The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°180

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 7:37 am
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Thank you, shilo, I understand this part of your post as the answer to my inquiry: (much of your posts remain very abstract to me)

    "I wonder if a point of creation of matter corresponds with a point of leaving the physical form?"

    shilo's answer:(quote) "All things are related in the universal matrix of information and data processing B.B.B; and your 'Flower of Life' mekabah
    association can indeed become synergized with the so termed 'sacred geometry' with its descriptions by 'New Age' philosophers like Drunvalo
    Melchizedek,Dan Winter and Jose Arguelles. But this association then has a solid mathematical and logistical background such as the Fibonacci
    series andthe 'Golden Mean' such as utilized by the renaissance - and subsequent artiseans; more so then the many juxtapositions used by
    Nabsersof many kinds".(end of quote)

    Regarding Drunvalo Melchizedek and Jose Arguells being New Age philosophers, I've learned to know them as Old Age 113683. teachers
    both in person. The message of the messenger can only be fully embodied when the walk and talk in life are in sync with each other. This is
    the reason why I choose to include my 3D life, my walk and talk in life, while present in these Mists. Even my artwork. I so wished that some
    of the other members would do the same, for to me, this could add a whole new quality to this Forum, clearing some fog. That's how I perceive
    it now.

    And something entirely different: that spider in the right lower part of the illustration, looks like those I've found in my rooms when I arrived
    in Avalon area. Large, dark and very fast runners, which give me the creeps. I don't kill animals if I can help it and I've learned to catch them
    in a soft towel and bring them outside in the garden. Still, I hold my breath or screech, while running outside with that package in my hand!

    Later yesterday, after sharing my post, new thoughts popped up and I found that changing levels of vibration or stepping into another
    dimensional level, like in the example of my post, is a bead in the evolutionary chain of creation and not a starting point, such as the
    first manifestation of creation eons ago and a "wriggling human tadpole on its way to its womb warm-pond" so to speak.

    The creation of matter is a manifestation of physical form and, when we restrict to 3D planet Earth living conditions in our now, for ease
    of discussion, this form lives through an evolutionary journey that may or may not include leaving physicality, when entering a vibrational
    level that leaves physical form behind. Just now (new thought) I think that manifestation of physical form itself is a result from changing levels of
    vibration and not a starting point. For that's how we arrive on this planet: a spiritual being in physical form. When asking which came first, it
    seems we've arrived in the riddle of "the chicken and the egg" don't you think? Or maybe the chicken, the egg and the rooster?

    Finding out the answer to that riddle is maybe what we're in for, in our now and the coming years, when we've become creators ourselves,
    consciously and with understanding. I've always found the Yin-Yang symbol highly intriguing and full of wisdom. For I agree with mudra,
    that where darkness is present, the equivalent of light is present and vice versa, as shown in the points of the 2 "tadpoles" in that Yin-
    Yang symbol. And so, thanks to this discussion, I've found some good food for thought, probably not the last bite 854501.

    For some reason I don't see my posts published in the format I'm used to.
    Lines and alinea's show up with too much space between them and letters show up in different sizes.
    That's why I return to small size text, see how that goes. Hmmmppphhh! Ortho, help!
    icon_sunny. little10. icon_sunny.

    Not all those who wander are lost.

    This question regarding the 'parentage of the creators' aka the 'chicken-egg paradox' aka the wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics aka the order of DNA-RNA manifestation regarding amino acid production has been answered many times B.B.B.


    Logan Antico:
    "Yes, we indeed have lifted the veil on the 'Mystery of God', as proclaimed in John's 'Book of the Revelation' in the biblical scrolls, say as encoded in Revelation.10.7.
    The modular duality of the supermembranes has many analogies in science and in mythology.
    One famous one is the riddle about the chicken and the egg.

    What came first, the chicken or the egg?

    If the chicken, then it lays the egg as a hen and if the egg, then the chicken hatches from it.
    But it is no paradox in omniscience!
    In quantum relativity, one is relative to to other and so it is like the Father can be his own Father, but needs a Mother to give birth to himself and corollarily; the Mother can be her own Mother, but requires a Father to create herself.
    So the sperm of the Father is like the DNA, a genetic library, which cannot become an expression from that database without finding an ovum in which it can become a Father like the RNA.
    This is the reason behind the mechanics of messengerDNA encoding DNA, which transcribes messengerRNA encoding RNA, which then transcribes Amino Acids to construct the morphology for the bodies from the spermbased genetic library.
    So in other words; the sperm can be the sperm as the chicken, but not much else and the ovum can be the ovum as the egg, but not much else - yet bringing the two together creates the potential to become a great many things."

    Robert Sceptico:
    "There is a quaint story in mythology, which tries to reconstruct this omniscience, Logan.

    "There once was this male old devil, who lost one of his balls, one of his testicles.
    The testicular egg fell upon the earth and landed in a swamp, where Maria Basra, the old hagtoad found it and sat upon it to hatch it.
    When the time was ripe, a Cockatrice came out of the egg, with a serpent's tail and the head of a rooster.
    The Cockatrice, being the offspring of the old devil, and knowing that it had fallen to earth by misadventure, sought for a way to return into the kingdom of its father, but couldn't find one.
    So the Cockatrice became very frustrated with its existence and when it had grown bigger, it ate its own adopted mother in the old hagtoad Maria Basra.
    But then something strange happened to the body of the Cockatrice; it started to divide into two.
    The headpart grew a tail and the tailpart grew a head and the headpart became a hen out of the rooster's head and the tailpart became a rooster out of the serpent's tail.

    And so were the first rooster and hen born from the Cockatrician testicle of the old devil and the old hagtoad Maria Basra."

    But there is a coded twist to the moral of that fabled story Logan.
    An anagram for MARIA BASRA is ABRAM SARAI, the ancestor for the starhuman race in three of the major worldwide religions.
    Islam, Judaism and Christianity; all consider Abram and Sarai, later renamed from their human identities as Abraham and Sarah in their starhuman potential, as the beginning in their genealogies, their lineages written in blood.
    So the gnostic interpretation of the myth is that half of the creator got lost in its creation and that is symbolised by the testicular egg.
    Then the big old creation, which is lost in itself as a female principle, nurtures something new in the form of the old hagtoad hatching the little old creation into a little new creation.
    This little new creation is however unable to become a big new creation, because it desires to become the big old creation in whom it already finds itself and so is already part of.

    It tries to eat the big old creation to become the same, but in the process it metamorphoses and becomes an ancestor for the big new creation, just as told in the story of Abraham and Sarah in the scroll of the Genesis.
    So the creation of Abraham and Sarah in a renaming of the old, is like a prototypical 'heavenly wedding', later manifesting in their descendants of the sondaughters as the bridegrooms and in the daughtersons as the brides in the dragonomies of the 'New Jerusalem' and as coded in the scroll of 'John's Revelation'.

    The joining of Abraham and Sarah in Mind and in Body, to become Two, but being One, then brings the lost devil's egg back to god's serpentine sperm in a w(holly) unitary symmetry of a dragonomy."

    Logan Antico: "Yes, and everyone alive today carries the genetic inheritance of this 'starseed'; we should know as initiates into the ancient mysteries of Mesopotamia, the socalled 'cradle for this civilisation."

    Robert Sceptico: "Indeed, this obsession with their bloodlines, which some people experience has its origins in the seeding of the starhuman race in the House of Azurguya, and as coded in diluted fashion in the Genesis scroll and the story of Abram of Ur, marrying his halfsister Sarai of Terah's patriarchy.
    But you studied that encoding some time ago, perhaps you can use your number-letter code to shed some light on the relevance of the old Mesopotamian beginnings."



    Isaiah 11:8
    And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

    Isaiah 14:29
    Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.

    Isaiah 59:5
    They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.

    Jeremiah 8:17
    For, behold, I will send serpents, cockatrices, among you, which will not be charmed, and they shall bite you, saith the Lord.

    Bluey TonyLove of Whynot​
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°181

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 11:44 am

    The Wisdom of the Earth and the Cosmic Anthropos


    Nabs infected background information (videos), albeit extended by a valid and informed descriptor of the 'Secret Book of John' aka the 'Apocryphon'







    Alternative Grail


    Lydia's Well




    Living Myth

    Sky Lore

    2012 Shift

    Rite Action
    The True Anarchy of Life on Earth The Human Role in Sophia's Correction
    When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: "You are mistaken, blind one -- false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modeled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been." -- On the Origin of the World, 103.15-30​
    Speaking on Grok-the-Talk in April 2011, I ventured a rather grandiose claim: namely, Sophia's correction commenced on March 19, eight days after the Fukushima earthquake. If Gnostic teachings surviving from the Mysteries are correct, this event would be of singular and momentous import for the human species and the future of the planet. For one thing, it means that the Terma of Gaia Awakening which I discovered in August 2008 is now fully underway as an interactive event going forward in linear time —and possibly, as well, in parallel time. By "parallel time" I mean a bifurcation event that involves humanity taking two different courses simultaneously: di-orthosis, dual or split solution. To make as clear as possible the various aspects and prospects and of this fantastic opportunity, I offer this essay.

    Divine Dare

    Right now, going on three years since the discovery of the Terma of Gaia Awakening, the correction (Greek diorthosis) of the wisdom goddess Sophia stands a chance of becoming a topic of considerable intrigue. Her correction is the single outstanding element of the fallen goddess scenario or vision story of the Mysteries that was left open, undefined. It is also the key to human interactivity with Gaia-Sophia: the human role in her correction somehow determines the way it will be achieved. Why so? Well, according to the Gnostic textual sources, that is how Pistis—name for the goddess who has confidence in humanity—wishes it to be! So the myth informs us, as recorded in a major cosmological text, On the Origin of the World (cited above).

    The correction involves a kind of cosmic challenge, or divine dare. An act of defiance by the Aeon Sophia in her pre-terrestrial form, directed against the Archon forces and assuring them of their ultimate defeat. Her defiance of the deceiving powers that threaten the divine experiment on earth is a statement of pistis, her confidence in humanity, the key species in that experiment. Greek pistis : "faith, confidence."

    Archontic figure seen floating over Gaucin, Spain. April 2011

    Alien Dreaming - the Enigma of the Archons (Nov 2004) presented the image of the Archon embryonic type ("like a premature fetus"), resembling a gaseous leak that exudes from the Coco De Mer. There are two versions of the CDM, this being the one that represents the trimorphic protennoia or three-body system of Sophia's original intention. The CDM depicts the world seed, the germ of the three-body setting for a divine experiment in human potential.

    In her dreaming of a world where one strain of the Anthropos might emerge and evolve, enacting a divine experiment, Sophia previsioned a star, a planet, and a moon or satellite. As the earth was not yet formed, the central part of flesh of the preterrestrial CDM has no X to mark the spot of Sophia's metamorphosis into a living planet. Prototypal sun-star and moon are dark blue, suggesting that these bodies have not yet emerged from the dark cosmic background. In the second version of the CDM, the world seed is pale green, the sun-star is red, the moon is mauve, and a soft X or quadrated slit marks the spot where the earth has appeared:


    This CDM is the icon for the world dreaming of the Aeon Sophia as it came to be realized by her metamorphosis into the setting of the divine experiment she had previsioned in the Pleroma, the galactic core. The original three-body system is intact but it comes to be captured in the celestial clockworks of the inorganic planetary system constructed by the Archons. Such is the two-world perspective of Gnostic cosmology.

    What is the "confidence" of Sophia in humanity? Consistent with the plot-line of the Gnostic myth, she expects the Anthropos to realize its original potential in the three-world system, even though captured in another system. In other words, she counts on the human species to wake up and break free from the matrix of the Archontic powers and engage the divine opportunity of life on earth, interactively with her own awakening to the nightmare of human history. Now there's a neat proposition for imaginal practice.

    The CDM of the preterrestrial moment shows there is a kind of leak or flaw in the original dreaming. Sophia did not expect that the deviant influence of the Archons would come to bear on the divine experiment with the Anthropos.
    Under that influence, humanity is subjected to a second, surrogate or simulated reality. This is the realm of the "planetary spheres" where the earth is captured, described as a prison system in Gnostic writings. Hence the prototype of the "prison planet," a meme associated with the infowars movement of Alex Jones. Telestai described the Archons as wardens and gatekeepers in the labyrinth of the planetary prison. The penetentiary enclosure indicated here is not the earth, which is the Edenic setting for a divine experiment in freedom, discovery, and novelty. No, it is THE MATRIX, the holographic maze of Archontic deception in which the human race appears to be the progeny of off-planet gods, enslaved by intra-species predators who claim descent from such gods, or who purport to act as gods lording it over the rest of humankind and claiming all the resources of the planet for themselves, or who are falsely attributed with godlike powers by humans who come under their spell of mind control, even in the very act of exposing them, etc etc etc.

    The lordship of the Archons, of course, is the widely accepted claim of the Sitchin Annunaki scenario, which I have shown to be theocratic disinformation, exposed and deconstructed by the telestai of the Mysteries.
    "And kingship (theocratic authority) descended from heaven," as the lie is stated in the opening lines of the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. With the Sophianic vision story as a guiding framework, this lie can be exposed and the true account of the prehistory of our species can be developed, consistent with astronomical and evolutionary science (though not necessarily the current and accepted notions of science).

    The preterrestrial CDM introduces the sub-plot of "alien dreaming," i.e., the scheme of the Archon mind-parasites to insinuate themselves into human reality and take it over, making human become like them, robotic, slavish, incapable of intention, discovery, or novelty. In reality, earth, moon and sun are immune to the Archontic presence, off limits. Like the human immunological system, they can suffer sporadic attacks without being entirely crushed. Thus Archons make sporadic forays into the three-body system but they cannot remain there, cannot achieve any lasting effects, and cannot conquer and permanently inhabit either the sun, the moon, or the earth.

