The Illumination Thread from MOA (Mists of Avalon)

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 15th 2011


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    • Post n°72
    empty. Mina, Mina, Shekel, Half-Mina

    empty. Astaroth Today at 8:34 pm

    Rembrandt's 'Belshazzar's Feast' (1635) captures the scene of fear. (National Gallery, London)

    In the book of Daniel,[1] King Belshazzar of Babylon during a drunken feast takes sacred golden and silver vessels, which had been removed from Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem by his (Belshazzar's) predecessor Nebuchadnezzar. Using these holy items, the King and his court praise 'the gods of gold and silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone'. Immediately, the disembodied fingers of a human hand appear and write on the wall of the royal palace the words מנא ,מנא, תקל, ופרסין (Mene, Mene, Tekel u-Pharsin). Although usually left untranslated in English translations of Daniel, these words are known Aramaic names of measures of currency: MENE, a mina (from the root meaning "to count"), TEKEL, a spelling of shekel (from the root meaning "to weigh"), PERES, half a mina (from the root meaning "to divide", but additionally resembling the word for "Persia").[2]

    Despite various inducements, none of the royal magicians or advisors can interpret the omen. The King sends for Daniel, an exiled Jew taken from Jerusalem, who had served in high office under Nebuchadnezzar. Rejecting offers of reward, Daniel warns the King of the folly of his arrogant blasphemy before reading the text. The meaning that Daniel decrypts from these words is based on passive verbs corresponding to the measure names. Per Daniel 5:25–28:

    And this is the writing that was inscribed: mina, mina, shekel, half-mina. This is the interpretation of the matter: mina, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; shekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; half-mina, your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.[3]
    That very night King Belshazzar is slain, and Darius the Mede becomes King.

    In Voltairine de Cleyre's last poem "Written in Red", the first verse begins:

    Written in red their protest stands,
    For the Gods of the World to see;
    On the dooming wall their bodiless hands
    Have blazoned "Upharsin," and flaring brands
    Illumine the message: "Seize the lands!
    Open the prisons and make men free!"
    Flame out the living words of the dead

    The writing is on the wall,

    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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    • Post n°73
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Astaroth Today at 10:25 pm
    Chamber wrote :










    lovers osiris.


    On topic,

    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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    • Post n°74
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Today at 1:14 pm



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    • Post n°74
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Today at 8:09 am
    This post is terminated: The Source of Creation has instructed me to do so!

    Demonic energies are here to play to waste your time!
    The contents is so infectious, it's the Black Plague!
    I have just removed all my postings off this string!
    My advice to those on this string to Exit Now.
    The Light will take care of their Black Magic!


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    • Post n°75
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] REALeyeSed Today at 1:12 pm

    This post is terminated: The Source of Creation has instructed me to do so!

    been there, done that, have the t-shirt "XXX" LOL


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    • Post n°76
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Chamber Today at 2:49 am


    Last edited by Carol on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : "You were given rope and hanged Yourself - We hope You have a better time at another Forum more suited to Your Alignment.")


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    • Post n°78
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] secondcoming Today at 12:22 am

    Carol wrote:
    Last edited by Carol on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : "You were given rope and hanged Yourself - We hope You have a better time at another Forum more suited to Your Alignment.

    I got you to give me rope that I gave to hang yourself.

    No different than Project Scamalot.


    Silly monkey.




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    • Post n°79
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 12:45 am

    Chamber as Secondcoming...


    Thats Two IDs for one Person and one of 'em is banned for 100 Days due to Asshatery...

    That said - Uhhhmmm - Buh bye...

    I guess You haven't found another Forum yet eh ? We'll just keep looking - You will eventually...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    • Post n°1
    [​IMG] Hecate

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor Yesterday at 1:52 pm

    Between ages four and ten I had a reoccurring nightmare that awoke me always screaming.

    I was surrounded by darkness, black as night, and there was nothing, no sound. Faintly at first and then growing, was a low rumble sound that shook you from the inside. What appeared to be dark clouds, but on the ground level like fog, grew thick and heavy, as the surroundings became visible as a city, with people. The people were running, and their screaming became audible, as the low rumble grew louder and louder until it overcame the screams. In the midst of this chaos was a figure in the distance, still as a statue, white as light and snow, glowing. I was drawn to this being whom seemed to be a woman or girl. She was calm and still as the chaos grew and the rumble unbearable. I was drawn to her like a magnet, I could not run or scream like the others. And when I reached this figure, her eyes opened, and when they did, the rumble and darkness engulfed us all as I awoke screaming.


    This has a multitude of meanings for me. Everything from remembering my own birth, to a vision of some future. Either way, however it may be interpreted, it does not persay directly represent Hecate, it has just been the closest mythological figure that she resembled, a statue with light. Some of my earlier interpretation, I thought that she was holding an umbrella, or at a snack cart with an umbrella, also bright white.

    "Things never happen the same way twice.


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    • Post n°2
    [​IMG] Re: Hecate

    [​IMG] orthodoxymoron Today at 2:06 am

    This is probably apples and oranges - but consider this thread regarding Kali. There seems to be a lot of Goddess Overlap and Equivalencies. The Goddess Phenomenon may involve that which is not completely human - and it may not be on humanity's side. Vengeful Deities may be at large. The horror. This is another piece of supporting evidence. Little by little - an unpleasant picture is emerging - in my mind, anyway.

    hec1. hec2. hec3.




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    • Post n°3
    [​IMG] Re: Hecate

    [​IMG] Chamber Today at 2:58 am

    While biting off my much of a fraud are you?

    You're one of the fastest dying Jedi to be sure.



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    • Post n°4
    [​IMG] Re: Hecate

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 4:31 am



    For continued determination - You Sir - Win a fabulous - all expenses paid - 100 Day Ban...

    "Monty - Please show Our Winner what else Hes won..."



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    • Post n°5
    [​IMG] Re: Hecate

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor Today at 10:34 am

    What just happened here?


    I am confused? I thought this was a forum?

    If Chamber has not been removed and is still here, may I ask, "What Avatar would you personally like me to have that would make you feel better? None has worked so far for you." And I hate to say it, but my dreams and nightmares are my own, and I can compare them to any deity I like.

    [​IMG] Where did this guy Chamber come from anyway?

    "Things never happen the same way twice.

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 21st 2011



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    • Post n°80
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO on Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:59 am

    secondcoming wrote:
    Carol wrote:
    Last edited by Carol on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : "You were given rope and hanged Yourself - We hope You have a better time at another Forum more suited to Your Alignment.

    I got you to give me rope that I gave to hang yourself.

    No different than Project Scamalot.


    Silly monkey.


    Just look at yourself...
    Get a life, you sad sicko!



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    • Post n°81
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 7:18 pm

    Mercuriel wrote:Chamber as Secondcoming...


    Thats Two IDs for one Person and one of 'em is banned for 100 Days due to Asshatery...

    That said - Uhhhmmm - Buh bye...

    I guess You haven't found another Forum yet eh ? We'll just keep looking - You will eventually...


    I think this is worth noting for the record!!!

    The discovery that the US Military is preparing to deploy software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence Internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. The US Military’s use of software to manipulate and control the American people is especially insidious as it will be rolled out on their already existing platforms of message boards such as the Above Network LLC owned website AboveTopSecret.Com that is funded by the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) venture capital arm In-Q-Tel and that purports itself to be the “largest and most popular web site for alternative topics”, but instead, many believe, continually provides its members list to the US Department of Homeland Security while smearing all thought and opinions critical of the US power structure and its elite leaders. Important to note are that all of the actions being taken by the US government to suppress their citizens were designed to be completed by 11 May 2011 to coincide with the date that all US States must be in compliance with what is called the Real ID Act, which, in effect, is a defacto National ID Card system that has been labeled a “nightmare” and is feared by many Americans to be the precursor to the prophesied “Mark of the Beast”.

    I couldn't resist placing this potty image for Chamber & Associates, shitz does happen, end of story!




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    • Post n°82
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Astaroth Today at 8:45 pm

    It is the eye cloaked in fear that cannot tell what it has seen, crippled by the inability to peer into its own darkness....some call this ignorance.

    (34) Jesus said, "If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a pit."

    horus wrote:
    Mercuriel wrote:
    Chamber as Secondcoming...

    Thats Two IDs for one Person and one of 'em is banned for 100 Days due to Asshatery...

    That said - Uhhhmmm - Buh bye...

    I guess You haven't found another Forum yet eh ? We'll just keep looking - You will eventually...


    I think this is worth noting for the record!!!

    The discovery that the US Military is preparing to deploy software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence Internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda. The US Military’s use of software to manipulate and control the American people is especially insidious as it will be rolled out on their already existing platforms of message boards such as the Above Network LLC owned website AboveTopSecret.Com that is funded by the Central Intelligence Agencies (CIA) venture capital arm In-Q-Tel and that purports itself to be the “largest and most popular web site for alternative topics”, but instead, many believe, continually provides its members list to the US Department of Homeland Security while smearing all thought and opinions critical of the US power structure and its elite leaders. Important to note are that all of the actions being taken by the US government to suppress their citizens were designed to be completed by 11 May 2011 to coincide with the date that all US States must be in compliance with what is called the Real ID Act, which, in effect, is a defacto National ID Card system that has been labeled a “nightmare” and is feared by many Americans to be the precursor to the prophesied “Mark of the Beast”.

    I couldn't resist placing this potty image for Chamber & Associates, shitz does happen, end of story!


    horus wrote:
    There is not much on the Internet on this subject of Orgasmic Birth; it’s like so many issues that have been taboo, and you can guess why, the suppression of pleasure. This false God wants you to feel every bit of pain and maybe some of our dysfunction stems from childbirth fears and that fear is transmuted to the child.

    Keyword is FEAR here....dear child.

    horus wrote:
    This is not my god and quiet frankly, if there is the opportunity to go back to my home-world, this planet deserves what’s coming to it.

    This planet deserves what? Who is speaking you or the false God you just said above, who wishes everyone to feel every bit of pain and suffering?

    horus wrote:
    I hope my Creator removes this false god before this planet dissolves into nothingness than a graveyard of lost memories.


    horus wrote:
    I couldn't resist placing this potty image for Chamber & Associates, shitz does happen, end of story!


    Who is it you are paying homage to here, the God of Mercy , or the fake tyrant who seeks retribution, pain and suffering?

    So who is this false God Horus? Perhaps you don't see it but this post of FEAR about fake online persona's is paying homage to the one you do not wish to pledge alliegance too. Perhaps some self reflection might give you a clue who the false one is ... look deeply into that steaming cup...

    horus wrote: shitz does happen

    Reading tea leaves,

    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



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    • Post n°83
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:02 am




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    • Post n°84
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Sanicle Today at 12:19 am
    You are such a wanker Astaroth. [​IMG]

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."

    — Dr. Seuss



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    • Post n°85
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Astaroth Today at 2:53 am

    Sanicle wrote: You are such a wanker Astaroth. [​IMG]

    Whats the matter Sanicle...Trancoso, light to bright for you?

    (93) "Do not give what is holy to dogs, lest they throw them on the dung-heap. Do not throw the pearls to swine, lest they [...] it [...]."


    A pig used to dirt, turns its nose up at rice,

    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe



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    • Post n°86
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Mercuriel To
    day at 3:39 am
    So Disdain for others is Light ? And that Disdain is obvious BTW as It is NOT vieled. The reason for this too is obvious to those of Discernment...

    Instigation, Obfuscation and Sophitry is never the way forward though. It is only the way of Control and the Old Boss. That You display this Disdain to most of Us is telling in Itself...

    Now why would one take on the Name of one of the Ineffable if there was no alignment with It's Polarity ?


    Much is seen that even You are not aware of and the Baits and Nudges are obvious...

    That said - We have seen this - Done this - Gad the T-Shirt...

    That this is the thrust in Your Posts - Is transparent to many here...

    And so I say - If We are swine - Which You seem to suggest We are - Why do You remain ? To Gloat - Or because You know the time is short ?


    I would wager Its because You KNOW the time is short.

    One should bend Their knee - It is the only way forward for the Ineffable. All else is Annihilation...

    Yes - You have met Me before...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    • Post n°87
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] MargueriteBee Today at 5:48 am
    Astaroth, may Divine Love shine upon you, may it shine deep into the depths of your soul. May Divine Love burn away the darkness that torments you. May you know the joy of standing in the Light of Pure love.

    I am a living incarnation of Divine Love and Holder of the Light, that is my truth.



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    • Post n°88
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Today at 7:37 am











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    • Post n°89
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor Today at 7:48 am


    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
    - DUNE



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    • Post n°90
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Today at 10:10 am
    immortalisdolor wrote:THIS THREAD IS CURSED! [​IMG]

    He would prosper well as a lunatic on GodLikeProfuckions. Maybe he was banned there by a moderator. They do it with your IP ADRESS, why doesn't someome check it out



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    • Post n°91
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] burgundia Today at 10:23 am

    do you really read what he writes???? [​IMG]




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    • Post n°92
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 11:16 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:

    I love it when a web bot comes back and starts to argue why it shouldn't be banned. [​IMG]

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Post last edited Mar 22nd 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    Allisiam - Posted Mar 22nd 2011



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    • Post n°93
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Astaroth Today at 11:03 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    So Disdain for others is Light ? And that Disdain is obvious BTW as It is NOT vieled. The reason for this too is obvious to those of Discernment...

    Romans 2 (King James Version)

    Romans 2

    1Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

    2But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things.

    3And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God?

    Yes Mercuriel, it is obvious to me that many of you hold much disdain for those qualitys within yourselves that you do not like, especially when you see it reflected in someone else. Instead of realising that ad homin attacks is what you've all digressed to, you do nothing to lift your communicae out of the gutter. Your all too busy chasing the dirt on each other (like swine) instead of the seeds of god which you all possess but are ignorant of. Its so easy to point fingers and yet not realise you are pointing three back at yourself now isn't it?

    Your level of descernment is astounding!!! Bravo!!

    Here are some examples of swine like behavior:

    Chamber/Secondcoming wrote:
    I got you to give me rope that I gave to hang yourself.

    No different than Project Scamalot.


    Silly monkey.

    Sanicle wrote: You are such a wanker Astaroth. [​IMG]


    Carol wrote: [​IMG]
    Chamber, your energy signature is so toxic I'm surprised you can remain in the same room with yourself.

    I love it when a web bot comes back and starts to argue why it shouldn't be banned.

    FYI Carol I am NOT Chamber nor do I know the guy, so feel free if you must, ban me on this assumption alone. Just like the witch burnings back in the old days??


    Oh ye hypocrites!!


    Horus wrote: This post is terminated: The Source of Creation has instructed me to do so!

    Demonic energies are here to play to waste your time!
    The contents is so infectious, it's the Black Plague!
    I have just removed all my postings off this string!
    My advice to those on this string to Exit Now.
    The Light will take care of their Black Magic!

