Sirius 17: but they are decieved see?
    [7:30:54 AM] raxnae: yeah I still can't believe the one world government is going to be a caliphate lol

    [7:32:27 AM] Sirius 17: they honestly believe America has lost its way and is no longer the country they once believed in with values they could stand up for. This also is a meme projected by Islam and the multi-culturalist drum beaters onto the heads of Americans. That we should all be embarrassed as hell by our way of life. God forbid we ever try to help any other country get democracy or freedom from tyranny. It is none of our fucking business anymore. boom boom boom

    [7:33:22 AM] raxnae: Like Trump said all last night, America has lost the respect it once had
    [7:33:38 AM] Sirius 17: well he nailed that one on the head; i missed the debate, maybe i can find it on youtube
    [7:34:04 AM] raxnae: he said we need to get it back and stop being a bunch of pussies paraphrasing of course lol
    [7:34:12 AM] Sirius 17: lol, yeah more of the truth; they can't fucking take it
    [7:34:47 AM] raxnae: I don't care how fucked he may be, he still has more truth in him than any candidate on the board
    [7:35:13 AM] Sirius 17: Not that i agree our money and effort should be put into some kind of global war machine, no this is fucking backwards; we do need reform in that way, but we can use our power for good and not this BS we see today
    [7:36:22 AM] raxnae: I would send the military to save those being persecuted for real instead of in lies, and bring them somewhere safe
    I would wipe ISIS off the board and cut saudi oil money and use american oil

    [7:37:27 AM] Sirius 17: had America went into Syria in the beginning of this whole mess in 2011 they would of stopped IS cold in its tracks and saved millions of people from displacement. They instead tried to arm the resistance to fight the Assad regime itself and ended up arming IS instead. They were afraid because of the mess that is Iraq to take proactive measures.
    [7:38:04 AM] raxnae: they should have known better about iraq, sadam kept iran in check; but bush had to fuck that up
    [7:38:34 AM] Sirius 17: well they didn't listen to their advisors and they couldn't very well go after the Saudis now could they? Iraq was their scapegoat; no it was very calculated
    [7:38:59 AM] raxnae: oh yes it is calculated
    [7:39:01 AM] Sirius 17: Bush is good good friends with his buddies Saudi Arabia
    [7:39:30 AM] raxnae: I don't exactly see the point the secret government is trying to make but its pretty retarded from what I do see
    [7:39:46 AM] Sirius 17: i am starting to think the so called 'secret' govt is Muslim
    [7:40:02 AM] raxnae: seems that way
    [7:40:14 AM] Sirius 17: doesn't it? i mean can shit get any more insane
    [7:40:28 AM] raxnae: just wait til free mason lodges convert to islam lol
    [7:40:40 AM] Sirius 17: lol right
    [7:41:19 AM] raxnae: but I mean islam offers man every material fleshly desire he could want, sex, money, power, etc
    [7:41:49 AM] Sirius 17: yes and what else do impotent men want
    [7:42:17 AM] raxnae: I kind of sort of wish they'd just start WWIII lol
    [7:42:50 AM] Sirius 17: no, you dont want to see the power of nukes; it is end game for everyone if that happens; seriously, the planet and all the life cannot sustain it
    [7:43:22 AM] raxnae: I have seen the power of nukes, and end game means the void reconsumes what it first spat out; then spits it out again into something slightly different
    [7:43:48 AM] Sirius 17: This is not ABBA's plan rax; creation has waited billions of years in creating the biodiversity of life here; this is ABBABAAB's zoo of life and their garden

    [7:44:41 AM] raxnae: its all saved, it could reform in an instant
    [7:44:46 AM] Sirius 17: They do not want it distroyed by nukes, trust me; saved where rax?
    [7:45:05 AM] raxnae: within the void
    [7:45:05 AM] Sirius 17: In some fantasy heaven? No
    [7:45:28 AM] raxnae: don't you remember the poem you read?
    [7:45:45 AM] Sirius 17: don't you remember the GOT passage i quoted you?

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    [7:46:12 AM] raxnae: yeah the body is important and no sense in dying sure, I'm not arguing that
    [7:46:18 AM] Sirius 17: What happens if there are no bodies rax
    [7:46:42 AM] raxnae: new ones will be formed
    [7:46:46 AM] Sirius 17: nope
    [7:47:34 AM] raxnae: thats the thing, we've literally been at this point in time for several million lifetimes and thousands of worlds; thats why it is so hard headed
    [7:47:48 AM] Sirius 17: yes and this is literally our last chance - nukes=endgame; get it
    [7:49:28 AM] raxnae: I guess thats the reaper in me that doesn't really care because its already dead
    [7:49:47 AM] Sirius 17: there is no other place like Earth in the Universe rax. No place to get a body other than here. So if you distroy the lifeforms, no bodies...aka empty universe.
    [7:50:33 AM] raxnae: yes the bodies keep the void in check, but even in its self consuming nature it would need to recreate a physicality on which to feed; otherwise it is just stagnant
    [7:51:28 AM] Sirius 17: The void is no longer consuming rax, it has maxed out all data storage and it is now an emitter of that data; you dont understand what a black hole is
    [7:52:05 AM] raxnae: I know I recieved that emitted data
    [7:52:13 AM] Sirius 17: and you are living within a giant universe that is actually a mother black hole, so you are inside this thing you call a void lol
    [7:52:56 AM] raxnae: of course, or else it wouldn't have been able to infect me, but really endgame is a bit melodramatic, there is always hope; hope never dies
    So therefore there is always going to be something no matter what actually occurs
    [7:53:42 AM] Sirius 17: of course, but hope needs a body in order to be defined
    [7:53:53 AM] raxnae: the void is a body
    [7:54:17 AM] Sirius 17: the universe is yes, but all things in the universe make up this body
    [7:54:42 AM] raxnae: the only true endgame scenario is when everything collapses back to the infinite white room of oblivion
    [7:54:51 AM] Sirius 17: Galaxies, stars, nebulas, plants, animals, people, bacteria ect ect, from the macro to the micro; so the life on this planet is very important and the biodiversity it is connected to all things
    [7:57:02 AM] raxnae: I'm not saying it isn't important but I'm also saying Earth will always remain no matter what happens to it, it is the heartwood of yggdrasil it is midguard the middle point between beginning and end, the source of all stories ever told or will be told or have been told, it is connected to all things and nothing literally nothing can kill the earth anymore. Nature based beings will survive the apocalyptic days of man
    [8:01:49 AM] Sirius 17: Not if there is no atmosphere, we will just be a rock floating in space like Mars
    [8:04:05 AM] raxnae: That's why there are nine interconnected worlds, when the balance of one dies the others bring it back to life. Its the same thing with the ragnarok principle, order needs its anarchy, balance through calamity, a new world will be born one day where every man is free, the secrets you seek are already written within the blood of man. Sure with nuclear fallout there would be a long wait period but for us that would seem like an instant and we'd be right back here, having this same conversation that we've had hundreds of times lol

    [8:11:21 AM] raxnae:

    [8:15:11 AM] raxnae: of course since we have Jesus this time if it were to come to that, it would be repaired to perfection and the Grand Dream would finally after all these billions of years be realized

    [8:15:48 AM] raxnae:

    A song about jesus lol; which all this talk reminds me I need to work on Alfheim's Story heh
    Wasn't it Tony who had the NDE where he visited a version of the "Land of the Dead"? So surely even as a wave there must be an underworld for souls to go to to await rebirth

    [1:09:17 PM] Sirius 17: The land of the dead is inside your own body. So without a body not much can be experienced and no, creation doesn't wish to wait another 19.1 billion years to have bodies in which to explore itself, so the nukes are a no go and won't be allowed. Humanity at its core knows this of course and so there is this deep fear of them and what they can do.
    [1:28:06 PM] raxnae: well there would be roach bodies lol
    [1:28:47 PM] Sirius 17: not without an atmosphere
    [1:29:39 PM] raxnae: they've already detonated nukes in the atmosphere and its still here, are you saying world wide nukes would push the atmosphere off the planet?
    [1:31:22 PM] Sirius 17: let's not find out shall we?
    [1:31:30 PM] raxnae: right lol
    [4:23:22 PM] Sirius 17: I had an interesting conversation with a fb friend earlier that was interesting. He posted an article supposedly quoting Noam Chomsky and so what follows is the article, his comments and then mine and a few others:

    Dashel Millihart via Noam Chomsky
    11 hrs ·

    This is a hairy question full of truths, some of which I even dislike facing. I hereby forgive anyone who cannot face them. However, I must plead with you to get out of the way of thise who are willing. The trenches are filled with frightened souls, clutching guns and peaceful warriors. Let us walk toward this horror, let us allow the fear to pass through us in view of the "enemy" as you have been taught to see them. Kindly, get out of our way.
    Noam Chomsky on Paris attacks: “If you want to end it, the first question you ask is — why did...
    "If on the other hand you want to increase the attacks," Chomsky said, "let's bomb them more" VIDEO|By Sophia Tesfaye

    Deborah Vester
    Understanding the causes of suffering empowers us to abandon actions that lead to suffering. I heart emoticon Noam.

    Julienne Alvarez
    I like Noam but blaming the Islamic terrorist attacks on the Parisians or the Americans or any other country who they perceive having committed an injustice on them is very naive. I wish people would really do their homework on Islam instead of constantly pointing fingers at the west like it is our fault they want to kill us. This is exactly the kind of propaganda they want you to believe, that it is all our fault we pissed them off. There are basic principles in their so called 'religion of peace' that justify and call for Jihad and actually allow them to kill the unbeliever in the name of Allah. The sooner everyone figures this out, the sooner we can free the whole world of this death cult called Islam and free the Muslims themselves who are imprisoned by this memeplex straight out of hell. Let's all be brave and call a spade a spade shall we?
    Citizen Warrior: The Terrifying Brilliance of the Islamic Memeplex

    Dashel Millihart
    Our sons and daughters have been killing sons and daughters in the Middle East for the last fifteen years with impunity. Assigning fault is the very last step and I am not ready to say Noam is "blaming" in the 100% responsible sense of the word. That he is discussing facts that might lead you to conclude something like blame is a better interpretation. The nationalism inherent in our collective response to these attacks is an ontology that chooses to ignore the death toll of our foreign policy as a compelling reason for the response it is getting. Noam is simply pointing this out with his usual strong rhetoric. If you expect to say that a country that made an illegal war on another country does not bear some of the responsibility for the response of the country they attacked is, well, I will rely upon America's go-to metaphor for justifying violence: You don't poke a bear.
    The concept is simple and old. The West DID kill a lot of people. We hope we had the right reasons to do so. Now that we are seeing the consequences, it seems like there might actually not be right reasons to kill people.
    "If I had my way, I'd kill everybody that says anybody should die."
    -quoting myself. This ideology would, of course, kill me too. That's the endgame of hating haters for their hate mask instead of getting them to take the silly thing off. They are not the only broken ones in this situation.

    Dashel Millihart
    Jesus is the most quoted prophet that death cult's holy book. Religion is all death cult, technically. That's not an insult, only my definition, which I of course believe is true. Islam IS very strongly worded, perhaps, indeed, the most violently worded religion I have encountered. However, fee religions lack discussion of punishment by death. World used to be harder. Muslims are not death-eaters. Death-eaters come in all shapes and sizes. Go big or go home on condemning religions.

    Julienne Alvarez
    Dashel Millihart yes I realize what Noam is trying to say here but if you go back in history and actually look at the numbers of people killed by the Islamic siege on cultures in its effort to spread itself across the globe you will see it is literally in the 300+ million mark. I dare say the west in its desire to spread its values of freedom and democracy globally has barely made a dent in that figure. Now don't get me wrong, i am not justifying bombs and war, but what would of happened had the world not ganged up on Hitler and stopped his BS? We have a similar situation today with 1.5 billion followers to an extreme is a bit more scary now.


    An excellent scientific view and crunching of the numbers. This guy is not a historian but he is a scientist using history to show something. Well worth the watch. Explains the crusades too. Everyone LOVES to quote the crusades as an example of Christian brutality ect ect. They got it wrong. In every country where Islam brutally forced its way in, they murdered millions and totally absorbed cultures who were shining examples of peace and illumination. Talk about the dumbing down of the world....think of all the cultures that Islam destroyed and just exactly what they could of contributed to our planet had they not been converted by the sword.
    Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr…

    Julienne Alvarez
    Dashel Millihart Jesus may be the most quoted and misquoted from the bible but he did not ever speak of death nor condone killing. Quite the opposite, he taught the golden rule and spoke of loving your neighbor as yourself. And as he was the LIVING word of God, he replaced the fake Jehovah who demanded blood sacrifice for his pleasure. Everyone LOVES to blame Jesus too because they cannot separate the fake God of Jehovah from the real God of Jesus who he called father or ABBA. They took him and his life and his sayings completely out of context and are still doing so today. His resurrection is meaningless to most who don't understand that it was real and a quantum physics event, allowing him to become the entire body of the universe and everything and everyone in it. So when you bash Jesus, your bashing at all life. He has MANY names as heshe is the One in Many and the Many in One. Very few know the REAL Jesus.

    Gospel of Thomas These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."
    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
    (4) Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."
    (5) Jesus said, "Recognize what is in your sight, and that which is hidden from you will become plain to you . For there is nothing hidden which will not become manifest."

    Julienne Alvarez
    The real Jesus is NOT some dead guy on a cross but very much ALIVE>

    Dashel Millihart
    Aha. I can see that you consider your beliefs to be facts instead of beliefs. This is true, they are facts. You are, yourself, Jesus Christ. I am not being the least bit ironic, I do believe that.
    However, including bible verses in what is, essentially (please correct me if I am wrong) an argument for outlawing a religion, is out of order, as a logical issue. These are not points, but allegory without interpretation, which would be opinion anyhow, especially because they are only obliquely germane to the point in question.
    Jesus, in all of your quotes, fails to mention getting rid of members of a religion. Let's pretend he did. How do you propose to stop 1.5 billion people from practicing a religion?

    Dashel Millihart
    Btw, I never bashed Jesus, nor did I intend to. I used his good character as a little bona fides for the was a compliment.

    Deborah Vester
    I find it

    Julienne Alvarez
    Dashel Millihart I quoted you verses from the Gospel of Thomas which were left out of the bible by the council of Nicaea. It is the only document said to be given by the then resurrected Jesus and so it is a real 'living testament'.
    I quoted it because it is not human minded at all if you really read the words and very unlike much of the Bible. I was quoting it to illustrate what the real Jesus is like, not the made up versions used by the Catholic church and other religions to preach to the masses on Sunday. The only way to stop Islam is to expose it, tell the naked truth about it and offer sanctuary to those who are imprisoned by it in our western free world. Any religion, political movement, cult, belief that promotes death to the human race has no place in the free world, none, zippo.
    Unlike Trump I don't think the trick is to remove the people, but not allow the ideology a place in our society. The mosques and the ideology must be exposed for what they are as well and removed. The people can stay as long as they give up the death to the unbeliever mantra, which by exposing the real Islam will do. Every person is responsible in some way to help remove this externalization of evil from the planet, telling the truth is always the way. Ignorance in this case is not and never was bliss and trying to disguise the truth beneath something more comfortable is NOT serving humanity very well at all and never has. Bombs won't work either obviously.
    The memeplex has to be removed by a greater one. A God/Creator/Scientific/rationalistic life adoring and life giving Logos (feel free to look up meanings of the words, such as Logos) not focused on death and I think i tried to illustrate what that is in explaining what the real Jesus is and this idea that it has to do with everyone and everything. Plain and simple, humanity needs a new story and the Koran and is NOT it, never could be.
    The Koran is not allowed to be edited, changed, altered, or questioned in any way upon penalty of death. If you want to know what rules the world, find out who and what you cannot question and there is your answer, Voltaire said this and it is so true.