    The three bodies function as a unity, structurally coupled to use a term from Gaia theory. They in effect form a single superorganism with the earth as its central sentient core. The threat of the sun wiping out life on earth, i.e., being essentially hostile to terrestrial creatures, or the moon being an outpost for predatory ETs, and other related scenarios along these lines would have to be dismissed as delusional paranoia, if the telestai were correct in their perception of cosmic order. If they were indeed right, their view was epistemic and thus can be tested. However, the testing has to be conducted in rigorous observation of the continuity of the vision story, i.e., fitted into the plot. Such is the challenge to human imagination posed by the supreme participatory myth that has been produced by our species.

    Acari Insects

    The leak in Sophia's dreaming came about due to the spontaneous generation of the locust-like Archon species due to the impact of her living and intentional plasmic luminosity (Organic Light) on the chaos (shadow matter) of the galactic limbs:

    A veil exists between the world above [in the galactic core], and the realms that are below [exterior, in the galactic limbs]; and shadow came into being beneath the veil. Some of the shadow [dark mass] became [atomic] matter, and was projected apart [partially formed into elementary arrays, the dema]. And what Sophia created [by her impact] became a product in the matter [the dema], [a neonate form] like an aborted fetus. And [once formed] it assumed a plastic shape molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, because it was from [neutral, inorganic] matter that it derived. (The Hypostasis of the Archons, II, 4, 93:30 ff, with my glosses in brackets.)​
    The creation myth of the Mysteries can be understood, not as a myth in the sense of a baseless fiction or invention cooked up due to ignorance of facts, but as a true account of events that happened in the cosmos, rendered in mythopoetic and metaphoric terms. This description is not a mere allegory but a functional metaphor that encodes facts, phenomena, processes unfolding on the cosmic scale over long periods of time. Plutarch, one of the last known initiates, condemned allegory and insisted that the myths were descriptions of real events:
    "Whoever applieth these allegories to the blessed Divine Nature, deserves to be treated with contempt. We must not however believe that they were mere fables without any meaning, like those of the Poets. They represent to us things that really happened.” (Isis and Osiris).​
    When I originally restored the Gnostic creation myth with its vivid description of the spontaneous generation of the Archons, I wondered how anyone would give credence to such an outlandish event. Since then, I have discovered the remarkable and still unexplained case of abiogenesis of Acari insects:

    In 1837, Andrew Crosse reported to the London electrical Society concerning the accidental spontaneous generation of life in the form of Acurus genus insects while he was conducting experiments on the formation of artificial crystals by means of prolonged exposure to weak electric current. Throughout numerous strict experiments under a wide variety of conditions utterly inimical to life as we know it, the insects continued to manifest. The great Michael Faraday also reported to the Royal Institute that he had replicated the experiment. Soon afterwards, all notice of this phenomenon ceased to be reported, and the matter has not been resolved since then.​
    Organic Light, the living plasmatic luminosity of the galactic core, is the natural energy form of the Aeons or cosmic divinities. It is not electrical as such but carries a light electrical component. This fact is evident in direct contact with the OL, inducing in the witness a subtle surge of stimulating force, like a mild electric shock, that produces a fine cold sweat. Significantly, Crosse's experiment only required a light electrical charge to generate the insects in an inorganic medium of particulate matter comparable to the dema of the galactic arms. I rest my case. Considering this cosmological event, the emergence of the Acari-like Archons prior to the formation of their eventual habitat, the solar system, it is important to bear in mind the cosmological sequence as Sophia herself lived through it:

    1, In the Pleroma or galactic core Sophia in tandem with her consort Thelete ("the Intended") engineers the human genome, the Anthropos. They encode it with evolutionary capacities in a fivefold manifold: ennoia, metanoia, dianoia, epinoia, all variations of nous (divine intelligence), and charged with enthymesis, passion or desire.

    2, The Anthropos is seeded in the galactic arms, deposited in a molecular cloud in the Orion Nebula where it could spread via free-floating spores (propagules) and take root in various planetary systems. Hence panspermia, stated by Gnostic seers millennia before Svante Arrhenius in 1903.

    3, The Aeon Sophia engages in unilateral dreaming, without a consort or Aeonic counterpart. Doing so, she envisions a three-body system where one strain of the Anthropos could emerge and evolve according to her designs, her preconception of a divine experiment in novelty and learning—a totally open-ended experiment that does not terminate in any final event or outcome determined beforehand by Sophia or any other Pleromic divinity. She sets the initial conditions and leaves the outcome open. In other words, Sophia envisions the experiment unfolding within certain guidelines consistent with the capacities endowed in the Anthropos, but without imposing a prescripted "divine plan" of that species. She herself does not know the end-result or ultimate fruition of the experiment. In keeping with the sublime generosity of the Aeons, Sophia wishes to see how the human experiment plays out independently, on its own terms.

    4, Due to the intensity of her own enthymesis, desire, Sophia is drawn away from the galactic core, the Pleroma, realm of infintie potential. Outside the defining boundary, she falls or plunges into the region of the Kenoma, the realm of shadow matter and finite potential. The goddess actually undergoes contradiction and confusion: now she is dynamically involved in the experiment for which she has not determined a specific outcome. No longer detached, she is implicated in the outcome! As the initial conditions of the experiment with the Anthropos unfold, so does Sophia's hypostasis, her downscaling enmeshment in the physics of the carousal arms of the galaxy. This is an anomalous and unanticipated development in the cosmic order.

    5, Sophia's impact in the dema, the dense elementary matter arrays of the galactic limb, produces a fracture zone where the locust-like Archons arise by spontaneous generation, like the Acari insects in Crosse's experiment. This is the first unanticipated event in Sophia's adventure in the carousel arms.

    6, The Archons swarm in a circular mass like bees. They are a mimic species with a hive mentality, possessing none of the capacities or attributes encoded in the human genome. They are inorganic drones, robotic in nature, yet they excel in imitation and simulation, HAL, the technique of virtual reality. Sophia encompasses this bizarre swarm with the plume of her Organic Light, shaping herself into a kind of uroborus, a serpent biting its own tail. In this way she attempts to bound them off, herding them into a space with definite frontiers. Witihin these boundaries, the protoplanetary disk of the emergent solar system will take form.

    7, Stranded in the galactic arms, and gradually losing contact with the Aeons of the core, Sophia hovers in proximity to the Orion Nebula where the human genome is deposited like a pattern of dew in a spider's web. At the same time, she confronts the Archons and witnesses the emergence of a violent mutation in their midst. A drakonic or reptilian figure assumes the role of hive-master: the Lord Archon, Ialdaboath, also called Samael and Saklas, "the blind one." This is the second unanticipated event in her adventure outside the galactic core. Here the myth gets rather complex. Interactions between Sophia and the Lord Archon involve several cosmological episodes on a vast scale. I will cover these events in detail in another essay... For now, let's consider the scene described in On the Origin of the World:

    8, Sophia confronts the Lord Archon by invoking the presence of the Anthropos, which that entity cannot see or comprehend. She tells him,"There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata)." With her own attention fixed on the Anthropos, she reads the Lord Archon his fate: to be defeated by humanity at the moment when he consummates his work, that is, the act of deception by which the human race is deviated from the divine experiment as Sophia originally dreamed it. In a nutshell, this is the pistis of the wisdom goddess: her confidence in humanity to detect and overcome the Archontic powers, the Authorities or Rulers. Dialogue of the Savior, NHC III, 5.85:

    Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us."
    The savior said, "It is you who will rule over them. But only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light, and enter the nymphion (bridal chamber)."
    From the scant surviving textual evidence of the myth, it is clear that the telestai imagined that Sophia could foresee the threat of the Authorities to humanity and the divine experiment of her original dreaming. Fine, yes, but the question to be asked now is: Did she anticipate the extent to which that influence would go before it was detected and defeated? Even before the earth was formed by the metamorphosis of her own energetic currents—another unanticipated event in her adventure!—Sophia reckoned on the intrusion of the Archons upon the divine experiment. But was she able to foresee the full extent of that intrusion?

    Perhaps even the wisdom goddess herself did not anticipate how far the Archons would penetrate human relaity and deviate the divine experiment she previsioned for the Anthropos. This might explain, in mythological terms, why it takes until the last minute before she catches the error and initiates her correction.

    On the Origin of the World presents a kind of prophetic warning pronounced by the wisdom goddess, suggesting a last-minute turnaround:

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the light of truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."​
    In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the earth, foresees a moment when the Archontic powers will be defeated, the moment of the consummation of their works. In other words, their defeat comes at the moment of extreme desperation when they complete their agenda, the eleventh hour. In 2011 we are living in that eleventh hour and even toward the end of the hour. 11/11/11 is a date that compels close attention and perhaps even an obsessive fixation of interest.

    Archon Plexus

    Many of those who purport to expose the "alien agenda" of the Authorities (New World Order psychopaths, or NEWOs) attribute something like magical powers to those perpetrators. This is hype which, to my way of thinking, the perps do not deserve. It invests them with an aura of occult power, as if they are masters of the universe, as invincible as sci-fi comic book monsters. It mystifies them to the exclusion of any consideration of the magical powers inherent to the human race as a whole. It exaggerates their skills and their visionary, planning capacity. Beware of this kind of credulous hyping of intra-species predators.

    Granted, the globalist masterminds use or appear to use certain symbolic dates or numerological keys and chronological codes in orchestrations of social evil. These patterns are undeniable but it may be an error to regard them as indicating deliberate magical operations. In reality, there may be another mechanism operating in the advantage of the Authorities, quite distinct from the skills and strategies attributed to them by exposers such as David Icke, Michael Tasrion, and Maxwell Jordan.

    And what would such a mechanism be?

    The R Complex (Archon Plexus) consists of the extended part of the brain stem embedded in the limbic system or mammalian midbrain (outlined in yellow).​

    Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex: pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, overwriting the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic. A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants.

    Observation of dates and numbers by the Authorities are not proof of their mastery of globally spellbinding black magic, but evidence of their "routinary minds," as Castaneda noted, concerning the flyers. They repeat these agendas to keep themselves on track as they have no guiding autonomy, having abdicated that aspect of our divine endowment in favor of the Archontic illusion of power, enacted through arcane games of deception and domination. Is that clear enough, Snoopy?

    A psychotic serial killer works compulsively in strict routines, often using repetitive patterns preserved in codes, ciphers, and symbols. But given this is so, can you say that such a murderous, deceiving person is performing true and efficacious magic? I think that would be over-attribution. He or she is merely acting out the rigid, fear-driven behavioral compulsions inherent to the Archon plexus of the "psyched-up,"over-worked backbrain. This distinction is imperative.

    To fall under the spell of the Authorities is to concede power to their false magic: under the power of deception, we deceive ourselves about what power really is and lose all sense of our own power. Our power inheres in the unique opportunity of our role in the divine experiment of Sophia, interactive magic with the wisdom goddess. Claiming this power is the only sure and direct way, and the ultimate way, to detect and defeat the illusional power of the Authorities.
    By this definition, which is purely telestic, the Authorities are human beings deviated by the overworking of the Archon plexus, the reptilian brain. In large measure, the quasi-magical or occult power attributed to globalist perpetrators is a hoax, operating under the Wizard of Oz effect. Note that to enforce their presumed magical powers, the perpetrators need to exert enormous continual efforts of two kinds: brainwashing through the media, and threat of force through the military. Without a constant dual-barreled barrage, requiring the complicity of human beings to suppress and deceive their fellow creatures, their vaunted magic would quickly fade and dissipate.

    In reality, the NEWOs can only sustain the illusion of magical supremacy as long as they suppress and deviate human potential, where the true magic abides: that is, in our species' innate capacity for interactive magic with the animating powers of the planetary goddess. Unless the NEWOs can suppress that capacity in a brutal manner all the time, it will naturally and spontaneously assert itself. When it does, the true magic of the Anthropos, the "luminous child," will immediately spring into action. This is what Sophia herself wishes: for humanity to own and enact its true potential for magic and use it to defeat the Archons and banish them to their proper domain, the gravity well (abyss) of the inanimate planetary system.

    In terms of geophysics, the force of gravity not inherent to the bioenergetic laws of the living planet allows the Archons to colonize the R Complex and manipulate human behavior by exaggerating the rigid, routinary patterns of the reptilian brain. I repeat, the repetition that becomes evident in numbers, symbols, and codes is not proof of genuine magical skill but merely of repetition compulsion that is the mark of the reptilian area of the brain: reptilian repetition. The functions of the R Complex have a limited survival value, but when exaggerated they act against survival and enforce and enable the Archontic powers to deviate free human impulses into a behavioral grid of robotic enslavement.

    That deviance into mindless robotics is the essence of Archontic influence: it is due to nothing original on the part of the alien parasites but merely the exaggeration of pre-existing tendencies in the psychosomatic structure of humanity — in the plasmata, modelled form of the Anthropos.

    In physical terms, the Archons enjoy this seizure of the backbrain functions because the earth is captured in the gravity well of the solar system. Consequently, objects on earth appear to fall at the same rate, no matter what their size. An erroneous myth of science claims that Galileo proved this phenomenon by dropping two objects of different weights from the leaning tower of Pisa. This is a nice fairy-tale, at best. The assumed experiment may never have happened. In any case, it can be repeated with quite a different result. With close observation, it is clear that objects of different weight and mass, or objects charged with a magnetic field, do not fall at the same uniform rate. The claim of uniform fall for all objects regardless of weight, size, and mass is false—an Archontic "special effect" that has become an established dogma of science.

