The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°190

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 4:05 pm
    Carol wrote:

    Copyright Infringement

    Hello Carol,

    Here is the message sent by the contact form page Anonymous of "" -

    Message subject : [Contact] Copyright Infringement

    Message content :

    November 13, 2015

    Attn: Copyright Agent,

    Pursuant to 17 USC 512 (c) (3) (A), this communication serves as a statement that:

    1. I am, Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., the exclusive rights holder for “The convoluted universe Book 2”, ISBN # 1-886940-90-8, publication date: Feb. 2007, Author: Dolores Cannon, TX number available upon request;

    2. These exclusive rights are being violated by material available upon your site at the following URL(s):!-!GKLGHE!-!2qs/dolores_cannon_-_the_convoluted_universe_book_2.pdf

    3. I have a good faith belief that the use of this material in such a fashion is not authorized by the copyright holder, the copyright holder’s agent, or the law:

    4. Under penalty of perjury in a United States court of law, I state that the information contained in this notification is accurate, and that I am authorized to act on the behalf of the exclusive rights holder for the material in question;

    5. I may be contacted by the following methods (include all): Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., Attn: Nancy Garrison, 276 Madison 2337, Huntsville, AR 72740; Ph: 479-738-2348 or fax: 479-738-2448; and email:;

    I hereby request that you remove or disable access to this material as it appears on your service in as expedient a fashion as possible. Thank you.


    Brandy McDonald
    General Manager Assistant
    Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.

    Sender e-mail address:

    If present by November 17th, 2015 any time; this thread will be deleted without further notice by its author.
    In view of the 'discovery' of alleged infringement of copyright with respect to a reference to another forum; the following 'Disclosure' statement is shared for the timeperiod ending November 17th, 2015.

    40 Years Later - November 15-16th, 2015

    3. The Snowstorm of the Awakening! (November 1975)

    It had been a long party. I laid in the arms of my fiancee somewhere in the countryside in Bavaria and not far from the Alps and the border between Austria and Germany.

    We had returned to the typical but very old farm estate and relaxed in front of the ancient woodburning combustion stove.
    Thinking of nothing in particular, I looked up to the ceiling and became aware of a wooden chandelier, just a wooden construction really with four corners and four handcarved figurines depicting the four directions of the sky.
    I thought something funny in regards to those figurines. To an representative teen, and not particularly interested in any otherworldly things; those things nevertheless exuded something sinister, some strange force of hatefulness.
    I shook my head and tried to dispel this emotion. I tried to think of making love and to turn my thoughts onto the young woman in my arms.

    I said: "Rosy, what do you make of those figurines up there?"
    She answered that they gave her the creeps and that she had never liked them all her 22 years of living in that place, her mother's farm since her father had died. I felt a little better. At least it wasn't completely in my imagination. Nevertheless I tried to forget about the thing and looked away from the figurines towards another part of the ceiling - concentrating to forgo this emotion of hate coming from the chandelier.
    Then it happened.

    Just looking at the ceiling, the ceiling began to move, not physically, but the astral "muck" vanished and this sort of opened the twilight zone, again in the beta state and so fully awake.
    Concentric pulsations of light streamed into my brain with a frequency just over one vibration every second. It would not stop and continued for about half an hour. I just laid there and mentioning to Rosy that some kind of energy was flowing into my head and I asked her to remain still and just see what would happen. After some time - though time seemed to be different and not linear during that experience - the sensations stopped to start allover again. The feelings of this energy were pleasant, but very penetrating and very strong.
    A kind of prickling sensation flowing from your top of your head right through your entire body.
    It was a kind of LOVE, but not a LOVE looking for something. It was a LOVE which KNEW and a LOVE which had immense power, but I did not understand any of it. I was only 18.
    The energy diminished and I suddenly saw myself within a different scenario.
    Campfires were burning in the night and in the distances all around this hill, this elevation. I saw figures couching around those fires, trying to keep warm. I was next to some wooden construction and as a turned my head to the left I saw those EYES - the most LOVING yet sad eyes imaginable.

    Those eyes of the purest LOVE spoke to me: "Why do they not understand? They just do not understand what LOVE is."
    That was all the eyes said, but I sensed another and subdued message: "Tell them about me and about my LOVE for them. Tell them what It Is!"

    But this LOVE was such that it did not command or tell anybody to do anything; it was even "afraid" to ask since it did not like to impose on anybody. It was just LOVE and LOVE and LOVE.
    Then the scenario of emotional intensity subsided and I returned to "normality".
    I was rather shaken and my body trembled because of my spiritual experience.
    My thoughts then turned to the figurines and I stood up and broke them off the chandelier and threw them into the fire in the stove. A symbolic act of faith! They were made of oak and my hands bled after I broke them in my act of "irrationality". Rosy said that she understood that something had been going on, but that she did not share in my visions of the LOVING EYES.
    She didn't mind me burning those figures, but she worried what her mother would say in the morning.
    We went upstairs to go to bed and the heater, a small two-tiered reflector was switched on to keep the room warm. The nights were getting colder as winter was approaching in Southern Germany.
    An incredible wave of hate radiated from this object, but our physical tiredness overcame us and we fell asleep even forgetting to make love.

    I woke up very early and a snowstorm was howling outside. Rosy was already up and milking the cows; she and her mother ran the little farm all by themselves; with Rosy's sister and brother helping out.
    It was very cold and the snow outside was more than a metre, covering the landscape. I went down into the stables and said to Rosy: " I must do something. I must go up this mountain to this little chapel up there and then I do not know what." Rosy just looked and collapsed unconsciously into my arms. I took off my heavy overcoat, wrapped it around her and proceeded to stomp my way through the snow and the snowstorm up to the little chapel.
    It seemed endless and progress was slow; but my impatience drove me on and I finally got there to find the chapel locked with a wire.

    I broke the wire and went inside, there was a statue of Mary and a few angels or whatever. I did not know what to do. I did not pray or follow any religious dogma or ceremonies. Sure I had been an altarboy like all the rest of the boys in the little village in Bavaria, Iffeldorf, where I grew up in this Catholic setting.
    So I just poured my heart out to whatever there might be and cried and went back outside and looked up to the sky. The snowstorm had finally subsided and the sun was trying to break through as morning sun.
    Then I decided to make my way down to this little village of Taching near Rosy's farm to visit the local church and tell the people that they were missing the point - for it was Sunday and all the villagers would go to church and follow their religious customs.
    Little did I know with my 18 years behind my ears; I did not expect the labels of hallucinations and mental illness and drug dependent freakishness.


    40 Years Later - November 15-16th, 2015

    I was dreaming and a starship appeared. It appeared real enough, something alike the Strartrekker starship like an advanced version of the 'Enterprise', but I straight away knew it was not as it seemed.
    It was rather closely associated with the 'powers that be', the echeloners who controlled the occurrences and happenings upon planet Earth.
    Soon enough, I was to experience a close encounter with those echeloners in circumstances blended with the fortunes of the past and the misfortunes of the present.

    But in the dream, the starship began to metamorphose in a number of scenarios, symbolizing the journeying of a shared past and the remembrance of it with the potentialised future manifesting in the present.
    The nature of the starship was partially physical and partially metaphysical, meaning that it was guided under parameters of dimensions pf physical densities blended with and into each other.

    In the dream the starship transformed into an ocean liner and I could walk along the cabins from the outside to see the captain's bridge and the crew inside of the guiding system for the ocean liner.
    But then this ocean cruiser veered away from its native element and became a sort of terra cruiser, able to transverse the land in an elevated fashion, say in hovering over the trees and forests with ease in a quasi starship fashion of interelemental adaptation capacity.

    From that dreamscape, the story changed into a script descriptive of the encounter with the echeloners as the adaptation of the captain's crew of the ocean liner.

