The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth

Discussion in 'The Metamorphosis of an Old World into a New World' started by admin, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Uniqueness of planet Earth as the only place in the protoversal Universe, where the Universal Motherhood is separated from the Universal Fatherhood

    From Dolores Cannon: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
    2011 - 1 year before the 2012 'consciousness-precessional' shift and 10 years prior to the 2021 nexus for the global awakening awareness revolution. {Dolores Cannon - April 15th, 1931 - October 18th, 2014, 5 years before Event 201 and the trigger of agenda 2030. 2030-2025=5=2019-2014 - Canon/Library of New Alexandria}

    AT THE BEGINNING OF 2011 while this book was being put together some unusual events happened that made it clear that the shift was becoming closer. It showed that the changes in the frequencies and vibrations are not only affecting humans, but also animals of all kinds. No one is immune from the changes that are occurring around us and becoming more evident.
    Portions of two sessions during January 2011:
    L: You know the realities are shifting now. What you have called the new earth, is the new earth, is becoming manifest. The energy is there. The heavier energies that create harm, disharmony, and imbalance are not moving to the new earth. They won’t be part of it. Their energy does not resonate. Those that resonate with that old energy will stay in that old energy. And they can pull themselves free of it at any moment that they choose to be free of it, but they have to be willing.
    D: I vowed when I got you again that I have a question I want to ask. Something has been going on here in the world in Arkansas. They are talking about all the birds just dropping out of the sky.
    This made the news when it happened on New Year’s Eve, 2010. It was mostly red winged blackbirds, and thousands of them were discovered. The same night there was also a big fish kill in the Arkansas River. Then it was reported in Sweden, and a few days later in Kentucky and Tennessee. When the birds were examined there was no obvious cause, except blunt trauma. Of course, there was blunt trauma, the birds fell out of the sky and hit the ground! The official explanation was that there were fireworks on that night and this must have frightened the birds. If this was true, then why aren’t bird kills reported on the 4th of July? The only unusual weather phenomenon was a terrible electrical storm that produced unusual winter tornadoes in the Arkansas area.
    L: The symbology is that it’s a shift in energy because the birds, the cows, the fish, the whales, the turtles, the bees, are all representations of the change in energy and they were stuck. They didn’t shift fast enough.
    D: We are all shifting, our vibrations and frequencies. They are smaller, and they couldn’t shift fast enough?
    L: Animals are on a different energy level than humans and are much more sensitive to the shifts. And some of this was manmade, man interfered with.
    D: What do you mean?
    L: There is a shifting of energy of the planet as the new earth is taking form. There is some movement between old and new energies. There is separation going on, but there is energy feeding both. Sometimes the birds, the animals, bees, even the plants, and humans. If they are tuned a certain way they will respond some way to that shifting energy, and their physical body is not able to withstand. Their indwelling spirit has to move with the energy.
    D: That’s what I’ve been told, if the energy was shifted all at once, it would destroy the human body.
    L: It would, and so the human body is being changed.
    D: A gradual adapting of the frequencies and vibrations.
    L: Which is why there is sickness because sickness is another form of the body adapting.
    D: I have been told that the ones who cannot adapt or change their vibrations and frequencies to adapt, they will just leave the planet.
    L: They cannot keep their soul and their physical body together.
    The Mobius Strip becomes unraveled. It falls apart.

    I had never heard the term “Mobius Strip,” so I had to do research. I then found it is a mathematics term, also called the twisted cylinder. Math has always been my worst subject, so I had to try to break this down so I could roughly understand it, so I could convey it to the reader. A sphere has two sides. A thin sheet of paper lying on a desk also has two sides. A Mobius Strip has a one-sided surface: only one side and only one edge. A simple way to make one is to start with a strip of paper. Twist one end 180 degrees (half turn) and glue the ends together. For comparison, if you glue the ends without twisting the result would look like a cylinder or a ring. The Mobius Strip is known for its unusual properties. A bug crawling along the center of the loop will continue going in the same direction. I’m sure there is much more to this and there are probably readers who could explain it much better. So forgive me for my limited understanding. We all have our limitations.

    The SC is saying here: “They cannot keep their soul and their physical body together. The Mobius Strip becomes unraveled. It falls apart.” I think it is comparing the soul energizing force to a continuous Mobius Strip. When the Strip falls apart, it becomes a simple strip of paper again with no unusual properties. Maybe the same thing is occurring with the birds and the animals. They are receiving too much energy, a burst that is more than their bodies can handle, and this causes their matrix to unravel or come apart. “They” have said many times that if the body receives more energy than it can handle it would destroy the body.

    D: So these birds are doing the same thing?
    L: It’s the same thing.
    D: It was happening here in Arkansas, but also all the way over in Sweden.
    L: It’s happened all over the world, even in East Texas, birds falling.
    D: They just didn’t put it on the news.
    L: No, there’s talk in the community. There was some discussion among various people. It’s reported, but it is not reported.
    D: It was interesting that it happened on New Year’s Eve.
    L: There are those who use this as a means to manipulate to a negative apocalyptic vision. But it’s not—well, it depends—are you mostly negative or are you mostly positive? If you’re mostly positive then it’s an indication of the shifting energies between the old and the new. And what is frightening the scientists and sandbox players is that they know they have no control over that. They cannot camouflage it. They can suppress it, deny it, but they cannot change it. They cannot stop it and it tells them that this shifting is increasing. The animals still have their soul. All living things have souls.
    D: You cannot kill the souls.
    L: No. The soul is fine, but the physical body, whether it is bird or whale, gets left behind in the shift and it’s not into the new. The old energy was where it belonged. It couldn’t transmute to the new energy, so it was left with the old. Shifting energy. The new earth already exists, but it is becoming more in form, stronger, more created, moment to moment.
    D: And to our reality.
    L: Yes, into your time and space.
    D: So the Old Earth will still exist as the New Earth is formed. We thought at first it was like a splitting.
    L: No, it’s like a Phoenix from the ashes. (Laugh) Only that’s too frightening for some people because they think the Phoenix arises from ashes means, of course, the planet has to be ash.
    D: And it has to be a catastrophe. All of the negativity, the different cataclysms will be with the Old Earth. (Right.) We’re all moving to the other one.
    L: Right. We’re all having growing pains.
    D: They said we won’t even be able to tell the difference. It won’t just be all of a sudden... POW, we’re there.
    L: No. You will know by how you feel. If life feels softer, gentler, sweeter, happier. If it feels more joyful, you will know.
    D: We’re moving into the New Earth?
    L: Yes, it’s been going on for many years. We’re here... have been. The last thing you want to do is unhinge the psychic mind... you want the mind to travel with the body. If you unhinge it, then everything falls apart. So this shift allows everyone to adapt gently, as a gentle adaptation.
    D: I have been told that the other ones will stay with what they’ve created, and it’s all right.
    L: Yes. It’s all right because it’s all learning. How do you know what you appreciate? How do you know what joy feels like if you have never known pain? It’s a concept until you feel it, but no, you don’t have to keep feeling it over and over. Enough is enough.
    D: What about the New Earth?
    J: I see layers. It’s layers and layers and layers and layers and layers, like onion layers. And you can see through them, and you can pick any layer you want. And the further out, the lighter it is. The further in, the closer to the core, that is the dense. That’s the very dense and that’s the one that will appear very similar. That’s where a lot of the emotions are, and I see it’s looking red, like it’s red hot. And then as it goes out, it gets lighter and lighter and lighter and they’re more translucent. It’s just lighter and you can move so easily. It’s just like floating.
    D: Are there really two Earths... the Old Earth and the New Earth? They keep saying they are going to separate.
    J: It separates in the sense that this one is so light. It moves away and everything that’s on it is just so light. And it’s floating and easy, and it’s a whole different concept and thought structure. There are emotions, but it’s a different range of emotions. I mean, it’s not anger. There are not those heavy, dense emotions. There’s the light. It’s a separation in that way. You have a separation of emotions and when you separate those emotions, it separates who you are. It separates how you feel and that makes you a lighter person, which takes you to this lighter place. It’s separation that way and the two are not together anymore. But it’s like all these different layers. There are layers in-between too, so you have extremes. You have the very outer one, which is probably the epitome of this light, light, light, light Earth and then you have the center, which is probably the epitome of the old Earth. You just have this very red hot—it keeps looking red hot— it’s anger and heavy emotions, heavy thoughts, heavy feelings and things like that, where this other is light. But you have all these layers in-between that you can choose. You move in with them... in among them and then at some point you just keep choosing. “Ah, there’s a choosing... choices.” You make choices and that moves you through these layers. And as you keep choosing one way or another, that’s what keeps pulling them apart.
    D: Is that where the separation is coming in?
    J: That’s the separation. You keep choosing and when you choose light, you go that way. You keep moving in that direction. You choose heavy thoughts, you choose heavy emotions, you choose those things and you will move in that direction. Though there’s quite a while that you keep moving back and forth among layers. It’s to show you that you do have choices here. This isn’t a “do or die,” or make a “right or wrong,” or a “now or never” kind of thing. You are moving among these things to see that it’s within you to make the choice. It’s within you to have this happen. It’s within you to make your New Earth or your Old Earth. It’s to make your reality any way you want it.
    D: They keep saying this is the first time this has happened in the history of the Universe, that an entire planet is going to move into a different dimension.
    J: It’s very beautiful. This is different. Civilizations have done it before. People, single people, have done it before.
    D: They say the first time for the planet.
    J: This is because the planet is participating. She is a being also. She wants to do this and so she’s created all these layers so these are layers that She is working through as well, so these are choices She is making. She’s doing the very same thing that we, with her, are doing. We’re all doing this and that’s why there are all these different layers of Earth because She is doing this as well. It’s not just this one BOOF! It’s a movement and there are these layers and as the people move around with their emotions, then that moves through the different layers of these different levels. And so as we keep choosing light, joy, ease, smooth... then that moves us, too. It keeps moving us ever closer. As you choose, you start thinking, “You know, I like the feeling of this better than that.” And so then you start making choices that move you more in that direction. You have to keep testing it. You may take two steps this way and then you take a step back and then think, “Oh, I don’t like the feeling of this. Let’s go this way.”
    That’s your layers. That’s why it’s gradual. And you start realizing how much control you have within the whole thing, and that’s what this is about, to show you that you have control. It’s all your control. It’s all your creation. It’s all your reality. It’s all what you are creating, whatever you want to create, and so you move within there, and each person is having this experience. The more aware you are with it, the more fun you can have with it because you can move with consciousness and be aware of what you’re doing.

    D: We’ve had a mystery lately with the birds. They said they were falling out of the sky. And I was told at another session that it was happening all over the world, not just here in Arkansas. Do you have anything to say about that?
    J: What I’m seeing when you said that is that there’s a movement of the Earth. It’s like it did a... (hand motions) It’s almost like a jerk, but it’s nothing that we felt on Earth. But it was like a jerk and when it did that, it’s in these outer layers. It was a shift there. It shifted and when it did that, it created this kind of—how do you describe that?
    D: A shockwave of some kind?
    J: Something like that. It’s almost like a jolt in the atmosphere. It’s almost like an earthquake in the air.
    D: Reverberation?
    J: It’s more of a vibration. A rift! It moved here, but it didn’t move in another place, and so that created something like an earthquake. So anything in that layer or in that part, anything that was sensitive... yes, they are very sensitive. It’s like the canaries in the mines. That’s your warning. That’s your signal that something’s happening because animals are very sensitive. They’re in touch all the time.
    D: We were told that it was the energy, and because they’re smaller they can’t handle the shifts of energy. But then I had a question. Yes, it affected the birds, but it didn’t kill all of the birds, just certain ones in certain places.
    J: Maybe it was just that certain birds are more sensitive... that particular kind was more sensitive at that time.
    D: To certain kinds of vibrations? (Yes) But it didn’t kill all of the birds of that type.
    J: No. I think it had to do with where they were. So it’s like an earthquake. It’s going to do something right there. And that’s where that was, that layer, that level, where it was happening was affecting certain places. It didn’t happen completely around the globe. It happened in a section so that section was connected to certain areas and those areas were affected.


    HERE IS SOME OF THE INFORMATION about the New Earth that came from various clients, taken from the Convoluted Universe series:
    The entity speaking through V. had a deep, gravelly voice:
    V: The whole idea is, we have to get people to expand just a little bit. And we have to get this level raised just a little bit. And when we do, we can make that change, and make it easier for them. It will be the ones that we can't get to change that are going to be left behind. It's going to be horrible. We can't get them to see. We can't get them to love.

    D: Then the others, the ones that will change, will go into another world? Another Earth?
    V: It's like it's going to expand into another dimension. Let me see how I can explain this to you. It's like a raising, if you can understand, like we're going to raise into a different vibration. They’ll be able to see what’s going on, but we can't help them anymore.

    D: Is it like a separation? Like two Earths, is that what you mean?
    V: Oh no, no. It's a changing of dimension. We're going to go from here to here. And those that can't change will be left behind.

    D: When we go into the other dimension, will it be a physical Earth?
    V: It will be just like we are right now.

    D: That's what I meant by two Earths.
    V: Yes, yes. But they're not going to be aware of us. God help them, God help them. It's going to be so terrible for them.

    D: They won't know what has happened?
    V: No, they will know. That's the whole idea. They will know, but it will be too late for them to change their vibrations. They can't change it in a second. They have to change it over a period of time. We've been working on this for awhile. It has to seep in and work on your body, and it has to slowly change and raise your vibrations. And when it happens, it's going to be too late for them, but they will see it, though. They will die, but they will see it and they will learn from that.

    D: That world will still exist, but it will be different?
    V: Not very well, no, not very well. There won't be much left in that world. Not much.

    D: Many people will die at that time?
    V: Yes. But I think much of their death will be painless. I think they will live just long enough to see what's happening. And I think God will spare them the horrible traumatic pain. I pray that's what will happen.

    D: But the others that do shift into the new vibration, with an identical physical world....
    V: (Interrupted.) Yes, but some won't even be aware that they've made the change. Some will. Those that have been working towards it will know.

    D: Will they know about the people being left behind?
    V: I don't think so. There will be an awareness of a change that took place. I'm not sure if it's going to be a conscious awareness. Let me think about that. (Pause) We'll go into this dimension and we'll know. Some won't know though. They'll feel something. They'll feel a difference. Almost like a cleanness, a clearness. A crispness, a difference. I know what it is. They'll feel the difference. They'll feel the love.

    D: So, even if they haven't been working toward it, they will be carried along with it.
    V: Yes, because they're ready for it.

    D: And the other ones won't be....
    V: They're not, they're not.

    D: So, they're left in the negativity? You said the whole world is going to be changed at that time.
    V: Yes, those that can go on, that can move into this, will move. And those that can't, won't. And it'll be horrible for them.

    D: And it will be like two worlds.
    V: Yes, two worlds existing at the same time, but not always aware of each other.

    D: I know when you're in a different dimension, you're not always aware of the other one. But that's the message you want to get across is that we should spread this information about love while we still can, to bring as many as possible along.
    V: Love is the key. Because God is love. And love is God. And love is the supreme power. And that's what we need to feel in our lives. What we need to give to each other and feel for each other.

    D: Yes, love has always been the key. So, they're trying to tell as many people, so they can bring them along. That's what the urgency is.
    V: The urgency is that we've run out of time. Just be prepared. Uh, what? Tell her what?
    She was listening to someone else. There were mumbling sounds, then the deep gravelly voice returned.
    V: Tell you... ready. Ready for the change coming soon. Soon now. Ready... She's not a good vehicle. She's not done this before. I can't get my ideas through her to convey to you. I must work on it. Let's cleanse this vehicle. Oh, yes! Uh... there. That's better.

    D: What is it you want to tell me?
    V: Must help all mankind. Tell them what is to come soon. Changes, dimensional shift. Those that can hear you will hear you. They'll be ready for that dimensional shift. (Her normal voice returned.) Those that can't, will not accept it anyway, so (Laugh) they'll think we're crazy. But the others, they may not know it, but it will touch a spark in them. When it happens, they'll be ready and they can make that shift. They may not know it's coming, but something inside will be ready for it and they'll be able to make it. It's those that don't know it's coming, but if we tell them, it's inside them. Then when it happens, it'll come out and they'll be ready for it.

    D: Those of us that do make the shift, will we continue to live our lives the way we have?
    V: No, no, better. Different. Longer.

    D: Will we continue physical lives?
    V: Oh, physical in that dimension, yes. But physical in this dimension, no.

    D: But I mean, if we make the shift, will we....
    V: (Interrupted) You mean, will you live or die?

    D: Will we continue lives as we know it?
    V: Yes, some will not even be aware. You see, that little thing that we plant in their head, will help them make the dimensional shift and they may not even know it. But they'll know there's destruction. They'll see destruction. They'll see what's taking place and they'll see the dead bodies, but they won't know that they've made that shift. They won't be aware of the fact that the reason they're not down there dead is because they made that shift and that change didn't affect them.

    D: You said something about the things that are put in the head.
    Do you mean the implants?

    V: No, no, no. I mean a seed, a thought. They don't know it consciously, but inside, that will help them. It's like a spark that, when the time comes, their mind would have accepted it subconsciously, already.

    D: I have heard that we will live longer?
    V: Longer, better. Learn. Things will be so much better. People will learn more, after a little while. They'll know more. They'll become more aware of things. The way things are. They may not know when they make the shift, but then they'll learn about it. They'll realize after awhile what's happened.

    D: And the ones that are not ready will be left on the other Earth.
    V: Yes, they'll be gone.

    D: And many on both places won't even realize that something dramatic has occurred.
    V: The ones on the other place will. They'll be dead. But they'll know because that's the lesson they've learned. Once they die, they will know. They will see the truth. And they will see what opportunity they missed, but they will learn from that.

    D: I have also been told that when they reincarnate, if they have negativity, karma, to repay, they will no longer come to Earth because the Earth will have changed so much.
    V: They will not be allowed to come back here until they've made the switch. They've made the change.

    D: I've heard they will go somewhere else to work out their karma because they have missed the opportunity.
    V: Yes. Some will. And some may be given an opportunity to come back. But it will be awhile, a long, long while.

    D: But in the meantime, we will be going forward and learning new things and making progress in a whole new world.
    V: What a beautiful world. A world of light and peace. Where people can live together and love one another.

    D: But it will still be a physical world with our families and houses like we have now.
    V: Just a smarter world.

    D: (Laugh) That, I can understand.
    Another subject who was experiencing unexplained physical symptoms, described the new body in this way:
    S: She is identifying more with her future body. It's not really settled in yet, but it's there. And this future body takes her essence, or portions of her. And merges it or pulls it up so she will get used to this future body.

    D: Will the body physically change?
    S: Some, yes. It will be stronger, and younger. This body that she is in now, it could be healed and redone, but she needs the future body. It will be lighter. More capable. She is feeling this now, her essence has been merging with this future body and pulled up.

    D: So this body she has now will be changed?
    S: It will be essentially left behind. It's going to be transformed and parts of it that aren't needed will be dropped away.

    D: So it's not like leaving one body and going into another.
    S: No. Gradually the newer body and the older body will be mostly merged together. But there will be certain parts of the older body that won't be necessary, so they will be left behind. It will just disintegrate.
    It will probably be so gradual that we will not even notice the difference. Except for the physical symptoms that some are experiencing as the body makes the adjustments. I have been told that the older generation may be more aware that something is happening in the body. Yet it does no good to worry about it, since it is a natural process that is occurring now to everyone as part of the evolution of the new Earth.
    More from another subject in Australia:
    C: It's like a car. Imagine a car that has an old body. It's just the same old car you've been driving. And then you put a new engine in it. And suddenly that car begins to perform differently, even though it looks the same. And then you get another engine, and you replace it. And the car keeps getting faster and faster, and brighter and smarter. And then before you know it, the car is doing such good things, that the body starts to change. It's like the energy of the new engine starts to reform the body. And before you know it, the chap has turned into a sport's car. A beautiful, glossy, attractive vehicle. And that's what this is about. The energies that are coming in have the ability to transform the vehicle. And it will start to be different. It's going to look different. It's going to look... well, younger comes to mind. It's going to look smarter and younger. The cells of the body, the vibration of the body is changing, and is matching the vibration of the incoming energy. And the physical changes will be next.

    D: What will those physical changes be?
    C: Oh! The body's going to change to be lighter. And I'm getting that it will look taller. It's not that it's going to be taller. But the energy from within is somehow going to become visible on the outside. And it will make the body seem taller, elongated, slimmer. And more transparent.

    D: Transparent?
    C: Yes. It's a pioneering thing.

    D: Is this the way the people on Earth will be evolving? (Yes) Will everyone make the changes?
    C: Yes, because the people have all been given that choice. If they want to evolve with the Earth, they will evolve into this new human being. It will look different. And that's what this experiment is about. That's why Christine and others are moving the ones who don't want to evolve with the Earth. They are going to leave. (Almost crying) And bring a lot of pain to their families. But the people who are staying must hold the light. That's a big job. To get divorced and separated from these things that are happening now. And these things are going to continue to happen until the cleansing is complete. Those who are here to stay, are taking this race of people into a very new and different civilization. Those people are being tested now, to see if they can hold the light when there is disaster, and not be sucked in. They're the people who will move ahead with this planet.

    D: Almost like a last test?
    C: Yes. The testing is going on right now. Whatever each being needs to test them, to see what they're capable of giving back to this program; how firm their commitment is. How willing they are to serve. That is all being tested now.

    D: So each one is having their own individual test?
    C: Yes. And the people who are finding it tough now are the ones who are staying. They're the ones who are going through the tests. But some of them are not coming through.

    D: They're not passing the test.
    C: No. There are some who are not.

    D: This is what I was told by other people, that some would be left behind. (Yes) And I thought that sounded cruel.
    C: No, it's not cruel because each soul is given the choice. And if they are not moving and evolving, it's because they are choosing not to. And they will reincarnate into another place of their choice. And it's all right. Because it's only a game. They'll stay in the Old Earth. The New Earth is so beautiful. You will see colors and animals and flowers you never imagined possible. You'll see fruit that is perfect food. It doesn't have to be cooked. It's just eaten as it is. And everything that the being needs to nourish them will be there. These new fruits are developing now with the help of the Star People.

    D: Are these fruits and vegetables we don't have on the Earth now?
    C: We don't have them. They're mutations in some ways. I'm seeing a custard apple as an example of what happened. We will have a fruit called a “custard apple.” And it doesn't look like an apple. It has a rough exterior, and it's about the size of two oranges put together. And then you open it. It's like custard inside. So that's a fruit, but a food. It's not just a fruit, but another food has been introduced to it, like custard. That's an example of one of the future foods. So these foods will be delights to the senses. And nutritious and sustaining for the—I keep being stopped when I start to say "body." And I am being told to say "being." They'll be nutritious for the being. And things we now have to cook—like you'd cook custard—will be incorporated into these fruits. And it has to do with helping the planet, and cutting down on the use of electricity and energy. So the fruits are going to provide us with what we need.

    D: I've heard man has done many things to the food that is not healthy for the body.
    C: That's right. The organic foods are coming onto the Earth, and those organic farmers are moving with the Earth evolution program. That's why they're there. And that's why consciousness is being raised about this because people need to know how to grow properly. And the Rudolph Steiner schools are teaching children this. So, the children who are going to be with the new Earth will know this. And those children are now teaching in universities and in institutions, and they're spreading the word. So when the cleansing of the Earth occurs, much of that toxicity is going to be pushed away. You see, the new Earth is not this dimension. The new Earth is another dimension. And we will move into that new dimension. And in that new dimension, there'll be these trees that have purple and orange in their trunks. And there will be beautiful rivers and waterfalls. And the energy will be brought back. There will be energy in the streams and the water that goes over rocks and sandbanks. And it hits the Earth. It creates energy and will be straightened out in this world. Many of these streams have been changed and straightened out to make them navigable and nice. That's taking away the energy from the Earth. The Earth is going to be cleansed. I'm seeing water.

    D: Does this have to occur before the Earth shifts and evolves into the new dimension?
    C: I'm seeing us stepping through. (Startled) Oh! What I'm seeing is that the people who are going to the new dimensions will step through into this new world.

    D: While the other one is being cleansed?
    C: Yes, yes.

    D: What do you see about the water that will happen with the cleansing?
    C: (A big sigh) It's not going to be shown to me.

    D: They don't want you to see it?
    C: No, they won't show me that. What they're showing me is... an opening? And we step through. We step into, what looks like this Earth, but it's different colors. It's different textures. At first it looks the same. At first only. And then as we look around, we start to see that it's not. It's changing before our eyes. And it's so beautiful.

    D: But this is not the spirit side? Because the spirit side is described as being very beautiful also.
    C: No, it's the new Earth. It's not the spirit side. It's the fifth dimensional Earth. Some people will pass through before others. I'm being told to tell you now that Christine has been there several times. There's a group going to go through now. And she'll be bringing more through. And they'll be coming and going a bit until they go for good.

    D: Then the others will be left on the old Earth?
    C: Yes, the ones that are choosing to stay will stay.

    D: They'll be undergoing a lot of hardships, won't they?
    C: Yes, the whole planet. (Startled) I just saw the whole planet explode. That's horrible, isn't it?

    D: What do you think that means?
    C: I don't know. I just saw it explode. But I saw the new Earth. There's this beautiful fifth dimensional place with harmony and peace.

    D: When they showed you the planet exploding, is that just symbolic? As though that Earth will no longer exist for the ones who cross over?
    C: Well, the people who have crossed over are watching what's happening. They can see. Now, is it going to explode? They're saying to me, "Don't get caught up with what's going to happen because you've got to focus on the light." And that's the challenge for these people who are going to be in the new Earth. The challenge for them is to not get caught up in anything that's going to happen because that's what pulls us back into the third dimension. And that's what's happened to many people who were on a path forward. They've been pulled back because they got caught up in the fear and the sadness and regret and the black stuff. So they're saying, "You don't need to know because it wouldn't serve anybody if it were known." So really what they are saying is, "Focus on the good stuff." Focus on the fact that there is going to be this beautiful new existence, new dimension, that many people on the Earth are going to be moving into. Who are already moving into.

    D: I was told whenever you cross over, you will be in the same physical body that you have now. You will just be changed.
    C: Yes, you will still be in the same body, but it is going to change.

    D: So it can be done without dying or leaving the body. It's a different thing altogether.
    C: Yes, we just walk across. Christine's done it before, and she knows how to do it. She's done it and understands it.

    D: But it will be sad because there will be so many people that won't understand what's happening. It's so hard with so many—I want to say "ordinary"—people who have no idea of anything except the religion they've been taught. They don't know that this other is possible.
    C: Yes, but they're not ordinary. They only seem ordinary. It's a mask they're wearing. They're changing.

    D: But there still are many people who haven't even thought about these things.
    C: Yes, but they'll be choosing not to awaken, and that is their choice. We have to respect that. They have been given the choice like everybody on the Earth, and they have made that choice. And that's okay. It's all right. It's fine.

    D: So, if they have to go to another place to work out the negative karma, that's part of their evolvement. (Yes.) But do you see a majority of people evolving to the next dimension?
    C: No. Not the majority. And the numbers, to some extent, are not important because what will be, will be. And the more people that can awaken and take that journey, the more people there'll be. That's why so many of you are doing this work. To help people open up to the journey, and let go of the fear. And step into that void where anything is possible. Where the blackness is residing. That's what you people are all doing. And you need to do it. And everybody you speak to, then goes out and does it as well. You may not be aware of it, but you're acting like Christ. Everyone you speak to becomes a disciple, and they go out, and they in turn awaken other people. So it's working. And it's soon. It's all happening soon.

