The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:00 pm

    "Common Public Etiquette"? What happened to "Free Will and Free Choice"? I am an Individual with Free Will and Free Choice, Quite Frankly, I don't waste my time on titles with "Death of the Universe"! I do not live in a Mindset of "Apocolyptic in Mind". I do not desire to see the Death of nor End of! Now you might because you have disabilities to which you do not like. I ask you, what is your Karma?
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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:01 pm

    And Shiloh has the Passwords to Raven and so I will not waste my time on indigestion from that of an intestinal issue! The Belly of the Beast growls for you in indigestion!
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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:19 pm

    Aquaries 1111 wrote:

    Aquaries 1111 wrote: You know what Shiloh! Bill said it as discretely as he could at the time from PA. You are Delusional!
    Aquaries 1111 wrote: You are Delusional!
    Aquaries1111 wrote: And Shiloh has the Passwords to Raven and so I will not waste my time on indigestion from that of an intestinal issue! The Belly of the Beast growls for you in indigestion!

    Aquaries 1111, you must be exceptionally bored to continually think it is necessary to toss sand around in others eyes. Can you attempt to grow up a bit please? A few quotes to remind you of some forum etiquette in case you forgot.

    Carol wrote: Post Carol on Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:52 pm
    Forum guidelines:

    Hi and welcome - Just a few guidlines...

    Be polite and respectful. Disagree by all means. No abusive behaviour. Have fun

    Just for the record - any member who emotionally attacks another member will be immediately banned for 30 days until tempers cool down and to give the banned member the opportunity to see if it's time to change attitude or leave the Mists.
    Raven wrote: To NOT spam this thread is a show of etiquette as you did not start this thread. It is customary forum etiquette that when someone starts a thread it stays on topic, regardless of who the poster is or is not. To continue to derail threads with off topic, unrelated posts is not only very rude but highly irritating to the readers and posters. It seems you have a bone to pick DD, Aquaries, Owlsden...aka whoever you are, I suggest you go to a graveyard to do your DEED as there are no bones here to pick anymore.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Last edited by Raven on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:24 pm

    Spam this Thread? Shiloh has been missing for months. This is not his "terrain" Dear and it is not yours. It is actually All of ours to comment, to shred to pieces, to "Distaste" and to "Tear Apart". This is "Free Will Speech" is it not? And The Mists of Avalon have no regard for your "space". Disappear all day long and all night long. They exist with or without your "Delusions"!
  6. admin

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    • Post n°26

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Raven on Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:01 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Aquarius 1111 and We Are You

    Your 'spamming' posts has been an ongoing problem for months and something I get regular complaints about, which is why I asked the two of you to place your spamming in threads you personally create and not to spam others threads. You're on notice that any spamming of other's threads will be deleted. In addition, any complaints with respect to your spamming that I miss (as I tend not to ready your posts) will be followed up on - where those posts will be deleted as well. Please be courteous of other members and only post a personal comment when posting in a thread someone else has created.

    We are You- rarely do you post any personal comment. Perhaps this is a time to rethink how you wish to communicate with other members on the forum.
    Aquaries1111 wrote: Spam this Thread? Shiloh has been missing for months. This is not his "terrain" Dear and it is not yours. It is actually All of ours to comment, to shred to pieces, to "Distaste" and to "Tear Apart". This is "Free Will Speech" is it not? And The Mists of Avalon have no regard for your "space". Disappear all day long and all night long. They exist with or without your "Delusions"!
    MAGIC MIRROR wrote: Shiloh is certainly missing in your life doubt about that. I can assure you that it has not been missing for months, not in my life or in the lives of those who know where it is. Shiloh is the place of the Omnipresent Christ. Peace becomes illusive to those who can only see themselves when they look into the mirror of life. Mirror mirror on the wall, Aquaries is not the fairest of them all. 17&version=KJV

    A little something for you to read in your boredom.

    In the Bible, the Promised One "who is to come" to the people at some time in the future is called the Messiah. He is also called "King of Kings", and as a sovereign, He will be the one to take over and hold the sceptre.

