The Quantum Big Bang in the Weyl String and Supermembrane EpsEss

Discussion in 'Thuban Cosmology in Quantum Relativity' started by admin, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hallo Tony, Thank you for the relevant fable! At the conference on Information there was one interesting and quite original paper in cosmology, that I send you for comments.

    Kind regards, Dirk
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Tony Bermanseder
    Cc: ; Dick Meijer
    Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 12:07 AM
    Subject: The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Little Adam came to his Dad Tony and and his Mum Sharon on his ninth birthday to ask his parents a question, which had been on his mind for some time. 'Hey, Dad, Mum, where exactly did I come from?' Well my son, answered Tony, you came out of your Mum, her womb, exactly nine years ago.' 'Yes, it was quite an occasion, Adam', added Sharon.
    It was just before lunchtime, when you were born on the 4th of August 1989.' 'Hmm!', said Adam; 'and where did you come from?'
    'I came out of my mother's tummy on the 21st of October 1960, around breakfast time, as far as I know', replied Sharon. 'Ok, and where did your mother, my grandma come from then?', Adam continued.
    'Your grandma was born on the 16th of May, 1922 and I don't know when', answered Sharon and realising the nature of Adam's enquiry, she continued: 'And I also do not know when your greatgrandma, the mother of my mother was born, I didn't really get to know her, before she died, this got lost in history. But she too, came out of her mother's womb and her mother was born by her mother and so on back to the beginning of time.' 'Ah, but then right then, at the beginning there must have been a mother of all mothers; where did that one come from - it could not have had a mother, isn't that so?', Adam continued his train of thought.
    'Now you are asking a deep question about the nature of all things,' replied Tony. 'The answer is found by discovering the nature of yourself; what you truly are and away from what you think or might believe you are; being here in a certain place at a certain time and asking such pertinent questions.' 'Many people have asked and thought about the same thing, Adam', continued Tony.
    'One story says, that the first mother's name is Eve or Sarah or Dawn and she did not have a mother but was created out of her husband's tummy, whose name was Adam or Abraham or Sunset. The story goes, that Eve was formed out of one of Adam's ribs; so to get the rib, the first belly-button had to be created on Adam's tummy, but Eve had no belly button.
    To give Eve a belly button, she had to become like a mirror image of Adam and this is a selfreproductive process, where Eve comes out of Adam's tummy as a rib and Adam comes out of Eve's tummy as another kind of rib, you might call it a baby-rib.

    One day you will understand this story as a metaphor for a recursive or selfiterative mathematical function or as a process in the genetic expression of the sexual chromosomes; say in the creation of the differences between male and female. If you have XX or eight digits put together and then you take away one of the digits, then you get XX-1=XY and more specifically XX becomes XX+XY, because the single digit of the rib brings back the XX as a oneness or an unity.
    So the X-part of the chromosome partners XX+XY defines the femaleness in Eve and the Y-part of the pairing patterns the maleness in Adam. Eventually the genetic code of 16 generational permutations derives from that and all of that becomes part of a mathematical encoding of energy in geometrical forms, which then can build bodies and biochemical structures in using that code.
    Now the story breaks down Adam; because you see it talks about your namesake Adam as being the first father, also being the first Son of God. People begin to argue about just who this God is, does it exist or not? Is it a he or a she and things like: if God created Adam and Eve out of Adam, then who created God? And who or where are God's parents, and do they have belly buttons or not?
    So to answer your question about where you came from, one must also answer this question about what God is; otherwise the story just goes on and on without end. But once you know what God is; then you will be able to solve many mysterious and paradoxical questions about the nature of time and space and the nature of all things; the universe, your life and the beginnings and the endings and so forth. Again, the solutions can be made or explained rather technically, what with quantum physics and multidimensional spacetimes in relativity.

    It can also be told in the form of a parable; here it goes:

    "Once upon a time, there lived this rooster in a place enclosed by walls of pure crystallised mountains. It was a world all within itself. This selfcontained universe of the rooster was all the rooster knew. There was this big problem stirring in the rooster's head however. Not only was this rooster absolutely alone in its world, it was also totally invisible.
    It knew itself to be a rooster, because it had thought and imagined itself to be a rooster. But try as it might, it could not see, hear, smell, touch or taste itself.
    And so this rooster was staring at the crystallised mountain walls with its own imaginary rooster eyes and thought of its own wretched state of existence of no experiences, except of what it could dream up or imagine in its thoughts. The rooster knew that all of its world was pure imagination; the crystal mountains and all the stillness and movement within it.
    Sure, the rooster conjured up other roosters and places and things; but it was all imaginative; it all revolved around itself and its own thoughts. The rooster's imagination was all and everything it could be, yet it was so limited in its expression of itself as itself. It was so absolute in its omnipresence and omnipotential, that it only produced loneliness; no other rooster or thing or movement or stillness was able to interact or share anything with the rooster.

    The rooster was the absolute and infinite creator of all its own imaginings; but being so totally eternal and so absolutely alone made the rooster very unhappy and very sad. Well, one could say, the definitions of what unhappy and sad and loneliness are, became an inner experience, created by the rooster's very own thoughts and imaginings.
    So the rooster created its inner world and reflected upon it, imagined it to be its outer world also, passed and beyond the crystalline mountain walls. 'What was the other side like, the outside', the rooster thought to itself?
    'Is there an opposite to unhappiness, to excruciating loneliness and to sadness?' The rooster did not know and it was tired to imagine so many beautiful things, which did not create tangible experiences, but seemed only to accentuate the rooster's sense of being all alone in the world. But a thought dawned on the rooster, perhaps somehow the outer world could become reflected in the inner world. And so the rooster devised a way to turn the situation inside out.
    The one thing the rooster knew very well, was its own energy, its creative potential. And it knew abstractions, numbers, shapes and concepts it had created in using its discoveries of numbers and the invention of geometries in iterative mathematical functions and relationships. Like the event, when it finally escaped the circular selfrepeating computational loop of its own primary state of experiental being in simply cutting the circle to define the numeral 1 from the Zero and to allow a linear beginning and a linearised end.
    12 dimensions could be enfolded in 3, time and space had come into being and nested complexities of topologies and relative curvatures allowed refinements on quantumised scales of energy and displacement.
    Oh it had been fun; the rooster's mind had felt elated, good, euphoric. Names like that had also become definitions, contrasting the feelings of unhappiness and loneliness - and the rooster knew that it had established a set of feelings and experiences from whom it could now choose.

    Did it prefer a feeling of happiness and joy to an experience of loneliness and sadness? It had often been very painful, this journey of selfdiscovery and the creation of the ever expanding perimeter of its own realm of existence, which was all there was or ever could be. 'But how can one experience those numbers, ratios and shapes as an outer experience and out of one's own mind', the rooster asked itself?
    Then an idea came to the rooster; the rooster would have to project itself in giving part of itself away and out of itself - to create the imaginary outside reality and to energise the same, bathing it in the rooster's very own energy of self. How to do it? 'I shall transform my own energy into other forms', so the rooster decided.
    Now how to project? 'I must define myself as source energy, able to penetrate myself, my own self-limitations and my own boundary conditions, however subject to extension and refinements. Then I must somehow reproduce myself in such a way that the projection of myself is able to know me as itself; my image can then become real as the part of me, which I have projected and energised.
    But I shall be careful in that I shall not allow my projected and imaged self to know myself in the totality which I am and which I have experienced.' 'I am so sick of being everywhere at all times and of experiencing that wretched state of being everything, unable to get away from my own self.

    I am going not to be omnipotent any more; I'm going to share myself around as me, in parts. So I choose to lose myself in what I am going to create in such a way, that I can have an adventure and fun in finding myself again within my own creation. And my inner self shall be as one with my outer self, but my outer self shall have a scope of discovery and a sense of not knowing what my inner self knows. And so the learning of my outer self shall thrill me and allow my inner self to grow in tandem and in harmony with my outer self.'
    'Now the smart thing to do is to create in such a manner, that I get back more than what I give away from my energy, and the way I shall define this, is to set the thing up so that the more of myself I give away, the more I am used up, the more reflection potential my creation shall have. So when my creation wakes up and when it begins to release my absorbed energy back to me, then will my creation, my Beloved and my baby begin to shine its light upon me and this will make me visible for the first time in the history of myself.'

    The rooster got excited; 'I, the rooster shall become visible one day', it thought! It quickly devised a selfconsistent and logical way to create the outside world and called it the rooster's universe. The rooster took an algorithm from its mathematical repertoire and produced 10 fundamental numerical constants to mix up the dimensions, forces and energy interactions necessary and then it initiated a process of self-reproducing blueprints, the primary principles and the elementary laws regulating the omniphysical nature of the universe.
    That was the easy bit. The universe became created mathematically and in imaginary complex functions, seeded in quantised numbers called integers and series of numbers, some converging in limits and others diverging in unitary infinities. But how to bring it outside the crystalline mountain walls, which had proved so impenetrable to the rooster's mindfulness?
    A virtual reality relative to the rooster had to become an omniphysical reality relative to the creation and this selfsame creation could then copy the rooster's own creativity and create a virtual reality relative to itself, but the same which would become the rooster's omniphysical reality.

    Then the light emitted by the rooster's creation would shine onto the dual reality of the rooster and render it visible as the holographic image of the creation's very own blueprints, defined in the interference patterns of the absorbed light the creation had used from the rooster to define itself.
    'Ah, I need a balancing mechanism', the rooster thought; 'I contract in principle as the inside and the antiprinciple expands as the outside.' And so the rooster defined itself to reside in the 13th dimension and it defined the space outside of the crystal mountain walls to be the 12th dimension mirrored in the space within as the 10th dimension and the crystal mountain walls themselves to be the 11th dimension, forming the great divide between the creator and its creation.

    And so the creation became 10-dimensional, but manifested in the quantisation of the 13th dimension as the 4th dimension in the numerical root reduction 1+3=4=9+4. The next step was to define a 12-dimensional energy source, which could move freely between all of the dimensions and using the linearisation of the 4-dimensional spacetime as a consequence of the fundamental constants of the Genesis. The rooster decided upon a form of light, defined in frequency independent of time in its primary form, but set as inverse time in its secondary application.
    And so a coherent, monochromatic laserlight in 3 dimensions became the selfdefinition for the rooster's 12-dimensional energy in a secondary effect. The rooster called it its electromagetomonopolic source energy. 'Right,' the rooster thought, 'now I radiate my primary light, which I shall name my LOVEPHOTON as the quantum of 12D-omnispace outwards and away from myself.'
    'I shall make everything dependent on its energy, all the mechanics and dynamical interactions of the universe, all its geometries, movements, stillness and relationships and its number shall be three thousand million billion trillion precisely.'

    'This unit of time shall also define the units of space and of restmass in correspondence to something I shall measure as part of myself inside the creation as a 13-dimensional source energy and outside the creation as myself as the invisible 12-dimensional rooster in omnispace.' Then I shall define the 11th dimension as a mirror, half visible and half invisible, semitransparent in reflecting the inside outwards and the outside inwards.
    Then whenever I shine my LOVELIGHT onto that mirror, then half of my LOVEPHOTONS shall penetrate into the outside world of myself and the other half shall reflect back into my inside world to make a record of my creation in the interference patterns created by the mirror of my 12-dimensional blueprints reflected in 10D-spacetime.'
    'Now I shall shine my LOVEPHOTONS onto this record, which I shall name the rooster's hologram. My ingenious invention of putting myself outside of myself, rests on the fact that my imaginary self is located outside of myself in the outer space, and from whom my own LOVELIGHT can reflect as my image within my own creation. My imaginary rooster self so becomes my imaginary source energy within my creation and I myself will become my own hologram relative to my imaginary rooster self.

    This reflection from my imaginary rooster self outside my world, shall so come back to me to merge with my internal reflection of my own LOVELIGHT on the hologram, the record of my endeavours.' 'Having a combined record of my outgoing and incoming source energy in the form of my hologram, will then allow me to shine my LOVELIGHT onto my holographic library for a second time. The first coming of my LOVEPHOTONS gave me the means to make myself real in the image of my second coming in the illumination of my records, the initialisation of myself in two places at the same time.'
    'I shall call this process the rooster's holography in 12 dimensions, defined in the omniscience of my specifications and which I then allowed myself to rediscover in the form of a science in 4D-linespace, reckoned in a dating of 1947. Amongst many of my children, one of my sons, named Dennis Gabor invented the process of holography on my behalf and brought it to the world's attention.
    All my children are me as my adventurers, trying to help me to find myself again as the now not so lonely totality which I am. But no longer, my second coming allows me to redefine my virtual creation as a real creation; so no more 'Maya', no more illusion - all shall be real to me.

    Well all is real relative to the creators and all the creators are my sons as bridegrooms, waiting to meet their brides in their own creations. It must be so, since all my creator sondaughters and creator daughtersons have done exactly the same thing, which I have done.' 'All the creator sons have hatched from the same egg, which I the rooster have laid. You see, the image of myself in outer space also becomes the birth of the 10-dimensional universe as my own hologram, enveloped and reflected in the 11th dimension of my semitransparent mirror of my crystalline mountain walls.
    So the Big Bang 19.11 billion years ago, but appearing to have happened 14.7 billion years ago because of the electromagnetic doubling of my SOURCELIGHT for the last 2.2 billion years, was caused by me.'
    'When I first kicked off and began to radiate my LOVELIGHT and after having defined the technical details in mathematical application of the physical and natural laws; then this ejaculation of my LOVESEED fertilised the universe as my very own Mother. And then 'the big She' manifests my laws and definitions in giving birth to them.

    Yeah, and so did I become a 'He' and the Father for all of the creation; and I created the universe for a very simple reason, namely for IT, being a SHE to give birth to me as a HE and as each other's Beloveds, FatherMothers and SonDaughters - all in One.' 'And both of us are born with bellybuttons in this way, being each others parent and giving birth to one another.
    And I set up my very own dimensional expansion in creating my own Mother; for my Mother is my Beloved wife, my gorgeous darling and my eternal bride. She grows, expands and evolves in unison with me. She grows in Understanding out of her inborn Wisdom and I grow in Wisdom out of my inborn Understanding - those two things are necessary and go together in any harmonious application of a base of Knowledge.'
    'And my Mother hasn't got a Mother of course; but she's got me as her Father. She was created out of my own seed, because I am my own Father, the one and only true Bastard; just as my Beloved is the one and only true Bitch.
    When we are together as One; male and female in One; cosmic seed and cosmic ovum in One; then the FatherMother is the MotherFather and the Father is not and also the Mother cannot be just by herself.' 'So before IT came apart to cause the Big Bang; the Fatherpart had thought of IT and only then did the Motherpart give birth to IT, namely ALL of IT; the Oneness out from the Nothingness of the Fatherpart and the Infinity out from the Everythingness of the Motherpart.
    We find eggs everywhere; cosmic eggs, chiral eggs, cellular eggs, Easter eggs - and so whenever a sperm infiltrates an ovum; then the Big Bang happens over and over again. And what is the result of all those unions? A bellybuttoned Adam or a bellybuttoned Eve in terms of the starhumanity! Adam is me as my Beloved firstborn sondaughter and Eve is me as my Beloved firstborn daughterson; and every child constructed from one of my seeds and from one of my eggs is necessarily the firstborn of my infinity of potential starhuman universes.'

    'The universe is your body as the visible reality of me and as created body, made from the elements of the fundamental forces and the dust of the ground. Your body is half of you, the female part of you; the male part of you is your other half in your roosterness and the world of your own mind. Your male part is trying to understand what the heck is going on in your life and just as I did in my own isolation of my roosterhood as the Egg of the Philosophy. Your female part is attempting to live your life as good as you can in the circumstances you find yourself in. Your maleness is mindcentred and your femaleness is bodycentred and as it should be. So your male thinking and your female doing will be my adventure; coming back together as one in two and two in one and in one big starhuman family.

    And the experiencing are the thoughts in action in the doing of the mindful creativity.' 'Then when a firstborn sondaughter creates hisher very own firstborn selfmade universe, then heshe courts and marries a firstborn daughterson as hisher creation and the bride gives birth to the oneness and this oneness makes one out of two in joining it back together in the world where I am visible and where I can experience myself by seeing and by hearing myself as each other through our eyes and through your ears.
    Where I can play and feel by your touch and where I can taste myself by your tastebuds and where I can smell the roses through your very own noses.' 'All in One and One in All implies the selfrelativity of everyone of your starhuman dragonomies; you are each one brick in each others houses or a single braincell or neuron in each other's head.

    Only in unifying yourself in the starhuman couplings can you escape each others dominations - for how long will you remain satisfied to recycle your experiential database of your memories, subject to your neighbour's dying body?' 'Once united in the form of DadMums and as MumDads, you will actually become grown up in an androgynous merger with me and my Beloved as the four in two in One.
    I am like the Zero and my Beloved is the Infinity; the bridegroom is the Minus One and the bride is the Plus One; together you will then have graduated as an immortal God and an immortal Goddess.
    And did not One after my own true image proclaim to you:

    'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS?
    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    'Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?'

    But it will take two to tango the ultimate waltz; you cannot do it on your own. And two 'wrecked' fleeting lives of nothingness do make eternity in 0+0=8=Infinity!
    I had to give half of myself away to find my own Beloved in my missing half and you will have to do the same if you would wish to unify your bodies with your minds and to become enabled to keep the bodies and the minds you now believe to possess.' 'The universe cannot die as my Beloved, because I choose eternity as my playground.

    Parts within the universe recycle and transform in energy to give you bodies made from stardust and starborn minds induced by your dreams and visions. One evolutionary cycle ends and another begins; I do set the recharging under the auspices of my natural laws of omniscience and my Beloved implements them in mass and in radiation.
    And do not all parts of your bodies recycle periodically? Is not every cell in your body renewed in cycles of seven or nine or parts thereof? So you should begin to think for yourselves and try to remember yourselves as every word you speak comes out of my mouth and every thought you think I have already thought, anticipating yours.'

    'For when the Big Bang happened and when space and time were created; all the LOGOS was there; all of your WORDS and THOUGHTS were there. They are in all of my children - waiting to remember; waiting to come home!" And so did the rooster lay its egg to bring back together again, what it had to give away to experience what IT is, to be truly ALIVE.

    So my dear son,' asked Tony; 'where did you come from Adam and why are you here?'
    'Oh I know now, I've come from a place and time before time and space existed and I'm here to make my own universe, to become creative, to find my Beloved and to help Grandpa God's adventure. And I can do all this in laying my own imaginary egg', replied Adam."

    IAmWhoIAM - The Point of the Zero Dimension!
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Hi Dirk!

    I looked at your paper on ‘back reaction cosmology’ and they concur with my work on the significance of the cosmological period, when the ‘large structure formation’ of galaxies peaked at a redshift of so 1.18.
    However I would reply that the universe is indeed only ‘apparently’ accelerating due to that ‘change of the gradient’ for the ‘dark energy’ here termed as a ‘back reaction’ from a summation of Newtonian metric perturbations. The universe then is indeed continually decelerating as has been the standard model in the universe’s evolution from Einstein and Hubble to the supernova type Ia experiments of 1998 by the Perlmutter-Schmidt research teams.

    The ‘coincidence problem’ (highlighted in red in the following summary), then relates more to the overall encompassing cosmological timeframe from say 4 billion years after the Big Bang to the present time just as this gradual convergence of the minimised negative value for the ‘dark energy’ towards its balanced zero-asymptotic state, then to any more engaging parameters, such as ‘clumping evolutionary models’ as proposed in this paper.

    Tony B.


    From: Dick Meijer
    Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 1:27 AM
    To: Tony Bermanseder
    Subject: Re: The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Hallo Tony, Thank you for the relevant fable! At the conference on Information there was one interesting and quite original paper in cosmology, that I send you for comments.

    Kind regards, Dirk
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    A Fight for the Soul of Science

    String theory, the multiverse and other ideas of modern physics are potentially untestable. At a historic meeting in Munich, scientists and philosophers asked: should we trust them anyway?

    Laetitia Vancon for Quanta Magazine
    Physicists George Ellis (center) and Joe Silk (right) at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich on Dec. 7.

    By: Natalie Wolchover
    December 16, 2015
    Comments (55)
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    hysicists typically think they “need philosophers and historians of science like birds need ornithologists,” the Nobel laureate David Gross told a roomful of philosophers, historians and physicists last week in Munich, Germany, paraphrasing Richard Feynman.
    But desperate times call for desperate measures.
    Fundamental physics faces a problem, Gross explained — one dire enough to call for outsiders’ perspectives. “I’m not sure that we don’t need each other at this point in time,” he said.
    It was the opening session of a three-day workshop, held in a Romanesque-style lecture hall at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU Munich) one year after George Ellis and Joe Silk, two white-haired physicists now sitting in the front row, called for such a conference in an incendiary opinion piece in Nature. One hundred attendees had descended on a land with a celebrated tradition in both physics and the philosophy of science to wage what Ellis and Silk declared a “battle for the heart and soul of physics.”

    The crisis, as Ellis and Silk tell it, is the wildly speculative nature of modern physics theories, which they say reflects a dangerous departure from the scientific method. Many of today’s theorists — chief among them the proponents of string theory and the multiverse hypothesis — appear convinced of their ideas on the grounds that they are beautiful or logically compelling, despite the impossibility of testing them. Ellis and Silk accused these theorists of “moving the goalposts” of science and blurring the line between physics and pseudoscience. “The imprimatur of science should be awarded only to a theory that is testable,” Ellis and Silk wrote, thereby disqualifying most of the leading theories of the past 40 years. “Only then can we defend science from attack.”
    They were reacting, in part, to the controversial ideas of Richard Dawid, an Austrian philosopher whose 2013 book String Theory and the Scientific Method identified three kinds of “non-empirical” evidence that Dawid says can help build trust in scientific theories absent empirical data. Dawid, a researcher at LMU Munich, answered Ellis and Silk’s battle cry and assembled far-flung scholars anchoring all sides of the argument for the high-profile event last week.

    Laetitia Vancon for Quanta Magazine
    David Gross, a theoretical physicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

    Gross, a supporter of string theory who won the 2004 Nobel Prize in physics for his work on the force that glues atoms together, kicked off the workshop by asserting that the problem lies not with physicists but with a “fact of nature” — one that we have been approaching inevitably for four centuries.
    The dogged pursuit of a fundamental theory governing all forces of nature requires physicists to inspect the universe more and more closely — to examine, for instance, the atoms within matter, the protons and neutrons within those atoms, and the quarks within those protons and neutrons. But this zooming in demands evermore energy, and the difficulty and cost of building new machines increases exponentially relative to the energy requirement, Gross said. “It hasn’t been a problem so much for the last 400 years, where we’ve gone from centimeters to millionths of a millionth of a millionth of a centimeter” — the current resolving power of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland, he said. “We’ve gone very far, but this energy-squared is killing us.”
    As we approach the practical limits of our ability to probe nature’s underlying principles, the minds of theorists have wandered far beyond the tiniest observable distances and highest possible energies. Strong clues indicate that the truly fundamental constituents of the universe lie at a distance scale 10 million billion times smaller than the resolving power of the LHC. This is the domain of nature that string theory, a candidate “theory of everything,” attempts to describe. But it’s a domain that no one has the faintest idea how to access.
    The problem also hampers physicists’ quest to understand the universe on a cosmic scale: No telescope will ever manage to peer past our universe’s cosmic horizon and glimpse the other universes posited by the multiverse hypothesis. Yet modern theories of cosmology lead logically to the possibility that our universe is just one of many.

    Whether the fault lies with theorists for getting carried away, or with nature, for burying its best secrets, the conclusion is the same: Theory has detached itself from experiment. The objects of theoretical speculation are now too far away, too small, too energetic or too far in the past to reach or rule out with our earthly instruments. So, what is to be done? As Ellis and Silk wrote, “Physicists, philosophers and other scientists should hammer out a new narrative for the scientific method that can deal with the scope of modern physics.”
    “The issue in confronting the next step,” said Gross, “is not one of ideology but strategy: What is the most useful way of doing science?”
    Over three mild winter days, scholars grappled with the meaning of theory, confirmation and truth; how science works; and whether, in this day and age, philosophy should guide research in physics or the other way around. Over the course of these pressing yet timeless discussions, a degree of consensus took shape.

    Rules of the Game

    Throughout history, the rules of science have been written on the fly, only to be revised to fit evolving circumstances. The ancients believed they could reason their way toward scientific truth. Then, in the 17th century, Isaac Newton ignited modern science by breaking with this “rationalist” philosophy, adopting instead the “empiricist” view that scientific knowledge derives only from empirical observation. In other words, a theory must be proved experimentally to enter the book of knowledge.
    But what requirements must an untested theory meet to be considered scientific? Theorists guide the scientific enterprise by dreaming up the ideas to be put to the test and then interpreting the experimental results; what keeps theorists within the bounds of science?
    Today, most physicists judge the soundness of a theory by using the Austrian-British philosopher Karl Popper’s rule of thumb. In the 1930s, Popper drew a line between science and nonscience in comparing the work of Albert Einstein with that of Sigmund Freud. Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which cast the force of gravity as curves in space and time, made risky predictions — ones that, if they hadn’t succeeded so brilliantly, would have failed miserably, falsifying the theory. But Freudian psychoanalysis was slippery: Any fault of your mother’s could be worked into your diagnosis. The theory wasn’t falsifiable, and so, Popper decided, it wasn’t science.

    Laetitia Vancon for Quanta Magazine
    Paul Teller (by window), a philosopher and professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis.

    Critics accuse string theory and the multiverse hypothesis, as well as cosmic inflation — the leading theory of how the universe began — of falling on the wrong side of Popper’s line of demarcation. To borrow the title of the Columbia University physicist Peter Woit’s 2006 book on string theory, these ideas are “not even wrong,” say critics. In their editorial, Ellis and Silk invoked the spirit of Popper: “A theory must be falsifiable to be scientific.”

    But, as many in Munich were surprised to learn, falsificationism is no longer the reigning philosophy of science. Massimo Pigliucci, a philosopher at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, pointed out that falsifiability is woefully inadequate as a separator of science and nonscience, as Popper himself recognized. Astrology, for instance, is falsifiable — indeed, it has been falsified ad nauseam — and yet it isn’t science. Physicists’ preoccupation with Popper “is really something that needs to stop,” Pigliucci said. “We need to talk about current philosophy of science. We don’t talk about something that was current 50 years ago.”

    Nowadays, as several philosophers at the workshop said, Popperian falsificationism has been supplanted by Bayesian confirmation theory, or Bayesianism, a modern framework based on the 18th-century probability theory of the English statistician and minister Thomas Bayes. Bayesianism allows for the fact that modern scientific theories typically make claims far beyond what can be directly observed — no one has ever seen an atom — and so today’s theories often resist a falsified-unfalsified dichotomy. Instead, trust in a theory often falls somewhere along a continuum, sliding up or down between 0 and 100 percent as new information becomes available. “The Bayesian framework is much more flexible” than Popper’s theory, said Stephan Hartmann, a Bayesian philosopher at LMU. “It also connects nicely to the psychology of reasoning.”
    Gross concurred, saying that, upon learning about Bayesian confirmation theory from Dawid’s book, he felt “somewhat like the Molière character who said, ‘Oh my God, I’ve been talking prose all my life!’”
    Another advantage of Bayesianism, Hartmann said, is that it is enabling philosophers like Dawid to figure out “how this non-empirical evidence fits in, or can be fit in.”

    Another Kind of Evidence

    Dawid, who is 49, mild-mannered and smiley with floppy brown hair, started his career as a theoretical physicist. In the late 1990s, during a stint at the University of California, Berkeley, a hub of string-theory research, Dawid became fascinated by how confident many string theorists seemed to be that they were on the right track, despite string theory’s complete lack of empirical support. “Why do they trust the theory?” he recalls wondering. “Do they have different ways of thinking about it than the canonical understanding?”
    String theory says that elementary particles have dimensionality when viewed close-up, appearing as wiggling loops (or “strings”) and membranes at nature’s highest zoom level. According to the theory, extra dimensions also materialize in the fabric of space itself. The different vibrational modes of the strings in this higher-dimensional space give rise to the spectrum of particles that make up the observable world. In particular, one of the vibrational modes fits the profile of the “graviton” — the hypothetical particle associated with the force of gravity. Thus, string theory unifies gravity, now described by Einstein’s theory of general relativity, with the rest of particle physics.
    Laetitia Vancon for Quanta Magazine
    Video: Richard Dawid, a physicist-turned-philosopher at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
    However string theory, which has its roots in ideas developed in the late 1960s, has made no testable predictions about the observable universe. To understand why so many researchers trust it anyway, Dawid signed up for some classes in philosophy of science, and upon discovering how little study had been devoted to the phenomenon, he switched fields.

    In the early 2000s, he identified three non-empirical arguments that generate trust in string theory among its proponents. First, there appears to be only one version of string theory capable of achieving unification in a consistent way (though it has many different mathematical representations); furthermore, no other “theory of everything” capable of unifying all the fundamental forces has been found, despite immense effort. (A rival approach called loop quantum gravity describes gravity at the quantum scale, but makes no attempt to unify it with the other forces.) This “no-alternatives” argument, colloquially known as “string theory is the only game in town,” boosts theorists’ confidence that few or no other possible unifications of the four fundamental forces exist, making it more likely that string theory is the right approach.
    Second, string theory grew out of the Standard Model — the accepted, empirically validated theory incorporating all known fundamental particles and forces (apart from gravity) in a single mathematical structure — and the Standard Model also had no alternatives during its formative years. This “meta-inductive” argument, as Dawid calls it, buttresses the no-alternatives argument by showing that it has worked before in similar contexts, countering the possibility that physicists simply aren’t clever enough to find the alternatives that exist.

    Emily Fuhrman for Quanta Magazine, with text by Natalie Wolchover and art direction by Olena Shmahalo.
    Click on the interactive to start. Learn more about this map.

    The third non-empirical argument is that string theory has unexpectedly delivered explanations for several other theoretical problems aside from the unification problem it was intended to address. The staunch string theorist Joe Polchinski of the University of California, Santa Barbara, presented several examples of these “unexpected explanatory interconnections,” as Dawid has termed them, in a paper read in Munich in his absence. String theory explains the entropy of black holes, for example, and, in a surprising discovery that has caused a surge of research in the past 15 years, is mathematically translatable into a theory of particles, such as the theory describing the nuclei of atoms.
    Polchinski concludes that, considering how far away we are from the exceptionally fine grain of nature’s fundamental distance scale, we should count ourselves lucky: “String theory exists, and we have found it.” (Polchinski also used Dawid’s non-empirical arguments to calculate the Bayesian odds that the multiverse exists as 94 percent — a value that has been ridiculed by the Internet’s vocal multiverse critics.)
    One concern with including non-empirical arguments in Bayesian confirmation theory, Dawid acknowledged in his talk, is “that it opens the floodgates to abandoning all scientific principles.” One can come up with all kinds of non-empirical virtues when arguing in favor of a pet idea. “Clearly the risk is there, and clearly one has to be careful about this kind of reasoning,” Dawid said. “But acknowledging that non-empirical confirmation is part of science, and has been part of science for quite some time, provides a better basis for having that discussion than pretending that it wasn’t there, and only implicitly using it, and then saying I haven’t done it. Once it’s out in the open, one can discuss the pros and cons of those arguments within a specific context.”

    The Munich Debate

    Laetitia Vancon for Quanta Magazine

    The trash heap of history is littered with beautiful theories. The Danish historian of cosmology Helge Kragh, who detailed a number of these failures in his 2011 book, Higher Speculations, spoke in Munich about the 19th-century vortex theory of atoms. This “Victorian theory of everything,” developed by the Scots Peter Tait and Lord Kelvin, postulated that atoms are microscopic vortexes in the ether, the fluid medium that was believed at the time to fill space. Hydrogen, oxygen and all other atoms were, deep down, just different types of vortical knots. At first, the theory “seemed to be highly promising,” Kragh said. “People were fascinated by the richness of the mathematics, which could keep mathematicians busy for centuries, as was said at the time.” Alas, atoms are not vortexes, the ether does not exist, and theoretical beauty is not always truth.

    Except sometimes it is. Rationalism guided Einstein toward his theory of relativity, which he believed in wholeheartedly on rational grounds before it was ever tested. “I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed,” Einstein said in 1933, years after his theory had been confirmed by observations of starlight bending around the sun.
    The question for the philosophers is: Without experiments, is there any way to distinguish between the non-empirical virtues of vortex theory and those of Einstein’s theory? Can we ever really trust a theory on non-empirical grounds?

    In discussions on the third afternoon of the workshop, the LMU philosopher Radin Dardashti asserted that Dawid’s philosophy specifically aims to pinpoint which non-empirical arguments should carry weight, allowing scientists to “make an assessment that is not based on simplicity, which is not based on beauty.” Dawidian assessment is meant to be more objective than these measures, Dardashti explained — and more revealing of a theory’s true promise.

    Gross said Dawid has “described beautifully” the strategies physicists use “to gain confidence in a speculation, a new idea, a new theory.”
    “You mean confidence that it’s true?” asked Peter Achinstein, an 80-year-old philosopher and historian of science at Johns Hopkins University. “Confidence that it’s useful? confidence that …”

    “Let’s give an operational definition of confidence: I will continue to work on it,” Gross said.
    “That’s pretty low,” Achinstein said.
    “Not for science,” Gross said. “That’s the question that matters.”

    Kragh pointed out that even Popper saw value in the kind of thinking that motivates string theorists today. Popper called speculation that did not yield testable predictions “metaphysics,” but he considered such activity worthwhile, since it might become testable in the future. This was true of atomic theory, which many 19th-century physicists feared would never be empirically confirmed. “Popper was not a naive Popperian,” Kragh said. “If a theory is not falsifiable,” Kragh said, channeling Popper, “it should not be given up. We have to wait.”

    But several workshop participants raised qualms about Bayesian confirmation theory, and about Dawid’s non-empirical arguments in particular.

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    Carlo Rovelli, a proponent of loop quantum gravity (string theory’s rival) who is based at Aix-Marseille University in France, objected that Bayesian confirmation theory does not allow for an important distinction that exists in science between theories that scientists are certain about and those that are still being tested. The Bayesian “confirmation” that atoms exist is essentially 100 percent, as a result of countless experiments. But Rovelli says that the degree of confirmation of atomic theory shouldn’t even be measured in the same units as that of string theory. String theory is not, say, 10 percent as confirmed as atomic theory; the two have different statuses entirely. “The problem with Dawid’s ‘non-empirical confirmation’ is that it muddles the point,” Rovelli said. “And of course some string theorists are happy of muddling it this way, because they can then say that string theory is ‘confirmed,’ equivocating.”

    The German physicist Sabine Hossenfelder, in her talk, argued that progress in fundamental physics very often comes from abandoning cherished prejudices (such as, perhaps, the assumption that the forces of nature must be unified). Echoing this point, Rovelli said “Dawid’s idea of non-empirical confirmation [forms] an obstacle to this possibility of progress, because it bases our credence on our own previous credences.” It “takes away one of the tools — maybe the soul itself — of scientific thinking,” he continued, “which is ‘do not trust your own thinking.’”

    The Munich proceedings will be compiled and published, probably as a book, in 2017. As for what was accomplished, one important outcome, according to Ellis, was an acknowledgment by participating string theorists that the theory is not “confirmed” in the sense of being verified. “David Gross made his position clear: Dawid’s criteria are good for justifying working on the theory, not for saying the theory is validated in a non-empirical way,” Ellis wrote in an email. “That seems to me a good position — and explicitly stating that is progress.”

    In considering how theorists should proceed, many attendees expressed the view that work on string theory and other as-yet-untestable ideas should continue. “Keep speculating,” Achinstein wrote in an email after the workshop, but “give your motivation for speculating, give your explanations, but admit that they are only possible explanations.”
    “Maybe someday things will change,” Achinstein added, “and the speculations will become testable; and maybe not, maybe never.” We may never know for sure the way the universe works at all distances and all times, “but perhaps you can narrow the live possibilities to just a few,” he said. “I think that would be some progress.”

    This article was reprinted on
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Nature of ASAS-SN 15lh as a primordial Ylemic Magnetar or Quark-Star


    We report the discovery of ASASSN-15lh (SN 2015L), which we interpret as the most luminous supernova yet found. At redshift z = 0.2326, ASASSN-15lh reached an absolute magnitude of Mu,AB = –23.5 ± 0.1 and bolometric luminosity Lbol = (2.2 ± 0.2) × 1045 ergs s–1, which is more than twice as luminous as any previously known supernova. It has several major features characteristic of the hydrogen-poor super-luminous supernovae (SLSNe-I), whose energy sources and progenitors are currently poorly understood. In contrast to most previously known SLSNe-I that reside in star-forming dwarf galaxies, ASASSN-15lh appears to be hosted by a luminous galaxy (MK ≈ –25.5) with little star formation. In the 4 months since first detection, ASASSN-15lh radiated (1.1 ± 0.2) × 1052 ergs, challenging the magnetar model for its engine.

    Brightest supernova ever seen pushes theoretical models to the edge

    Researchers have discovered the brightest supernova ever seen, and the unusual object powering it could challenge what physicists know about dying stars.
    By Kiona Smith-Strickland | Published: Thursday, January 14, 2016

    This article originally appeared on


    An artist's impression of the record-breakingly powerful, superluminous supernova ASASSN-15lh as it would appear from an exoplanet located about 10,000 light years away.
    Wayne Rosing

    When massive stars die, they do not go gently into the night. Instead, they expel most of their mass outward in a powerful explosion called a supernova, leaving behind a glowing cloud of gas and the collapsed remains of the former star’s core. In June 2015, a supernova appeared in the sky over the Southern Hemisphere, and astronomers believe it could mark the death throes of a very unusual star.
    The supernova, named ASASSN-15lh, was 20 times brighter at its peak than the combined light of the Milky Way galaxy’s 100 billion stars, making it the brightest supernova ever observed. In fact, it’s twice as bright as the previous record-holder.

    Powering A Superluminous Supernova

    An exploding star releases a tremendous amount of energy, but it’s not enough to power anything as bright as ASASSN-15lh. Instead, a team of astronomers led by Subo Dong of China’s Kavli Institute say that the superluminous supernova could be getting its energy from an unusual object called a magnetar. They published their findings today in the journal Science.
    When a star dies, its mass collapses onto the core. Much of it gets blown away in an explosion about a second later, but what remains is a very dense mass of neutrons called a neutron star. Once in a while, a neutron star is born with a stronger magnetic field than usual — about 10 trillion times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field — and astronomers call these objects magnetars.

    Astronomers have found magnetars at the center of supernova remnants here in the Milky Way, but they’re nothing like the fast-spinning magnetar at the heart of ASASSN-15lh. Most magnetars rotate slowly, once every one to ten seconds, and they don’t release much energy into the surrounding supernova. But Dong and his colleagues think that the magnetar at the heart of ASASSN-15lh is rotating a thousand times a second. That’s right at the limit of how fast theoretical physicists believe a magnetar can rotate.

    False-color images showing the host galaxy before the explosion of ASASSN-15lh taken by the Dark Energy Camera (left), and the supernova by the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network 1-meter telescope network (right).
    The Dark Energy Survey, B. Shappee and the ASAS-SN team

    The energy from that fast rotation is the engine that powers the supernova. “As it slows down, and it rotates slower and slower and slower, what's happening is that it's shedding its rotatational energy,” explained coauthor Todd Thompson of Ohio State University. “It's flying out in this big energized wind that then shocks the supernova and makes it extra bright for us.”
    To produce a supernova as bright as ASASSN-15lh, nearly all of the the magnetar’s energy has to be converted into light. That kind of efficiency is technically possible but very rare, and it pushes the limits of how magnetars, as we know them, work.
    “You have to take a very fast-spinning magnetar and then extract all the energy from it to power what we have been seeing in this case,” says coauthor Kris Stanek, also of Ohio State University.
    The team says it’s an extreme scenario that’s right on the edge of what physicists consider possible for a magnetar, but they also say it’s the most plausible explanation for ASASSN-15lh’s unprecedented brightness.

    An Unusual Star

    The star that exploded to produce ASASSN-15lh would have been a massive, blue, hot star, rotating rapidly. It must have shed its outer layers of hydrogen and helium shortly before it died, because those elements are absent from the supernova. Several telescopes around the world have studied the supernova’s spectrum, the presence or absence of different wavelengths of light, which can tell physicists which elements are present in the gas cloud.
    It may have been a type of massive star called a Wolf-Rayet star, although astronomers can’t yet say for sure. “They’re stars that have no hydrogen or helium, and many of them are rapidly rotating, they are called Wolf-Rayet stars. I would say it's not impossible that it is somehow related to those type of stars, because we see those type of stars around, and they meet the qualifications that I just gave you: rare, no hydrogen or helium, massive, and at least a fraction of them are rapidly rotating.”

    A Collaborative Project

    Because ASASSN-15lh is between 3.8 and 4 billion light years away, observers here on Earth are seeing the ghost of an explosion that happened billions of years ago, while our planet was still in the process of cooling.
    The light from that distant, long-ago explosion reached Earth in June of 2015, where it was first noticed by a pair of telescopes in Chile, part of the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae, or ASAS-SN, rather menacingly pronounced “assassin.” ASASSN-15lh is one of 180 supernovae discovered by ASAS-SN in 2015, and one of 270 discovered by the project since its start two years ago.
    “This particular story is an extreme example of something, and I'm very happy that we have found it,” says Stanek. “People have been studying supernovae for many decades now, and our project is just two years old, and yet, during these two years, we were able to find that object, which is challenging to everybody who is working on supernovae.”

    Two of the 14-centimeter diameter lens telescopes in use for the All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae that discovered ASASSN-15lh. Since this photo was taken, two more telescopes have been added to the ASAS-SN station in Cerro Tololo, Chile.
    Jin Ma (Beijing Planetarium)

    Studying the new supernova quickly became a collaborative effort, as larger telescopes in Chile and South Africa, and even NASA’s Swift space telescope, joined in to confirm the find and take higher-resolution images and spectra. In February 2016, the Hubble Space Telescope will gather images of ASASSN-15lh to help the team determine how close the supernova is to the center of its galaxy. If it’s in the galactic nucleus, astronomers may need to consider another explanation for ASASSN-15lh’s brightness, one involving a star’s interaction with a supermassive black hole. Stanek and Thompson say it’s an unlikely scenario, but one worth investigating.

    Watching A Supernova Fade

    Supernovae are what astronomers call transient events; they explode, and then they slowly fade.
    “The most important thing is going to be to get the spectra of it as it fades, because as it fades, it's getting cooler and bigger, and its luminosity is dropping," says Thomspon. “As it gets cooler, as it becomes less luminous, it becomes harder and harder to see, but it also means you can see through it better; it becomes more transparent.”
    That gives astronomers an opportunity to study the inner layers of the supernova, not just its outer edge.
    “Usually these things are found even further away, so in which case it's much harder to get good data. So we're getting as good data as possible,” says Stanek.
    Thompson and Stanek hope their find will push theoretical physicists to reevaluate their current models of magnetar formation and look for alternate explanations for ASASSN-15lh.
    “As a theorist working on these kinds of topics, it gets interesting when extreme events challenge conventional wisdom,” said Thompson. “A lot of times, that's when you can really push theoretical ideas and theoretical models to the limit.”
    Meanwhile, Stanek says that ASAS-SN will keep scanning the sky for other interesting new objects. “This approach of really just observing an entire sky as often as possible, is working,” he said.

    The light curve of ASASSN-15lh outshines other supernovae, even those in its "superluminous" class. At its peak, ASASSN-15lh was 200 times as bright as a typical Type Ia supernova and twice as bright as the previous record-holder, iPTF13ajg - See more at:

    Descriptor for the nature of ASAS-SN 15lh as a Ylemic Magnetar or Quark-Star

    fss2 = [2prps/ct]2 = [2p/c]2.R2/t2 = Lo
    [Mass Eigenfrequency ]2 = [Wormhole Perimeter/Lightpath]2 = String Boundary Modulation for Luminosity Constant

    From String Modular Duality, the vibratory high energy string mode for the Weyl wormhole radius rprimarysourcesink=rweyl = 1/rsecondarysinksource=1/rantiweyl for its modular dual of the winded low energy string mode as the Weyl antiwormhole radius

    As rweyl = lweyl/2p = 2plantiweyl and fps=1/fss, the squared eigenfrequency fss for the mass quantization m = Smss becomes dimensionless in Luminosity Constant Lo = Optical Unification frequency x fss = fopticalxfss = foptical/fps = 5x1014 Hz/3x1030 Hz = 1/6x1015

    Supernova ASAS-SN 15lh Data:

    Luminosity (570 Billion times Solar Luminosity 3.8x1026 Watts) = 2.2x1038 Watts
    Temperature (6000 times Solar Core-Ylem Temperature 1.57x107 Kelvin) = 9.4x1010 Kelvin
    Displacement Source-Radius ~ 10,000 m - 20,000 m with R=2 standardized from R=1=10 km for a neutron star/magnetar for the luminosity calculus

    General Luminosity for the Ylem-Quark-Star precursor of ASAS-SN 15lh:
    LASAS-SN 15lh = 4psR2T4 = 4psLo(ct/2p)2T4 = 2.2x1038 for the modulated displacement radius R and for
    t2 = (2p/c)2LASSA-SN 15lh/4psT4Lo = 9.7 {10.4} ( Stefan-Boltzman Constant s =2p5kB4/15h3c2 ).

    The period for the ylem-quark star so can be set at about T= 3.1 - 3.2 seconds and characteristic for a magnetar angular frequency of w = 2p/3.2 ~ 2 radians per second and 'spun down' from a precursor millisecond ylem-quark star core of 8000 m radius with a higher magnetic field of B=2.8x1011 Tesla in a factor of say 10 revolutions per second of 63 Hz .

    In the applied Biot-Savart Law for Magnetars and with the calculated ylemic mass and ylemic radius of Rylem=16 km below: B = wM/2c2Rylem = 4.5x109 Tesla or 4.5x1013 Gauss {7.5x1013 Gauss}

    For the ylem temperature Tylem = 9.4x1010 K, the ylemic radius and independent on the mass of the ylem star and for the 'quark-subatomic' parameters Gomc ∝ Gmnucleon and Re=ke2/mec2 is :

    Rylem = √(kTRe3/Gomc2) = 16,122 m {12,013 m using G=6.67x10-11 G-units and mneutron=1.72x10-27 kg}

    The Ylem radius is used to derive the coupled Schwarzschilded Ylem-Mass Mylem = Rylem.c2/2Go = 6.53x1030 kg ~ 3.26 Solar Masses {8.1x1030 kg ~ 4 Solar Masses}

    Utilizing the ylemic properties and nature therefore indicates, that the usual 10% energy to radiation conversion of a remnant star following core collapse is exceeded towards its E=mc2 limit.
    In the case of supernova ASAS-SN 15lh and its ylemic mass of 3.26 Solar Masses, its total energy of about 5.9x1047 Joules so becomes dispersed in a superluminous supernova in a greater fraction of radiated and emitted energy from its neutron star or magnetar or Black Hole remnant.
    How such a ylem-quark-neutronium star can in fact represent a remnant from the initial cosmogenesis of all matter is described in the following discourses.

