The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    i_icon_online. mudra


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    • Post n°23

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    i_icon_minipost_new. mudra Today at 5:16 pm

    I have been wondering from a philosophical/spiritual vista...does it matter really wether the Earth is round or flat ?
    We can expand as far as our perceptions go or as far as what we are able to project and then see.
    The sum total of everyone's viewpoint creates a universe but viewpoints can change and evolve.
    Hence nothing is set in stone.
    How can the spaceless, timeless Being that we are find himself located anywhere if only by consideration ?
    I remember when I was a child watching the sky at night and asking my father what was beyond it ?
    I could'nt quite wrap my mind around the limits of what my eyes were seeing.
    I since found out that the limits go as far as beliefs go or what others think that I then agree to .
    The bounderies hence set may serve us and others in the game of life but before we play
    the game, while we play the game and beyond the game Source that animates us is always the same.
    In truth I believe we all have our own model , our own visions of the universe and as we begin to unravel it's building blocks
    we are then able to see how we made it come to life in the first place.
    Before we do this we are like snakes eating their own tails looking for answers where there are only further questions.

    Love Always

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
    ~~ Buddha ~~


    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.
  2. admin

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    • Post n°24

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Raven Today at 7:17 pm
    mudra wrote:
    In truth I believe we all have our own model , our own visions of the universe and as we begin to unravel it's building blocks
    we are then able to see how we made it come to life in the first place.

    Sirius 17: Tony, please answer mrs honeybunny Mudra
    Sirius 17:and explain to her that without precise definitions like DNA for example and things called cells with boundries, she would have no lala land in which to contemplate her nebulous nature
    Sirius 17: this question of hers is beyond ridiculous

    Shiloh Za-Rah: The great nabs fallacy of everyone making their own reality
    Shiloh Za-Rah: opinionated bs
    Sirius 17: yes and if she were honest with herself she would easily see that this is not how the universe functions, it is not a matter of 'dreaming' about it
    Sirius 17: each to his own bs

    [3:58:54 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    So what ARE those building blocks mudra?

    They are NOT whimsicalities of human imaginations

    30846. 336543. 30846.
  3. admin

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    • Post n°31

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 4:40 pm
    Raven wrote:
    mudra wrote:
    In truth I believe we all have our own model , our own visions of the universe and as we begin to unravel it's building blocks
    we are then able to see how we made it come to life in the first place.

    Sirius 17: Tony, please answer mrs honeybunny Mudra
    Sirius 17:and explain to her that without precise definitions like DNA for example and things called cells with boundries, she would have no lala land in which to contemplate her nebulous nature
    Sirius 17: this question of hers is beyond ridiculous

    Shiloh Za-Rah: The great nabs fallacy of everyone making their own reality
    Shiloh Za-Rah: opinionated bs
    Sirius 17: yes and if she were honest with herself she would easily see that this is not how the universe functions, it is not a matter of 'dreaming' about it
    Sirius 17: each to his own bs

    [3:58:54 PM] Shiloh Za-Rah:

    So what ARE those building blocks mudra?

    They are NOT whimsicalities of human imaginations

    30846. 336543. 30846.

    The world is held in Consciousness. The physical universe is a product of Consciousness. We are Consciousness.
    Experience the awareness of your true nature which is Consciousness and this will become clear.

    Perception - The reality beyond matter

    Love from me
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°32


    Seashore Yesterday at 3:58 pm
    Seashore wrote:This is from the e-book The Flat Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay, copyright 2014 . . .

    From pages 53-54:

    The South Pole Does Not Exist!

    In the Flat-Earth model of the cosmos, the North Pole is the immovable center of the world and the entire universe. Polaris, the North Star, sits straight over the North Pole at the highest point in the heavens, and like a slowly rotating planetarium dome all the celestial bodies revolve around Polaris and over the Earth once per day. The Sun circles over and around the circumference of Earth every 24 hours, steadily travelling each day from the equator during the March vernal equinox, up to the Tropic of Cancer at the June summer solstice, back down to the equator for the September autumnal equinox, and all the way down to the Tropic of Capricorn on the December winter solstice.


