The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jun 24, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Would-be killer 'driven mad' by religious mother jailed for stabbing pregnant partner who only survived because of her breast implants

    Babur Karamat Raja, 41, tried to murder a pregnant woman who was repeatedly stabbed in a street attack Credit: PA
    23 June 2016 • 9:46pm
    A man who attempted to murder his pregnant partner had “literally” been driven “mad” by pressure from his deeply religious mother over the relationship, a court has been told.
    Babur Raja, a 41-year-old businessman, repeatedly stabbed Natalie Queiroz in a street in the centre of Sutton Coldfield March 4. She only survived the attack because of her breast implants.
    He was jailed for 18 years at Birmingham Crown Court after admitting attempted murder, attempted child destruction, possession of a knife in public and the wounding and assault of two passers-by.

    Babur Karamat Raja with a rucksack containing a weapon hidden under his hoodie Credit: PA

    His barrister, Jane Humphryes QC, told the court in mitigation that Raja had been forced to choose between his conservative Muslim mother's faith and the “love of his life”.
    She said his mother “literally drove him mad” in the run up to the attack by forcing him to choose between her love and that of his partner.
    The family turmoil “tipped him over the edge” leading to a temporary mental illness or “adjustment disorder”, leaving him with little memory of what he had done, the court was told.
    “His mother had not been happy he was in a relationship with a white woman, and told him he must leave her or she would not be in contact,” she said.

    Natalie Queiroz listens as lawyers read a statement on hee behalf Credit: PA
    The barrister added: “This man of impeccable character is driven literally to distraction, forced by his own mother to choose between her and his chosen partner and their unborn baby.”
    Raja's sentencing hearing at Birmingham Crown Court heard that Ms Queiroz's breast implants “were probably what saved her life” during the attack.
    Benjamin Aina QC, prosecuting, also told the court that had Raja plunged his knife just 2mm further “it would have killed the (unborn) baby”.
    The court heard the child was born unharmed and was now doing well.

    Passing sentence, Judge Simon Drew QC, described it as a “merciless” attack, telling him: “Once you chose your mother over your partner and child, you resolved not only to terminate your relationship, but to terminate them.”
    He added: “This was a deliberate, pre-meditated attack designed to kill and destroy your partner and unborn child.”
    The court heard how Raja had promised to transfer £36,000 to his partner, and had arranged to meet her for an appointment at a bank in Sutton Coldfield when the cash failed to materialise.
    Judge Drew described how Raja had "promised to support her financially" but "had little money in the bank", and had felt under pressure over the building cash worries.
    This was no spontaneous meltdown, it was a deliberate act.Judge Drew

    Raja had spoken to his partner on the phone as she walked to the bank, asking her what route she was taking, and causing Ms Queiroz to joke that he was her "stalker".
    The judge said: "Little did she know how prescient her observation was."
    Judge Drew said the attack was "clearly, carefully planned".
    He added: "This was no spontaneous meltdown, it was a deliberate act."
    Continuing, the judge went on: "It's all too clear what brought this matter to a head was not only was Ms Queiroz pregnant and the fact she was going to give birth, but the financial circumstances beginning to engulf you.

    "You had made promises you were unable to keep, and about to be found out - and you realised you had to do something about it."
    He ruled that Raja had left his wallet in his car, worn a disguise to make himself look fatter, and picked an area not covered by CCTV to strike, leaving his chances of "getting away" improved.
    Judge Drew said he had no doubt Raja - who had also not told his mother his partner was pregnant - also felt under pressure from his family.
    But he added: "However, in my judgment, that was brought about by your own actions for which you are totally responsible."
    Ms Queiroz was walking down Trinity Hill in Sutton at about 3.30pm that afternoon when the attack happened.
    Opening the case, the Crown's QC, said: "She heard footsteps behind her at a rapid pace.
    "An arm reached from behind and grabbed her upper body, and she screamed 'get off me'.
    "She saw a knife come over her shoulder and she was repeatedly stabbed to her chest."

    She was knocked to the floor in the struggle, but managed to break free and at that point "saw the attacker was Mr Raja".
    Raja, who wore a disguise to "look fat" in the form of rucksack worn on his front and under his hoodie, was then tackled by have-a-go heroes alerted to his victim's screams.
    But he lashed out at the Good Samaritans with the kitchen knife, before going after his victim a second time with the 12-inch blade, catching up with her as she collapsed to the floor.
    Mr Aina added: "He continued to stab her with a knife to her wrist and upper arm.

    "He grabbed her head, trying to cut her throat, while she was shouting 'don't kill me', begging him to stop.
    Heroic by-standers managed to overpower Raja, with one man delivering about 20 kicks to the man's head before he was restrained and arrested.
    The judge remarked: "Had they not intervened I have no doubt you would have succeeded in killing the mother and the child."
    He commended the members of the public, aged between 16 and 70 - two of whom were injured in the fray, and said "they should be properly recommended for their prompt actions".
    Ms Queiroz suffered 24 separate knife wounds including stab injuries to her chest, stomach, upper right arm, and left wrist - which has caused loss of feelings in her fingers.
    After being taken to hospital, surgeons carried out an emergency Caesarean-section to deliver the baby, while she ended up spending two weeks in hospital.
    Charting the impact of the attack in a victim statement read to court, 40-year-old Ms Queiroz said she had been"deceived and betrayed", adding: "I am destroyed"
    As Raja, sitting in the dock, looked at his feet, she added: "I struggle to function normally".

    She described how she had gone from being "fairly fearless and extremely confident" to having flashbacks of the attack and feeling "intense unease".
    The judge also stated it was "highly likely" the couple's child "will suffer long-term psychological problems growing up knowing what you, the father, tried to do".
    The court also heard Raja had received a photograph of his child, now living with its mother, from Ms Queiroz.
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    MUTINY: Military leaders finally take stand against Obama…

    Written by Allen West on June 23, 2016


    Something is happening when the civilian officials in the Obama administration openly conflict with the White House talking points on the fight against Islamic jihadism. But you know something is happening when uniformed members of the military, finally, stand up and openly criticize the state of our force readiness and the lack of strategy.
    Yes, I know what y’all are saying, what took so long?

    As reported by the Washington Times, “Rifts have emerged between U.S. military leaders and the Obama White House on Washington’s future role in Libya, with the generals questioning the White House’s argument that the recent success against Islamic State shows Libya can go it alone in the fight against terrorism, without direct U.S. assistance.
    Marine Corps Gen. Thomas Waldhauser, the White House’s pick to lead U.S. Africa Command, called for increased American military action in Libya to ensure the Islamic State, or ISIS or ISIL, does not reconstitute itself in the country as pressure ramps up against its strongholds in Iraq and Syria.

    Gen. Waldhauser told a Senate Armed Services Committee confirmation hearing Tuesday that U.S. military planners were drafting up battle plans for airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Libya, Reuters reported. The fledgling unity government in Tripoli has enjoyed surprising success in recent weeks in a campaign against the Islamic State’s stronghold in the coastal city of Sirte. But rules of engagement for U.S. forces in Libya, which require White House approval for any offensive operations in the country, have hamstrung American military planners in the region, according to the report.

    Aside from clandestine drone strikes launched from NATO bases in southern Europe and small rotations of U.S. special operations teams working with local militias in Libya, the Pentagon has not conducted any large-scale military mission in the country since the cancellation of a failed train-and-advise operation late last year.
    Gen Waldhauser was not the first American combatant commander to call for an increased military role for U.S. forces in Libya. U.S. Central Command chief Gen. Joseph Votel told lawmakers during his confirmation hearing earlier this year that he supported restarting the U.S.-led training mission in the country.

    In May, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford told reporters that an agreement with Libya’s Government of National Accord, the U.N.-recognized governing body in the country, to open the door for new U.S. operations in the country was weeks from being ratified. At the time, Gen. Dunford said the situation in Libya had deteriorated to the point where Washington and the international community had little choice but to act.