    And there is more to this dogmatic deception. Established science teaches that falling objects demonstrate acceleration by gravity: they fall at increasing speed, gaining velocity at a rate of 32 feet per second, per second. This increase in freefall velocity is set forth as a universal law of physics, as if nothing could be otherwise in the cosmos. True, there is a detectable effect of acceleration of falling objects. It can be observed and measured, but what actually causes it? And it is really universal and invariable, as assumed?

    Acceleration by gravity is blind repetition of a mechanical effect: freefall velocity increasing each second by the same, endlessly repeated quantity, 32 feet per second. Purely Archontic. But one can imagine a different state of affairs, a different operation of physical laws: each object would begin to accelerate (otherwise it would remain suspended in space and not fall at all), then reach a unique limit of descent velocity depending on its mass relative to the earth. In other words, by another set of physical laws all objects would fall to earth at a constant, non-accelerating speed determined uniquely by the relation of the mass of that specific object to the mass of the earth. This is how freefall might happen if the living earth were not captured in the gravity well of the inorganic planets.

    Conclusion from a Gnostic angle: acceleration by gravity is the insinuated phantom effect of the Archontic planetary system upon the living dynamics of the earth, not an inherent property of the earth or the three-body system. This same effect operating upon the human body allows the Archontic mind parasites to "seize and freeze" the instinctual functions of the R Complex. Consequently, Archons grab us by that part of the neck that feels a tickle when subjected to a steady stare from behind. They actually do achieve a grip on human behavior in this manner, and simultaneously they freeze or stymie human perception through another kind of paralytic hold they exert within the field of peripheral vision, frontally. They get us coming and going, as the old expression puts it.

    Disclosure Made Official

    On the Origin of the World informs us that the defeat of the Archons is a last-minute affair that depends on their reaching the full extension of their phantom powers over humanity. The outcome depends on the intervention of humanity at the eleventh hour. The myth clearly indicates a sudden, drastic turnabout. Sophia warns the Lord Archon: "There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump)." Instead of molding humankind in their image, the Archons will be reduced to pulp, like the discard from a juicer.

    In April I was in the white town of Gaucin at sunset when I noticed a cloud formation in the sky (pictured above). The sun had just set behind El Hacho and over the rooftops of the town floated a figure that reminded me vividly of the image of the Archon I had designed in the early days of this site. The resemblance was striking, especially at the first moment I observed the long horizontal cloud formation, before I realized I could photograph it with my cell phone. Over a period of half an hour I saw the head of the creature morph from the ET-type skull to a dog-like or monkey-like appearance. It assumed the head of a dog-monkey.

    For what it's worth, NHC cosmological texts such at the Apocryphon of John mention both monkey- and dog-headed Archons. I was deeply haunted by this apparition in the skies over the postcard village in Andalucia. It stuck me as an omen. Upon rereading the above-cited text, I could see what that omen was perhaps indicating: the moment of "disclosure," when the Archontic powers reach the full extension of their powers. At that moment, the true form of the Authorities will finally be revealed. Their presence on earth as phantom powers operating through human surrogates will be exposed for all to see.

    Typical Hollywood image of hostile alien invasion by ETs with high-tech aircraft. Actual event, holographic illusion, false flag operation, psiops, Archontic disclosure, or combination of the above?

    In the Gnostic view, disclosure is not the moment when governmental authorities announce the presence of ETs on earth, thus making it "official." Nothing made official in this world counts for anything but another tactic in the globalist hoax, advancing the agenda of the Authorities. But for the Archons to make their final move, they must reveal themselves. Since their nature is deception, they will do so deceptively. Even in showing their presence, playing their trump card on the human species, they will deceive, because that is all they ever do, all they can do. The test of that moment falls upon humanity: to see how the Authorities are scamming the world with their specious magic of mind control, the vaunted global psyops.

    Sophia intends that humanity have the opportunity to play out the divine experiment she originally envisioned for it, free of Archontic deviation — that is, free of the hoaxing coercion of the Authorities who claim that their agenda of domination insures social security and freedom from moral chaos. But this type of freedom is really enslavement. In Sophianic terms, freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth, distinguished from the false threat of social chaos contrived by the Authorities.
    What final measures will be required in the Archontic endgame? How far will it go before the consummation of the works of the Lord Archon? And when the crucial moment comes, will humanity perhaps be able to use psyops against the intra-species predators themselves? To zap them with their own tactics?

    It might be assumed that the Archontic factor in human behavior will play out in several ultimate moves, not just one event. For instance: World War III, part staged and part real. Also, a simulated alien invasion event using holographically cloaked weapons developed in black op programs. Also, an Armageddon event fulfilling Biblical prophecy, including the return of a messiah (Operation Blue Beam), perhaps coordinated with WW III and a nuclear strike on Jerusalem? Whatever the case, Archontic deception will not end until the final act of the script has been dramatized in world history. That final act is written in the Book of Revelation, the age-old script enforced and enacted even by those who do not really believe in it.

    Moral Illusion

    In an optical illusion, you see with your eyes something that is not actually there, or at least not there in the manner you suppose. Hence, a mirage. In a psychological illusion, you project into external reality something that exists in your own psyche. Such as "Satanic," a catch-all term for paranoid projections from the human mind. In a moral illusion, you attribute to human behavior capacities or conditions that do not apply to the way humans really act. For instance, the religious dogma of original sin attributes guilt to human action even before there is anything to be guilty about. To make people feel and act out of guilt, and then claim that they do so due to a previous event that no one has experienced, is moral illusion in absurd extravagance.

    The Pagan assumption of innate goodness (see Marcus Aurelius) may also be regarded as a moral illusion. But the evidence that people act from innate goodness, without having to be told to do so, is strong enough, and it stands in contrast to guilt-driven action which has to be contrived and enforced from without—by threat of eternal damnation, for instance.

    Moral illusions can be subtle or gross. The subject is a huge quagmire, perfect ground for the Archons to take their last stand.

    However the Archontic endgame plays out in world events—a false flag alien attack combined with the advent of a holographic messiah, seasoned with a strong dose of nuclear war, perhaps?—the m.o. of the alien mind parasites reveals two outstanding features: moral illusion and the factor of absurdity. The latter will be eminent, if not pre-eminent, in the consummation of their works that must occur before they are defeated by humanity.

    For the delight of the Authorities is bitter and their beauty is depraved. Their enjoyment is deception and their design is the lack of divinity. NHC BG 56.6-8 And the plan they devised about me [the Revealer], to release their error and absurdity — I did not succumb to them as they had planned.” NHC VII, 2, 55.10​
    The moral illusion of the Archons is about "authority." Since they may be called Authorities or Rulers, this illusion applies to their own nature. In other words, they enforce the illusion of their nature to execute their effect upon humanity. They lie to enforce the deception about what they actually are: mindless drones propelled by a mix of envy and enmity. As they have no agenda, absurdity becomes the endgame tactic, the signature of the ultimate reach of their exertions against the Anthropos.

    The supreme moral illusion confronting humanity operates like this: those who falsely assume authority over others demand obedience to their commands on the claim that disobedience would result in social chaos and anarchy. They claim to preserve social and moral order by rules and constraints imposed and maintained by sheer brutal force. The self-assumed authorities propagate the belief that human beings, left to their own impulses, would produce a world of disorder, conflict, and chaos. We are all potential terrorists in the mind of the Authorities. In our natural state of freedom and autonomy, we are dangerous to ourselves and must be curbed, leashed, and protected by a higher power. In short, the self-declared authorities claim to save humanity from the chaotic or anarchistic tendencies of human nature.

    They want us to believe that left alone, without their domination, we would create a world of social chaos. In reality, day-to-day evidence shows that they deceptively orchestrate chaos to maintain their attempt to control the world. More and more often they do so to the point of theatrical absurdity that would produce guffaws of ridicule performed on a stage before an audience. Yet it passes for normal.


    TSA patdown of a child suspected of terrorism. An example of the extreme absurdity of the Authorities "at the consummation of their works." Unfortunately, absurd behavior of this kind is an act of violation. It can also be murderous. Psyched-up and granted legitimacy by the authorities, the R Complex makes people act inhumanly.​
    The lie about the self-endangering nature of human impulses is deeply insidious. It represents the root of all variations of social evil. This particular moral illusion is the ultimate challenge to human discernment, the supreme test of the genuine moral integrity of our species. Breaking through it is the key to liberation from Archontic deception. Gnostics taught that evil is not an autonomous power in the cosmos, rather, it is a phenomenon of deviance that emerges under cover of deception. Without deception and concealment, evil cannot be committed. Why not? Because in being exposed and opposed, it would immediately be defeated by the natural tendency of human nature to choose truth, goodness, and coexistence. But the authorities claim that our natural tendencies must be repressed and controlled, if not totally eradicated and replaced by robotic obedience.

    The power of the Authorities is a moral illusion enforced as a lie so transparent that it needs continuous application of brute force to be sustained. This lie is the opposite of the truth: only freedom to explore and express its natural tendencies will allow humanity to reach its true potential. This freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth. It is the basis of the confidence of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the foundation of her reliance on the species she designed.
    Gnostic texts that develop the theme of what the goddess wishes for humanity, or through humanity typically call her Pistis, "faith," or "confidence." Pistis Sophia, "the faith of the goddess" means that the mother planet has confidence in the pet species, humankind. This confidence shines out in the divine dare that Sophia expresses when confronting the Lord Archon in that episode of On the Origin of the World. The cosmological drama is the cosmic setting for a social and existential challenge that comes to be enacted on the world stage in our time, right now.

    Their fruit is a poison without cure and their promise is a living death. And as for their design for life, their implant that falsifies the true design, I shall teach you about the mystery of their ways. It is their counterfeiting spirit (antimimon pneuma). the hoaxing power within them, that leads them astray. So they in turn lead us astray, deviating the true potential of the Anthropos in order that you may not know your own fullness, your infinite gift.

    The tree of their design is bitterness and its branches are darkened by death.
    Its leaves are hatred and deception, and its aroma reeks of evil (poneria). -- NHC BG (Apocryphon of John) 56ff​

    The genius of Gnostic mythmaking inheres in the dual aspect of its message to humanity: it presents a clear and veracious description of events that really occurred in the cosmic realms, involving the Aeon Sophia and the Archons, and it converts that cosmic scenario squarely into the framework of social, psychological, and existential conditions, reflected in actual situations facing humanity in the test to own and enact our divine potential. "Knowledge of that which is alive can alone banish terror." To face terror, the signature of the Authorities, you must look into yourself and ask, What is most alive in me? Is it not your love for freedom, to do and be as you please without harming others? If it is anything less than that you may be well groomed for the globalist scheme of enslavement that is right now approaching its endgame scenario.

    The Sophianic vision story of the Mysteries is actional, able to be enacted. Such action has to be supported by specific knowledge, the savvy for human survival. Foremost in our savvy would be the capacity to detect predators and psychopaths. The new genre of ponerology introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be hugely instructive to this end. It represents a kind of telestic forensic method for detecting the murderous deceit of the Authorities. Derived from the Greek word poneria found in Gnostic writings (above), ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of social evil. Lobaczewski uses the striking term pathocracy to describe the domination of a society by a faction of psychopathic members, estimated to be 4-5 percent of the population.

    If you cannot profile a psychopath, you are not a responsible member of human society. If you cannot detect and defeat psychopathic behavior as it presents itself in your immediate personal reality, you are not qualified to live in a free world. Freedom ain't a free lunch. Such is the humble view of a warrior in Kali's Band.

    Finally, it could be said that the challenge presented to the Lord Archon by Sophia represents the way humanity will engage in her correction and return to the divine experiment, free of Archontic disruption and subterfuge. The wisdom goddess counts on our species to do just that... But it might require too large a stretch of imagination to realize this proposition of divine confidence in mortal humans. To put the same proposition in strictly secular language: we cannot realize our true humanity without beating the Authorities. There is more than one way to do so, but the central and decisive way is to choose anarchy in defiance of any authority that does not demonstrate benevolence toward life in all forms.

    The true anarchy of the human species is Sophia's guarantee of the success of the divine experiment she preconceived for the Anthropos, without setting a predetermined end to it. Gnosis today is the open source spirituality of imaginal and moral empowerment that optimizes the prospects for creative anarchy. Thus in Gnosis we can fulfill the Edenic promise of life on earth.

    Even the word carries the essential message: an-arch, "against authority, against archons."

    I have noted before that engagement in Sophia's correction is a volunteer process that involves an act of deselection for each human individual. Backing down from the menacing absurdity of the Authorities, you deselect from her correction. In doing so, you also abdicate your true identity as a human being, the opportunity to live and thrive as an acting member of the Anthropos. "The Archons made me do it." No, you forfeit a role in Sophia's correction. You defeat yourself by missing the greatest opportunity life can offer. The Authorities only have the power ceded to them through ignorance and denial of our divine potential, our endowment from the planetary animal mother and the Aeons.

    A passage in The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (64.4f) captures the basic tragedy of the human race: to be misled from its true potential by simulation, falling for a false version of itself. This warning seems to be unique to the radical protest of the Gnostics. The words applied here to Jesus, Moses, and the Patriarchs can as well be applied to those of the human race who succumb to the moral illusion of the Authorities:

    They never knew truth,

    nor will they know it

    for there is a great deception

    upon their soul, and they cannot

    ever find the mind of

    freedom, in order to know

    themselves, in true humanity.

    jll: 1 June 2011 Andalucia

    Last day of double shift under Bhuvaneshvari and the Wrathful Green Tara, the Selector.
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    goth. December3.
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    • Post n°183

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 22:06

    Quote from shilo's post of November 9th 2015, 10:44

    "Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex:

    pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, over-
    writing the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic. A preprogrammed robot does not

    act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy,

    not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and

    the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants.