    Dashel Millihart
    To be fair, looking back, you embedded your solution in your first response and it appears you desire to educate folks out of this specific memeplex. I agree completely.
    I will go further, and join the message of Jesus in saying each person deserves to be free of memeplexes and is already, but does not realize it. I will offer, critically, that attacking their beliefs as a death cult is a difficult technique to find success with.
    Ask Richard Dawkins, who tabulates most unnecessary death on earth to religion's score column. He preaches well to the choir but his truth cannot be accessed without already having the tendency to prefer corporeal proof over the knowing of intuition. Put short...he's not converting the orthodoxy of any death cult.

    Deborah Vester
    Then there's this:
    The Radicalization of Luke Skywalker: A Jedi’s Path to Jihad

    [1:45:39 PM] Sirius 17: Deborah Vester
    Deborah Vester's photo.
    Like · Reply · 1 · December 17 at 1:25pm
    Julienne Alvarez


    Gospel of Thomas:
    (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

    Did Jesus Say That We Ought Not Judge? Frank Turek…

    Dashel Millihart
    Jesus said, "Love thy neighbor as you would yourself" That's enough for me.
    Even your quote suggests we be as "innocent as doves."
    He didn't say, "Be deadly as serpents to the mouths who disagree." He specifically disqualified that possibility with the dove line.
    He'd also be PISSED at the Council of Nicea for cutting the gospel of Thomas and removing HIS WIFE from the bible altogether. Let's ban the bible for Jesus' sake, then the Quran will follow naturally. Jesus would have wanted it that way.
    He insisted folks avoid church altogether...are you suggesting we should not love people out of Islam through education as you were before? I read your statement as a suggestion that we needn't love these humans. They are misled, not evil. Let's not attack them for having psychotic members in a humungous religion. ALL religions have psychotic killer members.

    Dashel Millihart
    How can you know you have removed the log from your own eye and are free to judge the speck in Islam's? When you have removed your log, their speck won't bother you. You will love it out of existence instead of reaching your fingers out and invading the eye of a stranger you have never met.

    Julienne Alvarez
    If you had watched the video carefully then you would understand. Jesus is often very misquoted from the bible and little understood. He was no pansy ass. He said in the GOT be as WISE as serpents and as innocent as doves is encoded and speaks for itself at the same time. Are serpents wise?
    What Jesus means is that against your enemies be wise but not of evil heart, this is the innocent as doves part. He didn't say don't judge between wrong and right, evil and good. Is Islam really a religion of peace? Is terrorism good or evil?
    The Muslims as human beings are victims yes, but i would be careful in assuming they are all mostly peaceful, what a ludicrous thing to assume unless you have all the facts. And how can we or anyone make any kind of judgement on anything without facts, observations, empirical evidence, scientific method, perennial philosophy ect ect, you do get the drift i hope?
    Of course he means love your enemies as the brotherhood of man but this doesn't mean he would go hug a suicide bomber who was about to detonate his vest to prove his point either, don't be silly. Love is not all love and light i hope you know Dashel.
    Real love also means telling the truth to someone when you know it might hurt their feelings and it is not always nice. Hiding things, being politically correct, and not speaking the truth is a dangerous game and can have deadly consequences.
    The truth no matter how difficult to accept on the other hand saves lives as a consequence of being valid. Saying we can just love the terrorists into accepting peace is extremely naive. Go right on over to Syria and plead your case to IS, let us see how they take your message of love and light shall we?
    Just because you have removed your log of hate from your heart and eyes doesn't mean that the IS has and it doesn't mean that every Muslim has either.
    They hate our guts, our freedom, our way of life and pretty much everything about free western civilization and Islam encourages that kind of hate towards all non-believers.
    They do very much believe in Sharia law and an afterlife though and this is what they are counting on 110% when they push the detonation button and chant Allahu Akbar while killing everyone around them, because in Islam committing jihad is a guaranteed spot in their Allah heaven.
    Getting rid of the Bible is also a ridiculous proposition because that is equivalent to book burning and destroying history which is exactly what IS is doing.
    Should we wait until they blast all the ancient history away in their fear of it including the great pyramids of Egypt and other wonderful historical sites? Why can't we just look at all these ancient scrolls, texts, holy books, ect with scrutiny, rationality and intelligence and debate their truths or non-truths openly and wisely with each other?
    Saying we need to burn all religious texts is counter productive, as many of them have really beautiful and sound advice on how to live rightly and justly.
    Many of them do belong in museums and should only be relevantly discussed by true scholars who can be rational and emotionally detached from their content, i will be the first to agree with that, but book burning would take us back to the stone age. Information is empowers people and so we should all not be dumbing it down encouraging its spread.
    The internet is a tool to empower and without its technology we could not come together truly as a global civilization as one humanity, undivided, and whole. So you would ban the internet too Dashel?

    [1:45:46 PM-December 20th, 20`15] Sirius 17: still having this discussion
    [1:48:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes and you are standing your ground very well. Facts and more rational statements falling on deaf ears however
    [1:48:49 PM] Sirius 17: what else is new
    [1:49:17 PM] ShilohaPlace: let them with eyes to see see and let them with ears to hear hear. Unfortunately the folks you talk to have neither eyes to see, nor ears to hear
    They are your 'intelligent' equals see and so it all reduces to one thing - human opinion

    [1:50:26 PM] Sirius 17: exactly, it is exasperating; but i couldn't stay silent; i thought about not saying anything and i just have to respond to his BS and that womans stupid ass meme she posted

    Muslim Meme.

    [1:52:21 PM] *** Sirius 17 sent Muslim Meme.jpg ***
    [1:52:30 PM] Sirius 17: so i gave her the Frank video
    [1:52:47 PM] Sirius 17:

    [1:53:08 PM] Sirius 17: but we are heading to the Christmas party here at the complex, me and Carla, i will be back in a few
    [1:58:25 PM] raxnae: thats a good clip

    Dashel Millihart
    I believe we two are incapable of formal argument in this medium. I never advocated for banning anything or burning any books. I thought I had made clear that loving people out of Islam was simply your plan, too, to educate them.
    This and many other disconnects in our mutual addressing of specific relevant issues make me hereby end a discussion that is amounting to little except our mutual stroking of knowledge egos. I appreciate your opinion and I wish there were a better way to do this, but I am wasting your time.
    You are pretty much preaching to the choir with a guy like me, regardless of your perception of what I believe, which does not even match up to the assertions I have been making, let alone the additional assumptions. I am not the guy you need to prove this stuff to. Honestly.

    Julienne Alvarez
    Sure, call it a truce Dashel. When you make statements like the following I thought you were being serious and so i take that as equivalent to a book burning ok?
    (( "Let's ban the bible for Jesus' sake, then the Quran will follow naturally. Jesus would have wanted it that way.))
    So of course I had to respond to that statement with clarification. The video I posted was in response to your friends posting of the "do unto others" meme which has been overly abused by people on FB and elsewhere on the internet.
    I find the meme an over simplification of the situation and it insults most peoples intelligence. I really wish things were that simple but they are not.
    (("are you suggesting we should not love people out of Islam through education as you were before? I read your statement as a suggestion that we needn't love these humans."))
    No I am not suggesting we shouldn't help these people however or where ever we can. Neither am i suggesting we shouldn't care about them or show compassion and i have NEVER suggested that.
    The answers are not so simple and so we need to be careful as a western free society because we are dealing with a literal powder keg. My main point about Islam is way above in this discussion where i linked the article about it being a memeplex (great article btw and it would be a pity should anyone miss reading it).
    The fact that it is a memeplex with a 'death to all non-believers' motto has to be exposed globally and to the members of Islam themselves, as I said before.
    We will as a civilization have to forgive and forget yes, but then also there must be consequences given to those who commit such atrocities such as like was done after WWII in the Nuremberg Trials. The solution is not as simple as loving them through it when they are hell bent on killing us.
    How do you reason with the unreasonable?
    And yes i respect your capacity to have an open discussion and value and appreciate your insight into things as well, i always have. I agree, it is very easy to 'misread' intent and for misunderstandings to occur for which I will apologize if i wasn't clear or if i misread your statement or intent.
    I realize that in having this conversation i may be speaking to the choir, but other people are reading as well and so it is also for their illumination as well. It is always my intent to illuminate and illustrate. In Lakech my friend heart emoticon Merry Christmas to you and your own Lady of the Lake.