    “They want assistance, [and] you know that a number of countries, including the United States, are prepared to do that,” Gen. Dunford said in May. The only thing preventing U.S. officials from going forward was determining whether or not local forces could coalesce around the nascent Libyan government, he noted.”

    Y’all remember Libya, right? You know, that place Obama said we had to intervene in order to prevent a massive humanitarian crisis — not no Syria. Obama, in complete violation of the war powers act, basically outsourced our air power and intelligence gathering capability to support Islamic jihadists in the overthrow of Muammar Gadhafi.

    Now, let’s be honest, he wasn’t the nicest fella, but he had surrendered his weapons of mass destruction program. We have tapes and proof that he was willing to step down, along with his son, and depart the country. But that wasn’t good enough for Obama, who again appeared so willing to provide material support and comfort to the enemy, Islamic jihadists — by way of arms. And of course we now know the city of Sirte has now become the base of operations and center of gravity for ISIS in Libya.

    The deteriorating situation in Libya is a direct result of Obama’s ill-conceived intervention there. And we know the covert CIA operation in Libya, namely Benghazi, was intended for a weapons recovery (buy back) program with the objective for those weapons to be funneled to more Islamic jihadists, in Syria.
    Now, if this was all happening during a Republican administration, the liberal progressive media would be screaming from the rafters — heck, they still attack Reagan over Iran-Contra. But this is “their guy” and he can do no wrong. Things are slowly unraveling right before Obama’s eyes, but the leftist media will not expose him — or Hillary Clinton — on the issue.

    There are estimates of 5,000-6,000 ISIS fighters in Libya, which provides a conundrum for a country which was once a very close ally — Egypt. Now, President al-Sisi finds himself contending internally with the Muslim Brotherhood along with ISIS-associated jihadist forces to his east in the Sinai and to the west in Libya. And to the north, Egypt must contend with Hamas, which will find itself better financed and supplied thanks to the billions of dollars released to Iran by, guess who? Yep, Barack Obama.
    And President Obama becomes infuriated when people question his loyalties? His policies and actions speak volumes; no one is paying attention to his teleprompter talking points anymore. Doggone, what I find so ironic is that Obama has done so much to arm Islamic jihadists in his tenure while he seeks to disarm Americans. How very odd and perplexing. Gee, I wonder why no one else has presented that interesting little tidbit.

    Don’t challenge me on that because ISIS is certainly hamming it up with U.S. military equipment. And that failed “train and advise” program in Libya — guess what? They left the weapons and equipment there. Hmm, why does Obama refuse to provide the same arms and equipment to the Kurds or the Egyptians?
    Yes, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton abandoned Americans to die in Libya, and then lied about it. And for the life of me, I find it unconscionable that it does not matter. Where are those CIA station workers who were there during that attack, with direct arms and mortars? Where are the State Department security officials who were there?

    The next presidential administration will have the challenge of rebuilding our military while it is in contact with the enemy who has been aided and abetted by the president of the United States, Barack Obama — it happened on his watch, and Libya is a direct result of a failed Obama policy. Then again, if it’s a Hillary Clinton administration, we’ll be getting more of the same.
    The dark specter of Libya is not going away. Funny, all these generations after Pressley O’Bannon of the Marines landed and assaulted Derma…we’re still dealing with Islamic jihadists in the country now known as Libya. Then it was the Barbary pirates; today it’s ISIS.
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    •By phoenix •In General News, Politics

    Hamtramck, Michigan has been given the nickname “Shariatown” now that the four out of the six City Council positions have been filled by members of the Islamic faith, and policies that mimic Sharia Law are being implemented throughout the city.

    It was a historic election due to the fact that this is the first time that the majority of the positions of those that govern a city have been filled by Muslims, and Hamtramck is also believed to be one of the first US cities to have the majority of its residents comprised of those who follow the Islamic faith.
    According to the Washington Post, as recently as the 1970’s, the town’s population was 90% Polish Catholics, but due to the influx of immigrants, the low birth-rate of the Polish-Americans, and the factor that many have moved away from the area, the town’s makeup has been reversed to the point that only about 10% of its citizens are currently of Polish descent.
    After the election of three new Muslims to the city board, residents began to report on new changes to the city, that seem to be based on the teachings of the Islamic faith.
    A city ordinance was passed that would prevent anyone from obtaining a liquor license and selling alcohol within 500 feet of any of the city’s multiple mosques. One of the teachings of the faith is that alcohol is a forbidden substance, and it is a sin to consume.

    Another noticeable change is the allowance of an Islamic community center broadcasting their call to prayer over loudspeakers five times a day. Several residents have complained, in the past, about the volume of the speakers, and questioned why those who engage in the activity of prayer cannot just use their own watches to know when it is time to pray.
    Other signs of change include the ability to purchase Halal meat, or permissible meat, from local vendors and resteraunts. In other places, during business hours, people may find shops temporarily closed with a sign on the door reading,

    “Gone To Prayer, Be Back Shortly.”
    “Gone To Prayer, Be Back Shortly.”
    After the election, and implementation of Islamic policies throughout the city, Mosque Leader Masud Khan said,

    “The Polish people think we were invading them… We were a big threat to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone.”

    “The Polish people think we were
    Tony Bermanseder 'Islam will UNITE the people'? Of course this is the plan of the ummah and the 'Nation of Worldwide Islam'. So no deception and no taqqia from this 'mainstream muslim' preacher, practising the stipulations of the Qur'an, the Hadiths and the Siras. Islamic peace will rule,when there is only one culture unified. Multiculturalism and 'religious relativism' implemented by the 'Religion of Peace, Love and Totalitarian Toleraism'.

    invading them… We were a big threat Puboff. to their religion and culture. Now their days are gone.”
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Violence in the Qur'an was copied from the Violence in the Torah
    (and kosher/halal restrictions like pork etc.)

    The Ontological Metaphysics behind the Physical Manifesto of Islam
    The Jihad of Islam and the Hadji of Logos

    The Resistance or Counter Movement to the Islamisation of Western Civilization by the Rationalisation of Fundamental Christianity as an Eschatological Alternative to Islam's "Islamic Nation" as a Politico-Religious Movement and Organization.

    An Open letter to all liberty centred individuals and political affiliates or friends of Roger Spencer, Pamela Geller and Geert Wilders.

    A Historical background of Islam as a Political-Religious Ideology and Organisation

    The fall of the orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire (New Eastern Rome, centred on Constantinople) in the seventh century to the Arabs in the Muslim conquests following the assassination of Maurice (reigning from 582-602) and the Byzantine-Sasanian war of 602-628 coincided with the establishment of what is called Islam in the historical records.;

    The Old Roman Empire (Old Western Rome) had deteriorated and lost its political influence by 530 and the Arab conquerers of the Byzantine Empire realized the attempt and success of its Roman predecessor to unify their jurisdictions by a religious philosophy or clerical rule for political purposes.
    So the 'times and life' of Muhammad ( 570-610- 632) can be associated with the political establishment of the Arab jurisprudence over their conquered territories, beginning in the historical records with the Rashidun Caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali - {Sunni lineage 632-661 with Shia lineage beginning with Ali 656-661}), followed by the Umayyad dynasties as successors after the supposed death of Muhammad in 632.
    The Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan (646-685-705) is said to have collected the Qur'an under editorial access by Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, the then governor, general and administrator of Iraq.
    The actual historical manifestation of the Qur'an and the appearance of Muhammad in the records does not appear until the caliphate of Abd al-Malik and even the canonical Islamic records show no distribution of the Qur'an until the the appearance of that caliph, said to have 'collected' and edited the Qur'an during his time of Arab-Islamic rulership.
    The name Muhammad and the present unfoldment of the Islamic ideology so begins to enter recorded history in this caliphate, the label of the Qur'an then becoming more prevalent in other non-Islamic Jewish and Christian accounts and records from the eighth century onwards.
    A case so can be made, that the prophet Muhammad of the Qur'an and the construction and dissemination of the Qur'an is rather closely associated with the Umayyad caliphate of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan.