    Following this Biblical theme, the sceptre will stay with the existing family lineage of Judah, the Jewish people's government and the head of state until the final leader who will then claim that sceptre. That individual is also named Shiloh.
    But generally Shiloh describes a location as the place where the 'new family from the stars' will be save as the inheritance of Abraham and Sarah.
    It becomes a 'Place of Refuge', originally in the geography of Israel, but then multiplied around the globe as the Manyness of the 'Coming of the Messiah' in the Christed Consciousness' of the 'Sacred Eucharist'.


    Genesis 49:10
    The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

    Joshua 16:6
    And the border went out toward the sea to Michmethah on the north side; and the border went about eastward unto Taanathshiloh, and passed by it on the east to Janohah;

    Joshua 18:1
    And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them.

    Joshua 18:8
    And the men arose, and went away: and Joshua charged them that went to describe the land, saying, Go and walk through the land, and describe it, and come again to me, that I may here cast lots for you before the LORD in Shiloh.

    Joshua 18:9
    And the men went and passed through the land, and described it by cities into seven parts in a book, and came again to Joshua to the host at Shiloh.

    Joshua 18:10
    And Joshua cast lots for them in Shiloh before the LORD: and there Joshua divided the land unto the children of Israel according to their divisions.

    Joshua 19:51
    These are the inheritances, which Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads of the fathers of the tribes of the children of Israel, divided for an inheritance by lot in Shiloh before the LORD, at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation. So they made an end of dividing the country.

    Joshua 21:2
    And they spake unto them at Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, The LORD commanded by the hand of Moses to give us cities to dwell in, with the suburbs thereof for our cattle.

    Joshua 22:9
    And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the country of Gilead, to the land of their possession, whereof they were possessed, according to the word of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

    Joshua 22:12
    And when the children of Israel heard of it, the whole congregation of the children of Israel gathered themselves together at Shiloh, to go up to war against them.

    Judges 18:31
    And they set them up Micah's graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.

    Judges 21:12
    And they found among the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead four hundred young virgins, that had known no man by lying with any male: and they brought them unto the camp to Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan.

    Judges 21:19
    Then they said, Behold, there is a feast of the LORD in Shiloh yearly in a place which is on the north side of Bethel, on the east side of the highway that goeth up from Bethel to Shechem, and on the south of Lebonah.

    Judges 21:21
    And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh, and go to the land of Benjamin.

    1 Samuel 1:3
    And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there.

    1 Samuel 1:9
    So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD.

    1 Samuel 1:24
    And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child was young.

    1 Samuel 2:14
    And he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook brought up the priest took for himself. So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither.

    1 Samuel 3:21
    And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD.

    1 Samuel 4:3
    And when the people were come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it cometh among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies.

    1 Samuel 4:4
    So the people sent to Shiloh, that they might bring from thence the ark of the covenant of the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth between the cherubims: and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.

    1 Samuel 4:12
    And there ran a man of Benjamin out of the army, and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes rent, and with earth upon his head.

    1 Samuel 14:3
    And Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the LORD'S priest in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. And the people knew not that Jonathan was gone.

    1 Kings 2:27
    So Solomon thrust out Abiathar from being priest unto the LORD; that he might fulfil the word of the LORD, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh.

    1 Kings 14:2
    And Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself, that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam; and get thee to Shiloh: behold, there is Ahijah the prophet, which told me that I should be king over this people.

    1 Kings 14:4
    And Jeroboam's wife did so, and arose, and went to Shiloh, and came to the house of Ahijah. But Ahijah could not see; for his eyes were set by reason of his age.

    Psalms 78:60
    So that he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men;

    Jeremiah 7:12
    But go ye now unto my place which was in Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel.

    Jeremiah 7:14
    Therefore will I do unto this house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh.

    Jeremiah 26:6
    Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.


    Last edited by Raven on Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:19 pm; edited 6 times in total
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Oct 07, 2013 10:20 pm

    Why can't you share the whole truth without hiding behind ridiculous scripture?