    Observation of dates and numbers by the Authorities are not proof of their mastery of globally spellbinding black magic, but evidence of their "routinary minds," as Castaneda noted, concerning the flyers. They repeat these agendas to keep themselves on track as they have no guiding autonomy, having abdicated that aspect of our divine endowment in favor of the Archontic illusion of power, enacted through arcane games of deception and domination. Is that clear enough, Snoopy?"[end of quote]
    B.B. Snoopy thinks she understands and can make sense of most of your fore-last post, thanks a bunch 374937. shilo. There's an interesting similarity between Archons and the figure of Ahriman in Rudolf Steiner's antroposophical view and it's beautifully expressed in Saruman, the wizard in Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" , who chooses the robe of rainbow colors above the white one, choosing the full spectrum of down-to-earth-ness, a life in order to gain power, with Sauron who creates robotic creatures, half human and some half animal in most horrific forms

    and ways, in the depths of Mordor's land, some of them a sort of equivalent of the present day super-soldiers. Ahriman is also the world of Mammon, becoming visible with it's true face in the present banking system. In Harry Potter's stories, Voldemort is the Ahrimanic figure striving to maintain a physical form and mesmerize the "pure blood" as his disciples, present in the story with blond hair, a clear reference to the Arian world of Nazi-views, as I perceive it.

    To be clear, in Steiner's perspective, there's no good-or-bad opinion about the forces, represented by Ahriman and Lucifer, all are viewed as essential or rather "real" forces in life and human life-stories finding expression on planet Earth, finding wisdom and balance in juggling them both, finding spiritual freedom. Rudolf Steiner didn't invent these names and forces, they're present in the Persian religion of ancient pasts. Ahriman is expected to be defeated in the future, by Ahura Mazda.

    Some parts of this post may or may not "speak" to you or "speak" in different ways to you. What's relevant here, is the variety of expressions of forces that are material orientated or spiritual orientated, in essence. Different expressions add up to solving a riddle or puzzle, I think.
    That's why I present this post in this way. That's all I have to say so far.


    “In an ether-body that has been parched by materialism, Ahriman will be able to dwell. It is our duty to educate children in the future insuch a way that they will be competent to understand the spiritual world. The ether-body must be quickened in order
    that the human being may be able to take his rightful stand, fully cognizant of the nature of the being who stands at his side.
    If he does not understand the nature of this second being, he will be spellbound by him, fettered to him.” “We, in our age,
    must get the better of Ahriman by enriching the Ego with the wisdom that can be born only from knowledge and investigation
    of the spiritual world, i.e. from Spiritual Science.”(end of quote)

    Lecture: Christ in Relation to Lucifer and Ahriman by Rudolf Steiner May 18 1915


    "Goethe was one of those who, in a certain respect, deliberately set out to confront and defy the luciferic powers. That, however, makes it essential to keep constant hold of the concrete, individual reality. The moment you generalize or unify — at that moment you are nearing

    Luciferic thinking. If you were to contemplate each human individual, each single plant, each single animal, each single stone in itself alone, having in mind the one, single object, not classifying into genera and species, not generalizing in your thought — then you would be little
    prone to luciferic thinking". Rudolf Steiner.

    "Spirits who arise through immoral actions have a particular tendency to be parasites in human evolution on Earth under Lucifer's leadership, and to seize hold of the evolution of human beings before these make their physical entry into the world. They attack human beings during the embryonic stage and share their existence between conception and birth. Some of these spirits, if they are strong enough, can continue to accompany the human being after birth, creating the phenomena seen in children who are possessed." Rudolf Steiner.


    "To know the Fenrir wolf and the intentions and dangers we are breeding in a silicon universe is to understand how technical

    data has gained supremacy in human culture by invading the region of our intelligence. “The Ahrimanic Powers try to prevent evolution from taking the course here described. It is not their will that the original Divine-Spiritual Powers should illumine the Universe in its further course. They want the cosmic intellectuality which they themselves have absorbed to radiate through
    the whole of the new Cosmos, and in this intellectualized and Ahrimanised Cosmos they want man to live on.”



    The forces in the unexpended ether bodies beckon to the future, as well: to understand their message is to admit it into one's soul. Below, however, there must be souls who will perceive this truth and prepare for it through the proper and active understanding of our spiritual
    science. Our spiritual science must cultivate souls on this earth who will be capable of sensing what the ether bodies of the dead up there
    will say to us in the future. These souls will know that in the beyond there are forces to admonish human beings who had to be left on earth. When spirit-conscious souls down here harken to the hidden sounds of the spiritual world, then all bloodshed, all sacrifices and all suffering, past and future, will bear fruit. I do hope that quite a few souls come together through spiritual science and perceive the voices from the spiritual world that are resounding especially because of this war.

    - See more at:


    The roles of Ahriman (material focus) and Lucifer (spiritual focus) are expressed in this quote by Rudolf Steiner:

    (Modern quote to keep courage:
    "Search for the real practical and tangible life
    But search for it in a way that the Spirit at work in it, won't darken.
    Search for the Spirit, but don't look for it in over-sensual lusting
    In over-sensual egoism.
    But search it, because you want to make use of it in a non-selfish way in practical life,
    in the material life.
    Use the old basic rule:
    "The Spirit is never without matter, matter is never without Spirit"
    In such a way that you will say:
    "We will practice all that is material in the light of the Spirit

    and we will search for the light of the Spirit in such a way that warmth will develop within for our practical actions"
    (Dutch interpretation by Michiel Rietveld, translated into English by B.B.Baghor)

    For those of you who speak Dutch:

    Moderne spreuk om de moed er in te houden:
    Een spreuk van Rudolf Steiner, vertaald door Michiel Rietveld

    "Zoek het werkelijk praktische, tastbare leven.
    Maar zoek het zo, dat het je niet de Geest verduistert die er in werkzaam is.
    Zoek de Geest, maar zoek hem niet in bovenzinnelijke wellust,
    in bovenzinnelijk egoïsme.
    Maar zoek hem, omdat je hem onzelfzuchtig in het praktische leven,
    in de materiële leven wilt aanwenden.
    Gebruik de oude basisregel:
    “De Geest is nooit zonder materie, materie nooit zonder Geest”
    op zodanige wijze dat je zegt:
    “Wij willen al het materiële in het licht van de Geest doen,

    en wij willen het licht van de Geest zo zoeken dat er in ons warmte ontstaat voor ons praktische handelen”

    (ontvangen van Michiel Rietveld, tijdens de afronding opleiding natuurvoedingskundige Kraaybeekerhof sept. 2007 - juni 2010)
  5. admin

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    • Post n°184

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 8:27 am

    ""To be clear, in Steiner's perspective, there's no good-or-bad opinion about the forces, represented by Ahriman and Lucifer, all are viewed as essential or rather "real" forces in life and human life-stories finding expression on planet Earth, finding wisdom and balance in juggling them both, finding spiritual freedom. Rudolf Steiner didn't invent these names and forces, they're present in the Persian religion of ancient pasts. Ahriman is expected to be defeated in the future, by Ahura Mazda. ""

    The reason I shared the article on the archons was for the relevancy of the 'Pistis Sophia' as the 'Wisdom of the Earth' and the 'Old World' in the present state of the global affairs and the reformation of this planet Earth per se. A planetary reformation is in process, which , in terms of encoded timeline codes in the Christian bible and the Old Testament, began in 1975 and must end in 2019 due to the manifestation or 'fulfilment' of the millennia old 'program' or software written and composed at the time of the composition of the encompassing texts, say the book of Daniel written about 165BC or the Pentateuch at the time of the 18th Egyptian dynasty say 1300BC-1200BC.

    The author of this article is informed about the 'Apocryphon', one of the scrolls found at Nag Hammadi in Egypt in 1945 and presents an appropriate account of 'Barbelo' as the 'wayward' consort creation of the 'Perfect One' as the creator. He then attempts to describe the present status quo on earth as a 'homecoming' of Barbelo, which was 'banned' to the '9th heaven' because of her creation of the 'universal abomination' in some anticreator-creation being named Yaldabaoth.
    The author's description about Barbelo as the 'Sophia' is the part I agree with; but most of his other resentation are not at all compatible with the Thuban information basis.
    He for example denies the gravitational acceleration due to a planet's mass and betrays his relative ignorance when he presents his personal interpretation of the gnostic texts in what might be termed as a shared interpretation as given by Rudolf Steiner, Goethe and other sources, quoted and inferred by your reply.

    Who are the Archons?
    Are they the Paa Taal, the most ancient of creators, who created all races even the old Reptilians and Draconians, who themselves have forgotten where they themselves had come from? According to Alex Collier it was the unprecedented event of particular Black Holes opening from 12 dimensional spacetimes, which enabled new information to be released into the lower dimensions of the Andromedean universe.

    Are they the offspring of the 'evil abomination' of Barbelo in contra creation to the 'kingdom of the Christchild' according to the apocryphon and in direct competition for the Anthropos or 'Cosmic Man' or the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalistic lores?
    The nature and origin of the archons from the gnostic literature then became integrated in the 'secret initiations', cults and fraternities such as the freemasons, other forms of the 'illuminati' and the more recent adaptations of 'Luciferians' and 'Satanists'.
    Rudolf Steiner and Goethe then draw on this adaptation and blend it with their particular views regarding Christianity and the dichotomy between 'good and evil' and the 'darkness' battling with the 'light'.

    The Nag Hammadi lexicon, with the exception of the 'Gospel of Thomas' , shares this view, later diffused by the growth of political Christianity in the evolution of the timelines of history.

    Or are the archons the 'spiritual wickedness at high places' as espoused by Paul's letter to the Ephesians?

    Ephesians 6:11-13 - King James Version (KJV)
    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
    13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    But is not about opinions as to the nature of the native duality in the metaphysical creation with its relationship or partnerhood with the physical manifestation; but it is about the origin of the dichotomy experienced in its manifestation.

    Should you be able to 'overcome' the 'old mental world' of stereotypical groupthink, drawing upon eonold created thoughtforms or Dawkinsian memes, memeplexes created not by some devil or demon or Draconian reptoid, but by the universally gifted cocreators as 'veritas eikonas' or 'perfect images', namely the inhabitants of planet earth; then you might be able to find the answers of who the archons are all by yourself.

    The perfect image of the creator is of course the Anthropos in symbol, also called Adam and the perfect image of the creation is part of Adam (and so male as the creator is male) as his rib transforming into Eve at the 'Evening' as the 'Mother of all living'.
    That there also exists a 'Lilith' not part of Adam at the start and so potentially a 'true female' is another story altogether, but as you might find out rather relevant for the archons. Well the apocryphon states that Eve was 'raped' by Yaldabaoth to create the offspring of the first dichotomy or 'split up' between heaven and earth and the creator and the creation in Elohim-Abel and Yahweh-Cain, later retold in the book of Genesis as the first book of the Pentateuch.

    Now B.B.B. might be able to understand her own dichotomy and discover the 'secret of the archons' by a simple exercise, she chooses to undertake.
    She goes into her bedroom and looks into a mirror and knowing who she is, she rises her right hand in front of the mirror.
    The veritas eikona of B.B.B now does the same as a 'perfect image' does it not?
    Well, appearances might fool native humans, addicted to their vanities and whimsicalities, but B.B.B has learned some cosmological discernments in her discourse with the Dragons from Thuban and she decides to check her 'Doppelgänger' or Shadow-self in the mirror out for herself.

    B.B.B decides to forgo her human identity in front of her mirror and imagines to BE her mirrored self as a cosmic or imaged self. Some might even choose this self to call a 'Higher Self'.

    Being her own shadow in the darkness shone upon by some light in her bedroom, either daylight or a lamp; B.B.B. realizes that her perfect image is not so perfect after all. B.B.B. as her 'higher cosmic imaged self' actually rises her left hand inside of the mirror and so B.B.B's veritas eikona is different from the 'flesh and blood' B.B.B outside of the mirror.

    Now because B.B.B has read some dragon messages about the science of handedness and chirality; she understands that this is a physical property of mirrors and reflective optics in the physical material universe defined by spaces and times and objects occupying those spacetimes.

    But what would this situation be, if there were no spacetimes for the physical sciences to render this scenario possible? B.B.B's contemplation then allows her to discover the archons as the images of the darkness as the shadows of the images of the light.

    (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    (83) Jesus said, "The images are manifest to man, but the light in them remains concealed in the image of the light of the father. He will become manifest, but his image will remain concealed by his light."

    (84) Jesus said, "When you see your likeness, you rejoice. But when you see your images which came into being before you, and which neither die not become manifest, how much you will have to bear!"

    (114) Simon Peter said to him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life."
    Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of heaven."


    'A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul.'


    And B.B.B might be able to see the beginnings of it all, long before there were any archons or Paa Taal or Draconians or Martians or Lyrians, Andromedeans or Arcturians or Pleiadeans.
    Because before space and time existed there was the concept of a mirror and the creator looking into the mirror saw himself as himself and not as herself the mirror itself had been.

    The Nothingness and the eternity had been as One but the One had been VOID with no maleness and no femaleness and so the 'Perfect One' looked inside and saw 'Barbelo' despite the inside and the outside had been undifferentiated as the One. But no number 1 had been created as the Zero was Infinity in the Void of the undefinable.
    And so the One had to become 'split up' and this manifested the 'Loss of the Mother Baab' as the Mirror Gate by the 'Father Abba' as the One looking into the Mirror of Losing Himself in Herself.

    But then the Mirror of the Gate became a physical creation with SPACETIME=91=MIRROR=SPIRIT=PHOENIX and the metaphysical playground of the imagination and imaged story was lost as the banishment from Paradise or Eden.