    [4:46:05 PM] Sirius 17: and so i will end this discussion with him, and i did it as politely as i could
    We are back from the party, not too many people from the complex showed up; the social landscape has changed here drastically since the old managers left, many people have moved out and on including Dashel
    He was a resident here before; his philosophy is ok but it comes mostly out of the end of a bong and so his perceptions are jaded by weed. He and James got along fabulously as you might guess lol
    A young hippie type who tries to live very inclusive and i appreciate that; idealistic lol
    He once told me that the world was on the verge of unlimited abundance; i asked him what he was smoking; he laughed lol and then very seriously told me that i would see

    [1:42:37 PM-December 22nd, 2015] Sirius 17:

    Julienne Alvarez
    Carol the OT is historically violent in context but modern day followers of the bible know full well it was speaking about then and not modern society. The OT doesn't call for its followers to be eternally violent to other non-believers and is like a history of the times of early monotheism.
    You are comparing apples to oranges when you try to put Islam in the same category with other peaceful world religions.
    Islam on the other hand mandates violence from its followers as a matter of religious duty.
    You don't see any terrorism the likes of which Islam has produced in our modern era coming out of any other ideology or major world religion except in very very isolated cases such as planned parenthood bombings ect.
    The Islamic memeplex is a political war movement DISGUISED as a world religion and for this reason it is so deceptive. All Muslims and including you and your western multi-cultural mantra have fallen victim to its BS. If you support Islam you are supporting your own beheading and the slaughter of millions of people in the name of Allah.
    More Muslims are the victim of Islamic terrorism so far than any western society and that is because any place that they have a majority rule they employ Sharia law.
    So your nice moderate Muslims are being killed by their own religion. So do you support that? You do if you support Islam as a religion.
    Calling it a religion of peace is even more disgusting. If you still think I am attacking Muslims then do your damn homework.
    I am defending all Muslims but NOT their fucked ideology called Islam, GOT IT??
    I don't want to see another honor killing, female genital mutilation, 9 year old girl married off to some older man, beheading, rape, torture of another Muslim or westerner at all, but then i know the difference between Islam and Christianity and it is night and freaking day, let me tell you.
    Islam is a death cult, just ask all the Muslims fleeing Syria and the middle east if you don't believe me. Are all of them terrorists?
    No, but how can we be sure who is and isn't?
    Many of the people fleeing Syria are ISIS insurgents looking to infiltrate western societies so don't be so damn naive. Islam is in direct conflict with western values and ideals and has zero place in our modern world.
    If they want to practice Sharia law, let the stay in the middle east and out of our lives. If they truly want freedom then they need to chuck the death cult.
    It is worse than Nazi Germany only many people have not woke up to it yet.
    [2:17:02 PM] Sirius 17: another rebuttle to my aunt Carol, who is still defending her religion of peace
    [2:21:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: she is unlikely to stop it
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australia Security Intelligence Organisation top dog calls for self-censorship to avoid offending Muslims

    December 16, 2015 11:08 pm By Robert Spencer 18 Comments

    “Former prime minister Tony Abbott used an opinion piece last week to call for a ‘religious reformation’ within in [sic] Islam. Mr Abbott called for a ‘hearts and minds campaign against the versions of Islam that make excuses for terrorists, saying Islam had not undergone an equivalent version of the Reformation and Enlightenment in Christian nations.” In response, “Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull responded to Mr Abbott’s remarks by cautioning against blaming all Muslims for Islamic State terrorist attacks. ‘I’m not about to run a commentary on Mr Abbott but I’d simply make the observation again that the one thing we need to be very careful not to do – and I’m sure Tony agrees with this by the way – is to play into the hands of our enemies and seek to tag all Muslims with the crimes of a few.'”

    Can no one in power think clearly anymore? Is everyone thoroughly brainwashed by Islamic supremacist propaganda? Calling for a reformation in Islam is not blaming all Muslims for the crimes of a few. Islamic doctrine is one thing, and the people who hold it are quite another.

    Even worse, however, is Australian Security Intelligence Organisation chief Duncan Lewis’ call for voluntary surrender of the freedom of speech so as not to offend Muslims and to guard against the non-existent but always-feared “backlash.” Which will be first to adopt Sharia blasphemy laws in full? Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada or the United States? It will be a close race.

    “Julie Bishop defends ASIO chief Duncan Lewis over calls schooling Coalition MPs,” by Lisa Cox, Sydney Morning Herald, December 17, 2015 (thanks to Jill):

    Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has defended the right of ASIO chief Duncan Lewis to “speak out” after reports he called Coalition MPs to urge them to tone down the language they used in public discussion of Islam.
    News Corp reported on Thursday the director-general of ASIO had angered some MPs after phoning them to tell them some of their remarks posed a potential risk to national security.
    MPs critical of the intervention see it as an attack on free speech.

    No kidding, really?

    But Ms Bishop said on Thursday Mr Lewis was right to share his views if the public commentary was affecting ASIO’s work.
    “If the director-general of ASIO has formed a view that the public debate might have the potential to put at risk the work that his organisation is undertaking in countering terrorism, then of course he should speak out,” Ms Bishop said on Thursday.

    In an interview with News Corp last week, Mr Lewis said some of the public discussion around Islam had the potential to fuel a backlash against Muslims that would make ASIO’s work more difficult.
    It comes after former prime minister Tony Abbott used an opinion piece last week to call for a “religious reformation” within in Islam.

    Mr Abbott called for a “hearts and minds campaign against the versions of Islam that make excuses for terrorists, saying Islam had not undergone an equivalent version of the Reformation and Enlightenment in Christian nations.
    He said societies “can’t remain in denial about the massive problem within Islam” after terrorist attacks in Paris and the Middle East, the deaths of Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson in the Martin Place siege last year and Curtis Cheng outside Parramatta police station in October.

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull responded to Mr Abbott’s remarks by cautioning against blaming all Muslims for Islamic State terrorist attacks.
    “I’m not about to run a commentary on Mr Abbott but I’d simply make the observation again that the one thing we need to be very careful not to do – and I’m sure Tony agrees with this by the way – is to play into the hands of our enemies and seek to tag all Muslims with the crimes of a few,” Mr Turnbull said last week.
    “The simple fact of the matter is the vast majority of Muslims are as appalled by these acts of extremism as we are.”

    And your evidence for that is…?

    Team led by "Middle Eastern woman" caught surveilling U.S. facility on Mexican border
    Obama says that concerns that jihadis will be among the Syrian refugees are unfounded
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    December 17, 2015
    As Sweden goes, so goes the West

    By Carol Brown
    Sweden is on the bleeding edge of the West’s march into its self-dug grave. The chaos that is unfolding is a direct result of the country’s official policy to become a multicultural nation, which received a unanimous vote in Parliament forty years ago. But abandoning their national identity and importing barbarians would necessarily have consequences. And so, as these new and presumably wonderful cultures have reached a critical mass and the native Swedish population has declined, those consequences have taken hold.
    And so now chaos reigns in Sweden.

    The Gatestone Institute reports that since 1975 when the Swedish Parliament voted to become a multicultural society, crime skyrocked to over 300% of what it had been. Rape increased so dramatically that Sweden is now the “rape capital” of Europe and ranks second for rape in the entire world. Swedes are terrified when asylum houses open in their neighborhoods. Firearm sales are increasing, with one out of five sales to women. More and more vigilante groups are forming as Swedes recognize the government cannot and will not protect them. There is also great demand for alarm systems. And there are active discussions on social media among Swedes sharing ideas on how to protect themselves.

