The Illumination Thread from MOA (Mists of Avalon)

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 25th 2011



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    • Post n°31
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:41 am
    You just give up? No further discussion just because the one or the other here might have a boring opinion?

    But then, why bother being on a forum like this? Or did you expect that no one will bother to read what you post and therefore will not have their own "boring" opinions?

    You should at least not underestimate the ability of the forum members where you wish to participate to discern for themselves if what you post here is useless and/or worth of discussion.

    You don't want to discuss any more?'s your choice. No matter what you think about making DID choose. So it's maybe you that didn't get it?

    much respect

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
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    • Post n°32
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:18 am
    Ashera wrote:

    To define something as equal does not mean that it is equal. In fact it is a form of violence.


    That's an interesting comment Ashera. Do you mind if I ask what it means exactly?

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
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    • Post n°33
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. Andromeda on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:18 am
    Ashera wrote:Hmm, what is human?

    It cost me a lot of time to get out that I am not human, but now I am very happy with that knowledge. I am an animal, a talking and thinking one; many animals think. Humans are no animals - and they do not think. And that is the problem.


    That is actually a very good question. Here is wikipedia's answer but I have found there are as many definitions as people




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    • Post n°34
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:33 am
    Ashera wrote:It is not about choice... but who gets that? I do not discuss anymore, anyway. It is useless. I tell stories, and opinions are boring.

    To define something as equal does not mean that it is equal. In fact it is a form of violence.


    Your opinion is then, that opinions are boring and you are using this forum to discuss this. Thats two internal contradictions in two lines.

    Not bad going

    Could you expand on the meanining of your last statement? It's a little vague and possibly nonsensical.

    Last edited by Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] mystic on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:24 am

    I have come to believe that the fate of humanity is and always has been in our hands. And right now we arent doing so good. I honestly cant say if aliens are in the mix but cannot discount the possiblity. I decided along time ago that what ever happens here on this planet I will ride it out to the end. We all are aware of the problems that vex this planet. We just refuse to undertake the solutions. I have often thought about GOD. Our actions at this time and in the past I just wonder if HE thinks "I created them why" We are capable of being and doing so much more than we are. 18 people cant free the planet but 18 million could. Visiting the sites that I do I get overwhelmed by the darkness and hopeless future that some see. That is why MOA is so important. Here there is hope and is a vital lifeline for me. I dont know what the future will be but i do know what it could be. And the could be is what I try to stay focused on.



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    • Post n°36
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:30 am

    I never give up. Why do you project your opinions on me?

    Perhaps guys like you start to listen one day? Perhaps that is the reason why I am here?

    Opinions are of no value...

    I do not underestimate anything, I just measure what you do. And why do you generalize? Forum members... It is about you; or are you the mouthpiece of all here?

    I am convinced that one cannot discuss everything. Discussion is just the wrong method to come to truth.

    There is no choice..., except in a discourse universe based on arbitrariness. And I am no part of that.

    I wish you well,

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°37
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:37 am
    Andromeda wrote:

    Ashera wrote:
    Hmm, what is human?

    It cost me a lot of time to get out that I am not human, but now I am very happy with that knowledge. I am an animal, a talking and thinking one; many animals think. Humans are no animals - and they do not think. And that is the problem.


    That is actually a very good question. Here is wikipedia's answer but I have found there are as many definitions as people


    That shows that definitions are useless...

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:41 am
    Sanicle wrote:
    Ashera wrote:

    To define something as equal does not mean that it is equal. In fact it is a form of violence.


    That's an interesting comment Ashera. Do you mind if I ask what it means exactly?

    What, if I say that I am no social being, and I can proof that scientifically. And then someone, who possibly did not get my argumentation, comes and says: "Sure you are a social being!". Then he defines me. And that is violence.

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°39
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] shiloh on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:43 am

    mystic wrote:I have come to believe that the fate of humanity is and always has been in our hands. And right now we arent doing so good. I honestly cant say if aliens are in the mix but cannot discount the possiblity. I decided along time ago that what ever happens here on this planet I will ride it out to the end. We all are aware of the problems that vex this planet. We just refuse to undertake the solutions. I have often thought about GOD. Our actions at this time and in the past I just wonder if HE thinks "I created them why" We are capable of being and doing so much more than we are. 18 people cant free the planet but 18 million could. Visiting the sites that I do I get overwhelmed by the darkness and hopeless future that some see. That is why MOA is so important. Here there is hope and is a vital lifeline for me. I dont know what the future will be but i do know what it could be. And the could be is what I try to stay focused on.

    Well said Mystical One!
    This is the kind of commentary which should pervade the new age forums, away from the speculations and the fear mongerings so prevalent, as you have witnessed.

    All incarnates are indeed true and valid witnesses for the evolution of the universe; no matter what their present polarised mindsets allows them to process from their deeper levels from the heart from their shallower ideas and perceptions in their minds.

    I decided to comment on your commentary; precisely because it comes from the heart and is true in a form of innocence and without hypocrisy.
    Your soul or extended human consciousness might be rather more awakened to great changes in consciousness ahead, than you admit in your humbleness.

    Perhaps I should add, that the cocreation of all the incarnates as parts of the creator engages indeed what many term individual timelines, but that all such are encompassed in an enveloping one. Your journey in what you call life can only succeed, despite the experience of temporary failures. So you are safe in the way that counts.

    This is just like you in incarnation being like a drop in the ocean and a family of drops can indeed create their own whirlpool or waves; seemingly and sometimes flowing contra some other families of wavelets in the sea.
    You are the ocean too in the disincarnated state of being and to realise this will allow you to transcend many limitations which you now experience.
    The oceanic wave is the envelope and this one is determined or programmed by the One you call God or creator and his Word.

    And that is what you truly are - the ocean and the sea of seas - Tethyis Mirabilis Astralis.
    Who can remember it and absorb all the whirlpools of divers families of water droplets - without exclusions?

    Shalom and Nasmaste'



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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:45 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote: It is not about choice... but who gets that? I do not discuss anymore, anyway. It is useless. I tell stories, and opinions are boring.

    To define something as equal does not mean that it is equal. In fact it is a form of violence.


    Your opinion is then, that opinions are boring and you are using this forum to discuss this. Thats two internal contradictions in two lines.

    Not bad going

    Could you expand on the meanining of your last statement? It's a little vague and possibly nonsensical.

    No, you impute that I have opinions. That is not my problem, it is yours. So the contradiction you allegedly detected is based on your false assumptions.

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:48 am

    It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

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    • Post n°42
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:52 am

    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.

    A litte all-knowing fascist character?


    Last edited by Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:57 am; edited 3 times in total

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°43
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:54 am
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

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    • Post n°44
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:55 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°45
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:59 am
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote: It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°46
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:01 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°47
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:02 am
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    I think you dont understand that you are contardicting yourself.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°48
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:07 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    I think you dont understand that you are contardicting yourself.

    You are the incarnated contradiction here, and you do not get that, you bipedal education gap, you zero on stilts...


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°49
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:08 am
    Good grief! Arguments and contradictions!

    Must be a sign for me to put retarded video links up again in response(I know, I am pathetic sometimes...). [​IMG]

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---DUNE



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    • Post n°50
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:10 am
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    I think you dont understand that you are contardicting yourself.

    You are the incarnated contradiction here, and you do not get that, you bipedal education gap, you zero on stilts...