    Now I had an accomplice, a young man known as Johan or Johnny or Jim, but also Julian. The two of us somehow became detected by the echeloner crew and they adviced us in authoritative terms, bordering on arrested, that we had to justify our actions of being where we were. Two of those agents then brought us to their headquarters for interrogations or examinations.

    The place the human appearing agents took us to, was like an underground establishment or a building complex hidden in caves or mountains. underground. There were many rooms and chambers, but no activity of personages or beings moving about.
    But both J and myself felt an atmosphere of oppression and foreboding in that place. We wanted to escape our confinements and as there were only two of them, we took our chances and as we walked across some bridge outside the building complex, we pushed both confiscators off the bridge into the enclave below and ran away from the headquarters of the captain's guiding crew.

    We knew, we were being followed and we found ourselves in the wilderness and J said he knew of a secret entrance place in the woods, where our pursuers would not find us. We reached this place, just a sort of native rock, which obscured the entrance into a new natural world as a counterpart of the constructed world of the echeloners, likewise hidden from the normal occurrences upon the planet Earth.

    But then the dreamscape changed and J remained in the natural world; whilst I had to resurface to face our persecuters. I found myself in the woods again and the sun was shining, when I saw a guy in a jeep driving towards me. He felt different than the echeloners, yet he was searching for me. At first I tried to avoid him, running from one place to another in the forest, but he adjusted his jeep, steering it wherever I moved to and I could not escape.
    As I somehow knew, that this guy was trustworthy, I stopped running away from him and approached him directly to ask him what all this persecution was about. As I approached him, he affirmed my identity in asking: "You are Tony Bermanseder, aren't you?!"

    I answered in the affirmative and so we talked and he said, that he was ordered to find and catch me and to bring me back to headquarters; but that he was not one of them.
    And it was about the times. Somehow the echeloners had discovered that I posed a threat to their establishment and now that they knew about it, I had to become neutralized to protect their status quo.
    The echeloners had found the records about my identity and reason for being on this planet in their surveillances and data bases and so the directive for my arrest and imprisonment has been given from the highest central authority.

    This guy did not mention J and so I thought it best to leave J out of whatever would follow in development from this situation.

    And so I decided to simply go to headquarters to face my persecutors.

    Then, at headquarters, I found myself surrounded by a number of agents and I saw straight away, that they were not human. They were so excited to see me and in their excitement, they could barely hide their natural appearance as reptilian humans from me.
    Their human masqueraded skin almost melted and their tongues were slithering when they talked and their eyes were yellow and obelisk shaped, like that of any native reptile found on Earth.

    I then felt rather jeopardized. The projected and openly displayed excitement of those 'aliens' made it clear to me, that they found me attractive and that this attraction was not one of benevolent desires to share commonly enjoyable experiences; but rather one for individual gratification.
    Did they want to eat or consume me or parts of me? It did feel that way and I wondered if it had been a good idea to accept their 'invitation' to meet them at their headquarters.

    So I was brought into a room or hall where interrogations could take place.
    Some chief guy there said: "We know all about you Tony Bermanseder!".
    I replied asking: "How did you find me?"

    He said: "We analysed our records and all is taken care of. Your human identity has been rubbed out and you can consider yourself as 'gone missing' on earth. Your disappearance has been formalized ."

    I thought to myself: "But what about the kids?"

    Again I realized that I would perhaps not be able to leave this place and that my life was in great danger of ending right in the headquarters of the echeloners, who seemed to be reptoid aliens.

    There were a number of echeloner agents standing around in that hall, where I was being interrogated by this chief administrator or inspector.

    I decided to offer my cooperation to the the chief, saying: "Now that I am here., we could work together. I could learn of your culture and I could share the culture of this planet with you."

    I soon realized, that the echeloners knew everything they wanted to know about the planet Earth and that they did not require anything I knew about it and that I was stuck here and perhaps would see the end of my human existence in the foreseeable future in this place.

    I did not know what to do next and so I simply said to the chief: 'You know that I am from Alpha Draconis, don't you?!"

    The chief lost his composure and jumped out of his chair or whatever he was sitting upon.


    'Yes, I am from Thuban!", I said and the entire mental atmosphere in the hall seemed to change from oppression to amazement and a feeling of utter astonishment.

    The chief then asked: "If I say: 'Begruui Reptia!', what say you?"

    From the top of my head and without contemplating the question, I said: 'Brigita!'

    I began to become aware of the whisperings between the echeloners; about a lost history and their ancestors and the rembrances hidden in a secret code. About the great conjuction of 2,200 million years ago, when the higher dimensional sentiences began to form to manifest in their divers form of physicality in the galaxies and starsystems and worlds of the universe.
    I then knew, that my life was no longer in danger, but that a form of jubilation and discovery had infested the echeloners from their very own and rather unhuman perspective and selfconscious cosmic awareness and universal beingness.

    I then also knew of Jen and Kira and Kira-Jen and Jen-Kira of the ancient pasts of all the extraterrestrial intelligences.

    86+66=152, the Broken Net of the Diadem of Darkness!

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°191

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 7:34 pm

    "If present by November 17th, 2015 any time; this thread will be deleted without further notice by its author.
    In view of the 'discovery' of alleged infringement of copyright with respect to a reference to another forum; the following 'Disclosure' statement is shared for the timeperiod ending November 17th, 2015."

    What I find odd is that I've looked through this thread and not found where the infringement exists. It looked to me that it was on the Thuban Forum and made no sense that Mists was notified instead. If there is a link that I missed that they were referring to all you have to do is just let me know what post it is and I can edit it out. I did see reference to Delores but nothing that would be considered an infringement.. I may be in error but the ones posting reference to her, please check and edit or pass on the link and post to me and I can handle it.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Thuban Dreamtimes!
    [3:51:23 AM] Kali 666: I had two dreams last night, the first one i lived in a what felt like being a fortified stone castle and after a party i was going around the property when in the gardens i saw an animal that seemed to look like a manta ray. It surprised me since it was a bit off the floor and advancing and i thought ok why isn't this being in water.
    When i approached him i saw it morphed into an alligator and i began to run towards it; i jumped over it but i felt i biting me from behind
    At that moment i opened my eyes and woke up and then i went back to dreaming again and this time i was in a house right at the beach, the house had many levels or floors and my room was at the very top
    I was sitting on my bed looking out the magnificent window and admiring the curtains and window dressings but most of all gorgeous view of the ocean i had, i looked out the window to see the beach and i could see the water being so strangely close to the house and a few ppl bathing very close to the beach since i could see the water was deep just very close
    After this i found myself swimming in a river and i saw a big crocodile nearby and it began to follow me
    I swam further and i see more and more crocodiles coming out of the water to meet me at the surface
    Then i try to see further ahead and i realize the river bank was filled with crocodiles in and out of the water and very soon i found myself completely surrounded by crocodiles and i thought to myself...i am in crocodile territory now....
    They looked at me intensely and came very close to me and i was surely scared but at the same time i was in an expecting stance...just waiting to see what they would do to me.
    Now i don't think i recall much after that moment

    [4:00:13 AM] Kali 666: Tony i just read your dream and i am thinking if that is your response to Carol
    [4:00:28 AM] Kali 666: why would you use that as a response to her warning
    [4:00:46 AM] Kali 666: do you think you have been seen by them?
    [4:01:55 AM] Kali 666: will you edit or delete the content of the infringement? if you decide to do it also on gaia?
    [4:04:14 AM] Kali 666: why did you include your name on the post?
    [4:06:21 AM] Kali 666: who was this J companion of yours?