    D: Do you have any idea of a time period?
    C: The next few years will be the—I'm getting the word "decision point." It will be the "cut-off" point. I think it means that those who have not decided by then, will be left behind. It's critical.

    D: But there are some entire countries in the world that are not ready for this. That's why I am thinking there are many people that won't make the crossover.
    C: There's more happening than people know about. I'm seeing some countries where people are being persecuted. The reason that's happening is to awaken spirituality because persecution causes it. When people are persecuted or when they're facing death, or when they're facing huge human feats. That is a trigger that awakens people. And that's the purpose of much of the persecution that's occurring at the moment; to make sure that these people are awakened. So that's the positive side of it.

    D: Is there something that triggers it or precipitates it?
    C: It's like the curtain drops. And I'm not allowed to see. I'm just being told that it will be the end of one and the beginning of another.

    D: They're trying to lead us into war at this time. (2002) Do you think it has something to do with that?
    C: (Big sigh) I'm afraid that's the test. I said that many people were being tested. And I didn't realize it then, but I do now, that's all part of the test, if we can keep ourselves separated from that. It's like we have to create our own... it's like each one of us is the universe. All parts of the universe are held here (placed her hand on her body). And if we keep this universe here....

    D: This body?
    C: Yes. If we keep it at peace, and we keep it in balance, then we are passing the test. Then we can withstand anything. And those things that are happening in the world are really to test the whole; all of us.

    D: You mean to not get caught up into the fear.
    C: Yes. Turn the TV off. Don't listen to it. Don't read the paper.

    Don't get caught up in it. Your world is what you create here. (Touched her body again.) D: In your own body.
    C: Yes. In your own space here. This is your own universe here. If every person creates peace and harmony in their own universe, then that's the universe they're creating in that fifth dimensional Earth. The more people who can create peace and harmony in this body universe, the more people who will be in that fifth dimensional new Earth. The ones who can't create peace and harmony in this body universe, are not passing the test. That's the test.

    D: We're trying to do this to keep the war from happening, or to lessen it anyway.
    C: I'm being told that it doesn't matter what happens because it's all a game. It's all a play. And the things that are happening are there for a reason. And the reason at the moment is to test each human being to find out where they are in their own evolution. And so if we hold peace and light here (the body), we don't have to worry about whether there's a war or not. It's only an illusion anyway.

    D: But right now it seems very real, and it could have some very disastrous consequences.
    C: Yes, but that's fear for each individual. Our job is to help each individual find peace here (the body). And then, of course, as you bring more people together, who have peace and harmony within their own body universe, then instead of the blackness spreading, that spreads. And that creates this whole new world. If you'd been given all that information back in the beginning of your work, you would have been overloaded. It's the same reason why they're saying, "We're not going to tell you exactly what's going to happen." We don't know exactly what's going to happen. But we're not going to tell you what we know because you don't need to know. All you need to do is focus here (the body) creating your heaven on Earth. Each human being creating their own heaven on Earth. That's all you have to do. And coming together with others who are creating their own heaven on Earth. And then expanding that energy out. And before you know it, you've changed the world. You don't even think about the world. What you focus on is what you create. Think about peace. The main thing people have to understand is that, what they focus on expands. So if they focus on, if they can replace predictions with something that is wonderful that they want, and expand that. Then they can create their own heaven on Earth. And I'm being shown in your book The Convoluted Universe (Book One), you give a description of thought. I'm being told to remind you about this. You talk about an energy ball the size of a grapefruit. And that ball has energy strands. And I'm changing this as I go. Energy strands which go over each other and transverse each other. And those energy strands can do anything they like. They can split, and they can become four energy strands. They can weave. They can multiply. They can go backwards. They can zip up. They can do absolutely anything. And this is the ball of possibility. When you think a thought, it doesn't just disappear. It becomes an energy strand. It becomes energy. It moves into that ball of possibility. So, imagine your thought becoming energy. And the more energy you give it, the stronger that becomes. And then it manifests, and it becomes real. It becomes physical. If you send a thought out that there's going to be peace. And then you follow it with, "Oh, but that war is getting worse," or "Those politicians are making a mistake." You weaken the energy: the positive strand you brought out. So we have to teach people to send out the positive thought, and then to reinforce it with more positive thoughts, and more positive thoughts. And we have to teach them that when one of those negative thoughts comes into their mind, not to just let it go, but to replace it with a positive thought. So that they're adding to that energy ball of possibility. They're contributing to it. We have to teach them to do that. They do not know how to do that. And I'm being told to tell you to reinforce that the illusion—I don't know why I'm being told to tell you this. But they're saying that if we could get people to think of this conflict that's occurring in the Middle East as a movie, it would help people. The other thing I'm being told to tell you is that for every action, they can make an opposite reaction. Where there's birth, there's death. And everybody must let go of any greed, any domination, materialism. Any of those issues that are stopping them from doing this work, must be let go. Because these issues are not going to serve anybody in the new Earth. There's not going to be the need for money, as such. So why would you bother about it? Those who are working for the Earth, for the universe, are being provided for, and will continue to be. What you need will come to you. So it's time now to let go of that ethic of working to get the money. You're working to change the Earth. You're working to save this situation. That's where the driving force must be. It must come from love and service. And that's the only way we will maximize this effort. It must come from love and service, not from greed.

    D: I've been told love is the most powerful emotion.
    C: Yes, love heals.
    People at my lectures are always asking me what do they have to do in order to move to the New Earth? “They” have said there are two important things you have to let go of. One, as just explained, is fear. Fear is an illusion, yet it is the strongest emotion that a human has. It must be released or it will hold you to the old Earth. I tell people to ask lots and lots of questions. Don’t believe everything you hear or read. Think for yourself. Don’t give your power away to anyone. Make up your own mind and discover your own truth. It may not be my truth, but it will be yours because you have discovered it. And then don’t be surprised if that truth changes. We are constantly learning. Stay flexible. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment so that you can’t think for yourself.
    The second thing you must let go of is karma. We accumulate karma through living many, many lifetimes on Earth, often with the same people repeating the same mistakes. This is why it is called “The Wheel of Karma.” It just goes round and round and holds you to the pattern. I call karma the “baggage and the garbage” that we carry around with us. You must get rid of the “junk” so you can ascend. We all have bad things that happen in our lives. That’s what life is all about. I have found that we agree to these events and things in order to learn from them. I ask people when they tell me about their bad experiences, “Did you learn anything from it?” If you learned even one thing from it then that was the reason you experienced it. If they say they did not learn anything from it. Guess what? They will have to experience it all over again until they understand what it was trying to tell them. They have to repeat that grade in school. You can’t go from kindergarten to college. So go over your life. What are you holding on to? What haven’t you let go of? It no longer matters if you were mistreated or abused as a child. What did you learn? It doesn’t matter if you had a horrible marriage. Let it go!! Some of my clients have said, “I can’t let it go. You don’t know what they did to me!” It is not hurting anyone but yourself by holding onto karma, and creating more by not releasing it. In order to ascend into the New Earth you have to let it go. You have to forgive, or you will have to stay with the old Earth and go through it all again. That is how the law of karma works. Is that what you want?
    During my lectures I give the people an exercise that they can use to release karma. You can’t speak to the person face to face. That is too difficult to do. Besides, sometimes the person you are angry at has died and it is impossible to face them. You have to do it mentally. Remember that when you were on the spirit side you made a plan of what you hoped to accomplish in this life. You made contracts with various souls to play various parts in your scenario on Earth. Some of your greatest enemies or challenges during your life were your greatest friends on the spirit side. They volunteered to come and play the villain in your Earthly scenario. And some of them play their parts very well!
    So picture the person in your mind standing in front of you. Say to them, “We tried. We really tried. It’s not working. I am tearing up the contract.” And see yourself tearing up the contract and throwing it away. Then say to them, “I forgive you. I release you. I let you go.
    You go your way with love, and I’ll go mine. We don’t have to be connected anymore.” And see it happening. The key here is that you have to really mean it. You have to believe it. Once you have done that they will have no power over you anymore. Then you have to forgive yourself. Remember, it always takes two people to create the situation. None of this is easy, but it is essential and imperative, if you want to get off the Wheel and ascend into the New Earth. It’s up to you!
    This was part of a longer session in 2002 where the subject had a connection with extraterrestrials. They were supplying information about many things, including what they could do (or are allowed to do) to correct the damage mankind has done to the Earth.
    P: They're moving me... forward into the future. They're moving my body. Oh, my god, I'm getting dizzy.
    I gave calming suggestions so she would not have any physical effects. She calmed down and stabilized. The feeling of motion dissipated. This experience has also happened to other subjects I have worked with, when they are moved too quickly through time and space.

    D: What are they showing you now?
    P: All I see is light. It's just a brilliant explosion of light. The planet is being bombarded with a special light and it contains different colors. And these different colors affect the consciousness of people in different ways, but it not only affects people. It affects plants and animals and rocks and water and everything. It's a certain type of white light, and it has all types of colors in it. And it changes and moves and it permeates the very core of the planet. I see it's coming from the core of the planet. They shoot it down from, I guess, the ships, and it touches the core of the planet and it bounces out from the core and affects everything from an inward to an outward movement. If you were standing on the planet, you would feel the energies coming through your feet and coming out through the top of your head.

    D: The opposite of what it usually does.
    P: This is different. It's coming from the ships to the core of the planet and then it's bouncing back up. And it's affecting the whole planet. They don't want us to blow ourselves up.

    D: Is this something that is happening in 2002, or is it happening in the future?
    P: This is the future. They're going to do it! To correct the alignment in the planet to keep anything bad from happening. 2006.

    D: 2006. Will we have gotten the planet more out of alignment by this time?
    P: Yes, yes. Oh, there are people on the planet and they're praying, but it's not enough because it's so messed up. It's going to get out of its orbit. And that will affect the rest of the cosmos. So by them directing these energies to the core of the planet, it's going to come back up, and that will correct the alignment. And when it corrects the alignment, it will also correct many other things on the planet. It will help the flooding, the droughts and things like that, that man has brought upon the planet. There's not going to be an annihilation of this planet. The council makes sure that it won't happen. The beings are down here on the planet watching, and they know what's going on and they know who's doing it and they can affect them. It's not that we can't intervene, we're not allowed to intervene.

    D: Because there are some things you can't do.
    P: That's right, but we can watch. And we know who's doing it.

    D: But whenever the planet gets to the point that man has damaged it so much, that's when you can help?
    P: That's when we're going to send these... I see multi-colored lights. It's like multi-colored shafts of energy and they're being shot down into the core of the planet. And then they bounce back out and it affects the whole planet and it will keep the planet in alignment.

    D: Is this being done by many ships?
    P: It's a confederation. I see many. I see different levels or classifications of beings affecting the planet. We're involved in that. There are many, many beings.

    D: So it's a massive job.
    P: A confederation. Yes, yes.

    D: But isn't it dangerous to shoot things at the core of the planet. Hasn't something gone wrong before when that happened?
    I was thinking of the destruction of Atlantis. This was partially caused by scientists focusing the energy from the giant crystals downward to the center of the Earth. Too much energy was created, and contributed to the earthquakes and gigantic tidal waves.
    P: This is not what you think. This is pure light energy. And the only effect it will have on the planet is good. It will not harm the planet.

    D: I was thinking of what they did in Atlantis.
    P: This is not the same thing. It's hard for me to explain. This is done on a soul level. It's like pure divine energy. It's not the energy in Atlantis. The energy in Atlantis was done through atomic power. This is energy that the divine has created that is done through light. It's not done through the separation through molecular structures. This is something we have created, and we send it from the Source. Anything that's from the Source is good and it's not going to harm the planet. It's going to do what we want it to do. And we've been allowed to do this. It is because the planet has caused this that we are taking this action. It's necessary.

    D: Isn't this interference?
    P: No! We cannot interfere with the people here. We can't come down and bully them and tell them what to do. But we can bring our ships and we can point this energy at the core of the Earth. We can do things like this. This is actually on a soul level. So therefore, we are not interfering with the karmic structure of the people here. Everyone here has a karmic purpose, and we are not interfering with that. We're not allowed to. We don't do that.

    D: Do the people on Earth see this when it happens?
    P: They feel it. In other words, they'll go through the transformation. And they won't realize what's happened to them. Some of them will realize. Those who are sensitive will know that something has happened. But many on the planet will just go on in their normal lives, and they will be lifted up and they will be changed and the Earth will be changed. The rocks and the water, but they'll just go on existing because we are not affecting the karmic pattern. We can't do that. We're doing this on a soul level, but it's not affecting their Earth lives as far as karmic patterns go. We're not bothering that.

    D: But the Earth has to get to a certain point before you're allowed to do this.
    P: 2006. It's getting bad. It's already very, very bad right now. If it's allowed to continue, the air will harm very many people. And the reason we're involved is, there are people in their physical embodiments breathing this atmosphere with all this pollution and it's changing their genetic heritage. We cannot let that happen and we will not let that happen! We gave people of this planet their genetic heritage. And now they have messed up their drinking water, their food, their planet. Everything here is polluted. Man has destroyed his genetic heritage and we're going to repair it because they are not going to mess up our experiment! This is a divine experiment and they can't mess it up. We're going to change it.
    To find out more about the grand experiment that mankind has been involved in since its beginning, see my books, Keepers of the Garden and The Custodians.
    P: We have to do this. The whole planet was destroyed many times. You know about Atlantis; there have been many other explosions, floods. This is something that we can't allow to happen at this time because it's going to affect the rest of the cosmos. And the Earth is coming a little more out of alignment. And we will be putting the planet, not only back in alignment, but we will also help cleanse and clear the genetic structure of everything and everyone on the planet. And this has been put forth, and it's been agreed upon, and it will be done. Because mankind has reached the point that it will not be cleaned up soon enough before it destroys the genetic makeup that we created.

    D: So it only has to get out of alignment just a little before it will affect the other....
    P: It's already affected other—not only civilizations in a physical realm that you know, but also on higher planes. That's why we're going to do this.
    The various universes are so interwoven and interconnected that if the rotation or trajectory of one is disturbed, it affects all the others. In the extreme case, this could cause all the universes to collapse on themselves and disintegrate. This is one of the reasons for the monitoring of planet Earth by ETs. To detect any problems caused by our negative influences and alert the other galaxies and universes so countermeasures can be initiated. They have to know what the Earth is up to, so the rest of the universes, galaxies, and dimensions can protect themselves and survive.

    D: I thought if you were going to have a massive project like that on Earth, people would be able to see all these ships.
    P: Ohh, you typical Earthling! No, you can't see our ships. We're in different dimensions. There are many different vibrational rates. You won't even be able to see the light, but it's there. At some time, your scientists will be able to measure this type of energy. At some point, the scientists will be able to determine that we are in the atmosphere, and they'll see our ships. They will have machines and devices so they can determine where our ships are. But they don't have that technology right now because we've moved across the veil and we're in—shall we call it—an astral realm. It's a higher level than that, but it's a finer level. And your eyes can't see them, but in the future they will have machines that can see it.

    D: But they will know something is happening to the energy levels. That something is changing.
    P: It will change, and the people will change, but they're not going to be aware of what has happened. It's going to be a big event, but they're not going to be able to discern it on a physical level. On a soul level, they can tell. Subconscious level they'll know, but not on a conscious level because you're thinking of a physical energy. This is not physical energy, this is energy from God. This is soul energy. And it operates within a different dimension than you're thinking. It's very different.

    D: So the people will feel it, but they won't see it. They'll just know that something is happening in their bodies.
    P: Some will know. Those that are sensitive will know that something has happened, but they won't know what. And that's what we want. We don't want to disrupt anything.

    D: How will this affect the human body?
    P: It will prevent the decay of the genetic material DNA within the body. Like I said, it's becoming damaged and we can't have that. We can't have a whole race of people damaged. The energy will change the DNA genetic structure of the humans so that it will be more perfect. That's what we really want. We want the humans on the planet to be in perfect harmony. Not only with themselves, but with us and the rest of the cosmos. They're not in that right now.

    D: So when the DNA structure is changed, how will the body be different?
    P: When the DNA is changed, the body will be what we wanted it to be many millennia ago. We tried this in Atlantis, it failed! The reason it failed was because the energies were used in a negative way by the beings in Atlantis. We tried to bring forth a more feminine energy back in the days of Atlantis, which would raise up and cause a union between the divine male and divine female. It failed. Therefore, the planet Earth went through many, many, many thousands of years with women being subjugated and the feminine energies being suppressed. Now, this is the time that both will be equal. The male and female divine energies will join and this will make for a perfect being... like Christ. Everyone here will realize they can be a perfect Christ, when these energies are in balance. The energies have not been in balance; they've been out of balance for thousands of years. That's why there are so many problems on the planet. So when the DNA structure is altered, the divine energies, the male/female, the yin and the yang, of the God energies can unite and there will be perfection upon the planet. Perfection within the bodies. And this planet will be something that we can show to the rest of the worlds, the rest of the cosmos. That this is our experiment, and this is what we have done and it has succeeded. The light has succeeded because it will be perfect as we have wanted it to be for thousands of years. When we first came here, it was perfect. You've probably been told that. It was altered. You know the meteorite came, disease came. Everything was messed up. We're going to have it perfect again. And this is part of that alignment that we'll be doing to make it perfect again. And this is perfectly normal.—This is all part of genetics, but the reason that happened, was that humans have not been in balance. The divine energies have not been balanced within the psyche or even within the physical mind, but the psyche that comes into the body manifests physically. These have been out of alignment. This causes disease within the body. When the bacteria landed here on the meteorite, had the bodies at that time been in total perfect alignment, it wouldn't have mattered. The disease wouldn't have gotten in there. But the bodies had already begun to change when it hit, so there was nothing we could do.

    She was referring to the same thing that was mentioned in my book Keepers of the Garden, which explained that disease was introduced to Earth and spoiled the grand experiment by a meteorite that struck the Earth when the fledgling species were still developing. This caused a great deal of sorrow in the council in charge of developing life on Earth because they knew their experiment of creating the perfect human being could not happen under these circumstances. They had to make the decision whether to stop the experiment and start over again, or allow the developing humans to continue, knowing that it would never be the perfect species it was intended to be. It was decided that so much time and effort had been expended in developing humans, that they should be allowed to continue. The hope was that maybe some time in the future, the species could develop into the perfect human being with no disease. This is the main reason for the sampling and testing done by the ETs that people misinterpret as negative. They are concerned with the effects of pollutants in the air and chemical contamination of our food on the human body. And they are attempting to alter its effects.

    The ET continued: "We didn't want to not do the experiment. We couldn't just throw the planet away. We couldn't just let all these lifeforms, all these souls be forever altered. We had to step in and we've been coming here for ages and ages. This is the culmination of many, many years of work. Millions of years. And it's coming very soon and we're pleased because mankind has reached the point to where this can be brought forth again upon the planet. As I said, we tried it back many, many thousands of years ago and it failed, but we expect it to succeed this time. It's already beginning to succeed. And we're very happy about that."

    D: Will all of the people of Earth experience this?
    P: As I said before, everyone will be affected. It's just that there are those who will be sensitive, who will pick up that it has been done. Some people will not realize on a conscious level that it's been done. It's been done on a soul level. If you were to put them in trance as you have this person now, they would know they have been affected, and they could explain to you what it has done to their genetics. But on a conscious level, they haven't a clue. They don't know. And that's what we want.

    D: I was thinking of negative people (Murderers, rapists, beings of that sort.) Will they be affected in a different way?
    P: Everyone will be affected. They will know on a subconscious level what has happened. As the subconscious changes, and becomes aware of this, and is activated, yes.

    D: They still have karma.
    P: This will also be affected, because this planet in the future is not going to have karma. That is something that won't be allowed here. It will be a planet of Light and Peace and will be our grand experiment that succeeded.

    D: I've been told this is why many in the universe are watching.
    P: Yes, that's right. We're here to do that. And it will be safe.
    One final piece of information came through a client at my office in 2004. I believed one part of all of this was still unclear: How could some people be aware that they had made the shift into the New Earth, and others would not be? How would it be possible to move an entire population with only a minority knowing anything had happened? "They" must have been aware that I was struggling with this lingering thought, so they supplied it. After all, how could I write about it, and lecture about it if I didn't have all the pieces?

    Bob: Most planets, but especially this one was only designed originally for five hundred and fifty thousand people. Half a million people. That was as large as it was supposed to go. More people are reincarnating here to experience all these major changes. And the Earth has been damaged and changed beyond the capability to repair it. This planet has been unfortunately changed in such ways that there's no sense of return whatsoever to its original pristine condition. But now because of the prime directive from the Creator, this has to accelerate. Because it's been too long. There are two ways to do this. You can cause the planet to rotate and the Earth crust to shift. And you literally, when that happens, start all over again from ground zero. That's what touched off the Ice Age and killed all the dinosaurs. It doesn't matter how it happened, but basically it did the same thing. A civilization disappears, and you start off with the Ice Age and Neanderthal Man and all that kind of good stuff all happens again. You lose control of your entire civilization, and you end up as a legend like Atlantis and Lemuria. This has all happened many times before. But that's not what's going to happen this time. This time you shift as a planet. And basically as a universe. You shift the whole dimension. The dimension changes. You go from 3 point 6 (3.6) which we are now, to five. And you say, "Well, what happens to four?" Well, four is sort of here in a way, but it's just going to jump it. You're going to end up as five. When the dimensional change comes, you will literally jump that. There's a lot of complications with this. This is why it's being watched so carefully. Many people who are spiritually ready will be able to make the transition very easily. Others are literally going to be taken off planet. In the flick of an eyelid they won't even know it's happened, most of them. And they will end up on another planet that's pristine, ready and waiting for this to happen. And your capabilities will be far beyond what they are now. You have basically five primary senses. You'll have many more than that when the transition goes through. You will become automatically telepathic. They'll wake up in their little lives the next day—or what can be done, depending on how it's shifted.—It has happened before, by the way.—We will simply shut down. It's like going into suspended animation. We suspend it. It may take two or three days to transfer the populace.

    D: The entire world, or just the....
    B: Yes. All the people that are spiritually ready to make this transition. They'll all be shifted off. And when they wake up on this other planet, they won't even realize it's happened. There was a shift like this a few years ago on this planet, with all of us. And not many people knew about it. It just was. It was like a whole week passed by in the course of a night. It has happened that way.

    D: Why did that happen at that time?
    B: We needed to shift the sun, technically, and we needed to be able to adjust it. And if anybody could see it, they would all know what happened. That wasn't a very practical way of doing it. So we just kind of shut everybody down.

    D: So they wouldn't know it?
    B: Yes. You went to sleep that night, and you slept like you thought it was a twelve hour period. And you woke up. And your watch was still running the same. But in fact you had literally gone through a whole week.

    D: Everyone was put into suspended animation?
    B: Yes. You shut down the whole thing all at the same time.

    D: While the world moved?
    B: Oh, yes. The planet moves. You have the so-called "night and day." But we actually adjusted it. It was a really interesting trick to do it. But it does work. This planetary adjustment that's coming up. This frequency change thing that is coming up. You can't merely do this with everybody awake. Because you're going to have all sorts of strange reactions in people. So they think they're all awake. But yet we can shut them down. It's a bit of a trick. It's very technically involved.

    D: So they would think they were having dreams if they did see anything.
    B: Yes, yes, precisely. But they might not have conscious remembrance of it because don't forget, most people don't have conscious remembrance of what they dream anyway. And you can change things in dreams very easily, too.

    D: You said this was done a few years ago.
    B: Yes, it was. We had to make an adjustment in the sun's frequency.

    So apparently that would be the answer. The entire population of the world would be shut down and put into suspended animation while the transfer was made.
    This is also found in the Bible: "In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise, the one who is in the field, let him not turn back. I tell you, in that night, there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left. And they answered and said to Him, "Where Lord?" So He said to them, "Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together." (Luke 17:31-37)

    I have been asked many times about the Mayan calendar ending at 2012. People think that is the date for the end of the world if the Mayans could not see beyond that. I have been told that the Mayans evolved spiritually to this point where their civilization shifted en masse to the next dimension. They stopped the calendar at 2012 because they could see this would be the time of the next major event: the shifting of the entire world into the next dimension.

    We will ascend to the other dimension by raising our consciousness, the vibration and frequency of our body. At first, you can continue in a physical body for a while. Then as you gradually discover it is no longer necessary, the physical body dissolves into Light, and you live with a body made of light or pure energy. This sounds very similar to several cases in my books where the subject saw a being that glowed and was composed of pure energy. They have evolved beyond the need for a physical limiting body, and we will do this also when we reach that stage. So in many cases, when the being ascends, they take the physical body with them. But this is only a temporary situation and the shedding and letting go of the body depends on the level of understanding the being has reached. We do tend to hold on to the familiar, but eventually see that even though we were able to take it with us, the body is too limiting and confining for the new reality in the new dimension. When we reach this new dimension, the new body of light or energy will never die. This is what the Bible meant when it referred to "Eternal Life."

    The spirit side or the in-between lives state, where I have found that we go when we die in this lifetime, is like a recycling center. It leads back to another life on Earth because there is still karma to be worked out, or something that needs to be attended to. People keep returning because they have not completed their lessons or their cycles. By raising the consciousness, the frequency and vibration, there is no need to return to that place (the in-between state). It can be transcended by going to the place where everyone is eternal, and there is no reason for recycling. We can remain there forever. This is probably the place many of my subjects refer to as "home." The place they deeply miss and desire to return to. When they see it during the regressions they become very emotional because they have been deeply longing for it, yet not consciously knowing it existed.

    From Dolores Cannon: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
    2011 - 1 year before the 2012 'consciousness-precessional' shift and 10 years prior to the 2021 nexus for the global awakening awareness revolution. {Dolores Cannon - April 15th, 1931 - October 18th, 2014, 5 years before Event 201 and the trigger of agenda 2030. 2030-2025=5=2019-2014 - Canon/Library of New Alexandria}​


    The Reading of the Sealed Book and the Universal Language

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted May 7th 2010

    When 'That Woman' is the 'Fake-Woman' aka the 'Group-Consciousness' of an entire world, which as the 'Devil-Mind' aka the 'System of Thought of intrinsic Separateness' aka 'The Whore of Babylon' aka the 'Fake-Barbelo' aka the 'Fake-Babalon' of gnostic lore does not wish to understand, because as 'Inside She' 'Big Outside She' already does!

    This is the false sense of Unity within the Separation and the Realm of the Human Egocentricity.
    This is the Way of the Devil and his Devil Woman as nonexistent non-incarnate shadows of their embodied selves.

    The true Self is the Separation within the Unity where the Human Ego becomes divine and the Individuality becomes co-creative and a shard of God's own genius and the beloved form of the Goddess; as well as a true mirror and reflection for the Divine Word, the 'Egocentricity' of Jesus of Nazareth; proclaiming that He and only He is the Way, the Love, the Truth, the Resurrection and the Life. HeShe becomes the envelope the Encompassment for the entire creation with hisher entwined Mary Magdalene never to be separated again in individuality and so empowered to multiply in the brotherhood and the sisterhood logos defined.

    The concept or archetype of the eternal infinite creator becomes BOUNDED in hisher Image as AdamEve able to reflect in EveAdam within to harmonize the Nothingness being the Infinite as the required Oneness: 0=1=8.
    There therefore cannot exist a physically defined infinite universe - the metaphysical archetypology eschews such definition as this would then demand a third polarity of separateness.

    No one, no Buddha, no ascended masters, no Shiva and no Mohammed represent the Way to the Father's Heart; except the Only One understanding and manifesting the Unity in his physical transcension of the Body form in the Redemption of the collapsed particle function within the released wavefunction in quantum relativistic mechanistic terms.

    So there is a False Reality perception and a True Reality perception - who can discern; the logos induced Dragons can, they alone can take the heat having shared the Lion's Eucharist, but seeking to multiply?!

