The Globalist Climate Change Agenda Forum

Discussion in 'The Globalist Climate Change Agenda' started by admin, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The International 'Climate Action' School Walkout Scam!

    Nationwide Climate Change School Walkouts Led By Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Daughter

    Image: Tony Webster
    Posted By: Katherine Rodriguez March 13, 2019

    The Green New Deal is being vigorously supported and promoted by high-visibility Muslims in America, such as Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Nasim Thompson, Executive Director of Justice Democrats. TN has long pointed out the attraction of Sustainable Development to the global Islamic community.

    The global elite is pledging full support behind the Green New Deal and student protests. This is another clue that GND is Technocracy! ⁃ TN Editor

    Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) daughter is leading a national movement of students seeking to ditch class on Friday to participate in a worldwide climate change protest.

    The ultra-elitist Club of Rome fully supports the movement. Image: Twitter

    Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, 16, of Minneapolis, is spearheading the nationwide youth climate strike protests across the U.S. in nearly 50 states and Washington, DC., along with co-organizers Alexandria Villasenor, 13, of New York, and Haven Coleman, 12, of Denver.
    Hirsi, who lists on Twitter page that she is the head of the Minnesota High School Democrats and several other left-wing youth-based organizations, said in a recent interview with Grist that she is looking to “change the conversation” on issues such as the Green New Deal by organizing the strike.
    “That’s what we’re trying to do: Change the conversation not only about things like the Green New Deal but so much more. Obviously, one strike isn’t going to change everything, but this isn’t the last strike,” Hirsi said.
    Omar is also supporting her daughter’s movement by promising to attend the nationwide protest in Washington, DC, on Friday. The Minnesota Democrat tweeted Wednesday that she hoped her colleagues would join her at the protest:


    “We need to listen to the wisdom of our kids!” she added.
    The U.S. climate change walkouts are part of a larger worldwide climate change movement called #FridaysforFuture where tens of thousands of student climate change activists around the world in more than 90 countries are expected to cut class on March 15 to demand that lawmakers in their respective countries take action on climate change and stop global warming.

    Ilhan Omar’s Daughter Leading Climate Change School Walkouts in U.S.

    AP Photo/Susan Walsh
    13 Mar 2019
    Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) daughter is leading a national movement of students seeking to ditch class on Friday to participate in a worldwide climate change protest.

    Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, 16, of Minneapolis, is spearheading the nationwide youth climate strike protests across the U.S. in nearly 50 states and Washington, DC., along with co-organizers Alexandria Villasenor, 13, of New York, and Haven Coleman, 12, of Denver.
    Hirsi, who lists on Twitter page that she is the head of the Minnesota High School Democrats and several other left-wing youth-based organizations, said in a recent interview with Grist that she is looking to “change the conversation” on issues such as the Green New Deal by organizing the strike.

    “That’s what we’re trying to do: Change the conversation not only about things like the Green New Deal but so much more. Obviously, one strike isn’t going to change everything, but this isn’t the last strike,” Hirsi said.
    Omar is also supporting her daughter’s movement by promising to attend the nationwide protest in Washington, DC, on Friday. The Minnesota Democrat tweeted Wednesday that she hoped her colleagues would join her at the protest:


    “We need to listen to the wisdom of our kids!” she added.
    The U.S. climate change walkouts are part of a larger worldwide climate change movement called #FridaysforFuture where tens of thousands of student climate change activists around the world in more than 90 countries are expected to cut class on March 15 to demand that lawmakers in their respective countries take action on climate change and stop global warming.
    The movement began several months ago by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old climate change activist from Sweden who began cutting class every Friday to protest outside of Sweden’s parliament until its lawmakers agree to the Paris Climate Accords.
    Ever since Thunberg began her protest in August 2018, students in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Ireland, Poland, Thailand, Colombia, and Uganda have staged similar school walkout protests to pressure government officials to look into climate change.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australian Election 2019, Al Gore, Vladimir Putin and the UN-Globalist Climate Hoax Agenda


