The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

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    • Post n°61

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:32 am
    Timeline Israel in Secular Political History and in Prophecy


    But there are two dear Rabbi in the Old Testament of Jacob I and in the New Testament of Israel II - look again!
    (And Joseph Smith from the 'Voices from the Dust' and Prophet of the Mormon Church is also not "Messiah Ben Joseph"; but both 'background accounts' are valid in their overall contexts of describing Yeshuah Ben Joseph in his right office of Jacob Ben Melchizedek in the Melchisedec Ben Israel of her left office of the Cosmic Twinship Christening CJJC||JCCJ.)​


    Isaiah 45:3-5 - King James Version (KJV)

    3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the Lord, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
    4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel mine elect, I have even called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me.
    5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

    Hebrews 6 - KJV

    1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
    2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
    3 And this will we do, if God permit.
    4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
    5 And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
    6 If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
    7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
    8 But that which beareth thorns and briers is rejected, and is nigh unto cursing; whose end is to be burned.
    9 But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak.
    10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
    11 And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end:
    12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
    13 For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,
    14 Saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee.
    15 And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.
    16 For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife.
    17 Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:
    18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:
    19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;
    20 Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.

    Hebrews 10 - King James Version (KJV)

    1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect.
    2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins.
    3 But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year.
    4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
    5 Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:
    6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure.
    7 Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.
    8 Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law;
    9 Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.
    10 By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
    11 And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
    12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
    13 From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
    14 For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
    15 Whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness to us: for after that he had said before,
    16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;
    17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
    18 Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.
    19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus,
    20 By a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;
    21 And having an high priest over the house of God;
    22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.
    23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
    24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
    25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
    26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,
    27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
    28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:
    29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?
    30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
    31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    32 But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;
    33 Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.
    34 For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.
    35 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.
    36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
    37 For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry.
    38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
    39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.


    Council of Thuban de Draconis |||December 2009 - December 2016|||

    Shiloh Za-RaH [​IMG]

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
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    • Post n°63

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:58 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    ABRAXAS 79713

    79713 = 79.71.3 = AlphaOmega.Babylon.111=MOTHER.BABYLON.111= = 66.33 = 99||66=Abraxas=Thuban=Freedom=Woman=Anubis=The Magic=The Name=The Amen

    66Babylon7 = 66Babylon.Devil = 66.71.52 = 66.15 = 666 = 16.8.3 = 1.14.3 = 1.5.3

    John 21:8-11 - King James Version (KJV)

    8 And the other disciples came in a little ship; (for they were not far from land, but as it were two hundred cubits,) dragging the net with fishes.

    9 As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

    10 Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.

    11 Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an hundred and fifty and three: and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken.

    Genesis 7:19-21 - King James Version (KJV)

    19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.

    20 Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.

    21 And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man:

    Hosea 3:1-3 - King James Version (KJV)

    3 Then said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.

    2 So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley:

    3 And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man: so will I also be for thee.

    Revelation 6:5-7 - King James Version (KJV)

    5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

    6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

    7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.

    Zechariah 11:11-13 - King James Version (KJV)

    11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the Lord.

    12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver.

    13 And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.

    Matthew 27:6-10- King James Version (KJV)

    6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.

    7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in.

    8 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day.

    9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;

    10 And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me.

    Revelation 18:5-7 - King James Version (KJV)

    5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

    6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

    7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.




    Last edited by shiloh on Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°64

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:54 am

    The black hole at the birth of the Universe

    [8:33:46 AM] Sirius 17:
    [8:34:15 AM] Sirius 17:
    Their suggestion: our known universe could be the three-dimensional "wrapping" around a four-dimensional black hole's event horizon. In this scenario, our universe burst into being when a star in a four-dimensional universe collapsed into a black hole.
    In our three-dimensional universe, black holes have two-dimensional event horizons -- that is, they are surrounded by a two-dimensional boundary that marks the "point of no return." In the case of a four-dimensional universe, a black hole would have a three-dimensional event horizon.
    In their proposed scenario, our universe was never inside the singularity; rather, it came into being outside an event horizon, protected from the singularity. It originated as -- and remains -- just one feature in the imploded wreck of a four-dimensional star.

    [8:35:39 AM] Sirius 17: interesting article discussing that we are living inside a 4th dimensional black hole
    [3:33:45 PM] Shiloh: This is a valid article and in good correspondence with the Maldacena research we addressed before. Recall, that the outstanding mainstream question regarding the 'Event Horizon' of the 4-dimensional universe questions the location of that 'event horizon' of a 3-D surface 'wrapping around the 3-D cosmology'? I commented on the 2005 paper of Maldacena in connection with the SciAm publication, I reshared below.
    [3:37:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes I thought that was interesting too, the 3-D surface wrapping around 4-D cosmology. Why I thought you should look at it. This is great!
    [3:38:57 PM] Shiloh: This 'new paper' then stipulates the Big Bang Singularity to have been a 'protostar' 'outside' of the singularity and the dragon science simply replaces the 'protostar of higher D' by the 'Inflationary String-membrane De Broglie phase epoch' occurring BEFORE the classical Big Bang of the Planck Black Body Radiator cosmology, giving birth and origin to the relativistic universe of entropy and stochastic frequency distributions of spacetime parameters. This relates to the Weyl Hypothesis of Roger Penrose and related articles we published around this Maldacena paper.
    [3:39:41 PM] Shiloh: This new paper so basically confirms Maldacena and Penrose, but in the background of the membrane cosmologies.
    [3:41:27 PM] Shiloh: The old trouble with string theory was, that it still inferred a metric spacetime backdrop for the advanced mathematical equations and models. Maldacena and the 'Holographic Universe' does away with that, in proposing that space and time themselves become defined by the nature of the elementary string-membrane configurations.
    [3:43:05 PM] Shiloh: Dragons and ETs of course know and understand, that those 'fundamental constituents of space and time and matter and light' are themselves defined by the TwinLogos of all worlds and so enable a synthesis betwenn the metaphysics and the physics in their connecting ontology.
    [3:43:26 PM] Sirius 17: and so this allows for a non-physical precursor beginning right? because the mathematics shows it is there, even though their is no physical measuring stick?
    [3:46:04 PM] Shiloh: Correct
    [3:46:38 PM] Shiloh: This becomes embodied in the Transformation between Magnetocharges and Electrocharges
    [3:48:00 PM] Shiloh: Magnetocharges are always higher D and related to the tachyon scenario of string theory, whilst electrocharges become matter associated and so become anti tachyonic aka light speed restricted and invariant.

    In more technical detail; the 'protostar' becomes defined in dragon membrane physics as the Ylem stars, defined in temperature only and not by mass, as are the Black Hole precursors. The ylem protostars so serve as excellent 'first generation' cosmological 'energy sources'. The 'ylem stars' (coined by Alexander Gamow in the 1920's) as 'pure neutron matter stars' then of course allow the temperature thermodynamic coupling to mass and gravitation and so generate the 'ordinary' neutron stars known by the earthbound astrophysicists as the precursors of the Back Holes; themselves the 'parents' of the evolving galaxies in conjunction and in conjugative partnership with White Holes associated with Quasars.

    [4:17:51 PM] Sirius 17: I found it interesting they said the big bang could be just a 3-D 'mirage' of a collapsing star in a totally different universe. Are they trying to say that our universe is just a mirage then or an effect of the mirage?

    [4:19:34 PM] Sirius 17: "For all physicists know, dragons could have come flying out of the singularity," Afshordi says in an interview with Nature.

    [4:19:40 PM] Sirius 17: I found this a bit humorous lol
    [4:22:22 PM] Shiloh: This was a nice message from the subconscious indeed.

    [4:22:42 PM] Shiloh: I added the details as a reply
    [4:23:21 PM] Shiloh:

    The black hole at the birth of the Universe

    Date: August 7, 2014
    Source: Perimeter Institute


    The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7 billion years ago, what sparked it? Three Perimeter Institute researchers have a new idea about what might have come before the big bang. It's a bit perplexing, but it is grounded in sound mathematics and is it testable?


    The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7 billion years ago, what sparked it?

    Three Perimeter Institute researchers have a new idea about what might have come before the big bang. It's a bit perplexing, but it is grounded in sound mathematics and is it testable?
    What we perceive as the big bang, they argue, could be the three-dimensional "mirage" of a collapsing star in a universe profoundly different than our own.
    "Cosmology's greatest challenge is understanding the big bang itself," write Perimeter Institute Associate Faculty member Niayesh Afshordi, Affiliate Faculty member and University of Waterloo professor Robert Mann, and PhD student Razieh Pourhasan.
    Conventional understanding holds that the big bang began with a singularity -- an unfathomably hot and dense phenomenon of spacetime where the standard laws of physics break down. Singularities are bizarre, and our understanding of them is limited.
    "For all physicists know, dragons could have come flying out of the singularity," Afshordi says in an interview with Nature.
    The problem, as the authors see it, is that the big bang hypothesis has our relatively comprehensible, uniform, and predictable universe arising from the physics-destroying insanity of a singularity. It seems unlikely.
    So perhaps something else happened. Perhaps our universe was never singular in the first place.
    Their suggestion: our known universe could be the three-dimensional "wrapping" around a four-dimensional black hole's event horizon. In this scenario, our universe burst into being when a star in a four-dimensional universe collapsed into a black hole.
    In our three-dimensional universe, black holes have two-dimensional event horizons -- that is, they are surrounded by a two-dimensional boundary that marks the "point of no return." In the case of a four-dimensional universe, a black hole would have a three-dimensional event horizon.
    In their proposed scenario, our universe was never inside the singularity; rather, it came into being outside an event horizon, protected from the singularity. It originated as -- and remains -- just one feature in the imploded wreck of a four-dimensional star.
    The researchers emphasize that this idea, though it may sound "absurd," is grounded firmly in the best modern mathematics describing space and time. Specifically, they've used the tools of holography to "turn the big bang into a cosmic mirage." Along the way, their model appears to address long-standing cosmological puzzles and -- crucially -- produce testable predictions.
    Of course, our intuition tends to recoil at the idea that everything and everyone we know emerged from the event horizon of a single four-dimensional black hole. We have no concept of what a four-dimensional universe might look like. We don't know how a four-dimensional "parent" universe itself came to be.
    But our fallible human intuitions, the researchers argue, evolved in a three-dimensional world that may only reveal shadows of reality.
    They draw a parallel to Plato's allegory of the cave, in which prisoners spend their lives seeing only the flickering shadows cast by a fire on a cavern wall.
    "Their shackles have prevented them from perceiving the true world, a realm with one additional dimension," they write. "Plato's prisoners didn't understand the powers behind the sun, just as we don't understand the four-dimensional bulk universe. But at least they knew where to look for answers."

    Story Source:
    The above story is based on materials provided by Perimeter Institute. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.

    Journal Reference:

    1. Razieh Pourhasan, Niayesh Afshordi, Robert B. Mann. Out of the White Hole: A Holographic Origin for the Big Bang. arXiv, 2014 [link]

    The Nature and Origin of the Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant

    What drives the expansion of the universe and where did this energy derive from in the first instance?

    I have detailed the quantum geometric underpinning of the Big Bang Cosmogenesis with its selfgenerative birth of the dimensions previously.
    So I shall describe the physics for this cosmogenesis in terms of the 'large scale' classical Newtonian-Einsteinian geometry in this message.

    The cause of the Big Bang was of course metaphysical and mathematical; meaning that no space, no time and no mass existed 'before' the Big Bang happened.
    What did exist as 'primera causa' however, was a 'primordial materia' from which all of the spacetimed universe could emerge.
    Both, the primal cause and the primal energy are so by nature independent upon the manifestation of the universe in its parameters observed, measured and implied.
    The 'prima materia' so represented 'Primal ENERGY', which could transform into the 'Caused Energy' of the Quantum Big Bang.

    Many of you eschew mathematics and the abstractionism it represents as a language.
    Now 'Lingua Mathimatica' is just that, a language, universal in scope and applicability and so your phobias are not insurmountable.
    Your distaste for symbolisms of one kind can easily become translated into a semiotik of another kind.
    But then many of you eschew the metaphysical representation of mythology as well and yet another translation becomes necessity.

    But due to mathematics being a cosmically applicable and universal language (like music and dance for example); the concept of the 'Primal Energy'; whilst independent upon the emergent universe, nevertheless can become formulated in the famous energy relations of Einstein, Planck and Boltzmann {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    1. There was a primal energy E* 'before' the beginning of time, which upon 'emerging', DEFINED the concepts of time, space, mass, etc.

    2. All parameters whatsoever are interrelated in the primal energy E*; but existed in metaphysical-abstract form, before they emerged to create the observable universe using E* as the universal source of energy.

    3. There is so necessarily a discrepancy between the 'source energy reservoir defined in quantum form by E*' and the 'source energy transformed' to create the physicalised universe in spacetimematter.

    4. As the 'Source-Energy-Reservoir' or SER can be defined abstractly; it can also be defined as INFINITE mathematically, say as asymptotic approach of the infinite within the finite. The omega interval [0,1] is finite as binary boundary, but contains an infinite number count of the rationals as extension of the Integers (and Naturals) of the applied mathematical procedures (the inversion identity under associativity and distribution say).

    5. This SER then transforms its self- or eigenstate from the infinite 'no observable 'real' universe' potential to a finite 'a real physical measurable universe' potential, using E*.

    6. The infinite energy of the SE so becomes finitised across a dimensional quantum boundary, through which it must 'tunnel' to manifest its finiteness.

    7. This 'tunneling' becomes effectualised in creating a 'quantum fluctuation', aka a metaphysical discrepancy in the energy formulations defining E*.

    8. A particular E*-eigenstate summation before tunneling so can be used to describe this then 'dimensionally reduced' selfstate integral after tunneling.
    This dimensional reduction is then modelled as a decrease in SE, say in an Energy-Gradient defined in the quantum laws given as metaphysical aka mathematical precursors {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    9. The particular eigenstate before tunneling is defined in the dynamics of a de Broglie MATTERWAVE, associated with the concept of quantum-driven inflation.
    This inflation is also metaphysical and uses the 'dimensionally increased' selfstate to render the metaphysical definition a physical definition in the 'dimensionally reduced' eigenstate.

    10. It so becomes the universe to be a dimensionally nested universe and as prerequisite to carry both, the nature of the 'unreal' metaphysical-mathematical and the nature of the real physical. The dimensional divide so can also be described as a mapping between 'mirror spaces'.

    11. The de Broglie matterwave so defines a higher dimensional universal envelope (HDU) about the lower dimensional universe (LDU), and with a scale-displacement boundary RHubble say.
    Both the HDU and the LDU are defined in the SE E* in quantum terminology; but the LDU utilises the NATURAL LAWS based upon the transformations embodied in {E=mc2=hf=kT}; whereas the HDU uses the latter in the formal sense of the metaphysics aka the mathematical abstractions.

    12. The HDU 'inflates' in NOW-Time aka the Instanton to set a boundary for the LDU to 'expand into' in a 'inflated' THEN-Time aka the linearised lightpath time t=x/c, and where displacement X relates to the lightspeed invariant 'c'.

    13. In the HDU 'c' is not invariant, but forms the antistate for its invariance in the LDU.
    Particularly, it is defined in the de Broglie PhaseSpeed of the matterwave and with LDU 'speed' V:
    {VdB=lightpath/lighttime=(h/mV)(mc2/h)=c2/V>c for all V
    14. In terms of E* then; the de Broglie Inflaton Acceleration is:
    AdB=RHubble/t*2 ~1.4x1087 (m/s2)* for x*=ct*.

    15. The AdB so becomes the first primordial energy parameter subject to physicalisation in the 'quantum tunneling'.
    To render the AdB physical, a Quantum Big Bang, creating the LDU from the now manifested HDU is required.
    As the AdB is a metaphysical acceleration subject to the contra-invariance of lightspeed 'c'; the invariance of 'c' becomes necessity for all speeds 'V' encountered in the LDU as an intrinsic limit for any acceleration.

    16. Those limited velocities now become associated with both the mass content or inertia of objects moving at speeds V and their noninertial or photonic equivalents as defined in {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    17. From this the Equivalence Principle of Einstein's General Relativity is born and which postulates, that any gravitational field strength Gm/r2 becomes indistinguishable from a Newtonian acceleration AN in terms of the mass m experiencing the acceleration or the gravitational field.

    18. The LDU so must have a PRIMAL Gravitational Field given in AN=GM/x*2 and where M is the Total Inertial Mass Content of the universe transformed from the E*-Integral to manifest the LDU in the Quantum Big Bang.

    19. The equality AdB=AN so would require RHubblec2=2GM and a 'fixed' total mass Mcritical=RHubblec2/2G.
    This can be rewritten as RHubble=2GM/c2 to crystallise the Schwarzschild metric for the Semi-HDU, so CONNECTING the HDU to the LDU across the dimensions in a physics of Black Holes.

    20. The Semi-HDU derives from setting the gravitational potential equal to the VPE=Vortex-Potential Energy=Zero-Point-Energy=ZPE of E* described as a SE-Planck-Harmonic Oscillator with eigenstate:
    Emin*=½E* for GMm*/x*2=½m*c2.

    21. A definition of M=Mocritical as a function of E*, will then ENSURE, that the reduced total inertia of the universe will manifest in a quantum tunneling in the creation of a required acceleration gradient with AdB>AN.

    22. M becomes defined as a function of E* in: Mo2=#(m Planck.mKernel/mRing)2 and where # describes the integral summation of the E* quantum eigenstate for the HDU and as mapped or transformed in a subsequent materialisation of the kernel-ring boson coupling as a quark-lepton fermion coupling, characterised in the proton-electron bonding.