    They know they are on their own.

    Few Swedes bother to call the police, who typically do not respond. And with police stations shut down in small towns and villages, increasing numbers of businesses (some of which are robbed nearly every night) hire security guards. But that often proves ineffectual because once the guards catch a criminal it can take hours for the police to arrive, if they arrive at all. Often they tell the guards to release the criminal because they cannot respond.
    Meanwhile, Swedish politicians have their heads in the sand and ignore the grave situation that is unfolding.

    The politicians, however, ignore the people's fear completely. It is never discussed. Instead, the people who express concern about what kind of country Sweden has become are accused of xenophobia and racism. Most likely, that is the reason more and more people are taking matters into their own hands, and protecting themselves and their families to the best of their ability.
    All the same, some people do not settle for that. It seems some people are trying to stop mass immigration to Sweden. Almost every day there are reports of fires being set at asylum houses. So far, miraculously, no one has been hurt.

    This is what happens when citizens become stripped of their voice and have no representation.
    But the Swedish government still doesn’t care as citizens who are concerned about the breakdown of social norms and values continues apace. To say that Swedish politicians ignore what is going on would be an understatement. It’s far worse than that. They continue to embrace “multiculturalism” even in the face of their country descending into anarchy.

    Nevertheless, in official Sweden, the imminent collapse is ignored. Instead, journalists exclusively focus on attacks by supposedly “racist” Swedes on refugee centers. To prevent new fires, the Immigration Service decided on October 28 that from now on, all asylum facilities would have secret addresses. And meager police resources will now be stretched even further -- to protect asylum seekers….

    …[Prime Minister] Löfven had recently said that, “We should have the option of relocating people applying for asylum in Sweden to other EU-countries. Our ability, too, has a limit. We are facing a paradigm shift.” That comment led a representative of Finland's Finns Party (Sannfinländarna) to wonder, with a hint of irony, how mass immigration to Sweden, which for years Swedish politicians have touted as being so profitable, has now suddenly become a burden.

    “A burden?” I’d say Sweden is way past the “burden” stage and well on their way to ruin.
    Pay attention Americans! We’re headed down the same path. Our country may be larger and we may not be at the point Sweden is, but we’re going down the same road and all the warnings signs are there.
    We must win in 2016. And we must have a candidate who gets it.
    Hat tip: Jihad Watch

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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Op-Ed: Who Converts to Islam, and Why?

    The people converting to Islam seem to be looking for an opportunity to be violent. They say so themselves. And their actions speak louder than words.

    Published: Wednesday, October 29, 2014 12:49 PM

    Hugh Fitzgerald

    Hugh Fitzgerald is an American lecturer on politics and language, with...
    ► More from this writer
    Isn't that the question that ought to be asked all over the Western world? Not to try to say that the mentally ill, who just happen to be converts to Islam, kill people, but that those who are psychically off, if they convert to anything, nowadays will almost certainly to convert to Islam.
    So what is it about Islam that makes it so attractive to them?
    Let's give the answers now, again, before some clever fellows apply for a government grant of five or perhaps ten million dollars to answer, after ponderous studies, involving lots and lots of researchers, and papers, and conferences, and come, finally, tortuously, to the conclusions which you and I can come to right now, and spoil their well-paid, overpaid, fun.

    Have you heard of any homicidal maniacs who decided to convert to Judaism or Buddhism? No, I haven't, either.

    1. Islam offers a Total Regulation of Life. Like the Junior Woodchucks of America, Huey, Dewey, and Louie, you get special Arabic words to learn: Allahu Akbar, alhumdulillah, Jihad, Kuffar, things like that. You get to make up a special name, in Arabic, for yourself. It can express your origin in a particular country: Al-Amriki, Al-Frangi, Al-Britani, just the way those to the manner born can be called Al-Misri (from Egypt) or Al-Shami or Al-Hijazi. You can give yourself a new first name: Stephen might choose to become Suleiman. It's such fun. A new identity, and an instant Community of Bruvvers, fellow Believers, one for all and all for one (that can be especially important in prison).

    2. Islam offers a Compleat Explanation of the Universe. Life is so confusing, so overwhelming. But to the True Believer, life suddenly beomes simple. See Eric Hoffer. There is the Enemy -- in Islam,it's the non-Muslims, the Unbelievers, the Kuffars, the Ungrateful Ones. .There is the Cause for which one subsumes one's own personality (not that such people ever had much of one to begin with), ready to do everything, ideally, for that Cause. And Islam is all about a Cause -- the Cause of Islam itself. The true object of worship in Islam is not Allah, but Islam. It is for Islam that we live and die. And Muslims, to the precise extent that they take Islam to heart (and someone may not take Islam to heart, and then do so, but converts ordinarily are among the most fanatical, the least willilng to modify their behavior, or to embarrassedly or uneasily try to ignore some of the tenets and teachings of Islam).

    3. Islam is attractive as a Gang. In prisons in the Western world, where Musliims represent such a disproportionate number of those incarcerated (in France Muslims may be 5% of the population, but constitute 60% of the prison population, and similar figures can be found in every other country in Western Europe) Islam is attractive as a Gang, the biggest and most dangerous Gang, and the one you want to belong to, for your own protection against others, and of course, against that Muslim Gang. Western governments have yet to do the obvious and sane thing, which would be to put Muslims in prisons for Muslims only, keeping them away from others who might otherwise convert to this dangerous doctrine.

    4. Islam legitimizes criminal behavior. It makes the convert feel good about his behavior, not ashamed or guilty. Have you raped, or stolen from, or killed people, peope who are not Muslims? That's not only not a crime, but they have it coming to them. Not only have you not done wrong, but if you continue to do what you are doing, you can see it in a new light: you are merely helping yourself to the Jizyah that the Infidel nation-state, for now, prevents you from claiming. If you rape seductively-dressed Western women, that is women who aren't wearing a niqab, or chador, or even a hijab, and whose skirts may be short, and who may wear lipstick and rouge, then they are asking for it. The little English girls who were made sex slaves deserved what they got. So for a certain kind of convert to Islam, his life now becomes justifiable; he's been a warrior for Islam all along.

    5. Islam provides a permanent source of enmity -- the Infidel -- whom you can blame for all of your woes. That's very relaxing. In the Western world, we find so many different things to blame if things go wrong -- and things always go wrong. But in Islam, you can always blame the Infidel for everything. And that's what Musilms do, with their conspiracy theorizing, all the time.
    So that's why criminals and homicidal maniacs find Islam so attractive. Have you heard of any homicidal maniacs who decided to convert to Judaism or Buddhism? No, I haven't, either. And if a criminal converts to Christianity, say in prison, aren't we all relieved to hear it, don't you feel he's done the one thing that might help change him? Of course you do. Now imagine the glad tidings reach you that that same prisoner converted not to Christianity, but to Islam. Now how do you feel?

    Op-Ed: The Two-State Solution is Folly Based on Folly

    Find out about Muslim views on war and peace.

    Published: Thursday, August 02, 2007 10:09 AM

    Hugh Fitzgerald

    Hugh Fitzgerald is an American lecturer on politics and language, with...
    ► More from this writer

    Mahmoud Abbas, smarting from Fatah's defeat in Gaza by Hamas, is now cleverly out for a full-court "peace" press. He knows George Bush has only eighteen months left, plus the mess in Iraq, which will remain a mess whatever the American administration now does. And Bush is apparently incapable of welcoming the internecine strife, or at least divisions, sectarian and ethnic, that were made inevitable by the removal of Saddam Hussein's iron grip, and that if allowed to fester, can only divide and demoralize, and thereby weaken, the camp of Islam and Jihad.

    Whenever a "victory" is needed, it's Peace Process Time.