    The prophet Muhammad could also be a label for a title or office for an exemplary personage, military leader or administrator to render the character and conduct of this model to become enshrined as 'holy law' and as infallible behavior, which should be copied and repeated as idealization. Additionally, 'Muhammad' as a title could become identified as the Muslim name for an equivalent signum such as 'Krystos' or 'Kristos' or Christ from an earlier tradition and as found within the remnants of the conquered territories, say the religion of an exiled Byzantine gnostic sect.
    The construction of 'Muhammad the servant and apostle or prophet of Allah' in the 8th Century in the Umayyad dynasty then could be an adaptation of Muhammad/Jesus, the Prophet of Allah as the Arabic translation for 'Jesus, the Prophet of Jehovah/Abba' from the earlier Christian tradition and without any then existing agenda for this conquest to become a self reenforcing validation of the political agenda as a veiled context of infallible and so coercive divinely inspired and transmitted lexicon of instructions named the 'Holy Qur'an'.
    The success of the Arab invasion in a military sense, so formed a valueable platform for the caliphates to establish political order and jurisdiction in the 'New Arabia' in the establishment of an overarching 'new religion', which could replace the older priesthoods as remnants found in the conquered lands.

    A distinction between Jehovah as the YHWH of Judaism and 'Abba the Father of Jesus in Heaven', (encoded as YHWHY and as a resymmetrisation of the Judaic Tetragrammaton into a Christian Pentagrammaton) must be made in the context of this article.
    Many of the physical atrocities committed by Islamic State and much of its global domination agenda is also found in a certain ultra orthodox interpretation of the Torah and Talmudic codices sans the New Testament.

    Robert Spencer's propositions as to the derivative of Islam as the youngest worldwide religion from older traditions based on Zoroastrianism, Judaism and Christianity so is fully supported in this essay, descriptive for the metaphysical or 'spiritual' ontology and purpose of Islam.
    Once Islam had become the official clerical administration in the Arabian kingdom, the amalgamation of those parts of the older religions considered suitable by the muslim administrators became the backbone and core for the Qur'an as the validation of Islam as being the final word of the creator.

    As 'Muhammad' could be used as a title and the claim of Christianity to the 'Krystos' was well established in Byzantine Christendom; the Islamic clerical administration decided to absorb the 'Krystos' title as the 'Prophet or servant or apostle of God' in 'Muhammad'. In this manner could the claim for Muhammad being the final and last prophet be justified, rendering Jesus Muhammad's forerunner or predecessor and who then had prepared the way for the final prophet Muhammad, apostle of Allah.
    This then became the absorption of the New Testament by Islam, centred on the title of 'Jesus the Christ' and omitting the rest of the New Testament and including the basic tenets of it, such as the death and resurrection of Jesus in the process as an irrelevant and unsuitable hindrance to the core political motivations of the by now muslim Arab nation.
    Orthodox Judaism rejected the New Testament as well and so to absorb Judaism, Islam was more sympathetic and akin to the Old Testament, the Torah and the Talmudic traditions. Islam so fully embraced the laws of Jehovah in terms of the 'conquering and administration' of the 'holy promised land' and those laws can be found in various details and derivatives in the Qur'an.
    The Torah also contains poetic treatizes of harmony and peace and love, even aligned to somewhat obscured sexual references, such as the Song of Songs of Solomon and the Psalms of David and the Proverbs and also futuristic dispensations in the Book of Isaiah, which contra more detailed actual historical accounts, such as the Books of Jeremiah and Daniel can easily be associated with any timeframe not particular to historical records in some chronological order, despite encompassing some historically verifiable references, such as to Assyria in Isaiah.37. It stands to reason then, that universal principles of poetry, art and cosmic harmony are also found in the Qur'an as adaptations from the Torah and older traditions from Zoroastrianism, if not from the New Testament and the literature of the pre- and post Christians sects such as can be found in the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran (essenes) in Israel or Nag Hammadi (gnostics) in Egypt.

    The western world in its blatant scientific materialism fails to understand that the motivation of Islamic State to act as it does is in no way a misrepresentation of islam as a religion of peace and love.
    Those tenets are indeed found in the Qur'an, but as a core copying effect from the Old Testament, such as its poetry and wisdom sayings found in many places.
    So the visions of the 'Greater Israel' as say portrayed in Isaiah as the Utopian New World and not placed into a particular timeframe becomes simply mirrored in the 'Great Nation Islam', the caliphate of Islamic State.
    The chronologies in the Torah, subject to historical analysis are all omitted in the Qur'an, such as Chronicles and Kings and time specific books like Jeremiah and Daniel.
    The name of the god of Judaism is well known from Exodus.3.14 as the 'I Am That I Am' and as the mystification in the kabbalistic tetragrammaton in YHWH. The 'prophet Moses' as a conquering patriarch, eliminating any resisting populations encountered in the conquered lands so fits in rather well into the Islamic agenda to conquer the world as the 'holy land' of Islam. So 'Moses' and a name which has more pharaonic linguistic derivatives, than Hebrew ones in Thutmosis and Ahmose and Rameses can also be considered a title which can be muslimized in 'Muhammad'. In this way then Islam blends the 'physically conquering 'Moses' with the 'spiritual' conquering of the 'Krystos' in the one honorific of 'Muhammad'.

    So if the god Jehovah of Judaism as found in the Torah is essentially the template god of Islam as Allah; then what is the difference?

    Jehovah has a son called Adam as his own 'perfect image' or veritas eikona. The reason of why Jehovah requires a son who then becomes a son with a daughter from the son is explored later; but Allah has no son, but both gods correlate in that both do not have a female companion to birth any sons or daughters. The reason for Eve the daughter is of course found in this physical dilemma. If Jehovah is male then where is the female? In the physical reality this becomes a paradox, but in the metaphysical ontology it becomes a cosmology preceded by a cosmogony.
    The cosmology is creation inclusive of an entire Quantum Big Bang Cosmology based on the 'Laws of Nature' and related to a 'Natural Philosophy' which unfortunately for the present invasion of the western civilization by islam has distanced itself in a blindfolded secularism from the original philosophy, which might be called a 'Perennial Philosophy' and which preceded and is the parent of the 'Scientific Philosophy'. If this cosmogony then can be modeled and constructed in a self consistent manner and (mathematical) logic; then the origins of space and time and any following cosmology such as a Quantum Big Bang creation event would be easily understood as the ontology for this cosmology.
    So then what is called the ''rationale of secular scientific-economic materialism' is like the world view or cosmology as believed in by a wayward 'prodigal son', who has forgotten or is in amnesia that he actually owes hisher existence to a mother and a father who together form his cosmogony or 'Genesis' and an origin which could be termed the 'Omni-Science of the Logos', encompassing and blending the physical realism of the cosmology with the metaphysics or spirituality of the cosmogony.

    Islamic State as the 'Eternal Nation Islam' with its value system based on a strict adherence to perceived spiritual principles became the replacement for the metaphysical omission of western civilization. Western culture in its 'political correctness' and multicultural sameness and economic priorities opened its cultural gates or Ba'bs (Arabic gate) of its own 'spiritual emptiness' or void in ignoring well understood 'dangers' to its long fought for principles of freedom of the individual and expression from other diametrically opposed principles, such as prioritizing the economic security of supplies over the danger of losing the valued and historically timeframe evolved principles of its 'free and democratic standards of society'. Appeasing the 'Nation of the Brotherhood of Islam' in the context of the United Nations and in the form of granting nationalistic group privileges becomes a treason by the political western administrators towards its own constituency in the betrayal of its stated constitutional egalitarianism for its citizenry.

    A true muslim, following his allegiance to his religion of Islam could never agree to forsake hisher spiritual fundamental position to assimilate and accept the basically anti-spiritual value system of the western civilization. So a true muslim is not a terrorist according to his metaphysical tradition, if he in any manner destroys parts or principles of any part of the 'Islamic State' not yet conquered by the 'Servants of Allah' in the model of Muhammad.
    A true muslim so cannot be assimilated into any value system which is not Islam.