    Ephesians 6:12
    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Then the 'illuminated ones' on the inside become 'Her' followers; knowing the 'outside story' but promote the 'inside story' for the purpose to 'sequester' the 'knowing' for themselves within the warring factions, comprised by the 'ignorant ones', namely the 'Learned Ones, who cannot read the book, because it is sealed' and the 'Unlearned Ones, who cannot read the book, because they are not learned'.

    Isaiah 29:10-12 (King James Version)
    For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered. And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

    Zephaniah 3:9 (King James Version)
    9For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.
    1. Matthew 10:27
      What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

      Luke 12:3
      Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.
    2. 1 Samuel 17:47
      And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands.
    3. Isaiah 11:9
      They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.
    4. Isaiah 44:9
      They that make a graven image are all of them vanity; and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses; they see not, nor know; that they may be ashamed.
    5. Isaiah 49:26
      And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.
    6. Isaiah 61:9
      And their seed shall be known among the Gentiles, and their offspring among the people: all that see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed which the LORD hath blessed.
    7. Isaiah 66:18
      For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.
    8. Jeremiah 31:34
      And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
    Jesus said : "It is to those who are worthy of My mysteries that I tell My mysteries. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is about to do."

    And all of the 'scriptures' must be fulfilled to the last iota, as the One, standing for the 'System of Thought of intrinsic Unity' has said many times.

    Bluey TonyLove Scribe from and for the Logos of Love and the Word of God

    Allisiam replied:

    And the book is within and with our loving, we have opened it. And soon....this one will be fulfilled

    Isaiah 49:26
    And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Savior and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 20, 2021
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Old Reson Canon {Dolores Cannon} of New Alexandria Library

    To: Cc: Tony Bermanseder
    7:47 pm; April 20th, 2021 (+10UCT)

    Dear Julia!
    Dolores finds it appropriate to share this information with you.

    From Dolores Cannon: The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth
    2011 - 1 year before the 2012 'consciousness-precessional' shift and 10 years prior to the 2021 nexus for the global awakening awareness revolution.
    {Dolores Cannon - April 15th, 1931 - October 18th, 2014,
    5 years before Event 201 and the trigger of agenda 2030. 2030-2025=5=2019-2014 - Canon/Library of New Alexandria}

    Old Reson Canon of New Alexandria Library



    (PDF) A History of Encoded Times - Timeline 2024 in 1 Hour of 3600 Seconds - A Parallel Agenda to 2010-2020-2030 | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    (PDF) The Secret of Extraterrestrial Life - The Butterfly Dream! | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    (PDF) The Physics of Morphogenetic Planetary Resurrection and Universal Metamorphosis | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    Planetary Resurrection (

    A Tribute to AbbA as BaaB in a Metamorphosis of the Old World of Humanity into the New Eternity of Star-Humanity


    Love to you, Julia from the New Creation!


  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The 120 Elders of the Great Universal Reconfiguration and the 144,000 Aspects of the Maya Baktun in the Apocalypse

    The Timelines of the Starhuman Legacy from 228,629 BC to 2025-2030


    Adam Bermanseder
    Good interview, Steven Greer is good on the subject, much better than Alex which that video makes clear.
    It's becoming increasingly obvious that "the powers that be" are planning it. What I find more interesting is whether or not it will coincide with the real thing? difficult to imagine the Logos would allow such a deception for any serious length of time.

    Tony Bermanseder
    The length of time is encoded in the ancient texts and so requires the context of those timelines to adjust the linear progression of time to the potential, yet stipulated-defined time markers or nexus points. The continuity of the historical and political affairs of planetary man, so depend on the potential outcomes and the 'set in stones' major markers encoded. Alex is a nuisance interviewer with the right impulses, but he interrupts most annoyingly. Greer has the ET agenda nailed and is correct with the interdimensional 'EVIL=VEIL=LIVE' NOT being actual ETs.

    The 'interdimensional 'demons' are human mind creations and so fit particular religious contexts and in conjunction with the cabal created 'robotic fake ETs' , which Greer nicely points out; they serve the devious antihuman agendas of the technocratic elites very well.
    The actual ET history in biological form dates to 2,240 million years ago, when the universe became self-reflective and enabled to 'see itself' in the mirror of spacetime (11D-Witten Membrane), the religious folks should understand to be the actual meaning of the Sabbath and the Sea of Glass as the encoded 'throne of heaven' in the apocalypse.
    Before the Universal Logos incarnated physically in full remembrance and spacetime awareness as Jesus/Yeshuah in 7-6BC; Logos was part of the creator monad and so known to any soul-ET sentience as 'the Source Energy' as Universal Consciousness; scripturally named as God outside and within (as the female Goddess).

    This hidden or occulted feminine creator became the 'devilish-satanic' opposition to the apparent and visible creator principle without. The problem at the present time is that the cabal knows what I just described, and very successfully has hidden or obscured their nous from the general human population. It so will be a small proportion of old humans, Logos aligned, which will present the true opposing starhuman or pro-human agenda to counter the 'evil' agenda as the 'true remnant' of the Logos dispensation and history of 37 years with a gestation period.

    This period is decoded in the chart as the first incarnation of Jesus/Yeshuah from July 26th, 7BC to April 17th, 32 AD as the required uniqueness and individualization of the 'source consciousness aka God as FatherMother'.
    The second incarnation in the manyness, then is decoded as a time of preparation and a time of construction (of the New Jerusalem or New Earth with a New Heaven).

    This defines the change of the precessional ages (Jesus changed the Age of Aries into the Age of Pisces in the first incarnation and changes this into the Age of Aquarius in the second incarnation) as the Preparation from March 31st, 1975 to December 21st, 2012 with April 30th, 1979 to January 20th, 2017. The 'Age of Aquarius' is here given as a 36 year solar transit across the galactic equator and which is annularly defined as the solar transit from the starsign of Capricorn-Zebulon into the starsign of Aquarius-Joseph on and about January 20th every year.

    The Construction runs from December 21st, 2012 as the 'end of all the preceeding ages' in a reset of the time keeping then uses the apocalyptic definitions of the endtimes as the 24 Elders as a 12+1+1+12 =24+2 decoding of the 'judgements' encompassing all the timelines in the masoretic texts (Christian Bible and Jewish Torah) as the last Supper circle and the division of the year into seasons and month and the 12 tribes of Israel as the 12 starsigns of the zodiac, called Mazzaroth in the Torah/OT/Book of Job.

    The 13 years from 2012 so define a newborn baby, born December 21st, 2012 from its conception of March 31st, 2012 to grow up into a teenager graduation on December 21st, 2025. A 5 year offset from the 2030 agenda of the cabal will so be short circuited by the overall fulfilment of the 'Words of the Logos' as described here and in the chart. This chart is extended in the following one, including the GOT codes.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    God and Satan - Is this a valid Dichotomy or Opposition?

    William Tony Kavanagh
    April 18 at 11:53 PM ·

    Just because it looks and seems like the elite worship an evil entity called Satan... doesn't mean it's true... Did you ever stop to think that's what they want you to think..?? They hold "satanic" rituals and sacrifice on certain dates because they understand the connection between energy, numbers, astrology, and it's effect on us... Everything is energy ...and with knowledge energy can be manipulated and used to profit those who understand that...They erect buildings on certain ley lines facing certain directions, they start wars(sacrafices) on certain dates and finish them on other exact dates... Everything that they do is to manipulate energy in some form.. psychological, physical ..etc,... energy is neutral's neither good nor bad but can be used (manipulated) for both... You cannot convince me that it's just good Vs evil and that's the complete is the point in that.. and if that was the truth then why allow it in the first place...if it smells like bullshit and looks like bullshit's bullshit... This scenario being played out across the world right now is a play like a theatre's script is taken from revelations... Revelations is like Nostradamus quatrains... It's open to interpretation and you can virtually point at anything and say "here is what they mean"... When you create the story it's easy to play it out...


    Donald Orsomarso
    So interesting. Then is there any Creator God? Where did this "neutral energy " come from?

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Donald Orsomarso
    never said there wasn't a creator.. consciousness is all there is

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    so consciousnesses created everything? Who’s consciousness is it? Before we all existed

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    You can probably call that consciousness God... Others will call it something else..etc,..and not being antagonistic but I never said consciousness created everything...I said consciousness is all there is... everything at its most base form is consciousness.. there was never a moment before we existed...we always have and always will..

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    that’s that God like new age bs, do I agree with you about energy, frequencies auras and such yes, because I completely understand how God created things and the whys on many others, but your understanding is a little skewed and I think it might be from your lack of understanding

    Teresa Farrell
    There are too many witnesses to their rituals.Whilst I agree that the Satan part of it may not be true, the paedophilia and sacrifice of children in order to harvest adrenochrome most certainly is! So, so much evidence to validate this!

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Teresa Farrell
    yes I have never denied that.... but all them rituals and sacrafices are energy harvesting events... The adrenochrome is adrenalised blood which is the physical manifestation of fear in the blood...fear is an energy... They want to ingest that I stand by my's all about energy... I read in a Carlos Casteneda book years ago that the main reason they go for pre teen kids is the lifeforce energy is abundant in kids pre puberty...which is evident for anyone who has kids..

    Teresa Farrell
    William Tony Kavanagh
    I think you are stating the obvious. Of course it's about harvesting what's your point, exactly?

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    my friend you have no idea what I understand...I'm aware of new age BS as you call it...but Christianity has a very bad habit of demonising anything that's not Christian.. a lot of things that are non Christian get lumped into the "New Age" box but under closer scrutiny you can easily discern the bullshit from the truth.... Try taking a look at books(gospels) that were kept out of the Bibles(new testament) creation and hidden from the world for hundreds of years and you will find more of your New Age BS there in gospels like the gospel of Thomas and gospel of John.. long before the influence of Ms Blavatsky or her protégé Alice Bailey influenced "New Age" with luciferianism...and that's not even getting into the indigenous shamans who talk about energy and consciousness and other worldly realms that we can Access through deep meditation or entheogenic plant compounds...or monks who pray but talk about the "feeling" that they concentrate on while praying which was translated as "compassion" or gratitude for all things...I could go on but you get my drift my friend....what's demonised as "new age" is actually a lot older than main stream Christianity and in fact is incorporated into Christ's teachings if you take into account those omitted books.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Teresa Farrell
    my comment is only in reply to your comment... 1f642. ...I'm not really trying to "make a point" ..just more elaborating on what I already said but in reaction to your comment...not in a combative way just more of a kind of clarification of what I mean.. 1f44d.

    Teresa Farrell
    William Tony Kavanagh
    Okay, but I think most peope understand that this is all about energy harvesting. It doesn't have to be separate from Satanic worship, which is prevalent whether Satan exists or not, just as God worship exists irrespective of whether God exists or not. I believe that many of these people do worship Satan. I agree with what you are saying about the other stuff preceeding Christianity, though. I am convinced that we have been kept from knowing the real truth about our existence and our power and that everything is, indeed, about energy. 'They' hijacked New Age thinking just as they invented manipulate us into complacence... just look at the light and ignore the darkness! I do believe there is a battle between light and darkness here but it goes beyond Christianity or, indeed, any other religious belief. I think it's about the duality of everything. We have been kept in darkness(ignorance) and the dark evil (for want of a better word) has prevailed on this planet for millennia, creating pain and suffering. We are now awakening into a new age where there will be less suffering and a more evolved existence but only when those forces of darkness have been overcome but their true darkness and evil has to be acknowledged first. Darkness into light! The light comes from within...Christ consciousness... our self-realisation. We ascend to a higher state of consciousness.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Teresa Farrell
    most people don't I'm afraid.. especially religious minded folks...yes to everything else you said.. especially the point about transmuting darkness into light....I'm not denying the darkness, just the narrative that's promoted with it... 1f44d. 1f44d. .. if it's not clear in my post about my thoughts on Satan and satanism..let me elaborate...i do not believe it is the bigger picture..the ultimate truth... I think it only represents a portion of the truth..I believe it is part of a greater reality... As you alluded to yourself this is a realm of duality where opposites exist... I don't believe that duality exists throughout the whole of reality only here and possibly the 4th dimension...if you were to say it exists through all dimensions then I would ask to what point, where did it originate and who created separate opposing energies and for what just makes perfect sense to me that everything originated from the one.. it's the only thing that explains everything...

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    I know some books where omitted, and I know about the spiritual realm, energy, frequency and so on but there is a very fine line into practicing mysticism, we are forbidden from practicing some things as disciples of Christ, yes the power is there but there’s reasons why somethings are off limit no matter how real they are, when Christ returns we will reign with him for a thousand years here in earth any questions you might have then refer them to him, it will all be answered soon enough

    John Eric Fontanez
    Astral projection prohibited,channeling,prohibited, Wicca cards,
    Ouija board, all forbidden
    Meditation on the other hand is ok, prayer and fasting is ok too, there’s ways to connecting with the spirit and God without crossing that fine line

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    opinions, beliefs...etc,...

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    none of which is mentioned by me and which you insinuated was me talking new age bs....

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    I didn’t say you said them I was making you a list I thought that was obvious

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    you mentioned that we are and always will be but I’m saying we weren’t and some will be no more

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    why make the list and how does it relate to the post my friend.. 1f914.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    That's just more Christian bullshit beliefs... How is kundalini energy that is within already demonic channeling...I've also heard that meditation, and yoga is tarred with the same brush...

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    it relates because you said all there is is consciousness and that’s a lie, if we go back to the beginning you’ll see that no one existed just the spirit of God swimming through the waters above, no light no form no nothing just his spirit

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    ok so can we not just carry on this discussion like two adults and not get upset when others do not share our beliefs.. 1f44d. 1f44d.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    if all that existed was the spirit of God swimming through waters...who created the waters... 1f914.

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    if you want to take that route lol all I can tell you is ask him not me, or wait like I said we will reign with him on earth after his return for a thousand years, we can eat with him gather around ask him anything and actually live how it was meant, no jobs or bills just us with him in the earth enjoying all of creation while we woship and love him

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    look I respect your beliefs...but that's all they are... beliefs...if it enriches your life then good for you... I believe in God I do ...but I don't believe the God portrayed in your book is the creator of all that is...the creator is all loving omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent...that's all knowing ,all powerful and all loving.. everywhere at the same time... Now does that sound like the jealous , insecure , wrathful and malevolent God of the Bible...??

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    yes and I can explain to you why he gets angry, he’s not insecure he’s deeply saddened, this conversation is a microreason because of stuff like this. Yes he is omnipresent, when he came in human form he left us the Holy Spirit, that’s how we can talk to him anywhere even while we shower, it doesn’t matter what you ask me, there will always be questions and some things might not make sense that’s why I tell people ask him not me, I wanna leave it at this, the word says that if we don’t even know how the world we live in works or how it even fully looks fully and all the things within, how can we possibly understand heavenly things and other realm things? The things we know equate to a grain of sand in the Sahara

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    I've no doubt the word says that and a whole lot more...that's just wrote the word..and it's the very word you are trying to convince me of is true that I'm questioning... leave it there if you want my's only a discussion.. 1f601.

    Tony Bermanseder
    John Eric Fontanez
    John Eric you are correct, but so is WTK. God swimming through the 'void' is precisely this Universal Consciousness WTK terms God.
    And Jesus knew this post the physical metamorphosis event, which is a form of advanced quantum mechanics, when heshe said:

    (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

    Can you see now, that it is universal consciousness, part of the definition of John.1.1-3 of the Intelligent Design of the universe?
    If you would like to read about a retelling and 'filling in the details' of the Genesis account you are familiar with, you can peruse this here:

    John Eric Fontanez
    Also you mentioned kundalini somewhere above and that’s demonic channeling, but I’m done with this thread

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    listen bud you can't just comment on someone's post with absolutely nothing to validate your comments...if you do then it's just belief... Belief is just a reoccurring thought pattern with no basis in reality.

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    from that statement alone, you’ve never experienced God then, and yes it is faith not abelief because he hasn’t came face to face with us and sat down to talk like billy bob next door, but he’s shown time and time again how real he is and how much he loves us, in the other hand you have people with a beliefs in space and putting faith in men, also I can comment anywhere I want

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    I didn't mean it that way ..I wasn't telling you to go or anything ..I love these discussions...that's why I posted

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    it's not a's a question....who created the waters you talk about..??

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    I would say him but I can’t tell you for sure because the word starts with the spirit of God moving through the waters above, all I know is the Big Bang and everything in between with evolution was a lie, Hod is real and the devil wanted to take his place because he was jealous, turned on him got cast out, he’s not in hell because judgement hasn’t came yet, all throughout history he’s been manipulating humanity into believing his lies and accept and go to hell with him because he wants his own kingdom and his own worship, so he made war with our father, and he’s letting him be because when he returns he’s destroying everything that is evil and not of his, death will be erased,sickness,sadness and anything that isn’t good, that’s the best recap I can give you, all that other stuff while yes we would like to know the answers, it doesn’t provide salvation, which is the whole thing, the whole point of the word is so that we know that he died for our sins and all we have to do is follow him and hold on hes almost here to pick up his kids and whipe their tears away.. life is hard and confusing but even more so when lies have been fed to us for 2000 years, manipulated broken down, enslaved, mentally abused. And so on, I wouldn’t want you to have lived all this and on the end not come home with our father.. that makes me very sad

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    you have me wrong...I've never mentioned big bang or evolution or dinosaurs for that matter.. 1f923. 1f923. 1f923. .. never said I don't believe in intelligent design...that's evident's just the religious version that full of lies and contradictions..

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    I’m not speaking about you specifically stop taking everything as me targeting you, I’m just talking to you, I said people not you

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    as I’m sure you know though the Catholic Church is against Christ they want people to go to hell, they are just a cover for “Christians” Jesus told us to leave all these religions behind, he knows religion was created to distract and destroy, all he wants from us is a relationship, you wake up in the morning and say good morning God please use the Holy Spirit to guide my decision making, just acknowledge him he’s not asking for human sacrifices

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    lol I'm not at all...just thought you were including it in our I just corrected.. there's no offense meant or taken.. 1f44d. 1f44d.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    acknowledge or worship...??? Because I acknowledge the creator everytime I'm talking about these subjects...but I will not worship anyone or anything.. 1f4af. %

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    you wouldn’t want to worship the one who gave you life, air to breath, tastebuds to enjoy foods, ears to hear the birds waves and songs, mouth to speak to others, arms to hug and heart to love? Acknowledging him and not worshipping out of gratitude and love is a slap to his face like you don’t care about anything that’s been given to you including self

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    would you want/demand that your children worship you...?? NO..!! you just love them unconditionally and hope that they know that..... 1f609.

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    if I was the creator of everything yea, but it’s ok we aren’t worthy of even looking at his face

    William Tony Kavanagh
    John Eric Fontanez
    anyone or anything that has a need and want to be worshipped has insecurity issues and couldn't possibly be the creator of all that is just by the very nature of wanting or needing worship...think about it... 1f644.

    John Eric Fontanez
    William Tony Kavanagh
    he doesn’t need anything like I said it was just him in the beginning, he made us to share his love with someone and have a relationship with us

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Loving someone and worshipping them is two completely different things.. 1f914.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Also anyone that is upset that you do not worship them is kids love me and I love them...but they do not worship me nor would I demand it or get upset if they didn't

    Terry Leahy
    "Believe nothing that you hear and only half what you see" there's a reason I got that tattooed on my arm 15 years ago.

    Katrina Temps
    we are the creators we create our own reality and if we want to live in AI caste system then we get to choose will we walk away and listen to the tribes and learn to love and operate service to others or self john lennon had it right

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Katrina Temps
    yes constantly... consciously or unconsciously... A lot of us are running around not aware that we are running programs we picked up in the first 8 years of our lives...then we are caught in the loop of re-acting to what we perceive and then creating more of the same and calling it a validation of our beliefs... 1f926. 1f926.

    John Murphy
    They do in deed. .prince 99 ...9 11s 99 911 .u no yourself. Yep u on ball with numbers and things ...things we were never taught...

    Jeremy Criniti
    It doesn't mean there really is a Satan but Satan is at least real in a figurative sense.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Jeremy Criniti
    their could possibly be a demiurge/Satan/devil figure to whom they give gratitude to for their energy harvesting...but I don't believe it's the ultimate reality... 1f642.

    Jeremy Criniti
    We know they have to believe in this stuff. It is everywhere.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Jeremy Criniti
    but that's my point...they make too much of an effort to convince us in a "subtle" ways of the prominence of such a figure to distract you from discovering the truth of who we are..

    Jeremy Criniti
    Yea they hide everything.

    William Tony Kavanagh
    Jeremy Criniti
    only what they want us to be ignorant of...then we're to believe that what is out in the open is truth...maybe their truth...but definitely not "the" truth.. 1f44d.

    Dlginette Bruijn
    there is a difference bewtween just energy as you describe and the energy from love ,while just energy is a frequency and love energy which is the highest form is a vibrance from the heartsintelligence .
    for example when you cry you produce tears ,although there is a difference in tears from happyness and tears from grief still are tears but slightly different .The like attract like is also such thing ,it is based on wants and less on needs .If you truly having faith and believe you arealways met in your needs so you have no worries or whatso ever .
    Everything is energy and what we is happening in the world is that some indeed use it for things that do less benefit the people ,use it to control etc .Thats exactly what I mean with thelove for power and the powerof love .And how it is feeded to give hearing to those things it will be fed .While the love energy is to do right....and do less mean to be right or to sayWhat i say is right ..if you stand in the vibrance off love you will do what is right .For example ,no one have the right to take someone elses live ,so if youare witnessing throughspiritual warfare that is tried to done to someone else ,if thats through spiritual orin the seen fysical ,it is just noright thing to do ,you stand up then .
    If you seea woman mistreated and slapped and youare witness off that,I step in .There can be said by other people that it is thier yourney and thier lesson ...but when you are therenext to the woman you are then the lesson and help they need because thats then our path ...then you do what right and not turn your back and think well thats not my path .?Or a dog that is pulled up on the lease hanging ....Have seen thatman doing by the dog ...if you see that ,if I see that I defenitely going to step in and I did .Thats is what meant doing the right thing .
    So the neutral energy as you call it is on example AMand the love energy on FM .
    To me there are two energies ,the narcistic energy and the love vibe energy .
    with positive and negative youcan light a lamp .
    with positve /negative seen by love and love ingredient there is a natural light that lights up the whole world ..thatthe difference between light and "light"...hope it make sense .

    Tony Bermanseder
    Dlginette Bruijn
    Your take is reasoned Diginette; but you can extend your perceptions. Physical reality is a bound electromagnetic frequency spectrum, which has both a physical and a metaphysical component.
    The metaphysical part is monopolar, meaning it is 'spiritual' and so inertia-mass independent. It is described by a multidimensional and interdimensional cosmology.

    The physical component of the 'extended'; EMR-EMMR spectrum is bounded by gamma rays of atomic energy above and by say superlong gravitational radio frequencies below.
    What you term love or the FM/spiritual aspect is above the gamma ray frequencies and so far more energetic in wavelength and in the 'higher dimensions'. What WTK is indicating in this thread, is that the so called EVIL=VEIL=LIVE=...=SEX=48=... does NOT have to be a separate energy spectrum of a good-evil dichotomy, but could simply be a misappropriation of 'free choice' mental energy of the human cocreativity.

    Then the DEVIL has LIVED and does not exist relative to no loner ignorant=sinful exponents of the say human cocreators. Some cultures know of this and say describe the 'occult=hidden=veiled knowledge' as being able to be used for good or white purposes of the light, but also for bad, evil and abusive purposes of the darkness.
    This has been to the great and terminal detriment of the Christian religion since 32 AD in its misreading and misinterpretation of its own encoded scripture texts and narratives.

    The misguided religious impulse, born from a true spiritual basis has become a most abusive political agenda misusing and abusing human sexuality and the inborn sanctity of nature and in this manner destroying its own foundation.
    The times have arrived where the old religiosity must expire in its use by date to allow the true original metaphysics to resurface in a new heaven and a new earth.

    John Eric Fontanez
    John Eric you are correct, but so is WTK. God swimming through the 'void' is precisely this Universal Consciousness WTK terms God. And Jesus knew this post the physical metamorphosis event, which is a form of advanced quantum mechanics, when heshe said:

    (77) Jesus said, "It is I who am the light which is above them all. It is I who am the all. From me did the all come forth, and unto me did the all extend. Split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."

    Can you see now, that it is universal consciousness, part of the definition of John.1.1-3 of the Intelligent Design of the universe?
    If you would like to read about a retelling and 'filling in the details' of the Genesis account you are familiar with, you can peruse this here:

    The Fulfilment Of The Apocalypse In A Warping Of Time
    The Fulfilment Of The Apocalypse In A Warping Of Time

    Louis Seafer
    How would it benefit them to make us believe they worship the weaker, deceptive sewer version of God? Surely if they wanted to portray an image of fearful superiority, they'd depict the polar opposite? 1f611.
    #TruthSeekers #OnlyTheREALEST #ChildrenOfTheDivine


    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The 120 Elders of the Great Universal Reconfiguration and the 144,000 Aspects of the Maya Baktun in the Apocalypse

    The Timelines of the Starhuman Legacy from 228,629 BC to 2025-2030




    The Fake Alien Invasion and Disclosure of Fake and True Extraterrestrial Intelligences,-Disclosure-of-Fake-and-True-Extraterrestrial-Intelligences:e
    Warning! The Fake Alien Invasion Threat is Real!
    Apr 23, 2021
    Greg Reese
    A mass awakening is the greatest threat to the criminal cabal’s greatest power; invisibility

    Dr. Steven Greer of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how to fight against full disclosure of extraterrestrial operations being used to manipulate the public with fear.

    As you most likely understand, the New World cannot come from political roots or movements, like in the somewhat distant past.
    Agenda 2030 of the 'Global Technocracy Reset' requires the next 10 years to implement at the Fabian turtle pace, with 2020 the midpoint between 2010 (Lock Step) and 2030.
    This plan so engages an increasing surveillance-control system culminating in the victory not only over the world political, but the negation of all encoded scriptural patterns and prophecies.

    Project Bluebeam is part of agenda 2030 and utilizes quantum mechanical principles and science to manifest a holographic fake alien invasion to 'fulfil' say the apocalyptic codes and forestall the true ET-UFO-UAP phenomenon in conjunction with AI and nanotechnology.

    Preparation for a real ET contact (ETs being both our ancestors in mind and descendants in the body and linked to so called dead alive or 'passed over' ones) engages a human mental evolution in expectation of a 4th spacial hyperspace dimension to 'open up' or unfold from a 12-dimensional omnispace dimensional fractalized-discrete continuum to manifest a 5-dimensional spacetime within a reconfigured 12-dimensional quantum-twistor-line space as a tripartite timeless self-enfolding or circularized energy-frequency field equivalent to a four folded spacetime continuum embedded within a 12-dimensional omni-quantum-rotation-line spacetime matrix .

    This effect will then be part of the reconfiguration of the universe, holographically fractalized in individualized starhuman bodyforms as the 'new ETs'.

    Adam Bermanseder
    Good interview, Steven Greer is good on the subject, much better than Alex which that video makes clear.
    It's becoming increasingly obvious that "the powers that be" are planning it. What I find more interesting is whether or not it will coincide with the real thing? difficult to imagine the Logos would allow such a deception for any serious length of time.

    Tony Bermanseder
    The length of time is encoded in the ancient texts and so requires the context of those timelines to adjust the linear progression of time to the potential, yet stipulated-defined time markers or nexus points. The continuity of the historical and political affairs of planetary man, so depend on the potential outcomes and the 'set in stones' major markers encoded. Alex is a nuisance interviewer with the right impulses, but he interrupts most annoyingly. Greer has the ET agenda nailed and is correct with the interdimensional 'EVIL=VEIL=LIVE' NOT being actual ETs.

