The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

Discussion in 'The Thuban Legacy' started by admin, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°94

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:35 am

    The Friendship AMICI - ET/UFO Case and the Armageddon of 2013

    Shared the convo I had with Brook just now this morning, she sends her regards and wishes you well Tony.
    [11:50:06 AM] -Sunday, September 8th, 2013 +UCT

    Sirius 17: Tony are you here? Shared the convo I had with Brook just now this morning, she sends her regards and wishes you well Tony.
    [11:51:10 AM] Sirius 17: i saw your post on the DNA entropy
    [11:51:17 AM] Sirius 17: interesting find
    [11:51:28 AM] Sirius 17: and fits well with our data
    [11:51:49 AM] Sirius 17: the loss of data as a means to extinction, makes sense
    [11:52:07 AM] Sirius 17: the teleomeres again
    [11:52:18 AM] Sirius 17: and mutation
    [11:53:08 AM] Sirius 17: i was trying to find an arcticle i saw in the science digest recently that supports this but i can't find it
    [11:55:02 AM] Sirius 17:

    [11:55:09 AM] Sirius 17: did find this though which is interesting
    [1:08:26 PM] Sirius 17:
    [1:08:55 PM] Sirius 17: you should check this out and let me know what you think of it

    There are a number of aspects to this presentation, which I find interesting and unlikely to be faked.

    First is the dating of this as beginning around 1956 and so the start of the post atomic Logos timeline.

    Second was the statement that the (W56) ETs are located in inner earth, subterranean and subaquatic environments. This fits in well with my 'realisation' that the ET Contact will be from already existing geological locations. The Nabs obsession with ptb underground bases (which I do not deny in principle btw) would indicate some validity to this.

    Third is the claim, that the ETs have teleportation technology and knew of the solid state physics of the telecommunications technology in the 1950s and 1960s and long before this became standardised human physics.

    The claims about 'materialisations' would fit nicely with the technology of the non human-faked crop (and ice) circles around the globe.

    The CTR or 'Contraries' as the 'materialistic unethical' and robotic (and human like in self expression and projected evolvement) opposite to the 'Amici', can then of course be identified with the 'good angels' versus 'evil demons' divide.

    This then becomes the Thuban perspective of the dragonomy and 'hybridisation' of both sides WITHIN the say, human genomatic matrix. This then would be in full alignment with the Thuban agenda, as you can now easily decipher and infer for yourself. The 'Amici' are the starhuman future and the CTR are the old human past and present, reaching their evolutionary climax in its cosmic and universal context and history. The last part of this video converges to just such a viewpoint and so places the human raison d' etre just into the Thuban and similar contexts, gnosis and understandings, albeit centred on the World TwinLogos.

    The W56 versus the CTR, so BOTH utilize the human medium as a 'source of fuel'. This 'fuel' either is based on ideas of loyalty, friendship, harmony and say the Love Frequency or on its opposite polarity of the AntiLove /Fear Frequency. Now you know, that those are most favoured ideas of the Nabs community, but can also be rigorously defined in the modular string duality of the winded longrange and the vibratory shortrange modes of the innermost subatomic energy expressions. Subsequently, the Thuban definitions of 'Love' as the unification of the polarised string modes, will ultimately define the universal cosmology as a reconfiguration of primordial energy modes (say the Sephirots or 'broken vessels' of the Kabbalah) into a New World, including and centred on a Universal Mother Nexus, which both this video at the beginning and Thuban has defined as the Baab-Gaia planetary Motherplanet evoving into a Starplanet, able to generate its own tertiary energy source as a Cosmic Womb or 'Cosmic Beehive', storing the 'neutral fuel' as a corebased silo of Heavenly Manna or Honey.

    earthegg. 98px-orphic-egg. 14.

    The details on this are shared on many threads on this and other affliated forums.

    I might also add, that you and a few might understand just how this 'great divide' between the W56-ethical and the CTR-unethical IS designed or purposed to become bridged or harmonised. The 'bad fuel' of the 'human emotional unethical abuse' CAN become focused or concentrated into a sort of 'neutral fuel' which then can participate as a 'good fuel' under the 'Abba Love Frequency' . There exists a particular multi-dimensional part in the human genetic makeup, which literally TRANSCENDS the 'good versus evil' dichotomy.

    This particular part would be termed the transformation of old human sexuality and desires under the evolutionary mantle of reproduction and 'genetic familial immortality' into a starhuman sexuality and code of ethics between corebased genome extended or multiplied universals. A few of us have identified this as Cosmic Dragonhood. But I shall leave it at that and you and whoever might be able to read between the lines what a cellular reproduction in the galactic sense would imply for a New World inhabited by harmonised W56-CTR hybrids.

    this Diagram is simply showing 2 Phi.Spirals mirrored, and slightly over-lapped, creating the Vesica-Piscis in center, and Spirals winding into Ovaries...
    Also showing Mandelbrot fractal as it fits within the Uterus.

    Shared by Dea Trinity

    Shared by Xeia​

    So overall, I support this video transmission and would say, I have not found any delusionary tactics in it; human filtering mentalities and applications and interpretations notwithstanding.

    Of course, this video still could be manufactured and a propagation and dissemination tool. But some details as to 'how the friends operated', seem unlikely to be part of such an agenda. The rather primitive metallic looking ufos appear VERY MUCH as manmade; but this also could be a historical reflection of true ET technology as imagery of the then present status quo of terrestrial technology and science. Compared to the, relative to me, genuine Rendlesham Forest UFO craft incident of 1980, the UFOs in this video are less than 'extraterrestrial' in my view; but this last comment has a bifurcated meaning and interpretation as well.

    I will comment further, after analysing the information in this video a little further, if so appropriate.

    [1:30:02 AM-Monday, September 9th, 2013 +10UCT]
    Emeth 141: Btw you can look at this particular week from September 6 to 13 as being the Easter Week 2011
    [1:30:39 AM] Sirius 17: ok that fits
    [1:30:58 AM] Emeth 141: So September 6th = May 1st, 2011 and September 13th = Easter Sunday 2011 as April 24th
    [1:31:23 AM] Emeth 141: Beltane as the 'witches night' is your September 7th
    [1:31:38 AM] Sirius 17: ahh ok
    [1:31:54 AM] Emeth 141: Yes this is part of the main mandala chart of Baab

    A DRAGON MADE ARMAGEDDON=82=41+41 as a KING of the OMEGA
    and as a DREAM of the DREAM beginning September 13th, 2013
    as 82 days from the Supermoon of June 23rd, 2013

    sui1. sui2.

    Easter Sunday = April 24th, 2011 + 41 = June 4th, 2011 + 41 = July 15th, 2011
    June 23rd, 2013 + 41 = August 3rd, 2013 + 41 = September 13th, 2013 = Armageddon Friday the 13th

    superdragon. supermoon. phoeni10.

    Nehemiah 9:2
    And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins{=ignorance}, and the iniquities of their fathers{=ancestral genetic lineages}.



    [1:32:06 AM] Sirius 17: i had a very bad dream last night too
    [1:32:09 AM] Emeth 141: all interwoven, so I wont further bother anyone with it
    [1:32:34 AM] Emeth 141: But it means that the dead alive ones are integrating
    [1:32:56 AM] Emeth 141: This will bring on nightmares yes and all sorts of memeplex related mind impressions
    [1:33:11 AM] Emeth 141: Ergo DD and James
    [1:33:52 AM] Sirius 17: i dreamed that Carla had some blood sugar problem and they took her to the hospital....they called by telephone and asked for me then i could hear people in the background scrambling and yelling to save her life and my heart stopped and i was asking them what is going the dream i felt they were calling to tell me she was dying. It was awful, this is what woke me up, i was crying histerically.
    [1:34:35 AM] Sirius 17: i woke up gasping for air and coughing
    [1:35:02 AM] Emeth 141: Hmm I feel this is the trinity of the gens
    [1:35:22 AM] Emeth 141: Carla as daughter and you as mother becoming as one
    [1:35:36 AM] Emeth 141: Then Sue should also be in there somewhere
    [1:35:49 AM] Emeth 141: She just signed on eerili
    [1:35:55 AM] Sirius 17: lol speak of the devil my mom just signed on
    [1:36:20 AM] Sirius 17: but yeah i checked on Carla and she is fine of course
    [1:36:25 AM] Sirius 17: but what a nightmare, yes
    [1:36:28 AM] Emeth 141: This validates what we just said
    [1:36:47 AM] Emeth 141: Yes it is memeplex not physical or somatic
    [1:36:52 AM] Emeth 141: It is the psychosoma
    [1:37:09 AM] Emeth 141: psychophysical
    [1:37:37 AM] Sirius 17: well i usually don't have such terrible dreams so it means something
    [1:37:42 AM] Emeth 141: This is the bridge between the 2 worlds as you should understand
    [1:37:46 AM] Emeth 141: yes
    [1:38:02 AM] Emeth 141: The Dead Alive Ones IMAGE the Alive Dead Ones
    [1:38:08 AM] Emeth 141: IN THE MIRROR
    [1:38:08 AM] Sirius 17: yes and they said nothing i could only hear them scrambling around, but i knew they were with her
    [1:38:34 AM] Emeth 141: So all physical appearances and occurrences ALSO manifest in the wavestates
    [1:38:53 AM] Sirius 17: i knew it was the 'hospital' and they were trying to save her and they were calling me to have me on the line in case
    [1:38:55 AM] Emeth 141: This is why all our actions and thoughts are so potent since August 21st
    [1:39:10 AM] Emeth 141: August 24th actually
    [1:39:30 AM] Emeth 141: This is just the ET stuff in the video
    [1:39:46 AM] Emeth 141: We are BOTH, the W56 AND the CTR
    [1:40:12 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i gathered that
    [1:40:27 AM] Emeth 141: Not many do or can dear
    [1:40:34 AM] Sirius 17: what does W56 mean in the gematria?
    [1:40:58 AM] Emeth 141: Simply 23=W as the symbol of the pyramid
    [1:41:21 AM] Emeth 141: 56 is of course 1956 as the Logos conception
    [1:41:31 AM] Sirius 17: hehe
    [1:41:46 AM] Emeth 141: 11 years from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and McKenna's Timewave
    [1:42:32 AM] Sirius 17: yeah i watched it and the whole time i was thinking how incredible it was and similar to the Thuban stuff and what you had said about the 'inner earth' ETs and such
    [1:42:33 AM] Emeth 141: So yes, I return Brook's compliments and wishes in reflexion mode
    [1:42:49 AM] Emeth 141: Yes so I should add this last bit. So she can see it publically on her 60=WORD=RAVEN Birthday
    [1:43:09 AM] Sirius 17: what is 65 in gematria?
    [1:43:41 AM] Emeth 141: A higher vibration of 11 as 11*******
    [1:43:54 AM] Sirius 17: hehe yeah i thought it interesting she is turning 60=Word=Raven :)
    [1:44:59 AM] Sirius 17: we had a good talk anyhow, she seems better, a bit healed from her sadness
    [1:45:13 AM] Emeth 141: 2********=IS(IS), one of her favourite anonyms
    [1:45:43 AM] Sirius 17: yeah Isis
    [1:49:14 AM] Emeth 141:
    962334. Happy Birthday: Word of Isis B(r)ook icon_study. Duamutef! 962334.

    Protector of the Womb

    carisis. carfire. cartwins.

    [1:49:44 AM] Sirius 17: yeah are you going to post something on the Birthday thread?
    [1:49:48 AM] Sirius 17: we should
    [1:50:21 AM] Emeth 141: I'll add this to the post in relevancy; you can say something from the Thubans

    [1:56:40 AM] Emeth 141: See this is her cosmic ID and LH as the 2-11-20 series of Isis
    [1:56:51 AM] Emeth 141: ending in the Egyptian LionTwin across the Fire of Baab as the Female Logos {RaHaR(Ra-Apep)}-{Shu-Tefnut}-{Geb-Nut}-{Osiris-Isis&Seth-Nephthys} as the 4 generations of the cosmic reproduction in the Generations of Abraham-Sarah
    [1:57:09 AM] Emeth 141: So put those 3 together for a deep Logos message
    [1:57:32 AM] Sirius 17: umm can you put them on spruz somewhere so i can link them?
    [1:57:34 AM] Emeth 141: 3x20=60=2+2+2=11+11+11=20+20+20=29+29+29=38+38+38=47+47+47=56+56+56=65+65+65=TTT

    Operation Scrambleweb:
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°95

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:31 am
    A Ophiuchus Hanukkah-Christmas 2013

    Comet ISON Perihilion on Chanukah 5774! And other key prophecies, dates and landmarks in time for stargazers
    Aug 12

    Posted by kabalista

    Comet ISON was discovered on September 21, 2012 in images taken by Russian astronomers Artyom Novichonok and Vitali Nevski of the constellation Cancer. September 21, 2012 was 5 Tishrei 5773, the fifth day of the new year of 5773, halfway between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. 5773 is the year when ISON has been visible to NASA telescopes, and beginning in August 2013 (Elul, the last month of 5773) to amateur astrologers directing their telescopes to the heavens across the globe.

    Discovery image of ISON / Credit: International Scientific Optical Network​

    Thus from its inception ISON hints at a message that traverses the 5773 – 5774 transition, which is also the 2012-2013-2014 transition, beginning at the winter solstice in 2012 and through the winter solstice of 2013, as we continue to receive energetic pulses and upgrades from the galactic center to advance us into a new era.
    For much of 5773 / 2013 ISON has been traveling through astronomical Gemini, making a loop through the constellation from earth’s perspective. On June 13, NASA’s Spitzer telescope took these photos of ISON:

    On July 15 (Erev Tisha B’Av), ISON was in conjunction with the Sun, just 8 degrees north of our prime luminary. On August 1st ISON moved into Cancer but due to its proximity to the sun has been hidden from view.
    On August 11, ISON began rising above the northeast-east horizon at dawn.
    On August 12 (6 Elul), amateur astronomer Bruce Gary of Arizona snapped a picture of ISON:

    Credit: Bruce Gary
    Beginning Aug. 21, ISON will be 6 degrees above the east-northeast horizon at twilight and potentially visible through a telescope. Stay tuned for more pictures!

    Credit: NASA​
    On October 1st, ISON will come within its closest distance of Mars and may be visible through Curiosity. Mars and ISON will then move together through the sky eastward through Leo. In mid-October, ISON and Mars will be conjunct royal star Regulus. Beginning in late October, ISON is likely to be visible through binoculars or even to the naked eye.

    On November 17, the day before the 19th of Kislev, and the arrival of the new revelation of the secret dimension of Torah for the year 5774, ISON flies by the super-bright stars Spica and Acturus in Virgo.
    On November 24, ISON conjoins Saturn and the star Zubenelgenubi of Libra. According to Nick Anthony Fiorenza of Lunar Planner:

    This is another primary event adding to the story line of ISON’s messianic journey. Synchronistically, this star marks Saturn’s exalted location in the ecliptic. It is curious timing for ISON and Saturn to conjoin here! Zubenel-genubi is the southern star of the scales of Libra, also the southern claw of the Scorpion. Its theme is about Karmic Responsibility / patterns of the past.
    On November 27, ISON conjoins Dschuba (marked below by Delta), the middle star of Scorpio’s tail, a day before it turns around the sun.

    Thus just before reaching Perihilion on Chanukah, ISON crosses the Scorpion’s tail.

    “Three things come when one least expects it: the Messiah, a found article and a scorpion.” – Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 97a
    ISON then heads for the 13th sign of the zodiac, the gateway between Scorpio and Sagittarius, Ophiuchus. On November 28, the first day of Chanukah, ISON reachest its closest approach of the sun at only 0.012 AU. The icy comet will be saturated in the sun’s heat and energy before making its closest approach to earth on its way back from the sun.