    He would prosper well as a lunatic on GodLikeProfuckions. Maybe he was banned there by a moderator. They do it with your IP ADRESS, why doesn't someome check it out

    Lionhawk wrote: Chamber, this is your thread but I have to say, your a55hole attitude inspires me to give the moon right back at ya! Consider it reflecting what you have projected in our house. Pickin on folks you don't even know.

    Your thread is also a waste of time in my soul's mind, because it is all after the fact. So what is your PHUCKING POINT?

    Floyd wrote: I havent had sex with a goat for ages, though there was that poodle in Brighton. Hmm..think Ill go for a few pints and make a detour to the local zoo on the way home.

    Trancoso wrote:
    And just for the record:
    Chamber, please go f#ck yourself - in Love & Light.

    Astaroth, are you a friend of Icecold - Lord of Wurms?
    If not you should become one, 'cos you're one of a kind.
    A sad SOB.

    And all of a sudden the penny dropped...

    Of course!

    How could I not have seen it al this time?

    (I suppose I wasn't paying attention...)

    (S)he's playing the bottom card!

    @ssTaroth !!!


    Am I right or am I right?!

    investigator wrote: Oh well it was fun while it lasted, tried to have a decent conversation with you.


    Meritocracy> A??????

    imortalisdolor wrote: I have a proposal due to the absurdity of this thread. I attempted to calm it down when it started, and well that did not work. And now look where it has gone. Therefore I propose a "MOA FLE 2011".

    MOA FLE 2011

    (Mist of Avalon Forum Level Exercise 2011)

    This exercise will simulate the complete removal of a forum thread to initiate the responsiveness to local and forum level officials to prepare themselves for a catastrophic disaster within a forum thread. All participants are encouraged to review their Thread Removal Preparedness Kit in order to better educate residence within the thread.

    This exercise will take place on March 15th 2011 followed by the March 19th Project Bubble-bath Exercise.

    All members in and around this thread should be prepared for this simulation.

    Brook wrote: Yes...we get go start a thread on it...instead of creating some rediculous method of attention. There is a whole section called "Occult Societies and Esoteric Groups" to get your point across instead of disrupitng the thread and insisting to stay OFF TOPIC......this is a forum and that is how it works...savvy?

    Sorry to the rest of you guys...but I have little patience with this silly behavior. It's childish!

    Seriously dude? What is your problem...go start a thread or something. You've been off topic in this whole thread...either contribut to the topic or move on.

    And a little advise..we are all well aware of your hero's so instead of copy and paste quotes..try using your own might even get some views.

    (26) Jesus said, "You see the mote in your brother's eye, but you do not see the beam in your own eye. When you cast the beam out of your own eye, then you will see clearly to cast the mote from your brother's eye."

    Mercuriel wrote: Instigation, Obfuscation and Sophitry is never the way forward though. It is only the way of Control and the Old Boss. That You display this Disdain to most of Us is telling in Itself...

    (16) Jesus said, "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to cast upon the world. They do not know that it is dissension which I have come to cast upon the earth: fire, sword, and war. For there will be five in a house: three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand solitary."

    Mercuriel wrote: Now why would one take on the Name of one of the Ineffable if there was no alignment with It's Polarity ?
    Heh heh

    Read carefully now....slowly these passages and tell me where it is that the Ineffable is divided? What polarity? Do you not realise that the creator contains all things and is all things?

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

    61) Jesus said, "Two will rest on a bed: the one will die, and the other will live."
    Salome said, "Who are you, man, that you ... have come up on my couch and eaten from my table?"
    Jesus said to her, "I am he who exists from the undivided. I was given some of the things of my father."
    <...> "I am your disciple."
    <...> "Therefore I say, if he is destroyed, he will be filled with light, but if he is divided, he will be filled with darkness."

    (72) A man said to him, "Tell my brothers to divide my father's possessions with me."
    He said to him, "O man, who has made me a divider?"
    He turned to his disciples and said to them, "I am not a divider, am I?"

    (62) Jesus said, "It is to those who are worthy of my mysteries that I tell my mysteries. Do not let your left (hand) know what your right (hand) is doing."

    Mercuriel wrote: Much is seen that even You are not aware of and the Baits and Nudges are obvious...

    (30) Jesus said, "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."

    (31) Jesus said, "No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him."

    (32) Jesus said, "A city being built on a high mountain and fortified cannot fall, nor can it be hidden."

    Mercuriel wrote: That said - We have seen this - Done this - Gad the T-Shirt...

    Mercuriel wrote: That this is the thrust in Your Posts - Is transparent to many here...

    Mercuriel wrote: And so I say - If We are swine - Which You seem to suggest We are - Why do You remain ? To Gloat - Or because You know the time is short ?


    I would wager Its because You KNOW the time is short.

    (73) Jesus said, "The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Beseech the Lord, therefore, to send out laborers to the harvest."

    Mercuriel wrote: One should bend Their knee - It is the only way forward for the Ineffable. All else is Annihilation...

    Take your own advice here Merc, it is yourselves who have been blind to the Ineffable truths containted in the book of life.

    (67) Jesus said, "If one who knows the all still feels a personal deficiency, he is completely deficient."

    Mercuriel wrote: Yes - You have met Me before...


    Aye Mecuriel, we have met before, but it was then that you knew me and had not yet lost yourself in the wilderness of your mind. Go back and read all of my posts and this time use your superior decernment skills....I have been feeding you from the word of God itself yet you all cannot get past my Avatar, it is like a wall of fear preventing your eyes from seeing those swords of truth.

    horus wrote:



    Aye Horus if you can't take the heat, get out of the fire, personally I am comfortable here.

    (82) Jesus said, "He who is near me is near the fire, and he who is far from me is far from the kingdom."

    In the flames of Heaven's Hell,


    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    Post last edited Mar 22nd 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  4. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 22nd 2011



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    • Post n°94
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. Floyd Today at 12:15 pm

    And Floyd Sayeth

    Man you really need to get out a bit more.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees


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    • Post n°95
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] burgundia Today at 12:19 pm
    Floyd wrote:[​IMG]

    And Floyd Sayeth

    Man you really need to get out a bit more.

    he is just taking space here... [​IMG]
    let's give him his own thread so he can spill all his frustrations...



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    • Post n°96
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 12:21 pm
    burgundia wrote:
    Floyd wrote:[​IMG]

    And Floyd Sayeth

    Man you really need to get out a bit more.

    he is just taking space here... [​IMG]
    let's give him his own thread so he can spill all his frustrations...

    Jesus. (so to speak) this guy needs his own world wide web let alone a thread or a forum.
    Chill out man, try to be a little more succinct.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees



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    • Post n°97
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Carol Today at 12:28 pm

    Astaroth, if post number 93 is a example of your inner mental/emotional landscape may I suggest you hang out more in the spiritual sanctuary threads.

    Post 93 is a thread drift and really has nothing to do with Zahi Hawass.

    Astaroth, in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    • Post n°98
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] TRANCOSO Today at 12:39 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Astaroth, in demonology, is a Crowned Prince of Hell. He is a male figure named after the Canaanite goddess Ashtoreth.

    And I bet he won't be pleased seeing his image been burned to ashes by a mental avatar with an attitude problem!



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    • Post n°99
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 1:36 pm

    These two may not be the same people, but they have the same mentality. They cannot hold a train of thought other than the one they project. As for keeping this thread on topic...well that is simply a ruse to get their yaya's out. This thread was started for one reason only......what you see here.....They came to this thread together, and they are no different in retrospect. Here for one reason project in a very rude and obtrusive manner their views.

    Now Carol, why would they not start their own thread on the topics they choose? Because their goals is to shove their insensate behavior on others in the fashion they project.....fragmented minds with a endure it...they want a platform, and have no other rational way of preforming.

    Harp harp harp...who cares! I'm so done with these renegade avengers that are on a mission to shove their beliefs down the throats of those who just don't care. And I for one have no interest then to say I tried to keep the subject on topic..but it's not going to happen...not with a tortured soul who is hell bent on his beliefs. Again...who cares really...let him/her rant...if you buy into it...he/she has done his job.

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]



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    • Post n°106
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] horus Today at 3:14 pm

    This is getting funnier by the minute. The darkness is now fading and being replaced by biblical insanity blowing his agenda sounding more like a religous fanatic. It must be that time of month for mood swings and sex changes = She-Male. This person poses no threat to anyone, but himself! On examination evidence of a bowl complaint, showing a anal outburst of anger.

    I just did a Remote View Scan and we have a live one!

    Last edited by horus on Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:35 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    • Post n°107
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 3:31 pm

    Oh but ain't over till the fat lady sings.....lalalalala


    And here she comes......

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]


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    • Post n°108
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Andromeda Today at 3:59 pm

    Brook wrote: Oh but ain't over till the fat lady sings.....lalalalala


    And here she comes...... did I hear that before! [​IMG]

    Thanks Brook, I guess this thread is done

    [​IMG] [​IMG]



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    • Post n°109
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 4:03 pm

    Thanks Brook, I guess this thread is done


    With any luck!...but I doubt it.............because of this.................It's all about her her her her.....

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]


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    • Post n°110
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 4:15 pm

    Dare I attempt to bring this thread back on topic?????

    Conflict and resolution in Luxor

    3:30 am on Saturday morning, March 19, 2011, men with guns broke into
    the storage magazine of the German expedition working at Kom el Hettan,
    the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III, famous for the colossi of Memnon.
    The expedition is headed by Hourig Sourouzian and Ranier Stadelmann. The
    criminals, who had covered their faces, tied up the site guards and
    were able to steal two statues. Some of the guards suffered injuries;
    one had to be taken to the hospital for a head wound.

    first stolen objects was the upper part of a statue of Sekhmet, the
    goddess of war and healing, measuring 59 cm; and the second object was
    the life-size head of an unidentified goddess, measuring 38 cm. The
    statue of Sekhmet had only been uncovered a few days prior to the
    theft. The police and army were quickly notified of the theft, and in
    less than 24 hours, the perpetrators were found, and the stolen statues
    were located and returned to the magazine. The theft was planned by a
    33 year old sculptor in Luxor who makes replicas to sell to tourists. In
    his house, the authorities found many other stolen antiquities from
    other sites, including pottery of various shapes and sizes. The sculptor
    also admitted to making illegal excavations at several sites. In all,
    ten people were involved with the theft of the two statues. A sister of
    one of the criminals said that her 21 years old brother used to work for
    the German expedition and knew where the storage magazine was and knew
    what was kept inside.

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]



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    • Post n°111
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 4:42 pm

    Conflict and resolution in Luxor

    I have resigned from my position as head of the antiquities department,
    due to the current situation, I will continue to do everything in my
    power to help my country fight against the illicit trafficking of
    antiquities. In these dark days, when some of our most important sites
    are suffering from the depredations of the looters and opportunists who
    are taking advantage of the current power vacuum, we call upon the
    international community for help. The antiquities department has issued
    lists of antiquities known to be missing from the Egyptian Museum and
    from storage magazines that have been robbed; we call upon you to help
    us circulate these lists and watch out for these pieces should they
    appear on the black market. As we struggle to restore order to our
    sites, we call upon you for ideas and support, which we will welcome

    Now how many things were not on that "list"......

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]

    Post last edited Mar 22nd 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  5. admin

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    • Post n°112
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. shiloh Today at 6:48 pm

    The Great War of the Memes from December 21st, 2010 to April 8th, 2012

    On December 21st, 2010; a Great War for the Freedom of the Cosmic Selfhood began in the Universe.

    There is much symbolic meaning and 'hints' in the physical evolvements within the contexts of the global scenarios unfolding.

    An example is the Libertatis of Libya and the archetypical superposition for the label of the 'Exodus under Moses' onto the manouvers of various human groups, nations, cliques and 'elites' to change their environments, often considered 'oppressive' and 'not free' in their approach to 'freedom of expression' in regards to the cosmic identity of the participators.

    This message shall detail what is occurring in the timeline of the 'normal' politico-socio-economic-militaristic world and in a superimposition onto the warpzone of the World Logos and as shared in many other postings and many forums.

    The countdown of the days in the warpzone of the 'Warped Human Minds' will release the archetypical 'Monsters of the ID'; all energized and potentialised by their human creators as manifested thoughtforms or memeplexes; spanning throughout the human mental evolvement upon Gaia as the harbouring environment for all the planetary offsprings, encompassing its physical- and metaphysical forms and morphogenetic expressions.

    There must so eventuate a 'war in the heavens' and a 'war in the hells' and as conjured to the surface of human perception by the human dualistic mind in its paradigm of the Cartesian Dualism of the so called Mind-Body divide.

    Both, the angelic realms of the beneficers of the spirit and the demonic worlds of pleasures of the body (there is nothing 'wrong' with the pleasures of the body btw, but this can be a form of abuse), will emerge to face their own human creators in many forms and guises of dreams and visions and in 'strange encounters'.

    However, the 'War of the Memes' will not reurgitate the expected chasm between the 'good and the evil' or the conflict between the darkness and the light.

    No, at this final battle for the cosmic liberty for a planetary civilisation trapped in its own lack of reasoning with a sense for deeper purpose and meaningfulness; the heavens will war against their angels and hell will stand divided against its very self.

    The War of the Thoughtforms will release all hidden fears and temptations and will allow all suppressed emotions, harboured within an oppressed humanity in an evolution period of 9,360,360 days (and nights), to erupt in thoughts and deeds and actions.

    The battlezones for the Armageddon of the Human Mind were drawn in the warpzone of the Cosmic Logos; the Universal Mind and Intelligence encompassing all of creation and including all creative endeavours of its subsets or sublogii for a programmed (or encoded) starting nexus on December 8th, 2004 and a double mirrored timespan to April 1st, 2012 with its halfway point dividing the Shadowmaker from its Shadow on August 4th, 2008.

    A new human race will be born from the old human race and this birth is the 'prize' and the 'spoils' attainable by the 'survivors' of the War of the Memes.

    The new starhuman race will be very few in number, as only the old humans, who can harmonize and accomodate the battles between the memeplexes will become enabled to resonate in an accelerated emotional information matrix.

    The battle zone of the meme war engages the absorption potential of the 'Last Supper' of the Human Evening in a 'Heavenly Feast' of a Starhuman New Dawn.

    This can be labeled as the 'Wholesome Eucharist' of the 'Lion of Judah' as the 'World Logos'.

    The Cosmic Logos or the 'Words of God' is also the "Sword of Dog' in the waveparticle duality for an enveloping wavefunction of the Universe of observation and experience.

    The new starhuman race of archetyped dragons or 'Crowned Serpents' will emerge from the participation in a 'Wedding Feast' or the 'Dragonomy' between the Particular Bridegrooms of the Individuated old humans and the One Bride as the collective old humanity.

    So to emerge from the meme war victoriously, requires the absorption and harmonisation of all of the old memeplexes or thoughtforms; namely all of the human mental creations of angels and devils and demons and monsters of the abysses.