    Does that mean our date tonight is off? its a shame as I know this nice liitle bar.
    My you do have opinions after all. And quite strong ones at that.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°51
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:11 am
    immortalisdolor wrote: Good grief! Arguments and contradictions!

    Must be a sign for me to put retarded video links up again in response(I know, I am pathetic sometimes...). [​IMG]

    What do you mean you are pathetic. you are quite clearly contardicting yourself.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°52
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:17 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    I think you dont understand that you are contardicting yourself.

    You are the incarnated contradiction here, and you do not get that, you bipedal education gap, you zero on stilts...


    Does that mean our date tonight is off? its a shame as I know this nice liitle bar.
    My you do have opinions after all. And quite strong ones at that.

    I am not allowed to go out with people who do not know the difference of argument and opinion...


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°53
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:19 am

    [​IMG] I sure was floyd..... funny

    (laughter and self amusement is always a good cure for troubled thought) Is that an opinion?

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---- DUNE



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    • Post n°54
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:25 am
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Ashera wrote:

    Floyd wrote: It was not a false assumption. Perhaps in your opinion it was a false asumption (oh sorry you dont have opinions)
    To me it is clear that you have opinions about opinions even though you say you dont like them nor like discussing them. Both of which you are doing here right now.

    How arrogant you are... But I am used to that.


    I am not being arrogant. I am simply pointing out a couple of flaws in your argument (opinion).

    No, with a mind-set like yours you cannot understand me.


    If you really did not like opinions or discussing them then you would do neither. You would remain silent about them as they have no value to you. By doing so, that is to say, discussing and forming opinions about opinions and opinions about other people (eg calling me arrogant)you are being contaradictory.

    I think you do not get the method of logical precision.


    I think you dont understand that you are contardicting yourself.

    You are the incarnated contradiction here, and you do not get that, you bipedal education gap, you zero on stilts...


    Does that mean our date tonight is off? its a shame as I know this nice liitle bar.
    My you do have opinions after all. And quite strong ones at that.

    I am not allowed to go out with people who do not know the difference of argument and opinion...


    Perhaps it would be better if you were not allowed to go out full stop. That way your internally contradicting nonsense would be confined to discussion forums and society in general would be spared from your meaningless dribble. Especially if you argue that you see no value on opinions whilst expressing plenty of them.

    Speaking of going off for a pint. It was a pleasure.

    Last edited by Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:27 am; edited 1 time in total

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°55
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:26 am

    Ashera wrote:I never give up. Why do you project your opinions on me?

    I do not. It was you who said you will not discuss any more, not me. But I'm glad you decided (another choice) to continue...

    Perhaps guys like you start to listen one day?

    But what do you have to say? I see only hints and various claimings in all your posts. Nothing specific, a lot of philosophy. If you have to say something, say it straight. This is not a classroom where you're the teacher and we are students and we're supposed to ask you questions in order to grasp what you have to say.

    So, why should I listen at all?

    Perhaps that is the reason why I am here?

    You should know...not me. Or can you prove it otherwise?

    Opinions are of no value...

    Really??? Then again, this or any other forum is the wrong place for you. But this only explains your statement that you're not a social being. So please enlighten me...what are you then?

    Not a human, not a social being...but what?

    I do not underestimate anything, I just measure what you do.

    Did I ask you to measure anything I do? If you measure what I do, it's you who're judging me...and have prejudices to what I have to say.

    And why do you generalize? Forum members... It is about you; or are you the mouthpiece of all here?

    No, you're right. My mistake. Sorry. I just used the term forum as per definition of a place where likeminded gather together to share their views...and opinions.

    I am convinced that one cannot discuss everything.

    Why not? Then you're just prejudicing again here. Do I seem to be too dumb to understand your truth?

    Discussion is just the wrong method to come to truth.

    I agree. I would rather allow you to read my mind. But it is obvious you can't. Otherwise you'll know that we're not different at all as you think.

    There is no choice..., except in a discourse universe based on arbitrariness. And I am no part of that.

    Wow. Then once you feel that you're something special? You came here, make various claims...but nothing essential behind. Once again, why should I listen

    I wish you well,

    To Horus...and all other members...I apologise for highjacking this thread. But some things needed to be said straight.

    much respect

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
    So if you love ME, I love YOU too...



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    • Post n°56
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:26 am
    immortalisdolor wrote:[​IMG]

    [​IMG] I sure was floyd..... funny

    (laughter and self amusement is always a good cure for troubled thought) Is that an opinion?

    What! I dont have any opinions and im certainly not discussing them... Its pointless!!!

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    • Post n°57
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:32 am
    immortalisdolor wrote:[​IMG]

    [​IMG] I sure was floyd..... funny

    (laughter and self amusement is always a good cure for troubled thought) Is that an opinion?

    That is another context... but, anyway, laughter often is caused by contradictions. But this does not say that laughter is free of assessment. Laughter based on prejudices for example.


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    • Post n°58
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:34 am

    Floyd wrote:
    immortalisdolor wrote:[​IMG]

    [​IMG] I sure was floyd..... funny

    (laughter and self amusement is always a good cure for troubled thought) Is that an opinion?

    What! I dont have any opinions and im certainly not discussing them... Its pointless!!!

    I agree. Let's stop this nonsense and concentrate our valuable energies to the people in suffering...After all, there are millions of HUMANS in Japan right now who need our help.

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
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    • Post n°59
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:36 am

    I do not doubt that you have opinions...


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera



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    • Post n°60
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:40 am
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:43 am

    malletzky wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    I do not underestimate anything, I just measure what you do.

    Did I ask you to measure anything I do? If you measure what I do, it's you who're judging me...and have prejudices to what I have to say.

    You cannot ask me to do anything, fascist, I am a living being, and as such I measure.

    You should start to think.


    I have an opinion about you Asherewhateverblahblahblah. You are a complete and utter wanker but you know that already dont you.


    Last edited by Floyd on Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:02 am; edited 4 times in total

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    • Post n°62
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:49 am

    malletzky wrote:To Horus...and all other members...I apologise for highjacking this thread.

    Well said Malletzky, although I don't think you were the highjacker, given that you were trying to explain Horus's view from a different perspective. I was trying to figure out a way to apologize to Horus as well. Hope we haven't put Horus off this forum completely.
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
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    • Post n°63
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:59 am

    malletzky wrote:
    Ashera wrote:
    I do not underestimate anything, I just measure what you do.

    Did I ask you to measure anything I do? If you measure what I do, it's you who're judging me...and have prejudices to what I have to say.

    You cannot ask me to do anything, fascist, I am a living being, and as such I measure.

    You should start to think.


    Oh, what a great word you used here...but why not write it on your native language, it sounds better: Faschist!

    Or maybe, and I'm once again having an opinion're not a german at all, but live in Germany?

    Anyway, I'm totaly the wrong person to be called Faschist icon_wink.

    And as a living being (which I'm "coincidentally" too, what a wonder), you should know that as soon as you start measuring, you're having an opinion and already choose how to think about someone. Which after all, just proves that you're a human too. Willkommen im Klub!

    Oh...about thinking...I quit thinking some time ago. I just AM.

    much respect to you

    Last edited by malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:01 am; edited 1 time in total
    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
    So if you love ME, I love YOU too...

