The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 5:07 am

    When a very reasonable and factual comment becomes hijacked by the insanity of political correctness and the traitors of western civilization

    Tony Abbott calls for 'religious revolution' inside Islam, defends controversial 2014 budget measures as 'justifiable and right'
    By political reporter Dan Conifer
    Updated about 3 hours agoWed 9 Dec 2015, 10:43am

    Photo: The Abbott Government slumped in opinion polls after announcing the 2014 first budget. (AAP: Sam Mooy)

    Related Story: Voters want me to remain in public life, Abbott says
    Related Story: 'Tie the rope around here love': Man's 'bizarre' fridge experience with Tony Abbott

    Former prime minister Tony Abbott has called for a "religious revolution" inside Islam, declaring "all cultures are not equal".

    Key points:

    • Tony Abbott says Muslims must reform Islam
    • Abbott says a tolerant culture is preferable to one that kills in name of God
    • Former PM also defends 2014 budget policies
    • Abbott to further discuss Islam and extremism in speech in Singapore tonight

    In a wide-ranging interview with Sky News, Mr Abbott also defended some of the most controversial measures from the 2014 federal budget, which put forward billions of dollars in cuts from health, education and foreign aid.
    On Islam, he said: "We've got to work closely with live-and-let-live Muslims because there needs to be, as president [Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revolution inside Islam."
    "All of those things that Islam has never had — a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state — that needs to happen.
    "But we can't do it; Muslims have got to do this for themselves. But we should work with those who are pushing in that direction.
    "All cultures are not equal and, frankly, a culture that believes in decency and tolerance is much to be preferred to one which thinks that you can kill in the name of God, and we've got to be prepared to say that."
    Defending the 2014 budget, which saw his government lose ground in opinion polls, Mr Abbott said he would continue to stand by budget policies including the $7 GP co-payment and making unemployed people under 30 wait six months for the dole, along with university fee deregulation and pension indexation changes.
    Media player: "Space" to play, "M" to mute, "left" and "right" to seek.
    Australian Broadcasting Corporation ...

    Video: Watch an excerpt of Tony Abbott's interview (ABC News)

    "Now all of these things, I think, were justifiable and right," Mr Abbott said.
    "Obviously, in the circumstances of the aftermath of that budget, they struggled, but nevertheless they were all very defensible policies and I'm happy to continue to defend them."
    Mr Abbott described the Opposition and Senate crossbench as "obdurate", and said they needed to ask themselves why they did not pass the measures.
    "What was so wrong with allowing our universities the freedom that they need to be the best in the world?" he said.
    "What was so wrong with seeking a modest copayment for visits to the GP?
    "What was so wrong with saying that we are going to adjust the indexation method for pensions beyond the next election?"
    Mr Abbott will make a speech in Singapore tonight and will further discuss Islam and extremism.
    He will also meet Singapore's prime minister, Lee Hsien Loong.

    Voters 'overwhelmingly' want Abbott to stay in public life

    The Member for Warringah was ousted by Malcolm Turnbull in September and has since sat on the backbench.
    Tony Abbott said voters "overwhelmingly" wanted him to stay in public life, and gave no indication he wants to retire from politics.
    "I've had literally thousands and thousands of messages of support and encouragement since mid-September," Mr Abbott said.
    "I've had a lot of people talk to me as I get around the electorate and still to some extent around the country and the message that I'm getting from them, overwhelmingly, is that I still have a contribution to make to our public life."
    The ABC understands no pre-selection date has been settled for Mr Abbott's Sydney seat of Warringah.
    Mr Abbott said he hoped future prime ministers continue to spend a week every year in remote Indigenous communities, adding he intended to in 2016.

    Tony Abbott: Turnbull warns against blanket statements after former PM calls for Islam to change

    By political reporters Anna Henderson and Dan Conifer
    Updated 21 minutes agoWed 9 Dec 2015, 1:33pm
    Photo: Malcolm Turnbull says he's 'sure' Tony Abbott and he are on the same page (AAP)

    Related Story: 'Worse than Voldemort': Trump attacked over call for Muslim ban
    Related Story: Tony Abbott calls on Muslims to reform Islam

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has warned against blaming all Muslims for the crimes of extremists, after former PM Tony Abbott inflamed debate about a "massive problem within Islam".
    Overnight Mr Abbott called for a "religious revolution" inside Islam and declared: "Cultures are not all equal. We should be ready to proclaim the clear superiority of our culture to one that justifies killing people in the name of God".
    He initially made the comments in a Sky News interview, and backed them up in an opinion column published by News Corp.
    "We've got to work closely with live-and-let-live Muslims because there needs to be, as president [Abdel Fattah] Al-Sisi of Egypt has said, a religious revolution inside Islam," Mr Abbott said.
    "All of those things that Islam has never had — a Reformation, an Enlightenment, a well-developed concept of the separation of church and state — that needs to happen."
    He acknowledged most Muslims "utterly reject terrorism" but also argued that Australians should stop being "apologetic" about their nation's values.
    "It's not culturally insensitive to demand loyalty to Australia and respect for Western civilisation," he said.

    Comments 'grossly disrespectful' to Muslims

    Islamic Council of Victoria spokesman Kuranda Seyit said the comments had caused offence, particularly the suggestion that Islam was culturally inferior.
    "Islam is a religion of decency and has, equally to any other religion in the world, the highest moral standards which we uphold," he said.
    "For him [Mr Abbott] to suggest there is a problem in that area, I think, is grossly disrespectful to the people of Islam and the followers of Islam."
    Speaking on ABC local radio the Prime Minister said Mr Abbott was entitled to his personal opinion.
    "It's a complex area," Mr Turnbull said.
    "Plainly the vast, vast majority of Muslims are as appalled by extremism, and particularly violent extremism, as we are," Mr Turnbull said.
    "The extremism of ISIL or Daesh, these terrorists, is utterly rejected by the leaders of the great majority Muslim nations.
    "The one thing we need to be very careful not to do, and I'm sure Tony agrees with this by the way, what we must not do is play into the hands of our enemies and seek to tag all Muslims with responsibility for the crimes of a few."

    Labor seizes on former PM's comments

    Opposition Leader Bill Shorten called on Mr Turnbull to "pull Tony Abbott into line" and said he was clearly seeking to divide the community.
    "Making assertions about cultural and religious superiority is entirely counterproductive," Mr Shorten said.
    "Inflammatory language undermines efforts to build social cohesion, mutual respect and has the potential to harm the efforts of national security agencies to keep Australians safe."
    Labor frontbencher Andrew Leigh said the comments framed Mr Abbott as an "Australian Donald Trump".
    His colleague Ed Husic, Australia's sole federal Muslim MP, echoed the comparison with conservative US-style campaigning and noted what he saw as a broader effort by some to "Trumpify" Australian politics.
    Yesterday Mr Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, called for a "complete and total shutdown" of Muslims entering the US, claiming there was "great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population".
    His comments drew fire from all sides of the US political spectrum, with everyone from Hillary Clinton to Dick Cheney saying banning a particular religious or ethnic group would go against everything America stood for.

    Topics: government-and-politics, parliament, federal-parliament, Australia

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Journalistic Deception in the Mainstream Media

    BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, desperate to defame Trump, libel Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer

    December 8, 2015 6:44 pm By Robert Spencer 40 Comments

    How cravenly dishonest are mainstream media “reporters”? Here’s a case study.

    Christopher Massie, who is apparently about 14 years old
    Back on November 23, BuzzFeed’s Christopher Massie contacted me:

    Hi Robert,
    I’m Chris Massie, a reporter with BuzzFeed News. I wanted to ask for your take on Donald Trump’s comments last week and over the weekend on the issues of whether to take in Syrian refugees and on how to treat Muslims in the US.
    Specifically, I’m talking about his call for the surveillance of mosques, his remark that he saw Muslims cheering the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey, and when he said that he’d put in place a database to track Muslims. Trump also said he would send Syrian refugees out of the country if elected.
    Do the policies he’s proposed last week line up with your views?
    I also know you’ve been critical of Trump’s responses to the “Draw the Prophet” contest and also of his unwillingness to answer questions about whether he would uphold the Constitution over Sharia law.
    Did his comments last week change your opinion of him at all? Do you think he would follow up on those ideas if he’s elected?
    If you’d prefer to discuss this by phone, please give me a call at 914-xxx-xxxx.
    Thanks for your help.

    Massie contacted Pamela Geller as well — she writes about her unpleasant experience with this smear artist here. Since Massie was with BuzzFeed, I had a fair idea that Massie was hoping to get something that he could use to try to defame Trump, or Pamela Geller and me, or both, but I decided to answer anyway, and sent him this:

    I’ve called for surveillance of certain mosques for years, as a matter of national security. In April 2013, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, of which I am Vice President, called not just for surveillance, but for the closure of three mosques that have extensive connections to jihad terrorists: the Islamic Society of Boston, the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia, and the Noor Mosque in Columbus, Ohio. Details here:
    The freedom of religion is not a blanket permission to plot sedition and violence. It does not infringe upon the freedom of religion of Muslims for mosques that have demonstrably been involved in jihad terror activity to be put under surveillance.

    I don’t know what Donald Trump saw after 9/11, and cannot comment upon it. Certainly reports that Muslims were publicly celebrating were widespread at the time.
    The database idea is something I have never advocated, and do not support. I believe in the principle of innocent until proven guilty. Even from a practical standpoint, it would be useless, as many jihad plotters have been converts to Islam (Terry Loewen, Christopher Cornell,etc.) who presumably would not be in the database unless they voluntarily registered. Instead of a database of all Muslims, mosques and Muslim organizations should institute transparent and inspectable, honest programs teaching against the understanding of Islam represented by the Islamic State, and teaching against the aspects of Islamic law that conflict with Constitutional values and freedoms.

    The Saudis and the Gulf states are taking no Syrian refugees at all. Why? Because there are jihad terrorists among them. The Islamic State boasted last February that they would soon inundate Europe with 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese Education Minister recently warned that there were 20,000 active jihadis among the Syrian refugees in camps in his country. An Islamic State operative boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx into Europe began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 terrorists had already entered Europe. Consequently, it is unwise in the extreme to take any Syrian refugees.

    Trump’s comments did not change my opinion of him. He is a thoughtless shoot-from-the-hip blowhard who is degrading American politics: the campaign for President as reality TV. Moreover, I don’t support everything he has recently said, as I just explained. I do not believe he would follow up on these ideas if elected. Right now he is pandering to the frustration that many Americans feel over being constantly lied to by the government and by you people in the media about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. But his remarks after the Garland event show that he has no appreciation of the importance of the freedom of speech, and no understanding of how seriously it is threatened today. We don’t need yet another enemy of free speech in the White House to succeed the man who said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

    Massie followed up with questions pressing me about who I did support, but ultimately didn’t run any piece at all. He probably wanted foaming-at-the-mouth irrational “Islamophobia.” Cogent and rational answers surprised and disappointed him, and had to be deep-sixed. But yesterday he surfaced again:

    Hi Robert and Pamela,
    I wanted to ask what you guys think of the statement Trump put out today, where he calls for a “complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States. I know both of you were opposed to his earlier calls for a Muslim database on constitutional grounds and this proposal would seem to be even more extreme than that. Do either of you have any thoughts on today’s statement?
    Thanks again for taking the time to discuss this with me.

    Warier this time, I responded:
    What’s the purpose of your inquiry? Are you trying to smear Trump by association with us (as supposed “bigoted Islamophobes”), or find some fissure among foes of jihad terror that you hope to exploit in order to defeat all efforts to stop the advance of jihad terror?

    Massie replied:
    No, I was asking for the same reason as before. Both of you are prominent activists in this field and I’m interested in your thoughts on developments in the presidential campaign, in which Trump is currently a leading candidate. As I said in my last email, even though I didn’t write anything about the last time we spoke, I found your comments interesting, which is why I asked your thoughts again today. I’d still be interested in hearing them, if either or both of you gets a chance.

    Now, over the years I have learned never to trust mainstream media journalists, as they are never honest, never fair, and never interested in portraying resistance to jihad terror in anything but a negative light. But their inquiries always present a dilemma: does one try to get a word in, knowing that they will probably publish something anyway, or reject the corruption of the whole enterprise? I opted to try to get a word in, and sent him this:

    No one has some natural right to enter the U.S. Trump is suggesting a temporary measure, and in view of the intelligence failures involved in Tashfeen Malik’s passing background checks from both the FBI and DHS, and the stated plan of the Islamic State (ISIS) to embed jihadis among the refugees, and the fact that two of the Paris jihadis were recent arrivals into Europe as refugees, it is prudent to call a halt and try to devise some genuinely effective vetting measures — although that will be impossible as long as Obama’s policy of denying the reality of jihad continues. Must our commitment to “multiculturalism” and “diversity” override any concern for national security? Are our elected officials so afraid of being charged with “racism” and “bigotry” that they will remain committed to a program that very likely will result in the entry of more jihad killers into the U.S.? How many Americans must be killed before we consider the security aspects of immigration and the refugee crisis?

    After reading this from me and Pamela Geller’s response (again, here), Massie wrote back:

    Thanks for these responses. Robert, I assure you I have no intention of twisting your words.
    I just want to be clear (so as not to misrepresent your views)–it seems like both of you support Trump’s proposal today? Does this change either of your views of Trump’s candidacy as a whole?

    I answered:
    Unless some reliable way can be discovered to discern jihadis trying to enter the country, I don’t have a particular problem with this. The Islamic State has explicitly instructed its operatives entering the US to appear “moderate” — don’t wear a caftan, don’t carry a Qur’an, don’t wear a beard, don’t go to mosque. Even if there were any sanity in the Administration’s approach to this threat, which there isn’t, the efforts of ISIS members to conceal their allegiances and intentions make vetting well-nigh impossible.
    I will never support Trump for President, even were he to knock on my door, get on one knee, and ask for my vote. I could never support a candidate who advocates kowtowing to violent intimidation and submitting to the Islamic supremacist war against the freedom of speech, as he did after the jihad attack on our event in Garland, Texas.

    And that was that. Here is what they published. Pamela Geller’s screenshot shows that a headline on a similar August piece was even worse: “Top Racists and Neo-Nazis Back Donald Trump.”

    Now they have this: “White Nationalist And Anti-Muslim Fringe Embrace Trump Proposal,” by Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, BuzzFeed, December 8, 2015:

    A coalition of America’s top white nationalists again praised an initiative from Republican front-runner Donald Trump, this time praising his plan to restrict Muslim immigration to the United States….
    Then follow fifteen paragraphs recounting how people that BuzzFeed characterizes as white supremacists and neo-Nazis support Trump’s proposal. Only after that do Pamela Geller and I come in. The implication is clear: resistance to jihad terror is just another strain of the hatred and racism that manifests itself in white nationalism and neo-Nazism. The fourteen dead bodies in San Bernardino, and the well over a hundred dead bodies in Paris, and the thousands of other victims of jihad terror don’t concern Massie or his accomplice Andrew Kaczynski in the least: in their narrow little hard-Left world, opposing the ideology that incites such hatred and violence is just like being a racist or neo-Nazi.

    Anti-Muslim activists — a distinct group from the white nationalist movement, which has historically directed its racism at blacks and Jews — also embraced Trump’s proposal.

    Note the familiar smear of “anti-Muslim.” Kaczynski and Massie apparently believe that it is “anti-Muslim” to oppose jihad massacres, boasts of imminent Islamic conquest, honor killing, female genital mutilation, the death penalty for leaving Islam, etc. It is they who are thus “anti-Muslim,” as even as they are no doubt that Islam is a religion of peace, they assume, or want their readers to assume, that opposing such things and other elements of Sharia oppression is “anti-Muslim.” Opposing the violent and supremacist jihad doctrine is in reality no more “anti-Muslim” than opposing Nazism was “anti-German.”

    “No one has some natural right to enter the U.S.,” anti-Islam activist Robert Spencer, director of the site Jihad Watch, wrote BuzzFeed News in an email, adding that Trump was suggesting a temporary measure and citing the role of “intelligence failures” in the attacks in San Bernardino, California, and Paris. “Must our commitment to ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ override any concern for national security?”
    The anti-Muslim provocateur Pamela Geller also praised the suggestion.

    “Ant-Islam activist.” “Anti-Muslim provocateur.” So standing for the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people before the law is “anti-Islam” and “anti-Muslim.” Here again, in their haste to smear us, Kaczynski and Massie reveal more about their own assumptions about Islam than they do about us.

    “Obama’s negligence and jihad denial necessitates emergency measures. The San Bernardino jihad rampage is a direct result of Obama’s jihad denial,” she said.
    Neither Spencer nor Geller, however, supports Trump as a candidate, because they believe he is not anti-Muslim enough. In particular, both broke with Trump after he denounced as “disgusting” a “Draw the Prophet” event hosted by a group the two founded, which was attacked by two gunmen in May.
    Geller told BuzzFeed News last month that she preferred Ted Cruz, arguing that “Trump doesn’t understand the importance of freedom of speech.”

    Spencer, meanwhile, wrote yesterday, “I will never support Trump for President, even were he to knock on my door, get on one knee, and ask for my vote. I could never support a candidate who advocates kowtowing to violent intimidation and submitting to the Islamic supremacist war against the freedom of speech, as he did after the jihad attack on our event in Garland, Texas.”

    So for Kaczynski and Massie, even standing up for the freedom of speech against violent jihadist intimidation is “anti-Muslim,” such that Trump, in opposing our stand, was “not anti-Muslim enough.” Trump denounced our free speech event that was held in Garland, Texas on May 3. For all his braggadocio about opposing jihad and stopping Muslim immigration, he appears to have no understanding of the necessity of standing up to efforts to bully us into silence and to force us at gunpoint to accept Sharia restrictions on the freedom of speech. Our Garland event was responding to the jihad murders of the Charlie Hedbo cartoonists in Paris. Trump would apparently have us kowtow and submit, and self-censor our words to please Muslims, in the face of those murders.

    But as far as Kaczynski and Massie are concerned, all that just means that we think Trump is not “anti-Muslim enough.” So BuzzFeed excoriates Trump for advocating something that is perfectly Constitutional — stopping Muslim immigration — but is apparently fine with him standing against a core Constitutional principle: the freedom of speech.

    Politely let these “journalists” know on Twitter what you think of their journalistic ethics: @BuzzFeedAndrew and @chrismassie.

