The Reporting of Information of Events associated with Islam

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Faces of Islam: Muslim Woman Gang-Raped and Beheaded [3.0]

    What began as a nice evening of laughing, singing and dancing…

    ..ended with an innocent, young Muslim woman being gang-raped and beheaded by a group of Muslim male rapists.

    shar1. shar2.


    Video courtesy of: Our friend and colleague “B” @ BNI.

    It just so happened that the Muslim perpetrators of the gang-rape recorded the entire event on their mobile phones. This helped authorities locate and prosecute them. The men hanging in the last couple minutes of this video were the rapists that were all captured and sentenced to death.

    Ah.. what a beautiful religion allah hath made.

    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    sjw-.36244. islampoig-.36245. modkoran-.36246.


    An Expose of Human Mentality regarding Islam versus Christianity versus Atheism


    Keene Tiedemann3 months ago
    Imam can't defend his faith. Simple as that.


    Adrian Mercado1 month ago
    Host: "Imam, can you counter Spencer's points theologically?" Imam: "Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer should be banned from Britain."


    chica4763 weeks ago
    +JYC987654321 May God protect you and the Christians in the Middle East.


    Captain Kamakazi1 month ago


    Mario Garcia Gomez1 month ago
    +Adrian Mercado Typical response of any muslim that can not defend the undefendable Islam.


    JYC9876543211 month ago
    +Adrian Mercado - "Imam: "Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer should be banned from Britain." Another obvious observation that there is no such thing as moderate Muslim. It is so funny how Muslims, living in a western society, demands non-Muslims to be banned for contesting their history. UK wake up!


    chica4763 weeks ago
    +JYC987654321 May God protect you and the Christians in the Middle East.


    chica4763 weeks ago
    Muslims can't go without practicing Taqiyya.


    LambentTyto4 months ago
    Why do Muslims think they can defend the Quran by attacking the bible? lol.


    Angelface Speakstoyou6 days ago
    +LambentTyto nobody beats the bible


    Yoyo Ball4 months ago
    +LambentTyto Because they're idiots.


    bingola454 months ago
    +LambentTyto Because a lot of the people who speak out against them start spouting from the Bible.


    TheMaleRei4 months ago
    +LambentTyto Because it's the game of "Well, you do it too!" Unless there's something else backing it up, it's a vapid and empty argument.


    disarmsox3 months ago
    +LambentTyto It's a diversion tactic used by the left and Islamist deniers, to bring another religion in to the conversation to defect any attention or criticism away from Islam.


    Nunya Dibness3 months ago
    +LambentTyto It is basic equivocation. When you can't defend your own position you pick on your opponents.


    DancerVeiled3 months ago
    +LambentTyto Meanwhile admits he doesn't know the Qur'an as well as an infidel.


    dandl doouu3 months ago
    +LambentTyto they also justify rape and sex slavery and pedoiphilia because mohammad did it.


    COZMICTOM3 months ago


    Sadiq Abdul Malik2 months ago
    because a lie unchallenged becomes a truth by default.


    Dumb Ox2 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik The Koran IS the lie ... ZERO evidence that Islam is from God.


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM Not true.


    kingdom come2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM that's not a good enough reason to be athiest friend.... you don't have to be a part of a religion to believe in "God". Everything that is "established" for a period of time corrupts, and that includes "religions" and governments.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    kingdom come2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM You don't believe any of what bullshit? not even agnostic? or are you full blown materialist? Have you ever studied anatomy in depth (just curious)? Kind of off topic, but a better thing to do would be go find out who patents cancer treatment drugs in order to make a profit, and then go by the government regulatory commission and find out why with over 50yrs of research and 100's of billions of dollars they haven't helped to find any cure or even a way to slow the spread of cancer cells down with the regulation they have implemented w/in society, yet they still ask for "cancer research" funding, maybe instead of bringing "cancer awareness" to the population by putting little pink stickers on their cars talking about how one has given to the same people that are inept (we all know someone who has died from it after all), maybe bring "corruption of cancer research" to the masses and show how doctors have their hands tied (and even jailed and killed ) by the government and "established" corporations that profit from all of the "research", that lobby to not allow (by law) doctors to broaden their scope of materials used for trials and research .... not blame a "god" for bringing a life into such a world as this. We are creators ourselves, we really need to take it seriously and start acting responsibly and wisely with that power... I had to get that out (I too have a soft spot for children and injustice as a whole), but we can do something about those babies dying of cancer if we as Theists or Athiests or agnostics come together and choose to make it happen. Death is a part of life in the deficient material (follow that back to the origin of the universe and it's obvious there MUST be more than just the material), we don't know what is on the other side after we die.... those babies are innocent, and at least within the theists point of view, there is rectification for the moral problems and injustice that we perceive while here. - long reply I know, I hope it was worth reading.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    kingdom come2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM You have plainly explained that. Good luck to you.


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM Please kill yourself


    COZMICTOM2 months ago (edited)


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM No. Filth like you should kill themselves. I'm far more valuable to society than gutter rats like you.


    jpearson5682 months ago
    +COZMICTOM that's fine but you do understand you are the lowest of the low in muslims eyes, atheists are the lowest scum as far as they believe, I am a thirst too..just letting you know you will be slaughtered first if they are aware, we all need to rid the western world of this cancer.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    jesus7es7dios72 months ago
    +LambentTyto perhaps, Christians should do exactly the same and demonstrate how the quran is fake... and how the word of God is the Bible... Perhaps, the UN should force islamic nations to accept christian ministries in these countries to take the word of God to every single block and city in these countries.. after all, there seems to be allowance of these muslim groups in america.... i say, Christians are more tolerant about muslims, than muslims are about Christians...


    Daniel Burke2 months ago
    +LambentTyto It's also what all liberal appeasers do. You should see their confusion when you tell them you think ALL religion is bad. They have nowhere to go.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    kingdom come2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM .... go ponder on what we understand about the universe, through our solar system out through the galaxy... in scheme of things and judging from scientific observable "fact", man shouldn't exist either. The Truth stares you in the face every time you look in the mirror. If we exist in this vast nothingness along with the potential we have, and all of this with such a limited perspective, denying what some would deem "supernatural" is the most arrogant thought one can make... of course this is in my opinion, and you are allowed to have yours as well. It's just a shame you can't see what is right in front of you.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    COZMICTOM2 months ago (edited)


    kingdom come2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM ... who said anything about the bible or quran? I'll go back to my original question, why must you be a part of a specific religion to believe in "God"?.... the truth is there for YOU to find not for me to show it to you, that's how it works. If I bring forth enough evidence to force your conscious to accept the reality there is a "God" then you would not have much of a choose in the matter, besides like everything else in life, much greater reward comes from hard work... and that's the game, the choice to seek and find while you are here or to deny until you die and the truth is forced on you. It's your choice, and no amount of evidence I bring forward will be sufficient for a hardcore skeptic, you will have to prove it to yourself. Seek and ye shall find.


    COZMICTOM2 months ago


    kingdom come2 months ago (edited)
    +COZMICTOM .... I gave you proof, you are just too lazy to verify. "The burden of proof" lol, get out of here, you want material proof of something that is non material and you want someone else to give it to you??? can you not reason this puzzle out on your own, or do you need others to do it for you? You pick and choose which pieces of the "bible" to use just as the muslims pick the pieces out of the quran to use when they need it, both are deceptive and untruthful.... at least be honest with yourself and actually seek. But I won't comment anymore. Good luck to you. Your stubbornness to even acknowledge a reasonable argument in turn shows what you are seeking. Don't troll your life away...


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +COZMICTOM Show proof of love....


    Daniel Burke2 months ago
    +IBERJEN You haven't shown anything, you half brain.


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +Daniel Burke The clouded mind sees nothing.... Dim wit.


    Daniel Burke2 months ago (edited)
    +IBERJEN It's hard for any mind to see something that isn't there, haha. Oh, maybe not. Since so many like yourself believe in an invisible sky god. I guess what I mean is - anyone WITH a brain to begin with.


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +Daniel Burke You should kill yourself and find out


    Daniel Burke2 months ago
    +IBERJEN That's about the size of your logic, isn't it? Disgusting attitude to go with disgusting brainwashing haha


    IBERJEN2 months ago
    +Daniel Burke Seriously. A gutter rat like you should really find out.


    GTR MAN3 weeks ago
    The Bible is a book of fiction written by many people over many years. Religion is to blame for division and conflict. Religion is a cancer.


    IBERJEN3 weeks ago
    +GTR MAN Communism killed more.


    kingdom come3 weeks ago
    ... "conflict"... good choice of words. Division and conflict are a deficient part of man's fallen nature regardless of the organization that is built by us. It's no surprise that some religions cause conflict and division. Just as some social movements and govts do. At least with the Christian Religion, they are told to love their enemies and give people the freedom that "God" granted when they were created (life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and freedom to choose while "alive" how to accomplish those things regardless of whether they participate in the ideology/belief system or not).


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    Attacking the Bible?The Bible does a good job at that by itself.... Isiah 35 and 60 the Truth of Islam.....I leave it up to you to figure it out..If God wants to guide you He will guide you...


    COZMICTOM3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 AMEN


    Tim v1.02 weeks ago
    They think they can defend the Quran by citing the muck in the Bible because many times Islam is being criticized in relation to other religions, specifically the other Abrahamic religions -Judaism and Christianity. Islam is much easier to pick apart when an irrational dedication to another equally unsupported faith doesn't get in the way.


    elcap222 weeks ago
    +LambentTyto cause thats their best defence lol


    COZMICTOM2 weeks ago


    LambentTyto2 weeks ago
    +COZMICTOM And don't forget camel piss.


    Angelface Speakstoyou6 days ago
    +LambentTyto nobody beats the bible


    Alan Marr5 months ago
    If we don't act the Moslems will take over !


    Mohammed Patel1 week ago
    +MAXIMUM POWER well at least you are enjoying entertaining yourself


    Yehya5 months ago
    +Alan Marr Totally agree .Europe will be an islamic state by 2050 due to high birth rate of muslim immigrants and God know what is going to happen ,another middle east !


    Steven Younadim4 months ago
    That ship has sailed over and over again they already took over


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Steven Younadim So are we all going to surrender to the Islamic invasion?


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr yes sir u are right it is the will of god in both books. read the book of revelation what will jesus establish when returns will he establish a government where religiouse plurality will be accepted and protected , will he uphold gay unions , will establish the overall across the board legalization of drugs , will he walk hand in hand with BRUCE JENNER IN TRIBUTE TO HIS COURAGE , WILL HE declair porno a justifiable artistic expression to be admired, will he lift the tax on alcohol and replace al its commercial icons WITH HIMSELF giving it a semi divine seal of approval , will he involve himself personally in INTERFAITH DISCUSSIONS acknowledging the existence of other gods and there right to be worshiped. will he establish a completely democratic form of government. will he direct that all forms of worship now be dedicated to him and that he alone CAN WORSHIP THE GOD WHO CREATED HIM . WHATS YOUR guess sir


    Steven Younadim4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik what dose that have to do with MUHAMMAD begin a faggot that took two dicks up his ass DID YOU KNOW MUHAMMAD TOOK ONE UP HIS ASS AND ANOTHER IN HIS ASS MUHAMMAD EVEN SWALLOW SPERM


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik The way you write in such an incoherent way I suspect you are taking some substance , although some of your points are valid. However your faith relies on coercion whilst mine relies on love. That is the fundamental difference between us! We are supposed to love our neighbour even if he is not of our faith, whilst you must persecute those not of your faith at worst and at best treat them as inferiors!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Steven Younadim I doubt it, that would mean he copied your mother bruce jenner


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr thank you sir for your response. first of all the consumption of drugs and alcohol is not in the realm of even imaginary possibility for a faithful Muslim .It is divinely prohibited in scripture and perspicuously explained to us by the prophet.that possibility is more closely attributed with an extreme amount of accuracy to those of your culture and faith. culturally consumption of alcohol is a legality made possible through the legislative process that IS REFLECTIVE OF THE POPULAR WILL OF THE PEOPLE.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr spiritually the consumption of alcohol is allowed and given justification refer to - PROV.31;7 , 1 TIM.5;23 , MT.26;29 this particular verse in fact is a verse that justifies the indulgences of the weekend with only a minimal amount of tampering which Christianity is relentless in practicing .as far as coercion it is the driving force and foundation of your faith Paul was its greatest advocate and committed implementer refer to 1cor.9;20 he thaught nothing of manipulating that which god described as eternal covenants in order to attract the gentile.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr as far as your comparison of your so called faith and islam it only reflects the ideal that Christians have never believed or actively demonstrated .it is stated by all of secular and theological scholarship that rome was much more tolerant of religion before christianity than after it. Christians were not tolerant of religiouse diversity among themselves to say that tolerance was extended to other faiths was and is an exercise in hatred of reality and the devaluation of logic . here is an example