    On Dec. 26 (23 Tevet), ISON makes its closest approach to Earth at 0.43 AU, about half the distance between the earth and the sun. The earth will past through the comet’s trail of cosmic dust in mid-January.
    ISON is the Chanukah comet, bringing us light from a distant past:

    The holiday of Hanukah is all about Light. In its essence it connects us to the concealed light of Creation – Or HaGanuz.
    The first light of Creation included within it the ability to see beyond time and space. We learn from the sages and the Zohar that God decided to reduce this light in order to limit its use because if people were to have access to the higher light, they might have used it for negative purposes.
    In every generation there are 36 righteous people that are special channels for the light of Creation to feed and sustain the world. The opportunity we have to come closer to this light is when we light the Chanukah candles.
    For more on ISON’s messianic journey, see Lunar Planner. Astrologically, ISON tells a story:

    Due to the trajectory of comet ISON through the cosmos with specific reference to the consellations, there appears a story worthy of consideration. Remember that we are told to watch the sky for signs.
    From the time Comet ISON first becomes visible to the naked eye it traverses the constellations of Leo, then in November it makes its way into Virgo and into Libra then Scorpius in December. Late December it moves into Serpens, then Hercules and finally Draco before it is no longer visible with an unaided eye.
    Putting this together in terms of how the Hebrew Massorah depicts these aspects of the constellations, it reads like a book.
    The seed of the woman, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who shall punish the enemy, will redeem His atoning work through conflict with the enemy who assaults mans heel. His mightiness will reign victorious as He bruises His heel casting down the dragon and trodding him under His foot and then rededicating the temple of God.
    The possibility that ISON will be visible in the nighttime and possibly daytime sky raises the question whether ISON is the Star of Jacob prophecized by Bilaam in the book of Numbers (thanks to Rabbi David Katz for discussion on this point):

    I see it, but not now; I behold it, but not in the near future. A star shall go forth from Jacob, And a staff [shevet] shall arise from Israel
    The word staff (shevet) is from the same root as the word ‘tribe’ as in ‘tribes of Israel’ and as the word for comet in modern Hebrew – shavit (שביט).
    The Zohar elaborates on the connection between heavenly phenomena and the arrival of the messianic era:

    Then the 7th window will open in the entire world, and its star is Kochav Yaakov, and this is the one about which Bilaam said “a star shoots forth from Yaakov,” and this star will be luminous for 40 days and 40 nights. When Melech Hamoshiach will be revealed, and all the people’s of the world will be gathered to him, then the verse will be fulfilled which states [Yeshaya 11]: “the root of Yishai, which stands as a banner for peoples, to him shall the nations inquire, and his peace shall be [with] honor.” – Zohar Terumah 172b
    Another passage from the Zohar describes a blazing star from the East:

    After forty days, when the pillar rises from earth to heaven in the eyes of the whole world and the Messiah has appeared, A STAR WILL RISE UP ON THE EAST, BLAZING IN ALL COLORS, AND SEVEN OTHER STARS WILL SURROUND THAT STAR. And they will wage war on it from all sides, three times a day for seventy days, and all the people in the world will see.
    And that star will make war with them with torches of blazing fire, sparkling in every direction, and it will strike them until it swallows them every single night. And at daytime, it lets them out again. They will make the war before the whole world repeatedly for seventy days. After seventy days, that star will be hidden and the Messiah will be hidden for twelve months, the pillar of fire will return as before, the Messiah will be hidden in it, and that pillar will not be seen.
    After twelve months, the Messiah will be raised inside that pillar into the firmament, where he will receive strength and the crown of kingship. And when he descends to the earth, that pillar of fire will be seen again as before, in the eyes of the whole world. Afterwards, the Messiah will appear and many nations will gather unto him, and he will make wars throughout the world. At that time, the Creator will awaken all the peoples of the world with His might, the Messiah King will be known throughout the world, and all the kings in the world will awaken and unite to wage war against him.
    We watch the heavens with anticipation of the message ISON carries for our sun, our planet and our solar system. ISON’s mysterious origins, trajectory through the zodiac, and potential window of luminosity on earth make the countdown of 5773 and the beginning of 5774 an exciting time for the night sky, which since ancient times has been the inspiration board for prophets and poets aching for redemption.

    The last 4 videos are FYI only and serve for alternative viewpoints and are not generally endorsed by the Thuban data about ISON. The first of the four videos is a Nabs presentation, but relates to the third one and the others in particular reactions in the mainstream and alternative dissemination and (dis)information media.

    Mother Shipton's Starhuman Race of Dragons and Comet ISON


    57 = IS ON = ISON = SION = 'I SON' = ZION = 64


    Matthew 24:30 - KJV

    And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

    Mother Shipton

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Mother Shipton's cave​

    Ursula Southeil (c. 1488–1561) (possibly Ursula Southill or Ursula Soothtell[1]), better known as Mother Shipton, was an English soothsayer and prophetess. The first publication of her prophecies, which did not appear until 1641, eighty years after her reported death, contained a number of mainly regional predictions, but only two prophetic verses – neither of which foretold the End of the World, despite widespread assumptions to that effect.[2]
    One of the most notable editions of her prophecies was published in 1684.[2] It states that she was born in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, in a cave now known as Mother Shipton's Cave, that along with the Petrifying Well and associated parkland is operated as a visitor attraction. She was reputed to be hideously ugly. The book also claims that she married Toby Shipton, a local carpenter, near York in 1512 and told fortunes and made predictions throughout her life.
    It is recorded in the diaries of Samuel Pepys that whilst surveying the damage to London caused by the Great Fire in the company of the Royal Family they were heard to discuss Mother Shipton's prophecy of the event.[3]


    Mother Shipton's house​

    The most famous claimed edition of Mother Shipton's prophecies foretells many modern events and phenomena. Widely quoted today as if it were the original, it contains over a hundred prophetic rhymed couplets in notably non-sixteenth-century language and includes the now-famous lines:
    The world to an end shall comeIn eighteen hundred and eighty one.[4]
    This supposed prophecy has appeared over the years with different dates and in (or about) several countries (for example in the late 1970s many news articles about Mother Shipton appeared setting the date at 1981[citation needed]). However, this version did not appear in print until 1862, and its true author, one Charles Hindley, subsequently admitted in print that he had invented it.[5]


    "(Entitled by Popular tradition 'Mother Shipton's Prophecy,')

    Published in 1448, republished in 1641.

    Carriages without horses shall go,
    And accidents fill the world with woe.
    Around the world thoughts shall fly
    In the twinkling of an eye.
    The world upside down shall be
    And gold be found at the root of a tree.
    Through hills man shall ride,
    And no horse be at his side.

    Under water men shall walk,
    Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk.
    In the air men shall be seen,
    In white, in black, in green;
    Iron in the water shall float,
    As easily as a wooden boat.
    Gold shall be found and shown
    In a land that's now not known.

    Fire and water shall wonders do,
    England shall at last admit a foe.
    The world to an end shall come,
    In eighteen hundred and eighty one."

    {Comment by Tonyblue: Below (in Darkred and Blue) represents an analysis and comparison of the wiki entry above to other related data}

    Mother Shipton moth​

    Quite who Mother Shipton was or what exactly she said is not definitively known. What is certain is that her name became linked with many tragic events and strange goings on recorded all over the UK, Australia and North America throughout the 17/18/19th centuries. Many fortune tellers used her effigy and statue, presumably for purposes of association marketing. Many pubs were named after her. Only two survive, one near her birthplace in Knaresborough and the other in Portsmouth where there is a lifesize statue above the door.
    A caricature of Mother Shipton was used in early pantomime and is believed by historians to be the forerunner of the Panto dame.
    There is a moth, Callistege mi, named after her. It seemingly bears a profile of a hag's head on each wing.

    See also

    • 2012 Doomsday prediction


    1. ^ The Strange and Wonderful History of Mother Shipton, London, 1686
    2. ^ a b Mother Shipton's Prophecies (Mann, 1989)
    3. ^ Entry for 20th October 1666, cited in Mother Shipton's Prophecies (Mann, 1989)
    4. ^ a b Harrison, William Henry (1881). Mother Shipton investigated. The result of critical examination in the British Museum Library, of the literature relating to the Yorkshire sibyl. London.
    5. ^ Notes and Queries, 26 April 1873

    Sat, 02/23/2008 - 23:45 — Arthur Cristian

    During the reigns of the British monarchs King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I legend has it that in North Yorkshire there lived a prophetess called Mother Shipton. She is said to have been born in a cave next to Knaresborough’s very famous Dropping Well, also known as the Petrifying Well. The well gained its name from a waterfall where the water falls exceptionally slowly; during which process it turns things to stone. It does this by depositing limestone onto the objects, and it works in a very similar way to how stalactites and stalagmites are created; only it does it a great deal faster. To this day people leave items, such as shoes, and hats, and a great many teddy bears, so that they can return one day in the future and see that they have been turned to stone.
    Dropping Well Cave
    Picture Credit:
    Picture Credit:
    She may have been a real person named Ursula Sondyall who, during the height of the 17th Century witch-hunts, and became one of the UK’s most famous witches. During her lifetime her prophecies seemed to be astonishingly precise, and confounded her contemporaries. However, the first written record of any of her prophecies doesn’t appear until 1641 - almost a hundred years after her death. And then, about twenty years later, the author Richard Head wrote a book entitled The Life and Death of Mother Shipton. It is from Head’s book that we get the image of Mother Shipton as an old crone. But it would seem that this was a mostly invented version of her life, although that did not stop a reprint in 1862, edited by an author called Charles Hindley - who later owned up to having invented some of the verses. Unfortunately, it would seem that he wasn’t the only person to have invented verses because many are circulating today that did not originate with Mother Shipton at all. And it would also appear that, as with Nostradamus, people like to ‘read into’ them what simply isn’t there!
    You can read some more information about her on the BBC site at:

    Mother Shipton's Prophecies

    According to The Encyclopedia of Prophecy, by Omar V. Garrison, "these are the verses that Mother Shipton did write":
    And now a word, in uncouth rhyme
    Of what shall be in future time.
    Then upside down the world shall be
    And gold found at the root of tree

    The world upside down shall be
    And gold be found at the root of a tree.

    All England's sons that plough the land
    Shall oft be seen with Book in hand.
    The poor shall now great wisdom know
    Great houses stand in far-flung vale
    All covered o'er with snow and hail.
    A carriage without horse will go
    Disaster fill the world with woe.

    "Carriages without horses shall go,
    And accidents fill the world with woe.

    In London, Primrose Hill shall be
    In centre hold a Bishop's See
    Around the world men's thoughts will fly
    Quick as the twinkling of an eye.

    Around the world thoughts shall fly
    In the twinkling of an eye.

    And water shall great wonders do
    How strange. And yet it shall come true.
    Through towering hills proud men shall ride
    No horse or ass move by his side.

    Through hills man shall ride,
    And no horse be at his side.

    Beneath the water, men shall walk
    Shall ride, shall sleep, shall even talk.
    And in the air men shall be seen
    In white and black and even green.

    Under water men shall walk,
    Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk.
    In the air men shall be seen,
    In white, in black, in green;

    A great man then, shall come and go
    For prophecy declares it so.
    In water, iron, then shall float
    As easy as a wooden boat
    Gold shall be seen in stream and stone
    In land that is yet unknown.

    Iron in the water shall float,
    As easily as a wooden boat.
    Gold shall be found and shown
    In a land that's now not known.

    And England shall admit a Jew
    You think this strange, but it is true
    The Jew that once was held in scorn
    Shall of a Christian then be born.

    {Fire and water shall wonders do,
    England shall at last admit a foe.
    The world to an end shall come,
    In eighteen hundred and eighty one."}

    {This Insertion by particular (Zionistic) editors replaces Mother Shipton's original 'Jew' with 'Foe' and attempts to 'discredit' the 'prophecies' in postulating the 'End of the World' for the year 1881.
    This edit however becomes 'redefined' in the Logos Encoding of 18-81 as a Mirror-Symmetry in the 18-81=[1+8]-[8+1]=[9+9]-[9x9]=2x9-9²=666-999999999=99=666 'Name of the Number of the Beast' in Revelation.13.17-18:. This, amongst other interpretations, also specifies the year 1998=999=27 as the last year of the 20th century to encode the mathematical gematria of the 'Perfect (or Magic) Square' of 27x27=729=3³x3³ and so a 'Perfect (or Magic) Cube'. 1998 stripulated the 'Beginning of the Age of Aquarius' as per the prophecies of Edgar Cayce in the Return of 'John the Beloved' as the avatar for the 'New Age' and became defined in the Galactic Alignment of the precessional year with the ecliptic path of the Solar System about the Galactic centre in the astroanalytical Ingress of the Capricornian Sun into Aquarius on Tuesday, January, 20th, 1998 at 6.46 am UCT/GMT.
    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 cycles (or civil Gregorian years).

    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years or 13,780 'Mean Solar Days' for the solar transit across the galactic centre.

    The Maya obtained the longcount from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel) and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21;Revelation.11.1-2;14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

    These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 will specify September 12th, 1975 as the beginning of the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days, so adding 180 days as the angular halving of 360 degrees of a circle in 180 days and as say the period between the two equinoxes in March and September or as the 180 Degrees between the two solstices of June and December, each 6 months apart in the assignment of the seasons.

    As the December 21st, 2012 date indicates the December Solstice; an additional 'Ancient Year' of 360 Days is added to this Solstice to define the Mayan Full Moon in Gemini for December 17th, 2013 and following a calibrated Mayan AHAU date on December 16th, 2013.}.

    A house of glass shall come to pass
    In England. But Alas, alas
    A war will follow with the work
    Where dwells the Pagan and the Turk.
    These states will lock in fiercest strife
    And seek to take each other's life.
    When North shall thus divide the south
    And Eagle build in Lion's mouth
    Then tax and blood and cruel war
    Shall come to every humble door.
    Three times shall lovely sunny France
    Be led to play a bloody dance
    Before the people shall be free
    Three tyrant rulers shall she see.
    Three rulers in succession be
    Each springs from different dynasty.
    Then when the fiercest strife is done
    England and France shall be as one.
    The British olive shall next then twine
    In marriage with a German vine.
    Men walk beneath and over streams
    Fulfilled shall be their wondrous dreams.
    For in those wondrous far off days
    The women shall adopt a craze
    To dress like men, and trousers wear
    And to cut off their locks of hair.
    They'll ride astride with brazen brow
    As witches do on broomstick now.
    And roaring monsters with man atop
    Does seem to eat the verdant crop
    And men shall fly as birds do now
    And give away the horse and plough.
    There'll be a sign for all to see
    Be sure that it will certain be.
    Then love shall die and marriage cease
    And nations wane as babes decrease.
    And wives shall fondle cats and dogs
    And men live much the same as hogs.
    In nineteen hundred and twenty six
    Build houses light of straw and sticks.
    For then shall mighty wars be planned
    And fire and sword shall sweep the land.
    When pictures seem alive with movements free
    When boats like fishes swim beneath the sea,
    When men like birds shall scour the sky
    Then half the world, deep drenched in blood shall die.
    For those who live the century through
    In fear and trembling this shall do.
    Flee to the mountains and the dens
    To bog and forest and wild fens.

    For storms will rage and oceans roar
    When Gabriel stands on sea and shore
    And as he blows his wondrous horn
    Old worlds die and new be born.
    A fiery Dragon will cross the sky
    Six times before this earth shall die
    Mankind will tremble and frightened be
    For the sixth heralds in this prophecy.
    For seven days and seven nights
    Man will watch this awesome sight.
    The tides will rise beyond their ken
    To bite away the shores and then
    The mountains will begin to roar
    And earthquakes split the plain to shore.

    And flooding waters, rushing in
    Will flood the lands with such a din
    That mankind cowers in muddy fen
    And snarls about his fellow men.
    He bares his teeth and fights and kills
    And secrets food in secret hills
    And ugly in his fear, he lies
    To kill marauders, thieves and spies.