    DC: Catholic U in lockdown after "Middle Eastern" man makes "terroristic threats"
    San Bernardino jihad murderer's mother active member of ICNA, a pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate group

    Buzzfeed’s White Supremacist, Fringe Reporters Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie Publish Vile Libel

    @chrismassie @BuzzFeedAndrew
    ByPamela Geller on December 8, 2015

    How the Left Destroys the Nation Left/Islamic Alliance: Media, intelligentsia

    27 Comments - See more at:

    After not getting getting the ugly, perverted rhetoric they were hoping for from us, Buzzfeed published a libel against Robert Spencer and me. Saying I was “historically racist at blacks [outrageous] and Jews” (I am Jewish), Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie of Buzzfeed lumped Robert Spencer and me with the KKK, David Duke and other vile racists. The article, “White Nationalist And Anti-Muslim Fringe Embrace Trump Proposal,” is a new low even for these destroyers. The more jihad, the more leftist tools and Islamic apologists go after the victims.
    First the backstory. Over a week or so ago, Christopher Massie of Buzzfeed called me for comment on a story they were doing on Donald Trump.

    Dear Ms. Geller,
    I’m Chris Massie, a reporter from BuzzFeed News. I wanted to ask for your take on Donald Trump’s comments last week and over the weekend on the issues of whether to take in Syrian refugees and on how to treat Muslims in the US.
    Specifically, I’m talking about his call for the surveillance of mosques, his remark that he saw Muslims cheering the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey, and when he said that he’d put in place a database to track Muslims. Trump also said he would send Syrian refugees out of the country if elected.
    I know that, earlier this year, Trump publicly criticized your “Draw the Prophet” contest and that you wrote that you felt his position on that issue was dangerous. You also criticized him for failing to address immigration to the US by Muslims.
    Did his comments last week change your view of him at all? Do the views he’s expressed line up with yours? Would you trust him to follow through on the ideas he’s suggested if he’s elected?
    If you’d prefer to discuss this by phone, please give me a call at 914-XXX-XXXX

    I answered him (below) and called him (audio here) as well. He tried desperately to get me to come out against Trump.
    Trump is right about mosque surveillance. In April 2013, my American Freedom Defense Initiative called for the closure of three terror-tied mosques: the Islamic Society of Boston, the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia, and the Noor Mosque in Columbus, Ohio. Details here.
    As for the Muslims celebrating in NJ, there were widespread reports on this at the time.
    A Muslim database wouldn’t work. It wouldn’t include converts who are often involved in jihad. And it is wrong: we cannot discard our own principles to defeat this scourge.
    We should take no Syrian refugees at all. Syrian refugees were among the Paris jihadis, and there is no way to vet for them.
    Trump doesn’t understand the importance of the freedom of speech which is why I do not support him.
    I also spent a half hour with Mr. Massie on the phone and recorded the conversation. Here’s the audio:
    Audio Player

    Clearly they didn’t get the Trump-bashing, foaming-at-the-mouth irrational “Islamophobia” they wanted. Cogent and rational answers surprised and disappointed him, and had to be deep-sixed.
    They did not run the article. When I emailed Chris as to why the article did not run, this is what he said:

    Hey. Sorry for not updating you on this. We’ve decided not to do a story for the time being. I was interested to see what you thought of Trump’s post-Paris prescriptions for fighting terrorism and treating Muslims in the US, given that you’ve been critical of him before. I was interested by your answers, but the editors decided not to do anything with it. Still, I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions and will let you know if anything changes.

    Wait it gets better. He emailed me again today and included Robert Spencer in the email as well

    Hi Robert and Pamela,
    I wanted to ask what you guys think of the statement Trump put out today, where he calls for a “complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States. I know both of you were opposed to his earlier calls for a Muslim database on constitutional grounds and this proposal would seem to be even more extreme than that. Do either of you have any thoughts on today’s statement?
    Thanks again for taking the time to discuss this with me.

    I emailed Robert and Chris back:
    Robert, I am not sure if you are aware of it but Buzzfeed did not run the last Trump piece they interviewed me for. They didn’t get the smear they wanted. I suspect this won’t run either unless we say something they can pervert.
    The deception continued. Chris responded:

    No, I was asking for the same reason as before. Both of you are prominent activists in this field and I’m interested in your thoughts on developments in the presidential campaign, in which Trump is currently a leading candidate. As I said in my last email, even though I didn’t write anything about the last time we spoke, I found your comments interesting, which is why I asked your thoughts again today. I’d still be interested in hearing them, if either or both of you gets a chance.

    And so I answered him.
    The San Bernardino jihad rampage is a direct result of Obama’s jihad denial. He scrubbed all counter terror materials of jihad and Islam. Obama scrubbed counter-terror programs and materials of jihad and Islam. If you can’t vet for that, intel failures are all but guaranteed. The money train and digital footprint is a stunning Obama’s intel failure.
    Tashfeen Malik was subjected to background checks by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security before she was allowed to enter the country. She passed both. That is a stunning indictment of Obama’s vaunted “vetting process” for the Syrian refugees

    Here is what these urbane savages and defamers ran:

    “White Nationalist And Anti-Muslim Fringe Embrace Trump Proposal,”

    By Andrew Kaczynski and Christopher Massie, Buzzfeed, December 8, 2015

    Burning up the fever swamps. A coalition of America’s top white nationalists again praised an initiative from Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, this time praising his plan to restrict Muslim immigration to the United States.

    In what is becoming a fairly routine ritual in a campaign that has seen no shortage of racially-charged rhetoric from the Republican frontrunner, American’s prominent white nationalists again found comfort in a proposal from The Donald.

    “I would not let in any Muslim immigrants at all, from Syria or from anywhere else,” said Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance (which says that “one of the most destructive myths of modern times is that people of all races have the same average intelligence”), in an email to BuzzFeed News in mid-November.

    “They only cause trouble. Even if they don’t throw bombs, they want special food, won’t work with pork, want special swimming pool hours for women only, etc. Who needs them?” Taylor, unprompted, emailed BuzzFeed News on Monday after Trump’s comments, forwarding the previous comments with addendum, “you saw it here first.”

    Former Klu Klux Klan official and politician David Duke offered his support for Trump’s proposal on his radio program on Tuesday, saying the media is attacking Trump because his comments call into question a U.S. foreign policy pushed by Zionism. “The Jewish knives are coming out on Donald Trump,” Duke said on his radio show of Trump’s comments. “How come it’s against America values to want to preserve the heritage of the country?”

    Duke asked, paraphrasing Trump. “Were overwhelmingly a Christian country and overwhelming a European country.” Trump’s broad call for a ban on Muslim immigration also found praise across the white nationalist web.
    On the Daily Stormer, the white nationalist website which has endorsed Trump, editor Andrew Anglin wrote in a post “Glorious Leader Calls for Complete Ban on All Moslems,” that Trump was the only candidate speaking sense.
    “Why were these monkeys ever allowed in in the first place? What an insane, stupid concept,” he wrote with a link to Trump’s comment. “Finally: Someone speaks sense.” Brad Griffin, who runs the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent under the pseudonym “Hunter Wallace,” similarly praised Trump.

    “In addition to the Trump database, this should help Trump peel off a lot of the Carson/Cruz vote while sending the Left into a new fit of PC rage that will generate free publicity through Iowa,” wrote Griffin. “That’s great,” Griffin said of Trump’s policy.

    “We need to stop the damage the US government is already doing to places like Minneapolis-St. Paul and Middle Tennessee with the refugee reettlement program. It was revealed today that ISIS is targeting the refugee program to funnel terrorists into the US.” On the white nationalist site, Trump’s comments drew rave reviews across the board.

    In one post from editor James Kirkpatrick seeking donations to the site, Trump’s call was cited as proof The Donald was embracing the white nationalist cause. “Even as this is written, Donald Trump has come out for a moratorium on Muslim immigration, just days after our Editor-in-Chief Peter Brimelow advocated precisely the same thing,” wrote Kirkpatrick.

    “They may not admit it, but more people than ever are reading And finally, people are beginning to act.” In another post, writer Allan Wall called the idea “fantastic.”

    “I am a conservative Evangelical Christian and I think Trump’s idea is fantastic. They don’t have Muslim terrorism in Japan, do they,” he wrote. Anti-Muslim activists — a distinct group from the white nationalist movement, which has historically directed its racism at blacks and Jews — also embraced Trump’s proposal.

    “No one has some natural right to enter the U.S.,” anti-Islam activist Robert Spencer, director of the site Jihad Watch, wrote BuzzFeed News in an e-mail, adding that Trump was suggesting a temporary measure and citing the role of “intelligence failures” in the attacks in San Bernardino and Paris. “Must our commitment to ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘diversity’ override any concern for national security?”

    The anti-Muslim provocateur Pamela Geller also praised the suggestion. “Obama’s negligence and jihad denial necessitates emergency measures. The San Bernardino jihad rampage is a direct result of Obama’s jihad denial,” she said.

    Neither Spencer nor Geller, however, supports Trump as a candidate, because they believe he is not anti-Muslim enough. In particular, both broke with Trump after he denounced as “disgusting” a “Draw the Prophet” event hosted by a group the two founded, which was attacked by two gunmen in May.

    Geller told BuzzFeed News last month that she preferred Ted Cruz, arguing that “Trump doesn’t understand the importance of freedom of speech.” Spencer, meanwhile, wrote yesterday, “I will never support Trump for President, even were he to knock on my door, get on one knee, and ask for my vote.
    I could never support a candidate who advocates kowtowing to violent intimidation and submitting to the Islamic supremacist war against the freedom of speech, as he did after the jihad attack on our event in Garland, Texas.”

    UPDATE: Robert Spencer rips them a new one here.

    See more at:
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2015
  3. admin

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    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 10:07 am
    ‘Time Of Looking Away Over’: Germany Warns Saudi Arabia To Stop Funding Wahhabism

    The allegations against Saudi Arabia have been around for some time, but it is rare for a Western politician to speak out against it, as the Gulf State remains a key western ally.
    By RT | December 7, 2015

    Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, 2nd right first row, poses with Shura members at consultative Shura Council in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    Germany has publicly warned Saudi Arabia against further financing religious radicals globally. German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel’s demand to cut money flowing to the Wahhabis comes as some lawmakers are growing weary of Saudi-funded radical mosques.
    Gabriel stressed that the Saudi regime has been funding mosques known for radicalizing the Muslim population, including in various communities in Europe.
    “We have to make clear to the Saudis that the time of looking away is over,” Mr Gabriel, Merkel’s deputy and the head of the Social Democrats (SPD), told Bild am Sonntag newspaper. “Wahhabi mosques all over the world are financed by Saudi Arabia. Many Islamists who are a threat to public safety come from these communities in Germany.”

    Wahhabism is a strict version of Sunni Islam that is the official religion of the ultra-conservative state of Saudi Arabia. It is also said to be behind Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) and Al-Qaeda’s extremist ideologies. The Saudis have historically always supported the building of Wahhabi mosques around the world to help the sect gain popularity.
    In response, the Saudi Arabian embassy in Berlin said in a statement that the nation wants to fight the radicalization of youths. “Like Germany, we are part of the anti-Islamic State coalition and fighting side by side against terror,” it said.
    The allegations against Saudi Arabia have been around for some time, but it is rare for a Western politician to speak out against it, as the Gulf State remains a key western ally.

    Saudi clerics call for jihad against Russia in Syria – to back ISIS?
    1:40 PM - 7 Oct 2015

    The German media has heavily criticized Saudi King for proposing that 200 mosques be built for the Syrian refugees coming to Germany. This issue gained more traction as Saudi Arabia has refused to accept any refugees from Syria.
    The surprisingly open disapproval of Saudi policies comes after a German foreign intelligence agency (BND) report claiming that Riyadh’s foreign relations could be a major destabilizing force in the Arab world.
    Immediately after the report was released, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government attempted to create some distance between the BND analysis and official foreign policy line.
    However, Gabriel’s comments reveal that the government is taking the report’s findings seriously.
    “Of course we need Saudi Arabia to solve the conflicts in the region,” Gabriel said. “We cannot and must not ignore the country. And it does not help to put it in the pillory every day, because that won’t increase its readiness for serious negotiations over Syria.”
    Gabriel is known for being outspoken. When visiting Riyadh earlier this year, he gave a speech in support of Raif Badawi, a Saudi blogger, who was sentenced to 1,000 lashes for insulting Islam. Moreover, Gabriel was responsible for blocking an agreement to build a German arms factory in Saudi Arabia.

    German foreign minister’s surprise Iraq visit

    Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrived to Baghdad early Monday to a meeting with the Iraqi government, DPA agency reported. The visit had not been announced because of “security concerns.”
    Steinmeier said that Germany is standing by Iraq “in truly difficult and stormy times.” It is expected that the official is going to pledge support to Iraq in the fight against Islamic State.

    BREAKING: #Bundestag approves sending 1,200 troops on anti-ISIS 'support' mission in Syria
    9:40 PM - 4 Dec 2015

    The stabilization of Iraq is just as important as the search for a political solution in Syria,” the minister said upon arriving.
    The visit comes days after Germany’s Bundestag approved joining the military campaign against IS. Berlin is to send reconnaissance jets, refueling aircraft, a frigate to help protect the French aircraft carrier, and up to 1,200 military personnel to Syria.
  4. admin

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    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 3:23 am
    Sanicle wrote:

    Ha, I just had a thought. Maybe throwing the spotlight on the Western World as being the prime movers behind establishing the NWO had all been smoke and mirrors .... disinfo. Maybe the plan has always been to get a group like ISIS together to carry it out, including establishing Sharia Law worldwide. Thatd get all us pesky females back in line too, wouldn't it icon_question. icon_wink.

    'Pesky Females?'

    Are you and Jenetta and Priscilla and Burgundia and Josephine and Brook and Mudra and Carol and Susan 'Pesky females'?
    In many ways you certainly are, especially when it addresses information you are not too familiar with.
    However, but you for one have missed the point about a 'real' and not a 'right-wing' or 'left-wing' or 'center-corpus political' danger to 'your rights' and your 'freedom of speech and self expression' rather pertinently.


    No matter the narrative of information you 'pesky females' might encounter and data you often dismiss as not being applicable to your own individual situation and perspective; nevertheless you might have 'friends in strange and weird places' who have your 'best interests' at heart, even without you yourself knowing what 'your most favourable outcomes' might be.

    Your irony aside though, yes the well known platform of the 'alternative information' HAS been hijacked by BOTH parties, the misnomed 'Zionist conspirators' related to 'banksters' and 'elitists' as well as the 'Anti-Zionist' or the 'enemies of the ptb/nwo' and the like.
    So really 'Icey princess of the elements', you are caught between two hard rocks within an enclave or grotto from which there is no escape in the metaphysical sense, except in a form of 'fighting' the slumbering mind with your awakening mind and this is not in any way nabs related. Dragon kisses for you in this dilemma.


    Women have the right to wear a sheet covering their entire body or risk rape or acid thrown in their face.
    Women get to pick from the many shades of black for their Burka, Abaya or Jalbeeb.
    Women have the right to have male escorts whenever they leave their house or risk rape or arrest
    Women have the right to genital mutilation. Then they have the right to get sewn up so they can’t hardly piss.
    Women have the right to have 4 male witnesses to testify she was NOT raped
    Women have the right to have their hand cut off for using a cell phone in public
    Women have the right to be honor killed
    Women have the right to be forced to become human incubators for future terrorists.
    Women have the right to be stoned to death for the crime of NOT being able to produce 4 male witnesses in the case of adultery
    Women have the right to be treated like shi20 by their husband, their children and just about any muslim man
    Women have the right to get beat with a chair because they got their husband angry.
    Women have the right to be married off at ANY age to ANY man (most likely their first cousin) their father SELLS them to.
    Women have the right to get only half of what their brother gets of an inheritance.
    Women have the right to obligatorily have another woman assist them at testifying in court, because their minds are too feeble and only half as good as a man's.
    Women have the right to not report rape, sodomy, incest, assault in Islamic countries because these crimes are never recorded by officials and not used in statistics.
    Married girls have the right to walk themselves to one of the many Obstetric Fistula Clinic (Only available in Islamic countries) where they can get the hole between their vagina and urethra repaired, after being raped at too young an age by their husband.
    Married girls have the right to go to Jannah early when they die in childbirth because their immature bodies can't handle pregnancy.
    Women have the right to share their husband’s earnings with up to 3 more women.
    Women have the right to a divorce, in a sharia court, after they obtain a lawyer to represent them, and only if their husband agrees, (Otherwise they can just hope their husband utters the words "i divorce you" thrice)
    Women have the right to have traffic stopped in the middle of a Saudi street intersection, so they can be quickly decapitated in said intersection for suspected witchcraft.
    Women and girls have the right to be traded as war booty sex slaves if their family belongs to the losing side of any battle started by men.
    Women and girls have the right to be sexually harassed and groped, in the streets and in broad daylight, if any man or boy thinks her female form isn't concealed enough
    Women or girls have the right to be buried chest deep in a pit and pelted with stones until they die if they are suspected by their husbands of infidelity.
    Women used to have the right to suicide to escape the ecstasies of islam until Suicide amongst women was at record highs in Iran and a Mullah enacted a fatwa to prevent further suicides...
    "Any woman who commits suicide will have her daughters executed"
    This has stopped many unappreciative women from leaving the most perfect religion in the world.
    And women’s rights even extend to Janna where virgins have the right to work in a heavenly whorehouse where they can be abused in every way possible by muslim men and then their merciful and most beneficent pimp, alla, turns them back into virgins so the next muslim man can make them bleed and hear them scream. And they don’t even get paid whore wages.

    Now where oh where are the 'politically corrected' multicultural feminists of the western civilization?
    Ah I forgot, the 'same sex marriage' and the sexploitation of the 'Hollywood Industry', the Kardashian attires and body things and the Zionist conspirators are keeping the ardent defenders of 'women's rights' a little preoccupied!

    Daniel 11:36-38 - King James Version (KJV)
    36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
    37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
    38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

    And now something rather different!
    A TRUE Moderate Muslim with a fake disguise versus a FAKE Moderate Muslim without a fake disguise and a sheik aka 'islamic scholar' - no other 'western' input religious or secular required

    [3:04:44 AM-December 10th, 2015] susan lynne schwenger: the trump stuff - is; being done to push people in the direction of hell-ary clinton
    [10:29:32 AM] ShilohaPlace: I can agree with that in parts Susan, but it is far more serious than that. Look what just happened?
    Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan etc just 'banned' trump products from their countries as a protest to brainwash the moronic west with their 'holy indignation' of course
    It is all a well thought out plan to undermine your western culture and replace it with sharia barbarisms
    Those moronic looney leftist newspapers in London have ganged up to ban Trump from even going to the UK right
    All he said was watch the muslims and temporary don't let them enter without decent background checks
    Just common sense more so then anything else, and I am not a trump supporter lol; he is rather nutty in many things but here he is right

    [10:33:50 AM] raxnae: luckily i live in redneck country were they don't take too kindly to A-rabs and muslims lol
    [10:33:59 AM] ShilohaPlace: Indeed, rednecks are good for something after all, even if they are stuffed up otherwise
    [10:34:36 AM] raxnae: yeah for once their rascist ways come in handy
    [10:34:54 AM] ShilohaPlace: This is not racist rax. Islam is not a race it is politics and militant at that. I dont hate muslims, they are victims of their belief in the 'devil'
    [10:35:30 AM] raxnae: well more like xenophobia lol
    [10:35:45 AM] ShilohaPlace: Any muslim resisting anything Islam is no longer a muslim; this people dont understand.: 80% of muslims are not Arabs
    [10:36:32 AM] raxnae: yeah they are apostates, worse than christians and jews and non believers lol

    [10:36:37 AM] Sirius 17:

    [10:36:39 AM] ShilohaPlace: Arabic muslims are the Islamic State wahabanism
    [10:36:42 AM] Sirius 17: can you see this ?
    [10:36:56 AM] raxnae: nope
    [10:37:24 AM] ShilohaPlace: nope

    [10:37:51 AM] Sirius 17:


    Ray Barrera Just replace the group you want to speak against with an oppressed minority. If you sound like an Xxxxxxx, you probably are.