    May 18, 2019
    Saturday Schadenfreude: Al Gore inserts himself into Australia's election — and Aussie voters run the other way

    « Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets even more unpopular in her home district | Hey Greenies: Check out the global revolt against your green agenda... »

    By Monica Showalter

    You'd think Al Gore, the big clown dumkopf who went off the rails after he lost the 2000 election to George W. Bush, would have learned a thing or two about what works in Western politics. One of those things is that foreign interference in another country's election is the most reliable way to get the opposite of the desired result.
    Well meaning Brits who wrote letters to Ohio voters, after all, urging them to vote for John Kerry in 2004, were pretty much the example of how well that idea works out.
    Well, either Gore is a slow learner or else he never got the memo. Instead of recognizing how futile this idea is, he went to Australia just ahead of its election — one that Al Jazeera said was all about global warming indeed — and repeated the same stupidities he always does about global warming, telling Australians how to vote to make him happy. When happened then is what always happens: Gore gave Australians one more reason to vote the other way. The latest election returns signal that that's exactly what the Aussies did.
    Here are some CNN live-blog headlines:

    Stunned Labor refuses to concede (Note: That's the global warmers in the same left-wing tree as Gore)

    Morrison is magnificent, says former PM John Howard
    Labor may have lost "unlosable" election
    First results hint at Labor shock
    You get the picture. Gore must be freaking out.
    Sounds as if Gore did his part to ensure a conservative victory in Australia, which is great news for Aussies — and America, too.
    What a clown.
    By all means, Gore, keep speaking out. Conservatives can use your talents.

    Image credit: Screen shot from Global News via shareable YouTube.

    Last edited: May 21, 2019
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The sky is falling! The sky is 12 years!

    September 28, 2019
    Mini AOC is back with 'climate apocalypse in 12 years' parody video

    By Thomas Lifson
    The child actor who starred in a series of parody videos as "Mini AOC" is back, after having been bullied off the internet with death threats in July, as Fox News reported back then.
    The 8-year-old child actor who went viral for impersonating Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, is no longer going to make videos due to death threats and harassment she and her family have received.
    Earlier this year, Ava Martinez, known as "Mini AOC," brought joy to her fans with several videos poking fun at the socialist darling, collecting millions of views on social media.
    However, the fun came to a screeching halt on Wednesday when Martinez's family announced that she would no longer be impersonating Ocasio-Cortez and that all the videos created would be removed.


    Since children in political videos are now such a hot topic, or maybe "inspired" by Greta Thunberg's P.R. blitz, or maybe because the death threat thugs have been apprehended, Mini AOC is back. And her comeback video is better than ever. Eat your heart out, Greta!

    Looks like politics are no longer off limits for children thanks to Greta. Wish someone would’ve made that clear a few months back. Comedy is much better than scare tactics and fear-mongering anyway. #MALA #AOC #GretaThunberg

    September 28, 2019
    Greta Thunberg's speech to UN strangely resembles a 1992 UN speech by 12-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki

    By Thomas Lifson
    Well, at least the climate hysterics are practicing recycling. Or repeating a pattern of child abuse, exploiting young minds and souls for their political benefit, if you will. Or maybe it is just a matter of running out of ideas and realizing that since they are peddling fear, nobody could better instill alarm than a threatened, vulnerable child.
    Whatever the motives, it is clear that Miss Thunberg's publicity stunt ocean voyage (on a royal yacht) and appearance at the U.N. was following a script written more than a quarter-century ago. And it is no secret. This 1992 video of then-12-year-old Severn Cullis-Suzuki addressing the U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, titled "The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes," has had almost 32 million views on YouTube:

    If you don't have five spare minutes to subject yourself to a harangue from a puppet for cynical activists, then this three-minute video comparison of Cullis-Suzuki's and Thunberg's performances is your ticket:

    She is not the messiah; she is a very naughty girl!