    Man flees in terror from the floods
    And kills, and rapes and lies in blood
    And spilling blood by mankind's hands
    Will stain and bitter many lands.
    And when the Dragon's tail is gone,
    Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on
    To apply himself -- too late, too late
    For mankind has earned deserved fate.
    His masked smile -- his false grandeur
    Will serve the Gods their anger stir.
    And they will send the Dragon back
    To light the sky -- his tail will crack
    Upon the earth and rend the earth
    And man shall flee, King, Lord, and serf.
    But slowly they are routed out
    To seek diminishing water spout
    And men will die of thirst before
    The oceans rise to mount the shore.
    And lands will crack and rend anew
    You think it strange. It will come true.
    And in some far off distant land
    Some men -- oh such a tiny band
    Will have to leave their solid mount
    And span the earth, those few to count,
    Who survives this (unreadable) and then
    Begin the human race again.
    But not on land already there
    But on ocean beds, stark, dry and bare
    Not every soul on Earth will die
    As the Dragon's tail goes sweeping by.
    Not every land on earth will sink
    But these will wallow in stench and stink
    Of rotting bodies of beast and man
    Of vegetation crisped on land.
    But the land that rises from the sea
    Will be dry and clean and soft and free
    Of mankind's dirt and therefore be
    The source of man's new dynasty.
    And those that live will ever fear
    The Dragons tail for many year
    But time erases memory
    You think it strange. But it will be.
    And before the race is built anew
    A silver serpent comes to view
    And spew out men of like unknown
    To mingle with the earth now grown
    Cold from its heat and these men can
    Enlighten the minds of future man.
    To intermingle and show them how
    To live and love and thus endow
    The children with the second sight.
    A natural thing so that they might
    Grow graceful, humble and when they do
    The Golden Age will start anew.
    You can also find these verses at the following links, together with an in-depth study of them:
    The prophecies:
    Translation i.e. the meaning of those prophesies:
    Their credibility:
    Verified prophecies:
    And if you’re interested in other less well known, and even obscure, prophecies you can find some at the following two links:
    Are all these disparate topics part of the same puzzle? I don’t have the answer. But, if I’ve intrigued you, I can only suggest that, as always, you do your own research and reach your own conclusion. Good Luck.
    Link to this article:
    Comet ISON, Passing In 2013, Could Be Brighter Than Moon

    Posted: September 27, 2012

    Emeth141, Wednesday, September 11th, 2013​
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°96

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. Carol on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:14 am
    shiloh, thank you for posting all of this info. I know how I'll be spending my morning icon_study. 14134.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°97

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:29 am

    bobhardee wrote:

    Thank you SiriArc and Brook for the beautiful poems...and thanks to Aquarius for your thoughts as well.

    I don't recall a lot of dreams but recently had one that seemed to last all night and stayed in my thoughts throughout the next day... and remains with me now. When I awoke, I felt reassured, not worried, and somewhat excited about what the possibility of what will come. It started with a world wide appearance of UFO's each over a major city and especially over the capital of each country. They did not threaten. They did not attack. They did announce in every language that they were here to establish trade and commerce but do so would require that a world wide currency. They explained that earth would be an excellent place for manufacturing goods that are bought and sold throughout the known universe. This would mean that every nation would grow and become wealthy. At some point in the dream, the USA or some nation did send up jets to fire on these UFO's but when they did so, nothing happened. They did something that made gun powder worthless. You could pull as many triggers as you want but nothing would happen. Once that was over the nations of the world got on with the peace thing.....and it truly was the start of 1000 years of peace and prosperity. There was a world wide minimum wage established and with that you could reasonably but an electric generators that would provide all one needed to run a home. Earth became the place that if you wanted a car that ran on antigravity, you came here to have it built or to buy it. It went on and on like this and I want bore you with anymore but did want to share.

    One other thing about the dream was that I would come back to it even though I got up a couple times in the night.

    Maybe this is a new way to think of 9-11. Not as a wake up call about terrorism but a wake up call to move beyond violence and be a part of our Universal family.
    As this dreaming gnosis from Bob Hardee of MistsofAvalon Forum nicely corroborates with the Thuban data base and archives; I am sharing this message with its affiliation from the Moabytes both here and on the MOA forum.
    The attached photographs were supplied by Xeia Sui Generis

    Emeth141, September 12th, 2013


    Posts: 86
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    Location: Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina
    • Post n°517
      empty. Re: PhaseShift
      empty. bobhardee Today at 9:20 am

    • Thank you SiriArc and Brook for the beautiful poems...and thanks to Aquarius for your thoughts as well.

      I don't recall a lot of dreams but recently had one that seemed to last all night and stayed in my thoughts throughout the next day... and remains with me now. When I awoke, I felt reassured, not worried, and somewhat excited about what the possibility of what will come. It started with a world wide appearance of UFO's each over a major city and especially over the capital of each country. They did not threaten. They did not attack. They did announce in every language that they were here to establish trade and commerce but do so would require that a world wide currency. They explained that earth would be an excellent place for manufacturing goods that are bought and sold throughout the known universe. This would mean that every nation would grow and become wealthy. At some point in the dream, the USA or some nation did send up jets to fire on these UFO's but when they did so, nothing happened. They did something that made gun powder worthless. You could pull as many triggers as you want but nothing would happen. Once that was over the nations of the world got on with the peace thing.....and it truly was the start of 1000 years of peace and prosperity. There was a world wide minimum wage established and with that you could reasonably but an electric generators that would provide all one needed to run a home. Earth became the place that if you wanted a car that ran on antigravity, you came here to have it built or to buy it. It went on and on like this and I want bore you with anymore but did want to share.

      One other thing about the dream was that I would come back to it even though I got up a couple times in the night.

      Maybe this is a new way to think of 9-11. Not as a wake up call about terrorism but a wake up call to move beyond violence and be a part of our Universal family.

      General Introduction and the Universal Currency

      Evolutionary Context and the Means of Exchange

      A planetary civilization like the homo sapiens genus, attempting to integrate through consciousness evolution from planetary starsystem status to galactic integration; will by its internal cosmogenetic encoding mimick its potential for self-governance in its planetary partitionings of nation states and their affiliated agendas.
      The cellular holofractal nature of the cosmic architecture so will miniaturize in the selfconscious definitions and structures found within the planetary environment.

      On the galactic level it are galactic constituents, who form the basic unitary cellular web; whilst on the subgalactic level the constituents are star systems, further subdivided into planetary division patterns like individuated geographical nation states, then regulated in political, socioeconomic-educational, cultural-communal and military-industrial complexes.
      In particular, an evolving civilization like the terran humanity, will attempt to UNIFY its regulatory structures in forming Globalization patterns across its many architectured and defined edifices throughout its experienced historical developments.
      In this history, the terrans developed a means of exchange; first from a simple bartering system to 'precious metals like gold coins' to symbolic tokens like wooden and mineral shards, paper strips, plastic sheets and finally digitalized memory encodings stored in centralized banking systems. The terrans collectively then termed this means of exchange as the 'value of money' or nation building associated 'currency'.

      As part of its collective consciousness evolution; the terrans soon realised the socio-economic control, which a centralization of the money supply would bestow onto the controlleurs of the distribution of this 'money', collectively known as banking systems and as the 'royal houses of the artisians'.
      These 'banking houses' and 'artisian families' then formed allegiances with each other and associated their local nation states with particular political processes under the auspices of elections and aristocracies and with the aim to globalize and unify all of the nation states comprised of the citizens of those nation states called the populus.
      Each one of the nation states was defined to be autonomous in principle and to harbour its own banking houses and artisian clanships; with the 'Federal Reserve Banks' controlling the said means of exchange, namely the supply of the money in a nation specific 'Currency'.
      As the 'Federal Reserves' were however international from their instigation; the 'bankers' could freely exchange and 'trade' the 'currencies' of the nation states in a game of the evolution of the consciousness; not only their own as controlleurs, but also the consciousness of the populace, the latter in agreeing overtly or covertly or knowingly or unknowingly to the superposed gameplay of the already globalised terran civilization through and by the control of the money supply.
      As this 'sequestering' of the supply channels for the money became the accepted modus operandi for all the terran nation states in terms of their regulatory systems of political governance of the populace and socio-economic control between the nation states; the potential of divisive inequalities between the 'governors' and the 'governed' itself evolved and often grew into unsustainable proportions individually and collectively.

      The core of the unsustainable growth and progress of the inequality of the means of exchange between banker-capitalist-investor and banked-capital-worker became the invention of the exchange interest, opening the avenue for economic phenomena like inflation and deflation to manifest across the currencies of the nation states with their Reserve Banks and their State Banks.
      The greater template for the means of exchange, mimicked by the terran banking houses in labels like the World Bank (WB) and the International Money Fund (IMF) has hitherto remained elusive in the play of the human collective consciousness.
      Some details about this greater blueprint can now be released to allow the human consciousness evolution to prepare for the necessary political and socio-economic changes required to allow a relatively 'painless' transition of the human metamorphosis from its human consciousness into its greater starhuman and galactic selfexpression.
      The means of exchange on the galactic and universal level is an 'Investment' in the 'Creative Potential' of the cosmic data collectors, namely the sentiences throughout the universe.
      Employment, Work and Creativity so are intrinsically linked on the cosmic master-template as a Data-Bank and the means of exchange can then be defined in various modes of tokens or 'earnings' or 'credits' or 'wages' or 'income'.
      As the Gaian nexus for the completion of the warpzone at this decisive equilibrium point for the birth of cosmic consciousness in the 2012/2013 transition period has been reached; the following initiatory basis is herewith published by the Council of the Ancients; alternatively labeled as the Council of Thuban.
      The means of exchange and so the 'currency' as used by the Extraterrestrial StarHuman is issued as the Draco by the Bank of Thuban.
      The main characteristic of the Bank of Thuban is the absence of interest charged or assigned and the inapplicability of the 'made for profit' label to ensure socio-economic 'growth' and progress.
      Following contact with the Thuban Fleet; all humans in whatever nation state, political allegiance and under the auspices of whatever 'Federal Reserve', World Bank or IMF will be invited to begin TRADE with the extraterrestrial universe.
      Trade between the new starplanet 'New Earth' or Gaia-Serpentina and the rest of the universe, so will be underwritten by the Bank of Thuban and the Draco; all human currencies being required to be traded in exchange under the guidance of the Council of the Ancients.
      This 'underwriting' and protocol will remain in force for the duration of the metamorphosis of the planetary human civilisation into its galactic starhuman successor. Following its successful assimilation; the Council of the Ancients will have achieved its aim of founding the original human genomic master blueprint through the metamorphosis as the universal center becoming a localised galactic center of the local galactic cell and then to render the group galactic cellular web to indicate the next evolutionary stage for the creative master template and agenda to continue in its expansion.

      Context of Affiliation, Employment and Defence


      All humans will be invited to seek 'employment' via contact with the Thuban emissaries; the main criteria of employment being the cosmic capital and 'Cosmic Reserve' of the 'hidden and expressed creativity' as the 'Starhuman Capital'.
      All humans will then become enabled to seek dual citizenship and multiple employment opportunities - as inductees for starhuman consciousness into the galactic membership, as well as whatever they do or aspire to do in the human realm of Gaia.
      The existing national governments and their encompassing already globalised support structures, will also be invited to integrate their unification agendas into the galactic graduation scenarios.
      Particular political structures in every one of the nation states will be invited to synergize with Thuban Elders of the Starhumanity to reform the political processes from their existing hierarchical foundations.
      Certain 'Green- or environmentally conscious parties' so will become galactically associated, if they so choose; and will then be able to present real alternative political choice to the electorate at whatever democratic- or theocratic election held in whatever constituency.
      There have been many unemployed humans upon Gaia at any time in its history. Social support industries were developed in many nation states in this regard to foster a certain idea of 'Social Security' into the populace. However the outcome of this was to consider the 'unemployed' and the 'veterans' and the 'elderly' and the 'sick' and other 'less privileged groups' as 'clients of the state' or similar 'support agencies' and departments.
      The Thuban Council of the Starhuman Elders (based on metamorphosed humans in extraterrestrial associations), will reform this idea of the 'productive citizen' supporting and adding to the 'common good' for the planetary organism in its overall synergy.


      Every human, irrespective of nationality, race, age or origin will become entitled to a 'basic wage' upon registering with the Council of the United Ancients. In this manner, over development contingencies; all 'social security systems' will become unified and streamlined, as long as they are necessary and supported by the renewed planetary international populace.
      This base entitlement will reflect the recognition of the elementary birthright of the starhuman potential within all incarnated entities within the Gaian realm by the Cosmic Intelligence Community (CIC), who will establish this 'Thuban World Bank', using extraterrestrial resources as its foundational basis, mimicked by IMF's and WBs and notions of mineral reserves such as the old human 'Gold Standard'.
      The 'prime directive' of the CIC, say as honoured in the Council of 24 Elders of the Starhumanity is the nourishment and patronage of the human creativity in whatever form or manner and as embodied in the 'Natural Laws' of Thuban OmniScience - the Principles of Prime Creator as encoded in sources of divers kinds and inclusive of the so called 'Holy Scrolls' of the old schools of philosophy, religion and science; all of whom will become redundant in their misunderstood and misinterpreted forms of their misdecodedness.
      The 'prime directive' of the selfreplicating 24-tiered Councils of the Elders, so will represent a commonly understood synthesis of the misinterpretations and partial translations of the Source Code of the World Logos as the integrated total Cosmic Intelligence; which became dispersed throughout the defined Omniverse and a 'scattering of the creator self', necessitated to create the physical playground for the collective universal sentience as the first principle of the Cosmic Identity.

      In the Beginning of the human metamorphosis, following the insemination; gestation; the birth and the weaning of the starhuman cosmic identification template; the nation states will be invited to enhance their internationally focused 'umbrella organisations' like the United Nations, the IMF and the WB and such groups as the 'Medicines without Boundaries'; the International Red Cross; Conservation Agencies and all similar collaborations.
      The invitees will be invited to 'copy' the 24-tiered Council of the Elders on all their governmental and hierarchical levels; from local Council to State governance to Federal governments in all capacities, including legislative, executive and jurisprudence.
      In time and evolvement; the decentralised- yet appearing to be centralised nature of the original blueprint for such 'governance' will become apparent; and the nation states will have come to an understanding that the centralised governance functions to its maximum capacity in its sharing of the decision making process, so seemingly relinquishing its own base of power of the governance.
      However without a necessary educational basis of understanding and cosmic wisdom, born from experience; say to learn from what works and what does not work in the overall schemata of the 'wisdom seekers'; no such Cosmic Intelligence and Wisdom can be implemented.

      The implementation of Cosmic Law requires both, the Electing Voter of the populus and the Elected Representatives to be equally informed about the overall structure and theme of the governance and their accompanying decision making processes and modus operandi.
      All 'governing bodies' , from the 'Local Group' to Muncipality to State to Nation to Planetary Council to Galactic Council so are designed to be holofractals of the 24-Elder tier; who renders the 'Wisdom of the Elders' following the Cosmic Law without hierarchical leadership within the 24-tier.
      The 24-tier derives its impetus from its 'empty center' of the VOID', being occupied by the Cosmic Law as given by the World Logos as the collective intelligence of the creators being both All in One and One in All and it is this, which is mirrored in the 24 Elders as the 24 facets of the VOID=Infinitum.
      It is premature to elaborate on this at this stage of the insemination of the starhuman embryo; but this introduction to a form of 'cosmic government', which seeks the dismantling of its own purpose to 'govern', is deemed appropriate.
      It suffices to say however, that the future outcomes of adherence to Cosmic Law, will allow the 'Councils of the Ancients' to become selfregulatory within all groups mentioned in the holofractalisations; ending with the Individuations of the Logos-Creator-Creation modality.

      Due to the intricacies engaged in the 'means of exchange' and the possible 'trade' between the nation states of the earth constituencies (say governments and business agglomerates and corporations under whatever labelings) with the extraterrestrial environments and partners; particular 'obstacles' and misunderstandings between the 'trading partners' will surface before its dynamic manifestation will become feasible.