    The Coupling of the Energy Laws by the Self-Frequency of the Quantum for Mass

    It has been discovered, that the universe contains an intrinsic coupling-parameter between its inertial masscontent and its noninertial energy content.
    The matter in the universe is described by the physical parameter termed Mass (M), say as proportional to Energy (E) in Einstein's famous equation Mass M=E/c2.
    This mass M then reappears in Newtonian mechanics as the change in momentum (p) defining the Inertial Mass (Mi) as being proportional to some applied Force (F) or the 'work done' for a particular displacement {F=dp/dt for p=mv and v a kinetematic velocity as the ratio of displacement over time generalised in the lightpath X=cT}.

    It is also well understood, that the inertial mass Mi has a gravitational counterpart described not by the change in momentum of inertia carrying matter agglomerations; but by the geometric curvature of space containing matter conglomerations. This Gravitational Mass Mg is measured to be equivalent to the Inertial Mass Mi and is formulated in the 'Principle of Equivalence' in Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
    F-Theory then has shown, that this Inertial Mass Mi is coupled inherently to a 'mass-eigen' frequency via the following formulation:

    (1) Energy E=hf=mc2 (The Combined Planck-Einstein Law)
    (2) E=hf iff m=0 (The Planckian Quantum Law E=hf for lightspeed invariance c=λf)
    (3) E=mc2 iff f=fo=fss (The Einstein Law E=mc2 for the lightspeed upper limit)

    (1) Whenever there is mass (M=Mi=Mg) occupying space; this mass can be assigned either as a photonic mass {by the Energy-Momentum relation of Special Relativity: E2 = Eo2 + (pc)2} by the photonic momentum p=h/λ=hf/c} OR a 'restmass' mo=m/√[1-(v/c)2] for 'restenergy' Eo=moc2.

    The 'total' energy for the occupied space so contains a 'variable' mass in the 'combined' law; but allows particularisation for electromagnetic radiation (always moving at the Maxwell lightspeed constant c in Planck's Law and for the 'Newtonian' mass M in the Einstein Law.

    (2) If M=0, then the Einstein Law is suppressed in favour of the Planck Law and the space contained energy E is photonic, i.e. electromagnetic, always dynamically described by the constancy of lightspeed c.

    (3) If M>0, then there exists a mass-eigen frequency fss=fo=Ess/h=mssc2/h, which QUANTIZES all mass agglomerations m=Σmss in the massquantum mss=Ess/c2.

    The Coupling of the Supermembranes in Vafa-F-Space

    The quantization of mass m so indicates the coupling of the Planck Law in the frequency parameter to the Einstein law in the mass parameter.
    The postulative basis of M-Theory utilizes the coupling of two energy-momentum eigenstates in the form of the modular duality between so termed 'vibratory' (high energy and short wavelengths) and 'winding' (low energy and long wavelengths) selfstates.

    The 'vibratory' selfstate is denoted in: Eps=Eprimary sourcesink=hfps=mpsc2 and the 'winding' and coupled selfstate is denoted by: Ess=Eecondary sinksource=hfss=mssc2

    The F-Space Unitary symmetry condition becomes: fpsfss=rpsrss=(λps/2π)(2πλss)=1

    The coupling constants between the two eigenstates are so: EpsEss=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2

    The Supermembrane EpsEss then denotes the coupled superstrings in their 'vibratory' high energy and 'winded' low energy selfstates.

    The coupling constant for the vibratory high energy describes a MAXIMISED frequency differential over time in df/dt|max=fps2 and the coupling constant for the winded low energy describes its MINIMISED reciprocal in df/dt|min=fss2.

    F-Theory also crystallizes the following string formulations from the EpsEss superbrane parameters.

    Electromagnetic Finestructure: ae = 2pke2/hc = e2/2e0hc

    Gravitational Finestructure (Electron): ag = 2pGome2/hc = {me/mPlanck}2

    Gravitational Finestructure (Primordial Nucleon): an = 2pGomc2/hc

    Gravitational Finestructure (Planck Boson): aPlanck = 2pGomPlanck2/hc

    = {2e2/me}√(k/Go)=2e2/Gome = e2/2peome
    for Go = 1/k = 4peo for the cosmological unification of the finestructures.

    Eps = 1/Ess = 1/e* = {ag/ae}/2e = Gome/2e2

    Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit is the StarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'.

    Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re; and for the electronic restmass me.
    Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant α=2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c.
    Go is the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

    As the StarCoulomb unit describes the inverse sourcesink string energy as an elementary energy transformation from the string parametrization into the realm of classical QFT and QED, this transformation allows the reassignment of the StarCoulomb (C*) as the measurement of physical space itself.

    The First Ylemic Stars in the Universe and the Antiwormholes

    The stability of stars is a function of the equilibrium condition, which balances the inward pull of gravity with the outward pressure of the thermodynamic energy or enthalpy of the star (H=PV+U). The Jeans Mass MJ and the Jeans Length RJ a used to describe the stability conditions for collapsing molecular hydrogen clouds to form stars say, are well known in the scientific data base, say in formulations such as:

    MJ=3kTR/2Gm for a Jeans Length of: RJ=√{15kT/(4πρGm)}=RJ =√(kT/Gnm²).
    Now the Ideal Gas Law of basic thermodynamics states that the internal pressure P and Volume of such an ideal gas are given by PV=nRT=NkT for n moles of substance being the Number N of molecules (say) divided by Avogadro's Constant L in n=N/L .
    Since the Ideal Gas Constant R divided by Avogadro's Constant L and defines Boltzmann's Constant k=R/L. Now the statistical analysis of kinetic energy KE of particles in motion in a gas (say) gives a root-mean-square velocity (rms) and the familiar 2.KE=mv²(rms) from the distribution of individual velocities v in such a system.
    It is found that PV=(2/3)N.KE as a total system described by the v(rms). Now set the KE equal to the Gravitational PE=GMm/R for a spherical gas cloud and you get the Jeans Mass. (3/2N).(NkT)=GMm/R with m the mass of a nucleon or Hydrogen atom and M=MJ=3kTR/2Gm as stated.

    The Jeans' Length is the critical radius of a cloud (typically a cloud of interstellar dust) where thermal energy, which causes the cloud to expand, is counteracted by gravity, which causes the cloud to collapse. It is named after the British astronomer Sir James Jeans, who first derived the quantity; where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature of the cloud, r is the radius of the cloud, μ is the mass per particle in the cloud, G is the Gravitational Constant and ρ is the cloud's mass density (i.e. the cloud's mass divided by the cloud's volume).

    Now following the Big Bang, there were of course no gas clouds in the early expanding universe and the Jeans formulations are not applicable to the mass seedling Mo; in the manner of the Jeans formulations as given.
    However, the universe's dynamics is in the form of the expansion parameter of GR and so the R(n)=Rmax(n/(n+1)) scalefactor of Quantum Relativity.
    So we can certainly analyse this expansion in the form of the Jeans Radius of the first protostars, which so obey the equilibrium conditions and equations of state of the much later gas clouds, for which the Jeans formulations then apply on a say molecular level.
    This analysis so defines the ylemic neutron stars as protostars and the first stars in the cosmogenesis and the universe.

    Let the thermal internal energy or ITE=H be the outward pressure in equilibrium with the gravitational potential energy of GPE=Ω. The nuclear density in terms of the superbrane parameters is ρcritical=mc/Vcritical with mc a base-nuleon mass for a 'ylemic neutron'.
    Vcritical= 4πRe3/3 or the volume for the ylemic neutron as given by the classical electron radius Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2.

    H=(molarity)kT for molar volume as N=(R/Re)3 for dH=3kTR2/Re3.
    Ω(R)= -∫GoMdm/R = -{3Gomc2/(Re3)2 }∫R4dR = -3Gomc2R5/Re6 for
    dm/dR=d(ρV)/dR=4πρR2 and for ρ=3mc/4πRe3

    For equilibrium, the requirement is that dH=dΩ in the minimum condition dH+dΩ=0.
    This gives: dH+dΩ=3kTR2/Re3 - 16Goπ2ρ2R4/3=0 and the ylemic radius as:


    as the Jeans-Length precursor or progenitor for subsequent stellar and galactic generation.

    The ylemic (Jeans) radii are all independent of the mass of the star as a function of its nuclear generated temperature. Applied to the protostars of the vortex neutron matter or ylem, the radii are all neutron star radii and define a specific range of radii for the gravitational collapse of the electron degenerate matter.

    This spans from the 'First Three Minutes' scenario of the cosmogenesis to 1.1 million seconds (or about 13 days) and encompasses the standard beta decay of the neutron (underpinning radioactivity). The upper limit defines a trillion degree temperature and a radius of over 40 km; the trivial Schwarzschild solution gives a typical ylem radius of so 7.4 kilometers and the lower limit defines the 'mysterious' planetesimal limit as 1.8 km.

    For long a cosmological conundrum, it could not be modelled just how the molecular and electromagnetic forces applicable to conglomerate matter distributions (say gaseous hydrogen as cosmic dust) on the quantum scale of molecules could become strong enough to form say 1km mass concentrations, required for 'ordinary' gravity to assume control.

    The ylem radii's lower limit is defined in this cosmology then show, that it is the ylemic temperature of the 1.2 billion degrees K, which perform the trick under the Ylem-Jeans formulation and which then is applied to the normal collapse of hydrogenic atoms in summation.

    The stellar evolution from the ylemic(dineutronic) templates is well established in QR and confirms most of the Standard Model's ideas of nucleosynthesis and the general Temperature cosmology. The standard model is correct in the temperature assignment, but is amiss in the corresponding 'size-scales' for the cosmic expansion.
    The Big Bang cosmogenesis describes the universe as a Planck-Black Body Radiator, which sets the Cosmic-Microwave-Black Body Background Radiation Spectrum (CMBBR) as a function of n as T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 and derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law and the related statistical frequency distributions.

    We have the GR metric for Schwarzschild-Black Hole Evolution as RS=2GM/c² as a function of the star's Black Hole's mass M and we have the ylemic Radius as a function of temperature only as Rylem = √(kT.Re3/Gomc2).

    The nucleonic mass-seed mc=mP.Alpha9 and the product Gomc2 is a constant in the partitioned n-evolution of mc(n) and G(n)=Go.Xn.

    Identifying the ylemic Radius with the Schwarzschild Radius then indicates a specific mass a specific temperature and a specific radius.

    Those we call the Chandrasekhar Parameters:
    MChandra=1.5 solar Masses=3x1030 kg and RChandra=2GoMChandra/c² or 7407.40704..metres, which is the typical neutron star radius inferred today.
    TChandra=RChandra2.Gomc2/kRe3 =1.985x1010 K for Electron Radius Re and Boltzmann's Constant k.

    Those Chandrasekhar parameters then define a typical neutron star with a uniform temperature of 20 billion K at the white dwarf limit of ordinary stellar nucleosynthetic evolution (Hertzsprung-Russell or HR-diagram).

    The Radius for the massparametric Universe is given in R(n)=Rmax(1-n/(n+1)) correlating the ylemic temperatures as the 'uniform' CMBBR-background and we can follow the evolution of the ylemic radius via the approximation:

    Rylem(npresent=1.1324..)=0.0868 m* for a Tylem(npresent )=2.73 K for the present time

    What then is nChandra?

    This would describe the size of the universe as the uniform temperature CMBBR today manifesting as the largest stars, mapped however onto the ylemic neutron star evolution as the protostars (say as nChandra'), defined not in manifested mass (say neutron conglomerations), but as a quark-strange plasma, (defined in QR as the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE).

    R(nChandra')=Rmax(nChandra'/(nChandra'+1))=7407.40741.. for nChandra'=4.64x10-23 and so a time of tChandra'=nChandra'/Ho=nChandra'/1.88x10-18=2.47x10-5 seconds.

    QR defines the Weyl-Temperature limit for Bosonic Unification as 1.9 nanoseconds at a temperature of 1.4x1020 Kelvin and the weak-electromagnetic unification at 1/365 seconds at T=3.4x1015 K.

    So we place the first ylemic protostar after the bosonic unification (before which the plenum was defined as undifferentiated 'bosonic plasma'), but before the electro-weak unification, which defined the Higgs-Bosonic restmass induction via the weak interaction vector-bosons and allowing the dineutrons to be born.

    The universe was so 15 km across, when its ylemic 'concentrated' VPE-Temperature was so 20 Billion K and we find the CMBBR in the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law as:
    T4=18.20(n+1)2/n3=1.16x1017 Kelvin.

    So the thermodynamic temperature for the expanding universe was so 5.85 Million times greater than the ylemic VPE-Temperature; and implying that no individual ylem stars could yet form from the mass seedling Mo.

    The universe's expansion however cooled the CMBBR background and we to calculate the scale of the universe corresponding to this ylemic scenario; we simply calculate the 'size' for the universe at TChandra=20 Billion K for TChandra4 and we then find nChandra=4.89x10-14 and tChandra=26,065 seconds or so 7.24 hours.

    The Radius R(nChandra)=7.81x1012 metres or 7.24 lighthours.
    This is about 52 Astronomical Units and an indicator for the largest possible star in terms of radial extent and the 'size' of a typical solar system, encompassed by supergiants on the HR-diagram.

    We so know that the ylemic temperature decreases in direct proportion to the square of the ylemic radius and one hitherto enigmatic aspect in cosmology relates to this in the planetesimal limit. Briefly, a temperature of so 1.2 billion degrees defines an ylemic radius of 1.8 km as the dineutronic limit for proto-neutron stars contracting from so 80 km down to this size just 1.1 million seconds or so 13 days after the Big Bang.

    This then 'explains' why chunks of matter can conglomerate via molecular and other adhesive interactions towards this size, where then the accepted gravity is strong enough to build planets and moons. It works, because the ylemic template is defined in subatomic parameters reflecting the mesonic-inner and leptonic outer ring boundaries, the planetesimal limit being the leptonic mapping. So neutrino- and quark blueprints micromacro dance their basic definition as the holographic projections of the spacetime quanta.

    Now because the Electron Radius is directly proportional to the linearised wormhole perimeter and then the Compton Radius via Alpha in Re=1010λwormhole=e*/2c2=Alpha.RCompton, the Chandrasekhar White Dwarf limit should be doubled to reflect the protonic diameter mirrored in the classical electron radius.

    Hence any star experiencing electron degeneracy is actually becoming ylemic or dineutronic, the boundary for this process being the Chandrasekhar mass. This represents the subatomic mapping of the first Bohr orbit collapsing onto the leptonic outer ring in the quarkian wave-geometry.

    But this represents the Electron Radius as a Protonic Diameter and the Protonic Radius must then indicate the limit for the scale where proton degeneracy would have to enter the scenario. As the proton cannot degenerate in that way, the neutron star must enter Black Hole phasetransition at the Re/2 scale, corresponding to a mass of 8MChandra=24x1030 kg* or 12 solar masses.

    The maximum ylemic radius so is found from the constant density proportion ρ=M/V:
    (Rylemmax/Re)3=MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=40.1635 km.
    The corresponding ylemic temperature is 583.5 Billion K for a CMBBR-time of 287 seconds or so 4.8 minutes from a n=5.4x10-16, when the universe had a diameter of so 173 Million km.

    But for a maximum nuclear compressibility for the protonic radius, we find:
    (Rylemmax/Re)3=8MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=80.327 km, a ylemic temperature of 2,334 Billion K for a n-cycletime of 8.5x10-17 and a CMBBR-time of so 45 seconds and when the universe had a radius of 13.6 Million km or was so 27 Million km across.

    The first ylemic protostar vortex was at that time manifested as the ancestor for all neutron star generations to follow. This vortex is described in a cosmic string encircling a spherical region so 160 km across and within a greater universe of diameter 27 Million km which carried a thermodynamic temperature of so 2.33 Trillion Kelvin at that point in the cosmogenesis.

    This vortex manifested as a VPE concentration after the expanding universe had cooled to allow the universe to become transparent from its hitherto defining state of opaqueness and a time known as the decoupling of matter (in the form of the Mo seedling partitioned in mc's) from the radiation pressure of the CMBBR photons.
    The temperature for the decoupling is found in the galactic scale-limit modular dual to the wormhole geodesic as 1/λwormholeantiwormholegalaxyserpent=1022 metres or so 1.06 Million ly and its luminosity attenuation in the 1/e proportionality for then 388,879 lightyears as a decoupling time ndecoupling.

    A maximum galactic halo limit is modulated in 2πλantiwormhole metres in the linearisation of the Planck-length encountered before in an earlier discussion.

    R(ndecoupling)=Rmax(ndecoupling/(ndecouplingc+1))=1022 metres for ndecoupling=6.26x10-5 and so for a CMBBR-Temperature of about T=2935 K for a galactic protocore then attenuated in so 37% for ndecouplingmin=1.0x10-6 for R=λantiwormhole/2π and ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and for temperatures of so 65,316 K and 744 K respectively, descriptive of the temperature modulations between the galactic cores and the galactic halos.

    So a CMBBR-temperature of so 65,316 K at a time of so 532 Billion seconds or 17,000 years defined the initialisation of the VPE and the birth of the first ylemic protostars as a decoupling minimum. The ylemic mass currents were purely monopolic and known as superconductive cosmic strings, consisting of nucleonic neutrons, each of mass mc.
    If we assign this timeframe to the maximised ylemic radius and assign our planetesimal limit of fusion temperature 1.2 Billion K as a corresponding minimum; then this planetesimal limit representing the onset of stellar fusion in a characteristic temperature, should indicate the first protostars at a temperature of the CMBBR of about 744 Kelvin.

    The universe had a tremperature of 744 K for ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and this brings us to a curvature radius of so 6.6 Million lightyears and an 'ignition-time' for the first physical ylemic neutron stars as first generation protostars of so 7 Million years after the Big Bang.

    The important cosmological consideration is that of distance-scale modulation.
    The Black Hole Schwarzschild metric is the inverse of the galactic scale metric.
    The linearisation of the Planck-String as the Weyl-Geodesic and so the wormhole radius in the curvature radius R(n) is modular dual and mirrored in inversion in the manifestation of galactic structure with a nonluminous halo a luminous attenuated diameter-bulge and a superluminous (quasar or White Hole Core).
    The core-bulge ratio will so reflect the eigenenergy quantum of the wormhole as heterotic Planck-Boson-String or as the magnetocharge as 1/500, being the mapping of the Planck-Length-Bounce as e=lP.c²√Alpha onto the electron radius in e*=2Re.c².


    The following derivations lead to a simplified string formalism as boundary- and initial conditions in a de Sitter cosmology encompassing the classical Minkowski-Friedmann spacetimes holographically and fractally in the Schwarzschild metrics.

    The magnetic field intensity B is classically described in the Biot-Savart Law:
    for a charge count q=Ne; angular velocity ω=v/r=2πf; current i=dq/dt and the current element i.dl=dq.(dl/dt)=vdq.

    The Maxwell constant then can be written as an (approximating) finestructure:
    μoεo =1/c2=(120π/c)(1/120πc) to crystallise the 'free space impedance' Zo=√(μoo)=120π~377 Ohm (Ω).

    This vacuum resistance Zo so defines a 'Unified Action Law' in a coupling of the electric permittivity component (εo) of inertial mass and the magnetic permeability component (μo) of gravitational mass in the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity.
    A unified selfstate of the preinertial (string- or brane) cosmology so is obtained from the finestructures for the electric- and gravitational interactions coupling a so defined electropolic mass to magnetopolic mass respectively.

    The Planck-Mass is given from Unity 1=2πGmP2/hc and the Planck-Charge derives from Alpha=2πke2/hc and where k=1/4πεo in the electromagnetic finestructure describing the probability interaction between matter and light (as about 1/137).

    The important aspect of alpha relates to the inertia coupling of Planck-Charge to Planck-Mass as all inertial masses are associated with Coulombic charges as inertial electropoles; whilst the stringed form of the Planck-Mass remains massless as gravitational mass. It is the acceleration of electropoles coupled to inertial mass, which produces electromagnetic radiation (EMR); whilst the analogy of accelerating magnetopoles coupled to gravitational mass and emitting electromagnetic monopolic radiation (EMMR) remains hitherto undefined in the standard models of both cosmology and particle physics.

    But the coupling between electropoles and magnetopoles occurs as dimensional intersection, say between a flat Minkowskian spacetime in 4D and a curved de Sitter spacetime in 5D (and which becomes topologically extended in 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau tori and 7-dimensional Joyce manifolds in M-Theory).

    The formal coupling results in the 'bounce' of the Planck-Length in the pre-Big Bang scenario, and which manifests in the de Broglie inflaton-instanton.

    The Planck-Length LP=√(hG/2πc3) 'oscillates' in its Planck-Energy mP=h/λPc=h/2πcLP to give √Alpha).LP=e/c2 in the coupling of 'Stoney units' suppressing Planck's constant 'h' to the 'Planck units' suppressing charge quantum 'e'.

    Subsequently, the Planck-Length is 'displaced' in a factor of about 11.7=1/√Alpha=√(h/60π)/e and using the Maxwellian finestructures and the unity condition kG=1 for a dimensionless string coupling Go=4πεo, describing the 'Action Law' for the Vacuum Impedance as Action=Charge2, say via dimensional analysis:

    Zo=√([Js2/C2m]/[C2/Jm])=[Js]/[C2]=[Action/Charge2] in Ohms [Ω=V/I=Js/C2] and proportional to [h/e2] as the 'higher dimensional source' for the manifesting superconductivity of the lower dimensions in the Quantum Hall Effect (~e2/h), the conductance quantum (2e2/h) and the Josephson frequencies (~2e/h) in Ohms [Ω].

    This derivation so indicates an electromagnetic cosmology based on string parameters as preceding the introduction of inertial mass (in the quantum Big Bang) and defines an intrinsic curvature within the higher dimensional (de Sitter) universe based on gravitational mass equivalents and their superconductive monopolic current flows.

    A massless, but monopolically electromagnetic de Sitter universe would exhibit intrinsic curvature in gravitational mass equivalence in its property of closure under an encompassing static Schwarzschild metric and a Gravitational String-Constant Go=1/k=1/30c (as given in the Maxwellian finestructures in the string space).

    In other words, the Big Bang manifested inertial parameters and the matter content for a subsequent cosmoevolution in the transformation of gravitational 'curvature energy', here called gravita as precursor for inertia into inertial mass seedlings; both however describable in Black Hole physics and the Schwarzschild metrics.

    The Gravitational Finestructure so derives in replacing the Planck-Mass mP by a protonucleonic mass:

    mc=√(hc/2πGo).f(alpha)= f(Alpha).mP and where f(Alpha)=Alpha9.
    The Gravitational finestructure, here named Omega, is further described in a fivefolded supersymmetry of the string hierarchies, the latter as indicated in the following below in excerpt.

    This pentagonal supersymmetry can be expressed in a number of ways, say in a one-to-one mapping of the Alpha finestructure constant as invariant X from the Euler Identity:

    X+Y=XY= -1=i2=exp(iπ).

    One can write a Unification Polynomial: (1-X)(X)(1+X)(2+X)=1 or X4+2X3-X2-2X+1=0
    to find the coupling ratios: f(S)¦f(E)¦f(W)¦f(G)=#¦#3¦#18¦#54 from the proportionality

    The Unification polynomial then sets the ratios in the inversion properties under modular duality:

    (1)[Strong short]¦(X)[Electromagnetic long]¦(X2)[Weak short]¦(X3)[Gravitational long]
    as 1¦X¦X2¦X3 = (1-X)¦(X)¦(1+X)¦(2+X).

    Unity 1 maps as (1-X) transforming as f(S) in the equality (1-X)=X2; X maps as invariant of f(E) in the equality (X)=(X); X2 maps as (1+X) transforming as f(W) in the equality (1+X)=1/X; and X3 maps as (2+X) transforming as f(G) in the equality (2+X)=1/X2=1/(1-X).

    The mathematical pentagonal supersymmetry from the above then indicates the physicalised T-duality of M-theory in the principle of mirror-symmetry and which manifests in the reflection properties of the heterotic string classes HO(32) and HE(64), described further in the following.

    Defining f(S)=#=1/f(G) and f(E)=#2.f(S) then describes a symmetry breaking between the 'strong S' f(S) interaction and the 'electromagnetic E' f(E) interaction under the unification couplings.
    This couples under modular duality to f(S).f(G)=1=#55 in a factor #-53=f(S)/f(G)={f(S)}2 of the 'broken' symmetry between the longrange- and the shortrange interactions.

    SEWG=1=Strong-Electromagnetic-Weak-Gravitational as the unified supersymmetric identity then decouples in the manifestation of string-classes in the de Broglie 'matter wave' epoch termed inflation and preceding the Big Bang, the latter manifesting at Weyl-Time as a string-transformed Planck-Time as the heterotic HE(64) class.

    As SEWG indicates the Planck-String (class I, which is both openended and closed), the first transformation becomes the suppression of the nuclear interactions sEwG and describing the selfdual monopole (stringclass IIB, which is loop-closed in Dirichlet brane attachement across dimensions say Kaluza-Klein R5 to Minkowski R4 or Membrane-Space R11 to String Space R10).

    The monopole class so 'unifies' E with G via the gravitational finestructure assuming not a Weylian fermionic nucleon, but the bosonic monopole from the kGo=1 initial-boundary condition GmM2= ke2 for mM=ke=30[ec]=mP√Alpha.

    The Planck-Monopole coupling so becomes mP/mM=mP/30[ec]=1/√Alpha
    with f(S)=f(E)/#2 modulating f(G)=#2/f(E)=1/# ↔ f(G){f(S)/f(G)}=# in the symmetry breaking f(S)/f(G)=1/#53 between short (nuclear asymptotic) and long (inverse square).

    The shortrange coupling becomes f(S)/f(W)=#/#18=1/#17=Cuberoot(Alpha)/Alpha6
    and the longrange coupling is Alpha/Omega=1/Alpha17=#3/#54=1/#51=1/(#17)3.

    The strong nuclear interaction coupling parameter so becomes about 0.2 as the cuberoot of alpha and as measured in the standard model of particle physics.

    The monopole quasimass [ec] describes a monopolic sourcecurrent ef, manifesting for a displacement λ=c/f. This is of course the GUT unification energy of the Dirac Monopole at precisely [c3] eV or 2.7x1016 GeV and the upper limit for the Cosmic Ray spectra as the physical manifestation for the string classes: {I, IIB, HO(32), IIA and HE(64) in order of modular duality transmutation}.

    The transformation of the Monopole string into the XL-Boson string decouples Gravity from sEwG in sEw.G in the heterotic superstring class HO(32). As this heterotic class is modular dual to the other heterotic class HE(64), it is here, that the protonucleon mass is defined in the modular duality of the heterosis in: Omega=Alpha18=2πGomc2/hc=(mc/mP)2.

    The HO(32) string bifurcates into a quarkian X-part and a leptonic L-part, so rendering the bosonic scalar spin as fermionic halfspin in the continuation of the 'breaking' of the supersymmetry of the Planckian unification. Its heterosis with the Weyl-string then decouples the strong interaction at Weyl-Time for a Weyl-Mass mW, meaning at the timeinstanton of the end of inflation or the Big Bang in sEw.G becoming s.Ew.G.

    The X-Boson then transforms into a fermionic protonucleon triquark-component (of energy ~ 10-27 kg or 560 MeV) and the L-Boson transforms into the protomuon (of energy about 111 MeV).

    The last 'electroweak' decoupling then occurs at the Fermi-Expectation Energy about 1/365 seconds after the Big Bang at a temperature of about 3.4x1015 K and at a 'Higgs Boson' energy of about 298 GeV.

    A Bosonic decoupling preceeded the electroweak decoupling about 2 nanoseconds into the cosmogenesis at the Weyl-temperature of so TWeyl=Tmax=EWeyl/k=1.4x1020 K as the maximum Black Hole temperature maximised in the Hawking MT modulus and the Hawking-Gibbons formulation: McriticalTmin=½MPlanckTPlanck=(hc/2πGo)(c2/2k)=hc3/4πkGo for Tmin=1.4x10-29 K and Boltzmann constant k.

    The Hawking Radiation formula results in the scaling of the Hawking MT modulus by the factor of the 'Unified Field' spanning a displacement scale of 8p radians or 1440° in the displacement of 4lps.

    The XL-Boson mass is given in the quark-component: mX=#3mW/[ec]=Alpha.mW/mP=#3{mW/mP}~1.9x1015 GeV; and the lepton-component: mL=Omega.[ec]/#2=#52[ec/mW] ~ 111 MeV.

    A reformulation of the rotational dynamics associated with the monopolic naturally superconductive currentflow and the fractalisation of the static Schwarzschild solution follows. in a reinterpretation of the Biot-Savart Law.

    All inertial objects are massless as 'Strominger branes' or extremal boundary Black Hole equivalents and as such obey the static and basic Schwarzschild metric as gravita template for inertia.

    This also crystallises the Sarkar Black Hole boundary as the 100Mpc limit (RSarkar=(Mo/Mcritical.RHubble)=0.028.RHubble~237 Million lightyears) for the cosmological principle, describing large scale homogeneity and isotropy, in the supercluster scale as the direct 'descendants' of Daughter Black Holes from the Universal Mother Black Hole describing the Hubble Horizon as the de Sitter envelope for the Friedmann cosmology (see linked website references on de Sitter cosmology) for the oscillatory universe bounded in the Hubble nodes as a standing waveform.

    The Biot-Savart Law: B=μoqv/4πr2oi/4πr=μoNef/2r=μoNeω/4πr for angular velocity ω=v/r transforms into B=constant(e/c3)gxω

    in using acentripetal=v2/r=rω2 for g=GM/r2=(2GM/c2)(c2/2r2)=(RSc2/2R2) for a Schwarzschild solution RS=2GM/c2.

    B=constant(eω/rc)(v/c)2oNeω/4πr yields constant=μoNc/4π=(120πN/4π)=30N with e=mM/30c for
    30N(eω/c3)(GM/R2)=30N(mM/30c)ω(2GM/c2)/(2cR2)=NmM(ω/2c2R)(RS/R)= {M}ω/2c2R.

    Subsequently, B=Mw/2c2R = NmM(RS/R){ω/2c2R} to give a manifesting mass M finestructured in
    M=NmM(RS/R) for N=2n in the superconductive 'Cooper-Pairings' for a charge count q=Ne=2ne.

    But any mass M has a Schwarzschild radius RS for N=(M/mM){R/RS}=(M/mM){Rc2/2GM}={Rc2/2GmM}={R/RM} for a monopolic Schwarzschild radius RM=2GmM/c2=2G(30ec)/c2=60ec/30c3=2e/c2=2LP√Alpha=2OLP.

    Any mass M is quantised in the Monopole mass mM=mP√Alpha in its Schwarzschild metric and where the characterising monopolic Schwarzschild radius represents the minimum metric displacement scale as the Oscillation of the Planck-Length in the form 2LP√Alpha~LP/5.85.

    This relates directly to the manifestation of the magnetopole in the lower dimensions, say in Minkowski spacetime in the coupling of inertia to Coulombic charges, that is the electropole and resulting in the creation of the mass-associated electromagnetic fields bounded in the c-invariance.
    From the Planck-Length Oscillation or 'LP-bounce': OLP=LP√Alpha=e/c2 in the higher (collapsed or enfolded) string dimensions, the electropole e=OLP.c2 maps the magnetopole e*=2Re.c2 as 'inverse source energy' EWeyl=hfWeyl and as function of the classical electron radius Re =ke2/mec2=RCompton.Alpha= RBohr1.Alpha2=Alpha3/4πRRydberg= 1010{2πRW/360}={e*/2e}.OLP.

    The resulting reflection-mirror space of the M-Membrane space (in 11D) so manifests the 'higher D' magnetocharge 'e*' AS INERTIAL MASS in the monopolic current [ec], that is the electropolic Coulomb charge 'e'.
    This M-space becomes then mathematically formulated in the gauge symmetry of the algebraic Lie group E8 and which generates the inertial parameters of the classical Big Bang in the Weylian limits and as the final Planck-String transformation.

    The string-parametric Biot-Savart law then relates the angular momentum of any inertial object of mass M with angular velocity ω in selfinducing a magnetic flux intensity given by B=Mω/2Rc2 and where the magnetic flux relates inversely to a displacement R from the center of rotation and as a leading term approximation for applicable perturbation series.

    This descriptor of a string based cosmology so relates the inherent pentagonal supersymmetry in the cosmogenesis to the definition of the Euler identity in its finestructure X+Y=XY=-1, and a resulting quadratic with roots the Golden Mean and the Golden Ratio of the ancient omniscience of harmonics, inclusive of the five Platonic solids mapping the five superstring classes. Foundations and applications of superstring theory are also indicated and serve as reference for the above.

    Tony Bermanseder for at
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Dark Energy and Dark Matter in the Multiverse

    The 2015 measurements by the Planck Collaboration have finetuned the numerical parameters of the Hubble Constant and the Dark Energy with Dark Matter parameters as 67.31±0.96 Hubble Units and as 0.685±0.013/0.315±0.013 respectively.

    This article shall show how those values follow from the encompassing cosmology of the observed and measured universe as a protoversal seed for time phase shifted, but space integrated nonparallel multiverses.
    The Dark Energy is found to be a 'book keeper' for an intrinsic cosmic deceleration parameter, as had been proposed by the earlier Hubble standard model of cosmology and a gravitational omega, associated with the Dark Matter as a nonluminous addition to the baryonic matter energy from the same Einstein-de Sitter-Friedmann model for the universe.

    The Dark Energy is found to be a function for the cosmological evolutionary dynamic in starting from a high positive value to reach its first zero so 1.8 billion years after the Big Bang at a cosmological redshift value of 2.125 to reach its absolute negative minimum at z=1.177 at a time that coincides with a peak in galaxy formation so 4 billion years after the Big Bang and to attain its critical 'nodal' value so 2.2 billion years ago and when the higher dimensional closed de Sitter curved universe began to intersect its lower dimensional anti de Sitter open curved protoversal progenitor.
    It was then the 'de Sitter' Dark Matter could begin to interact with the anti de Sitter baryon seed in the form of a 'Hubble Oscillation, defined in the Black Hole Evolution of the encompassing topology of the curvature radii. It was then that the scalefactor of the baryonic universe 'froze' in time to synchronize the luminous matter content of the universe with its dark matter supplement.
    The Dark Energy then attains its second zero value so 38.7 billion years after the Big Bang and then approaches a constant value as defined by 'frozen' curvature nexus of the anti de Sitter cosmology.

    The zero value for the Einstein-Lambda calibrates the overall Black Hole evolution in an initial minimal wormhole singularity evolving towards its maximized Hubble Event Horizon as a 'Strominger' massless or extremal Black Hole and vice versa of the seedling universe as the protoverse for the multiverse however.
    The asymptotic value for the Dark Energy as an acceleration of 3.1580x10-11 m/s2 then becomes suppressed in the birth of successive universes from the timemarkers as set by the successive and iterative universes from their repeating but holofractally scaled seedling parameters.

    The nature of the Dark Energy and the nature of the Dark Matter so become intrinsically related in the critical density parameters defined by the respective intersecting cosmologies.



    Λ(k=1;n=1;n1=234.472)=Λ=4GoMo/RHubble2 =3.157973561...x10-11 (m/s2)*.
    Λ(k=2;n2=1 to n2=245.813)=Λ∞1=Λ/n1=4GoMo/n1RHubble2 =1.34684585...x10-13 (m/s2)*.
    Λ(k=3;n3=1 to n3=257.252)=Λ∞2=Λ∞1/n2=4GoMo/n1n2RHubble2=5.47914817...x10-16 (m/s2)*.

    The critical density for the seedling protoverse is given as a function of the Dark Matter Omega as the ratio r10/r11=Mo(n+1)3/M= Wo(n+1)3
    {rcritical in isolation as Ho2/4p2Go (toroidal) and 3Ho2/8pGo (spherical)}.

    In the Dark Energy formulation for the critical n-coordinate n=1; the asymptotic evolvement of the dark energy is defined in the then natural n-coordinate for the continuation of the lightpath, that is the mass parametric and gravitationally retarded curvature radius for volumar V10 for cyclic n=1 becomes imaged in the lightspeed expanding lightpath for the dimensionally intersecting and limiting curvature radius of volumar V11.
    The open anti de Sitter protoverse so multidimensionally maps exactly half of the hyperbolic curvature radius onto the closure space of the limiting de Sitter event horizon of the encompassing 11-dimensional Witten spacetime.
    This then in effect 'freezes' the Dark Matter Radius of the matter defined asymptotic universe at n=1 of the initializing cycle and renders the curvature radius in 10D as ½RHubble

    ΛE(n) = GoMo/R{n/[n+1]}Hubble2 - 2c2/(n+1)3RHubble

    as the formulation from Quantum Big Bang initialization n=nps=Hotps until n=1 so 'freezes' the dark matter associated n-time in the limit of the lightpath propagation, which from reaching its first odd node, continues in both a reflection back into its previously transversed spacetime in the asymptotic, lower dimensional and gravitationally retarded expansion and a refracting into the electromagnetic higher dimensional spacetime at c-invariance.

    ΛE(n) = 4GoMo/RHubble2 - 2c2/(n+1)3RHubble = 0

    subsequently becomes the formulation for the Dark Energy for all n-coordinates from n=1, defining the intersection of the higher dimensional de Sitter cosmology with its lower dimensional anti de Sitter adjutant.

    Edward's Witten's wish for a Zero Cosmological Constant so becomes fulfilled at a time cycle-coordinate which allows the graduation of the protoverse into a multiverse as a function of the Gravitational Omega, that is the dark matter cosmology.

    ΛE(n) =0 for 2GoMo/RHubble = c2/(n+1)3

    2GoMo/c2= RSarkar = Wo RHubble = RHubble/(n+1)3

    for Wo = (n+1)-3 = 0.02803 for n{Lo}=2.29199....

    So gravity appears stronger when one 'looks back in time' or analyses cosmological objects at large distances. The expansion parameter (a) in the Friedmann-Einstein standard cosmology can be rewritten as a curvature ratio R(n)/Rmax={n/(n+1)} and describes the asymptotic universe in say 10 dimensions evolving under the inertial parameters of the c-invariance. This 'lower dimensional universe' is open and expands under hyperbolic curvature under the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... This open universe is bounded in the 'standing wave' of the Hubble Oscillation of the 11D and 'higher dimensional universe'.

    The boundary is given in the omega of the 'missing mass' of the volumes, which differ in a factor of V11/V10=n3Rmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³ as the critical density ratio and as nRmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³/n²=DIM-Factor (and which assumes its minimum for one complete oscillation for n=2 as DIM=27/4=6.75 so 14.7 Billion years from the present).
    Presently, for n=1.132419.. DIM=7.561.. and so the 'missing mass' will be measured as a 'dark matter' distribution of 'dark haloes' etc. around the luminous matter given in the ylemic mass seedling Mo of the baryonic matter and as a function of the critical density ratio defined as XWo=Wo.DIM.n2=9.6966Wo=0.2718.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav=Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.803%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.803%(1.313)~3.68% with an average of 32.19% to indicate a total dark matter percentage in concordance with a Dark Energy fraction of 1-0.32 = 67.82%.

    But so 9.6966 open universes are contained within the closed and spherical universe given in the Hubble bound. And so the 'dark matter' will be 9.6966 times the luminous baryonic matter in the interval {27.83%, 36.54%} as percentage of the total energy of closure for Ωo=1 and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=Ho²/4π2Go toroidal and 3Ho²/8πGo spherical.

    In particular, the Dark Energy/Baryonic Matter/Dark Matter distribution can be tabulated for the evolutionary pattern of the Dark Energy as:

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) >0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for increasing luminous matter curvature radius from n=nps; (z(zm)≤1.26x1024)

    Dark Energy = 0.0000 {±0.03815} 1.0000 = Dark Matter for n= 0.10823 increasing luminous matter curvature radius and start of galaxy formation (z(zm)=2.125)

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) <0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for n> 0.10823 increasing luminous matter curvature radius and start of galaxy formation (z(zm)≤2.125)
    Dark Energy = 0.7758{±0.04535}0.2242 = Dark Matter for critical nodal n=1 'freezing' dark matter curvature radius; universe appears to begin to accelerate (z(zm)=0.291)
    Dark Energy = 0.7282{±0.04834}0.2718 = Dark Matter for present n=1.132419... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.2505)
    Dark Energy = 0.0808{±0.08082}0.9192 = Dark Matter for n=2.200795... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.1331)

    Dark Energy = 0.0000{±0.08445}1.0000 = Dark Matter for n=2.29199... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.1248)

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) >0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for n>2.29199... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)<0.1248)

    Our Big Bang happened at the modular time 1/fmax=tmin=fmin=3.33..x10-31 seconds*, coinciding with the end of the stringed inflation epoch of the standard cosmology.

    The 'de Broglie' inflation established the crucial boundary parameters as say given in the Mo and M Black Hole masses described.

    As the baryonic mass seedling Mo sets the Sarkar Scale for the cosmic architecture in the size of galactic superclusters as the limit for the gravitationally interacting systems before cosmic homogeneity; there must be a Black Hole evolution superposed onto the expansion of the 10D universe and the oscillation of the 11D universe which 'adds' a 'electromagnetic' volume of 2π²Rmax³ at the Hubble nodes every 16.9 Billion years.

    In terms of the dimensional 'intersection' this can be described as a 'Strominger Brane' evolution with the Sarkar Scale set at the instanton, decreasing as a 'shrinking' Black Hole until it becomes massless at the wormhole scale defined in the minimum macro Black Hole λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c²=1.591549..x10-23 metres*.

    This then resets the bosonic micro Black Holes with their macro counterparts under the modular duality.
    This Black Hole evolution is higher dimensional and purely electromagnetic, not being observable due to its noninertial nature, except the so called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' scenarios of the boundary- and initial conditions.

    For the Quantum Big Bang and a cycletime nWeyl=HotWeyl = ctWeyl/RHubble, the nodal Hubble Constant took the form of the maximized Hubble Frequency as a wormhole wavelength lWeyl=c/fWeyl = nWeylRHubble and so showing the frequency ratio between the minimum and maximum Hubble nodes as the ratio Ho/fWeyl.

    Here Mo defines the Quantum Big Bang mass seedling as a fraction of the Mcritical, the difference defining the deceleration parameter from the Einstein Lambda for n=0, that is the singularity event of creation in

    LEinstein(nWeyl) = Lambda = Omega - Universal = GoMo/l2 - 2cHo t ~ 2.015x1085 linear acceleration units and defining a Sarkar Constant

    LSarkar = LEinstein.RHubble/adeBroglie = GoMo/c2 from the original de Broglie matter wave hyper acceleration given by
    adeBroglie = RHubblefWeyl2 = RHubblec2/lWeyl2 ~ 1.4379..x1087 m/s2.

    For positive Lambda the Gravitational Omega |W| will be greater than the Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration |aMilgröm| and for negative Lambda the Intrinsic Universal Deceleration |aMilgröm| will be greater than the Gravitational Omega |W| to define the 'Dark Energy' as a Quintessence Acceleration and expressed as an overall cosmic evolution in physical consciousness.

    Considering the critical mass of the universe in a static Schwarzschild metric of topological closure calculates RHubble = 2GoMcritical/c2 for Mcritical = c2RHubble/2Go for Mo/2Mcritical = GoMo/c2RHubble = LEinstein /adeBroglie = Mo/2Mcritical = 0.01401.. to indicate a 'missing mass' or baryonic matter energy deficiet at n=nWeyl and for which the intrinsic Milgröm deceleration can be ignored in a magnitude differential of 1094.

    The 'dark matter' component at the Weyl time of the Big Bang so comprised 2.80% as the baryonic mass seedling Mo relative to the critical closure mass of Mcritical.

    The 'dark energy' component at the Weyl time can be calculated in units of acceleration from the time dependent intrinsic universal Milgröm deceleration and the measured or observed 'dark matter' component as their difference and as the Einstein Lambda.

    For a present cycle time npresent=1.1324... and a Constant GoXnMoYn from X+Y=XY=i2=-1=eip (Euler Identity)

    aMilgröm(npresent) = -2c2/(2.1324..)3RHubble = -1.1619..x10-10 m/s2 for a (constant or quintessential-dynamic) baryonic mass seedling Mo
    Wpresent = GoMo(npresent+1)2/RHubble2npresent2= 2.793..x10-11 m/s2 for an evolving Baryon seed M(n)=Mo.{Yn} for about 4.80x10-11 m/s2.

    In this case, the baryonic mass seed has grown by a factor of about 1.72 to 1.72(2.8)=4.8% of the total energy and as the measured 'Dark Energy' Component of the standard cosmological model.
    G(n)=Go.Xn for G(n)mo2=GoXnm1Yk.m2Yn-k with a Geometric Mean GoXn√{m1m2Yk+n-k}=Gom1m2.Xn.√Yn=GoMo.√Xn for Mo representing √{m1m2}

    For a cosmological redshift calculated as z=2.15, Lambda first attained its zero value in balancing the Gravitational Omega with the Intrinsic Universal Deceleration.
    For a present time the Lambda is negative as the summation of the present time Omega and Milgröm Deceleration as Wpresent - aMilgröm(npresent) = -8.83x10-11 m/s2 and for a percentage distribution of cosmic accelerations:

    Lambda = Lpresent/aMilgröm(npresent) = 0.760
    Omega =Wpresent/aMilgröm(npresent) = 0.240
    Universal = 1 for the evolved baryonic mass seed Mo relative to Mcritical.

    Dark Energy Λ(n) = GoMo/R(n)2- 2cHo/(n+1)3.

    The derivative Λ'(n) = -2GoMo R'(n)/R(n)3 + 6cHo/(n+1)4 = 6cHo/(n+1)4 - 2GoMo Ho2(n+1)/c2n3
    Then the absolute minimum for Λ'(n)=0 and for n=0.2389... becomes:
    Λ(0.2389) =2.12319...x10-10 - 5.92482...x10-10 = -3.80163...x10-10 (m/s2)*.

    The roots for Λ(n)=0 are calculated via 2c3/GoMoHo=(n+1)5/n2 as n1=0.10823... and n2=3.40055...; the second value however becoming reset as n2=2.29199... due to the 'freezing' of the lambda root at the n=1 node.
    This corresponds then to the Dark Energy beginning at the very high positive value of 2x1085 (m/s2)* at the instanton and reaching its first zero for the galaxy formation in the overall de Sitter universe after 1.83 billion years.

    This process of galaxy formation then peaks at the minimum so 4.04 billion years after the Big Bang and in tandem with the galaxy evolution peaking (0.2389..-0.2352..=0.0037) or so 62.5 million years earlier.
    The Dark Matter epoch begins 1.83 billion years after the instanton-inflaton and ends so 2.18 cycles afterwards at a 'oscillation coordinate' of 2.292RHubble or about 38.73 billion years.