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    • Post n°64
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. burgundia on Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:01 am
    Sanicle wrote: [​IMG] to all my fellow animal lovers. [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


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    • Post n°65
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:55 pm
    Sanicle wrote:
    horus wrote:.... I have let go of 99.9% of humanity, I no longer care, its called separation.......
    I would have thought also that one of the "Chosen" would still have compassion for those who've lost their way, not the disdain you appear to display. We can detach and still have compassion, don't you think Horus?
    In reply to you question. I typed up a full explanation with energies then I was about to post and my text disappeared, so here is another try. What is letting go, letting go of the baggage of 3D that controls you as you sit in a comfit zone. You say I don't have any compassion. Right now, I feel so torn up hearing about 200,000 plus being homeless in Japan in the wake of what has just happened, then all those who want to leave in fear of radiation. People’s lives are being destroyed and don’t think it just Mother Nature.

    I believe man is partly, maybe even more largely responsible than we all realise, so let me put this to you. Earthquakes are monitored and it was magnified using a nuclear device to be more distructive and I have the proof with years of my own protocols back to the Thailand earthquake. I'm beginning to see earthquakes make money for the corporations like wars do with arms. That evidence is already being noiced, how blind are we then or stupid, just as bad as a bail out of what, a sinking shitz? These bastards go in and rebuild themselves a termite nest and sell fast-food to the natives. The NWO wants to cull the population. These quakes are no accident all around this planet at the moment dispite earth changes, are nuclear devices that can be triggered at any time. I don't visit any conspiracy websites; I come from a 'inner knowing' and think the way they do and what their next move will be. The brain behind everything is Thoth, your false god and his programs that are part of your DNA and the Matrix. This program is like a Big Brother Network, ears and eyes that are hidden in walls that talk. Remember the Katrina Floods and George Bush who doesn't like the black man? Remember the outcry with the plans to use a nuke in the Gulf of Mexico, and the plug they built, whats to say thats a nuclear device and at their leasure, the dark elite can wipe out half of America. I've been shown the caverns under California as a shelf could have nuclear devices that could trigger Yellowstone. I didn't make that up, I did some research I found two submarines went missing and it connected to the sinking of the Titanic. The upside of lesser humans in America, fewer mouths to feed resulting from all the causalities.

    Ask yourself why I am I here then Sanicle trying to wake up humanity when I'm being told by my mother it’s too late, nobody wants to know, and nobody wants to listen to you. So don't try to tell be about compassion when I know the Goddess of Compassion. Where people are located is were they are meant to be, and 'letting go' is letting go of the problems called baggage that includes all those who hold 'you back' on your spiritual ascension. I learnt a hard lesson 18 months ago as a one man army trying to save humanity. I had no backup support group and that saying, 'Where angels fear to tread'. I was brain-probed during my sleepstate after prolonged investigating undercover the Skull & Cross Bones, I simply did not protect myself enough. I barely got out alive. It was another poster her, a Native American Indian who came in and got me out. He will validate every thing I scribe here as the truth. Had I not be rescued, I would become a vegetable just like so many websites of misinformation, thats how evil thee bastards are and what resulted from all this is now, I discovered how everything is 'back-to-front'. All this was going to be shared on my string, This is my Story, and the graphics I have compiled will have you, see the truth so clearly how everyone on this planet as a prisoner and don't know it, David Icke is so right!

    Did you see all that rubbish floating in the sea in Japan, most of that is created my man? If I had the power to save all those dear ones from the suffering by the hands of others with a dark agenda, now that would be something. My Mother-Sister told me, 'where these ones have gone, they have found bliss'. Think about it, they are looking down on us, like I feel with my own compassion. Maybe many souls who passed over chose to be in Japan are also the chosen ones. We all have made the wrong choices to where we settle and live, that’s our destiny. Why does humanity live on the coast lines where the high density of its population?

    Compassion again, I feel I was connected to, or was Enki with most of my material proving we have a false god, which is also Baal-Jehovah. Enki tried to save humanity from this false god that controls each one of you. This false god tried to strike me down many times and given half the chance and if was in a lightning storm he would use it, but I am who I am and nobody else.

    Empower yourselves within. Now, I'm going to try and remember what I channeled before my script vanished, it was heart filling. Right now Sanicle, I want you to find a quiet space and focus deep within to the heart of your very being. There you can speak to the real god and not the ego and if it interrupts this process, do me a favor, 'kick in it the head' (so to speak) and tell it to piss or f--k off. 'This is your moment and you are in charge'. The ego can learn something from it as you still you mind from all the chatter-chatter.

    Call out if you like from within within your heart and talk to Mother-Father-Creators and really focus on your heart centre. You will know as you burst out in tears to a knowing, you will feel the release of some pain and feel you being touched by their love; you will feel my god and you will know him. Now, that is what I call, 'letting go' and being complete with Oneness. I want you to come back here and tell everyone what happen. In fact, other can share what they felt also, its so easy. Work on it and make a special time and keep to it. Protect your self with white light, before you start. Some other members may want to contribute that protection part here. I'm just very connected chosing a different way and I won't reveal it publically.

    Some gremlin cleared my words that had me close to tears. This forum was hacked I understand and I was closely told it was going to happen, you may have come across a post with a deleted string. There were some moles working on the inside of this forum and one, and then two were shown to me, and now looking like the same person as a dark op who now has his head looking like a cabbage in a basket ready to be boiled as a cauliflower, that person challenged me and my Mother and she removed him graphically. He head was empty when I saw it in a deep-frying basket of grey matter that was mind-controlled like many of those on GLP and these trolls follow me around like blowflies laying eggs from forum to forum behaving like backbench hecklers.

    Keep an eye open to this post because I have information that will balance things out to the video from the Planet of the Apes, it will shatter your truth. You may not like it because its about this planrt rebirth and many man-made structures will crumble back into the earth like 'ashs to ashs' - 'dust to dust' and that process may take hundreds of years, it may happen 'in the wink of te eye'. That is why I am here, back from your future trying my best to get the truths across if some want to hear.

    Incidentally, I’m not here to fill you head with New Age bullshit as the incarnation of Horus and you won't find any channeled messages out there and if you do, they are all a fraud. I don't have to behave like some angel with wings. I might be rought arough the edges but I'm real, I am human and not a hologram like the rest out of a Startrek episode. I am of the the flesh and my twinflame is Natalie Wood the actress and I know about the mystery to her drowning. We are 'star-crossed' lovers that go back to the beginning of creation, I tell you this because I am part of your dreams also to the God of Dreams Morpheus, who taught me how to dream. The name Morpheus is also in the movie 'Matrix', and I'm seen myself in that role energy as Keanu Reeves. Their is no ego attachments, I use protocols that I created. The bible isn't a scratch on my material. The Bible has been twisted and distorted and now full of lies, nothing like it was in the beginning. My twin-flame is waiting for me and I am not interested in any offering or deal to feed the ego. I have been offered millions of dollars by this false god to button my lips and shut up your face; I told this false god; 'I'm not interested, my twin-flame is priceless, love can not be bought or replaced. My riches are in heaven already. And besides, accepting that bribe would keep me in 3D and another 13,000 years before I would met her again. It will be a hard lesson for many who have stalled this planets ascension as these dark souls pillage and rape her of her natural riches and beauty, some will just go back to the Stone Age. I hope I have answered your questions, and put the record straight?


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    • Post n°66
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:59 am

    Pacific Ring of Fire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Pacific Ring of Fire (or sometimes just the Ring of Fire) is an area where large numbers of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in the basin of the ...

    Ring of Fire (song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Ring of Fire" or "The Ring of Fire" is a country music song popularized by ...