    [2:09:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes Xeia, your dreams seem to synchrionise with a universal configuration occuring. As you know the politics is pointing to an all out religious war, even though many say it has nothing to do with islam. It has not in terms of the believers or peripheral adherents, but with their 'holy book'.
    [2:09:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: So I will add your dreams to Xen and BOG but not to Moa.
    [2:10:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: About this copyright infringement. It simply is a message from the Logos, telling us that the timeline of Thuban is on course.
    [2:11:29 PM] ShilohaPlace: This copyright thing is harmless in toto, as it is simply an attempt of the Ozark publishers to make money in the general mileu of the clampdown on torrents and general download practices.
    [2:11:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: Dolores would not be pleased that her work is now becoming more commercialized

    [2:13:14 PM] Kali 666: maybe, but she has a daughter and family that would be interested in the money coming from her books
    [2:13:25 PM] Kali 666: anyway it is merely a link...i checked
    [2:13:37 PM] Kali 666: but it was Carol the one who issued the ultimatum
    [2:14:05 PM] Kali 666: would you care if she deletes the post or entire thread?
    [2:14:19 PM] Kali 666: just due to a link?
    [2:14:28 PM] Kali 666: it is obvious you did not put it there
    [2:15:24 PM] Kali 666: i was thinking about the issue of the dream all day
    [2:15:33 PM] Kali 666: dreams...both yours and mine
    [2:16:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes and I will delete the thread if I can on the 17th. Just to make a cosmic statement.
    [2:16:40 PM] Kali 666: the reptilians not being able to realize who you were even when in front of them
    [2:16:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: Those dreams are very potent. I wonder if raven dreamt to.
    [2:17:20 PM] ShilohaPlace: Lol We are their ancestors and have nothing to fear from them.
    [2:18:12 PM] Kali 666: as soon as i woke up, first thing that came into my mind was the egyptian book of the dead...and the "passage" of the soul through water with the sacred crocodiles in it
    [2:18:38 PM] Kali 666: yes....and it is as if they just realized this all of a sudden...when you told them
    [2:18:39 PM] ShilohaPlace: Well your crocodiles became my echeloners
    [2:19:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: Recall the Paa Taal of Alex Collier. He is full of nabs, but some of his early stuff was rather good
    [2:19:33 PM] Kali 666: yes...the creators
    [2:20:12 PM] Kali 666: you also mentioned them in your previous post
    [2:20:37 PM] ShilohaPlace: Very coincidental or not?
    [2:20:48 PM] Kali 666: more like...timely
    [2:21:22 PM] Kali 666: appropriate for the times
    [2:22:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: Just my position. The J stands for the male names mentioned and the Julian is female for Julienne and Juli lol
    [2:23:44 PM] Kali 666: heh
    [2:24:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: You could have guessed
    [2:24:25 PM] Kali 666: i had a feeling...
    [2:24:38 PM] ShilohaPlace: Of course you would have

    [2:27:58 PM] Kali 666: are you feeling ok?
    [2:29:07 PM] ShilohaPlace: I had a strange night in waking and dozing, but it all makes sense, because it is exactly 40 years since all this began for me
    [2:29:39 PM] ShilohaPlace: I only drew this conclusion afterwards and not before. So it was no autosuggestion
    [2:29:54 PM] Kali 666: what do you make of it now?
    [2:30:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: Same as described.
    [2:30:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: This copyright infringement notice simply validates all that I and now you made of it
    [2:31:43 PM] ShilohaPlace: The echeloners are NOT real reptilians by the way, but they exist as thoughtforms and memeplexes hosted by the ptbers
    [2:32:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: In a higher dimensional sense they are as real as dreamt though

    [2:34:29 PM] ShilohaPlace: I included my name in the post, to be as precise as I could be in recording this dreamscape
    [2:34:50 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is for the ETs of the future contacts of course
    [2:35:10 PM] Kali 666: i thought so too =)
    [2:35:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Well I do not dream starcruisers very often, so this one was important for the agenda
    [2:36:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: As said a 40 year period of 'times in the wilderness' have ended. Your dream indicates and supports this statement
    [2:36:42 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is like Thuban's Sinai desert
    [2:37:13 PM] ShilohaPlace: Wandering about to find the 'Promised Land' - the general New World of course
    [2:37:47 PM] Kali 666: we have left our skin on this
    [2:38:27 PM] ShilohaPlace: old skin
    [2:38:49 PM] Kali 666: hmm...true

    [2:42:19 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    [2:42:45 PM] ShilohaPlace: Records are kept. I am pretty tired of the moabyte nabsers anyhow
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°192

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:25 am
    Carol wrote:
    "If present by November 17th, 2015 any time; this thread will be deleted without further notice by its author.
    In view of the 'discovery' of alleged infringement of copyright with respect to a reference to another forum; the following 'Disclosure' statement is shared for the timeperiod ending November 17th, 2015."

    What I find odd is that I've looked through this thread and not found where the infringement exists. It looked to me that it was on the Thuban Forum and made no sense that Mists was notified instead. If there is a link that I missed that they were referring to all you have to do is just let me know what post it is and I can edit it out. I did see reference to Delores but nothing that would be considered an infringement.. I may be in error but the ones posting reference to her, please check and edit or pass on the link and post to me and I can handle it.

    As I could not delete this thread on November 17th, 2015 in utility of the available editorial functions provided; I shall leave the deletion or removal of this thread to the disgression of this forum's administration.

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°193

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Carol Today at 6:40 am

    I wasn't interested in deleting the thread shiloh, just the copy write infringement links. Since I wasn't sure what timeframe we were working with, I would have removed it to the admin section to check for other links they discovered that they wanted removed. Then the thread would have been move back to the general forum. I've gone through it a few times and think it's taken care of but they'll likely get back to me if we missed something. Mahalo

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°194

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 9:23 am
    Carol wrote:

    I wasn't interested in deleting the thread shiloh, just the copy write infringement links. Since I wasn't sure what timeframe we were working with, I would have removed it to the admin section to check for other links they discovered that they wanted removed. Then the thread would have been move back to the general forum. I've gone through it a few times and think it's taken care of but they'll likely get back to me if we missed something. Mahalo



    Merci Gracias Danke Schön!

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°288

    empty. Re: Bible

    empty. shiloh Today at 4:03 am
    RedEzra wrote:
    So we know or ought to know that a nuclear war is coming but when will it be ?

    "'Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot:
    They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;

    but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom
    it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

    Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.'"

    - Luke 17:28-30 -​

    "For when they say, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction comes upon them,
    as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape."

    -1 Thessalonians 5:3 -​

    "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,
    with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars.

    Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth."

    - Revelation 12:1-2 -​

    "She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.
    And her Child was caught up to God and His throne."

    - Revelation 12:5 -​


    The sudden destruction by fire and brimstone read nuclear war seems to be around the time or right after the great sign in heaven in Revelation 12 of a pregnant Virgo laboring with Jupiter which will be delivered on the Feast of Trumpets 2017. Also there is a total solar eclipse over USA on 21 August 2017 and according to the movie Oblivion the last Super Bowl was played in 2017.

    Have you ever wondered as to how a BABY Jesus can be born in heaven from an ASCENDED GROWN SON OF MAN, sitting at the right side of the father until the earth is made his footstool?
    Is the left side of the 'father' occupied by a transcended Mary M in Christ Jesus representing the 'mother symbol' in the solar transit from Cancer into Leo and mirrored in the 'Father' as the 'Mother' in the Lord Jesus Christ on the right side of the mirror?

    Have you ever considered, that the 'birth in heaven' in Revelation.12 indicates the second 3½ year period and the continuation of the 42 months of the 'beast' from the first 3½ year period described in Revelation.11?
    Can you then adjust the conventional descriptor of the 70 weeks of Daniel both as a 'long time of years' and a 'shortened time of days' as per the Sermon of the Mount?
    What if the 'war in heaven' was fought in a 'bridging time' as part of the 70 weeks in a shortened time?