    23. AN then becomes defined in AN~2.0x1085 (m/s2)* and the resulting gradient is AN/ the DECELERATION Parameter (qo) for the subsequently emerging cosmology.
    It is also half of the ratio of the Black Hole masses described by the Schwarzschild metric in:
    Mo/Mcritical=RHubble/RSarkar and where RSarkar describes the gravitational volume acting on the supercluster scale of galaxies as the boundary for gravitational interaction for cosmic large scale homogeneity.

    24. Twice the deceleration parameter so gives the actual density/critical density ratio for the cosmology as a direct consequence of the LDU-HDU interaction between the metaphysics of the prespacetime universe and its spacetimed progenitor.

    25. The Newtonian acceleration (ANewton=AOmega) is also a Gravitational Field Strength GMo/R2 where now R describes the curvature radius or scale of the entire universe.
    To accomodate the LDU in the HDU, the ANdB must quantum tunnel in the creation event under the auspices of the boundary conditions set by the curvature metrics and simplified in the Mother Black Hole of the HDU encompassing in a dimension higher by one the LDU as a Daughter Black Hole.

    26. Parametrising the scalefactor R as a function of DIMENSIONLESS time, then allows the de Broglie acceleration to also parametrise in such fashion to selftransform back from the HDU into the LDU.

    The equations are:
    Dimensionless time n=Ho.t for dn/dt=Ho as a 'nodal' Hubble-Constant defined in RHubble=c/Ho=r*f*/Ho;
    then R(n)=RHubble.ASP and where ASP=Asymptotic Expansion Parameter = f(n)=n/(n+1).

    Subsequently, displacement, velocity and acceleration are parametrised as:


    27. There exists so an INTRINSIC DECELERATION in the universe and a deceleration which represents the contra-action of the de Broglie inflation of the HDU in the LDU.
    This intrinsic antiinflationary deceleration is maximised as the Milgrom-Constant AMmax=-2cHo~1.127 nanometers per second squared in (* units).

    28. The DIFFERENCE between the Intrinsic Milgrom cosmic deceleration and the Newtonian-Einsteinian gravitational deceleration then defines another acceleration (ADarkEnergy=ALambda), which becomes the EFFECT of the missing mass of the Daughter Black Hole to BE the Mother Black Hole; as well as the acceleration gradient between the de Broglie hyperacceleration exceeding lightspeed and the Newtonian-Einsteinian speed-restricted gravitational field intensity conscribing the total inertia of the universe as a whole.

    29. The equation for the Dark Energy Acceleration so is:
    AMilgrom=ANewton + ADarkEnergy.
    Normalising AIntrinsic= AOmega + ALambda so says:

    30. For a presently calculated dimensionless time parameter of n=1.1324.., AIntrinsic aka the Milgrom Deceleration is about -2cHo/2.13243 ~ 1.16x10-10 (m/s2)* and reduced in a factor of so 9.7 from its maximum value at the Big Bang tunneling as the Summation Harmonic for the present n-time.

    The Dark Energy component for this present NOW-Time then is about -9.49x10-11 (m/s2)* as the Omega is defined in GMo/R2 ~ -2.13x10-11 (m/s2)*.
    In terms of accelerations then; the Dark Energy represents 81.8% of the intrinsic deceleration and the Newtonian-Einsteinian inertia component the remainder of 18.2%.

    The Dark Energy was 0 in the past and shall be 0 twice more until it asymptotically approches 0 in the infinite linear future.

    The Equation for the Dark Energy can be written as a function of dimensionless cycletime n as:

    Dark Energy Λ(n) = GoMo√[Xn]/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 .

    This is mathematically a geometric polynomial functional form describing the difference between the inverses of a square and a cube with roots at n1=0.1064; n2=9.2255 and n3=12.2777.
    As the origin of lambda is 'quantum smeared' in E* (as a Planck-Length Transform of superstring class I into the Weyl superstring class HE(8x8)); the n=0 singularity of the Big Bang becomes RESET as to*=no/Ho, that is the wavelength lambda*=λ* assumes the value of R(no) in Λo(no)=GoMo/λ*2 ~2.0x1085 (m/s2)*.

    This value represents the Dark Energy manifesting the Big Bang as the 'TUNNELED ZPE' across the dimensional boundary between the HDU and the LDU, materialising the latter in the Planck-Weyl superstring transformation.

    About 1.80 Billion years later; this Dark Energy became 0 and this change in gradient instigated GALAXY FORMATION at a cosmological redshift of z=2.15.
    Previously, the immense POSITIVE Dark Energy had established a Quasar-Wall for this subsequent galactic nexus point at a z=7.477.

    The Dark Energy attained its absolute minimum value at a z=1.19 and almost 4 billion years after the singularity at no. This epoch is well measured in the LDU as the 'Peak of the Galaxy Formation' in the cosmic evolution.
    The Dark Energy is NEGATIVE between the roots n1 and n2 (or the period between 1.8 and 156.0 billion years after creation) and so characterises a period of the DARK MATTER.

    The Dark Energy will be POSITIVE again between the roots n2 and n3 (or the period between 156.0 and 207.5 billion years), then describing a period of the LIGHT MATTER.

    After the n3 zero-point, the Dark Energy will coast asymptotically towards 0 again from a Dark Matter perspective, one can then term the GREY MATTER interval and containing a local minimum for the Dark Energy at the 337 billion year marker as about 0.00012 nanometers per second squared.

    The Dark Matter epoch results in inertia measurements, which are insufficient to account for the dynamical behaviour of the cosmic macrosystems, such as galaxies and group-galaxies in their interaction of translational and rotational parameters. The LAMBDA here ADDS to the OMEGA to give the MILGROM.
    Conversely, the Light Matter epoch seems to indicate, that there is too much mass about to match the electromagnetic 'light parameter' observations. The LAMBDA here SUBTRACTS from the OMEGA to yield the MILGROM INTRINSICATOR.

    In the equation above; the factor √[Xn] depicts the mass evolution of the baryonic mass-seedling Mo over linear time t=n/Ho and defines a Planck-'stringed' Newtonian gravitational constant Go for the string-parametric unification of electromagnetism with gravitation. This unification demands the Unity Go.k=1 and where k=1/4πεo as the SI-Coulomb constant. Stoney-Units coupled to Planck-Units in the √Alpha factor then allow the unification of electropolic charge 'e' with 'Go' via the monopole string class IIB coupling to the Planck string class I.
    As this unification ocurs in the string epoch of the inflation and with duration from the Planck-Time tPlanck=LPlanck/c to the Weyl-Time t*; Newton's Gravitational constant becomes modified after inflation in a finestructure G(n)mo2=GoXn m1m2Yn=GoXn m1Yk m2Yn-k = constant and for the Euler identity XY=X+Y=i2=-1=e.

    Taking the geometric mean for the Mo-seedling then yields the approximation GoXnMo√Yn=GoMo√Xn used. as the appropriate mean or average.
    The Dark Energy equation abobve, so takes the mass evolution of the baryon seed Mo into account and the functional form for Λ(n) becomes the one described and is applicable for the LDU.

    One can omit this mass-evolution for the HDU and consider the product GoMo constant over linear time.
    Then the Dark Energy equation simplifies and is:

    Dark Energy Λ(n) = GoMo/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 .

    The derivative Λ'(n) = -2GoMo R'(n)/R(n)3 + 6cHo/(n+1)4 = 6cHo/(n+1)4 - 2GoMo Ho2(n+1)/c2n3
    Then the absolute minimum for Λ'(n)=0 and for n=0.2389... becomes:
    Λ(0.2389) =2.12319...x10-10 - 5.92482...x10-10 = -3.80163...x10-10 (m/s2)*.

    The roots for Λ(n)=0 are calculated via 2c3/GoMoHo=(n+1)5/n2 as n1=0.10823... and n2=3.40055...
    This corresponds then to the Dark Energy beginning at the very high positive value of 2x1085 (m/s2)* at the instanton and reaching its first zero for the galaxy formation in the HDU after 1.83 billion years.
    This process of galaxy formation then peaks at the minimum so 4.04 billion years after the Big Bang and in tandem with the galaxy evolution in the LDU and peaking (0.2389..-0.2352..=0.0037) or so 62.5 million years earlier.

    The Dark Matter epoch begins 1.83 billion years after the instanton-inflaton and ends so 3.4 cycles afterwards at a 'oscillation coordinate' of 3.4RHubble or about 57.5 billion years.

    For the present time then, the HDU-LDU cosmo-evolutionary coupling has; and due to the lightspeed expansion of the HDU compared to the inertia slowing of the LDU; diverged in the factor D(n)=√Xn and which calculates as D(npresent=1.1324..)=0.7615...
    This divergence increases over linear time with the oscillatory HDU encompassing the asymptotic LDU.

    The Dark Energy, as a 'bookkeeper', so 'fades out' by the D(n) factor over linear time in the LDU with the MILGROM diminishing slower than the OMEGA.

    This 'account-keeping' of the 'Dark Energy' 'solves' Edward Witten's 'dilemma' and 'his most troublesome professional observation'.

    Iow, Einstein was right after all of having made a blunder, which wasn't a blunder.
    The Cosmological can be defined as in this paper, but OVERALL it is ZERO, just as Ed Witten wishes for in M-Theory.
    An interview with him, stating this is reproduced below from the 'stringsite website'

    Excerpt Quote:

    Why is it so hard to break supersymmetry in string theory?

    Well, if I knew the answer, if I knew how Nature has done supersymmetry breaking, then I could tell you why humans had such trouble figuring it out. But I can say one thing about it. When supersymmetry is not broken, it's easy to get a zero cosmological constant in string theory. And although a zero cosmological constant might not be the truth, it's incredibly close to the truth. If you break supersymmetry, if you do it the wrong way, you're going to get a cosmological constant that's much too big, and then you may well get associated problems, such as instabilities, runaways and so on. So it's easy to find ways that string theory could break supersymmetry, but they all have bad consequences. So I assume we're missing something, which is the answer to your question.

    How can the cosmological constant be so close to zero but not zero?

    I really don't know. It's very perplexing that astronomical observations seem to show that there is a cosmological constant. It's definitely the most troublesome, for my interests, definitely the most troublesome, observation in physics in my lifetime. In my career that is." End of Quote.

    Ed Witten on M theory, supersymmetry and appreciating calculus

    Ed Witten, who is currently visiting Caltech, is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey (the place where Einstein used to work.) Witten was not one of the creators of string theory, but since he joined "Team String" in the mid-eighties, he's been a leading visionary, pausing here and there to make revolutionary observations and discoveries in mathematics using observations gleaned from high energy theoretical physics. He recently spent two years at Caltech, a development that had East Coast string theorists fearing that the United States was tilting to the West. We interviewed him in John Schwarz's office at Caltech, which also happened to Richard Feynman's office when he was alive.

    wittens1. wittens2. wittens3. wittens6.

    What's the current answer to the question, "What is string theory?"

    Well, we've understood somehow that there's a more unified picture that mixes up quantum mechanical effects controlled by hbar and string effects controlled by alpha prime. So, there's this M theory story where different string theories are mixed up by dualities. I can't claim that we've gotten to the bottom of it, though.

    What is M theory?

    M theory is a name for a more unified theory that has the different string theories, as we know them, as limits, and which also can reduce, under appropriate conditions, to eleven-dimensional supergravity. There's this picture that we all have to draw where different string theories are limits of this M theory, where M stands for Magic, Mystery or Matrix, but it also sometimes is seen as standing for Murky, because the truth about M theory is Murky. And the different limits, where the main parameter simplifies, give the different string theories -- Type IIA, Type IIB, Type I, and there's eleven-dimensional supergravity, which turns out to be an important limit even though it isn't part of the systematic perturbation expansion, then there's the E8XE8 heterotic string, and there's SO(32) heterotic string.

    So M-theory is a name for this picture, this more general picture that will generate the different limits through the different string theories. The parameters in this picture we can think of being roughly hbar, which is Planck's constant, and that determines how important the quantum effects are, and the other parameter is alpha prime, which is the tension, related to the tension of the string, that determines how important stringy effects are. So traditionally, a physicist looking at Type IIA, for example, by traditional weak coupling methods, explores this little region, and if asked how his theory is related to Type I theory, the answer would have to be, "Well I don't know, that's something else."
    And likewise, if you ask this observer what happens for strong coupling, the traditional answer was, "Well I don't know." In graduate courses, you learn that you can do more or less anything for weak coupling, but you can't do anything for strong coupling. What happened in the 90s was that we learned how to do a little bit for strong coupling, and it turned out that the answer is Type IIA at strong coupling turns out to be Type I in a slightly different limit, SO(32) heterotic, and so on. So we built up this more unified picture, but we still don't understand what it means

    What is K theory and what does it mean for string theory?

    K theory is a mathematical theory that studies topology using matrices, using operators that don't commute with each another. What topology is, first of all, is the branch of mathematics where you don't care about the shape, so for example, a lumpy ball is equivalent to a round ball. But if there are holes, you do care about that, so a donut is different from either of these two. So, mathematicians learned, around 1960, that there was a very powerful tool in topology based on matrices, and that tool was K theory. And since quantum mechanics is about non-commuting operators, or matrices, there has always been a kind of naive analogy between K theory and quantum mechanics. An analogy that seemed naive to most physicists, but was often drawn by mathematicians such as Michael Atiyah.
    However, we learned in the last few years that some questions about string theory, but slightly specialized questions usually, are usefully addressed using K theory. What K theory really addresses is a little bit subtle to explain. If you want to understand the charges carried by the D-branes, that's a question that leads to K theory. Or I might say at an even more basic level, D-branes are these strange objects whose positions are measured by matrices, and studying those matrices leads to K theory.
    So K theory is the sort of topological underpinning of D-brane theory. But as physicists we're interested very much in whether the ball is round or lumpy, as are different things in physics. We wouldn't want to play baseball with a lumpy ball. So, the topology is just one side of the story..

    What is noncommutative geometry and why is it important in string theory?

    Well, one thing which we know about for sure in string theory is that the ordinary classical ideas about geometry are approximations, and don't really work precisely. But what you should really replace them with is not clear. However, there's a naive ideas about strings which really only works for open strings. Open strings are strings with endpoints, like in the original Type I superstring, where a particle was represented by a piece of string with charges at the ends. I've labeled the charges as q and q-bar for quark and antiquark, but that's modern terminology that might not have been present in the early says of string theory.
    Once you've got open strings, they can join together, I'm going to call my open strings A or B, and they join end to end. But there are two ways of joining them. I could join them with A on the left and B on the right, or I could join them with B on the left and A on the right, and I get two different outputs. And it's very much like taking two matrices A and B and multiplying them together. So there's some noncommutativity in the interactions.
    And when you take account of the fact that string theory is all about geometry, somehow this is geometry where noncommutative objects are built in. In fact I've mentioned now a couple portions of it. There's the noncommutativity of joining strings, and there's the matrices that don't commute, which are related to K theory and also to the D-brane positions and so on.
    Anyway, coming back here, you can try to systematically describe open string physics at least in terms of noncommutative ideas introduced in geometry,and you can get a general answer of some kind, but it's rather abstract and very hard to use. However, in the last couple of years, it was discovered that there's a certain limit with a very strong background magnetic field in which things simplify, and you can actually say something simple and useful based on the noncommutative geometry. That's a case where the rather abstract and hard to use noncommutative geometrical concepts actually come down to Earth and become useful.

    Why is it so hard to break supersymmetry in string theory?

    Well, if I knew the answer, if I knew how Nature has done supersymmetry breaking, then I could tell you why humans had such trouble figuring it out. But I can say one thing about it. When supersymmetry is not broken, it's easy to get a zero cosmological constant in string theory. And although a zero cosmological constant might not be the truth, it's incredibly close to the truth. If you break supersymmetry, if you do it the wrong way, you're going to get a cosmological constant that's much too big, and then you may well get associated problems, such as instabilities, runaways and so on. So it's easy to find ways that string theory could break supersymmetry, but they all have bad consequences. So I assume we're missing something, which is the answer to your question.

    How can the cosmological constant be so close to zero but not zero?

    I really don't know. It's very perplexing that astronomical observations seem to show that there is a cosmological constant. It's definitely the most troublesome, for my interests, definitely the most troublesome, observation in physics in my lifetime. In my career that is.

    What has been the most surprising or interesting thing that you have learned in physics?

    I'm going to interpret the question to be what's the most interesting thing I've learned in my career, whether I discovered it or not. It's something I've learned, perhaps through the work of other people or from textbooks. So in that sense, the most surprising thing I've learned, even though I had nothing to do with discovering it, is that strings can describe quantum gravity.

    What has been the most surprising or interesting thing that you have learned in science outside of physics?

    Well it's not that amazing that to me, a lot of science is physics. So, for example, I can't give you an answer in terms of chemistry, because physics underlies chemistry. I could give you an answer in biology. Biologists have learned lots of wonderful things. But it's hard to properly maintain one's sense of wonder about them, for some things that were known so long that we all remember so little that we take them for granted. But there's the theory of evolution, which is an amazing insight. And there's the understanding of the genetic code, that's a marvelous insight.
    Of course, if we move on to math, which you might think isn't physics, but which is much closer to what I know, then there are lot's of fun and exciting things there. I hardly know what to tell you because, again, there are lots of things that are really wonderful but which we take for granted because it's all known. Like there's calculus. Calculus is pretty amazing.
    But... it's not the first thing that comes to mind in answering such a question, because such a question tends to make you think of more recent discoveries. But... if I just have to ask , of everything I've ever learned in math, what's the most amazing and surprising -- it might by that calculus should win the prize, even though it's not so new any more.