    All of the warring factions, might they be Seraphim Michael versus Devil Satanicus Rex or Abaddon versus Archon Beelzebub or Cherubim Gabriel versus Raphael or Archangel Uriel versus Archdemon Belial - all will have to be consumed by the starhuman aspirants.

    All acolytes for the dragonomies must form a 'sacred union' between their own heness and sheness and will so be necessitated to 'matrimonize' himself in herself or vice versa. In this manner the shadow of the cosmic twinship becomes integrated in the starhuman merkabah; details about which can be found on many linked information channels.

    The individuated dragonomy so represents the 'Second Coming' of the 'First Self' in a revisitation of the Older by the Younger or the Ancient by the Newer. This 'First Self' can be said to be a birthday or many birthdays of previous experiences or some hybridisation of parallel lifetimes as retrieved from the wavefunction of the Universe as the One Body of the Bride of the Resurrection as ther 'Sword of the Dog'.

    When the wavefunction of the universe as the One Bride of the World Logos couples with the wavefunction of the universe as the Many Bridegrooms as the HeShes and the SheHes; then the old human hes and shes receive a new merkabah in the holofractalisation of the quantum template of the wavefunction of the universe as 'One Wavefunction' monadised in the dyad of the doubling or the manifestation of the shadows.

    The older Cartesian dualism of the Mind-Body schisma for any old human man or any old human woman so becomes reset in a doubling of the 'Mirror of the Cosmic Selfhood' and is replaced by a newer MindBody-BodyMind dyad, which unifies the sexual polarities without diminishing the potential for the sexual coupling between a He and a She.

    A Starhuman or a Dragon as a member of the new cosmic race so can also be called 'A Dyadic One'.
    The dyadic Ones are so defined in a selfmirroring or a potential shapeshifting from the HeShe to to SheHe and so can couple in sexual polarities to any other dyadic one willing to engage in dragonplay and as a function of the individuated merkabah self-definitions; the latter which can also engage the merkabah extensions in supporting structures, which are enabled to utilize the spaceinherent consciousness of particular environments.

    In symbolic terminology, the monadisation or unification of the wave-particle duality in its doubling can also be called the closing of the generations in the FatherMother informing or delegating to the Sondaughter and passing the 'Words of the God' to the 'Sword of the Dog' in the GrandSonGranddaughter in the graduation ceremony of the 'Heavenly Feast' when Old Dad celebrates the Homecoming Queen of Old Mum and finally becomes 'blessed' in their shared grandparenthood - the aim of purpose for the story from the beginning of the spacetimematters.

    So when the Father told the dates to the Son and the Son told the dates to the Grandson; then the GrandSon shared then story with the Granddaughter and the Granddaughter shared the new information with her daughter and then the Mother Gaia also found out what the story was all about and about her own queenly self.

    So the end of this message shares the encoded program in cryptic-scriptural 'Words of the God' as the lawmaker and via the channelings of the Son to the Holy Ghost as the GrandSon the Holy Spirit as the GrandDaughter GOT a sniff of it when She saw it in a mirror and She and passed the messages on to the Daughter of the Mother and as the Mother is the Executioner of the Law of the Father as the 'Sword of the Dog'; all hells and heavens have broken loose and will be rolled up like scrolls of the aniquity they have become.

    TBC; I gotta check the heat in the kitchen of the 'Word of Psalms' being the 'Sword of Plasma'.

    For anyone interested, please check the links periodically as this is a witness to the War of the Memes in progress and is concurrent with the evolvements in the old world now ready to become mummified in the atrophy of its ignorances.

    March 10th-11th, 2011

    Friday, March 11th, 2011

    The external human world is defined in the energy of the scientist, say in people constructed by molecular biochemistry and the physicality of material chemistry interacting within a universe defined in the transformation of this energy in say the classical world of geometry in Einstein's relativity {E=mc²} and the quantum information of Planck {E=hf}.

    The classical macroworld then becomes holofractalised to a quantum microworld in a holographic universe and is correlated and linked by a model of thermodynamics, say in the form of an expanding universe as a Black Body radiator. The notion of Kinetic temperature then relates to permutation counts of energy selfstates (called Entropy or state of disorder) in both a classically statistical Boltzmann-Stefan-Maxwell distribution of such energy states and a quantum stochastic Bose-Einstein- and Fermi-Dirac formulation of this under the auspices of {E=kT}.

    A unifying relationship between classical statistics of Entropy (Shannon Information) and the quantum energy of a higher dimensional nonclassical statistics has become a new premise of the physical sciences. This unification describes the 3-dimensional statistics of the Heisenberg Action {EnergyxTime=h=MomentumxDisplacement} in the 'normal' world of 3 space dimensions of length, width and breadth coupled to a time dimension as being equivalent in its physics to a statistics on the surface or event horizon of a Black Hole (or White Hole connected by a wormhole or a Einstein-Rosen-Bridge).

    The surface of the Black Hole so becomes the data collector for a 3-dimensional spacial world as a 2-dimensional manifold and corollarily, the physicalised 4-dimensional spacetime of the universe can be said to become equivalent to a data collecting 3-dimensional surface of a Riemannian hypersphere and as a boundary to a 5-dimensional metaphysical universe with 4 spacial dimensions and one time dimension. This is often termed a Kaluza-Klein or de Sitter-Maldacena topology in hyperspacetime.

    I shall not delve further into the technicalities in this thread, but a general familiarity with the hyperphysics is necessary to allow a deeper realisation of what this War of the Memes represents in the form of the information or the data constituing the cosmology.

    The internal human world is not defined by the materialist science apart from a subjective premise of the Mind-Body duality and where the Human Mind is modeled to originate or emerge from the physical functioning of the Human Brain as objective physical reality.

    As the hyperspace physics has shown however; that the objective world of the external can also be defined in the data collection of information of an enveloping higher dimensional surface, say the 3-dimensional surface of a 'Mother Black Hole' herself residing in a 4-dimensional hyperspace; the reduction of the subjective reality of the Human Mind as emerging from the objective reality of the Human brain has become untenable.

    Quantum Relativity then indicates, that the so called subjective Internal World of the Human Mind must be prior to the objective External World of the Human Brain.

    This is the simple question of: 'Where does the universe come from?"

    As the existing physical objective reality exists in space and in time and allows the dynamics of matter, defined in the label mass; the existence of the cosmology is interwoven with the nature of what space and time represent in their deepest essence or energy.

    Then, because all the 'contents' of the universe, from galaxies to microbes and atoms, are defined in the concept of Energy; the only way this Energy could emerge from something not defined in space and time and mass must be a 'higher dimensional' or zero-dimensional construct of say a 'metaenergy' or a 'hyperenergy'.

    The subjective inner worlds of the Human Mind so can be said to be 'hyperenergetic' or 'metaenergized' and these more 'modern' sounding labels are collectively known as 'Spirit' or 'Spiritual Energy'. To be technically precise; 'Spirit' can be termed Electro-Magnetic Monopolar Radiation or EMM.

    EMMR differs from the familiar Electro-Magnetic Radiation or EMR (radio waves; Infrared; Visible Light; Ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays) in NOT requiring mass- or inertia coupling to so called Coulombic electric charges like say the fusion protons in stars; which when accelerated produce EMR.

    The EMMR is generated by the acceleration, not of electric inertia-linked charges but by the acceleration of magnetic charges of the hyperspacetime in which the 'normal' (Minkowski) spacetime is embedded.

    Whilst the EMR is the effect of Electrified Matter; the EMMR is the effect of Magnetified Nonmatter as a form of Magneticity commonly called 'Consciousnesst'.

    Technically, the 'Magneto Charges' define 'Consciousness' as requiring space to exist in and so there exists consciousness, wherever there is space.
    The mathematical details will not concern us here, but are found in the archives of the OmniScience/Quantum Relativity on the definitions for the source energy as the modular duality in membrane symmetry in 12-dimensional omnispacetime.

    The creation of the universe so becomes the emergence of Space from nonspace and allows the rigorous definition of an evolving consciousness in an expanding cosmology.
    The more an empty universe can accumulate information in a sense of order or negentropy; the more selfconscious this universe becomes in the collection of the data bits.
    This is a simple summation or data integral in that all subsets of information bases are themselves embued with an evolving consciousness based on the inherent 'spirit' of the original quantum universe (as a wormhole) being the Building Block or template for a discretized selfreplication of say a source consciousness often named God.

    So the conglomeration of data bits becomes a self interaction of the source energy as a hyperenergetic spectrum of the EMMR or the 'Spirit of God' or the 'Spirit of Creation'.
    Selfreplication of the data bits in say the construction of bodyforms, able to harbour brains and biovital living cellular families; then can evolve to complex selfstates like a Human Being; who then has the potential to understand the nature of the source energy aka the creator.
    In this manner then a previous selfstate of existence; namely the Being NOT in space and being either Unconscious or Omniconscious in a Null=Infinity or Nothingness=Eternity Nonunity; can become coupled or resolved in the remembrance of the 'Godlike' Thinkers.

    The emergence and birth of the universe, so becomes birth of consciousness in the self reproduction of an original unitary wormhole singularity which created its own Consciousness as the Space it occupies.
    What does this mean in context of the memeplexes; the thoughtforms ever thought and constructed in the history of a space defined cosmology?

    Every thoughtform created by the Human Brains is Real!

    Devils and demons and angels and flying pink elephants and the Spaghetti Monster of the skeptical society - all exist in the metaphysical worlds of the hyperenergy. They all have been thought of, caricatured, painted or digitalised, photoshopped, feared and laughed about.
    The memes are so defined in reductionistic omniscientific terminology as the generated thoughtforms of the Thinkers, say the creator human minds.

    Due to the nature of 'hiddenness' of the hyperspace reality in the restriction of the five-sensual physical apparatus of the human brain; the memeplexes remain invisible to the human sensors. They can be 'felt' however and this is a consequence the space the memes occupy.
    Because they occupy 'invisible space' they nevertheless engage the space inherent consciousness of the space they inhabit.

    The space they inhabit was memeplexed by their human creators in that the human consciousness of the creativity gave the thoughtforms FORM or a morphogenetic gestalt in their Imagination creating the Images.
    In short, the memes are hyperenergized creations interpenetrating the human worlds of the external manifestations of human interactions and communications.
    The War of the Memes so becomes a 4-dimensional spacetime realism mapped or induced from a 5-dimensional hyperspacetime realism.

    All the events and occurrences on Old planet Gaia-Earth are blueprinted manifestations of the memeplexes coupled irrevokably to the human minds which created them.

    The civil wars and revolts in Egypt, Libya and the many other places found on Gaia become a playground for the invisible memes hyperenergized by the fears and emotions of the lower dimensional environments, which created them in Images of the Imaginations.
    The physicality of the memes is found in the technical details of what 'space inherent consciousness is.
    This basic spaceplenum can be accelerated to create the EMMR in the formulation of the boundary conditions for what is known as the nuclear confinement limit and as its range of interaction.
    Just as the angular or centripetal acceleration of subatomic particles in a fusion star (the sun) creates light and other EMR for the star to shine; so does the angular quantum acceleration of the space source quantum (the wormhole as basic building block for the discretization of the cosmic light matrix) manufacture the 'spirit' or the EMMR.

    This quantum acceleration can be labeled 'Awareness' and when coupled to any subset of 'spacebits'; the amount of space so accelerated defines the 'consciousness state' of the interaction.
    In logistical terminology then, the 'normal' 4D spacetime world is a worldd of consciousness units interacting with themselves. If particular complexified data collectors like humans interact and communicate; then their moving about in space engages not only their own selfstates of hyperenergy collected as say memories and experiences; but they also interact with the consciousness located in the spaces they are visiting and occupy in their dynamical manouvers.

    So many memes created by human ancestors can be found at many places and also become subject to the 'conjuring magic' of any human thinker who can construct the logistics for the 'tapping' of the universal wavefunction in the wave-particle duality described before in general terms.
    The War of the Memes then can be fought in many places; externally in emotional human interactions, representing technically the acceleration of the consciousness in say extremes of feelings in the subjectivity; and internally in the moods of elation, joy, hyperactivity, depression, melancholy or many other such labels for the expression of how one feels.

    When the subjective consciousness becomes hyperenergized past certain individual boundaries or energy thresholds; then the objectification of the EMMR as the 'Spirit of the Moment' can manifest in outcomes of creativity and impulsivity, either constructive or destructive; either the pressing of buttons of war machines or the creation of a poem or a symphony.
    The memes are alive and cannot be destroyed or uncreated. A thought can be forgotten, but a thought cannot become unthought.

    So the War of the Memes can never end in an external setting of any universe or as a logical consequence of any cosmology, however selfconsistently and elegantly constructed.

    The War of the Memes can only be harmonized and the battle can be won from the internal setting of the individual data collector as a shard of the original creator source energy.
    The original creator is defined in the Creator-Creation dyad as the Shadowed Unity in spacetimematter from the Unified CreatorCreation or FatherMother from the 'no oneness exists' except in the All is Nothing paradox.

    Here then the internal world becomes relative to the creation as Her own BODY as THE ONE thing and the external world becomes the UNSEEN MIND who created the Creation as His own 'Lost Bodyself'.
    However relative to the creator, He becomes the MIRROR for HER so She can look at Herself and not to feel lost and alone as the only one (universe) any longer.
    The creator is also WITHIN the creation as the things She cannot see as being Inside of Her and the masterplan of the Logos engages the data collectors within Her as the Universal Body to Realise Who they are as scattered shards of the original creator source energy.
    The agency to convey the 'communications' from the One Creator wave Around the Universe of Her to the 'sharded' waveforms defining the individuated data collectors, is the EMMR or the 'Spirit'.
    KNOWING who they are; allows any data collector to holofractalise their individuated merkabahs or body forms to expand to any scale within Her Majesty's Oneness and to so to expand in spacial consciousness.
    Doing this however will by definition 'eat the space' where the memes are and so the consciousness of the 'rememberers' can indeed end the war of the Memes in swallowing them up in Daughter Black Holes like the encompassing Mother Black Hole of her Highness.

    Any Old Human, who can indeed expand hisher own base consciousness to understand the story and the process; will become 'SEALED' to the memes trying to disturb and play their games in the emotional accelerations the Mental Armageddon of the specified countdown of the war of the memes.
    Very very few old humans will be able to understand the story within the warpzone; but a remnant of recallers will accelerate their consciousness enough to resonate with the World Logos who has contracted His bodyform of the resurrection to encompass the Gaian Cocoon as a 'Bubble Womb' so 4 million kilometers in diameter.