    I need to compose some graphic energy which takes some time. The energies were all Western in nature; the locality shows it’s mostly on the West Coast of America. What I noticed in this dream on a water-front, it was at low-tide and the energy of a Salt Lake. Sea water is composed of salt, maybe its linked to the tides of change coming and no one can see what’s coming on the West Coast of America that may be rush of water will go very far inland to the deserts. I'm not here to spell doom, but when you look at the balance of the earth making adjustments on the Rim of Fire, the region of California has not adjusted and when will it happen?

    I was on a horse like an Indian Brave, does that mean I have to be brave and 'face the music'. Movies and Music hold messages and you can see there is a message here and that is certain. In this dream along a water front (Planet of the Apes last scene) I was looking 'over the horizon' with a back drop of hills and I was singing the words of a cowboy song 'yippie yi yi yo'. I knew I had heard this in a movie, but where, where, it was the answer. I made a phone call to someone who knows her music and as soon as said 'yippie yi yi yo'. She replied, That’s ”(Ghost) Riders in the Sky". I was totally gob-smacked and felt my jaw actually drop, and it was to fit with Clint Eastwood and Michael Fox as Clint Eastwood in "Back to the Future III".

    I did some research which may include the "Independence Day" movie and the UFO in Area 51, and to a Brother of mine who has a ship, a UFO down in one of those underground bases. If he is reading this, he will know were I come from because I too have a UFO somewhere, shown to me just like in the movie "Flight of the Navigator" Our combined energies may be 'one of the same', that was the strongest impression of our 'brotherhood'.

    Don't take these videos as being of a fear nature; they may be closer to the truth, who knows. What destroyed that invasion in the movie "Independence Day"? That’s all I will say for the moment, think about it. Now back to my 'distant vision' showing the Milky Way shown over Death Valley. Each one of those stars may represent all those leaving this planet, who really knows. Looking over my right shoulder is very unusual, it may mean WYSIWYG an acronym for what you see is what you get and being right. I always look for a loop to these claims and I found to a picture I have on my twin on horse-back with Clint Walker who was best known for his cowboy role as "Cheyenne Bodie" in the TV Western series, Cheyenne.

    Other energy attachments were "Rawhide" starring Clint Eastwood and the "Lone Ranger" with his trusted Native American companion Tonto, fights injustice in the American Old West. In the dream was a White Horse, a stallion. The word 'horse' and 'horus' are connected. Think about this then, a fleet of Light Ships arriving. Websites like AbundantDope will say the opposite about Jesus coming to save you. In part, that is correct, you have to save your self, but what’s to say, this planet is in the need of a complete 'make over' and all those who are not marked by the Beast, and the 144,000 who are of pure love and light will be lifted off this planet to safety and return after what is all this talk about stasis, if it is the real deal and all those who will leave in the death process do not suffer, just like in Japan and end up on a beach as a dead corpse, do we need the rear invoked drama played out on television every day. Do you see where I'm coming from? I'm talking about God's Army coming as this planet 'goes to the cleaners' and not allowing the reptilians to come here for their planned harvesting of souls. The video showing the riders on white horses to me represent the Light, while the Bulls are the Antichrist energies of Baal-Jehovah who is your false god and a reptilian to match. Bull = Baal = Bell Craft are not Light Ships. If I was a part of a Enki energy in a past life, my memory was erased by Thoth through my DNA as your enslaver, and my brother Enil, and enough evidence of his bad attitude can be found on the internet to enslaving the human race.

    Now read this:
    I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns [diadems]. He has a name written on him that no one but he himself knows. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. {Rev 19:11-16 NIV}

    This is not the Lone Ranger on Silver, though that fiction may be based on this theme. This Rider on a White Horse is identified for us by four different names: The first is found in Verse 11: There he is called "Faithful and True." It is in that capacity that he comes "to judge and to make war" but all in perfect justice. There are just causes for the correction of evil and the punishment of evildoers despite the campaign against capital punishment today. Our Lord comes to execute perfect justice in judging and making war. At last, as Scripture has long promised, all the wrongs done on earth will be made right; all the cheats and scams that we are familiar with today will be exposed and corrected; all drugs that blow the minds of people will be eliminated; all crime will be brought to an end; all hatred among mankind will cease, for Jesus comes to judge the earth and to right all matters.

    I must remind you, no fear was in this dream, it was full of love and connections to Avatar, the movie to the Indian legend and "Running Bear and Little White Dove" to my twin as Debbie Edwards the movie "The Searchers". It was up to me to break all the light codes, and this is just the beginning, a few days ago my thoughts went out to the Johnny Cash song Ring of Fire, please tell me when, and the words 'yippie yi yi yo' same. I consider the word Yippy means, an exclamation of joy. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Johnny Cash also sings this song Ghost Riders in the Sky. This Ramrod version takes me back to the 1960’s and it was the energy. I think the video speaks for itself, the Calvary is coming. If the darkies reading my post… shitz is coming your way big time! I am here to lead the charge with my father Ra, this is my home planet, and not your property.

    There's more to come... plenty… so take your seat, grab you pop-corn as the curtain is about to be raised! There will be no commercial breaks during this screening. I am Horus.

    Take everything with a ‘pinch of salt’ and find your own answers within. Remember, this was my dream and I share it with you.
    We can change everything on the World of ours, if we pull our weight together brothers & sisters.

    Last edited by horus on Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total


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    • Post n°67
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:34 am


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    • Post n°68
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor on Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:57 am
    The song and video, "Sing for Absolution" by Muse keeps bringing me right back to your thread Horus.

    Hope it is not too far off track.....

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---- DUNE


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    • Post n°69
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:34 am

    These two videos brought me to tears, this is true love with a twinflame I share.
    Its about the end of my journey, I'm going home, and the closing credits I have earned!
    She is my celestial bride.


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    • Post n°70
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:39 pm

    To Horus from Sanicle:

    I do apologize as I seem to have offended you, possibly in having taken your words too literally. You see, I equated "do not care" with not having any care/concern/love left in your heart chakra for humanity...that you did just want to separate from us all because you dislike what you see happening here so much. I was concerned for you and for humanity as it seemed you "didn't care" for those who are suffering so much here now, even though you are 'chosen' to help and lead. That just didn't add up to me.

    BUT I can see from your response that I misunderstood and for this and I am sorry. I haven't been on this forum for very long and obviously had not read enough of your posts to realize that your heart still beats so strongly...even down to longing to be one with your twin flame again. You are quite the romantic really. And I don't mean that in a negative way. We all long for that after all.

    I want to thank you also for the meditation you suggested to me but I'd also like to say that you don't know me very well either. I do meditate and have felt the feelings you describe, and what I have felt is nothing to do with worshipping a 'false God'. I see him as being the God of the Old Testament for the Western World, as well as others from ancient times eg Egypt. And I also believe these gods were ETs of great power whom the people of those times were conditioned to worship, just like so many today are conditioned to worship 'false gods'. I tend to think of those ETs as (obviously) quite highly evolved in some ways, but their egos led them (very much) astray, just as can happen to the rest of us when too much power is attained. Even as a child I could never believe the God in the Bible was the true God. Far too cruel.

    I also agree that negativde ETs, along with totally misguided, selfish, arrogant and cruel humans are behind a lot of the disasters occuring on this planet in so many devious ways. But I think all of us on this forum are well aware of that. Maybe we don't need to be as 'enlightened' to these facts as you think. But validation is great and I'm sure we all welcome your unique 'insight' into these things and that you continue to share them with us here as well.