    But Bush and Condoleezza Rice and Co. are desperate for a "victory." And whenever a "victory" is needed, it's Peace Process Time in the Middle East. That's always good for all kinds of sentimentality, exaggerated false hopes, and studied inattention to the dismal facts; including the central fact - the unavoidable fact, the absolutely critical fact - of Islam and the impossibility of Arab Muslims ever, ever conceivably accepting the permanence of the infidel (and what's still worse, Jewish) state of Israel.

    Peace treaties between Muslims and non-Muslims are always truce treaties, to be broken at the earliest opportunity. Yet, American and Israeli leaders refuse to read and find out about Muslim views on war and peace. They pretend that Majid Khadduri and everyone else who has studied the Law of War and Peace in Islam never wrote what they wrote. Has Rice ever read, has the State Department ever circulated, the description by Khadduri of such treaty-making? Has Bush, has Dick Cheney, have any of them read about and grasped the significance of the Treaty of Al-Hudaibiyyah that Muhammad made with the Meccans in 628 CE, then broke as soon as he could (in 630 CE), following his own prescription that "war is deception"?

    Only a fool, a willful ignoramus, at this point, could seriously believe that further concessions by Israel will lead to, or could possibly lead to, a permanent peace. It isn't possible. Only deterrence keeps the peace between Israel and all those who are conducting Jihad against Israel, whether they are waging jihad by qital (combat), by terrorism, by the economic pressure (the money weapon) of boycotts, or by demographic pressure (those huge Arab families, so rapidly and deliberately out-breeding the Jews). It is only darura, that is, the principle of "necessity," that can conceivably keep the peace.

    Right now it is necessity, darura, that causes Mahmoud Abbas, that corrupt collaborator with Yasser Arafat, to do his best to imitate a mild-mannered casper-milquetoast of an accountant. And a foolish and desperate Ehud Olmert, and a desperate and foolish Bush, for their own personal reasons, wish to arrive at an agreement, any damn agreement. Where are the sensible heads in Israel and America, the people who understand, or can be made to understand, the principles of Muslim treaty-making, and the clear doctrines of Islam on this score?

    So many mistakes in Iraq and elsewhere can be attributed to ignorance.

    q_bottom. anything at all save whet Arab appetites for more. So many mistakes in Iraq and elsewhere can be attributed to ignorance

    It is a fantastic idea to believe that Israel yielding more territory to the Arabs can do about the texts, tenets, attitudes and atmospherics of Islam. Now the biggest mistake of all, the one that has been repeatedly made by successive Israeli governments, may be repeated again, unless the informed and the un-swayable come to the fore.

    Bush will get his little "victory" and Olmert his, but, in fact, these victories will endanger, possibly mortally, the people and state of Israel. The Israelis do not deserve that. They do not deserve a government, or so-called "friends" elsewhere, willing to force upon them a "two-state solution" that makes no sense, and that flies directly in the face of the commands and demands of Islam.

    Abbas and the Slow Jihadists of Fatah want that infidel aid in the biggest way. They also want, as a first step, as much of the West Bank as they can get. And with such permanently hopeful and uncomprehending naifs as now rule Israel (Olmert at the helm, and his second-in-command Haim Ramon, who was such an enthusiast for the destruction of Israeli villages in Gaza, some built decades before the State of Israel came into existence, and finally, the terminally confused Tzipi Livni), Abbas knows that the next year, when these people are still (unaccountably) in office, and when Bush will be desperate for a "victory," will bring him even more infidel aid.

    All the Arabs have tacitly agreed to be as outwardly full of sweet reason as they can until the Muslim populations have another few years to be fruitful and multiply all over Western Europe. Oh, they know exactly what they are doing. They are playing for time, stalling for time, in reaction to the shock of discovering that many in the United States, and even in Western Europe, are beginning to wake up. And they are doing so despite the army of Western hirelings and the careful infiltration and takeover of so many "sources of information," such as academic centers and departments devoted ostensibly to the study of Islam and the Middle East.

    Right now the Saudis, for example, are all reason and light - see recent issues of Aramco World (always a good indicator). See also the letters campaign from supposedly aw-shucks down-home American-as-apple-pie Muslims. See the barrage of Op/Eds, from Tariq Ramadan's serpentine hiss on up, or down, telling us that "European Islam" or "American Islam" will be so very different from the other kind - the kind one sees all over the Lands of Islam, and always has seen. Of course, no one ever satisfactorily explains just how this "European Islam" or this "American Islam" will be different from the Islam we have always seen. It will be based on the same immutable texts of Islam, those studied at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, by the Islamic scholars of Saudi Arabia, and by those mullahs and ayatollahs now running the Islamic Republic of Iran. The texts are always the same, whatever the emphasis. They are the same ones read and memorized by Muslims everywhere over the past 1,350 years.

    His goal remains, as of course it must remain, the disappearance of an Infidel sovereign state.

    They are right now, temporarily, engaged in an act of smiles and wiles. And Mahmoud Abbas is no different. His goal remains, as of course it must remain, the disappearance of an Infidel sovereign state in the midst of Dar Al-Islam. If he has to lie, briefly, to get it, of course he will. And even if, for some reason, he was not meretricious, but had had a conversion on the non-road to Damascus, it would mean nothing. Other Muslims, who do take their Islam seriously, would follow him.

    The decisions to be taken by the likes of Olmert and Bush are momentous. They may decide whether the Jewish state, built by the Jewish people - who had to wait 2,000 years to rebuild the Jewish commonwealth - will live or die. If it dies, they will get no second chance. And the world's Christians, too, will be unlikely to have free access to Jerusalem. The hearts and minds of Muslims will not have been "won," but rather, will swell with an ominous triumphalism that will be dangerous for what of the non-Muslim West remains.

    The "Two-State Solution" is a folly based on folly. Clearer minds and purer hearts are needed, in the government of Israel, and in the government of the United States.

    This article originally appeared on on July 28, 2007.

    The Innocent Jihadi!.
    The innocent jihadi from the religion of peace!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  5. admin

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    Post Carol Yesterday at 6:24 pm



    In addition any banned member who uses another members account to post will be banned permanently and the member who allows the banned member to use their account will have a temporary ban.


    Now Carol, as you may well know by now that Shiloh and I post together a lot and often share postings and collaboration on our works, why the hell is it only me that is banned and not both of us?? We will not be intimidated by the denial of the truth and so you must ban both of us as a matter of principle and not just one of us. We have both been posting these images in our desire to inform and tell the truth about Islam and not bury it under political correctness and lies like the western civilized world would have us do.

    Yes I fully realize the images are disturbing and horrific, but NOW you need to ask yourself who created those images? Did Shiloh and I cause those children to be mutilated beyond recognition or something else? Those images are shocking and horrific and this kind of violence is happening in our time, not 2000 years ago, but today. You are a rationally minded human being Carol, so can you answer who is at fault here for the horrific violence that you are choosing to ignore and censor from your forum? Or will you do like many people do out of fear, stick your head in the sand and then blame the messenger instead of looking at reality? Why is it that suddenly, on your forum truth telling has become equated to hate speech? I thought you stood for the defense of the truth and that this forum was a place to do just that and not just a forum built on NABS and disinformation, but a beacon in the mists, a lighthouse in the darkness that is our current world. Also YOU might be educated and know of the horrors that Islam is dishing out to its victims but you are not the ONLY person reading this forum. There are many people out there who do not realize the atrocities being committed by Islam nor the dangers this poses to western free societies. One of the few ways we can actually fight these atrocities, like it or not, is to illustrate the truth. And in this case a picture is really worth a thousand words, or did you forget that?

    By banning us you are basically allowing the injustice to prevail and the truth to be blown out like a candle in the wind. You prefer to listen to what you want to hear and the silly rhetoric of posters like Pris, Blue Roller, Sophias Choice, ect, than to the voice of truth and reason?? REALLY? Go ahead and ban me if you must, but then don’t be fuc11ing preferential in your choices and ban both Shiloh and I for as long as you are going to consider the BS over the truth. If posting images that illustrate our modern day reality bother you then you are in deep deep trouble in your denial.