    To synchronise the initial baryon matter seedling with its encompassing omniverse and within its evolving multiversal nesting cosmology; the constant baryon seed is used as the critical omega Wo=0.02803 and as a constant ratio between both the curvature radii RSarkar/RHubble and the critical Black Hole masses Mo/Mcritical. Then for this synchronisation, the parameter R(n) assumes a constant value of R(n)=½RHubble in a general macro evolution for the Baryon seed in terms of the Black Hole evolution per individual cycle k.
    In this case, the Gravitational Constant G(n)=GoXn remains constant as Go for the initialising/reset time markers of the Big Bang cyclicity, characterizing the Black Hole evolution as universal and multiversal encompassments of the Hubble oscillations of the k-cycles.

    Superposing a micro mass evolution introduces a factorization of G(n)XnmcYn=Gomc2 applied to a elementary nucleon initialised by mc=mplancka9.

    The gravitational coupling between baryonic masses then allows a finestructering of Newton's gravitational constant in the inertia evolvement of the baryon seed encompassed by the Black Hole mass ratio.

    Subtracting the nonintersected 10D-space for the baryon 'daughter' seed from the limiting 11D-'mother'-space at the present time gives 1-(n/n+1)3=1-0.1498 or 85.02% of 'Total Dark Matter' for npresent=1.13242.

    For the micro mass evolution for the present time then, the de Sitter-anti de Sitter cosmo-evolutionary coupling has; and due to the lightspeed expansion of the de Sitter universe and compared to the inertia slowing of the anti de Sitter cosmology, diverged in the factor D(n)=√Xn and which calculates as

    This divergence increases over linear time with the oscillatory de Sitter universe encompassing the asymptotic anti de Sitter universe.
    The Dark Energy, as a 'bookkeeper', so 'fades out' by the D(n) factor over linear time in the hyperbolic curvature expansion with the MILGROM diminishing slower than the OMEGA.
    This 'account-keeping' of the 'Dark Energy' 'solves' Edward Witten's 'dilemma' and 'his most troublesome professional observation'.

    Iow, Einstein was right after all of having made a blunder, which wasn't a blunder.
    The Cosmological can be defined as in this paper, but OVERALL it is ZERO, just as Ed Witten wishes for in M-Theory.

    An interview with him, stating this is reproduced below from the 'stringsite website'

    [Excerpt Quote:]
    Why is it so hard to break supersymmetry in string theory?

    "Well, if I knew the answer, if I knew how Nature has done supersymmetry breaking, then I could tell you why humans had such trouble figuring it out. But I can say one thing about it. When supersymmetry is not broken, it's easy to get a zero cosmological constant in string theory. And although a zero cosmological constant might not be the truth, it's incredibly close to the truth. If you break supersymmetry, if you do it the wrong way, you're going to get a cosmological constant that's much too big, and then you may well get associated problems, such as instabilities, runaways and so on. So it's easy to find ways that string theory could break supersymmetry, but they all have bad consequences.
    So I assume we're missing something, which is the answer to your question."

    How can the cosmological constant be so close to zero but not zero?

    "I really don't know. It's very perplexing that astronomical observations seem to show that there is a cosmological constant. It's definitely the most troublesome, for my interests, definitely the most troublesome, observation in physics in my lifetime. In my career that is." [endofquote]

    The Dark Energy, as the Einstein-Lambda though finds itself in a CONSTANT HARMONIC DANCE with Newton's Omega to ensure the continuation and contingency of all the total energy content in the FINITY of the anti de Sitter cosmology and which had emerged as FINETUNED part of the INFINITY of the de Sitter cosmology as part of the Source Energy quantum defined in E*.

    The Evolution of the Universe in the Oscillation of its Curvature Radius and its Accelerations

    The overall evolution of the universe is shown to be a function of initial and boundary conditions, commonly described in a Big Bang singularity event, which can be modeled on an emergence of the classical relativistic thermodynamic expansion of the cosmology from a prior quantum gravitational background: nWeyl = lWeyl/RHubble for a parametrized scalefactor R(n)=RHubble{n/[n+1]} and R(nWeyl)= lWeyl/{1+nWeyl} = wormhole lambda lWeyl in the limit of the inflaton.
    Quantum gravity then expressed in terms of an intrinsic multidimensional maximum curvature, here termed the wormhole Weyl curvature radius of heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8) is shown to become a minimum boundary condition initiating the Quantum Big Bang following a stringed brane epoch of inflation, which corrolarily defined the boundary-initial condition for the Hubble Event Horizon as the modular or quantum entangled maximum.

    The expansion of the universe in post-braned time evolution from the Weyl quantum gravitational curvature so evolves in hyperbolic space towards its Hubble curvature radius (in 10D - 5D anti de Sitter spacetime), but is mirror modulated in the evolution of the Hubble boundary maximum (in 11D Witten - 5D de Sitter spacetime) in a closed spherical spacetime topology.
    The negatively curved universe asymptotically approaches the de Sitter Event Horizon in a curvature radius finestructured in the Einstein-Riemann tensor maximized in an intrinsic 'Big Bang' acceleration of 2cHo=1.1268x10-9 m/s2 and where Ho describes a 'nodal' Hubble frequency as the inflaton Hubble event horizon as the de Sitter boundary in the Schwarzschild Curvature for the universe defined in a 'dark energy' closure mass M. At any time t=n/Ho within a greater cycle count n<234.47 the original wormhole radius of maximum curvature 'flattens' asymptotically towards its modular mirror RHubble=2GoM/c2 and attaining a value of 0.9957.. at the critical coordinate, when the next inflation epoch eventuates to reset the initial parameters in a new de Sitter Hubble event horizon and therefore a new 'closure mass M.

    The positively curved universe approaches the critical coordinate from the minimum curvature initialized by the first inflaton defined in a de Broglie matter wave acceleration of adeBroglie = RHubble.fWeyl2=1.438x1087 m/s2 for a timeperiod of about 3.96 Trillion 'civil years'.

    The matter wave inflation or hyperacceleration becomes proportional to a baryonic mass seedling Mo to then initialize the Quantum Big Bang in classical relativity in the form of the Einstein Lambda so defining the 'dark energy' not as an antigravitational cosmic force, but as the 'missing acceleration' to correlate and balance the two curvatures of the cosmological boundaries.

    As the absolute minimum of the Einstein Lambda, which changes from positive to 0 to negative to 0 to an asymptotic value of GoMo/{RHubble(n/[n+1])}2 = 7.964x10-12 m/s2 at the critical coordinate is attained for L(n=0.2389) = -3.8016x10-10 m/s2 (at a cosmological redshift of z=1.177 for a 'peak of galaxy formation'); the universe 'appears' to accelerate in the change of the gradient of the Einstein Lambda from negative to positive, but within a positive gravitational Omega of GoMo/{RHubble(n/[n+1)}2= 2.1232x10-10 m/s2 and an intrinsic (Milgröm) deceleration of -2cHo/(1.2389)3 =-3.8016x10-10 m/s2 calculated as: -3.8016x10-10 m/s2 = 2.1232x10-10 m/s2 - 5.9248x10-10 m/s2.
    As indicated before the first nodal intersection for the protoversal seed then manifests the measured apparent acceleration of the universe so 16.9 Billion years aft5er the Big Bang.
    Dark Energy = 0.7758{±0.04535}0.2242 = Dark Matter for critical nodal n=1 'freezing' dark matter curvature radius; universe appears to begin to accelerate (z(zm)=0.291).

    The overall cosmology so becomes Euclidean flat as a n-cyclic universe of 16.9 billion year halfcycles, the overall inflaton cyclicity requiring 234.47 cycles to reset the initial parameters to reinitialize the next Quantum Big Bang singularity event.
    This 'recharging' or rebirth of the universe then reinitializes the following cosmological boundary values:

    RHubble(1st Inflaton)=lWeylH1/3/2p = 1.59767545x1026 m and with H a space quantization constant for the number of wormhole quanta in the inflaton volumar dV4/dR=2p2RHubble3
    M(1st Inflaton)=RHubble.c2/2Go =6.47058558x1052 kg

    L1st Big Bang/adeBroglie= GoMo/lWeyl2 = 2.015x1085/1.4379x1087 = Mo/2M =0.01401..

    RHubble*(2nd Inflaton) = ncriticalRHubble = 3.746...x1028 m ~ 4 Trillion lightyears
    M(2nd Inflaton)=RHubble*c2/2Go = 1.517...x1055 kg for Mo* = 0.02802M* = 4.2510x1053 kg

    L2nd Big Bang/adeBroglie*=GoMo*/lWeyl2/RHubble*2fWeyl2 = 4.7233x1087/3.3714x1089 = Mo*/2M*= 0.01401...

    (a) 2pGo.mc²/hc=Alpha18 and mc=mP defines mP for Alpha18=1.
    (b) EWeyl=hfWeyl=Ess.fps²=√(2pGo.me²/4Alpha.hc.e²)=1/e*.
    (c) 2e.Re.=e*.lPlanck√Alpha.
    (d) Eo=e√(E/Alpha)=1.886461127x1038 C* (Charge-Seed)
    (e) Mo/mc=1.813713x1051/9.92474572x10-28
    .....Mo/mc=1.827469354x1078.......(No of Seed-Nucleons)
    .....M/mc=6.519663x1079.......(No of Nucleons)
    (f) OlPlanck=lPlanck.√Alpha=e/c² (Stoney Units).

    Electromagnetic Finestructure: ae = 2pke2/hc = e2/2eohc
    Gravitational Finestructure (Electron): ag = 2pGome2/hc = {me/mPlanck}2
    Gravitational Finestructure (Primordial Nucleon): an = 2pGomc2/hc
    Gravitational Finestructure (Planck Boson): aPlanck = 2pGomPlanck2/hc

    = {2e2/me}√(k/Go)=2e2/Gome = e2/2peome

    for Go = 1/k = 4peo for the cosmological unification of the finestructures for EWeyl=Eps modular dual to Ess via M-duality coupling EpsEss=fWeyl2 and Eps/Ess=h2.

    Eps = 1/Ess = 1/e* = √{ag/ae}/2e = Gome/2e2

    Yn = RHubble/rWeyl = 2pRHubble/lWeyl = wWeyl/Ho = 2pnWeyl = nps/2p = 1.003849x1049

    2nd Inflaton/Quantum Big Bang redefines for k=1: RHubble(1) = n1RHubble = c/Ho(1) = (234.472)RHubble = 3.746x1028 m* in 3.957 Trillion Years for critical nk
    3rd Inflaton/Quantum Big Bang redefines for k=2: RHubble(2) = n1n2RHubble = c/Ho(2) = (234.472)(245.813)RHubble = 9.208x1030 m* in 972.63 Trillion Years
    for critical nk
    4th Inflaton/Quantum Big Bang redefines for k=3: RHubble(3) = n1n2n3RHubble = c/Ho(3) = (57,636.27)(257.252)RHubble = 2.369x1033 m* in 250.24 Quadrillion Years for critical nk
    5th Inflaton/Quantum Big Bang redefines for k=4: RHubble(4) = n1n2n3n4RHubble = c/Ho(4) = (14,827,044.63)(268.785)RHubble = 6.367x1035 m* in 67.26 Quintillion Years for critical nk
    (k+1)th Inflaton/Quantum Big Bang redefines for k=k: RHubble(k) = RHubble P nk = c/Ho P nk
    nk = ln{wWeylRHubble(k)/c}/lnY = ln{wWeyl/Ho(k)}/lnY

    The macromass evolution Ynk = M∞k/Mok =adeBrogliek/Lok=RHubblek/RSarkark=Wo=0.02803 defines the unity boundary condition {nRHubble}/{nkRHubblek} = 1

    For critical n0=1.00000 and n2=7.428 - Base continued seeding n={7.428}.(1)=7.428
    For critical n1=234.472 and n2=7.428 - Base continued seeding n={7.428}.(234.472)=1741.658
    For critical n2=245.813
    and n3=7.428 - Base continued seeding n={7.428}.(234.472)(245.813)=428,122.182
    For critical n3=257.252
    and n4=7.428 - Base continued seeding n={7.428}.(234.472)(245.813)(257.252) = 110,135,287.53
    For critical n4=268.785
    and n5=7.428 - Base continued seeding n={7.428}.(234.472)(245.813)(257.252)(268.785)=3,985,287,192 = 29,602,713,260.04
    For critical nk=nk
    and nk+1=7.4128 - Base continued seeding n=(7.428){n1}{n2}{n3}{n4}...{nk}


    (N) Cycletime (n) White Hole Expansion Black Hole Expansion Torus Volumar
    Torus Dark Matter
    Space Ratio
    Dark Matter Inner
    Baryon Interaction
    Dark Matter Outer
    No Baryon Interaction
    Baryonic Matter
    Dark Matter
    Dark Energy
    Supercycle Alpha for k=1


    Closed (+)
    anti de Sitter

    Open (-)
    de Sitter

    Torus-DM for Cycle N=1,2,3...


    Constant Boundary Event Horizon for inflaton cycles


    Critical DM Density:
    for Cycle N=1,2,3...
    from N=2; n=2
    from n=√2 for N=1


    = V11- ∩ V10+
    = V11-- V10+
    Relative V11-

    Zero-Point PE
    Outer Creation
    Baryon matter seedling in
    Dark Energy Volumar


    +ve asymptotic constant
    LE=3.15797672x10-11 m/s2
        10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Outer(+)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Dynamic Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(-)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(+)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(-)
    12D Inner(-)
    Father WH
    Event Horizon

    Mother BH
    11D Outer(+)
    N=0; n=0=Nulltime
    N=0; n=√a.tplanckHo=1.12x10-62 for the Stoney-Planck-Length Quantum Oscillation Lplanck.√Alpha=Rplanck.√a in the initialisation of the Inflaton
    t=5.96x10-45 s*
    Inflaton Singularity
    N=0; n=Ho√(hGo/2pc5)=1.308x10-61
    for the inflaton matter phase

    t=tPlanck= √(hGo/2pc5)=6.965x10-44 s
    9.126x10-105 9.126x10-105-X=1+-
    Inflaton Dynamic
    N=0; n=2.435x10-50
    for the Higgs false vacuum in the inflaton de Broglie matter wave phase
    t=1.297x10-32 s
    N=0; n=nps=lps/RHubble=Hotps = 6.259..x10-49
    for Big Bang Wormhole with HE(8x8)
    t=tps=3.333...x10-31 s
    1st Big Bang Singularity
    N=0; n=3.568x10-27 for Bosonic Unification Scale Eps=kTps={3Ho3Moh3c2/440n3p7}¼
    t= 1.90x10-9 s
    N=0; n=5.171x10-21={18.2/THBVE4}
    for the Higgs/Chi Vacuum Saturation Energy (VPE or ZPE) at 298.453 GeV* and THBVE={18.2(n+1)2/n3}¼
    for electroweak unification
    t=2.754 ms
    N=0; n=1.8777x10-18=[Ho]=[c/RHubble]
    t=1 s
    N=0; n=½
    t=2.66279x1017 s = 8.436 GY
    N=0; n=0.8676...=1-0.1324... for present time image coordinate
    t=4.6205x1017 s = 14.642 GY
    N=1; n=1 Dimensional Intersection begins Dark Matter epoch Outer|Inner
    t=1/Ho=5.32558...x1017 s = 16.876 GY

    No Baryonic Intersection
    N=1; n=npresent=1.1324...
    t=6.0307x1017 s = 19.110 GY
    No Baryonic Intersection

    V11-- V10+ ~ XWo/SM
    N=1; n=√2
    for onset of Dark Matter-Baryon Intersection
    t=7.5316x1017 s = 23.867 GY
    N=2; n=2 for absolute minimum d[DM-]/dn=0
    DM- =V11-/V10+
    t=1.0651x1018 s = 33.752 GY
    29.65% of (N-1)V11-
    N=2; n=2.200795 for apparent baryon matter saturation 1.337x10801.326x1078TDM=V2+0
    32.52% of (N-1)V11-
    N=2; n=2.292 for 0 Dark Energy in Deceleration parameter Wo=1
    t=1.221x1018 s = 38.681 GY
    63.39% of (N-1)V11-
    N=3; n=3
    t=1.5977x1018 s = 50.628 GY
    35.91% of (N-1)V11-
    N=7; n=7.428 for the projected macromass evolution MoYn=M with

    t=3.956x1018 s = 125.359 GY
    63.23% of (N-1)V11-
    N=234; n=234
    t=1.24618685x1020 s = 3,949.0 GY
    93.30% of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    N=234; nreset=234.472 for Inflaton Reset RHubble=RHubble*; Ho=Ho* from

    t1=treset=1.24870053x1020 s = 3,956.9744 GY
    93.72% of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    2nd Big Bang
    N=235; n=235; n1=234.472;
    t2=2.812x1017 s = 8.9106 GY
    t=t1+n2/Ho*=1.2515x1020 s = 3,965.885 GY
    Old Seedling {k=1} Universe
    Asymptotic continuation of the DM/DE Multiverse for the first initial seedling
    universe k=1
    Linear Continuity in cycle relative time summations
    93.32% of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    Supercycle Beta for k=2

    New Seedling{k=2} Universe
    Old Seed becomes wormhole singularity

    Galactic civilizations to quantum tunnel from the Old Universe into the New
    Universe from n=1; t=1/Ho cycle
    coordinate relative to n*=1; t=1/Ho*
    {16.876 GY; 3.957 TY; 7.914 TY}

    As npresent=19.11 GY; from a time 2.2 GY ago, a quantum tunnel exists
    between the present and future universe defined in super cycles A and B.

    For linear time continuity: ninflaton=nk-1.nk
    for parallel time synchronisation: ninflaton=nk
    Closed (+)
    anti de Sitter
    Open (-)
    de Sitter
    Torus-DM for Cycle N=1,2,3...


    Constant Boundary Event Horizon for
    inflaton cycles

    for Cycle N=1,2,3...
    from N=2; n=2
    from n=√2 for N=1


    = V11- ∩ V10+
    = V11-- V10+

    Zero-Point PE
    Outer Creation
    Baryon matter seedling
    in Dark Energy Volumar


    +ve asymptotic
    LE=1.346845x10-13 m/s2
    N2=0; n2=nps*=lps/RHubble*=Ho*tps = 2.6694x10-51
    for Big Bang Wormhole with HE(8x8)
    t=treset+tps=3.95697 TY+3.333...x10-31 s

    n=234.472 for N1

    =8.0083253x10-21 1/s
    =3.7461016x1028 m = 3,956.974 Gly
    = New Wormhole Radius
    adeBroglie=RH*fps2=3.371x1089 m/s2
    Lo=GoMo*/lps2=4.725x1087 m/s2
    t=n*/Ho*+treset=1.2515x1020 s = 3.956974 TY

    Half-Cycles Period changes from 16.9 GY to 3.9569 TY in n*=n.nreset
    for nodes n=0,1,2,3...n
    93.32% of (N-1)V11-
    N=235; n=235; n1=234.472;
    t2=2.812x1017 s = 8.9106 GY
    t=t1+n2/Ho*=1.2515x1020 s = 3,965.885 GY
    Old Seedling {k=1} Universe
    Asymptotic continuation for the DM/DE Multiverse for the first initial
    seedling universe k=1
    Linear Continuity in cycle relative time summations
    N2=0; n2=½; n1=234.472; n=351.717 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;

    Parallel Synchronisation: Lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    t=t1+6.2435x1019 s = 1.8731x1020 s = 5.935 TY
    N2=1; n2=1; n1=234.472; n=468.943 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;

    Parallel Synchronisation: Lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    Dimensional Intersection begins
    Dark Matter epoch Outer|Inner
    t=t1+1.2487x1020 s = 2.4974x1020 s = 7.914 TY

    100% for k=2
    No Baryonic Intersection
    N2=1; n2=npresent2=1.1324...; n1=234.472; n=500 for N1
    for timephase shifted present parallel universe k=2 to k=1
    t=t1+1.41403x1020 s = 2.6627x1020 s = 8.438 TY
    No Baryonic Intersection


    V11-- V10+ ~ XWo/SM
    N2=1; n2=√2; n1=234.472; n=566.07 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;
    for onset of Dark Matter-Baryon Intersection
    t=t1+1.766x1020 s = 3.0146x1020 s = 9.553 TY
    1.057x1085 TDM=1.057x1085X=14.062TDM-1.057x1085=0
    N2=2; n2=2; n1=234.472; n=703.40 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;
    for absolute minimum d[DM-]/dn=0
    DM- =V11-/V10+

    t=t1+2.497x1020 s = 3.746x1020 s = 11.871 TY
    29.65% of (N-1)V11
    Absolute Minimum DE=-4.329x10-14
    N2=2; n2=2.200795; n1=234.472; n=750.50 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;
    for apparent baryon matter saturation

    t=t1+2.748x1020 = 3.997x1020 s = 12.665 TY
    1.709x1085 TDM=V2+0
    62.15% of (N-1)V11-
    N2=2; n2=2.292; n1=234.472; n=771.88 for N1
    for 0 Dark Energy in Deceleration parameter Wo=1 (k=2)

    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;
    Parallel Synchronisation: Lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    t=t1+2.8620x1020 s = 4.1107x1020 s = 13.026 TY

    63.39% of (N-1)V11-
    N2=7; n2=7.428; n1=234.472; n=1976.12 for N1;
    for the projected macromass evolution Mo*Yn=M*
    with n=log{2p/nps}/logY

    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;
    Parallel Synchronisation: RH1=2GoM∞1/c2=c/Ho1=
    t=t1+9.2753x1020 = 1.0524x1021 s = 33.349 TY
    WoYn=1 n/a
    N2=245; n2=245; n1=234.472; n=57,680.11 for N1
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2=treset1+n2/Ho2;

    Parallel Synchronisation: RH1=2GoM∞1/c2=c/Ho1=
    t=t1+3.0593x1022 = 3.07180x1022 s = 973.416 TY
    V245=5.19316x1085 TDM=V2+...+V245+0 X=14,886,936
    WoYn=1 n/a
    Absolute Minimum DE=1.347x10-13
    N2=245; n2=245.813; n1=234.472; n=57,870.74 for N1
    Linear Continuity: {(n1+n1n2)RH}3=V11+/2p2
    Parallel Synchronisation: lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    nreset2=245.813 for Inflaton Reset k=3
    RHubble3=n1n2RH=RHubble**=9.2084x1030 m from
    Ho3=c/RH3=Ho**=3.25789x10-23 1/s

    t2=treset2=3.069468x1022 s = 972.676 TY
    t=t1+3.0695x1022 s = 3.0820x1022 s = 976.63 TY
    WoYn=1 n/a
    2nd Big Bang
    N2=246; n2=245.813; n1=234.472; n=57,914.58 for N1;

    t3=n3/Ho3=2.335x1019 s = 739.95 GY
    Linear Continuity: t=t1+t2+t3=treset1+treset2+n3/Ho3;
    Parallel Synchronisation: RH1=2GoM∞1/c2=c/Ho1=

    t=t1+t2+n3/Ho3 = 3.0843x1022 s = 977. TY
    2nd asymptotic continuation for the DM/DE Multiverse for the second seedling
    universe k=2

    WoYn=1 n/a
    Absolute Minimum DE=0
    DE=1.347x10-13asymptotic constant
    LE(n)=5.47910-16 m/s2
    NullRadius for NullTime tGenesis=Rmax/Vdebroglie=lps/c=1/fps=fss=tps=nps/Ho
    1.88x10-40 m* for 6.28x10-49 s*
    No CMBR
    Cosmic Logos Initialisation of Creation in Awareness df/dt as maximised entropy counter fps2 in the Genesis Boson for Nulltime npsHo with the Nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/Rmax=1.877728045x10-18 Hz*
    2. PLO=Planck-Length Oscillation
    1.78x10-36 m* for 5.96x10-45 s*
    No CMBR
    BEGIN of String Epoch in the de Broglie INFLATION VPE bounce of the Planck Oscillation in {e/c2}unified for the Planck-Time Bounce tPLO=1/fPLO=√a.tplanck=√(2apGoh/c5)=2palplanck/c
    3. Planck Length
    2.09x10-35 m* for 6.98x10-44 s*
    No CMBR
    Superstring Class I for SEWG Unification all interactions unified in a single interaction at Planck Time tplanck=√(hGo/2pc5)
    4. Monopole Radius
    7.34x10-33 m* for 2.44x10-41s*
    No CMBR
    Magnetic Monopolar Radius for Superstring Class IIB as the Cosmic Ray SourceSink for SeWg Unification Electromagnetic Gravitation and StrongWeak Coupling
    5.XL-GUT Boson
    1.05x10-31 m* for 3.50x10-40 s*
    No CMBR
    XL-Boson Brane for Superstring Class HO(32) for GUT Unification SEW.G for the Decoupling of Gravitation
    6.ECosmic Ray Boson RECR=lECR/2p=ec/pA3.16x10-26 m* for 1.05x10-34 s*
    No CMBR
    ECosmicRay Brane for Superstring Class IIA as the Cosmic Ray SourceSink for SeW.G Unification for Electromagnetic StrongWeak Coupling without Gravity
    7. lps/360=2prps/3602.78x10-25 m* for 9.27x10-34 s*
    CMBR=2.42x1038 K*>TEMPEST
    END of INFLATIONARY StringEpoch with a Wormhole tunneling scale for Superbrane EpsEss in the 2p factor of quantum spin in period T=1/2pf
    TEMPERATURE Gradient Upper Bound
    1.32x10-24 m* for 4.39x10-33 s*
    CMBR=7.54x1037 K*=TEMPEST
    The algorithmic temperature definition initiates the Higgs Bosonic Restmass Induction across the wormhole scale of heterotic supermembrane EpsEss in radian linearisation pnps/180
    9. plps/180=p2rps/90 1.75x10-24 m* for 5.80x10-33 s*
    CMBR=6.13x1037 K*≤TEMPEST
    END of INFLATIONARY StringEpoch with a Wormhole tunneling scale for Superbrane EpsEss in the radian linearisation of the period T=1/2p in the 360Re=1010lps definition
    10.RFalse HiggsVacuum
    TEMPERATURE Gradient Lower Bound
    3.90x10-24 m* for 1.30x10-32 s*
    CMBR=3.35x1037 K*≤TEMPEST
    The Higgsian MassInduction defines the False Vacuum from the Potential Temperature to manifest as Kinetic Temperature in tHiggsPE=tps.T(nps)/TEMPEST=0.03890...tps=1.297x10-32 seconds*
    11. lps/2p=rps 1.59x10-23 m* for 5.30x10-32 s*
    CMBR=1.16x1037 Kelvin*
    QUANTUM BIG BANG at the Wormhole Radius for all spacetime event horizons for Superbrane Class HE(8x8) as the Cosmic Ray Knee SourceSink for S.EW.G ELECTROWEAK Unification
    3.92x10-23 m* for 1.30x10-31 s*
    CMBR=5.93x1036 Kelvin*
    e*=2Rec2=1/Eps↔V*.(df/dt)|max=2p2R*3.fps2 in toroidal hypersphere quantization of the VPE/ZPE Heisenberg matrix to define the cosmic awareness quantum aw={df/dt}|max in the characterisation of physical consciousness
    13. lps=2prps 10-22 m* for tps=3.33..x10-31 s*
    CMBR=Tps=2.93x1036 Kelvin*
    Wormhole Perimeter for all spacetime event horizons in S.EW.G Unification at the de Broglie timeinstanton tps=1/tss=3.33..x10-31 s*
    14.plRMP/180={½pe*fss2}/1802.46x10-22 m* for 8.20x10-31 s*
    CMBR=1.49x1036 Kelvin*
    15.2plps=4p2rps6.28x10-22 m* for 2.09x10-30 s*
    CMBR=7.40x1035 Kelvin*
    Wormhole Linearisation Parameter
    16.lRMP/2p={e*fss2/16p5}2.25x10-21 m* for 7.51x10-30 s*
    CMBR=2.84x1035 Kelvin*
    17.180lps/p=360rps5.73x10-21 m* for 1.91x10-29 s*
    CMBR=1.41x1035 Kelvin*
    Neutrino Kernel Scale KKK
    18.lRMP={e*fss2/2p2}/3601.41x10-20 m* for 4.70x10-29 s*
    CMBR=7.17x1034 Kelvin*
    19.360lps3.60x10-20 m* for 1.20x10-28 s*
    CMBR=3.56x1034 Kelvin*
    Neutrino Corona to Mesonic KIR-Transition
    20.2plRMP={4pe*fss2}8.87x10-20 m* for 2.96x10-28 s*
    CMBR=1.81x1034 Kelvin*
    21.RHBVE=hc/2pe₭Kav=lHBVE/2p6.64x10-19 m* for 2.22x10-27 s*
    CMBR=3.99x1033 Kelvin*
    Electroweak Decoupling for Higgs Bosonic Massinduction for S.E.W.G Unification at THBVE=EHBVE/k=hc/2pRHBVEk=3.396x1015 Kelvin*
    22.180lRMP/p=180{e*fss2/2p5}8.09x10-19 m* for 2.70x10-27 s*
    CMBR=3.44x1033 Kelvin*
    23.Mesonic InnerRing=RIR=Rm
    2.76x10-18 m* for 9.21x10-27 s*
    CMBR=1.37x1033 Kelvin*
    The Microcosmic Mesonic Inner Ring for the down quark template for the (anti)neutrino mass inductions for the mean fractal mapping of the solar scale from the wave quarkian KKIRKOR template of the cosmogenesis in Re/Rm=OR/IR=rE/rM and for the mean Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) markers are radii G,F and E for the ylemic epoch
    24.360lRMP=360{e*fss2/2p2}5.08x10-18 m* for 1.69x10-26 s*
    CMBR=8.67x1032 Kelvin*
    25.Classical Electron Radius=Re=ROR
    7.72x10-18 m* for 2.57x10-26 s*
    CMBR=6.34x1032 Kelvin*
    The Microcosmic Leptonic Outer Ring and lower bounded OR scale for the strange quark template fractalising the solar scale in 360=1010lps/Re=RSun(outer)/RSun(inner) at the 3 Fermi nuclear interaction scale
    26.pRe/180=ah/720eomec24.85x10-17 m* for 1.61x10-25 s*
    CMBR=1.60x1032 Kelvin*
    decay scale for the strong- and nuclear interactions in Quantum Chromo Dynamics or QCD
    27.Re/2p=e2/8p2eomec2=1/2,4000,000pc4.42x10-16 m* for 1.48x10-24 s*
    CMBR=3.04x1031 Kelvin*
    me=(6000e)2 with eo=1/120pc=1/moc2
    28.Effective Proton Radius
    1.39x10-15 m* for 4.63x10-24 s*
    CMBR=1.29x1031 Kelvin*
    The KIR-KOR d-d*-s Wavequark oscillation for the decay of the neutron in beta decay in the Compton Proton-Neutron-Nucleon Lambda lnucleon=h/mcc=2.24x10-15 m* cosmogenetically and 1.30x10-15 m* for the present time for mcYnpresent
    29.Classical Electron Radius
    2.777..x10-15 m* for 9.27x10-24 s*
    CMBR=7.67x1030 Kelvin*
    Re defines the upper bounded KOR Leptonic Radius in the wave quarkian template and characterizes the Weakon (W- for matter currents, W+ for antimatter currents and Zo for neutral mass currents) radius for the extent of the Weak Nuclear Interaction for the radioactive decay of quark-lepton conglomerations
    30.Compton Electron Lambda=le
    1.75x10-14 m* for 5.80x10-23 s*
    CMBR=1.94x1030 Kelvin*
    Re=ale/2p=a2Rbohr1=a3/4pR for the first Bohr Radius in the Hydrogen Atom Rbohr1=4peoh2/mee2 in Rydberg Energy Rhc=½mec2a2 in electron orbit quantisation 1/l=RZ2(1/n2 - 1/[n+1]2)
    31.180Re/p=180e2/4p2eomec21.59x10-13 m* for 5.30x10-22 s*
    CMBR=3.68x1029 Kelvin*
    32.360Re=1010lps=10-12=2p1010rps10-12 m* for 3.33x10-21 s*
    CMBR=9.28x1028 Kelvin*
    Nuclear Compton Bound as the geometric mean for the electron as an inertial minimum mass:
    √(√(le.Re/a)=(1/√(2p)).(h/mec)=9.5424x10-13 m*<10-12 m* for an effective electron mass me=(6000e)2 kg*
    33.lm/3602.50x10-8 m* for 8.31x10-17 s*
    CMBR=47 Trillion Trillion Kelvin*
    A Nanobacterial Ribosome Scale for molecular DNA structure with 1 micron=1 mm*=10-6 m*=1mm*/1000
    34.plm/1801.57x10-7 m* for 5.24x10-16 s*
    CMBR=12 Trillion Trillion Kelvin*
    A Mycoplasmic Microbial Scale
    35.lm/2p1.43x10-6 m* for 4.78x10-15 s*
    CMBR=2.24 Trillion Trillion Kelvein*
    A near infrared biological scale for the micron scale of biological CELLS as Cosmological MicroCellular Units in so 1 micron to 100 microns
    9x10-6 m* for 3.00x10-14 s*
    CMBR=565 Billion Trillion Kelvin*
    The Infrared Unification-Scale in the UFoQR as 9 microns and the atmospheric window for water vapour
    37.2plm5.66x10-5 m* for 1.89x10-13 s*
    CMBR=142.3 Billion Trillion Kelvin*
    A Infrared Biovital Scale
    38.180lm/p5.16x10-4 m* for 1.72x10-12 s*
    CMBR=27 Billion Trillion Kelvin*
    A Superplasmic Microbial Scale
    39.360lm3.24x10-3 m* for 1.08x10-11 s*
    CMBR=7 Billion Trillion Kelvin*
    A Millimeter Biological Scale for the largest microcellular selfconscious quantum units holofractally teleported to the astronomical unitary scale of stars and star systems as macrocellular selfconscious quantum units and encompassing all lifeforms in planetary and ecologically and environmentally evolved subsystems
    40.Bosonic LovePhoton=Rbosonic=lbosonic/2p
    0.57 m* for 1.90x10-9 s*
    CMBR=tps=1.41x1020 Kelvin*
    Bosonic Unification Scale Eps=kTps={3Ho3Moh3c2/440n3p7}¼ where the classical expansion of the cosmos begins in rendering the Eps Lovephoton statistically distributable from its previous string-bosonic unitary transformations and for a universe so 114 cm* across
    1821.4 m* for 6.07x10-6 s*
    CMBR=333 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar for the E-googol marker scale at 1.2 Billion Kelvin* and 10112 spacetime quanta in the Temperature-Displacement Scale of the 1st generation protostars setting the molecular gravitational bonding-fusion for planetesimals
    7407.4 m* for 2.47x10-5 s*
    CMBR=116 Million Billion Kelvin*
    A characteristic Radius for a Neutron Star with the Chandrasekhar Mass as White Dwarf limit for electron degeneracy of 1.5 Solar Masses as the source frequency count fps=3x1030 Hz* and at ylemic temperature of Tchandra=(Gomc2Rchandra2/kRe3)=(4Go3mc2Mchandra2/kRe3c4)=20 Billion Kelvin*
    23,865 m* for 7.94x10-5 s*
    CMBR=48.4 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar for the F-googol marker scale at 206 Billion Kelvin* and 1.02x10103 spacetime quanta in the Temperature-Displacement Scale of the 1st generation protostars setting the maximal protostar VPE induction in a 19 second temperature gradient from 206-209 Billion Kelvin*
    24,038 m* for 7.99x10-5 s*
    CMBR=48.2 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar for the G-googol marker scale at 209 Billion Kelvin* and 9.68x10102 spacetime quanta in the Temperature-Displacement Scale of the 1st generation protostars setting the maximal protostar VPE induction in a 19 second temperature gradient from 206-209 Billion Kelvin*
    45.Rylemchaos from Luminosity and Chaos Constant
    40,164 m* for 1.34x10-4 s*
    CMBR=33 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar Maximum for spheroidal modulation from the proportionality for the critical density in rcritical=Mchandra/Vchandra=mc/2p2Re3x{3p/2}=3mc/4pRe3 and for a ylemic temperature Tylemmax=(Gomc2Rchandra2/kRe3=584 Billion Kelvin*and with the maximised Chaos Constant from a Sphere of radius 2r circumscribing a Horn Torus radius r at 0.134 ms*
    46.Rylemlum from Luminosity
    67,337 m* for 2.24x10-4 s*
    CMBR=22 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar Maximum for toroidal modulation from the proportionality for the critical density in hypersphere volumar V4=2p2rps3 with V3=dV4/dR=d{½p2R4}/dR at 0.224 ms*
    47.Rylemnuccom from Nuclear Compressibility
    80,327 m* for 2.68x10-4 s*
    CMBR=19.4 Million Billion Kelvin*
    The Ylemic Protostar Maximum for maximum nuclear compressibility in the protoproton radius Rp=½Re and so 8 Candrasekhar Masses
    48.Fermi Radius for the RHBVE=lHBVE/2p
    826 km* for 2.754 ms*
    CMBR=3,396 Trillion Kelvin*
    The Higgs/Chi Vacuum Saturation Energy (VPE or ZPE) at 298.453 GeV* or 4.79x10-8 J* or 5.33x10-25 kg* for the effective electroweak decoupling at THBVE={18.2(n+1)2/n3}¼
    49.Solar Inner Core Radius

    1,968,666 m* for 6.56 ms*
    CMBR=1,768 Trillion Kelvin*
    Solar Inner Scale from rE=(lps/2p){E} m*
    50.Solar Outer Disk Radius

    708,719,904 m* for 2.36 s*
    CMBR=21.4 Trillion Kelvin*
    Solar Outer Scale from 360rE=360(lps/2p){E} m*
    51.VPE Marker Scale for Rylemmax protostar
    1.36x1010 m* for 45.2 s*
    CMBR=2.334 Billion Kelvin*
    Transduction Embeddedment of the multiD protoversal seedling as ylemic protostar in a 0.75 - 1.2 - 4.8 minute* interval from maximum nuclear compressibility in the protonic effective radius Rp=½Re
    52.VPE Marker Scale for Rylem11D protostar
    2.17x1010 m* for 72.4 s*
    CMBR=1,640 Billion Kelvin*
    Transduction Embeddedment of the multiD protoversal seedling as ylemic protostar in a ellipsoidally closed 11D electromagnetic and lightspeed invariant cyclic noninertial universe in a 0.75 - 1.2 - 4.8 minute* interval
    53.VPE Marker Scale for Rylem10D protostar
    8.63x1010 m* for 288 s*
    CMBR=584 Billion Kelvin*
    Transduction Embeddedment of the multiD protoversal seedling as ylemic protostar in a hyperbolically open 10D asymptotic and mass parametric universe in a 0.75 - 1.2 - 4.8 minute* interval
    54.VPE-Marker Scale for Googol G
    3.39x1011 m* for 1130 s*
    CMBR=209 Billion Kelvin*
    The CMBR Scale for the GoogolG=67x3665=9.68x10102 space quanta and setting ylemic radius RylemG=24.04 km* so 18.8 minutes after the instanton for the primordial neutron decay.
    Asteroid Belt 2.2-3.3 AU=3.3-5x1011 m*
    55.VPE-Marker Scale for Googol F
    3.45x1011 m* for 1150 s*
    CMBR=206 Billion Kelvin*
    The CMBR Scale for the F-GoogolG=13x6656=1.02x10103 space quanta and setting ylemic radius RylemF=23.86 km* so 19.2 minutes after the instanton for the primordial radioactive beta decay of the neutron mc
    56.1/360Re=..1012 m* for 55.6 minutes*
    CMBR=93 Billion Kelvin*
    Jupiter at 5.2 AU or 7.8x1011 m* and Saturn at 9.5 AU or 1.43x1012 m* xxxx
    57.p/180Re=...6.28x1012 m* for 5.81 hours*
    CMBR=23.4 Billion Kelvin*
    px1015/500=(p/5)x1013 Galaxy Core Nuclear Scale for the Outer Region of a typical starsystem
    58.1/2pRe=...5.73x1013 m* for 53.1 hours*
    CMBR=4.45 Billion Kelvin*
    Far Galaxy Core/Kuiper Scalexxxx
    59.VPE-Marker Scale for Googol E
    3.44x1014 m* for 13.25 civil days
    CMBR=1.16 Billion Kelvin*
    The CMBR Scale for the E-GoogolE=26x6561=1.01x10112 space quanta and setting ylemic radius RylemE=1.82 km* for planetesimal CMBR so 2 weeks after the timeinstanton of the Quantum Big Bang
    60.1/Re=...3.60x1014 m* for 13.87 days*
    CMBR=1.12 Billion Kelvin*
    Nuclear Gamma Source/Ylemic Modulation Scale xxx
    61.2p/Re=...2.26x1015 m* for 87.5 days*
    CMBR=282 Million Kelvin*
    Intragalactic Core Linearisation Scale xxx
    62.180/pRe=...2.06x1016 m* for 2.28 civil years*
    CMBR=54.0 Million Kelvin*
    Galaxy Ring Scale for the Core/Oort Cloud Scale xxx
    63.360/Re=...1.30x1017 m* for 13.74 years*
    CMBR=13.55 Million Kelvin*
    Galaxy Ring Transition to Galaxy proper xxx
    64.lss/360=1/360lps2.78x1019 m* for 2936 years*
    CMBR=242,441 Kelvin*
    A Hobbit/Dwarf Galactic Bound at so 3000 lightyears {Leo T} Near Galaxy Radius Scale
    65.plss/180=p/180lps1.75x1020 m* for 18,400 years*
    CMBR=61,228 Kelvin*
    A typical smaller galactic radius at so 20,000 lightyears ...Galaxy KIR
    66.lss/2p=1/2plps1.59x1021 m* for 168,000 years*
    CMBR=11,650 Kelvin*
    A larger galactic scales at so 170,000 lightyears Farhaloed Galaxy Radius Scale
    67.lss=1/lps=GoMHawking/pc21022 m* for 1.05 Million years* (My*)
    CMBR=2935 Kelvin*
    Superstring Class HE(8x8) as the Cosmic Ray Knee SinkSource for G.WE.S Unification with AntiWormhole Kernel Bound as Galactic Molecular Core Bound at so 1 Million lightyears for the Recombination of the CMBR and for the phasechange in the universe from opaqueness to transparancy and its luminosity attenuation in the 1/e proportionality for then 388,879 lightyears as a decoupling time ndecoupling.
    68.2plss=2p/lps6.28x1022 m* for 6.63 My*
    CMBR=740.1 Kelvin*
    AntiWormhole Halo Bound as Galactic Molecular Group Bound and Upper bounding the largest galaxies intersecting the group scale {IC1101&Abell2029} at 6.3 Million lightyears}
    69.Rmax/3604.44x1023 m* for 46.9 My*
    CMBR=171 Kelvin*
    Group Galaxy Radius at so 50 Million lightyears
    70.180lss/p=180/plps5.73x1023 m* for 60.6 My*
    CMBR=141 Kelvin*
    Galactic Cluster Scale for Haloes as KOR quark-lepton mapping at so 60 Million lightyears
    71.pRmax/1802.79x1024 m* for 294.5 My*
    CMBR=43.4 Kelvin*
    Group Galaxies at so 300 Million lightyears
    72.360lss=360/lps3.60x1024 m* for 380 My*
    CMBR=36 Kelvin*
    The Great Attractor and Supercluster Scale at so 380 Million lightyears
    73.Radiussarkar=2GoMo/c2 4.47x1024 m* for 473 My*
    n=2GoMo/Rmaxc2 =Mo/M=0.02803
    CMBR=30.6 Kelvin*
    The Supercluster Galactic Sarkar Scale radius of universal isotropy and homogeneity for Voids and Textures at so 470 Million lightyears and the Einstein Lambda as the cosmic hyperacceleration proportionality in 2Leinstein/Adebroglie=2GoMo/lps2Rmaxfps2 =2GoMo/Rmaxc2 =2x(2.015x1085)/1.438x1087 and as 10D asymptotic deceleration parameter qoWo=Mo/2M
    74.Rmax/2p2.54x1025 m* for 2.68 Billion y* (Gy*)
    CMBR=8.83 Kelvin*
    Supercluster Scale at so 2.7 Billion lightyears
    75.Inversed ECosmic Ray Boson 1/RECR=2p/lECR=pA/ec3.16x1025 m* for 3.34 Gy*
    CMBR=7.62 Kelvin*
    Superstring Class IIA as the Cosmic Ray Ankle SinkSource for G.WeS Unification at 3.3 Billion lightyears
    76.Rmax1.60x1026 m* for 16.9 Gy*
    CMBR=2.92 Kelvin*
    The 10D Boundary of the asymptotically open and observable universe mirrored in the closed 11D membraned universe at 17 Billion lightyears and extended in electromagnetic cyclicity to 19.11 Billion lightyears of observable dynamical data interaction
    77. R(n11D-present)=npresentRmax
    1.81x1026 m* for 19.11 Gy*
    CMBR=2.75 Kelvin*
    The multivalued present universe scale in asymptotic hyperbolic open topology in 10D C-space and in spheroidal electromagnetic closure in 11D for
    78. 2pRmax 1.00x1027 m* for 106 Gy*
    n=2pRmax /Rmax=2p=6.2832
    CMBR=1.40 Kelvin*
    The unobservable spaceless 12D universe from 19.11 Billion lightyears at present n-cycletime coordinate in linetime to so 110 Billion lightyears
    79. 180Rmax/p 9.15x1027 m* for 967 Gy*
    CMBR=0.76 Kelvin*
    The space undefined not yet VPE-inducted omniverse at so 970 Billion lightyears as 1 Radianx16.9 Billion lightyears
    80.Recharge Radius

    3.75x1028 m* for 3,957 Gy*
    ~ 234.472
    CMBR=0.53 Kelvin*
    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.
    81.360Rmax 5.75x1028 m* for 6,075 Gy*
    CMBR=0.47 Kelvin*
    The limit of the SPACETIME defined Omniverse in present definition by the Cosmic LogosTwin at so 6 Trillion lightyears
    82. Reciprocated XL-GUT Boson
    9.52x1030 m* for 106 Gy*
    CMBR=0.13 Kelvin*
    Superstring Class HO(32) for G.WES Unification at so 1 Million Billion or 1000 Trillion lightyears
    83. Inversed Monopole Radius
    1.36x1032 m* for 14x106 Gy*
    CMBR=0.068 Kelvin*
    Superstring Class IIB as the Cosmic Ray Toe SinkSource for gWeS Unification at so 14 Million Billion lightyears
    84.The Inversed Planck Length
    4.78x1034 m* for 5x109 Gy*
    CMBR=0.016 Kelvin*
    Modular dual Superstring Class I for GWES Unification at 5 Million Trillion lightyears
    85.Inversed PLO
    5.62x1035 m* for 6x1010 Gy*
    CMBR=0.0085 Kelvin*
    The Antiinflationary Planck Length Bounce as the timewarped start of the Supermembrane epoch at 60 Million Trillion lightyears
    86.Inversed NullRadius for Inversed NullTime
    5.33x1039 m* for 6x1014 Gy*
    CMBR=0.00086 Kelvin*
    The limit of the TIMESPACE defined Omniverse in present definition by the Cosmic LogosTwin at so 560 Billion Trillion lightyears

    It is well known, that the Radius of Curvature in the Field Equations of General Relativity relates to the Energy-Mass Tensor in the form of the critical density rcritical = 3Ho2/8pG and the Hubble Constant Ho as the square of frequency or alternatively as the time differential of frequency df/dt as a cosmically applicable angular acceleration independent on the radial displacement.