    Carol wrote:
    WAY is the individual I'm consistently getting complaints about regarding spamming various threads - not you Deborah. Perhaps you can persuade him to stop this practice.
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh on Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:47 am

    Two Years of 'Lost Treasures' from Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem in Babylon after the Flood

    [8/10/2013 8:45:26 PM] Hades 88: this chat is about dd saying her farewell?
    [3:16:49 PM] Shiloh: PS.: Owlsden = NEW ABBABAAB PEACE = 42+12+30 = 84 joined 'Elders of Thuban' on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011 and left 'Elders of Thuban' on Saturday, October 8th at 22:53:34 Hours UCT.
    [3:19:48 PM] Shiloh: She then rejoined as Halo on October 9th, 2012 before being banned on March 4th, 2013 and later rejoined under virg in association with sonic boomerang on March 20th, 2013 ---go figure

    However in the Logos timeline the below excerpts are mapped in 2 years from October 9th, 2011 to October 9th, 2012 to October 9th, 2013

    February 23rd, 2011March 28th, 2011March 29th, 2011March 30th, 2011April 1st, 2011April 19th, 2011April 24th, 2011September 13th, 2011October 9th, 2011March 28th, 2012July 3rd, 2012
    November 12th, 2013October 10th, 2013October 9th, 2013October 8th, 2013October 6th, 2013September 18th, 201September 13th, 2013April 24th, 2013March 29th, 2013October 9th, 2012July 4th, 2012

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it? - #32000 March 28th, 2011

    - Discussions that involve drugs and other intoxicating substances, pornography, foul language, racial / sexual / national intolerance, hate speech, politically subversive acts or planning, will obviously not be tolerated.
    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    Three birds with one stone! Outed!
    Eh? Care to explain or just blowing smoke out your ass?

    TraLaLa wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    We are "the forum"... colors are fine! But you cannot hide who you truly are! Your posts speak volumes about you... from beginning to end...over 1600 for you which by the way I have no desire to delve into!

    WHOOO HOOO 1700!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    #32176 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Tbone wrote:
    Deborah wrote:
    Had to run out. I bring up that subject because these people , Manson included were members of a satanic cult that embraced the dark side as you suggest. The cult started in England ( of course ) and was called the Process Church. Their belief system was similar to the Thuban material and stated that there is dark and kight and all is equal. etc. etc. It leads to no good so that was what I had in mind when I was posting before but had to go. I must go again on a no-heat call be back tomorrow.

    Watch it with that pie SC its loaded.

    Are you relating to the above post?
    If you are, your perceptions are skewed. Manson was only brought up by you - no-one else. What was stated was that god is both dark and light. It's up to the individual to decide how they use their energy. Healing ourselves will in fact help heal the earth by raising her immune system. Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism. Understanding what is going on is important. It's only when fear is feared that more problems occur. Understanding our own psychology is important if we are to make it through this next phase.

    #32177 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:

    We'll see. In the meantime why don't you run over there and tell them.

    #32179 March 28th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:
    First of all I think there is some confusion here.. Run over where and tell who? I don't even know anything about Thuban material other than what I have read about them on this forum. Nothing needs to be told to them if they have the ability to html these sites.

    #32181 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

    Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
    Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

    This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

    #32182 March 28th, 2011
    plumber wrote:
    Debradenslow wrote:
    First of all I think there is some confusion here.. Run over where and tell who? I don't even know anything about Thuban material other than what I have read about them on this forum. Nothing needs to be told to them if they have the ability to html these sites.

    That was for arctourist.

    #32183 March 28th, 2011
    Deborah wrote:
    plumr2007 wrote:
    This whole light and dark thing is just a promulgation of Aleister Crowley's " Do as thou wilt ". You can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

    Quote: Judging dark or light is actually falling into the act of dualism.
    Now you're opposed to dualism? Your whole premise of balancing light and dark is dualism.

    This balancing act that you propose is impossible. You can't live your life on a fulcrum, its too confining. Pick a side and be honest with yourself. Stop using this psycho-babble as a hiding place.

    You use the words impossible in your comments... I quote you "This balancing act that you propose is impossible"...(maybe for you). "Pick a side". No more needs to be said here. Look within and "Know Thyself".