    Putin Dismisses Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg: “Poorly Informed Teenager”

    Eric Worrall / October 4, 2019
    Portrait of Vladimir Putin, Source, Author Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
    Guest essay by Eric Worrall

    h/t Breitbart; President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Greta Thunberg’s climate crusade, suggesting she has no idea of the cost of what she is demanding.

    I may disappoint you but I do not share everyone’s enthusiasm about Greta Thunberg’s speech [to the UN]. You know, the fact that young people, teenagers pay attention to the acute problems of the modern world, including ecology. That is right and very good. We need to support them. But when somebody uses children and teenagers in their own interests it deserves to be condemned.
    Nobody explained to Greta that the modern world is complicated, and complex, and it changes fast.​

    People in Africa and in many Asian countries want to be as wealthy as people in Sweden. How can it be done? By making them use solar energy which is plentiful in Africa? Has anyone explained the cost of it?”​
    Source: Breitbart
    My guess is the answer to that question is “no”.

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    (and, imagine the billions they've extracted from THE PEOPLE via taxes )

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Enforcing the UN climate change agenda!?

    Danish Academic: U.N. Might Use Military to Enforce Climate Agenda

    THOMAS COEX/AFP via Getty
    Simon Kent
    3 Dec 2019

    The United Nations may resort to military action against states that defy its mandates on global climate action, according to Ole Wæver, a prominent international relations professor at the University of Copenhagen.
    In an interview with ABC News in Australia, Professor Wæver cautions that what he sees as “climate inaction” might draw the U.N. into considering other means to ensure its goals are met, even if that leads to global armed conflict.
    Professor Wæver says more resistance to change could potentially threaten democracy although the U.N. would counter that the end justified the means in much the same way countries like Greece had their debt crisis solutions forced on them by European Union bureaucrats in Brussels and Strasbourg.

    “The United Nations Security Council could, in principle, tomorrow decide that climate change is a threat to international peace and security,” he says.
    “And then it’s within their competencies to decide ‘and you are doing this, you are doing this, you are doing this, this is how we deal with it’.”
    He believes classifying climate change as a security issue could leave the door open to more extreme policy responses. [See the full interview below]


    “That’s what happens when something becomes a security issue, it gets the urgency, the intensity, the priority, which is helpful sometimes, but it also lets the dark forces loose in the sense that it can justify problematic means,” he says.
    This urgency, he says, could lead to more abrupt – and essentially undemocratic – action at an international level.
    “If there was something that was decided internationally by some more centralised procedure and every country was told ‘this is your emission target, it’s not negotiable, we can actually take military measures if you don’t fulfil it’, then you would basically have to get that down the throat of your population, whether they like it or not,” he says.
    “A bit like what we saw in southern Europe with countries like Greece and the debt crisis and so on. There were decisions that were made for them and then they just had to have a more or less technocratic government and get it through.”
    Professor Wæver made his predictions last month on the eve of the United Nations COP25 climate conference now underway in Madrid, Spain.

    Almost 25,000 delegates and 1500 journalists have flown into the Spanish capital to attend the two-week long meeting.
    COP25 will consider a wide agenda of global action including implementing taxes on developed countries to transfer wealth to nations dealing with “the cost of drought, floods and superstorms made worse by rising temperatures,” as Breitbart News reported.

    President Donald Trump officially withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord, which COP25 is a continuation thereof, in October as part of an election promise to voters, saying he was “elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

    Follow Simon Kent on Twitter: or e-mail to:
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2019
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Australia's stolen water!

    Why are the creeks dry? Is it a manufactured drought and a manufactured 'fire prone' environment?

    And it is not the drought, but a 'water owning' scam, like 'privately owned 'underground' dams' endorsed by government, national and international.

    Can you discern now, just why the 'government' is so reluctant to build publically owned dams?!

    And for whose benefit is all this coal seam gas 'harvested'? Not Australian consumers, whose gas-electricity bills are rising; but for overseas interests like China and other UN endorsed 'private interests'.

    Iow, the Australian UN enslaved government is selling Australia's water 'rights' to its puppeteer masters of the globalists-internationalists-NWO.