    The scientific nomenclature (language) then describes this curved space in differential equations relating the positions of the 'points' in both space and time in a 4-dimensional description called Riemannian Tensor Space or similar.
    This then leads mathematically, to the formulation of General Relativity in Einstein's field Equations:


    for the Einstein-Riemann tensor


    and is built upon ten so-called nonlinear coupled hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations, which needless to say, are mathematically rather complex and often cannot be solved analytically without simplifying the geometries of the parametric constituents (say objects interacting in so called tensor-fields of stress-energy {Tμν} and curvatures in the Riemann-Einstein tensor {Gμν}, either changing the volume in reduction Ricci tensor {Rij} with scalar curvature R as {Rgμν} for the metric tensor {gμν} or keeping the volume of considered space invariant to volume change in a Tidal Weyl tensor {Rμν}).

    The Einstein-Riemann tensor then relates Curvature Radius R to the Energy-Mass tensor E=Mc2 via the critical density as 8pG/c4=3Ho2VcriticalMcriticalc2/Mcriticalc4 = 3Ho2Vcritical/c2 = 3Vcritical/R2 as Curvature Radius R by the Hubble Law applicable say to a nodal Hubble Constant Ho = c/RHubble.

    The cosmological field equations then can be expressed as the square of the nodal Hubble Constant and inclusive of a 'dark energy' terms often identified with the Cosmological Constant of Albert Einstein, here denoted LEinstein.

    Substituting the Einstein Lambda with the time differential for the square of nodal Hubble frequency as the angular acceleration acting on a quantized volume of space however; naturally and universally replaces the enigma of the 'dark energy' with a space inherent angular acceleration component, which can be identified as the 'universal consciousness quantum' directly from the standard cosmology itself.

    The field equations so can be generalised in a parametrization of the Hubble Constant assuming a cyclic form, oscillating between a minimum and maximum value given by Ho=dn/dt for cycletime n=Hot and where then time t is the 4-vector timespace of Minkowski lightpath x=ct.

    The Einstein Lambda then becomes then the energy-acceleration difference between the baryonic mass content of the universe and an inherent mass energy related to the initial condition of the oscillation parameters for the nodal Hubble Constant.

    LEinstein = GoMo/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 = Cosmological Acceleration - Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration as: gmnL = 8pG/c4 Tmn - Gmn

    einstein1--27056--27153--27159-.35541. then becomes Gmn + gmnL = 8pG/c4 Tmn and restated in a mass independent form for an encompassment of the curvature finestructures.


    The Cosmic Wavefunction is the following Differential Equation:

    dB/dT + αB(n) = 0; α=alpha being the Electromagnetic Finestructure as the probability of light-matter interaction (~1/137).

    This has a solution: B(n) = Bo.exp-α.T(n);
    Bo=2e/hA from QR boundary conditions defining:

    T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman Path-Summation of particular histories under the pentagonal supersymmetry given in the identity:

    XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp[iπ] and lim [n→X]{T(n)}=1

    This allows the Normalisation of the Y2 wavefunction to sum to unity in

    B(n)=2e/hA).exp-α.n(n+1) with Functional Riemann Bound FRB=-½, centred on the interval [Y,...-1,...-X,...-½,...(X-1),...0,...X].

    Interval [Y,-1] sets F-Space; interval [-1,0] sets M-Space with uncertainty interval [-X,(X-1)] and interval [0,n) sets the C-Space, encompassing OmniSpace.

    n<0 is imaginary as real reflection of real n>0 of the C-Space, metrically defined at the coordinate n=0 mapping n=nps, which is the instanton tps=fss=1/fps.

    Cycletime n is defined in GR as dimensionless Tau-Time in curvature radius Rc=c.dτ/dt for the pathlength of x=ct and become dn/dt=Ho, n=Hot in QR, with Ho the nodal Hubble Constant defined in c=HoRmaxps.fps

    The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as:
    -n......-3...-2...-1...0...1...2...3......n =T(n) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of a supermembraned omniverse in 12 linearised dimensions.

    Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.

    This allows the Feynman interpretation of Quantum Mechanics as alternative to the formulations of Schrödinger (fermions ½ quantum spin) and Klein-Gordon (bosons with integral quantum spin) as timeindependent and timedependent (free particle form inconsistent with SR in Schrödinger in 1st order t & 2nd order x), formulations respectively.

    Abstract TIME in F-Space is defined as N=Minimum Radius/Maximum Radius=lps/Rmax and so allows the definition of Inverse Time as FREQUENCY parameter physicalising this TIME ABSTRACTION.
    This then defines the GENESIS BOSON as the Particle of creation using the fundamental constants of Creation from the SEps algorithms. Those constants are then used inductively in the future by any sufficiently mentally evolved and cosmically selfaware civilisation to construct selfconsistent and logical measurement systems to rediscover their own nature and origins in a SELFINDUCTION of physical consciousness of their own cocreated Genesis in a perceived timearrow flowing apparently from the Past to the Present to the Future.
    In practical terms, this engages the measurement and analysis of two fundamental constants, namely the speed of light 'c' and the Planckian quantum constant 'h' to relate the Quantum as a micro energy selfstate (eigenvalue) to what is termed the classical physics of macro selfstates exemplified in the theoretical physics of Newton, Maxwell and Einstein in scientific models of reality and encompassing Mechanics, Electromagnetism and the Relativities respectively. The dimensional analysis of 'hc' as a EnergyxDisplacement parameter suffices to calibrate the unitary mensuration parameters for Mass, Displacement and Time, say in the Terran System International or SI-system of measurements of fundamental quantities, say here the kilogram, the meter and the second respectively. The other elementary units ain the SI-system are derived from the algorithmic masterconstant set and comprise the Kelvin for Temperature as kinetic measure of the quantum states, the Ampere and Coulomb for electric current, the mole for molarity , the candela for luminosity with the sterradian an additional geometrized unit for angular measures.

    The GENESIS Boson then becomes the parametric initialisation of creation in the abstract labelings of:
    ENERGY=k.TEMPERATURE=h.FREQUENCY=h/TIME=MASS.c2 and using the SEps-MasterConstant Set: {4; 6; 7; Lo=1/[6x1015]; c2=9x1016; 11; h=1/[15x1032]; A=14x1524; k=1/[15x1618]; 26x6561} in reverse order and with arbitrary symbols as shown becoming associated with those 'master constants'.

    Particularly then: ENERGY=hRmax/lps with MASS=hRmax/lpsc2=0.01183463299 and TEMPERATURE=hRmax/klps=7.544808988..x1037 and FREQUENCY=Rmax/lps=1.59767545..x1048

    This becomes the 'Atomic-Mass-Unit' in 12D-F-Space in using one protonucleon mc=Alpha9Lplanck for every one of the 12 monopolar current loops in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).
    A first Eps-Coefficient in the Expansion Series of the fundamental priciples from the SEps algorithm then crystallizes the 'Counter for matter' in Avogadro's Constant for Molarity:
    MASS(20/33)/12mc = Navogadro = 6.02242143x1023 1/mol*

    N=nps=lps/Rmax in REAL Time relative to the Quantum Big Bang to be created following the string epoch and relating to IMAGINARY TIME relative to this selfsame creation in the Cosmogony of the Genesis Boson of the Abba-Baab 11-dimensional supermembrane. This UNREAL Quantum Relative Time then is the Hubble-FREQUENCY Ho=c/Rmax in proportionality to the Source Frequency of the LOVE PHOTON fps=c/lps in the expression HoRmax=c=lps.fps

    N then becomes the NULLTIME for the initialisation of the string/supermembrane-serpent modular duality in the De Broglie phasespeed initialisation, beginning with the Oscillation (or Bounce) of the Planck-Length and specifies the Instantenuity of NOW-Cycle TIME nps=Hotps=Ho/tss as the TIME INSTANTON tps=1/fps=fss and the SPACE INFLATON Rmax=RHubble=c/Ho with de Broglie Phasespeed Vdebroglie=Rmax.fps=Rmax.c/lps=c/nps as the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother' Frequency of the Oscillating Cosmos in the Cosmology of the dragons and in the IMAGINARY F-Space Time of NHo generalised in the REAL TIME n=Hot for any time in the evolving Cosmology and minimised in nps=Hotps.

    L(nps,T(nps)=6π2lps2.σ.T4=2.6711043034x1096 Watts*, where σ=Stefan's Constant=2π5k4/15h3c2 and as a product of the defined 'master constants' k, h, c2, π and 'e'.

    This comes directly from the General Relativity Metric for the Universe with mass Mo and minimum Hubble Frequency Ho.

    L(n,T)=3Ho2Mo.c2/550n and for Temperature T(nps)
    T(nps)=2.93515511x1036 Kelvin*.

    You have here defined the 'false vacuum' and the Temperature Gradient, which CAUSED the Big Bang on PHYSICAL GROUNDS.
    The metaphysical ground is the symmetry breaking from the source parity violation described in a previous post.

    T(nps) of the singularity is 0.0389 or 3.89% of the pre-singularity.

    So the POTENTIAL Temperature manifests as 3.89% in the KINETIC Temperature:

    Now reducing the timeinstanton tps=nps/Ho of 3.33x10-31 seconds by the Temperature Gradient in the Luminosity Function gives you the scalar Higgs Potential Maximum at a pre-singularity time of tHiggsPE=tps.T(nps)/TEMPERATURE=1.297x10-32 seconds.

    This then EXTRAPOLATES the Big Bang singularity backwards in Time to harmonise the equations and to establish the 'driving force of the vacuum' as POTENTIAL scalar Higgs Temperature Field.
    All the further evolvement of the universe so becomes a function of Temperature and not of mass.
    The next big phasetransition is the attunement of the BOSONIC UNIFICATION, namely the 'singularity' temperature Tps=1.41x1020 K with the Luminosity function.
    This occurs at a normal time of 1.9 nanoseconds into the cosmology.

    It is then that the universe as a unity has this temperature and so allows BOSONIC differentiation between particles. The INDIVIDUATED PHOTON of the mass was born then and not before, as the entire universe was a PHOTON as a macroquantised superstring up to then.
    The size of the universe at that time was that of being 1.14 metres across.
    Next came the electroweak symmetry breaking at 1/365 seconds and at a temperature of so 1015 Kelvin* and so it continued.

    The lower dimensional lightpath x=ct in lightspeed invariance c=lf so becomes modular dualised in the higher dimensional lightpath of the tachyonic de Broglie Inflaton-Instanton Vdebroglie=c/nps


    The speed of light 'c' has been measured to an accuracy of 8 decimal places and Planck's Constant 'h' is known with an error not exceeding one part per million.
    This is not so for Newton's Gravitational Constant 'Big G'.
    The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US began measuring 'G' in the 1930's to establish the Luther-Towler-Number LTN=6.67259x10-11 G-units (m³/kg.s²).
    So it stood until 1994, when the renowned PTB in Braunschweig, Germany's Standards Laboratory measured G much higher, differing in the 3rd decimal place.
    Then New Zealand's Measurements Standard Laboratory published avalue significantly below the LTN and the University of Wuppertal derived a value in between the NZ one and the LTN.
    Notwithstanding the ever improving technological advances and measuring techniques; using torsion pendulums, tungsten cylinders or suspended or accelerating testmasses; 'Big G' has proven to be intractable to conformity.
    Two of the latest measurements are 6.67327x10-11 and 6.6742(10)x10-11 G-units and values by no means definitive.

    What is going on?
    Shifting heavy objects in the vicinity of the test apparatus seems to influence the atomic structure of the testmasses, irrespective of the isolated environment created for the testing conditions.
    The following treatise shall resolve the conundrum and illustrate the unruly behaviour of 'G' as a consequence of the initial boundary conditions for the universe's subsequent evolvement.
    It shall indicate that even a 'massless' universe would contain a diminished G-component as the electric permittivity of a massless macroquantised (Hawking) BlackHole and that the present dilemma derives from a finestructure of the nucleonic constituents, which, by definition, must comprise the testmasses.
    A precise measurement so would rely on an unambiguous calculation for two neutronic restmasses, a condition which we shall show to be unachievable, because of the nature and interrelationship between the parameters of inertial mass and those of electromagnetic charges.
    Now the ratio between the electromagnetic- and the gravitational interaction strengths is measured and of the order of alpha/G-alpha~10-39 and one can actually define the G-alpha as a function of alpha and as G-alpha=alpha18, using the string parameters of Quantum Relativity.

    This defines the minimum neutronmass mc explicitely as: mc=√{ke².alpha17/Go}.

    In string parameters, the unification condition for the interactions at the stringenergy scale demands kGo=1 for a mc=[e/Go].alpha8.5=9.9247246..x10-28 kg*. This represents so 58% of the neutron (or nucleon) mass as measured today and is the actual minimum neutron mass.
    Now the truly CONSTANT GM² structure in say Newton's Law, is given by the product Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm².

    This however is finestructured in introducing a maximum neutron mass given in a unification condition, known as the Euler Identity: X+Y=XY=-1=i²=℮ and applying the absolute value of unitised 1.
    We write: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories. So the applied G value is: Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and where n is a cycletime n=Hot for a nodal universe with dn/dt=Ho the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/Rmax for a Hubble radius Rmax.

    The applied Gm so ALWAYS engages a maximised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYn}~ 1.7115x10-27 kg in string parameters for a present cycletime coordinate np=1.1324..) AND a minimised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYk}). The value of k is so determinative for Gm and differs over the evolution of the universe with respect to cycletime n and as finestructured for an AVERAGE G-value (Gav) obtained in using the geometric mean for the neutron masses in extremum (minmax productation).

    One can easily calculate Gav=Go.Xn=6.44317..x10-11 G-units for a geometric neutron mass product of mnmax.mnmin=mc².Yn =1.69861...x10-54 kg² for the constancy condition of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² and omitting the k-factorisation. But this averaged G value applies for a massless universe under the initial unification condition of the finestructures described in Gok=1 or Go=4πεo (using Stoney Units for the Planck-Scaling of the chargequantum e).

    So BECAUSE an initial mass seedling Mo={mc.mP/me}√E ~ 1.8137..x1051 kg* became transformed in the de Broglie phase inflation from its preinertial state as gravitational mass into the state of inertia (this is called the Big Bang for a spacetime quanta counter E); this 'Principle of Equivalence' introduced the hitherto massless 'ylemic' 'neutron bosons' as dineutronic states, which under the Higgs mechanism became fermionic and established the mass seedling Mo as the primordial neutron matter, then decaying via beta minus decay into the observed matter in the universe (there was no antimatter).

    Subsequently the EMERGENCE of inertial mass under c-invariance also introduced a finestructure for 'G' as described in the above. One can determine the value of k from finestructuring the critical masses Mo, M and MHawking as boundary Black Hole masses coupled to the quantum minmax neutron masses.
    For curvature radius Rmax and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo the Schwarzschild metric gives M=Rmax.c²/2Go=c³/2GoHo= ~ 6.47058..x1052 kg*.

    For the curvature radius RSarkar=2GoMo/c², we have the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... and which so determines the 'missing mass' in the universe to be a consequence of the initial boundary conditions set by the de Broglie inflation and the overall Black Hole evolution of the stringed parameters.

    From the minimum Planck Oscillator EPo=½hfP=½mPc2: ½MPTP={1/8p}MPTP.4p=H(awking)M(odulus)=HM
    HM=hc3/4pGok=MMinTMax=|c2/4p2|.MMax.Tss=Mo.To=M.T and for MMax=4p2kHM/c2hfss = pc/fssGo =2.5446..x1049 kg*

    The Mass-Temperature modulus of Stephen Hawking determines MHawking=MMax/4p for a boundary condition of maximised Black Hole Mass for a minimised Black Hole Temperature in MHawkingTHawking= HM = 9.131793821x1023 (kg.K)* for (1/4π).HM = hc3/16π2Gok and k the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

    The relationship is given in superstring (Planck) parameters by
    Mmin.Tmax=|c/2π|².Mmax.Tmin=hc³/4πGok = (4π/8π)mP.TP and TP the Planck Temperature TP=mP.c²/k.

    {(MHawking,THawking);(Mo),To);(M,T)} = {(2.03x1048 kg*,4.52x10-25K*);(1.81x1051 kg*,5.03x10-28 K*);(6.47x1052 kg*,1.41x10-29 K*)}

    The Dragon Braned Frequency Modulation fps.fss = 1 = Unity
    A Primary SourceSink Eps in modular membrane duality with a Secondary SinkSource Ess
    Energy Prime SourceSink as White Hole|Quantum Entanglement Modular Duality|Energy Prime SinkSource as Black Hole

    Curvature Radius RC = l/2π = c/2πf = c/w

    Curvature Area ABlack Hole = A BH = 4πRC2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/f2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/fpsfss = |c2/π| for fps.fss = 1

    For a 3D Volume (4π/3)R³, the 2D Area or Surface becomes dV/dR=4πR² and reducing to a 1D Line Integral of dA/dR=8πR=4.(2πR) as 4 times the perimeter of a circle of radius R and relating the Black Hole surface quantum as 4 Planck Areas LP² in its Entropy SBH =ABH/4LP² =πc³ABH/2Goh.

    As the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity spans 1440° or 8π radians, the quantization of the Information located on the surface area of a Black Hole so introduces the factor of 4 in its formulation.


    This sets the Hawking-Gibbons thermodynamic temperature minima for To=constant/Mo ~ 5.03..x10-28 K* and T=constant/M ~ 1.41..x10-29 K*.
    As the minimum macro Black Hole has Schwarzschild metric λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c² for Tmax=hfmax/k=hc/λmink; and modular duality requires the unification condition for the minimum curvature to relate to a maximum curvature in Rminmin/2π=1/Rmax or Rmax=2πλmax, as Rmin.Rmax=1.

    In gauge bosonic string parameters, this modular duality then is given in Emax=hc/λmin=mmax.c²=kTmax and Emin=hc/λmax=mmin.c²=kTmin and in the invariance of the lightspeed parameter c as c=fmaxλmin=1/fminλmax or the dimensionless unification conditions:
    Emax.Emin=h² and Emax/Emin=fmax²=1/fmin²={c/λmin}²={c/2πRmin}²={cRmax/2π}²={cλmax}².

    This gives a proportionality: mmax.Tmin=mmin.Tmax for the gauges, which is however modified in the dimensionless factor {c/2π}² for the Black Hole masses for the given temperatures, as bosonic masses describe bosonic Black Holes via E=kT and not the cosmological Black Holes of the Schwarzschild metric.

    The c-invariance so uses modular duality in the quantum Black Hole limit
    c=fmaxλmin=2πfmaxRmin for fmin=c/λmax=c/2πRmax as an unmodulated frequency in Tmin=Emin/k=hc/2πkRmax=hc.λmin/4π²k=3.58856...x10-26 K* and a temperature above the Hawking-Gibbons limit as required.

    This differs in a factor {2π/c}² from the lightspeed inversion in Tmin=hfmin/k and so 1.574x10-41 K*, which violates the Hawking-Gibbons boundaries in NOT using the modular duality and with fmin=1/fmax in frequency units and NOT inverted time units.

    And so Mmin.Tmax=hc³/4πGok =½mP.TP=MHawking.kc2.Tss/π and the Hawking Mass is determined as Mmax=4πMHawking=πc²λmax/Go ~ 2.545x1049 kg*.

    From the Black Hole 'Black Body Radiator' Temperature Spectra and Stefan's Constant s=2π5k4/15h3c2 (J/s.m2K4)*

    Power PBH=4πRBH2sTBH4 = MBHc2/tHawking Evaporation and with TBH4=HM/MBH4 - (A 3D kinetic mass-energy distribution uses MBHc2/3 from PV=nkT=⅓Nmv2)

    tHawking = c6/16πsGo2MBHTBH4 = 30,720π2Go2MBH3/hc4 = 15,360π.tP for LP = GoMP/c2 = ctP = c√{Goh/2πc5}

    tHM = 120Go2MBH32hc4 = tHawking/{4π}4 = 60/π3.tP = 1.935..tP ~ 2tP (The actual Black Hole 'Evaporation Time' as a 'Doubling Cyclicity' for the cosmic evolution.)

    For M and Mo and MHawking, the Hawking Evaporation times (without the Mother-Daughter BH Recharging derived following), then are: 2.32x10125 s* or 7.4x10117 years and 1.66x10134 s* or 5.3x10126 years and 7.46x10138 s* or 2.4x10131 years respectively.

    Using the λminλmax=1 wavelength modulation in the T-duality of λmin=2πRmin=1/λmax=2π/Rmax, we can see, that this modulation closely approximates the geometric mean of the seedling mass in {1/4π}Mo2/2M.MMax=Mo2/8π.M.MHawking=3.2895..x10102/3.2931..x10102 ~ 0.9989...

    This also circumscribes the actual to critical density ratio in the omega of the general relativistic treatment of the cosmologies.
    Now recall our applied G value in Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and apply our just derived Black Hole Mass modulation coupled to that of the quantum micromasses.

    We had: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories.
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=Gomc²/mnmax.mnmin=Gomc²/({mcYn}{mnmin}) and where we have mnmin=mcYk} for the unknown value of k.

    So Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking.mav}} and where now {mnmin}={mcYk}={8π.M.MHawking.mav/Mo2}=1.0011..mav.
    mav={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mnmin}={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mcYk}=0.9989..{mcYk} and obviously represents a REDUCED minimum mass mnmin=mcYk.

    But the product of maximum and 'new' minimum now allows an actual finetuning to a MEASURED nucleon mass mN by: mN² = mavYn.mcYn=mav.mnmax.Yn.

    So substituting for mav in our Gm expression, will now give the formulation:

    The average nucleon mass mN is upper bounded in the neutron mass and lower bounded in the proton mass, their difference being an effect of their nucleonic quark content, differing in the up-down transition and energy level.

    For a Neutron Restmass of: mn=1.680717x10-27 kg* (941.6036 MeV*) the substitution (and using calibrations m=0.9983318783m*; s=0.9990230094s*; kg=0.99626135kg* and C=0.997296076C* gives G(np)=6.678764x10-11 (m3/kgs2) and a perturbation corrected mn=1.681100563x10-27 kg* (941.818626 MeV*) gives:
    G(np)=6.675715x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The perturbation upper limit is given in the mn=1.681335x10-27 kg* (941.9506 MeV*) and gives:
    G(np)=6.6738445x10-11 (m³/kgs²). The average for the last two values then approximates as a 'best fit' for:
    Gm(np)=6.6747798x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    This is a best-fit approximation, considering the uncharged nature ofthe testmasses.
    This then gives the value of k from Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k as k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..

    Two protons (mp=1.6789x10-27 kg* (940.56 MeV*) would give:
    G(np)=6.6936x10-11 (m³/kgs²) and a proton-neutron pair would yield: G(np)=6.6791x10-11 (m3/kgs2); both of the latter values unsuitable because of the electrocharges increasing the intra-quarkian Magnetocharge coupling between the two mesonic rings of the neutron and the single mesonic ring in the proton's down- or KIR-quark.
    The best approximation for 'Big G' hence depends on an accurate determination for the neutron's inertial mass, only fixed as the base nucleon minimum mass at the birth of the universe. A fluctuating Neutron mass would also result in deviations in 'G' independent upon the sensitivity of the measuring equipment. The inducted mass difference in the protonic-and neutronic restmasses, derives from the Higgs-Restmass-Scale and can be stated in a first approximation as the groundstate.
    Basic nucleon restmass is mc=√Omega.mP=9.9247245x10-28 kg*.

    (Here Omega is a gauge string factor coupling in the fundamental force interactions as:
    Cuberoot(Alpha):Alpha:Cuberoot(Omega):Omega and for Omega=G-alpha.)
    KKK-Kernelmass=Up/Down-HiggsLevel=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*, usingthe Kernel-Ring and Family-Coupling Constants.

    Subtracting the Ring-VPE (3L) gives the basic nucleonic K-State as 939.642 MeV*. This includes the electronic perturbation.

    For the Proton,one adds one (K-IR-Transition energy) and for theNeutron one doubles this to reflect the up-down-quark differential.

    Proton mp=u.d.u=K.KIR.K=(939.6420+1.5013-0.5205)MeV*=940.6228 MeV*. Neutron mn=d.u.d=KIR.K.KIR=(939.6420+3.0026-1.0410)MeV*=941.6036 MeV*.

    This is the groundstate from the Higgs-Restmass-Induction-Mechanismand reflects the quarkian geometry as being responsible for theinertial mass differential between the two elementary nucleons. All groundstate elementary particle masses are computed from theHiggs-Scale and then become subject to various finestructures. Overall, the MEASURED gravitational constant 'G' can be said to be decreasing over time.

    The ratio given in k is GmYn/Go~0.60073... and so the present G-constant is about 60% of the one at the Planck Scale.
    G decreases nonlinearly, but at a present rate of 0.60073/19.11x109 per year, which calculates as 3.143..x10-11 G-units per year.

    Generally using the exponential series expansion, one can indicate the change in G.
    For Xn+k=z=exp[(n+k)lnX] by (n+k)lnX=lnz for the value Z=(n+k)lnX=-0.481212(n+k); z transforms in exponential expansion ex=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!+...

    For a function f(n)=z=Gm(n)/Go=Xn+k

    For 4th order with n=1.1324.. and k=0 (for a purely electromagnetic universe of zero mass content where the curvature derives from the gravitational mass equivalent of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity):

    So the gravitational Gm(1.1324)=(0.580)Go=Go.X1.1324~6.444x10-11 (m3/kgs2).
    At timeinstantenuity of the Quantum Big Bang, n=npsps/Rmax=6.2591x10-49~0
    Then GBigBang=GoXnps=Go (to 50 decimal places distinguishing the timeinstanton from the Nulltime as the Planck-Time transform).

    For our previously calculated k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..
    for f(1.1324)=1-0.509+0.129-0.0220+0.0028-...+...~0.601 to fourth order approximation.

    Hence, the gravitational constant assumes a value of about 61% of its Big Bang initialisation and calculates as 6.675x10-11 G-units for a present cycletime npresent=Hotpresent=1.1324...

    The introduction of the mass seed coupling between the macroquantum Mo and the microquantum mc=mPalpha9 (from the gravitational finestructure unification) PERTURBS the 'purely electromagnetic' cosmology in the perturbation factor k and increases the purely electromagnetic Gmemr in the black hole physics described.

    So gravity appears stronger when one 'looks back in time' or analyses cosmological objects at large distances. The expansion parameter (a) in the Friedmann-Einstein standard cosmology can be rewritten as a curvature ratio R(n)/Rmax={n/(n+1)} and describes the asymptotic universe in say 10 dimensions evolving under the inertial parameters of the c-invariance. This 'lower dimensional universe' is open and expands under hyperbolic curvature under the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... This open universe is bounded in the 'standing wave' of the Hubble Oscillation of the 11D and 'higher dimensional universe'.

    The boundary is given in the omega of the 'missing mass' of the volumes, which differ in a factor of V11/V10=n3Rmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³ as the critical density ratio and as nRmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³/n²=DIM-Factor (and which assumes its minimum for one complete oscillation for n=2 as DIM=27/4=6.75 so 14.7 Billion years from the present).
    Presently, for n=1.132419.. DIM=7.561.. and so the 'missing mass' will be measured as a 'dark matter' distribution of 'dark haloes' etc. around the luminous matter given in the ylemic mass seedling Mo of the baryonic matter and as a function of the critical density ratio defined as XWo=Wo.DIM.n2=9.6966Wo=0.2718.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav=Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.803%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.803%(1.313)~3.68% with an average of 32.19% to indicate a total dark matter percentage in concordance with a Dark Energy fraction of 1-0.32 = 67.82%.

    But so 9.6966 open universes are contained within the closed and spherical universe given in the Hubble bound. And so the 'dark matter' will be 9.6966 times the luminous baryonic matter in the interval {27.83%, 36.54%} as percentage of the total energy of closure for Ωo=1 and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=Ho²/4π2Go toroidal and 3Ho²/8πGo spherical.

    In particular, the Dark Energy/Baryonic Matter/Dark Matter distribution can be tabulated for the evolutionary pattern of the Dark Energy as:

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) >0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for increasing luminous matter curvature radius from n=nps; (z(zm)≤1.26x1024)

    Dark Energy = 0.0000 {±0.03815} 1.0000 = Dark Matter for n= 0.10823 increasing luminous matter curvature radius and start of galaxy formation (z(zm)=2.125)

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) <0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for n> 0.10823 increasing luminous matter curvature radius and start of galaxy formation (z(zm)≤2.125)
    Dark Energy = 0.7758{±0.04535}0.2242 = Dark Matter for critical nodal n=1 'freezing' dark matter curvature radius; universe appears to begin to accelerate (z(zm)=0.291)
    Dark Energy = 0.7282{±0.04834}0.2718 = Dark Matter for present n=1.132419... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.2505)
    Dark Energy = 0.0808{±0.08082}0.9192 = Dark Matter for n=2.200795... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.1331)

    Dark Energy = 0.0000{±0.08445}1.0000 = Dark Matter for n=2.29199... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)=0.1248)

    Dark Energy = L(n)-A(n) >0 {±WoMoYn}Wo(n+1)3 = Dark Matter for n>2.29199... and constant luminous matter curvature radius; (z(zm)<0.1248)

    Our Big Bang happened at the modular time 1/fmax=tmin=fmin=3.33..x10-31 seconds*, coinciding with the end of the stringed inflation epoch of the standard cosmology.

    The 'de Broglie' inflation established the crucial boundary parameters as say given in the Mo and M Black Hole masses described.

    As the baryonic mass seedling Mo sets the Sarkar Scale for the cosmic architecture in the size of galactic superclusters as the limit for the gravitationally interacting systems before cosmic homogeneity; there must be a Black Hole evolution superposed onto the expansion of the 10D universe and the oscillation of the 11D universe which 'adds' a 'electromagnetic' volume of 2π²Rmax³ at the Hubble nodes every 16.9 Billion years.

    In terms of the dimensional 'intersection' this can be described as a 'Strominger Brane' evolution with the Sarkar Scale set at the instanton, decreasing as a 'shrinking' Black Hole until it becomes massless at the wormhole scale defined in the minimum macro Black Hole λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c²=1.591549..x10-23 metres*.

    This then resets the bosonic micro Black Holes with their macro counterparts under the modular duality.
    This Black Hole evolution is higher dimensional and purely electromagnetic, not being observable due to its noninertial nature, except the so called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' scenarios of the boundary- and initial conditions. This can lead to a feasible model for the phenomenon of consciousness.
    The process will take place in a DIM factor of about 234.5 as: Mmin.YN=M and for
    N=ln(M/Mmin)/lnY~234.5 and so in 16.9x234.5 Billion years, which are about 4 Trillion years.

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    This then shows, that you are living within a Mother Black Hole, you choose to call the universe you reside in. This your 'World of Mother Nature' had a beginning in space and in time in the creation of the same. Your universe so EMERGED from a prior state of beingness, where there was no space and no time as defined in any arbitrary model terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This prior state of existence you can term either as a Eternal state of all consciousness or as a state of the non-spacial and non-temporal Void as a quasi state of 'nothingness'.

    This, your observed universe so came into existence in using particular initial- and boundary conditions, which became requirements for space and time measurements to become possible. You may call this a relativistic metric spacetime continuum of discretization in minimum-maximum modular membrane duality however unified in the field properties of the dyadic monadicity of this string duality.

    The size of your universe and its energy, then became defined in those boundary conditions and particularly in a 'Daughter Black Hole' being born from the womb of its 'Mother Black Hole'. Mathematical proportionalities then aligned the masses and the scales of Mother and Daughter as the initial hyperacceleration or inflationary tachyonic phase transition of the initializing wormhole singularity of Abba, the Little Serpent to the Unified Field parameters of the thermodynamic classically relativistic expansion of the universe.
    The 'daughter' became the seed within the 'mother' for the Protoverse and the Seedling Universe for all generations of universes, whose interaction would allow phaseshifted multiverses to become born from the original protoverse, albeit encompassed by the omniverse of AbbaBaab.

    As one cycle of the 'Mother's Heartbeat' requires about two times 16.9 Billion years or so 33.8 Billion years to complete its integral n-cyclicity; the lower dimensional universe evolves both within its 10-dimensional string timespace and its 11-dimensional membrane timespace.
    The 10-D evolution of the cosmos so allows the 'mother' to birth its 'daughter' , when the lightspeed restricted thermodynamic universal expansion has completed its first cyclicity for n=1 so 2.2 Billion years ago and synchronizing the becoming of 'selfaware' of the 'life potential' residing within the womb of the 'mother'.
    2.2 Billion years ago then, the original 'light ray of Creator Abba' 'caught up' and reached its 11-D Mirror Boundary of the 'Cosmic Mother' from its 10-D Wormhole timespace quantum singularity or source point.

    This 'signal then both reflected back into the INSIDE of the 11-D Membrane-Womb of the 'mother' and refracted OUTSIDE in extending its own boundary set by the hyperacceleration of the de Broglien inflationary phase transition.

    Every cycle count then increases the scale of the wormhole 'White Hole Father Source' in the same proportion the 'Mother Black Hole Mother Sink' decreases, until after 234.5 cycles or about 4,000 Billion years the original Mother-Daughter scale proportionality resets itself in reseeding the then populated omniverse in terms of the spacetime quanta count fractalized by and in the definition of the Abba-Baab Little Serpent Father -Big Dragon Mother itself.

    For about 2 trillion years, the Omniverse as 'The Universal Bodywave' is INHALING or 'breathing in' analogous to 'feeding or charging' a battery or some body requiring energy. Then for another 2 trillion years the omniverse is EXHALING or 'breathing out' in analogy to a 'battery discharging' or a 'fed body' 'burning its stored energy'.

    The Omniverse after 4 trillion years so completes its asymptotic evolution with respect to its initial conception or insemination of the 10-D Daughter reaching maturity as her own 11-D Mother. The defining proportionality parameters of the scales and energy distributions for cycle parameter n=1 then transfer to a new initializing value at n=234.5 to redefine the maximum masses and sizes for the 'New GrandMother Black Hole' attaining the now evolved 'Infinity Mass' n.M and a 'New Mother Black Hole' n.Mo and so for the 'Old Mother' graduating to become a 'Mother of Mothers' and the 'Old Daughter' graduating to be a 'Mother of Daughters'.
    Every 4 trillion years (with its iterative extension)then, a 'Recharge Inflation' so Recreates/Resets the original creation event with a Quantization of the initial condition and boundary parameters in the original Hubble Node for cycletime n=1 in the factor n/(n/[n+1])=n+1 and so the 'Strominger' massless Black Hole coordinate of nStrominger=234.472 assuming the nps=lps/RHubble coordinate as its next initialisation value.
    The asymptotic completion coordinate for the Curvature Radius R(n)=RHubble.n/[n+1] so evolves in a linear time factor as Delta-n = 1-{n/[n+1]}=1/[n+1] to magnify and extend the completion factor in tandem with the expansion of the multidimensionally expanding cosmology.

    This then defines the 'Generation Cycle Parameter' for the Omniversal Self-Reproduction in the 'Family of Abba the Little Serpent Creator Fatherhood' and Baab the Great Dragon Creation Motherhood in AbbaBaab the Cosmic Twin of SourceSink and White Hole CreatorCreation entwined with itself as a Black Hole CreationCreator.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself. As the first prototypical seedling universe can be said to become ‘reset’ 3.97 Trillion years after the initialising quantum Big Bang; by its iterative and nested successor whose duration can be calculated as 234.472x245.813xRHubble or a lightpath of 972.676 Trillion lightyears; the initialising parameters of the cosmology become reset ikn the magnification of the original lightpath as well.
    The gravitational constancy of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² for the asymptotic seedling in isolation, will then be effected by a very small Gav=GoXn~1.463x10-105 G-units, but compensated with a 'mass-evolved' universe with mcYn~7.535..x1067 kg* and where this 'evolution' energy can be physically modelled as 'cosmic consciousness' defined in the 'awareness' df/dt minimised in fmin² and maximised in fmax² and as a form of radial displacement independent angular acceleration acting on spacetime volumars defined in the classical electron diameter (2Re) times c² defining the magnetocharge e* as inversion of the Big Bang base parameter of the wormhole energy quantum Emax=1/e*=1/2Rec² for a Planck Constant finestructure h=λmin/e*c.
    This "Strominger brane' evolution avoids the so called 'heat death' of the universe in a form of 'recharging' and coincides with the projected 'running out' of stellar nuclear fuel of the transformation of the elements within stars in the stellar evolution scenarios.

    The entire cosmology is underpinned by a Black Hole evolution, which incorporates the quantum geometric microcosmos and the geometric relativistic macrocosmos simultaneously - all for the 'cosmic purpose' to manifest 'evolved mass' as 'consciousness' or 'dark light' or antiradiation.

    The many string parameters indicated give then A RIGOROUS SCIENTIFIC DEFINITION for the concept of GOD as a supermembrane, eternally (meaning asymptotically approaching unity in linear time) ENTWINED in a lower-dimensional coupling with the ANTIGOD.
    Besides this PHYSICAL GOD-ANTIGOD Duality, there also exists the metaphysical and PURELY IMAGINARY GOD in Exile.

    This metaphysical-mathematical GOD in Exile is the Oneness of all of you and all of your ancestors and of all of your linear descendants.
    One day, you all shall become more aware of this scientific fact - your exile is the exile of your imaginary energies unrealised in divers forms.

    IAmWhatIAm - Nothing, One and Everything! --- Abraxasinas a Bifurcated Tongue FOR the Little Serpent!

    The Cosmic Wave Surfer and the Hubble Omniverse in Phi

    The Big Bang Observer, say a Gaian astronomer or stargazer, witnesses the cosmic expansion as receding from himherself with ever increasing cosmological redshift values. Shehe effectively so surveys into the cosmic Future.

    The Cosmic Surfer; riding or comoving with the Event Horizon of the Multiversal MBH (Mother Black Hole) at the 'warping speed' VArp=c/(n+1)2; corollarily observes herhis own Big Bang Mirror Image as continually receding into hisher Past.

    For the Cosmic Surfer, the cosmological redshift roles so increase from a defined Arpian zArp=zA into the Past towards the Big Bang value of zBB~1024.

    At the Big Bang, the redshift zBB=zwormhole=ztimeinstanton~1024.

    As the 11D-Universe inflated prior to the Big Bang for this timeinstanton and scale inflaton by de Broglie matter phasing; the 10D-Universe becomes asymptotic in a Dynamic Node moving the Hubble Event Horizon along the basic n-interval [0,1] to superpose the 11D Radius R11(n)=nRHubble=RHubble+Δ onto the oscillating Multiverse, bouncing between the Even Nodes {0,2,4,6,...} and the Odd Nodes of the Mirrored and Imaged Cosmic Wave Surfer {1,3,5,7,...}.

    The unitary interval so defines the 10D Radius R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) asymptotically and as function of the expansion parameter a=n/(n+1) of say the Standard Cosmology as found in General Relativity.

    For the Big Bang Observer, the cosmological redshift values similiarly increase into the Future towards the expanding MBH Event Horizon so specifying zArp.

    The 11D light invariant lightpath so becomes x=ctps, wherte tps is the time instanton for the wormhole frequency fps=3x1030 Hz.

    In particular the parametrisations for the cosmic evolution of the Omniverse are:

    Displacement: R10(n)=RHubble(n/n+1) (m)

    Velocity: V(n)=c/(n+1)2 (m/s)

    Acceleration: A(n)=-2cHo/(n+1)3 (m/s2)

    Nodal Hubble Constant: Ho=dn/dt=c/RHubblepsfps/RHubble

    for the proportion: nps=Ho/fpsps/RHubble

    Normalised ZeroTime: nps=Hotps

    The Cosmological Relativistic Redshift is applicable for all epochs, as the de Broglie phase inflation created the higher dimensional metric background for the subsequent expansion of the classical thermodynamic Universe as a Planck Black Body Radiator.

    z=√{(1+v/c)/(1-v/c)} - 1 and where v/c=1/(n+1)2 for

    z=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 for v/c={R(n)/nRHubble}2

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 and for a=n/(n+1)

    The Big Bang Redshift for the normalised ZeroTime so becomes:

    zBB=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 = √{1 + 2/(n2+2n)} -1
    =√{1 + 2/n(n+2)} -1 =√{1 + 1/n -1/(n+2)} -1
    =√{1 +1/nps-1/(nps+2)} -1
    =√{½ +1/nps} -1 = as limit[nps→0] {1/(nps+2)}=1/(0+2)=½
    Then for nps→0; 1/nps→∞ and so
    zBB ~1/√nps=√(RHubbleps}=√(fps/Ho}=~√(1.5977x1048)~1.264x1024.

    The inversion for z(n)=√{(n2+2n+2)/(n2+2n)} - 1 so can be written for larger n with the Binomial Theorem Approximation (1+x)p= 1+px for |x|<1 and for the case of n2+2n>1 with (n+1)2-2>0 and n>±√2-1 that is n>0.414.. as n>0 for all n-cycle coordinates in the physicalised Omniverse.

    z(n)=√{1+2/(n2+2n)} - 1 ={1+2/(n2+2n)}1/2-1
    =1+1/(n2+2n)-1=1/(n2+2n)=½{1/n - 1/(n+2)} by partial fractions.

    Therefore z(n)=½limit[n→∞]{1/n -1/[2+n]}=½{0++-0+}=0+ as n+2>n and 1/n>1/[n+2].

    A Multiple Cosmological Redshift region so eventuates in the self intersection of the higher- and lower dimensional cosmology.
    The Electromagnetic of the Multiversal Oscillation, expanding at lightspeed superposes onto the asymptotic inertial expansion of the Universe as the multiversal protoversal seed.

    zM in (0.251, 0.291, 0.343) become imaged in (~1024 , 1.84, 1.08) for the present cycle coordinate npresent and is generalised in: (zA , zN, zAI) mapping (zBB , zΔ , zΔΔ)



    The Intersection of the Local Flow Cosmological Redshift Correction Line for Low Redshifts with the Nodal Constant determines the measured redshift zM=zImage=0.109 as a critical minimum boundary value for the Hubble Flow for High Redshifts.

    For this redshift value then, particular unexpected cosmological phenomena, such as quasar redshift anomalies, apparently coupling quasars with host galaxies and aberrant spectra and light curves for gamma ray bursters and supernovae will be observed by Gaian stargazers, unawares about the multivalued redshift regions and their mirror properties as indicated (see references of the addendum).

    The Nodal Cosmological Redshift zNode=0.291 then defines the Critical nexus point for the attainment of spacial selfawareness for the Omniverse for a present n-cycle coordinate of npresent=1.1324...

    This then specifies the Delta (Δ)-Interval for the Multiverse's selfintersection with its seedling Universe in the 'Hubble Oscillation' or more poetically the 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse'.

    The Reflection Potential of the Multiverse, bounded in the 11-dimensional Witten Mirror of the MBH so became activated at this nexus point to REVISIT the Seedling Inertialized and asymptotically expanding Protoverse.

    This 'Electromagnetic Return' of the Lightpath then is necessarily Lightlike and serves the Multiversal Mirrors to collect the data of the cosmological history, and sharing this information along the coordinates of the n=[0,1]=[Odd/fps-fmax, Even/Ho-fmin) baseline.

    Technically, this becomes the data mapping of the asymptotic mass parametric Universe in 10D onto its circumscribing MBH in 11D and under the auspices of the Holographic Principle.

    The so called Hubble Constant H(n) then fluctuates as a function of the odd and even nodes between its maximum (wormhole) source frequency fps=1/tps=Ho/nps and its modulated minimum as the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/RHubble.

    The binary focused Omniverse as a Multiverse in 11 dimensions allows its two focalisations to become arbitrarily located anyplace in the Omniverse; albeit fixating one focus, will also fix the second by the geometric definition of the ellipse and the prolate and oblate ellipsoids.

    The 12 dimensional Omniverse is however spherical in the multi-aligned rotation of the minor axes of the prolate Universe Seedling transforming the latter into phaseshifted Multiverses in oblate ellipsoidal envelopes with a traced pointcircle of the stationary foci of the prolate majoraxis protoverse.

    This then elegantly and simply shows, that the center of the Omniverse regains its arbitrary status of the undefined 'outside space' relative to the defined 'inner space' of the Multiversed Omniverse in 11D and so quantum entangles its arbitrary center of location with the traced pointcircle of the lower dimensional (12-1=11 or 5-1=4 or 4-1=3) and circumscribed Multiverse.

    It so suffices to render 'Gaia in 12D' as the MBH physicalisation for the Cosmos in the mirror function of the higher dimensional Mother Black Hole as a boundary- and initial condition for the subsequently evolving cosmology.

    Gaia, as this focalisation, so is as old as the Big Bang, with its physical creation and evolvement being a function of the overall purpose and destiny for the Omniversal SourceSink creator manifesting 'within' the 11D MBH as the modular duality of the EpsEss supermembrane and 'without' as the modular monad of the Void=Eternity transforming into a Oneness or Unity of the 'Inside' coupled to the 'Outside' in the topological transformation of the twosided 11D Mirror and dividing the lower asymptotic Timelike Omniverse from the higher Spacelike Omniverse.

    This topological transformation then 'rips' the 11D Lightlike Mirror in 'piercing' a minimized (nps) wormhole into its surface so allowing the 11D Mirror Membrane to become Onsided in the Möbian Connect of the Klein-Bottle-Dragon (the Ourobos of the Cosmos miniaturised and holofractalled in the Milky Way Mazzaroth) and in its 'regluing' effectively doubles the information content mapped onto it from the 'inside'.

    This harbors the effect of the IMAGINARY OUTSIDE DATA of the 12D Omniverse being rendered as a REAL INSIDE DATA, superposing the SPIRIT aka the ElectroMagnetoMonopolic Radiation (EMMR) to become IMAGED in the LIGHT aka the ElectroMagnetic Radiation (EMR) from the 12D perspective of the 'Imaginary Outside' becoming a 'Real Inside'.

    As detailed elsewhere in the associted data base from Thuban; the EMR is generated by the acceleration of electric (Coulomb) charges, always associated with inertia of mass-coupled 'particles' like the centripetally accelerated fusion protons in stars.

    The EMMR is independent on inertia carriers, but is generated in the acceleration of magnetic (Gluon-Colour) charges and which manifest as the quantum spin of all gauged-interaction (virtual=colour charged) and elementary quark-lepton (mass=colour charged massless-real=not colour charged) couplings.