    The 'interdimensional 'demons' are human mind creations and so fit particular religious contexts and in conjunction with the cabal created 'robotic fake ETs' , which Greer nicely points out; they serve the devious antihuman agendas of the technocratic elites very well.
    The actual ET history in biological form dates to 2,240 million years ago, when the universe became self-reflective and enabled to 'see itself' in the mirror of spacetime (11D-Witten Membrane), the religious folks should understand to be the actual meaning of the Sabbath and the Sea of Glass as the encoded 'throne of heaven' in the apocalypse.
    Before the Universal Logos incarnated physically in full remembrance and spacetime awareness as Jesus/Yeshuah in 7-6BC; Logos was part of the creator monad and so known to any soul-ET sentience as 'the Source Energy' as Universal Consciousness; scripturally named as God outside and within (as the female Goddess).

    This hidden or occulted feminine creator became the 'devilish-satanic' opposition to the apparent and visible creator principle without. The problem at the present time is that the cabal knows what I just described, and very successfully has hidden or obscured their nous from the general human population. It so will be a small proportion of old humans, Logos aligned, which will present the true opposing starhuman or pro-human agenda to counter the 'evil' agenda as the 'true remnant' of the Logos dispensation and history of 37 years with a gestation period.

    This period is decoded in the chart as the first incarnation of Jesus/Yeshuah from July 26th, 7BC to April 17th, 32 AD as the required uniqueness and individualization of the 'source consciousness aka God as FatherMother'.
    The second incarnation in the manyness, then is decoded as a time of preparation and a time of construction (of the New Jerusalem or New Earth with a New Heaven).

    This defines the change of the precessional ages (Jesus changed the Age of Aries into the Age of Pisces in the first incarnation and changes this into the Age of Aquarius in the second incarnation) as the Preparation from March 31st, 1975 to December 21st, 2012 with April 30th, 1979 to January 20th, 2017. The 'Age of Aquarius' is here given as a 36 year solar transit across the galactic equator and which is annularly defined as the solar transit from the starsign of Capricorn-Zebulon into the starsign of Aquarius-Joseph on and about January 20th every year.

    The Construction runs from December 21st, 2012 as the 'end of all the preceeding ages' in a reset of the time keeping then uses the apocalyptic definitions of the endtimes as the 24 Elders as a 12+1+1+12 =24+2 decoding of the 'judgements' encompassing all the timelines in the masoretic texts (Christian Bible and Jewish Torah) as the last Supper circle and the division of the year into seasons and month and the 12 tribes of Israel as the 12 starsigns of the zodiac, called Mazzaroth in the Torah/OT/Book of Job.

    The 13 years from 2012 so define a newborn baby, born December 21st, 2012 from its conception of March 31st, 2012 to grow up into a teenager graduation on December 21st, 2025. A 5 year offset from the 2030 agenda of the cabal will so be short circuited by the overall fulfilment of the 'Words of the Logos' as described here and in the chart. This chart is extended in the following one, including the GOT codes.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Call to the Masculine:


    drag7. drag8.

    A piece of peace to appease - now that is a classic Susan Serafina.

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of the eXchanger,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.

    Abraxas Anthony



    {Speak Nothing but Good of the Dead}

    Out in the graveyard;
    inscriptions, words and plaques, all withering away;
    like the flowers adorning them, so the dead do lay.
    Waiting and waiting for someone to remember them
    and not just in photoalbums or on the special days.

    Memorials are built, meaningless constructions - lest we forget!
    They all are forgotten, given time enough to sigh, to pass away.
    The living are so busy preparing for their own demise, to die.
    Little do they know, the busy ones, that the dead are still alive.

    They watch over the living ones, they do, from a place so far;
    yet so near they are, but why would they watch the way they do?
    To understand the mystery is the noble thing to do - a gallant quest.
    They wish to be remembered, to join in soul and mind , the body's zest.

    A marriage betwixt the dimensions, a holy union in heaven with hell.
    But can the fearful thoughts of the living see, their lovehearts tell?
    The living are like snowflakes, made of water, so unique one by one.
    But they melt away, to be fluid again - into the one great ocean, gone!

    The dead are all one in the great seas, waiting to crystallise again in two.
    To wake up to a new life again, as a snowflake-twin, asking: 'Love me too!'
    Eternal life awaits the living, could they only reply to the dead's request.
    But the alive ones linger and doubt, in vanity do they live their only quest.

    {Thus passes away the glory of the world}


    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succor;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, it’s such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE SHIFTS - A 'soul' describes the transformation of the consciousness and energy of planet Earth from 2012 to 2020 to 2025 onwards

    (C=Celeste a woman incarnated in human form on Earth and D=Dolores a psychoanalyst and explorer of the subconscious state of self-awareness)

    C: Yes, it’s a stupid thing to come here. (Laugh) Because when you are there you think Wow, but when you come here it is so tough. And sometimes I feel alone and sometimes I feel I cannot do this. But sometimes I know I will do it.
    D: So in the other existence you didn’t have these emotions?

    C: No, no, you don’t have emotions. It’s not this kind of emotions. Everything is so clean and quiet and you know everything. And the worst part is this drama thing. These feelings, people cry and this mess for misunderstanding and you cannot communicate with people with your mind. You can try, but they do not listen.

    D: And the fear is different too, isn’t it?

    C: Yes, the fear is the worst part. I don’t like this fear. This fear makes some things in your body. Your body is so sensitive to this fear and suddenly when you start having this fear, it’s a mess and you cannot get out of this fear. And then you try to remember who you are, but sometimes it’s not so easy to remember. And sometimes you think your mind is thinking all these things and...Wow...what are you talking about. The only thing that exists is routine and this life and these other things. That is the only way to do this is in this body. If you do not have that, you will not stay here. You will go “home” because home is where you belong.

    D:With those memories you couldn’t exist here. (Yes) Is that why you have to forget when you come in?

    C: Yes. That is why you have to forget. Otherwise you cannot stay attached to this body. When you have feelings for one thing, you are attached to this body. Yes, when you try to go back home again, then you get this fear and then you forget everything and then you are here again. But you know you are not complete here. You are not complete incarnate here.

    D: Have you ever been in a physical body before?

    C: I have to say it’s not, but I don’t know if it’s my mind or....

    D: But you’re part of the galaxy and you created the galaxy, do you think this is the first time you have ever moved into something like this?

    C: No, I guess this is not my first time. I guess I am coming when these kinds of changes are taking place. I have to figure this out. I feel like I am a mother of the galaxy. (Laugh) So I have to be here to take care of my little kids. (Laugh) And then I choose to be in this little planet. It is a little planet, but it has a lot of energy. Wow, I have to think of everything. Sometimes we can and sometimes we cannot. It’s not our fault because we are what we are. Sometimes some things happen that we cannot control and the only thing we can do is just to take her off of this little kid which is our galaxy.

    D: But when you come you forget all these things, and all you know is just this life.

    C: There’s no way to be here if you know who you are. There is no way to use this power you have because sometimes you need or you want to use this power, but you realize you can’t because this body is not enough. But this big energy you’re sending is not your whole energy. It’s only some part of your energy just to stay here.

    D: But isn’t it possible for the physical body to use some of the energy?

    C: Yes, the physical part of the body is using some part of the energy, but not the whole energy. Because if the body is using the whole will explode. It’s not a container for this big energy that you are. It’s too much energy for this little teeny body. Because the galaxy is smaller than the energy you are. This planet Earth is smaller than the energy you are. This body is smaller than the energy you are. So you are moving from the small things to the big things, and you are moving to the big things or from the big things to the smaller things. Everything is in cycles.

    D: But is it possible for this body you are speaking through to use a portion of the energy?

    C: Yes, she needs to use this body. It’s using this energy, but the body doesn’t know how to use it.

    D: She said she feels energy going through her body, but she doesn’t know what to do with it.

    C: Yes, she doesn’t know what to do. The body doesn’t know. She knows what to do, but when she tries to use this, this other fear starts and then she realizes, “Okay, what am I doing? I am this body. I am like this ego thing.” She is afraid to use this big power she has. She is trying to do it to help people, but it is not working because she’s afraid. Everything starts to work, then she’s afraid of being discovered. She’s afraid of being discovered about who she is. She is doing this work undercover. (Laugh) So nobody knows that we are working undercover.

    D: Are you afraid of something happening if somebody knew how powerful you really are?

    C: Yes. It doesn’t work if anyone discovered we are controlling things.

    D: They think they might?

    C: Let me clarify this. Universe, the Unity, are working, too. We are here undercover. We are controlling things so if anybody found out we are controlling things, even though we are trying to help...they are not going to do things by themselves and they are going to ask for help. You know people here are know they need help. Always they need help and they are allowing another one to do things by themselves so we cannot allow that. They have free will so they have to do things by themselves and that is one of the reasons they took energy from this body like this woman. It’s easy to take energy from her.

    D: You mean other people?

    C: Yes. And they are always taking energy from her and that is not the way to do it because she didn’t come to do that.

    I had spoken to Celeste during the interview about how to put up shields around her to keep people from drawing on her energy.

    C: She doesn’t know how to do it. She was trying to use this shield like white light, but then this other part of her is saying, “What are you doing? This is stupid to do.” She separates. One part of her knows who she is and what she is doing here, and the other part is trying to say, “Get real. You are a human being living in this planet Earth and don’t be silly to think you are bigger than that.” It’s like a fight. She’s having this fight inside.

    D: Does she have any karma to repay?

    C: No, she does not. She has been here when this galaxy has been having this big movement, but she came only to help and she doesn’t have karma. She tried to help people who have karma, and sometimes it feels like she feels karma, but she doesn’t because she can’t. She’s one of the healers of this galaxy, so she’s trying to help and sometimes she needs to feel how it feels to be human in this part of the galaxy because that is how the galaxy feels. Like if you being in the body and it has the pain and you must feel that pain just to feel what the body feels. Do you know what I mean? Your body must feel this drama. This is the only way to help people by understanding the way they feel. Then you can understand. Then you can help, but you know sometimes people don’t want to be helped. They are happy with this drama because they don’t want to be more than that or they will remember where they belong. You cannot help if they do not want help.

    D: But she doesn’t know that she’s bigger. She feels she’s like the rest of the people on Earth.

    C: Yes, she is, and that’s the problem with being with this energy she is – me − and she’s fighting with this energy or with this body. It is her body. Sometimes she feels she’s this body and she’s bigger than that, but sometimes she cannot remember and she’s in the middle of this little drama. I have not found a way to tell her to “remember who you are!”

    D: I think you’re finding a way right now to tell her.

    C: Yes, I guess we are having this conversation.

    D: But most of the people when they come to Earth many, many times or on this cycle, they pick their parents. They pick where they’re going to be born, but she was not part of that cycle?

    C: No, she was not. She was here to help this guy and this woman (her parents) because they are so full of power. They do not realize they are. So, when she came here, she gave this couple a little energy to do what they needed to do, and they do not understand. And these two gave her a lot of experiences to feel what it is to be human, just to understand what it is to feel pain and have human experiences. It was important to me to have these experiences because now I can help them when I just found the way they feel, so empty. I can feel this emptiness. I never understood this emptiness until I came here just to have these human experiences, and then that was the contract that was with those people...I mean this couple. When I give you this energy, then you can move on or you can just not move on and you will give me this experience. Then I will understand how people feel. And now when I see the people, I know how they feel. I can feel how they feel! I can feel their vibration. I can feel how they feel and if I sense energy, I can remove their pain.

    CELESTE WAS IN SUCH A HURRY TO BEGIN THAT SHE DIDN’T even wait for me to finish the induction.
    At the beginning of the session I always put the powerful pyramid of white light of protection around the client.
    This sometimes happens that they go immediately into another life without waiting for me to complete the induction, but rarely do they do it so early.
    She visualized the pyramid as having lots of lights. “It is beautiful and quiet. I am inside of the pyramid and it is a ship. I am the driver.”
    No matter how unusual it sounds, if the client sees something, then I go with it.
    I know they are already there (wherever “there” is), and there is no need to complete the induction. I asked her, “If you’re the driver, what do you see?”

    C: Like a big window in space. I see a universe, stars, lights and quiet.

    D: It sounds beautiful! But if you’re the driver, are you sitting down or standing up or what?

    C: I guess I am sitting, but I cannot see my body. It’s like I have no body. I am just an energy or something without form.

    D: Then how are you driving this ship?

    C: With my mind! (Surprised) If I choose a place to be, I can be there.

    D: That’s wonderful. Then you don’t have to use or anything?

    C: Yes, there is something like a main control in front of me with lights and numbers and things, but I can make this move with my mind.

    D: Are you the only one on this ship?

    C: Yes, I am the only one, and it feels like I am a man, a male energy! (She laughed at that idea.)

    D: Is it dark inside there or can you see?

    C: Yes, it is like there is no inside and no outside. It’s like you have this form which is like a ship, but it’s the same inside or outside.

    D: You mean it has no walls?

    C: walls. Everything is window like glass.

    D: You mean you can see right through everything? (Yes) Even through the floor?

    C: Yes, no floor. (Laugh) That is why to be in this body is so WOW because if you are there you can see everything and you are everything. You think of that and you are there. In the earthly body you have to take a plane or a car. (Laugh) Yes, everything is so different here. You belong to everywhere.

    D: But you said you don’t feel any form at all?

    C: No, just energy. You know you are this energy, and there are some limits, but you cannot see the limits. It’s like you have some energy around like a bar or something like body.

    D: What do you mean? A bar?

    C: A bar! A bar of energy. This bar has limits so you know where you are and this space is. Like a little bar.

    D: Not like a body, but so you know you are contained? C:Yes, I am inside. It’s more like I am this ball of white energy. I can see nothing more than that and it feels like freedom. It’s just me. It feels open and free and nice and loved and energy. D:But you said you’re going somewhere?

    C: Yes, I am going somewhere. I just now see a light like a galaxy. And I am going to that galaxy. It looks like the Milky Way. (Laugh) That is my direction.

    D: Did someone tell you to go to that direction?

    C: No, I just know. I know I just must go there. (Pause) Wow! It’s beautiful! And in the middle there’s this energy like a heart. Like this heart is beating and it’s alive! This galaxy is alive! (Excited) It’s like a body, like we have with a heart and everything! (Starting to cry.) And it’s sending love. I am in the galaxy now, and I can feel that love.

    D: Where are you going? Any certain place in this galaxy?

    C: I am just here. I’m in this love. (She was basking in it.) It feels like it is so big that you can’t breathe because you don’t need to breathe. This body I have now is feeling this energy because I am connected to this energy. And it is like I am moving, like this galaxy is moving. Like the whole galaxy is alive. The whole galaxy has this feeling like the beating of your heart. And if you’re a human being, you have this beating of your heart, but you do not realize it because you are living.

    D: What does it look like in the galaxy?

    C: It looks like “home.” It looks like nothing or you are in the middle of space. I cannot tell you. You are everything. Like WOW you are so big! (We both laughed.) Yes, you are everything!! I see the space. You are just floating and if I say “me”’s not “me.” And if I say “us”’s everything.

    D: I guess I think of galaxies as having planets or....

    C: Yes, I can see stars and solar systems moving around the center together. You have two arms that are moving. The galaxy is moving. Everything is moving and the center of the galaxy is saying, “What is moving in what way?” It’s like everything is together and if the center of the galaxy moves, everything moves. Everything I see is in perfect harmony, the big things and the small things.

    D: It sounds beautiful, but are you there for a reason?

    C: Just to be part of “this” because I am part of this.

    D: Well, where did you come from before, when you first started out in that ship made of glass?

    C: I guess I was one that was living in this galaxy. It’s weird, but it feels like I was with another people and we were forming this galaxy with our thoughts. It feels weird that I cannot get out of this being that I am here in this life could I do that? It’s weird!

    D: You had a lot of power with your mind if you did that. But you didn’t do it alone. You had others working with you.

    C: I was working with...Wow...people like me. That means I am not alone. I am part of this big thing. (Emotional) I know we are here but “here” feels really different because here we can do everything, and “here” (on Earth) we can do nothing. (She began to cry.)

    D: What happens next? Is there a place you have to go within the galaxy?

    C: It seems to me that I am the whole galaxy. (Bewildered) If you extend what you are, you can be part of everything. Not only the galaxy, but for now I guess I am focused on this galaxy.

    D: Yes, you’re focused on it for a reason.

    C: Yes, maybe something is going on here. This galaxy is in the middle of a change...a big change.

    D: Is somebody telling you this?

    C: No. It would be...if you are part of this galaxy, this galaxy is going to this place, and when this galaxy is going into this or that, then you are a part of this.

    D: You were the one that helped create it, so you would know what is going on there.

    C: Yes, but it’s weird because we are a part of the Creators, but of the galaxy, too. It’s no difference between the galaxy and the Creator. All of these Creators, we are a part of the same thing. And if you feel you are a part of everything because this growing and growing and growing, this galaxy, the Creators, other galaxies, this universe, the other universes and light.

    D: It’s all growing, but you said this galaxy is changing?

    C: Yes, it’s a big change coming. This galaxy is moving to another level, so everybody that lives in this galaxy will be moving, too. These big entities know that everything will go to another level, but in this planet (Earth?) there are consciousness that doesn’t know that everything will move.

    D: It’s a different consciousness than the planets themselves, you mean?

    C: Yes. It’s like when I was telling that I am in a big “crowd.” I can feel this bigger consciousness and being in this galaxy is the same. It’s like being in a big crowd where there are different consciousnesses.

    D: So each planet or each satellite or whatever it is has its own consciousness?

    C: Yes, it does. D:But yet it’s part of the whole?

    C: Yes, it is.

    D: Then there are other different consciousnesses on these planets. They just go down to different levels? Would that make sense?

    C: Yes. There are different levels, but we are moving to another level and not everybody will move because some people just do not move. And that will be sad.

    D: Why is it moving to a different level? I knew the answers to some of these questions, but I always want to have verification through different clients, to see if they validate each other.

    C: Because it’s time. It’s time everything moves. It’s the cycles. Nothing stays the same. You see, like planet Earth, when you have winter, summer and seasons...cycles. Then this galaxy moves to a different cycle and it will be this movement. It’s about energy. It’s only energy. Nothing bad will happen. It’s only different energy. It is time to move to a different level.

    D: Tell me about the other level.

    C: The other level is when we are ready to realize we are all part of the Light. We will discover what Light is. We will discover we are part of the same Light. We are like brothers, like a brotherhood. Like everything is a part of another thing.

    D: So it means there is no separateness then?

    C: No, everything in One Thing, but you could say one thing. You are saying “part” because one means something that is with form. I am talking about something that has no form. No beginning and no end. Like if you can be “forever.” Forever is the one that you do not understand what that means, but it is a word to define something. People will become more aware. They will realize they are bigger than they believe they are. They are without limits. Some of these consciousnesses will wake up and some of them will not wake up because they are focused on themselves. They focus on stupid things, routine and control and I think they do not realize who they are.

    D: But if the whole galaxy is moving to a different level and some of the consciousnesses won’t move, where will they go?

    C: They will not be with us. There will be another galaxy for them. (Laugh) Yes, you know another galaxy is moving, too. Okay, it’s not about one of these galaxies. It’s about the Universe is moving. And this Universe is a part of another Universe that we’re moving to. Because it seems to be that “we” have a lot of information that makes us move to the next level. The whole thing is moving to the next level. And then these galaxies are moving to another level. And the consciousness that is ready to move to this level, and this other consciousness that is not ready to move will go to another galaxy.

    D: Is it kind of like a separation?

    C: No, not separation because we are all together. But you cannot be with another level of vibration that is not like you. It’s not separation. It’s different levels of vibration. We are all part of the same. We are all alike but not in different levels of vibration. Like when you have the first degree, the second degree, third are moving. If you decide to be in the first or the second or the third...everything is perfect and everything is okay. You can be wherever you want to be.

    D: I was thinking if they are going to another galaxy, there would be a separation between the two.

    C: Yes, but it’s not about separation because in one way we are all connected like “morphing” levels of the same Light, God, Universe, whatever you want to call it. Showing different levels of consciousness.

    D: Sounds like this is very important. This is part of something big.

    C: I guess it is, but it is not the first time this is happening. It’s another cycle. Everything is moving into that. D:As you are watching this, what is your part in all of this?

    C: I guess I just came here to be a part of this moving. If I am here, I can bring energy, too and allow this movement to be.

    D: You mean in the galaxy or where?

    C: I mean on planet Earth.

    D: Did someone tell you to come to Earth?

    C: Yes. The Creators of the galaxy were discussing about where to go, just to help to make this movement, and they saw this blue light, which was planet Earth. Which is not so important, but it’s blue and it’s nice, and it seems that if you have some change in that planet, everybody in the galaxy will feel that change. You know what I mean? Like this tiny blue planet is very important. (Laugh) And it’s like Wow, it’s more a planet of energy. So we decide to come here, but I don’t know if we are going to meet each other. And I guess we are not “all of us here.” Some of us are here, but other ones decided to stay out of this planet like consciousness, that we are with us always. We are part of something like Unity.

    D: So you decided. You weren’t told then?

    C: Yes, we decided to come consciously. We decided I will go here with another one, but now we will meet the other one. Now I don’t know if we need to meet because we are always together, so what I need with meet? (Laugh)

    D: You said earlier when you were the other consciousness, you could do anything and you are a part of everything. And coming to Earth is different?

    C: Yes, it’s a stupid thing to come here. (Laugh) Because when you are there you think Wow, but when you come here it is so tough. And sometimes I feel alone and sometimes I feel I cannot do this. But sometimes I know I will do it.

    D: Entering the body is different, it’s not what you thought it was going to be.

    C: Yes, it is. It is because when you enter it’s like, “Hurray! Come into this body inside of your mother.” And then you feel this restriction and everything is like you are so big, and suddenly you are more confined. And everything feels dark and you have fear for everything, and have these emotions and suddenly you cry. Then suddenly you smile and everything’s a drama. Like Wow, you cannot handle this drama. What do you suppose that drama means? And you are a part of this now. You cannot get in the way of that.

    D: So in the other existence you didn’t have these emotions?

    C: No, no, you don’t have emotions. It’s not this kind of emotions. Everything is so clean and quiet and you know everything. And the worst part is this drama thing. These feelings, people cry and this mess for misunderstanding and you cannot communicate with people with your mind. You can try, but they do not listen.

    D: And the fear is different too, isn’t it?

    C: Yes, the fear is the worst part. I don’t like this fear. This fear makes some things in your body. Your body is so sensitive to this fear and suddenly when you start having this fear, it’s a mess and you cannot get out of this fear. And then you try to remember who you are, but sometimes it’s not so easy to remember. And sometimes you think your mind is thinking all these things and...Wow...what are you talking about. The only thing that exists is routine and this life and these other things. That is the only way to do this is in this body. If you do not have that, you will not stay here. You will go “home” because home is where you belong.

    D: With those memories you couldn’t exist here. (Yes) Is that why you have to forget when you come in?

    C: Yes. That is why you have to forget. Otherwise you cannot stay attached to this body. When you have feelings for one thing, you are attached to this body. Yes, when you try to go back home again, then you get this fear and then you forget everything and then you are here again. But you know you are not complete here. You are not complete incarnate here.

    D: Have you ever been in a physical body before?

    C: I have to say it’s not, but I don’t know if it’s my mind or....

    D: But you’re part of the galaxy and you created the galaxy, do you think this is the first time you have ever moved into something like this?

    C: No, I guess this is not my first time. I guess I am coming when these kinds of changes are taking place. I have to figure this out. I feel like I am a mother of the galaxy. (Laugh) So I have to be here to take care of my little kids. (Laugh) And then I choose to be in this little planet. It is a little planet, but it has a lot of energy. Wow, I have to think of everything. Sometimes we can and sometimes we cannot. It’s not our fault because we are what we are. Sometimes some things happen that we cannot control and the only thing we can do is just to take her off of this little kid which is our galaxy.

    D: But when you come you forget all these things, and all you know is just this life.

    C: There’s no way to be here if you know who you are. There is no way to use this power you have because sometimes you need or you want to use this power, but you realize you can’t because this body is not enough. But this big energy you’re sending is not your whole energy. It’s only some part of your energy just to stay here.

    D: But isn’t it possible for the physical body to use some of the energy?

    C: Yes, the physical part of the body is using some part of the energy, but not the whole energy. Because if the body is using the whole will explode. It’s not a container for this big energy that you are. It’s too much energy for this little teeny body. Because the galaxy is smaller than the energy you are. This planet Earth is smaller than the energy you are. This body is smaller than the energy you are. So you are moving from the small things to the big things, and you are moving to the big things or from the big things to the smaller things. Everything is in cycles.

    D: But is it possible for this body you are speaking through to use a portion of the energy?

    C: Yes, she needs to use this body. It’s using this energy, but the body doesn’t know how to use it.

    D: She said she feels energy going through her body, but she doesn’t know what to do with it.

    C: Yes, she doesn’t know what to do. The body doesn’t know. She knows what to do, but when she tries to use this, this other fear starts and then she realizes, “Okay, what am I doing? I am this body. I am like this ego thing.” She is afraid to use this big power she has. She is trying to do it to help people, but it is not working because she’s afraid. Everything starts to work, then she’s afraid of being discovered. She’s afraid of being discovered about who she is. She is doing this work undercover. (Laugh) So nobody knows that we are working undercover.

    D: Are you afraid of something happening if somebody knew how powerful you really are?

    C: Yes. It doesn’t work if anyone discovered we are controlling things.

    D: They think they might?

    C: Let me clarify this. Universe, the Unity, are working, too. We are here undercover. We are controlling things so if anybody found out we are controlling things, even though we are trying to help...they are not going to do things by themselves and they are going to ask for help. You know people here are know they need help. Always they need help and they are allowing another one to do things by themselves so we cannot allow that. They have free will so they have to do things by themselves and that is one of the reasons they took energy from this body like this woman. It’s easy to take energy from her.

    D: You mean other people?

    C: Yes. And they are always taking energy from her and that is not the way to do it because she didn’t come to do that.

    I had spoken to Celeste during the interview about how to put up shields around her to keep people from drawing on her energy.

    C: She doesn’t know how to do it. She was trying to use this shield like white light, but then this other part of her is saying, “What are you doing? This is stupid to do.” She separates. One part of her knows who she is and what she is doing here, and the other part is trying to say, “Get real. You are a human being living in this planet Earth and don’t be silly to think you are bigger than that.” It’s like a fight. She’s having this fight inside.

    D: Does she have any karma to repay?

    C: No, she does not. She has been here when this galaxy has been having this big movement, but she came only to help and she doesn’t have karma. She tried to help people who have karma, and sometimes it feels like she feels karma, but she doesn’t because she can’t. She’s one of the healers of this galaxy, so she’s trying to help and sometimes she needs to feel how it feels to be human in this part of the galaxy because that is how the galaxy feels. Like if you being in the body and it has the pain and you must feel that pain just to feel what the body feels. Do you know what I mean? Your body must feel this drama. This is the only way to help people by understanding the way they feel. Then you can understand. Then you can help, but you know sometimes people don’t want to be helped. They are happy with this drama because they don’t want to be more than that or they will remember where they belong. You cannot help if they do not want help.

    D: But she doesn’t know that she’s bigger. She feels she’s like the rest of the people on Earth.

    C: Yes, she is, and that’s the problem with being with this energy she is – me − and she’s fighting with this energy or with this body. It is her body. Sometimes she feels she’s this body and she’s bigger than that, but sometimes she cannot remember and she’s in the middle of this little drama. I have not found a way to tell her to “remember who you are!”

