The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

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    • Post n°204

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 10:31 am

    Thank you, shilo, for sharing the evidence you found.

    I've tried to find the terms of use on the WNDR website, which you posted and which I've copied below.
    I found them in the disclaimer part of the "About us" page. This is what pops up when I view the page
    "About us" and it makes me wonder, just for 1 second, what sort of a game these people are playing:

    420354. If these terms of use, present below, are genuine, what Utter Non-Sense I find in them.
    As far as I'm concerned, these WNDR terms of use could be present in the humor thread 215880.

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  2. admin

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    • Post n°205

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Mon Sep 21, 2015 1:31 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:Thank you, shilo, for sharing the evidence you found.

    I've tried to find the terms of use on the WNDR website, which you posted and which I've copied below.
    I found them in the disclaimer part of the "About us" page. This is what pops up when I view the page
    "About us" and it makes me wonder, just for 1 second, what sort of a game these people are playing:

    420354. If these terms of use, present below, are genuine, what Utter Non-Sense I find in them.
    As far as I'm concerned, these WNDR terms of use could be present in the humor thread 215880.

    Your access to, and use of, this site is subject to the following Terms of Use and all applicable laws and regulations.
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    Well spotted BB. To summarize they are neither responsible for the lies nor the eventual truth they convey. But feel completely responsible and rather rejoice in making a joke of it all in watching people's gullibility icon_wink.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°206

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. B.B.Baghor on Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:32 pm
    mudra wrote:

    Well spotted BB. To summarize they are neither responsible for the lies nor the eventual truth they convey. But feel completely responsible and rather rejoice in making a joke of it all in watching people's gullibility icon_wink.

    Love from me

    Really!!! Is this WNDR team's way of having fun? Can it be done, having fun and feel good, creating lies deliberately as a sport? I can accept it
    when someone makes such a joke in that way in real life. In this way the joke can go "full circle" and be "dealt with" all parties involved laughing
    about it, eye to eye, and be done with it. In that way no traces of delusion are left that maybe damage the trust of people who are not in the
    know of those rules of conduct, so often used in the virtual world, with much "cool indifference" similar to the way fashion photo-models look
    nowadays. Can you tell me, mudra, did you meet these people? Talked to them and received this explanation from them? How do you know?

    Let me think, if I understand it correctly, the whole concept, website and content, the page "about us" is a... joke? Just to have a laugh, seeing
    how gullible people are? I don't buy it. I honestly can't get it, how it is possible to feel completely responsible, rejoicing in making a joke of
    that extend, ongoing in this way. Your explanation may be right, but it's not convincing to me, specially when I remember the energy coming from
    those website pages. It's a wicked thing to do, to me. This contributes only to the confusion and delusion already present, due to the very nature
    of internet. I don't accept this WNDR intention as genuine, unless I feel I should, from evidence.

    I presume I can discern truth by meeting in person with this group or some of that group. To me, this is a cowardly and cheap way of making jokes.
    But apart from my not "getting it" I'm not in delusion I guess, assuming that these "terms of use" are in the right place in the humor thread?


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    • Post n°207

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. mudra on Mon Sep 21, 2015 5:17 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:Can you tell me, mudra, did you meet these people? Talked to them and received this explanation from them? How do you know?

    No BB never heard of them before , never stumbled on any of their articles either I believe.
    This was just the first impression that came to mind after reading you quoting them.
    Whatever this website's agenda is I am not inclined to dig further into it.
    If you find their terms of use is some sort of a joke that belongs to the humor thread that's fine with me.
    If certainly is a joke for they obviously recognize themselves what they post should'nt be taken seriously.
    Probably a good site to go to when one wants to make some exercises in discernment icon_wink.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°208

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. B.B.Baghor on Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:36 pm
    mudra wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:Can you tell me, mudra, did you meet these people? Talked to them and received this explanation from them? How do you know?

    No BB never heard of them before , never stumbled on any of their articles either I believe.
    This was just the first impression that came to mind after reading you quoting them.
    Whatever this website's agenda is I am not inclined to dig further into it.
    If you find their terms of use is some sort of a joke that belongs to the humor thread that's fine with me.
    If certainly is a joke for they obviously recognize themselves what they post should'nt be taken seriously.
    Probably a good site to go to when one wants to make some exercises in discernment icon_wink.

    Love from me

    Thank you, mudra, I've read your post as if you had studied that site's content and not as your first impression of it.
    I'm not so sure if it's a good site to go to when one wants to make some exercises in discernment. For to me, although
    shilo might shed some more light on WNDR's intention, there's still my own first impression, that it's a group of minds,
    of kindred spirits, so immersed in drama or trauma due to it, that they themselves truly believe in their "breaking news"
    and arrange the whole construction in such a way that they present themselves as jokers, not to be taken seriously.
    So that none of it, or them, can be accused of being irresponsible or evil in intention. Or risk action, due to insult of a law?
    To me, it's an energy similar to those of men who scheme wars or repeat past wars among themselves, while arranging
    puppets soldiers on a battlefield of cardboard and little plastic tanks and other "playtoys" pretending to be at war.
    To me, this site stinks. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Maybe I'm too serious about it, I'm climbing on the cabinet,
    as we say in Holland. Which means "I'm easily infuriated" climbing down from it now 854501.
  3. admin

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    empty. Re: 5-Meter Tall Human Skeleton Unearthed in Australia

    empty. Pris Yesterday at 4:02 am

    Man, don't you just hate this kind of bull shite misinformation happening all over the place?

    Whomever is doing it seems to be doing it to disillusion us. Sorry, not working, but it's annoying as heck. icon_tongue.


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    • Post n°5

    empty. Re: 5-Meter Tall Human Skeleton Unearthed in Australia

    empty. Carol Today at 1:55 am
    Sorry Pris but I personally knew someone who knew off-worlders giants who lived in Italy and were in contact over 50 years. Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia is excellent and I had the opportunity to have several conversations with him while he was here presenting at a conference in Kona. He also wrote 50 Years of Amicizia (Friendship) Jul 18, 2013.

    The "Friendship" case is the world's longest-running case of alien contact and involves more people than any other. It continues today throughout the world. These are completely physical contacts with the people of other worlds, not mystical channelings and speculations. These facts make "Amicizia" a unique Rosetta Stone for understanding the UFO phenomenon and humanity's place in the Cosmos. This is the second book by Stefano Breccia, an Italian engineer and university professor who was intimately involved in the Amicizia contacts. In 2009, his book "Mass Contacts" first introduced the Amicizia experiences to a worldwide audience. Its contents were a revelation even to most Ufologists. Before he died unexpectedly in early 2012 Breccia completed this book, "50 Years of Amicizia (Friendship)." Building on the first book, most of it is information never published before. A glance at some of its surprises make it clear that this is not just another UFO book: * The most detailed, complete, technical description of a saucer propulsion system ever published. * Analysis of the clear colour photograph of an 8 foot tall alien crew member. * The transcript of a crew conversation of an Akrij saucer, including a landing and emergency take-off when it came under fire. * Breccia's description and data from his own flight in a "flying saucer." * Photographs of the interior of an alien craft. With an introduction by Dr Roberto Pinotti and contributions from Teresa Barbatelli, Paolo di Girolamo, Connie Menger, Carlo Bolla and others, the book is destined to become a classic. This is Breccia's final witness to the reality that we have friends among us who are ready to help us move forward and join them in the greater community of our galaxy.

    You may be interested in this thread.

    Here's a 5 part documentary about him - VERY good!

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°6

    empty. Re: 5-Meter Tall Human Skeleton Unearthed in Australia

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 12:36 pm
    I'm Open to nearly All-Sources BUT I do NOT Trust ANY Sources. Period.

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    3,758 (Video Title: "Keshe Foundation Promo Intro Video (english with multiple subtitles) === PLEASE SHARE ===")
    In this video they claim that they can create free energy using plasma reactors. Is this fake?
    M.T. Keshe said that several entities, individuals, groups, and governments, have been able to replicate the energy technology phenomenon by referring to the books and patents [citation needed - old link outdated]. One scientist allegedly could power three towns pounds with his device.

    asked Jan 4 '13 at 11:30 by Alex

    The crackpot index ( fires on all cylinders with this one. – Michael Brown Jan 4 '13 at 11:52

    2 Answers


    Yes, the claims in the video are totally absurd from the viewpoint of science. It's enough to listen for roughly 70 seconds to be sure that the narrator doesn't have the slightest clue about physics and the remaining 302 seconds make this fact even more self-evident. I won't try to answer the question whether the authors of the video realize that what they present is nonsense and they're deliberately cheating the viewers or they don't realize because they believe their own stuff, due to their totally inadequate education or intelligence.

    First of all, one can't create "free energy" out of nothing as it violates the energy conservation law, something we've known to hold for several centuries and something that has only been strengthened by all the subsequent research and evidence that was accumulated. The energy conservation law holds because the laws of physics don't change if we move everything in the direction of time – if we "repeat the same experiments later". This relationship between symmetries and conservation laws was found by Emmy Noether, one of the greatest female mathematicians of all time.
    So one has to change something about the matter – like ignite fusion – to get energy out of it. People work on fusion and indeed, plasma is there, but these people don't have any new technology of fusion and they don't even claim to have it. Without fusion, one can't be continuously extracting energy out of plasma.
    (Incidentally, the term "free energy" has a very particular meaning in physics and it has nothing to do with the colloquiual understanding of "energy for free".)

    Second, the video clip confuses electromagnetism with gravity. It wants to emulate some gravitational influences in the Cosmos but it apparently fails to realize that gravity is only important for celestial bodies because they're large. Gravity will never play any important role in a man-made engine or lab because gravity between systems that may be "constructed" by the men is negligibly weak. By their character, magnitude, ability to change sign, and other features, gravity and electromagnetism dramatically differ and they only get unified in conditions that can't be achieved experimentally. The narrator's suggestion that gravity and electromagnetism are almost the same thing and should be considered together is preposterous and only proves that they don't have a clue about basic concepts of physics such as electromagnetism, gravity, and the differences between them.

    Third, the video presents a preposterous picture of "types of matter" which are divided into a triangle of "normal matter, antimatter, dark matter". This is nonsense. Antimatter is always a dual relationship (although antimatter to some particles may be identical with these particles – in some cases, e.g. photons, there is no difference between matter and antimatter). Dark matter isn't any "third type" that could be added to matter or antimatter. Dark matter is just a particular type of matter (or antimatter: probably the kind of matter that is identical to its antimatter) but it's nonsensical to create a special category for dark matter because we should do the same thing for electrons or other things. Dark matter is composed of a particle species analogous to electron, top quark, photon, or other elementary particles. It's not "qualitatively different" from them and it is not a "third type of negation" that could extend antimatter.

    Fourth, they make lots of trivial, small, but important technical errors in their discussion of pretty much everything. For example, they omit antineutrinos in the decay of the neutron. Their claims that human cells depend on magnetism etc. are fiction, too.

    Fifth, it's nonsensical that one can create plasma by a similar electric circuit in a Coke bottle with home-available voltage. One needs lots of energy to create plasma, even more energy to create a plasma that has a chance to constantly generate energy (via fusion), and it is a hugely difficult technological task to sustain a body of plasma at least for a second. It's certain they can't solve this difficult task – that is almost mastered but not quite mastered by the tokamak rings. After all, a Coke bottle is a completely wrong shape for the task of maintaining a plasma. A toroidal ring or a small vessel with the radiation coming from all directions seem to be among the rare clever techniques to stabilize plasma, a very difficult task you can't expect to solve in your kitchen.

    There are lots of other nonsenses in the video – combined with lots of kitschy clichés about renewable energies and similar physically vacuous or problematic stuff – but I suspect that a sensible viewer has stopped the video several minutes ago. The video is addressed to viewers who lack the basic high school education in physics and it has clearly found thousands of them.

    answered Jan 4 '13 at 12:00
    Luboš Motl

    Thanks Lubos for taking up the demoralizing, soul-sucking task of addressing this dreck. I think I disagree with you about a number of speculative theoretical matters, but everything you said here is correct of course. That should say something. What a lot of these people who believe in a grand scientific conspiracy don't get is how hard it is to get scientists to agree on anything, let alone a coverup. If these Keshe people really had a demonstration or feasible idea then we wouldn't be finding out about it through a hackish promo video on youtube! – Michael Brown Jan 4 '13 at 13:04

    it's ok, it's not so demoralizing. I'm confident that someone will find a way to efficient and clean energy source :p thanks! – Alex Jan 4 '13 at 13:57

    @Alex several people already have; I can think of 5 or 6 clean energy sources already deployed at industrial scale, and as many again at the prototype stage. Please do consider committing to the Sustainable Living proposal, to ask more, and see questions on the renewable energy tag on this siteEnergyNumbers Jan 4 '13 at 14:53

    Dear @Alex, the energy sector is making technological progress but in this particular one, it hasn't been particularly fast one (compared to the progress in power of microprocessors, memories, and other things). Nuclear power plants are the only "quantum leap" or "game-changer" in the last century. Batteries haven't changed and fossil fuels are still the best while the efficiency and lifetime haven't changed much either. The progress may speed up in the future but your "confidence" seems mostly unjustified. In physics, we distinguish evidence from a wishful thinking. BTW thanks, Michael Brown! – Luboš Motl Jan 4 '13 at 14:59

    Mr Keshe of the Keshe Foundation makes it quite clear in his videos and writings, that he does not believe in "free energy". However, he makes it equally clear that it is not a difficult process to get energy out of a nuclear reactor. (After all, his degree from Queens College in London is in control systems of nuclear reactors.) Keshe has spent 30 years of his life in independent research, developing a plasma reactor that is apparently self-sustaining and creates power.

    It's relatively easy to make a generator with radioactive products, as the space and military have had such generators for many years. The trick that Mr Keshe seems to have done is to make a plasma generator that is small, safe and inexpensive. It works by the production and manipulation of magnetic fields, using dynamic plasma fields and scintillation of inert gases.
    The energy created from Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and the Keshe reactor, is not "free"...but it would be about one million times cheaper than the chemical burning process used in the current fuels that cars, truck, and generators use!