    Can you see now what the 'climate change' religion-delusion is sponsored by the aforesaid 'agenda 21/30' controllers and why the government federal and state, act and deceive as they do?

    Is sparkler (hand made fireworks) dust causing man made climate change and the superhot 'bushfires'; both here in Australia and overseas like California and Brazil?

    Aluminium+Barium Nitrate+Strontium Nitrate=Fire Fuel

    Is Australia a 'guinea pig' and exemplar for the 'greater agenda' implemented by a technocratic collectivist scientific elite?
    Is the UN's-globalist derision of Australia as a nation of 'climate deniers' a deception of political reality?

    UN: "Look what happens to a country, which denies climate change - it burns up in fire and smoke and cannot escape drought!"

    Why is Australia's population predicted by the 'military industrial complex' agency linked below, to drop from 23.23 Million in 2017 and ranking 13th of 183 to 15.1966 Million and ranking 29th of 209 countries in 2025 according to 'expert analysis' regarding 'military expenditure'.

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The UN experiment on Australia
    Is sparkler (hand made fireworks) dust causing man made climate change and the superhot 'bushfires'; both here in Australia and overseas like California and Brazil?

    Aluminium+Barium Nitrate+Strontium Nitrate=Fire Fuel

    Is Australia a 'guinea pig' and exemplar for the 'greater agenda' implemented by a technocratic collectivist scientific elite?
    Is the UN's-globalist derision of Australia as a nation of 'climate deniers' a deception of political reality?

    UN: "Look what happens to a country, which denies climate change - it burns up in fire and smoke and cannot escape drought!"

    Why is Australia's population predicted by the 'military industrial complex' agency linked below, to drop from 23.23 Million in 2017 and ranking 13th of 183 to 15.1966 Million and ranking 29th of 209 countries in 2025 according to 'expert analysis' regarding 'military expenditure'.

    Melissa Varsell
    • microphone-karaoke_filled_12_fds-spectrum-blue-gray. Author
    Melissa Varnell.

    People think this past week ..months has just been about bushfires....but it is and been about so much more....
    These bushfires are destined to be used as a catalyst to change the face of Australia!
    First of all... it is very coincidently suspicious that so many fires broke out at the same time... stretching fire services to the limit to try to contain them....

    Secondly...scarcely a month ago... Premier of NSW.. Gladys Berejiklian, announced a 75% CUT to funding for rural fire services in NSW which ensured that when the fires broke out there wouldn't be the resources to deal with them adequately....
    Thousands of residents were told NOT to expect help from the RFS and were left to fend for themselves....

    Thirdly... the fire chief announced at a press conference that "We've burnt more than 1 MILLION HECTARES so far this season." Was that a freudian slip or a guilty conscience that couldnt help revealing the real truth?
    I'll let you decide... Later... we were told that the fires would go on for months....
    How can anyone predict how long bushfires will continue...unless you are the one orchestrating them?...And finally... because of the sheer ferocity and devastation... we are now being told that we must rethink how we live...with a push to get people off the land.... Enter the CLARA company (Consolidated Land and Rail Australia) which made a proposed to Govt in 2017 for a high speed rail train line from Melbourne to Brisbane...including at least 3 SMART cities to be built along with it....
    Interestingly... many of the fires along the east coast correspond to the proposed route for the high speed rail line AND part of the proposal includes setting aside land for this development that cannot be used for anything else.... This means that out of the misery and loss of these fires... the Govt and the CLARA company already know that the land is actually being cleared (by fire) to make way for the rail line....

    For those who don't know... one of the basic aims of AGENDA 21 AND AGENDA 2030 is to remove people from the land and herd them into 'smart' cities... connected by high speed rail.... No doubt those who have lost property to fires along the proposed rail route...will NOT be allowed to rebuild on their land... but will be encouraged instead... to rebuild within the areas designated for the new smart cities.... Insurance companies will no longer cover rural housing - too high risk!...