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr America went to war in 1941 and termed the struggle as the fight of freedom against totalitarianism and that no race could claim superiority over others they sited the speaches of hitler to drive home the point it was America proclaiming the ideal while devoid of its reality and practice.while hitler was articulating his position to great acceptance by the masses of germans who by the way were Christian America for 400 years went from slavery , to jim crow , to segregation of the races on the basis OF COLOR, SO WHILE HITLER ARTICULATED THE IDEA IN SPEACHES AMERICA WAS ACTIVLY IMPLEMENTING IT


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr and perfecting it. in fact the vary forces of the united states were themselves segragated soldiers of color were separated as inferior to there white counterparts and served only in support units as uniformed free servants . the dropping of the atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki was an act of racial murder and revenge without historic justification once dissected historically and stratigically .no mention of the founding fathers owning slaves nor a constitution that renderd the black man less than human in a constitutional amendment is even subject for discussion other than the fleeting moment of confrontation with reality.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  truly the American indian calling the white man a speaker with a forked tongue was a statement of profound truth when looked at in the context of history. a truth so profound so in tune with immunity of rejection that it must produce because of the danger of its nature the rejection of reality by the accused  in desperate acceptance of an ideal that provides the bliss of denial and the sanctity of the status quo . it is the stuff that dooms solution and punishes mankind. I do not proof read so excuse my many mistakes that disrespect with callus disregard the veneration of the written form . glean if you will from my effort the validity of the truth as it vindicates me from my clear inadequacies.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik It is interesting to note the clear difference between Islam and Christianity exemplified in current happenings. In the Middle East and elsewhere in the the Islamic world Christians are being persecuted and killed in their thousands. Yet in Europe 12 million Moslem live comfortable lives often subsidised by us Christian taxpayers without any real persecution and protected by our forces of law and order. The same can be said in N. America. Which is the religion of hate , from current events it is apparent to even the most stupid person . I know I would rather be a Moslem in a Christian country then a Christian in a Moslem one!.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik One has to consider how the Japanese treated other races including the Chinese , Malays and Burmese. Millions were treated despicably. Worse than any European behaviour , read the "Rape of Nanking' for a start!


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik From what I have seen vast numbers of Moslems apparently spend their days drugged up on Kat even your so-called devout ones!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  thank u sir for your post. but your response is devoid of rationality in other words your saying that the eminent domain Christianity claims as far as its mercy, compassion, and example of right conduct, is as I said prior, simply a convenient idealism that simply being adopted as a creed is entirely sufficient that is not obligated to nor defined by active sincere implementation is this what your claiming. again I refer back to the white man speaks with a forked tongue it is a historical redundant constant.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr it even manifested within the inter relationships of Christians themselves America was annexed by people from England seeking freedom from religious persecution NOT FROM MUSLIMS BUT FROM OTHER CHRISTIANS.Having come from that reality you would think that this country having come by way of theft would have been a safe haven where that inter-christologic persecution would not be practiced or tolerated but the opposite was the historical reality. the pilgrims persecuted the quakers and that same persecution continued involving other Christian denominations on into today as we live and breath


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr before I forget this Christian on Christian persecution is one of the loudest proofs that destroy even a comical suggestion that jesus is god. jesus in the book of prays for the disciples and the body of Christ to be guided, guided should equal by definition unity across the board but the absolute antithesis was and is the case . DOES GOD PRAY TO GOD AND NOT ANSWER HIS OWN PRAYER? If diversity under some twisted definition of freedom of choice was your plan  that would involve by definition division ,hatred,wars and the dark ages why make the prayer why ask of yourself to fulfill that which defies your eternal plan.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Do you live in a Moslem country or do you choose to live among people like myself of an alien culture to yours. I do not live in N. America but in Europe. In manyMoslem countries I could not practice my faith , however in Europe Moslems can freely practice theirs . Is there something wrong with Moslem countries not to allow freedom of religion? Can you answer this!


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Isn't it wonderful you are able to criticise my faith. If as a Christian I criticised Islam in an Islamic country I would probably at best be flogged at worst executed. Why don't you face reality many of your co-religionist do not behave as people in the 21st century should!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr also consider that there never was a Christian orthodoxy that reflected the guidance of jesus or the teachings of the disciples .it was a desperate power grab that even involved tampering of scripture in order to link a sect to scripture thus providing a legitimate claim to orthodoxy . it was a fight for power that in all comparisons was equal to the power struggle between the 5 FAMILIES IN THE GOD FATHER MOVIES I mean almost exactly .


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Why don't you answer my questions you daren't I suppose!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  as to your vary astute comment on kat, its usage is prohibited in all aspects of the Quran and Islamic jurisprudence IT IS A CULTURAL characteristic and tradition that goes back 1,000s of years even before the advent of Jesus I have never drunk red bull or any of the energy products such as 5 hour energy I am told that the effect is equal to that of kat. remember these were basically pastoral or nomadic cultures who depended on intense effort 4 survival energy therefor was immensely crucial . having said that unlike western culture it is not a governmentally legislated legality available as an option without fear of persecution or prosecution and there sir is the marked difference .


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr final comment European behavior was much more savage. western style implementation of war has as part of its military strategy the intentional targeting of non combatants in major population centers .the military tactics of day lite bombing , precision bombing, night time high altitude bombing, carpet bombing .the invention of napalm used on dresdin ,hamburg, Tokyo and other population centers in japan that were dominated by houses made of bamboo testify to a savagery unsurpassed in the history of man. today the tradition continues but with words that legitamise the savagery making it antiseptic and reflective of the superiority of western culture


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  the terms are SMART BOMBS , GUIDED MISSLES , AND MY FAVORIT SURGICAL STRIKE = killing with the skill and dexterity of a brain surgeon . is this manipulation and usage of words brilliance or is it in reality symptomatic of a society disconnected from reality in hatred and avoidance of accountability and responsibility comfortably NUMM DRUNK WITH THE WINE OF POWER. BOTH CHOICES are joined at the hip and both are shameful and thusly both have the impact of a solitary tear hitting the ground in a forest without paths.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik The People of the Middle east ie. Moslems are also very happy to use these weapons also plus of course poison gas. Islam would have taken over Europe had Europe not been able to defend itself. Would a Moslem Europe have made the same great scientific achievements. which of course you enjoy!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr who invented poison gas  SO YOUR SUGGESTING MUSLIMS GO TO GUN FIGHT WITH A RUBBER BUTTER KNIFE LOL THE achievements of the west are the virus of the poisoning of the earth and the fruit of cancer it produces. great scientific achievements was started from the cradle of islam while west was in throws of the dark ages the answer is scientific achievements guided by the guidance of god rather than for the sake of greed and power. i suggest you go to youtube and see this professor of doctors talking about the incredible contributions muslims made to medicin it is truly mind blowing


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  I had hopes that this would be a good exchange of ideas and info but my experience tells me this conversation will decompose quickly.i guess the image of the beard was responsible 4 that confidence but by the progression of your post I know where it will lead. will you agree to the value of our time and with honor and respect end this dialogue . if so, then leave this conversation understanding the importance of accountability and responsibility it is the matrix of solution it is the mother of peace


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Islam actually stole most of the intellectual resources from the people who lived in places like Damascus. Most of them were wild tribesmen from the Arabian peninsula who spread the Moslem religion with the sword. Of course most of Middle East North Africa and Spain was destroyed agriculturally by these people through cutting down of trees and vast numbers of destructive goat herds. In Roman times N. Africa was the breadbasket of the empire, Your people have been a blight for 1400 years. If they had conquered Europe we would be starving and in the Middle ages scientifically. They tried in the 8th and 17th century but were defeated, now you are trying again God help us if your lot are successful, civilisation, freedom of speech and human rights will disappear rapidly, women will be slaves and us "non believer" will suffer incredible persecution.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr AS EXPECTED complete dismissal of reality, selective use of history, avoidance of any kind of responsibility, hatred of accountability as befits those who believe that superiority is an unassailable innate perk provided them under the eminent domain of manifest destiny. the kind of attitude that inspires eternal hatred and division that eliminates solution.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  the forked tongue that hides the reality of its intention deludes itself into believing that it is totally perfect in covert operations undetectably urinating on radars laughing in the shadows. never understanding what is unavoidably its worst enemy action never is defeated. action reveals the intended path of the forked tongue .again let me quote who you and those like you really are, from a man so convinced of his position that hiding it defied the overall dominion and power of his self anointed so called superiority.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  Jules Harmand a French champion of colonialism your kindred spirit wrote ; it is necessary , then to accept as a principle and point of departure the fact that THERE IS A HIERARCHY OF RACES AND CIVILISATIONS, and that WE BELONG TO THE SUPERIOR RACE AND CIVILISATION,,still recognizing  that while SUPERIORITY confers rights  it imposes strict obligations in return.The BASIC LEGITIMATION OF CONQUEST OVER NATIVE PEOPLES is the CONVICTION OF OUR SUPERIORITY ,Not merely our machanical , economic, and military superiority but our moral superiority. our dignity rest ON THAT QUALITY, AND IT UNDERLIES OUR RIGHT TO DIRECT THE REST OF HUMANITY.Material power is nothing but a means to an end .


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  does this statement fill you with pride an admiration for the courage of this individual to stand up boldly and reveal openly that which the core and foundation of who u and those like u are. will u now elevate him to a position of reverence and spoksmanship as an acceptable alternative to adolf hitler better able to articulate the same agenda because packaging is as important as content.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr or is he to much of a threat that reveals the true AGENDA OF CHRISTIANITY. EVERY HISTORICAL example that is in communion with this comes from a CHRISTIAN SOURCE.Its command firmly stipulated as the overwhelming direction of the old testament rejected by Christians in respect of the forked tongue and its covert nature but UNAVOIDABLY BETRAYED BY HIS HISTORICAL ACTIONS HIS MORTAL ENEMY THE revealer of HIS truth. so strong is the Christian urge to comply with the edicts of the old testament TO KILL that they themselves INVENTED ANTI SEMITISUM whos climax was the genocide of 6,000,000 OR MORE JEWS, implemented through NEW TESTAMENT JUSTIFICATION refer to JN.8;44 , MT.27;24-25 , ACTS.7;51-52 , TITUS.1;10-11 , 1THES.2;14 just to name a few. AS SUCH THE TOTAL ERADICATION of all native peoples of the CARIBBEAN OCEAN NAMELY THE TAINO, ARAWACK and caribe Indians IN COMPARISON was a piece of cake refer to PSALMS.2 ;8


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr the age of discovery voyages in mass murder and genocide were Christian fundamental undertakings funded by the crown and the church. Christianity is the BODY OF THE ANTI CHRIST ON EARTH ACTIVLY IMPLEMENTING THE AGENDA THAT will facilitate his advent.the man god theology is the means utilized by the anti- Christ to inject himself into the over all dynamic of mankind.the active proof of Christianity being the body of the anti Christ actively at work on earth is that WESTERN SO CALLED CHRISTIAN SO CALLED CIVILISATION IS LEADING THE WORLD IN A MASS EXODOS away FROM GOD IN favor of the vary things you mentioned and countless others. this society defines itself on that exodus and the


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  and the dominant faith Christianity in submission unites itself with that movement and by the inexcapable gravitational pull of its submission renders itself hypocritical AND THE THEOLOGICAL MEANS THAT WELCOMES THE ADVENT of THE ANTI CHRIST indeed the fastest of religions rising in America is THE WORSHIP OF SATAN CHURCHES DEDICATED TO THIS ARE POPPING UP EVERYWHERE NONE EXIST IN ISLAM this why in the face of what I have said jesus in your stinkin book said MT.7;22  I suggest u read it sir.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  also look into the book of revelation islam is described in detail as the people of heaven because of there loyalty to the LAW OF GOD THAT LAW AND ITS faithful observance is equated to RIGHTEOUSNESS. IT WAS BECAUSE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS THAT ENOCK WAS  taken up by god having never died jesus says concerning that issue MT.5;20 we are defined as muslims by the highest sacrifice of faith observance to the law, if u oppose that then complain to god AS THAT WILL PUT U FACE TO FACE WITH THE REALITY OF WHO U REALLY ARE -