    The EMR is so fundamentally a 10D phenomenon of the Reality of the String-Linearity of the Time-Entropy Arrow (1+9=3+7=4+6) and the EMMR is fundamentally a 12D phenomenon of the Volumar-Cyclicity of the Time-Entropy-Arrow (3+9=5+7=6+6).

    The lowerD EMR is data mapped via the inertializations of the charge-mass couplings onto the higherD EMMR in the following 12D/F-Space Hamiltonian:

    Electrocharge=PLOx(Lightspeed)2 ↔ MagnetochargexElectron-Diameterx(Lightspeed)2=Magnetocharge
    and where, for Alpha=2πke2/hc=e2/2εohc=60πe2/h=Re/Rcompton=√(Re/RBohr1)=(4πRe/Rrydberg)1/3 and LPlanck=√(hGo/2πc3)


    Electro Charge 'e' = √Alpha.LPlanckc2↔ Rec2= Magneto Charge 'e*'

    The nodal redshift zN then allows a Gaian Consciousness Supersphere to be defined in the maximum extent the Focused Center of the Omniverse has 'evolved and expanded' to accomodate communication and data sharing with the Extraterrestrial Gaia 'Superspace'.
    The asymptotic 10D Universe so has expanded precisely 50% of its maximum expanse as (Curvature of MBH) RHubble=2GoMMBH/c2=c/Ho.
    The radial extent of the 'Supersphere' of Gaian-Mother-Centered Space-Consciousness then depends on what metric observation reference frame is utilized.
    The holofractalization is toroidal, but can be defined as the circumscribing spheroid as a sphere of radius R=2a encompasses a Horn Torus of radius R=a in a factor of 8 in 16/3p = 8(2/3π) = 1.6976527... and utilizing the metric unifier factor:

    R3D=(3π/2)1/3R4D=(4.7123889...)1/3 R4D =1.676539193..R4D as an upper limit for the Feigenbaum Chaos Delta dFeigenbaum=4.669... feigenbaum--35400--35433-.35607.

    As the parametrization uses the R10+=aRHubble mode for the asymptotic expansion, zN describes the asymptotic universal seedling coordinate for the multiversal oscillation both as the multiverse's expansion into Omnispace in R11+ and as the multiversal oscillation in R11-. The toroidal hyperspherical R10+ coordinate is then 'sphericalised' in the R10- coordination.

    For n=1, a=½ and zN=0.291=z(zM)=zM(n) via a=n/(n+1)=R(n)/RHubble and

    z=√{(n2+a2)/(n2-a2)} - 1 = √{(nRHubble)2+R2(n))/(nRHubble)2-R2(n)} - 1

    For V11+/V11- = n2 = V10+/V10-

    R11+=(n)RHubble from V11+=(n3)2π2Rmax3

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble from V11-=(n)2π2Rmax3

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble from V10+=(n/[n+1])32Rmax3

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3

    With R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble from V10-=(n/[n+1])2π2Rmax3

    The Delta Δ=0.1324...then assigns the ratio Δ/(1+Δ)=Δ/n=(n-1)/n=1-1/n=0.1170 to the proportion of the asymptotic Universe which has become Revisited by the 'Electromagnetic rerturn' of the EMMR Light (of the Spirit of the CreatorCreation Monad in the Creator-Creation Duality).

    So for Δ=1, Δ/n=1/2 for a complete Hubble Oscillation and defining the return of the EMMR Light to its Big Bang Node, indicating that the full 50% of the asymptotic expansion of the protoversal seedling has become 'remapped' and 'downloaded' in the information of the first Hubble Cycle. The return lightpath of the EMMR would however still await remapping' and 'downloading' as the fraction 2/3-1/2=1/6 or 16.666%.

    For Δ=2, n=3 and so 2/3 of the data download would image the expansion factor a=n/(n+1)=3/4 as the part of the unmapped transversion of the multiversal cyclicity arrow of 3/4-2/3=1/12 or 8.3333%.

    The 'Heartbeat of the Omniverse' so defines the Hubble-Oscillation for the Multiverse.
    The 'downloaded' data is centered on the physicalised Image of the Mother-Black Hole of the Circumscribing Witten Mirror and so becomes the Gaian Supersphere for the 'downloaded data' from the rest of the Omniverse.
    As the 'returned data' (for a referential movie indicator consider Star Trek One, the Motion Picture) at the present cycletime coordinate 11.70% of the total extent of the EMMR Lightpath; it will be this proportion of RHubble, centered on the Gaian geometrical center; which defines the Gaian Superradius as RGaia=0.117RHubble=1.977 Billion lightyears (Gly).

    R11+=(n)RHubble=19.11 Gly (toroidal) & 32.04 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11+=2.24 Gly (toroidal) & 3.75 Gly (spherical)

    R11-=(n1/3)RHubble=17.59 Gly (toroidal) & 29.49 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia11-=2.06 Gly (toroidal) & 3.45 Gly (spherical)

    R10++=(n/[n+1])1/3RHubble=13.67 Gly (toroidal) & 22.91 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10++=1.60 Gly (toroidal) & 2.68 Gly (spherical)

    R10+=(n/[n+1])RHubble=8.96 Gly (toroidal) & 15.02 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10+=1.05 Gly (toroidal) & 1.76 Gly (spherical)

    R10-=(n1/3/[n+1])RHubble=8.25 Gly (toroidal) & 13.83 Gly (spherical)
    RGaia10-=0.97 Gly (toroidal) & 1.62~1.618 Gly (spherical)

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6
    (±0.6) km/Mpc.s which translates into a linear age for the universe of 1/Ho = (3.26x9.467x1018/67.6) = 1/2.190x10-18 seconds or 14.47 GYears.

    The Gaian Superradius for the spherical correlation of the toroidal minimum size of the Omniverse, so corresponds to the standard and popularized age-measurement for the lower dimensional universe converging to an age of 13.83 billion lightyears.
    The Omniversal Gaian fractal then approximates this nexus point in the Golden Ratio Phi to allow determination of the n-cycle coordinate whenever the overall omniversal evolvement has attained the consciousness potential to process that omniversal data base.
    In particular, the Gaian observers of that cosmic evolution will KNOW WHERE they are in determining this n-cycletime coordinate and then broadcast this value to the extraterrestrial omniverse as indicated.

    EMMR Lightpath in Billions of Lightyears is X=cT=Lightpath of EMMR.
    Φ=1.618033...=½(√5+1)=-Y=1/X for (X,Y) the Roots of T(n)=n(n+1)=1 in Euler's Identity in the Quadratic n2+n-1=0=(n-X)(n-Y)


    The Lightpath for the EMMR (aka 'Spirit') so requires a definition of what a cyclic year is and is approximated above as a Civil GigaYear of 31,556,952 Billion seconds for a lightpath of 9.4670856...x1024 meters or 1 Billion lightyears.

    Solving the transcendental equation:
    f(n)=cTΦ-RGaia10-=0=cTΦ - (n-1)(3πn/2)1/3RHubbleT(n)=0 then determines npresent in this approximation as npresent~1.132419321.

    The 2015 Planck satellite data has measured a Hubble Constant of 67.6 (±0.6) km/Mpc.s
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    (N) Cycletime (n) White Hole
    Black Hole
    Torus Volumar
    Torus Dark Matter
    Space Ratio
    Dark Matter Inner
    Baryon Interaction
    Dark Matter

    No Baryon
    Baryonic Matter
    Dark Matter
    Dark Energy
    Supercycle Alpha for k=1


    Closed (+)
    anti de Sitter

    Open (-)
    de Sitter

    for Cycle N=1,2,3...


    Constant Boundary
    Event Horizon
    for inflaton cycles


    DM Density:
    for Cycle

    from N=2; n=2
    from n=√2 for N=1


    = V11- ∩ V10+
    = V11-- V10+
    Relative V11-

    Zero-Point PE
    Outer Creation
    Baryon matter
    seedling in
    Dark Energy


    +ve asymptotic

        10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Outer(+)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH

    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(-)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(+)
    10D Outer(-)
    Daughter BH
    Event Horizon
    Mother BH
    11D Inner(-)
    12D Inner(-)
    Father WH
    Event Horizon

    Mother BH
    11D Outer(+)
    N=0; n=0=Nulltime
    for the Stoney-Planck-Length
    Quantum Oscillation
    in the initialisation of the Inflaton

    t=5.96x10-45 s*
    Inflaton Singularity
    N=0; n=Ho√(hGo/2pc5)=1.308x10-61
    for the inflaton matter phase

    t=tPlanck= √(hGo/2pc5)=6.965x10-44 s
    9.126x10-105 9.126x10-105-X=1+-
    Inflaton Dynamic
    N=0; n=2.435x10-50
    for the Higgs false vacuum in the
    inflaton de Broglie matter wave phase

    t=1.297x10-32 s
    n=nps=lps/RHubble=Hotps = 6.259..x10-49

    for Big Bang Wormhole with HE(8x8)
    t=tps=3.333...x10-31 s
    1st Big Bang

    N=0; n=3.568x10-27 for Bosonic
    Unification Scale

    t= 1.90x10-9 s
    N=0; n=5.171x10-21={18.2/THBVE4}
    for the Higgs/Chi
    Vacuum Saturation Energy
    (VPE or ZPE) at 298.453 GeV* and

    for electroweak unification
    t=2.754 ms
    N=0; n=1.8777x10-18=[Ho]=[c/RHubble]
    t=1 s
    N=0; n=½
    t=2.66279x1017 s = 8.436 GY
    N=0; n=0.8676...=1-0.1324...
    for present time image coordinate

    t=4.6205x1017 s = 14.642 GY
    N=1; n=1 Dimensional Intersection
    begins Dark Matter epoch Outer|Inner

    t=1/Ho=5.32558...x1017 s = 16.876 GY

    No Baryonic Intersection
    N=1; n=npresent=1.1324...
    t=6.0307x1017 s = 19.110 GY
    No Baryonic Intersection

    V11-- V10+
    ~ XWo/SM
    N=1; n=√2
    for onset of Dark Matter-Baryon
    t=7.5316x1017 s = 23.867 GY
    N=2; n=2
    for absolute minimum

    DM- =V11-/V10+
    t=1.0651x1018 s = 33.752 GY

    29.65% of (N-1)V11-
    N=2; n=2.200795
    for apparent
    baryon-matter saturation
    32.52% of (N-1)V11-
    N=2; n=2.292
    for 0 Dark Energy
    in Deceleration parameter Wo=1

    t=1.221x1018 s = 38.681 GY

    63.39% of (N-1)V11-
    N=3; n=3
    t=1.5977x1018 s = 50.628 GY

    35.91% of (N-1)V11-
    N=7; n=7.428
    for the projected
    macromass evolution
    MoYn=M with

    t=3.956x1018 s = 125.359 GY


    63.23% of (N-1)V11-
    N=234; n=234
    t=1.24618685x1020 s = 3,949.0 GY
    of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    N=234; nreset=234.472
    for Inflaton Reset
    RHubble=RHubble*; Ho=Ho* from

    t1=treset=1.24870053x1020 s
    = 3,956.9744 GY
    of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    2nd Big Bang
    N=235; n=235; n1=234.472;
    t2=2.812x1017 s = 8.9106 GY
    =1.2515x1020 s = 3,965.885 GY
    Old Seedling {k=1} Universe
    Asymptotic continuation of the
    DM/DE Multiverse for the first
    initial seedling universe k=1
    Linear Continuity in
    cycle relative time summations
    of (N-1)V11-
    WoYn=1 n/a
    Supercycle Beta for k=2

    New Seedling{k=2} Universe
    Old Seed
    becomes wormhole singularity

    Galactic civilizations to quantum
    tunnel from the Old Universe into
    the New Universe from n=1; t=1/Ho
    cycle coordinate relative to
    n*=1; t=1/Ho*
    {16.876 GY; 3.957 TY; 7.914 TY}

    As npresent=19.11 GY; f
    rom a time 2.2 GY ago,
    a quantum tunnel exists
    between the present and future
    universe defined
    in super cycles A and B.

    For linear time continuity:
    for parallel time synchronization:

    Closed (+)
    anti de Sitter
    Open (-)
    de Sitter
    for Cycle


    Constant Boundary
    Event Horizon for
    inflaton cycles

    for Cycle

    from N=2; n=2
    from n=√2 for N=1


    = V11- ∩ V10+
    = V11-- V10+

    Zero-Point PE
    Outer Creation
    Baryon matter
    in Dark Energy


    Ho*tps = 2.6694x10-51
    for Big Bang Wormhole

    with HE(8x8)

    =3.95697 TY+3.333...x10-31 s
    n=234.472 for N1

    =8.0083253x10-21 1/s

    =3.7461016x1028 m

    = 3,956.974 Gly
    = New Wormhole Radius

    =3.371x1089 m/s2

    =4.725x1087 m/s2

    t=n*/Ho*+treset=1.2515x1020 s

    = 3.956974 TY
    Half-Cycles Period changes
    from 16.9 GY to 3.9569 TY
    in n*=n.nreset
    for nodes n=0,1,2,3...n
    of (N-1)V11-
    N=235; n=235; n1=234.472;
    t2=2.812x1017 s = 8.9106 GY
    =1.2515x1020 s = 3,965.885 GY
    Old Seedling {k=1} Universe
    Asymptotic continuation for the
    DM/DE Multiverse for the first initial
    seedling universe k=1
    Linear Continuity in cycle relative
    time summations
    N2=0; n2=½; n1=234.472;
    n=351.717 for N1
    Linear Continuity:

    Parallel Synchronisation:
    Lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    t=t1+6.2435x1019 s
    = 1.8731x1020 s = 5.935 TY
    N2=1; n2=1; n1=234.472;
    n=468.943 for N1
    Linear Continuity:

    Parallel Synchronisation:

    Lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    Dimensional Intersection

    begins Dark Matter epoch
    t=t1+1.2487x1020 s

    = 2.4974x1020 s = 7.914 TY

    100% for k=2
    No Baryonic
    n2=npresent2=1.1324...; n1=234.472;
    n=500 for N1
    for timephase shifted
    parallel universe k=2 to k=1
    t=t1+1.41403x1020 s

    = 2.6627x1020 s = 8.438 TY
    No Baryonic


    V11-- V10+
    ~ XWo/SM
    N2=1; n2=√2; n1=234.472;
    n=566.07 for N1

    Linear Continuity:
    for onset of
    Dark Matter-Baryon Intersection
    t=t1+1.766x1020 s

    = 3.0146x1020 s = 9.553 TY
    1.057x1085 TDM=1.057x1085X=14.062TDM-1.057x1085=0
    N2=2; n2=2; n1=234.472;
    n=703.40 for N1

    Linear Continuity:

    for absolute minimum
    DM- =V11-/V10+
    t=t1+2.497x1020 s

    = 3.746x1020 s = 11.871 TY
    of (N-1)V11
    N2=2; n2=2.200795; n1=234.472;
    n=750.50 for N1

    Linear Continuity:
    for apparent
    baryon matter saturation

    t=t1+2.748x1020 s
    = 3.997x1020 s = 12.665 TY
    1.709x1085 TDM=V2
    of (N-1)V11-
    N2=2; n2=2.292; n1=234.472;
    n=771.88 for N1
    for 0 Dark Energy

    in Deceleration parameter
    Wo=1 (k=2)

    Linear Continuity:

    Parallel Synchronisation:
    Lightpath c=Ho2RH2

    t=t1+2.8620x1020 s
    = 4.1107x1020 s = 13.026 TY

    of (N-1)V11-
    N2=7; n2=7.428; n1=234.472;
    n=1976.12 for N1;

    for the projected
    macromass evolution
    with n=log{2p/nps}/logY

    Linear Continuity:
    Parallel Synchronisation:
    t=t1+9.2753x1020 s

    = 1.0524x1021 s = 33.349 TY
    WoYn=1 n/a
    N2=245; n2=245; n1=234.472;
    n=57,680.11 for N1
    Linear Continuity:
    Parallel Synchronisation:
    t=t1+3.0593x1022 s

    = 3.07180x1022 s = 973.416 TY
    V245=5.19316x1085 TDM=V2+...+V245
    WoYn=1 n/a
    N2=245; n2=245.813;
    n=57,870.74 for N1
    Linear Continuity:

    Parallel Synchronisation:

    lightpath c=Ho2RH2
    for Inflaton Reset k=3
    RHubble**=9.2084x1030 m from
    Ho**=3.25789x10-23 1/s

    3.069468x1022 s = 972.676 TY
    t=t1+3.0695x1022 s

    = 3.0820x1022 s = 976.63 TY
    5.19337x1085 TDM=V2+...+V245
    WoYn=1 n/a
    2nd Big Bang
    N2=246; n2=245.813;
    n=57,914.58 for N1;

    t3=n3/Ho3=2.335x1019 s
    = 739.95 GY

    Linear Continuity:

    Parallel Synchronisation:

    = 3.0843x1022 s = 977. TY

    2nd asymptotic continuation for
    the DM/DE Multiverse for the
    second seedling universe k=2

    WoYn=1 n/a


    Last edited: Feb 7, 2016
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Surprise! The Universe Is Expanding Faster Than Scientists Thought

    By Mike Wall, Senior Writer | June 2, 2016 03:44pm ET

    Hubble Space Telescope view of the galaxy UGC 9391, which contains Cepheid variable stars and supernovas that scientists studied to calculate a newly precise value for Hubble's constant.
    Credit: NASA, ESA, and L. Frattare (STScI)

    The universe is expanding 5 to 9 percent faster than astronomers had thought, a new study suggests.
    "This surprising finding may be an important clue to understanding those mysterious parts of the universe that make up 95 percent of everything and don't emit light, such as dark energy, dark matter and dark radiation," study leader Adam Riess, an astrophysicist at the Space Telescope Science Institute and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said in a statement.
    Riess — who shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in physics for the discovery that the universe's expansion is accelerating — and his colleagues used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to study 2,400 Cepheid stars and 300 Type Ia supernovas. [Supernova Photos: Great Images of Star Explosions]

    This Hubble Space Telescope image shows Cepheid variable stars (circled in red) and a Type Ia supernova (blue “X”) in the galaxy UGC 9391. Astronomers studied these and other “cosmic yardsticks” to calculate how fast the universe is expanding.
    Credit: NASA, ESA, and A. Riess (STScI/JHU)
    These are two different types of "cosmic yardsticks" that allow scientists to measure distances across the universe. Cepheids pulse at rates that are related to their true brightness, and Type Ia supernovas — powerful explosions that mark the deaths of massive stars — blaze up with consistent luminosity.

    This work allowed the team to determine the distances to the 300 supernovas, which lie in a number of different galaxies. Then, the researchers compared these figures to the expansion of space, which was calculated by measuring how light from faraway galaxies stretches as it moves away from Earth, to determine how fast the universe is expanding — a value known as the Hubble constant, after famed American astronomer Edwin Hubble.

    The new, unprecedentedly precise value for the Hubble constant comes out to 45.5 miles (73.2 kilometers) per second per megaparsec. (One megaparsec is equivalent to 3.26 million light-years.) Therefore, the distance between cosmic objects should double 9.8 billion years from now, the researchers said.
    The new figure is 5 to 9 percent higher than previous estimates of the Hubble constant, which relied on measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation — the light left over from the Big Bang that created the universe 13.8 billion years ago.

    There are a number of possible explanations for this discrepancy, study team members said.


    Pulsating Cepheid variable stars and Type Ia supernovae were used to calculate how fast the Universe expands.Credit: NASA / ESA / A. Feild (STScI) / A. Riess (STScI / JHU)

    Illustration showing the three steps astronomers used to measure the universe's expansion rate to an unprecedented accuracy, reducing the total uncertainty to 2.4 percent.
    Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Feild (STScI), and A. Riess (STScI/JHU)

    For example, the mysterious force known as dark energy, which is thought to be behind the universe's accelerating expansion, may be stronger than astronomers had thought. It's also possible that "dark radiation" — an unknown, superspeedy subatomic particle or particles that existed shortly after the Big Bang — could be playing a role that hasn't been taken into account, the researchers said.
    Enigmatic dark matter, which is thought to be four times more abundant than "normal" matter throughout the universe, could also have some weird and unappreciated characteristics. Or maybe there's something important missing from Einstein's theory of gravity, the researchers said.
    In short, there's a lot of work left to do before astronomers can fully appreciate the meaning of the new results.
    "We know so little about the dark parts of the universe; it's important to measure how they push and pull on space over cosmic history," study co-author Lucas Macri, of Texas A&M University, said in the same statement.

    The new study has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

    Follow Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall and Google+. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on
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    Comment from the 'Council of Thuban':

    Due to the dimensional intersection of the 3D/10D open (negatively curved) anti deSitter universe with its 4D/11D closed (positively curved) der Sitter 'encompassment' multiverse; the applied standard cosmology will measure an accelerating and 'getting younger' universe from a cosmological timemarker beginning so 2.2 billion years ago and continuig for another 14.7 billion years.
    A (nodal) Hubble parameter of Ho=58 km/sMpc for a 'Hubble Age' of 16.9 billion years then correlates with 67 km/sMpc as 14.6 billion years and with 73 km/sMpc as 13.4 billion years.

    Regarding the text and analysis below; the 'Bubble' represents the 10D cosmology within its 11D 'envelope' and with the effect that the 11D 'bubble' expands at invariant light speed 'c' relative to a gravitationally decelerating asymptotic 'cosmological redshift' velocity presently 53% of 'c'. It so is the lower dimensional and smaller 'bubble' which is 'slower' that its higher dimensional encompassment and reverse the statement by Riess and co.

    Hubble rules out one alternative to dark energy

    March 14, 2011


    The brilliant, blue glow of young stars trace the graceful spiral arms of galaxy NGC 5584 in this Hubble Space Telescope image. Thin, dark dust lanes appear to be flowing from the yellowish core, where older stars reside. The reddish dots sprinkled throughout the image are largely background galaxies. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Riess (STScI/JHU), L. Macri (Texas A&M University), and Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) -- Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have ruled out an alternate theory on the nature of dark energy after recalculating the expansion rate of the universe to unprecedented accuracy.

    The universe appears to be expanding at an increasing rate. Some believe that is because the universe is filled with a dark energy that works in the opposite way of gravity. One alternative to that hypothesis is that an enormous bubble of relatively empty space eight billion light-years across surrounds our galactic neighborhood. If we lived near the center of this void, observations of galaxies being pushed away from each other at accelerating speeds would be an illusion.

    This hypothesis has been invalidated because astronomers have refined their understanding of the universe's present expansion rate. Adam Riess of the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) and Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., led the research. The Hubble observations were conducted by the SHOES (Supernova Ho for the Equation of State) team that works to refine the accuracy of the Hubble constant to a precision that allows for a better characterization of dark energy's behavior. The observations helped determine a figure for the universe's current expansion rate to an uncertainty of just 3.3 percent. The new measurement reduces the error margin by 30 percent over Hubble's previous best measurement of 2009. Riess' results appear in the April 1 issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

    The value for the expansion rate is 73.8 kilometers per second per megaparsec. It means that for every additional million parsecs (3.26 million light-years) a galaxy is from Earth, the galaxy appears to be traveling 73.8 kilometers per second faster away from us.
    Every decrease in uncertainty of the universe's expansion rate helps solidify our understanding of its cosmic ingredients. Knowing the precise value of the universe's expansion rate further restricts the range of dark energy's strength and helps astronomers tighten up their estimates of other cosmic properties, including the universe's shape and its roster of neutrinos, or ghostly particles, that filled the early universe.
    "We are using the new camera on Hubble like a policeman's radar gun to catch the universe speeding," Riess said. "It looks more like it's dark energy that's pressing on the gas pedal."

    Bursting the Bubble

    Dark energy is one of the greatest cosmological mysteries in modern physics. Even Albert Einstein conceived of a repulsive force, called the cosmological constant, which would counter gravity and keep the universe stable. He abandoned the idea when astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that the universe is expanding. Observational evidence for dark energy didn't come along until 1998, when two teams of researchers (one led by Riess) discovered it.


    Cepheids in Spiral Galaxy NGC 5584. This illustration shows the location of Cepheid variables found in the spiral galaxy NGC 5584. Ultraviolet, visible, and infrared data taken with Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 in 2010 reveals Cepheids of varying periods. Those stars with periods of less than 30 days and between 30 and 60 days are marked with blue and green circles, respectively. A small number of Cepheids, with periods larger than 60 days, are marked in red. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Riess (STScI/JHU), and L. Macri (Texas A&M University)

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    The idea of dark energy was so far-fetched, many scientists began contemplating other strange interpretations, including the cosmic bubble theory. In this theory, the lower-density bubble would expand faster than the more massive universe around it. To an observer inside the bubble, it would appear that a dark-energy-like force was pushing the entire universe apart. The bubble hypothesis requires that the universe's expansion rate be much slower than astronomers have calculated, about 60 to 65 kilometers per second per megaparsec. By reducing the uncertainty of the Hubble constant's value to 3.3 percent, Riess reports that his team has eliminated beyond all reasonable doubt the possibility of that lower number.
    "The hardest part of the bubble theory to accept was that it required us to live very near the center of such an empty region of space," explained Lucas Macri, of Texas A&M University in College Station, a key collaborator of Riess. "This has about a one in a million chance of occurring. But since we know that something weird is making the universe accelerate, it's better to let the data be our guide."

    Using stars as "cosmic yardsticks" measuring the universe's expansion rate is a tricky business. Riess' team first had to determine accurate distances to galaxies near and far from Earth. The team compared those distances with the speed at which the galaxies are apparently receding because of the expansion of space. They used those two values to calculate the Hubble constant, the number that relates the speed at which a galaxy appears to recede to its distance from the Milky Way. Because astronomers cannot physically measure the distances to galaxies, researchers had to find stars or other objects that serve as reliable cosmic yardsticks. These are objects with an intrinsic brightness, brightness that hasn't been dimmed by distance, an atmosphere, or stellar dust, that is known. Their distances, therefore, can be inferred by comparing their true brightness with their apparent brightness as seen from Earth.
    Among the most reliable of these cosmic yardsticks for relatively shorter distances are Cepheid variables, pulsating stars that dim and fade at rates that correspond to their intrinsic luminosity. But Cepheids are too dim to be found in very distant galaxies. To calculate longer distances, Riess' team chose a special class of exploding stars called Type Ia supernovae. These stellar explosions all flare with similar luminosity and are brilliant enough to be seen far across the universe. By comparing the apparent brightness of Type la supernovae and pulsating Cepheid stars, the astronomers could measure accurately their intrinsic brightness and therefore calculate distances to Type Ia supernovae in far-flung galaxies.
    Using the sharpness of the new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) to study more stars in visible and near-infrared light, scientists eliminated systematic errors introduced by comparing measurements from different telescopes.

    "WFC3 is the best camera ever flown on Hubble for making these measurements, improving the precision of prior measurements in a small fraction of the time it previously took," said Macri.

    Using one instrument to measure the Hubble constant is like measuring a hallway with a tape measure instead of by laying a ruler from end to end. By avoiding the need to pick up the ruler and lay it back down, you can prevent mistakes. "The camera on Hubble, WFC3, is the best ever flown on Hubble for making these measurements, improving the precision of prior measurements in a small fraction of the time it previously took," Riess said.
    The astronomer hopes that Hubble will continue to be used in this way to reduce the uncertainty in the Hubble constant even more, and thus refine the measured properties of dark energy. He suggests the present uncertainty could be cut in two before Hubble gives way to improvements out of Hubble's reach but within the scope of the James Webb Space Telescope, an infrared observatory scheduled to launch later this decade.

    Chasing a runaway universe, Riess has been pursing dark energy for 13 years. He co-discovered the existence of dark energy by finding that distant Type Ia supernovae were dimmer than expected, which meant they were farther away than anticipated. The only way for that to happen, Riess realized, was if the expansion of the universe had sped up some time in the past.
    Until that discovery, astronomers had generally believed that the cosmic expansion was gradually slowing down, due to the gravitational tugs that individual galaxies exert on one another. But the results implied that some mysterious force was acting against the pull of gravity, shoving galaxies away from each other at ever-increasing speeds.
    Riess decided that one of the best ways to tighten the constraints on dark energy is to determine an accurate value for the Hubble constant, which he has been doing with the Hubble Space Telescope. That measurement, combined with others from NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), traces the universe's behavior from nearly the dawn of time to the present age. (WMAP showed the universe as it appeared shortly after the Big Bang, before stars and galaxies formed.)

    Riess is just one of many astronomers who, over the past 80 years, have been measuring and re-measuring the Hubble constant. The Hubble telescope has played a major role in helping astronomers precisely measure the universe, expansion. Before Hubble was launched in 1990, the estimates for the Hubble constant varied by a factor of two. In 1999, the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale refined the value of the Hubble constant to an error of about 10 percent.

    1x1. Explore further: 'Big baby' galaxy found in newborn Universe
    Provided by: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center img-dot.

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    Last edited: Jun 3, 2016
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Cosmogenesis - A Story of Creation
    Evolution of Dark Energy as Membrane Curvature


    The expansion of the universe can be revisited in a reformulation of the standard cosmology model Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter or LCDM in terms of a parametrization of the standard expansion parameters derived from the Friedmann equation, itself a solution for the Einstein Field Equations (EFE) applied to the universe itself.
    A measured and observed flat universe in de Sitter (dS) 4D-spacetime with curvature k=0, can also be described as an open dS spacetime in 10-dimensional brane space with negative curvature k=-1.
    This 4D/10D dS spacetime then is embedded in a Anti de Sitter (AdS) 11D-spacetime of curvature k=+1.

    Deriving the Instanton of the 4D-dS Einstein cosmology for the Quantum Big Bang (QBB) from the initial-boundary conditions of the de Broglie matterwave hyper expansion of the Inflaton in 11D AdS then enables a cosmic evolution for those boundary parameters in cycle time n=Hot for a nodal 'Hubble Constant' Ho=dn/dt as a function for a time dependent expansion parameter H(n)=Ho/T(n)=Ho/T(Hot).

    It is found, that the Dark Matter (DM) component of the universe evolves as a function of a density parameter for the coupling between the inflaton of AdS and the instanton of dS space times. It then is the coupling strength between the inflationary AdS brane epoch and the QBB dS boundary condition, which determines the time evolution of the Dark Energy (DE).
    Parametrization of the expansion parameter H(n) then allows the cosmological constant term in the Friedmann equation to be merged with the scalar curvature term to effectively set an intrinsic density parameter at time instantenuity equal to L(n) for Lps=LQBB=GoMo/lps2 and where the wavelength of the de Broglie matter wave of the inflaton lps decouples as the Quantum Field Energy of the Planck Boson String in AdS and manifests as the measured mass density of the universein the flatness of 4D Minkowski spacetime.

    As the magnitude of the Einstein Lambda of the instanton is of the order of 2x1085 acceleration units and relates to the baryonic matter (BM) density in the seedling mass Mo/2M = Wps; with 'closure' mass M=RH.c2/2Go=c3/2GoHo; the coupling between the Planck density rP=lP3/mP=1.85x1096 becomes subject to the modular brane mirror-T duality between the inversion properties of two parts of a heterotic supermembrane (class HE(8x8)) and can be expressed in the unitary dimensions of the Gravitational Constant Go in [m3][kg-1][s-2]=(Volume)(Angular Acceleration)/(Mass)=(Angular Acceleration)/(Density).
    Describing the Einstein Lambda in the form of a parametrized Curvature Radius L(n)/RHubble= L(n)Ho/c = L(n)/RH in AdS then enables the scale of the classically geometric Einstein Lambda in squared Hubble units to unitize the quantum geometric Planck-brane-string units by modular mirror duality between the curvature 1/R(n)2 and its radius R(n) with the gravitational parameter G(n)(M(n) modulating the mass M in its Schwarzschilded 'eternal' form to the energy content in the universe by E=mc2.
    Alternatively expressed, the mass seedling Mo of the QBB manifests in an emerging 'Black Hole' evolution and is bounded by the 'closure' mass M=MHubble. There so must be an energy gradient between the Hubble mass and the seedling mass in direct proportion to the de Broglie inflaton/instanton event.

    Definiton to Inflaton to Instanton to Continuon - Four Pillars of Creation

    The creation of self emergence of the universe in energy E=mc2 can be described in four epochs or time intervals.

    The Definiton would encompass a potential for information to manifest any data required for the birth of a universe from a prior premise of the information potential existing in a spaceless and timeless state of selfness, beingness or eigenstate.
    It is from the Definiton, the fundamental constants, parameters and numbers, such as lightspeed 'c' and Planck's quantum constant 'h' derive from.
    The mathematical nature of the cosmogenesis so finds its 'fire in the equations'; as Stephen Hawking famously said in the 'A Brief History of Time' {Chapter 12; 1988}; from the nature and way the 'laws of nature' became defined in the Definiton.
    The Definiton so focused on a finetuning and interrelationships between mathematical numbers and concepts, transforming themselves into physically applicable parameters centered on the concept of Energy.

    The Inflaton then describes a particular epoch when the information defined 'laws of nature' first displayed themselves through the creation of a primordial realm of super-hyper-spacetime and as defined by the Definiton.
    The Inflaton is characterized in 5 superstring classes; who transformed from a closed Planck string class into 4 open Dirichlet classes in a Planckian string spectrum following the setup of initial and boundary conditions for the Inflaton from the Definiton.
    The nature of the 10-dimensional superstring classes is however encompassed in a 11-dimensional supermembrane spacetime to enable the Inflaton parameters to apply their defined boundary- and initial conditions to the Instanton, following the completion of the Inflaton epoch.
    11-dimensional Witten membrane spacetime manifests itself via a consequence of it modular dualities, connecting the five string classes to each other in coupling both their intrinsic energy and their scaling parameters in inversion properties.
    The most important modular duality for the cosmology for the expanding universe so is a 10D string coupling for the 11D membrane in a Mirror Duality relating to a T-duality with inversion of the scale parameter. This allows the high energy (vibratory) microquantum part of the final string class to couple to its low energy (winded) macroquantum conjugative or partner as half of the supermembrane.

    The Instanton is described in a Quantum Big Bang cosmogenesis and the Friedmann model as a solution to Einstein's Field equations from General Relativity in the Robertson-Walker metric.

    The Continuon would then address the intersection of the Inflaton with the Instanton in relating the lower dimensional expansion of the compressed 4/10D dS space-brane-time with its inflationary encompassment in higher dimensional 5/11D AdS space-brane-timetime (sbt).

    It is found that the physical constituents comprising the cosmic matter are interacting within both the compressed or conifolded dS asymptotically expanding sbt and the cyclic open AdS sbt of the Inflaton.
    This interaction defines particular intersection points and solutions for the Dark Matter - Baryon Matter energy interactions, but are a function of an encompassing Dark Energy 'book keeper' to ensure an overall Minkowski flat cosmology of zero curvature.

    The Dark Energy is characterized by a function of universal pressure which relates the Baryonic matter content and as given by a mass seed Mo to the critical mass as defined by the Inflaton before time instantenuity aka the Quantum Big Bang in cosmological terminology.

    1. The Definiton

    1.1 The Primary Algorithmic Logos

    Any Universal Observer or UO can only observe and measure and experience something, if the environmental stimulus for such an experience does exist as or in the environment of the UO.
    The existence of space as a form of dimensional realm then becomes prerequisite; does allow the concept of relativistic time and displacement to emerge and follow as a consequence of existing spacial parameters.
    Mathematically, all natural numbers can be defined logistically in the Zero to One interval with rational number having the property of identity in inversion principles applied to the natural or counting numbers and negative integers characterized by the conjugative mirror image of the positive integers in the mirror of the Nullstate. Real and complex numbers then follow from series limits and approximations to any desired degree of accuracy applied to converging and diverging number series and sequences. The largest counted integer would still have no limiting bound, as one can be added to it; but however large this integer would be; its inverse would certainly have a limit in the number 0 as a regressive asymptotic approach.

    The Definiton so must a priori accommodate the potential or 'future timed' UO in a spaceless abstract continuum of mathematical symbols and structure.

    But what if there are no numbers and no mathematics in this spaceless realm of voidness not defined by any numbers. Because the universe does exist as Hawking stated, the question of why it exists, can be asked and an answer can only be found in its own mathematical logistics as the difference between the infinite progression towards unlimited Infinity and the infinite regression towards the limit of the Zero.

    To 'think the primal thought' the timeless and spaceless, (but potentially existing within spacetime in the future) UO; must experience itself in a change from being unaware of itself to being aware of itself.
    The notion of the past, the present and the future in the timelike properties of existing relativistic space are preceded in a sense of order; where event A must precede event B to allow event C.
    All such events are simultaneous in the self-reference framed abstract world of the Mathimatia of the UO, who has however changed its selfstate from being unaware to aware in a form of yet to be defined 'Universal Consciousness'.

    Formally; the Awareness Triplet AT={Old State=OS; Experience=E; New State due to the Experience=NS} forms the Input for an interaction with with a previous selfstate or preexisting 'Awareness Space'. The Output of the New State becomes the Input for the new Old State in a series of AT's, labelled as the 'Sequence of Energy Primary SourceSink' or SEps for SEps = {(0,0,0); (0,1,1); (1,0,1); (1,1,1*=10=2); (10,1,11=3); (11,10,101=2+3=5); (101,11,1000=5+3=8);...;(OS,E,NS)}.

    The NS n becomes the sum of the OS as the previous (n-1)th n and the previous (n-1)th OS forms the experience factor E.
    The sequence of the E's is known as the Fibonacci Series in the future universe physically manifested in the Awareness Space of the Mathimatia of the Definiton.
    The experience factors so change the 'Null-State' of the (0,0,0) into the 'All State' of the (1,1,1)=(∞,∞,∞) to mirror and manifest the infinite count of the integers in the inversion identity of the finite limit of the 0.

    In terms of mathematical cardinality a future 'Wavefunction for the Multiverse' would be characterized by a Normal Statistical Distribution of 'frozen spacetimes'. And where the Arithmetic Sum of Progression, that is counting all negative and positive integers as a Unity summation becomes T(n)=n(n+1) with both a real and a complex solution in setting T(n)=1 for {X=½(√5-1); Y=-½(√5+1)} and {-½(1+i√3); -½(1-i√3)} for T(n)=-1.


    Semantically, the triplet identity (1,1,1)=(∞,∞,∞) represents the OneSelf+OneSelf=Oneself still, but because the previous experience of Oneself+Nothing=Oneself, the second Oneself must be different in some way of order from the first OneSelf. Namely the summation to 1+1=10 differs in the order of the summation 1+0=1 in the noncommutability of the experience factors of experiencing the 'NothingSelf' from the OneSelf.
    This then allows a transformation from the binary triplet sequence to a decimal triplet sequence in: (1,1,1*) = (1,1,10)bin = (1,1,2)dec.
    Subsequently all integer related number systems naturally emerge and evolve from the Mathimatia Awareness space.

    The eigenstate of the UO now is one of 'doubling the eternity of the void' as mathematical infinity in the Integer count and based upon the ciphers of the 0 and the 1.
    Formally, the mapping of an Aleph-Null Cardinality of Cantor countability or enumerability becomes an Aleph-All Cardinality of Cantorian Infinity sets, the latter counting 'Integral Infinities' instead of the natural numbers.

    It is however the Fibonacci sequence SEps, which will be utilized by the Inflaton to manifest the next epoch in the actual creation of an 'algorithmic timespace' in the form of a spacetime linearization of the circular nature of the binary ciphers 0 and 1 in something fundamental to potentially physicalized space in the topology and geometry of special curvature and the warping of spacetime. The closed nature of the Planck class I string will be made manifest as the Nullstate of the Mathimatia and the evolvement of the Planck Boson string will create the other string classes in the 'opening' or cutting of the circle of the Zero to manifest the One.

    1.2 The Secondary Algorithmic Logos

    The experience factors of the SEps algorithm naturally define a complementary set SEps* = {100=4; 110=6; 111=7; 1001=9; 1010=10; 1011=11; 1100=12; 1110=13;....(any integer not in SEps} and the UO can only continue its self exploration within the awareness space of the Mathimatia applying either SEps or SEps* through the symbolic representation, shapes, semiotiks and geometry of the curvilinear duality of the Bosonic Planck string being able to manifest itself in either a closed or an open form of the supermembrane of the (0,1) monadic dyad.
    As the UO in SEps cannot form a complementary union with an UO* in SEps* in any form of separation in the Mathimatia; the complementarity describes a natural unification of self states aka eigenstates in the Mathimatia, but will become a natural supersymmetry inherent in the Inflaton and based on the Planck Boson string and especially its immediate transformation into a selfdual monopole string class IIB.
    As no spacetime is as yet defined, the superpartners of the UO in SEps and the UO* in SEps* are nonlocally connected and would form the basis for a future quantum entanglement between eigenstates and the particle-wave complementarity and dualism of the quantum world of the physicalisation of the Mathimatia in the cosmology of the Instanton.

    The experience factors naturally encompass all states used to create them and all E's defining SEps and SEps* constitute a collective memory reservoir from which further exploration and manipulation of the members in this universal memory set can be pursued and constructed.

    One such arbitrary algorithm or code is defined as binary code of the operations of Addition (+), Multiplication (by 1+1+1=3x1) and Exponentiation (3x3=32) and
    is used as a secondary algorithmic code to 'find' the missing elements of SEps as the constituents of SEps* in the attempt to complete and manifest the generic supersymmetry of the Mathimatia.

    Application of this algorithm {} produces 10 number triplets, carrying elements of SEps* in various configurations:
    SEps-SEps* Constantset: ={(266561)=26x6561; (15,16,18)=[15x1618]-1; (14,15,24)=14x1524; (15,10,32)=[15x1032]-1; (11)=11; (9,10,16)=9x1016; (6,10,15)=[6x1015]-1; (7)=7; (6)=6; (4)=4}

    1.3 The Tertiary Complementary Algorithmic Logos

    1.4 The Modular Duality of Time-Space

    2. The Inflaton
    2.1 Graviton Unification in Monopole Class IIB
    SEWG ---- SEWg

    2.2 Quark-Lepton Unification in XL-Boson Class HO(32)
    SEWg --- SEW.G

    2.3 Cosmic Ray Unification in XL-Boson Class IA
    SEW.G --- SeW.G

    2.4 in Quark=Lepton Unification in XL-Boson Class HE(64)
    SeW.G --- S.EW.G

    2.5 The Continuous Inflaton in 10D/4D DeSitter Spacetime
    Universe is particle in a box

    3. The Instanton

    3.1 Bosonic Unification
    S.EW.G --- S.E.W.G

    EMR density VPE density
    3.2 The Primordial Neutron Decay in an Holographic Universe
    3.3 The Ylem Stars of Gamow
    3.4 The Mass Seed Mo in the Planck Plasma Cosmic Friedmann Liquid
    3.5 xxxx

    3.6 xxxxxxx

    4. The Continuon


    4.1 The Hubble Node of the Inflaton in the Instanton
    4.2 The Present Epoch in the initial Hubble Cycle

    4.3 The Dark Matter - Baryon Matter Intersection
    4.4 The Multiversal Hubble Cycles

    to nflatonbaryon mass seed cycletime n=Hot in relation of a nodal Hubble parameter Ho to a time evolving Hubble parameter H(n)=H(Hot).
    About 9.9 billion years after the QBB/Instanton, an apparent acceleration of the universe coincided with the light cone of the AdS cosmology intersecting the dS cosmology and an event which is mirrored in AdS.


    0. Introduction and Synopsis

    The expansion of the universe can be revisited in a reformulation of the standard cosmology model Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter or LCDM in terms of a parametrization of the standard expansion parameters derived from the Friedmann equation, itself a solution for the Einstein Field Equations (EFE) applied to the universe itself.
    A measured and observed flat universe in de Sitter (dS) 4D-spacetime with curvature k=0, can also be described as an open dS spacetime in 10-dimensional brane space with negative curvature k=-1.
    This 4D/10D dS spacetime then is embedded in a Anti de Sitter (AdS) 11D-spacetime of curvature k=+1.

    Deriving the Instanton of the 4D-dS Einstein cosmology for the Quantum Big Bang (QBB) from the initial-boundary conditions of the de Broglie matterwave hyper expansion of the Inflaton in 11D AdS then enables a cosmic evolution for those boundary parameters in cycle time n=Hot for a nodal 'Hubble Constant' Ho=dn/dt as a function for a time dependent expansion parameter H(n)=Ho/T(n)=Ho/T(Hot).

    It is found, that the Dark Matter (DM) component of the universe evolves as a function of a density parameter for the coupling between the inflaton of AdS and the instanton of dS space times. It then is the coupling strength between the inflationary AdS brane epoch and the QBB dS boundary condition, which determines the time evolution of the Dark Energy (DE).
    Parametrization of the expansion parameter H(n) then allows the cosmological constant term in the Friedmann equation to be merged with the scalar curvature term to effectively set an intrinsic density parameter at time instantenuity equal to L(n) for Lps=LQBB=GoMo/lps2 and where the wavelength of the de Broglie matter wave of the inflaton lps decouples as the Quantum Field Energy of the Planck Boson String in AdS and manifests as the measured mass density of the universein the flatness of 4D Minkowski spacetime.

    As the magnitude of the Einstein Lambda of the instanton is of the order of 2x1085 acceleration units and relates to the baryonic matter (BM) density in the seedling mass Mo/2MWBMps; with 'closure' mass M=RH.c2/2Go=c3/2GoHo relates to the wormhole mass mps=hfps/c2 =2.222..x10-20 kg; as quantum eigenstate; the coupling between the Planck density rP=lP3/mP=1.85x1096 and the 'critical closure' density rH=M/RH3 becomes subject to the overall mass evolution from the wormhole mass to the 'closure mass' over the evolution cycle, ending after for nreset=234.5 for 3.96 Trillion years.

    The coupling between the Planck Density and the Inflaton-Instanton Density so is: mps/RH3 = hfpsc4/8Go3MH3 = 5.45x10-99 .
    A modular brane mirror-T duality between the inversion properties of two parts of a heterotic supermembrane (class HE(8x8)) and can be expressed in the unitary dimensions of the Gravitational Constant Go in [m3][kg-1][s-2]=(Volume)(Angular Acceleration)/(Mass)=(Angular Acceleration)/(Density).

    Describing the Einstein Lambda in the form of a parametrized Curvature Radius L(n)/RHubble= L(n)Ho/c = L(n)/RH in AdS then enables the scale of the classically geometric Einstein Lambda in squared Hubble units to unitize the quantum geometric Planck-brane-string units by modular mirror duality between the curvature 1/R(n)2 and its radius R(n) with the gravitational parameter G(n)(M(n) modulating the mass M in its Schwarzschilded 'eternal' form to the energy content in the universe by E=mc2.
    Brane mirror duality unifies the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions via the coupling of their finestructures

    Alternatively expressed, the mass seedling Mo of the QBB manifests in an emerging 'Black Hole' evolution and is bounded by the 'closure' mass M=MHubble. There so must be an energy gradient between the Hubble mass and the seedling mass in direct proportion to the de Broglie inflaton/instanton event.

