The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tony Bermanseder shared Michael Smith News's post.

    32 mins ·

    Michael Smith News
    July 2 at 3:41am · · Politics
    Best Brexit Butt-Hurt banter bar none

    Stupid Butt-Hurt Millennials

    Stupid butt-hurt millennials are whining and crying because the UK voted to leave the EU. Facebook @ FOLLOW Paul Jo...



    Tony Bermanseder Mycroft said in reply to Cappy...

    Despite all the will in the world it will always be near impossible for Australian voters to punish both of the two major parties at the same time, it is built into the two-party preferred system that that cannot happen.

    The only way it will change in any real sense is for the preference system to be made optional - something I completely support.

    OTOH, the "great white hope" for me is a breakaway Conservative party to emerge from the rubble of the coalition, which is the main reason I was hoping they would be booted out in this election.

    I disagree with your opinion on Tony Abbott completely, he is still light years ahead of the current pretenders, Abbott is good but he can't walk on water, and no one else can either.

    Our immigration system is a result of decades of SJW activism and won't be rolled back easily. I think the only way that that could be achieved would be to completely disenfranchise women. (Yes, I am sorry girls, but 90% of all the evil social change we have had to endure over the last 5 decades can be attributed to your misplaced maternal instincts).


    Tony Bermanseder Sirebard said in reply to Mycroft...

    Indeed, the difference between Tony Abbott and the vast majority of ALL the 3-party mob pretending to represent ALL of Australia, is that he has not fallen for the globalist lies, including climatescam and the 'free market trade agreements' and the 'death cult', which islam not muslim-be truly is.

    Also the 3rd wave feminism sweeping the western political world is anything but 'true feminism', but rather a bigoted, antichristian (but not antiislam) and 'white man hating' political totalitarian movement of so called 'social justice warriors'.

    Have you noticed that the so termed 'political and common voter shaping' sexual equality egalitarianism is becoming hijacked by youngish, good looking female university graduates, aspiring to representative office, without knowing much at all about the real world and deriving their 'expertise' from UN/Islam funded 'chairs' of multicultural politics, integration and relative culturalism?

    Those 'future leaders' in the political parties and the media and information sources often have little experience and aptitude to 'think for themselves' and to form balanced viewpoints away from their 'political-socially correct' indoctrination.
    Yet those selfsame 'graduates' are presented and sponsored to shape political and otherwise opinion as the new role models for their countries' future.

    The trouble with this election is as you have indicated.
    A third NEW political movement must grow to eventually overpower the status quo. Unfortunately, the true feasibility of that is restricted by new likeminded and similar principled, but scattered political movements like ONA and ALA and even the LDP.

    They all should unite and carry with them all the positive aspects of the Blue National Conservatism and the Red democratic social justice traditions and the Green progressive stewardship of the planetary environment, away from all the left-right political traditionalism, which has outlived its use by date.

    Today's agenda for the Judeo-Christian Civilization is the destruction of the present economic-fiscal-militaristic globalist model to its nationalist foundation and after this 'return to traditional conservative roots' an alternative nation building as a true worldwide unification can grow from this in the acceptance and allegiance of a new encompassing natural philosophy aligned with the 'wisdom-Sophia and understanding-science of the elders' in preference to the visual appearances of the beautiful and inexperienced and often naïve and under informed universal children of the 'ancient ones'.

    * UNINTENTIONALLY and/or INADVERTENTLY Please watch the entire video, you may miss the gist if you don't. ***The title is controversial only if you don't wat...

    Feminist Whores For Islam - Godless Comedy
    Pat CondellMon, March 21, 2016 10:41amURL:Embed:One for the ladies. Twitter’s new ‘Safety Council’ makes a mockery of free speech Facebook’s war on freedom of speech


    Charlotte Cowell Sebastiano Cipolla ;-) x

    Charlotte Cowell the man on the video sums up my mood today precisely, never before have I witnessed so many people hellbent on fulfilling a prophecy of doom, very disappointing
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Saudi Prince Tells Americans Who NOT To Vote For In THEIR Elections
    •By phoenix •In Election, General News, Politics
    Saudi Arabian Prince Turki al Faisal is begging the American people not to elect billionaire real estate tycoon Donald Trump to the Oval Office, citing concerns over Trump’s proposed policies that specifically target Muslim immigrants.
    “For the life of me, I cannot believe that a country like the United States can afford to have someone as president who simply says, ‘These people are not going to be allowed to come to the United States.'”
    Faisal was referring to remarks made by the presidential candidate after last year’s Paris and San Bernardino shootings that claimed the lives of more than 100 people. At least one of the radical Islamists believed to be responsible for the attacks in Paris is thought to have entered the country by pretending to be a refugee fleeing the war in Syria.
    In San Bernardino, Tashfeen Malik entered the country using a K-1 visa, and was vetted by the Obama administration.
    After Obama pledged to bring in 10,000 more Syrian refugees, after it has been demonstrated that ISIS is using the refugee programs to enter other countries, and after the Obama administration has shown that it cannot properly vet newcomers from Islamic countries, candidate Trump stated that, as president, he would put a halt to programs that allow for the immigration of Muslims until the country reaches a point that it can properly screen them for terrorist ties.
    Prince Turki al-Faisal is urging the American people to not vote for the Donald.
    Al-Faisal is not the only member of the Saudi Arabian royalty to attempt to tell Americans how to vote in their elections.
    Last year, Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal took to Twitter to mock Trump, and demand that he leave the presidential race.
    “You are a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America. Withdraw from the U.S presidential race as you will never win.”
    Since the crisis of Syria began, it has been reported that Saudi Arabia has not bothered to take a single refugee into their country, causing many, including Donald Trump to call the oil-rich nation hypocritical.

    Last edited: Jul 4, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tuesday, 05 July 2016

    Lebanese Muslim Association condemns women. Pauline the Hate Preacher & Aayan Hirsi Ali the Bigot

    Exhibit One issued today by the women-hating LMA on Pauline. Exhibit Two on Aayan Hirsi Ali is below.
    Pauline's core policy about Islam is for Australia to decide whether Islam is a religion or a totalitarian way of life.
    Pauline wants Australia to hold a Royal Commission of Enquiry into the matter.
    I think that question has to be answered.