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr the statement u made about the cultivation of land and its destruction is so flagrantly devoid of shame it does not deserve a response except to say in brief, are u kidding me. widen your scope your making of yourself a slave to ignorance . have u ever seen the grapes of wrath hell of a movie huh incredible how greed is the best cultivator of land much better than Egypt bringing fruit from the desert -LOL. U WILL NOW AVOID ISSUES with the he hit me first or the but he did it to mom type of excuse it angers mothers and resolves nothing this has been your M.O. IT IS THE STANARD REPONSE  by Christians read all the comments on this vid to see 4 yourself , some day Christian will understand that this tactic is  merely AN ADMISSION OF GUILT IN HATRED OF RESPOSEBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ITS continued practice only leaves conflict as the alternative it  IS WHAT DEFINES THE WEST IT IS THE SELF U CAN NOT AVOID .I can predict your post if it is consistant with what I expect were done if not then lets see where we go--PEACE


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr the old orientalist non sense concerning your right to practice a religion that your scholers can not defend justify or rationally explain in a muslim country is manipulated bull. churches have existed in these countrys more than a thousand years and some before the advent of Muhammad. read what I have written religiouse plurality was practiced by islam and what made plureality of religion a reality in JERUSALEM . where the precincts of the 3 major religions was established and protected. religiouse tolerance is a rather recent phenomena in the west.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    the example of this born again madness can best be seen by the bashing of evangelicals against catholics for there calling THE POPE HOLY FATHER  never coming to grips with the fact that the same condemnable reasoning that was used to make the pope one third of the trinity IS THE SAME CONDEMNABLE REASONING THAT DECLAIRED JESUS GOD 2,000 SOME ODD YEARS AGO. UNREAL. both groups in unity of madness then give GOD A BIRTHDAY = CHRISTMAS and if that was not enough KILL HIM OFF ON friday TO THEN eclips the extreme where this GOD IS incredibly RESURECTED BY GOD on sunday the third day, which by the way is just another connection of Christianity to greek pagan philosophy in the form of Pythagorean numerology did anybody ever hear of momotheisu lol.i answer what I see and I have done this consistantlyif I do not answer it is because I did not see it. I deal point blank in confidence with all that is braught before me while you and your kindred deal with nothing with nothing avoiding everything using the child like tactic of HE HIT ME FIRST MOM OR BUT MOM HE DID IT TO. AS I SAID before it only angers mom and both children get punished with in reality no resolution. READ SIR. I REPEAT IF U DO WHAT I EXPECT  = A dependence of this child like tactic were done if not possibility remains possibility.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Are there any churches in Saudi Arabia? There are now very few Christians left ion the Middle East due to the fact that your co-relioginsts enjoy murdering them , probably you would if given half the chance!


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik He was quite right , look at the enormous strides technically Europeans have made . Also compare two groups of Semites the Jews and the Arabs . The Jews have given the world great scientists like Einstein and also an enormous contribution to the arts, whilst until the 20th century most Arabs and many still do lived in the Middle Ages.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik The murder of the Jews was orchestrated by a Moslem the Mufti of Jerusalem !`


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Why don't you live in a Moslem country. You hate us so much you must feel very uncomfortable living among us. Or are you a gross hypocrite and wanting the largesse that we have to offer. Do you think I would ever live in or even visit a Moslem country. I did once and was appalled at the treatment of women. I once tried to help an elderly woman get her suitcase down her husband came along and threatened to kill me , that is the sort of people you are! You treat women far worse than dogs or camels! Why don't you get back to your Islamic paradise and leave us alone!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr as expected did not deal with a single solitary point. responses that ARE AGAIN THE PRODUCT OF FUTILITY driven by desperation. choosing the guilty child approach as I stated earlier as your only option.i could sit here and write a book on the destruction of the women in western culture , hell I could sit here and write a book on the destruction of what it is to be a male in western society. I can write an entire trilogy of books on the erasing of the lines of demarcation that establish and justify the differences between a man and a women in WESTERN SO CALLED CHRISTIAN SO CALLED CIVILISATION


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr I COULD SIT HERE AND WRITE A TRILOGY OF BOOKS CORRESPONDING TO THE FIRST TRILOGY OF BOOKS ON how this new definition of what its to be MALE AND FEMALE HAVE DESTROYED THE INSTITUTION of marriage and as a result have caused the disintegration of the CORE NUCLEAR FAMILY producing the highest rates of divorce on earth. I COULD WRITE A BOOK compartmentalizing the subject breaking it down to its component parts and related phenomena beginning with the systematic destruction of the women by the negation of the wisdom in gods plan. in America there are close to a million women in jail  98 percent are drug or alcohol addicted , 96 percent have a child minus a father or husband meaning single parents, 97 percent of the children of these single mothers ALSO END UP IN JAIL, and a large percentage of these women become lesbians


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  shall I break down the implications and the resulting impact for you huh. again as I stated in my earlier post indications of a society focused and pledged to its rebellion and DEVALUATION OF GOD ECLIPSING SODOM AND GOMORRAH. let me contrast and clarify just a little, rebellion against god in SODOM was not legislated it was an unchallenged choice of the people in the modern christian west rebellion against god IS LEGISLATED REFLECTING THE POPULAR WILL OF THE PEOPLE remember what I said about anti god and anti his christ. I COULD WRITE A BOOK ON THE EFFECT IT IS HAVING ON THE YOUNG that would take years because of abundance of content TO WRITE who in general OMMITING DETAIL AND EXPLAINATION are lost with degrees varying as to the depth of the loss  BASED ON LINES OF RACE AND COLOR  which is an of itself an indication of the sickness of European Caucasians in there fears of loss of power and control


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Why do you live in a non Moslem country answer My question! Also Read the works of Humphrey Prideaux (1648 -1724) you may learn the falsity of everything you believe as I have not the space here. Go back among your own people you are not wanted in our society do you understand that !


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr this sick cultures impact is effecting the muslim young making them to consider and adopt this sick culture reflecting itself in rates of crime and attitude that do not reflect islam but stand as AN OPEN CONDEMNATION of the sick cultue they have adopted . it is the methodology of the devil and reflects his eternal mandate . I could get into the concerted political effort of the west to surpress the blooming of the flower of islam because of your ignorance , racial hatred, and fears of loss of power that u and those u like feel is a god given mandate. but that which is produced and composed of hatred can not listen it will not change it lives and breaths the bliss of ignorance that sustains it


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Most of the behaviour in Cologne has come from newly arrived Moslems who were living in your wonderful all Moslem society.So don't make excuses. It was not the Western influence that is causing the extremist behaviour of Moslems , because it comes from some of the primitive fundamentalist sections which believe in spreading their influence by the sword as in your chapter 4. The only Moslems I have any respect for are some of the Sufis and they are actually closer to Christian morality. I am aware of the hatred you Moslems have for us non Moslems I have actually experienced it. However fundamental Christians are in the UK they never attack Moslems physically en mass. That is the difference. Because of the stupidity of political correctness the Moslems can do exactly what they like in the UK!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  if I wanted to free fall to your level I could say that long ago before I became muslim I visited AMSTER - DAMMED HOLLAND visited the red light district purchased legal heroin and used it while  having paid sex with a mother and daughter  the mother gifted in oral talent would make sure that i could maintain what was needed for me to extend my experience with her daughter MORE TIME MORE MONY. AS FAR AS AN ISLAMIC PARADICE the west WILL NOT ALLOW IT this would be contrary to your sick devil like nature . u and those like u BECAUSE U REFUSE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND ADMITT CULPABILITY  have doomed us all to conflict. war is what u crave it has charecterised you eternally from before islam to after it. u sharpen to a fine edge the olive branch in the mouth of the dove you leave him with eyes filled with tears lamenting his only choice he will give u reluctantly what u crave till u burst , so do not blame the dove u gave him no choice but to defy his nature his anger is sustained by your refusal to allow him be who he was created to be you multiply and make eternal his hatred because u were the ones who made his olive branch a weapon eliminating solution .


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik You sound a thoroughly disgusting man anyone who has ever behaved like that is worse than an animal. I am quite shocked about what you have written you must be some sort of nasty pervert even to write about this .


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    read the post of your like minded brethren u will notice a common theme to yours if it gives you pause then there is hope for you if not then it is a problem that u refuse to resolve. I will be happy to allow u the respect to let you fall on your sword.your next post will define u if it is of the same child like dismissiveness my response will be as follows N.W.M.T = not worth my time.shame and truly sad knowing that this will be the choice u leave me


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik As you wish to destroy me and my family and all people like me you are the enemy. So why would I won't to discuss anything . It would be liking talking to the NAZIs in 1940. We defeated you at Tours in 732 and again outside Vienna in 1683, now it is your third attempt to conquer and destroy Europe . Unfortunately we have 12 million of you among us that need to be dealt with first. As in any Just War defined by St Thomas Aquinas we are entitled to defend ourselves . I only hope that we have the courage and the willpower to defeat you , other wise my grand children will live as slaves , and be cruelly treated by your co-religionists. The women will be sex slaves while the menfolk will be castrated and toil 90 hours a week as your slaves!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr it was a statement of fact that is normal operating procedure in the west I have never been to Holland in my life I merely went tit for tat concerning what u said when u visited a muslim country do u understand ADOLF.My statement though not one of personal experience is valid it is common through out the Christian world - LAS VAGAS LEGALISED PROSTITUTION , RIO IN BRAZIL SAME THING , AMSTERDAM HOLLAND SAME THING, THE EXISTANCE of red light districts through out the world for the vast majority are in CHRISTIAN SO CALLED SOCIETYS , All sexual perversions are Christian in origin. all places where drugs cause devastating effects on the populace are now being legislated as legal are all LOCATED IN CHRISTIAN SO CALLED SOCIETYS


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik Just to think this up shows what a disgusting mind you have typical of your believes . It actually shocked me !


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr DO NOT EVER EQUATE ME ANY WHERE NEAR TO WHO U AND THOSE LIKE U ARE. You sick degenerate god hating animal you invented SADOMASOCHISM U can not even MAKE LOVE GENTLY AND MADE 50 SHADES OF GRAY A BEST SELLER . U elevated the MARQUIS DE SADE TO A CULT LEVEL ICON to be idolized have u no shame. as for Nazi take a SWASTIKA AND straighten its ends what do you end up with a CROSS DONT YOU. HAVE YOU EVER READ MIEN KAMPF did you see your IDOLS affirmation for his love of Christ as a devout Christian. have u ever read his speeches to the REICHSTAG where he again declairs his love of Christ and his mandate to continue what jesus began the punishment of the jews and there eradication have u, ANTI SEMITISUM IS A NEW TESTAMENT GENERATED AND INSPIRED IDEA


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr  AGAIN DID NOT DEAL OR ADDRESS A SINGLE WORD OR SENTENCE and forget  about GOD FORBID a point throughout this whole exchange from the beginning to the end. nothing U PRESENTED NOTHING ONLY THE excuses of a child to his father deflecting denying blame.will it justify your savage existence to have the last word will that give u an illusion that will placate your ignorance and suggest the possibility of relevance for u is that what u need then u got it baby U CANT FIX STUPID KNOCK YOURSELF OUT. HERE A BIT OF ADVICE do not read the transcripts the reality will drain your ego.


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago
    +Alan Marr so if it makes u feel better u outlasted me there is no end when it comes to the commitment of the delusionally stupid in this case intelligence becomes my weakness because I understand the value of time. DAM DID NOT DEAL WITH A SIGLE SENTENCE --LOL INCREDIBLE--FROM NOW ON ITS----------------------N.W.M.T------------------------U.B.====================0==========================N.W.M.T.


    Alan Marr4 months ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik It is difficult to understand your incoherent writing, I suppose either you are writing English as a forign language or you are on some form of substance!


    Sadiq Abdul Malik4 months ago (edited)
    +Alan Marr pathetic , shameless, and evil. you understand well enough to KNOW the suicidal risk of responding and to only pick where u can comment with the least risk of damage to yourself.your response to what I said about Holland proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. again pathetic, shameless, and evil.---back 2 ---N.W.M.T


    Maurice Connell3 months ago
    +Alan Marr that's the absolute truth! Vote for Trump


    Maurice Connell3 months ago
    +Alan Marr that's the absolute truth.... Vote for Trump


    karlbushtheII2 months ago
    Voting Trump might help. It won't be a fix all but it may help. Hitlary would be Merkel times 2.


    Daniel Burke2 months ago
    +karlbushtheII Don't worry, the silly women and deluded black people will be out in droves for hillary. Women for obvious reasons and black people, as ever, for state handouts.


    karlbushtheII2 months ago
    +Daniel Burke You're probably right about that. Civilization had a good run, I guess.


    Daniel Burke2 months ago
    +karlbushtheII It's not the end. The intelligent and ruthless eventually rise up.