    Like · Reply · 41 · December 7 at 7:04pm

    Ray Barrera Just replace the group you want to speak against with an oppressed minority. If you sound like an Xxxxxxx, you probably are.

    Like · Reply · 41 · December 7 at 7:04pm


    Garrett Smith These are retarded, it's not like Jews were blowing themselves up. And killing people. You are comparing apples to oranges. A group that had no radicals at the time that were a threat to a nation and a group that does and is. Both sides sound dumb as XXXX. Not like either side here has the balls to join and help do something about it.

    Like · Reply · 33 · December 8 at 5:28pm

    Hide 19 Replies


    Jessica Kay Lange That is EXACTLY what I've been saying everytime someone uses this stupid comparison. Jews were innocent people that the nazis were trying to kill. The jews weren't trying to kill people.

    Like · Reply · 6 · December 8 at 11:19pm


    Brandy M. Albert Except the vast majority of Muslims are not violent or extremists and yet we want to treat all of them like they are, soooooo.

    Like · Reply · 7 · 23 hours ago


    Garrett Smith True Brandy M. Albert but the enemy is using the ones that aren't to get in causing a huge threat. The Jews didn't have that. Honestly we shouldn't let refugees in till we have a sure fire way to figure out who's who or ISIS is taken care of.

    Like · Reply · 23 hours ago


    Brandy M. Albert The vetting process for a refugee is 18 months. The individuals who have committed any attacks on our soil were either here via their passport, on a visa, or were a citizen. ISIS is using social media to recruit people all over the world. And the indiv...See More

    Like · Reply · 1 · 21 hours ago


    Joe Joseph Turner They don't have to blow themselves - because they are military mighty

    Like · Reply · 18 hours ago


    Garrett Smith Yeah they do. And they are using the fact that we are allies with Saudi Arabia to get to us quicker. And also in my opinion those "refugees" that seem to be mostly male and causing all sorts of trouble over there, should turn around and fight for their Damn homes! I'd help even. But stand up and defend yourself. I find it so dumb that a few nut cases can subdue the masses.

    [10:37:53 AM] Sirius 17: how about this; can you guys see it now? Anyhow my aunt shared this BS meme on her page with these comments
    [10:38:55 AM] ShilohaPlace: yes

    [10:38:57 AM] Sirius 17: Carolina likes this.
    I was reading a post by CNN last night where the White House called Trump unfit for the Presidency, since you have to swear to uphold the Constitution. The hate and vitriol in the comments on it were terrifying. I can't believe how ugly full of hate the Right is, and all based on lies. Why has the GOP gone out of their way to create this huge schism in our populace? Their hatred list is long, and Muslims are just ONE group they hate. I was truly scared for the future of my country.

    I think, if you can do this to Muslims, it's not even a Jump to do it to Christians, or Jews, or whoever. He isn't fit to be president. I'm embarrassed for him. You see the Republican leadership quickly separated themselves from that. I don't think is GOP, its the Donald. He's crazy.

    Carolina Yes, I liked what Ryan said about it - and it's high time they did. They've been letting the radical right tail wag the dog for too long. I find it strange that Ryan would be the sane voice in the crowd, but so glad he finally realized the costs of this schism, not just to the GOP, but the country.

    Raven, try this with your anti-Muslim source. I wish you'd meet some real Muslims and find out what beautiful and peaceful people they are. Please go to a Mosque.

    Raven: You misunderstand me entirely because you make judgements and do not read anything I have to share. I am NOT against the people themselves just their ideology ok. I am against any ideology that is oppressive and destroys freedom. I know that every Muslim is a victim of their belief system just as much as I know other people in other hate groups are victims of bad ideas. As I have said before, Islam is a political war movement riding on the coat tails of religion and I am not buying the BS when they say they are moderate. I have looked into their belief system extensively and have studied what drives their hate for the west and I do not support it. They are posing as wolves in sheep clothing and we must as a nation and free society be very careful of allowing any movement, religion, cult into our country that allows no one to leave it nor criticize it. Now really think about this for a minute and ask yourself why only it is the Muslim world that cannot ever be questioned, ridiculed, or examined without being called an Islamaphobic bigot and hate monger.

    [10:39:13 AM] Sirius 17: notice she hasn't replied to what i said at all
    [10:39:37 AM] ShilohaPlace: What crap the GOP ATTACKED Trump left and right not support him; the far right is as looney as is the left

    <<< Carolina Raven, try this with your anti-Muslim source. I wish you'd meet some real Muslims and find out what beautiful and peaceful people they are. Please go to a Mosque.

    [10:40:51 AM] ShilohaPlace: Taquia, the 'holy pretense' - So nice and peaceful until they rule the roost

    [10:40:54 AM] Sirius 17: oh it gets even better, my cousin Dawney said this today:

    [10:40:59 AM] Sirius 17: Dawney, Denver, CO ·

    I am beside myself with all the hate and rhetoric in the news right now. I am starting to feel helpless. So I am choosing to approach the world with love because it is the only weapon that I feel can combat hate. I just called the local Mosque to tell them that I don't agree with the hate mongering from the Trump campaign that he doesn't stand for my beliefs or the beliefs of most of the community I choose to surround myself with, and to let them know that if any of their women need escorts to feel safe when they go out I am ready to help. Last month our distillery held an all female comedy show and I donated 20% of our proceeds to a school that helps teen moms and 52Eighty Entertainment who books the talent donated 20% of the door to them as well. LOVE must prevail. If we each take a tiny step to show kindness and tolerance I have to believe we will come out in front of bigotry.

    [10:41:07 AM] ShilohaPlace: What hate? Trump did not do any 'hate speech' where was the word hate in what he said?
    [10:41:36 AM] Sirius 17: exactly
    [10:42:01 AM] ShilohaPlace: [10:40 AM] Sirius 17:

    <<< Dawn Nudell Richardson
    8 hrs · Denver, CO ·
    I am beside myself....

    [10:42:04 AM] Sirius 17: but yet here you have another perfect example of Islamic asslicking, what ignorance
    [10:42:10 AM] ShilohaPlace: See this is the devil deception right there
    [10:42:24 AM] ShilohaPlace: As said watch the news
    [10:42:52 AM] ShilohaPlace: London newspapers and the banning of those trump articles ALL OVER the Arab controlled world
    [10:43:05 AM] Sirius 17: all Trump did was tell the damn truth, he said what should of been said a long time ago, like 911 rings a bell or did they all fuc11ing forget about that? So now we are all Kumbaya with Islam
    [10:43:21 AM] ShilohaPlace: Immediate response from those barbarians
    [10:43:51 AM] ShilohaPlace: Its bad there because the republicans have sold out
    [10:44:06 AM] ShilohaPlace: Here in Oz same thing the expm is under pressures from everywhere
    [10:44:19 AM] Sirius 17: what a bunch of shi20 this is
    [10:44:36 AM] Sirius 17: you can't tell the truth without being labeled a bigot and hate monger
    [10:44:58 AM] raxnae: social justice at its finest
    [10:44:59 AM] Sirius 17: granted Trump is no spring peach but still, he spoke realistically and with common sense
    [10:45:00 AM] ShilohaPlace: And right now 2 terrorist suspects were arrested right now but all this is not connected to islam see they are both teenagers like Carla wanting to kill
    [10:45:06 AM] ShilohaPlace: and islam ois so peaceful
    [10:45:13 AM] Sirius 17: right, fuc11
    [10:45:27 AM] ShilohaPlace: It is getting more insane by the minute
    [10:45:34 AM] Sirius 17: IT IS!!

    [10:45:35 AM] ShilohaPlace: Teenagers, right??? Wanting to blow themselves and innocent people up BECAUSE they, the 'infidels' and kuffar reject allah and muhammad? And its all so racist to speak against Islam

    [10:46:25 AM] Sirius 17: Can anyone see how you cannot even critisize or talk about Islam without being called xenophobic and whatever else, this is terribly terribly deceptive
    [10:46:49 AM] ShilohaPlace: As said the London major wants to ban Trump of entering the UK to protect the Londoners from 'hate speech'
    [10:47:36 AM] ShilohaPlace: Well the journo weak-asses are gleaming here and there with petitions probably sponsored by the Arabs. They control the Arab global media you know
    [10:48:31 AM] raxnae: people just don't got balls anymore
    [10:48:49 AM] Sirius 17: no they don't rax
    [10:48:55 AM] raxnae: "oh no I don't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities!"
    [10:49:08 AM] Sirius 17: this PC has gone too fuc11ing far, Trump is right about that
    [10:49:27 AM] ShilohaPlace: The so called leaders have lost whatever integrity or honour they might have had over this sure pure treason against their constituencies
    [10:49:41 AM] Sirius 17: he has said a lot of things that needed to be said and he gets lambasted for it
    [10:49:56 AM] ShilohaPlace: Banned like Spencer and Geller and Wilders in Holland?
    [10:50:00 AM] raxnae: and hillary collects the scraps

    [10:50:12 AM] ShilohaPlace: They dont even use the word hate
    [10:50:30 AM] Sirius 17: it is treason, it is putting every American and western citizen in mortal danger because they are too afraid to critisize Islam
    [10:50:56 AM] ShilohaPlace: It is treason against the constitutions with amendments and whatever you call this
    [10:51:10 AM] Sirius 17: yes what i mean
    [10:51:14 AM] ShilohaPlace: Free speech = hate speech see?
    [10:51:17 AM] Sirius 17: they are totally ignoring our rights, yes this is what they are equating it too, what a joke

    [10:51:47 AM] ShilohaPlace: Always this 'they are getting radicalised'

    Question logical?
    Who does the radicalising?
    The Mosques, sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood (controlling the UN) and the Saudi Oil sheiks

    Trump says watch the mosques
    The effect?
    Hate speech against muslims and islam
    Very (il)logical!

    [10:53:19 AM] ShilohaPlace: Now Juju and Tony and rax are vile muslim hating racists. Here righty now the police chiefs telling everyone we need the parents' help to stop radicalization.
    Blind idiots, the parents are Islam believers and so cannot deradicalise. Jihad is a holy obligation for all muslims period.

    [10:55:50 AM] raxnae: lol thats like asking a home invader's partner in crime to convince him not to rob your house or shoot you

    [10:55:55 AM] ShilohaPlace: So how can a father or mother say don't do jihad?

    [10:56:04 AM] Sirius 17: they can't

    [10:56:42 AM] ShilohaPlace: But the mainstream on ALL Levels thinks it is the imams in the mosques and the muslim parents who can stop radicalization. Its so bizarre and then there is taquia, the divine lying for Allah's sake.

    [10:57:14 AM] Sirius 17: yes this great call to the so called moderates world wide to somehow change Islam; they can't change it, it is FORBIDDEN

    [10:57:33 AM] ShilohaPlace: There is no such thing as moderate Islam

    [10:57:48 AM] Sirius 17: i know that, but this is how they sell the BS

    [10:57:51 AM] ShilohaPlace: It is punishable by death not just forbidden

    [10:59:36 AM] raxnae: all this human mindedness makes me sick' for fuc11s sake just call a spade a spade, most of these ignorant fuc11s haven't even seen a quran verse and even if they do they get convinced they are "misinterpreting" it

    [11:04:57 AM] Sirius 17: Look at this guy who perpetrated the San Bernadino attacks, he worked with those people he killed for years!! How do you justify killing your co-workers like that? You just suddenly wake up one day and say I am going to go kill every single person i have worked with for years because they don't believe in Islam? I mean this is so totally fuc11ing nuts how they can even rationalize killing them let alone people he worked with professionally for years??? It makes no rational sense. But this is how they justifiy it, with Allah, all things are possible, including offering up their bodies for the sake of a fuc11ing Phantom god, because he wills it. What BS.
    They knew they were on a suicide mission, as does every jihadist. This is how sick and decieved they all are

    [11:06:03 AM] ShilohaPlace: Yes and they are believers, meaning they are supermotivated. Some are very intelligent, so your poor socioeconomic background etc is all bogus

    [11:06:38 AM] Sirius 17: yes supermotivated by Allah paradise
    [11:06:47 AM] ShilohaPlace: whatever, misunderstood by the west indeed
    [11:06:55 AM] Sirius 17: exactly, this guy was highly educated, he had a degree in social work
    [11:07:14 AM] ShilohaPlace: But not as the loonies think 'misunderstood', rather underestimated
    [11:07:30 AM] Sirius 17: very underestimated
    [11:07:33 AM] ShilohaPlace: yes
    [11:07:35 AM] Sirius 17: this could happen anywhere
    [11:07:40 AM] Sirius 17: anytime
    [11:07:44 AM] ShilohaPlace: in the west
    [11:07:57 AM] ShilohaPlace: It seems not to happen in China or North Korea lol
    [11:08:19 AM] ShilohaPlace: No tolerance and no multiculturalism misnamed see?
    [11:08:31 AM] Sirius 17: from people you would LEAST expect it from, i mean for fuc11 sakes, his neighbors and co-workers ect had zero idea?? if that is the case he played his moderate muslim shi20 very well
    [11:09:02 AM] ShilohaPlace: yes or the neighbours did not want to become racists
    [11:09:10 AM] Sirius 17: right
    [11:10:02 AM] ShilohaPlace: But you need look no further than your own family. They are blind and deaf and the devil literally took them. Looking for the enemy where he is not
    Your aunts would rather accuse you in some court than ever to change their mind about peaceful Islam see that?

    (16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary."
    (55) Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me."
    (99) The disciples said to him, "Your brothers and your mother are standing outside."
    He said to them, "Those here who do the will of my father are my brothers and my mother. It is they who will enter the kingdom of my father."
    (101) <Jesus said,> "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not love his father and his mother as I do cannot become a disciple to me. For my mother [...], but my true mother gave me life." - GOT-Lambdin

    [11:15:33 AM] ShilohaPlace: It also fits for mothers and daughters and relatives and so on.
    So do you 'hate' Carolina? No, but it means you must 'war' against them in the mind. I hope you understand those codes. It is a 'solitary' war see. You against the 'whole world' and the 'whole' world against you.

    [11:19:58 AM] Sirius 17: sec my mom called

    [11:20:08 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    Revelation 12:7-13 - King James Version (KJV)

    7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

    8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

    9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

    [11:20:25 AM] ShilohaPlace: You should try to understand this for the present time. It is BECAUSE this 'devil' has been CAST to Earth that we are doing what we are doing. Heaven is FREE see? Salvation in Heaven but NOT on Earth

    my aunt replied
    [12:28:59 PM] Sirius 17: Carolina: I don't know any other way to say this Raven, but you are wrong. Islam is a peaceful religion. Those that take the old dogma to violent extremes are the same as Christians or Jews who live in the Old Testament - which is very violent and just as oppressive as Sharia Law. Islam is not an ideology, it is a religion. I do beg that you get past this blind hatred and look for the good in the people and the religion.

    Carolina: This is what your cousin Dawney posted this morning. I am joining her in believing in love. You see, I went to college and worked with many Muslims, and just know better then to condemn them all. It's like judging us all by Donald Trump. "I am beside myself with all the hate and rhetoric in the news right now. I am starting to feel helpless. So I am choosing to approach the world with love because it is the only weapon that I feel can combat hate. I just called the local Mosque to tell them that I don't agree with the hate mongering from the Trump campaign that he doesn't stand for my beliefs or the beliefs of most of the community I choose to surround myself with, and to let them know that if any of their women need escorts to feel safe when they go out I am ready to help. Last month our distillery held an all female comedy show and I donated 20% of our proceeds to a school that helps teen moms and 52Eighty Entertainment who books the talent donated 20% of the door to them as well. LOVE must prevail. If we each take a tiny step to show kindness and tolerance I have to believe we will come out in front of bigotry."

    [12:36:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: When Dawney and Carolina are gang raped and beheaded in a future incarnation under a worldwide domination of Islam, they might change their minds about the religion of love Juju
    [12:36:59 PM] Sirius 17: yes i can see it is futile to try to make any more points to them, they have decided now that Islam is the relgion of love and peace
    [12:37:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: As is the devil's plan
    [12:37:52 PM] Sirius 17: when she told me i should visit a mosque and find out i should of said, i would but they won't allow a Kuffar to even enter the grounds, let alone mosque
    [12:38:17 PM] ShilohaPlace: Well they might under taquia see? After carolina phoned them they would love to show her how peaceful their mosques are
    [12:38:51 PM] Sirius 17: but of course she went to college and knows Muslims and so is right about everything. wtf do i know, i am just an ignorant Muslim hater according to her - true
    [12:39:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: Be proud of it, not the hate, but the awareness
    [12:39:37 PM] Sirius 17: oh i am dear, it just saddens me they can't see the deception; how decieved they are as well as half the country or world for that matter
    She keeps calling me a hater lol and she completely missed the fact i told her i don't hate them; it is like she has some kind of blindness, literally to my words
    [1:30:03 PM] Sirius 17: i have decided not to reply to her diatribe there anymore, and just let my original statement stand. The one where i posed the question, why can't Islam be questioned like all other religions.
    Where i asked her to really think about that and which of course got ignored
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°21

    empty. The Great Falling Away

    empty. Raven Yesterday at 11:21 pm

    [7:22:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: I replied because she blamed my reply, calling her out on her nabs of course
    [7:22:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: 'hurt human feelings' again
    [7:23:01 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [7:23:09 PM] Sirius 17: I can see that now
    [7:23:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Look at Carolina and Dawney
    [7:23:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: hurt feelings' all over
    [7:23:25 PM] ShilohaPlace: They can’t see that this is devilish
    [7:24:13 PM] ShilohaPlace: same with Rok as an 'irrational skeptic' and Xeia as a rational 'skeptic'
    [7:24:41 PM] ShilohaPlace: It’s all over the place regardless of what people 'believe' or what politics etc
    [7:24:44 PM] Sirius 17: no they can't, many in the world cannot see it, why Islam is so so deceptive. A death cult hiding behind the meme 'A religion of Peace", how much more deceptive can you get.
    [7:24:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is what made me an activist. I did not see it clear enough before, this factionless devilmind.
    Yes but coded just as such, your wolf in sheep clothing or the devil seen as an angel. It is a very old archetype.
    But it has deceived the rational atheist, skeptic ordinarily reasonable thinker. This is the new for me. There is no more balance anywhere; 'good people' are as deceived as 'bad' people see?
    So then what purpose for 'alternative' science data and whatever information whatever?