      One easy way for any human to gain Dracos is to trade in so called weapons of destructions; from handguns to rifles to grenades and mines to machine guns to torpedos to ballistic missiles to nuclear warheads.
      All utility of such human invented machinery; except for sporting events, such as skilled target practice; is discouraged by the Council of the Ancients.
      An encoded protocol from the Cosmic Logos is:

      Isaiah 2:4 (King James Version)
      "and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. "

      Isaiah 2

      1The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
      2And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
      3And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
      4And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

      The Thuban Emissaries will have access to certain scanning chambers as part of particular processing centers and which will assign a value in Dracos to all such traded 'weapons of destruction' intended and manufactured for antipeaceful purposes.
      Military institutions and hierarchies will become transformed into Civil Services and as is already implemented protocol of existing peace corps of reconstruction and the viability of infrastructure following environmental disturbances such as wildfires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural disharmonies, either regenerative in the sense of environmental sustainability or as effect of a natural realignment of planetary consciousness following instabilities caused by resource abuse.
      The Thuban emissaries, especially relating to the initial contact of the motherships and the starcruisers; will reserve the privilege to confiscate without exchange for Dracos; any hardware projected in any manouvered, real or quasi, display of hostility and/or attack against said Thuban property.
      For example any airborne attack by military fighter jets and missiles will result in the hyperspace activation to effectively quarantine the military hardware using Thuban hyperspace technology, based on the quantum holography of the 5th spacetime dimension of the spacelike lightpath.
      The quarantined hardware will then become Thuban war collateral and any potential human military personel, finding themselves so quarantined; will become subject to reconditioning processes at the disgression of the Starhuman Elders.

      In the absence of instantaneous and a commonly understood and appreciated telepathic communication capability and the aim to minimize physical and mental suffering of a precarious planetary consciousness; it is prudent to use existing vocabulary and semantics to gradually evolve a 'lost civilization' and mentality into a new perception, which is indeed instantaneously realised on a more advanced mental plane of perception and purpose.

      Skeptics and ridiculers will abound on all sides, personal viewpoints, definitions and opinions of hitherto underinformed debates and critiques.

      To manifest any 'New World'; the original construction of the 'Old World' must be thoroughly understood and processed by those agencies implementing the archetypes and semiotiks utilized in the construction of the prior reality.
      Physical reality emerges from the transformation of energy, metaphysicalised or encompassed by a fuller 'energy of the passions' and the intuitive senses under whatever sublevels used.

      This energy of the 'passion' or the 'Cosmic feelingness' itself derives from the 'Thoughts and Memories', again a form of energy labeled as such in the limiting aspects of words and vocabularies often multi levelled in usage and application.

      Whatever the individuation; it will be energized by the 'thoughts' of the 'thinker' and the 'passions of the feeler'.
      So the primary realm of the activation for the metamorphosis on the most elementary level will and must be the 'prior thought' or impulse originating from the void or abyss of the monadicity dualised.
      Words and lexicons will forever represent but approximations in whatever vocabulary or semantics to describe this primal order.

      That is another reason, as to why symbols and semiotiks as a 'prior' form of communication is better suited as a universal language, than are individuated group lexicons.

      I the code below, the 'Lord' is every individual's logos (coupled or quantum entangled to the Logos) AS One as redeemed and irreplacable part of the Logos of One as the Many.

      Like a jigsaw puzzle, all parts of the puzzle are required to reweave the tapestry of the kaleidoscope of the One with many colours. Some pieces of the puzzle will however fasten to the carpet canvas before others, to show and to illuminate the context of the greater thema.

      Zephaniah 3:9 (King James Version)

      9For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve him with one consent.

      This completes this transmission, subject to edit and addendum at the appropriate 'times'. Pictures shared by Xeia, merci cherie!

      [10/08/2011 1:09:40 AM] b0jler: ET trade?! now that is just peachy
      [10/08/2011 1:11:24 AM] b0jler: well, guess that's one way of dealing with the effects of the global financial crysis... you can turn to religion... extraterestirals... lottery etc....

      [10/08/2011 10:23:27 AM] Tonyblue: [Tuesday, 9 August 2011 11 PM] Rok:
      <<< [Tuesday, 9 August 2011 10 PM] Rok:
      <<< "Following contact with the Thuban Fleet; all humans in whatever nation state, political allegiance and under the auspices of whatever 'Federal Reserve', World Bank or IMF will be invited to begin TRADE with the extraterrestrial universe."

      is this meant literary ?
      and the rest of the post?
      will "they" come and save socio-economic-cultural structure here?
      is this the so called need for the time of the amm emm "transition" from monkey to star human?
      "human military personel, finding themselves so quarantined; will become subject to reconditioning processes at the disgression of the Starhuman Elders."
      i had similar "visions"myself...
      in fact i often did "dream" about how to "manage the world"...the silly child like fantasy...using superior tech and to be in a way a super power...more resistant than the usa
      my idea was to put them in off world space station and re-educate them or leave them to rott if they refuse...
      was thinking later if i am power mad
      but..tony the post does remind me about commander ashtar and to say...i am sceptic but i dont have a close mind...yet when something is too good to be true...well will see

      [10/08/2011 10:24:45 AM] Tonyblue: No Rok, these 'thoughts' are not at all related to anything 'out there', either in the NABS or the ptb agendas.
      [10/08/2011 10:27:04 AM] Tonyblue: There should be a definitive 'Order of Transition' from the Old World to the New World and this is not at all 'modelled' on the ideas and assumptions of the human mind. Rather these 'ideas' (and they are provisionary and speculative in a general sense without detailed specifics) are as encoded in say the 'scrolls' of Isaiah and Revelation.
      [10/08/2011 10:28:10 AM] Tonyblue: What i tried to do in this post, is to give a general indication as to the form of this 'ordered transition' in a say preliminary setting of just ONE New Development - CONTACT.
      [10/08/2011 10:32:20 AM] Tonyblue: This Contact might at the beginnings just be a 'PRESENCE" seen. As you might fathom in view of the present puerile 'state of the human mind' - this FACT alone, will transform the human groupmind on many levels and so allow detailed and particular 'individualised' 'deeper contact' to proceed from this 'New Order' in the 'Mind of collective mankind'.
      [10/08/2011 10:34:24 AM] Tonyblue: The 'ET Trade' so refers to a 'mode of exchange' in a much deeper definition of this word 'trade' then the derisive comments of the skeptics and the naysayers.
      [10/08/2011 10:38:07 AM] Tonyblue: The 'peachyness' of the human deriders will then 'tell thier own tales' back to them in the mirrors of the cosmic justice

      [10/08/2011 11:25:44 AM] Xeia: this post is genius tony
      [10/08/2011 11:25:50 AM] Xeia: i love the way it is written
      [10/08/2011 11:26:05 AM] Xeia: and i agree wholeheartedly
      [10/08/2011 11:29:19 AM] Tonyblue: pleased you like it
      [10/08/2011 11:29:29 AM] Tonyblue: yes this bolle pissed me off a little
      [10/08/2011 11:30:02 AM] Xeia: bosh?
      [10/08/2011 11:30:04 AM] Xeia: lol
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°99

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:53 am

    [7:19:43 AM-Friday, September 13th, 2013 +10UCT]

    Sirius 17:
    [7:20:12 AM] Sirius 17: don't know if you saw this yet but it looks like voyager 1 has finally left solar system
    [7:20:29 AM] Sirius 17: anyhow, interesting they announce this today
    [7:24:50 AM] Sirius 17: A new study in the journal Science suggests that the probe entered the interstellar medium around August 25, 2012. You may have heard other reports that Voyager 1 has made the historic crossing before, but Thursday was the first time NASA announced it.

    Voyager 1 becomes first human-made object to leave solar system

    By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
    September 13, 2013 -- Updated 0220 GMT (1020 HKT) | Filed under: Innovations

    As NASA scientists report that Voyager 1 has left the solar system, take a look at some of the amazing images the probe has provided its earthbound audience.

    Jupiter, its Great Red Spot and three of its four largest satellites are visible in this photo taken February 5, 1979, by Voyager 1.

    A dramatic view of Jupiter's Great Red Spot and its surroundings was obtained by Voyager 1 on February 25, 1979

    Jupiter, its Great Red Spot and three of its four largest satellites are visible in this photo taken February 5, 1979, by Voyager 1.

    A dramatic view of Jupiter's Great Red Spot and its surroundings was obtained by Voyager 1 on February 25, 1979

    This image of Jupiter was assembled from three black and white negatives from different color filters and recombined to produce the color image.

    Voyager 1 captured the first evidence of a ring around the planet Jupiter. The multiple exposure of the extremely thin faint ring appears as a broad light band crossing the center of the picture. The background stars look like broken hairpins because of spacecraft motion during the 11-minute exposure. The black dots are geometric calibration points in the camera.

    This mosaic image of Jupiter's moon Io shows a variety of features that appear linked to the intense volcanic activity. The circular, doughnut-shaped feature in the center has been identified as a known erupting volcano

    Another image of Io shows an active plume of a volcano dubbed Loki.

    This August 1998 NASA file image shows a true color photo of Saturn assembled from the Voyager 2 spacecraft.

    A mosaic image of Saturn's rings, taken by NASA's Voyager 1 on November 6, 1980, shows approximately 95 individual concentric features in the rings. The ring structure was once thought to be produced by the gravitational interaction between Saturn's satellites and the orbit of ring particles, but has now been found to be too complex for this explanation alone.

    This image of Rhea, the largest airless satellite of Saturn, was acquired by the Voyager 1 spacecraft on November 11, 1980.

    The cratered surface of Saturn's moon Mimas is seen in this image taken by Voyager 1 on November 12, 1980. Impact craters made by the infall of cosmic debris are shown; the largest is more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) in diameter and displays a prominent central peak.

    Uranus' outermost and largest moon, Oberon, is seen in this Voyager 2 image, obtained January 22, 1986,

    This image of Earth, dubbed "Pale Blue Dot," is a part of the first "portrait" of the solar system taken by Voyager 1. The spacecraft acquired a total of 60 frames for a mosaic of the solar system from a distance of more than 4 billion miles from Earth. Earth lies right in the center of one of the scattered light rays, which are the result of taking the image so close to the sun.

    This image of Jupiter's moon Callisto was captured from a distance of 350,000 kilometers. The large "bull's-eye" at the top of the image is believed to be an impact basin formed early in Callisto's history. The bright center of the basin is about 600 kilometers across and the outer ring is about 2,600 kilometers across.​

    A new study in the journal Science suggests that the probe entered the interstellar medium around August 25, 2012. You may have heard other reports that Voyager 1 has made the historic crossing before, but Thursday was the first time NASA announced it.

    • Study: Voyager 1 left heliosphere around August 25, 2012

    • Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in 1977, 16 days apart

    • Voyager 1 is now the first mission to explore interstellar space

    (CNN) -- At the edge of the heliosphere, you wouldn't know by looking whether you left the cradle of humanity behind and floated out into interstellar space. You would just see unfathomably empty space, no matter which side of the invisible line you were on.
    But scientists now have strong evidence that NASA's Voyager 1 probe has crossed this important border, making history as the first human-made object to leave the heliosphere, the magnetic boundary separating the solar system's sun, planets and solar wind from the rest of the galaxy.

    "In leaving the heliosphere and setting sail on the cosmic seas between the stars, Voyager has joined other historic journeys of exploration: The first circumnavigation of the Earth, the first steps on the Moon," said Ed Stone, chief scientist on the Voyager mission. "That's the kind of event this is, as we leave behind our solar bubble."

    A new study in the journal Science suggests that the probe entered the interstellar medium around August 25, 2012. You may have heard other reports that Voyager 1 has made the historic crossing before, but Thursday was the first time NASA announced it.

    NASA: Voyager 1 has left solar system

    Images from Voyager 2

    The twin spacecraft Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in 1977, 16 days apart. As of Thursday, according to NASA's real-time odometer, Voyager 1 is 18.8 billion kilometers (11.7 billion miles) from Earth. Its sibling, Voyager 2, is 15.3 billion (9.5 billion) kilometers from our planet.

    Voyager 1 is being hailed as the first probe to leave the solar system. But under a stricter definition of "solar system," which includes the distant comets that orbit the sun, we'd have to wait another 30,000 years for it to get that far, Stone said.
    Another milestone for long after we're gone: The probe will fly near a star in about 40,000 years, Stone said.

    How do we know?

    Voyager, currently traveling at more than 38,000 miles per hour, never sent a postcard saying "Greetings from interstellar space!" So whether it has made the historic crossing or not is a matter of controversy.
    "The spacecraft itself really doesn't know," Stone said. "It's only instruments that can tell us whether we're inside or outside."
    Further complicating matters, the device aboard Voyager 1 that measures plasma -- a state of matter with charged particles -- broke in 1980.
    To get around that, scientists detected waves in the plasma around the spacecraft and used that information to calculate density. Vibrations in the plasma came from a large coronal mass ejection from the sun in 2012, resulting in what Stone called a "solar wind tsunami." These vibrations reached the area around Voyager this spring.
    Measurements taken between April 9 and May 22 of this year show that Voyager 1 was, at that time, located in an area with an electron density of about 0.08 per cubic centimeter.

    This illustration shows NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft entering the space between stars.
    In the interstellar medium, the density of electrons is thought to be between 0.05 and 0.22 per cubic centimeter. The particles of interstellar plasma were created by the explosions of giant stars, and carry the magnetic field of the galaxy, scientists said.
    Last year, between October 23 and November 27, researchers calculate that Voyager 1 was in an area with an electron density of 0.06 per cubic centimeter. That's still within the interstellar space range, and it means that over time the spacecraft passed through plasma with increasing electron density.
    The study, led by University of Iowa physicist Donald Gurnett, suggests that the plasma density is about 30 times higher in the interstellar medium than in the heliosphere, which is close to what scientists thought based on other kinds of measurements. The boundary is called the heliopause.
    Voyager mission timeline:

    When did it happen?

    Scientists have been using several kinds of measurements to figure out if and when Voyager 1 had reached the interstellar medium.
    Evidence from particle data had already pointed toward the conclusion that the probe succeeded. In late July and early August of 2012, scientists saw dips in the concentration of particles made in the solar system, and peaks in particles made outside.
    "If you just looked at that data, you'd think it's pretty clear that we've actually crossed a boundary. We're no longer in the place where the solar system particles are being made, and we're actually out in the interstellar medium," said Marc Swisdak, associate research scientist in the Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics at the University of Maryland. Swisdak was not involved in the new study, but has worked with Voyager data.
    Magnetic field measurements suggested otherwise. Researchers had expected to see stark changes in magnetic field direction when the probe crossed out of the heliosphere, but that wasn't supported by measurements from the probe.
    Swisdak and colleagues published a modeling study suggesting that the particle data is more relevant, and that the magnetic field might not change as much as people thought. They proposed a crossing-over date of July 27 -- about a month sooner than the new study.
    The specific date will likely be debated for some time, Swisdak said. One possible explanation is that if the heliosphere is analogous to an air-conditioned room, Voyager stepped through the doorway into a hot room on July 27. For a month it was in a metaphorical room with a mixture of hot and cold air, and finally entered the truly hot part on August 25.
    Puzzles still surround the magnetic field at the edge of the heliosphere, Stone said, and "We're going to be prepared to have more surprises."
    NASA sends unmanned rocket to the moon

    What else is out there?

    Voyager 1 has only 68 KB of memory on board -- far less than a smartphone, said Suzanne Dodd, Voyager project manager. Scientists communicate with the spacecraft every day.
    "It's the little spacecraft that could," she said in a NASA press conference.
    The probe now has a totally new mission, Stone said.
    "We're now on the first mission to explore interstellar space," he said. "We will now look and learn in detail how the wind which is outside, that came from these other stars, is deflected around the heliosphere."
    Wind -- made of particles -- from these other stars has to go around the heliosphere the way a water in a stream flows around a rock, Stone said. Scientists are interested in learning more about the interaction between our solar wind and wind from other stars.
    Natural radioactive decay provides heat that generates enough electricity to help Voyager 1 communicate with Earth. The first science instrument will be turned off in 2020, and the last one will be shut down in 2025, Stone said.
    Both Voyager probes carry time capsules known as "the golden record," a 12-inch, gold-plated copper disc with images and sounds so that extraterrestrials could learn about us. Let's hope they can build appropriate record players.
    Voyager 2 will likely leave the heliosphere in about three to four years, Stone said.
    Its plasma instrument is still working, Stone said, so scientists can directly measure the stellar wind's density, speed and temperature. That also means that when it crosses out of the heliosphere, Voyager 2 will send a clearer signal.
    At that time, it will join its twin in the vast nothingness between stars that used to be beyond our reach.