    So what then is a secular muslim?
    A secular muslim is a true muslim who also fully adheres to the principles of Islam and as clearly stated in the Qur'an as the master guide book.
    A true muslim is invited to pretend not to be a true muslim, if this behavior and agenda serves Allah. In other words deception and lies (Taquia) are fully endorsed and in divine order, should such deception serve the overall islamic agenda of creating the global caliphate.

    The western assimilators and including youth workers and counsellers of 'radicalised' young muslims fail to realise that imploring the parents and the families of the 'radicalised' are not the 'unradicalised' and 'normal' and moderate muslims, who will be able to correct the aberrant behavior patterns of their misguided children of Islam.
    Would the parents and families do so, they would betray Islam and the Qur'an.
    To seek assistance from the imams and the muftis and the administrators of the islamic mosques indicates even more so, how the western assimilators have become blinded by their own sense of what a democratic civilization's citizenry should or must be.

    In terms of the metaphysics then, the great distinction between Judaism and Islam becomes the notion of a secular Jew and a secular Muslim.
    The westernization of Judaism has succeeded to a large extent in that the metaphysical core of Judaism has become the ultra orthodox faction in Israel and whilst this faction can be said to be the spiritual brother of the muslim in terms of their 'holy literature'; this spiritual brotherhood manifests iitself in a physics of total opposition as the war between the Arab and the Jew. As Pamela Geller has often said, it is not about the land it is a religious war, a war of ideas and information and there can never be a two-state solution of peaceful coexistence as is the dream of the assimilators.

    If there is a solution to the 'Middle East Crisis', then this solution must be metaphysical and not political. But the western mentality has eschewed and dismissed the metaphysical reality in its stated scientism and materialism. This 'prodigal spiritual son' is now reaping the consequences of hisher neglectfulness in the imminent loss of his own civilization. This civilization has reformed itself and has created and seeks the democratization of the world in its own image. This is precisely what Islamic State is doing and so despite the proclamations of the intelligentsia and the elitist political and economic classes in the western worlds, that this is not a clash of civilizations, it is just that.
    What the remnant of the western civilization fails to do, but Islamic State does rather well; is to present the 'Dream of Islam' as say in the 'Eternal Nation Islam'. Where is the 'Dream or Ideal Image' of the western world? Is it consumerism and advertising?
    Is it Individualisation at all costs and a separation of the group-consciousness into pockets of personal preferences, likes and dislikes?
    Is it about the relativity of truth, as the final climax of the relativism of opinion? Is it the godless world of a purposeless universe hosting purposeless individuals seeking and pursuing an ultimate meaningless existence?
    The Jihadist of Islamic State does not think so, but the elitist governors and administrators throughout western civilization do.
    Because science can explain the physical reality, in time all will be understood in a reductionistic materialistic realism?!
    Can science explain the metaphysical reality, which is rather real to Islamic State?
    It can, it has all the parts to do so. To blend the brilliant cosmology and technology and artistic culture it has developed with the ontology of this cosmology called cosmogony or the Ontology of a Science of the beginning, its own scientific genesis.
    But the elitists know almost nothing about it. So you cannot go to some library or university to find the metaphysical reality of modern science.
    Just like the Islamic State and Jihadism are dismissed as aberrations, as some punctuated equilibrium in the history and evolvement of the paradigm of science and a nexus in the timeframe of a civilization, so is the solution to the physical crisis mirrored in the world dismissed as fantasy and as valueless.
    The solution is translation of the archetypology and symbolism and language of Islam into a universal language. Doing this will harmonise and unify all religions and all the sciences in a 'New World' which then is the 'Eternal Nation Islam' and the 'New Israel Jerusalem' and a 'New Planetary Civilization' enabled to travel to the stars to explore the extraterrestrial universe.

    But here is the problem for the western civilization and which is no problem for Islamic State.
    The solution is not hidden; it is easily accessible by anyone. But it requires translation and the attempt to translate is disallowed by the western elitists and controlleurs as it is said to be divisive and private and has no place in the secularization and relativism of perception in a purposeless world of ultimate meaninglessness.
    As an example, one might present a scripture passage from the Old Testament or the New Testament or the Qur'an and state that this is more than is seen - it is a cosmic universal code as all such things are and including the suras and the hadiths of the Qur'an.

    But how does the western scientism believer react to it? Heshe dismisses it as some form historical text from the past and localized and individualized to personal preferences of both authors and readers.
    How does the jihadist react to it? He personalizes it just as the western scientist does, but the jihadist perceives immediate and present value and potency in what he processes in hisher mind contemplating the code.
    The code might be a letter or a word or a symbol or a sentence. Whatever it is; it is a means to create a mental image, a meme or a collection of memes called a memeplex.
    Memeplexes are the metaphysical reality, however dependent on some physical reality existing as a reference within say space or spacetime to create the memeplex.
    The Jihadist fully 'believes' in the reality of his own memeplex creation, whilst the western scientist dismisses it as some unreal imaginary fantasy in hisher head and brain. The belief of the scientist in the western civilization gives no credence to the memeplex of being in any way 'real' in the physical universe he explores and analyses.
    And so only the global scientist of both the figurative east and the reflective opposite west can even begin to use the western potency of analysis and criticism to find the solution to the 'wayward and radicalised' memeplexes the Jihadist eats for breakfast, lunch and tea.

    Isaiah.29: 11-13 - OT (King James Version -KJV)
    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
    13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:
    Titus 1:15 - NT
    Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.
    Zephaniah 3:9 - OT
    For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.
    The secular Israeli fully embraces the scientism of the western civilization and many have greatly supported and added to its lexicon. Albert Einstein is a secular Jew and one of the pillars of the western scientific paradigm and he is also a pacifist and believer in the rights of the individual.
    Did Albert Einstein deny his Jewish heritage - No?! Did he in any way feel, he betrayed the ultra-orthodox interpretation of the Torah and the Talmud of his countrymen - No?!
    Did he believe in the god of Judaism at all? Did he believe in the Christian god of the New Testament, the 'Father in Heaven' called Abba by Jesus and which might not be Jehovah at all and yet being related to the god of Moses at the 'Burning Bush' via the 'unspeakable' name of the YHWH? Did he believe in some mathematical and logical order inherently discoverable in the universe and which he might have called 'The Old One'?

    Then modern Israel is just that 'modernized' and reformed in the evolvement of its political history; secular in many parts and encompassing the principles and values of western civilization into which it has integrated and assimilated easily, whenever it did not practise its particular and specific memeplexes as held divine and sacrosanct by the ultra-orthodox parts of its family. The coexistence of the ultra-orthodox Jew with the orthodox Jew with the secular Jew then is encompassed by a common bond of a shared history and past, but the general evolution of the 'Family of Israel' within a greater global context is and was fully accepted.
    But if the general Jew would consider his nation's or family's memeplex regarding their sacred scriptural legacy as serious as the muslim does, then any Jew but the ultra-orthodox Jew would become a traitor and heretic relative to the letter of the law of Jehovah and Jehovah's prophet.

    But here is the key. Where is the 'Prophet of Jehovah'? It is not Moses, because the mosaic covenant and the prophets of the Torah predict the coming of a Jewish messiah and therefore Israel is still awaiting their redeemer.
    Orthodox Jewry has rejected Jesus of Nazareth as the prophet of Jehovah and therefore Jesus became the prophet of Abba. Abba so redeemed Jehovah in the form of the metaphysical order of the cosmogenesis of the creator memeplexes at the timeframe of 2 millennia ago. Why Jehovah requires redemption relates to his and Allah's self imprisonment in the said order of the memeplexes, which ultimately relate to the existence of the codes to which all memeplexes and so all religions and philosophies and belief systems and so on owe their existence. And it is there, where the western scientific rationalism would, if it had the necessary mentality and aptitude, would find its very own raison d etre'.