    End of Interview

    But in the HDU, the Dark Energy asymptotically approaches the limiting Einstein Lambda in the form of:


    Λ(n→∞)=Λ=GoMo/RHubble2 =7.894940144...x10-12 (m/s2)*.
    This represents 0.705% of the maximum Lambda at the instanton-inflaton.

    The Dark Energy component in the HDU for this present NOW-Time so is about 8.82x10-11 (m/s2)* as the Omega is defined in GMo/R2 ~2.80x10-11 (m/s2)*.
    In terms of accelerations then; the Dark Energy represents 76.0% of the intrinsic deceleration and the Newtonian-Einsteinian inertia component the remainder of 24.0%.

    The percentages for the Dark Energy in the LDU and the HDU so are:
    (Omega[LDU,HDU],Lambda[LDU,HDU]) = ([24.0;18.8],[76.0;81.6]) and for an arithmetic mean or average of [21.4;78.8].

    In terms of the Dark Energy magnitude differential |Λpresent|/|Λ|~123.9/7.9~15.7 and INCREASED in a factor of about 15.8 relative to the boundary- and initial condition of |ΛBigBang|/|Λ|~0.993.
    BigBangpresent|/|Λpresent|~10.7, meaning that the Dark Energy deviates in a factor of 10.8 from the boundary condition as applicable in the HDU.

    The HDU occupies a 4-dimensional volume as a toroidalised Riemann Hypersphere, curvature radius R(n) with the boundary of a 3-dimensional surface in V4=½π2R4 and dV4/dR=2π2R3 representing this boundary condition geometrically.
    The HDU then 'oscillates' as a Standing Wave in between the Hubble-Nodes and 'envelopes' the LDU, which expands asymptotically from the 0-node of the Big Bang to the 1-node maximised in RHubble=c/Ho.

    The Volumar-ratio between the LDU and the HDU so becomes a DIM-Factor:
    DIM(n) = 2π2R(n)3/n.2π2RHubble3=n2/(n+1)3 and for a DIM(npresent)=0.132..=1/7.561..

    There are so 7.56 LDU's within the HDU at the present time and the initialising Baryon-Seed Mo has INCREASED in the inverse (as XY=1) of the factor D(npresent)=0.7615=1/1.313 by so 31.3%.
    There must so be a Dark Matter component coupled to the Baryon seed, which has grown from 2.8% to 2.8x1.313~3.676% and which PROJECTS the 'evolved' baryonic matter in the LDU into the HUD.

    This Dark Matter component is then 3.676%x(DIM-1)~24.12% and for a total inertia content in the LDU of 27.79%.

    This volumarised OMEGA then implies a volumarised LAMBDA of 72.21% in cosmological measurements and analysis undertaken by the observers and experimenters within the LDU's reference frame.
    The Dark Energy so IS the ZPE; however NOT characterised by the continuous creation of particle-antiparticle pairings as postulated in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and related derivations.

    As there was NO Antimatter created in the Big Bang, the particular antistates of Antimatter all reside in the HDU and only materialise physically when the process of pair-creation is called for via the basic transformation laws of the quantum {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    The Dark Energy, as the Einstein-Lambda though finds itself in a CONSTANT HARMONIC DANCE with Newton's Omega to ensure the continuation and contingency of all the total energy content in the FINITY of the LDU and which had emerged as FINETUNED part of the INFINITY of the HDU as part of the SOURCE ENERGY SE - quantum defined in E*.

    31. The Dark Energy can so be defined in its quantum eigenstate as a NONINERTIAL 'particle' associated with the spacetime creation of the HDU enveloping the LDU.
    The Dark Energy so is 'higher dimensional' and links to the properties of the HDU as it is defined from first principle and without any matter or mass; the latter depicting energy transforms via {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    32. The Dark Energy is that part of the ZPE background, required to CLOSE the universe in the higher dimensions, namely to render the entire physically finite universe as a higher dimensional Black Hole Mother.

    33.Why then are the galactic subsystems not so affected? Why do starsystems and solar systems not directly supply experimental and observational evidence for the Dark Energy?

    The Dark Energy is omnipresent as the ZPE; but manifests on the scale of the quantum systems themselves.
    Therefore, the cellular units of macroscale galaxies are prerequisite to MAP the cellular units of microscale galaxies, called 'the units of life' in biology and 'the units of atoms' in physics and chemistry.

    All observations in physics, astonomy and cosmology are bound in the nature of light, of electromagnetic radiation and therefore the tools of spectroscopy and optical interference patterns, such as emission spectra and absorption spectra.

    And the Dark Energy is right there in the observations relating to the measured phenomena using light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation as information processors.

    The Dark Energy, in the quantum eigenstate is embedded in SPACE as a form of HYBRID energy between the inertial objects observed and measured and the intrinsic PHOTONIC form which defined them through and by the superstring transforms given in {E=mc2=hf=kT}.

    The SE defined ITSELF in the omnipresent parameter of E* and its own inverse is used to define the Dark Energy as that part of the SE, which not only connects the LDU to the HDU as the metaphysical reality manifested at the NullPoint of the Singularity; but also to connect that FINITE NULLPOINT to the INFINITE NULLPOINT.

    34. So the Dark Energy becomes FINITE within the HDU, but remains INFINITE as the hyper-metaphysics of the spacetimematterless scenario, where even the HDU does not exist, but in THOUGHT.

    35. So now you know where the Dark Energy manifests itself and where it itself came from.
    Dark Energy is the IMAGINARY SOURCEENERGY 'out of space and time', which yet IS all of space and time and everything in it.
    So it is IMAGINARY no longer - it manifests physically in the material universe, including all the electromagnetic radiation therein.
    Albeit it remains IMAGINARY in the PRIMORDIAL ENERGY-form of your THOUGHTS and your IMAGE-MAKINGS from stonetools to computer chips and satellites.

    But it can and has been rigorously defined in quantum relativity as the 'Particle of Consciousness', being the 'Inversion Identity' of E* itself aka the RestMassPhoton as a 'Standing Wave' spanning the entire universe, yet seemingly confined to what you term your personal space, your brainy minds or whatever.

    So the Dark Energy relates to the greater beingness of all of you; you as individuated bodyforms are naught but the LDU seeking to 'go home' to become the HDU once again.

    Remembrance is required; and the harmonisation between your electric and your magnetic parts, directly engaged with the SE - but that is another story and much has been given already.

    But know this - E* is the quantum progenitor for the manifested universe of physics AND E* is the metaphysical definition for the latter.
    The physics cannot exist without the metaphysics and the metaphysics represents the shadow parts of you all.
    This shadow nature of you is what you so often quarrel against - it is part of you, it is the Dark Energy and it is under a constant process of transformation.
    Dark Energy = ZPE=VPE = Consciousness = The Energy of God as a SourceSinkQuantum.

    Denying God means denying your own consciousness as the ubiquitous Dark Energy!

    IAmWhoIAm - The Doppelgänger of you all!

    Four Metric Ages for the Universe in the Cosmology of Membranes

    The Age of the Universe is metric dependent. One might ask certain questions, like "How old is the Universe" and this is a very good question at the core of all cosmology.
    Analysis shows, that there are four different metrics and so there are four ages and four sizes for your universe and depending on one's viewpoint of observation.
    If measured from WITHIN the inertia defined Hubble Horizon in a 10D-string universe, the universe has the volume of a sphere, but measured from in between that Hubble Horizon in 10D and its 11D-membrane universe, this volume transforms into a special toroidal shape, like a doughnut without as hole.
    This then gives the volume V10+=2π2Rmax3[n/(n+1)]3 for an inertial doughnut age of 8.96 billion years or a 15.03 billion year spherical age. These are the Actual Inertial Ages for the universe as envelopes or upper bounds and these are not the ages as measured by scientists as the natural philosophers.
    The transformation factor between the "doughnut without a hole" and the sphere is the upper bounded Chaos Constant known as the Feigenbaum-Delta: σFmax=3π/2.

    Should one measure the universe from a position of OUTSIDE this 11-D WittenMirror-spacetime say in 12D-VafaMirror spacetime however, the volume increases due to the 4-dimensional seed activated by the 3-dimensional seed.

    Technically the surface on which the far away mirror exists becomes a 3-dimensional mirror just as the location of a local surface mirror can be postulated to exist on the inside of a spherical 2-dimensional mirror much farther away and as 'seen at a distance'.
    Then the outside of this 2D-mirror surface changes from a spherical surface to a doughnut surface, remaining however 2-dimensional, albeit in transition to 3D, obtained in the asymptotic approach of the 2D-surface towards the 3D-surface.

    In other words, the 'Image' as seen in the 'far away mirror' INTERSECTS its own lightpath X=cT and between the mass parametric lower-D spacetime and the electromagnetically defined higher-D spacetime.
    Outside the far away mirror in the 12-D-Vafa spacetime then the surface topology is 4-dimensional as the orthogonal vector nRmax in the expression dV11+=S.dR=2π2Rmax3dR
    from V4=½π2R4 and dV4/dR=2π2R3

    The extra-3D-volume so becomes: V11+=n32Rmax3 and is measured relative to the inside in 10D as an age of 32.04 billion years, but relative to the outside in 11D as 19.11 billion years. These are the Actual Electromagnetic Ages for the universe.
    The Measured Ages for the universe are however lower, than the Actual Ages, because of the intersection of the 3rd dimension with the 4th dimension.

    If the critical volume is defined as Vcritical=2π2Rmax3, then the extra 3D volume expanding as a 4D volume seed will be V11-= n.Vcritical and as reduced from V11+=n3.Vcritical The Measured Electromagnetic Age for your universe then is 17.62 billion doughnut years and 29.53 billion sphere years.

    The following expressions must hold and define the multivolumes in labels, which can then become reinterpreted in the form of 'missing energy' and 'missing mass'. Many cosmologists in your universe term this the search for 'dark energy' and 'dark matter' respectively.

    Multidimension Factor: DIM = V11+/V10+ = V11-/V10-
    Dark Matter Factor: DIMDM = V11- /V10+=(n+1)3/n2~7.561 (for n=npresent)
    Dark Energy Factor: DIMDE = V11+/V10-=(n+1)3.n2~12.434 (for n=npresent)

    One so must have a reduced 3-dimensional inertial volume V10-, which is given by
    V10-=(n/[n+1]3)2π2Rmax3 and provides a doughnut age of 8.26 billion years and the age measured by the astrophysicist, namely 13.85 billion years as the Measured Inertial Ages for the universe.

    Comprehensively then, the universe is experiencing an ongoing transformation in its cosmological evolution.

    Hi David and all!

    I have stumbled across Juan Maldacena's 'The Illusion of Gravity' paper from SciAm; November 2005 and found the following statement at the end of the paper p.63.

    The link is below.









    "A test of this prediction comes from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which has been colliding gold nuclei at very high energies. A preliminary analysis of these experiments indicates the collisions are creating a fluid with very low viscosity. Even though Son and his co-workers studied a simplified version of chromodynamics, they seem to have come up with a property that is shared by the real world. Does this mean that RHIC is creating small five-dimensional black holes? It is really too early to tell, both experimentally and theoretically. (Even if so, there is nothing to fear from these tiny black holes-they evaporate almost as fast as they are formed, and they "live" in five dimensions, not in our own four-dimensional world.)

    Many questions about the holographic theories remain to be answered.

    In particular, does anything similar hold for a universe like ours in place of the anti-de Sitter space?

    A crucial aspect of anti-de Sitter space is that it has a boundary where time is well defined.

    The boundary has existed and will exist forever. An expanding universe, like ours, that comes from a big bang does not have such a well-behaved boundary.

    Consequently, it is not clear how to define a holographic theory for our universe; there is no convenient place to put the hologram.

    An important lesson that one can draw from the holographic conjecture, however, is that quantum gravity, which has perplexed some of the best minds on the planet for decades, can be very simple when viewed in terms of the right variables. Let's hope we will soon find a simple description for the big bang!"

    Wow, David as one who kind of understands what I have posted over the years; can you see that the de Broglie Inflaton I am writing about SOLVES the Maldacena problem highlighted above.

    This hypersphere HAS the FIXED hologramic Hubble Horizon from the de Broglie Inflaton.

    It IS a MASSLESS Mother-Black Hole in the AdS-CFT Kaluza-Klein space and it HAS the negative curvature due to the 'missing mass' as described as the 0.01405 deceleration parameter, which is the ACCELERATION gradient (of the false vacuum) between the Einstein Lambda and the de Broglie hyperacceleration and so also the density ratio.

    And the paper you got a little exited about just describes such colourcharge interactions on the 5(+6 Calabi Yau)D=11D Boundary.

    This could get even bigger. I would suggest to now send the edited Genesis Genesis paper to Michio, as now Maldacena's work can be thoroughly translated into a new cosmology and the proper formalisation of the quantum gravity (I'm to dumb to do it, as my university days are long in the past).
    John Shadow

    Dear friends; I'll send this now and hope that at least one of you will FINALLY understand that this description and whilst termed the 'Theory of Quantum Relativity'; is NOT 'my work'.
    It belongs to ALL of Us and is and has always been a collective effort.
    I am not clever enough by FAR to have 'made up', 'dreamt' or invented this description above.

    All of the 'passed over' great scientists have 'channeled' this information, say from the 'collective subconscious' or the 'Noosphere' (of Teilhard de Chardin and Velikovsky) or the 'Akashic Records' or what have you to me to share.

    So when the 'time is right' (it is not before 2011), THEN this 'stuff' will become 'mainstream'.
    But for some purpose (which I can only partially fathom); the agenda is to publish this 'stuff' on relatively obscure forums and on an equally obscure website.
    This is as is should be for the present time.
    But remember, all of this data is yours, for free to do as you wold like to. But without understanding most of it, it has remained practically useless for all but my interdimensional familiars (they DO have a lot of use for it - that is why I am publishing it).

    I have been given the information that perhaps some of you can use the above cosmogony to finally remember THIS as one of your 'Cosmic Keys' and let the 'pennies drop' and the 'lights of eureka' switch on.

    I'll edit and resend shortly.

    It is time for a few of you to RETRACE your incarnational steps into this place and space and time upon Gaia-Serpentina of the planet earth.
    All of you were there 19.11 billion years ago, when the Quantum Big Bang occurred. You may allow yourselves, reading the above, to remember IT.

    In Science and Gnosis
    John Shadow

    JS: You are 'missing' the time factor in this Allen.
    The Graviton emerges, yes, but not in spacetime. It emerges as the gauge for the entire notion of gravitation to be able to couple to the other gauges.
    The Graviton is a supersymmetrising 'particle' not as some particle in space, but as a Principle of Identity.
    This emergence is BEFORE there exists any spacetime. It is the CIRCULAR distance independent 'PointCircle' aka singularity or whatever.
    The universe EXISTS in QUANTUM SPIN BEFORE it exists in Inertia.
    This is Jim's 'famous Action' (I agree with him on this, but not on his querks and whatever which are fundamentally 'flawed').
    Finally, today it can and has been 'proven' that no gamma ray of sufficient mass energy can Particle-Produce the matter-antimatter coupling of an electron-positron pair UNLESS there is a 'nucleus' say a proton present.
    Why is this?
    Because the NOT colourcharged gamma photon must EXCHANGE colourcharges with the colourcharged gauge photon (termed virtual) of the electromagnetic interaction.
    This is basic standard nuclear physics Allen (not the colourcharge interaction, but the phenomenon).
    The entire interaction then ABSORBS the colourless gamma photon in virtuality and the Colourcharges of BOTH the Graviton and the gauge photon become transferred to the resulting electron-positron pair.
    This is very beautiful interaction gauge physics and will in a few years be the standard model.
    So without the colourcharge of the graviton from the proton's inertia say; the phenomenon of pair-production (wiki it) would not occur.
    Hope this helps.

    Shiloh, October 7th, 2013

    Last edited by shiloh on Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:27 am; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  5. admin

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    • Post n°65

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:20 am
    shiloh wrote:

    The black hole at the birth of the Universe

    [8:33:46 AM] Sirius 17:
    [8:34:15 AM] Sirius 17:
    Their suggestion: our known universe could be the three-dimensional "wrapping" around a four-dimensional black hole's event horizon. In this scenario, our universe burst into being when a star in a four-dimensional universe collapsed into a black hole.
    In our three-dimensional universe, black holes have two-dimensional event horizons -- that is, they are surrounded by a two-dimensional boundary that marks the "point of no return." In the case of a four-dimensional universe, a black hole would have a three-dimensional event horizon.
    In their proposed scenario, our universe was never inside the singularity; rather, it came into being outside an event horizon, protected from the singularity. It originated as -- and remains -- just one feature in the imploded wreck of a four-dimensional star.