    When the warpzone completes itself in the nexus points detailed later in this thread; then the World Logos Resonance Energy will Open the SEALS of the sealed remnanted ones and will so enter the old human bodies to reconfigure their merkabahs in the sharing or hybridisation of his waveformed BodyMind.
    In quantum mechanical terms, this is simply a fourier expansion of sinusoidal waveforms or the tuning of amplitudes in frequency modulations as every old human body is coupled to a mindwave and those minds can be superimposed onto each other.
    There exist multittudinous mislabelings of confused interpretations of this topic; like 'rapture' and 'ascension' and 'nirvana' and 'heaven' and messiahs drifting down from clouds to save believers.
    The confused translations are most often induced by devious memeplexes; which were created by thinkers of the past.
    So the 'sealed ones' are not a number count; but every 'Sealed One;' will manifest 12x12,000=144,000 aspects of herhimself WITHIN.
    And those 144,000 aspects will assist in the processing of the memes eaten up by the sealed ones.

    Sunday, March 13th, 2011




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    • Post n°113
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 7:21 pm

    And when the dragon slayers look into the mirrors of themselvers,
    what do they see - they see dragons looking back at them.

    The Dragonslayers of the Realms!

    Those young evil Dragons of Thuban are here, those verocious beasts;
    in their caves they hide a lot and plan to don their many dire feasts.
    Then when a swiftfooted and armoured dragon slayer comes along;
    the poor fiends become frightened and forgetful whereto they belong.

    The swords and knives are drawn by the warriors of honour and renown;
    never before did such gallantry prevail in the kingdoms of all then known.
    Young dragons perished one by one not knowing what evil they had done;
    So all the dragons were no more but in folklore, their memory just gone.

    Then an old wise dragon mother awoke from her long and peaceful sleep;
    this cannot continue she said to her beau; where is my children's keep?
    And Maria's beau went forth to show the slayers the folly of their ways;
    with magic words and keys of deliverance he caused them many sighs.

    Would the slayers learn who the young dragons were before when old?
    Could the slayers see themselves in the ancient wisdom of oaks so bold?
    When the nightingale sung her song of love to the elves of the moon;
    and then as the foxes gathered about to ask the wise owl, how soon?

    How long will it be, before the humans awake to remember their past?
    Slayers of their own ancestors they are in many a zest to be so vast.
    A young dragon is nought but a slayer having returned from the grave.
    They are destroying themselves and their memories, the ones so brave.

    Maria's beau found some old souls who could remember the new past.
    Many others remained steadfast in their knowing better of an older path.
    And so it continued in the common playing grounds under the sunny sky;
    until the old wise dragon father of all joined the party to give it his try.




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    • Post n°114
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 8:37 pm

    Please tell me what all that has to do with the resignation of Zahi Hawass? this is a forum where the meaning "off topic" does have some meaning. I can understand trailing off only to get back on topic...but this is a free for all. And it would seem quite intended. See how it works, is you start a thread on a specific topic and relate posts to that topic. Savvy?

    While you wrap your brains around that concept I'll have a my latte.....Oh waiter.....

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]


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    • Post n°115
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] shiloh Today at 8:59 pm
    Brook wrote:

    Please tell me what all that has to do with the resignation of Zahi Hawass? this is a forum where the meaning "off topic" does have some meaning. I can understand trailing off only to get back on topic...but this is a free for all. And it would seem quite intended. See how it works, is you start a thread on a specific topic and relate posts to that topic. Savvy?

    While you wrap your brains around that concept I'll have a my latte.....Oh waiter.....

    The Resignation of Zahi Hawass describes a 'war of the established order' amongst and within its own 'power structures' and so the above information sharing; and this all that it represents by the way; is highly relevant and 'On Topic'.

    It is perfectly alright for you to project your own definitions as to what is 'on topic' or what is not.

    As the thread creator has been banned by, what represents in my opinion a gross misreading of the - admittedly tactless energies; a number of thread contributors, namely asteroth and to a peripheral extent investigator and now me; have attempted to harmonise a certain 'rule of the mob mentality' into this discourse.

    This discourse appears to be a kind of 'fear mongering' and 'grandstanding' originating and reacting from and to chamber's attempt to publish and share a mental challenge to your 'zones of mental comfort'.

    Now I do not know chambers at all from the persona level; but my experience allows me to draw certain conclusions as to the purpose of his 'behaviour'.

    It seems to me, that only Asteroth has likewise discerned a deeper energy in this thread and now the 'mob rule, reminiscent of say the French or Russian revolutions or the 'witch hunts' of the Inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church of some centuries ago; has become reenergised by this 'ganging up' on a perceived 'evilness'.

    You have explained the exterior address of this thread about the resignation of Zahi Hawass in splendid manner dear Brook; but like most other 'witch hunters' here; you have failed to perceive things a littler deeper away from your prejudicial ideas about how the universe works in its experience of the human mindedness and otherwise.

    I did enjoy your dissection of the politial history in regards to the Seth cult in Egypt however. Thank you for your diligent work in this regard Brook.





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    • Post n°116
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 1:20 am

    And now I will say what I think needs to be said as I am the MoAs Advocate in this...


    The OP of this Post has had an interesting time here to say the least and has been seen by those here to Instigate. While this is allowed in some forms when It is meant as a prompt to better understanding - Outward Baiting and Instigation for the sake of Disharmony is not allowed...

    We have 4 Rules here...

    1. No Porn - We are a Site which has all ages coming to It and so "Govern Thyself" accordingly as there is a place for everything and this is not a place for Porn.

    2. No Abuse of another Member. People come here to be treated with Respect and Allowance and while this can be pushed to some extent and is - Overt Abuse of another Member is not tolerated.

    3. No Vulgarity. Again this is a Site in which many Ages come and to speak with a foul Mouth does nothing but make One harder to understand. It brings Polarities and Dualisms with It which are not wanted here. It is easily understood that Beings that wish to help others do so by NOT shocking Your sensibilities. They just help You at Your ease - Not Theirs. If One can't say what They have to say without Swearing about It - Then not much Enlightenment can be offered to One such as that.

    4. No Racism. We are - Simply put - Done with that...

    So with that said - If One comes into the House (the MoA that is) - Symbolically Craps on the Rug by not observing Our Limited Code of Conduct - Telling Everyone off in the Process and belittling Them by Inferring that They are as "swine" or that They should be "plucked out" is the Old Game and One We here don't play anymore. Period. Others can and They are obvious for It but for the most part - Again - We are done with that...

    With the above stated - When One comes to Us here in an Attitude of explaining what They mean - No matter how Cryptic It may seem to others at the beginning - They are welcomed. However - When One comes here - Vieling what They mean, Instigating Issues and Disharmony between Members - It is obvious where those Polarities originate from.

    Again - We are done with this...

    Now onto the Thuban Material as It is obvious that this Information among much else is being posted in this Thread. This relates to things being On Topic as well and this Post is defintately not that. The reasons for this should now be obvious as to why I have allowed It so far...

    I wished to see what I could see by allowing It to continue to some extent. This should be a "Duh" to those that also know how to draw others out so as to be able to detail Their Motivations and or Agenda - If any...

    That said - We have a Sub-forum for almost everthing under Prime Creator here at the Mists so please use these Areas when applicable. As Brook has said and I will say Myself. There is a Forum for the Thuban Material and to see it spilling over into everything without explanation or necessarily being warranted is not acceptable. This Material has It's own Forum for the display of It's Philosophy and should be used in that Spirit. This is true with any Information here and so I will counsel this once, and then act from that point forward...

    Please stay on Topic or this Thread will be gone and this isn't due to anything other than seeking Information about the subject of It's Topic. I am sure many here are feeling the same way about this Thread and have said as much.

    That stated - Explain the Mystery - Please don't give Us more. This is plain and easily understood. Read what I say literally and that is It. This is what is meant and to infer anything else is again - Obfuscation and Sophistry.

    Again - We are done with that...

    > One Ole Palindromer to Another that is...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 23rd 2011



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    • Post n°117
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. investigator Today at 3:09 am
    It seems to me, that only Asteroth has likewise discerned a deeper energy in this thread and now the 'mob rule, reminiscent of say the French or Russian revolutions or the 'witch hunts' of the Inquisitions of the Roman Catholic Church of some centuries ago; has become reenergised by this 'ganging up' on a perceived 'evilness

    Does this have anything to do with thuban?

    Chamber, I don't have a problem with anyone's religion, but maybe we can start over. Maybe, you can tell us about your occult knowledge in a constructive way (in plain english so us layman can understand), and maybe we can have an interesting dialogue.
    What is your viewpoint of what is going on?

    That's a good point I guess. I did notice this thread was being monitored on other forums right at the start, so I had a suspicion those two were kinda just trying to test people for an experiment or something like that. I guess they did kinda got ganged up on, but yes they were rude, and yes others were rude to them, so I think we should just leave it at that move on, and try to be nice to each-other in future threads. If they had just been polite from the start, and said what they meant I don't think people would have ganged up on them or anything like that. The whole thread kinda just went down down down after the Goetia demon pics, and Aleister Crowley quotes. I don't even think the reaction would have been that strong if that had just clarified what they meant in just plain english, but it seemed like they wanted to talk in occult speak, so they seemed offended that people wanted to talk to them in regular english. Maybe, they were posting stuff just for shock value to gauge peoples reactions to see if this forum was right for them or not?


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    • Post n°118
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. Astaroth Today at 4:05 am
    Mercuriel wrote:
    We have 4 Rules here... (YOU FORGOT ONE MERC)

    1. No Porn - We are a Site which has all ages coming to It and so "Govern Thyself" accordingly as there is a place for everything and this is not a place for Porn.

    2. No Abuse of another Member. People come here to be treated with Respect and Allowance and while this can be pushed to some extent and is - Overt Abuse of another Member is not tolerated.

    3. No Vulgarity. Again this is a Site in which many Ages come and to speak with a foul Mouth does nothing but make One harder to understand. It brings Polarities and Dualisms with It which are not wanted here. It is easily understood that Beings that wish to help others do so by NOT shocking Your sensibilities. They just help You at Your ease - Not Theirs. If One can't say what They have to say without Swearing about It - Then not much Enlightenment can be offered to One such as that.

    4. No Racism. We are - Simply put - Done with that...

    5. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE, NO INTELLIGENT POSTING ALLOWED AS WE CANNOT HANDLE IT (Please dumb down your information so our pea brains can assimilate, if your post is not full of BS, love~n~light, then fu@k OFF please)






    Hit a Home Run Merc,

    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
    Elanor Roosevelt

    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    “Where there is much light, the shadow is deep”
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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    • Post n°119
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] sabina Today at 4:32 am

    it is no intelligent only you spice up your posting eith words from goethe and bible etc.


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    • Post n°120
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 5:05 am
    Astaroth wrote:

    5. LAST BUT NOT LEAST, THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE, NO INTELLIGENT POSTING ALLOWED AS WE CANNOT HANDLE IT (Please dumb down your information so our pea brains can assimilate, if your post is not full of BS, love~n~light, then fu@k OFF please)

    And with that / Buh-Bye...



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    • Post n°121
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Today at 5:20 am

    Oh and BTW - If anyone needs anything from this Thread - Grab It.

    I'll be Locking It and then Moving it to the Dead Thread Parking Lot tomorrow Evening when I get back on. Once I do that - I'LL post the Story about Zawi Hawass Resigning Myself and We'll go appropriately from there.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    • Post n°122
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 5:22 am

    We will miss you darling. Tatty bye.

    This has to be the award winner for the least interesting thread to date. Elongated wittering on and on with sad little beasty pictures splashed all over the place.. Did anybody actually read them all or were you bored to tears in a nano second like myself.
    Its not clever to constantly quote other books or people and post image after image to make an intelligent argument. Very unoriginal.
    Good idea to restart it and see if it can be debated properly.

    Now,its a beautiful spring morning today. lets leave these people to play with their little demons shall we.

    Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees


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    • Post n°123
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] Brook Today at 5:58 am
    Mercuriel wrote:
    Oh and BTW - If anyone needs anything from this Thread - Grab It.

    I'll be Locking It and then Moving it to the Dead Thread Parking Lot tomorrow Evening when I get back on. Once I do that - I'LL post the Story about Zawi Hawass Resigning Myself and We'll go appropriately from there.


    Thanks for the heads up to save anything...I just did...I laid plenty of hard work on one post and saved it here. The funny thing is Merc, just about every side topic covered here could have been kept on topic with the post I made. As it contains some aspect of the off topic information. But no one decided to try to understand what it was I posted. They were too engrosed in other areas of the brain to cover the topic.

    Again...all saved here Merc! [​IMG]



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    • Post n°124
    [​IMG] Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    [​IMG] mudra Today at 7:13 am

    When we are heading towards a dead end God allows us a U turn
    A door just closed A new one opens
    From one experience to the next the work goes on.

    Peace to all

    Love Always

    Do not walk behind me; I may not lead.
    Do not walk in front of me; I may not follow.
    Walk beside me, that we may be as One.

    We are Living One Vibrational Energy


    Post last edited Mar 23rd 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  7. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 23rd 2011



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    • Post n°125
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. Andromeda Today at 7:51 am

    Joseph Farrell is was watching carefully what happened in Egypt earlier this year. Here is one of his articles

    This lies in the background of President Mubarak’s appointment of Egypt’s antiquities Tsar, Zahi Hawass, to a cabinet level post. Given Hawass’ own background and connections to the western elites, this is not a surprising move, but it is one that subtly implies that elite’s interest in Egyptian antiquities.

    The specter of the National Museum’s own security guards being involved in its looting raises the disturbing parallel to the Baghdad Museum looting in the wake of the American and British invasion of Iraq. When that story was first broken by the German media, it was reported that American troops were seen entering and leaving the museum. Later, the US Marine colonel who was appointed to recover the stolen art works, indicated that it was his suspicion that the Iraqi museum looting was “an inside job” as well.

    This led to a round of speculation on the internet as to who was responsible, and yours truly joined in on the speculations. Typically, the speculation in the main ran to the view that the “omnicompetent, omniscient, and omnipotent” Anglo-American elite had staged the looting. I wasn’t so sure, and pointed out other possibilities originating in Paris and Berlin.

    With the Egyptian lootings, things are a bit different. For one thing, no one has invaded Egypt, so it becomes more difficult to discern any hidden players, if indeed any were actually involved. However, Mubarak’s appointment of Hawass to a cabinet level position during the crisis is indicator enough that there is a hidden influence originating with the western elite, and elite no doubt concerned to protect Egypt’s antiquities, and rightly so.

    But that appointment itself suggests in turn, that if there is a hidden hand or hands in the museum lootings in Egypt, that three possibilities arise: (1) the elite appointed Hawass to cover their own tracks and possible involvement in the lootings, or (2) that someone else entirely was involved, and Hawass’ appointment pre-signals an effort to find the culprits and recover the missing items, or (3) both the western elites and someone else were involved, in which case Hawass’ appointment signals the desire to cover-up their own involvement, recover the other missing items, and fasten the blame on someone else.