    [7:28:10 PM] Sirius 17: yes you could say both my aunts and cousins are atheist as well, although they may believe in some higher power, they are mostly anti-religion and don't really believe in a god
    [7:28:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Sure this is ok if they then don’t lose objectivity
    [7:28:38 PM] Sirius 17: yet they will defend Islam against the Christians
    [7:28:47 PM] ShilohaPlace: You find this rather weird no?
    [7:28:58 PM] Sirius 17: my aunt keeps pointing out how bloody and horrible the Christians are in comparison - very
    [7:29:05 PM] ShilohaPlace: Who gave them technology and comforts in their homes; wash machines computers and phones and cars; did Islam?
    [7:29:23 PM] Sirius 17: lol, hardly
    [7:29:37 PM] ShilohaPlace: Xtian civilization did. The unforgivable sin recall. They can ridicule father and son, but not the ghost. So as the ghost is themselves they will have a human ego war.
    AND the females are worse off than males. Say Rok at least tries to be balanced, even though he can’t understand purposes.
    [7:31:48 PM] Sirius 17: yes the women suffer this bodily and in a very much more physical way then the men
    [7:31:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: The femmes are stuck in their self-righteousness Carolina and Dawney
    [7:32:04 PM] ShilohaPlace: I mean mental here, not physical
    [7:32:15 PM] Sirius 17: oh I see, yes
    [7:32:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: Only femmes who use their malemindedness can get this. Like you but you are Logos biased and this is the sealing of the 144,000 aspects.
    Logos bias is a safety wall. True Logos not fake jesuses and christs. See if the GOP had the real Jesus in mind, they would fight Islam. GOP is Republican Party yes?
    [7:34:07 PM] Sirius 17: true and during 911 they were fighting it, yes
    [7:34:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes they have become deceived. I tried to point this out in the sanicle reply

    [7:34:44 PM] Sirius 17: but it seems the whole country has amnesia now that we lost over 4000 people in the twin towers as well as over 6000 or so now in our troops
    And of course we killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and insurgents. I think they took the wrong measures in going in to Iraq
    They should have just become very wary of infiltration and education on the Islamic view and not let the multi-cultural 'moderation' BS get in here at all
    It really doesn't belong in a free society this BS death worshiping cult and the west was not founded on Islamic principles, it was founded on Christianity and the principles of freedom, but of course the country has forgotten its roots
    But you might not be able to tell that in another 10 years if Islam gets their way
    [7:39:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes this is the danger. Islam has already infiltrated the MS media as you can see daily and Media means vox populi
    [7:40:38 PM] Sirius 17: It should be clear to any logical thinker by now as IS moves through the Middle East destroying thousands of years of monuments and history beneath dynamite and sledge hammers where they intend to go with changing history.
    [7:40:45 PM] ShilohaPlace: A brainwashed populous and beheading innocent Christian kids and throwing gays of towers stoning women; where are the feminists?
    Women rights only apply to naked bums and boobs on western screens, not to cruelty and abuse of unnamables - oh those sexist comments by the male deviates exploiting the female body
    [7:43:18 PM] Sirius 17: yes as disgusting and over the top those photos are, one should ask themselves why isn't this in the mass media? What a travesty to not show the truth in the media and instead make excuses for peoples sensitivities? If the west could see those pictures they might think OMG that could be one of my kids, or my neighbors ....because it is exactly that in of course Logos terms, those children are all of ours.
    The truth might actually end the deception, but instead the fuc11ing media aids and abets the Islamic meme in the name of political correctness and religious freedom
    [7:45:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes and then you become the terrorist because you showed the pics and told the truth
    [7:45:27 PM] Sirius 17: the religious freedom to behead men, women and children
    [7:45:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Thubans are not excluded
    [7:45:45 PM] Sirius 17: this is what the media is supporting by not telling the truth
    [7:45:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes. Its criminal and in the future it will be known as such

    [5:13:41 PM] ShilohaPlace: If you want to see real grace and beauty listen to this CHRISTIAN Girl 'forgiving' Islamic State.
    Shove that down the throat of your 'mosque adoring' 'relatives.
    You see no distinction between 'moderate Arab Christians' or 'radicalised Arab Christians' is at all required or necessary
    [6:02:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: I finally got to his ( ) site. It seems getting harder to go there
    [6:03:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes and fb seems to be deleting this kind of stuff
    [6:04:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes dont expose the Islamic practices of being peaceful

    Can your islam loving relatives forgive this? Alluah Akbar, praise be to Muhammad and Allah to destroy the kuffar and the unbelievers! Islam is the religion of peace and love and multicultural integration.
    get1-.31033. get2-.31034.

    Warning: Graphic Images of Murdered Christian Girl in Libya
    By Raymond Ibrahim on December 28, 2014 in From The Arab World, Muslim Persecution of Christians

    Katrine (center) with her sisters
    Photos of Katherine — or Katrine — the young Christian girl recently murdered with her parents in Libya were recently published by Al Wafd. They are as graphic as they are necessary to document the virulent hate that animates the persecution of Christians in Muslim lands. According to forensics, the girl was shot at close range three times: twice in the head (one bullet remained lodged the other came out) and once in the back, coming out from her chest.

    [7:48:31 PM] Sirius 17:

    2 Thessalonians 2 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

    2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

    8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

    14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

    16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

    17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

    <<< 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    [7:50:07 PM] Sirius 17: this is now, where black is white and vice versa
    [7:50:32 PM] ShilohaPlace: Exactly the Great Falling Away and also in the Cannon Nosey books
    [7:51:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: So it is an old old archetype, but it is coming out NOW indeed

    [7:51:45 PM] Sirius 17:

    Isaiah 5:20 - King James Version (KJV)

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    [7:52:08 PM] ShilohaPlace: See this is what I meant; it is all written in the codes and so must 'come to pass'
    [7:52:32 PM] Sirius 17: yes I wanted to quote those specific passages, because it is written and yes, it is all coming true right now

    14 hrs ·

    I hope everyone SHARES this story, so all those on the Right who read only ugly, bigoted BS about Muslims sees that there are indeed more GOOD Muslims then radicalized ones - just as there are more GOOD Christians then radicalized ones.
    PLEASE, everyone. Can we calm the rhetoric down?
    While Trump Spews Hate, These Muslims Just Raised $100,000 for San Bernardino Victims
    A perfect response to Islamophobia.

    10 people like this.
    1 share
    Franny: seems that they have money...

    [8:47:58 PM] Sirius 17: my aunt shared this silly story
    [8:48:33 PM] Sirius 17: of course Franny speaks the truth, I should comment, and say "yes Franny, lots of Saudi oil money"
    [9:07:55 PM] Sirius 17: nice BS from NBC

    [9:08:08 PM] Sirius 17: see how they took his words completely out of context; Trump didn't say he would ban all Muslims forever
    [9:08:42 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes add this to your post
    [9:08:44 PM] Sirius 17: this is a huge smear campaign if I ever saw one; comparing his statements to the Japanese internment camps, what horseshit; the implicit media at its finest twisting the truth

    511220748. 511220748. 511220748.
  6. admin

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    • Post n°22

    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:10 pm



    You know Shiloh...
    You are absolutely right. Fact is that the same happens with Cristian boys and girls that are indoctrinated by extreme cristians.
    Remember the KKK?

    I think You are very short sighted. A slave to what you are fed by the main stream media and incapable of discerning stand alone incidents and stories from a group of loosely related people. (people who hold the koran as holy) Same as that not all people who hold the bible as holy ascribe the samel evel of value to that book.

    You are giving in to your fears and now try to project them unto us as well.
    Well sir.. No thank you.

    Also I am now quite certain you have not sat with someone who holds the koran dear and listened.
    If you had, you would have realized there was a person sitting across from you with the same hopes and dreams as you.
    Who would love nothing more than a life of joy and abundance, just like you.
    And who hold his ideas for truth... Just like all of us.
    In a conversation those ideas may change. But only if we listen to each other.

    Sure the koran says to chop of the hands of thieves. I even think that's in the bible too.
    Did you know it also states that if someone steals from hunger. Its the people in office who should get their hand cut off instead of the thief?

    There's always some good to be found, as well as a shitload of misinterpretation, misunderstanding and just plain mischief...

    Anyway enjoy your day. brighten up a bit and meet some new people to talk to ok?
    You just may learn something

    With Love

    [9:32:53 PM] Sirius 17:

    Pat Selden Religions, like any other ideology, are what you make them to be; they can be peaceful or they can be brutal. Just as no one human-being is the same as the other - there's no such thing as a "true" or "false" person - there's no such thing as one Islam, one Christianity, one Judaism, one capitalism, one socialism, just dozens and dozens of different ones.
    I'm a Christian, of the Quaker persuasion: I follow a religion of peace. Many of my co-religionists are aggressive, arrogant, selfish bastards - hell, many of my fellow Quakers are - and some even kill in the name of Christ; many are saints in all but name; the rest of us live in the gaps in between.
    Most of the Muslims I know follow a religion of peace; these murdering assholes clearly don't.
    Islam and Christianity: religions of war or peace, depending on the believers, not the faith.
    "There is only love or fear."
    These scumbags chose fear: don't join them.
    Choose love.

    [9:33:13 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i got similar rantings on the fb post just now
    [9:33:17 PM] ShilohaPlace: Same idiocy see?
    [9:33:37 PM] Sirius 17: yes same excuses
    [9:33:58 PM] ShilohaPlace: A worship of their own intelligence and discernment, unable to discern facts from false pretenses.
    [9:34:03 PM] Sirius 17: let's not question the ideology at all, look past that and just think kumbayah
    [9:34:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: As coded millennia ago. We are to listen to the islamists? Are they, have they and are the nabsers listening to what we said? The hypocrisy of 2000 years ago.
    [9:35:30 PM] Sirius 17: yes
    [9:36:06 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    (39) Jesus said, "The pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves."

    Proverbs 13:16 - King James Version (KJV)

    16 Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge: but a fool layeth open his folly.

    Petition to ban Donald Trump from the UK gets 100,000 signatures

    December 9, 2015 2:40 pm By Robert Spencer 83 Comments

    There is no freedom of speech in Britain anymore. There is just the big thundering herd getting led around by the political and media elites. Say something that is unpopular with those elites, and you’re liable to be banned from the country.

    British Future director Sunder Katwala says: “The UK Home Office has set out clear guidelines which have led to the exclusion of preachers of hate from the UK if their presence here would not be conducive to the public good. Theresa May has excluded extreme Islamists on these grounds” — while letting in a huge number of jihad preachers, such as Mohammed al-Arefe, who has said: “Devotion to jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer. Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be unable to prepare to fight.” That was just fine with Theresa May.

    Katwala goes on to say that the Home Office has “kept out those who have fanned extreme anti-Muslim prejudice, such as the bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Trump’s statements are more extreme than theirs.” The Express goes on to characterize us as “extremists Geller and Spencer.” How did we fan “extreme anti-Muslim prejudice” and become “extremists”? The letter that the Home Office sent me said that I was banned for saying: “[Islam] is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose for establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society because media and general government unwillingness to face the sources of Islamic terrorism these things remain largely unknown.” This is a garbled version of what I actually said, which is that Islam in its traditional formulations and core texts mandates warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers.

    This is tantamount to banning me for saying that the sky is blue and the grass is green. This is what gets you labeled a dangerous “extremist” in Britain these days: noting an obvious factual point that is reinforced by every day’s headlines. And now the same sinister authoritarians who are rapidly destroying Britain have set their sights on banning Trump as well. While I am no fan of Trump and could never support his candidacy, and see a certain poetic justice in the foes of free speech turning on a man who doesn’t understand the importance of defending free speech, this is still a grave injustice, and a sign of how close Britain is to falling into the abyss.


    “‘Block Donald Trump from UK’ 100,000 sign petition as fury rages over Muslim ban call,” by Greg Heffer and Rebecca Perring, Express, December 9, 2015:
    A staggering FOUR Britons a second have signed a petition calling for the billionaire to be blocked from entering the UK, after he vowed to ban all Muslims from America.
    At 12.30pm more than 100,000 people had signed an online petition stating: “The signatories believe Donald J Trump should be banned from UK entry”.

    Reaching the 100,000 threshold means it will have to be considered for debate in Parliament.
    Radical candidate Trump has sparked international outrage after he pledged to bar access to the US for all Muslims if he were to win power.
    The property tycoon is hoping to win the Republican nomination to run in next November’s presidential election.

    The petition adds: “The UK has banned entry to many individuals for hate speech. The same principles should apply to everyone who wishes to enter the UK.
    “If the United Kingdom is to continue applying the ‘unacceptable behaviour’ criteria to those who wish to enter its borders, it must be fairly applied to the rich as well as poor, and the weak as well as powerful.”

    Just after 8.30am this morning, 45,000 people had signed the petition meaning more than doubled its support in less than four hours.
    Trump, who is worth an estimated $4.5billion (£3bn), yesterday tried to justify his extremist policy by bizarrely claiming some parts of London are so “radicalised” police officers fear for their lives.

    The 69-year-old said he was calling for an American ban on Muslims so the country is not left with no-go areas where police are “afraid for their own lives” from Islamist terrorists like in Paris and London.
    Referring to the recent Islamic State (ISIS) attacks in the French capital, he said: “Look at what happened in Paris, the horrible carnage, and frankly, if you look at Paris, and I hate to do this because the Chamber of Commerce is going to go crazy, but Paris is no longer the same city it was.

    “They have sections in Paris that are radicalised, where the police refuse to go there. They’re petrified. The police refuse to go in there.
    “We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that the police are afraid for their own lives. We have to be very smart and very vigilant.”
    Mayor of London Boris Johnson hit back at Trump’s false portrayal of the capital, quipping the only reason he wouldn’t go to some parts of New York “is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump”.

    He added: “As a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, London has a proud history of tolerance and diversity and to suggest there are areas where police officers cannot go because of radicalisation is simply ridiculous.”

    Prime Minister David Cameron also branded Trump’s far-right views “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong” while Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn branded the American politician’s comments an “affront to humanity” and called for people to “unite against racism”.

    The Metropolitan Police said they “would not normally dignify such comments with a response” but added Trump “could not be more wrong” with his description of ‘no-go areas’ in the capital.
    He was also offered a briefing on “the reality of policing London”….

    British Future director Sunder Katwala said in a statement on his organisation’s website: “It is hugely irresponsible for a prominent figure like Trump to fan the flames of prejudice in this way and raises questions over whether the UK should consider barring Trump from the UK on hate speech grounds.

    “The proposals are ludicrous and unconstitutional, and will be rejected by America’s decent majority, among them many proud Muslim Americans. They are also a gift to ISIS propaganda, playing into the idea of a ‘clash of civilisations’.
    He added: “It is important that the UK Government makes very clear that this extreme view is rejected and repudiated in the strongest possible terms.

    “The UK Home Office has set out clear guidelines which have led to the exclusion of preachers of hate from the UK if their presence here would not be conducive to the public good.
    “Theresa May has excluded extreme Islamists on these grounds, and also kept out those who have fanned extreme anti-Muslim prejudice, such as the bloggers Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. Trump’s statements are more extreme than theirs.

    “Unless and until Trump were to retract these highly prejudiced comments, there is a good case for making clear that he would be refused entry to the UK by the Home Secretary.”
    Extremists Geller and Spencer were banned from attending a far-right English Defence League march in 2013 because their presence would not have been “conducive to the public good”….

    Some Muslims in U.S. irritated by Obama's call for them to root out "extremism"
    Ohio pro-Islamic State Muslim who called for US soldiers to be beheaded in their homes is arrested

    dumbledoresarmy says

    December 9, 2015 at 4:36 pm
    Since the subject of the thread is the UK, here is a very, very interesting piece, via the excellent Israeli blogger, “Israellycool”. A review of Tommy Robinson’s book (reviewer is a bloke named ‘Brian of London’ – an Israeli who was reared in the UK and knows the territory). Brian gives it a good chit.
    But it makes for terrifying reading. Best bit, however, is an extensive quote from the book in which Tommy describes what happened when, after the British authorities managed to find a way of locking him up in jail, a Muslim dawa outfit gave him a Quran…and he read it. You see, he founded the EDL on the basis of common-sense observation of mohammedan bad behaviour, without knowing exactly where all the patterns of bad behaviour were coming from…but when he was sitting in his jail cell with a Koran, with lots of time to read and reflect, and put 2 and 2 together, it all clicked into place. It was like, “Oh shit, so THAT’S why they’re doing this…and this…and this…”.

    I quote:
    “Such as I had entertainment, it was getting on the nerves of the Muslim prisoners down the block with me. If there was one positive to take away from that experience, it was a better understanding of the type of people I was dealing with.
    “I read the Koran during those 22 weeks in solitary and suddenly all of what I suppose people might call Islamic prejudices didn’t seem so prejudiced at all.
    “Most of what I’d heard second and third hand was right there in black and white, absolute encouragement – no, a divine instruction – to act atrociously towards the rest of the world. Obey Allah or burn in hell forever. Page after page of it. Sex slaves, the lot. The thing is horrific.
    “The Koran was sent to me by a Dawa group – Muslim missionaries who try to turn people to Islam.
    “They probably thought they were having a laugh at my expense, but they ended up doing me a huge favour.

    (ROFLMAO – talk about the Ummah scoring an ‘own goal’ and then some! giving Tommy Robinson a Quran to read so he could find out exactly what their Book of War had in it! – dda)
    “I started writing down key facts, about their hateful attitude towards Jews and Christians, about sexual slavery. I couldn’t get my head round it. Here was the holy book the world’s Muslims want to rule the planet by – and if you ask my opinion, the thing should be banned for inciting racial and religious hatred on almost every page…”.
    You’re in good company, Tommy Robinson. William Gladstone, a long-ago PM of the UK, held up the Koran in Parliament, called it “an accursed book” and stated that “so long as there is this book there will be no peace on the earth”.
    Though from another POV, so long as there are mohammedans about on the planet, the Quran in accurate translations by non-Muslim scholars *should* be freely available – though with clearly posted warnings and non-Islamophile commentary attached – so that every Infidel knows *exactly* what the mohammedan agenda is. The Quran, Sira, Hadiths, Al-Tabari and co. *should* be on the bookshelves of every Infidel general…so that they can *anticipate* and outsmart mohammedan gang bosses in the battlefield and elsewhere. For example: once one knows about the way hudna works, all the delusive ‘peace processes’ around the world – India (with Pakistan, over Kashmir), Thailand, Philippines, Israel, etc – would be ditched by the Infidel side, as a total waste of time.