    People in dozens of nations of the world are currently attempting to replicate the Keshe reactor. An Italian team has just built a reactor and are beginning tests this week. (info as of Jan 9, 2013)
    As for the scientist that "could power three towns pounds" is not correct. I believe he said that he could power a town with a Keshe device he built for three pounds (as in UK money).
    Don't believe the naysayers that say Keshe technology can't be done...there are plenty who have already done it! Look up Joseph Papp, Stanley Meyer, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann, as examples of some of those who have worked with plasma or LENR.

    answered Jan 9 '13 at 11:29

    links to peer reviewed publications please – Michael Brown Jan 9 '13 at 12:41
    "apparently" is the keyword here. Someone who has developed or discovered something useful or new to the world, doesn't keep it for speculation. – Sergio A. Mar 18 '14 at 22:15

    The Dream of a new more all phenomena embracing physics and science is fine, commendable and desirable.
    The distribution of disinformation to the general populus, using scientific terminology is not.

    On a personal level, Keshe is a sincere and honest person and believes in the science he espouses.
    Some of the critique above, such as gravity not being fundamentally related to (electro)magnetism and that human cells do not relate in any nonindependent way on magnetic fields is erroneous.
    The general scientific shortcomings of the Keshe science stated is however fully justified.

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2015
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh Today at 4:15 am
    Pris wrote:.

    Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op

    November 16, 2015

    Makia Freeman


    The Paris shooting of November 2015 which just occurred on Friday 13th November bears many of the telltale signs of a false flag operation. Now more than 48 hours later, we have some clues that the New World Order manipulators are up to their old tricks again – which are getting very predictable by now. Here are 10 signs that the Paris shooting is yet another false flag attack designed to scare the common citizen (in France and everywhere), demonize Islam, provide “reason” for Governments at G20 and around the world to waste more money and take more liberty fighting terrorism, provide justification for the French Government to increase surveillance, and provide France and NATO with an excuse to escalate violence against Syria.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #1: Drills on Same Day

    How many false flags in recent history have all had the same feature: drills at the same time at the same (or a nearby) place? 21st Century Wire reports that Dr. Patrick Pelloux was “a ‘survivor’ of the Charlie Hebdo shootings” who just happened to be on the scene at these shootings. That in and of itself is a coincidence, but Pelloux actually stated that a “multi-site attack exercise” (i.e. a drill) was taking place during the shootings!

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #2: Terrorist Passport Magically Found

    Stuart Hooper of 21st Century Wire also reports that many mainstream media outlets (AFP, RT, Reuters, ITV, Sky News, AP, Fox News and Sputnik) have been claiming that a Syrian passport was magically found at one of the scenes of the Paris attacks, either on or near the shooter’s body. Remember the terrorist passport on 9/11 that somehow managed to survive heat and fire that could supposedly burn steel, and landed unscathed on the streets below? Remember too the “lost ID” of one of the terrorists in the Charlie Hebdo getaway car? The false flag script is showing signs of predictability …

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #3: Terrorists Already Known to French Authorities

    It turns out that some of the terrorists were already known to French security agencies, as the Daily Mail reports: (see article link for details)

    One the hallmarks of a false flag operation is the way it is “allowed” to happen. People in high places have the power to direct, control and call off people in lower positions in accordance with the overall plan. Were certain known terrorists allowed to gain entry to France?

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #4: Terrorist Declares he is from ISIS

    As Brandon Turbeville reported, one of the Paris shooters just blurted out “I am from ISIS”, giving us a short and concise soundbite which tells us everything we need to know about the killers. Is it just a coincidence that the Israeli Mossad intelligence front SITE (which have been busted before releasing “ISIS” material that was actually generated by Israel) were the ones to let us all know that ISIS is claiming responsibility for the job?

    And, if it is really is ISIS, we know what this means: the controllers are now using ISIS in Western nations to further their goals. Bernie Suarez puts it best:

    Realize that as soon as they suggested that the attackers claimed they were killing “for ISIS”, given what we all know about ISIS, this constitutes 100% proof that the CIA and the West was involved because they are the ones who created, trained, funded and run ISIS. Realize that exposing and destroying ISIS is exactly synonymous with destroying and exposing the new world order, which is why ISIS will never die. Yes, ISIS is now the lifeline of the new world order!
    >CIA’s ISIS is now the driving force of the new world order and no one should be surprised that as soon as U.S. special forces “advisers” were sent to Syria and the CIA’s counter strategy against Russia began recently, now we have this attack.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #5: Terrorist States Reason for the Shooting

    Conveniently, we are also told in reports that one or some of the shooters screamed, “This is for Syria!”, meaning they were killing innocent French people because of France’s involvement in aggressively attacking Syria, alongside the US, Britain, Israel, Turkey and other Gulf states. If the shooters really are from ISIS, why not attack Russia, since Russia has been actively bombing and obliterating ISIS stations? Russia has done far, far more to destroy ISIS than France ever has. Why not a Moscow shooting instead of a Paris shooting? However, that’s a question the mainstream media would prefer you don’t ask or consider.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #6: Shooting Occurs Right Before G20 Summit

    Another highly strange coincidence with this Paris attack was that it occurred right before G20 conference which began on November 14th in Turkey. As the NY Times noted: (see article link for details)

    Now those behind the attacks – the same NWO manipulators who are behind ISIS – will have the chance to push their “anti-terrorism” agenda onto other nations and leaders at the summit. Since the war on terror itself is a gigantic fraud, any anti-terrorism agenda will by definition also be fraudulent, and a cover to centralize power and control.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #7: Shooting Also Occurs Before COP21 (Paris UN Climate Change Summit)

    This Paris attack, the 2nd one in 2015, has occurred just 17 days before COP21 – the upcoming Paris Climate Change Conference scheduled to begin on November 30th. COP21 already has the horrifically ambitious goal of trying to craft legally binding, universal climate change laws for the whole world. You can imagine the kind of protests and resistance that such a plan will be met with, since it is a forerunner to a worldwide carbon tax, a World Court and a One World Government. Now, the French Government will have the perfect pretext to increase surveillance and military presence in Paris right before the event and quash any protests on the grounds of “maintaining security”.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #8: Charlie Hebdo Precedent

    The fact that another highly suspect shooting already occurred earlier this year in Paris is yet another mysterious coincidence to this November 2015 Paris attack. Many researchers have done a great job compiling evidence that Charlie Hebdo was a false flag attack (see here

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #9: Numerology

    As noted in the earlier article Paris Attack November 2015: Question Everything, the numerology of the event is strange. Perhaps it is just a coincidence, but the date of 11/13/15 – as it is written in American English – is numerologically significant, as is the fact the Paris shooting took place on Friday 13th (with the number 13 being a very significant number for the Illuminati, Freemasons and other secret society initiates). According to Vigilant Citizen, it was possibly foreshadowed on the cover of the Economist earlier this year.

    Paris Shooting False Flag Sign #10: A Long List of Beneficiaries

    There is a long list of beneficiaries who stand to gain something from this horrendous Paris attack, such as the French Government, G20, Islamophobes, Zionist Israel and the New World Order manipulators. In addition to these, there are international and geopolitical ramifications to this. French militarists and NATO who have been wanting to attack Syria will now have the perfect excuse to increase their military presence there, on the heels of sending their only aircraft carrier (the Charles de Gaulle) to Syria – which is leaving Toulon on November 18 for the Persian Gulf.

    Look closely at what will be rolled out in France and elsewhere in the coming days and weeks. Chances are high the elite will use this Paris shooting – which has all the appearances of a manufactured crisis and a false flag operation – to further the New World Order agenda.

    Link to full article:

    Pris wrote:.

    I hope people are waking up to this obvious s***.

    One can only hope, that the many brainwashed nabsers like you wake up to the physical and metaphysical reality manifesting on this planet.

    Geller: The West Has Lost the Will to Live

    The most basic, primitive honor a nation owes to its dead is to fight to defend itself—to defeat the enemy and win. And yet the West won’t.

    The West is hanging on by a thread and doesn’t even know it. We are living off the fumes of the accomplishments of our forefathers and those who fought and died in the cause of freedom and individual rights. But the thread is wearing thin. Time is just about running out.
    After the murderous jihad attacks in Paris comes the predictable Western response: not resolute self-defense, but weepy candlelight vigils, protestations of unity, and hashtags. After the jihad attacks in Garland, Texas, Chattanooga, the University of California Merced, and scores of arrests of American Muslims working for ISIS (the FBI has 900 ISIS-related investigations currently ongoing), our top priority should be to crush the enemy.

    Instead, we get pathos and pitiful memes. NBC reported: “Paris residents were using the hashtag #PorteOuverte — French for ‘open door’—on Twitter to offer safe haven to strangers stranded after a string of deadly attacks Friday night.” Everyone is congratulating himself over this hashtag. “Twitter users in other countries,” NBC added, “also began using the hashtag to share their delight that social media was being used for a good cause”—colossal stupidity.

    “Share their delight?” This delight is misplaced. I would expect nothing less than that Parisians should offer safe haven: just because savages are at war with us doesn’t mean that we should be less human.
    This hashtag is just the latest in an endless stream of manifestations of the sophomoric, embarrassing, preening self-indulgence that is endemic in our sick culture. It is reminiscent of “Boston Strong”: Really? How? After the Boston Marathon jihad bombings, the media and Boston elites refused to call the attack jihad. The Boston city government refused repeatedly to run our American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) counter-jihad ads, but run vicious Jew-hatred ads regularly. We are en route to the Supreme Court compelling Boston to run our ads. What’s strong about Boston? What stand did Boston take against jihad?
    Equally revolting is the Eiffel Tower peace symbol that is circulating around. Do the leftists think the ISIS jihadis will see this and lay down their arms? If the Christians and Yazidis in Syria make the peace sign, will all be well? If the kidnapped schoolgirls—now sex slaves—make the peace sign, will they be freed? Such idiocy is an affront to every freedom-loving human being.

    The endless patting ourselves on the back that citizens of Western countries engage in after a mass slaughter by jihadists is disgusting. People are crowing about hashtags and blood donations as if this is somehow new. Of course we care. We always care. That is our value system, that is a Western value. The United States of America is the most charitable nation on earth. That is who we are—although when Obama speaks about universal values, G-d only knows which ones he is talking about: those of the West or those of Sharia.

    What no one is talking about is taking on these savages. That is what is so morally depraved about our response. The idea that we’re not allowed to take the appropriate measures to defeat the Islamic State is obscene. The idea that the United States of America cannot defeat the Islamic State or al-Qaeda is absurd, and the whole world knows it. But we choose not to use our strength. We choose to be victims. It’s shameful.

    And clearly, since everybody knows that we are not physically weak, where is the basic dignity that any nation should have, to stand up for its own values? If nothing else, when we find ourselves involved in a war, we should fight it and finish it. You either win or you will be defeated.
    Obama has aligned with the jihad force. In Syria, Egypt and Libya, and worst of all, now Iraq. He has blood on his hands. He has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Christians, the blood of our soldiers. By abandoning Iraq, he takes on his hands the death of every soldier who gave life and limb in Iraq to defend this country. Whether you agreed with the Iraq war or not, we did it. We went in and asked the native population to help us. You cannot just withdraw and abandon those people.

    Is it proper for us to defend ourselves and to take the appropriate action to defend this country? Of course. One of Obama’s historic crimes is that he allowed our superiority to deteriorate. But that doesn’t mean our enemies have disappeared, or that we cannot or should not defend ourselves against them. Just hours after Obama insisted that he had contained the “Junior Varsity team” ISIS, they laid siege to Paris. And this goes unchallenged.

    When Muslims attack, the left attacks us. MSNBC, the Guardian, and Salon all ran pieces blaming the “right-wing” for the Paris attacks. Outrageous, but not surprising. The enemedia is aligned with the jihad force. As the jihad heats up in the West, the media is becoming more clumsy and desperate in its attempts to deflect attention away from the jihad and back to its favorite bogeyman, “right-wing extremists.” Now, even when the evidence of Islamic jihad responsibility is everywhere, as it is with the Paris attacks, “journalists” still find ways to put the blame on the “right-wing” that they hate far more than they do bloodthirsty jihadis, whom they don’t dislike at all.

    If you have an ounce of self-esteem, when someone comes at you with a gun, you answer with force. If he is out to destroy you, you owe it to yourself to defend yourself. We need to understand that the left is as dangerous, if not more so, than the suicide bomber, for obscuring this basic fact—because leftists have the legitimacy of the mainstream, the imprimatur of respectability, and they wield this spurious legitimacy like a club to destroy all opposition to their totalitarianism.

    We need to go to war against the left. We have to get that into our heads. We have to accept that terrible reality. They want to destroy our freedom. They want to destroy our country. They want to steal our children. That’s war. There is no one on the right who has the correct philosophy about this. The left demands the right to lie, and they are lying to the American people on a massive scale, even to the extent of making people think there is something wrong with loving and defending our nation.
    The idea that the Paris attacks happened on the eve of a global conference not on the gravest threat to freedom, not on the global jihad, but on climate change, speaks to how unreal and sick we are as rational beings. Even worse, as if that weren’t bad enough, you have a presidential candidate saying that climate change is responsible for terrorism. And the very serious talking heads in the mainstream media are reporting this with a straight face.

    The fact is, global jihadists, whether they’re ISIS or al-Qaeda or Hamas or Hezbollah, are monstrous aggressors. We don’t have to wait for the first sign that they are attacking; they have declared war against us. They must be destroyed. We can’t complain about what we should or shouldn’t be doing, we have to correct it. This idea of containment, as Obama claimed the other day to have “contained” ISIS, is absurd—an intermediate state.

    There is no intermediate state. It’s either/or. This is war. We have to fight it.

    Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.