    Ryan Odonnell1 month ago
    the Muslims can't take over... I know for a fact every shop owened by a muslim in Glasgow and surrounding areas will be smashed and burned to the ground


    Daniel Burke1 month ago
    +Ryan Odonnell Look at other countries that had large % of Muslims and said that. They were conquered.


    Alan Marr1 month ago
    +Daniel Burke You are absolutely correct within 20 to 40 years Europe will be totally controlled by Moslems . They have the will and belief strong enough to defeat everyone who opposes them. Everyone will have to learn absolute obedience to their Moslem masters! Non Moslem will be third rate citizens and will be no better than slaves and lackeys . That is the future for all of us.


    Daniel Burke1 month ago
    +Alan Marr I think what makes us different is we have the weapons and the tech. I can see a day where Muslims are wiped out all over the globe. But it will come at a heavy price for non Muslims also. But this cannot go on forever. I think Muslims' biggest mistake is believing so fully that they have a god behind them when they don't - such a delusion cannot ever win the war - even if they win many battles. They're playing with fire and they'll eventually get burnt.


    Daniel Burke1 month ago
    +Alan Marr But it's gonna take a while for the West to wake up, that's for sure. I hate to say it - but sooner or later I can see America or another nation being hit by a dirty bomb or a nuke. We're that weak and deluded that we're sleep walking into mass death.


    Alan Marr1 month ago
    +Daniel Burke I cannot ever see the West waking up they are too bound up with Political correctness and they have lost confidence in their culture and civilisation! The politicians are also corrupt and venal. That is why it is easy for the Moslems to take over. The West has become like a diseased animal!


    Daniel Burke1 month ago
    +Alan Marr They will wake up. It always comes to that point in the end. The same thing happened before 1939. The same useless idiots. The PC wasn't as strong back then but the delusion was. And it ended with an almighty bang.


    Alan Marr1 month ago
    +Daniel Burke IT is worse . At least from 1937 Chamberlain did make preparation for war although he was an appeaser. It was the idiots in the Labour party from the early thirties who clamoured for disarmament and the idle Stanley Baldwin National government prime minister who failed to prepare for war. Now unfortunately the mass of the people are far more degenerate than they were in 1939 and far less disciplined. That is the real peril!


    MAXIMUM POWER1 month ago


    Alan Marr1 month ago
    +MAXIMUM POWER They are absolutely determined to set up a European Caliphate and they believe they can win because they utterly despise Europeans who they regard as morally degenerate . This is hypocrisy because the Middle East has been renown for corruption for a millenium. They also believe we are weak because of the betrayal and appeasement by our left-wingers and political correct lobby. Remember to appease a bully is tantamount to suicide. Force needs to be met with an equal level of force not surrender. Remember our chances of the survival of European civilisation is getting less each year we ignore these dangers .


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    Your Dajjal will take over...Islam will rule with the Mahdi and the return of the Messiah Prophet of Islam..


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    +Alan Marr For a Milenuim..You are mad..We civilised the European.We saved the European from the Black Death.We inspired the European Rennaissance that gave birth to the Day's of Enlightment...Christianity sunk Europe to the Dark Ages...Science was counted as Witch-Craft..We gave you the Arabic Numeral's..We showed you Soap and you thought it was a delicassey and tried to eat it....List can go onn. .


    Alan Marr3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01What the great cathedrals


    Leo Pinto3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 you guys need to be nuke and sent to hell where satan will welcome you'll.


    Alan Marr3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 Unfortunately your historical knowledge is inaccurate.When the Moslem goat herders and camel drivers emerged out of the Arabian peninsula , they destroyed a great deal of the existing civilisations in two ways. Firstly their nomadic habits wrecked the existing agriculture and complex irrigation systems and the tops soil all but disappeared, thus impoverishing the whole area , which reverberates to this very day.It brought poverty to the rural dwellers which has never left the Middle East Secondly any writing that did not agree with the Koran were destroyed so where vast number of artistic works and churches . Anyone who did not convert to Islam was either killed or at best lived a life of servitude. The European Rennaissance was cause by the sack and destruction of Constantinople which of course in the best tradition of Islam.All the scholars lucky enough fled to Europe bringing their learning with them which brought on European cultural development. Arabic numerals came from India! Christianity created many great thinkers and philosophers including Thomas Acquinas and Roger Bacon plus the wonderful Cathedrals and monasteries of Europe. You actually helped to transmit the Black Death also!


    Alan Marr3 weeks ago
    +Leo Pinto Although you may be a bit extreme one can understand your sentiments When you have a large number of people of a certain religion wanting to kill you as a non-believer so they can go to their Paradise , one must find ways of preventing their wishes!


    Mohammed Patel1 week ago
    +Alan Marr we have already taken over. you Sikhs are our peasants.


    MAXIMUM POWER1 week ago
    +Mohammed Patel lolololol ... thats very funny ... in your mind you havent taken over a thing ... your trying but if you havent noticed ... 16,000 muslims every day are leaving islam ... you know that blows all of your sex jihad ... lololol ... Muslim dreamers ... Besides ... You savages havent invented or built on single th9ing for 1400 years ... your to busy stealing it all ... just look around ... islam will die with in the next year ... lolololo muslims ... lolololol


    Mohammed Patel1 week ago
    +MAXIMUM POWER well at least you are enjoying entertaining yourself


    Tracy N. HAROLD1 day ago
    +Sadiq Abdul Malik I know the answer.. No Way, YAHUSHUA would never do any of those things, for He Does The Will of His Father, YAHUVEH, Holy One of Israel. I am a servant of YAHUVEH GOD of the Old Testament, GOD AND FATHER of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. ..beware of the false messiah ..there is Only ONE blood sacrifice accepted by YAHUVEH for the atonement of sin and that is the precious red blood of His Only Begotten Son YAHUSHUA.


    Mike Walsh1 month ago
    Islam is an arrogant, intolerant, bigoted, male chauvinistic, hate filled, slave ideology! The fruit that Islam produces, and spreads, is anger, hatred, and violence! Sharia Law is a joke, unjust, and not from God!


    darksaint3 weeks ago
    +Mike Walsh i wish i could give one million likes


    Mike Walsh3 weeks ago
    +darksaint Thank you, you just did!


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    Male-chauvanistic...Men have to wake up before sunrise go pray at the Masjid...Women pray at home.Why not get the Women to go Masjid and the Man stays at home and prays?????


    darksaint3 weeks ago
    +Mike Walsh i wish i could give one million likes


    Mike Walsh3 weeks ago
    +darksaint Thank you, you just did!


    PunjabiSikhRajput13 weeks ago
    God bless Robert Spencer, he is doing god's work


    Daniel Swenson4 months ago
    Robert was telling the truth: "Good women are obedient [if they are not, then] admonish them, and leave them alone in their sleeping places and BEAT THEM" Koran, 4:34 (It's in there)


    Kalle Last3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 no one needs any sort of physical "correction" mechanisms applied to them. If anyone thinks they do, problem is with them.


    Daniel Swenson3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 You are just another believer in hidden conspiracy theories, while denying and/or excusing Islamic savagery which is so plainly in your face. I pity the likes of you. The truth can and will never EVER ever possibly conform to your theory of reality.


    Gary wood4 months ago
    +Daniel Swenson That's why the taqiyyah weasel resorted to insults and lies to fool the moron Host that fears being killed on the street by a beheading if he offends a peaceful muslim that snaps and wants to kill kill kill .


    JYC9876543211 month ago
    +Daniel Swenson - "in their sleeping places " I wonder what the quran meant by "leave them alone in their sleeping places" opposed to the main master-bedroom where their husband sleeps.


    Kalle Last1 month ago
    +Daniel Swenson "It's OK because it meant just light beating!"


    Daniel Swenson1 month ago
    +Kalle Last Exactly the kind of limb-amputating Islamic backwardness that I so often hear. Your parody of it is funny. But, they REALLY DO say this stuff, with a straight face.


    Kalle Last1 month ago
    +Daniel Swenson I know they say stuff like that. Over the years I've had quite a few Muslims defend the verses with exactly those words.


    Daniel Swenson1 month ago
    +Kalle Last Disgusting people. How do you reply to it?


    Kalle Last1 month ago
    +Daniel Swenson Pretty much all such discussions I've had have been in public. Usually I just let them to affirm that they think beating women is OK in their book and allow the onlookers/readers/followers make their own conclusions.


    Daniel Swenson1 month ago
    +Kalle Last A good strategy, I might try it. I usually explode :)


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    +Kalle Last Is it ok for a woman to beat a Man???Their are certain condition's and stages where some women...Not all women need a backhand..... What happened to Gender Equality???


    Kalle Last3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 no one needs any sort of physical "correction" mechanisms applied to them. If anyone thinks they do, problem is with them.


    Daniel Swenson3 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 You are just another believer in hidden conspiracy theories, while denying and/or excusing Islamic savagery which is so plainly in your face. I pity the likes of you. The truth can and will never EVER ever possibly conform to your theory of reality.


    John B3 weeks ago
    All bullshit. An imam claims he doesn't know about parts of the fucking Koran. An evasive answer. He's the equivalent of a Catholic priest. The fact of the matter is that the Koran dictates that ANY non-believer is an apostate, INCLUDING Muslims who don't live by sharia law, and is to be converted or killed. End of story. This is why many Muslims are murdered by other Muslims, women are beaten and stoned for "transgressions" such as adultery or walking in public not covered, and why children are murdered for acting counter to their parents wishes. This is a brutal and violent religion that seeks to revert the entire world back to the 14th fucking century and keep it there. If even 1% of the Islam religion consists of these asshole jihadists, that's something on the order of 20,000,000 of these scum roaming the earth. Of course the number is likely much larger and they're growing, like a fucking virus. What do you do with a virus? You kill it.


    Rising Power1 month ago
    Blah Blah Blah. Whatever you do, don't answer the question. This is what they usually do. They try to change the question to their talking points.


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    You idiot's we are the only ones that answer question's....It's Gentile Pagan Christian's who cannot...


    Ron M1 month ago
    Context... Yeah its a Con-text allright.


    Silvermoon Violette1 month ago


    Bill Houston1 month ago
    What is this suicidal madness? The whole Western world seems to be bending over backwards to let people walk all over us. We've lost faith in our own society and are paralyzed by pathological guilt. Denying Robert Spencer entry into the U.K. is symptomatic of a cultural malaise that shuts down free speech and enables liars to flourish. If you take the time to actually listen to what the man is saying you'll realize it's nothing less than the truth about Islam as a political force that can potentially change the world through violent Jihad. Not to allow him to speak about this is unspeakable.


    eslinc1 month ago
    This imam is lying through his teeth.


    DaTruthChannel012 weeks ago
    +eslinc Leighmen....Obviously..You think they are going to speak to an Imam????


    DaTruthChannel012 weeks ago
    They guy sounded South-East Asian....Most likely does not speak or understand the Arabic of the Quran....


    DaTruthChannel012 weeks ago
    A Muslim but not an Imam.


    eslinc2 weeks ago
    +DaTruthChannel01 This Muslim who is not an imam is lying through his teeth.


    DaTruthChannel012 weeks ago
    +eslinc Leighmen....Obviously..You think they are going to speak to an Imam????


    DaTruthChannel012 weeks ago
    They guy sounded South-East Asian....Most likely does not speak or understand the Arabic of the Quran....


    Squeek Tate4 weeks ago
    An imam for a hate cult accusing someone else of spreading hate. That is textbook hypocritical.


    arranmc1821 month ago
    Is this London Imam an idiot all he did was make himself look like an idiot and couldn't even defend his faith how is this man an Imam. if I was muslim and watched this I would be disgusted by that Imam.


    DaTruthChannel013 weeks ago
    London Imam?Sounds like an American


    Aidyn Tupper1 week ago
    Facts aren't hate speech loser.


    Mike Liberty1 week ago
    the interviewer is a Muslim sympathizer.


    Johnny Williams1 month ago
    pew research suggests that it's not an minority. look it up for yourself and you'll be surprised by the number of Muslims who share an extreme ideology.


    Marc Whelton1 month ago
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Religion and the Politics of Distraction

    Posted on 7 Hours Ago by dreamsmadeofsunshine

    “There is no significant far-right or nativist party in our politics; in January 2016, the noxious British National Party quietly slipped out of existence, crippled by internal feuding and financial debt (mostly brought about, I am pleased to say, by legal action I took as chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission).” Trevor Philips – Race and Faith: The Deafening Silence.

    I grew up in a home that was very much all about the Labour party, with political talk in the household dominated by the assumption of support for Labour and parents who attended the party’s events religiously. My father also hosted regular dinner parties where Labour party councillors would be invited, along with other men, to eat a variety of curries and to discuss politics.
    There was a clear division at these parties: the women usually did the cooking and the men discussed politics. Maybe it was this that made me avoid politics. Maybe at some point I just accepted that all political discussions should be left to the men and that my role would be to attend to the chores, like life was back in the 70s and 80s for so many people.