    All true muslims are ultra-orthodox and cannot be assimilated into any culture except Islam, but all true Israelites are secular to various degrees and only the ultra-orthodox Jew cannot be assimilated in the individual sense, but as a group within groups heshe nevertheless integrates in the greater context of the nation Israel. This integration is also a memeplex; namely the Nation Israel is also the patriarch Jacob renamed to Israel and so the individual Jew is the Nation.
    In eschatological terms, when the 'Prophet of Jehovah' appears in the orthodox group, it will also appear in the secular group as the 'Prophet of Abba' because the god of Christianity is Abba and not Jehovah and through the New Testament and the memeplexes related to Abba and Jesus and the Apostles and Disciples there are no longer any goyim or gentiles or infidels in the 'New Jerusalem' as an 'Eternal Nation Israel' which is both the global nation of a 'New World' and the Individual belonging to it as per the New Testament memeplex as a 'universal cosmic thoughtform' energized by the 'spirit' and a 'quantum wave' which can be translated into the omni-scientific code of 'electromagnetic monopolar radiation' (EMMR) as a memeplex transformation of abstract, but mathematical archetypes and symbols.

    The history of islam and its prophet, so can be reconfigured in the light of a non Islamic account of its own data base and infused with a rationale for the secular political reason for its existence. This agenda then can be compared and contrasted with the importance and influence of the philosophies and religious administrations contemporary with the islam of the caliphates.

    • No record of Muhammad’s reported death in 632 appears until more than a century after that date.
    • A Christian account apparently dating from the mid-630s speaks of an Arab prophet “armed with a sword” who seems to be still alive.
    • The early accounts written by the people the Arabs conquered never mention Islam, Muhammad, or the Qur’an. They call the conquerors “Ishmaelites,” “Saracens,” “Muhajirun,” and “Hagarians” but never “Muslims.”
    • The Arab conquerors, in their coins and inscriptions, don’t mention Islam or the Qur’an for the first six decades of their conquests. Mentions of “Muhammad” are non-specific and on at least two occasions are accompanied by a cross. The word can be used not only as a proper name but also as an honorific.
    • The Qur’an, even by the canonical Muslim account, was not distributed in its present form until the 650’s. Contradicting that standard account is the fact that neither the Arabian nor the Christians and Jews in the region mention the Qur’an until the early eighth century.
    • During the reign of the caliph Muawiya (661-680), the Arabs constructed at least one public building whose inscription was headed by a cross.
    • We begin hearing about Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, and about Islam itself in the 690’s, during the reign of the caliph Abd al-Malik. Coins and inscriptions reflecting Islamic beliefs begin to appear at this time also.
    • Around the same time, Arabic became the predominant written language of the Arabian Empire, supplanting Syriac and Greek.
    • Abd al-Malik claimed, in a passing remark in one hadith, to have collected the Qur’an, contradicting Islamic tradition that the collection was the work of the caliph Uthman forty years earlier.
    • Multiple hadiths report that Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, governor of Iraq during the reign of Abd al-Malik, edited the Qur’an and distributed his new edition to the various Arab-controlled provinces— again, something Uthman is supposed to have done decades earlier.
    • Even some Islamic traditions maintain that certain common Islamic practices, such as the recitation of the Qur’an during mosque prayers, date from orders of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf, not to the earlier period of Islamic history.
    • In the middle of the eighth century, the Abbasid dynastic supplanted the Umayyad line of Abd al-Malik. The Abbasids charged the Umayyads with impiety on a large scale. In the Abbasid period, biographical material about Mohammed began to proliferate. The first complete biography of the prophet of Islam finally appeared during this era—at least 125 years after the traditional date of his death.
    • The biographical material that emerged situates Muhammad in an area of Arabia that never was the center for trade and pilgrimage that the canonical Islamic account of Islam’s origin depend on it to be. (pp.205-206)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Wegmans bakery refuses to make cake for Ex-Muslims of North America, saying it might offend Muslims

    June 29, 2016 10:40 am By Robert Spencer 49 Comments

    UPDATE: Wegmans relented under pressure.
    Muslims didn’t even complain. Wegmans was just afraid that they might: “The associate further added that – the store had Muslim workers, ‘my employees may not know what this stands for, Ex-Muslims of North America, and I don’t have enough time and people to educate them on what it is,’ and although they were not sure if the employees would be offended, they ‘can’t put them in that situation.'”

    Of course, Wegmans. To put them in the situation of getting offended would be absolutely intolerable. No one should ever have to live with the fact that somewhere else, some people who believe differently are enjoying a cake. Cakes should always be denied to anyone who might somehow be offending Muslims. To allow such people to enjoy cake could turn out to be a mistake of explosive proportions.
    So now Christians are forced to bake gay wedding cakes, but “Islamophobic” cakes? Everyone agrees they’re beyond the pale.

    “Apostates refused service at Wegmans bakery – fear of invoking offense led to discrimination, says Ex-Muslims of North America,” Ex-Muslims of North America, June 20, 2016:

    Wegmans, a chain of 89 grocery stores, refused to bake and decorate a cake for a private celebration for those who have left the faith of Islam.
    The request included a picture of the Ex-Muslims of North America (EXMNA) name and logo, with a caption of “Congratulations on 3 years!”, but was refused by an associate from the Fairfax branch of the popular chain, stating that the request was “offensive”.

    EXMNA representatives called Wegmans bakery to clarify, and were refused again, with no explanation on why the logo, name, and caption was considered offensive.
    After conferring with management, the Wegman’s employee stated that her boss(es) would not change their stance on the issue. The associate further added that – the store had Muslim workers, “my employees may not know what this stands for, Ex-Muslims of North America, and I don’t have enough time and people to educate them on what it is,” and although they were not sure if the employees would be offended, they “can’t put them in that situation”.

    “I’m shocked by the denial,” said Muhammad Syed, the president of EXMNA. “There is nothing about our name or logo that can be considered offensive to any reasonable individual. There are some, however, who take our very existence as an affront to their faith, and to them I have only this to say: We have every right to exist and be proud of who we are, and we won’t back down.”

    EXMNA representatives reached out to the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the constitutional separation of state and church, who agreed that the actions of Wegmans employees were unlawful and discriminatory. “Refusing to provide services to a group on the basis of their religion or lack of a religion is a clear violation of federal, state, and local civil rights laws—one we hope the company will move quickly to correct,” said FFRF constitutional attorney Andrew L. Seidel.

    On behalf of EXMNA, FFRF is asking Wegmans to fulfill the original order without charge and educate its employees on their duty to serve patrons without discrimination.

    “Ex-Muslims around the world are persecuted and threatened, even by their own family and friends,” Syed continued. “We assumed that here, in the United States, we could go about our business without disruption. Unfortunately, even respectable businesses would rather turn away a persecuted group than risk offence.”

    Hillary ignores Istanbul jihad attack during town hall event, instead hits "Islamophobia"
    Parties vying for Muslim support could turn Malaysia into a hardline Islamic state

    Clausen: Wegmans says Ex-Muslims group can buy cake
    635548351978136855-Clausen-Todd2. Todd Clausen, @ToddJClausen 1:21 p.m. EDT June 23, 2016
    Buy Photo
    Wegmans Food Markets.(Photo: Staff file photo)Buy Photo

    Story Highlights

    • Wegmans Food Markets reverses decision to deny service to the Ex-Muslims of North America.
    • Workers at a store in Fairfax, Virginia, took offense with group's name, according to leaders.
    Wegmans Food Markets has done it again, fixing an issue raised by one of its customers.
    The all-everything, 89-store chain recently reversed a somewhat odd decision by some bakery workers in Fairfax, Virginia.
    It's where employees earlier this month refused to make a cake celebrating the third anniversary of the Ex-Muslims of North America, a nonprofit group of former followers of Islam with about 500 members in the Fairfax area. The group has about 24,000 total members.
    The cake was to include the group’s name, logo and a celebratory "Congratulations on 3 years" message.