    Well then your 2017 marker might have more significance, if related to a 7 year period in a 70 year 'captivity' for political Israel from November 29th, 1947 to May 14th, 1948 to November 2017 and May 2018 with another 40+3 year timeframe from 1975-2015-2018 in a reckoning of prophecy more aligned to actual 'groupmind' planetary physical upheavals and patterns but not precluding celestial phenomena like tetrad blood moons and planetary patterns in the celestial dynamics.
    So many questions and so many interpretations and translations, yet what is truth?

    !Muhammad! Check-Mate !Allah!

    It's all Self-Relative - Or is It?
    Old Age-Lucifer-God and Science and Truth-Jesus-New Age


    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    I Am the Darkness of the Purple Dawn and the Light of the Moon Turquoise!
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
  7. admin

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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°675

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two.

    empty. shiloh Today at 5:56 pm
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Thank-you Shiloh. I wonder what would've happened if the New Testament had been a Gentile-Commentary and Universal-Application of at least Job through Daniel -- with Job being sort of a New Testament "Genesis" and Daniel being sort of a New Testament "Revelation"?? The Bible is really "chopped-up". It lacks evolutionary-continuity and convincing-context. Do you see what I mean?? All is not well. If I had the education, intellect, time, and energy to produce a Job through Daniel Commentary -- I'd do it -- but I don't think I'm capable to doing anything even close to THAT!! I have a Remnant Study Bible -- which is NKJV with scholarly-introductions to each book -- and which includes Ellen White quotes throughout. I object to what they did with the insertion of the EGW material directly into the text of the Bible -- but it does make my particular flavor of research somewhat easier!! My tentative-plan is to read Job through Daniel in this particular Bible -- straight-through -- over and over -- reading all of the introductions and EGW quotes. Then, in a few years, if we're still here, I might try to write something relative to this particular study. I have too much on my plate -- and I am much too frazzled to do much of anything worthwhile -- so don't expect anything of significance from me (at least for the remainder of this incarnation). I am SO Screwed. You have NO Idea. It SUCKS to be ME. I HATE My Life. Note: I joke about that "Jupiter Jones Thing" but it's just more Pseudo Science-Fiction on my part!! Don't get your panties in a bunch!!

    You want appropriate advice for your dilemmas, oxy? Don't try so hard to bring all your sources together. Most are quacks and biased in one way or another. Your Sherry Shriner and your Tee Tree Girls are super crackpots and rather deluded in all things of actual scriptural research.
    You know the SDA's; they are simply one of many Christian sects and like ANY form of organized political religion should be avoided like the pestilence.
    If you desire peace of mind, study actual biblical sources from the historians and don't read the 'explanations'; of something like the 'Jesus Seminar' they have actually sold out the true Christianity, trying to become 'rational' and 'demystified'. They have sold out and are no longer 'Christians' despite proclaiming to be so. Rejecting the physical resurrection labels you as an antichrist remember?

    Keep with the New Testament and the prophetic books in the Old Testament. Forget the Pentateuch except Genesis. The other 4 books are juxtapositions and have little value to connect to the rest of the bible. From Assyria and Babylon, say 750BC the bible is historically valuable, all so called dates from earlier times are retelling and often totally inverted stories from particular root memories, like the exodus and Moses. There was no Moses. Moses is a pharaonic name part, such as in Ahmose, Tuthmosis and Rameses.
    There was an exodus in the 18th Egyptian dynasty, when Ahmose expelled the Hyksos as the 'shepherd kings' of Josephus and such.
    The Hyksos are the stories of Jacob and Joseph in Genesis and so have value as an overall context of the Hyksos as the 'invaders from the north' in the actual Egyptian history. The Hyksos ruled and fought the Egyptians for so 100 years from 1550-1450 BC approximately. So the 'enslavement' was the other way around, the Egyptians under the Hyksos until the 18th dynasty real historical exodus, which was a retake of the lower delta by the Egyptians.

    This is all there is to the Pentateuch with the Moses honorific becoming 'stolen' as the 'praiseworthy' title of the Islamic prophet Muhammad then becoming assimilated with Jesus. Around 550-800 AD the old Byzantine Christendom fell to the Arabs and both the orthodox Christians and the heretic 'gnostic' sects came under the control of the Arabs and it was then the Arabs decided to assimilate the Christian prophet with their Jewish prophet Moses in the Muhammad with the aim to create a political-clerical structure under Arab administration. It was only then the Qur'an and the muslim label appeared in the secular histories of the world. This is all historically verifiable, but you must engage in real research and not give weight to the blabberings of Sherry Shriner and company and including nabs morons like Frank O'Collins, Bonacci, the Camelot interviewees and the rest of the 'Christ deniers', apologizers and company. I have given details as to this many times and in many places.
    Read the psalms and proverbs and the Song of Solomon to get an idea of the 'true god', who is not Jehovah of the OT, but is Abba of the NT. Jesus never called the 'Father' Jehovah but Abba.
    If you want a glimpse of the 'New World' read Isaiah again and again. It is not historical but timeless. It was Jesus' favourite remembrance book. Understanding it, he could remember his origin and destiny and prepare the Old World for the New World and the redemption of Jehovah (and Allah the old Arabian moon God Al ilah by default - see my pdf). If you want to know your job in this life read the oldest book in the bible - Job.
    You are Job and are 'called out' by the true God to answer certain questions. Questions like; Where were you when I created the universe and Can you tame the Unicorn and many such questions!? Once you can answer in the affirmative, you will receive particular keys to open the gates of the secrets and the codes. I answered those questions on the forums, search for 'Job for every Man' or similar, if you wish to dig a little deeper.
    Then once you have found some 'inner peace' and have thrown away the memplexed devils and demons riding on your back in the form of this baggage of false information you have gathered over the years; then read the Gospel of Thomas in conjunction to a 'Red Letter NT' preferably King James, as the newer revisions are badly 'modernised' and have changed words and sentences in contexts.

    If you want to rediscover the real Jesus, study John's Gospel. It is personal and not historically oriented like the synoptic ones of Mark, Luke and Matthew. Don't be deceived by he critics of the Gospel of Thomas (GOT). They cant understand it for a very important purpose. It is the key to the New World, but only a key of the mind can open its seals. Make of this what you will. The GOT is NOT gnostic, but does relate to Hebrews in particular and Paul's other letters in general. Paul is 'hated' by so many, because his words are a continuity of the true Jesus expanding from the OT into the whole world (of gentiles, that is not racial Jews). The GOT is in no way 'buddhistic' or such claptrap the 'experts' call it in their ignorance. It is actually related to modern science and quantum mechanics and ET science. So should you become familiar with it, many other 'mysteries' and riddles regarding the ETs and the 'ptb' might become clearer to you.
    It is up to you to consider my advice. I will not address you personally as in this message again. But your 'cry for assistance' under your choices has been answered by Thuban this time.

  8. admin

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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°290

    empty. Re: Bible

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:26 pm
    RedEzra wrote:

    shiloh wrote:Have you ever wondered as to how a BABY Jesus can be born in heaven from an ASCENDED GROWN SON OF MAN, sitting at the right side of the father until the earth is made his footstool?

    Yes Jesus is a grown Man sitting at the right side of the Father and so it is not Jesus who is born in Revelation 12 but perhaps the 144 000 who are sealed by God at the Feast of Trumpets 2017 before nuclear conflagration. Those holy ones may have the Spirit and power of Jesus Christ.

    shiloh wrote:Have you ever considered, that the 'birth in heaven' in Revelation.12 indicates the second 3½ year period and the continuation of the 42 months of the 'beast' from the first 3½ year period described in Revelation.11?