    D: I think you’re finding a way right now to tell her.

    C: Yes, I guess we are having this conversation.

    D: But most of the people when they come to Earth many, many times or on this cycle, they pick their parents. They pick where they’re going to be born, but she was not part of that cycle?

    C: No, she was not. She was here to help this guy and this woman (her parents) because they are so full of power. They do not realize they are. So, when she came here, she gave this couple a little energy to do what they needed to do, and they do not understand. And these two gave her a lot of experiences to feel what it is to be human, just to understand what it is to feel pain and have human experiences. It was important to me to have these experiences because now I can help them when I just found the way they feel, so empty. I can feel this emptiness. I never understood this emptiness until I came here just to have these human experiences, and then that was the contract that was with those people...I mean this couple. When I give you this energy, then you can move on or you can just not move on and you will give me this experience. Then I will understand how people feel. And now when I see the people, I know how they feel. I can feel how they feel! I can feel their vibration. I can feel how they feel and if I sense energy, I can remove their pain.

    I asked about Celeste’s daughter which she finally conceived after two miscarriages. It was the same story that I have heard many times. “She is one of us! She is one of us!” Celeste has the type of energy that is not compatible with other humans. This type is so different that it is difficult for the mother to get pregnant. The vibration of the incoming soul is too different from the mother’s vibration. Thus adjustments have to be made so the mother can carry the fetus to term. Normally there are two or three miscarriages until the adjustments are complete. This type usually cannot have children because of this incompatibility. The energy and vibration of both souls have to come from the same place in order for it to succeed. Celeste was then given personal information. She was also told to use the white light to protect her from other people’s energy.

    C: Now she’s going to know who she is, but she must be careful because you know when you are in this body you have these traps. These things that make you feel more than you are and deeper than you are and things like that. So you need to be careful with that because we do not want this woman to use this power doing bad things. So she must remember to be careful. And she must know to be careful with the people around because we said this woman is like a channel so she is channeling energy. Many people are taking energy from her so she must be careful with that. These people are taking energy from her and are not using this energy properly. (Emphasized that she must use the shield and white light every day.) She must also remember to meditate every single day and take care of the food that she eats.

    She had been having problems with her stomach and intestines occasionally. “Yes, she’s channeling different energies so sometimes this energy makes her have trouble with the body because she doesn’t use this shield. So now she’s like a sponge with energy.” They did a body scan. “There is something about blood because sometimes she does things that do not allow the energy to flow. Fears. Fears interfere with the blood flow. It is the mind that puts fears in your body. I will clean this body of the blockage called fear. It is causing something in the body that we do not want. It feels weird to be in a body. Fear and a lot of people taking her energy, so you have to tell her to use this shield. They are taking the energy from her. She must be open to giving energy, but she must be closed to people who take her energy out. Now I can feel the heart in the hands. She must use these hands that are full of energy. She knows what to do. She knows exactly what to do. Enough people will come and she will know when to use it and when to not use it. Don’t touch people until you put your shield first. Then she can touch people. And control the energy. The energy knows where to go and how to do it. She can use it for healing and to clean these fears like we did with this body. She can do the same with people to clean the fears people have. She has to remember that fear is not going to succeed. This fear has taken some organs and then you can try to release this organ with this fear. We don’t need this fear in this body, but it doesn’t know how to do it. Yes, she’s like a ‘cleaning lady.’ She’s a cleaner, yes.” They said something unexpected here when I asked about Celeste’s parents. They said they would not be there to worry about. They were just not there, their energy was gone. They said that meant they would die, but they could not tell me any more because their energy was just not there. Physical: Eyes. Sometimes she doesn’t want to see what she sees. That’s why the eyes are not working well. She’s trying to control what she sees. She likes to be in control, but it doesn’t work because “we” are in control. They said there was a problem with the right eye because of a laser. The doctor had not done the surgery correctly, so “they” sent energy to correct it and allow the light to enter. This created a lot of heat that Celeste could physically feel.

    D: Energy creates heat, doesn’t it?

    C:Ah, yes! D:But now she won’t be in control. She can see what she has to see.

    C: Perfect, but now she will see things maybe that she doesn’t want to see. (Amused) She must remember that we are in control so she doesn’t need to be afraid. Remember about the shield and everything will be under control, our control, not her control. Sometimes she’s like a sponge. And sometimes we need a sponge, otherwise we cannot use our energy in the body. You know, this is the thing that happens in this planet Earth. People are trying to take energy one from each other and the thing is that they need to connect to the Source, and they don’t know how to do it. So if they decide how to connect, they don’t need to take from one another.

    D: Because Source has an unlimited supply.

    C: I know...for everyone! Right now she is giving energy to planet Earth. Her hands are giving a supplier. They are supplying energy or giving energy to planet Earth right now. Earth is moving too and planet Earth is really “happy” to be moving.

    Excerpt from Dolores Cannon's last book: The Convoluted Universe - Book Five, completed following her transition on October 18th, 2014, published in 2015

    dolores3waves (2).

    Last edited: May 5, 2021
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Arcanum Arcanorum – Metamorphosis in Universal Reconfiguration

    Fake Alien Invasion and Disclosure of Fake and True Extraterrestrial Intelligences within a 230K and 1.8 Million Timeframe
    of Starhuman Seeding on Planet Earth

    Many researchers and observers of human history understand that the New World cannot come from political roots or movements, which have shaped the Old World in the relatively distant past.
    Agenda 2030 of the 'Global Technocracy Reset' requires the next 10 years to implement at the Fabian turtle pace, with 2020 the midpoint between 2010 (Lock Step) and 2030.
    This plan so engages an increasing surveillance-control system culminating in the victory not only over the world political, but the negation of all encoded scriptural patterns and prophecies.

    Project Bluebeam is part of agenda 2030 and utilizes quantum mechanical principles and science to manifest a holographic fake alien invasion to 'fulfil' say the apocalyptic codes and forestall the true ET-UFO-UAP phenomenon in conjunction with AI and nanotechnology.

    Preparation for a real ET contact (ETs being both our ancestors in mind and descendants in the body and linked to so called dead alive or 'passed over' ones) engages a human mental evolution in expectation of a 4th spacial hyperspace dimension to 'open up' or unfold from a 12-dimensional omnispace dimensional fractalized-discrete continuum to manifest a 5-dimensional spacetime within a reconfigured 12-dimensional quantum-twistor-line space as a tripartite timeless self-enfolding or circularized energy-frequency field equivalent to a four folded spacetime continuum embedded within a 12-dimensional omni-quantum-rotation-line spacetime matrix .

    This effect will then be part of the reconfiguration of the universe, holographically fractalized in individualized starhuman body forms as the 'new ETs'.

    Arcanum Arcanorum


    Isaiah 60.8 - (KJV):

    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    clouds (2).

    Romans.9.23 - (KJV):

    And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,


    Isaiah 66:22-24 - (KJV):

    22 For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain.
    23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the Lord.
    24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

    Matthew 24: 1-15-22-27-28-37-41-51 – (KJV)

    15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
    16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
    17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
    18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
    19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
    20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
    21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
    27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
    37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
    39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
    40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
    41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

    Revelation 19: 17-18 - KJV
    17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18 That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.

    4Q392: “[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].”

    translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.
    The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls; Geza Vermes; Penguin, London, 1997

    Gospel of Thomas – Lambdin, Nag Hammadi Codices, Egypt, 1945

    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."
    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."
    (4) Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to ask a small child seven days old about the place of life, and he will live. For many who are first will become last, and they will become one and the same."
    { 7 Days as 7 Years December 21st, 2012 to December 21st, 2019 for Alpha-Omega Logos}

    (13) Jesus said to his disciples, "Compare me to someone and tell me whom I am like."
    Simon Peter said to him, "You are like a righteous angel."
    Matthew said to him, "You are like a wise philosopher."
    Thomas said to him, "Master, my mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like."
    Jesus said, "I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become intoxicated from the bubbling spring which I have measured out."
    And he took him and withdrew and told him three things. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked him, "What did Jesus say to you?"
    Thomas said to them, "If I tell you one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up."
    {Jesus said, replying to Thomas and pointing to John and Mary Magdalene: I am you and you are him and he is her!}
    {John.20.17 Mary as New Eve CJ-Left requires ascension before blending with JC-Right}

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."
    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."
    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."
    {1(2),000 as 100 Million Doubled in Euphrates; Dan.7.10 & Rev.5.11;9.16;18.5}

    (108) Jesus said, "He who will drink from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him."

    (11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"
    (15) Jesus said, "When you see one who was not born of woman, prostrate yourselves on your faces and worship him. That one is your father."
    {Old Adam=Adam+Eve in Old Heaven+Earth transforms into AdamEve+EveAdam in New Heaven+Earth}
    (85) Jesus said, "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, but he did not become worthy of you. For had he been worthy, he would not have experienced death."

    (10) Jesus said, "I have cast fire upon the world, and see, I am guarding it until it blazes."
    (16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary." {Sword of Plasma = Words of a Psalm}
    {38 Year Metamorphosis in 5 Mirrors of Time Gestation-Anointment-Center-Anointment-Gestation}

    (82) Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom."

    (32) Jesus said, "A city being built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden."
    (48) Jesus said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away."
    (106) Jesus said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away."

    (61) Jesus said, "Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, and the other will live."
    Salome said, "Who are you, man, that you ... have come up on my couch and eaten from my table?"
    Jesus said to her, "I am he who exists from the undivided. I was given some of the things of my father."
    <...> "I am your disciple."
    <...> "Therefore I say, if he is destroyed, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness."

    (87) Jesus said, "Wretched is the body that is dependant upon a body, and wretched is the soul that is dependent on these two."

    (88) Jesus said, "The angels and the prophets will come to you and give to you those things you (already) have. And you too, give them those things which you have, and say to yourselves, 'When will they come and take what is theirs?'"

    (89) Jesus said, "Why do you wash the outside of the cup? Do you not realize that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?"



    Warning! The Fake Alien Invasion Threat is Real!
    Apr 23, 2021 - Greg Reese - A mass awakening is the greatest threat to the criminal cabal’s greatest power; invisibility

    Dr. Steven Greer of joins The Alex Jones Show to break down how to fight against full disclosure of extraterrestrial operations being used to manipulate the public with fear.,-Disclosure-of-Fake-and-True-Extraterrestrial-Intelligences:e
    Adam Bermanseder
    Good interview, Steven Greer is good on the subject, much better than Alex which that video makes clear.
    It is becoming increasingly obvious that "the powers that be" are planning it. What I find more interesting is whether or not it will coincide with the real thing? difficult to imagine the Logos would allow such a deception for any serious length of time.

    Tony Bermanseder
    The length of time is encoded in the ancient texts and so requires the context of those timelines to adjust the linear progression of time to the potential yet stipulated-defined time markers or nexus points. The continuity of the historical and political affairs of planetary man, so depend on the potential outcomes and the 'set in stones' major markers encoded. Alex is a nuisance interviewer with the right impulses, but he interrupts most annoyingly. Greer has the ET agenda nailed and is correct with the interdimensional 'EVIL=VEIL=LIVE' NOT being actual ETs.

    The 'interdimensional 'demons' are human mind creations and so fit particular religious contexts and in conjunction with the cabal created 'robotic fake ETs' , which Greer nicely points out; they serve the devious antihuman agendas of the technocratic elites very well.
    The actual ET history in biological form dates to 2,240 million years ago, when the universe became self-reflective and enabled to 'see itself' in the mirror of spacetime (11D-Witten Membrane), the religious folks should understand to be the actual meaning of the Sabbath and the Sea of Glass as the encoded 'throne of heaven' in the apocalypse.
    Before the Universal Logos incarnated physically in full remembrance and spacetime awareness as Jesus/Yeshuah in 7-6BC; Logos was part of the creator monad and so known to any soul-ET sentience as 'the Source Energy' as Universal Consciousness; scripturally named as God outside and within (as the female Goddess).

    This hidden or occulted feminine creator became the 'devilish-satanic' opposition to the apparent and visible creator principle without. The problem at the present time is that the cabal knows what I just described, and very successfully has hidden or obscured their nous from the general human population. It so will be a small proportion of old humans, Logos aligned, which will present the true opposing starhuman or pro-human agenda to counter the 'evil' agenda as the 'true remnant' of the Logos dispensation and history of 37 years with a gestation period.

    This period is decoded in the chart as the first incarnation of Jesus/Yeshuah from July 26th, 7BC to April 17th, 32 AD as the required uniqueness and individualization of the 'source consciousness aka God as FatherMother'.
    The second incarnation in the manyness, then is decoded as a time of preparation and a time of construction (of the New Jerusalem or New Earth with a New Heaven).

    This defines the change of the precessional ages (Jesus changed the Age of Aries into the Age of Pisces in the first incarnation and changes this into the Age of Aquarius in the second incarnation) as the Preparation from March 31st, 1975 to December 21st, 2012 with April 30th, 1979 to January 20th, 2017.
    The 'Age of Aquarius' is here given as a 36 year solar transit across the galactic equator and which is annularly defined as the solar transit from the star sign of Capricorn-Zebulon into the star sign of Aquarius-Joseph on and about January 20th every year.

    The Construction runs from December 21st, 2012 as the 'end of all the preceding ages' in a reset of the time keeping then uses the apocalyptic definitions of the end times as the 24 Elders as a 12+1+1+12 =24+2 decoding of the 'judgements' encompassing all the timelines in the Masoretic texts (Christian Bible and Jewish Torah) as the last Supper circle and the division of the year into seasons and month and the 12 tribes of Israel as the 12 star signs of the zodiac, called Mazzaroth in the Torah/OT/Book of Job.

    The 13 years from 2012 so define a newborn baby, born December 21st, 2012 from its conception of March 31st, 2012 to grow up into a teenager graduation on December 21st, 2025. A 5-year offset from the 2030 agenda of the cabal will so be short circuited by the overall fulfilment of the 'Words of the Logos' as described here and in the chart. This chart is extended in the following one, including the GOT codes.
    But apart from the exposition of the scripture codes, the actual detail of this resurrection of the body simply describes the Journey of a Soul no longer in duality mode. This then becomes an actual basis and the foundation of a new cosmology and a new standard physics.

    But the authority of it must come from a renewal of human thinking and self-perception as a reborn humanity as its own extraterrestrial or ET presence and not any old human mind creation. Then the imagined starry origins of the Mazzaroth-Celestial Order found in the legends and creation mythologies of the human history and encoded in the ‘Book of Job’ can support a great awakening of a civilization facing either its collapse and destruction or its graduation.
    The genetic awakenings of the shaman and the dreamers will realize its ET origins, might those be labelled as Pleiadean, Arcturian, Sirian or Thuban in the five great Platonic-Mayan ages, each of 26,000 such years of 360 Degree-Days.

    Transformation and Metamorphosis

    There are many transformations, but a metamorphosis of a series of transformations represents a timeline aim of purpose for the individual transformations.

    This world presently is experiencing its transformation of 5 transformation cycles known as Mayan precessional ages, each of 26K 360 day 'Great Cycle/Prophecy' Years.
    Those can be labeled in divers ways but relate to the beginning of homo sapiens 46,800,000 days from the (in)famous Mayan solstice of December 21st, 2012.
    Then a new form of humanity was 'born' as a potential starhuman. December 21st, 2020 so marked the 8th birthday of this 'collective starhuman consciousness' and you and many others experience this '8-year-old growing up' in different ways.
    Perhaps you can place this manifestation into a greater context universal.
    The technocratic tyrants know of this manifestation rather well and their accelerated push into the 'great reset' of the say 4th industrial revolution relates to this.

    One way of characterizing the human legacy from the stars is: (dates Gregorian proleptic as sunrise to sunset counts):

    -312. 18Yax 4Ahau - Wed, 04Dec 126,123 BC
    Start of 1st Great Cycle of Draco Thuban--0-26,000
    - 18Yaxkin 4Ahau - Tue, 26Sep 100,496 BC
    Start of 2nd Great Cycle of Hyperborea--26,000-52,000
    - 18Zotz 4Ahau Mon, 18Jul 74,869 BC
    Start of 3rd Great Cycle of Lemuria--52,000-78,000
    - 18Pop 4Ahau - Sun, 10May 49,242 BC
    Start of 4th Great Cycle of Zep Tepi--78,000-104,000

    - 3Kayab 4Ahau - Sat, 01Mar 23,615 BC
    Start of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis--104,000-130,000

    - 13Muan 4Ahau - Tue, 27Jul 10,802 BC
    Midpoint of 5th Great Cycle of Western Winds from Sirian Canisi
    Fifth Age of Atlantis Pharez-Leo-Zarah Manasseh.of.Ephraim
    Younger Dryas Comet Sphinx and Pyramids 3Kankin 4Ahau - Fri, 21Dec 2012
    64x400=25,600 CY
    End of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis

    Start of Starhumanity in Gestation as Human Imago 130,000-130,012 18Mac 13Ahau - Mon, 16Dec 2013 13Mac 9Ahau - Thu, 11Dec 2014 8Mac 5Ahau - Sun, 06Dec 2015 3Mac 1Ahau - Wed, 30Nov 2016 18Ceh 10Ahau - Sat, 25Nov 2017 13Ceh 6Ahau - Tue, 20Nov 2018 8Ceh 2Ahau - Fri, 15Nov 2019 3Ceh 11Ahau - Mon, 09Nov 2020 18Zac 7Ahau - Thu, 04Nov 2021 13Zac 3Ahau - Sun, 30Oct 2022 8Zac 12Ahau - Wed, 25Oct 2023 3Zac 8Ahau - Sat, 19Oct 2024 18Yax 4Ahau - Tue, 14Oct 2025

    The graduation of the starhuman child as a teenager ‘thirteen’ and correlating to the tyrannical agenda of the technocratic globalist 'initiates' attempting to manipulate the universal metamorphosis agenda in their psychopathic control agenda of population control and medical-scientific tyranny for the time period projected for completion from 2010-2020-2030


    The 120 Elders of the Great Universal Reconfiguration and the 144,000 Aspects of the Maya Baktun in the Apocalypse in 84,240,00 Days as 234,000 360-Day Years

    The Timelines of the Starhuman Legacy from 228,629 BC to 2012-2025-2030

    starline. 13years.
    The transformation of a type of cosmic civilization like that of the 'old humanity' residing on planet earth into an evolved cosmic civilization, say a 'new humanity' inhabiting a terraformed planet earth requires a period of transitional evolutionary adaptation.


    This can be compared to the metamorphosis of the butterfly genus/family; order lepidoptera; class insecta; phylum arthropoda; kingdom animalia from the four stages of embryo-larvae-pupa-imago from the caterpillar-larvae stage into the butterfly-imago stage via the transit stage of the pupa-chrysalis ergo the cocoonisation of the caterpillar insectoid.


    In the form of the genus homo, the subspecies homo sapiens sapiens can be modelled to have entered the embryonic stage with the advent of Cro Magnon Man so 26,000 (civil) years ago.
    Using 400 year intervals of 146,097 days under utility of a certain calendrical counting of time ; the embryonic conception can be 'dated' to an extrapolated calendrical date of Saturday, February 21st, 23,615BC-G and precisely 9,360,008 days (and a precessional day count as 25,626.83149 Gregorian years) from Friday, December 21st, 2012AD in a week count of 1,337,144.

    The Julian day count began on January 1st 4713 BC-Julian and the Gregorian day count of 365.2425 days per year commenced on October 5th, 1582, replacing the Julian year of 365.25 days.
    A Mean Tropical Year has 365.24219 days and where a mean solar day has precisely 24x3600=86,400 SI seconds.
    The Tropical Year is referential to the seasons (equinoxes and solstices) and differs from the star-referential Sidereal Year in the day addendum 1/26000 or 1.0000385 of so 1225 seconds (20.41 minutes) per year and which accumulate to about 368.5 mean days (and so about a year) per precessional cycle.
    Due to orbital- and rotational changes and precession a year is decreasing at the present astronomical configuration by about 5 milliseconds/year or 130 seconds or so 2 minutes in a 26,000 precessional cycle.

    The Gregorian year of 365.2425 days differs from the tropical year of 365.24219 days and so the Gregorian calendar will accumulate an error of about 0.00031x26,000~8.1 days per precessional cycle.
    To account for this, a 'creation-initialization week of 8 days' is added to the 64 cycles in
    9792+8=9,800=7x1,400=7x7x200=8x52x72=2(22x52x72)=2x702 in the
    13x5x144,000=9,360,000 (Mayan) day-kin count, which so begins on the superposed and extrapolated Gregorian Day (G) Day#-7=Saturday, February 22nd, 23,615BC-G and becomes mirrored in the 7th day Day#7=Saturday, March 8th, 23,615BC-G for the Conception of the human Embryo to be born from its Chrysalis 64 cycles later.

    The first cycle is initiated on Day#9,792=Friday, December 21st, 23,589BC-G and the last and 64th cycle is initiated on Day#9,213,903=Friday, December 21st, 1612AD-Gregorian and ends precisely 146,097 days or 400 Gregorian years later on Friday, December 21st, 2012AD to commence a now precessional count in the birth of the Imago of the ancient human Embryo established by the beginning of the first cycle.

    Long Count


    360 Tun Cycles





    Ancients of Days
    Thuban Star Elders


    18Yax 4Ahau



    Wed, 04Dec 126,123 BC


    Start of 1st Great Cycle of Draco Thuban

    Alpha Abba|αω|Baab



    13Xul 4Ahau



    Sun, 15Apr 120,997 BC



    8Uo 4Ahau



    Thu, 25Aug 115,872 BC



    8Chen 4Ahau



    Sat, 30Apr 113,309 BC


    Midpoint of 1st Great Cycle of Central Elements from Draconian Serpentini

    First Age of Thuban



    8Pax 4Ahau



    Mon, 04Jan 110,746 BC



    3Ceh 4Ahau



    Fri, 16May 105,621 BC



    18Yaxkin 4Ahau



    Tue, 26Sep 100,496 BC


    End of 1st Great Cycle of Thuban
    Start of 2nd Great Cycle of Hyperborea




    13Zip 4Ahau



    Sat, 05Feb 95,370 BC



    13 Kayab 4Ahau



    Wed, 16Jun 90,245 BC



    8Xul 4Ahau



    Fri, 21Feb 87,682 BC


    Midpoint of 2nd Great Cycle of Northern Mountains from Arcturian Pachydermi

    Second Age of Hyperborea



    8Mac 4Ahau



    Sun, 26Oct 85,120 BC



    3Chen 4Ahau



    Thu, 08Mar 79,994 BC



    18Zotz 4Ahau



    Mon, 18Jul 74,869 BC


    End of 2nd Great Cycle of Hyperborea
    Start of 3rd Great Cycle of Lemuria




    18 Cumku 4Ahau



    Fri, 27Nov 69,744 BC



    13Kankin 4Ahau



    Tue, 08Apr 64,618 BC



    8Zip 4Ahau



    Thu, 13Dec 62,056 BC


    Midpoint of 3rd Great Cycle of Southern Waters from Pleiadean Cetacini

    Third Age of Lemuria



    8Yax 4Ahau



    Sat, 18Aug 59,493 BC



    3Xul 4Ahau



    Wed, 28Dec 54,368 BC



    18Pop 4Ahau



    Sun, 10May 49,242 BC


    End of 3rd Great Cycle of Lemuria
    Start of 4th Great Cycle of Zep Tepi




    18Muan 4Ahau



    Thu, 18Sep 44,117 BC



    13Zac 4Ahau



    Mon, 29Jan 38,991 BC



    13Cumku 4Ahau



    Wed, 04Oct 36,429 BC


    Midpoint of 4th Great Cycle of Eastern Fires from Andromedean Felini

    Fourth Age of Zep Tepi



    8Yaxin 4Ahau



    Fri, 10Jun 33,866 BC



    3Zip 4Ahau



    Tue, 19Oct 28,741 BC






    Sat, 22Feb 23,615 BC



    3Kayab 4Ahau



    Sat, 01Mar 23,615 BC


    End of 4th Great Cycle of Zep Tepi
    Start of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis







    Sat, 08Mar 23,615 BC







    Fri, 21Dec 23,589 BC
    0x400=0 Civil Years CY


    Thuban Human Conception to Arcturian Human Embryo




    18Ceh 4Ahau



    Wed, 12Jul 18,490 BC









    Fri, 21Dec 17,189 BC 16x400=6400 CY


    Embryo to
    Pleiadean Human




    13Mol 4Ahau



    Sun, 20Nov 13,365 BC





    13Muan 4Ahau



    Tue, 27Jul 10,802 BC


    Midpoint of 5th Great Cycle of Western Winds from Sirian Canisi

    Fifth Age of Atlantis
    Younger Dryas Comet Sphinx and Pyramids






    Fri, 21Dec 10,789 BC
    32x400=12,800 CY


    Pleiadean Human Larvae to Sirian Human Pupa




    8Zotz 4Ahau



    Thu, 01Apr 8239 BC









    Fri, 21Dec 4389 BC
    48x400=19,200 CY


    Sirian Human Pupa to Thuban Starhuman Imago



    8Cumku 4Ahau



    Mon, 11Aug 3114 BC




    3Kankin 4Ahau



    Fri, 21Dec 2012
    64x400=25,600 CY


    End of 5th Great Cycle of Atlantis
    Start of Starhumanity in Gestation as Human Imago

    Baab|ωα|Abba Omega



    18Mac 13Ahau



    Mon, 16Dec 2013



    13Mac 9Ahau



    Thu, 11Dec 2014



    8Mac 5Ahau



    Sun, 06Dec 2015



    3Mac 1Ahau



    Wed, 30Nov 2016



    18Ceh 10Ahau



    Sat, 25Nov 2017



    13Ceh 6Ahau



    Tue, 20Nov 2018



    8Ceh 2Ahau



    Fri, 15Nov 2019



    3Ceh 11Ahau



    Mon, 09Nov 2020


    18Zac 7Ahau



    Thu, 04Nov 2021



    13Zac 3Ahau



    Sun, 30Oct 2022



    8Zac 12Ahau



    Wed, 25Oct 2023



    3Zac 8Ahau



    Sat, 19Oct 2024



    18Yax 4Ahau



    Tue, 14Oct 2025



    13Yax 13Ahau



    Fri, 09Oct 2026



    8Yax 9Ahau



    Mon, 04Oct 2027



    3Yax 5Ahau



    Thu, 28Sep 2028



    18Chen 1Ahau



    Sun, 23Sep 2029



    13Chen 10Ahau



    Wed, 18Sep 2030



    8Chen 6Ahau



    Sat, 13Sep 2031



    3Chen 2Ahau



    Tue, 07Sep 2032






    Fri, 02Sep 2033






    Mon, 28Aug 2034






    Thu, 23Aug 2035






    Sun, 17 Aug 2036






    Wed, 12Aug 2037






    Sat, 7Aug 2038






    The metamorphosis of the old human cosmogenetic template into a new starhuman genome and universal blueprint will blend the old human past history with its new starhuman future in the present of the creator-creation modality and Universal Family.

    The wave-particle or mind-body dichotomy or DNA-Chicken RNA-Egg paradox will resolve itself in its realization, that the formless ‘Father-Yang’ can be its own maleness, but requires a ‘Mother-Yin’ to birth him in form; whilst in a perfect supersymmetry, the ‘Mother-Yin’ can be her own femaleness, but requires a ‘Father-Yang’ to create her as a form in a harmonization of the formless mind in waveness with the formed body in its particularness.
    The Extraterrestrial human becomes the ancestor of the terrestrial human in the waviness of the human mind and the Terrestrial human becomes the ancestor of the extraterrestrial human in the particularisation of the extraterrestrial human body.