    Breitbart News Daily:
    Pamela Geller on Terror Attacks in Paris and Garland ByPamela Geller on November 17, 2015

    See more at:

    Listen to my appearance on the new Breitbart News radio show on Sirius patriot network — you can hear the whole thing: click here.
    “Breitbart News Daily: Pamela Geller on Terror Attacks in Paris and Garland,

    ” By John Hayward, Breitbart News, November 17, 2015:

    “We’ve lost our civilizational self-esteem,” warns Pamela Geller during a Tuesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

    Geller illustrated her point by discussing the Paris terror attack and comparing it to the aborted jihadi attempt to murder her, along with hundreds of other attendees, at her Mohammed Art Exhibit in Garland, Texas.

    She succinctly summed up the difference between Paris and Garland as: “We had guns.”
    - See more at:

    Her point about the self-esteem of a civilization can be demonstrated by looking at how President Obama defends his Syrian refugee program by saying that resistance is contrary to vital American principles – “Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values,” as he put it on Monday. On the other hand, Obama and the Left think the core American principle of free speech is negotiable, and as Geller witnessed first-hand, the negotiation is conducted with violent intimidation. Resisting Syrian migration is “unpatriotic”… and so is drawing a cartoon those refugees find distasteful.

    When it was time to take a firm stance for freedom of speech, most of the media was AWOL, with the notable exception of Breitbart News, which she credited as the only media organization willing to write about the Mohammed Art Exhibit before the terrorist attack, and publish the cartoons.

    “Thank God for Breitbart,” she said. “I don’t think people understand the role you’r playing historically. Congratulations on your new Jerusalem bureau!”

    Geller found the Administration’s promises to screen the Syrian refugees laughable. “

    They cannot vet the quote-unquote ‘migrants’ or ‘refugees’ coming over from Syria, because, if you recall early in the Obama Administration, he scrubbed the intel and counter-terrorisms of jihad and Islam,” she explained. “People that speak, like Ibn Wariq and Robert Spencer, to the CIA and law enforcement… they were scrubbed, they were banned for being as CAIR – which became an advisor – said, for being Islamophobic.”

    “How could you possibly determine who the jihadists are, if jihad and Islam have been removed from the equation?” she asked. “It’s ludicrous. Vetted? They’ll be vetted? Vetted for what? Pink socks?”

    Geller noted that the one thing these refugees do seem to get screened for is Christianity – a topic she wrote about for Breitbart News on Monday.

    “Again, let’s point to Obama’s hypocrisy,” she said. “When he talks about how we don’t have a religious measure for refugees, that’s patently untrue. As early as 2011, we had issued a call – my international organization SION, Stop Islamicization of Nations – we’d issued a call to protect Christians, they were slaughtering Christians then… they needed emergency asylum then… where was Obama then? Now he wants to bring the perpetrators of that genocide to America.”

    She noted that she has posted hundreds of entries, with carefully obscured personal data, describing herself and others – including military and law-enforcement personnel – who have been targeted with death threats by ISIS.

    “And Obama wants to bring in our assassins? And he’s contemptuous of us?” she asked incredulously.

    The re-election of President Obama following the Benghazi disaster left Geller worried that too many American voters were unaware of the threat they face from radical Islam, and too willing to “abridge their freedoms” to appease that threat.
    Those attitudes may have already been changing before the Paris terror attack.

    Geller noted that while presidential candidate Donald Trump was critical of her Mohammed Art Exhibit event, he was also quick to call for investigating suspicious mosques, like the one from which the Garland attackers and several other jihad suspects emanated. The French have announced just such an initiative to shut down radical mosques.

    EXCLUSIVE – ISIS Supporter To Breitbart: ‘We’re Coming For The U.S.’ – ‘We’ll Shake Your Existence’

    by Aaron Klein and Ali Waked17 Nov 20154,090
    TEL AVIV – The Islamic State will not hesitate to attack the U.S. and is waiting for the opportunity to carry out assaults on American soil, a leading Palestinian jihadist told Breitbart Jerusalem.

    Abu Al-Ayna al-Ansari, leader of an ISIS-aligned Salafi jihadist group in the Gaza Strip, said he believes ISIS will strike the home fronts of “all countries that participate in the anti-Islamic State coalition” in Syria and Iraq.

    “The [Islamic] State will not leave these countries alone without them having to suffer from the blows of the Mujahideen in a way that will let them understand that their war is lost,” the terrorist said. “There is no way that ISIS territory remains under aerial bombardment without a violent retaliation deep in the capitals of those countries.”

    Ansari addressed the possibility of attacks inside the U.S., saying, “Certainly the Mujahideen of the Islamic State will not hesitate to attack the head of the infidel states and the head of global terrorism – America – and all those who support the U.S. and back it in its crusade war against the Muslims in Syria and Iraq.”
    Ansari further stated that “the Mujahideen of the Islamic state are waiting for every opportunity in order to carry out attacks in all countries of the crusader coalition.”
    The gunman continued with a diatribe against “America and the Jewish enemy, as well as Russia and all the infidel Western countries that take part in the crusade against our brothers, the Mujahideen.”

    He warned that these countries “must wait for more of our strikes that will shake their existence. Wars are dynamic and the battle will move soon to the depth of their homes, it will happen sooner or later.”

    Al Ansari added that “the little drop of the Russian plane was the beginning and the blessed invasion of Paris will not be the end. … Our Mujahideen are scattered everywhere and will not hesitate to offer their lives for the sake of Allah.”
    He was asked how ISIS can justify the indiscriminate killing of civilians in Paris, some of whom may have been Muslims.
    Ansari sidestepped the question, asking, “Does France and America and their followers of the Cross alliance differentiate between civilians and armed Mujahideen when they bombard innocent civilians in Raqqa, in Aleppo and in Mosul?”
    When Breitbart Jerusalem persisted, Ansari claimed that “dozens of civilians” are killed in “the daily raids of the crusader coalition and then you lie to the world by saying the raids target the headquarters and sites of the Islamic State.”
    “The civilian victims and the areas targeted prove that it has nothing to do with the ISIS infrastructure,” he claimed.
    Ansari went on to bash reports that Middle Eastern refugees may have participated in the Paris massacres. The passport of a Syrian refugee was found on or near the body of one of the suicide bombers, and Greece subsequently confirmed that it was used by a refugee registered on the island of Leros in early October. The same passport was used to cross the southern border of Serbia a few days later.

    Nonetheless, Ansari said that “Such claims have nothing to do with reality and are not true. No refugee is among the brothers who carried out these blessed attack. … No refugee who wanted to come and live in France was chosen for this attack.
    “Some political forces are trying to exploit the incident in a campaign against the refugees. Even before the Paris attack, those political forces were against the migrants for numerous reasons that are connected to the nature of their countries and to their general position on the migration phenomenon.”
    Ansari failed to mention that ISIS documents released in February announced that the group was planning to use Libya as a “gateway” to smuggle refugees into Europe.
    The ISIS material further raised the possibility of storming southern European cities to cause “pandemonium” or attempting to close international shipping lines in the Mediterranean Sea.
    The documents were released by ISIS supporters and propagandists, and obtained by the Quilliam Foundation, a Britain-based think tank that focuses on counter-extremism.

    [17-Nov-15 2:35:46 PM] Sirius 17: yes i saw the videos you shared, all but the last one

    [17-Nov-15 2:35:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Religious war suppressed by 'progressive' politics with western appeasements of facts
    [17-Nov-15 2:36:39 PM] Sirius 17: buenas lovers (heart)
    [17-Nov-15 2:36:50 PM] Kali 666: rest easy peasy (F)
    [17-Nov-15 2:37:05 PM] Sirius 17: thank you, same to you dear
    [17-Nov-15 2:38:06 PM] Kali 666: Tony, there is this guy that says that the end of the world began with the tunguska event back in 1908 and the Armagaedon will begin in September 2018
    [17-Nov-15 2:39:08 PM] ShilohaPlace: Nabs, the Tunguska meteor event has to do with WW1 and the 20th century yes
    So if you call WW1 and WW2 armageddon then ok, but it is not the Logos timeline. can go like paranoid oxy and add 120 years to 1908 to get the 'end of the world' - 2028
    Or choose any date of a disaster and do the same see? Adding 70 years to political Israel is different

    [17-Nov-15 2:41:58 PM] Kali 666: i often try to imagine what is really happening in the middle east right now

    [17-Nov-15 2:42:15 PM] ShilohaPlace: 1947/1948 + 70 MUST mean something as it relates to Israel's history 6009BC and the Megiddo/Harmageddon battle between Egypt's pharaoh Necho and Josiah, King of Israel

    [17-Nov-15 2:42:27 PM] Kali 666: if i was able to see it with my third eye, and really see everything that the news will never tell you

    [17-Nov-15 2:42:35 PM] ShilohaPlace: This was the Babylonian captivity until 538BC - atrocity and suffering and 'future deprived' children
    I put the video collection there

    [17-Nov-15 2:45:16 PM] Kali 666: rabbis exorting ppl to come back to Israel and not to travel becaus ethe mesiah's coming is imminent, same with the Muslims and their mahdi

    [17-Nov-15 2:45:59 PM] ShilohaPlace: So you see my statement that this IS a religious war for dogma ideology etc and NOT some terrorist agenda; recall Kidari and the blood moons?

    [17-Nov-15 2:46:25 PM] Kali 666: yes

    [17-Nov-15 2:46:39 PM] ShilohaPlace: I can say it VERY simply

    [17-Nov-15 2:46:47 PM] Kali 666: last one was back in September

    [17-Nov-15 2:46:54 PM] ShilohaPlace: To stop Isis etc get rid of Allah period. The prophets false fall with their fake gods

    [17-Nov-15 2:47:39 PM] Kali 666: why couldn't they make up another word for it...i don't like it that they call it Isis, like the goddess

    [17-Nov-15 2:47:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: As Allah is Jehovah of the OT too, the old canons can go

    [17-Nov-15 2:48:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Isil

    [17-Nov-15 2:48:10 PM] Kali 666: yes the demiurge

    [17-Nov-15 2:48:14 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes, but it is deeper, as this demiurge is also the I Am of the nabsers. So no wonder they all get confused as to what is what.
    The only way out is the Logos of the NT

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:06 PM] Kali 666: is fagocitated a word in English?

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: facilitated is

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:33 PM] Kali 666: yes i know

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:38 PM] ShilohaPlace: I think Asha made it up shehe makes many words up to suit her purposes

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:38 PM] Kali 666: anyway, lol

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:52 PM] ShilohaPlace: fagot icitated

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:54 PM] Kali 666: no..that one comes from me

    [17-Nov-15 2:49:58 PM] Kali 666: hahha, no, it has to do with cell consumption

    [17-Nov-15 2:50:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: fago in espaniol? It sounds hispanic

    [17-Nov-15 2:50:39 PM] Kali 666: like the destruction of something as it being completely eaten up by the host. I guess it has no english translation. Yes it is fagocitar or fagocitado

    [17-Nov-15 2:51:22 PM] ShilohaPlace: Eaten up by the host does not make sense. You can have an invader eating the host like cancer.

    [17-Nov-15 2:51:37 PM] Kali 666: sorry, by the environment

    [17-Nov-15 2:51:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: I see

    [17-Nov-15 2:52:34 PM] Kali 666: fagocitosis is the scientific term

    [17-Nov-15 2:52:44 PM] ShilohaPlace: Italian

    [17-Nov-15 2:52:55 PM] Kali 666: same in Spanish

    [17-Nov-15 2:53:20 PM] ShilohaPlace: --- swallowed up, yes environmental absorption is fine

    [17-Nov-15 2:54:46 PM] Kali 666: when certain cells of the organism "fagocitate" noxious substances to itself; like surround and destroy lol

    [17-Nov-15 2:54:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is what New Gaia will do. Yes Thuban fagocitates Allah and Jehovah
    Why asha hates it so much calling it Lordness

    [17-Nov-15 2:55:54 PM] Kali 666: well yes exactly, we use that world in Spanish to talk about people becoming "fagocitated" by the archetypes, the memeplexes, their Lord demiurge, whatever it may be that HAS them

    [17-Nov-15 2:56:26 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes now the memeplex is simply the environment for the memes so the memeplex hosts the memes

    [17-Nov-15 2:56:28 PM] Kali 666: so they get "eaten up" by it/them

    [17-Nov-15 2:56:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes the new memes eat the old memes very simple. New and better thoughtforms see?
    My god is bigger than yours in simpleton lingo

    [17-Nov-15 2:57:23 PM] Kali 666: yes it is like if you do not eat the lion, the lion will eat you

    [17-Nov-15 2:57:33 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now all old gods can be eaten by the Logos. Exactly well seen dear. This IS the 'secret' and correct interpretation

    [17-Nov-15 2:57:56 PM] Kali 666: it is in the gospel of Thomas

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:01 PM] ShilohaPlace: lol

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:07 PM] Kali 666: haha, it is, don't know what number but it's there

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: Every second post from us has some GOT in it. It is Thuban's backbone

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:51 PM] Kali 666: yes it's beautiful

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: 8

    [17-Nov-15 2:58:56 PM] Kali 666: ahh 8 ok

    [17-Nov-15 2:59:03 PM] ShilohaPlace: 7, 8 is related

    {7} Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."
    {8} And he said, "The man is like a wise fisherman who cast his net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of small fish. Among them the wise fisherman found a fine large fish. He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without difficulty. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear."

    Because the large fish is Jonah's whale which is the Lion is the universal body. So eating the Lion means you are eating the universe and so 'rule over it' as part of your own body

    These are the secret sayings which the living Jesus spoke and which Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down.
    {1} And he said, "Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings will not experience death."
    {2} Jesus said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
    {3} Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living father. But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty."

    Of course you will be troubled perceiving yourself as your own environment see?
    This is the bilocation though, I mentioned before.