    Yes it is indicated in Revelation 12 that the Feast of Trumpets 2017 is the start of the second 3½ year period in where the Beast reigns persecuting God's people and enforcing the Mark of the Beast some kind of chip implant on the survivors who want to buy and sell goods. I don't know how long the chip technology have come but I think if connected to the brain one is reduced to a drone. Taking this chip will condemn us to hell and so it is not recommended. Better get right with God today and pray Jesus to forgive our sins.

    shiloh wrote:Can you then adjust the conventional descriptor of the 70 weeks of Daniel both as a 'long time of years' and a 'shortened time of days' as per the Sermon of the Mount?

    God indicated back in Joshua 3 that Israel would follow the Ark of the Covenant into the Promised Land after about 2000 years. And this is a type that the tribes of Israel would wait about 2000 years after Jesus resurrected into Paradise and Jesus told them in Luke 21 that "Jerusalem would be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles were fulfilled." On 7 June 1967 the Jews restored control over the Old city of Jerusalem and Daniel's 70 weeks prophecy began counting down again "seven weeks" until the 69th week expired on 23 September 2015 Day of Atonement. So the "shortened time of days" may hint to that Daniel's last week seven years would be shortened and so the "middle of the week" will begin on 23 September 2017 ?

    Not much to argue with you here. I see you can relate Jeremiah and Daniel to political Israel. Just remember that the 144,000 are also 'As One 'Sealed New Song' and relate to the 10,000x10,000 and the 'doubling' as the 200 million in Rev.5.11; 9.16; 18.6 and Dan.7.10 and this code from the GOT as 1(2),000 with 7,200,000,000/144,000 = 50,000. This is the entire planetary populus as one starhuman race by the way and relates to the Inner Court/Outer Court = 12,000/1600 = 7.5 = 300,000 km/s/40,000 km = speed of the light/ perimeter of the earth in codes Rev.14.20 and Rev.21.16 and as a 'Logos vibration' relating to planetary sciences.

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one." -Lambdin

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.


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    • Post n°292

    empty. Re: Bible

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:12 pm
    RedEzra wrote:

    Very good Shiloh and the idea that the virgin birth in Revelation 12 depicts the 144 000 sealed by God come from Benjamin Baruch of the tribe of Benjamin author of "The Day of the Lord is at Hand". Here is an interesting and informative interview with Baruch whom God audibly speaks to.

    The Virgin-Virgo is an appropriate symbol and the rest is encapsulated in 1 Corinthians.13

    1 Corinthians 13:8-10 - King James Version (KJV)

    8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

    9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

    10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2015
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    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°677

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two.

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:05 pm
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    Thank-you Shiloh. I wonder what would've happened if the New Testament had been a Gentile-Commentary and Universal-Application of at least Job through Daniel -- with Job being sort of a New Testament "Genesis" and Daniel being sort of a New Testament "Revelation"?? The Bible is really "chopped-up". It lacks evolutionary-continuity and convincing-context. Do you see what I mean?? All is not well. If I had the education, intellect, time, and energy to produce a Job through Daniel Commentary -- I'd do it -- but I don't think I'm capable of doing anything even close to THAT!! I have a Remnant Study Bible -- which is NKJV with scholarly-introductions to each book -- and which includes Ellen White quotes throughout. I object to what they did with the insertion of the EGW material directly into the text of the Bible -- but it does make my particular flavor of research somewhat easier!! My tentative-plan is to read Job through Daniel in this particular Bible -- straight-through -- over and over -- reading all of the introductions and EGW quotes. Then, in a few years, if we're still here, I might try to write something relative to this particular study. I have too much on my plate -- and I am much too frazzled to do much of anything worthwhile -- so don't expect anything of significance from me (at least for the remainder of this incarnation). I am SO Screwed. You have NO Idea. It SUCKS to be ME. I HATE My Life. Note: I joke about that "Jupiter Jones Thing" but it's just more Pseudo Science-Fiction on my part!! Don't get your panties in a bunch!!
    Thank-you Shiloh. I've read your response repeatedly -- and I will continue to re-read it. The whole religion and politics thing can probably be quite simple and peaceful OR it can be incredibly complex and violent. A Real-God probably requires some sort of absolute-obedience. a False-God probably requires some sort of absolute-obedience. If one is absolutely-obedient to a Good-God, this is probably a good-thing. If one is absolutely-obedient to a Bad-God, this is probably a bad-thing. I think it might be possible to overthrow a Good-God -- and replace them with a Bad-God -- possibly without anyone noticing (as strange as THAT sounds). I think it might be possible to overthrow a Bad-God -- and replace them with a Good-God -- possibly without anyone noticing (as strange as THAT sounds). I keep thinking that Earth and Humanity (in their present-predicament) are a corrupted-version of an idealistic-plan. I think it might be extremely-important to NOT throw out the baby with the bullshit. Unfortunately, I think I might be on the brink of a catastrophic-meltdown -- so I think I need to think about something else -- and stop thinking about this stuff completely -- possibly for a very long time. There might really be no happy-ending to this present-madness. There are several problems regarding the use of the Bible.

    1. It was written a very long time ago. We use science textbooks written presently. We don't use science textbooks written 2,000 to 3,000 years ago.

    2. A lot of the Bible involves a lot of blood, guts, guilt, hatred, fear, and general nastiness. This may involve honest reporting of past problems -- but when applied to the general-public in modernity, this tends to perpetuate a lot of blood, guts, guilt, hatred, fear, and general nastiness.

    3. Verification of historical-details and otherworldly-claims are nearly-impossible. Scholarly study of this sort of thing is one thing -- but when applied to the general-public in modernity, this tends to create false-hopes, false-fears, blood, guts, guilt, hatred, fear, and general nastiness.

    4. The message of the Bible is not consistent from Genesis through Revelation. One is confronted with the good, bad, and the ugly regarding Humanity and Divinity. Mixed messages and horrific imagery confuse and confound even the most brilliant students.

    5. People tend to polarize into believers and unbelievers -- with the almost inevitable hate-filled debates. Just look at recent discussions on this supposedly "awake and aware" website.

    6. There can be literally thousands of different doctrinal-frameworks constructed -- depending upon thousands of factors of time, place, personality, bias, economics, politics, etc. The resulting confusion seems to involve a lot of blood, guts, guilt, hatred, fear, and general nastiness. "Here a little- There a little" seems to be misused and abused regarding biblical interpretation and application. Reading whole books of the Bible -- straight-through -- over and over -- seems to be a more honest and reliable (though seldom-used) methodology.

    7. People will believe and do just about anything to "Go to Heaven" and avoid "Going to Hell". The greed and fear involved in this is truly sickening and disillusioning. A reasonable system of rewards and punishments is one thing -- but are the usual teachings regarding Heaven and Hell really reasonable and rational??

    I continue to wonder what the Message of Job through Daniel really is?? Obviously, even this portion of the Bible is impossible to prove regarding it's claims -- but how does this portion of the Bible compare with the rest of the Bible?? Once again, I think I'm on the brink of something very bad personally -- in connection with all of the above, and more. I think I need to stop thinking about everything I've thought about while posting on this website.

    Ten Myths About Islam
    5th Edition By Timothy W. Dunkin © 2001-2010, All Rights Reserved

    All Scripture quotations are from the Authorized Version, also known as the King James Version, of the Holy Bible Quotations from the Qur'an are from the translation of 1938 by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, unless otherwise noted

    A wise man named Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is power. Certainly this is true when dealing with foreign, and often hostile, ideologies that confront our Western civilization and way of life. One of these ideologies is Islam. Americans, and Westerners in general, whether Christian or not, are all too often still dangerously ill-informed about Islam. Many people in the West hear and believe the propaganda promoted by various Muslim groups, but fail to search out the facts about the history, theology, and psychology of the Islamic phenomenon.

    While knowledge may be power, ignorance can render a person, a nation, or an entire civilization absolutely powerless. It is the intention of this book to dispel ignorance about Islam and to expose it to the light of open and honest investigation. How much does your average Westerner, your average American, your average churchgoer, or your average secularist, know about Islam? How can we sort through the varying images and claims made by and about Islam? What is truth, and what is falsehood, as far as what we are being told about the religion of Islam? Are we being lied to, and if so, then how can we detect these falsehoods and avoid them?