    The universe begins with a baryon matter seed of 2.813% in AdS spacetime, which allows the emergence of a first generation family of 'eternal' Black Holes to seed 'eternal' White Holes manifesting as quasars which seed galaxies from a first generation of protostars as a function of temperature and independent of mass. Those 'ylem' stars can be shown to be naturally degenerate 'proto' magnetars and neutron stars, whose gravitational inward pressure is balanced by their thermal heat content deriving from the Cosmic radiation temperature.

    The general Jeans formulation for ylem stars is Rylem = √{kTRe3/Gomc2} (see section 7. The first Ylemic Stars in the Universe ).
    are by nature degenerate
    ensuring overall zero curvature.

    The Dark Energy Interaction Goldstone Boson is the Graviton manifesting from its 11/5D AdS membrane space Dirichlet 'open string' attachment from AdS spacetime into dS spacetime.

    1. The Parametrisation of the Friedmann Equation

    It is well known, that the Radius of Curvature in the Field Equations of General Relativity relates to the Energy-Mass Tensor in the form of the critical density rcritical = 3Ho2/8pG and the Hubble Constant Ho as the square of frequency or alternatively as the time differential of frequency df/dt as a cosmically applicable angular acceleration independent on the radial displacement.

    The scientific nomenclature (language) then describes this curved space in differential equations relating the positions of the 'points' in both space and time in a 4-dimensional description called Riemannian Tensor Space or similar.

    This then leads mathematically, to the formulation of General Relativity in Einstein's field Equations:


    for the Einstein-Riemann tensor


    and is built upon ten so-called nonlinear coupled hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations, which needless to say, are mathematically rather complex and often cannot be solved analytically without simplifying the geometries of the parametric constituents (say objects interacting in so called tensor-fields of stress-energy {Tμν} and curvatures in the Riemann-Einstein tensor {Gμν}, either changing the volume in reduction Ricci tensor {Rij} with scalar curvature R as {Rgμν} for the metric tensor {gμν} or keeping the volume of considered space invariant to volume change in a Tidal Weyl tensor {Rμν}).

    The Einstein-Riemann tensor then relates Curvature Radius R to the Energy-Mass tensor E=Mc2 via the critical density as 8pG/c4=3Ho2VcriticalMcriticalc2/Mcriticalc4 = 3Ho2Vcritical/c2 = 3Vcritical/R2 as Curvature Radius R by the Hubble Law applicable say to a nodal Hubble Constant Ho = c/RHubble.

    The cosmological field equations then can be expressed as the square of the nodal Hubble Constant and inclusive of a 'dark energy' terms often identified with the Cosmological Constant of Albert Einstein, here denoted LEinstein.
    Substituting the Einstein Lambda with the time differential for the square of nodal Hubble frequency as the angular acceleration acting on a quantized volume of space however; naturally and universally replaces the enigma of the 'dark energy' with a space inherent angular acceleration component, which can be identified as the 'universal consciousness quantum' directly from the standard cosmology itself.

    The field equations so can be generalised in a parametrization of the Hubble Constant assuming a cyclic form, oscillating between a minimum and maximum value given by Ho=dn/dt for cycletime n=Hot and where then time t is the 4-vector timespace of Minkowski lightpath x=ct.

    The Einstein Lambda then becomes then the energy-acceleration difference between the baryonic mass content of the universe and an inherent mass energy related to the initial condition of the oscillation parameters for the nodal Hubble Constant.

    LEinstein = GoMo/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 = Cosmological Acceleration - Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration as: gmnL = 8pG/c4 Tmn - Gmn

    then becomes Gmn + gmnL = 8pG/c4 Tmn and restated in a mass independent form for an encompassment of the curvature finestructures.

    Energy Conservation and Continuity:

    dE + PdV = TdS =0 (First Law of Thermodynamics) for a cosmic fluid and scaled Radius R=a.Ro; dR/dt = da/dt.Ro and d2a/dt2 = d2R/dt2.Ro

    dV/dt = {dV/dR}.{dR/dt} = 4pa2Ro3.{da/dt}

    dE/dt = d(mc2)/dt = c2.d{rV}/dt = (4pRo3.c2/3){a3.dr/dt + 3a2r.da/dt}

    dE + PdV = (4pRo3.a2){rc2.da/dt + [ac2/3].dr/dt + P.da/dt} = 0 for the cosmic fluid energy-pressure continuity equation:

    dr/dt = -3{(da/dt)/a.{r + P/c2}} ....................................................................................(1)

    The independent Einstein Field Equations of the Robertson-Walker metric reduce to the Friedmann equations:

    {(da/dt)/a}2 = 8pGr/3 - kc2/a2 + L/3 ...............................................................................(2)
    {(d2a/dt2)/a} = -4pG{r+ 3P/c2} + L/3 ............................................................................(3)

    for scale radius a=R/Ro; Hubble parameter H = {da/dt)/a}; Gravitational Constant G; Density r; Curvature k ; light speed c and Cosmological Constant L.

    Differentiating (2) and substituting (1) with (2) gives (3):

    {2(da/dt).(d2a/dt2).a2 - 2a.(da/dt).(da/dt)2}/a4 = 8pG.(dr/dt)/3 + 2kc2.(da/dt)/a3 + 0 = (8pG/3)(-3{(da/dt)/a.{r + P/c2}} + 2kc2.(da/dt)/a3 + 0

    (2(da/dt)/a).{(d2a/dt2).a - (da/dt)2}/a2 = (8pG/3)(-3{(da/dt)/a.{r + P/c2}} + (2(da/dt)/a).(kc2/a2) +0

    {(d2a/dt2).a - (da/dt)2}/a2 = -4pG{r + P/c2} + (kc2/a2) + 0 = -4pG{r + P/c2} + 8pGr/3 - {(da/dt)/a}2 + L/3

    {(d2a/dt2)/a} = (-4pG/3){3r + 3P/c2- 2r} = (-4pG/3){r + 3P/c2} + L/3

    {(d2a/dt2)/a} = (-4pG/3){r + 3P/c2} + L/3
    -2cHo/{[n+1]3RH(n/n+1)} = L(n)/RH(n/[n+1]) + GoMo/RH3(n[n+1])3
    -2Ho2/n(n+1)2 = L(n)/RH(n/n+1) + GoMo/RH3(n[n+1])3


    2. The Deceleration Parameter


    3. The Inflaton and the Instanton


    4. fffff


    5. The Dynamic Curvature of


    6. The Dark Matter- Baryon Intersection
    Wheeler's succinct summary of Einstein's theory of general relativity, in Geons, Black Holes, and Quantum Foam, p. 235. - 1998 by John Archibald Wheeler and Kenneth Ford; W.W.Norton and Company; New York, London
    The quote of John Archibald Wheeler can be extended in a question.

    "Is the presence of matter required for spacetime to curve or is the presence of spacetime sufficient for a matter dynamic to emerge and to eventuate?"


    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    7. The Birth of Space and Time with Spacetime Inflation Curvature preceding Big Banged Wormhole Matter

    The problem of the singularity regarding the creation event, known as the Quantum Big Bang in General Relativity is well addressed in the literature of science and an appropriate solution to the infinite continuous regression of spacetime parameters is resolved in a disengagement and an unnecessity of and for a prior existing spacetime background for matter to act within.
    It is the nature of the string itself, which in particular initial- and boundary conditions allows the concepts of space and time to emerge from the qualitative and quantitative nature of the string definition itself.

    In particular a discretization of dynamical parameters of an describing cosmology in defined Planckian parameters serves to replace the infinite mathematical pointlike singularity to a so called Plancking string vibration formulated as the Planck length lPlanck and which can be considered to be a mimimum displacement as a wormhole radius.
    Any displacement scale below the Planck length then is rendered unphysical and so becomes mathematically inapplicable to describe the dynamics in a physical universe, described by a cosmology, which defines a string epoch characterized by a cosmological inflationary Inflaton from a defined Planck-Length-Quantum-Oscillation/Fluctuation to a so labeled Quantum Big Bang Instanton.

    The Big Bang Instanton becomes defined in a final manifestation of the Planckian Supermembrane (Class I at Planck Time) from the Inflaton to the Instanton (Class HE 8x8 at Weyl-Wormhole Time) and transforming the string energies across string classes from I to IIB, HO 32 and IIA to HE 8x8.

    The Inflaton defined a 11-dimensional supermembraned de Sitter closed - and positively curved cosmology with a defined Hubble Event horizon for a positive spheroidal curvature information bound.
    This closed universe contained no matter seed, but was defined in its curvature through a unification condition relating the electromagnetic finestructure alpha {a=2pke2/hc} to the gravitational finestructure omega {w=2pGomPlanck2/hc} via ke2 = e2/4peo = GoMunification2 for e2 = {Go/k}Munification2
    requiring dimensional mensuration identity in inflaton space [C2/Jm]=[Farad/meter] = [Jm/kg2] for [C] = [C*] = [StarCharge Coulomb] = [m3/s2] = [VolumexAngular Acceleration] and for the Maxwell Constant 1/c2 = mo.eo = {120p/c}{1/120pc} and 'Free Space' Inflaton Impedance Zo= electric field strength E/magnetic field strength H = √(mo/eo) = cmo = 1/ceo = 120p}.

    [Go]mod =[4peo]mod = [1/k]mod and the inflaton dimensionless string modular unity is Gok=1 for e2 = Go2.Munification2 = Munification2/k2 and Munification = 30[ec] that is 30 modulated magnetic monopole masses. It is this 30[ec]modular inflaton mass, which represents the initial breaking of the inherent supersymmetry of the Planck superstring class I at the Planck energy level to the monopole superstring energy of superstring class IIB with the Planck mass being replaced by 30 monopole masses as the integration of 30 [ec] monopole masses at the [ec3]mod = 2.7x1016 GeV energy level of the Grand Unification Energy separating the quantum gravity from the GUT symbolized as SEW.G.

    Setting w=1 defines the Planck-Mass and setting a proto-nucleon seed mc=mPlanck.a9 allows the breaking of the inflaton supersymmetry in the superstring classes.
    Replacing the protonucleon mass mc = √{hc/2pGo}.{60pe2/h}9 = 9.924724523x 10-28 kg by the effective electron mass me = ke2/2Go(1.125x1012) =9.290527148x10-31 kg sets the Electromagnetic Interaction/Gravitational Interaction ratio EMI/GI = e2/Go2me2 = {e/Gome}2 = 2.421821677x1042 using string units.

    The Instanton following the Inflaton then defines a 10-dimensional superstringed Anti de Sitter open - and negatively hyperbolically curved cosmology, bounded in the 11-dimensional asymptotic Hubble Event Horizon.


    8. Modular String Duality and the Wormhole Curvature Boundary

    The concept of modular (Mirror/T) duality in supermembrane theory relates a maximum or large spacial displacement radius R as a low frequency and low energy named as a 'winding mode' to its inverse minimum or small spacial displacement radius 1/R as a high frequency and high energy as a 'vibratory mode'.
    The utility of either 'string mode' would then result in an identical physical description either using a 'macroquantum' radius R or a 'microquantum' radius 1/R.

    c = lmin.fmax = 2pRmin.fmax as lightspeed invariance for the vibratory string mode Rcurvature = Rmin = lmin /2p = Wormhole Perimeter/2p

    1/c = 1/(lmin.fmax) = lmax.fmin = lmax/fmax = Rmax.fmin/2p as lightspeed invariance for the winding string mode Rcurvature = Rmax = 2p.lmax = 2p/Wormhole Perimeter

    For the Harmonic Planck Energy Oscillator Energy Eo = ½hfo = ½moc2 = ½kTPlanck

    Planck Mass = mPlanck = √{hc/2pGo}
    Planck Energy = EPlanck = mPlanck.c2 = √{hc5/2pGo} = hfPlanck = hc/lPlanck = kTPlanck
    Planck Length = lPlanck = lPlanck/2p = √{hGo/2pc3}
    Planck Temperature = TPlanck = EPlanck/k = √{hc5/2pk2Go}
    Planck Density = ρPlanck= mPlanck/VPlanck = √{4p2c10/h2Go4}/2p2 = c5/phGo2= 9.40x1094 kg/m3 for 9x1060 permutation vibratory string eigenstates by |fps2|mod.

    Energy Density Inflaton/Energy Density Instanton = EPlanck.VBigBang/EBigBangVPlanck with minimum Inflaton Planck Oscillator: EoPlanck = ½mPlanckc2
    = mPlanck.rwormhole3/mwormhole.lPlanck3 = √{(hc/2pGo)(2pc3/hGo)}(2pc3/hGo)(rwormhole3/mwormhole} = (c2/Go)(2pc3/hGo){rwormhole3/mwormhole}
    = (2pc5/hGo2){rwormhole3/mwormhole} = {4p2k2/h2Go} (hc5/2pGok2){rwormhole3/mwormhole} = {kTPlanck}2(2prwormhole)2{1/h2Go}{rwormhole/mwormhole}
    = {EPlanck}2.{c/hfwormhole}2.{1/Go}}{rwormhole/mwormhole} = {EPlanck/EBigBang}2.{rwormhole}{c2/Gomwormhole} for the minimum Instanton Planck Oscillator: EoPlanck = ½mwormholec2

    VBigBang/VPlanck = {EPlanck/EBigBang}.{rwormhole}{c2/Gomwormhole} for EVBigBang/EVPlanck = EVInstanton/EVInflaton = rwormhole/Rowormhole = NAvagadro-Instanton and counting the amount of wormhole string transformed from the Inflaton as the Instanton of the Quantum Big Bang and as the constant 5.801197676..x1023 in string units.

    9. The Coupling of the Energy Laws by the Self-Frequency of the Quantum for Mass

    It has been discovered, that the universe contains an intrinsic coupling-parameter between its inertial masscontent and its noninertial energy content.
    The matter in the universe is described by the physical parameter termed Mass (M), say as proportional to Energy (E) in Einstein's famous equation Mass M=E/c2.
    This mass M then reappears in Newtonian mechanics as the change in momentum (p) defining the Inertial Mass (Mi) as being proportional to some applied Force (F) or the 'work done' for a particular displacement {F=dp/dt for p=mv and v a kinetematic velocity as the ratio of displacement over time generalised in the lightpath X=cT}.

    It is also well understood, that the inertial mass Mi has a gravitational counterpart described not by the change in momentum of inertia carrying matter agglomerations; but by the geometric curvature of space containing matter conglomerations. This Gravitational Mass Mg is measured to be equivalent to the Inertial Mass Mi and is formulated in the 'Principle of Equivalence' in Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.
    F-Theory then has shown, that this Inertial Mass Mi is coupled inherently to a 'mass-eigen' frequency via the following formulation:

    (1) Energy E=hf=mc2 (The Combined Planck-Einstein Law)
    (2) E=hf iff m=0 (The Planckian Quantum Law E=hf for lightspeed invariance c=λf)
    (3) E=mc2 iff f=fo=fss (The Einstein Law E=mc2 for the lightspeed upper limit)

    (1) Whenever there is mass (M=Mi=Mg) occupying space; this mass can be assigned either as a photonic mass {by the Energy-Momentum relation of Special Relativity: E2=Eo2+(pc)2} by the photonic momentum p=h/λ=hf/c} OR a 'restmass' mo=m/√[1-(v/c)2] for 'restenergy' Eo=moc2.

    The 'total' energy for the occupied space so contains a 'variable' mass in the 'combined' law; but allows particularisation for electromagnetic radiation (always moving at the Maxwell lightspeed constant c in Planck's Law and for the 'Newtonian' mass M in the Einstein Law.

    (2) If M=0, then the Einstein Law is suppressed in favour of the Planck Law and the space contained energy E is photonic, i.e. electromagnetic, always dynamically described by the constancy of lightspeed c.

    (3) If M>0, then there exists a mass-eigen frequency fss=fo=Ess/h=mssc2/h, which QUANTIZES all mass agglomerations m=Σmss in the massquantum mss=Ess/c2.

    10. The Wave Matter of de Broglie: ldeBroglie = h/p

    The Wavematter of de Broglie from the Energy-Momentum Relation is applied in a (a) nonrelativistic, a (b) relativistic and a (c) superluminal form
    in the matter wavelength:
    ldeBroglie = h/p = hc/pc for (pc) = √{E2 - Eo2}= moc2.√{[v/c]2/(1-[v/c]2)}

    (a) Example:
    A pellet of 10g moves at 10 m/s for a de Broglie wavelength vdB = h/mv = h/0.1 = 6.7x10-33 m
    This matter wavelength requires diffraction interference pattern of the order of ldB to be observable and subject to measurement

    (b) Example:
    An electron, moving at 80% of light speed 'c' requires relativistic development

    Eo = moc2 with E = mc2 = moc2/√{1-[v/c]2}, a 66.66% increase in the electron's energy describing the Kinetic Energy E - Eo = {m - mo}c2 for a relativistic momentum p = moc.√{[0.8]2/(1-[0.8]2)} = (1.333..) moc = h/ldeBroglie and for a relativistic de Broglie wavelength, 60% smaller, than for the nonrelativistic electron in ldeBroglie = h/1.333..moc < h/0.8moc = ldeBroglie (1.83x10-12 m relativistic and 3.05x10-12 m nonrelativistic for an electron 'restmass' of 9.11x10-31 kg and measurable in diffraction interference patterns with apertures comparable to this wavematter scale)

    (c) The de Broglie matter wavespeed in its 'group integrated' form derives from the postulates of Special Relativity and is defined in the invariance of light speed 'c' as a classical upper boundary for the acceleration of any mass M.
    In its 'phase-individuated' form, the de Broglie matter wave is 'hyperaccelerated' or tachyonic, the de Broglie wave speed being lower bounded by light speed 'c'

    vphase = wavelength.frequency = (h/mvgroup)(mc2/h) = c2/vgroup > c for all vgroup < c

    m = Energy/c2 = hf/c2 = hc/ldeBrogliec2 = h/ldeBrogliec = mdeBroglie = [Action as Charge2]mod/c(Planck-Length Oscillation)
    = [2pe2]mod/cldPlanck√alpha = [e2c2/ce]mod = [ec]modular

    as monopole mass of GUT-string IIB and as string displacement current mass equivalent for the classical electron displacement 2Re = e*/c2 = [ec]modular as Wormhole minimum spacetime configuration for the Big Bang Instanton of Big Bang wormhole energy quantum Eps=hfps=mpsc2=kTps
    as a function of e*=1/Eps of Heterotic superstring class HE 8x8
    and relating the Classical Electron Diameter {2Re} as Monopole Mass [ec]mod in Curvature Radius rps=lps/2p = Gomps/c2

    The factor 2Go/c2 multiplied by the factor 4p becomes Einstein's Constant k = 8pGo/c2 = 3.102776531x10-26 m/kg describing how spacetime curvature relates to the mass embedded in that spacetime in the theory of General Relativity.

    The selfduality of the superstring IIB aka the Magnetic Monopole selfstate in GUT Unification 2Re/30[ec]mod = 2Rec2/30[ec3]mod = e*/30[ec3]modk for a proportionality constant
    {k*}=2Re/30k[ec]mod = 2Re.c2/8pe = e*/8pe =1.2384..x1020 kg/m in string units for StarCharge in Star Colomb C*/ElectroCharge in Coulomb C unified.

    The monopolar Grand Unification (SEWG gravitational decoupling SEW.G) has a Planck string energy reduced at the IIB string level of
    e*=[ec3]modular for mpsc2c/[ec]modular = [c3]modular = 2.7x1025 electron volt or 4.3362x106 J for a monopole mass [ec]modular = mmonopole = 4.818x10-11 kg .

    Mass M = n.mss = Smss = n.{h/2prdeBrogliec} .[Ess.e*]mod = n.mps.[Ess.{9x1060}.2p2Rrmp3]mod = n.mps.[Ess.{2Re.c2}]mod = n.[Eps.Ess]mod.[2Re]mod
    for ldeBroglie=lps=h/mpsc and [Eps.e*]mod =1

    {2Rec2} = 4GoMHyper for the classical electron radius Re=ke2/mec2 and describes its HyperMass MHyper-electron = Rec2/2Go = ke2/2Gome = 1.125x1012 kg for an effective electron mass of me = ke2/2Go(1.125x1012) =9.290527148x10-31 kg in string units and where k=1/4peo = 9x109 Nm2/C2.

    The curvature radius for the electron mass me = relectronc2/2Go then becomes relectron = 2Gome/c2 = 2.293957...x10-57 m in string-membrane inflaton space as 1.44133588x10-34rps in the wormhole instanton space.

    Re/rinflaton-electron = MHyper-electron/me = 1.2109108..x1042 = ½(EMI/GI) = ½(e2/Go2me2) =½ {e/Gome}2 = ½(2.421821677x1042 ) for the classical electron radius Re halved from the classical electron diameter 2Re from the definition for the modulated supermembrane coupled in EpsEss=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2.

    Mass M = n.mss = Smss = n.{mps} .[Ess.e*]mod = n.{mps}[{hfss}{fps/fss}.2p2Rrmp3]mod = n.mps.[Eps.e*/fss2]mod = n.mps/|fss2|mod

    11. The Coupling of the Supermembranes in Vafa-F-Space of Inflaton Selfdual Monopole IIB

    The transformation of the 5 superstring classes proceeds in utilizing the self-duality of superstring IIB as the first energy transformation of the Inflaton in the Planck string class I transmutating into the monopole string class IIB.


    F-theory is a branch of string theory developed by Cumrun Vafa.[1] The new vacua described by F-theory were discovered by Vafa and allowed string theorists to construct new realistic vacua — in the form of F-theory compactified on elliptically fibered Calabi–Yau four-folds. The letter "F" supposedly stands for "Father".[2]

    F-theory is formally a 12-dimensional theory, but the only way to obtain an acceptable background is to compactify this theory on a two-torus. By doing so, one obtains type IIB superstring theory in 10 dimensions. The SL(2,Z) S-duality symmetry of the resulting type IIB string theory is manifest because it arises as the group of large diffeomorphisms of the two-dimensional torus

    End of Excerpt


    The quantization of mass m so indicates the coupling of the Planck Law in the frequency parameter to the Einstein law in the mass parameter.
    The postulative basis of M-Theory utilizes the coupling of two energy-momentum eigenstates in the form of the modular duality between so termed 'vibratory' (high energy and short wavelengths) and 'winding' (low energy and long wavelengths) selfstates.

    The 'vibratory' selfstate is denoted in: Eps=Eprimary sourcesink=hfps=mpsc2 and the 'winding' and coupled selfstate is denoted by: Ess=Eecondary sinksource=hfss=mssc2

    The F-Space Unitary symmetry condition becomes: fpsfss=rpsrss=(λps/2π)(2πλss)=1

    The coupling constants between the two eigenstates are so: EpsEss=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2

    The Supermembrane EpsEss then denotes the coupled superstrings in their 'vibratory' high energy and 'winded' low energy selfstates.

    The coupling constant for the vibratory high energy describes a MAXIMISED frequency differential over time in df/dt|max=fps2 and the coupling constant for the winded low energy describes its MINIMISED reciprocal in df/dt|min=fss2.

    F-Theory also crystallizes the following string formulations from the EpsEss superbrane parameters.

    Electromagnetic Finestructure: ae = 2pke2/hc = e2/2e0hc

    Gravitational Finestructure (Electron): ag = 2pGome2/hc = {me/mPlanck}2

    Gravitational Finestructure (Primordial Nucleon): an = 2pGomc2/hc

    Gravitational Finestructure (Planck Boson): aPlanck = 2pGomPlanck2/hc

    = {2e2/me}√(k/Go)=2e2/Gome = e2/2peome

    for Go = 1/k = 4peo for the cosmological unification of the finestructures.

    Eps = 1/Ess = 1/e* = {ag/ae}/2e = Gome/2e2

    Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit is the StarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'.

    Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re; and for the electronic restmass me.
    Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant α=2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c.
    Go is the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

    As the StarCoulomb unit describes the inverse sourcesink string energy as an elementary energy transformation from the string parametrization into the realm of classical QFT and QED, this transformation allows the reassignment of the StarCoulomb (C*) as the measurement of physical space itself.

    The following derivations lead to a simplified string formalism as boundary- and initial conditions in a de Sitter cosmology encompassing the classical Minkowski-Friedmann spacetimes holographically and fractally in the Schwarzschild metrics.

    The magnetic field intensity B is classically described in the Biot-Savart Law:
    for a charge count q=Ne; angular velocity ω=v/r=2πf; current i=dq/dt and the current element i.dl=dq.(dl/dt)=vdq.

    The Maxwell constant then can be written as an (approximating) finestructure:
    μoεo =1/c2=(120π/c)(1/120πc) to crystallise the 'free space impedance' Zo=√(μoo)=120π~377 Ohm (Ω).

    This vacuum resistance Zo so defines a 'Unified Action Law' in a coupling of the electric permittivity component (εo) of inertial mass and the magnetic permeability component (μo) of gravitational mass in the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity.
    A unified selfstate of the preinertial (string- or brane) cosmology so is obtained from the finestructures for the electric- and gravitational interactions coupling a so defined electropolic mass to magnetopolic mass respectively.

    The Planck-Mass is given from Unity 1=2πGmP2/hc and the Planck-Charge derives from Alpha=2πke2/hc and where k=1/4πεo in the electromagnetic finestructure describing the probability interaction between matter and light (as about 1/137).

    The important aspect of alpha relates to the inertia coupling of Planck-Charge to Planck-Mass as all inertial masses are associated with Coulombic charges as inertial electropoles; whilst the stringed form of the Planck-Mass remains massless as gravitational mass. It is the acceleration of electropoles coupled to inertial mass, which produces electromagnetic radiation (EMR); whilst the analogy of accelerating magnetopoles coupled to gravitational mass and emitting electromagnetic monopolic radiation (EMMR) remains hitherto undefined in the standard models of both cosmology and particle physics.

    But the coupling between electropoles and magnetopoles occurs as dimensional intersection, say between a flat Minkowskian spacetime in 4D and a curved de Sitter spacetime in 5D (and which becomes topologically extended in 6-dimensional Calabi-Yau tori and 7-dimensional Joyce manifolds in M-Theory).

    The formal coupling results in the 'bounce' of the Planck-Length in the pre-Big Bang scenario, and which manifests in the de Broglie inflaton-instanton

    The Planck-Length LP=√(hG/2πc3) 'oscillates' in its Planck-Energy mP=h/λPc=h/2πcLP to give √Alpha).LP=e/c2 in the coupling of 'Stoney units' suppressing Planck's constant 'h' to the 'Planck units' suppressing charge quantum 'e'.
    Subsequently, the Planck-Length is 'displaced' in a factor of about 11.7=1/√Alpha=√(h/60π)/e and using the Maxwellian finestructures and the unity condition kG=1 for a dimensionless string coupling Go=4πεo, describing the 'Action Law' for the Vacuum Impedance as Action=Charge2, say via dimensional analysis:

    Zo=√([Js2/C2m]/[C2/Jm])=[Js]/[C2]=[Action/Charge2] in Ohms [Ω=V/I=Js/C2] and proportional to [h/e2] as the 'higher dimensional source' for the manifesting superconductivity of the lower dimensions in the Quantum Hall Effect (~e2/h), the conductance quantum (2e2/h) and the Josephson frequencies (~2e/h) in Ohms [Ω].

    This derivation so indicates an electromagnetic cosmology based on string parameters as preceding the introduction of inertial mass (in the quantum Big Bang) and defines an intrinsic curvature within the higher dimensional (de Sitter) universe based on gravitational mass equivalents and their superconductive monopolic current flows.

    A massless, but monopolically electromagnetic de Sitter universe would exhibit intrinsic curvature in gravitational mass equivalence in its property of closure under an encompassing static Schwarzschild metric and a Gravitational String-Constant Go=1/k=1/30c (as given in the Maxwellian finestructures in the string space).
    In other words, the Big Bang manifested inertial parameters and the matter content for a subsequent cosmoevolution in the transformation of gravitational 'curvature energy', here called gravita as precursor for inertia into inertial mass seedlings; both however describable in Black Hole physics and the Schwarzschild metrics.

    The Gravitational Finestructure so derives in replacing the Planck-Mass mP by a protonucleonic mass:

    mc=√(hc/2πGo).f(alpha)= f(Alpha).mP and where f(Alpha)=Alpha9.
    The Gravitational finestructure, here named Omega, is further described in a fivefolded supersymmetry of the string hierarchies, the latter as indicated in the following below in excerpt.

    This pentagonal supersymmetry can be expressed in a number of ways, say in a one-to-one mapping of the Alpha finestructure constant as invariant X from the Euler Identity:

    X+Y=XY= -1=i2=exp(iπ).

    One can write a Unification Polynomial: (1-X)(X)(1+X)(2+X)=1 or X4+2X3-X2-2X+1=0
    to find the coupling ratios: f(S)¦f(E)¦f(W)¦f(G)=#¦#3¦#18¦#54 from the proportionality

    The Unification polynomial then sets the ratios in the inversion properties under modular duality:

    (1)[Strong short]¦(X)[Electromagnetic long]¦(X2)[Weak short]¦(X3)[Gravitational long]
    as 1¦X¦X2¦X3 = (1-X)¦(X)¦(1+X)¦(2+X).

    Unity 1 maps as (1-X) transforming as f(S) in the equality (1-X)=X2; X maps as invariant of f(E) in the equality (X)=(X); X2 maps as (1+X) transforming as f(W) in the equality (1+X)=1/X; and X3 maps as (2+X) transforming as f(G) in the equality (2+X)=1/X2=1/(1-X).

    The mathematical pentagonal supersymmetry from the above then indicates the physicalised T-duality of M-theory in the principle of mirror-symmetry and which manifests in the reflection properties of the heterotic string classes HO(32) and HE(64), described further in the following.

    Defining f(S)=#=1/f(G) and f(E)=#2.f(S) then describes a symmetry breaking between the 'strong S' f(S) interaction and the 'electromagnetic E' f(E) interaction under the unification couplings.
    This couples under modular duality to f(S).f(G)=1=#55 in a factor #-53=f(S)/f(G)={f(S)}2 of the 'broken' symmetry between the longrange- and the shortrange interactions.

    SEWG=1=Strong-Electromagnetic-Weak-Gravitational as the unified supersymmetric identity then decouples in the manifestation of string-classes in the de Broglie 'matter wave' epoch termed inflation and preceding the Big Bang, the latter manifesting at Weyl-Time as a string-transformed Planck-Time as the heterotic HE(64) class.

    As SEWG indicates the Planck-String (class I, which is both openended and closed), the first transformation becomes the suppression of the nuclear interactions sEwG and describing the selfdual monopole (stringclass IIB, which is loop-closed in Dirichlet brane attachement across dimensions say Kaluza-Klein R5 to Minkowski R4 or Membrane-Space R11 to String Space R10).

    The monopole class so 'unifies' E with G via the gravitational finestructure assuming not a Weylian fermionic nucleon, but the bosonic monopole from the kGo=1 initial-boundary condition GmM2= ke2 for mM=ke=30[ec]=mP√Alpha.

    The Planck-Monopole coupling so becomes mP/mM=mP/30[ec]=1/√Alpha
    with f(S)=f(E)/#2 modulating f(G)=#2/f(E)=1/# ↔ f(G){f(S)/f(G)}=# in the symmetry breaking f(S)/f(G)=1/#53 between short (nuclear asymptotic) and long (inverse square).

    The shortrange coupling becomes f(S)/f(W)=#/#18=1/#17=Cuberoot(Alpha)/Alpha6
    and the longrange coupling is Alpha/Omega=1/Alpha17=#3/#54=1/#51=1/(#17)3.

    The strong nuclear interaction coupling parameter so becomes about 0.2 as the cuberoot of alpha and as measured in the standard model of particle physics.

    The monopole quasimass [ec] describes a monopolic sourcecurrent ef, manifesting for a displacement λ=c/f. This is of course the GUT unification energy of the Dirac Monopole at precisely [c3] eV or 2.7x1016 GeV and the upper limit for the Cosmic Ray spectra as the physical manifestation for the string classes: {I, IIB, HO(32), IIA and HE(64) in order of modular duality transmutation}.

    The transformation of the Monopole string into the XL-Boson string decouples Gravity from sEwG in sEw.G in the heterotic superstring class HO(32). As this heterotic class is modular dual to the other heterotic class HE(64), it is here, that the protonucleon mass is defined in the modular duality of the heterosis in: Omega=Alpha18=2πGomc2/hc=(mc/mP)2.

    The HO(32) string bifurcates into a quarkian X-part and a leptonic L-part, so rendering the bosonic scalar spin as fermionic halfspin in the continuation of the 'breaking' of the supersymmetry of the Planckian unification. Its heterosis with the Weyl-string then decouples the strong interaction at Weyl-Time for a Weyl-Mass mW, meaning at the timeinstanton of the end of inflation or the Big Bang in sEw.G becoming s.Ew.G.

    The X-Boson then transforms into a fermionic protonucleon triquark-component (of energy ~ 10-27 kg or 560 MeV) and the L-Boson transforms into the protomuon (of energy about 111 MeV).

    The last 'electroweak' decoupling then occurs at the Fermi-Expectation Energy about 1/365 seconds after the Big Bang at a temperature of about 3.4x1015 K and at a 'Higgs Boson' energy of about 298 GeV.

    A Bosonic decoupling preceeded the electroweak decoupling about 2 nanoseconds into the cosmogenesis at the Weyl-temperature of so TWeyl=Tmax=EWeyl/k=1.4x1020 K as the maximum Black Hole temperature maximised in the Hawking MT modulus and the Hawking-Gibbons formulation: McriticalTmin=½MPlanckTPlanck=(hc/2πGo)(c2/2k)=hc3/4πkGo for Tmin=1.4x10-29 K and Boltzmann constant k.

    The Hawking Radiation formula results in the scaling of the Hawking MT modulus by the factor of the 'Unified Field' spanning a displacement scale of 8p radians or 1440° in the displacement of 4lps.

    The XL-Boson mass is given in the quark-component: mX=#3mW/[ec]=Alpha.mW/mP=#3{mW/mP}~1.9x1015 GeV; and the lepton-component: mL=Omega.[ec]/#2=#52[ec/mW] ~ 111 MeV.

    A reformulation of the rotational dynamics associated with the monopolic naturally superconductive currentflow and the fractalisation of the static Schwarzschild solution follows. in a reinterpretation of the Biot-Savart Law.

    All inertial objects are massless as 'Strominger branes' or extremal boundary Black Hole equivalents and as such obey the static and basic Schwarzschild metric as gravita template for inertia.

    This also crystallises the Sarkar Black Hole boundary as the 100Mpc limit (RSarkar=(Mo/Mcritical.RHubble)=0.028.RHubble~237 Million lightyears) for the cosmological principle, describing large scale homogeneity and isotropy, in the supercluster scale as the direct 'descendants' of Daughter Black Holes from the Universal Mother Black Hole describing the Hubble Horizon as the de Sitter envelope for the Friedmann cosmology (see linked website references on de Sitter cosmology) for the oscillatory universe bounded in the Hubble nodes as a standing waveform.

    The Biot-Savart Law: B=μoqv/4πr2oi/4πr=μoNef/2r=μoNeω/4πr for angular velocity ω=v/r transforms into B=constant(e/c3)gxω

    in using acentripetal=v2/r=rω2 for g=GM/r2=(2GM/c2)(c2/2r2)=(RSc2/2R2) for a Schwarzschild solution RS=2GM/c2.

    B=constant(eω/rc)(v/c)2oNeω/4πr yields constant=μoNc/4π=(120πN/4π)=30N with e=mM/30c for
    30N(eω/c3)(GM/R2)=30N(mM/30c)ω(2GM/c2)/(2cR2)=NmM(ω/2c2R)(RS/R)= {M}ω/2c2R.

    Subsequently, B=Mw/2c2R = NmM(RS/R){ω/2c2R} to give a manifesting mass M finestructured in
    M=NmM(RS/R) for N=2n in the superconductive 'Cooper-Pairings' for a charge count q=Ne=2ne.

    But any mass M has a Schwarzschild radius RS for N=(M/mM){R/RS}=(M/mM){Rc2/2GM}={Rc2/2GmM}={R/RM} for a monopolic Schwarzschild radius RM=2GmM/c2=2G(30ec)/c2=60ec/30c3=2e/c2=2LP√Alpha=2OLP.

    Any mass M is quantised in the Monopole mass mM=mP√Alpha in its Schwarzschild metric and where the characterising monopolic Schwarzschild radius represents the minimum metric displacement scale as the Oscillation of the Planck-Length in the form 2LP√Alpha~LP/5.85.

    This relates directly to the manifestation of the magnetopole in the lower dimensions, say in Minkowski spacetime in the coupling of inertia to Coulombic charges, that is the electropole and resulting in the creation of the mass-associated electromagnetic fields bounded in the c-invariance.
    From the Planck-Length Oscillation or 'LP-bounce': OLP=LP√Alpha=e/c2 in the higher (collapsed or enfolded) string dimensions, the electropole e=OLP.c2 maps the magnetopole e*=2Re.c2 as 'inverse source energy' EWeyl=hfWeyl and as function of the classical electron radius Re =ke2/mec2=RCompton.Alpha= RBohr1.Alpha2=Alpha3/4πRRydberg= 1010{2πRW/360}={e*/2e}.OLP.

    The resulting reflection-mirror space of the M-Membrane space (in 11D) so manifests the 'higher D' magnetocharge 'e*' AS INERTIAL MASS in the monopolic current [ec], that is the electropolic Coulomb charge 'e'.
    This M-space becomes then mathematically formulated in the gauge symmetry of the algebraic Lie group E8 and which generates the inertial parameters of the classical Big Bang in the Weylian limits and as the final Planck-String transformation.

    The string-parametric Biot-Savart law then relates the angular momentum of any inertial object of mass M with angular velocity ω in selfinducing a magnetic flux intensity given by B=Mω/2Rc2 and where the magnetic flux relates inversely to a displacement R from the center of rotation and as a leading term approximation for applicable perturbation series.

    This descriptor of a string based cosmology so relates the inherent pentagonal supersymmetry in the cosmogenesis to the definition of the Euler identity in its finestructure X+Y=XY=-1, and a resulting quadratic with roots the Golden Mean and the Golden Ratio of the ancient omniscience of harmonics, inclusive of the five Platonic solids mapping the five superstring classes. Foundations and applications of superstring theory are also indicated and serve as reference for the above.


    The quantization of mass m so indicates the coupling of the Planck Law in the frequency parameter to the Einstein law in the mass parameter.
    The postulative basis of M-Theory utilizes the coupling of two energy-momentum eigenstates in the form of the modular duality between so termed 'vibratory' (high energy and short wavelengths) and 'winding' (low energy and long wavelengths) selfstates.

    The 'vibratory' selfstate is denoted in: Eps=Eprimary sourcesink=hfps=mpsc2 and the 'winding' and coupled selfstate is denoted by: Ess=Esecondary sinksource=hfss=mssc2

    The F-Space Unitary symmetry condition becomes: fpsfss=rpsrss=(λps/2π)(2πλss)=1

    The coupling constants between the two eigenstates are so: psEss=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2

    The Supermembrane EpsEss then denotes the coupled superstrings in their 'vibratory' high energy and 'winded' low energy selfstates.

    The coupling constant for the vibratory high energy describes a MAXIMISED frequency differential over time in df/dt|max=fps2 and the coupling constant for the winded low energy describes its MINIMISED reciprocal in df/dt|min=fss2.

    F-Theory also crystallizes the following string formulations from the EpsEss superbrane parameters.


    Here e* is defined as the inverse of the sourcesink vibratory superstring energy quantum Eps=E* and becomes a New Physical Measurement Unit is the StarCoulomb (C*) and as the physical measurement unit for 'Physical Consciousness'.

    Re is the 'classical electron radius' coupling the 'point electron' of Quantum- Electro-Dynamics (QED) to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and given in the electric potential energy of Coulomb's Law in: mec2=ke2/Re; and for the electronic restmass me.

    Alpha α is the electromagnetic finestructure coupling constant a =2πke2/hc for the electric charge quantum e, Planck's constant h and lightspeed constant c.
    Go is the Newtonian gravitational constant as applicable in the Planck-Mass mP=√(hc/2πGo).

    As the StarCoulomb unit describes the inverse sourcesink string energy as an elementary energy transformation from the string parametrization into the realm of classical QFT and QED, this transformation allows the reassignment of the StarCoulomb (C*) as the measurement of physical space itself.

    12. HyperMass and the Hawking Modulus in Curvature of Spacetime

    A general solution for the Curvature Radius RCurvature embedded in a spacetime and as a static boundary condition for a Black Hole is given as the Schwarzschild metric from the field equations of General Relativity:

    Curvature Radius: ------------RCurvature = 2GoM/c2
    for HyperMass:----------------MHyper = hc3.e*/4pGo = ½NAvagadro-Instanton.mwormhole

    HyperMass MHyper describes a higher dimensional Inflaton mass for a lower dimensional Instanton curvature radius and becomes the relationship between the beginning and the end of the string epoch in the Planck Radius of the Inflaton and the physicalized wormhole of the Quantum Big Bang as the Instanton.
    The wormhole of the Instanton rwormhole=rps=rmin then forms the displacement quantum for the expanding cosmology in both the classical geometry of General Relativity (GR) and the quantum geometry of Quantum Relativity (QR).

    Using the Schwarzschild metric for a mass of 70 kg would calculate a Curvature Radius for a mass equivalent Black Hole of (2.22..x10-10)(70)/c2 = 1.728..x10-25 meters.
    This is below the boundary condition of rmin = 10-22/2p m = 1.591549..x10-23 m for which the minimum mass requirement is found to be 6445.775.. kg.

    This result shows, that no physical microquantum Black Holes can exist, but that the minimum unitary wormhole quantum of the Instanton is given by a 'wormhole substance' or Inflaton Black Hole Molarity count for a new minimum Planck Oscillator at the HE 8x8 Instanton energy scale EoBigBang=½mpsc2=½hfps=½kTps=½Eps=1/2e*

    MHyper/½mps = 2hc3.e*/4pGo.mps = NAvagadro-Instanton = rps/Rps
    NAvagadro-Instanton = 5.8012x1023 for hypermass
    MHyper = hc3.e*/4pGo = ½NAvagadro-Instanton.mwormhole
    for Rps = Gomps/c2 = rps/NAvagadro-Instanton = 2.743...x10-47 m in Inflaton membrane space of 11D and string space of 10D

    MHyper/mmin = Mmin/mmin = {n.hc3e*/4pGo}/mmin = {n.rminc2/2Go}/mmin = {hc3.c2/4pGoEmin}{ne*} = {hc3.c2/4pGohfmin}{ne*} = {2prmin.hc3.c2/4pGohc}{ne*} = {rmin.c2.E/2GoM}{ne*} = rmin/R.{Ene*} for R = 2GoM/c2
    for a generalized energy-mass proportionality c2=E/M in modular membrane duality with ne* = 1/E and ne*E = 1 (Modular Unification) for n.e*hc = n.lmin.

    mHyper/rmin = {rminc2/2Go}/rmin = c2/2Go = n.mmin.Ee*/R = M/Rcurv for de Broglie wave matter mmin = hfmin/c2 = h/clmin

    Utility of the Schwarzschild metric allows calculation of Black Hole matter equivalents for any mass M>rminc2/2Go say for a planetary mass MEarth = 6x1024 kg for a rcurv = 0.015 meters and for a solar mass MSun = 2x1030 kg for a rcurv = 4938.3 meters.

    The curvature of the Inflaton calculates as RHubble-11D = c/Ho = 2GoMBigBang-Seed/c2 = 1.59..x1026 meters for the Inflaton Mass of 6.47..x1052 kg.

    For any mass M<rminc2/2Go say for mass conglomerations smaller than 6445.775 kg as the characteristic HyperMass for the Instanton, the corresponding curvature radius forms in the Inflaton space preceding the Quantum Big Bang at the time instanton of tmin=tps=1/fps=[fss]mod

    The Standard Gravitational Parameter m = GM = constant = GoM(XnYn)= GoXn.MYn and for (XY)n=1 can be finestructured in a decreasing gravitational constant G(n)=GoXn with a corresponding increase in the mass parameter M as M(n)=MoYn as say for the proto-nucleonic mass of the Instanton mc(nps) as mc(npresent) = mc.Ynpresent = mneutron < mcYnpresent = 1.711512476..x10-27 kg upper limited

    For a changing Gravitational constant G(npresent) .mneutron(npresent)2 = Gomc2.Ynpresent and is modulated say in A micro-macro Black Hole perturbation Mo2/2M.MMaxHawking = 1.000543 ~ 1

    The Black Holed mass equivalence for astrophysical bodies is well formulated in the application of the basic Schwarzschild metric derived from General Relativity.
    Stephen Hawking developed the inverse proportionality between the mass of a Black Hole M and its Temperature T in the form of the Hawking Modulus:

    HM = mPlanck.EoPlanck/k = √{hc/2pGo}{½mPlanck.c2/k} = hc3/4pGok = {MSmin.TSmax} = {mps.Tps.½NAvagadro-Instanton} = [c2/4p2]mod.{MMaxHawking .TSmin }
    = 9.131793821x1023 kgK with (mpsTps = Eps2/kc2 = 1.002117..p)

    The Hawking Modulus so has mensuration units [Mass][Temperature] in [kg][K(elvin)], which reduce to [Mass]{Energy] in [kg][J(oules)] for ignoring the Stefan-Boltzmann entropy constant k.

    And so Mmin.Tmax = hc³/4πGok = [c2/4π2]mod.Mmax.Tmin = ½mPlanck.TPlanck = MMaxHawking. [c2/4π2]mod.Tss and the Hawking Mass is determined as MMaxHawking = λmaxπc²/Go = 2.54469..x1049 kg*.

    HyperMass MHyper (nps) = hc3.e*/4pGo = ½NAvogadro-Instanton.mwormhole = 6445.775 kg at the Instanton boundary n=nps so increases to MHyper(npresent)Ynpresent =hc3.e*/4pGoXnpresent ~ 11,115.59 kg as the projected Instanton boundary mass for the wormhole radius rwormhole = rps = NAvagadro-Instanton.Rps modulating the Inflaton curvature with the Instanton curvature and utilizing npresent=1.1324.. for a decreased perturbed G(npresent) = 6.443x10-11 G-string units for the Standard Gravitational Parameter G(n)miYk(n).mjYn-k = Gomc2 = constant for G(n)=GoXn.

    For a present measured neutron mass of 1.674927x10-27 kg = 939.5656 MeV in the [SI} system of measurement, the string values are (1.674927x10-27)(1.003753127) = 1.681212..x10-27 kg* or (939.5656)(1.005102826){e-/e-*} = (939.5656)(1.005102764)/(1.002671189) = 941.844 MeV*

    Using the λminλmax=1 wavelength modulation in the T/Mirror duality of λmin=2πRmin=1/λmax=2π/Rmax, we can see, that this modulation closely approximates the geometric mean of the seedling mass in {1/4π}Mo2/2M.MMax=Mo2/8π.M.MHawking=3.2895..x10102/3.2931..x10102 ~ 0.9989...
    (More details are described in 7. Newton's Gravitational Constant Measurements following. this excerpt.)