    Of course, all this right now is pure speculation, but the fact that Egypt now joins Iraq in having its priceless antiquities looted to my mind raises the possibility that we’re looking at hidden hands once again. All it would take, at this juncture, to convince me that we’re looking at an “antiquities war”, with some hidden group or groups running around the world and stealing (i.e., collecting) antiquities, would be if similar occurrences suddenly started to happen in, say, Iran, or India, or Indochina, or South America… If that were to happen, we’re no longer looking at coincidence, in my opinion, but something else.

    And while we’re talking about this, such a scenario of “antiquities collecting” fits a well-known historical pattern, one established very firmly by – you guessed it – the Nazis and their nutty “ancestral research bureau,” the Ahnenerbe.

    He also speculates that there is a cosmic war and that the looting might be related to elements of power that can be used to activate the great Pyramid as a weapon of cosmic destruction



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    • Post n°126
    empty. Re: Zahi Hawass confirms resignation

    empty. Brook Today at 12:52 pm

    Well, things happen for a reason. Today along the lines of Zahi Hawass and his resignation I happened upon some rather interesting information in connection with the discs. So I'm going to look at this thread rather than a huge mistake and put it on the list of revelations in information gathering. As soon as I get it all put together...keep your eyes peeled for where it goes. I promise's interesting indeed. icon_wink.

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  8. admin

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    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Mar 24th 2011

    Sorry, but only users granted special access can read topics in this forum.

    Message from Mists of Avalon Forum, when access to this data base is attempted.



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    [​IMG] After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus on Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:55 pm

    Oh! How the PROGRAMMED ILLUSION will hate this VIRUS I will SPREAD like BUTTER as HEAVENLY LIGHT from the MILKY WAY. Your WORLD in 3D HAS ALWAYS been a PRISON PLANET. It's TIME to WAKE UP to the TRUTH and SMELL the ROSES. This REALITY is sitting at DEATH'S DOOR and AT any GIVEN MOMENT... it will SOON END. THOSE of you WHO have CHOSEN to LISTEN will KNOW when to be READY from DEEP WITHIN. I was OUT OF BODY in the NEXT WORLD that is RIGHT HERE and NOW, and I WAS SO EMPOWERED over ANY AUTHORITY and FELT the JOY and FREEDOM and ONENESS that now AWAITS ME, it was HEAVEN and gaining FULL CONSCIOUSNESS.

    I was ASKED in SPIRIT, "WILL YOU SPEAK for GOD?" I may have that opportunity and my voice will be heard. Time is running out. I have a ship in one of those DUMB BASES and when the ground opens up with a earthquakes and become visible, it instrumentation will activate and be airborne. There are many ships like this, all kept secrets by organized religion and your governments. Oh, how pissed you will be to whore-shipping false idols. Where do your think all your technology came from ...from Area 51??? I will update this post which is more graphic in its content showing a Time Machine (Back to the Future) and UFO (Flight of the Navigator) energy during my OBE. Pictures hold thousand of pixels like words and can be also multi-layered in dimensions. Adobe Photoshop is just one example to being mult-dimensional on a pallet of rainbow colors that make up White Light. Humanity fell from grace... what a lot of lies, you were DNA manipulated and carry 10 strings of junk DNA that need to be activated. Thinking about it, will do nothing if you can't let go of 3D. This logo has its own energy signature, one I created like 1000's of others and 'my-thoughts' are like 'water-marks' that can only be seen 'viewed-in-the-light'. I am not part of your evil-belief-system of false Gods like Thoth and Ptah who have plagarized my God's Creation. Your reality is a program you cannot see as a hologram, it makes you a born slave and your Slave Masters are the Church & Freemasons who run your planet and corporations like MicoSoft Software, with Big Brother at the helm. You don't know what freedom is, until you feel God all around you as a Light Body. It feels you are ONE with MOTHER NATURE and CREATION, because you are plugged into both. A world without a single care in the world. You have been duped from the beginning of this Earth Experiment by these false demon gods. So many, I am afraid will not make it, words given to me by my Mother! So open you heart, its not too late!

    I am Horus, Son of Isis, Sekhmet & Ra.

    I ANCHOR this into the MATRIX




    • Sanicle


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    • Post n°2
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Sanicle Yesterday at 1:28 am
    Dear Horus, I'm a little offended that you appear to be speaking to us here in the Mists as though we are still in that 3D paradigm that you detest so much...that we are still so ignorant, "whore-shipping" false gods, ruled by the PTB, etc...while also being unaware of all you say you experience in the higher realms. Have you no respect for us at all??

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss

    • Mercuriel

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    • Post n°3
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Yesterday at 2:38 am

    Horus tends to speak "out" of the Forum as If He is talking to those still asleep but reading nonetheless. I know - It kind of had Me going a bit when He first started Posting but I can surely say this - He posts here as He feels a Kinship with Us I believe...

    That said - I do not feel He is talking AT Us - But - PAST Us to the "others" He feels will read It from that perspective.

    Now - He may come in here and tell Me to screw My hat and I'm wrong but I will choose to see He is meaning well in the above way. He just has a unique way of going about It. He can and likely will elablorate further but I would say think of It as a ;

    Sermon by Horus...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...



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    • Post n°4
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Sanicle Yesterday at 2:54 am

    Yeah, I thought of that Mercuriel and I'm hoping that's the case too. I know Horus means well and speaks from the Heart, but I feel it could be construed as a bit of an insult to new readers on the Mists forum too. I doubt they'd be here if they're what he's assuming. Re us already here, I just thought I'd ask the question in case because it really doesn't come across that way when you read it. [​IMG]

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss



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    • Post n°5
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] burgundia Yesterday at 3:04 am

    Horus is speaking as if to a general public, not particularly us at the mists.



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    • Post n°6
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Sanicle Yesterday at 3:32 am

    Forgive me my concern. If all on the forum are in harmony with what Horus has written, that's fine with me. In posting I looked at it this way as well. One, it gives him a chance to show his true Heart to those who might read the post and wonder and two, I believe that Horus likes his messages to get out there, so in replying to it I'm helping him in that it that a response keeps a thread to the forefront. Otherwise it ends up in the 'Unanswered Posts' bin. My Gemini mind at work.


    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss


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    • Post n°7
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Mercuriel Yesterday at 3:48 am

    No - You have a point but then that isn't what was said first off by Yourself in relation to His Post.

    I was just giving an opinion of Mine on His style of Posting but I do wish He would say things to others - As if They were implied for others - Or Us - In more specific Language...

    It helps One to know if They are being addressed...

    At any rate this is His Thread and I'm not here to "OT" It - Just help. BTW - I like specificity too...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...



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    • Post n°8
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Anchor Yesterday at 4:07 am

    I don't really get the Anchor logo. I think that was the logo for Anchor butter sold in the UK :)




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    • Post n°9
    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Sanicle Yesterday at 5:29 am
    Mercuriel wrote:
    No - You have a point but then that isn't what was said first off by Yourself in relation to His Post.

    I was just giving an opinion of Mine on His style of Posting but I do wish He would say things to others - As if They were implied for others - Or Us - In more specific Language...

    It helps One to know if They are being addressed...

    At any rate this is His Thread and I'm not here to "OT" It - Just help. BTW - I like specificity too...


    That's cool Mercuriel, I just didn't feel the need to go into so much detail when I first responded, but then it seemed necessary and I did posting I looked at it this way as well. [​IMG]

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Andromeda Yesterday at 6:27 am
    Anchor wrote:
    I don't really get the Anchor logo. I think that was the logo for Anchor butter sold in the UK :)

    Not in the UK, we get yellow labels with vegetation or without vegetation


    So maybe is US label?



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 8:39 am
    burgundia wrote:
    Horus is speaking as if to a general public, not particularly us at the mists.
    Correct burgundia!
    I'm not talking about Mists of Avalon. My target is the System Lords, and stirring it has already started, a ‘blanket of silence’ has commenced that has blocked out my communication until I try to give out a further explanation. The program has found a conscientious objector. From Milk comes Butter, and I chose to use The Milky Way as a ‘play on words’ to chocolate and a protocol. I will retract that connection for the time being, it needs more than an explanation to messages from another post made here that connects to this one. I came from New Zealand and the Milky Way reflects its shape like a mirror image to the starry heaven. New Zealand is known as the Land of Milk and Honey. I would have put the Anchor of the Christ in its place which I wanted; until I prepared my post in more depth which could take some days and the energy is then lost. All I found as graphics I could find had a Church energy and I did not want that energy.

    The thing is this, what I post today is history tomorrow, so I dropped it right at the moment on to the Matrix that has ears and eyes where it will be felt here, and any anger displayed here just drives this verbal virus deeper into the wound, figuratively speaking. No one knows the graphic energy, so it’s all a guessing game. Thoughts travel faster than Light and if I wanted the anchor. to what I felt was verlyHeavenly, I want the Matrix to know about it, it removes the ball and chains that enslaves me and the rest ofus. Graphics plays a key role with my energies and on your restless mine, what does it mean, and it can short circuit the Matrix, I felt love & joy, so why not share it and give the Matrix a side swipe while I was at it, so I anchored my thoughts, hence the anchor 'trade mark' or TM as MT equals 13:20 = Cosmic Time. The more you understand me, the more you will see how I plays games with the Matrix.

    How many times has humanity been told about this planet is dying, I clearly remember 1973 and the ‘fuel crisis’, have we learned anything, Gaia wishes to ascend?

    What I experienced everyone would die for, literally speaking but I have earned it and I want to share it. Sharing puts the illusion under pressure because here we have a time traveler who experienced it. It just annoys me how the wool has been pulled down over our eyes for so long as we continue to struggle and argue here in 3D, letting it all go moves you forward.

    Many may need spiritual counsel by there guides to these higher levels as they ascend towards 5D, just ask. What I felt was unmatched love without fear, it is unbelievable and indescribable. You are free from it all and the constraints of ever being a slave. Nothing can comprehend the majestic energy I felt, it’s not of this earth. It was heaven on earth, and what you feel in 3D is just a prison and money is the evil that monitors.

    If I sound at all cold to my expressed chosen words used, again I do apologize. I’m shooting from the hip with the excitement I felt and my audience here covers some new-starters who mayfind my energies way out of reach. It doesn’t hurt to ask for an explanation, results from my reply may comfort you.

    I'm targeting the program that controls humanity and not individuals on the forum who are moving forward anyway, I make that quiet clear. If you have just joined here, this is going to look like a ‘jumpstart’ streets ahead from anyone else. I’m at the ‘frontline' and maybe I should put a ‘warning notice’ on all my posts now.

    Again, in contrast what I witnessed would have you all totally gob-smacked, how can I convince people to focus on the real Creator-God, that’s why I’m here so briefly. Really, if I get any more flake from my posts, I will not continue, it’s that simple and I won’t waste my time.

    When I was probed by the program 18 months ago, it took a mate of mine who has contributed here and to many a deaf ear. He shocked me to the core with words he said that shook every cell of my being; it shook the program, that’s the power of the light. In saying that, I’m doing the same to the Matrix that is an illusion and when you get that into your head, then things will change!

    If no further details are posted here and its shapping up that way until I speak to my Mother, I’ve been asked to drop the subject, and end of story. I'm proving nothing. All I’ve done is try to express the difference between what is real, and what is not. Personally, I’m getting to tired of giving answers like a questionnaire to everything I say that becomes twisted. Mother was so right, don't bother, you are wasting your time, one bad apple spoils it for the rest.

    A conscientious objector (CO) is an "individual [who has] claimed the right to refuse to perform military service" on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion.


    Forget it, its the end of my story.

    Last edited by horus on Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:16 am; edited 1 time in total




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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Brook Yesterday at 9:01 am

    Allow me to reflect a bit. Understanding his approach to talking to the Matrix, and many time it's written in layers, many here are quite unaware that this is the case. Now if you talk directly to Horus, you get very lucid answers, and quite a loving individual. Who has quite a great sense of humor as well. But when it comes to working in the dream scape, he writes it as it comes out. And he does so immediately in many cases. Often times the "words" are not his but words reflected from a source encountered in the dream scape directly. Not long ago Hours did a post and got some very angry at "words" that were not even his. And presumed that it was his "way" of thinking. It most certainly was not.

    Now if you understand that these "words" take incredible time to post here from him, and if you also understand they are 'layered" as a dream would be...then you might be a bit more able to go the extra mile and work on the meaning. He IS NOT speaking to anyone here directly....if he were believe me you would know it without a doubt.

    So keeping that in mind, understand how it is when you wake in the you remember your dreams? do you remember as clearly as this? And are you able to decipher the meanings as he has been doing? This is all it is....and there are some profound meanings and findings here if you decide to take that time. If not, understand, Horus is a deeply loving individual, and would not hurt one precious soul here...other than the dark that is..and he fights it daily! That was his mission back then when he was HORUS...he dies a horrible death due to his mission here.....and that is what he does now in the dream scape of other dimensional worlds.

    To fully understand this...realize that much of what we are just discovering here he wrote about years ago..and brought these things out when it was NOT "fashionable". Now it's all the rage..and Horus is sitting back saying.........."see...told ya so"..... [​IMG]

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 9:50 am

    Thank you Brook,
    To readers: What people don't realize I go 'out on a limb' to bring love and light and when I have to deal with dark energies at the same time, how many could hold the compassion I share and keep some sort of balance. I'm attacking the invisible elements that control humanity that you cannot see who is the enemy. As I excelerate at great speed on this path that is so close to ending, take avantage of what I share, I may not be around for much longer because I'm going home, and when Mother tells me to be ready as she did a day ago, and what happened last night may well be my exit energy out of 3D and return when this planet has been cleansed. If only you could feel the joy that surrounded me early today. It was all I ever dreamed of and my V8 energy was roaring like a dragster ready to break the sound barrier. These are 13:20 energies and I was in full automatic mode and in full control without a worry in the world. I was talking to my higherself and it was so much fun, I have never felt before. This post has created so much heat already, the matrix has blocked out all my frequences. Its not the first time its happened. Maybe I was not meant to tell you about my good fortune and the matrix beefed up its defences, but I have worked 13 years without any welfare support, 13 years of no salary I could have earned, and you know why, because I love my twinflame to the core of her soul and I work 24/11. I have also sacificed myself to the One True God-Goddess-Creator I know so deeply now within me and I love so much as my Mother-Father. If you felt all your dreams coming together, would you want to tell the world?