    I believe we are all on the same, although individually unique, path. Your's and mine are possibly quite a bit different but that doesn't mean we will not reach the same goal and walk alongside each other in our hearts as we travel.

    Thank you for taking so much time and trouble to explain as you did in part for me, but I know for all of us. I've tried to return the favour by giving you a fuller explanation as well, hopefully clearly enough.

    Peace [​IMG] for you too.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss



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    • Post n°71
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO on Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:08 pm
    Sanicle wrote:
    Thank you for taking so much time and trouble to explain as you did in part for me, but I know for all of us.

    It takes quite some time & effort to write these long posts & they are appericiated.


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    • Post n°72
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:12 pm
    Sanicle wrote:To Horus from Sanicle:

    I do apologize as I seem to have offended you, possibly in having taken your words too literally. You see, I equated "do not care" with not having any care/concern/love left in your heart chakra for humanity...that you did just want to separate from us all because you dislike what you see happening here so much. I was concerned for you and for humanity as it seemed you "didn't care" for those who are suffering so much here now, even though you are 'chosen' to help and lead. That just didn't add up to me.

    Dear friend, you have not offended me, trust me, what you have allowed me to do is express the deeper part of who I am, and I thank you. I know within my heart, my twin is pleased with what I am sharing with you in this post. It has been difficult to get this message out and understood.

    There some beautiful souls here and you hold that quality by understanding me. For years, it has been difficult for so many to grasp where I came from and how I arrive an making any sense of a dream. I first reflect on surrounding energies in a dream, I do that like a 'snap-shot', like at the scene of the crime, gathering all the evidence as energies. So when did I ride a horse in this life stream? Only once and the energy tells me. In this case it was a place called DUDE RANCH and in Henderson Valley back in New Zealand. I have had dreams were the ground moved from earthquakes, quiet dramatic when I've never been in one, and it was in this same suburb called Henderson. I use lateral thinking when I examine my dream on recall well before I wake up, Henderson for me means, THE END IS SOON. It means the end of my journey, nothing else. I placed these above videos with the simplest explanation. They were not put there out of fear. A new world is about to be birthed and while I don't endorse posts on AbundantDope, I'm balanced enough to read between the lines only in readiness, and if I may quote what Christ-Michel said, even if the message to some is found to be discerning.

    I personally have no time for its founder who is ego-driven and as close to control freak you would ever want to meet and like a viper to match, after she questioned my Messiah Mission and I said it was Love, and those claims who is going to be saved to have AH on your chest, and the forum has a cult energy with its founder behaving like a High Priestess.

    Right now, it’s ONE-ON-ONE on our journey to ONENESS with our Creator. You don't need to give your energies away to these people. I was banned there when I posted tantric material on its forum, and its founder does not believe in twin-flames, and the most ridiculous remark was said, telling me the 3D person I lived with was my twin, how whacked was that after being connected with my twin in spirit for 13 years, she defaulted badly and she didn't even know about Horus. How misinformed she was, to her Horus was the All-Seeing-Eye on the American Dollar Bill and I was not of the light. I represent the Right Eye of God which has nothing to do with the energy used by freemasons. My twin-flame is not on this earth or this dimensional realm but will manifest in 5D with me, and we will have our light bodies and full consciousness. I have good reason to believe we will adjust our ages 'Back to the Future' and aged between 20-25 and we both will be virgins, how cool is that, brand-spanking new!

    Anyhow, these words were spoken by Christ-Michael

    Welcome Home at the finish line
    By CM, Nebadonia thru Johan
    Mar 16, 2011 - 10:30:36 AM

    Dearly Beloveds,

    I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, and I also speak for Nebadonia at this time,

    Together with Nebadonia, WE made a decision to Bless All of You, our truly Beloved Children, together with the incoming Higher Divine Potential bestowed upon You by Source and Our Selves and Your Selves so that a perfect Union between Creation and Us, Your Creators and all of our Creation in Nebadon may Light up this Universe for all to see from far and away. Mother Earth is ready for birthing her New Self and without further delay, this proces has gone into the delivary status NOW.

    You have seen through Japan and other places before what birthpangs are about, but please realise this labor of Gaia will be a difficult and particular hard and painful one. Not to the detriment of This Beloved and Beautiful Soul, since only relief of pressure and polution and negative energy will be the result towards the Most Precious Gem She is about to become, BUT THE CONDITIONS UPON HER SURFACE WILL NOW QUICKLY DETERIORATE.

    Through the Waves and the peculiar settings of your solar system already under the Influx of the growing strenght of Divine Love and Light, both Nebadonia and Myself wish to address and inform you, my Precious Dear Little Ones, that ALSO YOU WILL BE BORN AGAIN into your deserved status of the Grand Cosmic Beings you have always been. This has been a step by step proces, but now there is no longer holding back.

    Like a wild river rafting, your graduation awaits you at the end of the trip that might rush you through many rapids and small waterfalls OR MIGHT BE RATHER SMOOTH SAILING according to the amount of Divine Love and Light you have practised with! All will travel the same river, but the experience might widely differ.

    This is THE TIME for complete TRUST, push off and enjoy the company, as the now famous Hopi Indian poem suggests, do not fear and hold on to the sides. The stream will be too powerful for your arms and legs to counter the mighty flow. But trust your Guidance and float with ease and your short journey will be a blessing beyond your wildest imagination.

    Finally I will be able to meet you, my Children, at the finish line and greet you and love you as no description can translate how much my Fatherly and Brotherly instinct and intuition has been longing for this moment. Even my heart is rejoicing and I share this with my beautiful Nebadonia who wishes you only the very best. No more words now, be prepared as good as you have received our instructions and given heed to our many calls.

    Welcome Home, Warriors of Light, the Mighty River of Love and Light is reaching you Now, push off, let go and go with the Flow, it will bring you Home where numerous numbers are rejoicing to meet you already. Great jubilation will follow great tribulation but it has been so much more worth the effort and waiting as you hardly can imagine.

    I am proud of you, my Beloved Children, and Give Yourselfs all the Reasons to be proud of Yourselfs. Welcome Home.

    I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, your Souvereign.


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    • Post n°73
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:40 pm
    Heart-felt thanks to you Horus for what you've written. Sounds like you've had a rough journey and yet it's clear your heart and resolve stays strong. Your further explanations re how you interpret your dreams etc helps me to understand even moreso, so I thank you for that too. And for the inspiring words of Christ-Michael as well.

    As you say...
    Right now, it’s ONE-ON-ONE on our journey to ONENESS with our Creator.