    [17-Nov-15 3:02:42 PM] Kali 666: i've had this feeling

    [17-Nov-15 3:02:45 PM]ShilohaPlace: Then the terrorist slaughters all happen within you and you can feel the suffering etc. Many have this empathy naturally

    [17-Nov-15 3:40:00 PM] Kali 666:
    This is supposed to be a video that has been deleted most everywhere and all this youtube deletions too as you know, you said, which I didn't know no
    [17-Nov-15 3:50:06 PM] Kali 666: I will go to sleep now, goodnight

    [17-Nov-15 3:50:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: nn sweety

    [10:16:34 AM - 18November 2015 +10UCT] ShilohaPlace:
    [10:41:12 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    [10:44:33 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    [10:49:56 AM] ShilohaPlace: the failure of progressive feminisms
    [11:08:31 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    [11:15:14 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    [11:15:22 AM] ShilohaPlace: Dhimmis you are
    [11:46:47 AM] ShilohaPlace: Geller: The West Has Lost the Will to Live
    [11:47:00 AM] ShilohaPlace:

    Shiloh Za-RaH hidden-09.

    Pris wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Pris wrote:.


    I hope people are waking up to this obvious s***.

    One can only hope, that the many brainwashed nabsers like you wake up to the physical and metaphysical reality manifesting on this planet.

    Um, can you truncate that last message down a bit? What are you attempting to say? You know, in a sentence or two?

    I must have hit close to the mark to be called a 'brainwashed nabser'. What is a nabser?

    Just wanted to put in a link here to my thread, "Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op":

    I seem to have have hit a 'target'. Anyone else wish to expose themselves?


    A nabser is a 'new age bull shi2020er', which means and infers many characterisations of often well-meaning, but seriously misinformed or underinformed data sharers.
    It so does not address any kind of personal character or personality trait but the belief in a certain agenda which more often than not attacks and criticizes a certain scenario or exhibit in what you might term as opinionated relativism.
    This relativism is one of the most pertinent and cored character of a nabser, who vehemently defends and 'protects' hisher 'own truth' as being of equal value to say a more 'collective' or shared 'consensus'.
    The great danger of this nabser philosophy so is one of being easily 'brainwashed' and or deceived by herhis constructed 'autonomous authority' of actually being able to discern and sieve the information presented from and by the experienced environmental stimuli.
    As the 'shared groupmentality' of less individualistic conglomerations or collectives carries more energy than any of its individualized participators, such a 'group consciousness', irrespective if used for or contra some agenda, can easily manipulate and 'guide' the experienced stimuli of a nabser into particular avenues of the latter's own mentality, thus creating a self-feeding and reinforcing memeplex or thoughtform in the nabser's sense of self determination of autonomy.
    The actual mindcontrol so often 'feared' and opposed by the nabser so becomes hisher own agenda of protecting herhis autonomous selfhood.

    So indeed, the hitting of the 'occuli tauri' occurs, when the information challenged nabser insists of furthering the agenda of the things heshe opposes in this twofaced scenario and as 'controlled' by the manipulators of the nabsers mind.
    In other words, the nabser continually defeats herhis own agenda in believing heshe has enough data to assess, criticize and analyse a certain event or environmental stimulus.
    A nabser so is basically a 'fundamentalist believer' in herhis own individualistic intellectual capacity to see a 'bigger picture' and this state of mind is used to great effect by the agenda stimulators to 'sponsor' the nabser in supporting the nabser's belief system, even though the nabser's belief system might be contra and fundamentally opposed to the agenda of the controlleurs.


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    • Post n°9

    empty. Re: Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op
    empty. Pris Today at 9:24 am
    Please keep this thread focused on the OP. If you disagree with it, go start your own thread.

    There is too much information/misinformation that confounds and distracts from the main focus of this thread. I wish to keep this thread clear and not have it derailed.

    It is really very simple.

    Thank you!

    "I think, Sebastian, therefore I am."


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    • Post n°511

    empty. Re: Contact with Pris
    empty. Pris Today at 9:28 am
    Pris wrote:.
    I seem to have have hit a 'target'. Anyone else wish to expose themselves?


    Seems I've 'hit' another one. That's TWO.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2015
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°11

    empty. Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op

    empty. Jenetta Today at 1:33 am
    Pris wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Pris wrote:.

    I hope people are waking up to this obvious s***.

    One can only hope, that the many brainwashed nabsers like you wake up to the physical and metaphysical reality manifesting on this planet.

    Um, can you truncate that last message down a bit? What are you attempting to say? You know, in a sentence or two?

    I must have hit close to the mark to be called a 'brainwashed nabser'. What is a nabser?


    Yep Pris it would be nice getting back on for Tony and his crew it also would be nice "if they'd stick their hive collectivism on the back hump of their Christianity where the sun doesn't shine namely ???!!!!

    As it is below; so it is above


    Posts: 527
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    • Post n°12

    empty. Re: Paris Shooting: 10 Ways It Looks Like a Hallmark False Flag Op

    empty. Pris Today at 2:46 am
    Jenetta wrote:
    Pris wrote:
    shiloh wrote:
    Pris wrote:.

    I hope people are waking up to this obvious s***.

    One can only hope, that the many brainwashed nabsers like you wake up to the physical and metaphysical reality manifesting on this planet.

    Um, can you truncate that last message down a bit? What are you attempting to say? You know, in a sentence or two?

    I must have hit close to the mark to be called a 'brainwashed nabser'. What is a nabser?


    Yep Pris it would be nice getting back on for Tony and his crew it also would be nice "if they'd stick their hive collectivism on the back hump of their Christianity where the sun doesn't shine namely ???!!!!

    As it is below; so it is above

    Hey, thanks, Jenetta! It's appreciated. I was beginning to wonder if I was 'all alone' here lol!

    I think the article is very well written and sums up what I mostly have already concluded myself.

    I get that not everyone is ready to hear what's 'pointed out' in the article I'm drawing attention to.

    I also get that there are those with their own agenda obviously. If there are a few things I can't stand it's fear mongering, hate mongering, and war mongering. I do not want that in this thread. Let what has already been posted be a terrific example to others what fear, hate, and war mongering actually looks like.

    It's about time we know who the real enemy is in all of this -- the enemy of the entire world.

    It's about time we know who the real enemy is in all of this -- the enemy of the entire world.

    [12:37:28 AM] ShilohaPlace:
    [12:37:46 AM] ShilohaPlace: Nice to know who the REAL enemy is, is it not?
    [12:38:16 AM] ShilohaPlace: The truthtellers of course

    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  7. admin

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    • Post n°215

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh Today at 7:47 am


    Women have the right to wear a sheet covering their entire body or risk rape or acid thrown in their face.
    Women get to pick from the many shades of black for their Burka, Abaya or Jalbeeb.
    Women have the right to have male escorts whenever they leave their house or risk rape or arrest
    Women have the right to genital mutilation. Then they have the right to get sewn up so they can’t hardly piss.
    Women have the right to have 4 male witnesses to testify she was NOT raped
    Women have the right to have their hand cut off for using a cell phone in public
    Women have the right to be honor killed
    Women have the right to be forced to become human incubators for future terrorists.
    Women have the right to be stoned to death for the crime of NOT being able to produce 4 male witnesses in the case of adultery
    Women have the right to be treated like shi20 by their husband, their children and just about any muslim man
    Women have the right to get beat with a chair because they got their husband angry.
    Women have the right to be married off at ANY age to ANY man (most likely their first cousin) their father SELLS them to.
    Women have the right to get only half of what their brother gets of an inheritance.
    Women have the right to obligatorily have another woman assist them at testifying in court, because their minds are too feeble and only half as good as a man's.
    Women have the right to not report rape, sodomy, incest, assault in Islamic countries because these crimes are never recorded by officials and not used in statistics.
    Married girls have the right to walk themselves to one of the many Obstetric Fistula Clinic (Only available in Islamic countries) where they can get the hole between their vagina and urethra repaired, after being raped at too young an age by their husband.
    Married girls have the right to go to Jannah early when they die in childbirth because their immature bodies can't handle pregnancy.
    Women have the right to share their husband’s earnings with up to 3 more women.
    Women have the right to a divorce, in a sharia court, after they obtain a lawyer to represent them, and only if their husband agrees, (Otherwise they can just hope their husband utters the words "i divorce you" thrice)
    Women have the right to have traffic stopped in the middle of a Saudi street intersection, so they can be quickly decapitated in said intersection for suspected witchcraft.
    Women and girls have the right to be traded as war booty sex slaves if their family belongs to the losing side of any battle started by men.
    Women and girls have the right to be sexually harassed and groped, in the streets and in broad daylight, if any man or boy thinks her female form isn't concealed enough
    Women or girls have the right to be buried chest deep in a pit and pelted with stones until they die if they are suspected by their husbands of infidelity.
    Women used to have the right to suicide to escape the ecstasies of islam until Suicide amongst women was at record highs in Iran and a Mullah enacted a fatwa to prevent further suicides...
    "Any woman who commits suicide will have her daughters executed"
    This has stopped many unappreciative women from leaving the most perfect religion in the world.
    And women’s rights even extend to Janna where virgins have the right to work in a heavenly whorehouse where they can be abused in every way possible by muslim men and then their merciful and most beneficent pimp, alla, turns them back into virgins so the next muslim man can make them bleed and hear them scream. And they don’t even get paid whore wages.

    Now where oh where are the 'politically corrected' multicultural feminists of the western civilization?
    Ah I forgot, the 'same sex marriage' and the sexploitation of the 'Hollywood Industry', the Kardashian attires and body things and the Zionist conspirators are keeping the ardent defenders of 'women's rights' a little preoccupied!

    Daniel 11:36-38 - King James Version (KJV)
    36 And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
    37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
    38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

    And now something rather different!
    A TRUE Moderate Muslim with a fake disguise versus a FAKE Moderate Muslim without a fake disguise and a sheik aka 'islamic scholar' - no other 'western' input religious or secular required
  8. admin

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    • Post n°216

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. Raven Today at 4:08 pm

    Truth is the New Hate Speech of Islamophobia


    I think it is very naive to assume that Islam believes in individual freedom and the American way of life. While some might actually want American freedoms and values Islam forbids it. There very well may be moderate Muslims all over the world but there is no moderate Islam.

    Islam - A Religion Based on Terrorism

    To understand Islam, you have to accept certain facts about this religion.
    The impact of Islam on the daily life of Muslims is far greater than that found in the Western Culture since the Middle Ages.
    Muslims advance a definition that Islam is a shinning beacon against the darkness of repression, segregation, intolerance, and racism.

    Nothing could be further from the truth!
    Islam has no fundamental concept of Inalienable Rights as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence. Islam does not permit the individual to enjoy the freedoms of action and association characteristic of the Democracy that so many Western cultures currently enjoy today. Islam is a religion in name only because of a reference to "Allah" as their Deity. A well known fact is that Islam is a totalitarian ideology that rejects Democracy, personal freedom, and every other religion. The ideals of anti-Semitism and anti-Western Culture run rampant throughout Islam. The Laws of Man are meaningless and have absolutely no relevance in Muslim culture because they are without any direct reference to the Koran or Shariah Law and therefore they have no place in Muslim life.
    Islamic law/Shariah Law is completely incompatible with Freedom, Democracy, and Liberty, or any other government where the people have an actual voice in government or the will of the people matters.

    For example, in Saudi Arabia, a country ruled by Islamic law, sorcery, witchcraft, and blasphemy are all crimes punishable by death... they behead people convicted of these "crimes" in the public square. This is what Islamic law advocates. Saudi Arabia holds to Shariah Law and has a Religious Police to enforce all the aspects of Shariah Law. Christian Bibles are destroyed by the thousands like book burnings in Nazi Germany. This is not a religion of tolerance as so many Muslims claim.

    "True Islam permits neither elections nor democracy."
    -- Sufi Mohammed, Muslim Cleric


    Saudi Arabia infuses Islam in all aspects of daily life. The practice of any other religion is against the law and there is an actual Religious Police to enforce this law. This ends any discussion concerning Islam's tolerance of other religions. All laws come from Shariah Law and with its foundation in the Koran, it is the law. Muslims are convinced that this is the way all life should be lived. The belief is, "If Shariah Law is good for now, then it is good for all times," and they firmly believe that concept because Shariah Law comes directly from the Koran, which they believe is the direct word of Allah.
    Islam, as practiced by the "Radical" fundamentalists that lead the religion, does not encourage the pursuit of knowledge outside of itself as can be seen by their attitude toward other cultures especially Western Culture. This is the reason Islam is often referred to as "the religion which has produced nothing but religion". Essentially, anything that is not Islamic is not encouraged and in many instances, it is outright forbidden. Ideals Americans take for granted such as Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, and Freedom of the Press have absolutely no meaning or place within Islamic culture. Islam with Shariah Law constitutes a totalitarian means of ruling society at EVERY level, including ritual worship, transactions and contracts, morals and matters, beliefs and punishments, the servitude of women, etc, etc, etc...

    The words "peace" and "tolerance" are not defined in Islam as it is defined in the West. It does not mean ceasefire or compromise. That is a temporary illusion that people of the western culture are encouraged and fooled into believing.

    The Prophet Muhammad defined the state of peace and tolerance as a moment when the entire world submits to Allah and embraces Islam and that is the way that Islam defines "peace" and "tolerance".

    In Islam, the way to achieve peace is through settlement, jihad, and the institution of the Sharia (Islamic law)... not compromise... not tolerance of other religions... not allowing non-Muslims to exist and live their lives as they wish.

    And before the State of Universal Islamization, "It is the duty of every Muslim male to wage war against Infidels" – not just by preaching and persuading, but by any means necessary and as the world has seen, by extreme violence whenever possible. It is one of the core beliefs of Islam.

    The idea that Islam has any real degree of tolerance as defined in the Western World is not only fallacious but it is dangerous, especially to non-Muslims.