    In the Flat-Earth model, the South Pole does not exist at all and Antarctica is instead a gigantic ice-wall extending the circumference of Earth holding in the oceans like a giant bowl, or a “world cup.” As strange as this concept may sound at first, it is a fact that if you set a bearing due South from anywhere on Earth, inevitably at or before 78 degrees Southern latitude, you will find yourself face-to-face with an enormous ice-wall towering 100-200 feet in the air extending to the East and West the entire circumference of the world!

    untitl14. Seashore

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    • Post n°33

    83-29. Re: FLAT EARTH

    83-29. Seashore Yesterday at 4:59 pm
    Seashore wrote:This is from the e-book The Flat Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay, copyright 2014 . . .

    From page 45:

    Surveyors, engineers and architects are never required to factor the supposed curvature of the Earth into their projects, providing another proof the world is a plane, not a planet. Canals and railways, for example, are always cut and laid horizontally, often over hundreds of miles, without any allowance for curvature!


    One surveyor, Mr. T. Westwood, wrote into the January, 1896 “Earth Review” magazine stating that, “In leveling, I work from Ordinance marks, or canal levels, to get the height above sea level. The puzzle to me used to be, that over several miles each level was and is treated throughout its whole length as the same level from end to end; not the least allowance being made for curvature. One of the civil engineers in this district, after some amount of argument on each side as to the reason why no allowance for curvature was made, said he did not believe anybody would know the shape of the earth in this life.”

    Vidya Moksha
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    • Post n°34

    105-68. Re: FLAT EARTH

    105-68. Vidya Moksha Yesterday at 5:02 pm
    This is an interesting topic for sure. I can not believe that the earth is spinning, it makes no sense. Why doesnt the water fly off a globe travelling at 1000 mph? How can tides work against that momentum? Why does air travel take the same time both with and against the earth's spin? Why fly anywhere when we could hover off the ground and wait for our destination to come to us at 1000 mph?

    I know what a rip tide is, and I know what strong tidal currents are. In a strong tidal current you will be swept off your feet, or have to swim very hard against it. When caught in a rip tide the whole body of water is moving, you dont realise you are caught in one, though you may be travelling at high speeds. I understand how this concept may be applied to the atmosphere, ie everything is moving at speed (except, as posted above, on a globe that speed would have to be different at every point from the equator to the poles)...

    So I always thought we were being lied to and in fact the earth wasnt rotating.

    I never considered the earth to be flat, I have been conditioned as the rest of us. I dont doubt NASA would fake images of the earth.

    But in the southern "hemisphere" (south of the equator anyway) the moon is 'upside down' as compared to a view from the north.. how could this be explained in a flat earth model.

    Also travelling south from New Zealand you definitely hit a land mass, and there are definitely rocks there... so a wall of ice isnt a true representation.

    I always ask myself how much I know from direct experience (within the limits of my perception and understanding of what I am perceiving) and how much I think I know from other sources or from interpretation. I dont trust mathematics at all, other than as a useful tool, its man made construct and doesnt describe the universe, so I am skeptical of any model.. flat earth or otherwise...If they can fly cameras to altitude to see the curvature or lack of one then I dare say they could fly something over the rim of a disk?

    Anyway, as popularised by Terry Pratchett, we know the world is a disk supported by four elephants riding on the back of giant turtle... what more do we need?

    I would like to look deeper into this, I wish there werent so may videos out there, especially as most of them are so long yet contain information that could be condensed into a few lines of text.

    I was thinking to buy Dubay's book, maybe if Seashore keeps serializing it I wont have to :) What do you make of the book Seashore? Is it worth a read?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    i_icon_online. Seashore
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    • Post n°35

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Yesterday at 5:33 pm
    Vidya Moksha wrote: What do you make of the book Seashore? Is it worth a read?


    I can't express how fascinated I am with it. It seems to exude common sense. It is refreshing. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would take this theory seriously. But the author of the book is serious and he's no kook.

    If you don't want to buy the book, you could read what is on his website The Atlantean Conspiracy. There are 13 Flat Earth articles. Here's a link to them: Earth

    Last edited by Seashore on March 24th 2015, 5:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fix link)

    Vidya Moksha
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    • Post n°36

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Vidya Moksha Yesterday at 5:42 pm
    Seashore wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote: What do you make of the book Seashore? Is it worth a read?