    In this way the ancestors of an old humanity as evolutionary and universal observers become their own descendants in the reformation and convolution of the two apparently separated realms of the eternal mind of the dead alive ones and the world of the temporal body of the living dead ones.

    The world of angels and devils reharmonized in and by a particular labelling for the wisdom of the ancients and the creators of the Old Humanity in Mind then reborn as a New Humanity created in a grand homecoming of the Universal Creator with the Universal Creation as a Creator-Creation Twinship AbbABaaB of polarity-sex-unification of Two in One in Two as One!




    The Grand Mayan Cycle and the Creation of Homo Sapiens by the Ancients in 36,000 Galactic Moons of 1.872 Million Haab Years

    The question for many researchers, historians, archaeologists and anthropologists has for long been, just how the Maya and similar cultures derived their calendrical calculations, using their astronomical observations with their experienced seasons upon planet Earth.
    They realised of course, that the Tzolkin of 260=13x20 repeating cycles served some celebratory or 'spiritual' purpose, whilst the Haab of 365 Kin or days became the seasonal timekeeper for the plantings and the harvests. The Haab is then evidently calibrated to the solar year, but the Tzolkin bears no immediate correlation with the lunar year of 354-355 days, except the Tun of 360 Kin becoming a midpoint between the approximate lunar year of 12x29½=354.3 Days and the solar year of 365.25 days in 354+6 = 360 = 366-6 in an averaging of the leap year cycles of 3x365+366=1461 days.
    Jose Argüelles and other 'Nova Mayans' then created a 28-day lunar cycle for a 'adjusted' Haab of 13x28=364 kin and called this the recalibration of 'Gregorian Solar' 12x60 time into a 13x28=364 'Mayan Lunar Time' also known as the Dream spell calendar.
    Any recalibration of Gregorian or ‘western cultural’ calendars is however not required, should the true nature of the original ancient calendars become understood and implemented to calibrate the ancient chronos with the time keeping utilized in the present era.
    Jose' Arguelles dream spell calendar can then be related to the five Vayeb days ending a particular Haab in 1-5 Vayeb to begin the next Haab in 0Pop in an annual recurrence of July 26th. As such a calendar would eliminate the day count of a tropical year and so the seasons, however, say in the elimination of the leap days in the common solar calendars and the metonic lunar calendars, such a procedure is not necessary.

    Many researchers and interested readers are aware about the basic structure of the Mayan Long Count of 5 Baktuns as 5x144,000=720,000 Kin and the structure of a Baktun as 20x7,200 Katun for a Katun consisting of 20 Tun of 360 Kin each and with a 'Cycle Year' of 360 Kin being counted in 18x20=360 days for a Uinal of 20 days subdividing the 'Cycle' year as 360 degrees in a circle for a Tun being 18 Uinals.

    The Mayan dates are defined and can be written as: {Baktun; Katun; Tun; Uinal; Kin}

    The Precessional Maya Year or Grand Mayan Cycle or GMC also known as a 'Great Platonic Galactic Year', then is defined in 13x5=65 Baktuns or 65x144,000=9,360,000 Kin.
    A fifth of this Mayan Grand Year then is used to calibrate the most recent calendrical time keeping of the Maya in the Maya date = 8 Cumku 4 Ahau which calibrates to August 11th, 3114BC in a Gregorian proleptic (GP) and to September 6th, 3114 BC Julian calendrical calibration and synchronization.
    Using those dates then will add a 5 Baktun day count of 5x144,000 = 720,000 Kin to for for December 21st, 2012 Gregorian.

    Calibrating backwards in time to the beginning of the GMC then stipulates the 5 Baktun cycles as follows:

    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 ends: = 4Ahau 3Kankin = Friday, December 21st, 2012, Gregorian 'Civil Year'|Friday, December 8th, 2012 AD J|Friday, 8Teveth5773
    5th Baktun Cycle #5 of GMC #73 begins: = 4 Ahau 8Cumku = Monday, August 11th, 3114 BC GP|Monday, September 6th, 3114 BC JP|11Elul647
    4th Baktun Cycle #4 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 8Zotz = Thursday, April 1st, 8239 BC GP|Thursday, |Thursday, June 4th, 8239 BC JP|Thursday, 15Iyyar-4478
    3rd Baktun Cycle #3 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 13Mol= Sunday, November 20th, 13,365 BC GP|Sunday, March 2nd, 13,365 BC JP|Sunday, 18Shevat-9603
    2nd Baktun Cycle #2 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 18Ceh= Wednesday, July 12th, 18,490 BC GP|Wednesday, November 29th, 18,490 BC JP|Wednesday, 21Tishri-14,728
    1st Baktun Cycle #1 of GMC #73 begins: - = 4Ahau 3Kayab = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC GP|Saturday, August 27th, 23,615 BC JP|Saturday, 25Sivan-19,854

    As 720,000 Kin are 100 Katun and 2000 Tun as 5 Baktuns, the approximate precessional rate of change in the zodiac is attained as 5x72°=360° for 72 'Cycle Years' tracing One degree of the Ouroboros for a total precession of 72x360=25,920 'Proxy years', approximating a Gaian precession across time spans of the order of 10s and 100 thousands of years.

    As the rotational speed of a planet depends on its gravitational interaction with other orbs in the astronomical neighborhood (a receding moon will alter the gravitational interaction between the planet and the moon and affect the oceans in tides and currents) and also on the mass-inertia distribution of the planet's mass in its rotational dynamics in its 'Moment of Inertia'; the time keeping over such and longer periods of times cannot be exactly calibrated in terms of repeating cycles such as years in say a scientific definition for the length of a day and the duration of a second.
    However the count of days and nights, relatively independent upon fluctuations of the seasonal and orbital adjustments of such semi cycles remains constant for such a definition for the keeping of time.

    The GMC can also be partitioned into an exact Kin count of 26,000 Kin for every Tun of 360 Kin as 1300 Katuns being 5x13=65 Baktuns.

    26,000x360 = 9,360,000 = 13x720,000 = 72x13,000 = 720x1300

    The actual precession rate for the present time of the 74th GMC then is 9,360,000/(365.2425x360)=26,000/365.2425=71.186 'civil years' per degree.
    As the 'Civil Year' of 365.2425 days differs from the mean tropical year of 365.24219878 by 0.00030122 days per year; the cumulative error of divergence will become 1 day in so 1/0.000301 or 3320 civil years. The actual Precessional year in scientific definition of the day count as presently employed is 9,360,000/365.2425 = 25,626.81 'Mean Solar Days' as 'Civil Gregorian Days' and a timed distance of about 25,627 light years descriptive for the distance between the Center of the Earth and the Center of the Milky Way or Perseus galaxy.

    It was 73 Great Mayan Cycles ago, that the human presence upon the planet Gaia-Earth was made manifest by the cosmic elders of the realms. Many recall particular memories about this creation event and many misinterpret just what was the actual happenstance at that time marker in the cosmic evolution, relevant not only for the inhabitants of planet Earth, but for the entire universe defined in the parameters of space and time.
    But it was at that time in geological time reckonings and 1.8 to 1.9 Million years ago (Mya); that the ancestor of Homo Sapiens or 'Modern Wise Man' diverged from its common hominid stock classified under such taxonomy as Hominin Tribe such as Australopithecus Afarensis; 'Lucy from the Sky' etc. and 3-4 Mya as ancestors of Homo Habilis (3-2 Mya) and evolution branches from a common Hominidae Family {Great Apes Human, Pongidae/Orang Utan, Gorilla and Pan-Chimpanzee/Bonobo 15-5 Mya}, themselves emergent from an earlier Primate Order to become what is known as Homo Erectus or 'Upright Man' in the fossils and records of anthropology. The oldest fossil of the Genus Homo in Homo Erectus is dated at 1.8 Million years from Georgia outside Africa and named Homo Georgicus.
    As Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus coinhabited the planetary environments; Homo Erectus co evolved with Homo Habilis, the latter becoming extinct and the former advancing into its Homo Sapiens and Homo Sapiens Sapiens form.

    Modern Man or 'Cro Magnon Man' then characterised the final step of the human evolution at the beginning of the 73rd GMC and the transition period from the 72nd GMC into to 73rd GMC as the bridging time between two precessional eons of the Earth from the time of 'Edgar Cayce's Atlantis' beginning so 50,000 years ago to the time of the extinction of Homo Neanderthalensis or 'Neanderthal Man' so 30,000 years ago and when the 73rd GMC began to implement its 9,360,000 Kin or days.

    The reason for this number of GMCs is the deeper agenda of the Tzolkin and the Haab.
    The Tzolkin repeats in 260 Kin and the Haab adds 5 Vayeb or 'Special Kin' to the Cycle year of 360 Kin, the latter representing the average or mean alignments between the lunar cycles of the lunations, and the solar year of the seasons as indicated previously.
    The Haab so repeats in 365 Kin and the Tzolkin repeats in 260 Kin and calibrating those two calendars will define the time keeping module and matrix as the 'Loom of the Maya' as envisaged by Jose' and Lloydine Arguelles Dream spell calendar and related artworks and endeavors.
    The synchronization between the Tzolkin and the Haab so follows a precise mathematical procedure in the Kin count which assigns an integral number multiplier for the two calendars not only to 'meet' every 260x365=94,900 Kin of about 263.611 360 Day Cycle Years or Tuns, but also synchronizes this period of time as 4745 Uinals with the Tuns and Katuns and Baktuns of the GMC in a 'common factor'.

    94,900 is factored as 949x100=13x73x100 in the prime Numbers 13 and 73 and this factorization directly allows the grand calibration of the timespan of a defined galactic starhuman or ‘Mayan dragon’ or ‘plumed serpent’ to manifest in its seedling or prototypical form of a Gaian Human or a Homo Sapiens.

    13x73x5x144,000 = 73x65x144,000 = 4745 Baktuns = 73x9,360,000 = 73 GMC = 683,280,000 Kin
    683,280,000 Kin/365.2425 (-563.5) Civil Days = 1,870,757.1 - 563.5 ~ 1,870,193.5 Civil years (with an error of about 563.5 days for this definition of a year).
    The Kin count is however precise and counting backwards from or Friday, December 21st, 2012 Gregorian will arrive at a Monday in 683,280,000 Kin or 1,898,000 Great Mayan Cycles or GMC’s.

    Jose Arguelles crystallized the Mayan 'Master Number' also known to the historians as pertaining to the calculus found in the 'Dresden Codex' 13665660 in his 'Mayan Factor' and this number is indeed one of a few numbers, which factor both the Tzolkin and the Haab in 1366560=260x5256=365x3744.

    {This number actually relates as a derivative to an even more primary number as an algorithmic derivative within a cosmogonic context descriptive of an universal cosmology or creation event in a Quantum Big Bang Cosmogenesis, indicated in an addendum linked following.
    The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth | Page 3 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
    (PDF) The Ancient Universal Calendar | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    The multiplier of 500 indicated below, also derives from an actual higher dimensional 'Star Charge' mapping the energy (spirit) from the higher dimensional super space into the lower dimensional forms of charge associated with inertia and therefore matter carrying the property of physical mass}.

    External link:

    Numerically, one can write the 73 GMC's in the many partitioned forms, incorporating the Mayan Numbers as common factors between the Tzolkin and the Haab however:

    500x72x18,980 = 500x73x72x260 = 73x36,000x260 - 500x72x52x360 = 7,200x260x365 = 683,280,000
    5x949x144000 = 500x72x18,980 = 500x1366560 = 500x73x72x260 = 2,628,000x260 = 500x72x52x365 = 1,872,000x365 = 683,280,000 = 5x73x1,872,000 = 13x365x144,000

    The 73rd GMC so ended on December 21st, 2012 and on that Mayan date the 74th GMC began to assign a 'New Cosmic Age' to the Homo Sapiens genetic seedling stock, which was genetically and electromagnetic inducted by monopolar or 'spiritual' induction by the Dragon Elders of the realms and at the time precisely calculated by the Kin count but approximated in any cumulative redefinition of this basic day and night count into any form of extended cycles such as years, such as approximating 1 Million 870 Thousand and 195 years ago from 2014.

    The 74th GMC can also be said to restart the GMC count as GMC #0 and the Maya date so proceeds as per the timeframe presently synchronized with a number of characterizing dates mirroring the last 73rd GMC in the resetting of the 74th GMC as a 1st GMC in a 'New World' of the Ancients and for the Ancients as their own Descendants and 'Extra-Terrestrial' Cosmic Family.

    An 'Old Mayan Year' so becomes reset in a 'New Mayan Year' in the Synchronization between the Haab of 365 Kin and the Tzolkin of 260 Kin. This calibration participates precisely 36,000 GMC 'Galactic Moons', each of a duration of 18,980 Kin as 73 Tzolkins and as 52 Haab, the latter, which are 52 Civil Years minus 13 Leap-Days and characterizes a typical 'life span' or Mayan generation.
    73x9,360,000 = 73x5x13x144,000 = 683,280,000 = 20x360x260x365 = 500x1366560

    This can be expressed as a Fractal in using the 'Mayan Master number' 13366560 = 73x65x288 in the product of the major Mayan multiplier 20 in the Kin count of 4 Haab approximating the Gregorian civil year without leap days:

    Mayan Fractal = MF = 20x73 = 1460 = 4x365 = 18,980/13 = 73x13x144,000/(360x260) = 73x1,872,000/(93,600) = 136656000/(360x260)

    This Mayan Fractal then becomes a Subset of the 36,000 Galactic Moons in the GMC as 9,360,000/20 = 36,000x18,980/1460 = 468,000 = 5x260x360 = 1300x360 and allows the Reset to specify a particular Fractal Interval in the MF+260 = 1460+260 = 1720 Kin as 4 Haab + 1 Tzolkin.
    The GMC is defined in 1.898 Million Tun or Grand Platonic Cycle Years in the 360 Kin count and being the same as 1.872 Million Haab in the 365 Kin count.
    A Galactic Moon of 18,980 Kin as 52 Haab and as 73 Tzolkin in 52x365=73x260 so fractalizes 73 GMC as 36,000 Galactic Months in 73x9,360,000 = 73x360x26,000 = 683,280,000 = 36,000x18,980 Kin.
    The GMC is then characterised in 4x36,000 = 144,000 Galactic Quarter Moons, each of a timespan of 4745=13x365 Kin as 13 Haab

    The detailed transition from the Old Mayan Time beginning with the advent of the human genus Homo and initializing the last of 36,000 Galactic Moons on Tuesday, January 3rd, 1961 G or Tuesday, December 21st, 1960 J or Tuesday, 15Teveth 5721 for Maya Date = 3Kankin 4Ahau with 18,980=52x365=260x73 Kin before the Mirror Nexus date of Friday, December 21st, 2012 G or Friday, December 8th, 2012 J or Friday, 8Teveth5773 for Maya Date = = 3Kankin 4 Ahau to the first Galactic Moon in the New Mayan Time is presented as before, linked and following.


    Requiem for a Human Civilization in the Creation of a Star Human Civilization
    46,800,000 Days = 325,000x144,000 = 65x144,000x5000 = 5x360x26,000 = 5x9,360,000 Mayan Kin
    365 Kin Haab x 52 = 18,980 Kin = 260 Kin Tzolkin x 73 Maya Calendar Calibration

    Alien Disclosure of the Presence


    Well, you have 2.24 billion years of mental evolution to draw upon. Your desire and aim is to manifest an appropriate bodyform to correlate your mindful experience and understanding.
    For this purpose, you have observed and in many ways guided the physical evolution of all lifeforms upon planet earth.
    Now, because some of us humans are ready and able to assume the ambassadorship and stewardship you are addressing; it will not be in your own interest to destroy or enslumber all of the human lifeforms on this planet for 10,000 years or any time from this nexus point in time.
    It so is in your own interest to form cooperation and allegiances with the presently disempowered and largely unknown human genomatrix, graduating and evolving from their human chrysalis into their starhuman form of the new world of the future past merging with the old world of a past future in the
    PRESENT of the SERPENT of 97 = SON OF MAN.

    Sean Grey Ablez - This time of Epiphany awaits...

    (PDF) The Secret of Extraterrestrial Life - The Butterfly Dream! | Anthony P Bermanseder -



    Finis Hominis Incere Hominidae Draconis Astrum!!!
    "Humanity has ended, enter the Starhumanity of Dragons!"

    Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC - a Day of Celestial Impact

    9,360,000 Days = 65x144,000 Days = 5x13x144,000 Days = 130x72,000 Days = 360x26,000 Days = 25,626.81 Civil Years
    from Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC = - = 4 Ahau 3 Kayab to Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC = - 4 Ahau 13 Muan
    Midpoint of Young Dryas impact event and 12,821 Civil years ago from 2018;
    to Friday, December 21st, 2012 AD = = 4 Ahau 3 Kankin to
    Monday, December 16th, 2013 = 13.. 13 Ahau 18 Mac {Completion of final 13 Ahau Calendar Round} to initiate the New World Calendar from the Old World Mayan Calendar in one 360 Day cycle.

    Evidence Found for Planet-Cooling Asteroid 12,900 Years Ago

    A clue to an impact in Quebec fuels an ongoing debate about the cause of one of Earth's big freezes, called the Younger Dryas
    Sep 3, 2013 |By Nicola Jones and Nature magazine

    Ron Blakey, NAU
    The dust refuses to settle on a debate about whether asteroid impacts caused one of Earth’s most famous cold snaps 12,900 years ago.

    The latest evidence in the contentious discussion comes in the form of pieces of bedrock from Quebec, Canada, that seem to have been blasted out as far as Pennsylvania. “I’d say there’s evidence of an impact happening, for sure,” says Mukul Sharma, an isotope geochemist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and co-author of a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Between 11,600 and 12,900 years ago, the planet’s climate changed rapidly: in northern climes such as Greenland, temperatures dropped by several degrees in less than a century. No one knows what caused the deep freeze, known as the Younger Dryas.
    The leading theory is that shifting North American glaciers allowed freshwater melt to pour into the Atlantic or Arctic oceans, slowing ocean circulation and cooling the Northern Hemisphere. This idea has spawned worries that fresh water from today’s melting ice might also spur rapid climate change.

    Big blast
    An alternative theory is that meteorites or comets smacked into or exploded above North America, sparking fires, kicking up a haze of dust and soot and prompting glacial collapse. In 2007, researchers reported evidence for such an event in the remains of human settlements that existed across the continent at the time.

    Critics of the impact theory have been unable to repeat many of those studies, and have questioned whether the particles found were really from an impact blast. And no one has found evidence for raging fires across North America. “It doesn’t seem to me that they have constructed a very good case,” says sedimentary geologist Bruce Simonson of Oberlin College in Ohio. “If this is the best boat they can build, it’s just not sailing yet.”

    But the idea keeps gathering pace; it is now backed by about 55 authors, who have published 11 research papers between them, says James Kennett, a paleoceanographer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has been one of the theory’s leading proponents. “It continues to grow,” he says. In July, a different group of researchers looking at ice cores from Greenland reported finding meteoric platinum from a large impact at the time of the Younger Dryas.

    Lucky strike
    Sharma and his colleagues are now entering the fray. Sharma says that the minerals he found in deep Pennsylvanian soil were created at temperatures higher than 2,000 ºC and formed glassy droplets that fused together in mid-air. These can be explained only by an impact, he says; an industrial blast furnace could make them, but any potential source is too recent and too far away. “We lucked out,” says Sharma.
    The minerals were identified after Yvonne Malinowski, a Pennsylvania resident, saw a television documentary about the Younger Dryas and sent Kennett a box of rocks she found on her land. Kennett then passed the information on to Sharma.

    The isotopic composition of the minerals indicates that the rock came from a several-thousand-square-kilometer patch of land in Quebec, hinting that an asteroid blasted through North America’s ice to melt and eject rock from the ground, says Sharma. “This is unequivocal evidence for an impact with Earth,” says Kennett.

    Paleo climatologist Anders Carlson at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is not convinced that these glassy droplets are as unique or as meaningful as Sharma thinks. “You see the same evidence from periods when there wasn’t a Younger Dryas,” he notes.
    Sharma says that the key will be to find the crater. Although he has no experience in crater-hunting, he is now putting together a proposal. But Mark Boslough, an impact physicist from Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, thinks that a find is unlikely. If there had been an impact, “there’d be a great big obvious crater”, he says. “We wouldn’t have to argue about it.”

    Steven Stanley, a paleobiologist from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, has acted as a ‘personal editor’ on several of the PNAS papers on this topic, including the new work by Sharma and the original 2007 paper proposing the idea. “It has been very controversial,” he admits. “It’s my view that I should help to get this stuff published. It needs to be aired; it’s not outlandish.” PNAS typically uses a 'personal editor' option for papers considered too controversial to receive a fair hearing from the standard review process.

    Stanley says he is increasingly convinced by the impact theory as a mechanism for what prompted the freshwater floods. “I’m not sure how people can be so negative at this point. The case just builds.”
    This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on September 2, 2013.


    Noah’s Flood, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and the Younger Dryas
    Many cultures within the history of human kind upon planet Earth harbor flood mythologies. One of the earliest such mythology is found in the Epic of Gilgamesh dated at about 2900 BC from Mesopotamia/Sumeria.
    Ancient Greece describes Deucalion and Pyrrha; India and China tell tales of Pralaya and Gun-Yu respectively and in Norse mythology, it is Bergelmir, who like the patriarch Noah in Genesis and the Hebrew Torah becomes the survivor of an old world cataclysm and journeys with survivors into a new world under the auspices of a divinely guided ambassadorship and covenant.

    This chapter shall derive a common basis for the global flood mythologies in relating the historical accounts given by three ancient cultures, namely the Egyptians, the Sumerians and the Hebrews to each other in their recorded accounts describing an antediluvian period of time, characterized as a ‘time of the gods and god-kings’. In the creation mythos of Egypt, this time frame preceding the flood apocalypse is known as Zep Tepi or ‘First Time’ and in Mesopotamia, this period of time is stated as predating the establishment of dynasties, beginning with the first dynasty of Kish.
    Relating the counted preflood time periods from Egypt and Mesopotamia to each other and to an encompassing count of days as found in the precessional cycle of antiquity, known as the Long Count Calendar of the Maya; then allows a summation and number of precessional cycles to pinpoint the occurrence of the global flood event in the chronos of the preflood periods as a midpoint and nexus of convergence.


    Noah'sFlood. JosephMirror.

    The origin story itself is difficult to pin down since it has been widely shared across many regions and cultures. It is clear from the tablets that we have that the story was well known in Akkadian culture, yet the information found in the story makes it clear that the story predates the Akkadian empire. Indeed, it’s every bit as old as the Sumerian period.

    The main character is a king of Uruk. Uruk was founded in modern day Iraq, around 4,500 BCE. It’s known for being the first great city. The story also mentions gods and goddesses that would have been Sumerian in origin. Names like, Anu, Inanna, Aruru, Shamash, Enkidu, etc. Based on these names and also many locations in the story, it seems that a Sumerian origin is likely but hard to guarantee. The tale also includes a huge number of Babylonian indicators which would have developed some 2000 years after Sumer. Therefore, we are forced to consider the idea that perhaps much of the story is Babylonian/Akkadian in origin with remnants or large chunks that came from a possible Sumerian framework.

    This issue is best summed up by late renown Samuel Noah Kramer, a world-class Assyriologists who was an expert in the Sumerian history and language.

    Of the various episodes comprising The Epic of Gilgamesh, several go back to Sumerian prototypes actually involving the hero Gilgamesh. Even in those episodes which lack Sumerian counterparts, most of the individual motifs reflect Sumerian mythic and epic sources. In no case, however, did the Babylonian poets slavishly copy the Sumerian material.

    They so modified its content and molded its form, in accordance with their own temper and heritage, that only the bare nucleus of the Sumerian original remains recognizable. As for the plot structure of the epic as a whole – the forceful and fateful episodic drama of the restless, adventurous hero and his inevitable disillusionment – it is definitely a Babylonian, rather than a Sumerian, development and achievement.
    (History Begins at Sumer, page 270)

    The Sumerian King List and the Aegyptiaca of Manetho for the antediluvian ‘First Time’

    The Sumerian King List uses the flood motif to divide its history into preflood (antediluvian) and post flood periods.

    In the Sumerian chronos, 66 sars of 3600 counting units with 6 ners of 600 counting units with sosses of 60 counting units describe a measurement of time for the antediluvian period. Correlating a sar as an hour where 60 seconds per minute define an hour of time as 60x60=3600 seconds; this preflood ‘time of the Sumerian gods’ becomes descriptive for the Sumerian King List not in years but as a time fractal setting a hour of 3600 seconds equal to a time period describing the rulership of the god-appointed Sumerian king ‘before the flood’, changing the old world of old times into a new world of new times.

    This concept is mirrored in the chronos of ancient Egypt, where the ‘time of the gods’ or Zep Tepi, {}, predating the pharaohs of dynasties I-XXXI from ~3100 BC to 332 BC, followed by a Greco-Roman Egyptian history.

    This is described by the Egyptian scroll keeper and priest Manetho of the Hellenistic period.

    From Wikipedia: Manetho (/ˈmænɪθoʊ/; Koinē Greek: Μανέθων Manethōn, gen.: Μανέθωνος) is believed to have been an Egyptian priest from Sebennytos (Coptic: ϫⲉⲙⲛⲟⲩϯ, romanized: džemnouti[2]) who lived in the Ptolemaic Kingdom in the early third century BC, during the Hellenistic period (Alexander the Great 323 BC- Ptolemy 31 BC ). He authored the Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt) in Greek, a major chronological source for the reigns of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It is unclear if he wrote his work during the reign of Ptolemy I Soter or Ptolemy II Philadelphos, but no later than that of Ptolemy III Euergetes. End wiki

    Manetho’s count of time for a predynastic period adds 13,900 years for 7 god-kings and 5212 years for demigods and 5813 years for ‘spirits of the dead’ for a grand total of 24,925 years. This represents an approximate cycle of precession of 24,925 years and 10 such precessional counts of 249,250 years for the conventional Great Egyptian Ennead of Creation {}.
    The Egyptian ennead so mirrors the Sumerian ‘time of the creator gods’ in 67x3600 = 241,200 with 17,980 years of the 1st postdiluvian Dynasty of Kish for 259,180 sars/years as an antediluvian period to 3100 BC to 2600 BC and as stated in the Sumerian King List, { }.

    As 65x3600 = 65x144,000/40 as a fractal of the Mayan precessional day-kin count, 2x3600 = 2x144,000/40 = 7200 as the Mayan fractalization of the Baktun as 144,000 Kin = 20x7200 = 20 Katun.
    A calibration or associative familiarity between the chronos of the Maya and the Sumerian time measurement is subsequently indicated and uses the day count of the Maya as standard, irrespective of the days in a year.

    For a 360 day degree-circle-cycle year, 10 precessional cycles count 260,000 years and 93,600,000 days and reducing to 259,180 years for a 361.1390 day year and to 256,438.36 years for a 365 day year.
    For a Gregorian year of 365.2425 days and a present precessional astrophysical dynamics, 10 precessional years calculate as 256,268.096 years as 93,600,000 days.
    The Sumerian chronos so indicates the divergence of the sars year from the degree year as 1 day plus ~ 1 seventh of a day over an encompassing timespan of ten precessional cycles in 10x26,000x360 = 93,600,000 = 10x25,918x361.138977. Similarly, the sars year diverges from the Gregorian-Civil year by 4.1035 days in 10x25,918.0x361.138977 = 93,600,000 = 10x25,626.81x365.2425.