    A great divide was created and the Physical Mirror of Baab became the Metaphysical Image of Abba in a 'What is real and what is unreal?' conflict of the original dichotomy.
    Abba did not see Baab as a female, but he saw himself as his own shadow and Abba's LIGHT became the DARKNESS or ANTILIGHT as Real Abba's Unreal Brother, he named Satan as the original Baab.

    “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

    But as there was this great divide and Abba's perfect images in Adam and Eve had been 'banned' from abstract heaven on one side of the mirror where Abba was into a real earth on the otgher side of the mirror of the creation; it would become the task of Abba's New veritas eikonas to somehow figure Abba's dilemmas out and to somehow allow the male Eve of Adam's rib to become a 'Real female Woman' to then bring alive a perfect image of Baab from the other side of the mirror.
    Then Abba could get his Baab back in his own perfect image of Adam finding his perfect image in a recreated new Eve, having supplemented her present maleness with her missing femaleness. Adam then would have found his missing femaleness in a perfect harmony between 'abstract heaven' and real earth as the two sides of the great dividing mirror becoming onesided like a Mobius Band in a doubling of the spacetime dynamics.

    According to Martin G. Abegg Jr; a translator of scroll 4Q392; the author of the scroll states, that God created light and darkness for himself, not just as a background for subsequent creation events. Light and darkness are simultaneously present with God, a paradox incomprehensible for the human mind; but for mankind’s benefit is that differentiation made, resulting in a doubling of all that is.

    “[...] and dominions [...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].” - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    And so the Mirror in B.B.B's bedroom is the twosidedness of the dichotomy with B.B.B being or representing Baab as an ambassador for the reconstitution of all things and 'paradise lost'. She is Baab in waiting to become reconciled with her creator into the original Void, but now no longer sexless as was the case before space and time were created. As the physical universe exists, Abba can have Baab and Adam can have Eve in a 'doubled' Möbian Klein-Bottle Dragonhood in the multiplicity limited only in spacetimes existing as a universal background matrix for the expression of the 'Universal Life'.

    B.B.B's right hand raised in her bedroom is the hand of Lilith as the original 'femme fatale' and the left hand raised by B.B.B's 'higher self' is the hand of the original Eve in the unreal and imaginary world of the other side of the mirror, nonexistent in physical reality, but existing as the seed of the imagination or 'dream of the creator' losing himself in his creation.

    Abba's satanic brother as his own image of 'spiritual darkness' is substituted by Baab's image as B.B.B and so suddenly Abba can see his female Goddess imaged in B.B.B through Adam's eyes. This is because Adam is Abba's perfect image of course.

    The 'universal sexchange operation' of Satan into 'In A Satan' aka Satania and as the 'healing' of the original primal dichotomy; then 'heals' all the cosmic generations in Lucifer becoming Lucifera as 'A Lucifer' of the maleness becoming female and all the human cocreated devilish and demonic thoughtforms.
    This manifested as a consequence of the 'work and job' given to all Adams and Eves to fix the broken Heaven imaged in a broken Earth; but it would require the Coming of the original 'Love-Christ-Child' of the 'Perfect Shining One' and Barbelo to begin the restoration process for lack of remembrance and forgetfulness of the Adams and the Eves on the real side of the Spirit Mirror.

    (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

    So the existence of the duality and the necessity for it are dawning in B.B.B's old human mindedness. It was all about images and reflections and symmetry and the missing harmonies. ALL thoughtforms 'dreamt' or imagined or image made and descriptive for the dichotomy as the grand split up of reality and unreality and object and subject and the 'irresistible force' meeting the 'unpenetrable object' related to the only possible solution to blend and merge the two opposing factions.
    This had to DOUBLE all things in existence in the archetypical and symbolic nature of the definitions from the metaphysics and this then would allow physically separated but real things to also blend and harmonise across spacetime separations. In the sciences, that was called quantum entanglement, but B.B.B now understood, that the semantics of that description were not necessary to understand the original cosmic saga and drama mirrored as the 'Divorce of Abba and Baab' in every Adam and Eve, either 'married' or not, as by nature all things in a real universe require a mode of defined seperability. But in a real world, the separated things can blend and merge, even if temporarily and the universal nature of the cosmic sexual desires might begin to become understood by the forlorn old humans lost in their inherited ignorances of their shared and collective histories.

    And so Ahura Mazda 'conquering' Ahriman and Horus with Thoth and Anubis and Isis 'redeeming' the killing of Osiris by his 'evil' brother Set or 'Elohim-Abel' being redeemed by a 'cursed Yahweh-Cain' or the 'elimination' of the Devil and Satan and Lucifer and the Evil Draconians and ET invaders and the Nephilim in divers contexts and scripts all become secondary playstations relative to the few old humans who can timetravel back to the beginnings of it all - such as B.B. Baghor.

    Isaiah 29:11-13 - King James Version (KJV)
    11 And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
    12 And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.
    13 Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:

    “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”


    Now, Sophia, who is the wisdom of afterthought and who constitutes an eternal realm, conceived of a thought from herself, with the conception of the invisible spirit and foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth something like herself, without the consent of the spirit, who had not given approval, without her partner and without his consideration. The male did not give approval. She did not find her partner, and she considered this without the spirit’s consent and without the knowledge of her partner. Nonetheless, she gave birth. And because of the invincible power within her, her thought was not an idle thought. Something came out of her that was imperfect and different in appearance from her, for she had produced it without her partner. It did not resemble its mother and was misshapen.
    When Sophia saw what her desire had produced, it changed into the figure of a snake with the face of a lion. Its eyes were like flashing bolts of lightning. She cast it away from her, outside that realm so that none of the immortals would see it. She had produced it ignorantly.
    She surrounded it with a bright cloud and put a throne in the middle of the cloud so that no one would see it except the holy spirit, who is called the mother of the living. She named her offspring Yaldabaoth.

    Yaldabaoth is the first ruler, who took great power from his mother. Then he left her and moved away from the place where he was born. He took control and created for himself other realms with luminous fire, which still exists. He mated with the mindlessness in him and produced authorities for himself:
    The name of the first is Athoth, whom generations call the reaper.
    The second is Harmas, who is the jealous eye.
    The third is Kalila-Oumbri.
    The fourth is Yabel.
    The fifth is Adonaios, who is called Sabaoth.
    The sixth is Cain, whom generations of people call the sun.
    The seventh is Abel.
    The eighth is Abrisene.
    The ninth is Yobel. The tenth is Armoupieel.
    The eleventh is Melcheir-Adonein.
    The twelfth is Belias, who is over the depth of the underworld.
    Yaldabaoth stationed seven kings, one for each sphere of heaven, to reign over the seven heavens, and five to reign over the depth of the abyss. He shared his fire with them, but he did not give away any of the power of the light that he had taken from his mother. For he is ignorant darkness.
    When light mixed with darkness, it made the darkness shine. When darkness mixed with light, it dimmed the light and became neither light nor darkness, but rather gloom.
    This gloomy ruler has three names: the first name is Yaldabaoth, the second is Sakla, the third is Samael.
    He is wicked in his mindlessness that is in him. He said, I am god and there is no other god but me, since he did not know where his own strength had come from.
    The rulers created seven powers for themselves, and the powers created six angels apiece, until there were 365 angels. These are the names and the corresponding appearances:
    The first is Athoth and has the face of sheep.
    The second is Eloaios and has the face of a donkey.
    The third is Astaphaios and has the face of a hyena.
    The fourth is Yao and has the face of a snake with seven heads.
    The fifth is Sabaoth and has the face of a snake.
    The sixth is Adonin and has the face of an ape.
    The seventh is Sabbataios and has a face of flaming fire.
    This is the sevenfold nature of the week.
    Yaldabaoth has many faces, more than all of these, so that he could show whatever face he wanted when he was among the seraphim. He shared his fire with them and lorded it over them because of the glorious power he had from his mother’s light. That is why he called himself god and defied the place from which he came.
    In his thought he united the seven powers with the authorities that were with him. When he spoke, it was done. He named each of the powers, beginning with the highest:
    First is goodness, with the first power, Athoth.
    Second is forethought, with the second power, Eloaios.
    Third is divinity, with the third power, Astaphaios.
    Fourth is lordship, with the fourth power, Yao.
    Fifth is kingdom, with the fifth power, Sabaoth.
    Sixth is jealousy, with the sixth power, Adonin.
    Seventh is understanding, with the seventh power, Sabbataios.
    Each has a sphere in its own realm.
    They were named after the glory above for the destruction of the powers. While the names given them by their maker were powerful, the names given them after the glory above would bring about their destruction and loss of power. That is why they have two names.
    Yaldabaoth organized everything after the pattern of the first realms that had come into being, so that he might create everything in an incorruptible form. Not that he had seen the incorruptible ones. Rather, the power that is in him, that he had taken from his mother, produced in him the pattern for the world order.
    When he saw creation surrounding him, and the throng of angels around him who had come forth from him, he said to them, I am a jealous god and there is no other god beside me.
    But by announcing this, he suggested to the angels with him that there is another god. For if there were no other god, of whom would he be jealous?

    Then the mother began to move around. She realized that she was lacking something when the brightness of her light diminished. She grew dim because her partner had not collaborated with her.
    I said, Master, what does it mean that she moved around?
    The master laughed and said, Do not suppose that it is as Moses said, above the waters. No, when she recognized the wickedness that had occurred and the robbery her son had committed, she repented. When she became forgetful in the darkness of ignorance, she began to be ashamed. She did not dare to return, but she was agitated. This agitation is the moving around.
    The arrogant one took power from his mother. He was ignorant, for he thought no one existed except his mother alone. When he saw the throng of angels he had created, he exalted himself over them.
    When the mother realized that the trappings of darkness had come into being imperfectly, she understood that her partner had not collaborated with her. She repented with many tears. The whole realm of fullness heard her prayer of repentance and offered praise on her behalf to the invisible virgin spirit, and the spirit consented. When the invisible spirit consented, the holy spirit poured upon her some of the fullness of all. For her partner did not come to her on his own, but he came to her through the realm of fullness, so that he might restore what she lacked. She was taken up not to her own eternal realm, but to a position above her son. She was to remain in the ninth heaven until she restored what was lacking in herself.

    A voice called from the exalted heavenly realm,
    The human exists
    and the human child.
    The first ruler, Yaldabaoth, heard the voice and thought it had come from his mother. He did not realize its source.
    The holy perfect mother-father,
    the complete forethought,
    the image of the invisible one,
    being the father of everything,
    through whom everything came into being,
    the first human—
    this is the one who showed them, and appeared in human shape.
    The entire realm of the first ruler quaked, and the foundations of the abyss shook. The bottom of the waters above the material world was lighted by this image that had appeared. When all the authorities and the first ruler stared at this appearance, they saw the whole bottom as it was illuminated. And through the light they saw the shape of the image in the water.

    When Yaldabaoth realized that the humans had withdrawn from him, he cursed his earth. He found the woman as she was preparing herself for her husband. He was master over her. And he did not know the mystery that had come into being through the sacred plan. The two of them were afraid to denounce Yaldabaoth. He displayed to his angels the ignorance within him. He threw the humans out of paradise and cloaked them in thick darkness.
    The first ruler saw the young woman standing next to Adam and noticed that the enlightened afterthought of life had appeared in her. Yet Yaldabaoth was full of ignorance. So when the forethought of all realized this, she dispatched emissaries, and they stole life out of Eve.
    The first ruler defiled Eve and produced in her two sons, a first and a second: Elohim and Yahweh.
    Elohim has the face of a bear,
    Yahweh has the face of a cat.
    One is just, the other is unjust.
    He placed Yahweh over fire and wind,
    he placed Elohim over water and earth.
    He called them by the names Cain and Abel, with a view to deceive.
    To this day sexual intercourse has persisted because of the first ruler. He planted sexual desire in the woman who belongs to Adam. Through intercourse the first ruler produced duplicate bodies, and he blew some of his false spirit into them.
    He placed these two rulers over the elements so that they might rule over the cave.
    When Adam came to know the counterpart of his own foreknowledge, he produced a son like the human child. He called him Seth, after the manner of the heavenly race in the eternal realms. Similarly, the mother sent down her spirit, which is like her and is a copy of what is in the realm of fullness, for she was going to prepare a dwelling place for the eternal realms that would come down.
    The human beings were made to drink water of forgetfulness by the first ruler, so that they might not know where they had come from. For a time the seed remained and helped so that when the spirit descends from the holy realms, it may raise up the seed and heal what it lacks, that the entire realm of fullness may be holy and lack nothing.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member



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    • Post n°185

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 3:16 pm
    Thank you shilo.

    shilo's words in green:
    "And B.B.B might be able to see the beginnings of it all, long before there were any archons or Paa Taal or Draconians or Martians or Lyrians, Andromedeans or Arcturians or Pleiadeans. Because before space and time existed there was the concept
    of a mirror and the creator looking into the mirror saw himself as himself and not as herself the mirror itself had been.
    The Nothingness and the eternity had been as One but the One had been VOID with no maleness and no femaleness and so
    the 'Perfect One' looked inside and saw 'Barbelo' despite the inside and the outside had been undifferentiated as the One.
    But no number 1 had been created as the Zero was Infinity in the Void of the undefinable. And so the One had to become
    'split up' and this manifested the 'Loss of the Mother Baab' as the Mirror Gate by the 'Father Abba' as the One looking into
    the Mirror of Losing Himself in Herself.

    But then the Mirror of the Gate became a physical creation with SPACETIME=91=MIRROR=SPIRIT=PHOENIX and the metaphysical playground of the imagination and imaged story was lost as the banishment from Paradise or Eden".