    ...and I'm very happy to now see we are taking that journey together after all.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss


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    • Post n°74
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] firefly on Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:46 pm
    Dear Dear Horus, Thank you for your dedication in sharing so much, at times in fills my soul and I feel the love that you carry for us all. This is my first posting although I have been with MoA since its beginning. I live in the Byron Bay hinterland, you may know where it is. I used to have fear and trepidation knowing the things that are to come upon mankind, but having read "Christs Letters" I am now at peace with myself, but concerned for my extended family because of the anguish and pain they may suffer,and for all our brothers and sisters. The Creator said to one of my children 'I WILL TAKE THOSE THAT I KNOW ARE PURE IN THEIR HEARTS/THEIR BLOOD AND ARE NOT FOOLED BY THE COMING EVENTS OR HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THEM OCCURING' So I too believe that there is an evil manipulation to what is now happening to our mother.

    love and friendship to you all

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  3. admin

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    • Post n°75
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:10 am

    firefly wrote:
    I live in the Byron Bay hinterland, you may know where it is.
    That is where I will be moving to my dear friend, my plans are already in place with the light, and I will be working with a free energy project apart from farming! A mountain top property I anchored my energy has a million dollar view and the penny just dropped yesterday connecting to this post to a SKY WATCH image showing a man on a horse against a sunset connecting to the Second Sun. I will never own this or any other property. The one in mind has a portal connecting to the Rainbow Serpent to the Rock in the center of Australia. I don't have a cent to my name and who really cares when love is more important, God I hope will provide me with this held vision and I will be its earth guardian/caretaker. No one has the right to own land like the stupid white man and wanker-bankers. I plan to have some teepee's and everyone will be welcomed. There is going to be good times around the camp fire, I promise you that. Typing this reply is giving me another answer to Running Bear (he-he, running bare naked) to Bobby Running Fox (Michael Fox), but he doesn't know it yet, but when the time comes I will invite him to our gatherings. He is Native American Indian Drummer and has a Sweat Lodge, I will set one up a Sweat Lodge for him with my brother. The beginning of the song Running Bear and Little White Dove now fits, wow! It's called self realization. I will manifest this vision.

    Nicola Tesla has spoken to me some time back who will assist me. He said to me, "I trust you, John". All this will happen after the dark energies have been removed (terminated) from this planet and thats when we go into 5D (New Earth). I have a street-rod that will be running on a Joe Cell type device, by my design and Tesla will help me develop it. The Joe Cell was invented near your region and where most of the alternatives have already establish to cleaner energies.



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    • Post n°76
    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. firefly on Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:48 am

    Thank You Horus for your reply. Is it just a coincidence or fate, I don't think anything happens by chance, so your coming my way, I hope at that time we will have a chance to connect and share some spiritual food together. I would like to be able to dream as you do, however I can't sleep deep enough to dream. I do enjoy reading your dreams. You know I always considered Horus to be connected to Lucifer so it took a while for me to read your posts. So glad I did though. If you want to contact me I could give you my e-mail or skype. In the meantime, Peace and Love to you.

    firefly [​IMG]


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    • Post n°77
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:39 am

    firefly wrote:Thank You Horus for your reply. Is it just a coincidence or fate, I don't think anything happens by chance, so your coming my way, I hope at that time we will have a chance to connect and share some spiritual food together. I would like to be able to dream as you do, however I can't sleep deep enough to dream. I do enjoy reading your dreams. You know I always considered Horus to be connected to Lucifer so it took a while for me to read your posts. So glad I did though. If you want to contact me I could give you my e-mail or skype. In the meantime, Peace and Love to you. firefly [​IMG]
    No problems! One day everyone will discover everything is back to front. The God that so many fear has horns and shown to me today as a bull, and that saying "pull your face in", or in this case, "pull your horns in" and on it quotes 'Shut up or Mind your own business' something I hear all the time as backgroud chatter, that is his ego. In this dream his handler was a 'time waster', he raved on with such dribble and bull shitz. This bull is your false god over this solar system I call a prison outpost. This bull seen as Satan with the pair of horns and in the Ghost Riders and Rawhide videos, these bull-s#itters are going to be rounded up and branded by the BIG-O shown as the God-Father energy of Marlon Brand-O in his movie roles and to Don Juan DeMarco which was another clue to the lover Don Juan, I emulate as energy as Johnny Deep and ZORRO.

    The energies all around this beast as a bull was a depleting ego I'm deflating each day with the broad-sides of my given truths he doesn't want to be known. In this image he was so fat and laying on his stomach in a ZOO environment. He is the brain-bug living off human energies that sustains him. The surroundings were like the RNA Ekka which is in August, the same month to codes I use that are in this post. You know of this place, and it reflect my energies as Enki and RNA/DNA virus signatures he placed in our limited consciousness. When I looked for his horns they were totally withdrawn into his brain, just like the feelers of a slug or snail if you touch them. This is now 'conclusive proof' now to every uncover energy of the false god I have found and not posted yet as graphics. The eyes of this slug people call god are probes like nails from the word snails. Abba is Father-God, Jabba is your false God (the opposite) and is the prickz behind the veil no one can see pulling the strings in the movie Wizard of Oz. He is the wanna-be god as Baal who screwed up you DNA to enslave this race from the beginning. Thoth created 12:60 program energies right up to 2012 with the Mayan Calandar. Everyone has been duped! Try and find some of this truth on some websites that continue to feed the programmed energies.

    There are things if I said here, many would find discerning until now, I may well be Sanat Kumara and came from the Planet Venus in one of my incarnations. Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty. This is why humanity was been duped and why everything is 'back-to-front' and in reverse and upside down that has poisoned me and why I will distroy organized religion. The Vatican is your enemy. I am not a fallen angel, my brother is shown to me, as a copy, I say a copy of Sananda who I was told took over from Jehovah, its a paper trail of dots all connecting to a mirage written into the Matrix that must go back to the times of Adam & Eve. The matrix is riddled with its own evil and a virus is what it needs from the light to implode it into nothingless. I have never been an angel for that matter, I have only seen myself as John Travola many times who was in that movie Michael and Peter Graves in Mission Impossible with his briefcase.

    Time will tell 'what is what', I am just happy to be who I am as a human, and nothing else goes to my head, I think from the Heart, and I praise my twin-flame who has kept me there always. I seek no idol status, I'm not at all interested in that crapp, and that includes twitter and all the rest. All I want is love and Peace and be back with my family. I have witnessed the ego in the past in dreams and found it is a brain-bucket of created lies by a program, when I know the whole truth. As a race of humans we have been treated like lost sheep. The alter-ego is the darkside of the self that matches to walking across a minefield that has a sign showing a SKULL & CROSS BONES written in German warning you not to enter, and the odds of you losing boths legs are pretty high trying to be a hero crossing it, which I am not. The Morning Star was shown a couple of weeks ago to me leading up too these end days, and that view was like the star over Bethlehem, then shown to me as the cap stone on every pyramid shown inthe cosmos as a crystal of pure light that so many can not see.

    I have been shown this false god is very jealous of twin-flame love, its eating him up inside as he interfers like a... my twin just said... a 'bed bug', that makes him a louse and a parasite of the human race.

    Cimicidae or bed bugs (sometimes bedbugs), are small parasitic insects. The most common type is Cimex lectularius. The term usually refers to species that prefer to feed on human blood. All insects in this family live by feeding exclusively on the blood of warm-blooded animals.

    Is it just a coincidence or fate

    A message coming for my family here: The song Venus sung by Frankie Avalon, matching Mists of Avalon! Look at the top right of this page on YouTube if you load the direct page, you will see my twinflame Natalie Wood at the top right, Now you figure that out, its a message! My friend it is our Distiny for us to met here, spirit has guided you forward by this introduction. Do you go to the Markets at Bangalow? I went there about two years ago and met my kind of people. I'm a hippy at heart. I told them I will return with my ship and land it in the oval! Not one 'doubting thomas' in that region, I love it!

    Last edited by horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total


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    • Post n°78
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] burgundia on Sat Mar 19, 2011 7:10 am

    horus wrote:

    Dearly Beloveds,

    I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, and I also speak for Nebadonia at this time,

    Together with Nebadonia, WE made a decision to Bless All of You, our truly Beloved Children, together with the incoming Higher Divine Potential bestowed upon You by Source and Our Selves and Your Selves so that a perfect Union between Creation and Us, Your Creators and all of our Creation in Nebadon may Light up this Universe for all to see from far and away. Mother Earth is ready for birthing her New Self and without further delay, this proces has gone into the delivary status NOW.