    Recall that the Australian Defence Force's own guidelines on religion and spiritual belief refer to the core tenet of Islam - Muhammad led the perfect life and Muslims must strive to do what he did.
    The ADF publication referred service men and women (and their commanders) to an Islamic website that instructed Muslims to overthrow democratic governments and to join the defence forces of democratic nations only for the purpose of sabotaging their efforts against Islam.
    I don't know whether a Royal Commission of Enquiry is the right way to decide that question - I was a bright eyed enthusiast for the Trade Union Royal Commission and that experience has moderated the native faith I had. But regardless of the mechanism to decide the issue it must be resolved. We confer on Islam the immunities and taxation concessions that religions which concern themselves with purely spiritual matters enjoy.

    Muhammad established a system of strict and complete control over the lives of Muslims in matters political, military, social, legal, spiritual and crime-and-punishment. It condemns non-believers as criminals for whom the death penalty automatically applies. We would not approve a fresh application for charity and tax-deductible-gift-recipient status if the application described Muhammad's ends, yet that is Islam. Pauline is right to question its status in Australia.
    The Muslim Lebanese Association represents the interests of people from Lebanon. Good for them. Not all the people of Lebanon either, only its Muslims. It's motto is about its community and its future.
    So why do Lebanese Muslims want Australians like Pauline to change? Why do we care what Lebanon thinks?

    Fewer than 3% of Australians are Muslim and fewer still come from Lebanon. So settle down loudmouths, you're not running the show and the world doesn't revolve around you.
    Here now is Exhibit Two. It's the most recent press release (after Pauline's above) from these Muslim Men from Lebanon.
    The Muslim Muscle Men don't like women speaking out of turn.
    To summarise this letter of demand to the ABC:

    • Muslim issues can only be discussed with a designated Muslim present to correct false opinions
    • Muslim men love Muhammad more than any woman, to Muslim men Muhammad is beloved and revered. Others who don't get the man love thing cannot speak of this guy, that's how great and loved he is. You wouldn't get it, it's a Lebanese Muslim Man Love thing.
    • Aayan Hirsi Ali is a woman who is not under the control of a Muslim man. Therefore:
    • Aayan Hirsi Ali is a bigot
    • Muslims shouldn't have to condemn terrorism by other Muslims, it's a disappointment to them when they're asked to do so
    • Muslins are only observing their religion when they do things that others deem unpalatable
    • Don't make demands that Muslims moderate their religious practice, OK?

    Wonder what would happen to Pauline and Aayan if the Lebanese Muslim Men were running the show here?
    I don't.


    Stephen Cox said...
    Islamic Cancer is a deadly disease aflicting the World today and Black Jack Pershing knew how to deal with it.
    We need Leaders not synchophants and grovelling appeasers hoping they will be the last ones the beast devours.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 08:27 PM

    Wayne shaft said...
    The lefty media going full pelt on Pauline ! But it's far too late to crush her words , the votes are in , but I note that the labor and liberal coalition seeking to find a way to limit her term to three years instead of six .

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 08:39 PM

    titch said...
    Geez, these people will do anything to cover themselves, and cry "victim".
    What makes me sick is the fawning media and the lily livered parliamentarians who excuse these people, and try to justify their whining as a legitimate complaint.
    Long live Pauline. Her back is covered by 75% of Australians who can actually think for themselves and see reality.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 08:50 PM

    Mike said...
    Funny, I've never heard either lady suggest that anyone should be murdered for any reason.
    I guess murdering homosexuals, Jews, Christian, infidels, apostates etc. is in no way racist or bigoted, and criticising or even questioning a group who believe they are the master race and are entitled to murder or enslave, rape and commit acts of torture and pedophillia is unforgivable.
    I think the LMA should be forced to leave our country immediately. They may or may not act criminally, but they are certainly accessories to crime.
    As for islam, it is without question the single worst invention of mankind. Ever. No other idea or invention has been responsible for as much misery, crime, destruction, slavery, torture, slaughter etc. as islam has from the day is was invented by an illiterate goat herding pedophile.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:27 PM

    Liz of Vic said...
    I bet that this will be given time and attention and most likely Pauline will be told to forget about the muslims. Or worse!
    Personally I would tell them to go and you know what!

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:30 PM

    Salome said...
    I find offensive the lack of security that the Copts of Egypt have over their lives and possessions, the 'reconciliation conferences' that always end in their agreement that the Muslims who attacked them caused no harm. I find offensive the genocides perpetrated against Yazidi communities. I find offensive the dispossession, enslavement and murder of so-called infidels by the Nothingtodowithislamic State. I find lots of things offensive, and I find especially offensive the strategic offense-taking of Australian Muslims every time anyone tries to raise any concerns.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:37 PM

    Salome said...
    Mutual respect? Oh, yes! Mutual respect OF ISLAM!

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:44 PM

    Glenn said...
    Why is the Lebanese Muslim Association mouthing off about things here in Australia...bugger off back to Lebanon...or what's left of it, as the religion of peace has turned it into another middle east shithole.
    If the way this country and its people behave offends you, feel free to leave...I have to ask...why are you here ?
    Release your press releases over there. You may find that they get more attention there, then they ever will here.
    I agree with Pauline Hanson...after seeing what Islam has done overseas, and continues to do, I'm convinced it is NOT a is a sick ideology followed by idiots.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:49 PM

    PeterJ said...
    The LMA and all their fellow whingers have just given Pauline Hanson and Aayan Hirsi Ali at least another 100,000 more followers than they had before, this mob can see the writing on the wall and now they're getting a bit uppity and worried.
    Stuff em, if they don't like Australia as it is then there is another option, it's called the airport.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 09:55 PM

    RoseB said...
    I do hope Pauline will take note,many of us supported her this time and also ALA,she would be very wise to join forces with or employ Kirralie Smith,Bernard Gaynor and Angry Anderson, they would be a formidable force. Pauline has to accept that it is not just about her. We have given her and other new independentsour vote to punish Turnbull. If She and they are smart and not ego centric we can bring about a new political party,
    People are waking up and we will not back Prima Donnas.
    Also, Liberals you better take note ,keep Turnbull another month and you can say sayanara to the Liberal Party

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 10:44 PM

    Ceres said...
    Michael I think we all know islam is a political ideology covering all aspects of one's life. Economic,financial,legal to how you dress,eat,travel,work and so on. It certainly does not adhere to the golden rule like other religions and should never be treated in the same way. Time to wake up before its tentacles become entrenched.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 11:13 PM

    Truth_Will_Out said...
    ROFlmaO...Stuff the LMA! I don't care what they think.