    #32728 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the whole thread huh? you think that's cool?
    well i didn't start the thread,but that's not the way you deal with something like that...that's like punishing everyone for one person's bad behavior-collective i said on the thread that's gone,no one is compelled to participate or even read a thread,and one person shouldn't be allowed to ruin a thread like that,just because they used to be a moderator...
    the thread wasn't the problem,in fact there was no problem outside of the mind of one person who set out to ruin the thread for everyone just seems wrong to me...
    what's next,right?

    Arctourist seriously, the only one who is being punished is you! Because that is your belief system. The mods are doing their jobs fantastically... remember the signature disclaimer by the OP that created the original post... Glad she now has no control huh?.... Bigger picture here than just you buddy! Hundreds of people read these things and that is what is taken into consideration... All of us - not just you as an individual! Not only that but the original OP had the disclaimer to post it "wherever".... Read before you post anything that can be carried into the wind!

    #32729 March 30th, 2011
    Tangy wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?
    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    #32730 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    the offenders-if there were attacks,should be dealt with on an individual basis,as their posts,but to close and hide a whole thread is just not cool-i wasn't attacking anyone,i was even polite-what do you mean 'nothing but attacks'?

    who was not polite-well i guess now we aren't allowed to see what really happened,yeah good job guys!

    My nothing but attacks statement was not directed at you arctourist. You conducted yourself admirably. IF anything you were attacked not an attacker.

    #32731 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?
    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    Well Tangent actually I have.. PM me and I'll tell you who I am!

    #32736 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?
    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    Well Tangent actually I have.. PM me and I'll tell you who I am!

    DD hope you read this. Wow just wow. I can not believe you blocked me just because I accepted someone else as a friend. Like I discussed with you and others I wanted to gather information about the rift in the forums. If you want to heal the rift you have to get to know everyone involved. I am a positive person who will be friends with anyone who acts in good faith. Still thank you for the kind words before you blocked me. I really do appreciate them. It is just sad that you let something trivial get in the way of being friends. I sincerely hope that you are forever happy and healthy. Instead of blocking me you could of explained your position. Au Revoir.

    #32737 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    Arctourist what world are you living in? This had nothing to do with Lita... this post was alive after her fact... CrystalChi was the reason! Stop whining and say something important.. Do you know anything "real important"?..... If so - say so!

    #32738 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Well for the record! I blocked you because you are not even aware of the friends you are choosing!... This is the only message for you.. Not that I am better.. but I am "careful" and not "willy nilly"... You are new remember? I am not!

    #32739 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    #32740 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    #32741 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    #32747 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    And clicking a button is just as powerful as saying "you are my friend"... By that statement alone is telling me volumes about you! When you click your online banking statement to pay a bill it is equally the same as saying "I do"!

    #32749 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    Exactly I am not aware. I am new. But that is ok. I do not hold grudges. I still have nothing but respect for you. And willy nilly. This is a forum. I am not letting them house sit for me lol. Like I said before I wish nothing but the best for you and everyone.........PEACE

    That's fine... but know who you invite in "before you invite them in"... Integrity is my motto... and I will not have tin cans dragging behind me... that is why "I choose my friends wisely" and have none thusfar! I stand alone... walking this mountain alone!!!!!! Friends are fine... if they are truly "authentic".. TBoneyandSteak is one thus far I can highly recommend! Check out his posts if you want to... or not! Up to you!

    Ok I can respect your argument. I was just confused. You said you were a peacemaker. I thought you would understand how to go about doing that. I will check out the poster that you recommended. I also consider myself an army of 1. I guess the crux of our disagreement is the fact that you put supreme importance on the act of clicking a digital button to make someone your friend. Thinking that the very act of doing so some how taints ones soul. But like I said I respect your argument. I understand. This will be all I say on this matter. I do not want to be one of those posters. Causing further rifts. The universe does not need more drama lol....................PEACE AND LOVE FOREVER!

    I do not "disagree". I just made a choice. There is a difference! Your challenge, I can see early on is picking your "friends" carefully! Look at those in your life! Are there any you would like to "move on from"... This is my point! I choose them for their authenticity! This is my motto!