    The Ex-Muslims of North America is a nonprofit group of former followers of Islam with about 24,000 total members. (Photo: Provided)

    But a worker found the order somewhat questionable. A supervisor went a step further claiming it was offensive, the Ex-Muslim group said. They decided to refuse service, and offered little explanation for their decision.
    It wasn't the message or the mirrored crescent moons of the logo that drew concern. It was the name Ex-Muslims of North America that was so bothersome.
    The decision didn’t sit well with the group.
    "There are some, however, who take our very existence as an affront to their faith, and to them I have only this to say: We have every right to exist and be proud of who we are," Muhammad Syed, president of the group, said in an online posting. "There is nothing about our name or logo that can be considered offensive to any reasonable individual."
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
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    The Inconvenient Truth About Jews From Arab Lands: They Were Expelled

    Adi SchwartzJune 1, 2014getty images

    Read more:

    (Haaretz) — Nathan Weinstock hadn’t planned to write a book about the Jews of Arab lands. But when he looked for information about the modern history of Moroccan or Iraqi Jewry, he was surprised to discover that there was no book in French that told the story of the elimination of the Jewish communities in the Middle East and North Africa in the mid-20th century.
    “In the end,” he says, “I decided to write it myself.”
    One of the surprising discoveries he made was about the powerful bond with their roots felt by many of the roughly 1 million Jews in North Africa and the Middle East who left their homes in the decade after the creation of Israel.

    “The story I knew,” Weinstock relates in a Skype interview from his home in Nice, in the south of France, “was that the Jews were happy to leave the Arab countries the moment they were given the opportunity to do so. We were not told anything about the Jews’ deep connection with Arab culture, for example. It was only later that I learned that Jewish writers were the foundation of Iraqi literature. And that in mid-19th-century Egypt, the man who invented the nationalist slogan ‘Egypt for the Egyptians,’ and was known as ‘the Egyptian Molière,’ was a Jew named Jacob Sanua.
    “In the course of my research,” he continues, “I found out that the story we had been told – that the Jews left the Arab countries because they were Zionists – was for the most part wrong. True, they had an affinity for the Land of Israel – that is certainly correct – but the organized Zionist movement was very weak in the Arab countries. The great mass of Jews left under duress. They were expelled. They were subjected to such enormous pressure that they had no choice but to leave.”

    Weinstock, a self-taught historian, now in his 70s, who previously published studies about the Bund movement in Eastern Europe and Yiddish literature, decided to assume the task of chronicling the expulsion of the Jews from the Arab countries. The result is a book that was published in France in 2008 as “Une si longue présence: Comment le monde arabe a perdu ses Juifs, 1947-1967” (“A Very Long Presence: How the Arab World Lost Its Jews, 1947-1967)” and has now appeared in Hebrew (Babel Books; translated by Hagit Bat-Ada).
    This is a very thorough, detailed, interesting and persuasive book, with more than 900 footnotes, and it is one of the first to deal in this context with the Jewish minority in Ottoman Palestine. Weinstock has mostly relied on secondary sources, but has also used some primary sources in French from the archives of the Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris, for example.


    I'm a Mizrahi Jew. Do I Count as a Person of Color?

    Sigal SamuelAugust 10, 2015

    What makes Weinstock’s decision to write about the Jews’ expulsion from the Arab world especially surprising is his own political biography: He was one of the leading figures in the anti-Zionist left in France during the 1960s and ‘70s. From viewing Israel and Zionism as a colonial project aimed at dispossessing the Palestinians, Weinstock underwent a dramatic conceptual upheaval that led him to address a painful and rarely discussed aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
    “This book is the story of a tragedy,” he writes in a special introduction to the Hebrew edition, “of the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Mizrahi Jews, who were torn cruelly from their homes and homelands. Whole communities of Jews, who had always resided in the heart of the Arab-Muslim world, underwent expulsion, persecution and malicious liquidations… Nevertheless, this drama remains unknown and it has been denied for a lengthy period.”

    Weinstock, who was born in Antwerp in 1939, espoused anti-Zionist, pro-Palestinian views even before the 1967 Six-Day War. As such, he was invited, three weeks before the war’s outbreak, to speak to the Palestinian students’ union in Paris. The Paris correspondent of the Israeli newspaper Maariv, Uri Dan, reported about the event at the time: “Most depressing of all was the appearance of Nathan Weinstock, a Jew, who had a place of honor on the stage and delivered the keynote address… Weinstock was even more extreme than the Arabs in the abuse he hurled against Israel.”

    In retrospect, Weinstock explains, that event showed him the degree to which he played the part of the “useful idiot” at the time. “I was thrilled when I got up to speak to the Palestinian students,” he told me. “Very naively, I was convinced that the Palestinian students would be happy to hear my pacifist message. So I was astonished when not one of them showed the least interest in what I said. Instead, they listened ecstatically to Radio Cairo, delighting in every word and swallowing the boastful announcements that the Arab armies would soon throw all the Jews into the sea.”

    In 1969, Weinstock published “Zionism: False Messiah,” an anti-Zionist pamphlet (in French; an English translation came out a decade later) that quickly became the bible of anti-Israeli propaganda in France. Gradually, however, he says, he became aware of “the anti-Semitic nature of the blind assault on Israel. First, ‘the Zionists’ are condemned, then the ‘Zionist takeover’ of the media, and finally ‘Zionist world domination.’ When I was quoted, my criticism of the Palestinians, however minor, was always omitted. In the end, I understood that I had been used. My listeners took no interest whatsoever in me. For them, I was a Jewish alibi for their anti-Jewish posture.”

    The straw that broke the camel’s back for Weinstock was the failure of the Camp David summit in 2000. “Once again the Palestinian leadership avoided taking responsibility,” he says. “The Palestinian leadership was cowardly, declining to tell their nation that one has to know when to conclude the struggle, because the central goal has been achieved.”

    How do you account for your polar reversal of position – from anti-Zionist guru of the radical left as a young man, to supporter of Israel today?

    “In the 1960s I was under strong Trotskyite influence, and I took a doctrinaire approach to issues – not based on a genuine attempt to analyze them, but in order to adjust them to simplistic, pre-set positions. The radical left has not reconsidered that period, and in many senses sounds exactly the same today. When one looks at who supports the Palestinians in Europe – and it is clear that the Palestinians do indeed have rights that need to be addressed – one sees that they don’t care about anything else: not the Armenians, not the Cypriot-Greek issue, not what’s happening in Western Sahara. Only one thing interests them, and I cannot accept that.

    “We also need to remember,” he continues “that Israel took a self-righteous stance in that period, and it was very difficult to voice criticism about its behavior. In the meantime, a generation of ‘new historians’ sprang up in Israel, such as Benny Morris, who took a realistic view of history. As in every country, there are dark areas in Israel which need to be examined. But has there been any country in history without dark corners that were kept hidden? This process is underway in Israel today – but where are the Palestinian ‘new historians’? To emerge from the tangle, the Palestinians must show courage and choose the path of coexistence with the Israelis. This is a task that only they can perform for themselves.”

    In 1945, Weinstock notes, almost one million Jews lived in the Arab world, whereas today there are about 4,500, the great majority of them in Morocco. According to Weinstock, there is no precedent for such a dramatic termination of Jewish communities anywhere in the world, including during the Holocaust. What, then, brought about the massive departure of Jews from the Arab countries? It was not Zionism that disconnected the Jews from their surroundings, he says. On the contrary: In most cases, the Zionist movement had a hard time mustering supporters. Jews also tried to become part of the Arab national-liberation movements. For example, the chief rabbi of Egypt during the mid-20th century, Chaim Nahum, often spoke out against Zionism; in Iraq, Jewish communists founded the Anti-Zionist League. Activist Jewish communists in North Africa expressed solidarity with the Maghreb peoples and were in the forefront of the demand for national liberation.
    Weinstock cites a large number of attacks and pogroms against Jewish communities that are rarely mentioned in history curricula in Israel. In 1912, 12 Jews were killed in Shiraz, Iran, and 51 were killed that year in Fez, Morocco. In 1934, 25 Jews were killed in the Algerian city of Constantine.

