The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    AUSTRALIA: Muslims threaten Senator Jacquie Lambie with beheading unless she helps introduce sharia law

    The letter to Lambie warns that “you are the enemy of Islamic State, therefore, I will take the honor in beheading you.” It includes graphic images of a man having his head sliced off by a knife.

    Adelaide Now (h/t Russian Bear) Police are investigating a poison pen letter claiming that Muslim plan to behead Tasmanian Senator Jacquie Lambie unless she helps introduce sharia law in Australia.
    Her office conceded the letter could be a fake threat, linked to opponents of a new mosque in Adelaide, but said that they were taking the threat seriously and had referred the matter to the Australian Federal Police.

    It claims to have been prepared by the “Adelaide Islamic State Mujahideen” and makes references to plans to build a mosque in Adelaide, suggesting that the development would represent a celebration of Lindt gunman Haron Monis’s efforts to expand the Islamic State’s philosophy.

    The outspoken senator, who recently called for the introduction of the death penalty for terrorists, has confirmed her staff received a letter this week.

    “Do not involve the police or media, shut you f—en mouth and do as I say or else the bloodshed will worsen,” the letter says. “I swear upon Allah’s will that death will be approaching to you.”

    Seen in the streets of Sydney
    Describing the contents as “disgusting” Senator Lambie said she had no plans to abandon her pursuit of tougher laws against terrorists.

    “If you don’t like our Australian law or you don’t want to abide by our Australian constitution then pack your bags and do what I have already asked leave,” she said. Here is a reality check for Islamic terrorists living in Australia, we will never bow down to sharia law.”

    Lambie says, “Anybody that supports Sharia law in Australia should not have the right to vote, should not be given government handouts and should probably pack up their bags and get out of here”
    Opponents of the proposed mosque at Greenfields yesterday distanced themselves from the letter. John Bolton, who made a deputation against the mosque being built at a Salisbury Council meeting last week, said the letter was shocking.

    “My belief is there are very good arguments to why the mosque should not be built there (but) I would not be involved with, nor am I aware of, anyone who would make such statements,” he said.

    A member of the Patriots Defence League of Adelaide, who did not want to be named, said he did not know of anyone who would go to such extremes and would not endorse such a horrific letter. He said he would be sceptical of the letter being created by anyone in the League but said he could not speak for everyone.

    Ahmed Ahmedy of the Hazara Foundation of SA, who have proposed the mosque., said he was shocked anyone would try and link the mosque with the crimes of Monis.

    This is not the first time Muslims have been demanding sharia for Australia
    “I don’t know what the beliefs of the people who did write the letter are but it is not an Australian belief,” he said. “Australians are broad minded and multicultural.”

    SA Police Assistant Commissioner Bryan Fahy said SA Police were aware of the threat and working with Australian Federal Police.

    By BareNakedIslamIslamization of the West

    Lambie refuses to be intimidated by a beheading threat

    Rob Messenger Media Release. Pub: Mar 1
    03.03.15 3:55 am

    Independent Senator for Tasmania Jacqui Lambie has vowed not to be intimated by a letter claiming to be from a supporter of Islamic State and the Sydney siege perpetrator, which sentences her to death (see above).
    “My office received this death threat letter last Friday. It was accompanied by 3 glossy photographs, one of which showed a close up shot of a man’s head being cut off.
    Obviously someone is trying to intimidate and scare me. I will not be intimidated or scared.
    I will not allow anyone to hold the Parliament of Australia in contempt by interfering with the free and fair performance of an Australian Senator. Therefore I’ve spoken out publically and I have referred this matter to the AFP and Tasmanian Police. My office has been informed that a new threat assessment is now being carried out.” said Senator Lambie.
    “I will continue to speak out about the threat that supporters of Islamic State and Sharia Law pose to the Australian democratic culture and people.
    Despite the horrible images of butchery on the internet, deadly world-wide attacks, recent lethal Sydney siege and other attacks, troops deployed overseas - and an official terrorism alert which says daily we’re likely to experience another terrorist attack … some Australians haven’t accepted the fact that we’re at war with Islamic fundamentalists.
    I will continue to advocate for a ban on Sharia Law, unnecessary face coverings in public and tighter regulation of Halal certification fees in Australia - and to have those Australian Citizens who assist Islamic State in anyway, charged with the high crimes of Sedition or Treason.
    I will continue to ask the question:
    What if the Islamic State supporter who carried out the Sydney siege had survived - after killing his victim and terrorising others … should an Australian jury have the option of applying the death sentence to a citizen who is found to be a killer, traitor and terrorist?” said Senator Lambie.

    Lambie Press Conference, YouTube here
    Mercury: Police find fingerprint on death threat note sent to Senator Jacqui Lambie

    - See more at:
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    White Somalian Supremacy!

    A peace loving muslim in a (as yet) a non-muslim country! ​
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017

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