    I can't express how fascinated I am with it. It seems to exude common sense. It is refreshing. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would take this theory seriously. But the author of the book is serious and he's no kook.

    If you don't want to buy the book, you could read what is on his website The Atlantean Conspiracy. There are 13 Flat Earth articles. Here's a link to them: Earth

    Thanks. I did bookmark the web page when Burgundia first posted.... im old school, i dislike ebooks and web reading (even when i do have the bandwidth), I would rather have it in my hands to read, even though they are heavy to lug around :)

    He seems quite keen to reply to genuine interest on his forum, I might even ask him a question or two before I decide..

    I see the book is listed on Amazon...

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    • Post n°37

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Yesterday at 5:47 pm
    Vidya Moksha wrote:He seems quite keen to reply to genuine interest on his forum, I might even ask him a question or two before I decide..

    I noticed that, too. I think that's very important for people seeking to understand, and it adds to his credibility.

    Vidya Moksha wrote:I see the book is listed on Amazon...

    I have a friend who doesn't even have a computer, and I'm hoping I can get her to read the hard copy. It's very hard for me to discuss things with her because she's not on the internet and she watches mainstream news.

    I'm hoping this book will open a door.

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    • Post n°38

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 6:39 pm
    Seashore's words:
    "I have a friend who doesn't even have a computer, and I'm hoping I can get her to read the hard copy.
    It's very hard for me to discuss things with her because she's not on the internet and she watches mainstream news.

    I'm hoping this book will open a door."

    The dimensional shift we find ourselves in threatens to affect us in strange ways, or so it seems.
    I'm falling off my chair with laughing, Seashore, for your dedication to present your friend,
    unknown to internet, a theory of flat earth. She probably will be open to the idea, with you.
    When the book opens a door and she walks through that door, better warn her, before she
    falls off our saucershaped Mothership 854501.

    In the present moment of our shifting to a reality where what we think becomes real, we better watch out,
    for what it is we're paying attention to. Soon we will be presented with a square flat earth and when
    more than 100 monkeys... uhmm, human beings, believe this to be true, the Earth will adjust to her,
    by human beings expected, form, maybe. And nature, always seeking for alignment, will change
    our body cells in square forms too, having us made to look all square eyed 1890901109.

    This is how our whimsical imaginations will show up in form and do show up, in fact. Now you have
    it on a plate, Sirius17, pun intended 854501.

    All jest put aside, for me, the idea of a flat earth is going a bit too far, honestly! I'm having fun with
    this thread, no offense. It's such fun to see how you and other members go about it, with me included


    little10. icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

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  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°39

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Yesterday at 6:55 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:All jest put aside, for me, the idea of a flat earth is going a bit too far, honestly!

    How do you know? Because everyone thinks it? Because you were taught in school and it's right?

    Don't play with the topic. It doesn't add anything to an advance of knowledge.

    Either argue the official story in seriousness, or just observe without comment.

    That would be my suggestion; take it or leave it.

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    • Post n°40

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Yesterday at 7:00 pm
    By the way, I'm not advocating for the flat earth theory.

    I'm in a learning process.

    The only thing I know, is that the book I'm reading is a serious one and I think it should be taken seriously by seekers.

    No one else cares one way or the other.

    If entertainment is what you're looking for, that's what you'll get. But, entertainment is not knowledge.

    Vidya Moksha
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    • Post n°41

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Vidya Moksha Yesterday at 7:24 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote: It's such fun to see how you and other members go about it, with me included [/size] 164548.


    Did you notice that the clouds in this video didnt move AT ALL... if you read the original links as provided thats one of the key points, its all faked footage. One of the contributors used to fake footage for a living.

    Im with seashore on this, please debunk the theories with other ones but dont just laugh for the sake of it. This thread has already seen the worst of the mists with Raven's poor taste and judgement, dont add to it.