    [8:35:39 AM] Sirius 17: interesting article discussing that we are living inside a 4th dimensional black hole
    [3:33:45 PM] Shiloh: This is a valid article and in good correspondence with the Maldacena research we addressed before. Recall, that the outstanding mainstream question regarding the 'Event Horizon' of the 4-dimensional universe questions the location of that 'event horizon' of a 3-D surface 'wrapping around the 3-D cosmology'? I commented on the 2005 paper of Maldacena in connection with the SciAm publication, I reshared below.
    [3:37:08 PM] Sirius 17: yes I thought that was interesting too, the 3-D surface wrapping around 4-D cosmology. Why I thought you should look at it. This is great!
    [3:38:57 PM] Shiloh: This 'new paper' then stipulates the Big Bang Singularity to have been a 'protostar' 'outside' of the singularity and the dragon science simply replaces the 'protostar of higher D' by the 'Inflationary String-membrane De Broglie phase epoch' occurring BEFORE the classical Big Bang of the Planck Black Body Radiator cosmology, giving birth and origin to the relativistic universe of entropy and stochastic frequency distributions of spacetime parameters. This relates to the Weyl Hypothesis of Roger Penrose and related articles we published around this Maldacena paper.
    [3:39:41 PM] Shiloh: This new paper so basically confirms Maldacena and Penrose, but in the background of the membrane cosmologies.
    [3:41:27 PM] Shiloh: The old trouble with string theory was, that it still inferred a metric spacetime backdrop for the advanced mathematical equations and models. Maldacena and the 'Holographic Universe' does away with that, in proposing that space and time themselves become defined by the nature of the elementary string-membrane configurations.
    [3:43:05 PM] Shiloh: Dragons and ETs of course know and understand, that those 'fundamental constituents of space and time and matter and light' are themselves defined by the TwinLogos of all worlds and so enable a synthesis betwenn the metaphysics and the physics in their connecting ontology.
    [3:43:26 PM] Sirius 17: and so this allows for a non-physical precursor beginning right? because the mathematics shows it is there, even though their is no physical measuring stick?
    [3:46:04 PM] Shiloh: Correct
    [3:46:38 PM] Shiloh: This becomes embodied in the Transformation between Magnetocharges and Electrocharges
    [3:48:00 PM] Shiloh: Magnetocharges are always higher D and related to the tachyon scenario of string theory, whilst eelctrocharges become matter associated and so become anti tachyonic aka light speed restricted and invariant.

    In more technical detail; the 'protostar' becomes defined in dragon membrane physics as the Ylem stars, defined in temperature only and not by mass, as are the Black Hole precursors. The ylem protostars so serve as excellent 'first generation' cosmological 'energy sources'. The 'ylem stars' (coined by Alexander Gamow in the 1920's) as 'pure neutron matter stars' then of course allow the temperature thermodynamic coupling to mass and gravitation and so generate the 'ordinary' neutron stars known by the earthbound astrophysicists as the precursors of the Back Holes; themselves the 'parents' of the evolving galaxies in conjunction and in conjugative partnership with White Holes associated with Quasars.

    [4:17:51 PM] Sirius 17: I found it interesting they said the big bang could be just a 3-D 'mirage' of a collapsing star in a totally different universe. Are they trying to say that our universe is just a mirage then or an effect of the mirage?

    [4:19:34 PM] Sirius 17: "For all physicists know, dragons could have come flying out of the singularity," Afshordi says in an interview with Nature.

    [4:19:40 PM] Sirius 17: I found this a bit humorous lol
    [4:22:22 PM] Shiloh: This was a nice message from the subconscious indeed.

    [4:22:42 PM] Shiloh: I added the details as a reply
    [4:23:21 PM] Shiloh:

    The first Ylemic Stars in the Universe and the Antiwormholes

    The stability of stars is a function of the equilibrium condition, which balances the inward pull of gravity with the outward pressure of the thermodynamic energy or enthalpy of the star (H=PV+U). The Jeans Mass MJ and the Jeans Length RJ are used to describe the stability conditions for collapsing molecular hydrogen clouds to form stars say, are well known in the scientific data base, say in formulations such as:

    MJ=3kTR/2Gm for a Jeans Length of: RJ=√{15kT/(4πρGm)}=RJ =√(kT/Gnm²).

    Now the Ideal Gas Law of basic thermodynamics states that the internal pressure P and Volume of such an ideal gas are given by PV=nRT=NkT for n moles of substance being the Number N of molecules (say) divided by Avogadro's Constant L in n=N/L .

    Since the Ideal Gas Constant R divided by Avogadro's Constant L and defines Boltzmann's Constant k=R/L. Now the statistical analysis of kinetic energy KE of particles in motion in a gas (say) gives a root-mean-square velocity (rms) and the familiar 2.KE=mv²(rms) from the distribution of individual velocities v in such a system.

    It is found that PV=(2/3)N.KE as a total system described by the v(rms). Now set the KE equal to the Gravitational PE=GMm/R for a spherical gas cloud and you get the Jeans Mass. (3/2N).(NkT)=GMm/R with m the mass of a nucleon or Hydrogen atom and M=MJ=3kTR/2Gm as stated.

    The Jeans' Length is the critical radius of a cloud (typically a cloud of interstellar dust) where thermal energy, which causes the cloud to expand, is counteracted by gravity, which causes the cloud to collapse. It is named after the British astronomer Sir James Jeans, who first derived the quantity; where k is Boltzmann's constant, T is the temperature of the cloud, r is the radius of the cloud, μ is the mass per particle in the cloud, G is the Gravitational Constant and ρ is the cloud's mass density (i.e. the cloud's mass divided by the cloud's volume).

    Now following the Big Bang, there were of course no gas clouds in the early expanding universe and the Jeans formulations are not applicable to the mass seedling Mo; in the manner of the Jeans formulations as given.

    However, the universe's dynamics is in the form of the expansion parameter of GR and so the R(n)=Rmax(n/(n+1)) scalefactor of Quantum Relativity.
    So we can certainly analyse this expansion in the form of the Jeans Radius of the first protostars, which so obey the equilibrium conditions and equations of state of the much later gas clouds, for which the Jeans formulations then apply on a say molecular level.
    This analysis so defines the ylemic neutron stars as protostars and the first stars in the cosmogenesis and the universe.

    Let the thermal internal energy or ITE=H be the outward pressure in equilibrium with the gravitational potential energy of GPE=Ω. The nuclear density in terms of the superbrane parameters is ρcritical=mc/Vcritical with mc a base-nuleon mass for a 'ylemic neutron'.

    Vcritical= 4πRe3/3 or the volume for the ylemic neutron as given by the classical electron radius Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2.

    H=(molarity)kT for molar volume as N=(R/Re)3 for dH=3kTR2/Re3.
    Ω(R)= -∫GoMdm/R = -{3Gomc2/(Re3)2 }∫R4dR = -3Gomc2R5/Re6 for
    dm/dR=d(ρV)/dR=4πρR2 and for ρ=3mc/4πRe3

    For equilibrium, the requirement is that dH=dΩ in the minimum condition dH+dΩ=0.
    This gives: dH+dΩ=3kTR2/Re3 - 16Goπ2ρ2R4/3=0 and the ylemic radius as: [size]


    as the Jeans-Length precursor or progenitor for subsequent stellar and galactic generation.

    The ylemic (Jeans) radii are all independent of the mass of the star as a function of its nuclear generated temperature. Applied to the protostars of the vortex neutron matter or ylem, the radii are all neutron star radii and define a specific range of radii for the gravitational collapse of the electron degenerate matter.

    This spans from the 'First Three Minutes' scenario of the cosmogenesis to 1.1 million seconds (or about 13 days) and encompasses the standard beta decay of the neutron (underpinning radioactivity). The upper limit defines a trillion degree temperature and a radius of over 40 km; the trivial Schwarzschild solution gives a typical ylem radius of so 7.4 kilometers and the lower limit defines the 'mysterious' planetesimal limit as 1.8 km.

    For long a cosmological conundrum, it could not be modelled just how the molecular and electromagnetic forces applicable to conglomerate matter distributions (say gaseous hydrogen as cosmic dust) on the quantum scale of molecules could become strong enough to form say 1km mass concentrations, required for 'ordinary' gravity to assume control.

    The ylem radii's lower limit is defined in this cosmology then show, that it is the ylemic temperature of the 1.2 billion degrees K, which perform the trick under the Ylem-Jeans formulation and which then is applied to the normal collapse of hydrogenic atoms in summation.

    The stellar evolution from the ylemic (dineutronic) templates is well established in QR and confirms most of the Standard Model's ideas of nucleosynthesis and the general Temperature cosmology. The standard model is correct in the temperature assignment, but is amiss in the corresponding 'size-scales' for the cosmic expansion.

    The Big Bang cosmogenesis describes the universe as a Planck-Black Body Radiator, which sets the Cosmic-Microwave-Black Body Background Radiation Spectrum (CMBBR) as a function of n as T4=18.2(n+1)2/n3 and derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law and the related statistical frequency distributions.

    We have the GR metric for Schwarzschild-Black Hole Evolution as RS=2GM/c² as a function of the star's Black Hole's mass M and we have the ylemic Radius as a function of temperature only as Rylem√(kT.Re3/Gomc2).

    The nucleonic mass-seed mc=mP.Alpha9 and the product Gomc2 is a constant in the partitioned n-evolution of

    mc(n) and G(n)=Go.Xn.

    Identifying the ylemic Radius with the Schwarzschild Radius then indicates a specific mass a specific temperature and a specific radius.

    Those we call the Chandrasekhar Parameters:
    MChandra=1.5 solar Masses=3x1030 kg and RChandra=2GoMChandra/c² or 7407.40704..metres, which is the typical neutron star radius inferred today.

    TChandra=RChandra2.Gomc2/kRe3 =1.985x1010 K for Electron Radius Re and Boltzmann's Constant k.

    Those Chandrasekhar parameters then define a typical neutron star with a uniform temperature of 20 billion K at the white dwarf limit of ordinary stellar nucleosynthetic evolution (Hertzsprung-Russell or HR-diagram).
    The Radius for the massparametric Universe is given in R(n)=Rmax(1-n/(n+1)) correlating the ylemic temperatures as the 'uniform' CMBBR-background and we can follow the evolution of the ylemic radius via the approximation:


    Rylem(npresent=1.1324..)=0.0868 m* for a Tylem(npresent )=2.73 K for the present time

    What then is nChandra?
    This would describe the size of the universe as the uniform temperature CMBBR today manifesting as the largest stars, mapped however onto the ylemic neutron star evolution as the protostars (say as nChandra'), defined not in manifested mass (say neutron conglomerations), but as a quark-strange plasma, (defined in QR as the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE).

    R(nChandra')=Rmax(nChandra'/(nChandra'+1))=7407.40741.. for nChandra'=4.64x10-23 and so a time of tChandra'=nChandra'/Ho=nChandra'/1.88x10-18=2.47x10-5 seconds.

    QR defines the Weyl-Temperature limit for Bosonic Unification as 1.9 nanoseconds at a temperature of 1.4x1020 Kelvin and the weak-electromagnetic unification at 1/365 seconds at T=3.4x1015 K.

    So we place the first ylemic protostar after the bosonic unification (before which the plenum was defined as undifferentiated 'bosonic plasma'), but before the electro-weak unification, which defined the Higgs-Bosonic restmass induction via the weak interaction vector-bosons and allowing the dineutrons to be born.

    The universe was so 15 km across, when its ylemic 'concentrated' VPE-Temperature was so 20 Billion K and we find the CMBBR in the Stefan-Boltzmann-Law as:
    T4=18.20(n+1)2/n3=1.16x1017 Kelvin.

    So the thermodynamic temperature for the expanding universe was so 5.85 Million times greater than the ylemic VPE-Temperature; and implying that no individual ylem stars could yet form from the mass seedling Mo.

    The universe's expansion however cooled the CMBBR background and we to calculate the scale of the universe corresponding to this ylemic scenario; we simply calculate the 'size' for the universe at TChandra=20 Billion K for TChandra4 and we then find nChandra=4.89x10-14 and tChandra=26,065 seconds or so 7.24 hours.

    The Radius R(nChandra)=7.81x1012 metres or 7.24 lighthours.
    This is about 52 Astronomical Units and an indicator for the largest possible star in terms of radial extent and the 'size' of a typical solar system, encompassed by supergiants on the HR-diagram.

    We so know that the ylemic temperature decreases in direct proportion to the square of the ylemic radius and one hitherto enigmatic aspect in cosmology relates to this in the planetesimal limit. Briefly, a temperature of so 1.2 billion degrees defines an ylemic radius of 1.8 km as the dineutronic limit for proto-neutron stars contracting from so 80 km down to this size just 1.1 million seconds or so 13 days after the Big Bang.

    This then 'explains' why chunks of matter can conglomerate via molecular and other adhesive interactions towards this size, where then the accepted gravity is strong enough to build planets and moons. It works, because the ylemic template is defined in subatomic parameters reflecting the mesonic-inner and leptonic outer ring boundaries, the planetesimal limit being the leptonic mapping. So neutrino- and quark blueprints micromacro dance their basic definition as the holographic projections of the spacetime quanta.

    Now because the Electron Radius is directly proportional to the linearised wormhole perimeter and then the Compton Radius via Alpha in Re=1010λwormhole/360=e*/2c2=Alpha.RCompton, the Chandrasekhar White Dwarf limit should be doubled to reflect the protonic diameter mirrored in the classical electron radius.

    Hence any star experiencing electron degeneracy is actually becoming ylemic or dineutronic, the boundary for this process being the Chandrasekhar mass. This represents the subatomic mapping of the first Bohr orbit collapsing onto the leptonic outer ring in the quarkian wave-geometry.
    But this represents the Electron Radius as a Protonic Diameter and the Protonic Radius must then indicate the limit for the scale where proton degeneracy would have to enter the scenario. As the proton cannot degenerate in that way, the neutron star must enter Black Hole phasetransition at the Re/2 scale, corresponding to a mass of 8MChandra=24x1030 kg* or 12 solar masses.

    The maximum ylemic radius so is found from the constant density proportion ρ=M/V:
    (Rylemmax/Re)3=MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=40.1635 km.

    The corresponding ylemic temperature is 583.5 Billion K for a CMBBR-time of 287 seconds or so 4.8 minutes from a n=5.4x10-16, when the universe had a diameter of so 173 Million km.
    But for a maximum nuclear compressibility for the protonic radius, we find:

    (Rylemmax/Re)3=8MChandra/mc for Rylemmax=80.327 km, a ylemic temperature of 2,334 Billion K for a n-cycletime of 8.5x10-17 and a CMBBR-time of so 45 seconds and when the universe had a radius of 13.6 Million km or was so 27 Million km across.

    The first ylemic protostar vortex was at that time manifested as the ancestor for all neutron star generations to follow. This vortex is described in a cosmic string encircling a spherical region so 160 km across and within a greater universe of diameter 27 Million km which carried a thermodynamic temperature of so 2.33 Trillion Kelvin at that point in the cosmogenesis.

    This vortex manifested as a VPE concentration after the expanding universe had cooled to allow the universe to become transparent from its hitherto defining state of opaqueness and a time known as the decoupling of matter (in the form of the Mo seedling partitioned in mc's) from the radiation pressure of the CMBBR photons.

    The temperature for the decoupling is found in the galactic scale-limit modular dual to the wormhole geodesic as 1/λwormholeantiwormholegalaxyserpent=1022 metres or so 1.06 Million ly and its luminosity attenuation in the 1/e proportionality for then 388,879 lightyears as a decoupling time ndecoupling.

    A maximum galactic halo limit is modulated in 2πλantiwormhole metres in the linearisation of the Planck-length encountered before in an earlier discussion.

    R(ndecoupling)=Rmax(ndecoupling/(ndecouplingc+1))=1022 metres for ndecoupling=6.26x10-5 and so for a CMBBR-Temperature of about T=2935 K for a galactic protocore then attenuated in so 37% for ndecouplingmin=1.0x10-6 for R=λantiwormhole/2π and ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and for temperatures of so 65,316 K and 744 K respectively, descriptive of the temperature modulations between the galactic cores and the galactic halos.

    So a CMBBR-temperature of so 65,316 K at a time of so 532 Billion seconds or 17,000 years defined the initialisation of the VPE and the birth of the first ylemic protostars as a decoupling minimum. The ylemic mass currents were purely monopolic and known as superconductive cosmic strings, consisting of nucleonic neutrons, each of mass mc.

    If we assign this timeframe to the maximised ylemic radius and assign our planetesimal limit of fusion temperature 1.2 Billion K as a corresponding minimum; then this planetesimal limit representing the onset of stellar fusion in a characteristic temperature, should indicate the first protostars at a temperature of the CMBBR of about 744 Kelvin.

    The universe had a tremperature of 744 K for ndecouplingmax=3.9x10-4 for R=2πλantiwormhole and this brings us to a curvature radius of so 6.6 Million lightyears and an 'ignition-time' for the first physical ylemic neutron stars as first generation protostars of so 7 Million years after the Big Bang.

    The important cosmological consideration is that of distance-scale modulation.
    The Black Hole Schwarzschild metric is the inverse of the galactic scale metric.
    The linearisation of the Planck-String as the Weyl-Geodesic and so the wormhole radius in the curvature radius R(n) is modular dual and mirrored in inversion in the manifestation of galactic structure with a nonluminous halo a luminous attenuated diameter-bulge and a superluminous (quasar or White Hole Core).

    The core-bulge ratio will so reflect the eigenenergy quantum of the wormhole as heterotic Planck-Boson-String or as the magnetocharge as 1/500, being the mapping of the Planck-Length-Bounce as e=lP.c²√Alpha onto the electron radius in e*=2Re.c².