    "If we were united and strong, we'd elect our own emir (leader) and give allegiance to him... Take my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us."
    -- Siraj Wahaj, a black convert to Islam and the recipient of some of the American Muslim community's highest honors, had the privilege of becoming the first Muslim to deliver the daily prayer in the U.S. House of Representatives

    Three Things You (Probably) Don't Know About Islam

    In Islamic states, where there is no formally recognized separation between religion and law, mosque and state, Shariah Law is a cornerstone and is often implemented as the final and ultimate formulation of the law of God, not to be revised or reformulated by mere mortal and fallible human beings. Freedom does not exist in Islam. Only Islam exists in Islam. Ideally, Islam and its teachings would run the State and all laws would be based on criteria from the Koran.

    "Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn't look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn't care about the land or who own the land. The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy."
    -- Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan's Fundamentalist Movement

    Their goal is to make Islam a Worldwide State sanctioned religion led by religious leaders having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all aspects of life based on Islamic teachings, and emphasizing Islam to the detriment of any and all other religions and secular beliefs.
    For people that have grown up with Freedom and Liberty, this is often a hard realization to comprehend. Islam as a religion requires mandatory implementation and participation as a way of life and is the goal of all Muslims. For Muslims, Islam is the only true religion. All other religions are false and an insult to Allah, Islam, "the prophet" Muhammad, and all Muslims. Under Islamic law, infidel religions and beliefs will not be tolerated. With Islam, there is no Freedom of Religion, there is no Individual Freedom; there is only Islam and the Islamic way of life.

    "He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause."
    -- Muhammad, Prophet of Islam

    "By their acts, we shall know them and so we know them."
    -- Pamela Gella, 06 November 2009

    Once you understand this concept, it is easy to comprehend what Islam really is. As a religion, Islam is run by Radical Muslims. They are the loudest and most vocal on Islam. The Radical Muslims are the true Muslims that dictate and control Islam. They are the ones that fight to get what they want based on Islamic Law. This webpage aims to show what they have done, what they are doing now, and the role they want for Islam in the future.
    The term "Radical Islam" is often used when describing Islam. It is a deceptive term in that it assumes there is a more moderate and peaceful version of Islam... there is not! Islam is a Radical ideology on its own as can be seen in its doctrine. There is no need to use the word "Radical" as though there was a "Non-Radical" form of Islam. There is only one Islam and it is at war with the rest of world for planetary control and domination. It is not just a war with an ideology, but with a people, including their elderly, their women, and their children. There is no war with a separate entity of Islam called "Radical Islam"... THE WAR IS WITH ALL OF ISLAM.

    Whether you like it or not, whether you agree with it or not, whether you believe it or not, Islamic Terrorists are the cause for almost all of the world's terrorist attacks. There are always detractors that will advance the notion that these "Islamic Terrorists" are not true Muslims, but such is not the case. These terrorists are dedicated Muslims and serious students of Islam and its teachings. They understand what Islam is, what it means to be a defender of Allah and of Islam, and what is required to be a good Muslim. Remember, Muslims believe that Islam is the only true religion, superior to all other religions and beliefs. They also believe there are no innocent people other than Muslims therefore killing non-Innocents is acceptable to Allah as some legitimate form of retribution as they believe they are on a mission with orders directly from Allah as written in the Koran to destroy anything they see as a threat or an insult to Islam and Allah. Unbelievers are not worthy of living; they deserve to die.

    Examine a somewhat hidden concept of Islam. To advance the cause of Islam is to implement the complete domination of Islam over all other religions with the goal being the eventual elimination of other religions. When a Muslim dies while attempting to advance the cause of Islam, including by warfare and killing, it is not considered suicide, but a glorious act worthy of a secured place in Paradise. Islam is unique among major world religions in this concept. The Koran teaches salvation through fighting and killing non-Muslims. We see this reality whenever a suicide bomber strikes, Muslims are quick to heave praise on the terrorist and on the family of the suicide bomber. There is nothing but contempt given to the victims.

    There is one historical precedent rarely discussed about Islam that helps to explain the terrorist mentality commonly associated with Islam. The bloody legacy of Muhammad is a constant challenge for anyone living within the borders of Islamic belief. The violence that Muslim armies would level on people across North Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia as far as India is a tribute to a founder who condoned slavery, rape, murder and forced conversion in the cause of spreading the rule of his religion. This concept established by Muhammad as a fundamental tool to spread Islam is certainly the basis for terror campaigns against Western infidels and the general apathy that Muslims around the world have to the violence against non-Muslims.

    There are a lot of myths about Islam as to whether it is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance and what that actually means. The following link addresses ten of those myths.

    Ten Myths About Islam


    Why We Fear Islam, Why We Should Fear Islam

    As Americans who were brought up in a prodominately Judeo-Christian society, when we look at others, it is common to see other people that worship other religions as just peaceful people and we want to believe they only want to live in peace as we do. They live their day to day lives much like us... going to work, coming home, spending the weekends doing chores that could not be done during the week. We see pretty much all people as equal. That is not the way Muslims see us. Make no mistake, non-Muslims are clearly seen as Kafirs... second class citizens that should be subjegated under the control of Islam. After all, Islam means "Submission" and that is exactly what the religion means to do to non-Muslims. And until we have the courage to understand and know the real history of Islam and how Muslims have treated non-Muslims, we are going to continue to die by the edge of the Islamic sword.
    Very few Americans actually know anything about how Islam has changed the world and how many hundreds of millions of non-Muslims have suffered and died under the tyrany of Islam. The following video will explain this history and the extremely violent nature of Islam. Just remember, Islam is the only religion that proudly makes videos of the beheading non-Muslims.

    Under Islamic Law, There Are Guidelines For Beating Your Wife

    For those Liberals that love to make excuses for Muslims and blame the Jews, America, or anyone else they like to blame for Islamic hatred, please enjoy this explanation of the guidelines for beating your wife entitled "How To Beat Your Wife". Believe it or not, there is actually a specific etiquette for a man to beat his wife. In Islam, a woman must be honored by a good beating for her own good. This is necessary in order to instill disipline. But do not believe us, just see what Islam has to say on the subject in this very enlightening video broadcasted on MEMRI-TV.

    If you are Pro-Islam, then you are by definition you understand the necessity for beating your wife when she does not perform as she should. This makes training your new 9-12 year-old bride to service her new husband when he wants to be serviced, as is the custom in Islam, very easy. As an Islamic man, if your wife ever refuses to have sex when you want, you are free to beat her until she will never entertain the thought of refusing to have sex with you again. For you Liberal women, expecially those associated with CodePINK, reading this editorial, this observation might be eye-opening if you really want to see the truth.


    Islam And Muslims Are Responsible For The African Slave Trade

    What most people do not realize is that the slave trade that brought Africans from Africa to North and South America and throughout parts of Europe was due to the tireless efforts of Muslims and in accordance with Islamic Law.


    Just another set of facts illustrating the truth about Islam.
    The Threat Of Islam


    I was born and raised as Muslim. My whole family is still Muslim. I know every genetic code of Muslim. I know Islamic brain. I live and breathe with them. I am an insider. I left Islam when I understood that Islam is a sick and evil religion. The following are the Islamic message to the West.
    To the infidels of the West:

    The Constitution for the new Islamic Republics of EuroArabia and AmerIslamia is under construction.
    We will fight the infidel to death.

    • Democrats and Leftist will support us.
    • N.G.O.s will legitimize us.
    • C.A.I.R. will incubate us.
    • The A.C.L.U. will empower us.
    • Western Universities will educate us.
    • Mosques will shelter us
    • O.P.E.C. will finance us
    • Meanwhile American laws will protect us.
    • Hollywood will love us.
    • Kofi Annan and most of the United Nations will cover our asses.

    Our children will immigrate from Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Indonesia and even from India to the US and to the other Western countries. They will go to the West for education in full scholarship. America is paying and will continue to pay for our children's educations and their upbringing in state funded Islamic schools.

    We will use your welfare system. Our children will also send money home while they are preparing for Jihad.
    We will take the advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion. When time comes, we will stab them in the back. We will say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at home. We will give subliminal messages to our children to uphold Islam at any cost. Our children in America will always care more about Islamic Country's interest than US interest.

    We will teach our children Islamic supremacy from the very childhood. We will teach them not to compromise with Infidel. Once we do that from the very early age our children won't hesitate to be martyr. We will take over the Europe first and then US will be the next. We already have a solid ground in the UK, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, and now in the US.

    Our children will marry Caucasian in Europe and in America. We will mix with intricate fabric of the Western society but still will remember to Jihad when time comes. Who are we?

    We are the "sleeper cells".

    We will raise our children to be loyal to Islam and Mohammad only. Everything else is secondary.
    At the time of the real fight we will hold our own children as our armor. When American or Israeli troops shoot at us the world will be watching. Imagine the news in the world "Death of Muslim babies by infidels".

    We know CNN, ABC, CBS are broadcasting live. Al-Jazeera will pour gasoline on the fire. The news will spread like wildfire. "Americans killed 6 babies, 10 babies" and "Jews killed two women".
    Keep your Nukes in your curio cabinets. Keep your aircraft carrier or high-tech weaponry in the showcase. You can't use them against us because of your own higher moral standard. We will take the advantage of your higher moral standard and use it against you. We won't hesitate to use our children as suicide bomber against you.

    Visualize the news flash all over the world ...Muslim mother is sobbing ...crying. ...Her babies are killed by Jews and Americans, the whole world is watching live. Hundreds of millions of Muslims all around the world are boiling. They will march through Europe. We will use our women to produce more babies who will in turn be used as armor/shield. Our babies are the gift from Allah for Jihad.
    West manufactures their tanks in the factory. We will manufacture our military force by natural means, by producing more babies. That is the way it is cheaper.

    You infidels at this site cannot defeat us. We are 1.2 billion. We will double again. Do you have enough bullets to kill us?
    On the camera:

    • We will always say, "Islam is the Religion of Peace."
    • We will say, "Jihad is actually inner Jihad."
    • Moderate Muslims will say there is no link between Islam and Terrorism and the West will believe it because the West is so gullible.
    • Moderate Muslims all over the world will incubate Jihadist by their talk by defending Islam.
    • Using the Western Legal system we will assert our Shariah Laws, slowly but surely.
    • We will increase in number. We will double again.

    You will be impressed when you meet a moderate Muslim personally. As your next-door neighbor, coworker, student, teacher, engineer, professionals you may even like us. You will find us well mannered, polite, humble that will make you say, "Wow, Muslims are good and peaceful people", but, we will stab you in your back when you are sleeping as we did on 911.

    There will be more 911 in Europe and in America. We will say, "We do not support terrorism but America got what it deserved."
    Muslims, CAIR, ISNA, MPAC and other international Islamic Organization will unite. We will partner with Leftist, ACLU, with Koffi Annan, and the UN, and if we have to then even with France. Fasten your seatbelt. The war of civilizations has just begun.
    We will recite Quran and say Allah-Hu-Akbar before beheading infidels, as we have been doing it. We will video tape those and send it to all infidels to watch. They will surrender - ISLAM means surrender.
    We will use your own values of kindness against you.

    You are destined to lose.
    Must be very depressing for you, isn't it?

    Allah-Hu-Akbar as we say just before beheading.

    France Raids Mosques, What Was Found Should Have Us Demolishing Them All
    Tuesday, December 8, 2015 9:25

    “Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down. In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.
    France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders. At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest. This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.
    “In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express. Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added. While those of us on the right warn that more gun control will only leave us defenseless, France has proven it with their own failed policies. All but banning weapons hasn’t stopped Islamic terrorists from obtaining them, as these raids have shown. This is one instance where we should learn from the mistakes of others, rather than making more of our own — mistakes that will cost more American lives…”

    ORTHODOX MUSLIMS cannot wage all out war on the U.S. and expect to win. But they have a religious obligation to participate in jihad in some way in order to eventually subjugate all countries under Islamic law, including the U.S. There are more devious ways to conquer than straightforward war, however. In the excerpt below, from an article by Anis Shorrosh, author of Islam Revealed, shares what he sees as the "Islamists' 20-year plan" to conquer the U.S. As you will see, many of these things are already being done.

    1. Terminate America's freedom of speech by replacing it with statewide and nationwide hate-crime bills.

    2. Wage a war of words using black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson and other visible religious personalities who promote Islam as the religion of African-Americans while insisting Christianity is for whites only. What they fail to tell African-Americans is that it was Arab Muslims who captured them and sold them as slaves. In fact, the Arabic word for black and slave is the same, ''Abed.''

    3. Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches and mosques on the virtues of Islam. Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the same monotheistic faith.

    4. Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office to bring about favorable legislation toward Islam and support potential sympathizers by block voting.

    5. Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the Internet as possible by buying the related corporations or a controlling stock.

    6. Yield to the fear of the imminent shut-off of the lifeblood of America – black gold. America’s economy depends on oil and 41 percent of it comes from the Middle East.

    7. Yell ''foul, out-of-context, personal interpretation, hate crime, Zionist, un- American, inaccurate interpretation of the Quran'' anytime Islam is criticized or the Quran is analyzed in the public arena.

    8. Encourage Muslims to penetrate the White House, specifically with Islamists who can articulate a marvelous and peaceful picture of Islam. Acquire government positions and get membership in local school boards. Train Muslims as medical doctors to dominate the medical field, research and pharmaceutical companies. (Ever notice how numerous Muslim doctors in America are, when their countries need them more desperately than America?) Take over the computer industry. Establish Middle Eastern restaurants throughout the U.S. to connect planners of Islamization in a discreet way.

    9. Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via:

    * Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961).

    * Use no birth control whatsoever – every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.

    * Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then divorce them and remarry every five years – since one can't legally marry four at one time. This is a legal solution in America.

    * Convert angry, alienated black inmates and turn them into militants (so far 2,000 released inmates have joined al-Qaida worldwide). Only a few ''sleeper cells'' have been captured in Afghanistan and on American soil.

    10. Reading, writing, arithmetic and research through the American educational system, mosques and student centers (now 1,500) should be sprinkled with dislike of Jews, evangelical Christians and democracy. There are currently 300 exclusively Muslim schools in the U.S. which teach loyalty to the Quran, not the U.S. Constitution. In January of 2002, Saudi Arabia’s Embassy in Washington mailed 4,500 packets of the Quran and videos promoting Islam to America's high schools – free of charge. Saudi Arabia would not allow the U.S. to reciprocate.