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    • Post n°42

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Yesterday at 7:35 pm
    Another video:

    Published on Dec 19, 2014

    In this 90 minute documentary I have compiled and condensed all the most compelling video evidence that we are living on a motionless, flat Earth. Please take the time to do yourself and humanity a favor by watching this most important, mind-blowing and entertaining film! Please also like, share and spread this video around to help raise awareness of this highly taboo, suppressed, and ridiculed truth. To learn even more about the ball-Earth deception and fully discover the depths of this five-century running indoctrination, be sure to read my new 252-page book, "The Flat Earth Conspiracy," the first flat-Earth book published in over 40 years, available in paperback, eBook, and ePub:

    The Flat-Earth Conspiracy Paperback:

    The Flat-Earth Conspiracy PDF:

    The Flat-Earth Conspiracy EPub:


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    • Post n°43

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 7:54 pm
    Seashore wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:All jest put aside, for me, the idea of a flat earth is going a bit too far, honestly!

    How do you know? Because everyone thinks it? Because you were taught in school and it's right?

    Don't play with the topic. It doesn't add anything to an advance of knowledge.

    Either argue the official story in seriousness, or just observe without comment.

    That would be my suggestion; take it or leave it.

    Please, Seashore and Vidya Moksha, to the latter: please don't behave like a flat Earth devotee?
    Am I allowed time to get used to being on a saucer, maybe? It's a bit of a shock, if that's truly the case, Vidya.
    I'm not laughing at you or debunking this thread and the theory of Flat Earth. I'm simply good humoured
    and feeling good about it. It's highly humorous to me, to ponder the Earth being flat. But to me it's not
    important to argue, finding out who's right or wrong. Round or flat Earth. Am I allowed my experience,
    being different than yours, feeling my feet on a round ball? Threads here are open to everyone, for comments
    and views. For me there's no doubt about the Earth being round, at the same time it doesn't really matter to me,
    if its round or flat. I'm really enjoying myself, in good humoured vibes, please continue with the show

    little10. icon_sunny. B.B.Baghor

    The Hathors view
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Vidya Moksha
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    • Post n°44

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Vidya Moksha Yesterday at 9:10 pm
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Please, Seashore and Vidya Moksha, to the latter: please don't behave like a flat Earth devotee?
    Am I allowed time to get used to being on a saucer, maybe? It's a bit of a shock, if that's truly the case, Vidya.
    I'm not laughing at you or debunking this thread and the theory of Flat Earth. I'm simply good humoured
    and feeling good about it. It's highly humorous to me, to ponder the Earth being flat. But to me it's not
    important to argue, finding out who's right or wrong. Round or flat Earth. Am I allowed my experience,
    being different than yours, feeling my feet on a round ball? Threads here are open to everyone, for comments
    and views. For me there's no doubt about the Earth being round, at the same time it doesn't really matter to me,
    if its round or flat. I'm really enjoying myself, in good humoured vibes, please continue with the show

    Did you read my posts? Did you read anything that Seashore posted? Did you read ANY of the source material. Do you read anything before you post? It doesnt read like it.
    I hadnt ever considered the earth to be flat, and I still dont. But I am interested to read more. I gave 2 examples of why I would doubt the theory. I have more doubts I havent written down in here. I am certainly not a devotee. And Seashore is only 50 or so pages into the book, does that make her a devotee too? Does reading something mean you have to agree, Why on earth ( icon_wink. ) would you now consider you are living on a saucer without doing some reading with a discerning eye?
    There are threads where you can be frivolous, please enjoy yourself in the mists, you dont need my permission or blessing to post where you will, but I cannot take you seriously in this thread, "its not important if the earth is round or flat" really? wow. If thats your view why post anything in this thread at all?
    On the other hand, apart from the risk of falling off the edge of the world if it is flat, then life on a day to day level would stay the same.. and it doesnt matter if its round, triangular or square... it would of course, make a difference to what we believe we are told to be the truth.. it would be quite a lie that has been perpetuated wouldnt it?
    Typed messages are poor at conveying mood. I promise I am not angry or upset. I just cant take your posts in here seriously. Try the humour thread?

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    • Post n°45

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 10:30 pm

  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

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    • Post n°46

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Seashore Today at 3:11 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:

    I'm going to treat your post as a serious one, rather than a humorous/satirical one.