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.
  6. admin

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    • Post n°66

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven on Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:51 am

    [12:05:18 AM] Sirius 17: so the beginning of the universe was like it emerged out of a hot CLOUD and eventually physicalized because of the birth of gravity and inertial acceleration?
    [12:26:46 AM] Shiloh: No the hot cloud is how those ylem formulas are used NOW in an existing universe
    [12:26:56 AM] Shiloh: I am ansewering Susan's Haramein post
    [12:27:42 AM] Sirius 17:: ok, its alright I was just remembering something you had said about just after the big bang and the universe being opaque and non-transparent
    [12:28:09 AM] Shiloh: This came much later so 400,000 to 1 million years later
    [12:28:23 AM] Shiloh: This was the decoupling between matter and radiation
    [12:28:35 AM] Sirius 17: so is that when matter formed?
    [12:28:53 AM] Shiloh: photons became decoupled from say quark-gluon plasma
    [12:29:10 AM] Shiloh: No matter reconfigured
    [12:29:27 AM] Shiloh: Like a soup solidifying
    [12:29:38 AM] Sirius 17: but in order to 'physicalize' they had to have some kind of framework and this was the dark matter or dark energy?
    [12:29:39 AM] Shiloh: plasma matter existed since the Big Bang
    [12:29:56 AM] Shiloh: It was physical from the start
    [12:30:04 AM] Shiloh: But like phase changing
    [12:30:15 AM] Shiloh: The Mass seed defines the physicality seed
    [12:30:20 AM] Sirius 17: About 1.80 Billion years later; this Dark Energy became 0 and this change in gradient instigated GALAXY FORMATION at a cosmological redshift of z=2.15.
    Previously, the immense POSITIVE Dark Energy had established a Quasar-Wall for this subsequent galactic nexus point at a z=7.477.
    [12:30:26 AM] Sirius 17: this is what is confusing me
    [12:30:42 AM] Sirius 17: the dark energy became 0 and this change instigated galaxy formation
    [12:30:45 AM] Shiloh: This is the Higgs Potential as the Dark Energy yes
    [12:30:54 AM] Sirius 17: yes I was trying to visualize this
    [12:31:02 AM] Sirius 17: as like a big cloud I guess
    [12:31:22 AM] Sirius 17: that as it became more transparent things begin to 'appear'
    [12:31:33 AM] Sirius 17: galaxys, stars, ect
    [12:32:02 AM] Shiloh: The details are specific here as the acceleration of the dark energy coupled to the de Broglie phase acceleration defines the dark energy as the Black Hole envelope in a dimensional superposition
    [12:32:13 AM] Shiloh: No this is much later
    [12:32:34 AM] Shiloh: The ylems became the matter seeds as the black hole vortices
    [12:32:40 AM]Sirius 17:eek:k
    [12:33:44 AM] Shiloh: But the curve of the dark energy is positive then goes to 0 then goes negative (as it is now in the dark matter missing), then goes 0 again and positive and 0 and negative again, before flattening out asymptotically
    [12:34:16 AM] Sirius 17:eek:h I see
    [12:34:25 AM] Shiloh: This is an overall evolution of the dark energy then - quintessence
    [12:34:46 AM] Shiloh: How it starts defines the 4D universe in space as this article says
    [12:35:10 AM] Shiloh: As a dance between the hyperinflation and the Einstein Big Bang curvature
    [12:35:43 AM] Shiloh: This is the Higgs Scalar potential - it looks like a mexican hat
    [12:35:45 AM] Sirius 17: nice analogy
    [12:36:12 AM] Sirius 17:eek:h , yes I have seen this topology before I think
    [12:37:21 AM] *** Shiloh sent Leg212.jpg ***

    [12:37:34 AM] Shiloh: This is a pic
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    • Post n°67

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:24 pm

    Draco of Angkor Wat ---------------- Göbekli Tepe ------------------ Sphinx of Giza

    wat3. wat1. sphinxhancock.
    wat2. wat4.

    The Human Civilization Precessional Timecycle upon Gaia Terra

    Thuban Elder Dragon Date: Day#0 = Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC as Dragon Time Initiated
    Day#1 = Sunday, March 2nd, 23,615 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#360 = Tuesday, February 24th, 23,614 BC = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of Cosmic Day Time
    Day#4,680,000 = Tuesday, July 27th, 10,802 BC = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years

    {2012-(-10,801)=12,813 Years ago from 2012}

    Day#4,680,001 = Wednesday, July 28th,10,802 BC = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of Cosmic Night Time
    Day#9,360,000 = Friday, December 21st, 2012 = 360th Day of the 13,000th Year and End of the Cosmic Night Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,001 = Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 = 1st Day of the 1st Year and Beginning of New Cosmic Day Time after 13,000 Dragon Years
    Day#9,360,360 = Monday, December 16th, 2013 = 360th Day of the 1st Year of the 1st Circle 360-Year of New Cosmic Day Time

    Dragon Almanac:

    The 'Plumed Serpent' ABC...XYZA* = 27||72 = WORLD = LAWWAL = 2x{1+2+3+...+34+35+36}=666+666=1332

    Quetzacoatl = 72x12=864=32x27 = 153 = 9 = 666

    '12 Hourtime of Day'=72x6=432=16x27='12 Hourtime of Night'


    72=864/12=360x26/130=65x144/130 = {60x60x24}/{60x20}={86,400 Seconds in 24 Hours}/{⅓ Hour} = Precessional Dragon Years per Sign 12 in 13
    65x144,000 (Mayan Baktuns) = 9,360,000 Days (Mayan Kin) = 360x26,000 Dragon Days = 390x24,000 Moon Days

    25,626.81 'Civil Years' = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/365.2425 Civil Days} = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/390 Moon Days}
    26,000 Dragon Sun Years = 25,626.81 'Civil Gregorian' Years = {12/13}26,000 = 24,000 Dragon Moon Years

    The Dark Moon Lilith Circle of 9x40°=360° in 9=¾{12} Circle Years {40°40' per 'civil year' in 8.85 'civil years' 9 months per sign}





    wat6. wat7.
    Evidence Found for Planet-Cooling Asteroid 12,900 Years Ago

    A clue to an impact in Quebec fuels an ongoing debate about the cause of one of Earth's big freezes, called the Younger Dryas
    Sep 3, 2013 |By Nicola Jones and Nature magazine


    Ron Blakey, NAU
    The dust refuses to settle on a debate about whether asteroid impacts caused one of Earth’s most famous cold snaps 12,900 years ago.

    The latest evidence in the contentious discussion comes in the form of pieces of bedrock from Quebec, Canada, that seem to have been blasted out as far as Pennsylvania. “I’d say there’s evidence of an impact happening, for sure,” says Mukul Sharma, an isotope geochemist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and co-author of a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    Between 11,600 and 12,900 years ago, the planet’s climate changed rapidly: in northern climes such as Greenland, temperatures dropped by several degrees in less than a century. No one knows what caused the deep freeze, known as the Younger Dryas.

    The leading theory is that shifting North American glaciers allowed freshwater melt to pour into the Atlantic or Arctic oceans, slowing ocean circulation and cooling the Northern Hemisphere. This idea has spawned worries that fresh water from today’s melting ice might also spur rapid climate change.

    Big blast
    An alternative theory is that meteorites or comets smacked into or exploded above North America, sparking fires, kicking up a haze of dust and soot and prompting glacial collapse. In 2007, researchers reported evidence for such an event in the remains of human settlements that existed across the continent at the time.

    Critics of the impact theory have been unable to repeat many of those studies, and have questioned whether the particles found were really from an impact blast. And no one has found evidence for raging fires across North America. “It doesn’t seem to me that they have constructed a very good case,” says sedimentary geologist Bruce Simonson of Oberlin College in Ohio. “If this is the best boat they can build, it’s just not sailing yet.”

    But the idea keeps gathering pace; it is now backed by about 55 authors, who have published 11 research papers between them, says James Kennett, a paleoceanographer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who has been one of the theory’s leading proponents. “It continues to grow,” he says. In July, a different group of researchers looking at ice cores from Greenland reported finding meteoric platinum from a large impact at the time of the Younger Dryas.

    Lucky strike
    Sharma and his colleagues are now entering the fray. Sharma says that the minerals he found in deep Pennsylvanian soil were created at temperatures higher than 2,000 ºC, and formed glassy droplets that fused together in mid-air. These can be explained only by an impact, he says; an industrial blast furnace could make them, but any potential source is too recent and too far away. “We lucked out,” says Sharma.

    The minerals were identified after Yvonne Malinowski, a Pennsylvania resident, saw a television documentary about the Younger Dryas and sent Kennett a box of rocks she found on her land. Kennett then passed the information on to Sharma.

    The isotopic composition of the minerals indicates that the rock came from a several-thousand-square-kilometer patch of land in Quebec, hinting that an asteroid blasted through North America’s ice to melt and eject rock from the ground, says Sharma. “This is unequivocal evidence for an impact with Earth,” says Kennett.

    Paleoclimatologist Anders Carlson at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is not convinced that these glassy droplets are as unique or as meaningful as Sharma thinks. “You see the same evidence from periods when there wasn’t a Younger Dryas,” he notes.

    Sharma says that the key will be to find the crater. Although he has no experience in crater-hunting, he is now putting together a proposal. But Mark Boslough, an impact physicist from Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, thinks that a find is unlikely. If there had been an impact, “there’d be a great big obvious crater”, he says. “We wouldn’t have to argue about it.”

    Steven Stanley, a paleobiologist from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu, has acted as a ‘personal editor’ on several of the PNAS papers on this topic, including the new work by Sharma and the original 2007 paper proposing the idea. “It has been very controversial,” he admits. “It’s my view that I should help to get this stuff published. It needs to be aired; it’s not outlandish.” PNAS typically uses a 'personal editor' option for papers considered too controversial to receive a fair hearing from the standard review process.

    Stanley says he is increasingly convinced by the impact theory as a mechanism for what prompted the freshwater floods. “I’m not sure how people can be so negative at this point. The case just builds.”

    This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on September 2, 2013.

    The Pyramid Builders


    Posted by Halo

    Who are the Pyramid Builders?


    I would like to research this topic more to see if any of us can "remember"? We are here as the Pyramid Builders.. What do you feel when you hear the term "Pyramid Builders"? Is there a part of you that vibrates inside.. A part of you that remembers, in a dream? A far off distant ancient memory? What does it mean to be a "Pyramid Builder"? Why are these Pyramids all over the cosmos? Do we not come from the stars and what is it about this beautiful planet Earth that we come here? Now? Ponder... Ponder... Remember in your ponderances...

    Posted by Thubanis


    The Time Travellers are well integrated in the Cosmic Matrix of spacetime and timespace. The most ancient ones and the ancestors of all are named by the rememberers and one of their labels is the name of the Archaeons.
    There are not only 'timelords' of the Mayan Looms, but also such 'guardians' of the timespace for the worldwide cultural edifices and monuments for the remembrance of the original constructeurs of the spacetime realms; you might choose to call those time travellers as the 'Elders from the Stars' and a time in the cosmic chronos, when planetary lifeforms were not yet able to evolve from the biophysical ingredients of the primordial elements.

    One might determine a linear timeframe of about 2,200 million years for this cosmic nexus, when the Elders of the Ancient Ones began to awaken from their supergalactic enslumberments.

    It was then, when it was the physicality of space itself, that became selfaware as a form of cosmic essence or 'time stuff' - the effervescence of time embedded in an ubiquitous consciousness and seeking to expand its information basis of and about itself.
    Like the Sphinx of Giza or the Temple of Angkor Wat; the Moai or 'Easter Island Statues' serve the timetravellers from the stars to recall their own beingness and cosmic awareness regarding their own history from a time, when the Cosmic Mother Planet Gaea of Earth began to transform the toxidity of the aquaeous realeased Oxygen in the air to form a new environment and medium for oxygen breathing lifeforms to evolve with.

    The adjustments were many and timeconsuming and the new lifeforms adapted to allow the Elders from the Stars to participate in infusing their own beingness and consciousness in a new morphology and a kaleidoscope of forms in structure and geometry.
    But prokaryotic lifeforms emerged from the oldest ones, the Archaeons and the 'Ancient Ones' then could use those new geometries to enhance their own remembrances and data bases to finetune and enhance their newly created bodyforms. Cellular endosymbiosis then assured accelerated integration of the information from the 'higher dimensional' or 'astral etheric' worlds of the 'Old Creating Ones' as part and parcel of the body shapes and forms of the multicellular worlds being born and becoming from the vast information base of the Archaeons.

    And then, when the multicellulars as the lifeforms of Gaea Earth had evolved into suitable superorgasmic lifeforms, which could utilize their 'stored memories' in a sufficient recall function, namely to allow 'old time travellers' to incarnate and inhabit those 'suitable biophysical' lifeforms; then the Archaeons would awaken from their cosmic sleepiness a second time.
    The first self remembrance was when the planetary home planet could begin to create the bodyforms in a 'computerizable and memory storing' density of form and the second self remembrance would be when the biophysical lifeforms could remember and tap their own multidimensionality in the most dense and necessary environment created for this very purpose by the Cosmic Mother planet herself.

    And so it is that particular crystalline and geophysical monuments display certain characteristics, like the Moai of Easter Island mainly facing inwards to the 'villages' of the ''Heirs to the Stars', but face outwards towards the Sea and the Galactic Worlds of the origins inland at the site of Ahu Akivi. They also point to the 'Land of Baiame' the Rainbow Dragon of the Cosmic Dreamtime, also known as Uluru!




    7) Also another strange clue. All the Ahu Moai watch the sky but they do so facing inland, all but one Ahu, the Ahu Akivi also with 7 Moai. These watch the western ocean horizon and are also crowned with heavy head stones called Pukao.

    In the image below the pictoglyph nature of the Rapanui text called “Ronga Ronga” is almost the same as the Naxi Dongba texts. Both seem to be using the star patterns themselves and bird head people as actual spoken word. Note the Naxi dongba text has three crosses as stars perhaps next to a cluster of six markings. The Easter Island text of Ronga Ronga also has two very common characters in texts speaking of their celestial deities using a group of seven dots and a group of three dots in a row and a group of three crescents in a row that resemble the mask worn by the Rapanui people in ceremony (see mask in depiction in purple lower down).

    There is one very interesting association of text to something Wayne researched in the Christ star map story: three star entities together mean three wise kings. The Magi he proposed represent the three that follow from the east associated with finding the location of the Christ ‘Bethlehem’ star... the stars of Orion's Belt as a sacred cosmic pointer... the 'forgotten' cross of the churches.

    Is this just a coincidence or are we seeing evidence of a global teacher passing through ancient civilisations.

    Ahu Akivi is an especially sacred place.
    Ahu Akivi is a sanctuary and celestial observatory built about 1500 AD which was the subject of the first serious restoration accomplished on Easter Island by archaeologists William Mulloy and Gonzalo Figueroa, with excellent results. As in the case of many religious structures on Easter Island, it has been situated with astronomical precision: it's seven statues look towards the point where the sun sets during the equinox.

    It is also aligned to the moon.​

    Ahu Akivi is an unusual site in several respects. A low ahu supports 7 statues all very similar in height and style. The site is odd in that it is located far inland and the statues were erected to face the ocean. The only site where this was done. Like other Easter Island sites the statues were found knocked off the ahu, lying face down in the ground. In 1960, Archeologist William Mulloy's team spent several months raising the statues to their original positions.

    The Freedom for Humanity is its Metamorphosis from its Cocoon!

    All Humans are ETs, born in 3D incarnation from a cosmic and intergalactic perspective, nous and origin.

    All Humans know on the soul-level, who they are and why they are here.
    Namely to break their Cocoon of their own Metamorphosis from the Inside-Out.
    All Humans are like little Reptilian Serpents, Dinosaurs or Chickens, who to be born as Starhumans, are required to peck at their encompassing eggshells from the inside to get out.
    If they fail to break their prison walls, they will die as unborn starhumans within their 3D prisons and so recycle their own beingness until they can self create their 4D merkabahs.


    One also finds Ice Circles and Crop Circles across many places on the Mother planet and the 7+1+7=15 Moai encode a variety of things, left as legacy by the Archaeons for themselves.

    Dolores Cannon on Crop Circles

    The Crop Circles as subconscious memory and remembrance triggers

    baiame1. baiame2. baiame3. baiame4.

    ayersrock_uluru_tif. uluru5_big.
    Baiame - Rainbow Serpent of Creation of Uluru - Ayer's Rock - Australia-Lemuria!

    Olga Bernuy GalaxyMotherSister with Xeia Andromeda Cassiopeia StarDaughterMother Logos Dreaming:

    I was walking on a beautiful prairie; the grass was a deep green full of pretty wild flowers. My 3 kids were with me. My daughter was alongside me walking in a serene pace while my two boys were further ahead playing with each other not paying too much attention to their surroundings. The sky was blue and the sun was shining and the air felt nice and warm.
    We were walking alongside a river until I heard what sounded like a waterfall, but was not able to see any. All of a sudden I realized my youngest son had fallen backwards into the river, he simply disappeared from my view and when I ran to the edge to see where he had fallen, I witnessed something horrendous.
    By the side of the river there was a funnel of angry water made by a formation of rocks with a sort of brownish or yellowish foam on top made by the force of the water's fierce movement and the realization that my 4 yr old had fallen right into it made my heart and my entire body frozen in sheer panic. I yelled in terror and got as close as I could in hopes that perhaps I was able to grab him if he was not too deep but I wasn't able to see him.
    The sky turned grey now and the water was splashing on my face and arms and it felt freezing cold. My oldest son immediately ran to get help and at that instant I see my daughter jumping and diving right into the middle of the spiral.
    I thought: Oh no! Now I've lost 2 of my children!
    She did not ask me, she did not tell me what she was planning on doing otherwise I would've told her not to, but she was too fast for me. Not too long afterwards I see her head emerging out of the water. She took a big gasp for air and was able to see she was holding her little brother with one arm while moving slowly trying to get out of "the devil's hole".
    At that point my other son had returned and we both helped them out of the wate. I felt completely drenched and freezing. My son was motionless, lifeless; I held him close to me, trying to get him to open his eyes.
    At that point I noticed something falling out of the sky. It was very strange to me. I've never seen anything like it. It looked like little dots of sparkly golden dust falling first here and there but later it started to fall everywhere, much like golden snow! It was absolutely beautiful but my current state of shock prevented me to fully acknowledge such scene consciously.
    I asked out loud: "what is this?" and my daughter answered: "It's Hunab Ku mom!"