    Reply Tuesday, 05 July 2016 at 11:43 PM

    Political speedbump said in reply to Truth_Will_Out...
    Ditto TWO , They somehow believe what they rant is valid , Hanson was democraticaly elected .
    The LMA is just a self annointed association full of self entitled Opressors with irrelevence syndrome .
    Though we shouldn't say such things T.W.O , you just know Chairman Mal will now have to invite them round for a Halal BBQ at the lodge amoungst the parliamentry peloton ,slip into the bikerack position and grovel some cliche'd lame arsed apology to placate them.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:29 AM

    Truth_Will_Out said in reply to Political speedbump...
    What is a pack of politicians? A peloton of shame? ;) - "How to Ride a Bike in a Pack" -

    Political speedbump said...
    I find it tragic that these 2-bit minority clowns can "issue a press release " and actually have it accepted and published .
    I remember When I issued a press release on behalf of the Central Coast Fish Batterers and Scollop Shapers Association in regards to the victimisation of stunned Mullets , damned if I could get the MSM or the ABC on board ..
    Jolly unfair as I reckon we both have the same credibility !

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:43 AM

    lily said...
    Your way of life is deeply offensive to me. I believe that our way of life and traditions are far superior to anything that Islam can offer Australia.
    You are prepared to speak out against Pauline Hanson, but where are your press releases denouncing the radicals with in your society.
    No mentioning of the despicable treatment of women, the cutting off people's heads, blowing children to pieces, burning men in cages and every thing else that is attributed to your society.
    The more Muslims protect the radicals the more support Pauline Hanson will receive.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 07:25 AM

    Old Rooster said...
    Perhaps this might help—
    A freedom to choose or privately express your own religion is a trait commonly seen in nearly all developed countries or colonies. Though, there are still areas of the world in which unfair biases still exist which may lead to an intense hatred or avoidance of religions outside of their own. This can even lead to violent outbreaks or unfair treatment of those with opposing viewpoints. Christianophobia deals with the extreme fear of Christians or the Christian faith. While not commonly seen in the United States, this phobia has been fairly predominant throughout the rest of the world.
    There are several ways to spot someone who may be christianophobic. If you or someone you know experience one of the following viewpoints, consider seeking professional therapy or external help in dealing with the situation:
    Conflicting religious views that lead to an intolerance of other religions outside of their own.
    An irrational fear that Christians are conforming together to take over the majority of the world.
    A fear that if Christians are not “stopped” they will do the same to their own religion.
    Avoidance of Christians
    Radically violent or complete intolerance of the Christian religion.
    Common Facts About Christianophobia
    While christianophobia does exist in some small pockets of the Untied States, it is much more commonly experienced in areas of the world where Christianity is not the primary religion. This fear does not only include those specifically expressing Christian faith but also to those who “support” the “Christian agenda.” This fear can be so severe it may cause christianophobes to start to avoid or even attack anyone who is expressing an external viewpoint. It is important to remember that this phobia is not something commonly seen in an individual. It is usually rooted in a group, where individuals pickup the viewpoint and carry it into their own personal lives.
    Christianophobia cannot only hold you back in your life, it can also hold back others around you. This condition is not only an extreme or irrational fear of Christian people, it is usually coupled with a hatred of their religion. As a result, it leads to an unfair demeanor towards someone’s right for a personal choice. The tolerance of other religions has recently become a relatively significant issue in our society.
    Making the effort for conquer the phobia will make a huge difference in your personal life, usually resulting in a more calm and collected composure in previously perceived stressful situations. If you are ready to make this positive change, on both a personal and social level, do some preliminary Internet research to find the best treatment options available locally to you.
    View Resources
    How christianophobia is affecting our world and read through recent cases and quotations regarding the subject
    How the rest of the world is dealing with this issue and how the idea can negatively impact our society
    Why the Vatican is lobbying for use of the term
    About how christianophobia exists in the Muslim world and how this plays into their persecution of Christians

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 07:28 AM

    TazSpinZone said...
    Looks like Pauline Hanson is it. She's our voice and of course
    Kirralie Smith isn't going anywhere - she's young and only
    just starting out in politics really. They got 1% of the vote
    (the Australian Liberty Alliance) and will start from there.
    Probably they need a more catchy name?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 09:11 AM

    Grey Coat said...
    Just, also as an aside (if, not mentioned already) The latest Muslim Outrage is the use of Loud-Halers to shatter the relative peace (of Suburban Australia & its Cities).. to announce "Call to Prayer Sessions".
    These announcements are now being belted out full force all around close by Suburbs !
    & God Help you if your Home is really close by !
    It's going to be very interesting to see how our rather Cowardly & now Politically Correct (so-called) "Authorities" will respond to this new form of Noise Pollution, that is to be inflicted on a lot of otherwise decent & innocent People from now on !
    Question.... Whose, Australia... is it ?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 09:59 AM

    Michelle two said...
    I just seen images on the news of the end of Ramadan parade with 10's of 1000's of followers gathering in the streets and blocking the roads off.. The images will be found through google of the celebrations or prayer ritual.
    God doesn't hear messages to harm other souls that is all work of the indoctrination of man made belief. Messages from spirit being god and the angels is all about love and compassion anyone using fear energy to control other souls is all human doing.. The energy of god is love and it is found within the human body it is known as your soul energy, those that use fear energy is doing it to steal your true energy of love to get you to submit to that same fear energy the only way to have control in fear energy is to use violence and intimidation to shut down dissent. love and light xx

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 10:30 AM

    Michelle two said in reply to Michelle two...
    They die by their own hands so they end up killing themselves.. There might be a bible verse in the prophecies given. But this is why you see Muslims from one tribe kill the other, one side has evolved as a group of souls but they need to stand up for the love and peace that is within their souls so they will be the reformers if they are not killed first.. They also need to come out to help the west with a solution as more innocent lives will be lost..