    The bottom left photo is from the app "fires near me" showing all the fires along the east coast of Australia... the top tight and bottom left are photos that were with this post originally showing the route the high speed train line is supposedly to take. The first photo is the chemtrails been sprayed daily for the last 10 years to my knowledge having been looking up at the sky and only now people are starting to wake up to...

    Scomo and all the other politicians (Liberal or Labor) don’t give a crap nor care about the Australian people or the path of destruction they leave to get what they want....These Smart Cities built will be habitat zones controlled by a mass surveillance system (5G)....Everything going on right now from mass immigration proposals... terrorism laws... whistleblower laws...
    “Hate Speech” laws... China buying up our lands... water privatisation... mandatory vaccine agenda and more are all connected....You can not bypass this one and throw all these off as “Climate Change” or disconnected coincidence.... It’s time to finally face the confronting fire which is we are under attack and have been for quite some time....

    Our Country has been deliberately burnt and with this so is our rights...(albeit blindly illusional rights and freedoms)..I am sending out MASSIVE Healing Loving Energy for ALL BEINGS suffering... the lives lost in this Country and that we find the courage to stick together and do NOT allow this tyrannical system to continue its control over us its livestock ..being rounded up and herded into controlled yards..."Smart Cities "

    Time to face the fire people....We are under fire Literally.. figuratively and Purposely!!!

    • cat=104&_nc_ohc=I6UXdta0zowAQlmXhLyXdXTyXy-0PaXQtaU8SoSMxibZ0NNe4qSl_IFLQ&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.
      Donna White
      Now is not the time for silly conspiracy theories Melissa. It only took 1 person to put this stupid theory out there and the sheep started jumping on the bandwagon. Do you honestly think politicians deliberately risk the lives and burn down properties of their own, their families and friends, and the lives of our firefighters?? Come on .... seriously? It's a time for compassion and understanding.

    Tony Bermanseder

    It is not that the politicians are evil Donna.
    The situation is that they are brainwashed and enslaved to the international banking-military -industrial-complex agenda and particularly the AAA triple credit rating. Losing that means paying more interest on fiat money created by the technocratic elite. All pensions etc are paid for by borrowed money from the international Federal Reserve and the World Bank. The rot started with Napoleon and the French revolution about 1800.
    The aristocrats realised that kings fighting kings could result in the 'rise of the peasant' ergo the French Republic. Therefore the 'commoners' had to be controlled by devious and hidden means.
    Go fast forward to Christmas 1913 and the sitting of the US congress, where European 'infiltrators' 'induced' the depleted (because of Christmas) congress to vote to transfer the creation of currency to the Fed Reserve Bank International so created. Why? Because the British global empire was losing its dominance and with the American civil war just preceding the French Revolution, the 'aristocratic blue bloods' wanted to force the US back into the cradle of the British empire, lost in the Civil War for Independence.
    So 'forcing' the US to enter World War 1 would be a first step to reinvigorate the decaying British political dominance. WW2 then became a simple continuation of WW1 and the Bolshevik revolution of Lenin-Stalin-Trotzky under the auspices of the 'elitists' like Carnegie, Faber-Castell and the Rockefellers using their industrial (initially oil based, then becoming ever more technologically advanced to the present times) monopolies to dominate education, medicine and the military-industrial-government oligarchies.

    The League of Nations as forerunner of the UN then became the proxy world government, using the wars fought by the commoners to brainwash and blue pill the commoners in their basic desire for individual prosperity and family -local community. With the rise of global surveillance and data processing, so called activists could become groomed by the elitist's hierarchy 'need to know' basis to become installed as politicians and co, subject to financial and sexual liason blackmail and extortion. Most of the populance is under- and disinformed to stifle the vox populi. Stusy Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World or Fritz Lang's Metropolis, all films and literature composed by 'whistleblowers' of the technocrats and hidden 'quasi ex-aristocratic rulers of the global administration systems.

    This is political history known as the Hegelian dialectic of collectivism Should you find the time to study some actual history, I advice you to watch the linked video.