    You have seen through Japan and other places before what birthpangs are about, but please realise this labor of Gaia will be a difficult and particular hard and painful one. Not to the detriment of This Beloved and Beautiful Soul, since only relief of pressure and polution and negative energy will be the result towards the Most Precious Gem She is about to become, BUT THE CONDITIONS UPON HER SURFACE WILL NOW QUICKLY DETERIORATE.

    Through the Waves and the peculiar settings of your solar system already under the Influx of the growing strenght of Divine Love and Light, both Nebadonia and Myself wish to address and inform you, my Precious Dear Little Ones, that ALSO YOU WILL BE BORN AGAIN into your deserved status of the Grand Cosmic Beings you have always been. This has been a step by step proces, but now there is no longer holding back.

    Like a wild river rafting, your graduation awaits you at the end of the trip that might rush you through many rapids and small waterfalls OR MIGHT BE RATHER SMOOTH SAILING according to the amount of Divine Love and Light you have practised with! All will travel the same river, but the experience might widely differ.

    This is THE TIME for complete TRUST, push off and enjoy the company, as the now famous Hopi Indian poem suggests, do not fear and hold on to the sides. The stream will be too powerful for your arms and legs to counter the mighty flow. But trust your Guidance and float with ease and your short journey will be a blessing beyond your wildest imagination.

    Finally I will be able to meet you, my Children, at the finish line and greet you and love you as no description can translate how much my Fatherly and Brotherly instinct and intuition has been longing for this moment. Even my heart is rejoicing and I share this with my beautiful Nebadonia who wishes you only the very best. No more words now, be prepared as good as you have received our instructions and given heed to our many calls.

    Welcome Home, Warriors of Light, the Mighty River of Love and Light is reaching you Now, push off, let go and go with the Flow, it will bring you Home where numerous numbers are rejoicing to meet you already. Great jubilation will follow great tribulation but it has been so much more worth the effort and waiting as you hardly can imagine.

    I am proud of you, my Beloved Children, and Give Yourselfs all the Reasons to be proud of Yourselfs. Welcome Home.

    I AM Christ Michael Aton of Nebadon, your Souvereign.

    horus, I have a problem with that message. Calling us "my beloved LITTLE ones sounds patronizing to me. And also the ending: I am your Souvereign. The words of the message seem to be nice, but why am I feeling a bit uncomfortable reading them?


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    • Post n°79
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] sabina on Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:11 am

    me too I never trust this urantia book . this messages sound very military for me. and the hole is a very high hirachical system for me.
    All the best sabina [​IMG] [​IMG]


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    • Post n°80
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:48 am

    horus wrote: burgundia wrote:
    horus, I have a problem with that message. Calling us "my beloved LITTLE ones sounds patronizing to me. And also the ending: I am your Souvereign. The words of the message seem to be nice, but why am I feeling a bit uncomfortable reading them?

    That is why I take all the messages with a grain of salt from AbundantDope and other channelers. I read between the lines and find energy and you are doing that also. The channeler may have placed his own signature to the message. I was talking to someome today who sucks up AbundantDope web site and every ESU post. I replied saying, my Mother Isis knows the truth and I stand firm. My twin is very sensitive to what I say, she is part of me and this string has her light glowing because I speak from my heart. To be honest, I was hestitant in placing that message, I felt if I didn't have it complete, it might read disjointed. Isis was here on Earth thousnds of years before Jesus, just like her son Horus, and I really are beginning to see a pattern coming together. I was murdered by Thoth who rewrote everything making the make-believe Jesus you think you know, is just a copy, created by a program, and its called plagarism of energies appearing real. The real Christ Michael is coming, and he is not a carbon copy stamp issue.

    I too have used words, that have a mixed meaning to some and have to make a correction. If my Father told who I was a soul-fragment of the Christ, thats not going to alter or change me. The mould of who I am has already been cast. I'm just doing my little bit the best way I can. I simply want to be who I am, some one my twin reconizes without my head being in the clouds and day dreaming. I'm not interested in any supreme status and never was. Take me to the higher realms if you may, that's all I want and nothing more to find inner happiness and be with my twin and Creation without the contraints of all the maddess we are seeing in 3D. I have found what is most important to me now, my twin-flame and my one true god-goddess who I love as much. I'm prepared to walk away fom everything, and be stark-naked just to go home, thats letting go. We came into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing, we are taxed from cradle to grave, what sort a f--ked up world it is then and they have got away with it as being normal.

    Who every suggested Jesus is any different to any of us, the Church has brain-washed us. If I appeared on another planet from the heavens in a UFO and the natives think I am their god, now you are talking about about a puppet show of control freaks who didn't have to do anything to become empowered over sheepies. I plan to live in a private place and my home is open to others who wish to visit me of the same family of light, we are all one love. My temple is my surroundings called Mother Nature, and out in the open. No walls and no alter if you get my meaning. You just sit on a log like a pioneer. Love brings us all together as a family.


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    • Post n°81
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:01 am

    sabina wrote:
    me too I never trust this urantia book . this messages sound very military for me. and the hole is a very high hirachical system for me. All the best sabina [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ditto sabina, I tried to read the book and my mind felt I was going to blow a fuse in my brain which usually means to me the book was written with head logic, like a marketing tool. I took the book out of the library three times, and each time is was always overdue three weeks. I was interested in the adjusters they speak of, but mine was connected 13 years ago. I relate more to images rather that text, it keeps me interested. We came into this creation with all the truth down-loaded in own heart center like a hard disk as compressed files. Learning has been a physical thing, its called 'soul growth'. Books I feel take the experience away. Its like going to a movie and have someone give you a spoiler as you walk in the theatre, as they walk out.



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    • Post n°82
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO on Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:52 am
    horus wrote:
    sabina wrote:
    me too I never trust this urantia book . this messages sound very military for me. and the hole is a very high hirachical system for me. All the best sabina [​IMG] [​IMG]

    ditto sabina, I tried to read the book and my mind felt I was going to blow a fuse in my brain which usually means to me the book was written with head logic, like a marketing tool. I took the book out of the library three times, and each time is was always overdue three weeks. I was interested in the adjusters they speak of, but mine was connected 13 years ago. I relate more to images rather that text, it keeps me interested. We came into this creation with all the truth down-loaded in own heart center like a hard disk as compressed files. Learning has been a physical thing, its called 'soul growth'. Books I feel take the experience away. Its like going to a movie and have someone give you a spoiler as you walk in the theatre, as they walk out.

    Ditto on the Urantia Book.
    Perhaps someone could shoot a movie of it...

    Or a musical!


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    • Post n°83
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] investigator on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:28 am

    Calling us "my beloved LITTLE ones sounds patronizing to me. And also the ending: I am your Souvereign. The words of the message seem to be nice, but why am I feeling a bit uncomfortable reading them?

    This may sound a little tin foil hatty, but here is my tinfoil theory LOL. Over the years I have gone through dozens of websites, and probably hundreds of channelings. I noticed they all have similar sentence structure. It's as if these people are channeling an AI or machine. It could be voice to skull technology or just people being tricked by trickster entities? They appear to sincerely mean well, but after going through hundreds of the damn channelings, their predictions usually wrong 99% of the time. Is it a control paradigm? I'm thinking there might be some truth to Wes Penre's theory on the control system of the afterlife. I'm undecided at the moment, every side presents a valid argument though. The soul group theory of the afterlife appears to be the most plausible with, so many people going through past life regression with hypnosis and their life review. But what if they life review is just to control you as well? It's as if these entities are part of a hive, or just an AI, they don't have much variation in the method that they use to express themselves, and they seem to lack individuality.