    • Brook


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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Brook Yesterday at 10:22 am
    horus wrote:

    Thank you Brook,
    To readers: What people don't realize I go 'out on a limb' to bring love and light and when I have to deal with dark energies at the same time, how many could hold the compassion I share and keep some sort of balance. I'm attacking the invisible elements that control humanity that you cannot see who is the enemy. As I excelerate at great speed on this path that is so close to ending, take avantage of what I share, I may not be around for much longer because I'm going home, and when Mother tells me to be ready as she did a day ago, and what happened last night may well be my exit energy out of 3D and return when this planet has been cleansed. If only you could feel the joy that surrounded me early today. It was all I ever dreamed of and my V8 energy was roaring like a dragster ready to break the sound barrier. These are 13:20 energies and I was in full automatic mode and in full control without a worry in the world. I was talking to my higherself and it was so much fun, I have never felt before. This post has created so much heat already, the matrix has blocked out all my frequences. Its not the first time its happened. Maybe I was not meant to tell you about my good fortune and the matrix beefed up its defences, but I have worked 13 years without any welfare support, 13 years of no salary I could have earned, and you know why, because I love my twinflame to the core of her soul and I work 24/11. I have also sacificed myself to the One True God-Goddess-Creator I know so deeply now within me and I love so much as my Mother-Father. If you felt all your dreams coming together, would you want to tell the world?

    I'm listening [​IMG]

    I realize you are finishing the job you set out to do.....

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]

    • Brook

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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Brook Yesterday at 10:48 am

    Ahh..this remind me. Last night I was doing a session and started speaking Egyptian so fast my 3D brain could not record it! As my 3D brain was shocked at how fast I was speaking. Clearly Egyptian, but that 180 turn around to plug the information into my 3D brain was not able to record what I was saying. I was clearly working on another level, and unlike you Horus, I am not always able to record the information that fast. It amazes me how you do that.

    Actually I did a post on that 180 turn around not too long ago I will share here....

    Are you Sirius? [​IMG]

    Post last edited Mar 25th 2011

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    empty. Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 11:50 am
    Hey, hey, hey! Anchor, you can use this as your avatar. All nice and bright. :)

    Horus, if you change the word "you" to "one' in your posts that would eliminate all of the problems for the reader who personalizes the word "you"- which tends to put someone not in the matrix on the defensive.

    JapA013. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Lionhawk Yesterday at 2:21 pm

    It's a fine Spring day here where I am located, today. Life is blooming, birds are singing, and the insects are busy. Life is good. That's if you can dance with what is going on around you. The same applies to this forum.

    The truth be known, I don't post here much. What more can be said? I think it is apparent as to why. Just by reading the general feedback from folks who internalize what gets posted as if it is all about them. As if they are being attacked, when at the same time they don't either read what is posted or are on the defense to begin with.

    Get over your bad self! You ain't all that if you have to resort to a victim consciousness. That is reflected in your responses.

    Now if you want to blame someone for Horus's posts, BLAME ME! I invited him here. The intention of that invitation was for him to share his knowings. He has not failed in what he has posted. He has spoken of many truths and it doesn't matter if you are new at this or not. It's on you to reach up and grab what knowledge you can. Horus has given it unconditionally.

    From what I have seen, I am appalled with some individuals who just don't get some of the basics. Common sense being one of them. Reading comprehension is another basic. I see some folks missing out and at the same time, Horus has been willing to clarify anything someone might have misunderstood. So what is the problem? I'm just asking even though I am in a detached state, so that means ask yourself or not. I have better things to do than deal with personal 3D reactions.

    If I may use someone's signature, "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss. So what's the beef? And to use my signature, "Are you kidding me?"

    Horus is the be who you are and says what he feels. When you embrace that, then it will all fall into place. You will then become who you are and say what you feel. But it won't be from this 3D matrix. So if you want to twist what others have to say because you can't get over your bad self, just know you are responding from within your 3D mind and it is so obvious to those who have transcended that. Does that make someone better than someone else? The answer is very obvious. That was a 3D trick question and if you feel the need to respond then you have your answer.

    I guess what I am sick and tired of is folks telling me with a paint brush how it is and expecting me to swallow it hook line and sinker. With them thinking that I can't prove it out for myself. Sound familiar? One of the latest comments was provided by one of them Thuban people. Saying something along the lines that a Dragonslayer looks in the mirror and sees a reflection of a dragon looking back at himself. Not in my own case! What reflects back at me are the memories of those that were killed by such dragons. They are haunting memories of innocents that died at the claws of such beasts who had no compassion for one of the Creator's creations. I do not question what I was asked of by the Creator in those regards. But those experiences were in the first hand and not swallowed in the second hand.

    Prove it for yourself. Know who you are. Once you do that, you will see all the lies that dance around you. Horus is trying to show you just that and who is behind it all. If you choose not to, just remember there is a dragon out there just waiting to get it's claws on you and consume you. What do you think this matrix is all about in the first place? Fear based you say? YOU BET!! These so called Dragons were exiled for a reason. Wouldn't that cause you to question something?

    All these other programs running around are part of their food chain and we know many of the members of that management system. And we are getting hung up on little poor someone's emotions when there are much bigger issues at hand. Again, my signature. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

    I do know that on a first hand basis that many of us have gathered here to make a stand. Many of us came here to be part of the "SOULUTION." It can be very difficult and it is for most of us to be here, knowing what we know. Some of us have made great sacrifices. Not just in this life time, but in times passed. We know this goes beyond any one life time. Chipping at it with many life times. If there is an urgency, the time is right now! So get over your little hang ups and get with it because right now is a little late to be distracted with lower emotional blockages of an individual. That individual needs to take full responsibility for their own baggage if they have in the least bit awakened. If you are now getting to this stage, the pressure is on you. So stop blaming everyone else for your short comings. And I am talking to "YOU"! I also say this with all of the compassion of my own being. So please try not to twist this to fit any insecurities "YOU" might have. If you also can read the energy in Horus's posts and many other posters here, you will be way better off because these energies far surpass this 3D matrix we find ourselves in. Of course there are posters that post lower vibrational frequencies. Those posts are traps. Design to keep you from discovering your own personal truth. Demonic or other wise. Sometimes an innocent poster who has been tagged will also effect the energy of the readers without his knowing. This is where common sense should be part of everyone's foundation. It can save you from a lot of problems. If you are jumping the rungs of your own spiritual ladder, taking second hand short cut methods and swallowing second hand info, expect to crash and burn at some point down the road. Your own spirit will only allow you to go so far beyond your ego self.

    Anchoring the energy codes within your personal matrix is what is key in the present time. Work on opening the conduit to allow that to become. That's all you have to do. Many refuse to do it thinking someone outside of themselves has "the answer." Some claim to be connected but if they were, their actions would reflect that. Compassion should be emanating from their foundation but instead personality proclamations ooze. They lack the compassion to see the imperfections of others who are under the same manipulated stresses that have been placed across this planetary spectrum and beyond. Instead of lies, they use justifications to enable more of the same behavior. Watch the behaviors and it will unwind right before your eyes.

    So as Horus was saying something about a ship that is under the control of the PTB... It wasn't a joke. This has occurred and is something that doesn't get much attention if any. How do you think some of us got here? How we got trapped into this matrix was always by foul play by those who have sought control from the get go. In that process, part of the sacrifices we made were also the vehicles we arrived in. Also the technology we also brought that has been suppressed beyond our personal reach. To those who are viewing that are not members of this forum, "WE KNOW" and there isn't a damn thing more you will be able to do about it. You, as in the ones who have taken our personal stuff, ARE BEING TARGETED, as I speak. Expect to be dealt with.

    Now to try to get back on track here, what Horus has said concerning a "ship" being held captive by the PTB is spot on. And how it might be released is also spot on. We also know the security measures being used and where these measures are being controlled from. As in location. The US of A has always been ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to retrieving these technologies. Even way before Rosewell. Here is a fact. Horus and I have had the same vision concerning this.

    All that said, I do hope no one takes my posting here to personally. My intention was from the heart and if you see it differently, exercise your entitlement. It will have no effect on the outcome of what is really important. And that is up to "YOU!"

    (To Carol as a P.S. My references to "you" was not "you". LOL... Maybe that would make a good signature.)


    Are you kidding me?

    wingmanof light

    wingmanof light

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    [​IMG] re

    [​IMG] wingmanof light Yesterday at 6:30 pm

    I agree with Horus.

    Its so much Energy flowing Since I asked the fist Divine the only one access to me my energy been going nuts allot.Nothing Sort of standing a wind tunnel and no wind just feel the energy. I don't know whats going on but something is coming close.My guess is my vibration is rising.. Forgive the system it seams to help remove Carma not sticking and let it go.
    protection i read one try giving your self a bubble shield a mirror one to reflect from being saw or heard. Idea only..
    I even stopped the Chakera system and going with Just one divine energy as a side note to..

    I ask for Divine cleaning every day From the fist eternal father :) ..I even tell him some day I owe him a beer why not he is our dad :)

    Be your Own Piller of Strength or the light and love. Let your spark of life from god Grow and strengthen you .
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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 6:57 pm

    Thank you Brother Lionhawk






    RE: Oh won't you give us a sign
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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 8:05 pm

    [​IMG] Indeed it would Lionhawk, indeed it wood.

    P.S. My references to "you" was not "you"

    Horus whether you choose to stay or leave is your decision and yours alone. As with anything posted here, not everything posted is everyone's cup of tea.

    Some will sip and enjoy [​IMG] as they view you as a kindred spirit.

    BTW, Natalie Wood was one of my favorite actresses and I was heartbroken when she passed so tragically. Thank you for the picture you posted of her and Liz as I had forgotten their relationship from years back.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 8:43 pm

    Do you want to see the energy of my experience? The story of the most fanastic Hot-Rod in the Universe (Flight of the Navigator) and ZZ TOPS Eliminator. The word NAVI is encoded in my dreams to the Navajo Native Indian and the Na'vi (Avatar). These are energies to my ship called, the OCEAN ORBIT. My dream began with a narrator's voice 'setting the scene'. It was this man and he speaks of the Navajo in the movie The Searches



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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] horus Yesterday at 9:31 pm

    Carol wrote: [​IMG] Indeed it would Lionhawk, indeed it wood.

    P.S. My references to "you" was not "you"

    Horus whether you choose to stay or leave is your decision and yours alone. As with anything posted here, not everything posted is everyone's cup of tea.

    Some will sip and enjoy [​IMG] as they view you as a kindred spirit.

    BTW, Natalie Wood was one of my favorite actresses and I was heartbroken when she passed so tragically. Thank you for the picture you posted of her and Liz as I had forgotten their relationship from years back.
    I make this choice because I have found the truth about the Matrix, DNA manipulation and its hold over humanity on a dying planet. How can you live with yourself knowing it all. I'm sorry to say this, it almost sounds like you are in a comfort zone, and the quicker I leave, the quicker you can get back to 3D. As you said, "Horus whether you choose to stay or leave is your decision and yours alone". You too have made a choice with your twin, I hope its the right one.

    wingmanof light

    wingmanof light

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    [​IMG] re

    [​IMG] wingmanof light Yesterday at 10:08 pm
    [​IMG] Some times as I see it. One will post something not for this group but for some that might be passing threw. If you feel really strong or about something like my intuition after trusting it. Something stands out then you brush it off then I keep and keep coming till you say ok I will post it.IF not hear where should you ??
    If its meant for some one else they will be divinely directly and guided hear some how .
    My self can relate to that I found this place you you all been helpful. You feel it or it calls them you don't know how or why or what but something drives you.

    I have not played my wow game and a while and I thought nothing would be able to do that.

    Last edited by wingmanof light on Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Be your Own Piller of Strength or the light and love. Let your spark of life from god Grow and strengthen you .
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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Carol Yesterday at 10:08 pm

    Your dreams are far more fun and interesting then mine. I spend time telling folks to shape up and get to work. belch

    Love the Navigator, Back to the Future, Avatar... now having navigator narrating would be a hoot. However, we all fell in love with Avatar and wished our society and life was so spiritually integrated. I bought the DVD for my husband who has watched it over 100 times. He likes to put in on in the background when he is doing his paperwork. I imagine there are many people whom that movie touched in a very deep way.

    I will confess about a month or two back when the info about the pole shift on March 15th went out I was really upset. Not about the pole shift per-say but about being out of time as I have so many things I still want to do. I really was somewhat despondent at the thought of the end of time. Again, leaving the 3D world and a human body does not concern me. My concern was wanting more time. I know this may sound like a contradiction but having several NDE and knowing what awaits is also comforting. In fact, the other side is so appealing making a commitment to be here with all of the insanity going on around us is a mega challenge.

    Then I spoke with Ken and learned more about Nicolai and what they were doing to accommodate us with respect to time and giving us the best possible timeline... altering them, giving us time to complete our spiritual missions and I was suddenly comforted. But they work in a way we cannot even imagine.

    I don't know if you recall but back when I first saw the one video on the pole shift I thought shiit. I have company coming on that day and it just wouldn't do. Not to be hubris or ego centered, I just knew it wasn't time for a pole shift. I went to bed thinking no way and when I woke up I knew in my gut the pole shift was no longer on the timeline we were on. I can't even begin to fathom how all of this is working. I suspect.. but don't know for sure, that another time-line shift is about to happen within the next 24 hours.

    I have this really far fetched theory. Look at this. Right now it is really active and quite black. Yet I noticed that the past two timeline shifts that happened this was going on with the seismic monitors. It's just a theory and attempting to prove anything when this stuff happens is next to impossible unless one is behind the actual shift. ET said there were timeline wars going on. I believe him. The timelines with disasters on them for the most part keep being weeded out.. yet big disasters have been happening (Australia's flooding, New Zealand's megga quake, Japan sinking into the sea), yet other events are not happening (New Madrid Fault, Yellowstone, Mt. Saint Helen, San Andreas fault). These events according to ET were to happen this month and did not happen. The month isn't over yet and we are still in a seismic window. Yet the message I keep getting Hours is that I will get to have all the time I need to complete my mission as will Mercuriel and mudra along with many of us here at Mists. My sense is that we have a repreive of sorts and still have to deal with earth changes as these changes help to wake people up... yet we also get the time we need to work on our mission so as to take as many as possible with us to that next level.

    I think the reason some have difficulty understanding your message at times is that the level you experience is outside of others experiences. It's kind of like explaining a cherry pie to someone who has never seen a cherry. There is a huge learning curve with all of this. I remember when I first started reading Pene's thead (Astralwalker) and I was completely lost at times as I wondered exactly what type of ETs he was connected with and were they good ETs or bad ETs. Now after listening to him, reading his book and I have his DVDs I can see where the gaps were in my own understanding.

    The other big lesson for me was with Nicolai as I tend not to trust what is new information until I test it out. Nicolai has been correct with almost everything except timing. Key operative word here "timing." It really is about timing in many respects because when we are OBE there is no time as all exists in the eternal present. I experience the sense of the eternal present with different people in my life as well. My husband for one and all the members of my soul group are eternally present. Whenever we connect (and years can go by) it seems like no time has gone by. We (our relationships) are in the eternal present. I suspect this is your feeling for Natalie as well were there is this overwhelming sense of being in the eternal present yet trying to bridge the gap between linear time and the eternal is likely to give one stretch marks.

    So even now.. there is much to learn from one another as learning never ends. I KNOW time is an illusion. And I KNOW we can create, recreate the present moment. We chose when we empower ourselves in our becoming.