    Shaloma, Raven
    Undersigned Shiloh

    Be consistent Carol in your administration of the Mists of Avalon Forum and like the Camelot and Project Avalon forums before you; ban all Thubans, who offend your sentiments and sensitivities of social etiquette and acceptable tactfulness.

    See the difference between Christian Innocents and Islam innocents Carol?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 1)

    December 14, 2015 6:39 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 24 Comments

    Sometimes it seems that almost all the news these days deemed fit to print has something to do with Islam and Muslims. Much of it is about internecine warfare: we receive reports of Sunnis fighting Shi’a in Iraq, of Shi’a fighting Sunnis in Syria, of Shi’a ruled fighting Sunni ruler in Bahrain, of Sunni tribesmen fighting Shi’a tribesmen in Yemen, of one city’s militia fighting another city’s militia, as in Libya with fighters from Tripoli, Misrata, Benghazi, Zintan squaring off, or Muslims of different ethnicities fighting one another–Arabs against Kurds in Iraq and Syria, Arabs against Berbers in North Africa, and so on and so confusingly forth, and don’t forget the Turkmens and the Tuareg.

    But with all these permutations and combinations, two things remain constant. The first is the Muslim Arab attitude toward, and attacks on, the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East: the Chaldeans and Assyrians of Iraq, the Orthodox and Catholics in Syria, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Copts in Egypt. The Christian position depends on the regime. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein had his own reasons for protecting the Christians, whom he knew were no threat to him and, indeed, were employed by him as his household staff, but he is long gone, and Muslims have been attacking Christians and more than half of Iraq’s Christians have left the country. In Syria, the Alawite regime, a regime that amazingly treats Christmas and Good Friday as official holidays and closes government offices, teeter-totters, and Muslim attacks on Christians have led to many of them leaving that country, too. In Egypt, attacks on the Copts went way up under Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, tens of thousands left the country, and under Al-Sisi conditions for Copts have returned to their unpleasant normal. Copts still leave, but not at the rate they did under Morsi. And the steady Maronite outflow, the relative and absolute decline in their numbers and in their power, means that Lebanon, once thought of as a Christian haven, has become another Muslim-dominated country where the Christians are just managing to hang on.

    When they leave Syria or Iraq or Egypt or Lebanon, where do these Middle Eastern Christians go? They go to Europe, to Australia, Canada, America. Who can blame them? And thus the Middle East is being emptied of its Christians. Does it matter to you? If you are a Christian, or even a “post-Christian” (someone who may no longer be a Believer in Christianity, but who recognizes that he belongs to the civilization of the West, and that civilization was fashioned by Christianity) don’t you want a Living Christian Presence in the Middle East? Would you not regret what at this point seems inevitable — the disappearance of Christianity from that region?

    The Western powers have not done what they might have to secure the Christians in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the last American intervention on the side of the Christians was the sending of troops in 1958 by Eisenhower. And France, which always regarded itself as the historic protector of the Maronites, did nothing to help them during the Christian-Muslim civil war. The Maronites found themselves formulaically described in the French (leftist) press as the “right-wing Christians,” though there was nothing “right-wing” about them, unless being Christian was to be taken as synonymous with “right-wing.” Eugene Ionesco wittily noted the use of that Homeric epithet in “the newspaper everyone reads” (he was referring to Le Monde, the permanent paper of the French leftist elite).

    The American record of defending imperiled Christians in the Middle East has been dismal. In Iraq, where hundreds of thousands of American troops were stationed, and a gigantic military machine present for a decade, nothing was done to help the Christians. They were not given arms, they were not trained to defend themselves, and the American military has done nothing special to defend them. They seemed not to want to recognize the peculiar plight of the Christians, to pretend that the danger and misery were spread equally.

    And if the Western world has offered so little military support to the Middle Eastern Christians, what about moral support? Has the Vatican, has the World Council of Churches, has any official body of Christians started to worry aloud about what Muslims have done, and are doing with a vengeance right now, to the ancient Christian communities of the Middle East? And why do we not hear of possible places, right in the Middle East, where Christians could live in security if only certain arrangements could be made?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 2)

    December 15, 2015 8:17 am

    The second great grim given in the Middle East, along with the persecution of ancient Christian communities by Muslims, is the steady under-hum of hate, directed at the Infidel Jewish state of Israel. Through the din of warfare between Sunni and Shi’a, Kurd and Arab, Berber and Arab, Al-Nusra and Al-Qaeda, there is the noise of another warfare: the endless war against Israel.

    This war is a product of the Muslim worldview. In that view, the world is uncompromisingly divided between Dar al-Islam, the Domain of Islam, where Muslims dominate, and Dar al-Harb, the Domain of War, where Muslims do not yet dominate. It is the duty of every Muslim to participate in the struggle or Jihad, to remove all obstacles to the spread, and then the domination, of Islam, everywhere. And they are doing it, through terrorism, and propaganda, and economic warfare, and hijrah, the newest and most dangerous instrument of jihad, jihad through migration into the vulnerable (because confused about the threat they faced) lands of Dar al-Harb.
    Israel’s existence is regarded by Muslims as especially insufferable. For it is an Infidel nation-state, the Infidels in question being the long-despised Jews that sits smack in the middle of Arabdom, contra naturam, an insult to the amour-propre of Muslims everywhere, but especially to Arab Muslims, who conceive of that tiny country metaphorically as either a knife plunged into the heart of Arabdom, or as a cancerous growth in the middle of Arabdom. And you don’t pull a knife out part-way, you don’t cut out only part of a cancerous tumor. In other words, for most Arabs, Israel eventually has to go, to disappear, to become again what it once was, part of Dar al-Islam. Until the Six-Day War, the Arabs never hid — just read their propaganda — the final result they desired — an end to Israel, and by military means. But their colossal defeat in that war, and the loss of the territory that the Jordanians had renamed the “West Bank,” led to an entire rethinking of Arab strategy. They understood that they would now have to use non-military means to recover that “West Bank” through diplomacy.

    That diplomatic maneuvering required the transformation of the local Arabs — those in Israel proper, those in the “West Bank,” and those who had fled Mandatory Palestine in 1948-49 and had been called “Arab refugees” — into the deliberately-created “Palestinian people.” This newly-invented “Palestinian people” would first recover, through negotiations, the “West Bank,” and only then, with Israel pushed back into the armistice lines of 1949, would the Arabs, as many as chose to join in, go in for the kill.

    This Arab strategy of conquest-by-stages has gone pretty well. The existence of the “Palestinian people” has been uncritically accepted, or almost so: Golda Meir always doubted their existence, but that’s not surprising — after all, she was the Prime Minister of Israel. But another who doubted their existence was a “Palestinian” Arab named Zuheir Mohsen, head of the As-Saiqa terrorist group, who confided to a Dutch newspaper that “between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity. There is no such thing as the Palestinian people.”
    And to back up Zuheir Mohsen, you might add that phrase “Palestinian people” was never heard. If, however, you ask someone to explain why that phrase was never heard before late 1967, or what characteristics — language, religion, folktales, anything at all — distinguish this “Palestinian people” from all other Arabs, or ask why the word “Palestinian” should have been promoted from geographic adjective to ethnic noun, well, only embarrassment and confusion will result.
    In the Sinai, the Arabs were very successful. Carter and Brzezinski at Camp David treated Sadat, the ruler of a country that had lost territory in a war of aggression, as a veritable Prince of Peace, who could do no wrong. It was Begin who was put constantly on the defensive, and it was he who was forced to relinquish every inch of the Sinai, with the airfields and the oilfields built by the Israelis, and the entire Sinai, to Saint Sadat, who graciously deigned to accept the gift.
    But on the other side of Israel, on the River Jordan, Israel would not be so compliant. Most Israelis understood that in order to withstand a possible attack from the east, they could not surrender the “West Bank” (called by Israelis “Judea and Samaria”— these were, after all, the toponyms that everyone in Christendom, including Jesus, had used for 2000 years, but now the Western press universally mocked the Israeli use of these place names precisely because they were “Biblical”). For some Israelis, the “West Bank” was indeed a Biblical matter; it was part of the Promised Land. For others, Israel’s claim had a different basis — the Mandate for Palestine, and the territory assigned to that Mandate by the League of Nations.