    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol. I do pick my friends extremely carefully. This is a forum. Not real life. In real life I only have a hand full of really good friends. More like family. In chicago we say we do not have friends. Only family associates and enemies. I reiterate this is a forum. You seemed cool. I thought we could chat some. The only way to chat privatly on this forum is through the private messages. I did not know you placed so much importance on clicking the friend button. And now I can not chat with you privately because you banned me. Its the real life friends that are important to me. And now I will never know if you could of been one of them. Oh well. Live and learn. This is my very last message on this. I do not like airing my dirty laundry in public for all to see lol. I am embarrasing myself again lol. So please do not pretend to know me based on something I said in a forum. I do not to presume to know you. People are extremely complex creatures.

    #32756 March 30th, 2011
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    DD wrote:
    OP doesn't have any power to remove anything that is written here! Remember, we are also under control by the ones we subscribe to.. but at least we trust the ones that we subscribe to and they are doing their job.. Thanks again guys!

    Okay DD, even though it seems like you haven't really been up to speed on what all has happened here in the last few weeks -- let's say you're right. Because I agree with your stance.

    Mods: Chaska, Chakra, SG, Triggs, Tommy -- did you guys delete MaryIshtar's thread?
    ETA: Just saw Chaska's response. So it seems the Mod Squad is on duty again. All righty.

    In response, yet not directed at any particular individual.
    I am actually O.K. with that as It had already served it's purpose in bringin to Tommy's attention what was said, and it was dealt with by Tommy appropriately. I was going to message Tommy to see if he would remove it because it became clear the the ones who started that situation were not realizing they made fools of themselves, and it just kept getting uglier.

    And since Steve is apparently really still quite active here I would not have expected the thread to stay up for long. Because it does not do Camelot justice to see grown adults sink so low. I am glad it was removed. Lol. This forum is for information sharing, and discussion.

    You can call me whatever you want. I chose the name I chose because I do NOT accept the establishment brainwashed view of that being, OR many others. You know why? Gnosis. It (the established stories)is a political ploy, and I will leave it at that. Everyone knows that anyway. Plus I guess you could really call a person a whore who is celibate right? Name or no name... the name just exposed how people are sooner. I like the name, as it is but a human label. I am actually a born again Christian and have been for ten years. But I do not accept the politically controlled version of it because I know the story personally quite well. So you all can see I really really really do not care at all what any person has to say about me. There is much more out ther to see in Creation than human ugliness. Though we'd have to look beyond the plastic and oil filled oceans and toxic dump landfills and ravaged forests, etc. etc. etc... To see it.

    Basically I did it because I wanted to let you expose your collective false love and light crap, and hipocracy after seeing how the Thuban people were ganged up on. It is not O.K. to treat other people like crap. and you can play your little take things out of context games and do whatever. It does not effect me as I know better and so do others.

    Good day all you all knowers.
    "If your relationship or your work is empowered by a myth, then it will have extra energy and inspiration. But do you know what that myth is and what it is saying?" ~ The Tree of Life Oracle

    #32763 March 30th, 2011
    karmicacid wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    DD wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    RRRRRRRRRRRRR I said I would not post on this again. This is the last. If I do not hold true mods ban me lol.
    I am embarrasing myself again lol.

    Don't feel bad, karmic, it's all good. And don't worry, the mods wouldn't ban you even if you wanted them to. [​IMG]
    (Unless you did something illegal, like posting copyrighted material repeatedly after being asked not to do so, something like that.)

    Uh oh I did post a part of a copywrited song in one of the songs I posted. I will not do it again. Mods can delete that one titled outro ( it only has like a verse on it) if they want to...........PEACE
    And of course if that was not a subtle warning just ignore what I said lol. As I walk away non chalantly whistling a tune know one knows.

    Karmicacid... You are way too honest! We would never have known! Trust yourself... Stop being so honest! Or is it Naive? Hmmm.. We are all naive you know!... You are learning.

    I am just honest. I am not naive trust me. I grew up in a very tough neighborhood in Chicago. I grew up extremely fast. I just do not believe in lying. In grade school i saw someone get his head caved in with a brick and die while my mother tried to help him. I have seen people get shot. It is a big part of why i spout so much peace and love now. I know the evil men can do. I have not seen my mother in years she just up and left and my father is a drug addict. I strive to live my life right.