    B.B.B.'words in dark purple:
    Since the beginnings of IT ALL, we've been witness, isn't it? (Speaking from an old-soul-awareness). I'm aware of many
    doings and diddings during eons, in numerous lifetimes in the Universe, without going into detail, for I have none to put
    in words 854501. . In 2010 and some years after, I've felt like a sword, being burnished on a blacksmiths' fire with a loud

    clanging: purgatory and purification.

    "And so the Mirror in B.B.B's bedroom is the twosidedness of the dichotomy with B.B.B being or representing Baab as an ambassador for the reconstitution of all things and 'paradise lost'. She is Baab in waiting to become reconciled with her creator into the original Void, but now no longer sexless as was the case before space and time were created. As the physical universe exists, Abba can have Baab and Adam can have Eve in a 'doubled' Möbian Klein-Bottle Dragonhood in the multiplicity limited only in spacetimes existing as a universal background matrix for the expression of the 'Universal Life'.

    B.B.B's right hand raised in her bedroom is the hand of Lilith as the original 'femme fatale' and the left hand raised by B.B.B's 'higher self' is the hand of the original Eve in the unreal and imaginary world of the other side of the mirror, nonexistent in physical reality, but existing as the seed of the imagination or 'dream of the creator' losing himself in his creation".

    B.B.B. is left handed in physical practicalities on planet Earth 854501.

    "The human beings were made to drink water of forgetfulness by the first ruler, so that they might not know where they had
    come from. For a time the seed remained and helped so that when the spirit descends from the holy realms, it may raise up
    the seed and heal what it lacks, that the entire realm of fullness may be holy and lack nothing".

    While baking bread and going out in the world, often in wonder, without being "of" it: aware of the delusional expressions in it,
    I'm happy to be alive and engage in this grand epic game of our now, the years reaching into 2018. I've found a home in Avalon area last summer and find the mystery of voice and sound, giving words to what is and is experienced, writing my book
    "The Crystal Cave of Truth" and in all that rejoice in embodying my soul, is a key that may open many a door. Or portal.
    Some are in need to be closed, not the one in the Mists though icon_wink.

    Yeshua is called Sar shalom, Prince of Peace

    icon_sunny. Shalom shilo icon_sunny.
    This very moment, a red robin lands in front of my window and puts a worm on the terrace floor, looking at me for a moment,
    than taking it in his beak, flying off. These birds have always been messengers to me, keeping me company on my walks too.
    It's time for lunch


    icon_sunny. little10. icon_sunny.

    Not all those who wander are lost.
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°186

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:30 am
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Thank you shilo.

    shilo's words in green:
    "And B.B.B might be able to see the beginnings of it all, long before there were any archons or Paa Taal or Draconians or Martians or Lyrians, Andromedeans or Arcturians or Pleiadeans. Because before space and time existed there was the concept
    of a mirror and the creator looking into the mirror saw himself as himself and not as herself the mirror itself had been.
    The Nothingness and the eternity had been as One but the One had been VOID with no maleness and no femaleness and so
    the 'Perfect One' looked inside and saw 'Barbelo' despite the inside and the outside had been undifferentiated as the One.
    But no number 1 had been created as the Zero was Infinity in the Void of the undefinable. And so the One had to become
    'split up' and this manifested the 'Loss of the Mother Baab' as the Mirror Gate by the 'Father Abba' as the One looking into
    the Mirror of Losing Himself in Herself.

    But then the Mirror of the Gate became a physical creation with SPACETIME=91=MIRROR=SPIRIT=PHOENIX and the metaphysical playground of the imagination and imaged story was lost as the banishment from Paradise or Eden".

    B.B.B.'words in dark purple:
    Since the beginnings of IT ALL, we've been witness, isn't it? (Speaking from an old-soul-awareness). I'm aware of many
    doings and diddings during eons, in numerous lifetimes in the Universe, without going into detail, for I have none to put
    in words 854501. . In 2010 and some years after, I've felt like a sword, being burnished on a blacksmiths' fire with a loud

    clanging: purgatory and purification.

    "And so the Mirror in B.B.B's bedroom is the twosidedness of the dichotomy with B.B.B being or representing Baab as an ambassador for the reconstitution of all things and 'paradise lost'. She is Baab in waiting to become reconciled with her creator into the original Void, but now no longer sexless as was the case before space and time were created. As the physical universe exists, Abba can have Baab and Adam can have Eve in a 'doubled' Möbian Klein-Bottle Dragonhood in the multiplicity limited only in spacetimes existing as a universal background matrix for the expression of the 'Universal Life'.

    B.B.B's right hand raised in her bedroom is the hand of Lilith as the original 'femme fatale' and the left hand raised by B.B.B's 'higher self' is the hand of the original Eve in the unreal and imaginary world of the other side of the mirror, nonexistent in physical reality, but existing as the seed of the imagination or 'dream of the creator' losing himself in his creation".

    B.B.B. is left handed in physical practicalities on planet Earth 854501.

    "The human beings were made to drink water of forgetfulness by the first ruler, so that they might not know where they had
    come from. For a time the seed remained and helped so that when the spirit descends from the holy realms, it may raise up
    the seed and heal what it lacks, that the entire realm of fullness may be holy and lack nothing".

    While baking bread and going out in the world, often in wonder, without being "of" it: aware of the delusional expressions in it,
    I'm happy to be alive and engage in this grand epic game of our now, the years reaching into 2018. I've found a home in Avalon area last summer and find the mystery of voice and sound, giving words to what is and is experienced, writing my book
    "The Crystal Cave of Truth" and in all that rejoice in embodying my soul, is a key that may open many a door. Or portal.
    Some are in need to be closed, not the one in the Mists though icon_wink.

    Yeshua is called Sar shalom, Prince of Peace

    icon_sunny. Shalom shilo icon_sunny.
    This very moment, a red robin lands in front of my window and puts a worm on the terrace floor, looking at me for a moment,
    than taking it in his beak, flying off. These birds have always been messengers to me, keeping me company on my walks too.
    It's time for lunch


    [12-Nov-15 12:11:47 AM] Kali 666: [Wednesday, November 11, 2015 5 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    <<< but most of his other presentation are not at all compatible with the Thuban information basis.what would this be? on what issues?

    [12-Nov-15 5:11:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: He for example denies the gravitational acceleration due to a planet's mass and betrays his relative ignorance when he presents his personal interpretation of the gnostic texts in what might be termed as a shared interpretation as given by Rudolf Steiner, Goethe and other sources, quoted and inferred by your reply.
    If you read the original you see the clear duality say 'good versus evil' in the statements by Steiner and Goethe etc.
    I like Steiner, especially his education position, but he was a fundamentalist xtian nevertheless and so partial to xtian dogma etc which is NOT the same as the fundamentalism of the Logos. As you know religion is mainly politics
    The gnostics likewise failed to understand the GOT in their physical life denying doctrines.
    That this is all misrepresentation, is what I tried to elucidate in the conversation message and the one on legacy

    [4:04:06 AM] Kali 666: i also like him in the educational sense and i am not aware as to how much of a xtian fundamentalist he was but, it never tasted good to me this idea of rejection of the physical and the soul
    i think i can grasp the science of "empty space" and the idea of Maya but, i know the importance of physicality and its purpose...perhaps i owe that to Thuban; since we've been studying these concepts from the very beginning
    but i also wonder if it could not be a missinterpretation of his interpretation and this often happens so i do not take the entire person or nothing of him...i take what serves me and use my Self to judge criteria
    Reading B.B's response (your quote) of the forum...what do you mean with the "R complex"?

    [A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy]
    does this also apply to those who believe they are mind controlled?
    calling themselves TI's (targeted individuals) by evil alien entities with their super-sophisticated advanced technology?
    "Archontified humans" lol - "The moment you generalize or unify — at that moment you are nearing Luciferic thinking."]

    This must be the xtian fundamentalist in Steiner

    ["When she became forgetful in the darkness of ignorance, she began to be ashamed. She did not dare to return, but she was agitated. This agitation is the moving around."]

    [7:05:55 AM] Kali 666: return where? to her realm? the realm of the Immortals? and where it says Master, which Master is the writing reffering to? Jesus?
    What is this writing? Why did she create alone without the Spirit's consent? Why did the male not give approval?
    It is explained that this 'agitation' is the moving around, but this moving around refers to what? the motion of time within time-space? the commotion of the end-times, the weather...what motion is this moving around?

    ["They were named after the glory above for the destruction of the powers. While the names given them by their maker were powerful, the names given them after the glory above would bring about their destruction and loss of power. That is why they have two names."]

    [7:17:03 AM] Kali 666: can you explain this to me? and what does it mean 'for the destruction of the powers'?
    can you show me an example with this one?

    [First is goodness, with the first power, Athoth.
    "Not that he had seen the incorruptible ones. Rather, the power that is in him, that he had taken from his mother, produced in him the pattern for the world order."]

    [7:23:42 AM] Kali 666: this is what the latest gnostics call the fake Creator or demiurge, Jehovah/Satan etc, etc...making a copy of the real world on the other side in here or in this 3d plane of existance
    this might be the origin of their rejection of physicality

    ["But by announcing this, he suggested to the angels with him that there is another god. For if there were no other god, of whom would he be jealous?"]

    [7:26:53 AM] Kali 666: exactly

    ["For her partner did not come to her on his own, but he came to her through the realm of fullness, so that he might restore what she lacked. "]

    [7:30:02 AM] Kali 666: why didn't he do it on his own? This sounds so sublime...the help of the invisible virgin spirit

    ["She was to remain in the ninth heaven until she restored what was lacking in herself."]

    [7:49:41 AM] Kali 666: how? unless you mean through the human woman? Or with the integration of the SheHe and HeShe?
    beautiful post Tony...i loved it (heart)

    [9:14:33 AM] ShilohaPlace: Yes, those are appropriate comments from you Xeia. I do wonder however of how much of this post you have construed to be my words and not those of either B.B.Baghor or the author of the shared message about the Sophia Pistis.

    <<< reading B.B's response (your quote) of the forum...what do you mean with the "R complex"?

    [A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy]

    does this also apply to those who believe they are mind controlled?

    calling themselves TI's (targeted individuals) by evil alien entities with their super-sophisticated advanced technology?
    "Archontified humans" lol
    "The moment you generalize or unify — at that moment you are nearing Luciferic thinking."

    this must be the xtian fundamentalist in Steiner

    [9:18:26 AM] ShilohaPlace: This then are NOT my words, but those of the author.
    I gather you have figured this, according to your comments. But then I did not at all address the the 'R-complex' see?
    As you know the definition of a dragon brain closes the circle between the Reptilian brain stem, naturally evolved as a common ancestry of all vertebrates btw - and the human cortex bridged by the mammalian midbrain.
    [9:20:20 AM] ShilohaPlace: Then the linear evolvement of the cellular multiorganisms from prokaryotic ancestors and the natural process of endosymbiosis comes to a halt in a kind of extending or resetting the original reptilian cellular complex and genomatrix.
    This is why we are justified to call a dragonised humanoid a starhuman. It is both evolutionary and metaphysical as ontology for the manifesting and evolving physicality
    And yes, whenever you read about Luciferanism, associated with the illuminati, the mainstream or the nabsers, you should fathom the duality thinlking mode of the natural native human
    This is all I meant with 'critisizing' Rudolf Steiner and Goethian philosophers and co.
    I think you figured this as well

    [9:24:35 AM] ShilohaPlace: [7:04 AM] Kali 666:

    <<< "When she became forgetful in the darkness of ignorance, she began to be ashamed. She did not dare to return, but she was agitated. This agitation is the moving around."
    return where? to her realm? the realm of the Immortals?
    where it says Master, which Master is the writing reffering to? Jesus?
    what is this writing?
    Why did she create alone without the Spirit's consent?
    why did the male not give approval?

    [9:26:03 AM] ShilohaPlace: This is directly from the apocryphon and not my words nor B.B.Baghor's
    But I will answer your questions and in a capacity only the GOT can bestow to the human minded thinkers. recall this code:

    (17) Jesus said, "I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind."
    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    [9:28:37 AM] ShilohaPlace: This latter one was at the core of my reply to B.B.Baghor; but as is to be expected, she overlooked the significance of this code completely, interpreting it as some human thing about being righthanded or lefthanded.

    [9:29:15 AM] Kali 666: hmm

    [9:29:22 AM] ShilohaPlace: This code is a secret of secrets and opens numerous doors to understand the GOT, if understood. Just as the initial saying indicates.

    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.

    (1) And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."

    (2) Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."

    (3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty

    [9:30:06 AM] ShilohaPlace: Can you decode it Sui?
    I posted this on Moa for B.B. Baghor to realise who or what she is as a normal human Eve and ambassador for the planetary cosmic beingness say.
    Of course all Eves are in their bedrooms looking at themselves. I only used B.B.Baghor as an example for all femmes
    Then my 'tongue in cheek' reply was 'verified' by this GOT code; as this code tells you precisely WHY you should not look in a mirror and perceive yourself as having two hands a left one and a right one, if you wish to know the mysteries, see that?

    [9:33:45 AM] Kali 666: right

    [9:33:55 AM] ShilohaPlace: [9:27 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    <<< (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    Firstly this is a mystery see?
    And secondly you are asked to hide one hand from the other.
    Why is that?
    Because you are at 2 places at once IF you can understand the mysteries
    I made this rather clear, but nabsers overlook subtelties all too often.
    Jesus knew that he was 'in heaven' and on earth simulcast
    And because the 'Alice in Mirrorland' knows that she is either in the mirror or outside of it; the only way to end the duality of this or that; is to be doubled or to become your own shadow and so on
    So the normal terrestrial optical physics shows you this IN space and time as the dilemma of the left hand in the mirror becoming the right hand outside of the mirror as object and image or reflection etc.
    This is why the GOT emphasizes images and doublings so much. It has nothing to do with nirvana buddhistic nonsense of physicality denying hogwash
    Jesus said he was in the bosom of the father and the father was in him and so on. Even the New Testament, if read in a nondogmatic and irreligious manner solves many of those 'mysteries' today understood as quantum paradoxes and dualities and holographic fractalisations etc etc
    Now the thing with the gnostics and the author of that shared piece is, that they misinterpreted the original emphasis of the Logos regarding the interaction between the physical and the metaphysical
    Again and again, i posted this all over the place.