    For still others, what mattered most were the traditional rules of post-bellum settlements, by which the victor gets to keep some land. Just think of how the map of Europe, for example, changed after every conflict large and small (think of Alsace-Lorraine, or the Alto Adige, or Königsberg) both to discourage future aggressors, and because that land might actually prove vital in a future conflict.
    Some time after the Six-Day War, a group of American generals visited the area of the “West Bank,” and came back, and wrote a report. Their conclusion? Strictly for military reasons, Israel had to hold to that area. For them, neither the Bible nor the Mandate for Palestine needed to be invoked. It was a military matter.

    So here we have, midst the swirl of Muslim turmoil in the Middle East, two melancholy facts, two givens. The first is, as noted in Part 1, that Arab Christians are being driven out of the Middle East. Christianity began in the Middle East; Christians held on in the Middle East for 2000 years; now their numbers are being reduced every day. The Living Christian Presence may end in the Middle East.
    Where might some of those Christians — those Assyrians, Chaldeans, Orthodox, Catholics, Copts — end up in the Middle East, in a place that will offer them security, and may even allow them to be trained and armed to defend themselves? And where might they, merely by staying put in the Middle East, and not fleeing to Europe or Australia or Canada or America, perform the important task of being that Living Christian Presence?

    Hugh Fitzgerald: Christian Arabs, Muslim Arabs (Part 3)

    December 16, 2015 11:41 am

    Perhaps, despite all kinds of opposition from the very people who would benefit, a large-scale transfer of peoples were to create a Christian Preserve in the Middle East?

    Following World War I, and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire, the first of the twentieth century’s large-scale transfers of populations took place. By the Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, which was signed at Lausanne in 1923, the Greek and Turkish governments agreed to the compulsory population exchange of peoples. About 1.5 million Greeks who had been uprooted during the Greek genocide and then by defeat in the Greco-Turkish war were forcibly sent to Greece. Turkey wanted to formalize this exodus, and at the same time to create a new exodus, but from Greece this time, and the people being forced out were Turks, moved to Anatolia where they could repopulate areas from which the Greeks had been moved. And at the same time, the properties left behind by the Turks could be taken over by some of the Greeks expelled from Anatolia.

    This exchange of populations was based on religious identity, and not ethnicity or language. And the goal was to create for each of these countries, Greece and Turkey, if not complete ethnic homogeneity, at least to drastically reduce the numbers of Muslims (Turks and Albanians) in Greece and the number of Orthodox Christians in Turkey.

    The second great population exchange of the twentieth century is that which took place among the Muslims and Hindus of India at the time of Partition. Out of India itself, a second state was carved; it included part of the Punjab to the west, and part of Bengal to the east, and together West Pakistan and East Pakistan formed the Dominion of Pakistan. In 1971, East Pakistan rose in revolt and seceded from the Dominion of Pakistan to become an independent state, called Bangladesh.

    As many as half a million people died in the communal riots between Muslims and Hindus before the Partition. And as part of the general upheaval in this period, 14 to 15 million people, Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh, were uprooted and, as Muslim refugees from India, or as Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan, then resettled in Pakistan or in India. It is impossible to say if the people of India and Pakistan were better off because of the rearranging of populations; it was meant to deal with the effects of communal riots and large-scale homelessness — to put Hindus in mainly-Hindu India, to put Muslims in mainly-Muslim Pakistan.
    Still a third example of large-scale population transfer is that which has gone largely unrecognized: the half-million Arabs who left Mandatory Palestine beginning in November 1947 (when they were urged to leave and to return together with triumphant Arab conquerors — that triumph, and that return, never took place) while, at more or less the same time, 900,000 Jews from all over the Arab lands, from Morocco to Iraq, fled local pogroms and made their way to Israel. This population transfer was not, like that of Greeks and Turks in 1923, or the resettlement of Hindus and Muslims in 1947, the result of a formal treaty. It was simply the result of Arabs listening to other Arabs just before and during Israel’s war for independence, and Jews reacting to the violence visited upon them before, during, and after that war, all over the Middle East and North Africa.

    We have seen that the Christian Arab population all over the Middle East is dwindling. We have reviewed the history of the “West Bank” and its importance for Israel’s survival. Is there any way to join these two themes — to give some Christian Arabs a sure refuge, and to strengthen Israel’s hold, and Israel’s perceived right to hold, on to the “West Bank”?

    Let’s start with the world of the counterfactual. You know what a counterfactual is. It’s that which didn’t happen, but you allow yourself to change that history in your mind, and twist it, to make it go as you would have wished it to. Usually these counterfactuals involve something simple — for example, the killing of some dictator, a Hitler or a Stalin, before he could fully do his murderous damage, thus saving tens of millions of lives. Or someone chooses something a little more complicatedly counterfactual. Suppose, for example, we tell ourselves that in their long series of naval battles, Genoa and not Venice had emerged victorious and powerful, and rich. If that had happened, then later in the next century, when a certain Genoan named Cristoforo Colombo sought financial backing for an expedition to find a new western passage to the Indies— the land route now blocked by the Muslims who completed their conquest of Byzantium in 1453 — he did not have to first go to England and Portugal (turned down in both places) or, as he finally and successfully did, to Spain, with the backing of Ferdinand and Isabella and Luis Santangel. No, he could have been backed instead by his very own native city, and would have claimed the New World for Genoa.

    What would that New World look like? Oh, north of the Fiume Grande it would look much the same — the French and English would still have settled North America. But south of that river, what would things be like? Spain’s conquistadores were hardened by the half-millennium of the Reconquista, and thus were aggressive conquerors who seized booty. The Genoese were traders from a maritime city-state. They set up trading entrepôts on the shores of the Black Sea, and did not go inland, did not attempt to conquer peoples and seize loot. A very different pattern of settlement.

    Now imagine another counterfactual scenario that would create a very different pattern of settlement: Muslim Arabs in Gaza and the “West Bank” exchanged for the Christian Arabs displaced from Iraq, Syria, and other majority-Muslim countries. This would give Christian Arabs a preserve where they would be protected, and where they in turn could (if they chose) help Israel militarily — as the Rev. Gabriel Nadaf is encouraging those who are in Israel to do.

    There is something in this also for those Arab leaders who do not want war with Israel. Those leaders actually have a stake in Israel keeping the “West Bank,” which makes it perceptibly more powerful: if you are al-Sisi, for example, you probably want Israel to hold onto the “West Bank.” This population exchange would enable the Israelis to do so. Nonetheless, the opposition of Arab leaders in the area to this plan, were anyone in a position of power to propose it, is virtually assured. Some Israelis, likewise, won’t like the idea of agreeing to let Arabs to live on “West Bank,” even if the Arabs in question are Christian and are traded for Muslim Arabs. There is considerable Christian Arab hostility toward Israel, and that will be hard to change. And there are some Israelis who think they can kick out all the Arabs from the West Bank.
    All this opposition makes for an impossible counterfactual — but would that it could actually come true, for the sake of all three groups involved: Israel, the Arab leaders who don’t want war with Israel, and above all, the Christian Arabs themselves.

    Shiloh Za-RaH

    You have been banned from this forum.
    Until 15/01/2016
    For the reason : allowing a banned member to use your account

    Aloha Tony,

    One of the rules on this forum is only one member per account... meaning said member is not allowed to open up multiple accounts on the forum.

    In addition, when someone else who was banned for spamming the same info. along with posting graphic images that further exploits innocent children across 5 other threads - resulting in members contacting me with complaints... then using your account and password to continue posting after being banned - that is pushing the situation too far.

    If you wish to resume posting and stop Raven from using your account you will need to change your password and not share it.

    Please let me know what you want to do.


    shiloh, Carol from "" -

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