    [Quote:] “After kingship came down from heaven .... the kingship was taken to Shuruppak. In Shuruppak, Ubara-Tutu became king; he ruled for 5 sars and 1 ner. In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood swept over.”[EndofQuote-Sumerian King List]

    Excavations in Iraq at Shuruppak (modern Tell Fara, Iraq) and various other Sumerian cities such as Ur, Kish, Uruk, Lagash, and Ninevah, indicate the occurrence of local flooding. There exists however no archeological record of global flooding at the time period stated in the Sumerian King list.
    Flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers combined with heavy rainfall in the Nineveh region is indicated to have caused the local flooding and a local flooding absent in the geological record of Israel at the time in question.

    The similarities in the Mesopotamian flood story found in the Gilgamesh and the Biblical account in Genesis indicate common origin for the narratives as a shared memory, related to human group consciousness, however. Radiocarbon dating and Polychrome pottery from the Jemdet Nasr period (c. 3000–2900 BC) represent some of the earliest archaeological evidence in the Sumerian records and history. The epic of Gilgamesh as one of the first postdiluvian rulers therefore can be placed into this time frame of the 1st dynasty of Kish.

    The Epic of Gilgamesh relates Gilgamesh as the King of Uruk, a Sumerian city founded in Iraq about 4500 BC to reach its urbanized height about 2900 BC as the largest city of its time in the timeframe of the Gilgamesh narrative. Initiating the Bronze Age from about 3300 BC, the expansion of Uruk in the 1st dynasty of Kish ‘after the flood’ then began to superimpose the ancestral and genetically inherited group memory about an apocalyptic deluge event onto a then recorded or otherwise evidenced Mesopotamian history.

    The summation of 12 kings in this dynasty from Mesh-ki-ang-gasher of E-ana to Lugal-kitun parallels the 12 tribes of Israel as 12 months in a year and as 12x30° sectors of a 360° circle numerically and indicates a familiarity or shared historical group memory regarding a great deluge or global flood event. This division of a geometrical circle into 12 equal parts or duodecimal system of counting underwrites much of the perception of the flow of time in antiquity and is addressed in a later chapter of this treatise.

    The post flood dynasties in the Sumerian King List encompasses the timeline from King Gilgamesh as a transition from the 1st dynasty of Kish to a 1st dynasty of Uruk to a 1st dynasty of Ur in the first rulers of Uruk with King Gilgamesh at a dating of about 2600 BC - 2500 BC.

    Intermittent dynasties of Arwan, 2nd Kish, Hawazi, 2nd Uruk, 2nd Ur, 1st Lagash, Adab, Mari, 3rd Kish and Akshak completed a timeline from 2500 BC – 2300 BC in the 4th dynasty of Kish about 2359 BC and was followed by the 3rd dynasty of Uruk to 2334 BC, a 25 year period continued by Sargon of Akkad, initiating the Akkadian empire, according to the Sumerian King List, archaeological evidence and an applied ‘middle chronology’ based on radiocarbon dating and related evidence.
    The 3rd dynasty of Ur relates and places the birth of archetypified Abraham (15Sep2063 BC/1Tishri1699) in the time period (middle chronology) from 2112 BC – 2004 BC, following the collapse of the Akkadian empire (2334 BC – 2154 BC), referenced in scripture code Gen.10.8-12 as Accad, the land of Nimrod.
    Code Gen.11.26-31 describes the origin of Abraham as originating in Ur of the Chaldees, referring not to the Chaldean empire of Nabopolassar-Nebuchadnezzar-Amel Marduk-Nabonidus and Belshazzar to its demise by Cyrus the Great of Persia {Codes: Isa.41.2-4; 45.1-3 with Dan.5 and Ezra.1.1-8}, but to the location or land where Abram began the archetypical lineage and patriarchy of Israel as the family or tribes of the 12 sectors of the zodiac or Mazzaroth or celestial sky. {Gen.1.14; Job.38.31-32; Ps.19.1-6; 147.4}.

    In ancient Egypt, its creation mythos mirrored the river Nile as a symbol for cyclic universal fertility and cultural prosperity in the heavenly sky as a galactic band of stars of the Milky Way and in similitude the universal or cosmic Maya of the Yucatan related the Milky Way as a ‘Street of fertility’ connecting the center of the Milky Way galaxy to the center of the Earth as a communication conduit and pathway.

    The symbol of the Maya at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is known as Hunab Ku as 'Mover of all things' and depicting a galactic butterfly across the worlds changing from darkness to light in cycles of time.
    The Maya named the galactic Center Hunab Ku - the 'Giver of all Life and Measure' and called the 'Pathway from the Earth to Hunab Ku' as ‘Kuxan Suum - the Umbilical Cord between Earth’ as the Universal Mother and its Galactic Father-Mother.

    The Neo-Babylonian historical kingdom of Chaldea (626 BC – 539 BC) became established following the death of Ashurbanipal, the Assyrian ruler of Babylonia in 627 BC. This ended the domination of the Neo-Assyrian empire (911 BC – 609 BC), preceded by the Middle-Assyrian empire (1392 BC – 934 BC) and the Old-Assyrian empire (2025 BC – 1378 BC) from the Early-Assyrian empire (2600 BC – 2025 BC), the latter including the Akkadian empire (2334 BC – 2154 BC), characterized by an intermixing and bilingual culture of the earliest attested cuneiform based Semitic language Akkadian blending with Sumerian ‘isolated’ linguistics.

    Bearing no relationship to other languages, cuneiform Sumerian then relates the ‘confounding of languages’ in the ‘Tower of Babel’ to an ancestral source language in Gen.11.1-9.
    Code Gen.11.10 then describes the birth of Arphaxad, two years after the flood, indicating that the ‘confounding of languages’ was caused by Noah’s flood dated as a quasi-historical and superimposed event into the time frame of the Akkadian empire and relating to the birth of archetypified Arphaxad (11Sep2353 BC/1Tishri1409), son of Shem (06Sep2453 BC/1Tishri1309), son of Noah (14Sep2953 BC/1Tishri809). {Diagram 6}. The birth of archetypified Arphaxad (11Sep2353 BC/1Tishri1409), is derived from the instigation and creation of the Hebrew Calendar at the time of the creation and evolvement of Uruk about 4000 BC and therefore relates the lineages of Israel as described in the Masoretic texts, the Hebrew Torah and the King James Bible. This is developed further in a later chapter following.

    The ’Tower of Babel’ is so associated with the Ziggurat of Ur, constructed towards the end of the Akkadian empire (2050 BC – 2030 BC) as a scriptural encoding pattern and relating history to encoded information,{ }.


    Comparing the antediluvian precession count of Egypt with that of Sumer and assuming a Sumerian year to be the same as an Egyptian year; sets the numerical difference of 259,180 – 249,250 = 9930 = 17,980 - 8050 for the inclusion of the 1st Kish dynasty and 241,200 – 249,250 = -8050 without the 1st Kish dynasty of Sumer. The midpoint for -8050 and 9930 is ½{-8050+9930}=½{1880}=940 years from the time count ‘after the great flood’ and so characterizes the histories for both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia from the precession nexus marker and as historically and archaeologically indicated as about 3100 BC – 2900 BC, again from the Sumerian King List and the Aegyptiaca of Manetho.

    Significantly then, the precessional time marker as the midpoint of the encompassing 26,000 degree years approximately dates the ‘great flood’ from Manetho’s 24,925 - 13,900 – 940 = 10,085 years of the god-kings in the Zep Tepi and so from 10,085 to 11,025 years from the end of the Egyptian dynasties to about ½{10,085+11,025}=10,555 BC.

    This value is adjusted by the Gregorian-Sumerian calendar differential 10,555x{4.1035/365.2425}=118.585 years to about 10,555-119=10,436 BC as an approximate midpoint between 10,906 BC and 9966 BC.

    The 6 ners count found in the Sumerian King List of 6x600=3600 = 1 sars added to the Maya-Sumer day count calibration in 3 sars then becomes 3600+7200=10,800=30x360 as the midpoint of the last precessional cycle comprised of 60x360 = 21,600 sars years as a shortened Mayan precession of 9,360,000 days in 21,600x361.1390=7,800,602 days. The difference of 1,559,398 days or 4318 antediluvian Sumerian-Egyptian years or 4624.16 Gregorian years added to 21,600 sars so define the prediluvian day count as 25,918 days.

    The shortened Mayan precession count of 30x360+30x360=10,800+10,800 = 21,600 converges in a numerical association to an actual calendar calibration between the Mayan day count and solar- and lunar calendars of the postdiluvian timelines.

    From: ‘The Ancient Universal Calendar”, describing a time period from 23,630 BC to 23,615 BC to 1998 AD to 2012 AD as a 65 Baktun or 65x144,000=9,360,000 day count in the Mayan Calendar

    Day of Mayan Precession Count

    Tribal House Degree °/30°/S°/360°

    Precession Count in 12 30° Houses

    Mayan Dates Haab/Tzolkin

    Proleptic Gregorian Dates….…Julian

    Hebrew Date


    Day#-5479 14Y+365D=15Y

    Initiation of 5th Precessional Eon in Mirror Time {½+½|½+½}={1|1}

    30 Days as Mirrored Time Unit 15+15=30 360/15=24/1 84 Hours=3½ Days

    - 11Imix 19Pax

    01Mar23,630 BCG 27Aug23,630 BCJ


    Initiation of 5th Precessional Eon in the Error-Divergence of a lunar month of 29.5306 days as 30 Days

    Day#-5449 14Y+335D

    k Aquarius Joseph 0/30/0/360

    0/780,000 0/9,360,000

    - 2Chuen 9Cumku

    31Mar23,630 BCG 26Sep23,630 BCJ


    Age of Aquarius in 780,000 Days


    k Aquarius Joseph 0.21/30/0.21/360

    5449/780,000 5449/9,360,000

    - 4Ahau 3Kayab

    01Mar23,615 BCG 27Aug23,615 BCJ



    e Leo Judah 0.21/30/180.21/360

    5449/780,000 4,680,000/9,360,000

    - 4Ahau 13Muan

    27Jul10,802 BCG 18Oct10,802 BCJ


    Midpoint of 65 Baktun Precessional Cycle offset in 15 Years of 5449+30=5479=15{360+5}+4 days

    Day#9,354,551 1,866,251/1,872,000 138,851/144,000 6890/13,780 0/5449

    k Aquarius Joseph 0/30/0/360

    780,000/0/780,000 9,360,000/9,360,000 2Chuen 9Muan

    20Jan1998 ADG 07Jan1998 ADJ


    Age of Aquarius as Midpoint of solar galactic transit 315+18Y||18Y+315 jAk-0° Solar Transit Capricorn|Aquarius at 06:46 UCT

    Day#9,360,000 1,872,000/1,872,000 144,000/144,000 12,339/13,780

    k Aquarius Joseph 0.21/30/0.21/360

    5449/780,000 5449/9,360,000 4Ahau 3Kankin

    21Dec2012 ADG 08Dec2012 ADJ


    End of 5th Precessional Eon iAj-0° December Solstice as Solar Transit Sagittarius|Capricorn 11:12 UCT

    lil1-. lil2-. lil4-. lil3-.

    The Time fractal of the Genesis Code in Seven Days of Creation
    - imaged in December 5th - December 12th, 2020​

    The fractal of the Genesis code is the number 7 as a count of units of time.
    A full day, as a circle of time counted as 360 degrees, can be divided into two halves of 180 degrees. The first half of the circle can be defined as lightness from a sunrise or dawn at 0 degrees to sunset at 180 degrees. The second half of the circle from 180 degrees to 360 degrees can then be defined as evening to morning of the full day. The period of time from sunrise to noon or midday to sunset of the 180 degrees is then halved into two 90 degree periods defining the upper half of the full circle as the Light of a Day and comprising 12 hours as 180 degrees.

    The lower half of the circle of a full day then can be defined as the Darkness of a Night and comprising 12 hours as 180 degrees. The four 90 degree sectors of the circle can then be said to be four watches of 6 hours each and where a watch of 6 hours completes 90 degrees of the circle of 360 degrees.
    One hour of the 24 hours of the complete circle therefore is defined as 360/24=15 degrees.
    As one hour in a day represents 15 degrees of the full circle of 360 degrees, one day in 360 days defines a circle- or degree year as 360 days. Proportionally then, one hour in a day of 24 hours is the same as 15 days within a degree year of 360 days.

    This defines a ‘shortened time’ as a count in hours from a ‘standard time’ as a count in days in 7x24=168 hours being 7 full days.
    The original division of the circle of 360 degrees into 2x180 degrees becomes redefined as 3½ days of 84 hours of daytime and 3½ days of 84 hours of nighttime.
    The seven days of creation so are 7x12=84 hours of daytime from morning to evening, followed by 7x12=84 hours of nighttime from sunset to sunrise.

    The fractal of the Genesis-Star-Genetic Code is defined by 2x7x12=14x12=168 hours as: 7+70+700+7,000+70,000+700,000+7,000,000+70,000,000+700,000,000+7,000,000,000+70,000,000,000+700,000,000,000+7,000,000,000,000=7,777,777,777,777 full days of creation in one week of consecutive daytime and 1 week of consecutive nighttime.

    There are so six periods of daytime from 7-70 and 70-700 and 700-7,000 and 7,000-70,000 and 70,000-700,000 and 700,000-7,000,000 followed by a mirror of half-time and 7,000,000-70,000,000 and 70,000,000-700,000,000 and 700,000,000-7,000,000,000 and 7,000,000,000-70,000,000,000 and 70,000,000,000-700,000,000,000 and 700,000,000,000-7,000,000,000,000

    The alpha-sunrise as the morning of the 1st day of creation are the 7 days of the beginning and counting from left to right or clockwise with the omega-sunset of the 6th day being the 7,000,000 days at the ‘Halftime Logos Mirror’ of the daytime and mirroring the 6 days of daytimes in the 6 days of night times.

    The 6th night of the 7,000,000 days so continues as the 6th night to the 70,000,000 days to begin the nighttime of the 5th full day and following the clockwise motion of the circle in the nighttime from 180 degrees to the 360 degrees of the 7,000,000,000,000 days to reset the 360 degrees in the 0th degree of the sunrise of the 1st day ending the nighttime of the 1st full day and completing the circle of the star-genetic time.


    The 1st day of star-genetic creation are 7 days and 7 Trillion nights
    as 7 days and 7,000,000,000,000/360=19.444… Billion Degree-Years ‘DY’ with 7 Trillion/365.2425=19.165 Billion Civil Years ‘CY’
    {The Age of the universe as a multiverse, subject to quantum tunneling can be calculated as 19.12 Billion years in an cosmology of 12-dimensional supermembrane duality}

    The 2nd day of star-genetic creation are 70 days and 700 Billion nights
    as 70 days and 700,000,000,000/360=1.9444… Billion ‘DY’ with 700 Billion/365.2425=1.916… Billion ‘CY’
    {A ‘electromagnetic higher dimensional universal age’ of 19.12 Billion years defines an ‘intersection’ (return of the electromagnetic light path) interval of 2.24 Billion years for a lower dimensional universal age of 19.12-2x2.24=14.64 Billion years coincident with an age of planet Earth of 2.24 billion years for the onset of prokaryotic unicellular lifeforms transmutating into eukaryotic multicellular lifeforms}

    The 3rd day of star-genetic creation are 700 days and 70 Billion nights
    as 700/360=1.944… ‘DY’ with 700/365.2425=1.916… ‘CY’ and 70,000,000,000/360=194.444… Million ’DY’ with 70 Billion/365.2425=191.653… Million ’CY’
    {200 Million years is a time marker for the evolution of the first mammals and diversification of dinosaurs in the transition from the Triassic into the Jurassic era of the Mesozoic time period. The time required for the local star system of Rahsol to complete a cycle of rotation about the center of the Milky Way galaxy takes about 236 Million years}

    The 4th day of star-genetic creation are 7,000 days and 7 Billion nights
    as 7,000/360=19.444... ‘DY’ with 7,000/365.2425=19.165…’CY’ and 7,000,000,000/360=19.444… Million ‘DY’ with 7 Billion/365.2425=19.165… Million ‘CY’
    {20 Million years ago in the evolution of life on planet Earth represents a nexus point towards the end of the Miocene era and initiates the evolution of apes (Hominoidea) from an earlier primate genomatrix (Old World Monkeys)}

    The 5th day of star-genetic creation are 70,000 days and 700,000 Million nights
    as 70,000/360=194.444…’DY’ with 70,000/365.2425=191.653 ‘CY’ and 700,000,000/360=1.944… Million ‘DY’ with 700 Million/365.2425=1.916… Million ‘CY’
    {The Hominoidea-Hominidae-Homininae-Hominini-Hominina-Homo taxonomy of human evolution had passed the Australopithecine and Homo Habilis nexus marker to emerge the homo erectus or ‘upright man’ as archaic forerunner of homo sapiens 2 Million years ago}

    The 6th day of star-genetic creation are 700,000 days and 70,000 Million nights
    as 700,000/360=1944.444…’DY’ with 700,000/365.2425=1916.534… ‘CY’ and 70,000,000/360=194,444.444… ‘DY’ with 70 Million/365.2425=191,653… Million ‘CY’
    {200,000 years ago characterized the appearance of Homo Sapiens or ‘wise man’ as evolved from Homo Sapiens-(Devosonian, Homo Neanderthalensis, Homo Heidelbergensis) in the form of ‘Anatomically Modern Human’ AMH (Cro-Magnon Man) in the Late/Upper Pleistocene period of the Quaternary era of geology}

    The 7th day of star-genetic creation are 7,000,000 days and 7,000,000 nights
    as 7,000,000/360=19,444.444…’DY’ with 7 Million/365.2425=19,165.349… ‘CY’ and 7,000,000/360=19,444.444… ‘DY’ with 7 Million/365.2425=19,165.349… Million ‘CY’
    {The ‘last ice age’ and period of glaciation (Younger Dryas) in the Holocene epoch 12,000 years ago is defined within the last precessional cycle of precession, defined by a simple day-count calendar of 9,360,000=65x144,000 day-kin of the Maya from [- 3Kayab as 01Mar23,615 BCG (Gregorian proleptic)/27Aug23,615 BCJ (Julian proleptic)= 25Sivan-19,854] to a Midpoint of a 65 Baktun Precessional Cycle defining the glaciation for the dates [- =4Ahau 13Muan as 27Jul10,802 BCG/18Oct10,802 BCJ=16Elul-7041] to [ 4Ahau 3Kankin as 21Dec2012 ADG/08Dec2012 ADJ=8Teveth5773] as a 9,360,000/360=26,000 ‘DY’ with a 9,360,000/365.2425=25,626.809… ‘CY’ count of years for the completion of the fifth of five such precessional cycles of time.}

    Draco of Angkor Wat ---------------- Göbekli Tepe ------------------ Sphinx of Giza




    The Human Civilization Precessional Time cycle upon Gaia Terra
    Thuban Elder Dragon Date:
    Day#0 = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC as Dragon Time Initiated
    Day#1 = Sunday, March 2nd, 23,615 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#360 = Tuesday, February 24th, 23,614 BC = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#4,680,000 = Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years {2012-(-10,801)=12,813 Years ago from 2012}
    Day#4,680,001 = Wednesday, July 28th,10,802 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of Cosmic Night Time …
    Day#9,360,000 = Friday, December 21st, 2012 = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of the Cosmic Night Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,001 = Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of New Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,360 = Monday, December 16th, 2013 = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of New Cosmic Day Time

    Dragon Almanac: 72x12 = 864 = 432+432 = 144x6 = 32x27 = 153 = 9 = 666+666 = 9+9 = 18 = 9
    ‘The Maya Plumed Serpent Circle Quetzacoatl' = 432 = ABC...XYZA* = 27||72 = WORLD = 9 = LAWWAL 2x{1+2+3+...+34+35+36}=666+666=1332=2{22+32+52+72+112+132+172}=2{4+9+25+49+121+169+289}

    '12 Hours Time of Day' = 72x6 = 36x12 = 432 = 16x27 = '12 Hours Time of Night'
    864/12=72=936/13 with 7x32=3x4x3x4x3+3x4x3x4x3=33x25=1x864=2x432=4x216=8x108=16x54=32x27
    72 = 864/12 = 360x26/130 = 65x144/130 = {60x60x24}/{60x20} = {86,400 Seconds in 24 Hours}/{⅓ Hour} = Precessional Dragon Years per Sign 12 in 13
    65x144,000 (Mayan Baktuns) = 9,360,000 Days (Mayan Kin) = 360x26,000 Dragon Days = 390x24,000 Moon Days

    25,626.81 'Civil Years' = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/365.2425 Civil Days} = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/390 Moon Days}
    26,000 Dragon Sun Years = 25,626.81 'Civil Gregorian' Years = {12/13}26,000 = 24,000 Dragon Moon Years

    The Dark Moon Lilith Circle of 9x40° = 360° in 9 = ¾{12} Circle Years {40°40' per 'civil year' in 8.85 'civil years’ 9 months per sign}

    upload_2021-5-8_7-8-55. upload_2021-5-8_7-9-6.


    The Greensboro College Department of Sociology Presents:
    Graham Hancock "Magicians of the Gods." – November 11th, 2013[//b]


    The Holy City - Asidors


    2nd UFO Jerusalem Dome of the Rock Temple Mount UFO video surfaces from 01/28/2011.


    hancock3. hancock4. han3. hancockegypt. hancocksphinx.

    The Pyramid Builders


    Posted by Halo - Who are the Pyramid Builders?


    I would like to research this topic more to see if any of us can "remember"? We are here as the Pyramid Builders.. What do you feel when you hear the term "Pyramid Builders"? Is there a part of you that vibrates inside.? A part of you that remembers, in a dream? A far off distant ancient memory? What does it mean to be a "Pyramid Builder"? Why are these Pyramids all over the cosmos? Do we not come from the stars and what is it about this beautiful planet Earth that we come here? Now? Ponder... Ponder... Remember in your ponderances...

    Posted by Thubanis

    One also finds Ice Circles and Crop Circles across many places on the Mother planet and the 7+1+7=15 Moai encode a variety of things, left as legacy by the Archaeons for themselves.
    The Time Travelers are well integrated in the Cosmic Matrix of spacetime and timespace. The most ancient ones and the ancestors of all are named by the rememberers and one of their labels is the name of the Archaeons.
    There are not only 'timelords' of the Mayan Looms, but also such 'guardians' of the timespace for the worldwide cultural edifices and monuments for the remembrance of the original constructers of the spacetime realms; you might choose to call those time travelers as the 'Elders from the Stars' and a time in the cosmic chronos, when planetary lifeforms were not yet able to evolve from the biophysical ingredients of the primordial elements.

    One might determine a linear timeframe of about 2,200 million years for this cosmic nexus, when the Elders of the Ancient Ones began to awaken from their super galactic enslumberments.

    It was then, when it was the physicality of space itself, that became self-aware as a form of cosmic essence or 'time stuff' - the effervescence of time embedded in a ubiquitous consciousness and seeking to expand its information basis of and about itself.
    Like the Sphinx of Giza or the Temple of Angkor Wat; the Moai or 'Easter Island Statues' serve the time travelers from the stars to recall their own beingness and cosmic awareness regarding their own history from a time, when the Cosmic Mother Planet Gaea of Earth began to transform the toxicity of the aqueous released Oxygen in the air to form a new environment and medium for oxygen breathing lifeforms to evolve with.

    The adjustments were many and time-consuming and the new lifeforms adapted to allow the Elders from the Stars to participate in infusing their own beingness and consciousness in a new morphology and a kaleidoscope of forms in structure and geometry.

    But prokaryotic lifeforms emerged from the oldest ones, the Archaeons and the 'Ancient Ones' then could use those new geometries to enhance their own remembrances and data bases to finetune and enhance their newly created body forms. Cellular endosymbiosis then assured accelerated integration of the information from the 'higher dimensional' or 'astral etheric' worlds of the 'Old Creating Ones' as part and parcel of the body shapes and forms of the multicellular worlds being born and becoming from the vast information base of the Archaeons.

    And then, when the multicellulars as the lifeforms of Gaea Earth had evolved into suitable super orgasmic lifeforms, which could utilize their 'stored memories' in a sufficient recall function, namely, to allow 'old time travelers’ to incarnate and inhabit those 'suitable biophysical' lifeforms; then the Archaeons would awaken from their cosmic sleepiness a second time.
    The first self-remembrance was when the planetary home planet could begin to create the body forms in a 'computerizable and memory storing' density of form and the second self-remembrance would be when the biophysical lifeforms could remember and tap their own multidimensionality in the most dense and necessary environment created for this very purpose by the Cosmic Mother planet herself.

    And so it is that particular crystalline and geophysical monuments display certain characteristics, like the Moai of Easter Island mainly facing inwards to the 'villages' of the ''Heirs to the Stars', but face outwards towards the Sea and the Galactic Worlds of the origins inland at the site of Ahu Akivi. They also point to the 'Land of Baiame' the Rainbow Dragon of the Cosmic Dreamtime, also known as Uluru!


    hancockuluru (2).


    7) Also, another strange clue. All the Ahu Moai watch the sky but they do so face inland, all but one Ahu, the Ahu Akivi also with 7 Moai. These watch the western ocean horizon and are also crowned with heavy head stones called Pukao.

    In the image below the pictoglyph nature of the Rapanui text called “Ronga Ronga” is almost the same as the Naxi Dongba texts. Both seem to be using the star patterns themselves and bird head people as actual spoken word. Note the Naxi dongba text has three crosses as stars perhaps next to a cluster of six markings. The Easter Island text of Ronga Ronga also has two very common characters in texts speaking of their celestial deities using a group of seven dots and a group of three dots in a row and a group of three crescents in a row that resemble the mask worn by the Rapanui people in ceremony (see mask in depiction in purple lower down).

    There is one very interesting association of text to something Wayne researched in the Christ star map story: three-star entities together mean three wise kings. The Magi he proposed represent the three that follow from the east associated with finding the location of the Christ ‘Bethlehem’ star... the stars of Orion's Belt as a sacred cosmic pointer... the 'forgotten' cross of the churches.
    Is this just a coincidence or are we seeing evidence of a global teacher passing through ancient civilizations.
    Ahu Akivi is an especially sacred place.
    Ahu Akivi is a sanctuary and celestial observatory built about 1500 AD which was the subject of the first serious restoration accomplished on Easter Island by archaeologists William Mulloy and Gonzalo Figueroa, with excellent results. As in the case of many religious structures on Easter Island, it has been situated with astronomical precision: it is seven statues look towards the point where the sun sets during the equinox.
    It is also aligned to the moon.
    Ahu Akivi is an unusual site in several respects. A low ahu supports 7 statues all very similar in height and style. The site is odd in that it is located far inland, and the statues were erected to face the ocean. The only site where this was done. Like other Easter Island sites, the statues were found knocked off the ahu, lying face down in the ground. In 1960, Archeologist William Mulloy's team spent several months raising the statues to their original positions.


    The Freedom for Humanity is its Metamorphosis from its Cocoon!

    All Humans are ETs, born in 3D incarnation from a cosmic and intergalactic perspective, nous and origin.
    All Humans know on the soul-level, who they are and why they are here.
    Namely to break their Cocoon of their own Metamorphosis from the Inside-Out.
    All Humans are like little Reptilian Serpents, Dinosaurs or Chickens, who to be born as Starhumans, are required to peck at their encompassing eggshells from the inside to get out.
    If they fail to break their prison walls, they will die as unborn starhumans within their 3D prisons and so recycle their own beingness until they can self-create their 4D merkabahs.


    Quest for the Lost civilization - Graham Hancock (FULL MOVIE) - February 2012
    Fingerprints Of The GODS – Graham Hancock Presentation (1995)

    What is the connection between Angkor Wat in the Jungle of Cambodia, the Pyramid in the desert of Egyptian desert, and monuments on Easter Island and in Micronesia? What is the underwater mystery in Japan, the last time it above water was 10,000 years ago? Our ancestors are highly intelligent people, thousand years ago they precisely predicted the solar eclipse over Mexico in 1991.