    #32765 March 30th, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Okay... I know we are all naive. That is okay though because we are learning! No-one can tell you what to do I know... but since you speak these words I can only share with you my insight... Take it for what it's worth. Have you tried to find your mother?... I would expend some energy on that part of your life... This is part of the healing work and we all have healing work to do! Even if you never find her you can always say "I set my intentions to heal this part of my life".... You are not alone! Love You.

    I know where she is. She is married to some guy in north carolina now. I also know she has had another child. A daughter. So I have a sister I have never seen. Sometimes I want so much to see my mom again. Other times I am just filled with hate for her. I know she is a big block in my mental make up that I have to heal. I just do not know what to do. And I am not brave enough to face her. I consider myself a tough bastard. But whenever I think of my mother I cry. She is the only person I have ever shed tears over. I do not even know why I am telling people this. I guess you are right I am too honest. Probably too honest for my own good.

    Oh and right now I just want to say sorry for hijacking this thread on the Thuban material. I still dont even know what it is lol.

    #32983 March 30th, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    MaryIshtarCreiddylad wrote:
    CrystalChi wrote:
    karmicacid I can understand why you want to end the conflict, but with due respect not sure that is your job.

    We didn't have this kind of thing before, now we do... happy reading, so if you want to research to create peace... then good... you can start with MaryIshtar and Arctourist, I just don't wish to read anymore bad mouthing about myself on this and other forums where they take it..hey maybe you can stop them doing that for a start.
    OK out of here.

    So is this the reason why My thread was deleted? Not that I mind, because I have copies.

    #33430 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    And Arachne, in case you missed my version here it is and there are no in between the lines.

    Sorry, used the plural here (Smurf = frums)

    see the link:

    #33431 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:

    #33446 April 1st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    DD wrote:

    Aye DD; there are many Gremlins of the sorts; rather cute really - if you dont feed them after midnight!


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #33450 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    DD wrote:

    Aye DD; there are many Gremlins of the sorts; rather cute really - if you dont feed them after midnight!


    Actually feeding them after midnight makes them better "servants".. Don't you know that?

    #33454 April 1st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    SpaceCowboy wrote:
    Arachne wrote:
    Tangent wrote:
    Arachne wrote:

    Think about it tangent. Or ask smurfette, she knows.

    All right Tony, so no simple, honest answer on the question re: what "smurfs" and "smurfette" mean in your references to them to Siriusblue, and their relationship to the Thuban material.

    Good enough. My original interpretation of the usage wasn't too far off after all, it seems.

    Dear tangent!
    You may wish to read your own words on the Smurf thread.
    Also here is the truth about Smurfette, if you can read between lines.;Itemid=164#33417


    Hey Phoenix, thanks for the invite to your forum. I went in, looked around, posted. WTF? What a ghost forum. It's laughable. How many fuc11ing dragons are there, 6?

    Oh you did - yes I checked indeed you have become one of us?!
    Welcome to the 6 dragons SpaceCowboy. Yes indeed, we are like ghosts and your expertise is most appreciated as our new Public Relations Officer. Hitherto your work has been truly exceptional.

    In the honour of the dragonheart we salute you as one of us now; if not by name then by associations.

    Thank You

    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #33458 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Arachne, You are losing steam! You are losing steam! You stoop so low now to think that SC is one of you because he checked out a ghostly website... Wow... that is telling me much about your psyche. After all your fancy long long extra long posts of well can't remember cos they were too long (and I didn't read them).. but you know the posts I'm talking about! Dragons are losing their fire power!

    #33465 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    DD wrote:
    Arachne, You are losing steam! You are losing steam! You stoop so low now to think that SC is one of you because he checked out a ghostly website... Wow... that is telling me much about your psyche. After all your fancy long long extra long posts of well can't remember cos they were too long (and I didn't read them).. but you know the posts I'm talking about! Dragons are losing their fire power!

    sorry,none of my business maybe,but what's with that?
    to me it shows they're the better,more tolerant and open-minded people-allowing even the,uh,well as you said lowest onto their platform,with no hesitation or what-have-you

    Stop talking in riddles Arc and become clear! I can't understand a word you just said.