    Seashore wrote:This is from the e-book The Flat Earth Conspiracy by Eric Dubay, copyright 2014 . . .
    From page 55:

    Antarctica is not the tiny “ice-continent” found confined to the underside antipode of astronomer’s globes. Quite the contrary, Antarctica literally surrounds us 360 degrees, encircles every continent, and acts as a barrier holding in the oceans. The most commonly asked questions, and the greatest mysteries yet to be solved are: how far does the Antarctic ice extend outwards? Is there a limit? What lies beyond, or is it just snow and ice forever? Thanks to U.N. treaties and constant military surveillance, the North Pole and Antarctica remain cloaked in government secrecy, both purported “no-fly/no-sail” zones, with several reports of civilian pilots and captains being shooed away and escorted back under threat of violence.

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    • Post n°47


    [​IMG] Seashore Today at 7:08 am

    Some screenshots:


    Although we don't have the information we need about Antarctica to test the flat earth theory, we can think about the common sense issue raised in the above screenshots. We can think for ourselves rather than unquestioningly accepting dogma because ridicule prevents us from daring to question.
  9. Allisiam

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    • Post n°48

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. mudra Today at 7:31 am
    For those who love to read like you Vidya the following is a 1895 edition of WM Carpenter's book : One Hundred Proofs the Earth is not a Globe.

    Welcome back in the Mists by the way 934918.

    Love Always

    attachment. One Hundred Proofs that the Earth is not a Globe (William Carpenter).pdf
    (1.5 Mb) Downloaded 4 times

    Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.
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    In the deep listening and quiet stillness of the soul- all ways will be made clear to you in time.

    Vidya Moksha
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    • Post n°49

    empty. Re: FLAT EARTH

    empty. Vidya Moksha Today at 7:59 am
    mudra wrote:For those who love to read like you Vidya the following is a 1895 edition of WM Carpenter's book : One Hundred Proofs the Earth is not a Globe.

    Welcome back in the Mists by the way 934918.

    Love Always

    Hi Mudra, thanks for the welcome back, I have a whole two weeks of internet, what an adventure eh? Never thought I would be flat earthing.

    I have the book you listed, and this one also:
    saved as 'flat earth.pdf' below

    and this is interesting:
    attachment. flat earth.pdf
    (6.1 Mb) Downloaded 3 times

    Attached Files:

  10. Allisiam

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    • Post n°50


    Raven Today at 2:22 pm
    Seashore wrote:
    Although we don't have the information we need about Antarctica to test the flat earth theory, we can think about the common sense issue raised in the above screenshots. We can think for ourselves rather than unquestioningly accepting dogma because ridicule prevents us from daring to question.

    Seashore wrote:

    22-25. Seashore Yesterday at 7:00 pm
    By the way, I'm not advocating for the flat earth theory.

    I'm in a learning process.

    The only thing I know, is that the book I'm reading is a serious one and I think it should be taken seriously by seekers.

    No one else cares one way or the other.

    If entertainment is what you're looking for, that's what you'll get. But, entertainment is not knowledge.

    So, since you are not advocating the flat earth theory what exactly are you doing? Throwing the baby out with the bathwater? In order to intellectually consider the flat earth theory you will have to ignore a huge preponderance of evidence disproving it. Might I suggest looking at both sides of the data set and taking the torchlight of reason with you on your hellbent journey into ignorance and the dark ages? It helps if you don't go blind into old dogmatic belief systems and instead look at them with the guidance of what has already been disproved about them. Do yourself a favor and study some basic physics on how light behaves and its properties. Below I have given some very good videos which will help you navigate yourself through these murky waters.

    This first video is a series and they are short so just let them play through.
    Go directly to youtube to watch this series and it will just play through.

    Lighthouse of Alexandria
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    • Post n°51


    Seashore Today at 2:28 pm
    Raven wrote:So, since you are not advocating the flat earth theory what exactly are you doing?

    Basically, I'm reading a book and considering things I've never thought of before.


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    • Post n°52


    Seashore Today at 2:30 pm
    If it is true that the earth is not a spinning sphere, I wonder if it is possible that it is simply floating in the cosmos, and that what holds it in place is simply energy, which permeates the entire cosmos, which I think is probably infinite.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2015

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