    Whatever the reason I am glad I didn’t waste my life following politics and watching as every political party lied and cheated its way through the latest scandals and accusations. Even if I had immersed myself in politics, though, I would still struggle, as I do now, to understand and keep up with all the labels that people give to themselves or to each other: left, right, far left, far right, progressive, (as though anyone would boast they’re not “progressive”), regressive, liberal (again who would boast they’re “illiberal?”), secular, moderate and extreme to name some of them. Having grown up with labels, such as ‘the gori’s daughter,’ ‘paki’, ‘coconut’ and ‘half caste,’ you can understand when I say the only labels I like these days are the ones of the designer variety. (Birkin is my favourite, if you must know.)
    The Labour party have recently been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, with a number of councillors and MPs suspended for anti-Semitism. There are other councillors who make remarks that are quite clearly racist and if it had been a white councillor making these comments then cries of ‘racist’ would forever follow them around, but because it‘s, say, a Muslim woman then it seems everyone just moves on once that person has reeled off a formulaic and unconvincing apology in the face of public pressure.

    The issue of gender segregation at Labour party meetings is also well documented, with non-Muslim members bending over backwards to accommodate the wishes of their fellow Muslim members, usually male. These wishes (actually they’re not wishes at all but demands) have no place in a secular society and any political party that has the cheek to call itself “progressive” should not indulge them.
    The Labour party, we now know, have also been part of a mass cover-up going back thirty years, of vulnerable underage girls being raped by gangs of Muslim men, in towns and cities across the UK.
    The Conservative party is not free from scandal and corruption either, and there are numerous stories surrounding them. Theresa May has promised an independent inquiry into the operation of Sharia courts in the UK; this came about after concerns were raised that these “courts” discriminate against women. There are an estimated 30 to 85 Sharia “courts” operating in the UK. It will be interesting to see what is uncovered, or more to the point, what action is actually taken if the enquiry uncovers what any decent person already knows. We shouldn’t hold out too much hope for this enquiry given that Theresa May has been known to cover her head with a scarf when meeting with self appointed Muslim community leaders. In doing so, she is actually obeying sharia law.
    The Conservative party are also guilty, more indirectly, of the cover-up of the grooming gangs scandal for fear of being labelled racist, even though the areas in which grooming was taking place were Labour majority areas. They are guilty because someone in the party had to know what was going on.

    Zac Goldsmith stood as the Tory candidate for Mayor of London and when he challenged Sadiq Khan on his links to extremism, the race card came out and Zac Goldsmith was instantly accused of running a “racist” campaign. Goldsmith challenging Khan on his links to extremism was more serious than Khan’s links to extremism.
    Just recently there have been serious concerns that a known terrorist sympathiser has been granted a visa to visit the UK from his home in Pakistan. If I, somebody with no real knowledge of politics, thinks that a terrorist sympathiser should be the last person to be given a visa then why are those in power allowing it? A terrorist sympathiser is being welcomed into this country and yet half a million signatures were gathered to ban Donald Trump from entering the UK. Trump holds some controversial views, there is no doubt about that, but it is because he challenges the ideology of Islam that he is smeared. Fear of being labelled racist shuts down debates amongst ‘normal people’ and the recent elections for the Mayor of London showed us how easy it is to silence people, and even to neuter the political process, with the word “racist.”

    The Scottish National Party is Scotland’s largest political party and was formed in 1934, but it wasn’t until the 50s and 60s that their popularity started to grow thanks to resentment of Westminster’s control of Scottish affairs. In the late 90s the SNP ventured into the mainstream of Scottish politics and it was probably around this time that my staunch Labour supporting parents became SNP members, along with many other people living in Scotland, regardless of religious background. Like every other political party the SNP are not without their scandals and there have been stories involving finances, racism and marital affairs.
    One of the differences between these three political parties is that the SNP have so far escaped a rape cover-up scandal. I say so far because I believe it is inevitable. We have seen the proof of the cover-up of grooming gangs which were operating in towns and cities in the UK, such as in Rotherham where at least 1,400 girls were raped because politicians, the police and everyone else with the responsibility for safeguarding children exchanged their moral and vocational obligations for a worthless badge proving they weren’t racist. To believe that Scotland has been immune from the Muslim grooming gangs phenomenon and that no such cover-up has taken place here is foolish and naïve in the extreme.

    Then we have UKIP, a political party that I only heard about a few years ago. A party whose entire membership and voter base are racists and homophobes, every last one of them, according to mainstream media and therefore according to the general public who often believe whatever the media feed them. It makes no difference that UKIP have no actual racist policies and that they have members, supporters and elected officials from all ethnic backgrounds, gay and straight (how many people know that UKIP’s candidate for London Mayor, Peter Whittle, is openly gay?) If you even mention UKIP in conversation with friends instantly they will describe them as ‘racists and bigots and fascists.’ And don’t dare tell anyone you are voting for them because then you will be viewed as the lowest of the low. UKIP are deemed worse than the Labour and Conservative parties who turned a blind eye to the rape of children. Wanting to control immigration or even discuss immigration is a bigger crime than rape, for the deluded and virtue-signallers.

    Also interesting to note is the treatment of UKIP’s Anne Marie Waters, who is the founder of Sharia Watch UK, (whose website is hacked on a regular basis). Many people smear Anne Marie as a racist or say she spends too much time criticising Islam, the same criticism Tommy Robinson receives. Anne Marie set up Sharia Watch to confront the growing influence of Sharia in the UK, such as Sharia Councils. Many women from Middle Eastern countries have emailed her and she has a huge support from women living in countries under Sharia law. These Muslim women do not care that Anne Marie is white, or that her party is UKIP. Living under barbaric, deathly rules with their every move controlled and perhaps every part of their bodies cloaked in black, they have slightly more important things to worry about. If anything should outrage them about the political behaviour in the UK, it should be the Labour party’s cowardly appeasement of the very ideology that makes these women’s lives so dreadful. For those that have witnessed the appalling smearing of Anne Marie, it should be very obvious that Sharia does not want to be watched in the UK.

    For daring to discuss the problems with multiculturalism, Islam and mass immigration, Anne Marie is smeared as a racist and people, who may have otherwise listened to what she has to say, avoid her because, you know, she is racist – because she talks in actual facts.
    I like facts and I like people who are honest and are not scared to tell the truth. Yes there is a problem with Islam, yes we have to talk about mass immigration and yes we need to look at the ways in which multiculturalism has failed and is still failing. Why are we so quick to say someone is a racist or holds bigoted views for wanting to discuss this? Anne Marie was an active member of the Labour party for 8 years before joining UKIP, at which point she realised very quickly how people who were once friends no longer wanted anything to do with her, all because of her new political leanings and mainly because she wanted to talk about immigration.
    Anne Marie is also the Deputy Leader of Pegida UK, a street movement that is rarely given a fair hearing by the mainstream media with the result that Pegida is generally viewed as a nasty and thuggish organisation who hate Muslims. The fact that ex-Muslims and Muslims alike support what Pegida are trying to do makes no difference to those who have decided it is easier to call them racist than to admit that perhaps they have a point and are part of the solution rather than the problem.

    “The Pegida UK event will be a peaceful, no-alcohol, silent march of protest. Families and people from all backgrounds are welcome to join patriots from all over the country in Rotherham on June 4th. Homophobes, Nazis, racists and anti-Semites, however, are not welcome. PEGIDA UK is in Rotherham to demand people’s rights are protected, that people receive justice, and that all are treated equally under one British law.”

    When I first saw Pegida’s silent march for the raped and abused young girls of Rotherham advertised, I thought “I want to go, I want to march in silence for the girls but for the non-white girls.” Not because I didn’t care about the white girls who were undoubtedly the greatest victims of the grooming gangs – of course I do but perhaps I was just worried that people might overlook Muslim victims of these grooming gangs. I thought I would get up and join the speakers on stage and give a speech for the non-white girls and let them know they weren’t forgotten. I emailed Anne Marie and asked if it would be possible to give a speech for the girls nobody is speaking about, the forgotten victims of the grooming scandals, forgotten because the shame and honour surrounding rape in their community is placed higher than help and justice for the victims. She replied and said she would be marching for ALL the girls but that I was more than welcome to come along and march with her and also give a speech.

    The date was changed from 28th May to 4th June but, sadly, having other commitments meant I could no longer attend. If I am honest I was somewhat pleased at the change of dates as the thought of publicly speaking, even for such an important cause, filled me with dread. But knowing that Anne Marie was going to be there for all the victims of the grooming gangs I didn’t feel too bad at letting them down.
    We shouldn’t need Sharia Watch, UKIP or Pegida to tell us that many women are oppressed in the countries where Sharia is law, or in the UK where its influence is sadly growing. It should be common knowledge and the only controversial thing should be failing to tackle it, rather than tackling it.
    Yet when Anne Marie is vocal about these issues and writes about them she is a “racist” and if you associate with her in any way, then by default you too are a “racist”. Even if you’re Muslim. Go figure.

    UKIP’s popularity has been increasing slowly over the years and the reasons for this are perhaps similar to the rise of the SNP’s popularity in the late 90s. With the SNP it was a desire to control Scottish affairs and with UKIP the desire is to keep Britain, British. Which means discussing immigration, discussing Islam, and discussing the real danger that Sharia law, one day, will be implemented into parts of Britain.

    UKIP has its share of scandals involving racism, homophobia and sexism within the party and amongst its members, like every other political party. But because this particular party is willing to discuss taboo subjects such as immigration, Islam and British identity, that criticism lacks any sense of proportion, and often indeed any sense of truth, and so the one political party that is perhaps best placed to confront these crucial issues, and which is most willing to speak frankly, is constantly silenced and demonised – which means those crucial matters simply fester.

    What happens after that? Well, if credible, mainstream organisations such as UKIP are not allowed to confront these issues then other organisations will, and they will not be pleasant. So, well done to all you ‘anti-racists’ for trying to silence and demonise UKIP. You’ve made it much more likely that actual racist organisations will flourish. What a wonderful achievement.

    Doomsday Prophecies Of Major World Religions

    Almost every major world religion tells a different tale of the end of the earth, or at least its transformation into something greater or more righteous to come.


    10. Eschatological Overview

    Eschatology refers to the theological study of the end times. In some religions, this involves a complete destruction of the earth as we know it and in others a transfiguration of life into something greater, while in some it involves a combination. Below, we look at eschatological teachings from major world religions, and also at the profound human interest in the end of the world as a whole which is still seen expressed to this very day. Even many atheists and agnostics find the concept intriguing, often linking international arms races and anthropogenic activities resulting in climate change and its consequences to dark days to come.

    9. Buddhism and Maitreya

    The doctrine of the Maitreya is associated with the "cycles of creation concept", and was first well described in Hinduism and later in Buddhism. Therein, each cycle has a name, a cycle being a "Yuga", and now we are living in the Kali Yuga. The completion of any cycle is accompanied by a cataclysm, but also the arrival of a Savior, able to hold all living through a transition period. Maitreya, the future great prophet, is to be the Buddha of the future world order. Maitreya Bodhisattva is the only one which is acknowledged by all directions of Buddhism, and his coming was predicted in the "Visuddhimagga", Shakyamuni’s "Tripitaka", and in the early works of Mahayana. In China it is called the Mile, in Japan the Miroku, and in the lamaist mythology Maidar, Maidari, and/or Jampa. Maitreya is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha and Kalki Avatar or the Absolute, the last Messiah who will come at the end of the Great Cycle. In Buddhist scriptures, you can find a lot of predictions about the coming of the Comforter and the prophecies of Maitreya, and the name Maitreya presumably is the name of the Hindu Mother goddess. Shankaracharya pointed out in his writing that she is at the same time the mother of three gunas, or forces of life, and therefore the Mother of Three, or Maitreya in Sanskrit *'tri' or 'traya' meaning three and 'Ma' mother).

    8. Christianity and the Book of Revelations

    The Apocalypse, from the Greek for Revelation, of St. John the Divine is the only prophetic book of the Christian Bible's New Testament. It foretells of impending fate of mankind, the end of the world and the beginning of eternal life. Perhaps it was a reason for the book to be placed at the end of the Holy Scriptures. The Apocalypse is a revelation mysterious and difficult to understand, but at the same time the mysterious character of this book has attracted so much attention. Despite the perplexity of understanding this scripture, teachers of the Christian Church have always treated it with great reverence as a book inspired by God. It describes the events preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, to be followed by numerous disasters and miracles, such as fire from heaven, the resurrection of the dead, and phenomena involving angels. The word "apocalypse" is often used as a synonym for the end of the world or to disaster on a planetary scale.