    I submit this work as an effort at enlightening all who are faced with the challenge of Islam concerning its implications for America and the West. I have attempted to discredit many of the common myths that are taught about Islam, and to expose them to the blinding light of fact, reason, and ultimately, truth. My objective, in some of the chapters of this book, is to distill the discoveries and ideas of modern scholarly investigation into the nature, origins, and history of Islam into a form accessible to the average reader who does not have the time, or perhaps the interest, to become familiar with the somewhat insular body of academic literature available on the subject. By bringing to the reader's attention what I view to be the important highlights of what scholarly investigation has said about the subject, I hope to inform my readers about these important points, and hopefully excite their interests in pursuing further study. As such, I would consider myself to be filling the role of a "transmitter" rather than an "originator" of knowledge. In other chapters, especially those dealing with the sociological impact of Islam, my desire is to systematically present the evidences vis-â-vis the claims of Muslim apologists, and demonstrate to the reader where the weight of facts, and from these truth, resides.

    I make no apologies for presenting this work from a scholarly Christian perspective. There are portions of this book that will be of interest to all, regardless of creed. There are other parts that will be of more specific concern to my fellow Christians, though even these may contain information that non-Christians will find instructive. Ultimately, I hope that the entire work will be of use to any who are open-minded enough to receive it and evaluate it fairly.
    At this point, I would also like to forewarn the reader that I have prepared this work without any malice towards Muslims. This may come as a disappointment to some, and as a shock to others, but it is nevertheless true. This book is for the purpose of approaching the question of Islam from the standpoint of historical, evidential, and theological inquiry. As such, its motive is not emotional. It is not about painting all Muslims as evil or violent or dangerous, as some recent works have tried to do. It is the system of Islam itself, not individual Muslims, that comes under critique in this work. In some small way, I am hoping to move our civilizational discourse about Islam away from the realm of emotional response to world events which have happened in comparatively recent decades, and approach Islam from a perspective that spans the centuries. We must approach the Islamic worldview, not in reaction, but with initiative and proactivity. As an American and a Westerner who believes that our civilization, based as it is upon the Judaeo-Christian worldview, the rule of law, and the Baconian approach to objective knowledge and progress, is superior to those civilizations which are not (and who obviously rejects postmodern multicultural relativism in toto), I make no apologies for the arguments that I put forward in this book. Please note that there will be variant spellings of Arabic words appearing in this work. I have attempted to standardize my own orthography, but have retained the transliterations that appear in quotations made from other works.

    Deo Vindice! T

    Table of Contents

    The Qur'an
    Social Impact
    Eternal Efficacy
    Glossary of Arabic and Islamic Terms

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Universal Egocentricity and a New World

    [12:35:15 PM-Friday, December 18th, 2015] raxnae: Tony how do I get past my human ego/ devil mind? This always seems to be my problem, is it that I take things too personally?
    I don't feel like thats the issue and honestly I don't feel my human ego is a problem but Raven always tells me I get stuck in it lol
    [12:37:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: Its completely natural, but to understand this you must get out of your own way and this is very very difficult for the 'mental' human. Your devil mind is the human devil mind
    And this is tricky, as it is divine say to have a universal ego but to differentiate th9is from the human ego is the hard part. This is what Raven means
    [12:38:41 PM] raxnae: ah I see
    [12:38:52 PM] ShilohaPlace: I really dont know if you are ready for this. It is nothing to do with intelligence or faith. It has to do with mental maturity
    I explained this many times in the form of the individual separation within unity and the unity of the individual within the separation; if you can get this difference, then at least you can understand the problem
    [12:40:33 PM] raxnae: yes I remember that talk
    [12:40:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: So you are still in the autonomy of the individual in separation. I know this because you talk about many universes
    This is a memeplex. There is only one universe but this universe CAN be many universes. But requires a core a seed
    [12:42:09 PM] raxnae: and Earth is that core seed right?
    [12:42:20 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now the trick is that everyone is in fact this seed ONCE in a body incarnate say.
    But the human ego knowing this in ignorance of knowing the big picture then MUST make itself the cosmic one the core the Christ and the creator whatever
    This is why there are so many Jesus'es running about and gurus and 'special ones' etc, like you see?
    [12:43:45 PM] raxnae: yes makes sense with all the nabs
    [12:44:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: And this is NOT wrong at all but a misunderstanding by the human mind mistaken its universal ID as the human ID
    The center of the earth IS the core seed in cosmological astrophysical terms yes, but this core is higher D also. So all humans then also become this core in the cosmic perspective as 'children of earth as the universal mother' say
    So people like you feeling their 'seedlingness then are actually truer to the universe than the many humans in false humility denying this
    [12:46:26 PM] raxnae: well thats a plus at least lol
    [12:46:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: So the megalomaniac in human terms is closer to solution of the enigma than the hypocritical deniers of the false humility
    But your problem is that you cant yet see this away from the personal. It takes old age wisdom or something ;like that to understand it
    The many in one in the many as Raven says. The In Lakech of the Maya etc as the 'I am another yourself!'
    [12:48:30 PM] raxnae: I guess I'll get it with old age hopefully lol. I did have my exposure to the expanded conciousness and did have my megalomaniac moment but I"ve since reconfigured that to be less of a problem
    [12:50:59 PM] ShilohaPlace: Expanded consciousness is a typical nabs label you should eschew
    [12:51:03 PM] raxnae: I get lost in my own cosmology more than anything else, which is something I need to work on differientiating between personal and universal; well thats what Raven called it
    [12:51:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is more like wisdom of the experience - understanding
    [12:51:19 PM] raxnae: i dunno what to call it
    [12:51:58 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    (81) Jesus said, "Let him who has grown rich be king, and let him who possesses power renounce it."
    (110) Jesus said, "Whoever finds the world and becomes rich, let him renounce the world."

    [12:52:39 PM] ShilohaPlace: So there you are rax as king you rule yet you must give it all up and become a peasant? See how hard this is?
    [12:52:56 PM] raxnae: yes unfortunately

    [12:53:20] ShilohaPlace: But if understood you will also see HOW this saying can actually bring in the new world
    [12:53:24 PM] ShilohaPlace: It means something like this, having absolute power say over your autonomy as an individual you must AFTER you have taken control share this power as equals in cosmic principality
    [12:55:16 PM] raxnae: sort of like a brother/sisterhood
    [12:55:21 PM] ShilohaPlace: So from absolute power you must implement the 'perfected world' but as soon as this is made manifest YOU must empower others and so you must diminish in importance
    No much deeper, at the core of what a soul is. This is Jesus in a nutshell. Heshe MUST have absolute power at the start to manifest the New World
    But once this New World exists Heshe will share this power in say councils of elders etc. This is what the GOT codes mean
    [12:57:15 PM] raxnae: its a far easier way to understand it the way you put it lol
    [12:57:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: So your place is then to understand this and become eventually an elder of the council. You are not ready for this as yet but will be in your future
    I know. Why Raven and me are hated see, because we know. Its not a truth the Old World can accept at all atm
    [12:58:54 PM] raxnae: so first I must become King of All, then once the NW manifests share that power with a council of elders and no longer be the megalomaniac
    [12:59:19 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes but this rex kingship is over your own individuality. Iow you require redemption and the way to get this is surrender to the rax NOT in a body. The 'higher self' nabs say or the christ conscious rax etc
    [1:00:32 PM] raxnae: I'm sure one day I'll be able to do just that. I just need to flesh some things out first and get through my youth
    [1:01:42 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    (90) Jesus said, "Come unto me, for my yoke is easy and my lordship is mild, and you will find repose for yourselves."