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 10:55 AM

    Jenny Ramsden said...
    I seen an interview with Pauline on TV. She was asked if she feared for her safety. She said "Yes." She should have said if anything happened to her, she would be vindicated. Proof that muslims are hiding their foul deeds.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:43 PM

    Jenny Ramsden said...
    All those who came into the country after Rudd came to power should be deported along wirh any offspring they produced while out here.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:49 PM

    Moderate Muslim Peace Conference in Norway
    Any more questions to be asked about the LMA?


    Sirebard said...
    Some might remember Benghazi and the Hillary (Saudi- and Iran advisors).
    The first unconstitutional 'political imprisonment' in the USA is mirrored in these anti-racist attacks against Pauline Hanson.
    Hillary's War on Free Speech and the 1st Amendment
    As appropriate now, as a year ago

    Sirebard said...
    With terrorism-islam experts like this deluded professor Anne Aly, wishing to inform Pauline Hanson about the religion of peace - who needs law enforcement in the demographic islamization of a country?
    PS.: This intellectual imbecile for political correctness and 'feel good' mainstream media gullibility appears to be winning the seat of Cowan in a hung parliament. Three years of political insanity await.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Premier Men-only-Mike speaks at the men-only Muslim political rally against Pauline Hanson today

    Dear Premier,
    Have a look at the faces surrounding you at the Lakemba Mosque this morning.
    Notice anything missing?
    You may not have but many of my readers have.
    Women and girls.

    Why did you lend credibility and acceptability to a function for first class Muslims (men) from which second class Muslims (women) are excluded?
    Yesterday The President of the Lebanese Muslim Association Samier Dandan issued a press statement denouncing a woman, the Australian Senator-elect, Pauline Hanson. This followed a release some weeks ago denouncing another women, the European politician and distinguished author Aayan Hirsi Ali.
    Today he used the purportedly religious event of Ramadan to continue his political activity. You are reported as having reinforced the thrust of his remarks.


    Mr Dandan is a notorious political activist operating within the protective shell of his tax-exempt deductible gift recipient charity the Lebanese Muslim Association, registered for the purpose of advancing religion.

    On 28 July 2014 Mr Dandan made public statements undermining Australia's national security laws saying it is 'not fair' that Australian Jihadists returning from the Islamic State in Iraq or Syria face prosecution, while Australian conscripts in the Israeli army don't. “It’s hard when you say something to one side and they look and say how come we’re not being treated the same. It’s not fair,” he said, effectively equating the legitimate defence force of an Australian ally, Israel with the terrorist organisation Islamic State.
    On Tuesday 17 May 2016 he and his Lebanese association issued a statement rejecting the notion of moderate Muslims.


    Senator-elect Pauline Hanson's policy platform calls for a commission of enquiry to establish whether Islam is a religion or a political movement. Mr Dandan's activities today with you in tow appear to confirm that Senator Elect Hanson is right to ask the question.
    The disgraceful Sheik Shady Alsuleiman continues to lead the Islamic movement in Australia from his unchallenged position as President of the National Council of Imams. He has the explicit support of the Grand Mufti who claims it is Alsuleiman who is the victim of terrorism, not the gay men he says should be put to death, the adulterers he says should be stoned to death or the women who should be hanged by their breasts for tempting men.
    Your presence with the Islamic movement at their political rally today endorses their stasis and leadership positions on women, gay people, people who have sex without being married and the non-Muslim population of Australia who live under the threat of execution as apostates as legitimate.

    Why did you do that Premier?
    Yours sincerely,
    Michael Smith

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    Archer said...
    These pollies seem to be really slow learners don't they?
    They don't like you, they don't like us and they wont vote for you, so stop trying to appease them. Remember Chamberlain:
    "The British Prime Minister has been hailed as bringing "peace to Europe" after signing a non-aggression pact with Germany. PM Neville Chamberlain arrived back in the UK today, holding an agreement signed by Adolf Hitler which stated the German leader's desire never to go to war with Britain again."
    That ended well didn't it Mike?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:18 PM

    Linden said in reply to Archer...
    Baird what a dickhead,why didn't he say, well where are all the woman? It won't bother Hanson, let the games begin, oh what fun!

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:11 PM

    Mycroft said...
    Aaaah Mike "Cuck" Baird with a new personal best at Limbo - after this just how low CAN he go?
    By God, I don't know where they are but there must be one hell of a lot votes in this approach - or is there some Saudi money coming in?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:30 PM

    HelenK said...
    O/T -
    Cory Bernardi has announced the formation of a new cross-party political movement, the Australian Conservatives, to gather proponents of “limited government, traditional values” and “plain old common sense”.
    The conservative South Australian senator today warned that, after repeating the mistakes of the Rudd-Gillard Labor Party, the Turnbull Liberals had ushered forth a hung parliament that put Australia “right back where we were in 2010” and they must “learn from the experience”.
    “In my youth I was told that the definition of madness was doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. That axiom has borne out once again,” he wrote in his weekly email to supporters.
    “As of writing, over 1.7 million votes were cast for right-of-centre or conservative parties rather than the Liberal Party. From my perspective, that was the Liberal base expressing their unhappiness with past events.”
    Senator Bernardi announced the “formalisation” of a new movement, the Australian Conservatives, to “help change politics and to give common sense a united voice”.
    “It’s more important than ever that we unite Australian Conservatives, who share many views, regardless of their party affiliation,” he wrote.
    “If you believe in limited government, traditional values, defending our culture and heritage, lower taxes, a stronger nation, a stronger economy and plain old common sense, then you have a lot in common with millions of others. Now is the time to gather together.
    “It’s the next step in making sure our voice is never taken for granted again.”
    In March this year, The Australian revealed Senator Bernardi was laying the groundwork for the new political movement.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:39 PM

    LKP said in reply to HelenK...
    about time
    He would have my support and vote

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 04:36 PM

    Maggie 47 said...
    The women were in their rightful place...out of the way standing to the side against the fence.
    Is Ms Hanson eligible for AFP protection yet? Hope so.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:44 PM