    #3468 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:

    sorry....i guess what i meant was,these thubans,even after you attack,insult and smear them,still would invite such people onto their forum,they're rather jesus-like in a sense

    #33469 April 1st, 2011
    Spacecake wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    sorry....i guess what i meant was,these thubans,even after you attack,insult and smear them,still would invite such people onto their forum,they're rather jesus-like in a sense

    Can you un-riddle that response for us?

    #33470 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    They don't care who enters their "lonely cave".. It's all about numbers. Don't ya know that!

    #33472 April 1st, 2011
    Arachne wrote:
    arctourist wrote:]
    sorry....i guess what i meant was,these thubans,even after you attack,insult and smear them,still would invite such people onto their forum,they're rather jesus-like in a sense

    Well arc, heshe is our masterdragon and the only guide we can accept.
    There is another forum anyone can visit and it is the artistic one.

    This one is the easiest to read and maintened by more artistically inclinded dragons, than myself.


    Replies to this message; if on an OP thread started by me; might appear as context feedback on other forums without links to profile ID on Camelot.
    The Presence of the Mosaic implies the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
    I Am One in Many and Many in One!

    #33474 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    oooh.. The dragons are now showing us their gems! Should we feel priviliged. Or is it that we are taking the gems from you!!!!!!!!!!

    #33475 April 1st, 2011
    arctourist wrote:
    in a sense,i guess everything is about numbers,or can be maybe expressed that way
    for example,today i might be about 56% benevolent but after a few bad days in a row,i might need to really work hard to get back to the other side,as it were
    yeah,sorry,you will only 'get' what you are allowed to get,or what your numbers,your karma ,will allow
    well that's one way of looking at things anyways
    personally i always hated math and physics-it still makes little or no sense to me

    #33478 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Understood. You are not there yet...

    #33526 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    karmicacid wrote:
    arctourist wrote:
    yeah,what's with smurfs...except being blue,i don't know what else they are-

    Well you see it is very simple. When you get to the top of the illuminati pyramid who do you find sitting on the throne. Papa Smurf thats who holding a chain that is attached to Smurfette like jabba the hutt and princess leia in return of the jedi. Case closed. Spread this info far and wide. Everyone needs to know who the true enemy of humanity is lol.

    Karmicacid... What can I say? Nothing to you today? You see life thru llusory eyes... You wonder who God is and why he creates your pain? Read your poetry... If it is actually yours... Get over being a victim. Take your power back and create something "new" including your writing! God hasn't abandoned you, doesn't have a plan for you... only you do!

    A man of true authenticity.

    Thanks for sharing.

    #33531 April 1st, 2011
    kamicad wrote:
    DD you are a very perplexing person. But so is everyone. The smurf thing was a joke. The poems are mine. How am i being a victim. Please explain. Oh and just so you know I am spacecowboy arctourist and everyone else to lol. That was just a joke but you will probably get mad at me for it lol. I do enjoy reading your posts though. I really am sorry I am not as sure as you on everything. I wish I was.

    #33533 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    That's why I could never have accepted you as my friend? You are not Authentic! Conduit closed! You know what that means right? I will not respond to you anymore... My choice!

    #33662 April 1st, 2011
    Deedee wrote:
    Sorry for confusing you guys last night but it was past midnight... APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!! That's what happens when you stay up past midnight on APRIL FOOLS DAY! Okay, from now on I'm only telling the truth.... (you know who you are...)

    Re: The Thuban material, what is it? #33775 April 1st, 2011

    Deedee wrote:
    I apologize if you all have read this.. but this is what I discovered on their website... (they talk about sin..) That was as far as I could get.... That said it all for me!... They want humanity to be powerless.. They are working to bring about the "end of the world"... but they won't succeed.. because we are waking up! Here's what I found out about them: I ask you to question everything I have put a strike thru...

    From within my dragonheart comes a message of perspectives.