    In Iraq, 150 Jews were murdered in the Farhud of 1941, a three-day pogrom. Seven years later, upon Israel’s establishment, Iraq declared martial law and launched a wave of anti-Jewish persecutions. Many Jews were arrested, tried and convicted, some were sentenced to death, others were given jail terms or slapped with large fines. At this stage, the Jews were forbidden to leave the country, but in March 1950 Iraq allowed the Jews to emigrate, provided they gave up their citizenship and their property.

    “The ongoing deterioration in the Jews’ situation and the atmosphere of hate surrounding them led to a mass flight from the country,” Weinstock writes.
    The majority of the Jewish population (90 percent of the community of 150,000) left that year, amid a massive plundering of their property by the authorities.
    In Egypt, anti-Jewish disturbances broke out in November 1945, on the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, but the declaration of the State of Israel three years later triggered serious persecution. Hundreds of Jews were arrested, accused of involvement in Zionist or communist plots and had their property confiscated. Continuous attacks on Jews began that June. Bombs were planted in the Jewish quarter of Cairo, and it and the Jewish section of Alexandria were set ablaze. Half the country’s Jewish community left at that time, with the remainder being expelled during the Sinai War of 1956. The Jews who were driven out were not allowed to take with or sell their property.

    “The police arrived and pulled grocers, carpenters, woodworkers and glaziers – but also well-known lawyers – from their beds,” Weinstock writes.

    Is there anything in common among the different communities?

    “Yes, in terms of the legal and social status that the Jews shared under Islamic rule. They possessed dhimmi status, meaning ‘protected person.’ It afforded the Jews the authorities’ protection, but at the same time placed them in an inferior position, humiliated and scorned. Jews were not allowed to bear arms in these countries, in which carrying a weapon was considered a salient sign of manhood. In some cases, as in early-19th-century Morocco, Jews were made to go about barefoot, or to wear humiliating clothes.”
    In return for protection by the government, the Jews had to pay a special tax. “Nothing better describes the contempt entailed in the status of dhimmitude,” Weinstock writes, “than the ritual of humiliation that accompanied the annual payment of the subjugation tax in Morocco, as recently as the end of the 19th century. Every year, on a fixed date, the head of each Jewish community had to turn over the money to the sultan’s representative, who for his part had to slap [the Jew] or hit him with a stick in order to hammer home the inequality between giver and recipient, by nature of their birth.”
    In Yemen, the “Latrines Ordinance,” introduced in the same spirit, obliged the Jewish community periodically to clean out cesspools and clear away animal carcasses that blocked public roads. (The law remained in force until 1950.)

    Weinstock describes a very different state of affairs from the oft-voiced myth about the harmonious relations between Jews and Arabs under Islamic rule. Less than 100 years after the Ottoman sultan invited the exiles from Spain to settle throughout his empire, for example, one of his descendants, Murat III, ordered “the liquidation of all the Jews.” The sultan’s Jewish physician persuaded his mother to intercede, and the order was rescinded.
    Over the years, numerous laws were enacted that discriminated against the Jews – from a prohibition against horseback riding to the necessity of wearing particular clothing, and from a ban on giving testimony in court to a prohibition against building homes over a certain height.
    At the same time, Weinstock notes, the laws were not enforced identically in every place and in every period. For example, a study of the Cairo Geniza documents, which date back to the ninth century, shows that the clothing regulations were not observed at all.

    “There were periods in which the Jews succeeded very well in the Muslim world,” Weinstock says. “At times they were part of the elite. The dhimmi regulations and the scale of humiliation also differed from place to place and from one period to another. But the central axis that dictated the attitude toward the Jews was their dhimmi status, which meant subjugation to the ruling Muslim group.”
    Weinstock quotes a Moroccan sultan saying in the mid-19th century: “Our glorious religion grants them only marks of opprobrium and inferiority.”
    Weinstock also examines the situation in the Holy Land through the dhimmi prism. The Jewish minority that lived under Ottoman rule experienced humiliation and subordination, he says. Anti-Jewish riots were fomented time and again in the 18th and 19th centuries. He quotes the British consul in Palestine as writing in 1831 that the extortion and acts of suppression against the Jews were so numerous that it was said “that the Jews have to pay even for the air they breathe.”
    In the twilight of Ottoman rule, a century ago, the first “Hebrew city” was founded (present-day Tel Aviv), a revival of the Hebrew language began to be felt, and Jewish cooperative farming settlements were established. The local Arab population, Weinstock says, felt that the ground was being pulled from under it, as the dhimmi Jews, who were supposed to possess inferior status, were now striving for more – even for independence.

    According to Weinstock, underlying the growing hostility toward the Jewish population in Palestine was the realization that the dhimmi Jews were shaking off their traditional legal status of humiliation and submission. In retrospect, the writer maintains, dhimmi status, on the one hand, and the declared attempt by the Zionist movement to be free of it, on the other, led ultimately to the Arabs’ rejection of the United Nations partition plan in 1947 and to the War of Independence the following year.
    Local Palestinians and the Arab world refused to grant the Jews of the country a status different from dhimmi, and they were even less likely to recognize the Jews’ national rights. Zionism, for its part, could not accept Arab sovereignty over all of Palestine, a situation in which the Jewish minority would again find itself under dhimmi status. “Historically, then,” Weinstock says, “dhimmi status is the root of the conflict.”

    What impact does this relationship have today?

    “It continues to affect Israeli-Arab relations even today, because in Arab eyes the Jew who now lives in Israel is the same Jew whom they customarily saw as humiliated – and who is now taking his revenge. The Arabs experience Israel’s establishment and existence to this day as very painful revenge and as the reversal of dhimmitude. This is a very meaningful and deep aspect of the current political problem, which we cannot allow ourselves to ignore. Without
    understanding this, it is impossible to understand the conflict.”
    Then why is it not dealt with more by academics and the press?
    “For the Jewish world, the reason is that Ashkenazi Jews, in Israel and elsewhere, continue to be indifferent to and even disdainful of the Mizrahi Jews. For the Arab world, this should come as no surprise, as self-criticism is not popular among Arab journalists, intellectuals and public-opinion leaders. With the exception of a very short incidental note by [the late Prof.] Edward Said in one of his books, it is hard to find serious references to the massive emigration of Jews from the Arab countries and its causes.
    “The left tends to avoid the subject, because they don’t consider it ‘kosher.’ The left has become extraordinarily dogmatic and lacks the ability of self-criticism today. People define themselves as identifying with ‘the Palestinian cause,’ and that’s all: There is no thought behind it. This subject might upset their one-sided worldview, so they simply avoid it.

    For more stories, go to or to subscribe to Haaretz, click here and use the following promotional code for Forward readers: FWD13.

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    Last edited: Jul 1, 2016
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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Trump: “Incitement and preaching of hate by the Palestinian leadership…must end immediately”

    July 2, 2016 10:59 am By Robert Spencer 57 Comments
    After seven and a half years of Obama ignoring “Palestinian” incitement and pressuring Israel to make disastrous concessions to the “Palestinian” jihadis, this is most refreshing. The “Palestinian” airwaves are filled with genocidal incitement on a constant basis. Yet few American politicians have ever been willing to point to this as a source of the ongoing violence.