    (60) <They saw> a Samaritan carrying a lamb on his way to Judea. He said to his disciples, "That man is round about the lamb."
    They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it."
    He said to them, "While it is alive, he will not eat it, but only when he has killed it and it has become a corpse."
    They said to him, "He cannot do so otherwise."
    He said to them, "You too, look for a place for yourself within repose, lest you become a corpse and be eaten."

    [1:02:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: You are that living lamb. You are Jonah in the whale; you are the one who has already been eaten by the lion.
    All are already subject to the risen new body universe. But reject it deny it refuse to accept physical reality metaphysically defined
    [1:04:02 PM] raxnae: I'm glad I don't have that problem
    [1:04:37 PM] ShilohaPlace: So no matter how much people grandstand being this or that or having this or that insight, they are all already subjected as being within bodies within the universe Cosmic citizen say
    [1:05:08 PM] raxnae: the rax not in body
    [1:05:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: Well this is why you can become an elder in the council of the universe earlier than most. Yes and this you confuse. Its not being in the body or out of it.
    It is knowing you are BOTH all of the time. Only then can the recycling of bodies for the soul, say end.
    [1:06:35 PM] raxnae: yes I want the recycling to end lol
    [1:07:04 PM] ShilohaPlace: When I was your age, I would not have been able to understand this see? But perhaps if the information would have been available then I could have realised things earlier than I did
    [1:07:53 PM] raxnae: you've provided excellent information for years
    [1:08:02 PM] ShilohaPlace: You are in that position, even if still young, the data is there for you to digest or reject.
    Well as said because of the hard work of attaining it. And yet it is rejected as pure data, people looking for the personal see, the message is subdued for the messenger. Very human!
    But why are you saying this here 1-1? This should be on the shared channel
    [1:10:17 PM] raxnae: er well I guess I just didn't think about it lol
    [1:11:00 PM] ShilohaPlace: Ok, but these are very valuable questions, you asked, because everyone has those
    [1:11:13 PM] raxnae: you can share if you like
    [1:11:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: So see how you are the teacher here?
    [1:11:17 PM] raxnae: yes, both student and teacher lol
    [1:11:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: Good this shows the maturity of an elder - yes. Teacher as student as teacher; Susan would like this, it is one of her favourite mottos
    [1:12:56 PM] raxnae: I'm going to ponder being in and out of body at the same time

    [1:13:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes continue here please
    [1:13:29 PM] raxnae: alright
    [1:13:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: I will also save this on xen. Under legacy. Not many people read this lol
    [1:14:27 PM] raxnae: so really regardless of the masks we wear in the old world, we are already bound to the new world as cosmic citizens
    [1:14:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: But your record becomes universal and accessible to the ETs see? Absolutely
    [1:14:56 PM] raxnae: yeah I wish to meet the ETs one day
    [1:15:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: because you are Inside the universe, a galaxy a starsystem on a planet on a continent in a nation in a town or city in a suburb in a local environment
    [1:15:28 PM] raxnae: other than you know the usual interaction we have
    [1:15:49 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is the universal plan. The ETs in the environments just as animals and plants are now. So see your 'dream' here being cosmic?
    [1:16:45 PM] raxnae: so really the Grand Dream is already achieved and made manifest even if we can't yet see it with our physical eyes
    [1:17:05 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes the archetypes are here and under reconfiguration. The physicality will eventually catch up to it.
    But demonstration will be required to empower and enforce the 'New World'
    [1:17:45 PM] raxnae: and I would hope my work somehow helps reconfigure the archetypes haha
    [1:18:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: It does just now you asking and feedbacking
    In participating in the reconfig you are graduating from old Human in an Old World into a New Starhuman in a New World
    [1:20:02 PM] raxnae: so when everything catches up, will the waves recieve new bodies too?
    [1:20:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: The waves will incarnate or 'invade' old bodies to reverse the quantum waveparticle dualism yes and this hybridisation also will be ET related
    A dragon is an ET AND a starhuman. Planetary evolution will sort of reverse.
    Instead from the microbe to the human, the human will go back to the microbe and so encompass ALL ET lifeforms sort of mirrored on earth
    In this way will the old human go extinct!

    [1:22:59 PM] raxnae: and everyone lives and no one has to perish
    [1:23:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes as per the Isaiah codes; new bodies half 'light' half biology. Not cyborgs as half biology and half machine see?
    [1:24:06 PM] raxnae: yes I wouldn't enjoy a cyborg world lol
    [1:24:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Consciousness is the ET physics
    [1:24:21 PM] raxnae: so is there a "Divine Devil Mind"?
    [1:24:58 PM] ShilohaPlace: Some integration of technology with BOTH the light and the biophysics so should be feasible
    The Devil=Lived. Devil is a memeplex as is Satan etc as is Lucifer etc. But they all are different. Satan is real as your own real image in a mirror. Devil is unreal as your unreal image in a mirror. Lucifer is the duality of Logos as a cosmic twin. So ONLY the Devil will be destroyed as a fake image
    [1:26:46 PM] raxnae: yes I knew about lucifer and the twinship
    [1:27:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: You are both a White Lucifer and a Black Lucifer. Both are necessary in the cosmic plan.
    But you must relativise the two in your conduct and mentality. This is where sex comes in. Imagine all 'bad things in the world' all so called 'sins' or vices to become focused
    [1:28:44 PM] raxnae: one of my favorite verses in a song is, "The Future has been over But we are fixating on that. The past is still to come
    Yes! They are in the same time"
    [1:28:56 PM] ShilohaPlace: You cannot eliminate the universal nature and desire, despite what silly religions say
    [1:29:05 PM] raxnae: yes thats very true
    [1:29:26 PM] ShilohaPlace: But the vices are basically based on fear and misreadings and mistranslations of the codes and words
    [1:29:41 PM] raxnae: yes which led to abuses
    [1:30:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: So focusing all the 'desires' like for food and money and status and sex etc in sex alone will do away with the 'vices' of vanity and avarice and gluttony whatever. Yes imagine a universal sexual desire to communicate with your body, whatever body this might be
    [1:30:52 PM] raxnae: yes Raven's been telling me I need to get in touch with my ET Femme or else my sexual desires will become violent and lead to pain and worse lol
    [1:32:12 PM] ShilohaPlace: Then take away ALL abuse, say all physical, emotional and mental abuse of children, rape and any non-consentuality and you will have a kind of sexual freedom, which will be as natural as changing you restaurant or the clothes in your wardrobe
    [1:32:15 PM] raxnae: since I have no "partner"
    [1:32:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is some way in the future though, but the ETs know all about it. But the point here is the 'Dark Lucifer' see?
    [1:33:03 PM] raxnae: yes, the angels and devils must meld together
    [1:33:52 PM] ShilohaPlace: Making the darkness ONLY sexual and nothing else, will allow the universe to KEEP the necessary relativity between the reference frames and yet create a New World desirable by all, except the sexphobes
    Again this sexual vice of universal 'lust' to share body communication does not allow ANY form of abuse
    [1:34:55 PM] raxnae: yes its purely clean sexuality to rid the darkness of its other unfortunate attributes
    [1:35:29 PM] ShilohaPlace: But the jealousy memeplex is a big hindrance for human minds to understand this. The human mind is rather underevolved to actually allow this 'focus of the Darkness'
    Yes you got it. But now you can understand the nabs and 'secret clans' ideas about sex rituals and the like. It is all Old World BS
    But as the cosmic reconfig exists, it is in a process of metamorphosis.
    [1:37:36 PM] raxnae: lets hope it comes out of the cocoon soon, I'd love to live in a sexually liberated world; then I would never be lonely
    repressing the sex has done much harm
    [1:39:23 PM] ShilohaPlace: Human sex is puerile rax, period. Not the desire for it, but how it is mentally processed and experienced. An advanced ET has no problems with 'unwanted pregnancies' or venereal diseases and so on. There is no randomness iow. It is all experienced as 'True Image making' with the ''Greater Cosmic self' or such labels