    (29) Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty."

    [9:41:32 AM] Kali 666: who is the author?

    [9:42:33 AM] ShilohaPlace: The so called gnostics simply dont get it and neither do the religion believers of all sorts.
    He used a pseudonym. The true insight of the gnostics is of course the understanding that the old father God in the OT is twofaced
    They know that Jehovah aka Allah is a fake
    They know that the Logos is the serpent of Eden and so on
    They know that the 'loss of paradise' was planned by the real father god, Jesus and Thuban calls Abba
    This loss was of course to for Abba to get his Baab back. This s the universal drama and story including your own and all humans
    The many atrocities and confusions in the OT are metaphysical symbols to crystallize the duality of the OT 'Lord' and so to 'make peace' and end the confusions.
    But only Jesus knew the original story and this is what the GOT allows you to participate in as well and no other literature on the planet can do this.
    This is why the GOT is ridiculed as buddhistic hogwash by the experts and is taken rather seriously by the highest factions of the ptb

    [9:49:36 AM] Kali 666: yes

    [9:50:01 AM] ShilohaPlace: And believe it or not I decided to 'illuminate' B.B.baghor as to the 'mysteries' with results to be expected lol
    Now we did this before on old Avalon recall?
    It was the story of Bigmo's Balloon and many then had little epiphanies, such as malletzky
    I basically retold the story of the original Eden and validated it with GOT codes this time
    Perhaps the 11-11 Scorpio=Phoenix New Moon had something to do with it
    I did not yet copy this convo onto BOG and will do so later and add this explanations as well

    [9:54:35 AM] ShilohaPlace: [7:05 AM] Kali 666:

    <<< return where? to her realm? the realm of the Immortals?
    where it says Master, which Master is the writing reffering to? Jesus?
    what is this writing?
    Why did she create alone without the Spirit's consent?
    why did the male not give approval?
    it is explained that this 'agitation' is the moving around, but this moving around refers to what? the motion of time within time-space? the commotion of the end-times, the weather...what motion is this moving around?
    "They were named after the glory above for the destruction of the powers. While the names given them by their maker were powerful, the names given them after the glory above would bring about their destruction and loss of power. That is why they have two names."
    can you explain this to me?
    what does it mean 'for the destruction of the powers'?
    can you show me an example with this one?
    First is goodness, with the first power, Athoth.
    "Not that he had seen the incorruptible ones. Rather, the power that is in him, that he had taken from his mother, produced in him the pattern for the world order."
    this is what the latest gnostics call the fake Creator or demiurge, Jehovah/Satan etc, etc...making a copy of the real world on the other side in here or in this 3d plane of existance
    this might be the origin of their rejection of physicality
    "But by announcing this, he suggested to the angels with him that there is another god. For if there were no other god, of whom would he be jealous?"
    "For her partner did not come to her on his own, but he came to her through the realm of fullness, so that he might restore what she lacked. "
    why didn't he do it on his own?
    this sounds so sublime...the help of the invisible virgin spirit
    "She was to remain in the ninth heaven until she restored what was lacking in herself." how? unless you mean through the human woman?
    with the integration of the SheHe and HeShe?
    beautiful post Tony...i loved it (heart)

    [9:56:09 AM] ShilohaPlace: I should answer this now
    The return is to a new heaven and a new earth as is the crux of the raison de etre for the intelligence of the universe.
    With the difference that the duality is reconfigured. It is no longer either or but and and the Schrödinger Cat is BOTH alive and dead at all times.
    The chicken is the egg and the males are females not in internal separation but in external harmonisations as Heshes and Shehes. The GOT makes this clear as well
    The 'Master' refers to the Logos yes.
    The Yaldabaoth creation is retold by Hera, wife of womanising Zeus to birth Hephaestus-Vulcan without a male insemination after Zeus created Athena from his forehead without a femaleness
    So the Greek myths retell the old gnostic myths
    Vulcan is a god but lame and the other gods throw him from Mount olympus say and this lameness is the same as that of the Anthropos in the apocryphon.
    There the first Adam is found to be 'smarter' than the devils of Yaldabaoth and it becomes a drama of adam and Eve etc of who is the ruler of that place and there are 10 heavens and 5 hells and so on. Codes i have explained many times before, but all related to the beasts of the apocalypse and Daniel etc and also the necessary duality in a physical universe.
    This duality is basically you and your shadow
    The two names and the destruction of the powers all then relate to this duality
    The apocryphon is a very hard convoluted piece of literature which tries to push as much detail into its texts as complicated Thubans do
    It describes for example the 365 days off a year as a time cycle as 365 parts of the anthropos body and ruled over by principalities in competition angels of the christ kingdom contra that of the archons etc
    But this is simply da Vinci's Vitruvius or cosmic Man when then the 12 starsigns as tribes of Israel as 12 apostles as 12 months and as 12 hours of a day and as 12 hours of a night relate to each other as two halves
    Again the simplicity of 24=12+12 as the 24 elders of revelation then harmonised and no longer at war as darkness and light
    The 24 elders become 12 heshes and 12 shehes iow
    So did I answer your questions or is there more?

    <<< "For her partner did not come to her on his own, but he came to her through the realm of fullness, so that he might restore what she lacked. "
    why didn't he do it on his own?
    this sounds so sublime...the help of the invisible virgin spirit

    [10:11:23 AM] ShilohaPlace: Indeed, and this is the dragonomy or the heavenly wedding of Revelation 19
    This is is what we have tried to share since 2010 about the 'no marriage in heaven' but a sort of divine alchemy

    [10:11:41 AM] Sirius 17: it is exactly what Jesus said Xeia, I am the Alpha and Omega. He ate his own tail

    [10:12:07 AM] ShilohaPlace: Ourobos as 12 qualities in the zodiacal elements and so on

    [10:12:16 AM] Sirius 17: yes, Dragon

    [10:12:24 AM] ShilohaPlace: Fire and Air with Earth and Water feeding and complementing each other in Quadruplicities and Triplicities and astroanalysis. Much of that the New Worlders have got pretty good

    [10:13:39 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i liked this guys rundown of the pistis, one of the best descriptions i have seen.
    But if you go straight to the apocryphon you can clearly see the fractalization down into finally the human body, wading through all the complex lingo of course

    [10:17:58 AM] ShilohaPlace: yes it is not advised to read from a perspective of the modern scientific worldview

    [10:18:15 AM] Sirius 17: and are two different translations to check out Xeia

    [10:19:05 AM] ShilohaPlace: Unless you can mindblend with the mentality of people of 2000 years ago you would not get much from it except as some historical text and this is exactly what the 'experts' mad eof it, missing its relationship to Genesis and the GOT

    [10:20:16 AM] Sirius 17: Tony what is significant about today and last night specifically in the timeline; trying to pin point the reoccurrance of this pain

    [10:20:40 AM] ShilohaPlace: Scorpio New Moon with Scorpio becoming the Phoenix rising -- 11-8-11

    [10:21:03 AM] Sirius 17: right and what day did Doug die again?

    [10:21:42 AM] ShilohaPlace: It all leads to a symbolic destruction on December 14th-15th
    [10:21:51 AM] ShilohaPlace: 21 November 2011

    [10:22:10 AM] Sirius 17: yes i remember, ophiuchis day

    [10:22:21 AM] ShilohaPlace: 70AD is December 14th. Well thereabouts 21-23, each year
    [10:23:06 AM] ShilohaPlace: So the diaspora of political ancient Israel began then. Today is 38AD in this timeframe line so the time historical of the GOT and the gnostics
    [10:24:10 AM] ShilohaPlace: November 12th maps AD38

    [10:24:25 AM] Sirius 17: i see

    [10:24:49 AM] ShilohaPlace: I added another older pic to the chart describing the dimensions encoded for Noah's Ark

    [10:25:02 AM] Sirius 17: oh i will have to look

    [10:25:17 AM] ShilohaPlace: The 45 days become 3x5x3 and so on. Already added to BOG and Xen and Moa.
    Finally the reason as to why Genesis mentions Noah's 600th birthday as the start of the destruction of the Old World is fully decoded.
    Now show me anywhere on the web, where this is decoded lol. Unless you blow the pics up in magnification, it will remain hidden though.
    Logos has its ways about the pearls and the swine
    Kali 666
    Sirius 17
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°187

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. shiloh Today at 11:18 pm

    Q&A by Alf Tail and Ome Head

    The Setting:

    Alf A. Tail lives on the planet Earth in the Milky Way galaxy in a local supergalactic universe and he is a descendant from a long and distinguished Terran lineage.
    Alf A. Tail communicates with Ome G. Head; who lives on a shadow planet in a shadow galaxy in a shadow universe.
    Both, Alf Tail and Ome Head work and function as natural philosophers, characterised by focalised eccentricities subject to perturbative approximations.
    Alf and Ome use a wormhole frequency to communicate with each other across a dimensional divide, also known as the 'Great Abyss' and which separates the two planetary environments in the form of of a twosided mirror-manifold.
    This wormhole channel operates through the utility of a perpendicular 5th spacetime dimension; so enabling a 'shortcutting' of the lightpath restrictions inherent in the Minkowski metric of 4-dimensional spacetimes.
    The lightspeed-invariant lightmatrix of the 'seeding' 4-vector spacetime continuum then becomes a circumpassing boundary condition for the punctopassing boundary condition as a prerequisite initial condition.
    The superluminosity of so defined de Broglie phases then enables the planetary, the galactic and the supergalactic environs to communicate with their shadow or mirror selfstates by the process of holofractalisation; but renders interplanetary, intergalactic and intersupergalactic exchange of information subject to the restrictions of the invariance of the lightspeed seed aka the seedling lightmatrix.

    The Purpose:

    Once Alf Tail and Ome Head had found each other in their punctopassing across the 'Great Abyss'; they both tuned their emitter-receiver frequencies and so created a resonance circuit connecting their selfrelative universes to their selfrelative shadow universes.
    Alf and Ome then agreed to harmonise the mirror universes by utility of the established superconductive resonance circuitry.
    A hybrid Duoverse or multiverse could be created, should the wormhole resonance become ubiquitous, widely recognised and utilised by any spacetime inhabitors or cosmic lifeform anytime and anyplace.
    The holofractal nature inherent in each of the universes and as given in the twosided mirror; could so result in the two universes becoming one duoverse, selfconnected in a onesided manifold topology.

    The Dispensation:

    Ome Head and Alf Tail so agreed to multiply their wormhole channel in reproduction and to share their punctopassing techniques to manifest the Omniverse as a unified entity, encompassing any desired number of nested duoverses, then labeled in the interactivities of communicating multiverses.

    Certain contingency plans had to be constructed and Ome and Alf implemented their agenda in triggering a timeline, which would climax in the simultaneous manifestation of potential energy vortices inherent in the seeding matrix to realise as the reproduced wormhole channel of Alf and Ome to establish a holofractal punctoseeded equilibrium.
    The immediate task became to render the nature and purpose of the unified omniverse in its mirror-universe eigenstate more familiar and understandable to the fellow inhabitants of Alf Tail's Terra and to Ome Head's Shadow-Terra or Mirror-Earth or Serpentina.

    For this purpose, Alf and Ome decided to ask questions to each other, followed by the publication of the answers for open consideration. An open forum would be established, where anyone could ask a question on either the Terran side of Alf Tail or the Serpentinian side of Ome Head.

    The format for the questions (Q) and the answers (A) would be:

    Q###(by A.B.C): "...?" and A###(by A.B.C): "...!"

    Q1 (by Alf Tail): "Where does the universe come from?"

    A1 (By Ome Head): "God!"

    Q1.1 (by Alf Tail): "Where does God come from?"

    A1.1 (by Ome Head): "The Universe!"

    Q1.2 (by Alf Tail): "Could you please explain this paradox?"

    A1.2 (by Ome Head): "The 'invisible' GOD becomes the 'visible' Universe in self-emergence.
    Half of the metaphysical GOD transforms into the One physical Universe becomes One metaphysical Goddess becomes half of the physical Dog!"

    Q1.3 (by Alf Tail): "Where then is the other half of the 'invisible' or spiritual God?"

    A1.3 (by Ome Head): "It is the other half of the 'visible' Dog.
    The physical universe is made up of two parts with either half the image of the other.
    The One 'real' physical Universe is identical to the One 'visible' or antispiritual DOG; but only if the One 'invisible' or spiritual GOD is 'realised' in the destruction of the dividing twosidedness of the mirror, which separates the One GOD from the One DOG!"

    Q1.4 (by Alf Tail): "What comes first, the spiritual GOD of the 'imaginary' metaphysics or the antispiritual DOG aka the 'real' physical universe?"