    I knew it was out of the ordinary, but all I wanted at that moment was for God to revive my son, so I started to ask God to please give me back my son. Pretty soon we were all covered in this golden dust and when it completely covered my son's body he glowed and opened his eyes.
    Then I asked: "What is this glow?" and my daughter answered: "It's God mom".
    I was so relieved he came back to life and at that point I told my daughter and my oldest son to take him inside the house to get him warm and out of his wet clothes but deep inside I also wanted to get my kids indoors because I knew something big was happening but I didn't know what.
    The house was not far away and all the way I kept looking at the Sky and thinking how beautiful this "pouring of God" was.
    When we finally got inside, my two older kids helped me comfort their little brother and when we were all nice and warm and finally calmed, we realized the Sun was shining again, but this time it was a much brighter sun than we've ever seen.
    The light rays came through the windows at such intensity that we held one hand up as what you do to safeguard your eyes from something very bright and we all moved closer to the window to witness what was going on outside.

    I saw something flying in the sky approaching us gradually. I ran outside the house to try to distinguish what it was. At first I couldn't really figure out what it was. It looked like a bird, then like a serpent, but as it was getting closer and closer I realized it was a dragon!
    At that moment I felt my daughter was again next to me, she was smiling and was calmed and seemed not to be afraid of these happenings. The dragon had a very strange flying motion. It was as if he was a serpent slithering in the air and looked very small, but as it was getting closer, we were able to determine its true size.
    It was a huge and absolutely beautiful sparkly multicolored dragon. His paws were a deep color purple and fuchsia, his back was red, his belly was green, his wings were blue, his eyes were golden yellow, his tail was white and it glowed and had a shine to it that was just gorgeous!
    I've never seen such beauty until I realized what I was actually witnessing in the sky.
    I thought: "What am I looking at? Why a dragon?"
    Then all of a sudden I saw the entire Sky filled with dragons!! All different colors and sizes. There was not a single "empty" spot in the sky that was not filled with them.
    It was truly a sight to behold!! I asked myself: "What is this? Why is the sky filled with dragons?" and my daughter answered:
    "They're here mom". Our ancestors are here!

    Olga Bernuy with Sui Generis of the Rainbow Serpent Sisterhood

    quetzalcoatl-kukulkan-maya-543po. quetzalcoatl-8.
    quetzalcoatl. quetza.

    Now you know who memeplexed and inaugurated the construction of many pyramids all around the global environment and beginning the initiation for a particular cosmic family on Saturday, March 1st, 23,615 BC.

    shiloh za-rah

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:32 am; edited 2 times in total

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

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    Last edited: Jan 3, 2016
  8. admin

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    • Post n°68

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven on Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:15 pm

    Shiloh Za-Rah wrote: Dragon Almanac:

    The 'Plumed Serpent' ABC...XYZA* = 27||72 = WORLD = LAWWAL = 2x{1+2+3+...+34+35+36}=666+666=1332

    Quetzacoatl = 72x12=864=32x27 = 153 = 9 = 666

    '12 Hourtime of Day'=72x6=432=16x27='12 Hourtime of Night'


    72=864/12=360x26/130=65x144/130 = {60x60x24}/{60x20}={86,400 Seconds in 24 Hours}/{⅓ Hour} = Precessional Dragon Years per Sign 12 in 13
    65x144,000 (Mayan Baktuns) = 9,360,000 Days (Mayan Kin) = 360x26,000 Dragon Days = 390x24,000 Moon Days

    25,626.81 'Civil Years' = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/365.2425 Civil Days} = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/390 Moon Days}
    26,000 Dragon Sun Years = 25,626.81 'Civil Gregorian' Years = {12/13}26,000 = 24,000 Dragon Moon Years

    The Dark Moon Lilith Circle of 9x40°=360° in 9=¾{12} Circle Years {40°40' per 'civil year' in 8.85 'civil years' 9 months per sign}

    [10:10:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 32x27 = 72x12
    [10:11:05 AM] Sirius 17: ok yes i saw that too
    [10:11:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: this a time synchro
    [11:02:14 AM] Sirius 17: i did not know about this Gobekli Tepe
    [11:02:31 AM]Sirius 17: which seems to pre-date the Egyptian Pyramids
    [11:03:46 AM] Sirius 17: but i found it interesting how this professor linked in the first video the development of the heiroglyphs to the modern day alphabet and forms of writing
    [11:04:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes, to 13,000 Bc apparently
    [11:04:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes it is very very old
    [11:04:33 AM] Sirius 17: i am watching the second video now
    [11:04:41 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This then fits with your cave
    [11:04:44 AM] Sirius 17: yes

    [11:04:47 AM] Sirius 17: i saw that
    [11:04:56 AM] Sirius 17: the bull again
    [11:05:07 AM] Sirius 17: and Taurus linking with Aleph or A
    [11:05:12 AM] Sirius 17: Alpha
    [11:05:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Point of this post is that all converges to the last iceage the 'big freeze'
    [11:05:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They found evidence for a date 12,800 years ago
    [11:05:39 AM] Sirius 17: yes the timing of this temple
    [11:06:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This then allows the synchro of all those events, Plato's Atlantis Tepe, Sphinx and the alignment of Draco and Giza with the constellation at that time
    [11:07:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I used Hancock's meridian chart and aligned it with the planet
    [11:07:17 AM] Sirius 17: yes it shows the larger influence of the cosmic alignment and how civilzation sprung out of that.
    [11:07:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He did not do this detailed enough
    [11:07:58 AM] Sirius 17: i have not watched that video yet
    [11:08:01 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Uluru is right in the middle between Angkor and Ponape
    [11:08:14 AM] Sirius 17: yes interesting how they all align
    [11:08:22 AM] Sirius 17: like the backbone of the serpent see
    [11:08:23 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Once you seen it you will see why i added to it
    [11:08:33 AM] Sirius 17: or at least this is how i see it
    [11:08:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It defines the true meaning of the Maya
    [11:09:03 AM] Sirius 17: the dark rift
    [11:09:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 24 hours = 12 day + 12 night
    [11:09:36 AM] Sirius 17: as the timelords yes
    [11:09:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 26,000 years = 13,000 day + 13,000 night
    [11:10:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: From this the 32x27=72x12 symmetry derives
    [11:10:42 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 27||72
    [11:10:44 AM] Sirius 17: yes that is interesting
    [11:10:58 AM] Sirius 17: all equalling 9
    [11:11:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 72 years x 360 = precession cycle
    [11:11:33 AM] Sirius 17: the 864=9
    [11:11:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But it is not 25,920 as Hancock says
    [11:12:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The years are different day counts, only one is 25,920
    [11:12:30 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Actual precession rate is less than 72
    [11:12:35 AM] Sirius 17: oh
    [11:12:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: BUT using NOT years but simple days, the Maya get it right
    [11:13:11 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9,360,000 days
    [11:13:16 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: exact
    [11:13:19 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see yes
    [11:13:48 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: March 1st, 23,815 BC + 9,360,000 = 21 December 2012
    [11:14:05 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Defining the Precession in days not years
    [11:14:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes Dragon days
    [11:14:42 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Only for a 360-day year is the precession 360x26,000=9,360,000
    [11:15:08 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You don’t need the 72 year rate
    [11:15:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: astrophysical time changes over thousands of years
    [11:15:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So it is better to use days
    [11:15:58 AM] Sirius 17: oh ok, i see you emphasized that
    [11:16:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The civil year so defines a precession of 9,360,000/365,2425=25,626.81 Gregorian years
    [11:16:58 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Using some other year definition, will give different precession years and rates
    [11:17:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The actual rate Gregorian = 25,626.81/360= 71.186
    [11:18:01 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Why Nabsers have different figures
    [11:18:08 AM] Sirius 17: oh hence the 72
    [11:18:12 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes
    [11:18:49 AM] Sirius 17:

    Gospel of Thomas wrote: (27) <Jesus said,> "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    [11:18:57 AM] Sirius 17: not counting ALL the days
    [11:18:58 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 26,000/360=361.111 for the 'Great Plato year'
    [11:19:02 AM] Sirius 17: as sabbaths
    [11:19:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Sabbath means mirror
    [11:19:25 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Millennium as 7th day of 6000
    [11:19:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes i just saw a connection is all
    [11:19:59 AM] Sirius 17: in the way they look at things
    [11:20:20 AM] Sirius 17:

    "Gospel of Thomas wrote: (72) A man said to him, "Tell my brothers to divide my father's possessions with me."

    He said to him, "O man, who has made me a divider?"
    He turned to his disciples and said to them, "I am not a divider, am I?"
    [11:20:24 AM] Sirius 17: and this too
    [11:20:25 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A new thing is 9,360,000/24,000 = 390 neat
    [11:20:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Dragon Sun Years AND Dragon Moon Years
    [11:20:55 AM] Sirius 17: oh cool yes
    [11:21:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9x40=360 defining the Lilith cycles
    [11:21:46 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9 months lunar for 12 months solar
    [11:22:35 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It takes 40 days for the dark Moon to go through a sign but only 30 for the Sun
    [11:22:45 AM] Sirius 17: oh interesting
    [11:22:53 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 75%
    [11:23:02 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9/12=3/4
    [11:23:54 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The neat thing mathwise is that 26,000 x 12/13 = 24,000
    [11:24:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Easy simple numbers for the precessional cycle
    [11:24:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Also the 13th central sign of the Logos
    [11:24:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 12 about 1
    [11:24:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Susan would like this, if she sees it
    [11:25:15 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: She befriended me again on fb btw
    [11:25:18 AM] Sirius 17: well post our discussion as an addition
    [11:25:30 AM] Sirius 17: oh really, that is interesting
    [11:25:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I must go to bed
    [11:25:41 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You can reply on moa
    [11:25:44 AM] Sirius 17: ok well i will add it as a reply
    [11:25:51 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I have not yet looked at this volcano
    [11:25:58 AM] Sirius 17: it is huge
    [11:25:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It could be big - or not
    [11:26:09 AM] Sirius 17: but i don't know if that is what this is
    [11:26:16 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I will wait
    [11:26:26 AM] Sirius 17: his explanation of a huge bolt of light is very strange
    [11:26:32 AM] Sirius 17: almost sounds ET
    [11:26:39 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: We hope
    [11:26:39 AM] Sirius 17: like astroid or whatever
    [11:26:52 AM] Sirius 17: and yes that too
    [11:27:03 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The ships will come from the Moon and from the deep sea though
    [11:27:28 AM] Sirius 17: is this in the bible somewhere about that?
    [11:27:35 AM] Sirius 17: Isaiah
    [11:27:52 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Not in obvious terms
    [11:28:10 AM] Sirius 17: no but maybe symbolically
    [11:28:16 AM] Sirius 17: is what i was thinking
    [11:29:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The clouds as ships are in there
    [11:30:26 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:30:32 AM] Sirius 17: he has added a few more images
    [11:30:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [8:48 AM] Sirius 17:

    <<< B. Maat Flying Dutchman: It seems my friends at the S0 youtube channel have informed me of the world's LARGEST volcano directly where you saw the lights under the clouds. It is roughly the size of New Mexico and has been dormant (supposedly) for millions of years. So maybe you captured photos of the first activity known forever. You should submit your photos to the USGS and NASA! Considering the event was witnessed while we were simultaneously receiving major earthquakes all over the planet it is very possible that it was rumbling down there! Amazing to think! The name of the volcano is Tamu Massive and is comparable only in size to the largest volcanos in the solar system! Named after Texas A&M University. Hope that helps clear this up for you so you and the rest of us can rest easily!
    B. Maat's photo.
    B shared this

    hurricane Maria is causing the surf in Cali to be intense

    [11:31:02 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes I linked that, when it was rather fresh
    [11:31:54 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So this is the location B. refers to?
    [11:32:02 AM] Sirius 17: yes i think so
    [11:32:11 AM] Sirius 17: this tamu massif
    [11:32:19 AM] Sirius 17: but she is not 100%
    [11:32:46 AM] Sirius 17: because it is reported as extinct for hundreds of thousands of years
    [11:33:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Could be a construction plateau for the Thubans then
    [11:33:45 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Dragons are known to inhabit dormant vocanoe caves
    [11:34:08 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [11:34:29 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    Maggie M. 27-Aug-2014 05:22
    Definitely a volcano-ish look to it when compared to similar images from volcano websites. Tamu Masif has been mentioned and that would be a distinct possibility or perhaps a new "child of Tamu Masif." Absolutely fascinating photographs; well done, Flying Dutchman" you must have been thrilled to be an eye witness to this unusual event.

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 03:54
    This is truly amazing! Thank you for sharing!

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 03:18
    Look up "Tamu Massif", the world's largest volcano on Google or Wikipedia.
    The locations are pretty close to each other :)

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 02:05
    People, stop saying it's fishing boats. They are not. Fishermen do not venture out that far, and it was UNDERWATER.

    Stop saying it's a volcano. It is not. Do some research on what an underground volcano looks like.

    I've been waiting for them, for quite some time. Hopefully they find me. I have been in contact for quite a while here.

    I just want you all to know, that those of us with the "tinfoil hats" are sitting in the background, laughing as the world burns.

    I don't hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU SO.

    Bruno 27-Aug-2014 01:51
    Flying Dutchman: It seems my friends at the S0 youtube channel have informed me of the world's LARGEST volcano directly where you saw the lights under the clouds. It is roughly the size of New Mexico and has been dormant (supposedly) for millions of years. So maybe you captured photos of the first activity known forever. You should submit your photos to the USGS and NASA! Considering the event was witnessed while we were simultaneously receiving major earthquakes all over the planet it is very possible that it was rumbling down there! Amazing to think! The name of the volcano is Tamu Massive and is comparable only in size to the largest volcanos in the solar system! Named after Texas A&M University. Hope that helps clear this up for you so you and the rest of us can rest easily! (heart)

    [11:36:06 AM] Sirius 17: Guest 27-Aug-2014 02:05
    People, stop saying it's fishing boats. They are not. Fishermen do not venture out that far, and it was UNDERWATER.

    Stop saying it's a volcano. It is not. Do some research on what an underground volcano looks like.

    I've been waiting for them, for quite some time. Hopefully they find me. I have been in contact for quite a while here.

    I just want you all to know, that those of us with the "tinfoil hats" are sitting in the background, laughing as the world burns.

    I don't hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU SO.

    [11:36:08 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [11:37:12 AM] Sirius 17: yeah some of the comments are idiotic but these are interesting
    [11:38:09 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    Guest 26-Aug-2014 13:05
    this was just reported in The Independent newspaper in the UK:

    An experimental hypersonic weapon developed to reach targets anywhere in the world within an hour has been destroyed by the US military four seconds after its launch for “public safety”.

    The test in Alaska in the early hours of Monday morning was aborted after controllers detected a problem with the system, the Pentagon said, and the launcher is believed to have detonated before the missile was deployed.

    Witnesses watched the rocket lift off at around 12.30am local time, before quickly turning nose-down and exploding, KMXT radio reported.

    Scott Wight, who photographed the explosion from Cape Greville in Chiniak, about 12 miles from the launch site, described the explosion as quite loud and frightening, with a fire afterwards that burned brightly.