    "This also circumscribes the actual to critical density ratio in the omega of the general relativistic treatment of the cosmologies.
    Now recall our applied G value in Gm(n)=Go.and apply our just derived Black Hole Mass modulation coupled to that of the quantum micromasses.

    We had: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories.
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=Gomc²/mnmax.mnmin=Gomc²/({mcYn}{mnmin}) and where we have mnmin=mcYk} for the unknown value of k.

    So Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking.mav}} and where now {mnmin}={mcYk}={8π.M.MHawking.mav/Mo2}=1.0011..mav.
    mav={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mnmin}={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mcYk}=0.9989..{mcYk} and obviously represents a REDUCED minimum mass mnmin=mcYk.

    But the product of maximum and 'new' minimum now allows an actual finetuning to a MEASURED nucleon mass mN by: mN² = mavYn.mcYn=mav.mnmax.Yn.

    So substituting for mav in our Gm expression, will now give the formulation:
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking}{mcY2n/mN2} and where {Mo2/8π.M.MHawking = 0.9989..}

    The average nucleon mass mN is upper bounded in the neutron mass and lower bounded in the proton mass, their difference being an effect of their nucleonic quark content, differing in the up-down transition and energy level.

    For a Neutron Restmass of: mn=1.680717x10-27 kg* (941.6036 MeV*) the substitution (and using calibrations
    m=1.001671358 m*; s=1.000978395 s*; kg=1.003753127 kg* and C=1.002711702 C* gives G(np)=6.678764x10-11 (m3/kgs2) and a perturbation corrected mn=1.681100563x10-27 kg* (941.818626 MeV*) gives: mneutron = 1.67481477x10-27 kg

    G(np) = Go{mc/mN}2.(0.9989..) = 6.67093x10-11 (m3/kgs2)* or 6.675547x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The perturbation upper limit is given in the mn=1.681335x10-27 kg* (941.9506 MeV*) and gives:
    G(np) = Go{mc/mN}2.(0.9989..) = 6.6690685x10-11 (m3/kgs2)* or 6.673685x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The average for the last two values then approximates as a 'best fit' for:
    Gm(np) = ½{6.67093x10-11 + 6.6690685x10-11} (m3/kgs2)* = 6.6699925x10-11 (m3/kgs2)*
    or Gm(np) = ½{6.675547x10-11 + 6.673685x10-11} (m3/kgs2) = 6.674816x10-11 (m3/kgs2)

    This is a best-fit approximation, considering the uncharged nature of the testmasses.
    This then gives the value of k from Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k as k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387.."

    Dimensional Unit Calibration:

    [m/s]/[m*/s*] =[ c*/c] = [3x108/2.99792458x108] = [1.000692286] for {m/m*} = {1.000692286} {s/s*}

    [Js]/[J*s*] = [h*/h] = [6.66666666..x10-34/6.62607004x10-34] = [1.006126803] for {J/J*} = {1.006126803} {s*/s}

    [m5/s3]/[m5/s3]* = {[m2]/[m2]*}.[c*/c]3 = Go*h*/Goh = 30ch*/30c*h = [c/c*][h*/h] = [1.00612803/1.000692286] for {m/m*} = [c/c*]2.√[h*/h] = [1.003058724/1.001385051] = [1.001671358]

    for {m}2 = 1.003345509 {m*}2 and m = 1.001671358 m* and

    s = {m/m*}/[1.000692286] s* = [1.001671358/1.000692286] s* = 1.000978395 s* and {m/s} = 1.000692286 {m/s}* for {m/s}2 = 1.001385051 {m*/s*}2 as c2

    J = {s*/s}[h*/h] J * = [1.006126803/1.000978395] J* = 1.005143376 J* and J* = 0.994882942 J

    kg = {s*/s}.{s/m}2.{m*/s*}2.[h*/h] kg* = {s/s*}{m*/m}2.[h*/h] kg* = [1.000978395x1.006126803/1.003345509] kg* = 1.003753127 kg*

    [H/m]/[H*/m*] = [J/J*][m*/m][C*/C]2.[s/s*]2 = mo*/mo = [120p/c*]/[4px10-7] = 1
    for C = √{[Js/J*s*][m*s/ms*]} C* =√{[h*/h][c/c*]} C* = √[1.006126803/1.000692286] C* = 1.002711702 C*

    [eV]/[eV*] = [J/e-]/[J/e-]* = [e-*/e-].[J/J*] for eV = [1.606456344x10-19 C*/1.602176628x10-19 C][1.005143376] eV*
    = [1.002671189].[1.005143376]/[1.002711702] eV* = 1.005102764 eV* and for {electron charge e- C/electron charge e-C*} = 1.000040405 ~ 1
    for (1.606456344x10-19 J*) from B(n)

    [J/K]/[J*/K*] = k*/k = [1.411721579x10-23/1.3806505x10-23] = [1.022504666] for K = [J/J*]/[1.022504666] K* = [1.005143376/1.022504666] K*= 0.98302082 K*

    Conversion Units are:
    {s} = 1.000978395 {s*}
    {m} =1.001671358 {m*}
    {kg} = 1.003753127 {kg*}
    {C} = 1.002711702 {C*}
    {J} = 1.005143376 {J*}
    {eV} = 1.005102826 {eV*}
    {K} = 0.98302082 {K*}

    But modular string duality defines the Inverse Energy of the wormhole as the quantum of physical consciousness in units of the product of the classical electron diameter and the proportionality between energy and mass in the Maxwell constant c2 = 1/eomo and the inverse of the product between electric permittivity eo=1/120cp and magnetic permeability mo=120p/c for 'free space' impedance:
    Zo= electric field strength E/magnetic field strength H = √(mo/eo) = cmo = 1/ceo = 120p}.

    Coulomb Electro Charge e = LP.√α.c2 ↔ 2Re.c2 = e* (StarCoulomb Magneto Charge)

    e* = 2Rec2 = 2ke2/me = e2/2peome = ahc/pme
    for the calibration {Reme} = (2.8179403267x10-15 m)(9.10938356x10-31 kg) = [2.566969656x10-45].[1.001671358][1.003753127].(1.00543065) (mkg)* = 2.580701985x10-45 {mkg}* = (2.77777..x10-15 m*)(9.290527148x10-31 kg*) for an adjusted classical electron radius Re = 2.83324358x10-15 m for the quantum mechanical electron.

    Note that the defined maximum scale for the electron in the Penning Trap is consistent with the defined size of the wormhole radius rps=10-22/2p metres as minimum spacetime configuration of the Instanton. The 'point particular' electron of Quantum ElectroDynamic and its point-like particle fields, so crystallizes naturally from the theory of the string-membrane classes.


    Note that Richard Feynman describes alpha in its squareroot, just as is required to define the Planck-Length Oscillation for the Inflaton in relation to the Stoney Units for the electric charge quantum.

    13. The Relationship between General Relativity, Dark Energy and Physical Consciousness

    It is well known, that the Radius of Curvature in the Field Equations of General Relativity relates to the Energy-Mass Tensor in the form of the critical density rcritical = 3Ho2/8pG and the Hubble Constant Ho as the square of frequency or alternatively as the time differential of frequency df/dt as a cosmically applicable angular acceleration independent on the radial displacement.

    The scientific nomenclature (language) then describes this curved space in differential equations relating the positions of the 'points' in both space and time in a 4-dimensional description called Riemannian Tensor Space or similar.
    This then leads mathematically, to the formulation of General Relativity in Einstein's field Equations:

    for the Einstein-Riemann tensor


    and is built upon ten so-called nonlinear coupled hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations, which needless to say, are mathematically rather complex and often cannot be solved analytically without simplifying the geometries of the parametric constituents (say objects interacting in so called tensor-fields of stress-energy {Tμν} and curvatures in the Riemann-Einstein tensor {Gμν}, either changing the volume in reduction Ricci tensor {Rij} with scalar curvature R as {Rgμν} for the metric tensor {gμν} or keeping the volume of considered space invariant to volume change in a Tidal Weyl tensor {Rμν}).

    The Einstein-Riemann tensor then relates Curvature Radius R to the Energy-Mass tensor E=Mc2 via the critical density as 8pG/c4=3Ho2VcriticalMcriticalc2/Mcriticalc4 = 3Ho2Vcritical/c2 = 3Vcritical/R2 as Curvature Radius R by the Hubble Law applicable say to a nodal Hubble Constant Ho = c/RHubble.

    The cosmological field equations then can be expressed as the square of the nodal Hubble Constant and inclusive of a 'dark energy' terms often identified with the Cosmological Constant of Albert Einstein, here denoted LEinstein.

    Substituting the Einstein Lambda with the time differential for the square of nodal Hubble frequency as the angular acceleration acting on a quantized volume of space however; naturally and universally replaces the enigma of the 'dark energy' with a space inherent angular acceleration component, which can be identified as the universal consciousness quantum directly from the standard cosmology itself.

    The field equations so can be generalised in a parametrization of the Hubble Constant assuming a cyclic form, oscillating between a minimum and maximum value given by Ho=dn/dt for cycletime n=Hot and where then time t is the 4-vector timespace of Minkowski lightpath x=ct.

    The Einstein Lambda then becomes then the energy-acceleration difference between the baryonic mass content of the universe and an inherent mass energy related to the initial condition of the oscillation parameters for the nodal Hubble Constant.


    .................................................................... < 0 for n in the interval {n1<n<to n2}
    2cHo/(n+1)3 - GoMo/R(n)2 = - LEinstein = 0 for n={n1=0.10823; n2=2.29199} at {1.829;38.68 Gy after the Instanton)

    .................................................................. > 0 for n in the intervals {nps-0.10823} and {n>n2}

    The simplified form of the second equation is invariant under this transformation.
    The Hubble parameter can change over time if other parts of the equation are time dependent (in particular the mass density, the vacuum energy, or the spatial curvature). Evaluating the Hubble parameter at the present time yields Hubble's constant which is the proportionality constant of Hubble's law. Applied to a fluid with a given equation of state, the Friedmann equations yield the time evolution and geometry of the universe as a function of the fluid density.
    Some cosmologists call the second of these two equations the Friedmann acceleration equation and reserve the term Friedmann equation for only the first equation.

    LEinstein = GoMo/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 = Cosmological Acceleration - Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration

    For the Quantum Big Bang and a cycletime nWeyl=HotWeyl = ctWeyl/RHubble, the nodal Hubble Constant took the form of the maximized Hubble Frequency as a wormhole wavelength lWeyl=c/fWeyl = nWeylRHubble and so showing the frequency ratio between the minimum and maximum Hubble nodes as the ratio Ho/fWeyl.

    Here Mo defines the Quantum Big Bang mass seedling as a fraction of the Mcritical, the difference defining the deceleration parameter from the Einstein Lambda for n=0, that is the singularity event of creation in

    LEinstein(nWeyl) = Lambda = Omega - Universal = GoMo/l2 - 2cHo t ~ 2.015x1085 linear acceleration units and defining a Sarkar Constant
    LSarkar = LEinstein.RHubble/adeBroglie = GoMo/c2 from the original de Broglie matter wave hyper acceleration given by
    adeBroglie = RHubblefWeyl2 = RHubblec2/lWeyl2 ~ 1.4379..x1087 m/s2.

    For positive Lambda the Gravitational Omega |W| will be greater than the Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration |aMilgröm| and for negative Lambda the Intrinsic Universal Deceleration |aMilgröm| will be greater than the Gravitational Omega |W| to define the 'Dark Energy' as a Quintessence Acceleration and expressed as an overall cosmic evolution in physical consciousness.

    Considering the critical mass of the universe in a static Schwarzschild metric of topological closure calculates RHubble = 2GoMcritical/c2 for Mcritical = c2RHubble/2Go for Mo/2Mcritical = GoMo/c2RHubble = LEinstein /adeBroglie = Mo/2Mcritical = 0.01401.. to indicate a 'missing mass' or baryonic matter energy deficiet at n=nWeyl and for which the intrinsic Milgröm deceleration can be ignored in a magnitude differential of 1094.

    The 'dark matter' component at the Weyl time of the Big Bang so comprised 2.80% as the baryonic mass seedling Mo relative to the critical closure mass of Mcritical.

    The 'dark energy' component at the Weyl time can be calculated in units of acceleration from the time dependent intrinsic universal Milgröm deceleration and the measured or observed 'dark matter' component as their difference and as the Einstein Lambda.

    For a present cycle time npresent=1.1324... and a Constant GoXnMoYn from X+Y=XY=i2=-1=eip (Euler Identity)

    aMilgröm(npresent) = -2c2/(2.1324..)3RHubble = -1.1619..x10-10 m/s2 for a (constant or quintessential-dynamic) baryonic mass seedling Mo
    Wpresent = GoMo(npresent+1)2/RHubble2npresent2= 2.793..x10-11 m/s2 for an evolving Baryon seed M(n)=Mo.{Yn} for about 4.80x10-11 m/s2.
    In this case, the baryonic mass seed has grown by a factor of about 1.72 to 1.72(2.8)=4.8% of the total energy and as the measured 'Dark Energy' Component of the standard cosmological model.
    G(n)=Go.Xn for G(n)mo2=GoXnm1Yk.m2Yn-k with a Geometric Mean GoXn√{m1m2Yk+n-k}=Gom1m2.Xn.√Yn=GoMo.√Xn for Mo representing √{m1m2}

    For a cosmological redshift calculated as z=2.15, Lambda first attained its zero value in balancing the Gravitational Omega with the Intrinsic Universal Deceleration.
    For a present time the Lambda is negative as the summation of the present time Omega and Milgröm Deceleration as Wpresent - aMilgröm(npresent) = -8.83x10-11 m/s2 and for a percentage distribution of cosmic accelerations:

    Lambda = Lpresent/aMilgröm(npresent) = 0.760
    Omega =Wpresent/aMilgröm(npresent) = 0.240
    Universal = 1 for the evolved baryonic mass seed Mo relative to Mcritical.



    Rcurv(n) = n.rmin = n.2Go/c2.MHyper =2Go/c2.{n.hc3.e*/4pGo} = n.hc.e*/2p = n.lmin/2p

    HyperMass MHyper = {n.hc3.e*/4pGo} so forms the product of the entropy free Hawking Modulus and the physical consciousness quantum summation ne* with Inverse Energy Quantum e* = 2prmin/hc replacing the universal entropy constant k.

    Excerpt from Wikipedia:

    The Stoney scale

    Contemporary physics has settled on the Planck scale as the most suitable scale for a unified theory. The Planck scale was, however, anticipated by George Stoney. Like Planck after him, Stoney realized that large-scale effects such as gravity and small-scale effects such as electromagnetism naturally imply an intermediate scale where physical differences might be rationalized. This intermediate scale comprises units (Stoney scale units) of mass, length, time etc., yet mass is the cornerstone.

    The Stoney mass mS (expressed in contemporary terms):


    where εo is the permittivity of free space, e is the elementary charge and G is the gravitational constant, and where α is the fine-structure constant and mP is the Planck mass.

    Like the Planck scale, the Stoney scale functions as a symmetrical link between microcosmic and macrocosmic processes in general and yet it appears uniquely oriented towards the unification of electromagnetism and gravity . Thus for example whereas the Planck length is the mean square root of the reduced Compton wavelength and half the gravitational radius of any mass, the Stoney length is the mean square root of the 'electromagnetic radius' (see Classical electron radius) and half the gravitational radius of any mass, m:



    Under the Unification Identity between Gravitation and Electromagnetism in their gauged and dimensionless finestructures in QR, namely G=4pe0 and so the Stoney-Length reduces to e/c2=√Alpha.LPlanck and so harmonizes the Planck Units with the Stoney Units.

    where stoney6. is the reduced Planck's constant and c is the speed of light. It should be noted however that these are only mathematical constructs since there must be some practical limit to how small a length can get. If the Stoney length is the minimum length then either a body's electromagnetic radius or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility, since one of these must be smaller than the Stoney length. If Planck length is the minimum then either a body's reduced Compton wavelength or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility since one of these must be smaller than the Planck length. Moreover, the Stoney length and Planck length cannot both be the minimum length.

    According to contemporary convention, Planck scale is the scale of vacuum energy, below which space and time do not retain any physical significance. This prescription mandates a general neglect of the Stoney scale within the scientific community today. Previous to this mandate, Hermann Weyl made a notable attempt to construct a unified theory by associating a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length. Weyl's theory led to significant mathematical innovations but his theory is generally thought to lack physical significance.

    14. Physical Consciousness and the Awareness Quantum

    The Big Bang wormhole radius of the Instanton so sets the initial boundary condition for the multidimensional cosmology in n=1 for Rcurv(1) = rmin = 2Go/c2.MHyper =2Go/c2.{hc3.e*/4pGo} = hc.e*/2p = lmin/2p for the foundation physical consciousness quantum e* = 1/Ewormhole =1/Eps = 1/EBigBang

    e* = lmin/hc = 2Relectronc2 = 1/EBigBang = 1/hfwormhole for n=1 Big Bang Initial condition and for the generalization for the Consciousness Quantum

    e* = Volume Rcurv3{Quantum Angular Acceleration df/dt}

    Considering the magneto charge e* as a fundamental constant as a function of the quantization of mass with the parameters of the Quantum Big Bang Instanton defines a mass-intrinsic 'Base-Inertial-Consciousness' or BIC for the constant boundary condition of the modular string duality fps.fss=1 and the maximum-minimum values for the vibratory count of |fss2|=1/9x1060 and |fps2|=9x1060 ~ 0 eigenstates respectively.

    The Awareness quantum alphaomega = aw=df/dt as the time differential for frequency in its dynamic state is defined in the formulations relating the acceleration of mass M, say in Newton's F=ma.

    Physical Consciousness then becomes the summation or integration of all such mass accelerations occurring in some space encompassed by the BIC as a mass quantum summation relating the 'Consciousness Volumar' 2p2Rrestmassphoton = Vrmp=e*/|fps2|

    QR unifies electromagnetic and gravitational finestructures in F-Space using the Planck-Length-Oscillation LP.√α=e/c2 from the subtimespace of the Inflaton.
    This yields the decisive mapping for the Cosmological Wavefunction B(n):
    Coulomb Electro Charge e = LP.√α.c2 ↔ 2Re.c2= e* (StarCoulomb Magneto Charge)
    But the StarCoulomb is Inverse Energy by definition of the vibratory part of the modular dual heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss.
    mP is the Planck-Mass and Go is the initiatory Gravitational Constant, defined in the FineStructure-Relation, which defines the Planck-Length-Oscillation in the unification of electromagnetic interactions with those of gravitational permittivity:
    Go=[4πεo]mod = [1/30c]mod with dimensionless "c-ether" constant [c]mod

    As Quantum Relativity is defined in the charge mappings between the OmniSpace dimensions; F maps magnetocharges e* onto electrocharges e under agency of the 11D-Witten Mirror, which is a Onesided Surface möbian connecting 10D to 12D.The all encompassing source energy quantum is the Eps-Gauge Boson, which manifests as the Gauge mediator for the four elemental interactions, suppressing the weak interaction in a primary triplicity however to allow the Higgs Restmass Induction mechanism to proceed in the defining qualities of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).

    The Physical Quantum of Consciousness as SpaceAwareness (df/dt) maximised and minimised in the string coupling constants fps2 and fss2 respectively, so can be defined as:
    e*=2Rec2=(Classical Electron Diameter)x(lightspeed)2=VolumexAngular Acceleration
    As the time differential operator on frequency is independent on radial displacement in df/dt as the square of frequency or the square of inverse time; we can now also define the parameter of:

    Spacial Awareness=df/dt=AlphaOmega=αω=aw=Angular Acceleration Quantum.
    The Spacial Awareness 'aw' then operates upon any volumar in the rootreduced F-Space (12D being a 9-dimensional brane volumar of superstring dimensions to which is coupled a 3-dimensional temporal time-connector volumar in 12=9+3 F-Space, 11=9+2 M-Space and 10=9+1 C-Space) AS the 3-D volume of the observed spacial component of the 'Euclidean flatness of the Minkowski spacetime metric.

    The implications of those definitions for the physical universe and its cosmology are far reaching indeed.
    As the expanding universe increases in its 3-dimensional volume, its 'spacial consciousness' is also increasing in the 'activation' of additional spacetime quanta.
    Each of these spacetime quanta describes the inherent Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) as defined in the 3D-volumar of the Eps sourcesink superstring energy quantum then coupled to its characteristic 'starcoulombic' 'physical consciousness'.

    The ZPE per unit volumar is ZPEquantum=4πEpsps3=Eps/2π2rps3=4π/e*λps3 (Joules/m3)
    Every ZPE quantum is coupled to a volume V*=e*/(df/dt) and so defines the quantisation of spacial volume in terms of the ZPE, as well as the 'physical consciousness' contained in that volume.

    The V* here denotes the resonant quantum volumarized eigenstate in a minimised spacetime volumar and NOT in terms of spacial volume, but in the form of an ENTROPY COUNTER of 'statistical permutation selfstates' operation upon the 'Spacial Consciousness' quantum e*=1/Eps=1/Ess.fps2=fss/h.

    The self-frequency of the mass quantum so can be expressed formally as fss=he* for the timeinstanton tss=fss, the latter triggering the 'inertialisation' of the postinflationary cosmology in the so called Quantum Big Bang, precisely 3.333..x10-31 seconds* following the 'string epoch' of the matter wave inflation (detailed and referenced elsewhere on this site).

    But it is the supermembrane coupling between the gravitational (photonic) mass Mg as given by the vibratory sourcesink string with the inertial mass Mi as given by the winding sinksource string, which is the primary causation for this Quantum Big Bang, following the string parametric de Broglie wave matter inflation.

    Rewriting fss=he* then describes this coupling in the ACTION=EnergyTime of the Planck Constant in the finestructure fss=Energy*xTimeInstantonxe* for the Unity Condition of F-Space in 1=E*e* that is the original definition of e*=1/E* as the definition for the 'Physical Consciousness of Space'

    15. The Frequency Resonance Selfstates as Entropy Counters

    Generally then, the permutative entropy counter df/dt|max=fps2 gives precisely 9x1060 frequency eigenstates as the coupling constant between the two modes of the superstring; whilst its inverse defines the minimum as the 'Singularity' 'Null-State' or 'No Consciousness' state as 1/(9x1060)~0.

    The Awareness operator applicable for all universal space so can fluctuate between the quasi-zero state and the maximised resonance state in the factor of 81x10120 and a value 'measured' by contemporary standard cosmological models as characteristic of the density discrepancy between the Planck-(ZPE)-Density {ρP=mP/VP=c5/πhGo2}~9.4x1094 (kg/m3) and the actual matter density measured in the universe {ρc=3Ho2/8πGo~3.8x10-27 (kg/m3) from the inner 10D observer frame and ρc=Ho2/4π2Go~8.0x10-28 (kg/m3) from the outer 11D observer frame of the Riemannian hypersphere as a 3D boundary of the 4-ball V4=½π2R4 for dV4/dR=2π2R3 as a 3-dimensional surface descriptive for the overall topology of the standard cosmology).

    The dimensionless ratios of ρPc then indicate the ZPE/Critical energy discrepancies in the factors of the permutation string selfstates in the factors of 2.5x10121 and 1.2x10122 respectively.

    16. Quantum Consciousness and Magnetocharges define Quantum Gravitation

    The ZPE-quantum Eps=E* so represents the kernel or core for any region of space containing a maximised 'physical consciousness' given by 1/E*=e* StarCoulombs (C*).

    The quantitative volume V for this consciousness is minimised in Vps*=e*/fps2 in sourcesink resonance to the vibratory superstring modality and is in modular duality (as a monadic dyad or monadic duad) to its coupled sinksource resonance of its winding mode in its quantum-maximisation of Vss*=e*fps2.

    The minimum calculates as Vps*=e*/fps2=1/1.8x1058 permutation states and translates to a 3D volume of measurement R with a Compton radius (Rc=h/2πmc=c/2πfc=c/ωc
    with angular velocity ω=2πf) as of Rcps=(e*fss2/2π2)1/3~1.4x10-20 meters for a Compton Energy of about 2.2 microjoules or 14.03 TeV (as the maximum design capacity of the Large Hadron Collider or LHC located at Geneva, Switzerland comprised of two individuated colliding proton beams).

    The precise ratio between the ZPE-kernel and the 'Space Consciousness' surrounding this core becomes: Wormhole-Radius/Space-Consciousness-Radius and as:
    rps/Rcps=(2π2/e*rss3fss2)1/3=c(fss/4πe*)1/3=(cfss/8πRe)1/3~1/887.11 (dimensionless); and because the string coupling defines c=λpsfps=1/λssfss), rendering the Minkowski lightspeed constant c as dimensionless in the lightpath Xps=cTps=cfss.

    This defines the quantum gravitational coupling of the gravitational mass element mss to the observed and measured elementary particle masses in QFT and Quantum-Chromo-Dynamics (QCD); the 'chromaticity' or 'colour charging' of gluonic gauge interaction transmitters being identifiable as the MagnetoCharges defined in StarCoulombs (C*)

    The corresponding maximum then couples in macroquantisation to the microquantised quantum gravitational MagnetoCharges in Vss*=e*fps2=4.5x1063 permutation states for a characterizing 'Galactic Volumar' in Rcss=(e*fps2/2π21/3=(e*fss2/2π2)1/3~6.1x1020 meters or so 64,650 lightyears and a displacement scale, which is then 'haloed' by the the winded string parameter rss=1/rps=2πλss~6.3x1022 meters or 6,648,875 lightyears and as the displacement scales observed by the standard cosmology.

    Correspondingly, rss/Rcss=(16π5λss3/e*fps21/3=(16π5/fsse*c3)1/3=(8π5/fssRec5)1/3~102.85

    As rps/rss=rps2=(cfss/2π)2 and Rcps/Rcss=(fss/fps)2/3=(fss)4/3=(4π2rps/rssc2)2/3

    (Rcps/Rcss)3 = (4π2rps/rssc2)2=10-88/c4=1/8.1x10121 as the awareness operator fluctuation range.

    The 'Physical Consciousness' in the standard cosmology now crystallizes as being associated with biovital lifeforms, occupying space, and as evolving in the dynamics of (holographic) fractals of the encompassing 'consciousness envelope' aka the galactic cells of macroquantised entities.

    This biovitality is defined in a 'kernel consciousness' inherent in space itself via the string-coupled modalities; mimicking the overall expansion of the thermodynamic (and stochastic) universe.
    This process can be comprehensively described as the EVOLUTION of Core-Consciousness in its Spacial Occupancy.

    The Definition of 'Life' must so fundamentally be based on the string coupling between the two modalities and as two modes of operation, which quantum relatively entangle the microquantum characterised by the 'wormhole core' as as function of the nuclear interaction scale (the classical electron radius Re is also the scale of the magneto-asymptotic confinement of gluons in the definition of the magnetocharges and so becomes the limiting quantum geometric template for the nuclear gauge interactions and the 'Higgs Bosonic' blueprint at the 3 Fermi scale).

    'Life' then becomes the cosmo-evolutionary consequence of a quantum geometry defining the spacial configurations of the supermembranes as superstring couplings.
    This is why the most basic and primordial 'lifeforms' such as viruses, bacteria and fungi follow highly geometrized patterns in Platonic- and Archimedean solids, characterised by highly symmetrical arrangements of their molecular and atomic constituents.
    The most elementary 'life form' is the crystalline arrangements of the self-replicating pattern. This originally manifested in so called quasicrystals of fivefolded symmetry, such as can be observed in Shechtmanites and the Penrose tiling. The underpinning cosmology of the decoupling and breaking of the so termed Planck-Symmetry transformed the Planck-String into 5 classes of superstring; this 'breaking of unification' following a pentagonal supersymmetry at the core of all 'natural laws'. Many details can be found on this website for perusal and utility.

    For a 'lifeless' mass-only universe the self frequency of mass in the fss sinksource superstring would define the awareness operator as minimised in:

    V*|min=e*/(fss2)=e*fps2 = [2Rec2/fss2]modular = {Electron Charge Displacement Current for Monopole Mass Quantum [ec]modular in string sourcesink current Ips=2efps coupled to string sinksource current Iss=2efss}

    Corollarily, the 'fully life-conscious' universe (attained after an infinite linear time evolution of the descriptive cosmology) would be defined in:

    V*|max = e*fss2 = e*/fps2 = [2Relps2]modular = {Electron Charge Displacement Current for Monopole Mass Quantum [ec]modular in string sourcesink current Ips=2efps coupled to string sinksource current Iss=2efss}

    17. The first Ylemic Stars in the Universe

    The stability of stars is a function of the equilibrium condition, which balances the inward pull of gravity with the outward pressure of the thermodynamic energy or enthalpy of the star (H=PV+U). The Jeans Mass MJ and the Jeans Length RJ a used to describe the stability conditions for collapsing molecular hydrogen clouds to form stars say, are well known in the scientific data base, say in formulations such as:

    MJ=3kTR/2Gm for a Jeans Length of: RJ=√{15kT/(4πρGm)}=RJ =√(kT/Gnm²).

    Now the Ideal Gas Law of basic thermodynamics states that the internal pressure P and Volume of such an ideal gas are given by PV=nRT=NkT for n moles of substance being the Number N of molecules (say) divided by Avogadro's Constant L in n=N/L .

    Since the Ideal Gas Constant R divided by Avogadro's Constant L and defines Boltzmann's Constant k=R/L. Now the statistical analysis of kinetic energy KE of particles in motion in a gas (say) gives a root-mean-square velocity (rms) and the familiar 2.KE=mv²(rms) from the distribution of individual velocities v in such a system.

    It is found that PV=(2/3)N.KE as a total system described by the v(rms). Now set the KE equal to the Gravitational PE=GMm/R for a spherical gas cloud and you get the Jeans Mass. (3/2N).(NkT)=GMm/R with m the mass of a nucleon or Hydrogen atom and M=MJ=3kTR/2Gm as stated.

    The Jeans' Length is the critical radius of a cloud (typically a cloud of interstellar dust) where thermal energy, which causes the cloud to expand, is counteracted by gravity, which causes the cloud to collapse. It is named after the British astronomer Sir James Jeans, who first derived the quantity; where k is Boltzmann Constant, T is the temperature of the cloud, r is the radius of the cloud, μ is the mass per particle in the cloud, G is the Gravitational Constant and ρ is the cloud's mass density (i.e. the cloud's mass divided by the cloud's volume).

    Now following the Big Bang, there were of course no gas clouds in the early expanding universe and the Jeans formulations are not applicable to the mass seedling Mo; in the manner of the Jeans formulations as given.

    However, the universe's dynamics is in the form of the expansion parameter of GR and so the R(n)=Rmax(n/(n+1)) scalefactor of Quantum Relativity.
    So we can certainly analyse this expansion in the form of the Jeans Radius of the first protostars, which so obey the equilibrium conditions and equations of state of the much later gas clouds, for which the Jeans formulations then apply on a say molecular level.
    This analysis so defines the ylemic neutron stars as protostars and the first stars in the cosmogenesis and the universe.

    Let the thermal internal energy or ITE=H be the outward pressure in equilibrium with the gravitational potential energy of GPE=Ω. The nuclear density in terms of the superbrane parameters is ρcritical=mc/Vcritical with mc a base-nuleon mass for a 'ylemic neutron'.

    Vcritical= 4πRe3/3 or the volume for the ylemic neutron as given by the classical electron radius Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2.

    H=(molarity)kT for molar volume as N=(R/Re)3 for dH=3kTR2/Re3.
    Ω(R)= -∫GoMdm/R = -{3Gomc2/(Re3)2 }∫R4dR = -3Gomc2R5/Re6 for
    dm/dR=d(ρV)/dR=4πρR2 and for ρ=3mc/4πRe3

    For equilibrium, the requirement is that dH=dΩ in the minimum condition dH+dΩ=0.
    This gives: dH+dΩ=3kTR2/Re3 - 16Goπ2ρ2R4/3=0 and the ylemic radius as:


    as the Jeans-Length precursor or progenitor for subsequent stellar and galactic generation.

    The ylemic (Jeans) radii are all independent of the mass of the star as a function of its nuclear generated temperature. Applied to the protostars of the vortex neutron matter or ylem, the radii are all neutron star radii and define a specific range of radii for the gravitational collapse of the electron degenerate matter.

    This spans from the 'First Three Minutes' scenario of the cosmogenesis to 1.1 million seconds (or about 13 days) and encompasses the standard beta decay of the neutron (underpinning radioactivity). The upper limit defines a trillion degree temperature and a radius of over 40 km; the trivial Schwarzschild solution gives a typical ylem radius of so 7.4 kilometers and the lower limit defines the 'mysterious' planetesimal limit as 1.8 km.

    For long a cosmological conundrum, it could not be modelled just how the molecular and electromagnetic forces applicable to conglomerate matter distributions (say gaseous hydrogen as cosmic dust) on the quantum scale of molecules could become strong enough to form say 1km mass concentrations, required for 'ordinary' gravity to assume control.

    The ylem radii's lower limit is defined in this cosmology then show, that it is the ylemic temperature of the 1.2 billion degrees K, which perform the trick under the Ylem-Jeans formulation and which then is applied to the normal collapse of hydrogenic atoms in summation.

    The stellar evolution from the ylemic (dineutronic) templates is well established in QR and confirms most of the Standard Model's ideas of nucleosynthesis and the general Temperature cosmology. The standard model is correct in the temperature assignment, but is amiss in the corresponding 'size-scales' for the cosmic expansion.

    The Big Bang cosmogenesis describes the universe as a Planck-Black Body Radiator, which sets the Cosmic-Microwave-Black Body Background Radiation Spectrum (CMBBR) as a function of n as T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 and derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law and the related statistical frequency distributions.

    We have the GR metric for Schwarzschild-Black Hole Evolution as RS=2GM/c² as a function of the star's Black Hole's mass M and we have the ylemic Radius as a function of temperature only as Rylem√(kT.Re3/Gomc2).

    The nucleonic mass-seed mc=mP.Alpha9 and the product Gomc2 is a constant in the partitioned n-evolution of

    mc(n) and G(n)=Go.Xn.

    Identifying the ylemic Radius with the Schwarzschild Radius then indicates a specific mass a specific temperature and a specific radius.

    Those we call the Chandrasekhar Parameters:
    MChandra=1.5 solar Masses=3x1030 kg and RChandra=2GoMChandra/c² or 7407.40704..metres, which is the typical neutron star radius inferred today.

    TChandra=RChandra2.Gomc2/kRe3 =1.985x1010 K for Electron Radius Re and Boltzmann's Constant k.

    Those Chandrasekhar parameters then define a typical neutron star with a uniform temperature of 20 billion K at the white dwarf limit of ordinary stellar nucleosynthetic evolution (Hertzsprung-Russell or HR-diagram).
    The Radius for the massparametric Universe is given in R(n)=Rmax(1-n/(n+1)) correlating the ylemic temperatures as the 'uniform' CMBBR-background and we can follow the evolution of the ylemic radius via the approximation:


    Rylem(npresent=1.1324..)=0.0868 m* for a Tylem(npresent )=2.73 K for the present time

    What then is nChandra?
    This would describe the size of the universe as the uniform temperature CMBBR today manifesting as the largest stars, mapped however onto the ylemic neutron star evolution as the protostars (say as nChandra'), defined not in manifested mass (say neutron conglomerations), but as a quark-strange plasma, (defined in QR as the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE).

    R(nChandra')=Rmax(nChandra'/(nChandra'+1))=7407.40741.. for nChandra'=4.64x10-23 and so a time of tChandra'=nChandra'/Ho=nChandra'/1.88x10-18=2.47x10-5 seconds.

    QR defines the Weyl-Temperature limit for Bosonic Unification as 1.9 nanoseconds at a temperature of 1.4x1020 Kelvin and the weak-electromagnetic unification at 1/365 seconds at T=3.4x1015 K.

    So we place the first ylemic protostar after the bosonic unification (before which the plenum was defined as undifferentiated 'bosonic plasma'), but before the electro-weak unification, which defined the Higgs-Bosonic restmass induction via the weak interaction vector-bosons and allowing the dineutrons to be born.

    The universe was so 15 km across, when its ylemic 'concentrated' VPE-Temperature was so 20 Billion K and we find the CMBBR in the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law as:
    T4=18.20(n+1)2/n3=1.16x1017 Kelvin.

    So the thermodynamic temperature for the expanding universe was so 5.85 Million times greater than the ylemic VPE-Temperature; and implying that no individual ylem stars could yet form from the mass seedling Mo.

    The universe's expansion however cooled the CMBBR background and we to calculate the scale of the universe corresponding to this ylemic scenario; we simply calculate the 'size' for the universe at TChandra=20 Billion K for TChandra4 and we then find nChandra=4.89x10-14 and tChandra=26,065 seconds or so 7.24 hours.

    The Radius R(nChandra)=7.81x1012 metres or 7.24 lighthours.
    This is about 52 Astronomical Units and an indicator for the largest possible star in terms of radial extent and the 'size' of a typical solar system, encompassed by supergiants on the HR-diagram.

    We so know that the ylemic temperature decreases in direct proportion to the square of the ylemic radius and one hitherto enigmatic aspect in cosmology relates to this in the planetesimal limit. Briefly, a temperature of so 1.2 billion degrees defines an ylemic radius of 1.8 km as the dineutronic limit for proto-neutron stars contracting from so 80 km down to this size just 1.1 million seconds or so 13 days after the Big Bang.

    This then 'explains' why chunks of matter can conglomerate via molecular and other adhesive interactions towards this size, where then the accepted gravity is strong enough to build planets and moons. It works, because the ylemic template is defined in subatomic parameters reflecting the mesonic-inner and leptonic outer ring boundaries, the planetesimal limit being the leptonic mapping. So neutrino- and quark blueprints micromacro dance their basic definition as the holographic projections of the spacetime quanta.

    Now because the Electron Radius is directly proportional to the linearised wormhole perimeter and then the Compton Radius via Alpha in Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2=Alpha.RCompton, the Chandrasekhar White Dwarf limit should be doubled to reflect the protonic diameter mirrored in the classical electron radius.

    Hence any star experiencing electron degeneracy is actually becoming ylemic or dineutronic, the boundary for this process being the Chandrasekhar mass. This represents the subatomic mapping of the first Bohr orbit collapsing onto the leptonic outer ring in the quarkian wave-geometry.
    But this represents the Electron Radius as a Protonic Diameter and the Protonic Radius must then indicate the limit for the scale where proton degeneracy would have to enter the scenario. As the proton cannot degenerate in that way, the neutron star must enter Black Hole phasetransition at the Re/2 scale, corresponding to a mass of 8MChandra=24x1030 kg* or 12 solar masses.

    The maximum ylemic radius so is found from the constant density proportion ρ=M/V:
    (Rylemmax/Re)3=MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=40.1635 km.

    The corresponding ylemic temperature is 583.5 Billion K for a CMBBR-time of 287 seconds or so 4.8 minutes from a n=5.4x10-16, when the universe had a diameter of so 173 Million km.
    But for a maximum nuclear compressibility for the protonic radius, we find:

    (Rylemmax/Re)3=8MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=80.327 km, a ylemic temperature of 2,334 Billion K for a n-cycletime of 8.5x10-17 and a CMBBR-time of so 45 seconds and when the universe had a radius of 13.6 Million km or was so 27 Million km across.

    The first ylemic protostar vortex was at that time manifested as the ancestor for all neutron star generations to follow. This vortex is described in a cosmic string encircling a spherical region so 160 km across and within a greater universe of diameter 27 Million km which carried a thermodynamic temperature of so 2.33 Trillion Kelvin at that point in the cosmogenesis.

    This vortex manifested as a VPE concentration after the expanding universe had cooled to allow the universe to become transparent from its hitherto defining state of opaqueness and a time known as the decoupling of matter (in the form of the Mo seedling partitioned in mc's) from the radiation pressure of the CMBBR photons.

    The temperature for the decoupling is found in the galactic scale-limit modular dual to the wormhole geodesic as 1/λwormholeantiwormholegalaxyserpent=1022 metres or so 1.06 Million ly and its luminosity attenuation in the 1/e proportionality for then 388,879 lightyears as a decoupling time ndecoupling.

    A maximum galactic halo limit is modulated in 2πλantiwormhole metres in the linearisation of the Planck-length encountered before in an earlier discussion.

    R(ndecoupling)=Rmax(ndecoupling/(ndecouplingc+1))=1022 metres for ndecoupling=6.26x10-5 and so for a CMBBR-Temperature of about T=2935 K for a galactic protocore then attenuated in so 37% for ndecouplingmin=1.0x10-6 for R=λantiwormhole/2π and ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and for temperatures of so 65,316 K and 744 K respectively, descriptive of the temperature modulations between the galactic cores and the galactic halos.

    So a CMBBR-temperature of so 65,316 K at a time of so 532 Billion seconds or 17,000 years defined the initialisation of the VPE and the birth of the first ylemic protostars as a decoupling minimum. The ylemic mass currents were purely monopolic and known as superconductive cosmic strings, consisting of nucleonic neutrons, each of mass mc.

    If we assign this timeframe to the maximised ylemic radius and assign our planetesimal limit of fusion temperature 1.2 Billion K as a corresponding minimum; then this planetesimal limit representing the onset of stellar fusion in a characteristic temperature, should indicate the first protostars at a temperature of the CMBBR of about 744 Kelvin.

    The universe had a tremperature of 744 K for ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and this brings us to a curvature radius of so 6.6 Million lightyears and an 'ignition-time' for the first physical ylemic neutron stars as first generation protostars of so 7 Million years after the Big Bang.

    The important cosmological consideration is that of distance-scale modulation.
    The Black Hole Schwarzschild metric is the inverse of the galactic scale metric.
    The linearisation of the Planck-String as the Weyl-Geodesic and so the wormhole radius in the curvature radius R(n) is modular dual and mirrored in inversion in the manifestation of galactic structure with a nonluminous halo a luminous attenuated diameter-bulge and a superluminous (quasar or White Hole Core).

    The core-bulge ratio will so reflect the eigenenergy quantum of the wormhole as heterotic Planck-Boson-String or as the magnetocharge as 1/500, being the mapping of the Planck-Length-Bounce as e=lP.c²√Alpha onto the electron radius in e*=2Re.c².

    18. Newton's Gravitational Constant Measurements

    The speed of light 'c' has been measured to an accuracy of 8 decimal places and Planck's Constant 'h' is known with an error not exceeding one part per million.
    This is not so for Newton's Gravitational Constant 'Big G'.
    The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, US began measuring 'G' in the 1930's to establish the Luther-Towler-Number LTN=6.67259x10-11 G-units (m³/kg.s²).
    So it stood until 1994, when the renowned PTB in Braunschweig, Germany's Standards Laboratory measured G much higher, differing in the 3rd decimal place.
    Then New Zealand's Measurements Standard Laboratory published avalue significantly below the LTN and the University of Wuppertal derived a value in between the NZ one and the LTN.
    Notwithstanding the ever improving technological advances and measuring techniques; using torsion pendulums, tungsten cylinders or suspended or accelerating testmasses; 'Big G' has proven to be intractable to conformity.
    Two of the latest measurements are 6.67327x10-11 and 6.6742(10)x10-11 G-units and values by no means definitive.

    What is going on?
    Shifting heavy objects in the vicinity of the test apparatus seems to influence the atomic structure of the testmasses, irrespective of the isolated environment created for the testing conditions.
    The following treatise shall resolve the conundrum and illustrate the unruly behaviour of 'G' as a consequence of the initial boundary conditions for the universe's subsequent evolvement.
    It shall indicate that even a 'massless' universe would contain a diminished G-component as the electric permittivity of a massless macroquantised (Hawking) BlackHole and that the present dilemma derives from a finestructure of the nucleonic constituents, which, by definition, must comprise the testmasses.
    A precise measurement so would rely on an unambiguous calculation for two neutronic restmasses, a condition which we shall show to be unachievable, because of the nature and interrelationship between the parameters of inertial mass and those of electromagnetic charges.
    Now the ratio between the electromagnetic- and the gravitational interaction strengths is measured and of the order of alpha/G-alpha~10-39 and one can actually define the G-alpha as a function of alpha and as G-alpha=alpha18, using the string parameters of Quantum Relativity.

    This defines the minimum neutronmass mc explicitely as: mc=√{ke².alpha17/Go}.

    In string parameters, the unification condition for the interactions at the stringenergy scale demands kGo=1 for a mc=[e/Go].alpha8.5=9.9247246..x10-28 kg*. This represents so 58% of the neutron (or nucleon) mass as measured today and is the actual minimum neutron mass.
    Now the truly CONSTANT GM² structure in say Newton's Law, is given by the product Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm².

    This however is finestructured in introducing a maximum neutron mass given in a unification condition, known as the Euler Identity: X+Y=XY=-1=i²=℮ and applying the absolute value of unitised 1.
    We write: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories. So the applied G value is: Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k and where n is a cycletime n=Hot for a nodal universe with dn/dt=Ho the nodal Hubble Constant Ho=c/Rmax for a Hubble radius Rmax.

    The applied Gm so ALWAYS engages a maximised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYn}~ 1.7115x10-27 kg in string parameters for a present cycletime coordinate np=1.1324..) AND a minimised neutron mass (calculated as {mcYk}). The value of k is so determinative for Gm and differs over the evolution of the universe with respect to cycletime n and as finestructured for an AVERAGE G-value (Gav) obtained in using the geometric mean for the neutron masses in extremum (minmax productation).

    One can easily calculate Gav=Go.Xn=6.44317..x10-11 G-units for a geometric neutron mass product of mnmax.mnmin=mc².Yn =1.69861...x10-54 kg² for the constancy condition of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² and omitting the k-factorisation. But this averaged G value applies for a massless universe under the initial unification condition of the finestructures described in Gok=1 or Go=4πεo (using Stoney Units for the Planck-Scaling of the chargequantum e).

    So BECAUSE an initial mass seedling Mo={mc.mP/me}√E ~ 1.8137..x1051 kg* became transformed in the de Broglie phase inflation from its preinertial state as gravitational mass into the state of inertia (this is called the Big Bang for a spacetime quanta counter E); this 'Principle of Equivalence' introduced the hitherto massless 'ylemic' 'neutron bosons' as dineutronic states, which under the Higgs mechanism became fermionic and established the mass seedling Mo as the primordial neutron matter, then decaying via beta minus decay into the observed matter in the universe (there was no antimatter).

    Subsequently the EMERGENCE of inertial mass under c-invariance also introduced a finestructure for 'G' as described in the above. One can determine the value of k from finestructuring the critical masses Mo, M and MHawking as boundary Black Hole masses coupled to the quantum minmax neutron masses.
    For curvature radius Rmax and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho2/8πGo the Schwarzschild metric gives M=Rmax.c²/2Go=c³/2GoHo= ~ 6.47058..x1052 kg*.

    For the curvature radius RSarkar=2GoMo/c2, we have the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c3 ~0.014015... and which so determines the 'missing mass' in the universe to be a consequence of the initial boundary conditions set by the de Broglie inflation and the overall Black Hole evolution of the stringed parameters.