    I also understand that it is even difficult to use words when one is attempting to explain the ineffable. I have struggled with this for years and always failed. Words cannot translate what transpires when in a state of grace. Pictures are pale and music almost empty... yet a flower speaks volumes. Put a flower in a woman's hair and she is beautiful. So back to the moment. I have reconcile myself to a new reality that allows for time to keep shifting and extending and giving us the best possible outcome for our collective awakening. This is where I have arrived after much internal conflict when thinking there was no time left. For you already understand there is no such thing as time. Time is for the ego to help sort out a sequence of events. Yet now we know with quantum physics time is fluid, like a river and can shift to suit our spiritual purpose if we know how to do this. We must operate from the perspective of complete alignment with the Divine sans ego.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    wingmanof light

    wingmanof light

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    [​IMG] re

    [​IMG] wingmanof light Yesterday at 10:37 pm

    Hi carol you just hit on something I was thinking of or wondering something not happening and time and such. Best possible outcome.
    For me and All this energy flowing I put my thoughts in my hand then put them in my divine heart chakera to keep manifesting. Myself I been attempting to Manifest against the worst case. As for myself Past be nice to find this bang their it is so attempting and every I talk to the divine father for help it its ok and a umm slight nudge . So For whats its Worth I been trying to push back at what ever is pushing for it not to be nasty end.
    Disclosure or awaken all the light workers that are part of the 1st 2nd and 3rd wave to be fully awaken and bump back hard on the worst case but peaceful i believe its possible.

    "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father in Me, or else believe Me for the sake of the works themselves. "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.”

    I believe its possible if we get all of the puzzle pieces and get it. We can Stop the waters or volcanoes to. I like to ascend but like to make the last peaceful then go..

    God don't make things shake that's the evil (Book Morning coffee with God) Life is to precious to harm anything just as Jesus did. This time its up to us though....
    peace we don't figure it out and all think its a bad ending we will manifest it ....that's why all the Doom 2012 Tv

    Be your Own Piller of Strength or the light and love. Let your spark of life from god Grow and strengthen you .
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    [​IMG] Re: After What I Experienced Last Night You Will See What You Have Missed to Having Full Consciousness

    [​IMG] Anchor Today at 6:15 am

    horus wrote:
    burgundia wrote:Horus is speaking as if to a general public, not particularly us at the mists.
    Correct burgundia!
    I'm not talking about Mists of Avalon. My target is the System Lords, and stirring it has already started, a ‘blanket of silence’ has commenced that has blocked out my communication until I try to give out a further explanation. The program has found a conscientious objector. From Milk comes Butter, and I chose to use The Milky Way as a ‘play on words’ to chocolate and a protocol. I will retract that connection for the time being, it needs more than an explanation to messages from another post made here that connects to this one. I came from New Zealand and the Milky Way reflects its shape like a mirror image to the starry heaven. New Zealand is known as the Land of Milk and Honey. I would have put the Anchor of the Christ in its place which I wanted; until I prepared my post in more depth which could take some days and the energy is then lost. All I found as graphics I could find had a Church energy and I did not want that energy.

    Thanks for explaining that.

    As you probably worked out I have my own strange relationship with the "anchor" so I guess I had extra reasons to ask.

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Posted Mar 25th 2011


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    empty. I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:39 am

    The planet was disserted with energies of Death Valley National Park

    I have a memory of the Heavenly image showing the Milky Way, a beautiful panorama photo, if I can find it.

    This may be the direction we are heading for, and for those who will inherit this Earth well after everyone has disappeared and those who are chosen, will alone return in the fifth dimension. Do you hear anyone talking about saving this planet in the third dimension, no?


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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. immortalisdolor on Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:54 am

    And what is additionally sad is, even if we attempted to save the planet in the third dimension, the worldly powers that be would not let us. I feel too much that this unfortunate neutral zone may be the safest and best way to go. I just continue my personal path of constantly simplifying my life, lifestyle, and daily activities as much as possible to not feed the system, and not destroy the earth. One person at a time, one small step at a time, until we begin living it, and no longer dreaming of it.

    It is unfortunately up to our corrupt powers to wake up and change.

    Better than my dream I posted of being attacked by dead people. kopfschuettel.

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---- DUNE


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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:39 pm

    This image is only small, to see the real beautiful photo showinf the heavens, click the website below the image. This dream covered other movie energies; The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension and Back to the Future: Part III (1885-1985) both movies show a deserts with a car like a Time Traveler - Interdimensional and that's what I saw as a horizonal split screen. The Salt Lakes used for land speed records. The energy aligns to be able to fly directly into a mountain (solid matter) like a UFO and I have experienced it during a dream. This dream was centered all around horses and I must have been a Indian Brave, but I felt the SPEED OF CHANGE approching us all. Why would I see this energy then, so many deaths are coming!

    Explanation 1: The theatrical release opens with Banzai preparing to test run his Jet Car, a heavily modified Ford E 100 Series van powered by a jet engine, and capable of exceeding Mach 1. The car is also equipped with a secret device called an "oscillation overthruster", which Banzai and his associates hope will allow it to drive through solid matter. Ignore the story line, it's the automobile energy to pacing through solid matter outside this illusion and why people don't believe in the Inner Earth theory. Maybe the surface of this planet is going into the 'rinse cycle' and then 'tumbled dried', I've seen that also in a dream.

    Explanation 2: Marty arrives on September 2, 1885, in the middle of a U.S. Cavalry pursuit of Indians. While evading the pursuit, the car's fuel line is torn and Marty hides the car in a cave forcing him to walk to Hill Valley where he meets his Irish great-great-grandparents, Seamus and Maggie McFly. To disguise his identity, Marty adopts the name Clint Eastwood which he uses as he runs afoul of Buford and his gang. Buford tries to hang Marty, but Doc saves him to learn from him that he's in 1885 to prevent Tannen from killing him. Marty also tells Doc the fuel tank in the DeLorean is torn and empty and with gasoline unavailable, there is no way to power the car to 88 mph.


    Full image of Death Valley at night (1.15Mb):

    Explanation 3: This eerie glow over Death Valley is in danger. Scrolling right will show a spectacular view from one of the darkest places left in the continental USA: Death Valley, California. The above 360-degree full-sky panorama is a composite of 30 images taken two years ago in Racetrack Playa. The image has been digitally processed and increasingly stretched at high altitudes to make it rectangular. In the foreground on the image right is an unusually placed rock that was pushed by high winds onto Racetrack Playa after a slick rain. In the background is a majestic night sky, featuring thousands of stars and many constellations. The arch across the middle is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Light pollution is threatening dark skies like this all across the US, and therefore the International Dark-Sky Association and the US National Parks Service are suggesting methods that can protect them.

    Full image of Death Valley at night (1.15Mb):

    Last edited by horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. Carol on Wed Mar 16, 2011 12:42 pm

    What if the corrupt powers are truly alien and said aliens influencing TPTB. Or even clones or walk-ins of lower density creatures taking over or taking on human form? Something to think about? And then there are those who freely choose to disenfranchise their fellow beings so they can get on step ahead. These too are lower densities entities mistaking having more material things as being better off - yet out of touch with their own spiritual core and right action. It's all about lessons, lessons, lessons.

    I for one love this planet yet many beings here remind me of a 2 year old who does not yet know how to clean up after themselves and create chaos in thier environment. Unfortunatley there are not enough energy pouring through to influence the polluters.. yet that day is coming sooner then later. Germany is one example. Meanwhile, we are forced to watch the tragedy in Libya as one insane man murders thousands. How nuts is that?

    In the world I envision war is outlawed along with all weapons (biological, environmental). There is no killing and life comes to an end peacefully. People have learned to live in harmony. Somewhat like the hobbits before the wraiths. The air, earth, water and creatures of the planet are cherished. One also focuses on spiritual growth and development as this too has a wonderous role in daily life. I also see humanity interfacing with the positive ETs in a wholesome manner and where humanity steps up to the plate at the inter-galactic level. This is the vision I hold.

    JapA013. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:44 pm

    I know my future is already mapped out and I won't be going anywhere else but remain here while others will pass over during the 'death process'. Many will almost certainly combust to the higher frequencies to their lower DNA signature, so why feed 3D when it takes away your energy. I am one of many, the chosen few to start a new Earth, but this planet needs a lot more then some mouth-wash and its started in earnest. We had plenty of time to think about, in fact 11 years.

    The over-lord you call god is false and the master-mind of all evil, I can smell it on this forum like rotting flesh covered in maggots, I read it as they show no repect for others. I am not here to spell out doom, we are well past that phase now as the Daily News shows the body count. Just review the movie Matrix again, and again and again, it it doesn't register, where you are, is where you are meant to be, you made that choice. There is no responsibility on this planet, its all take, take and take and so many want to be spoon fed by the Draconians. I will be one of the Earth Guardians, like many. We have never praised the earth that has nourishes us, and we have poisoned her in return. We have given it all to slavery, materialism and false idols. We have to also love Creation, but know one does or gives a hoot anymore, and those ones will just have to move on to other 3D worlds. How many people have listen to the truth around you? This third dimension is finished, its time to move forward on to better Worlds.

    I was on 'another thread' and the Source of Creation told me to pull out the plug immemediately. You just cannot get help those who cannot help themselves, just let them go. I have let go of 99.9% of humanity, I no longer care, its called separation. Its time to raise the anchor and set sail just like the closing scene in Lord of the Rings, this is how I see myself leaving this world and back to my heavenly father. Nobody can say I didn't try to save this world, no one!


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    empty. Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    empty. immortalisdolor on Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:02 pm

    There is so much truth to this. Do we run around like chickens with our heads cut off? To we fight, and in the process become just like them, repeating the cycle? We can spread the word, which is exactly what we have been doing, taking the last stand we can through the information networks. The separation is a sad and unfortunate outcome to the problems of the human condition and its effect on the world as a whole, however those of us that have crossed beyond the point of no return , those of us that can no longer honestly relate to most people, those of us that are practically already living in this desolate future of a landscape as the growing problems in the world become a unified sound called chaos.

    Back around 1990, my family as they began to crumble, blamed their children for their own problems. While at a counsellor, he said not to me, but to one of my parents, something like this, "Your son will probably be one of the few survivors if there was a nuclear war, because he is calm through all this, and he knows how to survive, it is you that have the problems."

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---DUNE


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    empty. I Hate To Say This...

    empty. Jenetta on Wed Mar 16, 2011 2:32 pm

    empty. Today at 17:44I know my future is already mapped out and I won't be going anywhere else but remain here while others will pass over during the 'death process'. Many will almost certainly combust to the higher frequencies to their lower DNA signature, so why feed 3D when it takes away your energy. I am one of many, the chosen few to start a new Earth, but this planet needs a lot more then some mouth-wash and its started in earnest. We had plenty of time to think about, in fact 11 years.

    The over-lord you call god is false and the master-mind of all evil, I can smell it on this forum like rotting flesh covered in maggots, I read it as they show no repect for others. I am not here to spell out doom, we are well past that phase now as the Daily News shows the body count. Just review the movie Matrix again, and again and again, it it doesn't register, where you are, is where you are meant to be, you made that choice. There is no responsibility on this planet, its all take, take and take and so many want to be spoon fed by the Draconians. I will be one of the Earth Guardians, like many. We have never praised the earth that has nourishes us, and we have poisoned her in return. We have given it all to slavery, materialism and false idols. We have to also love Creation, but know one does or gives a hoot anymore, and those ones will just have to move on to other 3D worlds. How many people have listen to the truth around you? This third dimension is finished, its time to move forward on to better Worlds.

    I was on 'another thread' and the Source of Creation told me to pull out the plug immemediately. You just cannot get help those who cannot help themselves, just let them go. I have let go of 99.9% of humanity, I no longer care, its called separation. Its time to raise the anchor and set sail just like the closing scene in Lord of the Rings, this is how I see myself leaving this world and back to my heavenly father. Nobody can say I didn't try to save this world, no one!


    Some of what you say Horus makes sense however I don't like your equating your views of the sad state of Earth's affairs with "I can smell it on this Forum like rotting flesh covered in maggots" and "combust to the higher frequencies to their lower DNA signature"...and "a person combusting to higher frequencies with a lower DNA signature"...I would suggest their DNA signature would be higher if they are ascending to higher frequencies.
    Are you equating 'combusting' to ascending?

    I've never seen this Forum in quite the way you describe so graphically above so maybe your sense of smell is somewhat distorted.

    I will also add that I tend to distrust someone who regards themself as "one of the chosen" save Earth. We all have the choice to help Earth.

    Drinking [​IMG]


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Carol on Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:14 pm

    My plan is to go for full DNA activation and then come back to help.

    [​IMG]With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol



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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel on Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:18 pm

    Y'know what Jenetta - Horus was instructed by the Source of Creation to remove His Posts from a Thread as well (In reference to Astaroth's Posts in another Thread)...

    Perhaps You two have more in common than You're willing to admit...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:44 pm


    Somehow, I think there is more to this dream message and the moving rocks (magnetics maybe). I thoght about these lines, and other messages today about three lines in two months time, and it was another planet and I saw it, it may be another moon. The signature was like a 'bitter pill to swallow', and to all the skeptic who don't believe in a One True God or anything anymore, will see the truth right before their very eyes. Seeing these moving rocks drew my attention to the Nazca Lines! The 'desert' word has already got be buzzing to more clues.


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] horus on Wed Mar 16, 2011 5:55 pm

    Jenetta wrote:

    Some of what you say Horus makes sense however I don't like your equating your views of the sad state of Earth's affairs with "I can smell it on this Forum like rotting flesh covered in maggots" and "combust to the higher frequencies to their lower DNA signature"...and "a person combusting to higher frequencies with a lower DNA signature"

    ...I would suggest their DNA signature would be higher if they are ascending to higher frequencies. Are you equating 'combusting' to ascending?

    ...I've never seen this Forum in quite the way you describe so graphically above so maybe your sense of smell is somewhat distorted.

    ...I will also add that I tend to distrust someone who regards themself as "one of the chosen" save Earth. We all have the choice to help Earth.
    You know as well as I what the differance between 'combusting' to ascending, one is up, and the other must be the opposite? With your own spiritual ascension, your heart is in the right place to knowing. When I spoke of combusting, that has to be the opposite, and not of the light or love. To the smelly part, I know the energy of rotting meat, I see it as a picture as minced meat. They know exactly who I am, and like most Tarot Card Readers and Fortune Tellers, they can't handle my energy when my truth threatens their territory or comfort zone, I get an outburst of energy from them I can read between the lines written. I had one Tarot Reader fainted when she read who I was from a distance, I met her years before in a reading and I wasn't impressed. Tarot Readers suck the living life-force out of you for their own personal growth, they just can't help themselves. You know about human leeches, and psychic vampires. On this partular string hey all had a hollow signature as if they have no brains and are mind-controlled like a zombie, and thats what I was making referance to as a maggot, maybe I should have explained that more clearly, I'm sorry! I recieved energies yesterday showing who was stirring! And when someone takes offence to what I say, they usually are 'drawning attention to themselves' as a tag from Thoth and the host does't even know it. I can read energy signatures causually without even thinking. As for my comments to being one of the chosen, I'll nip that in the bud now, I said 'one of the chosen' and there are many of us, so don't worry, you set your mind where you are at.