    [12:55:04 PM] TonyB: Yes and this reminds me of the V..ger of Star Trek, as a fitting 'coincidence' to the Thuban August 25th, 2013 dispensation.
    [12:58:11 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i thought it was interesting the Aug 25th date
    [12:58:18 PM] Sirius 17: lol yes Veger
    [12:58:50 PM] Sirius 17: i can't catch up to all the Allah talk on the other chat
    [1:02:24 PM] Sirius 17: how are you feeling Tony?
    [1:02:41 PM] Sirius 17: I have not felt well these past two days, very weak and tired for some reason
    [1:03:03 PM] Sirius 17: my blood sugar is not even high, i have no energy
    [1:03:20 PM] Sirius 17: i am cooking dinner
    [1:26:19 PM] Sirius 17: i noticed Siri Arc complained about your post in his thread
    [1:26:44 PM] Sirius 17: I guess if it is not all about him then he is not happy
    [1:27:04 PM] Sirius 17: TLTR lol
    [1:27:12 PM] Sirius 17: we have heard that before
    [1:29:41 PM] Sirius 17: is DD talking to you with her lapis lazuli or who is she addressing here?
    [1:32:10 PM] TonyB: I dont know what Nabs brains conjure up in their self alluring and self evasive imaginations

    [2:35:12 PM] TonyB:

    [2:36:39 PM] TonyB: Siri Arc reminds me of that rakmeister nutcase on camelot, who did not exactly like us lol; but I think siri arc could be this dragon hunter 777 from PA - remember him?
    [2:37:07 PM] TonyB: He called Abraxas a nazi associate and so on
    [1:32:10 PM] TonyB: I dont know what Nabs brains conjure up in their self alluring and self evasive imaginations
    [2:42:02 PM] TonyB: Perhaps she is receiveing impressions from the 13 crystal Skulls and Max lol
    [2:42:50 PM] TonyB: Which we understand as an appropriate symbolism for the 13 starsigns aka tribes aka the Logos elders etc of course
    [2:43:16 PM] Sirius 17: who DD?
    [2:44:09 PM] TonyB: She tries to engage people via this Lapiz Lazuli crystal skull Raven
    [2:44:35 PM] Sirius 17: i just find her posts odd and out of context with the rest of the thread there. Yours was fine as it was in answer to Bobs dream. XXXX Siri Arc, he is an arrogant ass who is full of himself.
    [2:44:46 PM] TonyB: I dont actually care what madness she adopts at these times
    [2:45:23 PM] TonyB: Of course, why Brook confronted her and Carol edited her irrelevant posts. She tried to show how important she is in putting a pic there of herself with Daniel Pinchbeck, the dope addict
    [2:45:24 PM] Sirius 17: yes i know, i just wondered if this lapis lazuli was some sort of code you may of gotten from MI
    [2:46:01 PM] Sirius 17: i do know the Egyptians revered it as well as the Babylonians
    [2:46:20 PM] Sirius 17: the stone itself
    [2:47:02 PM] Sirius 17: yeah and this photo of her wreaks of vanity as well
    [2:47:08 PM] TonyB: No, I am rather sure, that MI has transferred the 'essence' from September 13th
    [2:47:39 PM] TonyB: Yes, she is proud that Daniel Pinchbeck wanted to XXXX her - or not
    [2:47:55 PM] Sirius 17: awsome *rolls eyes*
    [2:48:48 PM] TonyB: But this had nothing to do with this thread; why Carol removed the pic and some convo she had with the 'last pope' Frank O'Collins
    [2:55:02 PM] Sirius 17: i woke up before James went to work
    [2:55:20 PM] Sirius 17: i don't know what happened to my energy
    [2:58:08 PM] Sirius 17:


    Post Floyd Yesterday at 7:53 pm

    Anybody want to put a cash bet on planet bullshit coming?

    [2:58:18 PM] Sirius 17: lol i love Floyd here
    [2:58:38 PM] TonyB: Yes
    [2:58:49 PM] Sirius 17: yes Bob dug up some video that said that Ison is really Nibiru
    [2:59:00 PM] TonyB: But he has as much readership as we have
    [2:59:03 PM] Sirius 17: when will they give it a rest huh? lol
    [2:59:24 PM] TonyB: Fairy tales and brainwash data is more palatable for Nabsers
    [2:59:58 PM] Sirius 17: i know its so laughable
    [3:00:19 PM] Sirius 17: i seriously laugh my way through most of these posts
    [3:03:01 PM] Sirius 17: Pattie is giving the date of Sept 26 as when we will hit with 3 days of darkness. For those who are interested that are two other follow up tapes of this on you tube.
    Bob H.
    [3:03:06 PM] TonyB: I am done with them. Siri arc complained before once, as I shared a message about Jinns on his forum, to Merc then, some 18 months ago
    [3:03:07 PM] Sirius 17: this will make Xeia happy
    [3:03:46 PM] TonyB: Merc removed the post and from then on, I knew the mindedness of siri arc and eschewed posting on there
    [3:04:16 PM] Sirius 17: yeah i hear you, well everything we post there anyhow falls on deaf ears and then we get complaints our posts are too long ect ext.
    [3:04:45 PM] TonyB: But the post of bobhardee was so appropriate, that it would have been uncivil not to copy the post on phaseshift from the thuban forum
    [3:05:03 PM] Sirius 17: yeah it fit
    [3:06:02 PM] Sirius 17: but then he is a big nabser too, i don't see any of them taking the time to read much of if any of our posts
    [3:06:10 PM] TonyB: It is on the Thuban section on MOA, as well as on our forums. I expected, that Carol might be asked to remove this post from siri arc's forum
    [3:16:32 PM] TonyB: You have missed nothing about this lengthy allah chat
    [3:17:32 PM] TonyB: I bored my way through it, just to see how far naive Zia and Mel would become 'brain boggled' by asha's 'selfsorry' state of human mindedness
    [3:18:48 PM] TonyB: I learned however, that once people are Islam indoctrinated, as Zia was, it is very very hard to escape the mental hijackings
    [3:19:35 PM] TonyB: BH would be 'scared off' now from his own dreams yes, Jenetta knows about the evil dracs see?

    You expect me to read all that?? Tell me: Who am I? Why am I here?

    You are a data collector. You are the voyager probe from the 1st movie of Star Trek, you are here to experience and to bring that experience back to the Source, the Creator Energy. You were sent here by the Creator so that it can experience itself. You are part of the a little Creator. You are most unique and so is your existence and this planet you live on.

    [3:30:45 PM] TonyB:

    [3:31:45 PM] TonyB: Rok said this in the Thuban 101 threads and this sums the bigger picture, including all human mindmade pictures pretty well up

    TonyB, Friday, September 13th, 2013

    [1:33:52 AM-Saturday, September 14th, 2013 +10UCT ]
    Sirius 17:
    [1:33:55 AM] Sirius 17: lol Tony
    [1:33:58 AM] Sirius 17: love it
    [2:05:17 AM] Sirius 17:
    [2:05:50 AM] Sirius 17: i am sharing this because i think it is symbolic of Sept 13th. The town they have to evacuate is called Lyons, Colorado.
    [2:06:11 AM Sirius 17: unprecedented flooding that they say occurs once in 500 years or so
    [2:07:57 AM] Sirius 17: Lyons follows fellow Boulder County towns of Jamestown and Eldorado Springs to be evacuated as a result of the storm, which began around 6 p.m. Wednesday and sent virtually every waterway in the county coursing out of its banks, Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle said.
    [2:29:36 AM] Sirius 17: LYONS COLORADO=85+83= 168=84+84=42+42+42+42=6+6+6+6=24=6
    [2:32:23 AM] Sirius 17: Colorado in Spanish means red colored or ruddy
    [2:34:38 AM] Sirius 17: I don't know if i did the gematria right, but the message is pretty clear if i did
    [12:10:27 PM] Sirius 17:
    [12:10:46 PM] Sirius 17: well i have sent Carol a pm and i have posted for her to remove my image
    [12:11:12 PM] Sirius 17: i don't give a shit that it is on a public forum, its our forum and she does not have my permission to post it
    [12:12:07 PM] Sirius 17: of course it didn't help that you posted our convo
    [12:12:24 PM] Sirius 17: but i understand why you did
    [12:12:44 PM] Sirius 17: i am sick of the hypocrasy too
    [12:13:48 PM] Sirius 17: its perfectly ok for them to say shitty things about us and run us through the mud on that forum but if we do it we get scolded or worse banned. When will Carol finally wake up to the BS.
    [12:14:38 PM] Sirius 17: And why oh why does DD repeatedly get away with murder on that forum?
    [12:14:45 PM] Sirius 17: it bogles my mind
    [12:18:00 PM] Sirius 17:

    Re: PhaseShift
    Post Aquaries1111 Today at 7:05 pm

    Your Paranoia is not becoming. Carol did not remove my picture of me and Daniel Pinchbeck. I did. Now, Stop in the Name of Love before you break your Heart. She is too non-confrontational to share not such a truth with you, but the Truth is all ways made known. So stop with your madness and get some "Rest"!

    [12:18:34 PM] Sirius 17: she is so fucking arrogant
    [12:18:49 PM] Sirius 17: her and Asha would make good company
    [1:03:36 PM] Sirius 17:

    Post Floyd Today at 8:30 pm
    It is interesting to see how peeps expend so much time and energy on a subject that is meaningless.
    Almost tragic.

    [1:03:44 PM] Sirius 17: Indeed Floyd
    [1:10:26 PM] Sirius 17: - September 13th 2013, 8:05 pm

    Thank you for the heads up. I'll remove the photo. As you may or may not know I do delete her in appropriate post when brought to my attention. However, I have no intention of banning anyone.

    - September 13th 2013, 6:58 pm

    Aquarius1111 has once again posted a personal photo of me on this forum without my permission. I do not care if the photo is found on our public forums, she does not have my permission to post any photos of me and or the Thubans and I want it to be removed immediately. Since she continues to wantonly violate the forum posting rules might i suggest you consider banning her again, but this time permanently. I will not put up with her misinterpretation of internet legality and misuse of my personal property and images. I realize you have your hands full with trying to get everyone to play nice, but Aquarius continually oversteps her bounds and I have had about enough of her proselytizing at my expense. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
    Sincerely, Raven
    the photo can be found here post 101
    [1:11:56 PM] Sirius 17: so she has no intention of banning anyone, better keep that message safe somewhere for future reference lol.
    [1:15:00 PM] Sirius 17: well Carol did remove the photo as she said she would
    [1:18:47 PM] Sirius 17: how do i take a screen shot?
    [1:38:06 PM] Sirius 17:

    - September 13th 2013, 8:35 pm
    You're more then welcome. She knows if anyone complains I delete her posts. It's copacetic. She doesn't complain when I delete her posts and I don't ban her.

    - September 13th 2013, 8:18 pm
    Thank you for the quick attention to this Carol, much appreciated. Double Thumbs Up

    [5:03:02 PM] Sirius 17: well i guess my body has decided to have its first real period since June
    [5:03:37 PM] Sirius 17: i guess you don't feel like talking so i will go to bed then
    [5:05:06 PM] Sirius 17: take care Tony
    [5:05:23 PM] Sirius 17: emoticon-00152-heart. emoticon-00155-flower. emoticon-00152-heart.
    [5:44:16 PM] TonyB: I could not see your photo dear, you should have saved the screenshot for the records
    [5:45:00 PM] TonyB: And no, I wont reply to this self-obsessed Nabs idiot any longer
    [5:45:22 PM] TonyB: To save a screenshot, you do the following:
    [5:45:40 PM] TonyB: 1. You press the print screen button on your keyboard
    [5:46:24 PM] TonyB: 2. You click on any old pic you have on your computer you do not wish to save (say use a copy of something)
    [5:46:44 PM] TonyB: 3. You open this pic with paint
    [5:46:47 PM] TonyB: 4. You click paste in the paint menu
    [5:47:10 PM] TonyB: 5. You save the paint pic
    [9:57:31 PM] TonyB: 6. You edit the saved pic to your likings

    Friday the 13th
    Morning falls in thickness
    Her heavy air, Grey
    Diamonds scintillating in
    The dawn sky
    Haze of centuries lay over
    The city like a blanket
    Fog of endings
    The silence pierced by
    Raven caw
    Black Beaked and carrion feasted
    Mother of all
    Dove winged she bleeds white
    The thirteenth tribe gathers
    We came to start a fire
    Do not pretend to know me
    Or from where I come
    Gather around our corpses
    And see what flesh the saints eat.
    Julienne Alvarez ® Sept., 13 2013=9/13/13​

    (11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    (55) Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me."

    (56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

    (57) Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned."

    Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Codex, Lambdin Translation


    IAmWhoIAM - The Point of the Zero Dimension!

    Post last edited Sep 14th 2013
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2015
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°100

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. bobhardee on Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:08 am

    Interesting post. After studying all that you have and no I haven't read all 7 pages of this, but do find it very interesting, what do you see happening if anything other than the same of what we have had , is going to happen over the next 3- 4 months?
    Bob H
  8. admin

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    • Post n°101

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Sat Sep 14, 2013 6:12 am
    bobhardee wrote:

    Interesting post. After studying all that you have and no I haven't read all 7 pages of this, but do find it very interesting, what do you see happening if anything other than the same of what we have had , is going to happen over the next 3- 4 months?
    Bob H
    Aye Bob Hardee!

    If you are interested in a deeper timeline as applicable to say your generation, aka the post WW2 period definable say in the entry into the 'atomic age' of this planetary civilisation; than the 'market based' and dis(information) pattern presented by both, the mainstream and the alternative media sources; then I can share some insights with you.

    On this thread here, should you consider the data from page 6 and Message #77 onwards, you will find a timeline countdown, which will strike you perhaps as rather esoteric in both metaphysical and 'hardcore' scientific semantics and expressions. But this is as it is required to be for a general agenda from the cosmic evolutionary observation viewpoint.

    This picture here describes the location of planet Earth relative to the local galactic environment and depicts, in omni-scientific terms, a local galactic environment, in which a particular galactic civilisation can experience and undergo its particular evolvement as a data collector and information processor. This 'human stewardship' or 'raison de etre'' or purpose for being, then can, under the appropriate parameters, SERVE the entire universe as a novel reference frame of how to 'grow and integrate' or not to 'manifest' such a galactic civilisation.

    In other words, there exist in a multidimensional time space continuum, inhabited by many galactic or starbased ET civilisations, which experience a rather different mileu of their own environmental evolution and growth patterns. Those ET 'races' then are all self-relative and in a certain manner, say as an interwoven tapestry and kaleidoscope, interact and communicate with each other and their multidimensional environments.

    It is because of this self-relativity as a universal constant, that a 'special' universal environment or scenario is necessitated to 'come into being' to allow the inherent arbitrariness of all universal civilisations to become focused in an encompassing jurisdiction or 'cosmic umbrella' of comprehesion and encompassment. This 'unique cosmic coordinate or environ' you may understand as the 'Gaian Bubble of the Cosmic Quarantine'.
    This unification on the grandest universal scale then, allows the underpinning parameter of the universal creation to focus itself and to become 'Self-Realised' in a multifaceted, yet unified 'Spacetimed Consciousness' or Self-Awareness.