    Melissa Varsell - Tony Bermanseder
    And THIS is what we should have learnt at school...Not useless Algebra and histroy books rewritten of massive untruths to hide truths and serve the agenda of power..greed ..manipulation..control!!!!

    Tony Bermanseder Melissa Varsell I disagree with algebra as part of a general science education and the 3 rs, but agree in all other comments you are making.

    Australia's Stolen Water and geoengineered fire- and drought crisis

    Melissa Varsell - Tony Bermanseder The private selling of our water... and use of tax payers money to fund these private... corporate dams is a breach of section 100 of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia:

    Australian Constitution Section 100: The Commonwealth shall not by any law... or regulation of trade or commerce... abridge the right of a state or of the residents to the reasonable use of waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation...
    It is also a breach of fundamental human rights... and is TREASON against the Commonwealth of Australia... and high theft against its people.... We do have one and it still stands... it's not perfect... but it's better than nothing... This is but one of many serious crimes against our land and it's people...
    Its time they're held accountable for their disgraceful actions...

    It is our moral responsibility and legal right under the constitution of Australia to FREE THE WATER.... Their acts of TREASON against the Commonwealth (The land and it's people - us!) need to be brought to bare on the world stage backed up by an ever growing pile of evidence...!!!!!

    • cat=107&_nc_ohc=K0fJGBrDoBEAQm-wrxGyoPfSoHG9TaTJ22MMZkWgQ3VTehdNuKfTjoaVw&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1. Active Now
      microphone-karaoke_filled_12_fds-spectrum-blue-gray. Author
      Melissa Varsell Hmmmm yes a massive dumping of Aluminum Oxide prior to coat ALL vegetation to ignite and keep fueling and intensify the fires.....There are so many agendas at play.... Think also of the food supply.... As the soil is made more and more acidic... plants and crops will struggle to grow... But guess who is ready and waiting with GMO seeds that can withstand the chemtrail soil?...

      Monsanto! Guess whose waiting with drugs and vaccines when the chemtrails make you sick?.... Big pharma! Guess who can get away with murder while we are distracted with illness and confusion ? ...The corporation posing as govt!....There are many facets to this issue but none are good....

      Also witout doubt this would be affecting the bees...Also think about us having a higher metal content in our bodies and conductivity of RF radiation! ..And where they are heading merging man and machine/computer.... Smart dust... internet of things... microchips and everywhere they are headed.... Movies showing people infused with technology are predictive programming... not science fiction.....!!

    • cat=104&_nc_ohc=EEx6D5X71TgAQlrvtNDpqkm3hMJbHfse2BnOl82VwaAp8ldAbxcTyNyPA&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.
      Adam Anthony
      Alarm bells whenever someone says these 2 words together.

      Get informed!!


    • cat=104&_nc_ohc=EEx6D5X71TgAQlrvtNDpqkm3hMJbHfse2BnOl82VwaAp8ldAbxcTyNyPA&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.
      Adam Anthony
      It's pretty infuriating when the informed and well researched are labelled as theorists. It's not very productive and does damage.
    • cat=107&_nc_ohc=K0fJGBrDoBEAQm-wrxGyoPfSoHG9TaTJ22MMZkWgQ3VTehdNuKfTjoaVw&_nc_ht=scontent-syd2-1.
      microphone-karaoke_filled_12_fds-spectrum-blue-gray. Author
      Melissa Varsell Adam Anthony its humanities programming honey....Defend the known...follow not question anyone of perceived authority.....We have from birth been programmed to do this..... So the moment ine breaks from this yep they are deemed..crazy..conspiracist..terriorist...Anything to defend these ways of thinking...And it is dependent upon for people to do this...Or there would be a global revolt if people ACTUALLY thought for themselves Adam...... The system keeps people in The system!!!!! But this should NEVER stop those that see through the absolute b@$$%#%t we are feed and it is important to keep sharing and encouraging people to do their own research...We can not continue down this path any longer.... Everything has changed now amd massively at a very fast rate....we will soon be basically impounded ....they have up the we MUST!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020

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