    Maggie 47 said...
    The audience isn't listening. They are chatting. How many would understand English?
    Hanson's success will be because she has spoken out about Islam. Main parties are not listening.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:47 PM

    Mac1 said...
    The happy clapping Baird is doing a Textor. He doesn’t need the “conservative” vote, there’s more votes in the muslims, plus they are multiplying faster than the white Aussies.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:51 PM

    Up The Workers! said...
    I can just see old Fatty O'Barrell sitting back, necking THAT expensive bottle of plonk, and wondering how his State sunk so low in so short a time.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:05 PM

    Lisle said...
    We moved to Sydney in 1967 living in Burwood. Several times a week I would drive through Lakemba, and gradually over time witnessed the growing number of Muslims congregating at the mosque and the overflow on the street as illustrated today. Hilaly was in charge then, and he was permitted to say anything.
    Name me a Christian church where 2,000 people would congregate today.
    The segregation of women from men is intolerable in today's world not to mention that women are instructed to wear burquas and cover their heads with scarves. And feminists just go along with it

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:18 PM

    Ceres said...
    Erdogan of Turkey stated "there is no moderate islam, islam is islam". The words of the koran are immutable so you either believe the whole lot or you are an apostate. Mike Baird, Turnbull (who apparently found discussing border security as distasteful) and others, are the reason Australians are flocking to Hanson who is prepared to stand up and call out islam and its incompatibility with the 21st century and democracy. Next election the numbers supporting her will be phenomenal.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:25 PM

    Beam Me Up said...
    Everything that either the political left/commentariat/nomenklatura do and say, or that the imams themselves do or say just goes to reinforce the understanding and resolve of ordinary (read sensible, thinking) Australians trying to go about their lawful everyday lives unmolested and un-insulted.
    Is it even remotely possible that some mainstream politician or political pundit or MSM commentator (there are so few actual journalists left, particularly in the MSM) might begin to take notice of what's happening right under their supercilious noses? Here it is in plain sight, let's see what the polies, pundits and MSM have to say about this disgrace in the next 24-48 hours. I'm willing to bet they say and do absolutely nothing.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:37 PM

    Christian Democratic Party (CDP) Calls for Recount in Shadow Treasurer’s Electorate of McMahon Due to Counting Irregularities

    For Immediate Release
    6th July 2016
    The CDP candidate Milan Maksimovic has raised serious concerns regarding Vote Counting in the electorate of McMahon where Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen is the Labor candidate.
    The Federal Director of the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), Greg Bondar, raised with AEC early in the election the physically hostile tactics of Labor’s support staff assisting the Opposition Treasurer’s campaign where Labor supporters harassed and verbally abused CDP candidate Milan Maksimovic and his supporters. This harassment included taunting CDP supporters who spoke in Assyrian to some voters who requested translations.
    For Labor volunteers to humiliate CDP volunteers flies in the face of Labor’s so-called ‘inclusiveness’ and ‘tolerance’, said CDP Federal Director Greg Bondar.
    What is more disturbing is that AEC staff failed to adequately assist Mr. Maksimovic with his complaints and dismissed it all while taking it upon themselves to warn Mr. Maksimovic’s supporters not to speak about policies to voters even upon voter’s request.
    Mr. Maksimovic raised an issue regarding voting irregularities on Monday 4th having in fact been at the pre-polling location for 16 days with his family and experiencing the large number of voters choosing to vote CDP and refusing to take Labor ‘How to vote’ sheets.
    He also reported an incident of a certain AEC staffer trying to influence voters ‘how to vote’ as reported by a voter. Mr. Maksimovic requested the Recounting of Votes and the investigation of the AEC officers in certain booth locations. AEC dismissed Mr. Maksimovic’s request.
    To make matters worse, Mr. Maksimovic was promised on Monday the chance to oversee the counting of votes this week. Only this afternoon, the officer in charge sent an email informing Mr. Maksimovic that the counting occurred on Monday and Tuesday and blamed a technical error on the fact that her email was not sent on time.
    “The CDP is calling on the AEC to undertake a recount of all votes in the McMahon electorate in the interests of transparency,” said Federal Director Greg Bondar.
    For further details please contact:
    Aaron Wright Media Manager – 0416 061 207
    Greg Bondar - 0499 041 285
    Milan Maksimovic - 0424 734 554

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:40 PM

    geoff said...
    I suggest a list be made of those who support or fail to condemn discrimination against women.
    -Malcolm Turnball as Prime Minister hosts 'hate preacher' Sheik Shady Al-Suleiman, the national president of the Australian National Imams Council at a Ramadan dinner at Kirribilli House, 15 June 2016
    -NSW Premier Mike Baird, the Leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party supporting a men-only rally at the Lakemba Mosque on 6 July 2016.
    There would be many female politicians who make no comment about the treatment of women under under islam.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:50 PM

    Michelle two said...
    I smell something fishy wonder at how many booths this happened at..running out of ballot papers but having your name marked off anyway.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:59 PM

    Topsy Turvey said...
    Well as one who preferenced Pauline Hanson second in the Seante and ALA first I feel vindicated and voted Family First in the HOuse of Reps (I live in a Labor electorate).
    The Prime Minister was unwise to organise such a dinner while excluding every other religion, this I see as patronising and appeasing Islam which is a Religion of hate.
    Mike Baird is slipping or maybe he is coming out so to speak and declaring his Left values as can be identified by his appointment of Mark Scott to mess with the minds of young children.
    Mike Baird stand and be counted do not appease it will encourage more deaths.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 04:29 PM

    LKP said...
    He had better come out and clarify how he finds it acceptable for a NSW Premier to tolerate , no , make that, support a group which advocates wife beating

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 04:38 PM

    STEVO said...

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 04:53 PM

    Liz of Vic said...
    Well, Mike Baird and Malcolm make a lovely pair.
    One addresses the mob in the mosque and think that is inclusive and Mal gives a dinner-party for the Halal-eaters, for whom he had to buy a new dinner-set.
    And then they wonder why we do not want that pair as our 'leaders'.
    I could have accepted a real Australian barbecue serving real Australian steak and chips and salad.
    He would have only required plastic plates then!
    Introducing the invitees to a real Australian meal!
    I don't think Mal would have qualified as the host!
    Thing is, he just has no idea on anything at all!