    Michael Copeland says
    December 9, 2015 at 6:51 pm
    Several Met officers have said the ‘Islamification’ of some parts of the capital requires ‘extra vigilance’ and they can’t wear uniforms for safety reasons – despite Scotland Yard claiming the tycoon ‘couldn’t be more wrong’. (UK Daily Mail )

    UK Police say “Donald Trump is right about NO-GO Zones in London”

    We can’t wear our uniforms in our own cars and some Muslim areas of London are so radicalized, they are virtual ‘NO-GO’ Zones,” say serving police officers today, who backed Donald Trump’s claim that some Muslim communities in the UK are no-go areas because of Muslim extremism.

    This is in London
    UK Daily Mail (h/t Susan K) Several Met officers have said the ‘Islamification’ of some parts of the capital requires ‘extra vigilance’ and they can’t wear uniforms for safety reasons – despite Scotland Yard claiming the tycoon ‘couldn’t be more wrong’.

    Home Secretary Theresa May tonight rejected Mr Trump’s claims, insisting: ‘The police in London are not afraid to go out and police the streets.’

    Gov. Bobby Jindal was bashed for saying the same thing awhile ago
    The US presidential contender caused worldwide consternation yesterday after a string of incendiary remarks about Muslims, including in Britain, and said: ‘We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that police are afraid for their own lives.’

    But one serving officer said today Trump had ‘pointed out something plainly obvious, something which I think we aren’t as a nation willing to own up to.’

    Another policeman said that he and other colleagues fear being terror targets and spoke of the ‘dire warning’ from bosses not to wear a uniform ‘even in my own car’.

    It came as more than 250,000 people – seven people every second – signed a petition demanding Mr Trump is banned from Britain for being a ‘hate preacher’ – an idea rejected by Chancellor George Osborne.

    billybob says
    December 9, 2015 at 9:30 pm
    I am a bit shocked to see Geller and Spencer referred to as “Extremists”. Extreme in what way? Extremely knowledgeable and articulate? Extremely well versed in the subject of Islam? Even extremely presentable as public speakers? And Briton doesn’t want them to open a badly needed discussion in their country…
    We desperately need courageous people like Geller and Spencer, who provide a valuable perspective on the the most topical issue of our times. So few people know what is in the Quran and what Islam is all about. Why aren’t the Quran and Hadiths discussed broadly in universities, exactly with the perspective provided by Geller and Spencer, in the best traditions of academia?
    When I was young, the scourge of the day was Natziism and Communism. We had many books promoting these ideologies that concerned a lot of people, like Mein Kempf, Quotations from Mao Tse Tung, and many others. How did we as a society deal with our concerns? Some thought such books should be banned, while most realized that would make their insidious ideas even more alluring.
    It was not by banning books, but rather, by discussing them openly in the broad light of day in universities that provided perspective. Proponents and critics were welcomed alike, and the fallacies in the core logic of these ideologies was clearly exposed in the process. This was an educational experience we grew up with, and that inoculated us against extreme ideologies. And by the way, we never lost any sleep worrying that the communists or natizis would feel insulted because we critiqued their ideologies.
    Really, I shouldn’t be here on Spencer’s website talking about this. Spencer should be so booked up ahead by universities all over the West as a guest speaker that he wouldn’t have time to dabble in a website. What is wrong with this world the he isn’t? Is Islam somehow so sacred that it is exempt from healthy criticism? Of course, it exempts itself, but that doesn’t count with me. I feel I have a right to be well informed.
    It seems there are people and leaders who equate criticism of Islam with hate. They want to put such discussion off limits. They are very short sighted. It seems to me if Islam was discussed from all angles as broadly and freely as communism or natziism or any other political ideology, it would be far healthier for society.
    Recently, I remember so much talk of the fake religion Scientology. It was broadly discussed in forums all over the internet, to such a point where we aren’t really that interested in it anymore. Before that, they were so many other movements. Who remembers the Moonies, for example? In these cases, nobody blinked an eye at criticism of the core teachings of these groups. Nobody would accuse you of hate speech if you criticized Scientology, or even accuse you of being a racist bigot. Why should Islam be exempt?
    It is my hope that one day we will no longer hear Geller and Spencer referred to as “Extremists”. Rather, they will simply be sought after lecturers and guest speakers who are appreciated for their knowledge and perspective.

    PrayerWarrior says
    December 9, 2015 at 9:53 pm
    Rank and file policemen are saying Trump is right about ‘no go’ zones.’
    "The anonymous officer wrote on the online forum Police.Community: “I’m not allowed to travel in half blues to work anymore IN MY OWN CAR as we’re ’All at risk of attack’ – yet as soon as someone points out the obvious it’s ‘divisive.'”
    He added: “In this instance he (Trump) isn’t wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous."

    Baucent says
    December 10, 2015 at 1:58 am
    As for the “no go zones”, Trump probably got confused. There are definately “unpoliced” zones in Paris, Brussels and Sweden. But Tower Hamlets in London isn’t far off becoming a “no go” area. They tried to declare it a Sharish Zone last year, so Mayor Boris (“the Turk”) Johnson is being a little coy. The most popular baby boys name last year in London was …Mohammed (in various spellings), so Islamisation is well on track.

    • Adam says
      December 10, 2015 at 3:39 am
      There is an area in Tower Hamlet’s called “Shadwell”, it’s an utter pit. There are street signs written in Bengali…oh & English surprisingly.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
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    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:01 am
    December 10, 2015

    Trump vindicated: London police do fear for their lives entering Muslim enclaves

    By Carol Brown
    Historically, dhimmitude has been second-class citizen status imposed on non-believers by Muslims. But now we are witnessing an unprecedented phenomenon whereby Westerners willingly embrace dhimmitude. Muslims don’t have to force it on them. Westerners willingly sign up.
    Go figure.
    There are countless examples of voluntary dhimmitude around the world. This blog is about places in the UK where policing has become dysfunctional, if it exists at all, as sharia law is allowed to take hold. The blog also touches upon the UK’s potential ban of Donald Trump.

    Breitbart reports on the current state of policing in and around London, where one police officer stated: “When I was a teenage lad in urnley there were no go white areas. This IS the case still nationally… including London where you have to have extra vigilance in certain parts when you are working”. This same officer also said “Islamification has and is occurring. You have to have extra vigilance in certain parts when you are working.”
    And he’s not the only one.

    The Daily Mail reports that a policeman said that he and his colleagues are fearful they will be targets of terror attacks and that they’ve received “dire warning” from their superiors not to wear their uniforms, “even in their cars”.
    But they are not the only two reporting on the collapse of police authority in certain regions of the country. The Daily Mail reports on another police officer who said “there are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission.”
    Another police officer stated that if an officer “were attacked in one of these neighborhoods, it would be written off, noting “even if one of us did get killed or dragged off in a van, it would just be reported as a ‘one-off incident’ and no reason to change the ‘British style of policing.’”

    Another officer who resigned this year said he resigned because he couldn’t take the climate anymore and confirmed what several officers spoke of regarding the directive not to wear their uniform while on duty for fear of being attacked. The order came from Scotland Yard and has been rationalized not as a policy founded on fear but as one based on risk reduction or “damage limitation.”
    When the police must hide their identity (or when those in command think they should), something has gone dreadfully wrong.
    Still more officers have spoken out and shared their stories. One said their vehicles are attacked, with break lines cut along with other damage while another officer summed up the situation as follows: “I am reluctant to name the communities in question but there are communities from other cultures who would prefer to police themselves. There are cities in the Midlands where the police never go because they are never called. They never hear of any trouble because the community deals with that on its own. They just have their own form of community justice.”

    And on it goes.
    Most recently, this madness has expressed itself in a petition to ban Donald Trump from the UK for his comment that there are areas of London that are “so radicalized, the police are afraid for their lives.” The Daily Mail reports:

    No matter that the statement appears to be true, the momentum is building in the UK to ban Trump as Brits stand tall against “hate speech.”
    Seven people every second are signing a government petition to ban Donald Trump from Britain for “hate speech” after the tycoon's claims that police in London “fear for their lives” because some communities are so radicalised.
    David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Nicola Sturgeon, Boris Johnson and even Scotland Yard issued strongly-worded condemnation of the outspoken businessman after he claimed: “We have places in London and other places that are so radicalised that police are afraid for their own lives.”
    Mr Johnson, the Mayor of London said Mr Trump was speaking “utter nonsense” and openly mocked the American, adding: “The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.”

    The Daily Mail also reports that most signatures are from London, Edinburgh, and Bristol, that the petition now has more than a quarter of a million signatures, and that it will be considered for debate in Parliament. Sharia law is taking hold across the UK as thousands upon thousands of colonizers from Islamic lands invade, and Parliament might debate whether or not Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the country. New world order priorities have taken hold.
    In contrast, some police officers have come out in support of Trump’s comments, with one stating: “In this instance he [Trump] isn’t wrong. Our political leaders are best either ill-informed or simply being disingenuous. He’s pointed out something that is plainly obvious, something which I think we aren’t as a nation willing to own up to – do you think a US Police Department would ban officers from wearing their uniforms under jackets etc due to FEAR of their cops being killed by extremists?”

    As for the Brits’ puffed out, self-righteous pride about banning “hate speech,” they are doing a bang up job targeting the wrong people. As imams across the country incite violence, the UK has banned people like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and Michael Savage. The once Great Britain can no longer discern friend from foe, defenders of freedom from those who wish to destroy their nation.
    The truth has become unrecognizable to the ever-growing volunteer dhimmi class, who “stand tall” against their own survival.

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  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    December 10, 2015
    Millennials Waking Up to the Threat of Terrorism?

    By Eileen F. Toplansky
    I often show the 2006 documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West to my college students. For many, it is an incredible eye-opener. With the latest terrorist attacks by jihadists in Paris and California, this movie is particularly relevant. And the comments by the students speak volumes.

    A student who hails from Africa writes:
    I'm disgusted by the fact that extreme Muslim people taught children to hate Christians and Jews. I'm offended because I am a Christian and I wouldn't want any of this wished upon someone else. But above all, we are in the day and age where old texts aren't morally acceptable, like for example, in the Koran, Allah states that you shouldn't befriend Christians and Jews.

    A young man who served in the armed forces explains:
    ... the film is a great method of educating and updating people around the world with the issues we are facing with the Islamic community. We are sitting at the end of 2015 still dealing with attacks, refusing to face the fact that they are out to destroy anyone who doesn't follow their believes [sic].

    A young Hindu student remarks:
    ... this film was edjucational [sic] and should be shown throughout America in all schools. Maybe American children are too unaware of this group of people who don't value human life. Kids these days are only worried about likes and comments, while Islam is teaching their kids how to disguise themselves and blend in among crowds. We are becoming vulnerable and falling behind. Just like Hitler, the head of this movement should be killed. They are taking the joy of a child and replacing it with hate. Not only are they taking a child's innocence, but people don't expect kids to be suicide bombers.

    A young female student who worried about the possibility of another World War writes:
    Children are taught at a very young age to hate infidels which is something that basically ruins their lives because hate will only lead to violence. The jihadists are using Islam as their excuse to want to kill anybody who does not approve of their way of life. The sad part is many other Muslims are put into a box with the jihadist, so the whole wide world assumes that every Muslim wants to destroy the world.

    More visceral reactions from these students comes in the following:
    My only reaction to this video is a great amount of disgust and hatred. To be honest there was [sic] many times I wanted to leave the room just because of how mad the video was making me. I am happy that there are good Muslims out there that do not agree with the terrorists. That brings my hopes up, but all this protesting and speeches do very little in my eyes to stop the terrorists. Children are being taught to hate and to kill for Allah. Also I think it is interesting that the terrorists burned down all religious centers where they are except for the mosque and here in America we have places for Muslims to practice their religion. It baffles me.

    An African-American female athlete writes that she has learned:
    ... a lot of cultures have had problems with Jews. It is sad for all Jews to be Jewish because they cannot be proud of who they are without persecution. I live in a town which is predominantly Jewish and they are the quietiest [sic] and most harmless people. In my opinion, how countries treat Jews is how a bully would treat a quiet student who bothers no one. They just want something to pick on. I don't watch the news but I believe this DVD has better informed me than any news or book or program would have.

    Another student from the Dominican Republic admits that he:
    ... never really cared about the threat of terrorism. It's strange how I could be so oblivious and indifferent to the things happening around me in the world. My eyes have truly been open [sic] to the truth. I also hate how people try to use religion to justify hateful actions.

    Another female student asserted that "it is extremely disturbing" how "the [terrorists] are giving their children lessons on how to hate. Before this DVD was shown in class, I had no idea how terrifying this war was between us and the Islamic world. I believe that Americans need to wake up before it is too late and protect our nation."

    In addition, a young woman said that she "did not know how drastic the situation was." She went on to explain:
    ... the guys at [her] job made jokes about jihad but when [she] told them about everything that [she] had seen in the film, they began to think about these situations more seriously. [She] is thinking of building a bomb shelter because [she is] a strong Christian and [she] will continue to be so, as safely as [she] can be and believes that God will provide for [her] and [her] family.

    A young woman whose parents come from Azerbaijan writes:
    ... the treatment of Jewish [sic] particularly and the degree to which anti-semitism still runs rampant post-WWII is shocking. It's difficult to imagine the culture and circumstances that could raise such blind hatred in a group of people.

    These students are all college freshmen. Their raw responses draw from a reservoir of feelings that many Americans are experiencing as we witness the far too regular Islamic terrorist attacks worldwide and in the United States. Yet with only one powerful film juxtaposed with in-class discussions of the freedoms of the Bill of Rights, these students are showing an intellectual acuity and common sense that far too many of our leaders long ago abandoned.

    These students clearly perceive the danger of Islamic jihad while Obama and too many politically correct possible jihadist sympathizers and spineless officials downplay the genuine danger assailing America and the world.

    Clarifying the incompatibility between American freedom and Islamic jihadist terror is the most urgent issue of our time. As one student writes:

    ... radical Islamism must not be allowed to be spread any further than it has already. The ideas and beliefs are to the detriment of society as a whole. To wish to spread nothing but death in the name of any god not only distorts the idea of sound and reasonable religion but also imposes generalizations from skeptics on every other religion. While the majority of Muslims in the world are moderate and oppose these extremist beliefs the fact still remains that far too many are not speaking out against it. Peace is not something that is given. Peace is something that must be won.

    Yet, when confronted with the actual number of 330-plus million Muslims out of one billion Muslims who do support jihad and the imposition of sharia law, the students realize that "small" is a relative term.

    Finally, "modern day extremists use almost all the same motives Nazi Germany used in the 1940s for world domination. If Americans and people around the world acknowledge these issues and don't act on them, we are waiting for our demise."
    And "it is only right that Muslims need to realize that they cannot overpower the world and deprive people from their own religion."

    A few semesters back, I received an email from a student. She wrote, "I am your former student from last semester. Though you may not remember me, I want to say thank you for educating me and our class on the Middle East, our rights, and sharia law. If it wasn't for you I would not understand what is going on in the world. Just wanted to show some appreciation."

    Out of the mouths of babes come many truths. Now we must act, for the time is growing short, and we owe these young people our best efforts.

    Eileen can be reached at

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    !Muhammad! Check-Mate !Allah!
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Where Things Stand

    October 14, 2015 8:12 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 50 Comments


    More than 14 years have passed since Americans have had their attention forcefully fixed on the reality of Islamic terrorism. Until September 11, 2001, with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, most people in America — and in Europe — could be forgiven for assuming that they would not become the targets of Arab – and Muslim – terror attacks. That was something for Israelis to worry about. And if they had not been guilty of what the Arabs saw as “occupation of Arab lands” (for decades the mantra justifying terrorist attacks on Israel), why should they be targeted?
    That comforting assumption evanesced in the face of more attacks by Muslims on targets all over Europe: in Amsterdam, Theo van Gogh was killed for the crime of making Submission, a movie about Muslim women. In 2004 in Madrid, at Atocha Station, in the same year, Muslim bombs claimed Spanish victims, though Spain’s government had taken a largely pro-Arab line; in London, in 2005, innocents on both busses and the Underground were the victims of Muslim attacks, apparently because British troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan. In France, there have been murderous attacks on French Jews, not Israelis, including the attack on the Hyper Cacher, a kosher market. And there have been attacks on cartoonists, of various nationalities, who dared to mock Muhammad – the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris was massacred, and in Denmark attempts – fortunately unsuccessful — were made on the life of Lars Vilks. In both cases the putative crime was “blasphemy.”

    Not everyone was prepared to surrender: in the United States, Pamela Geller helped to organize a Draw-Muhammad contest in Texas, and for her pains now finds it necessary to be accompanied at all times by security guards. Indeed, one could fill up pages merely listing Muslim attacks either planned or carried out within Europe and North America; still other pages would be needed to list all the Muslim attacks on non-Muslim targets in such varied places as Mumbai, Beijing, and Bali. Clearly something larger than that Arab anger over Israeli “occupation” explains these worldwide attacks.
    As more and more people in the West are beginning to realize, the “root cause” of all this violence by Muslims against non-Muslims is to be sought not in a local grievance, but in the ideology of Islam itself. The personal testimony of ex-Muslims such as Ibn Warraq and Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ali Sina and Wafa Sultan, the analyses provided by Western students of Islam such as Robert Spencer and Bat Ye’or, have had their slow and steady effect. This small army of truth-tellers dissects the contents of the Qur’an and Sunnah (which consists, in written form, of both the Hadith and Sira), and for this have been described as “bigots,” but it becomes harder and harder to ignore or refute their evidence.

    Among the learned analysts determined not to listen either to the apostates or to such people as Spencer, one comes immediately to mind. John Esposito, who created the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, associated with Georgetown, can be counted on to ignore the contents of Islam and to serve as an apologist. Alwaleed bin Talal, a Saudi prince, is now that Center’s main funder, and the Center itself was renamed the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Esposito has a long record of managing to find ways to ignore or dismiss the textual evidence that Spencer, Ibn Warraq, and others adduce from Qur’an and Hadith.
    But money alone does not explain why so many people in the West have been so ready to ignore the evidence of Muslim malevolence, of widespread support for violent Jihad. Many In the West simply don’t want to see what is staring them in the face. For if Islam really does inculcate permanent hostility toward Infidels, what, then, is to be done about the tens of millions of Muslims already ensconced in Western lands? Could it really be that, as suggested by some, the adherents of Islam see the world as uncompromisingly divided between Dar al-Islam, the lands where Islam dominates and Muslims rule, and Dar al-Harb, the Domain of War, that part of the world which has not yet come under the sway of Islam and rule by Muslims? Could it really be that it is incumbent upon Muslims to wage Jihad, that is, the “struggle” to ensure that the whole world ultimately comes under the sway of Islam, so that Muslims rule everywhere? Even if that goal sounds fantastic to Infidels, there are enough Muslims, it seems, among the more than 1.2 billion in the world, who apparently do not agree, and are willing to keep trying. And the more their numbers increase inside Dar al-Harb, the greater the threat they pose.