    Many of you are experiencing a myriad of feelings right now, most of which seem to be centered on your feelings of self worth. It seems as though no one is listening or hearing your unique voice and worth in the world. Infact, it is only yourself who is not acknowledging your own true voice and worth, and this is reflected in the mass consciousness right now. Tempers are flairing and opinions sometimes harsh and seemingly cruel are being dished out by the masses of you. The rage you feel inside of you is because you are finally waking up to your own falseness and realizing the great illusion.

    You are moving back and forth through your feelings of self and SELF and not staying focused on that which you truly are. Right now you are sitting on the threshold of something completely new and wonderous and these feelings of doubt, anger, sadness and frustration are holding you back from going through that doorway.

    My loves, you are mourning the loss of the shadow self, the part of you which is being integrated and merged with the totality of who you are. The lines of Duality are being erased before your very eyes, yet you I-dentify with something that is only a shadow, a reflection of who you are.

    Identifying with the lower self is what keeping you from reaching the doorway to your infinite self. You fear loosing your identity, that unique individual that you are, called by a certain name that distinguishes you from all the rest, all of your history going down the drain into Oneness. Deep inside, you know that you are more than this name, this identity, this lifetime, which is given by a shadow world, limited by its perspective of duality and separation, yet you cling to it like a life raft.

    The truth of who and what you really are eludes you and the doorway becomes invisible when you refuse to see from the perspective of your Highest Self. Every single being alive is part of your totality, only when you focus from your lower self, do you seem separated from each of your unique selves. It is from there, the lower self that you believe no one is listening, caring, and loving you. From the perspective of the lower self, we criticize ourselves, point fingers and play the blame game, the separation and duality sharply defined.

    You decide on which level you will play and what role you wish to be, it is as simple as that, choosing to see from your highest perspective or falling back into the singular role of individuality. If you wish to see the greater vista, just like on earth you have to rise above the valley floor. And from the experience of that journey, you never forget the great view you had from above, taking it with you when you leave the higher ground, the memory of it continually reminding you of the bigger picture.

    Stepping into the doorway of the new world is not asking you to forget who you are in this lifetime, but to remember who you are in totality. This is not a time of forgetting, but a time of rememberance. A time to integrate all of your many journeys, lifetimes and paths, sharing those memory’s with your whole SELF.
    The mark you think you need to make on this world has been made, within each of you, as your individual selves. And those memories will not fade, but be made immortal by your Highest Self. The story of your individual self is being told now within this lifetime you are living. It is continually being scribed upon your heart with the ink of your soul, no object can hold these memories. Attaching yourself to the objects and things of this world will only hold you back and the way to freedom will elude you. It is within your heart, that your greatest voice is heard and shared. Your unique life and journey is recorded here and its deepest admirer is your true self, your Higher Self or Logos.

    Rise up within yourself to that grand vista and SEE who is listening, caring and loving you unconditionally and choose to stay within that perspective. Within the heartbeat of your Infinite Self does your uniqueness truly shine, it is here that you will find unconditional love and acceptance. This is the new world.

    The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".

    Who or what is this truth? and how does something that was once nothing have a goal to be known by you, inviting you every moment of your life? This is the great mystery of creation. The void of nothingness became filled with life and creation was born. Just as the womb of a barren woman desires a child to fill her void, this longing to create and fill our own emptyness is echoed in the same lonlyness we feel in our hearts. We are mirrors of this desire for life and within the faces of our human family do we find the reflection of the Truth. And who else is in front of you but your other selves, disguised as your human family.

    What divides us within this darkness is our only sin and it is the veil which separates the seen from the unseen. It is called ignorance. And what is ignorance really but the hidden nature of things, something which is not revealed.

    Anything you want to know regarding any strike through I will share my thoughts (not truths)...p.s. who are the Thubans working for? They are religious fanatics looking to "free the beast". 666... Dark side of the Sun.. Maybe they are being controlled by darker forces.. I wouldn't waste too much more energy from now on focusing on Thuban... They need a "new identity"... or the original one "HUMANITY WILL SUCCEED".

    Last edited by shiloh on Wed Oct 09, 2013 10:11 am; edited 2 times in total

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