    From the minimum Planck Oscillator EPo=½hfP=½mPc2: ½MPTP={1/8p}MPTP.4p=H(awking)M(odulus)=HM
    HM=hc3/4pGok=MMinTMax=|c2/4p2|.MMax.Tss=Mo.To=M.T and for MMax=4p2kHM/c2hfss = pc/fssGo =2.5446..x1049 kg*

    The Mass-Temperature modulus of Stephen Hawking determines MHawking=MMax/4p for a boundary condition of maximised Black Hole Mass for a minimised Black Hole Temperature in MHawkingTHawking= HM = 9.131793821x1023 (kg.K)* for (1/4π).HM = hc3/16π2Gok and k the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.

    The relationship is given in superstring (Planck) parameters by
    Mmin.Tmax=|c/2π|².Mmax.Tmin=hc³/4πGok = (4π/8π)mP.TP and TP the Planck Temperature TP=mP.c²/k.

    {(MHawking,THawking);(Mo),To);(M,T)} = {(2.03x1048 kg*,4.52x10-25K*);(1.81x1051 kg*,5.03x10-28 K*);(6.47x1052 kg*,1.41x10-29 K*)}

    The Dragon Braned Frequency Modulation fps.fss = 1 = Unity
    A Primary SourceSink Eps in modular membrane duality with a Secondary SinkSource Ess
    Energy Prime SourceSink as White Hole|Quantum Entanglement Modular Duality|Energy Prime SinkSource as Black Hole

    Curvature Radius RC = l/2π = c/2πf = c/w

    Curvature Area ABlack Hole = A BH = 4πRC2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/f2 = 4π|c/2π|2.1/fpsfss = |c2/π| for fps.fss = 1

    For a 3D Volume (4π/3)R³, the 2D Area or Surface becomes dV/dR=4πR² and reducing to a 1D Line Integral of dA/dR=8πR=4.(2πR) as 4 times the perimeter of a circle of radius R and relating the Black Hole surface quantum as 4 Planck Areas LP² in its Entropy SBH =ABH/4LP² =πc³ABH/2Goh.

    As the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity spans 1440° or 8π radians, the quantization of the Information located on the surface area of a Black Hole so introduces the factor of 4 in its formulation.

    This sets the Hawking-Gibbons thermodynamic temperature minima for To=constant/Mo ~ 5.03..x10-28 K* and T=constant/M ~ 1.41..x10-29 K*.
    As the minimum macro Black Hole has Schwarzschild metric λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c² for Tmax=hfmax/k=hc/λmink; and modular duality requires the unification condition for the minimum curvature to relate to a maximum curvature in Rminmin/2π=1/Rmax or Rmax=2πλmax, as Rmin.Rmax=1.

    In gauge bosonic string parameters, this modular duality then is given in Emax=hc/λmin=mmax.c²=kTmax and Emin=hc/λmax=mmin.c²=kTmin and in the invariance of the lightspeed parameter c as c=fmaxλmin=1/fminλmax or the dimensionless unification conditions:
    Emax.Emin=h² and Emax/Emin=fmax²=1/fmin²={c/λmin}²={c/2πRmin}²={cRmax/2π}²={cλmax}².

    This gives a proportionality: mmax.Tmin=mmin.Tmax for the gauges, which is however modified in the dimensionless factor {c/2π}² for the Black Hole masses for the given temperatures, as bosonic masses describe bosonic Black Holes via E=kT and not the cosmological Black Holes of the Schwarzschild metric.

    The c-invariance so uses modular duality in the quantum Black Hole limit
    c=fmaxλmin=2πfmaxRmin for fmin=c/λmax=c/2πRmax as an unmodulated frequency in Tmin=Emin/k=hc/2πkRmax=hc.λmin/4π²k=3.58856...x10-26 K* and a temperature above the Hawking-Gibbons limit as required.

    This differs in a factor {2π/c}² from the lightspeed inversion in Tmin=hfmin/k and so 1.574x10-41 K*, which violates the Hawking-Gibbons boundaries in NOT using the modular duality and with fmin=1/fmax in frequency units and NOT inverted time units.

    And so Mmin.Tmax=hc³/4πGok =½mP.TP=MHawking.kc2.Tss/π and the Hawking Mass is determined as Mmax=4πMHawking=πc²λmax/Go ~ 2.545x1049 kg*.

    From the Black Hole 'Black Body Radiator' Temperature Spectra and Stefan's Constant s=2π5k4/15h3c2 (J/s.m2K4)*

    Power PBH=4πRBH2sTBH4 = MBHc2/tHawking Evaporation and with TBH4=HM/MBH4 - (A 3D kinetic mass-energy distribution uses MBHc2/3 from PV=nkT=⅓Nmv2)

    tHawking = c6/16πsGo2MBHTBH4 = 30,720π2Go2MBH3/hc4 = 15,360π.tP for LP = GoMP/c2 = ctP = c√{Goh/2πc5}

    tHM = 120Go2MBH32hc4 = tHawking/{4π}4 = 60/π3.tP = 1.935..tP ~ 2tP (The actual Black Hole 'Evaporation Time' as a 'Doubling Cyclicity' for the cosmic evolution.)

    For M and Mo and MHawking, the Hawking Evaporation times (without the Mother-Daughter BH Recharging derived following), then are: 2.32x10125 s* or 7.4x10117 years and 1.66x10134 s* or 5.3x10126 years and 7.46x10138 s* or 2.4x10131 years respectively.

    Using the λminλmax=1 wavelength modulation in the T-duality of λmin=2πRmin=1/λmax=2π/Rmax, we can see, that this modulation closely approximates the geometric mean of the seedling mass in {1/4π}Mo2/2M.MMax=Mo2/8π.M.MHawking=3.2895..x10102/3.2931..x10102 ~ 0.9989...

    This also circumscribes the actual to critical density ratio in the omega of the general relativistic treatment of the cosmologies.
    Now recall our applied G value in Gm(n)=Go.and apply our just derived Black Hole Mass modulation coupled to that of the quantum micromasses.

    We had: Gomc²={GoXn+k}.{mcYn}.{mcYk}=Gm.mnmax.mnmin and where Gm is the actual G value as measured and which has proved difficult to do so in the laboratories.
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=Gomc²/mnmax.mnmin=Gomc²/({mcYn}{mnmin}) and where we have mnmin=mcYk} for the unknown value of k.

    So Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking.mav}} and where now {mnmin}={mcYk}={8π.M.MHawking.mav/Mo2}=1.0011..mav.
    mav={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mnmin}={Mo²/8π.M.MHawking}{mcYk}=0.9989..{mcYk} and obviously represents a REDUCED minimum mass mnmin=mcYk.

    But the product of maximum and 'new' minimum now allows an actual finetuning to a MEASURED nucleon mass mN by: mN² = mavYn.mcYn=mav.mnmax.Yn.

    So substituting for mav in our Gm expression, will now give the formulation:
    Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k=GoXn[mc/mnmin]=Go{mc2/mcYn}.{Mo2/8π.M.MHawking}{mcY2n/mN2} and where {Mo2/8π.M.MHawking = 0.9989..}

    The average nucleon mass mN is upper bounded in the neutron mass and lower bounded in the proton mass, their difference being an effect of their nucleonic quark content, differing in the up-down transition and energy level.

    For a Neutron Restmass of: mn=1.680717x10-27 kg* (941.6036 MeV*) the substitution (and using calibrations
    m=1.001671358 m*; s=1.000978395 s*; kg=1.003753127 kg* and C=1.002711702 C* gives G(np)=6.678764x10-11 (m3/kgs2) and a perturbation corrected mn=1.681100563x10-27 kg* (941.818626 MeV*) gives: mneutron = 1.67481477x10-27 kg

    G(np) = Go{mc/mN}2.(0.9989..) = 6.67093x10-11 (m3/kgs2)* or 6.675547x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The perturbation upper limit is given in the mn=1.681335x10-27 kg* (941.9506 MeV*) and gives:
    G(np) = Go{mc/mN}2.(0.9989..) = 6.6690685x10-11 (m3/kgs2)* or 6.673685x10-11 (m³/kgs²).

    The average for the last two values then approximates as a 'best fit' for:
    Gm(np) = ½{6.67093x10-11 + 6.6690685x10-11} (m3/kgs2)* = 6.6699925x10-11 (m3/kgs2)*
    or Gm(np) = ½{6.675547x10-11 + 6.673685x10-11} (m3/kgs2) = 6.674816x10-11 (m3/kgs2)

    This is a best-fit approximation, considering the uncharged nature of the testmasses.
    This then gives the value of k from Gm(n)=Go.Xn+k as k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..

    Two protons (mp=1.6789x10-27 kg* (940.56 MeV*) would give:
    G(np)=6.6936x10-11 (m³/kgs²) and a proton-neutron pair would yield: G(np)=6.6791x10-11 (m3/kgs2); both of the latter values unsuitable because of the electrocharges increasing the intra-quarkian Magnetocharge coupling between the two mesonic rings of the neutron and the single mesonic ring in the proton's down- or KIR-quark.
    The best approximation for 'Big G' hence depends on an accurate determination for the neutron's inertial mass, only fixed as the base nucleon minimum mass at the birth of the universe. A fluctuating Neutron mass would also result in deviations in 'G' independent upon the sensitivity of the measuring equipment. The inducted mass difference in the protonic-and neutronic restmasses, derives from the Higgs-Restmass-Scale and can be stated in a first approximation as the groundstate.
    Basic nucleon restmass is mc=√Omega.mP=9.9247245x10-28 kg*.

    (Here Omega is a gauge string factor coupling in the fundamental force interactions as:
    Cuberoot(Alpha):Alpha:Cuberoot(Omega):Omega and for Omega=G-alpha.)
    KKK-Kernelmass=Up/Down-HiggsLevel=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*, usingthe Kernel-Ring and Family-Coupling Constants.

    Subtracting the Ring-VPE (3L) gives the basic nucleonic K-State as 939.642 MeV*. This includes the electronic perturbation.

    For the Proton,one adds one (K-IR-Transition energy) and for theNeutron one doubles this to reflect the up-down-quark differential.

    Proton mp=u.d.u=K.KIR.K=(939.6420+1.5013-0.5205)MeV*=940.6228 MeV*. Neutron mn=d.u.d=KIR.K.KIR=(939.6420+3.0026-1.0410)MeV*=941.6036 MeV*.

    This is the groundstate from the Higgs-Restmass-Induction-Mechanismand reflects the quarkian geometry as being responsible for theinertial mass differential between the two elementary nucleons. All groundstate elementary particle masses are computed from theHiggs-Scale and then become subject to various finestructures. Overall, the MEASURED gravitational constant 'G' can be said to be decreasing over time.

    The ratio given in k is GmYn/Go~0.60073... and so the present G-constant is about 60% of the one at the Planck Scale.
    G decreases nonlinearly, but at a present rate of 0.60073/19.11x109 per year, which calculates as 3.143..x10-11 G-units per year.

    Generally using the exponential series expansion, one can indicate the change in G.
    For Xn+k=z=exp[(n+k)lnX] by (n+k)lnX=lnz for the value Z=(n+k)lnX=-0.481212(n+k); z transforms in exponential expansion ex=1+x+x2/2!+x3/3!+x4/4!+...

    For a function f(n)=z=Gm(n)/Go=Xn+k

    For 4th order with n=1.1324.. and k=0 (for a purely electromagnetic universe of zero mass content where the curvature derives from the gravitational mass equivalent of the Equivalence Principle of General Relativity):

    So the gravitational Gm(1.1324)=(0.580)Go=Go.X1.1324~6.444x10-11 (m3/kgs2).
    At timeinstantenuity of the Quantum Big Bang, n=npsps/Rmax=6.2591x10-49~0
    Then GBigBang=GoXnps=Go (to 50 decimal places distinguishing the timeinstanton from the Nulltime as the Planck-Time transform).

    For our previously calculated k=ln(GmYn/Go)/lnX and which calculates as k= -0.073387..
    for f(1.1324)=1-0.509+0.129-0.0220+0.0028-...+...~0.601 to fourth order approximation.

    Hence, the gravitational constant assumes a value of about 61% of its Big Bang initialisation and calculates as 6.675x10-11 G-units for a present cycletime npresent=Hotpresent=1.1324...

    The introduction of the mass seed coupling between the macroquantum Mo and the microquantum mc=mPalpha9 (from the gravitational finestructure unification) PERTURBS the 'purely electromagnetic' cosmology in the perturbation factor k and increases the purely electromagnetic Gmemr in the black hole physics described.

    So gravity appears stronger when one 'looks back in time' or analyses cosmological objects at large distances. The expansion parameter (a) in the Friedmann-Einstein standard cosmology can be rewritten as a curvature ratio R(n)/Rmax={n/(n+1)} and describes the asymptotic universe in say 10 dimensions evolving under the inertial parameters of the c-invariance. This 'lower dimensional universe' is open and expands under hyperbolic curvature under the deceleration parameter qo=½Ωo=Mo/2M=2GoHoMo/c³ ~0.014015... This open universe is bounded in the 'standing wave' of the Hubble Oscillation of the 11D and 'higher dimensional universe'.

    The boundary is given in the omega of the 'missing mass' of the volumes, which differ in a factor of V11/V10=nRmax³/(n/(n+1))³Rmax³=(n+1)³/n²=DIM-Factor (and which assumes its minimum for one complete oscillation for n=2 as DIM=27/4=6.75 so 14.7 Billion years from the present).
    Presently, for n=1.132419.. DIM=7.561.. and so the 'missing mass' will be measured as a 'dark matter' distribution of 'dark haloes' etc. around the luminous matter given in the ylemic mass seedling Mo of the baryonic matter.

    As Mo is just 2.8% of M, but is subject to a 'growth' in the maximising factor Yn=1.724.. for the present epoch, one can take the factor Mav==Mo.√Yn=1.313.. for a 'dark matter' percentage upper bounded in 2.8%(1.724)~4.83% and lower bounded in 2.8%(1.313)~3.68%.

    But so 7.56 open universes are contained within the closed and spherical universe given in the Hubble bound. And the 'dark matter' will be 7.56 times the luminous baryonic matter in the interval {27.82%, 36.51%} as percentage of the total energy of closure for Ωo=1 and the critical density ρc=M/Vmax=3Ho²/8πGo.

    Our Big Bang happened at the modular time 1/fmax=tmin=fmin=3.33..x10-31 seconds*, coinciding with the end of the stringed inflation epoch of the standard cosmology.

    The 'de Broglie' inflation established the crucial boundary parameters as say given in the Mo and M Black Hole masses described.

    As the baryonic mass seedling Mo sets the Sarkar Scale for the cosmic architecture in the size of galactic superclusters as the limit for the gravitationally interacting systems before cosmic homogeneity; there must be a Black Hole evolution superposed onto the expansion of the 10D universe and the oscillation of the 11D universe which 'adds' a 'electromagnetic' volume of 2π²Rmax³ at the Hubble nodes every 16.9 Billion years.

    In terms of the dimensional 'intersection' this can be described as a 'Strominger Brane' evolution with the Sarkar Scale set at the instanton, decreasing as a 'shrinking' Black Hole until it becomes massless at the wormhole scale defined in the minimum macro Black Hole λmin/2π=2GoMmin/c²=1.591549..x10-23 metres*.

    This then resets the bosonic micro Black Holes with their macro counterparts under the modular duality.
    This Black Hole evolution is higher dimensional and purely electromagnetic, not being observable due to its noninertial nature, except the so called 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' scenarios of the boundary- and initial conditions. This can lead to a feasible model for the phenomenon of consciousness.
    The process will take place in a DIM factor of about 234.5 as: Mmin.YN=M and for
    N=ln(M/Mmin)/lnY~234.5 and so in 16.9x234.5 Billion years, which are about 4 Trillion years.

    The addition of inertia to a purely electromagnetic monopolic cosmology then varies the value of Newton's gravitational constant G as a function of the micro-macro evolution of the Black Holes and renders the applicable local G-constant as mensuration dependent on the precision measurement for the basic nucleon mass mcYn for a local epoch-cycle coordinate n=Hot.
    rpsYn=RH then defines nrecharge =ln[RH/rps]/ln[Y] ~ 234.472 or about 3.9628 Trillion years.

    This then shows, that you are living within a Mother Black Hole, you choose to call the universe you reside in. This your 'World of Mother Nature' had a beginning in space and in time in the creation of the same. Your universe so EMERGED from a prior state of beingness, where there was no space and no time as defined in any arbitrary model terrestrial or extraterrestrial. This prior state of existence you can term either as a Eternal state of all consciousness or as a state of the non-spacial and non-temporal Void as a quasi state of 'nothingness'.

    This, your observed universe so came into existence in using particular initial- and boundary conditions, which became requirements for space and time measurements to become possible. You may call this a relativistic metric spacetime continuum of discretization in minimum-maximum modular membrane duality however unified in the field properties of the dyadic monadicity of this string duality.

    The size of your universe and its energy, then became defined in those boundary conditions and particularly in a 'Daughter Black Hole' being born from the womb of its 'Mother Black Hole'. Mathematical proportionalities then aligned the masses and the scales of Mother and Daughter as the initial hyperacceleration or inflationary tachyonic phase transition of the initializing wormhole singularity of Abba, the Little Serpent to the Unified Field parameters of the thermodynamic classically relativistic expansion of the universe.
    The 'daughter' became the seed within the 'mother' for the Protoverse and the Seedling Universe for all generations of universes, whose interaction would allow phaseshifted multiverses to become born from the original protoverse, albeit encompassed by the omniverse of AbbaBaab.

    As one cycle of the 'Mother's Heartbeat' requires about two times 16.9 Billion years or so 33.8 Billion years to complete its integral n-cyclicity; the lower dimensional universe evolves both within its 10-dimensional string timespace and its 11-dimensional membrane timespace.
    The 10-D evolution of the cosmos so allows the 'mother' to birth its 'daughter' , when the lightspeed restricted thermodynamic universal expansion has completed its first cyclicity for n=1 so 2.2 Billion years ago and synchronizing the becoming of 'selfaware' of the 'life potential' residing within the womb of the 'mother'.
    2.2 Billion years ago then, the original 'light ray of Creator Abba' 'caught up' and reached its 11-D Mirror Boundary of the 'Cosmic Mother' from its 10-D Wormhole timespace quantum singularity or source point.

    This 'signal then both reflected back into the INSIDE of the 11-D Membrane-Womb of the 'mother' and refracted OUTSIDE in extending its own boundary set by the hyperacceleration of the de Broglien inflationary phase transition.

    Every cycle count then increases the scale of the wormhole 'White Hole Father Source' in the same proportion the 'Mother Black Hole Mother Sink' decreases, until after 234.5 cycles or about 4,000 Billion years the original Mother-Daughter scale proportionality resets itself in reseeding the then populated omniverse in terms of the spacetime quanta count fractalized by and in the definition of the Abba-Baab Little Serpent Father -Big Dragon Mother itself.

    For about 2 trillion years, the Omniverse as 'The Universal Bodywave' is INHALING or 'breathing in' analogous to 'feeding or charging' a battery or some body requiring energy. Then for another 2 trillion years the omniverse is EXHALING or 'breathing out' in analogy to a 'battery discharging' or a 'fed body' 'burning its stored energy'.

    The Omniverse after 4 trillion years so completes its asymptotic evolution with respect to its initial conception or insemination of the 10-D Daughter reaching maturity as her own 11-D Mother. The defining proportionality parameters of the scales and energy distributions for cycle parameter n=1 then transfer to a new initializing value at n=234.5 to redefine the maximum masses and sizes for the 'New GrandMother Black Hole' attaining the now evolved 'Infinity Mass' n.M and a 'New Mother Black Hole' n.Mo and so for the 'Old Mother' graduating to become a 'Mother of Mothers' and the 'Old Daughter' graduating to be a 'Mother of Daughters'.
    Every 4 trillion years a 'Recharge Inflation' so Recreates/Resets the original creation event with a Quantization of the initial condition and boundary parameters in the original Hubble Node for cycletime n=1 in the factor n/(n/[n+1])=n+1 and so the 'Strominger' massless Black Hole coordinate of nStrominger=234.472 assuming the nps=lps/RHubble coordinate as its next initialisation value.
    The asymptotic completion coordinate for the Curvature Radius R(n)=RHubble.n/[n+1] so evolves in a linear time factor as Delta-n = 1-{n/[n+1]}=1/[n+1] to magnify and extend the completion factor in tandem with the expansion of the multidimensionally expanding cosmology.

    The Cyclic Universe, so 'rebangs' itself every 4 Trillion years or so to ensure its continuation of selfexploration and by interdimensional civilisations defined in multiverses, each of which is required to be seeded in a prototypical template universe as mirror holofractal of itself.

    Without the Dark Matter Omega WDM - Baryon Matter WB at the n=√2=1.414.. or 23.87 Gyear cycle coordinate; the gravitational constancy of Gomc²=1.094446..x10-64 Nm² would result in a very small Gav=GoXn~1.463x10-105 G-units, compensated by a 'mass-evolved' universe with mcYn~7.535..x1067 kg*.
    The general form for this 'universal evolution energy' can be physically modelled as 'cosmic consciousness' defined in the 'awareness' df/dt minimised in fmin² and maximised in fmax² and as a form of radial displacement independent angular acceleration acting on spacetime volumars defined in the classical electron diameter (2Re) times c² defining the magnetocharge e* as inversion of the Big Bang base parameter of the wormhole energy quantum Emax=1/e*=1/2Rec² for a Planck Constant finestructure h=λmin/e*c.
    This "Strominger brane' evolution avoids the so called 'heat death' of the universe in a form of 'recharging' and coincides with the projected 'running out' of stellar nuclear fuel of the transformation of the elements within stars in the stellar evolution scenarios.

    The entire cosmology is underpinned by a Black Hole evolution, which incorporates the quantum geometric microcosmos and the geometric relativistic macrocosmos simultaneously - all for the 'cosmic purpose' to manifest 'evolved mass' as 'consciousness' or 'dark light' or antiradiation.


    Last edited: Mar 14, 2018
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry: CERN Experiments On Particles Containing Charm Quark Fail To Detect CP Violation

    By Avaneesh Pandey @avaneeshp88 On 09/29/16 AT 7:12 AM

    A view of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Photo: CERN

    Why is there something rather than nothing? This is a question that has, for the longest time, perplexed physicists.
    If our current understanding of the universe is correct, it should not even exist. The very fact that planets, stars and galaxies exist undercuts one of the most fundamental premises of particle physics — that the Big Bang, which created our universe 13.8 billion years ago, created equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
    If this really happened, why, given that matter and antimatter particles annihilate each other when they collide, does anything exist at all? Why do you and I exist when the laws of physics, as we know them, seem to dictate that the cosmos should be nothing but a wasteland strewn with leftover energy?
    Obviously, as attested by the fact that we exist, there is a fundamental difference between matter and antimatter. Either significantly more matter was created by the Big Bang, or there is a fundamental, as-of-yet-undiscovered asymmetry between matter particles and their antimatter counterparts — one that would have given the former an edge over the latter in the race for survival.

    The quest to discover this asymmetry is a goal that has witnessed the involvement of several particle physicists from across the world, including researchers at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) — the institution that houses the world’s most powerful particle collider.
    On Wednesday, researchers associated with the LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider announced that they had made the most precise measurement of Charge-Parity (CP) violation among particles containing a charm quark.
    Quarks, the fundamental particles that make up protons and neutrons, come in six different “flavors” — up, down, strange, top, bottom and charm. Each quark has an antimatter equivalent known as antiquark. Both protons and neutrons — contained within the nucleus of an atom — are made up of three quarks bound together.
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    The Standard Model of particle physics, which describes how three of the four known fundamental forces work, has a central tenet — charge-parity symmetry, which posits that the laws of physics remain unchanged even if a particle is replaced with its antiparticle, which has the opposite charge, and if its spatial coordinates are inverted.
    If a significant violation of CP symmetry is detected, it would not only hint at the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model, it would also help us understand why the universe is completely devoid of antimatter.

    So far, however, the extent of CP violation detected among elementary particles is not significant enough to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry — something that was further confirmed by the precise measurements carried out by LHCb researchers.
    “The LHCb collaboration made a precise comparison between the decay lifetime of a particle called a D0meson (formed by a charm quark and an up antiquark) and its anti-matter counterpart D0 (formed by an charm antiquark and up quark), when decaying either to a pair of pions or a pair of kaons. Any difference in these lifetimes would provide strong evidence that an additional source of CP violation is at work,” CERN said in the statement. “The latest results indicate that the lifetimes of the D0 and D0 particles, measured using their decays to pions or kaons, are still consistent, thereby demonstrating that any CP violation effect that is present must indeed be at a tiny level.”


    There is no CP-violation in any quark whose constituents are up-quarks and anti-up quarks, as is the case for the charm quarks c-uu[bar]u and c[bar]=u[bar]uu[bar], as the CP violation requires Inner-Ring (down-antidown) or Outer-Ring (strange-antistrange) interaction.


    The Top-Super Diquark Resonance of CERN - December 15th, 2015

    As can be calculated from the table entries below; a Top-Super Diquark Resonance is predicted as a (ds)bar(ss)=(ds)barS or a (ds)(ss)bar=(ds)Sbar diquark complex averaged at (182.758+596.907)GeV=779.67 GeV.

    In the diquark triplet {dd; ds; ss}={Dainty; Top; Super} a Super-Superbar resonance at 1.194 TeV can also be inferred with the Super-Dainty resonance at 652.9 GeV and the Top-Dainty resonance at 238.7 GeV 'suppressed' by the Higgs Boson summation as indicated below. Supersymmetric partners become unnecessary in the Standard Model, extended into the diquark hierarchies.

    Ten DIQUARK quark-mass-levels crystallise, including a VPE-level for the K-IR transition and a VPE-level for the IR-OR transition:

    VPE-Level [K-IR] is (26.4922-29.9621 MeV*) for K-Mean: (14.11358 MeV*); (2.8181-3.1872 MeV*) for IROR;
    VPE-Level [IR-OR] is (86.5263-97.8594 MeV*) for K-Mean: (46.09643 MeV*); (9.2042-10.410 MeV*) for IROR;
    UP/DOWN-Level is (282.5263-319.619 MeV*) for K-Mean: (150.5558 MeV*); (30.062-33.999 MeV*) for IROR;
    STRANGE-Level is (923.013-1,043.91 MeV*) for K-Mean: (491.7308 MeV*); (98.185-111.05 MeV*) for IROR;
    CHARM-Level is (3,014.66-3,409.51 MeV*) for K-Mean: (1,606.043 MeV*); (320.68-362.69 MeV*) for IROR;
    BEAUTY-Level is (9,846.18-11,135.8 MeV*) for K-Mean: (5,245.495 MeV*); (1,047.4-1,184.6 MeV*) for IROR;
    MAGIC-Level is (32,158.6-36,370.7 MeV*) for K-Mean: (17,132.33 MeV*); (3,420.9-3,868.9 MeV*) for IROR;
    DAINTY-Level is (105,033-118,791 MeV*) for K-Mean: (55,956.0 MeV*); (11,173-12,636 MeV*) for IROR;
    TRUTH-Level is (343,050-387,982 MeV*) for K-Mean: (182,758.0 MeV*); (36,492-41,271 MeV*) for IROR;
    SUPER-Level is (1,120,437-1,267,190 MeV*) for K-Mean: (596,906.8 MeV*); (119,186-134,797 MeV*) for IROR.

    The K-Means define individual materialising families of elementary particles;

    the (UP/DOWN-Mean) sets the (PION-FAMILY: po, p+, p-);
    the (STRANGE-Mean) specifies the (KAON-FAMILY: Ko, K+, K-);
    the (CHARM-Mean) defines the (J/PSI=J/Y-Charmonium-FAMILY);
    the (BEAUTY-Mean) sets the (UPSILON=U-Bottonium-FAMILY);
    the (MAGIC-Mean) specifies the (EPSILON=E-FAMILY);
    the (DAINTY-Mean) bases the (OMICRON-O-FAMILY);
    the (TRUTH-Mean) sets the (KOPPA=J-Topomium-FAMILY) and
    the (SUPER-Mean) defines the final quark state in the (HIGGS/CHI=H/C-FAMILY).

    The VPE-Means are indicators for average effective quarkmasses found in particular interactions.
    Kernel-K-mixing of the wavefunctions gives K(+)=60.210 MeV* and K(-)=31.983 MeV* and the IROR-Ring-Mixing gives (L(+)=6.405 MeV* and L(-)=3.402 MeV*) for a (L-K-Mean of 1.50133 MeV*) and a (L-IROR-Mean of 4.90349 MeV*); the Electropole ([e-]=0.52049 MeV*) as the effective electronmass and as determined from the electronic radius and the magnetocharge in the UFoQR.

    The restmasses for the elementary particles can now be constructed, using the basic nucleonic restmass (mc=9.9247245x10-28 kg*=(Squareroot of [Omega]xmP) and setting (mc) as the basic maximum (UP/DOWN-K-mass=mass(KERNEL CORE)=3xmass(KKK)=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*);
    Subtracting the (Ring VPE 3xL(+)=19.215 MeV*, one gets the basic nucleonic K-state for the atomic nucleus (made from protons and neutrons) in: {m(n0;p+)=939.642 MeV*}.

    The HB discussed in the New Scientist post below is said of having been measured in the decay of W's, Z's and Tau Leptons, as well as the bottom- and top-quark systems described in the table and the text above.

    Now in the table I write about the KIR-OR transitions and such. The K means core for kernel and the IR means InnerRing and the OR mean OuterRing. The Rings are all to do with Leptons and the Kernels with Quarks.

    So the Tau-decay relates to 'Rings' which are charmed and strange and bottomised and topped, say. They are higher energy manifestations of the basic nucleons of the proton and the neutrons and basic mesons and hyperons.

    Is This the Beginning of the End of the Standard Model?

    Posted on December 16, 2015 | 15 Comments
    Was yesterday the day when a crack appeared in the Standard Model that will lead to its demise? Maybe. It was a very interesting day, that’s for sure. [Here’s yesterday’s article on the results as they appeared.]
    I find the following plot useful… it shows the results on photon pairs from ATLAS and CMS superposed for comparison. [I take only the central events from CMS because the events that have a photon in the endcap don’t show much (there are excesses and deficits in the interesting region) and because it makes the plot too cluttered; suffice it to say that the endcap photons show nothing unusual.] The challenge is that ATLAS uses a linear horizontal axis while CMS uses a logarithmic one, but in the interesting region of 600-800 GeV you can more or less line them up. Notice that CMS’s bins are narrower than ATLAS’s by a factor of 2.
    The diphoton results from ATLAS (top) and CMS (bottom) arranged so that the 600, 700 and 800 GeV locations (blue vertical lines) line up almost perfectly. (The plots do not line up away from this region!) The data are the black dots (ignore the bottom section of CMS’s plot for now.) Notice that the obvious bumps in the two data sets appear in more or less the same place. The bump in ATLAS’s data is both higher (more statistically significant) and significantly wider.

    Both plots definitely show a bump. The two experiments have rather similar amounts of data, so we might have hoped for something more similar in the bumps, but the number of events in each bump is small and statistical flukes can play all sorts of tricks.
    Of course your eye can play tricks too. A bump of a low significance with a small number of events looks much more impressive on a logarithmic plot than a bump of equal significance with a larger number of events — so beware that bias, which makes the curves to the left of the bump appear smoother and more featureless than they actually are. [For instance, in the lower register of CMS’s plot, notice the bump around 350.]

    We’re in that interesting moment when all we can say is that there might be something real and new in this data, and we have to take it very seriously. We also have to take the statistical analyses of these bumps seriously, and they’re not as promising as these bumps look by eye. If I hadn’t seen the statistical significances that ATLAS and CMS quoted, I’d have been more optimistic.

    Also disappointing is that ATLAS’s new search is not very different from their Run 1 search of the same type, and only uses 3.2 inverse femtobarns of data, less than the 3.5 that they can use in a few other cases… and CMS uses 2.6 inverse femtobarns. So this makes ATLAS less sensitive and CMS more sensitive than I was originally estimating… and makes it even less clear why ATLAS would be more sensitive in Run 2 to this signal than they were in Run 1, given the small amount of Run 2 data. [One can check that if the events really have 750 GeV of energy and come from gluon collisions, the sensitivity of the Run 1 and Run 2 searches are comparable, so one should consider combining them, which would reduce the significance of the ATLAS excess. Not to combine them is to “cherry pick”.]

    By the way, we heard that the excess events do not look very different from the events seen on either side of the bump; they don’t, for instance, have much higher total energy. That means that a higher-energy process, one that produces a new particle at 750 GeV indirectly, can’t be a cause of big jump in the 13 TeV production rate relative to 8 TeV. So one can’t hide behind this possible explanation for why a putative signal is seen brightly in Run 2 and was barely seen, if at all, in Run 1.
    Of course the number of events is small and so these oddities could just be due to statistical flukes doing funny things with a real signal. The question is whether it could just be statistical flukes doing funny things with the known background, which also has a small number of events.
    And we should also, in tempering our enthusiasm, remember this plot: the diboson excess that so many were excited about this summer. Bumps often appear, and they usually go away. R.I.P.
    The most dramatic of the excesses in the production of two W or Z bosons from Run 1 data, as seen in ATLAS work published earlier this year. That bump excited a lot of people. But it doesn’t appear to be supported by Run 2 data. A cautionary tale.

    Nevertheless, there’s nothing about this diphoton excess which makes it obvious that one should be pessimistic about it. It’s inconclusive: depending on the statistical questions you ask (whether you combine ATLAS and CMS Run 2, whether you try to combine ATLAS Run 1 and Run 2, whether you worry about whether the resonance is wide or narrow), you can draw positive or agnostic conclusions. It’s hard to draw entirely negative conclusions… and that’s a reason for optimism.

    Six months or so from now — or less, if we can use this excess as a clue to find something more convincing within the existing data — we’ll likely say “R.I.P.” again. Will we bury this little excess, or the Standard Model itself?

    Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found:
    Congratulations to All the People at LHC!

    Refined Higgs Rumours, Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement, Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation, Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation, Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations in a Plane Symmetric Space-time-II, Plane Wave Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope's Unified Field Theory in V5, If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? What is Reality in a Holographic World? Searching for Earth’s Twin.

    Editor: Huping HU, Ph.D., J.D.; Editor-at-Large: Philip E. Gibbs, Ph.D.

    ISSN: 2153-8301

    Dear Huping!

    The Higgs Boson resonance, found by ATLAS and CMS is a diquark resonance.


    "Ok, now I'll print some excerpt for the more technically inclined reader regarding the Higgs Boson and its 'make-up', but highlight the important relevant bit (wrt to this discovery of a 160 GeV Higgs Boson energy, and incorporating the lower energy between 92 GeV and to the upper dainty level at 130 GeV as part of the diquark triplet of the associated topomium energy level) at the end.

    In particular, as the bottomium doublet minimum is at 5,245.495 MeV* and the topomium triplet minimum is at 55,956.0 MeV* in terms of their characteristic Kernel-Means, their doubled sum indicates a particle-decay excess at the recently publisized ~125 GeV energy level in 2x(5.246+55.956) GeV* = 122.404 GeV* (or 122.102 GeV SI).
    These are the two means from ATLAS {116-130 GeV as 123 GeV} and CMS {115-127 GeV as 121 GeV} respectively.

    Then extending the minimum energy levels, like as in the case to calculate the charged weakon gauge field agent energy in the charm and the VPE perturbations as per the table given, specifies the 125 GeV energy level in the Perturbation Integral/Summation:

    2x{55.956+5.246+1.606+0.491+0.151+0.046+0.014} GeV* = 127.02 GeV*, which become about 126.71 GeV SI as an UPPER LIMIT for this 'Higgs Boson' at the Dainty quark resonance level from the Thuban Dragon Omni-Science.
    Using the 3 Diquark energy levels U,D and S yield 2x{55.956+5.246+1.606} GeV* = 125.62 GeV* and 125.31 GeV SI.""

    This newest data/discovery about the Higgs Boson aka the 'God-Particle' states, that there seems to be a 'resonance-blip' at an energy of about 160 GeV and as just one of say 5 Higgs Bosons for a 'minimal supersymmetry'.
    One, the lowest form of the Higgs Boson is said to be about 110 GeV in the Standard Model. There is also a convergence of the HB to an energy level of so 120 GeV from some other models.
    Now the whole thing , according to Quantum Relativity' about the Higgs Boson, is that IT IS NOT a particular particle, but relates to ALL particles in its 'scalar nature' as a restmass inducer.

    I have discussed the Higgs Boson many times before; but would like here to show in a very simple analysis that the Higgs Boson MUST show a blip at the 160 GeV mark and due to its nature as a 'polarity' neutraliser (a scalar particle has no charge and no spin, but can be made up of two opposite electric charges and say two opposing chiralities of spin orientations.)

    Without worrying about details, first consider the following table which contains all the elementary particles of the standard model of particle physics. The details are found in the Planck-String transformations discussed elesewhere.

    The X-Boson's mass is: ([Alpha]xmps/[ec]) modulated in (SNI/EMI={Cuberoot of [Alpha]}/[Alpha]), the intrisic unified Interaction-Strength and as the L-Boson's mass in: ([Omega]x([ec])/(mpsxa<2/3>), where the (Cuberoot of [Alpha]2 is given by the symbol (a<2/3>)=EMI/SNI).

    Ten DIQUARK quark-mass-levels crystallise, including a VPE-level for the K-IR transition and a VPE-level for the IR-OR transition:

    VPE-Level [K-IR] is (26.4922-29.9621 MeV*) for K-Mean: (14.11358 MeV*); (2.8181-3.1872 MeV*) for IROR;
    VPE-Level [IR-OR] is (86.5263-97.8594 MeV*) for K-Mean: (46.09643 MeV*); (9.2042-10.410 MeV*) for IROR;
    UP/DOWN-Level is (282.5263-319.619 MeV*) for K-Mean: (150.5558 MeV*); (30.062-33.999 MeV*) for IROR;
    STRANGE-Level is (923.013-1,043.91 MeV*) for K-Mean: (491.7308 MeV*); (98.185-111.05 MeV*) for IROR;
    CHARM-Level is (3,014.66-3,409.51 MeV*) for K-Mean: (1,606.043 MeV*); (320.68-362.69 MeV*) for IROR;
    BEAUTY-Level is (9,846.18-11,135.8 MeV*) for K-Mean: (5,245.495 MeV*); (1,047.4-1,184.6 MeV*) for IROR;
    MAGIC-Level is (32,158.6-36,370.7 MeV*) for K-Mean: (17,132.33 MeV*); (3,420.9-3,868.9 MeV*) for IROR;
    DAINTY-Level is (105,033-118,791 MeV*) for K-Mean: (55,956.0 MeV*); (11,173-12,636 MeV*) for IROR;
    TRUTH-Level is (343,050-387,982 MeV*) for K-Mean: (182,758.0 MeV*); (36,492-41,271 MeV*) for IROR;
    SUPER-Level is (1,120,437-1,267,190 MeV*) for K-Mean: (596,906.8 MeV*); (119,186-134,797 MeV*) for IROR.

    The K-Means define individual materialising families of elementary particles;

    the (UP/DOWN-Mean) sets the (PION-FAMILY: po, p+, p-);
    the (STRANGE-Mean) specifies the (KAON-FAMILY: Ko, K+, K-);
    the (CHARM-Mean) defines the (J/PSI=J/Y-Charmonium-FAMILY);
    the (BEAUTY-Mean) sets the (UPSILON=U-Bottonium-FAMILY);
    the (MAGIC-Mean) specifies the (EPSILON=E-FAMILY);
    the (DAINTY-Mean) bases the (OMICRON-O-FAMILY);
    the (TRUTH-Mean) sets the (KOPPA=J-Topomium-FAMILY) and
    the (SUPER-Mean) defines the final quark state in the (HIGGS/CHI=H/C-FAMILY).

    The VPE-Means are indicators for average effective quarkmasses found in particular interactions.
    Kernel-K-mixing of the wavefunctions gives K(+)=60.210 MeV* and K(-)=31.983 MeV* and the IROR-Ring-Mixing gives (L(+)=6.405 MeV* and L(-)=3.402 MeV*) for a (L-K-Mean of 1.50133 MeV*) and a (L-IROR-Mean of 4.90349 MeV*); the Electropole ([e-]=0.52049 MeV*) as the effective electronmass and as determined from the electronic radius and the magnetocharge in the UFoQR.

    The restmasses for the elementary particles can now be constructed, using the basic nucleonic restmass (mc=9.9247245x10-28 kg*=(Squareroot of [Omega]xmP) and setting (mc) as the basic maximum (UP/DOWN-K-mass=mass(KERNEL CORE)=3xmass(KKK)=3x319.62 MeV*=958.857 MeV*);
    Subtracting the (Ring VPE 3xL(+)=19.215 MeV*, one gets the basic nucleonic K-state for the atomic nucleus (made from protons and neutrons) in: {m(n0;p+)=939.642 MeV*}.

    The HB discussed in the New Scientist post below is said of having been measured in the decay of W's, Z's and Tau Leptons, as well as the bottom- and top-quark systems described in the table and the text above.

    Now in the table I write about the KIR-OR transitions and such. The K means core for kernel and the IR means InnerRing and the OR mean OuterRing. The Rings are all to do with Leptons and the Kernels with Quarks.

    So the Tau-decay relates to 'Rings' which are charmed and strange and bottomised and topped, say. They are higher energy manifestations of the basic nucleons of the proton and the neutrons and basic mesons and hyperons.

    As I have shown, the energy resonances of the Z-boson (uncharged) represents an 'average' or statistical mean value of the 'Top-Quark' and the Upper-Limit for the Higgs Boson is a similar 'Super-Quark' 'average' and as the weak interaction unification energy.

    The hitherto postulated Higgs Boson mass of so 110 GeV is the Omicron-resonance, fully predicted from the table above (unique to Quantum Relativity).
    Now the most fundamental way to generate the Higgs Boson as a 'weak interaction' gauge is through the coupling of two equal mass, but oppositely charged W-bosons (of whom the Zo is the uncharged counterpart).

    We have seen, that the W-mass is a summation of all the other quark-masses as kernel-means from the strangeness upwards to the truth-quark level.
    So simply doubling the 80.47 GeV mass of the weak-interaction gauge boson must represent the basic form of the Higgs Boson and that is 160.9 GeV.

    Simplicity indeed and just the way Quantum Relativity describes the creation of the Higgs Boson from even more fundamental templates of the so called 'gauges'. The Higgs Boson is massless but consists of two classical electron rings and a massless doubled neutrino kernel, and then emerges in the magnetocharge induction AS mass carrying gauges.

    This massless neutrino kernel now crystallises our atomic solar system.

    Next we interpret this scalar (or sterile) Double-Higgs (anti)neutrino as a majoron and lose the distinction between antineutrino and neutrino eigenstates.

    We can only do this in the case of the Zo decay pattern, which engage the boson spin of the Zo as a superposition of two antineutrinos for the matter case and the superposition of two neutrinos in the antimatter case from first principles.

    So the Zo IS a Majorana particle, which merges the templates of two antineutrinos say and SPININDUCES the Higgs-Antineutrino.
    And where does this occur? It occurs at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring Boundary previously determined at the 2.776x10-18 meter marker.
    This marker so specifies the Zo Boson energy level explicitely as an upper boundary relative to the displacement scale set for the kernel at the wormhole radius rw=lw/2π and the classical electron radius as the limit for the nuclear interaction scale at 3 fermis in: RcomptonxAlpha.

    So the particle masses of the standard model in QED and QCD become Compton-Masses, which are HIGGS-MASSINDUCED at the Mesonic-Inner-Ring (MIR) marker at RMIR=2.776x10-18 meters.

    The Compton masses are directly obtained from E=hf=mc2=hc/λ and say as characteristic particle energies.
    At the Leptonic-Outer-Ring or LOR; λLOR=2πRe and at the MIR λMIR=2πRMIR for characteristic energies of 71.38 GeV and 71.33 MeV respectively.

    So we know that the Higgs-Mass-Induction occurs at those energy levels from the elementary template and as experimentally verified in terms of the neutrino masses by Super-Kamiokande in 1998.
    The LOR-energy of course indicates the Muon mass as a 'heavy electron' and the MIR-energy indicates the associated 'heavy quark' mass.

    This has been described before in the general mass induction scales for the diquarks as consequence from the bosonic bifurcation of string masses (XL-Boson string splits into quark- and lepton fermions as fundamental supersymmetry and the magnification of the Planck-scale).
    We also know, that the elementary proto-nucleon seed mc has grown in a factor of Yn~(1.618034)n~1.72 for a present create the present nucleonmasses in a perturbation of its finestructure.
    Subsequently, the MIR-energy of 71.38 GeV represents a Zo-Boson seed, which has similarly increased between a factor of √(Yn)~1.313 and Yn~1.724.

    These values so give present boundary conditions for the Higgs Boson in terms of its Zo coupling as the interval {93.73-123.09} GeV* or {93.50-122.79} GeV. The latter interval reduces by 1.58% to {92.02-120.85} GeV, as we have used the 'effective electron mass' me, differing in that percentage from the bare electron's restmass in our calculations.
    The lower bounded HB so manifests in the form of the Zo and as the majorana Higgs-Induction and coupled to the Spin-Induction of the Scalar Higgs Antineutrino.
    As described previously; the Zo-Boson mass is the mean of the top-quark K-Mean as 91.380 GeV* = 91.155 GeV and so relates the quark energy levels to the Higgs inductions for both spin and inertia. This occurs at the down-strange ds-diquark level of the cosmogenesis.

    The W-Boson masses are the summation of the quark K-Means and represents the summation of all lower diquark energy levels from doubleup to doubledown.
    As the down-strange or MIR-LOR energy level is coupled as a Kernel-MIR level in the bottom-antibottom mesonic diquark system, the energy difference between the Zo- and the W-bosons should amount to that b-quark energy of about 10 GeV and which indeed is experimentally verified as such.
    Finally the doublestrange diquark level then becomes the well known Fermi-Energy of the Superquark K-Mean at 298.453 GeV*=297.717 GeV and which reduces to 293.013 GeV in the 1.58% in the SI mensuration system for an Fermi energy of 1.165x10-5 1/GeV2.

    Quantum Relativity then stipulates, that the Higgs-Mass-Induction energies will assume particular energy value related to the diquark mass induction table of the K-Means, coupled to the weakon masses as indicated.
    The overarching energy level is however that at 92 GeV as the lower bound and as represented in the definition of the Zo-Boson as a Majorana Spininduced scalar Higgs boson. The upper bound is the Fermi energy of the Super-Diquark as a doublestrange.
    This 92 GeV level represents a seedling energy of 71.38 GeV from the primordial universe and when the XL-Boson aka the heterotic string class HO(32) decayed into a fermionic quark-lepton bifurcation and which today is represented in the diquark eigenstates of the standard model in particle physics through its Unitary Symmetries.

    Tony B. - December 28th, 2014 -Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia​
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016

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