    Could it really be, after all, that Israel was only one target of Muslim aggression among many, in a much larger war, first to regain all the territories once in Muslim possession (Israel, Spain, the Balkans, Sicily) and then, after those re-conquests, to fulfill the duty to work to spread Islam until it everywhere dominated? And why did this explosion of violence begin not 50 or 100 years ago, but just in the last two decades?
    A Saudi cleric, Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Al-‘Omar, noted on Al-Jazeera TV on April 19, 2006:
    The Islamic nation now faces a great phase of Jihad, unlike anything we knew fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, Jihad was attributed only to a few individuals in Palestine, and in some other Muslim areas.
    How do things stand now, in 2015? The doctrine of Jihad wasn’t suddenly invented in the past fifty years. It’s been the same, more or less, for 1350 years. It had fallen into desuetude when Muslims felt themselves to be weak, but did not, and could not, disappear. What happened to make things so very different in recent decades? Some might point to the end of “colonialism.” They might note, for example, that the French, after forty years in Morocco and Tunisia, had withdrawn from both by the mid-1950s, and from Algeria in 1962. They might note that the British garrisons in Aden and elsewhere along the Persian Gulf had been withdrawn, largely for financial reasons, and that Saudi Arabia itself had never been subject to colonial rule. They might note the withdrawal of the British from India, and the creation of an Islam-centered state, in what was then West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The Dutch abandoned their rule over Muslims in the East Indies (what is now Indonesia). But the end of colonial rule over Muslim peoples, more than a half-century ago, is not enough to explain the current violence and threats by Muslims worldwide.

    Three developments explain the explosion of Islamic aggression in the last two decades, developments which permitted the Jihad to widen in scope and no longer be merely a small-scale Lesser Jihad against Israel:

    1) First, there is the money weapon provided by the OPEC oil bonanza. Inshallah-fatalism and hatred of innovation (bida)—both tend to hinder economic development in Arab and Muslim countries. You are likely to put in less effort if, in the end, Allah decides the outcome. And Muslim distrust of innovation dampens the desire of individuals to jettison age-old methods and to introduce new ways of manufacturing and distribution. Muslim Arabs have acquired fantastic sums, nonetheless, because such acquisition required no effort on their part – it merely reflects an accident of geology. Since 1973, Arab and other Muslim-dominated oil states have received close to 25 trillion dollars from the sale of oil and gas to oil-consuming nations. This constitutes the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The Muslim recipients did nothing to deserve this. Many interpreted the oil bonanza as a deliberate sign of Allah’s beneficence, inshallah-fatalism in their favor. That money did not just save them from poverty, but made many of them fabulously wealthy. And the higher prices that the OPEC cartel for a while managed to exact could even be interpreted as a kind of Jizyah, exacted from the Infidels.

    What have the Arabs done with that twenty-five trillion dollars in OPEC money that they received over the past one-third century? They did not create paradises of artistic and scientific creation. Their peoples continue to rely on armies of wage-slaves to do the real work; in Qatar, for example, one-tenth of the population, the native Qataris, are serviced by foreign workers, Arab and non-Arab, who make up the remaining nine-tenths. Arab oil states have bought hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Western arms. And this has created a network of middlemen, bribes-givers and bribes-takers, and Western hirelings involved not only in arms sales, but also in the business of supplying other goods and services to these suddenly rich oil states. And these people not unnaturally find ways to explain away or divert attention from the less pleasant aspects of the countries with which they are involved. Saudi Arabia, for example, has long enjoyed the support of powerful Western business interests for whom Saudi Arabia is a major client; these interests have a stake in continued good relations and are not about to let unpleasant truths (such as the hatred of Infidels found in Saudi schoolbooks) get too much attention. Thus has the oil money become the fabled “wealth” weapon of the Jihad, by which boycotts, and bribery, and the dangling of profitable contracts, contributed to creating a vast and loyal constituency among some influential and meretricious people in the capitals of the West.

    How else have the Arabs spent that oil money? As mentioned above, on wage-slaves, those foreigners who, in Saudi or Qatar or the Emirates, arrive to do all the work. On palaces for the corrupt ruling families and their corrupt courtiers. On foreign real estate at the highest end, and luxury goods. It’s not only the ruling families who help themselves to the oil wealth – there’s so much to go around. Play your cards right and you could share that wealth, even if you are not a prince, princeling, or princelette of the Al-Saud family, but merely a lowly commoner. The original Bin Laden, founder of the clan, arrived in Saudi from Yemen, became a successful contractor, even won contracts for building in Mecca, and become fabulously rich. Courtiers such as the commoner Adnan Khashoggi began as a middleman in arms deals and made a fortune. Many started out as such fixers and middlemen in the Arab Gulf states and Saudi Arabia, and then metamorphosed into legitimate businessmen.

    This creates a class of people who profit from, and support the regime. In the same way, the rich Arabs have created a lobby of Westerners, who divert attention from Islam’s tenets and teachings. The highly profitable contracts that have been given to Western businessmen for the construction of office parks, hospitals, apartment complexes, military cities have created a natural lobby in the West for Arabs and Muslims, consisting not only of those who receive such contracts, but also of others, including Western public relations experts, former government officials, journalists, academics, whose services are made available to the rich Arabs in presenting their case. Such institutions as the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, or, again, John Esposito’s Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, both in Washington and in England, such as the Arab Studies programs at Durham and Exeter and many departments of Islamic studies or Middle Eastern history, have been staffed by apologists for Islam. Columbia University offers a particularly egregious example.
    Another product of the “wealth” Jihad are the thousands of mosques that Arab oil money pays for, in London and Rome and Paris, as in Niger and Pakistan and Indonesia. Much of that money comes from Saudi Arabia, whose clerics make sure that the mosques that are built, or that receive Saudi support, preach the stern Wahhabi version of Islam. It is the same for madrasas that receive Saudi subventions. And campaigns of Da’wa (the Call to Islam, particularly effective in Western prisons), too, often receive OPEC money.

    2) The second development, observable at the same time as the oil money really began to flow into the countries of Western Europe, was demographic: millions of Muslim migrants have over the past four decades been allowed to enter Western Europe. These were mainly Pakistanis in England, Turks in Germany, Algerians in France, Moroccans in Spain, Indonesians in Holland, and in every country, assorted mix-‘n-match Muslims from all of these and still other places. They brought their wives; their families always became much larger than those of the non-Muslim natives. These Muslims could now enjoy Western medicine (lower rates of infant mortality), Western education, Western housing — free or greatly subsidized.
    What Muslims brought undeclared in their mental baggage to the West –Islam itself — was not held up for close examination. And it was taken as an article of faith that nothing seriously prevented Muslims from integrating with the same ease as non-Muslim immigrants. Those who expressed doubts about this, who suggested that there might be special problems with Muslim immigrants — and these skeptics included both some who had been raised as Muslims (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq) and non-Muslims (Bat Ye’or, Hans Jansen, Robert Spencer) who had studied Islam — were at first dismissed as bigots. But they could not be silenced. These informed commentators insisted that the belief-system of Islam, the system that suffuses the minds of Muslims wherever they are, has taught them to be hostile to Infidels, and should not be ignored. But many non-Muslims, at a loss as to what they might do with this knowledge, have willfully ignored Islamic doctrine. The notions that first, a Muslim’s true loyalty is to fellow members of the umma al-islamiyya, and second, that Jihad to spread Islam (so that ultimately Islam will everywhere dominate) is a duty incumbent on all Muslims, have not been taken seriously by those whose duty it is to protect and instruct us.

    In recent years, an older generation of Western scholars of Islam and the Middle East has died or retired (one thinks of Bernard Lewis, A.K.S. Lambton, J. B. Kelly, Elie Kedourie, P. J. Vatikiotis); these people were critical both of Islam and of its apologists in the West. They have been replaced, in academic departments, by those who are often Muslims themselves or, if not Muslim, less critical, and more admiring of both. Their background and training were received from Arabists, and they were inclined to be apologists for Islam. Ibn Warraq once said that in his experience, many of those who choose to enter the fields of Islam and Middle Eastern history possess a pre-existing animus toward Jews, or toward the West itself, and are predisposed to find Islam attractive. He calls this “self-selection.” And then there is still sympathy for peoples from the “Third World” — never mind that Qataris, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Emiratis hardly qualify, given their fabulous unearned wealth.
    The flow of Muslims into Europe has consisted mainly of Pakistanis to Great Britain, Moroccans and Turks to the Netherlands, Algerians and other maghrebins to France, Turks to Germany, Egyptians and Libyans to Italy. In 2015, they are now joined by Syrians (or “Syrians,” since many so identified in fact come from elsewhere), who are being admitted in huge numbers. They will swell Muslim millions already in the West. More than 800,000 of these “Syrians” are set to be received by Germany alone this year, thanks to Angela Merkel.

    Demography is destiny. The greater the number of Muslims in Europe, the greater their political power becomes. Muslims have been attempting, unsurprisingly, to limit the ability of non-Muslims in Europe to enforce laws, or to enjoy freedoms, or to fashion foreign policies, to which Muslims might object. Think of the difficulties the French government still experiences in enforcing the no-hijab rule in state schools; think of the cartoonists in France and Denmark and elsewhere in Europe who now hold back on caricatures of Muhammad, fearful of meeting the same fate as the Charlie Hebdo staff. Jews in France are worried about their future; the spate of attacks by Muslims on Jews in France suggest they are right to worry. There has been a great increase in the numbers of French Jews going to Israel.
    Meanwhile, Muslims continue to push for changes in the laic state. They still have not given up, for example, attempts to challenge the ban on the hijab in schools. And when cartoonists are killed for having “blasphemed” Muhammad, too many Muslims express not abhorrence but approval. Muslims recognize and are prepared to exploit the freedoms, political and civil, created by and for the Infidels, and are ready to exploit them to further their own, Muslim, ends.

    For Western man, the legitimacy of any government depends on that government reflecting, however imperfectly, the will expressed by the people through elections. Islamic political theory is based on a very different idea: the legitimacy of government depends on the ruler being a Muslim, and the will to be expressed is that of Allah, as set down in written form in the Qur’an, and an additional fleshing-out of the Qur’an’s meaning comes through study of the Sunnah, that is, the practices of the earliest Muslims, derived from the Hadith and Sira, which become a kind of gloss on the Qur’an.
    Western man exalts the individual; in Islam, it is the collective, the community of Believers. And the true object of worship in Islam turns out to be Islam itself; it is Islam itself that Believers must protect from attack. Morality in Islam is determined by what Muhammad said or did; he remains the Model of Conduct, the Perfect Man, and for all time. Those who assume that the millions of Muslims who have been allowed into Europe and North America are going to “integrate” into non-Muslim societies, societies with manmade laws quite different from the Sharia, without difficulty, fail to recognize that this would mean jettisoning much of Islam. It could require seeing Muhammad in a critical light, and doing away with Muslim supremacism. Is this conceivable? And it should not be forgotten that Muslims have a duty to conduct Da’wa, the Call to Islam, to promote Islam as the Truth.

    3) The OPEC trillions from oil, and the Muslim migrant millions in the West, are two of the three significant developments that explain Muslim power today. The third development consists of the appropriation and effective use, by Muslims, of technological advances originating in the Western world, and therefore made by Infidels, that made it much easier to disseminate the Call to Islam to Infidels, and the full message of Islam to Believers worldwide, to spread the message of the most austere and implacable kind of Islam — Wahhabism — and even to recruit for Al Qaeda and ISIS (who would have thought that decapitation videos could serve as recruitment tools for those luring others to actively participate in violent Jihad?).
    Without audiocassettes, without those taped sermons urging violence, Khomeini might never have been able to whip up, from his distant exile in Neauphle-le-Chateau in France, so many hundreds of thousands of fanatical followers in Iran. Without videocassettes, and satellite television channels and the Internet, it would have been much harder to spread Islamic propaganda, including that put out by Al Qaeda and ISIS. Decades ago, simple pious Muslims could conduct their lives without being whipped up to violent Jihad, aware that they needed to fulfill their five canonical daily prayers, but only vaguely aware of the duty to take part in Jihad. Thanks to the Internet, they are now much more aware of the extent of their duties as Muslims.

    In summary: it is these three developments — first, the OPEC trillions, that have given the Arabs such wealth to influence everything from U.N. votes to Western economic interests; second, the Muslim migrant millions in the West who have become, in 2015, many millions; and third, the appropriation of Western technological advances to spread the message of Islam — that help explain the reappearance of Islam as a fighting faith that everywhere threatens non-Muslims. Muslims who just a century ago were deploring Muslim weakness and Western strength are now able to deploy vast financial power and use it to increase their political clout and to obtain arms. Muslims by the many millions are now settled in Dar Al-Harb, behind what they regard as enemy lines.
    What will happen now to the Arab use of the “wealth” weapon? Advances in renewable energy (e.g., in solar collectors and wind farms), and the growing recognition that the use of oil has to diminish if climate warming is to be slowed down, may lessen the amount of money that flows to Muslim oil states. But those states already have money stockpiled that they can still use to buy arms and influence. And as we have seen, the Muslim presence in Europe continues to increase, especially with the influx of “Syrians”; the geert-wilders and marine-le-pens bravely keep up their warnings about the Muslim invasion, but continue to go largely unheeded by the main parties. It’s still easy to affix the word “bigot.” Still, reports from Germany suggest that Merkel’s admitting so many “Syrians” is meeting with increasing opposition.

    ISIS, the Islamic State, came into existence because Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria believed that their governments – Shi’a-dominated in Iraq, Alawite-dominated in Syria – scanted Sunni interests in the distribution of the national spoils. Those in the West who thought that ISIS was a fleeting phenomenon, that the Shia-dominated Iraqi government would retake Mosul, that ISIS could not possibly hold the territories it seized in such rapid fashion, or would not be able to run the territories it had conquered as a real state, when it has both held those territories and has begun to organize them and assume the responsibilities of rule, should recognize how formidable ISIS has become. Its appeal is wide, as the tens of thousands of recruits, including doctors and engineers, who have arrived from abroad testify.
    No Western government has yet dared to broadcast any information about the connection between the political, economic, social, and intellectual failures of Muslim societies and Islam itself. Indeed, one discovers that even in the West, deep behind enemy lines, in Dar al-Harb, Muslims are watching not the regular Western channels, but insisting on getting their news — in Dearborn as in the East End of London, and in the banlieues of Paris and Lyon and Marseille — from Al-Jazeera (owned by Qatar), Al-Manar (run by Hezbollah), and other Arab stations. Willingly, many Arab Muslims in the West choose to limit themselves to stations spouting Arab Muslim propaganda, for only these stations are “telling the truth.” The ability to modify the views of Muslims enjoying life in the West, so that they will no longer pose a threat to the non-Muslim order, is limited.

    Islam is naturally totalitarian — a total belief-system that leaves no area of life untouched. It offers a Compleat Regulation of Life and Total Explanation of the Universe. Over many centuries when Muslims had no technological advances to appropriate from the Western world, nor the wealth with which to exploit those advances (and thus lacking the ability to spread the full doctrines of Islam throughout both Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb), Muslims were able to conduct their lives without necessarily being fully aware of, much less always following, at every step, all the teachings of Islam. But today’s technology makes things different. The full undiluted message of Islam, now easily available to those who might once have been ignorant or even unobservant Muslims, is available. Muslims everywhere know that the full teachings of Qur’an and Hadith are a mere click away, and the Internet makes the same undiluted message available to Infidels who are suffering from various degrees of disaffection with the modern world, the West, Kapitalism, The System, Amerika, call it what you will, and who may find Islam attractive.
    For we have seen that Islam is a mental system that appeals to those who prefer to have a life totally regulated from above. They find it perfectly acceptable to take as a model a seventh-century Arab, who may or may not have existed (that doesn’t matter, as long as Muslims believe he existed), described in the Qur’an as uswa hasana (the Model of Conduct), and elsewhere as al-insan al-kamil (the Perfect Man). For the socially and psychically marginal among Infidels, for those yearning to suppress their own individuality in a larger group, the umma al-islamiyaa (Community of Islam) provides an instant community. Islam is just the thing. Western man, who has come to prize skepticism and individualism, may not understand its attraction. The convert to Islam, in or out of prison, does not deplore, but welcomes, his own submission to Islamic authority, is glad to be supplied with answers as to the conduct of life based on passages in the Qur’an or stories in the Hadith, and finds soothing the notion that Allah Knows Best. It makes life simpler. In other words, Western governments should not underestimate the attraction of Islam to non-Muslims, nor assume that Muslims in the West will forget their duty to conduct Jihad.

    Pakistan: "Blasphemer" put in solitary confinement after receiving death threats
    UK: Anti-Muslim hate crimes to be recorded separately, says Cameron
  10. admin

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    • Post n°26

    empty. Re: The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

    empty. Raven Today at 3:40 am
    Carol wrote:
    I found this relevant and wanted to post it in this thread.

    Subject: We are basically unprepared and unaware

    If you're going to read something, let it be this ! Very timely.

    I am sure you have read about Juval Aviv. Here's an UPDATE! (He was Golda Meir's bodyguard and the Israeli agent upon whom the movie 'Munich' was based. Golda Meir appointed him to track down and bring to justice the Palestinian terrorists who took the Israeli athletes hostage and killed them during the Munich Olympic Games.)

    In a lecture in New York City a few weeks ago, Aviv shared information that EVERY American needs to know, but that our government has not yet shared with us.

    A little background: Aviv predicted the London subway bombing on the Bill O'Reilly show on 'Fox News', stating publicly that it would happen within a week. At the time, O'Reilly laughed and mocked him, saying that in a week he wanted Aviv back on the show. Unfortunately, within a week the terrorist attack had occurred.

    Juval Aviv also gave intelligence to the Bush Administration about 9/11 a month before it occurred. His report specifically said that they would use planes as bombs and target high profile buildings and monuments. I think we all know what happened, right? Congress has since hired Aviv as a security consultant.

    Aviv predicts that the next terrorist attack on the U.S. will occur within the next few months. Forget hijacking airplanes, because he says terrorists will NEVER try hijacking a plane again, as they know the people on board will never go down quietly again.

    Aviv says that our airport security is a joke, 'that we have been reactionary' rather than proactive in developing strategies that are truly effective.