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 04:54 PM

    titch said...
    And for Easter, where does Baird make a speech? And one that is covered by the media?
    If he can't see the hypocrisy of his actions, how blind is the man?
    I find this unbelievable, and frankly, unforgivable, in a Premier of an Australian state.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 05:07 PM

    Sirebard said...
    Australia's Islamization from Islam 101!
    Any questions about unclear agendas?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 05:18 PM

    pattoh said...
    Methinks economic developments may soon make Chadi-Latte'- Moleskin & Mercedes - Weekend Earth Mother - Fair Weather Feminist politicians old hat.
    Keep a weather eye on the gold price & the $US, the rumblings/contractions are getting closer together.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 05:24 PM

    underminder said...
    I wonder how many words and hand gestures Mike could spare for these facts?
    Father Rod Bowers is too preoccupied worrying if the arabs will get an insurance payout for the car that got torched outside their mosque to turn his mind to things like this.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 05:51 PM

    Joe, Sunshine Coast said...
    How are these people allowed to take over the streets like that? How are the people living there able to exit their homes to go to work? What would happen in a medical emergency to get an Ambulance in.? How is it that the Muslims are allowed to get away with things that we, as citizens are not.? I feel sure no Christian organisation would be permitted to close off the streets to the citizens. You politicians don't get it. You are bending over backwards to give in to Islam. They have stated what their aim is and have told us often enough they will outbreed us and take over. Then they have stated the Infidel,the rest of us will become Muslim, leave or be beheaded. They say the only Law they can obey is Sharia Law. You Politicians are what the Russians used to call," THe useful idiots" they use you until you are no use and then you are the first to lose your head. Wake up to yourselves and stop handing them our country.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 05:51 PM

    The Viking said...
    Now that our Premier recognises this event as a religious holiday for the Muslim community, will he now legislate for penalty rates for those Muslims who are employed in the essential services and who were not able to attend because of their commitment to the greater Australian community?
    Or is it the case that the Lakemba celebrants are being financially supported by Centrelink??

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 07:01 PM

    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Wednesday, 06 July 2016
    Religion of Peace uses end of Ramadan for politics, to attack Pauline Hanson and block streets

    Does this sound like a spiritual service for the soul or a political rally to attack political foes?
    This was Sydney today, video courtesy of the ABC.

    The vernacular has not penetrated Lakemba.

    Muslim leader calls out rise of far-right politics as crowds mark end of Ramadan at Lakemba

    Updated 58 minutes ago

    VIDEO: Muslims mark end of Ramadan in Lakemba (ABC News)
    RELATED STORY: Pauline Hanson's comments could lead to violence: Soutphommasane
    RELATED STORY: How Pauline Hanson made her comeback
    RELATED STORY: 'I'm not preaching hate': Hanson stands by Islam royal commission call
    MAP: Lakemba 2195

    A senior Muslim leader has called out the growth of Islamophobia and far-right hate groups in Australia at a gathering of thousands of Muslims at Lakemba Mosque, in Sydney's south-west, to mark the end of Ramadan.

    PHOTO: Lakemba Mosque was filled to capacity by 6:00am for Eid celebrations to mark the end of Ramadan. (ABC News: Jackson Vernon)

    Samier Dandan, president of the Lebanese Muslim Association, told the crowds that the rise of right-wing political parties in Australia was a major concern, particularly in the light of the weekend's election results.
    Pauline Hanson's election to the Senate has led Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane to warn that her anti-Muslim and anti-Asian comments could unleash hatred, division and violence.

    The One Nation leader has repeatedly called for a royal commission into Islam and re-iterated a claim, that Asians were "swamping" the country.
    Crowds started arriving in the early hours of the morning and the mosque reached capacity by 6:00am, with people having to spill out onto surrounding streets.
    Prayers are being broadcast on loud speakers.
    Mr Dandan said it was frustrating to see people with these far-right views become elected, and said their messages should be called out for what they were, hate speeches.

    "Their divisiveness will not break or divide us," he said.

    "Their questioning will not deter us.
    "Their bigotry will not install hatred in us. We Australians are better than that."
    He said Muslims in Australia were in a vulnerable position due to the rise of far-right hate politics.
    "It cannot be emphasised enough just how disappointing it is to see individuals who preach hate and bigotry gaining power in our elections," he said.
    "It is deplorable that such basic understanding of Islam and such flagrant dehumanising of Muslims and others is allowed to frame public discourse.
    "Let us not mince words, such racism and xenophobia has no place in multicultural society."


    No place for racism in Australia: Baird

    New South Wales Premier Mike Baird said racism had no place in Australia and said the best way to deal with bigotry was to promote peace.
    PHOTO: NSW Premier Mike Baird addressing the crowd at Lakemba Mosque (ABC News: Jackson Vernon)

    "We must stand up against any form of racial vilification," Mr Baird told the crowd at Lakemba Mosque.
    "Where we see intolerance we must respond with tolerance. We must call it as it is."
    Mr Baird told the crowd the Muslim community was an important part of the NSW society.
    More than 1.6 billion Muslims across the world are celebrating the end of 30-day fasting period with religious holiday Eid al-Fitr beginning today.
    Muslim families across Australia will now spend several days celebrating.
    NSW Premier Mike Baird and Federal Government representatives addressed the service this morning.
    Eid celebrations will take place across Sydney after the service, focused on food, friends and family.


    TazSpinZone said...
    Mike Baird has a political tin-ear as well. REFUSES to listen.
    Miranda Devine in this article shows the votes 'Conservative outsider parties' are getting as a result of this stupidity and ignorance in favour of 3% of the population! (don't be put off by the first half of her article - it gets better, believe me)....
    ...but if you don't like that article of Devine's you WILL
    absolutely love THIS one below and on what she said about Pauline Hanson from this article....
    ...Miranda Devine says it best in vintage fashion on just why the social elitists and insiders hate Pauline Hanson.....
    'Unpalatable though they may find her rhetoric, the more the political and media establishment try to marginalise her, the stronger she becomes. And this really is why they hate her so much. Because she exposes their impotence.'