    11. Provide very sizable monetary Muslim grants to colleges and universities in America to establish ''Centers for Islamic studies'' with Muslim directors to promote Islam in higher-education institutions.

    12. Let the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and national media that terrorists have hijacked Islam, when in truth, Islam hijacked the terrorists.

    13. Appeal to the historically compassionate and sensitive Americans for sympathy and tolerance towards Muslims in America who are portrayed as mainly immigrants from oppressed countries.

    14. Nullify America's sense of security by manipulating the intelligence community with misinformation. Periodically terrorize Americans with reports of impending attacks on bridges, tunnels, water supplies, airports, apartment buildings and malls.

    15. Form riots and demonstrations in the prison system demanding Islamic Sharia as the way of life, not America's justice system.

    16. Open numerous charities throughout the U.S., but use the funds to support Islamic terrorism with American dollars.

    17. Raise interest in Islam on America's campuses by insisting freshman take at least one course on Islam.

    18. Unify the numerous Muslim lobbies in Washington, mosques, Islamic student centers, educational organizations, magazines and papers by Internet and an annual convention to coordinate plans, propagate the faith and engender news in the media.

    19. Send intimidating messages and messengers to the outspoken individuals who are critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by hook or crook.

    20. Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the U.S. by spotlighting their voting record as the highest percentage of all minority and ethic groups in America.

    Shorrosh is a member of the Oxford Society of Scholars, has traveled in 76 countries, and is a lecturer and producer of TV documentaries. Islam Revealed is a bestseller now in its eighth printing. His forthcoming 10th book, from which the 20-point plan is abridged, is titled ''Islam: A Threat or a Challenge.''


    Anonymous 5:06 AM
    This plan is most definitly being carried out. One doesn't have to look far to see what's going on. If you pay attention to the news on these topics, it confirms all of this. The biggest problem for America is that you have idiots like Oprah Winfrey telling everyone Islam is a sister religion to Christianity...that it promotes peace and love and that we as Americans should be accepting of it. I think most Americans are blind to what is going on and desperately need to be educated before it's too late!

    Mike 5:40 AM
    We as Americans need to get our heads out of the sand! All you have to do is pay attention to the headline news to see what's going on. We have influential idiots like Oprah Winfrey telling people that Islam is a sister religion to Christianity and that it is a religion of peace and love. The worst part of it all is that many people take her word for it and are misled to believe a lie.

    coldjoint 5:44 PM
    don't politicians have computers, it seems only the people reading this stuff know what is going on, that can't be. what islam is doing is obvious. what we should do is obvious too. grab your balls america and defend the liberty so many have died for. do not give away through tolerance what we can not tolerate.LIBERTY

    Citizen Warrior 1:50 AM
    Read how one man near Washington, D.C., influences his fellow Americans to wage jihad from within: Jihad By Subversion.
    Anonymous 7:44 PM
    We all need to join together , our churches need to join together ,as an army warriors to fight back ,reclaim back our freedom , and our inheritance , now , dont wait for tommorow , be here now .

    Anonymous 9:29 PM
    That 20 year plan i taking place and almost fullfilled. I hate those people with a passion. That bunch has no concept of the spirit of the Law that is supposed to govern the meaning of the Laws of this Land. They should all be tried for treason. They say it over and over that they have an agenda and want a "new world order." He is who he surrounds himself with. He said that also. Where are all the lawmakers who supposed to protect the law of the great land? Try to overthrow the government in the land of the sand and see what happens. They are laughing at our spineless lawmakers and enforcers. Nancy Pelosi hould be flogged in public.

    Anonymous 12:16 PM
    I second A good old fashion stoning of Nancy Pelosi and all the godless liberals. God will have judgment on those who sin. The axis of evil starts with Liberals and Radicals like Barack Obama. Barack has dedicated Nasa to helping Muslim countries as their number one priority. Aren't those the people that want to slit our throat?

    SecularDemocraticIran 8:35 PM
    As a person who lived more than 2/3 of my life in Islamis countries & communities, grew up under a Sharia school system & laws and hated Islam (along almost anyone I knew growing up) more than enything else in my life, I agree w/ that article 100%. This is the most realistic analysis of the situation I've ever seen.
    I've been personally fighitng for Iranian secular democracy for most of my life and my main targets in this battle are normally the various kinds of Islamic (pro-IR) lobbyists. They come in all forms and much of the western media is hijacked by them w.o realizing. They have brainwahing & recruiting cells in almost any university in America. There are billions of $coming from MUSLIM nations and US charity organizations to fund their growing underground empire. They have become experts in $ laundering, drug, cigarett and conterband smuggling and there is more tax fraud by Muslims than any other because they consider paying taxes as feeding the infidel enemy of Islam while even the millionare Muslim kids receive social welfare, food stamps andgoverntment benefit. I can write a whole book about how much they abuse American liberty against America itself.
    I am an Iranian and grew up in the Muslims world, also during my first years in America, my situation forced meto live in majotity Arab/Muslim communities which I really hated.
    I warrned Americans about the threas of growing Muslim communities in America and the Americans laughed at me or ignored me calling me over reacted because I was suffered living under an Islamic dictatorship.
    When 9/11th terrorist attack took place, once again I had to deal with idiots who thought anyone from the Middle East must be a Muslim and so a terrorist. Even when they heard me cursing Islam and let them know that I was an athiest from non-Muslim parents, the idiots didn't understand.
    When I heard Bush engaged Iran in Iraq & Afghanistan, I warned anyone I knew that Iran was going to take over Iraq and turn it into a Juhadist capital and still Americans didn't believe me.

    Even my predictions about Iran uprising turned to reality because the opposite what it seems, over 70% of Iranians under the age of 40 are non-Muslims meaning that they were born of Muslim parents, but hate Islam more than anything else in their lives & never worship it. The young Iranians fighting the barbaric regime in Iran are the future allies US & Israel need in the middle east and the west should capitilize and invest in them because they'll change the future of middle east and the world.
    When Obama prases Islam and pays respect to the occupying regime of Islamic Republic, Iranian people feel betrayal from the free world that instead of hearing their cries, our fanatic president praises their barbaric oppressors. They even chanted "Obama, Either w/us or w/them(regime)"

    SecularDemocraticIran 8:43 PM
    I am an Iranian and grew up in the Muslims world, also during my first years in America, my situation forced meto live in majotity Arab/Muslim communities which I really hated.
    I warrned Americans about the threas of growing Muslim communities in America and the Americans laughed at me or ignored me calling me over reacted because I was suffered living under an Islamic dictatorship.
    When 9/11th terrorist attack took place, once again I had to deal with idiots who thought anyone from the Middle East must be a Muslim and so a terrorist. Even when they heard me cursing Islam and let them know that I was an athiest from parents who also hate religion, the idiots didn't understand.
    When I heard Bush engaged Iran in Iraq & Afghanistan, I warned anyone I knew that Iran was going to take over Iraq and turn it into a Juhadist capital and still Americans didn't believe me.

    Even my predictions about Iran uprising turned to reality because the opposite what it seems, over 70% of Iranians under the age of 40 are non-Muslims meaning that they were born of Muslim parents, but hate Islam more than anything else in their lives & never worship it. The young Iranians fighting the barbaric regime in Iran are the future allies US & Israel need in the middle east and the west should capitilize and invest in them because they'll change the future of middle east and the world.
    When Obama prases Islam and pays respect to the occupying regime of Islamic Republic, Iranian people feel betrayal from the free world that instead of hearing their cries, our fanatic president praises their barbaric oppressors. They even chanted "Obama, Either w/us or w/them(regime)"
    My email contact:

    feelingelephants 4:53 PM
    Do you truly think the American democracy is not strong enough to defend against any attack?

    I believe in the vision of America our founders (Masons and Christians, slave-owners and abolitionists all, democratic and republican, trusting of the will of the people and less so) laid down in the Constitution:

    1) Pluralism,

    2) Freedom of speech, religion, and advocacy,

    3) Debate as a vetting process for ideas.

    If there is any threat to the United States, from without or within, I believe these freedoms will allow us to deal with it. That the Muslim population of the world is no different than the Christian or Jewish or Hindu--all people, faulty, common and brilliant people--may be uncomfortable, but it is no less true.

    Come what may, the American system will adapt and stand. And Muslim-Americans will be there supporting it.
    Citizen Warrior 12:16 AM
    feelingelephants said...

    "That the Muslim population of the world is no different than the Christian or Jewish or Hindu--all people, faulty, common and brilliant people--may be uncomfortable, but it is no less true."

    My response: I have no problem with the PEOPLE. The threat is the ideology, and the unrelenting drive to accomplish Sharia by gaining one small, incremental concession or accomodation at a time until it is past the point of no return, all happening so gradually that nothing raises a flag to alarm enough people.

    The greatest danger is that the Muslim population gets large enough to create a voting block that is too large and too united for politicians to ignore. It does not have to be but five or ten percent of the population to change who wins and who loses at the ballot box.

    That's why the first thing that needs to happen is for non-Muslim in the country to read the Quran. This is the version I recommend: An Abridged Koran.

    And the second thing that needs to happen as soon as enough people have read the Quran to influence the vote, is to vote to stop all Muslim immigration to the United States. In the meantime, please sign this petition: No More Muslim Immigration.
    Anonymous 10:25 PM
    2 SUICIDE bombings in downtown Stockholm, Sweden - enuff is enuff - DEPORT all Muslims and Arabs from every single wrestern country NOW before it is toolate. Was done before in Europe it needs to be done now. There is no choice and if war breaks out Islamic cities must be nuked. Only way our way of life will ever exist in future.

    Yazidi Boy and the Religion of Peace and Love

    Last edited by Raven on December 14th 2015, 5:39 pm; edited 8 times in total
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
  9. admin

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    • Post n°217

    empty. Re: The Factuals versus the Nabs

    empty. shiloh Yesterday at 11:47 pm
    The Usurpation of Cultural Identity by Islam
    [8:09:28 AM-December 15th, 2015] Sirius 17:

    I just did a little post but i have to head out now and get some errands done, feel free to fix or add to this or share it around Tony. I shared this article on my wall in response to one my aunt shared. I am so sick of the BS that I had to respond.

    She shared this article with this statement:
    "A huge amount of Muslims specifically come to America because of our respect for freedom of religion. Many of them serve in our military to protect that very American principle. When I was in the Navy, a shipmate who happened to be Muslim told me he considers the U.S. Military to be "Freedom's Army." I never forgot it."
    I guess quoted from the article

    [8:13:18 AM] ShilohaPlace: Yes and this is of course ok, but any such folks are actually betraying islam.
    [8:13:45 AM] Sirius 17: yes why i said what i said at the beginning

    [8:14:25 AM] ShilohaPlace: I saw a clip from C.A.R - Central African Republic and where two camps muslims and xtians want to live in peace together but can communicate because respective militias are killing each other and the civilians.
    But ask yourself. Who started the killings?
    [8:14:53 AM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:15:06 AM] ShilohaPlace: The islamists did and then the xtians fought back same with the buddhists in Thailand. I recall your silly aunt mentioning that xtians are killing muslims in Africa.
    [8:15:38 AM] Sirius 17: yes and the Tibeteans in Tibet against China, well until they wiped them out and subdued them
    [8:15:38 AM] ShilohaPlace: This is why - Self Defence becoming mutual hatred.
    [8:15:58 AM] Sirius 17: yes, well her logic doesn't hold up to snuff as we know. She is defending a religion she knows zero, zip, nada, nothing about and THAT is ridiculious
    [8:16:41 AM] ShilohaPlace: Same everywhere -
    [8:17:10 AM] ShilohaPlace: This is the slow revival. But the world must get rid of islam not muslims!
    [8:17:35 AM] Sirius 17: yes well i have no problem with that i did read bits of it; but yes Islam is a farce
    [8:18:03 AM] ShilohaPlace: I'll reply with this to your post

    The curious rebirth of Zoroastrianism in Iraqi Kurdistan

    By PS21 on November 26, 2015 • ( Leave a comment )


    Lara Fatah is a communications consultant based in Iraqi Kurdistan. She is also a PS21 global fellow.

    Faced with the barbaric actions of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on their doorstep, a growing number of Kurds, particularly among the youth, are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the various interpretations of Islam on offer in the region.

    There is an age-old Zoroastrian mantra: “Good words, good thoughts and good actions.”

    It still holds for the small but growing number of Zoroastrians living in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan Region.

    While some look to secular, Western cultural ideals, others are looking to the past and exploring ancient Kurdish beliefs. Up until the seventh century Islamic conquests, Kurds across the region were followers of various pre-Abrahamic faiths, such as Zoroastrianism and Yazidism.

    In August this year, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) officially recognised Zoroastrianism as a religion. The move elicited mixed reactions.

    According to local media reports, around 10,000 have converted to Zoroastrianism in the last year alone. Some local media reports purport this figure to be as high as 100,000.

    The search for identity

    Kurds across the Middle East have generally clung to their ethnic identity rather than their religion. Though Islam has played a more pivotal role in marking out regional identities in recent years, this has not really been the case among Kurds. Islamic parties usually garner only 10-15 percent of the vote in the Kurdistan Regional Government and Kurdish Provincial council elections.

    With the Kurdish identity and culture under threat from ISIL, the perceived “Kurdishness” of Zoroastrianism adds to its appeal.

    “All Kurds are nationalists and we take pride in our heritage, so of course the Kurdish nature of the religion influenced my decision to convert,” says Shwan Rahman, a recent convert to Zoroastrianism.

    Rahman, 30 grew up in London and was a devout Muslim for most of his teenage years, but became an atheist when he returned to live in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region in 2010 and work as a lawyer. He says that the peaceful, Zen-like, philosophy of the religion was its greatest appeal.

    “The main principles of Zoroastrianism coincide with my way of thinking, good words, good thoughts, good actions,” he says.