    Almost every channeling that I come across has wording such as:

    Beloved ones, Dearest ones, love and light, I am, joy, home, as above so below, Age of Aquarius, namaste, 1111, 4444,


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    • Post n°84
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] burgundia on Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:51 am

    yes Investgator. It sounds like a program to me.


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    • Post n°85
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:38 pm
    investigator wrote:

    Calling us "my beloved LITTLE ones sounds patronizing to me. And also the ending: I am your Souvereign. The words of the message seem to be nice, but why am I feeling a bit uncomfortable reading them?
    This may sound a little tin foil hatty, but here is my tinfoil theory LOL. Over the years I have gone through dozens of websites, and probably hundreds of channelings. I noticed they all have similar sentence structure. It's as if these people are channeling an AI or machine. It could be voice to skull technology or just people being tricked by trickster entities? They appear to sincerely mean well, but after going through hundreds of the damn channelings, their predictions usually wrong 99% of the time. Is it a control paradigm? I'm thinking there might be some truth to Wes Penre's theory on the control system of the afterlife. I'm undecided at the moment, every side presents a valid argument though. The soul group theory of the afterlife appears to be the most plausible with, so many people going through past life regression with hypnosis and their life review. But what if they life review is just to control you as well? It's as if these entities are part of a hive, or just an AI, they don't have much variation in the method that they use to express themselves, and they seem to lack individuality.

    Almost every channeling that I come across has wording such as:

    Beloved ones, Dearest ones, love and light, I am, joy, home, as above so below, Age of Aquarius, namaste, 1111, 4444,
    Ditto again!

    What gets me is this! I was part of a circle 10 years ago and my son was channeling aged 14 and no ego could be seen, he was too young to know what ego was. I wanted to channel for the power of good, and when it happened, I lost my breath, it just was not meant to be, and as I look back there was a reason, those incoming energies do not resonate with me at all, Iam not a programmed recoever and when I used to read channeled material, the angelic crapp did not feel real at all, they were all this same energy and thats the program edit energy by Thoth. Why can't they talk from the heart like I write my posts? You could say my son had a contract to wake me up and he could write galactic jargon you will not find on this planet. As soon as I connected to my twin, his mission was done, and another man who had been looking for me to connect me up to my twin, he couldn't figure it out for months, he was being prepared for my appearance down the track. I haven't seen that good friend for ten years, he just vanished. So many beings from other worlds are hear connecting us to others. I kept everything my son did as sketchs and have same audio tapes. I showed Bryan deflores, and he told me, it was coming from the same source of his material.

    Transmissions we had shook the house when played back during the day, and harmonics started to out of the heavens like morse code 24/7 and I replied using a Tibetian Bell with a stick creating my own hamonic of OM. Then channels were coming from Aton. Looking back now, it all fits to a past life. I have become deeply empowered with love energies in 3D and my mother told me she is going crank up my volume. I behave like anybody else, day in day out. I've had people in law enforcement turn white as a ghost when I told them my connections after a traffic violation 3 years ago and nothing happened because I don't buy into their Matrix. I've just retired, now they what more proof of who I am, my birth certificate wasn't good enough for them, they no want to see my passport, because I live on nothing and I've had no income for ten years.

    In the past I told them I was a alien from the Galactic Federation when I was threatened, I replied, if you start something funny with me, I will have you all removed. They then asked me if I was on some medication, ha-ha, it was so funny. To them, I'm just another fruit-loop, and it works for me, so they don't bother me. I'm not suggesting anyone to trying this caper, I've just had a guts full of the Matrix and the goons who control it, and if I was pushed into a corner I bet anything and I known this intuitively, powers I have within me as light will have them running to the crapper and wet the inside of their legs getting there, I will draw on the light and blast that crapp at them. Call it a buff if you like, but I have been shown in dreams my inside right palm is like Ra in Stargate. I used it on my son when he was 14 playing with energies and the force threw him across the room as my energy hit his chest. It was like pure life-force... WHAM! The compression he felt hit his heart center just like martial arts.

    investigator... go and read about the red pill


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    • Post n°86
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:52 pm
    Three examples of Galactic drawning by my son 13 years ago, reduced from A4. Remember Stargate (the movie) and the Pyramid shaped ships of RA? The left one is some form of generator and was used to stablize the planet with other ships. Ocean Orbit is supposed to be my own ship. The far right has a Hopi energy.


    Posts: 122
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    • Post n°87
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:37 pm

    I just came across this post, and the way it is written echoes my thoughts to another angle. If I look from outside the square box we live in this illusion I could see two videos I could post here that fit and both quoted in this post. What I know is real, and what I know is this, we may have a battle of a different kind, a battle in our skies, and where humans may be the prize after the battle. The Galactic Federation you think you know are the Dark Ones. It sickens me to see some many blind people that are walking in a daze holding onto a belief system looking like more like Swiss Cheese every day. I watched the movie trailer for Battle LA, it was all hype and looks a fizzer! Humabity won't be happey unless something like this really happens, Hollywood has programmed humanity since horror movies were made following Area 51 and all the fear attached to them, and when the real UFO's turn up, no one will approach them as they offer us help.

    “Battle: LA” is a Copy and Paste Movie
    Before seeing "Independence Day 2: The Sequel" "Battle: LA," I realized this was going to be a popcorn action film. What the movie ended up being was a copy and paste of past movies with no effort to try and distinguish itself from the very movies it copies. On August 11th of 2011, many meteors start to enter the atmosphere of Earth. The US starts to mobilize the Army, Air Force, and Michael Nantz (Aaron Eckhart) is among them. He is about to retire but decides to help train the new recruits before leaving. He is assigned to a new squad filled with some veterans and some rookies. As the group gets closer and closer to the threat, they realize the threat is not of this earth and try to fight back. Once they bump into Tech Sergeant Elena Santos (Michelle Rodriguez), they find out one of their main command centers is in the area.

    If this sounds an awful lot like past movies, you'd be correct. The screenwriters make no effort to hide the fact that they have watched "Independence Day" and "War of the Worlds" a lot before writing. It follows those plots to an embarrassing level. While it's fine if a movie pays homage to past films in the genre, it's another thing to blatantly rip off the movie. Bill Pullman Aaron Eckhart even gives a rousing speech before the third act. The aliens don't seem like anything special, and are pretty bland. They look like throw aways from a video game. Speaking of video games, that's what the plot feels like, a video game. Marines go from point A to point B, defend an area for awhile, something throws a wrench into their plan, objective changes. Lather, rinse, repeat. And in this case, repeat happens about four times over.

    But the biggest problem "War of the Worlds 2: Tom Cruise Needs More Money" "Battle: LA" has is that the movie takes itself way to serious. There was some light joking around in "Independence Day," but everyone here is acting stone faced. The audience can't do anything but laugh at how bad it is. And even though Los Angeles is in the title, the characters never step foot in the city limits. The movie takes place in Santa Monica and the surrounding areas. The only time we see Los Angeles is in the destruction scenes. The movie also has an ending but we'll certainly see a sequel titled "Independence Day 3: The Search for More Money" "Battle: [insert city here]."

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015

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