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:24 AM

    Michelle Two said in reply to TazSpinZone...
    Some how I don't think Mal could bring himself to partner up with Abbott and give him a meaningful role in the party on the first day Mal called for Abbott to have a London position as a commissioner which would cause a by election where Mal would hope to put one of his own in for numbers sake.. he would of failed the ALP would pick up the seat..

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:31 PM

    Maggie 47 said in reply to Michelle Two...
    Miranda is saying Turnbull can unite the party. He can't. She also says Abbott and Turnbull must work together. Turnbull turned his back on Abbott.
    As for delcons stamping their feet...they did what they said they'd do and Turnbull ignored them.
    Turnbull has failed again. He must resign.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:51 PM

    Mycroft said in reply to TazSpinZone...
    No I certainly did NOT like the first, she is STILL defending the indefensible and suggesting Mal "Adolf Hitler" Turnbull be teamed with Tony "Winston Churchill" Abbott so we get some kind of "Neville Chamberlain" Frankenstein??? - she has GOT to be fn kidding. Just got to be.
    No Devine, you called 90% of the conservative base "delcons" and YOU lost - now take your little white haired boy Turnbull and ride off into the sunset you damned cuckservative.
    Forget Labor, the Greens, the Communists, charirman mao, Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan - TURNBULL MUST GO!!! Nothing is negotiable about that.
    Then and only then can we set about the work of straightening this country out.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:07 PM

    Mycroft said in reply to TazSpinZone...
    As to the second:
    "unintegrated Muslim integration."
    Does anyone proof read newspaper articles these days?
    (It was obviously meant to read: "unintegrated Muslim immigration. " - then again, who knows?)

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:45 PM

    Without islam milking Australia's finances and nerves, we would obviously have a massive budget surplus with the world's best Medicare and everything else, we would be prospering and happy like pre-islam Australia was and will never be again!
    But the dangerous Liberal party disagree and they go shoulder to shoulder with Labor and push this terrible religion islam down down our throats and when we rightly complain, they call us islamophobes and racists in our own country and attack very good people like our Pauline Hanson.
    Liberal are officially dead! Liberal have dropped dead! Piss off Malcolm!

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:29 AM

    Truth_Will_Out said...
    They should not be allowed to get away with this. Civil disregard for the road traffic regulations. Thou shalt not block a thoroughfare! ...Unless, it's the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:30 AM

    Caleb said in reply to Truth_Will_Out...
    Only GOD is Good.
    We have become an amoral godless society that calls homosexual marriage good and encourages abortion of baby 'persons' our leaders call this good and they not try and observe God's Commandments and do the opposite.
    We are no longer a God fearing nation and there will be dire consequences. Hell. If you don't believe in it, you will when you are there!
    8 minutes in Hell. (creepy)
    Priest Condemned to Hell by Jesus!!!

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:11 PM

    Old Rooster said in reply to Truth_Will_Out...
    Oh for a couple of D8s or maybe some snowploughs.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:45 PM

    Kaabee said in reply to Truth_Will_Out...
    Imagine the fuss and todo if a group of Presbyterians blocked the streets like this in Lakembla, Bankstown, the Pacific Highway in Lindfield or anywhere else for that matter. Unless they have a permit this lot should be cleared from the public thoroughfare.
    What if there was to be a fire or burst water main, a serious injury or heart attack in that street? How would services gain emergency access?
    Surely it is time that authorities acted or is it that they don't have a plan or the courage. IMHO a classical example of a noisy minority abusing the health and safety of the other ninety seven percent

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:20 PM

    Robbo said...
    A few words condemning the appalling slaghter carried out by Islamists during Ramadan would not have come amiss, but hey, we can always wish can't we.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:30 AM

    Wendy said...
    The next state election will see that traitor Mike Baird and his treasonous liberal party get the big arse. What happens if an islamic suicide bomber goes off at the Opera House etc and kills a 100 people, what bullshit will the gutless Liberal party and Mike Baird and Malcolm Turnbull come out with then? Undoubtably then, they would still be calling us freaking islamophobes in our own country?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:38 AM

    HelenK said...
    Baird is a coward.
    Pauline however is not. I'm all for an RC into Islam in the hope they all leave our country, but I'm not so thrilled with the "anti-Asian" stuff. The Asians have, alongside us, helped to build this country. They've been there since the Eureka days. They buy farmland to grow crops for export in order to make us more prosperous. And their fish and chips are pretty good too! Their taxes go to our government, not theirs. Unless I'm completely thick, please don't hesitate to point that out to me. They work very, very hard AND they don't want to kill us.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:50 AM

    Truth_Will_Out said in reply to HelenK...
    That is why I could never vote for Hanson! She is too ignorant, for my liking.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:14 PM

    Boolean said in reply to HelenK...
    I agree Helen. Greeks, Italians, Vietnamese, English, etc AND Asians all come here for a better life and generally work hard and pay taxes. One group comes here and wants Australians to change to fit in with them and too often rely on our welfare system.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:23 PM

    Robbo said in reply to HelenK...
    I agree entirely Helen, Chinese amongst the earliest settlers, they work hard and they integrate, polar opposites to the followers of Mohammed.
    Have to agree with your opinion of Baird as well.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:34 PM

    Michelle Two said in reply to HelenK...
    The Asians I know are a gentle lot of souls, that are very kind and thoughtful and assimilate and work themselves to the ground to make a better life for themselves but they also provide a service for you.. and many are such great cooks..

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:09 PM

    Wayne shaft said in reply to Michelle Two...
    Agree, plus far as I know their not out to knock off the infidels ! Yes ....I like Chinese .

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:38 PM

    Wayne shaft said in reply to HelenK...
    Agree, Pauline needs to hammer home the call for a banking royal commission , and bear down on political correctness , she needs to think long term, the party needs to grow like the greens , otherwise it will disappear like the Clive palmer party ! An Australian Liberty alliance one nation coalition is also a worthwhile consideration, the Chinese buying of Australian properties also resonates strongly, but most Asian people fitting in to Australian society very nicely .hopefully Pauline won't make the mistake of fighting too many battles on too many fronts . Pauline's group lambie and hinch should be able to find common ground, even the xeophone party in regards to protection to what left of our manufacturing industry .