    Mullah Abbas Khidir Faraj, preacher at Awal Bakrajo Mosque and Head of Public Relations for the Islamic Scholars Union in Sulaimania, concedes that ISIL has had a negative impact on the public’s perception of Islam.

    “ISIL are criminals and they claim to act in the name of Islam, of course this has an impact on us, but they are not true Muslims,” he says.

    Arguably the world’s oldest monotheistic religion, Zoroastrianism – or Zardashti, as it is called in Kurdish – stood out from its polytheistic counterparts during the Bronze Age.

    Once the official state religion of three Persian empires (Achaemenid, Arsacid and Sassanian) there are now thought to be less than 200,000 followers worldwide. The most active communities are in Iran and India, though there are a handful of diaspora communities across Europe and the United States. However, there are a growing number of activists in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region trying to reverse that trend.

    One activist, Awat Taeeb, along with a friend set up the NGO Yasna (which is the name of one of the texts in the Zoroaster holy book the Avesta) to promote the cultural aspects of Zoroastrianism. The NGO was started in London in 2006 and after a failed attempt to open a branch in 2012 in the KRG, a branch of Yasna was successfully opened in March.

    Taeeb, who was raised as a Zoroastrian, is passionate about her religion, talking animatedly about its peaceful and environmentally friendly nature as well as pointing out that it promotes equality between men and women, as it doesn’t differentiate between the roles and status of the sexes in the same way Islam does.

    In recent months, they have used a combination of seminars and social media to promote their cause and recruit new followers.

    “We have held a number of seminars in Sulaimania and also in the surrounding rural areas such as Darbandikhan, Rania and Kifri, as well as cities such as Hawler and Kirkuk,” she says.

    “What has become clear to us is that people have been truly shocked by the acts of ISIL – they feel this interpretation of Islam doesn’t represent them and it is attacking Kurdish identity. They feel that what they are learning about Zoroastrianism feels more Kurdish, more familiar.”

    But some, including Mullah Faraj, question exactly how “Kurdish” Zorastrianism is and think that this will limit its appeal.

    “Zoroastrian Kurds were always in Iranian Kurdistan and not in this area. There is no history in this area of Kurds being Zoroastrian. For this reason, I think it will be hard for them and it’s unlikely they will be successful.”

    Sulaimania resident Galawizh Ghulam is also sceptical as to how successful they will be in recruiting followers.

    “I find the numbers quoted in the newspapers to be very high. I can see that the younger generation might be turned off by Islam because of ISIL, although personally I don’t think ISIL represents Islam. Even if the youth are turned off, I don’t see large numbers converting,” she says.

    It was through their Facebook presence that Rahman became more aware of the teachings of Zoroastrianism.

    “At the beginning of this year, I started to consider converting to Zoroastrianism after finding a page on Facebook that posted information about the religion on a regular basis,” he says.

    Converting from Islam is controversial, and society in the Islamic world will not be sympathetic.

    Asked his opinion on the matter, Mullah Faraj said that he did not feel people would face reprisals and that, whilst no one likes to lose followers, one had to accept their decision.

    “You cannot force someone to follow you. If they believe they will choose to follow you,” he explains.

    However, both Awat Xan and Rahman have reservations as to how easy it will be for large numbers to convert. Despite the potential for broad appeal, conversions will no doubt be resisted by the dominant religious forces in the region.

    Awat Xan says that they have already received threats from various Islamic groups and for that reason they have so far stuck to preaching about the culture of Zoroastrianism. The NGO focuses its efforts solely in this direction.

    “We have received many threats and people try to spread falsehoods that we are fire worshipers, but that is not true,” she says. “We will have to work slowly and cautiously, but we are a peaceful religion and we believe in free will.”

    It is not always easy to have an open debate about the role of religion in politics in the Kurdistan Region. Many, though not all, politicians fear harsh rebuttals – even reprisals – from Islamist groups and shy away from discussing the issues in hand, from whether ISIL is truly Islamic in nature to whether or not the Kurdish constitution should be completely secular so that women can have equal status to men. Previous attempts at instituting gender equality in the charter have been shut down by Islamist factions even though they represent only 10-15 percent of the voting population. The lack of tolerated open debate is leading to black and white views on many sides.

    Is the revival of Zoroastrianism in Iraqi Kurdistan a reaction to the increasing role of Islam in politics and the presence of ISIL?

    In my opinion, nothing ISIL have done up until now conflicts with the principles of Islam,” says Rahman. “This has definitely taken a lot of people away from Islam, especially amongst the younger generations.”

    While it is natural that there will be some resistance to a new or returning religion trying to gain ground in the Kurdistan Region, Taeeb is quick to point out that they have had support from various individual members of all the main secular parties in the Kurdistan Region. They are now lobbying the KRG to set up a directorate of Zoroastrian Affairs in a similar way to that of the Yazidis. They have also asked for land to be provided for the construction of a new temple.

    Ghulam, however, remains unconvinced,

    “I think young people are more likely to just move away from all religions. They will either become more secular or be non-observant Muslims. Myself, for example, I believe in God but I don’t pray on a regular basis.”

    It is unlikely that large swathes of people will suddenly forsake Islam, but in the face of extremism, there is some heated debate over the role religion should play within society and politics. Whether or not Zoroastrianism is actually Kurdish in nature is also being debated. Non-Kurdish academics generally posit that it originated with the Persians and possibly from further East.

    It is encouraging to see that cautious attempts to create a space for discussion and tolerance are emerging. However, in order to truly move forward, the debate must also consider the similarities and perhaps even influences that Zoroastrianism has had on the Abrahamic religions. They all believe in heaven and hell, redemption, the Messiah, the existence of an evil spirit and judgement day. A greater awareness and understanding of other religions would help to create a more tolerant atmosphere and debate.

    Yet sadly, subversion and manipulation of religion throughout the centuries for political gain have left the region struggling with its identity and stability.

    Arabs and Muslims and a Loss of a 'Stolen' Cultural Identity

    Islam as a Vehicle for Arab Supremacism

    July 20, 2015 9:09 am By Hugh Fitzgerald

    Long ago, Bernard Lewis wrote about the “multiple identities” of the peoples of the Middle East. By that he meant that one could be Muslim, but not necessarily Arab — as Berbers and Kurds were also Muslim. One could be Arab, but not necessarily Muslim, or identify by language and culture with Arabdom, as some Arab Christians (especially “Palestinians”) do, while Copts and Maronites may not. Then there are Shi’ite Iranians, but also Shi’ite Arabs, as in Syria, who might favor one part of their identity over another. And then there were smaller peoples in the area whose identity was neither Muslim nor Arab, which made them particularly vulnerable to aggression, having no one to call upon, for they stood alone — such as the lamented Yazidis.

    The recent fighting between Berbers and Arabs in a town — Ghaadia — in southern Algeria reminds us of this crazy-quilt of peoples and tugging identities in North Africa and the Middle East. To the extent that a Berber is keenly aware of being a Berber, he is less likely to be a keen embracer of fanatical Islam, for Islam is identified with ‘Uruba, or Arabdom, the “gift of the Arabs” that demanded of non-Arab Muslims that they pray five times a day in the direction of Arabia (Mecca), ideally take Arab names, read the Qur’an in Arabic, and sometimes even construct a false Arab ancestry (as the “Sayeeds” of Pakistan) that links them to the Prophet. Not all Berbers want to be told they must ideally be Arabs.
    The clashes in Ghaadia between Arabs and Berbers offer a chance to consider how those “multiple identities” can be played upon, or appealed to, to lessen the tug of Islam among non-Arab Muslims.
    It is no mystery as to why Christian missionaries might be having their greatest success in the Kabyle, which remains the Berber heartland in Algeria. It is where the Berbers are concentrated, that is, those who were not forcibly transformed, during the centuries of Arab rule (interrupted by 132 years of French rule) into “Arabs.” (How many of those “Arabs” who now persecute the Berbers realize that they themselves are a generation, or two, or five, removed from their clearly Berber origins?)

    The cause of the Berbers is hardly known in this country. Yet the writer Kateb Yacine, a Berber who refused to write in Arabic, but chose French, is celebrated in France, especially among Berbers — but unknown in this country, and his anti-Arab rage is not likely to cause his books to be included in the syllabuses of courses on “Francophone” literature, given that so many such courses are now taught by French-speaking Arabs.
    What is that cause? In the first place, it is linguistic and cultural. In Algeria, where the French saw the Berbers as superior to the Arabs — one French general wrote a book about the “Europeanness” of the Berbers — the Berbers were not discriminated against, but as soon as the French left, the forced arabisation of the Berbers started up at once, as if the French interregnum, with the wider possibilities that French education made possible to both Berbers and Arabs, had never existed. Older people in Algeria speak and use French; the younger ones are forgetting. And meanwhile, the Berbers were forbidden to use their own language, Tamazight, in their schools or in their institutions, and even, at times, they could be punished for using it among themselves, on the street. Berber culture was officially ignored.

    About thirty years ago, news of Berber agitation began to reach the outside world. There were riots in Tizi-Ouzou that were reported in France, but hardly anywhere else in the Western world. In America, of course, we had all been sufficiently subject to ARAMCO propaganda (performed as a “public service” by the big oil companies, as part of their propaganda payoff to the Saudis for allowing them to find, produce, and then pay exorbitantly for the oil that happens to lie under the malevolent sands of “Saudi” Arabia), to believe that there is something called “the Arab world,” and in this “Arab world” there are no Copts, no Armenians, no Assyrians, no Chaldeans, no Turkmen, no Mandeans, no Maronites, and of course no Berbers, no Jews (no, there never were any Jews in North Africa or the Middle East — they all came to Israel, you see, from Europe), for everyone in the Arab world was an “Arab.”
    The discovery or re-discovery of a Berber identity (and, again, how many of those North African “Arabs” should begin to realize that they are Berbers?) is or could be an important weapon in unsettling the world of Islam, and perhaps causing the Maghreb to see itself, as it should, not as “Arab” but as the victim of Arab imperialism.
    For what is Islam if not a vehicle of Arab imperialism, and what are the Berbers, if not the victims of that Arab imperialism, an imperialism far more potent and long-lasting than the European kind, for it attempts to efface the historic identity of whole peoples?

    And it makes perfect sense that Berbers in the Kabyle, having felt along their pulses the Arab imperialism of which Islam is the vehicle, would be more open to the efforts of Christian missionaries, or more likely, are not so much responding to missionary activity, but to their own observations as to what Christianity is like, and what Islam has brought them.
    In this respect, one should not underestimate the fact that many Berbers now live in France, that they make up most of the membership of such groups as the “maghrebins laiques,” and that they, not the Arabs whose ethnic identity is so bound up with Islam, are capable, in some cases, not of identifying with the Arabs, but more closely with the French. And those Berbers communicate with Berbers at home, or through the Internet. And sometimes they return to Algeria and Morocco to see their families, and bring with them their own observations on the relative merits of the Islamic world, a world suffused with Islam, and the non-Islamic world, the one they have experienced in France.

    The more the non-Arab Muslims of the world, and 80% of the world’s Muslims are not Arab, come to realize — and it would not be hard to help them to realize, for they will not be able to deny the facts, having experienced so much of it themselves — that Islam is a vehicle for Arab supremacism, the more likely it is that at least some of them will fall away. And others, who may believe in a kind of Islam not dominated by Arabs, a “non-Arab” Islam (as if such were possible) will, in so doing, at least help to divide, and therefore to weaken, the Camp of Islam.
    Ideally, one would wish this Total System, that has held so many hundreds of millions in thrall, and thwarted over so many centuries so much human potential (think of the art, think of the science, that might have resulted in the absence of the dead hand of Islam on so many people, prevented from so many forms of artistic expression, from so many avenues for free and skeptical inquiry that are necessary for the enterprise of science, think of so much dull fanaticism, so much boredom, so much violence, in posse and in esse) will be seen, by Berbers, by Kurds, by people in the subcontinent (why should Muslims in India not “rediscover” their own history, their Hindu, or Buddhist, or other non-Muslim roots?), by those in Malaysia and the East Indies, with its rich pre-Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist past, as having helped to make them forget their own history, and this history deserves to be rediscovered.
    Meanwhile, start reading and promoting those Berber sites. And hope that the French state, instead of “integrating” its Muslims by government-supported mosques, will try to work with Berbers in France, work to make them see the light, work to help them to achieve their own destiny, one different from, and superior to, that of the Arabs whose method of cultural and linguistic domination comes from, and is supplied by, Islam.

    We should help those in North Africa (and in France) who know, are well aware, of their Berber identity. DNA could come to the rescue. There is a genetic marker that, in studies by French geneticists in Tunisia, shows that Berbers and Arabs can be easily distinguished. Some who proudly identify themselves as “Arabs” will resist. But others may listen. And as they recognize the violence, the “culture of death” of Islam, in its fanatical form, perhaps those who wish to make a break from Islam, and recognize that such a break is hardest of all for Arabs, and that another identity needs to be accepted, invented, believed in, will manage to discover, and embrace, their Berber “roots.”
    It seems fanciful, just as it seems fanciful that Iranians, those who are not merely disgusted with the mullahs running things, but are coming to be disgusted with Islam — that “gift of the Arabs” — itself, may wish to rediscover Zoroastrianism. Not because of any particular wonderfulness in what Zoroastrianism has to offer, but simply because it offers another identity (see Bernard Lewis’s excellent “The Multiple Identities of the Middle East,” to which I referred earlier), in a part of the world, and among people, who believe that “everyone simply has to be something.” And that “something” cannot be, as it is in the advanced West, a collection of ideas or ideals — as an American might define himself as loyal to the American Constitution, and wishing to defend the political and legal institutions of this country, fortunately fashioned by an inimitable group of geniuses, and fortunately, not yet made complete hash even by those who embody the degradation of the democratic dogma.