    Example 1: Because an idiot tried to light his shoe on fire, now everyone has to take off their shoes.

    Example 2: A group of idiots tried to bring aboard liquid explosives, and now we can't bring liquids on board.

    He says he's waiting for some suicidal maniac to pour liquid explosive on his underwear; government security will then have us all traveling naked!

    Last but not least, our airport security looks for metal, but the new explosives are made of plastic!

    Currently, our government only focuses on security when people are heading to the gates. Aviv says that if a terrorist attack targets airports in the future, they will target busy times on the front end of the airport when/where people are checking in.

    For example, it would be easy for someone to take two suitcases of explosives, walk up to a busy check-in line, ask a person next to them to watch their bags for a minute while they run to the restroom, and then detonate the bags BEFORE security even gets involved.

    In Israel, security checks bags BEFORE people can even ENTER the airport.

    Aviv says the next terrorist attack here in America is imminent and will involve suicide bombers and non-suicide bombers in places where large groups of people congregate, such as Disneyland, Las Vegas casinos, shopping malls, subways in rush hour, train stations, etc., as well as in rural America this time (Wyoming, Montana, etc.). The attack will be characterized by simultaneous detonations around the country involving at least 5-8 cities, including rural areas.

    Aviv says terrorists won't need to use suicide bombers in many of the larger cities, because at places like the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, they can simply valet park a car loaded with explosives and walk away.

    Aviv says all of the above is well known in intelligence circles, but that our U.S. Government does not want to 'alarm American citizens' with the facts. The world, however, is soon going to become 'a different place', Aviv says, where issues like 'global warming' and 'political correctness' will have become totally irrelevant.

    On an encouraging note, Aviv says that Americans don't have to be concerned about being nuked. He says the terrorists who want to destroy America will not use sophisticated weapons.

    Instead, they like to use suicide, as it's cheap, it's easy, and it's effective and they have an infinite abundance of young, ignorant, fanatic militants who are more than willing to 'go see Allah'.

    Aviv also says the next level of terrorists over which America should be most concerned will not be coming from abroad. They will instead be 'home grown' meaning they will have attended and been educated in our own schools and universities right here in the U.S. These young terrorists will be most dangerous because they will know our language and will fully understand the habits of Americans; but that we Americans won't know/understand a thing about them.

    So, what can America do to protect itself? From an intelligence perspective, Aviv says the U.S. needs to stop relying on satellites and technology for its intelligence.

    Instead, we need to follow Israel's, Ireland's and England's hands-on examples of human intelligence, from an infiltration perspective as well as to trust 'aware' citizens to help. We need to engage and educate ourselves as citizens; however, our U.S. Government continues to treat us, its citizens, 'like babies'. Our government thinks we can't handle the truth' and are concerned that we'll panic if we understand the realities of terrorism. Aviv says this is a deadly mistake.

    Aviv recently created/executed a security test for Congress by placing an empty briefcase in five well-traveled spots in five major cities. The result? Not one person called 911 or sought a policeman to check it out. In fact, in Chicago, someone tried to steal the briefcase!

    In comparison, Aviv says that citizens of Israel are so well 'trained' that an unattended bag or package would be reported in seconds by citizen(s) who know to publicly shout, 'Unattended Bag!' The area would be quickly & calmly cleared by the citizens themselves.

    But, unfortunately, America hasn't been 'hurt enough' yet by terrorism for their government to fully understand the need to educate its citizens or for the government to understand that it's the citizens who are, inevitably, the best first-line of defense against terrorism.

    Aviv also was concerned about the high number of children who were at the time in preschool and kindergarten after 9/11, children who were basically 'lost' without parents being able to pick them up, and schools that had no plan in place to best care for the students until their parents could get there. In New York City, in some cases this was days! He stresses the importance of having a plan that's agreed upon within your family, to respond to in the event of a terrorist emergency. He urges parents to contact their children's schools and demand that the schools, too, develop plans of action, as they do in Israel. He says we should all have a plan that is easy enough for even our youngest children to remember and follow.

    Does your family know what to do if you can't contact one another by phone? Where would you gather in an emergency?

    Aviv says that the U.S. Government has in force a plan that, in the event of another terrorist attack, will immediately cut-off EVERYONE's ability to use cell phones, as this is the preferred communication source used by terrorists and is often the way that their bombs are detonated. How will you communicate with your loved ones in the event you cannot use phones, internet? Bottom line, you need to have a plan.

    Thank you for a relevant input Carol! As you might have discerned from your article, the 9-11 'Zionist Conspiracy' whilst 'allowed', supported or not resisted by the then USA administration, was nevertheless perpetuated by the Islamic terror statehood of the ummah.

    Where Things Stand

    October 14, 2015 8:12 am By Hugh Fitzgerald 50 Comments


    More than 14 years have passed since Americans have had their attention forcefully fixed on the reality of Islamic terrorism. Until September 11, 2001, with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, most people in America — and in Europe — could be forgiven for assuming that they would not become the targets of Arab – and Muslim – terror attacks. That was something for Israelis to worry about. And if they had not been guilty of what the Arabs saw as “occupation of Arab lands” (for decades the mantra justifying terrorist attacks on Israel), why should they be targeted?
    That comforting assumption evanesced in the face of more attacks by Muslims on targets all over Europe: in Amsterdam, Theo van Gogh was killed for the crime of making Submission, a movie about Muslim women. In 2004 in Madrid, at Atocha Station, in the same year, Muslim bombs claimed Spanish victims, though Spain’s government had taken a largely pro-Arab line; in London, in 2005, innocents on both busses and the Underground were the victims of Muslim attacks, apparently because British troops were in Iraq and Afghanistan. In France, there have been murderous attacks on French Jews, not Israelis, including the attack on the Hyper Cacher, a kosher market. And there have been attacks on cartoonists, of various nationalities, who dared to mock Muhammad – the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris was massacred, and in Denmark attempts – fortunately unsuccessful — were made on the life of Lars Vilks. In both cases the putative crime was “blasphemy.”

    Not everyone was prepared to surrender: in the United States, Pamela Geller helped to organize a Draw-Muhammad contest in Texas, and for her pains now finds it necessary to be accompanied at all times by security guards. Indeed, one could fill up pages merely listing Muslim attacks either planned or carried out within Europe and North America; still other pages would be needed to list all the Muslim attacks on non-Muslim targets in such varied places as Mumbai, Beijing, and Bali. Clearly something larger than that Arab anger over Israeli “occupation” explains these worldwide attacks.
    As more and more people in the West are beginning to realize, the “root cause” of all this violence by Muslims against non-Muslims is to be sought not in a local grievance, but in the ideology of Islam itself. The personal testimony of ex-Muslims such as Ibn Warraq and Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Ali Sina and Wafa Sultan, the analyses provided by Western students of Islam such as Robert Spencer and Bat Ye’or, have had their slow and steady effect. This small army of truth-tellers dissects the contents of the Qur’an and Sunnah (which consists, in written form, of both the Hadith and Sira), and for this have been described as “bigots,” but it becomes harder and harder to ignore or refute their evidence.

    Among the learned analysts determined not to listen either to the apostates or to such people as Spencer, one comes immediately to mind. John Esposito, who created the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, associated with Georgetown, can be counted on to ignore the contents of Islam and to serve as an apologist. Alwaleed bin Talal, a Saudi prince, is now that Center’s main funder, and the Center itself was renamed the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding. Esposito has a long record of managing to find ways to ignore or dismiss the textual evidence that Spencer, Ibn Warraq, and others adduce from Qur’an and Hadith.
    But money alone does not explain why so many people in the West have been so ready to ignore the evidence of Muslim malevolence, of widespread support for violent Jihad. Many In the West simply don’t want to see what is staring them in the face. For if Islam really does inculcate permanent hostility toward Infidels, what, then, is to be done about the tens of millions of Muslims already ensconced in Western lands? Could it really be that, as suggested by some, the adherents of Islam see the world as uncompromisingly divided between Dar al-Islam, the lands where Islam dominates and Muslims rule, and Dar al-Harb, the Domain of War, that part of the world which has not yet come under the sway of Islam and rule by Muslims? Could it really be that it is incumbent upon Muslims to wage Jihad, that is, the “struggle” to ensure that the whole world ultimately comes under the sway of Islam, so that Muslims rule everywhere? Even if that goal sounds fantastic to Infidels, there are enough Muslims, it seems, among the more than 1.2 billion in the world, who apparently do not agree, and are willing to keep trying. And the more their numbers increase inside Dar al-Harb, the greater the threat they pose.

    Could it really be, after all, that Israel was only one target of Muslim aggression among many, in a much larger war, first to regain all the territories once in Muslim possession (Israel, Spain, the Balkans, Sicily) and then, after those re-conquests, to fulfill the duty to work to spread Islam until it everywhere dominated? And why did this explosion of violence begin not 50 or 100 years ago, but just in the last two decades?
    A Saudi cleric, Dr. Nasser bin Suleiman Al-‘Omar, noted on Al-Jazeera TV on April 19, 2006:
    The Islamic nation now faces a great phase of Jihad, unlike anything we knew fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, Jihad was attributed only to a few individuals in Palestine, and in some other Muslim areas.
    How do things stand now, in 2015? The doctrine of Jihad wasn’t suddenly invented in the past fifty years. It’s been the same, more or less, for 1350 years. It had fallen into desuetude when Muslims felt themselves to be weak, but did not, and could not, disappear. What happened to make things so very different in recent decades? Some might point to the end of “colonialism.” They might note, for example, that the French, after forty years in Morocco and Tunisia, had withdrawn from both by the mid-1950s, and from Algeria in 1962. They might note that the British garrisons in Aden and elsewhere along the Persian Gulf had been withdrawn, largely for financial reasons, and that Saudi Arabia itself had never been subject to colonial rule. They might note the withdrawal of the British from India, and the creation of an Islam-centered state, in what was then West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). The Dutch abandoned their rule over Muslims in the East Indies (what is now Indonesia). But the end of colonial rule over Muslim peoples, more than a half-century ago, is not enough to explain the current violence and threats by Muslims worldwide.

    Three developments explain the explosion of Islamic aggression in the last two decades, developments which permitted the Jihad to widen in scope and no longer be merely a small-scale Lesser Jihad against Israel:

    1) First, there is the money weapon provided by the OPEC oil bonanza. Inshallah-fatalism and hatred of innovation (bida)—both tend to hinder economic development in Arab and Muslim countries. You are likely to put in less effort if, in the end, Allah decides the outcome. And Muslim distrust of innovation dampens the desire of individuals to jettison age-old methods and to introduce new ways of manufacturing and distribution. Muslim Arabs have acquired fantastic sums, nonetheless, because such acquisition required no effort on their part – it merely reflects an accident of geology. Since 1973, Arab and other Muslim-dominated oil states have received close to 25 trillion dollars from the sale of oil and gas to oil-consuming nations. This constitutes the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The Muslim recipients did nothing to deserve this. Many interpreted the oil bonanza as a deliberate sign of Allah’s beneficence, inshallah-fatalism in their favor. That money did not just save them from poverty, but made many of them fabulously wealthy. And the higher prices that the OPEC cartel for a while managed to exact could even be interpreted as a kind of Jizyah, exacted from the Infidels.

    What have the Arabs done with that twenty-five trillion dollars in OPEC money that they received over the past one-third century? They did not create paradises of artistic and scientific creation. Their peoples continue to rely on armies of wage-slaves to do the real work; in Qatar, for example, one-tenth of the population, the native Qataris, are serviced by foreign workers, Arab and non-Arab, who make up the remaining nine-tenths. Arab oil states have bought hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Western arms. And this has created a network of middlemen, bribes-givers and bribes-takers, and Western hirelings involved not only in arms sales, but also in the business of supplying other goods and services to these suddenly rich oil states. And these people not unnaturally find ways to explain away or divert attention from the less pleasant aspects of the countries with which they are involved. Saudi Arabia, for example, has long enjoyed the support of powerful Western business interests for whom Saudi Arabia is a major client; these interests have a stake in continued good relations and are not about to let unpleasant truths (such as the hatred of Infidels found in Saudi schoolbooks) get too much attention. Thus has the oil money become the fabled “wealth” weapon of the Jihad, by which boycotts, and bribery, and the dangling of profitable contracts, contributed to creating a vast and loyal constituency among some influential and meretricious people in the capitals of the West.

    How else have the Arabs spent that oil money? As mentioned above, on wage-slaves, those foreigners who, in Saudi or Qatar or the Emirates, arrive to do all the work. On palaces for the corrupt ruling families and their corrupt courtiers. On foreign real estate at the highest end, and luxury goods. It’s not only the ruling families who help themselves to the oil wealth – there’s so much to go around. Play your cards right and you could share that wealth, even if you are not a prince, princeling, or princelette of the Al-Saud family, but merely a lowly commoner. The original Bin Laden, founder of the clan, arrived in Saudi from Yemen, became a successful contractor, even won contracts for building in Mecca, and become fabulously rich. Courtiers such as the commoner Adnan Khashoggi began as a middleman in arms deals and made a fortune. Many started out as such fixers and middlemen in the Arab Gulf states and Saudi Arabia, and then metamorphosed into legitimate businessmen.

    This creates a class of people who profit from, and support the regime. In the same way, the rich Arabs have created a lobby of Westerners, who divert attention from Islam’s tenets and teachings. The highly profitable contracts that have been given to Western businessmen for the construction of office parks, hospitals, apartment complexes, military cities have created a natural lobby in the West for Arabs and Muslims, consisting not only of those who receive such contracts, but also of others, including Western public relations experts, former government officials, journalists, academics, whose services are made available to the rich Arabs in presenting their case. Such institutions as the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, or, again, John Esposito’s Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, both in Washington and in England, such as the Arab Studies programs at Durham and Exeter and many departments of Islamic studies or Middle Eastern history, have been staffed by apologists for Islam. Columbia University offers a particularly egregious example.
    Another product of the “wealth” Jihad are the thousands of mosques that Arab oil money pays for, in London and Rome and Paris, as in Niger and Pakistan and Indonesia. Much of that money comes from Saudi Arabia, whose clerics make sure that the mosques that are built, or that receive Saudi support, preach the stern Wahhabi version of Islam. It is the same for madrasas that receive Saudi subventions. And campaigns of Da’wa (the Call to Islam, particularly effective in Western prisons), too, often receive OPEC money.

    2) The second development, observable at the same time as the oil money really began to flow into the countries of Western Europe, was demographic: millions of Muslim migrants have over the past four decades been allowed to enter Western Europe. These were mainly Pakistanis in England, Turks in Germany, Algerians in France, Moroccans in Spain, Indonesians in Holland, and in every country, assorted mix-‘n-match Muslims from all of these and still other places. They brought their wives; their families always became much larger than those of the non-Muslim natives. These Muslims could now enjoy Western medicine (lower rates of infant mortality), Western education, Western housing — free or greatly subsidized.
    What Muslims brought undeclared in their mental baggage to the West –Islam itself — was not held up for close examination. And it was taken as an article of faith that nothing seriously prevented Muslims from integrating with the same ease as non-Muslim immigrants. Those who expressed doubts about this, who suggested that there might be special problems with Muslim immigrants — and these skeptics included both some who had been raised as Muslims (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq) and non-Muslims (Bat Ye’or, Hans Jansen, Robert Spencer) who had studied Islam — were at first dismissed as bigots. But they could not be silenced. These informed commentators insisted that the belief-system of Islam, the system that suffuses the minds of Muslims wherever they are, has taught them to be hostile to Infidels, and should not be ignored. But many non-Muslims, at a loss as to what they might do with this knowledge, have willfully ignored Islamic doctrine. The notions that first, a Muslim’s true loyalty is to fellow members of the umma al-islamiyya, and second, that Jihad to spread Islam (so that ultimately Islam will everywhere dominate) is a duty incumbent on all Muslims, have not been taken seriously by those whose duty it is to protect and instruct us.

    In recent years, an older generation of Western scholars of Islam and the Middle East has died or retired (one thinks of Bernard Lewis, A.K.S. Lambton, J. B. Kelly, Elie Kedourie, P. J. Vatikiotis); these people were critical both of Islam and of its apologists in the West. They have been replaced, in academic departments, by those who are often Muslims themselves or, if not Muslim, less critical, and more admiring of both. Their background and training were received from Arabists, and they were inclined to be apologists for Islam. Ibn Warraq once said that in his experience, many of those who choose to enter the fields of Islam and Middle Eastern history possess a pre-existing animus toward Jews, or toward the West itself, and are predisposed to find Islam attractive. He calls this “self-selection.” And then there is still sympathy for peoples from the “Third World” — never mind that Qataris, Kuwaitis, Saudis, Emiratis hardly qualify, given their fabulous unearned wealth.
    The flow of Muslims into Europe has consisted mainly of Pakistanis to Great Britain, Moroccans and Turks to the Netherlands, Algerians and other maghrebins to France, Turks to Germany, Egyptians and Libyans to Italy. In 2015, they are now joined by Syrians (or “Syrians,” since many so identified in fact come from elsewhere), who are being admitted in huge numbers. They will swell Muslim millions already in the West. More than 800,000 of these “Syrians” are set to be received by Germany alone this year, thanks to Angela Merkel.

    Demography is destiny. The greater the number of Muslims in Europe, the greater their political power becomes. Muslims have been attempting, unsurprisingly, to limit the ability of non-Muslims in Europe to enforce laws, or to enjoy freedoms, or to fashion foreign policies, to which Muslims might object. Think of the difficulties the French government still experiences in enforcing the no-hijab rule in state schools; think of the cartoonists in France and Denmark and elsewhere in Europe who now hold back on caricatures of Muhammad, fearful of meeting the same fate as the Charlie Hebdo staff. Jews in France are worried about their future; the spate of attacks by Muslims on Jews in France suggest they are right to worry. There has been a great increase in the numbers of French Jews going to Israel.
    Meanwhile, Muslims continue to push for changes in the laic state. They still have not given up, for example, attempts to challenge the ban on the hijab in schools. And when cartoonists are killed for having “blasphemed” Muhammad, too many Muslims express not abhorrence but approval. Muslims recognize and are prepared to exploit the freedoms, political and civil, created by and for the Infidels, and are ready to exploit them to further their own, Muslim, ends.