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:36 PM

    Joe, Sunshine Coast said...
    Do any of these people work ? What can people living in these streets do to get out of their homes to go to work? How would an Ambulance have a hope of getting to anyone in a medical emergency?

    We are accused of being racist but the tirades of hate pour out of the Mosques and no-one is charged

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:55 AM

    Eternal Optimist said in reply to Joe, Sunshine Coast...
    Perhaps there are no non-Muslims living in these streets anymore and have moved out to get away from this rabble and the noise of the mosque. Auburn has been taken over.
    Shame on Baird for kowtowing to this lot.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:18 PM

    Kyle said...
    Where are all the women ???

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:56 AM

    Truth_Will_Out said in reply to Kyle...
    In retreat, or in a retreat! ;)

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:19 PM

    Mycroft said in reply to Kyle...
    Those were their women! They were given the day off from wearing their tents - now you know why they are made to wear them!

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:26 PM

    Glenn said...
    Politicians in this country are very slow learners, they don't listen, and they will pay the price. PC is finished, but it is going to be an agonisingly slow death.
    Islam is not welcome here, and eventually, after bloodshed, the penny will drop with our "ruling class ".
    Both Labor and the LNP will not mention the " I " word...and I can just imagine how long I would have lasted this morning if I blocked a street in Lakemba with 10 of my mates, having a BBQ with Bacon and Eggs on the grill.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 11:59 AM

    Mac1 said...
    Baird keeps listening to his daddy and his sister. He is a happy clapping numbskull.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:10 PM

    Michelle Two said...
    Mike Baird says .......Something about tolerance which is a two way street what I see before me is intolerance from another person's point of view and it is not coming from Pauline Hanson as we still live in a society with freedom of expression and Australian laws ... Pauline and like minded souls want to retain.. She only asks questions of where we as a nation are heading when one side gets shut down out of fear then what happens??? Mike Baird over to you... Funny those that call it like it is are the ones that are being called names and receive Fatwa's against them..
    We must stand up against any form of racial vilification," Mr Baird told the crowd at Lakemba Mosque.
    "Where we see intolerance we must respond with tolerance. We must call it as it is."

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:18 PM

    ImPropa Ganda said in reply to Michelle Two...
    "Two way streets" get blocked by worshippers, turning them into nogo streets.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:40 PM

    seeker of truth said...
    Where are the women in these images?
    Go away Mike Baird. If you are dealing with a religion that discriminates against women, how can you justify your utterance that there is no place for racism? Haven't you heard of the female race! Baird, you are one big suck up.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:21 PM

    Boolean said...
    I heard a good question on the radio the other day. Where have large numbers of Islamic immigrants NOT caused problems in a Western country?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:28 PM

    JamesC said...
    Politicians can stick there head in the sand and ignore it but it only a matter of time before there is a major terrorist event in Australia and I bet it wont be carried out by Catholics or Buddhists. "Where we see intolerance we must respond with tolerance. We must call it as it is." Perhaps Mr Baird better go and negotiate with ISIS with tolerance and see how he gets on. The Australian people and the world are troubled by this religion or at least the extremists within. When events happen throughout the world there is distinct lack of condemnation from Muslim leaders. Australians are not racist and are extremely tolerant to those that come to this country and make a better life for themselves and make this country a better place. This is as long as they leave their hatred and barbaric practices and beliefs back from where they come, live within the laws of our land and don't expect us to change the country or way of life to suit them. If one looks around the world people have a right to be concerned and if a politician expresses the same concerns then they will attract votes after all the average voter gets very little say in who comes to this country.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:32 PM

    seeker of truth said...
    Slightly off topic. The MSM and the Leftists are against Trump for proposing the construction of a wall along its border with Mexico to keep out illegal refugees and criminals.
    Well one is already being built, but not in the USA.
    It is being built in Saudi Arabia along its border with Iraq, supposedly to keep ISIL terrorists from entering Saudi Arabia and committing terrorist acts. Others have suggested it is to keep out Iraqi refugees from entering the country.
    However, when King Abdullah originally announced the construction project he said this -

    the fence’s purpose was to cut the "number of infiltrators, drug, arms and cattle smugglers to zero."
    Not too dissimilar to Trump but Trump used illegal immigrants rather than infiltrators. The main purpose though was to protect the USA's border, just like Saudi Arabia is doing.
    It commenced construction in 2014. It is a 956km long wall/fence with every modern technology to detect anything approaching the border.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 12:55 PM

    Mycroft said in reply to seeker of truth...
    I have tried hard to do better than this but it is all I can come up with:
    But will THEY make Mexico pay for it!?

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 01:31 PM

    underminder said in reply to seeker of truth...
    Mexico will get jealous when they see the Saudi's wall, then they'll want to upgrade their existing southern border wall.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:15 PM

    Gomez said...
    No place for racism shouts Mike Baird, how about no place for sexist, misogynist, hate filled muslim men blocking the streets of suburban Sydney. Come on all you women calling for equality and for respect from men, where are you? Speak up.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:24 PM

    Kaabee said...
    I guess these male workers must all have had understanding employers who let them have a rostered day off so they could celebrate by blocking the streets of Lakembla. And not a woman in sight. Funny that.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:26 PM

    William McAllister said...

    I Suppose most of the people who turned out for this 'event' are being paid from the Taxes of my extended family .. This is Not a group of Religious persons it is a Political Group.
    How Baird can call it Racial Vilification is a query - surely if one calls a Catholic a Paddy git that is not Racial ????/
    Stop the Inflow of Muslims into Australia and make certain they that are residents do NOT have more of a say than they have of the population in OZ.
    Finally Any that make it into Parliament should be made to swear On the Christian Bible ..... - If Not then debar them from sitting in Government .. IMHO

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 02:36 PM

    underminder said...
    Too bad, so sad. Pauline is in the sen8 while Mr Dandan is only preaching to those too scared not to turn up.
    See what I did there Sarah? I look forward to you displaying your tolerance and inclusion with One Nation.

    Reply Wednesday, 06 July 2016 at 03:17 PM
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2016

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