    [1:41:37 PM] raxnae: that sounds great
    [1:41:50 PM] ShilohaPlace: The human idea is to search for the 'perfect match' in human love. This is of course also in the codes, but misread. Yes man and woman will leave their parents and become 'on flesh'; but this 'one flesh' is with yourself first and the 'love thy neighbour' is also yourself first and not some desire for completion, like you experience. This was what Raven tried to tell you. There is 'no marriage' in the New World, as this is properly understood
    [1:44:28 PM] raxnae: yes we will be as the angels in heaven for expression of course lol
    [1:44:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: Your twinsoul is the other rax the girl rax, defined in say the sexual chromosomes of conception, that is rax before he becoame incarnate. No the angels are half completed. Y You know what the angel's other half is?
    [1:45:14 PM] raxnae: the demons
    [1:45:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes. The quantum paradox right there as the chicken and the egg
    [1:46:16 PM] raxnae: well a lot of artists and other creative minds already have that down pat lol
    [1:46:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: The angels are free, because they have no bodyform like the human here
    BUT once the humans get the new bodies, AS the angels AND the demons, then the angels will be as free as the dragons lol. Yes I know. As have Hollywood films and books. The lust of the devil is absolutely necessary for the new bodies. See this now?
    The love of the angels + the lust of the demons = New World Morphs
    [1:48:20 PM] raxnae: of course, ever since I was a boy first experiencing the lust I knew it was necessary for something
    [1:48:35 PM | Edited 1:50:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yin+Yang=Female+Male=Darkness+Light=Eternity=Infinity
    [1:49:15 PM] ShilohaPlace: Not THAT hard to understand now is it?
    [1:49:27 PM] raxnae: not at all its really very simple
    [1:49:52 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is
    [1:50:12 PM] raxnae: I must first accomplish the one flesh with myself
    [1:50:16 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes. Why it is ok to be by yourself as a universal future sexual being see?
    [1:51:23 PM] raxnae: yeah I'd imagine you could make parts of yourself avaliable to experience if there wasn't anyone else around
    [1:52:00 PM] ShilohaPlace: If you can have exchange with others this is fine too, but your own autonomy and core should be your perpetual focus your constant 'meditation' and 'prayer'
    Your core is the JCCJ and this can never be divided
    [1:52:37 PM] raxnae: yes I see now, the one "longing and desiring so psychotically" is indeed myself longing for myself
    [1:52:48 PM] ShilohaPlace: You have 50% of JC and 50% of CJ. Yes and those other halves can manifest in anyone ok?
    [1:53:24 PM] raxnae: yeah we're all mirrors of each other
    [1:54:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: Only once you become wavecentred with ETs say, will the mental aspect of the sexuality manifest via the JCCJ as 100% and 100%. This then becomes a 'resurrection of the dead'
    [1:54:32 PM] raxnae: Raaven said it was easier for males than females
    [1:54:44 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is also totally personal relative to your individual JCCJ
    Noone but Logo can make this manifest. This is the TRUE cosmic individuality and universal personality
    She means the malemindedness is wavelike by nature
    [1:55:24 PM] raxnae: yeah
    [1:55:28 PM] ShilohaPlace: The femaleness is bodywaved by nature
    [1:56:22 PM] raxnae:

    for funsies lol
    [1:59:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: Agitated like the present mess of a planetary world
    [1:59:38 PM] raxnae: lol, well its late here think I'm off to bed, thanks for the chat I think I have gained a better understanding now. I hope Raven is doing well with her procedure today
    [2:03:41 PM] ShilohaPlace: Good to hear and yes all sharing like this is of value
    [2:43:51 PM] Sirius 17: thanks rax
    [2:47:19 PM] Sirius 17: so Carol only banned you for a month?
    [2:48:02 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes but she really wants us out lol
    [2:48:15 PM] Sirius 17: well me anyhow
    [2:48:26 PM] ShilohaPlace: She is doing lots of b;lah blah with BR on the quran thread
    [2:48:50 PM] ShilohaPlace: her know it better makes me sick
    [2:48:55 PM] Sirius 17: great, did Brook reply tonight?

    [2:51:07 PM] ShilohaPlace: See its evil Thuban again? Members complaining about those evil dark entities?
    The darkness is us showing the truth and one of the 'emotional attack' is also BBB who just cant understand why her nabs is called out for what it is

    [2:53:59 PM] Sirius 17:
    <<< Subsequently, action is now being taken toward those who make a personal decision to spam other member's threads with their BS or engage in emotional attacks. That type of behavior is not to be tolerated here at Mists and won't be. Complaints will be followed up with consequences. A self-moderating forum is only as good as it's members. IMPO, given what I've been reading in a number of posts reviewed over the last several days it's clear that some people need to leave.. they can do it on their own or with a little help.

    [2:54:29 PM] Sirius 17: She grew a set of balls or?? Yes we are so mean Tony
    [2:55:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is directly addressed to us and you in particular, because you are such an evil bitch
    [2:57:15 PM] Sirius 17: well looks like they are celebrating our banning, good for them
    [2:58:28 PM] Sirius 17: Jenetta wrote:
    I totally agree with what you say below Carol...this particular piece first sung by Josh Groban is a message of transcendence beyond any particular religion. However there is no use "casting pearls (words of wisdom) before swine." Another 26,000 years on Planet Earth might do the trick.

    [2:58:46 PM] Sirius 17: what is this , Janetta doesn't like BR and Pris? lol
    [2:59:12 PM] Sirius 17: oh no, looks like someone else wil get banned
    [2:59:58 PM] ShilohaPlace: Jenetta is soso she doesn't like BR or us. But remember the code about Satan's house divided must fall


    Posts: 15784
    Join date: 2010-04-07
    Location: Hawaii
    • Post n°208

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Carol Today at 3:12 pm
    What is so difficult about appreciating innocence? Or holding it up in the light? When I sang as a child all that existed in that moment was the music and the feelings of connectedness to something greater then myself that the music inspired.

    Later in life as a mental health professional, I've known, counseled and was a therapist to the abused (women, children and men). Having sat with them while they poured out feelings of betrayal, grief, anger.. all of it... did not sour me on life or leave me focusing on negative toxic energy. My job was to help these people find their way back to a place of inner peace and healing..

    Even today, we (spouse and I) live our lives by refusing to allow toxic people into our daily lives as friends.. or even family, or put up with others lack of integrity in their relationships with us.

    In looking back it seems that all of our closest friends are committed to their own spiritual path and very upbeat - even in the midst of terrible personal tragedy. For example my closest friend and her little dog were attacked by a pitt bull that almost killed them both.. her hands shredded, yet even after the event her attitude and loving spirit was amazing. This person has been my friend since we were four years old. We live thousands of miles apart yet impact each others live in a significant way throughout our shared life experiences on a regular basis. Throughout these many years there have only been positive interactions between us - not one negative exchange - ever. I find that pretty amazing.

    This leads me to sharing about one of the things that has been troubling me about Mists over the past few years. That is the darkness that sits on the edge and rears it's ugly head in graphic images or posts of one sort of another. In addition, a number of our "posting" members have complained to me and let me know they were leaving because of the way they have been emotionally attack my a couple of the members here. Why is that happening when our primary rule towards one another is mutual respect?

    Subsequently, action is now being taken toward those who make a personal decision to spam other member's threads with their BS or engage in emotional attacks. That type of behavior is not to be tolerated here at Mists and won't be. Complaints will be followed up with consequences. A self-moderating forum is only as good as it's members. IMPO, given what I've been reading in a number of posts reviewed over the last several days it's clear that some people need to leave.. they can do it on their own or with a little help.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015

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