    7. Hinduism and Kalki

    Among the ancient Indian scriptures, the Kalki Purana described the origin of the dark age. In the last part of the work, Bhavishya Purana, there is a mentioning of Kali Yuga, which is the time in which we now live. It is described as the era of evil, where people are born only to suffer. Kali Yuga is the age of darkness, suffering, sorrow, century-long conflicts, and the reverse reflection of the Golden Age. It is called the Iron Age and the Age of Possession. Kalki Avatar or the "White Horse Avatar", is considered the last or tenth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He will come as the Savior at the junction of the two yugas, seeing the end of Kali Yuga and the beginning of Satya Yuga. When he appears, the heavens will be torn asunder and Vishnu will be sitting on a milk-white horse with his sword raised, glittering like a comet, for the final destruction of the wicked, renewal of creation and the restoration of purity. This horse is a shell of evil spirits and Vishnu will ride on it, remaining invisible to everyone, as long as overcome the spirit for the last time. In the opinion of some Brahmans, Vishnu would appear in the form of the horse Kalki itself because the end of each yuga is marked by the destruction of the world as the planet and at the same time changing its appearance, flooding of some continents, and the raising of some other. Kalki combines two magnificent functions: those of a a spiritual dominion and temporal power.

    6. Islam: Yawm al-Qiyāmah and Yawm ad-Dīn

    In Islam, the end come with Yawm al-Qiyāmah "the Day of Resurrection" or Yawm ad-Din "the Day of Judgement". On this day, everyone except for prophets, angels and a special category of believers will be questioned in regards to their earthly deeds. The horn Sur shall be sounded twice by the angel Israfil. After the angel shall sound his horn a second time, all the dead will be resurrected, and led to the valley of Arasat. Those who did good deeds over the worst will receive entry of their earthly acts to their right and in front, and those whose bad acts exceeded the good will be sent to be left behind. After the doom, there will be a need to cross the Sirat bridge, which is "thinner than a hair and sharper than a sword blade." The Sirat Bridge passes over the abyss of Hell and leads to Heaven. Depending on the earthly deeds, people will pass the Sirat with different results, and some of them will fall from it and be devoured by fire. Before doom, the Small and Big signs of the approaching judgment day should appear. Among them are the appearance of the Dabbatul-Arzi, the animal able to distinguish between the believer and the atheist, the sun would rise in the West, the emergence of acrid smoke, and the emergence of an auspicious fire.

    5. Judaism: Aḥarit Ha-Yamim

    The concept of the last days in Judaism (aharit Ha-Yamim) includes everything that will happen to the people of Israel and the world in the days preceding the coming of the Mashiah, or the Messiah. The expression "Future Days" or "Coming Days" (aharit Ha-Yamim) occurs at the very beginning of the 49th chapter of the Book of Genesis, in the words of Jacob: "… Gather yourselves, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the days to come." The idea of Coming Days is revealed in speeches of the prophets, who spoke about what will happen to the nation and to humanity in the distant future and, on a special day, the Day of the Lord, which is to come before it. After the Lord would hide the sun, the Israelis will return to their home, leaving the places around the world where they lived separately. But in spite of the great disaster, the house of Jacob, or the Jewish people, shall not perish. Prior to that, there will be tests. The war of Gog and Magog will begin before the coming of the Messiah (Prophet). There would not be a single blow to defeat the enemy, and it will fall gradually. After the arrival of the Messiah, judgment will come, which will result in the establishment of justice and the renewal of the world.

    4. Taoism and Li Hong

    The Tao messiah, Li Hong, is destined to come during the breaking times. Li Hong is considered as a future incarnation of Laozi. Li Hong is the Messiah, the prophet of the new times in religious Taoism (in the West often referred to as Daoism), which gave people a promise to appear at the end of the world cycle to save the chosen ones, and to distinguish between those who favored good deeds and performed meditation. In the treatise Scripture of the Divine Spells of the CavernousAbyss (Dongyuan Shenzhou jing), Li Hong is described the supreme leader, who appears on earth in the end times to establish a new heaven and a new earth, and to attain perfection of synergy. Authorities of the Han Dynasty used the image of Li Hong for intimidation and the suppression of uprisings in the 5th Century AD.

    3. Zoroastrian Frashokereti

    Frashokereti, a Zoroastrian doctrine, does not indicate the destruction of the world or the disappearance of humankind. While in both the inner and in the outer world an eternal struggle between light and darkness is going on, the coming of God is accompanied by the arrival of its antipode. Frashokereti indicates the Ultimate newness blossom of the whole universe when evil will be destroyed, and all things will come into perfect unity with God, Ahura Mazda, described as a spirit in the Old Iranian religion, which did not exclude the possibility of its manifestation in the material world among men. Unity with the highest could not be possible without improvement and purification of the thoughts, speech, and actions of man. As a term, Frashokereti could also be interpreted as something done perfectly, or to mean the world without sin. It will also a return to the initial, ideal state of the world. Words, thoughts, and human deeds must ultimately triumph over evil, and make available for the perfect harmony of man.

    2. The End of the Earth In Other Religions

    In this new millennium, with the development of the Internet and telecommunications, the ubiquitous ancient Mayan Indian scholars received renown for their prediction regarding the end of the world to come in 2012. In this connection, novels were written followed by feature films and TV series. The news agencies have not been reluctant about news of signs of the coming end of the world. When the specified date of Apocalypse has passed without incident, new dates have always been proposed by individuals, religious groups, and some other communities. Some astrological predictions are still very popular, as well as the works of 16th Century French Nostradamus, who offered different interpretations of future cataclysms. In Eastern Europe, the famous Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga, who was blind and died in 1996, is still widely respected up to the present date. She did not speculate on predictions of the end of the world but, according to her, there are indications of major disasters in the future, which will push the people to change their way of thinking and begin to live and work together as one family.

    1. Human Fascination With The End

    Apocalypticism is a doctrine that tells about the imminent end of the world, followed by the resurrection from the dead, and the final judgment, or equivalent, in which people will be forced to answer for their deeds. Although Apocalypticism does not belong to any particular religion, the indication of the last judgment and resurrection, either in the form of a previous body recovery or in the form of spirit, is a common element for several religious beliefs. Unlike religions, Apocalypticism often addresses specific end date of creation, and the tell-tale signs pointing to it. Not having a common source, or interpreter, as well as due to the fact that Apocalypticism, as a doctrine, is not tied to a particular historical interval, there are many versions of the coming end. Most often it refers to the destruction of the planet Earth in the cataclysms and natural disasters, as well as the extinction of a large part of the biosphere, including humans. Scientific researchers of Apocalypticism state that the people from time immemorial and, regardless of age, religion, and political system, tend to expect, and sometimes hope, to end the imperfections of the world by way of an event destroying all life. The Apocalypse book predicted that Judgment Day will come soon, and early Christians believed it literally. Followers of the preacher Montana expected Armageddon in the middle of the Second Century AD, and then the year 666, or "the beast year". The next stage of panic expectations accounted in the year 1000 from the Christ Birth followed by another, the anniversary of the crucifixion in the year 1033. Once again the Judgement was spoken about during the Crusades, which saw the conquering of Jerusalem from Muslims by Western European Christians, and it was a clear sign of approaching the fateful moment. The year 1492 was named as 7,000 years of the Creation of the World anniversary, and in the 20th Century the years 1908, 1945, 1960, and 1984 were alternatively prophesied to be Apocalyptic
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    May 28, 2016
    Muslims Beat, Strip Naked, and Parade 70-Year-Old Christian Woman

    By Raymond Ibrahim

    A 70-year-old Christian woman was stripped naked, savagely beaten, and paraded in the streets of Egypt to jeers, whistles, and yells of "Allahu Akbar" after a mob of some 300 Muslim men descended on her house.
    Her crime? Her son is falsely accused of having a romantic relationship with a Muslim woman, which is banned by Islamic law, or sharia – the same body of teachings that prescribes the collective punishment of non-Muslim "infidels." Seven other Christian homes were also torched by the mob.

    The attacks occurred in Minya, Upper Egypt, on May 20, a Friday – the one day of the week when Muslims congregate in mosques and listen to sermons, and the one day of the week when most Muslim mob attacks on Christians occur.
    While on the ground being kicked, cursed, and spat upon, Sa'd Thabet, the Christian grandmother, managed to slide herself underneath a wagon. While hidden there, an unidentified woman slipped her some garments, and the traumatized woman eventually managed to escape.

    "I never saw the woman who covered me and don't know how I survived," she said during a closed meeting with some clergymen of the Coptic Christian Orthodox Church. They testified that her body was covered with wounds, adding that "though she is strong, it is sometimes hard for her to speak; she's always fighting back tears and sometimes breaks down."
    Prior to the attack on Thabet, her household had been receiving threats for some time. On the morning of the assault, some of the home's property was stolen and vandalized. She and her husband went to local police, who responded by threatening them and kicking them out of the station. A few hours later, around 8 pm, the attack occurred. It took the same local police over two hours to appear, by which time the "avenged" Muslim mob had dispersed.
    When asked why she reported the incident four days after it happened, Thabet said: "I tried to hide and suppress what happened, but I could only take the feelings of humiliation and oppression for four days, at which point I decided to return to the local police station and testify about what happened to me before those who had refused to hear me."

    She is hardly the first Christian woman in Egypt to be treated so. In 2013, Muslim Brotherhood supporters "burned down a Christian school, paraded three nuns on the streets like 'prisoners of war,' and sexually abused two other female staff even as at least 58 attacks on Christians and their property were reported across Egypt over the last four days. At least two Christians have died in the attacks."
    Nor is this an "Egyptian" phenomenon; it's an "Islamic" one. In Pakistan, a 28-year-old pregnant Christian mother of four was stripped naked, beaten, and forced to walk nude in her town by two Muslim brothers following an argument. She lost her baby in the ordeal, which "was motivated because of Bibi's [Christian] religious beliefs." Similarly, a Muslim family kidnapped, beat, and left naked on the streets an 8-year-old Christian girl as a way to "punish" her uncle for pursuing a relationship with a female member of the Muslim family.

    In short, every aspect of this most recent attack is part of a well established pattern that has played over in Egypt, Pakistan, and other Muslim-majority nations innumerable times: a Christian is (often falsely) accused of some infraction; his family and possibly entire village is savagely attacked, beaten, raped, and mugged by the mob; and police take their time to arrive and do little when there.
    In 2012, after 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christians of a village near Alexandria, it took the army an hour to arrive, even though they were only one mile away. "This happens every time. They wait outside the village until the Muslims have had enough violence, then they appear," said a witness.

    As Minya's most senior Christian cleric, Anba Makarios, put it during a televised interview about Thabet's ordeal, if a Muslim man were involved with a Christian woman, police's response "would not have been anything like what happened. ... No one did anything, and the police took no pre-emptive or security measures in anticipation of the attacks. We are not living in a jungle or a tribal society."

    Unfortunately, the good priest is wrong. Islamic culture – founded as it is by an Arab tribesman – is inherently tribal. The umma is the super-tribe of Islam, meaning Muslims side with Muslims against all "infidels" – that is, outsiders – even if the latter are good and fair to them, according to the doctrine of "loyalty and enmity."

    This is the hostile, unassimilating, tribal mentality that the West is importing by the millions. In Muslim-majority nations – where Christians and Muslims look the same, speak the same language, and are virtually indistinguishable – just being non-Muslim is enough to be subjected to the aforementioned hate, violence, and discrimination. How much more is to be expected when the host country isn't just non-Muslim, but completely alien in all ways?

    *This report is based on several Arabic language news sources.
    Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again, holds fellowships at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the Middle East Forum.
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Spencer: Obama Administration Scrubbed 'Jihad' and 'Islam' from Counterterrorism Manuals

    by Robert Wilde21 May 201433

    The Director of Jihad Watch told Breitbart News Sunday that, although Islamic terror is increasing, the Obama administration has “systematically removed any mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training manuals for the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”

    Robert Spencer, the author of 13 books including two New York Times bestsellers, The Truth About Muhammad and The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), sat down with Breitbart Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon and discussed his new book, The Arab Winter Comes to America. Spencer insists that this “whitewashing” of materials has made continuing acts of terrorism more and more feasible in America.

    Spencer at one time gave training seminars to counterterrorists and roomfuls of special agents on the tenets of basic Islam. He would take them through the Koran and the life of Mohammed “so that they would understand the motives and goals of those who want to destroy us.” Spencer reasoned, “It’s hard to defeat an enemy if you don’t know who they are.”