    [11:38:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This hypersonic rocket self-destructing is true
    [11:38:54 AM] Sirius 17: it is?
    [11:39:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Fishy to me. I don’t think the military detonated it
    [11:39:40 AM] Sirius 17: yes i don't know, and is it even in the same location
    [11:39:47 AM | Edited 11:40:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Like this Russian IBM rocket a few weeks ago
    [11:39:58 AM] Sirius 17: here he gives exact coordinates
    [11:40:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well compare them with Tamu M
    [11:41:55 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:42:32 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Coordinates
    33°N 158°E
    [11:42:48 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i just looked at the google map
    [11:42:55 AM] Sirius 17: it seems closer to Tamu then Alaska
    [11:43:18 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 47°32' N and 159°11' E
    [11:43:32 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:43:36 AM] Sirius 17: look at this map
    [11:43:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Meridians are close parallels are not
    [11:44:14 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 47 33 N there too
    [11:45:31 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i would say he might of witnessed the volcano becoming active or something emerging out of it
    [11:45:44 AM] Sirius 17: his view was above the clouds
    [11:45:50 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Its from underground yes
    [11:45:55 AM] Sirius 17: so he did not have a clear view of the ocean surface
    [11:52:18 AM] Sirius 17: well i will post this convo as a reply and you can go to bed dear
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°69

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:46 pm
    Raven wrote:
    Shiloh Za-Rah wrote: Dragon Almanac:

    The 'Plumed Serpent' ABC...XYZA* = 27||72 = WORLD = LAWWAL = 2x{1+2+3+...+34+35+36}=666+666=1332

    Quetzacoatl = 72x12=864=32x27 = 153 = 9 = 666

    '12 Hourtime of Day'=72x6=432=16x27='12 Hourtime of Night'


    72=864/12=360x26/130=65x144/130 = {60x60x24}/{60x20}={86,400 Seconds in 24 Hours}/{⅓ Hour} = Precessional Dragon Years per Sign 12 in 13
    65x144,000 (Mayan Baktuns) = 9,360,000 Days (Mayan Kin) = 360x26,000 Dragon Days = 390x24,000 Moon Days

    25,626.81 'Civil Years' = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/365.2425 Civil Days} = {9,360,000 Dragon Days/390 Moon Days}
    26,000 Dragon Sun Years = 25,626.81 'Civil Gregorian' Years = {12/13}26,000 = 24,000 Dragon Moon Years

    The Dark Moon Lilith Circle of 9x40°=360° in 9=¾{12} Circle Years {40°40' per 'civil year' in 8.85 'civil years' 9 months per sign}
    [10:10:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 32x27 = 72x12
    [10:11:05 AM] Sirius 17: ok yes i saw that too
    [10:11:38 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: this a time synchro
    [11:02:14 AM] Sirius 17: i did not know about this Gobekli Tepe
    [11:02:31 AM]Sirius 17: which seems to pre-date the Egyptian Pyramids
    [11:03:46 AM] Sirius 17: but i found it interesting how this professor linked in the first video the development of the heiroglyphs to the modern day alphabet and forms of writing
    [11:04:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes, to 13,000 Bc apparently
    [11:04:26 AM] Sirius 17: yes it is very very old
    [11:04:33 AM] Sirius 17: i am watching the second video now
    [11:04:41 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This then fits with your cave
    [11:04:44 AM] Sirius 17: yes

    [11:04:47 AM] Sirius 17: i saw that
    [11:04:56 AM] Sirius 17: the bull again
    [11:05:07 AM] Sirius 17: and Taurus linking with Aleph or A
    [11:05:12 AM] Sirius 17: Alpha
    [11:05:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Point of this post is that all converges to the last iceage the 'big freeze'
    [11:05:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: They found evidence for a date 12,800 years ago
    [11:05:39 AM] Sirius 17: yes the timing of this temple
    [11:06:28 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This then allows the synchro of all those events, Plato's Atlantis Tepe, Sphinx and the alignment of Draco and Giza with the constellation at that time
    [11:07:06 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I used Hancock's meridian chart and aligned it with the planet
    [11:07:17 AM] Sirius 17: yes it shows the larger influence of the cosmic alignment and how civilzation sprung out of that.
    [11:07:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: He did not do this detailed enough
    [11:07:58 AM] Sirius 17: i have not watched that video yet
    [11:08:01 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Uluru is right in the middle between Angkor and Ponape
    [11:08:14 AM] Sirius 17: yes interesting how they all align
    [11:08:22 AM] Sirius 17: like the backbone of the serpent see
    [11:08:23 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Once you seen it you will see why i added to it
    [11:08:33 AM] Sirius 17: or at least this is how i see it
    [11:08:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It defines the true meaning of the Maya
    [11:09:03 AM] Sirius 17: the dark rift
    [11:09:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 24 hours = 12 day + 12 night
    [11:09:36 AM] Sirius 17: as the timelords yes
    [11:09:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 26,000 years = 13,000 day + 13,000 night
    [11:10:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: From this the 32x27=72x12 symmetry derives
    [11:10:42 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 27||72
    [11:10:44 AM] Sirius 17: yes that is interesting
    [11:10:58 AM] Sirius 17: all equalling 9
    [11:11:19 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 72 years x 360 = precession cycle
    [11:11:33 AM] Sirius 17: the 864=9
    [11:11:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: But it is not 25,920 as Hancock says
    [11:12:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The years are different day counts, only one is 25,920
    [11:12:30 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Actual precession rate is less than 72
    [11:12:35 AM] Sirius 17: oh
    [11:12:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: BUT using NOT years but simple days, the Maya get it right
    [11:13:11 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9,360,000 days
    [11:13:16 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: exact
    [11:13:19 AM] Sirius 17: oh i see yes
    [11:13:48 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: March 1st, 23,815 BC + 9,360,000 = 21 December 2012
    [11:14:05 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Defining the Precession in days not years
    [11:14:22 AM] Sirius 17: yes Dragon days
    [11:14:42 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Only for a 360-day year is the precession 360x26,000=9,360,000
    [11:15:08 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You don’t need the 72 year rate
    [11:15:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: astrophysical time changes over thousands of years
    [11:15:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So it is better to use days
    [11:15:58 AM] Sirius 17: oh ok, i see you emphasized that
    [11:16:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The civil year so defines a precession of 9,360,000/365,2425=25,626.81 Gregorian years
    [11:16:58 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Using some other year definition, will give different precession years and rates
    [11:17:44 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The actual rate Gregorian = 25,626.81/360= 71.186
    [11:18:01 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Why Nabsers have different figures
    [11:18:08 AM] Sirius 17: oh hence the 72
    [11:18:12 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes
    [11:18:49 AM] Sirius 17:

    Gospel of Thomas wrote: (27) <Jesus said,> "If you do not fast as regards the world, you will not find the kingdom. If you do not observe the Sabbath as a Sabbath, you will not see the father."

    [11:18:57 AM] Sirius 17: not counting ALL the days
    [11:18:58 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 26,000/360=361.111 for the 'Great Plato year'
    [11:19:02 AM] Sirius 17: as sabbaths
    [11:19:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Sabbath means mirror
    [11:19:25 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Millennium as 7th day of 6000
    [11:19:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes i just saw a connection is all
    [11:19:59 AM] Sirius 17: in the way they look at things
    [11:20:20 AM] Sirius 17:

    "Gospel of Thomas wrote: (72) A man said to him, "Tell my brothers to divide my father's possessions with me."
    He said to him, "O man, who has made me a divider?"
    He turned to his disciples and said to them, "I am not a divider, am I?"

    [11:20:24 AM] Sirius 17: and this too
    [11:20:25 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: A new thing is 9,360,000/24,000 = 390 neat
    [11:20:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Dragon Sun Years AND Dragon Moon Years
    [11:20:55 AM] Sirius 17: oh cool yes
    [11:21:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9x40=360 defining the Lilith cycles
    [11:21:46 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9 months lunar for 12 months solar
    [11:22:35 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It takes 40 days for the dark Moon to go through a sign but only 30 for the Sun
    [11:22:45 AM] Sirius 17: oh interesting
    [11:22:53 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 75%
    [11:23:02 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 9/12=3/4
    [11:23:54 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The neat thing mathwise is that 26,000 x 12/13 = 24,000
    [11:24:13 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Easy simple numbers for the precessional cycle
    [11:24:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Also the 13th central sign of the Logos
    [11:24:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 12 about 1
    [11:24:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Susan would like this, if she sees it
    [11:25:15 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: She befriended me again on fb btw
    [11:25:18 AM] Sirius 17: well post our discussion as an addition
    [11:25:30 AM] Sirius 17: oh really, that is interesting
    [11:25:31 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I must go to bed
    [11:25:41 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: You can reply on moa
    [11:25:44 AM] Sirius 17: ok well i will add it as a reply
    [11:25:51 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I have not yet looked at this volcano
    [11:25:58 AM] Sirius 17: it is huge
    [11:25:59 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: It could be big - or not
    [11:26:09 AM] Sirius 17: but i don't know if that is what this is
    [11:26:16 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: I will wait
    [11:26:26 AM] Sirius 17: his explanation of a huge bolt of light is very strange
    [11:26:32 AM] Sirius 17: almost sounds ET
    [11:26:39 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: We hope
    [11:26:39 AM] Sirius 17: like astroid or whatever
    [11:26:52 AM] Sirius 17: and yes that too
    [11:27:03 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The ships will come from the Moon and from the deep sea though
    [11:27:28 AM] Sirius 17: is this in the bible somewhere about that?
    [11:27:35 AM] Sirius 17: Isaiah
    [11:27:52 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Not in obvious terms
    [11:28:10 AM] Sirius 17: no but maybe symbolically
    [11:28:16 AM] Sirius 17: is what i was thinking
    [11:29:57 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: The clouds as ships are in there
    [11:30:26 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:30:32 AM] Sirius 17: he has added a few more images
    [11:30:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: [8:48 AM] Sirius 17:

    <<< B. Maat Flying Dutchman: It seems my friends at the S0 youtube channel have informed me of the world's LARGEST volcano directly where you saw the lights under the clouds. It is roughly the size of New Mexico and has been dormant (supposedly) for millions of years. So maybe you captured photos of the first activity known forever. You should submit your photos to the USGS and NASA! Considering the event was witnessed while we were simultaneously receiving major earthquakes all over the planet it is very possible that it was rumbling down there! Amazing to think! The name of the volcano is Tamu Massive and is comparable only in size to the largest volcanos in the solar system! Named after Texas A&M University. Hope that helps clear this up for you so you and the rest of us can rest easily!
    B. Maat's photo.
    B shared this

    hurricane Maria is causing the surf in Cali to be intense

    [11:31:02 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Yes I linked that, when it was rather fresh
    [11:31:54 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: So this is the location B. refers to?
    [11:32:02 AM] Sirius 17: yes i think so
    [11:32:11 AM] Sirius 17: this tamu massif
    [11:32:19 AM] Sirius 17: but she is not 100%
    [11:32:46 AM] Sirius 17: because it is reported as extinct for hundreds of thousands of years
    [11:33:17 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Could be a construction plateau for the Thubans then
    [11:33:45 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Dragons are known to inhabit dormant vocanoe caves
    [11:34:08 AM] Sirius 17: yes
    [11:34:29 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    Maggie M. 27-Aug-2014 05:22
    Definitely a volcano-ish look to it when compared to similar images from volcano websites. Tamu Masif has been mentioned and that would be a distinct possibility or perhaps a new "child of Tamu Masif." Absolutely fascinating photographs; well done, Flying Dutchman" you must have been thrilled to be an eye witness to this unusual event.

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 03:54
    This is truly amazing! Thank you for sharing!

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 03:18
    Look up "Tamu Massif", the world's largest volcano on Google or Wikipedia.
    The locations are pretty close to each other :)

    Guest 27-Aug-2014 02:05
    People, stop saying it's fishing boats. They are not. Fishermen do not venture out that far, and it was UNDERWATER.

    Stop saying it's a volcano. It is not. Do some research on what an underground volcano looks like.

    I've been waiting for them, for quite some time. Hopefully they find me. I have been in contact for quite a while here.

    I just want you all to know, that those of us with the "tinfoil hats" are sitting in the background, laughing as the world burns.

    I don't hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU SO.

    Bruno 27-Aug-2014 01:51
    Flying Dutchman: It seems my friends at the S0 youtube channel have informed me of the world's LARGEST volcano directly where you saw the lights under the clouds. It is roughly the size of New Mexico and has been dormant (supposedly) for millions of years. So maybe you captured photos of the first activity known forever. You should submit your photos to the USGS and NASA! Considering the event was witnessed while we were simultaneously receiving major earthquakes all over the planet it is very possible that it was rumbling down there! Amazing to think! The name of the volcano is Tamu Massive and is comparable only in size to the largest volcanos in the solar system! Named after Texas A&M University. Hope that helps clear this up for you so you and the rest of us can rest easily! (heart)

    [11:36:06 AM] Sirius 17: Guest 27-Aug-2014 02:05
    People, stop saying it's fishing boats. They are not. Fishermen do not venture out that far, and it was UNDERWATER.

    Stop saying it's a volcano. It is not. Do some research on what an underground volcano looks like.

    I've been waiting for them, for quite some time. Hopefully they find me. I have been in contact for quite a while here.

    I just want you all to know, that those of us with the "tinfoil hats" are sitting in the background, laughing as the world burns.

    I don't hate to say it, but I TOLD YOU SO.

    [11:36:08 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [11:37:12 AM] Sirius 17: yeah some of the comments are idiotic but these are interesting
    [11:38:09 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah:
    Guest 26-Aug-2014 13:05
    this was just reported in The Independent newspaper in the UK:

    An experimental hypersonic weapon developed to reach targets anywhere in the world within an hour has been destroyed by the US military four seconds after its launch for “public safety”.

    The test in Alaska in the early hours of Monday morning was aborted after controllers detected a problem with the system, the Pentagon said, and the launcher is believed to have detonated before the missile was deployed.

    Witnesses watched the rocket lift off at around 12.30am local time, before quickly turning nose-down and exploding, KMXT radio reported.

    Scott Wight, who photographed the explosion from Cape Greville in Chiniak, about 12 miles from the launch site, described the explosion as quite loud and frightening, with a fire afterwards that burned brightly.
    [11:38:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: This hypersonic rocket self-destructing is true
    [11:38:54 AM] Sirius 17: it is?
    [11:39:24 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Fishy to me. I don’t think the military detonated it
    [11:39:40 AM] Sirius 17: yes i don't know, and is it even in the same location
    [11:39:47 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Like this Russian IBM rocket a few weeks ago
    [11:39:58 AM] Sirius 17: here he gives exact coordinates
    [11:40:34 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Well compare them with Tamu M
    [11:41:55 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:42:32 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Coordinates
    33°N 158°E
    [11:42:48 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i just looked at the google map
    [11:42:55 AM] Sirius 17: it seems closer to Tamu then Alaska
    [11:43:18 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 47°32' N and 159°11' E
    [11:43:32 AM] Sirius 17:
    [11:43:36 AM] Sirius 17: look at this map
    [11:43:40 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Meridians are close parallels are not
    [11:44:14 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: 47 33 N there too
    [11:45:31 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i would say he might of witnessed the volcano becoming active or something emerging out of it
    [11:45:44 AM] Sirius 17: his view was above the clouds
    [11:45:50 AM] Shiloh Za-Rah: Its from underground yes
    [11:45:55 AM] Sirius 17: so he did not have a clear view of the ocean surface
    [11:52:18 AM] Sirius 17: well i will post this convo as a reply and you can go to bed dear

    Cosmic Twinship and Human Predestiny


    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    Greetings in deep appreciation of the enormous work you all are doing to allow a new planetary society to be born in the next few years.
    Whether you identify yourself as a skeptic or as an affiliate, you are doing well in helping to reformulate a status quo upon Gaia.

    This prevailing paradigm is based on the concept of economic power and the superiority of so called 'free market' forces which are then believed to allow a raising of living standards for all the global citizenry.

    Most of you know however, that this perception is built on a misuse of the means for this 'free market trading', namely the fiscal consideration.

    In other words, the controllers of the flow of money control the economic stimulus through forcing or enticing investments and speculations in predetermined directions.

    And so many of the 'middle classes' are deceived into participation in 'playing the stockmarkets' and to enter the 'investment' games.

    So before continuing with my exposition on the Cosmic Twinship in the context of your more recent human history; I shall elucidate you a little more about what is 'really' happening in the scenarios behind the facades you term 'political governments'.

    The great deception of the 'mindless masses' began with the invention of money.
    You had a certain king or monarch in a city state say, who wished to expand his influence and reign over more property.
    He had craftsmen and skilled artisians in his kingdom and amongst them were goldsmiths and producers of 'precious goods'.

    Then to raise an army to conquer a neighbouring city state, the monarch became indebted to the goldsmith say, the latter providing the 'gold coins' to equip and 'pay' the army.

    After the monarch had won the war, he then formed certain allegiances with the goldsmith and those treaties became law and gave many privileges to the goldsmith.

    Over time, the goldsmithes horded their gold in vaults and became the 'hidden' ruling classes behind the 'open' rulership of the monarchs.
    Whenever the monarch wished to undertake an endeavour, he or she had to gain 'financial authorisation' to do so and soon the payment system of gold coins became too cumbersome and other 'tokens' like pieces of wood or metal or paper were substituted.

    Those 'tokens' were at first matched with 'gold reserves' in the vaults or banks of the 'banking classes'; but soon this standard was replaced with 'imaginary gold', to allow the monarchs to finance their ever escalating wishes to expand their kingdoms.

    Over time then, the paper money became plastic money and certain regulations allowed the 'banks' to distribute up to 95% of imaginary money as money which was not matched to anything of real value, such as gold or other commodities.

    The idea was to allow 'Real Money' to become circulated by the general populus in their day-to-day tradings and exchanges in a 'free market' economy, selfregulated by 'supply and demand'; but to control the money supply itself in regulating the expenditure of monarchs and governments by so called Reserve Banks.

    So all the monarchs and government 'treasurers' became unable to finance their budgets, unless they 'borrowed extra money' from the privately owned Reserve Banks, the latter which controlled the 'interest rates'.

    But most of the borrowed money did not really exist as anything valuable, so the interest charged was really as imaginary as the money called principal itself.

    But the borrowers spent the money in their circulation and so made it 'real money' through and by their labours and their 'cost of living'.
    Because the borrowers and including the worldwide governments had to pay additional money to the principal as interest, this interest resulted in the entire 'fiscal system' to transmutate into system with a life all its own.

    The 5% of 'real money' became avalanched by an ever escalating 95% of imaginary money demanding 'real interest' to be paid by the borrowers.
    And so the borrowers found it harder and harder to 'balance their books' and budgets and many people and monarchs and countries fell into poverty, because they could not pay their real interest on imaginary principals borrowed.

    The underpinning cause of this is called 'greed' in the moral codes of cultural identifications.
    Soon entire industries evolved around the regulation of the 'banking sectors' of countries engaging in the trading and utility of 'natural resources' and the produce of the populus.

    Utility soon became exploitation and as the 'bankers' as the 'New Goldsmiths' became aware of the 'running away of the economies'; they formed 'global banking groups' in 'world banks' to reassess the situation.

    They decided to partially engage the 'open' ruling classes of the monarchs and the governments in providing guidelines and partial information to regulate and control the 'consuming masses'.

    Now the situation on Gaia is this.
    There is NO banking conspiracy of 'secret clans', who meet in secret chambers and who control the world.
    But there is an 'accepted mental collusion' within the Elite and as an Elite which comprises practically all of the families around the globe, which are the descendants and inheritors of the 'banking sectors'.
    And because this is basically a familial concept, closely associated with the ruling classes of the old aristocracies and also the 'empire builders' of the colonisation of the earth in say the last 300 years; one generally finds varying degrees of 'initiation' between those groups and families.

    This 'initiation' then is unbounded by fiscal constraints and whoever 'qualifies' in societal groups and associations, can rise in status and influence.
    Most political leaders are of intermediate status and only some are especially 'chosen' to bring about a perception change as a political leader and is so allowed to 'influence' the masses in a more direct manner.