    A1.4 (by Ome Head): "They are both identical to each other as the two halves of the original ONE GOD, mirroring itself in its image of the ONE DOG. But because the 'visible' Universe requires spacetimematter to become measurable, whereas the 'invisible' Universe does not; the emergence of the DOG through the physical parameters and the 'Laws of Nature' requires a prior archetypical plenum of energy.
    This Energy and say, as defined in a string-loop-quantum sourcesink potential energy so becomes the precursor and prerequisite for any 'real' spacetime.
    The plenum of metaphysical energy so forms the nonmetric background for all metricated physical spacetimes. The spiritual progenitive Energy so can be defined as an INFINITE ENERGY reservoir, independent upon any spacetime definitions, yet rendering the antispiritual emergent and postgenitive Energy as FINITE ENERGY reservoir, subject to 'Conservation Laws' in regards to the 'Natural Laws' with respect to translational, rotational and vibrational momenta and energies.
    As all of the interacting energy parameters in a metrically dependant spacetime are reducible to the existence of inertial mass; the 'Conservation Laws' disallow the deequilibriumisation of the inherent Vortex-Potential-StringEnergy or VPE and any metricated spacetime remains 'imprisoned' by the lightspeed invariance until demetrication via wormhole channeling and punctocrossing is achieved by the seedling technology.

    After the doublesided manifold separating the mirror worlds has become onesided however; the mostly 'untapped' VPE becomes 'freely available', subject to resonance conditions, as then the 'extended conservation laws' no longer require the simultaneous creation of matter with mirror-matter aka antimatter in the 'Laws of Nature', here particularised in energy equations according to Planck, Einstein and Boltzmann.
    The VPE becomes subject to the punctocrossing on the onesided surface, serving as the mirror to image the associated matter transformation not into its mirror space, but into its holographic fractalspace in the Duoverse.
    This can be modeled as the self-interaction of the VPE in its sourcesink White Hole and its sinksource Black Hole modular brane duality.

    Archetypically, the FINITENESS of the One DOG as a selfinteracting physical reality is encompassed by an INFINITENESS of the One GOD, who chooses to define its own eternity as a FINITE SEED, encompassing this Eternity in the form of an Infinite Process.
    The Infinite within the Finite then becomes subject to the Metaphysical definition processes and are encapsulated in semantic universal languages and nomenclatures such as mathematics, symbols and other archetypical semiotiks!"

    Q1.5 (by Alf Tail): "Is this archetypology itself defined in the VPE as the metaphysical progenitor?"

    A1.5 (by Ome Head): "Yes, the extended conservation laws and laws of nature hold omniversally!"

    Q1.6 (by Alf Tail): "How do the mirror universes interact before the onesidedness is borne from the twosidedness?"

    A1.6 (by Ome Head): "Every physical and 'real' interaction under the laws of nature in the 'Real DOG' manifests in the mirror of the 'Great Divide' as an image interaction in the 'Unreal or Imaginary GOD'.
    This then is recorded as a holographic imprint on both sides of the twosided mirror, which can be modeled as a rootextended 2D-surface dimension as a 11-dimensional supermembrane dimension.
    This can also be modeled as the Inside Event Horizon of a physical Black Hole Sink in 10 dimensions communicating this recorded information to the Outside Event Horizon of a metaphysical White Hole Source in 12 dimensions!"

    Q1.7 (by Alf Tail): "Does this cosmogony of the sourcesink duality describe Schroedinger's Quantum Cat?"

    A1.7 (by Ome Head): "Yes it does indeed and the Cat is also a Dog.

    The DOG-Universe as the encompassing Black Hole Sink becomes Schroedinger's Cat Alive and where the Cat is animated in its particular function of the FINITE SEED. There exist many other Kittens and individualised members of the Schroedinger family within this 'Mother-Cat'.

    However the INFINITY of the wavefunction for this 'Mother-Cat' has collapsed WITHIN and the Oneness of the Mother-Cat is DOOMED to eternally recycle its constituent parts and subsystems UNLESS the Mother-Cat can change its Inside Black Hole Event Horizon to become CONTINUOUS with its Outside Black Hole Event Horizon and which is of course the White Hole Image of HERSELF as HIMSELF and as Schroedinger's Dog.
    The Mother-Cat so is required to REBIRTH herself in the destruction of the doublesidedness from within. Schroedinger's Dog is the image of Schroedinger's Cat; but because the Mother-Cat encompasses all of physical reality as the mirror itself, only subsystems within the DOG can become imaged into Schroedinger's Dog as the mirror of Schroedinger's Kittens.

    The Dead Schroedinger's Cat represents the collapsed particle function for the physical universe, requiring the self annihilation of all of physical reality, back into its metaphysical originator.

    This self annihilation requires the destruction of all physicalised parameters, defined by their metaphysical archetypes, say the laws of nature and associated symbologies.
    As the physical universe became manifest in the materialisation of the metaphysical energy through and by the 'mapping' of the archetypes and symbols across the 'Great Abyss' however; the Mother-Cat may fluctuate in its heartbeat of 'Hubble-Oscillations'; but must remain eternal to accomodate the Infinite Process as the SEED of INFINITY.
    So the Mother-Cat cannot image itself in totality, because SHE herself is the medium for her children's reflection and SHE is by definition eternal in her physical reality.

    To have intercourse as a Black Holed Mother with a White Holed Father so demands the rendering continuous of the Sink Within to the Source Without.
    The metamorphosis of the Black Hole Sink into a Black Hole SinkSource in USING the total or collective mirror-membrane properties of the string duality will, by definition, transform the White Hole Source into a White Hole SourceSink and effectively double the spacetime occupied as the within of the Mother-Cat.
    In this manner will Schroedinger's Mother-Cat copulate with Schroedinger's Dog and allow all real Kittens and imaginary Puppies to hybridise as Duoversal potentialities of holofractal bisexual universes.

    All hybridised Kittens will so become selfdual dogcats, both ALIVE and DEAD simultaneously.
    The individuated finite Terran will effectively merge with its own shadow infinite waveform; so preventing both, the collapse of the particle function as a Living Waveform or spirit and the collapse of the wave function as a Living Bodyform or antispirit.
    The Living Bodyform is no longer an Undead Zombie, awaiting physical death and rebirth into a Living Mindform and the Living Waveform is no longer an Undead Antizombie, awaiting spiritual death and physical rebirth into a Living Bodyform and zombieness.

    The LIVING DEAD ONES will be identical to the DEAD ALIVE ONES!"

    Q1.8 (by Alf Tail): "What is the nature of time in the mirror of God?"

    A1.8 (by Ome Head): "The metaphysical One GOD halves itself to create the physical One DOG in manifold duality.
    This renders the Half-God physical within timespace, but also allows the other Half-God who is not in timespace to become imaged in this self duality.
    A minumum timespace configuration so becomes definable in a double-string and rendering the 'Eternal GOD without spacetime' as a FINITE superstring half within spacetime and 'eternally entwined' with another FINITE superstring half as the modular dual, which renders the reflection image of the 'Great Abyss' as an inversion image, defining the modular duality.
    The Time-eternity of the One God Outside so becomes a wormhole Timeloop of the Doubled Half-God on the Inside.
    Time relative to God so becomes a Finite Timespace as a quantum of Now-Time Inside; but is, by the scale relative size of the loop's perimeter; rendered simultaneously as both Zero and Infinity on the Outside!"

    Q1.9 (by Alf Tail): "What is the nature of the energy, which allowed GOD to define itself as Finite from the Infinite and from which the physical universe then emerged with its spacetime properties?"

    A1.9 (by Ome Head): "Imagination!
    All thoughts are metaphysical waveforms and derivatives from the primordial energy plenum.
    It literally is all the 'Mind of GOD' or the 'Cosmic Intelligence' as omniscient omnipresent omniversal and omnipotent energy.
    The Prime Directive for all sentiences within the omniverse is well understood by all highly advanced cosmic civilisations. It is to cherish, support and honour the Individual Creativity with all of the external environmental support possible.
    The lack of basic necessities for physical survival becomes fathomable, as then all individual creativity would become suppressed in the search for food, shelter and medical care.
    Such basic necessities are a given right for all members of such an advanced civilisation and are provided for free, irrespective of the voluntary interaction of the individual with the group collectives.
    Minimising governmental control and allowing freedom of choice in the pursuit of individual talents and aptitudes will naturally crystallise a collective consciousness for such a civilisation.
    An emphasis on defence and fiscal control will become superfluous, as the individual will be acutely aware about hisher kinship and responsibility with the sourcesink of the GODDOG Duoverse.
    Herhis ambassadoraship and stewardship will be rendered selfevident; especially when the escape into the "Great Abyss' and the recyclements of collapsed wavefunctions is no longer possible!"

    O.G. Head with A.A.Tail

    Q&A by Alf Tail and Ome Head continued

    Q2 (by Alf Tail): "How does this imagination manifest the consciousness and the self awareness of itself in the inhabitants of the spacetime, say the cosmic citizens, might these be humans or extraterrestrial intelligences?"

    A2 (by Ome Head): "They are like doublesided surfaces; simple really just like a coin with a Head and with a Tail. So all humans are like coins inside of the universe and they have a front of the head with eyes and a back of the head with say imaginary eyes there looking the opposite way the real physical eyes are looking.
    So when a human looks at a picture on the wall or into a mirror what does heshe see?

    Shehe sees himherself as only half of what shehe could see, if there also were eyes in the back of the head.
    Now because all of spacetime acts and functions as a mirror; the human coin with head and tail requires two mirrors to solve the cosmic riddle of the one coin with two sides. One mirror is in front of the head and so the real physcial eyes see a real, albeit virtual image of the head in the mirror in front of the head. The other mirror is opposite for the imaginary eyes in the back of the head of the human, which is of course the tail of the coin in the twosidedness.

    So the imaginary- or shadow eyes of the tail look at the image of the image and so the eyes of the head can see the image of the tail in using the mirror of the head to see the image of the tail.
    In reality so, using two spacetime mirrors, allows the Head to see the Tail and vice versa with both the head and the tail becoming real and visible in the cosmology of the human, clever enough to work out the secrets of the universe in such manners.
    So the imagination of the human; using herhis shadow eyes and so both, the Eyes of the Head and the Eyes of the Tail will allow the onesidedness of the original creation from the outside in revisit itself as the inside out."

    Q2.1 (by Alf Tail): "So does the human then become conscious and selfaware of herhimself in simply looking into spacetime as a mirror of the entire cosmic environment with doubled eyes?"

    A2 (by Ome Head): "Indeed!
    It is as simple as looking into a mirror in the bathroom or at the picture of a beloved on the wall. You see yourself as the WHITE LIGHTNESS of your spacetime reality reflected in yourself in looking forwards with the Eyes of the Head and you see yourself as the BLACK DARKNESS of your spacetime unreality with the Eyes of the Tail of yourself. You should attempt to see deeper and beyond the image of yourself in the mirror or say the eyes of your beloved in a photograph on the wall or a photoalbum. Only then will you be able to use your own reflection or the image of your beloved as a double mirror to see the backside of yourself in the opposite mirror of the spacetime.

    You are the coin in the middle of two mirrors then and you can use either direction, south or north and east or west to figure out, that you are three in one, namely you as the object of a real being and cosmic identity reflecting and mirroring itself in two, not one images in allowing your two images to look each other in the eyes. If you have two eyes then you double triple yourself in being yourself plus two images; one image seen with the Eyes of your Head and the other seen with the Eyes of your Tail as the back of your head.

    Becoming conscious so means to become selfaware of your own shadows and images in the doubling of yourself in reality and virtual reality. If you become superconscious, then you learn to understand and realise, that you are actually 3 in 1, you as the image caster and your two images seen by you, in looking yourself into the eyes, not once in one direction, but two directional. You are becoming your own shadow and Darkness and Light blend as one in hybridisation. Day becomes Night and Night becomes Day in Sunset becoming the Dawn and the Evening becoming the Morning and all spacetime creation is doubled in Day+Night+Day+Night=DayNight+NightDay, relative to you in your spacetimed world or universe or cosmology."

    O.G. Head with A.A.Tail

    “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.”

    According to Martin G. Abegg Jr; a translator of scroll 4Q392; the author of the scroll states, that God created light and darkness for himself, not just as a background for subsequent creation events. Light and darkness are simultaneously present with God, a paradox incomprehensible for the human mind; but for mankind’s benefit is that differentiation made, resulting in a doubling of all that is.

    “[...] and dominions [...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].” - translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.

    (18) The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
    Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

    “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

    Revelation 4 - KJV

    1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.
    2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
    3 And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald.
    4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.
    5 And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
    6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind.
    7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle.
    8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
    9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever,
    10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
    11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.



    "A most wondrous thing the Shadow is, a redeemer in all to succour;
    it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it is not.
    For where the light is, the darkness flees, no longer present to endure;
    so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its troubled lot.

    But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a splendid key;
    the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just the one.
    Betwixt the light and the darkness it is and part of both for all to see;
    the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under the sun?

    Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to relay;
    as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards their final goal.
    Enabled to bring peace to so many things appearing apart and so far away;
    the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and its scattered soul."
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2015
  9. admin

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    • Post n°188

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. B.B.Baghor on Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:52 am

    You know, shilo, to be honest and give my final words, the style of communicating and the attempts to ridicule and belittle

    people living with views different from yours aka the Thuban dragon views, presenting your words correcting them, on top
    of it, is proof to me of narrow-mindedness and ignorance of the teaching your nine-headed dragon can offer. You seem to

    ignore or avoid a meeting with that one, who could become the best friend you can ever find, within.

    It's cheap to dismiss the worldviews of others and thereby show your being right. For as long as this continues here, I won't

    read this thread any longer, nor reply to its posts. There's never a sense of evolving or accomplishment, as far as I'm concerned.
    To me, the Thuban world is a gallery in a far corner of a virtual Universe with dramatic paintings on the walls, echoing screeches
    through empty Halls of... a once upon a past... Fame?
  10. admin

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    • Post n°189

    empty. Re: The Legacy of Thuban Omni-Science De Alpha Draconis Omega

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 2:20 am


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    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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