    For Western man, the legitimacy of any government depends on that government reflecting, however imperfectly, the will expressed by the people through elections. Islamic political theory is based on a very different idea: the legitimacy of government depends on the ruler being a Muslim, and the will to be expressed is that of Allah, as set down in written form in the Qur’an, and an additional fleshing-out of the Qur’an’s meaning comes through study of the Sunnah, that is, the practices of the earliest Muslims, derived from the Hadith and Sira, which become a kind of gloss on the Qur’an.
    Western man exalts the individual; in Islam, it is the collective, the community of Believers. And the true object of worship in Islam turns out to be Islam itself; it is Islam itself that Believers must protect from attack. Morality in Islam is determined by what Muhammad said or did; he remains the Model of Conduct, the Perfect Man, and for all time. Those who assume that the millions of Muslims who have been allowed into Europe and North America are going to “integrate” into non-Muslim societies, societies with manmade laws quite different from the Sharia, without difficulty, fail to recognize that this would mean jettisoning much of Islam. It could require seeing Muhammad in a critical light, and doing away with Muslim supremacism. Is this conceivable? And it should not be forgotten that Muslims have a duty to conduct Da’wa, the Call to Islam, to promote Islam as the Truth.

    3) The OPEC trillions from oil, and the Muslim migrant millions in the West, are two of the three significant developments that explain Muslim power today. The third development consists of the appropriation and effective use, by Muslims, of technological advances originating in the Western world, and therefore made by Infidels, that made it much easier to disseminate the Call to Islam to Infidels, and the full message of Islam to Believers worldwide, to spread the message of the most austere and implacable kind of Islam — Wahhabism — and even to recruit for Al Qaeda and ISIS (who would have thought that decapitation videos could serve as recruitment tools for those luring others to actively participate in violent Jihad?).
    Without audiocassettes, without those taped sermons urging violence, Khomeini might never have been able to whip up, from his distant exile in Neauphle-le-Chateau in France, so many hundreds of thousands of fanatical followers in Iran. Without videocassettes, and satellite television channels and the Internet, it would have been much harder to spread Islamic propaganda, including that put out by Al Qaeda and ISIS. Decades ago, simple pious Muslims could conduct their lives without being whipped up to violent Jihad, aware that they needed to fulfill their five canonical daily prayers, but only vaguely aware of the duty to take part in Jihad. Thanks to the Internet, they are now much more aware of the extent of their duties as Muslims.

    In summary: it is these three developments — first, the OPEC trillions, that have given the Arabs such wealth to influence everything from U.N. votes to Western economic interests; second, the Muslim migrant millions in the West who have become, in 2015, many millions; and third, the appropriation of Western technological advances to spread the message of Islam — that help explain the reappearance of Islam as a fighting faith that everywhere threatens non-Muslims. Muslims who just a century ago were deploring Muslim weakness and Western strength are now able to deploy vast financial power and use it to increase their political clout and to obtain arms. Muslims by the many millions are now settled in Dar Al-Harb, behind what they regard as enemy lines.
    What will happen now to the Arab use of the “wealth” weapon? Advances in renewable energy (e.g., in solar collectors and wind farms), and the growing recognition that the use of oil has to diminish if climate warming is to be slowed down, may lessen the amount of money that flows to Muslim oil states. But those states already have money stockpiled that they can still use to buy arms and influence. And as we have seen, the Muslim presence in Europe continues to increase, especially with the influx of “Syrians”; the geert-wilders and marine-le-pens bravely keep up their warnings about the Muslim invasion, but continue to go largely unheeded by the main parties. It’s still easy to affix the word “bigot.” Still, reports from Germany suggest that Merkel’s admitting so many “Syrians” is meeting with increasing opposition.

    ISIS, the Islamic State, came into existence because Sunni Muslims in Iraq and Syria believed that their governments – Shi’a-dominated in Iraq, Alawite-dominated in Syria – scanted Sunni interests in the distribution of the national spoils. Those in the West who thought that ISIS was a fleeting phenomenon, that the Shia-dominated Iraqi government would retake Mosul, that ISIS could not possibly hold the territories it seized in such rapid fashion, or would not be able to run the territories it had conquered as a real state, when it has both held those territories and has begun to organize them and assume the responsibilities of rule, should recognize how formidable ISIS has become. Its appeal is wide, as the tens of thousands of recruits, including doctors and engineers, who have arrived from abroad testify.
    No Western government has yet dared to broadcast any information about the connection between the political, economic, social, and intellectual failures of Muslim societies and Islam itself. Indeed, one discovers that even in the West, deep behind enemy lines, in Dar al-Harb, Muslims are watching not the regular Western channels, but insisting on getting their news — in Dearborn as in the East End of London, and in the banlieues of Paris and Lyon and Marseille — from Al-Jazeera (owned by Qatar), Al-Manar (run by Hezbollah), and other Arab stations. Willingly, many Arab Muslims in the West choose to limit themselves to stations spouting Arab Muslim propaganda, for only these stations are “telling the truth.” The ability to modify the views of Muslims enjoying life in the West, so that they will no longer pose a threat to the non-Muslim order, is limited.

    Islam is naturally totalitarian — a total belief-system that leaves no area of life untouched. It offers a Compleat Regulation of Life and Total Explanation of the Universe. Over many centuries when Muslims had no technological advances to appropriate from the Western world, nor the wealth with which to exploit those advances (and thus lacking the ability to spread the full doctrines of Islam throughout both Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb), Muslims were able to conduct their lives without necessarily being fully aware of, much less always following, at every step, all the teachings of Islam. But today’s technology makes things different. The full undiluted message of Islam, now easily available to those who might once have been ignorant or even unobservant Muslims, is available. Muslims everywhere know that the full teachings of Qur’an and Hadith are a mere click away, and the Internet makes the same undiluted message available to Infidels who are suffering from various degrees of disaffection with the modern world, the West, Kapitalism, The System, Amerika, call it what you will, and who may find Islam attractive.
    For we have seen that Islam is a mental system that appeals to those who prefer to have a life totally regulated from above. They find it perfectly acceptable to take as a model a seventh-century Arab, who may or may not have existed (that doesn’t matter, as long as Muslims believe he existed), described in the Qur’an as uswa hasana (the Model of Conduct), and elsewhere as al-insan al-kamil (the Perfect Man). For the socially and psychically marginal among Infidels, for those yearning to suppress their own individuality in a larger group, the umma al-islamiyaa (Community of Islam) provides an instant community. Islam is just the thing. Western man, who has come to prize skepticism and individualism, may not understand its attraction. The convert to Islam, in or out of prison, does not deplore, but welcomes, his own submission to Islamic authority, is glad to be supplied with answers as to the conduct of life based on passages in the Qur’an or stories in the Hadith, and finds soothing the notion that Allah Knows Best. It makes life simpler. In other words, Western governments should not underestimate the attraction of Islam to non-Muslims, nor assume that Muslims in the West will forget their duty to conduct Jihad.

    Pakistan: "Blasphemer" put in solitary confinement after receiving death threats
    UK: Anti-Muslim hate crimes to be recorded separately, says Cameron

    A Message to President Obama from a former Muslim

    A 20-Year Plan To Overthrow The U.S. Government


    ORTHODOX MUSLIMS cannot wage all out war on the U.S. and expect to win. But they have a religious obligation to participate in jihad in some way in order to eventually subjugate all countries under Islamic law, including the U.S. There are more devious ways to conquer than straightforward war, however. In the excerpt below, from an article by Anis Shorrosh, author of Islam Revealed, shares what he sees as the "Islamists' 20-year plan" to conquer the U.S. As you will see, many of these things are already being done.

    1. Terminate America's freedom of speech by replacing it with statewide and nationwide hate-crime bills.

    2. Wage a war of words using black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson and other visible religious personalities who promote Islam as the religion of African-Americans while insisting Christianity is for whites only. What they fail to tell African-Americans is that it was Arab Muslims who captured them and sold them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word for black and slave is the same, ''Abed.''

    3. Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches and mosques on the virtues of Islam. Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the same monotheistic faith.

    4. Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office to bring about favorable legislation toward Islam and support potential sympathizers by block voting.

    5. Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the Internet as possible by buying the related corporations or a controlling stock.

    6. Yield to the fear of the imminent shut-off of the lifeblood of America – black gold. America’s economy depends on oil and 41 percent of it comes from the Middle East.

    7. Yell ''foul, out-of-context, personal interpretation, hate crime, Zionist, un- American, inaccurate interpretation of the Quran'' anytime Islam is criticized or the Quran is analyzed in the public arena.

    8. Encourage Muslims to penetrate the White House, specifically with Islamists who can articulate a marvelous and peaceful picture of Islam. Acquire government positions and get membership in local school boards. Train Muslims as medical doctors to dominate the medical field, research and pharmaceutical companies. (Ever notice how numerous Muslim doctors in America are, when their countries need them more desperately than America?) Take over the computer industry. Establish Middle Eastern restaurants throughout the U.S. to connect planners of Islamization in a discreet way.

    9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:

    * Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961).

    * Use no birth control whatsoever – every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.

    * Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then divorce them and remarry every five years – since one can't legally marry four at one time. This is a legal solution in America.

    * Convert angry, alienated black inmates and turn them into militants (so far 2,000 released inmates have joined al-Qaida worldwide). Only a few ''sleeper cells'' have been captured in Afghanistan and on American soil.

    10. Reading, writing, arithmetic and research through the American educational system, mosques and student centers (now 1,500) should be sprinkled with dislike of Jews, evangelical Christians and democracy. There are currently 300 exclusively Muslim schools in the U.S. which teach loyalty to the Quran, not the U.S. Constitution. In January of 2002, Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in Washington mailed 4,500 packets of the Quran and videos promoting Islam to America's high schools – free of charge. Saudi Arabia would not allow the U.S. to reciprocate.

    11. Provide very sizable monetary Muslim grants to colleges and universities in America to establish ''Centers for Islamic studies'' with Muslim directors to promote Islam in higher-education institutions.

    12. Let the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and national media that terrorists have hijacked Islam, when in truth, Islam hijacked the terrorists.

    13. Appeal to the historically compassionate and sensitive Americans for sympathy and tolerance towards Muslims in America who are portrayed as mainly immigrants from oppressed countries.

    14. Nullify America's sense of security by manipulating the intelligence community with misinformation. Periodically terrorize Americans with reports of impending attacks on bridges, tunnels, water supplies, airports, apartment buildings and malls.

    15. Form riots and demonstrations in the prison system demanding Islamic Sharia as the way of life, not America's justice system.

    16. Open numerous charities throughout the U.S., but use the funds to support Islamic terrorism with American dollars.

    17. Raise interest in Islam on America's campuses by insisting freshman take at least one course on Islam.

    18. Unify the numerous Muslim lobbies in Washington, mosques, Islamic student centers, educational organizations, magazines and papers by Internet and an annual convention to coordinate plans, propagate the faith and engender news in the media.

    19. Send intimidating messages and messengers to the outspoken individuals who are critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by hook or crook.

    20. Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the U.S. by spotlighting their voting record as the highest percentage of all minority and ethic groups in America.

    Shorrosh is a member of the Oxford Society of Scholars, has traveled in 76 countries, and is a lecturer and producer of TV documentaries. Islam Revealed is a bestseller now in its eighth printing. His forthcoming 10th book, from which the 20-point plan is abridged, is titled ''Islam: A Threat or a Challenge.''


    Anonymous 5:06 AM
    This plan is most definitly being carried out. One doesn't have to look far to see what's going on. If you pay attention to the news on these topics, it confirms all of this. The biggest problem for America is that you have idiots like Oprah Winfrey telling everyone Islam is a sister religion to Christianity...that it promotes peace and love and that we as Americans should be accepting of it. I think most Americans are blind to what is going on and desperately need to be educated before it's too late!
    Mike 5:40 AM
    We as Americans need to get our heads out of the sand! All you have to do is pay attention to the headline news to see what's going on. We have influential idiots like Oprah Winfrey telling people that Islam is a sister religion to Christianity and that it is a religion of peace and love. The worst part of it all is that many people take her word for it and are misled to believe a lie.
    coldjoint 5:44 PM
    don't politicians have computers, it seems only the people reading this stuff know what is going on, that can't be. what islam is doing is obvious. what we should do is obvious too. grab your balls america and defend the liberty so many have died for. do not give away through tolerance what we can not tolerate.LIBERTY
    Citizen Warrior 1:50 AM
    Read how one man near Washington, D.C., influences his fellow Americans to wage jihad from within: Jihad By Subversion.
    Anonymous 7:44 PM
    We all need to join together , our churches need to join together ,as an army warriors to fight back ,reclaim back our freedom , and our inheritance , now , dont wait for tommorow , be here now .
    Anonymous 9:29 PM
    That 20 year plan i taking place and almost fullfilled. I hate those people with a passion. That bunch has no concept of the spirit of the Law that is supposed to govern the meaning of the Laws of this Land. They should all be tried for treason. They say it over and over that they have an agenda and want a "new world order." He is who he surrounds himself with. He said that also. Where are all the lawmakers who supposed to protect the law of the great land? Try to overthrow the government in the land of the sand and see what happens. They are laughing at our spineless lawmakers and enforcers. Nancy Pelosi hould be flogged in public.
    Anonymous 12:16 PM
    I second A good old fashion stoning of Nancy Pelosi and all the godless liberals. God will have judgment on those who sin. The axis of evil starts with Liberals and Radicals like Barack Obama. Barack has dedicated Nasa to helping Muslim countries as their number one priority. Aren't those the people that want to slit our throat?
    SecularDemocraticIran 8:35 PM
    As a person who lived more than 2/3 of my life in Islamis countries & communities, grew up under a Sharia school system & laws and hated Islam (along almost anyone I knew growing up) more than enything else in my life, I agree w/ that article 100%. This is the most realistic analysis of the situation I've ever seen.
    I've been personally fighitng for Iranian secular democracy for most of my life and my main targets in this battle are normally the various kinds of Islamic (pro-IR) lobbyists. They come in all forms and much of the western media is hijacked by them w.o realizing. They have brainwahing & recruiting cells in almost any university in America. There are billions of $coming from MUSLIM nations and US charity organizations to fund their growing underground empire. They have become experts in $ laundering, drug, cigarett and conterband smuggling and there is more tax fraud by Muslims than any other because they consider paying taxes as feeding the infidel enemy of Islam while even the millionare Muslim kids receive social welfare, food stamps andgoverntment benefit. I can write a whole book about how much they abuse American liberty against America itself.
    I am an Iranian and grew up in the Muslims world, also during my first years in America, my situation forced meto live in majotity Arab/Muslim communities which I really hated.
    I warrned Americans about the threas of growing Muslim communities in America and the Americans laughed at me or ignored me calling me over reacted because I was suffered living under an Islamic dictatorship.
    When 9/11th terrorist attack took place, once again I had to deal with idiots who thought anyone from the Middle East must be a Muslim and so a terrorist. Even when they heard me cursing Islam and let them know that I was an athiest from non-Muslim parents, the idiots didn't understand.
    When I heard Bush engaged Iran in Iraq & Afghanistan, I warned anyone I knew that Iran was going to take over Iraq and turn it into a Juhadist capital and still Americans didn't believe me.

    Even my predictions about Iran uprising turned to reality because the opposite what it seems, over 70% of Iranians under the age of 40 are non-Muslims meaning that they were born of Muslim parents, but hate Islam more than anything else in their lives & never worship it. The young Iranians fighting the barbaric regime in Iran are the future allies US & Israel need in the middle east and the west should capitilize and invest in them because they'll change the future of middle east and the world.
    When Obama prases Islam and pays respect to the occupying regime of Islamic Republic, Iranian people feel betrayal from the free world that instead of hearing their cries, our fanatic president praises their barbaric oppressors. They even chanted "Obama, Either w/us or w/them(regime)"
    SecularDemocraticIran 8:43 PM
    I am an Iranian and grew up in the Muslims world, also during my first years in America, my situation forced meto live in majotity Arab/Muslim communities which I really hated.
    I warrned Americans about the threas of growing Muslim communities in America and the Americans laughed at me or ignored me calling me over reacted because I was suffered living under an Islamic dictatorship.
    When 9/11th terrorist attack took place, once again I had to deal with idiots who thought anyone from the Middle East must be a Muslim and so a terrorist. Even when they heard me cursing Islam and let them know that I was an athiest from parents who also hate religion, the idiots didn't understand.
    When I heard Bush engaged Iran in Iraq & Afghanistan, I warned anyone I knew that Iran was going to take over Iraq and turn it into a Juhadist capital and still Americans didn't believe me.

    Even my predictions about Iran uprising turned to reality because the opposite what it seems, over 70% of Iranians under the age of 40 are non-Muslims meaning that they were born of Muslim parents, but hate Islam more than anything else in their lives & never worship it. The young Iranians fighting the barbaric regime in Iran are the future allies US & Israel need in the middle east and the west should capitilize and invest in them because they'll change the future of middle east and the world.
    When Obama prases Islam and pays respect to the occupying regime of Islamic Republic, Iranian people feel betrayal from the free world that instead of hearing their cries, our fanatic president praises their barbaric oppressors. They even chanted "Obama, Either w/us or w/them(regime)"
    My email contact:
    feelingelephants 4:53 PM
    Do you truly think the American democracy is not strong enough to defend against any attack?

    I believe in the vision of America our founders (Masons and Christians, slave-owners and abolitionists all, democratic and republican, trusting of the will of the people and less so) laid down in the Constitution:

    1) Pluralism,

    2) Freedom of speech, religion, and advocacy,

    3) Debate as a vetting process for ideas.

    If there is any threat to the United States, from without or within, I believe these freedoms will allow us to deal with it. That the Muslim population of the world is no different than the Christian or Jewish or Hindu--all people, faulty, common and brilliant people--may be uncomfortable, but it is no less true.

    Come what may, the American system will adapt and stand. And Muslim-Americans will be there supporting it.
    Citizen Warrior 12:16 AM
    feelingelephants said...

    "That the Muslim population of the world is no different than the Christian or Jewish or Hindu--all people, faulty, common and brilliant people--may be uncomfortable, but it is no less true."

    My response: I have no problem with the PEOPLE. The threat is the ideology, and the unrelenting drive to accomplish Sharia by gaining one small, incremental concession or accomodation at a time until it is past the point of no return, all happening so gradually that nothing raises a flag to alarm enough people.

    The greatest danger is that the Muslim population gets large enough to create a voting block that is too large and too united for politicians to ignore. It does not have to be but five or ten percent of the population to change who wins and who loses at the ballot box.

    That's why the first thing that needs to happen is for non-Muslim in the country to read the Quran. This is the version I recommend: An Abridged Koran.

    And the second thing that needs to happen as soon as enough people have read the Quran to influence the vote, is to vote to stop all Muslim immigration to the United States. In the meantime, please sign this petition: No More Muslim Immigration.
    Anonymous 10:25 PM
    2 SUICIDE bombings in downtown Stockholm, Sweden - enuff is enuff - DEPORT all Muslims and Arabs from every single wrestern country NOW before it is toolate. Was done before in Europe it needs to be done now. There is no choice and if war breaks out Islamic cities must be nuked. Only way our way of life will ever exist in future.

    Yazidi Xtian Boy.
    Yazidi Boy and the Religion of Peace and Love
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015

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