    In this set of three videotapes, writer Graham Hancock traverses the world and explains his controversial theory that an ancient civilization, highly intelligent people who sailed the planet as early as 10,500 B.C., spread advanced astronomical knowledge and built ancient observatories. Skeptics may scoff, but Hancock earnestly points out similarities in giant stone structures in the Egyptian desert and Cambodian jungles, and on Easter Island and in Micronesia, he points out what he considers evidence of an ancient society of seafarers.

    His ideas may seem utterly bizarre at first, but Hancock presents them in an understated and good-natured manner, and he also makes clever use of computer graphics and aerial photography to illustrate the startling similarities in ancient structures found from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific.

    upload_2021-5-8_10-0-53. Charlotte asked (May 11th, 2018):

    Hey Tony, I hope you are well. Quick question, a group of alternative historians are proposing that instead of the Great Pyramids lining up to Orion, they are actually connected with Cygnus, which they also see as being of overwhelmingly prime significance in other respects. What is your take on that?

    The Cygnus Key: The Denisovan Legacy, Göbekli Tepe, and the Birth of Egypt Paperback – 28 Jun. 2018

    “The Cygnus Key is the new astronomical paradigm that shines light on the primal awakening of human consciousness, sparked by the discovery of precession cycles, sound acoustics, and number cosmology. Andrew Collins had already decoded the alignments to the Cygnus star system at Göbekli Tepe and the Giza pyramid complex in his book Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods. Now, going back even further to 45,000 years ago, he explores how our ancestors first discovered the Cygnus connection, the pathway of souls through the constellation of the swan. This brilliant book is the sign I have been waiting for! We are recovering from our species trauma from the great cataclysms 12,000 years ago.
    The Cygnus Key is a must-read for all students of ancient timelines, star alignments, and cosmology.” (Barbara Hand Clow, author of Awakening the Planetary Mind)

    “The Cygnus Key is a monumental work bringing numerous ancient mysteries into focus. It provides a lucid and well-reasoned understanding for readers who make the effort to digest it all. Starting with the amazing site of Göbekli Tepe, Collins leads the reader to Egypt and various other ancient civilizations. He shows how both Orion and Cygnus were key astronomical elements in the understanding of the ancient world of the soul’s journey to the stars and the probable source of these beliefs.”(Gregory L. Little,Ph.D.)

    “A dynamic quest to discover the cosmology of our earliest ancestors and its relevance today. Collins takes us on a convincing journey following the lore of the constellation of Cygnus. From Göbekli Tepe to the pyramids of Egypt and the archaic myths of Greece, we are led to humanity’s ultimate psycho-spiritual roots in the Paleolithic world of Russian Siberia and the realm of the Denisovans. A triumph.” (Caroline Wise, editor of Finding Elen: The Quest for Elen of the Ways)

    About the Author:
    Andrew Collins has been investigating the idea of advanced civilizations in prehistory since 1979. He is the co-discoverer of a massive cave complex beneath the Giza plateau, now known as “Collins’ Caves.” The author of several books, including From the Ashes of Angels and Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods, he lives in Essex, England.

    upload_2021-5-8_10-3-18. Tonyblue:

    No, the alignment of Giza with Orion coincides with the alignment of Angkor Wat with Draco in the same time frame and is definitive for the Mayan precessional cycle of 26,000x360=9.360,000 days or 65x144,000 kin as 5x13 baktuns to define the 25,627 years of the science based chronos.

    But of course, all of the constellations are 'signs of the timelines' from the stars and Cygnus the Swan would form a parallel to Giza-Angkor Wat within the timelines indicated by the Mayan calendar from March 1st 23,615 BC to the 'decisive' midpoint of July 27th, 10,802 BC when the Giza-Angkor Wat alignment was mapped as the 'as above, so below' to December 21st, 2012 and when the precessional Maya cycle ended.

    So, we are now already in the 'New Age of Aquarius' in its 6th year linking to the many 'prophecies' say 7-year cycles and 'time warps' one of which maps August 4th, 70 AD and 'diaspora' of Israel-Jerusalem to January 27th, 2056 as an 'end date' for a time of the beginnings indicated by Hancock, Collins and likeminded archeologists and historians as the Zep Tepi or 'Time of the Gods' as the 'First Time of Egypt'.

    The Judean-Christian timeline becomes interposed onto Zep Tepi as a 'precessional age of 12+1=13 star constellation signs' from the time of the 'Hyksos', the projected Moses-Exodus and the Santorini volcano eruption of July 21st, 1635 BC time warped in the reversed sense to February 22nd, 3620 BC in 3690 (Julian-Gregorian day count calibrated) years. This encompassing timeline can now be correlated with the political evolution and transition of planet earth into a new time Logos defined.

    I should add an important point here. Collins is of course rather justified in aligning Cygnus to the Göbekli Tepe and similar constructions. But Giza-Angkor is 10,802 BC and you need to add 1200 years to correlate the geophysical record of the sudden warming after the ice age etc. and as explained in some detail by Graham Hancock, the Comet Research group and co. So, Cygnus and the Devosonian connection continues Giza-Angkor Wat from 10,802 BC to 9,602 BC and in no way replaces it.

    What is Göbekli Tepe | Klaus Schmidt | TEDxPrague

    Göbekli Tepe's Vulture Stone
    A warning across time or a signpost to the land of the dead? Some astronomical considerations at Göbekli Tepe.

    Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43, otherwise known as the Vulture Stone, is arguably the key to understanding the cosmic geography of the site's builders and their belief in the soul's journey to the spirit world. Yet what does the stone's relief of a funny-shaped vulture actually represent? For several years it has been realised that the Scorpion shown immediately below the vulture is almost certainly the constellation of Scorpius. But what about the vulture? Graham Hancock and others believe it represents the constellation of Sagittarius. Andrew Collins examines the evidence and comes to quite different conclusions, showing that it is more likely to be a signpost to the land of the dead.

    Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43, a.k.a. The Vulture Stone (pic credit: Andrew Collins).
    Graham Hancock in his book Magicians of the Gods (2015) writes that the scorpion on Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43, standing in the north-northwestern section of Enclosure D's ring wall, signifies the constellation of Scorpius.(1) Having stated this, he goes on to demonstrate that the funny-looking vulture located immediately above it (see fig. 1) is the neighboring constellation of Sagittarius, a theory proposed originally by American researcher Paul Burley.(2)

    As both Scorpius and Sagittarius are located on the ecliptic, the sun's path as it crosses the sky in the course of a year, Hancock, again following Burley's lead, argues that the relief of a ball-like object, shown in the form of a filled circle, positioned immediately above the vulture's right wing, is the sun in Sagittarius. During the current precessional cycle the sun is seen to rise in concert with Sagittarius at the time of the winter solstice only between the years 1960 and 2040.(3)
    In this knowledge Hancock asks whether the carved imagery seen on the Vulture Stone might not be a coded message conveyed across time by the Göbekli builders of 11,500 years ago. Could it be a warning to humanity telling us that during this 80-year window the comet responsible for a terrifying impact event at the commencement of the Younger Dryas event ca. 10,800 BC might once again threaten the world? This is a daring, bold and somewhat disturbing proposition that once made, is unlikely to be forgotten. But is it right? Is it even appropriate to interpret the carved imagery of Göbekli Tepe's Vulture Stone in this way?
    Figure 1. Pillar 43 in Göbekli Tepe's Enclosure D showing its position in the structure's perimeter wall.
    Comet Impact

    That the Göbekli builders built these extraordinary stone installations on a mountaintop across a period of 1,500 years with the primary purpose of counteracting the baleful influence of comets is one of the principal themes of my book Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods (2014). Here I state that even at the end of the Younger Dryas event, ca. 9600 BC, the Upper Paleolithic populations of the Northern Hemisphere remained in absolute fear following a global cataclysm caused by a comet impact that devastated large parts of the North American and Eurasian continents at the beginning of the Younger Dryas, ca. 10,800 BC.(4) Hancock ably continues this theme in Magicians of the Gods, bringing together the most recent scientific evidence showing that this terrible catastrophe did indeed take place.
    What is more, Hancock is almost certainly right in asserting that the scorpion seen on Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 is arguably the earliest known pictorial representation of the Scorpius constellation, something I argue also in Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods (2014) after the work of Juan Antonio Belmonte.(5) Yet going on to identify the stone pillar's carved relief of a vulture with the constellation of Sagittarius is, however, thwart with problems.
    From earliest times across the Near East the vulture has been identified with just three constellations: Cygnus, the celestial bird of Hellenic tradition; Lyra, the celestial lyre of Orpheus, known also as the Falling Vulture; and Aquila, the celestial eagle called also the Flying Vulture. All three constellations are found in the same area of sky, their brightest stars - Deneb, Vega and Altair respectively - being known collectively as the Summer Triangle (see fig. 2).

    Fig. 2. Star chart showing Cygnus as a swan, Lyra as both a vulture and lyre, and Hercules upside down to the right. Aquila lies just beyond the illustration's bottom left-hand corner.
    The Stymphalian birds

    In Greek Hellenistic mythology these three constellations were equated with, among other things, the three Stymphalian birds that were sent against Hercules in his Sixth Labor.(6) It is an association confirmed in the knowledge that all three asterisms are located in the vicinity of the constellation of Hercules. In Mesopotamian star-lore three similar birds attack the god Marduk, and these too were personified in the night sky as the constellations of Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila.(7) In the knowledge that the Greeks identified Marduk with Hercules, it becomes clear that the myth of the Stymphalian birds originated in Mesopotamia, where all three constellations were identified as winged creatures as early as the third millennium BC.(8)
    The Stymphalian birds, collectively known as the Stymphalides or Harpies, are said to have been winged monsters with "the faces of women, the bodies of vultures, and claws upon their hands."(9) The fact that they were thought to be monstrous vultures confirms their link with the constellations in question, which are all identified as vultures in Greek Hellenic star-lore - Vultur cadens ("the falling vulture") in the case of Cygnus and Lyra, and Vultur volans ("the flying vulture") in the case of Aquila.(10)
    So if the vulture on Pillar 43 does represent one of the Stymphalian birds (and, interestingly, there are in fact six birds of various species and sizes carved on the stone), then most likely it is Cygnus. Not only did the twin central pillars in Enclosure D (and also those in Enclosures B, C, E & H) accurately target the setting of Deneb, Cygnus's brightest star, but we also know that its porthole stone, which stands just a few meters to the west of the Vulture Stone, was positioned so that this astronomical spectacle could be witnessed each night on the local skyline. In other words, the imagery on the Vulture Stone was in some way related to the astral purpose behind the axial orientation of the installation in which it stood. In addition to this the funny-looking vulture on Pillar 43 almost perfectly matches the outline of the main stars of Cygnus during the suspected timeframe of construction of Enclosure D (see fig. 3).
    Figure 3. Left, Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 with Cygnus overlaid and, right, star map showing Scorpius overlaid with Pillar 43's scorpion and Cygnus overlaid with the stone vulture (pic credits: Rodney Hale).
    Cygnus in Armenia

    One additional piece of information linking Cygnus with the symbol of a vulture at Göbekli Tepe comes from Armenia, which borders Anatolia to the northeast. In the past, the influence of Armenia and its ruling dynasty extended as far south as Edessa, modern-day Sanliurfam, juat eight miles (13 kilometres) away from Göbekli Tepe. Indeed, many Armenians still inhabited the Sanliurfa region until the horrific atrocities of the Armenian Genocide of 1917. It is thus significant that in Armenian star lore the constellation of Cygnus is known as Angegh, a word meaning "vulture."(11) Of direct relevance here is the fact that an Armenian village named Angeghakot close to the megalithic complex of Karahunj is thought to reflect the importance of the Cygnus constellation.(12) Karahunj is made up of hundreds of standing stones that together create the likeness of the Cygnus constellation in its guise as a bird,(13) while the circular aperture in one prominently placed stone is said to target the transit of the Cygnus star Deneb as it crosses the meridian.(14) Karahunj as a whole is attributed to the Bronze Age, ca. 2500 BC, although the alignment toward Deneb argues for a much earlier date of construction, perhaps in the region of ca. 5500-5000 BC.(15)

    Since angegh in the Armenian language can also means "angel," Cygnus is seen in Armenia as a heavenly angel, as well as the celestial home of the angels.(16) Yet prior to the rise of Christianity Cygnus in Armenia was quite simply a vulture, just as it was on the Euphrates during the formative years of the Mesopotamian civilizations that emerged in Lower Iraq from around 3000 BCE onward.

    Paranatellons of Sagittarius

    Nowhere on the Euphrates is Sagittarius identified as a vulture. Having said this all three Stymphalian birds-Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila - are classified as paranatellons of Sagittarius. A paranatellon is a constellation that is seen to rise at the same time as one of the twelve zodiacal constellations, which in the case of Cygnus, Lyra and Aquila during the time frame in question was Sagittarius. Thus, all three celestial birds came under the rule of Sagittarius. It was for this reason that the Mesopotamian form of Sagittarius, Pabilsag, a composite creature usually depicted with a horse's body, the tail of a scorpion, the wings of a bird and the head and torso of a male human figure holding a bow and arrow, is occasionally shown with birdlike feet.(17)

    If the vulture on Pillar 43 does indeed represent one of these three celestial birds (and, interestingly, there are in all six birds of various species and sizes found among its carved relief), then it is likely Cygnus. Not only do the twin central pillars in Enclosure D (and also those in Enclosures B, C & E) accurately target the setting of Deneb, Cygnus's brightest star, in the epoch of its construction (these alignments have been confirmed by Italian archaeo-astronomers Alessandro De Lorenzis and Vincenzo Orofino(18)) but its holed stone is oriented in order that this spectacle could have been witnessed on the local horizon (the example in Enclosure C almost certainly functioned in a similar manner).
    Aside from this is the fact that the shape of the funny-winged vulture on Pillar 43 almost perfectly reflects the outline of the main stars of Cygnus in 9600 BC (see fig. 3), the suspected date of construction of Enclosure D based on radiometric dating. The vulture does not mimic the pattern created by the stars of Sagittarius, nor does it sit well with the scorpion located directly beneath the vulture on the carved panel, which we can assume to be the constellation of Scorpius.

    Journey of the Soul

    Pillar 43 most likely depicts the death journey of the soul of the deceased, or indeed that of the shaman. This would be the removal of a soul from its physical environment, represented by the headless figure with an erection at the base of the stone - via Scorpius, signified by the scorpion, to its final destination among the stars. This destination, arguably the entrance to the "upper world" or sky-world of Eurasian shamanic tradition, appears to have been located in the vicinity of Cygnus, represented on the pillar by the main vulture, where the soul of the individual is shown as the ball above its left wing.
    The carved image of a ball-like head or filled circle is recognized in the prehistoric rock art of southeast Anatolia as being a symbol of the soul.(19) This was because the seat of the soul was always considered to reside in the head or skull. It was for this reason that, during the early Neolithic age, skulls were removed from bodies and used afterwards for oracular purposes, something thought to have occurred at Jericho (Tell es-Sultan) in Palestine. Here a number of perfectly preserved decorated skulls, dating to ca. 7000 BC, have been found that were most likely used for psychic communication with their former owners (see fig. 4).

    Figure 4. Decorated skull found at Jericho, Palestine, dating to ca. 7000 BC (Pic credit: Wiki Commons Agreement).
    I demonstrate all this elsewhere,(20) and recently similar ideas have been voiced by Müslüm Ercan, director of Sanliurfa Museum, who is head of excavations at Göbekli Tepe on behalf of the museum. In an article titled "Signs of world's first pictograph found in Göbeklitepe," published in Turkey's Hurriyet Daily News on July 15, 2015, he proposed that: "The scene on the obelisk unearthed in Göbeklitepe [Enclosure D's Pillar 43] could be construed as the first pictograph because it depicts an event thematically. It depicts a human head [the filled circle] in the wing of a vulture and a headless human body under the stela.(21)

    "There are various figures like cranes and scorpions around this figure. This is the portrayal of a moment; it could be the first example of [a] pictograph. They are not random figures."
    Ercan goes on to link the vulture imagery on Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 with the act of disposing of the dead through the practice of excarnation, along with its allied association with the transmigration of the soul: "There were no graves 12,000 years ago. The dead bodies were left outdoors and raptors [that is, vultures] ate them. In this way, people believed the soul goes to the sky." This, he said, was called "burial in the sky," i.e., sky burial, and is depicted in the carved art at Göbekli Tepe, and also at the 9,000-year-old Neolithic city of Çatalhöyük in southern-central Anatolia. Here, shown in one particular painted fresco, are two vultures at the top of a wooden excarnation tower in the act of feasting on a human corpse, which as at Göbekli Tepe is shown as a headless figure (see fig. 5). Yet next to this scene are two more vultures on another excarnation tower that appear to be taking under their wings a ball-like head, this time with a mouth and two eyes. What we are almost certainly seeing here are the birds accepting into their care the soul of the deceased person in preparation for its journey to the next world. Other frescoes at Çatalhöyük show vultures with anthropomorphic features, suggesting they are shamans in the guise of vultures caught in the midst of ecstatic trance.

    Figure 5. Frescoe from Çatalhöyük in southern-central Anatolia showing vultures devouring a corpse on the right and taking a soul into their cave on the left (pic credit: Andrew Collins).
    Very likely the ball above the left wing of the vulture on Göbekli Tepe's Pillar 43 is the soul of either a deceased person, or that of a shaman, now under the protective care of the vulture who is acting in the capacity of psychopomp, a Greek word meaning "soul carrier," or "soul accompanier." Thus, the visual evidence presented by the Vulture Stone allows for a comparative and consistent interpretation of its carved relief. With this in mind, it seems more plausible to conclude, as archaeologist Müslüm Ercan has done, that the overall theme being presented by the pillar's pictorial art is one of the soul's cosmic journey.

    At Göbekli Tepe this would have been achieved by the soul exiting this world and entering the next via the north-northwesterly placed porthole stones aligned toward the Cygnus star Deneb. It is thus no coincidence that Enclosure D's Pillar 43 is located immediately to the west of its porthole hole (see fig. 1), suggesting that the former is to be seen as a signboard marking the way to the land of the dead.
    Although this explanation makes sense it is infinitely more tempting to conclude that the Vulture Stone really is a warning of impending doom conveyed across time by the Göbekli builders. This is unfortunate, as despite all the evidence to the contrary, this will persuade researchers to identify Pillar 43's funny-shaped vulture as the constellation of Sagittarius well into the future.

    Magicians of the Gods Lecture by Graham Hancock at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey


    Graham Hancock delivers a mind-blowing lecture during the 'Origins of Civilization Tour' of ancient Turkey, visiting Göbekli Tepe and other sites with Hugh Newman and Andrew Collins. This was Graham's first visit to Göbekli Tepe and in this exclusive presentation Graham shares his initial insights and how these fits into his other groundbreaking research. (2017)

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    Joe Rogan Experience #1284 - Graham Hancock

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    pyr1. pyr2. pyr5. pyr3. pyr4. pyr6. Eye of Sauron.


    CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE SHIFTS - A 'soul' describes the transformation of the consciousness and energy of planet Earth from 2012 to 2020 to 2025 onwards

    (C=Celeste a woman incarnated in human form on Earth and D=Dolores a psychoanalyst and explorer of the subconscious state of self-awareness)

    C: Yes, it is a stupid thing to come here. (Laugh) Because when you are there you think Wow, but when you come here it is so tough. And sometimes I feel alone and sometimes I feel I cannot do this. But sometimes I know I will do it.
    D: So, in the other existence you didn’t have these emotions?

    C: No, no, you don’t have emotions. It is not this kind of emotions. Everything is so clean and quiet, and you know everything. And the worst part is this drama thing. These feelings, people cry and this mess for misunderstanding and you cannot communicate with people with your mind. You can try, but they do not listen.

    D: And the fear is different too, isn’t it?

    C: Yes, the fear is the worst part. I don’t like this fear. This fear makes some things in your body. Your body is so sensitive to this fear and suddenly when you start having this fear, It is a mess, and you cannot get out of this fear. And then you try to remember who you are, but sometimes It is not so easy to remember. And sometimes you think your mind is thinking all these things and...Wow...what are you talking about. The only thing that exists is routine and this life and these other things. That is the only way to do this is in this body. If you do not have that you will not stay here. You will go “home” because home is where you belong.

    D:With those memories you couldn’t exist here. (Yes) Is that why you have to forget when you come in?

    C: Yes. That is why you have to forget. Otherwise, you cannot stay attached to this body. When you have feelings for one thing, you are attached to this body. Yes, when you try to go back home again, then you get this fear and then you forget everything and then you are here again. But you know you are not complete here. You are not complete incarnate here.
    D: Have you ever been in a physical body before?

    C: I have to say It is not, but I don’t know if It is my mind or....

    D: But your part of the galaxy and you created the galaxy, do you think this is the first time you have ever moved into something like this?

    C: No, I guess this is not my first time. I guess I am coming when these kinds of changes are taking place. I have to figure this out. I feel like I am a mother of the galaxy. (Laugh)
    So, I have to be here to take care of my little kids. (Laugh) And then I choose to be in this little planet. It is a little planet, but it has a lot of energy. Wow, I have to think of everything. Sometimes we can and sometimes we cannot. It is not our fault because we are what we are. Sometimes some things happen that we cannot control and the only thing we can do is just to take her off of this little kid which is our galaxy.

    D: But when you come you forget all these things, and all you know is just this life.

    C: There’s no way to be here if you know who you are. There is no way to use this power you have because sometimes you need or you want to use this power, but you realize you can’t because this body is not enough. But this big energy you’re sending is not your whole energy. It is only some part of your energy just to stay here.

    D: But isn’t it possible for the physical body to use some of the energy?

    C: Yes, the physical part of the body is using some part of the energy, but not the whole energy. Because if the body is using the whole will explode. It is not a container for this big energy that you are. It is too much energy for this little, teeny body. Because the galaxy is smaller than the energy you are. This planet Earth is smaller than the energy you are. This body is smaller than the energy you are. So, you are moving from the small things to the big things, and you are moving to the big things or from the big things to the smaller things. Everything is in cycles.

    D: But is it possible for this body you are speaking through to use a portion of the energy?

    C: Yes, she needs to use this body. It is using this energy, but the body doesn’t know how to use it.

    D: She said she feels energy going through her body, but she doesn’t know what to do with it.

    C: Yes, she doesn’t know what to do. The body doesn’t know. She knows what to do, but when she tries to use this, this other fear starts and then she realizes, “Okay, what am I doing? I am this body. I am like this ego thing.” She is afraid to use this big power she has. She is trying to do it to help people, but it is not working because she’s afraid. Everything starts to work, then she’s afraid of being discovered. She’s afraid of being discovered about who she is. She is doing this work undercover. (Laugh) So nobody knows that we are working undercover.

    D: Are you afraid of something happening if somebody knew how powerful you really are?

    C: Yes. It doesn’t work if anyone discovered we are controlling things.

    D: They think they might?

    C: Let me clarify this. Universe, the Unity, are working, too. We are here undercover. We are controlling things so if anybody found out we are controlling things, even though we are trying to help...they are not going to do things by themselves and they are going to ask for help.
    You know people here are know they need help. Always they need help, and they are allowing another one to do things by themselves so we cannot allow that. They have free will, so they have to do things by themselves and that is one of the reasons they took energy from this body like this woman. It is easy to take energy from her.

    D: You mean other people?

    C: Yes. And they are always taking energy from her and that is not the way to do it because she didn’t come to do that.

    I had spoken to Celeste during the interview about how to put up shields around her to keep people from drawing on her energy.

    C: She doesn’t know how to do it. She was trying to use this shield like white light, but then this other part of her is saying, “What are you doing? This is stupid to do.” She separates. One part of her knows who she is and what she is doing here, and the other part is trying to say, “Get real. You are a human being living in this planet Earth and don’t be silly to think you are bigger than that.” It is like a fight. She’s having this fight inside.

    D: Does she have any karma to repay?

    C: No, she does not. She has been here when this galaxy has been having this big movement, but she came only to help, and she doesn’t have karma. She tried to help people who have karma, and sometimes it feels like she feels karma, but she doesn’t because she can’t. She’s one of the healers of this galaxy, so she’s trying to help and sometimes she needs to feel how it feels to be human in this part of the galaxy because that is how the galaxy feels. Like if you are being in the body and it has the pain, and you must feel that pain just to feel what the body feels. Do you know what I mean? Your body must feel this drama. This is the only way to help people by understanding the way they feel. Then you can understand. Then you can help, but you know sometimes people don’t want to be helped. They are happy with this drama because they don’t want to be more than that or they will remember where they belong. You cannot help if they do not want help.

    D: But she doesn’t know that she’s bigger. She feels she’s like the rest of the people on Earth.

    C: Yes, she is, and that’s the problem with being with this energy she is – me − and she’s fighting with this energy or with this body. It is her body. Sometimes she feels she’s this body and she’s bigger than that, but sometimes she cannot remember and she’s in the middle of this little drama. I have not found a way to tell her to “remember who you are!”

    D: I think you’re finding a way right now to tell her.

    C: Yes, I guess we are having this conversation.

    D: But most of the people when they come to Earth many, many times or on this cycle, they pick their parents. They pick where they’re going to be born, but she was not part of that cycle?

    C: No, she was not. She was here to help this guy and this woman (her parents) because they are so full of power. They do not realize they are. So, when she came here, she gave this couple a little energy to do what they needed to do, and they do not understand. And these two gave her a lot of experiences to feel what it is to be human, just to understand what it is to feel pain and have human experiences. It was important to me to have these experiences because now I can help them when I just found the way they feel, so empty. I can feel this emptiness. I never understood this emptiness until I came here just to have these human experiences, and then that was the contract that was with those people...I mean this couple. When I give you this energy, then you can move on or you can just not move on and you will give me this experience. Then I will understand how people feel. And now when I see the people, I know how they feel. I can feel how they feel! I can feel their vibration. I can feel how they feel and if I sense energy, I can remove their pain.
    Excerpt from Dolores Cannon's last book: The Convoluted Universe - Book Five, completed following her transition on October 18th, 2014, published in 2015

    dolores3waves (2).
    The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth | Page 5 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
    The New Covenant For A New Heaven With A New Earth | Page 5 | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (
    {this pdf expanded – 9124/post#23083) May 8th, 2021
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Dear Mary!
    Following your interview with J.B.Wells, I feel impelled to contact you regarding your experiences with the rather young children experiencers.
    I researched and know their implications regarding their (all of us) origin from the ultra-dimensionality for some 40 years.
    With your scientific background or acquaintance, you should be able to utilize the information in the linked documents. Physicalized Universal Consciousness forms the background for the multidimensional existence and supports the Edgar Mitchell agenda.

    Perhaps you could inform J.B. Wells regarding how his worldview regarding all extraterrestrial (scripturally based) identification beautifully harmonizes with your metaphysical paradigm perception.
    {The demonic element is interdimensional and human mind co-created and not ET -physical multidimensional for example; therefore both a scriptural dichotomy between good and evil can and is translated into a monadic dyad of absolute darkness with an absolute light (heaven and hell say) transformed into an experienced physicalized duaility of cyclic daytime and nighttime, astrophysically defined.}

    The following (my) papers are in full support of all of your work and that of Dolores Cannon, which shares your experiences with respect to the superconscious awakening and the starhuman experience.

    Should you wish to ask me for details:
    My skype handle is 'anubisbarbelo' and facebook name is 'sirebard'

    I am what you would consider a grandpa experiencer, being 64 years old on June 4th with ET experiences in 1975/6 in Bavaria Germany and in Australia in 1985

    Thanking you for your attention

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