    His instruction all came to an end in October 2011 when fifty-seven Muslin organizations wrote to John Brennan, who was then the Homeland Security Advisor and is now the head of the CIA, demanding that they fire Spencer and other trainers who “spoke about Islam in connection with terrorism” and that they cleanse all counter-terrorism training material of any mention of Islam and jihad.

    Spencer explained that Brennan immediately complied and wrote back on White House stationary to underline how important the Obama administration considered this issue to be. The former trainer to the U.S. Army’s Asymmetric Warfare Group asserted that the Obama administration gave in to the pressure of Islamic advocacy groups because they did not want to be considered “Islamaphobic.”

    Moreover, Spencer recounted that John Brennan “has made numerous statements of being very sympathetic to Islam and jihad.” The author further pointed out that what is most troubling is that the intel from Russian officials about the Tsarnaev Boston Marathon bombers came to us at the time the administration was scrubbing Islam and jihad from all training documents.

    Spencer posits that it is very possible recruits were not being trained properly and that the bombing may have been avoided. He further asserted that the Obama administration was hell bent on making sure that there was no “high profile jihadist” on the horizon and may have ignored the intelligence reports.

    Listen to Breitbart News Sunday every week from 7-10 PM EDT on Sirius XM Patriot Radio channel 123
    Read More Stories About:

    National Security, Breitbart News Sunday, Homeland Security, Islam

    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Great Debate — Mansur versus Saunders on Muslim immigration

    12ae?s=33& Robert Sibley, Ottawa Citizen
    More from Robert Sibley, Ottawa Citizen

    Published on: March 1, 2014 | Last Updated: May 18, 2014 12:27 PM EDT

    The most telling thing about the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s debate on Thursday evening was not the topic – Muslim immigration – but that it took place at all.
    In a country where journalists are persecuted by human rights commissions for uttering politically incorrect commentary, when ethnic groups slap the “racist” label on those who hurt their feelings, and politicians are too cowardly to even discuss immigration policies lest they lose a vote, the fact that a prominent organization like the Macdonald-Laurier Institute would stage such an event is noteworthy. The Institute’s managing director, Brian Lee Crowley, and his staff are to be applauded for making the issue of Muslim immigration a topic in their Great Canadian Debates series.

    About 200 people – off various ethnic persuasions, including Muslim, as far as I could tell – turned out at the Canadian War Museum for the debate between Doug Saunders, a Globe & Mail columnist and author, and Salim Mansur, an associate professor of political science at the University of Western Ontario. Their exchange dealt with the resolution of “Muslim immigration is no threat to Canada or the West.” Saunders, a British-born Canadian, argued in favour of the resolution, while Mansur, a Calcutta-born Muslim, argued against.

    (Those unable to attend – or unwilling to appear in public when a controversial topic like Muslim immigration is on the agenda – can watch it on CPAC on Saturday at 10 a.m. and on Sunday at 5 p.m.)
    Who actually “won” the debate is, of course, a matter of debate. Unfortunately, unlike previous debates, there was no audience vote at the end to provide a judgment. That said, most of those I spoke to afterwards gave the nod to Mansur. Perhaps not surprisingly, for anyone who has read some of my musings, I did, too. (Full disclosure: I attended as a private citizen; I was not covering the event for the Citizen.)
    I “voted” for Mansur not only because I generally agree with his views, but also because, in my view, Saunders was unable to acknowledge the potential ripple effects or long-term consequences of Muslim immigration, particularly from countries whose cultures inculcate fundamentalist Islamic values.

    To his credit, Saunders repudiated the commonplace canard that anyone who has concerns about Muslim immigration is a racist. It is, he said, quite reasonable to be concerned about possible religious influences on our civic life. “There are some people out there saying we should not have this debate, that simply acknowledging the question of Muslim immigration is by definition racist and disrespectful. I disagree with those people who say we should not have a debate on this topic …. The people who raise questions about things like Muslim immigration are not bigots or intolerant people.” Rather, they are people asking questions of concern in good faith regarding society’s values.
    In that light, we need to confront such issues of public concern, whether warranted or not, if only to repudiate them, he said. Accordingly, Saunders set out to do just that.

    Saunders maintained that the way Muslim immigrants are sometimes viewed is no different from the way that, say, Jewish immigrants were seen in mid-20th century Canada. Debates about Muslim immigration nowadays are little more than a repetition of similar knee-jerk fears about earlier immigrant groups – Catholics, Jews, etc. – who came to Canada in the past.

    Citing a variety of studies, including those by western intelligence agencies, he dismissed the notion that large-scale immigration from Muslim countries spurs terrorism. One study by Britain’s MI-5, he said, found there was little reason to blame immigrants for the terrorist attacks carried out in western countries in recent years – the 2007 London subway bombing, for example. As well, other studies suggest that well-established religious communities are not a source of political violence. Instead, most of those who’ve taken up terrorism – for example, the killing last year of the British soldier Lee Rigby – were committed by either converts to Islam or the second-generation offspring of immigrants. And of those few, if any, possessed a particularly religious background, although they may use religion as justification for their actions.

    “There is evidence that well-established religious identity actually protects against radicalization,” Saunder argued.
    Trauma, crime and personal experiences, especially political experience, lures people into terrorism. “Terrorism and extremism do not come from religious communities, (and) they do not come from poverty,” Saunders asserted. “And they are almost never immigrants … (So) let’s not pretend that it (terrorism) has anything to do with the mass of immigrants from Muslim countries.
    “Eliminating Muslim immigration would not eliminate terrorism,” he said, noting that the 2001 attacks on the United States weren’t carried out by immigrants.

    Saunders also dismissed the they-will-swamp-us notion, arguing that Canada’s liberal democratic values are safe because Muslims will never form a majority. Birth rates in the Muslim world are dropping dramatically, and when Muslims emigrate to the West those birth rates fall even faster. Even assuming significant levels of Muslim immigration continue, their numbers are likely to peak at six per cent of Canada’s population, and those kind of numbers present no threat to Canadian values.

    Besides, the vast majority of Muslims in Canada – 81 per cent – are satisfied with the way things are in the country and have no inclination to promote even shari’ah law, he said, citing surveys. Indeed, 94 per cent are “proud to be Canadian” and happy to enjoy the country’s traditions of individual freedom and democracy. Instead of threatening Canadian values, most Muslim immigrants are willingly adopting them. Given this, Saunders concluded, Canadians need not fear that Muslims will form “parallel societies” alien those values.

    Certainly, there are problems among Muslims living in the West – the Pakistani community in northern England and Moroccans in Austria, for instance – but the idea that Muslim immigration poses a threat to the West has, in Saunders’ words, “proven over and over again to be mythical.”

    In this regard, he asked rhetorically, are we to believe that a group of impoverished, unemployed or marginalized people are an “existential threat” to the West, that such people “possess the political influence to transform a nation’s long-held political values?”

    For his part, Mansur characterized Saunders’ argument as naïve, describing his views as those of a “tourist” who is unable to penetrate beneath the surface of Muslim culture. While it may be true that first generation Muslim immigrants tend not to indulge in terrorism, it is increasingly evident that some second and even third generation Muslims are only too willing to do so, as recently demonstrated young men from Canada who’ve gone overseas to join the international jihad in places like Syria and Algeria.

    This highlights the real concern with Muslim immigration that Saunders sidesteps, according to Mansur. Citing a recent survey, he noted that Muslims currently comprise about 2.7 per cent of Canada’s population – or about 940,000 people – but that number is expected to jump to 2.7 million – or about seven per cent — within a decade or so. He also referred to a survey from a few years ago that found about four per cent of Muslims in Canada – say, 100,000 – willingly identify with extremists and jihadists, justifying violence in the name of Islam. This number can only increase as the Muslim population increases, and that, Mansur suggested, makes for a lot of potential terrorists within Canada.

    European countries are already reeling under pressure of Muslim immigration, Mansur observed, with some seemingly willing to accommodate Muslim cultural values and practices even if they offend the hard-won secular traditions of those countries. Canadians cannot realistically assume they won’t face the same pressures as Canada’s Muslim population grows. “The growth in Muslim population will bring increased pressure for accommodation of Muslim demands (including those) religiously prescribed.”

    Certainly, many Muslim immigrants will come here to escape the oppression that has taken hold in parts of the Muslim world, where, according to Mansur, the diversity that once characterized the faith was gradually lost after Saudi Arabia began spending billions of petro-dollars to promote its wahhabist traditions with its demands for jihad and shari’ah compliance. Nonetheless, given current levels of immigration, a significant number will come to Canada with distinctly hostile views of the West.

    At one point Saunders suggested that if Canadians buy into the Islam-as-threat-to-the-West argument, it is perhaps because they have little faith in the ability of Western institutions to defend themselves against this threat. And if that’s the case, if they think Western society is so decrepit that a “small group can knock it all down,” why bother to defend it?
    Mansur dismissed that rhetoric as a straw man argument that misses the point of the issue: Saunders failed to consider that this may not be the case in the future as Muslims make up a larger portion of the country’s population. “An increase in (population) numbers is not merely quantitative; it will have a qualitative impact on Canadian society,” he said, arguing that “numbers” cannot help but affect whether the values Canadians now think of a sacrosanct – individual rights, the rule of law, free speech, secular authority – are challenged.

    Indeed, if a sufficient number of Muslims want shari’ah they may well be able to use the democratic process to achieve that end, Mansur said, noting how former Ontario attorney general Marion Boyd urged premier Dalton McGuinty in 2004 to allow shari’ah to apply in family law and inheritance matters.

    This remains a goal for fundamentalist Muslims, Mansur suggested. And therein lies the threat to Western societies. “A liberal democratic society based on individual rights, freedom and the rule of law cannot long accommodate illiberal demands from immigrant groups without subverting its own culture.”

    As for Saunders’ argument that Muslim immigration is no different from that of previous immigrant groups, Mansur was categorical: “No other immigrant group … has settled in Canada with the mindset predisposed on a cultural and religious basis to view the politics and culture of the host society negatively.” Among that group is a “sufficiently large number” seeking to create a parallel society within Canada where shari’ah law takes precedence over existing legal and social practices.

    Behind this campaign, Mansur argued, is the historical reality of Islam never having experienced the kind the “reformation” that Christianity did 500 years ago, a reformation that established the principle of the separation of church and state and, thereby, detached religion from politics. Islamic culture was once a creative and dynamic force in the world, but during the eighth to 10th centuries it became increasingly regressive and stagnant as the theologians gained dominance, destroying a civilization that “once merited respect.”

    The theologians continue to loom over Islam like a dark shadow, ensuring that it remains mired in a pre-modern worldview, according to Mansur. Islamism, he suggested, reflects the efforts by unmodern people to maintain the faith in a premodern condition where women and non-Muslims are subordinate to Muslim men. Such a mindset has resulted in Islam becoming an “imploding civilization” and “an incubator of sectarian violence.”
    Mansur offered his own “lived experience” as an example of what he’d described. “I come to you from within the wreckage of the world of Islam,” he said, explaining how he and his family fled to Canada in the 1970s to escape Islamist fanaticism. And therein resides Mansur’s warning to Canadians. It “defies logic,” he said, that Canada can remain open in the post 9/11 era to immigration from the Muslim world when so many of those immigrants draw their worldview from a culture with a deep-seated hostility toward the West.

    Mansur pointed out that the long-term subversion of the West is the mandate of the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization not only of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in the United States, but also CAIR’s Canadian subsidiary, CAIR-CAN (which now prefers to call itself the National Council of Canadian Muslims). The Muslim Brotherhood “sees immigration as a process of settlement in its strategy of subverting Western civilization from within,” he said

    (As side note, courtesy of Point de Bascule, a jihad-watch group with a reputation for thorough research: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was founded in 1994 by three leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), a Hamas front in the United States at the time.

    According to its charter (article 2), Hamas is the branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza. In recent years (200820112012), its leaders have confirmed that the destruction of Israel is only a part of its program that aims at imposing Islam to the whole planet. In 2011, for example, Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahhar said on TV that Western civilization “will not be able to withstand the great and glorious Islam.”
    IAP appears in an annex of a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood’s internal memorandum listing the organizations associated with the Brotherhood in the United States. It is #22 on the list.
    This memorandum was seized by police and produced for evidentiary purposes in two Holy Land Foundation trials that took place in the U.S. in 2007 and 2008. These trials led to the convictions of all leaders accused of terrorism financing.

    At point 4 of the memorandum, the goal pursued by IAP and the other organizations belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood network in North America is described in no uncertain terms:
    “The Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions … It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes.”)