    “Trump: PA must act against ‘barbaric’ attacks on Israelis,” Times of Israel, July 2, 2016:

    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump called Friday for the Palestinian Authority to take action against violence by Palestinian terrorists, shortly after an Israeli man was killed in a shooting attack on his family’s car in the West Bank.
    “Yet another terrorist attack today in Israel — a father, shot at by a Palestinian terrorist, was killed while driving his car, and three of his children who were passengers were severely injured,” Trump wrote on Facebook.
    “I condemn this latest terrorist attack and call upon the Palestinian leadership to completely end this barbaric behavior,” he wrote.
    “I also call upon President Obama to recognize and condemn each and every terrorist attack against our allies in Israel. This cannot become the ‘new normal.’ It has to stop!”
    A day earlier, Trump urged the PA to take steps to halt incitement to violence, in his response to the “heinous murder” of 13-year-old Israeli-American Hallel Yaffa Ariel in her home in the settlement of Kiryat Arba.
    “I am shocked by the heinous murder of 13 year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who was attacked by a Palestinian terrorist while she was sleeping in her bedroom. I extend my deepest condolences to the Ariel family,” Trump said.
    “The continuing incitement and preaching of hate by the Palestinian leadership, and the glorification of terror must end immediately. I call upon the leadership of the Palestinian Authority to condemn this murder and to take concrete steps to end this barbaric behavior.”
    By Saturday afternoon, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas had yet to condemn either attack, although he has condemned previous violence against Israeli civilians. The PA also came under criticism for referring to Ariel’s killer as a “martyr.”
    Trump vowed Thursday that as president he would protect Israel “100 percent,” telling a supporter at his rally in New Hampshire that, “Israel is a very, very important ally of the United States and we are going to protect them 100% — 100%. It’s our true friend over there.”…

    Bangladesh: Muslims murder 20 hostages, 13 others saved
    Al Quds Day and the jihadist mantra: “death to America, death to Israel”
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    Hugh Fitzgerald: I’m With the “Ignorant Masses” – What About You?

    July 1, 2016 3:25 pm By Hugh Fitzgerald 45 Comments


    In the pages of Foreign Policy (a publication as “elite’ as all get-out), James Traub argues, with a stab at comic cliché reversal, that in the Western world “it’s time for the elites to rise up against the ignorant masses.” For it is those “ignorant masses” that voted for Brexit against the advice of their economic betters, and it is those “masses” who have been blindly, even viciously, “nationalistic.” In Traub’s lexicon, this signifies that those masses want to limit the migrant invasions, which means not just Polish plumbers taking jobs away from the English in Upper Chippenham or hawthorn-hedged Little Gribbling, as some news accounts would have you believe, but also, and much more worrisome, the influx of Muslims who have been arriving, without so much as a by-your-leave, all over the E.U., causing distress and mounting fear that is bound to grow as Muslim numbers increase.

    If the Polish plumbers are resented because they take jobs away from the natives, part of the resentment of Muslims is because so many don’t take any jobs at all, preferring to batten on the West’s generous benefits. And the “ignorant masses” are the people who actually have to live with these new arrivals, bear the brunt of the Muslim presence in their schools and hospitals, on their subways and buses, at community pools and playgrounds, while the “elites,” cushioned by money, and their own smug complacency, not only refuse to recognize the effect of this Muslim invasion, but mock their fellow countrymen for worrying so much about Islam.

    James Traub should be putting his faith not in those who today pass for an “elite” (today’s “elite” in the Western world is defined less by intellect than by wealth), but, rather, in an imagined earlier “elite,” consisting of those in America and Europe who wrote most perceptively about Islam. For Islam is what is haunting Europe, filling so many with dread, even if they are made to feel that it is unseemly or wrong to express such feelings, and that explains the success of the so-called “right-wing” or “populist” movements and parties in Europe, as these reflect and express the fears of those whom Traub — and today’s “elites’ — so unsympathetically describe as the “ignorant masses.”

    The prime American candidate for membership in that imagined “elite” would surely be the redoubtable John Quincy Adams. (And Traub, it should be noted, knows a lot about J. Q. Adams, having just published a biography of Old Man Eloquent.) For Adams was not only the son of a President, but a President himself, the most learned of all of our Presidents before or since, outshining even Jefferson. He was also a deep student of Islam. It is instructive, and salutary, to be reminded of what John Quincy Adams wrote about that faith.

    No one in the early American Republic was favorably impressed with Islam. The views of American leaders were derived from their experiences in attempting to suppress the Barbary Pirates, and in negotiating with Muslim emissaries from the North African states under Ottoman suzerainty. President John Adams, for example, had extensive dealings with the North African Muslims, including treaty-making with, and then treaty-breaking by, the Bey of Tripoli, that led him inexorably to a negative view of Muslims and Islam. In the Treaty of Tripoli he stated that “the United States has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Muslims,” which merely meant that the young Republic had nothing a priori against Islam. Apologists for Islam like to quote that statement, failing to note that it was merely pro forma, and in any case Adams came to regret it. But his son John Quincy Adams, though he lacked his father’s immediate experience with Muslims, had studied both the ideology of Islam and the history of Islamic conquest, and wrote more knowledgeably about Islam than any other American of note.

    J. Q. Adams succinctly described the duty of Jihad thus:

    The precept of the Koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force.

    And Adams recognized the misogynistic aspect — the “violence and lust” — of Islam in similar unflinching terms:

    In the seventh century of the Christian era, a wandering Arab of the lineage of Hagar [i.e., Muhammad], the Egyptian […..] Adopting from the new Revelation of Jesus, the faith and hope of immortal life, and of future retribution, he humbled it to the dust by adapting all the rewards and sanctions of his religion to the gratification of the sexual passion. He poisoned the sources of human felicity at the fountain, by degrading the condition of the female sex, and the allowance of polygamy; and he declared undistinguishing and exterminating war, as a part of his religion, against all the rest of mankind. THE ESSENCE OF HIS DOCTRINE WAS VIOLENCE AND LUST.- TO EXALT THE BRUTAL OVER THE SPIRITUAL PART OF HUMAN NATURE…. Between these two religions [Christianity and Islam], thus contrasted in their characters, a war of twelve hundred years has already raged. The war is yet flagrant … While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men.

    J. Q. Adams stood virtually alone as an American student of Islam. After the Barbary Pirates episode, few Americans paid attention to Islam until late in the 20th century.

    But in Europe, given the long conflict between Islam and Christendom, many more wrote about Islam than in the United States. We might include in our imagined “elite” such Europeans as the political philosopher Montesquieu, who noted that “it is a misfortune to human nature, when religion is given by a conqueror. The Mahometan religion, which speaks only by the sword, acts still upon men with that destructive spirit with which it was founded.”
    And the Scottish moral philosopher David Hume:

    The admirers and followers of the Alcoran insist on the excellent moral precepts interspersed through that wild and absurd performance. But it is to be supposed, that the Arabic words, which correspond to the English, equity, justice, temperance, meekness, charity were such as, from the constant use of that tongue, must always be taken in a good sense; and it would have argued the greatest ignorance, not of morals, but of language, to have mentioned them with any epithets, besides those of applause and approbation. But would we know, whether the pretended prophet had really attained a just sentiment of morals? Let us attend to his narration; and we shall soon find, that he bestows praise on such instances of treachery, inhumanity, cruelty, revenge, bigotry, as are utterly incompatible with civilized society. No steady rule of right seems there to be attended to; and every action is blamed or praised, so far only as it is beneficial or hurtful to the true believers.

    And Tocqueville, that keen social scientist:

    I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself. (Letter to Arthur de Gobineau, Oct. 22, 1843)

    And finally, Winston Churchill, as “elite” a voice as James Traub could conceivably want, whose observations about Islam as a young man remain shudderingly acute:

    How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

    A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
    Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

    Hume, Montesquieu, Tocqueville, Churchill, and John Quincy Adams constitute an “elite” of the intellect whose members, it should be clear from their piercing remarks on Islam, would today agree not with those who currently pass for our “elites” but, rather, with the people whom James Traub dismisses – agree, that is, that there is ample justification for the deep anxiety the masses feel about the place of Islam in Europe’s future. So which “elite” should we heed? That of today’s faceless Brussels bureaucrats, and the smug disembodied voices on the BBC, the members of the political and media establishments in Europe who for years have refused to acknowledge the nature of Islam, and continue to defame those who do as “islamophobes” and “far-right” and “racists,” or should we favor that other “elite” from the intelligent past whose members comprehended Islam all too well?

    To my mind it is obvious which of those “elites” understood the meaning and menace of Islam, which means countenancing, and in Europe voting for, the “populist” parties that, James Traub tells us, only the “ignorant.masses” could possibly support.

    What about you?

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    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016

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