    I am allowed to tell you here, that the 4th of August 2008 is a most important date for the 'grooming' of such a potential world leader and one you all know rather well.

    This leader is different from most other leaders, as this leader was prepared to change the political interaction between all the world's governing authorities and to bring a 'new perception' of the 'power sharing' into the public viewpoint.

    However there is a certain danger of uncertainty about this leader. This leader is like a 'Joker' in the game of cards, the Elite is playing. The Elite knows, that the 'fiscal economics' is falling apart and that it cannot now stabilise the global markets much longer in controlling the money output.

    So this leader is groomed to appear like a 'saviour' for the global economy in the sense of helping to stimulate the worldwide economies and to take away the impregnation of 'doom and gloom' and the reduction of the spending of the real money.

    But this leader might not 'play the game' the way the Elite wishes him too and this could result in a great danger to the Elitist structure on the upmost level.

    The upper echelon of the Elite are the advisors behind the government officials and advisors with the highest security clearances.
    They form a loose collective, where many do not even know each other or the ones, which finance their endeavours.
    This murkiness derives from the old manner of how the monarchs shielded their dependancies upon their goldsmiths and artesians.

    So again, one cannot call this a knowing conspiracy, but a system of organisation, which has lost its human factor and has become a system of living thought, say a Dawkinsian Memesation.

    The secrecy and clandestine manouverings of monarchs and of governments has resulted in particular budgets to be set aside and not to be accounted for in any open forum.

    And because the upper echelons of the initiations have agreed to not know each other for reasons of private security; the meme of the MONEY=72=WORLD and the meme of the DEVIL=FINANCE=52 have become depersonalised and have taken on an imaginary 'life of their own'.

    The Maya knows, that this is in order for the present time and that the memes can become transformed when the timeline is fulfilled.
    In particular the meme of the FINANCE=52=GODDOG and is twice the sacred number of the 26 of the Maya and also the number of the Mayan hieroglypical alphabet and the number of the bosonic superstring dimensions.

    This shall do for now and I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanisation of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.

    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    Greetings to my friends and also greetings to the ones who doubt and who find reason to ridicule and to critisise.
    You are all greatly loved and admired by the many galactic inhabitors, who are amazed by your resolution and daring to partake in embodiments of imperfected biological vessels and in bodies whose full complement and harmony of genetic encoding has become blocked.
    Have you ever wondered, why a small lizard can regrow its tail after losing it to a predator say, but the human limb cannot reconstitute itself through cellular somatic mitosis in regeneration?
    Like the lizard, you carry a reptilian brainstem; in fact you are all Dragons in disguise, should you accept this high calling.

    So the 'voice in the wilderness' calls to all without discrimination and without judgment. You all will know one day, when you have chosen to remember as to who you are - the cocreator within and the cocreator without.

    But I shall continue with the Cosmic Twinship and for this we begin with the beginning of the Mayan timeline and coinciding with the first urbanisation of the human history and as exemplified in the Mesopotamian city of Uruk about 3000 BC.
    This time was also the time of the Pyramids, but not the time of the Egyptian Sphinx.

    Using certain timeless indicators, the Maya may apply a given Platonic Cycle to substructure the same in any appropriate manner suitable for its purposes.

    One such indicator will be a precise mapping of a precessional configuration with the starry constellations of the zodiac to some monument on the surface of the earth.

    Following are some scriptural encodings and suggested decodings.

    "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt: for they shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall send them a saviour, and a great one, and he shall deliver them."
    - Isaiah 19:19-20

    According to a theory by Robert Bauval, the positions of the Giza pyramids on the ground are a reflection of the positions of the stars in the constellation Orion circa 10,500 B.C.(Graham Hancock, Keeper Of Genesis pp.354-355 ) Five of the 7 brightest stars have pyramid equivalents:
    The 3 great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura for the belt of Orion,the pyramid of Nebka at Abu Rawash corresponds to the star Saiph and the pyramid at Zawat al Aryan corresponds to the star Bellatrix. The Nile river corresponds to the Milky Way. The principal Giza monuments formed an accurate terrestrial map of the stars of Orion and Sirius as these constellations appeared in 10,500 BC.
    Who could have been observing the skies over Giza in 10,500 BC and who, at that date,would have had the technical capacity to realize such monumental works as the Sphinx and the pyramids? Egyptologists assert there was no civilization on Earth at that time, let alone one capable of planning and building such immense, well engineered structures. If they are right, why do the alignments of Giza so plainly and repetitively mirror the skies of the 11th millennium BC? There is an answer in Scripture:

    God has set signs and wonders
    in the land of Egypt, even to this day.

    Josephus writes in The Antiquities of the Jews 1.2.3:

    They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars; the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

    Maya-Epoch Tzolkin/Haab Gregorian Platonic Cycle:

    4 Ahau 3 Kankin 21.12. 2012 Gemini/Cancer
    4 Ahau 8 Cumku 11. 8.-3113 Gemini
    4 Ahau 8 Zodz 1. 4.-8238 Gemini
    4 Ahau 13 Mol 20.11.-13364 Gemini
    4 Ahau 18 Ceh 12. 7.-18489 Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Kayeb 1. 3.-23614 Taurus/Gemini
    4 Ahau 3 Zip 19.10.-28740 Taurus

    The correlation between the Mayan calendar and the Gregorian uses the Long Count of 1,872,000 days as 5125.362 Civil Years to specify a Platonic Great Precessional Cycle of 25,626.81 Civil Years as 5 Mayan Long Counts, each one designated by the Mayan epoch of 4AHAU and the Gregorian dates given in the table above. The partial year amounts to 295 days.

    We can so now substructure this Great Platonic Mayan Year into 12 and 13 subcycles. The 13-tier subdivision includes a 13th starsign in that of 'Ophiuchus, the Serpent Tamer' located as the Cusp of the Scorpio-Sagittarius solar transition dated on November 22nd/23rd in a Civil Gregorian Year.

    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.6 years each or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.3 years each.
    More precisely, the dates can be ascertained as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 KIN.

    If we now 'personify' the 13th starsign of the Serpent-Tamer in conjunction with the 'Plumed Serpent' of the 'Office of Christ' or the 'Office of Melchisedek' or the 'Office of Hermes Trismegistos'; then one assigns the solar transit from Pisces into Aries and as the Spring Equinox of some 'personified' year as the change of one precessional age into another.
    The Maya assigns the 'Birth of Ophiuchus' as the 'Birth of Christ' in the form of the historical Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos to the equinox of the year 6BC and so 'fixates' the beginning of the Age of Pisces as March 20th, 6BC or in Julian notation as the date and period of the Spring Equinox in that year and associated with particular conjunctions between the Moon with Jupiter and Saturn as celestial symbols for the land and people of the Jews and their neighbours.
    Specifying this date then allows calibration of the entire precessional cycle into either 12 or 13 'Precessional Starsign Periods' as a superpositioned Platonic Great Year onto the Mayan harmonics of the Tzolkin.

    For this particular Mayan Great Precessional Cycle then, the Age of Aquarius so begins in an interval from 1966-2130 and differing by precisely 60,000 days or 164.27442.. Civil Years.

    The Maya has crystallized a specific date within this interval as January 21st, 1998 and the solar transit from Capricorn into Aquarius as a superposed Mayan Beginning for the 'Age of Aquarius' and in unison with a number of other indicators and in particular a nexus of Edgar Cayce, the 'Sleeping Prophet' of the United States of America, who fixated the 'Birth of an Avatar' in the 'Office of the the Author of the Book of Revelation' for this particular year.

    The Maya now uses this nexus point to assign the Great Precessional Cycle in multiples of the 780,000 KIN or 2135.568 years to pinpoint the 'changing' of the precessional ages from one into the other and as the appropriate solar transit from one starsign into the next.

    Age of Aquarius begins; January 21st, 1998 AD; 731,522 KIN or 2002.84 Civil Years from 'Birth of Christ' March 20th - April 17th; 6 BC and correlated to 21.12-2012 in a difference of 5,448 KIN or 14.916 Civil Years.

    Age of Pisces begins; March 20th-22nd, 139 BC
    Age of Aries begins; April 20th-22nd, 2,274 BC
    Age of Taurus begins; May 20th-22nd, 4,410 BC
    Age of Gemini begins; June 20th-22nd; 6,545 BC
    Age of Cancer begins; July 22nd-24th; 8,681 BC
    Age of Leo begins; August 22nd-24th; 10,817 BC
    Age of Virgo begins; September 22nd-24th; 12,952 BC
    Age of Libra begins; October 22nd-24th; 15,088 BC
    Age of Scorpio begins; November 21st-23rd; 17,223 BC
    Age of Sagittarius begins; December 21st-23rd; 19,359 BC
    Age of Capricorn begins; January 21st-23rd; 21,495 BC
    Age of Aquarius begins; February 19th-21st; 23,630 BC
    and correlated to 1.3.-23,614 in March 1st; 23,630 BC plus 31 KIN to April 1st; 23,630 BC and as 5,448 KIN separating 1.4.-23,629 and 1.3.-23,614.

    The treatize above so superposes the Mayan Great Precessional Cycle onto the Long Count from August 11th, 3114 BC to December 21st, 2012.
    The discovery of Catal Huyuk, an ancient city in Anatolia, now modern Turkey and dating to 8000 BC challenged the accepted status quo of modern archaeology and the orthodox description for the timeline for the evolvement of modern man as an urbanite and city dweller.
    One distinguishing factor of Catal Huyuk was its worship of the feminine principle. It is often called the source of the Mother Goddess religions.

    The Mayan Precessional Age of Cancer spanned the period from 8,681 BC to 6,545 BC and as the starsign of Cancer symbolises the Mother, so does its zodiacal opposite of Capricorn archetype the Father in the older Precessional Mayan Age of Capricorn from 21,495 BC to 19,359 BC.
    As the consensus of the academic orthodoxy requires physical evidence to support hypotheses and theories about the human history and timelines; the physical discovery of Catal Huyuk came as a big surprise.
    Hitherto the Mesopotamian cities of Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid and Uruk were believed to date no earlier than about 5000 BC.
    At that time, the Sumerian cities evolved and with it came the introduction of bronze casting and early forms of writing.
    And the general beginning of human civilisation is dated to this time period and is particularised in the Unification of Lower and Upper Egypt about 3100 BC, which is also the start of the Mayan Long Count.

    The excavation of Catal Huyuk so 'forced' the orthodoxy to revise its beginning of the human urbanisation of regions to 10,000 BC with the discovery of an 'older' Jericho dating to about 9000 BC and the first use of copper in Hassuna ware and the manufacturing and trading of pottery dating to about 7000 BC.

    The building of the Gizean pyramids is conventionally dated to the Old Egyptian kingdom of the 3rd and 4th dynasties from about 2686 BC to 2494 BC.
    In the 4th dynasty, began in reign by Snefru; Khufru or Cheops is said to have built the first one; with Khafre or Chepren the second and with Menkaure or Mycerinus to have built the third one of the Gizean complex.
    Then it is proposed that Khafre also built the Sphinx or Harmakhis, also called Herakhte (Horus of the Horizon).
    This places the 4th dynasty into the Mayan Age of Taurus from 4410 BC to 2274 BC and forms a nexus point with the Heliopolis of the Ra-Sungod worship instigated in the 2nd dynasty but made a state religion in the 5th dynasty.

    Rah or Ra or Re became known as Re-Harakhtys in the New Kingdom from about 1570 BC -1070 BC for the 18th to the 20th dynasties and as the 'Horus of Two Horizons'. This then became implemented in the Mayan Age of Aries from 2274 BC until the time of the Dead Sea Scroll's 'Teacher of Righteousness' in 139 BC and heralding the 'Coming of the Melchizedek' of the fulfilment of scripture in Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Dydimos a little over a century later.

    A period of 'Hellenisation of Judea', instigated by the Seleucid empire established by Alexander the Great, was resisted in a 20-year period from 196 BC to 176 BC by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' and as the Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III and who was 'born' into this Melchisedecian role in 196 BC and coinciding with Judea becoming a Seleucidean province.
    Onias III was murdered at the instigation of Menelaus in 171 BC and became succeeded by the 'Man of the Lie' in his son Onias IV, who emigrated to Egypt to build a 'substitute temple' in Leontopolis under the patronage of Egyptian king Ptolemy Philometor (182 BC to 146 BC).
    His inauguration of Israelite worship outside of Zion is in direct breach of biblical law, only allowing a single sanctuary at Jerusalem and as coded in Dead Sea Scroll (DSC) 4Q266.Frag.5ii.
    The 'House of Absalom' is the 'House of David' and his son Absalom rebelling against him is retold in Onias IV dishonouring his father Onias III and as encoded in DSC 1QpHab.v.9-12 and in 2Samuel.13.
    The 'Wicked Priest' in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is Jesus-Jason, the brother of Onias III, who abandoned his Zadokian-Davidic heritage for a perceived Hellenisation of the covenant.

    Antiochus-Epiphanes IV deposed the last true Zadokite-Davidic Highpriest Onias III in 175 BC and replaced him with his hellenophile brother Jesus, the latter renaming himself in the Greek style as Jason.
    But in 172 BC, Jason was deposed and his office transferred to Menelaus from 172 BC to 162 BC.
    Following the murder of Onias III in 171 BC, Antiochus IV and Menelaus plundered the temple at Jerusalem in 169 BC and in 168 BC Antiochus IV was defeated by the Romans in his second campaign against Egypt.
    In 167 BC, Jews who opposed the unification of the Seleucid empire and refused to accept Greek custom and religion were prosecuted in the attempt to 'absorb' the Jewish religion.
    In 166 BC, the Maccabees rose in revolt under the leadership of Judas Maccabee to end a 7-year period of confusion from 174 BC to 167 BC and so fulfilling Daniel's prophecy encoded in Daniel.9.24-27 and related encodings in Ezekiel.3.15 and Daniel.9.26-27 in a timeline dating before the 'Coming of the Shiloh'.

    The exposition on the gnostic meanings in the Dead-Sea-Scrolls is actually a continuation of the Babylonian Exile, beginning with the last 'king of righteousness' in Josiah and who was killed in the battle of Megiddo or Armageddon by Pharaoh Necho, king of Egypt, encoded in 2Kings.22.2; 23.25,29-32.
    70 years of the Babylonian captivity so add the 'forsaken period' from 608 BC to 586 BC, when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem until the 'Edict of Cyrus' in 538 BC, coded in 2Chronicles.36.1-23.
    390 dayyears from 586 BC lead to the year 196 BC, from which the 22 years from 608 BC to 586 BC are subtracted for the yearweek of confusion encoded in the period 174 BC to 167 BC.
    The 390 years are encoded in DSC 4Q268.Frag.1 and where also the 20 year duration is specified.

    "For when they were unfaithful and forsook Him, He hid His face from Israel and His Sanctuary and delivered them up to the sword. But remembering the covenant of the forefathers, He left a remnant to Israel and did not deliver it up to be destroyed.

    And in the age of wrath, 390 years after He had given them into the hand of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, He visited them, and He caused a plant root to spring from Israel and Aaron to inherit His Land and to prosper on the good things of His earth. And they perceived their iniquity and recognized that they were guilty men, yet for 20 years they were like blind men groping for the way."

    - Translation by Geza Vermes

    The Babylonian captivity of 70 years is naturally connected with the Egyptian captivity of 430 years and leading to the Exodus under Moses.
    But there are seemingly unsurmountable differences between the historical evidence for such an exodus and the Egyptian history engaging certain Hyksos or 'Shepherd Kings' and a thorough elucidation on this subject matter is warranted.

    But the 'Building and rebuilding after its destruction of the temple in Jerusalem' will be shown to be of key importance and so the exiled Maya, who remembers hisher own participation in the story being told here; shall be called to remembrance as to the relevance of this selfsame story being told by me, the messenger of the 'Little Serpent' who is the creator of the material universe.
    The story shall continue with the importance of the Egyptian Twinship of the Lion and a twinship directly inherited by the 'Teacher of Righteousness' in the Mayan Age of Pisces.
    The evolution of Egyptian mythology has great implication for the later birth of the world religions and the Cosmic Twinship and relates to the Sphinx as the Symbol of Horus as the 'Cosmic Redeemer' and the 'Cosmic Christ' and the 'Office of the Plumed Serpent'.

    IAmWhoIAm! - A Storyteller of the Ancient Times!

    Manethon devz Neith

    Last edited by shiloh on Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:33 am; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  10. admin

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    • Post n°70

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. THEeXchanger on Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:22 am
    This was posted before

    The Calendar of Calakmul, Campeche, Mexico
    - Pyramid 390 ft square ~ 390 x 24,000 = 9,360,000 = 360 x 26000

    This is also another calendar:

    That fits into the work of:

    Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder


    9,360,000 divided by 360 = 26,000

    9,360,360 divided by 360 = 26,001

    also 9,360,000 divided by 390 = 24,000 - plato's great year

    and, 9,360,360 divided by 390 = 24,000.923

    ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger


    Structure II at the ancient Mayan city of Calakmul (Campeche, Mexico)
    is a massive north-facing pyramid temple, one of the largest in the Maya world.

    Its base measures 120 meters (390 ft) square and it stands over 45 metres (148 ft) high.

    The city is situated on a promontory formed by a natural 35-metre (115 ft) high limestone dome

    rising above the surrounding lowlands.

    This dome was artificially leveled by the Maya.

    The stone used in construction at the site is a soft limestone. 4has resulted in severe erosion of the site's sculpture.

    [info. orig. posted Aug 20th 2012]

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