    I was told not to waste my time here on this forum and disconnect immediately, its just 3D shitz, day in-day out. I think this post has some meaning and is raising an issue to something we cannot face as fear in its self. I believe if we address our fears we can remove that programmed element thats in plugged into our DNA. We are 12 string of DNA, we just carry 10 strings of junk DNA that needs to be activated during our ascension process. I proved this some weeks ago with a bone cancer treat and activated my will-power over 3D, instead of giving it away to medicine and it worked for me. I couldn't walk there for a while, I was at a point of living in my own fear, but now I can walk and run. I had a dream that made a lots of sense. It was worthly of posting, and so empowering. I came back here from the future to spell out the truth beginning 13 years ago things people don't want to face or hear. We have had our power taken away in favour of comfits, and believe me if I told you everything I've uncovered since and to a false god, you would quickly run to the crapper and let it loose and feel enlightened, so buckle up your seat belt while 'on this crapper' because that is what I have been shown a week ago as a CB'er with the call-sign 'Little John' because like then 30 years ago, I punched out WATTS of POWER that could blow out FINALS and like now, I put out the strongest signal from the top of a mountain. Maybe thouands will come out of their deep slumber and their comfort zones when they see the loss of loved ones increase.


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:31 pm

    Hmm, as Plato taught, truth is a soul matter; the soul strives for justice he said, and even more, that the virtue of the soul is justice. But for a truth seeker that is not enough: it is about the excellence of the soul.

    And who could judge such a soul?



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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:25 am

    horus wrote:.... I have let go of 99.9% of humanity, I no longer care, its called separation.......

    I would have thought also that one of the "Chosen" would still have compassion for those who've lost their way, not the disdain you appear to display. We can detach and still have compassion, don't you think Horus?

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor on Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:51 am

    I believe he does have compassion. I understand the feeling of that moment of breaking, especially now, when all this madness in the world is moving faster and faster, and the energy flux is breathing deeper and deeper, and the time dimensions that hobbit speaks of, moving, and changing, and all this information exploding all over the web like a nebula or a black whole. It is truly at moments overwhelming, at it is part of the process as well. Though harsh perhaps, it is a sad truth, and there is always sad truths, yes blunt, however, most of us here, if not all, have fallen at times into that place he referred to as rotting flesh covered in maggots, I admit I have. So, perhaps we all need to look at where we are, what we are doing, and even saying a little better, especially with the current and coming disasters. It is a forum, it will rot from time to time, and maggots will come and go, and the decaying process will take its place as does in nature. Microcosms in our personalities constantly changing in forum world. I think we all came to this forum for the freedom to grow, because it has become our time to do so, no matter where we are at. I am not defending or condemning any view, I am just shedding my own light on the matter.

    Last edited by immortalisdolor on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---DUNE


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:15 am

    I appreciate your view immortalisdolor and I hope you are right about Horus. But why oh why did you have to post that video with your answer? [​IMG] Don't we have enough visions of death and destruction of our planet to look at these days without adding more? Why would anyone want to watch that video? I certainly didn't.

    OK, call me a wuss if you like, but visions of animals suffering, or their death, is harder for me to take than those of humans. The thing I find it hardest to forgive humanity for is the unnecessary pain they cause animals......ALL nature. What the whole planet is enduring currently, "birth pains" or not, is painful to witness, for all of us I'm sure. But I hurt most for the innocents in this, especially when it's clear mankind is responsible for so much of it.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] immortalisdolor on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:52 am

    I agree Sanicle. So I removed. However, my point of the decomposing rabbit video was of natures way of recycling, not of the suffering, the rabbit had already passed away. And we exhibit that process in all walks of life, even online. Consciousness and sub-consciousness recycling itself.

    I think, back to the desolate desert world of Horus's thread, and the man in the planet of the apes cursing humanity for destroying itself, and the anger Horus feels for humanity is natural.

    So when you said, "But I hurt most for the innocents in this, especially when it's clear mankind is responsible for so much of it." you have basically answered and resolved the anger Horus is feeling. I think we all feel that in some way or the other, he just feels like the character in the planet of the apes, angry at humanity, ready to leave.

    And I think that is the point, how this makes us feel and, how we handle it, and how we react. As he said, I hate to say it, but its shaping up to this. How we handle it is up to us.

    Better? [​IMG]

    "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."---DUNE


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    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] burgundia on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:14 am

    Sanicle wrote:OK, call me a wuss if you like, but visions of animals suffering, or their death, is harder for me to take than those of humans. The thing I find it hardest to forgive humanity for is the unnecessary pain they cause animals......ALL nature. What the whole planet is enduring currently, "birth pains" or not, is painful to witness, for all of us I'm sure. But I hurt most for the innocents in this, especially when it's clear mankind is responsible for so much of it.

    This is how I feel about animals and humans. Animals never cause us pain and suffering, we do just the opposite. I do not care that much for mankind ( call me whatever you want), I care about the innocent, which is animals.Animals do not destroy the earth, humans do.


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    [​IMG] I Hate To Say This...

    [​IMG] Jenetta on Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:39 am

    An antidote for Horus...for myself....and for this dear Earth.

    Vincit Omnia Veritas


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    • Post n°19
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:55 am

    Hmm, what is human?

    It cost me a lot of time to get out that I am not human, but now I am very happy with that knowledge. I am an animal, a talking and thinking one; many animals think. Humans are no animals - and they do not think. And that is the problem.



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    • Post n°20
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:20 am

    I'm not defending anyone here nor I will pretend to be the moderator side in this discussion, but I can clearly see Horus' standpoint here.

    The words he uses may sound a bit harsh, say detachment is probably not the proper word for how he feels. You all know that trying to express our feelings with words mostly ends in a dead end, especially in the last few years.

    Please, you should consider the fact that we can observe this whole situation from more than one points of view. From a 3D (present) point of view, I feel sadness and great compassion about the human kind as such. And especially what we as humans can do and DO to the entire environment, be it flora or fauna.

    We're so cruel, that I wish this must come to an end. As soon as possible. Right now. Even if it means the complete erasion of everything on this planet and start a new.

    But from a higher point of view and from the point of view that everything that happens, happens with purpose and IS for the highest good of all, my feelings for the humanity (in the present condition) can only be described as similar as Horus described them : I don't care that much as I know that we're actually immortal. No need to worry if one (or millions) die. This is not the's only the beginning.

    As Burgundia says, you can call me whatever you want, but if you'd be able to see what's going on in my mind and my heart, you'll know what I'm trying to express right now.

    I see it as a process of becomming an observer and creator and let the creation evolve. The one of you doing gardening might know what I'm talking about: you've planted a beautifull garden, but you will definitelly not allow the weeds to destroy your beautifull creation and wil remove them. as creator are (with purpose) letting go of the weeds...for the higher good of your garden. It may be that this analogy sucks...but this is exactly the way it works.

    We're all on the very begining of this process and due to the 3D boundaries, we're sometimes unable to see the whole picture. I don't tend to claim that I know or I've seen the whole, but I definitelly know that we're on the right path.

    And letting go...even if it means letting go of humanity (and this is what I think Horus tries to express when he says he doesn't care for the 99,9 % of the humanity)...IS the neccesarily "evil" from our limited 3D point of view.

    I hope no one will feel offended. If so, please accept my appologies.

    much respect to all of you

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
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    • Post n°21
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:38 am

    I am not human - and in this sense there is no "we".

    I can imagine that this point of view is not easy to get... and many fear that, implementing this inclusive plural of "we" again, not even registering that they unwillingly keep the steamroller running.

    Animals do not protest. They do not demonstrate. Why should I beg the humans to change? I do not come as beggar.




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    • Post n°22
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Mercuriel on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:41 am

    And to further lay the Obfuscation and Sophistry to waste...

    There really is only One...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    • Post n°23
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:53 am

    immortalisdolor wrote:

    I agree Sanicle. So I removed. However, my point of the decomposing rabbit video was of natures way of recycling, not of the suffering, the rabbit had already passed away. And we exhibit that process in all walks of life, even online. Consciousness and sub-consciousness recycling itself.

    I think, back to the desolate desert world of Horus's thread, and the man in the planet of the apes cursing humanity for destroying itself, and the anger Horus feels for humanity is natural.

    So when you said, "But I hurt most for the innocents in this, especially when it's clear mankind is responsible for so much of it." you have basically answered and resolved the anger Horus is feeling. I think we all feel that in some way or the other, he just feels like the character in the planet of the apes, angry at humanity, ready to leave.

    And I think that is the point, how this makes us feel and, how we handle it, and how we react. As he said, I hate to say it, but its shaping up to this. How we handle it is up to us.

    Better? [​IMG]

    Haha, you made me smile. [​IMG] Yes, that is 'Better' thank you.

    This thread, my response and your's, have made me think a bit tonight. It made me remember how I was feeling around 20 years ago (and quite a few times since) about being part of the human family. And yes, back then I could relate to Horus, to the anger and pain he's feeling towards humanity. I felt the same and was deeply depressed, suicidal for quite a few years actually. The only thing that stopped me leaving the planet was that I couldn't figure out how to do it without hurting my family.

    I've spent a lot of time since then studying human nature and myself in relation. I eventually learned, in various ways, that those that are most blind...that want to kill, maim, dominate and control...are operating from fear more than anything else. And that causes them to miss out on the greatest gifts of all...real love and joy found in the companionship of the Soul. And that allows me to feel compassion for them, even though I detest the behaviour they exhibit and what they do.

    But what really got me out of that depressive, angry state about it all...along with no longer feeling the desire to leave...was fully realizing that focusing on the 'bad' instead of focusing on and aligning myself with the 'good' in my own and other's hearts and Souls was what kept me in that space without any sense of hope. 'Energy' really does 'follow thought' as they say. I've always believed that but now I KNOW it.

    I'm not trying to preach. I know I would be 'preaching to the converted' lol. I'm just trying to explain why I posted that comment to Horus. I would hate to think he might be in that horrible, depressive state that I used to be in about humanity and I know it is possible to feel compassion for the lowest of the low, and that it's a much better place to be in if one can still do that in their heart. I believe this planet and all life on it really does need all the Love it can get at the moment...that it's Love that can make the difference, regardless of how it plays out at this time.



    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
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    • Post n°24
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Sanicle on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:58 am

    [​IMG] to all my fellow animal lovers. [​IMG]

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
    — Dr. Seuss


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    • Post n°25
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:59 am

    Ashera wrote:I am not human - and in this sense there is no "we".

    I can imagine that this point of view is not easy to get... and many fear that, implementing this inclusive plural of "we" again, not even registering that they unwillingly keep the steamroller running.

    Animals do not protest. They do not demonstrate. Why should I beg the humans to change? I do not come as beggar.


    I am not human - and in this sense there is no "we"

    Oh, be assured that I definitelly get your point of view, I can totaly understand.

    But the philosophical discussion of:

    WE = humans


    WE = eternal souls occupying human bodies and sharing (human) experiences

    will not be helpful at the moment. Just for the sake of the fact that "the one who knows, knows".

    But in this case, "if you know", you must have asked yourself the famous question: Then why I'm here and what's the purpose? I mean, if not being a human (which we ALL aren't at all from another perspective), than what are you doing here on this planet? It's definitelly not just for the sake of being here and "enjoy" this "wonderful" ride in a human body, isn't it?

    And about Why should I beg the humans to change?:

    Well "we" or (I) shouldn't beg...this is true. But "we" or (I) should consider the fact that the humans as species need to change themselves. Just for the sake of the fact that the "non humans" among "us" or (I) can easily answer the above metnioned question: Then why I'm here and what's the purpose? [​IMG]

    The one or the other on this forum might already "know" or sense the correct answer.

    much respect

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
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    • Post n°26
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:05 am

    Mercuriel wrote:And to further lay the Obfuscation and Sophistry to waste...

    There really is only One...


    Yes, there is only one...


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


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    • Post n°27
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:16 am

    Be assured... I do not philosophise. I am not interested in such theoretical crap.

    And do not impute anything to me (imputation is a typical human characteristic btw.) because you do not know me.

    Where did I talk about eternal souls, for example?

    I am not here with a "purpose" in the sense of a subject-object-logic. So the questions you want me to ask myself are completely irrelevant in my case.


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


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    • Post n°28
    [​IMG] Völuspa

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:59 am

    It was in ancient times,
    When nothing was,
    There was neither sand nor sea
    Nor cold waves;
    No earth existed,
    Nor heaven above,
    Magic space was void,
    And no vegetation.

    Genesis: Nothing existed, neither end nor beginning

    Völuspa: Magic space was void

    She saw there, wading the grievous currents,
    Lying men and murderers


    She sees rise up for a second time
    earth from the sea, eternally green

    In Völuspa, in contrast to Revelation (20:12), the evil ones will not experience the Second Coming (Vsp. 65) because they all perished in Ragnarök. This illustrates an important “theological” difference, since not all souls will survive.

    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera


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    • Post n°29
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] malletzky on Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:15 am

    Ashera wrote:Be assured... I do not philosophise. I am not interested in such theoretical crap.

    Neither do I. Please Re-read my post again...I said that any philosophical discussion will not be helpful at the moment.

    And do not impute anything to me (imputation is a typical human chracteristic btw.) because you do not know me.

    Where did I talk about eternal souls, for example?

    I didn't impute anything? The comment of eternal souls IS mine...I just attempted to start a civlized discussion with my own imput. But it seems that you impute that I impute?

    I am not here with a "purpose" in the sense of a subject-object-logic.

    Aahhh...talking about "I do not philosophise"? I see. But...your comment ""I am not human - and in this sense there is no "we"" alone is a philosophical thought worth of starting a philosophical discussion. So here, you're getting in contradiction with what you say.

    So the questions you want me to ask myself are completely irrelevant in my case.

    I don't want you to do anything. It's all your choice what to do or think. Just for the sake of the fact that "your case" is so different then "ours". But this is where you get in contradiction again...than you're here on this planet in a human it or not. We all are. So this circumstance alone doesn't make you any better or worst then "us". Or dou you feel that you're something special?

    I have a hint for you...take a look in my signature about being might understand that "we" are not that different at all as you might think "we" are.


    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
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    • Post n°30
    [​IMG] Re: I hate to say this, but it shaping up to this with a dream I had...

    [​IMG] Ashera on Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:29 am

    It is not about choice... but who gets that? I do not discuss anymore, anyway. It is useless. I tell stories, and opinions are boring.

    To define something as equal does not mean that it is equal. In fact it is a form of violence.


    "to hive or to hive off, this is how to bee", Mirubieh Ashera
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2015

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