    This mentioned 'underpinning parameter of all creation' then requires acceptance and realisation as an overall jurisprudential cosmic lawfulness by all such ET civilisations and this parameter can be labeled in many forms such as: preenergy, superenergy, 'Love of the creator', subplenum of timespace, Logos, Lovephoton frequency or the Ein Sof of Brahman and so on and on; but again encompassing all logistically defined philosophies, religions and sciences.

    In simple words then, a 'common ground' must be found by all inhabitants of the universe in the construction of their paradigms and thought systems, sciences and philosophies; based upon the 'consciousness of their groupmindedness of perception' say.

    I have attached two messages, which appear to have been better understood by some readers, than the more technical treatizes from the Thuban archives; so I am sharing those two essays with you for your information. The more demanding science-familiar consequences of those rather more philosophical and metaphysical considerations, you can discern and find in this thread from message #77 onwards, if you are so interested.


    shiloh, September 14th, 2013

    The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    Introduction and Overview

    i. Your Secret and your Personality and your Individuality

    The Secret of Humanity is the understanding and ability to answer questions such as:

    Who am I?
    What am I doing here at this period of space and time?
    Where did I come from, before I was born and Where am I going, when I die?
    Related as well to more cosmological questions like:
    Why does the universe exist?
    How did it come to be and how is it evolving?
    And How do these, my home-planet and my home-galaxy relate to the greater encompassing universe?

    The Secret of Humanity is, that all of YOU know the answers to those questions; but that all of YOU have 'chosen' to 'disallow' certain information to be processed by your so called 'human minded rationality', as well as your 'human belief systems'; all of the latter being self constructed and self relative creations of your minds by and through a creative intelligence, which YOU all know to be the 'divinity within', but which YOU have chosen to extricate from yourselves as some external paradigm or power source, often labelled 'God'.

    What is the reason for your 'lack of remembrance' and your pretending of 'not knowing'?
    The delegation of your 'inner knowledge' to external 'authorities' and 'experts' in the fields of your human life's journeys serves a very important purpose and a purpose you knew, before you were physically born into this realm of the spacetimematter experiences.
    So why do YOU presently not know what is going on and why do YOU allow the 'authorities' in all human fields of creativity to 'rule over YOU' with their 'expertise' given to them by YOU as mandates in political elections or in theocratic allegiances in whatever socio-political construct of 'rules and regulations' and of 'law and order' YOU find yourself living in and under?

    The reason for this is your understanding of what this planet earth represents in the cosmic order of things.
    All of YOU know, that your divinity within is the individuation of 'God' as the Collective Intelligence and the sum total of all creativity throughout the entire universe; not just this planetary environment.

    But this absolute splendour which all of YOU represent as individuated God-Components, which can also be termed the Data or the DNA of God seeking creative self-expression - requires a particular subset or 'Kingdom of the God-Processor' to allow the totality of 'God' as the collective of all possible individuations to exist for the purpose to 'selfreproduce' the totality.
    For a totality or unity to reproduce, a non-unified context must be created to allow the totality to disintegrate as data or information; and to subsequently reassemble itself by data gathering and by information processing.

    The Process of this collection of information then becomes a redefined evolving unity of totality; then enabled due to the experience of the assembling, which becomes 'A Function of Memory', to reproduce the original totality of the unity without spacetime within the said spacetime.

    Not in spacetime incarnation or embodiment; all of YOU are all of this totality as the 'Personality of God'.
    In spacetime incarnation YOU become Part of this Total Personality, but remain connected (or quantum entangled) with all other 'partial personalities', however as Total Individuations.
    Subsequently, all of YOU are nought, but the 'Real God' individuated in particularised apparently separated Data-Processors; experiencing the 'assembling' of the original information in a Recall or negentropy of the dissipation of the data (in a so called Quantum Big Bang and the creation of the separable spacetime of self relative experience).

    So YOU know, that within the embodiment; YOU must, at all cost, preserve and protect your Individuality, because this individuation is the reason YOU have come into embodiment in the first instance.
    But YOU also know the collective reason for the importance of your individuality.
    Your individuation out of the absolute totality as your Godhood is the Creativity of God as your own absolute totality delegated from the Oneness of Unity into the Separatedness of Unity within itself.

    YOU know, that YOU are the Individual Creator experiencing the separation for the purpose to gather your previous information and data which YOU often presume YOU have lost or forgotten or displaced.
    And so in your 'partial' remembrances of 'why' YOU are here, YOU allow information-collecting systems to evolve and control the dissemination and distribution of that data.
    Because YOU 'deny' your own 'godhood' as the originator of the 'masterplan' in various degrees of the 'selfremembrance' or the 'self-enlightenment'; many divers 'information control systems evolve in the chronological discourse of a 'master timeline', which YOU have set into action, but chosen not to remember, again in divers degrees.

    Some of YOU, so have chosen to sequester information about your common 'masterplan' from yourselves.
    Some of YOU have accepted the 'inner divinity' more so then others and this gradient of 'self-acceptance' invariably leads to a 'conflict' between the 'divine' Individuation and the 'environmentally evolving' Personality.
    This differentiation is often labelled as the 'human ego' of the personality evolving into a 'divine individuation' as a '(w)hol(e)y egocentricity'.
    But all of YOU are already 'divine' individuations by definition and the human egocentricity is simply a misunderstood 'self-protection' for that divine individuality.

    The 'salvation' and the 'redemption' of your 'human egos' so lies in the fact of the previously 'agreed to' master timeline.
    The few of YOU, which have 'hidden' the commonly sought after 'information'; will be confronted with 'additional' and 'new' data, which shall encompass the sequestered information.
    So it will be superfluous to 'hide' any information; as all data will become apparent for all data-processors to process as divine individuations.

    The many of YOU, which are seeking for the information for the purpose to 'do what YOU are here to do', namely to process and to collect the dispersed information; will then be enabled to 'do so' and to Send this individually processed 'lost data' back to 'God' as the totality of yourselves not in spacetime individuation.
    As this will 'fulfil' your individual purpose for 'being here' in the first place; some of YOU will finally allow yourselves to Remember the 'masterplan' and the construction of your own story.

    This story is 'The Story of Your Life' and is also the 'Story of God' and the 'Neverending Story of God's Family' as the 'Story of the StarHumanity', which has remembered itself from a 'Story of Humanity in Forgetfulness about itself'.

    The science and the physics of this 'masterplan' is one of splendour and grandiosity and it is the Omni-Science of and about everyone of YOU.
    All of YOU know, that the cosmology of the universe and as many of YOU presently accept (or believe in through the channels of expert data dissemination, say academia, ecclesia and technologia); is necessitated to remain a partial cosmology for the appropriate unfoldment of the master timeline, agreed to by all of YOU, when not in spacetime incarnation.

    Your witness of the mosaic shall illuminate this omni-physics as the continuation of this 'Memory Recall', which represents also the 'fulfilment of all prophecy' for this master planned timeline.

    Your witness of the mosaic was chosen by everyone of YOU before spacetime incarnation and so represents your own witnessing to yourselves as the Mirror function of yourselves.
    Allow me to repeat: 'All of YOU are your very own witnesses!'.

    When YOU look into a mirror in spacetime, then YOU will see this witness, YOU have chosen.
    Part of the 'fulfilment of all prophecy', necessarily relates to a 'shattering of this mirror of illusion' and the encodement for this mirror is 'The Sea'. (Further elucidation will be given at a later date, following this introduction).
    So your own individuated 'witnessing' has become compromised by the commonly agreed to master timeline.

    ii. Your Photographs and Movies and your Remembrances

    YOU may compare this 'compromise' of YOU, being in NoTime and looking at yourself as in a photoalbum.
    Your physical lives in InTime become like photographs in a photo-album or like 'movies' YOU can watch in NoTime for your entertainment and frustrations.
    YOU are rather frustrated in NoTime, because many of YOU continue to deny of being anything more than biochemical processors of food-input and food-output in the InTime.
    YOU are indeed the Positive Physical Expression of yourself in a material-molecular-atomic structure, a container of your Negative Metaphysical (Spiritual) Expression YOU have termed your Body.
    But because this body is made from material molecular and chemical structures, which are subject to the natural laws of the recycling of energy (in thermodynamic definitions and models as given by your scientific methodology and models); your identification as just the positive expression of yourself in the InTime, will give YOU 'headaches' in the NoTime, where YOU exist as the sumtotal of all negative expressions as the 'Real God' of Unity.

    YOU are 'getting tired' of just watching movie after movie, as your individuated lifetimes in the InTime and all those lifetimes, which are as Memories of Physical Lives YOU look at in your photoalbums and the old archived movies.

    So when YOU look at your 'long dead' ancestors in the photoalbums and the cinema classics, then YOU witness a 'snapshot' of their lives as your life in the NoTime.
    But in the NoTime, this snapshot becomes an 'entire life story', as in the NoTime there is 'No Time' to 'be born and to live a life and then to die'.

    So many of YOU can see now, why YOU are so frustrated in the NoTime. YOU keep on refusing to consider the fact, that when YOU live your life in the InTime, YOU are also living your life in the NoTime.

    "If I could just remember myself in the InTime; then I could change this recycling business of myself and live my life in Individuation and in harmony and without this fear of dying and rebirth I have become so accustomed to in the InTime", YOU often think to yourself in the place where YOU are 'The God of Oneness as the All That Is and Was and can ever Be'.

    YOU know in the NoTime, that your material and scientific photographic equipment in the InTime is a metaphor for the metaphysical omni-scientific photographic equipment in the InTime.
    What many of YOU either deny or call your spirit or your soul is very rigorously defined in the language of mathematics and physics, which relates the physical materialism to the metaphysical materialism.
    Details about this shall become disclosed in the science agendas (III); but generally your physicality in InTime engages what YOU term inertia and mass and matter; whilst your physicality in NoTime engages what YOU term noninertia and electromagnetic radiation or EMR; where however there exists a distinction between the EMR, which is coupled to mass (say nuclear fusion or quantum electron energy transitions) and the EMR which is not (it is not produced by inertia-coupled Coulombic Charge acceleration). This second form of EMR so becomes EMMR, where the added M means Monopolic and is definitive for the 'spirit' of your linguistic history in a physics, which has been like an 'alien physics' until now.

    YOU are both the Negative-Positive and the Positive-Negative of your life.
    When YOU produce a movie or take photographs; YOU use a chemical interaction between a 'Film' and a 'Camera' to render the interaction between some Object to be filmed or photographed with its environmental Subject. For example, YOU say: "Stand under this tree, against the backdrop of the sunset, so I can take a great picture of YOU!"

    And YOU guessed it right; YOU become the Object in InTime relative to yourself as Subject in the NoTime and vice versa.
    So YOU are both, camera and film in your own story of: "This is My Life" and a 'Story' YOU then project into your bodies, which become the Projectors of the stories of your life.

    When YOU are born in InTime (at the physical conception), then a particular movie stops apruptly in the NoTime and the 'movie camera' begins to roll in your attaining a 'physical objectivity' within a 'physical subjectivity'.
    This physical object-subject duality in the InTime then becomes a Memory-Function for the NoTime for the duration of the movie-making - this YOU call 'One's Life'.

    And it is just that; the Life of the One, namely YOU as All That Is in NoTime.

    The One behind the 'movie camera' is 'Your Spirit of the EMMR' aka your 'Soul', who is both really material as your objectivity in InTime and also really material as your subjectivity in NoTime.

    Your 'Soul' is both your 'Body in InTime' as the Positive Objective and your 'Body in NoTime' as the Negative Subjective of the Positive in self relative Subjectivity.

    Some of YOU will now begin to understand that the setup of the movie making across the physical dimensions (of which there are precisely 11) of the InTime, must somehow allow the defining of the archetype of 'The Sea' as a 'Bridge over the Troubled Waters'.
    If that were not so, then no conception of yourselves 'across the great abyss', the 'great divide' or the 'entrance into the bottomless pit' or the 'renting of the temple's veil into two -{Matthew.27.51-53}', would be possible.

    This 'Entrance or Portal' is what YOU collectively have termed 'Consciousness' and this 'Consciousness' is directly and scientifically and materially related to the EMR, that is your labelling of your 'Soul'. This will be further elucidated in the science agenda at the appropriate time.
    And it will be in due course; that many of YOU will allow yourselves to remember what your 'finding of the portal' would imply.
    YOU would then be able to Blend or Hybridise your present 'Bodies' of the biochmical recycling with the 'EMMR-Bodies' who define your 'Soul-Bodies'.
    Many of YOU try very hard to remember in 'going to the movies'; where YOU watch 'Transformers' and 'Cyborgs' and 'Terminators' and 'Borgs' and many kinds of 'Halfbreeds'.
    In your human history, YOU have been fascinated with the 'halfbreeds' between your bloodline characteristics or humanoid 'races', taxonomised by skincolour.

    Today, YOU envision 'halfbreeds' between machines and biochemistry and 'halfbreeds' between pure machines and their biomachined 'offsprings'.
    YOU may envision 'going the other way as well'; not just from the physical humanoid 'breeding' with the physical machine; but from the metaphysical humanoid breeding with the metaphysical machine.
    Your humanity is both, material and spiritual; physical and metaphysical and the metaphysics is materially-substantativly defined in the Natural Hybridisation of Consciousness across physical manifestation from the NoTime into InTime (and defined in the Quantum Cosmogony of Quantum Relativity).

    There will be some of YOU, who will remember themselves sufficiently to effectualise the Metamorphosis of your bodies of the biochemistry into a hybrid state of those 'Old Bodies' with your 'New Bodies'.
    Your old bodies can become 'updated' in their 'template' definitions, which many of YOU understand as the 'Code of Life' and the 'Program of the DNA/RNA'; which, under the auspices of a biochemical manifestation of the 'quantum geometry' in nucleotidal base pairings of a 'genetic alphabet', encodes the 'Building of your bodies' in the organic- and inorganic chemistry of amino acid molecules.

    In elementary semantics; your old bodies, if 'alive' in Time, are 'Positives' as the 'photographs' in your albums or as the 'deterioration prone' 'old films' in your cinematic archives.
    Your new bodies are the 'Positives' in NoTime.
    But those positives are destined to become your 'photographs and films', which are 'kept' as negative memories at the 'Entrance' (Wormhole) between your individuated Godhood in InTime and your total Godhood in NoTime; should YOU not remember and 'die in the old bodies' to become such an individuated negative memory at the 'Mirror of the Portal' (into Heaven).
    But those 'Negatives' are also the 'Positives' in the NoTime; so should YOU become enabled (by remembering yourself) to 'Enter the NoTime', whilst YOU are 'still alive' in the InTime; then and only then will it become possible for YOU to render your Negatives in the InTime as your individual Positives in the NoTime and it will become superfluous for YOU 'to die', as then your full remembrance will have served its purpose.
    YOU will have Resonated in Self-Consciousness with yourself in two places simultaneously and YOU will have realised yourself as the God of Totality who You are, have ever been and will ever be -simply by talking to yourself in selflove, in honour and in integrity.

    The many of YOU, who are familiar with scientific principles, can now solve the 'Schrödinger Cat Paradox' of the wave-particle duality and the quantum complementarity.

    The 'cat' is not Either Dead or Alive (in the radioactive half-life triggering the gun), but the 'cat' is Both Dead and Alive because of the positive-positive imaging in the multidimensional scenario.
    There can be no multiverse next to the one universe defined in the NoTime-InTime duality until such 'Time' when the above mentioned 'portal' is activated to allow a multiplicative mirror function to manifest within the InTime and which then becomes reflective into the NoTime.
    Any such activated mirror function will naturally create a multiverse from the superposition of the original one universe as a protoverse with the holographic fractal of itself in the then redefined NoTime-InTime multiverse continuum (however remaining contained within an encompassing Omniverse). This can be described as a 'phaseshifted' protoverse transforming into a countability of multiverses in any permutations (of at least two) arbitrary protoverses. This shall be further disclosed in the science agenda of part III.