    Some Berbers accepted being considered as “Arabs,” the way some Copts and Maronites have had a false “Arab identity” pushed on them, or have only semi-accepted it, an “identity” constructed out of nothing more than the fact that they are speakers, “users,” of Arabic, and may have had Arabic names forced on them over time. Indeed, there are differences between Arabs who have become Christians (as a few did in the 19th and early 20th centuries) and those Arabic-using Christians — Maronites, Copts, Assyrians, Chaldeans — who are not Arabs, but some of whom have, in order to survive in an ever-threatening Muslim sea, had to find their role as “Arabs” or even, in the manner of the Christian Syrian Michel Aflaq (one of the founders of Ba’athism), become hyper-Arab nationalists, as promoters of an Arab identity, pan-Arabism, the whole works — an alternative to Islam (they were fooling themselves, because pan-Arabism for Muslim Arabs was never a real alternative to Islam, but merely a temporary goal, a subset, of the goal of a reunified Muslim world. In the end Islam triumphed).
    Not every ill that befell the non-Muslims in the Muslim world, or non-Arabs in the Muslim Arab world, can be attributed to colonial powers. There were French, during the time of the “presence francaise” who brought schools, hospitals, modern agriculture, and other elements of modern civilization, to North Africa (in Morocco and Tunisia, over about half-a-century; and in Algeria, over a 132-year period) who were quite capable of distinguishing Berbers from Arabs, and it was not their pressure that caused some Berbers to forget their own identity, any more than it was France as the guarantor of the Christians in Lebanon and Syria who caused some to make themselves hyper-Arabs. Aflaq co-founded the Ba’ath party with two associates not when the French seemed to be there to stay, but when it was clear that they would, in a few years, be leaving, and Arab nationalism would be the cover to protect the Arab Christians from Islam.

    Aflaq’s “Ba’athism” came to dominate only two countries, and for two similar reasons. The first was Syria, with a large Christian population, and with a powerful military caste, the Alawites, who were not regarded as orthodox Muslims, were indeed disliked by orthodox Muslims for the obvious elements of syncretism in their worship (go to an Alawite village and see the pictures of Mary everywhere), these Alawites who had been miserable under the domination of Sunni Islam but under that of the French formed part of the Troupes speciales, were trained to fight, and when the French left, the Alawites remained in the army, and the air force (with Colonel Hafez al-Assad), and gradually took over, in the way that people or groups always take over in the Muslim Middle East — through the application, or threat, of military force. In Syria Ba’athism tried to disguise, was the facade, for the rule by the Alawites.
    In Iraq, Ba’athism took a different turn. There, the Sunnis knew that they were numerically far inferior to the Shi’a, even if they kept denying it. Nonetheless, once they were put in control of modern Iraq, by the British, they never lost their grip until the Americans arrived in 2003 and overturned the old order.

    The Hashemite king, Feisal, a Sunni, was put in control of Iraq, and aided throughout the 1920s by British troops, and such British civilians as the celebrated archaeologist Gertrude Bell, until finally, the expense of suppressing the tribes, and the obvious hopelessness of it all, caused the British to leave. It was Winston Churchill who described Mesopotamia (Iraq) as an “ungrateful volcano.” And when the British left, the local Arabs solemnly promised not to harm the local Christians, and five months after the last British troops pulled out, Muslim Arabs killed up to 100,000 largely helpless Assyrians. (William Saroyan wrote a book about it).
    Everywhere Muslims spreading Islam are careful to present it as the vehicle for whatever grievance the potential local converts may have. If it is black prisoners in the United States, then Islam is presented as the vehicle both of “social justice” (see how Muslim ruling classes everywhere seize the national wealth, see how well the poor are treated in Muslim countries), and against “racism.” And the Infidels do little or nothing. Have you seen any campaigns of deliberate counter-Da’wa anywhere in the prisons of the West? It would be easy to show, and to keep showing, perhaps by organizing the “Lost Boys” of the Sudan, that anti-black racism, of the purest and most virulent kind, is found among the Arabs. Anyone who has studied in an Arab country returns amazed at what is openly said about blacks, and not a few are shaken. Anyone who looks into the history of African slavery soon discovers that the Arab slave trade began earlier, and ended later, than that of the Europeans – or rather, ended formally later, but actually continues, in several countries, to this day. Why is this not screamed from every housetop? Why have the countries of the advanced world, that have poured $400 billion into aid to black Africa, not tried to halt the spread of the most retrograde force, a force which encourages the habit of mental submission, and which, in its inshallah-fatalism, is in fact fatal to economic development, not tried to stop the spread of Islam? If they have the wellbeing of black Africans at heart, they must begin to understand, and to share their understanding, that Islam has been, is, and always will be, a force that hinders, with that inshallah-fatalism and that habit of mental submission, any possibility of either economic or intellectual development.

    The evidence is there. What sustained the Muslims for centuries, at a low level, was simply the accumulated intellectual capital of those peoples whom they conquered, and slowly leached of life, and of property as well. Now North Africa and the Middle East are virtually emptied of the local non-Muslims who once provided a certain supply of Jizyah. What sustains the Arabs and Muslims are two things, and only two things; the new disguised Jizyah of Western foreign aid (which should be ended, and used to meet the new expenses of monitoring Muslim populations in the West), and the manna of oil wealth, entirely undeserved, and the only conceivable way that the Arabs and Muslims might acquire great wealth – through an accident of geology. Are the peoples of black Africa to be misled into thinking that they, too, will somehow share in that wealth if they are Muslim?

    There was once a very large and intelligent, because it focused on small-scale, doable projects, aid effort by Israel in black Africa. It was the most successful of all such foreign aid efforts. It was widespread. It was widely welcomed. But it came to an end, after the Six-Day War, under Arab pressure, and bribery – the same bribery that caused several dozen African states, under Arab command, to break diplomatic relations with Israel. Some of those African states no doubt thought that the Arabs would share just a little of that vast unearned wealth – if only to replace what Israel, a tiny country, had so remarkably provided. It was not to be. It will never be. The Arab Muslims are trying in Africa to dominate the Continent. They are patient. They are methodical. In West Africa, where Islam is already dominant, as in uranium-rich Niger, they have transformed the easygoing, syncretistic practice of Islam to something much more akin to what can be seen in Saudi Arabia. And everywhere mosques are becoming subject to the strictures of those who pay for them, or pay the imams – and that usually means the Saudis. In some countries that once had a clear Christian majority, such as the Ivory Coast, the Christians are feeling besieged by Muslims who come in from the north, and the French government under Chirac understood their fear, but did not support the local black Christians, but rather attempted to appease the world’s Muslims. Boko Haram has not been stopped; it becomes more powerful every day and not just in Nigeria.

    In East Africa, when the black Africans rose up against their Arab masters in Zanzibar and Pemba some decades ago (the slave trade by the Arabs in East Africa had been centered there – indeed, the Sultan of Muscat and Oman had for a time ruled directly from Zanzibar), little was made of this in the West. No one discussed the long history of the Arab slave trade, with its practice of castrating black children when they were first caught, and then taking them by slave coffle or dhow to the slave markets of Islam, a trip which about 10% survived (see “The Hideous Trade” by Jan Hogedorn). And so the Arabs have continued their march southward. The Sudan had very few Arabs in the southern part one hundred years ago. But steadily they have taken territory, pushed back, killed, black Africans. 1.8 million non-Muslim blacks were killed, or deliberately starved to death, in the southern Sudan in the last two decades. Not content with that, not content with having seized complete control of the oil wealth that lies under the Christian and animist areas of the artificial state of Sudan, the Arabs are now trying to seize, by mass murder, the lands as well of the Muslim, but non-“Arab” blacks of Darfur. The campaign of mass rape, destruction of property, and killing of every man, woman and child they can get their hands on has been reported and reported, and reported. It has been reported without any understanding of Islam as a vehicle for Arab supremacism (the nicholas-kristofs of this world never bothered to figure out what was going on, what ideology prompted the Janjaweed and the Sudanese government that supported it, or the other Arab and Muslim governments that ran interference for that Sudanese government), but are content with writing endless columns of easy anguish.

    Americans and other Infidel peoples should be supporting Ethiopian efforts to halt the spread of Islam, or of the purest kind of Islam, whether in Somalia or in Ethiopia itself, and to help Ethiopia remain a Christian kingdom that can help prevent the takeover of southern East Africa by Islam. Muslims owe their loyalty to the umma al-islamiyya, to fellow Muslims. It would make sense, in Africa, for the Americans not only to have handfuls of advisors and troops here and there, but to engage in propaganda. This propaganda, which happens to be the truth simply megaphoned to make a point, should describe in vivid detail the history of the Arab slave trade. It should explain to Africans that slavery is permanently sanctioned by both Qur’an and Sunnah, and can therefore never, within Islam, be banished. It should detail the continuing racism of the Arabs. And it should show how Islam stands in the way of economic and other kinds of development in two ways: in the encouragement of the habit of mental submission, central to Islam, and in the inshallah-fatalism that limits economic activity, and how Islam has relied on two kinds of manna: the Jizyah that is demanded from, or voluntarily supplied by, non-Muslims, and the oil wealth that has resulted from an accident of geology. And despite the thirty trillion dollars that the Arab and Muslim states have received from oil revenues since 1973, not a single one has managed to create a real economy, not a single one–those, like Turkey or Tunisia or Lebanon, that had both a large non-Muslim or secular class, and income from tourism and trade to count on — has ceased to be hopelessly dependent on oil.

    Islam, as it spreads, will merely guarantee that the countries and peoples of sub-Saharan Africa will be forced to endure the political, economic, social, moral, and intellectual failures of Muslim states and societies – failures whose source can be found in Islam itself.
    Do we wish black Africa well, or ill? If we do wish to help the peoples of black Africa, preventing or halting the spread of Islam makes sense. And it makes sense for us to help others, such as the Berbers who were fighting in Ghaadia, to regain their history, their language and their culture, and it makes sense for us, in other ways, as well to promote pride in pre- or non-Islamic culture, among the many peoples called “Muslim” who have another identity to look to, if they feel the impulse to do so.

    Charlie Hebdo surrenders, will no longer draw Muhammad
    UK jihadi who supported Taliban returns to UK after release from US jail
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
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    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°167

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. shiloh Today at 1:02 am

    Sacrificial Slaughter of Humans to Allah

    Brook wrote:

    You know I didn't just happen upon this thread due to some conflict of ego among the membership here.
    I've actually spent long hours writing about this subject of the Gods and there are some pretty bad one's out there.
    But what is worse are the people that worship them. If guided to do some of the things they've done are from such Gods well shame on that God.
    The of primary interest and has been used for horrendous crimes against humanity through ritual sacrifice for such things as a better crops to appease these gods. Unfortunately these still are occurring today unbeknownst to the general population. rumors abound about it but proof is covered by hordes of money that would squash such rumors.
    It would seem unfathomable and unbelievable to even consider I know. But it does occur. Children are the primary target and this is the most disturbing aspect of it. Again only rumored but I know....I happens. KNOW does not mean means KNOW.
    And it happens not by gods but by ordinary men and women who have lost their sense of ALL reason to self glorification and stature. Period!
    Somewhere on this forum I spent a great deal of writing about it and it made me sick.
    Which begs the question....did the gods they are serving these rituals up to require this or was this simply a man made concept? If it is man made there is a sickness so perverse among humanity that I simply cannot fathom.
    From the time I was a child and most children will adhere to this which is innocence. What is common in such ritual is it must be repeated as it has a half life that needs to be repeated. Which is again seen in the ritual of church worship and seems to be a hidden component. Hence the repetition of such worship at an alter.
    I could go on but I'll quit there and simply say humanity has the free will to stop such ritual if they were aware exactly what it was they were worshiping. To worship some dead guy on a cross is rather primitive and will not make up for the massive sins of humanity praying on itself.

    Some dead guy on a cross? You better hope with all you've got that this guy is not dead.
    Otherwise the horrendous things you KNOW will never stop on this god forsaken place in the universe. And god forsaken it is for many!

    i_icon_online. shiloh


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    • Post n°170

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. shiloh Today at 5:45 am
    Sanicle wrote:
    shiloh wrote:

    Some dead guy on a cross? You better hope with all you've got that this guy is not dead.
    Otherwise the horrendous things you KNOW will never stop on this god forsaken place in the universe. And god forsaken it is for many!

    Aaah Shiloh. How many Christians do you think would have prayed to Christ to be saved from the ISIL idiots that raped and slaughtered them anyway? To no avail. How many around the world do you think have prayed for thousands of years for themselves and their loved ones' health and safety, only to see them suffer and die anyway?

    THAT is the elephant in the room for all who have faith.


    Your words will haunt you, if you be not careful Sanicle with a loose tongue and a wicked heart of unbelief.

    Romans 8:21-23 - King James Version (KJV)
    21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
    22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
    23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

    2 Peter 3:4-KJV
    And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

    Luke 19:22-KJV
    And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow:

    Psalm 75:2-KJV
    When I shall receive the congregation I will judge uprightly

    Psalm 82:2-KJV
    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

    Psalm 135:14-KJV
    For the Lord will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his servants.

    Ezekiel 33:20-KJV
    Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O ye house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways

    Now what might this necessary congregation be Sanicle? And are you in it? I can assure you however, that you are in the House of Israel!


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    • Post n°171

    empty. Re: The Holy Quran Experiment

    empty. Sanicle Yesterday at 12:44 am

    Shiloh I believe it's entirely possible that the 'god' in religions such as those focused on here have been created in the deep, dark recesses of mankind's own unconscious mind to give themselves justification for their own hate, lusts, weakness and bigotry. Alternatively they could be the creation of some megalomaniacal ET also, as many believe. Although my heart does relate to a lot of the 'teachings' accredited to Jesus, the obvious being "Love they neighbour......." and "Do unto others........" etc, so him I don't mind. Those 'teachings' definitely changed the world for the better.

    I think the problem we have in this world is the thousands who willingly follow the negative side of any teachings, like the ISIL lot, who don't just recognize in their own hearts and minds that following such behaviour is just WRONG. It's on their own individual heads that I place the blame.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015

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