    In Mansur’s view, the Islamists think long-term in much the same way as the communists did following the Russian Revolution in the early 1900s. What Canadians are seeing now, he concluded, is “the drip, by drip, by drip” effort to erode the liberal democratic traditions of western countries by means, in part, of mass immigration.

    Here endeth the debate, or at least my distilled version of it. To hear the non-distilled version – and to decide the “winner” for yourself – I remind readers of the CPAC broadcasts this weekend. As well, those who wish to pursue the discussion further might pick up Saunders’ book, The Myth of the Muslim Tide, and Mansur’s book, Delectable Lie: A liberal repudiation of multiculturalism.
    You might also dip into Mansur’s 2012 testimony before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and ImmigrationMansur fled Pakistan where he calls for curbs of Muslim immigration from certain Islamic countries. If you attend to the politicians’ questions – or, rather, their duck-and-dive response to Mansur’s statement – you can see an example of elite avoidance.

    Last edited: May 29, 2016
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Council of Islamic Ideology declares women’s existence un-Islamic

    “Whether a woman is allowed to breathe or not be left up to her husband or male guardian, and no woman under any circumstance whatsoever should be allowed to decide whether she can breathe or not,” Sheerani said.

    Featured, National
    May 26, 2016

    ISLAMABAD-The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) has proposed its own women protection bill, recommending women be declared un-Islamic for their own protection, Khabaristan Times has learnt. The bill has been drafted after the CII rejected Punjab’s Protection of Women against Violence Act (PPWA) 2015 terming it un-Islamic.
    CII concluded the draft with the ruling that women are un-Islamic and that their mere existence of women contradicted Sharia and the will of Allah. CII Chairman Maulana Muhammad Khan Sheerani noted that women by existing defied the laws of nature, and to protect Islam and the Sharia women should be forced to stop existing as soon as possible. He also insisted that beating women would protect women themselves, hence calling his 163-page recommendation ‘Women Protection Bill’.
    After declaring women to be un-Islamic, Sheerani explained that there were actually two kinds of women – haraam and makrooh. “We can divide all women in the world into two distinct categories: those who are haraam and those who are makrooh. Now the difference between haraam and makrooh is that the former is categorically forbidden while the latter is really really disliked,” Sheerani said.
    He further went on to explain how the women around the world can ensure that they get promoted to being makrooh, from just being downright haraam. “Any woman that exercises her will is haraam, absolutely haraam, and is conspiring against Islam and the Ummah, whereas those women who are totally subservient can reach the status of being makrooh. Such is the generosity of our ideology and such is the endeavour of Muslim men like us who are the true torchbearers of gender equality,” the CII chairman added.
    Officials told Khabaristan Times that the council members deliberated over various historic references related to women and concluded that each woman is a source of fitna and a perpetual enemy of Islam. They also decided that by restricting them to their subordinate, bordering on slave status, the momineen and the mujahideen can ensure that Islam continues to be the religion of peace, prosperity and gender equality.
    Responding to a question one of the officials said that international standards of gender equality should not be used if they contradict Islam or the Constitution of Pakistan that had incorporated Islam and had given sovereignty to Allah. “We don’t believe in western ideals, and nothing that contradicts Islam should ever be paid heed. In any case by giving women the higher status of being makrooh, it’s us Muslims who have paved the way for true, Sharia compliant feminism,” the official said.
    The CII meeting also advised the government that to protect Islam, and women as well, women’s right to breathe should also be taken away from them. “Whether a woman is allowed to breathe or not be left up to her husband or male guardian, and no woman under any circumstance whatsoever should be allowed to decide whether she can breathe or not,” Sheerani said.
    A version of this article was published in Pakistan Today
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australian Reporting 2012 - without the Political Cowardice of 2016

    Cheryl Mission ‏@chezamission 9m9 minutes ago

    Cheryl Mission Retweeted Tony Bermanseder

    I urge everyone to take the time & listen to this video...WAKE UP ffs

    Cheryl Mission added,

    Cheryl Mission@chezamission

    9m9 minutes ago
    TY for posting[​IMG][​IMG]

    Tony Bermanseder@sirebard
    6m6 minutes ago

    Yes I was surprised Oz reporters (ACA) had some guts and honour 4 years ago; sadly and depressingly missing today

    7:22 PM - 30 May 2016



    Why Angry Anderson Became An ALA Senate Candidate

    Paul Zanetti Friday 6 May 2016

    Like most of my generation I grew up watching Countdown every Sunday night. The front man for Rose Tattoo didn’t seem like the sort of bloke you’d want to stumble into, down a dark alley late at night, even at my size.

    If you happened to grow up in Melbourne’s Coburg in the 1960s, and if you were so inclined to speak your mind to a no-nonsense stranger, shorter in stature, who you may have considered to be an easy target you had best been able to handle yourself.

    Chances were you’d end up in a pub brawl with the volatile whirlwind they called the ‘Angry Ant’.

    He doesn’t dwell on it, but his abused childhood defines the man he is today.

    Gary ‘Angry’ Anderson is a survivor. He prefers the word ‘survivor’ to ‘victim’ because the survivor has beaten the demons. For most of his young life Anderson carried both the demons of domestic violence ("from my biological father”) and the demons of paedophilia.

    “I was sexually abused from the age of five.”

    "As a kid, through to middle age I internalised it. I never dealt with it or knew how to deal with it. I escaped into a world of drugs, alcohol and rock and roll. My life got out of control."

    So when I first saw Angry in the Midday Show green room (where all the guests hung out before going on air) back in the 1980s I was quite content to mind my own business at the other side of the room. Angry bounced over to say "g’day" and started a chat.

    Pretty friendly bloke for a wild rocker bad boy whose reputation preceded him, I thought.

    But behind the Angry persona there’s a Gary, as his mum prefers to call him. The anger has died, but not the passion.

    He credits the change to getting married in the early 1980s to Lindy ‘Lou’ and the birth of his daughter.

    “I had to change, for my daughter’s sake.”

    Then came the three boys.

    Angry Anderson realised to change he needed to get professional help.

    “I started attending therapy which helped me understand the angry, dysfunctional person I’d become. I needed to deal with my anger, which I’d never done before. I would go off at people for no fault of theirs. The therapy helped me to deal with the root causes of my anger.”

    "And it was around this time I started working with socially disadvantaged kids. I recognised myself in them. I related to their pain. I recognise pain.

    “Around this time, too, I was asked to be a social reporter for the Midday Show with Ray Martin, then later Derryn Hinch and then A Current Affair, which opened up new opportunities to widen my scope of social work.

    Working with handicapped and disadvantaged kids, especially, has become a life mission for the one time wild man.

    He’s now as widely known - and loved - for his years of charitable work as he is an Aussie rock icon, now bestowed with a Member of the Order of Australia, 'in recognition of service to the community, particularly as a youth advocate'.

    His work includes amassing an army of volunteers for constructing a playground for handicapped kids in 48 hours, assisting drought affected farmers with reserve feed, organising Christmas presents for socially and economically disadvantaged kids, building respite units for people living with and affected by HIV AIDS and delivering artificial limbs for Cambodian land mine victims.

    Among other charitable acts, he’s played at the Bali Relief concert in Perth in aid of the Bali bombings, and involved in the Dunn Lewis Youth Foundation, a lasting legacy of two of the 88 Australians lives lost in the bombings amongst.

    Recently Anderson has become more outspoken for his political views, driven by a deep concern for his country and the creeping agendas he sees undermining the fabric of the country he loves.

    In 2007 he criticised those who arrive in Australia yet refuse to become part of an open, integrated society.

    “It’s not ill-conceived to look at certain people and question when they come out here what they bring with them,” he told The Daily Telegraph in 2007

    "We have strict quarantine laws and it should be the same when it comes to cultures that do not want to integrate.

    "We should be very careful about where certain Muslims come from and what they believe. If you come here, you should behave yourself – it's as simple as that.

    "If people come and live in any country and their way of life is so different they need their own special laws, then possibly they have to pick somewhere else to live.

    "The idea of any Muslim being photographed for a passport or a license with one of those shrouds on – sorry, it just can't happen.”

    He’s become more politically involved in recent years, transitioning from his Labor roots to a supporter of conservative, Christian values.

    He publicly rallied against the Gillard carbon tax, joined the National Party and stood as a candidate for the Nationals, until he withdrew support after finding himself to be a square peg in a round hole. While he agreed with the party values the party machine was too restrictive.

    Determined to tackle youth and social issues such as the ice epidemic in regional towns, Anderson was warned by party officials of being too negative. There are those personal opinions again.

    He decided last year it was time to take it easy, move to the country, look after his elderly mum and enjoy the quiet life - just being Gary Anderson, someone he hadn’t really known for much of his public life.

    Then something happened.

    Late last year, a new political party was born, the Australian Liberty Alliance.

    Anderson’s conservative and immigration views were becoming well known.

    He was invited to MC the party’s Sydney and Melbourne launches, and naturally enough, he was sounded out as a possible Senate candidate.

    While happy to help the party with public endorsement, the thought of another tilt at politics was the furthest thing from his Utopian dream of a property out bush.

    But he hadn’t counted on Kirralie Smith.

    Anybody who knows this determined campaigner also knows she doesn’t take no for an answer.

    At the party’s Melbourne launch last week Smith found Anderson’s weak spot - a fine bottle of red and a good chat.

    Smith convinced Anderson his future belonged in the federal Senate, and urged him to seriously consider running as her Number 2 on the NSW ticket for ALA.

    Smith says, surprisingly, he agreed, but she wondered if it might have been the glass or three of the red talking.

    Next day, after a phone call Anderson confirmed his decision, admitting he’d pretty much decided prior to the launch night, that if asked again, he’d accept.

    So, what did convince the ex-wild man of Australian rock to take the plunge and put himself through the upheaval and uncertainty of a grueling, fiercely contested political campaign?

    “I was taught as a kid to always fight for what I believe in, for what’s right. My family was Labor - and my brother was a union delegate all his life and I’m deeply conservative – so it's the mutual basic principle of standing up for the values you believe in that has always stuck with me.

    “Liberty - the freedom of men and women - is something that is hard won and too easily lost. Our forefathers have won it for us, but without vigilance we can easily lose it.

    “Labor and Liberal are each lost causes, lost to political correctness and party machinery. Until ALA came along no party has been prepared to tell it as it is.

    “The principle of Eureka means a lot to me, even though it’s symbolism has been pretty much hijacked by unions. Eureka is about liberty, freedom, democracy.

    "The Oath of Eureka is as relevant now as it was in 1854 - We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other, and to fight to defend our rights and liberties.

    “To me there is only one party doing that - the Australian Liberty Alliance. They are the true conservative party in Australia. I believe in their values - from their water management policies, (something I’ve been banging on for years about to every Prime Minister who will listen) Islamic immigration, and smaller government.

    “When I heard Ron Pike, a farmer, talk at the Sydney ALA launch about his own brilliant, well considered Murray-Darling management plan, I finally thought, “These guys get it. All their values are in sync with mine.”

    (Pike his since announced his acceptance to stand as ALA’s first lower house candidate at this election for the seat of Farrer, in the Riverina, Southern NSW).

    “What especially appeals to me about ALA is this is not a party of career politicians, this is a party for everyday people, of everyday people, by everyday people.

    "Its candidates are not clinically engineered through the union movement or law firms, but are nurses, small business people, soldiers, farmers, IT workers, doctors, policemen…they’re smart professional people who work in communities, who truly represent their community.

    “More than a party, ALA is a grass roots movement.”

    “There’s almost a raw simplicity to the movement - a naivety - where ordinary people can rise up and make some real changes.

    “This is not some new career move for me. I had already decided my next phase of life was to take it easier on the land. I said no to ALA when they first invited me to join them 9 months ago. My mind was a million miles away from a political life.

    “But I’ve come to realise this is bigger than me. If I can get in and help the party in any way I’m asked, to serve my country, and do what I can to help set up a voice in the parliament for the average Australian who has nowhere else to turn, then I needed to step up.

    “The reality is, it’s a big challenge having a tilt at the Senate, and I may not get up. But if I can help get Kirralie or the other candidates over the line, I’ll consider my job done. If I do get up, then maybe I can help other younger Australians get an opportunity to serve in the parliament in the future.

    “I really do have to be a part of it.”
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Erdogan: Infidels “good for nothing. They try to destroy our Islamic values.”

    May 29, 2016 5:12 pm By Robert Spencer 43 Comments

    “And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, ‘Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the guidance.’ If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.” — Qur’an 2:120

    Islamic State murders 12 Real Madrid fans as they watched match
    German Protestant bishop wants Islam classes in all state schools

    Last edited: May 30, 2016
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    clock0. clock1.

    Last edited: May 31, 2016

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