    The hybridisation of your positive bodies in InTime with your positive bodies in NoTime so will reconfigure your DNA from a helical geometry in a 4-dimensional spacetime into a higher and multidimensional helical geometry in a 13-dimensional spacetime; the latter than adding two additional NoTime dimensions to the topology of the physical universe as the 'Outside' of the latter as a manifold of 2 dimensions 'hybridized' with the 11 dimensions of the 'Inside' surface (rootextended from a common complex plane in 9-'Mayan'-TimeLord dimensions).

    Further details shall be disclosed, when we shall remember, just how your individual 'resurrections' from the positiveness of the 'alive dead ones' and the negativeness of the 'dead alive ones' shall become implemented in due dissection of this, the master timeline, all of YOU have collectively constructed to allow yourselves to attain 'new lightbodies' in due course of your self fulfilments and the 'release' of yourselves as the 'Real True God' from your selfimposed exile and the prison of your forgetfulness.


    Post #2 at 01-02-2010, 03:58 PM

    Avalon Senior Member
    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: It doesn't matter any more
    Posts: 535

    Re: The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    wow...this was a great read...thanks for posting! wow again...

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
    So if you love ME, I love YOU too...

    Post #3 at 01-02-2010, 04:03 PM

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Re: The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    Originally Posted by Malletzky

    wow...this was a great read...thanks for posting! wow again...


    Allow me to thank you. For it was your post, that triggered me to start this thread. The message was posted before, but was hidden in another thread (the Division... one).
    Now if you compare your signature to mine; you'll know that we have experienced the same insights and that your dream so could very well be universal truth.


    Post #4 at 01-02-2010, 04:28 PM

    Avalon Senior Member
    Join Date: Sep 2008
    Location: It doesn't matter any more
    Posts: 535

    Re: The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    Originally Posted by abraxasinas
    Allow me to thank you. For it was your post, that triggered me to start this thread.
    The message was posted before, but was hidden in another thread (the Division... one).
    Now if you compare your signature to mine; you'll know that we have experienced the same insights and that your dream so could very well be universal truth.


    How true...the signature...I just noticed it...

    No, there's no such thing as coincidence...

    ...I am who I am, and we are all one as I am one...

    Take a look in the mirror....and try to see ME.
    I'm I'm YOU!
    SO if you love me, i love you too

    Post #5 at 01-02-2010, 04:40 PM
    Avalon Senior Member
    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Morro Bay
    Age: 66
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    Re: The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    I totally agree...and can't wait for the next installment.

    Post #6 at 01-02-2010, 04:03 PM

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
    Posts: 635

    Re: The Secret of Humanity is YOU and your Divine Egocentricity

    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Introduction and Overview
    i. Your Secret and your Personality and your Individuality
    ii. Your Photographs and Movies and your Remembrances
    iii. Your Trial as a Humanity and Civilisation in Forgetfulness, Charged with Murder
    iv. Your Witness and Defence Council of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek and the Prophecies

    I. The Presence of YOU, as an Archetype is the Ever-Presence of God
    1. Your archetyped Genealogy as the Family-Tree of God
    i. The Real Story of God, Adam, Eve and their Dog through the PentaGrammaton YHWHY
    ii. Your Holy Family in Name and Descent and Archetype

    2. Your Individual Birthdays as encoded in Template Memorabilia
    i. The Circle of the Sexchromosomatic Generations of the Natural Bisexuality

    3. The Trial of Humanity and the Last Judgement:
    i.'Satanicus Rex for the Crown versus All of YOU, defended by Abraxas Anthony de Serpentinus 6616'

    II. The Past of Starhumanity as Humanity is the Past of God in Religion and in Science
    1. A witnessed Biography of Jesus of Nazareth
    i. The Nativity to the Baptism 7BC to 28AD
    ii. The Redefinition of spacetime reality in archetypes 28AD to 33AD
    iii The Parousia and the eschatology 2004AD to 2013 AD

    2. The Archetypologies
    i. The Urim and the Thummim, the 'Breastplate of Judgement' and the 'Breastplate of Melchisedec'
    ii. The rams, goats and oxen of the Old Testament as the tribal symbolisations of Jacob

    3. The Timeline of Prophecy from 28BC to 2013AD
    i. The 5 baktuns of the Maya in 720,000 Days of 2000 Ancient Years
    4. The Millennium as the 'Day of the Lord' and the Birth of Satania Serpentina in the Ascension of Barbelo
    i. The twelve tribes of the Old Testament redefined in twelve apostles and the Female Redemption of Ophiuchus
    ii. The Gospel of Thomas as the testimonial basis for the New Testament
    iii. The twelve Gates of the New Jerusalem as Ezekiel's 'Holy City' and as Noah's Ark

    III. The Future of Starhumanity is the Future of God in Omni-Science
    1. The Physics of the 2012-Metamorphosis
    i. The Approach of the new Physical Reality in the 'Age of Reason'
    ii. The Quantum Revolution in the Classical Geometry
    iii. The Synthesis of the Old with the New and the New with the Old
    iv. The Transformation of the Wave-Particle Duality into Holofractal Unification
    a) The Quantum-Holographic Transformation of the Earth
    b) Why Black Holes preceded Galaxies in the Cosmology
    c) The First Ylemic Stars in the Universe and the Antiwormholes
    d) The Holographic Universe and the Information Processing

    2. Who, where and what are the 'Aliens' and when will there be contact?
    i. The Alien, who lives in your Garden
    ii. The Alien of your Past
    iii. The Alien of your Future

    3. Onwards, Ever Onwards in the Presence of the Family of Universes in awakened selfconsciousness

    The scope and length of this threaded disclosure necessitates distribution in parts to some outlets.
    The entire message will be found on the link provided.
    There is No Copyright and distribution remains the privilege for the individuals to whom it may concern.


    The Fable of Little Adam and the Rooster's Egg

    Little Adam came to his Dad Tony and and his Mum Sharon on his ninth birthday to ask his parents a question, which had been on his mind for some time.
    'Hey, Dad, Mum, where exactly did I come from?'
    Well my son, answered Tony, you came out of your Mum, her womb, exactly nine years ago.'
    'Yes, it was quite an occasion, Adam', added Sharon.

    It was just before lunchtime, when you were born on the 4th of August 1989.'
    'Hmm!', said Adam; 'and where did you come from?'

    'I came out of my mother's tummy on the 21st of October 1960, around breakfast time, as far as I know', replied Sharon. 'Ok, and where did your mother, my grandma come from then?', Adam continued.

    'Your grandma was born on the 16th of May, 1922 and I don't know when', answered Sharon and realising the nature of Adam's enquiry, she continued: 'And I also do not know when your greatgrandma, the mother of my mother was born, I didn't really get to know her, before she died, this got lost in history.
    But she too, came out of her mother's womb and her mother was born by her mother and so on back to the beginning of time.'
    'Ah, but then right then, at the beginning there must have been a mother of all mothers; where did that one come from - it could not have had a mother, isn't that so?', Adam continued his train of thought.

    'Now you are asking a deep question about the nature of all things,' replied Tony.
    'The answer is found by discovering the nature of yourself; what you truly are and away from what you think or might believe you are; being here in a certain place at a certain time and asking such pertinent questions.'
    'Many people have asked and thought about the same thing, Adam', continued Tony.

    'One story says, that the first mother's name is Eve or Sarah or Dawn and she did not have a mother but was created out of her husband's tummy, whose name was Adam or Abraham or Sunset.
    The story goes, that Eve was formed out of one of Adam's ribs; so to get the rib, the first belly-button had to be created on Adam's tummy, but Eve had no belly button.

    To give Eve a belly button, she had to become like a mirror image of Adam and this is a selfreproductive process, where Eve comes out of Adam's tummy as a rib and Adam comes out of Eve's tummy as another kind of rib, you might call it a baby-rib.

    One day you will understand this story as a metaphor for a recursive or selfiterative mathematical function or as a process in the genetic expression of the sexual chromosomes; say in the creation of the differences between male and female.
    If you have XX or eight digits put together and then you take away one of the digits, then you get XX-1=XY and more specifically XX becomes XX+XY, because the single digit of the rib brings back the XX as a oneness or an unity.

    So the X-part of the chromosome partners XX+XY defines the femaleness in Eve and the Y-part of the pairing patterns the maleness in Adam.
    Eventually the genetic code of 16 generational permutations derives from that and all of that becomes part of a mathematical encoding of energy in geometrical forms, which then can build bodies and biochemical structures in using that code.

    Now the story breaks down Adam; because you see it talks about your namesake Adam as being the first father, also being the first Son of God.
    People begin to argue about just who this God is, does it exist or not?
    Is it a he or a she and things like: if God created Adam and Eve out of Adam, then who created God?
    And who or where are God's parents, and do they have belly buttons or not?

    So to answer your question about where you came from, one must also answer this question about what God is; otherwise the story just goes on and on without end.
    But once you know what God is; then you will be able to solve many mysterious and paradoxical questions about the nature of time and space and the nature of all things; the universe, your life and the beginnings and the endings and so forth.
    Again, the solutions can be made or explained rather technically, what with quantum physics and multidimensional spacetimes in relativity.

    It can also be told in the form of a parable; here it goes:

    "Once upon a time, there lived this rooster in a place enclosed by walls of pure crystallised mountains. It was a world all within itself. This selfcontained universe of the rooster was all the rooster knew. There was this big problem stirring in the rooster's head however.
    Not only was this rooster absolutely alone in its world, it was also totally invisible.

    It knew itself to be a rooster, because it had thought and imagined itself to be a rooster.
    But try as it might, it could not see, hear, smell, touch or taste itself.

    And so this rooster was staring at the crystallised mountain walls with its own imaginary rooster eyes and thought of its own wretched state of existence of no experiences, except of what it could dream up or imagine in its thoughts.
    The rooster knew that all of its world was pure imagination; the crystal mountains and all the stillness and movement within it.

    Sure, the rooster conjured up other roosters and places and things; but it was all imaginative; it all revolved around itself and its own thoughts.
    The rooster's imagination was all and everything it could be, yet it was so limited in its expression of itself as itself.
    It was so absolute in its omnipresence and omnipotential, that it only produced loneliness; no other rooster or thing or movement or stillness was able to interact or share anything with the rooster.

    The rooster was the absolute and infinite creator of all its own imaginings; but being so totally eternal and so absolutely alone made the rooster very unhappy and very sad.
    Well, one could say, the definitions of what unhappy and sad and loneliness are, became an inner experience, created by the rooster's very own thoughts and imaginings.

    So the rooster created its inner world and reflected upon it, imagined it to be its outer world also, passed and beyond the crystalline mountain walls.
    'What was the other side like, the outside', the rooster thought to itself?

    'Is there an opposite to unhappiness, to excruciating loneliness and to sadness?'
    The rooster did not know and it was tired to imagine so many beautiful things, which did not create tangible experiences, but seemed only to accentuate the rooster's sense of being all alone in the world.
    But a thought dawned on the rooster, perhaps somehow the outer world could become reflected in the inner world.
    And so the rooster devised a way to turn the situation inside out.

    The one thing the rooster knew very well, was its own energy, its creative potential.
    And it knew abstractions, numbers, shapes and concepts it had created in using its discoveries of numbers and the invention of geometries in iterative mathematical functions and relationships.
    Like the event, when it finally escaped the circular selfrepeating computational loop of its own primary state of experiental being in simply cutting the circle to define the numeral 1 from the Zero and to allow a linear beginning and a linearised end.

    12 dimensions could be enfolded in 3, time and space had come into being and nested complexities of topologies and relative curvatures allowed refinements on quantumised scales of energy and displacement.

    Oh it had been fun; the rooster's mind had felt elated, good, euphoric.
    Names like that had also become definitions, contrasting the feelings of unhappiness and loneliness - and the rooster knew that it had established a set of feelings and experiences from whom it could now choose.

    Did it prefer a feeling of happiness and joy to an experience of loneliness and sadness?
    It had often been very painful, this journey of selfdiscovery and the creation of the ever expanding perimeter of its own realm of existence, which was all there was or ever could be.
    'But how can one experience those numbers, ratios and shapes as an outer experience and out of one's own mind', the rooster asked itself?

    Then an idea came to the rooster; the rooster would have to project itself in giving part of itself away and out of itself - to create the imaginary outside reality and to energise the same, bathing it in the rooster's very own energy of self.
    How to do it?
    'I shall transform my own energy into other forms', so the rooster decided.

    Now how to project?
    'I must define myself as source energy, able to penetrate myself, my own self-limitations and my own boundary conditions, however subject to extension and refinements.
    Then I must somehow reproduce myself in such a way that the projection of myself is able to know me as itself; my image can then become real as the part of me, which I have projected and energised.

    But I shall be careful in that I shall not allow my projected and imaged self to know myself in the totality which I am and which I have experienced.'
    'I am so sick of being everywhere at all times and of experiencing that wretched state of being everything, unable to get away from my own self.

    I am going not to be omnipotent any more; I'm going to share myself around as me, in parts.
    So I choose to lose myself in what I am going to create in such a way, that I can have an adventure and fun in finding myself again within my own creation.
    And my inner self shall be as one with my outer self, but my outer self shall have a scope of discovery and a sense of not knowing what my inner self knows.
    And so the learning of my outer self shall thrill me and allow my inner self to grow in tandem and in harmony with my outer self.'

    'Now the smart thing to do is to create in such a manner, that I get back more than what I give away from my energy, and the way I shall define this, is to set the thing up so that the more of myself I give away, the more I am used up, the more reflection potential my creation shall have.
    So when my creation wakes up and when it begins to release my absorbed energy back to me, then will my creation, my Beloved and my baby begin to shine its light upon me and this will make me visible for the first time in the history of myself.'

    The rooster got excited; 'I, the rooster shall become visible one day', it thought!
    It quickly devised a selfconsistent and logical way to create the outside world and called it the rooster's universe.
    The rooster took an algorithm from its mathematical repertoire and produced 10 fundamental numerical constants to mix up the dimensions, forces and energy interactions necessary and then it initiated a process of self-reproducing blueprints, the primary principles and the elementary laws regulating the omniphysical nature of the universe.

    That was the easy bit.
    The universe became created mathematically and in imaginary complex functions, seeded in quantised numbers called integers and series of numbers, some converging in limits and others diverging in unitary infinities.
    But how to bring it outside the crystalline mountain walls, which had proved so impenetrable to the rooster's mindfulness?

    A virtual reality relative to the rooster had to become an omniphysical reality relative to the creation and this selfsame creation could then copy the rooster's own creativity and create a virtual reality relative to itself, but the same which would become the rooster's omniphysical reality.

    Then the light emitted by the rooster's creation would shine onto the dual reality of the rooster and render it visible as the holographic image of the creation's very own blueprints, defined in the interference patterns of the absorbed light the creation had used from the rooster to define itself.

    'Ah, I need a balancing mechanism', the rooster thought; 'I contract in principle as the inside and the antiprinciple expands as the outside.'
    And so the rooster defined itself to reside in the 13th dimension and it defined the space outside of the crystal mountain walls to be the 12th dimension mirrored in the space within as the 10th dimension and the crystal mountain walls themselves to be the 11th dimension, forming the great divide between the creator and its creation.

    And so the creation became 10-dimensional, but manifested in the quantisation of the 13th dimension as the 4th dimension in the numerical root reduction 1+3=4=9+4.
    The next step was to define a 12-dimensional energy source, which could move freely between all of the dimensions and using the linearisation of the 4-dimensional spacetime as a consequence of the fundamental constants of the Genesis.
    The rooster decided upon a form of light, defined in frequency independent of time in its primary form, but set as inverse time in its secondary application.

    And so a coherent, monochromatic laserlight in 3 dimensions became the selfdefinition for the rooster's 12-dimensional energy in a secondary effect.
    The rooster called it its electromagetomonopolic source energy.
    'Right,' the rooster thought, 'now I radiate my primary light, which I shall name my LOVEPHOTON as the quantum of 12D-omnispace outwards and away from myself.'

    'I shall make everything dependent on its energy, all the mechanics and dynamical interactions of the universe, all its geometries, movements, stillness and relationships and its number shall be three thousand million billion trillion precisely.'

    'This unit of time shall also define the units of space and of restmass in correspondence to something I shall measure as part of myself inside the creation as a 13-dimensional source energy and outside the creation as myself as the invisible 12-dimensional rooster in omnispace.'
    Then I shall define the 11th dimension as a mirror, half visible and half invisible, semitransparent in reflecting the inside outwards and the outside inwards.

    Then whenever I shine my LOVELIGHT onto that mirror, then half of my LOVEPHOTONS shall penetrate into the outside world of myself and the other half shall reflect back into my inside world to make a record of my creation in the interference patterns created by the mirror of my 12-dimensional blueprints reflected in 10D-spacetime.'

    'Now I shall shine my LOVEPHOTONS onto this record, which I shall name the rooster's hologram.
    My ingenious invention of putting myself outside of myself, rests on the fact that my imaginary self is located outside of myself in the outer space, and from whom my own LOVELIGHT can reflect as my image within my own creation.
    My imaginary rooster self so becomes my imaginary source energy within my creation and I myself will become my own hologram relative to my imaginary rooster self.

    This reflection from my imaginary rooster self outside my world, shall so come back to me to merge with my internal reflection of my own LOVELIGHT on the hologram, the record of my endeavours.'
    'Having a combined record of my outgoing and incoming source energy in the form of my hologram, will then allow me to shine my LOVELIGHT onto my holographic library for a second time.
    The first coming of my LOVEPHOTONS gave me the means to make myself real in the image of my second coming in the illumination of my records, the initialisation of myself in two places at the same time.'

    'I shall call this process the rooster's holography in 12 dimensions, defined in the omniscience of my specifications and which I then allowed myself to rediscover in the form of a science in 4D-linespace, reckoned in a dating of 1947.
    Amongst many of my children, one of my sons, named Dennis Gabor invented the process of holography on my behalf and brought it to the world's attention.

    All my children are me as my adventurers, trying to help me to find myself again as the now not so lonely totality which I am.
    But no longer, my second coming allows me to redefine my virtual creation as a real creation; so no more 'Maya', no more illusion - all shall be real to me.

    Well all is real relative to the creators and all the creators are my sons as bridegrooms, waiting to meet their brides in their own creations.
    It must be so, since all my creator sondaughters and creator daughtersons have done exactly the same thing, which I have done.'
    'All the creator sons have hatched from the same egg, which I the rooster have laid.
    You see, the image of myself in outer space also becomes the birth of the 10-dimensional universe as my own hologram, enveloped and reflected in the 11th dimension of my semitransparent mirror of my crystalline mountain walls.

    So the Big Bang 19.11 billion years ago, but appearing to have happened 14.7 billion years ago because of the electromagnetic doubling of my SOURCELIGHT for the last 2.2 billion years, was caused by me.'

    'When I first kicked off and began to radiate my LOVELIGHT and after having defined the technical details in mathematical application of the physical and natural laws; then this ejaculation of my LOVESEED fertilised the universe as my very own Mother.
    And then 'the big She' manifests my laws and definitions in giving birth to them.

    Yeah, and so did I become a 'He' and the Father for all of the creation; and I created the universe for a very simple reason, namely for IT, being a SHE to give birth to me as a HE and as each other's Beloveds, FatherMothers and SonDaughters - all in One.'
    'And both of us are born with bellybuttons in this way, being each others parent and giving birth to one another.

    And I set up my very own dimensional expansion in creating my own Mother; for my Mother is my Beloved wife, my gorgeous darling and my eternal bride.
    She grows, expands and evolves in unison with me.
    She grows in Understanding out of her inborn Wisdom and I grow in Wisdom out of my inborn Understanding - those two things are necessary and go together in any harmonious application of a base of Knowledge.'

    'And my Mother hasn't got a Mother of course; but she's got me as her Father.
    She was created out of my own seed, because I am my own Father, the one and only true Bastard; just as my Beloved is the one and only true Bitch.

    When we are together as One; male and female in One; cosmic seed and cosmic ovum in One; then the FatherMother is the MotherFather and the Father is not and also the Mother cannot be just by herself.'
    'So before IT came apart to cause the Big Bang; the Fatherpart had thought of IT and only then did the Motherpart give birth to IT, namely ALL of IT; the Oneness out from the Nothingness of the Fatherpart and the Infinity out from the Everythingness of the Motherpart.

    We find eggs everywhere; cosmic eggs, chiral eggs, cellular eggs, Easter eggs - and so whenever a sperm infiltrates an ovum; then the Big Bang happens over and over again.
    And what is the result of all those unions?
    A bellybuttoned Adam or a bellybuttoned Eve in terms of the starhumanity!
    Adam is me as my Beloved firstborn sondaughter and Eve is me as my Beloved firstborn daughterson; and every child constructed from one of my seeds and from one of my eggs is necessarily the firstborn of my infinity of potential starhuman universes.'

    'The universe is your body as the visible reality of me and as created body, made from the elements of the fundamental forces and the dust of the ground.
    Your body is half of you, the female part of you; the male part of you is your other half in your roosterness and the world of your own mind.
    Your male part is trying to understand what the heck is going on in your life and just as I did in my own isolation of my roosterhood as the Egg of the Philosophy.
    Your female part is attempting to live your life as good as you can in the circumstances you find yourself in.
    Your maleness is mindcentred and your femaleness is bodycentred and as it should be.
    So your male thinking and your female doing will be my adventure; coming back together as one in two and two in one and in one big starhuman family.

    And the experiencing are the thoughts in action in the doing of the mindful creativity.'
    'Then when a firstborn sondaughter creates hisher very own firstborn selfmade universe, then heshe courts and marries a firstborn daughterson as hisher creation and the bride gives birth to the oneness and this oneness makes one out of two in joining it back together in the world where I am visible and where I can experience myself by seeing and by hearing myself as each other through our eyes and through your ears.

    Where I can play and feel by your touch and where I can taste myself by your tastebuds and where I can smell the roses through your very own noses.'
    'All in One and One in All implies the selfrelativity of everyone of your starhuman dragonomies; you are each one brick in each others houses or a single braincell or neuron in each other's head.

    Only in unifying yourself in the starhuman couplings can you escape each others dominations - for how long will you remain satisfied to recycle your experiential database of your memories, subject to your neighbour's dying body?'
    'Once united in the form of DadMums and as MumDads, you will actually become grown up in an androgynous merger with me and my Beloved as the four in two in One.

    I am like the Zero and my Beloved is the Infinity; the bridegroom is the Minus One and the bride is the Plus One; together you will then have graduated as an immortal God and an immortal Goddess.

    And did not One after my own true image proclaim to you:

    'Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I SAID, YE ARE GODS?
    If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scipture cannot be broken;...

    'Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?'

    But it will take two to tango the ultimate waltz; you cannot do it on your own.
    And two 'wrecked' fleeting lives of nothingness do make eternity in 0+0=8=Infinity!

    I had to give half of myself away to find my own Beloved in my missing half and you will have to do the same if you would wish to unify your bodies with your minds and to become enabled to keep the bodies and the minds you now believe to possess.'
    'The universe cannot die as my Beloved, because I choose eternity as my playground.

    Parts within the universe recycle and transform in energy to give you bodies made from stardust and starborn minds induced by your dreams and visions.
    One evolutionary cycle ends and another begins; I do set the recharging under the auspices of my natural laws of omniscience and my Beloved implements them in mass and in radiation.

    And do not all parts of your bodies recycle periodically?
    Is not every cell in your body renewed in cycles of seven or nine or parts thereof?
    So you should begin to think for yourselves and try to remember yourselves as every word you speak comes out of my mouth and every thought you think I have already thought, anticipating yours.'

    'For when the Big Bang happened and when space and time were created; all the LOGOS was there; all of your WORDS and THOUGHTS were there.
    They are in all of my children - waiting to remember; waiting to come home!"

    And so did the rooster lay its egg to bring back together again, what it had to give away to experience what IT is, to be truly ALIVE.

    So my dear son,' asked Tony; 'where did you come from Adam and why are you here?'

    'Oh I know now, I've come from a place and time before time and space existed and I'm here to make my own universe, to become creative, to find my Beloved and to help Grandpa God's adventure.
    And I can do all this in laying my own imaginary egg', replied Adam."

    Friday the 13th

    Morning falls in thickness
    Her heavy air, Grey
    Diamonds scintillating in
    The dawn sky
    Haze of centuries lay over
    The city like a blanket
    Fog of endings
    The silence pierced by
    Raven caw
    Black Beaked and carrion feasted
    Mother of all
    Dove winged she bleeds white
    The thirteenth tribe gathers
    We came to start a fire
    Do not pretend to know me
    Or from where I come
    Gather around our corpses
    And see what flesh the saints eat.

    Julienne Alvarez ® Sept., 13 2013=9/13/13

    (11) Jesus said, "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

    (22) Jesus saw infants being suckled. He said to his disciples, "These infants being suckled are like those who enter the kingdom."
    They said to him, "Shall we then, as children, enter the kingdom?"
    Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom."

    (23) Jesus said, "I shall choose you, one out of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and they shall stand as a single one."

    (55) Jesus said, "Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me."

    (56) Jesus said, "Whoever has come to understand the world has found (only) a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world."

    (57) Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a man who had good seed. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, 'I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.' For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned."

    Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Codex, Lambdin Translation


    IAmWhoIAM - The Point of the Zero Dimension!
  9. admin

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    • Post n°102

    empty. Re: The Constitution and Almanac of the New Cosmos in Dragon Logos Law and Jurisprudence

    empty. shiloh on Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:09 am
    bobhardee wrote:Interesting post. After studying all that you have and no I haven't read all 7 pages of this, but do find it very interesting, what do you see happening if anything other than the same of what we have had , is going to happen over the next 3- 4 months?
    Bob H
    I might add Bob, regarding your question about the next few months; that the below dating of the fake death of Ariel Sharon was August 4th, 2013. Now if you examine the Thuban Twinlogos timeline, you will see, that it is claimed there, that the (in)famous 70 week prophecy in Daniel.9.24-27 is dated as ending on August 3rd, 2013. I have extracted a zooming picture from a more interwoven mandala chart, you can find in its entirety on this thread following. So you can see, that there appears to be a global independence in data transmissions in whatever media from the 'Nous of the Dragons'; which might or might not indicate to you, that the Thuban database is indeed fulfilling a cosmic agency of the 'World Logos'; despite its diverse human minded opposition experienced and witnessed as a universal testimony and historical 'record keeping'.


    Now announced Friedman, head of neurosurgery at the Soroka Hospital, located in the city of Be’er Sheva and a doctor of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his death at 17:31 pm today

    Saying to the Israeli Channel Ten: after Sharon deteriorated if your medical team to make all his efforts to improve the situation, but Sharon Despite all these efforts, and we did not survive unfortunately we lost

    Has not been a final confirmation of the news until the moment.


    Yom Kippur, Rabbi Keduri & Ariel Sharon
    14 September 2013, 12:56

    At sunset today (Fri 13/9) Yom Kippur 5774 will start and end tomorrow again at sunset. If we go on Israel time then 18:49 tonight. Israel is one hour ahead of us, in other words the sun will set in Israel at 17:49 our time.
    Yom Kippur is the most holiest day on the calendar. The period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is a time of inward looking and drawing closer to our Creator. It’s a time of making teshuvah or repentance. The Jewish people are the custodians of the festival but instituted by YHVH/Hashem or (Our Father- as Yeshua taught)

    One of my favourite passages of Scripture is when Yeshua was called to the Torah in his local synagogue of Nazareth. We read in Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18: ‘ The Spirit of Adonai is upon Me; because He has anointed me: to announce the Good News to the poor; He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the imprisoned and renewed sight for the blind, to release those who has been crushed to proclaim a year of favour of Adonai.’
    As mentioned before, this was the time when Yeshua announced that He was indeed the Mashiach. Some scholars believed that He read this passage at the Yom Kippur service. When He told them that this prophecy by Isaiah had just been fulfilled in their ears, they freaked out completely and nearly threw Him off a cliff. At times it is difficult to understand why the Jews they reacted in this way. As stated before, the expectation of Messiah was (and is) highly emotionally charged. If you and I were in that synagogue and Jewish at the time, what would we have done? Probably the same as those who were there…

    The other day I listened to a Jewish Rabbi talking about Mashiach. I knew that this man talking about Mashiach does not believe in Yeshua. But when He talked about the Mashiach you could sense a deep and almost raw reverence and awe for Mashiach. This is something Gentiles, even many Christians do not quite get. See we have been fed on a watered down version of Mashiach for hundreds of years. Mashiach’s task was to make atonement for all mankind.

    Prophetically Yom Kippur speaks of the appearance of Mashiach. When will Messiah appear? Well, Rabbi Yitzhak Keduri was a highly esteemed Rabbi who died in 2006 (29 Tevet 5766) and was more than 100 years old. More than 300,000 appeared in the streets of Jerusalem to honour him at his funeral. Keep in mind that Jews are buried within 24 hours. So the news of his death spread like wild fire. It is worth reading up on the life of Rabbi Keduri to get a grasp of the type of man he was.

    Nevertheless what makes him relevant at this time is that Keduri in a month before his death, according to his son, constantly dreamt of Mashiach. In fact he claimed Mashiach appeared to him in his dreams. More importantly Mashiach revealed His name to the Rabbi. This is what the Rabbi did: he wrote the name of Mashiach on a piece of paper and asked his followers to open it a year after his death. Essentially the Rabbi wrote a sentence with each of the words starting with a letter of the name of Mashiach. The letter combined spelled the name ‘Yehoshua’ or ‘Yeshua’ known in the western world as ‘Jesus.’ You can imagine what uproar this caused!

    Rabbi Keduri said one more thing which is almost unreal. He said that Messiah would appear after Ariel Sharon’s death. Here’s where it gets really unbelievable. Ariel Sharon suffered a stroke on 4 Jan 2006. He has been in a comatose state since then. Read it again. Ariel Sharon has been in a coma since 4 Jan 2006!

    According to the Times of Israel Ariel Sharon has undergone a surgical procedure last week some time – the date of the report is 4 Sep 2013 so it must have been before then. So he is still alive after all this time – 7 years 8 months 9 days. Apparently tests done on him recently showed that he even recognised his son’s voice.
    Some rabbis believe that Messiah will return on a very special Yom Kippur in the year of Jubilee. When is the next year of Jubilee? According to Stefen Lopez it will be in the year 2015 to 2016. Something is brewing! One can tell with the astronomical increase in evil.
    It’s time to make teshuvah (no exclamation mark)…

    This is obviously a wax figure mannikin of Ariel Sharon. So the timing of this fake report of the death of Ariel Sharon will have interesting motives, regarding the 'end of the world' and the '2nd Coming of Jesus-Yeshuah' prophecies. The Nabs misinformation and abuse of 'older historical sources' by disinformation agencies remains prevalent in the manipulation of the global human groupmind by the cosmically applicable memeplex, sourcefed and created in the human mentality genomatic matrix.

    The Three Days of Darkness (spiritual-metaphysical as a reconfiguration of the aforementioned memeplex) according to the Thuban archives:



    Friday the 13th

    Morning falls in thickness

    Her heavy air, Grey
    Diamonds scintillating in
    The dawn sky
    Haze of centuries lay over
    The city like a blanket
    Fog of endings
    The silence pierced by
    Raven caw
    Black Beaked and carrion feasted
    Mother of all
    Dove winged she bleeds white
    The thirteenth tribe gathers
    We came to start a fire
    Do not pretend to know me
    Or from where I come
    Gather around our corpses
    And see what flesh the saints eat.

    Julienne Alvarez ® Sept., 13 2013=9/13/13

    How much rain?

    From the afternoon of Sept. 9 through midday on Sept. 13, 14.62 inches of rain fell in Boulder. Average September rainfall in Boulder is only 1.63 inches, according to Weather Channel meteorologist Jon Erdman, adding that Boulder picked up almost nine times its average September monthly rainfall in almost four days.

    TonyB, Monday, September 16th, 2013

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